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roll 1d8.

Subtract 1 from the roll for each thing on

You stand at the edge of a raised and broken causeway the bulleted list that the characters encountered
under a hazy, twilit sky. The causeway, which is built
from pale stones that glow faintly from within, towers
over the surrounding landscape, but large sections of it Elidon’s missing horn.
have crumbled away. The parts that remain in place are • The darkling’s shop in Downfall (area d10,
separated by large gaps where portions have collapsed. chapter 2).
A fog-shrouded swamp spreads out below you in all • Beneath Bavlorna’s cauldron (area D18,
directions, and up from its murk wafts the smell of rot- chapter 2).
ting plants. Also rising from the swamp is the music of • The unicorn costume (Little Oak, chapter 3).
nature—a discordant symphony of croaking frogs and
chapter 3).
singing birds.

Each character that hasn’t yet visited Hither gains

a level (to a maximum of 2nd level) upon arriving.
This is an opportune time to take a short break to
ensure the players can adjust their characters and to Time Flies When You’re
ask any questions that they might have in so doing.
Lost Things Having Fun!
of the carousel, they should each know who stole This portion of the adventure is open for the
characters to explore. Random encounters can
now by having its location revealed by Ellywick be used to reduce or increase the run-time of
this chapter.
Candlefoot (provided the characters recovered his This chapter can be broken down into
voice from Kettlesteam) as appropriate.

Chapter 2: Hither random encounters. Each of these random

encounters adds approximately thirty minutes to the
run time of this chapter.
Estimated Duration: 10 hours
Session 1. Arrival in Hither.
Running this Chapter Here the characters arrive in Hither, witness Sir
Each character that hasn’t yet visited Hither gains Talavar’s dramatic balloon crash, and encounter the
a level (to a maximum of 2nd level) upon starting harengon brigands. From here, the characters head
this chapter. This is an opportune time to take a to Slanty Tower to investigate the crashed balloon.
short break to ensure the players can adjust their There, they meet Sir Talavar. Along the way, the
characters and to ask any questions that they might characters participate in one random encounter one
have in so doing.
two random encounters, instead.
Lost Things in Hither
Session 2. The Quest for the Key
By now, the characters should each know who stole
Having learned of Sir Talavar’s plight, the
characters venture to Telemy Hill and meet
Jingle Jangle, who reveals her bullying by Agdon
should learn of its location at some point before
Longscarf and his brigands. After retrieving the
key to Sir Talavar’s cage, the characters are likely
dreaming about it being hidden away inside a
to return to Slanty Tower to free the faerie dragon.
Once done, they may venture to Brigand’s Tollway
in a nearby body of water spelling out the words
to confront Agdon. Along the way, the characters
“Bavlorna has it,” or one of Bavlorna’s lornlings
revealing its location under questioning.
Jingle Jangle, run two random encounters, instead.
Unicorn Horn Locations Session 3. Arrival at Downfall
Elidon’s lost horn can potentially be found in Here, the characters arrive in Downfall and explore
the bullywug village. The characters learn about the
and its location hasn’t been determined before the
characters arrive in one of its potential hiding spots, locations in Downfall. Each location should take

6 WBW The Wild Beyond the Witchlight Adaptation

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