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By Keith A. Kilburn
Derek C. Thornton

Introduction ............................................................................. 2

Olympus and the Realms of the Olympians

Olympus ....................................................................... 3
Hades ........................................................................... 5

Hercules ....................................................................... 7
Olympian Gods .......................................................... 15
The Gods of the 80s .................................................. 67
Olympian Heroes and Demi-Gods ............................ 69
Olympian Creatures and Races .............................. 120


Writer, Editor and Layout: Keith A. Kilburn Dedications:

Consultants: Derek C. Thornton and George Henson. To Bullfinch, Ray Harryhausen, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Lou
Art by: The Marvel Bullpen Ferrigno, Kevin Sorbo, and Dwayne Johnson for turning this zero
Art and some Histories taken from sites on the net. into a hero.

Technical Assistance: To Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Larry Leiber, Walt Simonson, Michael j.
Final layout editing by Steve Jolly. Straczynski, Kurt Busiek, Tom Defalco, Olivier Coipel, John
Buscema, Jim Romita, John Romita Jr., Ron Frenz, Bob Layton
and the many unsung and uncredited heroes who put pen to
paper or pounded on a keyboard to bring these characters to life
and gave us the gods in all their marvelous glory.

Legal Disclaimer:
All characters featured in this book and the distinctive names and likenesses thereof, and all related indicia, are trademarks of
Marvel Characters, Inc 2018. Hercules and the Gods of Olympus manuscript is © 2018 Keith Kilburn. This book was originally
distributed in and hosted by Marvel Super Heroes - The Unofficial Canon Project on Facebook. If you are in receipt of this book and
wish to share it, you must do so strictly on a non-profit basis, and credit the original source. If you’re aware of copies in any format
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Olympus and the Realms of the Olympians

A small "pocket" dimension adjacent to
Earth; an interdimensional nexus between
Olympus and Earth exists somewhere on
Mount Olympus in Greece. Olympus is a
small other-dimensional planetary body
whose nature and physics are different
from those of planetary bodies in the
Earthly dimension. Olympus serves as
the home to the Olympian gods. Olympus
resembles the Asgard (Realm), although
it is no bigger than a large city. This
relatively flat asteroid-like landmass is
suspended in space, and is surrounded
by what its inhabitants call “the Abyss.” It
is not known if Olympus's source of light
and heat is Earth's sun, or a glowing ball
of light dissimilar to a star in most of its
properties. Unlike Earth, where the force
of gravitation radiates from the mass of
the planet, Olympus has gravity, which
apparently radiates from some point or
object beneath the suspended landmass.
Consequently, there is a topside to
Olympus, upon which beings can stand.

There is apparently some force that

keeps the bottom and edges of Olympus's
landmass from eroding away. This force
also prevents Olympus's atmosphere Olympus are the great halls of the Olympus was almost invaded by the
from escaping. Olympus is surrounded by principal Olympian gods and the demonic hordes of Hades led by Loki,
what Olympians call "the Abyss," which Pantheon Hall, where the Olympian high who at the time ruled Hades. The
may be similar to Asgard's "sea of space." council meet. Those Titans not confined invasion was halted when Joya posed as
The exact nature of space in the Olympus to the land of the dead live in an enclave Venus to trick Loki into returning to
dimension is unknown. While the gravity amid the large forest governed by Hades. In 1950, one of Loki's demons
of Olympus is roughly analogous to Artemis. Wrongdoers are punished at the infiltrated Olympus by possessing the
Earth's, common Olympian matter is "Place of Plain". For many years Olympus body of Apollo. He attempted to convince
considerably denser than Earth's on the has been ruled by Zeus, ruler of the Zeus to allow Loki to reside on Olympus,
average. Consequently, a chair made of Olympians, however others have ruled in however this plot was exposed by Venus.
Olympian wood would be more massive, his place from time to time. Later that year Olympus was invaded by
heavier, and more durable than a chair creatures that inhabited the mind of Earth
made of analogous Earthly wood. At some point in time, Zeus took a leave scientist Profesor Buffanoff. Olympus was
Olympus is linked to at least four other of absence from Olympus, leaving defended by Zeus, Apollo, and the
dimensions. The dimensional bridge Aphrodite in charge of Olympus. Taking Asgardian thunder god Thor until Venus
between Olympus and Earth leads to on her Roman name Venus, she moved was able to trick the creatures into
somewhere on Mount Olympus in the dimensional nexus from Mount returning to Buffanoff's dying brain.
Greece. There is also a nexus between Olympus to the planet Venus. She
Olympus and Hades, the realm of Pluto, allowed non-Olympians to reside in
and an apparently artificial nexus Olympus, such as Cleopatra, and the
between Olympus and Asgard. Also, Biblical Samson. In the late 1940s, Zeus
there is a bridge leading to another realm, returned to Olympus and reclaimed rule
from which the Olympian race is said to of the realm when Venus became
originate. Among the major buildings of determined to remain on Earth. In 1949,

HADES: tributaries the rivers Acheron, Cocytus, Erebus:
Aornis, the flaming river Phlegethon, and Erebus is a region of Hades, the
Hades is the Olympian underworld, or Lethe, whose waters, when drunk, induce underworld. It was where the dead had to
Realm of the Dead, where the spirits of loss of memory. The ferryman Charon pass immediately after dying, the three
the Olympian gods and those of their conveys the arriving spirits across the headed dog Cerberus guards the
worshipers went to dwell after death. Styx. Near the Palace newly arrived gateway here. It is also the port in which
Hades is actually a pocket dimension spirits are judged by the shades of the Charon the ferryman took the souls to
accessible both from Earth and from mortals Aeacus, Minos, and their respective region of Hades.
Olympus. Hades has typically been ruled Rhadamanthys, and are then sent along
by Pluto (although others have ruled the three paths. Those who were neither truly River Styx:
domain from time to time). They then good nor truly evil in life are sent on the The River Styx is a river that serves as a
pass the guardian Cerberus, who can road back to the Asphodel Fields. Those barrier separating the world of the living
take the form of a gigantic humanoid who were evil are condemned to from the world of the Hades, the
warrior or of a savage three-headed dog. Tartarus, a dark place of terrible Underworld the realm of the dead. It can
The arriving spirits pass through the punishments; where the Titan warriors be reached by Erebus the gateway to the
dismal Asphodel Fields to a section called are confined. The virtuous travel the path underworld.
Erebus where the palace of Pluto and to Elysium, a beautiful and peaceful realm
Persephone stands. where they dwell happily. Elysium and River Lethe:
Tartarus may be separate pocket This is one of the rivers believed by the
Spirits usually arrive in Hades on the dimensions from that of Hades proper. ancient Greeks to be a river of Hades.
border of the River Styx, which has as its Those who drink from it experience

Tartarus, is a region of Hades, far below
than where Hades resided and it was
used as the most horrible prison. Some
accounts say that the distance between
Tartarus and Hades was the same as
between the earth and the heaven.
Although the kingdom of Hades was the
place of the dead, Tartarus was where
ferocious monsters and horrible criminals
were banished, or where the gods
imprisoned their rivals after a war. The
three judges of the Underworld,
Rhadamanthus, Aeacus and Minos,
decided who would go to the realm of
Hades and who would be banished to

Moreover, Cronus, the king of the Titans,

imprisoned the Cyclopes and the
Hecatonchires in Tartarus, but Zeus
released them in order to help him defeat
the Titans. When the Titanomachy ended
in favour of the Olympians, Zeus
banished many of the Titans to Tartarus.

Originally, the paradise to which heroes
on whom the gods conferred immortality
were sent. It was probably retained from
Minoan religion. In Homer’s writings the
Elysian Plain was a land of perfect
happiness at the end of the Earth, on the
banks of the Oceanus. A similar
description was given by Hesiod of the
Isles of the Blessed. In the earlier
authors, only those specially favoured by
the gods entered Elysium and were made
immortal. By the time of Hesiod, however,
Elysium was a place for the blessed dead
and, from Pindar on, entrance was gained
by a righteous life.

Asphodel Fields:
The Asphodel Meadows is a section of
the Ancient Greek underworld where
indifferent and ordinary souls were sent to
live after death. Hades, the Greek name
for the underworld (also the name of the
Greek god of the Underworld,
synonymous with the Roman God Pluto)
is divided into two main sections: Erebus
and Tartarus. Erebus was where the dead
first entered the underworld. Charon
ferried the dead across the river Styx
where they then went into Tartarus.
Tartarus is the section of the underworld
where the dead would spend all of
eternity in the place where judgment
would order them. Tartarus is then
divided into three subsections: the Elysian
Fields, the Asphodel Meadows, and
Tartarus. The Elysian Fields were for the
good and heroic souls where they would
be forever happy. Tartarus was where the
evil and treacherous souls were sent to their light originates from something they restarted their population but
live out eternity in horrible punishment. called a "glowsphere". Originally the land intentionally limited the number of new cat
The name comes from the asphodel was visited by Morbius. When Morbius people. It was later clarified that this
flower which is ghostly and pale, like the was tossed into the region's river (the second generation of Cat People were
pale copy of a world that asphodel is. river of oblivion) he emerged on the the product of the first Tigra and the first
planet Arcturus IV via some sort of warp. Balkatar who were created by Helene and
The Land Within: The West Coast Avengers traveled to the Flavius.
The Land Within is a region of Hades, the Land Within to cure Tigra of her problem
Underworld where a group of sorcerers with having two souls. The Fantastic Four
banished the Cat People. The sorcerers also ventured to the Land Within to
were concerned about their rapid uncover clues about the Beyonders. A
population growth. The Cat People's smaller contingent of Cat People lived on
progenitors Helene and Flavius had been Earth. After Helene and Flavius escaped
the creations of a mystic named Ebrok. their banishment and returned to Earth
The Land Within does not have a sun,


Invulnerability to disease: Cl1000. use them, these two items combined with
his natural abilities turn Hercules, into an
Immortality: Olympians are immortal on almost unstoppable force of Olympus.
Earth. They can die on Olympus.
Talents: Bows, Weapons Master,
Allspeak: Can communicate in all of the Marksman, Weapon Specialist-Mace,
languages, Earth's dialects, and various Wrestling; Hercules is a scholar of
alien languages. Ancient Lore of Greece and Olympus (+2
Regeneration: Incredible (40).
Contacts: Thor, Olympian pantheon,
Hyper-Leaping: Shift-X (150) ability. Avengers, The Champions, U.S.
Government, U.S. Military, Interpol,
EQUIPMENT: S.H.I.E.L.D. (Specifically Nick Fury).
Weapon-Golden Mace: Cl1000
Adamantine, and in Hercules' hands Running Hercules:
inflicts Shift-X (150) damage. Hercules is a thrill seeker. He enjoys
'slumming it' on Earth because it is a
Nemean Lion Skin: Unearthly (100) Body relatively interesting place to be. He gives
Armor vs. physical and energy. in to filling his appetites for fun and
women. He is an unrepentant Casanova
Helm of Hades: Made of Cl1000 who has trouble understanding why
Adamantine, Cl1000 vs. Physical, Energy, women occasionally resist him.
and Magical:
 Invisible: Shift-X (150) can render HISTORY:
himself invisible and undetectable to Herakles was the son of Zeus, king of the
mortal, godly and alien detection. Olympian gods, and Alcmena of Thebes
HERCULES  Protection vs. Head Attacks: Cl1000 vs. in Ancient Greece. Zeus seduced
Physical, Energy, and Magical. Alcmena in the guise of her husband,
God of Strength  Protection vs. psychic: Shift-X (150). Amphitryon who was away at war battling
the pirates of Taphos. Due to his
Hercules Panhellenios Sword of Peleus: Cl1000 Adamantine, Olympian lineage, Hercules was born with
cuts through materials up to Cl1000, does the potential for extraordinary
Other known aliases include: Spider- Sh-X (150) damage. superhuman strength. Zeus' wife Hera
Herc, The Lion of Olympus, The Defender  Is capable of altering its form to any grew jealous of his adultery, Alcmena
of Olympus, The Scion of Olympus, sword, ranging from a curved Sica to a tried to appease the goddess by naming
Prince of Power, Herc, Harry Cleese, straight Gladius. her child Heracles "Glory of Hera". The
Victor Tegler, Agent 74, Utshpna, child was at first abandoned outside the
Tarkukt, Herak Shield of Athena: Erroneously called the city and when Athena and Hera found it,
shield of Perseus, Cl1000 Adamantine, Hera decided to suckle the child,
F Un (100) Health: 320 on a shielding roll to avoid damage, it however, his godly strength harmed her
A Ex (20) absorbs 1000 points of damage before when he bit down and she flung him
S Un (100) Karma: 50 any reaches Hercules. Hercules forgoes away. He was returned to the city and
E Un (100) attacking for the round to defend. was accepted by Amphitryon and his wife.
R Gd (10) Resources: Un  Endowed with the powers of Medusa However, Hera then sent two serpents to
I Gd (10) upon looking at it, a foe makes a RED kill the child, but even at one years old he
P Rm (30) Popularity: +70 psyche feat or be transformed into a had great strength and strangled them
statue of Incredible (40) material, both with his bare hands. Amphitryon
KNOWN POWERS: permanently. raised Hercules as his own training in all
Body Armor: Excellent (20) Vs. Physical, forms of combat. It was during a lesson
Good (10) Vs. Energy. Hercules' love of combat and sense of fair with his music teacher who criticized his
play prevent him from using his Golden lack of skill, Hercules killed him with a
Resistance: Unearthly (100) vs. Fire, Mace and Nemean Lion frequently. single blow. Hercules would go on many
Cold, and Toxins. When the situation does arrive for him to adventures of his own.

In 1291 B.C., on the road to Thebes he
encountered a group of Minyan warriors
travelling to sack the city; Hercules beat
them all with ease. This lead to war
between Minya and Thebe and Hercules
was imprisoned for the attack. It was then
that he learned the truth of his origin from
his parents. They gave him the garb
bestowed on them from Zeus. He met
with the leader of the Minyan, but when
they tried to execute him the axe
shattered on his neck.It was however
during the battle Amphitryon was killed.
The king thanked him for saving the city
and gave him the hand of his daughter
Princess Megara. In 1289 B.C., he sailed
with the Argonauts led by Jason, among
them Augeas. During the adventure, he
battled the Akaana and faced the Hydra,
saw the death of Medusa, and defeated
Antaeus. He left the Argonauts when his
companion Hylas was taken by Nymphs
on the island of Mysia. Hera, Zeus's
jealous wife, could never forgive her
husband for having had Hercules as an
illicit son, so she sent Hercules into
insanity. One night Hercules goes mad
and unwittingly kills his family. When he
realized what he has done, he almost
killed himself, but Theseus persuades him
to go on living; that is the heroic option. It
was after that he took the name
"Hercules" to distance himself from his
step-mother. In 1267 B.C., but the twelve
and final labor: Capture and bring back
Cerberus from Hades, and rescuing
Theseus. Returning to Thebes, he was
believed dead and Euboean Lycus took
advantage of that absence to kill
Hercules' father-in-law King Creon and
condemn Megara and their three sons to
death. Enraged, Hercules killed Lycus but
his family as well. Hercules' followers
decided to accuse Hera, and Hercules
didn't correct them, too ashamed. He
changed from Herakles to roman
Hercules, in order to distance himself
from Hera.

Twelve Labors
1. Tame the Nemean Lion.
2. Slay the nine-headed Lernaean

3. Hunting the Ceryneian Hind or
Capture the Golden Hind of Artemis.
4. Capture the Erymanthian Boar.
5. Clean the Augean Stables in a single
6. Slay the Stymphalian Birds.
7. Capture the Cretan Bull.
8. Steal the Man-Eating Mares of
9. Obtain the girdle of Hippolyta Queen
of the Amazons.
10. Obtain the red cattle of the giant
11. Retrieve Hera's Golden Apples from
the Garden of the Hesperides.
12. Capture and bring back Cerberus
from Hades.

The same year, in Macedonia, Kyknos,

the son of Ares, decided to build a temple
to his father from the bones of the
travelers he met. Meeting with Hercules,
the two clashed, and as Ares intervened
to help his son, so did Athena to support
Hercules. Ares was wounded and
retreated, and Kyknos was killed by
Hercules, thus sparking Ares' long-
standing rivalry with the Prince of Power.
In 1264 B.C., having refused to pay
Apollo and Poseidon after they built
impenetrable walls around his city, King
Laomedon of Troy asked Hercules to
save her daughter from the Monster of
Poseidon, promising him his herd of
magical horses which could run on water
in return. After Hercules was denied his
reward, he returned to Troy berserk,
wrecking havoc in the city while claiming
the horses, and killed Laomedon and all
of his sons, save for one.

In 1260 B.C., in western Greece, he

battled the river god Achelous to win
Deianira as his third wife. During the
battle, Achelous transformed into a
serpent and then as a bull, but Hercules
managed to tear one of his horns off,
making him surrender. Returning, the
couple attempted to cross the River
Evenus. They asked Nessus the centaur
ferryman to take them across. He
however bolted with Deianira, whereupon
Hercules shot him with an arrow dipped in
Hydra's blood. Feigning a wish to make

amends, the dying centaur tricked half-god, Ares' agents beat him severely final battle, Hercules was attached to a
Deianeira how to make a love charm from and abandoned him on Earth. Hercules machine that would "evolve" him to a
his allegedly enchanted blood, in fact remained amnesiac for many weeks, until superior state than that of the
tainted with the Hydra's blood, and he was discovered by Hawkeye and Evolutionary. Instead, the device
Deianira took the Centaur's blood-soaked returned to the Avengers. With the jumpstarted the Evolutionary's physiology
shirt. In 1246 B.C., Deianira found Avengers' aid, the plot was uncovered as well, evolving both to a state beyond
Hercules in bed with another woman and and Ares was stopped. Hercules and his godhood, and the two dissipated from
decided use the enhanced blood to gain teammate, the Asgardian thunder-god Earth's plane.
Hercules loyalty once more. Unaware that Thor, sealed the access to both worlds.
it was now tainted with the lethal poison In reality, the two were captured by the
of the Hydra, Deianeira rubbed the Hercules continued to occasionally enigmatic beings known as the Celestials
Centaur's shirt on Hercules. Rendered interact with Earth, as was the case with and held prisoner in the so-called Black
mad by the poison, Hercules threw his helping found the short-lived West Galaxy. Thor and his friend, Eric
himself o the funeral pyre built for him by Coast super-team called the Champions Masterson, discovered their fate during
his nephew Iolaus. As his mortal body of Los Angeles after they had helped him an adventure at the High Evolutionary's
burned his soul fell for three days into the and Venus thwart a plot by Pluto to force citadel, Wundagore. Both Masterson and
depth of Tartarus. However Zeus took pity him into marriage with Hippolyta and Thor helped rescue the two, and
on him and split the immortal part away invade Olympus. While on this team, Hercules, Thor, and Masterson returned
from his body allowing the "shade" to fall Hercules began a relationship with his to Earth, while the High Evolutionary
into the underworld. Now a full god, team leader, the Black Widow. It did not turned Wundagore into a spaceship and
Hercules took his place as god of last long, but the two remained on good returned to the Black Galaxy.Hercules,
strength. In an attempt to reconcile with terms afterward. He also kept in touch Thor, and Masterson were then viciously
Hera, he married Hebe. However, like his with the Avengers, assisting them in attacked by Mongoose using weapons he
father, Hercules was a notorious ladies' reserve capacity against menaces such had stolen from Wundagore. Mongoose
man. This was compounded with a curse as Korvac the Enemy. Eventually, almost killed Thor using a powerful
of Hera's that threatened any mortal Hercules rejoined the Avengers on a full- energy beam. Masterson took a killing
woman with whom he became too time basis. When the Avengers' mansion blow for Thor, giving Thor and Hercules a
involved. Later, Hercules led time- headquarters was invaded by Baron chance to defeat Mongoose.
traveling soldiers against Vikings, bringing Helmut Zemo's Masters of Evil, Hercules, Unfortunately, Masterson was dying from
him into conflict with Thor. intoxicated, ignored orders from The his wounds, which led Thor and
Wasp and Captain America, attacking the Masterson to be merged together.
In recent years, the Asgardian conquered mansion by himself. He was Hercules remained on hand to help his
Enchantress hoped to gain revenge on beaten so severely by a contingent of the friends, and he would also return to the
her enemies, the Avengers. She Masters that he was left near death, in a Avengers shortly afterwards, becoming
mesmerized Hercules and set him to coma. The Wasp and Ant-Man (Scott an active reserve member during the U.N.
attack the team, but the Avenger Lang) were only barely able to repulse a reorganization of the team. He soon
Hawkeye managed to free him from his Masters assault by Absorbing Man and became a full member during an absence
thrall and the Enchantress was routed. Titania on his hospital room. Afterwards, of Thor. During Operation Galactic Storm,
However, Hercules was exiled from Zeus arranged for Hercules to be Hercules was part of Captain America's
Olympus by Zeus as punishment for his returned to Olympus, and in revenge, team bound for the Kree Empire. At the
unauthorized excursion to Earth. The ordered the imprisonment of the conclusion of the mission, he was part of
Avengers housed Hercules as their guest Avengers in Hades. The Avengers the group that followed Iron Man to
for months, and he often assisted them in escaped to confront Zeus directly, but execute the Supreme Intelligence of the
their adventures. He was eventually made they were saved only by the intervention Kree, a move against both Avengers
an official member of the team, but he of Hercules, who had made a recovery policy and Captain America's orders.
returned to Olympus with the Avengers to and convinced his father the Avengers Hercules was soon confronted by Zeus,
rescue the other Olympians from the were not to blame. Nevertheless, Zeus and they had a falling out over Hercules'
vengeful Typhon. Afterward, Hercules ordered that Hercules remain in Olympus apparent preference for the mortal world.
elected to remain on Olympus with Zeus' forever. It was not long, however, until Punishing his son, Zeus stripped him of
blessing. Later, the Olympian god Ares Hercules disobeyed his father, returning his immortality and much of his godly
hoped to incite war among Olympus and to Earth when the Avengers required help power, exiling him once more. The
Asgard, and eventually Earth. Ares turned against the villainous High Evolutionary, traumatized Hercules drew emotional
all the Olympian gods to crystal, and, as who misguidedly hoped to forcibly support from the Avengers, especially
Hercules was unaffected by being only jumpstart humankind's evolution. In the Deathcry, whom he later aided in

returning to her alien Shi'ar homeworld.
On returning to Earth, though, Hercules
discovered to his horror that most of the
Avengers were missing and presumed
dead after their battle with the psychic
menace of Onslaught. A despairing
Hercules succumbed to alcoholism and
was no help in trying to hold together the
group, which soon disbanded.

Hercules began to wander in search of

new adventures, serving briefly with the
corporate super-team Heroes for Hire.
When the supposedly dead Avengers
returned from their Onslaught
disappearance, Hercules joined many of
the other Avengers in reorganizing the
team, though he has opted to remain an
inactive member rather than rejoining the
active roster. Also during this time,
Hercules sought out one of those
responsible for his coma, the villain
Goliath who had become the hero Atlas.
The resulting battle was cut short by
Hawkeye (then posing as Dreadknight of
the Thunderbolts), who convinced
Hercules to stand down, at the cost of the
two's friendship. Hercules continued to
aid the Avengers on an as-needed basis,
such as helping them against the
villainous Exemplars and when the time-
traveling Kang nearly conquered the
world. He was one of the Avengers
present in response to the Code White
call when the Scarlet Witch had her
breakdown that disassembled the
Avengers. Hercules considered Thor both
a great ally and a rival. They fought
alongside one another many times
against many foes and was angry that
Thor's and Asgard's disappearance were
largely forgotten in light of the Scarlet
Witch's insanity. To reaffirm himself, he
accepted a challenge of completing a
more modern Twelve Labors. When the
Superhuman Registration Act was
enacted, Hercules joined Captain
America's Secret Avengers, opposing the
Act and Iron Man's Pro-Registration
Superhero Unit. He helped play a
leadership role in the anti-registration
movement during the resultant Civil War.
His most significant act during the final
battle is using the Thor clone's own

hammer against itself, declaring, "Thou Upon meeting up with Athena, the trio set In the aftermath of Secret Invasion, the
art no Thor." out to San Fransisco to assemble a team activities of the Elder God Chthon created
of gods from Earth (Snowbird, a series of freak events that Cho dubbed
During the Hulk's attack on Earth, Tecumotzin, Amatsu-Mikaboshi, and the "Chaos Cascade", and concluded the
Hercules and Archangel met with Atum the God Eater) to battle and defeat Avengers would be necessary to deal
Amadeus Cho, one of the Hulk's allies. the Skrull Gods Kly'bn and Sl'gur't. In with the events. Hercules and Cho
They agreed to help the Hulk, but, upon route to Skrull space through the dream located Edwin Jarvis, and then Henry
encountering him, the Hulk savagely realm, they battled Nightmare and Pym and Jocasta. Loki in the guise of
charged them. Hercules was forced to received his map of the dream realm. Wanda Maximoff, arrived in an astral form
defend himself, and gained the advantage Hercules and Narya made love after she to greet them and supply the gathered
against the Hulk, but was beaten down confessed to him that she didn't want to forces with an "army" to form the new
after he stopped fighting and defending be alone anymore. Soon after, a Skrull Mighty Avengers (later aided by Iron
himself against the Hulk to prove that he who had been with them since the end of Man), which Hercules chose to remain
was not there to hurt him. Hercules' World War Hulk revealed itself and was with. Loki covertly used them to form and
reason for aiding the Hulk was simple. quickly dispatched. However, Hercules widen cracks in Osborn's armor, and
Both men, despite all of their strength, and Snowbird together managed to slay which Norman Osborn sought to crush.
had lost their queen and family. Also, the head god of the Skrulls, destroying Chthon was banished through their
Hercules wished to make up for an the very inspiration for the ongoing Secret combined efforts with Pietro Maximoff,
altercation between the Hulk and the Invasion war. Meanwhile Mikaboshi with Hercules explaining to the others that
Champions years earlier. He joined a managed to overcome Sl´gur´t, and the death of the Demogorge with the
team called the "Renegades". The group apparently assumed the position of leader Skrullian gods was the factor Chthon
was comprised of Hercules, Amadeus of the Skrull pantheon, all according to used to attack the universe. After
Cho, Angel, Namora, and the female Athena's plan. While Hercules decided to Hercules, Amadeus, and Athena were
Scorpion. During the action, Herc and take a vacation with Namora after the attacked by first Hera and her allies then
Namora shared a kiss. When the conflict Secret Invasion, a group of Amazons by Osborn's Avengers they went to Hades
ended, Hercules was the only renegade attacked and captured Amadeus Cho, were they took part in Zeus' trial. After
to stay with Amadeus. In the aftermath of wanting him to find the Omphalos and Zeus was found guilty, he drank from the
the war, Hercules, against Amadeus' use it to become the world's dominant River Lethe and was transformed into a
wishes, agreed to turn himself in. force. Hercules, Namora and Namor child. After several adventures where "Kid
However, after learning that he would be managed to save the captured Poseidon, Zeus" learned the value of others, Athena
working under his brother Ares, he after a brief conflict with Namor, and brought Hercules up to speed on what
escaped, taking Amadeus with him. After headed to intercept the Amazons at the had occurred during his absence,
finding brief shelter in a refugee camp new axis mundi, Washington, D.C. informing him of Hera's plans and telling
outside of New York, Hercules spoke with However, the Amazon leader Artume him his wife, Hebe had been cast out of
Athena, who was living in Vermont, to try succeeded in reshaping the world into an New Olympus for betraying Hera.
and seek shelter. However, after being Amazon-dominated one, with Hercules as Hercules gathered allies to attack Hera's
shot by Ares' "Hydra blood bullets", he the sole remaining rebel against her Earth-based Olympus Group to prevent
was driven into a psychotic rage, and regime. Meanwhile, Hera and Pluto took her from releasing CONTINUUM and
began seeing Amadeus Cho as Iolaus, over the Olympus Group, the modern day replacing the current universe with one
his nephew and ally from Ancient Greek seat of power for the Olympians, via the only inhabited by her and her followers.
times. Cho decided to take advantage of inherited shares of Zeus' and by buying Before the heroes could decide or do
the situation by getting Hercules to attack out Poseidon, and decided the company's anything to thwart Hera's machinations,
a S.H.I.E.L.D. base. However both men new major goal: the deaths of Athena and Hercules decided to find his absent wife
were stopped by the Black Widow, who Hercules. Hercules, Amadeus, Athena Hebe. Find her he did; kissing Peter
knocked out Cho and cured Hercules of and others managed to slay Artume and Parker (Spider-Man). After fighting
his rage. Out of respect for Hercules, restore all of reality. Hercules discovered Spider-Man and making amends with
Natasha let Hercules knock her out and that Namora's fondest desire was to love Hebe, he and Hebe returned to the
let him reunite with Cho, who captured a Namor, to his shock. Namora was called heroes. He managed to defeat Typhon,
S.H.I.E.L.D mobile base and was willing away to serve in the Agents of Atlas's first but was left trapped in the alternate
to destroy all of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mission during the Dark Reign, and universe when Athena destroyed the
governmental facilities. Hercules avoided Hercules and Amadeus united after portal to prevent him from interfering in
this disaster by asking Cho what he would Athena used what remained of the axis Cho's destiny.
like to be remembered for. mundi energies to undo the damage

Athena became queen of Olympus and Raft during the breakout caused by embraced, while the X-Men were forced
appointed Amadeus Cho as head of the Kuurth: Breaker of Stone. Hercules soon to watch. While Arachne was
Olympian earthly holdings. Cho used his discovered that the amnesiac fourth preoccupied, A. Nancy broke into Herc's
resources to try and find Hercules and person with them was actually the witch- home and stole Arachne's mythical
came into conflict with Vali Halfling in a goddess Hecate. During the fight, Hecate Woven Tapestry. He revealed himself as
contest for a level of godhood beyond that looked into the Shield of Perseus and the African spider god Anansi, a collector
of any known god: true omnipotence and regained her memories of taking over of stories. Hercules was later cured of his
omniscience. Cho gained it, but realizing Brooklyn. She then teamed up with spider transformation by Peter Parker,
he was not ready for such power, Kyknos in order to take over the city. The along with everyone else infected.
retrieved Hercules from the other pair managed to turn some people Hercules was called upon to act as a
dimension and imbued him with the against Hercules due to the chaos that guest instructor at Avengers Academy
power. Hercules obtained the power just the Serpent's Worthy created. When when most of the main faculty was
as Mikaboshi was beginning his attack on Hercules used the Shield of Perseus to preoccupied with the events of Avengers
Earth. Initially drunk on his new abilities, turn some people to stone, Basilisk and vs. X-Men. Tigra was shocked by his
Hercules attacked the Council of Man-Bull fled. The Griffin reacted to the nakedness while demonstrating the
Godheads. After calming down. Hercules magic forces at work, devolving into a Ancient Greek art of wrestling and forced
made several attempts to defeat savage beast. He saved Hercules' life and him to wear clothing. The school was
Mikaboshi including forming a new God became his new steed, allowing him to fly suddenly visited by Captain America, who
Squad. A serious of blunders allowed around the city. Hercules recovered upon asked that the facility be used to hold the
Mikaboshi to learn the location of the hearing the prayers of his worshipers and younger members of the X-Men until the
Council of Godheads and destroy their found himself in the Griffin's care, only to fighting was over. Kavita Rao and
heavens, growing stronger with each discover that Brooklyn had been Madison Jeffries urged their students to
realm it absorbed. Hercules' relentless reshaped into a nightmare landscape. comply with the Avengers, but many were
strategy of "Attack! Attack!" alienated Cho Hercules and the Griffin managed to find resentful of the confinement. Hercules
and nearly everyone around him. where Basilisk and Man-Bull and arranged an Olympic competition
Eventually, it took his omniscience and recruited their help.The villains between the two schools in order to ease
Gaea herself to convince Hercules to try approached Hecate and Kyknos using a tensions and avoid an actual fight from
another path. After another power-up ruse involving Hercules being turned to taking place. When Sebastian Shaw (who
from Gaea, Hercules was strong enough stone. Hercules quickly revived and was also being held at the Academy)
to fight Mikaboshi head on, but was still saved the villains by killing Kyknos, then escaped he defeated Hercules because
losing. A last ditch effort by Amadeus Cho prevented Ares' resurrection by kicking Shaw was able to absorb the magic
and Galactus opened up a portal to over his alter. Hecate fled and Brooklyn energy from his weapons. Shaw then told
Hera's bubble universe and Hercules was returned to normal. the X-Men students to escape before
knocked Mikaboshi through just as the fleeing himself. Hercules urged Tigra to
latter was returning everything to the Herc was now in charge of the bar after let the kids join the fight if they wanted to,
primordial void. Hera's bubble universe the owners fled back to Greece. He believing they had no right to hold them
was reduced while the main universe was befriended an elderly African man named there against their will in the first place.
spared. Hercules burned out his A. Nancy who loved stories. One night Some of the X-Men students remained at
omnipotence restoring the multiverse to Herc was bitten by a bed bug that gave Avengers Academy while many joined the
the way it was before Mikaboshi him spider-powers, which he used to fight fighting, and Hercules reflected that while
destroyed it, leaving him reduced to a crime. The Queen of Spider-Island the older generation had only found war,
mortal man once again. revealed herself to Herc and made him at least some of the kids were able to find
her slave. She sent Spider-Herc against peace.
Hercules reappears in Brooklyn, armed the X-Men, who were in town after
with a new array of Olympian weapons fighting lizard people in the sewers. They Hercules, isolated and shunned by the
stolen from Ares' armory. They include tried to reason with him, but he attacked hero community, attempted to regain his
the Sword of Peleus, the Shield of them with the Sword of Peleus. Due to reputation as a true hero and took on the
Perseus, arrows that can penetrate the mutagenic properties of Spider-Man's threats of the Uprising Storm, a group of
through anything, and the Helm of Hades. powers, Spider-Herc mutated into Herc- new gods consisting of Catastrophobia:
He then gets a job bartending at a Greek Spider mid-battle. Shortly after, the X- God of War, Horrorscope, and
run bar in Brooklyn. Hercules came Men were trapped in a magic web, and Cryptomnesia: God of Data as they plan
across Basilisk, Griffin, Man-Bull, and an the Greek goddess Arachne appeared. to wipe out the old gods. Hercules tried to
unidentified fourth character robbing a Instead of fighting, Arachne became very get help from his fellow superheroes to
bank. They had just escaped from the attracted to Herc's new form and they fight the Uprising Storm, but they were

too busy fighting among themselves over
how to use the precognitive powers of
Ulysses Cain to listen. So, Hercules
assembled his own team that consisted of
demigods he called the Gods of War.
After weakening the Uprising Storm with
magic, the Gods of War successfully
vanquished the Storm. In the aftermath of
the second Civil War, Hercules rejoined
the Avengers, where they foiled an
ambush by Kang the Conqueror.
Hercules became a member of the
Underground which was a resistance
movement against Hydra ever since they
took over the United States. Hercules and
Quicksilver led a strike force to find the
Cosmic Cube fragments so that they
could use it to restore Captain America to

The Gods of Olympus

The Olympians are a race of super- wounded, his or her godly life force will another dimension linked to Olympus.
humanly powerful humanoid beings who enable him or her to recover at a According to ancient myths, Gaea gave
were worshipped by the ancient Greeks superhuman rate. It would take an injury birth to the sky god Ouranos. Gaea mated
and Romans from about 2000 BC to 500 of such magnitude that it incinerates an with Ouranos and bore him the first
AD. They dwell in Olympus, a small Olympian or disperses a major portion of generation of the Olympian race, known
"pocket" dimension adjacent to Earth; an his o r her bodily molecules to cause him as the Titans. One of the Titans, Cronus,
interdimensional nexus between Olympus or her to die. Even then, it may be rose to power when he fatally wounded
and Earth exists somewhere on Mount possible for a god of greater or equal Ouranos. The dying Ouranos prophesied
Olympus in Greece. power, or several gods acting together, to that Cronus would likewise be overthrown
revive the deceased Olympian before the by one of his own children. As a result,
The Olympians' human worshippers in god's life essence is beyond resurrection. upon the birth of each of Cronus's
ancient Rome called these gods by Olympian flesh and bone are about three children, Cronus had the infant
different names than those by which the times denser than regular human tissue, imprisoned in Tartarus, the most dismal
gods were known in ancient Greece: for contributing to the gods' superhuman section of the Olympian underworld
example, the Greeks called the king of strength and weight. An average male known as Hades. Appalled at the
the gods Zeus, whereas the Romans Olympian god can lift about 30 tons; an mistreatment of their children, Cronus's
called him Jupiter or Jove. The Olympian average Olympian goddess can lift about wife, the Titaness Rhea, concealed her
gods, except for Neptune, patron deity of 25 tons. The metabolism of the gods sixth pregnancy from him and secretly
the Atlanteans, no longer have or actively gives them superhuman endurance in all gave birth to Zeus in the land now called
seek worshippers on Earth. However, physical activities. In addition, many Greece. Zeus grew to adulthood among
certain gods, notably Hercules and Olympian gods possess additional the human shepherds of Crete. Zeus set
Venus, still take active interest in the superhuman powers which may be his siblings - Neptune, Pluto, Hera,
welfare of humanity. magical in nature. Demeter, and Vesta, now all grown to
adulthood - free from Tartarus. Zeus and
The Olympian gods all possess certain The precise origin of the Olympian gods, his allies fought a ten year war with the
superhuman physical attributes. They are like that of all of Earth's pantheons of Titans which ended with Zeus's victory.
true immortals, who cease to age upon gods, is shrouded in legend. According to He imprisoned most of the male Titans in
achieving adulthood, and who are unable ancient myths, the primeval Earth Tartarus and established himself in
to die by conventional means. The goddess Gaea is the progenitor of the Olympus as supreme ruler of the
Olympians are immune to all terrestrial principal Olympian gods. However, it is Olympian race.
diseases and are resistant to unclear whether the Olympian race
conventional injury. If an Olympian is originated on Earth, Olympus, or in

Zeus married the goddess Hera, but he retains affection for and interest in the
engaged in many affairs with goddesses people of Earth. Zeus's children Hercules
and mortal Earthwomen. Some of his and Venus have spent periods living
children were gods. Zeus Hera, Neptune, among Earth mortals in recent years. An
Demter, and Vesta, together with Zeus's alternate future has been depicted in
children Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, which Zeus and the other Olympians,
Hephaestus, Hermes, and Venus, except for Hercules, leave their plane of
comprised the membership of the high existence in the 23rd century so that
council of the Olympian gods, known as Hercules may father a new race of gods.
the Pantheon. Vesta later resigned her Whether the Olympian gods will come to
seat in the council if favor of Zeus's son such an end in what becomes the
Dionysus. Zeus's brother Pluto was not a "mainstream" future has yet to be
member of the Pantheon, preferring to revealed.
spend virtually all of his time within
Hades, which he ruled.

After the end of the Hyborian Age, the

Olympian gods sought worshippers on
Earth. Neptune became the patron god of
the water-breathing Atlanteans, Zeus
sought that the Olympian gods be
worshipped by the people of the land now
known as Greece. Mount Olympus lay
near Olympia, the principal city of the
Eternals. Zeus and his daughter Athena
met with Zuras, the leader of the Eternals,
and his daughter Azura. Noticing the
physical resemblance between Zeus and
Zuras and between Azura and herself,
Athena suggested that the Olympian gods
and the Eternals form an alliance in which
the Eternals wold act as the gods'
representatives on Earth. The other three
enthusiastically agreed, and Azura took
her current name of Thena to signify the
sealing of the pact. However, over the
years, many humans came tot think of
many Eternals not as the gods'
representatives but as the gods
themselves. This led to a growing
resentment by the gods towards the
Eternals, which recently erupted into war,
but today they are again at peace.

Worship of the Olympian gods spread

from Greece to Rome, and throughout the
Roman Empire. But when Christianity
finally replaced the worship of the
Olympian gods in the Roman Empire,
Zeus decided that the time had come for
the Olympians to break most of their ties
with Earth. Neptune, however, was still
allowed to watch over his Atlantean
worshippers. Nevertheless, Zeus still

- Charging: +1CS to hit and damage. King Oeneus and Queen Althaea. Finding
- Horns: Incredible (40) material and Deianira was also pursued by and
damage when goring an opponent. preferred Hercules, Achelous challenged
him for Deianira's hand in marriage. Their
 Serpentine: battle ended when Achelous transformed
- Grapple: Strength /damage +1CS. into a bull and charged Hercules, who
- Fangs: Remarkable (30) material and avoided the attack and shattered
deliver an Amazing (50) poison. Achelous' right horn. His enmity toward
- Movement: 1 area per round. Hercules intensifying in the ensuing
centuries, Achelous entered the service of
 Hybrid: Hercules' estranged cousin and bitter rival
- Horns: He can use his horn. Eurystheus in recent years. The former
- Serpent tail: The tail bites and poisons King of Mycenae, Eurystheus, had been
as well as grapple like an extra arm. granted immortality and empowered by
Hera to orchestrate Hercules' destruction,
It takes Achelous 1 full round to change and, working with Achelous, persuaded
from one form to another. Hercules to partake in modern-day
versions of his legendary Twelve Labors,
LIMITATIONS: broadcast on television. When Hercules
In his bovine and serpentine forms, unexpectedly survived these “New
ACHELOUS Achelous has no arms or hands and Labors”, Achelous and Eurystheus
cannot grab and pick up objects except attempted to kill him themselves, but
Bodyguard, former river god with his mouth. Achelous was inadvertently impaled on
Eurystheus' sword while Eurystheus was
F Mn (75) Health: 255 Note on abilities: gored by Achelous' horn. Eurystheus
A Rm (30) Achelous used to be more powerful, as staggered into a wall causing a mounted
S Mn (75) Karma: 56 did all of the Olympians, when he was shield to fall and decapitate him.
E Mn (75) actively worshipped and his powers have Achelous and the body less Eurystheus
R Ty (6) Resources: Ex diminished to their current state. travel the world seeking new ways to
I Ex (20) exact vengeance upon Hercules.
P Rm (30) Popularity: -25 Talents: Intimidation: When using, the
victim makes psyche FEAT at -1CS. If the
KNOWN POWERS: victim fails, then Achelous' attempts to
Body Armor: Remarkable (30). influence the victim are at -1CS. Achelous
is knowledgable of Olympian Mythology,
Invulnerability to Disease: Cl1000. Lore and History as well.

Immortality: He never ages and can only Contacts: Eurystheus, Hera

be killed on the Olympian plane.
Running Achelous:
Allspeak: Achelous can communicate in Achelous is a brute, and a brawler. He is
the languages of the Nine Realms, known to hold grudges and can be both
Earth's dialects, and alien languages. rash and calculating in exacting his
revenge, but make no mistake, revenge is
Shape-shifting: Achelous is a metamorph something that he won't forget. While not
that can assume humanoid, bovine, very smart, he can be cunning. Deceit
serpentine and hybrid forms. Attributes and ambush, are not out of the question.
from each form are as such:
 Humanoid: can pass off as fully human HISTORY:
while retaining his full statistics and The son of the primordial sea Titans
powers. Oceanus and Tethys, Achelous was the
chief river god. Circa 1260 BC, he
 Bovine: traveled to Calydon to seek the hand of
- Movement: Good (10) speed mortal Deianira, the beautiful daughter of

Allspeak: She can communicate in all the HISTORY:
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's Venus was known as Aphrodite by her
dialects, and alien languages. earliest worshipers in ancient Greece.
She is the daughter of Zeus and Dione,
Invulnerability to disease: Cl1000. the oak-goddess and one of the Titans.
She was born on the island of Cythera
Regeneration: Incredible (40). although later myths claimed she was
formed by the foam of the sea. She is one
EQUIPMENT: of the most favored of the goddesses of
The Cestus: An enchanted girdle: Olympus and had worshipers as far away
Emotion Control: Unearthly (100) ability to as Phoenicia, which according to some
inspire love and passion. She uses this to myths was her favored city. On the day of
calm or befuddle her victims for 10-100 her maturity, Zeus feared that the gods
rounds. would fight over Venus' hand in marriage
 Love: The target is devoted to the because of her unparalleled beauty, and
individual, to the point of endangering thus he married her off to the smith-god,
his own life in the other's behalf. her half-brother Hephaestus. This union
 Loyalty: The target will follow her orders however was much to Aphrodite's
without question, cheerfully providing disapproval. As a hedonistic goddess,
all necessary information as if to a long- Venus was most displeased to be married
time friend and ally. to the lame, sooty, hard-working
 Pleasure: The target feels content and Hephaestus. Venus had affairs while
non-hostile. The character can only sit wedded to Hephaestus with both gods
contentedly for 1-10 rounds, and is and mortals. She cheated on him with
friendly to the hero. Ares, Dionysus, Hermes and Poseidon.
***When using her emotion powers She bore children to all of them except
Aphrodite can appear as a loved one of Hephaestus. She also bore Aeneas, the
her victim. If used on Spider-Man, she ancestor of the Romans, to the mortal
would look like Mary Jane Watson. Anchines. The latter union was not truly of
Aphrodite's own choosing as Zeus forced
Molding: Monstrous (75) ability which she her to unite with Anchises as punishment
typically uses to transform weapons of for using her powers to join the gods in
violence into peacefully productive tools. unions with mortals. The most famous of
Venus' relationships was to the mortal
LIMITATIONS: Adonis, one of the most attractive men in
APHRODITE the lands, although his life was cut short
Aphrodite's Emotion control power is -2
CS vs. female targets. in the prime of his youth. Even though
Goddess of Beauty and Love
Venus was married to Hephaestus, her
Talents: Unearthly knowledge of every favorite lover was Ares. To Ares, she bore
Aphrodite Pandemos
mortal work about love, whether literary, Harmonia and Eros (Cupid) who grew to
artistic, cultural, or chemical. be his mother's herald as the god of love.
F Ty (6) Health: 136
To Hermes, she bore Hermaphroditus, to
A In (40)
Contacts: Ares, Eros (her son and Poseidon she bore Rhode and Herophile
S Am (50) Karma: 106
Herald), The Olympian Gods and Zeus. and to Dionysus she bore Priapus - who
E In (40)
had huge genitals magically given to him
R Ty (6) Resources: Un
Running Aphrodite: by Hera in disapproval for Aphrodite's
I Am (50)
Although Aphrodite is no longer formally promiscuity. Eventually alerted about his
P Am (50) Popularity: 100
worshipped, she recognizes her wife by the sun-god Helios, Hephaestus
incalculable effect on the modern world. caught Venus and Ares together in one of
She is a hedonist who prefers to be their unions, and to this day Venus and
Body Armor: Good (10).
fawned over, but she will also take an Hephaestus have been estranged.
Immortality: She never ages and can only interest in assisting forlorn lovers find
happiness. Venus was indirectly responsible for the
be killed on the Plane of Olympus.
Trojan War that took place centuries ago

in Troy on the Dardanian plain at the end discovers the Siren Venus has been
of the Twelfth Century BC. In a contest impersonating her much to her
among herself, Hera and Athena to disapproval and anger. With the help of
decide who was the most beautiful Hera, Aphrodite sends one of her
goddess of all, the Trojan prince Paris centaurs to kidnap Venus whom she
was approached by Hermes to play the views as an impostor. Venus is bound
role of arbitrator for the three goddesses - and gagged and brought back to
each of whom promised him a reward Aphrodite's temple where she is chained,
from whomever he chose. Venus branded with a poker and put before a
promised him the most beautiful woman statue of Aphrodite. Through the statue
in all of Greece who at the time was Aphrodite expresses her outrage that
Helen, her half-sister by Zeus. Helen was Venus has stolen her name and form and
a princess of Sparta and wife of King reminisces on her status as Goddess of
Menelaus, heir to the throne of Mycenae. love and the influence she has had on the
Paris chose Venus, and hence the love- world, and what it means to be a true
goddess had her son Eros entrance God. The Agents of Atlas, with the help of
Helen causing her to fall in love with Paris the X-Men, track Venus using Cerebro
and subsequently leave her husband, her and rescues her from the temple.
daughter Hermione, and her kingdom for Following this appearance, Aphrodite still
Troy. In response to Helen's angered by the siren, Venus sends
abandonment, Menelaus sought the help Phorcys, Venus' creator to reclaim her but
of his brother, King Agamemnon of is halted by the Agents of Atlas. After the
Sparta, who rallied the Greek kings and destruction of Olympus and the death and
armies against Troy for control of the rebirth of Zeus, Hera takes control of the APOLLO
Hellespont. Among the warriors engaged Olympus Group, a corporation that
in this war was Ajax the Great, King handles the Olympians' Earthly God of Light, Medicine, Music, Poetry,
Odysseus of Ithaca and the nearly enterprises, and uses her power to create Prophecy and the Sciences
invulnerable demigod warrior, Achilles, a product that would bring about
against the hero and Trojan prince, mankind's extinction. In order to stop her, Phoebus Apollo
Hector, defending the Troy. Around 50 Athena and Amadeus Cho devise a plan
BC, Aphrodite encountered and fell in which first involves seeking Aphrodite's F Mn (75) Health: 255
love with Narcissus, who rejected her help. Aphrodite agrees to stall Ares from A Rm (30)
love. She cursed him to meet someone defending the Olympus Group by S Am (50) Karma: 80
who would not return his love and know sleeping with him and in turn Athena E Un (100)
heartbreak and torture. Narcissus found agreed to aid Aphrodite in confronting R Rm (30) Resources: Un
just that when he spied his reflection in a Venus. While The New Avengers, the I Gd (10)
pond and fell in love with himself Mighty Avengers and Athena stage a P In (40) Popularity: 80
eventually turning into the flower that was frontal assault on the Olympus Group, the
named after him. Agents of Atlas try to infiltrate the KNOWN POWERS:
corporation from underground. They are Body Armor: Incredible (40).
By the 1940s, during an apparent stopped by Aphrodite who finally
absence from Zeus, Aphrodite adopted confronts Venus. Aphrodite during the Immortality: Apollo is immortal and can
her Roman named Venus. (See her entry ensuing battle, comes to the realization only die in the dimension of Olympus.
in the Silver Age Book for more that she hasn't felt love in centuries, since
details.) Venus became involved in a the Trojan War. Aphrodite then passes Allspeak: Apollo can communicate in all
plot by Pluto who convinced Zeus to the title of 'goddess of love' and the girdle the languages of the Nine Realms,
marry her to Ares while marrying Cestus to Venus so that the other Earth's dialects, and alien languages.
Hercules to Hippolyta, thus eliminating his Olympians will recognize her as the
two greatest obstacles for an invasion of official Goddess of Love. After doing this, Invulnerable to Diseases, Light based
Olympus. This plan led to the formation of Aphrodite states she feels free to discover attacks and Fire/Heat: Cl1000.
the Champions of Los Angeles and a new path that will bring her joy once
together with Venus, they defeated Pluto. again and departs, teleporting away. Apollo has all the power stunts for the
Aphrodite wouldn't be seen again until following energy powers.
2009. In this appearance Aphrodite  Light Emission: Unearthly (100).

 Light Control: Unearthly (100). go. The only way he can move celestial were slain by the Celestials. Apollo
 Heat Emission: Unearthly (100). bodies is to use all 4 horses. helped Thor and other storm-gods and
 Heat Control: Unearthly (100). light-gods from other pantheons fight off
 Precognition: Unearthly (100). Talents: Apollo is knowledgeable of Demogorge the God-Eater. Apollo and
Olympian Mythology, Lore and History as the other gods were consumed by
Magic: Apollo, like most elder gods, well. Weapons Specialist: Bows, Music, Demogorge, but were later saved by
wields a certain amount of magic: Harp, Medicine, First Aid and Sciences. Thor. At some point, the lust of Apollo fall
 Teleportation: Cl1000 ability, spanning upon Cassandra, prophetic daughter of
galactic distances. Contacts: The Olympian gods, Zeus (his King Priam of Troy. As she refused his
 Grant powers: of Unearthly (100) rank father) Leto the Titaness (his mother), favors, he decreed that no one would
on people with Shift-X (150) ability. Artemis (his twin). believe her prophecies. He was
Such abilities last until he (or Zeus) presented at the (Zeus-decreed) wedding
rescinds or negates them. Running Apollo: of sea-goddess Thetis and Peleus,
 Shape change: Amazing (50) ability. Apollo is a vain god who prefers to harp greatest of the Achaean warriors, which
and wench to performing his godly tasks, would cause the events that would lead to
 Healing: Unearthly (100) rank.
such as riding his sun chariot. He is a the Trojan War (orchestrated by Zeus to
charmer where women are concerned, decimate Earth's overcrowded
Note on abilities: Apollo used to be more
although the Olympian goddesses are population). His son Asklepios and
powerful, as did all of the Olympians,
immune to his charms. grandson Machaon would join the
when he was actively worshipped and his
Achaeans. At some point, he asked
powers have diminished to their current
HISTORY: Apollo and Poseidon to build
Apollo is one of the race of Olympians impenetrable walls around his city, but
once worshiped as gods by the Greeks refused to pay for their services, enraging
and Romans. He is also the only one to them. It is unknown if Apollo participated
Chariot: This Cl1000 Adamantine chariot,
be worshiped by the same name by the in Poseidon's retaliation in 1264 B.C.
affords a number of powers and abilities:
Greco-Romans. Born to the Titaness
 Dimensional Travel: Unearthly (100)
Leto, Apollo was the eldest of the six After reaching Troy, the Achaeans
ability to transverse dimensions.
Olympian sons of Zeus, and his second attacked the neighboring cities, including
 Flight: Apollo restrains the chariot from child, after Artemis who, birthed instants Troy-allied Chryse where Achilles
traveling more than Unearthly (100) before, helped Leto deliver Apollo shortly enslaved Chryseïs, daughter of Apollo's
speed, it is capable of Cl1000. she gave birth to her brother. As Zeus's priest Chryses, who went to Agamemnon.
 Life Support: Apollo or others are free jealous wife Hera prohibited Leto from In the ninth year of the war, Chryses
from the hazards of flight or giving birth on solid group by mystically caused Apollos' arrows to rain death on
dimensional travel at Unearthly (100). compelling all the interconnected lands to the Achaeans, causing Agamemnon to
 Movement of Suns: Apollo can force reject her, she took refuge and had to surrender her. Wishing to avenge his
the rising or setting of the sun to show deliver the twins on the floating island of friend Patroclus and Antilochus, Achilles
displeasure. Zeus has forbid this as the Delos. To show her gratitude, Leto would forced the Trojans into the city, but Apollo
Olympians are not worshipped. later secure Delos with four pillars. The ordered him to back off from the gates. As
siblings soon discovered their natural Achilles threatened him and pursued the
Horses: Aethon, Pyrois, Phlegon, Eous talent for archery and, using arrows Trojans against his command, Apollo
forged by Hephaestus, slew the Earth- went to Paris and guided his arrow to
F Rm (30) Health: 180 serpent Python that Hera had sent to Achilles' vulnerable spot, eventually killing
A Gd (10) attack Leto. him. He later guided as well Philoctetes,
S In (40) Karma: 18 who killed Paris using the Bow of
E Un (100) Upon reaching adulthood, Apollo Heracles. Achaean seer Calchas later
R Ty (6) impregnated Coronis, daughter of King told Odysseus that Cassandra's brother
I Ty (6) Phlegyas of the Lapiths, and she gave Helenus would venture to a far temple of
P Ty (6) birth to their son Asklepios, god of Apollo, and thus threatened him, learning
medicine. Apollo was among the gods what elements were to be gathered for
KNOWN POWERS: who opposed Hercules and his attempts Troy to fall. Apollo later witnessed the
Flight: Cl1000 speeds in space and to convince Zeus to wage war against the battle from Olympus, such as Telephus'
Unearthly (100) in atmospheres. Asgardians. He was a witness when Zeus son Eurypylus clash with Achilles' son
Any of these horses can draw the chariot, granted a portion of his power to Thor to Neoptolemus. When the Achaeans finally
conveying it anywhere Apollo wishes to assist in resurrecting the Asgardians that entered the city, Apollo's temple was

surrounded by the Argives' flames. Along and Daphne to go to Earth and try to split artist Marvin Klee. This time, Venus could
with Poseidon, Apollo was seemingly of the couple apart. Both went to Earth, not find herself able to resist Apollo's
the Gods who made the journey back to posing as Hollywood actors, and advances; however, she eventually
Greece difficult to some of the Achaean attempted to split the couple up. When learned what Zoroba was doing, and
warriors. charm did not work, Apollo made it when she informed Apollo, he attempted
appear as though Meg murdered him, so to return to his body, but found he could
Apollo joined a number of the other that when she was arrested, Daphne not do so while Zoroba possessed it.
Olympian gods to the planet Venus when could move in and seduce Danny. This Venus then tricked Zoroba into coming to
they were under the brief rule of the plan ultimately failed. Later, when Earth, freeing Apollo's body and allowing
goddess Venus. In 1948, Venus had Asgardian trickster Loki came to Earth to his spirit to return to it. This thwarted
returned to Earth and taken up a job as a force Venus into marrying him, Apollo lent Loki's attempts to get free from his exile,
model and editor of Beauty Magazine. his power to assist her in beating him, but and Apollo was punished by Jupiter for
When she returned to Venus, searching to no avail. It was not until she readily his actions. Apollo later redeemed himself
for 10 of the most beautiful women under sacrificed herself to Loki that Jupiter when defending Olympus from invasion
her rule to use in a magazine spread to stepped in and rescued her. by monsters that were literally spawned
compete against rival publication Lovely from the mind of mad scientist Professor
Lady Magazine, Apollo helped Venus In 1950, Apollo once more sought to Buffanoff. However, the creatures were
gather the women she needed. Later, claim the heart of Venus, but his petitions too powerful, and could not be stopped
having grown tired of Venus' frequent to Jupiter to allow him to return to Earth until Venus tricked them into returning to
absences from her kingdom, Apollo were denied. Undeterred, Apollo travelled the dying brain of their creator, where
travelled to Earth to see what took her to Hades and made a deal with a demon they perished at last. In 1951, when
attention there. Taking on the guise of named Zoroba to have the demon Apollo learned that Venus was trapped in
Paul Belvedere, Apollo got a job at possess his body while Apollo's spirit Cassarobia, he became worried:
Beauty Magazine to find out why Venus travelled to Earth. Unbeknownsr to Olympians' powers were prohibited in the
was so interested in the lives of mortals. Apollo, Zoroba used his position to area by Loki. However, Loki was
Finding this task unworthy, Apollo made it convince Jupiter to free Loki from his exile convinced to lift his spell, and Venus
so that the sun remained up 24 hours a in Hades and allow him to reside at managed to overthrow the sultan of
day until Venus agreed to return to her Olympus. Apollo found his spirit form Cassarobia.
kingdom with him. She agreed, and both unable to interact with Venus, and so he
returned to the planet Venus. Once there, possessed the body of Beauty Magazine When Hercules was gravely wounded
however, Venus used her restored fighting the Masters of Evil, Zeus
powers to force Apollo to remain blamed the Avengers for his
on the planet, effectively condition, while the Avengers
preventing any further meddling, accused Zeus of the injuries and
before returning to Earth. asked Apollo for his help against
Zeus. Zeus learned quickly of this
Once more loyal to Venus, Apollo betrayal and struck down Apollo
assisted her in locating Hera, who and other Olympians who had
used the name Juno at the time. joined the Avengers. Both saw the
Apollo next helped Venus in errors of their ways, and Zeus had
gathering a number of male all the gods sent to Olympus save
Olympians to pose as mortal for Apollo, who was held back to
boyfriends in order to make Venus' heal Captain America's broken
lover, Whitney Hammond, jealous. legs and Dr. Druid's head. When
Zeus soon returned, taking his Hera and Hades summoned the
Roman name of Jupiter. He sought other Olympians together and
to return Venus to Olympus, and revealed their plans to eliminate
agreed to the following challenge: Hercules and Athena, Apollo was
Venus had a week to find two the most vocal against it. Apollo
mortal lovers who could not be later appeared at Hercules' funeral
tempted away from each other. with Athena, Poseidon, Hades,
Venus found this couple in Meg and Hebe.
Saunders and her husband-to-be
Danny; Jupiter then enlisted Apollo

 Magic Detection: Amazing (50) ability to On three times he attempted to conquer
sense the presence of gods, demons, Olympus, twice in league with his uncle
and the use of magic. Hades, god of the Olympian underworld,
 Telepathy: Amazing (50) ability. but each time he was thwarted through
 Specialized Teleport - Summon the efforts of his half-brother, Hercules,
weapons: Unearthly (100). and Hercules' allies. Ares hated Hercules
 Dimensional Travel: Unearthly (100). ever since he had killed Ares' monstrous
Stymphalian birds in the days of ancient
Note on abilities: Ares used to be more Greece.
powerful, as did all of the Olympians,
when he was actively worshipped and his During the Trojan War, he was one of
powers have dimenished to their current gods to observe the event. Despite Zeus
state. forbidding the Gods from interference,
Ares acted on a few occasions: At some
EQUIPMENT: point, he stood by Achilles, mightiest of
Battle Armor: Cl1000 Adamantine armor: the Argives, during the war. In the ninth
Amazing (50) protection (Forged by year of the conflict, after Aphrodite was
Hephaestus). wounded by Argive Diomedes while trying
to protect her son Aeneas, she rushed to
Battle Helm: Same as above. Ares who was watching the battle from a
nearby hill. Ares entered the fight on the
Gauntlets of Ares: These gauntlets allow Trojan side, confronting Diomedes.
Ares to have Unearthly (100) strength Athena (supporting the Argives) guide
ARES while engaged in combat. No health Diomedes, whose blade pierced Ares,
bonus. forcing him to flee back to Olympus. The
God of War same year, when Achilles slew his
Weapons: Any Ranged or hand held daughter, the Amazon Penthesilea, Ares
F Un (100) Health: 295 weapon. enraged, wishing to slay him turn, but
A Ex (20) remain in Olympus, remembering that
S Mn (75) Karma: 56 Talents: His Reason is Monstrous in the Zeus himself has lost many sons in wars
E Un (100) field of military science, weapons, and and that he had forbidden Olympian
R Ty (6) Resources: Un politics. interference in the war. During the tenth
I Ex (20) and last year of conflict, after Achilles' son
P Rm (30) Popularity: 10 Contacts: Olympian Gods Neoptolemus slew Eurypylus and stated
that no mortal could prevail over his
KNOWN POWERS: Running Ares: father's spear, Ares decided to go help
Body Armor: Excellent (20). Ares is the War God in every sense of the the Trojans. He was immediately
word. He will gladly enter into personal confronted to Athena, but their clash was
Immortality: Ares is immortal and can only combat with any divine forces. On Earth, prevented by Zeus' thunder, and Ares
die in the dimension of Olympus. he prefers to work through his abandoned any concern he had for the
worshippers scattered among Earth's Trojans. Ares fought the French during
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the armed forces. However, he will come to the Battle of Agincourt.
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's Earth to battle other gods or similar
dialects, and alien languages. beings. He will begrudgingly listen to
Zeus, his father, or Venus, his half-sister
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. and would-be wife.

Regeneration: Cl1000. HISTORY:

Dimensional Travel: Unearthly (100) The son of Zeus and Hera, Ares was
worshiped as the god of war in ancient
Magic: Ares is not as adept at wielding Greece and Rome. Ares' dissatisfaction
magic as his fellow Olympians are, these with Zeus' rule of Olympus began after
are the abilities he is capable of: Zeus' decree that worship of the
Olympians should be allowed to die out.

Like many Olympians, Ares accepted the
rule of Aphrodite during an apparent
leave of absence from Zeus. Olympus
was relocated to the planet Venus and
most of the Olympians adopted their
Roman names. Ares took up the name
Mars during the time. In 1949, Mars was
among the various Olympians gathered
by Aphrodite (now calling herself Venus)
as potential subjects to make her mortal
lover Whitney Hammond jealous. In the
end Samson was chosen over the others.
In 1951, Mars was summoned by Jupiter
to assist Venus along with the Asgardian
thunder god Thor to assist Venus in
defending New York City from the insane
inventor John Dark and his mechanized
army. Mars attempted to appeal to the
pride Dark felt when he previously served
in the United States Army, but this did not
succeed and Thor was forced to slay
Dark. After this Ares resumed using his
Grecian name and withdrew from
interacting with the mortal world once

In recent years, Ares tried to set two of

Earth's nations at war with each other.
The conflict threatened to spread over all
of the Earth, until Ares was forced to put
an end to it by his half-sister Venus,
whom he has long sought in marriage,
and the hero known as the Sub-Mariner.
Venus and the Sub-Mariner extracted a
pledge from Ares not to engage in further
warmongering on Earth. This did not stop
Ares from joining with Hera in order to
torment Hercules personally, when Ares
briefly possessed the mortal Thunder God
Eric Masterson to battle his half-brother.
Ares tired of his own warmongering when
he realized that was why the other gods
despised him and decided to live a
normal life. He gave up his position as
god of war, but maintained his skills,
weaponry, and immortality. On Earth, he
set himself up as a builder/carpenter. He
would later father a son with an
unidentified mother. Ares was later forced
to help his fellow Olympians when his son
Alexander was captured by Mikaboshi.
With the help of Zeus, Alexander was
freed, and the Kami assisted the
Olympians against Mikaboshi. Still

insistent that his son have a mortal as Initiative teams took on Thor, Ares
upbringing, Ares returned to his life as a found himself in battle with Balder.
construction worker in Dover, New Jersey Though he believed Balder to be under
where he worked during the enactment of Loki's influence, the arrival of an injured
the Superhuman Registration Act. Heimdall and the truth he shared, led
Immediately following the super hero Civil Ares to realize his mistake. Enraged at
War over its legislation, Iron Man and Ms. having been manipulated, he confronted
Marvel traveled to Ares' construction site Iron Patriot and vowed to rip his head off.
to recruit him for their new Avengers Before he could launch his attack,
team. Agreeing that the heroes had however, Iron Patriot signaled for the
ruined his civilian cover, Ares eventually Sentry. Newly possessed of a need for
agreed to join the team after Iron Man more power, he silently began his assault
threatened to deport him to Olympus if he on Ares and after several powerful blows
did not register with the U.S. government he grabbed Ares by both arms and ripped
and promised a salary similar to that of him in half, killing him.
his construction job.
Ares was next sighted after Alex's
He immediately proved himself by playing (Phobos) death on the fields of Elysium.
a big role against an Ultron infected Iron He asked his son if he did all he could
Man, assisting against a symbiote and then stood proudly with him. Chaos
mutated city, arresting Doctor Doom, and King later brought Ares back to life to fight
taking part in the battle against the Hulk him. Ares fought well but was overtaken
and his Warbound. Ares was in charge of by the unlimited power of the Chaos King
punishing his half-brother Hercules for and later returned to Elysium. After
aiding the Hulk. He however, failed to discovering the material known as
contain and recapture Hercules after he Isotope-8 in the Battlerealm, the Collector
escaped and even lost to him in single waged in a tournament against the
combat. His final act in the Mighty Grandmaster, a game known as the
Avengers was aiding them against an "Contest of Champions," in which both
enormous Skrull invasion. Although Ares Elders used summoners as consultants to
was able to get along with most of the bring players from across the Multiverse
Mighty Avengers, his morals and tactics and have them fight for the Iso-Sphere. In
on saving the Earth for the greater good order to showcase the power of the Iso-8,
differed. After the invasion, Ares the Collector, on advice of his summoner
remained a registered superhuman and the Maestro, used it to bring into the Goddess of the hunt, the moon, wild
accepted a place in Norman Osborn's contest even people from the afterlife, animals, wilderness, virginity,
Avengers alongside Mighty Avengers thus he pulled Ares from Elysium back to childbirth and young women
teammate Sentry. He did not understand the land of the living. After surviving
his former team leader Carol Danvers' numerous battles, Ares returned to his F Un (100) Health: 280
(Ms. Marvel's) reluctance to work for home reality when one of the contestants, A Rm (30)
Osborn. He viewed his new alliance with Outlaw, managed to seize control of the S Am (50) Karma: 60
the ex-villain simply as continuing the Iso-Sphere from the Maestro, who in turn E Un (100)
fight that the original Mighty Avengers had taken it from the Collector earlier. R Ex (20) Resources: Un
had started on terrorist-level superhuman, Outlaw used the power of the Iso-Sphere I Gd (10)
and natural threats against America and to return the contestants to their homes. P Rm (30) Popularity: 40
even the entire planet. Misled into Ares returned with Outlaw to England,
believing Asgard's presence on Earth and and together with the contestants native KNOWN POWERS:
Thor's exile from that same kingdom were to his universe, appeared interested in the Body Armor: Incredible (40)
a part of an evil plot begun by Loki (who idea of forming a team.
he was also led to believe was leading Immortality: Artemis is immortal and can
the Asgardians), Ares was charged with only die in Olympus.
leading the assault on Asgard. While
many of his Dark Avengers teammates
and members of the Hood's forces posing

Allspeak: Can communicate in all the against Apollo for tricking her into killing
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's her lover Orion.
dialects, and alien languages.
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. When her father Zeus was angry with the
Avengers because his son Hercules was
Enhanced Senses: Unearthly (100) beaten into a coma while serving with
them, he had several of his children
Tracking: Unearthly (100) ability. attack and abduct the superhero team.
Artemis was sent to abduct the Wasp
Animal Communication and Control: from the small Caribbean island she was
Unearthly (100) rank. vacationing on. She attracted the Wasp's
attention by transforming into a deer and
Magic: Artemis, like most elder gods, drawing her into the undergrowth, before ASKLEPIOS
wields a certain amount of magic, these firing a magical arrow at her. The Wasp
are some of the powers she's been seen shot the arrow with a bio-electrical sting,
God of Medicine
using: vaporizing it, but the dust created
 Teleportation: Cl1000 ability knocked the Wasp out and Artemis took
F Gd (10) Health: 100
 Shape-change: Amazing (50) ability her to Olympus. In New York and on
A Ex (20)
 Shape-change - Others: Amazing (50) Olympus, Artemis clashed with the
S Rm (30) Karma: 50
 Healing: Amazing (50) rank Avengers, and with several of her siblings
E In (40)
(including her twin, Apollo) who had taken
R Rm (30) Resources: Gd
Note on abilities: Artemis used to be the Avengers' side against Zeus.
I Gd (10)
more powerful, as did all of the Eventually Zeus came to his senses and
P Gd (10) Popularity: 10
Olympians, when she was actively called off his children, including Artemis.
worshipped and her powers have Artemis was subsequently in attendance
dimenished to their current state. when Zeus decreed that no Olympians
Body Armor: Good (10).
would set foot on Earth again, though
EQUIPMENT: many of them have since done so.
Retarded Aging: Ages 1 year for every
Bow: This Cl1000 Adamantine Bow may 100 years. He can be killed normally.
fire up to 5 arrows a round, 10 areas.
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
Arrows: Magical and treated as languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
Silver/Holy items for fighting undead, dialects, and alien languages.
these inflict Remarkable (30) damage and
pierce Amazing (50) armor. Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
Talents: Artemis is knowledgeable of Healing: Unearthly (100) ability.
Olympian Mythology, Lore and History as
well. Weapons Specialist: Bows, Recovery-Others: Unearthly (100).
Marksmanship, Master Huntress (Hunting
and Tracking), Animal husbandry and Regeneration: Unearthly (100) ability.
First Aid.
Talents: Asklepios is a scholar of
Contacts: The Olympian gods, Zeus (her Medicine (+2 C/S) and First Aid. Greek
father) Leto the Titaness (her mother), Mythology, Lore and History
Apollo (her twin).
Contacts: The Olympian gods, Apollo
Running Artemis: (his father), Machaon (his son, deceased)
Artemis vowed long ago to retain her and Zeus.
purity and virginity forever. The only men
who interest her are hunters, archers, and Running Asklepios:
occasional fighters. She holds a grudge Asklepios is a kind and caring person.
Having been a mortal for most of his life,

before ascening to Olympus he is one of
the few people in the Olympian pantheon Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
who knows what mortal loss is like. languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
dialects, and alien languages.
Asklepios, also known as Aesculapius or Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
Asclepius, was the son of Olympian God
of light Apollo and of Coronis, daughter of Magic: Athena, like most elder gods,
King Phlegyas of the Lapiths. He became wields a certain amount of magic, these
a Greek healer and the God of Medicine. are some of the powers she has:
At some point, he sired a son, Machaon.  Flight: Amazing (50).
 Shrinking or growing: Incredible (40).
He served the Greeks during the Trojan  Shape Change: Remarkable (30).
War and treated Philoctetes after he was  Invisibility: Incredible (40) ability.
bitten by a snake in Tenedos. Despite  Illusion casting: Remarkable (30).
Asklepios' skills, the wound remained,  Animate objects: Remarkable (30).
along with a violent stench, and  Shape Change - others: Remarkable
Philoctetes was left behind on the island (30) ability.
of Lemnos. Years later, in order to win the
 Precognition: Amazing (50) foresight.
Trojan War, Odysseus retrieved
 Energy Generation: Monstrous (75), 5
Philoctetes who was healed by Asclepius'
son Machaon. At some point, well into his
sixties, Asklepios started residing in  Dimensional Travel: Remarkable (30)
Olympus and enjoyed a semi-immortal  Conjure: Remarkable (30) ability.
status while living there. He was brought  Instant Change: she can change from
to heal Zeus when he was injured in her mortal garb into full battle armor as
battle against Amatsu-Mikaboshi, but well as summon her mace and shield at
failed to recognize his injuries at first. He Remarkable (30) ability.
was present when East god Inari came to  Telelocation: Incredible (40) ability.
the Olympians to ask for an alliance.  Gateway: Incredible (40) ability.
 Divine Empowerment: Amazing (50)
ability to grant powers. Such abilities
last until she (or Zeus) rescinds or
negates them.

Note on abilities: Athena used to be

ATHENA more powerful, as did all of the
Olympians, when she was actively
Goddess of Wisdom and War worshipped and her powers have
diminished to their current state.
Athena Parthenos
F Un (100) Health: 280
Aegis Armor: Cl1000 Adamantine
A Rm (30)
breastplate, fashioned by Hephaestus.
S Am (50) Karma: 155
 Force Field: The breastplate projects a
E Un (100)
personal force field around it's wearer
R Un (100) Resources: Un
of Unearthly (100) vs. Physical, Energy,
I Rm (30)
Toxins and Disease attacks.
P Am (50) Popularity: 40
 Projected Force Field: The field can be
KNOWN POWERS: expanded to 1 area but is reduced to
Body Armor: Incredible (40). Amazing (50) vs. physical and energy
Immortality: Athena is immortal and can
only die in Olympus.

 Kinetic Bolt: The breastplate can
redirect physical force as an Amazing
(50) intensity kinetic bolt, up to 4 areas.

Shield: A Class 1000 Adamantine shield,

forged by Hephaestus. Absorbs 150
points of damage if shielding, can be
thrown 2 areas for Amazing (50) damage.

Mace of Athena: A Cl1000 mace, forged

by Hephaestus. Unearthly (100) damage.

Sword of Athena: A Cl1000 sword, forged

by Hephaestus. Unearthly (100) damage.

Spear of Athena: Made of Cl1000

material, its spearhead forged by
Hephaestus, Monstrous (75) damage. 10
area range.

Talents: Shift-X knowledge of any non-

technical sciences. Martial Arts (all),
weapons master and marksman
(pertaining mostly to the weapons of the
time period). Better military strategist than
Ares. She is knowledgeable of Olympian
Mythology, Lore and History as well.

Contacts: Aegis, Avengers, Cadmus,

Amadeus Cho, Council of Godheads, the
Fates, Hercules, Horus, Inti, Izanagi,
Jason, Namora, Odysseus, Perseus and
the Olympians.

Running Athena:
Athena is the most brilliant of the
Olympians. Her knowledge makes her
their acknowledged expert on everything.
She balances her academic powers with
martial skills. Her calm, rational mind
provides a needed balance to the more
tempestuous gods' actions.

HISTORY: human princess Danae, was allowed to empowered Prince Argive so that he
Athena was the daughter of Zeus, Ruler use it with Athena's blessing when could strike Ares a near-mortal wound.
of the Olympian Gods, and his first confronting the Gorgon called Medusa. Athena's encounters included her
consort Metis, the goddess of prudence dealings with both mortal and demigod
and daughter of the Titan sea-deities Throughout the millenia Athena has had champions. Among these included
Oceanus and Tethys. After defeating the many encounters with mortals in the Perseus, her half-brother, whom she
earlier generation of gods known as the lands of Greece when the gods were aided in his mission concerning Medusa;
Titans for the rule of Olympus, Zeus formally worshiped. Among these Jason whom she aided in his quest for
chose to mate with the Titaness Metis incidents include her competition with the the magical Golden Fleece and imparted
sometime prior to making his elder sister, mortal called Arachne. Arachne was a to him a magical talking oak as an
Hera, his lawful wife and Queen of the vain woman who considered her weaving oracular guide attached to his ship, the
gods. Thus, Zeus' union with Metis ability greater than that of Athena's. To Argo; Cadmus whom she aided in slaying
resulted in Athena being born near Lake resolve the matter, a competition was the dragon of Ares; Odysseus (Ulysses)
Tritonis in Libya. Tritonis was controlled declared between the two where they whom she aided in returning home to
by her cousin, the god Triton, a son of the would weave tapestries. Arachne created Ithaca from the Trojan War and
sea-lord Poseidon. After Athena's birth a tapestry that depicted events that reclaiming his kingdom; and Heracles
however, Zeus was informed of a happened in the lives of the gods and (Hercules), another half-brother of hers
prophecy given by his grandmother Gaea Athena, consumed with rage and jealousy whom she aided during the course of his
that Metis' second child by Zeus would be at Arachne's handiwork, tore Arachne's legendary Twelve Labors. All these
a god more powerful than his father and tapestry apart causing the girl to flee and heroes she aided in their various quests
who would replace him as ruler of the subsequently commit suicide in her grief. fulfilling her role as the goddess of
gods as Zeus had done to his father As penance for her actions, Athena cast a warriors, guiding and advising them in
Cronus who likewise had replaced his spell over Arachne and transformed her their adventures.
father Ouranos. Hence, Metis exiled into a spider, preserving her life and
herself from Olympus to prevent the allowing her to spin and weave via the Athena was one of the most beloved
prophecy from coming to pass. Raised by natural abilities of a spider until the day goddesses among the Grecian peoples.
her elder cousin Triton, Athena she died in her new form. This was one of So much so that the city known as Athens
befriended Pallas, his daughter who was few episodes of Athena losing her temper was named for her from its original name
similar in age to her. Athena accidentally and acting just as petty as the other gods of Attica and during the days of ancient
killed Pallas during a bout of simulated as she is usually a more even-tempered Greece she was the protector of its
combat and thus annexed Pallas' name to goddess in relation to her peers. people. The naming of the city in Athena's
her own in memory of her fallen cousin. honor took place after she won a contest
To this day she is sometimes called Another encounter with a mortal was between her and her uncle, the sea-god
Pallas Athena. Of all of Zeus's numerous when she made a sojourn from Olympus Poseidon to decide who would lay claim
offspring, Athena has always had the king to Earth and was spied upon by Teresias to the city. Poseidon gave the people a
of the gods favor above all others. This while bathing. Unlike her sister Artemis salty spring to curry their favor but they
may be due to the fact that Athena's who once when spied upon by the hunter ultimately chose Athena over Poseidon
personal interests have always diverged Actaeon became enraged and when the goddess provided an olive tree
from those of the other gods. Whereas manipulated events which led to his that was more useful. Thus, she became
most of the Olympian deities have death, Athena instead cast a spell on the patron goddess of Athens. Athena
focused their lives on pursuing hedonism Teresias which blinded him but to was also worshiped under the Latin name
and are usually controlled by their compensate for this endowed him with of Minerva during the days of ancient
passions and engage in petty bickering the gift of precognition. Athena also Rome. Athena observed as Hercules
amongst themselves, Athena's participated in the Trojan War which attempted to convince Zeus to wage war
temperament has usually been more occurred from 1194 B.C. to 1184 B.C., on Asgard. Ares confided to her that he
humble in comparison and has always taking the side of the Greek warriors hoped Hercules would be successful.
striven to pursue and act with knowledge against the Trojans to avenge, at least in Athena stood alongside Zeus as he
and wisdom. Athena was so favored by her mind, an insult performed on her by forbade Pluto from working on earth.
her father that she was the only god-child the Trojan prince Paris. Paris had Athena observed Pluto's conflict with
of Zeus allowed to wear the Aegis, the deemed Venus as the most beautiful Zeus. Athena accompanied Zeus to a
magically-protective breastplate of Zeus. goddess of all after a contest was formed meeting with Odin, as he requested their
The only other exception of Zeus' among Venus, Athena and Hera to be aid in opposing the Eternals. Athena
offspring wearing the Aegis was when his judged as "the most beautiful". During the participated in the assault upon the
mortal demigod son Perseus, by the war, Athena fought against Ares, and Eternals' home city, Olympia, and fought

her one-time impersonator Thena. The the Olympians prevailed, though at the
battle with the Eternals soon ended, and cost of Zeus' very life by Mikaboshi.
Athena withdrew with the other Athena's ingenuity, combined with the
Olympians. Athena observed as height of her wisdom is fully realized
Hephaestus attempted to lift Thor's when she sends Hercules and Amadeus
hammer, Mjolnir, but they were upon their most dangerous mission yet: to
interrupted by the arrival of the Avengers Hades, Olympian realm of the deceased,
at his workshop. Athena fought with Thor, to seek out and bring back Zeus, the deity
but their battle ended when he saved her with whom she was closest with, to
from a pool of molten metal. Realizing counter the sinister plots of Hera. This
that the Avengers were not, as Zeus had leads to Pluto, Lord of the Dead, is trying
claimed, enemies of Olympus, Athena Zeus for Crimes Against Creation in the
convinced Hephaestus to hear them out, infernal depths of Hades, with 500
and then accompanied them with slavering Damned serving as jury,
Hephaestus and Venus to visit Hercules, Amadeus Cho for the defense, and the
in an attempt to heal him. However, they lead witness for the prosecution is
were found at Hercules' bedside by Zeus, Hercules.
who blasted all of them with his lightning.
Athena and the other Olympians who had
allied themselves with the Avengers took
a while to recover, as Zeus' fury had been
even greater against them. Athena was
present as Zeus forbade all Olympians
God of Might
from interfering with the earth. Athena
appeared to Trey Rollins and revealed to
F Am (50) Health: 170
him that she was his patroness and had
A Ex (20)
chosen him to bear the breastplate Aegis
S Am (50) Karma: 26
as her new champion, carrying on the
E Am (50)
tradition of past heroes of ancient Greece
R Ty (6) Resources: Ex
including Achilles, Jason, and Odysseus.
I Gd (10)
P Gd (10) Popularity: 10
Athena was presumably present with the
Olympian pantheon as they convened a
board meeting on Earth at the Olympus
Body Armor: Good (10).
Group, assuming the appearances of
mortal businessmen in an attempt to
Immortality: Bia is immortal and can only
maintain some connection with humanity.
die on Olympus.
Zeus had gathered them to confront Hera
for manipulating Hercules into appearing
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
on a reality television show as part of an
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
attempt to gain revenge upon him, but he
dialects, and alien languages.
wound up being jeered at by his own
family for his many infidelities. They finally
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
voted against interfering with Hercules'
labors. After a battle with Pluto, Athena
met with the other gods of Olympus as
Mace: Unearthly (100) material mace, it
they discussed how distasteful Ares'
holds no special enchantments, but
brutality was to them. Athena fought for
inflicts Monstrous (75) damage.
Olympus as it was invaded by Japanese
demons led by Mikaboshi, and looked to
Talents: Bia has Sharp Weapons, Blunt
Ares for strategy on the battlefield.
Weapons, Weapon Specialist: Mace, as
Athena joined the Olympians in their last
well as Olympian Mythology, Lore and
battle against Mikaboshi's forces. Aided
by benevolent Japanese gods of the east,

Contacts: The Olympian gods, Kratos  Bio-Vampirism: The stone may drain
(his brother), Nike (their sister) and Zeus. health to increases the users Strength
and Endurance. Vampirism operates at
Running Bia: Unearthly (100) levels.
Bia seems more like a force of nature,  Sleep Induced: 1 area Olympians,
rarely speaking and ever ready to serve Psyche FEAT vs. Amazing (50) or fall
Zeus alongside his brother Kratos. asleep until the stone is removed.

HISTORY: Limitation:
Bia is one of the sons of the Titan Pallas, The user makes a psyche FEAT. If the
and the river-goddess Styx, who is also a roll failure overwhelms the user losing
goddess of oaths and promises. They themselves to a catatonic state.
supported Zeus' overthrowing of Cronus
for control of Olympus and the leadership CRONUS Talents: Leadership, Sharp Weapons
of the gods of ancient Greece. With their
brother, Zelus, god of Emulation and their The Titan Contacts: Titans
sister, Nike, goddess of victory, they
became symbols of Zeus' power on F Un (100) Health: 1320 Running Cronos:
Olympus responsible for carrying out his A Ex (20) Cronus is a ruthless leader, capable of
will both among the gods and Mortals. S Sh-Y (200) Karma: 155 violence not only towards his family
They enforced his will helping E Cl1000 members but those who follow him.
Helphaestus nail Prometheus to the R In (40) Resources: Un
Caucasus Mountains as punishment for I In (40) HISTORY:
sharing fire with mortals. He wields a P Mn (75) Popularity: -100 Eons ago, the primordial Sky Father
mace forged by the Cyclops, Ouranus mated with the primordial Earth
Polyphemus. In the 20th century, the KNOWN POWERS: mother Gaea producing a number of
Titan Typhon banished all the Olympians Immortality: Can only die on Olympus. powerful offspring: the Titans, the
to the Land of Shades, but Hercules Cyclopes and centimanes. Ouranus
defeated Typhon and restored the gods to Invulnerability to Disease: Cl1000. feared his children would usurp his power
Olympus. The gods Kratos and Bia so he imprisoned the centimanes and
served as bailiffs, holding Typhon while Body Armor: Unearthly (100). cyclopes in Tartarus, the dark abyss of
Zeus judged him and then leading the underworld. Gaea, disgusted with the
Typhon to Hades to serve his eternal Extradimensional Detection: Cronos is treatment of her children urged the Titans
sentence. able to see everything in the realms over to overthrow Ouranus. The youngest
which he had dominion at Cl1000. Cronus agreed and led his brothers into
ambushing Ouranus in his sleep. He then
Limitation: castrated him with a sickle given to him
Extradimensional Detection does not by Gaea. A dying Ouranus prophesized
function in the space between realms. that one of Cronus' own children when
overthrow him just as he had overthrown
EQUIPMENT: Ouranus. Cronus then took his sister
Chronos Stone: This stone was Rhea as his wife and became the new
swallowed in place of Zeus. Later ruler of the Olympian dimension. Cronus
regurgitated, it became endowed with ruled over a period of time on Earth
time-travelling properties. remembered as a Golden Age.
 Time Control: Cl1000 ability: Supposedly the men of this time period
 Lightning Speed: Sh-Z (500) speed. need no law due to being naturally
 Multiple Attacks: Sh-Z (500). virtuous and obeyed Cronus
 Slow down extreme injuries or death: unquestionably. However, Cronus feared
Sh-Z (500) rank. Ouranus' prophecy so he kept the
 Time Travel: Sh-Z (500) ability. cyclopes and centimanes imprisoned in
 Age-Shifting: Alter the age of the Tartarus. Any child Rhea bore him he
wielder or others, by power rank. either imprisoned in Tartarus or by his
 Longevity: Sh-Z (500) immortality. own account ate and imprisoned in his

stomach to prevent them from being a
threat. Rhea hid the youngest Zeus by Talents: Deimos and Phobos are
tricking Cronus into swallowing a stone. knowledgeable of Olympian Mythology,
When Zeus grew to adulthood he Lore and History. They're skilled
poisoned Cronus to vomit up his siblings Charioteers are familiar with Military
and led them in a 10-year war with the edicts and strategies.
Titans known as the Titanomachy. Zeus
one the war by freeing the cyclopes and Contacts: Ares (Father), Nox (Mother),
centimanes from Tartarus. With the Half-siblings: Alcippe, Antiope, Diomedes'
strength of the centimanes and new mares, Harmonia, Hiera, Hippolyta,
weapons/powers granted by the cyclopes Lysippe, Melanippe, Orithya, Otrera,
Zeus defeated the Titans. He imprisioned Penthesilea, Alexander Aaron, Diomedes,
all of them including Cronus in Tartarus. Kyknos, Monstro the mighty, Oenomaus,
He left only the female Titans, Titans who Phlegyras, Thestius, Charon, Eros,
did not fight against him, and a few giants Keres, momus, Hypnoss, Thantos,
free. Zeus then took his place as the new Aether, Nemesis and Hemera as well as
Olympian skyfather. the Olympian Gods.

Eons later, during a series of battles when Running Deimos and Phobos:
the mindless Hulk was sent to Olympus Deimos: As befits the son of Ares,
weakened one of the seals on Tartarus Deimos and Phobos Deimos was an insidious, manipulative,
allowing Cronus to escape and lead a and cruel god. Like the serpents which
small army of giants in an attempt to take Gods of Terror and Fear were his motif, Deimos enjoyed worming
back Olympus. Cronus and his giants his way into the psyches of his targets,
were quickly defeated by Hercules and F Rm (30) Health: 140 twisting their minds into accord with his
Zeus' other offspring. Cronus himself was A Gd (10) own. If utilized, Deimos should be played
driven back into Tartarus and the breach S Am (50) Karma: 50 with a macabre sense of pleasure over
sealed. Later, when Pluto put Zeus on E Am (50) his manipulations. Deimos had a running
trial for being an unworthy godhead R Gd (10) Resources: Un rivalry with Phobos; the two brothers
Cronus was called to testify. He explained I Gd (10) regularly bickered and fought, although
how Zeus rose to power through fraud, P Rm (30) Popularity: -10 they generally set aside their feuding
poison, and patricide and that Zeus when enemies arose. Still, a skillful
deserved Cronus' punishment as much as KNOWN POWERS: manipulator could always stoke the fires
Cronus himself. Body Armor: Good (10). of their rivalry in combat sufficiently to
escape or get in a surprise blow.
Immortality: Deimos and Phobos are
immortal and can only die on Olympus. Phobos: The most important thing in
Phobos' life is the approval of his father
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the and Phobos would act independently of
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's his brother, Deimos, to obtain his father's
dialects, and alien languages. praise. Whenever Phobos did this, he
would often jeopardize the very mission
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. with which he was entrusted. To this
extend, Phobos should be played in a
Emotional Control: Amazing (50) rank, up moderately-haphazard manner should the
to 5 areas range. If acting together, their siblings be utilitzed together in an
rank increases to Unearthly (100) over 10 adventure. Otherwise, Phobos is
areas range. generally a calculating and surreptitious
villain capabel of deceit, tricker and
Note on abilities: Deimos and Phobos extreme brutality.
used to be more powerful, as did all of the
Olympians, when they were worshipped HISTORY:
and their powers have diminished to their Deimos: The son of Ares, god of war and
current state. Nox, goddess of the night (who was

posing as Aphrodite at the time), Deimos  Fertilizing fields
was the god of dread and terror, and he  Triple crop output
was the twin sibling to Phobos. Viewed by
Ares as spawn rather his child, later Weather Control: Amazing (50) ability and
Deimos and Phobos were slain by the all power stunts.
"Lion of Olympus" Hercules and the  Increase/Decrease temperature
Asgardian, Thor. Nox revealed to Doctor  Discharge lightning
Strange that she allied herself with the  Create Rain
seven Fear Lords as a means to resurrect  Create winds
her sons, Deimos and Phobos from the  Create Snow
netherworld. Her plan came into fruition
as she reconstructed her children from an Magic: Demeter, like most elder gods,
unknown dark-force matter; however, wields a certain amount of magic:
their return was short lived, due to the
 Dimensional Travel: Amazing (50).
efforts of Strange and his comrades.
 Shape Shift: Good (10) ability.
Frustrated as a result of her failure, Nox
stated that she would be able to resurrect  Healing: Remarkable (30) ability.
her children at another time, although the  Curse: Remarkable (30).
resurrection was never shown, Deimos  Blessing: Remarkable (30) blessings on
was killed once again during Mikaboshi's incredible foods or pregnancies.
attack on Olympus.  Sorcerers who invoke her name are +2
DEMETER C/S when attempting to influence the
Phobos: The son of Ares, god of war and weather or plants.
Nox, goddess of the night (who was Goddess of Harvest, Agriculture, and
posing as Aphrodite at the time), Phobos Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and
was the god of fear, and he was the twin History as well. Agriculture and Fertility
sibling to Deimos. Phobos and Deimos (Child birthing).
F Gd (10) Health: 120
were slain by the "Lion of Olympus" A Ex (20)
Hercules and the Asgardian, Thor. Nox Contacts: Pluto, Neptune, Vesta, Hera,
S In (40) Karma: 42
revealed to Doctor Strange that she allied and Zeus: her siblings the elder gods.
E Am (50)
herself with the seven Fear Lords as a R Ty (6) Resources: Un
means to resurrect her sons, Phobos and Running Demeter:
I Ty (6)
Deimos from the netherworld. Her plan Demeter held fast to her beliefs and
P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
came into fruition as she reconstructed edicts as the goddess of the harvest,
her children from an unknown dark-force agriculture and fertility. She is known to
matter; however, their return was short be even tempered and kind to mortals,
Body Armor: Good (10).
lived, due to the efforts of Strange and his however she does have a mean streak
comrades. Frustrated as a result of her when provoked by those to dumb to
Immortality: Demeter is immortal and can
failure, Nox stated that she would be able realize they just upset a goddess.
only die on Olympus.
to resurrect her children at another time.
Ares formed a temporary alliance with the HISTORY:
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
Olympians and led an assault on The daughter of Cronus and Rhea,
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
Mikaboshi's netherworld realm of Yomi to according to legends, Demeter was the
dialects, and alien languages.
rescue his son. During the course of this second daughter of the Titan deities
war, the resurrected Phobos and Deimos Cronus and Rhea, and consequently
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
were again slain in defense of Olympus; granddaughter to Gaea. Fearing that he
Ares, who viewed them more as spawn would be dethroned by one of his
Ultimate Skill - Agriculture and Fertility
than as sons, did not grieve their deaths. offspring just as he had overthrown his
(Child birthing): Unearthly (100) rank.
own father Ouranos, Cronus had his own
offspring (Pluto, Neptune, Demeter,
Plant Control/Manipulation: Unearthly
Vestla -or Hestia- and Hera, save for her
(100) ability and all power stunts.
sixth child Zeus who was hidden by Rhea
 Plant Control
in Crete). Cronus swallowed his children
 Plant growth them as they emerged from Rhea's
 Enrich the fertility of the earth

womb, and that they remained alive child of all, the one whom she took to
inside him until Zeus released them by spending whatever free time she had
poisoning the cup of Cronus, forcing him with. Due to her great beauty,
to vomit his siblings. Zeus along with Persephone was often desired by many
Demeter, Hera, Neptune, Pluto and gods, but Demeter would would never
Vestla fought a war with the Titans which allow it. The god Hades fell in love with
ended with Zeus's victory, helped by her and obtained permission from Zeus to
Gaea. They imprisoned most of the Titans take her as a bride without telling
in Tartarus. Despite neither Demeter nor Demeter. In fact, Zeus is reputed to have
her sister Vestla ever deigned to rule, suggested abduction to keep Demeter
Zeus establishing all his sibling and from knowing the truth. Abducted while in
potential rivals to some responsibility the presence of her friends the Sirens,
positions, with Demeter watching over the Persephone was taken against her will to
land, Zeus made himself as monarch of Tartarus where she pined for her mother
the Olympus and the Olympian gods and and refused to eat. Demeter mourned for
could rule a peaceful Olympus. Demeter her daughter for ten days before Hecate,
became the Goddess of Harvest, looking to make trouble for Hades, told
Agriculture, and Fertility, and would often her the truth. As a result of this, a grief-
visit mortals and teach them the stricken and wrathful Demeter
necessary skills of agriculture. commanded the earth to become barren
and infertile until her daughter was
Since her older sister, Vestla, chose to returned to her (this in turn induced
remain an eternal virgin, she was the first autumn, and then winter). Upon seeing
goddess who caught the romantic the starvation and anguish of the mortals
attentions of Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, due to Demeter's curse on the earth, DIONYSUS
especially since she was beautiful in her Zeus was forced to order Hades to return
own right, kind-hearted, and an excellent Persephone to her mother. God of Wine and Revelry
cook. However, Demeter turned down all
their proposals of marriage, for she Unfortunately, while in the underworld, Dionysus Acratophorus
preferred to devote herself to her duties Persephone fasted by eating three
as the Goddess of the Harvest and pomegranate seeds. As Zeus arbitrated F Gd (10) Health: 120
Fertility. However, there came a time the case, Persephone was required to A Ex (20)
where Zeus was determined to court spend parts of the year on Olympus and S Am (50) Karma: 42
Demeter. Despite a shape-shifting Hades. Demeter also punished the Sirens E In (40)
struggle between the two, Zeus for not reporting the abduction, by R Gd (10) Resources: Un
successfully seduced Demeter after transforming them into birds and I Gd (10)
transforming into a serpent. They enjoyed imprisoned them on Anthemoessa. P Rm (30) Popularity: +40
a relationship that resulted in Demeter's Demeter was seemingly imprisoned in
first child: a very beautiful daughter Hades when the Titan Typhon returned, KNOWN POWERS:
named Persephone. Though the affair and she was seen celebrating along with Body Armor: Incredible (40).
later ended, Demeter was still happy, for the other gods after they were freed by
she loved her daughter dearly. Hercules. Persephone used to visit her Immortality: Dionysus is immortal and can
Persephone grew up without want, mother, during which such time Pluto put only die on Olympus.
always by the side of her mother, who schemes in order against the Fantastic
shared some of her power over the earth Four. She was later present at the funeral Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
with her, and she eventually became the of Hercules. languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
Goddess of Springtime and Flowers. In dialects, and alien languages.
fact, Demeter loved Persephone so
dearly that she viewed her as the light of Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
her life, and took to spending all of her
time with her. Magic: Dionysus, like most elder gods,
wields a certain amount of magic:
While Demeter loved all of her children  Teleportation: Unearthly (100) ability
dearly, Persephone remained her favorite  Dimensional Travel: Unearthly (100).

 Shape change: Remarkable (30). Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
 Plant Control: Unearthly (100) ability,
limited to grape vines. Magic: Eris, like most elder gods, wields
 Induce Drunken Rages: Unearthly a certain amount of magic, these are
(100), On a failed Psyche feat, the some of the powers she's been seen
victim attacks his friends for D10 using:
rounds. Afterwards the victim sleeps  Teleportation: Cl1000 ability
and awakens with a hangover.  Shape-change: Amazing (50) ability.
 Shape-change - Others: Amazing (50).
Note on abilities: Dionysus used to be  Winged Flight: Incredible (40)
more powerful, as did all of the  Mental projection: She can project
Olympians, when he was actively images into the mind of her opponent
worshipped and his powers have that can stun them. Amazing (50)
diminished to their current state.
Note on abilities: Eris used to be more
Talents: Monstrous Reason when powerful, as did all of the Olympians,
dealing with winemaking, brewing and when she was actively worshipped and
distilling, Dionysus is knowledgeable of her powers have dimenished to their
Olympian Mythology, Lore and History as current state.
well. Wrestling (+1 C/S to attacks due to
being severely out of practice). EQUIPMENT:
Military arms: Eris is able to utilize any
Contacts: Olympian Gods, Any vintner military weapon, but prefers the classics –
on Earth. i.e., swords, spears, etc.

Running Dionysus: Talents: Her Reason is Amazing in the

Dionysus is a hedonistic god who no field of military science, weapons, and
longer adventures. He prefers to surround politics. She has all the weapon talents.
himself with mortals full of the partying
mentality. He thinks that most of the gods Contacts: The Olympian gods, Zeus (her
are crashing bores.
father) Hera (her mother), the Centaurian
(her champion).
Goddess of Strife and Discord
Dionysus was the son of the Olympian Running Eris:
Skyfather Zeus and the mortal Semele, Bellona or Discord
Better known as Discord or Eris, Bellona
daughter of King Cadmus of Thebes. often enters into the schemes and plans
F Am (50) Health: 220
Despite being born as a mortal, Dionysus of her older brother Ares to ignite the
was a member of the Olympians, an A Rm (30)
dissension that often leads to war.
extra-dimensional race of beings once S In (40) Karma: 60
However, she has in recent centuries
E Un (100)
worshiped by the people of Ancient been looking to improve her standing in
R Ex (20) Resources: Un
Greece and the Roman Empire. With his the order of Olympians.
wife Ariadne, he sired Oenopion and I Gd (10)
Staphylus. Like many Olympians, P Rm (30) Popularity: 40
Dionysus accepted the rule of Aphrodite Eris was bored with her lot in life and
during an apparent leave of absence from considered trying to surpass Ares to
Zeus. Olympus was relocated to the Body Armor: Incredible (40)
become the Olympian Goddess of War.
planet Venus and most of the Olympians She sought direction from a prophetess
Immortality: Eris is immortal and can only
adopted their Roman names. Dionysus, and learned of the neophyte but powerful
die in Olympus.
taking up the name Bacchus during the mortal sorcerer Kyllian Boddicker. Kyllian
time. In 1949, Bacchus was among the had the patronage of the Celtic Gods,
various Olympians gathered by Aphrodite Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
whom the Olympians had been at odds
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
as potential subjects to make her mortal with in the past. Eris sent her vassal
dialects, and alien languages.
lover Whitney Hammond jealous. In the Centaurion to Earth to kill Kyllian.
end Samson was chosen over the others.

When Centaurion was defeated by Ultimate Skill - Archery: Unearthly.
Kyllian, Eris went to Earth herself to
confront the mortal. He brashly opposed Magic: Eros, like most elder gods, wields
the Goddess even then, and Eris returned a certain amount of magic:
to Olympus to question Sybilla about her  Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20).
guidance. Sybilla admitted her visions told  Teleport: Excellent (20) ability.
her Kyllian would be more than a  Flight: Incredible (40).
momentary diversion for Eris. The  Energy Generation: Remarkable (30)
Goddess of Strife left the prophetess in bolts of energy up to 3 areas.
disgust, and therefore missed the next  Arrow Creation: Remarkable (30)
vision conjured by Sybilla -- an image of arrows. The quiver stays ever full.
Eris and Kyllian in a lover's embrace.
Years later, Eris was associated with Eros Bow: Unearthly (100) material Bow,
Hera's Olympus Group. She confronted ROF: 3/1, 10 areas.
Hercules and his Avengers allies during
the launch of Continuum. Quiver of Love: Eros has an ever full
quiver of arrows. They don't do much
damage, unless in combat.
 Arrows: Incite Remarkable (30) love
and affection in the first person that the
target sees. (Psyche feat roll). They do
Good (10) damage, pierce Remarkable
(30) armor as though it weren't there
and still affect the target.

Talents: Wrestling, Eros is knowledge-

EROS able of Olympian Mythology, Lore and
History as well. Like his mother Aphrodite,
God of Love and Affection he is knowledgeable of love and affection
as well.
Eros Pandemos
Contacts: The Olympian gods, Ares (his
F Gd (10) Health: 130 father), Aphrodite Pandemos (his mother)
A Rm (30) and Zeus.
S In (40) Karma: 42
E Am (50) Running Eros:
R Ty (6) Resources: Ex Where his mother is the goddess of Love
I Ty (6) (physical), Eros is the herald of those
P Rm (30) Popularity: +10 feelings and the harbinger of new love
and affection (commonly called 'Puppy
Body Armor: Good (10).
Immortality: Eros is immortal and can only Cupid is a member of the Olympian gods
die on Olympus. worshipped by the Ancient Greeks and
Romans. He was born the son of Ares,
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the although for a long time Hephaestus
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's Aetnaeus, the smith-god believed that he
dialects, and alien languages. was his son and Venus, the love-goddess
called Aphrodite. Raised predominantly
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. by his mother, he was groomed into being
his mother's ally in affairs of the heart,
especially in schemes that benefited

herself. He fired the arrow which caused and Wyatt Wingfoot followed and learned
Helen of Troy to fall in love with Venus' that Mahkizmo was planning to kill off the
young ward, the Trojan Prince Paris, but women of the Twentieth Century, and
he did balk at forcing the Phoenician stopped his plans. Cupid removed the
princess Psyche to fall in love with a arrow after seeing how much damage it
mortal beyond her dignity. Psyche's had caused.
beauty had caused mortal men to turn
away from worship of Venus, whose
temples fell into ruin. Venus sent Cupid to
Earth to punish her by making her fall in
love with an undeserving wretch.
Scratching himself on one of his own
arrows, he fell in love with Psyche himself
and spirited her off to live in secrecy with
her. Cupid was stripped of his godhood
for a while for disobeying Aphrodite, but
after Psyche proved her worthiness by
outsmarting Venus and earning her right
to be a goddess, Cupid and Psyche lived
happily for the rest of her brief mortal life.

In recent years, Cupid encountered the

Avengers as they came to Venus for
assistance against Zeus, who blamed
them for Hercules' severe injuries at the
hands of Baron Helmut Zemo's Masters
of Evil. Cupid tried to keep them away,
but was tossed aside. Shortly thereafter,
Ares used the Amulet of Amuk to control
and manipulate Venus to convinced
Cupid that the Avenger Mockingbird was
the reincarnation of his wife Psyche. Cupbearer of the Gods, Goddess of
Cupid attempted to force Mockingbird to youth and children
remember him, and battled and defeated
the Avengers West Coast when they Hebe Panhellenios
opposed him. Eventually, with the aid of
Hercules, the Avengers stopped Cupid, F Gd (10) Health: 120
and convinced him of the error of his A Ex (20)
ways. They traveled to Mt. Olympus, S Am (50) Karma: 50
where they stopped Venus and Zeus from E In (40)
falling prey to Ares' plot. Cupid gave R Gd (10) Resources: Un
Hawkeye one of his magic arrows as a I Gd (10)
token of himself to the finest archer he P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
had ever seen.
In order to prove to his mother that he Body Armor: Good (10).
had not lost his matchmaking skills, Cupid
was charged with finding a suitable mate Immortality: Hebe is immortal and can
for the time-traveling warrior Mahkizmo. only die on Olympus.
Under the watchful eyes of his Uncle
Dionysus, Cupid tried to match the warrior Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
with Jennifer Walters, The She-Hulk, but languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
Mahkizmo intercepted the arrow and dialects, and alien languages.
abducted Walters to the future. The Thing

Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. and Hercules' group, believing that her
ultimate duty was still to him. When Hera
Magic: Hebe, like most elder gods, wields discovered her betrayal, she blasted
a certain amount of magic: Hebe with her thunderbolt, sending her
 Shape Change: Excellent (20) ability. hurtling out of the Olympus Group tower
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20). to the ground. Relatively unharmed, she
 Teleport: Excellent (20) ability. fled the scene in search of Hercules, but
 Aging: Unearthly (100) ability to could not find him. She is later discovered
magically restore the youth and vitality. by Aunt May living with a group of
 Limited Precognition: Excellent (20). homeless people in Central Park, and is
 Flight: Remarkable (30). convinced to take her followers to a
shelter at which May works. May quickly
Talents: Hebe is familiar with Olympian befriends Hebe, whose ambrosia mixture
Mythology, Lore and History. She has an makes the shelter a huge success. May
extensive Beanie Baby collection. sets her up on a blind date with her
nephew Peter Parker, which is interrupted
Contacts: The Olympian gods, Zeus (her by an angry Hercules. Hebe tearfully
father), Hera (her mother) and Hercules confronts him about why he abandoned
(her husband). her, and Hercules admits that it was
never her that drove him away, rather, his
Running Hebe: desire for adventure, as he cannot be
Hebe is young, even for an ancient Greek happy as a god away from the world.
goddess. She is teenager-like in her Hebe says that she loves him for that,
approach to most problems or solution, and the two depart on better terms, with
however she doesn't act like a petulent Spider-Man, to confront Hera's evil
child. She is brave, engaging in combat scheme. However, Hebe's joy of reunion
when needed, but knows that it isn't her with her former husband was quickly
strong suit. dashed away when Hercules apparently
sacrificed himself to save Earth.
The third child of Zeus and Hera (her She subsequently becomes Amadeus
brothers are Ares and Hephaestus), she Cho's assistant when he takes over the
is the Goddess of Youth and the cup- Olympus Group, and is ecstatic to learn
bearer of the gods, responsible for that Hercules was not found in the HECATE
brewing ambrosia. She was married to Underworld. Hebe's ambrosia is revealed
the newly-divine Hercules as a peace- to be one of the four elements needed to Goddess of Magic, Witches and
offering between Hercules and her ascend to the power-level of the Witchcraft
mother Hera, and for a time the two of Skyfathers by Vali Halfling. During the
them had a happy relationship. However, Chaos War storyline, Hebe is one of the F Gd (10) Health: 120
Hercules grew dissatisfied with life on few surviving deities after Amatsu- A Gd (10)
Olympus, and returned to the mortal Mikaboshi destroys the Council of God- S Am (50) Karma: 150
world in the late 20th century in search of Heads. Hebe reunites with Hercules in an E Am (50)
adventure. He also began having affairs, island of Hawaii, and, despite her protests R Rm (30) Resources: Un
which left Hebe distraught, as Hera told for Hercules not to agree for Gaea and I Ex (20)
her that the failure of her marriage was Pele to re-make him as a true All-Father, P Un (100) Popularity: -30
her fault. Hercules nevertheless consents, and
ascends to the full power and prestige of KNOWN POWERS:
In the modern era, following the Skyfather. Body Armor: Incredible (40).
destruction of Olympus at the hands of
Amatsu-Mikaboshi, Hebe served her Immortality: Hecate is immortal and can
mother Hera as a secretary at the only die on Olympus.
Olympus Group. She later arranges for
Norman Osborn and his Dark Avengers to
arrive on the site of a battle between Hera

Allspeak: Can communicate in all the Talents: Hecate is knowledgeable of they soon found themselves opposed by
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's Olympian Mythology, Lore and History as Hercules. While battling her allies,
dialects, and alien languages. well. Mystic Origin. Hercules briefly dropped the Shield of
Perseus, an object capable of turning
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. Contacts: Olympian Gods anyone who looked at it into stone. When
Hecate picked up the shield and stared
Ultimate Skill - Occult Lore: Unearthly Running Hecate: into it, she found her memories and magic
(100) Reason. Hecate wants revenge for the wrongs restored, and realized she was in fact the
against her. She revels in her powers and true Olympian Goddess of Magic, and
Magic: Hecate wields a vast magic, abilities, using them to suit her needs, she vowed to conquer Brooklyn and kill
second only to Zeus in power, it is punish her enemies and torment those Hercules, as an act of revenge against
believed she is more knowledgeable. she wishes to lord over. Zeus for exiling her from Olympus and
She can cast Personal, Universal wiping her memory and powers.
and Dimensional spells at Shift-X (150): HISTORY:
 Dimensional Travel: Unearthly (100). Hecate was one of the Titans who lived Using the fear being spread worldwide by
 Teleportation: Unearthly (100) ability. on Olympus and ruled the ancient world the Serpent's forces, she joined with
 Flight: Unearthly (100) air speed. before Zeus conquered it. As a Titan, she Kyknos whom she demanded to kill
 Shape shifting: Amazing (50) ability. predates Zeus and the twelve Olympians, Hercules. Hecate used her regained
 Shape shift - others: Amazing (50). and she also predates humanity like all magic in an effort to remake Brooklyn in
 Matter manipulation: Unearthly (100). Titans. When Zeus conquered Olympus, their image by casting a spell to warp all
 Augmentation of her physical Hecate was one of the Titans he spared. of Brooklyn into an ancient Greek version
capabilities: Shift-X (150) increase of He allowed Hecate to keep her title as of itself and turning its inhabitants into
her strength and endurance for D10 Goddess of the Underworld. However monsters. When Kyknos is killed by
rounds, no bonus to health. when Pluto instead chose to take Hercules, Hecate teleports away, causing
Persephone as his wife, Hecate retaliated Brooklyn and its inhabitants to revert to
 Force Field: Shift-X (150).
by becoming the greatest sorcerer of normal. Many years later, the Scarlet
 Energy Generation: Shift-X (150), 5
Olympus and became the Goddess of Witch locates Hekate on the Greek island
area range.
Magic, Witches and Witchcraft. To further of Santorini. There she has taken up the
 Granting powers to objects and beings: add insult, Hecate started and mothered guise of a cafe owner and seems to be
Shift-Z (500) ability to grant abilities and the line of witches on Earth when she living a humble lifestyle. Wanda explains
place enchantments that last until revealed secrets of the dead and taught that she has sought the Goddess out and
rescinded. magic to the very first Witches of the displays a deep respect for her,
 Possession: Amazing (50) ability. world. She was the very first deity to give explaining that she looks to Hekate for
 Animate objects: Amazing (50). magic to mortals, while gods like Chthon guidance as the Goddess of witches. She
 Invisibility: Amazing (50). and Agamotto did so later on, after her. refers to Hekate during this meeting as
 Weather Control: Monstrous (75). However she did this after Zeus forbade 'my goddess' and 'mother'. Hekate goes
 Elemental control (Fire, Air, Water and the Gods from meddling in human affairs on to explain that she hasn't cast a spell
Earth): Amazing (50) ability to control after a run-in with the Celestials. When in years and admits that regardless, she
the four elements, including all power Hecate was exiled from Olympus by might choose one day to take over the
stunts. Zeus, he wiped her memories and world again. After a brief conversation
 Animal communication and control: stripped her powers. between the two, reminiscing on the other
Remarkable (30) ability. Olympian Gods amongst other things,
 Telepathy: Remarkable (30) ability. Hecate believed she was an Hekate agrees to help her. After helping
 Mind control: Incredible (40). extradimensional female humanoid the Scarlet Witch stop a Minotaur in
 Curse: Unearthly (100) ability. scientist and explorer, who was merely Santorini, she was killed by the Emerald
 Resurrection: Unearthly (100) ability. mistaken for the goddess Hecate when Warlock to prevent Wanda from cashing
 Reality Alteration: Sh-Z (500) ability. she visited Earth thousands of years ago. in on a debt owed to her by the Goddess.
She allied with and later opposed the
Note on abilities: Hecate used to be Elementals while seeking the Ruby
more powerful, as did all of the Scarab. Imprisoned on the Raft and
Olympians, when she was actively suffering amnesia, Hecate escaped
worshipped and her powers have alongside Man-Bull, Griffin, and Basilisk.
diminished to their current state. Journeying to Brooklyn with them, she
helped them attempt to rob a bank, where

Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.

Talents: Unearthly Reason when dealing

with invention, engineering, metalworking,
and manufacturing.

Contacts: Olympian Gods (except Ares)

Running Hephaestus:
Hephaestus is an industrious god who
prefers to spend his time in his workshop,
surrounded by his inventions, tools, and
assistants. Although he is married to
Venus, he prefers to have little to do with
her. He openly distrusts Mars, ever since
he caught him with Venus.

Hephaestus was the son of the king and
queen of the Olympians; Zeus and Hera.
Hera threw him from Olympus because
he was crippled; he fell into the ocean
and was raised by Thetis. It is on Earth
where he became a master craftsman. He
was accepted back to Olympus, and
became the craftsman of the gods,
creating majestic armors, shields and
weapons. The first encounter between
HEPHAESTUS Hephaestus and some of the heroes of HERA
this world, in addition to his brother
God of Fire and Metal, Patron God of Hercules, took place during the war Queen of Olympus, Goddess of
Blacksmiths, Weapon-Maker and between the Mount Olympus and Asgard, Marriage, Childbirth, Women and
Armorer of Olympus that faced sprouts of both pantheons Fidelity
both, before the watched letter of the
Hephaestus Aetnaeus patriarchs. Hephaestus, like the rest of Hera Argeia
the Olympic Gods, was involved in the
F Ex (20) Health: 130 schemes of Typhon, that sent F Gd (10) Health: 120
A Gd (10) Hephaestus and his companions to limbo, A Ex (20)
S Am (50) Karma: 87 as well as the conspiracies of Ares, that S Am (50) Karma: 70
E Am (50) turned crystal to all the Olympian Gods. E In (40)
R Mn (75) Resources: Un Hephaetus was a witness as Zeus gave R Rm (30) Resources: Un
I Ty (6) sufficient power to Thor to revive Odin, I Gd (10)
P Ty (6) Popularity: +20 and this revived the other Asgardians. P Rm (30) Popularity: +30
Later Hephaestus would construct, at the
KNOWN POWERS: request of Hercules, a battle uniform, KNOWN POWERS:
Body Armor: Incredible (40). after his original was destroyed during a Body Armor: Incredible (40).
battle. Hephaestus battled the Avengers
Immortality: Hephaestus is immortal and on one occasion, when Zeus blamed Immortality: Hera is immortal and can
can only die on Olympus. them for the injuries of their teammate, only die on Olympus.
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
dialects, and alien languages.
dialects, and alien languages.

Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. her sixth pregnancy from him and secretly After Zeus' death at the hands of
gave birth to Zeus and hid him on Crete. Mikaboshi's, Hera inherited his
Magic: Hera, like most elder gods, wields Zeus grew to adulthood and then set thunderbolt and position as ruler of the
a certain amount of magic: about taking revenge on Cronus. Zeus Olympians, promising a new era to her
 Shape Change: Excellent (20) ability. went down into Tartarus and freed his race. However, Hera abused both of her
 Energy Generation: Unearthly (100) 5 siblings. Hera and the others fought a ten powers as well as of her subordinates,
area range. year war with the Titans which ended with indirectly killing Amadeus Cho's parents,
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20). Zeus's victory. They imprisoned most of making an uneasy alliance with Norman
 Teleport: Excellent (20) ability. the male Titans in Tartarus. Hera married Osborn, bullying Poseidon into
 Energy Generation: Hera has made Zeus and along with Poseidon, Demeter submission with Pluto's help, expelling
use of Zeus' lightning bolts. and Hestia, together with Zeus's children Apollo and Artemis simply for not being
 Telepathy: Amazing (50). Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, her children, and extending her hatred
Hephaestus, Hermes, and Venus, over her own children like Ares,
Note on abilities: Hera used to be more comprised the membership of the high Hephaestus and Hebe for even the
powerful, as did all of the Olympians, council of the Olympian gods known as smallest disobedience. Ultimately, her
when she was actively worshipped and the Pantheon. Hestia later resigned her ambition grew to the point that she tried to
her powers have diminished to their seat in the council in favor of Zeus's son recreate the whole universe with the
current state. Dionysus. Zeus's brother Hades was not Continuum, but while resurrected as a
a member of the Pantheon, preferring to child, Zeus convinced her to give up such
Talents: Knowledge of the current spend virtually all of his time within insanity. Unfortunately, Typhon,
activities of Olympians, Hera is Hades, which he ruled. temporarily controlled by Hera's mystical
knowledgeable of Olympian Mythology, powers betrayed her, slaying both her
Lore and History as well. In 1919, she and Frigga, wife of Odin, and Zeus while protected by the Aegis
chieftain of the Asgardian Gods, breastplate,. Their souls where promptly
Contacts: Olympian Gods discovered Mark Cadmon living on the taken by Thanatos to the underworld.
streets of Chicago, Illinois and saw his Their souls would not rest forever.
Running Hera: true untapped potential. They placed him Mikaboshi, now calling himself the Chaos
Hera resents her husband Zeus's among a group of other young adults who King, conquered the relative spirit realms
adultery. This makes her a bitter goddess became known as the Young Gods, and of the gods of earth and enslaved all the
who occasionally tries either to prevent when the Fourth Host of the Celestials souls, included Zeus and Hera in Hades.
Zeus from wandering or to do away with occurred, Gaea produced the Young Hercules resurrected both of them under
his mistresses. For a long time, she tried Gods to the Celestials as what the human his own power. When Hulk tried to force
to kill Hercules, but she later mellowed race could attain if allowed to exist. The Zeus to cure A-Bomb and Red She-Hulk,
out and begrudgingly accepted him. Celestials accepted the Young Gods as Hera sensed his true noble reasons and
prime examples of humanity and informed them to everyone present. She
HISTORY: departed Earth taking the Young Gods mocked the Hulk, but Zeus still refused to
Hera is the youngest daughter of Cronus with them. By the late 1940s, Hera -- help, claiming that such kind of altruism is
and Rhea beings known as Titans who assuming her Roman name of Juno-- had the "wrong religion." Zeus quickly beat up
once ruled Olympus. The Titans were the relocated with the other Olympians to the the green Goliath into submission. Hera
offspring of the sky god Ouranos and the planet Venus and were briefly under the witnessed Hercules freeing Hulk of his
primeval earth goddess Gaea. Cronus rule of Aphrodite who took on her Roman torment, and, when she asked Zeus why
overthrew his father's rule by fatally name as well. When Venus came to the he allowed Hercules to do such thing,
wounding him. The dying Ouranus aid of an office girl named Lucy whose Zeus replied that the Hulk brought his
prophesied that Cronus would likewise be boyfriend Frank Foster became obsessed own punishment upon himself long ago.
overthrown by one of his own children. As with Juno, Venus decided to let him meet
a result, upon the birth of each of his own her face to face. The easily jealous Juno
children, Cronus had the infant proved to too much for Frank to handle
imprisoned in Tartarus, the most dismal after the goddess got into a fight with a
section of the extra dimensional waitress. Later, when Juno crossed paths
underworld known as Hades. The with Venus' lover Whitney Hammond.
offspring he sent there were Hades, With her romance in jeopardy, Venus
Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia and Hera. returned Juno back to Olympus.
Appalled at the mistreatment of their
children, Cronus's wife Rhea concealed

Short Sword: This Unearthly (100) their hooves to make it difficult to follow
material, Amazing (50) damage. their tracks. Hermes therefore became
associated with thieves and he kept the
Caduceus: Cl1000 Adamantine Caduceus stolen herd in return for giving Apollo his
is a wand of magical power: lyre. As messenger and herald, Hermes is
 Mind Control: Monstrous (75) ability. involved in many mythological stories.
 Element conversion: Monstrous (75). Most celebrated was his killing of the
 Energy Generation: Monstrous (75), many-eyed monster Argos on the orders
7area range of Zeus in order to free Io. Hermes also
freed Ares from his year-long
LIMITATIONS: Hermes used to be more imprisonment in a cauldron by the twin
powerful, as did all of the Olympians, Giants Otus and Ephialtes. One of his
when he was actively worshipped and his most famous regular roles was as a
powers have diminished to their current leader of souls to the river Styx in the
state. underworld, where the boatman Charon
would take them to Hades.
Talents: Wrestling, Hermes is know-
ledgeable of Olympian Mythology, Lore Hermes is known as a trickster, stealing
and History as well. Expert thief and a at one time or another Poseidon’s trident,
musician able to play and make a lyre Artemis’ arrows, and Aphrodite’s girdle.
HERMES (which he invented) from materials at He was also credited with inventing fire,
hand, Unearthly reason in Medicine and dice, musical instruments, in particular,
Herald of Zeus, God of Trade, Wealth, Pharmacology the lyre (from a turtle shell), and the
Luck, Thieves, Languages and Travel alphabet. Famous for his diplomatic skills,
Contacts: Olympian Gods he was also regarded as the patron of
Hermes Diaktoros languages. Travelers regarded him as
Running Hermes: their patron, and stone pillars with a
F Ex (20) Health: 320 Hermes is the messenger of the gods, the phallus symbol were set up along road
A Un (100) one most mortals would be likely to sides. In addition, Hermes was regarded
S Am (50) Karma: 46 contact. He runs errands, retrieves as patron of the home and people often
E Sh-X (150) objects and mortals, and acts as built small marble stelai in front of their
R Rm (30) Resources: Un Olympian ambassador at large. His wide doors in his honor. Hermes figures in the
I Ty (6) travels and observations led to his Trojan War as told by Homer in the Iliad.
P Gd (10) Popularity: +40 phenomenal medical knowledge, which Although in one lengthy passage he acts
he shares with those in need. as counsellor and guide to the Trojan
KNOWN POWERS: King Priam in his attempt to reclaim the
Body Armor: Good (10). HISTORY: body of his fallen son Hektor, Hermes
Hermes was the ancient Greek god of actually supports the Achaeans in the
Immortality: Hermes is immortal and can trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal Trojan War. The god is most often
only die on Olympus. husbandry, sleep, language, thieves, and described by Homer as ‘Hermes the
travel. One of the cleverest and most guide, slayer of Argos’ and ‘Hermes the
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the mischievous of the Olympian gods, he kindly’. Hermes gives particular help to
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's was also their herald and messenger. Odysseus, especially on his long return
dialects, and alien languages. With origins as an Arcadian fertility god, voyage to Ithaca, for example, giving him
the ancient Greeks believed he was the an antidote to the spells of Circe. Another
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. son of Zeus and Maia. In mythology, hero helped by the god was Perseus,
Hermes was also the father of the Hermes giving him an unbreakable sword
EQUIPMENT: pastoral god Pan and Eudoros, one of the of adamantine and guiding him to the
Winged Sandals: leaders of the Myrmidons. Noted for his three Graeae who revealed the location of
 Hyper-speed: Sh-Z (500). impish nature and constant search for Medusa. In ancient Greek and Classical
 Flight: Cl1000 air speed. amusement, Hermes was one of the more art, Hermes is shown holding the
 Life Support: Cl1000. colorful gods in Greek mythology. While a kerykeion, wearing winged sandals, a
 Dimension Travel: Monstrous (75). baby he stole his half-brother Apollo’s tunic, sometimes a winged cap (petasos),
sacred herd of cattle, cleverly reversing and occasionally with a lyre.

By the 1940s, Hermes accompanied the Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and
Olympian gods under the leadership of History; Occult Lore.
Aphrodite, then going by Venus, as she
relocated Olympus to the planet named Contacts: The Olympian gods, Zeus (her
after her. Hermes then known by the father), Hera (her mother).
name of Mercury. Zeus returned. Now
calling himself Jupiter summoned Running Joya:
Mercury to collect Venus from Earth after Joya has middle child syndrome and
his daughter Joya accused Venus of wanted to hurt Venus, no matter the cost.
turning against her godhood for the love Her actions hurt Olympus and she
of a mortal. Hermes brought both Venus learned a lesson by sacrificing herself to
and her lover Whitney Hammond to stand save Olympus from Loki.
trial. Venus won her right to return to
Earth. In 1950, Mercury was ordered by HISTORY:
Jupiter to assist Venus. Venus and rocket Joya is a member of the Olympian
scientist Randy Dover were trapped on pantheon of gods and is the daughter of
the moon. Later, Mercury was ordered to Zeus. In 1949 she grew jealous of the
bring Venus to the scientist Michael love goddess Venus being able to find
Templar who created a device that was mortal love on Earth. She then petitioned
pulled the Earth into the sun. In 1951, her father, claiming that Venus had
Mercury learned that Venus was prisoner forsaken her godhood for the love of a
of Sultan Khorok of Cassarobia. There mortal. Zeus, weary of his demanding
Olympians couldn't use their powers, daughter agreed to allow a trial, and both
thanks to the Asgardian Loki. However, Venus and her mortal lover Whitney
Venus managed to escape to Olympus. JOYA Hammond were brought to Olympus.
There Mercury and Jupiter tried to Meeting Hammond in person, Joya found
persuade her not to return Cassarobia. Olympian princess herself interested in stealing him away
She returned ecause she didn't want to from Venus and pressured Zeus and a
desert lovers there. Loki was convinced to F Gd (10) Health: 110 council of the gods to allow her to return
lift his spell and Venus overthrew the A Gd (10) to Earth with Hammond to undo the
sultan of Cassarobia. With the arrival of S In (40) Karma: 50 "damage". However, the trial was abruptly
the Fourth Host of the Celestials, Hermes E Am (50) ended when Asgardian god Loki
confronted Makkari the Eternal, when R Gd (10) Resources: Un attempted to invade Olympus. Seeing that
Zeus and Zuras disagreed on how to I Gd (10) she had imperiled her home, Joya
address the Space Gods. P Rm (30) Popularity: +10 disguised herself as Venus and offered to
marry Loki. Loki agreed and returned to
KNOWN POWERS: Hades where Zeus banished him.
Body Armor: Good (10). Loki eventually saw through her ruse as
he has seen Venus since, Joya's fate is
Immortality: Joya is immortal and can only unknown.
die on Olympus.

Allspeak: Can communicate in all the

languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
dialects, and alien languages.

Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.

Magic: Joya, like most elder gods, wields

a certain amount of magic:
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20)
 Teleport: Excellent (20) ability
 Illusions: Unearthly (100) ability

Sword, as well as Olympian Mythology,
Lore and History

Contacts: The Olympian gods, Bia (his

brother), Nike (their sister) and Zeus.

Running Kratos:
Kratos is the talkative one of the brothers,
although even that is limited and he
stands ever ready to serve Zeus
alongside his brother Bia.

Kratos is one of the sons of the Titan
Pallas, and the river-goddess Styx, who is
also a goddess of oaths and promises.
They supported Zeus' overthrowing of
Cronus for control of Olympus and the
leadership of the gods of ancient Greece.
KRATOS With their brother, Zelus, god of
Emulation and their sister, Nike, goddess
God of Force of victory, they became symbols of Zeus'
power on Olympus responsible for
F Am (50) Health: 170 carrying out his will both among the gods
A Ex (20) and Mortals. They enforced his will
S Am (50) Karma: 26 helping Helphaestus nail Prometheus to
E Am (50) the Caucasus Mountains as punishment
R Ty (6) Resources: Ex for sharing fire with mortals. Kratos as the
I Gd (10) Olympian god of force, he wields a sword LIVILLA
P Gd (10) Popularity: +10 forged from Adamantine. In the 20th
century, Typhon banished all the
Goddess of Deceit
KNOWN POWERS: Olympians to the Land of Shades, but
Body Armor: Good (10). Hercules defeated Typhon and restored F Gd (10) Health: 100
the gods to Olympus. The gods Kratos
A Gd (10)
Immortality: Kratos is immortal and can and Bia served as bailiffs, holding Typhon
S In (40) Karma: 90
only die on Olympus. while Zeus judged him and then leading
E In (40)
Typhon to Hades to serve his eternal R Gd (10) Resources: Un
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the sentence.
I Am (50)
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
dialects, and alien languages.
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. Body Armor: Good (10).
EQUIPMENT: Immortality: Livilla is immortal and can
Sword: Class 1000 Adamantine, only die on Olympus.
Monstrous (75) damage.
 Resistance to Magic and Psionics: Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
Amazing (50) vs. Magic and Psychic languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
 Deflective Properties: Can deflect dialects, and alien languages.
concussive energy at Amazing (50)
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
Talents: Kratos has Sharp Weapons,
Blunt Weapons, Weapon Specialist:

Magic: Livilla, like most elder gods,  Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20).
wields a certain amount of magic:  Teleport: Excellent (20) ability.
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20).  Energy Generation: Amazing (50)
 Teleport: Excellent (20) ability. ability, 5 areas.
 Energy Generation: Unearthly (100), 5  Invisibility: Amazing (50) ability.
areas.  Telepathy: This Amazing (50) ability
 Charm: Unearthly (100) ability. allows him to be the voice of doubt at
the back of a victim's mind.
Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and  Emotion Control-Depression: Amazing
History. Occult Lore. (50) this allows him to subtly push
victim's towards suicide.
Contacts: The Olympian gods, Erebrus
(her father), Nox (her mother). Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and
History. Insults.
Running Livilla:
Livilla is angry about her imprisonment, Contacts: The Olympian gods, Erebrus
her lot in life and perceived shortcomings. (his father), Nox (his mother).
She’s working towards a power base and
striking back at those who have hurt her. Running Momos:
Momos is bitter and angry about life and
HISTORY: what it has brought him. Rather than turn
The daughter of Erebrus and Nox, Livilla his criticisms on himself, he deflects it
is the goddess of deceit; she was one of taking out his anger on others, from
the many evil spirits once imprisoned Olympians gods, to his siblings and
within Pandora's Box. She was the patron mortals who he detests most of all.
goddess of the extradimensional sorcerer
Xennus whose efforts to conquer the HISTORY:
universe were thwarted by Doctor MOMOS Mocking got Momus in serious trouble.
Strange. He judged either Hephaestus or
God of Mockery, Blame, Ridicule, Prometheus for not making mankind with
Scorn, Complaint and Harsh Criticism a door in their chest to see their thoughts,
to prevent dishonesty. He judged Athena
F Gd (10) Health: 100 for constructing a house that could not be
A Gd (10) relocated to avoid bad neighbors, and he
S In (40) Karma: 50 judged Poseidon for making a bull that
E In (40) was unable to gore effectively due to horn
R Gd (10) Resources: Un placement. He also criticized Aphrodite,
I Gd (10) stating that she talked too much and had
P Rm (30) Popularity: +10 creaky sandals. He even mocked Zeus
for being violent and lusting towards so
KNOWN POWERS: many women. With all this mocking he
Body Armor: Good (10). was banned from Mt. Olympus. He can
also be found elsewhere in myth in the
Immortality: Momos is immortal and can works of Lucian, and is implicated to have
only die on Olympus. played a role in Zeus's decision to start
the Trojan War, according to scholia on
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the the Iliad.
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
dialects, and alien languages.

Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.

Magic: Momos, like most elder gods,

wields a certain amount of magic:

 Darkforce weapon creation: Unearthly
(100) material and damage.
 Creation of shapes of Darkforce of
Unearthly (100) material.
 Darkforce Generation: Unearthly (100).
 Create Darkness: Unearthly (100), 10
 Darkforce Blast: Unearthly (100).
 Darkforce Tendrils: Unearthly (100),
these tendrils capture and ensnare
foes, binding or slashing.

Note on abilities: Nox used to be more

powerful, as did all of the Olympians,
when she was actively worshipped and
her powers have diminished to their
current state.

Talents: Nox has knowledge fear,

Olympian Mythology, Lore and History as
NOX well. Occult Lore.
Goddess of the Night
Contacts: Olympian Gods
Running Nox:
Nox spends most of her bored or PAN
F Gd (10) Health: 120
disinterested in the life of mere mortals
A Gd (10) God of Shepherds, Flocks and Forests
and their daily activities. Her only true
S Am (50) Karma: 100
moments of thrill or delight comes from
E Am (50) Aegipan
seeing others in fear and terror states.
R Am (50) Resources: Un
I Ex (20) F Gd (10) Health: 110
P Rm (30) Popularity: -30 A Ex (20)
Nox's true origins are largely unknown.
Many accounts have been made on her S Rm (30) Karma: 50
origin, some contradictory; it's assumed
Body Armor: Incredible (40). R Gd (10) Resources: Un
that she's an Olympian goddess. Posing
as Aphrodite, she mated with Ares and I Gd (10)
Immortality: Nox is immortal and can only P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
conceived two sons whom she named
die on Olympus.
Phobos ("fear") and Deimos ("terror"). In
the 1930s she allied herself with the KNOWN POWERS:
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the Body Armor: Good (10).
General in an effort to gain power, leading
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
him to the Amulet of Achilles, and forcing
dialects, and alien languages. Immortality: Pan is immortal and can only
him to make human sacrifices to sustain
his own life, and occasionally enabling die on Olympus.
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
her to enter the mortal realm by inhabiting
their corpses. Following the General's Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
Magic: Nox, like most elder gods, wields languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
sacrifice of the town of Dark Hollow, West
a certain amount of magic: dialects, and alien languages.
Virginia she was finally able to fully
 Shape-Change: Excellent (20) ability. appear on Earth, helping him carry out
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20). their plans. Nox claimed responsibility for Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
 Teleport: Excellent (20) ability. introducing Psycho-Man to the study of
 Darkforce Manipulation: Unearthly fear. She also guided Thog in his scheme Demihuman-Faun: Pan has hairy legs,
(100) ability. regarding Nightmare boxes. short tail, and horns of a goat.
 Flight: Monstrous (75).

Mind control-Women only: Poor (4) ability panpipes and chasing Nymphs. One of
to fascinate the minds of women. these, Pitys, fled his advances and was
transformed into a mountain-pine, the
Magic: Pan, like most elder gods, wields god's sacred tree. Another, Syrinx,
a certain amount of magic, these are escaped but was turned into a clump of
some of the powers she's been seen reeds from which Pan crafted his pipes.
using: And a third, Echo, was cursed to fade
 Matter transformation: Excellent (20). away for spurning the god, leaving behind
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20). just a voice to repeat his mountain cries.
 Teleport: Excellent (20). Pan was depicted as a man with the
 Animal Charm (control) and horns, legs and tail of a goat, a thick
Summoning: Excellent (20) ability. beard, snub nose and pointed ears. He
often appears in scenes of the company
EQUIPMENT: of Dionysus.
Syrinx: This ancient and powerful
instrument (known also as the Panpipes) In the classical age the Greeks
is made from Amazing (50) material and associated his name with the word pan
when played can be heard from miles meaning "all". However its true origin lay
away. in an old Arcadian word for rustic. Pan
 Power Enhancement: While playing, was closely identified with several other
Pan's mind control functions at rustic deities including Aristaios
Amazing (50) rank. He prefers to chase (Aristaeus), the shepherd-god of northern
and woo instead or controlling lovers. Greece who shared the god's titles of
 Power Enhancement: While playing, Agreus (Hunter) and Nomios (Shepherd),
Pan's ability to Charm and Summon the pipe-playing Phrygian satyr Marsyas
Animals functions at Amazing (50) who challenged Apollon to a musical
rank. contest, and Aigipan (Aegipan), the goat-
 Mind Control-Dancing: Pan can, while fish god of the constellation Capricorn.
playing, entice those listening to dance. Sometimes Pan was multiplied into a host
Should resistance feat arise, the power of Panes, or a triad of gods named
functions at Excellent (20). Agreus, Nomios, and Phorbas.

Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and

History. He can play the Syrinx, can
dance and has a tremendous singing PERSEPHONE
Goddess of Spring; Queen of the
Contacts: The Olympian gods, Hermes Underworld
Running Pan:
Pan enjoys two things in life and being F Gd (10) Health: 120
the life of the party is the OTHER A Gd (10)
one...While Hercules has a way with S In (40) Karma: 42
women, Pan is forever in pursuit of E Am (50)
companionship for the evening. R Ty (6) Resources: Un
I Ty (6)
HISTORY: P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
Pan was the god of shepherds and
hunters, and of the meadows and forests KNOWN POWERS:
of the mountain wilds. His unseen Body Armor: Good (10).
presence aroused panic in those who
traversed his realm. Pan idled in the Immortality: Persephone is immortal and
rugged countryside of Arcadia, playing his can only die on Olympus.

taken against her will to Tartarus where
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the she pined for her mother and refused to
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's eat. Demeter mourned for her daughter
dialects, and alien languages. for ten days before Hecate, looking to
make trouble for Hades, told her the truth.
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000 Unfortunately, while in the underworld,
Persephone fasted by eating three
Magic: She like most Olympian gods, pomegranate seeds. As Zeus arbitrated
wields a certain amount of magic: the case, Persephone was required to
 Dimensional Travel: Good (10) spend parts of the year on Olympus and
 Teleportation: Good (10) Hades. Demeter also punished the Sirens
 Control over the souls of those in by transforming them into birds and
Hades: Excellent (20) binding them to Anthemoessa as
 Shape Shift: Good (10) punishment for not reporting the
 Healing: Remarkable (30) abduction.
 Energy Generation: Incredible (40), up
to 4 areas. In later years, Persephone played an
 Plant Control/Growth: Amazing (50) active role in dissuading Hades' whims
against mortals as in allowing Queen
 Flower movement: Amazing (50)
Alcestis of Pherae to return to her
 Flower growth: Amazing (50) ability
husband. Aphrodite also gave her a coffin
 Enrich the fertility of the earth: with the spirit of Adonis in it to hide for
Amazing (50) ability her, but she peeked inside and fell in love
 Fertilizing fields: Amazing (50) ability with the youth. Zeus arbitrated their
 Encourage Orchards to triple their feelings over him and forced them to
bounty: Amazing (50) ability share him separately. Years later,
Peirithous, the king of the Lapiths, and his
Talents: Persephone is knowledgeable of good friend, Theseus, King of Athens,
Olympian Mythology, Lore and History as both made pacts to marry daughters of
well. She is a scholar of Agriculture. Zeus. Theseus abducted the teenaged
Helen (future spoil of the Trojan War) and
Contacts: Demeter (Mother), Hades Peirithous resolved to abduct
(husband), Arion, the god of horses, and Persephone. Admiring the guts of the two,
Despoena, goddess of fruit, are children Hades invited the two to sit down from
of Demeter and Poseidon. Plutus, God of their journey into the underworld and they
Wealth, and Philomelus, God of Farming, became captured in chairs. Hercules
were children of Demeter and the rescued Theseus on his last labor, but
demigod, Iasion. Peirithous was forced to stay.
Running Persephone:
Persephone has long since accepted her
fate as the wife of Pluto, she hates him for
what was done and Zeus for allowing it.
She thwarts their plans as often as

The god Hades fell in love with her and
obtained permission from Zeus to take
her as a bride without telling Demeter. In
fact, Zeus is reputed to have suggested
abduction to keep Demeter from knowing
the truth. Abducted while in the presence
of her friends the Sirens, Persephone was

As a godling, preparing to take the Olympians. Instead, Alexander killed
place of Ares and after training from Mikaboshi with the blade.
F Mn (75) Health: 245 Talents: Alexander has all of the talents
A Ex (20) above and has access to the knowledge
S Mn (75) Karma: 50 that Ares does, Monstrous in the field of
E Mn (75) military science, weapons, and politics.
R Rm (30) Resources: Gd
I Gd (10) Contacts: Amatsu-Mikaboshi
P Gd (10) Popularity: -10
Running Alexander:
KNOWN POWERS: At this stage in his development
Body Armor: Good (10). Alexander has ascended to his full
Olympian godhood and is ready to take
Immortality: Phobos is immortal and can the place of Ares and all he has to do is
only die on Olympus. kill his father.

Allspeak: Can communicate in all the As a Secret Warrior:

languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's F Rm (30) Health: 80
dialects, and alien languages. A Gd (10)
PHOBOS II S Gd (10) Karma: 80
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. E Rm (30)
God of Fear R Rm (30) Resources: Gd
Emotional Control: Amazing (50) rank, up I Ex (20)
Alexander Aaron to 5 areas range. P Rm (30) Popularity: +10

As a child: Precognition: Remarkable (30) ability to KNOWN POWERS:

F Gd (10) Health: 62 see the future, this allows him to Emotional Control - fear and terror:
A Ty (6) anticipate foes actions and gives him +1 Remarkable (30) rank, 3 area range.
S Ty (6) Karma: 80 C/S to FAS when engaging in combat.
E Rm (30) Precognition: Remarkable (30) ability to
R Rm (30) Resources: Gd EQUIPMENT: see the future, this allows him to
I Ex (20) Samurai Armor: This Cl1000 unknown anticipate foes actions and gives him +1
P Rm (30) Popularity: +2 metal, reinforces his existing Body Armor, C/S to FAS when engaging in combat.
granting him Unearthly (100) vs. Physical,
KNOWN POWERS: Energy and Magic. Talents: Alexander is a student and avid
Emotional Control: Alexander has the video game player. He has Video Game
ability to generate fear and terror at Good Grasscutter Sword: This Class 1000 trivia and knows of history, war and
(10) rank, up to 3 areas range. material Nodachi is a holy relic and is warfare. As a result of his training by Nick
armor piercing (-2 C/S to armor) and Fury he is knowledgeable of Military
Talents: Alexander is a student and avid inflicts Unearthly (100) edged damage. protocol and skills sets.
video game player. He has Video Game
trivia and is knowledgeable of history, war History of the Grasscutter: Contacts: Nick Fury, The Secret
and warfare. This Nodachi was pulled out of the body Warriors, Ares and The Olympian gods
of Yamata no Orochi by Susano. Susano
Contacts: Ares. then gave it to Amaterasu, later it was Running Alexander:
used by the great Japanese warrior Alexander at this point in his life is having
Running Alexander: Yamato-Take in the 1st century AD. the time of his life. This is adventure and
Alexander in this stage of his life, despite Years later Mikaboshi's forces were able excitement unlike anything he has ever
having incredible attributes for someone to claim the sword. Mikaboshi planned to dealt with, but this point is fearless in his
his age, believes that he is a normal boy have Alexander kill his father Ares with approach to dealing with matters and
with a normal (if not eccentric) father. the sword and take his place as God of hopes to one day be reunited with his
War as one aspect of its attack on the father.

HISTORY: H.A.M.M.E.R. But working together they The team helped Fury and the other
Alexander Aaron was the son of Ares, the are able to escape. heroes during the Siege of Asgard.
Olympian god of war, and a mortal Phobos and the team are taken to
woman. Ares attempted to raise him in a A story is told a conflict ages ago Heaven's Helll, a secret base in orbit.
mortal life in a mortal world. However, between both Olympians and Japanese There, Fury explained the plan for the
Amatsu-Mikaboshi kidnapped Alex and gods. Zeus and Amatsu-Mikaboshi both main team to hit Hydra, while the other
trained him to be an expert swordsman asked a blind blacksmith to forge teams take on the last Leviathan bases.
for an assault on Olympus. Zeus and weapons for them. Thus, the blacksmith Using Eden's portal they traveled to
Ares both managed to eliminate the forged the swords Godkiller Sword and Gehenna, where they attempt to blow it
brainwashing, which in turn wiped away Grasscutter Sword respectively for the up, but they were expected. Worse, once
his skills. two gods. The latter was given to the bomb was armed. Baron von Strucker
Alexander, aka Phobos, which he used to had the team cornered but Fury's respond
As a member of Nick Fury's Secret kill his father Ares. He managed to get with three bullets headed. With the timer
Warriors he was given the code name around the brainwashing Mikaboshi on their bomb near the end of its
Phobos and was trained alongside Jerry inflicted on him and realized what he had countdown, the Secret Warriors are
Sledge (Stonewall), J.T. James (Hellfire), done. Eleven months later in Burkina forced to flee. Phobos was slain in battle
Yo Yo Rodriguez (Slingshot), and Faso, Ares and Alex debate over the against the Gorgon and went to Elysium.
Sebastian Druid (The Druid). One of their issues of war, good and evil and honor. He was reunited with his proud father in
first missions was to take out the The scenes flash through Ares' exploits the afterlife. Due to his godly nature he
Dard'van, a religious sect of Skrulls with the Mighty Avengers, before Phobos will, no doubt, return some day.
leading an invasion of Earth. Alex and the saw his father with the Dark Avengers.
team had a final showdown with the Fury met with Ares, asking for his help in
Skrulls in Central Park. The heroes won breaking into Avengers Tower. In
and the Skrulls were banished from Earth. exchange, he promises the God of War to
After the battle Alex and the team bring his son for judgement before the
struggled to deal with the fallout of the other gods. He does and Ares brings his
invasion. Fury's Secret Warriors were son to another plane of existence, where
sent to an old S.H.I.E.L.D. base in Texas he is given back his samurai armor and
to observe activity there. They discovered Grasscutter, stained with Ares' blood.
Hydra operatives there. In defiance of Phobos is told that he will be judged
their orders to observe only, Slingshot, before Balder the Brave, Hera and
The Druid, and Stonewall engaged the Quetzalcoatl. He is eventually found
terrorists. After joining the team, Phobos worthy of the title God of Fear because he
bonded with the others over dinner and showed none.As the gods celebrate; Ares
told them their futures. Among the tells Phobos that he is not a god or
predictions he made were Slingshot demigod. To become a true god, his son
losing her arms, and the death of Hellfire. must die so that he may one day be
Despite telling Hellfire that he was going reborn. In Providence, Fury Secret Base
to die, they became friends. When the #21, the team played cards. When both
Secret Warriors arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D. he and Hellfire made unhappy comments
base Red Worm, they saw the Kraken, towards Quake for dismissing Druid, she
and a revived Gorgon executing agents. admitted that Fury didn't think he was
They attacked and even Phobos is unable good enough. However, Stonewall is
to use his powers against him, but they completely opposed to this, commenting
are able to escape. J.T. Slade went about how seeing his father reminding
through Fury's stuff, but was found by him of how damaged and alone he's
Phobos. Instead of stopping him, he been. But because of Fury, they all have
helped him. They both manage to find a purpose and they should be working as
were Fury keeps his Life-Model Decoy. a family. Everyone but Phobos votes for
When J.T. and Phobos were on monitor bringing Druid back. Phobos explains that
duty. Then they intercept a message from he's a pragmatist and Fury wouldn't care.
Black Widow, requesting immediate Nonetheless, Quake decides to do it
extraction much to their joy. The team are anyway.
attacked by the Dark Avengers and

 Force Field: Sh-Z (500) in Hades, Sh-X KNOWN POWERS:
(150) anywhere else. Flight: Class 1000 speeds in space and
 Hellfire blasts: Sh-Y (250), 6 areas. Unearthly (100) in atmospheres..
 Weapons Creation: Unearthly (100),
they have the following powers: Note on abilities: Pluto used to be more
 Paralysis: Unearthly (100) powerful, as did all of the Olympians,
 Dimensional Travel: Sh-X (150). when he was actively worshipped and his
 Teleportation: Sh-X (150). powers have diminished to their current
 Image Projection: Sh-X (150) ability. state.
All his Abilities and powers drop -2CS
 Place enchantments: of Sh-X (150)
when he is away from Hades.
power on objects with Sh-Z (500)
ability. Such a spell lasts until he
Talents: Weapon Specialist-Axe, Martial
rescinds or negates the enchantment.
Arts A, C, D, and E, Lore of Death,
 Regeneration: Unearthly (100) in
Classical Greek culture
Hades only.
 Raise Strength to Sh-Y (250) for 1-10 Contacts: Ares, Olympian Gods
 Memory Manipulation: Unearthly (100). Running Pluto:
 Death Sense: Pluto has Unearthly Pluto is a stern, brooding god. He actually
(100) ability to discern impending death enjoys his duties as lord of the dead. He
for a character, who for the rest of the resents the Olympians' fall from power
session will be unable to use Karma. and blames Zeus for it. Pluto sees himself
 Life force Absorption: Unearthly (100) as the rebellious savior of the Olympians
and the destroyer of later gods' religions
PLUTO and realms. He holds special grudges
EQUIPMENT: against Hercules for daring to chain
Olympian battle armor: Cl1000 Cerberus and Thor for often opposing his
Ruler of Hades; Olympian God of
Adamantine; Sh-X (150) protection. schemes.
Death and Wealth; crimelord
Midnight Axe: Cl1000 Adamantine; HISTORY:
F Un (100) Health: 470
Unearthly (100) damage. Acts as power Hades was a member of the race of the
A Ex (20)
focus (-1CS to powers if lost). extra-dimensional Olympians, and thus
S Un (100) Karma: 275
E Sh-Y (250) possessed super strength, speed,
Helmet of Invisibility: Cl1000 Adamantine; endurance, and resistance to injury. He
R Mn (75) Resources: Un
Unearthly (100) rank can affect other maintained virtual omnipotence in his
I Un (100)
Olympians. realm of Hades. Hades was the eldest
P Un (100) Popularity: -500
son of Cronus, ruler of the superhuman
Chariot: This Cl1000 Adamantine chariot, extra-dimensional race of Titans, and his
affords Pluto a number of powers and wife, the Titaness Rhea. When Zeus
Body Armor: Unearthly (100).
abilities: usurped Cronus, Pluto aided in the war by
Immortality: Pluto is immortal and can  Dimensional Travel: Unearthly (100) stealing Cronus' principal weapons from
only die on Olympus. ability. his palace while wearing a helmet of
 Flight: Unearthly (100) speed, although invisibility. Zeus became ruler of the
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the capable of Cl1000 speeds. pocket dimension called Olympus and of
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's  Life Support: Unearthly (100) rank. the race of Olympian gods, and confined
dialects, and alien languages. Horses: the defeated Titan warriors to Tartarus,
F Rm (30) Health: 180 the darkest section of Hades, the
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. A Gd (10) Olympian underworld. He knew that they
S In (40) Karma: 18 needed a stern warder and that the
Magic: Pluto, like most elder gods, wields E Un (100) brooding Pluto was the only one of his
a certain amount of magic: R Ty (6) siblings who found life in the underworld
I Ty (6) suitable to his temperament. Therefore,
P Ty (6) Zeus assigned ruler-ship of the entire

underworld to his elder brother. Pluto was
quite pleased with this new role and rarely
left the underworld over the following
centuries. The most infamous exception
was when Pluto carried off Kore, the
goddess of spring, to the underworld, to
force her to become his wife. Kore's
mother, the fertility goddess Demeter,
was outraged, and refused to allow crops
to grow in ancient Greece until Kore was
returned. Eventually, a compromise was
reached, and Kore spent only a portion of
the year in Hades with her husband. As
queen of Hades, Kore was known as
Persephone. Since the time of his
appointment as ruler of Hades, Pluto
populated his realm with the "shades" of
mortals who had worshiped the Olympian
gods. When the worship of Olympian
gods died out, giving way to Christianity,
Zeus forbade Pluto from collecting any
more "souls." Pluto obeyed the edict
resentfully, having become accustomed
to an ever-growing number of subjects in
his realm. The bitter Pluto finally
convinced himself that Zeus had proved
himself to be an incompetent leader by
allowing the worship of the Olympians to
come to an end. Zeus, noting Pluto's
increasingly ominous rebelliousness,
warned him against attempting to
overthrow him and sentenced him to
remain monarch of Hades until Pluto
could find a willing replacement.

In recent years, during one of Hercules'

sojourns on Earth, Pluto appeared on
Earth in the guise of Hayden P. Hellman
(nicknamed "Mr. Pluto"), a movie
producer at California Stardust Studios.
Thus disguised, Pluto had the naive
Hercules sign a contract that Hercules
believed was for appearing in a project
film. But in fact, it was an Olympian
contract binding Hercules to become
Pluto's successor as ruler of Hades.
Having signed the contract, Hercules was
unable to battle Pluto on his own behalf,
but the Asgardian god Thor fought
against Pluto's forces to free Hercules.
Shocked by the massive destruction
wrought in Hades by Thor, Pluto realized
that he loved his kingdom and could not
bear to forsake it. Pluto therefore

released Hercules from the contract. But Sometime later, Pluto made alliances with spirit is fired up into the black hole where
Pluto still wished to add new conquests to death gods of other dimensions, and then it is seemingly destroyed, ending his
his kingdom. He traveled to an alternate demanded that Zeus command Hercules threat.
future of Earth in which nuclear radiation and the goddess Venus to marry Pluto's
had transformed many human beings into allies Ares and Hippolyta. Zeus, fearing Pluto met with Hell-Lords in Hades. They
inhuman-looking mutates. Pluto brought that Pluto would otherwise lead the other have decided to merge their respective
an army of mutates back to his own time death gods in an attack on Olympus, at realms, thus increasing their power, and
to conquer Earth for him. Pluto and his first agreed. In fact, Pluto still intended to to begin taking in new souls. They
mutates were opposed by Thor, his fellow conquer Olympus; Pluto believed that performed a ritual creating the nexus of
Asgardians Balder and Sif, and the United Hercules and Venus were the only two the netherworlds. Unfortunately, this also
States armed forces. Finally, Zeus himself Olympians who could prevent his taking summoned the Demogorge, who begins
intervened, banishing both Pluto and his over Olympus, but, according to Zeus' consuming the Hell-Lords one by one. But
mutates to Hades. Later, Odin, monarch law, once they were married to Ares and Odin and Thor arrived to defeat the
of the Asgardians, physically died. But Hippolyta, Hercules and Venus would be Demogorge releasing all its captives.
time had been magically suspended unable to oppose them in combat. But Namor is captured by Neptune and
about him so that his spirit would not yet finally, Zeus called Pluto's bluff, withdrew brought to Hades. He escapes from the
leave his body. Pluto attempted to claim commands for the marriages, and sent clutches of Cerberus and with the help of
Odin's soul but was opposed by Odin's Pluto back to Hades. This plot led to the a mysterious stranger is led to the
son Thor and by the Asgardian death formation of the Champions of Los Fortress Tartarus where he frees the
goddess Hela. Rather than allow Pluto to Angeles. Pluto met with the death-gods of captive Avengers. They then free Thor
deprive her of Odin's soul, Hela restored other pantheons on yet another occasion, from Pluto's mercy and attempt to leave
Odin to life. Odin interrupted the battle when the primordial Demogorge Hades on the Pathway of Infinity. Pluto
between Thor and Pluto, and Pluto threatened all gods. Jane Foster was destroys the bridge and the Avengers
returned to Hades. Still later, Pluto and taken captive of Pluto. Pluto then prepare to make their stand. The
his nephew Ares conspired to provoke a revealed his allies Loki and Ulik. Thor and Avengers battle through Pluto and his
battle between Thor and Hercules. But Ulik battled, until Ulik discovers that he hordes on the Pathway of Infinity to reach
Thor and Hercules learned of the was but the pawn of Pluto and Loki. Olympus. They take a moment to regroup
deception, and Thor managed to defeat Enraged, Ulik attacked them. After saving and are joined by the mysterious stranger
Pluto on Earth. Hildegarde met with to Pluto from Ulik, and sending Ulik back to and decide to seek out the other gods.
Odin to find Krista, and sees her in Pluto's Asgard, Pluto released Thor and Jane After a brief battle, they convince Athena,
underworld as a slave and standing over back to Earth, with Jane's memory erased Hephaestus, and Venus to help them talk
her are Pluto and Hercules. Thor and of her ordeal and what happened earlier. to Zeus. Meanwhile, Artemis has
Hercules are having an arm wrestling The Stranger transported Fantastic Four captured the Wasp and has brought her
match to determine who will face Pluto, and the Hulk to Hades where Pluto had to Zeus. The Avengers and their allies
when Zeus interrupts and tells them to devised a device that fired hellish energy approach Zeus who isn't in a mood to
fight together. They travel together to the into the heart of a black hole in the hopes listen. When the Asgardians disappeared
gates of Hades and are attacked by of destroying the universe so that Pluto after Ragnarök, Zeus feared for the
Pluto's minions. They defeat the minions, might rule over a universe of eternal continued existence of the Olympians as
then go to visit Chaga, to learn who it is darkness. When the Hulk attempted to well and decided that they hide among
that's against them. She tells them that attack straight on, both the Thing and humanity. Hades became a clichéd Mafia
it's Pluto and Ares. They fly to the gates Stranger tried to get the simple minded crime lord, even joking that he was still a
of Hell and there meet Ares, whose power monster to exercise restraint and form a lord of the underworld! Hercules went to
has been increased by Pluto. They strategy, which leads to the Thing and the Pluto for permission to enter the
manage to defeat him and then they enter Hulk coming to blows, and forcing the Underworld. Hercules, Jimmy, Robert,
Hell. Thor and Hercules enter Hades and Stranger to attack Pluto head on. During and Gordon all then head to the
are attacked by demon-bats, and snake the fight Pluto manages to over power the Underworld where Charon ferries them
women. They fight their way past, only to Stranger, and unleashes a horde of across. To get round Zeus' decree, Hades
find that Pluto has fled with Krista. They demons on the Thing and the Hulk. Pluto attempted to conquer Earth with the help
go to Asgard, where Odin reveals that then threatens to throw the Stranger's of Lorelei. Hades transformed Lorelei into
Pluto has gone to Manhattan. Thor and body into the device however the Hulk a copy of the Valkyrie and drained her of
Hercules follow him there. Thor defeats becomes furious and uses his strength to her power and memories. He then used
Pluto and drives him away. He then destroy the device itself, leaving the Thing the absorbed power to take control of the
discovers that Krista is dying, and only to save the Stranger while Pluto falls into real Valkyrie to turn Earth into a realm of
Don Blake can save her. the device of his own making. Pluto's the dead itself. The Valkyrie's presence

masked his own influence and Zeus' Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
decree still allowed Hades to annex other
realms of the dead. Hades is eventually Water Breathing
stopped by the Defenders who brought
Lorelei along, thinking her to be their Water Freedom
teammate. The clash of the two Valkyrie's
releases Lorelei from the spell and Hyper-swimming: Unearthly (100).
together they turned on Pluto and ended
his plan. Magic: Poseidon, like most elder gods,
wields a certain amount of magic:
Hades and Hera created the Olympus  Force Field: Sh-Y (200) while in
Group, which became the modern seat of Olympus, Unearthly (100) elsewhere.
power for the Olympians. They inherited  Flight: Excellent (20).
Zeus' shares and bought out Poseidon.  Image projection: Shift-X (150).
The organization planned the deaths of  Increase Strength: Shift-X (150) for D10
both Hercules and Athena. Hercules and rounds.
Amadeus Cho to the Underworld, via the  Water adaption - Others.
entrance at an Atlantic City casino.  Healing: Amazing (50) ability.
People have to bet their way into the  Animal Communication/Control: Sh-Z
afterlife. Pluto's had the spirits attack ability
Hercules, but he easily defeated them.
 Shape-Change: Excellent (20) ability.
Hades held a trial for Zeus, ostensibly in
 Shape-Change - Others: Excellent (20)
the name of all his victims in Hades, with
501 jurors in a mock Athenian trial. He
tried to get Hercules out by offering him  Invisibility: Amazing (50) ability.
the soul of his adoptive father, who told  Energy Generation: Unearthly (100) up
him to to rescue the king of the gods. to 5 areas, If he fires them through his
Hades planned to take over the earth and trident, damage is Shift-Y (200).
Olympus. Zeus was found guilty, and was  Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20).
told to drink from the Lethe River, which POSEIDON  Teleport: Excellent (20) ability.
would erase his memory, which would
cause him to be reborn as a child. This God of the seas, Patron god of Atlantis EQUIPMENT:
punishment does not please the spirits Posideon's Trident: Cl1000 Adamantine,
and they turned on Hades. Pluto and the Poseidon Aegaeus aka Father Neptune this does Monstrous (75) damage and
Hell-Lords battled Gloriana (Meggan can be thrown 7 areas. This Trident can
Puceanu). Hades was present at F Mn (75) Health: 400 also perform the following:
Hercules' funeral, in the company of A Am (50)  Water Control: Sh-Z (500) ability to
Athena, Poseidon, Apollo, and Hebe. S Mn (75) Karma: 250 control, summon or generate water.
Hades was recently usurped by the E Sh-Y (200)  Create water elementals of Sh-Z
Chaos King Mikaboshi despite his best R Mn (75) Resources: Un (500) Health and Abilities
efforts to resist, and was placed under his I Mn (75)  Increase the speed ships and water
thrall alongside Hela and the other death P Un (100) Popularity: +30/90 vehicles to Unearthly (100) speeds.
gods until Hercules manages to indirectly  Create fog, storms or typhoons of
banish him to the Continuum bubble KNOWN POWERS: Unearthly (100) intensity.
universe. Body Armor: Amazing (50), Monstrous  Cause tidal waves of Unearthly (100)
(75) vs. any water or ocean attacks. size and intensity.
 Cause earthquakes of Unearthly
Immortality: Poseidon is immortal and can (100) along shorelines.
only die on Olympus.
Note on abilities: Poseidon used to be
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the more powerful, as did all of the
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's Olympians, when he was actively
dialects, and alien languages. worshipped and his powers have
diminished to their current state.

structure in the middle of the Pacific Omphalos. He was rescued from
Talents: Unearthly knowledge of the Ocean. Both Neptune and the Wild One Artume's clutches by Hercules, Namor,
oceans and everything that involves remember their confrontation and their and Namora.
them, whether the subject is fish, fishing, hatred for each other. Albeit Neptune was
ships, or subaquatic culture. Olympian confident that the Wild One would never
Mythology, Lore and History. be unleashed again, he nonetheless kept
an eye on him. In 1264 B.C., the Monster
Contacts: Olympian Gods, Athena, Ceto, of Poseidon captured Laomedon's
Amadeus Cho, Hercules, Namor, daughter, who asked Hercules to save
Namora, Namorita, Ossem, Atlantean her daughter from it, promising him his
race and most fisherman herd of magical horses which could run
on water in return. After many centuries,
Running Poseidon: mortal worship of the Olympians faded,
Neptune is the sole Olympian god with a Zeus and the other Olympians gradually
flourishing body of worshippers. He acts withdrew from Earth except for Poseidon,
as patron god of the Atlanteans and of who was still honored by the Atlanteans
fishermen who, at the least, offer him and actively watched over Atlantis and its
acknowledgement. Like his brother Pluto, people, unlike many Olympians who have
Neptune has staked out a major realm few or no worshippers on Earth.
where he prefers to spend his time.
Poseidon made a few brief appearances
HISTORY: in the 20th Century, once during World
Poseidon was the second born son of the War II. He also surfaced in the early 50s
Titan deities Cronus and Rhea. Poseidon where he assisted the love goddess
sided with his brothers Zeus and Hades in Venus quell the Fish-Men in the Pacific.
the war between the Olympians and the He convinced the Fish-Men to return to
Titans. He and his brothers freed their the ocean and stop their attack on a
elder siblings from a prison in the dark cruise ship. In modern times, Poseidon
Underworld. After defeating their father, sent Namor on a quest to reclaim his
Zeus became King of Olympus and all of Trident in order to regain the Atlantean
the gods of its pantheon, Hades was throne. Afterward Poseidon appeared to
made King of the Underworld, and the Atlanteans, and decreed Namor the
Poseidon was made King of the Seas. true ruler of Atlantis. Poseidon advised
Namor of the true destiny of Atlantis and
Poseidon is the patron god of the Atlantis its people. Later, Neptune healed a
and Atlanteans believe Poseidon to be wounded Namor, and transformed a
responsible for the evolution of their drowning stallion into a giant seahorse.
water-breathing race, Homo mermanus Neptune later abducted Namor from
10,000 years after the Great Cataclysm. Atlantis to Hades at the behest of Zeus,
Over 2,000 years ago Atlanteans started as Zeus blamed the Avengers for
worshipping Set. Enraged, Poseidon Hercules's bad physical condition.
destroyed Set's cult and prevented him However, Neptune was then forbidden to
from manifesting on Earth. Poseidon later return to Earth by Zeus, despite his
lived among the Atlanteans for a time as objections due to Atlantean worship. Most
their protector, and left a copy of his recently, he, along with the other
trident with their ruler upon his departure. Olympians have dwelt on Earth once
At some point, he was asked along with more, following the death of Zeus. In a
Apollo by Laomedon, king of Troy, to weakened state, he was abducted by
build impenetrable walls around his city, Hippolyta and her Amazon warriors, at
but refused to pay for their services, the behest of Hera and Pluto, who forced
enraging them. Millenia before our time, him to cede his shares of the Olympus
Neptune opposed and defeated the Group to them, facilitating their takeover.
supernatural being called Wild One, The Amazon princess Artume likewise
imprisoning him under a submarine forced from him the location of the

Allspeak: Can communicate in all the Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's History. He has Unearthly knowledge of
dialects, and alien languages. aberrant sexual interest. Occult Lore.

Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. Contacts: The Olympian gods.

Demi-human-Faun: Priapus has hairy Running Priapus:

legs, short tail, and horns of a goat. Priapus has an insatiable libido and
desire for power. Neither of these feelings
Mind control: Poor (4) ability to incite lust are ever denied as he loves to use and
in others. abuse others.

Magic: Priapus, like most elder gods, HISTORY:

wields a certain amount of magic: Priapus (aka Mutinus to the Romans) was
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20). the Olympian god of fertility, male virility,
 Teleport: Excellent (20) ability. and horticulture. Born in Lampsacus,
 Animal Control and Summoning - Bees: Phrygia (part of modern day western
Excellent (20) ability. Turkey), the son of Dionysus and
 Emotion-control - Lust: Amazing (50) Aphrodite, he was extraordinarily
ability to induce lust in a target or endowed, ugly, satyr-like god, known for
targets. A psyche feat is required to his excesses and potency. Shunned by
keep from acting on these emotions. other gods, he befriended a talking
 Empathic Absorption: Amazing (50) donkey, a gift from Dionysus, until slaying
ability to gain power from the lecherous it in an argument over virility; Dionysus
behavior of others within 10 areas of made a constellation from the slain
him. donkey. Priapus attempted to ravish the
 Mind Succubi and Incubi: Amazing (50) nymph Lotis, who protected herself by
ability to cause pleasure Feeble (2) or turning into a Lotus flower. The Roman
pain Amazing (50) Encolpius offended and was rendered
impotent by Priapus as recounted in
EQUIPMENT: Petronius' "Satyricon."
Vatsayana's Tryst: This Amazing (50)
material artifact can be split into three and
PRIAPUS enhances his powers and abilities.
 Ability Enhancement: +1 C/S to all
God of Bees, Gardens and Male physical attributes.
Regenerative Power  Power Enhancement: +1 C/S to all
powers, Mind Sccubi and Incubi
F Gd (10) Health: 120 become physical and are under his
A Ex (20) control.
S In (40) Karma: 50
E Am (50) The Carnal Serpent:
R Gd (10) Resources: Un Amazing (50) material artifact enhances
I Gd (10) his powers and abilities.
P Rm (30) Popularity: -10  Ability Enhancement: An additional +1
C/S to all physical attributes.
KNOWN POWERS:  Power Enhancement: An additional +1
Body Armor: Good (10). C/S to all powers.
 Mind Control: Amazing (50) ability to
Immortality: Priapus is immortal and can mentally enslave others.
only die on Olympus.
 Lifeform creation: Shift-Y (200) ability to
form warriors from dust.

 Emotion Control-Love: Remarkable
(30) sustained loyal and passionate
love for the person they love.

Note on abilities: Psyche used to be

more powerful, as did all of the
Olympians, when she was actively
worshipped and her powers have
dimenished to their current state.

Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and

History. She speaks ancient Italian

Contacts: The Olympian gods, Eros (her


Running Psyche:
Psyche is a loving and caring woman who
has given everything of herself to Eros
and their love. She worked hard to
PSYCHE overcome the difficulties with Aphrodite RHODE
and while the two of them still don't like
each other, she tolerates her presence for Sea Nymph and Protector Goddess of
Goddess of Fidelity and Passion
the sake of Eros. Where Eros is the god the Island of Rhodes
Psyche Pandemos of 'new love', Psyche is the goddess of
sustained loyalty and love. Rhode aka Neptunia aka Diane
F Gd (10) Health: 100
A Gd (10) HISTORY:
Psyche (Originally Psykhe) is the F Gd (10) Health: 100
S In (40) Karma: 32
goddess of the soul and the wife of Eros, A Gd (10)
E In (40)
god of love. She was once a mortal S In (40) Karma: 50
R Ty (6) Resources: Ex
princess whose extraordinary beauty E In (40)
I Ty (6)
earned the ire of Aphrodite when men R Gd (10) Resources: Un
P Ex (20) Popularity: +10
began turning their worship away from the I Gd (10)
goddess towards the girl. Aphrodite P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
Body Armor: Good (10). commanded Eros make Psyche fall in
love with the most hideous of men but the KNOWN POWERS:
god instead fell in love and carried her off Body Armor: Good (10), Monstrous (75)
Immortality: Psyche is immortal and can
to his hidden palace. Eros hid his true vs. any water or ocean attacks.
only die on Olympus.
identity and told Psyche she must never
gaze upon his face. Her jealous sisters, Immortality: Rhode is immortal and can
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
however, tricked her into disobeying and only die on Olympus.
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
dialects, and alien languages. the angry god forsook her. Psyche
searched the world for her lost love and Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
eventually came into the service of languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
Aphrodite. The goddess commanded her dialects, and alien languages.
Magic: Psyche, like most elder gods, perform a series of seemingly impossible
tasks which culminated in a journey to the Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
wields a certain amount of magic:
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20). Underworld. Psyche was afterwards
Water Breathing
 Teleport: Excellent (20) ability. reunited with Eros and the couple were
 Flight: Incredible (40). married in a ceremony attended by all the
gods. Water Freedom
 Energy Generation: Remarkable (30)
ability, up to 3 areas.

Hyper-swimming: Unearthly (100). D.C. There Seacrest was informed that
the FHA did not want her to continue
Magic: Rhode, like most elder gods, building houses along the coast for the
wields a certain amount of magic: sake of public safety and that they were
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20) pulling all of her government grants.
 Teleport: Excellent (20) ability Furious Seacrest refused to stop
 Energy Generation: Amazing (50), up developing the area, the move gained a
to 5 areas. lot of press attention. The headlines
 Weather Control: Amazing (50) grabbed the attention of Beauty Magazine
owner Whitney Hammond assigned
Note on abilities: Rhode used to be Venus to investigate.
more powerful, as did all of the
Olympians, when she was actively To this end, Venus purchased a home in
worshipped and her powers have one of Seacrest's newest developments.
diminished to their current state. Shortly thereafter, Neptunia called upon
another storm to wipe out the
Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and development that Venus bought into.
History. Oceanography, Ocean Seeing Neptunia in the waves, Venus
geography and Ichthyology. thought she was a drowning woman and
came to her rescue just moments before
Contacts: The Olympian gods, Poseidon a massive tidal wave wiped out the
(her father) development. Realizing that the woman in
the water was Seacrest, Venus tried to
Running Rhode: capture her, but Neptunia vanished in the
Rhode was looking to avenge her father's waves. Unaware of her godly heritage,
'death'. She became vindictive and Venus assumed that she had drowned.
hateful, striking out at Venus, only to The next morning she was shocked to
discover that she was wrong. find Seacrest alive and well at her SILENUS
companies head office. When Venus
HISTORY: questioned her about her involvement in God of Wine-Making and Drunkenness
Rhode was the daughter of Olympian god the accident, Seacrest ejected her from
Neptune. When Zeus withdrew all the her offices. Seilenos
Olympians from Earth, it is presumable
that Rhode returned to Olympus with her Venus became suspicious of Seacrest F Gd (10) Health: 80
fellow gods. In the 1950s, Rhode came to and convinced the company that insured A Gd (10)
believe that her father was killed during her developments to stop paying out to S Rm (30) Karma: 50
the nuclear bomb tests conducted by the her for the accidents and then had the E Rm (30)
United States on Bikini and Eniwetok, and last of her developments evacuated by R Gd (10) Resources: Un
she began crafting a plan to avenger her the military. Neptunia resurfaced once I Gd (10)
father's death. To this end, she took to more and attempted to wipe out the P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
calling herself Neptunia and developed development anyway and was confronted
the mortal guise of Diana Seacrest. She by Venus once again. Both revealed to KNOWN POWERS:
founded Seacrest Real Estate each other their godly heritages and Body Armor: Good (10).
Corporation and by 1951, she was selling Venus learned Neptunia's motivation in
affordable seaside homes along the causing the disasters. During their Immortality: Silenus is immortal and can
Atlantic coast, particularly to retired struggle, Neptunia was swept up in a only die on Olympus.
soldiers. When her development was sold whirlpool and vanished.
out, she summoned a massive tidal wave Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
to wipe it out, killing everyone living there. Neptunia has not been seen since, her languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
The freak occurrence prompted the present whereabouts are unknown. dialects, and alien languages.
Federal Housing Association to
investigate the disaster and although they Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
found no wrong doing, they called
Seacrest to their offices in Washington

Magic: Silenus, like most elder gods, Contacts: Olympian Gods as well as his
wields a certain amount of magic: master Pluto.
 Teleportation: Good (10) ability
 Dimensional Travel: Good (10). Running Snatos:
 Plant Control: Remarkable (30) ability Snatos is a lackey of Pluto, he is a
over plant growth, limited to grape sniveler and aspires to one day be
vines. elevated to a henchmen.
 Induce Drunken Glee: Remarkable
(30), On a failed Psyche feat, the victim HISTORY:
will laugh for D10 rounds. Afterwards Snatos is a lackey to his master Pluto and
the victim sleeps and wakes with a an Olympian of limited power and no
hangover. glory. How he was elevated to the status
of lackey and messenger for Pluto isn't
Note on abilities: Silenus used to be know, but he takes his job very serious
more powerful, as did all of the and works hard to make sure he gets
Olympians, when he was actively everything right.
worshipped and his powers have
diminished to their current state.

Talents: Excellent Reason when dealing

with winemaking, brewing and distilling,
Olympian Mythology, Lore and Histor.
Contacts: Olympian Gods as well as his
foster-son Dionysus Messenger of Pluto and Ares

Running Silenus: F Gd (10) Health: 100

Silenus is a balding, pot-bellied old god A Gd (10)
who has passed most of his duties off to S In (40) Karma: 50
his foster-son Dionysus, he spends most E In (40)
of his days drinking wine and keeping a R Gd (10) Resources: Un
prestigious buzz about him. Unfortunately I Gd (10)
Dionysus doesn't seem to want to see his P Rm (30) Popularity: 0
foster-father much anymore...
HISTORY: Body Armor: Good (10).
Silenus is the old rustic god of wine-
making and drunkenness. He was the Immortality: Snatos is immortal and can
foster-father of the god Dionysus who only die on Olympus.
was entrusted to his care by Hermes after
his birth from the thigh of Zeus. The Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
young god was raised by Seilenos and languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
nursed by the Nysiad nymphs in a cave dialects, and alien languages.
on Mount Nysa. Once, when Dionysus
was travelling through Phrygia, Seilenos Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
became lost and was captured by King
Midas. The king treated him hospitably Magic: Snatos, like most elder gods,
and as a reward Dionysus granted him wields a certain amount of magic:
his golden touch. Seilenos was the father  Teleportation: Good (10)
or grandfather of the tribes of Satyroi and  Dimensional Travel: Good (10)
Nymphs. He was sometimes multiplied
into a triad or large band of Seilenoi. Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and

Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.

Death Sense: Can see ghosts and spirits

with Unearthly (100) ability.

Winged Flight: Unearthly (100).

Magic: Thanatos, like most elder gods,

wields a certain amount of magic:
 Dimensional Travel: Remarkable (30)
 Teleport: Remarkable (30) ability.
 Energy Generation: Amazing (50), up
to 5 areas.

Note on abilities: Thanatos used to be

more powerful, as did all of the
Olympians, when he was actively
worshipped and his powers have
diminished to their current state.

Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and


Contacts: The Olympian gods, Pluto.

Running Thanatos:
Thanatos dispassionately does his job, God of Learning
waiting for those he is to take to have
their final moments. Despite his size and F Gd (10) Health: 96
power he rarely finds himself in combat A Ty (6)
simply from the standpoint that one rarely S In (40) Karma: 100
beats death. E In (40)
R Am (50) Resources: Ex
Thanatos is an ancient minor Greek God P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
God of Death
and personification of Death. Thanatos
appears to people who are about to die KNOWN POWERS:
F Am (50) Health: 260 Body Armor: Good (10).
A Gd (10) and takes their souls into the underworld.
S Un (100) Karma: 50 He manifested himself in the midst of the
battle between the Olympus Group led by Immortality: Tharamus is immortal and
E Un (100) can only die on Olympus.
R Gd (10) Resources: Un Hera, and the New and Mighty Avengers,
I Gd (10) led by Athena and Hercules, announcing
that one of the combatants is going to die. Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
P Rm (30) Popularity: -30 languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
Thanatos waited until the end of the
battle, and then finally revealed who was dialects, and alien languages.
Body Armor: Amazing (50). it that he had come to collect: Athena
Parthenos, killed by Delphyne Gorgon. Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
Immortality: Thanatos is immortal and can However, Athena was revived shortly
thereafter, when Zeus and Hera were Total Memory: Unearthly (100).
only die on Olympus.
killed by Typhon, passing the divine
thunderbolt down to Zeus' daughter Ultimate Skill: Unearthly (100) Reason in
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the History, artifacts and antiquity.
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's Athena.
dialects, and alien languages.

Magic: Tharamus, like most elder gods,  Post-cognition: Cl1000 ability.
wields a certain amount of magic:  Shape Change: Amazing (50) ability.
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20).  Dimensional Travel: Amazing (50).
 Teleport: Excellent (20) ability.  Teleport: Amazing (50) ability.
 Energy Generation: Remarkable (30),  The Fates are well versed in Olympian
up to 3 areas. and Asgardian Magic, casting any
Personal, Universal or Dimensional
Note on abilities: Tharamus used to be spells at Unearthly (100) as needed.
more powerful, as did all of the
Olympians, when he was actively EQUIPMENT:
worshipped and his powers have The living thread of beings.
diminished to their current state.
Talents: Olympian and Asgardian
Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and Mythology, Lore and History. Occult Lore,
History. Sharp Weapons and Wrestling. Mystic Origin.

Contacts: The Olympian gods Contacts: The Olympian and Asgardian

Running Tharamus:
Tharamus is a scholar and while he has
Running Fates:
some experience with weapons and The Fates are mysterious in the way that
combat, he is long out of practice and has Goddesses of Destiny
they guide the destinies of mortals and
turned his interests to scholarly pursuits, gods alike. Few are privy to their thoughts
rather than maintaining any sort of Atropos, Clotho and Lachesis
or plans and while a great many things
combat regiment. can be escaped in life, fate is rarely one
F Gd (10) Health: 110
of them.
HISTORY: A Gd (10)
Tharamus is the god of learning. In S Am (50) Karma: 130
modern times he served as the Curator of E In (40)
The beings known as the Fates (or the
the Museum of Greek Antiquity in New R Rm (30) Resources: Un
Norns) are goddesses older than either
York City. Tharamus was approached by I Am (50)
the Olympian or Asgardian Pantheons.
a concerned Hercules, fearing that the P Am (50) Popularity: +10
No one is sure of their exact origins and
newly resurrected Ares and his as they always seem to be present
Warhawks would attack the museum in KNOWN POWERS:
guiding the lives of mortals and gods
the near future. Ares proved Hercules to Body Armor: Good (10).
alike, it is unlikely that any answers are
be correct when he raided the museum forthcoming. They have interacted over
and took the life of Tharamus and, stole Immortality: The Fates are immortal and
the years with both the Asgardians and
the Heart of Athena from the museum. can’t die.
Olympians (primarily through the
adventures of Thor and Hercules)
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
answering questions and posing riddles to
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
help those who seek their guidance over
dialects, and alien languages.
the years.
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.

Magic: The Fates, like most elder gods,

wields a certain amount of magic:
 Invisibility: Amazing (50).
 Time Control: Cl1000.
 Endow objects with aspects of time:
This allows those objects to affect any
one power stunt for time contol, as the
fates desire at power rank.
 Precognition: Cl1000 ability.

 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20)
 Teleport: Excellent (20)
 Flight: Remarkable (30)

Whatever weapon they choose to use.
Most of the time its either spears or

Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and

History. They also have Sharp, Thrown
and Blunt Weapons, as well as Martial
Arts E.

Contacts: The Olympian gods, Zeus,

Athena, the titans of Olympus and Gaea URANIA
THE FURIES (Their mother).
Muse of Astrology and Prophecy
Goddesses of Vengeance and Running Furies:
The Furies are all about the business of F Ty (6) Health: 92
Retribution vengeance and retribution. If they show A Ty (6)
up at some ones door step looking for S In (40) Karma: 66
Alecto, Megaera and Tisiphone.
trouble, then likely the person or god had E In (40)
it coming. R Ty (6) Resources: Ty
F Am (50) Health: 170
A Ex (20) I Rm (30)
HISTORY: P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
S Am (50) Karma: 50 The Furies are the daughters of the
E Am (50)
primeval gods Ouranus and Gaea. KNOWN POWERS:
R Gd (10) Resources: Un
Among the few gods active before and Body Armor: Good (10).
I Gd (10) after Zeus conquered Olympus, they
P Rm (30) Popularity: -10 punished offenders who turned against Immortality: Urania is immortal and can
blood kin. Their principal function was to only die on Olympus.
avenge fathers or most often mothers
Body Armor: Excellent (20). against their undutiful children. Often Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
when a son failed to avenge a parent languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
Immortality: The Furies are immortal and
killed unjustly, the Furies haunted him dialects, and alien languages.
can only die on Olympus.
until he made retribution on his parents'
death. Like the rest of the Olympians, the Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the Furies were exiled by Typhon, until
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
Hercules defeated him and managed to Magic: Urania, like most elder gods,
dialects, and alien languages.
free them all. wields a certain amount of magic, these
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. are some of the powers she's been seen
Magic: The Furies, like most elder gods,  Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20).
wields a certain amount of magic:  Teleport: Excellent (20) ability.
 Invisibility: Amazing (50) ability  Precognition: Unearthly (100) ability.
 Wind Control: Amazing (50) ability
 Energy Generation: Amazing (50) Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and
 Telekinesis: Amazing (50) ability History. Astrology.
 Biophysical Control - Disruption:
Amazing (50) ability to inflict violent Contacts: The Olympian gods, Zeus (her
headaches, seizures and hallucinations father) and Mnemosyne (her mother).
on victims.

Running Urania:  Invisibility: Incredible (40) ability
Urania tries to help mortals and gods  Shape-Change - others: Remarkable
alike with her abilities. She means them (30)
no harm, only to enlight to the events in  Energy Generation: Unearthly (100), up
their life that may yet unfold in front of to 5 areas.
them. Her predictions are always 100  Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20)
percent correct, her interpretation is  Teleport: Excellent (20) ability
sometimes off.
Note on abilities: Vesta used to be more
HISTORY: powerful, as did all of the Olympians,
The daughter of Zeus and the memory when she was actively worshipped and
goddess Mnemosyne, Urania is the muse her powers have dimenished to their
of astrology and prophecy. in modern current state.
times, she works as fortune teller in New
York City's Greenwich Village. She was Talents: Unearthly knowledge of clothing,
the first Olympian to learn of the planned food, animals and psychology. Olympian
invasion of Earth by the extraterritorial Mythology, Lore and History as well.
Skrulls and forewarned Athena of the
coming dangers. Contacts: Olympian Gods

Running Vesta:
Vesta is a semi-retired goddess. She
feels her time of greatest contribution is
over. However, she still maintains an
VESTA interest in Earthly domestic lifestyles.

Goddess of the Home HISTORY:

Vesta is the eldest daughter of the Titan-
F Ty (6) Health: 116 gods Cronus and Rhea. Fearing that he
A Ex (20) would be dethroned by one of his
S Am (50) Karma: 70 offspring just as he had overthrown his
E In (40) own father Ouranos, Cronus imprisoned
R Ex (20) Resources: Un each of his own offspring in Tartarus, the
I Ex (20) darkest section of Hades, the Olympian
P Rm (30) Popularity: +20 underworld, as soon as he or she was
born. (Later legends erroneously claimed
KNOWN POWERS: that Cronus had actually swallowed his
Body Armor: Incredible (40). children and that they remained alive
inside him until Zeus released them).
Immortality: Vesta is immortal and can While trapped in Tartarus, Vesta regarded
only die on Olympus. her younger siblings as her wards and
saw to their well-being. Appalled at
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the Cronus' treatment of their children, the
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's children’s mother Rhea gave birth to Zeus
dialects, and alien languages. without Cronus’s knowledge and gave
him to the primeval Earth goddess Gaea
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. to be raised in secret. The adult Zeus
freed his siblings and led them in a
Magic: Vesta, like most elder gods, successful revolt against Cronus and the
wields a certain amount of magic: Titans. After Zeus established himself as
 Flight: Excellent (20) supreme monarch of the Olympus and
 Shrink or growth: Remarkable (30) the Olympian gods, Vesta became the
domestic engineer of Olympus. She was
 Shape-Change: Remarkable (30)
assisted in her tasks by her cousin, the

Titan Prometheus. Prometheus, however, Disease. Unearthly (100) Resistance
had developed great affection for the outside Olympus.
ancient Greeks who worshiped the
Olympians which eventually led him to Allspeak: Zeus can communicate in all
steal the fire of the gods and give a the languages of the Nine Realms,
portion of it to mortal man. Vesta was Earth's dialects, and alien languages.
aware of Prometheus' actions but turned
a blind eye to them. Prometheus ended Immortality: Zeus's Immortality applies to
up being punished by Zeus for his Olympus as well as all other planes.
conduct for several millennia before
eventually being rescued by the demigod Magic: Zeus is the most powerful
son of Zeus, Hercules. At one point, Olympian and as a "Skyfather" he
Vesta was desired by both Apollo and possesses the greatest power among the
Neptune. In response to this she swore a gods of Olympus:
vow of chastity to Zeus which he honored  Electrical Manipulation and Generation:
even today. Shift-Z (500) ability, including all Stunts.
Olympus only. Shift-X (150) anywhere
Vesta once was a member of the ruling else.
council of Olympian gods which was  Dimensional Travel: Unearthly (100).
comprised of Zeus, Hera, Neptune,  Teleportation: Cl5000 ability.
Demeter, and Vesta, together with Zeus's  Image Projection: Cl3000 ability.
children Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena,  Place enchantments: Sh-Z (500) power
Hephaestus, Hermes, and Venus. She on objects with Cl1000 ability. Such a
later resigned her seat at the high table in spell lasts until he rescinds or negates
favor of Zeus' son, her nephew Dionysus, the enchantment.
who then became one of the twelve great  Regeneration: Sh-Z (500) in Olympus
Olympian gods. It was said she did so  Strength to Sh-Z (500) 1-10 rounds.
because she grew tired of the gods' petty
 Remove or restore any Olympian Gods
bickering during council meetings. Her
Powers including their Immortality with
worship under the name of Vesta carried
Cl1000 ability.
over to the ancient Romans after the
 Precognition: Unearthly (100) ability.
survivors of the fallen city of Troy traveled
Intermittent Precognition only.
to the lands of Italy. Under the name of
Vesta, she had numerous priestesses ZEUS  Shape change: Unearthly (100).
called the Vestal Virgins who paid her
homage and tribute to her ancient vow of Supreme Monarch of Olympus, God of Zeus is the Sorcerer Supreme of the
chastity. Vesta was present when the the Sky, Thunder, Law, Order and Olympian gods and can use spells at
Asgardian Thor came to Olympus, asking Justice Shift-Z (500) ability in Olympus, Unearthly
Zeus' help in reviving the Asgardians slain (100) elsewhere.
in battle with the Celestials. Vesta was Zeus Panhellenios
possibly present with the Olympian Limitation: Zeus' Cl3000 Endurance is
pantheon as they convened a board F Un (100) Health: 3250 tied to the dimension of Olympus and
meeting on Earth at the Olympus Group, A Am (50) drops by -1CS every day spent away from
assuming the appearances of mortal S Un (100) Karma: 1140 Olympus to a minimum of Unearthly.
businessmen in an attempt to maintain E Cl3000
some connection with humanity. Zeus R In (40) Resources: Sh-Z Talents: Thrown and Sharp Weapons,
had gathered them to confront Hera for I Un (100) Wrestling. Zeus is a scholar of Olympian
manipulating Hercules into appearing on P Cl1000 Popularity: +90 Mythology, Lore and History. Leadership
a reality television show as part of an skill as well as Politics.
attempt to gain revenge upon him, but he KNOWN POWERS:
wound up being jeered at by his own Body Armor: Amazing (50). Contacts: Olympian Gods, Asgardian
family for his many infidelities. They finally Gods, Ruling Deities of other pantheons,
voted against interfering with Hercules' Invulnerability: Cl3000 vs. Fire, Cold, Eternals
labors. Electricity, Toxins, Corrosives, and
Running Zeus:

What can you say? Zeus embodies all the Hestia, together with Zeus's children held a meeting with Zuras, the leader of
attributes of rulership: arrogance, wisdom, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, the Eternals, and his daughter Thena.
authority, dignity, and so forth. Zeus is not Hephaestus, Hermes, and Venus, Noticing the strong physical resemblance
quick to anger, but his wrath is the most comprised the membership of the high between Zeus and Zuras and between
terrible of all Olympians once it is called council of the Olympian gods known as Azura and herself, Athena suggested that
forth. the Pantheon. Hestia later resigned her the Olympian gods and the Eternals form
seat in the council in favor of Zeus's son an alliance whereby the Eternals would
HISTORY: Dionysus. Zeus's brother Hades was not act as the gods' representatives on Earth.
Zeus is the youngest son of Cronus and a member of the Pantheon, preferring to The other three enthusiastically agreed,
Rhea beings known as Titans who once spend virtually all of his time within and Azura took her current name of
ruled Olympus. The Titans were the Hades, which he ruled. Thena to signify the signing of the pact.
offspring of the sky god Ouranos and the
primeval earth goddess Gaea. Cronus In ancient times Zeus and his fellow Worship of the Olympian gods spread
overthrew his father's rule by fatally Olympians successfully defeated from Greece to Rome and throughout the
wounding him. The dying Ouranus challenges to their rule by the giants Otis Roman Empire. The gods intervened
prophesied that Cronus would likewise be and Ephialtes, by a small army of frequently in human matters at first, as in
overthrown by one of his own children. As superhuman giants, and, most the Trojan War, but did so less as time
a result, upon the birth of each of his own dangerously, by the monster Typhoeus, passed. When Christianity finally replaced
children, Cronus had the infant father of Typhon, the Titan who has the worship of the Olympian gods in the
imprisoned in Tartarus, the most dismal menaced the Olympians in recent times. Roman Empire, Zeus decided that the
section of the extra dimensional 50,000 B.C., the inhabitants of Atlantis time had come for the Olympians to break
underworld known as Hades. The seemingly worshiped Jupiter, yet it is most of their ties with Earth. Neptune,
offspring he sent there were Hades, unclear if it was Zeus or another entity. It however, was still allowed to watch over
Poseidon, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia. seems unclear if the Olympian gods his Atlantean worshipers. Since the
Appalled at the mistreatment of their themselves existed during the Hyborian worship of the Olympian gods had died
children, Cronus's wife Rhea concealed Age. For some reasons, Alexander of out, Zeus forbade his brother Pluto, ruler
her sixth pregnancy from him and secretly Macedon and his armies were briefly sent of Hades, the Olympian underworld, from
gave birth to Zeus on Mount Lycaeum in to the Hyborian Age, 10,000 years before collecting any more of the souls of the
Arcadia, an area of the land now known their era,[9] and the descendants of those dead from Earth. Pluto obeyed the edict
as Greece. Rhea gave the infant Zeus to who stayed there invoked "Zoos", a god resentfully. Finally, the bitter Pluto
the safekeeping of Gaea who hid him on unknown to Conan. After the end of the convinced himself that Zeus had proven
the island of Crete. Zeus grew to Hyborian Age, the Olympian gods sought himself to be an incompetent leader by
adulthood among the shepherds of Mount worshipers on Earth. Neptune became allowing the worship of the Olympians to
Ida, Crete, and then set about taking the patron god of the water-breathing come to an end. Zeus, noting Pluto's
revenge on Cronus. Zeus went down into Atlanteans, worshiped as early 5800 increasingly ominous rebelliousness,
Tartarus and freed his siblings, who had BCE. Zeus sought that the Olympian warned him against attempting to
all now grown to adulthood, Zeus also gods be worshiped by the people of the overthrow him. Nonetheless, Pluto has
freed the three one-eyed giants called land known as Greece. attempted unsuccessfully to overthrow
Cyclopes and the three hundred-handed Zeus, as has Zeus's own son, the war
giants called Hekatonchieres, all six of Zeus engaged in many love affairs with god Ares. However, despite the end of
whom Cronus had imprisoned there for goddesses and with mortal Earth women the worship of the Olympian gods, Zeus
fear they would help overthrow him. The both before and during the Heroic Age of has retained affection for and interest in
grateful Cyclopes taught Zeus how to ancient Greece. Some of his children the people of Earth.
wield his energy-manipulating powers in were gods; others were mortal human
battle. Zeus and his allies fought a ten beings such as Helen of Troy. Zeus's son A millennium ago Zeus' son Hercules led
year war with the Titans which ended with by the mortal woman Alcmena, Hercules, a band of warriors he had transported
Zeus's victory. He imprisoned most of the was born a mortal, but Zeus transformed through time from ancient Greece to
male Titans in Tartarus and established him into an immortal god later. Zeus also battle Norsemen who were under the
himself in the small "pocket" dimension of learned that Greece's Mount Olympus, protection of the Asgardian god Thor.
Olympus as supreme ruler of the the location of the main inter-dimensional This conflict led to war between the
Olympian race. nexus between the Olympian dimension Asgardians and Olympians. Zeus secretly
and Earth, lay near Olympia, the principal met with Odin, ruler of the Asgardians,
Zeus married the goddess Hera and city of the Eternals. Zeus and his and the two gods not only put an end to
along with Poseidon, Demeter and daughter Athena, goddess of wisdom, the war, but also formed an alliance to

defend Earth from danger posed by the
alien Celestials. Odin and Zeus met with
the heads of the other races of gods who
were or had been worshiped by Earth
mortals to discuss the Celestials' possible
threat to Earth, and then Odin, Zeus, and
the Hindu god Vishnu went to confront the
Third Host of the Celestials on behalf of
all of Earth's gods. However, Odin and
Zeus were forced to pledge not to
interfere with the Celestials when the
Celestials threatened to seal off the
interdimensional passageways
connecting the gods' dimensions with
Earth. As a result of this pledge, the
Olympian gods had to lessen their contact
with Earth, although Zeus's offspring
Hercules and Venus spent periods living
among Earth human beings in recent
years. The Celestials' Fourth Host
recently decided to spare Earth from
destruction and left the planet.

For reasons unknown, Zeus had gone on

an extended leave of absence, leaving
Olympus under the command of
Aphrodite during a period in which the
Olympians began adopting their Roman
names. Eventually Aphrodite, as Venus,
relocated Olympus to the planet named
after her. She soon grew bored and
returned to Earth to find real love. In
1949, Zeus learned of this and was
furious. He appeared before Venus and
demanded that she return to Olympus at
once, but she refused stating that she had
work on Earth to do by helping lovers stay
together. Jupiter then offered her a
challenge that she could not find the
perfect couple and keep them together in
a week. Venus did find this couple in Meg
Saunders and Danny Fine. In an effort to
make Venus lose, Jupiter sent Apollo and
Daphne to Earth in mortal guises to try
and break the couple up. However, Venus
saw through the attempt and foiled it
winning her right to stay on Earth. Jupiter
was more benevolent to Venus' mission
thereafter, but regularly tested her right to
remain on Earth. Having previously
banished the Asgardian god Loki to
Hades, Jupiter was forced to let him loose
due to a loop hole in his banishment by
allowing Venus to remain on Earth. Loki

then set about spreading hate across the rocket scientist Rodney Dover found army, and Thor again when the Earth was
Earth until Venus promised to be his themselves stranded on the moon and terrorized by the Creeping Death. Venus
queen in Hades. Jupiter then told Venus imperiled by a volcanic eruption. Jupiter also sought council from Jupiter prior to
that she passed her test and banished was summoned once more and he undertaking a mission to the planet Mars.
Loki once more. Next when Jupiter's stopped the flow of lava then dispatched Jupiter helped Venus, when she was
daughter Joya accused Venus of Mercury to return Venus and Rodney to almost strangled to death by the Raoul
forsaking her godhood for the love of Earth. Earth was once more in peril when Hamud, by teleporting her to Olympus in
mortal Whitney Hammond, Jupiter wearily scientist Michael Templar built a device order to save her life. Later when Venus
agreed to have a trial to prove Joya's that threatened to hurtle the Earth into the captured Adonis after he ran amok on
accusations. Both Venus and Whitney sun. Venus sought Jupiter's aid to stop Earth, she turned him over to Jupiter for
Hammond were brought to Olympus to this, but it was beyond his power to stop punishment. Soon after, Zeus ceased
stand trial. However the trial abruptly the Earth's path to destruction. Instead he offering his assistance to Venus for
ended when Loki invaded Olympus. Joya, had Mercury take Venus to the man reasons unexplained. He eventually
seeing the errors of her was disguised responsible to try and get him to stop the resumed using his traditional Grecian
herself as Venus and offered herself as a disaster. As Earth edged closer to name after this period.
bride to Loki to stop the invasion. Soon extinction, Jupiter appealed to Venus to
after, Hammond proved his devoted love return to Olympus, warning her that even Zeus remained the ruler of the Olympians
to Venus and Jupiter returned the couple an immortal goddess might not be able to and of Olympus itself, as well as an ally of
to Earth. survive plunging into the sun. However, the Asgardians. Recently, Zeus led the
Venus eventually convinced Michael to Olympian gods in battle against the forces
In 1950, Jupiter became more of a help to build the device and saved the Earth. Not of Mikaboshi. With the aid of the
Venus, often coming to her aid whenever long after Olympus was endangered by remaining gods of the Japanese
she summoned him. When Venus was creatures that were literally spawned from pantheon, who had been attacked and
attempting to reunite long lost lovers the mind of mad scientist Buffanoff. decimated by Mikaboshi's forces, the
Rona Sanders and George Huston, she Jupiter recruited the aid of Apollo and the Olympians were victorious. Zeus
found herself in trouble due to the fact Asgardian thunder god Thor to defend sustained severe injuries at the hands of
that Huston had fallen in love with her and Olympus from the creatures. When the Mikaboshi and died. His brother Pluto
refused to love Rona, who was dying of creatures proved to be too powerful to took him prisoner and put him on trial, to
an illness. Apparently, only George's love stop, Venus saved Olympus by tricking be judged by all of his enemies and other
for Rona could cure her. Venus called on them into following her back into the villains. Despite Hercules' defense, and
Jupiter for aid and he imbued Rona with a Professor's dying brain where the Zeus' words on his own behalf, the jury
portion of Venus' powers causing George creatures also perished. decided against Zeus, and he was forced
to love her and cure her of her illness at to drink the waters from the River Lethe,
the same time. Later, when Apollo In 1951 Jupiter could not aid Venus when which erased his memory and regressed
requested to return to Earth to once more she was trapped in the nation of his body to that of a child's. He escaped
try and win Venus' love, Jupiter denied Cassarobia due to the fact that Loki had with Hercules and recently returned to his
the request. In order to get around this, placed a spell over the region that previous form of an adult after the Chaos
Apollo made a deal with the demon prevented the Gods from using their War and ruled the Olympians from the
Zoroba to possess his body while Apollo's powers there. However, Jupiter appealed new Mount Olympus. When Hulk tried to
spirit was sent to Earth. Zoroba took the to Loki's love for Venus when she was force Zeus to help his family, Zeus
opportunity to bring Loki to Olympus and captured by Cassarobia's sultan and mocked his heroism and gave the green
posing as Apollo attempted to convince convinced him to remove the spell, saving goliath a humiliating defeat in battle, but
Jupiter to allow Loki to leave his exile in Venus from joining sultan's harem. Jupiter allowed his son Hercules to rescue Hulk,
Hades and reside on Olympus. However, next aided Venus by freeing her from the believing that no torment that he gave to
Venus eventually exposed the plot and hypnotic control of Romany hypnotist him could be worse than he simply being
forced Apollo to return to his body, and Roberto. Later he allowed Venus to seek the Hulk.
Jupiter once more banished Loki back to the aid of Mars and Thor to stop insane
Hades. Shortly thereafter, Venus and inventor John Dark and his mechanized

The gods of the 80s


Ataros, Bromo, Brooke of the Denim
Shield, Cubicus Rubicus, Jiggle,
Pak-Man, Paranoia, Walkman and
the Streak

F Gd (10) Health: 110

A Gd (10)
S In (40) Karma: 22
E In (40)
R Ty (6) Resources: Gd
I Ty (6) Bromo: God of Fast Foods, requires
P Gd (10) Popularity: +2 the sacrifice of two grilled unblemished
oxen, special sauce, onions, lettuce,
KNOWN POWERS: cheese and pickles on a sesame seed
Body Armor: Typical (6). bun.
 Digestive adaptability: Amazing (50) Cubicus Rubicus: God of infernal
Immortality: The Gods of the 80's are ability to eat any fast food. obsession. Most powerful of these
only immortal on Olympus.  Biophysical Control - Indigestion: gods possessing mortals by distracting
Remarkable (30) them with his amulet, the Cube.
Magic: These Gods, like most elder  Flight: Good (10)  Emotion control-Obsession: By use
gods, wield a certain amount of magic: of his amulet, Cubicus can induce
Remarkable (30) obsession with this
multi-colored, ever-shifting cube.
 Emotion control - Anger: after 2D10
rounds of obsession and a failed
psyche feat, he can induce
Remarkable (30) anger and fury to
accompany the obsession.
 Flight: Good (10)

Ataros: God of the Video Arcade, is a

god of swift justice who requires daily Brooke of the Denim Shield:
sacrifice of silver coins. Goddess of Designer Jeans. Daughter
 Electric Control and Generation: of lesser war god Rumpus, served in
Amazing (50) ability to control video the battle of Caudal during the war of
games, or discharge electricity, 3 the Ad Agencies.
area.  Fighting: Amazing (50) (bonus to Pak-Man: Messenger of the 80s gods,
 Ultimate Skill-Video Games: Health) and +50 popularity due to son of Ataros.
Unearthly (100) Reason where her beauty.
 Hyper-Speed: Amazing (50) speed.
Video Games are concerned, he  Body Armor: Good (10)
knows all of the patterns and cheat  Electric generation: Excellent (20)
 Flight: Good (10) can be thrown up to 1 area.
 Flight: Good (10)  Flight: Poor (4)

Jiggle: Goddess of Mindless T.V.
watching and head of the Screen
Goddesses Guild. Her Litany includes
"Veni, Vidi, Jigglit" ("I came, I saw, she
 Ultimate Skill - Acting: Unearthly
(100) skill in acting. This includes
creating a disguise, creating a secret
ID and assuming roles as needed.
 Imitation: Remarkable (30) ability to
assume the appearance of others,
shifting popularity +30 or -30 points.
 Flight: Good (10)

Various talismans and charms in their
name that are used by their followers.

Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore

Paranoia: 2-headed God of both Walkman: God of cosmic indifference.
and History. Occult Lore, Mystic
Liberals and Conservatives. As preached by St. Sony, "The
 True Sight: The Amazing (50) ability guardian Walkman protecteth his flock
to see reality for what it 'really' is from press conferences, tedium,
Contacts: The Olympian gods, Zeus
from his narrowed point of view. berating bosses and shrewish
or Hermes specifically.
 The gift of true sight: Allows his spouses. He guideth them through the
followers to benefit from his ability to midst of moving vehicles and standeth Running the Gods of the 80s:
perceive reality at Remarkable (30) fast by them in the loneliness of the The Gods of the 80s have little in the
 Flight: Good (10) subway."
way of personalities and are more
 Music Transreception: Amazing (50) archtypical of the part of the society
ability to receive and transmit music that Zeus modeled them after.
to his followers
 White sound generation: HISTORY:
Remarkable (30) damaging sound, 3 Created as an experiment on behalf of
areas. Zeus during the 80s, he attempted to
 Flight: Good (10) create a group of Young Gods. It
doesn't appear as though the
experiment succeeded, although no
one knows what the end results were,
but since they have not been seen in
almost thirty years one might assume
that the experiment either failed, they
were killed during the invasion of
Amatsu-Mikaboshi or perhaps, they
are still being worshipped by people
The Streak: God of luck, gamblers too retro to live in the 'here and now'.
fortunes and winning streaks.
 Probablity Manipulation: the Streak
always has good luck. Those who
oppose him always have bad luck.
 Growth: at 12 feet he has Poor (4)
 Flight: Good (10)

Olympian Heroes and Demi-Gods

Few cultures have created more Heroes Note about abilities: Before his Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown
and Demi-Gods than the Greek culture. immortality, Achilles' Strength was Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Military,
Their stories and tales were full of Excellent (20) and Endurance was Military Strategy. Achilles spoke Ancient
glorious exploits, deeds and action in a Remarkable (30) with a suitable reduction Greek and Latin.
manner that probably made Jack Kirby in health.
proud. Presented here is a collection of Contacts: Patroclus, Agamemnon,
Heroes and Demi-Gods taken from the Limitation Chiron, Menelaus, Myrmidons, Odysseus,
pages of Marvel Comics and adapted Achilles Heel: Any attack to Achilles heel Diomedes and Pandarus, Peleus (father),
from the myths that brought them to life. (a bullseye shot) bypasses his Thetis (Mother, river goddess), Ajax the
invulnerability inflicting killing damage. Great (cousin)

EQUIPMENT: Running Achilles:

Armor of Achilles, Suit 1: Forged by Achilles is a fierce warrior and a brilliant
Hephaestus, Amazing (50) material and military strategist. When given a goal and
Good (10) protection. set of tasks to accomplish, Achilles puts
his everything into the matter to get things
Armor of Achilles, Suit 2: Forged by accomplished.
Hephaestus, Unearthly (100) material,
and Excellent (20) protection. HISTORY:
Achilles was the seventh son of Peleus,
Shield of Achilles: Unearthly (100) one of the greatest of Achaean warriors,
material, absorbing 90 points of damage if and of the sea goddess Thetis. He was
shielding. 2 area range for Excellent (20) also the cousin of Patroclus, and his "first
damage. soulmate". The priest Calchas foretold
that without him, Troy would never be
Sword of Achilles: Unearthly (100) taken. Thetis dipped Achilles into the
material, does Remarkable (30) damage. sacred River Styx to render him
invulnerable, but held him by the ankle,
Lance of Pelias: Unearthly (100) material, which wasn't dipped and remained
its spearhead forged by Hephaestus, vulnerable. Another account state that his
Does Remarkable (30) damage and powers came from an amulet amulet,
thrown 7 areas. created by "those who called themselves
gods", who allegedly "made him who he
Amulet of Achilles: This amulet, held on a was", by elevating a mere mortal to divine
small chain, was said to actually convey strength, power and vitality. Achilles wore
Achilles his powers. It seems more likely the amulet around his ankle. He inherited
ACHILLES that as with the Lance of Pelias, which the ashen spear of his father, who had
became awash with his blood, this been polished by Athena and whose
F In (40) Health: 130 magical device was infused with a fraction spearhead had been forged by
A Ex (20) of his power as claims have been made Hephaestus, the wedding gift of Cheiron
S Rm (30) Karma: 70 to that affect when it was found among the Centaur to his parents. He also
E In (40) his possessions in his burial place by somehow acquired an armor and a sword
R Gd (10) Resources: Ty Doctor Lewis Green in the early 20th forged by Hephaestus. He had Old
I In (40) century. It allows the following benefits: Phoenix for mentor.
P Ex (20) Popularity: +25  Hyper Strength: Grants Excellent
Strength while wearing the amulet, According to Aeneas, Achilles was among
KNOWN POWERS: increasing health if Strength is the princes to fulfill their oath of loyalty to
True Invulnerability: Cl1000 increased. Menelaus. As Achilles grew up, Thetis
 Hyper Endurance: Grants Monstrous foresaw that he would gain glory in the
Invulnerability to Disease: Cl1000 Endurance for the purpose of resisting Trojan War, but never return home alive.
stuns, slams or kill feats, increasing To prevent that fate, she disguised him as
Immortality: Achilles gained immortality health if Endurance is increased. a girl and sent him to the court of
and he became unable to die  Force Field: this provides him with Lycomedes, King of Scyros. After Paris of
anywhere but Olympus. Good (10) Protection from attacks. Troy fled with Helen, Menelaus gathered

the princes who had swore the oath. snake, and healed by Aesculapius. He Agamemnon took Briseïs in her place.
Odysseus, Nestor and Ajax were sent to was left behind on the isle of Lemnos to That caused a quarrel between
fetch him at the court of Lycomedes. To nurse his wound, due to its stench. Agamemnon and Achilles. According to
see through the disguise crafted by Aphrodite, Achilles was even close to
Thetis, Odysseus brought many gifts to Following Menelaus' peaceful attempt to slaying Agamemnon, but was stopped by
the ladies of the court: Jewels, garments, take back Helen, the Achaeans shored in Athena. Achilles retired with his troops to
a sword, and a shield. He then had his range of fire of Troy. As it was foretold his ships, refusing to fight any more, until
soldiers to blast their trumpets and clash that the first of them to set upon the shore that wrong was redressed. During the
their arms and armor as if a battle started, would perish, they waited, until Iolaus was battle following Menelaus and Paris duel,
and Achilles instinctively wielded the killed by Paris' brother Hector, who Achilles remained aside, making
weapons and revealed himself. Despite renamed him "Protesilaus", "the first of his Diomedes the mightiest of the Argives
having made no vow to defend Menelaus' people". As Cycnus, a son of Poseidon, fighting. During the following months,
honor and despite his mother's wishes, wished to kill the second Achaean to Patroclus wore Achilles' armor and led the
Achilles accepted to join the war against brave the shore of Troy, he attacked but Argive host. The Trojans consequently
Troy, leading his Myrmidon soldiers. was quickly killed by Achilles, causing the gave him way, thinking him invulnerable,
Trojans to doubt and to retreat under until Hector slaughtered him, only to be
Rallied, the Argives sailed for Aulis, then Hector's advice, and then the siege slain by Achilles himself. Achilles
to Troy. Crossing the Aegean Sea, they began. Achilles wished to see Helen, to surrendered Hector's corpse to King
reached Teuthrania in southern Mysia know for himself whether she was worth a Priam only at Zeus' command himself.
and sacked it, believing it to be Illium. The war, and as he called his mother Thetis,
warrior-king Telephus killed Thersander she came with Aphrodite. The two After Hector's death, the Trojans
before Achilles wounded him using his goddesses brought Achilles into Troy to remained within the walls of their city,
father's spear. Achilles' vessels then put see Helen, who recognized him fearing Achilles, until twelve Amazon led
in at Scyros, where he married immediately though they had never met. by Penthesileia entered the city to assist
Deïdameia, the daughter of Lycomedes. Achilles recognized that she was as them, announcing she would slay Achilles
During the wedding, Telephus came to beautiful as said, and was carried back to and destroy the Argives. She attacked
him, claiming Achilles was the only one his ship. As Ajax, Odysseus and others them, but Ajax and Achilles were away
who could heal his wound, which he doubted, Achilles galvanized them, from the battle, mourning at Patroclus'
managed to do by scraping rust from the recalling them of the gold, glory, cattle grave, held back from the battle tumult by
spear into the wound. In gratitude, and women to be enslaved and sold that one god so many Argives would be killed
Telephus showed Achilles what course to the war would bring to them. by Trojans and their allies. Eventually,
steer to reach Troy, but didn't joined they heard of the battle and joined the
them. Achilles also impregnated Soon afterward, Achilles and his fight, immediately targeted by
Deïdameia. The fleet returned a second Myrmidons drove off the cattle of Aeneas, Penthesileia, whom he defeated in single
time at Aulis, and as Agamemnon son of Aphrodite, on Mount Ida, causing combat, causing the wrath of her father
bragged about a stag he shot, claiming to him and his Dardanians to become the Ares who was forbidden by Zeus to
surpass Artemis, she sent stormy winds ally of Troy and the enemies of the interfere (as any Olympians). As Achilles
prevent them from sailing, and Calchas Achaeans. As Illium stood, he then gazed upon the body of Penthesileia,
stated that only the sacrifice of ravaged many neighboring cities: feeling sorrowing love for her (same he
Agamemnon's daughter Iphigenia would Lyrnessus, Pedasus, and Chryse. had for Patroclus' death), he was mocked
dispel the storm. Agamemnon tricked his Chryseïs went to Agamemnon, and by Thersites, whom he killed with a single
wife Clytemnestra into sending their Briseïs to Achilles, whom Patroclus was backhand fist blow, causing rejoice
daughter to Aulis by stating she would tasked to treat well. Achilles started to among the Achaeans save for Diomedes
marry Achilles. When Clytemnestra and resent Agamemnon, who took the largest who wished to avenge as Thersites was
Iphigenia arrived, Achilles protested and share of the plunder while remaining safe. of his blood. Achilles let the Trojans carry
the truth was revealed. As Iphigenia had Along with Diomedes and Odysseus, off the body and armor of Penthesileia,
been called his wife, Achilles decided to Achilles was suspected of having slay the and himself sailed to Lesbos to sacrifice
defend her, but she resolved to die with clever rival Palamedes. For nine years, and be purified for killing Thersites.
honor to permit her father's army to sack the war kept on, with rare battles. Ares During this time, Aethiopian warrior-King
Troy. Achilles stated that he would have stood by Achilles' side at some point Memnon and his tribesmen came to help
wanted to have her for his wife. Once her during the war. After nine years of war, Troy. Memnon killed Antilochus, son of
sacrifice was done, the fleet sailed. On Chryseïs was surrendered by Nestor and bosom friend to Achilles, but
Tenedos, Achilles and Ajax were present Agamemnon, because her father caused was killed by Achilles at his return, and so
when archer Philoctetes was bitten by a Apollo to rain death on the Achaeans, and the Aethiopians departed.

After the funeral of Antilochus, Priam's
sons Paris and Deiphobus rallied the
Trojans and attacked, but Achilles forced
them back to the city's opened gates. As
Apollo forbid Achilles from entering the
city, the son of Peleus threatened him.
Guided by Apollo, Paris went back to
Achilles and shot him in his vulnerable
heel with a poisonous arrow, avenging his
brother. Achilles stood in the opening of
the Scaean Gates, surrounded by the
Trojans who didn't dare come close to
him, and though he was weakening, he
killed Orythaon, comrade of Hector, then
Hipponous and Alcathous, before finally
falling. Another account state that Paris
shot the chain of the amulet that allegedly
gave him his powers and that he wore at
the ankle. Without the amulet, Achilles
was (still allegedly) no mightier than any
other man, and fell. Before the Trojans
could take his body, Ajax came into the
gates to retrieve it, and Odysseus came
himself to protect Ajax's retreat, killing
many Trojans in the process. As Old
Phoenix and his comrades mourned him,
none wept more than the enslaved
Briseïs and Thetis. Thetis' father Nereus
and all the sea gods mourned as well.

After Achilles' death, Paris hoped in vain

that the Achaeans would stop the war and
leave. On Achilles' pyre (and after funeral
games had been held in his honor),
Thetis offered her son's armor to the man
who rescued his body. Ajax claimed the
price, but Odysseus as well, stating that
Ajax would have been killed save for him.
The armor finally went to Odysseus.
Achilles was sent to Hades. After being
told by Priam's son and seer Helenus that
Troy would not fall until "the Bow of
Heracles loses arrows against it",
Odysseus sent a ship back to Tenedos
(or more likely Lemnos) to fetch
Philoctetes, who was healed by
Aesculapius's son Machaon. Once back
at Troy, Philoctetes and Paris were drawn
at the same point of the battle by goddess
Strife, and Philoctetes killed Paris from
one, or three arrows.

As Telephus' son Eurypylus came with

reinforcements from Teuthrania, and as

an oracle had decreed that "only when defeat the armies of the East, convincing
this scion of Achaea's most formidable him by stating that it would save his son.
warrior fought beside [them] would the
war come to an end", Odysseus and Returning to Olympus using the Bolts of
Diomedes went to Scyros to fetch Zeus, they ended up in a fallen city, with
Neoptolemus, son of Achilles, who was the Myrmidons all dead, save for three.
given by Odysseus his father's armor. Achilles had to convince Ares to fight off
Neoptolemus was already as his father, the hordes of Mikaboshi, until they were
although his young age, due to Achilles both teleported to Zeus' halls. As Ares
being the son of a goddess. As was raging and striking Zeus for his plots,
Neoptolemus wished to meet his father Achilles and Hercules tried to interfere but
alive, Achilles' ghost came to visit him at were forbidden to do so by Zeus. Ares
night, under Hades' consent for once once again accepted to help them,
only, and asked him to not shame his devising a plan (and stating that Achilles
name in battle. Leading the Myrmidons, should have been in charge from the
Neoptolemus clashed with Eurypylus, beginning, and not Hercules). While
recalling him that his father had wounded Achilles was exposing his knowledge of
then healed his own before killing him. the enemy to Ares and the other heroes
After Troy fell, Agamemnon alleged that (including Patroclus), Mikaboshi's warriors
Achilles had come in his dreams to breached the room. After the attack was
demand the sacrifice of Queen Hecuba's repelled, the Olympians were introduced AENEAS
daughter Polyxena. She was brought to by Hermes to East god Inari, who asked
Achilles' tomb to be sacrificed. During them to make a gesture towards his F Rm (30) Health: 110
Agamemnon's return to Mycenae, fellow gods, as they were too prideful to A Gd (10)
Achilles' ghost appeared to him, warning ask for help from "barbarians". Both S Rm (30) Karma: 50
him against his wife Clymnestra who still Apollo and Achilles felt vexed and wanted E In (40)
hated him for the sacrifice of their to refuse, as well as Ares, opposed to R Gd (10) Resources: Ty
daughter Iphigenia (confirming the Hercules' opinion. Water was offered to I Ex (20)
prophecy of Priam's daughter Cassandra, Inari, who was then dismissed. While the P Ex (20) Popularity: +15
whom Agamemnon had taken and men were preparing, Ares and Achilles
intended to marry). discussed for a time of Ares' spawn KNOWN POWERS:
Phobos and Deimos, of Zeus, and True sight: Amazing (50) ability.
At some point ("an uncounted time ago") questioned themselves the length of the
and somehow, Achilles and Ajax found war to come. Five years later, Ares and Immortality: Aeneas gained immortality
themselves in Olympus. There, they Hercules' troops assaulted Mikaboshi's and is unable to die anywhere but
fought the assault of Hades who wished fortress. Inari brought the water to his Olympus.
to rule upon Olympus (or crush it?), along fellow gods (the few having survived
with Hercules, Apollo, Poseidon, and Mikaboshi), implying the Olympians Body Armor: Good (10)
Ares. When the armies of Mikaboshi asked for help. His and Hermes' ruse
attacked Olympus, Achilles fought, along caused them to join the fight, saving Note about abilities: Before his
with many heroes and gods, including Achilles, Patroclus and the others from immortality, Aeneas Strength was Good
Hercules, Odysseus (who died in the the undead armies and turning the tide for (10) and Endurance was Remarkable (30)
fights), Apollo, Athena, Patroclus, the gods of West and East to defeat with a suitable reduction in health.
Theseus, Ajax, Jason, the Argonauts and Mikaboshi. At the point of the Civil War II
Perseus. Zeus sent Achilles to lead and the rise of the Uprising Storm, EQUIPMENT:
Olympus' soldiers, while having the Achilles was still dead (or rather "again"). Armor: Remarkable (30) material, Good
Myrmidons kidnap Ares' son Alex Aaron (10) protection.
(and sent to the Myrmidons' stronghold,
the Halls of Achilles) to force him to join Sword: Remarkable (30) material,
the fight. Achilles was wounded in battle Excellent (20) damage.
against Mikaboshi, who managed to scar
him, and then came to Ares along with Spear: Excellent (20) material and
two Myrmidons, to ask him to help them damage, can be thrown 5 areas.

Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown attempted to slay Aeaneas, who was
Weapons, Military, Military Strategy. timely protected by Aphrodite, then by
Aeneas spoke Ancient Greek and Latin. Thor. Thor evacuated Aeneas within the
walls of Troy, where he asked the Norse
Contacts: Evander, the Forgotten One, God to heal him for him to return to battle.
Hector, Helen of Troy, Hermes, Neptune, Instead, Thor, presenting himself as
Paris and Thor, god of thunder. Aphrodite Aeneas, went to battlefield, repelling the
(his mother) Argives until he was himself confronted to
Zeus. Meanwhile, Paris was eventually
Running Aeneas: killed by Philoctetes, and Aeneas assisted
Aeneas is a powerful and dedicated to the wedding of Helen to Deiphobus,
warrior. He takes his job very serious and brother to Paris. During the wedding
would lay down his life for those he loves ceremony, he recognized Eurypylus, the
and protects. son of Telephus, king of Teuthrania, and
grandson of Heracles, who had come to
HISTORY: help Troy leading a vast army. Thor later
Aeneas was the son of Aphrodite, returned to bid farewell, telling him he felt
Goddess of Love and Beauty, and of that they would meet again. AGAMEMNON
Anchises, King of Dardanus. He
accompanied Paris, son King Priam of After the Achaeans seemingly left, leaving F Ex (20) Health: 60
Troy, when the Trojan prince crossed the only a wooden horse presented as an A Gd (10)
Aegean Sea to take Helen from offering to Athena, Aeneas, intrigued, S Gd (10) Karma: 30
Menelaus, king of Sparta. Menelaus soon listened to Laocoön, priest of Poseidon, E Ex (20)
sought his brother Agamemnon, King of as he sacrifice to the Sea God, claiming R Gd (10) Resources: In
Mycenae, who gathered all leaders of the horse to be a fraud, despite Priam I Gd (10)
Achaea, to sail to Troy and demand and the other priests' choice. As a pair of P Gd (10) Popularity: +20
Helen's return, causing the Trojan War. sea serpents dragged Laocoön and his
The Achaeans reached the coast of Troy, sons away, Aeneas tried to intervene, KNOWN POWERS:
and soon attacked its neighbors. Despite then seeing a sign of the gods in the None.
the Dardanians not being formally allies to attack, decided to flee the city with his
Troy, Achilles and his Myrmidon warriors forces and their families, and return to LIMITATIONS:
went on Mount Ida and chased Aeneas' Mount Ida. That very night, the Cursed: Agamemnon bears the curse on
cattle, forcing him and his men to flee for Dardanians had fled Troy and witnessed all the House of Atreus due King Atreus
their lives. On that day, Aeneas declared it burning as the Achaeans invaded it, having fed Thyestes his own children's
himself full fried to the Trojans, and a foe destroying it to the ground. Aeneas was flesh mixed in with food.
to the Achaeans. later involved in his own saga and in the
founding of Rome. Through the EQUIPMENT:
During the siege of Troy, while facing a assistance of the Eternal Hero, Aeneas Armor and Helmet: Excellent (20) material
giant boar outside the city, he was saved conquered the Latium, united the and Typical (6) vs. Physical.
by Thor. Along with Thor, he later Etruscan tribes that would one day lead to
assisted to the single combat between the Roman Empire. Sword: Excellent (20) material, Good (10)
Menelaus and Paris, and rejoiced to see damage.
Paris defeated, meaning the war's end
was closing in. As Paris was about to be Talents: Sharp Weapons, Military,
slain, Aphrodite came invisible to save Military Strategy, and Leadership. He
him, seen only from Thor and Aeneas. spoke Ancient Greek and Latin.
The war was soon reignited by Athena
who manipulated Pandarus of Lycia to Contacts: Menelaus, Achilles, Ajax the
strike an arrow at Menelaus. Aeneas took great as well as his leaders and soldiers.
Pandarus with him on a chariot for him to
attack Menelaus at close range, but he Running Agamemnon:
was slain by Diomedes. As Aeneas went Once Agamemnon was set on his path he
to help the fallen Pandarus, Diomedes did whatever it took to ensure success
struck him with a massive rock and during the Trojan War. He sacrificed his

daughter, loyalty and friends to win and it Running Ajax, the Great:
only cost him his life in the end. Ajax was a powerful and much respected
warrior, who despite appearances was
HISTORY: not giant-kin, but the grandson of Zeus.
Agamemnon was the son of King Atreus He was a friend and ally of Achilles.
of Mycenae and the grandson of King
Pelops of Pisa and King Catreus of Crete. HISTORY:
Inheriting the curse the gods levied on Ajax was the son of Telamon and
Atreus for the murders of his cousins, he grandson to Zeus. He was one of the
and his brother Menelaus both lived in AJAX, THE GREAT original suitors of Helen of Sparta, and
exile from Mycenae for much of their early swore loyalty to the one Helen would
years because of this curse up until he F Rm (30) Health: 116 choose. Menelaus succeeded in winning
asked King Tyndareus of Sparta for the A Ty (6) Helen's hand in marriage. At some point,
hand of his daughter Clytemnestra, the S In (40) Karma: 26 he tore Tecmessa from her parents' side,
sister of Helen of Troy, in marriage. The E In (40) and she bore a son to him. When Paris,
desire was solely one to help him recover R Ty (6) Resources: Ty son of King Priam of Troy, came to Sparta
the throne of Mycenae, his father’s I Gd (10) and stole Helen, Ajax fullfilled his oath
kingdom from King Tantalus, his nephew P Gd (10) Popularity: +10 and joined Menelaus under his brother
who was married to her. Slaying both Agamemnon's leadership. Along with
Tantalus and his heir, he kept KNOWN POWERS: Nestor and Odysseus, they were
Clytemnestra as his wife, and came to Growth: 12 ft tall and weighs close to 600 dispatched to find Achilles at the court of
rule Mycenae. He eventually saw a lbs. +1 C/S to be hit. Lycomedes, king of Scyros. Though
chance to seize the wealth of Troy after Achilles wasn't bound by the vow to
Paris abducted Helen from his brother. Immortality: Ajax is immortal and is Menelaus, Odysseus and Achilles easily
unable to die anywhere but Olympus. convinced him to join them in the Trojan
Unable to sail for Troy because of a lack War, sailing from Aulis.
of winds to carry his ships, he learned Body Armor: Excellent (20).
from a prophecy that the goddess Artemis After an attempt to reach Troy, the
would not allow him to sail for Troy unless Note about abilities: While human and Achaeans returned to Aulis. There, Ajax
he sacrificed his own daughter Iphigeneia before his immortality, Ajax had witnessed as the seer Calchas stated that
to her. The wind shifted to Troy as a Remarkable (30) Strength and Endurance only by the sacrifice of Agamemnon's
result of the sacrifice and Agamemnon with a reduction in health as a result. daughter Iphigenia would the wrath of
sailed for Troy (his daughter was Artemis be appeased, and was later
reputedly restored to life by Artemis as EQUIPMENT: witness as well of Iphigenia's acceptance
her priestess to the Taurians or was Armor: Excellent (20) material and of her fate. While sailing at the isle of
secretly replaced by a deer by Artemis to combined with his armor offers Tenedos, where they stopped to feast,
test his determination). Once in Troy, Remarkable (30) Protection. Ajax witnessed as Philoctetes was bitten
Agamemnon seized a concubine named by a viper whom Ajax killed. Instants later,
Briseis that Achilles had taken for himself Warhammer: This hammer requires the wound began to fester and reek, and
in order to keep his mind in the war. Incredible (40) strength to use. Philoctetes was later abandoned on the
Achilles, meanwhile, refused to pick up a Remarkable (30) material, it does +1 C/S island of Lemnos. As the war quickly
sword for most of the war and only blunt damage. became a siege, Ajax doubted, but they
entered it after the death of his best were galvanized by Achilles who recalled
friend, Patroclus. Angry over the Talents: Weapon Specialist: them of the glory, cattle, gold and women
disappearance of her daughter, Warhammer, Bows, Military. Ajax spoke to be taken in Troy. At some point in the
Clytemnestra took a lover, Aegisthus, Ancient Greek and Latin. war, Ajax stopped Priam's son Hector
who claimed the throne of Mycenae on who was intending to burn the Achaeans'
his behalf. When Agamemnon returned Contacts: Achilles (His cousin), ships, while Odysseus fled from the
from war, the two of them joined forces to Patroclus, Agamemnon, Chiron, Trojan warrior. When twelve Amazon led
kill him out of revenge. Agamemnon’s Menelaus, Myrmidons, Odysseus, by Penthesileia led the Trojans in an
ghost in the underworld presented himself Diomedes and Pandarus. attack against the Argives, Ajax and
to Odysseus in his visit there and told him Achilles were away from the battle,
of the details of his murder. mourning at the grave of their friend
Patroclus, earlier killed by Hector. They

were held back from the battle tumult by HISTORY:
one god so many Argives would be killed Alcmena was a mortal woman descended
by Trojans and their allies. Eventually, from the House of Perseus, circa 13th
they heard of the battle and joined the BC. She was married to Amphitryon, king
fight, galvanizing the Achaeans. Ajax let of Thebes, Greece. Alcmena was
Achilles deal with Penthesileia and went seduced by Zeus, the king of the
himself slaying the Trojans. Oympian Gods, who had taken the form
of her husband. She gave birth to
When Achilles fell at the Scaean Gates, Hercules and it was after the birth that
killed by Paris helped by the god Apollo, Alcmena and Amphitryon learned that
Ajax retrieved and carried his body, Zeus was the father. Hera the wife of
protected in his retreat by Odysseus. Zeus was insanely jealous of her
During Achilles' funeral, his mother the husband's infidelity and she sent two
Sea-Goddess Thetis offered his armor to snakes to kill the child, but were strangled
the man who rescued his body, and by the already strong baby Hercules.
Odysseus contested Ajax's claim, stating After the young baby Hercules killed the
that without him, Ajax would had been two snakes sent to kill him his parents
killed as well. Ajax proposed that Nestor, went to Tiresias for advice. He revealed
Idomeneus and Agamemnon would the truth of Hercules true parentage and
decide, but Nestor highlighted the fact that Zeus created him to be the champion
that the loser would be wrathful, and so of mankind. He saw his many future
Agamemnon designated high-born Trojan QUEEN ALCMENE OF battles including one against the Hulk.
captives decide, who awarded the armor THEBES
to Odysseus. Ajax was enraged, and at She died in 1239 B.C.
night was touched with madness by
F Ty (6) Health: 28
Athena, goddess of wisdom, who loved
A Ty (6)
Odysseus well. Athena caused him to fall
S Ty (6) Karma: 30
into madness and finally kill himself. In
E Gd (10)
the morning, Odysseus honored his body
R Gd (10) Resources: In
but refused to take the blame for his
I Gd (10)
death. As Tecmessa lamented,
P Gd (10) Popularity: +10
Agamemnon swore that he alive, she and
her son would never be enslaved. At
some point and somehow, Achilles and
As the Queen of Thebes, she could call
Ajax found themselves in Olympus.
upon the personal resources of her
There, they fought the assault of Hades
husband Amphitryon and his armed
who wished to rule upon Olympus, along
forces if need be.
with Hercules, Apollo, Poseidon, and
Talents: Leadership. Alcmene spoke
Ancient Greek and Latin.
When the armies of Mikaboshi attacked
Olympus, Ajax fought, along with many
Contacts: King Amphitryon as well as his
heroes and gods, including Achilles,
generals and soldiers. Her children
Hercules, Odysseus, Apollo, Athena,
Iphicles and Laonome and their more
Patroclus, Theseus, Jason, the Argonauts
famous half-brother, Hercules.
and Perseus. Under Ares' leadership and
along other heroes, he defended the city
Running Alcmene:
from Mikaboshi's army.
Alcmene was described as the tallest,
most beautiful woman with wisdom
surpassed by no person born of mortal
parents. It is said that her face and dark
eyes were as charming as Aphrodite's,
and that she honored her husband like no
woman before her

adultery, Alcmena tried to appease the
Goddess by naming her child Heracles
"Glory of Hera". The child was at first
abandoned outside the city and when
Athena and Hera found it, Hera decided
to suckle the child, however, his godly
strength harmed her when he bit down
and she flung away. He was returned to
the city and was accepted by Amphitryon
and his wife. However, Hera then sent to
serpents to kill the child, but even at one
years old he had great strength and
strangled them both with his bare hands.
KING AMPHITRYON OF After the young baby Heracles killed the
THEBES two snakes sent to kill him, his parents
went to Tiresias for advice. He revealed
F Ex (20) Health: 60 the truth of Hercules true parentage and
A Gd (10) that Zeus created him to be the champion
S Gd (10) Karma: 40 of mankind. He saw his many future
E Ex (20) battles including one against the Hulk. ARGES, THE CYCLOPS
R Gd (10) Resources: In Amphitryon raised Hercules as his own
I Ex (20) training in all forms of combat. F Ex (20) Health: 106
P Gd (10) Popularity: +10 A Ty (6)
In 1291 B.C., on the road to Thebes he S In (40) Karma: 30
EQUIPMENT: encountered a group of Minyan warriors E In (40)
As the King of Thebes, he could call upon travelling to sack the city, Hercules beat R Gd (10) Resources: Ex
the personal resources of his armed them all with ease. This lead to war I Gd (10)
forces if need be. between Minya and Thebes and Hercules P Gd (10) Popularity: +10
was imprisoned for the attack. It was then
Talents: Sharp Weapons, Thrown he learned the truth of his origin from his KNOWN POWERS:
Weapons, Military, Military Strategy. parents. They gave him the garb Permanent Growth: Almost 30 ft. tall and
Leadership. Amphitryon spoke Ancient bestowed on them from Zeus. He met is +2 C/S to be hit, after his exile to
Greek and Latin. with the leader of the Minyan, but when Tartarus he has shrunken to almost
they tried to execute him the axe human size.
Contacts: Queen Alcmene as well as his shattered on his neck. It was however
generals and soldiers. His children during the battle Amphitryon was killed. Body Armor: Excellent (20).
Iphicles and Laonome and their more
famous half-brother, Hercules. LIMITATIONS:
Cyclopian vision: Arges lacks depth
Running Amphitryon: perception and visual acuity. Should
Amphitryon was a great warrior, a tough someone base their strategy of attack
man and a good father to his children as around this concept (on a successful
well as a good husband to his wife. Reason feat...) they are granted a +1 C/S
due to the limitations of his vision.
Amphitryon was a great warrior from EQUIPMENT:
Thebes, Greece. He was married to Smithing equipment, forge and
Alcmena of the House of Perseus. In his blacksmith's apron.
absence, Zeus seduced Alcmena in the
guise of her husband, who was away at Talents: Weapon Smith, Black Smith,
war. Due to his Olympian lineage, Metal working. Blunt Weapons, Arges
Hercules was born with the potential for spoke Ancient Greek and Latin.
extraordinary superhuman strength. Hera
the wife of Zeus grew jealous of his Contacts: The Olympian Gods.

 Clairvoyance: This allows him to
Running Arges, the cyclops: simulate Enhanced sight, Microscopic
Arges worked hard as a weapon smith sight, X-Ray Vision: Cl5000
before his betrayal while aiding Typhon functionality.
and Loki. He still resides in Tartarus as a
result of his actions. Talents: Martial Arts B, Military.

HISTORY: Contacts: Hera, Zeus and the Olympian

The son of Ouranos and Gaea, the Gods.
cyclops Arges (with his brothers Brontes
and Steropes) were master smiths who Running Argus:
crafted Zeus' thunderbolts, Poseidon's Argus is a serious and dedicated sentry to
trident and Pluto's Helmet of invisibility. Olympus and his duties to Hera and
He was later imprisoned in Tartarus and Zeus.
aided Typhon and the Asgardian trickster
god Loki in their attempted conquest of HISTORY:
Olympus. Argus Panoptes or Argos was a hundred-
eyed giant in Greek mythology. He was a
giant, the son of Arestor, whose name
"Panoptes" meant "the all-seeing one".
He was a servant of Hera; one of the
ARGUS - SENTRY TO tasks that were given to him was to slay
OLYMPUS the fearsome monster Echidna, wife of
Typhon, which he successfully
Argus Panoptes completed. However, his main task, at
Hera's request, was to guard Io, a nymph
F Rm (30) Health: 186 that Zeus was involved with. Zeus, in his
A Ty (6) efforts to approach Io, told Hermes to
S Mn (75) Karma: 70 disguise himself as a shepherd and make
E Mn (75) Argus go to sleep. As soon as he fell
R Gd (10) Resources: Un asleep, Hermes killed him with a stone.
I Am (50)
P Gd (10) Popularity: +10 Later Hera resurrected Argus and put him
in charge of security at the New Olympus
Permanent Growth: Argus is almost 20
feet tall. +2 C/S to be hit.

Body Armor: Excellent (20)

Immortality: Argus is immortal and can

only die on Olympus.

Allspeak: Can communicate in all the

languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
dialects, and alien languages.

Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.

Circular Vision: Argus has over a hundred

eyes all over his bodies. It is virtually
impossible to surprise him and he gets +1
C/S to his fighting.

EQUIPMENT: Mount Olympus. Artume would begin
Armor: Amazing (50) material and plotting behind her mother’s back during
reinforces her own armor increasing her sting operations headed by her Queen &
protection to Incredible (40). tribe against various godheads such as
Poseidon under orders of the goddess
Sword: Monstrous (75) material and does Hera. eventually taking an Atlantean
Incredible (40) damage. surface albatross dubbed Triton Station
as their personal base of operations.
Spear: Excellent (20) material, and While Hippolyta was away answering
damage and can be thrown 5 areas. summons of their goddess at the
Olympus Corporation stationed in New
Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown York City. She would come to the
Weapons, Bows, Military, Military captured fallen god inquiring about some
Strategy, Martial Arts B and E. Mystic mystic relics harbored from Atlantis' lost
Origin and Occult Lore. history, particularly a tablet belonging to
the Cult of Zhered-Na which lead to a
Contacts: Hippolyta and the Amazons. relic capable of Manipulating the Axis
Mundi held in place by the Titan Atlas.
Running Artume: After having secured their fortress she
Artume is a psychopath. She is an would search for the supposed Eromenos
uncaring, unfeeling man hating woman of Hercules eventually seeking both them
filled with rage and hate for mankind, her and another of his consorts by the name
mother, the gods and anyone but her. of Namora on a secluded island. While
her forces dealt with the Atlantean and
HISTORY: Olympian a second strike team lead by
Artume was a creation of the Amazon Artume herself would secure the teen
Queen sculpted from basic stone and genius Amadeus Cho whom she then
then brought to life via a reversal of the seduced and tricked into deciphering the
legendary Gorgon's curse bringing her tablet for the location of the Omphalos.
inanimate form to life. Her mother hoped When her Demi-Goddess mother had
she'd be a symbol with which the Amazon returned ordering her soldiers to stand
culture could usher in a brand new age of down, Artume appeared boasting of her
peace, truth and solemnity for their ascendance to the throne wherein she
nation, but this scenario proved less than shot her former queen dead and
satisfactory to the amazonian upstart. decapitated her place the head on a
Who being raised in their fascist semi- spear in a secluded station of their
xenophobic culture of right-wing warrior headquarters. Upon the completion of the
women found her natural apathetic desired task Artume then double crossed
proclivities, due in part to having a heart Amadeus as well, having him locked up in
of stone; exponentially worsened when the brig as she and her warriors
ARTUME OF THE AMAZONS Mikaboshi and his demonic armies eventually set out in an Atlantean crafted
mowed through the Olympians and she cruiser, heading towards the last known
F Rm (30) Health: 130 along with her clan were called to arms in location of the Omphalos which was at
A Rm (30) their defense. It was here in the heat of the bottom of the Atlantic Trench.
S In (40) Karma: 60 battle were the Amazonian princess found
E In (40) her true calling which would deviate from While on their journey Artume spied how
R Gd (10) Resources: In anything her mother Hippolyta ever had in her personal shield maiden Delphyne
I Ex (20) mind, and here she would begin plotting Gorgon had taken a liking to the now
P Rm (30) Popularity: -10 to take the world for her own after captive super genius behind her back. As
Olympus itself had crumbled. the two made way to the last known
KNOWN POWERS: location of the artifact they desired her
Body Armor: Remarkable (30) With The Amazons now stranded back on ward managed to retrieve the said relic
earth after the fall of patron god and while The Amazon Queen dealt with its
skyfather, Zeus and the destruction of abominable defenses, only for Artume to

shoot Delphyne in the back with a
harpoon at the first opportunity for all of Contacts: Aphrodite, Jason and the
her earlier infidelities against her and the Argonauts, Hercules. Her husband
Amazon culture. Going so far as to inform Melanion.
Cho of her former aid's demise at her
hands. Making their way to Washington, Running Atlanta:
DC; where the Axis Mundi and Atlas' A huntress and tracker, this feral warrior
world center position had been placed was among the fastest and best archers
after President George Washington set to ever live having killed 2 centaurs with a
down the first cement block founding its bow, at the same time.
first national monument as the seat of
global central power. She and her forces HISTORY:
were met with opposition by Hercules, Atlanta's parentage is uncertain. Her
Namora and Athena, whom helped parents may have benn King Iasus and
Hercules track their next likely position to Clymene. She came into the world in the
take the Navel urn. "undesirable state" of being female. As a
result, her father had her carried into the
After inciting a ritualistic dialect to relive woods and left to die. However, a bear
the titan of his burden and setting him found her and adopted her. As she grew
upon the prince of power as a distraction, older she began to spend time with
Artume continues to chant to the mystic hunters and was soon the best amongst
object in order to shift the axis of reality to them. She loved hunting and the outdoors
her own demented image. Even sticking
ATLANTA and had no use for a man in her life. She
through it when her stolen transport was also received an oracle that her marriage
brought down in the ensuing battle of F Ex (20) Health: 76 would end in disaster. She had no
gods and mortals; until it is knocked out of A Ex (20) compunction in defending her virginity.
her hands by a bullet fired from her S Ty (6) Karma: 40 When the centaurs Rhoecus and Hylaeus
excommunicated right hand woman by E Rm (30) attempted to rape her, she killed them
aid of an escaped Amadeus. During the R Gd (10) Resources: Pr with her arrows. She wished to join the
hustle and bustle of reality shifts between I Ex (20) Argonauts, but Jason wouldn’t allow a
the various hands who possessed the P Gd (10) Popularity: +10 woman among the crew, fearing problems
universe altering item in question, Artume might occur, similar to those during the
snuck in a cheap shot against its last LIMITATIONS: hunt. Her skills allowed her to draw first
handler before completing the chanting Vow of Virginity: Atlanta swore to blood during the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
rite which enabled her to take the reins of Aphrodite to protect her maidenhood and Her contribution to the hunt was marred
reality into her hands. This short lived the gods destroy those who break their when a quarrel over giving her a trophy
world where Amazonia reigned supreme vows. resulted in the death of Meleager and his
and steadily began to winnow the male uncles.
populous of the world to the point of EQUIPMENT:
extinction was undone with the death of Leather hunting jacket: Good (10) At the funeral games honoring Pelias,
its creator in it, resulting in the demise of material, Poor (4) vs. Physical. Atlanta entered the wrestling contests.
the former Amazon queen in the There, she gained more fame by scoring
mainstream. Who upon her demise Bow and 30 arrows: Excellent (20) a victory over Peleus. She achieved
reverted back to stone and crumbled to Material, Good (10) damage. 5 area enough that her father forgave her for not
dust as the amazonian gorgon was range. being a son and allowed her to return
crowned new queen of the Amazons. home. Once there, he attempted to fulfill
Artume was last seen within a court of the Short Sword and Dagger: Excellent (20) his fatherly obligations by finding her a
Underworld headed by Zeus's brother material and Good (10) and Typical (6) husband. For her to simply refuse might
Pluto as his judge, with her and a host of damage arouse dangerous resentment. Instead
deceased villains and n'ere dowels from she proposed a test. The successful
earth present at the sentencing of the Talents: Weapon Specialist: Bow, suitor would have to beat her in a foot
deceased Lord of Olympus for his past Marksman, Sharp Weapons, Hunting, race. Losing suitors would be beheaded
crimes and atrocities done in sacrifice to Tracking. She spoke Ancient Greek and by her. As Atlanta was one of the fastest
his name. Latin. mortals this appeared to ensure her

maidenhood. For quite some time this Contacts: As king of Elis, Augeas had
worked. Some say that she evened the contacts with his leaders and soldiers. At
odds by wearing armor while she ran. one time he was part of Jason's
Others say that she gave the suitors a Argonauts and would have known
head start of half the distance. In any Hercules before their falling out.
case the heads stacked up. Melanion fell
in love with her. He knew that he was not Running Augeas:
fast enough to win the race. So he did Once upon a time Augeas was a brave
what many frustrated lovers had done; he warrior serving alongside Jason and the
prayed to Aphrodite for help. Aphrodite Argonauts. He went on epic adventures
had a weakness for lovers and a concern and fought all manner of beasts and
about those that rejected romance to the creatures. But power and wealth changes
degree that Atlanta did. Aphrodite people and when he met Hercules again,
presented Melanion with three golden years later, he felt no obligation to keep
apples and a plan. In return, Melanion his promises or honor his debts to his
was to sacrifice to Aphrodite. Melanion one-time friend.
then ran his race with Atlanta carrying the
apples with him. When Atlanta caught up HISTORY:
to him he tossed the first apple at her Augeas and Hercules were one part of
feet. The sight of the magic golden apple the Argonauts together and after many
was irresistible to Atlanta. She stopped to adventures together, they parted
pick it up confident that she could make company. Many years later and now King
up the time. Soon enough she was once Augeas of Elis, he owned more cattle
again passing Melanion. He threw the than anyone in Greece, and was among
second apple, this time further to the side. the richest men in Greece. Thousands of
Again, she lost time retrieving the apple. cows lived in his Augean Stables. In 1272
As she again caught up the finish line was KING AUGEAS OF ELIS B.C., as part of his Twelve Labors,
near and chasing the third thrown apple Hercules was told to clean them
cost her the race. F Ex (20) Health: 60 completely, but Hercules bet a tenth of
A Gd (10) the stock that he could told to clean them
Despite her resistance, marriage seemed S Gd (10) Karma: 30 completely in a single day. While
to suit Atlanta. Melanion's happiness and E Ex (20) Hercules actually tried to the task
joy was so great he completely forgot his R Gd (10) Resources: In manually, in vain, Forgotten One, an
obligations to sacrifice to Aphrodite. As I Gd (10) Eternal who was mistaken for Hercules,
usual when messing up with the gods P Gd (10) Popularity: +20 diverted two rivers so that they flowed into
payback was severe. Aphrodite waited the stables, sweeping out the filth. When
until Melanion and Atlanta were passing a EQUIPMENT: Augeas refused him the promised
shrine to a god, possibly Zeus. She then Armor and Helmet: Excellent (20) payment, Hercules swore revenge and,
hit them with overwhelming desire. material, Typical (6) vs. Physical. after his Labors were complete, gathered
Melanion took Atlanta into the shrine and an army to invade the country. The king
lay with her. At that point, the infuriated Sword: Excellent (20) material, Good (10) at first repelled the hero with the help of
god turned them both into lions. This was damage. several allies, including his nephews, the
regarded as poetic as it was believed twin Molionidai, and Amarynkeus.
lions could mate only with leopards. Agean Stables: Augeas owned thousands Hercules was also struck down by illness,
of cattle and had, what was largely further stalling the campaign. After his
One mystery concerning Atlanta - despite considered, the largest herd of cattle in recovery, he ambushed and slew the
her vow, she had a son, Parthenopaeus. existence at the time. twins at Kleonai before launching a
The father is unknown. Melanion and second invasion. This time he conquered
Meleager have been suggested, but were Talents: Sharp Weapons, Military, the country, slaying King Augeas in battle.
with Atlanta briefly. Out of Business/Finance (as a cattle owner of To celebrate his victory Hercules founded
embarrassment, she left him on a the time) and Leadership. Augeas spoke the Olympic Games near the Eleian town
mountain. He was found and became a Ancient Greek and Latin. of Pisa.
hero in his own right.

Cadmus, the grandson of Posideon, the
son of King Agenor, of Phoenicia and
brother of Europa. Europa was carried off
by Zeus, king of the gods, and Cadmus
was sent out to find her. Unsuccessful, he
consulted the Delphic oracle, which
ordered him to give up his quest, follow a
cow, and build a town on the spot where
she lay down. The cow guided him to
Boeotia (Cow Land), where he founded
the city of Thebes. Later, Cadmus sowed
in the ground the teeth of a dragon he CASSANDRA
had killed. From these sprang a race of
fierce armed men, called Sparti (meaning F Pr (4) Health: 24
Sown). The Sparti fought one another A Ty (6)
CADMUS until only five survived. These five S Pr (4) Karma: 40
assisted him in building the Cadmea, or E Gd (10)
F Ex (20) Health: 70 citadel, of Thebes and became the R Gd (10) Resources: Ex
A Gd (10) founders of the noblest families of that I Gd (10)
S Gd (10) Karma: 50 city. Cadmus later took as his wife P Ex (20) Popularity: +10
E Rm (30) Harmonia, daughter of the divinities Ares
R Gd (10) Resources: Ex and Aphrodite, by whom he had a son, KNOWN POWERS:
I Ex (20) Polydorus, and four daughters, Ino, Precognition: Incredible (40) ability to
P Ex (20) Popularity: +15 Autonoë, Agave, and Semele. For her foretell the future.
liaison with Zeus, Semele was destroyed
Note about abilities: Unlike other epic by Hera’s plan. Ino was driven mad by LIMITATIONS:
heroes descended from the gods, Hera and jumped with her one surviving Cursed: Apollo, despite being able to take
Cadmus never became a demi-god due son into the sea. Autonoë’s son Actaeon the gift away, instead decided that no one
to conflicts with Ares. was killed by his hounds, and Agave— would believe her predictions.
with the help of Ino and Autonoë—
EQUIPMENT: unknowingly killed her son, Pentheus. Talents: Cassandra spoke Ancient Greek
Armor: Remarkable (30) material and After Pentheus’s death, Cadmus and and Latin.
offers Good (10) protection. Harmonia finally retired to Illyria. But
when the Illyrians later angered the gods Contacts: King Priam and Queen
Sword: Remarkable (30) material and and were punished, Cadmus and Hecabe as well as her brothers: Hector,
does Excellent (20) damage. Harmonia were saved, being changed Paris and Helenus.
into black serpents and sent by Zeus to
Spear: Excellent (20) material and the Islands of the Blessed (Elysian Running Cassandra:
damage and can be thrown 5 areas. Fields). Cassandra was a normal girl, hounded by
mortal and immortal men alike. She came
Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown
to hate Apollo more than any other for
Weapons, Military, Leadership. Cadmus
having cursed her with the ability to
spoke Ancient Greek and Latin.
foretell the future, but leaving her unable
to be believed on the matter.
Contacts: King Agenor, of Phoenicia and
Europa, his sister. He was the creator of
the Sparti who helped him found Thebes.
Cassandra was a mortal princess of the
city of Troy, for Cassandra was the
Running Cadmus:
daughter of King Priam of Troy, and his
Cadmus is a powerful and dedicated
wife Hecabe (Hecuba). Cassandra would
warrior. He would lay down his life for
have many siblings, for some said that
those he loves and protects, in the end
Priam fathered 100 children, but amongst
that cost him everything.
the most notable were Hector and Paris,

and also Cassandra’s twin brother Weaknesses:
Helenus. Cassandra would grow up to Reputation: Centaurs are thought of as
become the most beautiful of all of King scholars or drunkards. Should a player
Priam’s daughters and as a result she wish to play to this archetype, give them
had many potential suitors, both mortal +10 karma for good role-playing.
and immortal. Apollo, smitten with the
beauty of Cassandra, attempts to seduce EQUIPMENT:
the mortal princess. To help sway Armor: This Unearthly (100) armor
Cassandra, Apollo offers up the gift of reinforces his body armor, providing:
prophecy, a gift which Cassandra willingly Remarkable (30) protection.
accepts. Having accepted the gift though,
Cassandra then rebuts the sexual Sword: This Unearthly (100) sword inflicts
advances of Apollo. A spurned Apollo Incredible (40) damage and is capable of
could have simply taken Cassandra’s new firing Unearthly (100) energy blasts up to
ability away from her, but in an act of 3 areas range.
vengeance, Apollo instead decides to
curse the woman who spurned him. Thus, Talents: Sharp Weapons, Martial Arts B
from that day on, Cassandra’s prophecies and E, Military, Trivia related to Ancient
would always come to pass, but no one Greece, Olympus and Greek Mythology.
would ever believe her predictions. He speaks Ancient Greek, Latin and
Subsequently, Cassandra would then English.
teach her twin brother Helenus how to
see in the future, and so good was Contacts: Eris
Cassandra as a tutor that Helenus’
predictions would also always come true, Running Centaurion:
although of course, Helenus’ would be Centaurion is an immortal mercenary,
believed. created in Olympus and making his
CENTAURION reputation across the face of Earth, taking
jobs where his paymasters send him.
F Rm (30) Health: 150
A Ex (20) HISTORY:
S Am (50) Karma: 50 Centaurion is a demi-god from Olympus
E Am (50) that was sent by Eris to capture a young
R Gd (10) Resources: Un mystic named Kyllian Kell after she
I Gd (10) learned that he was the host for three
P Rm (30) Popularity: +10 Celtic Gods. Centaurion confronted
Kyllian on the streets of New York City
KNOWN POWERS: and struck with an energy bolt from his
Land Movement: Good (10) sword. The powers of the Celtic trio that
reside within Kyllian protected him from
Body Armor: Excellent (20). near death. Kyllian counterattacked when
his stone symbol on his chest activated
Immortality: Centaurion has immortality and Centaurion's legs were engulfed by
and is unable to die anywhere but the ground. Centaurion was trapped so
Olympus. Kyllian fired a mystic bolt to crack a fire
hydrant where a strong stream of water
Invulnerability to Disease: Cl1000. blasted the Centaur warrior. Centaurion
broke free and fired another bolt of
Hyper-Leaping: Monstrous (75). energy at Kyllian. The young mystic
 Hyper-Kicking: Monstrous (75) raised his staff and absorbed the attack.
damage. Kyllian re-channeled the blast at
Centaurion and knocked him out. Eris
appeared to check on Centaurion and
saw him on the ground. Centaurion

quickly revived and apologized to Eris for Talents: Trivia related to Ancient Greece,
failing his mission and wanted another Olympus and Greek Mythology. Chaga
chance to redeem his honor. Eris told speaks Ancient Greek, Latin and English.
Centaurion the time wasn't right and they Mystic Origin, Occult Lore.
returned back to Olympus after she
opened a portal with the Salts of Contacts: Hercules and Thor.
Running Chaga:
Chaga is an ancient witch who has
knowledge of the inner workings of the
political powers of Olympus and the rest
of the godly pantheons. She speaks in
riddles and vague generalities.

Chaga was a witch visited by Thor and
Hercules when they were trying to find out
who had kidnapped the Asgardian Krista.
She revealed to them the alliance
between Pluto and Ares.
F Pr (4) Health: 64
A Ty (6)
S Pr (4) Karma: 70
E Am (50)
R Gd (10) Resources: Ty
I Gd (10)
P Am (50) Popularity: +5

Body Armor: Typical (6).

Immortality: Once she ascended to

Olympus and demi-god status, Chaga
gained immortality and she became
unable to die anywhere but Olympus.

Magic: Chaga is capable of using all 3

forms of Energy and casting spells up to
Remarkable (30) ability.

Age: Despite the fact that Chaga is
immortal, she's old and it's hard to get
around, her movement is limited to 1 area
around, despite her endurance.

Walking Staff: This Amazing (50) material
staff doubles as a focus for her magical
powers, granting her +1 C/S when using
Eldritch Blast, Beam or Shield.

Running Charon: When Hercules and Amadeus Cho came
Charon is a silent and dedicated Demi- to the underworld they traveled through
God. His negligence in his duties can be the new location of Erebus which is now
counted on one hand. He doesn't speak, in the form of a Casino based in Atlantic
maintaining a silent vigil. City on the Jersey Shore. After gambling
they went to the River Styx, where they
HISTORY: found the boat manned Charon which
Charon was the son of Erebus and Nyx, now appeared as an America River Boat
whose duty was to ferry over the River casino. Charon although still in his
Styx the souls of the deceased who had skeletal now wore a more modern
received the rites of burial. In payment, uniform. He was at first happy believing
Charon received the coin that was placed Hercules had died and was disappointed
in the mouth of the corpse. Due to his lot when he revealed he was just visiting. He
in life, Charon was a morose and grisly was still angry with the hero and decided
old man. During the Twelve Labors of to charge him 10,000 gold pieces in
Hercules, when he was sent to capture exchange for a ride to the Underworld.
and take Cerberus from Hades, Hercules Cho, who had just one a load of chips,
CHARON - THE FERRYMAN forced Charon to take him there. After payed the ferrymen, who reluctantly took
that, Pluto punished him for letting them to Tartarus, knowing he would be
F Gd (10) Health: 80 Hercules into the Underworld by keeping punished for his actions. When the God of
A Gd (10) him in chains for a whole year. War Ares died, Pluto ordered the
S Rm (30) Karma: 50 ferrymen to deliver him to the Elysian
E Rm (30) Doctor Strange and the X-Men found Fields, but when he was about to reach
R Gd (10) Resources: Ex themselves in the Underworld to recover their destination, he would teleport him
I Gd (10) Nightcrawler's soul and believed that from the boat and cast him to the lowest
P Rm (30) Popularity: -10 Margali Szardos wanted them to follow depths of the Underworld in a endless
the same path as Dante and meet "Satan" cycle of punishment. Deadpool and
KNOWN POWERS: himself. Opening the main gate of Thanos traveled to the Underworld, but
Body Armor: Good (10). warning, they came to the shores of the the arrival was far from easy as Deadpool
River Acheron. They were greeted by landed on the top of Charon. Due to his
Immortality: Charon gained immortality Charon, who warned the other X-Men that skeletal-like appearance, Deadpool
and is unable to die anywhere but if they follow Nightcrawler, they would believed he was his beloved Mistress
Olympus. share his fate: death. Unwilling to leave Death, and kissed him passionately,
their friend behind, the X-Men and Dr. much to his annoyance. It wasn't until
Weaknesses: Strange agreed to accompany Charon Thanos corrected him that Deadpool
Payment: Charon must receive payment across the River Acheron to a massive stopped.
for his services, failure to collect payment palace. Charon took Ka-Zar and his
on his part is a punishable offense. friends across the river on their journey to
the Underworld. Charon took Ares to
Vow of Silence: Charon doesn't speak; meet Pluto, in hopes of forming an
failure to maintain his vow results in alliance against Thor during a time when
punishment and loss of karma. he was suffering from madness. Charon
regularly took Hades through Tartarus to
EQUIPMENT: view all the tortured souls who were
Boat: Charon's boat holds as many dammed there. Hades used this time to
people as he needs to transport and plot his next attack against the Asgardian
moves at Typical (6) speed. Thor. Charon reluctantly took Hercules
and a film crew to the Underworld. When
Talents: Trivia related to Ancient Greece, one of them said in jest that he loved him
Olympus and Greek Mythology. Mystic on "Tales From the Crypt", Charon
Origin, Occult Lore, Navigation. reacted and broke his vow of silence to
curse out the man and strangle him.
Contacts: Pluto, Erebus (father) and Nyx

dead. Those thinking him dead included a HISTORY:
noble euboean named Lycus, who took Deianira of Calydon was the second
advantage of his absence to seize known wife of Hercules. She was the
Thebes, kill Creon, and condemn his daughter of Oeneus, King of Calydon and
daughter Megara (Hercules' wife) and her his wife Althaea. Some accounts suggest
three sons to death. she was actually the daughter of
Dionysus, patron deity of Oeneus. She
was at some point abducted by Nessus
the Centaur. When Hercules killed
Nessus, Nessus convinced her that his
blood could serve as a love potion when,
inevitably, Hercules' romantic attentions
would turn elsewhere. Several years later
Deinira used the potion, only to discover it
was a powerful poison.

The centaur's toxic blood burned

CREON, KING OF THEBES Heracles terribly, and eventually, he threw
himself into a funeral pyre. In despair,
F Gd (10) Health: 50
Deianira committed suicide by hanging
A Gd (10)
S Gd (10) Karma: 30
E Ex (20)
R Gd (10) Resources: In
I Gd (10)
P Gd (10) Popularity: +20

Armor and Helmet: Excellent (20)
material, Typical (6) protection.

Sword: Excellent (20) material, Good (10)

Talents: Sharp Weapons, Military, and
Leadership. Creon spoke Ancient Greek F Ty (6) Health: 28
and Latin. A Ty (6)
S Ty (6) Karma: 18
Contacts: Hercules, Megara (his E Gd (10)
daughter and Hercules wife) as well as R Ty (6) Resources: Gd
his leaders and soldiers. I Ty (6)
P Ty (6) Popularity: +10
Running Creon:
Creon was proud to have Hercules as his Talents: She spoke Ancient Greek and
son-in-law, but if there was one thing that Latin.
kept him from having the life he wanted it
was not having faith in Hercules to Contacts: Hercules. Oeneus, King of
complete his twelve labors. Calydon and his wife Althaea, as well as
his leaders and soldiers.
Creon was the King of Thebes. In 1277 Running Deianira:
B.C., as Creon's son-in-law Hercules was Deianira loved her husband and had good
achieving the final of his Twelve Labors of reason to be furious over his infidelities,
Hercules by going to the Underworld to he did love her and would never have
rescue Theseus, everyone thought him wanted the fate that befell her.

Leadership, Military, Military tactics,
Occult Lore.

Contacts: Amadeus Cho, Athena and

Hercules. The Amazons.

Running Delphyne:
Delphyne is a good person that was
raised by horrible people who led her
down a path that set her up for anger and
heartache. The one good thing that came
out of it was that she met and fell in love
with Amadeus Cho.

The gorgon Delphyne is descended from
the bloodline that was defeated by and
assimilated into the Amazonian nation.
DELPHYNE THE GORGON When Artume attempted to reshape
reality with the Atlantean Omphaios, ERGINUS, KING OF
F Rm (30) Health: 110 Delphyne turned on her and helped MINYANS
restore the timeline. Delphyne Gorgon, a
A Rm (30)
high-ranking Amazon warrior lacking F Ex (20) Health: 60
S Ex (20) Karma: 60
E Rm (30) petrification abilities, fought alongside A Gd (10)
R Gd (10) Resources: Gd Artume when Japanese god of evil S Gd (10) Karma: 22
Amatsu-Mikaboshi attacked Olympus as E Ex (20)
I Ex (20)
well as when Artume slew mother and R Ty (6) Resources: In
P Rm (30) Popularity: 0
queen of the Amazons, Hippolyta. I Ty (6)
KNOWN POWERS: Delphyne, however, fell in love with P Gd (10) Popularity: +20
Artume's prisoner, "hyper mind" genius
Body Armor: Good (10) vs. Physical.
Amadeus Cho, and attempted to save EQUIPMENT:
Blinding Touch: Delphyne can't petrify him from Artume, but she was seemingly Horned Helmet: Remarkable (30)
people. Her snakes are poisonous, killed when Artume stabbed her in the material, offers Typical (6) vs. Physical.
chest, unaware Gorgons could relocate
Typical (6) bite damage, causing Good
their hearts. Delphyne decapitated Armor: Excellent (20) material, offers
(10) blindness for 10D10 turns.
Artume, reverting her to her original form Typical (6) vs. Physical.
Resistance to Infrared detection: Due to and became queen of the Amazons.
Unable to be with Cho because of her Sword: Excellent (20) material, Good (10)
her cold blooded nature Delphyne has
status, Delphyne allied with the goddess damage.
this ability at Remarkable (30) rank.
Hera during her restructuring of Olympus,
EQUIPMENT: and with the Olympian god Hephaestus to Talents: Sharp Weapons, Military, and
awaken her stone-gaze power and kill Leadership. He spoke Ancient Greek and
Body Armor: The armor she wears only
Athena during Hera's battle with Hercules' Latin.
offers Good vs. Energy
allies. Turning Athena to stone, Delphyne
Sword: Amazing (50) material, Excellent granted all Gorgons human-like beauty; Contacts: His leaders and soldiers.
she hoped Cho would lover her despite
(20) damage.
her actions, but when Athena claimed Running Erginus:
Zeus' lightning bolt, she reactivated the Erginus was vindictive and hateful, he
Bow with 30 arrows: Amazing (50)
material, Excellent (20) Damage, 7 area curse, stripped Delphyne of her Amazon paid for his bad habits when Hercules
title and sentenced her to New Tartarus, killed him for slaying his human father.
range, ROF: 3.
under the Olympus Group Building.
Talents: Weapon Specialist: Sword and HISTORY:
Bow, Martial Arts A and E, Wrestling, The son of Minyan Orchomenos' King
Clymenus and his wife Budeia, Erginus

succeeded his father as the Minyans' king Contacts: His leaders and soldiers.
and led an attack on Thebes, but was
defeated and slain by Hercules. Running Eurystheus:
Eurystheus was craven and callow, being
extremely long lived didn't change him for
the better.

Eurystheus was the grandson of Perseus
and the Great King of Mycenae. He was
fated to be Hercules' hated rival from birth
and cousin. He was responsible for
commissioning the Twelve Labors of
Hercules. At each time Hercules returned
from a task, Eurystheus feared him so
much that would hide in a giant bronze
jar. After Hercules' death, he tried to
destroy everything related to Hercules, GERYON, THE THREE
but was eventually defeated by Hercules'
son Hyllus and was dragged towards HEADED GIANT
Alcmena (Hercules' mother). He tried to
explain to her he was doing Hera's will, F Rm (30) Health: 150
A Ex (20)
EURYSTHEUS but Alcmena pierced his eyes and Hyllus
S Am (50) Karma: 12
beheaded him. Hera came to the lifeless
body and resurrected him, and E Am (50)
F Rm (30) Health: 100
Eurystheus sewed his head back. Over R Pr (4) Resources: Pr
A Ex (20)
the years, he trained to cope with I Pr (4)
S Gd (10) Karma: 50
blindness, and also used plastic surgery. P Pr (4) Popularity: -10
E In (40)
R Gd (10) Resources: In
Allied with Achelous and under Hera's KNOWN POWERS:
I Gd (10)
secret leadership, he proposed to Retarded Aging: He ages 1 year for every
P Rm (30) Popularity: 0
Hercules to pass New Labors. Hercules 500.
KNOWN POWERS: managed to pass the final labor:
Obtaining the forgiveness of his wife Growth: Typical (6), Geryon is 20 feet in
Retarded Aging: After the resurrection of
Megara, whom he had murdered millenia height and is at +1 C/S to be hit.
Eurystheus by Hera he was able to sew
his own decapitated head back on. He before. Hera consequently left the
enraged Eurystheus to confront Hercules. Body Armor: Remarkable (30) vs.
would age 1 year for every 100.
After a brief brawl, Eurystheus was Physical, Good (10) vs. Energy
LIMITATIONS: decapitated by a falling mounted shield.
Three-Headed: He certainly doesn't gain
Blind: Eurystheus had his eyes gouged
any mental enhancement from having
out and is thus immune to vision based
three brains, rather than one.
attacks. He has trained himself to be able
to operate without his eyes.
Herd of Exotic Red Cattle: They're
Unknown state: Eurystheus isn't a demi-
exotic...and Red.
god nor does he have powers, he was
just resurrected and has continued to live
Talents: Blunt weapons, Leadership and
after sewing his own head back on.
Cattleherding. Geryon speaks Ancient
Greek and Latin.
Talents: Sharp Weapons,
Business/Finance, Eurystheus is multi-
Contacts: His fellow giants.
lingual speaking Ancient Greek, English
and Latin.

Running Geryon: HISTORY:
The giants are savage tribal creatures Hector was the many sons of Priam, King
who prefer uncooked and often raw fresh of Troy, and of Hecuba. Hector was
meat to eat. present when their estranged son Paris
(sent away at birth when he was foretold
HISTORY: to become the ruin of Troy) returned to
Geryon was a very strong giant with three court. At some point, he married
heads, and a Greek demigod. In the 13th Andromache, who bore him his son
century BC, he was king of Erytheia Astyanax.
(modern-day Spain). He was the owner of
a beautiful herd of cattle. Among the After Paris went to Sparta and stole Helen
Twelve Labors, Hercules had to steal the of Sparta and her dowry from King
herd and to do that he had to defeat the Menelaus, the Achaeans crossed the
giant that was guarding the herd. Aegean Sea and Menelaus, accompanied
HECTOR OF TROY by Odysseus and Palamedes, met with
Priam and Hector. The war consequently
F In (40) Health: 120 began, and the Achaeans shipped the
A Rm (30) shore of Troy. They held back from
S Ex (20) Karma: 60 leaping off the ships as it was foretold that
E Rm (30) the first of them to set foot would perish.
R Gd (10) Resources: Ty Iolaus rushed into and was killed by
I Ex (20) Hector who renamed his "Protesilaus",
P Rm (30) Popularity: +25 "the first of his people"... to die before
Troy. Instant later, Cycnus, a son of
KNOWN POWERS: Poseidon fighting for Troy, tried to be the
Despite his mythological status, Hector one to kill the second Achaean to brave
was completely human and never the shore, but was killed by Achilles,
attained Demi-God status. causing doubt among the Troyans who
retreated behind their city's walls.
Helmet and Armor: Remarkable (30) When a duel was set between Paris and
material, Good (10) vs. Physical (Head, Menelaus during the eight year of war,
chest, back and legs) Hector urged his brother to be brave if he
was to be defeated. Months later, Hector
Shield: Incredible (40) material, offering killed Achilles' friend Patroclus (wearing
40 points of protection on a shielding feat. Achilles' armor), and was himself killed by
Achilles (the Gods allegedly misled
Sword: Incredible (40) material, Excellent Hector and helped Achilles). Achilles
(20) damage. returned Hector's body to King Priam only
at Zeus' command, and was burned in a
Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown funeral fire. Hector was later avenged by
Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Military, his brother, as well aided by the god
Military Strategy. Hector spoke Ancient Apollo. At the end of the war, Hector's son
Greek and Latin. was killed on the advice of Odysseus and
of the seer Calchas to avoid he ever tried
Contacts: Priam, king of Troy and Queen to avenge his parents and city, and his
Hecuba, his 49 other brothers and the wife was taken by Achilles' son
army of Troy. Neoptolemus. In modern era, Hydra's
Infinitas Agenda's chief scientist Dr. Geist
Running Hector: used his blood (along with Achilles',
Hector is brave and strong, he is a hero of Thor's, Captain America's and others) to
the Trojan War who died in epic battle create Unsterblich, a godlike entity.
against Achilles.

suitors, was extremely well adjusted.
Becoming a demi-god didn't change her.

Helen was the daughter of the Olympian
ruler Zeus. She was married off to King
Menelaus of Sparta, and they had a child
together. The Trojan War was a war
between Greece and the City of Troy. The
strife began after the Trojan prince Paris
abducted Helen. When Menelaus
demanded her return, the Trojans
refused. Menelaus then persuaded his
brother Agamemnon to lead an army
against Troy.
In the 1940s, Helen of Troy joined many
of the Olympian pantheon in relocating to
Demi-Goddess of Perfection and
the Planet Venus while they were
temporarily under the rule of Venus. In
1948, when Venus briefly operated as a
F Gd (10) Health: 100
model and editor for Beauty Magazine on
A Gd (10)
Earth, she brought Helen and other
S In (40) Karma: 50
goddesses back to Earth to appear in a
E In (40)
magazine spread to rival Lovely Lady
R Gd (10) Resources: Un
Magazine's next issue that boasted to
I Ex (20)
have 10 of the most beautiful women on WARRIOR WOMAN
P Ex (20) Popularity: +75
the planet. Helen's contribution to Beauty
Magazine's rival spread helped it outsell Queen of Amazons
the competition.
Body Armor: Good (10). Hippolyta

Invulnerability to Disease: Cl1000. F Am (50) Health: 100

A Rm (30)
Immortality: Helen gained immortality and S Am (50) Karma: 50
she is unable to die anywhere but E Mn (75)
Olympus. R Gd (10) Resources: Un
I Ex (20)
Magic: Helen, once she ascended to P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
Demi-God status, Helen learned to
manipulate magical forces. KNOWN POWERS:
 Dimensional Travel: Good (10). Body Armor: Excellent (20).

Talents: Helen is multi-lingual in Ancient Immortality: Hippolyta is immortal and can

Greek, English and Latin. Mystic only die on Olympus.
Background and Occult Lore. As a demi-
god Helen learned Olympian Mythology, Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
Lore and History as well. languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
dialects, and alien languages.
Contacts: Zeus (her father), Hector of
Troy (her brother) Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.

Running Helen: Flight: Remarkable (30).

Helen, despite being extraordinarily
beautiful and sought after by many

Note on abilities: Once Hippolyta
became a demi-god, she gained the
above powers. Originally her FASE were -
1 C/S.

Battle Armor: Cl1000 Adamantine armor
that provides Amazing (50) protection
(Forged by Hephaestus).

Gauntlets of Ares: These gauntlets grant

Hippolyta Unearthly (100) strength while
engaged in combat. No health bonus.

Amulet of Pazuzu: This mystical device

has ill-defined powers and Hippolyta
doesn't seem to have it anymore.

Talents: Weapons Master, Marksman,

Martial Arts A, C and E, Wrestling,
Leadership, Military, Military tactics,
Hippolyta speaks Ancient Greek and
Latin. Occult Lore.

Contacts: Ares, Hercules and the

Olympian Gods. She is also the leader of
the Amazons.

Running Hippolyta:
Hippolyta is a violent and volatile person
who is ruled by her emotional responses
to stimuli, whether it is Hercules (who she
was once physical with...) or being
smacked and threatening to raze an
entire country for it.

Hippolyta was the daughter of the Ares,
God of War, and Otrera, first queen of the
Amazons, a tribe of warrior women who
founded the city of Themiscyra on the
Thermodon River in Anatolia. After many
years of ruling the Amazons, Hippolyta
eventually met Hercules when he, Jason,
and the Argonauts landed near her city
stronghold of Themiscyra. There they
attempted to steal Hippolyta's enchanted
girdle and any slaves they could along the
way. Initially resenting Hercules for the
initial invasion, Hippolyta eventually fell in
love with him. Over the centuries, she
made various attempts to win his
affection, but ultimately he never gave her
his heart. Thus a love/hate relationship

was formed between the two. During her HISTORY:
life she was the wielder of the Amulet of While history and mythology tell us that
Pazuzu. At the time of the Trojan War, Hylas was the son of Theiodamas, king of
Hippolyta was accidentally killed by her the Dryopians, the Roman version of the
sister Penthesileia during a hunt. story tells us that he was Hercules son,
Afterwards, Penthesileia grew in fear of by Theiodamas' wife, through an
the reproaches of her own, she became adulterous affair. Either way, when
haunted by the Furies, came to Troy to Hercules killed his father, he spared the
cleanse her soul, and died on the boy due to his great beauty which
battlefield. bewitched all who upon him, and made
him his companion and arms-bearer. In
In her first modern-day appearance, 1289 B.C., he accompanied him and the
Hippolyta helped Pluto, Greek god of the Argonauts during the Quest for the
dead, in his plan to avenge himself on Golden Fleece, sailing off the coast of
Hercules, by posing as a movie actress Mysia where he was abducted by water
and tricking the hero into signing a "movie nymphs and lost to Hercules forever.
contract" that in reality bound him to Hercules refused to stop searching for
Pluto's realm, Hades. But Thor came to HYLAS him, and so was left behind by the
his aid, and the heroes caused so much Argonauts.
damage to Hades that Pluto himself broke Arms-bearer of Hercules
the contract just to be rid of them. Pluto
then involved her in a plot to convince F Gd (10) Health: 36
Zeus that she should be married to A Gd (10)
Hercules and Venus to Ares. In reality, S Ty (6) Karma: 40
this would remove these two as obstacles E Gd (10)
while invading Olympus. This plot led to R Gd (10) Resources: Pr
the formation of the Champions of Los I Gd (10)
Angeles. Hippolyta also formed a new P Ex (20) Popularity: +50
generation of Amazons from female
runaways in New York City called the KNOWN POWERS:
Bacchae. The group clashed with such Physical Beauty: His great beauty
heroes as the Fantastic Four and the X- bewitched all who looked upon him, a
Men. After visiting her father Ares in an Psyche feat vs. Amazing (50) must be
attempt to rally him to one of Hera's new made whether human or not upon seeing
schemes, which he ruffed, she was him.
murdered by her daughter Artume, who
was tired of her mother's obsession with Talents: Hylas spoke Ancient Greek and
Hercules. Hela later brought Hippolyta Latin, Hylas was becoming a warrior
from the Underworld to help the Valkyrior under the teachings of his father Hercules
defeat the Doom Maidens. Hippolyta then and was familiar with Sharp Weapons
joined the Fearless Defenders as a full- and blunt weapons.
time member.
Contacts: Hercules, Jason and the

Running Hylas:
Hylas was a young man coming into his
own and discovering who his real father
was, after spending time believing other
stories told to him. His disappearances at
the hands of the River Nyphmes haunted
Hercules for some time.

Contacts: Hermes (his grandfather), greeted. They were told there were
Hercules and the Argonauts. supplies to be found beyond Bear
Mountain, where a mythical race of giants
Running Jason: called Gegeines lived. While the
Jason is a good and honest person who Argonauts were looking for supplies, the
overcame extraordinary obstacles to Gegeines attacked the ship; Heracles,
complete the Argonautic expedition to find who participated in the expedition,
the Golden Fleece. managed to kill many of them before the
rest of the Argonauts came and pushed
HISTORY: the giants back. At night, they set sail but
Jason was a hero in Greek mythology, a mistake caused them to land back on
the leader of the Argonautic Expedition in the island, where the Doliones, thinking
the quest of retrieving the Golden Fleece. they were enemies, attacked them; in the
He was the son of the king of Iolcus, battle that followed, many Doliones were
Aeson, but it is not certain who his mother killed. In the following day, the remorseful
was; various names appear in different Argonauts held funerals for the slain.
sources as his mother. When Jason was They then went to Thrace, where the
still a baby, his half-uncle Pelias, vying for kingdom of King Phineus was being
the throne of Aeson, killed all of Aeson's plagued by the Harpies. These monsters
children, and overthrew Aeson; however, were sent by Zeus to steal food every
JASON he failed to kill Jason. The baby was sent day. Jason helped the king and killed the
to the centaur Chiron, who nurtured him Harpies on their next attack. Phineus,
F Rm (30) Health: 90 to adulthood. Pelias, in the meantime, grateful for Jason's help, told the
A Ex (20) consulted an oracle that told him to be Argonauts where Colchis lay and how to
S Gd (10) Karma: 50 careful of a man with one sandal. Jason, pass through the Symplegades, the
E Rm (30) a grown man, returned to Iolcus to attend Clashing Rocks. These were huge rock
R Gd (10) Resources: Ty some games held by Pelias in honour of cliffs that would move and crush anything
I Ex (20) the god Poseidon; during his travel, he that passed between them. Phineus told
P Ex (20) Popularity: +25 lost one of his sandals in the river Jason to release a dove and see if it
Anauros while helping a disguised Hera would make it through, an omen for what
KNOWN POWERS: to cross. Hera secretly blessed Jason at would happen to the ship. The dove
Immortality: Once he ascended to that point. Jason appeared in front of successfully passed, losing only a few tail
Olympus, Jason was reincarnated and Pelias, asking for the throne as the feathers; so, when the ship travelled
could only be killed in Olympus. rightful heir of Aeson, but Pelias gave him through the rocks, only minor damages
the quest to bring the Golden Fleece in were caused at the stern of the ship.
EQUIPMENT: order to step down from the throne. Jason
Armor and Helmet: Amazing (50) material started creating a party of heroes, who Jason and the Argonauts eventually
and Good (10) Protection. were collectively called the Argonauts, reached Colchis, where they were
after the name of Jason's ship, Argo. The welcomed by King Aeetes. The Golden
Shield: Amazing (50) material, absorbing Golden Fleece was located in the Fleece was in the possession of the king,
50 points of damage if shielding, it can be mythical region of Colchis that would take gifted to him by Phrixus when he arrived
thrown 2 areas for Excellent (20) damage. a long time to reach. After the Argonauts there on a flying golden ram. Aeetes said
set sail, they first reached the island of he would give the fleece to Jason if he
Sword: Amazing (50) material, Lemnos. There, all the women of the successfully completed three tasks.
Remarkable (30) damage. island had killed their husbands after a Jason despared by his quests. Hera,
curse that had been afflicted on them by favouring him, convinced Aphrodite and
Spear: Amazing (50) material, inflicts the goddess Aphrodite, because she was Eros to make Medea, Aeetes' daughter,
Remarkable (30) damage and can be not properly worshipped. The Argonauts to fall in love with Jason and help him in
thrown 7 areas. stayed for a while there, sleeping with the the tasks. The first task was to plow a
women of the island and creating a new field using Khalkotauroi, fire-breathing
Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown race, called Minyans. oxen; Medea gave Jason an ointment that
Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Military, protected him from the fire. The second
Military Stratagety. Wrestling, Martial arts Their next stop after Lemnos was the land task was to sow dragon's teeth in the
E, Jason spoke Ancient Greek and Latin. of the Doliones, where they were warmly field, causing an army of stone warriors to

appear. Jason was forewarned by Medea, fearing he would kill them as retaliation. F Gd (10) Health: 80
and following her advice, threw a rock into She then abandoned Jason, flying to A Gd (10)
the army. The soldiers, not knowing who Athens on a dragon chariot sent by her S Rm (30) Karma: 14
had thrown the rock, killed each other. grandfather, the sun god Helios. Years E Rm (30)
The third task was to take the Golden later, Jason managed to reclaim the R Pr (4)
Fleece from a sleepless dragon. A throne of Iolcus with the help of his friend, I Ty (6)
sleeping potion, provided by Medea, was Peleus. However, he remained lonely, P Pr (4)
enough for Jason to overcome the dragon having lost the favour of Hera after
and take the Golden Fleece. After breaking his vows to Medea. He died KNOWN POWERS:
retrieving the fleece, Jason and the while sleeping under the stern of his ship Movement: 3/areas a/round.
Argonauts left, and Medea joined them. Argo, which having rotten fell on him. Bite: Good (10) damage
Aeetes tried to follow them, but Medea Hooves: Remarkable (30) blunt.
killed her brother and threw his pieces
into the sea, causing Aeetes to stop and Talents: Sharp Weapons, Military, and
retrieve them. Zeus, angry at Medea's act Leadership. Diomedes spoke Ancient
of killing her brother, caused a number of Greek and Latin.
storms on their way back. To redeem
themselves, they stopped at the island of Contacts: Ares (his father) as well as his
Aeaea, where the nymph Circe lived to be leaders and soldiers.
purified. They then went on. On their
voyage, they also met the Sirens that Running Diomedes:
caused ships to crash onto the reefs, as Diomedes is a son of Ares, god of war,
their captivating voices mesmerised the and he was a violent and arrogant man
crews; Orpheus, however, played the lyre give to his vices and anger. Diomedes is
and completely covered their voices, thus hungry for war.
managing to evade the ill fate. Near
Crete, they met Talos, a giant bronze HISTORY:
man, who guarded the island and threw Diomedes of Argos was a Greek King. He
stones at anyone approaching. Medea was related to Thersites by an unknown
cast a spell on him and they managed to blood relation. He was one of the many
remove the plug that kept Talos' ichor (the suitors of Helen. As such, he was made
divine blood) in his single vein. Thus, he
KING DIOMEDES OF ARGOS to swear loyalty to whoever Helen would
bled to death. choose for her mate by her father's
F Rm (30) Health: 90 Tyndareus, who feared civil war among
The Argonauts eventually managed to A Gd (10) the Argives. Menelaus was chosen by
return to their home. Jason found his S Ex (20) Karma: 40 Helen. King Diomedes possessed four
father Aeson at a very old age, and asked E Rm (30) man-eating mares that were stolen by
Medea to transfer some of his life to his R Gd (10) Resources: In Hercules as part of his eighth labor, in
father. Medea gave a few more years to I Ex (20) which he had to defeat Diomedes and his
Aeson, without removing them from P Gd (10) Popularity: +20 four mares by displaying his great
Jason, but by infusing Aeson's blood with strength.
magical herbs. Pelias' daughters asked EQUIPMENT:
her to do the same for their father; Medea Armor and Helmet: Excellent (20) material After Paris of Troy came to Sparta and
tricked them into killing him instead. As a and Typical (6) vs. Physical. stole Helen, Diomedes fulfilled his oath
result, Pelias' son exiled Jason and and joined Menelaus under his brother
Medea. The couple went to Corinth, Sword: Excellent (20) material, Good (10) Agamemnon's leadership. When
where Jason fell in love and was engaged damage. Palamedes shamed Odysseus and was
with Creusa. Medea, infuriated, later found drowned when he had gone
confronted Jason, but he ignored her. As 4 Man-eating Mares: Podargos (the swift), fishing, it was asked if Diomedes and
a revenge, Medea killed Creusa by giving Lampon (the shining), Xanthos (the Odysseus weren't gone with him.
her a dress that stuck on her and put her yellow) and Deinos (the terrible). Odysseus replied it was a lie, he and
on fire; her father Creon was also burned These 4 horses eat human flesh, but are Diomedes ready to use their spears for
trying to save his daughter. Medea then otherwise normal stallions with the anyone who would repeat it, and so, it
killed her sons that she had with Jason, following stats. was whispered among the Achaeans that

they had indeed killed him. Achilles was the Palladium, possibly aided by
also suspected as well. Diomedes. Diomedes was among the
warriors hidden inside the Wooden Horse,
After nine years of conflict, aboard his slaughtered the Trojan guards and
chariot, Diomedes battled Troy allies opened the doors for the Argive host to
Aeneas of Dardanus and Pandarus of invade the city. Agamemnon entered
Lycia. He was protected from Pandarus' Priam's palace with at his side Diomedes
weapons by Athena, who also guided his and Neoptolemus. Diomedes then
own javelin towards Pandarus, killing him. intercepted Ajax the Lesser who had
He then grabbed a massive boulder, and profaned Athena's temple to take
hurled it towards Aeneas. Hurt, Aeneas Cassandra as his concubine. Ajax was
was joined by his goddess-mother immediately stoned by his peers for his
Aphrodite, but Diomedes wounded her as blasphemy, and retreated into the temple
well, in the palm and just above the wrist, where he was left to be. Returning to
causing her to retreat. Still determined to Argos, Diomedes met little trouble and
achieve Aeneas, Diomedes was then arrived safe at home.
opposed by Thor, Asgardian god of
Thunder and recent friend of Aeneas. As
his spear and sword were destroyed by
Mjolnir, Diomedes preferred to retreat and
seeked humans to battle. He went into
Ares, the God of War (who had joined the
Trojans) and wasn't able to turn aside.
Thanks to Athena's intervention, his KYKNOS
sword struck into Ares' chest, forcing him
to retreat to Olympus. Months later, when F Am (50) Health: 90
Amazon Queen Penthesileia joined the A Ex (20)
Trojans, she looked for Diomedes, Ajax S Am (50) Karma: 50
and Achilles. After Achilles defeated her, E Am (50)
he gazed upon her body and was mocked R Gd (10) Resources: Ty
by Thersites, whom he killed, causing I Ex (20)
rejoice among the Achaeans, except for P Ex (20) Popularity: -15
Diomedes who wished for a moment to
avenge him. KNOWN POWERS:
Body Armor: Excellent (20)
After Odysseus trapped Priam's son, the
prophet Helenus, he obtained from him Horns: Remarkable (30) material horns.
that Troy would not fall until the Bow of He can charge for Amazing (50) damage.
Heracles loosed arrows against it, and
also that he needed to steal the Palladium EQUIPMENT:
(Athena's image) from her temple in Troy. Battle Axe: Given to him by Ares,
Diomedes was dispatched to Tenedos to Unearthly (100) material double bladed
retrieve Philoctetes who had been left axe does Amazing (50) damage.
there after having been wounded during
the trip to Troy. As Eurypylus of Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown
Teuthrania had come to help Priam, and Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Military,
as an oracle had decreed that Troy would Military Strategy and Occult Lore. Kyknos
fall only when the son of Achilles would spoke Ancient Greek and Latin.
fight beside the Achaeans, Odysseus and
Diomedes went to Scyros to retrieve Contacts: Ares (His father)
Achilles' son Neoptolemus.
Running Kyknos:
Once the Wooden Horse trick was Kyknos was a murderous psychopath,
devised, Odysseus went into Troy to steal whose idea of a good time was killing

tourists and travelers so he could use  Claws and Teeth: Remarkable (30).
their bones to build a temple to his father.  Infravision: 5 area, Excellent (20).
His biggest mistake in life, was picking a  Invulnerability: Amazing (50) vs. all
fight with Hercules trying to take his head forms of damage unless it's inflicted
to add it to the temple in progress. with silver or by Magic.

HISTORY: From the Symbiote:

Kyknos was the son of Ares, Greek God Many of these powers come from the
of war, and a mortal woman. He decided symbiote that Marcus wears as a
to build a temple to his father, but during costume. The costume can alter its size
this effort he was killed by Hercules, thus and color at Marcus' desire, dressing him
sparking Ares' long-standing rivalry with in any style he prefers. Characters
the Prince of Power. Kyknos went to adjacent to Marcus may attempt to target
Hades when he died, and remained there the costume itself at -4 C/S. The costume
for thousands of years. When Hercules has Remarkable (30) vs. blunt and edged
journeyed to the underworld to recover physical attacks, but none against energy
Zeus, Kyknos was part of the jury that attacks. It has 30 points of Health, and
Hercules had to beat to free him. During automatically recovers 6 points of Health
Norman Osborn's period in power, Hera each round it's injured. If it is taken below
came to Hades and recruited Kyknos to 0 Health, the costume is "unconscious"
be her new god of war. In exchange, all for 1-10 hours.
he had to do was kill his father. Kyknos  Claws: Remarkable (30) damage.
agreed, but was killed by his father.  Elongation: Excellent (20) rank.
 Weapon Creation: Marcus can create
the following to inflict Strength level
edged damage: blades and spikes.
 Prehensile tentacles: Marcus' tentacles
MARCUS can stretch up to 1 area, attacking for
grappling or with hand held or created
The Diabetic Gladiator Centaur weapons.
Werewolf with a Symbiote and Robot
Legs From the Robotic Legs:
This allows him to move and inflicting
F Am (50) Health: 180 Amazing (50) kicking damage.
A Rm (30)
S Am (50) Karma: 70 Weaknesses:
E Am (50) The symbiote is vulnerable to sonics, it
R Gd (10) Resources: Gd suffers +3CS of damage and fire, it suffer
I Am (50) + 1CS damage.
P Gd (10) Popularity: +10
Vulnerability to Silver: If struck by a silver
KNOWN POWERS: weapon, he takes damage. A Red or
Yellow result means an Endurance FEAT
As a Centaur: on the "Kill" column.
Land Movement: Good (10)
Reputation: Centaurs are often thought of
Body Armor: Typical (6) vs. Physical, as either scholars or drunkards. Should a
Poor (4) vs. Energy player wish to play to either of this
archetypes, give them an additional +10
As a Werewolf: karma for good role playing.
Lycanthropy: Marcus transforms into a
bipedal savage Centaur-wolf creature at Diabetic: Marcus must maintain healthy
night regardless of the phases of the blood sugar levels or have his attributes

drop by -1 C/S for every six hours he used a motorcycle to bat him through a
goes without regulation. nearby window. But, no matter what they
threw at him, Deadpool kept getting back
Talents: Sharp Weapons, Martial Arts B up.
and E, Repair/Tinker, Military, Trivia
related to Ancient Greece, Olympus and Eventually the clock struck midnight and
Greek Mythology. Marcus speaks Ancient Marcus stopped to ask Deadpool for a
Greek, Latin and English. Marcus is a hit timeout to balance his blood sugar. Not
with all the ladies as he can drink till the wanting to kill a woozy opponent,
cows come home and knows just the Deadpool gave Marcus the time he
poetry to recite, should he looking for needed, while he Tweeted about the
companionship... break he was taking from the fight. As
they returned to the fight, Deadpool
Contacts: Dracula and the other questioned Marcus about long term
members of the 'Frightful Four'. effects of his diabetes, to which Marcus
revealed he does worry about losing his
Running Marcus: hooves to the disease. Deadpool then MEDUSA THE GORGON
Marcus is a diehard merc who doesn't chopped off his hooves, and knocked him
turn down jobs for wimpy reasons like into some nearby wet cement, before Medusa aka May Dusa
'Morales' or 'Ethics'. As a Diabetic finally flattening him with a steamroller.
Gladiator Centaur Werewolf with a Marcus was later revealed to have F Ex (20) Health: 90
Symbiote and Robot Legs he is the real survived his previous encounter with A Gd (10)
deal, as well as all that and a bag of chilli Deadpool and was living in Monster S Ex (20) Karma: 50
Fritos too! Metropolis with his amputated legs having E In (40)
been replaced by robotic prosthesis. R Gd (10) Resources: Ex
HISTORY: I Gd (10)
Marcus was once a Centaur from ancient P Rm (30) Popularity: -30
Greece. He was later bitten by a
Werewolf and then bound to a Symbiote, KNOWN POWERS:
culminating in him gaining their myriad of Body Armor: Good (10) vs. Physical.
abilities. Dracula recruited Marcus as his
secret weapon, whom he described as "a Petrification vision: Amazing (50) ability to
perfect soldier with no weaknesses". After turn victims to stone if they see her.
growing impatient while waiting for the Endurance feat vs. power rank
delivery of his bride-to-be, Dracula hired
four mercenaries -- Frankenstein's Talents: Bows and Swords, Mystic origin,
Monster, N'Kantu, the Living Mummy, Occult lore and she is Multi-Lingual
Xzax, and Marcus to form the New speaking Ancient Greek, Latin and
Frightful Four and tasked them with English. Medusa is a trained
hunting down Deadpool and escorting photographer.
Shiklah to the Monster Metropolis
beneath Manhattan. The gang of monster Contacts: Other Gorgons.
mercenaries tracked Deadpool and
Shiklah to Saint Patrick's Cathedral were Running Medusa:
they were hiding from a horde of Medusa is petty and vindictive. She
costumed Vampires. They attacked him gathers victims, like little girls gather dolls
but they escaped through a stain-glass to play with.
window as Deadpool booby trapped the
door with C-4. However, the team HISTORY:
recovered from the explosion and Medusa, alongside her sister Gorgons,
attacked. During the fight N'Kantu was created by the ancient Titans
changed Deadpool's gun into a snake Phorcys and Ceto. After the Olympians
which he used to strangle Marcus with. triumphed over the Titans, the Gorgons
Marcus threw Deadpool at Frank who became priestesses of Athena and took a

vow of celibacy. Eventually Medusa broke when the owner challenged him to open
the vow and ultimately gave birth to the door himself, he fled in terror,
Poseidon's son, Cyclops. Athena found convinced. Years later Mr. and Mrs. Grey
out that Medusa had broken the vow and bought the cursed European castle with
disgraced the goddess' temple. She Medusa imprisoned inside. Mr. Grey
transformed the Gorgon sisters into scaly unknowingly released Medusa from her
hags with snakes for hair. The Gorgons prison, but she failed to turn to stone.
fled Olympus to Earth to live in isolation Thinking that her own curse had been
while petrifying unwitting victims, literally. somehow lifted, she looked at herself in
All their descendants bore the same the mirror turning herself to stone.
curse creating a mythical species of
Gorgons. Sometime in the fourteenth In modern times the head of Medusa was
century BCE, Perseus located the found in an archaeological dig in Greece
Gorgons' hermitage in the wilderness by Mr. Collins. He held on to the head for
surrounded by the petrified victims. Using many decades, until it was stolen from
his shield's reflective surface, Perseus him by. Mr. Collins hired Moon Knight to
beheaded Medusa and subsequently recover the head of Medusa. Spector
used her head as a weapon. After managed to recover the head but in a
Medusa's death, her daughter relocated petrified state. More recently the original
to subterranean world below Athens - Medusa was brought back to life via the
Medusa-Land. Medusa's daughter, who Hand's resurrection ritual alongside with
took her mother's name, became the ruler number of Ancient Greek monsters to be
of the city. Her descendants, each took used by Matsu'o Tsurayaba against
the name Medusa and ruled the city after Wolverine and Hercules. Medusa's attack MEGARA
the deaths of their mothers. Generations was unsuccessful and resulted in
later King Kreon of Pylos sent Hercules to beheading. Ironically enough, her head F Ty (6) Health: 28
retrieve the gold of Medusa from the Isle was uses as a weapon against another A Ty (6)
of Fear. On the island he encountered resurrected Ancient Greek monstrosity, S Ty (6) Karma: 40
Medusa, alive and well, concealing her the Kraken. E Gd (10)
face behind a hood. Hercules and the R Gd (10) Resources: Ex
Argonauts ended up slaying her once I Gd (10)
again. With Medusa's death, Jason and P Ex (20) Popularity: +10
all her prior victims reverted back to flesh.
Talents: Megara spoke Ancient Greek
Somehow turning up alive again in the and Latin.
1920's, Medusa became a famous
photographer named "May Dusa". During Contacts: King Creon (her father) and
the same era Professor Lansing Hercules (husband).
discovered the Medusa-Land and
attempted an expedition to discover its Running Megara:
riches. Sometime later Medusa moved to Megara was the wife of Hercules and was
Paris, France with a blind man from killed by him through the acts of Hera.
Greece, her husband. He wins an art
competition by using one of Medusa's HISTORY:
victims as an art piece. At some event Megara was a mortal woman descended
Medusa or one of her descendants from the House of Cadmus in Thebes,
became imprisoned by a curio shop Greece, circa 13th BC. She was the
owner. A robber was turned to stone upon daughter of King Creon. When he heard
discovering Medusa behind a vault door. that the neighboring kingdom of Thebes
The shop owner placed the criminal's had been taken over by Minyans and the
stone body in his shop. Sometime later, a army defeated, he led a band of Theban
customer wanted to know the story warriors to drive the Minyans out and
behind the "statue", and the owner told restore King Creon to the throne. Creon,
him; the customer did not believe him, but in gratitude, gave him Megara as wife.

Megara and Hercules had three sons; By 1240 BC, when many Argive (Greek)
Therimachus, Deicoon, and Creontiades. princes asked for Helen's hand, her father
The couples were happy with their family Tyndareus had them all swear loyalty to
until Hercules was called away on some the one she would choose for her mate.
adventure and the kingdom was left Helen then chose Menelaus as such, and
defenseless. He is performing the last of they had a child. One day, Paris, son of
his famous Twelve Labors and is in the King Priam of Troy, came to Sparta's
underworld attempting to subdue the court, having been secretly promised by
three-headed dog Cerberus. Aphrodite the hand of Helen. As
Menelaus was called away, summoned to
When Hercules finally comes home, he Crete by his grandsire, Aphrodite caused
defeats and kills Lycus and then gives Helen to become smitten with Paris, and
thanks to the gods for his timely arrival brought her and her dowry, great
and the safety of his family. As he is
MENELAUS, KING OF treasures, to Menelaus back to Troy. Iris,
praying, however, he is struck by Hera SPARTA messenger of Zeus, soon came to
with a madness in which he believes his Menelaus and informed him of the
sons are those of Lycus and that Megara F Rm (30) Health: 80 treachery. He returned home and sought
is his adversary Hera, and he kills them A Gd (10) out Agamemnon, and both decided to
all. S Gd (10) Karma: 50 gather all leaders of Achaea, sail to Troy
E Rm (30) and demand return of both Helen and the
R Gd (10) Resources: In treasure, or the city would face assault
I Ex (20) from them.
P Ex (20) Popularity: +20
Along with Palamedes and Agamemnon,
EQUIPMENT: they sought Odysseus from Ithaca,
Armor and Helmet: Remarkable (30) Diomedes of Argos and Agamemnon,
material and Good (10) vs. Physical. among others, agreed to fulfill their oath
of loyalty. Under Agamemnon's
Shield: Remarkable (30) material, leadership, the Argives set sail for Aulis.
protects for 30 points if used in a Achilles was also recruited, being the
shielding maneuver. mightiest of the Achaean warriors.
Menelaus and Agamemnon soon heard
Spear: Remarkable (30) material, Good Calchas's omen that the war would last
(10) damage, 5 area range for ten years.

Sword: Remarkable (30) material, Good Sailing to Troy, they crossed the Aegean
(10) damage. Sea but reached Teuthrania, in southern
Mysia. The Argives sacked it, thinking it
Talents: Thrown Weapons, Sharp was Troy. They then sailed out once
Weapons, Military, and Leadership. again, but a Hera-sent storm scattered
Menelaus spoke Ancient Greek and Latin. the Achaean army, and they finally came
back to Aulis. There, during a hunting trip,
Contacts: His leaders and soldiers. Agamemnon boasted about his feats,
causing the anger of Artemis, who
Running Menelaus: expressed her wrath upon the fleet and
Menelaus just wanted to get his wife back preventing it from sailing away by
and it only took 10 years and a major land invoking a storm upon Aulis. Calchas
war to do it. soon prophetized that Artemis would be
appeased by the sacrifice of
HISTORY: Agamemnon's daughter Iphigenia.
Menelaus also spelled Menalaos was the Agamemnon sent a message to his wife
son of Atreus, the grim King of Sparta, Clytemnestra to trick her to bring
and the brother of Agamemnon, High Iphigenia to Aulis, allegedly to marry her
King of the Argives and King of Mycenae. to Achilles. Menelaus soon regretted to

have let his brother sent the message, but the Trojans recover him. Then Odysseus In 1942, his spirit materialized before
Agamemnon was now compelled by his and Diomedes went for Achilles' son. American art student Lon Crag and found
army to sacrifice his daughter. The Menelaus was astonished to witness the the boy worthy of owning great power. He
sacrifice done, the Achaeans crossed the full-grown Achilles-like Neoptolemus, who told the lad that upon reciting the word
sea, and while the army stopped at had aged quickly thanks to his godly "Illium" (the antique name for the city of
Tenedos (where Philoctetes was left lineage. Troy) he would be endowed with the
behind due to a snake bite), Agamemnon "wisdom of Ulysses", "Battle prowess of
sent Menelaus, Odysseus and Based on an Athena-sent vision to Agamemnon" and the "Invulnerability of
Palamedes to Illium, and demanded that Epelus, and turned into a trick by Achilles". Lon used these powers briefly
Priam would return Helen and the Odysseus, (with Loki Laufeyson's help), as the hero known as Roko the Amazing.
treasure stolen along with her. As Priam the Achaeans built a massive hollow (See the golden age sourcebook for
refused, war began. wooden horse. A few warriors, including stats)
Menelaus, Odysseus, Diomedes and
The Achaeans assaulted Troy's beach, Anticlus entered it, and the others set fire
and the Trojans retreated after Achilles to the camps and set sail. Sinon was left
slew Cycnus, son of Poseidon, and thus behind to say to the Trojans that the
the siege of Troy was set. For nine years, horse was an offering to Athena. Once
the Achaeans kept on the siege of the the Trojans had feasted their apparent
city, with rare battles against Troy and its victory, Sinon alerted the Argives' fleet to
allies. After nine years of siege, Menelaus return, and informed the warriors in the
and Paris fought in single combat to horse to come out. They slew the guards
decide the issue of the war. Paris was and opened the gates to the Achaean
easily bested, but while Menelaus was army who started rampaging the city.
dragging him to the Argives' lines, Along with Neoptolemus and Diomedes,
Aphrodite intervened, rendering him Menelaus rushed through the palace,
invisible and returning him to Troy. deserted from Priam. Neoptolemus slew
Nevertheless, Agamemnon declared Priam's sons Pammon, Polites and
Menelaus victorious, whose verdict was Antiphonus, then, soon afterwards, Priam
confirmed by Priam. As they were himself, while Menelaus went to Helen's
preparing for peace, the factions and their boudoir, where he promptly killed her new
gods plotted. Athena descended upon the husband and Priam's son Deiphobus.
besieged city and influenced Troy ally Intending to slew Helen as well, Menelaus
Pandarus of Lycia to shoot at Menelaus stopped as she stood proudly in front of
while he stood next to the city's walls. The him. He next decided that for all the
arrow was deflected by Thor, but the Achaeans' suffering, it would be a shame
attempt led Agamemnon to refuse any to kill her, and declared the sin to be only
truce and to declare the destruction of of Paris and Priam. As her temple had
Troy as the only issue of the war. After been desecrated during the night by Ajax
Achilles was killed at the Scaean Gates, the Lesser, Athena herself caused a
Menelaus and Agamemnon grieved for between Agamemnon, who wished to
him along with Achilles' mentor Old remain to appease Athena, Menelaus
Phoenix. On Achilles's funeral, he listened pushed to leave as soon as possible as
as the son of Peleus' mother Thetis gave the Achaeans were eager to leave.
her son's Hephaestus-forged armor to the Menelaus finally decided to set sail no
one who rescued his body from the matter his brother's choice, who remain to
Trojans (though Ajax was the one to do, sacrifice to Athena. Menelaus' fleet was
Odysseus was awarded the price as he decimated by Athena, save for five ships,
had guarded Ajax's retreat). Informed of and he and Helen took refuge in Egypt. In
his role in Troy fall by Priam's seer son time, they would reach Sparta, helped by
Helenus, Odysseus retrieved Philoctetes the Sea-God Proteus, and along with
on Tenedos, and the next day, he used Helen, ruled for many years, in prosperity
the Box of Heracles to slay Paris. As and peace.
Menelaus rushed to dismember his rival's
body, Philoctetes took him away and let

Menoetius was one of the Titans, who
were the precursors of the Olympian
Gods. In eons past, he was slain by a
thunderbolt from Zeus, which transformed
him into living energy. He was summoned
by the Huntsman in a batle against the
Champions and was short-circuited when
the Black Widow caught him between a
steel flagpole and a puddle of melting ice
with her widow’s line.


F Rm (30) Health: 120
A Ex (20)
MENOETIUS, THE TITAN S In (40) Karma: 50
E Rm (30)
F Ex (20) Health: 130 R Gd (10) Resources: Gd
A Gd (10) I Gd (10)
S Am (50) Karma: 12 P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
E Am (50)
R Pr (4) Resources: Pr KNOWN POWERS:
I Pr (4) Land Movement: Good (10).
P Pr (4) Popularity: -10
Body Armor: Good (10).
Energy Body-Electric: Incredible (40). Weaknesses:
Reputation: Centaurs are thought of as
Resistance to Electricity: Amazing (50) either scholars or drunkards. If played to
either of these archtypes, give +10 karma
Energy Generation: Incredible (40), up to for good role playing.
2 areas in range.
Talents: Trivia related to Ancient Greece,
Immortality: Menoetius is technically Olympus and Greek Mythology. Nessus
immortal in Hades and lose his status if speaks Ancient Greek and Latin.
he travels to other planes of existence,
although he is, already, dead. Contacts: None to speak of, maybe other
Growth: Good (10) permanent growth at
24 feet, he is +1 C/S to be hit. Running Nessus:
Nessus is petty and vindictive trying to
Contacts: The Huntsman gain revenge on Hercules for damages to
his tribe. He paid for his behavior in more
Running Menoetius: ways than one.
Menoetius is nearly mindless and doesn’t
talk. HISTORY:
Nessus was the grandson of King Ixion
who ruled parts of Thessaly in the 14th

Century BC. Ixion had married Dia, a because the gods swore to his sterling
princess from Thrace, but neglected to character.
pay the bride price to her father, King
Eioneus. Eioneus took Ixion's mares as a He kidnapped Hercules' second wife
security in lieu of payment. Ixion invited Deianeira, whereupon Hercules shot him
Eioneus to Thessaly to collect payment with an arrow. Feigning a wish to make
and instead killed him in what was the amends, the dying centaur told Deianeira
first known murder recorded in Ancient how to make a love charm from his
Greece. Because it was the murder of his allegedly enchanted blood, aware that it
father-in-law, Ixion could not find anyone was now tainted with the lethal poison of
to purify him of the foul deed. Dia, the Hydra, in which Hercules had dipped
however, was seduced by Zeus and his arrows. When Deianeira rubbed the
eventually gave birth to Ixion's heir, supposed love charm into Hercules' shirt,
Peirithous. She convinced Zeus to purify she inadvertently caused Hercules' mortal
Ixion, but once Ixion learned that Zeus demise, granting Nessus his late revenge.
had seduced his wife, he demanded
Zeus's wife, Hera, as added
compensation to what he considered an
insult. Zeus returned Ixion to Earth and
told him that Hera would be sent to him
later. Ixion, however, was visited by
Nephele, the cloud-goddess, who bore
him a deformed horse-like son named ODYSSEUS
Centaurus. For offending the gods, Ixion
was chained to a flailing wheel in the F Rm (30) Health: 130
underworld as punishment. A Ex (20)
S In (40) Karma: 70
Peirithous ended up living with the Lapith E In (40)
tribes and eventually inherited the throne R Ex (20) Resources: Gd
of Thessaly. Centaurus as an adult I Rm (30)
fathered Nessus and numerous other P Rm (30) Popularity: +10
Centaurs from normal horses. Centaurus
made a claim for the throne of Thessaly KNOWN POWERS:
himself and after a several battles came Invulnerability to Disease: Cl1000
to a truce with Peirithous who shared the
land with him. The peace was shattered Immortality: Odysseus gained immortality
when Nessus and the Centaurs tried to but only in Olympus.
abduct Hippodameia, Peirithous's bride,
at their wedding. The Centaurs were Note about abilities:
driven south to Malea and eventually Before his immortality, Odysseus' Fighting
reached Mount Pholoe in Arcadia where was Excellent (20), Strength was Good
they encountered the huntress Atalanta (10) and Endurance was Remarkable (30)
who slew Ripheus and Rhoecus. Pholus, with a suitable reduction in health.
a centaur son of Silenius, tried to instill in
the remaining Centaurs more civilized EQUIPMENT:
manners, but once more aroused by the Armor of Odysseus: Amazing (50)
taste of wine, the Centaurs tried to abduct material and Excellent (20) protection.
wives again. During his Fourth Labor,
Hercules drove them off but killed Shield of Odysseus: Monstrous (75)
Eurytion in the attack. Most of the material, absorbing 75 points of damage if
Centaurs fled to Eleusis, but Nessus fled shielding, it can be thrown 2 areas for
to Aetolia where he got a job as a Excellent (20) damage.
ferryman to the river Evenus. He even
began claiming he received the job

Sword of Odysseus: Amazing (50)
material, Remarkable (30) damage.

Bow of Odysseus: Incredible (40)

material, allows him to fire 2 arrows a
round for Excellent (20) damage, -2 C/S
to armor and 7 area range.

Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown

Weapons, Bows, Military, Scholar of
Military Strategy. Odysseus spoke
Ancient Greek and Latin.

Contacts: Achilles, Patroclus,

Agamemnon, Chiron, Menelaus,
Myrmidons, Diomedes and Pandarus,
Ajax the Great

Running Odysseus:
Odysseus was wily and crafty, able to
think on his feet and get himself out of
trouble quickly. It is telling that Ares
respected Odysseus for his expertise in
military strategy.

Odysseus was the son of Laertes and the
ruler of the island kingdom of Ithaca in
Ancient Greece. He was one of the
original suitors of Helen of Sparta, and
swore loyalty to the one Helen would
choose. Menelaus succeeded in winning
Helen's hand in marriage. Years after, he
married Penelope who gave a son,
Telemachus. When Menelaus called on
the suitors to help him bring Helen back
from Troy after Paris, son of King Priam,
had taken her, Sparta's king went to
Ithaca with Agamemnon and Palamedes.
Warned by an oracle that if he went to
Troy, he would not until twenty years,
alone and destitute, Odysseus tried to
avoid fulfilling his oath, pretending
madness, plowing his fields and sowing
salt instead of grain. Palamedes placed
Odysseus' infant son in front of the plow,
and Odysseus stopped to avoid injuring
the child, revealing his sanity. He agreed
to sail to Troy.

Along with Nestor and Ajax, he went to Priam's son Helenus, a prophet. be killed to prevent his future vengeance,
Scyros to find Achilles who had been Threatening him, he asked him how to and so Odysseus threw him from the
hidden at Lycomedes's court disguised as take Troy. Helenus replied that he had to city's walls, against his mother
a girl by his mother and sea goddess steal the Palladium from her temple, and Andromache's complaints. Odysseus'
Thetis. Odysseus was able to trick the Bow of Heracles had to loose arrows return from Troy took ten years and was
Achilles into revealing, who decided to against Troy. Odysseus understood that beset by perils and misfortune. He freed
join them. As the Achaeans approached he had to retrieve Philoctetes who had his men from the pleasure-giving drugs of
Troy, Menelaus, Palamedes and been left behind on an island after he had the Lotus-Eaters, rescued them from the
Odysseus went in advance to King Priam been wounded during the crossing of the cannibalism of the Cyclops Polyphemus
in order to demand the return of Helen to Aegean Sea. Odysseus returned with on the Hidden Isle. He survived the
avoid the bloodshed. As the war quickly Philoctetes, who killed Paris in an arches enchantments of Sersi, an Eternal who
became a siege, Odysseus doubted, but duel. As Helenus also decreed that the temporarily turned his crew into pigs, for
they were galvanized by Achilles who war would come to an end only the son of which she became famous in Greek
recalled them of the glory, cattle, gold and Achilles fought besides the Achaeans, mythology as Circe.
women to be taken in Troy. Odysseus Odysseus and Diomedes went to Scyros
also held Palamedes responsible for to find Neoptolemus. Odysseus gave him He braved the terrors of Hades, the
being there, having tricked him at Ithaca. his father's armor. Despite their victories, Underworld with them, and while in the
Hostility grew between Odysseus and the Achaeans didn't managed to breach land of the dead Hades allowed Teiresias,
Palamedes. Palamedes was later found the city. One midnight, Athena came in Odysseus' mother, Ajax and others to
drowned while he had gone out fishing, dreams to Epeius, asking to build a give him advice on his next journey. With
and some stated Odysseus and massive wooden horse, then burn the this newly acquired knowledge, he
Diomedes were with him. Odysseus camps and sail away to Tenedos. steered them past the perils of the Sirens
refuted the claim, threatening of murder Odysseus, helped by Loki devised that and of Scylla and Charybdis He could not
those who would utters that lie again, the horse would be hollow and filled of save them from their final folly, however,
leading to whispers that they had indeed soldiers, and it would be presented as an when they violated divine commandments
killed him. Achilles was also suspected as offering to appease the wrath of Athena by slaughtering and eating the cattle of
well. At some point in the war, Odysseus after stealing the Palladium. To fulfill the sun-god. As a result of this rash act,
fled from Hector who was intending to Helenus' prophecy, Achilles infiltrated Odysseus' ship was destroyed by a
burn the Achaeans' ships, but was Troy, disguised as a disfigured beggar, to thunderbolt, and only Odysseus himself
stopped by Ajax. steal the Palladium. He was recognized survived. He came ashore on the island
by Helen who swore to not betray him. of the nymph Calypso, who made him her
From nine to ten years later, he protected Wishing to return to Menelaus, Helen lover and refused to let him leave for
Ajax at the Scaean Gates as the Greater helped Odysseus stole the Palladium. seven years. When Zeus finally
retrieved the lifeless body of Achilles, and Some say Diomedes assisted him as intervened, Odysseus sailed away on a
slew many Trojans in doing so. During well. Odysseus killed many Trojans and small boat, only to be shipwrecked by
Achilles' funeral, Thetis offered his armor learned much about the city's another storm. He swam ashore on the
to the man who rescued his body, and fortifications, then returned. island of the Phaeacians, where he was
Odysseus contested Ajax's claim, stating magnificently entertained and then, at
that without him, Ajax would had been Once the Wooden Horse ready, the long last, escorted home to Ithaca. There
killed as well. Ajax proposed that Nestor, chosen warriors entered it, the ships left were problems in Ithaca as well, however:
Idomeneus and Agamemnon would to Tenedos and the camp was burned During Odysseus' twenty-year absence,
decide, but Nestor highlighted the fact down. The Trojans came to collect the his wife, Penelope, had remained faithful
that the loser would be wrathful, and so offering, and Sinon was left behind to trick to him, but she was under enormous
Agamemnon designated high-born Trojan the Trojans. Once the night came and the pressure to remarry. A whole host of
captives decide, who awarded the armor Trojans were asleep, Sinon sent the suitors were occupying her palace,
to Odysseus. Ajax was enraged, and at signal for the fleet to return, and awoke drinking and eating and behaving
night was touched with madness by the soldiers inside the Horse (Odysseus, insolently to Penelope and her son,
Athena, goddess of wisdom, who loved Menelaus, Diomedes and Anticlus, Telemachus. Odysseus arrived at the
Odysseus well. Athena caused him to kill among others), for them to slaughter the palace, disguised as a ragged beggar,
himself. In the morning, Odysseus guards, open the doors to the Achaean and observed their behavior and his wife's
honored his body but refused to take the army and invade the city. In the morning, fidelity. With the help of Telemachus and
blame for his death. Under the priest and the Trojans were rounded up, and Laertes, he slaughtered the suitors and
seer Calchas' instruction, Odysseus went Odysseus, supported by Calchas, stated cleansed the palace. He then had to fight
to a temple of Apollo where he found that Hector's infant son Astyanax was to one final battle, against the outraged

relatives of the men he had slain; Athena EQUIPMENT:
intervened to settle this battle, however, Lyre: This musical instrument was
and peace was restored. created and constructed by Apollo and
enhances his abilities by +2 C/S. It is
Odysseus was eventually sent to made from Amazing (50) materials.
Olympus, where Ares started to like him.
He was killed during the war with the Armor: Remarkable (30) material, Good
armies of Mikaboshi. (10) protection.

Sword: Remarkable (30) material, Good

(10) damage.

Spear: Excellent (20) material, Good (10)

ORPHEUS damage and 3 area range.

F Ex (20) Health: 60 Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown

A Gd (10) Weapons, Military, Leadership.
S Gd (10) Karma: 40 Performer-Singing and Lyre playing.
Orpheus spoke Ancient Greek and Latin.
E Ex (20)
R Gd (10) Resources: Gd
I Gd (10) Contacts: Orpheus was one of the
P Ex (20) Popularity: +15 Argonauts and of course was the Prince
of the city Thrace and could call upon his
KNOWN POWERS: father, his army and city council should
Through the use of his singing voice, the need arise.
Orpheus was able to perform the
following feats; the origin of this abilities is Running Orpheus:
as yet unknown. Despite the hardships visited upon him,
Orpheus loved life and wanted to make
Animal Charm and Control: Remarkable the world a better place and find favor
(30) ability to charm animals and to a with the gods. Unfortunately he was so
minor extend control (they won't attack blinded by his desire to help another that
and he can command them to sleep) he didn't listen to Hades when instructed
to do something.
Plant Charm and Control: Remarkable
(30) ability to charm and control plants.
(They dance and sway in the presence of Orpheus was an Ancient Greek hero
his music) endowed with superhuman musical skills.
He was the son of King Oeagrus and
Calliope of Thrace. Apollo gave Orpheus
Animate Object: Remarkable (30) ability
to influence everyday objects to dance his first lyre. Orpheus's singing and
along with this music (Rocks and the playing were so beautiful that animals and
like...) even trees and rocks moved about him in
dance. Orpheus joined the expedition of
Human Charm and Control: Remarkable the Argonauts on hunting the Golden
(30) ability to charm and influence Fleece.
humans and humanoids, even god-like
He later married Eurydice, but she was
creatures like Charon.
killed by a snakebite. Overcome with
Note about abilities: The origin of his grief, Orpheus traveled to Hades, the
abilities is unknown in Greek mythology, Underworld itself to attempt to bring
Eurydice back to life. With his singing and
perhaps he was a mutant from ancient
times, blessed by the gods or just really playing he charmed the ferryman Charon
good at what he did. and the three headed dog Cerberus,

guardians of the River Styx. His music Running Pandarus:
and grief so moved Hades allowed to take Pandarus, despite being a prince, was
Eurydice with him back to the world of life more of a follower than a leader. He sold
and light. Hades set one condition, out the lives of his men and the citizens of
however: upon leaving the land of death, the city of Troy for another year of the
both Orpheus and Eurydice were epic war when Athena promised him
forbidden to look back. The couple 'glory and Paris' thanks'.
climbed up toward the opening into the
land of the living, and Orpheus, seeing HISTORY:
the Sun again, turned back to share his Pandarus was a prince of Lycia who led
delight with Eurydice in that moment, she the army to Troy against the Argives
disappeared. during the Trojan War. In the last year of
the war, during a truce, wishing to see
Troy destroyed, Athena swayed Pandarus
to shoot an arrow at Menelaus, promising
him glory and Paris' thanks. The arrow
was deflected by Thor's powers, but
Agamemnon declared the truce over due
to that "cowardly" act, while tre Trojans
were sorry but refused the insult.
The fighting resumed, and Aeneas called
F Ex (20) Health: 60 for Pandarus to mount on his chariot and
A Gd (10) attack the Argives together. They spotted
S Gd (10) Karma: 30 and targeted Diomedes, mightiest Argive
E Ex (20) as Achilles refused to battle. Diomedes
R Gd (10) Resources: Ex being protected and guided by Athena
I Gd (10) was able to struck and killed Pandarus
P Gd (10) Popularity: +10 from a javelin stroke between his eyes.
Feeling responsible, Aeneas rushed to
EQUIPMENT: stand guard over Pandarus' body, but
Armor: Remarkable (30) material, Good was himself targeted by Diomedes, only
(10) protection. to be saved by the interventions of his
mother Aphrodite and of Ares.
Sword: Remarkable (30) material , Good
(10) damage.

Javelins: Excellent (20) material, Good

(10) damage and 3 area range.

Bow w/ 30 Arrows: Excellent (20)

material, Good (10) Damage, 5 area

Talents: Bows, Sharp weapons, Thrown

Weapons, Military, Leadership. Pandarus
spoke Ancient Greek and Latin.

Contacts: Pandarus was the Prince of

the city Lycia and could call upon his
father, his army and city council should
the need arise.

 Imp of Forgetfulness: When unleashed In recent years, a shipwreck survivor
causes everyone around to forget an named Dan Harper found himself washed
unspecified amount of things. up on Pandora's island and she tricked
him into opening the box for her once
 Imp of Sleepiness: When unleashed more, unleashing a monster which she
causes everyone around to fall asleep intended to use to conquer the world.
until commanded to awaken. Harper, however, escaped to Australia
and returned with mirrors with which he
 Imp of Disease: Spreads sickness and surrounded Pandora, shattering the
disease. illusion of beauty she projected and
revealing her true age. Pandora, unable
 Imp of Laziness: An Imp with the ability to bear the sight of herself, agreed to
to slow down objects such as bullets. return her creature to the box in return for
the removal of the mirrors. Pandora's box
 Imp of Fear: When unleashed causes was buried in a secret location by the
everyone around to suffer an irrational Australian authorities, but Pandora
fear of everything. remained on her island, comforted by her
illusion of beauty once more.
PANDORA  Imp of Paralysis: When unleashed
causes everyone around to freeze in
F Ty (6) Health: 28 place.
A Ty (6)
S Ty (6) Karma: 20  Imp of Foolishness: When unleashed
E Gd (10) causes everyone around to start
R Ty (6) Resources: Fb uncontrollably laughing.
I Pr (4)
P Gd (10) Popularity: -10
 Fiery Imp: An Imp composed of pure
Immortal, but not ageless. There is an
 Icey Imp: When unleashed freezes
illusion on her to make her appear as
everyone solid and they eventually
though she is the same age she was
thaw out.
when exiled.
Talents: Pandora spoke Ancient Greek
and Latin.
Pandora's box: This box was given to
Pandora by the Greek god Zeus, and told
Contacts: Pandora defied the will of Zeus
never to open it, however she did not
and was exiled, she had no contacts.
listen and unleashed the monsters inside
which were returned to the box by Sersi.
Running Pandora:
Centuries later, the box was found by the
Overwhelmed with a burning curiosity and
Sorcerer who used the imps inside it to try
desire to do what she wanted, Pandora
and take over the world. However, he was
paid the price for defying the will of Zeus
stopped by the Human Torch who sealed
with her immortality and exile.
the box shut and threw it into the ocean.
Occupants of the box have abilities at
Pandora was exiled to an island in the
Remarkable (30), if directly affected a
Pacific ages ago after defying the will of
victim resists by Psyche or Endurance
Zeus and unleashing all the evils in the
feats, depending on the attack.
world from her black box.
 Imp of Hatred: When unleashed causes
Then, the Eternal sorcerer Sersi, under
everyone around to start irrationally
the identity of Circe, gathered the evils
hating everyone.
back into the Box and shut it with a spell.

Running Paris:
There are people in life who sometimes
want more than they should have and
desire things so badly they're willing to let
others suffer just to get them. The greed
and lust of Paris of Troy is the reason for
the Trojan War.

Paris, (Greek: “Defender”) also called
Alexandros, in Greek legend, son of King
Priam of Troy and his wife, Hecuba. A PATROCLUS
dream regarding his birth was interpreted
as an evil portent, and he was F Rm (30) Health: 100
consequently expelled from his family as A Ex (20)
an infant. Left for dead, he was either S Ex (20) Karma: 50
nursed by a bear or found by shepherds. E Rm (30)
He was raised as a shepherd, unknown to R Gd (10) Resources: Ty
his parents. As a young man he entered a I Ex (20)
PARIS OF TROY boxing contest at a Trojan festival, in P Ex (20) Popularity: +15
which he defeated Priam’s other sons.
F Ex (20) Health: 60 After his identity was revealed, he was KNOWN POWERS:
A Gd (10) received home again by Priam. The Invulnerability to Disease: Cl1000
S Gd (10) Karma: 60 “judgment of Paris” was and continues to
E Ex (20) be a popular theme in art. According to Immortality: Patroclus gained immortality
R Ex (20) Resources: Rm legend, Paris, while he was still a and he became unable to die anywhere
I Ex (20) shepherd, was chosen by Zeus to but Olympus.
P Ex (20) Popularity: +20 determine which of three goddesses was
the most beautiful. Rejecting bribes of Note about abilities: While human and
KNOWN POWERS: kingly power from Hera and military might before his immortality, Patroclus' Agility
None, other than his intelligence and from Athena, he chose Aphrodite and and Strength were Good (10) and
physical beauty which were not godly in accepted her bribe to help him win the Endurance was Excellent (20) with a
origin. most beautiful woman alive. His seduction suitable reduction in health.
of Helen (the wife of Menelaus, king of
EQUIPMENT: Sparta) and refusal to return her was the EQUIPMENT:
Armor: Remarkable (30) material, Good cause of the Trojan War. During the war Armor of Achilles: Amazing (50) material
(10) protection. Paris seems to have had a secondary and Good (10) protection.
role: a good warrior but inferior to his
Sword: Remarkable (30) material, Good brother Hector and to the Greek leaders Sword: Remarkable material, Remarkable
(10) damage. whom he faced. Menelaus would have (30) damage.
defeated Paris in single combat, but
Spear: Excellent (20) material, Good (10) Aphrodite rescued him, and the war Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown
damage and 3 area range. continued. Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Military.
Patroclus spoke Ancient Greek and Latin.
Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown Near the end of the war, Paris shot the
Weapons, Bows, Military, Leadership. arrow that, by Apollo’s help, caused the Contacts: Achilles, Agamemnon, Chiron,
Paris spoke Ancient Greek and Latin. death of the hero Achilles. Paris himself, Menelaus, Myrmidons, Odysseus,
soon after, received a fatal wound from Diomedes and Pandarus, Ajax the Great
Contacts: Paris was the Prince of the city an arrow shot by the rival archer (cousin)
Troy and could call upon his father, his Philoctetes.
army and city council should the need Running Patroclus:
arise. Patroclus was a brave and skilled warrior
who followed his cousin Achilles, his
friend and his "first soulmate" into battle.

HISTORY: Running Pericymenus:
Patroclus was the cousin of Achilles, his Pericymenus wasn't immortal, but bravely
friend and his "first soulmate". He was went along with the Argonauts in the hope
among the Argives who went to Troy to that he would find glory and favor with his
fight the Trojan War. After Achilles father. He was brave and skilled as a
acquired Briseïs as a slave (after having warrior.
killed his husband King Mynes of
Lurnessus), he tasked Patroclus to take HISTORY:
her to their camp and treat her well. As Pericymenus was the son of Poseidon.
Achilles had retreated for months from the He became a member of Jason's
battlefield after a quarrel with Argonauts, participating in the Quest for
Agamemnon (who had claimed Briseïs as the Golden Fleece. He was eventually
his own), Patroclus donned his armor. killed by fellow Argonaut Hercules at the
Leading the Argive host, he was feared Battle of Pylos.
by the Trojans who believed him to be
Achilles, until Hector slew him. Achilles
then returned to kill Hector. Patroclus was
mourned by Achilles and Ajax, who were
there cut from the battle's tumult where PERICYMENUS
the Amazons and Trojans led by
Penthesilea were rampaging the Argives' F Ex (20) Health: 60
ranks. They eventually heard it and left A Gd (10)
Patroclus' grave. He eventually reached S Gd (10) Karma: 40
Olympus. E Ex (20)
R Gd (10) Resources: Gd
Patroclus was among the heroes to I Gd (10)
oppose Amatsu-Mikaboshi's attacks on P Ex (20) Popularity: +10
Olympus. As the Olympians assaulted
Japan's hell to retrieve Ares' son from KNOWN POWERS:
Mikaboshi, Achilles and Patroclus battled. Animal Transformation: As the son of
They tried to assist Hercules after he was Poseidon, Periclymenus could change
attacked by a centipede-like beast, but shape into different animals at
were ineffective. They were finally saved Remarkable (30) ability.
by the timely arrival of the Eastern Gods.
Armor: Remarkable (30) material, Good
(10) protection.

Sword: Remarkable (30) material, Good

(10) damage.

Spear: Excellent (20) material, Good (10)

damage and 3 area range.

Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown

Weapons, Military. Pericymenus spoke
Ancient Greek and Latin.

Contacts: Pericymenus was a member of

the Argonauts and could call upon any of
them during their time together or on his
father Poseidon.

Talaria: These winged Sandals, made them to reveal the location of the
from Unearthly (100) materials belonged Gorgones. Perseus approached Medousa
to the god Hermes and allowed Perseus as she slept and beheaded her with eyes
to Fly at Unearthly (100) speed. averted to avoid her petrifying visage.

Pegasus: On his journey back to Greece, Perseus

came across the Ethiopian princess
F Gd (10) Health: 100 Andromeda chained to a rock as a
A Ex (20) sacrifice to a sea-monster. He slew the
S Rm (30) Karma: 20 beast and brought her with him back to
E In (40) Greece as his bride. Upon reaching
R Gd (10) Seriphos, the hero turned King
I Ex (20) Polydektes to stone, and then travelled on
P Ex (20) to his grandfather's kingdom to claim the
throne. The old man fled in fear for his life
Powers: but was later accidentally killed by
Land movement: Excellent Perseus at the funeral games of a king
Winged Flight: Excellent with a discus throw gone awry. Perseus
was the ancestor of the royal houses of
Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown Mycenae, Elis, Sparta, Messenia, and
Weapons, Horsemanship. Perseus spoke distant Persia. His most famous
Ancient Greek and Latin. descendant was Hercules.

Contacts: Perseus didn't have many

PERSEUS contacts, his adopted father Diktys and
his real father Zeus.
F Rm (30) Health: 80
A Gd (10) Running Perseus:
S Gd (10) Karma: 50 Perseus was brave and curious, wanting
E Rm (30) to know where it was that he came from
R Gd (10) Resources: Rm and what his fate in life would be. Once
I Ex (20) given the task of slaying the Medusa he
P Ex (20) Popularity: +20 undertook the assignment without fail.

Sword: Made of Cl1000 Adamantine, He was the son of the Argive princess
Remarkable (30) damage. Danae who was locked away in a bronze
chamber by her father Acrisius who lived
Helm of Hades: Made of Cl1000 in fear of a prophecy that he would one
Adamantine, offering Cl1000 head day be killed by her son. The god Zeus,
protection as well as the following however, infiltrated her prison in the guise
abilities: of a golden shower and impreganted her.
When Akrisios discovered the child, he
 Invisible: Shift-X (150) ability to render
placed the two in a chest and set them
him invisible and undetectable to
adrift at the sea. They were carried safely
mortal, godly and alien detection.
to the island of Seriphos where they were
offered refuge by the kindly, fisherman
Shield of Athena: This Cl1000 highly
Diktys. When Perseus was fully grown,
polished shield of Adamantine, on a
King Polydectes commanded he fetch the
shielding roll, it absorbs 1000 points of
head of Medusa. With the help of the
damage before any reaches Perseus.
gods, Perseus obtained winged sandals,
Such a maneuver means that he has
an invisible helm and a magical sword.
forgone attacking for the round to defend.
He then sought out the ancient Graeae
and stealing their single eye compelled

Philoctetes was bitten by a viper. Instants
later, the wound began to fester and reek.
Despite being attended by the healer
Aesculapius, the wound kept on reeking,
until Philoctetes was left behind on the
island of Lemnos to nurse his wound. As
the Achaeans departed, he cursed them
for abandoning him.

After Odysseus learned from Priam's

prophetic son Helenus that Troy would
not fall until the arrows of Heracles were
PHILOCTETES OF ARGIVES stroke against its walls, Diomedes went to
find Philoctetes, whose wound still
F Gd (10) Health: 60 reeked. Aesculapius's son Machaon POLLUX OF SPARTA
A Ex (20) treated the wound, returning Philoctetes
to his prime. The next day, during a F Rm (30) Health: 90
S Gd (10) Karma: 60
battle, drawn to the same place by the A Gd (10)
E Ex (20)
Goddess Strife, Paris confronted S Ex (20) Karma: 26
R Gd (10) Resources: Ty
Philoctetes to an archer duel, and E Rm (30)
I Rm (30)
Philoctetes, guided by Apollo, killed his R Ty (6) Resources: Ty
P Ex (20) Popularity: +10
rival from one or three arrows. Menelaus I Gd (10)
rushed to dismember the one who had P Gd (10) Popularity: +10
Leather Jerkin armor: Typical (6) vs. stolen his wife, but Philoctetes quickly
Physical. stopped him, letting the Trojans retrieve
the body of their prince and take it within CASTOR OF SPARTA
Helmet: Excellent (20) material, Typical the city.
(6) protection. F Gd (10) Health: 46
A Gd (10)
Bows of Hercules and 30 Arrows: S Ty (6) Karma: 22
Incredible (40) material, Good (10) E Ex (20)
damage, 7 area range, ROF: 3 R Gd (10) Resources: Ty
I Ty (6)
Talents: Sharp weapons, Bows, Weapon P Ty (6) Popularity: +10
Specialist: Bows, Military. Philoctetes
spoke Ancient Greek and Latin.
Contacts: Hercules Immortality: Pollux was the son of Zeus
and a demi-god (hence his statistics), but
Running Philoctetes: when Castor was faced with death Pollux
Philoctetes is a good friend of Hercules, made the decision to share his
always armed with his bow and arrows as immortality with his brother.
well as his quick wit and a smile. He is a
good and honorable man. EQUIPMENT:
Armor: Excellent (20) material, Good (10)
HISTORY: vs. Physical.
Philoctetes was a skilled archer. At some
point, he was the comrade of Hercules, Sword: Excellent (20) material, Good (10)
and kept his bow and arrows. He was one damage.
of the warriors who sailed to Troy to help
Menelaus retrieve his wife Helen who had Spear: Excellent (20) material, Good (10)
been taken by Troy king Priam's son damage, 3 area range.
Priam. While sailing at the isle of
Tenedos, where they stopped to feast,

Talents: daughters. Hecuba bore 19 of the sons,
Pollux: Martial Arts B and E, including Priam’s favourites, Hector and
Horsemanship, Sharp weapons, Thrown Paris. Homer described Priam at the time
Weapons, Military. Pollux spoke Ancient of the Trojan War as an old man,
Greek and Latin. powerless but kindly, not even blaming
Helen, the wife of Paris, for all his
Castor: Horsemanship, Sharp weapons, personal losses resulting from the war. In
Thrown Weapons, Military. Castor spoke the final year of the conflict, Priam saw 13
Ancient Greek and Latin. sons die: the Greek warrior Achilles killed
Polydorus, Lycaon, and Hector within one
Contacts: Zeus (Pollux's father) and the day. The death of Hector, which signified
Argonauts. the end of Troy’s hopes, also broke the
spirit of the king. Priam’s paternal love
Running Pollux: impelled him to brave the savage anger of
Pollux was a skilled boxer and brooded Achilles and to ransom the corpse of
fetchingly. Hector; Achilles, respecting the old man’s
feelings and foreseeing his own father’s
Running Castor: PRIAM, KING OF TROY sorrows, returned the corpse. When Troy
Castor was the thinker of the two fell, Neoptolemus, the son of Achilles,
brothers, he had plans within plans. F Gd (10) Health: 50 butchered the old king on an altar.
A Gd (10)
HISTORY: S Gd (10) Karma: 30
Both brothers were fine horsemen, and E Ex (20)
Pollux was an unrivaled boxer. They took R Gd (10) Resources: Rm
part in the hunting of the Calydonian boar I Gd (10)
and in the voyage of the Argo. When their P Gd (10) Popularity: +15
sister Helen was abducted by Theseus,
they invaded Attica and recovered her. EQUIPMENT:
They carried off the daughters of Armor: Excellent (20) material, Typical (6)
Leucippus, Phoebe and Hileira, and were vs. Physical.
confronted by Leucippus’s nephews, Idas
and Lynceus. Castor was murdered by Sword: Excellent (20) material, Good (10)
Idas, but Pollux killed Lynceus; in damage.
retribution Zeus killed Idas with a
thunderbolt. Zeus then gave Pollux the Talents: Sharp Weapons, Military, and
choice between spending all his time on Leadership. Priam spoke Ancient Greek
Olympus or giving half of his immortality and Latin.
to his mortal brother, so that they could
alternate realms together. Pollux elected Contacts: His leaders and soldiers.
to share his immortality.
Running Priam:
Homer described Priam at the time of the
Trojan War as an old man, powerless but

Priam, in Greek mythology, the last king
of Troy. He succeeded his father,
Laomedon, as king and extended Trojan
control over the Hellespont. He married
first Arisbe, a daughter of Merops the
seer, and then Hecuba, and he had other
wives and concubines. He had 50 sons,
according to Homer’s Iliad, and many

Contacts: Epimetheus, his fellow Titan in a coma, had Neptune abduct Namor
as well as the Olympian Gods. and bring him to the Underworld,
Prometheus managed to heal Namor
Running Prometheus: after he escaped Cerberus and barely
Prometheus cares for others and at one made it across the Phlegathon River. He
time doted on humanity taking on then directed Namor to where the other
something of a grandfatherly attitude with Avengers were being held which
them teaching them and giving them the happened to be the Garrison of the
gift of fire. Accursed at Fortress Tartarus. After the
Avengers made their way to Mount
HISTORY: Olympus, Prometheus spoke to them
Prometheus is one of the Titans of Greek while they were in the woods. When Zeus
Mythology and the son of Iapetus. His caught up to the Avengers while Doctor
siblings included Atlas, Menoetius, and Druid was healing Hercules' brain,
Epimetheus. When their uncle Cronus' Prometheus then declares that the battle
rule was challenged by Zeus, Prometheus between man and gods has begun. While
and Epimetheus sided with the Olympians Zeus continues his fight with the
while Atlas and Menoetius sided with Avengers, Hera sided with Prometheus
PROMETHEUS Cronus. With the help of Prometheus and and Hermes. Prometheus healed Captain
Epimetheus, the Olympians defeated the America and Doctor Druid before
F Rm (30) Health: 200 Titans. Prometheus and Epimetheus took proceeding to try his luck into healing
A Ex (20) an interest in mankind and became the Hercules where Doctor Druid and Apollo
S Am (50) Karma: 50 joint rulers in Phthia. Prometheus has had failed. Under the advice of Hermes,
E Un (100) taken in interest in the humans and later Prometheus called upon Gaea's help to
R Gd (10) Resources: n/a learned various skills from Athena that do so while Thor and Captain Marvel
I Gd (10) started to get Zeus concerned. When continued their fight with Zeus. When
P Rm (30) Popularity: 0 Prometheus took fire from the Gods and Captain Marvel attempted to attack Zeus,
taught the humans how to cook, Zeus had the blinding light she gave off distracted
KNOWN POWERS: Kratos and Bia bind Prometheus to a Prometheus which caused Hercules to be
Body Armor: Excellent (20) pillar in the Caucasian Mountains using revived in a state of paranoia where he
chains that were forged by Hephaestus. attacked Prometheus. Luckily for
Invulnerabilities to Disease and Toxins: Zeus also had an eagle peck out Prometheus, Doctor Druid managed to
Cl1000 Prometheus' liver which grew back every fully heal Hercules' mind. After Zeus'
night. Zeus did offer to shorten his life of attack was halted, Prometheus arrived
Immortality: Prometheus will live forever being chained to a pillar if he would give showing signs of aging with some of his
but can die through violence. him the vision of the prophecy that would hair turning white. Prometheus then
one day dethrone Zeus. Seven attended a reception on Mount Olympus.
Regeneration: Remarkable (30). generations later, Hercules came across Before teleporting the Avengers away,
Prometheus during his 12 Labors when Prometheus warned the Avengers that
Healing: Remarkable (30) ability, as well on his way to the Amazons. Hercules there will be many challenges to come to
as recover lost Endurance ranks once per killed the eagle and then freed them and that mankind will be sorely
day. Prometheus. Zeus was at first against tested on one of them.
this, but decided to end Prometheus'
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the punishment. Prometheus foresaw this
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's event and vows to repay Hercules one
dialects, and alien languages. day.

Precognition: Monstrous (75) ability In the modern era, Hercules was badly
injured in a fight with Baron Helmut
Talents: Prometheus learned Zemo's Masters of Evil where Black
Architecture, mathematics, navigation, Mamba drugged Hercules causing him to
metallurgy as well as other practical arts foolishly charge into battle. When Zeus,
from Athena. who was unaware that the Masters of Evil
were responsible for Hercules ending up

Running Myrina:
Myrina is a mercenary looking from one
battle to the next taking those who will
swell their ranks.

Myrina was an amazonian queen who
ruled at a time when the citizens of pre-
Cataclysmic Atlantis hired them to rout
out a nest of Gorgons. The Amazons
emerged victorious and Myrina took many
Gorgons captive resulting in a Gorgon
blookline that continues in the Amazon
nation. Atlantis killed the garrison Myrina
left behind in order to avoid payment,
resulting in an Amazonian hatred of
Atlantis that continues to this day.

F Gd (10) Health: 90
AMAZONS S Ex (20) Karma: 70
E Am (50)
F Rm (30) Health: 90 R Gd (10) Resources: N/A
A Ex (20) I Gd (10)
S Gd (10) Karma: 50 P Am (50) Popularity: 0
E Rm (30)
R Gd (10) Resources: Rm KNOWN POWERS:
I Ex (20) Body Armor: Typical (6)
P Ex (20) Popularity: +10
Invulnerabilities to Disease and Toxins:
Body Armor and Helm: Remarkable (30)
material, Good (10) vs. Physical. Immortality: Sibylla will live forever but
can die through violence.
Shield: Incredible (40) material, protects
for 40 points when sheilding. Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
Sword: Remarkable (30) material, Good dialects, and alien languages.
(10) damage.
Precognition: Remarkable (30) ability
Talents: Sharp Weapons, Bows, Martial
Arts C, Military, Leadership, Occult lore Talents: Occult Lore and Mystic Origin,
and speaks both Ancient Greek and Latin. History, Lore and General Knowledge of
the Titans and Olympian Gods.
Contacts: Amazons, Hippolyta and
Artume. Contacts: Sibylla could only relay on her
fellow Titan as well as the Olympian

Running Sibylla:
Sibylla is a schemer and troublemaker,
but seems to engage in such behavior
only when others pester her.

Sibylla is a Titan and was among the
Titans that were banished to the
underworld prison known as Tartarus, By
Cronus fearing that his children would rise
against him, as he took the life his father
Ouranus. Sibylla and the other Titans
were freed by Zeus, in his effort to
overthrow Cronus. Sibylla was later
sought by Bellona, seeking a challenge
that would exalt her beyond her brother
Ares in the eyes of Zeus. Sibylla shared
with Bellona that the young sorcerer
Kyllian would provide her the challenge
needed to accomplish her goals. After her SISYPHUS, KING OF provided the link between them. Sisyphus
plan failed, Bellona returned distraught at was the reputed founder of the Isthmian
CORINTH Games. Later legend related that when
the seer, asking her if she foresaw that
the plan would fail. Sibylla, confirmed her Death came to fetch him, Sisyphus
F Gd (10) Health: 50 chained him up so that no one died until
suspicions and asked Bellona if she A Gd (10)
would like see the new visions of her Ares came to aid Death, and Sisyphus
S Gd (10) Karma: 30 had to submit. In the meantime, Sisyphus
future. Bellona emphatically declined the E Ex (20)
offer exclaiming that she would continue had told his wife, Merope, not to perform
R Gd (10) Resources: Rm the usual sacrifices and to leave his body
her schemes alone. I Gd (10) unburied. Thus, when he reached the
P Gd (10) Popularity: +15 underworld he was permitted to return to
punish her for the omission. Once back at
EQUIPMENT: home, he continued to live to a ripe old
Armor: Excellent (20) material, Typical (6) age before dying a second time.
vs. Physical.
He eventually died at some point in
Sword: Excellent (20) material, Good (10) unrevealed circumstances. As one of
damage. Zeus' most hated, he was sent to Tartarus
where he was punished by being forced
Talents: Sharp Weapons, Military, and to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only
Leadership. Sisyphus spoke Ancient to watch it roll back down, repeating this
Greek and Latin. action for eternity, a punishment that kept
on in the modern era. When Hercules
Contacts: His leaders and soldiers. came to Tartarus to save his father from
Pluto, Pluto threatened to have his step-
Running Sisyphus: father Amphitryon to forever dangle by
Sisyphus is a cunning trickster who Sisyphus' loins. The same day, the fight
trapped death and tricked the gods. between Hercules and his shade caused
Unfortunately he was punished by Zeus the destruction of Sisyphus' stone,
for his mockery. making him believe he was set him free,
only to see a new rock magically appear
HISTORY: before him. During the Chaos War, when
Sisyphus was the son of Aeolus and the Chaos King assaulted Hell, Sisyphus
Enarete, and the king of Corinth. He was was asked by Daimon Hellstrom to clear
called the father of Odysseus through his them a path out of Hell.
seduction of Anticleia; cunning obviously

Talents: Sharp Weapons, Military, and
Leadership. Tantalus spoke Ancient
Greek and Latin.

Contacts: His leaders and soldiers.

Running Tantalus:
Tantalus was a mad-man willing to cut up
and feed his own child to the gods in an
effort to appease them with his sacrifice.
Instead he just gained their anger.

Tantalus was the son of Zeus and the
nymph Plouto in Greek mythology, who
was punished after death in Tartarus.
With his wife, who may have been Dione,
Taygete, Eurythemista, or Euryanassa,
he fathered Pelops, Niobe and Broteas.
Thus, through Pelops, he was the
predecessor of the House of Atreides, as
his grandson was Atreus, and his great-
grandsons were Agamemnon and

Tantalus was welcomed in the table of the

Olympians; however, he stole ambrosia,
thinking he could take it back to his THE HUNTSMAN
people, in order to make them immortal
and reveal the divine secrets. He later Cephalus the Huntsman
TANTALUS OF LYDIA decided to sacrifice his son to his gods;
so, he cut Pelops in pieces, and served F In (40) Health: 220
F Gd (10) Health: 50 him to the gods. The gods realized what A Rm (30)
A Gd (10) happened and did not eat at all; only S Mn (75) Karma: 90
S Gd (10) Karma: 30 Demeter, who was upset by her E Mn (75)
E Ex (20) daughter's abduction by Hades, took a R Gd (10) Resources: Un
R Gd (10) Resources: Rm bite of Pelops' shoulder. When it was I Am (50)
I Gd (10) revealed what had happened, Zeus told P Rm (30) Popularity: -20
P Gd (10) Popularity: +15 Clotho, one of the three Fates, to bring
the boy back to life, and the missing part KNOWN POWERS:
KNOWN POWERS: of his shoulder was replaced by an ivory Huntsman's Spear-Staff: A Cl1000
None, despite being the son of Zeus he piece forged by Hephaestus. material does Amazing (50) damage, is
never ascended to Olympus because of imbued with the power of Zeus, and gives
his crimes. Tantalus was thrown out of Olympus and him the following powers:
after he died he was punished for eternity;  Energy Source: Unearthly (100) energy
EQUIPMENT: he was made to stand in a pool of water, from Olympian prey, divided between
Armor: Excellent (20) material, Typical (6) right under the branches of a fruit tree. strength/endurance, if cut off -4CS.
vs. Physical. However, when he tried to reach for a Prey's stats are -4CS while effected.
fruit, the branches would go higher and  Energy Generation: Amazing (50)
Sword: Excellent (20) material, Good (10) out of reach, while when he tried to drink damage electrical attack with the
damage. a sip of water, the waters of the pool following effects:
would recede.  Stun Effect: If struck, targets make
an endurance feat or be stunned D10

 Ground strike: Amazing (50). Rifle: Remarkable (30) damage, Ammo:
 Rocket: Remarkable (30) speed. 30 Explosive rounds, in bursts of 5 round
 Tracking: Monstrous (75) ability. bursts, 10 area range, ROF: 1/1.
 Prey seeking missile: If the
Huntsman throws his Spear-Staff, it Sword: Incredible (40) material, Excellent
uses his Tracking power plus skills (20) damage.
totaling Shift-Y (200) to hit.
 Aura of Fear: Amazing (50) ability. Shield: Monstrous (75) material, protects
for up to 75 points of damage on a
Magic: The Huntsman is capable of using shielding roll. Theseus can't take any
the following abilities while stalking his other action in a round he shields.
 Clairaudience: Remarkable (30). Talents: Sharp weapons, Thrown
 Hypnotic Control: Remarkable (30). Weapons, Blunt Weapons, Guns, Military,
Military Strategy. Theseus spoke Ancient
 Dimensional Travel: Excellent (20).
Greek and Latin, since the modern age
 Teleport: Poor (4) range.
he has learned English and some
 Summoning: Remarkable (30) ability
and control, summon creatures from
THESEUS Russian.
Olympus or Greek Mythology that Contacts: The Olympian gods, Hercules,
operate at his behest. F Rm (30) Health: 120
A Rm (30) Beowulf, Gilgamesh and Hermes.
EQUIPMENT: S Rm (30) Karma: 60
E Rm (30) Running Theseus:
Huntsman's Spear-Staff (see above) Theseus craves excitement and
R Gd (10) Resources: Ex
I Rm (30) adventure; he goes to great length to
Talents: Weapon Specialist: Huntsman's sleep with others if he finds them
Spear-Staff, Sharp weapons, Thrown P Ex (20) Popularity: +15
remotely attractive.
Weapons, Military, Tracking. Cephalus
spoke Ancient Greek, English and Latin. KNOWN POWERS:
Body Armor: Good (10) HISTORY:
Theseus was born and raised in Athens in
Contacts: Zeus and Pluto. Ancient Greece, by King Aegeus and
Invulnerability to Disease: Cl1000
Queen Aethra, although his real father
Running the Huntsman: was secretly Poseidon, god of the Sea.
A grim, somewhat sadistic stalker. He is Immortality: Theseus gained immortality
and he became unable to die anywhere His most famous exploit was against the
devoted to Zeus and Hades. He becomes Minotaur of the Labyrinth. Theseus
suddenly less confident when deprived of but Olympus.
insisted on being one of the seven youths
his powerstaff, unless just facing mortals. and seven maidens of Athens to be
The Huntsman dislikes being on Earth. Note about abilities: Before his
immortality, Theseus' Strength was Good sacrificed to the monster as an annual
He feels that he should tread the grounds tribute. He promised his father that if he
of Olympus instead of baser soil. If a hunt (10) and Endurance was Excellent (20)
with a suitable reduction in health. were successful in killing the Minotaur he
drags on for too long he will try to find would on his return voyage replace his
means to end it so he can leave. ship's black sails with white ones.
Theseus used a cellphone, thieving Ariadne, daughter of King Minos, fell in
HISTORY: love with Theseus and gave him a magic
Cephalus is Zeus' personal huntsman. He materials (including Lock Pics, Smoke
bombs, a rope and grappling hook...), 2 ball of thread to be dropped at the
was sent to bring Hercules back to entrance of the labyrinth; it led Theseus to
Olympus. He was recalled by Zeus after reloads for each gun.
the Minotaur, which he killed, and he then
seeing the nobility of the Sub-Mariner in followed the unwound thread back to the
battling the Huntsman. He was sent by Weapons
Two Semi-auto pistols: Good (12) entrance. He left Crete with Ariadne but
Zeus to recover Hercules and Venus from abandoned her at Naxos. When Theseus
Earth when they refused to marry damage, Ammo: 9 Explosive rounds, 3
area range, ROF: 1/1. reached home he forgot to raise white
Hippolyta and Ares, which led him to sails. Aegeus saw black sails, and,
clash with the Champions of Los Angeles. thinking his son dead, the grief-stricken
father threw himself into the sea,

thereafter called the Aegean Sea. As king Running Tiresias:
of Athens, Theseus instituted several Tiresias is something of a partygoer and
reforms, most notably the federalization of has long since settled into his/her
the scattered Attic communities. Theseus changes in life. He/she dispenses
was imprisoned in Hades until Hercules knowledge when asked, but rarely does
rescued him in his Final Labor, battling so without an inquiry.
Cerberus. He made a reputation of
"charming everything on the planet out of HISTORY:
their winged sandals and into his bed", Tiresias was born and raised in the city of
hinting he may have had intercourse with Thebes in ancient Greece. He was the
Hermes. During his adventures, he also son of a shepherd and a Nymph. Tiresias
developed an antagonistic relationship was travelling one day and found a pair of
with Beowulf. snakes in his path and killed them. Hera
was angry at his action and decided to
Theseus was among the heroes present change his sex. As a woman, Tiresias
at Olympus to fight off the armies of served as a priestess of Hera. He/she
Mikaboshi. As Hercules wished to once stumbled upon goddess Athena
assemble warriors to confront the while she was bathing; as a result, the
Uprising Storm, a group of new Gods TIRESIAS OF THEBES goddess decided to blind him/her. His
seeking to destroy the gods of old, mother begged Athena to lift the curse,
Gilgamesh worried to be unfit and F Gd (10) Health: 50 but she refused to. Instead, she opened
proposed to call Theseus, Beowulf or A Gd (10) Tiresias' ears so he might hear all the
Rostam instead. Later, while breaking in S Gd (10) Karma: 70 whispers of the Gods. This two
the private collection of oligarch and arms E Ex (20) curses/gifts gave him/her a greater
Dealer Pavel Urza in Russia, Theseus R Gd (10) Resources: Ex perspective of the world. After the young
was contacted on his cellphone by I Am (50) baby Hercules killed the two snakes sent
Hercules to join his team the Gods of War P Gd (10) Popularity: 0 to kill him his parents Amphitryon and
to oppose the Uprising Storm. The phone- Alcmena went to Tiresias for advice. He
call having exposed him to the guards of KNOWN POWERS: revealed the truth of Hercules true
the collection, he escaped. Precognition: Amazing (50) ability, they're parentage and that Zeus created him to
colored by her point of view. be the champion of mankind. He saw his
He met with the Gods of War: Gilgamesh many future battles including one against
of Sumer, Tiresias the Seer, Ire of the Enhanced Hearing: Tiresias' hearing was the Hulk.
Stone Age, and newly called-for-help as enhanced as punishment to Cl1000 rank.
well Beowulf, Sigurd and Lorelei. Before When Tiresias died His/Her soul went to
the meeting could end the Uprising Storm Immortal: Ages 1 year for every 100. Hades, the Underworld, where he was
attacked. As Beowulf battled visited by Odysseus who was on his ten
Catastrophobia but was no match for the LIMITATIONS: year journey home known as the
new god, Theseus shot Catastrophobia Cursed I: Tiresias is blind, despite that Odyssey. He gave him advice on how to
with a rifle, believing he saved Wulfie's he/she is capable of getting around continue on his voyage to Ithaca. At some
life, but the new god just stood back up. without sight and suffers no penalties. point she returned to the land of the living
As Cryptomnesia activated a mark on an immortal prophet. In 1782, he/she
Hercules, rendering him berserk and Cursed II: For the crime of killing two crashed at Mozart's place during the time
turning him into the Storm's God of snakes, Hera transformed him from a "Die Entführung aus dem Serail" had just
Chaos, all the Gods of War were forced to man into a woman granting him/her a opened with rave review. She enjoyed his
stop the fight to restrain their leader, with long life despite being just human. many parties. During the late 19th
Theseus being stuck by him. Century she got locked in the meat locker
Talents: Animal Handling. Tiresias is of famed French chef and restaurateur
fluent in Ancient Greek, English and Latin. Auguste Escoffier. She had never
enjoyed such a good meal in all her long
Contacts: Tiresias had made peace with life. During the 1970's Tiresias lived in
the changes in his/her life and is on England where he/she picked up a
friendly terms with Hercules. cockney accent. He/she was in the studio

when David Bowie recorded the "Low him to rape the goddess Leto as she was
Album". traveling to Delphi. Slain by Apollo and
Artemis for the insult to their mother, he
In the modern era he/she moved to the was after death stretched over nine acres
United States of America and opened a in the underworld as two vultures fed
clock repair shop in New York City. upon his liver, which regenerated back
He/she lived there with her dog Alfred after each new cycle of the moon.
Lord Tennyson. Hercules went to meet
with Tiresias to ask for help and
information of the Uprising Storm. He/she
told him she would investigate, but as he
left he warned him about some "Lads"
being in town and he would meet them in
Central Park. As he/she was investigating
the Uprising Storm they arrived the clock
repair shop. He/she was beaten half to
death and when Hercules came to visit
him/her in the hospital he/she told him
she saw a vision. Just before the Uprising TITYUS
attacked her. She said Athena had come
to claim him and take him back to F Rm (30) Health: 200
Olympus. Telling him his long tenure on A Ex (20)
Earth was over. The world was changing S Am (50) Karma: 12
and there's no place in it for you anymore. E Un (100)
Horrorscope came to the hospital to finish R Pr (4) Resources: N/A
her off but was interrupted by Sophia who I Pr (4)
had come for a visit. Horrorscope took the P Pr (4) Popularity: 0
form of doctor and left them in peace.
Hercules invited Tiresias and the others KNOWN POWERS:
back to his apartment where they shared Body Armor: Excellent (20)
dinner together toasting the battle. She
shared her many stories of the famous Invulnerabilities to Disease and Toxins:
people she had met in her long life. After Cl1000.
another defeat in battle, Tiresias and the
others convinced Hercules to form a team Growth: Unearthly (100) Tityus can
of godly heroes to defeat the new gods. achieve 60 feet in height or assume a
Hercules contacted his friends from normal human size.
across the globe for a meeting of the
"Gods of War". He brought them to New Contacts: Hera
York City to battle the Uprising Storm. But
before the meeting could end the Uprising Running Tityus:
Storm attacked. Tityus is a beast of a creature, he is little
more than a thug who inflicts harm on
others for the soul purpose of seeing
them in pain.

Tityus was the son of Zeus and Elare, an
Orchomenan princess. He was hidden on
Earth and raised by Gaea in whose
presence he grew to enormous stature.
His daughter Europa gave birth to the
Argonaut Euphemus, a son of Poseidon.
The goddess Hera reputedly encouraged

TYPHON Contacts: Typhon
once had Hera as a
F Am (50) Health: 270 contact...but he killed
A Ex (20) her. He is destined to
S Un (100) Karma: 50 kill or betray anyone
E Un (100) who allies
R Gd (10) Resources: N/A themselves with him.
I Gd (10)
P Rm (30) Popularity: 0 Running Typhon:
Typhon was destined
KNOWN POWERS: to kill the Olympian
Body Armor: Excellent (20) gods, or so he
believed. That was
Invulnerabilities to Disease and Toxins: his sole motivation
Cl1000. and desire.

Immortality: Immortal and die unless HISTORY:

through violence. Typhon was the last
of the Titans who
Regeneration: Remarkable (30). opposed Zeus' rule
over Mount Olympus.
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the Typhon lost the final
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's battle against Zeus
dialects, and alien languages. was banished from
Olympus and swore
Growth: As a titan, Typhon is capable of vengeance. The
growing: Unearthly (100) rank. mortals would know
about this battle as a
Weather Control: Unearthly (100). myth but mistakenly
they thought that
Lava Breath: Amazing (50) ability to spew Typhon had one
lava up to 5 area range. hundred draconian
heads. In the 20th
Meteorite Spitting: Incredible (40), up to 3 century, Typhon
areas. returned to Olympus
and destroyed the
Monstrous Form: The more power Temple of the
Typhon gains in the Earth dimension or Promethean Flame,
Olympus and the more he assumes his which caused all
Olympians to be transported to the Land recreate a new universe and destroy the
natural monstrous form.
of Shades. He was confronted and old one with the Continuum, but while
defeated by Hercules and the Avengers. resurrected as a child, Zeus convinced
Winged flight: Remarkable (30).
The Olympians were restored and Zeus her to give up such insanity.
banished Typhon to eternal Unfortunately, Typhon managed to free
Serpent Headed Legs: These legs bite for
condemnation in Hades. After Zeus' death himself from her control and betrayed her
Remarkable (30) damage and poison.
at the hands of Mikaboshi's, Hera to fulfill his purpose to slay all of the Gods
inherited his thunderbolt and position as of Olympus, slaying both her and Zeus
Dragon Headed Arms/legs: These legs
ruler of the Olympians, promising a new while protected by the Aegis breastplate.
bite for Remarkable (30) damage or
era to her race. During that time, she led Typhon was killed Hercules in revenge
breathe lava or flame at Amazing (50)
a business corporation known as the within the Continuum universe and later
rank, up to 5 areas.
Olympus Group with Typhon serving as sealed off after Athena managed to
her loyal bodyguard and sexual lover destroy the machine linking the quantum
Talents: Typhon has Occult Lore, Sharp
under control by Pluto. Ultimately, her world of Continuum.
Weapons as well as history, lore and
trivia of the Olympian gods and titans. ambition grew to the point that she tried to

From the myths of legends and tales Shapeshift: Cerberus has a humanoid  Energy Generation: This helm allows
of yore come great creatures and mythic form and can transform back and forth at Cerberus to fire Energy from it at
beasts. Some of these were borne from will. Amazing (50) damage, up to 3 areas.
mythology, told over the centuries and
passed down through the ages. Others Magic: Cerberus has certain abilities or Talents: Cerberus is knowledgeable of
were adapted from the very Marvel powers that he can call upon due to his Olympian Mythology, Lore and History as
Comics that adapted those tales. Some of Olympian nature, they primarily function well; Weapon Specialist: Warhammer.
the stories gave birth to monsters and in his humanoid form.
races of ancient myth and others Contacts: Pluto.
established creatures of myth from their Weapon Creation: Amazing (50) ability to
modern day mythmaking style. create or transform any object into a Running Cerberus:
functional, useable weapon of choice. Despite appearances, Cerberus is not a
bloodthirsty, unintelligent creature. It uses
Growth: Unearthly (100) ability to grow to guile and its appearance as a mere 3-
30 feet in height, he is +3 C/S to be headed dog to keep people unaware of
attacked at this height. the intelligent being it is.

These abilities are primarily in his dog HISTORY:

form, although he can utilize them in his Cerberus is descended from Typhon,
humanoid form if needed. creator of storms, and the serpent
goddess Echidna, daughter of Callirrhoe
Claws and Bite: Cerberus can inflict up to and Chrysaor, a giant who was son of
Amazing (50) damage with either attack. Poseidon and Medusa. The children of
Typhon and Echidna were a mixture of
Poison touch (Bite): Cerberus can inflict creatures similar to animals (legend says
up to Remarkable (30) poison damage this was due to a curse sent by a
from this attack. goddess). Cerberus soon was left by his
parents; Typhon was imprisoned in Mount
CERBERUS - GUARD DOG Hypersensitive Hearing and Olfactory: Aetna after his insolent rebellion against
Cerberus can hear and smell objects up the Olympians, and Echidna marched to
TO HADES to 3 miles distant with Amazing (50) Libya, where she kidnapped children to
ability. feed to Cerberus and his brothers. Finally,
F In (40) Health: 245 she was assassinated by Argus, a giant.
A Rm (30) Tracking: Cerberus can track any being at Cerberus was later used, by Hades, God
S Mn (75) Karma: 80 Monstrous (75) rank. of the Underworld, to maintain order in his
E Un (100) kingdom after the Titans were defeated.
R Ex (20) Resources: Gd Extra Attacks: In melee combat each Cerberus assassinated Keres, an old
I Am (50) head may make an attack. These may be spirit who punished and terrified the dead,
P Gd (10) Popularity: -25 directed at the same target or a number and later occupied its place at the doors
of targets within melee range. of Hades, taking on his mission: to
KNOWN POWERS: prevent those who entered from leaving,
Immortality: Cerberus is immortal and can EQUIPMENT: and send the living back to the world
only die on Olympus. Warhammer: this Cl1000 Adamantine above. Few have managed to leave
Warhammer, does +1 C/S to damage Hades without the permission of
Allspeak: Can communicate in all the when used in combat. Cerberus; among them is Orpheus' who,
languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's  Can be summoned to Cerberus if he after returning from his adventures with
dialects, and alien languages. transforms into his humanoid form. the Argonauts, discovered that his
 Can be used as a throwing weapon (10 beloved Eurydice was dead, and went to
Body Armor: Excellent (20). area range) however, the hammer Hades to rescue her. He confronted
doesn't return and must be fetched. Cerberus, but, with his music, Orpheus
Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. mesmerized the guardian of Hades, and
War-helm: This Sh-X material helmet gained access to the netherworld. As part
provides Incredible (40) vs. penetration of his Twelve Labors Hercules was sent
and cutting attacks. to capture and bring back Cerberus, the

three-headed guard dog of the Four to Tartarus where they fight through
underworld, without using weapons. to where Caledonia was being held
Hercules wrestled down the dog's wild prisoner. However before they could free
heads, and it agreed to go with him to her, Hades unleashed Cerberus who later
King Eurystheus. Cerberus was soon joined by Hippolyta who was commanding
returned unharmed to the underworld. the forces of Tartaurus. Although they are
greatly outnumbered they held their own,
When Thor was transported to Hades by impressed Hades let them leave in peace.
Pluto he was is confronted with the first of When Hercules was tasked with a new
many battles: With the being known as Twelve Labors King Eurystheus told
Cerberus. This a battle easily won by Hercules that he must travel to Hades
Thor who manages to overpower the and retrieve a flower from his wife, whom
creature. Pluto sent Cerberus to attack Hercules had murdered. He and the crew CHARYBDIS
the Champions. He encountered Ghost traveled to the River Styx. Now in Hades
Rider on the UCLA campus. The two he knocked out Cerberus and went F Rm (30) Health: 245
battled and Ghost Rider threw a little through the gate. Hades decided to A Ex (20)
hellfire before deciding he isn't up to the change Erebus the gateway to the S Am (50) Karma: 26
task and left. When they X-Men were in underworld to a casino called Stygia E Am (50)
"Hell" they descend deeper into the based in Atlantic City. The once mighty R Ty (6) Resources: Ty
Inferno, on the third level they are Cereberus was reduced to a sideshow I Gd (10)
attacked by Cerberus, whom Wolverine attraction to entertain the guest and P Gd (10) Popularity: -100
and Colossus managed to fight off into waiting souls. Cerberus was one of the
fleeing. Cerberus confronted Ka-Zar and many warriors sent to kill for Rahne KNOWN POWERS:
his friends when they tried to enter the Sinclair's child. Werewolf by Night battled Immortality: Charybdis is only immortal on
Underworld. Namor is captured by Cerberus while Rahne fled in a car. Olympus.
Neptune and brought to Hades. He
escapes from the clutches of Cerberus Allspeak: Can communicate in all the
and with the help of a mysterious stranger languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's
is led to the Fortress Tartarus where he dialects, and alien languages.
frees the captive Avengers. They then
free Thor from Pluto's mercy and attempt Body Armor: Remarkable (30).
to leave Hades on the Pathway of Infinity.
Pluto destroys the bridge and the Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000.
Avengers prepare to make their stand.
Namor was captured by Poseidon and Multiple attacks: Charybdis has six heads
brought to Hades. He escaped from the and can make 3 attacks a round.
clutches of Cerberus and with the help of
a mysterious stranger is led to the Permanent growth: Charybdis is
Fortress Tartarus. Pluto lost ownership of hundreds of feet in height and width,
Cerberus to Hela the ruler of the Norse capable of swallowing thousands of
after life Hel. She used him as her guard gallons of water and ships whole. +3 C/S
dog for some time. He was present when to be hit.
Doctor Strange asked for passage
through her realm. Hela stated that she Water Breathing:
would return Cerberus back to Hades in
her own time. Cerberus now back with Water Freedom:
Hades allowed Ares by when he went to
meet Pluto, in hopes of forming an Bite: strength ranked damage.
alliance against Thor during a time when
he was suffering from madness. Talents: Underwater Combat. Before her
transformation Charybdis, being the
Hades recruited Hrinmeer and sent him daughter of Poseidon, she was
on the back of Cerberus to kill Thor but he knowledgeable of Olympian Mythology,
failed. The Puppy teleported the Fantastic History and Lore.

Contacts: Poseidon, The Huntsman HISTORY:
The Chimera was a three-headed
Running the Charybdis: monster which ravaged the countryside of
Charybdis is bitter and angry over her Lykia (Lycia) in Anatolia. It was a bizarre
transformation; she destroys ships or fire-breathing creature with the body and
sailors who get close enough to her. head of a lion, a goat's head rising from
its back, the udders of a goat, and a
HISTORY: serpent for a tail. The hero Bellerophon
Charybdis was born as the daughter of was commanded by King Iobates to slay
Poseidon and Gaia, and faithfully served the beast. He rode into battle on the back
her father as the goddess of the tides. of the winged horse Pegasos and drove a
She aided him in his feud with Zeus by lead-tipped lance into its flaming throat,
helping him engulf lands and entire choking the beast on molten metal. Later,
islands in water. Angry over the land she Hera resurrected the Chimera to use as a
had stolen from him, Zeus cursed guard like Cerberus.
Charybdis into the form of a monster like
a bladder, with flippers for arms and legs,
and an unquenchable thirst for the sea. CHIMAERA
This forced her to drink the water of the
sea three times a day in an effort to sate F Mn (75) Health: 280
her thirst, only to belch it back out, A Rm (30)
creating enormous whirlpools in the
S Mn (75) Karma: 44
process. Living under a rock, Charybdis
E Un (100)
stayed on one end of a narrow channel, R Pr (4)
with another monster, Scylla, living across I Rm (30)
from her on the opposite side, forming a
P Gd (10) Popularity: -100
The sides of the strait were within an Body Armor: Remarkable (30).
arrow shot of each other, and any sailors
attempting to avoid the reach of one of
Fire breathing: Monstrous (75) damage,
them would be unable to avoid that of the up to 7 areas.
other. "Between Scylla and Charybdis" CRETAN BULL
thereby became a phrase referring to
Poison bite: The victim must make an
having to choose between two dangers, F Ex (20) Health: 130
Monstrous (75) Endurance feat vs. Toxins
either of which would bring harm. A Gd (10)
or lose one rank per turn.
S Am (50) Karma: 22
E Am (50)
Winged Flight: Amazing (50) air speed. R Fb (2)
I Gd (10)
Tracking: Remarkable (30) ability.
P Gd (10) Popularity: -100
Talents: Aerial Combat. KNOWN POWERS:
Body Armor: Good (10) vs. Physical
Contacts: Typhoon, Hera.
Land Movement: Good (10).
Running the Chimera:
The Chimera is a cunning best that will
Horns and Charging attacks: Monstrous
stop at nothing to attain what it is chasing.
(75) gore damage.
This was the monster's downfall as
Bellerophon killed the monster due to its Contacts: Posiedon

Running the Cretan Bull: Running Ladon: KNOWN POWERS:
The Cretan Bull is a divinely created bull Ladon had one job, guarding the golden Body Armor: Incredible (40) (none vs.
from the sea. It wasn't anything more than apples of Olympus and he couldn't get Fire).
a giant magical bull. that right as Hercules got to them and
him. Fire breathing: Amazing (50), 5 areas.
The Cretan Bull, was a handsome bull HISTORY: Poison bite: If bitten, the victim makes an
sent forth from the sea by Poseidon. Ladon was the name of a monster in Incredible (40) Endurance feat vs. Toxins
Queen Pasiphae of Krete lusted after the Greek dragon, the guardian of the Golden or lose one rank per turn.
animal and coupled with it by hiding Apples in the Garden of the Hesperides.
inside a wooden cow crafted by the Typhon and Echidna are his parents. One Winged Flight: Amazing (50).
artificer Daedalus. She later gave birth to source also mentions him as being the
the Minotaur, a man with the head of a brother of the Nemean Lion. During the Regeneration: Cl1000. The hydra can
bull. Hercules was commanded to fetch Labours of Heracles, one of the tasks the regenerate without rest.
the Cretan Bull as one of his Twelve demigod was given was to steal the
Labours. Upon completion of this task he golden apples from the Garden of the LIMITATIONS:
set the creature free and it eventually Hesperides, which was located Fire: Despite its abilities, the Hydra has
found its way to the Athenian town of somewhere in the western corner of the no resistance to flame as cauterizing the
Marathon where it laid waste to the world. After traveling through the Libyan stumps of its missing head was enough to
countryside. There it was finally destroyed desert and getting assistance by the sun keep it from regenerating.
by the hero Theseus. god Helios, Heracles eventually reached
the Garden of the Hesperides. There, he Talents: Aerial Combat.
killed Ladon, managed to retrieve the
golden apples, and returned to Tiryns Contacts: Ares.
successfully completing his task.
Running the Hydra:
The Hydra is a cunning beast that will
stop at nothing to attain what it is chasing
and just remember, when you cut off a
head, two appear!

The Hydra was the spawn of of the Titan
Typhon and Echidna, the snake-goddess.
LADON Typhon was imprisoned under Mount
Aetna after attacking the Olympian gods
F Rm (30) Health: 200 and Echidna fled to Arcadia where she
A Ex (20) gave birth to a host of numerous
S Mn (75) Karma: 26 incredible creatures, each one more foul
E Mn (75) than the last. After Echidna was killed by
R Ty (6) Argus, the original sentry of Olympus, the
I Gd (10) Hydra found a home in the swamps of
P Gd (10) Popularity: -100 Lerna where it grew to immense size
preying upon travelers through the region.
LERNEAN HYDRA Fin Fang Foom claimed to have met and
Body Armor: Amazing (50). beheaded the Hydra in Greece, circa
F Rm (30) Health: 200 3,000 BC. Per Foom's words, the Hydra
A Ex (20) did not grow any new head. In 1271, B.C.
Multiple heads: Unlike its brother, the
S Mn (75) Karma: 26
Hydra, Ladon has no regenerative powers as part of his Twelve Labors, Hercules
E Mn (75) was sent by King Eurystheus of Mycenae
but may attack up to 2 times a round
R Ty (6) as his second labor to kill the nine-
I Gd (10) headed Hydra at Lerna. Driving it out of
Contacts: Hera
P Gd (10) Popularity: -100
the swamp with burning arrows, he
quickly learned it grew two new heads for

each one severed. With the help of the beast with his olive-wood club and
Iolaus, Hercules used heated brands to then strangled it with his bare hands
cauterize each head and prevent new hands and with its own claws skinned the
heads from forming. Burning the rest of animal. The lion's hide became known as
the creature’s body, he collected enough the Nemean Lion Skin and serves
of its venom to dip its arrows within and Hercules as impenetrable armor. The
render them that much more potent. Nemean Lion was brought back by
However, King Eurystheus later realized Eurystheus and Matsu'o Tsurayaba, and
that Hercules had too much help from opposed Hercules and Wolverine on
Iolaus in defeating the Hydra and refused behalf of several of the heroes' foes.
to count this as one of the labors: After
the tenth labor, he would add more
labors. Whilst on Argonauts' Quest for the
Golden Fleece they were attacked by NEMEAN LION
another Hydra. Hercules cut off its head
and pours a sealant on its neck, F Rm (30) Health: 120
preventing it from regenerating. Eurytus A Rm (30)
praised Hercules that he always was the
S Rm (30) Karma: 12
smartest one of them.
E Rm (30)
R Pr (4)
The Brotherhood of the Spear, during I Pr (4)
World War II, renamed itself after the
P Pr (4) Popularity: -10
monster because of their modus operandi
on membership being based on its heads. KNOWN POWERS:
In the modern era Hercules related his Body Armor: Monstrous (75).
tale of battling the Hydra to a group of
young New Yorkers in Central Park. Ares
Land Movement: Good (10) speed
the God of War kept a Hydra at "Big
Henri's Alligator Farm " in Louisiana. He Claw/Bite: Incredible (40) damage.
collected some of the Hydra's blood in
order to create a weapon to use against
Contacts: Typhon
Running the Nemean Lion:
The Nemean Lion Is a giant, hungry lion
capable of killing entire herds of cattle or
towns full of people.
The Nemean Lion was the spawn of of F In (40) Health: 144
the Titan; Typhon and Echidna, the A Pr (4)
snake-goddess. Typhon was imprisoned S Am (50) Karma: 12
under Mount Aetna after attacking the E Am (50)
Olympian gods and Echidna fled to R Pr (4) Resources: Pr
Arcadia where she gave birth to a host of I Pr (4)
numerous incredible creatures, each one P Pr (4) Popularity: -10
more foul than the last. The Nemean Lion
was a great lion upon whose KNOWN POWERS:
impenetrable hide swords snapped and Permanent Growth: At least 100 feet in
arrows bounced uselessly it settled in the height, and is at +3 C/S to be hit.
region of Nemea where it got its name.
The Nemean Lion was the first of the Body Armor: Excellent (20)
Twelve Labors of Hercules. This monster
of a lion had a hide was so tough that no Retarded aging: Aging 1 year for every
arrow could pierce it. Hercules stunned 100 he lives.

Cyclopian vision: Unfortunately for
Polyphemus, his vision lacks depth
preception and visual acuity. Should
someone base their stragety of attack
around this concept (on a sucessful
Reason feat...) they are granted a +1 C/S
due to the limitations of cyclopian vision.

A Giant club made of Amazing (50)
materials that does strength rank
Talents: Blunt weapons
F Rm (30) Health: 150
Contacts: Other Cyclopes. A Ex (20)
S Am (50) Karma: 50
Running Polyphemus: E Am (50)
Polyphemus is your typical cyclops, not R Ty (6) Resources: Gd
particularly bright and very violent. I Gd (10) TARTARO
P Gd (10) Popularity: -100
HISTORY: F Rm (30) Health: 150
Polyphemus was the Cyclops son of the KNOWN POWERS: A Ex (20)
god Poseidon and Thoosa. On his way Stone Skin: Remarkable (30). S Am (50) Karma: 50
home from the Trojan War, storms led E Am (50)
Odysseus' ship to the Hidden Isle the Permanent growth: As a living cliff side. R Ty (6) Resources: Gd
home of the Cyclops, who started eating +3 C/S to be hit. I Gd (10)
the crew of the ships. Odysseus managed P Gd (10) Popularity: -100
to trick Polyphemus and along with his Talents: Underwater Combat. Before her
companions, blinded the Cyclops. Before transformation, she was knowledgeable KNOWN POWERS:
they left, though, he did the mistake of of Olympian Mythology, History and Lore. Permanent growth: Tartaro is 20 in height
revealing his identity to Polyphemus, who and is +1 C/S to be hit.
then told his father, the god Poseidon; Contacts: The Huntsman and Charybdis.
this had a major impact on the hero's Running the Scylla: Horns: These Remarkable (30) horns
travel, as the god sent rough seas Scylla is angry, she destroys ships or could be used to gore foes for power rank
throughout the journey. sailors who get close enough to her. damage.

A man named Duncan found Polyphemus HISTORY: Contacts: Typhon

on an island encased in ice. He freed him Scylla was a Nymph who was changed
with an ax and the monster attempted to into a rock monster by Circe. She was Running Tartaro:
destroy him. Duncan lead the creature summoned by the Huntsman to battle Tartaro seems to be little more than a
across another patch of ice covering a Hercules and the Sub-Mariner. mindless creature under the control of
crevasse which was too thin to support Typhon from the Land of Shades.
his weight and the Cyclops found himself
buried in the crevasse once again. During HISTORY:
this time, the Polyphemus referred to Tartaro was a horned, ape-like monster
himself as "Cyclops." He was summoned from "the worlds beyond", summoned by
by the Huntsman to battle Hercules and Typhon to battle Hercules. Hercules
the Sub-Mariner alongside Scylla and prevailed in the fight.
Charybdis. In this appearance,
Polyphemus was depicted with a bald
head and having a diamond in place of
his eye.

In ancient times warrior queen Hippolyta
and her sisters were known among
various lands as war mongers. During
each attack, they would abduct young
girls, raising them among themselves to
be faithful warriors loyal to Hippolyta. This
practice gave rise to the origin of the
Amazons. Hippolyta ruled the women
warriors as their undisputed queen and
was the first to call her female followers
the Bacchae. This was the status quo for
many years, until the arrival of the
demigod Hercules on the shores of
Themyscira, the home of the Amazons.
Along with other famous heroes of the
times in the Argonauts (Jason, Theseus,
THE AMAZONS and Telamon), Hercules had come to
(Typical Stats) collect Hippolyta's famous golden girdle.
Naturally, the Amazons didn't plan to
F Rm (30) Health: 90 surrender it without a fight, and Hercules
A Ex (20) and the others wiped most of them out in
S Gd (10) Karma: 50 the ensuing conflict. Theseus eventually
E Rm (30) kidnapped Hippolyta, not aware it was
R Gd (10) Resources: Gd actually the queen's sister Antiope who
I Ex (20) had disguised herself as Hippolyta to
P Ex (20) Popularity: -10 protect her.
EQUIPMENT: (Typical Stats)
Body Armor: The Amazons wear a variety
of armor, depending on era that provides F Rm (30) Health: 90
Good (10) protection. A Gd (10)
S Ex (20) Karma: 30
Weapons: The Amazons use a variety of E Rm (30)
weapons, including firearms with A/P, R Gd (10) Resources: Gd
Silvered and Blessed rounds I Gd (10)
P Gd (10) Popularity: +10
Vehicles: The Amazons have stolen a
number of Atlantean vehicles for their KNOWN POWERS:
own purposes. Land Movement: Good (10) speed

Talents: The amazons have 2 weapon Body Armor: Typical (6) vs. Physical,
skills (Firearms and 1 other), they have 1 Poor (4) vs. Energy
combat skill (Wrestling or a Martial Arts),
Military, Occult lore and are often Multi- LIMITATIONS:
Lingual. Reputation: Centaurs are often thought of
as either scholars or drunkards. Should a
Contacts: Other Amazons, Hippolyta and player wish to play to either of this
Artume. archtypes, give them an additional +10
karma for good role playing.
Running Amazons:
The Amazons are war mongers, looking Talents: Blunt Weapons, Sharp
from one battle to the next taking those Weapons, Bows and others. Trivia related
who will swell their ranks. to Ancient Greece, Olympus and Greek

Mythology. Typically the Centaurs speak battled Zeus a centaur fled carrying an Talents: Basic versions of Martial arts B
Ancient Greek, Latin and whatever Olympian woman to safety on its back. and C.
modern language they care to learn.
Contacts: Typhoon, Hera.
Contacts: Their fellow centaurs.
Running the Centimanes:
Running the Centaurs: The Centimanes are not the brightest
The Centaurs are often tribal like in the creatures and their simple mindedness
way they gather, but get along well with can be their downfall.
humans for the most part.
HISTORY: The Centimanes (or “Hundred-Handed”)
Centaurs, Kentauros in Greek, are half- were conceived by Gaea and Uranus,
human, half-horse creatures in Greek who later exiled these monstrous children
mythology. They have the body of a horse to Tartarus.
and the torso, head and arms of a man.
They were considered to be the children
of Ixion, king of the Lapiths, and Nephele,
a cloud made in the image of Hera.
Nessus was a centaur who worked as a
ferryman for the River Evenus. He THE CENTIMANES OF
kidnapped Hercules' second wife OLYMPUS
Deianira, whereupon Hercules shot him (Typical Stats)
with an arrow. Feigning a wish to make
amends, the dying centaur told Deianeira F In (40) Health: 124
how to make a love charm from his A Pr (4)
allegedly enchanted blood, aware that it S In (40) Karma: 28
was now tainted with the lethal poison of E In (40)
the Hydra, in which Hercules had dipped R Pr (4) Resources: Gd
his arrows. When Deianeira rubbed the I Pr (4)
supposed love charm into Hercules' shirt, P Ex (20) Popularity: -30
she inadvertently caused Hercules' mortal
demise, granting Nessus his late revenge. KNOWN POWERS:
Immortality: Centimanes is immortal in
The Centaurs were later banished from Olympus.
Earth to the land of the centaurs in the
dimension of Olympus. The human Allspeak: Can communicate in all the THE CYCLOPS OF
offspring of a centaur killed himself when languages of the Nine Realms, Earth's OLYMPUS
his curiosity about why his father never dialects, and alien languages. (Typical Stats)
came out from behind a locked door got
the better of him. During Thor's first visit Body Armor: Excellent (20). F Ex (20) Health: 104
to Olympus, he witnessed a centaur A Pr (4)
entertaining itself to the music of Pan. Invulnerability to Diseases: Cl1000. S In (40) Karma: 12
Ares used the Ebony Blade lost by the E In (40)
Black Knight to try and rally the Centaurs Multiple heads: Due to the sheer number R Pr (4) Resources: Pr
and Satyrs in attempt to conquer of heads and minds the Centimanes are I Pr (4)
Olympus. Even with Amora the not the brightest creatures, their Reason P Pr (4) Popularity: -10
Enchantress by his side, Ares was is no higher than Poor.
defeated by Hercules and the Avengers. KNOWN POWERS:
After the Avengers escaped Tartarus; Multiple arms: Centimanes have up to Permanent Growth: cyclops range in
they are confronted by a centuar guard at 100 arms, as a result they make up to 10 height between 15-30 feet and are +1-2
the gates of Olympus. They take him multiple attacks (grappling or blunt) on C/S to be hit, depending on height.
down with ease ad they continued their different targets or just 1.
search for Hercules. As the Avengers Body Armor: Excellent (20).

Retarded aging: Aging 1 year for every crevasse which was too thin to support Contacts: Their fellow giants.
100 they live. his weight and the Cyclops found himself
buried in the crevasse once again. Namor Running the Giants:
LIMITATIONS: battled the Huntsman who summoned The giants are savage tribal creatures
Cyclopean vision: Unfortunately for monsters from Greek myth to defeat who prefer uncooked and often raw fresh
creatures of this type, their vision lacks Hercules including Polyphemus the meat to eat.
depth perception and visual acuity. Cyclops. Together Namor and Hercules
Should someone base their strategy of defeat the monsters and the Huntsman. HISTORY:
attack around this concept (on a The Giants of Olympus are based on the
successful Reason feat...) they are Giants of Greek Mythology. As in the
granted a +1 C/S due to the limitations of Greek myths, Gaea fertilized them from
cyclopean vision. the blood of Uranus. Following the defeat
of the Titans, Gaea sought for a way to
EQUIPMENT: make the Giants immortal like the
Building supplies or smithing equipment. Olympians. To keep Gaea from finding a
Cyclopes are good at both. solution to this, Zeus withheld Helios,
Eos, and Selene from the night sky so
Talents: Cyclopes can choose one of the that Gaea wouldn't find it. The Giants
following Smithing (Weapon, Black, or were prophesied by the female Titan
Metal), Construction or a weapon skill of Themis to be indestructible and could not
their choosing. be killed by a god or an immortal. Zeus
obtained the help of his son Hercules to
Contacts: Other Cyclopes. help fight them. Each of the Giants were
killed in the similar way as in the actual
Running Cyclopes: Greek mythology.
For the most part your average Cyclopes
are dumber than a sack of rocks, they're In recent years, a blind Giant named
very tribal in nature and tend to stick Zeno and a one-armed giant named
together when possible. Callias encountered Hulk near the
entrance to Tartarus where they held a
HISTORY: THE GIANTS OF OLYMPUS meal to honor their brethren that are
The Cyclopes are primordial race of (Typical Stats) imprisoned there. They shared their meal
giants, each with a single eye in the with Hulk until it was interrupted by an
middle of his forehead. The name literally (Agrius, Alcyoneus, Callias, attack from Ares. This attack ended up
means "round-eyed" They are the sons of Enceladus, Eurymedon, Eurytus, causing Hulk to attack Mount Olympus
Uranus and Gaia and closely related to Gration, Mimas, Pallas, Polybotes, upon Hulk being convinced by Zeno and
the Titans. On his way home, storms led Porphyrion, Zeno ) Callias that the Olympian Gods were his
Odysseus' ships to the Hidden Isle, the enemies. Callias and Zeno rallied the
home of the Cyclops. Polyphemus, who F Rm (30) Health: 175 Giants into breaking the seal on Tartarus
started eating the crew of the ships. A Ex (20) which ended up freeing Cronus. Cronus,
Odysseus managed to trick Polyphemus S Mn (75) Karma: 12 Callias, and Zeno then stormed Mount
and along with his companions, blinded E Am (50) Olympus only to end up fighting Hulk and
the Cyclops. Before they left, though, he R Pr (4) Resources: Pr Hercules. Hercules managed to slay
did the mistake of revealing his identity to I Pr (4) Callias and Zeno before resealing
Polyphemus, who then told his father, the P Pr (4) Popularity: -10 Tartarus after throwing Cronus back into
god Poseidon; this had a major impact on Tartarus.
the hero's travel, as the god sent rough KNOWN POWERS:
seas throughout the journey. Retarded Aging: 1 year for every 500. Some years later, Hulk was invited to
Mount Olympus as a guest of the
In the modern era a man found a Cyclops Body Armor: Remarkable (30) vs. Olympians. He and Hercules later took a
on an island encased in ice. He freed him Physical, Good (10) vs. Energy path where they ended up fighting some
with an ax and the monster attempted to Giants.
destroy him, but he lead the creature Talents: Blunt weapons or Sharp
across another patch of ice covering a weapons.

dolls to play with. All of them hate Athena the deaths of their mothers. Generations
with a passion that can't be denied. later King Kreon of Pylos sent Hercules to
retrieve the gold of Medusa from the Isle
HISTORY: of Fear. On the island he encountered
Gorgons are humanoids with hideous, Medusa, alive and well, concealing her
broad-headed monsters with wild eyes, face behind a hood. Hercules and the
lolling tongues, wide mouths with Argonauts ended up slaying her once
enormous, gnashing teeth, clawed hands. again. With Medusa's death, Jason and
They are one of the many mystically race all her prior victims reverted back to flesh.
created by the Olympians. Stheno,
Euryale and Medusa, were the children of During the early part of the 20th century,
the ancient Titans Phorcys and Ceto. Medusa somehow turned up alive again
After the Olympians' triumphed over the in the 1920's, as a famous photographer
Titans, the Gorgons became priestesses named "May Dusa". During the same era
of Athena and took a vow of celibacy. Professor Lansing discovered the
Eventually Medusa broke the vow and Medusa-Land and attempted an
ultimately gave birth to Poseidon's son, expedition to discover its riches.
Cyclops. Athena found out that Medusa Sometime later Medusa moved to Paris,
have broken the vow and disgraced the France with a blind man from Greece, her
goddess' temple. She transformed the husband. He wins an art competition by
Gorgon sisters into scaly hags with using one of Medusa's victims as an art
snakes for hair. piece. At some event Medusa or one of
THE GORGONS OF her descendants became imprisoned by a
OLYMPUS Perseus was tasked with retrieving curio shop owner. A robber was turned to
(Typical Stats) Medusa head to slay the Kraken. He stone upon discovering Medusa behind a
prayed to Athena and Hermes for help, vault door. The shop owner placed the
F Ex (20) Health: 90 they gifted him; the Sandals of Hermes; criminal's stone body in his shop.
A Gd (10) winged sandals to fly him to the end of Sometime later, a customer wanted to
S Ex (20) Karma: 50 the world, the Helmet of Hades which know the story behind the "statue", and
E In (40) turned the wearer invisible and Athena's the owner told him; the customer did not
R Gd (10) Resources: Pr sword and mirrored shield. He used the believe him, but when the owner
I Gd (10) helmet to sneak by the other Gorgons challenged him to open the door himself,
P Rm (30) Popularity: -30 and when he confronted Medusa, he he fled in terror, convinced.
used the shield allow him to see a
KNOWN POWERS: reflection of Medusa’s face and to avoid Years later Mr. and Mrs. Grey bought the
Body Armor: Good (10) vs. Physical. being turned into stone. He eventually cursed European castle with Medusa
sliced her head off and flew back and imprisoned inside. Mr. Grey unknowingly
Petrification vision: Amazing (50) ability to escaped Medusa's sisters who tried to released Medusa from her prison, but she
turn victims to stone if they see her. reach him. Perseus used Medusa's head failed to turn to stone. Thinking that her
Endurance feat vs. power rank as a weapon to defeat the Kraken. He own curse had been somehow lifted, she
later gave the head to Athena to place it looked at herself in the mirror turning
Resistance to Infrared detection: on her shield. herself to stone. In modern times the
Remarkable (30). head of Medusa was found in an
The Gorgons fled Olympus to Earth to live archaeological dig in Greece by Mr.
Talents: The gorgons have at least 1 in isolation while petrifying unknowing Collins. He held on to the head for many
weapon skill, Mystic origin, Occult lore victims, literally. All their descendants decades, until it was stolen from him by.
and are often Multi-Lingual. bore the same curse creating a mythical Mr. Collins hired Moon Knight to recover
species of Gorgons. After Medusa's the head of Medusa. Spector managed to
Contacts: Other Gorgons. death, her daughter relocated to recover the head but in a petrified state.
subterranean world below Athens - Medusa was brought back to life via the
Running Gorgons: Medusa-Land. Medusa's daughter, who Hand's resurrection ritual alongside with
Gorgons can be petty and vindictive. took her mother's name, became the ruler number of Ancient Greek monsters to be
They gather victims, like little girls gather of the city. Her descendants, each took used by Matsu'o Tsurayaba against
the name Medusa and ruled the city after Wolverine and Hercules. Medusa's attack

was unsuccessful and resulted in Contacts: Other Harpies.
beheading. Ironically enough, her head
was uses as a weapon against another Running Harpies:
resurrected Ancient Greek monstrosity, They scream all the time! In a loud shrill
the Kraken. way! The harpies are aggressive and
impatient, but neither stupid nor too proud
for their own good.

THE HARPYIAI (Harpies) were the
daimones of sudden, sharp gusts of wind.
They were known as the hounds of Zeus
and were dispatched by the god to snatch
away (harpazô) people and things from
the earth. Sudden, mysterious
disappearances were often attributed to
the Harpyiai. The Harpyiai were once sent
by Zeus to plague King Phineus of Thrace
as punishment for revealing the secrets of THE MINOTAUR OF
the gods. Whenever a plate of food was
set before him, the Harpyiai would swoop OLYMPUS
down and snatch it away, befouling any (Typical Stats)
scraps left behind. When the Argonauts
came to visit, the winged Boreades gave F Rm (30) Health: 100
chase, and pursued the Harpies to the A Gd (10)
Strophades Islands, where the goddess S Rm (30) Karma: 44
THE HARPIES OF OLYMPUS Iris commanded them to turn back and E Rm (30)
(Typical Stats) leave the storm-spirits unharmed. The R Pr (4) Resources: Pr
Harpyiai were depicted as winged I Rm (30)
F Ex (20) Health: 80 women, with ugly faces, or with the lower P Gd (10) Popularity: -10
A Ex (20) bodies of birds.
S Gd (10) Karma: 30 KNOWN POWERS:
E Rm (30) A group of Harpies attacked the campus Direction sense: Minotaur’s never
R Gd (10) Resources: Pr of UCLA and fought the Champions on become lost. They know where the exit is
I Gd (10) the campus. and how to get there. Amazing (50).
P Gd (10) Popularity: -30
Tracking: Remarkable (30) ability.
Body Armor: Good (10). Lightning Speed: Good (10) speed

Winged Flight: Good (10) speed. Charge Attack: Remarkable (30) damage
plus 2 points for every area crossed to get
Claws: Excellent (20) material and to the victim.
Night Sight: Excellent (20) ability, up to 5
LIMITATIONS: areas range.
Hellfire: They have a weakness to hellfire
and take +1 C/S damage from such Contacts: Posiedon
Running the Minotaur:
Talents: The harpies have Aerial combat, The Minotaur is a vicious, dedicated
Survival, Mystic origin, Occult lore and hunter. He enjoys stalking his prey, taking
are often Multi-Lingual. the time to savor their fear and the hunt
he is undertaking.

HISTORY: Meanwhile, the legend of the Minotaur material, Good (10) protection, -1 C/S to
The Minotaur was the offspring of the spread far throughout ancient Greece, but head damage.
Queen Pasiphae and the Bull of no one knew of its origins.
Poseiden. Her husband, King Minos, had Shield: Made from the same Amazing
been given control of the oceans around (50) material as the armor, the shield
Crete by the divine right of the sea-god absorbs 50 points of damage if used to
Poseiden (Neptune). To show his shield from an attack.
appreciation, Minos promised to sacrifice
the first bull he saw to the sea-god, Weapons: They use a variety of weapons,
knowing full well that he did not have one. most are Amazing (50) materials, Swords,
Poseiden then allowed one to appear, a Daggers or Spears.
great white one, but Minos kept it as a gift
to himself rather than sacrifice it as Talents: The Myrmidons have 2 weapon
promised. Angered, Poseiden instructed skills, they have 1 combat skill (Wrestling
Eros, the god of love, to smite Pasiphae or a Martial Arts), Military, Occult lore and
with a love for the great bull. She are often Multi-Lingual.
instructed Daedalus, the royal artisan, to
create a hollow wooden cow that she Contacts: Other Myrmidons, Achilles.
could enter to admire the bull up close.
From within it, she became pregnant by Running Myrmidons:
the bull which was later captured as the The Myrmidons were the chosen warriors
seventh labor of Hercules and taken to of Achilles and when he was granted his
Greece. immortality, so too did all of the
Myrmidons. They're loyal to him and
In the beginning, Pasiphae believed the where he goes and whomever he fights,
child she conceived was Minos' and they fight alongside of him.
named it Asterion after Minos' step-father
(actually, Minos' true father was Zeus, HISTORY:
Lord of the gods.) Young Asterion THE MYRMIDONS OF The Myrmidons were a tribe of fierce
however, was born deformed and slowly OLYMPUS warriors. At the beginning of the Trojan
grew up to resemble a bull. He never (Typical Stats) War, led by Achilles, they went to Mount
learned to talk, possessed a brutal, more Ida and drove off the cattle of Dardanian
animalistic amount of strength and an F Rm (30) Health: 110 Aeneas, causing Dardanus to join the war
intelligence slightly higher than most A Ex (20) against the Achaeans. Achilles' men
animals. When Minos learned Asterion's S Rm (30) Karma: 50 ravaged many other cities, including
true origin, he locked the freakish monster E Rm (30) Lyrnessus, Pedasus and Chryse.
in the catacombs under the castle, and R Gd (10) Resources: Pr
then commissioned Daedalus to further I Ex (20) The Myrmidons remained under Achilles'
expand the catacombs into a maze so P Ex (20) Popularity: -10 orders in Olympus. When Mikaboshi's
that Asterion, now known as the Minotaur, demon army assaulted Olympus, they
could not escape. KNOWN POWERS: were the vanguard. Others were tasked
Invulnerability to Disease: Cl1000 by Zeus with abducting and protecting
For several years in his war with the Alex Aaron, son of Ares, in order to draw
Athenians, Minos used the maze of Immortality: Myrmidons only die on the God of War to Olympus to battle
catacombs, now known as the labyrinth, Olympus. Mikaboshi. Accompanying Achilles, two
to imprison his enemies for the Minotaur Myrmidons went to Earth and returned
to kill at his leisure. When King Aegeus of Note about abilities: Before their with Ares, only to find their city destroyed
Athens killed Minos' son Androgeus, immortality, The Myrmidon’s Strength was and their brothers dead. Fighting the
Minos vengefully forced Athens to pay Good (10) and Endurance was Excellent Eastern demons alongside with Ares and
him an annual tribute of seven youths and (20) with a suitable reduction in health. Achilles, they were all eventually
seven maidens. These he shut in inside teleported to the halls of Zeus.
the labyrinth, where they either starved or EQUIPMENT: Regrouping, there were only three
were devoured by the Minotaur. Body Armor: They wear gold breast surviving Myrmidons.
plates and full helmets of Amazing (50)

Contacts: Ares KNOWN POWERS:
Body Armor: Good (10).
Running Satyrs:
They're scholars and drunkards, why Ares Immortality: they’re immortal on Olympus.
chose to make them his foot soldiers,
when other creatures would have been Sirens coloring: Sirens are green and
better choices, is anyones guess. have an otherworldly appearance.

HISTORY: Avian Sirens: Some sirens have an avian

Three Satyrs were used by Ares as his bodies and are gifted with Winged Flight:
agents, to place men in New York under Typical (6).
their spell so that they would become his
lackeys, and christianed them his Hypnotic voice: Remarkable (30) ability to
Warhawks, garbing them with hats and entrance men, -2 c/s vs. women.
armbands bearing the symbol of a hawk's  Power Enhancement: +1 C/S in groups
talons. Ares then used the Ebony Blade of 3, +2 C/S in groups of 6 and a
lost by the Black Knight to try and rally the maximum of +3 C/S in a group of 10 or
Centaurs and Satyrs in attempt to more.
SATYRS - FOOT SOLDIERS conquer Olympus. Even with Amora the
OF ARES Enchantress by his side, Ares was EQUIPMENT:
defeated by Hercules and the Avengers. Lyres or harps
(Typical Stats)

F Gd (10) Health: 70 Talents: Sirens are familiar with

A Ex (20) Olympian Mythology, Lore and History.
S Gd (10) Karma: 50 They play instruments and sing as well.
E Rm (30)
R Gd (10) Resources: Gd Contacts: The Huntsman
I Gd (10)
P Rm (30) Popularity: -10 Running Sirens:
Starved for attention and companionship,
KNOWN POWERS: the Sirens lure unsuspecting victims to
Body Armor: Good (10). their doom. When set to a task by a
master or mistress, they strive to
Immortality: the Satyrs are immortal only complete it.
in Olympus.
Demihuman-Faun: Satyrs have hairy Sirens or naiads are beautiful yet
legs, short tail, and horns of a goat. dangerous creatures without souls, who
lured nearby sailors with their enchanting
Mind control-Women only: Feeble (2) music and voices to shipwreck on the
ability to fascinate the minds of women. rocky coast of their island. They are the
offspring of Phorcys and Ceto. They were
EQUIPMENT: imprisoned by Demeter on Anthemoessa,
Whatever equipment Ares gives them. in Italy. On Odysseus' journey home to
THE SIRENS Ithaca from the Trojan War he had to
Talents: Olympian Mythology, Lore and (Typical Stats) pass the island of the Sirens. However he
History. Usually they can play an was curious as to what the Sirens sang to
instrument, dance and sing as well. They F Gd (10) Health: 46 him, and so, on the advice of Circe, he
are known as scholars and drunkards, A Gd (10) had all of his men plug their ears with
should the player chose to take skills S Ty (6) Karma: 50 beeswax and tie him to the mast. He
reflecting either of those aspects of their E Rm (30) ordered his men to leave him tied tightly
personality they gain an additional +10 R Gd (10) Resources: Gd to the mast, no matter how much he
karma per session. I Gd (10) would beg. When he heard their beautiful
P Rm (30) Popularity: -10 song, he ordered the sailors to untie him

but they bound him tighter. When they THE STYMPHALIAN BIRDS HISTORY:
had passed out of earshot, Odysseus (Typical Stats) The Stymphalian Birds were born as
demonstrated with his frowns to be normal birds at one time before they were
released. F Gd (10) Health: 80 found by Ares, the Olympian god of war,
A Ex (20) and raised on the food of the gods. When
In the modern day, The Huntsman used S Ex (20) Karma: 50 they were not following him into war, they
the Sirens' call to lure Namor, the Sub- E Rm (30) lurked in the high trees in the swamps of
Mariner in and sap his will. This lead to a R Gd (10) Resources: Pr Lake Symphalus in Arcadia where their
battle with the Atlantean and Hercules. I Gd (10) voracious appetite was fueled by unwary
Some construction workers accidentally P Rm (30) Popularity: -10 travelers. On his sixth labor, Hercules
released some Sirens that were trapped espoused them from the area with noises
in a cave. Johnny Blaze entered a KNOWN POWERS: from brass castanets created by
motorcycle race, but the race gets Body Armor: Remarkable (30). Their Hephaestus for Athena. Athena lent them
derailed by the Sirens. They took control feathers and body are hardened metal. to Hercules for the occasion and with the
of a missile convoy and planned to use to birds in retreat, Hercules shot them out of
get vengeance on the Kronos who Immortality: The Stymphalian Birds are the sky, placing their feathers upon his
imprisoned them. They battled Ghost immortal only on Olympus. own arrows to help strike them down. A
Rider they tried to use their hypnotic few of the surviving birds fled for an
powers on him but failed but took the form Winged Flight: Excellent (20) unidentified island in the Black Sea
of bird like creatures. Ghost Rider was  Wing Buffet: The wings cause sacred to Ares, but they were discovered
able to defeat the Sirens and seal them Excellent (20) edged if used in a wing there by the Argonauts where the
back in their cave. This also releases the buffet. remaining number of them were killed off.
military people from their hypnosis in time Ares never forgave Hercules for the
to disarm the missile before it detonates. Talents: Aerial Combat destruction of the Stymphalian Birds, and
began a grudge with him that endured for
Contacts: Ares. centuries.

Running the Stymphalian Birds:

The Stymphalian Birds are extra-large
vultures who Ares feeds and maintains
using them as needed.

the menagerie of creatures that live in
and adjacent to Olympus.

(Typical Stats)

F Ex (20) Health: 120

A Gd (10)
S In (40) Karma: 14
E Am (50)
R Pr (4) Resources: Pr
I Pr (4)
P Ty (6) Popularity: -10

Body Armor: Remarkable (30) vs.
Physical, Good (10) vs. Energy.

Immortality: Titans are immortal in

Olympus and lose this status if they travel
to other planes of existence.

Regeneration: Good (10).

Growth: Typical (6) permanent growth at

12 feet, they are +1 C/S to be hit.

Contacts: Ares, Pluto, Zeus and whoever

will pay them.

Running the Yellow-Crested Titans:

These titans are primitive creatures and
are dim-witted enough to not use names.

No one is sure about the origins of the
Yellow-Crested Titans. They are part of

By Keith A. Kilburn
Derek C. Thornton

See Hercules and his Olympian

Friends in all their godly glory for
the first time… all in one place!
This book is the ultimate
repository for the Greek gods,
heroes, and creatures used in
the MARVELTM Comics… over
3,000 Years in the making!

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