GLC2O Evaluation - All About You Self-Reflection (1)

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Part 1: A Day In Your Life

1. What do you do on a daily basis that helps you to work towards your goals - think about
school, volunteer hours, extracurriculars, etc.?

In my daily life I try to as much as I can balance my time between school and hanging out with family
and friends. I represent this in my collage by adding a photo of watching tb with family,eating dinner
with family and hanging out with friends. As for extracurriculars I represent that by adding an arabic
classroom and adding the times that I go to it for.

2. What evidence in your day demonstrates any of your interests, values, passions, or strengths?

I have an interest in learning more about my religion, and I represented that by adding a woman
reading the Quran. I also added someone who is doing calligraphy, as I am currently learning it and it
has become a recent hobby of mine. I also added someone to design pieces of clothing because I
really enjoy doing that and hope to make it part of a future business.

3. What part of your day, or something that you typically do during your day, do you think you
could make a part of your life in your future job?

I think my work ethic throughout my daily life could help me through my life in terms of my future job.
In the future I would like to make my own online business so I think my passion for designing clothes
and calligraphy could really be something that I could do to create something special.

Part 2: myBlueprint Surveys

100-150 words per answer for a total

Reflection Questions of 300 words maximum total in this reflection.

Use sentence form.

To find the word count:

Highlight your answer, select Tools from the
menu above and click ‘Word Count’

What did you learn about

yourself from the online quiz From the quiz 'Motivations', it states, "You'll want to find
results? opportunities where collaboration and cooperation are valued,
where your interests or goals coincide, and where honesty and
transparency are the norm." With further thought about this, I
learned that I have a better work ethic when I am in a supportive
and inclusive environment. When I feel valued and respected, it
boosts my motivation to contribute my best efforts and engage in
meaningful collaboration. I also realized that I tend to look at the
'bigger picture' when doing an assignment rather than specific
details. This ability to see the bigger picture allows me to prioritize
tasks effectively and make informed decisions based on the overall
goals of a project. This point is stated in the quiz 'personality'
where it states, "They also tend to collect as much information as
possible and to focus on the big picture rather than on details.

What did you confirm about

yourself that you already Something that I already knew about myself was that I am a more
knew? Refer to specific independent person and like to work with a small group. I also
knew that I liked to express myself through written communication
quizzes to provide evidence
rather than verbal. I confirmed this part of me from the quiz
that support your answers. 'Personality' where it says, "INFJs prefer to work independently
and tend to feel more at ease when alone or in a small group. "
"...and may prefer written communication over verbal. " I also know
that I learn better when I do hands-on activities and engage in
practical experiences rather than just reading or listening to
lectures. This is evident in the quiz "Learning Styles," where it
states, "Your preference is for hands-on experiences and tasks
that involve manipulating materials, and you appreciate physically
expressed encouragement when you communicate." Additionally, I
discovered that I am a highly visual learner, as I tend to grasp
information more easily when it is presented in the form of
diagrams, charts, or images.

Criteria: Below Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

0-2/6 3/6 4/6 4.5/6 5-6/6

Knowledge: No quiz results Limited Some Understood Clearly

Understanding of demonstrated demonstration demonstration and understood
quiz results of the quiz of the quiz demonstrated and
demonstrated results results the quiz results demonstrated
the quiz results

Thinking: No evidence of Limited Some evidence Considerable Thorough

Evidence of thinking or evidence of of thinking and evidence of evidence of
thinking and reflection thinking and reflection thinking and thinking and
reflection reflection reflection
reflection of quiz
results and your
'Day in Your Life'

Communication: Does not use Uses sentence Expresses Expresses Expresses

Expression of sentence form form and thoughts and thoughts and thoughts and
thoughts and ideas Does not explains ideas in ideas in ideas in
in sentence form clearly explain thoughts or sentence form sentence form sentence form
within the word thoughts or ideas with within the word within the word within the word
count ideas limited count with count with count with a
effectiveness some considerable high degree of
effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness

Application: Does not Connects skills Connects skills Connects skills Connects skills
Connection connect skills and traits to a and traits to a and traits to a and traits to a
between skills, and traits to a potential career potential career potential career potential career
interests, and traits career with limited with some with with a high
to a potential career effectiveness effectiveness considerable degree of
effectiveness effectiveness

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