Types of Meaning

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Course code: 126

Lecturer: NWAGBO OSY

Matric number: 23011313


The types of Meaning.

"Meaning" refers to the significance, definition, or interpretation of something. It is the idea or concept
that something represents or communicates. Here are a few different ways to look at "meaning":

1. Linguistic Meaning: In language, meaning refers to the definition of words, phrases, sentences,
or texts. For example, the word "apple" refers to a type of fruit.

2. Symbolic Meaning: Objects, actions, or events can symbolize something beyond their literal
existence. For example, a dove often symbolizes peace.

3. Purpose or Significance: It can also refer to the reason or purpose behind something. For
example, the meaning of life is a philosophical question about the purpose of human existence.

4. Emotional or Psychological Significance: It can refer to the personal or emotional significance

something has to an individual. For example, a family heirloom may have deep meaning to a

The seven types of meaning we have;

1. Referential Meaning

- Definition: Directly refers to objects, entities, events, or concepts in the world.

-Example: "Cat" refers to a small domesticated carnivorous mammal.

2. Connotative Meaning

Definition: Implied or suggested meaning beyond the literal definition.

Example: "Home" may connote warmth, security, and family.

3. Social Meaning

Definition: Meaning influenced by social context, relationships, and status.

Example: Addressing someone as "Sir" implies respect or formality.

4. Affective Meaning

Definition: Emotional associations or implications attached to words.

Example: "Mother" may evoke feelings of love, nurturing, and care.

5. Reflected Meaning

Definition: Meaning derived from cultural or historical context.

Example: "America" can reflect ideas of freedom, opportunity, or imperialism depending on the context.
6. Collocative Meaning

Definition: Meaning influenced by words commonly used together or in proximity.

Example: "Strong coffee" versus "strong person" - "strong" takes on different nuances due to its

7. Thematic Meaning

Definition: Meaning related to the theme or topic of discourse.

Example: In a discussion about environmental conservation, "green" can be thematic, referring to both
color and eco-friendliness.

Extensional and Intentional Meaning

Extensional Meaning

Definition: The literal or denotative meaning of a word, referring to what it actually denotes in the world.

Example: "Chair" extensionally refers to a piece of furniture with a seat, legs, and a backrest.

Intentional Meaning

Definition: The meaning that speakers or writers intend to convey beyond the literal definition; includes
implied meanings, attitudes, or purposes.

Example: Saying "That's interesting" can have intentional meaning indicating anything from genuine
curiosity to polite disinterest, depending on tone and context.

Examining Extensional and Intentional Meaning

Purpose: Understanding extensional meaning helps grasp the literal content of language, while
intentional meaning delves into nuances, implications, and speaker/writer intentions.

Importance: Both types are crucial for comprehensive communication and interpreting messages
accurately in various contexts.

By understanding these 7 types of meaning, along with the distinction between extensional and
intentional meanings, you can navigate language more effectively and analyze texts or conversations
more insightfully.

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