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### Question 1:

1. *Describe the types of data models*:

- *Network Data Model*: Uses graph structures with nodes and edges.

- *Relational Data Model*: Organizes data in tables (relations) with rows and

- *Object-Oriented Data Model*: Incorporates ( includes) object-oriented

programming principles. (basics)

- *Entity-Relationship Model*: Uses entities and relationships to model data.

2. *Describe the types of DBMS architecture*:

- *Single-tier architecture*: The database and the application accessing it reside

on the same machine.

- *Two-tier architecture*: Separates the database server from the client


- *Three-tier architecture*: Adds a middle layer between the client and server,
often a web server or application server.
3. *What is meant by the 3 Vs of big data? Why is big data important?*:

- *Volume*: The amount of data.

- *Velocity*: The speed at which data is generated and processed.

- *Variety*: The different types of data.

- Big data is important because it allows businesses to gain insights, make data-
driven decisions, //////// and create competitive advantages.

4. *Describe the types of NoSQL Databases*:

- *Document-based*: Stores data as documents (e.g., MongoDB).

- *Key-Value stores*: Data is stored as key-value pairs (e.g., Redis).

- *Column-based*: Stores data in columns (e.g., Apache Cassandra).

- *Graph-based*: Uses graph structures with nodes and edges (e.g., Neo4j).
5. *List the advantages and disadvantages of NoSQL Databases*:

- *Advantages*:

- High scalability and availability.

- Flexible schema design.

- Efficient handling of large volumes of unstructured data.

- *Disadvantages*:

- Lack of standardization.

- Limited support for complex queries.

- Potential consistency issues.

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