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Running the Adventure

This multi-table event consists of two groups

of people: the Witchlight’s employees and the
Witchlight’s guests.

Using the Story Tracker

later in the adventure. However, if you’re playing

this in a large-scale event such as a convention, it’s
unlikely that the players you have for this part of
the adventure will be playing with you when these
events happen down the road.

in the future, instruct the players to make a note

of their own on their character sheet anytime the
adventure instructs you to record an event on your
Story Tracker.
Unicorn Horn
regular players, don’t roll for the unicorn’s location;

Revealing that they should be looking for a unicorn

revealing its location.

Story Items
A story item is an item—whether mundane or
magical—that is of particular importance to the
adventure’s story. Any character who is present
when a story item is found should annotate its

Mister Light
sessions of the same adventure, though only one
character in a given group can possess the same
story item during a given session. These characters

entertainment is available, the hands make sure agree, the character that possesses it should be
that the characters are engaged. Without the determined randomly.
hands, the carnival wouldn’t work.
The Carnival’s Mood
Witchlight’s Guests
The players playing the adventure—or rather their
characters—play the role of the carnival’s guests. All
carnival’s mood, its swings for better or for
of the characters created for this campaign begin
worse are in response to the characters’ actions.
play at 1st level. They advance to 2nd level upon
Whichever character improves the carnival’s mood
entering Hither at the end.
the most during the event may be crowned the
The Messenger. At this point, the players should
choose among them a special representative—
the messenger. The messenger is charged with Witchlight Hands are each provided a score sheets
passing messages from the group’s Witchlight (appendix C) with spots for: each characters’
name, making a mark each time they adjust the
their representatives—usually adjustments to mood, and their total contribution to the carnival’s
the carnival’s mood. The messenger should mood (whether positive or negative). Each time
make sure to deliver the message and return to a character does something to raise or lower
their table quickly (though safely). As always, a the carnival’s mood, check an appropriate box
beside that character’s name, and notify the event

16 WBW-EP The witchlight carnival

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

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