7th SA2 2023-24 Practice Paper

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Third Language - English

Practice Paper

Class: VII Max Marks: 80 Time: 2:45 min

Academic Reading Creative Vocabulary Total Grade

Standards Comprehension Expression & Grammar
Allotted Marks 30 20 30 80
Obtained Marks

Name of the Student…………………………………… Roll No. :………

Question (1-5): Read the following passage carefully.
One day the dog came running to him, putting his paws against his legs and motioning with his head to some spot
behind. The old man at first thought his pet was only playing and did not mind it. But the dog kept on whining and
running to and fro for some minutes. Then the old man followed the dog a few yards to a place where the animal
began a lively scratching. The old man thought it was possibly a buried bone or a bit of fish.
(The Ashes That Made Trees Bloom)

Now answer the following questions: [5X2=10]

1. What did the dog do one day?
2. How did the old man consider the act of the dog?
3. What are the two beings in the above passage?
A) an old man ( )
B) an old man and a dog
C) an old man and two dogs
D) two old men and two dogs
4. What do you understand by the phrase ‘to and fro’ ( )
A) to move repeatedly from one place to another and back again
B) to move backwards
C) to move forward
D) to move to a place
5. What did the old man think the dog was scratching for? ( )
A) for a bone
B) for a bit of fish
C) for a buried bone or a bit of fish
D) for a buried dead body

Questions (6-10): Read the following poem carefully.

He wore a question mark for tail,

An overcoat of gray,
He sat up straight to eat a nut.
He liked to tease and play,
And if we ran around his tree,
He went the other way
(The Squirrel)

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Now answer the following questions [5X1=5]
6. Who wore a question for a tail?
7. What does the squirrel like to do according to the poet?
8. What is this poem about? ( )
A) About a question mark
B) About catching a squirrel
C) About a playful and mischievous squirrel
9. What is the squirrel’s tail compared to? ( )
A) A leaf
B) A full stop
C) A question mark
10. How does the squirrel sit while eating a nut? ( )
A) Sitting up straight
B) Leaning back
C) Bending forward

Question (11-15): Read the following passage carefully.

ONCE upon a time, there lived an old man in Almora. He was popularly known as Abbu Khan. He lived all alone
except for a few goats which he always kept as pets. He gave his goats funny names such as Kalua, Moongia or Gujri.
He would take them out for grazing during the day and talk to them as one talks to one’s own children; at night he
would bring them back to his little hut and put a string round the neck of each goat.
Choose the correct answer to the following questions: [5X1=5]
11. What is the name of the old man?
12. What were the pets of the old man?
13. What was the daily routine of the old man? ( )
A) He would take the goats for grazing.
B) He would feed the goats at home.
C) He would play with the goats.
14. How were the goats treated by the old man? ( )
A) As his wealth
B) As his own children
C) Just as animals
15. Choose the correct statement. ( )
A) The old man lived alone
B) The old man lived along with his family.
C) The old man lived in a city.

Question (16-20): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below.[5X1=5]
Crows help nature in many ways. They eat fruits and seeds, which helps plants spread their seeds to grow new plants.
Crows also eat dead animals, keeping the environment clean and stopping diseases from spreading. They also eat
insects and small animals, which helps control their populations. Crows are smart and can live in different places,
which makes them important for keeping nature in balance. They are part of the food chain, so if they were gone, it
could affect other animals and plants too.

16. How do crows help plants grow?

17. What do crows do with dead animals?

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18. How do crows help control insect populations?
A) By providing them with food
B) By eating them
C) By building nests for them
D) By protecting them
19. Why can crows live in many different places?
A) Because they are large birds
B) Because they can swim well
C) Because they are very fast
D) Because they are smart and adaptable
20. Why are crows important for keeping nature in balance?
A) Because they are big birds
B) Because they are colourful
C) Because they are part of the food chain
D) Because they can sing beautifully

Question (21-25): Read the following table and answer the questions. [5X1=5]
The table displays the five different Asian countries and their population

Male Population Female Population

(in crores) (in crores)
China 72.35 68.60
India 71.88 67.22
Indonesia 14.01 13.64
Pakistan 12.37 11.78
Bangladesh 8.46 8.17

21. What is the estimated male population of China in crores? ( )

A) 72.35 crores
B) 68.65 crores
C) 141 crores
D) 139 crores
22. Which country has an estimated male population of approximately 14.01 crores? ( )
A) Indonesia
B) India
C) Pakistan
D) Bangladesh
23. What is the estimated female population of India in crores? ( )
A) 71.88 crores
B) 67.22 crores
C) 139 crores
D) 141 crores
24. Which country has a total population closest to 141 crores? ( )
A) China
B) India
C) Indonesia
D) Pakistan

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25. Choose the correct statement ( )
A) India has the highest population
B) The Indian population is close to the population of China
C) The female population is more than the male population in all the countries.
D) Bangladesh has 10 crore population


1. a) In the story of ‘Gopal and the Hilsa Fish’, Gopal could finally bring the fish to the king’s palace without
anyone asking about it. The king congratulated Gopal on his achievement. Now, write a possible
conversation between the king and Gopal. [10X1=10]


b) In the lesson ‘A Homage to Brave Soldiers’, two friends share their feelings about brave soldiers and the
National War Memorial.
Now, you write a letter to your friend sharing your feelings about the importance of Indian soldiers and how
hard they work to safeguard our Nation.

2. a) Write a story based on the following pictures. Give a title to your story. [10X1=10]


b) You have read the story ‘Three Questions’. Now, imagine you are the king. Narrate the incident of
your meeting the hermit. Begin like this.
The wise men answered my questions, but I was not satisfied with their answers. One day I decided to go
and meet the hermit.


1. Match items in List A with their meanings in List B. [4X1=4]

1. Wounded [ ] a) Give back

2. Faithful [ ] b) Feel sorry for
3. Pity [ ] c) Loyal
4. return [ ] d) Severely injured

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2. Fill in the following blanks with the words given in the box. [5X1=5]

a. My friend lost his chemistry book. Now he doesn’t know ______ to do and ______ to look for it.

b. There are so many toys in the shops. Neena can’t decide ______ one to buy.

c. You don’t know the way to my school. Ask the policeman _______ to get there.

d. You should decide soon _______ to start building your house.

3. Each of the following words contains the sound ‘sh’. Arrange them in the following table [9X1/2=41/2]

Sheep, trash, fashion, ashes, shoe, push, nation, shake, crush

Initial ‘sh’ sounding Medial ‘sh’ sounding Final ‘sh’ sound

words words words

4. Fill in the blanks with the following words. [3X1/2=11/2]

Friends, accomplice, companion

a. Dot is man’s best _________

b. Praveen and I work together. We are best _____________.
c. A man looted a bank with the help of his ____________.

GRAMMAR (15 Marks)

1. Combine the following sentences using ‘If’ [2X1=2]

a. Don’t spit on the road, you will be fined.


b. work hard, you get success.


2. Write your own sentences using the following words. [2X1=2]

a. Challenge: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

b. Comical: …………………………………….…………………………………………………………

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3. fill in the blanks with the suitable prepositions( a/an/the) [4X1/2=2]
a. Gopal is ____ intelligent man.
b. He was _____ honest old man.
c. I met _____ stranger yesterday but _____ man was rude.

4. Fill in the blanks with the past form of the word given in the brackets. [5X1=5]
a. Once upon a time, there _____ (a) (be) a little cat named Whisker. One day, she ______(b) (find) a
big, shiny ball. To her surprise, the ball ________ (c) (start) rolling down the street, faster and faster!
Whiskers _______ (d) (chase) after it, her tail _________(e) (puff) up with excitement.

5. change the following sentences into reported speech. [2X1=2]

a. I accepted the challenge.
Gopal told the king ……………………………………………………………………………….
b. I want to see the king.
Gopal told the guards ……………………………………………………………………………..

6. How do you get permission to enter the class? (use ‘May’) [1]

7. When do you use this expression? [1]

‘Get lost from here.’ ( )
a. To request
b. To shouting at others
c. To threaten


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