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Card Cosmology

Level 1 Class Manual

An Ancient Divination Calendar

By Karyn Marie Chabot, M.Ay, LMT, RYT 1
The Karma Wheel of the Cards

According to the writings, the Egyptians
were not the originators of the "Test
Book". It appeared, said Richmond, over
15,000 years ago in Atlantis. Atlantis was
a continent existing in the Atlantic Ocean
that was segmented into 4 quadrants by 4
rivers flowing to the sea from one source,
a mountain lake. Upon a large rock in the
center of the lake was built The Palace of
Kings - where the 4 kings ruled this
ancient continent. Around the palace
was built The Garden of Atlantis within
which was planted every tree or fruit to
delight the human senses.

Atlantis supported a civilization of highly evolved beings, nourished by the efforts of

their advanced scientific and metaphysical communities. About 15,000 years ago when
Atlantis was in the height of its civilization, colonies were established in Egypt and South
America. The tradition of the Cards was brought to those colonies where the priests
built temples for study and practice of that amazing science.

As is typical in our human history, improper use of these advanced opportunities paved
the way towards its destruction. A great tragedy occurred and Atlantis sank into the
Atlantic Ocean. Only the temples in Egypt and South America remained where the
tradition of the Cards was kept alive. There is speculation not only as to the reason that
Atlantis crashed, but also about whether it even actually existed.

Each card is assigned a 'spot value' based on its number, Ace being 1 and King being 13.

The 'suit value' (emblem value) for the cards are: Hearts=0, Clubs=13, Diamonds=26
and Spades=39.

The 'solar value' of each card is the spot value added to the suit value, where is 1 and
the is 52.

The number of cards in the deck = the number of weeks in the year, and the number of
suits = the number of seasons in the year.

Each day of the week is related to one of the seven planets. 2
The spot values of the cards added together=364, which is the same as the 7 planets
multiplied by the 52 cards in the deck. The joker takes up the remaining 1 1/4 days,
making it equal the number of days in the year (which takes into account Leap Day).

The way in which the deck is laid out and the manner in which to 'quadrate' the deck
were described. The formulation for associating each day of the year with a card was
described as a purely mathematical phenomenon. Olney stated that the layout of the
deck (in its perfect order) was purely arbitrary, and it was not until the client shuffled
and cut the cards, using a specific set of rules, would one be able to do a reading for the
client. This is an important concept that we will discuss later. He placed the planets to
the right of each row to represent the planetary ruler for that row. In his readings, the
columns were described as follows:

The rightmost 2 columns (and a portion of the 3rd column from the right) were
presented as energies relative to the past. The leftmost 2 columns (and a portion of the
3rd column from the left) were presented as energies relative to the future. The
remaining 3 columns in the middle (not including those positions delegated to either the
past or future) were to be taken as the present. 3 4
Heaven’s Spread 5
Your Birth Card:

Keep in mind that you also have a Planetary Ruling Card to consider before you can
understand the whole picture of who you are, along with information from your Karma
Cards and Life Spread.

Ace – You are a leader, an initiator and a person with strong passions for those things
represented by your suit. Your ambition will cause you to accomplish many things. You
can be a loner and are often impatient.

Two – relationships and cooperation are essential in your soul pattern. You need
partners and relationships to help you feel complete and balanced. You possess physical
beauty. You are considerate of others though you may be a whiner and complainer.

Three – you are extremely creative and love self-expression. You dislike routine and
need a certain amount of variety. You like short trips. You express yourself best through
the suit of your card and can be indecisive at times. You get bored easily and people
may accuse you of having ADD. You are a worrier.

Four – you are solid and grounded. You have a certain amount of satisfaction in your
life, especially related to your suit. You are strong and sometimes fixed and stubborn. If
you work hard you will always have success.

Five – you are a restless person and like changes, especially changes in whatever is
represented by your suit. You enjoy travel and may have trouble sinking roots or making
commitments. You want to experience everything that life has to offer, especially in the
realms represented by your suit.

Six – you like things to basically remain as they are. You are not easily swayed or moved. 6
You are either very responsible or are learning about responsibility related to your suit.
You know the law. What you give is what you get. You are a peacemaker but you also
make a strong competitor.

Seven – you are basically a spiritual person, or will be a spiritual person. You get more
from giving to others than receiving and could do great things in that regard. You can be
very lucky, though attachments to the things represented by your suit may prove
challenging at times. You are often inspired.

Eight – you are a person of power, especially in the realm of your suit. You know you
have this power and have a great responsibility to use it wisely. Be careful not to bully
others around with it. You get your way most of the time and attract powerful partners
and friends.

Nine – you are a universal person, one who can do lots of good for humanity, or at least
large groups of people. You can have divine spiritual experiences. You are a giver. You
are in this life to complete many things and some of these completions may at times
seem like losses. You can be co-dependent.

Ten – you are a person of personal accomplishment and will be applauded by many for
your work. You tend to overdo things in your life, especially related to your suit. You are
ambitious like the Ace but you have more experience to turn your impatience into

Jack – you are youthful and creative and a member of the royal family. You are very
smart and cunning and you like to play. Sometimes you can be immature and tricky.

Queen – you are a master over the things represented by your suit and you use them
for service. You are a mother and are here to nurture and help your children (in many 7
forms). You are like a King in power but more sensitive and service-oriented.

King – you are the master over your suit and demand recognition from others. You live
by your own rules and combine the power of the eight with your wisdom for success in
the areas ruled by your suit. You are a leader and can take on much responsibility.


Each of the four suits is connected with a season of the year and one of the four seasons
of life. The correlation is as follows:

Spring - Hearts (Kapha) Summer – Clubs (Pitta) Fall – Diamonds (Vata)

Winter – Spades (Tri-dosha)

These are also associated with the four elements (Water, Air, Earth and Fire) but so
many people argue about how they correlate that I am not going to even get into that
here. But the meanings of these four suits are very informative and will tell you some
important things about yourself.

Hearts – Hearts govern the first period of our lives and the first season of the year – the
season of childhood. And the things of childhood are the things associated with Hearts.
Family, love, home, relationships, emotions, and children all fall under the domain of
Hearts. People who are born as Heart Birth Card are child-like in nature. They never
really get old, not on the inside. And they usually love children. They are most
concerned and affected by their personal relationships, especially relationships with
people in their families. Hearts is also the suit of sex and Hearts people seem to make
that a greater priority than the other suits. In my book, Cards of Your Destiny, you will
find your personal yearly spreads of cards that tell you when things will happen and with
whom. Whenever a Heart appears there it is telling you about something happening 8
with your relationships. All the marriage cards are Hearts as well as the cards for love
affairs, divorce, love triangles and others. The Heart person is searching for the perfect

Clubs – Clubs govern the period of life after childhood when we are sent off to school
every day. Clubs govern education, communications, both written and verbal, our
thinking, and all information centric activities and jobs. Legal matters are also ruled by
Clubs. People who are Clubs are ‘eternal college students.’ They love to read and to
learn new things. They thrive on conversation and communications in all forms. To a
Club person, ‘the thought is as good as the thing itself.’ They are the detail people of the
deck too. They will notice and find things that other suits miss. When a Club card
appears in your yearly spread in my book, Cards of Your Destiny, it will tell you about
the status of your communications, a legal matter, plans you have made, educational
pursuits and your general mental state of being. The Club person is searching for the
perfect truth.

Diamonds – Diamonds represent the harvest season, both in the year and in our life. It
is the suit of value and accumulation of value. Whereas Clubs accumulate knowledge,
Diamonds prefer money and things. To a Diamond, all things, including people and
relationships, have a value. The Diamond person is the one who assigns this value and in
truth, through the accumulation of things and money, the Diamond person is seeking his
or her own value in the world. All the money cards in the Cards of Your Destiny are
Diamonds, the good ones and the bad ones. Diamonds are the adults of the deck. Even
children who are Diamonds will not like being treated as a baby. And they will generally
choose to hang out with kids a little older than themselves. Some of the greatest money
people in the world are Diamond cards. The Diamond person is seeking self-worth.

Spades – Spades are the suit of wisdom and wisdom can only be obtained through
experience. Though a Club may have lots of knowledge, their knowledge is, by 9
definition, inferior to wisdom. And all Spades people know this. These are the workers
of the deck. All the workaholic cards are Spades and any Spade person can be accused
of it at one time or the other. Spades are also connected to health and health issues, a
common symptom in the last years of our life which Spades govern. Not all Spades have
health issues. But quite a few of them do. A Spade person is interested in doing, as
opposed to feeling, thinking or wanting of the other suits. Spade children like to hang
with the grandparents and much older people since they are essentially old souls, even
from birth. A Spade person is seeking self perfection through doing, and their work.

A good example of how the suits differ would be as follows. Put one person of each suit
in a room and show them a large beautiful painting. The following would be typical

The Heart person – I get a wonderful feeling from that painting! The Club person – I
think I understand what the painter was trying to say when they painted that. The
Diamond person – How much is it? The Spade person – I am amazed at the quality of
detail that went into creating that painting!

That about sums up the four Suits. As you look at your friends and family you will see
how these basic meanings play out. It is fascinating and fun!

Find Your Karma Cards (for those in the family of 45)

45 of the Birth Cards have two Karma Cards. This leaves a special family of 7 cards. Their
lives are distinctly different from the main group of 45. Let’s talk about the main family
of 45 first. Anyone can find out what their Karma Cards are by using the Sacred Circle of
the Cards.

Imagine the Sacred Circle in the illustration as being a large campfire surrounded by
people holding hands. The triangle in the center is the fire and the cards along the edge 10
are the people, all facing the campfire. Now, locate your Birth Card on the circle. The
card on your immediate right is your first Karma Card and the person on your left is your
second. For example, if my Birth Card is the Queen of Hearts, my first Karma Card is the
Ten of Spades and my second is the Nine of Clubs. But if my Birth Card is the Seven of
Hearts, my first Karma Card would be the Eight of Hearts and my second, the Ace of

Mercury Planet of impulse

Venus Planet of love
Mars Planet of aggressiveness
Jupiter Planet of wealth and power
Saturn Planet of death and constraint
Uranus Planet of labor and creativity
Neptune Planet of water

Your Personal Planetary Periods each year

The way this system works is quite magical in many ways. First of all, instead of months,
the year is divided into seven planetary periods, each 52 days long. They begin on your
birthday each year. On your birthday each year you begin the Mercury period, which
lasts for 52 days. The entire sequence is as follows:
• Mercury – begins on your birthday, lasts 52 days
• Venus – lasts 52 days
• Mars- lasts 52 days
• Jupiter – lasts 52 days
• Saturn – lasts 52 days
• Uranus – lasts 52 days
• Neptune – starts 52 days before your next birthday
The dates that each of these periods begin can be calculated by simply adding 52 days
to your birthday, and so on. For example, for someone born on December 5th, the dates
would be
• Mercury – December 5th 11
• Venus – January 27th
• Mars - March 20th
• Jupiter – May 11th
• Saturn – July 2nd
• Uranus – August 23rd
• Neptune – October 14th
These periods begin and end on the same dates, except on leap year for a small number
of birthdays.

Mercury and Venus rule Hearts

While Mercury rules the Hearts from the standpoint of

instinctive passion, Venus rules from the standpoint of
emotional love and harmony.
Mars and Earth rule Clubs

While Mars rules Clubs mainly from the standpoint of

action and aggressiveness, Earth rules from the
standpoint of selfishness and greed.
Jupiter and Neptune rule Diamonds

While Jupiter rules the Diamonds from the standpoint of

wealth, Neptune rules from the standpoint of commerce.
Saturn and Uranus rule Spades

While Saturn rules the Spades from the standpoint of

death and rebirth, Uranus rules from the standpoint of
Planet of Higher Mind; Rules the Crown

Most people have two Yearly Spreads of cards to consider

Your Birth Card has a yearly spread and so does your Planetary Ruling Card. So for most
people this means you have two spreads to look at each year. With so many cards, you
have ample information about every month of the year, and the year in a general sense. 12
Below is a snapshot of one person’s yearly spreads that is a Seven of Diamonds Birth
Card at age 20. You can see the Year-Long Cards at the top and the planetary period
cards below with the beginning dates of each period displayed. The smaller cards
displayed below many of the cards here are called Underlying Cards. 13
What’s Your Solar Value?
1. Ace H 19. 6C 39. KD
2. 2 H 20. 7C 40. Ace S
3. 3H 21. 8C 41. 2S
4. 4H 22. 9C 42. 3S
5. 5H 23. 10C 43. 4S
6. 6H 24. JC 44. 5S
7. 7H 25. QC 45. 6S
8. 8H 26. KC 46. 7S
9. 9H 27. Ace D 47. 8S
10. 10H 28. 2D 48. 9S
11. JH 29. 3D 49. 10S
12. QH 30. 4D 50. JS
13. KH 31. 5D 51. QS
14. Ace C 32. 6D 52. KS
15. 2C 33. 7D
16. 3C 34. 8D
17. 4C 35. 9D
18. 5C 36. 10D
37. JD
38. QD 14
Most Likely Time to Make Tons of Money 15
Most Likely Time to Marry 16 17 18 19
Special thanks to these Authors:
Robert Lee Camp
David Suchy
Sharon Jeffers
Thomas Morrell
Alexander Dunlop 20

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