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Parts of Article Critique Student Responses

Your First and Last Name
Author(s) First and Last Name Fabbro,
Publication Date: Year (within last ten years) 2021
Journal Name Journal of Modern Project Management
Journal Volume Vol 8
Journal Number No. 3
Journal Pages (range, ex. 1-10) 2317-3963
Article Abstract: highlight and copy the exact Abstract
abstract from the article chosen and paste This paper aims to analyze the different
the abstract here Project Management Maturity Models
(PMMM) and suggest how to select or
develop a model to assess the Project
Management Maturity of an organization.
While it seems consolidated to classify PM
into five levels, it would be helpful to
evaluate separately as "determinants of
maturity": a. the individuals (project
managers and team members), b. the
projects and how they are managed (with
extension to portfolio and programs too),
and c. the organization as a whole and its
capacity to deploy and apply Project
Management. This paper is the most recent,
complete review of PM.
Takeaway: Write complete sentences about  This paper evaluates several PMMMs
three things you have learned from the and provides guidance on how the
article in a bulleted list. intended organizations may select or
*The takeaway should be written in your build an applicable model for
own words with no similarity. assessing their project management
maturity levels.
 It suggests that, instead of the
*Students should type directly into the chart below.

traditional five-level classification of

PM, organizations should assess their
maturity by considering three
separate determinants: the people
aspect that involves the talent and
behaviour of individuals, the
processes that include managing
projects for portfolios and programs,
and the organizational business that
focuses on project management
implementation capability.
 The paper is indexed in the database
under the title “The Current State
and Development of Project
Management Maturity Models: A
Review,” which identifies the paper
as one of the most contemporary and
comprehensive reviews of recent
literature on the topic.

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