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• Friday 3:20pm section in Skilling (different zoom link, same

- Please attend first section this Friday to learn about project 1
• Project 1 due Friday, Jan 26 at 3pm
- 5pm if you attend/watch lecture
• Ask cs212-staff for extension if you can’t finish
- Tell us where you are with the project,
- How much more you need to do, and
- How much longer you need to finish
• No credit for late assignments w/o extension
• Project groups should ideally be 2–3 people
- Solo groups allowed but not recommended

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• A process is an instance of a program running

• Modern OSes run multiple processes simultaneously
• Examples (can all run simultaneously):
- gcc file_A.c – compiler running on file A
- gcc file_B.c – compiler running on file B
- emacs – text editor
- firefox – web browser
• Non-examples (implemented as one process):
- Multiple emacs frames or firefox windows (can be one process)
• Why processes?
- Simplicity of programming
- Speed: Higher throughput, lower latency

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• Multiple processes can increase CPU utilization
- Overlap one process’s computation with another’s wait
emacs wait for input wait for input

• Multiple processes can reduce latency
- Running A then B requires 100 sec for B to complete
80s 20s
- Running A and B concurrently makes B finish faster

- A is slower than if it had whole machine to itself,
but still < 100 sec unless both A and B completely CPU-bound
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Processes in the real world

• Processes and parallelism have been a fact of life much longer

than OSes have been around
- E.g., say takes 1 worker 10 months to make 1 widget
- Company may hire 100 workers to make 100 widgets
- Latency for first widget >> 1/10 month
- Throughput may be < 10 widgets per month
(if can’t perfectly parallelize task)
- Or 100 workers making 10,000 widgets may achieve > 10
widgets/month (e.g., if workers never idly wait for paint to dry)
• You will see these effects in you Pintos project group
- May block waiting for partner to complete task
- Takes time to coordinate/explain/understand one another’s code
- Labs will take > 1/3 time with three people
- But you will graduate faster than if you took only 1 class at a time
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A process’s view of the world

• Each process has own view of machine

- Its own address space – *(char *)0xc000
different in P1 & P2
- Its own open files
- Its own virtual CPU (through preemptive
• Simplifies programming model
- gcc does not care that firefox is running
• Sometimes want interaction between processes
- Simplest is through files: emacs edits file, gcc compiles it
- More complicated: Shell/command, Window manager/app.

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Inter-Process Communication

• How can processes interact in real time?

(a) By passing messages through the kernel

(b) By sharing a region of physical memory
(c) Through asynchronous signals or alerts
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1 (UNIX-centric) User view of processes

2 Kernel view of processes

3 Threads

4 Thread implementation details

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Creating processes

• Original UNIX paper is a great reference on core system calls

• int fork (void);
- Create new process that is exact copy of current one
- Returns process ID of new process in “parent”
- Returns 0 in “child”
• int waitpid (int pid, int *stat, int opt);
- pid – process to wait for, or -1 for any
- stat – will contain exit value, or signal
- opt – usually 0 or WNOHANG
- Returns process ID or -1 on error

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Deleting processes

• void exit (int status);

- Current process ceases to exist
- status shows up in waitpid (shifted)
- By convention, status of 0 is success, non-zero error
• int kill (int pid, int sig);
- Sends signal sig to process pid
- SIGTERM most common value, kills process by default
(but application can catch it for “cleanup”)
- SIGKILL stronger, kills process always

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Running programs

• int execve (char *prog, char **argv, char **envp);

- prog – full pathname of program to run
- argv – argument vector that gets passed to main
- envp – environment variables, e.g., PATH, HOME
• Generally called through a wrapper functions
- int execvp (char *prog, char **argv);
Search PATH for prog, use current environment
- int execlp (char *prog, char *arg, ...);
List arguments one at a time, finish with NULL
• Example: minish.c
- Loop that reads a command, then executes it
• Warning: Pintos exec more like combined fork/exec

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minish.c (simplified)

pid_t pid; char **av;

void doexec () {
execvp (av[0], av);
perror (av[0]);
exit (1);

/* ... main loop: */

for (;;) {
parse_next_line_of_input (&av, stdin);
switch (pid = fork ()) {
case -1:
perror ("fork"); break;
case 0:
doexec ();
waitpid (pid, NULL, 0); break;
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Manipulating file descriptors

• int dup2 (int oldfd, int newfd);

- Closes newfd, if it was a valid descriptor
- Makes newfd an exact copy of oldfd
- Two file descriptors will share same offset
(lseek on one will affect both)
• int fcntl (int fd, int cmd, ...) – misc fd configuration
- fcntl (fd, F_SETFD, val) – sets close-on-exec flag
When val̸= 0, fd not inherited by spawned programs
- fcntl (fd, F_GETFL) – get misc fd flags
- fcntl (fd, F_SETFL, val) – set misc fd flags
• Example: redirsh.c
- Loop that reads a command and executes it
- Recognizes command < input > output 2> errlog

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void doexec (void) {

int fd;
if (infile) { /* non-NULL for "command < infile" */
if ((fd = open (infile, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
perror (infile);
exit (1);
if (fd != 0) {
dup2 (fd, 0);
close (fd);

/* ... do same for outfile→fd 1, errfile→fd 2 ... */

execvp (av[0], av);

perror (av[0]);
exit (1);
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• int pipe (int fds[2]);

- Returns two file descriptors in fds[0] and fds[1]
- Data written to fds[1] will be returned by read on fds[0]
- When last copy of fds[1] closed, fds[0] will return EOF
- Returns 0 on success, -1 on error
• Operations on pipes
- read/write/close – as with files
- When fds[1] closed, read(fds[0]) returns 0 bytes
- When fds[0] closed, write(fds[1]):
▷ Kills process with SIGPIPE
▷ Or if signal ignored, fails with EPIPE
• Example: pipesh.c
- Sets up pipeline command1 | command2 | command3 ...

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pipesh.c (simplified)

void doexec (void) {

while (outcmd) {
int pipefds[2]; pipe (pipefds);
switch (fork ()) {
case -1:
perror ("fork"); exit (1);
case 0:
dup2 (pipefds[1], 1);
close (pipefds[0]); close (pipefds[1]);
outcmd = NULL;
dup2 (pipefds[0], 0);
close (pipefds[0]); close (pipefds[1]);
parse_command_line (&av, &outcmd, outcmd);
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Multiple file descriptors
• What if you have multiple pipes to multiple processes?
• poll system call lets you know which fd you can read/write1
typedef struct pollfd {
int fd;
short events; // OR of POLLIN, POLLOUT, POLLERR, ...
short revents; // ready events returned by kernel
int poll(struct pollfd *pfds, int nfds, int timeout);

• Also put pipes/sockets into non-blocking mode

if ((n = fcntl (s.fd_, F_GETFL)) == -1
|| fcntl (s.fd_, F_SETFL, n | O_NONBLOCK) == -1)

- Returns errno EGAIN instead of waiting for data

- Does not work for normal files (see aio for that)
In practice, more efficient to use epoll on linux or kqueue on *BSD
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Why fork?

• Most calls to fork followed by execve

• Could also combine into one spawn system call
(like Pintos exec)
• Occasionally useful to fork one process
- Unix dump utility backs up file system to tape
- If tape fills up, must restart at some logical point
- Implemented by forking to revert to old state if tape ends
• Real win is simplicity of interface
- Tons of things you might want to do to child: Manipulate file
descriptors, alter namespace, manipulate process limits ...
- Yet fork requires no arguments at all

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• login – checks username/password, runs user shell

- Runs with administrative privileges
- Lowers privileges to user before exec’ing shell
- Note doesn’t need fork to run shell, just execve
• chroot – change root directory
- Useful for setting/debugging different OS image in a subdirectory
• Some more linux-specific examples
- systemd-nspawn – runs program in container-like environment
- ip netns – runs program with different network namespace
- unshare – decouple namespaces from parent and exec program

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Spawning a process without fork

• Without fork, needs tons of different options for new process

• Example: Windows CreateProcess system call
- Also CreateProcessAsUser, CreateProcessWithLogonW,
CreateProcessWithTokenW, . . .

BOOL WINAPI CreateProcess(

_In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpApplicationName,
_Inout_opt_ LPTSTR lpCommandLine,
_In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes,
_In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes,
_In_ BOOL bInheritHandles,
_In_ DWORD dwCreationFlags,
_In_opt_ LPVOID lpEnvironment,
_In_opt_ LPCTSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
_In_ LPSTARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo,
_Out_ LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation
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1 (UNIX-centric) User view of processes

2 Kernel view of processes

3 Threads

4 Thread implementation details

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Implementing processes

• Keep a data structure for each process

- Process Control Block (PCB) Process state
- Called proc in Unix, task_struct in Linux, Process ID
and just struct thread in Pintos User id, etc.
• Tracks state of the process Program counter
- Running, ready (runnable), waiting, etc.
• Includes information necessary to run Registers
- Registers, virtual memory mappings, etc. Address space
- Open files (including memory mapped files)
(VM data structs)
• Various other data about the process
- Credentials (user/group ID), signal mask, Open files
controlling terminal, priority, accounting
statistics, whether being debugged, which PCB
system call binary emulation in use, . . .
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Process states
new admitted dispatch exit terminated

ready running

I/O or event I/O or event wait

• Process can be in one of several states

- new & terminated at beginning & end of life
- running – currently executing (or will execute on kernel return)
- ready – can run, but kernel has chosen different process to run
- waiting – needs async event (e.g., disk operation) to proceed
• Which process should kernel run?
- if 0 runnable, run idle loop (or halt CPU), if 1 runnable, run it
- if >1 runnable, must make scheduling decision
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• How to pick which process to run

• Scan process table for first runnable?
- Expensive. Weird priorities (small pids do better)
- Divide into runnable and blocked processes
- Put threads on back of list, pull them from front:
head t1 t2 t3 t4

- Pintos does this—see ready_list in thread.c

• Priority?
- Give some threads a better shot at the CPU

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Scheduling policy

• Want to balance multiple goals

- Fairness – don’t starve processes
- Priority – reflect relative importance of procs
- Deadlines – must do X (play audio) by certain time
- Throughput – want good overall performance
- Efficiency – minimize overhead of scheduler itself
• No universal policy
- Many variables, can’t optimize for all
- Conflicting goals (e.g., throughput or priority vs. fairness)
• We will spend a whole lecture on this topic

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• Can preempt a process when kernel gets control

• Running process can vector control to kernel
- System call, page fault, illegal instruction, etc.
- May put current process to sleep—e.g., read from disk
- May make other process runnable—e.g., fork, write to pipe
• Periodic timer interrupt
- If running process used up quantum, schedule another
• Device interrupt
- Disk request completed, or packet arrived on network
- Previously waiting process becomes runnable
- Schedule if higher priority than current running proc.
• Changing running process is called a context switch

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Context switch

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Context switch details

• Very machine dependent. Typical things include:

- Save program counter and integer registers (always)
- Save floating point or other special registers
- Save condition codes
- Change virtual address translations
• Non-negligible cost
- Save/restore floating point registers expensive
▷ Optimization: only save if process used floating point
- May require flushing TLB (memory translation hardware)
▷ HW Optimization 1: don’t flush kernel’s own data from TLB
▷ HW Optimization 2: use tag to avoid flushing any data
- Usually causes more cache misses (switch working sets)

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1 (UNIX-centric) User view of processes

2 Kernel view of processes

3 Threads

4 Thread implementation details

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• A thread is a schedulable execution context

- Program counter, stack, registers, . . .
• Simple programs use one thread per process
• But can also have multi-threaded programs
- Multiple threads running in same process’s address space 29 / 44
Why threads?

• Most popular abstraction for concurrency

- Lighter-weight abstraction than processes
- All threads in one process share memory, file descriptors, etc.
• Allows one process to use multiple CPUs or cores
• Allows program to overlap I/O and computation
- Same benefit as OS running emacs & gcc simultaneously
- E.g., threaded web server services clients simultaneously:
for (;;) {
c = accept_client();
thread_create(service_client, c);
• Most kernels have threads, too
- Typically at least one kernel thread for every process
- Switch kernel threads when preempting process
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Thread package API

• tid thread_create (void (*fn) (void *), void *arg);

- Create a new thread, run fn with arg
• void thread_exit ();
- Destroy current thread
• void thread_join (tid thread);
- Wait for thread thread to exit
• Plus lots of support for synchronization [in 3 weeks]
• See [Birell] for good introduction
• Can have preemptive or non-preemptive threads
- Preemptive causes more race conditions
- Non-preemptive can’t take advantage of multiple CPUs
- Before prevalence of multicore, most kernels non-preemptive
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Kernel threads2

• Can implement thread_create as a system call

• To add thread_create to an OS that doesn’t have it:
- Start with process abstraction in kernel
- thread_create like process creation with features stripped out
▷ Keep same address space, file table, etc., in new process
▷ rfork/clone syscalls actually allow individual control

• Faster than a process, but still very heavy weight

i.e., native or non-green threads; “kernel threads” can also mean threads
inside the kernel, which typically implement native threads)
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Limitations of kernel-level threads

• Every thread operation must go through kernel

- create, exit, join, synchronize, or switch for any reason
- On my laptop: syscall takes 100 cycles, fn call 5 cycles
- Result: threads 10x-30x slower when implemented in kernel
• One-size fits all thread implementation
- Kernel threads must please all people
- Maybe pay for fancy features (priority, etc.) you don’t need
• General heavy-weight memory requirements
- E.g., requires a fixed-size stack within kernel
- Other data structures designed for heavier-weight processes

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Alternative: User threads

• Implement as user-level library (a.k.a. green threads)

- One kernel thread per process
- thread_create, thread_exit, etc., just library functions
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Implementing user-level threads

• Allocate a new stack for each thread_create

• Keep a queue of runnable threads
• Replace networking system calls (read/write/etc.)
- If operation would block, switch and run different thread
• Schedule periodic timer signal (setitimer)
- Switch to another thread on timer signals (preemption)
• Multi-threaded web server example
- Thread calls read to get data from remote web browser
- “Fake” read function makes read syscall in non-blocking mode
- No data? schedule another thread
- On timer or when idle check which connections have new data

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1 (UNIX-centric) User view of processes

2 Kernel view of processes

3 Threads

4 Thread implementation details

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Background: calling conventions

• Registers divided into 2 groups

- Functions free to clobber caller-saved regs Call
(%eax [return val], %edx, & %ecx on x86)
- But must restore callee-saved ones to return addr
original value upon return (on x86, %ebx,
%esi, %edi, plus %ebp and %esp) old frame ptr
• sp register always base of stack callee-saved
- Frame pointer (fp) is old sp
• Local variables stored in registers and on Local vars
stack and temps
• Function arguments go in caller-saved
regs and on stack
- With 32-bit x86, all arguments on stack
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Background: procedure calls

Procedure call
save active caller registers
push arguments to stack
call foo (pushes pc)
save needed callee registers stuff...
restore callee saved registers
jump back to calling function
restore stack+caller regs.

• Caller must save some state across function call

- Return address, caller-saved registers
• Other state does not need to be saved
- Callee-saved regs, global variables, stack pointer
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Pintos thread implementation
• Pintos implements user processes on top of its own threads
- Code for threads in kernel very similar to green threads
• Per-thread state in thread control block structure
struct thread {
uint8_t *stack; /* Saved stack pointer. */
uint32_t thread_stack_ofs = offsetof(struct thread, stack);
• C declaration for asm thread-switch function:
- struct thread *switch_threads (struct thread *cur,
struct thread *next);
• Also thread initialization function to create new stack:
- void thread_create (const char *name,
thread_func *function, void *aux);
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i386 switch_threads

pushl %ebx; pushl %ebp # Save callee-saved regs

pushl %esi; pushl %edi
mov thread_stack_ofs, %edx # %edx = offset of stack field
# in thread struct
movl 20(%esp), %eax # %eax = cur
movl %esp, (%eax,%edx,1) # cur->stack = %esp
movl 24(%esp), %ecx # %ecx = next
movl (%ecx,%edx,1), %esp # %esp = next->stack
popl %edi; popl %esi # Restore calle-saved regs
popl %ebp; popl %ebx
ret # Resume execution

• This is actual code from Pintos switch.S (slightly reformatted)

- See Thread Switching in documentation

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i386 switch_threads
current next
stack stack
next next
current current
return addr return addr

• This is actual code from Pintos switch.S (slightly reformatted)

- See Thread Switching in documentation

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i386 switch_threads
current next
stack stack
next next
current current
return addr return addr
%ebx %ebx
%ebp %ebp
%esi %esi
%edi %edi
%esp %esp

• This is actual code from Pintos switch.S (slightly reformatted)

- See Thread Switching in documentation

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i386 switch_threads
current next
stack stack
next next
current current
return addr return addr
%ebx %ebx
%ebp %ebp
%esi %esi
%edi %edi
%esp %esp

• This is actual code from Pintos switch.S (slightly reformatted)

- See Thread Switching in documentation

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i386 switch_threads
current next
stack stack
next next
current current
return addr return addr
%ebp callee-saved
%esi registers

• This is actual code from Pintos switch.S (slightly reformatted)

- See Thread Switching in documentation

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Limitations of user-level threads

• A user-level thread library can do the same thing as Pintos

• Can’t take advantage of multiple CPUs or cores
• A blocking system call blocks all threads
- Can use O_NONBLOCK to avoid blocking on network connections
- But doesn’t work for disk (e.g., even aio doesn’t work for metadata)
- So one uncached disk read/synchronous write blocks all threads
• A page fault blocks all threads
• Possible deadlock if one thread blocks on another
- May block entire process and make no progress
- [More on deadlock in future lectures.]

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User threads on kernel threads

• User threads implemented on kernel threads

- Multiple kernel-level threads per process
- thread_create, thread_exit still library functions as before
• Sometimes called n : m threading
- Have n user threads per m kernel threads
(Simple user-level threads are n : 1, kernel threads 1 : 1)
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Limitations of n : m threading

• Many of same problems as n : 1 threads

- Blocked threads, deadlock, . . .
• Hard to keep same # ktrheads as available CPUs
- Kernel knows how many CPUs available
- Kernel knows which kernel-level threads are blocked
- But tries to hide these things from applications for transparency
- So user-level thread scheduler might think a thread is running
while underlying kernel thread is blocked
• Kernel doesn’t know relative importance of threads
- Might preempt kthread in which library holds important lock

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• Threads best implemented as a library

- But kernel threads not best interface on which to do this
• Better kernel interfaces have been suggested
- See Scheduler Activations [Anderson et al.]
- Maybe too complex to implement on existing OSes (some have
added then removed such features)
• Standard threads still fine for most purposes
- Use kernel threads if I/O concurrency main goal
- Use n : m threads for highly concurrent (e.g,. scientific
applications) with many thread switches
• But concurrency greatly increases complexity
- More on that in concurrency, synchronization lectures...

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