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CHV2O1 Unit 2: Culminating Assignment NAME: __________________


Now that you have had a chance to look at several rights documents, it’s time to dig a little deeper!
Choose one (1) article from either the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The UN Conven-
tion of the Child OR the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

1. Create a visual that symbolizes the article chosen. Remember that this should be universal
– everyone must be able to see it and understand it, including those who are unable to read!
Therefore, do not use numeric or alphabetical symbols. The use of colour is also impor-
tant! This can be hand drawn, computer generated, a collage … think outside the box!

2. Investigate one (1) Canadian case or situation where this right is being abused or vio-
lated. This will require a bit of research. (good research skills will be discussed in class).

3. What has been the response to this human rights violation? Government intervention, NGO
involvement, no action, etc. Assess the effectiveness of that response.

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

Proofs Student is able to re- Student is able to Student struggles to Student has great diffi-
search, gather and or- research, gather and locate, gather and culty gathering, re-
ganize the most useful organize informa- organize informa- searching and organiz-
Application and appropriate infor- tion with little diffi- tion for their pur- ing any information.
/10 mation. Information is culty. Information pose. Information is Their organizer has
highly detailed. appropriate for general and lacks very little information
their purpose detail. at all.

Making connections Student makes insight- Student makes clear Student makes few Student makes vague
between arguments ful and concrete con- and appropriate connections be- connections between
and explanation nections between the connections be- tween argument the arguments and
argument and proofs tween argument and proofs made in proofs made in relation
Thinking made in relation to the and proofs made in relation to the hu- to the human rights vio-
/10 human rights violation relation to the hu- man rights viola- lation.
man rights violation tion. Not enough de-
tail in explanations.

Research (5Ws) Research on rights vi- Research on rights Research on rights Research on the human
olation is thorough, in- violation is consid- violation lacks rights violation is in-
Knowledge depth and thoughtful erable and thought- depth and clarity complete
/10 ful

Symbol Is able to effectively Is able to effectively Is able to somewhat Has demonstrated lim-
communicate the right communicate the communicate the ited ability to communi-
being violated through right being violated right being violated cate the right being vio-
Communication the use of sophisti- through the use of through the use of lated through the use of
/10 cated symbols appropriate sym- adequate symbols symbols
CHV2O1 Unit 2: Culminating Assignment NAME: __________________

1. Identify the Violation using the 5Ws:

5Ws Explanation Source

(Whose rights are
being violated?)

(What has hap-

(Where in the world
is this taking place?)

(When has this viola-
tion taken place?)

(Why has this human
right been violated?)

2. Breaking it Down:
Which document does the human rights violation above come from: Circle one
● The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
● The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
● The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
Identify and describe the Article number that has been violated:

Article Number violated Description

CHV2O1 Unit 2: Culminating Assignment NAME: __________________

Evidence: Provide 1 piece of evidence that demonstrates how the right is being violated

Point #1:



Response to Human Right Violation: Identify who or what organization responded to your
chosen violation and evaluate how effective and appropriate their response was. Use the
space below to respond:

CHV2O1 Unit 2: Culminating Assignment NAME: __________________


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