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1- A chronic disease refers to the rate or timing in which a disease progresses, which

develops over time, and lasts for a long time. There is no cure for chronic diseases unless
lifestyle choices are made. Chronic diseases are responsible for 60% of all deaths, and
those deaths are split equal between men and women. The three main risk factors are an
unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and tobacco use which are all lifestyle choices. 80% of
heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes and 40% of cancer deaths are preventable by
eliminating those behaviours.
2- The World Health Organization says, “There is no health without mental health”. With
the perspective of mind-body connection, it is obvious that our mental health has lasting
effects on our physical well-being. Mental illnesses are disorders, illnesses or diseases
that affect thought process, perception of reality, emotions or judgement, or that results in
disturbed behaviour according to The United Nations’ Rules on Equalization of
Opportunities for People with Disabilities. People with depressive disorders are twice as
likely to develop coronary artery disease, to have a stroke, and four times as likely to
have a myocardial infraction or die within 6 months of an MI. People with diabetes are
more likely to have depressions. Most chronic diseases coexist with a mental disorder,
meaning that if a person has one, they are more likely to develop or already have the
3- Tobacco use is the number one contributor to chronic disease risks. Tobacco use
increases risk for lung cancer, other cancers, cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease,
and adverse reproductive outcomes. Tobacco is responsible for 1 in 5 deaths. Physical
inactivity is the next leading contributor to chronic diseases, and can cause high blood
pressure, heart problems, and obesity. The next contributor to chronic diseases is poor
nutrition, which contributes 300,000 deaths each year. Obesity is also a large contributor
to chronic diseases like heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis-related
disabilities, and some cancers. 70% of adults are overweight or obese. Lack of sleep is
also a contributor to chronic diseases because it can result in cravings of sugary food,
which results in weight gain, depression, anxiety, reduced cognitive functioning, and
impaired memory. High blood pressure and high blood cholesterol are also risk factors,
because they can increase risk of heart disease, stroke, and other coronary events.
4- There are many kinds of chronic diseases. The most common are heart diseases, and there
are many different kinds. Heart diseases involve the heart and blood vessels and are
referred to together as cardiovascular disease. This disease results in heart failure, which
is the inability for the heart to pump oxygenated blood to the body. Coronary Heart
Disease is when the coronary artery is narrowed by at least 60%. Cancer is also a chronic
disease and is defined as the uncontrolled multiplication of cells. Diabetes is the next
largest contributor of chronic diseases. There are two types, type one- where people are
born with and their body simply does not produce enough insulin, and type two-where
people develop it from overconsumption of sugary foods, and their body cannot keep up
with the sugar intake and produce enough insulin. Arthritis is another disease and is
defined as inflammation of the joints. Asthma is a chronic disease that is chronic
inflammation of the airways of the lungs. Autoimmune disorders are due to an overactive
immune response to the body, which is the body attacking itself. Other diseases are
chronic pain, meningococcal meningitis, metabolic syndrome and osteoporosis. Mental
illnesses are also chronic diseases, and examples of these include depression, anxiety,
ADHD and schizophrenia.
5- I have remotely no risk of developing a chronic disease because I have a good lifestyle
and no history in my family of chronic diseases.
6- The leading way to prevent chronic diseases is living a healthy lifestyle. This includes
staying at a good mental health, not smoking or using tobacco, limiting alcohol
consumption, regular exercise, being a normal weight, getting enough sleep, avoiding
stress, and having good relationships. I am committed to doing all of these, and I already
have. I was raised to live a healthy lifestyle and I will continue to do so because I have
seen It bless the health of my parents.
7- I earned a 10/10 in my wellness this week. I am maintaining a healthy lifestyle and am
following every aspect of the wellness wheel.

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