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a special show.

Players wanting to witness the spectacle are

cordially invited to leave their table to go watch.
At the end of every hour of part 1, the event

Events are encouraged to develop their own

special acts—singing, dancing, puppet shows, or
whatever else might bring a smile to others’ faces.
Events are similarly encouraged to stream their acts
online for others to enjoy.

Time for Fun! (Mr. Light)

Read the following to the event:

entry to the carnival, where you’re greeted by an elf in

colorful motley.

“Welcome friends, old and new;

Have we got a treat for you!

I’m Mister Light and as you can see;

There is no other elf like me.
Kettlesteam has the ability to cast disguise self at-

Whichever Wanderer that is portraying Kettlesteam

So, let’s all make an orderly line.
will carry with them a small bauble that can be

Kettlesteam has cast disguise self to appear as this

Wandering NPC.
Now go inside, it’s time for fun;
Witchlight Hands, begin Part 1!”
Catching Kettlesteam
The players will be wandering the carnival in
search of the elusive kenku.

and excitedly points out the various attractions.

Translating to Online Play
Wandering NPCs In an online environment, wandering NPCs need to be
(Wanderers) them out, they can determine if a visiting NPC is, in
(Investigation) group check. If successful (and the
During this part of the adventure, the characters administrator portraying the wandering NPC is Kettles-
may encounter Kettlesteam, a kenku warlock who team, the mischievous kenku reveals the password to
the group.
to visit the carnival for answers. Unfortunately,

any answers. As a result, they plan on causing

their mind.

WBW-EP The witchlight carnival 21

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