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Writing a Position Paper

I. What is a Position Paper?

• A Position Paper serves as a strategic document providing an insight into the stance adopted
by a delegate's representing country or delegation.
• A position paper is a formal way for delegates to present their country's or delegation's
views and policy recommendations to the committee. It is a key element of the preparatory
work before a MUN conference.
• It helps the delegates clarify their country's stance on the given topic. It allows the delegates
to articulate their positions clearly and can serve as a reference point for discussion.
• The position papers are submitted to the Executive Board on the first day of the conference,
before the start of the committee.
• The usual length for any Position Paper is of 1 to 2 pages, where the font used is Times New
Roman with font size of 12 for body.
• To start with making the Position Paper, one shall go through the Background Guide of the
committee provided to them in order to get an idea and direction about the agenda.

II. Elements of a Position Paper

• Introduction to the Topic and Committee

• Past Information about the Topic
• National Laws and Policies
• International Actions
• Recommendations to come to a conclusion

III. Format and Structure

• Heading- Name of Country, Name of Committee, Topic, Flag (Optional)

• First Paragraph- Opening Statement (3-4 Sentences)

1. Why is your topic important for the committee to address?
2. Why does your country care about this topic in general?
3. What is the background/ history of your country in dealing with the topic?

• Second Paragraph- National Actions (5-8 Sentences)

1. What is your country’s national policy to solve the problem?
2. What measures/ actions did your country take to address the issue on a national
• Third Paragraph- International Actions (5-8 Sentences)
1. How has your country addressed the issue on an international level?
2. What actions has your country taken on the issues on an international level?
3. What conventions, treaties, and/or resolutions have your country attended/ signed/
supported regarding the issue?
4. Which organisations addressing this issue is your country a member of?

• Fourth Paragraph- Recommendations for action (4-5 Sentences)

1. What recommendations would your country like to see the international community
take to address the problem?
2. What role would your country like to see the international community take to address
this issue?

IV. Sample Position Paper

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