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Solution for spherical cavity expansion in state-dependent soils

Maosong Huang1,2 • Senjie Tong1,2 • Zhenhao Shi1,2

Received: 10 July 2019 / Accepted: 15 October 2020

Ó Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

This work presents a spherical cavity expansion solution aimed at linking soil constitutive behavior with quantities that
bear direct engineering meanings for practicing engineers (e.g., foundation bearing capacity). For this purpose, we derive
the solution based on the state-dependent, critical state constitutive model proposed by Li and Dafalias (Geotechnique
50(4): 449–460, 2000), whose ability to realistically represent the actual mechanical behavior of sand has been extensively
verified in the literature. To ensure the reliability of the solution, we verify it against an independent finite element analysis
of spherical cavity expansion in solid governed by the same constitutive model. In this validation, we also highlight the
dependence of cavity expansion response on the current state of granular materials relative to critical state. The application
of the proposed solution in solving engineering problems is demonstrated in predicting the resistance of cone penetration
and the ground movements associated with static pipe bursting in sand. We show that, based on the soil parameters
determined from laboratory triaxial tests, the proposed solution can reasonably represent the dependence of cone pene-
tration resistance on the density and pressure level of sand, as revealed from centrifuge testing. By comparing with finite
element analysis, we demonstrate that the proposed solution can provide useful estimations for soil displacements caused
by pipe bursting operation. These archetypal examples suggest that the proposed cavity expansion solution can form a
theoretical basis for linking fundamental soil properties with quantities that have direct implications for geotechnical
engineering practice.

Keywords Constitutive model  Cone penetration  Spherical cavity expansion  Sand  State-dependence 
Static pipe bursting

1 Introduction for tunnel excavation and wellbore [8, 26, 37]. The accu-
racy of cavity expansion solutions, to a great extent,
Cavity expansion solution has been widely employed in depends on how reasonably the employed constitutive
geotechnical engineering, as it represents an efficient and models can represent the actual soil behavior. Many
rigorous approach to relate soil constitutive behavior with pioneering cavity expansion solutions approximate soils as
quantities that can be directly applied for engineering elasto-perfectly-plastic materials (e.g., [48, 56]). While
practice (e.g., the bearing capacity of deep foundations appropriate for the first-order approximation, they do not
[27, 53]). Other application examples include the inter- incorporate all essential features of soil behavior, for
pretation of in situ tests for soil characterizations instance, critical state. More recent research efforts
[13, 19, 32, 39] and the stability and deformation analysis accordingly have been focused on incorporating more
realistic soil models into cavity expansion solutions. Cam-
clay family models [36, 42] achieve considerable success
& Zhenhao Shi in representing the behavior of fine-grained soils. There- fore, they have been employed to derive the cylindrical and
1 spherical cavity expansion solutions in clayey soils
Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Tongji University,
Shanghai 200092, China [4, 12, 25, 43, 44]. For coarse-grained soils, Cam-clay type
models are often not sufficient, as such granular materials
Key Laboratory of Geotechnical and Underground
Engineering of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, exhibit a strong dependence on its current density and
Shanghai 200092, China pressure [29, 49, 54]. To capture such feature, different

Acta Geotechnica

state parameters (or indexes) were proposed to distinguish 2 Spherical cavity expansion solution
sand’s state of being looser and denser than critical state for state-dependent soils
[2, 3, 20]. Since then, numerous state-dependent constitu-
tive models have been constructed for sand (e.g., In this section, we will first describe the state-dependent,
[14, 17, 46, 47]). Parallelly, there are attempts to incor- critical-state constitutive model and then present the
porate the state-dependence of coarse-grained soils into spherical cavity expansion solution based on it. The stress
cavity expansion solutions. Pioneering works (e.g., conditions of soils surrounding an expanding cavity pertain
[11, 40, 57]) directly reformulate existing cavity expansion to triaxial compression due to spherical symmetry. Nev-
solutions based on Mohr–Coulomb model by making ertheless, the formulation of the constitutive model in
friction angle and dilation angle functions of state param- three-dimensional stress space is described herein, as this
eters. More recent works [13, 28, 31, 45] derive cavity completed description is used in the simulation of bound-
expansion solutions based on general state-dependent ary-value problems introduced later. Due to space limita-
constitutive models that have been verified against exper- tions, we present only the essential components of the
imental tests and thus can be regarded as more trustful constitutive model, and for discussions in greater detail, we
representations of real soil behavior. In addition to state- refer the readers to existing literature [9, 24].
dependence, more sophisticated mechanical characteristics
of granular materials, like those associated with particle 2.1 State-dependent soil model
breakage and partial saturation, have also been incorpo-
rated into cavity expansion solutions [21, 38, 50]. The constitutive model employs the following yield
The goal of this work is to present a spherical cavity surface:
expansion solution that can bridge the gap between soil
F ¼ q  MgðhÞ p ¼ 0 ð1Þ
constitutive behavior and the quantities that bear direct
implications for practicing engineers. For this purpose, we where p and q are the effective mean normal stress and
highlight the importance that the underlying constitutive deviatoric stress, respectively. The latter can be related to
model, based on which cavity expansion solution is the effective stress tensor of soils by p ¼ rii =3,

derived, has to prove to be successful in replicating soil q ¼ 3sij sij 2, where sij ¼ rij  dij p and dij is the Kro-
behavior. Here we select the state-dependent, critical state
model proposed by Li and Dafalias [24]. The latter is necker delta. M is a hardening variable and g(h) denotes an
simple yet encapsulates all essential features of the interpolation function used to describe the variation of
mechanical response of granular materials. More impor- yield surface with Lode angle h. The specific form of g(h)
tantly, it has been extensively examined against the results can be found in [33]. The plastic flow rule (i.e., the dila-
of laboratory tests on sands as well as in solving boundary tancy) is given by
value problems (e.g., [1, 51, 55]). Different than many depv d0 q
existing works, here we perform an independent validation D¼ p¼ Md  ð2Þ
des Mc pgðhÞ
of the proposed solution, where the latter is compared
against finite element analysis of the spherical cavity where Mc and Md ¼ Mc emw denote the stress ratio that
expansion process in the solid characterized by the same corresponds to critical state under triaxial compression and
constitutive model described above. This verification the phase transition between plastic contraction and dila-
serves our general goal by ensuring the reliability of the tion, respectively, and d0 and m are material constants. The
presented solution when applied in geotechnical engineer- variable w is the state parameter proposed by Been and
ing practice. The last part of this work is focused on the Jefferies [2], which quantifies the current state of sand
application of the proposed spherical cavity expansion relative to critical state
solution in solving actual engineering problems. In par- h i
w ¼ e  ec ¼ e  eC  kc ðp=pa Þn ð3Þ
ticular, we discuss the utilization of the solution in pre-
dicting the cone penetration resistance and ground In Eq. (3), the parameters eC, kc, and n controls the
movements associated with static pipe bursting in sand. By location and inclination of the critical state line in e - ln
employing these two examples, we intend to demonstrate p space, and pa is atmospheric pressure. The plastic mod-
that the proposed solution can serve as an efficient and ulus is obtained by enforcing the consistency condition of
simple tool to link the constitutive behavior of coarse- the yield surface and utilizing the hardening law of M:
grained soils with the quantities with practicing signifi-
cance in both stability- and deformation-oriented problems.

Acta Geotechnica

oF oM Gðh1  h2 eÞ   σr
Kp ¼  p ¼ Mp  M ð4Þ r
oM oes M
with Mp ¼ Mc enw denoting the peak stress ratio, and n, h1,
and h2 are model parameters. The model is completed by θ
an isotropic hypoelastic model with its shear and bulk rp
moduli given by [35] β
ð2:97  eÞ2 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2ð1 þ vÞ a0
G ¼ G0 ppa ; K¼G ð5Þ rp0 σr
1þe 3ð1  2vÞ σr σβ a
where m is the Poisson’s ratio. σr
Based on the constitutive laws described above, the
incremental relations between stress and strain invariants σθ
can be expressed as
( ) region

dp ep dem
¼ ½D 
dq des
2 3 σβ=σr=σθ=p0
K2D 3KGD At infinity σr
6 K þ
6 Kp þ KMD þ 3G Kp þ KMD þ 3G 7 7
¼6 7
4 3KGM 9G 2 5 Fig. 1 Stress states for soils surrounding a hollow sphere
Kp þ KMD þ 3G Kp þ KMD þ 3G

drr þ 2drh
des dp ¼ ; dq ¼ drr  drh ð7Þ
ð6Þ 2
dev ¼ der þ 2deh ; deq ¼ ðder  deh Þ ð8Þ
where the volumetric and deviatoric strains are defined as 3
ev ¼ eii and es ¼ 2eij eij 3, respectively, where eij are By substituting Eqs. (7) to (8) into Eq. (6), the following
strain components and eij ¼ eij  ev =3. incremental relations are constructed:
8 9 2 3 8 de 9
< drr >
> = b11 b12 b13 < r>
> =
2.2 Spherical cavity expansion solution drh ¼ 4 b21 b22 b23 5  deh ð9Þ
: >
; >
: >
drb b 31 b 32 b 33 deb
The spherical cavity expansion problem considered here
involves expanding a hollow sphere with a finite initial where bij is the component of the matrix Dep.
radius in an infinite, homogenous, and weightless medium. Following Chen and Abousleiman [7], we use loga-
Due to the relatively high permeability of coarse-grained rithmic strain to handle potential large deformations in the
soils, only drained conditions are considered. Because the expansion process:
elastic range for sand in stress space is normally small and dr r
plasticity can be mobilized at the very early phase of loading, er ¼  ln ; eh ¼  ln ð10Þ
dr0 r0
we focus on the cavity expansion that involves elastoplastic
deformations. For solving the problem of expanding a purely where r0 and r denote the initial and current positions of the
elastic medium, we refer the readers to Yu [56]. soil particle under observation, respectively. By combining
Figure 1 sketches the stress states of soils surrounding the incremental relation of Eq. (9) and the strain definition
the spherical cavity. Due to the symmetry of the expansion of Eq. (10) into the static equilibrium condition
process, the bases of the selected spherical coordinate are orr 2ðrr  rh Þ
also the principal directions of the stress and strain tensors þ ¼0 ð11Þ
or r
of soils. Moreover, the components of stress/strain tensors
along h and b axes are the same during the expansion and introducing an auxiliary variable f, we obtain a set of
process (i.e., triaxial conditions). Accordingly, the stress first-order ordinary differential equations (ODE) (For
and strain invariants for soils surrounding a spherical detailed derivations, the readers are referred to Chen and
cavity can be expressed as Abousleiman [7]):

Acta Geotechnica

drr 2ðrr  rh Þ adopted model parameters are summarized in Table 1.

¼ ð12aÞ These parameters are calibrated against experimental tests
df D
on Toyoura sand [24].
drh b12 b21  b11 b22 2b21 ðrr  rh Þ
¼  ð12bÞ Figures 3 and 4 compare the cavity expansion responses
df b11 ð1  fÞ b11 D obtained from the proposed solution and the corresponding
drb drh FEA. A good agreement is seen, hence suggesting the
¼ ð12cÞ
df df validity of the analytical solution. The small discrepancies
between the two approaches may be attributed to the dif-
dv 2vðrr  rh Þ vðb12  2b11 Þ
¼  ð12dÞ ferent accuracy employed in the Runge–Kutta ODE solver
df b11 D b11 ð1  fÞ
and the implicit finite element iterations.
where v is the specific volume, D and f are, respectively,
defined by
v0 4 Influences of soil stress level, density,
D¼1f ð13aÞ and state-dependence on cavity
vð1  fÞ2
expansion response
ur r  r 0
f¼ ¼ ð13bÞ
r r The results depicted in Figs. 3 and 4 are analyzed here to
v0 is the initial specific volume. This set of ODEs is illustrate how the stress levels, density, and state-depen-
completed by specifying initial and boundary conditions dence of sand might affect the responses of spherical cavity
(e.g., the pressures or displacements at the cavity wall and expansion. In this section, we also show how the friction
far-field stress conditions). To solve these ODEs, we use an angle of sand surrounding the cavity sphere is mobilized by
explicit Runge–Kutta fourth- and fifth-order solvers [15] the expansion process, the spatial variations of soil hard-
for its accuracy and efficiency. The solutions for Eq. (12) ening and dilatancy states, and more importantly how these
are given in terms of the auxiliary variable f, and the mechanical characteristics alter for cases of expanding
transformation of the independent variable to the radial sands that are initially looser and denser than critical state.
distance from the center of the cavity sphere r can be
performed by 4.1 Influences of soil stress level
0 1
Zn 2 Figure 3 presents the cavity expansion responses in soils
r B vð1  fÞ C
¼ exp@ A ð14Þ with different initial confining stress but the same state
a vð1  fÞ3  v0
nðdÞ parameter. In particular, the evolution of the normalized
cavity pressure and the void ratio of the soils at the cavity
where a is the radius of the cavity. wall are given in Fig. 3a, b, while the stress–void ratio
paths and stress paths for soil elements at the cavity wall
are shown in Fig. 3c, d. In these figures, the variables a and
3 Solution verification a0 denote current and initial radius of the spherical cavity.
During the expansion, the pressure acting on the cavity
To verify the proposed solution, we perform a finite ele- wall monotonically increases to a stable value (denoted as
ment analysis (FEA) of the spherical cavity expansion in the ultimate pressure plim) following a nonlinear shape
solid characterized by the constitutive model described in from the very beginning. It seems that such shape is
Sect. 2.1. As shown in Fig. 2, the axisymmetry of the insensitive to the confining stresses (i.e., see Fig. 3a).
problem is exploited (i.e., only a slice of the soil mass is Figure 3a also shows that the normalized expansion pres-
modeled and the left boundary of the model represents the sure at the steady state decreases as the initial confining
axis of symmetry) and a mesh consisting of 2160 8-node stresses increase. This response can be explained from the
reduced-integration elements (CAX8R) is employed in characteristics of soil volume change, depicted in Fig. 3b.
Abaqus/Standard. The expansion process is simulated by As the confining stress becomes greater, the dilation of
gradually increasing the inner radius of the cavity while soils is suppressed (i.e., the amount of void ratio increase is
enforcing a constant hydrostatic pressure p0 along the cir- smaller) and consequently the pressure required to over-
cumferential surface at the radial distance of 100 a0 (i.e., come the increase of soil volume is smaller. It should be
the far-field stresses), where a0 is the initial radius of the emphasized that the overall stable process of the cavity
hollow sphere. The reacted pressure at the cavity wall is expansion (i.e., the expansion pressure monotonically
computed and defined as the expansion pressure pe (see increases) is nevertheless accompanied by the softening of
Fig. 2). The sand is assumed to be weightless, and the stress ratio of soils (see the inset of Fig. 3d). This behavior

Acta Geotechnica

Axisymetric Axisymetric

Zoom in


Fig. 2 Mesh and boundary conditions in finite element analysis

Table 1 Model parameters for Toyoura sand [24] initial density) but a constant initial confining stress. It is
seen that the normalized ultimate expansion pressure
Elastic Critical state Dilatancy Hardening
parameters parameters parameters parameters increases as soil changes from being initial looser (i.e.,
w [ 0) to denser (i.e., w \ 0) than critical state. This gain
G0 = 125 Mc = 1.25 d0 = 0.88 h1 = 3.15 on resistance results from the intensified soil dilation (see
v = 0.25 eu = 0.934 m = 3.5 h2 = 3.05 Fig. 5b, c), as discussed above.
kc = 0.019 n = 1.1 Figures 5 and 6 present the distributions of the stress
n = 0.7 ratio, the hardening index Mp - M and the dilatancy
c = 0.75 D along the radial direction of the hollow sphere after the
expansion process reaches a steady state. The stress ratio is
can be attributed to an ever-increasing mean effective equivalent to the mobilized friction angle of sand. By
stress and consequently enhancing shear strength despite referring to Eq. (4), the positive and negative values of the
the reduction on the stress ratio. Note that this type of stress index Mp - M denote strain-hardening and strain-soften-
path is different from that observed from drained triaxial ing, respectively. The states of plastic contraction and
shearing tests, where the reduction of stress ratio always dilation are distinguished by the dilatancy D attaining
coincides with the deterioration of shear strength. Similar positive and negative values, respectively, as defined by
characteristics on stress path as those shown in Fig. 3d Eq. (2).
actually can be observed when enforcing undrained con- It is seen from Fig. 5 that regardless of sand being ini-
ditions on plastically dilative soils [10, 24]. tially loose or dense, the materials adjacent to the cavity
wall first attain critical state, as suggested by the coinci-
4.2 Influences of soil density dence between the current stress ratio and that at critical
state and zero dilatancy. With the increase in the radial
Figure 4 displays the same types of information as Fig. 3 distance from the cavity wall, the mobilized friction angle
but is obtained under varying state parameter (i.e., varying of soils monotonically decreases for initially loose sand

Acta Geotechnica

36 0.92
Analytical solution Analytical solution
FEM solution FEM solution
27 0.88
pe-p0 /p0

18 p0=100kPa 0.84

9 0.80 p0=200kPa

0 0.76
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
a/a0 a/a0
(a) normalized expansion pressure-displacement curves (b) variations of soil void ratio at the
cavity wall

0.92 3000
Analytical solution p0=200kPa
FEM solution 2400
0.88 p0=100kPa CSL
p0= 50kPa


0.80 CSL

0.76 0
0 600 1200 1800 2400 0 600 1200 1800 2400
p:kPa p:kPa
(c) stress-void ratio paths for soils at the cavity wall (d) stress paths for soils at the cavity wall
(inset showing the strain-softening of stress ratio)

Fig. 3 Comparison of the cavity expansion response computed by the semi-analytical solution and FEA for w0 = - 0.1. Note that the variables
a and a0 respectively denote the current and initial radius of the spherical cavity. a Normalized expansion pressure–displacement curves,
b variations of soil void ratio at the cavity wall, c stress-void ratio paths for soils at the cavity wall, d stress paths for soils at the cavity wall (inset
showing the strain-softening of stress ratio)

while first increases and then decreases for initially dense Note that as discussed above, the existence of strain-
sand (compare Fig. 5a, b). Because the deformations and softening region within soils surrounding the spherical
strains that correspond to the soil elements further away cavity is not in contradiction with the ever-increasing
from the cavity wall decrease, the curves depicted in expansion pressure, as the mean effective stress keeps
Fig. 5, if seen from the right to the left side, reflect the growing. However, it is important to realize that such
variation of the stress ratio with strains. The mobilized globally stable response can be established only under
shear strength (i.e., reflected by the stress ratio) of loose certain modes of deformation or stress paths (e.g., the one
sand monotonically increases with shear deformations, associated with the expansion process as depicted in
because the contractive volume change and consequent Fig. 3). In other words, under other types of kinematic
strain-hardening govern the entire deformation process constrains, this reduction on stress ratio might lead to
(i.e., see the positive values of the index Mp - M and the stability problems characterized by the deterioration of the
dilatancy D in Figs. 5a and 6). Dense sand, on the other ability of soils to sustain external loads. Lastly, it should be
hand, reaches a peak stress ratio when material transits emphasized that the spatial variations depicted in Figs. 5
from strain-hardening to strain-softening, as the volumetric and 6 are functions of radial distance normalized by the
response changes from contraction to dilation. current radius of the hollow sphere (i.e., the variable a),

Acta Geotechnica

40 1.00
Analytical solution Analytical solution
FEM solution 0.95 FEM solution
pe-p0 /p0

20 ψ0=-0.05

ψ0=-0.05 0.85
10 ψ0=0.05 0.80

0 0.75
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
a/a0 a/a0
(a) normalized expansion pressure-displacement curves (b) variations of soil void ratio at the
cavity wall

1.00 2500
Analytical solution
FEM solution ψ0=-0.15
ψ0=0.05 2000
ψ0=-0.05 CSL
0.90 1500 ψ0= 0.05

ψ0=-0.15 1000

0.80 500

0.75 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
p:kPa p:kPa
(c) stress-void ratio paths for soils at the cavity wall (d) stress paths for soils at the cavity wall

Fig. 4 Comparison of the cavity expansion responses computed by the semi-analytical solution and FEA for p0 = 100 kPa. Note that the
variables a and a0 respectively denote the current and initial radius of the spherical cavity. a Normalized expansion pressure–displacement
curves, b variations of soil void ratio at the cavity wall, c stress-void ratio paths for soils at the cavity wall, d stress paths for soils at the cavity

thus indicating these distributions will propagate in a self- compute the response of spherical cavity expansion by
similar mode as the expansion proceeds. eliminating the evolution of the state parameter (i.e.,w is
constant during the expansion), while assigning positive
4.3 Roles of state-dependence and negative state parameter for loose and dense sands,
respectively. By doing so, the strength and dilatancy of
A fundamental mechanical characteristic of granular sand are solely determined in accordance with whether its
materials is that their response to shear (i.e., strength and initial conditions are looser or denser than critical state but
dilatancy) depends on the current state in relative to critical is not contingent on its current state. It is seen from Fig. 7
state. Earlier solutions for cavity expansion in sand that that such simplification, for dense and loose sands, can
neglect such state-dependence normally treat sands with result in overestimation and underestimation of the cavity
various packing density as different materials and distin- expansion pressure at large strains, respectively. These
guishes the mechanical behavior of loose and dense sands responses are primarily due to unlimited contractive (loose
by employing different sets of model parameters (e.g., sand) and dilative (dense sand) volume changes associated
friction angle and dilation angle) (e.g., [5, 41, 56]). To with a constant dilation angle [14], which are preferred and
illustrate the significance of incorporating the state-de- disfavored by the expansion deformation process,
pendence of coarse-grained soils, with reference to the respectively.
conventional modeling strategy mentioned above, we

Acta Geotechnica

1.6 1.6 80
Mcs line State-independent
1.2 1.2 60
η Mp-M

40 Ψ0=-0.15

M p- Μ
0.8 0.8

0.4 0.4

a 0.0 1 2 3 4
1 10 100 d/d0
(a) initially loose sand ( ψ 0 = 0.05 , p0 = 50kPa ) Fig. 7 Influence of state-dependence on the cavity expansion
response. Note that the variables d and d0 respectively denote the
current and initial radius of the spherical cavity

2.0 2.0
5 Application of proposed cavity expansion
1.6 solution in solving geotechnical
engineering problems
1.2 Mcs line Here we select two engineering problems to demonstrate

Softening Hardening 0.8

how the proposed cavity expansion solution can be utilized

0.8 region region

0.4 to link the constitutive behavior of soils to the quantities
with practical significance. The first example deals with the
0.4 0.0
M p- Μ η cone penetration resistance in granular materials. This
a -0.4
stability-oriented problem is closely related to the inter-
1 10 100 pretation of cone penetration test (CPT) for soil charac-
r/a terization and the bearing capacity of piled foundation
(b) initially dense sand (ψ 0 = −0.25 , p0 = 50kPa ) [19, 39, 56, 57]. The second example is deformation-ori-
ented, where the spherical cavity expansion solution is used
Fig. 5 Distribution of the stress ratio and the index Mp - M along the to estimate the ground movements associated with the
radial direction of the hollow sphere. Note that the variable a denotes operation of static pipe bursting.
the current radius of the spherical cavity. a Initially loose sand
(w0 = 0.05, p0 = 50 kPa), b initially dense sand (w0 = - 0.25,
p0 = 50 kPa) 5.1 Cone penetration resistance in sand

The parametric analyses described in the previous section

shows that the expansion pressure at the limit state is

1.5 120
a/a0=4 ψ0=0.05 ψ0=-0.25
90 ψ0=-0.15
0.5 ψ0=-0.25 ψ0=-0.05
ψ0= 0.05



-0.5 30

1 1 10 100 0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
r/a 0.65
Fig. 6 Distribution of the dilatancy D alone radial direction of the
hollow sphere (p0 = 50 kPa). Note that the variable a denotes the Fig. 8 Variations of the ultimate expansion pressure with soil initial
current radius of the spherical cavity mean stress

Acta Geotechnica

closely related to the initial stress and density of soils, as obtained from the critical state line in e - ln p space (i.e.,
also supported by existing works [11, 41, 45]. Here we use Eq. 3), while the latter is equal to ðed0  ec Þ=ec0 . Here ec0
the results generated by the proposed cavity expansion and ed0 are the critical state void ratio and the void ratio of
solution to derive a correlation for the ultimate cavity maximal densification at zero confining stress. Again ec0 is
expansion pressure. Figure 8 shows that the dimensionless obtained from the critical state line, and ed0 takes con-
(i.e., normalized by the atmospheric pressure) limit ventionally used minimal void ratio emin [13].
expansion pressure and initial soil mean stress approxi- Fioravante and Giretti [16] perform a series of
mately follow a power-law relation: geotechnical centrifuge cone penetration tests in Toyoura
 b sand. Gravity accelerations of 30 g and 80 g are employed
plim p0
¼ gðw0 Þ ð15Þ and result in initial effective mean normal stresses of sand
pa pa p0 ranging from 30 to 200 kPa. Three different initial void
with the power-law constant b taking 0.65 for Toyoura ratios are considered in the tests (i.e., e0 = 0.65, 0.72, and
sand. The coefficient g in Eq. (15) is a function of the 0.78). Figure 10 compares the cone tip resistance measured
initial state parameter, which can be best fitted by an in the tests and those computed by using Eq. (17) (note that
exponential function (see Fig. 9): the results are presented as a function of the initial effective
mean normal stress and void ratio of sand). In the cavity
gðw0 Þ ¼ k expðcw0 Þ ð16Þ expansion solution, the initial stresses and those maintained
The parameters k = 14.46 and c = 4.66 are calibrated constant at far-fields adopt the same initial effective mean
for Toyoura sand as shown in Fig. 9. Note that the expo- normal stresses as the model tests, while the same initial
nential term represents a decay effect when the state void ratios as described above are used. The soil parame-
parameter increases (i.e., the state changes from being ters (i.e., b, k, and c) calibrated for Toyoura sand are used.
denser to looser than critical state and consequently the soil The comparison depicted in Fig. 10 shows that the
dilation is suppressed, and so does the limiting expansion proposed spherical cavity expansion solution, in combi-
pressure). nation with the relationship of Eq. (17), can reasonably
To compute cone tip resistance from plim, the relation- represent the dependence of cone tip resistance on the
ship proposed by Cudmani and Osinov [13] (see references initial density and confining stresses of sand. It should be
[13, 18, 52, 58] for more discussions) is employed: emphasized that the model computations shown in Fig. 10
 2 ! are based on parameters calibrated from laboratory triaxial
5:8 ID tests. In other words, these parameters are determined by
qc ¼ kq plim ¼ 1:5 þ  2 plim ð17Þ
ðID Þ þ0:11 fitting the constitutive behavior of soils, and the agreement
depicted in Fig. 10 thus suggests that the proposed solution
where kq is a shape factor introduced by Cudmani and
is capable of linking the fundamental mechanical response
Osinov [13] and can be related to the pressure-dependent
of soil to the quantities that have direct implications for
relative density ID ¼ ðec  eÞ=ðec  ed Þ, here ec and ed are
engineering practice (here the cone tip resistance).
the critical state void ratio and the void ratio of maximal
densification, respectively, that correspond to the initial
stresses prior to cone penetration. The former can be
qc (MPa)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
60 Present study
g(ψ0)=14.46*exp(-4.66ψ0) Centrifuge results
50 (Fioravante and
45 R2=0.998
Giretti, 2016)

p0 (kPa)


15 200

250 e0=0.78 e0=0.72

-0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 e0=0.65
ψ0 300

Fig. 9 Relations between the coefficient g and the initial state Fig. 10 Computed cone tip resistance and those measured in
parameter w0 centrifuge tests

Acta Geotechnica

5.2 Ground movement associated with static measuring their spatial distance from the center of the
pipe bursting in sand cavity sphere (i.e., R in Fig. 12b).
To assess its applicability, the cavity-expansion-based
Static pipe bursting is a construction method often used to method is first validated against high-fidelity finite element
replace structurally deteriorated or hydraulically under- analysis (FEA) of pipe bursting. The constitutive model
sized pipe in urban or environmentally sensitive areas. As described in Sect. 2.1 is used in both methods. As an
sketched in Fig. 11, this installation technique involves infinitely large medium is assumed in cavity expansion
breaking the existing pipe by pulling a conical expander solution, the burial depth of pipe will be the key factor that
(i.e., bursting head), while simultaneously installing the affects the approximation quality of the simplified method.
new pipe that is attached to the end of the bursting head. Accordingly, during the assessment mentioned above,
This trenchless technique offers advantages over conven- particular attention is given to the range of pipe burial
tional open-cut approach in terms of avoiding traffic depths to which the simplified method is applicable.
interventions and potential disruptions of social and eco- Figure 13 depicts the mesh used in the FEA. Due to the
nomic activities, but subsurface ground movements created geometric symmetry, only half of the problem domain is
by expanding soils can pose great risks to adjacent discretized by 8-node linear elements (C3D8R), while the
underground utilities [23, 30]. Here we will show how the bursting head is modeled as a cylindrical rigid body with
proposed spherical cavity expansion solution might be 30°apex angle conical tip and a diameter d = 100 mm.
utilized to estimate such ground movements. Because With the advancement of the expander, the pipe ahead can
utility pipes are normally shallowly buried where granular be fractured and granular soils consequently slip into and
soils are commonly encountered, we will also highlight the fill the gap between the bursting head and the existing pipe
significance of incorporating the state-dependence of [23, 30]. Accordingly, in the numerical model, we do not
coarse-grained soils with respect to predicting soil explicitly consider the existing pipe in the FEA model and
displacements. assume that the bursting head is entirely covered by soils.
To simplify the problem, we restrict our attention to the Figure 13 shows the initial position of the expander, and
ground movements associated only with the advancement we select the reference section A–A as the location where
of the expander (i.e., see Fig. 12a), while sources such as the expander and the existing pipe initially intersect (i.e.,
the frictional interaction between pipe and surrounding the existing pipe has a diameter d0 = 67 mm), while the
soils are not considered. As shown in Fig. 12, the soil bursting process is modeled by thrusting horizontally the
movements generated during replacing an existing pipe rigid body until the entire conical tip passes the section A–
with d0 diameter by a bursting head with d diameter is A. During the penetration process, the normal displace-
approximated by those associated with expanding a ments of materials at the four side boundaries except the
spherical cavity with the initial diameter of d0 to final plane of symmetry are restrained, the bottom boundary is
diameter of d (see Fig. 12b). The displacements of given entirely fixed, while the top boundary is a free surface. A
soil particles (e.g., the point A in Fig. 12b) are computed rigid surface is attached to the plane of symmetry to pre-
from the proposed spherical cavity expansion solution by vent material particles from penetrating the plane

ground surface

soil movements
broken pipe pull rod


replaced pipe bursting head existing pipe

Fig. 11 Sketch illustrating the static pipe bursting and associated ground movements. Note that the symbol ‘‘h’’ denotes the burial depth of pipe
while ‘‘d’’ is its diameter

Acta Geotechnica

Fig. 12 Sketch illustrating the equivalence between soil movements induced by static pipe bursting and those due to spherical expansion:
a replacing an existing pipe with a diameter of d0 by a bursting head with a diameter of d; b equivalent spherical cavity expansion process with
the cavity with an initial diameter of d0 is expanded to d. Note that s denotes the incremental advancement of bursting head associated with
expanding the existing pipe to the give size of d

Section A-A Plane of symmetry



Rigid expander
The trajectory of the expander


Fig. 13 FEA mesh for static pipe bursting

yet allowing their detachment from the mirror symmetry depth, and bursting device [6]. The trajectory adopted here
surface. The soil parameters listed in Table 1 are used in corresponds to the bursting pipe embedded in relatively
the simulation, while groundwater is assumed to be lower loose sand. Employing such a simple trajectory provides a
than the modeled domain. clean baseline to compare the cavity-expansion-based
In FEA, the trajectory of the expander is straight along simplified method and high-fidelity simulation. Conse-
the horizontal direction, as depicted in Fig. 13 i.e., the axis quently, any difference between the results of the two
of the expander coincides with that of the existing pipe. In methods may be used to evaluate the applicability and
practice, the moving path of the bursting head can be more limitations of the simplified analysis. Lastly, it should be
complex, depending on factors including soil type, cover noted that the non-uniform expansion of surrounding soils

Acta Geotechnica

due to the deviation of the trajectory of the expander from respectively. The initial stress and that fixed at far-field
the axis of the pipe being renewed can be considered by both take the initial effective mean normal stress of the
factoring the soil expansion computed by cavity expansion soils at the axis of the expander in the FEA model. As
solution. For instance, a factor of 2 can be used to estimate shown in Fig. 14a, b, the comparison between the FEM
the movements of the soils above the pipe when the model and the cavity expansion-based method suggests
expander runs along the pipe invert [6]. Detailed discus- that there exists a critical embedment ratio, beyond which
sions on how such factor might be determined in accor- the simple method can reasonably represent the soil
dance with soil conditions, cover depth, and expander types movements caused by bursting existing pipe. Nevertheless,
can be found in Chapman et al. [6]. the critical embedment ratio is not constant but depends on
Figure 14 compares the results computed by the two the state of sands and varies with material density and
methods. In particular, subfigure (a) and (b) shows the confining stresses. For sand with greater dilation (e.g., due
variation of subsurface upheaval with the vertical distance to more densely compacted state), the critical embedment
from bursting head, while subfigures (c) and (d) depict the ratio tends to be greater. Therefore, it should be empha-
upheaval troughs at different depths. To initiate the sim- sized that while cavity expansion theory offers a simple
plified method, the diameter d0 and d depicted in the FEM and efficient tool to assess pipe bursting-induced ground
model (i.e., see Fig. 13) are served as the initial diameter of movements, it should be used cautiously and regarded as
the spherical cavity and the diameter after expansion,

0.020 0.020
Simplified method Simplified method
0.016 FEM solution, h/d=6 0.016 FEM solution, h/d=6
FEM solution, h/d=5 FEM solution, h/d=4
0.012 FEM solution, h/d=3 0.012 FEM solution, h/d=3
FEM solution, h/d=2 FEM solution, h/d=2
w (m)
w (m)

0.008 d/d0=1.5 0.008 d/d0=1.5

0.004 e0=0.85 0.004 e0=0.65

0.000 0.000

-0.004 -0.004
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
r (m) r (m)
(a) Distribution of subsurface upheavals above the expander along the intersection (b) Distribution of subsurface upheavals above the expander along the intersection
between the plane of symmetry and the section A-A in Figure 13. The variable r between the plane of symmetry and the section A-A in Figure 13. The initial void ratio
denotes the distance from the axis of the expander. The initial void ratio of sand is of sand is 0.65.

0.004 0.004
Simplified method, z=0 Simplified method, z=0
Simplified method, z=0.23 Simplified method, z=0.23
0.003 Simplified method, z=0.51 0.003 Simplified method, z=0.51
FEM solution, z=0 FEM solution, z=0
FEM solution, z=0.23 FEM solution, z=0.23
w (m)

w (m)

0.002 FEM solution, z=0.51 0.002 FEM solution, z=0.51

h/d=6 h/d=6
d/d0=1.5 d/d0=1.5
0.001 0.001
e0=0.85 e0=0.65

0.000 0.000
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
x (m) x (m)
(c) Upheaval troughs along the section A-A at various depths for pipe embedment (d) Upheaval troughs along the section A-A at various depths for pipe embedment
ratio of 6. The initial void ratio of sand is 0.85.
ratio of 6. The initial void ratio of sand is 0.65.

Fig. 14 Ground movements computed by FEA (labeled as FEM solution) and spherical cavity expansion solution (labeled as simplified method).
Note that the diameter of the existing pipe and that of the expander are 67 mm and 100 mm, respectively. a Distribution of subsurface upheavals
above the expander along the intersection between the plane of symmetry and the section A–A in Fig. 13. The variable r denotes the distance
from the axis of the expander. The initial void ratio of sand is 0.85. b Distribution of subsurface upheavals above the expander along the
intersection between the plane of symmetry and the section A–A in Fig. 13. The initial void ratio of sand is 0.65. c Upheaval troughs along the
section A–A at various depths for pipe embedment ratio of 6. The initial void ratio of sand is 0.85. d Upheaval troughs along the section A–A at
various depths for pipe embedment ratio of 6. The initial void ratio of sand is 0.65

Acta Geotechnica

Numerical/Measured bursting tests are under singe gravity condition (i.e., 1-g).
e0=0.6 Pull 5
1.0 The existing clay pipe has an outer diameter of 184 mm
Pull 4
Normalized surface upheaval

Pull 3 and a thickness of 19 mm, while the outer diameter of the

0.8 Pull 2 expander is 202 mm, to which a high-density polyethylene
pipe with an outside diameter of 165 mm is attached. The
buried depth of the pipe to be replaced is 685 mm which
0.4 corresponds to an embedment ratio of 3.4. The model soil
used is synthetic olivine with a mean grain size of 0.5 mm
and prepared to achieve an averaged dry density of 1.49 g/
0.0 cm3, which is close to the maximum density of the mate-
-900 -600 -300 0 300 600 900
rial. The bursting process proceeds in stages by pulling the
Distance to bursting head axis (mm)
bursting head with a hydraulic ram and each advancement
(a)Transverse surface upheaval trough. Note that the measured and computed
maximum upheaval are 27.2 and 25.12, respectively
stage corresponds to a distance of 250 mm.
To be consistent with the experimental setups described
above, the initial size of the spherical cavity in the sim-
e0=0.6 Numerical/Measured plified method equals to the outer diameter of the existing
Pull 2 pipe, then gradually expands to the outer diameter of the
Normalized surface upheaval

Pull 3
Pull 4
expander. The mechanical properties of sand reported by
Pull 5 Lapos et al. [22] are not sufficient for constraining the
0.6 Pull 6 parameters associated with the state-dependent constitutive
Pull 7
0.4 model described in Sect. 2.1. As a workaround, we perform
the computations by using the parameters calibrated for
0.2 Toyoura sand (i.e., see Table 1) and focus on whether the
model can represent the general trends revealed from the
0 500 1000 1500 2000 experiments more than a quantitative assessment. To
Distance ahead of expander (mm) approximate the very dense state of sand in the model tests,
(b) Longitudinal surface upheaval ahead of expander. Note that the measured and an initial void ratio of 0.6 is used in the cavity expansion
computed maximum upheaval are 23.9 and 23.36, respectively
solution (note that the minimum void ratio of Toyouras and
Fig. 15 Comparison between the computed ground movements due to is 0.597 and the adopted value approaches a relative den-
pipe bursting and those measured in a laboratory model test [22]. sity of Dr = 100%). Moreover, according to Chapman [6],
a Transverse surface upheaval trough. Note that the measured and an intermediate pattern of 80% upward and 20% downward
computed maximum upheaval are 27.2 and 25.12, respectively.
b Longitudinal surface upheaval ahead of expander. Note that the displacement (i.e., the computed soil expansion is factored
measured and computed maximum upheaval are 23.9 and 23.36, by 1.6) is adopted in this case.
respectively Figure 15 presents the comparison between measured
and computed ground surface upheavals. The pull numbers
in the figure indicate the sequential advancements of the
‘‘first-order approximation’’ of the complex pipe bursting expander; hence, the measured ground movements are
operation in the field. accumulative. Such buildup in soil displacements is
Figure 14c, d shows the computed upheaval troughs that approximated in the simplified model by superposing the
correspond to the ratios h/d = 6, i.e., amid of the typical soil displacements caused by multiple cavity expansion
range mentioned above. Again, we see a good match processes, where the expansion amount is fixed (i.e.,
between the ground movements computed by the high-fi- determined by the size of the existing pipe and the used
delity simulation and the simplified method, while the bursting head, d0/d), while the radial distance between the
latter tends to overestimate the soil displacements at deeper observation point and the cavity center (i.e., R depicted in
locations. Figure 14a–d also shows how soil density might Fig. 12b) varies. The latter reflects the change in the cur-
affect the ground movements related to pipe bursting. It rent position of the expander relative to the location where
seems that, in more densely compacted soil, soil dis- soil displacements are measured. Because each cavity
placements decay less rapidly with distance, and the expansion instance corresponds to expanding the existing
upheaval troughs are wider. Both consequences may be pipe to the same size as the expander, the total number of
attributed to the enhanced dilation of soils. simulated cavity expansion equals to the total advance-
To further evaluate the simplified method, we employ it ments of bursting head divided by the incremental head
to analyze pipe-bursting-induced ground movements mea- advancement associated with expanding pipe to the given
sured in a laboratory model test [22]. The latter pipe size (i.e., the distance s depicted in Fig. 12a).

Acta Geotechnica

As shows in Fig. 15, the measured and computed (1) The normalized ultimate cavity expansion pressure
results of deformation are normalized by their corre- decreases with the suppression of soil dilation
sponding maximums (note that the measured and com- resulted from either the increase of confining stress
puted maximums used to normalize the data in Fig. 15a or the decrease of soil density.
are 27.2 mm and 25.12 mm, respectively, while the (2) When ignoring the state-dependence, the ultimate
measured and computed peaks used for Fig. 15b are cavity expansion pressure can be underestimated and
23.9 mm and 23.36 mm, respectively). This comparison overestimated for sand that is initially looser and
suggests that the simplified method can reasonably cap- denser than critical state, respectively.
ture the gradual development of transverse upheaval (3) Spherical cavity expansion remains stable with a
trough as the expander approaches the cross section under monotonically increasing expansion pressure, despite
observation (see Fig. 15a) as well as the steady-state that the soils adjacent to the cavity wall exhibit the
longitudinal upheaval profile ahead of the expander (i.e., softening of stress ratio. These responses are
the upheaval profiles that correspond to different pulls attributed to a rising mean effective stress and
tend to fall within a narrow band in Fig. 15b). Lastly, it consequently enhancing shear strength.
should be emphasized that the case study described above (4) Based on soil parameters calibrated from laboratory
certainly shows that more a quantitative assessment of the triaxial tests, the proposed solution can reasonably
simplified method against experimental evidence is represent the variation of cone penetration resistance
required, but also highlights the importance of assessing with the stress level and density of sand, thus
the simplified method against FEM simulations. The suggesting the capability of the solution to connect
latter reduces the uncertainties associated with material the constitutive behavior of soils with quantities that
constants and hence allowing a direct one-to-one have direct implications for engineering practice.
verification. (5) The proposed solution can reasonably represent pipe
bursting-induced ground movements when the
embedment ratio of the pipe is greater than a critical
6 Conclusions value. The latter depends on the state of sand and
tends to become greater for sand with higher dilation.
This work presents a spherical cavity expansion solution
The conclusions about static pipe bursting, in particular
aimed at linking the constitutive behavior of soils and the
the critical embedment ratio, obviously pertain to the
quantities with direct implications for engineering practice.
material studied in this work. However, Toyoura sand is
The critical state-based, state-dependent constitutive model
often considered representative of coarse-grained soils. It is
proposed by Li and Dafalias [24] is employed, which
therefore likely that similar trends also exist for other types
unifies the modeling of loose and dense sands by incor-
of sand, while its confirmation requires further studies.
porating the Been and Jefferies’s state parameter [2]. By
combining this constitutive law with logarithmic strain Acknowledgements This work was financially supported by the
measurements, the stress equilibrium equations for the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11972260).
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