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The Witchlight Carnival visits your world once every

eight years. You have a dim memory of sneaking into

the carnival as a child without paying for a ticket. That
memory has faded over time, though it still conjures

the carnival owners were decidedly unhelpful.

“Silly little screeching cricket,” said Witch poking a

“The carnival goes round and round,” said Light. The

multiverse is our playground. Nothing’s free and noth-
ing’s lost. Every visit has its cost.”
As time passed, your heart became less heavy, and
you gave less thought to your loss. Recently, however,
the longing to retrieve what you lost has resurfaced,
allowing you to feel the loss as sharply as if it happened

standing near a ticket booth by the entrance at twilight.

There you meet others who look as troubled as you.
Without knowing how or why, you sense that each of
them has lost something as well. Perhaps fate has
brought you together.

A. Introductions Lost Thing.

Allow each player (yourself included) a few
determined their lost thing, do so now by rolling
moments to introduce themselves and their
on the table in the Lost Things adventure hook
character. A little detail—even if it’s only basic
and instruct the player to note what they’ve lost on
appearance and a bit of backstory—goes a long way
in creating an engaging play environment.
they recover this lost thing, their character can’t

Welcome Gifts Keeper of Lost Things. Because some of your

players may not be at your table in the future, don’t
be visited by a wandering NPC gifting the characters roll to determine the keeper of their lost thing.
with dandelions in the form of folded up pieces of pa- The only opportunity to learn this during this
per. The admins handing out these gifts should do so event is by solving the riddle of the unicorn (see
or if they’re unable to solve the riddle, they won’t
The Adventurers League uses the Lost Things
Minor Curses. The characters don’t develop their
adventure hook this season; the Warlock’s Quest
minor curse until they hear the name of the hag
hook isn’t used. Each character has come to
the carnival in pursuit of something they lost in
their youth. Some will have already determined B. Tickets, Please!
what their lost thing is in WBW-PR Lost Things.
Determine the lost thing for the others when Once done, the characters get their tickets. Precisely
it’s their turn to introduce their characters, as why the characters’ tickets have been paid for by
described below: the mysterious planeswalking gnome Ellywick
Tumblestrum has yet to be seen, but one thing is for
Lost Things
The following guidance applies to determining lost This portion should proceed quickly.
things and the hags that possess them:

WBW-EP The witchlight carnival 19

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

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