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Mes 1 Bienvenido a mi curso de



Listening Writing


Semana 3 Clase 2
Objetivos de la clase
01. 02.
posesivos Pronombres
03. posesivos

Los adjetivos posesivos son aquellas que acompañan a los
sustantivos y expresan la pertenencia o posesión de dicho nombre
por parte de un poseedor. Este tipo de adjetivos (my, your, his, her,
its, our, their) van delante del sustantivo.
Adjetivos posesivos

My house
My They are my doctors

It is my table Mi, mis He is my Teacher
Adjetivos posesivos

Your father Your We are your classmates

I am your brother Tu, tus Your car is green
Adjetivos posesivos

Her car Her sister is a singer

Her cat is black We are her cousins
(Su, sus de ella)
Adjetivos posesivos

His shoes are They are his co-workers

expensive His

His Friends are sick It´s his bike
(Su, sus de él)
Adjetivos posesivos

Our kitchen is
beautiful Our Our uncle is kind

Our fridge is small Nuestro/s, He is our friend
Adjetivos posesivos

Their phones are

Their names are pretty Their cheap

They are their
Su, sus Their notebooks are red
Siblings (de ellos, ellas)
Adjetivos posesivos

Its color is white Its It is its screen


Su, sus
Its culture is nice (cosas y animales)
Its windows are big
Objetivo numero 2

Pronombres posesivos
Estos pronombres indican cuando alguien es
poseedor de algo o a quién le pertenece algo.
Pronombres posesivos

The small bike is mine Mine is here

Mio, mia, mios, mias

The gray cat is mine Lo La, Los Las It´s mine

The mirror is not mine
Those toys are mine
The phone is not mine
I have her phone number, and she has mine
That pensil is mine

This pencil is yours That book is yours

tuyo, tuya, tuyos, tuyas

This magazine is yours El, Lo La, Los Las The computer is yours
The bicycle is yours but the car is mine
Yours is in my house and mine is in your house
That tv is not yours, it´s mine
The big book is not mine, it´s yours
This is my problem, not yours
This is my house, not yours

The office is hers this car is hers


Suyo, suya, suyos, suyas

The purple bag is hers. Lo La, Los Las The toy is hers.
The makeup is not hers, it´s mine
The car is yours ,it´s not hers
These animals are not yours, they are hers
The doll is not yours, it´s hers

The watch is his I think the bike is his.

Suyo, suya, suyos, suyas

The choice is his. Lo La, Los Las The victory is his

The desk is not yours, it´s his
The apartment is his but the house is hers
The backpack is not his, it´s mine
The book is not mine, it´s his

That is your
It is ours
problem, not ours

Nuestro/s, nuestra/s

this success is ours Lo La, Los Las The hat is ours

Ours has problems in his school
Our parents have ours
The computer is not ours, it´s hers
This sofa is not ours, it´s yours
That Project is not ours, it´s his
That house is not hers, it´s ours


This house is theirs The house is theirs
Suyo, soya, suyos, suyas

Lo La, Los Las

Mine: the book is mine
Yours: the mirror is yours
Hers: the toys are hers
his: the car is his
Ours: the glasses are ours
Theirs: the house is theirs
Objetivo numero

Pronombres Objeto
Pronombres objeto o “object pronouns” son palabras
que se usan para reemplazar a un objeto o persona
que ya se ha mencionado en una oracion.
Pronombres objeto

It´s me She is not with me

Yo, migo, mi, me

Who? me? You are with me
She doesn´t work with me
They are not with me
It´s not me
She and me are busy
She and I are busy
you are not with me because you are selfish
Today My daughter plays with me
Pronombres objeto

I am with you It´s you

Tu, tigo, te, ti They are with you

Is she with you?
It´s not you, it´s me
She doesn´t work with you, she Works with me
She sings with you when she is in your house
He is not with you, he is with me
I call you
I know you
You know me
I married with you
She and I She and he My brother My mother

We are They are He is She is

My parents My cats My house

They are They are It is

She and I are work together
Pronombres objeto

Are you with her? I am not with her


Ella, le, la
My brother is not with her
It´s her
Her sister is with her
she is her sister
I work with her
I want her to speak with my teacher
She wants me to travel this week
I know her
I want to call her
My sister is with her
Pronombres objeto

Your friend is with him
It´s him

Él, le, lo
Her cousin is Your cat is not with him
with him
It´s not her, it´s him
I call him when he is sick
I am in my house with him
Pronombres objeto

It´s us She is with us


His sister is not Nosotros/as Their parents are not with us

with us Nos,
She is not with us
She wants to help us
You have to call us
I want you to come with us
Pronombres objeto

It´s them My teacher is not with

Your uncle is with Ellos/as

They are with them.
them Les, las, los
I don´t work with them
I am worried about them
I don´t want to go out with them
Pronombres objeto

Do it Spell it

Lo, eso
Finish it Clean it
I have to do it
She has to clean it
He wants to buy it
I Me Crean y terminan
una idea My Mine
You You Your Yours
She Her Her Hers
He Him Posesion His His
We Us Our Ours
They Them Their Theirs
It It its
Próximos objetivos de la clase

Semana 3 / clase 2

Adjetivos demostrativos
(This, that, these, those)
What do you like to do when you are in the park?

I like to run in the park, I like to eat in any(eni) restaurant

I like play soccer,
What do you like to do in your free time?

I like learning new languages and play chess

I like watching tv
Would you like to travel to other country? and why?

I would like to travel to other country because I don´t know

other one.
Would you like to learn a new language? And why?

I would like to learn french because it´s the most popular

Want to

I wanna(uana) call my son

I wanna go out
I wanna leave(lif)
I wanna dance with you
I have to work/run/prepare/call
Be going to
I am going to the beach
I´m gonna the beach
I Will be a doctor
I´ll run a lot
I Will be a doctor

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