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Grade: 9

Subject: Natural Sciences

Topic: Reaction of Metals with Oxygen
Total marks: 20
Time: 45 minutes
- Answer all questions
- Write neatly and legibly

Question 1

1.1 Answer the following questions in your answer book.

1.1.1 Name all the reactants needed to form rust.


1.1.2 List three ways in which rust can be prevented.


1.1.3 Explain how painting an iron surface will prevent it from rusting.

1.1.4 Explain the meaning of electroplating.


1.1.5 Explain why zinc and chromium are used to electroplate iron.

1.1.6 Give reasons to explain why steel is used in damp environments, rather than pure iron.

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Classwork/homework - Memorandum MARKS [20]

Question 1

1.1.1 Iron, ✓ oxygen, ✓ water ✓

1.1.2 Painting, ✓ electroplating ✓ with zinc or chromium, and galvanisation ✓
1.1.3 Paint will form a barrier ✓ on the iron surface that will prevent ✓ contact with both oxygen ✓ and water. ✓
1.1.4 Electroplating: the process of adding a thin layer ✓ of corrosion-resistant ✓ metal like zinc and chromium to a
metal ✓ surface by using an electrical current. ✓
1.1.5 Zinc and chromium are very resistant ✓ to rusting. ✓ OR They do not react easily with oxygen.
1.1.6 Steel contains metal ingredients such as zinc, ✓ chromium and nickel that are corrosion ✓ resistant and make it
less vulnerable to rusting. ✓ Pure iron has no protection and will rust fast and severely. Steel is stronger and harder ✓
than iron.


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