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Crowning The Monarch

Cue: Start time
Read the following to the players assembled at
the Big Top.

Listen one and listen all;

You look like you’ve all had a ball!

One among you, you have to thank;

For without them, the night would’ve stank!

Clap and shout and raise a cheer;

Toast them with water, milk, wine, or beer!

Without further ado;

I announce your Witchlight Monarch!

among the gathered crowd, dipping and weaving

loudly for everyone to hear.

Through The Looking
Stepping Through
receives handout 1. Upon stepping through the mirror, read:

Development (Witch) “You stand at the edge of a raised and broken causeway
Cue: under a hazy, twilit sky. The causeway, which is built
Read the following to the assembled players: from pale stones that glow faintly from within, towers
over the surrounding landscape, but large sections of it
“According to my watch, the night is through;
have crumbled away. The parts that remain in place are
But your hands might have a task for you.
separated by large gaps where portions have collapsed.
A fog-shrouded swamp spreads out below you in all
Return to your tables, and you will see;
directions, and up from its murk wafts the smell of rot-
Once your there, begin Part three!
ting plants. Also rising from the swamp is the music of
nature—a discordant symphony of croaking frogs and
Part 3: Through The singing birds.

Looking Glass Each character that hasn’t yet visited Hither gains
Estimated Duration: 30 minutes a level (to a maximum of 2nd level) upon arriving.
This is an opportune time to take a short break to
Running This Part ensure the players can adjust their characters and to
The characters learn how to get to Hither during ask any questions that they might have in so doing.
this part of the adventure. Lost Things
the carousel, they should each know who stole their
EVENT TIMING lost thing.
This part of the adventure begins as soon as the
players return to their table.
Start Time: Players arrive. characters recovered his voice from Kettlesteam) as
20 Minutes: 10 minute warning appropriate.
30 Minutes: Event concludes

24 WBW-EP The witchlight carnival

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

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