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Grammar Modals for possibility

Directions: Complete the following sentences with your own examples. Justify your answers
and share them with your classmates.
1. I could enter to the university…because
2. In two years, I may go to college…because
3. I must work because
Directions: Complete the following sentences with must or could
1. He's an experienced chef; she ________________ know how to make that
2. With your skills, you __________________ easily become a successful graphic
3. I'm not sure where I put my keys. They __________________ be in the kitchen.
4. After studying for hours, she _________________ be well-prepared for the exam.
5. They _________________ be at the airport by now; their flight was scheduled to
depart an hour ago.
6. He's so adventurous; she __________________ travel to any country in the world.

Directions : Complete the following sentences with should or might

1. You ________________ check the weather forecast before planning an outdoor

2. In a team project, you __________________ -collaborate with your colleagues to
achieve the best results.
3. I ____________________ go to college in two years.
4. If you study hard, you ________________________ get a high score on the exam.
5. You _____________________ make the best decision.
6. The project _____________________ be delayed due to unforeseen complications.
7. If you need any further assistance, you ______________reach out to our customer
support team for help.
8. You __________________ experience some side effects when taking this medication.
Present Continuous (used as future)

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in parentheses,using
the present continuous tense to indicate future actions.

1-Tomorrow, I (have) a meeting with my boss to discuss my

2- Next weekend, we (go) to the beach for a family picnic.

(study) abroad in Europe next year.

3- In the evening, they (watch) a movie at the cinema.
4. I (complete) my online course and receive my certificate


5- On Friday, we (attend) a concert featuring our favorite band.

6- In two hours, he (fly) to New York for a business

7- Next summer, we (travel) to a tropical island for our
8-At 8:00 PM tonight, she (have) dinner with her old friends
9- In a few minutes, I (start) cooking dinner for the family

Directions: For each sentence, either fill in the blank with the correct form of
the verb in parentheses using the present continuous tense for future actions,
make it anegative sentence, or turn it into a question.
1-Tomorrow, we _____________________(visit) the new art exhibition at the museum.

Negative: We not the new art exhibition at the museum

Question: you the new art exhibition at the museum
2-On Saturday, she (run) in the marathon.

Negative: She not in the marathon on Saturday.Question:

she in the marathon on Saturday?
3-This time next week, they (celebrate) their anniversary. Negative:
They not their anniversary this time next week.
Question: they their anniversary this time next week?

4-In the afternoon, I (attend) a seminar on sustainable living.

Negative: I not a seminar on sustainable living in the
Question: you a seminar on sustainable living in the
5- Next month, he (travel) to Japan for a business conference.

Negative: He not to Japan for a

business conference nextmonth.
Question: he to Japan for a
business conference nextmonth?

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