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Twenty-two years ago, the

Qingdao Refrigerator Factory
was a dump, its workers were
Raising Haier
unpaid, and its products were
shoddy. Today it’s called by Zhang Ruimin
Haier. The home-appliance •
giant is China’s best-known
global company—and its
CEO has proved that he is one
of the world’s experts in
leading and surviving change.

Reprint R0702J
This document is authorized for use only in Prof. Sumit Mitra's Chief Executive Officer Programme - Batch 01; at Indian Institute of Management - Kozhikode from Jul 2024 to Jan 2025.
Twenty-two years ago, the Qingdao Refrigerator Factory was a dump,
its workers were unpaid, and its products were shoddy. Today it’s called
Haier. The home-appliance giant is China’s best-known global
company—and its CEO has proved that he is one of the world’s experts
in leading and surviving change.


Raising Haier
by Zhang Ruimin

People respect the leadership of an organiza- unknown to his subordinates is really the most
tion for different reasons in different periods. brilliant one.
When you start a business, your employees

are willing to follow you if you set a good ex- Five Catties of Fish
ample and bear more hardships than they When I took the job of director of the Qingdao
do. In my early days at Haier, when I went on Refrigerator Factory in December 1984, the
a business trip, I often had to set out right existence of the company was at stake. Indeed,
away. If there was no seat available on the most people thought its situation was hope-
train, I would spend two yuan to rent a small less. The factory’s net debt stood at RMB1.47
camp stool and sit in the aisle. That was seen million, and I was the fourth director ap-
and heeded by employees. pointed in that single year. The previous three
Later, it’s conviction that appeals to people. had either left on their own or been kicked
When we started building Haier Industrial out—no one was able to shoulder the respon-
Park in the 1990s, people held back, expecting sibility. More than 800 workers were anx-
problems to arise. But as it became clear to iously awaiting pay that was several months in
them that I’d spare no effort to make it a real- arrears. Not surprisingly, the employee turn-
ity, everyone got on board. over rate was high. An additional 51 workers
Today, I believe, what Haier’s employees applied for a transfer to a different company
need is to be allowed to make decisions for when my appointment was announced.
themselves and not to feel that they are follow- There was no time for idle talk. The first
ing me in their work. The philosopher Lao-tzu thing I focused on was the employees’ sala-
said, “In the highest antiquity, the people did ries. When I think back to the first half year
not know that there were rulers.” I take his of my tenure, that is the challenge I vividly
meaning to be that a leader whose existence is remember, because I had to face it every

harvard business review • • february 2007 page 1

This document is authorized for use only in Prof. Sumit Mitra's Chief Executive Officer Programme - Batch 01; at Indian Institute of Management - Kozhikode from Jul 2024 to Jan 2025.
Raising Haier •• •F IRST P ERSON

month. We were not a state-owned enter- probation. This punishment came as a huge
prise, and given our debt load, the banks were shock to people.
not willing to lend money to us. But luckily, My main purpose, however, in establishing
another option materialized. China’s policy strict discipline was not to punish those who
of reform and opening to the outside world made mistakes. I knew that the great majority
meant that wealth was accumulating beyond of employees wanted from the bottom of their
the cities, in the urban-rural junctional areas. hearts to be good employees. The problem was
I was able to borrow money from the nearby that the atmosphere was too bad for them to
production brigade. work well in. Far from frightening employees,
Certainly, employees were very happy stronger discipline in the factory endowed
simply to get their pay, but I wanted to go them with confidence and hope. The change in
further. Soon after my arrival, when the morale was obvious within six months.
Chinese Lunar New Year came around, I bor-
rowed again to buy each worker a New Year’s Everything Turns for the Better
gift of five catties of fish. It may seem laugh- If you want to build confidence in others, you
able now, but that gesture had an immediate yourself must be confident. Why did I have
and positive effect. It put hope into employ- faith that the factory would prosper? The
ees’ hearts that our factory had a chance. I straightforward answer is that I knew it was
then borrowed tens of thousands more yuan just about to install a new production line that
to replace the truck that was many employ- would improve quality and efficiency. I knew
ees’ transportation to and from work. The this because it was I who had pushed for the
truck made for a terrible ride, especially for new line as a manager at the factory’s govern-
those who carried children in their arms, so I ing body, the Qingdao Home Appliance Com-
went to the added expense of buying a bus. pany. For the same reason, when the third fac-
Again, it was a small change by today’s stan- tory director of the year announced his
dards, but it had a real impact on morale. departure, I felt I must take responsibility for
How could a factory that was obviously get- the change. I had also spent several months
ting better and better be about to fail? studying the national consumer market. I
Once I had won some goodwill, I started de- knew that if we could motivate our employees
manding good work. There was very little dis- to work more efficiently and improve manu-
cipline in the factory up to that point; people facturing quality, our products would surely
tended to do things as they saw fit. Rules and find buyers.
regulations existed in writing but had never But my confidence also had a deeper basis
been seriously upheld. I spelled out the terms than the data at hand. I think it is a common
for people: I would guarantee payment of their phenomenon among the generation that lived
salaries every month, but only on the condi- through the Cultural Revolution (I was still a
tion that they strictly obeyed the working disci- high school student when it began) that we
plines I established. Then I set forth my new learned not to recoil at the sight of difficulties.
rules, beginning with “Urinating or defecating It isn’t that we became arrogant—or, much
in workshops is prohibited” and “Stealing com- less, that we were blinded by optimism. Rather,
pany property is prohibited.” These were ac- we gained a different perspective on life and
tual habits to be combated. the prospect of failure. The things that hap-
The government at that time did not allow pened during that period made us reflect more
companies to fire workers. Those who violated deeply on human nature and society. We
factory rules could be given demerits or, much learned that everything can turn for the better
more seriously, be deprived of factory mem- and all kinds of challenges can be overcome.
Zhang Ruimin is the chief executive bership (that is, no longer part of the com- There is no crisis that cannot be resolved.
officer of Haier Group, headquartered pany’s collective ownership) and placed on Confidence alone does not make for leader-
in Qingdao, China. This article is probation. Once, when we were cleaning a ship, but in those early days, it was the closest
adapted from the interview with warehouse, some workers were seen carrying thing I had to a “leadership style.” Unlike many
Zhang that appeared in the January away materials. We caught one of them and young people today, I didn’t have a formal
2007 issue of Harvard Business Review within an hour posted the consequences on MBA education. But because of the small size
China. HBR appreciates the special the factory bulletin board: That worker was de- of our company, I did know most of the em-
work of the interviewer, Ke En. prived of factory membership and placed on ployees by name. I could make a decision in

harvard business review • • february 2007 page 2

This document is authorized for use only in Prof. Sumit Mitra's Chief Executive Officer Programme - Batch 01; at Indian Institute of Management - Kozhikode from Jul 2024 to Jan 2025.
Raising Haier •• •F IRST P ERSON

the morning and approach the workers at frigerator, air conditioner, and washing ma-
noon to learn their reaction and check the re- chine divisions all showed up separately at
sults. My leadership then was task centered the same store to negotiate promotions, the
and authoritative—I made the decisions and store’s management was being pestered be-
expected the rank and file to carry them out yond endurance—and we were doing nothing
strictly. Today, this would not be considered a to convey a uniform corporate image. Gradu-
proper way of managing. But at the time, we ally, everyone saw the power we would all gain
were a small enterprise in disorder, and there through process integration.
was a very important role for it. Even the work-
ers wanted me to lead in that way. Dumplings on a Construction Site
Now that the company is much larger—we I have never considered myself an outstanding
have more than 50,000 full-time employees— leader, but I think I’m a person who has an in-
that old way of leading would never work. domitable will. Once I set a definite goal, I
I’ve had to learn over the years how to artic- must succeed. Many other enterprises have
ulate the advantages of a change I want to pursued the same business as Haier over the
bring about, and ensure that the new practice years in the same economic environment. The
is accepted. A perfect example was when difficulties they met with were our difficulties
Haier embarked on a major business process- as well. The difference is that many of them
reengineering effort in 1998 and some senior were too willing to give up.
executives openly objected to it. By then, In 1991, for example, I decided to expand the
Haier had grown from a small factory into a capacity of our factory and build the Haier
big company consisting of many plants and Industrial Park. We took a large piece of
business units, and each had its own suppliers, land, laid the foundations, built the under-
Size is no protection manufacturing assets, sales organization, human ground utility infrastructure—and in the pro-
resources processes, and so forth. I was in favor cess, spent all the money our company had. At
against failure if you are of standardizing and consolidating much of that time China was employing a macrocon-
this in such a way that the various functions, trol policy, and the money market was so tight
not able to fill each from procurement to marketing, would be in- that we couldn’t get loans. The total budget
employee with vitality. tegrated and driven by order information. I was RMB1.5 billion, but the company had ac-
knew that would not be easily accomplished; cumulated only RMB80 million, and all of it
in fact, we set a timeline of ten years for com- had already been plowed into the project.
pleting the work. But to me, the logic was Many people in our company, from manage-
clear. I thought of the advice of Sun Tzu in The ment to assembly-line workers, were question-
Art of War: One must first “exhibit the coyness ing the necessity of building such a facility. To
of a maiden” and “afterwards emulate the ra- them, having a product supply that fell short
pidity of a running hare.” At the outset, I tried of demand was not such a bad thing; fast sales
to think over every possible circumstance and high margins brought us a pretty good life.
and result. Once I decided to start consolidat- So why throw the money we earned into this
ing, I made a commitment to carry it through industrial park, which wouldn’t produce re-
to the end. turns for years? Why not build housing for em-
What I didn’t anticipate was the degree to ployees instead? Why not give them higher sal-
which some executives would resent what they aries? Having studied the national economic
saw as a loss of power. Their very negative atti- situation, I was convinced that building the in-
tudes toward the change showed up in the dustrial park made sense. Even despite China’s
next half year’s time as our sales fell. policy, I felt certain the economy would grow
By then I was on a serious campaign to com- at a fast rate so that our capacity would be se-
municate the message, talking with senior ex- verely inadequate before long. And in fact, in
ecutives again and again, outlining the advan- 1993 China entered a period of overheated
tages of integrating the processes. I explained, economic growth. Many companies in our in-
for example, that when each division did pro- dustry didn’t start their projects until then—at
curement for itself, our procurement power which point they had missed the best opportu-
was dispersed and it was almost impossible to nity for development.
get the best supplier or the most favorable As I tell the story today, I sound assured, but
price. And that when marketers from our re- at the time I feared that I wouldn’t ride out the

harvard business review • • february 2007 page 3

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Raising Haier •• •F IRST P ERSON

crisis. I wasn’t alone. The construction com- tomer to answer to, more so than a superior.
pany also suspected I’d be unable to make the That is not an easy orientation to bring
remaining payments on the project. In that about. One important reason that people tend
moment of doubt, I drew on my past experi- to focus so much on their bosses is that their
ence. On the Lunar New Year’s Eve of 1992, I pay is determined by those bosses. So the sec-
came to the construction site and enjoyed ond thing that I am currently very focused on
dumplings with the workers. Together we cele- is ensuring that compensation provides an in-
brated the New Year and talked about the centive for employees to behave in a market-
project, and the confidence of the construction driven way. We’ve changed things such that
company grew. Haier employees are rewarded in large part ac-
cording to the performance of their teams. If a
The Smallest Company in the World project group is asked to increase the gross
People often speak of Haier with reference to profit margin of a certain product from 8% to
General Electric, and that great company is 10%, it might go about that in any number of
certainly one of our benchmarks. To me, the ways. It might change the product design, im-
essence of Jack Welch’s accomplishment at GE prove the manufacturing processes, figure out
was that he simultaneously turned his com- a way to pay less for raw materials, or make
pany into the largest one in the world and into other changes. Regardless of whether the
the smallest—by making each employee full group does this in the way I or some other
of vigor. member of management would, if the task
I want each employee coming to work for is accomplished, every member of the team
Haier to have the sense that he or she can find gets a bonus in line with his or her respective
a place in the company to realize his or her contributions. In fact, Haier does not have a
There is a wide gap own values as well as creating value for the position-related compensation system at all.
enterprise. I have no desire to oversupervise Instead of being paid according to their titles,
between Chinese employees. Nor is my goal to grow the com- employees are paid solely for results. It’s no
pany to a certain size. The list of the world’s surprise that people who leave the company
enterprises and major largest 500 companies changes dramatically are often heard complaining about the low sal-
foreign companies—but every decade. Size is no protection against ary they received from Haier!
failure if you are not able to fill each em- The third thing I think about every day is that
it isn’t mainly a ployee with vitality. Instead, I want Haier to fundamental strategic question, how on earth
technology gap. The key get to the point where all employees create are we different from the competition? If a com-
their own value on a globalized platform. If pany has no points of differentiation, it rapidly
difference is in we are able to accomplish this, we can make devolves into a commodity player with no
Haier a very competitive enterprise. chance for long-term success. Most obviously,
management talent.
Toward that end, there are three areas that differentiation comes from product innovation,
I must think about carefully every day. First, which we engage in on multiple levels. What we
have we provided employees with sufficient call “three-season product innovation” serves
room to create value and to achieve self- the current market with fast-cycle product im-
realization? Do people just passively come to provements. Over a longer horizon, we work on
work every day as requested? Or do they ac- technology developments that will fuel new
tively come here to fulfill their ambitions? products three years out. And we are always en-
Part of making sure it’s the latter is having the gaged in basic research that may yield break-
right organizational structure—one that is as throughs in the long term: a refrigerator, for ex-
boundaryless and flat as possible. Many big ample, that needs no compressor, or a washing
companies organize themselves around divi- machine that operates without detergent or
sions and have very linear, functional struc- even without water. Meanwhile, I am trying to
tures. But Haier will do better if it has project build our marketing capability into a point of
teams being formed according to market de- differentiation. In particular, our recent forays
mands, made up of members from multiple into direct marketing and delivery and our
divisions. In that kind of setup, the emphasis ability to generate positive cash flows are impor-
stays on what will serve the market, not what tant go-to-market innovations that have eluded
will please someone further up in the com- many Chinese companies—because they are
pany hierarchy. Employees feel they have a cus- very hard to achieve.

harvard business review • • february 2007 page 4

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Raising Haier •• •F IRST P ERSON

But it’s another kind of differentiation that I the fact that its leaders are still embroiled in
am most adamant about achieving. Today, operational execution issues. The enterprise
there is a wide gap between Chinese enter- will become great when it is able to operate by
prises and major foreign companies—but it itself, with employees acting as their own lead-
isn’t mainly a technology gap. The key differ- ers, understanding what to do to satisfy market
ence is in management talent. Therefore, we and customer demand. The future CEO of
are making tremendous efforts to improve the Haier will then be able to focus wholly on stra-
quality of human resources. It’s working, I be- tegic issues and make decisions from a global
lieve, thanks to a difference that already exists point of view.
at Haier: a corporate culture that embraces If that sounds like the chief executive will be
constant progress and the belief that victory aloof or disconnected from the rank and file,
comes through change. then I have created the wrong impression.
Quite the contrary, it worries me that so many
My Successor’s Brilliance young people join the managerial ranks of com-
When you have been at the helm of a com- panies immediately after graduating university,
pany for more than 20 years and seen it grow never having been managed by others. Coming
from a single dilapidated and debt-ridden fac- of age in the Cultural Revolution, I of course
tory to a global competitor with annual sales missed the opportunity to attend university and
in excess of RMB100 billion, questions about was thrown abruptly to the bottom of working
succession naturally begin to arise. I tend to society. There is no question in my mind that
deflect those questions, and not only because I those years exerted a significant influence on
personally want to remain focused on enhanc- how I now go about leading others. When I
ing the competitiveness of Haier. My larger dine with Haier workers, as I do nearly every
hope is that the question of who sits in the day, or when I drop in unannounced at a work-
CEO’s chair is of less and less importance. place, I am always looking to renew my under-
Haier should not be a company ruled by one standing of their perspective. Perhaps I have not
man or woman but, rather, a self-sustaining achieved what Lao-tzu described—a populace
system of excellent managerial processes. I have unaware of the presence of their ruler. But that
always liked what Peter Drucker said about brilliance may be within my successor’s reach.
leadership’s having little to do with charisma
and other qualities. As he put it, “Leadership is Reprint R0702J
a means that is mundane, unromantic, and To order, see the next page
boring. Its essence is performance.” or call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500
Today, the biggest problem at Haier lies in or go to

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three OnPoint articles and an following best-sellers:
overview comparing the various
perspectives on a specific topic. Harvard Business Review on Brand
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