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FORM 26 03-06-24

 Cyber security – is the practice of protecting internet connected systems such as
hardware, software and data from cyber threats.

Countering Cyber crime

1. Establish strong passwords
 Implementing strong passwords is the easiest thing you can do to strengthen
your security.
 You should definitely avoid using: any personal data (such as your date of
birth), common words spelled backwards and sequences of characters or
numbers, or those that are close together on the keyboard.
 Use their convenient password checker to see how strong yours is.
 Change your password every 90 days or earlier.
 Never write down your password!

2. Put a strong firewall

 In order to have a properly protected network
 A firewall protects your network by controlling internet traffic coming into
and flowing out of your business.

3. Install antivirus protection

 Antivirus anti –malware software are essentials in your online security
weapons, as well.

4. Update your programs regularly

 Your security applications are only as good as their most recent update.
 While applications are not 100 percent fool-proof, it is important to update
these tools to help keep your users safe.
 Frequently updating your programs keeps you up-to-date on any recent issues
or holes that programmers have fixed.

5. Secure your laptops

 Because of their nature, laptops are at a higher risk of being lost or stolen than
average company desktops.
 It’s important to take some extra steps to be certain your sensitive data
 Encrypting your laptop. It’s the easiest thing to do.
 Encryption software changes the way the information looks on the hard drive
so that, without the correct password, it can’t be read.
6. The must-haves for mobile phones:
 Encryption software
 Password-protection
 Remote wiping enabled

7. Backup regularly
 Scheduling regular backups to an external hard drive, or in the cloud, is a
painless way to ensure that all your data is stored safely.

8. Monitor diligently
 One good monitoring tool is data-leakage prevention software. Which is a set
up at key network touch points to look for specific information coming out of
your internal network.
 It can be configure to look for credit card numbers, pieces of code, or any bits
of information relevant to your business that would indicate a breach.

9. Be careful of the e-mail and surfing the web

 Its common for unsuspecting employee to click on a link or download an
attachment they believe is harmless.—only to discover that they have been
infected with a nasty virus, or worse
 Links are the numbers that malware ends up on computers. Links are bad.
 You should take every “warning box” that appears on your screen seriously
and understand that every new piece of software comes with its own set of
security vulnerabilities.

10. Educated your employees

 Teaching your employees about safe online habits and proactive defense is
 “Educating them about what they are doing and why is it dangerous is more
effective strategy than expecting your IT security staff to constantly react to
end users’ bad decisions. Make sure your employees understand how
important your company’s data is, and all the measures they can take to
protect it.

Characteristics of unsafe sites

 A secure website’s URL should begin with “https” rather than “http”.
 The “s” at the end of “http” stands for secure and is using an SSL (Secure Sockets
Layer) connection.
 Your information will be encrypted before sent to a server. Be sure to click on the
“lock” icon to verify that a website is trustworthy

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