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Campus News.

Summer 2005

2005 TAG trip: Participation universal church

by Mandie Callis '04 Communications Assistant The twenty-one volunteers in the Trevecca Around the Globe (TAG) Team returned to Nashville from Ukraine on May 20, 2005. Their eleven days of ministry in the local churches of Vinnitsa helped team members gain new insights about the confirmation of a call to service, a beller understanding of the phrase "universal church," and the purpose and fulfillment of the outreach extended during the trip. The work done during the trip actually began before the team even arrived. TAG participants report that the work of that church-worship; drug, alcohol, and prostitution rehab; operating an orphanage-is changing the lives of the people who make up the church. Daryl Winsinger, a junior at Trevecca, says, "Many times we think of missions trips as going to help those who can't do for themselves, but we helped the people in the work they were already doing." For University nurse and adult sponsor JoAnn Blevins, the Sunday service reminded her of the "Acts-chapter-two church, one composed of widows, orphans, drug addicts, prostitutes, alcoholics-all redeemed by grace. Their faces glowed." As the people worked together and as the team joined with their fellow believers, they grew personally and spiritually. "More than anything, it showed me God's church working throughout the world. Language and cultural boundaries were broken as we worshiped and

in the

praised our Lord together," says Stephanie Kirkham, sophomore. Projects included sanding and painting doors and tearing out an old sidewalk. TAG members also visited the Children's Home (orphanage), participated in worship services,

"Many times we think of missions trips as going 10 help those who can't do for themselves, but we helped the people in the work they were already doing."

spent time getting to know the people of the church, and educated caretakers about treating and caring for children with AIDS. For Bethany Williams, a sophomore, the TAG trip confirmed her call to serve: "As we find in the Scriptures and what has been confirmed in my heart-'Here 1 am, send me.'"

TAG membersJo Ann Blevins, Katie Stewart, Meghan Smith, Amy Freeman, Debra \Vilkerson,

Tracy Willoughby, and Daryl

\Vinsinger-enjoy a visit with the children at the orphanage in Vyapnarka.

Jo Ann Blevins, Michelle Osborne, Katie Stewart,

Amy Freeman,

Stephanie Kirkham, and Rhonda Day pose in front of an Eastern Orthodox church in Vyapnarka,

The students learned through the worship services how meaningful it is to be a pan of a universal church. Faith Brock, freshman, states conclusively, "Their lives are the church. They're here every time the doors are open, whether working or worshiping, or just fellowshiping with one another. We saw a true testimony of Christlike living. I will never be the same." .-.



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