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Witchlight Carnival
Adventure Summary
This is an adaptation of Chapter 1 of The Wild
Beyond the Witchlight. While part 1 of the
adventure can be run without using this adaptation,
this adaptation can be used if the adventure is being
run as a multi-table Adventurers League event at a
convention or other public venue.
This document provides guidance that
supplements the adventure—it doesn’t reproduce it;

of The Wild Beyond the Witchlight for the event.

Call to Action. The characters arrive at the
carnival and form groups with other guests. The
players each introduce themselves and their
character. The players choose a messenger from
among them.
Part 1. The characters explore the carnival and
enjoy games, delicious food, and performances

about who has stolen their lost thing and where it

can be found.
Part 2.

Part 3. The characters learn how to venture to
the Fey domain of Prismeer in pursuit of their
lost thing.

Dungeon Master and Players Mister Witch

This multi-table event consists of two groups

of people: the Witchlight’s employees and the
Witchlight’s guests. beginning of Part 1.
• Wandering NPCs are the various people that
Witchlight’s Employees guests might meet during the carnival. Some are
The carnival’s employees are charged with
entertaining the guests who travel from far and wide created by the admins that play them.
to visit the Witchlight Carnival: The administrators
Dungeon Masters (DMs). These people are
assigned a group of 3-6 players. They adjudicate
Administrators (Admins). While they’re dungeon the rules of the game and play the role of most
masters, these people oversee the logistics of the NPCs that the characters meet during the
of the event-at-large. Some of them muster
groups and assign tables, others might make adjudicate the rules of the game.
announcements, while others still play one of the

adventure’s key NPCs:
to as Witchlight Hands. Hands ensure that the
• characters are engaged in the events, answer
any questions they might have, and guide their

beginning of the Call to Action. for the event’s timing, the hands makes sure
• the characters are progressing. And while
guests are enjoying themselves and arranges

WBW-EP The witchlight carnival 15

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

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