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Candidate Index number……………





TIME: 2:30 Hours ___________ May, 2024

1. This paper consists of ten (10) questions in two sections A and B each question carries a total of 10
2. Answer all questions in all sections
3. All writing must be in BLUE/BLACK ink EXCEPT drawings which must be drawn by using a pencil.
4. Write your index number in every page of your answer sheet.
5. All answers must be written only in the spaces provided in each question and not otherwise.




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Candidate Index number……………
1. For each of the items (i)-(x) choose the correct answers from the given alternatives and write its
letter in the table below:
(10 marks)
i. Which among the following lists contains the items in transport that are produced as a result
of application of chemistry?
A. Dyes, tyres and fuels. C. Paints, lubricants and
B. Coolant, fuel and lubricants pesticides
D. Lubricants, tyres, and drugs
ii. Which of the following groups of substances represents flammable liquids?
A. Petrol, pesticides and hydrogen
B. Petrol, sulphuric acid and methylated spirit
C. Methylated spirit, petrol and kerosene
D. Kerosene, diesel and hot water.
iii. The chemistry teacher of form one asked his students to make a class presentation about the
sequential steps of separating a mixture of salt and sand. Which of the following list is in a
correct series.
A. Sedimentation, evaporation C. Evaporation, filtration and
and filtration. decantation.
B. Decantation, filtration and D. Decantation, evaporation
evaporation. and filtration.
iv. Which of the following compounds is binary.
A. Magnesium hydroxide, C. Magnesium nitride, Mg3N2
Mg(OH)2 D. Magnesium carbonate,
B. Magnesium phosphate, MgCO3
v. Which term describes a rapid chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of light and
A. Ignition B. Combus C. Fire
tion D. Heating
vi. Any problem in the scientific research is affected by atleast two factors commonly referred to
as variables. Which variable change its values when the values of other variables change?
A. Constant variable. C. Dependent variable
B. Independent variable D. Manipulated variable.
vii. The following is one of the reason why water is termed as the universal solvent;
A. Water dissolve many solutes than any other solvent
B. Water boils at 100 oC and freezes at 0 oC
C. Water has high surface tension.
D. Water is colourless, odorless and tasteless liquid
viii. Which of the following is the chemical substance used to test the presence of water vapour in
air by changing the blue anhydrous to pink hydrated compound;
A. Copper II sulphate C. Cobalt II chloride
B. Calcium chloride D. Potassium permanganate
ix. Which of the following is the reverse of deposition process.
A. Melting
B. Freezing
C. Alloying
D. Sublimation

x. Which of the following process cannot be grouped into physical change.

A. Cutting of iron into pieces
B. Grinding of charcoal into powder

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C. Heating of copper metal
D. Burning of zinc metal
Question (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

2. Match the materials in List A with the correct method of preventing it from rusting in List B by
writing the letter of the correct answer in the table below the item number in the table provided.
(10 marks)
List A List B
i. Iron sheets A. Alloying
ii. Earing B. Sacrificial
iii. Motorcycle chain protection(Anodization)
iv. Bridge and ships C. Electroplating
v. Hand bag and camera D. Use of silica gel
E. Galvanization
F. Oiling and greasing
G. Tin plating.
i. ii. iii. iv. v.

3. (a) Define the term fuel. (2 marks)
(b) Write down any three uses of fuels in our daily life. (3 marks)
i. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………………………………………………………

iii. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

(c) One of the form two student in school X decided to boil water by using fire wood charcoal fuel.
She had 6kg mass of charcoal fuel, and 2litres of pure water with 30oC, after boiling water the
charcoal and all the remained ashes were re-measured to be 2kg. Calculate the heat value of
charcoal fuel used above. (Given that specific heat capacity of pure water, Cw = 4.2KjKg-K-,
Density of pure water=1000KgM-3 (5 marks)

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4. (a) Define the term rust. (2 marks)

(b) Write down the chemical formula of rust. (2 marks)
(c) Briefly explain why iron in salt water rust faster than in fresh water?
(3 marks)
(d) List down three disadvantages of rusting process in our daily life. (3 marks)
i. ……………………………….…………………………………………………………….
ii. ……………………………….…………………………………………………………….
iii. ………………………….………………………………………………………………….
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5. (a) Give out the reason why oxygen gas is normally collected by the method called downward
displacement of water. (2 marks)
(b) Briefly explain how you would test the presence of the following gases in air.
i. Oxygen……………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………… ……. (2 marks)
ii. Carbon dioxide
…………………………………………………………………………………… (2 marks)
(c) With four reasons explain why air is not termed as a compound.
(4 marks)
i. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
ii. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
iii. …………………………………………………………………………………………………
iv. …………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. (a) Define the term experimentation as used in scientific procedures. (2 marks)

(b) The father of one of the form two student was complaint about the failure of his daughter in
science subjects after receiving his daughter’s annual academic report. He decided to ask his
daughter what lead her to fail in those subjects, she said that because she is not good in
mathematics while most of these subjects involves the applications of mathematics subject, she
added that the language used is well understood and is the same to all secondary examinations.
Use the above information to respond in the following questions.
i. Write down the problem identified in above information.
…………………………………………………………………...…………….. (1 marks)
ii. What down the hypothesis formulated in above information.
………………………………………………………………………................. (1 marks
iii. Name the following variable found in the above information.
Dependent variable
………………………………………………………………...…………….. (1 marks)
Independent variable
……………………………………………………………………...…………... (1 marks)
Controlled variable
……………………………………………………………………...…………... (1 marks)
(c) Write down any three applications of scientific procedures in our daily life. (3 marks).
i. …………………………………………………………………………………..
ii. …………………………………………………………………………………..
iii. …………………………………………………………………………………..
7. (a) Define the term element. (2 marks)
(b) Write down three properties of electrovalent bond. (3 marks)
i. ……………………………………………………………………………………....
ii. ……………………………………………………………………………………....
iii. ………………………………………………………………………………………

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(c) Write down the Latin name and chemical symbol of the following element. (6 marks).
Element Latin name Chemical symbol

8. (a) Define the term suspension as used in chemistry. (2 marks)

(b) List down any two general components of each of the following. (4 marks)
i. Solution = ………………………………… and ………………………………………
ii. Aerosol = …………………………………. And ……………………………………..
(c) Write down one method of separating mixture used to obtain each of the following substances
from its mixture; (4 marks)
i. Cooking oil from groundnuts ………………………………………………………….
ii. Chlorophyll or green pigment from plant leaf …………………………………………
iii. Oxygen gas from air ……………………………………………………………………
iv. Sulphur from mixture of Sulphur and sand …………………………………………….

9. (a) Define the following terms;

i. Atom
……………………………………… …………………… (2 marks)
ii. Isotopes
……………………………………………………………………………………(2 marks)
(b) Fill the following table of the components of atom or sub atomic particles. (3 marks)

Sub atomic particle Charge Location in the atom

………………………… ………………………………….

…………………………… Zero …………………………………

……………………………… …………………………… Orbit (shell)

(c) You have given an atom Y with the atomic number of 11, use the atomic number given to respond on
the following. (3 marks)
i. Write down the proton number of atom Y above.

ii. Calculate the atomic mass or mass number of atom Y above.




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iii. Calculate neutron number of atom Y above.




10. One of the form one student decided to separate the mixture of cooking oil and water which are
mixed accidentally, use this information to respond on the questions below;
i. What is the apparatus/equipment which can be used to separate the above mixture?
………………………………………………………………………………………. (2 marks)
ii. What is the name of the method used to separate this mixture?
………………………………………………………………………………………. (2 marks)
iii. By using a well labelled diagram explain how those two components can be separated by this
(3 marks)

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1. Table (10 marks)
i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x

2. Table (10 marks)

i. ii. iii. iv. v.

3. (a) Define the term fuel. (2 marks)
Fuel is any combustible materials that can be burnt in air to produce heat and light energy.
(b) Write down any three uses of fuel in our daily life. (ANY THREE) (3 marks)
i. For lighting purposes e.g. in lamp.
ii. For cooking purposes e.g. in different burners such as gas stove.
iii. For generating electricity in electric plants.
iv. Used in making of some products in industries e.g. Petroleum.

(c) Data given

Initial temperature 30oC = 303K
Final temperature (boiling point of water) 100oC = 373K
Change in temperature 373K-303K = 70K
Cw = 4.2KjKg-K-
Mass of water 2litre = 2Kg
Mass of fuel used (burnt) 6Kg-2Kg = 4Kg
Energy value = energy produced by fuel/mass of fuel burnt
Energy produced by fuel = energy gained by water.
= 2Kg X 4.2KjKg-K- X 70K
1 out of 6 Mock form two chemistry examination Dodoma region
Heat energy produced by fuel = 588Kj
Heat value = heat energy produced by fuel/ mass of fuel burnt
= 588Kj/4Kg
Heat value = 147KjKg- or 147Jg-
Heat value of charcoal 147KjKj- or 147Jg- (5marks)

4. (a) Definition of term rust.

Rust is the reddish brown substance formed on the surface of iron or steel in the presence of oxygen
gas and moisture. (2 marks)
(b) The chemical formula of rust. is Fe2O3.XH2O. (2 marks)
(c) Briefly explain why iron in salt water rust faster than in fresh water?
Reason: In salt water there is high concentration of ions, some of these ions accelerate or speed up
the rate of oxidation process which is the first stage of rusting process of iron materials,
therefore the rusting process will be faster compared to that of cold water. (3 marks)
(d) Disadvantages of rusting process (the process that lead to the formation of rust) (any three) (3 marks)
i. Rust can cause weakening of iron materials
ii. Rust can cause the iron materials to become ugly/ to be unpleasant or to have bad
iii. Rust can cause the harp iron object to be blunt.
iv. Rust in some objects can cause some diseases like tetanus when you cut with it.

5. (a) Oxygen gas is collected by down displacement of water because it is slightly soluble or insoluble in
water and less dense than water. (2 marks)
(b) Briefly explain how you would test the presence of the following gases in air.
i. Oxygen gas: put the wooden glowing splint into a gas jar full of a gas, if the gas jar contain
oxygen gas the wooden glowing splint will relight. Or By relighting the wooden glowing splint.
(2 marks)
ii. Carbon dioxide gas
When carbon dioxide gas is bubbled in the lime water the lime water turns from into milky
colour. (2 marks)
(c) Reasons for why air is not termed as a compound. (Any four reasons) (4 marks)
i. Air has no specific formula.

2 out of 6 Mock form two chemistry examination Dodoma region

ii. Components of air vary from one place to another. I.e. its components are not combined in a
fixed ratio.
iii. The components of air combined physically and can be separated by physical means.
iv. The properties of air are the average of the properties of its individual components.
v. There is no energy is absorbed or given out when air is formed.

6. (a) Definition of experimentation (as used in scientific procedures).

This is a series of investigation used to test the hypothesis during scientific investigation. (2 marks)
(b) The father of one of the form two student was complaint about the failure of his daughter in science
subjects after receiving his daughter’s annual academic report. He decided to ask his daughter what
lead her to fail in those subjects, his daughter said that because she is not good in mathematics while
most of these subjects involves the applications of mathematics subject, although the language used
is well understood and is the same to all secondary subjects.
Use the above information to respond in the following questions.
i. The problem identified in above information is;
Failure of form two student or student in science subjects. (1 marks)
ii. The hypothesis formulated in above information.
Student’s performance in mathematics. (1 marks)
iii. Variables found in the above information.
Dependent variable
Academic progress in science subjects (1 marks)
Independent variable
Student progress in mathematics subject (1 marks)
Controlled variable
The language used in all subjects or examinations is the same (1 marks)
(c) Any three applications of scientific procedures in our daily life. (3 marks).
i. In scientific research.
ii. In project work.
iii. In field study.

7. (a)Element. (2 marks)
Element is a simple pure substance that cannot split into two or more simpler substances by any
chemical means or any chemical process.

3 out of 6 Mock form two chemistry examination Dodoma region

(b) Properties of electrovalent bond of ionic bond. (Any three) (3 marks)
i. It conduct electricity when in a fused or molten substance.
ii. It can lead to the formation of crystalline substances.
iii. Its compounds or substances are in solid states.
iv. Its compounds are soluble in water.
(c) The Latin name and chemical symbol of the following element. (6 marks).
Element Latin name Chemical symbol
Tungsten Wolfram W
Silver Argentum Ag
Mercury Hydragyrum K

8. (a)Suspension as used in chemistry. (2 marks)

Suspension is the heterogenous mixture of liquid contain undissolved solid particles that settle at
the bottom of the container when left for some time.
(b) Two general components of each of the following. (4 marks)
i. Solution = solvent and solutes.
ii. Aerosol = air (gases) and liquid droplets.
(c) Method of separating mixture used to obtain each of the following substances from its mixture;
(4 marks)
i. Cooking oil from groundnuts = solvent extraction method.
ii. Chlorophyll or green pigment from plant leaf = solvent extraction method.
iii. Oxygen gas from air = fractional distillation method.
iv. Sulphur from mixture of Sulphur and sand = sublimation method.

9. (a) terms;
i. Atom refers to the smallest particle of an element that takes part in a chemical reaction and can
exist in its own. Example sodium atom, oxygen atom etc. (2 marks)
ii. Isotopes refer to the atoms of the same element with the same atomic number and proton number
but different neutron number and mass number. (2 marks)
(b) Table of sub atomic particles. (3 marks)

Sub atomic particle Charge Location in the atom

4 out of 6 Mock form two chemistry examination Dodoma region

Positive charge(+1) (0.5 marks) In the nucleus (0.5 marks)

Neutron (0.5 marks) Zero In the nucleus (0.5 marks)

Electron (0.5 marks) Negative charge(-1) (0.5 marks) Orbit (shell)

(c) You have given an atom Y with the atomic number of 11, use the atomic number given to respond
on the following. (3 marks)

i. Proton number of atom Y above.

Solution: proton number = atomic number = 11
❖ Therefore the proton number is 11. (1 marks)
ii. The atomic mass or mass number of atom Y above.
Solution: for the mass number of atoms with atomic number of odd numbers
Formula: Mass number = 2 X atomic number + 1
= 2X 11+1
= 23.
❖ The mass number of atom Y is 23. (1 marks)
iii. Neutron number of atom Y above.
Data given: mass number = 23
Proton number = 11
Formula: mass number = proton number + neutron number.
Neutron number = mass number – proton number.
Neutron number = 23 - 11 =12
❖ Neutron number =12 (1 marks)

10. One of the form one student decided to separate the mixture of cooking oil and water which are mixed
accidentally, use this information to respond on the questions below;
i. What is the apparatus/equipment which can be used to separate the above mixture?
Separating funnel (2 marks)
ii. What is the name of the method used to separate this mixture?
Layer separation (2 marks)

5 out of 6 Mock form two chemistry examination Dodoma region

iii. Explanation
When these liquids kept in separating funnel and mix they make a distinct layer between them,
whereas water stays down and cooking oil floats over water because the density of oil is less
than that of water and the two layers formed are different in appearance, during separation
the layer of water will be collected first followed by the layer of cooking oil, this method is
known as layer separation. (3 marks)

Title: The diagram of separating mixture of cooking oil and water (@0.5 marks)
Structure of diagram: Separating funnel (@1 marks)
Labelling: separating funnel, water and cooking oil (@0.5 =1.5marks.)

6 out of 6 Mock form two chemistry examination Dodoma region

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