Black Modern Beach Trifold Brochure (3)

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Key What is it?

House Prices: The median house price in
major cities like Sydney and Melbourne
exceeds $1 million.

Rental Costs: Nationally, rents have

increased by over 15% in the past year.

Income vs. Housing Costs: Many

Australians spend over 30% of their
income on housing, a threshold that
denotes housing stress.

Impact on Australians:

Financial Stress: High housing costs strain

household budgets, leaving less for
essentials like food, healthcare, and
The significant challenge
education. faced by many Australians
in affording safe and
Homelessness: Increasing numbers of
Australians face homelessness due to the adequate housing. Rising CRISIS
inability to afford housing. property prices, increasing
rents, and stagnant wages
Generational Inequality: Younger contribute to this growing
generations find it increasingly difficult to
enter the property market.
Supporting Others
and Advocating for
1. Community Involvement:
Get Involved, Volunteer: Engage with local
organizations that support those
Stay Informed, facing housing stress and
and Make a homelessness.
Donate: Contribute to charities and
Difference! non-profits focused on housing
By understanding the housing affordability and support services.
affordability crisis and taking
2. Advocacy:
proactive steps, you can
Raise Awareness: Use social
mitigate its impact on yourself
media and community platforms
and help support others facing
to raise awareness about the
similar challenges. Use the housing crisis.
resources provided to stay Political Engagement: Write to local
informed and advocate for MPs and participate in public
meaningful change in your forums to advocate for policies
community. Together, we can addressing housing affordability.
work towards a future where
everyone has access to 3. Supporting Local Initiatives:
affordable, safe, and adequate Affordable Housing Projects:
housing. Support and promote local
affordable housing projects.
Education: Educate friends and
family about the crisis and ways
they can contribute to mitigating
the issue.
Mitigating the
Mitigating the Yourself
Issue for
3. Affordable Housing Options:
Community Housing:
Investigate community Government Resources:
Australian Government Housing
housing options that offer
more affordable rental
First Home Owner Grant Information:
Co-Housing: Consider co- 1. Financial Planning: Commonwealth Rent Assistance:
housing arrangements, Budgeting: Create a detailed
sharing expenses with others budget to manage income and
to reduce individual costs. expenses effectively. Non-Profit Organizations:
Savings Plan: Establish a Homelessness Australia:
savings plan dedicated to
4. Renting vs. Buying:
housing costs, including Community Housing Industry
Assess Needs: Evaluate your Association:
deposits and emergency funds.
financial situation and
lifestyle to determine The Salvation Army Housing:
whether renting or buying is 2. Government Assistance:
more viable. First Home Owner Grant: Explore
Research: Investigate Educational Resources:
eligibility for state-specific
AHURI (Australian Housing and
various suburbs and grants and concessions.
Urban Research Institute):
properties to find affordable Rent Assistance: Check if you
options that meet your qualify for Commonwealth Rent
Grattan Institute Housing Reports:
needs. Assistance to ease rental

Luxury Villa 02
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