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OSG Customs Presents

Version 1.0
Released Aug 14th, 2020
Welcome to Stochastic Insurgence. This custom campaign system provides a random mission generator
and the rules for a “connected mission” solo campaign for the futuristic abstract-euro deck
building game, Renegade, published by Victory Point Games and lovingly crafted by Richard Wilkins
(aka Ricky Royal). A heartfelt “Thank You” to both for producing and designing this unique and
enjoyable game.

stochastic (adjective): having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed
statistically but may not be predicted precisely.

insurgence (noun): an act of rising in active revolt.

After the complete absorption of Chaos Theory into the SMC consciousness, the original hacking
tactics of the Renegades suddenly became obsolete. No longer were the standard RNG attacks on
Mother able to lessen her hold on the Network. The future was bleak, that much was predictable.

Rupert Stanz, infamous Renegade Leader, realized these outdated chaos-based tactics had to be
abandoned for a completely unpredictable approach. In response, he developed a novel strategy
based on the stochastic nature of humanity itself. By channeling powerful entropic energy into a
new network-wide uprising, the Renegades are now closer than ever to bringing down MOTHER, her
SMC cabal, AND the newest SMC threat - SENTINEL.

This avant-garde campaign brings together Renegades from all areas of the Network and beyond,
coordinating resources for humanity’s last stand. No longer does the fate of the world rely on a
ancient chaotic revolution. Instead, it depends on a multi-threaded assault of unpredictability.
A Stochastic Insurgence.

Stochastic (“Stuh-cast-isk”) Insurgence is a Campaign System that introduces new mechanics to the
space BETWEEN games of Renegade. In addition to providing the overall campaign goal of releasing
three critical Code Fragments, it introduces three new phases surrounding the conventional
Renegade gameplay. Phase 1: Insurgence Event, reveals a random event that modifies the rules of
the upcoming mission. Phase 2: Mission Preparation, determines the specifics of the mission (SMC,
Renegade, Server Type, and Infection Dice) and can push your luck by spending a new reroll
resource called Glitch. Phase 3: Mission
Execution is the regular Renegade gameplay.
Finally, during Phase 4: Mission Resolution
the mission outcome is resolved in the
context of the overall campaign.
To claim a Stochastic Insurgence victory, you must release 3 Code Fragments (CF) before 4
Renegades are BANNED. In each 4-phase cycle, Renegades must defeat a randomized SMCs to gain
Surge, a resource symbolizing the increasing strength of the Renegade insurgence. The amount of
Surge awarded after each mission is equal to the defeated SMC difficulty (the number of skull
icons on the SMC card). A SMC is defeated by reaching the end of its final Countermeasure “Sparks
Move” step without triggering an end of game condition. Once a minimum Surge level is reached and
a specific SMC defeated, Code Fragments are released once per campaign, as described below.

If you have 0 Code Fragments and 4+ Surge, a win against Logi will
release the Level 1 Code Fragment. If you ever have 8+ Surge and
0 Code Fragments, the next mission’s SMC is AUTOMATICALLY Logi.

If you have <2 Code Fragments and 10+ Surge, a win against Mother will
release the Level 2 Code Fragment. If you ever have 15+ Surge and
<2 Code Fragments, the next mission's SMC is AUTOMATICALLY Mother.

If you have 2 Code Fragments and 20+ Surge, a win against Sentinel will
release the Level 3 Code Fragment, complete the shutdown routine
and win the campaign! If you ever have 25+ Surge and 2 Code Fragments,
the next mission's SMC is AUTOMATICALLY SENTINEL.

If you are defeated, the Renegade used for that mission is BANNED. The Renegade can no longer be
included in missions and is considered a reroll during Phase Two: Mission Preparation. If more
than three Renegades are ever BANNED at the same time, the campaign ends and the Renegades have
lost. Mother has learned of your campaign an unleashed SENTINEL to shut it down. However, if
during a victory you score 100+ points you get 1 bonus Surge, accelerating your efforts. If the
SMC defeated is Mother or SENTINEL and you score 100+ points, you scrub a BANNED Renegade’s file
(a Renegade of your choice is no longer BANNED), buying time for the insurgence to strengthen.

This phase represents what unfolds in the physical world between Renegade missions on the
Network. It is the outcome of IRL efforts of the Renegades to gain the upper hand for the
subsequent mission. Sometimes their efforts pay off - resulting in a benefit for the next
mission. Other times, things might not go so well, and they will incur a penalty instead.

To determine what takes place, roll the Standard Infection Dice (RED and BLACK) to determine the
event number. Using the RED die as the first digit and the BLACK die as the second digit. Look
up the resulting number on the “Phase 1 Table” at the end of this document. Follow the
instructions for the numbered event, making any choices required and noting the perks and
penalties associated with the outcome.

This Phase introduces a new resource to the game - Glitch. A Glitch is a valuable line of code
that allows the Renegades “bump” a section of SMC code backward in time, forcing a Network
condition rewrite.
This phase represents the generation of battlefield conditions for the mission. Using any Glitch
collected from the Insurgence Event result, the goal is to strategically push-your-luck to set
the Renegades up for mission success. By performing a number of successive Server Die rolls, the
following mission conditions will be set: Intel Level, SMC, Server Tile; Renegade, and Infection
Dice. The number and order of these rolls will depend on luck and careful use of any earlier
awarded Glitch.

To set these conditions, follow the program logic flow chart presented in the “Phase 2 Chart” at
the end of this document. Start at “A) Intel Roll” to determine the level of Intel you have for
the mission. When you come to a diamond shape answer the question posed. If the options are
simply Yes and No, answer the question based on what has unfolded so far. If the options are Yes
with RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and No with YVA (Yellow, Violet, Avatar), you must roll the Server
Die and follow the path labeled with the die result. If you roll Red, Green or Blue, follow the
Yes path. If you roll Yellow, Violet, or the White avatar symbol, follow the No path. Continue
following the logic through the chart, answering all diamond shape decisions and rolling as
needed until you have determined all conditions of the mission.

After any Server Die roll during this phase, you can spend one Glitch to reroll the die for a new
result. You can use Rootkit counters (purple contaminants) to keep track of your Glitch as it is
accumulated during Phase 1. Glitch cannot be carried beyond the current mission setup unless an
Insurgence Event specifically states otherwise. When you want to reroll a Server Die, simply
discard one of the counters from your Glitch pool and roll the Server Die again, ignoring the
earlier result and replacing it with the new one. If you have Glitch remaining, you may continue
to discard it to reroll that same roll, or save it to reroll future mission preparation rolls.
There is no limit to how many Glitch can be spent on a single roll, but they can only be spent to
affect decisions where there is a roll made. Glitch cannot change the outcome of a Yes/No
question UNLESS it indicates it is a roll, with RGB at the Yes choice arrow and YVA at the No
choice arrow.. Remember that if you have agreed to any perks or penalties during the Insurgence
Event Phase that force a predetermined result for any of these conditions, you cannot spend
Glitch change the agreed to result

Each of the main Mission Preparation rolls are described briefly below. Note that the order of
these rolls may change depending on the outcome of the initial Intel Roll.

A) Intel Roll: This roll determines the amount of intelligence the Renegades have been able to
gather on the details of the next mission. The efforts of all the Renegades and their contacts,
supporters, and friends are wrapped up in the outcome of the roll. If you are lucky enough to
have Intel, you will know the identity of the SMC (with Full and Partial Intel) and possibly the
front sides of the upcoming Countermeasures (Full Intel only) BEFORE setting up the other mission
conditions. Otherwise, you’ll be in the dark and only learn which SMC you are up against after
you have prepared most of the mission.
B) SMC Roll: This roll determines the SMC for the mission. Roll the server die and compare the
result to the chart below, or consult the applicable result box on the Phase 2 chart, which shows
the same information. The CF number is the number of Code Fragments you have released.

CF=0 CF=1 CF=2

Red Spider Reroll Reroll
Green GLOM GLOM Reroll
Blue Viking Viking Viking
Yellow Logi Logi Logi
Violet Reroll Mother Mother
Avatar Reroll Reroll SENTINEL

If you have Full Intel, you will create the Countermeasures deck for the SMC rolled and review
the front sides of the cards. If you have Full or Partial Intel, review the SMC defenses. You
can use this reconnaissance to influence how you spend your Glitch on future rolls and how you
set up the Server Tiles in the next step. If you have No Intel - BEWARE, you won’t make the SMC
roll until you have already set up the Server and determined your Renegade.

C) Server Roll: This roll determines the type of servers in play for the mission, either Standard
(mono-colored) or Fractured (multi-colored).

D) Renegade Roll: This roll determines which of the available Renegades will be going on the
mission. If you roll a result that indicates a BANNED Renegade, you must ignore it and reroll
until you get a result for an available Renegade.

E) Infect Roll: This roll decides which type of Infection Dice the SMC will use. Renegades always
use the RED die for Infect actions and Virus Battles, but the SMC has options. If you roll the
STD Infect Dice (Yes), the SMC will use the standard BLACK die. If you roll the ICE Infect Dice
(No), you will be up against the Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics (d-ICE) Mode. Instead of
rolling the BLACK Infection Die for the SMC result, you roll the colored die corresponding to the
current Countermeasures strength (Copper, Silver, or Gold). Be warned, the higher the CM level,
the more difficult their defenses will be to combat.

The next phase in the cycle is Phase 3: Mission Execution. During this phase you play out the
mission as you would any standard game of Renegade, except using the mission conditions
determined from Phase 2. Also, remember to carry over any starting conditions or other special
effects from the Insurgence Event Phase. Good Luck! When the game ends, record your score if
successful and continue on to Phase 4: Mission Resolution.
+1 Point for each 5 Sparks in pool
+5 Points for each Guardian in pool
+1 Point for each Installation in Network
+25 Points for each Security Level DEFEAT
Welcome back to Sapporo’s Susukino District, Renegade. Was your mission a success? In this fourth
and final phase of the cycle, the rewards of mission success or the penalties of failure will be
assessed. Hopefully, your efforts have moved the Renegades closer to releasing the three critical
Code Fragments required to maintain what is left of civilization. Fingers crossed.

SUCCESS: If you reached the end of the final “Sparks Move” step of the last CM card for the SMC,
the mission was successful. Follow the list below to resolve mission success.
• Gain Surge equal to the difficulty of the SMC you defeated (number of skull icons on
the SMC card).
• If you scored 100+ points, gain 1 bonus Surge.
• If you scored 100+ points and defeated Mother or SENTINEL you scrub a BANNED
Renegade’s file (a Renegade of your choice is no longer BANNED, if one is available).
• If conditions for releasing a Code Fragment have been met (see “Winning the
Campaign”), release the fragment and celebrate.
• If you have released 2 or less Code Fragments, wake up to the reality of SMC
domination, you may have won the battle but the war is far from over. Proceed to
Phase 1 to resolve another Insurgence Event and restart the cycle, Good Luck!
• If you have released the third and final Code Fragment, Thank you Renegade. You have
won the campaign and moved humanity closer to salvation. Congratulations.


FAILURE: If you reached an end of game state before the final “Move Sparks” step of the last CM
card for the SMC, the mission has failed. Follow the list below to resolve mission failure.
• The Renegade used in the failed mission is BANNED. They can no longer be included in
missions and are considered rerolls during Phase 2: Mission Preparation.
• REMEMBER If more than three Renegades are ever BANNED at the same time, the campaign
ends and the Renegades lose.
• Proceed to Phase 1 to resolve another Insurgence Event restarting the cycle.
Good Luck!

Scale the difficulty for the challenge YOU want. The progressive difficulty of the three Code
Fragment challenges above is the default (“standard”) way to play Stochastic Insurgency.
However, you can adjust the Code Fragment succession to tune the difficulty as you like. An
“Easy” mode may be repeating the first Code Fragment release three times - resetting your CF
inventory to zero at the start of each mission (this maintains a lower difficulty for the
events). Or, if you want a more difficult experience, repeat only the third Code Fragment release
three times - keeping your CF inventory at 2 for the
entire game. Any combination of Code Fragment
releases can be used to make up the campaign
Challenge you are looking for.
Failure may actually equal success. Some CM failure results are actually LESS severe depending on
the CM in play and the status of the Servers on the Network. Even if there is no possible path to
success, don't give up. Work on clearing threatening Sparks and see if the penalty is really as
severe as you think. Then again, if you have a cascade of Spark Explosions ready to burst – it
may be too late.

Use Glitch based on your Intel Level to maximize your chance of success. Depending on the type of
player you are this may require focusing on different aspects of the mission. Many will
prioritize Full Intel, but I have seen games won due to a well piloted Renegade with No Intel.
Fractured Servers do add uncertainty and can be disorienting, but perhaps your particular
strategy of choice rests on Tilda Sweet and her ability to carry Sparks. You have to explore how
you play Renegade and spend Glitch on what will get you closer to victory - which is something
that may change with time, as you learn more about SMC setups and rulesets, their CM details, and
the Hack Shack cards available.

Don't underestimate the lower difficulty SMCs. Even early on, they can be deadly when combined
with Fractured Servers or D-ICE. Even with Standard settings, a tough combo of CM cards or a bad
Infection roll can turn a mission on its head quickly, so don't get too comfortable.

After 20+ games of standard ruleset Renegade, I began using the Server Die to randomize the SMC.
Eventually, I did the same with Renegade used, Server Tile type and ICE, which added an
unexpected challenge to each game. Once I discovered the Full Intel variant (Where you DO get to
see the Countermeasures) I began to randomize that roll as well.

I called this roll the “Intel Roll”, and it eventually included a secondary roll to see if you
got to know just the SMC or the CM details as well. Then, the Renegade roll got this secondary
roll, in this case to determine between the Primary or Alternate version. I was excited to get
this randomized mission setup “flowchart” documented - and then something really cool happened.

I was listening to old school miniature playthroughs on YouTube. Specifically, Guerilla Miniature
Games, where Ash Barker was playing Warhammer Quest. I enjoyed the randomness of the inter-quest
city events and thought a similar event mechanic was just what the mission generator needed to
become a more complete package. From that goal spawned the new Glitch resource, which added
inter-mission player decisions as a subtle push-your-luck mechanic.

I hope people enjoy how Stochastic Insurgence has evolved. I considered adding more narrative
content to the mechanics presented here, but the excitement of board games for me has always been
the emerging narrative that flows from randomized mechanics rather than an unchanging on-rails
narrative. I am hoping other players may feel that way too, especially since the world Ricky
Royal dropped us all into is so amazing to begin with.

Now, grab a Ginger Cool and take down SENTINEL! The Stochastic Insurgence waits for no one.
oldschoolgamr | August 14th, 2020

Ex. Event #42

11 » you may look at the back of the first copper countermeasure card at any time
12 » if you use an alt renegade pick an additional starting contaminant, otherwise add a random contaminant
13 » if you use an alt renegade add an extra starting contaminant, otherwise add a random contaminant
14 » if you use an alt renegade start on any home server partition, otherwise start on a random home server partition
15 » in you use an alt renegade no effect, otherwise start with an extra spark on your access point
16 » before stocking hack shack swap the top card of your basic command deck with the top card of the hack shack deck
17 » for each unused glitch you have after setup, remove 1 spark from anywhere on the network; gain 4-#CF glitch
18 » spend 2 surge or use 4 guardians in pool; if you spend the surge, gain 1 glitch; otherwise gain 2 surge and 3 glitch
19 » after SMC defenses are set you may reorient 1 server tile [follow setup rules and cannot disconnect other tiles]
20 » gain 3 glitch
21 » you may carry glitch from this mission into setup following one; gain 2 glitch; roll another event
22 » when the first copper countermeasure card is revealed you may discard it and draw a new one
23 » the first installation created from contaminants costs 1 contaminant less; gain 1 glitch
24 » reroll the RED die of this Insurgence Event roll and then choose any side of the BLACK die for your new event
25 » if you have 1+ code fragments start in a random partition and random server, otherwise gain 2 glitch
26 » if you have 0 code fragments choose any side of the BLACK die for you new event; otherwise reroll it
27 » roll 3 random partitions after setup; 0 CF: delete sparks; 1 CF: +1 spark if empty; 2 CF: sparks become flares
28 » skip the infect roll [E] and replace black die with [0 CF: copper ICE; 1 CF: silver ICE; 2 CF: gold ICE]
29 » roll partition die and gain X glitch [if 1+ CF, divide X by two – rounding up]
30 » roll partition die and place X sparks anywhere on network after setup [if 0 CF, divide X by 2 – rounding down]
31 » ban a random primary renegade to gain 3 surge, otherwise lose 1 surge and gain 2 glitch
32 » ban a random primary renegade or lose 3 surge [regardless, gain 2 glitch]
33 » you may look at the back of the first silver countermeasure card at any time
34 » you may use Twins to gain 1 glitch and another event; otherwise place starting contaminant in random partition
35 » you may use Angel to gain 1 glitch and another event; otherwise place starting contaminant in random partition
36 » you may use Devon to gain 1 glitch and another event; otherwise place starting contaminant in random partition
37 » you may use Tokyo to gain 1 glitch and another event; otherwise place starting contaminant in random partition
38 » you may use Rupert to gain 2 surge; otherwise gain 1 glitch [if Rupert loses, ban random available primary renegade]
39 » you may choose fractured servers (skip server roll) and gain 2 glitch [if you have 0 CF, gain 3 glitch instead of 2]
40 » you may choose ICE dice (skip infect roll) and gain 2 glitch [if you have 0 CF, gain 3 glitch instead of 2]
41 » you may choose no intel (skip intel roll) and gain 2 glitch [if you have 0 CF, gain 3 glitch instead of 2]
42 » pick a color and roll server die; if you roll that color you may choose any SMC from the current CF level choices
43 » if 1+ renegades banned, you may have partial intel; otherwise you may glitch intel roll once for free
44 » when the first silver countermeasure card is revealed you may discard it and draw a new one
45 » the first time a spark moves (not placed) into a partition with another spark create a guardian; gain 3-#CF glitch
46 » the first spark placed after setup will move into the highest adjacent partition with spark(s); gain 3-#CF glitch
47 » the first flare you place after setup will neutralize a contaminate in an adjacent partition; gain 3-#CF glitch
48 » spend 1 surge or use 24 sparks in pool; if you spend the surge, gain 1 glitch; otherwise gain 1 surge and 3 glitch
49 » place the first guardian formed as a firewall; gain 3 glitch
50 » gain 5 glitch
51 » only the SMC roll can be glitched; gain 3 glitch
52 » the SMC roll cannot be glitched; gain 3 glitch
53 » only the renegade roll can be glitched; gain 3 glitch
54 » the renegade roll cannot be glitched; gain 3 glitch
55 » you may look at the back of the first gold countermeasure card at any time
56 » you may mulligan once without adding a spark to your access point
57 » you must use the alt renegade of the renegade roll [roll once for an alternate renegade result]
58 » you may use the alt renegade of the renegade roll to gain 2 glitch [roll once for an alternate renegade result]
59 » you start with an extra spark in a random partition on you home server; gain 2 glitch
60 » roll infect dice; if win gain 1 glitch – you may repeat until you have 6 glitch or fail – if fail lose all glitch
61 » if all yellow renegades are not banned, use STD servers; otherwise you may glitch server roll once for free
62 » if all green renegades are not banned, use any renegade; otherwise you may glitch renegade roll once for free
63 » if all red renegades are not banned, use STD infect dice; otherwise you may glitch infect roll once for free
64 » if all blue renegades are not banned, use full intel; otherwise you may glitch intel roll once for free
65 » you may swap a banned renegade with an available one; if no renegades are banned, gain 1 glitch
66 » when the first gold countermeasure card is revealed you may discard it and draw a new one
A Intel
Intel? YES
Intel? YES
Goto B
No Partial
Intel Intel
Goto C Goto B

R Spider Y Logi
B Viking
NO NO If Logi Defeat
AND have 4+ Surge
Logi Release CF Level 1
Gaining Momentum

Have < 15 R Reroll Y Logi

< 2 CF? Surge? G GLOM V Mother
YES YES B Viking A Reroll
If Mother Defeat
NO NO AND have 10+ Surge
Release CF Level 2
Mother Advantage Growing

< 25 R Reroll Y Logi

Surge? G Reroll V Mother
NO AND have 20+ Surge
Release CF Level 3
SENTINEL Campaign Victory!

Set up Full
and check Intel?
Set up CM Deck YES
C Server
Goto D
Defenses Partial
Set up Goto C YES Intel?
Servers NO
Goto D Set up
SMC Defenses
Data Nodes
Goto E
RGB R Oshin Y Hettie
Gades? B
Set up
Have SMC Defenses
R Angel Y Twins Data Nodes
B Tokyo V Rupert NO Goto E
G Devon A Reroll
Set up
RGB Set up STD Goto B
E Infect
Set up ICE Prep
Infect Complete
Good Luck!

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