Building the World’s Largest AI Tools Directory Taught Me These

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r/ChatGPT 3 mo. ago


Building the World’s Largest AI Tools Directory Taught Me These

Crucial Lessons
Educational Purpose Only
Not too long ago, I launched a website called - it's essentially an AI tools
aggregator. The main idea was to create a go-to place for anyone looking to find AI
tools that could help with their work, projects, or just out of curiosity. We've managed
to compile a directory of over 12,000 AI tools, which is kind of crazy when you think
about it. Users can sift through this massive list by their profession, the specific task
they want to achieve, tags, or even just directly searching for the name of the tool if
they have one in mind.

The Process & Insights

One of the key insights we gained is just how fragmented and chaotic the AI tools
landscape currently is. There's no rhyme or reason to how these tools are being
developed and released. We found everything from large tech companies unveiling
their latest AI-powered offerings, to solo developers releasing niche tools on Product
Hunt. The quality, features, and pricing varied wildly.

At the same time, we were surprised by the sheer number of AI tools that are
essentially just rebranded versions of existing non-AI software. It seems like every
SaaS company is now trying to hop on the AI bandwagon, even if their products don't
truly leverage AI in any meaningful way. The "AI-washing" phenomenon is real, and
users need to be discerning.

One of the strengths we consistently saw across many AI tools was the focus on
user-friendliness and accessibility. Developers seem to understand that for AI to truly
go mainstream, the technology needs to be easy to use and require minimal
technical expertise. The rise of no-code/low-code AI tools is a testament to this

However, a major weakness we encountered was the lack of transparency and

explainability when it comes to how these AI tools actually work under the hood.
Many companies are very cagey about the details of their models and algorithms,
making it hard for users to truly understand the capabilities and limitations. This
opacity could become a bigger issue as AI becomes more pervasive.
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Overall, the process of building has given me a unique, insider's
perspective on the current state of the AI tools industry. The scale, diversity,
strengths, weaknesses, and rapid pace of change are all things I'll be keeping a close
eye on as I try to anticipate where things are headed next.

Before I go to my prediction I would like to highlight that we've got this newsletter
that we're pretty proud of. It's a neat little compilation of AI-related news, hacks, tips
& tricks, and suggestions on tools that might be useful for our subscribers. We've
been trying to add value where we can, keeping it rich with information but also light Use App

enough to not feel like homework, you know? You can subscribe to it here for free to
get a bit of AI knowledge delivered directly to your email

Predictions & Advice

Based on the insider perspective I've gained from building and curating the directory, I have some strong predictions about where I think the AI tools
space is headed in the next 1-3 years.

First and foremost, I believe we're going to see a massive explosion in the use of
generative AI tools - things like language models, text-to-image generators, and AI-
powered content creation assistants. The recent breakthroughs in this area,
exemplified by tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E, have captured the public's
imagination. I expect these types of AI assistants to become ubiquitous,
fundamentally changing how we approach all kinds of creative and knowledge work.

Another category I'm incredibly bullish on is AI-powered analytics and decision

support tools. As more and more data becomes available, the ability to leverage AI to
uncover insights, make predictions, and guide decision-making is going to be
invaluable across industries. I anticipate a wave of sophisticated AI-infused business
intelligence, forecasting, and risk management solutions hitting the market.

On the flip side, I think a lot of the current hype around "AI-powered" productivity and
workflow tools is going to die down. Many of these tools are essentially just putting a
thin veneer of AI over existing software functionality, without truly leveraging the
technology in meaningful ways. As users become more discerning, I expect a lot of
these tools to fade into obscurity.

Similarly, I'm skeptical about the long-term viability of many niche, single-purpose AI
apps and services. The low barriers to entry mean we're seeing a proliferation of
these tools, but most of them will likely struggle to gain traction and build
sustainable businesses. The winners will be the ones that can seamlessly integrate
into people's existing workflows and ecosystems.

So what's my advice for navigating this rapidly evolving AI tools landscape? First and
foremost, be a critical consumer. Don't just take companies' AI claims at face value -
dig into the details, understand the underlying technology, and assess whether it's
truly adding value. Be wary of hype and marketing fluff.

Secondly, focus on finding tools that solve real, tangible problems for you or your
business. Don't get distracted by the shiny new thing - evaluate AI solutions based on
their to main utility
contentand ability to drive concrete outcomes. The AI landscape is
crowded, so be selective.

Finally, stay curious and keep learning. The field of AI is advancing at a breakneck
pace, so it's important to continuously educate yourself on the latest developments,
capabilities, and limitations. Follow industry news, experiment with new tools, and be
open to rethinking your assumptions.
The AI tools space is undoubtedly going to continue transforming at a dizzying rate.
But by adopting a discerning, problem-focused, and lifelong learning mindset, I Use App

believe anyone can navigate this landscape and find the AI-powered solutions that
truly add value to their work and life.


As someone who has had an up-close and personal look at the current state of the AI
tools landscape, I believe I've developed a unique perspective that could be incredibly
useful for a wide range of people.

For starters, these insights are crucial for consumers and everyday users of
technology. With AI becoming increasingly pervasive in our lives, it's important for
people to understand the strengths, weaknesses, and evolving trends in this space.
Knowing which tool categories are likely to see explosive growth, and which are just
hype, can help individuals make informed decisions about which AI-powered
solutions to adopt and incorporate into their workflows.

But these insights are also highly valuable for creators, entrepreneurs, and
businesses looking to capitalize on the AI revolution. Understanding where the real
opportunities lie, and where the threats of irrelevance loom, can inform critical
strategic decisions about product development, investment, and long-term
positioning. Armed with this knowledge, AI tool creators can make much more
informed choices about where to focus their efforts.

To give you a sense of the scale we're talking about - our directory has
grown from 8,000 tools to over 12,000 in just the last 6 months. That's an increase of
50% in under a year. This underscores just how rapidly this space is evolving, and
why staying on top of the trends is so crucial.

So I encourage all of you reading this to engage with me in a discussion about the
future of AI tools. What are your own predictions and insights based on your
experiences? Where do you see the most promising opportunities, and what
concerns you most about the direction of this technology? I'm eager to learn from
the collective wisdom of this community.

And of course, I'd love for you to check out and explore the directory for
yourself. See what new and innovative AI tools are out there, and let me know what
you think. The more input and feedback I can get, the better I can make the platform
and the more valuable it can be for everyone navigating this exciting but complex
space and if you would like to know more of these in my newsletter

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AutoModerator MOD • 3 mo. ago • Stickied comment

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openloading • 2 mo. ago

I think many of those ''one use case AI tools'' will struggle to attract any paid users &
they already are...

Either they will have to go really niche specific, or expand & offer bundles of many
small AI tools/agents/GPTs what ever you want to call them. Aquire each other, and
grow stronger...

Specially now with many powerful LLMs shifting towards multi-modal models, many
of those ''unique use-cases'' will be just a singe prompt input/output, no need for ''AI
wrappers''... ''Chat with PDF'' is now a default function on all LLMs & even Adobe
Acrobat, so that already killed a bunch of 'AI wrapper' projects...

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