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Adult Services Program Proposals

1. YA Video Game Club

Name: YA Video Game Club

Date/Time: First Saturday of each month, 2:00–3:30 PM

Target Audience: Youth ages 12-17

Ideal Demographic: Teens interested in gaming

Target Attendance: 10-15 participants per session

Type: Recreational program

Planning/Conducting: Library Associate

Cost: $20 per session for snacks, funded by Friends of the Library

Additional Costs: $100 for new games every 2 years

Promotion: Library website, flyers, Facebook posts

Evaluation: Attendance tracking, participant feedback surveys

2. Trivia Night @ the Library

Name: Trivia Night @ the Library

Date/Time: Second Tuesday of each month, 5:30–7:30 PM

Target Audience: Adults

Ideal Demographic: Young adults ages 18-29

Target Attendance: 20-30 participants per session

Type: Primarily recreational, some educational elements

Planning/Conducting: Library Associate

Cost: $25 per session for prizes/supplies, funded by Friends of the Library
Promotion: Library website, social media, local event calendars

Evaluation: Attendance tracking, suggestion surveys (in-person and online)

3. Genealogy for Semi-Professionals

Name: Genealogy for Semi-Professionals

Date/Time: Last Tuesday of each month, 5:30–7:30 PM

Target Audience: Adults interested in genealogy research

Ideal Demographic: Adults with some genealogy experience

Target Attendance: 15-20 participants per session

Type: Educational program

Planning/Conducting: Local county archivist

Cost: Potential $100 stipend for guest lecturers, Zoom software costs

Promotion: Library website, genealogy society partnerships, social media

Evaluation: Online survey after each session

Program Discussion and Marketing Plans

YA Video Game Club:

This program is ideal for our library and community because it will fill a significant gap

left by the lack of engaging teen activities. In many libraries, reaching teens can be challenging,

and video game clubs give teens a fun way to come into the library without pressure.

Additionally, through video games, users can have opportunities for socialization and the

development of skills that are aligned with the educational mandate of the library.
The weekend afternoon timing also means that it is convenient with school time, as the

program will be available to most teenagers. Furthermore, the social aspect of the club matches

the developmental characteristic of adolescents who are in need of a social group and in search

of their identity. According to Edwards et al. (2013), "Libraries are places where people come to

know themselves and their communities." Accordingly, this program creates such space for our

teen clientele. In addition to this, there is evidence from other branches within our system that

such a program has a market, hence a likelihood of success. With the expansion to Green Cove

Springs, we are now covering an area that has not been touched before, thus allowing for equity

in our existing systems. This correlates well with our mission to treat all our members of the

community with equal regard.

As for the promotion of the YA Video Game Club, we will include a variety of

approaches targeting both teenagers and their parents. To begin with, we will rely on

collaborations we already have with schools in the area. We will design bright flyers to be put up

on the school's notice boards, generally on the pin boards around the school and specifically on

the teachers' notice boards where technology or computer science teachers may have students

who may be especially interested in games. We will also try to have the program featured in

school newsletters or even morning announcements.

It is for this reason that social media will form part of our marketing mix, as teens are

known to engage in social media frequently. Specifically, we will make content for Instagram

and TikTok, as these sites are used most often by our target audience. This might include brief

video tours of our gaming space, action-packed moments from previous sessions, or labelled

'getting to know the gamer' vignettes of regular attendees, where necessary. For word-of-mouth

promotions, we will establish a “bring a friend” whereby current members or attendees will be
given incentives such as little gifts or special privileges for bringing in more people. We will also

seek the assistance of our teen advisory board in the library to help publicize the program since

word from peers goes a long way among teenagers.

Another marketing strategy that will be employed is the in-library promotion. For

example, near the young adult book section, there will be an eye-catching gaming stand that will

contain information regarding the club and the most famous gaming-themed books and graphic

novels. This cross-promotion may also make club members curious and check out our YA

literature more often.

Trivia Night @ the Library:

Primarily, this new program's purpose is to bring young people to the library in a friendly

and recreational manner. According to Casey (2011), “Participatory library services have come a

long way over the past six years.” Relatively, our Trivia Night embodies this participatory model

and encourages patrons to engage with the library and with their fellow participants in a fun,

social manner. People love quizzes in pubs and restaurants, so organizing a library’s own trivia

night is a fun, alcohol-free event that is free. This is especially useful for those who may feel

awkward in bars or those who are seeking affordable forms of entertainment. The evening time

slot is suitable for younger working individuals, which makes it easier to appeal to our target


Furthermore, this program supports the library’s educational mandate while delivering

content wrapped in humor. In other words, it fosters the spirit of learning and curiosity, which is

in line with the pillars of our university. This makes it more exciting and motivating, thus

possibly encouraging the participants to search for more materials in the library for future trivia.

When advertising the Trivia Night event, we will focus on the social and mental benefits of
attending the event. Instead, we will use such phrases as “measure your knowledge and interact

with new people!” or “Sharpen the mind while having fun!”

Furthermore, marketing will heavily rely on social media platforms with an emphasis on

Instagram and Facebook, which are commonly used by people in the 18–29-year age bracket.

For this reason, we shall come up with attractive graphics that capture the competitive and joyful

aspects of trivia nights. Some of these may be pictures from previous events if the participants

agreed to have their picture taken, interesting sample trivia questions, or funny trivia memes. We

will also take advantage of the networks within local colleges and young professional groups to

market the event. Such measures could entail putting fliers around colleges, including the event

in monthly newsletters for college alumni, or speaking at young professionals’ meetings. In

particular, we will focus on how people can get to know each other and interact with one another

in an informal but scholarly setting.

Email marketing will also be used as a promotion tool. Based on the target demographic,

we will narrow down our patrons' age, to whom interesting emails with trivia teasers will be sent,

as well as focus on the social aspect of the event. We will also ask the current participants to

subscribe to the Trivia Night mailing list to receive updates and information on the themed

events. Within the library, the promotion will be in the form of standee ads placed near the

reference desk and other busy sections. We shall also educate our personnel to inform their

customers about the Trivia Night to those who may be interested in the event, especially those of

the target age group or the patrons who often borrow non-fiction books on various topics.

Genealogy for Semi-Professionals:

This online program serves the needs of older adults who wish to take their genealogy

skills to the next level. According to research, libraries contribute to solving social issues
(Edwards, 2013). Even though genealogy cannot be viewed as an issue, it is an essential and

inherent desire of people to know more about the origins of their ancestors. Hence, our program

will fulfill a major interest in the community and develop a resource that most people cannot

access on their own.

We can also get professional instruction for free through cooperation with the county

archivist, as we are utilizing community resources effectively. This means that more people can

participate, especially those who may not be able to travel due to disability or lack of

transportation means. It also allows us to invite guest speakers from other areas, which gives our

patrons a wider range of experts to listen to. The concept of ‘semi-professional’ thus meets a

need in many lacks in genealogy education that might primarily target newcomers or

experienced researchers. Therefore, such a middle ground is for those who are past the genealogy

beginner stage but do not want to take it to the extent of their career. Likewise, this correlates

well with the library's guiding philosophy of continuing education, which encourages the patrons

to advance their expertise.

The Genealogy for Semi-Professionals program will be marketed to individuals who

already have an interest in genealogy or local history and family research. The first strategy will

involve the use of collaborations with other genealogy and history organizations within the

region. This may entail presenting at their meetings, submitting articles to their bulletins, or

organizing joint celebratory activities. In the library setting, heavy emphasis will be placed on

the genealogy section with the aim of placing conspicuous places for both the program and other

related materials. We shall also publicize during any basic genealogy courses where it will be

marketed as the next level program. Staff will be trained to inform patrons about the program
when they are regular users of the genealogy section or have asked the reference librarian a

complicated genealogical question.

This program will be marketed using social media and email marketing. The content

creation will focus on the expert presenters and let potential participants know what kind of

knowledge they can expect to receive. For example, short video interviews with presenters,

articles with tips on genealogy, or graphic representations of complex genealogy concepts will be


These channels will also be employed to disseminate success stories from the participants

in the program. We might be able to interview patrons who made certain discoveries or made

great progress in their work because of the skills they acquired in the program with their

permission. Such personal stories may be an effective tool to encourage other people to follow

the same path. Since this program is fully online, advertisement online must be extremely

effective. For instance, this could involve ensuring that the content on our website is indexed by

popular search words and phrases and using social media channels to find and recruit


General Marketing Strategies:

First, in an effort to centralize all program information, the library's website will be the

primary source of outreach. For each program, unique pages will be designed and search engine

optimized, containing detailed information, frequently asked questions, and registration forms.

These programs will also be highlighted on our home page and in our site-wide calendar of

events section. All the programs will be promoted through our social media accounts, and

content will be according to the platform and users. For instance, Facebook could be used for
posting articles and forum discussions, Instagram could be used for posting eye-popping

promotional images, and Twitter could be used for sending periodic simple messages.

Another communication type that will be used is the email newsletters. As for our

mailing list, we will use segmentation to ensure that only the relevant audiences receive the

particular programs. For example, parents of teenagers will be informed about the Video Game

Club, whereas those who participated in historical-related events will be informed about the

Genealogy program. Promotional efforts within the library will involve flyers, posters, and

displays for all the programs. We will also ensure that our programming is united under a

singular brand through the use of similar visuals and messaging. This will amplify recognition

over the years and set the tone for our library as the hub of diverse and exciting programs.

Particularly, we will rely on partnerships with communities for the cross-promotion of

events whenever feasible. This could encompass stores, educational institutions, non-profit

organizations, or other establishments situated within a particular region. We will suggest that

they promote the events or services related to our programs in return for their promotion of the

programs. Local media shall also form part of the communication strategy. In this process, our

programs will be advertised in the community calendars of the local newspaper and local news

website. In the case of one-time occasions such as a big event or the launch of a program, we

will write press releases and come up with story angles to submit to the local media. Arguably,

word of mouth is one of the most effective promotional strategies, especially within a compact

society. We will facilitate this by delivering better experiences that people would like to share

and by directly asking happy participants to share about it.

Evaluation and Refinement:

Most importantly, these marketing strategies will not stop once the programs are on the

ground. The strategies will be assessed and adjusted depending on the success achieved in the

process. This evidence strengthens Dubicki's (2007) argument that evaluation is a crucial part of

the comprehensive marketing process. This information will include the total number of people

who attended each program, views on social media platforms, and data collected from the

feedback forms that the participants will be required to fill out. This data will then help

determine the efficacy of different marketing channels for each program and make changes

where needed. We will also take into account the quality of the feedback and comments from the

participants as well as from the staff. This will be beneficial in understanding how our patrons

view our programs and what features are of interest to them.

Building a Marketing Culture:

While the above strategies are equally critical, nurturing the marketing culture of our

library staff remains equally important. According to Casey (2011), "is open and transparent, and

it communicates with its community through many mechanisms." Hence, the library will try to

ensure that every member of staff is experienced and ready to promote the programs. We will

convene regular staff meetings to brief the staff on events that will be held in the near future and

to discuss ideas about promotions. In our case, we shall encourage the staff to attend the

programs themselves whenever this is possible so that they can talk about the programs from

their own experience. We will also give training in customer relations and elevator pitches about

our programs so that every time a patron encounters us, it is a chance for promotion. In line with

Houghton-Jan (2007), we will consider putting our librarians into expert-seeking directories,

presenting them as community figures and thus indirectly advertising our programs.
Conclusively, utilizing these unique and specific advertising techniques, we propose

elevating the overall awareness and participation in new programs considerably. Even more

critical, we would like to underscore the library as an active, relevant community entity that is

essential for people of various ages and with diverse interests. Marketing, especially digital

marketing, is not a stagnant industry, and we are dedicated to adapting to new changes to

improve our community. According to Florida’s Bureau of Library Development (2016), one of

the essentials needed for marketing is to foster a marketing culture within your organization. In

an effort to maintain this approach, we will also aim to instill a marketing consciousness among

all our employees so that everyone feels like they are part of the marketing team for the

programs and services offered.

In addition, further consideration will be given to cooperation with other institutions,

such as academic libraries. Similarly, Laddusaw and Wilhelm (2018) illustrate the advantages of

such cooperation in the case of an academic and public library. In this case, our current programs

are based on our public library environment; however, we may consider working with nearby

universities and colleges to promote mutual resources or share resources in the future. In this

way, we are not only selling each particular program but the library as a whole to our

community. Ultimately, promoting these fun, diverse programs highlights the benefit of libraries,

making sure that the Green Cove Springs library continues to thrive in the future.

Public Service Announcement and Social Media Announcement

Public Service Announcement:

Ladies and gentlemen of Green Cove Springs! Your local library is thrilled to share with

you three completely new programs to be launched this month that will be helpful and interesting

to everyone.
Our new program for teen patrons will be the Monthly YA Video Game Club. Come to

play games with us on the first Saturday of every month between 2:00 PM and 3:30 PM, and

enjoy snacks and fellowship with other players. Regardless of whether you're a beginner or

someone who has played numerous games, everyone is welcome. This free program is

recommended for ages 12-17.

Adults, hold it; let's challenge your brains by taking part in our newest program, Trivia

Night @ the Library! Starting immediately, every second Tuesday starting at 5:30 to 7:30 PM,

there will be an evening of fun, facts, and friendly rivalry. You can join a team or go alone – it is

not only an opportunity to make new friends but also to exercise your brain. Awards will also be

given to the outstanding teams. This free event is perfect for young adults and trivia lovers of any


Now, we have a brand-new online curriculum available for anyone who wants to go

further into family history research: Genealogy for Semi-Professionals. We invite you to attend a

webinar on the last Tuesday of every month from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM with professional

genealogists and archivists demonstrating advanced methods. This program is ideal for those

who have prior experience in genealogy research and wish to go to the next level.

These programs are all free, and anyone who is interested can participate. It is our way of

stating that we will continue to offer distinct programs for the benefit of all members of society.

Your library is not only a collection of books, but it's a teaching, social, and community


For more information or to register for any of the above programs, please visit our

website at [Library Website] or contact us at [Phone Number]. You can also pick up a full

schedule of events at the library.

Bear in mind your library card is your key to a wealth of opportunities. If you do not

currently have one, you can sign up quickly and without cost as a member of the Green Cove

Springs community.

Looking forward to seeing you at these new and interesting programs coming up. Your

library-The place for building community!

Social Media Announcement:

Facebook Post: Hello, Green Cove Springs. You have some exciting news! Get ready to level

up Your library with THREE new programs!

 Calling all teen gamers! Join our monthly YA Video Game Club every first Saturday, 2–

3:30 PM. Snacks, games, and new friends await! Ages 12-17 welcome.

 Think you know it all? Prove it at Trivia Night @ the Library! Second Tuesdays, 5:30–

7:30 PM. Bring your friends or meet new ones as you compete for prizes!

 Genealogy buffs, this one's for you! Join our online Genealogy for Semi-Professionals

program on the last Tuesday of each month, 5:30–7:30 PM. Level up your research skills

with expert guidance.

All programs are FREE! Visit our website or call [phone number] for more info and to register.

Your library card is your pass to all this awesomeness. Don't have one? Get yours today!

#GreenCoveLibrary #CommunityPrograms #FreeEvents

Twitter Thread:

 1/4 Big news, Green Cove Springs! Your library is launching 3 exciting new programs!

 2/4 For teens: Monthly Video Game Club, 1st Saturdays, 2–3:30 PM. Game on! 🎮
 3/4 For everyone: Trivia Night @ the Library, 2nd Tuesdays, 5:30-7:30 PM. Test your


 4/4 For genealogy enthusiasts: Online Genealogy for Semi-Pros, last Tuesdays, 5:30–

7:30 PM. Dive deeper into your family history!

All FREE! Visit [library website] to learn more and register. #GreenCoveLibrary

Instagram Post: [Image: Collage of video games, trivia buzzers, and genealogy charts]

New at your library!

 YA Video Game Club: 1st Saturdays, 2–3:30 PM

 Trivia Night @ the Library: 2nd Tuesdays, 5:30-7:30 PM

 Online Genealogy for Semi-Pros: Last Tuesdays, 5:30–7:30 PM

All programs are FREE and open to the community! Swipe for details on each program.

Register now at [library website] or call us at [phone number]. Don't forget, your library card is

your ticket to all this and more!

#GreenCoveLibrary #CommunityPrograms #FreeEvents #LibrariesTransform

TikTok Video Script:

[Librarian dancing to upbeat music]

Text overlay: "New at your library!"

[Switch to game controller] "YA Video Game Club, 1st Saturdays"

[Switch to question mark] "Trivia Night, 2nd Tuesdays."

[Switch to family tree] "Genealogy online, last Tuesdays"

[Librarian holds up library card] "Your ticket to awesome, free programs!"

Text overlay: "Visit [library website] to learn more and register"

Caption: New programs are dropping at Green Cove Springs Library! Which one are you excited


#LibraryTok #FreeEvents #CommunityPrograms

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