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2016 9th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering

Decision-Making in Software Project Management: A

Qualitative Case Study of a Private Organization
José Adson O. G. da Cunha Fabio Q. B. da Silva Francisco J. S. Vasconcellos
Center for Informatics, UFPE Hermano P. de Moura College of Computing, UFMS
Av. Jornalista Anibal Fernandes, s/n, Center for Informatics, UFPE Cid. Univ., 79070-900, Campo
Cid. Univ., 50740-560, Recife, Brazil Av. Jornalista Anibal Fernandes, s/n, Grande, Brazil
+55 81 21268430 Cid. Univ., 50740-560, Recife, Brazil +55 67 33457910 +55 81 21268430
ABSTRACT Making complex decisions is one of the most difficult tasks faced
Context: In software project management, the decision-making individually or by groups of individuals, since such decisions
process is a complex set of tasks largely based on specific often must meet multiple objectives, and often their impact may
knowledge and individual cultural background, as well as human not be correctly identified.
relations. The factors that affect the decisions of the software As with all important business decisions, project outcomes can be
project managers (SPMs) and their potential consequences require traced to decisions that were made at an earlier point in time.
attention because project delays and failures are usually related to According to the Project Management Institute [2], 47% of
a series of poor decisions. Objective: To understand how SPMs unsuccessful projects are impacted by poor decision-making.
make decisions based on how they interpret their experiences in Numerous publications discuss decision-making in several areas
the workplace, and also to identify antecedents and consequences of project management, such as decision-making as an integral
of those decisions in order to increase the effectiveness of project part of project management [3], the relationship between decision-
management. Method: Semi-structured interviews were carried making and risk [4], product development decisions [5], and
out with SPMs within a Brazilian large private organization. The decision-making in the global development context [6]. These
data was analyzed using techniques from grounded theory approaches are useful for project managers, but they adopt clear-
approach. Results: We found that decision-making in software cut simplifications of the phenomenon, ignoring relevant
project management is based on knowledge sharing in which the contextual elements and their relationship.
SPM acts as a facilitator before making decisions. This
phenomenon is influenced by individual factors, such as According to Cicmil et al. [7], there is a need to move from
experience, communication, negotiation, self-control and systemic practitioners who follow detailed procedures to reflective
view of the project and by contextual factors such as the practitioners who can learn, operate and adapt effectively in
autonomy of the SPM and team members' technical competence. complex project environments. Furthermore, Lenberga et al. [8]
Also, these factors are mediated by cognitive biases. Conclusions: indicated that the behavioral software engineering research area is
Due to the uncertainty and dynamism inherent in software growing and incorporating an increasing number of concepts from
projects, the SPMs focus on making, monitoring and adjusting psychology and social science, but the results also show that
decisions in an argument-driven way. several concepts have not yet been studied or at least have few
studies in SE, including decision-making.
CCS Concepts This article presents the results of research conducted in a
• Software and its engineering ➝ Software creation and
Brazilian large private organization focused on understanding
management ➝ Software development process management.
how software project managers make decisions based on how they
interpret their experiences in the workplace, and what are the
Keywords antecedents and consequences of their decisions in order to
Software Project Management, Decision-Making, Grounded
identify the individual and external factors that lead to more or
less successful project decisions.
1. INTRODUCTION The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
The activities conducted in all hierarchy levels of an organization presents a theoretical background of decision-making; Section III
are essentially related to problem solving and decision making [1]. details the research method; Section IV presents the results of the
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for case study; and, finally, Section V presents our conclusions.
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that 2. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND
copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights
for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be
Researchers in economics, psychology, health and many other
honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or fields are producing a growing field of research into decision-
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior making by proposing theories in a number of frameworks,
specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from structures, and processes [9]. These decision theories can be classified into normative, focused on how decisions should be
CHASE'16, May 16 2016, Austin, TX, USA made in order to be rational, and including the classical decision-
© 2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4155-4/16/05$15.00 making models; and descriptive, focused on how decisions are

actually made and including the naturalistic decision-making project. Our fertile sample had a good coverage of age,
(NDM) models. background, education, years of employment in the organization,
The classical decision-making models are based on the axioms of and management of different types of projects [24].
rationality that assume that the decision maker is a rational, Semi-structured interviews were carried out with six SPMs at the
economic man who seeks to optimize the outcome of choice and organizations’ own facilities, during October 2015. The interview
that the options, criteria and values are known (e.g. expected guide was composed of open-ended questions, and included
utility [10]). The naturalistic decision-making framework, different types of questions aimed at exploring experience and
however, emerged as a means of studying how people make behavior, opinion and values, feelings, knowledge and the
decisions and perform cognitively complex functions in background of the participants (Table 1).
demanding, real-world situations marked by limited time, The questions were presented in a funnel format, beginning with
uncertainty, high stakes, team and organizational constraints, general questions and moving towards more specific ones [25].
unstable conditions, and varying amounts of experience [11]. The general questions encouraged important reflections bringing
The models of decision-making in the naturalistic decision more details when answering the specific questions, thus making
approach (e.g. recognition-primed decisions [12] and the model of possible to understand how past experiences can influence
cognitive control [13]) consider that people use prior experience preferences, feelings and behavior. Four questions were included
to rapidly categorize situations. From this perspective, making a in the interview guide to identify adjective sets used to describe an
decision means committing oneself to a course of action where efficient and inefficient SPM as well as the characteristics related
plausible alternatives exist, even if the person does not identify or to their decision-making competence (see Q34, Q35, Q37, Q38).
compare these alternatives. During this process, people rely on In order to meet the ethical requirements of this type of research,
heuristics, or general rules of thumb, and, in the hasty search for each participant was given an explanation about the research and
solutions, they are susceptible to cognitive biases, or distortions in their rights, in order to guarantee confidentiality of the data
the way we perceive reality [14]. provided, and the anonymity of the participant [24]. All the audio
In the software context, the reference models and international of the interview sessions was recorded with the consent of the
standards, such as CMMI [15], require formal processes of participants and was transcribed verbatim. The data analysis and
decision-making in order to achieve certain levels of maturity in synthesis were supported by ATLAS.ti1. All the interviews
software processes. Also, tools and techniques to assist decision- combined totaled 5 hours and 59 minutes of audio time.
making in software projects were proposed such as: indicators Table 1. Interview guide extract (translated to English)
[16], software project control centers [17], system dynamics [18],
checklists [19], decision models [20] and multi-criteria decision Q1. Tell me a little about yourself: your background, age, and
analysis [21]. Although these theories, models and techniques professional career.
provided important insights into managerial decision-making, no …
one can explain how people make decisions in specific contexts Q7. What does your organization offer or do to stimulate the project
[22]. Therefore, considering the particularities of the software management?
development context, there is a lack of further explanation for Q8. What is the relationship of these actions in order to improve the
how SPMs make decisions from their own perspective decisions made by the software project managers?
considering the factors that influence effective and ineffective
Q9. What does your organization do that makes project management
decisions leading to successful or unsuccessful projects. difficult?
3. METHOD Q10. How do these actions make the decision-making by software
This research aims to develop insights from the deeper project managers difficult?
understanding of how individual SPMs interpret their experiences …
when making decisions and why certain combinations of Q16: How would you define a complex decision?
contextual and individual factors lead to effective or ineffective
Q18: How would you define a simple decision?
decisions. The main question of this research is:
Q22: What is your influence on the decisions made by the project team
How do software project managers make decisions? members?
Empirical software engineering research requires a number of Q23: What is the influence of the project team members on project
decisions points to be addressed [23]. Figure 1 shows the decisions?
decision-making structure used to answer each aspect of the …
research design grouped by three phases: strategic, tactical and
Q34: How would you describe a project manager colleague who has a
good performance record?
Q35: Among the characteristics mentioned, which ones are essential for
an efficient decision maker?
Q37: How would you describe a project manager colleague who has a
bad performance record?
Q38: Among the characteristics mentioned, which ones influence an
inefficient decision maker?
Q40: What is the influence of your experience performing other roles
when making decisions as a software project manager?
Figure 1. Research design.
This case study was conducted in a Brazilian private large project- 1
based organization with SPMs who were actively managing a www.

The guidelines provided by Strauss and Corbin [26] were Being simple or complex, the decisions made by the SPMs were
followed in order to categorize and synthesize data, labeling based on their tacit knowledge, rather than analytical models of
portions of text using post-formed codes and, as the concepts decision-making, which confirms the naturalistic decision-making
became clearer, the categories were named following a constant models described in Section 2:
comparison method, as exemplified in Figure 2. Then, - “Our CMMI level 3 processes include one specifically
relationships among categories were mapped, leading to for decision-making (...) I did not use it intensely, I think
explanatory propositions that underpin the central story. I used it once or twice and it fell in disuse (...) so I think
that tacit knowledge is more relevant and pertinent in
our day-to-day.” (SPM4)
- “We have a structured decision-making process, but I
think the decisions are made by using the feeling and
experience.” (SPM6)
Influenced by the level of uncertainty inherent to the software
development context [27], the SPMs did not seek for optimal
solutions, but the first workable option. This is aligned with the
satisficing model proposed by Simon [28], which defines that
satisfactory alternatives which exceed some minimally acceptable
criteria are selected. While maximizing compares the positions of
alternatives relative to each other, satisficing evaluates the
Figure 2. Open coding category building. positions of alternatives relative to a baseline or target. The
excerpts below illustrate this scenario:
- “Looking at a problem and solving it, not optimally, but
4.1 Context Description effectively.” (SPM2)
The interviews were carried out in a private and not-profit - “We need to make things happen, even if it is not the
software development organization, established in 1994, which best decision (...) and later you will have the
has units in three states of Brazil. It operates in many different opportunity to correct it or change the course of
areas, such as: information technology, telecommunications, action.” (SPM5)
industrial automation, solutions for the public sector, and by
providing support services, workforce supply for third-parties, When there is not a deadline or no enough information to make a
development of software and hardware products, software decision, the SPMs mentioned the deferring commitment as a
factories, product certification tests, and research and good practice. It is used by agile teams that comes from Lean [29]
development of technological innovative products. The project- and means waiting until the last acceptable moment to make a
based organization was assessed as SW-CMMI level 3. The decision, as illustrated below:
management processes broadly followed the PMBOK guide and - “I prefer to avoid or postpone making a decision when
SCRUM agile management practices. At the time that this we do not need that decision immediately. If it is
research was carried out, the organization had about 500 possible I will wait to make a decision based on more
professionals, 85% were part of the technical workforce, and 15% facts.” (SPM2)
allocated in administrative tasks. Participants also emphasized that effective knowledge sharing
[30] and integration within and between projects was important to
4.2 How SPMs understand decision-making? avoid the risk of repeating the same mistakes.
Initially we aimed to understand how the SPMs interpret the
phenomenon by eliciting the characteristics of the decisions that - “We have moments that favor the exchange of
make them simple or complex. Excerpts from the interviews were experience and knowledge which are extremely
used as evidence. From the SPM's perspective, simple decision important because we learn from the experience of
involves the absence of uncertainty caused by the knowledge others.” (SPM5)
gained on the domain of the decision, as exemplified below: The results are also aligned with Pemsel and Wiewiora [31]
- “It is a decision where you know exactly what to do and whose research indicated that lessons learned databases contained
how to do it. It does not impact on any external large amounts of information that was not systematically
stakeholder nor violate any agreement.” (SPM2) organized and, as a consequence, they were underutilized and
most project managers did not make use of them as a source of
On the other hand, the complexity of a decision is related to its
knowledge in future projects. The SPMs mentioned that it was
impact on the project and on the organization itself. It is related to
more important to share knowledge than access stored documents:
the involvement of various stakeholders to reach a consensus, to a
high level of uncertainty and also to its impact on people, as - “By the time you need to collect [information in the
exemplified in the following excerpts: lessons learned document], it was useless because it
lacked important details about the context and without
- "Basically a complex decision involves multiple
context you could not extract [information to make a
variables that need to be reconciled in a non-trivial way
decision].” (SPM5)
with a high level of uncertainty." (SPM2)
Therefore, considering the context in which this research was
- "The more the decision involves other parties (...) the
conducted, decision-making in software project management is
less comfortable I feel." (SPM1)
the capacity to make decisions through knowledge sharing, and by
- “I think the most difficult decisions are those involving
looking for the first workable option, based on an argument-
people.” (SPM4)
driven way, rather than trying to find the best possible option.

4.3 What factors affect software project - “My function is asking questions in order to ensure that
people make the right technical decisions by using my
managers' decision-making? experience to cover a few points that they may have not
After defining decision-making from the point of view of the thought of, rather than I effectively make the decision.”
SPMs, the next step was to identify the antecedents of successful (SPM3)
and unsuccessful decisions. The following sections presents the
grounded factors positioned according to their hypothetic effect
on decision-making, showing only the factors grounded in our
4.3.1 Contextual factors
The factors related to the context are illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 4. Individual factors.

Some SPMs have a characteristic of being dictatorial and
Figure 3. Contextual factors. centralizing the decision-making. This was pointed out as a
In the project-based organization, as the workforce is concentrated negative aspect of the SPMs, impacting on their systemic view of
in projects, having only a few support departments, the SPMs had the project and on the team members’ commitment, as follows:
autonomy to make decisions. However, for some decisions with a - “Centralizing [the decisions] on them affects their
high degree of subjectivity, mainly involving people, there was a ability to see problems in a more holistic way.” (SPM3)
need for a close supervision by the higher management.
The experience was pointed out as an impacting factor in
- “The way we're structured promotes openness, freedom, decision-making, being composed of: employment time in the
and the possibility to build new things and propose organization, experience of managing projects, and experience
changes. (...) However, I think we should have a little performing other project roles. The first two were mentioned by
less decision-making power by having one person SPMs as directly influencing in decision-making:
looking at it all for decisions that are subjective in order
to be more uniform across the projects.” (SPM4) - “[When I have to make a decision that involves other
departments] I already know who to talk to, and how to
One of the main characteristics of agile software development is deal with them. We know that everyone is different, so
the active and continuous participation and involvement of the you have to know the way to talk to each one.” (SPM6)
clients throughout the project, which leads to building the right - "What makes the difference in my life is having
product and to satisfied clients [32]. It was mentioned as experience, by making mistakes and learning by them."
impacting on project decisions, as follows: (SPM2)
- “[In order to make effective decisions] it is important The influence of working time performing other project roles in
that the clients get involved and believe in us, and be decision-making was not consensual. Some SPMs argued that it
transparent, because the success of the project depends only offered a perception about the activities in order to enhance
on them too.” (SPM4) their ability to ask the right questions. Others, however,
Also, the team members’ technical competence was mentioned as considered it a direct influence in decision-making. This scenario
an important factor because the SPMs are not focused in can be explained by the individual background of each SPM,
operational tasks, thus delegating some decisions. where some have a strong technical skill, while others do not
- “The lower the seniority of the team, the greater is my
influence on decisions. Day-by-day I realize that when - “Maybe the experience [performing other project roles]
we have a more mature team we share more decisions helped me have more empathy. Understanding what a
instead of influence the team.” (SPM5) coding day is perhaps make me more flexible to
understand a certain scenario, but it does not influence
4.3.2 Individual factors in decision-making.” (SPM1)
The factors related to the individuals are illustrated in Figure 4. - “Everything we experienced generates a base of
As stated by the SPMs, shared responsibility in order to make knowledge, so there is no doubt they will make a
participatory decision-making is important to obtain the team difference when you will make a decision.” (SPM5)
members commitment to the project as well as to establish an The systemic view of the project enables the understanding the
atmosphere of trust [33]. entire project from a comprehensive analysis of the parties and the
- “Trust in people is something very good. Even if I make interaction between them. Whereas there is a team involvement in
a wrong decision, if it was made with them, they will decisions, especially in the technical ones, the SPM should look
support me to adjust it.” (SPM1) increasingly to the whole to include factors that the team members
did not perceived, as exemplified in the following excerpts:
In order to gather better information and promote mutual
understanding, the SPMs emphasized the need to ask good - “A good project manager needs to have a holistic vision
questions that lead to robust debate, as exemplified below: that transcends the context of the project.” (SPM5)

Otherwise, micromanagement is a management style whereby a to be minimized by specific practices. When making decisions,
manager closely observes or controls the work of subordinates or people may rely on the frequency of an event based on how many
employees. Often, this excessive obsession with the details causes similar instances are brought to mind [34]. The availability
a direct management failure in the ability to focus on the major heuristic operates on the notion that if something can be recalled,
details. it must be important, or at least more important than alternative
- “One who is only looking for the operational details solutions which are not as readily recalled, thus making new
does not see the whole project, so they make decisions opinions biased toward that last memory. Based on some excerpts,
at that level and cannot see what is happening at the such the following one, the participatory decision-making aims to
others levels.” (SPM6) uncover new situations that where not thought of by the SPM,
thus minimizing the negative impact of such bias.
Communication is one key element which has to be applied
effectively throughout a project’s life cycle, from the beginning - “[When questioned by a stakeholder] I ask to be given
till the end, and was mentioned by the SPMs as important in time to internally analyze with my time. This always
decision-making, as follows: causes good results, good surprises, often because the
team brings something in a perspective I had not
- “Since I make decisions together with my team, I have analyzed.” (SPM2)
to align the expectations, so everything has to be clear
to everyone. It is influenced by good communication.” Anchoring and adjustment is a psychological heuristic that
(SPM2) influences the way people intuitively assess probabilities.
However, these adjustments are usually insufficient, giving the
Also, the project manager should try to establish and maintain initial anchor a great deal of influence over future assessments.
good relations between all parties and maintain this throughout This heuristic generates a cognitive bias through which people
the negotiation process. rely too heavily on the first piece of information offered when
- “A decision maker has to know how to negotiate.” making decisions [34]. As exemplified below, the questioning role
(SPM2) of the SPM, thus acting as a facilitator, aims to uncover new
situations that where not thought of by the team members.
Due to the uncertainty and dynamism inherent in software
projects, the SPMs focus on making, monitoring and adjusting - “Sometimes we can change the task estimates and the
decisions in a continuous feedback cycle, as described in short in plans based on this type of questioning. I stand like a
these excerpts: client questioning things.” (SPM4)
- “I try to create an environment where it is okay to make Also, when discussing with the team members in order to make a
mistakes. If every time your team gives you bad news, decision, the SPMs can often face the mere-exposure effect [35],
you criticize them, they will not give you the real status which is a psychological phenomenon by which people tend to
of the activities until they are out of control. (...) Also, develop a preference for things they are familiar with.
We work with sprints, fixed iterations, in order to - “People are used to a certain type of approach and
increase the predictability of the things apparently not anywhere they work they will always consider the same
predictable” (SPM1) one, and this can be a problem.” (SPM2)
The project manager is responsible for keeping himself and all the
project team members working proactively and alert to risks and 4.4 Relating factors and building propositions
opportunities. By exercising proper risk management, the SPMs The next step in the data analysis was drawing relationships
can achieve a comfort level within the unknowns that exist in among the factors, grounded in the data, thus building the
projects and by coming up with alternative risk management propositions that communicate a particular view of the
strategies, they are more likely to circumvent obstacles and make phenomenon.
effective decisions. The experience of the SPMs influenced by employment time in
- “I try to look for signs of risks to create more proactive the organization, experience of managing projects and performing
management.” (SPM2) other project roles influences the decisions made during the
project. This result is aligned with the experiment conducted by
Being organized was mentioned as an important factor to Huff and Prybutok [36] which showed that experience, especially
successful decisions since managing and keeping track of in project management and related to the subject area, has
projects, tasks, and people are essential to succeeding and making significant influence on the decisions made. When adopting agile
effective decisions. methods, the locus of decision-making moves from the project
- “From the moment that you are organized, you usually manager to the software development team, and the decision-
have the information to be able to make a decision.” making process changes from individual and centralized to shared
(SPM3) and decentralized [33]. In this scenario, the SPMs' role is focused
Also, the self-control ability in order to control the SPM's in questioning by promoting reflection by the team members and
emotions, behavior, and desires in the face of external demands stakeholders. Therefore:
was considered important as follows: Proposition 1: The SPMs’ experience influences their capacity to
- “Emotional balance influences decision-making, make decisions by questioning and promoting reflection by team
especially in stressful and more difficult moments, in members during participatory decision-making.
order to reflect and take a position in the sequence.” The collaborative decision-making, which involves stakeholders
(SPM4) with diverse backgrounds and goals, requires some skills of the
Some practices and attitudes were related to the susceptibility to SPMs. During this process, the autonomy of the SPMs influences
cognitive biases whose negative effects to the SPMs were aimed on their creativity. The systemic view of the project was pointed
out as being important because it allowed them to bring other

factors not initially considered by the team members and other tends to minimize the negative effects of the availability and
stakeholders when making decisions. This is influenced by anchoring biases.
communication and the negotiation competence of the SPM as
well as their capacity to be organized and manage risks
proactively. Also, the self-control was stated as important in order
to not make a decision influenced by emotions in a stressful
situation. This leads to the following proposition:
Proposition 2: The autonomy of the SPMs impacts on their
facilitation capacity which is also influenced by their systemic
view of the project, communication and negotiation competence,
organizational ability, and proactive risk management, along with
Due to the uncertainty and dynamism inherent in software
projects, the SPMs focus on making, monitoring and adjusting
decisions, which need a constant feedback through client
involvement and iterative planning. As stated by Williams and Figure 5. Core factors and relationships.
Cockburn [37], the agile methodologies are developed to embrace,
rather than reject, higher rates of change. In this scenario, 5. CONCLUSIONS
feedback loops constitute the core element. Therefore: This research about decision-making in software project
management has produced important insights about factors that
Proposition 3: The constant feedback aims to minimize the
seem to influence effective and ineffective decisions made in
uncertainty when making complex decisions, which can be
software projects. In this article we presented the results based on
obtained through client involvement and iterative planning.
a qualitative case study of a private organization.
As stated by the SPMs, the lessons learned and stored in
documents were rarely used. Instead, they focused on knowledge Due to the uncertainty and dynamism inherent to software
sharing with the team members and colleagues from other projects projects, the SPMs focus on making, monitoring and adjusting
before making decisions which are influenced by the team decisions in an argument-driven way. Decision-making in
members' technical competence. The participatory decision- software project management is influenced by individual and
making through which the SPM promotes reflection, minimizes contextual factors and it is based on knowledge sharing involving
the possibility of a decision based on a recent event in the mind of the SPM, team members and stakeholders instead of using
an individual (availability bias) or relying too heavily on the first analytical models of decision-making, which confirms the
piece of information offered (anchoring), thus influencing on naturalistic decision-making models. The feedback provided by
effective decisions. This leads to the following proposition: SPMs at the end of the interviews showed their interest in the
evaluation of the decision-making process from this perspective, a
Proposition 4: The knowledge sharing influences the subject not yet studied in their training courses in project
participatory decision-making, which is favored by the team management, which should have a more focus on the SPM
members' technical competence thus minimizing the negative competences than processes when considering decision-making.
effects of the availability bias and anchoring.
The identification of the factors related to cognitive biases was not
4.5 Building the central story straightforward. As the axial coding evolved, we noticed that
Finally, the propositions presented in the previous section were some practices and attitudes were related to the susceptibility to
combined in order to build the central story that explains decision- some cognitive biases, serving as a starting point for further
making in software project management as illustrated in Figure 5. investigation.
Considering the context in which this research was conducted, The next phase in our investigation is to refine the research
decision-making in software project management is based on protocol including specific questions to deepen knowledge on the
knowledge sharing, by looking for the first workable option rather identified elements as well as using multiple data collection
than trying to find the best possible option. In this process the techniques in addition to the interviews such as observation and
experience of the SPMs influence their capacity to ask questions document analysis in order to enable the construction of a
to promote reflection by the team members. substantive theory from multiple case studies.
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