John Wycliffe the Holy Bible Containig the Old and New Testaments With the Apocryphal Books Made From the Latin Vulgate Vol.iii (PROVERBIOS-MACABEUS) 1850

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[Prologue on the book of Proverbs*:~\

IN these Prouerbis of Salomon

contened myche prudence and
jouen to Salomon bi the Spirit of God, and acordinge in many places with the
gospel of Crist. And as Crist techith in his gospel goostli wisdom oonli, so Salomon
techith worldli warnesse, how a man owith to gouerne him prudentli in the world,
and to be war of perels and mescheues, and to fle nedynesse, and to schewe bi his
gouernaunce, that the prudence of God is with him, which is arettid as lijt, and folie
is arettid as derknesse.

Heere bygyneth the prologe in the booc off Prouerbys*.

'To Cromacie and Eliodere, Jerome sendeth greeting
bishopis, Joyne the epistil

whom ioyneth presthod ; 3he, the chartre twynne not, whom the looue of Crist
knytteth. Exposiciouns in Osee, Amos, Zacharie, and Malachie, the whiche 3ee
asken, I shulde han write, if it hadde ben leeful for siknesse. 3 ee senden solacys
of costis, 3oure notories, and bokis writeres sustenende, that to 3ou most cure6 wit
trauaile. And lo aside f the hauntende puple of men diuerse thingis askende, as or

euene it be me to trauailen, 3ou hungrende, also to othere, or, in resoun of 3yuen

thing and taken, to any, saue 3ou, I be bounde. And so thur3 long siknesse brosid,
lest fulli this 3eer I shulde be stille, and anent' 3ou I were doumb, the were of thre
da3is to 3oure name I sacride ; the remenyng, that is, of thej thre volumes of Salomon,
Masloch, that Ebrues Parablis, the comun making Prouerbis clepeth Coelech, that ;

Grecli Eclesiasten, Latinli a Spekere wee moun seyn Cirasirym, that in to cure

tunge is turned Song of Songis. It is told and Panarethos, the boc of Jhesu, sone of
Cirach ; and an other falsly writen, that is inwriten 1 the Wisdam of Salamon. Of
whiche m the rathere I fond Ebru, not Ecclesiasticum, as anent the Latynes, but
Parablis beforn notid ; to whom
weren ioyned Eclesiastes and the Song of Songis ;

that he shulde euene to" the licnesse of Salamon, not onli in noumbre of bokis, but
also in maner of mateeris. The secounde anent the Ebrues is neuer no wher, for and
that maner of speche sauoureth the Grekis faire specheP; and summe of olde writeres
afermen this boc to ben of Jew Filon. As thanne Judith, and Tobie, and the bokis of

a This prologue is from M.

begynnelh the preface of seynt Jerom in the booc of Prouerbis. EGHI. Here bigynneth
a Heer the prolog
on the Parablis of Salamon. L. No initial rubric in AR. b Jerom sendith
greetinge to Cromacie
c I d Om. u. e f of the side i. e Om. R. h Om. n.
to Eliodere, bischopis L. ioyne R. joure L.
anentis A el E et L passim. J Om. c. k Om. LR. '
writen LR. m the whiche c pr. m. I. n Om. .tui.n.
the maner L. P spechis R.

2 PROVERBS. i. i 13.

but the reuleer scnptuns

Macabeis, redeth hem forsothe the chirche, among
two volumes rede hei to the edificacioun of the* puple,
resceyueth not ; so and these
not to the autorite of chirche teching* to
ben confermed. If to any man forsothe
he hath it sum time amend*
more plese the translacioun of the seuenty remenoures,
wee desire. And
of vs Ne forsothe so newe thingis wee maken, that olde thingis
wite he oure writen thingis to
'neuer the latere', whan most diligentli redeth he",
the thridde vessel, but, anoon from
ben vnderstonde, that ben not coruptid held* into
han kept their sauour.
the presse most pureli the vessel 3euen,

Here endith the prolog, and here btgynnen the ParaMs of Salomon".

Sa- Here bigynnen the Prouerbis of Sa-

Here-bigynneth the Parablis of
lomon*, lomon*.

THE sone of Da- The parablis of Salomon, the sone of i

i parablis of Salamon,
auid, king of Irael ; to ben koud wisdam, Dauid, king of Israel to kunne wisdom 2 ;

3 and discipline ; to ben vnderstonden the

and kunnyng; to vndurstonde the wordiss
woordis of prudence; and to ben vndir- of prudence; and to take the lernyng of

take enformyng of doctrine, ri3twysnesse, teching to take ri3tfulnesse, and dom, and

4 and dom, and equite ; that felnesse be equyte that felnesse bb * be

; 3ouun to litle 4

and to the 3unge children!, and kunnyng, and vndurstond-

3eue to litle childer,
ful waxen, kunnyng and vnderstonding. hie to a sone wexynee man. A wise nianr. t cAi

symple men.

heringe schal be wisere ; and a man vn-

c Lire here, cet
5 Herende the wise wisere shal ben and ;

vnderstondende gouernaile he shal welde. durstondinge schal holde gouernails. Hec

e Take he heede the parable, and the re- schal perseyue a parable, and expown-
menyng ; the woordis of wise men, and yng |; the wordis of wise men, and the
7 the derke spechis of hem. The drede of derk figuratif spechis of hem. The" drede?
the Lord the? begynnyng of wisdam ; of the Lord is the bieynning
J of wisdom ;
thereof. Lire
s wisdam and lore foolis dispisen. Here, foolis dispisen wisdom and
teching. My 8 here. c.

my sone, the discipline of thi fader, and sone, here thou the teching of thi fadir, /</, that

9ne leue thou the lawe of thi modir; that and forsake thou not the lawe of thi >*, thwto,
ther be added grace to thin hed, and a modir that grace be addid, ethir en-s
iobe3e to thi necke. sone, if thee
My creessid f, to thin heed, and a biell to thi <*,'* 11

In eld ty me wise

synneres fulfiile with mylc, ne assente necke. Mi sone, if synneris flateren thee, lomen weren
wont to haiif a
If thei sey, Cum thou

nthou b
to them. asseute thou not to hem. If thei seien, 1 1 in
gpidun We,
with vs, waite wee to the blod, hide Come thou with vs, sette we aspics to S?lt
wee grenes a3en the innocent in veyn bloods, hide we snaris of disseitis a3ens *"* c-

laswolewe wee hym, as helle the liuende; an innocent without cause ; swolowe we 12

and hoi as the descendende in to the him, as helle swolowith a man lyuynge ;

is lake; alle precious substaunce we shul and al hool, as

goynge doun in to a lake;

q hem L. * Om. LR. * neuer lattere LR. u hem i. ' heeldid AEHILR.
techingis E.
w From E. Here endith the
prolog of Prouerbis, se now the book. i. Here eendith the prolog, and bigyiuieth
the firste c. L. Here eendith the
prolog, and bigynneth the book of Prouerbis of Salamon. R. No final
rubric in the other Mss. * From A.
Incipit liber Proverbiorum. G. No initial rubric in the other Mss.
y is the A. z wrethe B m. a thee souken E b thou not
pr. pr, m. E pr. m.

b From EM. Here bygynnen the Prouerbis. o. Heere bigynnith the book of Prouerbis. i. Here
the Prouerbis of Salomon, py. No initial rubric in the other Mss. bb
telnesse, or tvarnesse v. the
wisere d the
expownyng i. e Om. i. f
cncreesse w. e schede blood i.
1. 14 32. PROVERBS.
finde, wee sliul fulfillen oure housis with we schulen fynde al preciouse catel, weisf />y/>,; that

14spoilis ; vs, o bagge of
lot ley with schulen fille oure housis with
spuylis *;
lamonee be of vs alle ; mi sone, ne go k
sende thou lot with vs, o purs be of vs 14 {^

thou with hem ; forfende thi foot fro the alle; go thou not with hem ; 15 *f--
my sone,
16 sties of hem. Forsothe the feet of hem forbede thi foot fro the pathis of hem. net signefied '

disseit of wick-
in f
to euel rennen ;
and hee3en that thei For ii T- ,
the feet of hem rennen to yuel; and old men, and i

I7sheden out blod. In vein forsothe is thei hasten to schede out blood. But ai7i n 'v
throwen a net befor the e3en of the netf is leid in veynj bifore the i$enj of ^
isfethered. Thei also a3en ther blod briddis, that ban wengis.
& Also 'thilkeis^y -
. ,., '. . , . benwyngidbi
awaiten and casten gilys a3en ther
; wickid aisseyuens setten aspies a3ens her 1 vertu to
. eschewe it.
and maken redi fraudis m
, .

19 soulis. So the pathis of the auerous man owne blood ; Lire here. c.

raueshen the Hues of the welderes. Wis- a3ens her soulis. So the pathis of ech i
dil"e uiTor dis-
20 dam withouteforth precheth ; in stretis auerouse man rauyschen ||
the soulis of
1 ''

21 it
3yueth his vois. In the hed of cum- hem that welden". Wisdom 5[ 11
prechith20 men.
vertuou ewise

panyes it ofte crieth ; in the doris of with outforth; in stretis it 3yueth his vois. infor the iym
,, .
., -, . ,, , , ,. that is, bifor
the 3atis of the cite he bringeth forth It crieth otte in the heed ot cumpenyes ;
21 bri,

22 his woordis, seiende, Hou in the leeues of of the

longe, 3ee litle 3atis citee it

childer, loouen childbed, and foolis tho bringith forth hise wordis, and seith, c.

thingus that ben no3esum to them shul long, 36? litle men in wit, louen'i 3ong || rauyschen,
etc.; that is,

coueiten, and vnprudent men shuln childhod**, and foolis schulen coueyte tho alien thing to
helle. Lin
23haten kunnyng? Be 366 conuertid at thingis, that ben harmful to hem silf, here. cua.

and r vnprudent men schulen hate kun- f Wisdom; that

my correccioun ;
lo ! I shal bringe forth is, God, wisdom

to 3ou my spirit, and shewen my woordis. nynff3 ? Be 36 conuertid at my repreu- 23 with out
b 'gy u -
nyng. prech.
24 For I clepede, and 366 forsokeri I stra3te ; yng; lo, Y schal profre 5 forth to 3ou
my u'h
; biprofetis
. . , ,
out myn bond, and ther was not that spirit, and i schal schewe wordis. my in stretis; for

2o wolde beholden. 3ee despiseden al my For Y

clepideff, and 36 forsoken ; Y helde24 ho^ l8 um )
I t t
d( ,"

d tryn> techen '"

forth myn bond, and noon was
counseil ;
and my
blarnyngis 366 ro3ten *
that bi-
comyn places,
20 not of. I forsothe in 3oure deth shal helde. 3 e dispisiden al my' councel
; and 25 as ajenward
thei that han
Iaw3he ; and vndermouwe 3ou, whan to chargiden not my blamyngis. And Y 26 yu ei doctryn

3011 that, that 3ee dredden, shal come. schal Iei3e in 3oure perisching; and schal Y wchen^priuy
27 Whan shal falle feerli wrecchidnesse, and scornev sou, whanne that, that 3 e dreden,
deth as tempest shal ajen come ; whan cometh to 3ou. Whanne hatithl 3
sodeyne wretch-27 lie cometh
*' and
shal come vp on 3ou tribulacioun and an- idnesse fallith in, and perisching w bifallith to the ii 3 t, lest
. hise werkis hen

28guysh. Thanne thei shul inwardli clepe as tempest ; whanne tribulacioun and an- repreued, but
x on i ii v mi_ ii no he that doith
me, and I shal not ful out heren; erly gwisch cometh 3ou. lhanne thei28 truthe;Cometh

they shuln rise togidere, and not finde schulen clepe me, and Y schal not herejf;
29 me. For thi that hatesum thei hadden thei schulen rise eerli, and thei schulen schewid, for tho
ben doon in
z a 29
disciplyne, and the drede of the Lord
not fynde me. For^ thei hatiden teching , God, as Cnst

so thei vndertoken not, ne assentiden to my and b thei token riot the c drede of the *oijmn. "Lre'

Lord, nether assentideii to my councel, 3oJf^A ^Aod


counseil, and bacbitiden to al my correc- .

that is> wan

31 cioun. Thei shuln ete therfore the frutis and 6 depraueden al rnyn amendyriff. Ther-3i tonnesse. :
for thei schulen ete the fruytis^ of her Aere. CNVB.
of ther weie and with ther counseilis

32 thei shul be fulfild. The turning awei weie; and thei schulen be fillid with her that is, L: wise'

c A. d A.
vnkunnynge blamynge

k robries i. k be ther i. l
thei setten i. that setten s. m fraudis, or gijles i. " rauyschen
putte i. r and hou s
or taken awey i. that is, wisdam K marg. V Om. I. <1 louen
je i. longe i. brynge
u ' w x comen y For cause that i.
ceteri. 4 ther was i. haue dispisid j. bymowe NY. spillyng i. i.
e and thei i.
* hadden i. a in hate i. b and for i. Om. i.
d nether thei i.
n. 19-

The turnyng awei of Htle

of Htle childer shal slen hem; and the

shal leesen hem. Who in wit schal sle hem; and the prosperite e/c.,.thatis,fewe
saprosperite of foolis
of foolis schal leese hem.
But he thatas!
forsothe me shal heren,withoute ferd shal
herithe me*, schal reste with outen drede;
resten; and abundaunce he shal parfitli
taken awey. and he schal vse abundaunce, whanne the
vsen, the ferd of euelis .
tor the tyme of
drede of yuels is takun awei. merit is passid,
as to deed men,
ether for thei

CAP. II. CAP. II. thatsynnen

. repenten not
My sone, if thou vndertakest my Mi sone, if thou resseyuest wordis, my i
verily, that is,
.1 i At, ii, f r the loue of
and hidist myn heestisf anentis thee; thata
woordis, and maundementes hidist
my good, but oneiy

thin ere here wisdam, thin eere here wisdom, bowe thin herte to
2anent thee; that
thou inwardli 3 Lire
inwardliche bowe thin herte to ben knowe prudence. For if peyne.
here. c.
sknowen wisdam. If forsothe wisdam wisdom, and bowist thin herte to
eteth efruyth,
etc. ;that is,
if thou sekist it as money J, 4
thou shalt inwardli clepen, and inwardli prudence ;
schuien be p u -

4 bowe thin herte to prudence; if thou and diggist it out as tresours thanne 5 ;

shalt sechen money, and as tresoris

it as thou schalt vndirstonde the drede of the
Lord, and schalt fynde the kunnyng of
<* that
sdeluen it out; thanne thou shalt vnder- is,

obeyeth to
stonden the drede of the Lord, and the God. For the Lord 3yueth wisdom $ e ; Goddis heestis.
abundaunce :

kunnyng of God finde. For the Lord and prudence and kunnyng is of his O f g oostii

and of the mouth of mouth. He schal kepe the heelthe of ri3t-7

jyueth wisdam ;

He shal ful men, and he schal defende hem that Lire

in blis.

7hym prudence and kunnyng. here. c.

kepen the helthe of ri3t men,
and de- goen sympli. And
he schal kepe the a and hidist f-

myn heestis ;
sfende thegoende symplely; withholdende pathis of ri3tfulnesse', and he schal kepe
the pathis of ri3twisnesse, and the weies the weies of hooli men. Thanne thou 9
and dom, owen to be
9 of halewis kepende. Thanne thou shalt schalt vndirstonde ri3tfulnesse,
comyned to
vnderstonde ri3twisnesse, and dom, and and equytee, and ech good path||. , but
in kepinge tho
If wisdam entrith in to thin herte, and kun-
loequite, and eche good path. wysdom as a preciouse

shul go in to thin herte, and the kun- nyng good councel schal
plesith thi soule, 11

nnyng to thi soule plese, counseil shal kepe thee, and prudence schal kepe thee ;

kepe and prudence shal withholde

thee, that thou be delyuered fro an yuel weie^T, I2 is
, ~ ., .,, , knowing of dy-
12 thee; that thou be pullid out fro an euel and iro a man that spekith
weiward uyn thingis.

wey, and fro a man that speketh shreude thingis. Whiche forsaken a ri3tful weie, I3?s"kmwingor''

isthingus. Thei that forsaken the ri3t go- and goen derk weies; whiche" ben
bi u '"^1 *'f ls

ing, and wenten bi derke weies ; that for- glad, whanne thei ban do yuel, and maken
doon -
> isofthmgistobe
sothe gladen, whan thei don euele, and ful out ioye in worste thingis ; whose 15 whoidun in wit.

15 ful out iojen inwerst thingus; of whom

weies ben weywerd, and her goymgis ben
, , , Lire here. c.
as money;
the weies shreude, and yuel losid the go- of yuel fame. That thou be delyuered fro
That thou be take awey M an auarouse
leingys of hem. an alien womman**, and fro a straunge
man sekith
fro an alien womman, and fro a straunge, womman, that makith soft hir wordis ; money, and as

17 that softeth hir woordis; and forsaketh and forsakith the duyk of hir tyme of 7 ?t "gSdhi* 1

IB the ledere of hir childbed, and the coue- mariage, and hath foi^ete the couenaunti8 '^^; s^ m .

naunt of hir God hath for3ete. Forsothe of hir God. For the hous of hir is bowid fJJ f
ha '
t c
inwardly bowid is to deth the hous of to deeth, and hir pathis to helle. Allei9^ eclt ff ood
atlt i

. that is, hij ver-

19 hir, and to helle the pathis of hir. Alle that entren to hirf f , schuien not turne a3en, tu, that l

rijtwise A.

f fordo 8 tvel herith '

i. i. ere i.
ri3twisnesse i. The whiche i.
n the whiche i.

duyk, or ledere i.
II. so HI. 17. PROVERBS.
that gon in to hir, shul not turne a3een, nether? schulen catche the pathis of
lijf. schortiy to biu.

20 ne take the sties of lif. That thou go That thou go ini a good weie, and kepe 20 yL/ wey- i

good weye, and the pathis of ri3twis
in a the pathis of iust men. Forsothe thei that 21 % %
21 men thou kepe. Who forsothe ben ri3te, bea rijtful, schulen dwelle in the lond ; ** an alien

shul dwelle in the erthe; and the symple and symple men schulen perfitli dwelle '"> fro H
22 shul parfitli wone in it. The vnpitouse ther ynne. But vnfeithful men schuleu be 2* alien tm God,

forsothe fro the erthe shul be lost ; and lost fro the loond ; and thei that doen

that wickidli don, shul be take fro it wickidli, schulen be takun awey fro it.
Lire here. c.

that i8> fro an y
J.J.1. womman that
, is
, , leecberous,
1 sone, ne for3ete thou my lawe ;
My sone, for3ete thou not my lawe; andi ajemis the bid.

2 and thin herte kepe myn hestis. For- thyn herte kepe my comaundementis. For 2 uwl /^^'"
sothe lengthe of da3is, and 3eeris of lif, tho schulen sette to thee the lengthe of
3 and pes, thei shul ley to f to thee. Mercy daies,and the seeris of liif,
J and pees. tren '" hir> etc -s
_, that is, for we
and treuthe forsake thei not thee; cum- Merci and treuthe forsake thee not * 3 ;
schulen turne

pase them to thi throte, and descryue in bynde thou tho to thi throte, and write
feith andTnour
4 the tablis of thin herte. And thou shalt in the tablis of thin herte. And thou 4
s God and men.
and good discipline befor
Haue trost in the Lord,
schalt fynde grace, and good teching bi-
fore God and men.

Haue thou trist ins be not forsakun

^ ^"^
of al thin herte; and ne lene thou to thi
the Lord, of al thin herte ; and
^ thee, for whi
venues for.

6 prudence. In alle thi weies thenc hym, not to thi prudence. In alle thi weies 6
7 and he shal ri3t reulen thi goingis. Ne thenke thou u on hym,
and he schal dresse ff kit
tho. good ,!'

be thou wis anent thiself ; dred God, and thi goyngis. Be thou not wijs anentis thi 7 inss ether tem-
. peraunce and
8 go awey fro euel. Helthe forsothe shal silt7; drede thou God, and go awei fro oneste m vtir-
c !a '
ben in thinauele, and watring of thi yuel. For whi helthe schal be in this doun. iSre'

a bones. Honoure the Lord of thi sub- nawlej, and moisting of thi boonys. *7n thV ow ne
staunce, and of the cheef of alle thi Onoure thou the Lord of thi catel, and of 9 >Put!f oun K - -

J in thi nawte ;

3if to pore men

10 frutis and thi bernes;
the beste of alle thi 3yue thou
fruytis tins is a figura-

shul ben fulfild

with fulnesse, and with to pore men ; and thi bernes schulen be 10 u thTheithTof

1 1 win thi
presses shul rebounden. The fillidwith abundaunce, and pressours v
discipline of the Lord, my sone, ne caste schulen flowe with wiyn. My sone, caste u
thou awey; ne faile thou, whan of hym thou not awei the teching of the Lord ; soule in p-
sperites; and bi
12 thou art chastisid. Whom forsothe the and faile thou not, whanne thou art chas- moisture of

Lord looueth, he chastiseth ; and as fader tisid of him. For the Lord chastisithi2dm"tondun"
in the sone
it with
pleseth to
findeth wisdam,
hym, whom
the sone he plesith
he loueth ; and as a fadir in

Blessid is the
^ ere c - -
isBlisful the hym. of
is f It
* is a tre
u and that flowith prudence. Betere is the man that fyndith wisdom, and which w %/,-asiiyfwas
_, contynnued, bi .

purchasing of it, than the chaffering of flowith with prudence. The geting therof 14 the tre of n y f,

most pure is betere than the marchaundie of gold

gold and of siluer; first and dweih-n^Tm
is the frutis of it. More precious than alle and of siluer the fruytis therof ben the
richesses it is; and alle thingus that be firsteand clenneste x It is preciouserey is haue passid fro
the liyf of

desirid, to it moun not be comparisound. than alle richessis and alle thingis that kynde to the
... , liyf of glorie,
Lengthe of da3is in his ri3t half, and in ben desirid, moun
not be comparisound to Without deth

the left half of it richessis and glorie. this. Lengthe of daies is in the ri
P rud "
17 The weies of it faire, and alle the pathis therof, and richessis and glorie ben in the

Om. AGH.

* u Om. v thi
P nether tliei i. 1 in to A. r thei i. s write hem I. lene i. i. pressours i.

that i. * the clenneste i. J more precious i.


them therof. The weies therof ie/Z 17 a man I

is of it pesible. The tre of lif it is to lifthalf

liyf of grace to

that cacchen and that holden it, ben

it feire weies, and alle the pathis therof the liyf of glo-
rie, without
loblisful. The Lord bi wisdam foundede ben pesible. It is a tre of lijf* to hemi8 detb fdediy

synne goynge
the erthe; bi prudence stablide heuenes. that taken it ;
and he that holdith it, is bitwixe, so that

20 Bi the wisdam of hym breeken out depe blessid. The Lord foundide the erthe bii9 amancont y nue
in tho; therfor

watris and the cloudis bi dew wisdom ; he stablischide heuenes bi pru- it sueth, and he
; togidere , ,
that holdith it,

21 waxen. My sone,
ne flowe these thingis dence. The depthis of ,watns braken out 20 b!essid for ;

awei fro thin eje; kep thou my lawe, and bi his wisdom ;
and cloudis wexen togi- ^hS^Wto
22counseil; and there shal ben lif to thi dere bi z dewe. My sone, these thingis 2
zasoule, and grace to thi chekis. Thanne flete not awey fro thin i3en ; kepe thou faiimge in to
dedly synne.
thou shalt go trostli in thi wey; and thi my lawe, and my icounsel and
, . 777, lijf schal
,1 be at thi side;
22 the Lord schal

24 foot shal not offende. If thou shul slepe, be to thi soule, and grace schal be 3 to thi thatif henyle
thou shalt not drede; thou shalt resten, chekis. Thanne thou schalt go tristili in 23
and thi foot schal not snapere. thu schal i* to
25 and sweete shal be thi slep. Ne drede thi weie;
tin good, that
thou with sodeyn and the If thou schalt slepe, thou schalt not drede;24istoexcertiseof
poweris of the men thou schalt reste, and thi sleep schal be

vnpitous fallende to merit'of"

e i>re
Drede thou not bi b sudeyne feer, and 25 f ," c-

26 on to thee. The Lord forsothe shal ben soft. <

in thi side; and kepe thi foot, that thou the powers of wickid men fallynee
* & in on
that bihetith
27 be not take. Wile thou' not forfenden thee. For the Lord schal be at thi side;2Gg<x>d ith the T

, mouth, that. /. ,

hym that mai wel don ; thou maist,

if and he schal kepe thi foot, that thou be thenkith yuel
28 and thiself wel do. Ne sey thou to thi not takun. Nil thou forbede to do welrj Lire here. c.

frend, Go, anc( turne a3een, to moru I shal him that mai; thou maist, and c do Jh* * "' tcimi

3yue to thee ;
whan anoon thou rnaist thou wel. Seie thou not to thi frend, 28 l)e multiplied
, in temporal

29jiue. Ne caste thou to thi frend euel, Go d and , turne thou e a3en, and to morewe goodis and
so whan he in thee hath trost. Ne striue Y schal 3yue to thee whanne thou maist ;
' '

thou a3en a man k in veyn, whan he no 3yue anoon. Ymagyne thou not yuel
thing of euel hath don to thee. Ne thi freend, whanne he hath trist in thee. the ful out M.
ynge of foolis is

enuye thou the vnri3twis man, ne folewe Stryue thou not a3ens a man with outso****ipi
. , that is, ful of
32 thou the weies of
hym. For abhomyna- cause, whanne he doith^ noon yuel to
sciaundre ethir
cioun of the Lord
is eche
gilour; and thee. Sue thou not an vniust man,
with the simple the thou not hise weies. For ech
serrnounyrig of hym.
ssNede of the Lord in the hous of the f
abhomynacioun of the Lord and his yueie,
. .
make:i ful out
, .

vnpitouse; the dwelling placis forsothe of speking is with simple men. Nedinesseasioyeinworste
34ri3twise men shul be blessid. He shal ts sent of the Lord in the hous of a

desceyue the desceyueres and to the de- ; wickid man; but the dwelling places of
ssbonere he shal 3yue grace. Glorie wise iust men schulen be blessidi. He scha}34 sche ichiPe
'i \_

for thanne the

men shul welde ; of foolis the out scorne scorneris and he schal 3yue grace fiithe of her fou
io3ing ;
shenshipe. to mylde men. Wise men schulen haue 35 afthe
the hyndrere
glorie ;
enhaunsing of foolis is schen- partis of an ape
aperith more,
schipe. whanne he
CAP. IV. CAP. IV. stiethan hi; ;
Here and oure Latyn
3ee, sones, the discipline of the Sones, here 36 the teching of the*? fadir||; i translacioun
fader; and taketh heede, that 3ee knowen and perseiue semeth corupt
36, that 30 kunne prudence. bi writer! for
2 prudence. A
good 3ifte I shal 3yuen to Y schal 3yue to 3ou a

good 3ifte forsake 2 ;

33ou my lawe ne forsake 3ee. For and I For whi and Y was h the 3
3e not my lawe. here -
? ,
|| ofthefadir

e my counseile A. h Om. A. Om. .

man, a comelyng tiliere E pr. m. 1
Forsothe AH.

f t o i. 8 ymre i.
was the sone of my fader, sum what ten- sone of my fadir, a tendir sone, and oon this may be

der, and the onli goten beforn my moder. my modir. And my fadir 4
'gendride bifore
4 And he ta3te me, and seide, Take my
tau3te me, and seide, Thin herte resseyue
woordys thin herte kep thou myn my wordis; kepe thou myn heestis, and > cherffa -

shestis, and thou shalt line. Weld wis-

1 1,1
thou schalt lyue. Welde thou wisdom,

dir of alle
this leu


dam, weld prudence ; ne fo^ete thou, ne welde thou prudence; for3ete thou not, ne-
bowe thou doun fro the woordis of my thir bowe thou awey fro the wordis of my
6 mouth.

Ne leue thou it, and it shal kepe
looue it, and it shal withholde thee.
kepe thee
Forsake thou not it, and it schal c
loue thou it, and it schal kepe k
^ /- FW
e j,

,, m, , e i .
dom i that '">

7Begynnyng of wisdam, welde thou wis- thee. 1 he bigynnyng of wisdom*, welde 7 to gete wisdom.
ii j i i,i . welde thou ww-
dam and in al thi possessioun purchace n
thou wisdom; and in al thi possessioun dam, that is,

s prudence. Tac it, and it shal enhaunce gete thou prudence. Take thou it, and it 8
thee ; thou shalt be glorified of it, whan schal enhaunse thee thou schalt be glori-
deue thou
stidefastly to a
9 thou hast clippid it. It shal 3iue to thin fiedf of it, whanne thou hast biclippid it. w'ys techere.
welde thou wis-
hed encrecis of gracis; and a noble crowne It schal 3yue encresyngis of graces to thing dom; that is,

10 shal defende thee. Here thou, my sone, heed ; and a noble coroun schal defende
and vndertac my woordis ; and be ther thee. Mi sone, here thou, and take my 10
ml n ;'""
ls th<

11multeplied to thee 3eris of lif. The weie wordis that the 3eris of liif be multiplied
haue wisdom
in heuenli cun-
of wisdam I shal shewe to thee; and lede to thee. Y schal schewe to thee the weieu trey, which
lathee bi the pathys of equyte. The whiche of wisdom; and Y schal lede thee bi the deer sijt and
whan thou shalt gori in, thi goingis shul pathis of equyte. In to whiche whanne

not be streitid ; and rennende thou shalt thou hast entrid, thi goyngis
& * schulen not -
that is, bifor al

13 not ban letting. Hold discipline, and ne be maad and thou schalt rennen, thing that may

14 leue thou it ; kep it, for it is thi Ne

be gctun in to
and schalt not haue hirtyng. Holde thou 13 tw possessioun.
thou in the pathis of vnpitous men;
delite teching, and forsake it not kepe thou {hat ;

and to thee plese not the weie of euele it, for it is thi lijf.
Delite thou not in the 14^
is men. and passe thou not bi
Flee" fro it, pathis of wyckid men and the weie of the fyynnyng ;
of wisdom, bte
is it; bowe doun, and forsac it. Forsothe yuele men plese not thee. Fie thou fro it, 15 thou wisdom ;
not, but if thei don and and passe thou not therbi
. ,
bowe thou
,,i-i ,1 that is, the bi-
they slepen euele; ;
gynnyng to

slep not ca3t of hem, but if thei sup-

is awei, and forsake it. For thei slepen not,
17 plaunte. Thei eten the bred of vnpi- 'no but" thei ban do yuele and sleep is ;
bi ?"** ether
seruyce a
tousnesse, and the win of wickidnesse? rauyschidP fro hem, noi but thei han dis-
wi x s techere,
which is seid
isdrinken. Forsothe the path of rijtwis- seyued:):. Thei eten the breed of vnpite, 17 here "wisdom"

men as shynende Ii3t goth forth, and and* dririkeri the wyn of wickidnesse^. Uyng, gtti Aou
logrowith in to a parfit day. The weie of But the path of iust men ogoitb forth asi8?r "uitor


vnpitous men derki; thei witen not wher Iht

J schynynge,
J J * and encreessithll til to r
per- thiugis that
moun be boujt,
20 thei falle. My sone, hercne my woordis ;
fit dai. The weie of wickid men is derk ; 19 ether moun i>e

21 and to my spechis bowe in thin ere. Ne thei witen not where thei schulen falle. in euy man^r"

go thei awey fro thin e3en; kep thou hem Mi sone, herkene thou my wordis; and 20
22 in the myddel of thin herte. Forsothe bowe doun thin eeris to my spechis. Go 21 that
schalt be onour-
19 >

lif thei ben to the findende hem, and of riot tho* awei fro thyn i3en ; kepe thou id bifor many
men for it.

23alle flesh the helthe. With alle warde hem" in the myddil of thin herte. For 22 Lire here. c.

kep thou thin herte, for of it lif goth tho v

ben lijf to men fyndynge thoo w,
24 forth. Remoue from thee a shreude and" heelthe'of al fleiscfay. With al kep- 23
z tha '
mouth ; and bacbitende lippis be thei ing kepe thin herte, for lijf cometh forth is>

m in thin AH. n
purchace thou c pr. m. Flee thou A. P wickenesse EG pr. m. 1 is derk A.

bigotun tofore I.
k warishe I. 1
the whiche i. m disciplyne or teching i. n but if i.
o neither A sec. m. take awey i.
P 1 Om. A m.
sec. r if thei i.and thei i.
s * thei i.
u tho cvw..
Om. FHU. T tho nordis i. w hem i. and thei len i, y to ech man i. z warde i..
8 PROVERBS. iv. 25 v. 15.

of Remoue thou* a schrewid mouth 24 g

ssferr fro thee. __
Thin e 3 en see thei ri 3 te it.

and thin e3elidis beforgo thei thi fro thee; and backbitynge lippis be fer i
thee. Thin i3en se i^tful thingis;
and thin wfij,
26 goingis. Ri 3 t reule the pathis to thi feet,

27 and alle thi weies be they stablid. Ne J3eliddis go bifore thi steppis. Dresse thou 26
bowe thou doun to the ri3 t, ne to the pathis to thi feet*,
len be stablischid.
and alle thi

Bowe thou
weies schu-
not to the 27-,.-,
3^* tho ben
lift turne awei thi foot fro euel. For-
; ttyf; that is, ben
nether to the leftside ; turne cause of liyf of
sothe the weies that ben on the ri3thalf ri3tside |.
grace, and
the Lord knew 3 ;
shreude forsothe ben , awei thi foot fro yuel. For the Lord} maken good
disposicioun of
that of the lift ben. He forsothe ri3t knowith the weies that ben at the ri3t- bodi to hem
that kepen tho.
shal make
thi goingus; thi weies forsothe side ;
but the weies ben weiward, that ben Lire here. c.
in pes shul be bro3t forth. at the leftside. Eorsothe he schal make to thi feet ;
that is, to
thi goyngis ri3tful ;
and thi weies schulen affecciouns.
Lire here. CK
be brou3t forth in pees. Na.
-)- Bowe thou

not to the ritf

CAP. V. CAP. V. side, etc. that ;

. , is, be thou not

Mi sone, perseyue thou
my wisdom, drawun fro the
My sone, tac heed to my wisdam, and j , i .

weye of rijtful-
to my prudence bowe thou thin ere ;
and bowe doun thin eere to my prudence ; ne^ e [,.
2 that thou kepe tho3tis, and discipline that thou kepe thi thou3tis, and thi lippis 2
"ether [or faire
thi lippis withholden. Ne wile thou not
kepe techiner. 3y ue thou not tent to the
. . K] biheestis,
entende to the desceyuyng of ; womman falsnesse of a womman ; for the lippis of 3 nether be thou
- 7 , i , brokun bi ad-
3 forsothe an hony comb droppende the an hoorej ben an hony coomb droppinge, uersites, nether

and hir throte is clerere than oile ; but 4

lippis of a strumpet, and clerere than oile K.K'.
For the Lord,
4 the throte of hir; forsothe the laste of the last thingis ben bittir as wormod, and J
etc. ; al this til

hir bitter as wormod, and the tunge of hir tunge is scharp as a swerd keruynge to the ende of
., the chapitre, is
i TT- j?

6 hir sharp as a twei bitende swerd. The on ech side. Hir feet gon doun in to deeth ; 5 not of the text,

feet of hir gon doun in to deth ; and to 1 and hir steppis persen to hellis. Tho goon 6
not hi the path of lijf ; hir steppis ben vn-

ehelle the goingis of hir persen. Bi the fof'a hoore

path of lif thei gon not ; vagaunt ben certevn, and moun not be sou?t out. Now?
as Rabi Sala-
7 the goingus of hir, and vnserchable. Now thertor, my sone, here thou
me, and go mon,

my sone, here thou me, and ne

thanne, not awei fro the wordis of my mouth.

go thou awei fro the woordis of my Make weie fro hir, and nei 3 e thou 8
fer thi
s mouth. Aferr mac fro hir thi weie, and not to the doris of hir hous. 3vue thou 9
* ..
that ", to
ne ne3he thou to the doris'of hir hous. not thin onour to ahens||, and thi 3eeris
, ,
, i . Goddis lawe. K.
9 Ne 3yue thou to alienes thi wrshipe, and to the cruel ; lest perauenture
straungens 10 f withouten
10 thi 3 eris to the cruel
; lest perauenture be with thi strengthis, and lest thi
d 00 " af ' ir
be fulfild
straungeres with thi strengthis, trauels be in an alien hous; and thouii .

deeth. Sap.
and thi trauailis ben in an aliene hous ; biweile^f in the laste daies, whanne thou
u and thou weile inv thi laste, whan thou hast wastid thi fleschis d and thi bodi ; and ,

hast wastid thi flesh, and thi bodi and ; thou* seie, Whi f
wlatide Y teching, and 12 j

lasey, tWhi wariede

discipline, and toI myn herte assentide
not to blamyngis;
13 snybbingis assentede
w not nether Y herde the voys of men tedhinffe
myn herte ne 13 here c -
_r vse thou with
I herde the vois of men techende me, and me, and Y bowide not doun myn eere to drede thin

H to maistris I bowide not myn ere ? Ne3h maistris? Almest Y was in al yuel, in the u kTpThTre^ro
I was in alle euel, in the myddel of the
myddis of the chirche, and of the syna- SJjSbwhdB.
ischirche, and of the synagoge. Drink goge. Drinke thou watir** of thi cisterneff, 15
dren "' ver -
tuous loue. K.
watir of thi cisterne, and the flowingus and the floodis of thi pit. Thi wellis be ie tt i>> <"a/er of

* thei ben A. s
Om. A. t j n to A. u Om. E pr. m. * Om. c. w assente c.

8 Om. b c d
go thou i. aii ens AIj fl e i sh j. Om. i. * Thanne whi i.
V. 1 6 VI. 10. PROVERBS. 9

ic of thi pyt. Ben lad out thi wellis with- stremed forth* ; and departe thi watris in dneme; i, v K.
and in stretis thi watir de-
oute forth ; stretis.Haue thou aloone tho watrise ; i^n
17 uyde thou. Haue thou hem alone and ; and be not thi parcenerisf. Thi
aliens is

is be not alienes thi parceneres. Be thi veynei be blessid and be thou glad with ;
hoo| y cri P t "'-

A man owith
veyne and glade thou with the
blissid ;
the womman 3ong wexynge age. or thideparte this

19 womman of thi ful waxende 3outhe. A An hynde moost dereworthe|| ; and an hert 19 Mi* tat i

most cheere x hynde and a most kindeli ; calf moost acceptable. Hir teetis fille thee
hert calf. The tetis of hir inwardli make in al tyme ; and delite thou contynueli in ith to haue
this watir of
thee drunke alle time ; and in the looue the loue of hir**. Mi sone, whi art thou 20 wisdom, not

20 of hire delite thou bisili. Whi art thou disseyued of an alien womman; and art oth

bro3t doun, sone myn, of an alien wom- fostrid in the bosum of an othere? The 21
man ; and art fed in the bosum of an Lord seeth the weie of a man ; and' bi-
er 8
, ;. f
21 othere ? The Lord loketh the weie of a holdith alle hise steppis. The wickid-22 c -

,, ., thiwettisbe
man ;
and the goingis of hym be-
alle nessis ot a wyckid man
, .

hym ; and
stremed forth ;
22 holdithy. His wickenesses 2 taken the vn- he is boundun with the roopis of hise be^endrld'of

23 he
and with the cordis of his synnes
He shal dien,
He schal die, for he hadde not 23
and he schal be disseyued
in here -^-
togidere streyned. lernyng
J ;
* and departe
forhe hadde not discipline and in the ; the mychilnesse of his fooli. M watris, etc. s
that is, jyue
multitude of his folie he shal ben be- thou to manage
thi children
gylyd. nmn m to a^e.
CAP. VI. CAP. VI. Lire here. c.
f aliens be not
Mysone, if thou become bor3 for thi Mi sone, if thou hast bilmt for thii Mpammtrtti
ii' i
* ' ls > lte P e so
frend; thou hast pi3t doun anent a straun- ireend ; thou hast fastned thin hoond at a thi wi y c, that

2 ger thin hond. Thou art gnarid with the straunger. Thou art boundun bi the wordis 2 O f hirl"

woordis of thi mouth and taken with thi
proper woordis.

Do thanne, my sone, that

of thi mouth ; and thou art takun with
thin owne wordis 1
Therfor, my sone, do 3
ne in thi
wiyf, nether in
I seie, and deliuere thi self; for thou hast thou that that Y
and delyuere thi seie, children. Lire

fallen in to the hond of thi ne3hebore. silf ; for thou hast fallun m in to the hond i thi veyne;

Ren hider and thider, hee3e, rere vp thi of thi nei3bore. Renne thou aboute, haste chUdrenbonm
ne 3iue thou slep to thin e3en, ofvenm afy-
4 frend ; thou, reise thi freend ; 3yue thou not sleep 4
sand nappe not thin Be thou to thin i3en, nether thin i3eliddis nappe. "'* wom -
e3elidis. man of thi ymg
pullid out as a foun fro the hond ; and as
Be thou rauyschidff as a doo fro theo wexingeage;

6 a brid fro the spies of the foulere. Go hond and as a bridde fro n aspiyngisP of

to the anpte, and behold O ! thou slowe ; the foulere. O<>! thou slowe man, go to thee

7 the weies of it, and lerne wisdam. The r

amte, ether pissemyre ; and biholde thou jjV
whiche, whan it hath no ledere, ne co- hise weies, and lerne thou wisdom. Which* 7
most dere-
s maundere, ne prince ; it greitheth in the whanne* he hath u no duyk, nethir co- worthe; is

somer mete to hymself b , and gedereth maundour, netherv prince; makith redis
togidere in time of rip, that it etc. Hou in somer mete to hym silf, and gaderith
he schal ous dissipie in
longe, thou slowe, shalt thou slepe ? togidere in heruest that, that
Goddis lawe ;
10 whanne shalt thou rise fro thi slep ? A etc. Hou long schalt thou, slow man, 9 etherbian
- i i ,. .1 .v- / hynde is vndur-
while thou shalt slepe, a litil while
litil slepe ? whanne schalt thou rise tro thi stonde a feith-

thou shalt nappe; a litil while thou shalt sleep? A litil thou schalt slepe, a litil 10
that is> a fei ' h-
leyn togidere thin hondis, that thou slepe. thou schalt nappe ;
a litil thou schalt ioyne

* cleere A. y he beholdith AGH. z wickidnessis AGH. a Om. A. b it silf AH.

S hem h Om. i. and he k or chas-

lernyng ether chastising CEFOKMNPdRsuvya9. discipline
i. .

tising i. !
spechis i.
m feld CHNUV. D for R. P spiyngis My. 1 plures.
amte, etfiir npisse- A
s The which emte i. l
mire NQUW. amte H. amte, ether the spissemire s. pismire, ether ample y. thouj i.
u haue i. v ne i.

10 PROVERBS. 1 1 30.

toffidere thin hondis, that thou slepe. Andy n ful spouse, ether
n And ther shal come to thee as a weie o hosebonde.
a weigoere*, schal come to ure here. c.
goere, and porenesse, as a man
nede ; nedynesse, as
armed. If forsothe vnslo 3 thou shul be, thee ; and pouert, as an armed man. For-

shal come as a welle thi rip ; and nede sothe if thou art not slow, thi ripe corn
schal come as a welle ; and nedynesse schal
12 ferr shal flee fro thee. A man apostata, ^-~
fie fer fro thee. A man apostataf, a^ man 12 tt4M
a man ful of strengthe vnprofitable,
he goith with a weiward
is with peruertid mouth; he twincleth with vnprofitable,
mouth; he bekeneth with i^en^, he tramp-
the e 3 en c , he tramplith with the foot,
u with the he speketh, with shreude ith with the foot, he spekith with the
z herte he ymagyneth i4ZireW
he castith euel; and alle times
herte J o 3' bi schrewid
i_ j. *asawei-
isstriues he sowith. To this anoon shal yuel, and
in al tyme he sowith dissen- goere ; that is,

and sodeynli he shall ciouns. His perdicioun schal come to hym

come his perdicioun,
anoon, and he schal be brokun
be to-treden; and he shal han no mor sodeynli ;

Sixe thingis ben, that the and he schal no more haue medecynll.
lemedecyn. _ , , , - . . ajens it. Lire
Sixe thingis ben ,whyche the Lord hatith;
a Where. c .
Lord hateth and the seuenthe the lif of ;

He3 e e 3 en, a and hise soule cursith the seuenthe thing.

I7hym warieth. tunge Here,
hondis shedende out the innocent blod, Hi3e a tunge Here**, hondis sched-

18 the herte castende most euel tho3tis, the inge out innocent blood,
an herte ymagyn-i8P rofital)1 <

19 swifte feet to rennen in to euel, the ynge worste thou3tis, feet swifte to renne J bekeneth u-ith
in to yuel, a man bringynge forth lesingis, 19
bringende forth lesingis, the desceyuable
witnesse ; and hym that sowith among a fals witnesse ;
and him that sowith dis-
2obrether discofdis. Withhold, my sone, cordis c
among britheren. Mi sone, kepe 20 gur; that is,

the hestis of thi fader ; and ne leue thou the comaundementis of thi fadirff and for- ;
with pride.
Lire here. CKS.
21 the lawe of thi moder. Bind hem bisili sake not the lawe of thi modir. Bynde2i ll
no mm haue
in thin herte; and enuyroune to thi throte. thou tho continueli in thin herte; and cum- fs no
22 Whan thou shalt go, go thei with thee ; passe'to thi throte
Whanne thou goist, 22

go tho with thee whanne thou slepist,

e here - c -
whan thou shalt slepe, kepe thei thee ; ; ^'?
If hi^e i)en ,

kepe tho thee ; and thou wakynge speke

23 and wakende speke thou with hem. For that is, opyn

the maundernent is a lanterne, and the with tho?. For the comaundement o IS

lawe Ii3 td and the weie of lif the snyb-

is a lanterne, and the lawe is li$t, and the
customable to
bing of discipline ; that thei kepe thee blamyng of techyng' is the weie of lijf dedly leesing.
fro an euel womman, and fro the flater- that the comaundementis kepe thee ilr here. c. 1

ende tunge of the straunge womman. an yuel womman, and fro a flaterynge that is God.
25 Coueite not thin herte the fairnesse of tunge of a straunge womman. Thin herte as^hodi'scrip.
ture >*irhooii
hir ;
ne be thou take 6 with the beckis of coueite not the fairnesse of hir; nether be
2<;hir. The price forsothe of the strumpet thou takun bi the signesk of hir. For the 20 to thi thr 'e ;

.. c , .
f ,.. thatis,inhold- ,

vnethe is of o lof ; the womman forsothe prys of an hoore is vnnethe of o loof \\ ; mgethoin

.!..]_., mynde stide-

but m a womman takith

27 taketh the precious lif of a man. Whether the preciouse fastii, 11


mai a man hide fir in his bosum, that his soule of a man. Whether a man mai 27' 1111

28 clothis or gon vpon colis f,

brenne not ; hide fier bosum, that hise clothis ?'*;<,./<>.,
in his for
slepinge in
29 and his solis ben not brent ? So he that brenne not; ethir go on colis, and hise 28 t'>e mynde of
goth in to the womman of his ne3hebore ; feet be not brent ? So he that entrith to 29 slepist in the
shal not ben clene, whan he touchith hir. the wijf of his nei3bore; schal not be cleene,
so Not gret is the blame, whan a man stelith; whanne he hath touchid hir. It? is not<i so *f'
that is, to hem

d of E pr. m. e AE f the colis AEGH.

eye A. lijt not take pr. m. H.

7 And thanne i. yy is a I. * with i. a ther ben I. b ful wickid i. c discord i. d with hem i.
thei i. f thei I. S hem i. h i. that thei i. that, that is, the comaundmentis. Lire
here. N sec. m. k beckis i. l
the value of i. m forsothe i. takith a wey i. >
Wher ceteri passim.
Rijt so i. P And it A. q no FS pr. m.
VI. 3i VII. 14. PROVERBS. 11

forsothe he steleth, that he fulfille the hun- greet synne*, whanne a man stelith for that synnei

31 grende soule. Ca}t therewith forsothe he an hungri soule. And hesi

stelith to fille

he shal 3elde the& seuene fold ; and al the takun schal 3elde the seuenthe fold and ;

substaunce of his hous he shal take, and he schal 3yue al the catel of his hous, and '!'
a uoutreMe >

that makith hir

32 deliueren hymself. Who forsothe is auou- 1'
schal delyuere hym silf. But he that is 32 straunge fro
trer for miseise of herte he shal lesen
111 . i hir hosebonde.
avouter ; schal leese his soule, for the r po- Lire here. c.

33 his soule. Filthe and shenshepe he geder- uert of hertef. He gaderith filthe, and 33]^",
eth to hymself and the repref of hym ; sclaundrith 8 to* hym silf; and his schen-
34 shal not ben don awei. For the ielous- schip schal not be don awei|. For the soule of
nesse and the wodnesse of the man shal feruent loue and strong veniaunce of the man i

35 not sparen in the dai of veniaunce, ne man schal not spare in the dai of ven- !Hs maad
assente to the pre3eeris of any man ; and iaunce, nether schal assente to the preieris 35 *, J
he- shal not take for the a3een
bi3ing of ony; nether schal v take fulw many 3iftis deyned to blis
aboue kynde ;
manye 3iftis. for raunsum. but a womman
as a sustir of
the detiel tak-
CAP. VII. CAP. VII. itii it to auou-

trie and damp-

My sone, kep thou my woordis ; and Mi sone, kepe thou my wordis||; andi here c
x * not
myne hestis ley vp to thee. Sone, ho- kepe myn heestis to thee. Sone, onourelT s reet
synne, etc. ;
noure thou the Lord, and thou shalt fare thou the Lord, and thou schalt be my3ti ;
that is, thefte

wel biside hym forsothe thou shalt not

; but outakun hym drede thou not an alien*', of aumST"'
2 dreden' an other. Kep my maundemens, Kepe thou myn heestis,
t pouert of
and thou schalt 2
^^ e ere ' -

and thou shalt Hue ;and my lawe as the lyue ; and

lawe as the appil of thin herte
my ; that is,

Bind it in thi fingris a

3 appil of thin 636. ; i3en Bynde thou it in thi fyngris** 3 of
. [wanting KJ

4 wryt it in the tablis of thin herte.

, .. ,
write thou it in the tablis ot thin herte.
resoun CK
/ i i
- -

to wisdam, sister thou art ; and pru-
My Seie thou to wisdom, Thou art my sistir ;
the"peywf of
5 dence clep thou thi lemman. That kepeit and clepe thou prudence thi frendesse b outen'e^de

thee fro a straunge womman ; and fro an That it kepe thee fro a straunee worn- 5 L ir e here c
- -

9 the man ;

alien, that hir woordis maketh sweete. manff and fro an alien womman, that that God.
; is,

c Fro the windowe forsothe of myn hous makith hir wordis swete. For whi froe that Crist. is, \.

bi the latys I beheeld the 3unge man ; the wyndowjt of myn hous bi the latijs n 7ii{ngetho \

7 and I see litle childer. I beholde the sori Y bihelde and

children^. I bi-7
Y se litle
shertid 3unge man, that passeth thur3 the holde a song man coward, that passith bi preciousere tre-
sour. Lire

stretis, biside the corner; and ne3 the weie the stretis, bisidis c the d corner and he ;
here. c.
. , -i . i * /*! * 11
m derko
Sone. onoure.
oof that hous goth in derc, the dai wax- goith ni3 the weie of hir hous etc .. tn i s vers

ende to euen, in the ny3tis dercnessis and tyme, whanne the dai drawith to ni3t, in
mystynesse. And lo a womman a3en ! the derknessis 6
and myst of f the ny3t. **mthifyn .
ff* <' that
tuut ij

cam to hym, with strumpet aray befor And lo ! a womman, maad,.redi with our-
10 in werk.
fiiie it

Lire here. ens.

maad redi to the soulis to be desceyued, nement of an hoore to disseyue souns, ^ a straunge

11 a chaterere, and vagaunt of reste, vnpa- meetith hym, and sche is a ianglere, and

cient, ne mowende in the hous abide stille goynges about, and vnpacient
of reste, 11 ff"
12 with hir feet;now withouteforth, now and mai not stonde in the hous with hir </>, etc. that ,-

.is, pnuyte of
in the stretys, now beside the corneres k feet and now without forth, now in 12 consience. Lire
. * \ .1 1, here. c.

Ktaspiende. And the ca3te 3unge man she stretis, now

cornens sche aspietn".
bisidis ^Hae children;
kisseth and with wowende chere she
; And sche takith, and kissith the 3ong man ;
t ^^
of victorie m and flaterith with wowynge cheer ||||, and Lire here.
1 it.
uflatereth, seiende, Sacrifises
II || wowing
K Om. A. h Who so A. i
holden E pr. m. k corner AH. Sacrifise A. m victories c pr. m.

' Om. i. sclaundre we. t om . c. v he schal i. " Om. i.

gadre in tresour
i. J myche worth,
" *a e
and drede thou noon oother but him i. z and kepe i. i. leef i. e biside I. I. derk-
nesse c. f in c. K a goer i.
h c.

for helthe I haue gretli

vouwSd ;
to dai seith, Y ou 5 te
sacrifices'* for heelthe ;
_ _^
I wente dai Y haue 3olde mv
my vowis. Ihertor Y is and with out
ii I haue 3olde my vouwis. Therfore schame. Lire
desirende 3ede out in to thi meetyng, and
k desiride Y here. c.
out in to thin a3en comyng,
haue founde. I haue
and I to se thee and haue founde thee.
Y Y i

16 thee to seen ;

litil bed, and spred haue maad my bed with coordis, haue Y i8 in '

ara3id with cordis my amendid, but

of Egipt ; I ha" arayed with tapetis peyntid of Egipt ;
1 Y 17 snmme bokis
17 with peintid tapitis * , . , han, Y auow-
with myrre, haue bispreynt my bed with myrre, and ide. Lire here.
sprengd my Hgging place
Cum, and be wee aloes, and canel. Come thou, be we fillid i

is and aloes, and canell.

with and vse we collyngis that
inwardli drunke with tetes, and vse wee tetisf,

to the time that ben '"

coueitid ; til the dai bigynne to be tetis. 'Lire
the coueitid clippingis ; here. c.

waxe There is not a man in cleer. For myn hosebonde is not in his is $ sche toond
19 the dai Ii3t. . TT '"'" that !

hows; he is goon a ful long weie. He 20 withhelde and

. f, i i is,'

hir hous he 3ide awei the most ferr


2oweie. The bagge of his monee he toe took with hym a bagge of money; he ft*^
fleisch, as in a
moone schal turne a3en in to his hous in the dai
with hym ; in the dai of the" fulle '
net. Lire

21 he is to turne a3een in to his hous. She of ful moone. Sche boonde hym J with 21 here. c.

and many and sche drow forth hym

grenede hym with manye woordis ;
; ofsynneand
with flatering of she fordn>3 hym.
with flateryngis of lippis. Anoon he as
22 Anoon he folewith hir, as an oxe lad to an oxe led to slayn sacrifice sueth hir,
the sacrifise of victorie ; and as a lomb and lomb and vnkunnynge" and is t^"" in
as a ioli ;
snare, for the
the fool woot not, that he is drawun to coueytiseofa
pleiende and vnknowende, that to bondis meete, so litil

23 the fool is drawe, to the time that the bondys, til an arowe perse his mawe. 23 he that is Vn-
arwe thirle thiir3 his mawe. As if a brid As if a brid hastith|| to the snare; and
hee3e to the grene ; and wot not, that of woot not, that it is don of the perel of his neth w'the snare of synne,

24 the? perile of his lif me purposeth. Now liif.

Now therfor, my' sone, here thou ' me; 24 and in to the
, ,. ., dethofhelle,
thanne, sone myn^, here thou me ; and tac and perseyue the wordis or my mouth, for couetise of
2otente to the woordis of my mouth. Ne Lest thi soule be drawun awei in the weies 25 w oman! L
h re c
be drawen awei in the weies of hir thi of hir nether be thou disseyued
; *
in the J? \

^[ scne cdstifte

pathis of hir. For sche castide' doun*ir 26 *"" fro the 1

mynde; ne be thou bigilid in the sties of staat of grace ;

26 hir. Manye forsothe woundid she threw many woundid men ; and alle strongeste many woundid
doun ; and alle the strongeste r ben slain men weren slayn of hir**. The weies of 27 wo'u'nde of*
27 of hir. The weies of belle the housis of helle is hir hous; and persen in to'i
ynnere tise.
here. c.
hir; persende in to the innermor thingus thingis of deeth. **
of deth. men weren
slayen of hir i
CAP. VIII. CAP. VIII. as it is opyn of
Adam, the
1 Whether not wisdam ofte crieth; and Whether wisdom crieth not ofte ; and i
niosti' man, for
r he was in the
2 In the he3est
prudence 3iueth his vois ? prudence 3yueth his vois? In souereyn-2 staat of inno-
and he3e frountis, aboue the weie, in the s
este ff and hi3 coppis, aboue the weie, in the cence, and was
.-.-.... .
ful of kunnyng
smyddel pathis, stondende biside the 3ate myddis of pathis, and it stondith bisidis 3 and verm, and
., /. ., .. . ., .,, ^ ofSampson.the
of the cite ; in tho 3ate doris it speketh, the 3ate of the citee, in thilke closyngis, 5t rongeste man,

4 seiende, O !
men, to 3ou I ofte crie ;
and and spekith, and seith, A !
36 men, crie Y 4

my vois to the sones

stondeth, 366 litle

of men.
childer, witnesse
; and,
ofte to 3ou and ;

men. Litle children}!, vndirstonde 36 wis-5

vois /* to the sones of

. .
ma ". and
Salamon, the
and of manv

3ee vnwise men, taketh heed. Hereth, dom and 3e vnwise men, perseyue wts- mo in
; the
for of grete
thingis I am to speke ;
and dom\ Here 36, for Y schal speke of grete 6

my lippis shul ben opened, that euene

thingis ; and my lippis schulen be openyd,

n han AGH. haue E. this x. P Om. c. 1 Om. XGH. T

strengthid A.

sacrifice A. k wente i. 1
araied it K. m Om. celerl. " i. o P hath cast
1 to the r
vnknowynge perishe i. i.
souereyne A
i. i. sec. m. moust souereyne i. 4
perseyueth in herte i. perseyue
wisdam. Lire here. N text.
VIII. 7 28. PROVERBS. 13

Tthingus thei preche. Treuthe my fhrote My throte schal 7

to preche ri3tful thingis. in pn>ri and
holi doctouriit.
, . , , ,
shal sweteli hethenke; and mylippis shul bitnenke treuthe and my hppis schulen ; Lire here. c.

swlate the vnpitouse. Ri3twise ben alle curse a wickid man. My wordis ben hist; a drm'-'ihatis,
of t' L " e
my sermownes ;
ther is not in hem any no schrewid thing, nether weiward is u in /^fe 7'
thing shreude, ne peruertid. Ri3te thei tho v "My wordis ben r^tful to hem that 9

ben to vnderstondende men; and euene to vndurstonden and ben x euene to hem that ;

10 men findende kunnyng. Taketh my dis- fynden kunnyng. Take 30 my chastisyng, 10

cypline, and not money ; doctrine mor and not money ;

chese 30 teching more
11 than tresor cheseth. Betere is wisdam than tresour. For wisdom is betere thann

than alle the most precious richessis ; and moost preciouse and al de-
alle richessis ;

al desirable thing to it mai not be corn- sirable thing mai not be comparisound
* wisdom dwe/te
is parisound. I, wisdam, dwelle in coun- therto. Y, wisdom, dwelle in counsel*; 12
_r .
in councel ; for
13 sell; and am among to lerned tho3tis. The and Y am among lernyd thoivjtis.
drede of the Lord hateth euel ; enhaunc- drede of the Lord hatith yuel ; curse Y
wise th u * s
ing, and pride, and the shreude weie, boost, and pride, and a schrewid weie, and comen forth 01
and the mouth of the twisil tunge I wlate. a double tungid mouth. Counseil is myn, I4 wi8domand
. encreessen it.

Myn is counseil, and equite myn is. pru- ;
and equyte is myrtf ; prudence is myn, Lire here. c.

isdence, myn is and strengthe. By me and strengthens myn z Kyngis regnen biis .

kingus regnen andmakeris of lawis ri3te
; me; and the makeris of lawis demen iust
thingus deraen. Bi me princis comaund- thingis bi me. Princis comaunden bi me ; 16

17 en and my3ti men deme

; ri3twisnesse. I and my3ti men demen ri3tfulnesse bi me.
men loouende me looue ;
and that erli I loue hem that louen me ;
and thei that 17

is waken at me, shul finde me. With 8 me waken eerli to me, schulen fynde me. With is

ben and glorie; and proud plen-

richessis, me ben rychessis, and glorie ; souereyn
loteuousnessis, and ri3twisnesse. Betere is richessis, and
fruyt is ri3tfulnesse. My 19

my frut than gold, and than precious betere than gold, and precyouse stoon ; + the Lord
ston ; and my buriounyngis than chosen and my *
seedis ben betere than chosun e/
here balamon \
etc- ;

2osiluer. In the weies of ri3twisnesse I go, siluer. Y go in the weies of ristfulneSSe. 20 8 Pekithofwi!'-
d " m Vnmaad
K l . /. 1 / 1 ,

21 in the myddel of pathis of dom ; that I

in the myddis of pathis" of doom that 21 that is, of the ;

make riche men loouende me, and fulfille Y make riche hem that louen me, and so^neinm.
the tresores of hem. The Lord weldide that Y fille her tresouris. The Lord weld- 22
me begynnyng of his weies; er any
in the idet me in the bieynnyne:
J *
of hise weies; soneofGod,
with cute bi-

thing shulde be maad, of the firste cause. bifore he made ony thing, at the gynnyngand
23 Of the euere lastende I am ordeyned and ; bigynnyng. Fro with out bigynnyng Y 23 Of hise weyet ,-

of the olde, er the erthe shulde be maad. was ordeined and fro elde tymes, bifor werkls'.

24 Not weren the depthis of watir; and I

that the erthewas maad. Depthis of \va- ^ c<mseyve ^ inforvs,
as a word

now was conceyued. And not 3it the wellis tris weren not 3it and Y was conseyued ;
of soule, so and
25 of watris hadden broken out, ne 3it the thanne. The wellis of watris hadden not in dyiiyn

mounteynes" in heuy mykilnesse hadden brokun out 3it, and hillis stoden not to- 25 wdrfTs the
26 ben maad er the hillis I was born. 3it
; gidere 5 it bi sad heuynesse ;
bifor litil

the erthe he hadde not maad and ; flodis, hillis Y dr dof the
was born. Bit he hadde not maad26 fadir. !

v e d
and the utmost poyntys of the round- erthe; and floodis, and the herris of the <A/WW,- that
27nesse of the erthe.
heuenes, I was thereat
Whan he greithede
; whan in certein
-m r
i was present
he made redi heuenes, 27 pal partis of the
world, that ben
whanne he cumpasside the e^ and ;
11 i

lawe and cumpas he closide the depriesse the depthis of watris bi certeyn lawe and
28 of watris. Whan the eir he fastnede aboue; cumpas. Whanne he made stidfast the eir 28 here c -

8 To E. 'andin^GH. u hillis E pr. m. v vttermoost AGH.

ther is i. v hem i. " Thei i. thei ben i. 7 Om. i.
z Om. i. a Om. i. t> the pathis i.

Om. ci. d erthis a.

14 PROVERBS. VIII. 29 IX. il.

and we3ede the wellis of watris. Whan aboue; and weiede the wellis of watris. that
Wisdom, e tc. ;
39 is, Goddis .

he cumpaside to the se his terme; and Whanne he cumpasside to the see ms29sone, i

lawe putte to watris, that thei passe not marke; and settide lawe to watris, that
w tho d schulden passe her coostis.
there coostis. Whan he heeng vp the
which he biid-
Whanne he peiside the foundementis of
30 foundemens of the erthe; with hym
I was, ide bi word

alle thingis puttende togidere. And

I de- erthe; Y was making alle thingis with
so and.


him. And delitide bi alle daies, and

litede bi alle da3es, beforn hym alle time,
roundnesse of erthis ; bifore hym in al tyme,
a n r\ 3
"" V P' lerts S thai
31 pleiende in to the pleiede 18,vii. 3 iftisof

pleiede in the world ; and my delices ben

and my delicis to be with the sones of

3i- men. Now thanne, sones, hereth me ;

to be with the sones of men. Now ther-

. vii.sacramentis,
, , . , ,7 .

here 36 me blessid ben met

kepen my weies. Hereth sones, bi
ssblisful that for, ;

wise men ; and wileth that kepen my weies. Here 36 teching, 33

discipline, and beth

34 not casten it awei. Blisful the man that and be 36 wise men ; and nile 36 caste it

hereth me, and that waketh my 3ate at awei. Blessid is the man that herith me, 34 hmmif in the
cros, which is

dores al dai and that waitith at the and that wakith at my 3atis al dai ; and seid sacrifices,

dore x Who me shal finde, kepith at the postis of my dore. He

30 postis of my .

shal finde lif and drawen helthe of the fyndith me, schal fynde lijf ;
and schal

scLord. Who forsothe in me shal synnen, drawe helthe of the Lord. But he that 36 the of this sacrifice,

synneth a3ens me, schal hurte his soule

is the sacra-
shal hurten his soule ; alle that hateden? ;
ment of the
alle that haten me, louen deeth. auter.
me, loouen deth. medlid wyn }
that is, jaf to
CAP. IX. CAP. IX. vs his blood
which is sacrid

i Wisdam bilde out to hym an hous ;

Wisdom* an hous to him silf;i
bildide in wyn raed-
dlid with water.
he hewide out seuene pileris, he offride
2heew z out seuen pileris, offride
his sacri-
his slayn sacrifices, he medlide wijn, and
fises of victorie, mengde win, and sette and

3 forth his bord. He sente his hand wym- settide forth his table. He sente hise hand- 3
*'" ; that is,
men, that thei shulde clepe to the hei3te ; maides f that thei schuldeu clepe to the etc.
to tho
tn the feith of f,,iti, ,Lt'

4 and to the wallis of the cite. If any is a tour; and to the wallis of the citee. If ony 4 out, and to
tho thingis that . .

litil child; come he to me. And to vnwise man is htils ; come he to me. And wisdom ben anned
i . /~, to the articlia
5 men he a spac, Cometh, etith my bred ; spak to vnwise men, Come 36, ete 36 mys O f the feith.

and drinketh win, that I mengde to 3ou. breed and drynke 3e h the wiyn, which

e Forsaketh childbed, and liueth b and

goth ; Y haue medlid to 3ou. Forsake 36 > 3ong G v breed ; that
/ is, my bodi
7 bi the weies of prudence. Who lerneth childbed, and lyue 36 ; and go 30 bi the jouun vndur
TT - the licnesse of
a scornere, doth wrong he to hymself ; weyes of prudence. He j.\. T--.ii-
that techith a 7 breed.

and who vndernemeth the vnpitouse, to


scorneref, doith wrong to him silf; and "sT^biood

hymself a wem gendrith. Wile thou not he that vndirnymmeth
a wickid man, gen- v " dur the P><*
of wyn, wher.

vndernyme the scornere; lest he shul hate drith a wem to him silf. Nile thou vndir- s y n "e water is
medlid ; bi eld
thee. Vndirnym the wise man ; and he nyme a scornere; lest he hate thee. Vndir- tymecristen
men comyn-
a shal looue thee. 3if to the wise man oca- nyme thou a wise man and he schal loue ; eden in e'uer

sioun and ther shal ben addid to hym

; thee. 3yue thou occasioun to a wise man 9 ;

wisdam. Tech the ri3twis man ; and he and wisdom schal be encreessid to hym.
scheding out
10 shall hee3e to take. The begynnyng of I eche thou a mst man and he schal haste of the blood,
wisdam the drede of the Lord ; and the to take The bigynnyng of wisdom z^i^toiewid'men"

nkuunyng of halewis prudence. Forsothe the m dreed of the Lord

bi me shul be c
and prudence is ;
multiplied thi da3es and ; the kunnyng of seyntis. For" thi
that is, vnpro-

w x dores
hangide ABGH. >'
haten AH. * hewide a sche c sec. m. b cometh E pr. m.
c her A.

d thei i. e he schal i. f handmaidens

i. g litil, that is, meek. Lire here. KNa. Om. r. that i.
wey i. I take it i. m Om. i. n Forsothe i.
IX. 12 X. PROVERBS. 15

12 ben added to thee the jerys of lif. If a schulen be multiplied bi me ; and

jeeris of fitabie ami

wis man thou shul be; to thiself thou lijf schulen be encreessid to thee. If thou g!s-
and to thi ne3heboris. If for-
shalt be, art wijs ; thou schalt be to thi silf * and "*<>/>
, i , , . . .
dence ; that is,
sothe a gilere; alone thou shalt bern euel. to thi nei3bons. Forsothe if thou art a ofcomaunde-
mentis and
is Afool womman, and crious, and ful of scornere
, i
tnouP aloone schalt here yuel.
i , ,


euele dra3tis to delicis, and no thing A fonned womman, and ful of cry, and
14 outerli kunnende, sat in the 3ate doris of ful of vnleueful lustis, and that kan no
etc* tor nc
hir hous, vpon a sete, in the he3e place thing outirli, sittith in the doris of hir I4 8tiritht e
, scornere to do
la of the cite; that she my3te clepe men

nous, on a seete, mi an hi3 place of the

passende bi the weie, and men goende in cite;
to clepe
men *i*ithe
passinge bi weie, 15
wrong to him.
Lire here. c.

16 ther gate. Who is a litil child ; bowe he and men goynge in her iournei. Who is
doun to me. And to the sory hertid she a litil man ^ofwit r ; bowe he to me. And pri.
nci P al y.
aftirward to
17 spac, Stoln watris ben swettere, and hid sche spak to a coward, Watris of thefte 17 othere men.
, . afonnyd wo
is bred more swete. And he knew not that ,
ben swettere, and breed hid is swettere 9
. , .

. man ; that i

there ben ieauntis ; and in the depthis of And wiste 4 not that giauntis ben there:
helle the d gestis of hir. forsothe Who and the gestis" of hir v ben in the depthis

(h Tot no
shal be ioyned to hir ; shal falle doun in of helle. Sotheli he that schal be applied, but wordis.
to helle. For whi he that goth awey from ether to hir w schal
fastned, go doun to ; lustis ; for not
onely it graunt-
hir ;
shal be saued. hellis. For whi he that goith awei fro ith, but also

hir w ; schal be saued. bringith to

siche lustis.
kan no thing ;

CAP. X CAP. X. for so


that it is aret-
i A c
wys sone gladeth the fader ; for- The parablis of Salomon. A wijs sonei
sothe a sone fool, the sorewe is of his makith glad the x fadir ; but a fonned sone nd ,Vforth

2modir. No thing shal profiten the tre- is Tresouris of 2 ^ n ie

the sorewe of his modir.
r c doc "

sores of vnpitousnesse ; ri3twisnesse for- wickidnessef schulen not *profite ; but rist-
ssothe shal deliuere fro deth. The Lord fulnesse schal delyuere fro deth. The Lord s
shal not tormente thur3 hungir the soule schal not turmente the soule? of a iust brode weye of

of the ri3twise ;
and the spies of the man and he schal distrie
with hungur ;

vnpitous men he
shal turn vpso doun. the tresouns of vnpitouse men. A slow 4 that

the fersnesse of
- -

Nedynesse wercheth the slowe hond ; the hond hath wrou3t nedynesse but the ;
her coueitise.
a coward ; that
bond forsothe of stronge men greitheth hond of stronge men makith redi rich- is, to him that
sueth lustis.
richessis. Who
forsothe vseth lesingis, essis. Forsothe he that enforsith to gete of thefte; that
is, fals doctryn.
this fedeth windis ; the same folewith *ony thing
bi a leesyngis, fedith the b breed hid, etc, ;
sfleende briddes. Who gedereth in rep, wyndisj ; sotheli the same man sueth the herere of
is a wis sone ;
who forsothe routeth in briddis fleynffe. He that gaderith togi-a geauntis, that

. . .. , is,ofendis.
'isomer f , is the sone of confusioun. The dere in heruest, a wijs sone; but he is in the depthis

blissing of God vpon the bed of the ri3t- that slepith in sommer, is a sone of con-
fusioun. The blessing of God is ouer c thee
^ >

t h at

wis ; the mouth forsothe of vnpitous men J
fillid bi
3t and

7 wickidnesse couereth. The mynde of the heed of a iust man ; but wickidnesse hilith doctryne goen

ri3twise with preisingis ; and the name the mouth of wickid men. The mynde of? peyne of heiie,

of vnpitous^ men shal waxe stinkinge. a iust man schal be with preisingis ; and
8 The wise man in herte shal kepen the the name of wickid men schal wexe rotun.
ahestis; the fool beten with lippis. Who
is A wijs man schal resseyue
. wickidnesse;
goth simpleli, goth trostli ; who forsothe mentis with herte a fool is betun with
that is,

d Om. AGH. e liis AGH. { the somer AEGH. S the vnpitous AGH.

be wijs r. P forsothe thou i. Q on ex. r in wit i.
of wit. Lire here. N text. esier to ete i.
* Iwiste ; I, the heerere of fals doctrin wiste. Lire here. N text. " T therof
gistis A. felawis i. p/ures.
w it
* his r. 1 i. z i.
Lire here. N text,
ait}l any thing.
a with i. b Om. i. c Om. cm.

that goith simpli, goith tristili;o getu n.ii>
beshrewith his weies, shal be maad opene. liopis*. here. CKN.
10 Who twinclith with e$e, shal 3iue so- but he that makith schrewid hise weies, schut
TT i i ,1 -,. profile; for tho
rewe ; the fool with lippis shal be bete. schal be opyn. He ,-, .

that bekeneth with 10 ben

veyne of lif the mouth of the ri3t-

the schal yue sorewe a fool schal be
11 The i
3 e, 5 ;

wis ; the mouth forsothe of vnpitous betun with lippis. The veyne of liif &>n if nauilce
sueth not, and
i )e

12 men couereth wickidnesse. Hate rereth the mouth of a iust man but the mouth ofte of temporal
, ... , .1-1 TT deth. Lire

striues ;
and alle giltis charite couereth. of vvickid men hihth wickidnesse. Ha- \2 here. c.

13 In the lippis of the wis man is founde trede reisith 6 chidingis

; and charite hilith
wisdam ; and
a 3erde in the rigge of hym alle synnes. Wisdom is foundun in the is
t*' au g]
th his


u that is uedi in herte. Wise men hiden lippis of a wise and a 3erd in f the ;
"">< * leP'">

kunnyng ;
the mouth forsothe of the fool bak of him that Wise u he that idii
is nedi of herte. is

15 is next to confusioun. The substaunce of men hidenf kunnyng but the mouth of g, ; is

the riche man the cite of his strengthe ; a fool is nexte to confusioun. The catel of i5
man L (re here - c-
the ferd of pore men the nedynesse of a riche is the citee of his strensrthe ;
herte; that
16 hem. of the ri3twis man to
The were the drede of pore men is the nedynesse of is > >
lif; the frut forsothe of the vnpitous to hem. The werk of a iust man is to lijf ;
IG her.
i;synne. The weie of lif to the k kepende but the fruyt of a wickid man is to synne. ,"/^*f
he are " ith
is to him that kepith
discipline who forsothe vndernemyngis
The weie of lijf' I7l . .

betingis, the

isforsaketh, erreth. Liende lippis hiden 1

chastising** but he that forsakith blam-
... T-, , ,. i , , blamyng. Lire
hate ;
speketh" wrongful blarnyng,

yngis, ernth. b alse lippis hiden hatrede ; is here. c.

19 is an vnwis man. In myche speche shal he that bringith forth dispisinge is vn- ;s
, fro scorn"
who forsothe temperth schal not in
L "'ehere -

not lacke syrine ; wijs. Synne myche 19^ faile

20 his lippis, is most prudent. Chosen siluer spekyng but he that mesurith hise lippis,

the tunge of the ri3twis ; the herte of is moost prudent. Chosun siluer is the 20
21 vnpitous men for no3t. The lippis of the tunge of a iust man ; the herte of wickid
ri3twise techen manye ; who forsothe ben men is for nou3t. The lippis of a iust 21 +
for n

vnta3t, in the nedynesse of herte shul die. man techen ful manye men but ; thei that t^'
22 The blessing of the Lord maketh riche ben vnlerned, schulen die in nedinesse of here ' c-

men ; ne shal be felashipid to them tor- herte. The blessing of the Lord makith 22
asmenting. As by k^hing the fool werch- riche$ men and turment schal not be fe- f "<*>
' c- .

ith hidous trespas wisdam forsothe is to ; lowschipid to hem. A fool worchith wick- 23 H
24 a man purueing. That that the vnpitouse idnesse as bi Iei3yng ; but Visdom is
come vpon dence to a h man. That that a wickid man M h
dredeth, shal l^nan.riclAre
hym ; ther" de- 24 , :
25 sir to ri3twis men
shal be 3iue. As tem- dredith, schal come on hym ; the desire of here - c -

pest passende, shal be the vnpitouse ; the iust men

schalbe 3ouun to hem. As 325
ri3twise forsothe as euere durende ground. tempeste passynge, a wickid man schal not
26 As eisel to teeth, and smoke to e3en ; so be but a iust man schal be as an euer-

the slowe to hem that senten hym in the lastynge foundement. As vynegre noiethw
27 weie. The drede of the Lord leith to the teeth, and smoke noieth 1 the
i3en ; so
da3es ; and the 3eris of vnpitous men shul a slow man noieth hem that senten hym
28 be shortid. The biding of ri3twismen in the weie. The drede of the Lord en- 27
gladnesse ; the hope forsothe of vnpitous creesith daies and the wickid
; 3eeris of
29 men shal pershen.
strengthe of the The men schulen be maad schort. Abiding of aa
simple the weie of the Lord ; and ferd iust men is gladnesse but the hope of

so to them that werken euel. The wickid men schal perische. The strengthe 29
into withoute ende shal not be moued ; of a symple man is the weie of the Lord ;

Om. A. k Om. AGH. 1

hidith A. ^ n his
speketh or bryngeth forth E pr, m. E pr, m.

reisith f is K
up i.
founde in i. chastisyngis E.
prudence is to a wijs i. i
Om. !.
X. 3i XI. PROVERBS. 17

vnpitouse forsothe shul not dwelle vp on and drede to hem that worchen yuel. A 30 * not be
that is, fro the
31 erthe. The mouth of the rijtwis shal iust man schal not be moued* with outen stablenesse of
vertu. CKM.
here wisdam ; the tunge of shrewis shal ende ; but wickid men schulen not dwelle f not dwelle on
32pershen. The lippis of the ri3twis be- on the erthef . The mouth of a iust man the erthf , that
is, on the erthtr
holden plesid thingis ; and the mouth of schal bringe forth wisdom ; the
tunge of of hem that
lynen in blii.

vnpitouse peruertid thingis. schrewis schal perische. The lippis of

iust man biholden pleasaunt thingis ; and and
the mouth of wickid men byholdith wei- to goode men.
weyward thing-
ward thingis'. is, etc. ; that
is, blasfemyes
CAP. XI. CAP. XI. wrongis a;enu>
the neijbore.

1 A treacherous we3e abominaciouri is A gileful balaunce abhominacioun iis

Lire here. c.

anent God ; and an euen 00 wei3t the wil anentis God ; and an euene wei3te is his
2 of hym. Wher shal be pride, there shal wille. Where pride is, there also dispis-2
be wrongful blamyng ; wher forsothe is ing schal be ; but where rneeknesse is,

smecnesse, and there wisdam. Simple- there also The/* wisdom. simplenesse of3
nesse of ri3twis men shal ri3t reule them ; iust men schal dresse hem ; and the dis-
and supplaunting of peruertid men shal seyuyng of weiward men schal destrie
4 waste them. Richessis shul not profiten hem. Richessis schulen not profite in the 4
in the day of veniaunce; forsothe irjtwis- dai of veniaunce ; but ri3tfulnesse schal
5 nesse shal deliuere fro deth. Ri3twisnesse delyuere fro deth. The ri3tfulnesse of as
of the simple shal ri3t reulen his weie ; simple man schal dresse his weie ; and a
and the vnpitous in his vnpitousnesse wickid man schal falle in his wickidnesse.
c shal falle. The ri3twisnesse of ri3t men The ri3tfulnesse of ri3tful men schal dely-c
shal deliuere them ; and wicke? men in uere hem ;
and wickid men schulen be
7 ther aspies shul be take. The vnpytous takun in her aspiyngis. Whanne a wickid 7
man dead, noon hope shal ben ouer and ;
man is deed, noon hope schal be fer-
the abiding of bisy men shal pershe. therj ;
and abidyng
J " of bisy
men k schal t </**,
etc. ; that is,
8 The ri3twis fro anguysh is deliuered ; perische.
A iust man
is delyuered from 8 of hem that
serueden bisily
. . , i i_
and a wickid man schal be

and shal be take the vnpitous for hym. angwisch ; a wickid man,

9 The feynere in mouth desceyueth his 3ouun for hym. A feynere bi mouth dis-9
frend ; ri3twis men forsothe shul ben de- seyueth his freend but iust ;
men schulen
10 liuered with kunnyng. In goodis of ri3t- be deliuered bi kunnyng. A citee schal 10 that is, blamed
in the gospel. K.
wis men shal ben euhauncid the cite ; be enhaunsid in the goodis of iust men ;
and in the leesing of vnpitousPP men'J shal and preysyng schal be in the perdicioun
11 ben preising. Thur3 the blessing of ri3t- of wickid men. citee schal be enhaunsid nA
wis men shal ben enhauncid the cite ; bi blessing of iust men ; and it schal be

and bi the mouth of vnpitous men it shal distried bi the mouth of wickid men. He 12

12 be turned vp so doun. Who desceyueth that dispisith his freend, is nedi in herte ;
his frend, is nedi in herte ; the prudent but a prudent man schal be stille. He that is

is man forsothe shal be stille. Who goth goith gilefuli, schewith priuetees ;
but he
sels ;
gilendeli, shewith priue thingus ; who that is feithful, helith the priuetee of a bothe yueis ben

forsothe is feithful, hilith the gilte of freend. Where a gouernour is not, the 1

u the Wher is not a gouernour, the

frend. puple schal falle ; but helthe *of the pu-
puple fallith ; helthe forsothe, wher ben nle m ismm , where ben many counsels^.
* J
Hem etc.; that is

ismanye counselis. He shal be tormentid that makith feith|| for a straunger, schal CKN.

the Lord c pr. m. trevve c pr. m. P wickid AGH. PP the vnpitous A. . man A.

i. J ferther oj him i. k men in euel A sec.m. '
ther is i.
Om. i. " m M. Lire here. N text.
18 PROVERBS. XI. 16 XII. 2.

with euel, that doth feith for a stranger ;

be turmentid yuel ; but he that
who forsothe shoneth grenes, shal be si- eschewith snaris, schal be sikur. A gra- ic
* a
lekir. A gracious womman shal finden glo- ciouse womman* schal fynde glorie ;
and granouse
womman ; that

rie; and stronge men shuln han richessis. stronge men schulen haue riehessis. A 17 is,onest and
schamefast. c.
17 Weidoth to his soule the merciful man ;
merciful man doith wel to his soule ;

whoforsothe is cruel, casteth awei nee3h he that is cruel, castith awei, 3he, kynnes-
is men. The vnpitouse maketh were vn- men. A wickid man makith vnstableis

stable ; to the sowende forsothe ri3twis- werk ;

but feithful mede is to hym, that
19 nesse feithfull r mede. Noble mercy shal sowith ri3tfulnesse. Merci schal make in
and the suyng of yuels n schal

greithe and folewing of euelis deth.

lif ;
redi lijf ;

2oAbhominable a" shreude herte to the make redi deth. A schrewid herte isw
Lord ; and his wil in hem, that simply abhomynable and his wille
to the Lord ;

is in hem, that goen symply. Thou^ bond 21

aigon. Hond in bond, shal not ben inno-
cent the euele man ;
the sed forsothe of be? in thei bond, an yuel manf schal not f thouj he
worcheth no
22ri3twis men
shal be saued. goldene A be innocent ; but the seed of iust men thing, but bold,

cercle inthe nosethirlis of a souwe, a schal be sauyd. A

goldun 'sercle, ether* 22 hond in the
eth the too

23 fair womman and a fool. The desir of ryng, in the 'nose thrillis* of a sowe, a tothir, thiuketh
yuel. K.

rijtwis men alle good thing is ;

the abid- womman fair and fool. The desir of iust 23
ing of vnpitous men wodnesse. Othere men is al good abiding of wickid men is

men deuyden proper thingus, and ben woodnesse. Sum men departen her owne 24
maad richere ; othere reuen not their thingis, and ben maad richere ; other men
owne, and euermor ben in nedynesse. rauyschen thingis, that ben not hern, and
25 The lif that blisseth, shal ben inwardli ben u euere in nedynesse. soule that A 25

fattid ;
and he that maketh inwardli blessith, schal be maad fatj; and he that bi fatnesse of

grace. K.
drunken, also hymself shal ben inwardli fillith T ,
schal be fillid also. He that hidith 20 his neijbore

wheete in tyme w schal be cursid among

with good tech.
20 maad drunken. He that hideth whete in ,
ing. K.
time, shal be cursid in puplis blessing ;
the puplis ; but blessyng schal come on |1
of wraththe
and tempta-
27 forsothe vp on the hed of silleris. Wei the heed of silleris. Wel he risith eerli,27 cioun. K.
riseth erli, that secheth goodis ;
who for- that sekith good thingis ; but he that is a 5f the tre of
lijf; that is,
sothe is enserchere of euelis, of hem shal serchere of yuels, schal be oppressid of tho. Crist in blisful
sijt for the
28 be oppressid. Who trosteth in his rieh- He that tristith in hise riehessis, schal 28 werk of a iust

essis, shal falle ; ri3twis men forsothe as falle; but iust men schulen buriowne as herto. c.

293 greene lef shul burioune. distur- Who a greene leef. He that disturblith his **takilh soulis,-
29 that
is, the
bith his hous, shal han windis ; and he hows, schal haue wyndis|| in possessioun ; cure of soulis.
that is a fool, shal seruen to the wise and he that is a fool, schal serue a wijs f--f"
is a wiys
man ; that is,
so man. The frut of the ri3twise the tree man. The
fruyt of a ri3tful man is the so owith to be a
of and
lif he that vndertaketh soulis, is tre of lijf ^f; and he that takith soulis**, is wiys man for ;
31 a wis man. Jf the ri3twise in the erthe a wijs manff. If a iust man his Pastorals,
receyuethsi the craft of
resceyueth, myche more the vnpitous, and in erthe^,how miche more an vnfeithful craftis is the

gouernail of
the synnere. man, and synnere ". soulis. c.

J erthe ; that
CAP. XII. CAP. XII. of God. Lire
here. KJT.
1 Who looueth discipline, looueth kun- He that loueth chastisyng, loueth kun- i
is en ;//>' ,

forhe is liyk
nyng ; who forsothe hateth blamyngus, is nyng ; but he that hatith blamyngis, is a wood man,
2 vnwis. Who forsothe is
good, shal drawe vnwijs. He good, schal drawe to 2
that is
that eschewith
heelful medi-

who cyn. Lire

to hym grace of the Lord ; forsothe hym silf grace of the Lord but he that ; here. c.

r 9 is
is feithful A. a A.

n " Oin. i. P is A
yuel i. pr. m. c et plures. <l Om. A sec. m. F sec. m. i. r Om. i. * nostris CN.
nese thorlis E. nose thirllis p el alii. thei ben i. v fu llj t h w Om. A * a
A .
pr. m. cu pr. m. synnere i. .
XII. 3 19- PROVERBS. 19
trostith in his vnpitously doth. tristith in hise
tho3tis, thou3tis, doith wickidli.
3 A
man shal not be strengthid of vnpi- A man schal not be maad strong by 3
tousnesse ; arid the roote of ri3twis men* wyckidnesse ; and the root of iust men
4 shal not ben al moued. A bisi womman schal not be moued. A diligent womman 4
a croune is to hir man ;
and stinc in the is a coroun to hir hoseboud ; and rot is in
bones of hir, that berth thingus wrthi the boonys of that womman, that doith
sconfusioun. The tho3tis of ri3twis men thingis worth i of confusioun. Thethou3tiss
domesand counseilis of vnpitous men
; of iustmen ben domes; and the counselis
Ggilesum. The woordis of vnpitous men of wickid men ben gileful. The wordise
spieu to blod ; the mouth of ri3twis of wickid men setten tresoun to blood ;

7 men shal deliuere them. Turne vnpitous the mouth of iust men schal delyuere hem.
men, and thei shul not be ;
the housis Turne thou* wickid men, and thei schu- 7
that is, to
goodnesse. K.
forsothe of ri3twis men shal abide stille. len not bef ; but the housis of iust men f- wickid,

sBi his doctrine shal be knowen a man; schulen dwelle perfitli. A man schal be a
dampned. K.

who veyn and herteles, shal

forsothe is knowun teching ; but he that is
bi his
9 ben open to despising. Betere is a pore veyn and hertles, schal be open to dispis-
man, and suffisaunt to hymself, than a ing. Betere is a pore man, and sufficient 9
glorious, and nedi bred. The ri3twis to him silf, than a gloriouse man, and nedi
knew3 the liues of his helpeli bestis ; the of breed. A iust man knowith the>' soulis z 10

bowelis forsothe of vnpitous men cruel. of hise werk beestis^: ;

but the* entrailis of J werk Iteestin ;
that is, of hid
n Who" werketh his lond, shal be fulfild wickid men ben cruel. He that worchith u seruaunti*.
Lire hen. IKS.
with loues ; who forsothe folewith idel his lond, schal be fillid with looues ; but
reste, most fool is. Who is sweete, liueth he that sueth idilnesse, is moost fool. He
in tempringis ; in his monestingis he for- that is swete b , lyueth in temperaunces;
The desir v
I2saketh wrongful blamyngis . and in hise monestyngis he forsakith dis-
of the vnpitous is the myndeful place of pisyngis. The desir of a wickid man is 12
werst thingis the roote forsothe of ri3t-
the memorial of worste thingis ; but the
iswis men shal profiten. For the synnes roote of iust men schal encreesse. For the is

of lippis falling ne3heth to the euel man ;

synnes of lippis 'falling doun uei3eth to
forsothe the ri3twis man shal fleen out of an yuel man ; but a iust man schal scape
u anguysh. Of the frut of his mouth echew fro angwisch. Of the fruyt of his mouth u
shal be fulfild of goodis ; and after the ech man schal be fillid with goodis; and
werkis of his hondis it shal be 3olde to bi d the werkis of hise hondis it schal be

ishym. The weie of the fool ri3t in the 3oldun to him. The weie of a fool /* ri3t-io

C3en of hym ; who forsothe is a wis ful in hise i3en ; but he that is wijs, herith
IB man, hereth counseilis. The fool shewith counsels. A fool schewith anoon his ire;ie

anoon his wrathe; who forsothe dissymu- but he that dissymelith wrongis, is wijs.
i;lith wrongus, is fel. Who that he knewj, He that spekith that, that he knowith, is 17

but he that
speketh, domes man of ri3twisnesse ; is a iuge of ri3tfulnesse ; lieth,

who forsothe lieth, is a gileful witnesse. is a gileful witnesse. A man is that bi-i

isTher is that behoteth, and as with a hetith, and he is prickid as with the Lilitlilli ; and
payeth not.
swerd is pungid to the conscience ; the swerd of conscience but the tunge of wise ; Lire here. cxa.

tunge forsothe of wise men is helthe. men is helthe. The lippe of treuthe schal 19

The be stidfast with outen ende but he that

19 lippe of truthe shal be fast in to ;

withoute ende ; who forsothe is a feerli isa sudeyn witnesse, makith redi the tunge

witnesse, maketh a of of leesyng. Gile is in the herte of hem 20

tunge lesing.

Who w ech on AEGH.

blamyng AG pr. m. H.
* Om. AGH. " so A. v

c d aftiri.
TOm. c. Mijuesi. &Om.Apr.m.
b softe or esy i. swete, that is, mylde KNU. ruyne or myschefi.
D 2

aoTreccberie in the herte of men thenk- that thenken yuels ; but ioye sueth hem,
ende euelys ; who forsothe gon* in to the that maken counsels of pees. What euere 21

21 counseilis of pes, hem folewith io3e. Shal bifallith to a iust man, it schal not make *<*/>'<*
harm ; that is,

not holli sorewen? the ri3twis man, what hym sori ; but wickid men schulen be fillid chargith not

euere thing shal falle to hym vnpitous ;

with yuel. False lippis is abhominacioun22
men forsothe shul be fulfild z of euel. to the Lord ;
but thei that don feithfuli,
22 is to the Lord Hende plesen him. A fel
man hilith kunnyne; 23 t '**-
Abomynaciouri * slaunce ; that

lippis ;
who forsothe feithfulli don, ple- and the herte of vnwise men stirith foli. is, !iyt. Lire

23 sen to hym. A man turned to deceit, The bond of stronge men schal haue lord-
hilith kunnyng ; the herte of vnwise schip ; but the bond that is slow, schal
han Lire
24 men stireth to folie. The bond of stronge serue to tributis. Morenynge in the herte 23 J gold t

men shal lordshepen ; the whiche for- of a iust man schal make hym meke; and n</ <>/


25 sothe is slo3, shal serue to tributis. Morn- he schal be maad glad bi a good word, he wole
yng in the herte of the ri3twis man shal He that dispisith harm* for a frend, is 32
e yl< U
meken hym and with a good woord he
iust man ; but the weie of wickid men l u ffre
the tra
26sharbe maad glad 3 Whodispisith harm . schal disseyue hem. A srileful man schal 27
ue whii;h >
axid herto, and
for a frend, is ri3twis ;
the weie forsothe not fynde wynnyng; and the substauncef sohenyie
spedily; therfor
27 of vnpitous men shal desceytie them. The of man schal be the prijs of gold+. Lijfsa the

gileful man shal not finde wynnyng ; and is the path of ri3tfulnesse f
in ; but the
the substaunce of a man shal be the pris wrong weie leedith to deeth. theieshees-
chewith to
28 of gold. In the path of ri3twisnesse b putte hise feet
in to the water.
the going out wei forsothe ledeth to
lif ; Lire here. c.
that is, wole
deth. haue prosperite
CAP. XIII. CAP. XIII. in this world
and ioie in
1 The wise sone the doctrine of the fa- A
wijs sone is the teching of the fadir ; i
heue "> but he
wole not tra-
der who forsothe is a gilere, hereth not,
; but he that is a scornere,herith not,whanne w'e vertuousli
therfore. K.
2 whan he is A
, i A
vndernomyn. Of the frut of he is
repreuyd. man schal be filhd with 2 u a man is a*
his mouth a man shal be fild with of the fruit of his mouth but the
goodis; goodis ;

the soule forsothe of 'the lawe brekeriV i ' ie h " h

soule of vnpitouse men is wickid. He that 3 1

W h ch ia
swicke. Who kepeth his mouth,
kepeth kepith his mouth, kepith his soule ; but tid M no"3t,
. suffisith to
his soule ; who forsothe is
vnauysid to he that

is vnwar to speke, schal feel yuels. him s m. Lire

4 speken, shal felen euelis. The slowe wile, A slow man wole, and wole not$ but the 4 ; f tbath, hut
and wile not; the soule forsothe of werk- soule of hem that worchen schal be maad
ende men shal ben inwardliche fattid. fat. A iust man schal wlate a fals word 5 no more -

5 A lesing woord the ri3twis man shal

i i
a wickid man schendith, and schal be
as pore,
etc. ;

wlaten d
; man forsothe
the schent. Ri3tfulnesse kepith the weie ofe whom'notUiv
eshendeth, and shal be shent. Ri3twis- an innocent man but wickidnesse dis-

nesse kepeth the weie of the innocent

seyueth a synnere. A man is as riche||, 7
vnpitousnesse forsothe supplauntith the whanne he hath no thing^f and a man paied, hut

7Synnere. Ther is as a riche man, is as pore**, whanne

crieth, Bryng,
he is in many Bring. K.
whan no thing he hath; and ther is richessis. Redempcioun of the soule of 8
as a pore man, whan in many richesses man is hise richessis ; but he that is ^
ros P erite-
JjtTC l\E T, C K N8
she is. The a3een biyng of the soule of '*A <//rf
pore, suffrith not blamyng. The Iht of 9 ,-

a man his richessis who .

, ,
the peple, for
lustff men makith glad
; forsothe is a but the Ian- thei vsen wei
9 pore man, blamyng suffreth not. The terne of wickid men schal be
AGH. y serue E z fild
gpth pr. m. AGH. a
gladen E pr m men AG. n^twys man
vnpitouse men K pr. m.
d vnri //.
3 twis A.

e fool A f
sec. m. rijtwisnesse i.

of ri3twis men maketh glad ; the lan-

Stryues ben euere a rnong proude men ; 10
terne forsothe of vnpitous men shal ben but thei that don alle
thingis with coun-
loquenchid. Among proude men euermor sel, ben gouerned bi wisdom. Hastid * 1 1 catel ha,tid;

ben striues ; who forsothe alle thingis catel schal be maad lesse ; but that that il^uy"'^!"
don with counsel!, ben gouerned with is gaderid litil and with hond, schal
litil raucy " et bi
vsure. !T
n wisdam. Substaunce hastid shal be las- be multiplied. Hope whichs is dilaied, i2
A "n</ - thati >

. . . getun bi iiint
sid that forsothe litilmele e is turmentith the soule a tre of desir ""*. Lire
gedered, lijf is
; ;

12 with hond shal be multeplied. Hope comyng. He that bacbitith ony thing, is''"

that is deferrid, tormenteth the soule ; byndith hyrn silf in to tyme to comynge ;
13 the tree of lif desir comynge
. Who bac- but he that dredithf the comaundement, t >ire,nih, tic. ;

biteth to any thing, he oblisheth hymself schal lyue in pees. The lawe of a wise u brcki'ng'of
in to the f time to come who forsothe ; man is a welle of lijf
9 ; that he bowe awei ?'
Kl<i 8 hee" tis-
Lire here. c.
14 dredeth the heste, in pes shal wone. The fro the falling of detht. Good techineis* <!/"**<*, that
, i, of synne and
lawe of a wis man the welle of lif ; that schal 3yue grace ; a swolowe ts in the of h ^. Lire

he bowe awei fro the falling of deth. weie of dispiseris$. A fel man doith alle is /<%>;*, ,,t

is Good doctrine shal in the

3yue grace ;
thingis with counsel ; but he that is a fcTidlS
i6weye of dispiseris a swolw3- A witti fool, schal opene foli. The rnessaneer o f i7
fros y n " e
synnc. .> *

man alle thingis? doth with counseil ;

a wickid man
schal falle in to yuel ; a here c - -

who forsothe is a fool, shall opene folie. feithful messanger is helthe. Nedynesseis
17 The messager of the vnpitous shal falle and schenschip is to him that forsakith
in to euel ;
the feithful sent is helthe. techyng ;
but he that assentith to a asimt uk,

laNedynesse and shenshipe to hym that blamere, schal be glorified. Desir, if it is 19

forsaketh discipline ; who forsothe as- fillid, delitith the soule foolis wlaten ; hem "^eiy. Lire
here. c.
senteth to the vndernymere, shal ben that fleen yuels. He that goith with wijs 20
glorified. Desir, if it be fulfild, delitith men^[, schal be wijs ; the freend of foolis i /A <>
the soule ;
foolis wlaten hem that flen schal be maad lijk hem. Yuel pursueth 21 Jb!
2oeuelis. Who with wise goth, a wis synneris and goodis schulen be 3oldun h

man shal ben ;

the frend of folis lie shal to iust men. A good man schal leeue affirm

21 be maad. Synneres euel pursueth ; and him eiris, sones, and the sones of sones ;

to rijtwis men goode thingis shul be and the catel of a synnere is kept to a
223olde. A good man leueth eiris sones, iust man. Many meetis ben in the new 23
and sonys sones ; and is kept to the ri3t- tilid feeldis and ben gaderid to
of fadris ;

*' doom
wise the substaunce of the synnere. othere men with out doom**. He that 24 that
) with out her
h but he
2sManye metis in the newid feeldis of sparith the 3erde, hatith his sone ; tr aue i. Lire
fadris ; and to othere men thei ben ge- that loueth him, techith bisili. A iust 25

24dered withoute dom. Who spareth to man etith, and fillith his soule but ; the

the 3erde, hatith his sone ; who forsothe wombe of wickid rnen /* vnable to be
.,,, tt tote ////;
2slooueth hym, bisili techeth. The ri3twis nllldjj. for tho thingis
that lien set
eteth, and fulfillith his soule the wombe
; forth suffisen
not to hem, but,
forsothe of vnpitous' vnfilable. euere more thei
seken delicat
thingis. Lire
CAP. XIV. CAP. XIV. here. c.

i The wise womman bildeth vp hir hous; A wijs womman bildith hir hous ; and i

the vnwise the maad outk forsothe with an unwijs womman schal distrie with
2hondis shal destro3e. The goende in hondistt an hous bildid. A man goynge2
_ . . , .
that with hir
and dredinge God, is dis- y ude werkis.
ri3t weie, and drederide God, is dispisid in ri3tful weie,
Lire here. CK.

with litilmel A. ee comende c pr. m. f Om. AEGII. S thing AC. h

E pr. m.
the vnri3t-

wijs A. the vnpitous GH. k Om. A. vp GH.

g that the which a. h i.
i. joue
22 PROVERBS. XIV. 3 23.

pisid of hym, that goith in a' weie of

hym, that goth in the euel losid weie.
The 3erde of pride* is in the
sin the mouth of the fool a 3erde of yuel fame. proud
of wise men mouth of a fool the lippis of wijs men correccion. K.
pride ;
the lippis keperi ;
. + OJcis hen not
, ;
4 hem. Wher ben not oxen, the cracche kepen hem. Where oxis ben noty, the 4 that is, where
wher forsothe aperen many cratche is void but where ful many ther
is voide ;
; ,

of ben fewe feith-

cornes there the
tilthis, there is open maad the strengthe apperen, strengthe ful men. Lire

5 of the oxe. A feithful witnesse shal not

oxe' is opyn. A feithful witnesse
schal 5 here. CK.
t scornere ;
i / i

the trecherous witnesse speketh not a gileful witnesse bringitn forth a

lie he is seid a
lien ;

elesing. The scornere

seketh wisdam, and leesing. A
scornere j sekith wisdom, ande dispisUh'toe

findeth not ; the doctrine of prudent men he fyndith- not; the teching of prudent e ^j f e '

e n an d
8 f

not men is esy. Go thou a3ens a man a fool i )ileueth

a3en the fol ; and he shal
7 Ii3t. Go 1

iynde wisdom

eknowe the lippis of prudence. The wis- and he schal not knowe the lippis of pru- hi his wit, but

p p . ne fyndith not,
The wisdom of a fel man is to 8

dam of the witti man is to vnderstonde dence^. for pride biynd-

his weie ;
and the' 11
vnprudence of foolis vndirstonde his weie ; and the vnwarnesse 5^''
9 erring. The fool scorneth synne; among of foolis errith. A fool scorneth synne|| ; 9

The herte grace schal dwelle among iust men. The 10 sceyue heuenii
iori3twis men grace shal wone. . . T- p i . wisdom. K.
that knew the bitternesse of his soule ; herte that knowith the bittirnesse^] or his n scomyth

soule ; a straunger schal not be meddlid in


in 1036 to hym shal not be togidere hath?

The hous of wickid
mengd a straunger. The hous of vn- the ioie therof. menii^
schal be don awei; the tabernaclis of iust f bitterness
pitous men shal be don awei the taber- ,
tliat is, for

naclis of ri3twis men shal burioune. men schulen buriowne. Sotheli a weie is, 12 contncioun of
synne passid.
12 Ther is forsothe a weie, that semeth to that semeth iust to a man ; but the laste
a man ri3twis; the laste thingus forsothe thingis therof leden forth to deth. Lei3- 1;

bringen" doun to deth. medlid with and '

13 of it Law3ing yng schal be sorewe; ^ f fh a ^ g'*rf"

with sorewe shal be mengd ; and the morenynar ocupieth the laste thingis of remyssknm of
synne, and of
endis of io3e weiling ocupieth. With his A fool schal be nllid with hiseHhopeofgione.
, . , .


weies shal be fulfild the fol ; and aboue


weies ;
and a good man schal be a boue
i 1111 leden forth to
deeth tnat a ,

the wey *
15 hym shal be a good man. The innocent hym. An innocent man bileueth to echeis
Sy I lilts

trowith to eche woord ; the witti behold- word ; a felle man biholdith hise goyngis. semeth iust to a

, synnere, ledith

iceth his goingis. The wise man dredeth, wijs man dredith, and bowith awei fro IB to deth of synne
. , , ... j.
. j .... . . andofhelle.
and bowith doun fro euel the fol ouer- ; yuel ; a fool skippith** oner, and tnstith. an innocent

17 lepeth, and trosteth. The vnpacient shal A man vnpacient schal worche foli;
that an
werche folie and the desseyuable man
; a gileful men ovf\& raan
man is odiouse.
not deme bi
Litle >

is is hateful. Litle childer shul welde folie; wit schulen holde foli and felle men twixe a good ;
councel and
iu and witti men shul abide kunnyng. Euel schulen abide kunnyng. Yuel men schulen 19 yuel. Lire here.
men shul lyn befor good men ; and vn- ligge bifor goode men; and vnpitouse * a 00 s
/ wp. ;

pitous men befor the 3atis of ri3twis men. men bifor the *3atis of iust men. A pore ff frorem yng
hjtly synne
20 Also to his ne3hebore the pore man man schal be hateful, 5he, to his nei^- in to sy niie -

hateful shal be; the frendis forsothe of bore U
but many men benI t A-
frendis C riche
of V
; gete foneue-

2iriche men manye. Who despisith his men. He that dispisith his nei3bore, doith 21 ny^ete> which
ne3hebore, synneth ; who forsothe doth synne but he that doith merci to a pore

merci to the pore man, shal be blisful. man, schal be blessid. He that bileueth
Who leeueth in the Lord, looueth merci ; in the Lord, loueth merci ; thei erren 22
22thei erren, that werchen euel. that worchen yuel. Merci and treuthe
23 and treuthe greithen goodis ; in alle maken redi goodis ; abundaunce 'schal 23

good were plente shal be. Wher forsothe ben in ech good werk. Sotheli where ful

1 fol man E pr. m. m Om. AGH. D

bringith A. a AGH.

the c. k oxen Ip i
oxen A t j, e oxe K m f n(j; t ij # j n Qm. c. eueri y.
ben manye woordis, there nedynesse ofte. many wordis ben, there nedynesse is ofte.
24 The croune of wise men the richesses of The coroun of wise men is the richessi8*24 '

25 hem the folie of foolis vnprudence.

; A of hem the fooli of foolis is vnwarnesse.
; L'nd venue?

feithfnl witnesse deliuereth soulis ; and A feithful witnesse delyuereth soulis; and SITauSbr
26speketh lesingus the peruertid. In the a fals man bringith forth leesyneis. Jo In 21;
tliei '""' foolig >
for thei bifor-
drede of the Lord trost of strengthe ; and the drede of the Lord ts triste of strengthe een
not thingi

27 to the sones of hym shal ben hope. The

_ i-iii,
and hope schal be to the sones of it?. The 27
to comynire.
Lire hire. <.-.

drede of the Lord the welle of lif ; that drede of the Lord is a welle of that
lijf ;

28 he bowe doun fro falling of deth. In it bowe awei

fro the fallyng of deth. The 28 1 bomy, ; that

the multitude of puple the dignete of the dignite of the king is in the multitude of l

en "
king ; and in fewenesse of folc the shen- puple; and the schenschipe of a'" prince is on tno*
29shipe of the prince. Who is pacient, is in the fewnesse of puple. He that is2u Aere- c -

. B t vnduralontl-
gouerned with myche wisdam who for-
; pacient, is
gouerned bi myche wisdom; *"ge ; that is,

sothe is vnpacient, enhaunceth hys folie. but he that is vnpacient, enhaunsith his i
acceptable to

30 The of flesh helthe of herte the Helthe

lif ; foli. of herte is the lijf of
si stink of bones enuye. Who wrongfulli fleischis 5 of boonyst.
; He M
P relat s ha
is rot J

punyschid of
him *arpiy.
chalengeth the nedi, mysseith to his that falsli chalengith a nedi man, dispisith
Lire here c.
makere ; he honoureth hym forsothe, his maker ; but he that hath merci on a ourneth kun.
,1 nyng ; that is,
32 that hath reuthe of the pore. In hys pore man, onourith that* makere. A 32 . i , t
j t bringith forth
malice is put out the vnpitous ; the ri3t- wickid man is put out for his malice; but
sswis forsothe hopeth in his deth. In the a iust man hopith in his deth. Wisdom 33
uuyhth out ;
herte of the prudent man shal reste wis- restith in the herte of a wijs man; and that is, brin
. , . forth feruently
dam ; and vntajt men also? it shal lerne. he schal teche alle vnlerned men. Ri3t- 34 and feraiy. c.
34Ri3twisnesse rereth vp folci ; wreccheful fulnesse reisith a folc ; synne makith pu-
ssmaketh puplis synne. Alowid is to the plis wretchis. A mynystre"
and ententif to
king an vnderstondende seruaunt ; the yneel is acceptable to a kyng; a myn-
preyer anentis
plente of his wrathe the vnprofitable shal ystre vnprofitable schal suffre the wrath- God, to piese

suffre. fulnesse of him. .

,- s 'tre of %/,-
for as bodily

CAP. XV. n
P. XV.
ed bi the tre of
liyf, so goostly

1 A nesshe answere breketh wrathe ; A soft answere brekith ire ;

an hard i ''y
bi sich
2 an hard woord rereth woodnesse. The word reisith woodnesse. I he tunge of 2 tunge.

tunge of wise men enhourneth kunnyng ; wise men ourneth v kunnyng^; the mouth toTp^eke

3 the mouth of foolis boilith out folie.

In 1
of foolis buylith out foli. In ech places
gJ JJg^not
alle place the e3en of the Lord beholden 8
the i3en of the Lord biholden good men, synne schal
faile in myche
4 goode men, and euele. A plesable* tunge and yuel men. A
plesaunt tunge|| is the 4 speche. Un
the tree of lif ; whiche forsothe is vn- tre of lijf; but the tunge which"' is vn- *[fha

stemprid, shal defoule the spirit. The mesurable, schal defoule the spirit. A 5
Sll f-
folscorneth the discipline of his fader; * o of his fadir ;
fool scorneth the techyne

; m
who forsothe kepith blamyngis, shal be but he that kepith blamyngis^f, schal be
. yuelis to com-
more witti. In plenteeuous ri3twisnesse is maad wisere. Moost vertu schal be in
. , , .1 ,1 . . in plesaunt
most vertue tho3tys forsothe of vnpitous
; plenteuouse ri3trulnesse but the tnou3tis ;

6 men shul be pullid out bi the roote. The of wickid men schulen be drawun vp bi
hous of the ri3twise myche strengthe ; the roote. The hous of a iust man is 6 cmmceis.
strengthe : for
and in the frutis of vnpitouse al dis- moost" strengthe; and disturbling is in the Lord schal
,. . defendeit.
Vturbaunce. The lippis of wise men shul the fruitis of a wickid man. The ,.
lippis? Lire here. c.

the nedy E pr. m. r * beholdith A. * c.

V cche E pr. m. <\ bolkith A. pesable

P him i. 'i
Om. CN. T with i.
9 fleish I.
his I. u seruaunt i.
v onourneth A pr. m. honourith i.

onjurith u. w that i. * ful

gret i.
24 PROVERBS. XV. 8 27.

sowen abrod kunnyrig ; the herte of foolis of wise men schulen sowe abrood kun-
avnlic shal ben. The sacrifise of victorie nyng ; the herte of foolis schal be vnlijc.
of vnpitous men wlatesum to the Lord ;
The sacrifices of wickyd men ben abho-8
the vouwis of rijtwys men plesable. mynable to the Lord ; avowis? of iust men
s Abominacioun is to the Lord the lif of ben plesaunt. The lijf
of the z *vnp itouse,
vnpitouse*o efc.
,, for it is
. . ,, T , , ,

the vnpitous ; who folewith ri3twisnesse, man is abhomynacioun to the Lord ; he

10 shal be looued of hym. Etiel doctrine that sueth ri3tfulnesse, schal be loued of hauemerey,and
to the forsakende the weie of lif; who the Lord. Yuel teching is of men for- 10
nblamyngis hateth, shal dien. Helle and sakine a the weie of lijf ; he that hatith
nacioun of an
Helle and perdi-n
perdicioun befor the Lord ; myche more blamyngis, schal die. vnpitouse man.
schal die; that
. 7 ,1 T i i i /

12 the hertis of the sonus of men. The cioun ben open bitor the Lord hou ; i s , t,; deth of

bacbitere looueth not hym that chastis- myche more the hertis of sones of men.
iseth hym; ne to wise men goth. The A man ful of pestilence
r loueth not hymi2
- Lire

io3ende herte maketh out gladsum the that repreueth him; and he goith not to
face ; in mornyng of inwit shal be wyse men. ioiful herte makith
gladA 13

uthrowe doun the spirit. The herte of the face ; the spirit is cast doun in the c
the wise man shal seche doctrine ; and morenyng of soule. The herte of a wijs 14

the mouth of foolis is fed with vnwis- man sekith techyng ;

and the mouth of
15 dam. Alle the da3is of the pore euele ; with vnkunnyng. Alle the is t fed that is,
foolis is fedf ,-

, . 7
/. , j delititb in spek-
a sikir mynde as a contynuel feste. daies of a pore man ben yuele"; a sikir ingefonned
16 Betere is a litil with the drede of the soule is a e contynuel feeste. Betere is ai6^ |j^fe bi .

Lord, than grete tresoris and vnfillable. litil with the

drede of the Lord, than ele of
r pouert
tor is de-
I '

17 Betere is to be clepid to wrtis with many tresouris and vnfillable^. It is betere 17 faute of th>ngi
., nedeful to sus-
ischarite, than to a fat calf with hate. A , ,
to be clepid to wortis with chante, than
. . , , .

man ful of wrathe stirith striues ; who with hatrede to a calf maad fat. A wrath-i
19 is
pacient", swageth the vprered. The ful man reisith chidyngis ; he that is pa-
weie of slowe men as heggis of thornes ; h
swagith chidyngis reisid
cierit, The weie . lu more

the weie of rijtwis men withoute thing of slow men is an' hegge of thornes ; the the weye of
20 of hurting. A
wis sone rnaketh glad weie of iust
with out hirtyng. A 20 s ow man
men is
j i i i ,

; for a
dred .
and a fool man despiseth v his makith k
the fader ; wise sone glad the fadir; and a
21 moder. Folie is {036 to the fool and a ;
fonned man dispisith his modir. Foli is 21'" the we7e -

Lire here. c.
prudent man shal ri}t reulen his goingus. ioye to a fool ; and
a prudent man schal
22Tho3tis ben to-scatered, wher is not dresse hise steppis. Thou3tis ben distried,22
counseil ; wher forsothe ben manye where m no counsel is ; but where many
23 counsel leris, thei ben confermed. A man counselerisj ben confermyd. A 23 +
ben n , tho
gladeth in the sentence of his mouth ; man is glad in the sentence of his mouth fy;
'* n bro t to
24 and the spedful sermoun is best. The and a couenable word is best. The path 24 etfect. "?
path of lif vp on the ta3t man ; that he of lijf is on a lernyd man; that he bowe *<;.
5 o/Ais mouth;
25bowe doun fro the last helle. The hous awei fro the laste helle. The Lord schal 25 that is,

of proude men the Lord shal destro3e ; distrie the hows? of proude men and he ;

and stedefast he shal make the termes of schal make stidefast the coostis of a wi-
26 the widewe. Abominacioun of the Lord dewe. luele thou3tis is abhomynacioun ae
euele tho3tis a pure sermoun most fair
; of the Lord ; and a cleene word moost
27 shal be fastned of hym. He al disturb- fair schal be maad stidfast of hym. He 27
ith his hous, that folewith auarice ;
who that sueth aueryce, disturblith his hous ;

u v
pacient forsothe c pr.m. E pr. m. desceyueth E pr.m.

y the avowis i. * an i. a that forsaken i. b more rather i. c Om. i. d i. e as a A sec. m.

I Om. i. e vnprofitable i. h that tveren reisid i. >
as an A sec. m. k his i. l
but i. m there i.
n ther hen i. o thei i. P housis i.
XV. 28 XVI. ii. PROVERBS. 25
forsothe hatith 3iftis, shal line. Bi merci but he that hatith schal
jiftis lyue.
and ben purgyd synnes ; bi the
Synnes ben purgid bi merci and feith;
drede forsotbe of the Lord bowith doun ech man bowith awei fro
yuel bi the
aseche man fro euel. The mynde of the drede of the Lord. The soule of a iustas
ri3twis sweteli thenketh wisdam ; the man bithenkith obedience ; the mouth of
mouth of vnpitous men reboundeth to wickid men is ful of yuelis. The Lord is 29
29euelis. Ferr is the Lord fro vnpitous fer fro wickid men ; and he schal here the
men ; and the orisouns w of ri3twis men preyers of iust men. The Ii3t of i3enso
so he shal ful out heren. The Ii3t of e3en makith glad the soule ; good fame makith
maketh glad the soule ; good los in- fat* the booriys. The eere that herith si */<,- that ,

siwardli fattith bones. The ere that her- the blamyngis of lijf, schal dwelle in the
eth blamyngus of lif, in the myddel of myddis of wise men. He that castith 32
32 wise men shal al abide. Who casteth awei chastisyng, dispisith his soule ; but forvert Pr
cncrccsitu. LATG

awei discipline, despiseth his soule ; who he that assentith to blamyngis, isi pesible *.<:.
forsothe assenteth to vndirnymyngis, holdere of the herte. The drede of thesaeth hu vmu^,
ssweldere is of herte. The drede of the Lord is
teching of wisdom ; and mekenesse
the soule. *.
Lord discipline of wisdam ; and mecnesse goith bifore glorie.
goth befor glorie.


i Off a man is to make redy the inwit ;
It perteyneth to man to make redi the i

and of the Lord to gouerne the tunge. soule; and

perteyneth it to the Lord to
2Alle the weies of man ben opene to the gouerne the tunge. Alle the weies ofa
C3en of hym ; of spiritis the peisere is men ben opyn to the i3en of God ; the
3 the Lord. Shewe to the Lord thi werkis; Lord is a weiere of spiritisf. Schewe this t that is, of
willis, gelding to
4 and ri3t reulid shul ben thi tho3tis. Alle werkys to the Lord ; and thi thou5tis man aftir his
desseruin is - *
thingus for hymself wro3te the Lord ; schulen be dressid r . The Lord wrou3te4
5 also the vnpitouse to the euele dai. Abo- alle thingis for hym silf and he made

minacioun is of the Lord eche proud redi a wickid man to the yuel dai. Abho-5
man; also if bond at hond were, he 'shal mynacioun of the Lord is ech proude
not bex innocent. The begynnyng of the man 3he, thou3 the hond
; is
to the hond,

good wey to do ri3twyssnesse; is^ alouwid he schal not be innocent. The bigynnyng
canent z God, more than to offre ostis. Bi of good weie is to do ri3twisnesse s ; for-
merci and treuthe wickidnesse is forbo3t; sothe it. is more acceptable at* God, than
that is, reding
and in drede of the Lord is bowid awei to offre sacrifices. Wickidnesse is a3ene in hooii scrfp-
ture, therfor in
7 fro euel. Whan
shul plese to the Lord boirjt bi merci and treuthe ; and me bow- jmi.cofDeut.

the weies of man, the enemys forsothe ith awei fro yuel bi the" drede of the
book of Goddis
a of hym he shal turne to pes. Betere is Lord. the weyes of man plesen
Whanne 7
daies of his liy
a litil with ri3twisnesse, than manye the Lord, he schal conuerte, 3he, hise ene-
that he lerne
ofrutis with wickidnesse. The herte of myes to pees. Betere is a litil with ri3t-8 for to drede
shal disposen his weie ; but of the fulnesse, than many fruytis with wickid-
10 Lord is to
ri3t reulen his goingis.
De- nesse. The herte of a man schal dispose 9
uynyng in the lippis of the king ; in his weie ; but it perteyneth to the Lord
udom his mouth shal not erre. Wei3te to dresse hise steppis. Dyuynyng^: is inio
and balaunce ben the domes of the Lord ;
the lippis of a king ; his mouth schal not dredith God. c.

w orisoun A. * is not E pr. m. T Om. c pr. m. z anentis E passim.

<l is a i. r
dressid, into issu. Lire here. N text. " be r. i^tfulnesse plures.
* anentis i.
Om. i.

26 PROVERBS. XVI. 12 32.

and his werkis alle the stones of the erre in doom. The domes of the Lord 11

12 world. Abominable to the king, that don ben wehte and a balaunce and hise werkis ;
bulaunee ; that

vnpitously ; for bi ri3twisnesse is fastned ben alle the stoonys of the world. Thei i2j S ,Gddisdomes

13 the kingis dignete. The wil of the king that don wickidli ben abhomynable to the
the rewme maad
king ; for the trone of
that is
ri3twis lippis ; ri3t thingus speketh,
nshal be ri3t reulid.
indignacioun The stidfast bi rhtfulnesse. The wille of i3
of the king messageres of deth ; and a kyneris is iust lippis; he that spekith ri3t- asareyn; for
T . . as reyn com-
iswis man shal don aseeth to hym. In ful thingis, schal be dressid*. Indigna- u ynge i ate is

gladnesse of the chere of the king lif ; cioun of the kyng messangeris of deth is ;

and the noble mercy of hym as euetid z and a wijs man schal plese him. Lijf z'* !

icweder. Weld wisdam, for betere it is n the v gladnesse of the 'cheer of the king 'is good to
. . hem that han
than gold ; and purchase prudence, for king"' and his merci ts as ax reyn com-
nede to remys-
' "
17 it is mor precious than siluer. The yrige late. Welde thou wisdom, for it is
path of ri3twis men bowith awei euelis ; betere than gold; and gete thou prudence,
the kepere of his soule holdeth faste his for it is^ precyousere than siluer. Thei7 end - Lire here.

isweye. Pride goth befor contricioun ; path of iust men bowith awei yuelis ; the
and befor falling the spirit shal ben en- kepere of his soule kepith his weie. Pride is

goith bifore sorewe ; and

lohauncid. Betere is to be meke with the spirit schal

mylde men, than to deuyde spoilis with be enhaunsid byfor fallyng. It is betere is

20proude men. The lerned in woord shal to be maad meke with mylde
rnen, than
finde goodis ; and that hopeth in the to departe spuylis with proude men. 20 A
21 Lord is blisful. Who is wis in herte, lerned man in word
schal fynde goodis ;
shal clepid prudent ; and who is
be and he that liopith in the Lord is blessid.
sweete in fair speche, more thingis shal He that is wijs in herte, schal be clepid 21

22 finde. The welle of lif the lernyng of pi'udent ; and he that is swete in speche, t wisdam and
wille to teche
the weldere ; the doctrine of foolis folie. schal fynde grettere thingis. The welle 22 Goddis pie-

23 The herte of the wise man shal lerne the of lijf is the lernyng of him that weld- j that is, sad-

mouth of hyrn and to the ; lippis of hym itht; the techyng of foolis ig foli.
24 it shal adde grace. The comb of hony herte of a wijs man schal teche his mouth ;

wel set woordis ; swetnesse of soule is and schal encreesse grace to hise lippis. kerfnginthe
erthe bi couet-
2ohelthe of bones. Ther is a weie that Wordis wel set togidere is a coomb of24ie. K.
semeth to a man ri3t ; and the last hony helthe of boonys^ is the swetnesse
; for

20 b
thingis of it lederi to deth. The soule of soule. z
weye is that semeth ri3tful
the mouth
of the trauailere trauaileth to hymself ; to a man ;
and the laste thingis therof "J *.
of gloterouse
27 for hys mouth compellide hym. An un- leden to deth. The soule of a manS tra- 20 laborers. K.
wis man delueth euel and in c the lippis T Til- i, -irn f u- "(liffffithyuel;
uehnge trauehth . to* hym silf||
; for his that is, sekith
28 of hym fyr brenneth. A
man peruertid mouth^f compellide hym.
,, .

vnwijs man 27 gence

. .
_ it


rereth striues ; and the man ful of diggith** yuelff; and fiertf brenneth in
29 woordis seuereth princis. The wicke d hise lippis. A
weiward man reisith stryues
* 528
and of pride.
Lire here. c.
man flatereth his frend ; and ledeth hym and a man ful of wordis departith princis. tt that is,

30 bi a weie not good. That with stone3id A wickid man flaterith his frend ; and 20 wiseii and out

e3en thenketh shreude thingis, bitende ledith weie not good.

hym bi a
si his e lippis parformeth euel. The croune that thenkith schrewid thingis with i?en and distemper-
aunce. K.
of dignete elde, that in the weie of f
astonyed, bitith hise lippis, and parform- J parformeth
32wisnesse shal be founde.
Betere is the
iirr A
eth yueljjf.
A j- 11 *""'' &**!*>
coroun of dignyte is eelde, 31 ymagyneth to

r e
pacient, than a strong man ; and that that schal be fouridun in the weies of ^^ r

2 an euetid b ledith A.
c. meked ^EGH. c Om. A. d
vvickyd A.
e w ith A. f weies AEGH.

v Om. w x Om. more z

kingis chere I. i. y is i. ther is i.
XVI. 33 XVII. 1 6. PROVERBS. 27

lordshipeth to his wil, than an ouer- ri3tfulnesse. A pacient man is betere than 32
ascomere of cites. Lotis ben put in to a stronge man and he that Ms lord" of
t^j^ ^
the ; but of the Lord thei ben his b soule*, is betere than an ouercomere
1 1mm
temprid. of citees. LottisJ ben sent into the bosum :a *<

but tho c ben temperid of the

Lordf whannc God

T chesith whirh
/~i A -viTi-r
hewole. K.

i Betere a drie morsel with io3e, than

is Betere a drie mussel with
ioye, than i il

an hous ful of sacrifises of victorie with an hous of sacrifices with

2strif. A
wis seruaunt shal lordshipen A wijs seruaunt schal be lord of fonned2
to sones foolis ; and among bretheren sones ; and he schal departe *:'"'
eritage among
seritage he shal deuyde. As bi fyr is britheren. As siluer ispreued bi fier, s *'<<.that u,

proued sillier, and gold bi the chymney, and gold preued is bi a chymnei, so the
4 so hertes the Lord preueth. The euele Lord preueth hertis. An yuel man obei-4
man obesheth to the wicke tunge ; and eth to a wickid tunge|| ; and d a fals man
the desceyuable consenteth to the liende obeieth to false lippis. He that dispisith 5 ,

that he he not
slippis. Who
dispiseth a pore man, mys- a pore man, repreueth his maker ; and he defmudid of iu

seyth to his inakere ; and who gladeth in that is glad in the fallyng of another man,
the falling of an other, shal not ben vn- schal not be vnpunyschid. The coroun c,
^le'ias'ting, f((r

epunshid. The croune of olde men sones of elde men /* the sones of sones ; and the "' idl "'*"
of sones and the glorie of sones the
; the glorie of sones is the fadris of hem. ol(1 i that lie
_ IT . hadde, and
7fadris of hem. There semeth not the Wordis wel set togidere bisemen not a? boujte it. .MI.

fool faire set woordis ne the prince a

; fool; and a liynge lippe bicometh not a ""ofhver-
8 liende lippe. Most kinde iemme the prince. A preciouse stoon^[ moost accept- a
abiding of the abidere ; whider euere he able is the abiding** of crowne of
hym that sekith ;

turneths hymself, prudentli he vnder- whidur euere he turneth hym silf, he vn- llil that nher,.

Who helith the gilte, secheth
. durstondith prudentli. He that helith o
with out hist
frenshipis ; who with an other sermoun trespas, sekith frenschipis ; he that re- cause. Lire

loreherceth, seuereth the federed'. Mor hersith|||| bi an hi3 word, departith hem,
here. c.
ft bevelh tea-
profiteth correccioun anent the prudent, that ben knyt togidere in pees. blam-io'""-' *'> A
drynkith oner
than an hundrid veniauiices anent the yng profitith more at a prudent man, than strong wyn.
nfol. Euermor striues secheth the euel an hundryd woundis at a fool. Euere an 1 1 thaTrdi of

man ; the cruel forsothe aungil shal be yuel man

sekith stryues ; forsothe a cruel
12 sent a3en hym. to a3en It spedeth mor auneel schal be sent a^ens hym. It sped-^*
1 "?-
ing neijhore
come hir whelpis
to a she here, whan ith meete a femal here, whanne with <it cause.
more to
e f
ben take awey, than to a fol trostende the whelpis ben rauyschid than a fool j that is, he ,

. !/* i_ i* -rr that letteth wa* * /*

Who i i
, .

is to hymself in his folie. 3eldeth tnstynge to hym silf in his foil. Yuel I3 terremieforthj
euelis for goodis, shal not go awei euel schal not go a wei fro the hous of hym,
14 fro his hous. Who
leueth water, bed is that 3eldith yuels for goodis. He that u d>n lijk

of striuesand er he suffre wrong blam-
leeueths watirff, is heed of stryues|f. and

15 yng, dom he forsaketh. And who iuste- bifor that he suffrith wrong, he forsakith !f hes

fieth the vnpitouse, and who condemp- dom. Bothe he that iustifieth a wickid 15
neth the ri3twise, abominable is either man, and he that condempneth a iust to good but to
yuel, and may

IB anent God. What

profiteth to the fol to man, euer ethir is abhomynable at' God. domnot gete wis-
bi tlin.

ban richessis, whan wisdam bie he mai What profitithf^ it to a fool to haue ic u n Here. c.

g turne AEGH. h vnderstondeth .

federed or boundun in loue c sec. m. marg. B sec. in. marg. AGH.

a hath b his owne r. c thei i. d Om. i. her i. f take awey i. 8 leeueth, or lat go i.
k-tteth Ka. h the heed a. 5
to c.

not ? Who maketh his hous, sech- richessis, sithen he mai not bie wisdom ?
eth falling; and who shoneth to lerne, He that makith his hous* 1m, sekith ofyudgeten
good. K.

i7falleth in to euelis. Alle time looueth, falling! ; and he that eschewith to lerne, t disserueth

that is a frend ; and a brother in an- schal falle in to yuels. He that is a frend, 17 K .

isguysshis preued is fool man shal k. A loueth in al tyme ;

and a brother is

for io3e flappe with hondis, whan he preuyd in angwischis. fonned man A is

19 shal behoten for his frend. Who sweteli schal make ioie with hondis, whanne he
thenketh discordis, looueth striues ; and hath bihi3t for his frend. He that bi- 19

thenkith discordis, loueth chidingis ; and


who enhauncith his herte, secheth fall-

t in boosting
ing. Who
of peruertid herte, findeth
is he that enhaunsith t his mouth, sekith
and other curs-
not good ; and who turneth the tnnge, fallyng. He that is of weiward herte, 20 e a speche. K.

21 shal falle in to euel. Born is the fool

schal not fynde good ; and he that turn-
in his shenshipe ; but ne m the fader" in eth the tunge$, schal falle in to yuel. 21 A the tun

fool is borun in his schenschipe ; but ne-

22 the fol shal glade. Io3ende inwit mak-
eth bri3t age ; a drery spirit ful out dri- ther the fadir schal be glad in a fool. 22 deffam k ">
absence of a
23eth bones. of the bosum the vn- ioiful soule makith likinge age; a sore w- man. Lire here.

pitous taketh, that he peruerte the pathis

ful spirit makith drie boonys. A
. t ..i *, p j.i i_ siouns ; that is,
24 of dom. In the face of the prudent man takith 3iftis fro the bosurn, to mys feyne
turne the pathis of doom. Wisdom schyn-24
shyneth wisdam the e3en of foolis in ;

25 the endis of erthe. The wrathe of the eth in the face of a *prudent man ; the loore and
fader a sone fol ; the sorewe of the mo- i3en of foolis ben in the endis of erthe. A 25 xa.
26 dir that gat hym. It is not good to hern fonned sone is the ire of the fadir, and that Is? the

in harm to the 3twis ; ne to smyte a the sorewe of the modir that gendride" ^
27 prince that ri3t demeth. tempreth Who hvm. It is not good to brynge
in harm26 n y n s andvertu >

conteynen deep
his woordis, ta3t and prudent is ; and of to a iust man ; nether to srnyte the prince sentence, to

the man The that demeth

,.,.,. TT
He i
which not ech
mesunth 27 man may lijtiy
28 precious spirit lerned. njtrllll.
fool forsothe, if he holde his pes, wis his wordis, is wijs and prudent ; and a
shal ben holde ;
if he threste togidere lerud man is of preciouse spirit. Also
his lippis, vnderstondende. he schal be gessid a wijs a strondeflow-
foole, if is stille,
inge oner ; in
man and, if he pressith togidre hise lippis,
to othere men
bigood teching.
Tie *schal be gessid an vndurstoridynge is the welle of
wisdom, in the
man. soule of a wise
CAP. XVIII. CAP. XVIII. man, frowhiche
welle the watir
that wole go a wei fro a frend, of wisdom ; s
Ocasioun secheth, that wil gon awei
fro a frend ; alle time wariable he shal
. .
sekith occasiouns|| ; in al tyme he schal
. iii i

broujt out to
othere men.

2 be. A fol resceiueth not the woordis of be dispisable. A

fool resseyueth not the 2 otheref men"
but tho thingis thouP shul
prudence ;
wordis of prudence no butP thou seie 'Ste^dmtbie ;

seyn, that ben ofte turned in his herte. tho thingis, that ben turned in his herte. <^; that
naterith in pre-
3 The
vnpitous, whan in to depthe of A f

wickid man, whanne he cometh in to 3 sence, and bac-


synnei shal
come, dispiseth ; and ther depthe of synnes, dispffeith^[; but sclaun- sence. of the
wombe ; that is,
folewith hym
shenshipe repreff. and dre and schenschipe sueth hym. Deep 4 tilto the herte.
drede ; this
Deep water woordis of the mouth of a watir** is the wordis of the mouth of a
vers til thidur
man ; and a stef strem the reboundende man and a stronde fletinge ouerff is the
he that is
neische, is not
& welle of wisdam. To alouwen the per- welle of wisdom. It as not good to take 5 ; n Ebreu. Lire

sone of the vnpitouse in dom, is not good, the persoone of a wickid man in doom,
that thou bowe awei fro the sothfast- that thou bowe awei fro the treuthe of

aproued E.
1 Om. A. m Om. n faders A.
A. the precious A. PheAEpr.m. <1
synnes AGH.
r he shal c pr. in.
k sith i passim.
ethchewith i
m Om. A pr. m. M.
n baar i. o i s i. p but if i.
enesse of dom. The lippis of the r
fol dom. The lippis of a fool medlen hem 8

menge themself with striues and

shul ; silf with chidyngis ; and his mouth ex-
7 the mouth of hym debatis stireth. The citithi stryues. The mouth of a fool ^s^
mouth of the fool Ho-treding8 of hym ; defoulyng of hym; and hise lippis ben
and the lippis of the falling of his
hym the fallynge of his soule. The wordis of 8
ssoule. The woordis of the twisil tunge a double tungid man ben as
symple ; andv
as simple 4 ; and tho thur3 comen vnto tho r comen til to 8 the ynnere thingis of
the entrailis of the wombe. The slowe the wombe*. Drede castithdoun a slowe * that
i*, to
u doun
drede threw3 ; the soulis forsothe manf ; forsothe the soulis of men turned
9 of wommanysh men shul hungren. Who in to wymmens condicioun schulen haue
is nesshe, and dissolut in his werk, bro- hungur.
" He that is neisch, and vnstid-9 ,
him doun to

ther is of the man scaterende his werkes. 1

fast in his werk, is the brother of a man wgynnyngof
, good werk.
10 The most strong tour the name of the
. , .

distnynge hise werkis.

1 . . .

A strongeste" tour io<owymmw

Lord ;
to it renneth the rijtwise, and he is the name of the Lord ; a iust man
ushal ben enhauncid. The substaunce of renneth to hym, and schal be enhaunsid.
the riche man the cite of his strengthe ; The catel of a riche man is the citee of 1 1
worch e good.
the catel of a
and as a strong wal cumpassende hym. his strengthe; and as a stronge wal cum- ncheman, etc. ;

_,. , that he trist- ,. . is,

12 Er it be to-treden, is enhauncid the herte passmge hym. Ihe herte or man v is en- 12 ith in hise
of a man ;
and er it be glorified, it is haunsid, bifor that it be. brokun and it ;

ismekid. Who rathere answereth than he is maad meke, be glorified.

bifore that it

hereth, a fool hymself to ben he shew- He that answerith bifore that he herith, is "> this, c

u ith ; and confusioun wrthi. The spirit shewith hym silf to be a fool ; and worthi
of the man susteneth his feblenesse ; the of schenschipe. The spirit of a man sus-u
spirit forsothe Ii3t to wrathen, who shal teyneth his feblenesse ; but who may sus-
15 moun sustene ? The herte of the pru- teyne a spirit Ii3t to be wrooth ? The is

dent shal welde kunnyng ; and the ere herte of a prudent man schal holde stid-
10 of wisemen secheth doctrine. The free fastli kunnyng ; and the eere of wise men
3ifte of a man spredeth abrod
his weie ; sekith techyng.
J The 3ift of a man alarg- 1

J to God and
and befor princis space to hym maketh. ith his weie ;
and makith space to hym to a true frend.

17 The ri3twis rathere is the acusere of bifore princes. A iust man is the first 17

hymself ; ther cometh his frend, and he accuserej of hym silf; his frend cometh,
18 shal enserchen hym.
A3enseiyngus lot and schal serche hym<). Lot ceessith a3en-i8 K a mannus

thresteth togidere ; and among my3ti seiyngis ;

and demeth also amongmi3ti wombe; that is,

19 men v also dyuersly demeth. The brother men. A brother that is helpid
w of a

that is holpen of the brother, as a stef brothir, is as a stidfast citee ;

and domes
cite ; and the domes as barris of cites. ben as the barris of citees. A mannus||
20 Of the frut of the mouth of a man shal wombe^I schal be fillid of the fruit of his thatis,detKof
synne is in the
be fulfild his wombe ;
and the burioun- mouth and the seedis of ;
hise lippis mysvsing of the

yngis of the lippis of hym shul fulfillen schulen fille hym. Deth and lijf ben in 21 u""^-' g^ce is"

hym. Deth and lif in the hondis of the the werkis of tunge ; thei that louen it, "ri^SSof.

tunge ; who loouen w it, shuln etc the schulen ete the fruytis therOf. He that 22 ^^r;
22frutis of it. Who findeth a good worn- fyndith
a good womman, fyndith a good
..... mynde, or
desire, shal be

and shal drawen thing ; and of the Lord he schal drawe

fulfilled for his
man, findeth good ; vertuous word-
merthe of the Lord. Who putteth out vp myrthe. He
that puttith a wey a good is ; of thi word-
a good womman, putteth out good ; who womman, puttith awei a good thing;
forsothe holdeth avoutresse, is a fool and he that holdith auowtresse, is a fool and xii - -

s * tormentis E pr. m. u throwith A. v Om. AGII. w loueth A.

a AGU. the to-treding AH.

" ful
q stirith i. r thei i. " vnto i. *
dissolute, ether vnstidfast CEFGHiKMNpQKSUxva?. strong i.
T a man i.
w i.

A man schal speke with 23

* that
With obsecraciouns speketh the vnwiis. pore
asvnwis. >
heedli hise
and a riche man schal
pore man; and a riche man shal speke
out bisechmgis ; speke werkis. K.

24ruggidli. A
man amyable to felashipe sterneli. A man freendli to felouschipe 24
thaUs^bi vn-

inor a freud shal be, than a brother. schal more be a frend, than a brothir. K^out in
to the blasfemye


A TJ XIX. of God. Lire
here CK
.,, . i .
J not ascape ;

1 Betere a pore man, that goth in

is Betere is a pore man, that goitn in his i Goddis doom,

simplenes, than a riche man tormentende simplenesse, than a riche man bitynge
2 his lippis, and vnwis. Wher is not kun- hise lippis, and vnwijs. Where is not 2
x not and
nyng of soule, is not good ; and who is kunnyng of the soule, is good ; myche more
a leesing. c.

shastif, with feett stumblith. The folie he that is hasti*, in feet hirtith. The 3 u'ordis
oneli ; that
of a supplanntith hise goirigis ; and foli of a man disseyueth hise steppis ; a dissiple that

loueth more
4 a3en God boileth in his inwit. Richesses and he brenneth in his soule a3ens Godf .
the fairnesse of

Richessis encreessen ful freendis wordis than the

adden manye frendis fro the pore for- ; many ;
good sentence,
sothe and tho that he hadde, ben seuered. forsothe also thei ben departid fro a pore reportith no
f . .
thing of truthe
5 A fals witnesse shal not ben vnpunshid; man, whiche he hadde. A fals Witnesses of the techere,

and he that lesing speketh, shal not schal not be vnpunyschid ; and he that
eascapen. Manye herien x the persone of spekith leesingis, schal not ascape:):. Manye
the my3ti ; and frendis ben of the 3iuende men onouren the persoone of a my3ti man; ethir thus, a
techere that

73iftis. The brethern of the pore man and ben^ frendis of hym that deelith 3iftis. hath onely
n-ti , f . _ wordis and no
The bntheren of a pore man haten hym 7
. i
hateden hym ;
ferthermor and frendis ;
goode dediS;
wenten awei fro hym. Who onli
schal gete
aferr ferthermore and the freendis 3eden awei mede of G<xi.

woordis folewith, no thing shal ban ; fer z fro hym. He that sueth a word is goodis; of grace
in present tyme,
iiwho forsothe weldere of the mynde, is oonli, schal haue nothing; but he thats and of giorie in

looueth his soule, and the kepere of pru- holdith stabli the mynde ||,
loueth his ynge.
i> dence shal finde goodis. The false wit-
nesse shal not ben vnpunshid ; and that
soule, and the kepere of prudence schal
A fals witnesse schal noto
Goddis venue.
fynde goodis. Lire here. KNa.
speketh lesing, shal pershen. Delicis be vnpunyschid ; and he that spekith H *no(u bi
. . , , . . ,. , . pacience; that
semen not the fool ; ne the seruaunt to leesyngis, schal pensche. Deuces bicomen 10 ;, the

nlordshipen to princis. The doctrine of not a fool ; nether 'it bicometh b a seruaunt
a man bi pacience is knowe; and the glo- to be lord of princes. The teching of
rie of
hym go wicke thingys.
is to biside man is knowun
thechi ro he,was
patience ^[; and his knowun bi
bi this, . .
1-2 As the gnasting of a leoun, so and^ the glorie is to passe ouere wickid thingis. that they dred-

wrathe of the king and as deu vpon ; As the gnasting ot a noun, so andi,i>
, den not to
. die

the irei2for jt. iopasse

iserbe, so and the gladnesse of hym. The of thec king and as deewe on eerbe, so ;
do n ot
sorewe of the fader, the sone a fol ;
and and the gladnesse of the kyng. The so- is
wickid thingis,
, . .

rooues contynuelli thur3 droppende, a rewe of the fadir is a formed sone ; and but more to
, . suffre peyne.
uwomman ful of strif. Housis and rich- roofes

droppynge contynueh is a womman tire here. c

, .

ben 3eue of the fadris ; of the Lord
essis ful of chiding. Housis and richessis ben 14 su ffr""^l.
8 of
is forsothe
properli a prudent wif. Slouthe 3ouun of fadir and modir but a prudent ^J^ a^J)Stly ; .

sendeth in slep; and a dissolut soule shal wiif is s.ouun propirli of the Lord. Slouth 15 ofte of bodUy
ifihungre. Who kepeth the maundement,

bnngith in sleep and a negligent soule

i .


AW weye ; that
kepeth his soule who forsothe despisith schal haue hungur**. He that kepith the

; 16 f GoddiT
'7 his weie, shal be maad dead. He vsureth comaundement of God, kepith his soule ; .
to the Lord, that hath reuthe of the but he that chargith not his weie, schal
and of helle.

pore ; and his while he shal 3elde to hym. be slayn. He that hath mercy on a pore 17 Lire here. c.

* A. J Om. A.

tlier is i, y thei ben i. z Om. c. a sowith a. D Om. i. <=

a i. d sendith CEFHNPUY.
XIX. l8 XX. 5. PROVERBS. 31

18 Lerne thou ne despeire thouthi some, ; man, leeneth to the Lord; and he schal the dred " f *
, i . ... the Lord and
to the sla3ter forsothe of hym ne poote

3elde his while to hym. Teche thi sone*, i8hiiawe. .

13 thou thi soule. Who forsothe is vripa- and dispeire thou notf ; but sette thou
cyent, shal suffre and whan he harm thi soule to the
sleyng of
; not:): hym. For-i
shall cacche, other thing he shal putte sothe he that
vnpacient, suffre Mhern mi is schal
, the bigynnyii K ,

20 to. Here thou counsel], and vndertac narm and whanne he hath ranyschid, for ofte chc

that thou be wijs in thi laste he schal leie to anothir

discipline ;
thing. Here thou2oVe\inea7n
thingis. Manye tho3tis in the herte of counsel, and take thou doctryn that thou IhlThe'iJrne ;

a man the wil forsothe of the Lord shal be wijs in thi laste
thingis. Many thou3tis2i
th *
""^ '|j-

22 abide stille. A man nedi is merciful ; ben e in the herte of a man ; but the wille
and betere the pore man ri3twis, than a /..ITLord , , , , .,
A techmge, and
of the schal dwelle. nedi man is 22 he shal
23 man Here. The drede of the Lord to merciful ; and betere isa pore iust man,
lif ; and in plenteuousnesse it shal abide than a f man lieref The? drede of the23 Kngoftechin * 1 :

stille, withoute visiting of the werste. Lord ledith to lijf 'of blis'; and he'fhttt 1
5 <,
that is, than a
24 The slowe hideth his zz hond vnder the dredith God^
schal dwelle in plentee, with mystiman that
arm pit ;
ne to his mouth he leith it. outen visityng 'of the worste"
. A
25 The 'man scourgid, a
ful of pestilence man hidith his hond vndur the n armpit ;

fool the wisere shal ben. If forsothe thou and putteth it not to his mouth. Whanne
chastise the wise man, he shal vnder- a manof pestilence is betun, a fool
ful in no aner
may neijc
26stonde discipline. Who tormentith the schal be? wisere. If thou blarnist a wijs thidur.

fader, and fleeth the modir, shenful shal man, he schal vndurstonde techyng.
27 be, and vnblisful. Cese thou not, sone, that turmentith thei fadir, and fleeth fro
to here doctrine ; ue vnknowe thou the the"!modir, schal be ful of yuel fame, and g Lire

j." c
28woordis of kunnyng. The wicke wyt- schal be cursid. Sone, ceesse thou not to 27 II
deuourith ;

nesse scorneth dom ; and the mouth of here techyng and knowe thou the wordis ;

vnpitous men deuoureth wickidnesse. of kunnyng. A wickid witnesse scorneth 28

29 Greithid ben to scorneres domes ; and doom ; and the mouth of vnpitousemen
smytende hameres to the bodies of foolis. deuourith|| wickidnesse. Domes ben maad 29 Lire her*
redi to scorneris ; and hameris smytynge
ben maad redi to the bodies of foolis^f. iryn le-
cherouse thing ;
that makith

CAP. XX. CAP. XX. lecherie; wher-

for .Fen MI i

1 A
leccherous thing win, and noiseful Wiyn is a letcherouse thing **, and i
brennynge of

drunkenesse ; who so euere in these drunkenesse /* ful of noise ; who euere wyu, spueth
out soone. in
2 thingis delitith, shal not be wis. As the delitith in these, schal not be wijs. As 2
Wherfor Loth,
b the roryng of a lioun, so and the drede
roring of a leoun, so and the ferd of the '
the drynk-

king ; who terreth hym, synneth a3en of the kyng ; he that territh hym to ire,

3 his soule. Wrshipe is to the man that synneth a3ens his owne lijf . It is onours
seuereth hym fro striues ; alle c
forsothe to a man that departith hyn> silf fro of Gen.
delitith in
foolis shul be mengd with wrong blam- stryuyngis ; but fonned men ben medlid these ; that is,

4yngis. For cold the slowe wolde not with dispisyngis. slow man nolde* ere 4 A
vriys ; for euer
eren ; thanne he shal begge in somer, for coold ; therfor he schal begge in
either deuour-

5 and not ben 3iue to hym.

it shal As somer, and me
not 3yue to hym. schal ith resoun, and
cansith dul-

dep watir, so counseil in the herte of a As deep watir, so counsel is in the herte
5 nesse. c.

b Otn. A.
z the AOH. zz the c
pr. m. a bacbitore E pr. m. man of pestilence c.
c men E pr, m.

h the Om. N k Om. r.

ofblis. Lire
e ther ben i. f a riche i. e Om. i. lijf a.
i. here.
1 m Om. " his dressith i. P be the i. 1 his i. r a i. s soule i. l wolde
ful yuel visityng i. i.

not i.

man but a wis man shal drawe it out. of a man man* schal drawe
but a wijs a <, man ,

it out. Many men ben clepid merciful ;G

Manye men merciful ben clepid a feith- ;

but who schal fynde a feithful man?

schal drawe it
7 ful man forsothe who shal finde? The out ; in axinge

in his simple- Forsothe a iust man that goith in his 7 of him dili-
ri3twis forsothe that goth gently and
blessid sones attir
nesse, blisful sones aftir hym shal leuen. simplenesse, schal leeue wariy. Lire

8 The king that sit d in the see of dom, hym. A

king that sittith in the seete of

yuel bi hislokyng. Who

al 9
scatereth alle euelis
in his clere loking. doom, distrieth
9 Who mai sey, Clene is myn herte ;pure may seie, Myn herte is clene ; am clene Y
lowithoute synne ? Peis and peis, mesure of svnne? A wei3tef and a wei3te, a me-i
. . .
and mesure, either is abhominable anent sure and a mesure, euer eithir is abhomy-
11 God. Of his* studies is the child vnder- nable at God. A child vndurstondun bi

stonde, if ri3t ben and clene the workis

hise studies, yf his werkis ben ri 3 tful and
12 of hym. The herende ere, and the seende cleerie. An eere heringe, and an i3e '
se-i2f rje mseith
feyned hooly-

laeje, the Lord made euer either. Wile vnere, God made euere eithir. Nyle thou is nesse ether
: ,1 equyte, is
h loue sleep, lest nedynesse oppresse thee ; double wickid-
thou not looue slep, lest thee
opresse; opene thin e3en, and be thou opene thin i3en, and be thou fillid with
ufulfild with loues. Euel it is, euel it is, looues. Ech biere seith, It is yuel, it fc
and whan he goth awei,
seith eche biere; vuel
* ; and whanne he hath go awey, '> that is,
be thou wakir,
lothanne he shal glorien. Gold, and the thanne he schal haue glorie. Gold, and is and diligent in
. , , , . . , . . thi werkis. c.
multitude of iemmes, and precious ves- the multitude of iemmes, and a preciouse + the breed

icsel, the lippis of kunnyng. Tac the cloth vessel, ben the lippis of kunnyng. TakeioJJg^ *%
of hym, that boi'3 was of the' alien and thou awei the cloth of hym, that was img. to a
man ; here.

for straungeres tac awei the wed fro hyrn. borewe of an othere man and for straun- ; wuhrikenyng s
. i r- i m bi bittirnesse of
17 Swete is to a man the bred of lesing ; gens take thou awei a wed fro hym. The 17 penaunce, for

and aftir shal be fulfild the mouth of breed of a leesingt is sweet to a man ;

hym with a litil pibbil ston. Thetis bi and aftirward his mouth schal be fillid that is, pru-
ben strengthid ; and bi go-
counseilis " 8 Thou3tis ben maad strong
with rikenvns:. isdence, coun-
. eel, andexpe-
luuernailis batailis ben to be tretid. To bi counsehs ;
and bateils schulen be tretid rience, and not

hym that openeth priuetes, and goth bi gouernals. Be thou not medlid with 19
and spredeth abrod his him that schewith pryuetees, and goith
gilendeli, lippis, *^t
maden ^

20 ne be thou togidere mengd. Who cursith gylefulli,

and alargith hise lippis. The 20 ' he
. .
world et to
to his fader and moder, shal be quenchid Ii3t of hym that cursith his fadir and mo- hem silf bi

21 his Ii3t in myddyl dercnesses. Eritage to dir, schal be quenchid in the myddis of
the whiche is hee3id in the
begynnyng, derknessis. Eritage to which me haastith 21
h wa
22 in the laste shal lacke blissing. Ne sey in the bigynnyng, schal wante blessing in ^'a ^n
thou, I shal 3elde euel for euel ; abid the the laste tyme. Seie thou not, Y schal 22 with outen
23 Lord, and he shal deliuere thee. Abo- 3elde yuel for yuel ; abide thou the Lord, here. c.

minacioun is anent God wei3te and wei3te; and he schal delyuere thee. Abhomyna- 23
24 a treeccherous balaunce is not good. Of cioun at" God is wei3te and wei3te a gile-

the Lord ben ri3t reulid the goingis of a ful balaunce is not good.
5 The steppis of 24

man ; who forsothe of men mai vnder- man ben dressid of the Lord who for- schewinge fren-
.. i
. schipe, whanne
, i i_
25 stonde his wei ?
Falling is of men ofte sothe or men mai vndurstonde his weie t he an enemy is

to Vouwe to k seintis,
vouwis and aftir the Falling of man is to make auow to seyntis, ^"fij^Thft

2oa3een drawe. Scatereth vnpitous men a and aftirward to withdrawe the w vowis. is, bihetith grate
thingis, and
wis king; and he bowith in vpon hem A wijs kyng scaterith wickid men; and 20 fiiiuh litie ethir

d sitteth AEGH. h the k to

e euel .
f abominacioun c. 8 the A. nedynes A.
Om. A.
taken awei deuocioun fro E
pr. m.

anentis i.
v a man i.
w tho c.

27 a stonene bowe. The lanterne of the bowith a bouwe of victorie 1 * ouer hem. noujt.
Lord the brething place of a man, that The lanternef of the Lord is the spirit
enserchith alle the priuetes of the wombe. man, that sekith out alle the priuetees of
Mercy and treuthe kepen the king ; and the wombe. Merci and treuthet kepen a 28 R *"* 1 ich*1
luffre peyue
i j i .
his trone is
strengthid with noble mercy. kyng ; and maad strong bi
his trone is ftir deth, and
29 The out io3ing of 5unge men the
ful mekenesse. Theout ioiyng of ful

strengthe of hem and the dignete of ; men is the strengthe of hem ; and the
soolde men hornesse. The wannesse of dignyte of elde men is hoornesse. The so *^-
c -

wounde shal dense awei euelis, and wannesse of wounde schal wipe aweie 8to " iwuwe. *.

,. t The lanterne;
in the 1 priuyere " partys of the
, . ^, .

woundis 1 ,

yuels, and woundis in the priuyere thingis for

kindly li-,t

of resoun is
wombe. of the wombe. sum preenting
of Goddis II'H.
of the wombe;
CAP. XXI. CAP. XXI. that is, herte.
Lire here. c.
1 As deueseounsof watris, so the herte As departyngis of watris, so the herte i * M
treuthe ; for
of the king in the hond of the Lord of the
kyng is in the power of the Lord ; merci without
ri;tfulnesse, is
whider euere he wile, he shal bowe it. whidur euer he wole, he schal bowe it.
cowardise, and
2 Eche weie of a man ri3t to hym semeth Ech weye of a man semeth ristful to 2
^"J,"^^, '

3 the Lord forsothe peiseth the hertis. To hym

* ; but the Lord peisith the hertis.
silf crueite, for
tho distnen a
do mercy and dom, more pleseth to the To do merci and doom||, plesith more thes king and
4 Lord, than sacrifises of victorie. The Lord, than sacrifices doeri*. Enhaunsyng4 here. c.

enhauncing of e3en is the larging of the of i3en is alargyng of the herte; the Ian- that ,
the dd,
herte ; the lanterne of vnpitous men terne of wickid men is synne. The thomtis 5 nesse and
nesse of wittis,

ssynne. The tho3tis of the strong man of a stronge man ben euere in abundaunce; with 1

of the heed.
euermor in plente eche forsothe slou3 n slow man is euere in nedynesse.
; but ech The wannesse

eeuermor is in nedynesse. Who gedereth He that gaderith tresours bi the tunge of 6

tresores with the tunge of lesing, vein a leesing z ^[, is veyne, and with outen herte;
and herteles is and he shal be 'put in
; and he schal be hurtlid zz to the snaris of y
erki -

here. c.

7 to the grenes of deth.Raueynes of vn- deth. The raueyns of vnpitouse men 7 ll mercy and

pitous men shul drawe them doun for ;

schulen drawe hem doun for thei nolden* ; the werkis at

s thei wolden not do dom. The peruertid do doom. The weiward weie of a mans
weie of a man alien is fro God ;
who for- is alien fro God but the werk of hym ;
8 f

b "
sothe is clene, ri3t is the were of hym. that is cleene , is ri3tful. It is betere to 9 d0011 to
oppressid, plese
9 Betere is? to sitte in the corner of the sitte in the corner of an hous with oute more God than

hous, than with the womman ful of strif, roof, than with a womman ful of chydyng, foTcristTn wi'
b" 8 b h
10 and in the hous of feste. The soule of and in a comyn hous. The soule of an 10
^ t t ^
the vnpitousei desireth euel ;
he shal not vnpitouse
f man desirith yuel
* ; he schal not werkig, as he
seith in XXT.
nhan merci to his ne3hebore. Punshid haue merci on his nei3bore. Whanne a iic. of Math.
... .... i* synne ; that
the bacbitere, the wisere shal be the litle man ful of pestilence punyschid, a milis is, thei kunnen

child ; and
he folewe the wise man, he
if man of wit schal be the wisere ; and if he
12 shal take
kunnyng. The ri3twis bethenk- sueth a wijs man, he schal take kunnyng.
hous of the vnpitous, that he
ith of the A iust man of the hous of a wickid maniaJeremye
in mi. c .

13 drawe awei vnpitous men fro euel. Who thenkith, to withdrawe wickid men fro strongman.

stoppeth his ere at the cri of the pore, yuel. He that stoppith his eere at the
and he shal crie, and shal not ben herd. schal crye also, and
cry of a pore man,
14 3ifte hyd quencheth wrathis; and fre 3ifte schal not be herd. 3ift hid quenchith A

m AEGH. 1 vnpitous
inwardly saitid E pr. m.
Om. AGH. n slowe man A. P it is
priuye H.
man A.

* a victorie a. y Om. i.
leesing makcre i.
" hurlid i. \roJdcn not i.
b cleene of

m. c and he
synne c sec. i.


is in the bosum most iudignacioun. loye to chidyngis; and a 3ift in bosum quenchith leesmg; as
, j .... . Ti flatereris of
the ri3twis is to don dom ;
and ferd to the" moost mdignacioun. It is loye to ai5 r j ch e menau<i
e* vocatis
Hi nii-ii werkende wickidnesse. The man iust man to make doom ; and it is drede f^
that erreth fro the weie of doctrine, in to hem that worchen wickidnesse. A man 16
vev* ' hat is >
voide of vertu.

17 the felashipe of ieauntis shal wone. r

Who that errith fro the weie of doctryn, schal and with maen

looueth deynte metis, in nedynesse shall

,,..., ,. , TT herte;{orhe
dwelle in the cumpariy or giauntisy. Hei7suffrithdefaute
,, .

be ; who
looueth win and fatte thingus, that loueth metis:]:, schal be in nedynesse; jf

is shall not be maad riche. For the ri3twise he that loueth wiyn and fatte thingis, /
synne, and of
shal ben 30110 the vnpitouse ;
and for the schal not be maad riche. An vnpitouse
is iieiie. </<>,
tohelle. nolden
, .

igri3t man the wicke. Betere is to dwelle man schal be 3ouun tor a iust man(j ; and eforfoom.-thatis,
, . .
p if i
a wickid man schal be ^ouun for a rytful
, 777 ly"e iustli with
in desert lond, than with a ianglende tue neisbore.
re re c
20 womman, and wratheful. Desyrable tre- man. It is betere to dwelle in a desert ID *'
t ^ ke

sor and oile in the dwelling place of the lond, than with a womman ful of chidyner, *> om
to parforme
>' that is,

njtwis ; and the vnprudent man shal and wrathful. Desirable^ tresoure and oile 20 Hjtfuinesse.

aiscateren it. Who folewith ri3twisnesse is in

the dwelling places" or a iust man ;
, he drede ; for thei
dreden enere to

and mercy, shal finde lif and ri3twisnesse and an vnprudent man schal distrie it. tnne^t
22 and glorie. The cite of stronge men the He that sueth ri3tfulnesse and mercy, schal 21
wise man
ste3ede vp, and destro3ide the fvnde liif
and glorie. A wiis man sti
./ .
23 strengthe of the trost of it. kepeth Who in to 1
the citee or stronge men, and di- Lire here. c.
, .1 L ii TT 1" yintintis; that i* t i*
his mouth arid his tunge, kepeth his soule striede the strengthe of tnst therof.
24 fro anguysshis. The proud man and the"
enhaunsende hymself is clepid vnta3t, the
that kepith his mouth and his tunge,
kepith his


from angwischis. A 24
+ metisi that is >

25whiche in wrathe wercheth pride. De- proude man and boosteere is clepid a fool, Lirehere.cKxn.

sires slen the slowe ;

wolden not forsothe
., , .,,
that worchith pride in ire.
-r i
Desms sleen 25 ,,- that is,
.... Sforaiiist

k '

thing werchen
the hondis of hym any . a slow man; for hise hondis nolden worche
Al dai he coueitith and desireth who Al dai he coueitith and de- 20 to a lust man >
26 ; ony thing. -1 an vnpitouse
forsothe is ri3twis, shal 3elde, and not sirith ; but he that is a iust man, schal <, that aide
The ostis of men abomi- ,11
not ceesse. The offnngis
and schal
rr, . .
th at 5' ue l) SChal
27 cese.

vnpitous 3yue, 27 ie 3 o to

28 nable, that ben offrid of hidous gilte. A of wickid men, that ben offrid of greet
witnesse Here shal pershe ; the obeisaunt trespas||,ben abhomynable. A fals
29 man shall speke victorie. The vnpitous nesse schal perische ; a man obedient schal of raueyn, ether
of thefte. Lire
man wowendeli stablith his chere who ; speke victorie^[. wickid A man makith 20 here. c.

so forsothe is ri3t, mendeth his weie. Ther sad his cheer vnscharnefastlibut he that he^akith'the* ;

is not wisdarn, ther

not prudence, is is amendith his weie. No wis- so
ri 3 tful,
31 ther is not counseil a3en the Lord. An dom is m no prudence is ", no counsel is ra and
thls is
^e 1

hors is maad redi to the dai of bataile ; a3ens the Lord. An hors ismaad redi to 3i amendith his
the Lord forsothe helthe shal 3eelden. the dai of batel ; but the Lord schal 3yue ofiitie defautis
i ,,, whiche he doith
neltne. inthisliyf,thouj
CAP. XXII. CAP. XXII. he be ful iust.
Lire here. c.
** A riche
1 Betere a good name, than manye
is Beteregood name, than manyi J
is a man,
etc. God mak- ;

richessis; ouer siluer forsothe and gold richessis for good grace ts aboue siluer
uu a pore man,
* Q at he haue
and gold. A riche man** and a pore man 2 mer of P a-
j A i ,

good grace. The riche man and the pore

, i jtjt.
2 it

metten togidere the werkere of euer

; metten hem silf the Lord is worchere of ;

3 either is the Lord. The felle man seeth euer eithir. A felle man seeth yuel,
and 3 man that h
haue merit of

euel, and hideth hymself and the inno- ; hidith him silf and an innocent man mersy, in heip- ;
Lire here. c.

r Who so A. rr Om. c pr. m. s

Om. A.

d Om. e iust doom h k wolden not

i. i. *toi. e Desiderable ca.
place A sec. m. i.
vnto i. i.
and he i. m ther is i.

cent passede, and is tormentid with harm. and he was turmentid bi harm.
4 The ende of manernesse the dred of the The ende of temperaunce is the drede of 4
Lord; richessis, and glorie, and lif. Armes the Lord; richessis, and elorye, and liif *

and swerdis in the weie of the proud ;

A -3 ,. i .
''nge rich.
eis, glorie of
Armuris and swerdis ben in the weie of as eynti, and
the kepere forsothe of his soule ferr goth weiward man but the kepere of his soule

6 awei fro hem. A prouerbe is, A 3ung ful goithawey fer fro tho.
It is a prouerbe, o
waxen man aftyr his weie, and whan he A 3ong wexynge man bisidis? his weie,
yeldeth, shal not gon awei fro it.The and whanne he hath wexei elde, he schal /ro lh"
.. i, fro royming
awei fro it. A riche man co-7
. ,,
riche man to pore men comaundeth and ;
not go of tho.

he that taketh borewing, seruaunt is of maundith to pore men and he that ;

s the vsurer. Who sowith wickidnesse*, shal takith borewyng, is the r seruaunt of the

repen euelis ; and the 3erde of his wrathe leenere. He that sowith wickidnes t'
t, 8 taneme
"''* "'<*-

ushal be ful endid. Who redi is to mercy, schal repe yuels ; and the 3erde of his yre '
r* 1* >

i_ j-j TT ii t 1- ing, diwen-

schal be endid. He that is redi 8 to merci,9
i i
shal be blissid ; of his loues forsothe he cioun, and

jaf to the pore. Victorie and worshipe schal be blessid ; for of his looues he 3af
shal purchace, that 3eueth 3iftis; for- to a pore man. He that 3yueth 3iftist,
sothe he taketh awei the soule of the schal eete
B victorie and oriour; forsothe he ire; *"".
the power bi

loresceyueres. Cast awey the scornere, and takith awei the soule of the takeris. Caste 10 which he dide

with hym shal gon out strif ; and causis thou out a scornere, and strijf schal go Tere'c.
iishul cese, and wrong blamyngis. Who out with hym; and causis and dispisyngis ly^'^i, ;

looueth clemiesse of herte, for the grace schulen ceesse. He that loueth the clen-u th!* verV'
Laste thiimr,
of his lippis shal ban the king frend. nesse of herte, schal haue the kyrig a thou out, etc.,
is not in Ebreu.

The u
12 e3en of the Lord kepe kunnyng ; freend, for' the grace of hise lippis. The 12 Lire here. c.

and supplauntyd ben the woordis of the i3en of the Lord kepen kunnyng^; and the
13 wicke. The slowe shal seyen, leoun is A wordis of a wickid man ben disseyued.
withoute ;
in the myddel of the stretes A slow man schal seie, A lioun is without- is
hi h i of
^ ] ,
the helthe of
14 1 am to be slain. A dep dich mouth
the forth ;
Y schal be slayn in the myddis of soule. Lire

of the alien womman ; to whom the Lord the stretis. The mouth of an alien ||
wom-14 ,|
n e mouth of
is is wroth, shal falle in to hir. Folie is man av deep diche; he to whom the
is s oVfTis dot'

bounde togidere in the herte of the child; Lord is wrooth, schal falle in to it. Foli is g>hf * e
and the 3erde off discipline shal driuen is boundun togidere in the herte of a depthe of heiie.
wrooth ; for hi

IG awei it. Who wrong chalengeth the pore, child ; and a 3erde of chastisyng schal ir
man. he with
ti i /*ii* i i '.ii,,,.

that he eeche his richessis, he shal 3yue dryue it awey. that falsli chalengithio drawi thfro

17 to a richere, and neden. sone, bowe My a pore man, to encreesse hise owne rich-
in thin ere, and here the woordis of wise essis, schal 3yue
J *
to a richere man, and in to synne,

men lei to forsothe herte to my doctrine. schal be nedi. My sone, bowe doun thin '7 and ofte into
, ..... fals doctryn
IH The whiche fair shal be to thee, whan eere, and here thou the wordis ot wise
thou kepist wombe, and shal
it in thi men; but sette thou the* herte to my
lorebouride in thi lippis. That in the Lord techyng. That schal be fair to thee,
in thin herte, oftheEide
be thyn trost wherfore and I shal shewe
whanne thou hast kept it
. .
m* Testament,
20 to thee it to dai. Lo ! I haue discriued and it schal flowe a3en in thi lippis. i hat ii>that ben the

thi trist be in the Lord wherfor and Y

it thre wise, intho3tus and kunnyng, ;

21 that I shulde shewe to thee stedefast- haue schewid it to thee to dai. Lo Y haue 20 j^** !

nesse and faire spechis of treuthe thou discryued in thre maneres^[, in thou3tis
shuldest answere of these thingis to them and kunnyng, that * " Y
schulde schewe to2iod,etherhe
spekith this

wickenesse E.

P aftir A m. marg. text. 1 vvoxen i.

passid, bi a perdous place. Lire here.N text. with i. sec. i

1 Om. I.
enclinaunt, ether redi CEOHKMNpQBauxva. enclynaunt, or boivith i.

v the c. w and he i.
x Om. A sec. m.
F 2

thee the sadnesse and spechis of trewthe ; his ow " e er -

22 that senten thee. Do thou not violence J?
soone of his
to the pore, for he is pore ; ne to-trede to answere of these thingis to hem, that th re bokis,
-r-. . Prouerbis, Ec-
23 thou the nedy in the 3ate. For the Lord senten thee. Do thou not violence to a 22 desiastes, and

shal deme the cause of hym, and he shal pore man, for he is pore ; nethir defoule
stike them, that stekeden the lif of hym. thou a nedi man in the 3ate. For the Lord
24 Wile thou not be frend to a man ful of schal deme his cause, and he schal tur- a"d y el > and
what is leueful
wrathe, ne go thou with a wood man ; mente hem, that turmentiden his soule. and vnieuefui.

25 lest parauenture thou lerne the pathis of Nyle thou be freend to a wrathful ma
hym, and take sclaunder to thi soule. nether go thou with a wood man; lest 25^
and thus the
26 Wile thou not be with them that ficche perauenture thou lerne hise weies, and sentence is

doun ther hondis, and that borewis offren Nyle thou be 20 pieyn.
take sclaundir to thi soule. c.

27 hemself for dettis ; if forsothe thou hast with hem that oblischeny her hondis, and
wherof thou restore, what of cause is, that proferen hem
borewis for dettis;silf z

that" thou take coueryng fro v thi bed ? for if he hath not wherof he schal restore, 27
28 Ne ouerpasse thou olde terrnes, the what of cause is , that thou take awei
29whiche thi fadris setteden. Hast thou hilyng
fro c
thi bed? Go thou not ouer28
seen a swift man in his were ? befor the elde markis ,whiche thi faders han
kingis he shal stonde, ne he shal ben set. Thou hast seyn a man smert in his 2
beforn vn noble men. werk ; he schal stonde bifore kyngis, and
he schal not be bifor vnnoble men.


1 Whan thou shal sitte, that thou ete Whanne thou sittist, to ete with the i

with a prince, besili tac heede that ben prince, perseyue thou diligentli what
2 set befor thi face, and set a culter in thi thingis ben set bifore thi face, and sette2
throte. If 'ner the latere vv thou haue thou a withholding 6 in thi throte. If ne-
3 power in to thi soule, ne desire thou of theles thou hast power on thi soule, desires

the metis of hym, in the whiche is the thou not of his metis, in whom is the
* breed
4 bred of lesing. Wile thou not trauailen breed of 'a leesingf *. Nyle thou trauele4 of a
leesing ; that
that thou be riche, but to thi prudence to be maad riche, but sette thou mesure is, getun hi a

5 put marier. Ne rere thou thin e3en to to thi prudence. ReiseS not thin i3en to a riche oner ;

dwe mesure.
richessis, that thou maist not han ; for richessis, whiche thou maist not haue ; mesure ; of iust
thei make to them federis, as of an egle, for tho schulen make to hem silf pennes, resoun.
to thi pru-
cand thei shul flee in to heuerie. Ne ete as of an egle, and tho h schulen flee in to dence ; that is,
sutilte ether
thou with an enuyous man, and ne de- heuene. Ete thou not with an enuyouse e felnesse in
geting. Lire
7 sire thou the metis w of for in lic- hym ; man, and desire thou not hise metis; for 7 here. c.

nesse of a deuynour and of a fals castere, at the licnesse of a fals dyuynour and of
he eymeth that he knowith not. Et and a coniecteref, he gessith that, that he + coniectere ;

that is, ex-

drink, he shal sei to thee ;
and the mynde knowith not. He schal seie to thee, Ete
pownere of
dremes. Lire
a of hym is not with thee. The metes that thou and drinke ; and his soule is not here. ex.
thou hast eten, thou shalt spewen out ; with theej. Thou schalt brake out thes 1

J with thee ;
that is, he
u and thou shalt leesen thi faire wrdis. In metis k whiche thou hast ete ; and thou
, sekith not thi
the eres of vnwise speke thou not ; men schalt leese thi faire wordis. Speke thou 9 profiyt.
here. c.

for thei shul dispisen the doctrine of thi not in the eeris of vnwise men for thei

lospeche. Ne ateyne thou the termes of schulen dispise the teching of thi speche.

u if A. v for A. TV neuerthelater A et alii. w meet AGH.

y fastnen, ether oblischen

CEFGHKMNPQRsuxya. fastnen, or bynden i. z silf to be i. a ther is i. the
of c d
hilyng i. i. termes, ether markis CEFGHiKMNPQRSuxva. e cultre, or a withholding i. f
liyng e i.
s Reise thou i.
spue CEGHKMNpQRsuxva. caste F pr. m. i. k mete P.
thei i. i
litle childer ; and the feeld of moderles Tout-he thou not the termes of litle
uchilder go^ thou not in. The nee3h for- dren ; and entre thou not in to the feeld
sothe of them is strong, and he shal of fadirles and modirles children. For the n i"7* ^* "**W t

i2demen 33611 thee the causes of hem. Go nei3bore of hem is strong, and he schal toout nnere
, , goudii) that ben
in to doctrine thin herte, and thin eris deme her cause a3ens thee. Thin herte 12 I*;'<M <

13 to the wrdis of kunnyng. Wile thou not entre to techyng, and thin eeris'ie redi }

withdrawe fro a child discipline ;

if for- to the wordis of
kunnyng. Nile thou i

14 shal not die.

sothe thou smyte hym with 3erde , he
Thou with a 3erde shalt
withdrawe chastisyng
thorn thou srayte"1 hym with a ?erde, he
fro a child ; for ^"<*<*/A; ;
>t " "da

smite hym, and the soule of fro

11 i
schal not die.
mi i
Thou schalt smyte
tllat '' witn

hym hymuviieciothi;
is helle thou shalt deliueren. My sone, if with a 3erde, and thou schalt delyuere his
wijs were thin inwit, myn herte shal soule fro helle. Mi sone, if thi soule is i

i6io5en with thee ; and ful out shuln io3en wijs, myn herte schal haue ioye with thee; 5 'Jj'"8

dtvelle to thee

my reenes, whan thi lippis shul speke

and my reynes* schulen make ful out le*^", ^ <*"? 1

i7ri3t. Ne enuye d
thin herte synneres ; ioye, whanne thi lippis speken ri3tful
but in the drede of the Lord be thou al thing. Thin herte sue not synneris but ;

is dai. For thou shalt han hope in the be thou in the n drede of the Lord al dai.
and thin abiding shal not ben taken
laste, For thou haue hope at the laste, IB thou " lle '"'

dom and tfch-
19 awei. Heere, my sone, and be thou wijs;, and thin abidyng schal not be don awei. *, for it
. owith to be. . . .
and rrjt reule in the weie thin inwit. sone, here thou, and be thou? wijs, i9 3 ouunfreiy,
r l
20 Wile thou not ben in the festis of drink- and dresse thi soule in the weie. Nyle20p M h IJ it
ne in the meteshipis of hem, that thou be in the feestis of drinkeris, mone y> "*
eris, nether /
theles a techere

21 flesh to eten bringen. For thei tendende in the ofte etyngis

e of hem, that bryngen
of wisdom may
/. takeliyflode
to and 3iuende scot, shul ben
drinkis, For men 3yuynge 21 and clothing
togidere fleischis to ete.
wastid, and napping shal be clad" with tent to drinkis, and 3yuyng mussels togi- ,he, iib

22clothis. Heere thou thi fader, that gat dere, schulen be waastidf, and napping ^,
e P"**' 5 of
thee and ne dispise thou, whan shal
; schal be clothid with clothis. Here thi 22 .

Egipt, that
23eelden thi moder f Bie treuthe, and wile . fadir, that gendridei thee ; and dispise not studieden in
,, . i- i i 11 -n- XL filosofie, weren
thou not selle wisdam, and doctrine, and thi modir, whanne sche is eld. Bie thou23usteynedof
24 vnderstonding. Ful out io3eth with io3e treuthe, and nyle thou sille wisdom, and r
the fader of the ri3twise ; that a wis man r
doctryn, and vndurstonding. The fadir 24 **] c kerte j

25 gat, shal gladen in hym. 1036 thi fader of a iust man ioieth ful out with ioie he * then ke on ; ,

my techmg.
and ff
moder, and ful out that gendride s a wijs man, schal be glad m weyes in
thi gat io3e, that ;

20 thee. 3i sone myn, thin herte to me, in hym. Thi fadir and thi modir haue 25 t
27 and thin e3en my weies kepe thei. dep A ioye, and he that gendride 8 thee, make ful

dich forsothe is a strumpet, and a streit out ioye. My sone, 3yue thin herte J
28 pit an alien womman. She waiteth in me, and thin i?en kepe my weyes. For an 27 man may go
j i- i j v
the weie, as a thef; and whom vnslei3 hoore is a deep diche, and an alien worn- vnutar, that
.. ., , <-, kunnen not , , , i

29 she seeth, she shal slen. To whom wo? man is a streit pit. Sche settith aspie in 28 deme bit
to whos fader wo? to whom strif? to the weie, as a theef ; and sche schal sle
hem, whiche sche schal se vnwar. To 29 **?>
whom dichis? to whom withoute cause [

woundis? to ^ of
whom Christine out^ whom is wo? to whos fadir is wo? tlmmm*
of helle; in
Ebreu it is, schal adde displserin in men ; that is, schal multiplie dispiseris of God among men. Also this lettre mai be expowned of a bodili hoore,
which is seid a deep dich, for many songe men and elde fallen in to it ; also sche is seid a streit pit ; for a man goith not out of the synne of lecchene,
is wo ; that is, cursing and myshap. rficAi*,-
no but with hardnesse. And sche settith aspies, in drawinge vnchast men bi flatteringis and cossis. c.
and derkmg of the
that is, prisouns vndur the erthe. without cause; that is, not maad bi swerd, but bi her owne falling, putting out ; that is, feblmg
isen. Lire here. c.

thy E pr. m.
b c
1 thi litle c. yne go G sec. m. z
smytyst ^IEGH.
a a
jeerde A. thyn AE pr. m. H.
e clothid AEGH. { thi moder, whanne
d m. marg. E sec. m. marg. enuye orfoletve AGH.
orfolotve c sec.
she shal eelde A. K Om. c pr. m. B Om. c pr. m. es stiflyng E pr. m.
i. m CFOKMNQRUXY. n Ora. i. And thanne i. P Om. i. q
gaat i. ne i.
9 i.

Whether not to them, that dwellen to whom ben chidingis ? to whom ben
3oe3en? '

drunkun ouere
in win, and studien to chalices to ben dichis ? tO Whom ben WOUlldlS With OUt myche. as an
~ . . rt . -i addre, etc. ; for
31 drunken vp ? Ne beholde thou the win, cause ? to whom
puttyng out or i3en ? ts it wastith tem-

whan it floureth, whan shal shine in the Whether not to hem, that dwellen
and studien to drynke al of cuppis? kynde, and
saverr the colour of it. It shal gon in wyn*,
* *
goodis of grace,

softe, but in h the laste it shal bite as a Biholde thou not wyn, whanne it spar- foritindusith
, to vices, and
shadewe eddere, and as a kokatrice ve- clith, whanne
the colour therof schyneth most of l

in a ver. It entrith swetli, but at the laste

ssnymys shal heelden abrod. Thin e3en 32
shul beholde straunge wymen, and thin it schal bite as an eddre doitW, and as a lecnene bynd-

34herte shal speke peruertid thingus. And cocatrice it schal schede abrood venyms. th the resoun
and wit. of the
thou shalt ben as slepende in the myddil Thin i3en schuleri se straunge wymmenf, 33 see ,-
that is, of

se, and as the steris man al forslept, the

and thi herte schal speke weiwerd thingis. it'
35 steer staf lost. And thou shalt sey, Thei And thou schalt be as a man slepinge in 34
the myddis of the see, and as a gouernour and of vices
beeten me, but I sorewide not ; thei
a gouernour

drowen me, and I felide not ; whanne aslepid, whanne the steere 11
is lost. And 35 aslepid ; the

shal I wake, and eft wines finden ? thou schalt seie, Thei beeten me, but Y schip, the soule
isthe gouern-
hadde not sorewe thei drowen me, and ;
our; the smile
Y feelide not whanne schal Y ;
wake out,
is seid
whanne it is

and v Y schal fynde wynes eft ? boundun with

sleep ether with
lust of lecche-


Lire here.

1 Ne
enuye' thou euele men, ne desire Sue thou not yuele men, desire thou not i

2 thou to ben with them. For raueynes to be with hem. For the soule of hem bi-2 is hooris and >

sweteli thenketh the mynde of hem, and thenkith raueyns, and her lippis speken Lire here. c.

3giles the lippis of hem speken. Bi wis- fraudis. An hous schal be bildid bi wis- 3 &
w schal be maad
dam shal thek hous ben bild, and bi pru- dom, and strong bi pru-
4dence shul be strengthid. In doctrine
it dence^. Celeris schulen be fillid in tech- 4 f
he s leeP e
lust is
shul be fulfild 1 the celeris, with alle pre- ing, al" riches preciouseand ful fair. A 5 thei beeten me,
etc. ; for as a
5 cious substaunce and most fair. A wis wijs man
strong, and
is a lerned man is

man strong, and a ta3t man is stal-
is stalworth and mi3ti. For whi batel is bi-c
es wrthe and my3ti. For with disposicioun gunnun with ordenaunce, and helthe schal
me goth in to bataile; and helthe shal ben, be, where many counsels ben. Wisdom ^s^ thanne, thous
he is
7 wher ben many counseilis. Ful hee3 to 1113 to a fool ;
in the 3ate he schal not ether drawun,

the fool wisdam 3ate he shal opene his mouth. He that thenkith to do 8
in" the ; hoidun with

snot openen his mouth. Who thenketh yuels, schal be clepid a fool. The thou3tea SJe'rfe'per-
don, a fool shal ben clepid. The
s ey" eth not
iieuelis to of a fool synne
* ; and a bacbitere is
thanne the
thenking of the fool is synne and abho- ;
abhomynacioun of men. If thou that>" hast 10 yeis of synne

lominacioun of men the bacbitere. If slyden TJ , j- xu j f 4.11

a T.
in the dai of angwisch,
slide', dispeirist ||
thou despeire, in the dai of anguysh" thi strengthe schal be maad lesse. Dely- 1 1
y^waA-ej etc. ,-

n'shal benn maadlitil thi strengthe. Deli- uere thou hem, that ben led to deth ; and
uere hem, that ben lad to deth ; and that ceesse thou not to delyuere hem, that ben
goith ajeu to
ben drawen to diyng, to deliuere ne cese drawun to deth^[. If thou seist, Strengthis 12 drynking soone
aftir waking,
and is enclyned herto bi yuel custom, so he that is customable to leccherie, thouj he wakith sumtyme, turneth ajen to his spuyng, for the yuel
custom ether corrupcioun of fleisch hurlinge him therto. Lire here. c. prudence ; that is, good goueruayl. Celeris ; that is, the hertis of hereris.
ful fair ; for goostly richessis ben euer preciouse, and ful faire, but bodily richessis han sumtyme filthe knyt to tho. hi) to a fool ; for he mai not
ateyne therto. Lire here. c. dispeirist ; of ascaping of perel. Lire here. c.
|| ^ to deth ; vniustly. Lire here. c.

h at AH. k thin A.
orfolowe c sec.m. marg. E sec. m. marg. folewe A. enuy orfoletve GH.
fild A.
m and in A. n veniaunce AH. Dn Om. c
pr. m. founden E pr. m.

1 Om. i. steere [steerne N], ether [the EPY] instrument of gouernail CEFGHKMxpQRSuxYa. steere of
gouernail i.
v and whanne i. w and it i. x with al i. y Om. omnes prater c. z a and
yslide i.
dispeirist KX.
12 thou. If thou shul seyri, Strengthis suffisen not he that is biholdere of the that
; 'found* ,

semen not ; he that is the imvard be- herte, vndirstondith,and no thing dis- t^VfifSk
holdere of herte, vnderstondith, and the the
seyueth kepere of thi soule, and he
kepere of thi soule no thing begilith, and schal 3elde to a man bi b hise werkis. Mi ttfyS 1

world to com-
shall jelde to a man after his werkis. sone, ete thou hony, for it is good ; and yep- **-
good and the most for c d
13Et, sorie, hony ; an honycomb ful swete to thi throte.
I4swete honycomb to thi throte. So and 'So and 6 the
techyng of wisdom is good to i

the doctrine of wisdam to thi soule ; the thi soule ; and whanne thou hast founde*
whiche whan thou findist, thou shalt han it, thou schalt haue hope in the laste <"", that is,
. , . - . . . . ofte, for pre-
hope and thin hope
in the laste thingus ;
thingis, and thin hope schal not pensche. sent Hyf may
is shal not pershe. Ne aspie thou, and Aspie thou not, and seke not wickidnesse

seche vnpitousnesse in the hous of the in the hous of a iust man, nether waste

ri3twis, ne waste thou the reste of hym. thou his reste. For a iust man schal falle i 6
tll< tamend:

icSeuene sithes forsothe shal falle the ri3t- seuene sithis in the dot, and schal rise *" and

wis, and risen the vnpitouse forsothe i i , i,

but wickid men schulen falle m
turne iton
; to thee, for the

17 shal fallen in to euel. Whan thin enemy Whanne thin haue

yuele. enemye fallith,
ne {036 thou and in the falling
fallith, ; thou not ioye ; and thin herte haue not
is of hym ful out io3e not thin herte; lest ful out ioiyng in his fal ; lest perauenture i8 with vncor
. rigible men bi

perauenture the Lord see, and it displese the Lord se, and it displese hym, and he
to hym, and he take awei fro hym his take awei his ire fro hym. Stryue thou 19 owth
19 wrathe. Striue thou not with the werste not with 'the worete* men, nether sue
men, and enuyei" thou not vnpitosei men. thou wickid men. For whi yuele men han 20 tl e( ** ref ey n - \ j"
ed fro yuel, and
20 For euele men han not hope of thingus not hope of thineis to comynee
* ', and the oth <* men b 1

5 maad aferd. lo
to come, and the lanterne of vnpitous lanterne or wickid men schal be quenchid. wise mm that ;

21 men shal be quenchid. Dreed God, sone My and the kyng;2ito' men f^na!!
sone, drede thou God,

myn, and the king and with bacbiteres ; and be thou not medlid with bacbiteris.
mengd. For sodeynli at For her perdicioun togidere 22 1
22 be thou not schal rise i

persoone \n
ones shal rise the perdicioun of hem, and sudenli, and who knowith the fal of euer doom; that is,
, , . . , 7 to fauore him
the falling of euer either who knew3 ? either? Also these thingis that suen ben 23 more than is

23 These thingus forsothe to wise men. To to wise men. It is not good to knowef a

knowen persone in dom is not good. persoone in doom. Puplis schulen curse 24^
24 Who the vnpitous, Thou art
seith to hem, that seien to a wickid man, Thou reforme pees,
whos signe is
ri3twis, puples shal cursen to hym ; and art iust ; and lynagis schulen holde hem kissing to gi-
dere. Make
linages shul wlaten hym.
vnder- Who abhomynable. Thei that repreuen iustli redi thi tcerk ;

nymyn, shul ben preisid ; and vp on hem synners

schulen be preisid and blessing ;

20 shal corne
blessing. Lippes shal kisse, schal come on hem. He that answerithactheeoffeddis,
and vynens,
27 that ri;t wrdis ansiverth. Greithe out rhtful wordis, schal kisse lippis. Make 27 and othere ne-
. / i j i_ cessaries to
forth thi were, and bisili enhaunte thi redi thi werk with outforth, and worcne i;
y f. &/<& /Ayn

feeld, that aftir thou bilde vp thin hous. thi feelde dilygentli, that thou bilde thin JUJi^'"'
28 Be thou not a witnesse in idil a3en thi hous aftirward. Be thou not a
em stu-
ne3hebore and ne flatere thou any man
with out resonable cause a3ens thi nei3- thus,thou
die hooly . ,

29 with thi lippes. Ne sey thou, As he dide bore nether flatere thou ony man with writ, and se the

to me, so I shal do to hym, and I shal thi lippis. Seie thou not, As he dide to 20

:i<>3elde to eche man after his

were. Bi the me, so Y schal do to him, and Y schal
to thee dissi-

3elde to ech man aftir

man I passede, and his werk. I passide so
feld of the slowe bi P^^'-
si the vyne of the fool man and lo ;
! al bi the feeld of a slow man, and bi the Lire here. c.

A. enuye or sen GH. 1 to vnpitose E pr. m.

orfolorve E sec. m. marg. folewe

e ful wickid
h come i.
b aftir 'sekethoua. i. syn-
i. cthei. <*for it is ful I. Ri3t so i.

ners. Lire here. N text.

40 PROVERBS. XXIV. 32 XXV. 13.

vvner of a fonned man; *<*" wise

and, lo! nettlis 31 men se
netlis hadden fulfild, thornes hadden co- J sene
y n ge the

uered the vtmost x of and

it, the wal of hadden fillid al, thornes hadden hilid the
, ., , ,, slowe men, and
was The whiche whan hi3ere part therof. and
the wal of stoonys offooiis, ben
32 stones destro3ed.
with out morter was distried. And whanne 32
I hadde see, I putte in myn herte, and j

33 bi exsaumple lernede discipline. Hou Y hadde seyn this thing, Y settide in myn
longe, slowe, thou slepist
? hou longe herte, and bi ensaumple Y lernyde tech- w the feeid and
is vn-
. vyner,
A longe slepist thou, slow man ? durstondun
Hou 33
fro slep thou shalt rise ? litil forsothe yng the

thou shalt slepe, a litil while thou shalt whanne schalt thou ryse fro sleep? Sotheli
thou schalt slepe a litil, thou schalt nappe
nappe, a litil thin hondis thou shalt
is fillid with
34 togidere, that thou
reste ; and ther shal a litil, thou schalt ioyne togidere the
dyuerse vices . ;
come to thee as a corour thi nedynesse, hondis a litil, to take reste ; and thi 34 and wise men
that biholden
and thi beggingnesse as a man armyd. nedynesse as a currour schal come to thee, this, ben bisiere
to purge her
1 These forsothe the^ Parablis of Salamon, and thi beggerie as an armed man. owne con-
sience. Lire
the whiche translateden the men of Eze- here. c.
CAP. XXV. t The
king of Juda.
glorie of
chie, God is to hele a
Also these ben the Parablis of Salomon, i that is,

CAP. XXV. whiche the men of Ezechie, kyng of Juda,

The God to hilyn a wrd translatiden. The glorie of God is to hele 2
2 glorie of is ;

and the glorie of kingis to enserchen a a wordf; and the glorie of kyngis is to
Esechiel ben
ssermoun. He.uene aboue, and erthe be- seke out a word. Heuene aboue, and the 3 jonun priueiy,
ether bi helincr,
nethe, and the herte of kingus vnserch- erthe bynethe, and the herte of kyngis is that vnfeithfui

4 able. Do awei rust from siluer, and vnserchable. Do thou a wei rust fro sil-4
ther shal gon out a most pure vessel. uer, and a ful cleene vessel schal go out. yenfuiofstu-
die be ocupied,
5 Do awei vnpitousnesse fro the chere of Do thou awei vnpite fro the cheer of the s and wondre on
the depthe of
the king, and bi ri3twisnesse shal ben kvng,
* 5
and his trone schal be maad stidrast
Goddis wisdom.

*** A Ai A i seke out a word:

efastned the trone of hym. Ne glorious bi ri3tfulnesse. Appere thou not glori-c that is, the sen-

apere thou befor the king, and in place* ouset bifore the kyng, and stonde thou
7 of grete men stonde thou not. Betere not in the place of grete men. For it is 7 P ri "eiy. Lire
here. c.
is be seid to thee, Ste3e
forsothe, that it betere, that be seid to thee, Stie thou

vp hidir, than that thou be mekid be- hidur, than that thou be maad low bifore ynge
oforn a prince. That thin e3en se3en, ne the prince. Brynge thou not forth soone
speke thou soone in strif lest parauen- ; tho thingis in strijf, whiche thin i3en
mowe not amende, whan thou
ture thou sien m ; lest aftirward thou maist not 5 vnhonest ;
that is, telle
9 hast dishonestid thi frend. Thi cause amende, whanne thou hast maad thi frend thou not soone
to othere men
trete with thi frend, and priuyte to a vnhonest $. Trete thi cause with this the pryuy yuels
of thi neijbore,
10 straunger opene thou not lest perauen- ; frend, and schewe thou not priuyte to a lest thou maist

ture he asaile to thee, whan he shal straunge man; lest perauenture he haue io not 5 elde K od
fame to thi

heren, and to repreuen cese not. Grace ioye of thi fal, whanne he hath herde, neijbore, which
, . fame thou hast
and frendshipe delyueren, the whiche and ceesse not to do schenschipe to thee. hirt. Lire here.
kepe thou to thee, lest thou be maad Grace|| and frenschip delyueren, whiche" \\ Grace; this
1 1
repreuable. A
goldene cheke bon in sil- kepe thou to thee, that thou be not maad
ve '" tmdur'
a goldun pomel,
uerene beddis, that speketh a wrd in his repreuable. A goldun pomel in beddis of n elc -> isni>t in
Ebreu. Lire
i2tyme. A goldene erering, and a mar- siluer ts he, that spekith a word in his here. c.
. , , . f the coold of
garite shynende, that vndernemeth a wis time. A goldun eere ryng, and a scnin-
12 ,,,,. t h a

13 man, and an ere obedient. As cold of ynge peerle is he, that repreueth a wijs
c "anerof
sno3 in the dai of rep, so an man, and an eere obeiynge. As the coold
I ld
feithful i3
of snow. Lire
messager to hym that sente hym ; the of snow^[ in the? dai of heruest, so a

x vttermoost AGH. J ben the A. z the erthe b

EH. the place AGH. it is EG sec.m. c Om. AG pr.m. H.

k and thanne i. 1
ther shal i. m i. n the whiche i. Om. c. P Om. i.

souleof hym to resteri he maketh. feithful to

messanger hym that sente
14 Cloud and wind, and reines not folew- Hhilke messanger^, makith his soule to
ende, a man glorious, and the behestes haue reste. cloude and wind, and A
15 not fulfillende. Bi pacience shal ben not suynge, is a gloriouse man, and not veMel '

maad softe the prince and a ; nesshe fillynge biheestis. A prince schal be maad Md&
ictunge shal to-breke hardnesse.
Hony soft bi pacience; and a soft tunge schal !',!!,'

thou hast founden, ett that suffiseth to breke hardnesse. hast founde hony, Thou
thee ;
lest parauenture fulfild thou spewe etc thou that that suffisith to thee: lest

17 it out. Withdra3 thi foot fro the hous perauenture thou be fillid, and brake 1


of thi ne3hebore; lest any time fulfild, he out. Withdrawe thi foot fro the hous of
isshul hate thee. Spere. and swerd, and thi nei3bore ; lest sum tyme he be fillid *,

sharp arwe, a man that speketh ajen his and hate thee. A dart, and a swerd, and is^
I9ne3hebore fals witnesse. A roten toth, a scharp arowe, a man that spekith fals m
and stiriil to
and a foot sliden, that hopith vpon the witnessing a3ens ne^bore. rotun his A 19 d'pymgi.
2ovnfeithful in the dai of anguysh, and tooth, and a feynt foot is he, that hopith
leeseth the mantil in the dai of cold. on an vnfeithful man in the dai of an-
Eisel in glas, that singeth dites with gwisch, and leesith his mentil in the dai 20
peruertid herte. As a mo3he d to the of coold. Vyneffre in a vessel t of salt is that '* thou
. .
schalt induce
cloth, and a werm to the tree, so sorewe

he, that singith songis to the worste herte. him to do re-

21 of a man no^eth to the herte. If thin As a mou3te noieth a cloth, and a worm

enemy shul hungren, feed hym ; if he noieth*- a tree, so the sorewe of a man
22thristith, jif hym watir to drinke ;
for- noieth the herte. If thin enemy hungrith,
sothe colis thou shalt gadere togidere vp feede thou him i ; if he thirstith, ?vue n>mi for the
charite of the
on the bed of hym and the Lord shal ; thou watir to hym to drinke; for" thou22 n ei3bore ; in

233elde to thee. A northerne wind scater- schalt gadere togidere coolis on his heed ;

eth reynes ; and a dreri face the bac- and the Lord schal 3elde to thee.
24bitende tunge. Betere is to sitte in a north wind scatereth v reynes ; and a sorew- Lire here c - - -


. . 5 A ">elle tr
corner of a roof, than with a womman ful face distrieth a tunge bacbitinge. It 24 uiid leesith fair-
. . ., c t
nesse hi a litil

25 ful of strif, in the hous of a feste. Cold is betere to sitte in the corner ot an hous mouyng, a
watir to the threstende soule; and a good without roof, than with a womman ful of
2cmessager fro a ferr lond. welle tru- A chidyng, and in a comyn hous. Coold 25
blid bi foot, and a veyne corupt, the watir to a thirsti man; and a good mes- is, doinge synne
bifor a wickid

27 ri3twis fallende beforn the vnpitous. As sanger fro a fer lond. A welle 5

dis- 26 man, for he de-

he that etith myche hony, and it is not turblid with and a veyne brokun,
to hym good ; so that 6 is a serchere of a iust man fallinge bifore a wickid man.
28 mageste, shal ben opressid of glorie. As As it is not good to hym that etith myche
an opyn cite, and withoute enuyrounyng so he that is a serchere of maiestel!, a serchere of
* ;

. maieste; that
of wallis ; so a man that mai not in schal be put doun fro glorie. As a citee 28 ;, woi e mesure
. , , n , , d vuyn thiiuns
opyn, and with out cuinpas or wains; so
speking chastisen his spirit.
a man that mai not refreyne his spirit in
rir ; that is,
speking. schal falle in to
CAP. XXVI. CAP. XXVI. errour. as a
citee etc.;

i What maner sno3 in somer, and reyn As snow^f m somer, and reyn
, .

in her-
1 that
is, as the
in rep time ;
so vnsemende is to the fool uest ;
so glorie is vnsemeli to a fool. For 2 ^.^ac'ii
ben opyn to
hem that wolen entre, so the priuytes of sich a man ben opyn to othere men. Lire here. c. H as snow ; is vnsemely. in somer; for it is ajenu the
that is, onour, to be jouun opyn plat m
kynde of the tyme. in heruist ; for it peirith the ripe corn, and disposith to corrtipcioun. glorie ; m
out resonable cause schal not come; that is, on nun to
word/orwAi is not in Ebreu, but it sneth thus, a* a arid, etc. so cursing brou)t forth with
whom it is broujt forth, as a bird vnstable of abiding, that fleeth ouer to a certeyn place, turneth not ajen. Lire here. c.

d e he that A.
iin)ii-,th A. mo\v3te E.

v SCaterith abrod
qhimi. r S OHlKMNPQRSUXYa. full therof * Om. i. for so i. i.
pU e CBP m. i.


For as a brid to he3e thingus whi as a brid fliynge ouer to hi3 thingis,
ouerfleende, and a sparewe whider hyra
f and w a sparowe goynge in to vncerteyn ; foiy, as he spai
folily. answen
list goende ; so curs in veyn spoken in so cursing brou3t forth with out resonable thou a foot, etc.,

s to shal comen ouer. A scourge

sum man cause schal come aboue in to sum man.
to ans
to an hors, and a bernacle to an asse ; Beting" to an hors, and a bernacle
and a jerde in the reg of vnprudent men. asse; and a 3erde in? the bak of vnpru-

that drynk is,

4Answere thou not to a fool aftir his dent men. Answere thou not* to a fool 4 noyfuitohim
ailf. Lire here
biyy his foli, lest thou be maad hym
folie, lest thou be maad out lie to hym. lijk .
c .

5 Answere to a fool aftir his folie, lest he Answere thou a fool bi a his fooli, lest he 5
c seme toben wis to hymself. Halt in seme to him silf to be wijs. An haltinge c

and drinkende wickidnesse, that man and drinkinge wickidnessef,

in feet, vnsemeiy. u
7 sendith wordus bi a fool messager. What he that sendith wordis by a fonned mes- sendith a

maner the halte hath in veyn faire sanger. As an haltinge man hath faire?
so vnsemende thing is in the leggis in veyn ;
so a parable} is vnsemeli
leggis ;

s mouth of a parable. As he that

foolis in the mouth of foolis. As he that cast- a pieimheonw
. - of this idol.
b an heep of mercunej
a stoon in to onour to an m
sendith a ston in to an hep of monee ; so eth ;
_ .-, wise man foi . . :

he that 3iueth to an vnwis man wrshipe. so he that 3yueth onour to an vnwijs man. euer either

9 What maner if a thorun be As if a thorn in the hond of a 9 p"-* 10";

growen in growith
c? in iiius r,iii t.'ii

drunkun man so c a parable in the mouth He that send*

the hond of the drunken ; so a parable in ;
a stoon to Am
10 the mouth of foolis. Dem determyneth of foolis. Doom determyneth causis || ; }o brood place of
. i .1 r i
^e slynge, etc
causes ;
and he that puttith silence to a and he that settith silence to a tool, swag- that is, a too

cdd. As
11 fool, swageth wrathis. As an hound ith iris a dogge that turneth
that tourneth 336611 to his vome ; so an to his spuyng ; so is an vnprudent man,
of th

vnprudent man, that reherseth his folie. that rehersith his fooli^f. Thou hast sevn 12 > onour 3
. . to an vnwise
12 Hast thou seen a man wis to be seen to a man seme wijs to hym silf; an vnkun- man, isajenu
, .1 resonn, sither
nyng man schal haue hope more than he.
, i

hymself? more than he an vnwis man ow to \# ;t ; t i,

13 shal han hope. The slowe seith, A leoun A slow man seith, A lioun is in the weie, is^ ^j

is in the weie, ands a leounesse is in the a liounnesse is in the foot pathis. As au'* MB '

drunkun mai
so a slow
ugatis. As a dore is turned in his heeng; dore is turned in his hengis' ; hauynge a
L'j'iU !_ thorn in his
15 so a
slo3 man in his litle bed. slo3 A man i
in his bed.
i_ i
man hidith hise 15 hond,

man hidith his h hondis vnder his arm hondis vndur his armpit; and hetrauelith, othere'ine'^i

pit ;
and trauailith, if to his mouth he if he turneth tho* to his mouth. slowi6 doi ' haf00 A techmge ethn

shal turne' them. Wisere man semeth wysere** to hym than L

hymself the to silf, prechinge.
here. c.
slowe semeth, than seuene men spekende seuene men spekynge sentensis. As he 17 n <>;, th

17 sentences. As he that cachith bi the that takith a dogge bi the eeris ; so he

eres a dogge ; so he that passeth, and that passith, and /* vnpacient, and is med-
k with the chiding of anothir manff. ether m
vnpacient shal be mengd with to the dlid 1 '
hce, that mal
isstrif of an other. As gilti he is, that As he is gilti, that sendith speris and is ith him !
, .
19 sendith speres and arwes in to deth ; so arowis in to deth ;
so a man that anoi- 19 an'a men. an

the man that gilendeli uo3eth to his eth gilefuli his frend, and whanne he is ^T'tha'tii
frend, and whan he were ca3t, shal sey, takun, he schal seie, dide pleiynge. Y
Lire here. c.
** semeth wisere in
; sekinge the reste of his fleisch, than excelent wise men. Lire here. c. ft chiding of anothir man ; that is, he that f
rith no wrong of an othir man, excitith him with whom he chidith with out cause, to bite him hi word ether dede. dide pleynge ; whanne Y
may not excuse the opyn malice of dede, he denyeth the malice of entent which is hid. to the ynneste thingis of the herte ; that is, he feyneth him
speke tor the loue of rijtfulnesse, ether for the good of him to whom he spekith, ether of whom he spekith ; but he purposith to anoye til to the ha
with foul silver ; that is, with the dros of siluer, as it is in Ebreu. bolnynge lippis ; that is, spekinge with bolnyng of pride, for vii. wickidnet

spare c. 8 Om. c. h Om. AEH. *

chaungen E pr. m.
k Om. AG pr. m. H.

w and as * z to b sendith CBFHNPUV.

Beting ben i. y to i. yy aftir i. him Ka. a aftir i.
c e
so is i. '1
wraththis i. the R. f
herre, ether heengis CEFGHiKMNPQRSuxva. hem up i.
2oPIeiende I dide. Whan wodis shuln Whanne trees failen, the fier schal be 20 ten hi,

failen, the fyr shal hen queynt 1

; and quenchid and whanne a priuy bacbitere

the groynere withdrawen, striues togi- is withdrawun,

As deed2i ofmalic ' th r
stryues resten. of wickidnewe.

21 dere resten. As deade colis to quyke .

coons at quic coolis, and trees at the fier <* delueth t


colis, and wode to fyr ;

so a wratheful so a wrathful man reisith
chidyngis. The22n*iy
22 man rereth striues. The wrdis of a wordis of a pryuei bacbitere ben as
groynere as simple; and thei comen thiii'3 ple and tho comen til h to the vnneste' tl "lt
ke i)ith "

23to m the inmostis of the herte. What ... ;

pnuyte. iror-
thingis of the herte. As if thou woltk 23 fA <"' /&? ;

maner as with foul siluer thou wilt ho- ourne a vessel of erthe with foul siluer

noure britil vessel so swellende lippis so ben bolnynge lippis
felouschipid with
24 with werst herte felashipid. In his 'the werste"1 herte. An is vndir-24 enemy
lippis is vndirstoiide the enemy, whan in stondun hise lippis, whanne he tretith

25 herte he hath tretid treccheries. Whan giles in the" herte. Whanne he > makith2s
he shal vndirputte his vois, ne 3iue thou low his vois, bileue thou not to
credence to hym ; for seuene wickid- for seuene wickidnessis ben in his herte.
1 1 tint' t

26 nesses ben in the herte of hym. Who The malice of hym that hilith hatrede 20 '?' fftorie "
the morewe ;

couereth hate gilendeli, shal ben opened gilefuli, schal be schewid in a counsel, that is, dilaye
TT thou not a good
27 the malice of hym in counseil. Who He , j ,
that delueth a diche, schal falle in to 27 werk, vndur

delueth a dich, shal falle in to it; and it ; and if a man walewith a stoon, it
who ouirturneth a ston, it shal ben a3een schal turne a3en to hym. fals tungi A
28 turned to hym. A deseyuable tunge loueth not treuth ; and a slidirP mouth nesse ; no man
Ifre this,
may si i

looueth not the treuthe ; and the slideri" worchith fallyngis. no but ful wiys
and pacient.
mouth werchith fallingis. Lire here. c.
f opyn reprett-
yg ; bi which
CAP. XXVII. CAP. XXVII. repreuyng
good cometh to
i Ne glorie thou in to the moru, vn- Haue thou not glorie oni the morewe*, i
him that ' re -

r preuyed. than
knowende what knowynge what thing the dai to
'not 8
the dai to ouercorne hue hid; that

2bringe forth. Preise thee an alien, and cornynge schal bringe forth. Another 2
not thi mouth ; a straunger, and not man, and not thi mouth preise thee a ;

athi lippis. Heuy is the ston, and chari- straunger, and not thi lippis
' l ^nreise
* thee 1 .
tcoundis of the
ous is the grauel ; but the wrathe of the A stoon heuy, and grauel is chariouse;s
is 'ouyere; that

, , -._...
but the ire of a fool is heuyere than euer
ben doon to
4 fool heuyere than either.
is amending of

hath not mercy, ne brekende out wod- eithir. Ire hath no merci, and" wood- 4

nesse and the bure of the stirid spirit

nesse brekynge out ''hath no merci v ; and
sbern who shall moun ? Betere is open who mai suffre the fersnesse of a spirit disseyuing of
him that is

6 amending, than hid looue. Betere ben stirid w ? Betere opyn repreuyngf, than 5
is kissed..

the woundis of the loouere, than the loue hid. Betere ben the woundis of hyniG [hat is/

7gileful kosses
of the hatere. The soule that loueth, than the gileful cossis of hym
comb the that hatith. A
man fillid schal dispise? n " oftb' c i

fulfild shal to-trede the hony ;

of hem ; and !: T-

soule forsothe hungrende also bitter for an hony coomb ; but an hungri man schal th is

stondun the
ssweete shal take. As a brid ouerpass- take, thing for swete. As as
3he, bittir malice of a pre-
lat, dispisynge
ende fro his nest, so a man that forsak- brid passinge ouer fro his nest, so is a the cure ether

geth his place. With oynement and di- man that forsakith his place. The herte 9
and of
oynement, and dyuerse odours
uers smellis deliteth the herte ;
and with delitith in ;
erthely tlungis.

goode counseilis of the frend the soule is and a soule is maad swete bi the good Lire here. c.

m unto AEGH. n
slyper A. ioye A.
quenchid AEGII.

hOm.a. PY. k woldist i. onouren PY. honoure a. ' m a ful wickid i. n his i.
ynnere M. innerest

1 of r that knowist not I.

sendith doun, ether makith lorn CEFGHiKMNpQHSuxYa. P sliper M. i,

Om. CGI. * Om. i. u ne i. v Oin. i. * yuel stirid i .

G 2

loswetid. Thi frend, and the frend of thi counsels of a frend. Forsake thou not 10 * answers

fader, ne leue thou ; and the hous of thi thi frend, and the frend of thi fadir; and \nsere that* ; is,

brother go thou not in, in the dai of thi entre thou not in to the hous of thi bro-
Betere is a ne3hebore bi- thir, in the dai of thi turment. Betere is
11 side, than a brother aferr. Studie to a neisbore nv3>
' "
than a brothir afer. Miiiynge himre-
sonably. Lire
wisdara, sone myn, and glade thou myn sone, studie thou a boute wisdom, and here. c.

herte ; that thou mowe to the repreuere make thou glad myn herte; that thou hu,ete. s aLt
i a>'
maist answere a word to a dispisere*.
laanswern a wrd. The felle seende euel ^&"
is hid ;
childer forth passende suf-
litle A fel man seynge
J o yuel was hid litle men
12 **'*.*'.
that doith is,
this Msm. Lire
isfreden hannys. Tac the clothing of of wit passinge forth suffriden harmes.
a straunger ;
behotith for Take thou awei his clooth, that bihi3tei3 iwith 'holdith;
hym, that
and for an alien tac awei to hym a wed. for a straunger ; and take thou awei a x itiftcTwith
holde fro h r
14 Who blissith to his ne3hebore with a wed fro hym for an alien man. He that 14 , ,!, ,
nysete. holdith
to the cursere blessith his f nei3bore with greet vois *<*,- and this
gret vois, fro ny3t risende, ...... , , .-it >
is inpossible,
io shal be lie. Rooues thur3 droppende in and risith bi 11131, schal be hjk hym that ether fui hard.
the dai of cold, and a womman ful of cursith. Roouys droppynge in the dai of i5,.,y/^/{ f r

lestrif ben comparisound togidere. Who coold, womman ful of chidyng

and a ben
"he ri^hond"

holdith hir, as he heelde wind and the ; comparisondy. He that withholdith i beitstre ned
hir, i6 neuere soy

17 oile of his ri3t side he auoide out. Iren as if he holdith 2 wynd ; and auoidith the tarde, gith

.,-..-hond. ,_

out; so a nvse
with iren is whettid out ;
and a oile of his ri3t is bi" 17 womman, how
iswhettith out the face of his frend. Who irun ;
and a man whettith the face of his "^ e

kepith a fige tree, shal ete the frutis of frend. He that kepith a fige tre, schal is "reyned, fynd-
ithweyes to do
it ; and who kepere is of his lord, shal ete the fruytis therof ; and he that is a yeie. Lire
hcTCt C.
19 ben glorified. What maner wise in wa- kepere of his lord, schal be glorified. As 19 so and the

trisa3een shinen the cheres of men lok- the cheris of men

biholdinge schynen in
ende ; so the hertes of men ben opened watris ;
so the hertis of men ben opyn
Helle and perdicioun men. Helle and 20 for whi coueyt-
20 to prudent men. to prudent perdicioun ise is not de-

neuere ben fulfild and the e3en of men ;

schulen not be fillid ;
so and the i3en of creessid, but
r u 11 -j A encreesid bi
21 vnfillable. What maner wise siluer is men$ moun
not be fillid. As -i
siluer is 21 thingis

preued in the 3eting

the furneis ;
so is

preued a
and gold in
man in the
preuyd in a wellyng
in a furneys ;
man is
so a
and gold
? bi '* a
ith, wher he is

mouth of preiseris. The herte of the bi the mouth of preyseris. The herte II veniivertuouse,
.... ... ether nay, if he
wicke sechith out euelis ;
the ri3t for- of a wickid man
sekith out yuels ; but a is not enhauns-

22sothe herte secheth out kunnyng. If ri3tful herte sekith out kunnyng. Thou3 22 bi'th'e "reusing
thou bete togidere a fool in a morter, as thou beetist a fool^[ in a morter, as with j",/^

hoolid barli smytende there vp on the a pestel smytynge

' '
aboue dried barli ; his betere the

truthe of the
pestel ;
shal not ben take awei fro hym foil schal not be don awei fro him. vertui

23 his folie. Bisili knowe thou the chere Kuowe thou diligentli the cheere of thi 23 eL-
of thi beeste ; and thi flockis behold. beeste**; and biholde thou thi flockis. For 24 |

24Forsothe thou shalt not ban continuelli thou schalt not haue power contynueli Ure

power but a crouneshal be 3olde to thee

; but a coroun schal be 3ouun to thee in the herte
n s vers s no - *

^ i
. r.
25 in ieneracioun of ieneraciouns. Opened generacioun and in to generacioun. Mede- 25 n Ebreu. Lire ;

ben the medwis, and apereden greene wis ben openyd, and greene eerbis apper-
erbis and gedered ben heys fro the hillis. iden and hey is gaderid fro hillis. *)f/
; ; he "',
schal not be
amendid, bi what euer chastising ethir beting moun. Lire here. c. ** the cheer
of thi beeste ; this is expowned of prelatis that ban cure of
soulis thus, knowe thou diligently the cheer of thi beeste ; that is,
the>liyf and condiciouns of men suget to thee. for thou 'schalt not haue pou-er to
amende hem contynuely ; that is, aftir deth. but a coroun, of w
glorie, schal be )ouun to thee, if thou vsist well the power bitakun to thee. Lire here. c.

as the E pr. m.

* the z b
i. y likned to gidre i. holde i. with i. Om. i. c beestist A. pownedist i.
aeLombis ben to thi clothing; and
geet to Lambren be tod thi and kid is 20
27 the pris of the feeld. Suffise to thee the be to the" prijs off feeld*. The mylke 27
mylc of got in to thi metes in to the ; of geete suffice to thee for thi* meetis in
necessaries of thin hous, and to liflode to to the necessarie of thin hous, and
priys of tlio,
thingis laliir that thou
thin hond wymmen. to lijflode to h thin tile fceldis now
handmaidis'f. had and bi

lambren and
CAP. XXVIII. CAP. XXVIII. kidii ben vn-
i The vnpitouse fleeth, no man pursu- A wickid man fleeth, whanne no man i
here, aim othere
beestis nedeful
ende ; the ri3twis forsothe as a leoun pursueth ; but a iust man as a lioun to liyflode. Lire
here. c.
2trostende without ferd shal be. For the tristyngej schal be with out ferdfulnesse. t liyflode to

synnes of the erthe manye princis of it ;

For the synnes of the lond ben many 2 may<n ; that

and for the wisdam of a man, and the 1

princis therof ; and for the wisdom of a
kunnyng of these thingus that ben seid, man, and for the kunnyng of these
3 the lif of a duk shal ben lengere. A thingis J fi that ben seid, the liif of the "yflode, and of
thyn hows, be
man pore chalengende pore men, lie is duyk schal be lengere
. A pore man 3 thou "<* *>'>
to hidous weder, in whiche is
to seke othere
greithid calengynge pore men, is
lyk a thingis more
hunger. Who forsaken the lawe, preisen grete reyn, wherynne hungur is maad
the vnpitous ; who kepen, shul ben tend redi. Thei that forsaken the lawe, preisen 4 .

avp a3en hym. Euele men thenken not an wickid man thei that
kepen "the ;

dorn ; who forsothe a3een sechen the lawe ben kyndlidP|| a3ens hym. Wickid 5

cLord, taken to heed alle thingus. Betere men thenken noti doom but thei that ;

isa pore man goende in his simplenesse, seken the Lord, perseyuen alle
than a riche man in his shreude weies. Betere is a pore man goynge in his
sym-fi ?-'"i
0011 '

7 Who kepith the lawe, a wis sone is ; pilnesse, than a riche man in schrewid
who forsothe glotounes fedith, shendith weies. He that
kepith the lawe, is a 7

s his fader. Who

kepith togidere richesses wijs sone ; but he that fedith** glotouns,
with vsures, and with free wynnyng of schendith his fadir. He that gaderiths
vsure, in to pore men he gedereth hem togidere richessis bi vsuris, and fre en-
thingis ;

9 togidere. Who bowith doun his eres,

creesf f , gaderith tho togidere a3ens pore that ben ned
ful to execu-
TT .
, . ,
that he here not the lawe ; his orisoun men. His preyer schal be maad cursid, 9 sioun, ethir
10 shal be maad cursful.
desceyueth Who that bowith awei his eereJt that he here 5 n*tfuh!esse

ri3te men in an euel

weie, in his deth not the lawe. He that disseyueth iust 10
7A^ erf ^ .

shal falle ; and simple men shuln welden men an yuel weye, schal falle in his
in in 8 Pn ding
catel therynne,

1 1 his goodis. wis man to hymself is A perisching and iuste men schulen welde
Lire here. c.
tt and fre en-
seen a riche man the pore forsothe ;
hise goodis. A ryche man semeth wijs to 1 1

12 prudent shal enserchen hym. In the ful him silf ; but a pore man prudent schal ether

out io3ing of ri3twis men myche glorie? serche him. In enhaunsing of iust men 12

regnende vnpitous men, fallingus ben

is ;
is miche glorie ; whanne wickid men out couenaunt.
Lire here. c.
13 of men. Who hidith his hidous giltis, regnen, fallyngis
of men ben*. He that is :: tha,

shal not ben ri3t reulid ; who forsothe hidith hise grete trespassis||||, schal not be
knoulechith and forsakith, mercy shal maad ri3tful ; but he that knoulechith and
ugete. Blisful the man, that euermor is forsakith tho u , schal gete merci. Blessidi4 fuU y> andwi th .
out remors ether
biting of con-
sience ; for it cometh of greet lust to do synne, that a man nyle kunne the lawe, lest bi kunnyng therof he be lettid of synne, ether
therfro. in an yuel weye that is, drawith hem to yuel, bi his councel. perisching; of dedly synne, and of hells. Lire here. c.
Aim that schal knovre his councel. Lire here', c. that hidith his grete trespassis ; in the doom of consience, that is confessioun. Ltre
; is, ||||

here. c.

P ioje E pr. m.

Om. b of '
hond maidens ixsa.
in to i. Om. M. fof the INQ pr. m. of thi KX. S s. i.

k there ben i. 1 of it j. m the lengere i. n

the i. it i. P leendid or stirid i. 1 not on i. r Om. i.

i. * ther ben i. " hem i.

* euer dred-
ferdful ;
who forsothe is of hard mynde, is the man, which euere dredeful*;
ful ; lest he
15 shal falle in to euel. A leoun rorende, but he that is harde of soule v , schal falley offende God in
. .
ony thing. Lire
and a here hurigrende, an vnpitous prince in to yuel. A rorynge noun ;, and an

is here. c.

16 on*! a pore puple. nedi duk of pru- A hungry here, is a wickid prince on a pore

dence manye shal opresse bi chalenge ; puple. A duyk nedi of prudence schal

who forsothe hatith auarice, long shul oppresse^ many men bi fals chalenge ; chargith not of
trespas ajeniis
be made the da3es of The man but the daies of hym that hatith aueryce, Goddis lawe,
17 hym. schal falle in to
that wrongfulli chalengith to the soule, schulen be maad longe. No man sus-
the blod of hym, if vn to the lake he teyneth a man that falsly chalengith the

no man susteneth 1
Who blood " of a man, if he fleeth til to x the li un > <*
is shul flee, ".
goth II

a houn deuour-

simpleli, shal ben saaf ; who in peruertid lake. He that goith simpli^i, schal be is ith beestis, so a

weies shal go, shal falle togidere at ones. saaf; he that goith bi weiward weies, Ipuiith h'ise

19 Who werchith his erthe, shal be fulfild schal falle doun onys**. He that worch-
with looues
^ er

with loeues; who folewith idil reste, shal ith his lond, schal be fillid ;
stonde him.

20 ben fulfild with nedynesse. A man feithful he that sueth be Lire here. c.
ydelnesse, schal fillid

myche shal ben preisid; who forsothe hee3-

with nedynesse. A feithful man schal be 20 presse, etc. ;

eth to be maad riche, shal not ben inno- preisid myche but he that hastithf f to

21 cent. Who 8
knowith in dom face, he this be maad riche, schal not be innocent J".
doth not wel ; and for a morsel of bred He that knowith a face in doomif, doith2i Hce,and hekan
not perseyue.
22 he forsaketh the treuthe. The man that not wel ;
forsakith treuthe, 3he,
this Lire here. c.

hee3eth to be maad riche, and to othere for a mussel of breed. man that hast- 22 A that^is, ekith

men enuyeth ;
vnknowith that nedinesse ith to be maad riche, and hath enuye to dertTofa'inan

23 come vp on to hym. Who chastiseth a othere men woot not that nedinesse schal
Lire here. c.
f symph ;

man, grace aftir shal find anent hym ;

come on hym. that repreuetn a man,23is, He
more than he that bi flateringus of tunge schal fynde grace aftirward at z hym; more ** schai ///<?'

24bigilith. Who
withdrawith any thing than he that disseyueth bi flateryngis of
fro his fader and moder, and seith that tunge. He that withdrawith ony thing 24
not to ben synne, parcener is of a man fro his fadir and fro his modir, and seith *.
. . ft that hastith,
25sleere. Who bostith of hymself, and that this is no synne, is parcener of a etc.; coueytinge

spredeth abrod, sterith striues ; who for- manquellere. He that auauntith^ hym 25"'
and alargith, reisith 3 stryues
sothe hopeth in the Lord, shal be saued. silf, ;
but he ^
26 Who trostith in his herte, is a fool ; who that hopith in the Lord, schal be sauvd.
smguler fa-

forsothe goth wisly, he* shal ben preisid. He that tristith in his herte||||, is a fool ;
26 myiiante, more
. . .. . than is rijtful.
27 Who
3iueth to the pore, shal not neden ;
, , ,
but he that goith wiseli, schal be preysid.
, , .

27 Lire here. c.

who dispiseth the preiere louli, shal suf- He that 3yueth to a pore man, schal not be f* nmgnenynge
28fre scarnesse. Whan vnpitous men shuln nedi ; he that dispisith

pore man* bi-


se "^"Ts
risen, men shul ben hid and whan thei
; sechynge, schal suffre nedynesse. Whanne 28 ether dedis.
Lire here. c.
ban pershid, the ri3twise shul ben mul- vnpitouse men risen, men schulen be hid ; lljl
tristitli in
his herte ; that
tiplied. whanne tho d ''vnpitouse men e ban perisch- is, ouer myche
in his owne wit.
id, iust men schulen be multiplied. is a fool ; for
he is
tuouse and
CAP. XXIX. CAP. XXIX. proud, and
_._- pride makith
i To the man, that the chastisere with Sodeyn penschyng^Hl schal come on
hard noil dispisith, feerli deth shal come that man, that with hard nol dispisith a L^Tere"^.
^H[ Sndeyn pe-
; of body and of soule. with hard nol ; that
is, an ohstynat soule. helthe schal not sue him ; for his synne is vncurable, for it is
rischynff a spice of
synne ajenus the Hooly Goost, which synne is seid vnable to be fonouun, that is, is not able to be forjouun eseli, ethir of ful hard to be forjouun.
Lire here. c.

up on AEGH. r shal susteynen E pr. m. s Who forsothe E pr. m. * Om.

v of hard herte i. w i. * vn to y giltlees i. z anentis i. reisith b him i.

susteyne i.
up i.
c and whanne i. d thei i. the s. * Om. i.
XXIX. 2 19. PROVERBS. 47

vp on to hym and hym

; helthe shal not blamere; and helth schal not sue hym. ane ,, elc . t

afolewe. In the multepliyng of ri3twis The comynalte schal be glad in the inulti- 2 h<
h [ ^"j-','^,,
men shal gladen the comun ; and whan pliyng of iust men whanne wickid men ; !"
e werki *'
, . . . withdraw-
vnpitous men ban taken princehed, the i
han take prinshod, the puple schal ingefrohimthe
3 puple shal weilen. The man that loou- A man that loueth wisdom, makith glad 3 he

eth wisdam, gladith his fader ; who for- his fadir ; but he that nurschith 'an
sothe nurshith an hoore, shal leese sub- hoore f , schal leese catels. A iust kine4 man
<>f ne|k.
Aiu "
4staunce. A
ri3twis king rereth vp the
. ,

reisith the lond ; an auerouse man schal tbat u >


lond ; an auerous man shal destro3en it. distrie it. A man that spekith bi (later- s
5 The man that with flateryng and feyned
ynge and feyned wordis to his frend ;

wrdis spekith to his frend ; a net spred- spredith abrood a net* to hise steppis.
' 1

me n ^u^"
6 ith to his goingis. The sinnende wicke A snare schal wlappe a wickid man do-c notdowel
Lire here. c. 1

man a grene shal inwrappe and the ; ynge synne and a iust man schal preise, ;

7ri3twise shal preisen, and io3en. The and schal h make ioye. A iust man know- 7
ri3twise kne3
the vnpitous vnknowith kunnyng men.
the cause of pore men ; ith the cause of pore
man knowith
men ; an' vnpitouse ^
not kunnyng. Men ful ofs *

Bacbitende scateren the cite ; wise men pestilence distryen

a citee '; but wise men the fo01 wher -

>*l that is, the

9 forsothe turnen awei wodnesse. A wis
turnen awei woodnesse. It a wijs man 9
.. .

wise man.

man if with a fool shul striue ; whethir stryueth with a foolf ; whether k he be 1

he Ia3he, or wrathe, he shal not finde wrooth, 'ether he

m he schal not
Iei3ith ,

icreste. Men of blodis hateden the sim- fynde reste. Menquelleris haten a simple u
swetely. reite ;
ple ; ri3twis men forsothe sechen the man; but iust men seken his soule. A 1 1 that is, amend-

1 1 soule of hym. Al his spirit bringeth fool bringith forth al his spirit; a wise Menquelleris;

forth the fool ; a wis man berth ouer, man dilaieth, and reserueth in to tyme bk>odisthat is,

12 and kepith vnto afterward. A prince comynge afterward. A prince that herith 12

that gladli hereth the wrdis of lesing ; wilfuli the wordis of a" leesyngj:; schal
man ; that is,

isalle the mynystris hath vnpitouse. The haue allemynystris vnfeithfulP. A pore
doublenesse of
, .... .,

pore and the creaunsour metten togi- man and a leenere metten hem silt ; the gii e. teken AW

dere ; of either the Ii3tnere is the Lord. Lord is Ii3tnere of euer ethir. If

" demeth pore men

alle y t
H The king that demeth in treuthe pore kyng
in treuthe; his ,'"%'! f 'j
vnfeithful; for
maad th <>y *en to
men the trone of hym in to withoute trone schal be stidfast with outen

isende shal be fastned. 3erde and correc- ende. A ...

3erde and chastisyng schal 3yuei5suehimofsiche
, plese him, and

. , i.ii i i wordis of flatr-

i ,. i i-. .

cioun shal 3elde wisdam ; the child for- wisdom ; but a child, which is left to his yng and Of bac-

sothe, that is laft to his wil, confoundith wille r , schendith his modir. Grete
passis schulen be multiplied in the mul-
16 In the multipliyng of vnpit-
his modir. pur-
suede Dauytb,
ous men shuln ben multiplied hidous tipliyng of wickid men ; and iust men
for 'he flater-

giltis and the fallingis" of hem ri3twis schuleri se the fallyngis of hem. Techei7andotheremen

1 7 men shul see. Lerne thi sone, and he thisone, and he schal coumforte thee ; c.

shal refreshen thee and he shal 3iue ;

and he schal 3yue delicis to thi soule. j^^^.'
isdelices to his soule. Whan prophecie Whanne prophesie faylith, the puple schal w that of it, Hater-
ing and of bac-
shal faile, the puple shal ben scaterid ; be distried but he that kepith the lawe,
; biting. Lire

who forsothe kepith the lawe, is blisful. is blessid. A seruaunt|| mai not be tau3t 19 a* Lord
/ /

19 The seruaunt in wrdis mai not ben bi wordis ; for he vndirstondith that that fo'r''hTen pirith

lerned ;
for that that thou seist, he vn- thou seist, and 8 1
dispisith for to answere.
releeue the pore man ; and wille to the pore man, to preye for the riche man. Lire here. c. A seruaunt ; vnbuxum and rebel.
Lire Here. c.

falling A.

h k wher CEGHMNPQRUXY. is not CEGH '

* a strumpett i. his catel i. Om. i. and an cs. as Q.

KMNPQBSUX pr. TO. Ya. is x sec. m. " wher he leijith CEGHIKMNPQRUXY. or leije i. whether he lei;-
r omen wille i. s and he i.
ith sa. n Om. i. his seruauntis i. P vnpitous x sec. m. marg. 1 tbat i.
t Om. i.

w and to answern he dispisith. Thou hast seyn a man swift to speke ; foli2o* He that tak-
, ith part with a
20 Hast thou seen a man swift to speken? schal be hopid more than his amendyng. iheef, etc. , in

folie more is to ben hopid than the cor- He that nurschith his seruaunt delicatli 21

21 reccioun of hym. Who delicatli fro fro childhod ;

schal fynde hym rebel aftir-

childbed* nurshith his seruaunt ; after- ward. A wrathful man territh chidingis; o2 firste
22 ward shal feelen hym vnobeisaunt. The and he that is Ii3t to haue indignacioun, UK hi
T ether suget to
man wratheful stireth striues ;
and he schal be more enclynaunt to synnes. Low- 23 do thefte the ;

han indignacioun, shal be

that is Ii3t to nesse sueth a proude man; and glorie schal

23 to synnes more redi. The proude man vp

take a meke man of spirit. He that24g?retodothefte
in consent- iii.

lounesse folewitfay; and the meke man in takith part with a theef*, hatith his inge, where
. it schulde not
24 spirit shal resceyue. with a Who soule ;
he herith a man chargynge f be don with out
theef is parcener, hatith his soule ;
the greetli, and schewith not. He that dred- 25 Jjj*

adiurere he hereth, and not she with. ith a man, schal falle soon u ; he that
clslllgtj d |)1

25 Who dredith a man, soone shal falle; who hopith in the Lord, shal be reisid. Many2c
theef ether . a
hopith in the Lord, shal ben vp
rerid. men seken the face of the prince and the in ressettinge a ;
- .1 theef, ether his , , ., /

26 Manye sechen the face of the prince ; doom of alle men schal go forth or the thefte ;vi. in
and dom of eche z shal gon out fro the Lord. lust men han abhomynacioun of 27 ^hTunVh'" '

27 Lord. Ri3twis men wlaten the vnpitous a wickid man and wickid men han abho-;
seeth thefte
which he doon,
man and vnpitous men wlaten hem,
; mynacioun of hem, that ben in a ri3tful my;te lette bi

speking, ether
that ben in the ri3t weie. The sone weye. A
sone kepyngej a word, schal cry ; vii. in not
putting forth
kepende the wrd shal ben out of perdi- be out of perdicioun. him silf and
lettinge not
i cioun. The wrdis of the gederere, vo- thefte, whanne
he is holdun
mende sone.
herto, as a iuge,
ether kepere of

CAP. XXX. CAP. XXX. the lond



The viseoun that a man spac, with The wordis of hym that gaderith, ofi
quering is maad
whiche is God, and that, God with hym the sone spuynge. The prophesie which w v therof, that it

2wonende, coumfortid, seith, Most fool I a man spak, with whom God was, and" heknowithsum
thing therof,
am of men and the wisdam of men is
which man y was z
coumfortid bi God and schewith

dwellyng with hym, and seide, Y am 2

3 not with me. I lernede not wisdam and ;

4 1
knew3 the kunnyng of seintus. Who the moost fool|) of men; and the wisdom
Y lernede not 3
^ th efte Lire

ste3ide vp in to heuene, and who cam of men is not with me. \

that is, enquer-
doun ? Who with heeld spirit in his wisdom ; and
Y knew not the kunnyng of ing thefte,
-.IT, dur the peyne
hooh men. Who stiede in to heuene, and 4
, , . , ,
hondis ? who bond togidere watris as in O f curs, ether in
other maner
Who cam doun ? Who helde togidere the spirit
a cloth ? rerede alle the termes of Lire here. c.
What name in hise hondis ? who bonde togidere wa- + a sone kep-
the erthe ? is of hym ? and iny, etc. ,*
what name of the sone of hym, if thou tris as in a cloth ? Who reiside alle the vers not in
Ebreu. Lire

a knewe ? Eche sermoun of God firid

, a endis of erthe ? What is name b of hym ? here. c.
that gader~
tisheld it is to alle hoperis in itself. Ne and what is the name of his sone, if thou ith, etc. , Salo-

adde thou any thing to the wordis of knowist? Ech word of God is a schelds
b and spuynge,
hym ; and thou be vndernome, and set a fiere, to alle that hopen in hym. signefie the

greetnesse of
wisdom gaderid in him, and the excelence of his teching. Lire here. c. ||
Y am
the moste fool; Salomon hi the Hooly Goost bifor si;, that
simple men not lettrid schulden be lijtned of God in thingis that perteynen to helthe of sonlis ; and this in the tyme of Crist ; and of sich a
symple man seith Salomon, Y
am the moste fool of men, that is, vnlettrid and symple. and the wisdom of men ; that is, wisdom of temporal
gouernail of inennus thingis, w not with me. Y
lernede not wisdom ; that is, kunnyng of filosotie. and knew not the kunnyng of seyntis ; that Y
disposith to euerlastinge helthe. Who
stiede in to heuene and cam doun ; that is, it is God that gouerneth heuenly thingis and erthli thiiigis, and God
the Fadir, and God his Sone, hen with out not knowe this bi worldly wisdom, but this is knowun oneli
bigynnyng and ende. And a filosofore may
by Goddis wisdom. Lire here. c.

w vndurstondith AH. * his childbed E pr. m. y hatith E sec. m. z echon AEGH. a is firid A.
Mt E pr. m.

u soone v visioun ether w * the

fro rtyfulnesse N. profecie CEFGHKMNpQRSuxva. visioun i. that i. i.
y a man A pr. m. T. z Qm. i. a Om. i. b
the name i.
XXX. 7 23- PROVERBS. 49
7 founde a liere. Two thingus I prejede Adde thou not* ony thing to the wordis e
ne denien thou to me, er I die.
to thee ; of hym, and' thou d be repreued, and be
and c
sVanyte lesing wrdis fer do awei foundun a liere. I preiede* thee twei?
fro me ; beggerie arid richessis ne 3iue thingis ; denye not thou f
to me, bifor that word - mo "" '*
ir addid wel and
thou to me ; 3if orili to my liflode nede- i
die. Make thou i /
rer fro me vanytes
ful thingus ;
lest par auenture I fulfild, be and wordis of leesyng ; 3yue thou not to
draweii to denyen, and seie, Who is the me beggeryKf and richessis; 3yue'' thou
Lord ? and thui 3 nede constreyried, stele,- v necessaries to
,.. a , , ipekith thii in
my hjflode lest per- 9 ; the pei-wone of

10 and forswere the name of my God. Ne auenture Y be fillid and be drawun to


acuse thou a seruaunt to his lord, lest denye, and k seie, Who is the Lord ? and
par auenture he curse to thee, and thou lest Y 1
cornpellid bi nedynesse,
' stele, and P" de < nether
ad.iereite with
1 1 falle. Jeneracioun is, that to his fader torswere the name ot my God. Accuseioomgrucching.
cursith, and that to his moder blisseth thou notj a seruaunt to his lord, lest per- j Acaueihou
12 not. Jeneracioun that to hymself clene auenture he curse thee, and thou falle
j^'io'but fw a
is seen, and neuer the latere it is not doun. A generacioun that cursith his 1 1 !"" C8 ""e - Ure

iswasshe fro his filthis. Jeneracioun of the fadir, and that blessith not his modir. A 12
whiche ben the e3en and the 636 lidis of generacioun that semeth cleene to it silf,
u it in to he3e thingus vp rerid. Jenera- and netheles is not waischun fro hise
cioun that for teth hath swerdis, and filthis. A generacioun whose i3en ben 13
opMi wittTwt
chewith with his wang teth ; that he ete
fro the erthe, and pore men

and the he
liddis therof ben reisid
A generacioun that
'J* 11
u Lire here.
in the
&n " hppis.

is fro men. Waterlechis two ben do3tris, hath swerdis for teeth, and etith with hise *./ th h,

Bring on, bring on. Thre wank teeth ; that it ete nedi men of erthe,
thingus ben vnfillable, and the ferthe, and the rporails of men. The watir Iechei5!'fnLire
" eue refill
here. c. id.

that seith neuermore d It suffisith , ; hath twei" dou3tris II, seiynsre, Brynee, that is,

. .
and couetise. K.
ihelle, and the mouth of a womman bnnge. Thre thingis ben vnable to be H heiie, etc.;

wombe, and the erthe that neuer is fild fillid, and the fourthe, that seith neuere, that were
with water fijr forsothe neuermor e ; It suffisith; belief, and the mouth of the

, It suffiseth. The 636 that scorn- wombe, and the erthe which is neuere dra e
himsilf. of
^ ne

eth the fader, and that dispiseth the fillid with water ; but fier seith neuere, It the wombe ,-

birthe of his moder, pecken hym out suffisith. Crowis of the stronde picke out
* n - Li "
crowis of the stremes and ete hym the ; thilke 136, that scorneth
the fadir, and
issonus of the egle. Thre thingus ben that dispisith the child beryng of his
hard to me, and the ferthe outerli I modir ; and the briddis of an egle ete of Crist, in hi
assencion. teeye

19 knowe not the weie of an egle in he- ; that 136. Thre thingis ben hard to me, is of a serpent ;
uene, the weie of the shadewe eddere and outirli Y knowe not the fourthe tauTiM^
oi\ a ston, the weie of a ship in the thing; the weye of an egle** in heuene.w^^j
myd' se, and the weie of a man in his on a stoon, the weie t ' ''>
the weie of a serpent
* *"_*?'
01 Crist, in his

20 waxende 3outhe'. Such is the weie of thej of a schip in the myddil of the see, and conuersacioun
in the world.
womman auoutresse, that etith, and wip- the weie of a man in 3ong wexynge age. of a man; that

ende hir mouth, seith, I haue not wro3t Siche is the weie of a womman auow- 20
-.'I euel. Bi thre thingus is moued the erthe, tresse, which? etith, and wipith hir mouth,
2-2 and the ferthe it
mai not sustene ; bi a and seith, Y wrou3te not yuel. The erthe 21

seruaunt, whan he regneth ; bi a fool, is moued bi thre thingis, aridi the fourthe
, .
Virgyn. Lire
a Where,
thing, which not susteyne
z:\ whan he were fulfild with mete ; bi an bi
it may ; c.

d euermore A. e Om. E f that seith not E

pr. m.
pr. m. up
c wordis c sec. m. cc the helpeles A.
k that it E
on AEGH. h
myddel AEGH. 3ongth A passim. J a AEGH. pr. m.

dQm. i. e f thou hem g beggyng hj/ 3 yuei. '

fultillid i.
k and Y c.
and*oi. preie BPY. i. i.

Y be i. m and stele i. n two i
passim. that i. P that i. 1 and bi i.


* A
hateful womman, whan she were taken seruaunt, whanne he regneth ; bi a fool, noun
. . slronyesle of
in to matrimoyne ;
and bi an hand wom- whanne he is nlhd with mete ; bi an 23 beestis that ,- is,

niaii, whan she were eir of hir ladi. hateful womman, whanne sche is takun
24Foure thingus ther ben the leste of in matrymonye and bi an handmaide, ;

erthe and thei ben wisere than wise
whanne sche is eir of hir ladi. Foure ben 24'**,
of Perseys, ne-
25 men amptis, a feble puple, that greithen
the leeste thingis of erthe, and tho ben theies cok is not
,. , , in Ebreu. a
26 in rep time mete to them ; a litil hare, a wisere than wise men; amtis, a teble 25 ram .
, nat ,

folc vnmy3ti, that in a ston his bed set- puple, that maken redi mete in heruest to
27 tith ;
a king the locuste hath not, and it hem a r hare, a puple vnmy3ti, that2ej re
silf ;

28 out
cumpanyes a lisard
alle bi settith his bed in a stoon; a locust h&thw king aw*
goth ;
whom no man
with hondis cleueth, and he dwellith in no kyng, and al goith out bi cumpanyes schai reise the ;

29 the housis of a king. Thre thingus ben

an euete enforsith with hondis, and dwell- as 8in Ebrea* j

that weel gon, and the ferthe, that goth ith in the housis of kingis. Thre
thingis 29 'yhom'no'man
30 welsumly. A leoun, most strong of bestes,
schal moun
ben s that goon wel, and
the fourthe thing,
B asenstonde;
at a3en coomyng" of noon sbal dreden ;
that goith richeli *. A
lioun, strongeste of so and this signe-
fieth the rewme
, ,

31 a cok
gyrd vp the leendis, and a ram, beestis*, schal not drede at the meetyng
and ther not that withstonde to hym.
is of ony man
a cok gird the leendis, and 31
; \

' he wmes bi -
32 And that fool shal seme, aftir that he is a ram, and noon is" that schal a3enstonde
lorgomge. ap-
rerid vp in to hee3 ; if forsothe he hadde him. Hef that apperith a fool, aftir foli i

vnderstonden, to his mouth he hadde put he is reisid an hi3 ; for if he hadde vn- more in a fool,
whanne he is
33 on hond. Who
forsothe strongli threst- durstonde, he hadde sett hond on his set in an hi}

eth tetes, to drawen out mylc, threstith mouth. Forsothe he that thristith strongli
he hadde be
out buttere and who hugeli srnytetb,
; teetis, to drawe out mylk, thristith out
stille vnauauns-

drawith out blod and who terreth ;

botere $ ; and he that smytith greetli, id. Lire here. c.

wrathis, bringeth forth discordis. The drawith out blood ; and he that stirith
han here and
wrdis of Lamuel, the king ; the si3te in iris, bringith forth discordis. he, inEbreu is
not and ; for
2whicheP hisi moder ta3te hyrn. What my the sentence of
leef ? my leef of what my wombe ? this vers is not

what my leef of my vouwis ? CAP. XXXI. couplid to that,

that goith lii-
fore. Lire here,
The wordis of Lamuel, the king $ ; the i c.

CAP. XXXI. bi which his modir tai^te hym. t botere ; that

visioun|| is, mater sad-
s Ne 3iue thou to wirnmen thi sub- What my * derlyng
? what the derlyng of 2 that schulde not

staunce, and
thi s
richesses to ben don my wombe_ ? what the derlyng of my
. . .
be thnstid out.
Lire here. c.
4 awei kingus. Wile thou not to kingus, desiris ? 3yue thou not thi catel to wym-s Lamuel, the
O Lamuel, wile thou not to kingus 3iue
men, and thi richessis to do awei kyngis^[. Salomon, i!*
muel in-
win ; for no priuyte is, where drunke- A! Lamuel, nyle thou 3iue wyn**
wyn** to 4
terpretid, with

v where drunke- whom God

snesse regneth. Lest par auenture thei kingis for no pryuete is is,
; ,
for God was
drinken,and foi^eten dornes,and chaungen nesse regneth. Lest perauenture thei 5 with Salomon
in the bigyn-
tithe cause of the sonus of the pore. 3iueth
drynke, and for3ete domes, and chaunge nyng of his
rewme. Lire
mornende men, and win to hem
cither to the cause of the sones of a pore man. here. c.
the vinoun ;
7 that ben in bitter inwit. Drinke thei, 3vue
' sidurif to hem that inorenen, and 6 \\

that is, tething

and for3ete thei of ther nedynesse and ; wyn to hem that ben of bitter soule. ether biamyng.
Lire here. c.
of ther sorewe* recorde thei no more. Drinke thei,and for3ete thei her nedi-;
kyngi*; Ebrevs
aOpene thi mouth to the doumbe, and to nesse ; and thenke thei no more on her sey e,,, to make
fatte kingis ;
and this acordith betere to the lettre
suynge. Lire here. c. wyn, etc. ; that is, to drynke ouer mesure. Lire here. c. (( yyue }e s'ulur ;
that is, drynk able to make dmnkun. Lire here. c.

the erthe AEGH. m there ben A. n the Om. AEGH.
33611 comyng AGH. c. P the vvhiche
r ne AG pr. m. H.
<1 is c. s Om. A. t sorewis A. sorewen GH.

r an s
i. ther ben i. *
richeli, ether bi prospcrite CKFGHKMNpQRSuxva. richeli, or ivelsumly i.
u ther is i. v ther is i.
XXXI. 9 28. PROVERBS. 51

a the causes of alle sones that passen, operie sorewe. Opene thi mouth* for a doumb 8 u,i
thou thi mouth. Deme that is n'3twis, man, and opene thi mouth for the causes o
and venge the helpeles and the pore. of alle sones that passen Deme
\oAleph. A
strong womman who shal thou that that is iust, and derne thou a tlmt '*"" not
- plete in hi>
finde? aferr and u fro the utmost v endis
. ,

nedi manf and a pore man. Who schaliocauw. Lire

lithe pris of hir. Beth. Trosteth in hir fynde a stronge womman $? the prijs of m
?7ha 't'p<u,
the herte of hir man ; and spoiles he her is fer, and fro the laste endis. The )
12 shal not neden. Gimel. She shal 3elde herte of hir hosebond tristith in hir: and Kn e ho B ' ">u
the lond. l.irr
to hyra good, and not euel, alle the da3es sche w schal not haue nede to spuylis*. *<:.
a -L i_ i i i i t deme thou a
is of hir lif. Deleth. She so3te wile and oche schal 3elde to hym good, and not yuel, i2n</i man, etc.;

and wro3te bi the counseil of hir

flax ; in alle the daies of hir lijf. Sche 8003* W
u hondis. He. She is mad as a ship of wolle and flex and wrou3te bi the coun-

aferr Sche is maud as the re that han

a marchaund, fro bringende hir sel of hir hondis. 14 P. >
a iust cause.
10 bred. Van. And fro the ny3t she ros, schip of a marchaunt, that berith his Lire here. c.

and homli men, and metis

3af prei to hir breed fro fer. And sche roos bi ny3t, and is womman; Cn.
16 to hir hand wymmen. Zay. She beheeld 3af prey|| to hir meyneals, and metis to
a feeld, and bo3te it ; of the frut of hir hir handmaidisy. Sche bihelde a
i7hondis she plauntide a vyne. Heth. She and bou3te it; of the fruyt of hir hondis ende,ofhooiy
. chirche, which
girde to with strengthe hir leendis, and sche plauntide a vyner. Sche girde z hir 17 w
is made stalwrthe hir arm. Teth. She leendis with strengthe, and made strong

ing of hir
533, for
shall not
good is

ben quenchid in the

the chaffar- hir arm. Sche taastide, and si3 a, that hir is
marchaundie was good hir lanterne schal ir 80 " es and

dotijtns ben


iyny3t the lanterne Hir

of hir. Joth. not be quenchid in the ni3t. Sche putte lu Oisten men
bond she putte to stronge thingus, and
1-1 I. i-'^r 11- ail<
hir hondis to stronge thmgis^), and hir and this is the
^ ;

20 hir fingris ca3ten the spindle. Ccif.

Hir fyngris token the spyndil. Sche openyde 20 standing" u
hir hond to a nedi man, and
hond she openede to the helpeles, and stretchide
hirpaumes she stra3te out to the pore. forth hir hondis to a pore man. Sche2i isresonable
and set opmly
21 Lameth. She shal not drede to hir hous schal not drede for hir hous of the cooldis in the comyn'

of coldys of sno3 ;
alle forsothe hir of snow ; for alle hir meyneals ben clothid Salomon seith,

homli x men ben? clad z with double. with double clothis. Sche made to hir 22
22 Men. A rai cloth she made to hir ; a ray cloth ; bijs c and purpur is the cloth

bijsand purpre the clothing of hir. of hir. Hir hosebonde is noble in the23thehosebonde
of this wom-
23 Num. Noble in the 3ates the man of hir, 3atis, whanne he sittith with the senatours man, is a stu.
whan he shal sitte with the senatoures of erthe. Sche made lynnun cloth, and 24 m hody scn>
24 of the erthe. Sameth. Sendel she made, selde- and 3 af a girdil to a Chananei**.
and solde and a litil girdil she toe to
; Strengthe and fairnesse the ee clothing is

2aCanane. Ayn. Strengthe and fairnesse hir; and sche schal leise in the laste dai. wymmen weren
ful studiouse in

the clothing of hir and she shal Ia3hen

Sche openyde hir mouth to wisdom and 26 hooly Scripture. ;

o u . Lire here. c.
. . i .

26 in the laste dai. Fee. Hir mouth she the lawe of merci is in hir tunge. Sche 27 3af prey ,

openede to wisdam and the lawe of ;

bihelde the pathis of hir hous ; and sche
ltere c
noble merci in the tunge of hir. Sade. eet not Hir sones risiden f 28 Lire
breed idili. ,
- -

H to strange
and and prechiden hir moost blessid hir Mngis; in
27 She beheeld the pathis of hir hous ;
,, Ebreu to . . it is,

as idil bred she eet not. Cof. Ther risen hosebonde roos, and preiside hir. Many 29 the
the sones of hir, and most blisful prech- dou3tris gaderiden richessis ;
thou pass-
ith wel herto.

Hre ** and this acordith more to the lettre l>iforgoing*. Lire here. c.
here. c. to a Cananey ; Ebreys seven, to a marchaunt ;

Om. A. v vttermoost AGH. w hond c. * deboner E pr. m. y she A. z clothide AGH.

b the i. c
w he I. robries I. y handmaidens I. z
girdide i. a
sauj I passim. bijs, ether ti'tnyt
e ee in the B. { risen E. resen i.
a lynun c. solde it i. up

H 2
52 PROVERBS XXXI. 29 31.

eden ; and the man of hir preiside hir. idist*? alle. Fairnesse is disseiuable grace, 30
29 Rets. Manie do3tris gedereden richesses ; and veyn thilke womman, that dredith

aothou ouerpassedist alle. Syn. Desceyu- the Lord, schal be preisid. 3yue 36 to 31
able grace and veyn is fairnesse ; the hir of the fruyt h of hir hondis and hir ;

wormnan dredende the Lord, she shal be werkis preise hir in the 3atis.
3i preisid. Thau. 3i ue th to hir of the
frut of hir hondis ; and preisen hir in Here endith the book of Prouerbis, and
the 3ates hir werkis. here biginneth Ecclesiastes 1

8 hast ouer passid i. h frutis E. '

From CHNSX. Here enden Prouerbis, and here bygynneth Ecclesiastes. f.
Here endith the book of Prouerbis, and bigynneth a prolog on Ecclesiasles. G. Heere endith the book of
Prouerbis, and biginnith Ecclesiastes. IQ. Here eendeth the booc of Prouerbis ; se now the prolog in the
booc of Ecclesiasles, that is toseie, booc of lalkere to thepuple,ortogidere calle\re]. K. Here endith the book
of Prouerbis, and here bigynneth the book of Ecclesiastes, that tretilh also of wisdom and prudence, and
nedilh noon other prologe. M. Here endith the Prouerbis, and here bigynneth Ecclesiastes. u. Here eend.
ith the Parablis, and
bigynneth the prolog on Ecclesiastes. a. No final rubric in AEPRY.

Heere gynneth* the prologe in the hoc of Ecclesiastes, that is to b

sey, boc of
talker to the puple, or togidere clepere.

THIS almost the fifte 3eer, whan jit I was at Rome, that Eclesiasten I shulde reden
to Seint Blesill, that hir I shulde stire to the c dispising of thes d world, and that she
shulde sett al that in the world she beholdith 6 , to ben for nojt, I ee haue mynde, me
prejid of hir, that in to* maner of ah
short exposicioun alle the hard thingus I shulde
clerli expoune, that, withoute me, she myjte vnderstonde that 1 she radde ; and so for j

in the firste greithing of oure were, she withdrawen with sodeyn deth, and k , Paule O !

and Eustoche, wee ha m such a felawe of oure lif, and with so myche
deserueden not to1
wounde smyten, thanne I becam doumb. Now in Bethlem set, that is, in n a streitere
cite, I 3eelde that I owe and to the mynde of hir and to jou this shortli doende to ;

witen, that the autorite of no man I folewede, but translatende? fro Ebru most I con-

foormede me
custum of the Seuenti Remenoures, in these thingus onli that not
to the
myche fro Ebruesi they discordeden Otherwhile also I recordid of Aquile, also and

of Simake, and of Theodocian", that I shulde not feren the studi of the redere with to

myche newenesse, ne, onu the otherv side, the welle of treuthe left, ajen my concience
I shulde togidere folewen the stremes of opinyouns.

Here endeth the prolog of Ecclesiastes ; se now the boocw .

d the c e ee and I L. f for ILR.

begynnelh AEGII.
^ the book A. c Om. c. pr. in. tit. behalt c pr.
g two L. Om. LR.
h that that i.
> J fro L. Om. i. k Om. !han ABGH. A.hauem ILR. Om. i.
o /. P ful H. q Ebrew A. r discorden i. s Theodosi L. ' seete L. "inn.
streijt translatynge
tother AGIIILR. w From i. Here eendith the prolog, and biginneth the firsts chapitre. L. Heere eendith
the prolog, and Ecclesiastes. R.
bigynneth No final rubric in the other Mas.

Hcer gynneth the booc*. Here bigynnetk Ecclesiastes 3 -

The worths ;

for many men

CAP. I. CAP. I. erriden in the
mater of blis of

The wrdis of Ecclesiastes, sone of The wordis*
of Ecclesiastesf, sone ofi

aDauid, king of Jerusalem. Vanite of Dauid, the" kyng of Jerusalem. The*"*

of vanytees, seide Ecclesiastes; richessis, othen
vanites, seide Eclesiastes ; vanite of va- vanyte i men seiden in
anytes, and alle thingus vanyte. What the vanyte of vanytees,
and alle thingis delices, othere
men seiden in
hath a man more ouer of b al his tra- ben vanite. What hath a man more of alle 3 onours, and so
uaile, that he trauaileth vnder the sunne? his trauel, bi which he traueilith vndur
4 Jeneracioun goth, and ieneraciouncometh; the c sunne ? Generacioun d passith awei, in present
the erthe forsothe in to with oute ende and e generacioun cometh ; but the erthe hi mannus tra-
i i . mi ue ' ' therfoi'
n stant c . The sunne risith vp, and goth stondith with outen ende. 1 he sunne 5 Salomon nchew.
doun, and to his place turneth a3een ; risith,and goith doun, and turneth a3en that"mwin^
(iand there 336611 risende goth aboute bi to his place; and there it risith 33611, ande !'
?'<'* not
in siche goodis,

the south, and turneth 336611 to the north. cumpassith bi the south, and turneth a3en but in God,
which is
Entiyrounemle alle thingus the spirit in to the north. The spirit cumpassynge with outen

cumpas passeth, and in to his cercles alle thingis goith 'in cumpas f and turneth
7 turneth a3een. Alle flodis entren in to a3en in to hise cerclis. Alle floodis entren 7
the se, and the se redound ith not to ;
in to the see, and the see fletith not ouer kunnyng, for
kunnyng getun
the place whennes the flodis wenten out, the markis set of God ; the floodis turnen bi
inannus weye
thei turnen a3een, that eft thei flowen a3en to the place fro whennus tho comen diseseful, and

sout. Alle thingus harde, and a man mai forth, that tho" flowe' eft. Alle thingis 8 **%*.
Lire here.
not them tellen out pleynli with wrd ; ben hard || ; a man may not declare tho
of Ecclesi-
the 636 is not fild with si3te, ne fulfild is thingis bi word
the i3e is not fillid bi ;
astes; that is,
of Salomon, for
!i What is that was,
the ere with heering. si3t, nether
the eere is fillid bi hering. Ecclesiastes is

it that is to come? What is that is What is that thing that was^[, that that 9 t,? the 3r
10 mad, it that is to be maad ? No thing schal come ? What that thing that is is
^T/^anyie '

vnder the sunne newe, ne any man mai maad, that that schal be maad ? No thing 10 ele th <>t >',

the moste va-

seyn, Lo this is fresh newe

! now for- ;
vndir the sunne is newe, nether ony man nyte. anduiie;
, .1 .1 c thingis in
sothe it wente beforn in worldis, the may seie, Lo ! this thing is newe ; for now whiche fake

n whiche weren beforn vs. Ther is not it 3ede bifore in worldis, that weren bifore
mynde of the rathere thingus, but and of vs. of the formere thingis is not,
u that is ' ful
_ veyne. vndur
tho thingis forsothe, that ben aftir to but sotheli nether thenkyng of tho thingis, '
the sunne;
that is, in pre-
come, shal not ben recording anent hem that schulen come arterward, schal be at tentiiyf; utf
12 that be to come in the laste time. I hem that schulen come in the last tyme.
Eclesiastes was king of Irael in Jerusa- I Ecclesiastes was king of Israel in Jeru- 12

lem ; and
purposide in myn inwit to
I salem and Y 1purposide in my soule to 13 "<* of his tra
no but

. i
seche and enserchen wisli of alle thingus, seke and enserche wiseli of alle thingis, vnstabie good
that ben mad vnder sunne e This werste . that ben maad vndur the sunne. God 3af kxt, nameii, w
ocupacioun 3aff God to the sonus of men, this werste ocupacioun** to the sones of
Lire here. c.
The spirit, etc. ; that is, the sunne ; not for k
hath a soule, but for it causith liyf in these lowere thingis. Lire here. c. ben harde ; to be \\

vndurstondun. Lire here. c. 51 t ^iat u as bothe in thingis and in opynyouns of men. schal come ; thouj in the meene tyme it ceessith and is

** this wonte
forjetun. Lire here. c. ocupacioun , in Ebreu it is yuel ocupacioun ; for tliou; kunnyng getun bi mannus weye is good in it silf,
netheles it is yuel, in as myche as it hath trauel and turment of studie knyt therto, and for sumtyme it is a letting of more good, that is, of deuocioun
and of preyer. Lire here. c.

a Ecclesiastes. A. Heer begynnelh the book. E. No initial rubric in GH. Om. c stondith AH.
anentis E passim. e the sunne

aFrom AG Here biginneth the bok of Ecclesiastes. EPY. No b Om.

initial rubric in the other Mss. i.
bb Om. i. c Om. plures. d A generacioun i. e an oother i. f aboute i. g thei i. h thei i. '
out c.
14 that thei shulden ben ocupied in it. I men, that thei schulden be
ocupied ther-
sa3 alle thingus that ben mad vrider the ynne. I si3 alle
thingis that ben rnaad u
sunne, and, lo alle thingus vanite and vndur the sunne, and lo alle
thingis ben

tormenting of spirit. Peruertid men of vanyte and turment of spirit. Weiwardis
hard ben amendid ; and withoute ende men ben amendid k of hard and the noum- ;

16 is the noumbre of foolis. I spac in myn bre of foolis is

greet with outen ende. 1 10

herte, seiende, Lo !
gret I am mad, and spak in myn herte, and Y seide, Lo ! Y
Iwente beforn alle in wisdam, that weren am made and Y passide in wisdom
beforn me in Jerusalem and my mynde ; alle men, that weren bifore me in Jerusa-

beheeld manye thingus wisli, and I lern- lem and my soule si3 many thingis wiseli,

nede. And I 3af myn herte, that I knewe and Y lernede. And Y 3af myn herte, that 17
prudence and doctrine, and errouris and Y schulde knowe prudence* and doctryn, * that Y
folie. And I knew3 that in these thingis
and errours and foli. And Y knew that in
also was trauaile and tormenting of spi- these tbingis also was trauel and turment
is rit ;
for thi that in myche wisdam is of spirit; for in
myche wisdomf is worthitol>e
myche ni doon. and doe-

myche indignacioun, and that addith kun- mdignacioun, and he that encressith kun- tryn , that u,
.,, . the vertu of
nyng, addeth and trauaile. nyng, encreessith also traueli. Goddis lawe.
ami erronrH ;

T> .
alipute dyuyn
thingis. and
foly ; abo'ite

1 I seide in myn herte, I shal go, and Therfor Y seide in myn hertefi, Y schal i
to eschewe
us thing,
j a j
flowe f delices?, and I shal take the frutis
go, and Y schal tlowe
i i
in dehcis,
impyngne riche

in h goodis ; and I sa3 also that that was schal vse goodis ; and Y si3 also that this tM^Unhtn.
2 vanyte. And lajhing I heeld errour, and was vanyte. And Iei3yng Y arrettide er-2 in myehe wii _
to io3e I seide, Wherto in veyn thou art rour, and Y seide to ioye, What 1
art thou *.-fman.
is myche \ndty-
sbigilid? I tho3te in myn herte to with- disseyued in veyn ? I thou3te in myn 3 nadoun , for
siche kunnyng
drawe fro wyn my flesh, and myn inwit herte to withdrawe my fleisch fro wyn,
and a
to bern oner to wisdam, and that I shulde that Y schulde lede ouer my soule to wis-
proud man is

Y schulde m eschewe
stirid to
dom, and that
eschewe folie, to the tyme that I shulde foli, til
seen, what were profitable to the sonus of Y schulde what were profitable to the
L/ire here. c.

J also trauel ;

men ;
the whiche thing don, nede is to sones of men in which dede the noumbre
for men that
ban dedeyn
ther lif in the noumbre of da3es vnder of daies of her" lijf vndur the sunne is and ben vnpa-

i the sunne. Imagnefiede iny werkis, I nedeful. Y magnefiede my werkis, Y bild-4

bilde to me houses, and plauntide vynes ; ide housis to me, and Y plauntide vynes ;

.>! made gardynes and appil gardynes, Y made 3erdis and orcherdis, and Y set- & ... _
Lire here. c.
Y seide in
and I plauntide them with the trees of r
tideP thoiwith the trees of al kynde ;
andc mynheneiia
/ ii. c. Salomon
/ ,

oalle kinde; and I made out to me cys- made cisternes of watris, tor to watre schewith, that

ternes 1 of watris, that I shulde watren the wode of trees growynge. hadde in; I
8 of Lire
possessioun seruauntis and handmaidis ;
7 the wode of the buriounynge tres. I here. c.
weldide seruauns and hand wyma^B,< and Y hadde myche meynee, and droues
and myche k meyne I hadde; droues'also, of grete beestis, and grete flockis of scheep,
and grete flockis of sheep, ouer alle men ouer alle men that weren bifore me in
Kthat weren befor me in Jerusalem. I Jerusalem. Y gaderide
togidere to me sil-

hepede to me siluer and gold, and sub- uer and gold, and the castels of kingis and
staunces of kingus and of prouynces ;
I of prouyncis ; Y
made to me syngeris and
made to me and singeresses, and syngeressis
and delicis of the sones of
singeris ,

the delices of sonus of men, cuppis and men, and cuppis and vessels in seruyce,

m. k E.
c. ffolowe^. 8 with delices AEGH. ^ofAGpr.m.n. fishpondis c pr. m. E pr. mychel

k mendid i. '
Wherto t. mwolde i. n Om. c.
magnefiede, ether made greet c
et plures.
P sette i. 1 hem N. r Om. ci. s handmaidens in. l syngsters i.

wynes; and Y passide ino

* wisdom
pottis in seruise, to wynes to ben held ;
to helde out
ide, etc. ; til

and I passede in richesses alle, that be- richessis alle men, that weren bitor me in that he was

foru me weren in Jerusalem. Wisdam Jerusalem. Also wisdom dwellide* stabli

10 also abod stillewith me, and alle with me, and alle thingis whiche myn i

that desireden myn e3en, I denyede not i3en Y denyede not
desiriden, to hem ;

to them ; ne I forfendide
myn herte, but nether Y refreynede myn herte, that ne it lustful liyf.
my part ; that
that of alle voluptuouste he shulde take vside al lust, and delitide it silf in these is, blis ; for he

frut, and al delicen hym self in these thingis whiche I hadde maad redi ;

thingus that I hadde greithid ; and this Y demyde this my partf, if Y vside my
I alouwide my part, for I shulde vsen trauel. hadde turned me n i r *<
And whanne c Y
I Y passide to
' -

v whiche had-
limy trauaile. And whan me I hadde to alle werkis myn hondys biholde wisdom;
i_. TT that Y bi- . . i is,
turned to alle the werkis that myn hondis den maad, and to the trauels in whiche i heide that tra-

hadden don, and to the trauailes in 1

hadde swet w in Y in alle veyn, si3 thingis j
x kunnyng, and
whiche in veyn I hadde swat, I 333 in vanyte and turment of the soule, and most in dyuyn
alle thingus vanyte and tormenting of that no thing vndir sunne dwellith stabli. thingis, which
is seid wisdom
inwit, and no thing to dwelle stille vnder passide? to biholde wisdom:):, errours
I ,
12 propiriy. "of

12 the sunne. I passede, and to ben be- and foli ;

Y seide, What is a man, that he
holden wisdam, and erroures, and folie ; may sue the king, his maker ? And Y si3,

what is forsothe a man, that he mowe that wisdom 3ede so mych

bifor foli, as
m the ende ;

isfolewen the king, his makere? And I miche as Ii3t dyuerse fro derknessis.
is but it semeth
j i j p .
that this pe-

sa3, that so myche wisdam wente beforn The 13611 of a wijs man ben in his heedj, i4 nauncewasnot

folie, hou myche Ii3t is in difference fro a fool goith in derknessis|| ; and Y lernede,
14 dercnesses. Of the wise
the e3en in man that o perisching was of euer either. And
his lied, the fool goth in dercnesses ; and Y seide in myn herte, If o deth schal be whiche he
hadde maad,
I lernede, that o diyng was of euere bothe of the fool and of me, what pro- as Y seide ful-
liere in xxx. c.
i.- either. And I seide in myn herte, If fitith it to me, that Y 3af more bisynesse of Prouerbis.

oon and of the fool and my diyng shal to wisdom ? And Y spak with my soule, u-hat is a man,
etc. ; that is, of

what me more and perseyuede, that this also was vanyte. what
profiteth, that
to vertu,
be, bisy- * ' that he
. may
nesse I 3af to wisdam ? And spoken with For mynde* of a wijs man schal not be, in to God

my mynde, I toe was

heed, that that also
hjk maner as nether of a fool with outen
, <./,! iGateyne
bi the knowing
mm ende, and tymes to
vanyte. Forsothe ther shal not be the comynge schulen hile ith^tehi'this

myude of the wise man, lie maner as of alle thingis togidere with for3etyng ; a
the fool in to withoute ende, and the lerned man dieth in lijk maner and b an otheremen,
- . .
not oneli that
times to corne with faceting alle thingus vnlerned man. And therfor it anoiede meiTseyen truthe,

shul couere togidere ; the ta3t man dieth ofmy lijf, seynge that alle thingis vndur emn.'that the
17 also and the vnta3t. And therfore it sunne ben yuele, and that alle thingis n^'lTbi'Sm"

no3ede me of my lif, seende alle euelis to ben vanyte

and turment of the spirit. Eft is trades kid to.
gidere. Lire
ben vnder the sunne, and alle thingus va- Y curside al my bisynesse, bi which Y here. c.

isnytes" and tormenting of spirit. Eft I trauelide moost studiousli vndur sunne, heed; that is,

wlatede alle my bisynesse, that vnder the and Y schal haue an eir after me, whom
sunne most studiousli I trauailede, to han Y knowe bb not, whether he schal be wijs that jyueth
tent to con-
10 an eir after me, whom I knoweP not, whe- ether a fool and he schal be lord in my
templacioun of
dyuyn thingis.
ther wis or fool he be to ben and shal
; trauels, for whiche c
Y swatte greetli, and Lire here. c.
in derk-
d ||

lordshipen in my trauailes, in the whiche was bisi ; and is ony thing so veyn ? nessis ; for
he thenkith
erthely thingis aloone and sensible, whiche comparisound to God ben derknessis. was of euer either ; that is, of the wise man and of the fool.
Salomon seith this in the persoone of hem that denyeden vndedlynesse of mannus soule. ben yuel ; that is, defautif. and turment of the spirit ; Salomon
asoilith not here this obieccioun maad ajenus the truthe, for obieccioun takith
opinli fals, and for a wiys man and iust schal haue roecde, and a fool
schal haue peyne with outen ende. Lire here. c.

forfendide not E pr. m. m Om. mm Om.cpr.m. n Pknewe^GH.
vanyte ^GH. haunge E pr. m.
u that i. v the werkis w swat * Om. y * and errours A m. a the
i. i. i.
passide forth i. sec.
b as b knew c the whiche d is ther
mynde i. i. E. i. i.
I haue myche swat, and ben bisy; and Wherfor Y ceesside, and myn herte for- 20
"*' . tht
20 alle thing? 'is sol veyn. Wherfore I cesede, sook for to trauele ferthere vnder sunne.
and myn herte forsoc more to trauailen For whi whanne another man trauelith inai
21 vnder the sunne. For whan an other wisdom, and techyng, and bisynesse, he i"*' c -

shal trauailen in wisdam, and doctrine,

. ....
leeueth thmgis getun to an idel man and ^"^ th
T to ete arui
and besynesse, and to an idil man the therfor this is vanyte, and
greet yuel. For 22 "*nai,il 'w
purchasid thingus lefeth ; and that thanne whi what schal it profite to a man of al
and gret euel. What forsothe his trauel,and turment of spirit, bi e which
shal profile to a man of al his trauaile, he was turmentid vndur sunne? Alle hise 23 of the K00<li8
m the werki. .

and of the tormenting of spirit, that vnder daies ben tul or sorewis and meschefs, of Pitee and of
j .1i ...i liberalte. and
23 the sunne he tormentid? Alle the da3es
is and bi ny3t he restith not in soule and Mi, fthe ;

of hym of sorewes and myseyse s ben whether this is f not vanyte*? Whether **

and bi the ny3t in mynde he resteth
and whether is not that vanyte ?
it not betere to ete and drynkef, and

to schewe to hise soule goodis of hise

^M >
greet good,

24 Whether is it* not betere to eten and trauels& ? and this thing is of" the bond of nus bii*. Lire

drinke", and to shewe to his lif the goodis God. Who schal deuoure so, and schal 25 {In
of his trauailes ? and that isbond
of the flowe in delicisj, asYdide 1
? God 3af
25 of God. Who shal so v deuouren, and de- wisdom, and kunnyng, and gladnesse^ to
26licis flowen, as I ? To
a good man in his a good man in his si3t; but he 3af tur- here. c.
and glad-
si3te God 3af wisdam, and kunnyng, and ment, and superflu bisynesse to- a synnere, ii r .m' ; that is,

glad liyf in
vnderstonding ;
to the synnere forsothe that he encreesse, and gadere togidere, vsinge wel
he 3af tormenting, and wast bisynesse, and 3yue to hym that plesith God|| but ;
goodis. /./
that he adde, and gedere togidere, and also this is vanyte, and veyn bisynesse of here. c.
and vim to
take to hym that shal plesen to God ; soule, him that plesith
God ; not that
but and this vanite, and wastw besynesse he jyueth wil-
fuly to goode
of mynde. men ; but for
CAP. III. CAP. III. whanne he is

deed, siche
1 Alle thingus ban time, and in ther Alle thingis ban tymelT,
and alle thingis
i K00"1 ' 8 ben
jouun to goode
spaces passen thingus alle vnder the vndur sunne passen bi her spaces. Tyme 2 men M ofte,
- ... . j. . ., as whanne Na-
2 sunne. Time of hauyng birthe, and time of birthe, and time of diyng tyme to ; bai was deed,

of diyng time of plauriting, and time of

; plaunte, and tyme to drawe vp that that
3 pulling vp that is plauntid. Time of is plauntid. Tyme to sle**, and tyme to 3
sleying, and time of heling time of de- ;
make hool tyme to distrie, and tyme to

4 sinking, and time of bilding. Time of bilde. Tyme to wepe, and tyme to Iei3e 4 ;

weping, and time of Ia3hing time of ; tyme to biweile, and tyme to daunse.
swelling, and time of leping. Time of Tyme to scatere stoonys, and tyme tos
to colleHf, and not, but ben
sprenging abrod stones, and time of ga- eadere toeidere
8 tyme
' ; ' '

jouun to othere
Tyme toe men. Lire here.
dering togidere ; time of clipping, and tyme to be fer fro collyngis.
maad aferr fro clippingus. wynne and tyme to kepe,
time to ben to leese tyme
, ;
^ '

6 Time of purchasing, and time of leesing ; and tyme to caste awei. Tyme to kitte, 7

time of keping, and time of casting awei. and tyme to sewe togidere; tyme to be
which long liyf

is wontto be desirid of men, outakun feweste men and ful perfit, asPoul desiride to be deed, and to be with Crist. Lire here. c. 10
Jo* */*
in 3 ong age of hem that
adtiersaries of rijtfulnesse ether of comynalte. Lire here. c. ft tyme to colle; that is, to 3 yue tent to generacioun,
the puple ; tnertor
weddid. tyme to be fer t that is, in eelde, whanne the vertu of gendring failith, and whanne comyn turment is of
weren chast in the arke in the grete flood of Noe, as Ebreys seyen. Lire here. c.

s of miseyse c pr. m. * Om. AG pr.m.a. "to

gret vanyte E pr. m,
P thingus c. qalso^. r

drinke E. v thanne A. w brosed E pr. m.

h M Qm. E haue k colle ether biclippe c el pluret.

' with i.
' be I. K trauel s. j n . el plures.

colle eithir to-clippe a. gete i.


of m loue,s what hath " *

7 Time of kutting, and time of souwing to- stille, and tyme
to speke. Tyme man more ; no
and tyrne of hatrede tyme ofand but vncerteyme
gidere time of holding pes, and
time of ; batel,
of kunnyng. of
What hath a man more* 9 A trauel in
sspeking. Time of loouing, and time of tyme of pees. ,

hate ; time of bataile, and time of pes. of his trauel? I si3 the turment, which 10
man more God men, that thei be
9 What hath a of his trauaile ? 3af to the sones of
that God jaf to the occupied therynne. God made alle thingis
" n for tho men 3
sa3 the affliccioun,
10 1 J
lyuen neuere
sonus of men, that thei be tormentid in it. good in her tymef, and '
3af the world to so longe, they
- j , / atteynen not to
11 Alle thingus he made goode in ther time, disputyng of hem, that a man tynde not pe rrit

and the world he toe tox the? disputisoun 7 the werk which" God hath wrou3t fro the
of them, that a man finde not the were bigynnyng 'til in to the ende. And Y 12 .

that God wro3te fro the bigynnyng to knew that no thing was betere "to a marif, .
Mimic, tenica
12 the ende. And I kne3 that ther was 'no buti to be glad, and to do good werkis God j/<o the
,.,.., .1 x'j/L , . m ...'ones of men ;
uot a
betere, but to gladen, and to do good in his lyft- For win ech man that etith I3
lain ther lif. Eche man forsothe that and drinkith, and seeth good of his trauel; vnd^tondin'g,
etith and drinketh, and seeth good of his this is the nfte of God. I haue lerned u?enquere_
sicne thingis.
u trauaile that the 3ifte of God is. I lern-
that alle werkis r , whiche
God made, lasten Lire here. c.
... . , -f- God made
ede that alle werkis, that God made, stidfastli til in to e with outen ende; we Me thingis

dwellen stille in to with oute ende ;

wee moun not adde$ ony thing to tho u, nether ^e"th*tis,
moun not to them any thing adden, or take awei fro tho thingis, whiche God
taken awei, that God made, that he be made, that he be dred. That thing that is is, of men.
fynde not, etc. ;

isdrad. That is maad, it dwellith stille; ismaad, dwellith pernth tho thingis that ;
in knowynge
. , *
/ that werk par-
and God

now weren schulen come, weren birore and God re-

, i i

that ben to come, y> t hou 3 he

; ; fi t i

lerestoreth that, that 3ide awei. I sa$ storith that, that is goon. I si 3
vnder sunne b in the c place of dom vnpi- sunne ||
vnfeithfulnesse in the place of Lireh re
^ -^
t "* nts hyfs
tousnesse ; and in the place of ri3twis- doom ;
and wickidnesse in the place of that is, to lyue
. . _. . . couenabli and
17 nesse wickidnesse. And I seide in myn ri3ttulnesse. And Y seide in inyn herte, 17 vertuousiy, w
herte, The ri3twise and the vnpitouse the The Lord schal deme a iust man, and an
k^nde" that
Lord shal demen and tyme of alle thing ; vnfeithful man ; and the tyme of ech !*
with the terme [W
isthanne shal be. I seide in rnyn herte of thinff schal be thanne.
I seide in myn is of liyf, which
the kynde jaf
the sonus of men, that God shulde prouen herte of the sones^i of men, that God to him. etith

hem, and shewen to ben lie to bestis. schulde preue hem, and schewe that thei
19 Therfore oon is the diyng of men and of ben lijk vnresonable* beestis. Therfor oon
bestis, and euene the condicioun of euere is the perisching of man and of beestis, P erflu
good of
either ; as a man dieth, so and tho dien ; and euene condicioun is of euer eithir ;
as hatrami-, in

lie maner brethen alle thingus, and no a man dieth, 'so and tho w beestis dien; alle

thing hath a man more than a beste. beestis* brethen in lijk maner, and a man
20 Alle thingus vnderlin to vanyte, and alle hath no thing more than a beeste. Alle 20 Pa rt >" .
m erci
fuly. yfleof
thingus gon place ; to o of erthe thei thingis ben suget to vanyte, and alle God ; that >">

, . . good in pre-
ben maad, and in to erthe togidere thei thingis goen to* o place tho ben maad ;
sent tyme. Li

21 turnen a3een. Who kne3, if the spiritf of erthe, and tho turnen a3en togidere in not

of the sonus of Adam ste3e vp aboue, and to erthe. Who knowith, if the spirit of 21
owen to be
apayed with the terme of oure liyf, and to be not bisi of encreessing hi the lengthe of liyf. Lire here. c. s vndur sunne, etc. ; that is, in || Y
the dwellinge place of men. vnfeithfulnesse in the place, etc. ; that is, where rijtful doom was wont to be 30111111, is jouun wickid doom. Lire here. C.
^f Yseide in myn herte of the sones, etc.; Salomon spekith this in the persooue of vnfeithful
men, that denyen liyf to comyn in blis ether peyne aftir
deth. Lire here. c.

* in to AGH. y Om. A. * a no AEGH. b the sunne G c Om. AGH.

disposicioun E. sec. m.
d Om. GH. e oon E { AGH.
passim. spiritis

m to I. n that i. o vnto r. P Om. i. to man N. q than i. r the werkis i. 8 that i. * vn to i.

tho rverkis i. v Om. i.
w rijt so i. tho i. y til N.
if the spirit of bestis go doun bynethe? the sones of Adam stieth vpward, and if 1 .**..
22 And I parceyuede no thing to ben betere, the spirit of beestis
goith dounward ? a
than a man to gladen in his were, and Y
And perseyuede that no thing is betere, 22

, ,
T that ben doon
that to ben the part of hym ; who for- than that a man be vndw **f
glad in his werk*, and funne ; in ijii.
sothe hym shal leden to, that aftir hym that this be his part; for who schal "
he preueth
he knowe thingis to comes ? hym, that he knowe thingis that schulen
come after hym ?
lordichlp, for
hath myche
diwse and tra-
uel and perel
ofsynne. Lire
i I turnede me to othere thingus, and I I turnede me to othere thingis, and Y i i than euer

533 chalenges, that vnder the sunne ben si3 fals chalengis, that ben don vndur the kLe'wrecchid'
don, and the teres of innocens, and no sunnef and the
, teeris of innocentis b and , |^ deeT'and
man coumfortende ; ne to moun h with- no man coumfortour and that thei for- ; f" y"
d man
lyuyngej for
stonde the violence of them, benomen the sakun c of the help of alle men, moun not he **** d '

ahelpe of alle. And I preisede more the a3enstonde the violence of hem. And Ya diethinori-

a deade than the liuende ; and I demede preiside more deed men than lyuynge
hym welsumere than either, that 3it is men and Y demyde hym, that was not 3

not born, ne 533 the euelis that ben don borun 3it, and si3 d not the yuels that ben hath more de-
litable liyf,
4 vnder the sunne. Eft I beheeld alle the don vndur the sunne, to be blisfulere6 than than he in;.-,:.-
lianc in present
trauailisof men, and the besynesses I euer eithir|. Eft Y bihelde alle the tra-4 liyf,as alle
doctours seven,
tooc heed to ben opened to the enuye of uelis ofmen, and bisynesses and Y per- ; that speken of
and in that thanne vanyte, f hem that dien
nejhebore' ; seyuede that tho ben opyn to the enuye in origenal
5 and wast besynesse is. The fool foldeth of nei3bore&; and therfor in this is va- synne onely.
Lire here. c.
togidere his hondis, and eteth his k flesh, nyte, and superflu bisynesse. A fool fold- 5
eseiende, Betere is a litil handful with ith togidere hise hondis, and etith hise etithhue
than ful either hond with trauaile
reste, fleischis , and seith, Betere is an handful e
7 and tormenting of inwit. Beholdende with than euer either hondful with
*? wi jh ' ra -

uel, he bath
I founde and an other vanyte vndir the trauel and turment of soule. I bihelde? 1!til to ete> and
so hise fleiachis
a sunne ; oon is,
and the secunde hath not ; and foond also another vanytee vndir ||
ben maad

nouther sone, ne brother ; and ner the the sunne; oon is k and he hath not as

an other va-
latere to trauailen he ceseth not, and secounde not1 a sone, not
; a brother ; ||

; that
nyte, etc.
the wrecchid-
ner the latere his e3en ben not fild and netheles he ceesith not for" to trauele, is,
nesse of an
with richesses ne he thenketh a3een,
nether hise i3en ben fillid with richessis ;
auarouse man.
hath not a e-
seiende, To whom trauaile I, and begile nether he bithenkithP, and seith, To whom ctinde , for he
(let-til to haue
my soule of goodis? In 1
that also ys trauele Y, and disseyue my soule in goodis? meynee and
frenschipe with
vanyte, and werst tormenting. Betere In this also is vanyte, and thei worste r
ony man, lest
8 !t whoueth him
is 'that two" 1
ben togidere than oon ; turment. Therfor it is betere, that tweyne 9
spende sum-
forsothe thei ban auauntage of ther fela- be togidere than oon ; for thei han profite thing, and ne-

loshipe. If oon shul fallen, of the tother of her felouschipe. If oon fallith doun, he 10 S ith not to gete

he shal ben holden vp wo to the alone, ;

schal be vndurset of the tothere
wo to
p^et turment
for whan he shal fallen, he hath not a hym that whanne he fallith,
is aloone^f, for
And if \\
^^^ **

11 man rerende hym vp. If two shul slepe, he hath noon reisynge" him v . tweyne be to
. Jfer,-thatis,
thei shul ben nurshid togidere what w ., . .
thei schulen be nurschid
, . .
that many men
; oon, tweyne slepen ,
be ioyned togi-
dere in I'n-n-

chip and felouschipe. Lire here. c. H wo to him that is aloone ; that is, hath not felouschipe and frenschip with ony man. Lire here. c.

h mow E passim. the neijbour A. k Om. AGH. '

And c. m thanne two to c.
? comynge AGH.
or failinge i.
zQm. c. a
goon s.
b the giltlees i. destitut, ether forsakun c el plures. destitute,
Y sij CMC. more blessid i.
Om. i. 8 the nei3bore i. h fleishe r. Om. IN pr. m. " ther is

m ne Om. of P bithenkith him i. q Om. i. r ful

yuel i. two i.
'nether i. i. r. i.

oother i. " to reise i. T him up i.

w slepen to gidre i.

I 2

* nurschid t .
12 maner shal he be any man
maad hot ? If togidere* hou schal oon be maad hoot ?
, . ,. 1,1 , gidere ; herbi
haue the ouere bond a3en oon, two with- And if ony man hath maistri a3ens oon, 12 ; n r

stonden to hym a thre fold corde hard

; tweyne a3en stonden hym a threfolde ;

is is to-broken. Betere is a child pore and corde is brokun of hard. A pore mams'many men in
is betere than an eld kyng and 'one. hoot; m
wis than a king old and fool, that can- and wiis
charite. a thre

H not seen beforn in to aftir. That and fool, kan not bifore se in to tyme to fold coonie,
..i '//.,- that is.'

comynge. For sum tyme a man goithi4 asmycheas


fro prisoun and cheynes otherwhile sum

out bothe fro prysoun and chaynes to a
mangoth out to a reume; and an other
born into a reume with myseise is wastid. rewme and anothir borun in to a rewme in?"6
; i
*1 t

15! 533 alle liuende men that gon vnder the is wastid bi nedynesse. I si3 alle menf i
sunne, with the 3unge ful waxynge the lyuynge that goen vndur the sunne, with ameudid. Lire

lesecunde, that shal rise for hym. With the secounde 3ong wexynge man, that ^"'^ allf
""-' thatis
hym. The noumbre of pu- ie many men.
oute ende noumbre of puple of
is the , schal rise for '

alle that weren beforn hym, and that pie, of alle that weren bifore hym, is greet with "< -

cunde that ; is,

aftir ben to comen, shul not gladen in with outen mesure, and thei that schulen the sone of the
king that schal
hym ;
but and this vanyte and torment- come aftirward, schulen not be glad in regne aftir him.

Kep thou thi foot, hym but also this is vanyte and turment
17 ing of spirit. goende ;

in to the hous of God, and ne3he that of the spirit. Thou that entrist in to thei7 that is
'g thou
not in boost-

thou heere ; forsothe myche betere is hous of God, kepe thi footj, and nei3e thou fuly nether
obeisaunce than victorie sacrifisesP of for to here; for whi myche betere is obe- Jnyjty men of

that.wite not what thei don of


foolis, dience"^ than the sacrifices? of foolis, that ben enhaunrid

her P wer>
euel. witen not what /yuel thei don. Speke thou i !"
ben wont to
CAP. V. not ony thing folilyll,
nether thin herte ''
do "ewthout

to prestis and
1 And speke thou not folili any thing, be swift to brynge forth a word bifore
ne thin herte be swift to bringe forth a God ; for2 God is in heuene, and thou

wrd beforn God; God forsothe in heuene, art on erthe, therfor thi wordis be fewe.
and thou vpW on erthe, and therfore fewe Dremes suen many bisynessis, and foli 2 Lire

2 be thi wrdis. Sweuenus folewen manye schal be foundun in many wordis. If thou 3 betere

i -j xu- r\ j xi dience; in the

besynesses, and in manye wrdis shal ben hast avowid ony thing to God, tane thou kepinge of

sfounde folie. If any thing thou hauei not to 3eldea ;

for an vnfeithful and fonned
vouwid to God, ne tarie thou to 3elde ; biheest^I displesith hym; but ^elde thou b
forsothe displesith to hym vnfeithful and what euer thine: thou hast avowid c and* brekens of the
lawe, that
fool beheste; but what euere thou auouw- it is myche not a vowe, betere to make dredennotto
.1 /... . , ,1-1 A , breke Goddis
4 ist, and myche betere it is to r not
3eeld ; than aftir a vowe to 3elde not biheestis d . heestis bi her
auouwen, than aftir the vow the bihestis 3yue thou not thi mouth**, that thou make s

h m
n t p lese
5 to not
3elde. Ne 3iue thou thi mouth, thi fleisch to do synne
* ; nether seie thou y of- bi

frmgis and sa-

that thou make synnen ; ne

thi flesh to bifor an aungel,
puruyaunce is lest No e
orifices, witen
T , , io* what yuel
sey thou biforri the aungil, There is not perauenture the Lord be wrooth on' thi thei dam, for

purueying; lest parauenture the Lord, wordis, and distruye alle the werkis of
wroth vp on thi wrdis, scatere alle the thin hondis. Where ben many dremes.e they ben biy
and kun-
e werkis of thin hondis. Wher many ben ful many vanytees, and wordis with nen not knowe

sweuenes ben, many vanytes, and wrdis out noumbre; but drede thou God. If 7
synne. Lire
here. c.
|| Speke thou not ony thing folili ; of God ether of hise domes, in repreuynge tho. Lire here. c. H vnfeithful and fonned biheest ; it is seid
vnfeithful, whanne aftir a vow maad in the tyme of nede, the purpos is chaungid anoon whanne the nede ceessith; it is seid a fonned biheest, whanne
it is of a thing vnleueful ether vndifferent, as if a man makith a vow, to reise a stre fro erthe. for this turneth not in
ony thing to the oiiour of God,
ethir if a vow is maad of a good thing, netheles impossible to him that makith a vow. Lire here. c. ** thi mouth ; in
openynge it ouer myche
to glotenye. to do synne ; bi the vice of leccherie. Lire here. c.

n the
tweyne AEGH. puple A. after hym A. P sacrifise c. PP Om. c pr. m. ihast^EGH. r Om. A.

* the z a b
obedience M. y sacrifice A.
sothly i.
jelde it I. Om. i. c auowid to God, jelde
thou it i. a the biheestis i. ther is i. f of i.

vnnoumbreable thou forsothe dred God.

thou seest men, and
false chalengis of nedi

7 If thou shalt seen r

wronge chalengis of violent domes, and that ri3tfulnesse is dis-
nedi men, and violent domes, and ri3t- tried in the prouynce, wondre thou not on

wisnesse to be turned vpso doun in pro- this doyng for another is hi3ere than an

uynce wndre* thou not vp on this nede
, ; hi3 man, and also othere men ben more
for than the hee3 an other is he3ere, and hi3e aboue these men and ferthermore s ;

vp on these othere also ben he3ere stond- the kyng of al erthe comaundith to the
* to the
s endeand ferthermore the king of al
seruaunt*. -

oerthe comaundith to the seruende. The PAP V

V .'i'.*
vaunt ; that
to ech creature

auerouse shall not ben fulfild with monee; An

auerousef man schal not be fillid of a
and that looueth richesses, frut shal not monei and he that loueth richessis schal

take of them
; and this thanne vanyte. not take fruytis of tho&; and therfor this et
_ ginneth the
loWher ben many richesses, and manye is vanyte. Where ben" many richessis, 10 ^.c. M Jerom,
7 i _ and in this c.
that eten hem
and" what profiteth to
also many men ben
, that eten tho ; and Salomon schew.

the weldere, but that he seeth the rich- what profitith it to the haldere, no' but LtuS,
notin temporal
11 esses with his e3en? Swete is slep to the that he seeth richessis with hise i3en?
nchessis. serial
werchere, whether litil or myche he ete ; Slepe is swete to hvm that worchith, whe- n n t
take, '

that is, that

fulnesse forsothe of the riche man suf- ther he etith K litil ether myche ; but the loueth ric
e , n n, .,! ! as an auarousc

12 frith hym not to slepen. Ther is and fulnesse ot a ryche sunrith not hym man ,

an other infirmyte werst, that I sa} vndir to slepe. Also anothir sijknesse is ful
the sunne ; richesses kept in to euel w of yuel,
which Y sn vndur the sunne rich-
* r his auar!
suffrith him
13 his lord. Forsothe thei pershen in the essis ben in to the m of her not to vse tho.
yuel kept lordj.
-r, , , , . .Lire here. c.
werste tormenting 'he gat" a sone, that ;
tor thei penschen in the worste turment; I3j nto j

14 in he3est nedynesse shal be. As he wente he gendride" a sone, that schal be in soue-
out nakid of the wombe of his moder, so reyn nedynesse. As he 3ede
J nakid out of u ue y nmirs and
* * couetouse men
he shal turne a3een and no thing he ; his modris wombe, so he schal turne 33011 ; s"en tresoun
to riche men,
shal take with hym of his trauaile. and he schal take awei with hyrn no thing and thei ben
,. *~* i' * i u , . i stranglid for
isWreccheful forsothe infirmyte; what of his trauel. Outirh it is a wretcnid 15 her richessis.
Lire here. c.
maner he cam, so he shal turne a3een. sijknesse; as he cam, so he schal turne
What thanne profiteth to^ hym, that he a3en. What therfor profitith it to hym,
10 trauailede in to wind ? Alle the da3es of that he trauelide in to the wynde ?
Ini6^J^*s .

his lif he eet in dercnesses, and in alle the daies of his he eet in derk- heseye, no
many ... lijf
. thing ; for hi
besynesses, and in myseise, and sorewe. nessis, and in many bisinessis, and in nedy- trauel profi

17 And so this to me is seen good, that a nesseP, andi sorewe. Therfor this semydei7nethir
man ete, and drinke, and vse gladnesse good to me, that a man ete, and drynke,
of his trauaile, that he trauailede vnder and vse gladnesse of his trauel, in which
the sunne, in noumbre of the da3es of his he trauelide vndir the sunne, in the noum-
lif, 'the whiche* God 3af to hym and this ; bre of daies of his lijf, which God 3af to
is is his part. And to eche man, to whom hym and this is his part. And to ech is

God 3af richesses, and substaunce, and man, to whom God 3af richessis, and catel,
power he 3af to hym, that he ete of hem, and 3af power to hym to ete of tho, and
and take the frut of his part, and glade to vse his part, and to be glad of his
of his trauaile ;
this is the 3ifte of God. trauel this is the 3ifte of God.
For he 19
19 Forsothe not 'a seeth* he shal recorde of schal not bithenke miche on the daies of
the da3es of his lif, ther thur3 that God his lijf,
for God ocupieth his herte with
ocupie in delicys his herte. delicis.

r Om. c
pr. m.
prouyncis A.
* ne wondre E
pr. m.
u Om. CG sec. m. v mychel E. w the euel AGH.
z that c B
1 Om. c pr. m. thei iendren E pr. m. he begat AK sec m. . GH. y Om. c pr. m. pr. m. ynowj
AE sec. m. marg. an.

? hem i. h ther ben i. '

Om. i. k ete i. that i.
ra harm i.
gaat i. Om. c. P nedi

nessis a. 9 of c. r thenke i.


i Ther
and an other euel, that I 533
is Also another yuel is
, which' Y si3
* God
not power, etc. ;

vnder the sunne and forsothe ofte anentis

vndur the sunne ; and certis it is oft vsid for God draw-

imen. A man to whom God 3af richesses, anentis men. man is", to whom God 2Au
w onour ; and pre-.ent liyf.
and substaunce, and wrshepe and no ; 3af richessis, and catel, and Lire here. c.
thing lacketh to his soule of alle thingis
no thing failith to his soule? of alle ^ If a man
yendrith an
that he desireth ; and God 3yueth not thingis which z he desirith; and God3yueth hundrid, etc. ;
defaute that
power to hym, that he ete of it, but a not power* to hym, that he ete therof, cometh of aua-
rice HIM ki tli a
straunge man shal deuouren it. This is but a straunge man shal deuoure it. This man wrecchid,
vanyte and a greet wretchidnesse. If 3 thoU3 he
3 vanyte, and gret wrecchidnesse. If any is ,
hath richessis
a man gendrith b an hundridf fre sones,
man geete an hundred free childer, and and many
othere thingis
Hue many and
da3es of his
3eris, many and lyueth many 3eris, and hath many that hen de-
sirid in present
daies of age, and his soule vsith not the
age hadde, and the soule of hym vse nott liyf. and hit
soule that
the goodis of his substaunce, and lacke goodis of his catel, and wantith biriyng ;
; is,
he him silf.

sepulture ; of that I pronounce, that Y pronounce of this man, that a deed vsith not, in
...,., , ^ , hisowneper-
borun child is betere than he. For he 4 soone, the

betere than he be maud 'a dead born z .

4 In veyn forsothe he cam, and wente to cometh in veyn|, and goith to derknessis ; eatei.adttd
dercnesses ; and bi fo^eting shal be don and his name schal be don awei bi for-

5 awei the name of hym. He 533 not the a

sunne, nether 5 nn yuel of
He si} not the
present liyf,
sunne, ne kne3 the distaunce of good and knew dyuersyte of good and of yuel ; and hath liyf
i , ,
6 .1 more delitable
-i ,

e euel ;
two thousend 3eer he shulde
also if also thou3 he lyueth twei thousyndee than s this i

Hue, and hadde not ful vsid the goodis ; 3eeris, and vsith not goodis ; whether
to o place? than an
7 whether not to o place gon alle ? Al the alle thingis hasten notll" Al? auarouse man,
trauaile of man in the mouth of hym, the trauel of a man ts in his mouth^f, but fpr
in ai his

the soule of hym schal not be with

but the soule of hym shal not be fulfild fillid not no b^t'

s with goodis. What more hath a wis goodis. What hath a wijs man mores
man and what a pore, but than a fool ? and what hath a pore man, ule ' Li "
than a fool ? ^/
9 that he go thider, wher is lif? Betere is no but that he go thidur, where
is liif **? * * cometh i
. veyn ; to birthe,
to seen that thou coueitist, than to desire It is betere to se that, that thou coueitist, 9 and goith to

that thou wost not ; but and this is va- than to desire that, that thou knowist not;
lonyte, and presumpcioun of spirit. Who but also this is vanyte, and presumpcioun
is to come, now is clepid the name of of spirit. The name of hym that schal ioeuereyueis,a
if he

hym, and is knowen, that he be a man, come, clepid now, and it is knowun,
. . fitith no thing
and rnai not a3en a strengere than hym- that he is a man, and he mai not stryueft to him, but

u self striuen with in b dom. Wrdis ben in doom a3ens a strongere than hym silf.

manye, and myche in disputing vanyte Wordis ben manye, and ban myche ll
hauende. vanyte
7 in? dispuytinge.
} What nede is it i '"*> '

is, alle cor-

CAP. VII. to a man to seke grettere thingis than ruptible thingis
. .

hasten bi deth
What nede is to a man more thingus h he knowith
hym silf; sithen not, what to the erthe, fro
whennus tho
than hymself to sechen ; whan he vn- schal bifalle to in his Hjf, in the
hym weren takun.
Lire here. c.
knowith, what it bringe to hym in his noumbre of daies of his pilgrimage, and
f Al the trawl
of a man is in
is, for couenable sustenaunce of mannus liyf. but the soule of him ; that is, of the auarouse man bifor seid. schal not be fillid
his mouth; that
with goodis he schal not vse his richessis, and therfor he hath richessis in veyn. Lire here. c.
for ** where is
; liyf; that is, to blis to
comynge, where deth hath no place. Lire here. c. ({ he may not stryue, etc.; that is, alegge resonably ajenus God, that it perteyneth to
man to knowe thingis to comynge that ben vncerteyn, and not teld in hooly writ, wordis ben ful, etc.; of dyuynyngis aboute thingis to comyng,
to seke grettere, etc.; that is, kunnyng that passith his vndurstonding. sithen he knoieith not, etc. ; that is, what is profitable to him in present liyf.

z an abortif E pr. m. I AG pr. m. H. b Om. A.

8 ther
is i. '
that i. Sum i. v if, er j s T. w hath joue i. * ther failith i. T lijf i. * that i.
a vanyte A. b i. Coffrei. d the i. e i. f Om. ? and c. n sith i
getith dyuersite lyue i.
VII. 2 1

lif, bi noumbre of da^es of his pilgrim- in the tyme that passith as schadowe ? ether who may,

age, and time that as shadewe passede?

bi ether who may schewe to hym, what thing
or who to hym shal moun shewen, what vndur sunne schal come aftir hym ? here - c -
*A good name i
after hym be to come vnder the sunne ? that cometh of

2 Betere is a good name than CAP. VII. onestliyf. i,

precious betere than pre-

oynementes ; and the dai of deth than A good name* is betere than
preciouse 2 m""* fhere
a the dai of birthe. go Betere is to to the oynementis ; and the dai of deth is betere "^f* f^
hous of weiling, than to the hous of a than the dai of birthe. It is betere to sros blis > that 8tolld -
ith in God
feste in it forsothe the ende of alle men
; to the hous of morenyngf, than to the aioone, and iu

is warned, and liuende he thenketh, what hous of a' feeste; for in that hous 'o/* anVknowing,
and loue and
Betere is wrathe than fil- morenyng* the ende of alle men is mo- the disposicionn
4 be to come.

ing ; for bi sorewe of the chere the wil nestid and a man lyuynge thenkith, what
of blis stomlita
in meedeful

s of the trespasere is amendid. The herte is to comynge. Yre is betere than lei^yng 4 w rk for whi : >

hope is
. certeyn
of wise men where is sorewe ; and the for the soule or a trespassour is amendid 1
abiding of biis

o herte of foolis where is gladnesse. Betere bi the" heuynesse of cheer. The herte of 5
is to be chastisid of a wis man, than bi wise men is where sorewe is ; and the

herte of foolis is where gladnesseP is.

7 flatering of foolis to be desceyued ; for as Itc
liyf is a manor
the soun of brennende thornes vnder a is betere to be repreued of a wijs man, of bigynnyng
of parfit blis.
spot, so the Ia3hing of a fool. But and than to 1 be disseyued bi the r flateryng of

this vanyte. Chaleng disturbeth the wise foolis; for as the sown of thornes bren-7 In'the day of*

man, and shal leesen the strengthe of his nynge vndur a pot, so is the leijyng of a
ij herte. Betere is forsothe the ende of ori- fool. But also this is vanyte. Fals cha-s verily, and
. . . .
therfor the day
c d
soun than the begynnyng. Betere is a lengej disturbhth a wijs man, and it schal of deth O f hooiy

pacient man than the enhauncende hym- leese 8 the strengthe^ of his herte. For- 9
10 self. Be thou not swift to wrathen ; for sothe the ende of preyer is betere|| than
wrathe in the bosum of a fool restith. the bigynnyng.
OJ * pacient man is betere A mornyng ;
t hou>s f

1 1 Ne seye thou, What wenest thou of cause than a proud man. Be thou not swift to 10 where moren-
. >. . r y n s niaa *

is,that the rathere tymes betere weren bewrooth; for ire 1 restith in the bosum u ^[ for deed men.

than now ben ? folie forsothe is such a of a fool. Seie thou not, What
gessistiijJ^'. tvher^
T 16
igmaner asking. Profitablere forsothe is thou is of cause, that the formere tymes
wisdam with richesses, and more pro- weren betere than ben now whi /te doon and
? for >

the synne of
is fitith to men seende the sunne. Forsothe siche axyng is fonned. Forsothe wisdom 12 leccherie sueth
as wisdam defendith, so" monee this ; with richessis is more profitable**, and
forsothe more hath lernyng and wisdam, profitith more to men seyngeff the sunne.
wrootl 18
u that 3eelden to ther weldere. Be-
lif thei For as wisdom defendith, so money*
whanne he
, !>

hold the werkes of God, that no man mai fendith\\; but lernyng and wisdom^ hath"
seeth him do
v folily ; but a
15 amende, whom he despiside. In the this more, that" tho 3yuen hjf to her straunger, that

goode dai vse goodes, and the euele dai weldere v . Biholde thou the werkis of God, i-*him, le^ithof
L e "
be war biforn ; as forsothe this, so and that" no man may amende hym, whom jjere^c'
J Fab caleng ;
that is, greuouse wrong, disturblith, etc. ; netheles it castith not him doun anoon fro the vertu of stidefastnesse. Lire here. c. 5 *^ schal leese
the strengthe, etc.; that is, the vertu of stidefastnesse, if the trebling wexith strong; therfor a wiys man owith to arme him silf bi preyer. Lire
here. c. \\
the ende nf preyer is betere, etc. ; for it bigynneth of sorewe for wrong doon, and it is endid in coumfort jouun of God, bi which a
man is maad pacient in aduersites. Lire here. c. \ in the bosum ; that is, in his herte. Lire here. c. ** wisdom with richessis is more
therfor Ambrose on Luk seith, As richessis ben lettingis to yuele men, so to goode men tho ben helpis. Lire here. c. tf and profitilh more to men
teynge, etc. ; that is, wisdom is betere with richessis, than with out richessis ; and this is soth, whanne othere vertues ben euene in a riche
man and
a pore man ; for a wise man hauynge richessis may do werkis of pitee and of liberalte, whiche he that hath no richessis, may not do. Lire here. c.
Jt to money defendith ; that is, mynystrith spensis ajenus visible enemyes, and it defendith ajenus vnuysible enemyes, by meedeful werkis
of pitee and
55 i> ui lernyng and wisdom, etc.; that is, liyf of grace, and of glorie to a wiys man, and without richessis, but
of liberalte. Lire here. c. richessis
without wisdom moun not jyue this. C.

c the orisoun AGII. d the A. e so and c pr. m. so defendith G sec. m.

o c. k Om. i. 1
warned i.
m corectid i.
n Om. i. where that i. vfoly gladnesse i. <i Om. u.
f Om. cix. s fordo i. * wraththe u herte i lext. or bosum i v the c sec. m. EFOHIKMPQ
i. marg.
w ban i. * ouer that i. y hem that han hem i. z and se that i.

it God made, that a man finde not God hath dispisid*. In a good day vse ia *o
hath dispisid
, . , ;
hym ri3twis pleyntes. These thingus also thou goodis, and bilore escnewe thou an that is, hath

I saw3 in the da3es of birthe ; the my yuel day; for God made so this dai as

ri3twis pershede in his ri3t\visnesse, and that dai,3 that a man fynde
not iust
inrsiuuiig is,

the vnpitousmyche time liueth, and in plavnvngis

J J asens hvm.
Also Y sh a these i6 thehardnesse
in yuel ; bro-
17 his malice. Wile thou not ben myche thingis in the daiesf of my natyuyte" ; therfs
yng ether priuy
ri3twis, ne more sauouren than is nede ; a iust man perischith in his ri3tfulnesse,
is lest thou become stoneid. Ne myche vn- and a wickid man lyueth myche tyme in
c eth isbr -
pytousli do thou, and wile thou not ben his malice. Nyle
thou be iust myche t, i7 f ^
ther obstynat
a fool; lest thou die in the ff time not thin. nether vndurstonde thou more than is in synne, but
/ T-
tne ' u e owith
19 Good is, thee to sustenen the ri3twis ;
nederul thou be astonyed. Do thou
; lest is not

not wickidli
but and fro hym ne withdrawe thou thin myche$, and nyle thou be a
T j Q more to
bond ; for who
dredeth God, no thing fool lest thou die in a tyme not thin.
; ly
- pu-
nyscheso, 3 he,
20 necgligentli leueth. Wisdam coumfortede is
good, that thou susteyne a iust man; but by deth, if his
trespas axith
the wise, ouer ten princes of the cite. also withdrawe thou not thin bond from this, that the

21 Ther not forsothe a ri3twis man in

is hym ; for he that dredith God, is not necli- ami^ be
the erthe, that do good, and not synne. gent of ony thing. Wisdom hath coum-
h re-
22 But and to alle wrdis, that ben seid, ne fortid a wise man, ouer ten
pryncis|| of a f in ,
f the dates,
leeue thou& thin herte citee. Forsothe no iust man d
lest parauenture ; is in erthe, 21 etc.; that is,

thou heere a seruaunt cursende to thee ; that doith good, and synneth not. But 22 that puddi
23 thi conscience forsothe wot, for and thou also 3yue thou not thin herte to alle h*
24ofte sithes cursedist to othere. Alle wordis 6 , that ben seid perauenture h ^J ; lest
te Lire

thingis I sa3ede in wisdam ; I seide, Wis

h thou here thi seruaunt cursynge thee; for 23* Nyle thou be
, . , iust myche ;
I shal be maad, and it ferthere wente thi conscience woot, that also thou hast that is, in pu -

25 awei fro me, myche more than it was ; cursid ofte othere men. I asayede
26 and
hee3 depnesse, who shal finde it ? I thingis in wisdom^[ ;
Y f
seide, I schal be
cumpassede alle
myn inwit, thingus in maad wijs,
" and
3ede awei ferthere fro it
astonyed; in
that I shulde witen, and beholde, and me, myche more than it was; and the25jyuyngeacruei
sechen wisdam and resoun, and that I depthe is hty**, whoschal fynde it? 1 26 rTotlusT' iir

shulde knowe the vnpitousnes of the fool, h

cumpasside alle thingis in my soule, to
27 and the errour of vnprudent men. And kunne, and biholde , and seke wisdom and 1
wlckidly myche;
for cruelte is a
I fond a womman bitterere than deth, resoun, and to knowe the wickidnesse of greet wickid-
nesse, and for
the whiche is the grene of hunteres, and a fool, and the k errour of vnprudent men. it makith a
a net the herte of hir, bondis ben the Y
And foond a womman bittereref f than to erre,
27 and to gete to
hondis of hir ; who plesith to God, shal deth, which 1
is the snare of hunteris, and
enemyteSj it
ascapen hir, who forsothe
s " eth ' "**
is a synnere, hir herte is a net, and hir hondis ben
thou be a fool,
28 shal be ca3t of hir. Lo ! this I fond, boondis he that plesith God schal ascape
; notthyn; '

, . - , in hastinee thi .
seide Eclesiastes, oon and other, that I nir, but he that is a synnere, schal be deeth bi ene-

29 shulde finde resoun, that 3it sechith my takun of hir. Lo Y foondft this, seide 28 in df
soule ; and I fond not. A man of a thou- Ecclesiastes, oonand other, that Yschulde

send oon I fond, a womman of alle I fond fynde resoun, which" 1

my soule sekith ?it;29" esse Lire
here. c.
ouer ten
prynces that more than eny power of man. Lire here. c. H in wisdom that for wisdom to
is, ; is, lie getun. it $ede; in my reputacioun. Lire
here. c
in an hi
the body.
wit to ech thing. Lire here. c.

f sauere E. sauere thou ^GH. ff Om. c.

pr. m. e thou not E pr. m. h
asai3ede G.

saw3 i
birthe i. c Ouer myche i. d ther is i. e the wordis i. f and Y i. S lowe i.
with i. i
to beholde i. k Om. c. '
the which i. m t h at ,.

so not. Onli this I fond, that God made and Y foond n not*. I foond o man of * and Y fond
man Ti$t ; and he hymself mengde with a thousynde ; Y
foond not a? womman a * Jerfec-
questiouns with oute ende. Who such
h of alle. I foond this oonli, that God made so
oon as the wise is? and who kne3 the a man ri3tful ; and he medlide hym silf a t/iousinde ;
that is, ful
solucioun of the' wrd ? with questiouns with out noumbre. Who fewe men ben
foundun ver-
is siche as a
wijs man ? and who knowith tuouse in com-
CAP. VIII. the expownyngi of a wordf ? The wisdom i :ro

1 The wisdam of a man Ii3tnethj in the of a man schyneth in his cheer and the ;
vertu, for the
noumbre of
chere of hym and the most ; myjti the my3tieste schal chaunge his face.
foolis is greet
with wit noum-
2 face of hym shal chaungen. I the mouth bre. Y foond
of the king kepe, and hestes and the othis
CAP. VIII. not a womman
of alle; that

3 of God. Ne he3e thou to gon awei fro kepe the mouth of the kyngj, and the 2

the face of hym, ne abide thou stille in comaundementis and sweryngis of God. " wom "
v g

euel were. For al that he wille, he shal Haste thou not to go aweifi fro his face, 3 ouse, butfor
fewe in com-
4 do; and the sermoun of hym is ful of and dwelle thou not in yuel werk. For parisoun of

power, ne any man mai sey to hym, Whi he schal do al thing, that he wole ; and 4
5 dost thou thus ? Who kepeth the hest, his word is ful of power, and no man mai
shal not ben expertk

any thing of euel ; seie to hym, Whi doist thou so ? He that 5 in the ch r
whanne ful
i ?he >

time and answering the herte of the kepith the comaundement of God Vw this fewemen ben
there, in com-
6 wise man vnderstant1 To . alle nede time lijf
schal not feele ony 8 thing of yuel
, ; parisoun of the

m and couenablenesse
and myche tor- the herte of a wijs man vndurstondith
multitude that
; is wont to come
7inentyng of a man, that vnknowith the tyme and answer. Tyme and* cesoun is 6 ^^with^ues-
passide thingus, and the to comen bi no werk
and myche
11 tiouns ' that
to ech * turment is of a
smessager he may wite. It is not in a man, for he knowith not thingis passid, 7 aboute the get-
... , . , i . ing of siencet
mannys power to defende the spirit, ne and he mai not knowe bi ony messanger and vertues.
v Who is sich ;
he hath power in the dai of deth, ne it is thingis to comynge . It is not in thes that so wor-

suffrid to resten, bataile a3encomende ; power of man to forbede the spirit ||,
thi to be preisid
among men,
ne vnpitousnesse shal saue the vnpitouse. nethir he hath a wiys man
power in the dai of deth, that is, a ver-

9 Alle these thingus I beheeld, and 3af myn nethir he is suffrid to haue reste, whanne tuouse man bi
w ; nethir wickidnesse vertues and vn-
herte in alle werkis, that ben mad vnder the batel nei3eth
durstonding; he

10 a
sunnenn Otherwhile a
man, in to his

man lordshipeth to
I 333 vnpitous men
schal sane a wickid
thes thingis, and Y
3af myn herte in alle
man. I bihelde alle 9
liyf and trewe
biried, that alsoo, whan 3it thei liueden, werkis, that ben don vndur the sunne. is ful excelent
among men.
'in holi
place ;
weren and thei weren Sum tyme a man is lord of a man, to his Lire here. c.

preised in the cite, as of ri3twis werkis ; yuel*[[. Y si3 wickid men biryed, which, in

11 but and this is vanyte. Forsothe for whanne thei lyueden 3it, weren in hooli of a
'tat is,

ther is not bro3t forth anoon a3en euele place ; and thei weren preisid in the citee, word >
seye, noon, no
men sentence, withoute any drede the as men of iust werkis ; but also this is
i2sones of men werchen eueles. And ner vanyte. Forsothe x for the sentence** isn
the latere the synnere, of that, that an not brou3t forth soone a3ens yuele men,
hundrid sithes he doth euel, and bi pa- the sones of menff doon '
that is >
yuels with outen /ace
in the rising
ajen, whanne
he schal jyue to him a gloriouse face. Lire here. c. J Y
kepe the mouth, etc. ; that is, the comaundement is broujt forth of his mouth,
and this is seid in the persoone of a trewe obeiere to God. Lire here. c. to go awey ; that is, in brekinge his heestis. Lire here. c.

|| spirit ; that is, his soule, fro goyng out fro the bodi. Lire here. c. ^f to hit yuel ; that is, to the yuel of the Lord, whanne herbi he is reisid
ajenus God. Lire here. c. ** the sentence ; of Goddis tt the sones of men that ben nurschid in fleisly
punyschyng. Lire here. c. ; that is,
lustis, that ben the sones of men, and not of God. Lire here. c.

h sechith A. Om. k kk Om.

c pr. m. J
lijteth E pr. m. expert, or feele AEGH. c pr. m.
vnderstondeth AEH. m Om. A. n the
thingis A. tho G.
nn the sunne c
pr. m. Om. c pr, m.
00 Om. c
pr. m.

" foond it i. o and Y c. P oo Y. 1 soilyng, ether [the is] expomnyng c el ceteri. r Om. i. in his liffa.
* of ony c. * s. u
leiser, ether cesoun c et celeri. v come i. w nei3eth nij i. * Sothly i.
66 ECCLESIASTES. vm. 13 2.

* Good be
cience sustened, I kne3 that ther was
is ony drede. Netheles of that, that a syn-
12 not,
: -
. . etc. ; that
nere doith yuel? an hundrid sithis, and is
good to men dredende God,
that reue- temporal P ro-

isrentli dreden the face of hym. Be ther suffrid bi pacience, knew that good Y
not good to the vnpitouse, ne be ther schal be to 2
men dredynge God, that re-
aferr longid dajes the of hym ; but as uerensen his face . Good be not* to thei3 occasiounof
multipliyng of
shadewe passe they, that dreden not the wickid man, nethir hise daies be maad synnes. 'Lire

14 face of the Lord. Ther is and an other longe ; but passe thei as schadewe, that ^ moost veyn f
vanyte, that don vpP on erthe. Ther
is dreden not the face of the Lord. Also u that
is '

b and he spekith
ben ri3twis men, to the?? whiche eueles another vanyte is which is don on erthe. ,
here in the
lust men ben d to whiche yuels comen, as
comen forth, as werkes thei diden of vn- , persoone of a
fleisly man and
if thei diden the werkis of wickid men ;
pitous men ; and ther ben vnpitous men, vnfeithful, that
thenkith not
that ben so sikir, as tho3i thei hadden and wickid men ben f that ben so? sikur, on peynes and ,

h meedis to com-
the deedis of ri3twis men but and this ;
as if thei han the dedis of iust men but y mis ;

la most veyn I deme. I preisede therfore Y deme also this moost veynt.
Therfor 15 '* etc that
lustful h'yf. is,

gladnesse, that ther was

not to man Y preysid gladnesse j, that no good was to vndurstonde the departing ;

good vnder sunne, but that he ete, and to a man vndur

the sunne, no' but to ete, aboute the tri-
bulacioun of
drinke, and io3e and that onli with hym ;
and drynke, and to be ioiful ; and that he vniust men,
and the pros-
he take of hisii trauaile, in the da3es of schulde bere awei with hyrn silf oneli this
perite of wickid
his lif, that God 3af to hym vnder the of his trauel, in the daies of his lijf^, whiche men. Lire

And I leide to herte, that God 3af to hym vndur the k sunne. And 10 ?"
ie sunne. myn
I wite wisdam, and vnderstande distin- Y settide myn herte to knowe wisdom, \
cioun, that goth on erthe. Ther is a and to vndurstonde the departing, which f f histrauei

man, that da3es and ni3tus slep taketh is turned in erthe. A man is, that bi daies

the dayes of
his liyf, etc. ;
. , i .

17 not to his e3en. And I vnderstod, that and nrjtis takith not sleep with i3en. 1
And 17 of this it is

Y m

of alle the werkis of God, no resoun of vndurstood, that of alle the werkis of d'n spekith
them mai a man finde, that ben mad God, a man may fynde no resoun of tho
and hou myche more don vndur the sunne an that
vnder the sunne ; thingis, that ben ; ; ,
thenkith of

he trauailede to sechen, so myche lasse and in as myche as he traueilith more to present liyf

he shal finde ; also if the wise man rr shal

i . j
seke, bi so myche he schal rynde Jesse
ii i i i
And Y
herte, etc.; this,
sei hymself to han knowen, he shal not 3he, thou3 a wijs man seith" that he that God suf-

1 moun finde. Alle these thingus I tretede knowith, he schal not mow fynde.
frith iust
to be set in tri-

in myn herte, that I vndirstonde cury- bulacioun in

CAP. IX. present liyf,
and vniust men
haue pro-
CAP. IX. |fl
tretide alle these thingis in myn herte, i
sperite, per-

Ther ben and wise men, and to vndirstonde diligentli. lust men, and teyneth to the
ri3twise iust domes of
the werkis of hem in the bond of God ;
wisemen benP, and her werkis ben in the God, hut priuy
to vs ; and
and ner the latere a man wot not, whe- bond of God and netheles a man
; noofi, therfor siche
r thingis owen
2 ther looue or hate he be wrthi. But whether he is worthi of loue or8 of ha- not to be soujt

alle thingus in to time to come ben kept trede'^f. But alle thingis ben kept vncer-2
u to for alle knowe in ge-
vncerteyn ; for thi that alle thingus euenli teyn in to tyme comynge ;
neral, bi feith
comen to the ri3twis and to the vnpitous, thingis bifallen euenli to a iust man and and hooly
scripture, that
to the goode and to the euele, to the to a wickid man, to a good man and to siche thingis
that bifallen
clene and to the vnclene, to the offrende an yuel man, to a cleene man and to an here, be ordeyn-
ostis and victorie sacrifises, and to the vnclene man, to a man offrynge offryngis ed bi Goddis
wisdom, to the
despisende sacrifises ; as a good man, and sacrifices, and to a man dispisynge glorie of him,
and also of
chosnn men ; wherfor God schal be glorified in alle thingis, and it is worthi to obeye to hise comaundementis. Lire here. c. Here bigynneth
the ix. c; in Enreu. Lire here. e. H ether of hatrede ; of God. Lire here, c.

P Om. c pr. m. PP Om..e pr. m. 1 thof E passim. 11 al his E pr. m* r

gon c pr. m. rr Om. AGH.
yuelis M.
z it shal i. a face or
presence i. b ther is i.
that i. d ther ben i. e whom i. f ther

ben i. S as i. b hadden I. Om. i. k Om. i. >' 1 with his i. m Om. c. n

sey i. Om. s. P ther
bea i. woot not i. not s pr.,m. wot not s sec. m. r be i.. s ether ceteri. * hate M. B the c.
and as a * betere
so and a synnere ; as a forsworn, so sacrifices good man, so and a syn-
it a

she that soth swerth. This is the werste nere as a forsworun man, sov and w he
; It?., lyoun

among alle thingis, that vnder the sunne that greetli swerith treuthe. This things
ben don, for the same thingus to alle men is the worste among alle
thingis, that ben yuele men, that
is, a quyk syn-

fallen ; wherfore and the hertes of the don vndur the sunne, that the same thingis nere is of betere
sonus of men ben fulfild with malice and bifallen to alle men wherfor and the hertis
; than a deed
synnere, for
with dispising in ther lif; and aftir of the sones of men ben fillid with malice he that lyueth

these 8 to helle thei shul ben bn>3t doun. and* dispisyng in her lijf ; and aftir these
4 No man is, that euermor liue, and that thingis thei schulen be led doun to? hellis. good, her
mynde is jouun
of this thing haue trost ; betere is a quyc No man that lyueth euere, and that 4

sdogge thanne a leoun dead. Lyuende hath trist of this thing ; betere is a quik God, for he

men forsothe witen themself to be to dogge* than a deed lioun. For thei that 5
deade forsothe no thing knewen
dien ;
lyuen witen that thei schulen die ; but they ben in his
more, ne han ouer meede ; for to for- deed men knowen no thing more, nether mynde to pu-
nysche hem,
63eting taken is the mynde of hem. Looue han meede ferthere ; for her mynde is and they know-
en no thing,
and hate, and enuyes togidere per-
also, 3ouun to for3etyng. Also the loue, ande
sheden and thei han not part in this
; hatrede, and enuye perischiden togidere ; """"to*
tho" 3 the y
world, and in the werk that vnder the and thei han no partf in this world, and .
knowen many
7 sunne is don. Go thanne, and ett in in the werk that
don vndur the a sunne.
is there thingis.
.Lire here. c.
gladnesse thi bred, and drinc with 1030 Therfor go thou, mst man, and ete thi 7 \andtheihm
thi win ; for to God plesen thi werkis. breed in gladnesse, and drynke thi wiyn thaisin suf-
s Alle times be thi clothis white, and oile with ioie for thi werkis plesen God. In 8

9 fro thin bed faile not. Parfitli vse lif ech tyme thi clothis be whitej, and oile faile aimes
whiche quyke
with the wif that thou loouest, alle the not fro thin heed. Vse thou lijf with thea
dede men al ;
da3es of thi lif of thin vnstablenesse, that wijf which thou louest, in alle the daies this profitith
not to hem that
ben 3yue to thee vnder sunne 4 , al the of lijf c of thin vnstablenesse, that ben dien out of
d charite. Lire
time of thi vanyte this is forsothe part ; 3ouun to thee vndur sunne in al the
here. c. ,

in lif, and in thi trauaile, that thou tyme of thi vanyte ; for this is thi part J thi clothis be
white ; that is,

ictrauailist vnder sunne 4

. What euere in thi lijf and trauel, bi which thou tra- thi liyf be hooly

thing mai thin bond don, besili were ; uelist vndur the sunne. Worche thou 10 ^ ; ,

for nouther were, ne resoun, ne wisdam, bisili^,

what euer thing thin bond mai do ;

ne kunriyng is anent helle, whider thou for nether werk, nether resoun, nethir e kun- i

ugost. I turnede me to an other thing,
nyng, nether wisdom schulen be at hellis, in the which is heed
myjtis of
and" I 533 vnder sunne neither cours to whidir thou haastist. I turnede me toiithesouie; that
ben of swifte men, ne bataile of stronge another thing, and Y si3 vndur sunne, that
drawe not his
men, ne bred of wise men, ne richesses rennyng is not of swift men, nethir batel grace fro thee.
of ta3t men, ne grace offcraftis men; but isof stronge men, nether breed is of wise with the wiyf
which thou
12 time and chauns in alle thingus. man A men, nether richessis ben of techeris, ne
louest ; tliat is,
with the wis-
wot not his ende ; but as fisshis ben take grace is of crafti men ; but tyme and hap
with the hoc, and as briddes ben v ca3t is in alle thingis||. A man knowith not 12'*

with the grene, so beri taken men in euel his ende ; but as fischis ben takun with god "".<*
ith this wisdom
to be his wiyf,
as it is seid in viii. c. of Wisdom, in the dayes ofliyfofthyn vnstableness ; that is, of present liyf, which is vnstable, and owith to be spendid in the
ocnpacioun of Goddis lawe. this is thi part, etc. ; that is, thou schalt here these thingis with thee fro present liyf, and not temporal goodis.
here. c. 5 Worche thou bisili, etc. ; that is, as myche as thou maist, do thou bisili meedeful werkis. Lire here. c. hap is in alle thingis ; ||

that is, vncerteynte, that owith refreyne a man fro pride. Lire here. c.

8 Om. c pr. m. * the sunne c pr. m. u that A. v Om. c pr. m.

rijt so i. w Om. i. * and with i. y in to c. * ther is i. Om. I. b Om. celeri. c the lijf

the sunne cosa. e ne i.

f nether celeri.

K 2

* in
time, whan to them sodeynli it cometh an hook, and as briddis ben takun with thSt yuel tyme;
8 n thC ' '
* 1 >

a snare, so men ben takun in yuel tyme*, tyme of deth,


isouer. This also vnder sunne I sa3 wis-

14 dam, and prouede the moste. A litil cite, whanne it cometh sudeynli on hem. Alsois^'^ '^
and fewe men in it ther cam a3en it a Ysi3 thiss wisdom vridur the sunne, and ^ Alitaeitee>

gret king, and besegede it,

and made out Y preuede it the mooste. A litil citeef, 14
etc. this m y3 te
be doon to the
and ful mad is and ah fewe men ther ynne a greet kyng lettre, as a wi ys
strengthis bi enuyroun
., ... ,. .
womman sau-
15 the sege. And ther is founden in it a cam a3ens it, and cumpassioe it with palis, y de the citee
and he bildide strengthis bi cumpas and
1 1

pore man and a

he delyuerede the wis ;

m And a
cite bi his wisdam, and no man therafter bisegyngwas maad perfit pore . is
^ docwilli

icrecordede of that pore man. And I seide, man and a wijs was foundun ther ynne ; expownen this
comynli of
betere to ben wisdam than strengthe ;
and he delyuerede the citee bi his
wisdom, Crist and
chirche ; bi the
what maner thanne the wisdam of the and no man bithou3te aftirward on that citee is vndur-

pore man is despisid, and the wrdis of pore man. And Y seide, that wisdom is
ben not herd ? The wrdis of wise betere than strengthe hou therfor is the kyng biseginge
17 hym ;
it, is the deuel
men ben herd in silence, more than the wisdom of a pore man dispisid, and hise and his malice ;

iscri of a prince among foolis. Betere is wordis ben not herd ? The wordis of wise
Crist, that
wisdam than armes for bataile ;
and men ben herd in silence, more than the ledde a pore
liyf, and as
who in oon shal synnen, many goodis cry of a prince among foolis.
myche as per-

shal leese. teyiieth to him,

he bi his wis-
CAP. X. dom delyueride
CAP. X. Betere is wisdom than armuris of batel ;
mple fro

i Fle3is diende leesen the swotnesse of and he that synneth in o thingj, schal
More wisdam on that P re
the oynement. precious is leese many goodis. Flies 'that dien, leesen 11 1
man ; that is,
s and glorie at tyme, than folie.
litil The the swetnesse of oynement. Litil foli at fi fewe ben
, . , , kynde in com-
herte of the wise man in the ri3thalf of

a? tymepreciouserei than wisdom and

is parisoun of
hyrn and the herte of the fool in the
; glorie. The herte of a wijs man is in his 2 Ind^hfs v !

k y nd enesse
slifthalf of hym. But and in the weie a * side ; and the herte of a fool is in his
ri3t cometh of foly.
fool goende, whan he be an vnwis man, left side. But also a fool &sroynffe in the 3 Lire h r c. -

, .. .... I that synneth

4alle foolis eymeth. If the spirit of the weie, whanne he is vnwijs, gessith alle mo thing, etc.;
hauende power vp vp on thee, thiste3e men If the spirit^ of hym, that 4
synne aithe
ne hee!p of me-
place lefe thou for kuring maketh to ; hath power, stieth on r thee, forsake thou ntis biforgo-
scese most synnes. Ther is euel, that I not thi place; for heeling 8 schal make inge is lost.

Litil foly at a
533 vnder the sunne, as bi errour goende gretteste synnes to ceesse. An yuel is 1 , 5 tyme, etc. ; this
lettremust be
6 out fro the face of the prince a fool set ; which" Y si3 vndur the sunne, and goithv takun thus bi
the Ebreu,
in hee3 dignete, and riche men to seete out as bi errour fro the face of the prince; where it is
7 benethe. 533 seruauntis in hors, and
I a fool set in hi3 dignyte, and riche menc thus,

princes goende as seruauns vp on erthe. sitte bynethe. on horsis, 7

I si3 seruauntis teuyere than
wisdom and
a Who delueth a dich, fallith in to it
_ .

; and and princes as seruauntis goynge on the glorie, that is, a

who scatereth the hegg, shal biten
hym erthe. He that diggith a diche, schal falles
uthe shadewe eddere. berth ouer Who in to it ; and an eddre|| schal bite hym,
stones, shal be tormentid in hem ; and that distrieth an heffffe^T. He that berith 9 wisdom and

wisdom and glorie to be vile ofte in a famouse persoone. Lire here. c. Netheles oure Latyn lettre is thus, wisdom and litil
glorie is preciousere
// the spirit ; that is, the violent stiring. of him that hath power ; that is, of the fostring of synne, ether of the fend.
thee i

hurhnge m ether stiringe thee violently to synne. forsake thou not thi place ; that is, stidefastnesse of vertu. and heeling ; that is,
itondmg a3enus temptaciouns, which is seid helthe of soule, schal make moste synnes to ceesse. Lire here. c. || an addre that is, the
deuel. Lire here. c. an
H hegge ; that is, the lore of oneste, taujt of wise men. Lire here. c.

m f9 m - C -

Om ' ce( en l
bildide it with c.

o A litil r>
strengthis, ether engyns c et ceteri. 1
and the i.
diynge fordon i. p sum , q more precious , r n r K ether
heelyng c et plures. curyng, or takyng hede i. * ther is i. * that i. v i

who hewith trees, shal be woundid of ouer stoonys, schal be turmentid in tho ; * that
10 hem. If a3een smyten were the iren, v and he that kittith trees *, schal be
and that not as bifore, but were bluntid, woundid of tho. If yrun is foldid a3 en, 10 S
with myche trauaile shall be whettid and this w is not as bifore, but is maad of
suffre peynng
out ; and aftir the besynesse shal folewe blunt, it schal be maad scharp with ofsouie. Lire

nwisdam. If the eddere bijte in silence, myche trauel ; and wisdom schal sue aftir t aftir

no thing lasse than he hath, that priueli bisynessef If a serpent bitith, it* bitith
. \\

12 bacbiteth. The w wrdis of the wise mouth in silence ; he that bacbitith priueli, hath
The word is 12 a/tir myche di -
grace ; and the lippis of the vnwise shuln no thing lesse than it.
of the
ligense to reky-
isstumblen hym doun. The bigynnyng of mouth of a wijs man ts? grace; and the
,. . .. ,. , here. c.
the wrdis of hym folie ; and the last thing lippis of an vnwijs man T
schulen caste
u of the mouth of hym werst errour. A hym doun. The bigynnyng of &*
fool multeplieth wrdes ; a man vnknowith wordis is foli ;
and the laste thing of
what beforn hym was, and what after his mouth is the worste errour. A fool u Mhoide the
dedis of wise
is to come, who to hym shal moun multiplieth wordis man noot what
; a z
, menbiforgoinge.
, . ~ i , i . t llnil that schal
I5shewe? The labour of foolys shal tor- was; bifore hym, and who mai schewe come, etc.; that

menten hem, that kunnen not in to the .to hym that, that schal come aftir hym?
16 cite gon. Wo to thee, thou lond, whos The trauel of foolis shal turment
hem, 15
the fool is not
worthi to sich

king is a child, and whos princes erli that kunnen not go in to the citee. Lond, i

Lire here. c.
17 eten. Blisful the lond, whos king is wo to thee, whos kyng is a child, and in to the citee;

noble and whos princes eten in therx

; whose princes eten eerli. Blessid is the i

is time, to filleny, and not to leccherie. In lond, whos kyng is noble and whose ;

8 and y uele con -

slouthis shal be mekid the ioynyng of princis eten in her tyme, to susteyne the diuoun for ;
z b
sparres and in infirmyte of hondis the
; kynde, and not to waste . The hi3nesseiaherbisugetis
ishous shal droppe thurj. In k^hing thei of housis schal be maad low in slouthis ; and ^cesben'
make bred and wyn, that* thei etc drink- and the hpus schal droppe^ in the feble-
manifold, eten
eer*' that
ende ;
and to monee obeshen alle thingus. nesse of hondis. In Iei3yng
thei dis- 19 j.
out of jj
du ordre.

20 In thi thenking ne bacbite thou to the posenll breed and wyn, that thei drynk- >s noble; that
. . is, in vertues

king, and in the priuyte of thi bed, ne ynge ete largeli; and alle thmgis obeien andkyn. Lire
curse thou to the riche man for and ; to monei^[. In thi thou3t bacbite thou 20 />> <

schal droppe,
the foulis of heuene shuln bern thi vois, not the kyng, and in the priuete of thi etc. that ;

bed, curse thou not a riche man ; for the

in the slouthe
and that hath federes, shal telle out sen- of hondis fro
tence. briddis** of heuene schulen bere thi vois, goode werkis.
Lire here. c.
and he that hath pennysf f schal ,
telle the ||
In lei^ing thei
disposyn, etc. ;
sentence. that is, vnco-
CAP. XI. CAP. XI. uenable myrthe.
Lire here. c.
i Send bred vp on men passende
thi Sende on watris \\ passyngei
thi breed 5[ obeien to mo-
i'!l ; that is,
for manye times thou shalt many tymes thou schalt

watris, after forth, for aftir for thei han

2finden it. 3if partis seuene, and also fynde it. 3y ue thou partis seuene, and 2
ei3te; for thou knowist not, what be to also ei3te ; for thou woost not, what yuel
therfor thei
doom ** the
distrien of riche men. Lire here. c.
for the jiftis briddis, etc.; that is, telleris of wordis. schulen bere thi vois ; to thyn accusing.
Lire here. c. ft he that hath pennes ; that is, a swift tellere of wordis. schal telle the sentence ; that is, thi wordis, to thi dampnyng ; ether
yuel iuge, which is ouer swift to brynge forth hard sentence ajenus symple men spekinge lijtli.
bi him that hath pennes, is vndurstondun an Lire
here. c. JJ Sende thi breed on watris ; that is, iyue thou mete and drinke to nedi men. fynde it ; in resseyiiynge meede in tyme to comynge,
and sum tyme in present liyf. Lire here. c. { 3y thou partis vii. etc.; that is, jyue thou largeli of thi goodis to nedy men. yuel schal come
on erthe ; that is, in present liyf, and thou maist be delyuerid therfro bi werkis of pyttee jouun to nedi men. if a tre fallith doun to the south; that
is, if a man dieth, and goith to the part of chosun men. ether to the north; that is, to the part of repreuable men. there it schal be; that is,
chaungably ; and therfor in a man owith to be bisi aboute the werkis of
present liyf as as he may disserue. Lire here. c.
pitee, myche

bluntid E pr. m. w In the A, * Om. A. J fulfillen AGH. z

infirmytes c. " and A+

* it l. * he I. J ben i. * wot not i.

a her l. b lecchcrie A sec. m. marg. i.

schal come on erthe. If cloudis ben fill- 3

* He that aspi-
scomen of euelis vp on erthe. If the eth the wynd ;

ed, tho schulen schede out reyn

c on the that is, dilayeth
cloudis weren fulfild, weder vp on erthe to sowe, for the

thei shul heelden out ; if the tree shul erthe ; if a tre fallith doun to the south, wynd, and di-

what euer place layeth to repe,

falle to the south, or to the north, in ether to the north, in it
for the schew-

what euere it shul falle, there it fallithdoun, there it schal be. He that 4 ing of cloudis,
place so thei that

4 shal be. Who waiteth wind, sowith not ; aspieth the wynd*, sowith
not ; and he ahiden an
ablere tyme and
and who biholdith cloudis, neuermore that biholdith the cloudis, schal neuere lengthe of liyf,

5 shal repe. What maner wise thou know- repe. As thou knowist not, which is the 5
what resoun Lire
est not, what be the weie of the spirit, weye of the spirit, and bi

boonys ben ioyned togidere in the wombe t Eerii sowe,

and bi what resoun bones ben ioyned in CtC- '
thSt ' S >

the wombe of the womman with childe, of a womman with childe, so thou know- bigynne thou

so thou wost not the werkes of God, that ist not the werkis of God, which is makere
Erli sowe thi of alle thingis. Eerli sowef thi seed, and e
6 is forgere of alle thingus.
cee>senot ; to
seed, and at eue b ne cese thin bond
for thin bond ceesse not in the euentid ; for
do werkis of
thou wost neuer, whiche more growe, thou woost not, what schal come forth pitee. in the
euentid; that
more, this ethir that ; and if euer eithir
this or that ; and if either togidere, the' ; is, ee id e wher-

7 betere shal be. Sweete the tree, and de- eof* forth togidere, it schal be the
hard <A
slitable is to e3en to seen the sunne. If betere. The Ii3t is sweet, and delitable?

woost not what

manye "man lyuede, and in alle

3eres a to the i3en to se the sunne. If a mans schai come forth
, .
, j ii more; that is,
these thingus were glad, he owith to ban lyueth many 3eens, and is glad in alle schai

mynde of the derke tyme, and of many these, he owith to haue mynde of derk TG^^
da3es ; the whiche whan thei shul come, tyme:]:, and of many daies;
and whanne tho ttmUs'Tac!*'
of vanyte shul ben vndernomen the pass- schulen come, thineris passidS schulen be ceptabietoGod.
the betere ; bi
oed tymes. Thanne glade thou, 3unge repreued of vanyte. Therfor, thou 3onge 9 the fruyt of
meede. Lire
man, in thi waxende age, and in good man, be glad|| in thi 3ongthe, and thin here. c.
of derk tyme;
be thin herte in the da3es of thi 3outhe, herte be in good 6 in the daies of thi J
that of deth.

and go in the weies of thin herte, and in of many daies ;

3ongthe, and go thou in the weies^[ of thin that is, of tyme,
the si3te of thin e3en and wite thou, ; and in the biholdyng of thin i3en ;
herte, that hath noon
ende after deth.
that for alle these thingus God shal wite thou, that for alle these thingis
arid Lire here. c.

lobringe thee in to dom. Do awei wrathe God shal brynge thee in to doom. Do
litable thingis
fro thin herte, and put awei malice fro thou awei ire fro thin herte, and remoue of this liyf, that
thi flesh ; forsothe waxende age and vo- thou malice** fro thi fleisch ; for whi passiden as
schadewe. Lire
luptuouste ben veyn. jongthe and lust ben veyne thingis. here. c.
thou ;<"i.'/

man, be glad,
CAP. XII. CAP. XII. etc.; Ebreys
seyen, that this
i Haue mynde of thi creatour in the Haue thou mynde on thi creatourff ini seidby scorn, '

and this semeth

da3is of thi 3outhe, and er time d come of the daies of thi 3ongthe, bifore that the
Lire here. c.
tormenting, and ne3hen the 3eres, of the tyme of thi turment come, and the 3eris f go thou in the

whiche thou seye, Thei plesen not to me. f

of thi deth neiye, of whiche thou schalt
aEr the sunne waxe derc, and Ii3t, and 6 Tho
seie, plesen not me. 'Haue thou 2 .

wille. btholdtng
sterres, and moone f ; and the cloudis mynde on thi creatour*, bifor that the
that is, in su-
ynge the styr-
mg of coueitise. Lire here. c. remoue thou malice; that is, lecherie. jongthe and lust; that is, jongthe sekinge veniaunce, and lust
hauntmge lecchery, passen awey soone, and leden to an yuel ende. Lire here. c. ft thi creatour; that is, God, that made thee of noujt to his
ymage and licnesse. Lire here. c.

euen AGH. c Om. AEGH. d th e

tyme A. Om. A. f the mone AH.

thei a come e h
i. I.
goodnes CFGiKMNQHSxa9. f the which i. g to me i. Om. i.
xn. 3 13. ECCLESIASTES. 71

sturnen a3een after reyn. Whan shul be sunne be derk, and the Ii3t, and sterrys, *
after reyn;
that is, aftir the
moued the keperes of the hous, and the and the mone; and cloude k turne a3en 1

most strong men wageren ; and idil after reyn*. Whanne the keperis of the 3
shuln ben the wyrnmen grindende in a hous schulen be mouyd, and strongeste is, ijen,keperig
of the body, lii-

noumbre, and seende bi holes shul

litil men schulen tremble ; and grynderis schu- gynnen to faile,
and to be dullid.
4 waxe derc and closen the dores in the
len be idel, whanne the noumbre schal be and strongeste
men ; that is,
strete, in the meknesse of the vois of hir maad lesse, and seeris bi the hoolis schulen hipis and leggis.

grindende and thei shul rise at the vois

; wexe derk and schulen close the doris 4

of the brid, and alle the do3tris of the in the street, in the lownesse of vois of a andseeris; that
is, ijen, set bi-
a song shul become doumb. He3e thingus gryndere ;
and thei schulen rise at the vois twixe the holts
of the heed, the
also shul dreden, and quaken in the of a bridf, and alle the dou3tris of song doris in the

weie the alinaunder shal flouren, and

; schulen wexe deef. And h thingis 5 Sse^the
the locust shal be mad fat, and the erbe schulen and schulen be aferd in
drede, pleyn place of
the face. Lire

caperis shal be scatered ; for a man shal the weie:]: ; anm alemaunde tre schal floure, here. c.
gon in to the hous of his euerlasting- a locuste schal be maad fat, and capparis^ that is, the cok.
doutfris of sony;
nesse, and men weilende shul gon aboute schal be distried ; for a man schal go that is, ct-ris,
that deliten in
6 in the strete. Er be to-broke the sil- in to the hous of his euerlastyngnesse, melodie. c.
ueren corde, and a3een come the goldene and weileris schulen go aboute in the be aferd in
the weie ; that
filet, and the stene be to-brosid vp on street. Haue thou mynde on thi creatour,s is, the

part of soule,
the welle, and to-broke be the wheel vp byfore that a siluerne roop|| be brokun, and and the lowen

7 on the cisterne and pouder turne a3een

; a goldun lace renne a3en, and a watir pot
the bodi for
in to his erthe, whenes he was, and the be al to-brokun on the welle, and a wheele alle

men dreden
a spirit go a3een to God, that 3af it. Va- be brokun togidere on the cisterne and 7 ;
kyndly the deth
neijinge, and
nyte of
vanytes, seide Eclesiastes, va- dust turne a3en in to his erthe, wherof it to go out of the
weye of present
nyte of vanytes, and alle thingus vanyte. was, and the spirit turneP 33611 to God, livf. an ale-

9 And whan Eclesiastes was most wis, he that 3af it. The vanyte
of vanytees, seide 8

ta3te the puple, and tolde out what 'he Ecclesiastes, the vanyte
of vanytees,
locuste; that is,
iohadde do, and enserchende made manye alle ben vanyte. And whanne 9 the wombe.

he so3te profitable wrdis, and

Ecclesiastes was moost wijs^f, he tau3te
... capparis ; that

parablis , coueitise of
; ;s

wrot most ri}t sermounes, arid ful of the puple, and he telde out the thingis
iitreuthe. The wrdis of wise men as whiche he dide, and he sou3te out wisdom, 10

prickes, and as nailes in to hei3te pi3t, and made many parablis he sou3te pro- *""> <en to ;
present liyf.
that bi the counseiles h of maistris ben fitable wordis, and he wroot moost i^tful Lire here. c.

i23iuen of oon' shepperde. More than wordis, and ful of treuthe. The wordis n _

these, sone rnyn, ne seche thou ; of of wise men ben as prickis, and as uailis t'^atls j!

in the
making manye bokis is noon ende, and fastned deepe, whichei ben 3ouun
of o fading
bodi lyuynge,
of the be brokun u
ofte bethenking is tormenting scheepherde** bi the counsels of maistrisf f .

deth. a goldun
is flesh. Eende of speking alle heere wee My sone, seke thou no more than these ;
1-2 iaee , thatis,

togidere. Dred God, and his hestis noon

uuuu ende
cuut ur
is nj make
to man.c many uwn.m, and
mau^ bookis, aim ,, ,

that is, on the

ioynyng togi-
dere of othere membris on the herte. the sisterne ; that is, the heed on the herte. and dust; that is, the body. Lire here, c. f Ecclesiasles was
most wiys ; that is, Salomon was wiseste of alle men of his tyme. Lire here. c. ** o
schepparde; that is, God, that rulith and feedith alle thingis.
Lire here. c. ft maistris ; that is, of the persoones in Trynyte, ether of hooli aungels. seke thou nomore than these ; that is, than the bokis of
hooli scripture; netheles herbi ben not excludid othere bokis, that ben nedeful to the vndurstonding of hooly scripture, but oneli tho bokis that ben
not nedeful to helthe ; of whiche bokis it sueth, noon ende is to make many bokis, for newe hardnessis risen euere in siche thingis. ofte thenking ;
aboute aich thingis. ii turment of Jleisch; that is, makith turment of fleisch, and is with out profit, sithen it is of thingis that ben not nedeful to
helthe, and lettith the knowing of nedeful thingis; therfor a man owith with alle myjtis and bisynessis jyue tent to tho thingis that ben nedeful to
the helthe of soule. Lire here. c.

K it shulde E pr. m. k counseile AGH. '

Om. A,

and the EPH. k cloudis ceteri. 1 Om. s. m and an c. P go CEFOHiKMNPQRSuxa. <l the whiche i.
* ther is I.

u kep ; that is, eche man. Alle thingus ofte thenkyng is turment of fleisch. Alle 13 * this is al
man ; that is,
that benk mad, he shal bringe in to we here togydere the ende of spekyng. perfit man j

that is, these

dom ; for eche errid thing, whether good Drede thou God, and kepe hise heestis ; twey partis, to
God and
or euel it be. 'that is to seie, ech man schalu dredehise
brynge alle thingis in to dom, that ben heestis,
a man parfit in
don for ech thing don bi errour, whether vertu. that ben
dom f that
it be good, ether 4 yuel. ofmen that

moun do wel
and yuele, bi
Hereendith Ecclesiastes, and here Here endith Ecclesiastes, and here fredom of
ech thing doon

bigynneth the book, that is clepid bigynneth the Song of Songis . bi errour ; in
Ebreu it is, for
Soongis of Soongis, of the bridalis of ech thing helid
ether priuy ;
Crist and of the Chirche
but thing doon
bi errour is
trespas by ma-
k he A. l From A. Explicit E. Explicit Ecclesiastes, GH. No final rubric in c. lice ether bi
norance, good ;
in kynde, ne-

is, eueri man EP. that is to mite, euery man i.

man coeKMNQsuxa. theles yuel bi
8 this is, al this this al man H.
* or i
passim, sa. Here of Ecclesiastes, and here bygynneth the book of Songii. F. Here endith
endith the book
ether entent.
Ecclesiastes, and bygynneth the prolog on Song of Songis. G. Heere endith Ecclesiastes, and bigynneth Lire here.
Song c.

of Songis. isxa. flere endeth the booc of Ecclesiastes; se now the book of Song of Songis. K. Here endith the
book of Ecclesiastes, and here bigynneth the book of Song of Songis, that tveren maad of Salomon, to be
sungen in the temple of the Lord, in to euerlastinge tvurschiping, and nedith noon other prologe. M. Here
endith Ecclesiastes, and here bigynneth the book of Songis of Songis. N. Heere eendith the book
of Eccle-
siastes, and bigynneth the book of Songes. K. Here endith Ecclesiaslicus, and here bigynneth the book
Songis. v. Here endith Ecclesiastes, and bigynneth Song of Songis, of the bridales of Christ and
of the
Chirche. x. No final rubric in EP.

Heer gynneth* the booc that is clepid Here biginneth the bok of the Songes * In this book
the spouse is
Songus^ of Songis, of the bridalis of of Songes*. God ; the spous-
Crist and of the Chirchec . esse is hooli
chirche, that
CAP. I. CAP. I. the staat of the
Elde Testament
b and Newe ; the
TheChirche, of the comyng of Crist Kisse he me with the cos of his i
chirche for the

spekith, seiende, Kisse he me with the

i mouth*. For
ben betere than 2
thi tetisf staat of the Elde
Testament, is
cos of his mowth. The vois of the Fa- wyn, and 3yuen odour with beste oyne- discryued in the
d rj. firste cha-
der. For betere ben thi tetes than wyn, mentis. Thi name is oile^ sched out; pitris, and aftir-
ward the staat
2smellende with best oynemens. The vois therfor 3onge damesels loueden thee. of the Newe
of the Chirche. Oile held out, thi name; "Drawe thou me after thee ; we -schulen 3

therfore the 3unge waxende wymmen renne in to f the odour of thin oyne- chapitris.
chirche is maad

looueden thee ful myche. The vois of mentis. kyng ledde me in to

s.The of dyuerse
folk is, that is,
3 the Chirche to Crist. Dra3 me aftir thee; hise
celeris^ we myndeful of thi teetis
; of Jewis and
hethen men, of
wee shul rennen in the smel of thin aboue wyn, schulen make ful out ioye, iust men and
oynemens. The Chirche seith of Crist. and schulen be glad in thee
; ri3tful men of synneris, of
prelatis and of
Bro3te in d the king in to his celeris ;
me louen thee. dou3tris of Jerusalem,
'3e 4 sugetis. HOOH
chirche took
wee shul ful out io3en, and gladen in Y am blak, but fair, as the tabernaclis specialy the
name of spous-
thee, myndeful of thi tetes, vp on wyn ;
of Cedar, as the skynnes of Salomon. esse, first in the

ri3t men loouen thee. The Chirche of Nyle 36 biholde rne, that am blak, fora Y
4 hir tribulaciouns. O !
366 do3tris of Je- the sunne hath discolourid me ; the
ofSynay. The
puple of Israel,
rusalem, blac I am, but shapli, as the sones of my modir fou3ten a3ens me, thei signefied bi the
name of spous-
tabernacles of Cedar, as the skynnes of settidenj me a kepere in vyners; Y kepte esse, seith to

5Salamon. Wileth not beholden, that I not my vyner ^[.

Thou spouse, whom c
of his mouth j
that is, Y wolde, that God schewe hym silf frendful to me bi signes and werkis, as a spouse to the spousesse. c. f thi tetis, etc. ; that is,
the fiilncsse of Goddis mersi is swettere to mannus soule, than wyn most sauery among bodili thingis is swete to the tast. In Ebreu it is,
for thi hues ben betere than wyn, etc.; that is, the loue of God is more sauery to a deuout soule, than ony bodili thing to bodili tast. Lire here. c.
J oyle ; that is, good fame ; for bi the meruels that God dide to the sones of Israel in Egipt, and in the Reed See, the fame of his name and good-
nesse was spred abrood to othere puplis, for which many men weren conuertid to the feith of Jewis. ymge damesels ; that is, othere folkis weren
conuertid to thi loue. odour of tfiyn oynementis ; that is, we schulen be drawun bi affecciouns of thi goodnesse ; netheles these wordis in to the
odour of thyn oynementis, is not of the text ; for it is not in Ebreu. Lire here. c. celeris ; that is, the kyng of heuens shewide to me hise
priuytes, bi Moises. of thi tetis; ether of thi loues, as Ebreys seyen. tabernaclis of Cedar, etc. ; bi Cedar ben vndurstondun Agarenus, that ben
seid now Saracenus. Bi Salomon is vndurstondun God ; hise skynnes ben seid the hijere hiling of the tabernacle, c. the sunne hath, etc.; ||

that is, brennyng of tribulacioun. c. ^[ Y

kepte not my vyner ; that is, Y
myjte not ;yue tent to my werkis, for ociipacioun in the werkis
of Egipcians. c.

a b c No d Om.
begynneth EGH. Song c pr. m. initial rubric in A. A.

8 From EP. Here bigynneth the Song of Songes. o. No initial rubric in the other Mss. b The
d The
of the Fadir. x marg.
Chirche of the comynge of Christ spekith, and seith. x marg. c The vois

vois of the Chirche. x marg. e The vois x f Om. i. 8 The Chirche

of the Chirche to Crist, marg.
seith of Crist, x marg. h and we i. k The
The Chirche, of hir tribulaciouns. x marg. J setten i.

voice of the Chirche to Crist, x


* in
schewe to me, where mydday
be broun, for discoloured me hath the my soule loueth, ;

that is, in the

thou lesewist, where thou restist in rnyd- heete of tribu-
sunne; the sonus of my moder fo3ten
me, thei setteden me kepere in dai*; lest Y
bigynne to wandre, aftir the
my not. The flockis of thi felowis.
A thou fair- 7 !
felotvs; that

vynes vyne3erd I kepte

; is, where thou
Shew thou est among wymmen, if thou knowist feedist thi feith-
c vois
of the Chirche to Crist. ful men, and
wher not thi go thou out, and go forth restist feith
to me, whom looueth my
soule, silf,

aftir the steppisf of thi flockis and feede

thou 3iuest leswe, wher thou ligge" in ;

I bygynne, thi kidis, bisidis the tabernaclis of scheep-

myddai ; lest to gou vagaunt
aftir the flockis of thi f felawis*. The herdis. Mi frendesse d , Y licnede thee to s feithful foikis.
of thi felowis ;
If thou myn oost of kny3tis in the charis of Fa- that of hooi;
vois of Crist to the Chirche.
I "
m. i i t f f aungels, assign-
knowest not thee, O! thou most fair rao. Ihi chekis ben feire, as of a tur-9 j to the

out, and go awei tie thi necke is as brochis. We schulen 10


m en ^
nf t 1~

among wymmen, go ; J."f }

after the steppis of thi flockis and feed ;

make to thee goldun ournementis, departid '*"" f ire I'll'. ,"
t It lit

thi got, biside the tabernacle" of shep- and maad dyuerse with silver. e Whanneii tfaou pupieof

s perdis. riding in charis of Farao

To my the kyng was in his restyng place, my not ,-

9 1 licnede thee, O! my leef. Faire ben narde f 3af his odour. My derlyng is a 12 for'*;

thi cheekes, as of
a turtil
thi necke bundel of myrre to me; he schal dwelle
10 as brooches. Goldene ribanes wee shul bitwixes my* tetis. My* derlyng is to me I3"3 tful weye -

Lire here. c.

make to thee, mad fijr red with siluer. a cluster of cipre tre, among the vyneres -\-aftirthestep-
II The vois of the Chirche of Crist. Whan of Engaddi. Lo! my frendesse', thou
the king was in his liyng place, my art fair ;
lo ! thou art fair, thin i3en ben

12 mad encens 3af his smel. bundelet

betwe m
the i^en Lo, my derling,
of culueris.
thou art fair, and schapli ; oure bed is fair
liyk men!

of myrre my lemman
he shal dwelle.
is to

clustre of as flouns. The trees of oure housis ben

1-7 '*' chekis ten
\G faire, etc.; in
13 my tetes
Ebreu it is. thi
tree my lemman to me, in the of cedre oure couplis ben of cipresse.
; chekis ben faire
vynes of Engaddy.
The vois of Crist
l am a flour of the feeld, and a lilye of i
14 to the Chirche. Lo ! thou art fair, my grete valeis. As
among thornes, so 2 mentis
a lilie
m due ordre in
thin e3en of culueres. is my frendesse^: among dou3tris.
m As 3 thi face, restyng
leef; lo! thou fair,
- .. place; that is,
15 The of the Chirche to Crist. Lo
vois ! an apple tre among the trees of wodis, so propidatone.
thou art fair, lemman, and semeli
my ; my derlyng among sones. &"tl
of good odour.
1C oure bed shynende. The trees of oure
my tetis ; that
houses cedre ; oure couplis cipresse. is.withinnemyn
herte, by con-
tynuel thenk-
^^.r. TT
11. "'& " cl "stre>
elc; thatiS)he
The vois of Crist, of hym and of the I sat vndur the shadewe^ of hym, whom no re ^ostii

1 Chirche. I the flour of the feeld, and the Y desiride and his fruyt
; *
was swete to than "y -

. uery thing and

2 lilie of aleyes". As a
among thornes, lilie
my throte. The king '
ledde me in to the* swete deiitith
, . , , . bodili. Lire

so among do3tres. The vois of
leef wyn he ordeynede charite in me.
; here. c.

3 the Chirche of Crist. As an appil tree Bisette 36 me with flouris||, cumpasse 36 s

among the trees of wodis, so my lemman me with applis ; for Y am sijk for loue. the puple of
Israel among
othere foikis,
that jyuen hem silf to idolatrie. Lire here. c. Y
sat vndur the schadewe ; that is, dwellide vndur the piler of fier and of cloude, that Y
jaf lijt in the nijt, and temperide the heete of sunne in the day. his fruyt ; that is, manna jouun in desert fro heuene. iryn celer ; that is, to
the auter of brent sacrifices, for wyn was sched out in moist sacrifices. Lire here. c. with ftouris, etc.; bi these ben vndurstondun Goddis \\

coumfortingis, that ben jouun to men hopinge in him; thouj God is had bi charite in this liyf; this bi hope, and not in blisful sijt ; therfor the
absence of this good makith turment, which turment is seid here the siknesse of the spousesse.

e f
liggist A. my E pr. m. e lesewis A. h tabernaclis AGH. Om. E pr. m. i k tour E pr. in. turtir
AE sec. m. G. 1
bundel A. m betwen E D alle
passim. valeys AGH.

c The rois of Crist to the Chirche. x d

of the Chirche, of Crist, x marg.
i.l e The vois
ee f
or oynement boxe i marg. S bitwene i. h The k The
of Crist to the Chirche. x marg.
vois leef i.
vois of the Chirche lo Crist, x marg. 1
The vois of Crist, of him and of the Chirche. x marg. The
vois of the Chirche, of Crist, x marg.

among sones. Vnder the shadewe of f

His left bond is vndur myn heed; andfi 3 <*>3<*
. of Jerusalem ;

hym, whom I hadde desirid, I sat ; and his ri3t bond schal bichppe me. s3edou3-7 thati >'

4 his frut sweete to my throte. The king tris of Jerusalem, Y charge 3ou greetli,
ledde me in his win celer he ordeynde ; bi capretis, and
hertis of feeldis, that 30
sin me charite. Vnder ley 366 me with reise not, nether make to awake the 1' bi Patriarki f-
reise not; that

floures, setteth me aboute with appelis ; dereworthe spousesse, til sche wole. 'The that ?e bowe

for I languyshe for looue. The vois of

, * -I i ii j nottoonyorible
vois ot my derlyng*; lo this eter-s !
synne, for which
6 the Chirche of Crist. The lift bond of lyng cometh leepynge in mounteyns, and
hym vnder myn bed ; and his ri3t bond skippynge ouer litle hillis.
derlyng o My
shal clippe me. The a capret, and a calf of hertis ; lo e ch 1 *
vois of Crist, of the is lijk !
n! ?
1 Chirche. I adiure 3011, 3ee do3tris of he stondith bihynde oure waif, and bi-
that is, the
Jerusalem, bi the capretes, and the hertes holdith bi the wyndows, and lokith spousesse
of feeldis, ne rere 3ee, ne maketh my thorou3 the latisis . Lo !
my derlyng 10 ]

leef to waken, to the time that she wile. spekith to rne, My frendesse 1
,my culuer, derlin
8 The vois of the Chirche, of Crist. The my faire spousesse.
rise thou t, haaste pnmounsinge
x. heestis in the
vois of my lemman ; lo ! this cometh thou, and
. ,
come thou
; for wyntir
is pass-
1 1 hii of Syna.
Lire here. c.
lepende in mouriteynes, and ouer lepende id now, reyn is goon, and
departid is t wai; that is,

o hillis. Lie is my lemman to a capret, awei. Flouris apperiden" in oure lond, 12

re c-
and to an hert calf of hertis ; lo ! he the tyme of schridyng is comun ; the ^ : ,
* * rise thou
$ ;

slant? bihynde oure wal, biholdende bi vois of a turtle is herd in oure lond, the is that is, reise

the windowes, aferr lookende thui'3 the fige

hath brou3t forth hise buddis ;
cii.i thi smile to
wordis. come
'/""' to seme
lolatises. Lo my lemman speketh to me,
vyneris flourynge ban 3oue her odour. mea]oone.

Ris, go thou, my leef, my culuer, my My frendesseP, my fayre spousesse, rise

ushapli, and cum; now forsothe wintre thou, haaste thou, and come thou. Mv H dom
tyme of thrai-
of Egipt.

passede, weder 3ide fro, and is gon awei. culuer is in the hoolis of stoon, in the Fiouns,- that

12 Floures apereden in oure lond, time of chyne of a wal with out morter. Schewe tyme of fredom

kutting is come ; the vois of the turtiH thi facej to me, thi vois sowne in myn
is is herd in oure lond, the fige tree bro3te eeris ; for thi vois is swete, and thi face

forth his first figus ; the vynes flourende is fair. iCatche 30 litle foxis to vs, thati5 c
Schewe thi

jiuen ther smel. The vois of Crist to destnen the vyneris for oure vyner hath face;
in res-

the Chirche. Ris, go, my leef, myn flourid. My derlyng is to me, and Yie
u shapli, and cum thou. My culuer in the am to hym, which is fed among lilies ; til 17
r kepe my lawe.
holis of the ston, in the chyne of a ston the dai sprynge, and schadewis be bowid
Calche je litil
wal. Shewe thou to me tin face, soune doun. My
derlyng, turne thou a3en; be foxes, etc.; that
is, sle 36 per-
thi vois in myn eres ; thi vois forsothe thou lijk a capret, and a calf of hertis, on soones that in-
dusen bi gile
is swete, and thi face semeli. The vois the hillis of Betel II.
the puple to
idolatrie, for
of Crist to the Chirche, ayen eretikis. the puple of
Israel hath'
15 Take366 to vs litle foxes, that destro3en flourid in de-

vynes ; for oure vyne flourede. The vois

uout resseuyng
of Goddis lawe.
of the Chirche of Crist. looued to My //tre here. c.
a calf of
me, and I to hym, that is fed among hertis on the
hillis of Betel;
17 lilies; to the time that the dai springe, that is, on the
hil of Synay,
and shadewes bebowid in. Turne a3een; where the Lord
spak to Mnyses.
Betel ; thatOoddis hows, for he dwellide there with Moises ; in Ebreu it is on the hillis of Bathar, that is, of departing ; for there God was

departid fro the puple, for idolatrie, but he was plesid fynaly, at the preyeris of Moyses. Lire here. c.

the E pr. m. P stoondith A. 1 turtre AEG. r the AH. -

h wake i.
1 The vois
of the Chirche, of Crist, x marg. e The vois of Crist, of the Chirche. x marg.
The vois of the Chirche, of Crist, x marg. ] a tij s i.
leef i. m it is i.n han
apperid i. The vois
x marg.
of Crist to the Chirche. x marg. P leef i. 1 The vois of Crist to the Chirche, a^ens heretikis.
r The vois
of the Chirche, of Crist, x marg.
L 2

* In set
liebe thou, O my lemman, to a capret,
puple, that bi-
and to the hert calf of hertis, vpon the felde bi aspieris
of the lond of
mounteynes of Bethel. biheest, that
maden the pu-

CAP. III. CAP. III. ple so myche

aferd, that thei

The vois of the Chirche, gedered to- "In my litle bed* sou3teY hym bii wolden
and the
whom my Y
of Jentiles. In bed by soule loueth ; sou3te arke of the
\gidere my litle ni3tis,
Lord, and turne

ni3tis I so3te, whom loouede my soule ; hym, and Y foond not. I shal rise, and 2 ajen in to E-
gipt; and the
2 1 so3te hym, and I fond not. I shal rise, Y schal cumpasse the citee, bi litle stretis spousesse hi-

and gon aboute the cite, bi townes and and large stretis; schal seke hym, Y weilith this
letting, and

stretis ; I shal seche, whom looueth my whom my soule loueth ; I sou3te hym, seith,
litle bed ; that
in, my

3 soule ; I so3te hym, and fond

not. There and Y foond not. Wakeris that kepen 3 , is, in the taber-
TTTI ii nacle of Aloises.
founden me the waccheres, kepe that the citee, founden me. PWhether 36 sien In nytfis ; that

the cite. The Chirche seith of Crist to hym, whom my soule loueth? A litil 4 is, in the
of tribulacioun,

the Apostolis. Whether whom looueth whanne Y hadde passid hem, Y foond reisid bi thilke

aspieris. Aloises

4 my soule, 3ee se3en ? A litil whan I hym, whom my soule loueth helde ;
Y and Aaron in
the tabernacle
hadde passed them, I fond, whom loou- hym, and Y schal not leeue hym\ til Y preyeden the
Lord for the
eth my soule ; I heeld hym, and I shal brynge him in to the hous of my modir, puple, that the
T forseid sentence
not the time that I bringe hym
lefe, to and in to the closet of my modir. 3ez schulde be tem-

in to the hous of my moder, and in to dou3tris of Jerusalem, charge you greetli, Y perid, ether re-
uokid, but for
the bed of hir that gat me. The vois of bi the capretis, and hertis of feeldis, that thei weren not
herd, it sueth,l
5 Crist, of the Chirche. I adiure 3ou, 3ee je reise not, nether make to awake the sou$te him, and

do3tris off Jerusalem, bi capretis, and dereworthe spousesse, til sche wole. s
Who G
that the de-
hertis of feeldis, ne rere 366, ne make 366 is this womman, that stieth* bi the deseert, is,
sert bi xl. jeer.

my leef to wake, to the time that she as a 3erde of smokef of swete smellynge tile



wile. The sinagoge of the Chirche. spices, of mirre, and of encence, and of and Aaron.
founden me ;
6 What is she, this that ste3eth vp bi de- al poudur of an oynement makere ? "Lo 7 !
and tolden the
sentence of
sert, as a lytil smoke of the
3erde of sixti strongeof the strongeste men
men God and for

swote spices, of myrre, and of encens 1 , of Israel cumpassen the bed of Salomon ; the puple re-
pentide of that
and of alle
pymentarie poudre ? The and alle thei holden swerdis, and bens rebelte, and
.... , . ,1 f , v i
was redi to stie
the swerd or ecn

1 vois of the Chirche of Crist. Lo! the litle moost witti to batels ; ; to the lond

bed of Salamon sixty stronge men cum- man is on his hipe, for the drede of ny3tis.
v made
passen, of the most stronge men of Irael; Kyng Salomon:): to hym a seete, of 9
8 the whyche alle ben holdende swerdis, the trees of Liban he made the ;
. 7 him, etc. where
and to batailes" best ta3t ; of 'eche onv the therof of sillier he made a goldun
rest- the spousesse
, w of
. . f , , spekith to Aloi-
swerd vp on his hipe, for the ny3t dredes. yng place, a stiyng purpur and he ; s^ an d Aaron,
w and
Qf Crist,the chosen
of Chirche, of arayede the rnyddil thingis with charite, ?
dJentilis. A cha3er king Salamon made for the domtris of Jerusalem. X
3e dom- 1 1
' her desir >
but more to the
10 to hym, of the trees of Liban ; his pileris tris of Sion, go? out, and se kyng Salo- contrane, and
seiden, Nyle je
is set noon answer to the forseid axing. Lire here. c. as a jerde of smoke, etc. ; that is seid for encence maad of many swete smellinge
spices, that signefiede deuociouu of the puple, bi which thei desserueden to be broujt in to the lond of biheest. sixti stronge men , that is, sixti
sithis ten thousiude that maken vj. hundrid
thousynde of werriours, aboute the bed of Salomon, that is, the tabernacle of pees of the Lord.
Lire here. c. J Kyng Salomon ; that is, God a king to sou, specialy in the jyuyng of lawe. a goldun resting place ; that is, the pro-
piciatorie, that was the seete of God was al of pure gold, stiyng of purpur ; that is, a veil of purpur hanginge bitwixe the pileris, and was
reisid vp, whanne me entride in to the
hooly of hooli places, the myddil thingis with charite ; for in the hooli of hooli places on the pawment
was the arke of testament, with the tablis of lawe, and manna, and the jerde of Aaron, that weren
signes of Goddis charite to the puple.
Lire here. c.

8 I foond AGH. t cense AEGH. AGH, v w The

echecpr. m. echon ceteri. vois of A.
n The togidere of Gentilis. x marg.
vois of the Chirche, gaderid o Wacche men r. P The Chirche
seith of Crist to the Apostlis. x marg. 1 Om. c. r The vois
of Crist, of the Chirche. x marg.
8 The

synagoge, of the Chirche. x marg. u The vois x v

t stieth
up I.
of the Chirche, of Crist, marg. Of
Crist, and of the Chirche, chosen of Gentilis. x marg. w x The vois of the Chirche,
stiyng up I. of
Crist, x marg. J goth i. z se
je I.

he made siluerene, the lenyng place gol- mori in the diademe, bi l which his modir* * h's modir
that is, the pu-
dene, the ste3ing vp purper; the myddes* crownede hym, in the dai of his spous-
ple of Jewis.
u v
he enournedey with charite, for the yng, and in the dai of the gladnesse of of his spous-
that in
ing ; is,

do3tris of Jerusalem. The vois of the his herte. jyuyng of the

lawe. Lire here.
11 Chirche, of Crist. Goth out, and seeth, c.
t In c.
3ee do3tris of Sion, king Salarnon in the
the goostli

diademe, in the whiche crounede hym

fairnesse of the
spousesse is sig-
hys moder, in the dai of spousing of hym, nefied by this
parahle ; the
and in the dai of gladnesse of his herte. heed of the
spousesse was
the patriark
CAP. IV. CAP. IV. Jacob; the
heeris ben xij.

i The vois of Crist to the Chirche. Hou Mif

frendesse, thou art ful fair ; thini patriarkis; the
i}en ben Aloises
fair art thou, my leef, hou fair art thou ; ben of culueris, with outen that that and Aaron, nil-
inge the puple ;
thin e3en of culueres, withoute it that is hid with ynne ; thin heeris ben as the the teeth ben
withynne forth is hid ; thin heres as the flockis of geete, that stieden xx fro the hil schapli to de-
uoure aduer-
flockes of get, that ste3eden vp fro the of Galaad. Thi teeth ben as the?' flockis 2
saries; lippis,
2hil z of Galaad. Thi teth as the flockys z
of clippid sheep, that stieden* fro waisch- that hryngen
forth swete
of clippid sheep, that ste3eden vp fro the yng alle ben with double lambren, and
; speche, ben
dekenes and
with double lombis b Thi
wasshing place ; alle no bareyn is among tho. lippis ben 3 singeris,seiynge
Goddis heri-
in the wombe, and bareyn ther is not as a reed lace, and thi speche is swete ;
yngis ; the rodi
3 among hem. As a fyr red silkene filet as the relif of an appil of Punyk, so ben chekis ben
othere dekenes,
thi lippes, and thi faire speche sweete ; thi chekis, with outen that, that is hid mynystringe
aboute the au-
as the breking of a poumgarnet, so thi with ynne. Thi necke is as the tour of 4 ter of brent sa-
crifices; the
chekes, withoute it, that withinne forth Dauid, which is bildid with strengthis throte ben stu-
a diouse men in
4sit hid. As the tour of Dauid thi necke, maad bifore for defense ; a thousynde the lawe, licned
that is bild out with pynacles ; a thou- scheldis hangen on it, al armure of
to the tour of
Dauith, maad
send sheldis hangen of it, armoure al the
stronge men. Thi twei tetis ben as twey 5 strong with
scheeldis; for
s of stronge men. Thi two tetes as two kidis, twynnes of a capret, that ben fed whi armuris
b ajenus impyng-
3unge capretes, twynlingus of the capret, in c lilies, til the dai sprynge, and shadewis 6 neris of Goddis

6 that ben fed in lilies, to the time that ben bowid doun. Y schal go to the lawe, ben had
hi sich Mm 1 ii

the dai brethe out, and the shadewes ben mounteyn of myrre^:, and to the litil hil twey tetis ben
twey tablis of
inbowed. I shal go to the mount of of encense. My frendesse d , thou art al? witnessing, of
whiche the
ymirre, and to the hil of cens. Al fair faire, no wem and is
in thee. My s mylk of kun-
thou art, my leef, and wem is not in spousesse, come thou Liban come fro the ;
nyng and deuo-
cioun is sokun
sthee. Cum thou fro Liban, my spouse; thou fro the Liban, come thou thou ;
out ; til the day,
of the newe tes-
cum c from Liban, cum ; thou shalt be schalt be corowned fro the heed of A- tament; scha-
dewis, for the
crouned fro the hed of Amana, fro the mana||, fro the cop of Sanyr and Hermon, figuris of the
elde lawe cees-
frount of Samur and of Ermon, fro the fro the dennys of liouns, fro the hillis of sen in the newe
couches of leouns, and the testament, of
hil of pardis. pardis. My sister spousesse, thou hast 9 which the!
9 Thou hast wound id myri herte, my sis- woundid myn herte thou hast woundid ;
weren scha-
dewe. Lire
ter spouse, thou hast woundid my
; my myn herte, in oon of thin i3en^[, and in here. c.
t to the moun-
herte, in oon of thin e3en, and in oon oon f
heer of thi necke. My sistir 10
teyn of myrre,
etc. ; that is, to
10 her of thi necke. Hou faire ben thi spousesse, thi tetis ben ful faire ; thi tetis the lonil of Jii-

tetes, my sister, my spouse ; fairere ben ben feirere than wyn, and the odour of dee, that is ful
of hillis, and
hath myche
myrre and encense. Lire here. c. heed of Amana ; in Ebreu
II it is, biholdinge fro the heed of Amana. Lire here. c. 1f oon of thin

ijea ; that is, Aloises, heer ; that is, Joseph. Lire here. c.

1 vtmost E. z hillis A. a sittith A. b iemeus E pr. m. c cum thou A.

enuyrounede AC.
t with i.
u Om. A. y Om. CM. w The vois of Crist to the Chirche. x marg. x
fair, thou art
b ther is
ful fair c. xx stieden
up i. y Om. c. z schorn i. a stieden
up i. ;.
among c. d leef i,
* ther is i, f an i.
78 SONG OF SOLOMON. IV. ii V. 4.

thi tetes than win, and the smel of thin thi clothis is aboue alle swete smellynge
as hony; this IB

n oynemens ouer alle spices. A droppende

honycomb thi lippes, spouse hony and ;
* Spousesse, thi lippis
hony* coomb droppynge hony and mylk ;
1111 ben an 1 1 seid of deuout
preyeris of the
hi 3 esteprest,and

tunge, and the smel

of ben{ vndur thi tunge, and the odour of thi
mylc vnder thi

12 thi clothingus as the smel of cens. A clothis is as the odour of encence.

a gardyn closid togidere ; Lire here. c.
gardin, my sister spouse ; a closid sister spousesse,
t paradiysnf
Thin outsendingus a gardyn closid togidere, a welle aseelid. appiis, etc.
gardyn, a welle selid.
/ .j. !_!_, that is. strondis /.

Thi sendingis out ben paradis of applisf is flowin^e forth

paradis of poungarnetes, with
the frutis

14 of appilis, of cipre tre, with narde ; and of Punyk, with the fruytis of appiis, cipre

narde, and safrun, fistula, canel, with and trees,7with narde; narde, and saffrun, flwuatthe
of paradiys of t

alle the trees of Liban, myrre, and aloes, erbe clepid fistula, and canel, with alle pumgranatis.
T .. , , .., Lire here. c.
1 5 with the firste oynemens. The welle
alle trees of the Liban, myrre, and aloes, with j Oynmenti s ,

of gardynes, the pit of liuende watris, alle the bestes oynementis. A welle
16 that flowen with hire fro Liban. Ris, gardyns, a pit of wallynge' watris, that
flowen with fersnesse fro the Liban. Rise icheeste, to rcise
north, and cum, south blo3 thur3 my ;
.the desir of the
and ther shul flowe swote spices thou north wynd, and come thou, south"
spousesse. Lire
gardyn, here. c.
of it. wynd; blowe thou thorou3 my gardyn, to ete the

fruyt, etc.; that

and the swete smellynge oynementis \ is, make me to
ete in pees the
therof schulen flete.
fruyt of the lond
grauntid to me
CAP. V. CAP. V. Lire here. c.
Y slepe; that

i Tlie Chirche seith of Crist. Come, 'Mi derlyng, come 11 in to his gardyn, i
not synnes at a

and etc he to ete the of hise m Mi tyme. ivakith ;

my leef, in to his gardyn ; fruyt appiis. that is, Y bifor

the frut of his appelis. Crist seith to sister spousesse, come thou in to my gar-
se du tyme of
the Chirche. Cum in to my gardin, my dyn. Y
have rope" my myrre, with my knockinge ;
sister, my haue gedered
spouse. I my swete smellynge spices ; haue ete an Y bi profetis

techeris, toclepe
mirre, with my swoote spices I eet ; hony combe, with myn hony ; haue Y to penaunce
aftir idolatrie

myn honycomb, with myn hony I dranc ; drunke my wyn, with

my mylk. Frendis, ioon.frendesse;
in tyme passid
my wyn, with my mylc. Crist to the ete 36, and drynkeP; and dereworthestei of thyn inno-
cence. opene
Apostolis seith. Eteth, 3ee frendes, and frendis, be 36 fillid greetli. slepe ||,
2 Y to me; bi con-
sent of good.
drinketh ; and jee most derwrthe, beth and myn herte wakith. r
The vois of myn heed is
ainwardli maad drunke. I slepe, and myn my derlyng knockynge ; my sister, my ful, etc. ;

spekith here bi
herte waketh. The vois of the Chirche frendesse", my culuer, my spousesse vn-
the maner of a
spouse, desiring
of Crist. The vois of my lemman knock- wemmed, opene thou me to ; for myn to be recoun-
celid to the
ende ; opene thou to me, myn sister, my heed is ful of dew, and myn heeris ben spousesse, and

leef, my culuer, myn vnwemed ;

for myn ful of dropis of ni3tis. I have vnclothids
hed is ful of dew, and my temple heres me of my coote ; hou schal be clothid Y trauel
vnkynde spnus-
; but the

3 of the dropis of ny3tis. I spoilede me ther ynne ? I haue waische my feet ; esse, yuele for-

my coote ; hou shal I be clad e it ? I hou schal Y defoule tho ? 1

Mi derlyng 4 answenth. Y
weshf my feet; hou shal I defoule them ? putte
his bond bi an hoole ;
and my et .
4 My lemman putte his bond bi the hole wombe tremblide at the touchyng therof.

my wombe inwardli tremblede at the Yroos, for to opene^fto my derlyng; rnyns F

- h u

clothid ther
to opene, etc.; that is, Y soujte to be recouncelid to him, and so to be delyuerid of peyne.

e clothid
AEGH. f washide XGH.

f Om. c
pr. m. e beste, ether Jtrsle x
marg. h
wellynge, ether quike K marg. northerne A sec. m.
k southerns A
sec. m. 1
The Chirche seith Crist, x U come he i. of marg.
m Crist seith to the Chirche.
o Crist seith to the
xmarg. repe i.
Apostelis. x marg. P drinkethi. q most dere i. r The vois
of the Chirche, of Crist, x marg. * leef i. t
hem i. sente CEF pr. m. OHiKMNpQRSuxay.

5 touching of hym. I ros, that I shulde hondis droppiden myrre, and my fyngris droppiden
; that is,

opene to my lemtnan ; myn hondis drop- weren ful of myrre moost preued. Ye myrre
Y dresside me
to penaunce.
peden mirre, and my fingres ful of best openede the wiket of iny dore to my
the w'iket of
eproued myrre. The lach of my dore I and he hadde bowid awei, and my dore ; herbi
derlyng ;
it is signefied,
openede to my lemman and he hadde ;
hadde passid 3 My soule was meltid*, as . that penaunce
in the begyn-
bowid aside, and passede. My soule is the derlyng spak Y sou3te, and Y foond ; nyng is vnper-

molten, as mys lemman spac

; I S03te, not hym Y clepide, and he answerde

; therfor
and he

b awide
and I fond not hym ;
I clepede, and he not to me. Keperis'f that cumpassiden? c
zor not
awey ;
7 answerde not to me. Ther founden me the citee founden me; thei smytiden me, u at the cry of
the puple he de-
the 1
keperes that gon aboute the cite ; and woundiden me the keperis of wallis
; lyueride hem
thei smyten me, and woundeden me ; token awey my mentil. 3e dou3tris ofs
token my mantil the keperes of the Jerusalem, Y biseche 3ou bi an hooli
s wallis. I adiure 3011, 3ee do3tris of Je- thing, if 36 han founde my derlyng, that
rusalem, if 366 shul finde my lemman, 36 telle to hym, that Y am sijk for
is seid of
left in tur-

that 3ee telle to hym , for I languysshe

loue. uu A ! thou faireste of wymmen, o ment, he is fried
in his blood.
for looue. The vois offrendis seith to of what manner condicioun is thi der- foond not ; for
Whiche is thi lemman v w he delyueride
yfhe chirche. of lyng 'of the louede ? of what manner not the puple
the looued, O ! thou most fair of wym- condicioun derling of a derling?
is thi anoon, but suf.
fride hem to be
men ? whiche is thi lemman of the loou- for thou hast x bisou3t vs bi an hooli thing. turmentid of
The xx
ed ? for so thou hast adiurid vs. My
derling is whyt and rodi t ; chosun 10 LI

vois of the chirche of Crist seith to the of thousyndis. His heed is best gold ;
1 1
mm lemman whit and roody;
iofrendis .
My hise heeris ben as the bowis of palm trees, ^a^werenTn'
11 chosen of thousendis. His hed best gold; and y ben blake as a crowe. Hise i3en 12 the cumpas of
his her as braunchis of palmes thicke ben as culueris on the strondis of watris,
to persoones.
i2lefed, blac as a crowe. e3en as cul- Hys that ben waischid z in mylk, and sitten be- tokun awey ; in

ueres vp on litle ryueres of watris, that sidis fulleste ryueris. Hise chekis ben
ben wasshe" with mylc, and sitten bi the as gardyns of swete smellynge spices, set

flowingus of watris. The chekes of oynement makeris ; hise lippis ben

13 most ful that is, deuout
persoones of the
of hym as litle flores of swote spicis, droppynge doun the best myrre||.
puple of Israel.
han founde
. i 7 i . i -.

plaunted of pymentaries ; his lippis 00 Hise hondis ben able to turne aboute, 1 4
my derling;

udroppende the first myrre. The hondis goldun, and ful of iacynctis; his
Hisei5 eri ?-/Aa/
^ 8 *
e ^
e e fe

of hym able to turnen aboute, goldene, is of yuer, ourned with safiris. to him ;
in bi-

and ful of iacynctis ; his wombe is lippis ben marble, pilers of that ben seching for me.
that Y am siyk
isyuerene, departid bi safiris. His hipisP foundid on foundementis of gold ; his for hue; that
is, for desir to
marbil pileres, that ben foundid vpon schapplinesse is as of the Liban, he is be

goldene feet ; his fairnesse as of Liban, chosun as cedris. His throte is moost i

16 and chosen as of cedre. The throte of swete, and he is al desirable. dou3-

that is
to be loued,
more than alle ;

ether this is seid to signefie the comyng forth of dyuyn persoones ; for the Sone Cometh forth of the Fadir, as the derling of a derling, and the
Hooli Goost of euer either to other cometh forth of bothe. Lire here. c. % whit and rody ; that is, benygne to iust men, and wroth to
repreuable men. chosun of thousindis ; in Ebreu it is, banerid in thousyndis, that is, hauynge many thousyndis of aungels in his cost. His heed
i bet gold; that is, maad fair, with a goldun coroun, to signefie that he is King of kingis, and Lord of lorilis. hise heeris ; this signefieth,
that his wisdom, and goodnes, and strength failen neuere. fulleste ryueris ; that bi o symple loking he seeth alle thingis, and his vndirstonding
wexith not foul, bi the knowing of tho thingis that ben with out him. Hise chekis , that is, his vertu, to drawe to him bi feith and loue chosun
men. Lire here. c. the beste myrre ; this signefieth his vertu to open priuytes, and that his wordis ben cleene, and kepen fro corrupcioun

rf synne. Hise hondis ; signefien his power of worching ; and alle the workis of God ben perfit. ful of iacyntis ; that is, of sterris, that ben of
the colour of iacynt. his wombe ; is whiyt and cleene, that is, the biholding of Goddis preuytes makith the coold of drede withdrawen men fro
Hise lippis, etc. ; that in, ben stronge, as siche pileris, and ben set on feet schood with gold, in the hijere part of schoon ; this signefieth,
that his berith
power alle
vp his
thingis. etc.; for his fairnesse is word delitable, and hijnesse vncomprehensible. His throte is moost
sieete, etc. ; as Goddis vertu, bi which he makith feithful men his membris bi grace, is signefied bi his chekis, so his vertu bi which he makith
chosun men raembris of his bodi bi glorie, is signefied bi his throte.

h he Om. AC k the m forsothe AG,

f the E pr. m. spac E pr. m. GH. AGH.
* l
sec. in. meEpr.m.
mm seyntus c pr. m. " washed AEGH. maad E pr. m. lippis as lilies
E sec. m. marg. P lippis AG.

thijs n sec. m.
passid forth I.
* The
keperis t. smeten i. The vois offrendis seith to the Chirche. x marg,
v of a
w Ona. EM. * hast so i. " The vois of the Chirche of Crist seith to the
x marg. z B thei firste b Om. i. c Om. c,
frendis. J and Ihei i. weishe i. X marg.
80 SONG OF SOLOMON. V. 17 VI. 10.

hym most sweete, and he al desirable. tris of Jerusalem, siche is my derlyng, faireste of

my lem- and this is my freend. c

Thou faireste 17 j^
Such is my looued, and this is

man, }ee dojtris of Jerusalem. The vois of wymmen, whidur 3ede thi derlyng?
holi soules, of the Chirche. Whider whidur bowide thi derlyng '
? and we b
l ,.,--
17 of of thi lawe.
with thee.
lemman, O thou most fair schulen seke whidur tede
3ide awei thi
! hym thi derling ;

of wymmen ? whider bowede doun thi this lettre is re-

ferrid to the
leef? and wee shul sechen hym with tyme of taking
of the arke bi
thee. Filisteis, and
CAP. VI. CAP. VI. of translating
ther of in to
1 The of the Chirche, of Crist. My
vois derlyng 3ede doun in to his or-
My 1


leef wente doun in to his gardeyn, to the cherd*, to the gardyn of swete smelly nge we sctmien
seke. etc. ; this

flor of swote spices, that there he be fed spices, that he be fed there in orcherdis,
2 in the gardynes, and lilies he gedere. I and gadere lilyes. Y to my derlyng 2 ;

to my leef; and myn leef to me, that is and my derlyng, that is fed among the 6
f Mi
fed lilies. The vois of Crist to lilies, be to me. frendesse^, thou 3 fempnehmto
among Jerusalem. Lire . .

3 the Chirche. Fair thou art, my leef, art fair, swete and schappli as Jerusalem, here. c.

sweete and fair as Jerusalem, ferful as thou art ferdful as the scheltrun of oostis
4 the sheltrun of tentes ordeyned. Turne set in good ordre. Turne awei thin 4
h maden me to fle the tabernacle,
awey thin e3en fro me, for thei maden i3en fro me, for tho
that Dauyth
me to fleen awei ;
thin heres as the awei ;
thin heeris ben as the flockis of arayede to the
settyng of the
flockis of she got, that aperede fro Ga- geet, that apperiden fro Galaad.
Thi 5 arke. in or-
k 1 chardis, that is,
slaad. Thi teth as a floe of shep, that teeth as a flok of scheep, that stieden
in sacrifices

fro m
stejeden vp fro the wasshing place ; alle waischyng ; alle ben with double offringis
offrid bi feith
with double frut of wombe, and barein lambren, Aether twynnes , and no bareyn and deuocioun.
that is,
lilies ;

there is not in hem. As the rinde of is among thoP. As the rynde of a pum- dresse cleene
mynystris to
poungarnet, so thi chekes, withoute thin granate, so ben thi chekis, without thi his seruvce.
7 hid thingus. Sixty ben quenes, and ei3eti priuytees. Sixti beni queenyst, and ei3ti? / .

ben secundarie wifes ; and of junge ben secundarie wyues ; and of 3ong dame- wole serue
him aloone. to
waxen wymmen ther is no noumbre. r
sels is noon noumbre. Oon is my cul-s * , in heip-
- , .
my nedis.
8 Oon is my culuer, my parfit, oon is to uer, spousesse, oon is to hir
my pernt Tume awey;
hir moder, chosen of hir that gat hir ; modir, and is the chosun of hir modir ; 'jj^f^h*
s ot ier
eth er
ther see3en hir the dojtris of Sion, and the domtris
of Syon
J sien hir, and prech- *
j '. .

this is seid of

most blisful precheden ; the quenes, and iden hir moost blessid ; queenys, and secun- studiouse men
, . . . , I7 , . . in the lawe,
Who ,
. ,
the secundarie wifes preyseden hir. What
9 dane wyues preisiden hir. is this, 9 whiche sum
is she this, that goth forth as morutid that goith forth, as the moreutid risynge, Ou curiously
dy " yn * h ng1 8
rising, fair as the moone, chosen as the fair as the moone, chosun as the sunne,
. ',

and so God with

sunne, ferful as of tentes sheltrun or- ferdful as the scheltrun of oostis set in drawith him fro
hem ; therfor bi
deyned ? The vois
of the Chirche, of the good ordre r
Y cam doun in to myn 10 this that is seid,
T i ., ,. f, , turne
. awey, etc.
wsinagoge. I wente doun in to my gar- -i

orcherd J, to se the applis or grete valeis, ;s forbedun cu-

dyn, that I shulde seen the appelis of and to biholde, if vyneris hadden flourid,
aleiesP, and beholde, if the vynes hadden and * ire Am! c
if pumgranate trees hadden buri- T queenes; that
- -

is, synagogis of
citees,wher ynne the puple cam togidere, to here the lawe of God, and to make in lesse townes.
preyeris. secundarie wyues ; that is, synagogis
Bi oon which is seid culuer and spousesse, is vndirstondun the tabernacle in
Jerusalem, wherynne was the arke, and in Jerusalem oneli was maad
the offryng of sacrifices ; the modir of Jerusalem is the chirche
hauyng victorie. Lire here. c. t to myn orcherd ; that is, in to the temple m
of Salomon, applis, etc. ; that is, goode werkis of meke men.
vyneris ; that is, the hows of Israel, pumgranate trees ; that is, prestis and dekenes.

P valeyes G sec. v. a sec. v.

c The vois hooli soulis, of the Chirche. x marg. d The vois

of of the Chirche, of Crist. X marg.
Om. plures.
The vois of Crist to the Chirche. x marg. e leef i. h thei i. '
teeth ben c sec. m. iv.
k the EV. 1
flockis v. m up fro i. n Qm. ci. ther is i. . P hem i. q ther ben i. ' ther is i.
8 t The
sawjen i
passim. vois of the Chirche, of the x
syna^oge. marg.

floured, and the poungarnetis hadden owned. Y knew not; my soule dis- 1 1 r knew not ;

n buriouned. Iwistenot; myn soule dis- turblide me r , for the charis of

turbide me, for the foure horsid cartis of dab. s
a3en, turne a3en, thou Su- mon, tu to tne

Amynadab. The vois of the Chirche, namyte ; turne a3en, turne a?en, that we caitifte of Ba-
Y knew
.111 *TTTI
l i
What schalt
ofi the feith of the natiuite. biholde thee. thou se in is, Y
12 < , that

., r, n f koude not bi-

turne u v.
a3een, turne a3een, Sunamytis ; the hunamyte, no but cumpenyes of hoideGoddi.
benefices jouua
a3een, turne a3een, that wee byholde thee. OOStis ' to me in tymes
passid. my
~ . __ ._._ soule distur-
CAP. VII. CAP. VII. blide me, etc.;
that is, Jero-
The vois of Crist to the Chirche, of the
Dou3tir of the prince*, thi goyngisi boaminduside

synagoge. What shalt thou seen in Su- ben ful faire in schoon the ioyncturis ; to^dobtriejbr
drede of leesing
namyte, but queres of tentes ? The vois of thi heppis ben as brochis, that ben of the rewme,
of Crist to the Chirche. Hou faire ben maad bi w the hond of a crafti man. Thi 2 ifthe puple
3ede to Jerusa-
thi goingus in shon, thou do3ter of the nawle x is as? a round cuppe, and wel lem, leste it

wolde turne
prince ; the ioyntures of thin hipes as formed, that hath neuere riede to drynkis ; ajen to the
rewme of Juda,
brooches, that ben forgid with the hond thi wombe is as an heep of whete, biset
signefied bi A-
2 of the craftisman. Thi nauele a turned aboute with lilies. Thi twei teetisf bens breis
seien, this

cuppe, neuere nedende drinkes ; thi as twei kidis,twynnes of a capret. Thi 4 My soule lettre,
is theveri

wombe as an hep of whete, set aboute necke is as a tour of yuer ; thin i3en set me the car-
tis of the
3 with lilies. Thi two tetus as two 3unge ben as cisternes in Esebon, that ben in hauing prinse-
hed, that
4 iemews of the she capret. Thi
capretis, the 3ate of the dorter of multitude thi is,
my wille, that
necke as an yuerene tour thin e3en as nose is as the tour of Liban, that bihold- broujt me
in to
do idolatrie, for
the cysternis* in Esebon, that ben in the ith a3ens Damask. Thin heed is as Car- 5
3ate of the do3ter of the multitude ; thi mele ; and the heeres of thin heed ben as made me the
cartis of Assi-
nose as the tour of Liban, that beholdith the purpur, ioyned to trow3is
kyngis .

5a3en Damasch. Thin hed as Carmel ; Dereworthe 3 spousesse, thou art ful fair:]:, 6
of Israel in to
thin heres of thin hed as the purper of and ful schappli in delices. Thi stature is 7
caitifte, and
the king, ioyned to water pipes. Hou licned to a palm tree, and thi tetis to 'eiden on hem,
_ as cartis charg-
fair thou art, and hou semeli, thou most clustris of grapis.
l seide, Y SCnal

id, greuouse

7 derwrthe in delices. Thi stature is licned stie in to a palm tree||, and Y schal take
birthuns to here
in the weye.
d turne a^en ;
to a palm, and thi tetes to clustris. the fruytis therof. And thi tetis schulen that is, fro cai-
s Crist of the holi cros seith. I seide, I be as the clustris of grapis of a vyner ; tifte, in to the
hool staat of thi
shal ste3en in to a palm tree, and I shal and the odour of thi mouth as the odour feith.

take the frutis of it. The vois of Crist of pumgranatis ; thi throte schal be as o ether Suiamj

to the Chirche.
as the clustris of a vyne
thi tetes shul
and the smel
ben beste
'Worthi to my derlyng for
and to hise lippis and teeth to
hool ether per-
; drynke, fit. Lire here,
Doujlir of the prince ; here is descryued the lone of the spouse and of the spousesse for the staat of the newe testament. Doubter of the prince ;
that is, hooli chirche, which is the spousesse and doujter of Crist, thi goingis ; bi the councels of the gospel, in ichoon ; that is, in the myndis
of Crist and martris. the ioyncturis of thyn hipis ; that is, the ioynyng togidere of Jewis and of hethen men in o chirche of Crist, maad bi the hond
of Crist. Bi nawle and wombe is vndurstondun the plenteouse childbering of the chirche, to bringe forth the children of Crist goostly, not fleisly ;
therfor it sueth, biset with lilies of charite. a round cuppe ; in Ebreu it is, as a cleer basin. Lire here. c. -f twei tetis;
ben twey testamentis,
of whiche mylk is sokun, wherynne children, gendren in Crist, ben nurschid and encreessid. thi necke; that is, feith formed with charite. the ijen;
ben Cristis vertu of knowing, bi which he biholdith hise sones bi appreuyng. as cisternes ; for the ijen ben full of watris of mersy. the nose ; is
doom of discrecioun. the heed; is Crist ; the hijnesse of his hed is Cristis Godhed. the heeris; ben apostlis. as purpur; for thei weren maad reed
in her blood, for the loue of Crist, ioyned to trowjis ; that is, put in tnm;is to be waischid, aftir dryingis. Lire here. c. J ful fair ; bi feith
and oneste of conuersacioun. a palme tree ; in streijtnesse of rijtfulnesse, and in heijthe of deuout contemplacioim. clustris of grapis ; for
abundaunce of goostly mylk, ether doctryn. Lire here. c. ||
schal stie in to a palm tre, etc. ; that is, seith the spouse, schal make parfit Y
men in the chirche, to stie in to the hianesse of contemplacioim, and make hem to take swetnesse and deliting, which is feelid in the hijnesse of
the fame of teching.
contemplacioim. thi tetit schulen be, etc.; that is, bi abundaunce of mylk of hooli doctryn. odour of thi mouth; that is,
Lire here. c.

AEGH. fishpondis E pr. m.

1 to r "
lippis A.

Om. i.
1 The vois of (he Chirche, lo the feith of the natyttyte. x marg. The vois of Crist to the *

u Om. i. w with i.
of Crist lo the Chirche. x marg.
Chirche, of the synagoge. x marg. v The vois
lippis A pr. m. nable E. naule OPQ. nauele Rca. nauel 8. J Om. a z to be bathid
ynne F marg.
b Crist c stie d The vois
sec. m. Most dere i. of the hooli cro.txe xeith. x marg. up i. of Crist
to the Chirche. x marg. e The Chirche seith of Crist, x marg.

9 of thi mouth as the smel of appelis, and chewe Y schal cleue z

. bi/ loue to
my der- 10
go we out in
the feeld; bi
throte as best The Chirche lyng, and his turnyng
schal be to me. spreding abrood
thi wyn. _
seith of Crist. Wrthi to my leef to
Cotne thou, my derlyng, go we out to


offeith in to the
worid dwette .

drinken, to the lippes and to the teth of the feeld* dwelle;

we togidere in townes.
and to Ryse we eerli to the vyner se we, if the 12 n g e
10 hym to chewen. 'I to my leef, *
i .

ln clte es and
The vois vyner hath flourid, if the aa flouris bryngen townes. Rise we
me the turnyng of hym. of
n the Chirche to Crist. Cum, my leef, go forth fruytis b , if pumgranatis han flourid;

wee out in to the feeld ;

dwelle wee to- there I schal 3yue to thee my tetis.
I2gidere in tounes.
wee to theErli rise Mandrogoris han 3oue her odour in oure l3*^j*f^
if satis: my derlyng, Y haue kept to thee then pupie hath
vyne ; see wee, if the vyne flourede, * flourid in res-

the floures frutes bringe forth, if the alle applis, new and elde. seyuynge ioy-
fulli Goddis
there I shal
poumgarnetes floureden ; word, if pum-
granatis, etc.;
i33iue to thee my tetes. The mandrages that is, the
fulnesse of
3euen ther smel in oure 3ates ;
martris ill the

appelis, newe and olde, my leef, I kepte firste chirche.

Y schal $eue
to thee. to thee my tetis;
that is, Y schal
ordeyne the
CAP. VIII. CAP. VIII. teching of euer
ether testament
1 The vois ofpatriarkis, of Crist. Who "Who mai grantef to me dd thee 6 , my i to thi giorfe.

to me
3yueth thee, my brother, soukende brother, soukynge the tetis modir, of my hm y>ue, ete. t

the tetes ofmy moder, that I finde thee that Yfynde thee aloone without forth, ei'fmen'hf"
alone withoute forth, and kisse thee, and f that Y kisse thee, and no man dis- Cnstis chirche

nan soue the
2 and now me no man dispise? I shal pise me thanne?
___ Y schal take thee, and 2 odour of good
fame, bi hooli
take thee, and leden in to the hous of Y schal lede thee in to the hous of

my ii
y f and hooi-

my moder, and in to the bed place of hir modir, and in to the closet of my modir ; thTcUrche of"
that gat me there thou shalt teche me,
there thou schalt teche me, and schal Y God -

newe and />/f>

elde ;

that is, Y haue

and I shal 3yue to thee drinken of spiced 3yue to thee drink of wyn maad
win, and of the must of my poumgar- and of the must of my pumgranatis. onour the wit-

snetes. The lift bond of hym vnder myn His lefthond vndurs myn heed, and hiss
h Lire
bed, and the ri3t bond of hym shal clippe

ri3thond schal biclippe me. 3e dou3trisi

me. The vois of Crist, of the Chirche. of Jerusalem, Y
charge 3011 greetli, that axith here to be
4 1 adiure 3ou, 3ee do3tris of Jerusalem, ne
36 reise not, nether make the dereworthe deiyuerid fro
\.\. -.! schenschepis
rere 366, ne maketh uu waken my leef,
to spousesse to awake, til sche wole hh Who5 .
and dispitis

to the time that she wile. The vois of is this spousesse, that stiethJ fro desert, t hTbigynnyng
5 the sinagoge, of the Chirche. What is and flowith in delices, and restith on hir
she this, that ste3eth vp fro desert, flow- derlynge ? k
Y reiside thee vndur a pum- cioun
ther; for the re-
v lr -

soun of manned
takun. soukinge the tetis of my modir; that is, of the Virgyn Marie, whiche is seid
modir, bothe of Crist and of al hooli chirche. fynde thee Y
aloone; onourid with onour, that perteyneth oneli to God ; bi this word thee alone, the Fadir and the Hooli Goost ben not excludid, but the
seruyce of idols is excludid herbi. without forth ; that is,
opinly, with out the drede of vnfeithful men. Y
schal take thee ; bi deuocioun of feith.
schal lede ; that is, hi preyeris Y
schal make thee to come, bi
condessending of thi goodnesse. in to the hows of my modir ; that is, in to chirchis
halewid to the blessid Virgyn and othere seyntis. there thou schalt teche me in schewinge priuy mysteries to the mynystris of the chirche.
of wyn ; that is, of deuocioun of feithful men. must ; that is, deuocioun of men newly conuertid. his left hand, etc. ; thanne he schal schewe
to as a doith to a ful dereworthe
frenschip me, spouse spousesse. nether make the derworthe to awake; that is, whanne the spouse hath gete
reste and pees, je do not ony thing wherbi the
spouse be offendid, and the reste of the spousesse be brokun. that stieth fro desert ; that is, fro
the scharpnesse of persecucioun fro tirauntis. Y
reiside thee vndur a pumgranate tre ; thus it is in Ebreu, tho summe doctours taken

And to AH pr. m.
u drinke A. i make A.

z schewe A pr. m. MBU. a The vois

of the Chirche to Crist, x mars. aa O m. cv. b
d fruyjt AS.
joure CEFGHiKMNpQHSuxae. The
of palriarkis, of Crist, x marg.
vois shal 5 eue to E. schal ;iue
Om. CFGiKMNQR SX a9. f Om. c. e shal be vnder i. h The vois
of Crist, of the Chirche. x marg.

Wlle ' '

/ /J,e v l s .
the sy a ge>
of the Chirche. x marg. } stieth
up i. k The vois
of Crist to the
synagoge, of the hooli crosse. x marg.

ende v there thi modir

delices, faste cleuende vpon hir granate tre ; was corrupt, this vnkun-
leef? The vois of Crist to the sina- there thi modir was defoulid. Set thou 6 irebodun
yv me on thin herte, as a signet to Adam and
goge , of the holt cros. Vndir an apil as a signet
Kue that is,

tree I rerede w thee there shent is thi

; on thin arm ; for loue is
strong as deth*,
Y clepide thee
inwardly, hi the
moder, there defoulid gat is she that enuy is hard as helle ; the laumpis ther- vertu of the
hooly cros, and
cthee. Put me as a brooche vpon thin of ben laumpis of fier, and of flawmes. of thi passion.

herte, as a brooche vpon thin arm ; for Many watris moun not quenche charite,?
is as deth looue, hard as helle ie- nether floodis schulen oppresse it. rupt ; in Ebreu
strong Thoiy it is, there thi

lousnesse"; the laumpis of the laumpes

it a man jyuek al the catel of his hous for modir childide
thee. there
catel m
7 of fir, and of flaumes. he schal dispise 1
Manye watris loue, 'that as that is, bisidis

shul not moun quenchen out charite, ne n

Oure sistir is litil, and hath no s
thee ; that is,
flodis shul not throwen it doun. If a tetys what schulen we do to oure sistir,
the blessid Vir-
man 3eue al the substaunce of his hous in the dai whanne sche schal be spokun gyn Marie
hadde sorewe
for looue, as no3t he dispisith it. The to? If it is a wal, bilde we theronne 9 for thee, as a
. . . . . woman beringe
touris "

vois of Crist to the nnagogeJ, of the siluerne 1 1

; if it a dore, ioyne
is child hath so-
sholi* Chirche. Oure sister a litil child, we it togidere with tablis of cedre.
and tetes she hath not what shul wee am a wal, and ben as a tour w th the erd s

; tetis ; f
do to oure sister, in the dai whan she is sithen Y am maad as fyndvnsre
J J peest hersone, as
9 to ben spoken to? If a wal she is, bilde bifore hym. PA vyner was to the pesi-n seide, in ij. c.

wee vp 'on itb siluerene pynaclis; if a ble; that citee, that hath puplis, he
in ,- modir M*

dore she is, ioyne wee it with ceder tables.
The vois the Chirche answerende. I
bitook it to keperis ; a man bryngith a
of siluer for the fruyt
* seid e
of thousynde platis * gf>
modir of Cnst,
a wal, and my tetes as a tour ; sithen I therof. iThe vyner is bifore me; a 12 for he took
, n -11 mankynde of
am mad befor thee as pes resceyuende. thousynde ben or thee pesible, and two

n The sinagoge of the Chirche seith. A hundrid to hem that kepen the fruytis
vyne she was to the pesible in hir that ; therof. Frendis herkene thee, that dwell- 1

hath puples, she toe it to the keperes; ist in orchertis make thou me to here
as slayn in the
a man taketh awei for the frut of it a thi vois. r
derlyng, fle thou \ ; be 14 passion of Crist.
, j ,.., j as a signet on
thousand siluer d plates. Crist to the thou maad hjk a capret, and a
calf of herte
louynge me

% ,

perfitly. on
* loue is
thyn arm ; in defendinge me bi the arm of thi power. Lire here. C. strong as deth ; that is, thouj thi loue is so strong in the
perfit sones of hooli chirche, that they dreden not to suffre deth for thee, as it is opyn in martris, netheles enuye, that is, persecucioun of
tirauntis, that cometh forth for enuye and hatrede of Cristen men , is hard as helle to feble men ; and therfor thei ban nede of the help of thi
proteccioun, and to the benefice of pees, the laumpis therof; that is, of thi loue, in the soulis of perfit men. of Jier; that is, so strong, that
it may not be borun doun bi the persecuciouns of tirauntis, but not so in feble men. many watris; that is, persecuciouns of tirauntis. he schal
despise that catel as nou^t ; as if he seye, men, 3he, feble men, moun dispise outermere goodis for thi loue, but thei moun not so dispise her owne
liyf, in suffringe martirdom. Oure sister is litil, and hath no tetis ; that is, hooli chirche is meke, and cast out among men of this world, and
hath not fredom to schede out the mylk of hooli doctryn, hi preching of Cristen feith. be spokun to ; of princes, as of Constantyn, and
other princes in his tyme, that grauntiden pees to hooli chirche. siluerne touris ; in Ebreu it is, a siluerne paleis, that is, ioyne we to it the
princes of the world, bi resseyuyng of feith to the defence of syke men. ioyne we it to, etc. ; that is, make we it strong with hooli techeris,
clepid cedris ; for the hijnesse of liyf and kunnyng, and for the hoolnesse of feith. Lire here. c. -f-
am maad as fyndynge pees, etc. ; Y
that is, Y haue fredom to preche Cristis feith opinly, for Constantyn, in the iij. day of his baptym, puplischide his lawe, that who euer dide
wrong to a Cristen man, he schulde lease the half of his goodis. to keperis ; that is, to Petre and hise successours. a man, etc. ; that is, Con-
stantyn jaf many costis for the fruyt of chirche. The vyner is litfor me ; that is, seith Crist, stonde nyj bi my presence, to kepe the chirche Y
principaly. and ij. hundrid, etc. ; that is, myche mo thankingis ben due to Crist pesible, for the keping of hooly chirche, than to prelatis, that
ben keperis of the chirche vndur him. to here; that is, aungels herken thee, spousesse, in chirchis spred abrood bi the world, thi vois; that
is, the declaring of thi desir. Lire here. c. J My
dirling, fle thou ; bi this flijt is not vndurstondun departing of the spouse fro the
>pousesse, but bi this flijt is vndurstondun swift translating of the spousesse with the spouse to heuenly blis ; which the spousesse desirith
ouereynly ; therfor the spousesse seith, my derling, fle thou, that is, lede thou me with thee, out of wrecchidnesse of present world, be thou
maad liyk a. caperel, etc.; that is, do this swiftly, on the hillis of sutete smellinge spices; that is, in beringe me ouer with thee to heuenys,
where is swetteste feeding of chosun men. Lire here. c.

T to E
pr. m.
sinage AH. linage G.
w herde x y sinage AGH. z Om. AEGH.
gloriousnes A.
E pr. m. c d siluerene AEGH.
My to hir A. fro A.

jyueth c et ceteri.
dispise, or relte it I.
m Om. i. n The vois of Crist to the synagoge of hooli
Chirche. x marg. nn The the Chirche ansrverynge. x marg. P The
touris, elhir brilagis v. vois of
tynagoge of the Chirche seith. x marg. q Crist to the Chirche seith. x marg. r The vois of the Chirche
to Crist, x marg.

M 2

12 Chirche seith. My vine bifor me is ; a herds, on the hillis of swete smellynge

thousend thi pesiblis, and two hundrid spices.
them that kepen the frutis of it.
is The whiche dwellist in gardynes, frendis Here endith the Songe of Songis, and
herknen thee e
; mac me to heren thi here bigynneth Sapiens?.
vois. The vois of the Chirche to Crist,
u Flee thou, my leef ; be thou licned to a

capret, and to an hert calf of hertes, vp

on the mounteynes of swote spices.

Here endith the Songis of Songis*.

e me A. f From A. Explicit. E. Explicit Canticum. an. No final rubric in c.

1> Here endith the book of Songis, and here bigynneth the book of Wisdom, cux. Here endith the book
of Songis, and here bygynneth Wisdom. FH. Here endith the book of Songis, and bigynneth a prolog on
the book of Wysdom. G. Heere endith the book of Songis, and biginnith the book of Wisdom. IQS. Here
endelh the book of Songis ; se now the booc of Sapiens or Wisdom. K. Here endith the book of
Songis, and
here bigynneth the book of Wisdom, which is red in holt cherche in lessouns of the masse ;
for the mater
therof is goostli, and profecie of thingis to comynge. M. Here endith Songis of Songis, and bigynneth
Sapiens. N. Here endith the book of Song of Songis, and bigynneth the book of Wysdom or
Sapiens, v.
Here eendith Canlica Canticorum, and biginneth the prolog on Sapiens, a. No final rubric in EPHY.

Heer gynneth* the prolog in the A prolog upon Sapience*

booc of Wisdam.

THE booc of Wisdam anent b Ebrues The book of Wisdom is not hadde
bb c
no3her is ; wherfore and that diting among Ebreuys ; wherfore the writyng
the more d smelleth fair 6 Grec speche f . therof sowneth rnoost in Greke speche.
Thys booc the Jewis afermen to ben of This book the Jewis affermen to be of
Filon, that therfore Wisdam is nemneds, Philonys, and it is clepid the book of
it the the
for in comyng of Crist, that is Wisdom, for in it
comyng of Crist
the wisdam of the Fader, and the pas- which is the wisdom of the Fader, and
hh .
sion, diligentli is opened his passioun, opinli ben schewid.

Here eendith the prolog, and bigyn-

neth Sapiens' 1
. .

Heer gynneth^ the booc 1 . Here biginneth the bok of Sapience or * the erthe
that is, men
Wysedom. dwellings in
erthe. c.
Looue 3ee ri3twisnesse, that demen the 3e that demen the erthe*, loue ri3tful-
f symplenesse ;
i 1
that is, den-
erthe ; feeleth of the Lord in goodnesse, nesse ; feele 36 of the Lord in goodnesse, nesse. Auslyn
and Lire here.
and in simplenesse of herte secheth hym. and seke 36 hym in the symplenessef c.

* b Om. e the fair AEGH. the

begynneth AEGH. anentis AEL. nowhere A. bl) c L. '
L. L.
speche the more fair L. 8 clepid L. 8 Om. c pr. m. h
kunnynge A.
expowned AGHL. From i
No final rubric in the other Mss. k
begynneth AE.
book of Wisdam. A. No initial ruhric in GH.

a This
prologue is from H.
** From EGPY. Heere bigynneth Sapience.
K. No initial rubric in the
other Mss. t>
loueth i. Om. ci.
86 WISDOM. I. 2- -12.

2Forbb he founden of hem, that tempten

is of herte. For he is foundun of hem, 2 'prated; that
is,vertu ap-
that tempten not hym ; forsothe he ap- preued of God.
hym not ; he apereth forsothe to them, vnteisemeai'
3 that feith han in to hym. Shreude for- perith to hem, that
han feith in to hym. that iS; hem

sothe tho3tis seueren fro God ; preued For whi weiward thou3tis departen fro 3

forsothe vertu chastiseth vnwise men. God ;

but preued* vertu repreueth vnwise
4 For in to an euell willi soule shal not men. For whi wisdom schal not entre in 4

nethir schal d
ne shal dwelle in a bodi to an yuel willid soulef
gon in wisdam ;

For- 5
soget to synnes. An holi spirit
5 forsothe dwelle in a bodi suget to synnes.
shal flee the feynere
of discipline, and sothe the Hooli Goost of wisdom schal

shal taken hymself awei fro thojtis, that fle a feyned man", and he schal
awei fro
ben without vnderstonding ; and he shal take awei hym silf fro thou3tis, that ben
be chastisid fro the ouercomende wickid- with out vnderstondyng ;
and the man 1

c nesse. is the spirit of wisdam, schal be punyschid of wyckidnesse com-

and he shal not deliuere the cursid fro ynge aboue. For the spirit of wisdom is c

his lippis ;
for of the reenus of hym wit- benyngne, and he schal not delyuere a
nesse God, and of the herte of hym he
is cursid man fro hise lippis ; for whi
is verre
serchere, and of the tunge of God witnesse of hise reynes, and the

7 hym herere". For the Spirit of the Lord serchere of his herte is trewe, and the
the rondnesse of londis; arid that, herere of his tunge. For whi the Spirit 7

that conteneth alle thingus, kunnyng hath of the Lord hath fillid the world and this ; ; S) a man ob-

8 of vois. For that 'he thats speketh wicke

thing, that conteyneth alle thingis, hath
thingus, mai not lurke; ne chastysende the kunnyng of vois. Forh this he that 8 my<*andothere doon Iu
sdom shal beside passen hym. In the spekith wickid thingis, may not be hid ; stinng of lippis.
reynes ; that is,
tho3tis forsothe of the vnpitous asking and doom punyschynge' schal not passe of yueie affec-
ciouns. herte ;
10 shal be. Of the sermounes forsothe of hym. For whi axyrig schal be in the 9 t hatis,ofthou,t

hym heering to God shal come, and to thou3tis of a wickid man. Forsothe the i<

the correcciounsh of the wickid nesses of heryng of hise wordis schal come to God, that is, the
Hooli Goost,
hym ;
for the ere of the ielous hereth and to the punyschyng of hise wickid- that kepith alle
thingis in be-
and the noise of grucchingus
alle thingis, 1
nessis ; for the eere of feruent loue herith ing, kunnyng
vois; that
n shal not ben hid. Kepe 3ee thanne 3ou and the noise of grutchyngis of
alle thingis,
knowing of ech

fro grucching, that no thing profiteth, schal not be hyd. Therfor kepe 36 3ouii sei y"s- a ,
* word, etc.; that
and fro bacbiting spareth to the k ; tunge fro grutchyng, that profitith no thing, coiourid w >s,

, .
the semvng of
for a derc sennoun in veyn shal not go ; and fro bacbityng spare 36 the tunge for ; hoolynesse,
whanne it hath
the mouth forsothe that lieth, sleth the a derk word schal not go in to veyn ; the venym of
Wileth not loouen deth, in errour wickidnesse
12 soule. forsothe the mouth that lieth, sleeth the
withynne. Lire
of 3oure lif, ne purchase 3ee perdiciouu soule \. in
Nyle 36 coueyte
J sleeth the
soule ; this is
vudurstondun of a dedly leesing, not of a bourdeful leesing, and
profitable, in the errour of }oure liyf ; that is, bileuynge bi this to aseape al
peynefulnesse. nether gete y
perdicioun ; that is, dampnacioun of helle. in the werkis of Centre hondis ; that is, in sleynge sou bi joure hondis.
God made not delh ; of man, whom he made myjty to die not, bi the jifte of origenal rijtfulnesse ; and if man had kepte that sifte, he schulde
haue passid with out deth to the glorie of bodi and of soule. Lire here. c.

Forsothe c pr. m. c Qm. c pr. m. ce fe
y n ed thyng E pr. m. d the verre AGH. e he is
herere E pr.m t fulfilhth
^GH. g Om. A. h correccioun AGH.
the grucchingis A. srucchinee H.
of the twisel E
pr. m.

it schal i. e
fe y n y n
ge thing i text, or a feyned man I mars, vnwijs man I. S lippis, that is, ob-
h Therfor i.
stynat v. i
and punyscbynge i.
I. 13 II. 6. WISDOM. 87
is in the werkis of 30111-6 hondis ; for God errour of 3oure lijf, nether gete je
made not deth, ne gladeth in the leesing
dicioun in the werkis of 3oure hondis ;
14 of men 'of liue m Forsothe God made,
. for God made not deth, nether is" 1
that alle thingus weren ; and able to in the perdicioun of lyuynge men. For that remecli
helthe he made the naciouns of the whi God made of nou3t alle thingis, that
idnessis is not
rounduesse of londis. Forsothe ther is tho schulden be and he made the na-; bi distriyng of
herowne liyf. c.
not in hern leching of destruccioun, ne ciouns of the world able to be heelid.
J the rewme
15 the reume of helle is in the erthe. Forwhi medecynf of distriyng of hellis is in
Rijt- is not in erthe that
; is,
wisnesse forsothe perpetuel, and vn-is tho men, nether the rewme of hellis is in in present liyf.
The lawe of
deadli ; vnri3twisnesse forsothe purchas- erthe f. For ri3tfulnesse is 15 helle is this, that
euerlastynge, noon may go
ing of deth. Vnpitous men forsothe with and vndeedli ; but vnri3tfulnesse /* getyng ajen fro synne
hondis and wrdis haunteden it, and of deeth. Forsothe wickid men clepiden
it a frend, floweden" doun, and that vnri^tfulnesse bi hondis and wordis, men moun be
eymende heelid fro
behestes they putteden to it for deth ; and thei gessiden it a frendesse", and flet- synne bi pen-

aunce, and come

thei ben wrthi, that ben of the part iden awei, and thei puttiden biheestis to to glorie. rijt-

of it. fulnesse; which

it ; for thei ben worthi the deth$, that is bi grace.

ben of the part therof. geting of deth ;

that is, of helle,
bi dedly synne.
hondis ; that is,
bi dyuerse vices.

puttiden bi-

i Forsothe vnpitouse men seiden, thenk- Forsothe wickid men seiden, thenkynge i

ende anent00 hemselue not ri3t, Litil and anentis hem ri3tfuli, The tyme
silf not
with no3e is the time of oureP ther of oure and with anoye no out departing,
lif ; lijf is litil, ;
as a spouse
is not refreshing in the ende of a man, refreisching is in the ende of a man, and cieueth to his
spousesse. Lire
and ther is not, that be knowen turned noon is?, that is knowun, that turnede here. c.
233een fro For of no3t wee ben
helle. a3en fro hellis. For we weren borun of2
nou3t, and aftir this tyme we schulen be,
here. c.
born, and aftir these thingus wee shul for
|| smoke;
be, as tho3i wee hadden not ben for ;
as if we hadden not be forwhi smoke ; ||
we lyuen bi

brething in
smoke and blast is in oure nose therles, is blowun out in oure nose thirlis, and a and brething
a3en of the eir.
and sermoun of a sparcle to stirn togi- word of sparcle to stire oure herte. For 3 a word of spar-
" cle ; that
sdere oure herte. For quenchyd ashen 1
oure bodi schal be quenchid aische, and is,

kyndly heete is
in oure bodi,
shal ben oure bodi, and the spirit shal the spirit schal be scaterid abrood as soft
and first and
be held abrod as 'softe eirsand oure lif ; eir; and oure lijf schal passe as the step last in the
herte. as soft
shal passe as the step of a cloude, and of a cloude, and it schal be departid as a eir; that is,
the soule schal
as a ben vnknyt, that is
litil cloude myst, which is dryuun awey of the beemys vanysche awey,
as the soule of
dryuen of the bemes of the sunne, and of the sunne, and is greued of the heete vnresonable
lof the hete of it agreggid. And oure therof. And oure name schal take for- 4 beestis.
here. c.

name faceting
shal take by tyme and ; 3eting bi tyme^[ ; and no man schal haue 5[ bi tyme;
that is, bi pass-
no man shal han mynde of oure werkis. mynde of oure werkis. Forwhi oure tyme 5 ing of tyme.
j Forsothe the 1
passing of the shadewe is is thei passyng of a schadewe, and no
r a on pu
oure tyme, and ther is not" turning turnyng a3en of oure ende is ; for it is ,
the ?bodi r
of the
a3een of oure ende ; for it is al closid, aseelid**, and no man turneth a3en. Ther- 6 deed man
biried. Lire
and no man turneth a3een. Cometh for come 36, and vse we the goodis that here. c.

gladeth not AE pr. m. on.
m aliue AGH. n foleweden A.
parti AEGH. anentis A el alii passim.
1 thof E passim. wax E t Om. AEGH. " no AH.
E pr. m. pr. m.
P this r asken EGH. s neshe

m he is i.
freend i. at i. P ther is i. 1 Om. c. r ther is i.
88 WISDOM. n. 719.

thanne, and vse wee

v the
goodis that ben, and vse we a creature, as in 3ongthe, *
swtftn ; that
_..., . ., . is, as soone as
ben, and vse wee creature , as in oure swiftli*. Fille we
vs with preciouse wyn 7 we moun. Lire

With precyous win and and oynementis; and the flour of tyme
^"^ parl
73outhe, swiftli.

wee vs and passe not vs not vs. Corowne we vs with roosis, 8 * at is we >

oynemens fille ; passe


bifor that tho welewen no medewe be, bi

s more here of
8 the flour of tyme. Crowne wee vs with ;
_T the goodis of

roses, er thei welewen ;

no medwe be, which 1 oure letchene passe not". No man 9 this i; y f. Lire

that oure leccherie passe not thur3- of vs be v with out part of oure letcherie; ^"awe of rt-

9 Noon of vs be withoute lot of oure lec- euery where leeue we the signes of glad- / " lne
^ w* ' at

cherie ouer al lefe wee x signes of glad- nesse for this is oure partf, and this is
leeuefui, what
euer thing we
nesse ;
for this is oure part, and this is oure eritage. Oppresse we a pore mstiomoun do. m.
i ,1 profitable; bi
loloU. Oppresse wee the ri3twis pore man, man, and spare we not a widewe, nether oure doom.
and spare wee not to the widewe, ne reuerence we hoor heeris of an old man
heres of the olde of myche tyme. But oure strengthe be *&"> we " ""'
wrshipe wee hoere
1 1
this man, etc.;

man of time. Be forsothe oure the lawe of ri3tfulnesse t forwhi that

11 myche ;
that foundun
strengthe the lawe of vnrijtwisnesse ;
is feble, is vnprofitable. jeTis/that

forsothe that that is feble, vnprofitable Therfor disseyue we a iust manj, for he
)2is founde. Bigile wee thanne the ri3twis is vnprofitable to vs, and he is contrarie
and he vpbreidith to vs hadden
man, for vnprofitable he is to vs, and to oure werkis; first the
knowing of
contrarie to oure werkis; and repreuendeli the synnes of lawe, and he defameth on vs Crist, as it is

puttith to vs the synnes of lawe, and the synnes of oure techyng. He biheet-
defameth a3en vs the synnes of oure ith that he hath the kunnyng of God, and
isdisciplyne. He behoteth hym the kun- he nemeth hym silf the sone of God. He u vices > thei con -
seyueden enuye
nyng of God to ban, and the sone of is maad to us in to schewyng of oure and hatrede
. ajenus him, bi
14 God he
nempneth hymself. He is mad thou3tis||. He is greuouse to vs, 3he, to is whiche the

to vs in to ouerleding of oure tho3tis. se forwhi his lyf is vnlijk to other men,


Heuy he is to vs also to seen ; for vnlic and hise weies ben chaungid. ben We
and he and
to othere is the lif of hym, and myche gessid hym of to be triffleris^j, nen
thei biguu-
to expowne
ben the weies of hym. As x silf fro oure weies, as
lochaungid absteyneth hym weywardly the
profesies of
trifleres wee ben eymed of hym, and he fro vnclenessis ;and he bifore settith** the him. Lire here.
absteneth hymself fro oure weies, as fro laste thingis of iust men, and he hath
of oure lhou;t-
vnclennesses" and he tellith biforn the glorie, that he hath God a? fadir.
; Ther-i7 ,

ynge tho, as
laste thingus of ri3twis men, and he glo- for se we, if hise wordis ben trewe and many men
... , ,

diden, bi the
171-ieth hymself to han God to fader. See asaie we, what thingis schulen come to spirit of pro-

wee thanne, if the wrdis of hym ben hym and we schulen wite, what schulen

tr *ele
trewe and asa3e wee, what ben to comen
; be the laste thingis
o of hym. For if he \s 1
* that men of,
to hym ; and wee shul wite, what shul isthe very sone of God, he schal vp take novemi. Lire
here. c.
is ben the laste thingis of hym. If for- hym, and schal delyuere hym fro the
ufonetiuh ;

sothe he b 1
is verre sone of God, he shal hondis of hem that ben contrarie 2
vndertaken hym, and delyuere hym c fro we hym bi ~

dispisyng and turment, that f^Tiyf the

19 the hondis of the contrariose. With we knowe his reuerence, and that we 8?* abedun
of nist men.
wrong vndernymyng and torment aske preue his pacience. Bi fouleste 3 deth con- 20 Lire here. c.

wee hym, that wee wite the reuerence of dempne we hym ; for whi biholdyng schal

v Om. ^GH. w a creature A. * Om. AGH. y oure lot A. a vnclennes AGH. the verrei A.
Om. c pr. m.

' thei i. t that i. not bi i. * be ther i.

w vpbreidith, ether edwiteth c et ceteri. * withholdith i.
y his z contrarie to a
i. him t. mos t foul i.
II. 20 III. 10. WISDOM. 89

hym, and proue the patience of hyra. be of hise wordis*. Thei thomten these 21 *<>/*
.... , ., . . . wordis; for the
20 Bi most foul deth condempne wee hym ; thmgis, and thei erriden for whi her ; Jewis wi

forsothe respit shal be of the wrdis of malice blyndide hem. And thei knewen 22 whTnne Crist
hym. These thingus thei tho3ten, and not the sacramentis of Godf, nethir thei
erreden ;and the malice of hem blendede hopiden the meede of rhtfulnesse, nether '"8e w*u
lie arettid fals,
22 them. And
knewen not the sacra-
thei thei demyden the onour of hooli soulis. imt the con-
T-I , . x-^ , trarie bifelde.
mens of God, ne hopeden the meede of for whi God made man vnable to be dis- 23 Lire here, c
ri3twisnesse, ne derneden the wrshepe of tried, and God made man to the ymage t the sacra.
asholi soules. For God made man d vn- of his licnesse. But bi enuye
of the 24 *?*""''if? *;
that is, pnuy
and to the yinage of his licnesse
deadli, deuel^: deth entride in to the world; for 25 K odis - whiche
. he made redi
24 made hym. Forsothe thur3 the enuye sothe thei suen hym, that ben of his part, to hem that
louen him.
of the deuel deth cam in in to the round- vndistriable ;
that is, vndedly
2s nesse of erthis ; forsothe thei folewen as to the smile,
and to dis-
hym, that ben of the part of hym.

tried ajenus the

corrupcioun of
CAP. III. ^J\f. 111.
the bodi, for it
> The soules of ri3twis men ben in the Forsothe the soulis of iust men ben in i
i^s^^ 1

hond of God ; and torment of deth shal the hond of God

and the turment of ;
2notdd touche them. Thei ben seen to the" deth J& schal not touche hem. Thei sem-2 >ichethe
soule myjte

e3en of vnwise men to dien ; tormenting yden to the i3en of vnwise men to die
kepe MS bodi ;
, , fro corrupcioun. , . .,

sis eymed the issue of hem. And fro a and turment was denied the outgoyng or to the ymage
ri3twis weie thei wenten in to destruc- hem. And fro iust weie|| thei 3eden ins tte'ZT''
cioun, and that of vs ys weie of destruc- to distriyng, and that that b is of vs the
-icioun; thei forsothe ben in pes. And weie of distriyngff; but thei ben in pees, knowing and
f " .
loue. Lire here.
if befor men thei suffreden tormentis, the 1 nou3 thei sutriden turmentis bifore men, 4 c.

a hope of hem is ful of vndeadlynesse. In the hope of hem is ful of vndeedlynesse. IH enuye of
fewe thingus trauailid, in Thei weren trauelid in a fewe thingis, 5
manye thingus ShJ^^
thei shul be weel disposid for God
and thei schulen be disposid wel in many
* <;
ioi in the firste

fadir and modir

temptede them, and fond hem wrthi thingis ;

for whi God asaiede hem, and braken Goddis
- , , ,. , . comaundement,
chymself. As gold in furneis he prouede foond hem worthi to hym silf. He preu- 6 and losten ori-

them, and as brent sacrifise of ost he ede hem as gold in a furneis, and he took ^^ andtonede en-
loouwede& them ; and in time shal ben hem as the offryng of brent sacrifice ; and tod;"

7 the biholding of hem. Thei shul shyne the biholdyng6 of hem schal be in
,,. .*
of deth; that
and as f T
lust men schulen

ri3twis, sparcles in reeddy places oj gelding. schyne, 7 is,ofheiie. Lire

a thei shuln renne hider and thider. Thei and c schulen renne aboute as sparclis in a
shul derne naciouns, and lordshipen to place of rehed. thei schulen deme na-s Igif" $"%
wttGf IK.
Hull ,'

puples and the Lord of hem shal regne

c i8 ' f he weie
ciouns, and schulen be lordis of puplis
; : r
of njtfulnesse,
in to withoute ende. Who trosten in and the Lord of hem schal regne with that they heiden
j mu xu T_
Ihei that trusten on hym, 9
tru 'y in th 'S
hym, shuln vnderstoride treuthe ; and outen ende. world, to </

b e
feithful in looue thei shul assente to schulen vnderstonde treuthe ; and feithful enof vn-
en- L re
hym ;
for free 3ifte and pes is to the men in loue schulen assente to hym ; for

10 chosen men of hym. Vnpitous men for- whi 3ifte** and pees is to hise chosun f wey of disiri.
sothe, aftir that thei tho3ten, vndernym- men. But wickid men, bi tho thingis off i
that seith, that
men that dien, ben distried outirli. Lire here. c. ** of grace in present tyme. and pees in to comynge. Lire here. c.
yfte ; ; tyme

d a man E dd no c. e Om. AGH. f AG

pr. m. wijs pr. m. alouwid A.

b Om. c. c and thei i.


h that dispiseden the

shuln ban that thei thou3ten, schulen haue punysch-
ynges ;

whiche dispisiden* iust thing, and etc.

ri3twis, and fro the Lord wenten
awei. that ; is,

3eden awei fro the Lord.

For he that 11 noiden do mt
uWisdam forsothe and discipline who
casteth awei, is vnseli ;
and voide is the castith awei wisdom and lore, is cursid inhabitable; ;

hope of hem, and trauailes withoute frut, and the hope of wickid men is voide, and d\^;!,t.

and vnprofitable the werkis of them, and her trauels ben without fruyt, and her that alowiny ;

is, excus-
lavnable to dwelle in. The wymmen of werkis ben vnhabitable , and vnprofit- ing of her
them ben vnwise, and most wicke the able. The wymmen of hern ben vnwitti, 12 the<im ;

issonus of hem. Cursid the creature of and the sones of hem ben ful weiward. thatTs,"'" ge-
them for seli is the bareyn, and the
The creature of hem is cursid for whi e is ;

vndefoulid, that kne3 not the bed in tres- womman bareyn and vndefoulid is blessid,
in ss that is,
of hard dampn-
of holi that 'knew not f bed in trespas sche schal yg
pas, shal ban frut in beholding ;
to the
P e *
usoulis. And the gelding, that wro3te not haue fruyt in the biholdyng of holy soulis. Lhhre. c

bi his hondis wickidnesse, ne tho3te a3en And a man vnmy3ti to gendre& is blessid, 14

the Lord most wicke thingus ; forsothe that Vrou3te not wickidnesse bi hise
ther shal ben 3iue to hym the chosen hondis, nether thou3te moost weiward
fre 3ifte of the beleeue, and lot in the thingis a3ens the Lord ; for whi a chosun
temple of God most aloowid. Forsothe 3ifte of feith schal be 3ouun to hym, and
of goode trauailes glorious is the frut, a most acceptable eritage in the temple of
and the whiche the roote of wisdam al God. For whi the fruyt of good trauels 15 ri"*,( .*"
is gloriouse, and the roote of wisdom that the multitude of
icto-stereth not. The sones forsothe of ~ iust men, which

auoutreres in ending shul ben, and fro fallith not doun. But the sones of avow-i6jcbatinbodi, ,

" 5
the wicke bed the seed shal ben out- treris schulen be in distriyng, and the seed vnieuetuf

i7lawid. And if forsothe of long lif thei of a wickid bed schal be destried. And
in soule, in
shul be, in no3t thei shul be countid ; and sotheli thou3 thei schulen be of long lijf,
eschewynge the
withoute wrshipe shal be the laste eelde thei schulen be arettid in to nou3t ; and synne of vn-
18 of hem. And if swiftliere thei shul ben the laste eelde of hemschal be withouten and of iilulatrie.
i i /! with clerncsse
dead, thei shul not ban hope, ne in the onour. And *
. i
thei ben deed swifthere,
i f

which is ^ouun
lodai of knouleching speche. Forsothe thei schulen nothaue hope, nether alow- to iust men.
wicke naciouns ben of hard ending. yng in the dai
of knowyng. Forsothe 19
'' ''*
knowing of
wickide naciouns ben of hard ending. appreuyng ;
sotheli no for-
jeting fallith in
CAP. IV. CAP. IV. Ood. Lire here.

O' hou A' hou k led

1 ! fair is chast ieneracioun with ! fair is chast generaciounf i *, "",'

that is, fro pre-

clerte vndeadli forsothe the with for the n*
; is mynde of clerenessemynde therof ^
kyndiy ui

it, for anent God it is knowe, and anent is vndeedli, knowun both
for ouercom-it is

2 men. Whan present it is, thei folewe ;

anentis God, and anentis men. Whannea and the ,
and desiren it, whan it hath k lad out it is present, thei suen it ;
and thei desiren
,'11'^ ten
itself, and it crouned in to withoute it, whanne it hath led out:): it silf, and it ouen-omun per-
mit of iust men
ende berth the victorie, takende bi vic- ouercomyng getith bi victorie the mede in her deth.
Litre here. c.
torie the meede of the vndefoulid striues. of batels vndefoulid, and is corouned with of auoutrie;
3 Forsothe the manyfold goten multitude outen ende. But the many fold gendrid 3
Of vnpitouse men shal not ben multitude of wickid men schal not be that ben the
profitable ; fendis sones bi
and auoutrie plauntingis shul not 3iue and plauntyngis of auoutrie^ gOOStly iltinn-
trie. Lire here.
hee3e rootis, ne stable stedefastnesse set- schulen" 1
not 3yue deepe rootis, nether c.

h correcciouns E k thei han E

pr. m.
Om. ^ICGH. pr. m.
themself E pr. m.

A vnable for to * h hath not

dwelle i. the i. f hath not knowen the i. 8 gete i. wrou;t i.
Om. la. k a chaast la. 1
vnkuowun A. m thei schal i.
IV. 417- WISDOM. 91

4 ten. And if in the braunchis in the tyme schulen sette stable stidfastnesse. Thouj 4
* turiownen

buriounen, vnstabli set of the wind thei buriounen* in bowis in" time, thei
prospertte in

shul ben al to-stirid, and of the mychil- set vnstidfastli schulen be moued of the temporal good-
dis. Lire here. c.

nesse of windis pullid vp bi the rootis. wynd, and schulen be drawun outf bi f schulen be
drawun out,
5 Forsothe braunchis vnendid shul be to- the roote of the greetnesse of wyndys. etc.; that is, hi
Goddls 8en "
broken ;
and the frutis of them vnprofit- For whi bowis vnperfit schulen be brokun 5 truce, fallinge
and to no thing and the fruytis of hem ben vn- on hem, thei
able, and soure to ete, togidere ;
schulen be
cable. Forsothe alle the sonus, that shul profitable, and soure to ete, and couenable drawun out fro
goodis of pre-
ben born of wicke m men, witnesses ben
,, .
to no thing, b or whi alle sones, that ben G sent iiyf, in
of shreudenesses a3en fader and moder, borun of wickid men, ben witnessis t of iLi'den set"
7 in ther asking. The
ri3twis forsothe, if wickidnesse a3ens fadirs and modris, in ]^' c Lire
he were beforn ocupied bi deth, in re- her axyng. But a iust man, thorn he be 7 + ben ">'" s*>s>
etc. for In this ;

8 freshing shal ben. The

age for- laste bifore ocupied bi deth, schal be in re- ' ha ' *' suen
., ..
For wbi worschipful eeldes fadris, thei i / i ,, the trespassis of
sothe wrshipeful is" not longe durende, freischyng||.
ne in noumbre of 3eres countid ; hoere isnot of long tyme, nether is? rikened bi mauS^iirr
9 ben the wittis of man, and the age of the noumbre of 3eeris; the wittis of a

loeelde lijf
vndefoulid. The plesing to God man ben hoore, and the age
of eelde is a p> ed etc-! that >.

is, bifore that

mad looued, andlyuyng among syn- lijf withouten wem. He pleside God, 10 he come to
nneres is translated; he is raueshid, lest and was maad dereworth, and he lyu- here.c.

malice shulde chaunge the vnderstonding ynge among synneris was 'borun oueri^[; reaching";
* hat is> " r este
of hym, or lest feynyng shulde begile he was rauyschid,
lest malice schulde 1 1
fro wrecchid-
lathe soule of hym. Forsothe priue de- chaunge his
vnderstondyng, lest
sent Iiyf; and

sceyuyng of trifling derkneth goode feynyng schulde disseyue his soule. so a iust man

thingus, and
vnstablenesse of coueiting For whi disseyuyng of trifelyng makith 12
isouerturneth wit withoute malice. The derk goode thingis, and the r vnstable-
ful endid in short fulfilde nesse of coueitise turneth ouer the wit wickid man
manye tymes; that lyueth

plesid forsothe to God was the soule of without malice. He was endid in schort isionge,' and that
, /.-,,. j ,. i i
fallith in trilm-

hym ; for that he wente to bringen hym tyme, and fillide many tymes ; for whi his 14 i ac i un
out fro the myddel of shreudenesses 00 ; was plesant

soule to God; for this thing

worschipful ;

puples forsothe seende and not vnder- God hastide to lede hym out fro the
that is, worthi
to be worsehip-

stondende, nouther ben puttende in ther of wickidnesses but ** id, is not in

myddis ; puplis multitude of
ishertes suche thingis. For grace of God sien and vndurstoden not, nether settiden jeris, but in

and mercy is Mn to? his seyntis, and fer- siche thingis in s 'the inwardnesses 1 . For" is vH-tuesTwhic:
thermor respit in to the chosyn of hym. whiv the grace and merci" of God on "* 1


16 Forsothe the ri3twis dead condempneth hise seyntis,

and biholdyng
J J 'Goddis jngmage.
of '
the wittis of
the vnpitous men on Hue ; and 3outhe coumfort* is on hise chosun men. For-i6"; ><>st.
lit. i
sothe a iust man deedfj condempneth
oen hoore for , ;

swiftliere endid, thelonge lif of thei tho hen ripe

I7vnri3twis. Forsothe thei shul see the quyke wickid men ; and 3ongthe endid
ende of the wise man, and thei shul not swiftliere condempneth longy lijf of an
vnderstonde, what God hath thost of vniust man. For thei schulen se the ende
u Iiyf without
wem whether ;

it be schort ether long. Lire here. c. H teas borun ouer ; that is, fro present Iiyf, and fro the felouschipe of wickid men, of whiche he myjte be
peirid. lest malice; that is, apertly yuele men. schulde chaunge ; bi violence of turmentis. feynyng ; that is, ipocritis. schulde disseyue ; bi apperyng
of good, of trifeling ; that is, of Jangling of many wordis, ourned ether faire enditid. ma/cith derke goode thingis ; for ofte it makith tho to appere
yuels. contynuance of couetise, etc. ; for whi the greetnesse of lust mysturneth the doom of resoun, and most in simple men, in whiche resoun is
* but
lease strong. Lire here. c. puplis ; that is, vnwise men. in the entrailis ; that is, in the ynnere thingis of soule. Lire here. C.
ft a iust man deed; for the mynde of his rijtfulnesse schewith, that wickid men ben worthi to be dampned. Lire here. c.

Om. c sec. m.
1 m wickid AGH. n shul ben E pr. m. olde E pr. m. shrewidnes A. P to A.
Om. AGH.
n for a i. in a Ksa. and thei i. P it is i. 1 translatid, or born ouer i. r Om. i. s Om. a.
* the entrailis EHMPUVY. her hertis i. Om. v Om. i. while 9. w the merci sa. * God i.
T the long i.

N 2
92 WISDOM. iv. 1 8 v.

of a wise man*, and thei schulen not vn-

hym, and whi the Lord mynushte, "or that is, bifor

ismade lytil r hym. Thei shul seen, and durstonde, what thing God thou3te of takun with
hem forsothe the Lord hym, and whi the Lord made hym lesse. made him
dispisen hym ;

I9shal scorne. And thei shul ben after For thei schulen se, and schulen dispiseisf*
these thingus falling doun with oute hym but the Lord schal scorne hem. Kyf.
hem ; that is,

wrshipe, and in wrong blamyng among

And aftir these thingis thei schulen be
hem worth! to
the deade in to withoute ende. For fallynge

doun withouten onour. and

, ,

be scorned in

them inwardli blowen he shal to-breke dispisyng among deed men with outen
For he schal al to-breke hem men foolis and
withoute vois, and stern hem fro the ende.
woode, that
foundemens and vnto the he3est thei bolnyd with out vois, and he schal moue putten forth
; hem sill' to deth

shul ben desolat. And thei shul be hem fro the foundementis ; and thei for rijtfulnesse.
aftir these ;
weilende, and the mynde of hem shal
schulen be desolat til to the laste thing. that is, aftir

20pershen. Thei shul com'en in the thenk-

And thei schulen be weilynge, and the

ing of ther synnes dredful and shuln ; mynde of hem schal perische. 'yf
Thei 20 with l
ouerleden hem forn a3en the wickidnesses schulen come ferdful in the thou3t of her onour ; m the
, , i t * > power of tV'ti'lis.

of hem. synnes and her wickidnessis on the con-

; with out voi s;
trarie side schulen lede hem ouer^:. nTtmow^de-
fende hem silf,
nether excuse.
. CAP. V. fi
\j A -p tr.
V .
fro founde-

i Thanneshul stonde ri3twis men in gret Thanne 5 iust men schulen stonde in i is, fro flash

stedefastnesse 33611 hem that anguyssh- greet stidfastnesse a3ens hem that an-
z b
gwischiden 'iust men*, and whiche token
eden hem, and that token awei the tra-
here c -
2uailes of hem. Seende thei shul ben dis- awei her trauelis. Thei schulen se, and 2 -

turbid* with orrible drede, and shul schulen be disturblyd with orrible drede, j schal lede
i .1 i i AI i <,
hem ouer ; that
merueilen in the sodeynesse of the vn- and thei schulen wondre in the sudeynte ;
S; fro temporal

hopid helthe", weilende for anguysh of of heelthe*1 vnhopid ; and thei schulen ewsrSn e"
spirit, seiende, withinne
themself pen- weile for angwisch of spirit, and thei 3
Lire here. c.

aunce doende, and for anguysh of spirit schulen doynge penaunce|| withynne
seie, that
weilende, These ben, whom wee hadden hem silf, and weilyng for the* angwysch ofdoom. r*

'sum tymev in to scorn, and in to licnesse of spirit, These men it ben, whiche we
4 of repref. Wee vnwise eymeden the lif hadden sum tyme in to f scorn, and in to vn^n^tfuT for
of hem wodnesse, and the ende of them licnesse of vpbreidyngs. We woode men 4 ^^ 'JUJf"

hou thanne ben of merit, and

5 without wrshipe ; thei eessiden her liif woodnesse, and the ende for the pen-
countid among the sonus of God, and of hem with oute onour"; hou therfor bens aunceschai not

among seyntis the lot of hem is ? Ther- thei rekened among the sones of God, and fence of God,

fore wee erreden fro w the weie of treuthe, her part among seyntis? Therfor wee

and the of ri3twisnesse Ii3tede not to erriden fro the weie of treuthe, and the t urment Lire
Ii3t here. c.

vs, and the sunne off vnderstonding is \i$tof ri3tfulnesse schynede not to us^[, sch nedg nat
Weri wee ben in the
7 not sprunge to vs.
weie of wickidnesse, and of perdicioun ;
and the sunne of vndurstoridyng roos not
vp to us. We weren in the;
maad weri
'*.- thoujit
schyneth to
aiiemen, as
~ i i e j mvche as is of
and wee han gon harde weies. The i
weie or wickidnesse and or perdicioun; u'siif, for whi
wei forsothe of the Lord wee knewen and we 3eden hard weies. But wes
not what profitede to vs pride, or host
; knewen not the weie of the Lord
what maad
to alle men, but
summen res-
seyuen tho stiringis, and othere men putten awey tho; and so tho ben not maad to hem, that is, to her profit, but more to her dampnacioun.
Lire here. c.

r Om. c el E pr. m. taken A. t disturbed EGH. c. v Om. c. w forsothe fro A.


anguischen sa. hem i. b the whiche i. e Qm. i. <J
her heelthe i. e Om. i.
f Om. N.
vpbreiding, ether edivityng c el ceteri.
ony honour c sec. m.
knowen CHN.
V. 9 z WISDOM. 93
9of x richesses what 3af it to vs? Alle profitide pride to vs, ethir what brou3te k
tho thingus passeden as shadewe, and as the boost of richessis to vs ? All tho 9
10 a
messager rennende biforn. And as a thingis passiden as schadewe, and as a
ship, passeth thurj the flowende
that messanger bifore rennynge. And as aio
of the whiche whan it is passid, we weren
water, schip, that passith thorou the flowynge wastid in oure
a step is not to finde, ne a path of his watir, of which wharine it hath passid, it malice, ether
. i . y" e l willid-
botme in the flodis. Or as a brid, that
11 is not to fynde a step, nethir the path of nesse; Uneid

ouerfleth in the eir, of the whiche noon the botme therof in wawys. Ethir as a 1 1
that stonditii
e br '
euydence isfounden of his weie, but onli bryd, that flieth ouer in the eir, of which

j^g of
the soun of weengis betende the Ii3t no preef is foundun of the weie therof, e y"'>, wher
t ynne wickid
wind, and kuttende bi fors the eir of the but oneli the sown of wengis betynge 1131 men i>en wast

weie, and togidere stirid the weenges wynde, and keruynge the eir by the m
ouerfleth y, and aftir that no signe is my3 t of weie, and with wyngis moued
12 founden of his weie. Or as an arwe B
togidere it flei ouer, and aftir this no coueitise - -

f ueytouse men
sent out in to the ordeyned place, the signe is foundun of the weie therof. Ethir 12 e wastid bi
the fier of uo-
deuydid contynueli is reclosid in it, as an arowe shot" out in to a place or- ueitise, and
J3 that the
passing of it be vnknowen. So is departid, and? isi closid
deyned, the eir
and wee born contynueli lefen to ben, and anoon, that the passyng therof be
of vertue noon forsothe signe wee my3ten not knowun. "So and r we borun ceessiden 13 nesse -
tust men
shewe in oure wariedhed forsothe wee
; anoon to be, and sotheli we my3ten schewe schulen Hue;
- in liyf glorie.
H ben wastid. Such thingus seyden in helle no signe of vertu;
but we weren wastid

anentis the

For the hope of Thei that synneden, u


15 these that
synneden. in oure malice 8 *.

the vnpitous is as a wlle^ loke,'or thistil- seiden siche thingis in helle. For the hope is
doun* that of the wind is taken awei, of a wickid man is as the flour of a brere woz-ld.
anenlis the
and as a smal fome a that b of tempestc is which is takun awei of the wynd, and as hijesle ; to
whose onour
sprengd awei, and as smoke that of the smal froth which is scaterid' of a tempest, thei ordeynen
her dedis.
wind is held abrod, and as the mynde of and as smoke which is spred abrood of 11

the rewme of
lea geste of o dai, passende biside. Ri3t- wynd, and as the mynde of an herborid /<"> .

of neuenly
wise men forsothe in to withoute ende man vof o dai, that passith forth. But ifigiorie, where
, . no vile thing is.
shul lyue, and anent' the Lord is the 1
mst men schulen lyue withouten ende, with his ri^t
meede of hem and the tho3t of hem ; and the meede of hem is anentis the ;" hem in bif,
3 nefi<*i
lyanent the he3est. Therfore thei shul Lord: and the thou5t of hem is anentis

I ?
18 s

the njthoiul.
take the reume of wrshipe, and the dia- the hi3este. Therfor thei schulen take ' 7 *'<AAw hooii
arm ; in this is

deme of fairnesse of the bond of the of the bond of the Lord the rewme of signefied the

Lord ; for with his ri3t horid he shal fairnesse, and the w diademe of comely- biis^thaTmay
" t >e n
couere them, and with his holi arm de- gouerne hem with his
nesse ; for he schal wj b f| ) ^
lafenden hem. And the ielouste of hym rhthond, and he schal defende hem with feature.
here. c.

shal taken armure, and armen creature his hooli arm. And his feruent louef un- feruent hue;
, , ,
for bi feruent
ito the veniyng of enemys. He shal schal take armure, and
he schal arme the ioue (

clothen for the brest plate ri3twisnesse, creature to the venieaunce of enemyes.
and he shal take helm certeinto for the He schal clothe ri3tfulnesse for an ha- i'J pun ,

20 dom he ;shal take the sheeld vnuenkus- burioun, and he schal take certeyn doom
21 able equite he shal sharpe forsothe
; for a x basynet ; he schal take a scheeld 20
hard wrathe in to a spere, and the round- that may not be ouercomun, equytey;

* or Om. z Om. c et E
c. T ouerfleJ3 AEGH. >T c et E pr. m. pr. m. or thistles doune CH.
* thorn E pr. m. b Om.^GH. c the d anentis A el E
tempest AE sec. m. an. passim.

k hath
brou3t I.
whos ney i. m Om. i. n sent celeri. Om. cv. P Om. cv. '' it is I. r
8 * scaterid abrod i. u the which v a g;ste i.
so i. malice, ether yuel willidnesse CEPGHKMQSUVYa?. i.

w * EPY.
a i. the i. y
equyte, ether euenesse croHKMN(jsuvxa9. equyte, ether euenehede

nesse of erthis shal with hym forsothe he schal whette hard wraththe* 21 hard
fi3te wraththe : that
22 the vnwise. The sendingus out of leitis in and the world schal fi3te
to a spere, j s , hisven-

shul gon euene ri3t, and as at the teis- with him a3ens vnwitti men. Strei3te22
thei shul out of schulen and as stonde. Lire
ing the bowe of cloudis bent, sendyngis leytis go,
ben outlawid ;
and to a certeyn place thei the sidis of a reynbouwe, whanne the t tony
that wraththe;
23 shul lepen in. And fro the stony wrathe- bouwe of cloudis is crokid, thei schulen

ben sent, and water of the

ful hailes shul be destried ;
and thei schulen skippe in
se shal teenden in to them, and flodis to a certeyn place. And fulle hailstones 2:1

24 shul renne togidere hard. A3en hem the schulen be sent fro a stony wreththef, that
whiyt, whanne
and as a and the watir of the see schal wexe the see is tro-
spirit of vertue shal stonde,
whirle puff of wind deuyden hern ; and whijt a3ens hem, and floodis schulen
6 The spirit of

to wildernesse he shal fulli bringen al renne togider harde. The spirit of vertu 24
Lire here.
the lond of the wickidnesse of hem, and
f schal stonde a3ens hem, and as the whirl- c.

J plesen y>u ;
wariedhed shal turne awei the setis of yng of wind schal departe hem ; and
it that is, deliten
in the gouernail
men. Betere is wisdam than the wickidnesse of hem schal brynge al of hem.
of the Lord ;
and a man prudent more than the lond to desert, and malice schal distrye whose vikeris
ben in this.
a strong man. the seetis of my3ti men. ;e
Lire here. c.
and soone;

.CAP. VI. CAP. VI. in deth, that

tarieth not. c.
2 Hereths thanne, 3ee h kingis, and vndir- Wisdom is beter than strengthis, and a i doom ; that is,

prudent man doith more than a strong greuouseste

stondith ; lerneth, 3ee domes men of the peyn.
to a litil man;
scoestes of the erthe. 3iueth eres, 3ee man. Therfor, 36 kyngis, here, and vn-2 that
is, to a

that holdentogidere multitudis, and durstonde 2 ; and 36 iugis of the coostis of man of litil
staat, and of
plesen to 3ou in cumpanyes of naciouns ; erthe, lerne 8 .
togidere 3
3e that holden
4 for ther is 3ouen of the Lord power to multitudis, and plesen 3ou^: in the cum-
b bi 'S n -
3ou, and vertue of the hei3este, that shal penyes of naciouns, 3yue eeris ; forwhi4
aske 3oure werkis, and tho3tis serchen. power is 3ouun of the Lord to 3ou, and bi dignete of
5 For whan 3ee weren mynestres of his vertu is ^ouun of the hi3este, that schal staat, and bi
greetnesse of
reume, not ri3tli 366 demeden, ne kepten axe 3oure werkis, and schal serche thou3tis. kunnyng.
the lawe of ri3twisnesse, ne aftir the wil For whanne 30 weren mynystris of hiss that
mystily ;

e of God 3ee wenten. Orribleli and soone rewme, 36 demeden not ri3tfuli, nether 36 is,greuouseste
turmentis; for
he shal apere to 3ou for most hard dom
; kepten the lawe of ri3tfulnesse, nether 30 in as myche as
the staat is
shal ben don in hem, that ben biforn. 3eden bi the wille of God. Hidouslic hijere, in so

Forsothe to
the' litle k is and soone he schal appere to 3ou for- myche the fal
7 grauntid mercy; ; is
and worth! of
my3ty men forsothe my3tili tormentis whi hardeste doom schal be maad in more peyne.
8 shul suffre. Forsothe he shal not with- hem, that ben souereyns. Forsothe merci 7 the persoone ;
drawe the persone of any man, the Lord, isgrauntid to a litil man but mi3ti ; frogood to him,
that is lordshipere of alle thingus, and men schulen suffre turmentis ini^tili.
the greetnesse
he shal not drede the mykilnesse of any 1
For Lord, which is lord of alle 8
the sse
of ony man i;
man ; for litil and gret he made, and thingis, schal not withdrawe the per- that ne he pun
yschith hima
aeuenli cure is to hym of "
alle. To the soone of ony man, nether he schal duly. Lire here.
strengere forsothe strengere stant n in drede the greetnesse of ony man ; for he ||charge, etc.;

tormenting. To 3ou thanne, kingus, ben

that is, puruy-
10 made the c litil man and the greet man, aunce, for he
these my wrdis, that 3ee lerne wisdam, and to euenli of alle men. pumeyeth for
charge|| is hym ech creature,
uand that 3ee falleP not ofi. Who for- But strongere turment nei3eth to strongere 9 bi the couena-
blete of his
kynde. Lire
here. c.
deuydeth A.
wickenesse E. g Here jee AEGH. h Om. AEGH. Om. E pr. m. k a litle while
E pr. m. 1 m Om. c sec. m. E sec. m. n stondith A. Om. A. P passe E pr._m.
<l Om. E
pr. m.

z vndurstondeth a lerneth b c
i. i.
3iueth to joure i. bothe the i.
VI. 12 27- WISDOM. 95
sothe shul kepe ri3twisnesse, ri3tly shul men. Therfor, 30 kyngis, these
my wordis 10
be demed ;
and that shul lerne rijt ben to you, that 36 lerne wisdom, and that
thingus, shul finde, what thei answere. 36 falle not doun. For thei that kepenn
isCoueiteth thanne my wrdys, and loou- ri3tfulnesse, schulen be deemed ri3tfuli ;
eth ; and 366 shuln han disciplyne. and thei, that lerneri iust thingis, schulen
13 Wisdam is cler, and that neuere wele- fynde, what thei schulen answere. Ther- 12 Lire here c- -

. t puruyaunce ;
with ; and Ii3tli is seen of hem that tor coueite 36 my wordis, and loue
36 tho; that is, in mi.
loouen it, and is fouiide of hem that and 3 e schulen haue techyng. Wisdom 13 Z^fTa!!:
usechen beforn ocupieth that co-
It is cleer, and that schal neuer fade; and it
ueyteth it, that to them rathere he she we is seyn Ii3tli of hem that louen it, and it
cre c
- -

? vneorrup.
ishymself. Who
fro Ii3t shal wake to it, is foundun of hem that seken it. It bi-u <"'<"""> that is,
/ ..11 of goostly vn-
shal not trauailen forsothe he shal finde ; tore ocupieth hem that coueyten it, that eoreupetoun, M
16 it sittende in his 3ates. Thanne to it schewe it silf the formere to hem. He
thenken of it is ful endid wit, and he that wakith bi lijt to it, schal not trauele ;

that shal wake for it, soone shal be sikir. forsothe he schal fynde it
sittynge ny3
s y nne - Llre

17 For it
goth aboute sechende the wrthi hise 3atis. Therfor to thenke* on d wis- 10 what < '-

itself; and in his weis it shal shewe itself dom is parfit wit, and he that wakith for

to them, and gladsumli in alle it, schal soone be sikir. For whi it
prouy- &i
dence 'or bifore ordeynyng* shal 33611
it aboute, and sekith men worthi to it ; and u^T "' th at
hadde double ,

is come to them. The bigynnyng forsothe in her' weies it schal schewe it silf srladli kunnyng; the
, , . was
of it is most verre coueityng of disci- to nem, and in al puruyauncef it schal knowing of

lypline. Thanne cure of discipline is meete hem. For whi the bigynnyng of la
loouyng ; and loouyng
keping of his is wisdom the verieste coueytise of lern-

Therfor the bisynesse and hi trauele

lawis. Keping forsothe of lawes is ful yng. J of lernyne
J & is
of studie, ne-
20 ending of vncorupcioun ; vncorupcioun loue ;
and loue is the
kepyng of lawis tidies in puny,
forsothe makith next to God to ben. therof. Sotheli the kepyng of lawis is and w'iTh'e.--''
A "~
21 And so coueiting of wisdam shal lede perfeccioun of vncorrupcioun^: ; forsothe 20 sTot!e!'fa!
22 forth to the euerlastende kingdam. If vncorrupcioun makith to be next to Gi,d. JXre'fiio'^
thanne 3ee deliten in setes, and in kingus Therfor the coueitise of wisdom schal2i f emdein ,

~ man y thingis,
dignetees, O
3ee kingis of the puple,

brynge to euerlastynge
rewme. rr,,
7 herfor 22 as of the euer-
r> i r ,1 t IT-, * , lastinefenesse of
looueth wisdam, that in to withoute ende if 3e, kyngis of the puple, dehten in seetis, the world, with

23366 regne. Ii3t Looueth the of wisdam, and in kyngis 3erdis, 'ether regalteess, ^ b ' n
ng '
f h/ t

24 alle 366, that ben toforn to puplis. What loue 36 wisdom, that 36 regne with outen noumbiv of vn-
is forsothe wisdam, and hou
be mad, it ende. Alle 36, that ben souereyns to pu- 23 and O f the
,. , .. ,.. .-, r-i,i,. D s of tho, as ,, ''

I shal telle ; and I shal not hide fro 3ou plis, loue=s the Ii3t ot wisdom, ootheli 24 t s opin, n ; ; i

the sacrameritis of God ; but fro the bi- what wisdom^, and hou it is maad, Y

gynnyng of birthe I shal enserche, and schal telle; and Y schal not hide fro 3ou '"^".hadde
this wisdom, hi

putten in to Ii3t the kunnyng of it, and the h sacramentis|| of God ;

but fro the bi- thereof God,
25 1 shal not passe biside the treuthe. Ne gynnyng of birthe Y schal seke, and Y sodeyni'y, and

with the quyterende enuye weie I shal schal sette in to the Ii3t the kunnyng KWMiad'fce
han for such a man shal not ben par-
; therof, and Y schal not passe treuthe. n j^
e a ls
f pr ^

The And Y L
26cener of wisdam. multitude for- schal not haue weye with enuye 25^*-
sothe of wise men s
helthe is of the round- wexvnge
J rotun ; for siche a man schal not II sacrament ;
that is, hise
nesse of erthis ; and a wis king is the be parcener or wisdom. forsothe the 20 pr iuytees
*w me '

27Stablete of the puple. Thanne takith multitude of wise men is the helthe of /j r ^ j? r

r Om. c el K pr. m. * Om. A.

d e it s. f S or regalics gg loueth h tho

of CGHiKMNQRSUVxa?. his s. i. i. i.

the world; and a wijs kyng* is the sta-
discipline bi my* wrdis, and it shal pro-
_J? for as an heed

blischyng of the puple. Therfor take 36 27 wei disposid

file to 3011. .. j ., , , /, jyueth wit, and
techyng bi my wordis, and it scnal pronte st irii. g wei or-

deyned to the
tO 3OU. membris, so a
CAP. VII. CAP. VII. wiyskingrul-
ith hise sugetis

1 I am forsothe and a deadli man, lie to Forsothe and a deedli man, lijk Y am
1 k i to comyn good.

men, and of 'the erthi u kinde of hym men, and of erthli kynde of hym that t weping ',-

that rathere is mad, and in the wombe was maad first, and in the wombe of the 1

borun seith in
weilingeA! and
2 of the modir figured I am flesh. In modir Y was fourmed fleische. In the 2
a maide child

time of ten monethis cruddid I am in to time of ten rnonethis was cruddid togi- Y seith E ! as
pleyninge of
dere in blood, of the seed of man, and bi the trespas of
blod, of the sed of man, and of couena- . j -TT Adam and of

3 ble uu deliting of slep. And I born toe acordynge dent of sleep. And Y was 3 E ue, for which
/. i

m took comyn eir, and in lijk the sones and

comun eir, and lie maner fel doun in to borun, and
the mad erthe ;
and the firste vois, lie maner Y felle doun in to the erthe maad ;
dou3tris of ven-
iauace, and of

4 alle, I putte out weping. I was nurshid and Y

wepyngef sente out the firste vois, wrecchidnesse.
Lire here. c.

in clothis, and in grete besy- lijk allemen. Y was nurschid in wrap- 4 lofkynyis; for
swathing thei ben borun
pyngis, and in greet bisynesses for wm no
i ,

5 nesses;
no man forsothe of kingis other 5 ; Vnm y 3t y n ;

e hath
bigynnyng of birthe. Oon entre man of kyngis^ hadde othere bigynnyng k^nvnge^n
Therfor oon entryng to ise the souk, and
7 is to alle to lif, and lijc issue. For that of birthe. lijf also othere

I desirede, and there is to me wit ; to alle men, and lijk goyng out. Her- 7 men,
3iue oon entrmg as
and I inwardli clepide, and there cam in v for Y desiride, and wit was 3ouun to to noun power

a me the spirit of wisdam. And I putte it me ; and Y inwardli clepide, and the spirit
biforn to reumes, and setes ;
and rich- ofwisdom cam in to me. And Y settide 8 out ; as to

esses I seideno thing to ben in com- wisdom bifore rewmes, and seeds and Y ;
angwische and
iiakidnesse of
9 parisoun of it, rie I comparisounede to seide, that richessis ben nou3t in com- alle temporal

it a precious ston for alle gold in com- ; parisoun therof, arid Y comparisonede not 9 ^"rfor'; that

parisoun of it is a litil
grauel, and as a preciouse stoon to it ; forwhi al gold in
clei ben eymed in the si3te
siluer shal comparisoun therof is a litil
grauel, and
10 of it.Ouer helthe and fairnesse I loouede siluer schal be arettid as cley in the thesifteofwis-
. dom. and wit,
it ; and I purposide for Ii3t to han it, 8131 therot. Y louyde wisdom more than 10 that is, the 3 ifte

1 1 for vnquenchable is the Iy3t of it. For- helthe and fairnesse ; and Y purposide to f^

sothe there camen to me alle goodis togi- haue it for Ii3t, for the Ii3t therof may |j* JOBMB .

dere with it ; and vnnoumbrable honeste not be quenchid.

* Forsothe alle goodis n the spirit of
wisdom, that
1 2 by the hondis of it. And I gladede in camen togidere to rne with it ;
and vn- is, the Hooli

thingus ; for this wisdam wente befor

alle noumbrable is by the werkys
me, and I kne3 not, for of alle goodis therof. And Y
was glad in alle thingis ;
for this wisdom ?ede bifore me, and Y
is it is moder. For withoute feynyng I .y
that '>

alle temporal

lernede, and withoute enuye I comune ;

knew not, for it is the modir of alle thingis that
t)en C0m f n to
7 TT 1
uand the oneste of it I hidde not. For- goodis. Which" wisdom Y lernyde with is g0ode men and

sothe tresor it is withoute ende to men, out feynyng, and Y comyne without, en- oteuere^raunt-
the whiche who useden, parcener ben uye and Y hide not the oneste therof.

mad of the
frenshipe of God, com- For it is tresour with out noumbre to
scnulen he
lamendid for the 3iftisw of discipline. To men, and thei, that vsiden that tresour, arettid of no

f /i f valu > in com *

me forsothe God
3af to seyri of sentence,
j j
weren rnaad parcenens or uoddis tren-
parisoun of
and to take bifore the wrthi thingis of schip, and weren preisid for the 3 iftis of
these that ben jiue to me ; for he is duk kunnyng. Forsothe God 3af to me to seie is is 3 uun to
* * men
onely. Lire
here. c.
A. that lond E pr. m. u the couenable c v w
manye pr. m. to A. 3ift A.

> Om. la pr. m. *

lijk othere i.
my i. m and I "
The which it
i. i.
comyne i.
vn. 16 27. WISDOM. 97

of wisdam, and the mendere of wise men. of sentence*, and to bifore take worthi *
of sentence ;
that is, to speke
ic In the hond forsothe of hym and wee, thingis of these thingis that ben 3ouun to to the onour of
God, and to
and cure wrdis, and alle wisdam, and me ; for he is the ledere of wisdom, and the edifiyng of

disciplyne of the kunnyng of werkes. amendere of wise men. For whi bothei nei3bore ' bi

17 He forsothe 3af to me verre kunnyng of we, and oure wordis, and al wisdom, and ^
grace 3ouun of

and amendere
* me -

these that ben, that I wite the disposi- lernyng of kunnyng of werkis ben in his of wise men; in

cioun of the roundnesse of erthis, and hond. Forsothe he 3af to me the veri
is the vertues of elemens ; the begynnyng, kunnyng of these thingis that ben, that
and the w ende, and the myddil of tymes ; Y knowe the disposicioun of the world, h nd :forne -

we moun
the chaungingus x of whilemelis, and the and the vertues of elementis the ; bigyn-i 8 d > nether
j xu j xu jjT-i i speke, nether
endingus of times the chaungingus? of ;
nyng, and the endyng, and the myddil of

2 Ol
lomaneris, and deuyseouns of times; the tymes the chaungyngis of whilis, and
; mm -

.' J' e

coursis of the jeer, and the disposicioun the endyngis of tymes ; the chaungyngis 5fjj

20 of sterres ;
the kindis of bestes, and the of maneres, and departyngis of tymes ; "
thoujtis moun
wrathis of nojons bestis" ; the strengthe the coursis of the jeer, and the disposi- 19 be knowun
of windis, and the tho3tis of men ; the ciouns ot sterns

the kyndis ot beestis, 20 w

. .11 T ! i . certeynly onely
; Goddis mie-

differences of 3unge trees, and vertues b of and the wraththis of wielde beestis ; the
21 rootis. And what
euere thing be hid arid strengthe of wyridis, and the thou3tis of
vnpurueid, I lernede ; forsothe the craftus men
menf ; the differences of trees, and the othere bi

ir coniecting,
manof alle thingus ta3te me bi wisdam. vertues of rootis. And Y lernede what 21 ether

22 Forsothe ther is in it the spirit of vnder- euer thingis ben hid and vnpurueyed ; for
stonding, many hoeli, fold, onli, sotile, whi wisdom, the crafti maker of alle

manerli, faire spekende, mouable, vnde- thingis, taujte

me. For in that wisdom 22 here.

foulid,certeyn, sweete, loouende good vnmaad is the spirit of vndurstonding, fore. c.

,1 i lhooly,many
no thing forfendith c to do i- /- i

deede, that hooli, many fold |, oon aloone, sutil, fold ; that is,
in jiftis.
23 weel ; manli, benygne, stable, sikir, alle temperat, wijs, mouable, vndefoulid, cer- oon aloone ,*

in him silf
hauende vertue, alle thingus beholdende, teyn, swete, louynge a good dede, which!' therfor Foul

and that taketh alle intelligible spiritis, no thing to do wel; cur-i Oon in
spirit forbedith the same spirit
24 clene, sotile. Thanne cc alle forsothe mou- teis benynge, stable, sikur, hauynge al
i, worchith alle

able thingis mor mouable is wisdam ; vertu, biholdynge alle thingis, and which

forsothe it ateyneth ouer al, for his clen- takith alle spiritis able to vridurstonde,
25nesse. Forsothe the humour of the vertu and he is clene, For whi wis-24 talleati 8 pe" r.
and sutil. ge
\', ,

thingis hi
of God it is, and the nianer going out is dom is more mouable than alle mouable his vertu -

. f. ,i.i/. mouable in ;
a clene clernesse of the Alrnyjti God ; thingis ;
forsothe it stretchith forth euery worchmg, for
he makith men
26 and therfore no thing defoulid renneth where, for his clennesse. For it is a 25 mouable and

in to it. Forsothe whitnesse it is of the brething of Goddis vertu, and it is sum

euerlastende and a merour withoute cleene comyngforth of the clerenesse of man eth r
Ii3t, 'y. f
curteus ; in
wem of the maieste of God, and an Almi3ti God; and therfor no defoulid 26 hauynge com:
. . . . passioun on
27 ymage of the goodnesse of hym. And thing renneth in to it. J<or it is bri3t- oure defautis.
benygne ;
sithen it is oon, alle thingus it mai and ; nesse of euerlastynge Ii3t, and it is a thatis, wel

abidende stille in itself d , alle thingus it e myrrour with out wem of Goddis ma-
louynge, in en-
flawmynge vs
neweth, and bi naciouris to hoeli soules ieste, and it is an ymage of his goodnesse. to Goddis lone.
more mouable,
etc. ; this mou-
yng is seid hi licnesse, in as myche as Goddis wisdom strecchith forth to dispose alle the werkis of God, til to the leste thingis. Lire here. c.

the Fadir, for whi aungels and men hen seid to hen his ymage. Lire here. c.

w Om. c pr. m. * a bestis, and of

chaungynge AH. y
chaungis A.
z the deyuysiouns AH. kelpely
bestis E pr. m. b the vertues AEGH. c shone E pr. m. cc Om. cpr. m.
hymself AEGH.
e Om. A.

P the which T the which

i. manli, ether curteis c et ccleri. it is manli, ether curteis i. i,


it berth ouer itself; the frendis of God And whanne it is oon, it may alle thingis 527

2 and profetes it No man for- and it dwellith in it silf, and renulith alle
God thingis, and bi naciouns
it berith ouer it
sothe looueth, but hym that dwellith
29 with wisdam. Forsothe this is fairere silf in to hooli soulis ; it makith the frendis
than the sunne, and ouer al disposicioun of God* and profetis. For God 28 fremJis of
God; bi feith

of sterres ; to Ii3t comparysouned, it is no man, no8 but hym that dwellith with formed with
30 founde rathere. To forsothe ny3t goth
it wisdom. Forwhi this wisdom is fairere 29 profeiis M ;

88 lowing aboue
doun : wisdam forsothe malice ouercom- than the sunne, and is aboue al the dis-
eth not. posicioun ofsterris; wisdom comparisound
to Ii3t, is foundun the formere. Forwhi so that is, no but
he be in cha-
ni3t cometh aftir that Ii3t ; but wysdom rite, for i

God dwellith
1 Therfore ateyneth from ende vnto
it ouereometh malice. Therfor wisdom i with him, and
he with God.
ende strong] i, and disposeth alle thingus stretchith forth fro the ende til to the / he
formere ,*

this lettre sem-

2 sweeteli. This I ioouede, and so3te it out ende strongli, and disposith alle thingis eth to speke of
and taken a wisdom vn-
fro my 3outhe ;
I so3te to it swetly.
maad, without
spouse to me, and loouere I am mad of
bigynnyng and
ende; wisdom
3 the foorme of it. It hauende the cum- I louede this wisdom maad, and Y2 maad is formere

panye of God, glorifieth the ientilnesse sou3te it out fro my 3ongthe ; and Y soi^te than list bi

dignete, not bi
of it ; but and of alle thingis e the Lord to take it a spousesse'f to me, and Y am during. Lire
here. c.
4 Ioouede it. Forsothe the techeresse it is maad a louyere of the fairnesse therof. f- a spousse ;

of the discipline of God, and f

the cheser- He that hath the felouschip| of God, glo-3
sesse of the werkis of hym. And if rich- rifieth the gentilnesse therof; but also thoujtis therof,
with out de-
esses ben desirid in the
lif, what riehere the Lord of alle thingis louede it. For it 4 parting. Lire
here. c.
than wisdam, that wercheth alle thingis? is the techeresse of the lernyng of God,
In charite.
elf forsothe wit wercheth, who of these and cheseresse" of hise werkis. And ifs i/lorijielh; that
that ben, more is crafti man than it? richessis ben coueitid in lijf, what is is,
itli and preisith
7 And if ri3twisnesse a man looueth, the riehere than wisdom, that worchith alle it gloriouse.
Lire here- c.
trauailes of this han grete vertues so- ; thingis ? Sotheli if wit worchith, who is c

brenesse forsothe and prudence it techeth, a crafti maker more than wisdom, of these
and ri3twisnesse, and vertue than the ; thingis that ben ? And if a man loueth 7
whiche more profitable no thing is in lif ri3tfulnesse,the trauels of this wisdom
a to men h . And if multitude of kunnyng han grete vertues for it techith sobre- ;

desireth a man, it knowith the passid nesse, and prudence, and ri3tfulnesse, and sobrenesse ;
that is, tem-
thingus, and of the to comen it eymeth ; vertu and no thing is profi tablere than
it knowith the felnesse' of wrdis, and the these in lijf to men. And if a man de-8 vertu ; that
multitude w of kunnyng,

soilingis off argumentis ; the toknes and sinth wisdom strengthe.

Lire here. c.
wndris it knowith, er thei ben don ; and knowith thingis passid, and gessith of x
the chaunsis of tymes and of worldis.
thingis to comynge; it kan the felnessis^
Thanne I purposide this to bringe to me, of wordis, and asoilyngis of argumentis ;
to festeye k with for with rne me witende it kan
signes and schewyngis of thingis to
it shal goodis,comune of
and ther shal z
comynge, bifore that tho ben maad and ;

be togidere speche of thenking, and of the bifallyngis of tymes and 8 of worldus.

lomyn ano3e. I haue for this to cumpa- Therfor Y purposide to brynge to me this 9
iiyes clernesse, and wrshipe anent the wisdom, to lyue togidere ; witynge that it || spekinge,
for siche
elderes 3ung and sharp I shal be founde me etc. ;
schal comyue with of goodis, and
1 1
thouuis ben
in dom, and in the si3te of my3ti men the wordis of
spekyngl) togidere of my thou3t, and of SOlllf.

e Om.
c pr. m. f Om. A. ff
Om.cpr.m. S
hym A. ^ me A. >
felnesses E. k ete E
pr. m. c pr.
festene A.

Om. i. ss Om. i. *
spousse c.
" chesister i. techeresse s sup. ras. chesere v. the multitude i.
alle A pr. m. y felnesse CKR?. falsnessis HEPUY. falsnesse MV. z thei N. a Om. c?.
VIII. 12 IX. 2. WISDOM. 99

merueilous I shal be, and the faces of myn anoi schal be. For this wisdom Y 10 anou , to he
princes shul merueilen me. Thei shul schal haue clerenesse at cumpenyes, and
sustene me, beende stille, and me spek- onourat eldre men; schal be foundun Y u
ende, beholden ;
and me sermounende 3ong and scharp in doom, and in the si3t here- c -

manye thingis, hondis to ther mouth thei of my3ti men Y

schal be wondurful, and
is shul putte.Ferthermor I haue bi this the faces of princes schulen worschipe me. * sette hondis,

vndeadlynesse; andeuere lastende mynde Thei schulen abide me, beynge stille, and 12 etc. ; that is,

to them, that after me ben to come, I thei schulen biholde me, spekynge and ; Ydrawe aim!"
14 shal lefe. I shal dispose puples and ; the while I speke many thingis, thei schu- ISSSta!
is naciouns to me
shul ben soget. Ferful len sette hondis* on her mouth.
,ire here. c.
hreuerence '

kingus herende me shul dreden ; and in more bi this wisdom Y schal haue vnded- f myn hous ;

multitude good I shal be seen, and in lynesse ; and Y schal leeue

euerlastynge sience.' Lire

icbataile stronge. Entrende in to myn mynde to hem, that schulen come aftir *
hous, I shal reste with it forsothe the
; me. and naciouns 14 ^"^ that '"'
I schal dispose puplis ;

c met lforth
conuersacioun of hath not bitternesse,
it schulen be suget to me. Hidouse kvngrisi5
* ^ ! ,
of vndurstond-
ne m>3e the 1
with lyuyng of it, but herynge me schulen drede and in mul- ing, and cus- ;
_. - torn of wisdom.
titude Y schal be seyn good, and strong

i7gladnesse and 1036. These thingus therik- werkis of

ende anent me, and togidere membrende in batel. Y schal entre in to myn housf, r
in myn herte ; for vndeadli is wisdam in and Y schal reste with wisdom ; for the
therof hath no bitternesse, Y gat a good
isthenking, and in the frenshipe of it good conuersacioun \.
soule ; bi clen-
delitende; and in the werkus of the hondis and the dwellynge togidere therof hath nesseofioue.
more good ;
of it honeste with oute failing, and in the noon anoye, but gladnesse and ioye. that is,

strif of the speche of it wisdam ; and Y thou3te these thingis at me, and Y re- 1

of" the nn f
gret openyng in comunycacioun
membride in myn herte; forwhi wisdom
j is,

kept b: con-
wrdis of it ; I wente aboute, sechende is vndeedli in thou3t, and good delityngistynenceofma-
trimonye. Lire
is that to me it I shulde take. A child is in

the rrendschipe theror ; and onestee here. c.


myn en-
forsothe I was witti, and bi lot hauende without defaute is in the werkis of hondis trailis ; that
is, of myn
20 a good soule. And whan I was more therof; and wisdom is in the strijf of
21 good, I cam to a bodi vndefoulid. And as speche therof; and greet clerenesse is in
and loue. Lire
here. c.
I wiste, for mai not ben con-
other wise I the comyning b of wordis therof; 3ede Y II God of my
fadris ,*
tenent , but God 3eue, and that selue was aboute, sekinge to take wisdom to me. thou chesidist

wisdam, to knowen of whom was that Forsothe Y was a witti child, and Y c
d in

3ifte ; I wente to the Lord, and pre3ede a good soule. And whanne Y was more 20 Is ?
ac a "d Ja
cob, and spe-

hym, and seide, of alle the entrailis of good, Y cam to a bodi vndefoulid. And 21 cialy Dauyth,
whom my fadir,
myn herte. as Y knew, that elhs Y max not be chaste 6 , thou .

to the rewme.
no but God 3yue#, and this same thing

was wisdom, to wite whos this 3ifte was ;

Y 3ede to the Lord, and Y bisou3te hym,

and Y seide, of alle rnyn entralis^. VHe. that he
schulde be
lord ; for if

CAP. IX. CAP. IX. manhadde

stonde in the

1 God of my? fadris, and Lord of mercy, God my fadris||, and Lord of merci,
of i

ulde haue
D bi thi word, and 2
that madest alle thingus with thii wrd, schulde
that madist alle thingis
, .
had ful lord-
and with thi wisdam ordeynedest man, ordeynedist man bi thi wisdom, that he
2 setup on crea-

that r he shulde lordshepen of creature 8 , schulde be lord of creature, which is than him siif.

thou A sec. m. m greet openynge and communycacioun A. noblenesse in the chaungyng E pr. m.
nn 1 Om. A. r in that
D Om.c pr. m. Om. A. conteyned A. I pre3ede AEGH. P cure E pr. m.
that A. in that GH. s the creature c pr. m.

* c Om. d took e ^ but if i. e 3yue it i.

comynge 9. c. i.
contynent, ether chast c et celerl.
h that i.

o 2
100 WISDOM. IX. 317.
3 that of thee mad, that he dispose
is maad of thee, that he dispose the worlds meguite; m
,.,,,, disposinge crea-
the roundnesse of londis in equyte and m , ,

equite and ri3tfulnesse, and deme doom

turfs to that,

of herte in ri3t reulyng of herte ; 3yue thou to me 4

ri3twisnesse, and in rijt reuling
4 he deme dom ; 3if to me wisdam, the wisdom, that stondith ny3 thi seetis ; and
nyle thou repreue me fro thi children,
as of an
nee3h stondere of thi setis ;
and wile
sthou not repreuen of thi childer. For
me For Y
am thi seruaunt, and the sone of 5 whom
wise men. and
hand mayde ; Y am a sijk man, and
i . i, ^ -\y- j !

I am thi seruaunt, and the sone of thin thin frown0 m W is-

of litil tyme, and lesse* to the vndur-
hand woman ; a feble man, and of litil
of doom and of lawis. And if G
'"P 8 and in
time, and lasse to the vndirstonding of stondyng
* this maner Sa-

6 dom and of lawes. any man shul

And if ony man is perfit among the sones of men, lomon, as a

ben ful endid of the sonus of men, if fro if thi wisdom fleeth awei fro hym, he

wisdam, in to no3t he shal be schal be rikenyd in to nou3t. Forsothe 7

hym flee

7countid. forsothe chose me king

Thou thou hast chose me kyng
* & to thi puple,
and domysman of thi sonus
to thi puple, and a iuge of thi sones and dou^tris; and 8 that is, vnsuf-

sand do3tris ; and thou seidist, me to thou seidist, that Y schulde bilde a tern- here. c.

bilden a temple in thin holi hil, and in pie in thin holi hil, and an auter in the
the cite of thi dwelling an auter ; the citee of thi dwellyng place the licnesse ;

licnesse of thin holi tabernacle, that thou of thin hooli tabernacle, which thou madist
9 greithedist fro the begynnyng. And
with redi at the biffynnynef.
J * And thi wisdom 9 -^ at the legyn-
, nyng ; of the
thee thi wisdam, that kne3 thi werkis, is with thee, that knowith thi werkis, goyngoutof
the whiche and was at thanne, whan the which also was present thanne, whanne

roundnesse of erthis thou shuldist make, thou madist the world, and wiste what
and he wist that, that was plesaunt to was plesaunt to thin i3en, and what was
'thin e3en t and that, that is ri3t in thin
dressid in thi comaundementis. Sende 10

lohestis. Send fro thin holi heuenes it, thou that wisdom fro thin hooli heuenes,
and fro the sete of thi mychilnesse, that and fro the seete of thi greetnesse, that it
with me it be, and with me trauaile ; be with me, and trauele with me and that ;

and I wite what be aloouwid anent thee. Y wyte what is acceptable anentis thee.
11 Forsothe it wot alle thingus, and vndir- Forwhi thilke wisdom knowith and vndir- 1 1

standith ;
and shal leden me forth in my stondith alle thingis and it schal lede me ;

werkes sobrely", and kepen me in his forth in my werkis sobrely, and it schal
12 power. And my werkys shul ben aloou- kepe me in his power. And my werkis 12

wid, and I v shal disposen thi puple ri3t- schulen be acceptable, and Y schal dispose

wisly, and I shal ben wrthi the setes of thi puple iustli, and Y schal be worthi of
my fader. Who forsothe of men shal the seetis of my fadir. For who of men is

moun wite the counseil of God ? or who mai knowe the counsel of God^: ? ether imay/mowe
14 shal moun thenke, what God wile? The who mai thenke, what wole God? For u God; as if he
tho3tis forsothe of deadli men dredful, whi the thou3tis of deedli men ben dreed-
15 and vncerteyn oure purueauncisw . For- ful, and oure puruyau'nces ben vncerteyn.
sothe the body that is corumpid, gree- For whi the bodi that is corrupt, greueth is * c.

ueth the soule ; and ertheli the soule and ertheli dwellyng pressith
indwelling ;

presseth doun the wit, manye thingus doun the wit, thenkynge many thingis.
j f Sut who schal
lethenkende. And of hard wee eymen, A
And oi

we ,7 ,j
gessen tho thingis, thatiG*mAe,-asifhe
that ben in the erthe and that in ferr ben in erthe and we fynden with trauel
; ;
nsi3te ben, we finden with trauaile. That tho thingis, that ben in biholdyng. But I7
d om
3 onunof
thee - Lirehere.
forsothe in heuenus ben, who shal en- who schal serche$p tho thingis, that ben in

1 u Om. AGH. v w
the ejen of hym E pr. m. Om. AH. purueaunce A.

the which i.
IX. i8 X. 10. WISDOM. 101

serche ? Thi wit forsothe who shal heuenes ? But who schal knowe thi wit,
knowe, but if thou shul 3yue wisdam, no but thou 3yue wisdom, and sende
and sende thin Holi Spirit fro he3est thin Hooli Spirit fro hi3este thingis ? And ia .

thingus? And soy amendid ben the pathis if the pathis* of hem, that ben in londis, *
is if the pathis

of hem, that ben in erthis z , and that toa ben amendid, and if men han lernyd tho thou, no man
19 thee
pleseden men lerneden. For whi
, thingis, that plesen thee. For whi, Lord, I

bi wisdam thei ben helid, who so euer whiche euer plesiden thee fro the bigyn-
nyrig, weren maad hool bi wisdom.
to thee, Lord, fro the bygyn- Li here. c.
1 This hym, that first is foormed of God, This wisdom of God kepte hym, thati 1

the fader of the roundnesse of erthis, was formed first of God, the fadir of the . ,
the world

2 whan alone he was foormed, kepte. And worldt, whanne he aloone was maad of that
men. Ltre
is > of alle

ladde hym out fro his gilte, and bro3te nou3t. And* this wisdom ledde hym out 2
* c -

hym out of the slym of erthe d and 3af , of his trespas, and ledde hym out of the for it Ja f to him

to hym vertue of hauynge alle thingus. sliym of erthe , and 3af to hym vertu to

3 Fro wente awei in
this as the vnri3twise holde togider alle thingis:):.
As the vn-s s

his wrathe, bi the wrathe of mansla3- Jjust man in his ire 3ede awei fro this the erthe >

. that is, alle

4 ter pershede fraternyte. For the whiche wisdom, brotherhed perischide bi the ire men dweiiin
whan water shulde don awei the erthe, of manquellyng. For which thing whanne 4 n knew, 'etc. ;

he helede eftsoone bi wisdam; bi the dis- watii-P dide awei the erthe , wisdom heel-

o ai iust man bi a dis-

6 de to h
pisable tree gouernende the ri3twis man. ide eft gouernynge
knowun In
5 This and in f the ff consenting of pride, whan pisable tre. This wisdom also in the con- 5 preuyng-
. a iust man ;

naciouns rereden hemself, knew the ri3t- sent of pride, whanne naciouns hadden that is, Loth.

wis, and kepte withoute blame to God ; reisid hem silf, knew|| a iust man, and Witnessing
and in& the sones gret merci kepte. This kept with out playnt to God; and this wis-
^T^hft is,

the ri3twis fro the pershende vnpitous dom kepte strong merci in sones. Thisc of synne ajenus
7 . kynde.
men deliuerede fleende, fijr descendende wisdom^ deliuerede a iust man fleynge fro vncerteyn
... . . , tyme ; that is,
7 in to the regioun of fiue citees. To the wickid men penschinge, whanne fier cam

whiche, in to the witnessing of shreude-1
doun in to the place of fyue cytees. For? ^owS''
knowen whiche r wickid s men the lond smokynge ing, that the
nesse, the desert erthe is ful of J dwellens of

smoking, and in certeyn time the trees is maad deseert, in to witnessyng of wei- that lond syn-
. nedenajenus
hauende frutes and of the mysbeleeued; wardnesse^l, and trees hauynge fruytis in kynde.

soule the mynde stondende is the foorm- vncerteyn tyme and the mynde of an ;

ayng of Forsothe passende biside

salt. vnbileueful soule stondynge an ymage of
wisdam, not onli in that ben slyden, that salt. For whi men passynge' wisdom, not 8 not to the aun-
thei vnknowen gode thingis, but and of oneli fellen 83 in this, that thei knewen not gel, comaund-

ther vnwisdam thei ban laft to men goodis, but also thei leften to men the

mynde, that in thoJ thingus, that thei mynde of her vnwisdom, that in these hV
9synneden, thei my3ten not lurken. Wis- synnes, whiche thei diden, thei mi3ten not
dam forsothe them, that it
kepen, al aboute be hid. Forsothe wisdom delyuerede
* hems '; w and de-
lyuyng . .

10 fro sorewes shal

delyuere. This forsothe fro sorewis, that kepen it**. Sotheh this 10 uoute preyer.
the ferr fugitif, or fleynge^ ri3twis fro
. ,
wisdom ledde
forthri3tml a iust man i
c i ledde forth a
iuit man .
th a t

the wrathe of the brother, ladde awei bi

weies, that fledde fro the ire of his bro- "'
aa ^ '^

jede into
sopotamy, and
plese E pr. m.
a Om. A. b
plesen AEGH.
y 3if E pr. m. z
the erthis AEH. the erth G. c fledde the ire
cc Om. c pr. m. d the erthe AEGH. dd Om. c m. e
disseyable A. f Om. AC. tl Om. G. 8 Om. A. of Isau, his
pr. ' ni*/\f HAI*
of gret AGH. '
Om. A. J the G. k Om. c et E pr m. ' A. Om
k hut if i. 1
Om. i. "> it i. " the erthe 8. thorew s. P the watir s. i the i. 11 And it i.
r the whiche i.
8 Om. i. 88 felden i
102 WISDOM. X. II 21.

ther and it schewide to hym the rewme the rewme of

weies; and shewede to hym the king-
God; whanne
dam of God, and 3af to hym the kun- of God, and 3af to hym the kunnyng of he si; the lad-
dre, whos hi;-
honestede hym in it made hym onest in trauels, nesse touchide
nyng of seyntis ;
it seyntis ;

of and fillide hise trauelis. It helpide
trauailes, and fulfilde the trauailes :

and ned to the lad-

In the gile of the men comende hym in the fraude of disseyueris,
hym. dre, in xxviij.

aboute to hym, it was ny3, and honest made hym onest. It kepte hym fro 12 c. of Genesis,
T i < j-j i- j- forthannehe
made hym. fro enemys, enemyes, and defendide hym fro dis- hadde reueia-
12 It kepte hym '

and it 3af to him a strong ba-

and fro desceyueres defendide hym ; and seyueris ; u'"i" Je

a strong strif it 3af to hym, that he tel, that he shulde ouercome, and wite,

that wisdom is the my3tieste of alle. This is / seyntis ; that

shulde ouercome, and wite, for of alle knowing of
. ^ is,

the my3tiere is wisdam. This wisdom forsook not a u iust man seeld*, hooly aungeis,
isthingis . , , , ,, .
i . whiche he si;,

this olde ri3twis man forsoc not, but fro but delyuerede hym fro synnens and it i4 ynge and ; st i

synneres deliuerede hym ; and

it descend- 3 ede
doun with hym in to a diche and f^^" ;

14 ide with hym in to the dich ; and in it forsook not hym in boondis, til it made hym
onest in tra-

bondis forsoc not hym, to the time that brou3te to the ceptrev of the rewme,
hym uels ; that is,
made hym
it shulde bringe to hym the dignete of and power a3ens hem that oppressiden riche and no-
ble, for hise
the reume, and my3t a3en hem that hym
hym ; and it schewide hem lieris, that trauelis, in

defouliden hymf, and euer- kepinge the

thresteden doun ; and lieres he shewide, it 3af to hym scheep of La-
that defouleden hym, and he 3af to hym lastynge clerenesse. This wisdom dely-
fillide hise
iseuere lastende clernesse. This the ri3t- uerede a iust puple, and hoolij without
whanne bi
wis puple, and hoely withoute blame, pleynt, fro naciouns that oppressiden it. God defend-

delyuerede fro naciouns, that it

opress- Wisdom entride in to the soule of Goddis ie

16 eden It entride
. in to the soule of the seruaunt, and he stood a3ens hidouse
with hise
seruaunt of God, and stod a3en grisful kyngis, in grete wondris and myraclis. wyues, chii-
dren, and rich-
17 kingus, in grete wndris and signes. And And it 3eldide to iust men the meede of 17
it 3eeld to the
ri3twis men the meede of her trauelis, and ledde hem forth in a
therP trauailes, and bro3te them thennes wondurful weie and it was to hem in ;
tothe meede of
in a merueylous weie ;
and it was to hilyng of the dai, and in the h'3t of sterris Jacob hi coue-
them in the coueryng of the day, and in bi ny3t. And it 'ledde ouer x hem thorou3 \s

isli3t of sterres bi the ny3t. And he bar the reede see ;

and bar-v hem ouer thoru3
them ouer thur3 the rede se ; and he ful myche watir. But it drenchide doun 19 Jj

ouercariede them thur3 ful myche water. the enemyes of hem in to the see; and * atyi ,
eden to dis-
19 The enemys forsothe of hem he drench- ledde hem out fro the depthe of hellisfi. seyue him, in

and fro the?? depnessei of mi c

men j. i
taken awei the spuyhs
iU i- chaunginge
ide in the se ; Therror iust O fte his meed.

helle he ladde them out. Therfore ri3t- of wickid men; and, Lord, thei magne-20 "J.'mmak. i

wis men token awei the spoiles of vnpi- ^e " c1 e '

fieden insong thin hooli name, and preys-

ra| a u d

20 tous men ; and

sungen, Lord, thin
hee3li eden togidere thin hond ouercomer. For- 21 g<*>stiy rich-
holi name, and thin hond ouercomere thei whi wisdom openyde the mouth of doumbe fro enemyes ;
,., that is, Laban
21 preiseden togidere. For wisdam openede men, and made the tungis ot 3onge chil- an d hise sones,
the mouth of doumbe men, and the dren not spekynge to be wise. He dress- 1
awey to robbe
hun. a strange batel to him ; * a iust man seeld ; that
wrastlinge with the aungel. ouercome ; Esau, his aduersarie. Lire here. c. is, Joseph,
whanne hise bretheren seelden to men of Ismael. a diche ; that is, to the prisoun of the king of Egipt. Lire here. c. f that defouliden him ; in
puttinge auowtrie to him. Lire here. c. a iust puple and hooly; that is, the puple of Israel worschipinge God. fro naciouns; of Egipcians,
that oppressiden it ouer
greuously. Goddis wisdom entrede in to the soule of Goddis seruaunt ; that is, Moises. ajenus hidouse kyngis ; that is, Farao
and hise princes, the meede of her trauelis ; for bi Goddis comaundement the sones of Israel
goynge awey spuyliden Egipt, and axiden, bi borewing
of neijboris, vessels of gold and of
siluer, in xij. c. of Exodi ; and this in quyting of trauels, in whiche the men of Egipt bigiliden hem vniustly. Lire
here. c. depthe ofhellis ; that is, fro the botme of the see. the spuylis, etc. ; that is, of Egipciens, drenchid, and cast up to the brinke of
the see. Lire here. c.

Om. c pr.
r. m. Om. c pr. m. nn
m AEGH .
o ouer preside Om. c pr. m. P the A.
thi H. PP Om. A. 1 heijte E pr. m. c pr. m.

4 fulfillide *
i. the i.
ceptre, ether the kyngis yrde c et ceteri. It i. x translatid, ether ledde
over translatide i.
CEFGHKMNPQBSuvxya?. y It bar i.
XI. I 15. WISDOM. 103

tunges of vnspekende childer made faire ide the werkis of hem, in the hondis of an
spekende. It ri3t reulede the werkis of hooli profete.

hem, in the hondus of the holi profete.

2 Weie thei maden bi desertis, that ben Thei maden iourney bi desertis, that 2
not dwellid in ; and in deserf places thei weren not enhabitid and thei maden litle

3 maden litil cotes. Thei stoden 33611 ene- housis z in desert Thei stoden a
mys, and of the enemys thei venieden a3ens kyngis, and vengiden hem of ene-
dhemself. Thei thristeden, and inwardli myes. Thei thirstiden, and thei inwardli 4
clepeden thee and ther is 30116 to them
; clepiden thee and watir of a ful hi3 stoon

water of the he3est ston, and reste of was 3ouun hem, and reste of thirst ivas
sthrist of the harde ston. Bi tho thingis youun to hem of an hard stoon. For bi5
forsothe enemys of hem suf-
that the whiche thingis the enemyes of hem suf-
freden peynes, fro the 8 defanting of ther friden peynes, for defaute of her drink,
drinc, and whan the sones of Irael had- and the sones of Israel weren glad,
6 den plente, gladeden ; bi these thingus, whanne thei hadden plentee ; bi theses
whan to them hadden failid, wel with thingis, whanne these* failiden to tho
* with
7 them is don. Forwhi forsothe for the enemyes, it was don wel with hem*. For 7 hem ;

welle of the* euerlastende flod, marmys sotheli for the welle of euerlastynge flood, the chi'idren of

sblod thou 3eue to vnri3twis men. The thou 3auest mannus blood to vuiust men.
whiche whan thei weren mynusht, in the And whanne thei weren maad lesse, in the s

ouerleding of the slayne litle childer, thou leding awei of3onge children slayn, thou
jeue to them abundeude water in maner 3auest sudeynli plenteuouse watir to hem ;
9 not hopidshewende bi the thrist, that
and schewidist bi the thirst, that was 9
thanne was, hou thine thou shuldest en- thanne, hou thou woldist enhaunse thi
hauncen, and the aduersaries of hem slen. seruauntis, and woldist sle the aduersa-
10 Whan forsothe thei weren temptid, for- ries of hem. For whanne thei weren 10

sothe and with mercy disciplyne thei asaied, sotheli thei token chastisyng with
token thei wisten, hou with wrathe vn-
; merci; thei wisten, hou wickid men denied
pitous" men denied, tormentis shulden with ire, schulden suffre turrnentis. So-ii
1 1 These forsothe as a fader warn-
suffre. theli thou amonestynge c as a fadir, pre-
ende, thou prouedest; hem forsothe as an uedistf these men ; but thou as an hard t preue<ist,

hard king askende, thou condempnedist. kyng axynge condempnedist hem. For i2tMtreweser-
12 Forsothe the absent men and the present whi men absent and men present weren
is lie maner weren tormentid. Forsothe turmentid in For whi double \3 "'' that
liik maner. i

thyn aduer-
double no3e hadde taken hem, and weil- anoye hadde take hem, and weilyng with sanes hard
ing with the of the passid thingis.
mynde the mynde of thingis passid. Sotheli 14
u Whan forsothe thei herden, bi ther tor- whanne thei herden, that it was don wel
mentis wel with them to ben do, thei with hem si If bi her turmentis, thei bi-
membreden the Lord, merueilende in to thou3ten on the Lord, and wondriden on
15 the ende of the going out. Whom for- the ende of the out goyng. For at the 15

sothe in a shreude putting out thei ende of the bifallyng, thei worschipiden
scorneden cast aferr, in v to the ende of him, whom thei scorneden cast out in
that that fel, merueileden w ; not lie maner schrewid puttyng forth ; and thou didist

f the desert AH. n Om. c pr. m. s Om. A. * Om. AGH. " the
vnpitous AEH.
v and in A.
w thei merueileden E pr. m.

z housis, ether hulkis

CEFGHKMNPQnsuvxya. housis, or cotls x sec. m. marg. housis, either helkis 9.
this c. b thilke c
monestynge coiiKMQSUVXa?.
104 WISDOM. XI. 16 27.

16 to doende. For vnwis* thojtis

men not in lijk maner to iust men. Forsothed i

z for vnwise the wickidnessis of
forsotheX the wickidnessis of hem, that thou3tis
summe errende heriedea doumbe edderes, hem weren punyschid; for summen err-

and ouer veyne bestes, thou seutist in to ynge worschipiden doumbe serpentis, and
them a multitude of doumbe bestes, in to superflu beestis, thou sentist in to hem
17 veniaunce ; that thei shulden witen,
for a a multitude of doumbe beestis, in to ven-
bi tho thingus that a man synneth, bi tho iaunce ; that thei schulden wite, that bi 17

is thingus also he shal be tormentid. For- what thingis a man synneth, he is tur-

sothe not inpossible was thin almy3ti mentid also these 6 thingis.
bi For whi is

hond, that made the roundnesse of erthis thin hond almy3ti, that made the world

of mater vnseen, to senden in to them a of mater vnseyn, was not vnmy3ti to sende
19 multitude of beres, or hardi leouns, or of in to hem a multitude of beeris, ether

newe kiride vnknowen aa bestes, and ful of hardi liouns, ether beestis of newe kynde 10

wrathe, or spittende brething of fires, or ful of ire, and vnknowuri beestis, ether
beestis frothinge heete of firis, ethir bryng-
bringende forth smel of smoke, or put-
so tende out grisful sparkes fro e3en ; of ynge forth the odour of smoke, ethir send-
b f
whiche not hurting hadde mou3t
onli the ynge out fro the J3en hidouse sparclis of 20 ;

desired them, but and the looking bi whiche? beestis not oneli the hirtyng my3te
21 drede slen. But and withoute these with distrie hem, but also the si3t my3te sle
o spirit thei my3ten ben slayn, suffrid bi drede. For whi and with oute these 21
persecucioun of ther deedis self, and beestis thei my3ten be slayn bi o spirit,
scatered bi the spirit of hys vertue. But and suffre persecucioun of tho h her owne
and alle thingus in mesure, and noum- dedis, and be scaterid by the spirit of thi
22 bre, and peis thou disposedist ;
forsothe vertu. But and' thou hast disposid alle
myche moun, to thee alone ouer was
to thingis in mesure, and in noumbre, and
euermore ; and to the vertue of thin arm in wei3te ;
for it was left euere to thee 22
23 who shal a3enstonde ? For as a poynt aloone to mow do myche ; and who schal
of a balaunce, so is befor thee the round- a3enstonde the vertu of thin arm ? For as 23
and as a drope of mo-
nesse of erthis ; the tunge of a balaunce, so is the world
rutid dew, that goth doun in to the bifore thee ; and as a drope of dew rys-
2-terthe. And thou hast merci of alle, for
ynge bifore the Ii3t, that cometh doun in
alle thingus thou maist ; and thou for- to erthe. And thou hast merci of alle 24
berist the synnes of men, for penaunce. and
thingis, for thou maist alle thingis ;

25 Forsothe thou loouest alle thingus that thou dissymelistk the synnes of men, for
ben, and no thing thou hatedest of hem, penaunce. For thou louest alle thingis 25
that thou madist; ne forsothe hatende any that ben, and thou hatist no thing of
thing thou ordeynedest, or madist. Hou tho, that thou madist ; for thou not hat-
forsothe my3te any thing abide stille, but
ynge ony thing ordeynedist, ether madist.
thou haddest wold? or that of thee were But hou my3te ony thing dwelle, 'no but^c
27 not clepid, shulde ben kept? Thou sparist thou woldist? ether hou schulde a thing
forsothe to alle ; for thine thei ben, Lord, be kept, that were not clepid of thee?
that loouest soulis.
But, Lord, that louest soulis, thou sparist 27
alle thingis for tho thingis beu thine.

the vnwis E pr. m. J Om. A. z wickidnes x. a that for AGH. " of vnknowen c pr. m.
hurtling A.

d e these same i. f
Sothly i. of E. g the whiche i. b thilke i. also i. k ether
rist x sec. m. mare. l
but if i. m thou i.
XII. I 13. WISDOM. 105


* and
therfor ;
1 O ! hou good, and hou swete, Lord, is Lord, hou good, and hou swete is thii that MOM"
2 thi Spirit in vs ; therforethem that out Spirit in alle thingis ; and therfor* thou 2
partis; that is,
erren in parties, thou chastisist and of chastisist bi partis these men that erren ;
punyschist cur-
and bi
the whiche thingus thei synnen, thou and thou monestist, of whiche thingis thei teisly,
dyuerse tymes,
and not togi-
warnest, and spekest to, that, the malice synnen, and thou spekist to hem, that dere in takinge
3laft, thei leeuen in thee, Lord. Forsothe whanne thei ban forsake malice, thei bi- hem awey fro

tho c olde dwelleris of thin holi lond, 'the leue in thee, Lord. For thou woldist leese" s ifaue tyme %
4 which cc thou thilke elde dwelleris of thin hooli lond,
grisedist; for hateful werkis
thei diden to thee, bi lechingus, and sacri- whiche thou wlatidist ;
for thei diden 4 8 mt yn 'w
ynward ster-
5 fises vnri3twise ; and the sleeres of ther werkis hateful to thee, bi >n s> sumtyme
medicynes f, bi trauel of
sonus, withoute mercy, and the eteres of and vnmst and the slears of 5
sacrifices ; bodi, that
, til . . . ., jyueth vndir-
the boweles of men, and the d deuoureres her sones, with out merci, and eteris ot stonding.
of blod and the fadris and modris 6 au- of thyn hooly
; , entrailis of men, and*deuowreris of blood ; lond ; that is,
of Judee, which
toures of the soules vnholpen f, leese thou and bi the hondis of oure fadris thou is seidhooly,
G woldist not fro thi myddel sacrament, bi woldist leese fro thi myddil sacramentj for Goddis wor-
. - . schiping throof
the hondis of ther fadris and modris ; fadris and modris, autours or soulisj vn-o there in the

7 that the wrthi pilgrimaging of the chil- helpid ; that oure fadris schulden take?
der of God thei shulden parceyue, the the worthi pilgrymage of Goddis children,
whiche is a lond more cheere? to thee of which is to thee the derewortheste nn lond Crist was fiiiid

there in the
8 alle. But and to these as to men&s thou of But also thou sparidist these ass
alle. tyme of the
newe testa-
sparedist, and sentist waspis, beforgo- men, and thou sentist waspis, the bifore men t.
eres of thin ost, that 'them litilmel goeris of thin oost, that tho schulden de-
9 shulden destro3en. Not for thou were strie hem litil and litil. Not for thou 9 Lire here. c.
T oi medecynes,
hh were vnmy3ti to make wickid men suget
vnmy3ti in bataile to sogeten vnpitous .
etc. ; that
bi wicchecraftis,

, ,
but thou demydist 00

men to ri3twis men, or bi cruel bestes, to mst men in batel ; 10 and false dy-

10 or bi hard wrd to destro3e togidere ; but bi partis, and 3auest place? to penaunce,
bi parties demende, thou 3aue place of and wistist, that the nacioun of hem was
penaunce, not vnknowende, for shreude weiward, and her malice was kyndlill, and 1

ment that
; is,

is the nacioun of hem, and kindely the that her thoirjt my3te not be chaungid^j fro Judee. Lire
T-, ., , . here. c.
malice of them, and for the tho3t of them with outen ende. For it was a cursid n / soufiS) <,,..

my3te not ben chaungid in to euermor. seed at the bigynnyng. And thou not chUdreCdesTi.
tute of du
1 1 The sed forsothe was cursid fro the bi- dredynge ony man, 3auest for3yuenesse to

gynnyng. Ne dredende any man, for3yue- the synnes of hem For whi who schal!. 12 n was MndeK;
that is, maad
seie to thee, What hast thou do
nesse thou 3eue to the synnes of them. ether . hard bi long
custum, which
12 Who forsothe shal sey to thee, What who schal stonde a3ens thi doom ? ethir is a maner
madist thou ? or who shal stonde 33611 who schal come in thi si3t, to be auen- kynde. Lire ,

here. c.

thi dom ? orwho in thi si3te shal comen, gere of wickid men ? ether who schal 5[ my^te noi
be chaungid ;
veniere of wicke men ? or who
shal wijte arette to thee, if naciouns perischen, this is not
. . ontirli noun-
to thee, if naciouns pershen, that thou whiche thou madist? tor \vhi noon other is power ; but in

13 hast mad? Forsothe there is noon other than thou is God, to whom is charge of
lyueth, he may
turne ajen to good ; but this nounpower is in parti, for siche men moun turne asen with hardnesse, for the custom of synne enclynynge bi maner of
seid also in comyn speche of a man,
kynde wherfor in v. book of Metafisikis, a thing is seid impossible in o maner, which thing is hard, as it is

be seruaunt of seruauntis. Lire here. c.

seynge yuele, that he may not se. at the bigynnyng ; in ix. c. of Genesis, Cursid be Canaan ; he schal

e the A. cc that c pr. m. d Om. A. the modris AGH. {

vnhelpid ACH. S cleer A. ee man A.
h them men litilmelum c pr. m. nh
vnrijtwis E pr. m.

n i. nn dereworste c. ether to distrie at oonys, bi cruel beestis, ether bi an hard word A sec. m.
marg. dyuydist c. P places B. 1 men a.

106 WISDOM. xn. 1425

God than whom cure of alle thingis, that thou schewe, that thou
them, to is alle,
demest doom not vniustli. Nether king 14
that thou shewe, for not vnrijtwisly thou
udemest dom. Ne 1 forsothe king ne ti- nether tiraunt in thi si3t schulen enquere

shul enserche of these of these men, whiche thou hast lost. Ther- is
raunt in thi si3te
k that thou hast destn^ed. Sithen for sithen thou art iust, thou disposist
thingus ,

thanne thou art ri3twis, alle thingis ri3t- iustli alle thingis also, fadir, thou con-

wisly thou disposist ; hym also,

O! fader, dempnest* hym, that owith not to be *thoucon-
. , dempnest ;

that owith not to be punshid, condemp- punyschid, and tnou gessist nym a ;s
, punyschist

fro thi straunger fro thi vertu. For whi

nende, and straunge thou eymest thiiep"^*;,,
16 vertue. Forsothe thi vertue is the bi- vertu is the bigynnyng of ri3tfulnesse ;

ri3twisnesse ; and for that,

and for this, that thou art lord of alle Joob -

gynnyng of owith not to

that of alle thou art lord, to alle thou men, thou makist thee to spare alle men.
17 makest thee to sparen. Forsothe vertue For thou, that art not bileued to be per-
shewist thou, that art not beleeued to fit in vertu, schewisf vertu and thou ;

ben in vertue ful endid and hem that ;
ledist ouerf these men, that knowen* not
thi vertu ; that

knowen not thee, in hardynesse thou thee, in hardynesse. But thou, lord of is is, thi power.

isouerledist. Thou forsothe, lordshipere vertu, demest with pesiblenesse, and dis- t thou 'MM
of vertue, with pesiblenesse demest, and posist vs with greet reuerence ; for it is
with gret reuerence disposist vs ; forsothe sueret
o to thee to mow, whanne thou wolt.
synne in to
whan thou Forsothe thou hast tamt thi puole i9 s y nne -
ther vnderlith to thee, wilt, r bi siche .
in hardy.

19 to moun. Forsothe thou ta3tist thi

puple werkis, that it bihoueth a luge to be iust, , for by

bi suche werkis, for it behoueth to ben and benygne" ; and thou madist thi sones knowen notey
God, they syn-
and thou madist thi
and manly of good hope, for thou demest, and 3yuest nen hardili.
ri3twis, ;

sones of good hope, for demende thou

place to penaunce in synnes. For if thoU 20 reuerence ;
not pnnysch-

2o3yuest place of penaunce in synnes. If turmentidist the enemyes of thi seruauntis, ynge synnes
anoon, but
forsothe the enemys of thi seruauns, and and men due to deth with so greet per- abidinge to

due to deth, with so myche tentifnesse m

v penaunce.
seyuyng and delyueridist, and 3auest to mow that
, ;

thou tormentedist, and deliueredest, 3iu- and place, bi which thei my3ten
tyme synnes.
ende time and place, bi the" whiche thei be chaungid fro malice; with hou greet 21 Lire here. c.

21 my3ten be chaungid fro malice; with hou diligence demest thou thi sones, to whos j chastising;

myche diligence demest thou thi sones, fadris thou 3auest othis and couenauntis V8 ,

to whos fadris and modris, othis and co- of good biheestis? Therfor whanne thou 22 Lirg here c
uenauntis thou 3eue of goode behestes ? 3yuest chastisyng^ to vs, thou betist many
22 Thanne whan thou 3iuest to vs disci- fold oure enemyes, that we demynge thenke '> whanne we

enemys manyfold thou scourg-

pline, oure thi goodnesse^ ; and whanne it is demyd otheVe men,
i* .1 i .
i . TTTI that we do this
ist, that thi goodnesse demende, wee of vs, that we hope thi merci. Wher-23 myldely bi
saum P le &>
thenken and whan of vs is demed, wee
; for and to hem, that lyueden vnwiseli, and

hope thi merci. Wherfore and to them, vniustli in her thou 3auest souereyn
P e yie
is >

that in ther lif vnwisly and vnri3tfulli turmentis, bi these thingis whiche thei is jouun to vs.

lyueden, bi tho thingus, that thei heri- worschipiden. For thei erriden ful longe 24 i

24eden, thou 3eue grettest tormentis. For- in the weie of errour, and gessiden goddis w
sothe in the weie of errour l* re c
lengere thei these thingis that ben superflu in beestisll, - -

||superflu in
erreden, eymende goddis tho thingis that and lyueden bi custom of 3onge children teestis ; that
.... T, ., ,, .,' .
j . vnprofitable , is,
in bestes ben ouer veyne, liuende bi ma- vnwitti. For this thing thou 3auest doom, 25 to men, but
2oner of vnwise 3unge childer. For that in to scorn, as to children vnwitti ; but 26

'Nether^. k Om. AGH. l

of men of E pr. m. m ententifnes A. Om.cpr.m. Om. A.

1 thou shewedist s. s Om. u v ethir

s. * knewen CEOHKNpsxvay. benygne, ether merciful c el celeri.
lentifnesse x sec. m. marg. w to be goddis i.
XII. 26 XIII. 9- WISDOM. 107
as to vnwise childer thou 3eue dom, in to thei, that weren
not amendid bi scorn-
26 scorn ; who forsothe with
repreues and yngis and blamyngis, feeliden the worthi thTis?eueT''
blamyngusP ben not mendidi, the wrthi doom* of God. For thei baren heuyli 27^"'
dom of God ben expert foliden
W . in these thingis, whiche thei suffriden, in IS,
Lire here. c.

27 In these thingus forsothe that thei suf- whiche thingis thei suffrynge hadden in- condempna- f-

cioun, etc. ;
freden, heuyli thei beeren, in the whiche dignacioun ; thei seynge hym, whom thei that is, euer-
suffriug thei endeyneden ; bi tho thingis denyeden sum tyme hem to knowe, knewen
lastinge peyne
schal come on
that thei wenden goddis, in hem whan hym veri God, bi these thingis whiche hem in the
final doom,
thei weren distro3id, seende hym, whom thei gessiden goddis
among hem, whanne whanne thei
schulen be tur-
sum tyme thei denyeden hem to ban tho weren destried ; for which
thing and mentid in body
and soule, in
knowen, verre God thei knewen
for the ; the ende of her
condempnaciounf schal the peyne of
whiche and the ende of the condempnyng helle. Lire
come on hem. here. c.
of hem shal come on' hem. J ben veyn ;
that is, voide
of truthe.
CAP. XIII. CAP. XIII. thekunnyng of
God ; these ben
Veyne forsothe ben alle men, in whiche Forsothe men ben veynf, in whiche
alle i

vnderlith not the kunnyng of God ; and the kunnyng of God is not and of these ;
of veri

of tho that ben seen goode thingus, thei him

thingis that ben seyn goode, thei my3ten
that is ;

good, ether bi
my3ten not vndirstonde hym, that is, ne not vndurstonde him, that is, and thei kynde ether
beyng. Lire
to the werkis takende heed, knewen who perseyuynge the werkis knewen not, who here. c.

2 was craftis man ; but or fyr, or spirit, or was the worchere ; but thei gessiden 2
swift eir, or cumpas of sterres, or ful goddis $ goueruours of the world, ethir
myche watir, or sunne, or moone, the" the fier, ether the wynd, ethir the eir weren
gouernynge the
gouernoures of the roundnesse of londis maad swift, ether the cumpas of sterris, world. Lire

3 goddis wenden; in whos fairnesse delitid, ether ful myche watir, ethir the sunne
if thei wenden" goddis, wite they, hou and moone ; and if thei delitiden in the 3
oujten wite
myche than these the lordshipere of fairnesse of tho thingis, and gessiden tho* this anoon.
fairere; for
hem is the w fairere* the forsothe; getere goddis, wite thei||, hou myche the lord his fairenesse
passith with
of fairnesse alle these thingus ordeynede. of tho? is fairere than tho ; for whi the outen ende.
for the gen-
4 Or if they vertue and werkis 2 of them gendrere of fairnesse made alle these drere affair-
sse ; tiiat is >
thei wndreden, vnderstonde they of tho thingis. Ethir if thei wondriden on the 4 ,

God, autour of
he that made these thingis,
thingis, for
sis strengere than tho; forsothe of the
vertu and werkis of tho thingis, vndur-
stonde tnei^| or tho, that he that made
al fairenesse.
alle these
and w
and of g
mykilnesse of fairnesse, crea- these thingis, is strongere than tho; for 5 soun the fair-
nesse of tho
ture 3 , knowendeli shal moun the creatour bi the greetnesse of fairnesse and of crea-
thingis is bifore
"of these ben seen. But'ner the latere*8 ture the creatour of these thingis my3te in him, more
excelently with
jit in these lasse pleynt is and these
; be seyn knowyngli z But netheles 31! in e
. out noumbre.

forsothe parauenture erren, sechende God, these men** is lesse playnt ; for thei erren, ^f vndurstonde
thei that
7 and willende to finden. And forsothe in in hap sekynge God, and willynge to thei

the werkys of hym whan thei ben often fynde. For whanne thei lyuen in hise; vndurstonde.
Lire here. c.
turnende, and sechen , and ful shewid werkis, thei seken, and holden for a soth, **in these men;
that worschip-
han, for goode thingis ben, that ben seen. that tho thingis ben goode, that ben seyn. iden excelent

Eft forsoothe ne to these owith to be for- Eft SOtheli it Owith not tO a be fo^OUUns STsunneand
9 If forsothe so thei these men. For if thei wite '' for
3ouen. myche my3ten to mi3ten 9 Jd

w lesse playnt than

in hem that worschipiden serpentis, and vile beestis. Lire here. c.

P blamynge <! amendid A.

A. T Om. c pr. m. E pr. m. " thee A. the GH. *
upon AEGH.
"weneden T than tho c
E. pr. m. more E pr. m. v Om. A. * fairere of them E m. pr. yOm.AEGH.
z the werkis AGH. a the creature a neuer the latere AEG. b
cpr.m. sechynge A.

hem T thilke thingis z werkis v. a Om.

i. i.
knowyngli, ether my$le be knorvun bi hise i.

P 2
108 WISDOM. XIII. 10 19.

so myche, that thei the

kunne, that the world thei my3ten eymen, rni3ten gesse
hou the lord of this Ii3tliere thei founden world*, hou founden thei not Ii3tliere the
world ; that is,
. .

10 not ? Vnseli forsothe thei ben, and among lord therof ? forsothe ben cursid, thei 10 knowe the or.
, j i . i
. dre of creaturis.
the deade the hope of them is, that cle- and the hope of hemf is among deed men,
d that clepiden goddis the werkis of mennus
peden goddis the werkis of the hondis
noon hope Of
hondis, grold, and siluer, the fyndyng of
of men, gold, and siluer, the finding of her helthe, as
and licnessis of beestis, ether a stoon long as thei
craft, and the licnesses of bestes, or vn- craft,
ben siche.
, j ,
olde hond. vnprofitable, the werk ot an eld nond.
profitable ston, the were of the
werkis of

man, forgere, hewe of ony crafti man, a carpenter, hew-n


11 Or if any crafti Ethir if Twhi ?Zf

the wode an euene tree, and of this ith doun of the wode a strei3t tre, and
awei al the riynde therof, ben maad bi
al the rinde, and, vsid rasith
tajtli pare awei
craft, but the
his craft diligentli, forge a vessel vnpro- and vsith his craft diligentli, and makith mater is thing
f C.A. \ i ofkynde; as
i2fitable in to conuersacioun of lif; the a vessel
ml i
profitable in to conuersacioun goid, and sii-

tother forsothe of his werk to the mak- of lijf}; sotheli he vsith the relifs
werk to the mete * ben
13 ing of mete vse and the tother of these
this makyngo redi of ;
the werk ,
and the residue 1*
of these things, <meeuhond
thingis, that to noon vse,
a crokid tree, is {\

, , .
for whi idols
and he maketh, that he
ful of knarres, he makith to no werk, a crokid tre, and maad of eld

ful of knottis, he graueth diligentli bi his

graue diligentli bi his voidenesse, and bi
the kunnyng of his craft figure it, and voidnesse$, and bi the kunnyng of his
ulicne it to an ymage of man, or to sum craft he figurith it, and licneth it to the
Cristen men , ,

of bestes it he comparisoime, thur3 draw- yrnage of a man, ether makith it lijk to 14 doen more re-
ende with a reuler, and make the colour sum of beestis, and anoyntith with reed
of it with red, and broun, and eche spot, colour, and makith the colour therof rodi
15 that is in it, ful e 'daubende with erthe f, with peynture. and anoyntith eche spotte b01f\,seid maad ,

and make it a wrthi
dwelling, puttende which is in it, and makith to it a worthi 15 inhere, c.
.... to conuersa-
it in a wal, arid fastnendes with iren, dwellyng place, and settith it in the wal, doun, ofnyf ;

iciest parauenture it falle ; beholdende to and he fastneth it with irun, lest per- is menu's profit,

self h
witende, for
forsothe an
it mai not helpen the- auenture it falle doun and he purueyeth m a^ e ;

not helpe it of tre ben nede

ymage it is, and nede for it, and woot, that it may -
; * ful.
17 is to it helpe. And of his substaunce, silf ;for it is an ymage, and help is nede- '<A the re.

and of his sones, and of sposailes, mak- ful therto. And he makith auowe||,
ende auow, ensercheth ; he shameth not enquerith of his catel, and of hise sones, ^ get* me*'
to speke with it, that withoute soule is ; and of weddyngis he is not aschamed to f o his hre ' -
; , .<;
18 and for helthe forsothe the feble he be- speke with hym, that is with out soule nessg that is,

secheth,and for lif he pre3eth the deade, and sotheli for helthe he bisechith a thingis in his grauyng.
and in to helpe he inwardli clepeth the vnmy3ti, and for lijf he preieth a thing .*'

19 vnprofi table. And for the 1 going asketh with out lijf, and he clepith an vnpro- e

of it , that may not go ; and of purchas- And i9 herf him
fitable thing in to help. for iourney -

ana enquer-
ing, and of werching, and of the chauns he axith of that thing, that mai not go; w,- that is,

of alle thingus he asketh of it, that in and of getyng, and of worchyng, and of idol ric

thingys ys vnprofitable. bifallyng of alle thingis he axith of hym,
which is vnprofitable in alle thingis.

c thei A. f h
ful of A.
peynting E pr. m. S fastne

clepen it A. it self A.
Om. AB sec. m. GH. k Qm. c
pr. m.

b c
residue, or the letting i. that i.
XIV. l WISDOM. 109


1 EftJ an other thenkende to seilen, bi Eft an other man thenkynge to seile in i * a t re; thati,
d e
hidous flodis bigynnende to make weie, and bigynnynge to make iournei '

schip ,
}re'ie"e tha n

tbe tree berende hym, inwardlik clepeth he re **'


thorou3' ferse wawis", inwardli clepith f a '. (

u, the (chip.
2 a more frele That forsothe co-
tree. tre* frelere^ than the tre that berith hym. <AO /<&-,

m _ , . . . ,. , ,
of heuene.
ueitise of wynnyng tho3te out and a
; r or whi couetise to gete money toond that 2 gouarmat , the

scraftisman forgede bi his wisdam. Thou idol; and a crafti man made it bi his
forsothe, fader, governest bi prouydence, wisdom. But thou,
fadir, gouernest bis
for thou hast 3oue in the se weie, and puruyaunce, for thou 3auest weie in the tw*wo//Ai
wisdom, etc. ;

among most" stedefast path shew-
flodis ; see, and a most stidfast path among God made low-

, ., ., . .. erecreaturis
ende, for thou art my3ti of alle thingus wawis ; schewynge that thou art mi3ti to 4 for man, and

to helen, also if withoute ship a man go make hool of alle thingis, 3he, if a man
5 to the se ;
but that the werkis of thi goith to the see with out schip but thats ;
man, tho
wisdam weren not voide, for that also the werkis of thi wisdomf schulden not schnlden seme
to be veyn as
men takende ther Hues to a litil tree, be voide, for this thing men bitaken her to this, in hise
profitis; so-
and passende the se, bi a ship ben deli- lyues, 3he, to a litil tre, and thei passen thely these pro-
ben maad
cuered. the bygynnyng, whan
But fro the see, and ben delyuered bi a schip. fitis
bi seiling, bi

proude ieauntis pershederi, the hope of But at the bigynnyng,

whanne proude e " hich ar -
channtis canen

the roundnesse of erthis to a ship fleende, giauntis perischiden, hope the of the tho
that ben plen-
sente a3een to the world sed of birthe, world fledde to a schip, and sente efte teonse in o
lond, to an
7 that bi thin hond was gouerned. Blissid seed of birthe to the world, which J was other, where
is scar-site of
forsothe is the tree, bi theP whiche is do gouerned bi thin hond. For whi blessid 7
siche thingis ;

a ri3twisnesse. The maumet forsothe, that is the which ri3tfulnesse was

tree, bi and thus the
nedynessis of
is maad bi hondys, is cursid, and it, and maad. But the idol which is maad bis londis ben re-
he that made it, for he forsothe wro3te hond is cursid, bothe it, and he that But at the
vnleefulnesse ; that forsothe, whan it was made it, for sotheli he wrou3te grete that is, in the

whanne firsteage of
obritil, is nempned God. Lie maner for- trespas ; sotheli that idol, it was the world, that
sothe to<i hate ben r to God the vnpytouse, freel, was nemyd God. Forsothe in lijku duride fro A-
dam til to the
10and the vnpitousnesse of hym. Forsothe maner the wickid man$ and his wickid- grete flood.

that is mad, with hym that made, tor- nesse ben hateful to God. For win that 10 ^ S/df that

u mentus shal suffre. For that and to the that maad schal suffre
is turmentis, with
maumetis of naciouns shal not ben re- hym
that made zV h For . this thing and u sones - and
ward ; for the creaturis of God in to hate to the idols of naciouns schal not be seed of birthe i
r /-i i i
*"r wn man -

ben mad, and tempting to the soule of biholdyng ; for the creaturis of God ben kynde was

men, and in to a mouscacche to the feet maad in to hatrede, and in to tempta-

12 of vnwise men. The bigynnyng forsothe cioun to the soule of men, and in to a
of fornycacioun is the outseching of mau- trappe to the feet of vnwise men. For ^ Lirehere
- c
lohich ; schip.
metis, and the finding of hem is corup- the bigynnyng of fornycacioun is the sek- ||
the tre ; that
e j i j f i f xu J.-L. is, thilke schip
i:icioun of lyf. Forsothe thei weren not yng out of idols, and the tynding of tho maad of trees.
Lire here. c.
the wickid man ; that is, the maker of an idol, and the idol maad of him. that is maad ; that is, the deuel, that was worschipid in the idol, and jaf
answeris there sum tyme. to the idolis of naciouns; that is, to fendis dwelling in idolis. not be biholding; that is, of Goddis mersi, for whi the synne
of fendis may not be forjouun. the creaturis of God ; that is, fendis maad of God, as to the kynde. ben maad in to hatrede; for her synne, which is not
of God autour, but of det'aute of fre wille. and in to temptaciown; for thei that ben caste doun fro heuene, studien to lette men fro her helthe. and in to
a trappe to the feet of vnwise men ; that ben ouercomun bi temptaciouns of fendis, but to wise men, that ajenstonden manly ; siche temptaciouns ben
not in to a trappe, but more in to victorie and in to a coroun. Lire here. c. of fornycacioun ; that is, idolatrie, which is goostly fornicacioun.

J Also A. k he inwardli AEGH. 1

purchasynge E pr. m.
m scgte c. n a most c pr. m. in to AGH.
P Om. AEGH. 9 thei ben to E
pr. m. r thei ben
spr. m.

e he clepith more h Om. CEF pr, m.

a ship s. watris c. i. 8 freel i. GHJiNFQRSuvxYa9.
110 WISDOM. XIV. 14 25.

idols is the corrupcioun of Forsothe

bigynnyng, ne shul ben in
fro the to lijf. , .

/( y. >that

14 with oute ende. The oueruoidenesse for- tho weren not at the bigynnyng, nethir of goos'tii liyf,
, . ,
, . that stondith in
tho schulen be with out ende. r or whi 14 God,
sothe of men
these thingis fond in to the onyng to

roundnesse of erthis ; and therfore short the voidnesse of men foond these idols in

15 the ende of hem is founden. Forsothe to the world and therfor the ende of tho

with bitter weiling the fader sorewende, is foundun For whi the fadir 15 of men; that
is, defaute of

soorie 3 of the raueshid sone made an makinge sorewe with bittir morenyng, her wisdom.
Lire here. c.
made soone to hym an ymage* of the sone * an ymage
ymage and hym, that thanne as a man

was dead, now as god* he begynneth to

'that was rauyschid and bigan to wor- that bifor
the deth of the ;

hym now was deed fadir.

herien and ordeynede" among his ser- schipe as a god, that
; hooli thingis;
16 uauns templis and sacrifises. Aftirward thanne as a man ; and he ordeynede hooli to be 3ouun to
the ymage.
time waxende and sacrifices among hise seru-
in the mene comende thingis Lire here. c.

w Aftirward in bi-ie
shreude custum, this errour as lawe is auntis. tyme comynge
maundemens of tirauntis twixe1 , whanne the wickid custom was
kept, and bi

17 falsewerkis ben heried. These whom strong, this errour was kept
as a lawe,

in opene men my^ten not wrshipen, for and ymagis weren worschipid bi lordschip

that aferr thei werea, from aferr the of tirauntis. The figure of hem was 17
figure of them is bro^t ;
the euydent broujt fro fer, whiche the men mi3ten not
ymage of the king, whom wrshipen thei onoure in opyn, for thei weren fer; and
wolden, thei maden ;
that hym that was thei maden an opyn ymage of the kyng,

aferr, as present thei shulden herien with whom thei wolden onoure ; that bi her
is ther x bisynesse. Forsothe the grete dili- bisynesse thei schulden worschipe hym as
gence of they craftis dvoj man to the present, that was absent. Forsothe the is

heriyng of hem and hem, that vnknewen. noble diligence of a crafti man brou3te in
19 He forsothe wilnende more to plesen to also hem, that knewen not, to the wor-
hym, that hym toe, trauailede out bi his schipyng'" of thes kyngis For he will- . 1

craft, that the licnesse in to betere he ynge more to plese that Ityng, that took
2oshulde figuren. Forsothe the multitude hymf, trauelide perfitli? bi his craft, to t took Mm ;

of men, disceyued bi the fairnesse of the make a'i licnesse in to betere. Sotheli 20 h; m to' make

werk, hym that bifor time as a man was the multitude of men, disseyued bi the
21 wrshipid, now god thei eymeden. And fairuesse of werk, gessiden hym now a
that is, ymage.
this was disceyuyng of mannys lif for god, that was onourid as a man bifore to betere;
. , .,. ,, ,. ., ,.
in makinge the
to afeccioun, or to kingusmen deseruyng, that tyme. And this was the disseit or 21 king fairere.
i / / i Lwe here, c.
the vncomunycable name to stones and mannys lijt ; tor whi men seruynge
22 trees thei putten z . And it suffisede not, greetli, ethir to affeccioun,
ethir to kyngis,
them ban erred aboute the kunnyng
to puttiden to stoonys and trees the name
of God but and in gret bataile of vnkun-
; that mai not be comynyd. And it suffiside 22 * may not be
nyng liuende, so fele and so grete eueles not, that thei erriden aboute the kunnyng
2spes thei clepen. Or forsothe ther sones of God but also thei lyuynge in greet

sacrifiende, or derke sacrifises makende, batel of vnkunnynff, clepen so many and 3uun w muhe
and kvnde. no
24 or hauende ful wacchis of wodnesse, ne so grete yuels pees. For etl:
, . . . ,, . aloone; netheles
lif, ne clene sposailis now thei kepen ; ynge her sones in sacrifice, ethir makynge

;t ; s comynyd
but an other an other bi enuye sleth, or derk sacrifices, ethir hauynge wakyngis J;^"^
25auoutrende sorewith. And alle thingus ful of woodnesse, kepen now nether cleene 24 men - Lire here -

s the soone AGH. * a God A. "ordeyne^GH. v behestis E pr. m. w a lawe AGH. * Om. A.
Om. A. z
puttiden AGH. vnkunnyng of God A.

in schort c. k Om. FiKsa. 1 bitwene i. m s. n I. the a. P more
wurship thingis perfitli
A pr. m. 1 Om. s.
xiv. 26 xv. 5. WISDOM. Ill

ben mengd togidere, blod, manslaster, nether eleene weddyngis; but also o
lijf, *. medlid; that
and feynyng, corupcioun, vnfeith-
thefte, man sleeth another man bi enuve, ethir '"> *cheDt ' and

fulnesse, disturbing, and forswering, strif, doynge auowtrie makith sory his nei^bore. of oun. Lire

26 the vnmynding of the goodes of the And ben medlid* togidere, 25 1

alle thingis Mood,- in

Lord, the defouling of soules, the mis- bloodf, mansleyng, thefte, and feynyng,
chaunging of birthe, the vnstablenesse corrupcioun, vnfeithfulnesse, disturblyng,
and forsweryng, com^ c wn
vnordeynyng of leccherie
of bridales, the -

e noise, forsetyne of goodis26 that


/ , .
'* defoul-
27 and of vnclennesse. Forsothe the heri- ot the Lord, defoulyng of soulis, chaurig- ing of virgyns.
,. i . , i noyse; in stiring
yng of cursid maumetis is the cause of yng of birthe, vnstidfastnesse of wed- of dissencioun.
euel, and bigynnyng, and ende. Or dyngis, vnordeyning of letch erie and of f^'f"hafis,
s y nn fSodom
forsothe, whil thei gladen, thei waxen vnchastite. For whi the worschipyng -

1 o of27 .e
wod ; or certis thei profecien false cursid idols is the cause, and the bigyn-
which summen
thingus, or liuen vnn3twisly, or forswern nyng, and the ende of al yuel. For whi28chaungidento-
aosoone. Whil forsothe thei trosten in ethir thei wexen woode, while thei ben w yu 8.

maumetus, that ben withoute soule, euele glad ;

ether certis thei profecien false euer
either that is,
swerende, thei hopen not themself to thingis, ethir
* vniustli, thei ethir
it is

iust, that
so ben no3ed. Eithir thanne to them comen thei forsweren soone. For the r while thei 29 thei i.en pun.

for euele thei feleden of God,

... .... .,
tnsten in idols, that ben with out soule,
ischid for euer
wrthili ;

takende heed to maumetis, and sworen thei sweren yuele, and hopen not, that
vnri3twisly in the maumet, dispisende thei schulen be arioyed. Therfor euer so j^""*
31 ri3twisnesse. Forsothe of men swerende f eithiri schulen come to hem worthili ;
an ooth is not
vertu ; that is >
r ^ i j i f /-i i i
is not vertue, but the peyne of synneres for theidemeden yuele or God, and 3auen an ooth owith

thur3 goth euermor, in to the lawe brek- tent to idols, and thei sworen vniustli in "irid L good bi

ing of ri3twis thingus. an idol, and thei s dispisiden ri3tfulnesse. f


For whi an ooth is not vertu J6, but the3i in nede; tothe
^^ .


peyne of synneris goith forth euere, in to oftrmheandof

. . , . . feithfulnesse
the breking or iust thingis. among men.
going forth
euere ; that is,
A T>
L> .
JVV . wexith and is

1 Thou forsothe, oure God, sweete, and Forsothe thou, oure God, art swete, i
in to the brek-
tng of iust
and pacient, and in mercy dispos-
verre, and trewe, and pacient, and disposist alle ihingts; that

2 ende alle thingis. Forsothe if wee syn- merci.

For if we synnen, we 2
T-, . is, of Goddis
iee stis, that
thingis ]

nen, thine wee ben, witende thi mykil- ben thin, and knowen thi greetnesse and ;
wee synnen npt, wee witen,
nesse; and if if we synnen notli, we witen, that we ben just
may come
forth of God.
s for anent thee wee ben countid. For- acountid For whi to
at thee. knowe 3 Lire here. c.
. 1 ||synnen not ,*

sothe to han knowen thee, is ful endid thee, is parfit ri3tfulnesse and to kunne ; dediy, for whi
y ne
ri3twisnesse and to witen ri3twisnesse
; thi ri3tfulnesse and vertu, is the root of mr/not be
and thi vertu, roote is of vndeadlynesse. vndedlynesse. Forsothe the thenkyng out

4 Forsothe not in to errour inladde vs the of yuel craft of men brou3te not vs in to ben acountid;
that is, bothe
oute thenking of the euele craft of men, errour, nether the schadewe of peynture in noumbre and
merit, with
ne the shadewe of peynting trauaile trauel without fruyt, an ymage gravun bi chosun men,

dyuerse colours ; whos biholdyng 3yueth

withoute frut, the grauen licnesse bi a
auers coloures ; whos si3te to the vnwise coueytise to an vnwise man, and he lou-
bi feitlt, formed
with charite. and vert u; that is, bi parformyng in wei-k. tn to errour; of idolatrie, and Philo, autour of this book, spekith here for his tyme;
for bifor the caitifte of
f Babiloyne, the Jewis dide nmyche idolatrie. )yueth couetise, etc. ; that is, drawith his soule to do reuerence to the idol.

e Om. A. (
sweringe the oth E pr. m.

T Om. i. g Om. cv.

112 WISDOM. XV. 6 15.

3yueth coueiting, and looueth the licnesse

eth the licnesse of a deed ymage with out
c of the deade ymage withoute soule. The soule. The louvers of yuels
ben worthi c f .
ld ols
tho that ben C"n -

looueres of euelis ben wrthi deth, that the deeth, that han hope in siche ; and <ron> , that ,

. vessels to seme
that maken tho, and thei that
hope han in suche thingus and that don thei louen, to vnonest ;.,

hem, and that loouen, and that herien. and thei that worschipen ben worthi the that is,

7 But and the crockere, the nesshe erthe deth. But also a pottere, thristyngeT
* he suelh
thresteude, trauailously maketh to oure neische erthe, bi greet trauel makith ech ; in
makinge idols

vses eche vessel and of the same clei

vessel to oure vsis ; and of the same clei of erthe liyk
tho of bras.
he made that ben clene vesselis in to vse, he makith vessels that ben clene to vss, settith bifore
glorie ; of his
and also that to them ben contrarious ;
and in lijk maner tho that ben contrarie craft, for the
multitude of
forsothe of these vesselis what is the vse, to these ; forsothe what vss is of these men renneth to

adomesman is the crockere. And with vessels, the pottere is iuge. And he that a

veyn trauaile god he maketh of the same was maad of erthe a litil bifore', makith superflu
thiiiyis ; that
cley, he that a litil biforn of erthe was a god of the same clei with veyn trauel ; is, idols of no
mad and aftir a litil he ledith hym-
and the pottere, axid to ^elde the dette of Jiriys,
litil, in compa-
risoun of
selfe whennes he
taken, a3een askid
is soule" which he hadde, ledith hym silf
othere. Lire
the dette of the soule that he hadde.
nBut and ther
cure to hym, not for
aftir a
he was takun.
litil tyme
to the erthe,
But he hath
care, not for 9
~t here. c.
lh e herte of
him; that is,

he is to trauailen, ne for his lif is short, he schal trauele, nether for his lijf is schort, s 1^*^
but that me spute with gold smythis, but he stryueth with gold smythis and sil- loue, forAustyn
seith, If thiui
and siluer smythis ; but and metal ma- lied smythis; but also he sueth* worcheris louest erthe,
thou art erthe ;

keres he folewith, and glorie he berth of bras, and settith bifore glorie ; for he but this pot-
tere settith al
biforn ; for thingus ouervoide he mak- makith superflu thingis. 1" Or the herte 10 his
ioeth h . Asken' forsothe is the herte of of hymf is aische, and superflu erthe is f ertheTa'n?
and ifth e-the
hym, erthe ouervoide the hope of his hope, and his lijf is vilere than clei.
were pnued fro
hym, and foulere than cley the lif of For he knew not God, that made him, u meddling of wa-
, . . schulde
ter, it
u hym. For he kne3 not that made hym, and that enspiride a soule to hym; and be dryuun in to

and that enspirede to hym a soule and ;

he loueth tho thingis whiche he hath fische; wherfor
looueth that he wro3te; and that k ble3 wrou3tj; and he knew not God, that ^j^* "j^
12 in to
hym a lifli spirit. But thei eym- blowide in hym a spirit of lijf. But thei 12 aische.
. . . . . stiperflu erthe ;
eden a pleiyng place to ben the lif of gessiden fleischh delityng to be oure lijf, wherhemak.
hem, and the conuersacioun of lif mad and the conuersacioun of lijf to be maad }s
hishdpe; for

to wynnyng, and to bihouen also on eche to wynnyng", and that bihoueth to gete it

side, of euel to on ech side, she,' of *yuel. is "'"'A

purchasen. This forsothe Forsothe this
vilere than cley;
wot hymself ouer alle men to trespassen, man that makith freele vessels, and grauun which Hyf is

that of the mater of erthe britel vesselis

ymagis of the mater of erthe, woot that wynnyng of

uand grauen maketh. Forsothe alle the he trespassith aboue alle men. Forsothe, i

vnwise men and vnsely ouer maner of Lord, alle vnwise men and cnrsid ben than these
ther ben proude, enemys of thi
soule proude ouer the mesure of her soule, and thingis, that
ben to the ende
is and ben enemyes of thi puple, and vpbreyden x
puple, mysseiende to it ; for alle the Lire here. c.
T hath wro'tjt ;
maumetis of naciouns godis thei eym- it; for thei gessiden alle the idols ofi that is, idols.

eden, to the whiche nouther si3te of e3en naciouns to be goddis, that han nethir
is to seen, ne nose therlis to parceyue si3t of i3en to se, nethir nose thirlis to Lire here. c.
^[ tcoat ; that is,
owith to wite. above alle ; raakeris of idols, vntaise men ; that ben idoiatrouns, and erren fro veri blis. proude, etc.; that is, presumen of hem silf,
more than they moun do. Lire here. c.

8 togidere E h made E k Om.

pr. m. pr. m. Asshen c pr. m.
spute A.

bifore to
CEFHKMNpQRsuvxYa9. the soule i. T siluerne c. * wynnyng, ether coueitise c et ceteri.
* edwiten CFOHiMNopQRsuvxva. comaunden, ether ediviten K.
XV. 1 6 XVI. WISDOM. 113

spirit, ne eres to heren, ne fingris of perseyue a spirit, ethir wynd, nether eeris
hondis to gropen, but and the feet of 1
to here, nethir fyngris of hondis to touche,
16 hem slowe to
gon. man forsothe made A but also her feet ben slowe to go. Fori6 * dryue awei
the heriyng,
them, and that the spirit borewide, he whi a man made tho, and he that borewide etc.; and 3ae
it to vnreson-
feynede them ; no man forsothe mai a spirit, made tho ; forwhi no man mai
i7maken a god lie to hym. Whan for- make a god lijk hym silf. For si then he
of his grace.
sothe he be deadli, the deade he makith is deedli, bi wickid hondis he makith a
Lire here. c.
with wicke hondis ; betere forsothe is he deed idol; for he is betere than these f these thingis ;
that is, the for-
than these, that he herieth ; for he for- goddis, whiche he worschipith ; for so- seid idolatries.
sothe liuede, whan he was deadli, thei theli he liuyde, whanne he was deedli,
IB forsothe neuere. But and thei most but thei lyueden neuere. But also moost
wrecchid herien bestes ; witles forsothe, wretchid men worschipen beestis ; for whi .

turmentts; that
comparisouned to these, ben wers than vnresonable beestis, comparisound to these ,
: the stide
of turmentis
19 tho. But neither with si3te
any thing of men, ben worse than thei. But nether bi
these bestes mai beholden goode thyngis; si3tony man mai of these beestis biholde ise of
forsothe they fledden the preisyng of goodis forsothe thei ban dryue awei the

God, and the blessing of hym. heriyng* of God, and his blessyng.
en m of
hem, in xj. c.
of Numery.
CAP. XVI. CAP. XVI. (heicoueit-
tnge mete; that
1 For these, and lie thingus to these, For these thingis f, and thingis lijki
wrthily thei suffreden tormentis, and bi these, thei suffridenturmentis worthili,
multitude of bestes thei ben destro3ed. and thei weren destried bi multitude of turned awey

m tormentis thou fro nedeful co-

2 For whyche disposid- beestis. z
For whiche turmentis \ thou dis-2 netting; that
ist wel thi puple, bi whiche thou 3eue posidist wel thi puple, to whiche thou ra ete ,

coueiting of ther delit a newe sauour, 3auest coueitise of her delityng a new
makynge redi mete to hem a cur-
sgreithende curleeu mete to them. That
thei forsothe coueitende mete, for tho lew $. That sotheli thei coueitynge mete, 3 sent to hem ;
that is, for pad-
thingus that to them ben shewid, and weren turned awei, 3he, fro nedeful coueit- dokis and

sent, also fro nedeful coueiting thei yng, for tho thingis that weren schewid,
shulden be turned awei ; these forsothe and sent to hem ; but these men|| maad
nedi mad in short, tasteden newe mete. pore in schort tyme, tastiden newe mete.
cians- Lir
here. c.
4 Forsothe bihouede to them, hauntende
it For sotheli it bihofte perischyng to come 4 a curlew ;

tiraundise, deth to" comen on with oute on hem with outen excusyng^[, vsynge ti- titude'of c"."
excusacioun ; to them forsothe onli to rauntri but to schewe oneli toa these

shewen, hou the enemys of them weren \\Aesemm;

Ebries, hou her enemyes weren destried. that is, tbreys.
sdestrojid. Forsothe whan to them cam Forsothe whanne the feers ire of beestis 5 Lire here. c.

on the cruel wrathe of bestis, bi the bit- cam on hem, weren destried bi the
thei that is, with
yngis of shreude shadewe edderes thei bityngis of weiward serpentis. But, Lord, G
c weren distn>3id. But not in to euermor thin ire dwellide not with outen ende ;
bitun of ser-
thi wrathe abod stille; but to the cor- but thei weren troblid in schort time to pentis, in xxj.
c. of Niimery.
reccioun in short thei ben disturbid, amendyng, and hadden a signe of helthe, Lire here.
** reinem-

tocne hauende of helthe, to the remem- to remembryng** of the comaundement of bryng ; that

bring of the maundement of thi lawe. thi lawe. For he that was conuertid, was 7 smytun'and
7 Who forsothe is turned, not bi that that heelid not bi that that he si3, but bi thee, heelid, schulden
be myndeful of
he he was heled, but bi thee, saueour
533, sauyour of alle men. Forsothe in this 8 thyn heestis,
and do tho. /.ire
s of alleP. In that forsothe thou shewdist thou schewidist to oure enemyes, that thou here. C.

Om. A. m the whyche c pr. m. n forsothe to c. nn bites c
pr.m. the AGH. P alle thingis E pr. m.

* the a Om. A
whiche i. pr. m. c.
114 WISDOM. xvi. 920.
ki/liden hem
art, that delyuerist fro al yuel.
For- 9 ;

to oure enemys, for thou art, that de- it that Egip-is,

cians. Lire
Hem forsothe the sothe the bityngis of locustis and of flies
olyuerest fro alle euel. here. c.

killiden hem*, and heelthe of her lijf was f in mynde ;

bityngis of fle3es and of
locustis slowen, that is, that

and ther is not founden helthe to the not foundun ; for thei weren worth i to be they schulden
be myndeful of
soule of hem ; for wrthi thei weren of destried of siche thingis. But nether the
to ben destro3ed. Thi teeth of dragouns, nethir of venemouse
lesuche thingus
sonus forsothe, nouther the teth of dra- beestis ouercamen thi children; for whi that
but he

ouer- thi merci cam, and heelide hem. For thei n ledith not to
gounes, ne of venymed thingus
camen ;
forsothe thi mercy comende to, weren turmentid in myndef of thi wordis, goostiy deth,

iihelede them. In the forsothe of and thei weren heelid swiftli lest thei
mynde ;

thi wrdis thei weren distro3id, and swiftli fallynge in to deep for3etyng of God,
thei weren saued ; lest in to hee3 for- mhten not vse thin help. For nethir eerbe, 12 lre wiiie, is au-
tour of synne.
not vse thin nethir plastere heelide hem ; but, Lord, sieeth AW muie
3eting fallende, thei my3ten it malice ; of
12 Forsothe neither erbe, ne piastre thi word, that heelith alle thingis. Lord,
helde 1 them ; but thi wrd, Lord, that thou art, that hast power of lijf and of

isheleth alle thingus. Thou art, Lord, deth ; and ledist forth to the 3atis of deth^:, ,


that of lif and deth hast power; and arid ledist a3en. But sotheli a man sieeth 1 4 the bodi. n
. . schal nut tiirne,

of deth, and and whanne the w

bringest doun to the 3atis
his soule bi malice; spirit je,-

a3een bringest. A
man forsothe r sleth is goen out, it schal not turne a3en,
bi malice forsothe his soule ; and whan
is, depart-
nether the bodi schal a3en clepe the soule, id fro the bodi.

which is resseyued ; but it is vnpossible b M*' A

the spirit goth out, he shal not turne
io '"';><
ascape Ihyn
a3een, ne the soule, that is resceyued, to ascape thin hond. Forwhi wickid icA<md,- for
the soulis of
isshal a3een clepen but thyn bond to ; men, denying to knowe thee,weren tur- us men ben i t

icfleen is 1
vnpossible. Vnpitouse men for- mentid bi strengthe c of thin arm ; thei

sothe, ban knowen thee, bi

denyynge" to suffriden persecusioun binewe watris, and
the strengthe of thin arm ben scourgid ; hailis, and reines, and weren wastid bi
in the
with newe watris, and hailis, and reynes, fier. For whi that was wondurful, thei7hon7ofhisri 3 t-

/, TJJ
fier hadde more mi3t m the watir, that
i fulnesse, ether
.i ., i , ,

they suffreden persecucioun, and bi fijr ust p u iys ch. i ,

17 ben wastid. That forsothe was mer- quenchith alle thingis ; for whi the world ^he'wmUieat
ueylous, in water, that alle was venierefi of iust men. For whi sum \8 v eniefe > eic -

thingis >
that is, creature

quencheth, more the fir

my3te ; the tyme the fier was mylde, lest the beestis of the world.
of iust men ;
world forsothe isveniere of ri3twis men. schulden be brent, that weren sent to that of K- is,

breys turment-
18 Forsothe sum tyme the fyr was tamed, wickid men ||; but that thei seynge^[ id of Egipcians

that the bestes, that weren sent to vn- schulden wite, that thei suffren persecu- vniustly. Lire
fare. c.

pitous men, weren not brent ; but that cioun bi the doom of God. And sum 19 wickid men ;

thei seende shulden witen, for bi the tyme the fier brente an hi3 on ech side dans. Lirehere.

dom of God thei suffren v persecucioun. in the water, aboue the vertu of fier, to ^ thei seynge ;

is And sum the wickid nacioun of the lond.

tyme in water, aboue vertue, destrie
fyr brende out on either side, that the For whiche thingis** thou nurischidist20 were" not j ,

brent, and that

wicke nacioun of the lond it shulde de- thi puple with mete of aungels, and thou beestis profit-
hem, as
able to
2ostro3en. For the whiche with the mete 3auest fro heuene breed maad redi to hem, weren oxis and
Of aungelis werk beestis,
thou nurshedist thi puple, with out trauel hauynge al delityng in
; weren wastid
and thou 3eue to them bred mad redi it silf, and the swetnesse of al sauour. with the same

of God; to
whom the creature obeyeth at his wille. with mete
of aungels ; that is, that cam doun bi the seruyce of aungels, that eten not bodily mete.
hauynge al deliting ; for it saueride to goode men, as eche man wolde. thi catel; that is, the richessis of thi goodnesse. Lire here. c. For
whiche thingis ; that is, for the forseid turmentis of
Egipcians. Lire here. c.

<l helide AGH. r Qm. G sec. m. * Om. A. t it is A. "

demynge AGH.
v suffreden CE pr. m.

b i. the strengtlie -
impossible i.
XVI. 21 XVII. 3. WISDOM. 115

fro heuene, with oute trauaile ; hauende For thou schewidist thi catel, and thi 21
alle deliting in itself, and swetnesse of swetnesse, which thou hast, to sones ; and
21 alle sauour. Forsothe thi substaunce, the breed seruynge to the wille of eche
and thi swetnesse, that in to sones thou man*, was turned to that, that ech man to the untie qf

hast, thou shewedist ; and deseruende to wolde. Forsothe snow and iys suffriden 22

the wil of echone, to wjhat eche wolde, the nmt*

of fier, and meltiden not: that noumbreof
goode men, for

22 it was conuertid. Sno3 forsothe and ijs thei schulden wite, that fier brennvn^e it was
' mete to wickid
, .

suffreden the strengthe of fyr, and flow- in hail and reyn leytynge, destryede the men. Lire

eden not; that thei shulden witen, for fruytis of enemyes. Sotheli eft this was**
brennende fyr, leiting in hail and reyn, wonderful, also fier for3at his vertuf, that t fier fonai A
lust men schulden be nurschid.
1111 ri'tln ; in the
For whi 24 chymeney of
destro3ede the frutes of the enemys.
23 That forsothe eft, that the ri3twis man the creature seruynge to thee the makere,
shulde ben nurshid, the fyr also for3at wexith whiit in to turment a?ens
J vniust P

her nurtide not

a nd

24 his vertue. Forsothe the creature to men, and is maad Ihtere to do wel, for thebeestisof
. Ebreys, in the
makere deseruende, brenneth out in
thee hem that tnsten in thee. For this thing25iondof Gessen.

to torment a3en .vnri3twis men, and and alle

thingis transfigurid \ thanne

softere w is mad to weel don, for them seruyden to thi grace, nurischere of alle

25 that trosten in thee. For that and thingis, to the wille of hem, that ben de-
ert of her
P ! r
kynde. Lire
thanne thi graces deserueden in to alle sirid of
thee; that, Lord, thi sones 26 here. c.

thingus, transfigured to the vertue of alle, schulden wite, whiche thou louedist, that
at the wil of them, that of thee ben de- not the fruytis of birthe S feeden men, but fruytu of

26 sired ; that thi sones, whom thou loou-

i .
, i i
thi word kepeth hem, that bileuen in thee.
, 11. birthe; that
is, not oneiy

edyst, Lord, shulden wite, for not the

For whi that that mi3te not|| be distried 27 *$tt
nhe Lire
frut of birthe fedde men, but thi wrd of meltide anoon as was maad hoot '

fier, it f
n&rfft C<

27 kepte them, that in thee leeueden. That of a litil beem of the sunne ; that it were 28 \\that that mi^te
not, etc. ;

forsothe that of fijr my3te not ben de- knowun to. alle men, that it bihoueth to is, manna that
i .j ,j i i i . wa s hardid at
stro3ed, anoon of a litil bem of sunne come bitore the sunne to thi blessing, the fire, and

28chaufid, flowede; that it were knowen and to worschipe thee at the risyng of the
to alle, forbyhoueth to comen beforn
it Ii3t . Forsothe the hope of an vnkynde 29 s
the sunne to tbi x blessing, and at the man schal melte awei as iys of wyntir, that is, to ga-
, , . , . dere manna.
29 springing of Ii3t to honoure thee. For- and' schal pensche as superflu watir. Lire here. c.

sothe the hope of the vnkinde as cold

ijs shal flowen, and dispershen

as watir
ouer voide.
i Forsothe grete ben thi domes, Lord, Forsothe, Lord, thi domes ben greet, i
and vntellable? thi wrdis for these the;
and thi wordis^[ moun not be fulli teld

2vndisciplyned soulis erreden. Whil for- out ; vnlerned soulis erriden for these,
sothe wicke men ban ful preued, to moun For the while wickid men holden for stid-2

lordshipen to the holy nacioun, in bondis fast, that thei moun be lordis of hooli that is, men not
. ,. . louynge truthe.
of dercnesses, and of long ny3t gyued, nacioun, thei weren fetend with boondis Lire here. c.

enclosid vnder rooues, fugitif to perpetuel of derknessis, and of long m'3t, and weren

aprouydence, pleseden. And whil thei closid vndur rooues ; and thei fugityues
wenen them to lurken in derk synnes, bi weren sugets to euerlastinge puruyaunce.
the derc veil of faceting thei ben sca- And the while thei gessen hem to be hid 3

w lijtere E m. x the A. y vnwlatable A.


dd e thai sunne v. f and it

thanne, thai is, chaungid fro the properte of her kynde v. lijt, is, I.

8 sugetis A sec. m.

116 WISDOM. XVII. 4 14.

tered, dredende grisfulli, and with ful in derk synnes, thei weren scaterid bi
% fier ;

is, apper-
4 myche wndring disturbid. Ne forsothe derk hidyng of for3etyng, dredynge hid- yngatamo-
the den that heeld z
hem, with oute drede ousli, and disturblid with ful greet won-

dryng. For the denne that withhelde hem, 4

kepte ; for descendende soun disturbide

them, and dreri persones aperende to kepte not with out drede ; for whi sown .

\ And scornes ;
sthem, jeuen iuward fere to them. And comynge doun disturblide hem, and soreu-
b that is, scorn
of the wicchis
no strengthe forsothe of thebb fijr my3te ful persoones apperynge to hem, 3auen of Farao, neij-

to them 3yuen Ii3t, ne the cleer flaumes drede to hem. And sotheli no my3t of a
of sterres c my3ten Ii3ten that grisful ny3t. fiermy3te 3yue Ii3t to hem, and the cleer
flawmes of sterris myjteri not Ii3tne that that is, wisdom,
e Forsothe ther aperede to them sodeyn of which the
drede" and smyten with the hidouse ny3t. Sotheli sodeyn fier* ful of G
fyr, ful of ;

drede of that face, that was not seen, drede apperide to hem ; and thei weren
thei eymeden werse to ben, that weren smytun with the drede of that face, that
wi ttothere
7 seen. And of deuyning craft the scornes was not seyn, and gessiden tho thingis to
men, so that
weren leid to, and the glorie of wisdam be worse, that weren seyn. And scornes+7 they myjten not
helpe hem silf,

f .. , , ., . ,.. i
ecorreccioun with strif. Thei forsothe, of whitche craft weren leid to, and the nether othere

that bihi3ten dredes and perturbaciouns glorie of wisdom was chastisyng with
them to putten out fro the languysshende dispisyng. For thei, that bihi3ten hems
soule, these with scorn ful, of drede lari- silf to putte awei dredis and disturb- customable to
siche wondris.

oguyssheden. For and if no thing hem lyngis fro a sijk soule, weren ful with passing of
beestis, etc. ; for
of the wndris disturbide, bi passing of scorn, and weren sijk for drede. For whi 9 whi drede mak-
ith to forme
bestis, and hissing of edderes stirid, fer- thou3 no thing of the wondris a3ens kynde ymage of ferd-

thei persheden d
ful thingis bi
ful and the eir, that bi
disturblide weren mouyd bihem, thei
a litil
noyse, as
no resoun a man my3te flee, denyende the passyng of beestis, and bi the hiss- he that dredith
h myche, bileueth
themself see3en ; ofte forsothe they be- yng of eddris, and trembliden, and pe- that enemyes
comen, bi the
forn ocupien werst thingis, the concience rischiden and denyeden, that thei sien the
ether ony sich
10 vndernemende. Whan forsothe ther is eyr, which a man my3te not ascape bi thing. Lire

ony resoun for whi worste thingis bifore

ferful shreudenesse, here. c.
it is 3ouen in to the ;
J wickidnesse is

condepnacioun of thingus ; euermor

alle ocupien ofte, while the conscience repreu- dredeful; for it

presumeth cruel thingis a conscience dis- eth. For si then wickidnesse is dreedful^:,
11 turbid. No thing forsothe is drede 6 , but it is 3ouun in to condempnacioun of alle
of f
for whi a conscience that M for-
helpe presumpcioun, betra3yng of men; disturblid pre- is,

gessmg grete
12 the helpis of tho3t. And whil fro with- sumeth euere wickid thingis. For whi yueistocom-
on it silf -

inne lasse abiding, the more it

is the drede is no thing, no but help of pre-

cioun ; that is,

weneth the power of his cause, of the sumpcioun, and schewyng of thou3t of
iswhiche torment it 3yueth. Thei for- helpis. And the while lesse abydyng is
sothe, that verreli the vnmy3ti ny3t, and fro with ynne, it gessith gretter power that
is, lesse hope of
slepende the same slep, ouercomende from of that cause, of which it 3yueth turment. help is in the

the lowest, and fro the Forsothe thei, that camen in to a my3ti ni3t||,
he3est, otherwhile
thei weren stirid hider and thider, bi and comynge aboue fro loweste thingis,
the drede of the wndris, otherwhile the and fro hi3este thingis, thei slepynge the that more yuels
schulen come.
lyues faileden bi ouerleding ; forsothe to same sleep, weren hurlid sum tyme bl 14 Lire here. c.
in to a m\;ti
; that is,
m to thicke derknessis, that ben seid a myjty nyjt bi long duryng, that is, of thre
dayes, and bi thicknesse, for which thei myjten not stire hem

silffro her place, fro loweste ; that

is, fro erthe and water, fro whiche stieden smokis, makinge greet the eir. fro hi^este ; that is, fro thickenesse
of cloudis, lettmge the
lijtnyng of the eir. slepynge ; Egipcians, that slepten sum deel in tho thre dayes, suffriden anoon ferdful dremys, in so
myche that summe of hem dieden. bi leding ouer ; that is, bi departing of the soule fro the body. Lire here. c.

z a disturblid G. b inwardli A.
hilyde A. Db Om. cpr. wi. c the sterres A. cc dreden c.
d e
perishen AGH. dredeful A. f
betrai3ingis AC.

and thei i. i
Om. i.
xvn. t5 xvm. 5. WISDOM. 117

them sodeyn and vnhopid drede ouer- drede of wondris a3ens kynde, sum
io cam. Theraftir if any of hem hadde the soulis failiden bi ledyng ouer ; for
falle doun, he was kept in prisoun, with why sudeyn drede and vnhopid, cam on
icoute iren, reclosid ; if forsothe a cherl hem. Afterward if ony of hem hadde fel is
who were, or a shepperde, or a werch- doun, he was kept closid in prisoun, with
ere feeldis, were
of beforn ocupied, out yrun; for if ony cheerl* was, ethir 16* <mycheeri ;

vnscapable, "or that my$t not be fled , scheepherd, ethir ak werk man of feeldis, ony
i?nede he suffrede. With oon forsothe and was bifore ocupied, he suffride nede

cheyne of dercnesses alle thei weren that mi3te not be ascapid. For whi alle 17

bounde togidere ; or h pufFende wind, or men weren boundun togidere bi o chayne

* P
?" hem >
he dwellide
sweet soun of briddes among thicke of derknessis ; ether a wynd
hissynge, there thre
dayes. Lire
or k strengthe of ful
braunchis of tres, ether swete sown of briddis bitwixe the here. c.

ismyche renuende doun water, or strong thicke bowis of trees, ethir the feersnesse + ether ecco ,
that is, a soun
. ,
soun of stones fallid doun, or the vnseen of watir rennynge doun greetli, ethir a '
10 foidid ajen.
, - , , . Lire here. c.
cours of pleiende bestes, or the stronge strong soun of stoonys cast doun, ethir that is,

vois of loowende bestes, or the a3een the rennyng vnseyn of beestis

pleiynge, a" y
thf t is,

sounende rebounding of soun fro 1

the ethir the strong vois of beestis lowynge,
ajen. K.

he3est hillis, maden them failende for ethir eccof sownynge a3en fro hi3este
J al the world,
etc.; out of the
19 drede. Forsothe al the roundnesse of hillis, maden hem tailynge for drede. place of Egip-

erthis was Ii3tid with cler Ii3t, and con- Forsothe world \ was li'3tned
al the

2otened in werkis not lettid. Forsothe cleer Ii t,

3 and was not m withholdun
in n
an ^ hat

only to them was ouerset a greuous ny3t, werkis But a greuouse ni3t, the 20 ^tt^. fro hise 1

ymage of dercnesses, that was to come ymage of derknessis, that was to comynsr
' ymage, etc.
for it

v , fyguride
on to them thanne thei to themself on hem, was set on hem aloone therfor the deri

; ;
in to
weren mor greuous than the dercnessis. thei weren greuousere to hem silf than the ei dis-
serueden to go,
derknessis. for her synnes.
Lire here. c.
1 To thi seyntes forsothe was most Ii3t, But ful greet Ii3t was" to thin hooli i

and the vois forsothe of these the enemys seruauntis, and sotheli enemyes herden
herden, but the figure thei se3en not ; the vois$ of hem, but thei sien not the the vois; that
is, of Ebreys.
and" for not and thei bi the same thingus figure, ethir schap ; and
for also thei Lire here. c.

hirt lifor ;
hadden suffrid, thei magnefieden thee. suffriden not bi the same thingis, thei ||

that is, of E-
2 And for biforn hurt thei weren, for thei magnefieden thee. And for thei weren 2 gipcians, bi
harde trauelis,
weren not hurt, graces thei diden to hirt bifore||, thei diden thankyngis to thee, in i. c. of Ex-
thee ; and that ther were difference, for thei weren not hirt ;
and that dif- not hirt ; in
x. veniaunces,
s thee, God, thei askeden. For the whiche ference schulde be bitwixe hem and Egip- as Egipcians

thei hadden to the vnknowe lif ledere, a cians, thei axiden thee, God. For which 3 weren. Lire
here. c.
brennende piler of fyr and thou 3eue ; thing thei^[ hadden a brennynge piler of ^f thei ; that is,
Egipcians. Lire
the sunne, withoute hurting of good her- fier, the ledere of vnknowun weie ; and here. c.

4 berewe. Wrthi forsothe thei toi' lacken thou 3auest the sunne, with out hirtyng of
** enclosid; and
Ii3t, and to? suffrin prisoun of dercnesses, good herbore. Forsothe thei weren wor-4 suffriden not

wante hem go out of

Ii3t, and
that enclosid kepten thin holi sones ; bi thi to to suffre the prisoun
Egipt, to make
whom the vncorupt Ii3t of lawe bigan to of derknessis, whiche helden thi sones sacrifice to the
Lord. Lire
5 ben 3ouen to the world. Whan thei enclosid** bi whiche sones the vncorrupt
here. c.

R Om. E h outher AEGH. k a A. bi E pr, m. 1 of A. m vnto^G. n Om. A.

c et pr. m. "thooEpr. m.
thei ben A. P Om. E sec. m.

k Om. i. 1 it was i. m Om. i.

n ther was i. thei, that is, Ebreis v.
118 WISDOM. XVIII. 6 16.

to slen the fauntis of ri3twis lijt

of lawe bigan to be 3ouun to the tokist ; fro
men and oon sone leid out, and deli-
world. Whanue thei thou3ten to sle the 5

uered, and in to the ouerleding of them, 3onge children of iust men and whanne ;

end ide of
thou tooke awei the multitude of sones, o sone was put forth, and delyuered, thou | |;

and togidere them thou spildist in strong tokist* awei the multitude of sonesi'f, for ie<Kngouer;
that is, in the
6 water. That forsothe ny3t is knowen the ledyng ouer of hemi, and thou lost-
biforn of 1 oure fadris, that verreli wit- ist hem togidere in strong watir. For- 6
ende bi what othis thei leeueden, thei sothe thilke ny3t
was knowun bifore of I*

the children
;shulden ben mor stedefast. Forsothe oure fadris, that thei witynge
* o
verili to
ther is taken of thi puple helthe, for- whiche othis thei bileuyden, schulden be *";<* othis ,

T, that is, to God-

sothe of ri3twis men ; of vnri3twis men more paciente rorsothe helthe of iust7 dis affennyngis

8 forsothe destining. Forsothe as thou men was resseyued verili of thi puple, 'and
also r distriyng of vniust men.
hurtedest oure aduersaries, so and vs For ass -

osterende, thou magnefiedist. Hidendely thou hirtidist oure aduersaries, so thou I iust children
..... . . , /. -I.
of goode men,
forsothe the ri3twis childer of goode men

excitidist also vs, and magnefiedist vs. etc.; that is,

sacrifieden, and the lawe of ry3twisnesse For whi iust children of goode menjg sones of palri-
thei disposeden to acord ; lie maner ri^t- maden sacrifice priueli, and disposiden
wis men goodes and eueles to resceyuen, the lawe of ri?tfulnesse
in to acordyner
* ;
etc - ;

noble preisingus to the fader of 8
alle thei disposiden iust men to resseyue amrdingiy.

Forsothe the vncouenable vois and

, ,.,..,
in maner, and
the lawe of
ny//nme ;
losingende. goodis yuels lijk
of enemyes sounede, and wepful weiling
of alle
-\i 3ouun in the
sungen henyngis
n of bewepte 3unge childer was herd. Lie men. But vnsemeli vois of enemyes 10

peyne forsothe the seruaunt with the sownede, and wepeful

r weilyng of bi- "
y" els i that is >

disposide to res-
lord is tormentid and a man of the
; weperis of 3onge children was herd. For- 1 1 seyue pacientiy,

puple to the king lie

thyngis suffrede. sothe the seruaunt was turmentid bi lijk God, P rosperites
12 Thanne lie maner
deth hadden vnnoumbrable deade men,
alle with o name of peyne with the lord ; and a man of the ^Kli bi Goddis
puple suffride thingis lijk the kyng.
ne the quyke forsothe suffiseden to birien ; Therfor in lijk maner alle men bi o nameia*"wjy in
. j... , ,T , i_t_i prosperites and
for o the nacioun of hem, that !
or deth hadden deed men vnnoumbrable, aduersites.

is was mor cler, Of

is distro3ed. alle for- for nether quyke men suffiseden to birie; "//,,
sothe they not leeuende for the bene- for whi the nacioun of hem, that was
fetes, thanne whan first was the deth of clerere than other e, was destried in o mo- f^which
r ; that
_ . wepten
the first goten, thei bitten hemself the ment. Forsothe of alle men is for the sieyng
H puple of God to ben. Whan forsothe not bileuynge^ for benefices, bihi3ten hem dren. Lire here.
quyete silence contenede alle thingus, and thanne to be Goddis puple, whanne the \' men notbi-
the ny3t in his cours hadde the mene was
distriyng of the firste gendryd thingis aT<fto'Mo S?
isweie, thin almy3ti wrd, Lord, goende first. Forsothe whanne alle thingis helden uf r benefices;
, jouun in the
out fro heuene, fro the
kingus setes cam ; restful silence,and the ny3t hadde the doing awei of
lean hard ouercomere it is, in to the jj., ..,.
weie in his
T j.i. T
word 15 whanne the
veniaunces : for
myd- myddil cours, Lord, thi
del loud of deth;
leep forth a sharp swerd almy3ti|| comynge swiftli fro heuene, cam ^eren'dwn
berende in to thi licned a scharp swerd ber-ic awey >the y
empire; and fro the kyngis seetis
" ;
turneden ajen
ynge thi comaundement not feyned, cam M
fulfilde alle
thingus with deth, her har<i-
nesse in synne.
bihi^ten hem ;

. 1 Om. A. r into Qm. A.

P sones, the q
firste gendrid v. hem, thai is, Ebreis out of Egipl v. ' but c el ceteri. * hurtist
xvin. 1
7 25- WISDOM. 119

and vnto heuene ateynede, stondende in forth, ouercomere in to the myddil of the
17 the erthe. Thanne anoon the si3te of lond of destriyng ; and it stood, and fillide Ufa*,
euele sweuenes disturbide them, and alle thingis with deeth, and it stood in

isdredes oncamen vnhopid. And an other erthe, and stretchide forth til to heuene.
elleswher cast forth half on lyue, for Thanne anoon* the si3tis of yuel dremes 17 drid children.
. Lire here. c. .

what cause of deth he

diede, he shewede. disturbliden hem, and dredis not hopid t
19 Forsothe the viseouns that disturbeden camen aboue. And another man cast forth
hem, these thingus biforn warneden, that half quyk
* * in an other place, schewide for '

and ; is set
thei shulden not pershen vnkunnynge, what cause of deth he diede. For whii9 h "reforthatis.
... ,, ,. , ,,., , ,.,, mouyngtogulere
2owhi thei suffreden eueles. Thanne for- si3tis that disturbliden hem, bifore warn- /<&!
sothe touchede and ri3twismen the tempt- eden these thingis, that thei schulden
aciouu of deth, and ther is mad of the perische not vnwityngli, why thei suf-
multitude a stiring in wildernesse ; but friden Forsothe temptacioun of2oj hatis Aaron
yuels. >

lyuynge feith-
21 not longe abod stille thi wrathe. A man dethf touchide thanne also iust men, and fan anentis
., .... , , God, and iustly

forsothe goende withoute blame to pre3eri mouyng togidere or multitude was maad anentis the
for puples, bringende forth of hys seruyse in desert ; but thin ire dwellide not longe.
the sheeld anu orisoun, and bi encens For a man without pleynt
f J hastide to2i di y n se-
ajen stood ire ;

biseche for puplis, and he bromte forth God

pre3ing aleggyng, withstod to the wrathe,
'" plesinge
bi his preyer.
,, , ,, f ,. , ,
and ende putte to the nede, shewende for preier the scheld ot his seruyce, and he
22 thi seruaunt he is. Forsothe he oner-
aleggide preier bi encence, and a3en stood
ouercam cum-
;s w i
; that
tn essis of

cam cumpanys, not in vertue of body, ne ire ; and he settide an ende to the nedej,
in varmure of power but in wrd hym ; and schewide that he was thi seruaunt. ** c -

1 to the nede
that ouertrauailede hym, he vndircaste w
i .
T-. , , .

, Forsothe he ouercam cumpenyes, not bi 22 that is> to deth-

remembrende the othis of fadris, and tes- vertu of bodi, nether bi armure of power ;
23tament. Whan forsothe now hipyllmelum but he remembride the othis, and the tes- dyuout preyer.
linn that trauet-

thei hadden vp on
fallen dead, either tament of fadris, and bi word 5 he made idehimsiif;
,., T-, that the , . ,. is,

other, he stod betwen, and kutte awei hym suget, that trauelide hym silf. For 23 brennyng
the bure, and deuydede that" weie, that whanne deed men fellen doun bi heepis,
pITplefof whot
24 to the men on
lyue ladde. Forsothe in ech on other, he stood bitwixe 'deed men ^^ n g
tr ^'
the clothing of the preest coepe, that he and lyuynge*, and kittide" awei the feers- ueiia. Lire

hadde, was al the roundnesse of erthis ; nesse of brennyng, and departide that ^ the worU

and the grete thingus of fadris weren

grauen in foure ordres of stones ; and
weie, that ledde to quyke men. For whi
al the world was in the cloth lastynge to

g" re
^ ^T -

grete thmgis
thi grete doyng in the*" dyademe of hys the heelis, which he hadde; and the of fadris; that
-. . . .is,
m the names
25 hed was writen. To these? forsothe 'he grete thingis of fadris weren grauun Of xij. lynagis.

3af stede
that distro3ede zz and these
, , foure ordris of stoonys ; and, Lord, thi
name tetra-
thingus he ful out dredde ; forsothe ther magnyficence" was writun in the dia-
gramaton. Lire,
was alone suffycyent temptyng of wrathe. deme of his heed.Forsothe he that dis-as here. c.

triede, 3af stide to these thingis, and dredde

these thingis for whi the temptacioun

aloone was sufficient to ire^[.

of Goddis
veniaiince ajenus al the puple ; nobut the bischop hadde plesid. Lire here. c.

* the what K pr. m. of an c pr. m. H. v Om. c. w ouercaste c. * it that E pr. m. Om. G.

this E pr. m. z wente awei E pr. m. zz distrojeden c.

the deeds and the quyke i. tt kitte i. u

magnyficence, that is, thin hi} name ietragramalon v.


1 To the vnpitouse forsothe and to the Forsothe ire with out merci cam oni

laste withoute mercy wrathe cam vpon ;

wickid men til v in to the laste* ; forwhi

forsothe he knew biforn and the thingis God bifore knew com-
also the thingis to he drenching
of hem. Lire

2 to comen of hem. For whan thei weren ynge of hem. For whanne thei weren 2 here. c.

turned, and hadden suffrid, that thei turned, and hadden suffrid, that thei

shulden lede them, and with gret bisy- schulden lede out hemf and hadden bifor
, t lede out hem t

a sent hem with greet bysynesse, the dedis

nesse thei hadden sent them beforn, ther
folewede forsothe them the deede of pe- of repentyng sueden hem. For thei hau-3
^i out of
a naunce. 3it forsothe among the hondys ynge 3it morenyng bitwixe the hondis,
hauende weiling, and weping at the mo- and thei biwepynge
f' & at the sepulcris of repenting,
etc. that ; is,

numentes of the deade, an other thynk- deed men, token to hem anothir thou3t
token to them of vnkunnyngj ; and thei pursueden tho Sing out 'of
ing of vnkunnyng thei ;

and pre3ende thei hadden throwen

whom Ebreis, as fleeris awei, whiche thei prei-
awei, them as fugitifes thei pursueden. vnee
hadden sent forth. For whi worthi4 vnkun

4 Forsothe ther ladde them to that ende nede ledde hem to this ende, and thei that is, of led-
ing asen of
wrthi necessite, and of these thingis that losten of these thingis, that
remembryng Ebreys.

hadden fallen, the mynde thei losten, that hadden bifeld*, that punyschyng schulde
that lackeden of tormentis, punshyng fille tho thingis, that failiden of tur-

sshulde fulfillen, and thi puple forsothe mentis, and that sotheli thi puple schulde 5 Justly in the

merueylously shulde passe ; thei forsothe passe wondurfuli ; forsothe that thei here. c.

enewe deth shulden fynde. Eche creature schulden fynde a newe deth. For whi 6
forsothe to his kinde fro the bigynnyng ech creature seruynge to thin heestis, was

was a3eenfigured, deseruend

to thin refourmed^ to his kyude at the bigyn- h was refourm.
xi. ^ jdJ u-u i. u u i erf; thatis,to
hestes, that thi childer shulden be kept nyng, that thi children schulden be kept obeye to God,

7vnhurt. For a cloude shadewede the vnhirt. For whi a cloude bischadewide?
tentes of hem, and in the water that was the castels of hem, and drie erthe apperide
biforn, the erthe aperede drie ; and in the in watir that was bifore ; and a weie with
rede se weie with oute lettyng, and a out letting apperide in the reed see, and
8 buriounende feeld of ful gret depthe ; bi a feeld buriownynge fro ful greet depthe ; ||
II greet depthe ,

the whiche alle nacioun passede, that was bi which feeld al the nacioun passide, that 8 botme'ofthe

couered with thin hond ; seende forsothe was hilid with thin hond forsothe thei ; ^fthTmaner'
9 thi merueiles and wndris. As hors for- sien thi merueilis and wondris. For thei 9
sothe thei gnowen mete, and as lombis as horsis deuouriden mete^j, and as lam- here. c.
51 deuounden
thei ful out io3eden, magnefiende thee, bren thei maden ful out ioye, magnefiynge mete , that is,

10 Lord, for thou delyueredest hem. For- thee, Lord, that delyueredist hem. Forio rau n"
sothe myndeful they weren 3it b of tho thei weren myndeful 3it of tho thingis,
on the hrinke
thingus, that were don in the comeling that weren don in the dwellyng of hem
of the see.

wonyng of hem ; as for the nacioun of among Egipdans; hou the lond brou3te Lire here. c.

bestes, the erthe bro3te out flee3es, and for forth flies, for the nacioun of beestis, and
the bb fisshes, the flod bolkede c out mul- the flood brou3te forth multitude of pad-
11 titude of frogges. At the laste forsothe dokis, for fischis. Forsothe at the lastn

a Om. c pr. m. the AC. bo Om. cc

^Om.cpr.m. c pr. m. bowede GH. the multitude A.

Om. A sec, m. w bifalle i.

XIX. 12 20. WISDOM. 121

they se3en a newe creature of briddes, thei newe creature of briddis,

sien a * in the
ing to, etc.;
whan, lad hi lust, thei askeden metes of whanne thei weren led bi coueitise, and that is, at the
12 delicious eting. In the speche forsothe axiden metis of feeste. For in the
of the desir, ste3ede vp to them fro the x a curlu ; that
ynge to* of her desir, a curlew stiede
is, a greet mul-
se a curlu ; and trauailes to synneres to hem fro the seeand diseesis camen ;
titude of cur-
lewis. Lire
camen vp on, not withoute tho euydences, on synneris, and not with out preuyngis here. c.
t a)enu her
that weren mad hi the fors of flodis. of tho thingis, that weren don biforbi they wille that
; is,
with hardnesse
Ri3twisly forsothe thei suffreden, aftir feersnesse of floodis. For thei suffriden iust-
of cheer an
is their shreudenesses ; forsothe in to abho- bi z her wickidnessis; for thei w<>rdis.
li, ordeyneden 13
. resseyueden
minable hospitalite thei stoden in. Othere more abhomynable vnospitahte. Sotheli straungeni;
, , to herbore, as
forsothe vnknowen comelingus resceyu- summe resseyueden not vnknowun come- it bifaiiith sum-
eden not othere forsothe goode gestes sotheli othere token good men her-
; lyngis; S^en
14 in to seruage token. And not onli these borid in to thraldom. And not oneli thei u almes ^y?" so

many dis-

thingus, but an other forsothe respit of diden these thingis, but sotheli also an- pisingis to the

hem was, for maugre theires thei re- other biholding of hem was, that thei the! si'iien to
dere to hem.
losceyueden straungeres. Who forsothe
i i 1 1 i

a3ens her willej resseyueden straungens.


Lire here. c.

with gladnesse resceyueden them, that Forsothe thei that vsiden the same or-
hadden vsid the same enformyngus, with dynaunces |, turmentiden with crudest that is,
most cruel sorewes thei tormenteden. sorewis hem, that resseyueden with glad- dans, that
vsiden orde-
leSmyte forsothe thei ben with blindnesse, nesse. Forsothe thei weren smytun withiGnaunceTajenus
as thei in the 6 3ates of the ri3twise, with blyndnesse, as thei in the 3atis of the iust
sodeyn dercnesses,whan thei ben couered; man, whanne thei weren hilid with su- eden with glad-
eche oon ee so3te the passing out of his deyne derknessis ; ech man sou3te the *, that is,

Ebreys resseyu-
lydore. In to them self forsothe whil the passyng of his dore. Forsothe while ele-i7yngestraun.
elemens ben turned, as in an orgne of mentis ben turned in to hem silf, as the
qualite the soun is chaungid, and alle sown of maner chaungid in orgun, and

thingis kepen her sown ; wherfor it

nessis> that
kepen ther soun ; wherfore of that ser- alle
mysten be
ifiteyn si3te it be eymed. Feeldi wilde
may mai be gessid of that certeyn si3t. Beestis
thingus in to watri ben turned ; what-
of the feeld|| weren turned in to beestis is, Sodo'mytis.

euere weren swyrnmende, in the erthe of watir what euer weren swymmynge

the watir hadde *** !

in thingis^[, 3eden in the lond. Fier in watir
igpasseden. Fyr
strengthe ouer his vertue and water ; hadde power aboue his vertu ; and water kepen her
sown ; that is,

2ofor3at& his quenchende kinde. Flaumes for3at the kynde quenchynge. A3enward 20 w the disposi-
cioun of him
a3eenward trauaileden not the flesh of flawmes of corruptible beestis disesiden
melodie, so
the coruptible bestes goende togidere; ne not the fleischisof Ebreis goynge togi- the doyng of
creature was
dissoluede it, that Ii3tli was dissolued as dere ; nethir departiden that good mete,
chaungid, in
ijs, good mete. In alle thingus forsothe that was departid Ii3tly as iys. Forsothe, the punysch-
yng of Egip-
thou magnefiedist thi puple, Lord, and Lord, thou magnefiedist thi puple in alle cians, bi dispo^
sicioun of the
wrshepedist ; and dispisedist not, in alle thingis, and onouridist ;
and dispisidist creatour. Lire
here. c.
beestis of the

feeld ; that is, beestis dwellinge in feeldis, as oxis and werk beestis. weren turned ; not bi substaunce, but bi goyng, that is, Ebreys with her
beestis seden thorou the depthe of the see, which is the dwelling of fischis. Lire here. c. f swymmynge thingis ; as it is opyn of paddokis,
entringe in to the housis of Egipcians. fier and water hadden power ; in brennyng strongly, aboue his kyndly vertu. flawmes of corruptible
beestis ; that is, of eddris and draguns, brethinge out fier. disesiden not the fleischis, of the sones of Israel, goynge togidere ; bi desert, wher ynne
was a serpent brennynge bi blast, in viij. c. of Deutronome, that is, many siche serpentis weren there. Lire here. f.

e Om. E. ee Om. c pr. m. { watir CG. B forjat of ABGH.

* the i. y Om. i. z aftir i.

tyme and in alle place stondende ny3 to not, and helpidist hem in ech tyme and
them. in ech place a .

Here endith the look of Sapiens, and

now bigynneth the prolog of Ecclesias-

h From A. Explicit CEH. No final rubric in G.

a Here endith the book

of Wisdom, and here bigynneth the book of Ecclesiastici. CFHSxa. Here endith the
book of Wysdom, and bigynneth a prolog on Ecclesiastici. G. Here endith the book of Wisdom, and bigynneth
Ecclesiasticus. HIT. Heere endith the book of Wisdom, and bigynnith the book of Ecclesiasticus. INQ. Here
endith the booc of Sapiens or Wisdom; se now the prolog of the booc of Ecclesiastici. K. Here endith the
book of Wisdom, and here bigynneth the book of Ecclesiastici, that tretith also of nisdom and prudence in
many degrees of the world. M. Heere eendilh Sapience, and bigynnelh the prolog upon the book of
Ecclesiastici. R. Here endith Sapiens, and bigyn\_neth~\ the book of Ecclesiasticus. v. No final rubric
in AEFY.

Heer gynneth* the prologe in the [Prologue to Ecclesiasticus.~\

booc of Ecclesiastici b .

OFF manye and grete bi the lawe, and WISDOM is schewid to us of fele and

profetes, and othere, that foleweden hem, greet bi the lawe, and prophetis, whiche
wisdam to vs is shewed. In the whiche folewide hem. In which thingis it bihou-
it behoueth to preisen Irael, bi cause of eth to preise Israel, bi cause of doctrine
doctrine and of c wisdam ; for not onli and wisdom ; for not which it is neces-
hem spekende, nedful it is to be wis, sarie thilke spekers to be wise, but also
but also straungeres to moun, and seiende straungers mou3e, and reders and writers,
and writende, to be mad most wis. Myn be also imade best itau3te. graun- My
elde-fader Jhesus, aftir that hymself he fadir Jhesus, bisiloker to diligence of red-

3af more to besynesse of lessoun of lawe, yng of the lawe, and prophetis, and of
and of profetes, and of othere bokis, that othir bokes, that beth of oure fadris itake
to vs of oure fadris ben taken, arid he to us, thanhe wolde he write sum thing
wolde write sum what of these, that to here of, which that perteynid to doctrine
wisdam and doctrine pertenen, that men and wisdom, as desires to lerne and of
desirende to lernen, and to be mad hem to be made wijs, more and more in
wise men, of hem more and more thei biholdyng in inwitt, and to be confermed
taken heed in inwit, and ben confermed to laweful lyf. Therfore I warne 3ou to
to the lawful lif. Also I moneste d 3ou come with goode wille with the more
to comen with wel e willingnesse, and bisili stodie the lesson to make, and haue

with mor bisy studi to do lessoun, and in hern for3euenesse, in which as semeth
to han for3yuenesse in tho f thingus, in folwynge the ymage of wisdom, and lack-
whiche wee ben seen folewende the ide compassioun of wordis. For Ebrewe
ymage of wisdam, and to defauteri& in wordis lackide, whanne thei weren trans-
the making togidere of wrdys. For Ebru latid to an alien tunge. Not oonli thei, but
wrdis fallen 11
, whan thei weren trans- also the self lawe,and the prophetis, and
latid to' an other tunge. Forsothe not othre thingis of bokis, haueth not a litil
oneli this, but and that lawe, and pro- difference, whanne thei ben ispoken bi-

fetes, and othire thingis of bokes, han twixe hemself. For the ei3te and the
not a litil difference, whan betwen k hem- thrittenthe 3eer of the tyme of Tolomeye
self thei ben seid. For in the ei3te and Euergete king, aftir that he came in to
threttithe 1 3er, in the tymes of king Egipt, and I hadde there abide longe

From F.H. Prologus c. No initial rubric in the other Mss. c Om. c pr. in.
h failiden z. k bitwixe
d amoneste AEGHI. Om. c. f thes AGIII. e faile i. > in
to AGHI.
A /,

the threttithe .

Ptholorae Euergeet , aftir that I cam tyme, I fonde there bokes ilefte not of
in to Egipt, and whan myche of tyme schrewid, neithir of dispiseable doctrine.

I hadde ben there, I fond there bokes

So good and necessarie to putte
I thou3te

therto diligence and labour to expowne

laft, not of litil doctrine, ne to ben dis-
And soo good and necessarie trow- these bokes, and with grete wakyng I wisdom; that
pisid. is,Goddis Sone,
ede and I myself to adden sum
dili- brou3te the doctrine, in the space of tyme that conteyneth
ful hijli alle
of" remenyng this to thilke thingis that ledeth to the eend
gence and trauaile maneris of wis-
dom maad,
I leide toP to 3eue this boke, to hem that wolen 3eue is
bok, and with myche waking of the Fadir,
her inwitt, and lerne hoti it bihoueth to and cometh
'besynesse of doctrine,
in space of tyme
forth of him,

to 3yue this hoc to tho thingus that leden lerne vertues, the which purposide to lede with out bi-

the Lordis lawe a gynnyng. Lire

to an ende, and to them that wilri the her lyf aftir .
here. c.
f wasformyd;
inwit bisiyn, and lernen, hou it behoueth that is, broujt
forth bi euer-
to enformen maneres, that after the lawe
lastinge gene-
of the Lord purposen lif to leden. racioun. Lire
here. c.
+fro the world;
that fro
Here endith the prolog, and now be- is,
without bigyu-

the book of Ecclesiasticus* '. nyng. Lire

gynneth here. c.
The welle of
wisdom ; that
is, wherof the
werk of wisdom
spred forth
as streemes.
Here begynnith the boke of Eccle- Here bigynneth the book of Ecclesi- in hije
asfici b
for it flowith to
siastici*. .
and aftirward
CAP. I. CAP. I. to othere crea-
turis. the en.
the en-
i Alle wisdam of the Lord God is, and Al wisdom* is of the Lord God, and i
tring ;

tringis of wis-
was euere with hym, and is bifore the dom to men
with hym was euermor, and is biforn
ben seid reue-

aaungelis during. The

grauel of the se, world. Who
noumbride the grauel of the 2 laciouns therof.
Lire here. c.
and the dropis of reyn, and the da3es of see, and the dropis of reyn, and the daies I!
the world,who distinctli hath b noum- of the world ? Who mesuride the hi3- mentis ; in the

brede? The hei3te of heuene c and the , nesse of heuene, and the breed of erthe, hil of
jaf co-
brede of d erthe, and the depthe of the and the depthe of the see ? Who enserch-3 maundementis
that ben seid
3 se, who distinctli mesurede ? The wis- ide c the wisdom of God, that goith bifore euerlastinge,
for tho ben
dam of God goende beforn alle thingus, alle thingis ? Wisdom was formedf firste 4 weye to come
4 who enserchede ? First of alle formed is of alle thingis, and the vndurstonding of euerlastynge
wisdam, and the vnderstonding of pru- prudence, fro the world The welle ofs
the roote of
wisdom schew-
sdence, fro the during of aungelis. The wisdom^ is the sone of God
in hi3 thingis ;
id ; that is,
knowun per-
welle of wisdam the wrd of God in and the entryng of that wisdom is euer-
fitly, as if he
seye, to no crea-
hei3tesand the ingoyng of it euere
lastynge comaundementisj To whom was . e ture, schewid
elastende maundemens. The roote of wis- the roote of wisdom schewid? and who and maad
opyn ; that is,
dam to whom is it shewyd? and the 'sutil knewe the sutilites therof? To whom? perfitly know-
un, as if he
7 wittis e of it who kne3 ? The discyplyne was the lore of wisdom shewid, and maad seye, to no

of wisdam, to whom is it shewid, and opyn ? and who vndurstood the multi-
creature. Lire
here. c.

m eueri jeer r. " in A. P Om. i. q Om. E sec. m. From A. Here

renewing i. 'herlijf^.
endeth the prolog; se now the booc. i. No final rubric in the other Mss. a From A. Heer gynneth the
booc. E. No initial rubric in the other Mss. b Om. c c heuenes c d of the c
pr. m. pr. m. pr. m.
e sutil
wittynesses E pr. m, AGH. witnesses c pr. m.

This prologue is taken from R. b Prom EGPY. Eccletasticus. K. No initial rubric in the other Mss.
c deth enserchide cpr. m. HU. hath enserchide A d world
sup. ras. doth encerche EY. doth encerchede P.
withouten ende v.

opened? and the multepliyng of the pliyngof the entryng therof *? Oon is the 8 *
of the entriny
therof; that is,
a'incomyng of it who vnderstod ? Oon
hi3este creatour of alle thingis, almy3ti, of the werk
therof. Lire
is the hei3est makere of no3t of alle and a my3ti kyng, and worthi to be dred here. c.

thingus, al my3ti, and a my3ti king, and miche, sittynge on the

ful trorie of that t fiefourmy'tie;
he, that in, the
wrthi to be drad ful myche, sittende vp wisdom, and God hauynge lordschipe. He 9 Fadir mesuride.
v on echjleisch;
on the trone of hym, and Godd lord- fourmydef that wisdom* in the Hooli that is, on ech
man. Lire
oshipende. He formede it in the Hoeli Ghost, and he si3, and noumbride, and he here. c.

And Th dre *e
Goest, and 533, and distinctli noumbrede, mesuride. he schedde out it on alle 10+ .f
Lordfn glorie ;
10 and mesurede; and helde out it vpon alle hise werkis, and on ech fleisch f bi his for M it a man
. disseruyth glo-
his werkes, and vp on alle flesh aftir his 3irte ; he 3yueth it to hem that louen hym. He. Lirehere.c.

3ifte he 3yueth it to men loouende itself.

The drede of the Lord is glorie:):, and n day"*'; that is,

11 The drede of the Lord

glorie, and io3yng, gloriyng, and gladnesse, and a coroun of l^fe^rl
and gladnesse, and coroun of outward ful out ioiyng. The? drede of the Lord 12

| appenth
I2io3yng. The drede of the Lord shal de- the herte ; and schal 3yue 1'
schal delite
, .
r j r . . . reuelacioun of
lyten the herte ; and shal 3yue gladnesse gladnesse and loie in to Jengthe ot daies$. profesie. Lire

is and 1036 in to the lengthe of da3es. To To hym that dredith God, it schal be wel
the dredende God, wel shal be in the in the thingis ; and he schal be
f"^^ 1

laste endys ;
and in the dai of his diyng blessid in the dai of his deth. Forsothe 1 4 goostiygene-
ii , i -7 . i . . racioun, in
14 he shal be blissid. To whom forsothe it thei to whiche k wisdom apperith in si^t\\,

shal aperen in si3t, thei loouen it in see- louen it in si3t, and in knowyng of hise
Ho^*yGoost is

yng, and in the knowing of his grete grete thingis. The loue of God is onour-
thingus?. The loouyng of God wrshepe- able wisdom. The bigynnyng of wisdom IG

ic ful wisdam. The bigynnyng of wisdam is the drede of the Lord formyd religiouste ; and it is ,-

drede of the Lord and with feithful men ; togidere in the wombe^[ with feithful men, ing of kun-

in the wombe he is togidere formed, and and it goith with chosuri wymmen, and is" Godf lesHt
with chosen he goth, and with
wymmen knowun with iust men and feithful. The 17 j e
"' r
d ( ^ [",

ri3twis and feithful men he is knowen. drede of the Lord is religiouste** of kun- deiitabie thingis
of the world.
17 The drede of the Lord religiosite of kun- nyng. Religiouste schal kepe, and schalP sent
tyme, bi
isnyng. Religiosite shal kepen, and iuste- iustiKe the herte and schal 3yue myrthe clennesse; of
. consience.
fien the herte ; ful myrthe and io3e it and ioie. It schal be wel to hyrn that and ioie ; in
19 shal 3yue. To the dredende God wel dredith God ; and he schal be blessid in tyme to com-
bi the
shal be ; and in the da3es of endynge ' 1
the daies of his coumfort. The fulnesse 20 geting of glorie.
20 of hym' he shal be blessid. Plente of of wisdom is for to drede God and ful- for in heuene

the frutes of
to dreden
God ; and plente of
Eche hous of hym it
nesse is of the fruytis therof.
fille ech 3ifteff of hym of
It schal 21

^ be noon

shal fulfille fro ieneraciouns, and the and reseitis of the tresouris therof. The 22 aungels.
of his coum-
resceyuyng places fro k the tresores of coroun of wisdom is the drede of the fort ; that is,

hym. The croune of wisdam drede of Lord, and fillith pees, and the fruyt of
the Lord, fulfillende pes, and the frut of heelthe. And he si3, and noumbride it ;

aahelthe. And it 333, and distinctli noum- forsothe euer eithirtt beni the of drede God ; SOT
3iftis it ledith to glo-
brede it ; bothe 1
forsothe ben the 3iftis God. Wisdom schal departe the kunnyng 24 rfe,fulnesse
of is
24 of God. Kunnyng and vnderstonding of and vndurstondyng of prudence; and it en- wisdom in
blisful sin.
Lire here. c.
ft fchal fille ech yfte ; for whi the jiftis of God ben fillid in heuenly cuntrey, to which the drede of God bryngith. and reseitis ; that is, mystis of
the soule, that schulen be fillid with souereyn perfeccioun in heuene. Lire here. c. %$ euer either; that is, wisdom and drede. Lire here. c.

inwit E pr. m. comyng E fee. m. h the E pr. m.
hable thingis E pr. m. coumforting c et ^

k of A. !
either c et E pr. m.

e it i. f fleisch ether man v. S Om. I. h it schal i.

daies i.
k whom i.
that is louen v.
m Om. n o Om. i. Om. i.
i. it is i. P 1 that is, tvijsdom and drede ben v.

* the
haunsith the glorie of hem, that holden bnmnchu
prudence wisdam shal with departen and ;
-_. , ... , therof; that is,
,. . ,

the glorie of men holdende itself it en- it. The roote ot wisdom is tor to drede 25 venues, that

forsothe the r braunchis* therof* ben


2ohaunceth. The roote of wisdam is to God ;

dreden" God; the braunches forsothe


In the tresores of
longe durynge.
lieiouste of kunnyng ben in the tresouris
h r
Vndurstonding, and re- 26 f
^ out
of God.
26 it
long lyuyng. & . Lire here. c.

wisdam vnderstonding, and religiosite of of wisdom but wisdom is abhomynacioun

mi * i i P.I T T man schal suf-
to synners. The* drede of the Lord put-27/re> thedisesis
kunnyng kursyng forsothe to synneres

27 wisdam The drede of the Lord putteth

tith awei synne, for he that is with out 28
the med
2sawei synne, for? who withoute drede is, dredef, mai not be Justified ; for whi the f

glorie schal be

shal not moun be iustefied; wrathefulnesse wrathfulnesse of his pride is the destriyng y>id\m to a
pacient man,
forsothe of wilfulnesse'or hardynesse* of of hym. A /v
pacient man schal sunref tn 29 an d the peyne

29 hym is his turnyng vp so doun. Vn to in to tyme ; and aftirward schal be 3eld- proude man.

tyme the pacient shal suffre; and aftir-

ing of mirthe. Good wit schal hide
in to a and the d discre-
30 ward is 3eldynge" a3een of ful myrthe.
1 wordis of hym til tyme ;
cioun. xchal
Good wit vuto time shal hide his wrdis ; lippis of many men schulen telle out the hide

and the lippis of manye shuln tellen out wit of hym. In the tresouris of wisdom si
S; Of"a'proud
d uer -
In the tresores of wis- signefiyng of kunnyng; but the wor-3
the wit of is 2
31 n

o of God
beynge stale
tocnyng of discyplyne ; cursing abhomynacioun
32 darn is schipyng is
* * til
forsothe to the synnere is the heriyng of a synnere. A
sone, coueitynge wisdom, 33
to couena-

33 God. Sone, coueitende wisdam, kep ri3t- kepe thou ri3tfulnesse, and God schal 3yue thewittfhms
wysnesse, and God shal 3yue it to thee. it to thee. For whi the v drede of the 34 J^SeS^*
34 Wisdam forsothe and disciplyne the drede Lord wisdom, and kunnyng, and that D^S^fog

of the Lord, and that weel plesid is to that is wel plesaunt to hym is feith and 35 wit many men
comenden, for
hym, feith and debonernesse and it shal ; myldenesse and God schal fille the tres- he herd pa-

sefulfille the tresores of hym. Be thou sours of hym. Be thou not rebel, and so Wordis ofSe-
not rebel, and 'mys leeful w to the dred vnbileueful to the drede of the Lord and ;
of the Lord ; and ne ne3he thou to hym nei3e thou not to hym in double herte. ajenushym.
In the tresourt
with double herte. Ne be thou an ipo- Be thou not an ypocrite in the si3t of -AT of wisdom; that

crite in the si3te of men and be thou not

; men ;
and be thou not sclaundnd in
, , ., . ,
. is, among
douse thingis

sssclaundred in thi lippes. Tac heed in tho lippis. Take thou kepe to tho, lest thou 38*^^,,^^
thingus, lest parauenture thou falle, and falle.and brynge
' & disonour to thi soule; which a man
w *y* ?

39 bringe to thi soule vnwrsheping ; and and lest God schewe thi priuytees, and 39 suffrith pa-
, ,. ciently disesis,

God openeth in hid thingus, and x in the hurtle thee doun in the myddis or the as the scourgis

myddel of the synagoge^ he hurtle thee ; synagoge for thou nei3idist wickidli to 40 a fadVchL'tis-

40 for thou
ne3hedist maliciously to the the Lord, and thin herte was ful of gile *
w ch
Lord, and thin herte is ful of treccherie and of falsnesse. ?|i j
schipid In feith,
and desceyt. hope, and cha-
CAP. r rite ' ^ Aust y n
II. ^ rtA "Tr

** seith in En-
o .1 r f^ i cheridion. Lire
i Sone, ne3hende to the seruage of God, Sone, nei3ynge to the seruyce or God, i
here _ c _
stond in ri3twisnesse, and drede ; and stonde thou in ri3tfulnesse, and drede; mrisi
agreithe thou thi soule to tempting. Ber and make redi thi soule to temptacioun. goodis. o/Aym,-
that dredith
doun thin herte, and suffre, and bowe Bere doun thin berte", and suffre, and 2 God. Lire
here. c.
II the synagoge ; that is, of gadering togidere of feithful men. Lire here. c. bere doun thyn herte; in refreyninge the stiringis of
vnpatience. Lire here. c.

m the dreed of A. n Om. c. is wisdam .t. P and A. for whi G. i of the cpr. m. T Om. c et E pr.m.
the tyme E pr. m. Om. AGH. m. w mysbileueful AG.
s * u x
turnyng c et E pr. m. Y Om. c pr. Om. c.
lynage G.

r Om. K. a
braunchis, that is, vertttet v. <
Om. i. ther schal i. v Om. i.

in thyn ere, and vndertac the wrdis of bowe doun thin eere, and take the wordis

vndirstonding, and hee3e thou not in of vndirstonding, and haaste thou not in
3 tyme of opressing. Sustene the susten- to the tyme of deeth*. Suffre thou the 3 "has
. not in to the
, .

yngus of God be thou with ioyned to


God, and suffre, that thi lif waxe in the

susteynyngis of God; be thou ioyned to
God, and abide thou, that thi lijf wexe in

4laste. Allez that a to thee shul ben leid the last tyme. Take thou alle thing that 4
and in sorewe sustene, and in thi
to, tac, is set to thee, and suffre thou in sorewe, d< iredeth.

Suffre thou the

smecnesse haue pacience. For in fyr is and haue thou pacience in thi lownesse.
preued gold and siluer ;
men forsothe For whi gold and siluer is preued in ner;s suffre paclenti'y

resceyuable in the chymne of mecnesse. forsothe men worthi to be resseyued ben wlliche'ood"
aa s hal s " 8te n
6 3if feith God, and he shal rekure thee;
to preued in the chymenev
T J J of lownesse. y
thee. haue thou
and dresse thi weye, and hope in to hym. Bileue thou to God, and he schal rekeueree pacience mM
lownesse ; that
Kep the drede of hym, and in hym wax thee and dresse thou thi weie, and hope
; is, temporal

7 old. 3 ee dredende the Lord, susteeneth thou in to hym. Kepe thou his drede, and
the mercy b of hym, and bowith not doun wexe thou eld ther ynne. ?e that dreden 7
afro hym, lest 366 falle. 3 ee that dreden the Lord, abide w his merci, and boowe ?e turment to

euerlas tinge
the Lord, 3yueth feith to hym, and there not awei fro hyin, lest 36 falle doun. 3e s

9 shal not be voidid awei 3oure meede. %ee

i 11 IT
that dreden the Lord, bileue to hym, and
Lire here. c.

that dreden the Lord, hopeth in to hym, 3oure mede schal not be auoidid. 3 e that 9

and in to liking shal come to 3011 mercy. dreden the Lord, hope" into hym, and
io3ee that dreden the Lord, looueth hym, merci y schal come to 3ou into delityng.
11 and 3oure hertes shul be Ii3tned. Be- z
3e that dreden the Lord, loue hym, and 10
holdeth, 366 sonus, the naciouns of men, 3oure hertis schulen be Ii3tned. Sones, n
and witeth, for no man hopide in the biholde 3e the naciounsf of men, and wite t biholde y> the
.1 i i ,1 T i i naciouns. etc.;
12 Lord, arid is shent ;
abod stille in his 3e, that no man hopide in the Lord, arid bihoiding of

hestes, and is forsaken ;

or who inwardli was schent noon dwellide in hise heestis,

isclepede hym, and he dispisede hym ? For and was forsakun ether who inwardli dedis of fadris

that of Abra- is,


piteuous, and mercyful is God, and he clepide hym, and he despiside hym that ham, of Isaac,
7 7 a i*^i
-ri i andof Jacob, ,

shal for3yue in the day of tribulacioun Cleptde* ! For Whi God IS pitOUSe, and 13 and othere men
synnes ; and deferidere he is to alle men, merciful, and he schal for3yue synnes in
uful out sechende hym in treuthe. Wo to the dai of tribulacioun ; and he is de-
the double in herte, and to the lippis of fendere to alle men, that seken hym in
the hidously giltende d , and to the hondes treuthe. Woo to the *man with b double 6

euele doeride and to the synnere goende

; herte,and with cursid lippis, and mis-
15 in to the erthe two weies. Wo to the dis- doynge hondys and to a synnere en-

solut W
vnstable e in herte, that 3yuen not cc
trynge in to the lond bi twei weies. Woi
feith to God; and therfore thei 'schul not to hem that ben dissolute!: of herte, that whos herte is
vnboundun and
ibeii defendid of hym. Wo to them that bileuen not to God ; arid therfor thei schu- departid fro
God, bi vnfeith.
han lost suffring, and that ban forsake ri3t len not be defendid of him.

hem ie fuinesse. Lire

weies, and han turned aside in to shreude that han lost pacience, and that han for-

17 weies. And what shul thei do, whan the sake ri3tful weies, and han turned awei
Lord begynne to inwardli looken?
shal in to schrewid weies. And what schulen 17
Lord is seid
biholde synnes,

is Who dreden the Lord, shul not ben of thei do, whanne the Lord schal bigynne whannehepu-

mysfeith to the wrd of hyrn and who ; to biholde ? Thei that dreden the Lord,

2 And alle c el E b drede E c or abod A.

pr. m.
a that is, E pr. m. *
resceyuen c pr. m. pr. m.
d hidous e Om. c et E m. f ben not c et E pr. m.
gilter AGH. pr.

" * * loueth Om. b Om. c double in i.

abideth i.
hopeth i. 7 his merci c. i. i. i.

cc two i
128 ECCLESIASTICUS. n. 19 in.

loouen hym, shuln holli kepe the weie schulen not be vnbileueful to his word ;

10 of hym. Who dreden the Lord, shuln and thei that louen hym, schulen kepe his
inwardli sechen, that ben wel plesid weie. Thei that dreden the Lord, schulen 19

thingus to hym and that

loouen hym,
; enquere tho thingis, that ben wel plesaunt
shul be fulfild with the lawe of hym. to and thei that louen him, schulen
hym ;

20 Who dreden the Lord, shul greithe ther be fillid with his lawe. Thei that dreden 20
and in the si3te of hym thei shul the Lord, schulen make redi her hertis,
2ihalewen ther soules. Who dreden the and schulen halewe her soulis in his si3t. !.
God biholdith

Lord, shul kepen hym, and the hestis of Thei that dreden the Lord, schulen kepe 21 padent men,
hise comaundementis, and schulen haue
pacience shuln han vnto
the inwardly ivuerfth hem!

22 looking of hym; seiende,

If penaunce wee pacience til to the biholdyng* of hym ; and 22 h
shul not do, wee shul falle in to the schulen seie, If we doon not penaunce,
hondus of the Lord, and not into the we schulen falle in to the hondis of the synnes, fro
whiche a man
23hondis of men. Forsothe aftir the my- Lord, and not in to the hondis of men. may not be

kilnesse of hym, so and his mercy is For bi the greetnesse of hym, so and his 23
with hym. merci is with hym.
that is, in to


"^ '
- IJ-- "
Goddis pu-
nysching ful
. , 7 , i i greuouse. it
i The sonus wisdam the chirche of
of The sones of wisdom ben the chirche i the greetness
of hym ; that
ri3twis men, and the nacioun of hem of iust men, and the f nacioun of hem is
is, his power to

2obeisaunce and loouyng. The dom of obedience and Dereworthe sones, 2

loue. pnyschhem,
that ben ob-
the fader hereth, 3ee looued sones ; and here 36 thes doom of the fadir and do 36 ; stynat m synne.
his mersi ; in
3 so doth, that 3ee be saf. God forsothe so, that 36 be saaf. For whi God onouride 3 sparinge hem,

wrshepede the fader in sonus, and the the fadirf in sones, and he sekith, and
him for whi
dom of the moder ful out sechende he hath maad stidfast the doom of the 1' ;
euer either is
4fastnede in to the sonus. Who looueth modir in to sones. He that loueth God, 4 the same thin s
with Goddis
God, shal full out pre3en for synnes, and schal preie for synnes, and he schal ab- being, ofwis-
dom ; that is,
shal withholden hym fro them, and in steyne hym silf fro tho, and he schal be of God, which
is wisdom,
the orisoun of da3es he shal be ful out herd in the preier of daies. And 1P ) =
thorou beyng
sherd. And as he that tresoreth, so and that tresourith, so and' he that onourith ether kynde.
obedience and
6 he that wrshepith his moder. Who his modir. He that onourith his fadir, e &>, as a man
liberal excel-

wrshepith his fader, shal be mad merie schal be maad myrie in sones, and he entiy is seid

in sones, and in the dai of his orisoun schal be herd in the dai of his preier. beraUmt also

7 he shal be full out herd. Who wrshipith He that onourith his fadir, schal lyue bi; here. c.

his fader, with lengere lif shal lyue ; and God onouride
lengere lijf ; and he that obeieth to the )

the fadir ; that

who obesheth to the fadir, shal refreshe fader, schal refreische the modir k
^. xde 8 is, comaundide,
that the fadir
8 the moder. Who dredeth the Lord, that dredith the Lord, onourith fadir and be onourid bi

wrshepith fader and moder and as to ; modir; and he schal serue in werk, and word,
lordis he shal serue to them that and al pacience to hem that gendriden rn
9 stidefastiy the
kepens of this
hym, in were, and wrd, and in alle pa- hym Onoure thi fadir, that
as to lordis. icheest, tore-

iccience. Wrshipe thou thi fader, that the blessyng of God come to thee; and his andthetre's-
ther come vpon to thee
blissing fro God ; blessing dwellith" in the laste. The bless- n
p^nyS hem.
and the blessing of hym in the laste of the fadir makith stidfast the housis Lire here c.
J the modir ;
ndwelleth. The blissing of the fadir fast- of sones ; but the cursyng of the modir that is, schal
. coumforte hir.
neth the houses of sones ; the drawitn out the foundementis. tiaue 12 Lire here. c.

8 Om. c.

* and thei i. e Om , N. f Om. c. Om. i. hQm. ceteri. i Om. i. k

modir, that is, shal coumforte
v. i m al E. m bigaten i. n dwelle ca. Om. i.
forsothe of the moder drawith out foun- thou not glorie in the dispisyng of thi ifhefamth
lademens bi the roote. Ne thou in
..-.,.is not , in mil ; for it

glorie radir; tor it

glorie to thee, but con- isnothissynne,
the wrong of thi fader ; forsothe it is not fusioun. For whi the glorie of a man is is defeuS

"'f ; f
* " 'fte
13 to thee glorie,but shenshepe. The glorie of the onour of his fadir ; and the schen- .

_' fadir that is,

forsothe of a man, of the wrshepe of his schip of the sone is a fadir with out onour. ' ouun for *
fadir ; and the vylenye of the sone, the Sone, resseyue the elde of thi fadir, and u fadir.
u fader withoute wrshepe. Sone, mekeli make thou not hym sori in his lijf ; and 15 Sir that ;,

tac the laste age of thi fader, and ne if he failith in wit*, 3yue thou for3yue-
sioun of her
issorewe thou hym in his lif ; and if he faile nesse, and dispise thou not hym in thi
^ synne. Lire
in wit, 3if for3yuenesse, and dispyse thou vertu for whi the almes of the fadir
here. c.
not hym in thi h vertue ; forsothe the schal not be for3etyng. For whi goodie powerful
almesse deede of the fader shal not be schal be restorid to thee for the synne of
1C in for3etyng. For whi for the synne of the modir, and bildyng schal be maad to i
the moder shal be restored to thee good, thee in ri3tfulnesse ; and it schal remembre P""?

Godhed. Lire
17 and in rijtwisnesse it shal ben bild vp to of thee in daiP of tribulacioun, and thi here. c.
+ be thou not
thee and in the dai of tribulacioun it
; synnes schulen be releessid, as iys in clere- cunome, etc. ,-

shal be remembrid of thee, and as iys in nessei of the sunne. He is of ful yuel i

iscleer, thi synnes shul ben loosed. Of hou fame, that forsakith the fadir and he Lure profit.
here. c.

1 8
euel loos is he, that forsaketh the fader ; that wraththith the modir, is cursid of
aboue the wit .

and he is cursid of God, that terreth to God. Sone, performe thi werkis in mylde-ioo/men,- that
lawrathe the moder. Sone, in debonernesse nesse, and thou schalt be loued ouer the
thi werkes parforme, and ouer the glorie glorie of men. In as myche as thou art 20'
20 of men thou shalt be looued. Hou myche greetf, make thee meke in alle thingis,
to whiche it is

thou art gret, meeke thee in alle thyngus, and thou schalt fynde grace bifore God to assents
. mekely or
/> i
and byforn God thou shalt fynde grace ; for whi the power of God aloon is greet,2i s tidefastiy.
21 for gret my3t is of God alone, and of and he is onourid of meke men. Seke 22 for^y"riiat
22 meeke men he
wrshipid. is
He3ere thou not hi3ere thingis than thou, and {^"
thyngus than thiself seche thou not, and enquere thou not strongere thingis than posen that they
moun come to

strengere thingus than thiself ne serche thou but euere thenke thou tho thingis,
the knowing

thou; but the thingus that God comaund- whiche God comaundide to thee ;
and be thingL 'in

ide to thee, thenk hem euermor ; and in thou not curiouset in ful many werkis of JJ^j j^n
err urs
manye werkes of ne be thou kuri- hym. For it is not nedeful to thee to se 23 in

hym p
and] eresies.

23ous. Forsothe it is not nedeful to thee, with thin i3en tho thingis, that ben hid. An herd herte;
. that ajenstond-
tho thingus that ben hid, to seen with In superflu thingis nyle thou seke many- 24 ithGoddis stir-
24 thin e3en. In oueruoide thingus wile fold; and be thou not curiouse in many ^aufate'
thou not enserchen manyefold ; and in werkis of hym ; for whi ful thingis 25
many J

manye werkes of hym thou shalt not be aboue the wit of men " II ben schewid to
of the Inno-
25 curious manye forsothe thyngus ouer
; thee. For the suspecioun of many men 20 centis, a syn-
the wit of men ben shewid to thee. hath disseyued hem, and withhelde her bTthi"'-
26 Manye forsothe supplauntede the suspi- wittis in vanytee. An hard herte schal 27 y^g*
sioun of hem, and in vanytee heeld doun haue yuel in the laste tyme ; and he that
27 the wittis of hem. The harde herte loueth perel, schal perische ther ynne. An 28 which the
. . while he lyu-
shal ban euel in the laste ; and that herte that entnth bi tweie weiesj, schal ede, forjat God.

2slooueth perile, in it shal pershen. The not haue prosperitees, ether reste ; and a
siouns of
synnes. Lire
here. c. bi tweie weyes ; that is, that hath the knowing of good in vndurstonding, and malice in wille. Lire here, c,

h Om. A. >
be thou not AOH.

P the dai A pr. m. r ' his

1 clerenesse, ether heele CEFGHIMNPQRSUVXY?. or mhettith i
marg. i.


shal not man of schrewid herte schal be sclaundrid

* new* */
herte goende in to two weies, not be ; that is,

ban welsum chaunces and the shrewde in tho. A wickid herte schal be greuyd
20 goosti y helthe,
i M
i i A. that stondith

29 herte in them shal be sclaundred.

A in sorewis ;
and a synnere schal hepe to iM good dispo .

wickek herte shal ben greeued in so- do 1

synne. Helthe schal not be* to the so ^"^"^7'
u of
proude men; for whi the
that is, ai excu-
rewes ; and the synnere shal lei to to svnaeoee
J o o i saciouue lous-

the synagoge of proude thicke wode of synne schal be drawun ing synne. Lire
men shal not be helthe ; forsothe the out bi the roote in hem, and it schal not t u'sehai not be

thicke bush of 1
in hem shal ben be vndurstondunf. The herte of a wise
taken vp bi the " roote, 1
and it shal not man vndurstondun in wisdom, and a nyienthenke
on (joddis

31 be vnderstonde. The herte of the wise erood eere schal here wisdom with al co- domes. Lire
man is vnderstonde in wisdam, and the ueitise. wijs herte andAable to vndur-32:
stonde schal absteyne it silf fro
goode ere shal heren with alle coueitende synnes, d

32 wisdam. The wis herte and vnderstand- and schal v haue prosperitees in the werkis
of rhtfulnesse. Watir quenchith bren- 33 to hise mem-
able shal abstenen hymself from synnes, fier
bns. hath

and in werkes of ri3twisnesse welsum nynge, and almes a3enstondith synnes. And 34 mynde ; in en.
.- , ,, I_M u f ,1 IJ-.LI -i creessinge his
m the
ssaftercomyngus shal han. Brermende fyr God, the biholdere or hym that 3eldith goo d.

water shal quenche, and alines deede grace t, hath mynde aftirward and he ;
And God schal fynde stidefastnesse in the w of eth for "
34 a^enstandeth to synnes. is tyme
* ^
Austyn seith,
that his mersi aloone is
the forlookere" of hym 3eldeth fal.
the felow of
he hath mynde in to afterward, deed men.
grace ;
defraude thou
and in time of his falling he shal finde not the almes
of a pore man ;

fastnyng. in withholdinge
CAP. IV. CAP. IV. to thee that,
that is bitakun
1 Sone, the almesse deede of the pore man Sone, defraude thou not the almes of a i to 3 yue to pore
- . men, ether in
ne begile thou, and ouerturne thou not pore man, and turne not ouere thin i3en denyinge of

2 thin e3en fro the pore. The hungrende fro a pore man. Dispise thou not an 2
soule ne dispise thou, and terre thou not hungri man, and wraththe thou not a
out to wrathe the pore in his myseise. pore man in his nedynesse. Turmente 3 due to a pore
man. Lire
3 The herte of the helpeles ne tormente thou not the herte of a nedi man, and here. c.
turne not
thou, and drawe thou not a long jifte to tarie thou not the 3ifte to a man that is ouer thyn i$

4 the man put in streit. The pre3ing of set in angwisch. Caste thou not awei the 4
the troblid ne caste thou awei, and turne preiyng of a man set in tribulacioun, and
maist not ne w
almes bi the
thou not awei thi face fro the nedi. Fro turne not awei thi face fro a nedi man. bond, thou jyue
namely the
5 the helpeles ne turne thou awei e3enP for Turne not awei thin i3en fro a pore man 5 w e and be- ii]


wrathe, and 'leeue thou not, yfthou for ire||, and 3yue not occasioun to men ^Th^c'.
not cause\ to men sechende to curse hi- M Turne not
For thee awei
Jo to curse thee byhynde.
axvnee J J thin i$en
hynde to thee. Forsothe of the man preyer of hym that cursith thee in the x fro " pore man
for ire ; that
cursende to thee in bitternesse of soule, bitternesse of soule, schal be herd ;
for- is, thou 3 he

ful outherd shal be the pre3eere of hym ; sothe he that made hym, schal here hym. uieebifore,
forsothe he shall here hym, that made Make thee eesi to speke to the congrega-7
7 hym. To the congregacioun of pore men cioun of pore men, and make meke thi good to him.
; that cursith
mac thou thee homli to speken, and to the soule to a preest^T, and make meke thin wischith to is,
thee yuel of
peyne, that
jyueth vndurstonding to him to whom it is wischid, that so bi his owne tnrment he be stirid to haue compassioun of othere men. Lire here, c
H to a freest ; that is, do thou du reuerence to an eld man. Lire here. cv.

k wicked A. Om. n forth loker

c pr. m. Om. A. AEGH. anguyssh E pr. m. P thin ejen A.
Om. c et E pr. m.

adde to to i. "
synage i. * it schal i. ^ Qm. i. * Om. i.

meeke thou thi soule, and to the

prest heed to a greet man. Boowe doun with 8 * wisdom ,-

.1 . vnmaad. tha
s mad
gret meeke thou thin hed. Bowe out sorewe thin eere to a pore man, and i8
doun to the pore thin ere withoute 3elde thi debt, and answere thou pesibli
nd des
drerynesse, and 3eld thi dette, and an- in myldenesse.
Delyuere thou hym "
that 9 f {
betere lyif, bi

9 swere pesibli in debonernesse. Delyuere suffrith wrong fro the hond of a proude
hym wrong suffreth fro the hond of
that man, and here thou not heuyli in thi soule.
' m "
the proude man, and egreli, 'or heuyly*, In demynge be thou merciful as a fadir ''

creessmge to
10 here thou not in thi soule. In demende to fadirles and be thou for an hem the )ifte
children, of wisdom.
be thou to the' fadirles childer merciful as hosebonde to the rnodir of hem and thou 1 1 ff
me in
the weye ; of
and for a man/or husbonde^, to
a fadir, schalt be as an obedient sone of the hi3- ri 3 tfuinesse, in

n moder of hem arid thou shal be as an

the ; este, and he schal haue merci on thee
obeisaunt sorie of the hei3est, and he shal more than a modir "hath merci ? on Mr
han merci of thee more than a moder. Wisdom* enspirith lijf to hise sones, 12
12 Wisdam to his sonus inbrethede lif, and and resseyueth men sekinere hvm, and preyer. hoidm
it; bihertand
receyueth the men out sechende him, and schaP go bifore in the wei of ri3tfulnesse ;
werk. %/, of
he shal go beforn in the weie of ri3twis- and he that loueth that wisdom, loueth
isnesse; and he that looueth it, looueth lif, lijf,
and thei that waken to itf, schulen
and that waken
it, shul clippe togidere
to biclipe the pesiblenesse, ether swetnesse*,
.,_-,. Lire here. c.
the v
or pesiblenesse, of it. therof. Thei that holden it, schulen en- ut cmjerm-
u Who holden it, shuln eritagen lif; and herite lijf and whidir it schal
; entre, God fhfwerkis of

whider it shal gon in, God shal blisseux . schal blesse. Thei that seruen it, schulen is

10 Who seruen to it, obeshende shul ben to be obeiynge to the hooli; and God loueth
the hoeli man ;
and hem that loouen it, hem, that louen it. He that herith it, is '<.
16 God looueth. Who hereth it, demeth demeth folkis ; and he that biholdith it
arettlth him

folkis of kinde; and who biholdeth it, shal schal dwelle tristili. If a man bileueth to 17 men,

17 abide stille trostende. If he schaly 3yue it, he schal dwelle, and enherite it ; and the
feith to he shal abide stille, and erit- creaturis of hem schulen be in conferm- GSA - drede '
offence, and
agen and the creatures of hem shul
it ; yngf. For in temptacioun it goith withi8/"-ofheiie.
i i brynge in that . ;
18 fastnyng togidere. For in tempta-
be in hym, and among the firste it chesith is, schal suffre
b m
cioun it goth with hym, and in the first hym$. It schal brynge in on hyrn drede, 19 for his<wd.
i9thyngus it chees hym Drede, and ferd, . and feer, and preuyng, and it schal tur- tt^f is *make
and prouyng it shal bringe in vp on mente hym in the tribulacioun of his doc- knowunto
. ,
othere men the.

hym, and schal a tormenten hym in tribu- tryn, til it tempte hym in hise thou3tis, goodnesseof

lacioun of his techyng, to the tyme that and bileue to his soule |
. And it schal 20
it tempte hym in his tho3tis, and he leeue make hym stidefast, and schal brynge ri3t
20 to his soule. And it shal fastne hym, weie to hym, and it schal make hym glad ;

and a ri3t euene weie bringe to hym, and schal c make nakid hise priuytees to 21 souun to hise
21 and gladen hym and nakenen his hidde
; hym, and schal tresore on hym kunnyng, comen forth of
thingus to hym, and tresoren vp on hym and vndurstondyng of ri3tfulnesse. For- 22
kunnyng, and vnderstonding of ri3twis- sothe if he errith, God schal forsake hym,
forsothe he schal b c
and schal bitake in to ce the hondis bringe him *
22nesse. If ful erre, hym
njt weie. schal

it shal forsaken hym, and it shall taken of his enemy. Sone, kepe thou tyme, and 23 make nakid,
etc. ; that is,
schal schewe
the priuytes of his kunnyng. kunnyng and vndnrstonding of ri}tfulnesse ; that he knnne dresse him silf and othere men in to the weye of rijtfulnesse.

* Om. c et E * Om. AEGH. Om. c et E pr.m. v in A. w glad-

pr. m.
6636 a. eye AG.

nesse c pr.m. E pr. m. pesiblenesse JB sec. m. marg. AGH. x ben blessed E m. AGH. y Om. c pr. m.
1 Om. c a Om. c b Om. c c ful out c pr. m.
pr. m. pr. m. pr. m.

1 Om. i. z it schal i. the swetnesse o. b it bi hooli medilacioun v. it schal i. cc Om. I.

132 ECCLESIASTICUS. iv. 23 v. 4.

in the bond of
enemy. Sone, his eschewed thou fro yuel. Be thou not 24 schame that
ashym . bringith sy
, . .

waite tyme, and shone awei fro euel. aschamed for thi hjf* to seie treuthe ; for that is, sch
24 For thi soule, 'or liyf , be thou not con- whi ther is schame that bryngith synne, Cohere c^ss-
foundid to seyn soth ther is forsothe ;
and ther
and grace.
is schame that bryngith glorie 25
Take thou not a face asens
20 suffre schame
2sconfusioun 'bringende tof synne, and ther J of grettere pre-

is confusioun bringende to glorie and thi facef , nethir a leesyng a3ens thi soule. latu in the si 3 t

26 Ne take thou to face a3en thi face, Schame thou not thi nei3bore in his fal, 27 t
27 ne a3en thi soule lesing. Ne shame thou nether Withholde thou a word in the
of helthe. Hide not thi wisdom \ in the ?ischa which
ne3hebore in his falling, ne a3een holde
28 thi sutrnd pa-

thou a woord in times of helthe. Hide fairnesse therof for whi wisdom is knowun 29 aentiy for
tnithe. Lire

thou not thi wisdam in the fairnes of in tunge, and wit, and kunnyng, and tech- here. c.
* Be thou not
. j i .. /

yng in the word of a wys man and stid- aschamed far

i ,

2 hit ; in the tunge forsothe wisdam is ;

* **
knowen, and wit, and kunnyng, and fastnesse is in the werkis of ri3tfulnesse.

A3enseie thou not the word of treuthe in so here.

deth Lire
techyng, in the wrd of the weel feel- -

ende; and fastnynge in the werkis of ony maner ; and be thou aschamed of the
ri3twisnesse. A3ensey thou not to the leesyng of thi mislernyng. Be thou
wrd of treuthe any maner and ;
of lesing 1
aschamed to knouleche thi synnes^ ; and
of thi myslernyng be thou confoundid. make thee not suget to ech man for synne. '

e a rk
31 Be thou not confoundid to knoulechen Nyle thou stonde a3ens the face of the 32 the tmthe M

synnes ; and-* ne sochete thou thee to

thi my3ti, nethir enforse thou a3ens the strok Lire here. c.

32 eche man for synne. Wile thou not with- of the flood. For ri3tfulnesse fi3te thou
stonde k a3en the face of the my3ti, ne for thi soule ||
, and til to the deth stryue
rnan for synn
enforce thou ajen the stroc of the flood. thou for mtfulnesse ; and God schal ouer-
'. to be cund, but
33 For ri3twisnesse fi$t for thi soule, and come thin enemyes for thee. Nyle thou 34 oneiy to him
vnto deth strif for ri3twisnesse ; and God be swift in thi tunge, and vnprofitable may sette re-

shal outfi3ten, ''or ouer come 1 , for thee and slak in thi werkis. Nyle thou be as 35
34 thin enemys. Wile thou not be swift in a lioun in thin hous, turnynge vpsedoun
thi tunge, and vnprofitable and slo3 in thi thi meneals, and oppressynge hem that '
of Goddis ri 3 t-

. fulnesse, asenus
35werkis. Wile thou not ben as a leoun ben sugetis" to thee. Thin bond be not se which they
in thin hous, turnende awei thin homli redi to take^[, and closid togidere to 3yue. that ten ob.

men, and opressende to men soget to stynat in

synncs. Lire
36 thee. Be not thin bond put forth to here. c.
II for thi soule ;
taken, and to }yuen drawen togidere. that is, for the
helthe of thi
soule. til to
CAP. V. CAP. V. deth ; for good
deth worthi is

1 Wile thou not taken heed to wickide" Nile thou take heed to wickid posses- 1
o be chosun
nore than the
possessiouns, and ne seye thou, Ther is to and seie thou Sufficient ** trespassing of
siouns, not, lijf
me suffisaunt lif no thing forsothe it shal
; is to me ;
for it no thing profite in
schal swift in thi
~ , . , .. ,. tunge ; that is,
profiten in the tyme of veniaunce, and the tyme or veniaunce, and or railynge, heedly to bringe
2 of
opressing, 'or deth Ne folewe thou in . ether deth*. Sue thou not the coueitise of 2
thi strengthe the
coueiting of thin herte, f erkis
thin herte in thi strengthe, and seie thou 3 that

is,in parfourm-
sand ne sey thou, What maner my3te I, not, As Y my3teff, ether who schal make ynge the sen-
tence jouun
orwho me shal subiecten for my deedis ? me suget for my dedis? For whi God veng- iustly. Lire
4 God forsothe veniende shal venien. Ne schal venge. Seie thou not, Y haue here. c.
ynge 4
^f to take; ?iftis

** y "
vnonestly. Lire here.c. Sufficient liyf, etc. ; that long is to comynge to me, therfor
is, Y must gete many thingis. Lire here
Y myjle 'tt
; vndurstonde thou, so Y schal be
myjty aftirward. Lire here. c.

Om. c et E pr. m. e offendid A. 8 the time E pr. m. h wrdis c
(Qm.cpr.m. pr. m.
lesynge AGH. } Om. AGH. k stonde AGH. l
Om. c et E pr. m. syue thingis E pr. TO.
wicke GH.
Om. c et E pr. m.
d ethchewe e f
suget CNV- f deth
O o.

sey thou, I synnede, and what to me synned, and what sorewful thing bifelle to
falleth sorewyP ? Forsothe the hei3este is me ? For the hi3este is a pacient 3eldere.
5 a pacient 3eldere. Of the forjyuenesse Of the for3yuenesse of synnes, nyle thou 5 *
nyte thou be
with out drede ;
of synnes, wile thou noti be withoute be without drede*, nether heepe thou for thou woost

drede, ne ley thou to synne vp on synne. synne on synne. And seie thou not, The G
6 And sey thou not, The merci of God is merciful doyng of God is greet ; he schal d and
th* 1t ii
of the multitude of my synnes he haue merci on the multitude of my synnes. cient to
gret ;
. . remouyng
7 shal han mercy. Mercy forsothe and For whi merci and ire nei3eth soone fro 7 synne, netheies
wrathe fro hym soone ne3heth, and in to hym, and his ire biholdith on synneris. 'jure furTc"

synneres beholdeth the wrathe of hym. Tarie thou not to be conuertid to thes
sNe tarie thou to be conuertid to the Lord, and dilaie thou not fro dai in to dai.
Lord, and ne putte thou it of fro dai in For whi sodeynli, and a
his ire schal come
9 to day. Sodeynli forsothe shal come the he schal leese thee in the time of ven-
wrathe of hym, and in time of veniaunce iaunce. Nyle thou be angwischid in vn- 10
10 he shal distro3e thee. Wile thou not ben iust richessisf ; for tho schulen not profite t <* , to

anguysht in vnri3t richesses ; forsothe in the dai of failing, ether qf h deth { , and of ether T

thei shul not profiten in the dai of deth veniaunce. Wyndewe^: thee not in to echu
1 1 and of veniaunces. Ne throwe thou 8 thee wynd, and go thou not in to ech weie ;

out in to eche wynd, and go thou not in for so a synnere is preued in double tunffe. ing boostfuiiy
,_- .
and presumptu-
to eche wei ; so forsothe a synnere is Be thou weie of the Lord,
stidfast in the i2ousiy. in to ech

12 proued in double tunge. Be thou stede- and in treuthe and kunnyng of thi wit ;
fast in the weie of the Lord, and in thess and the word of pees and of ri3tfulnesse
treuthe of thi wit and kunnyng and sue thee perfitli. Be thou mylde now to this
; to here is '
* now to another.
parfitli folewe thee the wrd of pes and the word of God 5, that thou vndurstonde, f
double tunge;
, . in techinge now
13 of ri3twisnesse. Be thou debonere to and with wisdom brynge thou forth a the truthe, and

here* the wrd of God, that thou vnder- trewe answere. If thou hast vndirstond- H
stonde, and with wysdam thou schalt" yng, answere thi nei3bore ; ellis thin hond
H bringe forth 'a soth answere. If ther be on thi mouth, lest thou be takun in techens doubt-
inge ether vn-
is to thee vnderstonding, answere to thi a word vnwiseli tau3t, and be aschamed. stidefast in

elles forsothe thin hond be

, .1
and glorie z* in the ,
word of a wijs
if feith,
15 to do. in the
ben wont
ne3hebore ;

vp on thi mouth, lest thou be take in an man but the tunge of an vnprudent man

vndisciplined wrd, and thou be con- is his distriyng. Be thou not clepid a
lafoundid. Wrshipe and glorie in the wrd preuy yuel spekere in thi lijf, and be thou kunnyng of thi
wit ; that is,
of the weel felende ; the tunge forsothe not takun in thi tunge, and be aschamed.
of the vnprudent is the turnyng vp so Schame and penaunce is on a theef, and 17 sounds to

uidoun of hym. Be thou not clepid a worst k schenschip is on a man of double 1 *"**' L"e here '

twisil tunge w , 'or a priue bacbiterwv! , in tunge. Forsothe hatrede and enemytee
$ to
^J the
word of God;
thi lif, and be thou not take in thi and dispisyng ts to a preuy bacbitere.

T i-/5 ii_ i'i'i i swetly an axing

17 tunge, and confoundid. Forsothe vp on lustine thou a htil man and a greet man is O f feith, ether

a theef is confusioun, and peyne taking, in lijk maner.

that thou vn-
and werst repref vp on the twisel tunge. durslonde ; the
To the priue grucchere forsothe x hate, entent of the
axere. Lire
is and enemyte, and strif. lustefie thou here. c.

lie maner the? litle and the? grete.

P screw A sec. m. EG. 1 Om. A. r here E pr. m. s Om. A. ss Om. c pr. m. * Om c pr. m.
Om.cpr.m. v Om. AQU. w
tungid A. ww Om. c et E pr. m. x Om. A. y to A.

vpon i. h Om. s. '

deed v. k ful
yuel i. !
schenschip, ether cursyng c et ceteri,
134 ECCLESIASTICUS. vi. i 16.


i Wile thou not be mad for a frend Nile thou for a freend be maad enemye i

to thi ne3hebore ; repref forsothe to the m nei3bore ; for whi an yuele man
and strif the euel man shal eritagen, schal enherite vpbreidyng" and dispisyng,
and eche enuyous and twisil
and ech synnere enuyouse and double
atungid. Ne enhaunce thou thee in the tungid. Enhaunse thee not in the thou3t2
of thi soule, as a bole doith; lest thi vertu* thi
thenking of thi soule, as a boole ;
that is, sutilte
be hurtlid doun bi and it ete this
perauenture be hurtlid awei thi strengthe

3 bi folie, and thi lefes it ete, and thi leeues, and leese thi fruytis, and thou be
frutes it leese, and thou be laft as a drie leftas a drye tree in deseert. Forsothe 4
4 tree in wildernesse. A shreude forsothe a wickid soule schal leese hym that hath ete thi
that is,


soule shal destro3en hym that hath it, it, and it 3yueth hym in to the? ioie of the thi faire wordis.
Lire here. c.
and in to io3e of his enemy it 3yueth enemye, and it schal leede forth in to the f in to the part

hym, and shal bringe doun in to the lot part of wickid menf. A swete word mul-s thaf*fnT''
5 of vnpitous men. A sweete wrd multe- tiplieth frendis, and swagith enemyes ; and h erit eof
and a tunge wel graciouse schal be plenteuouse wickid men c
plieth frendis, and swagith enemys ;
- -

a gracious tunge in a good man shal in a good man. Many pesible men be toe
cabounde. Manye pesible ben to thee, and thee, and oon of a thousynde be a coun- haue him in
counseilour be to thee oon of a thousend. selour to thee. If thou hast a frend, haue 7
thatis, preue

If thou weldist a frend, in temptacioun in temptaciounj, and bitake not Ii3tli thou him in
7 hym
weld hym, and ne Ii3tli opene, trowea, W thi silf to hym. For ther is a frend bi his a bitake, etc.; in

8 thou thiself to hym. Ther is forsothe a time, and he schal not dwelle in the dai of
v bifor that thou
frend aftir his tyme, and schal not abideb tribulacioun. And ther is a frend which 9 haue preued
9 stille in the dai of tribulacioun. And ther is turned to enemytee ; and ther is a l,i his
that is,
tyme ;

is a frend that is turned to enemyte ; and freend, that schal schewe opynli hatrede, tyme of pros.
, ,j .
j. j T-i perite, coue-
ther is a frend, that hate, and strif, and and chiding, and dispisyngis. Forsothe 10 nabie to his

shal discoueren. Ther for- ther a frend, felowe-i of table, and dwell- g< Ll "
icreprefes is is Lr"T
sothe a frend, felawe of the bord, and ith not in the dai of nede. If a frend 1
^J{w"/ ^l
11 abidith not stille in the dai of nede. A dwellith stidfastS, he schal be as a man /"**
in frenschip to
with thee

frend if he c abide stille stablid, he shal euene with thee, and he schal do tristili God. mekith

be to thee as euene with, and in thin in thi meyneal r thingis. If he mekith hym u omtemMi v!tb
i2homli thingus trostli he shal do. If he silf bifore thee, and hidith hym rr fro thi *^j'" ^ ith

shal meeken hymself a3en and hiden

thee, thou schalt haue good frendschip of A^m in P10-

curmge thi
hymself fro thi face, thou shalt ban good oon acord. Be thou departid fro thin is good more in
isfrenshepe of o wil. Fro thin enemys be enemyes, and take heede of thi frendis.
thou seuered, and of thi frendis tac heed. A feithful frend is a strong defendyng ;

14 A 'feithful frend a d
forsothe he that fyndith him, fyndith tre- 0/
strong proteccioun ;
who forsothe fyndeth hym, fyndith tresor. sour. No comparisoun is to a feithful is louethbicna-
is To a feithful frend is no comparisoun ;
n j c j c -i
frend ; weiyng of gold and of siluer is not
u rite, and pro-
cunth to his
* ' S
ther not wrthi peising of gold and of
is worthi a3ens the goodnesse of his feithful- that
siluer a3en the goodnesse of the feith of nesse. A
feithful frend is medicyn ^ '"goostiy and
hym. A
feithful frend
leching of lif,
" II,
and of vrideedlynesse
* ; and thei that tryngithto
and of vndeadlynesse and who dreden f dredeii the Lord, schulen fynde Henofgione. c.

a Om. c etE pr. m. b abidith not c

pr. m. E pr. m.
c Om. c * frend a
pr. m. strong feithful c pr. m.
freend a stroong feithful A.
stronge frende and a feithful G.
is freend is A. * dredith A.

m thi i. o Qm.
edwityng c et ceteri. c. P Om. i. q to felowe c. r memoreal c. "hym
silf A pr. m.

17 the Lord, shul finden hym. Who dredeth that dredith the Lord, schal haue euenli
the Lord, euenly shal ban good fren- good frendschip ; for whi his frend schal

shipe ;
for after hym shal ben his frend. be at the licnesse of hym. Sone, fro thi 18

is Sone, fro thi 3outhe tac doctrine, and 3ongthe take thou doctryn, and til to hoor
vn to hoore^ heris thou shalt finde wis- heeris thou schalt fynde wisdom. As he 10

19dam. As he that ereth, and that sowith, that erith, and that sowith, nehe thou to '"""' ete ' ;
is,a man with

ne3he thou to it, and sustene the goode it, and abide thou the goode fruytis therof. outen herte>
which is
sofrutes of it. In the werk forsothe of it ror thou schalt trauele a litil in the werk -20 gent in the
a litil thou shal trauailen, and soone thou therof, and thou schalt ete soone of the dom. iL <

21 shalt etc of h the getingus of it. Hou generaciouns therof. Wisdom is

the *& of God
sharp ful myche is wisdam to vnwise men, scharp
to vntamt men, and an herties
in ledmge hem

and ther shal not abide stille in it the man* schal not dwelle there ynne. As the22tth estaatof
c glorie. Lire
22herteles. As
the vertue of a ston, prou-
vertu or a stoon, preuyng schal be in hern here. c.
i , i .

yng shal be in them ; and thei shul not and thei schulen not tarie to caste awei it.

23 abide to throwe it afer. The wisdarn Forsothe the wisdom of techyng is bi the
forsothe of doctrine after the name of name therof, and it is not opyn
with ynne thee,
* to many
good to sue
. . it,

it, and not to manye opened to it is ; men ; but it dwelhth with hem, of whiche 1
yuei to fle

whom forsothe it is knowen, it abitJ it isknowun, til to the si3t of God. Sone, 24 that is, affec-

24 stille, vnto the si3te of God. Here, sone, here thou, and take the counsel of vndur-
tac counseil of vnderstondyng, and stondyngf, and caste thou not awei my
25 caste thou not awei counseil. Thro3 my counsel. Set in thi foot in to the stockis 25 dom > incleu -
y"S e to ic with-
ii_ e i !_ i i .
in thi feet in to the gyues of it, and in to tnerot, and thi necke in to the bies therof. out departing.
? e
26 the coleris of it thi necke. Vnderlei thi Make suget thi schuldir, and bere it, and26tha tis'bere

shulder, and ber it, and ne bere thou be thou not anoied in the boondis therof.
27hetiysumli in the bondis of it. In al In al thi wille go to it, and in al thi vertu 271 tra" elin, the> .

getingof wis-
thin inwit ne3he to it, and in al thi ver- kepe the weies therof. Enquere thou it, 28 dom inaithi -

28 tue kep the weies of it. Enserche it, and

i .. 111 i soule ; in appli-
and it schal be maad opyn to thee ; and yn ge al thyn
it shal be mad open to thee ; 'and thou
thou made holdinge wisdom forsake not
mad withholding, ne forsake thou m it. it. For in the laste thingis thou schalt 29 thisdom '* .

vertu that ;

29 In the laste thingus forsothe thou shalt fynde reste ther ynne, and it schal turne is > good we*.
. .
the stockis
finde reste in it, and it shal be turned to to thee in to denting. And the stockis so them/, etc. ;

so thee in to liking. And the gyues of it therof schulen be to thee in defence of parable cieul

shul be to thee 'in to n proteccioun of strengthe, and the foundementis of vertu,

strengthe, and the feet of vertue, and the and the bie therof in a stoole of gloriet. <>/
for he that
31 coleris of it in a stoele of glorie. The For whi the fairnesse of lijf is in wisdom, :n stondith on
fairnesse forsothe of lif is in it, and the and the boondis therof ben heelful" bynd- brokun'w ad-
32 bondis of holsum binding. Stoele off Thou schalt Vere as a v stoole
it yng. it
glorie thou shalt clothen it, and
a crowne glorie, and thou schalt sette on thee a .etechingof
wjsdom, which
formed in the
of thanking thou shalt putte aboue to corouii of thankyng. Sone, if thou takist 33 is
throote. 'Lire
33 thee. Sone, if thou schalt" take heed to me, heede to me, thou schalt lerne wisdom ; here. c.

thou shalt lerrie it and if thou lenest to,;

and if thou 3yuest thi wille, thou schalt
'o/ dressistv, thin inwit, thou shalt be wis. bewijs. If thou bowist doun thin eere,
34 If thou bowest in thin ere, thou shalt thou schalt take teching
* ; and if thou louest f ?
bi wisdom. Lire
take doctrine ;
and if thou looue to heren, for to here, thou schalt be wijs. Stonde 35 here. c.

8 thyn hoore E pr. m. h

Om. A. j
Om. c pr. m. J abideth AEGII. k to AGH. !
and c pr. m. E pr. m.
that AG. that thou H. m Om. c sec. m. E sec, m. n in AGH. Om. c pr. m. P Om. c et E pr.m.
leuest dressist AGH.

" ful c et celeri. * whom i.

u heltheful c. v clothe it in a c
pr. m. E. clothe it a HPUVY. clothe, ether
neere it in a c sec. m. OKMN<jKsxa9. clothe it as a i text, or mere i
marg. were it a F.
ECCLESIASTICUS. vi. 35 vn. 12.
35 thou shalt be wis. In the multitude of thou in the multitude of prudent* preestis, of prudent
bi this ben ex-

and to the and be thou ioyned of herte to the wisdom cludid vnwise
prudent prestis stond thou, elde men and

wisdam of hem of herte be thou ioyned ; of hem ; that thou maist here ech telling faylinge in ver-
tues ; for whi
that al the telling of God thou mowe of God, and the prouerbis of preisyng fie
othere vertues

not awey fro thee. And if thou seest a 36 to

heren, and the prouerbis of preisyng
seascape not froi thee.
And if thou see wijs man, wake thou to hym, and thi foot 'presto ; that
side men ;
vv . i . TT 's

wake out to trede on the greeces of his dons. Haue 37 and this may
the wel felende man, hym,
thi foot ofte trede the grees 'of the
and thou thou3t in the comaundementis of God, of |ood"preftis,
37 dores of
Thenking haue thou in and be thou most bisi in his heestis and ;
hym G&&
the hestes of God, and in the maunde- he schal '?yue to thee hertef, and coueitise and teche

wisdom schal be 3ouun to thee. ure

mens of hym most bisi be thou and he ;
of here c.
f yjue to thee
shal 3yue to thee an herte, and coueyt- herte ; to vn-
durstonde and
inge of wisdam shal ben 3oue
to thee. worche tho.
Lire here. c.

UAr. Vli.
J in the forew-
ia .
t h at j
, , jyue thou not
i Wile thou not don eueles, and thei Nile thou do yuels, and tho schulen not i ensaumpie of

ashul not cacche thee. Go awei fro the take thee. Departe thou fro wickidnesse, 2
wieke, and ther shul failen eueles fro and yuels schulen faile fro thee. Sowe 3
3 thee. Sowe thou not eueles in foorewes thou not yuels in the forewis^ of vnn'3t- peyne to be
viuun to thee
of vnri3twisnesse s, and thou shalt not fulnesse, and thou schalt not repe tho in seuenfold, that
is, manyfold ;
repen them in to the seuethe
4 u fold. seuene told.
fold. Nvle thou seke of a man 4
Nyle for whi to hou
4 Wile thou not sechen of a man the dig- ledyng, nethir of a kyng the chaier of u

nete of a ledere, ne of a king the cha3er onour. lustifie thou not thee bifore God, 5 of synne, M so
many peynes
5 of wrshepe. lustefie thou not thee bifor for he is the w knowere of the herte ; and he schal be
.. . punyschid, bi
God, for he ys knowere of the ;
and herte v nyle thou wilne to be seyn wijs anentis theordreof
anent the king wile thou not wilne to the king. Nile thoii seke to be maad a c
no x but thou maist breke wickid-
6 ben seen wys. Wile thou not sechen to iuge,
be mad a domes man, but if thou mowe nessis bi vertu ; lest thou drede the face of that thou be
maad ledere
bi vertue breken wickidnesses par- ; lest a my3ti man, and sette sclaundre in xx thi of othere men
in goostly
auenture thou out drede the face of the swiftnesse. Do thou not synne in the 7 thingis, ether

my3ti, and putte sclaunder in thin hider multitude of a cytee, nether sende thee
thou doubles whi
7 and thider deliuernesse. in to the puple; nether bynde

Synne thou not * owen to be

in the multitude of the cite, ne poote synnesll, for thou schalt not be giltles in
m thi in souerevns;
s thee in to the
puple ; ne bynde thou to oon. Nyle thou be a coward soule, 9 butitispre-
double synnes, ne forsothe thou shalt be to preie; and dispise thou not to do almes. 10
9 in oon gilteles. Wile thou not ben a Seie thou not, God schal biholde in the n ai1 "ette ,
him silf to be
locouward in thi soule, to pre3en ; and to multitude of my 3iftis ; and whanne Y m re venuouse

11 don almesse deede, ne dispise thou. Ne schal offre to God alther hi3este, he schal and therfor it

i . /.. . o ii is viciouse to
Scorne thou not a man in
sei thou, In the multitude of my 3iftus take my 3irtis.
^^^ ether
God shal beholde ; and me offrende to the the bitternesse of soule whi God is
; for

i2he3estGod,my3iftis he shal take. Scorne

the biholdere, that makith meke, and en- it is

leueful and
good to take
it in the tyme of nede, as Austin seith. Lire here. c. and
selte sdaundir ; that is, sclaundre the puple bi thyn vnstidfastnesse. nether sende
thee, etc. ; in consentinge to it in yuel. Lire here. c. double synnes ; that is, thi synne, with the synne of the puple. gilteles; of peyne, but

thou schalt be punyschid for euer either, for a iuge is holdun to lette the dede of the
puple in siche thingis. Nyle thou be coward, etc.; as if he seye,
Be thou not so bisy of the gouernail of the puple, that thou dispise to do the helthe of thi soule, bi preyeris and werkis of mersi. in the multitude of
my yftis ; in so myche, that he schal not punysche my synnes ; for whi this is fals. Greg, seith, he that jyueth mete ether clothis to a pore man,
and is netheles defoulid bi wickidnesse of soule, ether of bodi, jyueth hise goodis to God, and him silf to the deuel. Lire here. c.

<1 Om. c 1 Om. A. of

pr. m. the house of him GH. s
vnrijtwijs AGH. l
gedere c pr. m. E pr. m.
u seuenthe ceteri. v hertes c

grees i.
w Om. i.
Om. i. to i.

thou not a man in the bitternesse of haunsith. Nyle thou loue a leesyng ayens is
soule ; God forsothe the lokere aboute is, thi brother ; nether do thou in lijk maner
13 that enhaunceth and meketh. Wile thou a3ens a frend. Nyle thou wilne to lie ony 14
not looue lesing 33611 thi brother and in ; leesing ;
for whi the contynuaunce therof
14 to a frend lie maner do thou not. Wile is not good. Nyle thou be a ianglere in 15
thou not wilne to lien eche lesing ; the the multitude of preestis ; and reherse thou

besynesse forsothe of hem is not good. not a word in thi preier*. Haate thou not i6n< preyer ,
15 Wile thou not be ful of wrdis in the trauelouse werkis, and erthetilthe maad
an "g maad
multitude of prestus and reherse thou not;
of the hi3este. Arette thou>' not thee in 17'
to wise men,
16 a wrd in thin orisoun. Hate thou not the multitude of vnlernyd men. Haue is and this owith
, , . to be set forth
trauailous werkes, and cherlish doing thou mynde on ire, tor it schal not tarie. so distinctly

nfoormed of the hei5est. Ne acounte thou Make thou meke greetli thi spirit, for whi 19 that

thee in the multitude of men withoute the veniamice of the fleisch of an vnpi- herald
is discipline. Haue mynde of wrathe, for touse man i* fier, and worm. Nyle thou 20 thus P reier >

owith not to
19 it shall not tarie. Meekegretli thi spirit, trespasse a3ens thi frend dilaiynge monei ; 1*maad to
. . . God in myche
for veniaunce of the flesh of the vnpitous, nether dispise thou a ful dereworth bro- speche, in hi-

20 fyr and werm. Wile thou not trespasen ther for gold. Nyle thou departe fro
in to w thi frend dela3ende x monie
A rett? " ot
wijs womman, and good, whom thou hast
ihee '
ne ; .

etc.; in suynge
dispise thou derwrthey brother for
thi gete in the drede of the Lord ; for whi
and manerio
21 gold. Wile thou not' gon awei fro a wel the grace of hir schamefastnesse is aboue of hem. Lire

felende womman, and a good, whom thou gold. Hirte thou not a seruaunt worch-22
hast goten in the drede of the Lord for- ; ynge in treuthe, nether an hirid man 3yu-
sothe the grace of the shamefastnesse of ynge his liiff. A witti seruaunt be dere- 23 1 jyynge
liyf; that
22 hir ouer gold. Hurte thou not a ser- worthe to thee as thi soule ; defraude spendynge MS
uaunt in treuthe werchende, ne an hired thou not hym of fredom, nether forsake Jfce^Lir^
23 man 3yuende his lif. A wel felende ser- thou hym nedi. Beestis ben to thee? take 24
here - c-

uaunt be to thee looued as thi soule ; thou heede to tho ; and if tho ben pro-
bygile thou not hym fro fredam, ne fitable, dwelle tho stille at thee. Sones25
24 forsake thou
hym helpeles. Beestis to ben to thee ? teche thou hem, and bowe
thee ben ? tac heed to them ;
and if thei thout hem fro her childheed. Dou3tris2+ bowetkm; vndur chastis-
ben profitable, abide thei stille anent ben to thee kepe thou the bodi of hem, ing- the bod\

25 thee. Sonus c ben to thee ? tech hem, and and schewe thou not glad face to hem. thei ren'ne not
2cbowe hem fro the childbed of hem. 1)03- 3yue thi doi^ter to mariage, and ihottW^SSi^Sf
tris ben to thee
keep the body of hem,
? doist a greet werk ; and 3yue thou hir to ^{^i^
and shewe thou not thi face glad to them. a wijs man. If a womman is to thee aftir 28 tp"" hi ch
natermg. Lire
2?Bytae a do3tir, and a gret werk thou thi soule$, caste hir not awei ; and bitake here. c.

shalt do ; and to a wel felende man 3if f thou not thee in alle thin herte to an hate- ,/'! that is,

hyr. A womman if she is to thee aftir ful womman. Onoure thi fadir; and for-
thi soule, thro3 hir not awei ;
and to an thou not the weilyngis
3ete *
of thi modir. inge *?''"
resonable wille.

hateful tac thou not thee in al thin herte. Haue thou mynde that thou haddist not so hateful in ,

schewynge to
2u Honoure thi fader and the weilingus of ; be, no a but bi hem, and 3elde thou to hem Mr the pnuyte

30 thi moder
for3ete thou not. Haue mynde as and b thei diden to thee. In al thi
for but bi them thou haddest not ben, drede thou God, and halewe thou hise
and 3eeld to them what maner and thei preestis. In al thi vertu loue thou him 32
si to thee. In al thi soule dred God, and that made thee and forsake thou not hise ;

w to c E z Om. c pr. m. AGH.

delaying E pr. in. AGH.
* for
pr. m. 1 derworthist sec. in. bi
If beestis A. c If sones A. If do3tris A. ' e Tac c pr. m. { thou shalt jyue A.

Om. plures.
2 Om. i. zz
weilyng A pr. m.
a Om. i.
b Om. ci.


mvnvstris. Onoure thou God of al th 1 33 * with armes

32 the prestes of hym halewe. In al thi * that bi of . is,

soule and onoure thou preestis, and dense fringis getun

vertue looue hym that made thee; and ;

the seruauns of hym forsac thou not. thee with armes*. 3yue thou to hem the' 34
and d
part of the firste fruytis,
and of purgyng,
33 Wrshepe thou God of al thi soule ;

thee forth as also it is comaundid to thee and of Au

wrshipe prestus, and purge
in XVHJ. c. of

thi negligence purge thou thee with tewe Numerf. with

34 with armes. 3if to them part, as and n> T j xu fewe men f r J.-L. !

maundement iss to thee, of first frutes, men. Thou schalt offre to the Lord the 35
thy n O wn e de-

and of thi h necgligence 3yfte of thin armes,

and the sacrifice of
and of purging ;

35 purge thee with fewe.

The 3ifte' of thin halewyng, the bigynnyngisf of hooli men.
armes, and the sacrifise of halewing, thou
And dresse thin hond to a pore man, that so t ^ b;gyn -

, , i e i nyngis, etc.;
shalt offre to the Lord, the bigynyngus thi blessyng be performyd.
merci and that is, the

36 of hoeli thingus. And to the pore put Grace is 3ouun in the si3t of ech that 37
forth thin hond, that plesing be parform- lyueth; and forbede thou not grace to a
Grace of 3ifte in deed man. Faile thou not in coumfort to 38 Wgynnyngis of
37 ed, and thi blessyng. . halewyng of
the si3te of alle lyuyng ; and to the deade hem that and go thou with hem
wepen ;
i .. *- . i , be parformud ;

38 forfende thou not grace. Fayle thou not that morenen. Be thou not slow to visite 39 ti,at is, there.

to weperide men to ben in coumforting ; a sijk man for bi these thingis thou;
39 and with weilende men go thou. No3e schalt be maad stidfast in loue. In alle 40 ' ifte
it not thee to visiten the sike ; of these thi werkis haue thou mynde on thi laste 3" , that is,

, . schal he 30uun
thou shalt k and thou schalt not do synne in the general
thingus forsothe in louyng thingis
. , ,
, doom, for it

40 be fastned. In alle thi werkes haue in withouten ende e .

thanne for the

mynde thi laste thyngus ; and withoute werkis of pitee,
Come 3e the
ende thou shalt not synne. Uessid of my
fadir, etc. Lire


J gold and sil-

Stryue thou not with a my3ti man, Chide thou not with a mi3ti man, leste i
lest parauenture thou falle in the hondys thou falle in to hise hondis. Stryue thou 2 gw<iof
sillier. J^iTC

of Striue thou not with a riche not with a riche man, lest perauenture he * c.
2 hym.
man, lest parauenture a3enward he sette make
11pie a3enward j -L
to thee.
ii_ -n
r or whi gold 3
i i i 5
and turneth
is, doom

, , j. i ,i i ] .. fro truthe into

3 strif to thee. Manye men forsothe gold and siluerj; hath lost many men ; and it
finesse, and
and siluer hath lost ; and vnto the herte1 stretchith forth til to the herte of kyngis,
4 of kingus it streccheth, and turneth. and turneth % Chide thou not with a 4 ben damned in
tnmgis and bo-
Striue thou not with a tungy man, and11 ne man, a ianglere, and leie thou not trees in dies M money
,./.'/-, , ,
thou not with an 5
. of riche men.
greithe thou in to the fir of hym wode. to his tier. Comyne iei e thou not

sComune thou not to a man vnta3t, lest

m of thi
vntau3t man, lest he speke yuele of thi **"
6 he speke euele progenye. Dis- kynrede.
J Dispise thou not a man turn- 6 kynjiehis
woodnesse bi

pise thou not a man turnende awei hym- ynge awei hym silf fro synne, nether vp- thi stnuyng.
in corrupcioun;
self fro synne, ne putte thou repref to breides thou hym haue thou mynde, that ;
that is, goen to
,, . . xu _ . -
hym haue mynde, for alle in corup-
; allewe ben in corrupcioun. Dispise thou? ether deth for ;

7cioun wee ben. Ne dispise thou a man not a man in his eelde for whi of vs men ^(^Tt^^ ;

in his elde ; forsothe of vs thei waxen wexen eld. Nyle

thou make ioye
of thin s dementi*. Lire
here. c. .

s olde.Wile thou not of thin enemy dead enemy deed, witynge that alle we dien, \\prouerbisof

- . . . ,. hem ; that
, is,
io3en, witende for alle wee dien, and in and wolen not come in to loie of oure notable wordis
9 to io3e wee wiln come.
Dyspise thou enemys. Dispise thou not the tellyng of 9 fn ^^"f
not the telling of wise prestis, and in the s wis "
wise preestes, and be thou conuersaunt in !***
dom andI expe-
prouerbis of hem togidere dwelle thou ; the prouerbis of hem for of hem thou of long II
tyme. Lire
here. c.
8 it is A. h the c. *
first A. k looue c
pr. m.
1 hertis A. u Om. A. m eueles c pr.

c Om. i. d
partis c.
ende, that is, neuere v. { turneth doom v. S edwite ceteri.

10 of hem forsothe thou shalt lerne wisdam, schalt lerne wisdom, and techyng of vn- *Kyndiethou
and doctrine of vndirstonding, and fruc- durstondyng, and to serue without pleynt
tuousli vse grete men withoute pleynt. to grete men. The tellyng of eldere men
in wr
? ththe
1 1 Passe not biside thee the telling of el- passe not thee ; for thei han lerned of her
out of mesure,
deres ; thei forsothe lerneden of ther fa- fadris. For of hem thou schalt lerne vn- 12 for thanne the!
12 For of hem
dris. thou shalt lerne vnder- durstondyng and in the tyme of nede ; id, but ben

stonding; and in tyme of nede thou shalt thou schalt 3yue answere. Kyndle thou is

i33yue an answere. Teende thou not colis not* the coolis of synneris, and repreue 'tondun of b"o^
of synneres, vndirnymende hem and lest ; hem ; and be thou not brent with the theris repreu-

thou be tend with the flaume 'of the" fyr flawme of of her synnes. Stonde thou
fier 14 orde'yned to the

14 of the
synnes of hem. Stonde thou not not a3ens the face of a man ful of dispis-
35611 the face of the strifful ; lest he sitte yng ; lest he sitte as a spiere to thi mouth.
mouth. Wile thou not man ma d b
15 as a spiere to thi Nyle thou leenef to a strongere than a iuge, f [
for that
leenen to a man strengere than thiself ; thou; that '
if thou hast lent, haue thou
ordeyned to
16 that if thou leenest, haue it as lost. Be- it as lost. Biheete 1
thou not aboue thi ie the good of
hote thou not ouer thi vertue ; that if power that if thou hast bihi3t, bithenke

17thou behote, as 3elding bethenk. Deme thou as 3eldynge|. Deme thou not a3ens 17

thou not a3en the iuge ; for after that ys a iuge ; for he demeth vp
* that, that is iust. biamyng and
punysching of
i8ri3twis, he demeth. With a fool hardy Go thou not in the weie with an hardiishimthatis
,. . , , .
obstynat and
man go thou not in the weie, lest par man, perauenture he agregge hise
lest wrooth. Hre
auenture he gregge his eueles in thee ; yuels in thee for he goith aftir his wille,
^yi thou e
leen e that
he forsothe aftir his wil goth, and togi- and thou schalt perische togidere with i>
sueth the fers-

dere with the folie of hym thou shalt his foli. Make
thou not chidyng with a]!) n <*seofhis
strengthe. Lire .

lapershen. With the wratheful man make wrathful man, and go thou not in to de- here. c.
thou not ianglyng, and with the fool sert with an hardi man ; for whi blood ||

hardy go thou not in to desert ; for as is as nou3t bifore hym, and where noon

no3t is? anent hym blod, and where is help is, he schal hurtle thee doun. Haue 20 ** c
harm man ;
not helpe, he shal hurtle thee doun. thou not councel with foolis ; for thei moun that is, stirid
11 ii ii iT_ i heedly bi the
20 With fooles haue thou not counseil ;
for- not loue, no but tho thingis that plesen fersnesse of

e Lirefiere
sothe they shul not moun looueri, but

hem. Make thou not a counsel bifore a2i


straunger; for thou noost" what he schal
1 1
21 tho thingus that plesen to them. Beforn ,
a straunger make thou not counseil ; for- bringe forth. Make not thin herte kno\vun out of innocent
blood. Lire
sothe thou wost not, what he here out. to ech man^l ; lest perauenture he brynge here. c.
. , , . .
, f to ech man ;
To alle men
thin herte opene thou not ; to thee fals grace,
and dispise thee. but oneiy to
a very frend
lest par auenture it bringe in to thee fals and preued.
fals grace ; that
grace, and yt poote reproof to thee.
is, feyned fren-

schipe. Lire
l>Ar. TV here-
** Loue thou

1 Be thou not gelouse to the womrnan Loue thou not gelousli** the womman i

of thi bosum ;lest she shewe vp on thee of thi bosum lest sche schewe on thee the

2 the malice of shreude doctrine. 3y ue malice of yuel doctryn. 3y ue tnou not to 2 f^^y* f
the chastite of
thou not to a womman power of thi a womman the power of thi soule ; lest thyn owne

soule ; lest she go in to thi vertue, and sche entre in thi vertu, and thou be schent. ether make
hir strcit herfor
vnduly. the malice ofyuel doctryn ; in ymaginynge thi deth, i is siche wymmen ben taujt of yuele elde wymmen. power of thi soule ; that is, that
che be lord of thee. entre in thi vertu ; that is, mystake to hir that that is propir to the hosebonde. Lire here. c.

n Om. c pr. m. P Om. AGH,


Om. i.
Bihote i.
k vertu
Om. i. m woost not i.

T 2

3 thou be confoundid. Behold not a wom- Biholde thou not a womman of many 3 "a
- . of many ml/is;
man myche wilnende par auenturelest Willis* ;
lest perauenture thou talle in to that coueitith
4 thou falle in to the snares of hir. With a the snaris of hir. Be thou not customable 4 Batman'.
a daunseresse
'or tumbler*, be thou not besy, with a daunseresse", nethir here thou hir ; for sich strecch-

lest perauenture thou perische in the spedi ing forth of
ne here hir ; lest par auenture thou pershe \v ornmans

5 in the delyuere doyng of hir. A maiden werk of hir. Biholde thou not a virgyn ; 5 membris ex-

lest perauenture thou be sclaundrid in the

beholde thou not par auenture thou

6 be sclandred in the fairnesse of hir. 3y ue feirnesse of hir. 3yue not thi soulef toe
thou not to r lecchoures 8 thi soule in any hooris in ony thing ; lest thou leese thee,
and thi soule, and thin eritage. Nyle thou

con '

thing thou leese thee, and thi soule,

; lest
biholde aboute in
the lanys of the cytee
/ i
* we l araied ;

7 and thin eritage. Wile thou not beholden ;

for sich arai is
a snare, to take
aboute in the weies of the cite ; ne erre nethir erre thou
m' .1 i
the large streetis ther- me n.andherbi;
, ,1

Turne Turne awei thi face fro a womman 8

e thou aboute in the stretis of it. of.
awei thi face fro a gai womman ; and be- Vel arayedi
* ;
and biholde thou not aboute
holde thou not aboute straunge fairnesse. the fairnesse of othere?. Many men hang Lire here. c.

9 For the fairnesse of a womman manye

for the fairnesse of a womman
~ defoulid ; of
a iie men, for
perischid ;

men persheden ;
and of it lust as fyr and herbi couetise*) brenneth 'an hi3 r as myche suget to

10 brenneth out. Eche womman that is fier. Ech womman which is an hoore, 1

the weie shal ethir customable to fornycacioun, schal be newe frend;

leccherous, as a thost in

. ,
as me noot of
Many n maner
n ben The fairnesse of an alien
'to-tredenV defoulid $ as a fen in the weie. newe wyn.what
, /. . j- wyn it
womman many men wndrid ben mad men wondrynge on the fairnesse or an 1 sc h a i be fa the
repreuable ; forsothe the togidere speche alien womman u
weren maad repreuable, n e wyfrend, me
noot what feith-
12 of hir as
fyr brenneth out. With an for whi the speche of hir brenneth an hi?'
nilnesse he
alien womman thou not, ne
outerli sitte as fier. Sitte thou not in ony maner with 12 schai haue.
L're here. c.
ly thou with hir vp on the arm and ; an alien womman, nether reste thou with f tu to keiiis ;

striue thou not with hir in wyn, lest hir on a bed; and iangle thou not with 1 3 n^Vnifo
par auenture she bowe doun thin herte in hir in wyn, lest perauenture thin herte "JJ^ g" uis*'
to hir, and bi thi blod thou slyde in to boowe in to hir, and thou falle in to per-
hem in synne.
14 perdicioun. Forsake thou not an old dicioun bi thi blood. Forsake thou not an Lire here. c.

frend ; forsothe the newe shal not be lie eld frend ;

for a newe frend schal not be ||

15 to hyin. Newe wyn a newe frend; it

lijk hym. Newe wijn is a newe frend it ;

shal waxen old, and with swetnesse thou schal wexe eld, and thou schalt drinke it
u nt -
** f
deth ; that is,
16 shalt drinkeit. Looue thou not the glo- with swetnesse. Coueyte thou not the for frohim,
i pi f
i .11
rieand the richessis of the synnere ; for- glorie and richessis ot a synnere tor thou ; thou schalt do

sothe thou wost not, what be to come noost v what distriyng of hym schal come,

e th
17 the turnyng vp so doun of hym. Plese The wrong of vniust men plese not thee, 17
fo r wl f

not to thee the wrong of vnri3twis men, and wite thou that a wickid man schal rauntis
setten forth
witende for vnto helle the vnpitous shal not plese til to hellis^]. Be thou fer froissnaristo
is not plesen. Aferr" be thou awei fro a a man that hath power to sle**, and thou
man hauende power of sleyng, and not haue suspicioun of the drede of
schalt not

of rering, and thou shalt not ouertrowen
the dred of deth ; and if thou ne3hest to
deth; and if thou nei3est to hym, n ^^/^ en
thou do ony trespasse, lest perauenture is,of tirauntis

hym, wile thou not any thing don amys,

he take awei thi
. ,,. ,.. ,,
Knowe thou the
that ben euere
in sorewe, for
lest par auenture he take awei thi lif.
comynyng of dethff; for thou schalt entre
diden to othere
men thei dreden to be poisoned in ech mete and drynke, and that tresouns ben set to hem in ech place. Lire here. c. ft of deth ; that is, to
be in dwellinge with a tiraunt. Lire here. c.

i Om. c et E pr. m. r Om. 6. 8 letcherous AH. * troden AGH. u Ferr c

pr. m.

daunstere i. gay i. P an oother mannus tvijf i. 1 herof concupiscence i. r out i. s toord ceteri.
1 Om. A pr. m. et plures. wommen GSV. T wost not i.

20 The comunyoun of deth wite thou; for in in to the myddis of snaris, and thou schalt
the myddil of grenes thou shalt gon in, go on the armuris of hem that sorewen. .

and vp on the armes of men sorewende Bi"' thi vertu kepe thee fro thi nei3bore*;2i
that may speke
21 thou shalt gon. Aftir thi vertue war thee and trete thou with wise men and pru- ajenus thee to
. T a tiraunt. Lire
fro thi 'nexte, or ney}bore u ; and with wise
, ,

dent men. Just men be gestis, etnir*23here.c.

mete frris, to thee ; and xx gloriyng be to
22 men and prudent men trete thou. Ri^t-
thee> in the dreed of God. And the thou3t23
wis men be thei"' to thee inetefelawes* ;

and in the drede of God be to thee glori-
And in they wit be to thee thenk-

be to thee in witt; and al thi tell- t mmt; that
in the heestis 2 or the h^este.
8 apph'e thi

' >

ing of God ;
and al thi telling out in the Werkis schulen be preisid in the hond of24 r^;
24 hestes of the he3est. In the hond of crafti men, and the prince of the puple in
'craftis men 2 werkes shul ben preisid, the wisdom of his word forsothe in the*

and the prince of a puple in wisdam off wit of eldere men a word A man, a 25 I

a word ; that

his sermoun in the wit forsothe of

; el- ianglere, is dredeful in his citee ; and a fool word, seid of

25deres a wrd. Ferful is in his cite a hardi man in his word schal be hateful.
more than a
tungy man and the fool hardy
; in hys greet telling
seid of an other
woord hateful shal ben.
man. Lire here.

1 A wis domesman shal demen his puple; A
wijs iuge schal deme his puple ; and i

and the princehod of the 'wel felende, W the prinshed of a witti man schal be stid-
2 witti*, shal ben stable. Aftir the domesman Aftir the iuge of the puple, so and 2 be stidfast ;
fast$. summe bokis
of the puple, so and the seruauntis of hym; hise mynystris ;
and what maner man is han ferdfid ;
that to yuele
and whiche manerb is the gouernour of the gouernour of the citee, siche ben also men. Lire

the cyte, suche and the dwelleris in c it. men dwellinge ther ynrie. An vnwijs kings c.

3 An vnwis king shal leesen his puple; and schal leese his puple; and citees schulen be
cites shul ben enhabitid bi the wit of enhabitid bi the wit of prudent men. The 4

4 prudent men. In the bond of God the power of erthe is in the hond of God, and
power of the erthe, and abhominable alle althe wickidnesse|| of hethene men is abho- ||
wlckidnesse ;
that is, the fe-
wickidnesses of the Jentiles ; and a pro- mynable ; and he schal reise a profitable lonye of idola-
trie. Lire
fitable gouernour tyme he shal reren vp
gouernour at atyme on it. The power of 5 here. c.

5 on it. In the hond of God is e the power of man is in the hond of God ;
and he schal
man; and vp on the face of the 'scribe, or sette hisonour on the face of a wijs man
man of lawe ( he shal putte vp on his
, in the lawe. Haue thou not mynde on al 6 [ do thou no
thing, etc.; that
wrshipe. Of alle the wrong of thi ne3he- the wrong of the nei^bore; and do thou no is, do thou no
wrong to no
bore haue thou not mynde; and no thing thing^[ in the werkis of wrong. Pride is 7 man for thi

7 do thou werkes of wrong. Hate-

in the hateful bifore God and men ; and al the power. Lire
here. C.
ful biforn God and men is pride and ; wickiduesse of hethene men is abhomyna-
** auerouse
man ; not that
cursful alle wickidnessis& of Jentiles. ble. A rewme is translatid fro a folk in s auarice is greu-
ousere synne
a Rewme h fro folc in to folc is born ouer, to folk, for vnri3tfulnessis, and wrongis, than othere,
for vnri5twisnesses, wrongus, and and and dispisyngis, and dyuerse gilis. No 9 but for rich-
essis gaderid bi

and Forsothe thing is cursidere than an auerouse man**.

treccheries. auerice jyuen
c striues, dyuers
nnrsching to
than the auerous man no thing is' more What art thou proude, thou erthe and alle vices, c.

u nexte c et E pr. m. A H. nexte nejebore G. T

Om. c pr. m. w Om.
c pr. m. wacchis E pr. m. x
Om. c pr. m. z crafti men a Om. d Om. AGH.
J A. Om. c et E pr. m. D
c pr. m. c of A.

* Om. AEGH. f scribe c pr. m. E pr. m. GH. scribe or maister A. S the wickidnes A. wicke-
nesse E. wickidnes GH. h A
rewme A. '
Om. c pr. m.

Aftir i. * or i
pass. and thi i. T Om. i.
z heest i.
Om. A pr. m. BFHNPUVXY.
word schal be preised i. c
translatid, ether takun atvey CEFGHKMNp<jRsuxYa9.

* erthe
ful of What pridist thou k ,
aische*? No thing is worse, than for to 10 and
hydous gilte.
loue monei for whi this man hath also d thou man
10 erthe and asken ? 1
No thing is more ; is,

for- his soule set to sale, for in his lijf he

wicke, than to loouen moone; this
'or able to hath cast awei hise ynneste thingis. Ech 1 1

sothe hath his soule sillable,

be sold m , 'for in
n his lif he thre3 awei power is lengere siknesse
schort lijf ;

11 his inward thingus. Of

eche my3tihed greueth the leche. leche A
kittith aweifi2ithittothe
deuel for mo-
, , . . .
schort siknesse ; so and a king is to dai, ue y
short lif; lengere infyrmyte greeueth the
Short sicknesse the leche kut- and to morewe he schal die. Forsothe
12 leche.
v ea
teth of ; so and a king to dai is, and to whanne a man schal die, he schal enherite !
trariG to iho,

shal die. Whan forsothe a man serpentis, beestis, and wormes.

and The 14 of which vids
ismoru f ,
coueitise is the

shal dien, he shal eritagen serpentes, and bigynnyng of pride or man* was to be roote. whanne

14 bestes, and wermes. The bygynnyng of apostatat fro God ; for his herte 3ede 15
that made hym. For whi
go bacward fro God
the pride of man to ;
awei fro hym
15 for fro hym that made hyrn his herte pride is the bigynnyng of al synne; he
wente awey. For the bygynnyng of alle that holdith it, schal be fillid with curs- fendis, as to the
soule. and

synne is pride ; who 'schal holde? it,

shal yngis, and it schal distrye hym in to the that is,

be fulfild with cursis, and it shal turne ende. Therfor the Lord hath schent the
couentis of yuele men, and hath destried
hym vp so doun in to the ende. Ther-
fore the Lord dispisidi the couentis of hem til 'in to& the ende. God destriede 17 the bodi
this departing
; and

euele men, and destn>3ede them 'in to

the seetis of proude duykis ;
and made maad couena- is
r e
17 the ende. The setes of proude dukes mylde men to sitte for hem. God madeiB pa tof Jch r'

God distro3ede and made mylde men to

drie the rootis of proude folkis ; and h
lasitte for hem. The rootis of proude folkis 8 plauntide meke men of tho folkis. The 19 deil el
, ^
ath the
soule, he reck-
God driede and plauntide meke men of
Lord destriede the londis of folkis ; and ith not of
othere thingis.
19 tho folkis. The londis of Jentiles the loste tho 'til to' the foundement. He ire here. c.

Lord turnede awei ; and destro3ede them hem, and

drie the rootis of loste k hem ;

20 vn to the foundement. He made drie of and made the mynde of hem to ceesse fro

them, and scaterede them and made to ;

the erthe. God loste the
mynde of proude 21 synnebifor that is

cesen the mynde of hem fro the erthe. men and lefte the mynde of meke men in
wexith eld it

i> j i ii_ bi custom, but

21 God lost* themynde of proude men and ;
wit. Pride was not maad

to men; nether 22 not ^^4,.,}

lafte the mynde of meke men in wit. wrathfulnesse to the nacioun of wym- +'^^ e tc
22 There not shapen" to men pride ; ne
is menfi.
This seed of men that dredith God, 23 th wiln ed is >

not >
to be vnder
wrathefulnesse to the nacioun of wym- schal be onourid ; but this seed schal be the com

23 men. The sed of men shal be wrshipid, disonourid, that passith

the comaunde- are here. c.

that that dredeth God ;

that sed forsothe mentis of the Lord. In the myddis
men borun
ben put out of wrshipe, that passeth
shall britheren the gouernour of hem is in r f
wymmen. Lire
24 the maundemens of 'the Lord v In the . onour ;
and thei that dreden God, schulen ** c.

myddel off brethern the gouernour of be in hise i3en||.

The glorie of riche men 25 \\

them in wrshipe and that dreden w God,

; onourid and of pore men is the drede of that is, schuieu

shul ben in the e3en of hym. The glorie Nyle thou dispise a iust pore man ; 26 j^a ^'^

25 God.
of wrshepid riche men and of pore is the and nyle thou magnefie a riche syuful Lire here. c.

2drede of God. Wile thou not dispisen man. The iuge is greet, and is mi3ti in 27
the ri3twis pore man ; and not magnefien onour; and he not grettere than that

27 the riche synful man. Gret is a iuge, man that dredith God. Fre children 2
and the my3ti is in wrshipe ; and he is seruen a witti seruaunt; and a prudent

k thou thanne E
pr. in.
ashen A. m Om. c et E pr. n. D and A. Om. A. P holdith AC pr. m.
1 enournede out E pr. m. c pr. m. r vnto E. fo l c c E m. u AEGH.
pr. m. c pr.
s t
. Spilde shapid
v God E
pr. m.
w dredith AGH.

d h and he k fordide
jhe i.
longe i. f a. man 9. g vnto i. i. i
vnto i. i. '
ouer passith i.
m he is i.

2 not more than he that dredeth God. To man and lerned schal not grutche, whanne
the seruaunt we! felende shul semen fre he blamed, and an vnkunnynge man*

men and ; a man prudent and lerned shal schal not be onourid. Nyle thou enhaunse 29 takith not

not grucchen chastisid, and the vnkun- thee in thi werk to be don ; and nyle thou
nende shal not be wrshipid w Wile thou be slow in the tyme of angwisch. He is 30 er
29 .
^ a])' ^" h
not enhaunce thee in thi werk to be do ; betere that worchith, and hath plente in that is >

and wile thou not dispeirex in the time alle thingis, than he that hath
glorie, and
30 of anguysh. Betere is that wercheth, nedith breed.
Sone, kepe thi soule i
and aboundeth in alle thingis, than that myldenessef and jyue thou onour to it,

si glorieth, and nedeth bred. Sone, in de- aftir his merit. Who schal iustifie hyni32l
e e c
t m mylde-
- -

bonernesse kep thi soule and 3if to it ;

that synneth a3ens his soule? and who e,- that
. , .... holdith du me-
, . .

32 wrshepe, aftir his dissert. The synnende schal onoure hym that disonounth his sure and re-

in to his soule, who shal iustifien ? and soule? A pore man hath glorie bi bi
who shal worschip the puttere his soule and drede and ther is a man that f"
in m ak -
* ; .
inge suget the
3:1 out of wrshipe ? The pore glorieth bi is onourid for his catel. Forsothe if a 34 fleisch and de-
sir of wittis, as

disciplyne and his drede ; and ther is a man hath glorie in pouert, hou myche itbecometh.

man that is wrshipid for his substaunce. more in catel ? and he that hath glorie
34 Who forsothe glorieth in porenesse, hou^ in catel, drede pouerte.
and who glo- no man
myche more
in substaunce? it,
sclial iustifie
z a
rie in substaunce, porenesse 'shame he . him, for of the
handmayde he
makith a ladi,
CAP. XI. CAP. XI. andajenward,
and this is most
i The wisdam mekid shal en- of the The wisdom of a man maad meke schal 1

hauncen the hed of hym and in the ; enhaunse his heed and schal make hym
; *
is > for
and not for
myddel of grete men to sitten shal to sitte in the middis of grete men. Preise 2 vertu, and this
, ...... .
, onour.
is fals

hym. Preise thou not a man in man in his fairnesse nether


amaken thou not a ; Lire here. c.

his fairnesse ;
ne dispise thou a man in dispise thou a man in his si3t. A bee is 3
3 his sijt. Short in foules is a bee ; and the litil
among and his fruyt hath
briddis ;

bigynnyng of swetnesse the frut of hym the bigynnyng of swetnesse. Haue thou 4
4 hath. In clothing glorie thou neuermor, neuere glorie in clothing, and be thou not
ne in the dai of thi wrshipe be thou en- enhaunsid in the dai of thin onour for ;

hauncid ; for merueilous the werkes of whi the werkis of the hi3este aloon ben , O
the he3est alone, and glorious, and hid, wondurful, and hise werkis ben gloriouse,
sand vnseen the werkes of hym. Manye and hid, and vtiseyn. Many tyrauntis
5 the myMis of
wordis, that is,
tirauntis seten in trone ; and the vn- han sete in trone ; and a man of whom in brekinge the
1.1 , * wordis of him
etrouable, 'or of whom was no suspi-
, it
was no supposyng bar the diademe. Many 6
cioun b , bar the diademe. my3ti Manye my3ty men ben oppressid strongli ;
ben opressid gretly; and the glorious ben gloriouse men ben 3ouun in to the hondis
etc. ;
t in the doom,
that is, of
taken in 'to the c hondis of othere men. of othere men. Bifore that thou axe, 7 h m *''' per-
uerten doom,
7 Beforn that thou aske, ne blame thou blame thou not ony man and whanne ; appreue thou

any man ; and whan thou shalt asken, thou hast axid, blame thou iustli. Bifor 8
schastyse thou ri3tly. Beforn that thou that thou here, answere thou not a word ;

here, ne answere thou a wrd ; and in the and in the myddis of eldere men adde not in many
thmgts for ;

myddel of eldere men ne ley thou to to thou not to speke. Stryue thou not, of 9 oon lettith an-
..... whanne
sspeken. Of that thing that greeueth not
that thing that disesith not thee andj other,
many thingis ;

thee, striue thou not
of synneres ne abide thou. Sone, be not
; and in the myddel stonde thou not in the dom of synnes.
Sone, thi dedis be not in many "
thingis; io
{ tho beendid.
if thou art
in manye thingis thi deedus ; and if thou and if thou art riche, thou schalt not be nche ; that is.

w cbastisid a b Om.
c pr, m. x abide c
pr. m. y Om. c pr. m. z
glorieth AEGH. schameth G. c

et E pr. m. c
Om. A.

were riche, thou shalt not ben gilteles

with out part of gilt. For if thou suest,
fro If forsothe thou shalt fo- thou schalt not take and thou schalt not ; mesurabiy.
trespas. / ,1 A i_'i ITU nil if thou suest;
not ouertaken and if ascape, if thou rennist
bifore. I her is a"
lewe, thou shalt ; 8ekinge rich .
thou shul renne biforn, thou shalt not man trauelynge, and hastynge, and sorew- J^chaii
not lake
Ther is a man trauailende, vnge,
o and vnpitouse; and bi so myche
; that
nscapen". '
is, thou srliiilt

and he3ende, and sorewende vnpitous ; more" he schal not haue plentee. Ther 12 not gete snf-
. . ,, ., Science, for
and so myche more he shal not abounde. is a? man fade*, nedi of rekyueryng, fail- wn i c he rich-

12 Ther is a man welewid, nedende rekur- ynge more in vertu, and plenteuouse in
ing, more
failende in vertue, and abun- pouert; and the 136 of God bihelde hymi3 umcience hi
13 dende in porenesse ;
and the 636 of God in good, and reiside hym fro his lownesse,

beheeld in goode, and rerede f hym and enhaunsid his heed and many men for in as
hym ;

fro his lownesse, and enhauncide his wondriden in him, and onouriden God. have mo

lied and manye merueileden in hym,

GoodisPi' and yuelsf, lijf and deth, pouert 14

14 and wrshepiden God. Goodis and eueles, and oneste, ben of God. Wisdom, and 15 h m<>re mo >t

thingis. thou
lif and deth, porenesse and honeste, ben lernyng, and, kunnyng of the lawe ben schait not
- .
j.i f ascape; nedy-
15 of God. Wisdam, and disciplyne, and anentis the Lord loue and the weies or nesse if thou
; .

kunnyng of the lawe anent the Lord ; goode men ben at him. Errour and derk-io^'^'-^Tj^
loouyng and the weies of goode men nessis ben maad togidere to synneris; for- efisofthifa-
dir and modir;

16 anent hym. Errourff and dercnesses to sothe thei that maken ful out ioye in yuel, for if thou art
. rr,, .- coueytouse,
synneres ben foormed ; who forsothe ful wexen eld togidere in to yuels. 1 he 3irte 17 thou' schait

out 103611 in to euell, waxen old togidere of God dwellith to iust men ; and encreess- with*'

17 in to euelis. The 3yuyng of God abidith yngis} of hym schulen haue prosperitees
stille to ri3twis men and the profitus of
without ende. A'l man is r that is maad isthingis; and
if thou art a

it welsum aftircomyngus shuln han in to riche in doynge scarsli, and this is the wastere, thou
iswithoute ende. Ther is that is mad part of his mede, in that that he sei th,io waste thi

riche scarsly doende, and this the part of Y haue founden reste to me, and now Y
isthe meede of hym, in that that he seith, aloone schal etc of my goodis. And he 20 Lire here - c-

fond reste to me, and now I shal eten

I rioot tyme passith hym, and deth thatTsTfeW?'
f llin g e more
20 of my goodis alone. And he wot not neneth, and he schal leeue alle thingis to than
othere. in

that tyme passe biside hym, and deth othere men, and schal die. Stonde thou 21 /, of bodi.
in pouert for ;

ne3heth, and hes forsaketh alle thingus to in thi testament^, and speke thou
togidere wW that htii
21 othere men, and die. Stond in thi testa- in it and wexe thou eld in the werk of

ment, and in it spec togidere ; and in the thin heestis. Dwelle thou not in the 22^
22werkh of thin hestis wax old. Abide werkis of synneris but triste thou in for his patience, ;
and sumtyme
thou not in the werkes of synneres ; God, and dwelle in thi place. For it is 23 also in tempo-
,, . r r, j , ,. ,
ml good. Lire
esy in the i3en ot God, sudeynh to make here. c.
troste forsothe in God, and dwel in thi
23 place. Li3t is forsothe in the e3en of God, onest a pore man. The blessing of God 24 1 Goodis and
, .... , j.
? yuels; that is,
24 sodeynly to honesten the pore. The bliss- haastith in to the meede or a inst man ; prosperftes and

ing of God in to the meede of the ri3t- and the going forth of hym makith fruyt
wise hee3eth and thou not, What is25 on that -
is >
; in swift wrshipe the in swift onour. Seie 2'?' ,
sumcience of
25 forth goyng of hym maketh fruyt. Ne nede to mell* ? and what goodis schulen be goodis. ben of
~ God that is
thou, What Seie thou not, Y am suf- 23 hen onun to

sey nede? and what

to me is me her aftir

2G godis' schulen be to me her aftiri ? Ne ficient, and what schal Y be maad worse ^here.c."
* encreess-
yngis, etc; that is,heepingis of meritis. prosperiles; for whi gloriouse meede schal come aftir tho. Lire here. c. in thi testament ; that is, in
Goddis heest, which is
ordeyned to thee, to be kept of thee. heestis ; that is, of Goddis heestis put to thee. of synneris ; in consentinge to hem. dwelle
tn thi place that is, hi loue in God, which is a
place for to quyete the soule. onest ; a pore man, in translatinge him to glorie. Lire here. c.
What is nede to me ; to triste on another man, for Y suffice to me for power, and wisdom, and siche temporal thingis ; they that bileuen onely
esent hyf, doen this moost. what
prese that
goodis etc. heraftir ; is, aftir this liyf, as if he seye, noone. c.

d of A. e
ascape AEGH.
f h werkis E
arerede E. ft Erroures c pr. m. 6 Om. AKHII. pr. m. c pr. m.
shuln ben to me of this
goodes c pr. m.

n sum o the
i. more I. P sum I. PP Good A pr. m. q sum i. ' ther is i.

sey thou, I am suffisaunt, and what of h er aftir

? In the dai of goodis be thou 27 maad worse _

27 this I k shall be mad 1

werse ? In the day not vnmyndeful of yuels, and in the dai
of goodis be thou not vnmyndeful of of yuels be thou not vnmyndeful of
eueles, and in the dai of eueles be thou for it is esi bifor God to *?elde in the dai 28 The y d r'
stondun thi,
28 not vnmyndeful of goodis ; for h'3t is bi- of deth to ech man aftir hise weies. The that wieuen

for God in the day of deth to 3elden to

m v

oon our* makith faceting of dieth with the

-*_ 29
that the smile

29 eche aftir his weies. The malice of oon moost letcherie and in the ende of a man ;

hour maketh forjetynge" of most lecche- is

makyng nakid of hise werkis. Preise 30
rie and in the ende of a man ful nake-
thou not ony man bifore his deth for whi thl8 ''>* ""-
1 ;
. , . myndeful of
sonyng of the werkis of hym. Bifor deth a man is knowun in hise sones. Brynge 31 #"&,- that is,
.i , . , . of punysching
preise thou not any man; for
in his sonus thou not ech man in to thin hous; for in another liyf.

31 is? knowen a man. Not eche man bringe whi many tresouns ben of a gileful man.
thou in to thin hous manye forsothe ; For whi as the entrailis of stynkyngess
32 ben the spies of the treacherous. As for- thingis breken out, and as a partrich is
be thou not vn-
, myndeful; that
sothe the entrailes of stinkende thingus led in to a trap, ether net, and as a capret is,of reward.
ing in heuenly
bolkeni out, and as the partrich is bro3t is led in to a snare, so and the herte of
blisse, for whi
in to the pit falle, and as a capret in to proude men and as a biholdere seynge makith to^uf-

the grene, so and the herte of proude the falf of his neisbore. For he turneth 33 frf partlyc. aduersites.
men ; and as the forlookere seende the *
goodis in to yuels, and settith tresouns, oonthehour
malice of
. ; that
33 falling of his ne3hebore. Forsoothe goode and puttith a wem on chosun men. Fier 34 is, schort tur-
thingus in to euel turnyng he aspieth, is encreessid of a s sparcle, and blood is
and in chosen men he vp a wem.
leith encreessid of a* gileful man ; for whi a
34 Of oo sparcle fyr is eechid, and of oon synful man settith tresoun to blood. Take 35 lon s turment
doith this.
treccherous blood is encresid a man ; heede to thee fro a gileful man, for he preise thou not;

35 forsothe synnere waiteth to blood. Tac makith yuels ; lest perauenture he bringe
heed to thee fro the deth berere, forsothe yn on thee scornyng with outen ende.
lest perauenture he e c
he forgeth eueles Resseyue thou an alien to thee, and he3c* ^n

bringe vp on thee scornyng in to with and he fa1 that '", 11

schal distrie thee in whirlwynd,

seoute ende. Resceyue to thee an alien schal make thee alien fro thin owne gently to se the
fal of his neij-
womman, and she shal turne thee vp so bore, to haue
ioye therof. C.
doun in a whirlewynd, and alienen thee J If thou doist
wel in jyu-
fro thi propre weies. ;

ynge thi goodis.

wite thou to

CAP. XII. XII whom ; that he

be worthi to
1 Iff thou shul wel do, wite thou to If thou doist welt, wite thouv to whom i

whom thou shait wel do and ther shal ; thou doistw ; and miche grace schal be to "*<
almes; and
2 be in thi goodys. Wel do
myche grace thi ffOOdis. Do thou Wel to a iust man, 2 netheles myjty
therto. Lire
to the ri3twis, and thou shalt finde gret and thou schalt fynde greet 3eldmg thou3 ;
here. c. ,

c i f T i T, , i IIresseyue thou
It IS not 3
3elding ; and if not of hym, certes of the IlOt OI hym, CertlS Ot the Lord. not a synnere;
that is, obstinat
3 Lord. It is not8 weel to hym that is besi wel to hym that is customable in yuels, in synnes, that
wolde be nurs-
and to the not 3yuende almes
in eueles, and to hym that 3yueth not almes for ;
chid in synnes
deede and the hei3est to hate hath
; for whi the hi3este bothe hatith synneris, and bi thi goodis.

kepinge, etc.;
syneres, and hath merci to penaunce doeres. doith merci to that doen penaunce. hem that is, reseru-
ynge hem to
*3if to the merciful, and vndertake 'or 3yue thou to a merciful man, and resseyue 4
peyne of

resseyue* thou not the synnere and to ; thou not a synnere||; God schal 3elde ven-

k Om. AG pr. m. H.
1 tretid E pr. m. m Om. AGH. n to forjeten E pr. m. c pr. m. to forjetynge AGH.
r euels AGH. 8 not forsothe E
openynge E pr. m. P shal be E pr. m. c pr. m. <J bollen G. pr. rn.
* Om. c el E pr. m.

8 o plures. oon B. * o plures. u in a i.

v Om. ON. w doist wel A sec, m.


shal 3elde ven- iaunce bothe to vnfeithful men and to

vnpitouse and synneres he
iaunce, kepende them in the day of
ven- synneris, kepynge hem in the dai of ven-

iaunce. t a good man, and 5

3y ue tnou
siaunce. 3" to the goode, and resceyue
6 thou not the synnere. Weel do to the resseyue thou not a synnere. Do thou 6 *
looues to

ineeke, and 3yue thou not to the vnpi- good to a meke man, and 3yue thou not hym i here he
spekith of syn-
to an vnpitouse man ; forbede thou to
tous ; forfende" to 3yuen to hym loeues, neris olmtynat.
double yuels ;
lest in be my3tiere than thou.
hem he 3yue looues to hym*, lest in tho he be that is, yuels

7 For double eueles thou shalt fynde in mystiere

* J
than thou. For thou schalt fynde 7 p
assid whiche >

he dide, and
alle goodus, what euere thou shalt do to double yuels in alle goodis, whiche euere tocomynge,
which he schal
for and the hei3este to hate hath thou doist to hym for whi the hi3este
hym ;

do, susteyned
bi thi
he shal bothe hatith synneris, and schal 3elde ven- Lire here.
synneres, and to the vnpitous c.

83elde veniaunce. A frend shal not be iaunce to vnfeithful men. frend schal 8 t jn*,- that A is, aduersites.

knowen goodis, and an enemy

in shal not be knowun
in goodis, and an enemy Lire here. c.
, , i t i , 1^1
x Til i'
schal not be hid in yuels -f. In the goodis 9
malice of
snot ben hid in eueles. In the goodes of hi m; that is,

a man the enemys of hym ; and in the of a man hise enemyes ben sori; and a
sorewe and in the malice of hym the frend is knowun in the sorewe and malice that is, whom
10 frend is knowen. Ne trowe thou to thin of himi. Bileue thou neuer to thin ene- 10 thou hast P re-
... . .
ued an enemy.
enemy vnto withoute ende ;
forsothe as my; for his wickidnesse roustith as irun. roustnh; that

bras rusteth out the shreudenesse of Thou3 he be maad meke, and go lowe, iir
n hym. And if meekid he go crookid, caste awei thi soule, and kepe thee fro
Sette thou not him bisidis thee, 12 without
thn>3 awei thi wil, and keep thee fro him.
forth, go lowe ;

hym. Set not hym biside thee, arid sitte nether sitte he at thi ri3tside, lest he turne in doinge greet

i j iV. i i
reuerence to
he not at thi ri3t half, lest turned he and stonde in thi place ; lest perauenture thee.

stonde in thi perauenture

place ;
lest he turne in to thi place, and enquere thi
h im
tyme thou know
*' *
turned in to thi place he inwardli seche chaier, and in the laste ,

mak- in

thi chai3er, and in the laste thou knowe mi wordis, and be prickid in my wordis. in ge him fa my-

my wrdes, and in mi wrdis thou be Who schal dg medecyn to an enchauntere 13 hoomeiy to

j n thee. Lire here.
isprickid. Who shal lechen to the en-
. /. ii_
smytun or a serpent, and to alle men that c

chauntere smyten of the eddere, and to nei3en to beestis, and to Mm that goith
alle that. ne3hen to bestes, and that folew- with an Jyuel man, and is wlappid in the
dunth. bowist
ith with the wicke man, and is aboute synnes of him? In oori our he schal 14 awey; fro
14wrappid in his synnes ? Oon hour with dwelle with thee ; sotheli if thou bowist slhaTn^tbere
thee he shal abide stille ; if forsothe thou awei, he schal not here vp. The enemy u MUM
isbowe doun, he shal not vnderbern. In makith swete in hise lippis, and in his swete ;

his the w in swet- herte he settith tresoun to ouerturne z thee

lippis enemy putteth _ . hi swete wordis.
nesses x , and? in his herte he spieth, that in to the dich. The enemy wepith in hise ic in h>seiipp is;

he turne thee vp so doun in to the dich. i3en ; and if he fyndith tyme, he schal not
16In thin e3en the enemy wepith ; and if be fillid of blood. If yuels bifallen to thee,
he shul fynde tyme, he shal not be ful- thou schalt fynde hym the formere there. asheipmge; that is, he schal
i7fild with blod. If z ther shul falle to thee The enemy bifore thin i3en, isfeynetoheipe
eueles, thou shalt finde hym there rathere,
, ,, ,

and he as nelpynge schal vndurmyne thi

thee, and schal , i

is V former*. In thin e3en the enemy shal feet. He schal stire his heed, and !*
wepen, and as helpende he shal vnder- schal beete with hond ; and he schal {
frens hi pe
feyned bifore,
i9delue thi plantes. His bed he shal moue,
speke priuyli many yuels of thee, and

myte. Lire
and flappe for io3e with the hond and schal
chaunge his chere. here. c.
many thingus grucchendeli whistrende
shal with chaunge his chere.

u forfende thou A. v hast w * swetnes AGH. and E pr. m.

by puttith E pr. m. y desseyueth
z And if A. Om. c et E pr. m. A. latheiejbrmere GH. b whistringe E.
* z
yuels ether aduersitees v. vndurturne A pr. m. et celeri.


Who shal touche pich, shal be defoulid He that touchith

i schal be de-i * clothe
pitch, pride ;

of it ; and who shal comunen to the foulid of and he that comyneth with
it ;

2proude man, shal clothin pride. Berthen a proude man, schal clothe pride*. He 2 f he^owne"^
eiccelence. wher -
vp on hym he taketh, that comuneth to reisith a wei3te on hym silf, that comvn-
ynne pnde
the honestere than hymself ; and to the eth with a more onest man than hym silf; stondith, wher-
, , , - for it cleueth
richere than thou, thou shalt not ben fe- and be thou not telowe to a man richere lijtiy to
a man.

alawe. What shal comune the caudron than thou. What schal a cawdroun comynes
to the pot ? whan forsothe thei shuln to a pot ? for whanne tho hirtlen hem silf

hurtle themself, it shal ben to-broken. pot schal be brokun. A riche 4

togidere, the
f< * he wole
euere haue the

4 The riche man

vnri3twisly dide, and shal man schal do vniusth, and schal gnastef ;
betere for him-
i i i i i T silf, and the
gnaste the pore man forsothe hurt shal
but a pore man ,

hirt schal be stille.


If 5 tothermaynot
sholde his pes. If thou shul 3yue, he shal thou 3yuest, he schal take thee and if ;

take thee ; and thou haue not, he shal

if thou hast not, he schal forsake thee. If 6 druni
to a pot; of

6 forsake thee. If thou haue, he shal lyue thou hast, he schal lyue togidere \ with erthe schal be

irotoi; that
with thee, and auoide thee out ; and he thee, and schal make thee voide ; and he is, the pot,

7 shal not sorewen vpon thee. If thou schal not haue sorewe on thee. If thou?
n Lire here
were necessarie to hym, he shal bigile art nedeful to hym, he schal disseyue j
' -

thee ; and vnder Ia3hende hope he shal thee ; and he schal flatere, and schal 3yue t #"<."
redie jit to do
3yue, tellende to thee alle goodes and ; hope, tellinge to thee alle goodis and ;

is shal c seyn, What nede is to thee ? And schal seie, What is nede to thee ? And he 8 riche man!
schal take ;
he shal confounde thee in his metes, to schal schende thee in hise
metis$, til he that is, onour
the tyme he neentishe thee twies or and sette thee
anyntische thee twies and thries, and at bisidishim.
thries, and in the laste he shal scorne the laste he schal scorne thee aftirward ;
Lire here. c.
t lyue togidere;
thee ; aftirward seende he shal forsake he schal se, and schal forsake thee, and in clepinge thee

9 thee, and hys hed moue d to thee. Be he schal moue hisheed|| to thee. Be thoun
thou mekid to God, and abid his hondis. maad meke to God, and abide thou hise
10 Tac heed, lest desceyued in folie thou be hondis. Take heede, lest thou be dis-ioPore bi Pre >

sentis maad to
11 mekid. Wile thou not be meeke in thi seyued, and be maad lowe in foli. Nyle nhim. sorewe on
wisdam, and lest lowid in to folie thou thou be lowe in thi wisdom, lest thou be mutt, Lire

12 be lad aside. Clepid to of the my3tyere, maad low, and be disseyued in to foli. ^schmdethee
go awey ; of that forsothe more he shal Whanne thou art clepid of a nmtiere man, ] 2 ;"*''!''"*
in clepinge thee

isclepe thee to. Be thou not to gredi 6 , lest go thou awei a

^[; for bi this he schal more
to ius table, to
. haue presentis
thou be put a3een ;
and be thou not fer cJepe thee. Be thou not greeth press- 13 of thee. a,

14 frohym, thou go in to for3eting. Ne

lest yng
**, lest thou be hurtlid doun ; and be
withholde thou of euene to speken with thou not fer fro hym, lest thou go in to
hym, and trowe thou not
to the manye fonetyng. Witholde thou not to speke 14 '"'
fyuethis, for
wrdis of hym ; forsothe of myche speche with hym euenliff, and bileue thou not to v.manens pore
, . . . , , , men ben maad
he shal tempte thee, and vnder Ia3hende hise wordis; tor ot myche speche
many V0 yde of coueit-

the vnmylde inwit of hym shal aske thee he schal tempte thee, and he schal Iei3e
awey violently
the goodis of pore men ; the ij., in withholdinge du hire ; the thridde, in disseyunge bi double wordis ; the iiij., in weiynge yuele to hem, bothe in
absence of pore men that tristen in riche men, and in presence of hem that doren not ajenseye. Lire here. c. moue his heed; in repreuynge It

thee of foly. be maad low ; that is, a coward, in thi wisdom ; that is, ;ouun of God to thee. Lire here. c. U go thou awey; that is, excuse
thee sutmlel. Lire here. c. **
presing ; in preessinge forth thee ouer myche. hurtlid doun ; that is, put awey schamefastly. Lire here. c.
}( with hym euenli ; that is, speke thou to him with out reuerence. Lire here. p.

Om. CE pr. m.
d tnoued A. e nedeles c el E pr. :

awei, or excuse y. b ethir to x sec. m. marg,

u 2
148 ECCLESIASTICUS. xm. 1532.

15 of thin hid thingus. And he shal to


priuyli, and schal axe thee of thin hid * hid thingis ;

that is, if thou

His cruel soule schal kepe thi 15 hast take in
gedir kepe thi wrdis, and not sparen
f fro thingis*.
16 malice, and fro* bondis. War to thee, wordis, and he schal not spare of malice, thing of

and tac heed bisili to thin heering ;

for and of bondis. Be war to thee, and
with thy turnyng vpsodoun thou gost.
heede diligentli to thin heryng for thou be uun ;
thee. and thou
goist with thi distriyng. But thou heringe
as in 17 ** wake;
nHeerende forsothe tho thingus,
... , . , . that is, fevne

issweuenes see, and thou shalt waken. In tho thingis, se as in sleep, and thou schalt thee to vndur-

al thi lif looue God, and inwardli clep wake. In al thi lijf loue

inwardli clepe thou him in thin heelthef. ben seid of the

thou God, and is
hym in thin helthe. Eche beste looueth riche man, for

lie to hym ; so and eche man the nexte Ech beeste loueth a beeste lijk it silf; soi9t hitaking; and
20 to hym. Eche flesh to his lijch shal be and ech man owith to loue his nei3bore. schalt haue

ioyned, and eche man to his lie shal be

Ech fleisch schal be ioyned tofleisch lijk 20 Lid" diligently.
21 felashepid. As a wlf shal comune to a it silf, and ech man schal be felouschipid '*f '^'

lomb otherwhile, so a synnere to a ri3t- to man lijk

a hym 21 hehhe that '>
silf. As a wulf schal
for thyn helthe

22wis. What comunycacioun to an hoeli comyne sum tyme with a lomb, so'
a syn- temporal and
... .
... -,,,. euerlastinge.
man at a dogge ? or what good parti to nere with a lust man. What comimnge is 22 his nei^bore ,-

23 a riche man at a pore ? Hunting of a

of c an hooli man to a dogge^: ? ethir what in'tneymage'
d, and
good part is of a riche man to a pore
leoun an asse in wildernesse ; so pore
24 men ben the leswe of riche men. And man? The huntyng of a lioun is a wielde23 Lire here. t) ' i s-

as abhominacidun to a proud man is mek- asse in desert ; so the lesewis of riche J to a <

that is, to a
nesse, so and cursing of the riche is the men ben pore men. And as mekenesse is 24 doggische man,

25 pore. The riche man stirid is confermed abhomynacioun proude man, so and to a
of his frendis ; the meeke forsothe, whan a pore man is abhomynacioun of a riche wrathful man,
and a glotoun ;

he shal falle, shal be put out also fro man. A riche man moued| is confermed 25 as if he seye,
26knowen. To the riche desceyued manye of hise frendis but a meke man, whanne
; yng is there.

ben rekureres' ; he spac proudli, and thei he fallith, schal be cast out, 3he, of knowun
wher'ynne the
un .P ursueth
27 iustefieden hym. The meeke is desceyu- men. Many rekyuereris
ben to a riche 20 !y
tlie wiekle asse,

and vndirnomyn he spac man disseyued he spak proudli, and thei todeuoure
ed, fertherrnor

felendely/or wisely*, weel, and ther is not




A meke man
riche ...
is disseiued, 27
hym. of

joue to hym a place. The riche spac, and ferthermore also he is repreuyd he spak wTof g'oodis"' ;

alle heelden ther pes; and the wrd of and no was to

wiseli, place jouun hym. out cause.
hym vnto the cloudys thei shul bern. The The riche man spak, and alle men weren 28 Lire c
A rictie man
- -

pore spac, and thei seyn, Who is this ? stille and thei schulen brynge
; * his word morf;that
and if he schal offende, thei shul turne
til to the cloudis.

A pore man spak, and 29 et her

hym vp so doun. Good is substaunce, to thei seien, Who is this? and if he of- ing" to haue
whom is not synne in concience; and fendith, thei schulen destrye hym. Catel so p
s ^^
most wicke
hym, to whom is no synne in
is porenes in the mouth of is to science that ,
si the vnpitous. The herte of a man d
conscience; and 'the worste pouert is in geting, nether
chaungeth the face of hym, or in good the mouth of a wickid man. The herte of ai ther M UM
32 or in euel. The step of a good herte, a man chaungith his face, ethir in good ^"o^a wickid
and a good face, hard thou shalt ethir in yuel. Of hard and with trauels2 m<m thatbi -
fynde, *

and with trauaile. thou schalt fynde the step of a good biasfemeth
i, * j r i
God - Lire
nerte||, and a good race.

here. c.
the step of a ||

good herte; that

is, thou schalt fynde in fewe men the ynnere goodnesse of soule, and of outermere conuersacioun togidere. Lire here. c.

{ Om. c pr. m. s Om. c. >m. AG pr. m. H. rekeueris E. rekuuers A. rekuuerers GH,

k Om. c E pr. m.
et '
Om. c pr. m.

c to A pr. m. d
et ceteri.
pouert worste A sec. m.


i man, that is not slideri in wrd
Blisful the Blessid is the man, that stood not bii not
fro his mouth, and is not prickid in sorewi the word of
mouth, and was not his

2 slouthe of gilte. Sely, 'or blessid , that 111

prickid* in the sorewe of trespas. He is 2
Lire here. c.
hadde not sorewi slouthe of his inwit, and blessid, that hath not sorewe of his soulef,
f sorewe of ni$
3 falleth not awei fro his hope. To the co- and fallith not doun fro his hope. Catelts >/, in good
. - werkis to be
ueitous man, and hard, withoute resoun iswith out resoun to a coueitouse man, fiiiid. Lire

is substaunce ; and to an enuyous man, and hard nygard and wherto is gold to ;
j cmrf< that

4 wherto gold u
hepith of his inwit
? an enuyouse man ? He that gaderith of 4
vnri3twisly, to othere men gedereth ; and
not to h ' > for
his wille vniustli, gaderith
3 to othere men : ,
as wel that
in the goodis of hym an other shal don and another man schal mak wast in hise that n a a-

5 leccherie. Who to hymself is shreude, to

j. mlo ,
what othere man
, 1111
schal he be 5 uh
rouse hath fail-
goodis. to siif,

what other shal he ben good? and he shal good, which is wickid to hym silf ? and
finot ben merie in his goodus. No thing is he schal not be myrye in hise goodis. NOG
rom * eith in >

wers, than he that enuyeth to hymself; thing is worse J than he that hath enuye
Pa'yn- too.
. coueitouse
. .

and that is the 3elding of his malice. to hym SHI and this is the 3elding of his man; inget-

7 And if he shul weel don, vnwitendely, rnalice. And if he doith good, he doith?
and not wilnende he doth and in the ; vnwityngli, and not wilfuli ; and at the
slaste he shewith his malice. Shreude is laste he schewith his malice. The {36 of a
to an auarouse
the 636 of the pale, and turnende awei an enuyous man is wickid, and turnynge man, bothe to
. bodi and soule.
ofaceP, and dispisende his soule. Vnfill- awei the tace, and dispisynge his soule. to an enuyouse
mi j i man; to his '

1 he 136 or the coueitouse man is neuereo

r* j

ablei the 636 of the coueitous ; in to the

yue <>//; i.

part of wickidnesse he shal not be fild, fillid he schal not be fillid in to the part
to the tyme that he fulli ende vnri3twis- of wickidnesse, til he performe vnristful- iust'y> wi tmgii,
and or purpos.

lonesse, makende drie his soule. The euele nesse, and make drie his soule. An yuel in gaderith tu
j.i .
i, othere men i ;

636 to eueles, and nedy shal not ben fild 136 to yuels, and the nedi man schal not for ofte tho ben

with bred ; and in r sorewi slouthe he shal be fillid of breed and he schal be in ;
11 be vp on his bord.Sone, thou hast, if sorewe on his table. Sone, if thou hast, and * be ? 1 1
wastid yuele of ,

wel do with thee, and offre to God wrthi

do wel with thi silf, and offre thou worthi othere men.

i2offringis. Be thou myndeful for deth offryngis to God. Be thou myndeful that 12 NO thing 'is

shal not tarien, and the testament of deth schal not tarie, and the testament of 1'uTmentith

helle, that is shewid to thee ; the testa- hellis||, which is schewid to thee; for whi ^taK*"
ment forsothe of this world bi deth shal the testament of this world schal die bi soule
*?siche -

silf ;

isdien. Biforn deth wel do to thi frend, deth. Bifore deth do thou good to thi is isan auarouse
~ , man, that with-
and puttende out 3if
aftir thi strengthis frend, and bi thi mi3tis stretche thou forth, drawith of his

14 to the pore. Be thou not bigilid fro the and 3yue to a pore man. Be thou not dis- u
good day, and the parcel of the goode seyued of a good dai, and a litil part of a
15 day passe* thee not. Whether not to * 'passe notlT thee.
eood day Whether66 thou I5ofheinsi that
is, the orden-
othere thou shalt lefe thi sorewis, and schalt not leeue to othere men thi sorewis, aunce of God,

ic thi trauailes ? In departing of lot 3if, and and trauels? In the departyng of lot**
and iustefie thi Bifor thi deth 3 yue thou, and take; and iustifie
i7tac; soule. thi soule.

werch ri3twisnesse ;
for" to finde mete is Bifore thi deth worche thou ri3tfulnesse 17 { r book ; .

maad, iust men
jeden doun to helle. this world schal die hi deth ; that is, worldli eritage, biquethun of fadris to children, schal faile sone. Lire here. c. % passe
** In the
not ; that is, leeue not thee voide and idil fro good werkis, Lire here. c. departing of lot ; for God hath prdeyned that
summen be pore, and othere men be riche, that riche men jyue temporal thingis to pore men, and resseyue euerlastinge thingis for tho.

m Om. c et E pr. m. n
kepith AGH. turnyng E pr. m. jelding ajeen sec. m. P the face A. 1 Vn-
or that not befvlfild E tec. m. GH. * Om. c pr. m. e to A. * beside passe E pr. m.
fillable, may tiiarg.
u Ora. c
pr. m.

e Om. K. fe Wher celerifere passim.


is not anent helle. Eche flesh as hei3 shal for at hellis it is not to fynde mete. Ech ufynde mete, ,

, . that is, place

waxe and as a lef beryng frut in a man scnal and as a leet

wexe eld as hey, O f merit, of
tree. Othere ben iendred, and bryngynge greene Othere io-$ Tat h
fruit in a tree.
othere fallen doun ; so ieneracioun of ben gendrid, and othere ben cast doun;
and of blod, an other is endid,
flesh so the generacioun of fleisch and blood, is,
corrupcioun, .

20 and an other is born. Eche coruptible another is endid, and another is borun. that is, to

were in the ende shal faile and he that ;

Ech corruptible werk schal faile in the 20^^ >s^,'
21 wercheth it, shal go with it. And eche ende and he that worchith it, schal go
; ^s a ^
chosen were shal be iustefied; and he that with it. And al chosun werk schal be 2 \chosunwerk,
etc. ; that is,

22 wercheth it, shal be wrshipid in it. Blis- justified and he that worchith it, schal be mentone werk
. , . TI j .-i , , schal be ap-
ful the man, that shal dwelle in wisdam, onound in it. JhJlessid ts the man, that 22 preued of God,
and that ri3twisnesse sweteli shal
in schal dwelle in wisdom, and that schal ^"^ ,^ ^ ;
thenke, and in wit shal thenke the look- bithenke in rhtfulnesse, and schal thenke is, wittily.
weyes ; that is,

God. Who thenketh out Which f

in wit the biholdins: of God. 23 the werkis
23 ing aboute of ,. , . of God, that
the weies of hym in his herte, and in thenkith out, ether jynaitli out, the weies ben weyes to

hid thingus of it vnderstonding shal be ; of hym in his herte, and schal be vndur- knwyng
that is,
aftir it as enserchere, and in the stondynge in the hid thingis of hym
goende ; in the fistinge

24 weies of it beende stille. Who byholdeth goynge as a serchere aftir it, and stond- chirche, bi
which is en-
bi the wyndowes of it, and in the ^atis of ynge in the weies of it. Which biholdith24tringtothe
25 it herende; who resteth biside
is the bi the wyndows therof, and herith in the yn ge

hous of it, and in the walles of it 'pic- 3atis therof; which restith ny3 the hous 25

cheth a pale w He shal ordeyne his litle

. therof, and settith a stak in the wallis maad noun, in

hous at the hondis of it, and ther shuln therof. He schal sette his litil hous at the theeideand
reste in the litle houses of goodis, bi it hondis of hym, and goodis schulen reste ment. restith

2eaungelis during; he shal setten his sonus

in his litil hous, bi duryng of the world ; ;
vnder the roof of it, and vnder the he schal sette hise sones vndur the hilyng 2e'
27 braunchis of it he shal wone ;
he shal therof, and he schal dwelle vndur the
swetely. at the
be defendid vnder the roof of it fro bren- boowis therof; he schal be kyuerid vndur 27 hondis of Mm ,


nende hete, and in the glorie of it he the hilyng therof fro heete, and he schal in abid'inge
shal reste, reste in the glorie therof.
grace, of the
world an
CAP. XV. l~<
_/ AA T>
r .
.A. V .
ot her lettre
hath bi him,
1 Who dredeth God, shal do goode He that dredith God,

schal do goode i that is, God.

thingus; and who withholding is of ri3t- werkis ; and he that holdith ri3tfulnesse, is^hisHtssi'-
2 wisnesse, shal taken it. And it shal meete schal take it*. And it as a modir onourid 2 ^uin^th^of^
to as a moder wrshipid, and as a womman hem
hym schal meete hym, and as a fro ;n teching
in the forseid
womman fro maidynhed it shal vndir- virgynyte it schal take hym. It shal feede 3 thingis. vndur
3 take It shal feede
hym with the
hym. hym with the breed of lijf, and of vndur- thenkinge and
bred of and of vnderstonding and
lif, ; stonding; and it schal 3yue drynke to Zr thT!ec~
with they water of holsum wisdam it shal h
hym with watir of heelful wisdomf; it $f^ j^;.
3yue drinke to hym ; and it shal be fast- schal be inaad stidfast in hym, and he offices. Lire

4 ned in hym, and not ben bowed. And it schal not be bowidj. And it schal holde 4 take it ; that
shal withholden
hym, and he shal not be hym, and he schal not be schent ; and it iirT'^r"^
confoundid ; and it shal enhaunce hym schal enhaunse hym at his nei3boris. And 5
dom ; that is,
with grace of the Hooly Goost. Lire here. q. J bowid; fro the eueniiesse of ristfujnesse. Lire here. c.

bisedes c pr. m, * he is, piccheth a pale c sec. m. he is, picchinsr a pole ABGH. "
hym c pr. m.

1 The which i.

.-anent his ne3hebores. And in the myd- in the myddis of the chirche he schal
del of the chirche shal opene his mouth,
it opene his mouth and God schal fille hym

and shal fulfille hym with spirit of wis- with the wisdom*, and of vndur-
spirit of of wisdom;

dam, and of vuderstonding ; and with stonding, and schal clothe hym with the
of glorie stoole of glorie. God schal tresore on hvm c and <>fmdur-
stoele it shall clothin hym. J stonding; to
eMyrthe and ful out io3ing it shal tre- myrthe, and ful out ioiyng and schal ;
declare tho
clereli in the
soren vp on hym ;
and in euerlastende enhente hym with euerlastynge name, chirche. Lire

7 name it shal eritagen hym. Men foolis Fonned men schulen not take that wis-1
shul not take it, and men wel feelende dom, and witti men schulen meete it.

shul meete to it. Men foolis shul not Fonned men schulen not se it ; for whi it

seen it

; ferr forsothe it is,

ferre awei fro
lieres shul
goith awey fer fro pride, and gile. Men 8 ^ ""'{^ t
toOod. Lire
8 pride, fro treccherie. leesyngmongeris schulen not be myndful
not be myndeful of it, and sothfast men therof, and sothefast men ben foundun utgouhawei
ben a founden in it; and welsum aftir com- ther ynne ; and schulen haue prosperite

oof God.
thei shul b han vnto the looking
Feir c preising is not in the
in 'til to? the
biholding of God. Preisyngo
is not fairf in the mouth of a svnnere,
^rtu to es-

of God to men.
Lire here. c.
mouth of the synnere, for he is not sent for he is not sent of the Lord. For whi 10 $ an

10 of the Lord. For gon forth is wisdam wisdom 3ede forth fro God forsothe heri- ; tha

of God forsothe to the wisdam of God

; yng schal stonde ny3 the wisdom of God,
preising shal and in the
stonderi at,
and it schal be plenteuouse in a feithful
feithful mouth shal abounde, and the mouth, and the Lord schal '3yue it to him. !n wille - and
saf to him
11 lordshipere shal 3yuen it to hym. Thou Seie thou not, It goith awei bi \ God ; for 1 1
power to kepe
shalt not seyn, Bi God it is awey ; tho whi do thou not tho thingis, whiche God
thingis forsothe that it hateth, thou shalt hatith. Seie thou not, He made me for to 12

12 not do. Ne sey thou, He me e disceyu- erre ; for whi wickid men ben not nedeful h ** re"
freischmg of
ede; forsothe vnpitous men ben not nede- to hym. The Lord hatith al cursidnesseiSK'orie. and
c j u fier > that is>
hym. The Lord hateth al cursing
f ,. i i. i i_i
13 ful to of errour, and it schal not be amyable to peyne of heiie.
of errour, and it shal not ben looueful* to hem, that dreden hym. At the bigynnyng u rie^n
u men dredende hym. God fro the bygyn- God made man, and lefte him in the
nyng ordeynede man, and lafte hym in bond of his councel. He addide hise co-i5 dendo s od >
and fle synne.
15 the bond of. his counseil. He leide to maundementis, and lawis ;
if thou wolt \6Kyf; of grace.
ic maundemens, and his hestes ;
if thou kepe the comaundementis, tho schulen good; of merit'.

wilt the maundemens kepen, thei shul kepe thee, and kepe plesaunt feith with %?**
kepe thee, and to kepen plesid feith in to outen ende. He hath set to thee watirll n [hat that
hym; is, it

i;withoute ende. He putte to thee watir and fier; dresse thin bond to that, that is in his power

and fyr ; to what thou wilt, put forth thou wolt. Bifor man is lijf and deth, is and to fle fro'

is thin bond. Bifor man is lif and deth, good and yuel that, that plesith hym,

good and euel ; that plesith to hym, shal schal be 3ouun to hym. For whi the
10' be 3oue h to hym. For myche is the dom of God is myche, and he is strong in vert .
and *

t punysche hem
wisdam of God, and strong in my3t, and power, and seeth alle men without ceess- that fallen

2oseende alle men' withoute cesing. The ing. The Lord ben
i3en^[ of the to hem, 90 for*. c .

e3en of the Lord to the dredende hym ;

that dreden hym and he knowith al the
and he knowith al the besynesse k of man. trauel of man. He comaundide not to ony 21
21 To no man he comaundide vnpitously to man to do wickidli; and he 3af not to ony
*> b '
euere forbeed. .

do ;
and to no man he 3af space of syn- man space to do synne. For he coueytith 22 c .

zthe spirit AGH. * shuln ben c E pr. m. b Om. c sec. m. c E pr. m. AQB.
et Semly c pr. tn.

Om. c pr. m. e Om. c pr. m. f alle c pr. m. e leueful A, h he

jyue A.
Om. c pr. m.
werk E pr. m.

8 rnto i.

the not the multitude of sones vnfeithful* and
22nyng. Forsothe he coueiteth not
vnfeithful ;
that is, seru-
multitude of vnfeithful sonus and vnpro- vnprofitable. inge the fadris
in vnfeithful-
fitable. nesse. unpro-

CAP. XVI. CAP. XVI. fitable; that is,

noyful to neij-
1 Mac thou not myrie 1
in vnpitous sonus, Be thounot glad in wickid sones, ifi boris.
here. c.

ben multeplied ; ne delite thou vp

if thei thei ben multiplied ; nether delite thou on f-
Bileue thou
not to the liyf
on hem, if ther is not the drede of God hem, if the drede of God is not in hem. of hem; that is,

2 in m hem. Ne 3yue thou feith to the lif Bileue thou not to the lijf of hemf, and 2
en b amendid
of hem, and ne biholde thou in to the biholde thou not in to the trauels of hem. f
m eelde,

strauailes of hem. Betere ys forsothe oon For whi betere is oon dredynge God, than 3 wni this is ful
, .

a thousynde wickid sones. And it is more 4

. . , _... seeldene; in
dredende God, than a thousend vnpitous xxij. c. of
4 sonus. And
profitable it is to die with- profitable to die with out sones, than to Lire here. c.

oute sonus, than to lefen vnpitous sones. leeue wickid sones. cuntrei shal be 5 A the pilgrym-

age ; that is,

s Of oon weel felende man shal ben enha- enhabitid of o witti man and ; it schal be her liyf, which
is a
bitid the cuntre
; and of thre vnpitous it maad desert of thre wickid men. Mynfi on ertlie. Lire
here. c.
e shal be forsaken. Manye othere thingis i3e si3 many othere thingis, and myn eere in the hard-
nesse ; that
myn and the strengere thingus
eye say, herde strongere thingis than these. Fiery rebelte ajenus

schal brenne an hi3 in the synagoge of God. if oon,

7 of these myn ere herde. In the synagoge
etc.; that is,
of synnende men fyr shal out brenne, and synneris, and yre schal brenne an hi3 in a if oon aloone
.-,. haddeberebelto
in the vnbileeueful folc of kinde wrathe folk vnbileuful. Elde giauntis that werens God. giueies;
a shal waxe ful out tend. Olde ieauntis distried, tristynge on her vertu, preieden hJ%J'
that ben destro3id, trostende to ther ver- not for her synnes and God sparide not 9 that
; .

miftti ; is,

tue, fulli pre^eden not for ther synnes ; the pilgrymage t of hem, but he killide thepreyerof
9 and he sparede not to the pilgrimaging hern, and curside hem, for the pride of her my3 ti anentis
of hem, but smot hem, and wariede hem, word. He hadde not merci on hem, and
10 for the
pride of the word of hem. He he loste al the folk enhaunsynge hem silf
dide not mercy to them, destro3ende al in her synnes. And as he killide sixen
naassid. and
the folc of kinde and enhauncende itself hundrid thousynde of foot men, that weren schedinge out

11 in his synnes. And as sixe hundrid thou-

gaderid togidere in the hardnesse^ of her mlkinge to'

send of footmen, that ben gadered in the herte ; and if oon hadde be hard nollid, fiis merst. ;

hardnesse of ther herte ; and if oon were wondur if he hadde be For whi 12 that is > with
giltles. ,
temperure of
rered vp the nol, wnder if he hadde ben merci and ire with Goddis mersi.
is hym ; preier
12 harmles.
,.,, T,. , .

Mercy forsothe and wrathe is my3ti||, and schedynge out ire. Bi his is that is, pu -
i i A* f i nischine: of
with hym ; rny3ty is the ful out orisoun, merci, so 'is

the chastisyng ot ech man ; ecn ma n.

is and heeldende out wrathe. After his he is demyd bi hise werkis. synnere A
mercy, so the chastising of hym ; he in raueyn schal not ascape ; and the suf-
raueyn ; that
udemeth a man aftir his werkes. The feraunce of hym that doith merci schal is, a cruel man,

synnere shal not scapen out in to raueyn ; not tarie. Al merci schal make place to
and 'the
suffryng of the doynge mercy ech man, aftir the merit of his werkis, * i in."
i*oruy.c; j

15 schal not Eche mercy pnyschrog of

tary by hyndeP. and aftir the vndurstonding of his pil-
God. the suf-
shal make place to echon, aftir the desert grymage. Seie thou not, Y schal be hid ic/<*, etc.;
of his werkis, and after the vnderstond- fro God and fro the hi3este||, who schal

ing of the pilgrimaging of hym. Sey haue mynde on me? Seie thou not, 17 S Y
thou not, Fro God I shal ben hid ; and schal not be knowun in a greet puple for
d '

fro the hei3est, who of me shal ban whi which is my soule in so erect a crea- of God in co-
uenable tyme.
of his pilgrim-
age; that is, aftir the entent which he hath in present which
lj\T6 fl6T6i C.
liyf, liyf is seid the pilgrymage of man. Lire here. c. *\ the hijeste ; that is,

1 m
myrthe c.
vpon A. Om. c pr. m. P shal not tarie
of the doende bihynde the suffraunce
mercy c pr. m.

17 mynde ? In a gret puple I shal not be ture? Lo heuene*, and the heuenes of is* Lot

i j.i i of the eir. and .

knowen what ;
forsothe is my soule in so heuenes, the greet occian, and al erthe, heuenysofhe-
gret a creature^ with oute mesure? Loo! and tho thingis that ben in tho, schulen J23
n andofcris -
I8heuene,and heuenus of heuenus, the se,W be mouyd
in his si3t
' ; munteyns togidere, 19 'l>
an d l>ri
ta 'i
depnesse ,and al erthe,and that in hern ben, and litle hillis, and the foundementis of heuene. Lire

in the si3te of hym shul be moued togidere; erthe; and whanne God biholdith tho, t ike herte , of

19 mounteynes togidere, and hilles, and the tho schulen be schakun togidere with
foundemens of the 8 erthe and whan God ; tremblyng. And in alle these thingis the 20
shal biholdethem, bi trembling thei shul be vnwijs, and ech herte
is is vndur- strecchid forth
aosmyte togidere. And in alle these thingus stondun of hym. And who vndurstondith 21 nysching of
u hise weies? and *who vndurstondith^ a
mys fe]ende,*orvnivittie*,is the herte,and
21 eche herte vnderstonden of hym. And
is tempest, which the i3e of man si3 not?
the weyes of hym who vnderstondith?
and the tempest, that nouther the 636 333
For whi
in hid 1
many werkis of hym ben 22 he sewhi

thingis, but who schal telle out the

y e fewe
men that moun
'tor >

v . . suffre ben in
22 of man ? For whi manye werkis of hym werkis of his ri3tfulnesse, ether who schal the lesse noum-
ben in hid thingus, but the werkis of the For whi the testament is fer fro
suffref ?
ri3twisnesse pf hym who shal tellen out, summe men; and the axyng of men is in
or who shal suffren? Fer forsothe is the the endynff. He that is maad litil in herte, 23
fa fro

testament fro summe; and the asking of thenkith veyn thingis ; and a man vnpru- to worching,

23 men is in the ful ending. Who is lassid dent and a fool thenkith fonned thingis. to knowing.
in herte, thenketh idil thingus ; and the Sone, here thou me, and lerne thou tech- 24 ^
vnprudent man and errende thenketh
ed to the fynal
yng of wit, and 3yue thou tent to my
doom, where
24folies. Heere me, sone, and lerne disci- wordis in thin herte ; and schal seie Y men schulen
3elde resoun of
plyne of wit, and in my wrdis tac heed techyng in equyte, and Y schal seke to ech word, and
myche strong-
in thin herte ;
and I shal seyn in equite out wisdom. And 3yue thou tent to
telle liere of dede.

discyplyne, and enserchen to tellen out my wordis in thin herte ; and Y seie
wisdam. And in my wrdis tac heed in equyte of spirit|| the vertues, whiche God that settith
25 thin herte ; and I sey in equyte of spi- hath set on hise werkis at the bigynnyng, his ende in

rit vertues, that God putte in to his and in treuthe Y telle out the kunnyng of that are

werkes fro the bigynnyng, and in treuthe him. In the doom of God ben hise werkis 20 ,*
f r
26 1 telle out the kunnyng of hym. In the fro the bigynnyng; and in the ordynaunce
dom of God his werkis fro the bigyn- of tho he departyde the partis of tho, and AomtfaMha
fro du ende,
7 , , . .

nyng; and fro the ordeynyng of tho men he departide the bigynnyngis of tho in and so tho ben
he seuerede the partes of them, and the hise folkis. He ournede with outen ende 27
bigynnyngus of them in ther folkis of the werkis of hem^[; thei hungriden not,
27 kinde. He enournede in to withoute ende
'" helthe- Lire
nether traueliden, and thei ceessiden not
here. c.
the werkis of hem and thei hungreden ; of her werkis. Ech schal not make streit28|| in equyte of

not, ne trauaileden, and lefeden not of fro the nexte to hym, til in to with outen with out any
28 ther werkis. Eche the ne3hebore to x hym ende. Be thou not vnbileueful to the word 29 O
f"^h e .^
shal not anguysshen, vnto the spirituel of him. Aftir these thingis God bihelde
29 world W uungelus duryng?. Be thou not 'in to k the erthe, and fillide it with hise
that is, hise

aungeis, that
ben hisr sones,
so vnleeuable to the wrd of hym. Aftir these goodis. Forsothe the soule of ech Iyuynge3i an dhisekny3tis;
for whi God
assignede hijere
bodies and lowere to be gouerned of aungelis distant, ether assigned in special places. Lire here. c. U the werkis of hem; heuene and
dementis ben the werkis of aungelis, not for aungeis ben makeris of tho, but ben mynystris ether gouernours, bi that maner of speking bi
which a vyner is seid the werk of a vyntiler, and an hows to be gouerned is seid the werk of the dispendere. this word with outen ende is
set here propirly as to heuenes, whos ournyngis schulen dwelle stably, as to thingis gendrable and corruptible, that schulen ceesse in the
ende of the world, this word withouten ende is takun for as hillis ben seid euerlastinge. the soule of ech
long tyme,

Om. s Om. c Om, E pr. m. u Om. m. v Om.

pr. m.
1 creatour c. r c et E pr. m. * c et c pr.
AG pr. M. n. w his AGH. x of A. y Om. c et E pr. m.

Om. A n Om. k to A
hid in A pr. m. c pr. m. pr. m.
f pr. m. i. et plures.
VOL. 111. X

thingus God biheeld in to the z erthe, and thine teld bifore his face; and thilke soule thing; botheof
+!.;.,., *i i .1.
thing that hath
31 fulfilde it with his goodis. Eche forsothe is eft the turnyng a3en of tho thinges. resoun, and
of thing that
soule ful of lif told of bifor the face of hath feeling.
a telde bifor his
hym and it eft the turnyng ajeen of
face ; that is,
schewide in
hem. dede that tho
CAP. XVII. CAP. XVII. goodis weren

1 God with the ri3t hond foormede man ;

God formede man of erthe and aftir ; i

2 and after his ymage made hym. And his ymage he made man. And eft he 2
eft hym in to it and after hym-
turnede ;
turnede man in to that iimage*; and aftir
whi tho thingis

3 self clothide hym with vertue. Noumbre hym silf he clothide hym with vertu. He 3 ben broujt ajen

of da3es and time he jaf to hym and ; jaf to hym noumbre of daies, and
the amenable

3af to hym power of them that ben vpon tyme ; and he 3 af to him power of tho
4 erthe. He putte the drede of hym vpon thingis that ben on erthe. He settide the 4 \
bi soule that

and lordshipide b of bestes and

alle flesh, drede of man on al fleisch, and he was syueth feeling

5 of foules. He foormede of hym helpe lie lord of beestis and 1

fliynge briddis. He 5 for u i s mater

to hymself counseil, and tunge, and e3en,

; formyde of man an help lijk hym ;
he 3 af
and eren, and herte, he 3af to them, of to hem
councel, and tunge, and i3eu, and *' that

thenking out and the discyplyne of vn-

; eeris, and herte to thenke out ; and he !n 3yuyn ge to
f i i i >i i
man act "el
ederstonding fulfilde them. He foormede nllide hem with techyng of vndurstond- knowing Of

to them kunnyng of the spirit, bi wit he yng. He made to hem the kunnyng of c //.'

the herte of hem ; and eueles

fulfilde spirit, he hem with
fillide the herte of
7 and goodis he shewide to them. He wit ;
hem *yuels and ot at P wer
and he schewide to ll
is >

putte the 630 ofhem vpou the hertes of goodis. He settide the i3e of hem on the 7 */ that ,- is,
vndurstonding. -

hem, to shewen to them the grete thingus hertes of hem, to schewe to hem the grete to thenke out ;
th th g that '

s of his werkis, that the name of his ha- thingis of hise werkis, that thei preise to- 8 b en n e d e ?ul
and spedefu i
lewing thei preise togidere ; and to glo- gidere the name of halewyngf; and to
rien in the merueilous haue glorie in hise meruels, that thei are here. c.
thingus of hym,
that thei telle out the grete thyngus of telle out the grete thingis
ot hise werkis.
t the name of
haiemyng; that
9 his werkis. He
addede to them disci- He addide to hem techyng; and he enhe-o Ihe'ilrd^n
plyne; and the lawe of lif he eritagede ritide hem with the lawe of lijf. He or-loiSSfS;
l>en thingis
10 them. Euerlastende testament he sette an euerlastynee testament with biessid and ha-
* * lewid. Lire
. .

with them and ri3twisnesse and his

; hem; and he schewide to hem hise ri3tful- here. c.
n domes he shewide to them. And the nesse, and domes. And the i3e of hem si3 n
grete thingus of his wrshipe the e$e of the grete thingis of his onour, and the
hem 533, and the wrshipe of vois herden eeris of hem herden the onour of vois ;

the eres of hem

and he seide to them, ; and he seide to hem, Take heede to 3ou
12 Taketh heed fro alle c wicke
thing. And fro al wickid thing. And he comaundide 12
he comaundide to them, to eche of his to hem, to ech man of his nei3bore. The is
is ne3hebore. The weies of hem biforn hym weies of hem ben euere bifore tho
hym ;

ben euermor; and thei ben not hid fro ben not hid fro hise 13611. On ech folk
H the e3en of hym. In to eche folc of kinde he made souereyn a eouernour; and Israel i5 k yn j" the p ,
puple of Israel
15 he beforn sette a
gouernour ; and Irael was maad the opyn part of God. Andisdidenidoiatrie,
n . and enforsiden
16 the part of God is mad open. And alle ,
alle the werkis of hem ben as the sunne

to distrie the
the werkes of hem as the sunne in the in the si3t of God ; and hise i3en biholden
si3te of God ; and the e3en of with hym with out ceessyng in the weies of hem.
oute cesing biholdende in the weies of Testamentist weren not hid fro the wick-i7 reseruedin
17 hem. The testamentis ben not hid for d . ., goode men.
idnesse of hem ; and alle the wickydnessis Lire here. c.

z Om. c pr. m. a eftson c sec. m. b he lordschipide c * fro AC.

pr. m. lordschiper a AGH.

and of i.
the wickidnesse of hem ; and al the of hem weren in the si3t of God. The \s as a

wickidnesse e
of hem
in the si3t of God. almes of a man is as a bagge with hym*,
is The almes deede of a man as f a litil sac and schal kepe the grace of a man as

with hym, and the grace of man as the the appil

r of the i3e;
and afterward man 19
, .
which he goith
636 appil it shal kepen and aftirward it ; schal rise a3en, and it schal 3elde to hem a >
nede, no
... , , , . almes helpith
shal rise a3een, and 3elde to them 3eld- 3eldmg, to ech man in to the heed of in the deth of

ing, to eche in to the hed of hem ; and hem

; and schal turne in to the lower /,*".' c^"*
turnen in to the lowere partus of erthe&. partis of erthef. Forsothe it 3af to men 20
20 To men doende penaunce forsothe he h repentinge the weie of ristfulnesse, and erthe ; for whi
alraes auaylith

3af the weie of ri3twisnesse, and con- confermede men failynge to suffre, and to hem that

fermede men failende to sufFren, and or- ordeynede to hem the part
of treuthe.
deynede to them the lot of treuthe. Turne thou to the Lord, and forsake tM
21 Turne thou to the Lord, and lef thi
* preye
r J thou bifore the face of the 22 !fme
synnes pre3e thou bifor the face of the

Lord, and make' lasse the occasiouns of

Lord, and make
lurne thou a3en to the Lord, and turne
IT lesse hirtingis.
erthe ; for Greg.
23 seith, as gold

23giltis. Turne a3een to the Lord, and thou awei fro thin vnri3tfulnesse, and hate
turne awei fro thin k vnri3twisnesse, and thou greetli cursyngj. And knowe thou 24
24myche hate thou cursing. And knowe the ri3tfulnessis,
* and domes of God ; and i
th >
*e 8ame
fier is that tur-
thou and the domes of
ri3twisnesses, stonde thou in the part of good purpos, mentith

God and stond in the lot of putting

and of preier of the" hi3este God. Go 25 an 1

forth, and of orisoun of the hei3est God. thou in to the partis of the hooli world$,

25 'In to m the partes with men lyuynge, and Byuynge knou-

go of the hoeli world,
with men on lyue, 'and 3yuyng n knou- leching to God. Dwelle thou not in the 26 **; indis
f T^ xi posinge to it.

26leching to God. Ne fast abide thou in i

errour or wickid men.
Knouleche thou fayiinge; that
i i

the errour of vnpitous men. Bifor deth bifore deth knouleching perischith fro

kuouleche ; fro the deade as no3t persh- a deed man, as no thing. Lyuynge thou 27 I,"^
27 eth confessioun. Thou shalt knoulechen schalt knouleche, lyuynge
J J and hool thou ^.ere c\ ,

hale thou

lyuende and hoel thou shalt and schalt herie God

knouleche, and preisen God ; and glorien
schalt knowleche, greetit cmsyng,-
and thou schalt haue glone in the mer- synne. Lire
cursid.... ;

28 in the mercy doyngus of hym. Hou gret ciful doyngis of hym. The merci of God 28 5 [* '^' Ae
the merciof God, and the mytigacioun/or is ful greet, and his help to hem that p e
^f^ .

29 kelpev,of hym to men conuertende to hym. conuerten to hym.

For whi not alle 29 that with
lust men, that

. .
Ne forsotbe alle thingus mown ben in thingis niouu be in men for whi the sone ben seid the ;
f ...
. , .. , hooly world.
men; for the sone of man is not vndeadly, ot man is not vnoeedh, and malices pies-
conuertm, that
and 'in toi vanyte of malice thei pleseden. iden in to vanyte. What is clerere than so '^^"^

30 What more cleer than the sunne? and that

the sunne? and this schal failell; ethir f**".-
is,a man may
this shall faile or what wers than that
; what is worse than that, that fleisch and not euere make
satisfaccioun of
flesh tho3te out, and blod? and that* shal WOOd thoU3te OUt? and Of thlS he SChal be allehise synnes.

31 ben vndernomen. The vertue of the repreued. He n

^f biholdith the vertu of31 b,
hei3nesse of heuerie he biholdith ; and hi3nesse of heuene ;
and alle men ben
alle men erthe and asken". erthe and aische. Sai'e not b '
snbstaunce, but
bi apperyng,
whanne suffrith eclips. fleitch and blood ; that is, a
synnere. Lire here. c. 51 He , that is, God. biholdith the vertu, etc. , that is, the vertu
of aungels, beynge in brijt heuene, as noon in comparisoun of hi; i vertu. Lire here. c.

iQm.cpr.m. k Om. c.
e wickenesse E. t is {t eche c pr.m. e the erthe AEGH. h it c
pr. m.
Om. A. And in to A. D Om. c pr. m. E pr. m. deed man A. deed men GH. P Om. c et E pr. m.
9 to c. r What is A. 8
lijt c pr. m. E pr. m. * Om. c. of that it E
pr. m.
u ashen A. askes c
pr. m.

m Om. i. He, that is, God v.

X 2


1 He
that lyueth in to withoute ende, Helyueth with out bigynnyng
that i

made of 11031 alle thingus togidere ; God and ende, made of nou3t alle thingis to-
gidere ; God
alone schal be iustified, and
alone shall be iustefied, and dwelleth
2 vnuenkushid king withoute ende.
Who he dwellith a king vnouercomun with
shal suffise to telle outv the werkis of outen ende. Who schal suffice to telle 2
w out his werkis ? forwhi who schal seke 3 wham* a
3 hym? who shal enserche the grete man huth end-

4 wrthi thingis of hyra ?The vertue for- the grete thingis of hym ? But who schal 4

sothe of his gretnesse who shal

telle out? telle out the vertu of
greetnesse ? his that

or who shal leyn to to tellen out the ether who schal leie to for to telle out his

merci of There is not to lassen, mercy? It is not to make lesse, nether 5 lsm
5 hym ? * n Il
y g hath
ne to echen ne ther is to fynde the to leie to ;
nethir it is to fynde the grete restid, etc.;
that i

egrete wrthi thingus
of God. AVhan a thingis of God. Whanne a man bathe
which eld age,
hath ful endid, thanne he bigyn- endid*,thanne he schal bigynne and ;
tyme of rest- is

ing, he schal be
neth and whan he hath restid, he shal
whanne he hath restid, he schal worche. more hertid to
ood werk
7werchen. What is a man, and what is What is a man, and what is the glorie of 7 g
what is good ;
the glorie of hym ? and" what is good, him? and what is good, ether what is the as if he seye, of

a or what the wicke thing of hym ? The wickid thing of him? The noumbre of m ,
good of

noumbre of the da3es of men, as myche the daies of men, that ben comynli an ffTvnde^
wickid thingis ;
an hundrid 3er, as dropis to^ the watir hundrid 3eer, ben arettid as the dropis of what euer thing
of the se thei ben ordeyned ; and as a the watir of the see ; and as the stoon of of wiekidnesse
is inhym, al is

ston of z grauel, so fewe 3eres in the

litil grauel, so a fewe 3eeris in the dai of euer-
of him silf.
, ... f~, , , . . euer/axtinq-
9dai of the 8 spirituel world. For that lastyngnesse. I thlS tiling God IS pa- 9 nesse; the

pacient is God in them, and he schal b cieut in hem, and schedith out on hem his
10 heelde out vpon hem his mercy. He say merci. He sh the presumpcioun
of her 10 euerlastin g-
nesse ; but pro-
the presumpcioun/or jomfe , of the herte herte, for it was yuel and he knew the ; piriy it signe-
... . . , i -j fieth the dur-
of hem, for ; and he kne3 the turn-
ys euel distriyng ot hem, tor it was wickid.
yng vp so doun of hem, for it is shreude. Therfor he fillide his merci in? hem, and 1 1

11 Therfore he fulfilde
hys mercy in hem, schewide to the weie of equite. The
hem 12!" Jy'.'.^
largeli his
and shewede them the weie of equyte.
to merciful doyng of man is aboute his nei3- g*. Lire

12 The mercy doyng of man aboute his bore; but the merci of the Lord is ouer -\-takmgethe

ne3hebore ; the merci forsothe of the ech fleisch. He that hath merci, and i

13 Lord vp on alle flesh. He that hath techith, and chastisith as a scheepherde

mercy, and lerneth, and techeth as a his floe, doi merci, takynge
3 the techyne r
7 "8 f 1
u workil

in the
ushepperde his floe, haue he mercy, tak- 3
of merciful doyng ; and he that hastith domes ,-
that is,
f niersi, desir-
ende out doctrine of mercy e
doyng and ; m the domes;
. . i j i .1 r c-
therof. Sone, in goodis 3yue i5in S e
to here

la that hie3en in the domes of not pleynt, and in ech 3 ifte 3yue thou
hym. Sone, thou SfyST
d" me
goode thingus 3yue thou not pleynt.and not heuynesse of an yuel word. Whether ie ^? 3e;
the blessid, and

in alle 3ifte 3yue thou not sorewi dew schal not kele heete? so and a word take the rewme.
playnt in bi-
or heuynesse*, of an euel wrd. Whether , , T ;
is' is betere than 3ifte. Lo ! whether a word 17 weiiingthat
^ that thou jauest
not brennende hete the dew shal ts
not aboue a good 3irte
i /-,

r but euer ethir

, .

a3een to reieeue thi

keelen? so and a wrd betere than a is with a man Justified. A fool schal vp- is jj' Lire

vonc. wOtn. cpr.m. * or A. J of c. z to the c pr. m. E pr. m. of the AGH.

that he c pr. m. E pr. m.
c Qm. c et E pr. m.
d and serueth as E pr. m. Om. c pr. m. f Om. c
et E
pr. m.

P on q doth EP IKMX
pr. m. do he
c. m. marg. r
sec. doctrine K. the merciful K.

i73ifte. Lo ! whether not a wrd ouer a breide" scharpli

r ; and the ?ifte of an vn- ,
/ tofaile; of the
good 3ifte? but either with a iustefied tau3t man makith i3en to faile*. Bifore 19 sseyuere,

is man. The fool sharpli shal 3yue repref ;

the doom make thou redi ri3tfulnesse to aschamedof
and the 3ifte of the vndisciplyned mak- thee; and lerne thou, bifore that thou
igeth e3en to waxe failende. Bifor dom& speke. Bifore sikenesse jyue thou medi- 20

greithe ri3twisnesses to thee ;

and er that cyn ; and bifore the doom axe thi silf, thou deme
another man
20 thou speke, lerne. Bifor sicnesse tac and thou schalt fynde merci in the si3t of of ony defaute,
medicyne and bifor dora aske thou thi-
God. Bifore sikenesse make the meke, 21 ^Jiteies therof,
self, and in the si3te of God thou shalt and in the tyme of sikenesse schewe thi ^,
21 finde mercy. Bifor siknesse meeke thee, lyuyng. Be thou not lettidf to preye 22 d^mn '

and in tyme' of infirmyte shew thou thi euere, and drede thou not to be iustified mayns, in what
thing thou
22 conuersacioun, 'or lyuyng^. Be thou not tilto deth for whi the meede of God
; demest another
i n'ii i man, thou con- 1 i-
lettid to pre3en euermor, and drede thou
> i

dwelhth with outen ende. Bifore preier 23 dempnest thi


not vnto the dead to be iustefied ; for the make redi thi soule and nyle thou be as

meede of God dwellith in to withoute a man that temptith GodJ. Haue thou 24 'J""^ 8 whiche
thou demest.
23ende. Biforn orisoun greithe thou thi mynde of ire in the dai of endyng ; and
lerne thou; of
a maister. bifor
soule; and wile thou not be as a man that make thou in lyuyng the tyme of 3elding. that thou i_

24tempteth God. Haue mynde of wrathe Haue thou mynde of pouert in the dai of 25 techinge
B m
in the day of endyng ; and tyme of 3eld- abundauuce ;and the nede of pouert in
etc.; as bodih
ing in conuersacioun thou shalt make. the tyme of richessis. Fro the morewtid 26 siknesse is
maad vncurable
Haue mynde 1 v the euentid the
25 pouert in tyme of
of til to
tyme schal be bi long during ;


plente ; and the nede of pouert in the chaungid; and alle these thingis ben swift n es1 ebi cu-
2<idai of richesses. Fro erli vnto euen the in the i3en of God. A wise man schal 27
shal ben chaungid ; and alle these drede in alle thing-is; and in the daies of Lire here. c.
tyme & ' f Be thou not
27thingus hastid in the e3en of God. A trespassis he schal fie fro vnkunnyng, lettid bi tem- ;

wys man in alle thingis dredeth"; and ether slouthe. Ech fel
man$ knowith 2s to preye euere
in the da3es of giltes shal taken heed fro wisdom .and to hym that fyndith it, he
ordeyned ther!*
28 slouthe. Eche witti knowith wisdam ; schal 3yue knouleching. Witti men insg* -^'^^;
and that fyndeth it, it shal 3yue wordis also thei diden wiseli, and vndur- to tera pt God .
to hym that is, that a
stoden w

29 knoulechyng. The wel felende in wrdus and ri3trulnesse

treuthe, and manbitakehim ;

and thei and vnderstoden

wisly diden, bisou3ten|| prouerbis and domes. Go thou so Lue^f that
treuthe, and ri3twisnesse and biso3teri ; not aftir thi coueitises and be thou turned ; g n^[ an"
bide bede -
soprouerbes and domes. After thi lustis awei fro thi wille. If thou '*
3yuest to thi3i? .fof God.
go thou not and fro thi wil turne thee
; soule the coueitisis therof, it schal make Lire here. c.

,. T i-A
Ech fel man;
31 awei. If thou 3yue to thi soule his lustis, thee in to loie to thin enemyes. 32 that is, ententif Delite
i .1 ii.i to eschewe
it shal make thee in to io3e to thin ene- thou not in cumpenyes, nether in litle yu ei s w Goddis ,

32mys. Ne delite thou in curnpanyes, ne cumpenyes ; for whi the synnyng of hem S^*."tha1
in smale thyngus sotheli the trespasing ;
is contynuel. Be thou not meene in the 33 is setith and >

loueth it.

33 of hem is contynuel. Ne be thou mene stryuyng of looue, and sum thing is to

of preising.
in strif and ther is not to
for monee, thee in the world^f; for whi thou schalt II bi$ou)ten,etc.;
that is, in bi-
thee no thing in the world forsothe ; be enuyouse to thi soule.
sechinge thei
thou shalt be enuyous to thy soule. knewen the vn-
durstonding of
priuy thingis.
Delite thou not in cumpenyes ; that is, in multitude of meynee. Lire here. c. Be thou not meene ; that is, necgligent ether slow, in stryuyng of looue ;
that is, that thou stryue to ouercome sum men in the jyuyng of almes ; he that syueth almes, makith looue to God, in xix c". of Prouerbs. enuy-
ouse to thi soule ; in withdrawinge fro it the good of mersi, if thou art necgligent in the jyuyng of almes : thus it is expownyd comynly, but it
may be expowned neer the lettre thus, Be thou not meene, etc.; that is, not onely stryue thou not myche, but nether litil, in axinge hard the
dette, which thou hast lent to thi nedy neijbore. and sum thing is to thee ; that is, while thou hast wherof thou maist lyue in an other side, thou
owist not to axe ajen harde the dette. enuyouse to thi soule ; hi withdrawinge fro it the goodis of mersi ; if thou axist ouer harde the dette ajenus
Goddis heest, in xxij. c. of Exodi. Lire here. c. H in the world; another lettre hath, in the bagge. Lire here. c.

8 the dotn AEH. h the dom AEGII. Om. c et E. pr. m. the tyme AEG sec. m. H.
the tyme E.
m Om. c pr. m. n dradde E
pr. m. the strif E.

u edwite ceteri. v vnto i. w vndurstonden cos.



i The drunkelew wercman shal not be A
drunkelewx werk man schal not be i
mad riche and who dispisith lytle
maad riche; and he that chargith not litle synnes. re-

2thingis, litil mele doun falleth. Wyn synnes, fallith doun* litil and litil. Wyn 2 is, makenhim
worth! to be
and wymmen inaken also wise men to and wymmen maken to be apostataas, 3he,
weel wise men and thei repreuen witti men.
go bacward and shuln vndernyme
; be
afelende men. And who hymself ioyneth And he that ioyneth hym silf to hooris,s the felouschipe

to lecchoures, shal be wicked roten- ;

schal be wickid ; rot and wormes schulen ofgoodemen.
, 111 1
enherite hym, and he schal be set an 1113
in to more en-

nesse and wormes shuln eritagen hym, saump/e; that


and his soule shal be taken awei fro the more ensaumple, and his soule scbal
in to "othimi men*

4 noumbre. Who leeueth soone, is Ii3t in be takunf awei fro noumbre. He that 4 Lire here. c.

and who tres- bileueth soone, is vnstable in herte, and t his soule schal
herte, and shal be lessid ;
be lakun, etc. ;
shal schal be maad lesse; and he that trespass-
paseth in to his soule, ferthermor
that is, schal be
rauyschid of
5 ben had. Who io3eth in wickidnesse, ith a3ens his soule, schal be had ferther- fendis fro the
noumbre of
shal ben vndernomen and who hateth ;
more. He that ioieth in wickidnesse, schal a
chosun men.
and he that hatith blamyng, He that bileu-
correccioun, shal be lassid in? lif; and be cursid ;
eth soone ; that

who hateth myche speche, quenchith schal be maad lesse in lijf and he that ; is, yuele of his
, . , .
TT neijbore. schal
6 malice. And who
synneth in to his hatith langlyng, quenchith malice, tie 6 bemaa,

soule, shal not do penaunce ; and who

that synneth a3ens his soule, schal repente; he is

is merie in malice, shal be repreued. and he that is myrie in malice, schal be

to faiie to yuei.
7Reherce thou not an hard wrd, and a cursid. Reherse thou not an hard word,?
and wickid
,,, ,,, not ,be maad,
and thou schalt
that trespassith

shreude; and thou shalt not be lassid. ; gumuMutnin

8 To frendi and enemy wile thou not telle lesse. Nyle thou telle thi wit to frend s f&iiU prior
thi wit ;
and if ther is to thee gilte, and? enemye ; and if trespas is to thee, ^"had'ferthe'r-
9 wile thou not nakenen. Forsothe he shal nyle
J thou make nakid. For he schal here 9 """""! that is,
schal be maad
heren thee, and kepe thee, and as de- thee, and schal kepe thee, and he as de- py w >'h out
forth. Re.
fendende synne he shal hate thee and ; fendynge the synne schal hate thee ; and herse thou

10 so he shal be nee3h to thee. Euermor so he schal be euere with thee. Thou lo^fj'- of're-

hast thou herd a wrd a3en thi ne3hebore ; hast herd a word a3ens thi nei3bore ; die
abide it stille in thee, trostende for it it toaridere in thee, and triste thou that it
lesse; in fame
11 shal not to-breke thee. Fro the face of schal not breke thee. A fool traueli thi land venu.
the wrd berth out the fool, as the weil- greetli of the face of a word, as the sorewe th; 'priuetT'

ing of the birthe of a child. An arewe of beryng of a 3ong child. An arowe^^aHsTschewe
ficchid 'in to r the hipe of an hound, so fastned in the hipe of a dogge, so a word opinl y thi
preuy trespas,
13 a wrd in the herte of a fool. Chastise in the herte of a fool. Repreue thou ais andm ostto
,. , .
, , , thyn enemy.
a frend, lest par auenture he vnderstond 8 trend f, lest perauenture he vndurstonde <;///

not, and seye, I dide not ; or if he haue not, and seie, dide not ether if he Y ;

14 do, lest eftsoone he adde to do. Chastise hath do, lest he adde to do eft. Repreue u]
a ne3hebore, lest par auenture he shal thou a nei3bore,
' lest perauenture he seie that is, thi
synne, excus-
not seyn ; and if he seide, lest par auen- not; and if he seith, lest perauenture he ynge it giiefuiy
, T-> , . bifor thee, that
isture he reherse. Chastise a frend, ofte reherse. Repreue thou a frend, for whi
15 h e
may more
icforsothe is don trespas; and not to eche trespassynge is don ofte; and
wrd leeue 1 thou. Ther is that slideth in thou not to ech word. Ther is a man that Lire here. c.

J Repreue thou
a frend ; that
is, lesthe knowe not that he dide yuel, and for thi
repreuyng he schal knowe and eschewe. ether if he hath do; wrong witingly, repreue thou him.
he seie not , that is, denye stidefastly, in
encressinge his synne. and if he seith ; that is, knoulechith the synne. Lire here. c.

P the E pr. m. q the frend E. ' in A. s

vnderstod c. * bileue G sec. m.

drunke o. y and to i.
XIX. 1

17 his tunge, but not of inwit. Who is fallith bi his tunge, but not of wille*. *<>/<>/ wi#e;
T-I t i i that is, witinelv
forsothe, that gilteth not in his tunge ? For whi who z is he, that trespassith noti7andofpurpol
Chastise a ne3hebore, er that thou threte; in his tunge? Repreue thou a nei3boret,
is and the drede of the hei3est.
jif place to
For eche wisdam the drede of God, and
bifore that thou manaasse ; and 3yue thou 18
^m ''


place to the drede of the hi3este. For - b 'f that

in it to dreden God ; and wisdam
in alle whi al wisdom is the drede of God, and that is, de-

19 the disposing of the lawe. And wisdam in that wisdom for to drede God and the

is not the disciplyne of shreudenesse; and ordynaunce of lawe is in al wisdom. And etc. ;
the teching of wickidnesse is not wisdom ; that is, cometh
good thenking is not the prudence of
forth of the

2osynnes. Ther is shreudenesse of pru- and the prudence of synnes is not good drede of God ;
for it is the
dence, and in it
cursing ; and ther is an thou3t. Ther is wickidnesse of prudence,
vnwis man, that is lassid in wisdam. and cursidnesse is ther ynne and ther is ;

21 Betere is a man that is lassid in wisdam, an vnwijs man, which is maad litil in
and failende wit in the drede of God, wisdom. Betere is a man that hath litil 21 as wisdom com-
eth of drede, so
than that aboundith in wit, and duer- in a wisdom, and failynge in wit in the it techith more

22passith the lawe of the hei3est. Ther drede of God, than he that hath plentee God" telhing of

iscerteyn sleeynesse, and it is wicke. of wit, and brekith the lawe of the hi3este. bfwhthTman
Ther kan do y uel
23 And ther that sendeth out a certeyn
is, certeyn sutilte, and it is wickid. 22
warly. is not
wrd, tellende out the treuthe. Ther is, And ther is a man, that sendith out a cer- 23 wisdom, very.
vnwise man ;
that shreudely meketh hymself ; and the teyn word, tellynge out treuthe. Ther is thati

entrailes of hym ben ful of treccherie. a man, that mekith hym silf n y ng
24 And a ri3twis u that myche vn-
ther is ,
and hise ynnere thingis ben ful of gile. ^'j
derputtith hymself of myche meknesse ; And ther is a iust man, that makith low 24 of sutiitees, and
netheles kan
and ther is a ri3twis, that bowith in the greeth hym silf of myche mekenesse and sufficiently of ;
thingis that per-
face, and feyneth hym not to seen that ther a iust man, that bowith the face,
is teynentohelthe.
Lire here. c.
25 is vnknowen. And if of infinnyte 'of and feyneth hym to se not that, that is J that mekith,
v he Ms forbeden w to vnknowun. Thorn he is
forbodun of25 Ajf 7'/**-
/ M;*-
strengthis synnen ; - / nis-
to dis- tffftt
idly ; t.n

if 'he shal fynde x tyme of euel doyng, he feblenesse of strengthis to do synne ; if he se y ue the men
more, makith
2shal euele do. Of the si3te is knowen a fyndith tyme to do yuele, he schal do low greetiy,etc. ;
to peeris and
man and of the a3een comyng of the
; yuel. A man is knowun bi si3t ;
and a 20 wer men _

27 face is knowen the weel felende. The witti man is knowtui bi meetyng of face.

clothing of the body, and the filing of

The clothing of bodi, and the Iei3yng bowith the face,

teth, and the goyng in of a man, tellen teeth, and the entring of a man, tellen etc.; as turn-
i / mi f i
Ther is fals repreuyng
y"Se awey hise
28 out of hym. Ther is liyng correccioun out of hym.
f O in 28 3en fro a fair M. tf

.-i* / i womman.
in wrathe of the wrongful ; and ther is the ire of a man ful
r* i / i
of dispisyng; and whom he co-
ueitith bren-
dom that is not preued to ben good; and ther is dom which not preued $ to be
nyngly, but this
good; and ther a stille man, and he is of
ther is a beere stille, and he is prudent. is is
othere men.
Lire here. c.
ther is doom
which it not
CAP. XX. CAP. XX. preued ; that
is, whanne a
man demeth bi
1 Hou
good is to vndernymyn, than to good to repreue more than to
It is ful II,

signes, that

wrathen, and to not forbedenr the knou- be wrooth, and to forbede not a man his neijbore is
16 '- lh* risa
The lust of the gelding
Ine coueitiseoi2 stale man; that mu -x- c y
2 lechere in orisoun. knoulechyng in preiere.
deflourede the 3unge womman, birefte W a geldyng hath defoulid the maidynhed of ^dofhUnefj!
3 Mr
so he that doth bi fors a 3ong womman, so he that makith wickid 3
meydenhed , te be ^'ad ^' .

Lire here. c. || to repreue ; swetely and charitably him that trespassith. forbede not ; that is, induse him therto. Lire here. c.

ri3twis man A.
T Om. c w eschewe c pr. m. E pr. m. * ther shal come shal come
pr. m.
tt c. it

E pr. m. y defenden c pr. m. E pr. m. * or bereuith hir meydenhed A. Om. c et E pr. m.

z whiche A sec.m. a Om. c sec. m. v. b be i.


dom bi violence. It is ful good, that a 4

4 wicke dom. Hou good is, the chastisid to '**"*fl'ft
IC, f
tffy Jit IS
is, til

repreued schewe opynli*

schewe" penaunce; so forsothe thou shall man *ihat is to schewe bi
word and deed,
sfleen awei wilful synne. Ther is a stille penaunce for so thou schalt ascape wil-
that he repent-
man, that is found wis ; and ther is an ful synne. Ther is a stil man, which is 5
c hateful, that gredy to is speken. Ther is
foundun wijs; and /he is hateful, which is
Sotheli ther is a o bif re
forsothe a stille man, not hauende wit of fool hardif to speke. Lire here. c.

stille man, not hauynge wit of speche; many

speche ; and ther is a stille man, witende
that is, superflu

tyme of couenable tyme. A wys man

and ther is a stille man, knowynge the and veyn

shal be stille vnto tyme the reccheles

sesoun of couenable tyme. wijs A man?
forsothe and the vnprudent shul not schal be stille til to tyme ; but a ioli man not profit-
able ; for it is

s kepe time. Who vseth manye wrdis, and vnprudent man schulen not kepe doon for veyn-
TT ^1 *!. j- i i o &lori e> ether for
hurteth his soule ; and who taketh to tyme He that vsith wordis;, hirt- 8

yiiei en tent.
ith his soule and he that takith power m
hym power wrongfulli, shal ben hatid . ; y b'ieih

9 Ther is forth in euelis to a man to hym silf vniustli, schal be hatid. Ther9
goyng ^""f^f"^* .

vndisciplyned ;
and ther is finding in to is ffovng forth in yuels to a man vnlernyd; that is > bi 1'tii

. ,
penaunce, in
10 harm. Ther is 3ouen thing, that is not and ther fyndyng in. to peiryng. Ther 10 comparisoun
is of
c, x ri J synnes, that
i I i
and ther is 3oue thing, whos is a 3ifte, which is not profitable^; and
profitable ;

gelding is double. Ther is lassing for ther is a 5 ifte, whos 3 eldyng is double.

glorie ; and ther is, that fro mecnesse Ther is makyng lesse for glorie arid them ;

12 shal rere the bed. There is, that manye is a man, which schal reise the heed fro pond P eyne.
sevenfold; that
. . .

thingis a3een bie for litil pris, and re- mekenesse. Ther is a man, that a3en bieth 12 s
manyfoid, ;

**n ther bi seuen-

isstorende them in to seuen fold. A wys many synnes for mil pnjs||, and
/* i

fold of graces
i < i

man in wrdis maketh hym self loouable ; tho in seuenfold. A wijs man in wordis is

the graces forsothe of foolis shul ben makith hym amyable; but the graces silf j
eschewith to
14 held out. The 3ifte of the vnwise shall of foolis schulen be sched out. The 3ifte u seye hateful
., .. u i ui thingis, and
not be profitable to thee; the e3en for- ot an vnwijs man v. *.
schal not be profitable studieth to

issothe of hym ben seuennfold. Fewe to thee for hise i3en ben seuenfold^. He
able d
thingus he shal 3yue, and many thingus schal '5yue litle thingis, and he schal vp-
to men. sched
he shal vpbreiden ; and the openyng of breide d many thingis; and the openyng <mt ,-
u vndis-

the mouth of To of his mouth dai

mlo creet "Peking)
aicbi which thei
IG hym is enflaumyng. is
hen maad hate-
morewe he axith; andj
i ,! , , ..i
day leeneth a man, and to moru he ask- man leeneth, and to fu i to God and
eth it bi pie ; and hateful is such a siche a man is hateful. A frend schal not i?^'^ "^
17 maner man. To a fool shal not ben a be to a and ~
grace schal not be to hise jtrengthe,
fairnesse of n

and ther shal not be grace to the

frend, goodis. For thei that eten his breed, ben isbodi, andno-
isgoodis of hym. Who forsothe eten d the of fals tunge**; hou ofte and hou many
bred of hym, ben of fals tunge hou ofte ; men schulen scorne hym? For he de- 19
sithes and hou fele shul thei scorne hym ? partith not bi euene wit that, that was ^ tis ement is

manyfoid and
19 Ne forsothe that were to ben had, with worthi to be had ;
in liik maner and that, dyueVse, and
mi f therfor he wole
euene ri3t wit he delede ; lie maner and that was not worthi to be had. The fall- 20 haue many
. /. /. ,
i i c seru vces to
20 that, that were not to ben had. The ing ot a tals tunge is as he that tallitn in
, , 1 1 , i

vanytes, and
slidyng of the false tunge as he that is the pawment ; so the fallis of yuele men
falling in the pament; so the fallingus schulen come hastili. man Avith out2i A Lirehere c -
offals tunge;

that is, flatereris

preisinge hise folies. scorne hym ; as if he seye, alle wise men and goode. departith not, etc. ; that is, he delith yuele hise thingis, and tho
thingis that he rauyschide of othere men. come hastily ; that is, sudeynly, as a man that slidith, and fallith in the pawment. Lire here. c.

a do c pr. TO. B pr. m. b reccherous E

pr. m. reccheles, or tviylde c sec. m. marg. wijlde, or reccheles
tec. m. marg. AH. c blamed E d eetith A. " Ota. c
pr. m. pr. m.

c Om. ceteri. edwite ceteri.

21 of euelemen hastili shal come. An vn- grace is as a veyn
' fable :' and it schal be A parable ,

that is, atrewe

kinde man as a veyn fable and it shal ; customable in the mouth of vnlerned men. sentence and
be ofte in the mouth of the vndisciplyned. A parable* schal be repreued of the mouth 22 Am? c.
22 Of the mouth of the fool shal ben re- of a fool ; for he seith not it in his tyme.
preued a parable ; forsothe he seith it Ther is a man, that is forbodun to do that j 8 8C!)a! '
maad bittir in
not in his tyme. Ther is, that is for- synne, for pouert ; and he schal be ceessingfro

bedun& for myseisete to synnen and in

.,.,,.in ,

is a man, 23 may
yuel, for he
; prickidf not fiiie

23 his reste shal be prickid. And ther is, that schal leese his soule for schame ; and
that shal leese hys soule for confusioun ; for the vnprudence of a persoone he schal
t the
and of vnprudence of persone he shal dr
leese it. Forsothe he schal leese hym silf 24 ^ e <*
schame, if he
24 leesen it. Forsothe bi excepcioun of per- for the takyng of a persoone. Ther is a 25 appenth pore,
25 sone he shal leese hymself. Ther is, man, that for schame biheetith to a frend tumeth to ;

that for confusioun bihotith to a frend ;

and he hath gete hym enemy with out
and hath woonnen hym an enemy wil- cause.Leesyng is a wickid schenschip in 26 h^7s
fully. Wicke repref in a man a lesyng ;
a man and it schal be customabli in the counceiofan
yuel man, to
and in the mouth of the vndisciplyned mouth of vnlerned men. Betere is a 27 whom he con-
27 it shal be besily. Betere is a thef than theef \ than the customablenesse of a man, StL fe'

the besynesse of a man Here ; forsothe a leesyngmongere ; forsothe bothe to

fh^ y
2sbothe shuln eritagen perdicioun. Ma- schulen enherite perdicioun. The ma- 23 dedl x s y nne
and as to the

neres of men lieres withoute wrshipe ; neres of men leesyngmongeris ben with I'odi, ofte M
h an fP n ether . f?>
and the confusioun of hem with them outen onour and her scnenscnype ts with bi heeding, for

29 withoute cesing. A wys man in wrdis hem with out ceessyng. A wijs man in
shal bringe forth hymself; and a prudent wordis schal brynge forth$ hym silf; and
30 man shal plesen to grete men. Who a prudent man schal pleese grete men. an y" el P61 "-

wercheth his lond, shal myche he3en the He that worchith his lond, shal make hi330 scha me; that
hep of frutes; and who wercheth ri3t- the heep of fruytis ; and he that worchith
wisnesse, he shal myche ben enhauncid. ri3tfulnesse, schal be enhaunsid. Sotheli
Who forsothe pleseth to grete men, shal he that plesith grete men, schal ascape auarouse- *>-

heetith; that

31 fleen awei/or ascape*, wickidnesse k Pre- . wickidnesse. Presentis and 3iftis blynden si that he may
, ., ,
- not pave, ene- .. .

sentes and 3iftes ful out blenden the e3en the i3en of mgis ; and as doumb in the my without re- ||

ofdomysmen and as a doumb in the

; mouth turneth awei the chastisyngis
** re
mouth he turneth awei the chastisingus of hem. Wisdom hid, and tresour vnseyn,32+ t

32 of hem. Hid wisdam, and tresor vnseen, 1

what profit is in euer eithir? He isss'W"; that is,
....... .
lesse yuel than
33 what profit in eithir? Betere is, that betere, that hidith his vnwisdom, than a a man custom-

hilith vnwisdam, than a

his man that man that hidith his wisdom. ^ngj s> f^ e
hidith his wisdam.
good fame,
which is betere

CAP. XXI. f A T> VYT than ertheli

V/AJT. AJV1. goodis. Lire

1 Sone, hast thou synned ? ne adde thou Sone, thou hast do synne ? adde thou 1

to eftsoone ; but of thi rathere louly not eft ; but biseche thou for the formere
preye, that to thee thei be for3yuen. synnes, that tho be for3ouun to thee. As 2
2 As fro the face of a shadewe eddere flee fro the face of a serpent fie thou synnes; 11
* /*".
heete encreess-
fruytis, so
the onours of him that worchith rijtfulnesse encreessen. plesith grete men ; for his rijtfulnesse, as Joseph and Danyel diden. Lire here. c.
os doumb ; that is, a spice of a paddok, which cast in to the mouth of a dogge, makith him stifle, and vnmijty to berke; so present jouun for
the distriyng of rijtfulnesse, makith the iuge to be stille, and to ceesse fro pimyschyng of yuel. what profit is in euer either ; as if he sey, noon ;
and this is soth, as to the profit of olhere men, but not as to his owne profit ; forwhi tresour vnseyn profitith not to it silf, nether to othere men ;
but wisdom hid profitith as to the hauere, as to the dedis of contemplatif liyf, thous it profitith not to othere men, bi werkis of actif liyf.
Lire here. c.

f it is AE. 8 eschewith c pr. m. E pr. m. n Om. AKGU. Om. E k wickenesse B.

c et pr. m.
1 Om. c pr. m. profit E pr. m. m beseech AEGH.

ne3he to and if thou nei3est to Hho* synnesc tho
synnes; and if thou schalt

3 them, thei shul take thee. The teeth of schulen take thee. The teeth of a lioun 3 w consent.

a leoun the teth of it, sleende the soules ben the teeth therof, that sleen the soulis wiappinge and
4 of men. As a swerd two bitende eche of men. Al wickidnesse is as a scharp4

wickidnesseP; of the wounde of it is no swerd on either syde ; heelthe isnot to

the wounde f therof.
Chidyngis and 5 deuourith hooi-
shelthe. A3een chiding and wrongis to '

. lyche the good

and the schulen distne catel ; and an of grace, and
no3t shul bringe substaunce ; wrongis
, . . , 111 T , i decreessith the
hous that ful myche is riche, shal be houe that is ouer riche, schal be distnede go0d of kynde.

to no3t bi pride so the substaunce bi pride; so the catel of a proude man

bmjt ; ^'heuhefs'not

of the proude shal be taken vp bi the schal be drawun vp bi the roote. Thee <* the
whi synne
6 roote. The lowe pre3yng of the pore- fro preyer of a pore man t schal come fro the hinith iodi

and mouth
... .

to eeris&; and doom schal come

and soule, and
mouth vnto the ere shal come ;
the til withdrawith

hastili. He that hatith repreuyng, 7

7dom hastili shal com to hym. Who hat- to hym
eth chastising, the step of a synnere ; is is a step of the synnere ; and he that
dredith God, schal be turned to his herte $. Lire here. c.
and who dredeth God, shal ben conuertid J a man ;
8 to his herte. Knowen fro aferr is the A mi3ti man with an hardi tunge is 8 that suffrith
my3ty in
hardy tunge and the
fool ;
knowun and a witti man kan kepe wordis and
afer ;

weel felende woot hymi to slyde fro him silf fro that man. He that bildith 9
of God
9 hym. Who bildith his hous with r other his hous with othere mennus costisll, is as ?*"*'
u a step, etc. ;

mennes costes, as that gedereth his he that gaderith hise stonys in wyntir.
that is suere >

., . ofthedeuel.
lostonus in wynter
. A flax top gedered
Scheuys" gadend togidere the synagoge is
10 Lire here. c.

togidere the synagoge of synneres ; and of synneris ; and the endyng of hem is
the ful ending of them flawme of fyr. the flawme of fier. The weie of synneris n^
11 The weie of synneres togidere plauntid is set togidere with stoonys ; and in the
hardt tunge ;
with stones ; and in to the ende of them ende of hem ben hellis^j, and derknessis, that is, a proud

and peynes 1 and derknesses. Who

and peynes.
He that ,! .,/-i man, that
i2j t hgretethingis
i2helle, , kepitn rrjttulnesse,
shal kepe ri3twisnesse, shal withholde schal holde the wit therof**. The perfec- is
* nd i )raudli
13 the wyt of hym. Ful ending of the cioun of Goddis drede is wisdom and wit.
Lire here. c.

udrede of God wisdam and wit. He shal He schal not be taust, which is not wijs
14 II
m <">
COStis; gaderid
not be lerned, that is not wis in goode. in good. Forsothe vnwisdom is, which is e w
isTher is forsothe vnwisdam, that abund- plenteuouse in yuel ; and wit is not, where
eth in euel ;
and there not wit, where
is is bittirnesse. The kunnyng of a wijsie ] n

16 is bitternesse. The kunnyng of the wise man schal be plenteuouse as flowyng and ;
for many places
man as flowing shal abunde ; and the the councel of hym dwellith as a welle of i>en there. Lire

counseil of hym as a u welle of lif abit v lijf. The herte of a fool is as a brokun 17 **&Ja the wit

17 stille. The herte of the fool as a vessel vessel ; and it schal not holde ony wisdom, schlf hoide'

to-broken ; and wisdam shal not

alle What euer wijs word a kunnynee man 18
8td efastl y the
j .

stinng of re-
isholden. A wis wrd what euer he w shal herith, he schal preise, and leie toff. A * ' ti
. . werkis. wti-
heren, the shal and letcherouse man herde, and schal dis- dm> w winch
echen. The
leccherous herde, and
it shal
11 11

and he schal caste it awei

.a man wel ..

disposid to God.

displesen hym; and he shal throwe it bihynde
his bak. The JO " which a man
tellynge of a fool 19""

igbihinde his bac. The the weie ; for whi

telling of a* fool as a birthun in
is el disposid to
his neijbore.
Eaban poyntith
thus, And the toil of him schal not be tautf, which not wijs in good ; and this lettre
is is pleyn. Lire here. c. ft and ley to; that is, holde
in herte, and tille in werk. c.

Om. c pr. m. twei AEGH. P wickenesse E. q to hym E pr. m.
T of A. s the wynter E pr. m.
peyne c. Om. A. abideth AEGH. w it AGH. * the A.

c them d
i. Om. s. e
Chidyng cv. vnto i. g the eeris cva. h
Stobyl A sec. m. Stubbil i.

as berthen in the weie ; for in the lippes grace schal be foundun in the lippis of
of the wel felende shal be founde grace. a wijs man. The mouth of a prudent 20
20 The moutli of the prudent is? so3te in man sou3t in the chirche ; and men

the chirche ; and the wrdis of hym thei schulen thenke hise wordis in her hertis.
21 shul theiike in ther hertes. As an hous As an hous distried, so is wisdom to a 21
* wisdom
set out of termes, so a wisdam to a fool ; fool* ; and the kunnyng of an vnwijs man to a
fool; for if he
and the kunnyng of the mys felende vn- is wordis that moun not be teld out. hathonyknow-
22 tellable wrdis. Gyues in feet doctrine to Stockis in the feet is techyng to a fool ;

a fool and as bondis of hondis vpon the

and as bondis of hondis on the ri3t hond.
ri3t hond. The fool in filing enhaunceth A enhaunsith his vois in Iei3yng
fool y* ',23^- teidout;
tor he bryngith
his vois ;
forsothe a wis man vnnethe but a wijs man schal Iei3e vnnethis stilli. forth tho so,
-_ , that tho moun
24stilleli shal Ia3hen. A goldene ourne-

1 echyng is
. ,
a goldun ournement to a pru- 24 not be vndur-
"" d L>re
ment doctrine to the prudent ;
and as an dent man ; and as an ournement of the r "?'

2sarmcercle in the ri3t arm. The foot of +

arm in the ri?t arm. The foot of a fool z>25 schal s n
be scham- TT
the fool Ii3t in to the hous of the ne3he- li?t' in to k the hous of a nehbore ; and a ed > ti*'u,
schal be
bore ; and a wis man shal be confoundid wijs man
schal be aschamedf of the per- aschamed to
26 of the persone of the my3ty. The fool soone of a mijti man. fool biholdith 20 hnVno but A
fro the wyndowe biholdith in to the fro the wyndow in to the hous but a ;

hous ;
the lered man forsothe withoute lerned man schal stonde with out forth. herte
of foolis ;

27 shal stonde. The folie of a man to herk- It is foli of a man to herkene bi the dore 27 for an "o n h ;
* ei
tellen out her
nen thur3 the dores z ; and the prudent and a prudent man schal be greuyd bi conseit. the
28 shal be greued with strif. The lippes of The l
dispisyng. lippis of
'vnprudent taea 90mm,^ttif
vnprudent men folies shul tellen
the ; schulen telle fonned thingis; but the wordis ^nsen "no
wrdis forsothe of prudent men in a ba- of prudent men schulen be weied in a ba- ll

in ?' no but
. . good auyse-
29launce shul ben peisid. In the mouth of launce. The herte of foolis is in her 29 ment biforgo-
t _ . .
ynge. cursith
foolis the herte of hem ; and b in the herte mouth; and the mouth of wise men ts the deuel ;

so of wise men the mouth of hem. Whan in her herte. Whanne a wickid man curs-3o!
soule ; for in
the vnpitouse curseth the deuel, he curs- ith the deuel, he cursith his owne soule. his dedis he
si eth his owne soule. The rownende c gruc- A priuy bacbitere schal defoule his soule, 3i sueth the deuel,
and so he de-
chere shal defoule his soule, and in alle and in alle thingis he schal be hatid, and nounsith, that
he in- ith to be

thingus he shal hatyd, and that

ben he that dwellith}, schal be hatid ; a stil
dampned. Lire
here. c.
abideth, shal ben hatid the stille and ;
man and wijs schal be onourid. J dwellith ;
with a priuy
the wel felende shal ben wrshipid.
bacbitere, and
isdefoulid bi

CAP. XXII. CAP. XXII. his synne.

stille man ; in
du tyme, and
i In a cle3y ston shal ben stoned the A slow man is stonyd in a stoon ofi spekinge in co-
uenable tyme.
slowe ; and alle shuln speke of the grete cley ; and alle men schulen speke on the Lire here. c.

adispising of hym. Of the drit of oxen dispisyng of him. A slow man is stonyd 2
stoned is and eche that
the slowe ; of the dung of oxis ; and ech man that
toucheth hym, shal shaken out hondes. touchith hym, schal schake the hondis.
3 The confusioun of the fader is of the The schame of am fadir is of a sone vn-s

vndisciplyned sone ;
forsothe a fool do3tir lerned but a fonned dorter schal be in

4 in gret mynushing shal be. prudent A decreessyngfi.

&J A
prudent doubter is eritage 4
,. , m^,- of the

d to hir hosebonde ; for sche that schendith

do3tir eritage to hir husbonde ; for she
that confoundith, in repref is mad of the hir hosebonde, is in dispisyng of the fadir.

z dore a b Om. c E. d man

y shal be c pr. m. E pr. m. AEGH. speke E pr. m. A. rownynge
c el E pr. m.

v. k Om. c. 1
an vnprudent man A pr. m.
m Om. i.
113! to go
Y 2
164 ECCLESIASTICUS. xxii. 5 23.

sgetere. The fader and man she fool A ^schameles wommanm schendith the fa- a

hardi confoundeth, and of the vnpitous dir and hosebonde, and schal not be maad
man she shal not be lassid ; of either for- lesse* than vnfeithful men ; forsothe sche */me,- that
. ., . , r ls > schal not be

i; sot ho she shal 6 be vnwrshipid

. Melodie schal not be onourid of euer either. Melo-6 i es se in vices
than men that
die in morenyng is vncouuenable" telly ng;
in weiling vnkouenable telling ; scourges beren pesti-
lence. "'>-

7 and doctrine in alle tyme wisdam.

Who betyngis and techyng in al tyme with dom ; that is,

wisdom. He that techith a fool, as he chastising, w

techeth a fool, as that glueth togidere a 7
beting ether bi
a sherd. He that telleth a wrd to the not that glueth togidere a tiel stoon. that 8 wordfnedith He
, ... euere to be
h telhth a word to hym that herith not, ts
herende, as that rereth a slepende man
doon wisely

9 fro an heuy slep. With the slepende he

as he that reisith a
that tellith
slepynge fro a
wisdom 9
Lir tere
speketh, that telleth to the fool wisdam ; greuouse sleep. Sj -^-

and in the ende of the k telling he shal to a fool, spekith with a slepynge ; man etc.; that is,

10 Who is this ? Ouer the deade weepe and in the ende of the tellyng he schal tho'^'seru'yce'of
seie, Who is this? Wepe thouf on a deed

thou, forsothe the Ii3t of hym failede ; ioj!nd preyethaii

and ouer the fool weepe thou, forsothe man, for whi his Ii3t failide; and wepe ^
him, for his
tyme 01 merit
n he failede wit. A
litil weep vp on the thou on a fool, for he failide of wit. Wepe 1 1 failide. Lire

12 deade, for he restede. Forsothe of the thou a litil on a deed man, for he hath + the
liyf of a

most wicke most wicke 1 on the deth restid. Forsothe the lijf of a ful| wickid

13 of a fool. The weiling of the deade man is ful wickid, more than the deth of
seuene da3es ; of the fooll forsothe and a The morenynsr
fool. *
of a deed man is is more to be '
Imveuid, than
of the vnpitous alle the da3es of the lif seuene daies but me morenyng of a fool the deth of him
- . . ., The moren- ,, , j
u of hem. With a
ne speke thou fool and of a wickid man ts alle the daies ot


myche, and with a mys felende go thou her lijf. Speke thou not myche with aH^iustman
deed dl rith *'
fool, and eo thou not with an vnwijs man.
' -

15 not awey. Kep thee fro hym, that thou


seuene dayes ;
haue not greef ; and thou shalt not ben Keep thee fro hym, that thou haue not is so it was in the
. < i * tyme of the
icdefoulid in the synne of hym. Boowe disese and thou schalt not be defoulid
n AT book, of a fool,
Boowe thou ""<"
. -.
awei fro hym, and thou shalt finde reste; in the synne of hym.
and thou shalt not be maad sorewi m slo3 fro hym, and thou schalt fynde reste; 2LSu^
17 in the folie of hym. Ouer leed what shal and be thou not anoied by his foly. What 17 bi d efate Of
11 i . kyndly wit, but
ben heuy ? and what othir name to hym schal be maad heuyere than leed ? and bi defaute of
/. T ., good liyf, tho-
IB than a fool? Li3tere is to bern grauel, what othere name than a tool is to it? rou abundaunce
ra a" d
and salt, and a gobet of iren, than an It is h'3tere to here grauel, and salt, and I8^ y k'^ an e
inprudent" man, and a fool, and vnpitous. a gobet of *yrun, than a man vnprudeut,
man is he, that
As ioynyng of tres, bounde togidere to fool, and vnfeithful. As an heep of
19 and a lodoithidoiatne.
alle the dayes
the foundement of the bilding, shal not trees, boundun togidere in the toundement a/her iiyf ;

ben vnloosid, so and the herte fastned to- of the bilding, schal not be vnboundun, so
2ogidere in the thenking of counseil. The and an 00 herte conformed in the thou3t of
thenking of the wel felende in alle tyme, counsel^. The thomt of a wijs man shal 20 A<. c .

. ,

21 or drede, shal not be beshrewid. As chaf not be maad schrewid in ony tyme, ne- that of good is,

in he3e thingus, and morter withoute due ther dredei

councel, and of
As chaffis in hi3e places, 21 prudence


cost, sett a3en the face of the wynd, shul and soond with out medling of hym, set
not abide so and the dredeful herte in "<*>*
22 ; a3ens the face of wynd, schulen not dwelle ; ful bi

; worldly
the thenking of a fool a3en the bure of so and a dreedful herte in the thou3t of a 22 drede. a 5 e-
i /
stondlth out;
23 drede a3en stontP not. As
grauely enourn- fool a3enstondith not a3ens the teersnesse yuei, but con-
sentith anoon.
Lire here. c.
shal not c pr. m. E pr. m.
wrshipid c pr. m . S nedeles c pr. m. E pr. m. vnkonable c sec. m.
slepi AGH. slepi A.
k Om. AEGH. 1 wickede m
Om. c pr. m. n vnprudent AGH. that
shal c. P stondeth AEGH.

m boold womman, that schameles, c n couenable A the P in

is, et ceteri.
pr. JH.IS. betyng AS. i.
drede A sec. m.

yngi in a bri3t wal, so and the trem- of drede. As ournyng, ether pargetyng,^
blende herte in the thenking of a fool, in a cleer wal*, so * cleer
ful of grauel and a >'.
alle time he shal not dreden r so and ;
ferdful herte in the thou3t of a fool schal stonys,' and
that in 8 the hestis of God abit* stille not drede in ony tyme ; so andi he that
24 euermor. The prickende
the 636 leteth out dwellith euere in the heestis of Godf. He 24 5 oddi8

teres ; and that pricketh the herte, bring- that prickith the i3e, schal leede out teeris; her*- c

25eth forth wit. Throwende a ston in to and he that prickith the herte, bryngith God; vndur-

foules, 'schal throwe" hem doun ; so and forth Wit. He "

that Castith 1 a StOOn tO 25 dwelleth euere

U nd
that putteth reprof to a frend, looseth briddis, schal caste doun tho ;
so and he dJdTof God
2efrenshipe. To the frend and if thou that doith wrong to a frend, departith
Lire here - c-

bringe forth a swerd, thou shalt not dis-

frenschipe. Thou3 thou bryngist forth 326
peiren ; ther is forsothe a3eengoyng to a swerd to a frend, dispeire^ thou not ; for j dispdre, etc.;

27 frend. If he shul opene a drery mouth, ther is going a3en to the frend. If
ne drede thou ; ther is forsothe acord- disputing; that
openeth a soreuful mouth, drede thou not ;
is, to putte

ing, out take putting to of vice, and dis- for whi ther is acordyng, outakun dispis- on him greu-
ouse cryme, as
pit, and pride, and openyng of priuyte, ynge, and schenschipe, and pride, and that he is a
theef. schen-
and treccherous veniaunce ;
in alle these schewyng of preuyte, and a tretcherouse schipe; that is,
wounde putte on him to
28thingus shal flee awei a frend. Feith in alle these thingis a frend schal
; that he was
welde thou with a frend pore- 'in the fie awei. Haue thou feith with a frend 28 borun '

fuly, ether that

nesse of hym, that and in the goodis of in his pouert, that thou be glad also in he is boonde

zohyin thou glade. In tyme of tribula- hise goodis. In the tyme of his tribula-
cioun of hym abid stille to hym feithful, cioun dwelle thou feithful to hym, that
that and in the eritage of hym thou be Ltre
also thou be euene eir in the eritage of

sotogidere eir. Biforn fir of the chymnee, hym. Heete 1 and smook of fier is maadso
moiste issue, and the smoke of fyr, is u so and
hi3 bifore the fier of a chymenei ;

enhauncid ; so and befor blod cursis, and cursyngis, and dispisyngis, and manaassis,
31 wrongis, and thretes. frend to saluten A comen bifore blood. I schal not be si
I shal not be confoundid, and fro the aschamed for to grete a frend, and Y
face of hym I shal not hiden me and ; schal not hide me fro his face ; thou3
if eueles schulen w comen to me bi hym, yuels comen to me bi hym, Y schal suffre.

32! shal suffre. Eche that shal heren, shal Ech man that schal here, schal kepe warli$ 32 fope warty;
ssshonen hymself fro hym. Who shal 3yue hym silf fro hym. Who
schal 3yue keping 33 offence' of a
to my mouth warde, and vpon x my lippis tomy mouth, and a certeyn ceelyng on here, c."
ay certeyn marke, that I falle not fro my lippis, that Y falle not bi tho, and
them, and my tunge leese me? that my tunge leese not me ?


1 Lord, fader, and lordshipere of my lif, Lord, fadir, and lordli gouernour of my i

ne forsake thou me in the thenking and lijf,

forsake thou me not in the thou3t and
the counseil of them ; and suffre thou me counsel of hem II; nether suffre thou me to
hem; that
2 not to fallen in that reprouyng. Who falle m.
that schenschipe.
, . -ITTI
Who settith2

puttith vp on in my thenking scourgis, aboue in thou3t beetyngis, and in myn
and in myn herte doctrine of wisdam, hert the techyng of wisdom, that in the
that to the vnknowyngus of them he vnkunnyngis of hem he spare not me, and
spare not to me, and apere not the giltis that the trespassis of hem appere not ?

u throwith c v and in A.
enuyrownynge A. repen E pr. m.
s Om. c. * abideth AEGH. pr. m.
w Om. c pr. m. * to AGU. y Om. G. z the E m.

Om. s * u the F. Om. ceteri.

1 c. r sendith i.
brynge i.
Vapour, ether heete, c el ceteri.

Lest encreesse, and my 3

3 of them? Lest waxen to myne vnkun- myn vnkunnyngis
trespassis be multiplied,
and my synnes be
nyngnesses, and ben multeplied my giltis, jjw***^
and I falle in and lest Y falle in the si3t * datprfd.
and my synnes abunden ; plenteuouse ;

and haue
the si3te off myn aduersaries, and myn of myn aduersaries, myn enemy *S5,,
4 enemy 1036. Lord, fader, and God of my ioie.Lord, fadir, and God of my lijf, for- 4 ***'

ne forsake thou me in the thenking sake thou not me in the thou3t of hem. thou not, etc.;
lif, that is, suffre

5 of hem. The enhauncynge3en of myn 3vue thou not to me enhaunsyng* ots

thou not
! *
soule to falle
ne 3yue thou to me ; and al desyr turne myn i3en and turne thou awei fro me al
6 awei fro me. Do awei fro me lustis of
the wombe, and the liggyngus of lust ne
the coueitisis of the

schrewid desijr. Do thou awei fro mee

w wombe, and the
into vnreuer-
m .

"tproude man
take thei me ; and to vnreuerent inwit coueitisis of letcherie take me not; and schal be takun }
. , of the deueU
The me to x a soule vnreuerent
7 and vndiscreet ne take thou me. 3yue thou not tha t settith to

doctrine of the mouth here 366, sonis ; and vndiscreety. Sones, here 36 the tech- 7
tho ; that is,
and that shal kepen it, shal not pershen yng of mouth; and he that kepith it, schal schal falle in

in his lippis, ne shal be sclaundrid in not perische bi hise lippis, nether schal be the snaris of
the deuel.
s 'the werstea werkes. In his vanyte is sclaundrid in worste werkis synnere s A
ca3t the synnere and
the proude man
and proude man schal be takunf in his
and the cursid shal be sclaundred in vanite ; and a cursid man schal be sclaun-
o hem. To swering vse not thi rnouth ;
drid in tho. Thy mouth be not custom- 9 mouth, to pre ye
and preche.
The able to swering ; for whi many fallyngis names of
lomanye forsothe fallingus in it.

nemnyng forsothe of God be not con- ben ther ynne. Forsothe the nemyng of 10 springe '"fte
tynuel in thi mouth, and to the names of God be not customable in thi mouth, o/Aem/thaf
seyntus be thou not mengd for thou shalt ;
and be thou not meddlid to the names of is >

f offence
hem. axid
11 not ben harmles of hem. As forsothe a seyntis for thou schalt not be giltles of
bistu ; that is,

....... , .
constreyned bi
seruaunt askid bisily, fro wannesse, *or hem. For as a seruaunt that ts axid bisni, n beetingis to
enuye is not mynusht
, ; so eche swerere schal not wante wannesse; so ech man O f skyn" "wThe

and nemnyng, in al fro synne shal not be swerynge \ and nemynge schal not be
i2purgid. A man myche swerende shal be pure-id of synne in al. A man sweryne;e 12 <". wood.
and nemynge ;
fulfild with wickidnesse arid ther shal myche schal be fillid with wickidnesse ; that swer- is,
, . , ..... inge bi the
not gon awei fro the hous of hym ven- and vemaunce schal not go awei fro his names of
isiaunce. And if he shul bigile the bro- hous. And a
he disseyueth a brother, is ^ig"*'^^.
bl y- ** re
ther, the gilte of hym vpon hym shal be ; his trespas schal be aboue hym and if ;

and he shul feyne, he shal trespasen

if he feyneth, he schal trespasse doubli. And 14 ; ech man
..,, .,, . , . sweringe, etc.;
14 double. And if in veyn he shul swern, it he swerith in veyn, he schal not be ms-
, , . ,
for w sich yuei
he shal not be iustefied ; forsothe with tified; for whi his hous schal be fillid o vnit"e~-

werst 3elding shal be fulfild the hous of with worst 3elding. Also a3enward an-is^ ^*; 1

hym. Ther is and an other speche other speche is in to deth be it not found harmith him
bi a fals ooth.

ajeenward in to deth; 'be it f not founde in the eritage of Jacob. For whi alle ica4<m Aim ,-
, . i . i . , f he holdun
16 in the eritage of Jacob. Forsothe of these schulen be don awei iro to restore, and
mercyful men alle these
thingus shul be merciful men ; and thei schulen not delite ^nstrevned
don awey; and in giltis thei shul not in trespassis. Thi mouth be not custom- 1 7
herto> ifitis
preued ajenus
him. feyneth ;
in holdinge stille the truthe, for
whos declaring he is broujt forth a witnesse, and swerith that he knowith not. doubli ; that is, ajenus himsilf, in
sweringe fals, and a3enus the neijbore in harmynge him, in conscience that holdith another mannus thing, and another man in the purs, his hous ;
for whi sumtyme sones ben
punyschid bi temporal peynes, for fadris and modris, and most whanne thei suen the fadris synne ; as it is doon ofte in
this caas, for a sone that herith ofte his fadir
sweringe in veyn, takith bi this a liyk maner. another speche; contrarie to the formere ; this speche is

blasfemye, that disserueth deth, as God seith in xxiiij. c. of Leuitici. Lire here. c.

a wickedest b
Om. c pr. m. c ben in A. d Om. c et E pr. m. e wickenesse E.
f but AGH.

s. " Om. * to me T vnsaueri, ether vndiscreet, c et ceteri. *

coueityse ceteri. s. Om. A pr. m. i.

17 often turned To the vndisciplynous able to vnreuerent speche for whi a word

speche vse not thi mouth ; forsothe ther of synne is in it. Haue thou mynde on \a
18 is in it the wrd of synne. Haue mynde thi fadir and modir ; for thou stondist in
of fader and thi moder ; in the myddel the myddis of grete men. Lest perauen-19
19 forsothe of gretemen thou stondist. Lest ture God for3ete thee in the si3t of hem ;

parauenture God for3ete thee in the si3te and lest thou maad a fool bi thi custom-
of hem and thur3 thi bisynesse gretli
ablenesse, suffre schenschipe , and haddist
maad foul, repref thou suffre h and had- , leuere to be not borun, and curse the dai
dest leuere not to be born, and the dai of of thi birthe. A man customable in the c 20
20 thi birthe thou curse. A man vsid in wordis of schenschipe, in alle daies schal d ,

wrdys of repref, in alle his da3es shal not not be taint. Twei kyndis* ben plenteu- 21 * at ? '"> co ei -
tiseand glo-
21 be lered'. Two kindis abundyn in synnes, ouse in synnes, and the thridde bringith tenye. and the
... , thridde; that .

and the thridde bringeth to wrathe and ire and perdicioun. An hoot soule bren- 22 is, auoutrie.
22perdicioun. A fel soule as fyr brennende nynge as fier schal not be quenchid, til it of'Goddirven-
shal not be quenchid, to the tyme sum swolewe sum thing and a wickid man
inas^J^;"^ ;

23 what he swolewe ; and a shreude man in the mouth of his fleisch schal not faile, til heUe bren - '-

the mouthe of his flesh shal not leuen, to

11 /-
T-, i ,
.hen breed is swete to a 24
, nynge; with
the fier of co-
, , . ueitise. swolewe
24 the time he teende fyr. To a leccherous letcherouse man ;
he schal not be maad
, ,
sum thing; in

man eche bred sweete ;

he shal not be e
weri, trespassynge'til to the ende.
2oweri, trespasende vnto the eride. Eche man that passith his bedf, doith dispit J ?J
men. a wickid
t 1 e

man that ouergoth his bed, dispisende in a3ens his soule, and seith, Who seeth me? , that is,

aglotoun. til
to his soule, and seiende, seeth me ? Who Uerknessis cumpassen

me, and wallis 20 he kynd/e for;

i i i'ii i-i oflecherie. Ech
26 Dercnesses cumpassen me, and the walles kyueren me, and no man biholdith me. breed is swete;

coueren me aboute, and no man aboute Whom drede Y? The hi3este schal not
biholdeth me. Whom drede I ? Of my haue imiide
on my synnes. And he vn-27 ble
} l
to him.
n ani desira -
i .

giltisthe hei3est shal not han mynde. dirstondith not, that the {36 of him f seeth maad wen, etc.;
11 e i_- ii. j j that is, he schal
k .!- r.
alle thingis ; for whi the drede of siche a
27 Ancl he vndirstont not, for alle thingus
not ceesse to

the 636 of hym seeth, for he putte awei man puttith awei fro him the drede of 2^.
h< dit ia " "-
frohym the drede of God ; of such a God, and the i3en of men that dreden tne. to the


maner man is drede, and the e3en of men hym putten awei Jfro hym
y Goddis drede. end of his s

2sdredende hym. And he kne3 not, for

And , liyf. Lire here.
he knew not, that the nen of the 28 c.
the e3en of the Lord ben myche more Lord ben rnyche more clerere than the
Ii3tere ouer the sunne, biholdende aboute sunne, and biholden alle the weies of men,
allethe weies of men, and the depthe of and the depthe of the see, and? biholden ><", that is,
of auouter, 01
the se, and the hertes of men biholdende
29 in to the hidde partis. To the Lord God
the hertis of men in to hid partis. For 29 which he dred-
ith to be priued
whi alle thingis weren knowun to the fro his lust, the
. ,

forsothe, er thei weren" foormed, alle

1 h
Lord, bifore that thei weren maad of *$?
thingis ben knowen ; so and aftir the nou3t ; so and aftir the makyng he bi-
{^^u his
so parformed he biholdith alle thingus. This holdith alle thineris. This man schal be so auoutrie ' and
seruen him
in the stretes of the cite shal be vengid ; punyschid in the of the citee he
as an horse colt he shal be dryue, and
.... stretis
. .
; therynne, for
drede of his
schal be dryuun awei
an horse colt, as offence, and

si wher he hopeth not, he shal be ca3t. And

he shal ben vileny to alle ; forth i that he
and he schal be takun, where he hopith
not. And he schal be schenschip to alle 3 1
1 " hise
yuels, putten
32 vnderstod not the drede of the Lord. So men ;
for he vndurstood not the drede of awey fro him
Goddis drede.
and eche womman forsakende hir man n
, the Lord. So and ech womman forsak- 32 /,,> here. c.

h suffrist A. lerned AEGH. k Om. vnderstondeth AEGH.

e turne them E pr. m. AQH. *
A. l

m ben c pr. m. E pr. m. n husbonde AEGH sec. m.

b c Om. d he shal e vnti f

him, that of
schenschipe, ether scornyng, c prater Y.
el celeri i. s. i. is,

God, v. B and thei i. tho ''


shal synnen, and settende eritage of an ynge hir hosebonde schal do synne, and
>, that
33 aliene matrimoyne. First in the lawe of ordeynynge eritage* of an alien matri-
the he3est she was vnleeueful , and the monye. For firste sche was vnbileueful 33 hosebonde.
secunde hir man? she forsok ; the thridde in the lawe of the hi3este, and the se- whanne hir
auouter was
in auoutrie she dide leccherie, and of an counde tyme sche forsook hir hosebonde weddid. to him; ;

34 othir man
sonus she sette to hirself. This and the thridde tyme sche was defoulid that to hir hosebonde.

in to the chirche shal be bro3t, and in to in auowtrie, and ordeynede tohym sones rootis; for thei
_.. .
litbe 34 schulen
womman schal
not be
of another man.

35 the sonus of hir shall ben lookid. The 1 his stabiischid in

the eritage of
sonus of hir shul not taken rootis, and brou3t in to the chirche, and me schal bi- the hosebonde.

the braunches of hir shul not 3yuen holde on hir sones. Hir sones schulen
Thei shul leueni in to curs the syue rootis,
and hir braunchis schulen not
sefruyt. lengthe of

mynde of hir, and the vilenye of hir

shal 3yue fruy t. Thei schulen leeue
mynde 36 fayes that ,-

. . is, euerlastinge
37 not be don awei. And thei shul knowe, of hir in to cursyng, and the schenschipe y ii f. ure here.

for thei ben forsaken no thing be-

for of hir schal not be don awei. And thei 37'

tere than the dred of God, and no thing that ben left schulen knowe, that no thing

swetere than to biholden in the maunde- is betere than the drede of God, and no-

38 mens of the Lord. Gret glorie is r to fo- thing is swettere than to biholde in the
lewe the Lord lengthe forsothe of da3es
comaundementis of the Lord. It is greet 38
shal ben taken to of hyra. glorie to sue the Lord for whi lengthe ;

of daies schulen be takun of hym.


1 Wisdam shal preisen his soule, and in Wisdom schal preisef his soule, and hei twisdom schai

the Lord he shal ben wrshepid ; and in schal be onourid in God ; and he schal that is, God
the myddel of his 8 puple he shal glorien. haue glorie in the myddis of his puple.
2 And in the chirches of the he3est he shal And he schal opene his mouth in the 2 .
God ; the Fa-

opene his mouth ; and in the si3te of the chirchis of the Imeste and he schal haue ;
dir - Aa " ff
l <

he shal glorien. And in

i it, j. c u- Ail.he 3
in thesi^t of
svertue of hym glorie in the si3t or his vertu. MS vertu; that
the myddel of his puple he shal ben schal be enhaunsid in the myddis of his
enhauncid and in hoeli' plente he shal
; puple; and he schal wondre in hooli plentee .

4 wndren". And in the multitude And in the multitude of chosun men he 4 Y the firste
myche gendrid; that
of chosen men he shal han preising and ;
schal haue preisyng ; and among blessid is seid in the

among blissid men he shal ben blessid, men he schal be blessid, and seie, I, the a GoTth"

sseiende, I of the mouth of the

cam forth, first goten biforn eche crea-
firstegendrid bifore ech creature, cam forth
fro the mouth of the hiseste. I made ine
^at is, of the
^ e

J or vertu gen-
eture. I made in heuenus, that vnfailende heuenes, that Ii3t neuere failynge roos vp, drmgof God

Ii3t shulde springe, and as a litil cloude and as a cloude Y hilide al erthe. Y dwell- 7 Lire here. c.

7 1 coueryd eche flesh. I in the he3est ide in hi3este thingis, and trone in a my
thingus dwellede, and my trone in a piler piler of cloude. Y
aloone 3ede aboute the s
8 of a cloude. The cercle of heuene I cum-
cumpas of heuene, and Y perside the
passide alone, and the depthe of the se depthe of the see ; and Y 3ede in the wawis
I thirlede ; and in the flodis of the se I of the and Y stood in al the lond.9

,o wente, and in al erthe I stod. And in And Y hadde the firste dignite in ech pu-io 1

alle puple, and in alle folc of kinde the pie, and in ech folk and Y trad bi vertu 1

11 firsthed I hadde ; and of alle he3e and on the neckis of alle excelent men and

vnbeleeful EG sec. m. P husbonde AE sec. m. GH. or hosebonde c sec. m. q forsaken E

r Om. A. s the A. '
the hooli A. u ben wundred t- v made c
pr. m. pr. m. E pr. m.

Sche this k
fulnesse, ether plentee, c et celeri
prater Y.
of c.

lowe the hertes bi vertue I trad ; and in meke ; and in alle these men Y sou3te of the bigyn-
alle these
thingus reste I so3te, and in reste, and Y schal dwelle in the eritage nyng ; the
12 the eritage of hym
w I shal wone. Thanne of the Lord. Thanne the creatour of alle 12
of 'x raa y
not be vndur-
comaundide, and seide to me, the foorm- comaundide, and seide to me and he
; that tondun herbi,
f, i . i but the buryn-
ere of alle thingus ; and he that foormede formyde me, my tabernacle;
restide in
13 me, restede in my tabernacle and seide ;
and he seide to me, Dwelle thou in
to me, In Jacob dwelle thou, and in Irael and take thou eritage in Israel, and sende
eritage thou, and in my chosene put thou rootis in my chosun men. Y was u of P6"1001168 in
the Trynyte.
Fro the bigynnyng and bifor m the .

urootes. gendrid of bigynnyng* and bifore and bifor

worldis, and Y schal not faile til to" the

worldis* I am foorrned, and vnto the

world to come I shal not cesen to ben ; world to comynge and Y mynystride in ;

and in hoeli wonyng beforn hym I an hooli dwellyne

*^O bifore hym.
J And so the world

isseruede. And so in Sion I am fastned, was maad stidfast in Syonf, and in lijk J
that Y schal . is,
and in an halewid cite lie maner I rest- maner Y restide in a citee halewid, and dwelle perfidy
leede, and in Jerusalem my power. And my power was in Jerusalem. And Y rootid
I rootedey in a puple wrshipid ; and in in a puple onourid; and the eritage therof
God the eritage of n y stre bi Aa -
to the parties of my in to the partis of my God, and my* with- ron and othere

hym, and in plente of halewes with- my oldingl in the plentee? of seyntis. Y was
, ., . T .. Lire here. c. .
holding. As a cedre I am enhauncid in enhaunsid as a cedre in Liban, and as a r was maa
cipresse tree in the hil of Syon. Y was
Liban, and as a cipresse in the hil of
18 Sion. And as a palm I am enhauncid in enhaunsid as a palm tree in Cades, and as seith not
Cades, and as the plaunting of a rose in the plauntyne of roose in Jervco.
* Asi a 10 <*aunging in
God, but in a
and Y was en- creature,
is Jericho. As a fair
olyue in feeldis ; and fair olyue tree in feeldis ;
i . ..... . ynne Goddis
as a platan b I am enhauncid biside the
, , .

naunsid as a plane tree bisidis watir in 3 ift s ben stab- i

20 water in stretes. As canel and balsam stretis. As canel and bawme 3yuynge greet 20 Se^'' God-

smellende, I 3af smel ; and as chose smelle, Y 3af

odour ; as chosun myrre
Y di
? ,

21 myrre I 3af swotnesse of smel. And as 3af the swetnesse of odour. And as storax,2i fast in thehii
of Sion, for the
torax, and galban, and vngula, and gut- and galban, and vngula, and gumme, and temple was

ta, and as Liban not kut, I smekedec my as Liban not kit doun, Y made hoot my which 'temple'"
dwelling; and as balsame not mengd is dwellyng place; and myn odour as bawme ,^
my smel. I as terebynt strei3te out my not meddlid. Y as a terebynte stretchide 22 which rep
sentide the
braunchis ; and my braunchis of wrshipe, forth my boowis ; and my boowis ben seete of God,
. . - , , _T hadden stable
23 and of grace. I as a vyne frutede swot- boowis r
or onour, and or glorie. Y s 23
dwelling, and

nesse of smel ; and my floures frutes of as a vyne made fruyt the swetnesse of
24 honour, and of honeste. I modir of fair odour and my flouris ben the fruytis of

loouyng, and of drede, and of knowing, onour, and of oneste. I am a modir of 24fei that ;

25 and of hoeli hope. In me alle grace of fair loue, and of drede, and of knowyng, stidefastiiere

weie, and of treuthe ; in me alle hope of and of hooli hope. In me is al grace of 25 P u p feomur. ^
**> in
2lif and e of vertue. Passeth to me, alle weie, and of treuthe; in me is al hope of
me and of my ienera- that was
that coueiten ; lijf and of vertu. Alle J36 that coueiten ae Israel,
onound of God >

me, passe' to me and be 36 tillid of my more than

27ciouns 'be 3ee fulfild. My spirit for- ;
othere puplis.
eritage therof;
that of the puple onourid. in to the partis of my God ; that is, at the Fadir, which is my God, in as myche as
is, am man ; ether the Fadir is seid Y
God of the Sone, for the Sone is seid God of God. in to the partis of my God; that is, of the Fadir, which is God, of whom Y am; nethelesse Y am
the same God with him in )>eing, and am departid onely in persoone. Lire here. c. % my withholding, etc.; that is, my dwelling bi grace is
in the congregacioun of seyntis. Lire here. c. vngula; that is, a tre of greet odour, and is liyk a niannus nayl. Lire here. cv.

" the Lord c pr. m. E pr. m. x the woorldis A. T hadde roote AEGH. " Om. A. *Om.AGH.
b d Om. e Om. { ben AK pr. m. OH.
putte out E pr. m.
c c pr. m. c pr. m. shulen
plaunt A. 36

m fro N sec. m. a. vnto i. o Om. i. P fulnesse CEOHIV. i And as i. r Om. i. s And Y A.


sothe ouer hony sweete ; and myn eri- generaciouns. For whi my spirit is swete2?
astage ouer hony, and hony comb. My aboue hony ; and myn eritage is aboue
mynde in the ieneracioun of worldis. hony, and hony comb. My mynde is in 28
2oThei f that eten me, 3it shul hungrin; the generacioun of worldis. Thei that 29
and that drinken me, 3it shuln thristen. eten me, schulen hungre 3it; and thei that
so Who hereth me, shal not be confoundid ; drynken me, schulen thirste 31!. He that so
and who werchen in me, shul not synnen ; herith me, shal not be schent ; and thei
31 and who declaren me, euere lastende lif that worchen in me, schulen not do synne;
32 shuln han. Alle these thingus the boc and thei that declaren" me, schulen hauesi
of lif, and the testament of the he3est, euere lastynge lijf. Alle these thingis z'*32
33 and the knouleching of treuthe. Moises the book of lijf, and the testament of the
comaundide the lawe in the hestus of hi3este, and the knowyng of treuthe.
ri3twisnesses, and the eritage 'to the hous Moises comaundide a lawe in the co-33
34 of & Jacob, and the behestus to h Irael. He maundementis of ri3tfulnessis, and eritage Hesettideto

sette to Dauid, his child, to reren vp a to the hous of Jacob, and biheestis to Is-

king of hym most strong, and in the rael. He settide to Dauid*, his child, to 34
trone of wrshipe sittende in to euer mor. reise of hym a kyng moost and cvist, that cam
* J strong, of the seed of
35 The which fulfillith, as Fison, wisdam ; sittynge with outen ende in the trone of Dauyth ype
and as Tigris in the da3es of newes.
. onour. Which kyng fillith wisdom, as 35 v irgyn' Mane.
se That fulfilleth, as Eufrates, Phison schedith out watir ; and as Tigris
wit; that ^ the <Aouj/

multeplieth, as Jordan in the tyme of in the daies of newe thingis. Which, as 36 '*"!
37 rip. That sendeth disciplyne as Ii3t and ; Eufrates, fillith wit ; which multiplieth, as knowing >

Tin i
more plente-
stondynge to, as Jyon in the dai of vyn- Jordan in the tyme of heruest. Which 37 ouse than the
dage. That parformeth first to knowen sendith techyng as Ii3t ; and is ni3 alle cei ; i" V n-

and the feblere shal not enserchen it.

it; men, as Gion in the dai of vendage. Which
39 Fro the se forsothe shal abunde the makith perfitli first to knowe that wisdom; c -

J as a iceye;
thenking of hym and the counseil of; and a feblere man schal not enserche it. that is, a strong
" y"
40 hym in the grete depnesse. I wisdam For whi the thou3t theroff schal be plen-
4iheelde out floodis I as an ouerthwert ; teuouse of the see; and his counsel in the
weie of watir with oute mesure fro the Y wisdom schedde out 40 Fis adir inwh m
greet occian. >

al good and
flood. I as the flood
Dorex, and as watir floodis ; Y as a weie| of ful greet watir 41 al swetnesse.

42kundute wente out fro paradis. I seide, of the flood. Y as the flood Dorix, and as dyn; that is,

I shal watrin the

gardyn of my plaunt- a watir cundit Y 3ede out of paradis$. Y<
ingus ; and I shal make drunke 1
the frut seide, I schal watir my gardyn of plaunt-
43 of my birthe. And lo k he mad Y
is to yngis ; and schal greetli fille the fruyt hudberyns;

me a plenteuous path ; and

my flood of my child beryng. And lo! a plenteu- 43 cumpe'nye of
... apostlis, and of
ne3hede to the se. For doctrine as moru-
i ,
44 ouse weie ot watir is maad to me; and my
tid Ii3t I Ii3te to alle ; and I shal tellen flood nei3ede to the see. For Y li3tne44J
45 out it vnto aferr. I shal persen alle the as the cheer morewtid to alle
techyng Hooly Goost
nethere partis of the erthe, and I shal men ; and Y schal telle out it 'til to w fer. pienteousiy in
T7 the day of Pen-
biholde alle slepende ; and I shal , ,
Y schal perse alle the lowere partis oi45tecost. Lire
erthe, and Y schal biholde alle that
46 alle
hoperide in the Lord. 3it doctrine
slepen ; and Y schal Ii3tne alle that hopen
as profecie I shal heelden out, and
leuen it to men wisdam
I shal
and in the Lord. Y schal schede out tech- 4G teching,
^^"^ as pro-
; %it
- ... . -. fesie schewid of
I shal not cesen in to the
progeny es of ing as profesie[|, and Y schal leeue it to God.

Om. c pr. m. g of the Lord of E
pr. m.
* of E i k Om. AG pr.
pr. TO. drunke, orfulfille AGH. m. H.

u K w vnto
declaren, ether sheiven, marg. i.
XXIV. 47 XXV. i
them, vnto the hoeli spirituel world. hem that seken wisdom ; and Y schal not leeue it to hem-,

47Seeth, for not to me alone I trauailede, faile in to the generaciouns of hem, til in
but to alle sechende out the treuthe. to the hooli world. Se 5 e, that trauelide 47 Y %&
not to me aloone, but to alle that seken
**' '>
comyng in
Ollt treuthe. V\i.Lirehere.c.
* to the mule
of hem; that is,
CAP. XXV. CAP. XXV. malice of hem.
I'M man; that

1 In thre thingus plesid is to my spirit, In thre thingis it is plesid to my spirit, i

that ben proued bifor God and man ; which ben appreued
* bifore God and men ;
ofkynde, but
for he dispiside
2 the acord m of brethern, and the looue of acordyng of bntheren, and loue of nei3-2 toieme. Lire

ne3hebores, and man and womman wel x

boris, a man and womman wel consent-
3 to themself consentende. Thre spices ynge to hem silf.
My soule hatide threa

my soule, and I am greued gretli

hatede spicis, and Y am oun s ful fair
greued greetli to the p an hoor
[ 111

4 to the soule of them a pore man proud, ; soule of hem*; a pore man proud, and a 4 heed ether eld >

man. and to
and a riche man a Here, and an old riche man here, and an eld man a fool and prestis; that

5 man a fool and dotid. What thingis? in vnwitti. Hou schalt thou fynde in thins
thi 3outhe thou hast not gedered, hou eelde tho thingis, whiche thou gaderist
e shall thou finde in thin eelde ? How fair not in thi 3ongthe ? Doom is ful fairf in 6 is > M haue 8^
councel and
the dom in<i hoornesse, and to prestis to hoornesse, and to preestis to knowe coun- certeyn.

7 knowe kounseil. How

fair to olde men cel. Wisdom is ful fair to eelde men, and 7 that is, of

wisdam, and glorious vnderstonding, and gloriouse vndirstondyng, and councel. The 8

a counseil. The coroun of olde men myche coroun of eelde men is in myche kunnyng;
wisdam; and the glorie of them dred of and the glorie of hem is the drede of God. W<A; that
. is, to synneris
9 God. Nyne vnouertrowable thingus of I magnefiede nyne thingis vnsuspect of the s> in

the herte I magnefiede ; and the tenthe herte and Y schal seie the tenthe thing bi

10 1 shal telle in tunge to men. man A tunge to men. A man which lyuynge is 10 "jj*
that is io3id in sones lyuende, and seende myrie in sones, and seynge
J the distriyng
* of "w t]
a' is > to
a man !
the turnyng vpsodoun of his enemys. hise enemyes. He is blessid that dwellith 1 1 in herte, and
. fillinge in
1 1 Blisful that dwellith with a womman with a witty womman, and he that relle Lire here. c.
e ' '

weel felende, and that in his tunge is not bi his tunge, and he that seruyde not to *QO ^'. th e

not slyden, and that seruede not to the men vnworthi to hym silf. He is blessid 12
00^ and P 888 -
lavnwrthi hymself. Blisful that findith a that fyndith a very frend, and he that gith alle goodis

verre frend, and that telleth out ri3twis- tellith out ri3tfulnesse to an eere hennge. wforseid.
13 nesse to the herende ere. Hou gret that He is ful greet that fyndith wisdom andi3j s ,

findith wisdam and kunnyng ; but not kunnyng; but he is not aboue him that
14 a, an
uouer the dredende God. The drede of dredith God}. The drede of God hath set
God, and so
God ouer alle thingus hymself sett aboue. it? silf aboue alle thingis. Blessid is thei^doithfeith.
. , JJvre here. c.
15 Blisful the man to whom it is 3oue to man to whom
3ouun to have the
it is Thesoreweof

ban the drede of God ; who holdith it, drede of God; to whom schal he be licned,
16 to whom shal he be licned ? The dred of that holdith that drede? The drede of God
God the bigynnyng of his looue ; the by- is the bievnnvng; of his loue ; forsothe the passith ech
&<7 * woundeof

bigynnyng of feith is to be faste o the

gynnyng forsothe of feith is to be ioyned _i ,

i ,
malice of a
17 to hym. Alle veniaunce the drery
is therto. The sorewe of herte is ech 17 womman pass-

slowthe of herte ; and eche malice the wounde ;

and the wickidnesse of a worn- j,* rf'a

hool A. m cord AEGH. n Om. A. Om. c. P Om. c pr. m. 1 of c pr. m. r ouertrowable A.

*and a i. y hym i.

Z 2

of a womman. And eche man is al malice. A leche shal SB echl8 A leche schal se
ech wounde ; of

wounde, and not wounde she shal seen wounde, and not the wounde of herte ; bodi. and not
.... , the wounde , . i . , . ;

19 of herte; and al shreudenesse, and not

and al wickidnesse, and not the wickid- 19 tnat is, heuy-
20 shreudenesse of a womman and al hid ;
nesse of a womman ; and ech hilyng?, and 20
of hatende men; not hilyng z of hateris ; and ech veniaunce, 21
thing, and not hid thing
21 and al veniaunce, and not veniaunce of and not the veniaunce of enemyes. Noon 22 iy a man may

22 enemys. There is not an bed wickidere heed is worse than the heed of an eddre
23 ouer the bed of a shadewe eddere ; and dwellynge in schadewe ; and noon ire
she coiourith
there not wrathe ouer the wrathe of
is aboue the ire of a womman. It schal more m


a womman. To dwelle with a leoun plese more to dwelle with a lioun and a peringefren-
schipe to hir
dragoun, than to dwelle with a wickid
and a dragoun more shal plesen, than
hosebonde. arui
, T,, . . ,. ech hiling; that
24 to wone with a shreude womman. The womman. The wickidnesse of a
womman 24
i8j colouring of

shreudenesses of a womman chaungeth* chaungith hir face ; and sche blyndide her mtn^ay^mr-
hir face; and she" a3een blendide hir cheer as a beer doith a and sche schal schewe , ^ ue
the traiterouse

cheere as a here, and as a sac she shal as a sak in the myddis of nei3boris. Hir 25 colouring of

shewen in the myddel of ne3hebores. hosebonde weilide and his wickid wijf
; enemyes,' so it

25 The housebond w of hir gretli weilede; herde, and si33ide a litil. Al malice
26 and herende, si3hede a litil. Short alle schort on the malice of a womman ; the
malice ouer the malice of a womman ; parte of synneris*
falle on hir. As 327*6]
which she hath .

27 the lot of synnes falle vpon hir. As a stiynge ml of grauel in the feet of an tohu-hose-
, . bonde. Lire
graueli stee3ing vp
in the feet of an old elde

man, so ts a womman a greet lan- here.



man, so a tungy womman to a quyete glere to a pesible

o *
man. Biholde thou not 28*'
aytinGj iimi. iOj
h "< f
28 man. Ne beholde thou the fairnesse of the fairnesse of a womman, and coueyte f
? pey



a womman, and coueite thou not a wom- thou not a womman for fairnesse. The 29 the part of syn-
- as the
womman j z* b neris,
. .

29 man in fairnesse. The wrathe of a wom- ire and vnreuerence or a hyf of gione
man and the mysreuerence, gret shen- c
grete schenschipe. If a womman hath 30 ^^^e
30 shipe. A womman if she haue maistrie, the firste dignyte, ethir cheef gouernail,
re ~ c-
31 she is contrarie to hir housebond". A Ioe3 sche is contrarie to hir hosebonde. low A si "> an; to hir

herte, and a dreri face, and a wounde of herte, and soreuful face, and wounde of Lire here. c.

32 deth, a shreude womman. Feble hondis

deeth, is a wickid
i i
womman. -niii TJ.-+* Feble hondis;
Feble hondis; 32 worche wei.
and vnloosid knees, a womman that mak- and knees vnboundun, a womman that
33 eth not blisful hir housebond x Of a wom- . blessith not hir hosebonde. The byaryn-33

J OJ auoutrie. bless-
man is mad the bigynnyng of synne ; nyng of synne was maad of a womman; "> not; that is,
j i, j. .... - dispisith. at
34 and bi hir alle wee die. 3yue thou not and alle we dien bi hir. yyue thou not 34 t
hyn hand;
to thi watir issue, ne? a litil ; ne to a issu to thi watirf , 3he, not a litil issu ; ne- rutmg! iie
h r ate y;
shreude womman for3yuenesse, 'or leeue, ther to a wickid womman fredom of O goyng
J o j ? P'
departing fro
not go a

to b
, of goyng out.
If she 'schal

bond, she shal con-

forth. If sche goith not at thin bond, 35 bed and this
is seid of a

sche schal schende thee in the si3t of ene- womman


-ir'iA i /- , i /i i corrigible, ether

scfounde thee in the enemys. Fro
si3te of myes. Kitte hir a wei tro thi lleischis,
uere be amend-
thi flesh kut hir awei, lest c euermore sche mv<5V5P thpp
niyhvs>e iiiee. forwhito
d holde hir, is to
mysvse thee.
consente to hir
synne. Lire
here, c. water ; that is, to a river, for he will ouerflowe that place, be his yssu neuer so lyttiU. c sec. m.

T u she hath
wickenesse E. * whan she v
w man c
it shal A.
chaungeth E pr. m. al E pr. m. blyndith AGH.
* man CE
pr. m. E pr. m. m. pr. JOm.cpr.m. * Om. c pr.m. E pr. m.
go not, c pr. m.
E pr. m. in to A. fc c Om. E d vse not E pr. m.
pr. m.

y * to hir hosebond
hilyng, that is, colouringe of malice, v. the hiling Y. a Om. i. is v. c a
grete c.


1 Blissid is the man of a good womman ; The hosebonde of a good womman is i A ttrony
the noumbre forsothe of the whi the noumbre of her 3eeris womman; that
3eres of hyra blessid; for ajenus
2 double. A
strong womman delytith hir is double. A strong womman* d delititha ynes. Lire
here. c.
man 6 ; and the 3eres of the liyf of f hym hir hosebonde ; and shal fille in pees the t a good part ;
~ ,.,..- that of
3 she shal fulfille in pes. A good parts a 3eeriS Of hlS

gOOd WOmman tS a3 lljf.

AA i is,

trymonye. Lire
1 1 ia-

good womman in good part of men ; good partf in the good part of hem that

dredende God, she shal be 30116 to a man dreden God, sche schal be }souun to a man for
etc.; that is, if
4 for
goode deedis. Of riche forsothe and goode dedis. Forsothe the herte of a riche 4 he hath a good
_ ,. . . wiyf. Lire
pore the goode herte ;
in alle tyme the man and, or a pore; man is good da in al ; here. c.

5 chere of them gladsum. Of thre thingus tyme her cheer is glad. Myn herte dredde 5
dradde myn herte, and in the ferthe my of thre thingis, and my face dredde in
e face was aferd. The dyuyseoun 1
of the the fourthe thing.
1 Bitraiyng
of a citee, e - -

nus the pnnce.
and the gederyng togidere of the
cite, and the gadering togidere of puple$, and 7 c.
a gelouse
7 puple, and lesing chaleng ; vp on deth fals chaleng alle thingis greuouse on ; womman: is a

s alle
thingus heuye. Sorewe of herte, and deth. The sorewe of herte, and moren-8
9weiling, a ielous womman. In a ielous yng a ielouse womman||. In a gelouse 9

womman scourge of tunge, to alle co- womman is betyng of tunge, and sche posithtote
disseyued, and
lomunende. As a 3ok of oxen that is comyneth with a 3ok of alle men. As tososche yma-
k .
j .
gyneth conty.
moued, so and a shreude womman ;
l , , , , i
OX1S Which IS mOUyd, SO and a WlCkld nuely ajenus
who holdith hir, as he ca3te a scorpioun. womman ; he that holdith hir, is as he
n A drunkelew womman gret wrathe and that takith a scorpoun. A drunkelew 1 1
^H hosebonde

comtfnytn with
strif and the filtheed of hir shal not be
; womman is greet ire, and dispisyng ; and <*" mm , that
is, settith forth
lacouered. fornycacioun of a womman
The v.- ,.,
hir hlthe schal not be
. u 1,-i-j
mud. Ihe 1
rorny-iahirsiif toothere
. men. a SCOT-
in the hauncing out of e3en ; and in the cacioun ot a
the reisyng or is in
. i /

pioun; that

ise3elidis of hir she shal be knowen. In a y3en and schal be knowun in the 3e
sad kepyng 6 in Make thou is the face - ^d
do3tir not turnende awey hirself fastne liddis of hir.
pnckith with
warde ; lest, ocasioun founde, she mysuse a dou3tir not turnynge a wei hir silf lest ;
the tail ; so a

14 hirself. Fro m alle irreuerence of the e3en

, ., j.,i
.sche mysvse hir silt, it sche lyudith oc-
, .
/?,/ wickid worn-

of hir waar ;
and ne wndre thou, if she casioun. Be thou war of al

isdispise thee. As a weie goere at a welle of hir i3en; and wondre thou not, if sche
aida dMe to
threstende the mouth shal opene, and of dispisith thee. a weiegoere thirstynge
' &
As 15 Sampson, in
xvij. c. of Ju-
alle next water shal drinke and a3en ; schal opene the mouth at a welle, and dicum. greet

eche pale" shal sitte, and a5en alle arewe schal drynke of ech watir next ; and the tise of*greet

shal opene quyuere , to the tyme that forseid doutfir schal sitte a3ens ech palef ,
16 she? faile. The grace of a bisi womman and schal opene the arowe caas a3ens ech and
shal deliten hir man') ; and the boenes of arowe, til sche faile. The grace of a bisi
she shal fatten The womman ,,,,.,,.,
schal dehte hir hosebonde; and
, , , priuytes. not
discipline of
17 hym ".
tumyng awey ,
is hir the 3ifte of God.
is wel felende A schal make fat hise boonus. The kun-
womman and a stille is not the chaung- nyng of hir is the jifte of God. wijs A
ing of the ta3t soule. Grace vpon grace womman and f
stille is not chaungyng
D' of that
Lire here.
is, leiser.

5f ech pole ;
that is, ech place couenable to fornycacioun. opene the arowe caas, etc.; that is, schal schewe hir schamefast membris to ech that axitli; mannus
jerde is clepid an arowe at Ebreys. faile; til to hir deth.

husbonde AE Om. h his

enuyouste E pr. m.
goode E pr. m.
sec. m. GH. f
c pr. m. K partie AEGH. *

k Om. A. 1 Om. H. m For pole E pr. m.

A. n the quyuer A. quyuere, or arow caas c sec. m. marg.
E sec. m. marg. OH. P it G tec. m. 1 husbonde AE sec. m. GH. r fastnen G. fasten u.

womman aynus synnes V.

&& that
is, ifthei han goode myues. v marg. e the kepyng i. { and a i.

a shamefast. Eche a lernyd Grace on grace is a

20 an hoeli womman, and
forsothe peising is not wrthi a contenent hooli womman, and schamfast. Forsothe 20 i

21 soule. As the sunne risende in the world al weiyng is not worth a contynent soule.

As the sunne risynge in the world in the 21 \ir for "y

in the he3est thingus of God, so the fair- * ~~
thing. Lire

nesse of a good womman in to the en- Jmeste thingis of God, so the fairnesse of here. c.
. .
fairnesse of
22 ournyng of hir hous. shynende lan- A a good womman is in to the ournement the face, etc. ;
terne an hoeli candilsticke, and the
of hir hous. A
lanterne schynynge on an22[^'^ ^ t^ 1
s *1

n h ' he
hooli candilstike, and the fairnesse of a
vpon the stable age.
fairnesse of the face cmrche, and
23 Goldene pileris vpon silueren feet, and fast face* on stidfast age. Goldun pileris on 23 * a face
. makith fair
a sta- s
siluerne foundementis, and stidfast feet on ripe age, so a
upon the plauntes/or soulis of
feet ,

24 ble womman. Euere lastende foundemens

the soolis of a stidfast womman.
Euer-24m akithfei> hir
vp on a sad ston, and the
1 maundemens lastynge foundementis on a sad stoon, and tomma^Tr'
of God in the herte of an hoeli womman. the heestis of God in the herte of an hooli vertu that is - >
which renneth
gain two thingus myn herte is maad so- WOmman. not aboute fro
hows to hows,
and in the thridde wrathing to is ensaumple
CAP. XXVII. ofgoostlifair-
26 me cam. Av man fi3tere failende bi nesse, and of

man wel felende dispisid. In twei thingis myu herte was maad sori,
myseise, and a
and in the thridde thing wrathfulnesse here- c -
27 And that ouergoth fro ri3twisnesse to
+ a marchannt
synne, greithede hym to a two
God cam to me. A man
. ,.

werriour failynge 26

2(jbitende swerd. Two spices harde and bi nedynesse, and man dispisid. h eitheffo^he
a wijs

perilous to me semeden ; hard is delyuer-

And God hath maad hym redi to the 27 coueytith ouer.
mycne ertheli
ed the chaffarere
w fro his swerd, that passith ouer fro ri3tfulnesse goodis. Lire
and the tauerner shal not be Justified fro to synue. Twei spices apperiden harde 28* hethatsek.
synnes? of lippis. and perilouse to me; a marchaunt is de-
turtle awei
lyueredf of hard fro his necgligence, and fro

CAP. XXVII. a tauerner schal not be iustified of synnes Lire here. c.
be an-
1 For myseiste^y manye trespaseden ; of lippis. Many men han trespassid fori that
the sillere,
and hez that secheth to be maad riche, nedynesse ; and he that sekith^ to be is,
that enforsith
2 turneth awei his 036. As in the myddel of maad riche, turneth a wei his 136. As 32 to decreesse
of the iust
a ioynyng of stones a paele, , or a stake11 stake is fastned in the myddis of a beep priys. with him
that Irespass-
ficchid is, so bitwen the myddel of biyng of stoonys, so and a man schal be an- ith; for in deth
the synnere is
and silling he shall ben anguysht with gwischid^ bi synnes bitwixe the middis of al to-brokun,

3 synnes. He shal ben to-treden with sillyngand biyng.

* Trespas schal be al 3
and tha ne the
doyng of synne
4giltende gilte. If riot in the drede of to-brokun with hym that trespassith. If 4 i
endid, for the
tyme of merit
the Lord thou shul holde b thee bisili, thou holdist not thee diligentli in the and

anoon shal ben turned vpsodoun thin drede of the Lord, thin hous schal soone
5 hous. As in the smyting of a cyue shal be turned vpsedoun. As dust schal dwelle 5 n
*?* '*>

abide pouder, so the porenesse of a

stille in the hoolis of a riddil, so the angwisch of tues - dust ;
th at '' *Bi
e man in the thenking of hym. The ves- a man schal dwelle in the thou3t of hym. thingis, as
of the krockere preueth the furneis ;
selis A furneis preueth the vessels of a pottere ; 6 and 'ilyk"
and ri3twis men temptacioun of tribula- and the temptacioun of tribulacioun preu-

h T^ ^^
7cioun. As the erthe werching of a tree eth iust men. As cherliche trauel aboute; """"'' tha tis
synnere. m.

ihoir,t of him ;
for whi remors of synne, which seid the worm of consience, dwellith in his consience, thouj the dede of synne passid. Lire here. c.
is is

8 Om. c et E t Om. ^EG

pr. m. pr. m. H. to-broosid c ;>r. m. E pr. m. v To
a E pr. m.
w marchaund A. chafFarere, or marchaunde E sec. m. GH. * the false c
pr. m. E pr. m. y the
yy myseise c z Om.
pr. m. c pr. m. zz Om. c et E pr. m. * the
giltynge AEGH.
b beholde A.

Om. i.
h TWO i.
xxvn. 8 24. ECCLESIASTICUS. 175

shewith the frute of hym, so a wrd of a tree schewith the fruyt therof, so a word
sthenking the herte of a man. Biforn a of thou3t schewith the herte of manJ.
wrd ne preise thou a man ;
that forsothe Preise thou not a man bifore a word*;s
9 tempting is of men. If thou folewe c ri3t- for whi this is the temptacioun of men.

wisnesse, thou shalt taken it; and thou If thou suest ri3tfulnesse, thou schalt takeo
shalt cloth en as an aube of wrshipe,
it it; thou schalt clothe it as a long cloth
and thou shalt dwelle with it, and it shal of onour, and thou schalt dwelle with it,

defende thee in to euer mor, and in the and it schal defende thee with outen ende,
dai of knouleching thou shalt finde fast- and in the dai of knowing k thou shalt
Foules to the lie to them comen fynde stidfastnesse. Volatilis comen to-io
togidere ;
and treuthe to them that wer- gidere to briddis lijk hem silf and ;

nchen it shal turne a3een. A leoun to treuthe schal turne a3en to hem that
hunting waitith euermor; so synnes to worchen it. A lioun settith aspics euereii
12 men werchende wickidnesse. An hoeli to huntyng ; so synnes f to hem that t >
man in wisdam woneth, as the sunne ; worchen wickidnesse. An hooly man 12^1^^.
for the fool as the moone is d chaungid. dwellith in wisdom, as the sunne dwellith dusen men M
_ syiine, setten
is In the myddel of mys felende men kep a stabli* whi a fool is chaungid as the
; for ^P' 68 toAem
T . that worchen
wrd to tyme ;
in the myddel forsothe of moone. In the myddis of vnwise men is wickidnesse,

men thenkende the lawe of God be thou kepe thou a word to tyme ; but be thou hem whlii".
Lirehere c -
14 besi. The telling of synneres hatesum ; bisi in the myddis of hem that thenken

and the Ia3hing of them in the giltis of the lawe of God. The tellyng of synneris 14

issynne. The myche swering speche shal is hateful and the Iei3yng of hem is in

sette stonding of heer, for fer, to the bed ; the trespassis of synne. Speche sweringe 15

and the irreuerence ofit is stopping of myche schal make stondyng up of heeris,
iceres. Sheding out of blod in iangling of for astonying, to the heed ; and vnreuer-
proude men ; and the cursing of them ence therof is
stoppyng of eeris. The 16
iTgreuous heering. Who nakeneth pri- schedyng out of blood is in the chidyng
uytes, leeseth the feith of a frend ; and of proude men and the cursyng of hem ;

he findeth not a frend to his inwit. is greuouse heryngj. He that schewith 17*
isLooue a ne3hebore, and be thou ioyned opynli the priuytees of a frend, leesith
19 in feith with hym. That if thou shul feithfulnesse ; and he schal not fynde a W
* and it is
nakene the hidde thingus of hym, 'thou frend to his soule. Loue thou a nei3bore, is f"' greuouse to
feithful eeris to
2oschalt not pursue
aftir hym. As a and be thou ioyned with hym in feith. here sich bias-
T~i j i i i- ,i * femye of God.
man forsothe that leeseth his frend, so r or

thou scnewist opynli the priuytees


19 ju here. c.

that leeseth the frenshipe of his ne3he- of hym, thou schalt not perfitli sue$ aftir 5 no t

21 bore. And as he that leteth a brid out of

his hond, so thou that hast forsake thi
hym. For as a
so he that leesith the frenschipe of his
man that leesith his frend, 20 ^
the kynering of
perfit fren-

ne3hebore, and thou shalt not taken hym. nei3bore. And as a man that latith go a2i schi pe- that
. . , . leesith his
22 Thou shalt not folewe hym, for ferr he is brid fro his hond, so thou that hast forsake w deth frend;
ay <

awei ; forsothe he fley3 out as a capret thi nei3bore, and thou schalt not take nomore reT
fro the grene, for wouridid is the soule hym. Thou schalt not sue hyrn, for he 22 j

23 of hym. Thou shalt not moun mor ouer is fer absent ; for he ascapid as a capret *cMpe,
etc- s
hym binde togidere ; but of the cursid fro a snare, for the soule of hym is tis pryuyte, for
j-j mi_ siche frenschipe
24 is acording togidere. To nakenen for- woundid. i hou schalt no more mow 23 ;8 not rekyuer-
1 Lin
sothe the priuytes of a frend, is the dis- bynde hym togidere ; but of yuel seiyng j^ ^'

e folewist AEGH. d shal be c

pr. m. E pr. m.
pursue thou not c et E pr. m.

a man x. k A. '
Om. i.

of the vnfeithful soule. The is acordyng. Sotheli to schewe opynli 24*1

2speiring - i j r * opynli the pry-
wicke the pryuytees of a frend, is dispeir* of a uytesofaf
twynclere with the 636 forgeth
26 and no man hym shal casten soule vnblessid. He that twynclith with 25*
thingus ;
awei. In the of thin e3en he shal the i3e, makith wickid thingis; and
si3te nozcjj?^ >forhe
defoule thi mouth, and vp on thi wrdus man schal caste hym owith
awei. In the si3t
not to
hope perfit re-
he shal wndre ; at the laste he shal per- of thin i3en he schal defoule his mouth, formyng of the
uerte his mouth, and in thi
wrdis he and he schal wondre on thi wordis ; but that twynclith
etc. makith
I at the laste he schal turne weiwerdli his
27 shal 3yue sclaundre. Manye thingus
* h at man
haue herd, and I haue not euened to mouth, and in his wordis he schal 3yue
** ,
him a
28 hym; and the Lord shal hate hym. Who sclaundre. Y herde mani thingisf, and Y27ven frend.
caste him
,, T , awey; ,

in to hei3 sendeth a ston, vp his hed it made not euene to hym ; and the Lord for he bileueth

schal hate If a man throwith" 1 1 *

shal falle ;
and the wounde of the trec-
hym. ftW^^j
h ldu h Um
29cherous shal deuyde woundis. And that stoon an hi3, it schal falle on his heed ;
. .


delueth a dich, shal falle in to it ; and and the gileful a gyleful man
wounde ofdefoule his
,. , , , ,. mouth; spek.
that setteth a ston to a neshebore, shal schal departe woundis. And he that dig- 29 i,,ge piesaunt
stumble in it ; and that setteth a grene to a diche, schal falle in to it ; and he schal wondre
gith ;
that schal
so another, shal pershe in it. To the do- that settith a stoon to a nei3bore, schal
feyne him for

offende therynne; and he that settith a to wondre, as

ynge most wicke counseil,vpon hym it if thou hast
shal be turned a3een ; and he shal not snare to a nother man, schal perische ther seid wordis of

knowe whennes it shal come to hym. ynne. If a man makith worst councel, it 30^
31 Illusioun, or scornes, and repref of proude schal be turned on hym ; and he schal
h not knowe fro whennus it schal come to ***<*>, in
men and veniaunce as a leoun 'schal aspie
dispisinge tho
32 to hym. In a grene thei shul pershen, that him. The scornyng and dispisyng of si thingis as fon-
, , , ned, and yuele , .

deliten the falling of ri3twis men ; sorewe proude men; and veniaunce schal sette a thingis,
forsothe shal waste them, er thei dien. spie to hym, as a lioun doith. Thei that 32
33Wrathe and wodnesse, either ben wari- deliten in the fal of iust men, schulen
able and the man synnere, withholdere perische bi a snare ; forsothe sorewe schal t Y
. many thingis ;
shal be of them. waste hem, bifore that thei dien. Ire and 33 that is, yueis,
wood nesse, euer either ben abhomynable; n"t anothertyd
malice euene to
and a synful man schal holde tho. the malice of
wounde of a
CAP. XXVIII. CAP. XXVIII. gileful man ;

1 Who wile taken veniaunce, of the Lord He that wole be vengid, schal fynde ofi euer yuel P ro~-

shal finde veniaunce; and the synnes of the Lord veniaunce ;

and he kepynge schal (\u

2 hym kepende he shal kepe. Fo^if to kepe hise synnes $. For3yue thou to thi 2
nei3bore that anoieth thee, and thanne
thine3hebore no3ende to thee, and tipiie
him. Lire here.

thanne to thee lowli pre3ende synnes synnes schulen be releessid to thee prei- c.

3 shul ben fo^oue. man to a man kep-A ynge. A man kepith ire to man ; and 3
wrathe ; and of God he sechith lech-
ith sekith he of God medicyn
? He hath no 4 proude mm;
that is, which
4 mg In to a man lie to hymself he hath
. merci on a man lijk hym silf ; and bisech- bendoonof
.., , ,, ,. ~ ,. proude men in
not mercy; and of his synnes he shal ith he the h^este tor hise owne synnes r wordis and

spre3en. He whil he is flesh, reserueth He the while he is fleisch, reserueth ire 5 ;

ire, and mercy asketh of God ; who shal

sette aspie to
and axith he of God merci who schal
him ; to the
epre3e for the giltis of hym? Haue mynde preie for hise synnes ? Haue thou mynde G
In a snare ; of
P e 7 ne of heiie.

the deuel, for

whi sich gladnesse is contrarie to the charite of neijbore. holde that schal holde euer either with for he is a vessel able
streijtly tho; is, ynne himsilf,
to conteyne yuel. Lire here. c. schal kepe hise synnes; to be punyschid hardere hi his rijtfulnesse. for^yue thou to thi netware ; the offence
which owith euere to be forjouun, but to forjyue the wrong is not of nede ; but of excelent perfeccioun, and not to forjyue the
sumtyme spedith

wrong, that is, whanne he that doith wrong takith more booldnesse to do wrong, and othere men taken occasioun to do liyk thingis. Lire here, c,

f his c pr. m. E pr. m. h

g Om. c et E pr. m. aspieth c pr. m. medicyne E pr. m.
m sendith CEFOHiKNpQRSuvxa. castith M. n on A. the synnes i.

of thi laste thingus, and lef to ben k ene- on the and ceesse thou to be
laste thingis,
7 my. Rotenese forsothe and deth stonden For whi failyng and deth nei3en?

son in the hestes of
m Remembre not in the comaundementis of God. Haue a and 3e
hym .

Lire here. c.
the drede of the Lord, and thou shall not thou mynde on the drede of the Lord, and t
9 wrathe to the ne3hebore. Remembre the be thoui not wrooth to the nei3bore.
testament of the he3est, and dispise the Haue thou mynde on the testament of the 9

loignoraunce of thi ne3hebore. Abstene Imeste,

and dispise thou the ignoraunce* th at "' hi " ex~ ,

celence demed
thee fro strif, and thou shall lassen of thi nehbore. Absteyne Ihee fro slriif, 10''him.jUr }
of wrathful-
synnes. A man forsothe wratheful teend- and Inou schalt abregge synnes. For whi 11 nesseandwood-
J .

and a man synnere shal dis-

ith strif; a wrathful man kyndlith strijf; and a 'hTr^.c.

turbe frendis, and in the myddel of men synful manf schal disturble frendis, and that'lTHe! 'if"'
I2hauende pes he sendith in enemyte. Af- he schal sende in enemyte
in the myddis
him, he dis-
tir forsothe the trees of the wode, so the of men hauynge pees. For whi aftir the 12 seruede wei.

fierbrennelh"; and aftir the vertue of a trees of the 8 wode, so fier schal brenne an
man, so the wrathe of hym shal be, and
hi3 ; and after the
my3te of a man, so his
aftir his substaunce he shal enhaunce his wrathfulnesse schal be, and aftir his catel aw "iat 'he
stmng of him,
13 wrathe. An hastid slrif shal teende fyr, he schal enhaunse his ire. Hasti stryu-isthatis
brenne; that
and hastende chidyng shal sheden out yng fier, and hasli chidyng
schal kyndle is, enflawme

blod; and a tunge witnessende shal bringe schal schede out blood; and a tunge:): ber-
14 to deth. If it shul blowen, as fyr it shal ynge witnessing schal brynge deth. Ifu
brenne ;
and if thou shul spitten vpon thou blowist$, as fier it schal brenne an
ether excitinge
iti", it shal ben queynt ;
either fro the hi3 ; and if thou spetist theron, it schal be to take ven-
is mouth gon forlh. The whislrende gruc- quenchid ; euer either comen forlh of Ihe schewinge that

chere, and the twisil tunge cursid for- ; moulh. A

preuy bacbiter, and a double
sothe manye hauende pes disturbidet. lungid man is cursid ; for he dislurblide

16 The thridde tunge manye men slirede, many men hauynge pees. The thridde 16 wrath lnesse
and of/"wood-
and scaterede them fro folc in to folc. tunge hath stirid many men, and halh nesse schal be
ji_ f p 1-1 TA ,1 quenchid. euer
17 Wallid cites of riche men it stro3ede
and i
scatend hem tro role in to tolc. 11 halh IT either,
etc. ,

the housis of grete men it mynede out. dislried wallid cilees of riche men, and
and aword re -
18 The vertues of .puples it to-heew3
, and halh myned doun Ihe housis of srrele men.
igstronge folkys of kinde it vnknytle. The Il v halh kil doun Ihe vertues of puplis, is the thridde

thridde tunge stronge, weddid*, wym- W and hath vnknit strong folkis.
. i T i 1,1
tunge; that
10 sowith dis-
cordis. for it is
men casle out, and shal bynyme them ther thridde lunge halh cast out weddid wym- t he thridde

20 trauailes. Who biholdith it, shal not han },

and hath priued hem of her tra-
resle ; ne shal han a frend, in which he uelis. He that biholdith the" thridde w^hem, whiche

21 rest. The wounde of a scourge maketh tunge, schal not haue rest; nelher schal makith to dis-

wannesse ; the wounde forsothe of a haue a frend, in whom he schal resle. here.'c.

22 tunge shal to-broosen boenes. Manye The wounde of belyng makilh wannesse ;

fellen in the mouth of swerd ;

but not bul Ihe wounde of lunge schal make lesse
23 as thei dieden by" ther tunge. Blisful the boonys. Many men fellen doun bi 22 man >

bihynde him ;
: ""' y ie '

and so a preuy
bacbiter, that dar not avow that that he spekith bifore the persone that he spekith yuel bi, is a dowble tungid man, and he that flaterith his
neijhore bifore him, and spekith yuel bihynde hym, is a dowble tungid man. Also the tunge of the preuey bacbiter is clepid the thridde tunge;
for he that the flaterer natereth, hath o tunge, and he that he tellith the tale of bacbityng to, hath the secunde tunge, and the bacbiter him silf
hath the thridde tunge, for he, as the thridde, makith debate bitwen a man and his neisbore. A. ^T weddid wymmen ; summe bokis
han onest
wymmen, ether dredinge schame. in wham he schal reste ; that is, triste verily, bi her tunge ; for these men dien bi the deth of synne, and if they
repenten not, bi the deth of helle. Lire here. c.

thyn E pr. m.
Blisfulnesse c pr. m. E pr. m. m Om. c sec. m. E sec. m. n shal brennen E pr. m.
super ras. strijf E pr. m.
c. P Om. A. <1 he disturbide E
pr. m.
distruyede AEGII.
hew3 doun
l Om. c el E u for c
G sec. m. pr. m. pr. m. E pr. m.

1 Om. i. r
decreesse, ether abregge CEFOHiKMNPQRUvxa. 8 Om. cv. * vertu CEGHKMNPQRSUVxa.
u Om. ceterl. v and AP sec. m. w that c.
power v sec. m.
the scharpnesse of swerd; but not so as

that couered fro a shreude tunge ; the

which in the wrathe of it passide not, thei that perischiden bi her tunge. Hem
is blessid that is kyuerid fro a wickid
and 'the which" dw>3 not at the 300 of it,
w not bounde. tunge ; and he that passide not in the
and in the bondis of Mt is

The an irene wrathfulnesse therof, and he that drow

300 forsothe of
24 it is 300,

and the bond of it is a brasene bond. not the 3ok therof, and was not boundun
the werste deth and in the bondis therof. For whi the 3ok24
25 The deth of it ;

26 profitable helle more than it. The stede- therof an irun 3ok, and the boond ther-

fastnesse of it shal not abide stille, but of is a brasun boond. The deth therof is 25

shal holde the weies of vnri3twis men ;

the worste deth ; and helle is more* profit-

in his flaume he shal not brenne ri3twis able than it. The
perseueraunce therof2G
27 men. Thei that forsaken God, shul falle schal not dwelle, but it schal holde the

in to it; and it shal brenne out in them, weiesf of vniust men ; in his flawme it
and it shal not be queynt and it shal ;
schal not brenne iust men. Thei that 27 " ame of the
wickid tunge.

be sent in to them as a leoun, and as a forsaken God, schulen falle in to it ; and Lire here. c.

28parde it shal hurte them.

eres with thornes, and wile thou not
heren the shreude tunge ; and to thi
Hegge thin it schal brenne greetli in hem, and
not be quenchid ; and as a lioun it schal
be sent in to hem, and as a parde it schal torment.
here, c et
it schal

,,-eies, eld, in

mouth mac thou dores, and^ lokes to thin hirte hem. Bisettet thin eeris with 28 piuns.
Biselte, etc.;
29 eres. Thi gold and thi seluer melt to- thornes, and nyle thou here a wickid
bacbitingis, and
gidere and to thi wrdis mac thou a
; tunge; and make thou doris to thi mouth,

balaunce, and ri3t bridelis to thi mouth. and lockis to thin eeris. Welle thou to-

so And tac heed, lest parauenture thou slyde gidere^ thi gold, and thi siluer;and make rfo >'
creet silence,
in the tunge, and thou falle in the si3te thou a balaunce to thi wordis, and ri3tful that thou speke
i . t i* i A i i i and Me stille. in
of the 2 enemys, waitende to thee, and thi

bndels to thi mouth. And take heede,

couenabletyme .

fallyng be vnheleable in to the deth. lest perauenture thou slide in tunge, and $ Welle thou to-

gidere, etc. ;
falle in si3t of enemyes||, settynge tre-
that is, tempere
soun to thee, and thi falle be vncurable thou, and dis-
pose thi wisdom
in to deth. and fair speche,
that thou holde
stille thingis,
CAP. XXIX. CAP. XXIX. that ben worthi
to be holdun

i Who doth mercy, leeneth to his ne3he- He

that doith merci, leeneth to his nei3- 1
s tille > an d that

thou speke

bore ; and he that is more wrth in bond, bore; and he that is ful mysti in hondfL thingis worthi
. to be spokun,
skepeth the hestis. Leene to thi ne3he- kepith the comaundementis. Leene thou 2 and with du

i , .1 n i
i j . circumstances.
bore in tyme of his neede; and eft 3eld to thi nei3bore in the tyme or bis nede; Lire here. c.

to a ne3hebore in his tyme. Conferme a and 3elde thou to a nei3bore in his

:i eft \\tenemyes ;
that is, fendis.
wrd, and feithfulli do with it ; and in tyme. Conferme thou a word, and do 3 to deth ;
* of helle, fro
alle tyme thou shalt finde that is needful thou feithfuli with hym ; and in al tyme which is no re-

to dempcioun.
4 thee. Manye as thou schalt fynde that, that nedeful to
finding eymeden is Lire here c.
3eeuen gref to them that
vsure, thee. Many men
gessiden borewyng as 4
shelpeden to" them. To the time that x
fyndyng, and 3auen disese to tho men power to jyue
largely, kepith
thei taken, thei kissen b the hondis of the that helpiden hem. Til thei taken, theis
. . mentis ; not
3yuere ; and in behestis thei meken kissen the hondis or the 3yuer ; and in oneiy i

uther voys. And in tyme of maken meke her And e

3elding 'he biheestis thei vois. v
ynge .
shal aske d and he shal speke in the time of 3elding he schal axe tyme, here- c -

v that c
pr. m. w Om. A. * wickedest AEGH. y and soowe thou E pr. m. z Om. c pr. m.
Om. AGH. a Om. AEGH. b kissen not c
pr. m. E pr. m.
c the biheestis AGH. d thei E pr. m.

* thilke

wrdis of noy3e e and of grucchingus, and and he schal speke wordis of anoie, and *

7 the tyme he shal pleten. If forsothe he


ot grutchmgis, and he? schal
caienge falsli
caienge faitiy
the tyme ; and
eie that it was
shul moun 3eelde, he shal be enemy ; the tyme*. Forsothe if he mai 3 elde, he;
vnnethe of the hoele he shal 3elde the schal be aduersarie of a schilling vnne- ;

half, and he shal counte it as finding. he schal 3elde the

this half, and he schal **
. , is, as if he were

sEllys forsothe he shal bigile hym his rekyn that as ryndyng. Ellis he schal de-8

monee, and shal ban wil-

f ju-
traude j7
him in !.his monei, andi the 7 restore. EUi ;

hym enemy leenere that is, if he

9 fully. And repreues and cursis he shal schal haue him an enemy with outen
And he schal 3elde to hym, thata ' ent Wm
3elde to hym; and for wrshipe and bene- cause. V>
dfjraude him
lofet he shal 3elde to hym wrong. Manye, is, to the leenere,
wrongis and cursvneis' m hi* money;
, ~ , , injeldingto
not bicause of shreudenesse, 'lenten not f, and for onour and benefice he schal 3elde Mm fais money
1 -i
. . -i. r for trewe, ether
but to be? Many men

bigilid' wilfulli, thei dradden. to hym dispisyng. leriten not

nNeuer the latere ouer the meke in' inwit Vo pore neitforis*, not for cause of wick-
be thou strengere ; and for almes k deede idnesse, but thei dredden to be defraudid
here - c -

t on a meke
i2drawe thou not hym. For the heste tac with outen cause. Netheles on a meke 1 1
man '" soule i
, .
, ,
that is, a fill
to the pore ;
and for the myseise
of man in soulej be thou strongere; and for pore dettour. be

is hym ne lefe thou hym voide. Lees almes drawe thou not hym. For the
monee for m brothir and frend, and hide comaundementa of God take thou a pore
thou not it vnder a ston, in to perdi- man and for his nedynesse leeue thou not dette> that
owith to be
14 cioun. Put thi tresor in the hestes of the hym voide. Leese thou monei for a bro-ts turned into
he3este ; and it shal profile to thee more ther and frend, and hide thou not it vndur caas. drawe

15 than gold. Close almes deede in the a stoon, in to perdicioun. Putte thi tre-
bosum of the pore ; and that for thee sour in the comaundementis of the hi3este ;
16 shal ful out pre3en fro alle euel. The and it schal profile to thee more than gold dette For lhe

alines deede of a man as a litil sac with schal projite. Close thou almes in the 15 of the Lord,

and the grace of a man as the e$e i 1,1*7 f, 11

bosum of a pore man; and this almes schal
that comaund-
hym ; ideech man to

i?appil it shal kepen. And afterward it preye for thee Vo be delyuered of God* J^^L
shal a3een risen, and 3elde to them 3eld- fro al vuel.
The almes of a man is as a IG
Pre ""?*' in
helpinge him.
is ing, to eche in to the hed of hem. Ouer bagge with hym and ; it schal kepe the i*ese thou mo.
~ . ,, ., ,, ,. ney, etc.; in
the sheld of the my3ti, and ouer spere grace | of man as the appil of the 136. spending it

iaa3en thin enemy it shal fi3te. good A And aftirward schal rise a3en, and schal
it 17 n'

man maketh feith to his ne3hebore ; and 3elde to hem a 3elding, to ech man in to
he that hath lost, confusioun shal leue to the heed of hem. Aboue a d scheld of the e 18 c888 . netheies
more good schal
20 hym. The
grace" of the bor3 ne forgete my3ti man, and aboue a spere it schal fi3te
be sold un for it.
vndur a stoon;
thou forsothe he 3af for thee his soule.
; a3ens thin enemye.
A, .

A A j
good man nmkithi9 m
i -ii

21 The synnere and the vnclene the a3een feith to his n^bore ; and he that leesith,
b of
22bihotere fleeth. Goode wrdis of the a3een schal leeue schame to hym. For3ete thou 20 !
bihotere the synnere wijteth to hym ; not the grace of the borewe ; for he 3af * <=

and the vnkinde in the? wit forsaketh his lijf for thee||. synful A man and vn- 21 that is, Goddis

23 the delyuerende hym. A man a3een bi- cleene fleeth the biheetere. synnere ar-22 man. rise ajen; A gr

bi resseuyng of
hoteth of his ne3hebore ;
and whan he retteth to hym silf the goode wordis of the meede in an
hath lost reuerence, he shal be forsaken borowe ; and the vnkynde
man in wit for- ther Lire
here. c.
makith feith ;
in nede. that leesith ; feith anentis the neijbore, and tristith not to him to bicome borow for him.
him schame ; that is,
in bicomynge borow for
schal suffre his neijbore be schamed, ether schent. Lire here. c. || ja/ his Kyf for thee; in oblischinge that is nedeful to him to susteyne
his liyf. fleelh lhe biheetere ; that is, the borow, and nyle delyuere him. Lire here. c.

h Om. k the
vsureden E pr. m. B Om. E pr. m. G pr. m. begile B pr. m.
e m. { A.
ioje c pr.
almes A. J E sec. m. m for thi c pr. m. n
grace, or hue G sec. m. enuyous c pr. m.
B pr. m. P Om. c pr. m. G.

a Om. c Om. d the e a

y Om. A. z Om. i. comaundementis A pr. m. a. t> i. i. i. i.

A a 2

24 of Most shreude a3een bihoting

hym. sakith a man delyuerynge hym. A man 23 *J< t ^
biheetith f
for his nei^bore and whanne schamefastnesse
spilde manye loouende men, andi togi- ;
bifor God and
dere steredeii them as the flodis of the the nei-$bore% hath lost reuerence*, the men.
>* '

25 se. Cumpasende it made my3ti men to borew schal be forsakun of hym. Worst suffringe'iits'

gon out; and wandreden in aliene folkis. biheestf hath lost many louynge men, and of
wawis of the see. he
20 The synnere ouer passende the maunde- hath moued hem as the '

Lire here. c.

ment of the Lord shal fallen into It goynge in cumpas made my3ti men to bi which the
shreude 8 biheste ;
and he that forseth passe ouer; and thei wandriden aboute neijbore bihi 3 te
manye thingus to do, shall fallen in to among" alien folkis. A synnere brekynge 26
27 dom. Recouere thi ne3hebore after thi the comaundement of the Lord schal falle

vertue; and tac heed to thee, that thou in to a wickid biheesti; and he that ***<; w bo-
. rewrede, wher-
as infalle not. The bigynnyng of the lif of enforsith to do many thingis, schal falle ynne he wheet-
J T 1 iU U
1 'il. IT ith tlmt ne scnal
man watir, and bred, and clothing, and in to dom. Kekmere thi nei3bore bi thi 27 pay e for an

29hous defendende filthehed. Betere is the vertu; and take heed to thi silf, lest thou
liflode of the pore vnder the roof of falle. The bigynnyng
OJ *
of liif
of a man is ^ bih f in st is seid

yuel, as

stoodes*, than plenteuous shynende metes watir, and breed,

and clothing, and hous myche as yueis
. !>ifallen to him
i /i , /.

30 in pilgrymaging withoute hous. The hilynge filthe. Betere is the lijflode of a 20 t herbi. aeicy-
i .1 i .-, uere.etc.i in bi-
leste thing for grete plese to thee ; the pore man vndur the hilyng of spams, comvngebonm
repref of pilgrimaging thou shalt not than schynynge feestis in pilgrymage [houfahe'Vof*
aiheren. A shreude lif, of herberewing with outen hous. The leeste thing pleese' 30 in to triimia-
cioun. lest thou
fro hous in to hous ; and wher he shal thee for a greet thing; and thou schalt not ///, in to the
ben herberewid, he shal not feithfulli
, T ,.,,.,
forseid vuels.
here the schenschipe or pilgrymage. It is z\ Lire here, c.

32 don, ne openen the mouth. He shal wickid lijf to seke herbore fro hous in to L^^'thatls
herberewen, and feeden, and 3yue drinke hous and where he schal be herborid, mesura bie
drynke and
the vnkinde; and to these bittere thingus he schal not do tristili, nethir he schal me *; thus
breed and wa-
33 he shal heren. Go, gest and enournev , opene the mouth. He schal be her bond, 32 ter is takun
the bord and tho vv in thin arid he schal feede, and 3yue drinke to
'thingis that
34 bond thou hast, feed other. Go out fro vnkynde men ;
and 3it he schal here bittir
the face of wrshipe of my frendis, for and
Passe, thou that art
herborid, 33 xvj.
clothing ; svm-
nede of myn hous ; to herberewe to me, and araye a table; and 3yue thou meetis pie to nede and
, , , , . . , , not to curiouste.
35 brothir thou art maad. Greuous these to othere men, tho thingis that thou hast hiiinge fiithe ;

thingus to a man hauende wit vnder- ;

in the bond. Go thou out fro the face 34

^h iche
of * wer e u to
nymyng the hous, and repref of the of the onour of my* frendis, for the frend-
,? 1

do opinh, thouj
leenere. hous tho ben not
schipe, ethir aMnyte, of myn ; bi
yuele thingis, as
herboryng thou art maad a brother to me. to 3eide dette to
mi ii i i the wiyf, and
These thingis ben greuouse to a man hau- 3& S ch e thingi:
gis i

vndur the hil-

ynge wit the repreuyng|| of hous, and
ing of sparris;
the dispising of the vsurerk .
that is, in a litil
hows of thyn
owne. in pil.
CAP. XXX. CAP. XXX. grimage; tint is.
i Who looueth his sone, bisily 3eueth to He that loueth his sone, bisilii
3 yueth J^JjES^
hym scourgis, that he glade in his laste, betingis to hym, that he be glad in hise *^
s> -

and that he grope not the dores of laste thing, and that the sone touched not aboute in the
loud, for ofte
siche men ben
clepid triwauntis and lozels. Lire here. c. the repreuing; that
an vsurer, for he sillith hise
|| is, chawnging of herbor. the vsurer ; that is, of the osteler, which is seid here
thingis to gestis, aboue iust priys bi comyn cours. Lire here. c. f louche, etc.; to do fornycacioun. Lire here. c.

1 and in A. qq to-sterede c r fl o
pr. m. dis, or wawis E sec. m. GH. the slirewid A. t
sparres c sec. m. marg. 'E sec. m. marg. GH. * ost c v
pr. m. E pr. m. enuyroune A.
vv Qm. c
pr. m.

f h
bihotith i. g he i. Om. >
k that
plesith CEPGHiKMNpQRSuxa. is, osteler. v marg.

2 bores. Who techeth his sone, shal be the doris of nei3boris. He that techitha
hym ; and in the myddel of
preisid in his sone, schal be preisid in hym ; and
ahomli men in hym he shal glorien. Who schal haue glorie in hym in the myddis
techeth his sone, in to enuye sendith w of menyals. He that techith his sone, 3
the enemy; and in the myddel of frendus sendith the enemye in to enuye ; and in
4 he shal glorien in hym. Dead is the the myddis of frendis he schal haue glorie
fader of hym, and he is as not dead; lie in that sone. The fadir of hym is deed, 4
forsothe to hym he hath laft aftir hym. and he is as not deed ; for he hath left
5 In his and gladide in hym
lif he say, ; aftir hym a sone lijk hym. He si3 in hiss
and in his deth he sorewede not, ne is lijf, and was glad in hym; and in his deth
x bifor the he was not sori, nether was aschamed bi-
e confoundid eriemys. Forsothe
he hath laft the defendere of the hous fore enemyes. For he lefte a defendere 6
a3en the enemys ; and to frendus the }eld- of the hous a3ens enemyes; and
7 ing ofy grace. For the soulis of the grace to frendis. For the soulis* of sones 7 * For the souli

sonus he shal binde togidere his woundis; ne

111 i . i . fte- !that is,
scnalbynde togidere hise woundis ; he schal putte

and ouer al vois shul be disturbid the and hise entrails schulen be disturblid on
sboweles of hym. The vntame hors shal ech vois. An hors vntemyd, "ether vn-8 J

scapen hard, and the slowe sone shal chastisid 1 , schal ascape hard, and a sone bodil y 1!
y f and
goostly, as to
9 scape stumbling doun. Flatere the sone, vnchastisid schal ascape heedi m Flatere 9 . venues,

and he shal make thee dredende pley ; thou the sone, and he schal make thee <, that i,

with hym, and he shall sorewen z thee. dredinge; pleie thou with hym, and he
10 Ne with Ia3he thou to hym, ne with schal make thee sory. Lei3e thou notf lo
6 * "oysofthe
meynee, biweil-
sorewe, and in the laste thi teth shal with hym, lest thou haue sorewe togidere, in e him, and
he schal coum-
nwaxe stoneyd. 3yue thou not to hym and at the laste thi teeth schulen be forte hem of

power in 3outhe, and ne dispise thou the astonyed. 3yue thou not power to hym 11

nge' Lire here

I2tho3tus of hym. Crooke the nol of hym 3ongthe, and dispise thou not
in hise j,

in 3outhe, and bet the sidis of hym, whil thomtis. Boowe thou his necke in 12 t3<Aou not,
etc.; in leijmge
he is a faunt
parauenture he in-
; lest 3ongthe, and bete thou hise sidis, while togidrewith
, . , ., , , ,
him of hise
wardly hardne, and leeue not to thee, and he is a 3ong child lest perauenture he
; Mies, astony.

is he shal be to thee sorewe of soule. Tech wexe hard, and bileue not to thee, and he n^Joflh'yT
thi sone, and werk in hym ; lest in to schal be sorewe of soule to thee. Techei3 h erte A sethat , -.

tnoujtis ;

14 the filthehed of hym thou gilte. Betere thi sone, and worche in hym ;
lest thou ' not one 'y

. bete thou him

man hool, and strong in
is a

than a riche man feble, and
offende in to the filthe of
a pore man hool, and strong in my3tis,
hym. Betere
. .
is u fr
yueie dedis,
but also fur
i e thoujtis,

isscourgid with malice. Helthe of soule than a riche man feble, and betun with
bi on
in hoelynesse of ri3twisnesse, and betere malice. The helthe of soule is in the is 5 ne8
Lire here.

is gold and siluer ; and a

than alle hoolynesse of ri3tfulnesse, and it is betere
strong body than monee withoute me- than ony gold and siluer and a strong ;

16 sure. Ther is not monee ouer the mo- bodi is betere than ful myche catel. T$o\<> + merla!iti
rente that is,
nee of the helthe of body ; and ther is catel is aboue the catel of helthe of bodi ;
reste of bodi in
17 not liking ouer the io3e of herte. Betere and no likyng is aboue the ioie of herte. as^onge' as pre-
deth than bittere lyf, and euere last-
is Betere is deth than bittir lijf, and euer-i 7 'VJf l
ende reste than durende sicknesse. Goodis reste t is betere than siknesse <?>*> AM m
is lastinge a closid mouth ;

hid in a mouth closid, as leiyngis" to of dwellynge contynueli. Goodis hid in a is that is, kun-

, ,. it o / f iv. f n y n s in a nian
b closid mouthy ben as settyngis tortn ot
plenteuous metes, set aboute with a se- siowtoteche.

w putteth c pr. m. E pr. m.

* knoulecliede c
pr, m. E pr. m. y Om. AEGH. z make thee dreri
G m. a b to G sec. m.
sec. leiynge A.

Om. i. m lieedi to visis v.

What shal profiten sacrifise to metis set aboute a sepulcre. What schal i

d to an -j i
idol ?
i r
i_- -i
whi it kunnyng is
etc -S fro w hom
the maumet ? and forsothe he shal not profite
U '

20 eten, ne sauouren 6
So he that is dryuen .
schal not ete, nether schal smelle. So he 20 ne
n L rd n his

awei fro the Lord, and berende meedis that is dryuun awei fro the Lord, and
21 of shreudenesse, seende with e3en and berith the medis of wickidnesse, seynge2i thefeiou. _
. oflyuyngemen. .

weilende, geldyng clippende a

so a with i3en and weilynge inwardli, as a themeedisof
, . , . . -. wickidnesse ;

22 maiden, and si3hende. Sorewi idilnesse geldynge bichppynge a virgyn, and 813- that is, the

3yue thou not to thi soule,

ne tormente 3ynge. 3y ue thou not sorewe to thi 22
ssthou thiself in thi counseil. Myrthe of soule*, and turmente not thi silf in thi
ijen ins nec- ;

the of man, and tresor counsel. Mirthe of herte, this is the Iijf23iigence passid,
herte, that is lif
. . 'for peyne open-
, .

withoute failing of hoelynesse and ful ;

of man, and is tresour of hoolynesse with \de hise 3 en, i

out io3ing of a man ys long lyuyng. outen failyng; and ful out ioiyng of a man
24 Haue mercy to thi soule, plesende to is long
Haue thou mercy on thi 24. J

God and withhold and gedere togidere

soule,and plese thou God and holde to- of
kunnyng. as
thin herte in the holynesse of hym, and gidere and gadere togidere thin herte in gelding; that
sorewi idilnesse fer put awei fro thee. the hoolynesse of hym, and putte fer awei
25 Manye forsothe sorewy idilnesse sleth ; sorewe fro thee. For whi sorewe hath 25'
and noon heelthe is ther b' kunn yng.
2cand ther is not profit in it. Enuye slayn
* many
* men; Lire here. c.
and wrathe shuln lassen da3es ; and bifor ynne. Enuye and wrathfulnesse schulen 20 to 3# thou not
sorewe thi
27tyme thenking shal bringe to elde. A make lesse daies;

and thou3tys schulen /, that is,

bri3t herte good in meteshipes ; the brynge eldnesse bifore the tyme. A 27 lore^'tiim
whi anoyeth bothe
meteshipis forsothe of hym diligentli ben schynynge herte is good in metis; for bodiand soule.
meetis therof ben maad diligentli. and turmente
made. not thi. silf, etc.;
as they doen

CAP. XXXI. CAP. XXXI. thatdispeiren

tnorou sorewe,
and sleen ht-m
1 The waking of horieste shal dwyne Wakyng of onestef schal make fleischis silf.
the flesh ; and the thenking of it shal to faile and thou3t therof schal take awei man that
; is,

kepith mannus
2 don awei slep. The thenking of bifor sleep. Thou3t of bifore knowyng turneth 2 Kyf. A
., , ., .,, ynge herte; .

kunnyng turneth awei wit ; and heuy awey wit; and greuouse siknesse makith that glad is,

sinfirmyte sobre maketh the soule. The sobre the soule. A ryche man| trauelides
riche man trauailede in the gedering of "
in the gaderyng of catel ; and in his reste
re ^'~ n

substaunce ; and in his reste he shal be he schal be fillyd with hise goodis. pore A 4
4fulfild with his goodus. The pore man man trauelide in decreessyng of lijflode ; maad dm.
gentli; that is,
trauailede in lassing of liflode; and in the and in the ende he is maad nedi. He that 5 ben maad redy
sende he is mad helpeles, 'or pore%. Who loueth gold, schal not be iustified ; and he for
looueth gold, shal not ben iustefied ; and *e"foisdd .
that sueth wastyng, schal be fillid therof.
soones. Lire
who folewith wasting, shal be fulfild of Many men ben 3ouun in to the fallyngis 6 here. c.
\AL r f Wakin9f
e it. Manye ben 3yuen in to the fallingus off gold ;
A tl
and the perdicioun off i,
hem was oneste; that is,
of gold ; and the los of them is mad in maad in the feirnesse therof. A tre of? r'edm^of
7 the fairnesse of it.

cioun is
The tree of offen-
gold of men sacrefiende ; wo to
sacrifice; wo
the gold of hem that maken

to hem that suen it, and ech

^ ^J^

tofaiie; that

is, it schal re-


fleiscly vices. Jerom

seith in his pistle to Rustik, the
munk, Loue
freyne tho fro
thou the studies of hooly scripturis, and thou schalt not loue the vices of fleisch.
take awey sleep ; of slouthe and idilnesse. Thoujt of Goddis
biforknowing ; bi which God seeth apertly all thingis. turneth awey the wit ; fro a)
yuel. Boys seith in the v. book of Consolacioun, A
je men, greet nede of goodnesse is set to you, if je nylen dissymele ; for je doen alle thingis

bifor the ijen of the iuge

seynge alle thingis. Lire here. c. J A
riche man ; a good riche man traueilide to lyne onestly aftir his staat, and to do
the werkis of mersi. in his reste; that
is, elde age, ether deth, he schal resseyue euerlastinge goodis for temporal goodis. in decreessing; that is,
a fool in spending ; for he spendith more than he
wynneth. that loueth gold ; that is, ouermesurably. Lire here. c. fallinuis of gold ; that
is, many men felden in to synnes for
gold. A tre of'offensioun is the gold, etc.; for whi a coueytouse man loueth his gold as his God, and therefor
auance is seruyce of idols, in iij. c. to Coloc. Lire here. c.

sepulture G. Om. A, e ben honourid E pr. m. f helthe E pr. m. Om. c et
E pr. m.

them that folewen it, and eche vnpru- vnprudent man schal perische ther ynne.
8 dent shal pershe in it. Blisful is the Blissid is a riche man, which is founduns
richeman, that is founde withoute wem ;
with out wem*; and
that 3ede not aftir * with mil
wem ; of co-
and that aftir gold jide not, ne hopide in gold, nether hopide in money, and tre- uevtise and

9 monee, and in tresores. Who is this, and souris. Who is this, and we schuleno
wee shul preisen hym ? forsothe he dyde for he dide merueils in his geting, but
preyse hym ? vside gold in
lomerueilis in his lif. Who is preued in
Which is preued ther ynne, and is

it, and perfit is founde, and shal be to foundun perfit, and euerlastynge glorye Lire here. c.

hym euere lastende glorie? that my3te schal be to hym ? which my3te trespasse,
trespasen, and trespaside not, and don and trespasside not, and do yuels, and dide
11 euelis, and dide not. Therfore stablid ben not. Therfor hise goodis ben stablischidii
the goodis of hym in the Lord ; and the in the Lord ; and al the chirche of seyntis

almes deedis of hym shal out telle al the 1

schal telle out hise almesdedis. Thou 12
i2fhirche of halewis. Aboue k the grete hast sete at a greet boordf ; opene thou t Thou hast

bord thou hast siten ; ne opene thou not firste thi cheke on it. Seie thou not,
13 out thi cheeke rathere.
Sei n thou not, whether tho ben many thingis, that ben
a greet
whethir manye thingus ben, that vp on on it. Haue thou mynde,*
that an *yuel u table
man, bigynne
14 it ben. Haue mynde, for euel is the i3e is weiward. What thing worse, than 15 t!

isshreude 636. Shreudere thing than the an 136 is maad ? therfor of al his face he c
636, what is foormed ? therfore fro al his schal wepe:]:, whanne he seeth. Stretcheiet
face he shal weepe, whan he hath seen. thou not forth first thin hond ; and thou is, he'scha'i here

icNe strecche thou out thin hond rathere; defoulid bi enuye, be aschamed. Be thou
17 and bi enuye defoulid, thou shame. Ne not oppressid of wyn
in a feeste. Vnder-i8 fewn esseo f
. ,

messis, ether
be thou thrist togidere in the feste with stonde of thi silf the thingis, that ben of for tho ben n
Vnderstond what ben of thi
thi ne^bore.
r , -, ,.
aftir his lust
Vse thou as a discreet and 19 thou

is wyn.

19 ne3hebore, of thiself. Vse as a temperat temperat man these thingis that ben set
Urehere c-
man these thingis that ben leid to thee; forth to .thee; and be thou not hatid,

and not whan thou etist, myche to hate whanne thou etist myche. Ceesse thou 20
20 thou be had. Cese rathere bicause of firstbicause of lernyng, ethir nurture; and

disciplyne ; and wile thou not be to nyle thou be outrageouse, lest perauenture
myche, lest parauenture thou offende. thou offende. And if thou hast sete in 21
21 And the myddel of manye thou
if in the myddis of many men, stretche not
seete, rathere than thei ne strecche thou forth thin hond sunnere than thei and axe ;

out thin hond ne rathere aske thou to

thou not firste for to drynke. A litil
wyn 22
22drinke. Hou suffisaunt is to a ta3t man is ful sufficient to a lerned man ; and in
a litil wyn and in sleping
thou shalt slepynge thou schalt not trauele for that
not trauailen of and thou shalt not it, wyn, and thou schalt not feele trauel.
23feelen trauaile. Waking, and colere, and Wakyng, and colre, ether bittir moisture, 23
anguysh to an vndiscreet man. Slep of and gnawyng to an vndiscreet ^either vn- 11

helthe in a scars man he shal slepe vnto ; temperat man But the sleep of heelthe24

the morutid, and the lif of hym with is in a scars man he 00 schal slepe til to?

hym shal deliten. And if constreyned the morewtid, and his soule schal delite
thou were in etyng to myche, ris from with hym. And
thou art constreyned 25

the myddel, and spew ; and it shal re- in etyng myche, ryse thou fro the myddis,
freshe thee, and thou shalt not bringe to and braked thou; and it schal refreische

Om. AE sec.m. an. m E pr. m. And

*B'iEpr. m. vp on firste
c. 'Ora.^. it sey
if E pr. m.
00> he that A
"> man s. and vntemperat man CEGHiMNPQHUvxva. and vntemperaunt s.

pr. m. P vnto I. q A super ras. spue CKOHiKMNPQnsuvxYa.


and thou schalt not brynge sikenesse

aethi body siknesse. Here me, sone, and thee,
to thi bodi. Sone, here thou me, and di- 26
dispise thou not me; and
in the? laste

27thou shalt fynde my wrdis. In alle thi spise thou not me; and at the laste thou
werkis be thou swift ; and alle infirmyte schalt fynde my wordis. In alle thi 27
as shal not meete with thee. The shynende werkis be thou swift ; and al sikenesse* i

in loeues
the lippis ofPP manye shul schal not come to thee. The lippis of 28 depute of wer
blissen ; and the witnessing of the many men schulen blesse a schynynge
29treuthe of hym feithful. In the most man in looues and the witnessyng of his

and the treuthe is feithful. The citee schal cgrutche 29 mersi *< -

wycke bred grucchide the cite ;

breed ; that is,

in the worste breed and the witnessyng gun

witnessing of the wickidnesse of it is
! ;

soverre. Bisi men in wyn wile thou not of wickidnesse therof is soth. Nyle thou so yu
excite hem that ben diligent in

stiren ;
forsothe many men outlawide wynt;
for whi wyn hath distried many men. ^i^mtiuu
31 wyn. Fyr proueth hard iren so wyn ; ' * ben diligent in
drunken in drunkinhed shal vndernyme Fier preueth hard irun so wyn drunkun 31 * nyiethou. ;
excite hem to
32 the hertes of proude men. Euene lif to in drunkenesse schal repreue the hertis of drynke, for
i TI I"F with out this, .

men wyn in r sobrenesse ; if thou drinke proude men. Euene lyf to men ts wyn 32 t hd ben ouer
33 it mesurably, thou shalt ben sobre. What drunkun in sobrenesse; if thou drynkist it Zthe^ 1

What n v thou
34 is the lif that is lassid with wyn ? mesurably, thou schalt be sobre. What is 33 ether
excite to

ssbigilith the lif? deth. in myrthe Wyn the lijf which is:]: maad lesse bi wyn? What 34 wrathfuinesse,
j f j-ii. -!/" i ,1 for
ITT thei ben
is foormed, not in drunkenhed, fro the detrauditn apt deth. Wyn was maad 35 st md soone to

bigynnyng. The ful out io3yng of soule in gladnesse, not in drunkenesse, at the kZfttS', in

and of herte 8 wyn mesurably drunken.

, bigynnyng. Wyn
drunkun mesurabli '

37 Helthe is of soule and of

body, sobre ful out ioiyng of soule and of bodi. Sobre 37 P reue the *<*
of proude men
38 drink.
myche drunke terring, and

drynk is helthe of soule and of bodi. m ;

wrathe, and manye fallingus maketh. Wyn drunkun myche makith avoiding, 38 a n
39 Bitternesse of soule
wyn myche drunken. and ire, and many fallyngis r
Wyn39 .

40 The wilsumnesse of drunkenhed the of- drunkun myche is bitternesse of

* soule. "f-'"^-^.
of Judith.
fensioun of the vnprudent, lassende ver- Strengthe of drunkenesse and hirting of4t** ***!
, deth of kynde
41 tue, and makende woundis. In the feste ,
an vnprudent man makith vertu lesse, and defraudith ,

wyn vndernyme thou not a ne3hebore ; makynge woundis. In the feeste of wyn4i
and dispise thou not hym in the myrthe repreue thou not a nei3bore ; and dispise
42 of it. Wrdis of repref sey thou not to thou not hym in his mirthe. Seye thou 42 defraudi tn lytf
ofglorie. Lire
hym and here thou not hym doun in not wordis of schenschipe to and *

hym ;

a3ee asking. oppresse thou not hym in axyngef lyf^hlh^

etc.; as if he
seye, it is not
mannus liyf,


but hoggis

1 A gouernour
thee thei* han sett, wile rr,, . ,
Inei nan set thee a gouernour,
oppresse thou
not Mm in 0*.
thou not ben enhauncid ; be thou in hem thou be enhaunsid be thou hem;
2 as oon of hem. The cure of hem haue as oon of hem. Haue thou cure of hem, 2
thou, and so bihold; and al thi u cure and so biholde thou; and whanne al thi us thee > and

3 mad That thou glade for

out, reste. cure is filhd, sitte thou to mete.
selde to thee
That 3 yuei for good.
hem, and the ournement of
grace thou thou be glad for hem, and take the ourne-
take; coroun, and dignete of the ment of grace and gete coroun, and dig-
congre- ;

4gacioun thou gete. Spec thou more of

nyte congregacioun. Speke thou the 4

P thi A. PP Om. c
pr. m. q wickenesse E. ' is Er 8
in pr.m body c pr. m. E pr. m. S9
ajen E. nien E ^ r . OT- t ji e i c sec m raf m u ^ ^
ajeyn AC.


or myscheues i

5 thur3 birthe ; forsothe ther semeth thee gretter* man in birthe; for whi the words
ferst the wrd of loouende kunnyng ; and of hym that loueth kunnyng bicome thee th"t?,
c lette thou not musik. Where is not heer- first ; and lette thou not musik. Where 6
that owist to

ing, heelde thou not out a and sermoun ; heryng is notf, schede thou not out a be ripe in ver

vncouenabli wile thou not v ben enhauncid word and nyle thou be enhaunsid vnco-
; eeid,' M wor.

7 in thi wisdam. A litil iemme of kar- uenabli in thi wisdom. A iemme of car- 7
buncle in the ournement of gold and ;
buncle in the ournement of gold ; and
comparisoun of musikes in the feste of comparisoun of musikis in the feeste of
nyng, and kun
wyn. As in forging of gold signe is of wyn. As in the makyng of gold is a a nynge men.
/. j bicome thee
noumbre of musikis in
a smaragd, so the signe ot srnaragde, so the noumbre ot fast; that 'a,

9 myrie and temperat wyn. Here thou musikis myrie and mesurable wyn.
is in

beende"" stille, and for reuerence shal falle Here thou stille, and good grace schal 9
10 to thee
good grace. Thou a 3ung ful come to thee for reuerence. 3onge man, 10 word *" Ky
for, as Greg.
waxen man, spec in thin owne cause speke thou vnnethis thi cause, whanne
, .

n vnnethe, whan nede shul be. If twies nede is. If thou art axid twies, the heed in
thou were askid, haue the bed thin an- haue thin answere. In many thingis be is
12 swere. In manye thingus be thou as vn- J *>' and here thou stille
thou as vnkunnyng, i,Aere
f-Where -

-\ hering
kunnende, and here thou beende stille togidere and axynge. And presume thou '

were more
<"., for

istogidere and sechende. To^ speken in not to speke in the myddis of grete men ; dispising of

the myddel of grete men ne bifor take and where elde men ben, speke thou not th encres-

thou and wher ben olde men, not myche

; myche. Leityng schal go bifore hail, and u j^^J^f"
u spec Biforn hail shal go leiting,
thou. grace schal go bifore schamfastnesse, and couenatu m
thi wisdom in ;
and biforn shamefastnesse shal go grace, good grace schal come to thee for reuer- auauntinge
, .
., - i>n ^, thee boostfuly
and for reuerence shal fallen to thee good ence. And in the our of nsyng tine thee is tne rof.

grace. And z in the hour of rising 'tyff not ; forsothe renne thou bifore first in to
thou thee not ; ren biforn forsothe first thin hous, and there clepe thou thee to
and there be thou clepid
in to thin hous, answer, and there pleie thou. And do thi ledursum and leyting go-
.... , . , .

16 to, and there

pleye. And do thi con- conseitis ;, and not in synnes, and in a ithwforthe
ceyuyngus, and not in giltis, and in proud word. On alle these thingis blesse
17 proud wrd. Vp on alle these thingus thou the Lord, that made thee, and fill-
blisse thou the Lord, that made thee, ynge thee greetli of alle hise goodis. He i8/' n
cometh forth of
.' '

and inwardli drunkinge thee of alle his that dredith God, schal take his techyng ; reuerence, for
whi Goddis
isgoodis. Who
dredeth God, shal take b the and thei that waken to hym, schulen fynde grace is the

doctrine of hym ; and who shul wake blessyng. He that sekith the lawe, schal
19 to hym, shul finde blessing. Who sech- be fillid therof; and he that doith tretour- that is, make
eth the lawe, shal be fulfild of it ; and ousli s , schal be sclaundrid therynne. Thei 20 thee no tan-
yng in araiyrig,
who aspiendeli doth, shal be sclaundrid that dreden God, schulen fynde lust dom ; ether tiflyng of

20 in Who dreden God, shul finde 03!-

11 i 11 j
and schulen kyndle rijtfulnesse as Ii3t.
i i , heeris, as wym-
it. me n doon. to
wis dom; and ri3twisnesses as Ii3t thei A synful man$ schal eschewe' blamyng;ai
21 shul teende. A man synnere shal schone and aftir his wille he schal fynde
* consience. ctepe
com- to th n
own c .

thee ; to an-
swer, as to answere of thi dedis hi for the hijeste iuge. and there pleye thou ; that is, whanne answer is maad hi this, that thou art not gild of dedly
synne, pleye thou with wisdom, hi goode thmijtis that ben delitahle. Lire here. c. J do thi conseitis ; that is, parforme thi good p:irpos

cbnseyued there, and ocupie thee not in Lire here. c.

synnes. A
synful man ; that is, obstynat in synne blamijny; as ahhomynable
to him.

* Om. c pr. m. w and A. x Om. A. there GH. 7 Aiid to c. z Om. c. a haue thou
m. E pr. m. aa Om. m. b han c pr. m.
not a sloj wil c pr. c pr.

9 traitourli K. tretourli M. ether aspiyngli x marg. * ethchewe i.


and after his wil he shal parisoun. A man of counsel schal not 22,

asfinde comparisoun. A man of counseil leese vndirstonding ; a man alien and

shal not distro3e vnderstonding ; and an proud schal not drede* dredyng. 3 ne >23'
c aftir that he hath do with that drede man" to~his ex-
alien and a proud shal not ful dreden cusing and de-
23 drede. Also aftir that he dide with hym with out councel, and he schal be repreued fence. A man
c, j .1 .1 of councel ; that
withoute counseil, and in bis infolew- bi hise suyngis. Sone, do thou no thing 24 u, assenting to
d he shal ben vndernoine. Sone, with out councel ; and aftir the dede thou f^^""^.
24ingis '

withoute counseil no thing do thou ; and schalt not repente. Go thou not in the25 of<?)unc?
to him, but
1 J ouu n

aftir thi deede thou shalt not othynke. weie of fallyng, and offende thou not 336113 =hai bnnge to
. execucioun.
25 In the weie of falling go thou not, and stoonys. Bitake thou not thee to a tra- alien ; fro God.

thou shalt not offende a3en stones. Ne uelouse weie, lest thou sette sclaundir to dispi^ynge the

betake thou thee to a trauailous wey, ne thi soule; and be thou war of thi sones, 26 h"r^nan ."<
and of and persevue thou of thi meyneals. In al 27 "f' ir a"" he
26poote thou to thi soule sclaunder; .
hath do with
thi sones be war, and of thi homli men thi werk bileue thouf bi feith of thi soule; that; that is,

,1 xi f i j with the drede

dd i

27 tac heed. In al thi werk leeue of the for whi this is the keping of comaunde- Of God, for whi

feith of thi soule; this is forsothe the mentis. He that bileueth to God, takith28j

2skeping of the hestes. Who

6 whanne he
leeueth to heede to the" comaundemeritis ; and he set in perel of

God,taketh heed to the hestes; and who that tristith in hym, schal not be maad deth, doith sum
tytne sum good
trosteth in hym, shal not be lassid. lesse v . thing of kynde,
for that drede.
without coun-
CAP. XXXIII. CAP. XXXIII. cel ; that is,
stable purpos of

1 To the dredende God eueles shul not luelis schulen not come to hym that i * ule - iclial be

. repreued, etc.;
meete ; but in tempting God shal kepen dredith God; but God schal kepe hym in forwhannethe
drede is
, , . . . ., , . passid,
hym, and delyueren hym fro euelys. temptacioun, and schal delyuere tro yuelis. he tumeth a 3 en

2 The wise man hateth not hestes, and A wijs man hatith not the
w comaunde- 2
ri3twisnesses and he shal not ben hurt-
; mentis, and ri3tfulnessis ; and he schal not maad worthi
3 lid, as in the tempest of a ship. A weel be hurtlidj doun, as in the tempest of a to i* repreued.
Lire here. c.
felende man leeueth 6
to the lawe of God, schip. A
wijs man bileeueth to x the
lawe 3 * sc /la i not

4 and the lawe feithful to hym. Who the of God, and the lawe is feithful to hym.

asking maketh open, shal greithe a wrd ; He that makith opene axyng, schal make 4

and so louli pre3ende he shal be ful out redi a word '; and so he schal preie, and fa- c -

t/ al thi werk
herd, and he shal kepe disciplyne, and schal be herd, and he schal kepe techyng, bileue thou;

sthanne he shal answern. The entrailes and t ha line he schal answere. The en- 5 thi fbuudemeat
of a fool as the whel of a carre, and as a traylis of a fool ben as a wheel of a
er k
turnende ful axtre ee the thenkingus f of carte, and his thou3tis as an extre able ^ ,
God. of thi
hym. An hors courser, so and a frend priue to turne aboute. An
hors a staloun, soc that is,
herte '
scornere, vnder eche man vpon sittende and a frend a scornere^, nei3eth vndur ech
7ne3eth. Whi dai the dai ouercometh, and sittynge aboue. Whi a dai ouercometh a?
eft Ii3t the h'3t, and 3er the 3er, sunne the dai, and eft the Ii3t ouercometh \\^i, and
8 sunne? Of the kunnyng of the Lord a 3eer ouercometh a 3eer, the sunne ouer- of meede abe-
dun. Lire here.
J he schal not be hurtlid; that is, schal not he brokun bi vnpatience. teclting; that is, couenahle maner to teche disciplis. The entraylis of a fool ;
that is, the vndurstonding and desir of an a frend a scornere;
yuel prelat. as an, extre ; for lie hath no stableiiesse in good. Lire here. c.
that is, an yuel prelat, that owith to lone God, and
putte forth him silf til to deth for the helthe of the puple; and netheles he scorneth God, and
takith the office of his vikeried, and not of his onour. hi wantownesse of vices, vndur ech sittinge aboue him ; that is, vndur
chargith neiyth ;
God and hise aungels. li)t ouercometh li^t ; for the list of the sunne is more than the tiy. of the moone, and of othere sterris. the sunne

correccioun, or chastisinge E sec. m. marg. GH. c Om. c pr. m. d dd bileeae G m.
folewingus c. .tec.
bileeueth G sec. m. e or a nathe c
sec. m. marg. or a naaue E sec. m. marg. H. axtree, or naaue G.
thenkynge ^GH.
u Om. CBF ' lesse, ether w Om. cv. * in
pr. m. GHKMNPQsuxa. his K. desceyued v. c.

thei ben seuered, the sunne mad, and cometh the sunne ? Tho ben departid of 8 ouereometh the

kepende the heste ;

bi the wisdam of the kunnyng of the Lord, bi the sunne
9 God ben deuydid. And he shal
thei maad, and kepynge the comaundementy of
chaunge the tymes and the feste da3es God. And it schal chaunp/e tvmes ando
in causinge
of hem, and in hem the feste da3es thei the feeste daies of hem, and in tho tymes heete > for '"

lohaleweden at the hour. Of hem God the Jewis halewiden hali daies at an our. Hh more
enhauncede and magnefiede; and of them God enhaunside and magnyfiede of tho 10 h

he putte in to the noumbre of da3es and hali dates; and of tho he settide* in to

jeres and alle men of the soil b and of

; , the noumbre of daies ; and God made alle
that '" orden -
aunce; this
the erthe, wherof Adam was foormed. men of sad erthe, and of neische erthe,
11 In the multitude of the disciplyne of the whereof Adam was formed. In the mul- At-

Lord he seuerede them, and chaungide titude of the Lord he depart-

kunnyng of
lathe weies of them. And of them he ide hem, and chaungide the weies of hem. isnotofthe
text} but it

and enhauncede
blissede, and of hem ; Of hem God blesside, and enhaunside; and i2 811Mh ne!rt '

he halewide, and to hymself he pre-

f T- 111 1 11
or hem he halewide, and chees to
and tDat *'>

hym silf i, thec sunne, ;

sentede of hem he curside, and mekede,

of hem he curside, and made lowe, and *y^s ?"/* .

and turnede them to the seueryng of turnyde hem fro the departyng of hem.

^/,A Ae ,,_

is hem. As the cley of the crockere in the As cley of a pottere is in the hond of is"*'tho
that of is,

dayes of
hond of hym, to foonnen and to' dis- hym, to make and dispose, that alle thei4 the K* r ; this'

uposen it, alle the weies of it aftir his weies therof ben aftir the ordynaunce of
disposicioun so a man in his hond that
; hym; so a man is in the hond of hym
made hym ;
and he shal 3eelde to them that made hym and he schal 3elde to

15 aftir his dom. A3en euel is good, and hym bi his dom. A sens 'yuel is good, and i5
felowi s- fro the
..... .
, , . departyng of
a3en lif deth ; so and a3en the ri3twis a3ens lijt is deth so and a synnere is ;
hem , that is,
A , .. , ., . , anoon as thev
the synnere. And so bihold in to a3ens a lust man. And so biholde thou in
the werkis of the he3est ; two a3en
alle to alle the werkis of the hi3este ; twey
IG two, oon
a3en oon. And I the k laste thingis a3ens tweyne, and o thing a3ens U"^
wakide 1
, and as that gedereth clustris'", oon. And Y
the laste wakide", and as he \G herf ' c

17 aftir the grape kutteres. In the blessing that gaderith draf of grapis, aftir the ga-
of God and I myself hopede ; and as he dereris of grapis. And hopide in thei; Y
that grapes kutteth", I fulfilde presse .
blessyng of God ; and as he that gaderith
inBeholdeth, for not to me alone I tra- grapis, Y fillide the pressour. Biholde 36, is

uailede, but to alle men sechende out for Y

trauelide not to me aloone, but to
disciplyne. Hereth me, 3ee grete men, alle thatseken kunnyng. 19 Grete men, and
and puples and 3ee gouernoures of
alle ; here 36 me; and 36 gouernouris
alle puplis,
20 the chirche, with eres
parceyueth. To of the chirche, perseyue with eeris. 3yu e 20
sone, and wif, brother, and frend, 3if thou thou not power oner thee in thi lijf to a
not power vp on thee in thi lif; and 3yue sone, and to a womman, to a brothir, and
thou not to an other thi possessioun, lest to a freend ; and 3yue thou not thi pos- f biseche for
tho ; that is,
it othinke thee, and thou louli pre3e for sessioun to another man, lest peraueriture for the nedis
of thi
21 hem. Whil 3it thou art aboueP, or lyuestw, it repente thee, and thou biseche for thof.
chaunffe thee;

and brethest, shal not chaungen thee alle While thou art alyue,
and brethist 3it, ech
21 that is, as long
as thou lyuest,
22 flesh. Betere is forsothe, that thi sonus man schal not chaunge thee. For it is 22 oon stire thee
. _ fro this purpos.
thee pre3en, than thee to beholden in to betere, that thi sones preye thee, than Lire here. c.

S In A. k sueuel A. soule H. Om. AGH. k to the E 1 wallide AH. wakid out G.

pr. m.

m n cntte AG P on E pr. m. PP Om. c

pepynes E pr. m. pr. m. H. my presse E pr. m. AGII.
et E pr. m.
y comaundementis A pr. m. a. z c. two G. zz walkide M.

23 the hondus of thi sonus. In alle thi that thou biholde in to the hondis of thi

24werkes beforn passende be thou ; ne sones. In alle thi werkis be thou soue-23

3yue thou a wem in to thi glorie.

In reyn 3yue thou not a wem in to thi 24

the dai of the ful endyng of the da3es of erlorie. In the day of endynff of daies of
, a v-h . *Heworchith <

thi lif, and in tyme of thi deth dele thin thi lijf, and in tyme or thi" goyng out in chastising,

2seritage. Metes, and 3erde, and berthene departe thin erytage. Metis, and a 3erde,25^eishoiZ
and birthun c to an asse ; breed, and chas- dr chas-
to an asse ; bred, and disciplyne, and
2cwerk to a seruaunt. He werketh in dis- tisynff, and werk to a seruaunt. He 26 Turmmt and
. jj. . stockis, etc.;
and the largidi bond to hym
worchith in chastisyng*, and sekith to that is, rebel
, i i ,. ! i
and vnfeithful.
secheth 'to resten and secheth fredam. 1
haue reste; slake thou hondis to hym, idunetse,- of

27 3oc and brydil reyne crooken the harde

1 and he sekith fredom. A 3 ok and bridil 27
necke ; and the seruaunt bowen besy bowen doun an hard necke and bisi worch- ;
33611115 lordis.

28 werkis. To the euel willi seruaunt tor- ingis bowen doun a seruaunt. Turment 28 without doom;
and stockis to an yuel willid seruaunt
menting and gyues put hym into werch- ;
cioun. ;

forsothe myche sende thou hym in to worchyng, lest he I

ing, lest he be voide
29 ;

so malice idilnesse ta3te. In werk set hym, be vdel for whi idilnesse hath tamte 29 f tre
: ,
make f thou
so forsothe it semeth hym that ;
if he miche malice. Ordeyne thou hym in werk, so n h m l rge, < <

etc.; that is,

here not, bowe hym with gyues, and for so it bicometh hym that if he obeieth ?yue thou not ;
make thou not large 'vp on v alle flesh, not, bowe thou doun hym in stockis, and O uer"ony ma n,

but with oute dom noo thing do thou make thou

but with out
not hym largef ouer ony man,
dom do thou no thing greu-

re y
^ h

o ue .
siheuy. If ther is to thee a feithful ser- >

vndurlowt ;
w If a feithful seruaunt is to thee, be si and
uaunt, be he to thee as thi lif; as a ouse. this is

brother so trete hym, for in blod of lif

, ,
he as thi soule to thee

; trete
thou him so
crfsten primes,
32 thou bo3tyst hym. If thou schalt hurte x as a brother, for thou hast bou3t hym in
d s
hym vnri3twisly, in to fli3t
he shal ben the blood of lijf. If thou hurtist hym 32
33 turned and if enhauncende he serial? vniustli. he schal be turned in to fleyng men 1

; go }
f in the blood of
awei, whom schalt>'y thou seche, and in awei ; and it he enhaunsynge goith awei, 33 Hyf that } is,

what weie thou z schalt zz seche hym, thou thou noost 1*

whom thou schalt seke, and H y f, thatstond-

wost not. in what weie thou schalt seke hym. Lt^ofLe-"

uytici, the liyf


A T3
t~i of ech fleisch
is in blood.

Tr ,
Lire here. c.
Veyn hope and lesyng to the mys Veyn nope and a leesyng to an vnwijsi takith hede,

felende man
and vnprudent men en-
; man ; and dremes enhaunsen vnprudent dremys/SIL
2haunsun sweuenes. As he that caccheth men. As he that takith8 schadewe, and 2
shadewe, and pursueth wynd, so and b he pursueth wynd,
so and he that takith f
e y e - no thing,
but it schal be
that taketh heed to the seen lesingus. heedej to leesyngis seyn. Vpe this things defouiid more.
xu i e j i_-j? ^1 e c of a liere; us if
3 Aftir that thing the si3te of sweuenes ; ts the si3t of dremes bifore the face of a ; he seye, no
beforn the face of a man the licnesse of man What 4 >

is the licnesse of another man. lhe deuei sehh

4 an other man. Of the vnclene what shal schal be clensid of him that is vnclene,
trewe thingis
sumtyme, this
ben clensid, and of the Here what soth and what trewe thing schal be seid of f isforwdesseyue
more aftirward,
5 shal ben seid ? Deuynyng of errour, and a here r r als or and 5 and so that
dyuynyng errour,
bi chiteryng of briddis d ,
'diuynyng lesing- falsdyuynyngis bi chiteryng of briddis,
us,' orfalse , and sweuenes of euel doynge and dremes of witchis, is vanyte. And as 6

large G sec. m. v
<J r
for to ajen resten G sec. m. * he sechith G sec. m. * the
brydil E. vpon
hym AGH. w x hurte c
thi A. m. hurtist E m. yy Om. c m. z Om. GH.
zz Om. AC
* herien out c
pr. JOm.cpr.m. pr.
pr. m. GH. pr. m. E pr. m. enhaunsinge of H.
b Om. j. c Om. c
pr. m.
d c et E sec. m. sup. ras. e Om. c el E
pr. m. G sec. m.

8 the b
tyme CEFGHiKMNpQRUvxya. Om. G. c a birthun i. d ne wost i. e takith a A pr. m.
f to c.

6 men is vanyte. And as f of the woinman the herte of a womman trauelynge of * w<fom in the

berende child, thin? herte suffreth fanta- child, thin herte suffrith fantasies ; no but
sies ; no h but of the he3est were sent visitacioun is sent out of the hi3este,
out visityng ne 3yue thou in hem thin 3yue thou not thin herte in tho dremes. te ?rned in hool y

scripture schal
7 herte. Manye men forsothe sweuenus For whi dremes ban maad many men for?
, . .
t* taujt pieyniy
in the mouth
men hopynge

maden to erre, and fellen awei hopende to erre, and in tho fellen of a feithful

a in With oute lesing shal be ful

hem. doun. The word of the lawe *qf Gods
and declare the
wrd of the lawe and wisdam
endid the ; and qfhise prqfetiss, schal be maad per- hid I

in the mouth of the feithful shal be maad with out leesyng ; and wisdom in the
fit hooly !

turis. Lire

gpleyn. Who is not temptid, what kan mouth of a feithful man* schal be maad here. c.
he? A man in manye thingus expert,

pleyn. What kan he, that is not asaied ? !>

ed m
shall thenke manye thingus; and he that A man asaied in
thingisf, schal many
manye thingus lernede, shal tellen out thenke many thingis; and he that lernyde
10 vndurstonding. Who is not expert, fewe many thingis, schal telle out vndirstond-
turis - t*"**
TT . . many thingii,

thingus knowith ;
who forsothe in manye yng. He that is not asaied, knowith 10 for wo place
thingus is a fool, shal multeplien malice. fewe thingis ; forsothe he that is a fool dec'iaruiTan-
n Who is not temptid, what maner thingus in many thingis, schal multiplie malice, more hid?
kan he? Who is vnplauntid, shal abound What maner thingis kan he, that is not n '!""*?" T.hiny
12 shreudenesse. Manye thingus I say in asaied ? He that is not plauntidf, schal be ocupadoun of
studie. schal

tellinge out, and manye customes of plenteuouse m wickidnesse.


many w \er\vndirstond-
I 813

out the teiie ;

wrdis. Other while vn to the deth I was

,1 .

in tellyng out,
11 ici
and ful many cus- m^ofscrip-
is thmgis
in perile, bi the enchesoun of these ; and toms of wordis. Sum tyme Y was in i

h "
I was delyuered bi the grace of God. perel 'til to deth, for the cause of these

knowith fewe
14 The spirit of men dredende God is so3t, thingis ; and was delyuered bi the grace Y thingis; for he
and in respyt of hym if shal be blissid. of God. The spirit of hem that dreden u Things
15 The hope forsothe of them in to the God is spu3t, and schal be blessid in the the':

sauende hem and the e3en of the Lord

; biholding of hym. For whi the hope
10 in to men loouende hym. Who dredeth hem sauynge hem ; and the
is in to God otheremen.ben
foundun voide
. < i T 7 i
God, no thing shal quaken, and he shal i3en of the Lord ben in to hem, that louen oftmthe. he
' "
not inwardly dreden ; for he is his hope. hym. He that dredith God, schal not '6,

17 Of the dredende the Lord, blissid is his tremble for ony thing, and he' schal not
soule. To whom biholdith he, and who for whi God his hope. Theiy 1 toman y
is drede; is "?
thingis veyn
19 is the strengthe of hym ? The e3en of soule of hym that dredith the Lord, is and curiouse.

the Lord vp on men dredende hym. De-

., _, ,,.,,<
To whom biholdith he, and is malice
, , ., , schal multiplie

who is his strengthe 7 mi

i i e it ii -t , ofte he makith
fendere of my3t, firmament of vertue, i he i3en or the i

coueryng brennyng, of and the hilet, Lord ben on hem that dreden hym. God
W the
schndowyng place
of the myd- is a defendere of my3t, stidfastnesse of
aboute in many
20 day ; pre3ende of gilte, and helpe
louli vertu, hilyng of heete, and a schadewyng thingis, to

of falling, enhauncende the soule, and place of myddai ; bisechyng of offendyng||,


Ii3tnende e3en, 3yuende helthe, and lif, and of fallyng, enhaunsynge the
21 and blessing. Of the offrere of the soule, and Ii3tnynge the i3en, and 3yuynge
wicke thing the offring is defoulid ; and heelthe, and lijf, and blessyng. The of-*'**- Lire here.
J He thai w not
plauntid; that is, hath not set roote of vndurstonding and desir in good, plenteuouse, etc.; multipliynge vices. Lire here. c. To whom biholdith
he ; as if he seide, God is he, to whom he dressith his enteut and of whom he hath myjti defending. Lire here. c. || bisechinge of offending ;
that is, beringe biseching for offensis. Lire here. c.

Om. S in c pr. m. E pr. m, h Om. CE me E m. k Om.

pr. m. ne E sec. m.
f c pr. m. '
it c
el E pr. m.

sOm. i. h vnto i. >

Om. c.
men ben not fryng of hym that offrith of wickid thing offrith of
the scornyng of vnri3twis .
wickid thing;
22 wel plesende. The Lord alone to men is defoulid ; and the scornyngis of vniust that is, of thing

sustenende hym in the weie of treuthe, men ben not wel plesaunt. The Lord 22

is to hem that abiden hym in the
23 and of
rijtwisnesse. The 3iftus of wicke aloonef
men proueth not the he3est, ne biholdeth weie of treuthe, and of ri3tfulnesse. The 23 offringe of an
other mannus

hi3este appreueth not

the 3iftis of wickid thing, hi whiche
in the offringus of wicke men, ne in the the! scornen

multitude of sacrifises of hem he shal men, nethir biholdith in the offryngis of God, that ow-
ith to be onour-
24 ban mercy to synnes. Who offreth sa- wickid men, nether in the multitude of iil of a mannus
owne good, in
of the substaunce of pore men, as
crifises her sacrifices he schal do mercy to synnes. iij. c. of Pro-

he that sleth to sacrifice the sone in the He that offrith sacrificej of the catel of24uerbis. Lire
here. c.

The bred of nedy men pore men is as he that sleeth the sone in t The Lord
si3te of his fader. .,,, j aloone, etc.;
the si3t of his fadir. The breed of nedi25 thatis )thei
, if '

is the liff of the pore" ; who bigilith


hym, is a man of blod. doth awei Who men is the lijf of a pore man ; he that
in swot bred, as he that sleth his ne3he- defraudith hym, is a man of blood.
27 bore. That shedeth n
blod, and that doth that takith awei breed in swoot:):, is as he han oneiy ven
_ , , ,. , God for God,
to the hirid man, ben brethern. Oon that sleeth his nei3bore. He that scneditn 27 and he accept-
bildende, and oon distro3ende; what pro- out blood, and he that doith fraude to an
aofiteth to them, no but trauaile? Oon hirid man, ben britheren. Oon bildynge, 28 n

pre3ende, and oon cursende ;

whos vois and oon distriynare
what profitith it to sid and rich.
essis for God, .

so shal the Lord ful out heren ? That is hem k no but trauel ? Oon preiynge, and 29 a giotoun hath
i. j.u T J delices, a lec-
oon cursynge whos vois schal the Lord c h our hath lust

eft towcheth
baptisid fro the deade, and ;

the deade, what profitith his washing ? here? What

profitith the waischyng
si So a man that fasteth in his synnes, and hym, waischun
that is for kk a deed bodi,
eft the same thingus doende, what pro- and touchith eft a deed bodi ? So a man si her sacrifices
ben not accept-
fitith he mekende hymself ? the orisoun that fastith in hise synnes, and eft doynge able to God.
The breed; that
of hym who shal ful out heren ? the same synnes, what profitith he in what euer
maner mete, is
mekynge hym silf? who schal here his
pore man; that
preyer the susten-

yng of his liyf.

i . i .1 *><*nof blood ;
i Who kepeth the wrd, multeplieth ori- He that kepith the word multiplieth 1

Aust y n

2soun. Holsum sacrifise is to taken heed preier||. Heelful sacrifice is to take heede2
to the maundemens, and to gon awei fro to the comaundementis, and to departe fro hungur,
and it thou
salle wickidnesse. And to sacrifien pies- al wickidnesse. And to offre the plesyng of 3 feedist nothim,
. . thou hast slayn
ing of sacrifise vp on vnri3twisnesses, and sacrifice for vnri3tfulnesses, and bisechyng him; myche
.. / A.C i more if thou
louli pre3ing for synnes, to gon awei fro for synnes, ts to go awey tro vnri3tful- wit hdrawi 8 t

4 He
shal 3elde grace, that nesse. He that offrith purest flour of 4 I
*flode fro
vnri3twisnesse. j m
offreth tried flour; and that? dothi mercy, wheete, schal selde graced! '; and he that swmt
$ treed in
; that is,
]' .
5 offreth sacrifise 1
". 'Weel plesid thing is to
doith merci, offrith a sacrifice. It is wels breed getunm
_ ... . , .
j swoot of tra-
the Lord, to gon awei fro wickidnesse ; plesaunt to the Lord, to go a wei fro wickid- ue iours. ben

and louly pre3ing to gon awei fro vnri3t- nesse; and preier is to go awei fro vnrijt-
e wisnesse. Thou shalt not aperen bifor fulnesse. Thou schalt not appere voide**
ag if he
seye, no voys ;
but sich a rauenour schal be punyschid of God for his
yuels. Oon preiynge ; for
he preiynge to whom the rauenour hath joue
a rauenonr, that is,

good, and oon cursinge; the rauenour, for he took awey hise goodis. whos voys ; whi the hering of the first is lettid for the
as if he seie, noon, for
malice of him for whom he preyeth, and the hering of the cursere is lettid for his owne synne, for he synneth in cursinge his neijbore. fastith
in hise synnes; that is, for hise
synnes to be forjouun. in mekyngehim silf; that is, in turmentinge him silf bi fastingls and siche thingis, he
profitith no thing to remyssyoun of synne doon, for he repentith not verily. Lire here. c. who schal here, etc.; as if he seye, God schal not
here. Lire here. c. multiplieth preier; for he preyeth bi soule and mouth, for vnr'r^tfulnessis; to be forjouun. Lire here.
c. If je/de

grace ; that is, schal jyue a plesaunt seruyce to God. Lire here. c. voide; of offring thries in the 3eer, in xxiij. c. of Exodi. c.

wickid AGH. m pore man E pr. m. n sechith AGH. Om. c pr. m. ne c sec. m. marg. P he that A.
1 don u. r sacrifises c. s Wel
plesynge A.

J sacrificis CEG. k men G. kk fro A sec. m. 1

word of God ci v.

7 the si3te of the Lord voide ; forsothe alle bifore the si3t of God ; for whi alle these 7
these thingus for the hestus of God ben thingis ben doon for the heestis of God.
8 mad. The offring of the ri3twis fatteth The ofFryng of a iust man makith fat the a

the auter ; and the smel of swotenesse is auter, and is odour of swetnesse in the
gin the si3te of the hejest. The sacrifise si3t of the b^este. The sacrifice of a iust 9
of the ri3twis is acceptid, and the mynde man is acceptable, and the Lord schal not
10 of hym the Lord shal not for3ete. With for3ete the mynde of hym. With good 10

good wil 36^6* glorie to God, and lasse wille 3elde thou glorie to God, and make
thou not the cheef frutis of thin hondis. thou not lesse the firste fruytis of thin
n In alle 3ifte
u mac thi chere, and in hondis. In ech make glad thi cheer, n
glad 3ifte
i2ful out io3ing halewe dymes. 3if thi v and in fill out ioiyng halewe thi tithis.

to the he3este aftir the free 3ifte of hym ; 3yue thou to the hi3este aftir his 3ifte* ; 12 aftir AW
and in good 636 mac thou the finding w of and with good i3e make thou the fynd-
13 thin hondis. For 3eldende is the Lord, yng of thin hondis. For whi the Lord is

and seuensithe as a seldere, and he schal ?elde seuene fold so hou hast of
myehe he
shal 3elde to *
H thee. Wile thou not offren shreude 3iftus; myche to thee. Nyle thou offre schrewid u tnth good >#,
jo forsothe he shal not taken hem. And
3iftis ;
for he schal not resseyue tho.
ete.; that
And is w h HJI ;t

wile thou not biholden the vm^twis sa- nyle thou biholde an vriiust sacrifice ; for
crifise ; for the Lord is domes man, and the Lord is iuge, and glorie of persoonef
ther is not anent glorie of persone.
hym is not at hym. The Lord schal not take 1 6 of man. Lire
here. c.
ie The Lord shal not taken a persone in to a persoone a3ens a pore man; and he schal t gione of per.
i 4i .i,... TV
He/ i scone, etc.: that
pore; and the pre3ing of the hurt he shall here the preier of hym that is hirt. 17 u,
taking of

lyful out heren. He shal not dispise the schal not dispise the preyeris of a fadirles

pre3eres of the faderles child, ne the wi- child, nether a widewe, if sche schedith ,.-
hirt ; rmustly.
dewe, yff she heelde out the speche of out speche of weilyng. Whether the teeris
is on hym; that
_ is, on the op-
swelling. Whether not the teres of the or a widew goen not doun to the eheke, pressere, that
i.t p i i , i , i i-.i makith hir to
widewe at the cheeke gon doun, arid the and the cnyng or hir on hym that ledith wepe . /,j re
outcry of hir vp on the ledyng doun of* forth tho teeris? For whi tho stien fro u> Aer<f -

19 hem ? Fro the cheke forsothe thei ste3en the cheke 'til tou heuene, and the Lord
vp to heuen, and the Lord herere shal herere schal not delite in tho. He that 20
20 not delyten in them. Who honourith worschipith God in delityng, schal be res-
God in liking, shal ben resseyued v ; and seyued ; and his preyer schal nei3e 'til to

the lowe pre3yng of hym vnto the cloudis the elowdis. The preier of hym that

21 shal ne^he. The orisoun of the meekende inekith hym silf schal perse elowdis, and

hymself shal persen cloudis, and to the he schal not be coumfortid,

til it nei3eth:j:,

tyme that it ne3he, he shal not be coum- and he schal not go awey, til the hi3este
fortid, and not gon awei, to the tyme that biholde. And the Lord schal not be fer,'
22 the he3est beholde. And the Lord shal but he schal iuge iust men, and schal !"" *?/"
in dilaiynge
not longen awey, but demen ri3twis men, make doom ;
and the strongeste schal not effect, no but to

and don dom and the strengeste shal

haue pacience in tho, that he troble the
not han in hem pacience, that he to-tru- bak of hem. And he schal 3elde ven-23"2^
23 ble the rigge of hem. And to Jentiles he iaunce to folkis, til he take awei the ful-
shal 3elde veniaunce, to the tyme that he nesse of proude men, and troble togidere
take awei the plente of proude men, and the ceptris of wickid men
he 3elde to 2-1

the kingus dignetees of wicke men he to- men aftir her dedis, and aftir the werkis

* " v thou OH. w * Om. ABGH. 1 vnclirtaken c pr.m. E w.

jtf A. jiftis A. findingus c. pr,

m schede c. n vnto i. vnto u


24 truble ; to the tyrae that he jelde to men ofAdam*, and aftir the presumpcioun of / Adam; the
i i-i i. j xu j f i.- lettrehatho/ i

aftir ther deedus, and aftir the werkis of hym til he deme the dome of his puple, 25 Adam, but
; t>i

Adam, and aftir the presumpcioun of and schal delite iust men in his merci.

to the deme the dom

that he The merci of God is fair in the tyme
25 hym ; tyme
of reyn in the so
tribulacioun, as clowdis
it is set here.
of his folc, and 'he schaP delite ri3twis the presump-
26 men with his mercy. Fair the mercy of tyme of drynesse. dounofMm;
bi which he
God in tyme of tribulacioun, as a cloude oppressith vn-
iustly a man
of reyn in tyme of dro3te. liyk him silf in

kynde. Lire


i Haue mercy of vs, God of alle thingus; God of alle thingis, haue thou merci on i

and behold vs, and shew to vs the Iy3t of vs; and biholde thou vs, and schewe thouP
2thi mercy doyngus. And send in b thi to vs Ii3t the merciful doyngis. of thi
drede vp on Jentilis, that so3ten not thee, And sende thi drede on hethene men, that 2

that thei knowe for ther is not God, but sou3ten not thee, that thei knowe that no
thou ; that thei telle out thi grete wrthi God is, no but thou ; that thei telle out

sdeedis. Rere vp thin bond vp on aliene thi grete dedis. Reise thin hond on he- 3
4 folkis, that they see thi my3t. As for- thene men aliens, that thei se thi power.
sothe in the si3te of hem thou art ha- For were halewid in vs in the si3t 4
as thou

lewed in vs, so in oure si3te thou shalt be of hem, so in oure si3t thou schalt be mag-
magnefied in hem ; that thei knowe thee, nefyed in hem ;
that thei knowe thee, as 5
as and c wee han knowe, for ther is noon and we han knowe, that noon othere is God,
e other God, saue thee
Lord 6 . Ennewe outakun thee, Lord. Make thou newee
7 thou signes, and chaunge merueiles glo- ; signes, and chaunge thou merueilis glo- 7 ;

s rifle the bond, and the ri3t arm. Rere rifie the hondf and the ri3t arm. Reise a

vp wodnesse, and heeld oute wrathe ;

. i

thou stronge vemaunce, and schede out

111 -\-thehond;
of thi rijtful-
nesse on hem.

9enhaunce f the aduersarie, and tormerite take awei the aduersarie, and tur- 9
ire ;
10 the
enemye. Hee3e thou the tyme, and mente the enemve. Haaste thou the tyme, ]o ofthimer8i >

on vs. Lire
haue mynde of the eude, that thei telle and haue thou mynde on the ende, that here. c.
11 out thi merueilis. In the ire of flaume thei telle out thi merueils. And he thatu
be he deuoured that is saued ; and that issauyd, be deuourid in the ire of flawme;
werst treten thi folc, finde thei perdi- and thei that treten worst thi puple, fynde
12 cioun. To-brose thou the hed of princes, perdicioun. Al to-breke thou the heed of 12
and of the enemy, seiende, Ther is noon princis, and of enemyes, seiynge, Noon
13 other, saue wee. Gedere togidere alle the othere is, outakun vs. Gadere thou togi- is

lynagis of Jacob, and knowe thei for ther dere alle the lynagis of Jacob, and knowe
is no God but thou, that thei telle out thei that no God is, noi but thou, that
thi grete wrthi deedis and thou shalt ;
thei telle out thi grete dedis ; and thou

them, as fro the schalt enherite hemt, as at the biffvimyng. : than admit
eritage bigynnyng. enherite hemt
, ,
14 Haue mercy to thi puple, vp on the
h Haue thou merci on thi puple, on which 14 whanne thei
.-,. . , .
, , . . T , entriden in to
whiche is inwardli clepid thi name ; thi name is clepid in to help; and on is-
and to Irael, whom thou hast euened to rael, whom thou madist euene to thi firste
15 thi first goten. Haue mercy to Jerusa- gendrid sone. Haue thou merci on Jeru-i5' Me4of%the
n -

lem, the cyte of thin halewing, the cite salem, the citee of thin halewyng, on the chesingofthe
. . . . puple of Israel.
16 of thi reste. Fulfil Syon with thin vn- citee of thi reste. Fille thou Syon with 16 Lire here. c.

* Om. c pr. m.
Fayr is A. Om. AGH. c Om. AGH. d the GH. e alone A. ee of A. f enhaunce
out E pr. m. s on H. *> Om.

P Om. i. Om. i.

tellable verities, and thi puple with thi thi vertues, that moun not be teld out,
nglorie. %if witnessing, for fro the bigyn- and fillethi puple with thi
glorie. 3yuei7
nyng thi creatures thei ben ; and rere the thou witnessyng, that at the
pre3eres, that the rathere profetes speeken thei weren thi creaturis*; and reise thou thi creaiuri, ,-

is in thi name. 3'f meede, Lord, to men preieris.whiche the formere profetis spaken
in thi name. Lire here c-
sustenende thee, that thi profetes feithful Lord, 3yue thou meede to \s

bee founden ; and heere thou the orisoun hem that abiden thee, that thi prophetis
19 of thi seruauns. the blissing of
Aftir be foundun trewe ; and here thou the
Aron 3if to thi puple, and ri3te reule vs preier of thi seruauntis. Aftir the bless- 19

in to the weie 1 of ri3twisnes ; that thei yng of Aaron 3yue thou to thi puple, and
. . f touchen mete;
alle wite, that dwellen the k erthe, for dresse thou vs in to the weie of ri3tful- in taking it,
.1 nl .. ., . , ,, . and chewen not
20 thou art God, biholdere of worldis. Eche 1
nesse ; that alle men wite, that dwellen in sufficiently, but

mete the wombe schal ete, and ther is erthe, that thou art God, the biholdere of
21 mete betere than mete. Cheekes touchen worldis. The wombe schal ete alle mete, 20 chewin B a nd ,
knaue preuyng.
the mete, and the mysfelende herte and o r mete is betere than another* mete. <*'** for ache
lesyng wrdys. The shreude herte shal Chekis touchen metef almest, and an vn- 21 a knaue child.

3yue sorewy slouthe, and the wise man wise herte resseyueth false wordis.
23 shal withstonde to it. The womman schrewid herte schal 3yue heuynesse, and
schal taken eche male child, and ther is
a wiis man schal asenstonde it. worn- 23 rePreu yn 8 A the hosebonde,

24 a do3ter betere than the sone. The fair- man schal take ech knaue child, and a inrepreuynge
nesse of a womman
gladith out the face dou3tir is betere than a sone. The fair- 24 arayof7h e

of hyr man, and ouer alle lust of the nesse of a womman makith glad the face ^e^ou'yng"
o( hit. afiir the
25 man she shal 'ouer leden? desyr. If of hir hosebonde, and sche schal brynge
f o sones of men ;

tunge of curing, ther is and of

ther is desir ouer al the coueitise of man. If ther 25^' h .

. , . not manly and

swaging, and of mercy ; the man of hir is a tunge of heelyngj, ther is also of discreet, but
26 is not aftirthe sonus of men. Who weld- swagyng, and of merci ; the hosebonde of fbnnyd. %yn-
ith a good womman, bigyneth posses- hir is not aftir the sones of men. He that 26^^-^
sioun ; helpe aftir hym she is, and a hath in possessioun a good womman, bi- higynneth to
be riche, thou;
27 piler as reste.
Wher is not hegge, shal gynneth possessioun sche is an help lijk he hadde no
more good, no
ben to-brokenl the
possessioun ; and hym, and a piler as reste. Where an hegge 27 nest that is, ;

,1 .
t_ T i i .
j stidefast dwell-
where is not a womman, weileth the is not, the possessioun schal be rauyschid i
ng asifhe

nedy. Tor whom 1 8
byleeueth he that hath awei
and where a womman is not, a
To whom bileueth he
nedi ^ e
^ n ot" to
not a nest, and bowing doun wher euere that28 on 5
and therfor he
shal ben derk, as a gird vp thef, lepende hath no and bowith doun where euer faiiith in dis-

out fro cite in to cyte?

derk, as
it is
, ,, .

a theer girt, skippynge out

. . crecioun of
good, and of

fro citee in to citee?

maad redy to


Wher sorewe
1 Eche frend shal seyn, And I frenshipe Ech frend schal seie, And Y haue cou-i is, etc.; w sich

couplede ; but ther is a frend, bi only plid frenschip; but that is a frend, a frend if heseide, jisj

name a frend. Whether not sorewe is bi name aloone. Whether sorewe is not
2 in vnto deth ? A mete felawe forsothe til to deth? Forsothe a felowe of table 2
and a frend schulen be turned an homely
and a frend to enemyte shul ben turned. to enemyte.
enemye. Lire
3 O most shreude
presumpcioun, whennus A ! the* worste presumpcioun, wherof arts here. c.

bond E pr. m. k in the H. 1 and beholder A. m almest E pr. m. n wile c pr. m. E pr. m. Om. GH.
* Om. c
Om. leeueth c pr. m. E pr. m. pr, m. E pr. m.
P leden c. * not broken n. T c pr. m.

r oon c sec. m. i. Om. A pr. m. c pr. m. * Om. A pr. m. c pr. m. thou c sec. m. v.


art thou foormed to coueren drie ma- thou maad* to hile drie malice, and the A; thou

4 lice, and the treccherie of it? The mete gilefulnesse

therof? A felowe of table 4
felawe to the frend shal be merie in lik- schal be myrie with a frend in delityngis,
he and in the dai of tribulacioun he schal be
ingus, and in the dai of tribulacioun
s shal be aduersarie. A
mete felawe to the aduersarie. A felowe of table schal haue 5

frend sorewith with, bi cause of the sorewe with a frend, for cause of the
wombe ; and a}en the enemy he shal wombe ; and he schal take scheeld a3ens
an enemye. For3ete thou not thi frend inc no cause of be-
stake sheld. Fo^ete thou not of thi frend yng bi it silf.

and be thou not vnmynde-

in thin inwit, thi soule, and be thou not vnmyndeful of Denyis seith
. ,
i . -. . . thus, in his
7 ful of
hym in thi werkis. Wile thou nott hym in thi werkis. JXyle thou take coun-; book

counselen with thi wyues fader and fro ;

eel with the fadir of thi wijf and hide
thou councel fro hem that han enuye to
; ^

yuel, worchith
8 men enuyende to thee hyd counseil. Eche wel. to liile; bi

counseiler discouereth counseil, but ther thee. Ech councelourf schewith councel, 8
9 is a counseiler in hymself. Fro an u euel but ther is a councelour to hym silf. Kepeo d malice;

counseiler kep thi soule ; first wite thou, thi soule fro an yuel counselour ;

what be the riede of hym, and what he in wite thou, what is his nede, and what he
thenken schal thenke in his soule; lest perauen-io"11 161 ? " 6 1 ^
par auenture
10 his inwit shal ;
he poote a pol,W a stake*, in to the erthe, ture he sende a stake in to the erthe, and the iyme of tri-
,, m, . . , , , bulaaoun;
1 1 and sey to thee, Good is thi wey, and seie to thee, Ini weie is
good, and he u whaone ].
stonde a3eenward, to seen what falle to stonde a3enward, to se what schal bifalle
12 thee. With an
vnreligious man trete of to thee. With an vnreligiouse man trete 12 % nede hilu
lor to loue.
w man of thou of holynesset, and with an vniust hath sorewe;
hoolynesse ,and with the vnrijtwis that is, feyneth
ri3twisnesse, and with a womman of tho man of ri^tfulnesse, and with a womman hint to haue
sorewe. with a
thingus that she enuyeth. Wile thou not of these thingis whiche sche hatith. AVith frend ; in tyme
of his siknesse.
counseileri with hym that hath thee sus- a ferdful man trete thou of batel, with a
for cause of the
pect, and fro men enuyende to thee, hid marchaunt, of cariyng ouer of marchaun- wombe; that
of giotenye.

thou thi counseil. With the dredful trete dies to chepyng* ; with a biere, of sillyng, take scheeld
x ujenus an
of bataile, and with the marchaund, of with an enuyouse man, of graces to be enemy; of the
x "
castinge out of schyppe ; with the biere, don with an vnpitouse man, of pytee, with
; iSaTfendrthT
with the enuyous man, of
of silling, an vnonest" man, of oneste, with a werk *' d
if he doith this

is graces to be don; with the

vnpitouse, of man of the feeld, of ech werk; with a werk i4 n ty, he .y
. . . doitli it for
pite, with the vnhonest, of honeste, with man hind bi the 3eer, of the endyng of giotenye, and

14 the werkereJ , of alle werk; with the an- the 3eer, with a slowe seruaunt, of myche
z v
nuel werker ,
of the ful endyng of the worchyng. 3y ue thou not tent to these
3er, with the slowe seruaunt, of myche men in al councel, but be thou bisi with 15'" ' A '*" fe .-
that thou loue
werchyng. Tac thou not heed to 'these an hooli man, whom euere thou knowist not him oneiy

lain al a counseil, but with an man

hoely kepynge Goddis drede, whos soule is
be thou bysy, whom euere thou shalt thi soule. Who
euer doutith in derknessis,

icknowe kepende the drede of God, whos schal not haue sorewe with thee. And of these thingis
17 yf -'that is,

that perteynen
to the restoring of thi wiyf, for whi euere he schal stonde for his f Ech coun-
doujter, and turne awey fro truthe, for fleisli affeccioun. Lire here. c.
celour; vnfeilhful. schewith councel ; as vndur the colour of his good, that axith councel. to him silf; that is, purposinge his owne profit, and not
his profit to whom he jyueth councel. Lire here. c.
J trete thou of hoolynesse; the autour of this book spekith here in scorn, and vndur-
seiyng; as if he seye, siche an vnreligiouse man schal councele thee yuele. and with an vniust man of ri$tful-
stondith the contrarie of his
nesse; liyk speche is here, vndurstondinge the contrarie, as it schal be opyn bi the ende of this part, of graces, etc.; that is, to jyue frely
to othere men. be thou bisi with an
hooly man ; that is, stable and sad in goodnesse and mesure, and trete thou with him of thi priuytees.
knowist; bi werkis. whos soule, etc.; that is, that loueth thee as him silf, and ajenward. doutith in derkitesiis ; of ignoraunce, ether of

u a man c
pr. m. E pr. m.
v Om. c el E w x trete of
pr. m. homlynesse c.
chaunging c pr. m. E pr. m.
feeld werkere c m. E 2 werke c a alle these in c.
pr. pr. m. AGH. pr. m.

onest A pr. m. v no
shiping p. c.

soule is aftir thi soule. Who euere shal stablische thou the herte of
good counc-el ynne.

wageren in dercnesses, shal not togidere with thee; for whi another is not thing ,"verify, ami"
iysorewen to thee. And herte of good
more than it to thee. The soule of an
counseil sette thou with thee; ther is not hooli man tellith out treuthis sum tyme;
' eel to tlur in
18 forsothe to thee other more than it. The more than seuene biholderis sittynge an > ''ie t>u
i /. . i , herte of urtorl
soule of an hoely man telleth out other
i ,

hi3 tor to biholde. And in alle these 19 H//MW/, that

while sothis ; more than seuene lookeres thingis biseche thou the hi3este, that he
aboute sittende in to hei3te to beholden. dresse thi weie in treuthe. 01 "* u ""
Bifore alle 20 ""', "I
uetere* Litre

19 And in alle these thingus louliche pre3e werkis a sothefast word* go bifore thee ; here
* a
- c -

, iothfait
the he3est, that he ri3t reule in treuthe thi and a stidfast councel go bifore ech dede. word, etc.; \n

20 Biforn werkes a verre wrd go A.*.-.

wickid word
i 111 .11 biheestis and
wey. alle schal chaunge the herte, 21 answeri. wick-

bifor thee ;
and biforn alle deede stable of which herte foure partis comen forth;
21 counseil. A shreude wrd 'schal chaunge
good and yuel, liif
and deth; and a bisi
herte; fro good
the herte, of the whiche foure partis tunge is lord of tho. A wijs man hath 22 to y" el -
and yuel ; of
. .

springen ; good and euel, lif and deth ; taii3t many men, and he is swete to his kynde. nyf s of
and the lordshipere of these is a bysy soule. He that spekith bi soffym
, is 23 S;'
tunge. A wys man many men ta3te, and hateful; he schal be defraudid in ech
23 to his soule is sweete. Who sofistically thing. For whi grace is not 3ouun of the 24 f the her w .

disposing but ;
speketh, is hateful ; in alle thing he shal Lord to hym, for he is defraudid of al God makith
.. that liyf, but
Wisdom. A WIJS man IS WIJS tO hlS SOule, 25 deth of synne

24 ben bigilid. Forsothe ther is not 3yuen to

hym of the Lord grace, forsothe he is and the fruytis of his wit ben worthi to
25 bigilid of alle wisdom. Ther is a wys be preisid. A wijs man techith his P"ple,
man dd and the frutes of and the
wiys to his soule, fruytis
of his wit ben feithful. bisi tunge, etc.;
that is, the bisy-
26the e
wit of hym beri preisable. A wis A wijs man schal be fillid with blessyngis, 27 nesse of good
, , . , , , , . teching, that
man techeth his folc, and the frutis of ana thei that seen hym scnulen preise refreynethj-uei,
27'the wit of
hym ben feithful. A wys Jnjm\ The lijf of a man M in the noum- 28
d^ofs^? and e nc r sit
man shal be fulfild with blissingus, and bre of daies ; but the daies of Israel ben 2 of
a good dede
, ,
28 men seende hym shul preisen. The lif vnnoumbrable. A wijs man in the puple 29 kynde, and %f

of a man in the noumbre of da3es ; the schal enherite onour, and his name schal here. c.

da3es forsothe of Irael ben vnnoumbre- be lyuynge with outen ende. Sone, asaie so
29 able. A
wis man in puple shal eritagen thi soule in thi lijf; and if it is wickid,
wrshipe, and the name of hym shal ben 3yue thou not power to it; for whi notsi
solyuende in to withoute ende. Sone, in alle thingis speden to alle men, and not
thi lif tempte thou thi soule ; and if it ech kynde plesith ech soule. Nyle thou 32
were shreude, 3if thou not to it power ; be gredi in ech etyng, and schede thou
si forsothe not alle thingus to alle speden^, not out thee on ech mete. For in many 33
and ne to eche soule eche kinde pleseth. metis schal be sikenesse, and gredynesse
32 Wile thou not ben gredy in alle plen- schal nei3e 'til to w colrye. Many men 34
teuous mete 3yuyng, and heeld thee not dieden for glotenye ; but he that is absti-

33 out vpon eche mete. In manye forsothe nent, schal encreesse lijf.

metus shal ben infirmyte, and gredyriesse

34 shal ne3hen vnto colre. For glotonye
manye men diederi ;
who forsothe is ab-

stenent, shal eechen lijf.

b seruen c c m. d and in dd Om. c pr. m. e Om. GH.

pr. m. E pr. m. c pr, A.
* the frute of E pr. m. GH. 8 gode A.

ethir hi
soffym [lo deceive v] CEFOHKMNPQRUVxa.
ether bi i.
sofisticali, sophisticali sofisticaly,
s. ethir deisseyuably to God x marg. ' Om. i. w vnto I.
cc 2


1 Honoure the leche, for nede ;
forsothe Onoure thou a nede for whi leche, for ;

foormede the he3est. Of God for- the hi3este maad hym. For whi 2
sothe is alle leching; and fro the king he al medicyn is of God and he schal take ;

3 schal take 3yuyng. The disciplyne of of the kyng a 3ifte. The kunnyng of as
the leche shal enhaunse the hed of hym ;
leche schal enhaunse his heed ; and he
and in the si3te of grete men he shal ben schal be preisid in the si3t of grete men.

4preisid. The he3est foormede of the The hi3este hath maad of the erthe medi- 4 i en not*etc"'

erthe medycyne ; and the prudent man cyn ;

and a prudent man schal not wlate n^Va'ue^ffect"
Whether watir was not maad a prposid bi the
5 shal not agrisen it. Whether not of the it. bittir
leche and ipote-

6 tree is mad sweete the bitter water ? At swete of a tre ? The vertu of tho thingis e carie, for whi
. .
the doing of
the knowleching of men the vertue of cam bi experience to the knowing of men ; God, which i

them ; and the he3est 3af to men kun- and the hi3este 3af kunnyng to men, for uTedefiJtenS

nyng, to be wrshipid in his merueiles.

to be onourid in his merueils. A man? ^'X^Tnot
h thisUfinM
7 In these thingus he curende shal swage heelynge in these thingis schal a swage
sorewen, and the oynement makere shal sorewe, and an oynement makere schal nesse,- in dis-
pisinge to seke
make pymentis ot swetnesse, andj schal
, ,. i i
make pymentis of swotenesse, and enoynt- remedy, as

he shal. make of helthe ;
and the make anoyntyngis x of heelthe and hise ;
thou the Lord,
werkis of hym shul not ben ful endid. werkis schulen not* be endid. For whi 8
deuoutly. scnal
s pes forsothe of God vpon the face
The the pees of God is on the face of erthe. heeiethee;
. . ,..,.., w ''h oynement
oof the erthe. My
sone, in thin infirmytee Mi sone, dispise not thi silf in thi sike-9 of grace, dresse
, , . i r j ii hondis; - that is,
ne dispise thou thiself ; but prei the Lord, nessey ; but preie thou the Lord, and he t hi Wl

10 and he shal cure thee. Turne awei fro schal heele thee. Turne thou awei
veri * nd cleene
gilte, and dresse thou the hondis, and fro synne, and dresse thin? hondis, and dense contncioun.
11 alle gilte dense thin herte. 3if swet- thin herte fro al synne. 3y ue thou swet-inyeMo place
nesse, and mynde of tried flour, and mac nesse, and the mynde of cleene flour of on'
fat the offring and 3if stede to the
; wheete, and make thou fat offryng and ;

12 leche. Forsothe the Lord foormede hym, 3yue thou place to a leche. For the Lord 12 .
* *>";
** that auaun-

and go he not awei fro thee for his ;

made hym, and departe he not fro thee; for s i(te him to the
. ,, T1 1
is werkis ben nedeful. Ther is forsothe hise werkis ben nedeful to thee. ror whi 13 hood,

tyme, whan thou renne in to the hondis tyme is, whanne thou schalt falle in to tha"ts, fro tifyn

14 of hem. Thei forsothe the Lord shul the hondis of hem. Forsothe thei schulen uJSj
werk toioueand
louly prei3en, that he ri3t reule the reste biseche the Lord, that he dresse the
of hem, and helthe for ther conuersa-
iscioun. Who gilteth in his si3t, that made
of hem, and helthe for her lyuyng.
that trespassith in the 8131 or hym, that
worschipe him.
a hisewerkis,etc.;
that is, to offre
sacrifices, and

shal falle in to the bond us of the

Sone, in to the deade bringe forth

made hym, schal falle in to the hondis of ^
is the leche.Sone, brynge thou forth teeris
and as harde thingus suffrid bigyn
teris, on a deed man, and thou as suffrynee
" D
to the hondis of
hem ; for whi
towepe and aftir dom touche his body,
; hard thingis bigynne to wepe ; and bi present Hyf is

and dispise thou not the biriyng of hym. doom hile thou the bodi of hym, and out synne

17 For the acusing forsothe ber dispise thou not his biriyng. But for

bitterly nf ^?^'
weilyng "of hym o dai and tac courn-
; bacbityng bere thou bittirli the morenyng eoumforti
sorewe ; that
mfort for heuynesse. And do weilyng of hym o dai ; and be thou coumfortid for is, lest ouer
. . ... greet sorewe
after the
deseruyng of hym o dai, or two, sorewe J. And make thou morenyng attir 18 an0 ye thee.

Om. A. i
onementis A, oynementis G sec. m. k 3if thou AGH. !
Om. c pr. m.

x i. y Om. A pr. m.
19 for bacbiting. Of m sorewi slouthe for- his merit o dai, ether
tweyne, for bacbit-
sothe heejeth deth, and couereth vertue ; yng. For whi deth hastith of sorewe, the
and sorewi slouthe of herte boowith the and hilith vertu ; and? the sorewe of herte
2onol. In ledyng awei dwellith stille so- bowith the heed. Sorewe dwellith in 20
ff g4
. , . anoyeth bodi
rewy slouthe
; and the substaunce of the ledyng awei ; and the a nedi man* ?i- catel of a d ii
brinjnth sum* *
helpeles aftir the herte of hyrn. Ne 3yue
*. i i i
21 is aftir thou not his
thin herte.
3yue 21 tyme to di,^
thou thin herte in sorewy slouthe, but herte in sorewe, but put it awei fro thee ;

putte it awei fro thee ; and haue rnynde and haue thou mynde on the laste l at '

thingis, f^f^ ^
of the laste thingus, and wile thou not and nyle thou fonete. For whi no turn- 22 P reaei>t ''yf-
Lire here. c.
22for3eten. Ne forsothe ther is conuersa- ing is
and thou schalt no thing profite
, the caui of a

cioun, and to this thou schalt no thing to this deed man ; and thou schalt harme a for inThat'h a

profiten ;
and thi self thou shalt werst worste thi silf. Be thou myndeful of
Myndeful be thou of my dom ; dom d c he ;
23 treten.
, .
; for also thin schal be thus, to
me '"
and a none T l

so forsothe it shal ben and thin, to me 3istirdai, and to thee to dai. In the reste 24 m <> 'yk, that
c j j . is, son, is eid
24 3istay ,
and to thee to day. In the reste ot a deed thou hys mynde to man make pore. ly
of the deade mac to resten the mynde of haue reste; and coumforte thou hym in
hym ; and coumforte hyin in the goyng the goyng out of his spirit. Write thou 25
25 out of his Wisdom wrijt in tyme wisdomf in the tyme of voidenesse and < *" m*nde "
spirit. 1 * ;
the laste thingit;
of voydenesse; and who is lassid in deede, he that is made lesse in dede, schal per- that is, of thi

wisdom shal parceyue for with wisdom

,. i
for he schal
1,1be o,,
fillid of
deth, and of alle
; seyue ; othere men, fro

26 he shal be fulfild. Who

holdeth the plo3, wisdom. He that holdith the plow, and 20

and who glorieth in the spere, with the he that hath glorie in a gohode, dryueth
1 no thing

pricke stereth the oxen, and woneth in oxis with a pricke, and he lyueth in the deed
to thi*

man '''at is,
the werkis of hem and the telling of
; werkis of tho ;
and his tellyng is in the w thi turment
27 hym in the sonus of booles. His herte sones of bolis. He schal 3yue his herte 27 de^ ajen that'
he shal 3yue'to ben turned the forewis ;
to turne forewis ; and his wakyng schal
^^J^".' tf t
and the wach of it in the fatnesse of kyn. be aboute the fatnesse of kien. So ech 28 { my deeth. .

thyn schal be
28 So eche smythe, and cheef werkere, the carpenter, and principal werk man, that thus ; as if he

whyche the ny3t as the? day ouerdoth ; passith the ni3t as the dai ; that graueth
the whyche grauede grauen broochis, and ymagis grauun, and the bisynesse of hym , for
the bysynesse of hym variethi the peyn- dyuersith the peynture ; he schal 3yue his
ture ; his herte he shal 3yue into the herte to the licnesse of peynture, and bi deeth - Lire
here. c.
licnesse of peynture, and his waking par- his wakyng he perfourmeth the werk. t Write thou

2oformeth the werk. So the iren smyth So a smyth sittynge bisidis the anefelt,
sittende biside the stithie, and biholdende and biholdynge the werk of yrun, the SS
the werk of the iren, the humour of the heete of fier brenneth hise fleischis ; and that is
in the
tyme, in which
fyr brenneth his flesh; and in the hete of he stryueth in the heete of the furneis. thou art voide
of othere werkis
The vois ofc a ihamer makith
,.,, -ii i i
the furneys he trauailith with stryif. newe his30 fnede; ether
so The vois of hamerr ennewith 8 his ere ; eere ;
and his i3e is a^ens the licnesse of
ue rt ' ethe r
and a3en the licnesse of the vessel the a vessel. He schal '3yue his herte in to 31 .

whanne thou ,

b of werkis; and bi his an

31 636 of hym. His herte he shal 3yue in the perfourmyng
' *
fastinge of
mete and
to the ful ending of the werkis and his ; wakyng he ourne vnperteccioun|. drynk. schal Lire

waking enourne the inparfitnesse.

shal So a potter sittynge at his werk, turnynge 32 "^ vnper.

3280 the crockere sittende at his werk, a wheel with hise feet, which is put euere
werk and his he hringith
turnende with his feet the whel, the in bisynesse
for his ;
perfecciouii of
forme. Lire
here. c.
m Bi E pr. m. D
3isterdai ceteri passim. to the plowis to ben turned c pr. m. E pr. m. P Om.
f the hamer AGU. 8 euen with H.
c pr. m. 1 varieth, or makith dyuerse AE sec. m. GH.

T Om. c. z
\sfro deeth to this present lijfv.
a c
super ras. trete KHPUVY. b Om. c.

* *
whiche in besynesse is put euermor for worchyng is vnnoumbrable. In his arm 33 hi

his werk ;
and with oute noumbre is al he schal fourme clei ; and bifore hise feet howe him s'iif

33 the werking of hym. In his arm he shal he schal bowe his vertu *. He schal 34 stirT'the wheel.

foormen the cley; and bifoorn his feet he 3yue his herte to ende perfitli sum thing ; *^7- thatTs

34 shal crooken his vertue. His herte he and bi his wakyng "
he schal dense the to gete liyflode
and clothing,
shal 3yue, that he ful ende the daubing ; furneis. Alle these men hopiden in her 35 bi the werkis
, ,. i ,
. ..... of her hondis.
and his waking shal dense the furneys. hondis; and ecn wijs in his eratt.
is Lire here. c.

35Alle these in ther hondis hopeden ; and A citee is not bildid with outen alle these 31;
e sL
f/m eUe "^
seechon* in ther "craft is" wys. Withoute men. And thei schulen not dwelle, ne- 37 '.

lter ff0

the torseid

37alle these Ms not bild v vp the cyte. And ther got; and thei schulen not skippe ouer erafti m en
schulen not
thei shul not wonen in, ne gon in ; and in to the chirche. Thei schulen not sitte 38 dwelle among

in to the chirche thei shul not ouerlepen. on the seete of a iuge and thei schulen ; mm^eiours of
the sete of the domys man thei not vndirstonde the testament of d doom},
ssVpon ^^ii"^
shul not sitte ;
and the testament of dom nether thei schulen make opyn techyng her
to councels
among hem.
thei shul not vnderstonde, ne maken and doom and thei schulen not be and thei schu-
_ len not skippe . .
, ,

opene disciplyne, and dom ;

and in para- foundun in parablis. Bllt thei schulen 39 ouer in to the
chirche that ;
39blis thei shul not ben founde. But the conferme the creature of the world j, and is, the
creature of spirituel thei shul con- her preyer is in the worching of craft togidere of wise
tyme ;
men ; for thei
fermen, and the lowe pre3ing of hem in and thei 3yuen her soule, and thei axen hen not able
therto. Lire

werking of craft ; leeuende to ther soule, togidere in the lawe of the hi3este. here. c.
testament of
and togidere sechende in the lawe of the doom ; that is,

ditfynytif sen-
he3este. tence. Lire
here. c.
thei schulen
CAP. XXXIX. CAP. XXXIX. conferme the

1 The wisdom of alle olde men the wise A...

wijs man 111
schal seke out the wisdom i
creature of the
world; that is,

man shal ful out sechen; and in profetes w of alle elde men||; and he schal 3yue tent
2 he shal take heed. The
telling of the in profetis. He schal kepe the tellyng of 2
nemned men he shal kepen ; and in to the named men and he schal entre togidere

sleijtes of parables togidere he shal entre. in to the hard sentensis of parablis. He 3

a The hid
thingus of prouerbis he shal schal seke out the pryuy thingis of pro-
sechen out ; and in the hid thingus of uerbis; and he schal be conuersaunt in the
parables he shal dwelle. In the myddel hid thingis of parablis. He schal my- 4 etc. ; for thei
of grete men he shal mynystre ; and in
grete men and
in the of axen of hem of
nystre myddis ;
the maner of
the si3t of the chef domes man he shal he e schal appere in the si3t of the cheef her helthe,

sapere. In to the lond of alien folkys he iuge. He schal passe in to the lond of5
shal passe ; goodus forsothe and euelis in alien folkis; for he schal asaie goodis, and
be onourid of

e alle
thingus he shal asa3e. His herte he yuels in alle thingis. He f schal svue his G Me the fol
" men. Lire
shal take to wake the morutid to the herte to wake eerli to the Lord that made here. c.
'* out the
Lord that made hym ; and in the si3t of hym and he schal biseche in the of

; si3t
7 the he3este he shal louli pre3en. He the hi3este. He schal opene his mouth;
shal opene his mouth in orisoun; and for in preier and he schal biseche for hise
gently her sei-

yngis, and en-

his giltus he shal louli For the grete Lord wole,
pre3e. If forsothe trespassis. if 8
othere men tho
that he vndnr-
,. ,
stonditn not. m profetis
. .

in biholdinge her
seiyngis. schal kepe ; in holdinge in mynde. the telling of named men ; in siences and vertues. entre
togidere ; to vndurstonde with hem that
brousten forth tho parablis. the horde sentensis of parablis ; that is, priui and dynerse sentences of tho.
the prmy thmgis of prouerbts; that is, goostly vndurstondyngis and hid. in the hid thingis of parablis; that is,
figuratif vndurstondingis.

* Om. H. u craftis H. v s hal not ben bild c B *

pr. m. nr. m. is not bildede E sec. m. the pro-
pnetis AGII.

c Om. v. d of a c. e Qm. E. f
And he c.

the grete Lord wile x with the spirit of , he schal fille

hym with the spirit of vn- ,
*** *,- that

9 vnderstondyng he shal fulfille hym. And durst ondyng. And he schal sende the 9 MMM*/ la

he, as reynesy, shal sende the speches of wordis of his wisdom, as reynes ; and in
his wisdam; and in orisoun he shal knou-
loleche to the Lord. And he shal ri3t
preier he schal knouleche to the Lord.
And he* schal dresse his counsel, and 10
thingi *'

reule the counseil 'of hym z arid dyscy-

techyng ; and schal councele in hise hid w
plyne ; and a
thingus shal coun-
in his hid thingis. He schal make opene the wis-n that"
useilen . He open shal make the disci- dom of his techyng; and he schal haue

plyne of his lore ; and in the lawe of the

th at '*'
glorie in the lawe of the testament of the
' >ifor
. '.'
takiui with
testament of the Lord he shal glorien. Lord. Many men schulen preyse his wis-i2dh. profile to

12 Manye shal preise the wisdam of hym ;

dom ;
and it schal not be don awey til in
*' m
i f r


and vnto the world he shal not be don to the world. His mynde schal not goi3g""rie'ofpara-
13 awey. The memorie of hym shal not go awei ; and his name be sou3t fro
schal ^*'

awei and the name of hym shal be 5031

; generacioun in to generacioun. Folkis u *Ufaname
dwetlitti, etc.;
u fro ieneracioun in to ieneracioun. His schulen telle out his wisdomf ; and the that is, if he

wisdam folkis of kynde shul telle out ; chirche schal telle his preisyng. If his \o scimi leeue

andhis preising the chirche shal shewen name dwellith J, he schal leeue more than
is out. If his name schal c abijde stille, he a thousynde; and if he restith, it schal
shal leue more d than a thousend ; and if profile to hym. %it schal take councel Y i6 aftirh y - /a * e m
councel; that
he shul resten, it shal profiten to hym. to telle out, for Y am fillid as with wood- is, Y schal w-
., . . . thenke. to telle
ic3it I sna l counseilen that I telle out, as nesse ; and
myn ynnere in\i oul; profitable spirit seith
17 with wodnesse forsothe I am fulfild ; and vois, 3e fruytis of God, here me, and make
in voys he seith, Al aboute hereth me, 3e fruyt, as roosis plauiitide on the ryuers ts
3ee Goddus and as roses plauntid
frutes, of watris. Haue 36 odour of swetnesse, is foment wuieto
vpon ryueres of watris, maketh frutes. as the Liban litith.
Bringe forth flouria/lOnotbewith.
, ., ^ i _i holdun, in xx.
IB As Liban, smel of swotenesse haue 3ee. as a lilee; 3yue 36 odour, and make 36 chapter of Jere-
19 Floureth floures, as lilie 3yueth smel, ; boowis in to grace. And preise 36 togidere
and brauncheth in to grace. And preisith a song: and blesse 36 the Lord in hise herte was maad
as fier bren-

togidere the song dite ; and blisseth the werkis. 3yue 3e greet onour to his name, 20nyn ge; and in
, , . . , iiij.c.ofDedis,
20 Lord 3yueth to his name
in his werkis. and knouleche 30 to him in the vois ot M'emounnot
gret doyng, and knoulecheth to hym in 3oure lippis, in songis of lippis, and in t hat we
the vois of 3oure lippis, in song dites of harpis and thus '36 schulen seie in knou-
ana myn yn-
Alle the werkis of the Lord ben2i neres P iri '! M
lippis, and in harpis ; and thus 366 shuln lechiriff,
whos vertu the
seyn in knoulechyng, The werkis of the ful goode. Forsothe watir as an heepe 22 outermere
. . is
formed, seilh
., , , ,
22 Lord, alle thei ben ful goode. In the of stoonys
stood at his word and as ; ,- COM out -

wrd forsothe of hym stood the water as resettis of watris in the word of his
an hep ; and mouth of
in the wrd of the mouth. For whi pesiblenesse is maad in23 >?.isci Plis is

willmge to
hym as resceyuyng places of watris. For his comaundement and no definite is in make fruyt to

in the heste of hym a pes makere is mad ;

the heelthe of hym^. The werkis of ech 24 O f contempiatif

and ther is not lassyng in the helthe of fleisch ben bifore hym; and no thing is

hym. The werkes of alle flesh biforn hid fro hise i
3 en. He biholdith fro the 25

hym ; and ther is not any thing hid fro world til in to the world ;
and no thing is Wh
and clennere

thanactif liyf.

odour of awetnesse ; that is, deuocioun. Lire here. c. no defaute is in the helthe of him ; that is, in sanyng maad bi him.

* schal wile AE sec. m. an. y wederes c pr. m. E pr. m. Dm. AGU. a Out. c i >>be
d mo c
pr. m.
c Oin. c
conseiled a sec. m. pr. m.

g in a wal c marg. v marg.


wondurful in his It is not to seie, 26 M not to seye,

25 his e3en. Fro the world vnto the world si3t.
. itspedith not to
he biholdith ;
and no thing is merueilous What is this thing, ether, What is that axe, *< rti*,

2cin the si3t of Ther is not to sey, thing? for whi alle thingis schulen be
hym. rth >
What is this, or, What is that ? forsothe sou5 t in her tyme. The blessyng of hym 27 ; t

shul be schal flowe as a flood and as the grete as thing. Lire

thingus in ther tyme
alle 5031. here. c.

27 The blissing of hym as a flod shal flowe; flood fillide greteli the erthe, so his yre *Mseweyes ;
,, . ,, is, weyes
28 and as the vnyuersel flod drunkede
the schal enherite in folkis, that soften not maadofhim.

erthe, so the wrathe of hym shal eritagen hym. As he turnede watris in to dry- 29

29 Jentyles, that so3ten hym not out. What nessis,and the erthe was dried, and hise
manere he turnede watris in to dro3te, and weies* weren dressid to the weies of hem;
... 7 7 .7 hem. /,ire

the erthe is dried, and the weies of it to so offenciouns in his ire ben dressid to here. c.
i ii f~\ j + ben maad tu

the weies of them beii forth

stra3t ;
so synnens. Goode thingis weren maad at 30 veniaunce; that

to synneres offenciouns in the wrathe of the bigynnyng to goode men so goode ;

thingis and yuele ben maad to worste

Goddis r '3 tful -
so hym. Goodis to goode men ben foormed nesse to suffre

fro the so to most wicke men. The bigynnyng of nedeful thing to3i peyne, and to
bigynuyng ;
turmente syn-
31 men goodis and eueles. The bygynnyng the lijf of men, watir, fier, and yrun, and neris, that thei

of necessarie thing to the lif of men, salt, and mylk, and breed of cleene flour
endis in s >'" ne '
water, fyr, iren, and salt, and mylc, and of whete, and hony, and a clustre of ben snget vn-

bred of tried flour, and hony, and clustre grape, and oile, and cloth. Alle these 32 wiifuiy to hem
. . ,
m peyne. in .

32 of grape, and oile, and clothing. Alle thingis schulen turne to hooh men in to
these to hoely men in to goodus ; so and goodis ;
so and to vnfeithful men and h
to vnpitous men and to synneres in to synrieris in to yuels. Spiritis ben that ben 33

33 eueles thei shul ben al% turned. Ther maad to veniaunce t; and in her wood- turmentis; for
as her synne is

ben spirites that to veniaunce ben form- nesse thei confermyden her turmentis. vncurab'ie, so

ed and in ther wodnesse thei conferm- And

in the ot
thei schulen 34 men t
ant' ner tur -
; tyme endyng is with-

34eden ther tormentes. And in tyme of schede out vertu ; and thei schulen con-
'" toturmen
ful endyng thei shul heelden out vertue ;
foundef the strong veniaunce of hym *
dampned men,
and the wodnesse of hym that made made hem. Fier, hail, hungur, and deth; 35 that schulen be
cast doun with
35 them thei shul shende. Fyr, hail, hun- alle these thingis ben maad to veniaunce; hem in to heiie.

gir, and deth ; alle these to veniaunce the teeth of beestis, and scorpiouns, and so : '"n
S n
so ben foormed and scor-
teeth of bestes, serpentis, and a swerd punyschynge wick- w'orst wme!
Lire he e c
piouns, and serpentes, and two bitende id men in to destriyng. In the comaunde- 37 T
tho schulen
- -

swerd veniende in to outlawyng vnpit- mentis of hym tho schulen etefi, and tho ete,- that is,
deuoure wickid
37ous men. In the hestes of hym thei schulen be maad
redi on the erthe
, ,
m nede;

men, in tur-

shul plenteuously eten, and vpon erthe h and in her tymes tho schulen not passe o 1

in nede thei shul be greithid'; and in k word. Therfor fro the bigynnyng Y was 38 dis ^.
ther tymes thei shul not passe biside a confermed and Y counselide, and thou3te, the
tnrment of
- , dampnyd men.
38wrd. Therfore fro the bygynnyng I am and lefte wnturi. Alle the werkis ot the 39/r bigynnyng
confermede; and I counseilede, and tho3te,
TIT T ii
Y was conferm-
Lord ben goode; and ech werk schal serue ed that 4, fro
iii .

39 and scrites 1
lafte. Alle the werkes of the in his our. It is not to seie, This is worse 40 ^hiSTvndur-
Lord good ; and ech werk in his hour than that ; for whi alle thingis schulen stood that the
punyschmg of
40 shal vndermynestren. Ther is not to be preued in her tyme. And now in al 4 1 synneris schal
be most fers,
V purposide
stidefastly to eschewe synnes, as myche as Y may. It is not to seie ; in Goddis werkis, for whi no thing is yuel, in as myche as it is maad of God.
Lire here. c.

drunkede, orfulfild c sec. m. marg. E sec. m. marg. GH. fulfillide A. f out AGH. e Om. A. h the
ertlie AEGH. >
greithid, or maad redi AEGH. k in to A. 1
writen EG sec. m.

and to i. a ceteri.

seyn, this than that is werse" ; forsothe the herte and mouth preise 36 togidere, * m to the iii':-

dir, ctc.i that

alle thingus in ther tyme shul be proued. and blesse 36 the name of the Lord. it, in to erthe,

41 And now in alle herte and mouth preys- to which the!

turnen ajen in
eth togidere, and blisseth the name of angwiich and
the Lord. fyndyngii of
CAP. XL. CAP. XL. ttbifling, etc.;
that feyn-

yngi of more
1 Gret ocupacioun is shape to alle men, Greet occupacioun is maad to alle men, i
yuels tyme
and a grenous 300 vp on the sonus of and an heuy 3ok onj the sones of Adam, comynge,
than schulen
Adam, day of the goyng out fro
fro the fro the dai of the goyng out of the wombe come, and the
day of deth
the worn be of the moder of hem, vn to of her modir, til in to the dai of tin-men ten men.
biriyng /.ire here. c.
the day of the biriyng in to the moder in to the modir* of alle men. The 2 t biholding it

thingus. The tho3tis of hem, and

of him, etc.;
2 of alle thou3tis ofhem, and the dredis of herte, for whi flrcmi-s
ben maad tohim
the dredes of herte, the fyndyngus of fyndyngis of abidyng, and the dai of end- ofthc8ethingi, (
abidyng, and the da3es of endyngeP; yng; fro hym that sittith bifore on a glo-s whiche [he]
in the day.
. sis
3fro r
the cheef sittere on* the glo- 8
Vp mouse seete, til to k a man maad lowe in of his he/the;

rious sete, vn to the meekid vn to the" to erthe and aische fro hym that vsith4
; {.rewrite, d*
v v
any drede; that
4erthe and asken ; fro hym that vseth iacynct, and berith a coroun, til to hym
is, at ony ferd-

blu silc, and berth the w croune, vn to that is hilid with raw lynnun cloth, wood- f'ul tiling, be it

man, be it

hym that is couered" with raw lynen, nesse, enuye, noise, doutyng, and drede of beeste. Lire
here. c.
\vodnesse, enuye, noyse, wagering, and deth, wrathfulnesse dwellynge contynueli, 1 andseiien-

dred of deth, wrathefulnesse stedefastly

and stnjf and in the" tyme of restyng ins
ijin* / fold, schal come
,y nnens;
that is, greu-
5 bidende, and striuyng and in tyme of ;
the bed, the sleep of ny3t chaungith his ouse punysch-
'"& schal c " me
repast in the bed, slep of ny3t chaungeth kunnyng. Forsothe a litil is as nou?t
on synnens,
chis kunnyng. Litil forsothe as 1103! in reste ; biholdyng is of hymf in sleep as obstynat bi
. . TT , . ti... , pride, at these
reste ; and of hym in slepes as in the in the dai. He isdisturblid in the sijt of 7 Mngis; that

7 day respit. He ys disturbtd in the si3te his herte, as he that ascapith in the dai
of his herte, as he that is scapid in the of batel. He roos vp in the dai of his
dai of bataile. In the tyme of his helthe helthe, and dredynge
3 not at ony* drede, 5
?ouun for dis-
he ros out, and wndrende at no drede, with al fleisch, fro man til to'

beeste, and a
triyng of njt-
e . 4. 7 / A fulnesse, ard
8 with alle flesh,, fro man vn Ato

seuenefoldj schal come on synnens.

to beste, and

svp on the synneres seuenfold. To these these thingis, deth, blood, stryuyng, and
thingus, deth blod, strif, and two bit-
, swerd, oppressyngis, hungur, and sorewe,
ende swerd, opressiounsy, hungres, and to- and beetyngis ; alle these thingis ben iojiftis,and the
and scourges;
lotreding, vp on wickid men maad on wickid men, and the greet flood rijtfuinesse for

ben formed alle these thingus, and for was maad for hem. For whi alle thingis nj
n hem was mad the ieneral flod. Alle that ben of the erthe, schulen turne in to
hal "PP6 of
thingus forsothe that of the erthe ben, in the erthe : and alle watris schulen turne
her posses-
to erthe z shul ben turned ; and alle wa- in to the see. Al 3ifteS and wickidnesse
12 siouns and ,

j f i j boost, as no
I2tris in to the se shuln be turned. Alle schal be don awei ; and reith schal stonde thing apperith

3ifte arid wickidnesse" shal ben don awey; in to the world. The richessis of vniust i:

13 and feith in to world shal storide. The men schulen be maad drie as a flood and ;

men as a flod schulen sowne as a greet thundur in reyn. men. schal

substaunces of vnri3twis stonde in his
os a effect,

is maad drie, so the richessis of vniust men

flood ; a flood is takun here for a stronde, that wexith greet sude; nly hi watris of snow, and soone
be getun swiftly, and ben takun awey from hem ofte swiftliere. fix greet thundur in reyn ; that ceesith soone bi the reyn, so the boost of yuele
riche men is takun awey soone of princes, bi a litil occasioun. Lire here. c.

r offis
n wickider AEGII. A. P the berende c pr. m. the beringe E pr. m.
noTEpr.m. day
iuge B pr. m.
vp n. ^Om.AEsec.m. T asshen A. vOm.AEGH. crownyd E pr. m.
** Om. c pr. m. z the erthe AGH. a wickenesse E.
oppressioun AGII.

J to c. k vnto i. the erthe c. m vnto i.

Om. i. Om. v. ? vnto i.

VOL. 111. D d

and as gret b thunder in

shul ben dried ;
An vniust man schal be glad in openvnge 14
* vnc
*T rootk, etc.,- that

ureyn thei shul sowne ful. As the ri3twis hise hondis ;

so trespassouns schulen fane is, the fad
. i i rm /- r< i and modris of
man inhis hondis shal gladen ;
openyng in the ende. i he sones or sones or wick- 15 i iem fallen doun

so the lawe brekeres in the ende shuln id men

schulen not multiplie braunchis ;
I5wanen awey. The sonus sonus of vnpit-
c and vncleene rootis* sownen on the cop deep root, for
ous men
shul nott multeplie braunches ; of a stoori. Grenenesse bisidis ech watir; is Lire here. c.

and vnclene rootes vp on the cop of the and at the brynk of the flood it schal be forVhT hi"
leston sounen. Vp on eche water grene- drawun out bi the roote bifor al hey.
nesse ; and at the hour of the flod biforn Grace as paradiss in blessyngis
* ; and 17

swete tunge; of a
17 al the
hey it shal be pullid vp. Grace merci dwellith in to the world. The lijf is prechour,
-y, , .... i
as paradis in blissingus ; and mercy in to of a were man sufficient to hym silt schal feith and ver-
" tre
is the world abit stille. The lif of the suf- be maad swete ;
and thou schalt fynde A r*. c

hymself shal be mad

fisaunt werkere to tresour ynne. Bildyng of a citee
ther i

swete and in it thou shalt fynde tresor.

schal conferrne a name ; and a womman
19 The bilding vp of the cite shal confermen with out wem schal be rikenyd aboue
the name ;
and ouer this an vndefoulid thisf. and musik maken glad the;
2owomman shal be countid. Wyri and herte and loue of wisdom gladitlfi aboue

odn se for
melodye gladen the herte ;
and ouer euer either. Pipis and sawtree maken2i^ ^

21 either the loouyng of wisdam. Trurnpes swete melodic and a swete tunge aboue fleisch, and
schulen not be
and sautre maken swete melody ; and euer either. An y3e schal desire grace 2-2 depanid w al
, - . , . , her liyf. setting
22 ouer eithir the swete tunge.. Grace and and fairnesse; arid greene sowyngis aboue Offeet ; that is,

fairnesse ee the 636 shal desyren ; and ouer these thingis. A frend and felowe com- 23 1^ ^!



23 these grene tilthis. A frend and a mete JO togidere in tymel;

ynge J
and a womman to men. and
vertues ; that
felawe in tyme cornende f
togidere and with man r aboue euer either. Britheren 24 >s, strengtheof
.... bodi. Making
ouer either a womman with a man. in to help in the tyme of tnbulacioun iesse ; that is,
24Brethern in to help in tyme of tribula- couniforten myche and merci schal de- ;

cioun ; and ouer them mercy shal dely- lyuere more than thei. Gold and siluer, 25 ^
25ueren. Gold and siluer, and setting of and settyng
of feet and counsel wel 'pies- hath present ;
Gixldis help. .

feet and ouer either

; counseil wel ing is aboue euer either. Richessis and 26 Lire here. c.
2eplesid. Facultes and vertues enhauncen vertues enhaunsen the herte ;
and the drede tyme of tM nyf;
the herte and ouer these the drede of
; of the Lord more than this. Making 27 ^present ifyT
27 the Lord. Ther is not in the drede of lesse is not in the drede of the Lord ; and g" "^ 1 to thee
worche wel
to .

the Lord lassing ; and ther is not in it in that not to seke help. The 1
drede it is 28 be thou * .

28 to seche helpe. The drede of the Lord drede of the Lord is as paradijs of bless- be thon not

of God
as paradis of blessing ; and ouer a
yng ; and 'the blessyngis kyuer-
29glorie thei couereden it. Sone, in the iden hym aboue al glorie. Sone, in the 21
tyrne of thi lif ne nede thou ; betere is
to idilnesse. it
tyme of thi liif
$ be thou not nedi for it ;
is beteie to die;
so to dyen, than to neden. man bihold- A is betere to die, than to be nedi.

A man so bodily, than to

ende in to an other mannes bord, the ,.,.,. . , , , l>e nedy; that

lif biholdinge in to another mannus boord, is, to be idil, bi

of hym nott in the thenking of liflode;

is his lijf is not in the thou3t of lijflode ; for
forsothe he nursheth his lif with other xx "J- c -
he sustevneth his liif
J with othere mennus ?" f
ifore, Idilnesse
simennus metes. A man forsothe disci- metis. Forsothe a chastisid man and 31 liath tau st
myche malice ;
and sum tyme
for idilnessea man dieth bodily, for ofte for idilnesse a man is turned to thefte, for which he is another mannus boord ;
hangid. biholdinge in to
as ben mynstrels and stronge b'eggeris, idil of
goode werkis. in the thou^t of liyflode ; that is, he thenkith not to do ony thing, wherof he own
to lyue resonably. Lire here. c.

ba gret d
wanyen EGH. hei3 E pr. in. e abideth hope E. f of cuminynge AGH
these E pr. m.

a man v. Qm. i. t Qm. i. u Om. v.


32plyned and ta3t, shal kepe hymself. In lernd schal kepe him
Nedynesse 32 v silf.

the mouth of the vnprudent shal be schal be defoulid in the mouth of an Z

maad h myseise'; and in the wombe of vnprudent man*; and fier schal brenne in {
hym fyr shal brenne. his wombe. here - c -
t ben dreu'td ;

that u, hath
CAP. XLI. CAP. XLI. pnnperiie in
al tem|M>ral

1 O !
deth, hou bitter is thi mynde to Aw !
deth, thi mynde is ful bittir to am
an vnristwis man, and hauende pes in vniust man, and hauynge pees in hise
2 his substaunces to k a quyete man, and
; richessis to a restful man, and whose 2
nedefl11 to %f,
for to gete tho.
whos weies ben ri3t stra3t in alle thingus, weies ben dressidf in alle thingis, and 3it Lire here. c.

sand 3it my3ti to taken mete. O! deth, my3ti to take rnete. A! deth, thi dooms drede the doom

good is thi dom to a man nedy, and that is good to a nedi man, and which is maad

4 is lassid in strengthe, failende thur3 age, 1

lesse in strengthis, and failith for age, and 4 thee m S Ch a
t ha h
and to whom of alle thingus is cure, and to whom is care of alle thingis, and vnbi- doom of deth
be good to thee.
to the m vnbeleeueful, that leeseth wisdam. leueful, that leesith wisdom. Nyle thou 5
weren bifor
5 Wile thou not dreden the dom of deth ; drede the doom of deth:): ; haue thou thee, etc.; for
bi the mimic of
haue mynde what biforn thee weren, and mynde what thingis weren byfore thee, hooli fadris that

what vp on ben to come to thee this ; and what thingis schulen come on thee ;
jeden bifore,and
of the meedis of
6 dom Lord to
fro the alle flesh. And this dom is of the Lord to ech man. And 6 i"st men, and

that shuln ouercomen to thee in the


tho thingis that schulen come on thee

peynes of
wickid men,

wel plesid thing of the he3est ; whether the good plesaunce of the hi3este; whe- 00^% man is

ten, or an hundred, or a thousend 3er . thir ten 3eer, ether an hundrid, ether a Sf'j?k ly
For whi noon the doom of
7 Forsothe ther is not in helle acusing of thousynde.
* accusyng^ of?
deth. the sones
slif. The sonus of abhominaciouns ben lijf is
in helle. The sones of abhomyna-s ofaohomymi-
. , . . cioun ; that is,
mad the sonus of synneres ; and that wo- ciouns ben the sones of synneris ; and thei worth; to be

nen biside the housis of vnpitous men. that dwellen bisidis the housis of wickid
9 The
eritage of the sonus of synneres shal men. The eritage of the sones of syn-9
and with the sed of hem the m n
perische ; and the contynu-
schal st the
pershen ; neris > -

besynesse of repref. Of the vnpitouse fader aunce of schenschipe with the seed of /> that is, ,-

pleynenVor weilen ", sonusP, for for


hym hem. Sones playnen of a wickid fadir ; io fadrissynne8j

u thei ben in repref. Wo to 3ou, vnpitous for thei ben in schenschip for hym.
for they
men, that ban forsaken the lawe of the to J3ou, J36 wickid men, that han forsake men,
suen the dedig

I2he3est Lord. And if 3ee shul ben -born, in the lawe of the hi3este. And if 30" be 12 of wickid men.
., . Sones playnen ;
cursing 3ee shul ben born; and if3ee shul borun, 36 schulen be borun in cursidnesse ; in heiie. thei

13 dien, in cursing shal be 3oure part. Alle and ben deed, 3oure part schal be in
if 36

thingus that of the erthe ben, in to erthe cursidnesse. Alle thingis that ben of the is
shul ben turned ; so vnpitouse men fro erthe, schulen turne in to the erthe; so the! weren
yuele enformed
H cursing The weylyng
in to perdicioun. wickid men schulen turne fro cursyng|| of him, which
he was holdim
of men in the body of hem the name ;
in to perdicioun. The morenyng of men
forsothe of vnpitous men shal ben don is in the bodi of hem but the name of f'

15 awey. Cure haue thou of a good name ; wickid men schal be doon awei. Haue ^
that forsothe more shal abide stille with thou bisynesse of a good name for whi puse Mm there, ;
in alegginge
goodnesse <'f
liyf, and seiynge ajenus God, If Y hadde lyued longe, Y liadde do many goodis. Lire here. c. fro cursing II of synne, which is of_the

deuel. in to perdicioun; of heUe. of good name; that is, of iust lyuyng. of good liyf; that is, the meritorie liyf of a good man is schort. Lire
here. c.

h to-troden c sweet myseise E m. GH. k and to A. '

fallynge ACH.
m Om. A.
pr. m. E pr. m.
jeris AEGH. ben 801131 E pr. m. Om. c et E pr. m. P the vnpitous sonis A. vnpitous

sonis E pr. m. H. 1 Om. H.

O ! la. * thei c.

Dd 2

thee, than a thousend grete tresores and this schal dwelle more with thee, than a
precious. Of good lif the noumbre of thousynde tresouris grete and preciouse.
da3es; forsothe good name shal abide stille
The noumbre of daies is the terme ofio
17 in to the spirituel world. Disciplyne in good lijf; but a good name schal dwelle
wis- with outen ende. Sories, kepe 36 techyng 17
pes kepeth, 3ee sonus ; hid forsothe
dara, and tresor vnseen, what profit in in pees for whi wisdom hid, and tresour

is euere either ? Betere is a man that hid- vnseyn, what profit is in euer either ?
hys folie, than a man that hidith his
ith Betere is a man* that hidith his foli, than in* Betere is a
I.T.I i i TVT ,1 i man: that is,
a man that hidith his wisdom.
I9wisdam. Ner the latere r turneth ajeen in Netheles in i esse
these thingus that gon out of my mouth. turne 36^ a3en in these thingis that comen
$&?% is>
20 Forsothe it is not good to waiten aboute, forth ofmy mouth. For it is not good to 20 nf alle seiyngis of a techere,

'or to kepen
, alle vnreuerence, and not kepe alle vnreuerence, and not alle thingis '
thouj tho acor.
den with Cris-
21 alle thingus in alle plesen in feith. Shame plesen alle men in feith. Be 36 ascham-2i ten feith, viesen

3ee of the fader, and of the moder, of

ed of fornycacioun, bifor fadir, and bifor /,<; /Sre.'c.

fornycacioun ; and fro the cheef sittere, modir ; and of a leesyng, bifore a iustice,
22and of the my3ty, of lesyng and of the ;
and bifore a my3ti man ; and of trespas, 22
prince, and of the domes man, of gilte
bifor a prince, and bifore a iuge and of ;

of the synagoge, and of the folc, of wick- wickidnesse, bifore a synagoge, and a pu-
23idnesse u ; of felawe, and of frend, of vn- ple; and of vnri3twisnesse- }', bifore a felow,23
24 ri3twisnesse ; and of the place in the and a frend ; and of theftef, in the place 24 1 of thefte; t<>

be doon. iesta-
whiche thou dwellist, of thefte ; of the where ynne thou dwellist; of the treuthe ment ; to be

treuthe of God, and the testament ;

of and testament2 of God of a sittyng at the b fey, &M ; is','"

sitting doun in loeues, and of the derk- mete in looues, and of the blemyschyng
of 3ifte, and takyng of stilnesse, bifore 25 mamms table.
nyng of the 3oue thing, and of taken ; ' ;
blemysch'mg of
men w hem that greeten ; of the biholdyng of a
25fro salutende, of stillnesse ; fro vfte, etc.; that
. is,whaniie it is
of a fornycarie wornman, and letcherouse womman, and or the c turnyng
biholdyng jouun for a foul

fro the turnyng awei of the chere of the awey of the cheer of a cosyn. Turne 20 fe^rie "tiier
Ne turne thou awei face? fro thi thou not awey the d face fro thi nei3bore : "ny sich 'thing,
26cosyn. * ether is takuii

ne3hebore ; and fro taking awei part, and be thou war of takyng awei e a part, withoutkynde-
nesse, ether for
27 and not restoring. Bihold thou not a and not restorynge. Binolde thou not the 27 a foul cause.
,enserche thou ,
womman of an other man ; and ne en- womman ot an othere man and enserche not hir hand.
,. ,

" n
serche thou the hand womman of hym, thou not her hand maide, nether stonde n g^h 0w t h^u"

andz stonde thou not at the bed of hir. thou at hir bed. Be thou war of frendis,28> ai s td isseyue
the lady bi hir.
ssBewar of frendus, of wrdus of repref ;
of the wordis of vpbreidyng ; and whanne c.

and whan thou hast 3yue, ne vpbreide thou hast 3oue, vpbreide thou not.
i Ne double thou the sermoun of heer- Double thou not a word of heryng, of i

ing, of the openyng of the hid wrd ; and the schewyng of an hid word and thou ;

thou shalt ben verrely withoute corifu- schalt be verily with out schame, and

sioun, and thou shalt fynde grace in the thou schalt fynde grace in the si3t of alle
8131 of alle men. Ne for alle these thingus men. Be thou not schent for alle these
be thou confoundid ; and ne accepte thou thingis ;
and take thou not a persoone,

r Neuerthelatere .^EGH. s Om. c et E pr. m. * and of A. u wickenesse E. v for A. w priuyte c pr. m.

x reward c z ne AGH.
E pr. m. pr. m. E pr. m. y the face A.

y Om. A. yy vnri3tfulnesse c et celeri. z the testament s. and of Q.

c Om. CFGHiKMNpQRSuvxa. d
thy A sec. m. F. e Om. v.

apersone, that thou gilte of the lawe of that thou do trespas. Be thou war of the 2
the he5est, and of the testament of dom, lawe and testament* of the h^este, of doom <mdte*tament ;
tobebr" k ""-'
3 to iustefien the vnpitouse ; of the wrd of to iustifie a wickid man; of the word* of 3
felawes, and of weie goeres, and of the felowis, and of weigoeris, and of the 3yu-
43yuyng of the" eritage of frendis of the ; yng of eritage of frendis; of the euen-4
euenes of balaunces, and of wei3tes, of nesse of balaunce, arid of wei3tis, of the
purchasyng of manye thingus, and of getyng of many thingisf, and of fewe t s/etiny of
TV- r . - . many thinyi, ;
5 fewe ; of the corrupcioun b of biyng c ,
thingis; ot corrupcioun or oiyng,

and of 5
in tw

and d of marchaundis, and of myche 6 dis- marchauntis, and of myche chastising of Si th

ciplyne of sonus ; and of the werst ser- sones and of a worste seruaunt, to make

e uaunt, to make the side to bleden. Vp on a the f side to& bleede. A 1'
seelyng is good c *'"*.
which thei fleen

;shreude womman good is a signe. Where on a wickid man'. Where ben many 7 awey.
. that is, to I ii-ti-

ben many hondis, close thou f ; and? what hondis, close thou ;
and what euer thing til to greet
euere thou shalt take, 'noumbre thou, thou schalt bitake, noumbre thou, and wood!'fi>r thu
and h peise the jyuen thing forsothe, and
; weie thou ;
forsothe discryue thou, ether
8 the taken, al' diskryue,W wrytek Of the .
write, ech sifte, and takyng.
1 Absteinev, elte -
men; in ver-

disciplyne of the mysfelende, and of the thou fro the techyng of an vriwitti man, tues, be th<m

fool, and of the elderes, thatt ben denied, and fool, and of eldere men that ben dem- atmsioun be

of the 3unge waxen men ; and thou shalt ed of 3onge men; and thou schalt be r ZTc.
ben lerned in thingus, and prouable
alle lernd in alle thingis, and thou schalt be
gin the si3te of alle men. The do3ter of comendable in the 3131 of alle men. An 9
the fader is hid, the wache and the hid dou3ter of a fadir is wakynge and
bysynesse of hir shal don awey slep; bisy nesse of hym ; sche schal take awei
lest par auenture in hir 3unge waxen sleep ; lest perauenture sche be tnaad
age auoutresse she be mad, and with a auowtresse in hir 3ong wexynge age, and
man dwellende 1
, hafefull she m be rnad ;
lest sche dwellynge with the hosebonde,

10 lest
any tyme she be pollutid in hir be maad hateful ;ony tyme sche be 10

maydenhed, and in hir fader keping she defoulid in hir virginytee, and be foundun
be founde with child ; par auenture lest with child in the kepyng of hir fadir ;
with hir man dwellende, she trespasse, leste perauenture sche dwellynge with the

11 or certus bareyn she be mad. Vp on a hosebonde, do trespasse, ether certis be

maad bareyn J. Ordeyne thou kepyng on rey" ; fa
leccherous do3tir set warde, lest any 1 1
tyme she make thee in to repref to a letcherouse doubter, lest ony
* tyme
sche ing of lecherie,
and therfor
comen to thin enemys, of bacbiting in the make thee to come
in to schenschipe to comyn hooris
., ., ..
, , if ben with childe
and of casting awey of the puple ;
citee, enemyes, or bacbityng in the citee, and 01 f,,i

and she confounde thee in the multitude castyng out of the puple ; and sche make
12 of the puple. To alle men wile thou not thee aschamed in the multitude of puple. .

inge in the N-
'taken heed" in the fairnesse ; and in the Nyle thou take heed to ech man in the 12 holding of his
. .
fayrnesse ; 'he
myddel of wymmen wile thou not dwellen. fairnesse^ ;
arid nyle thou dwelle in the seith this to

13 Forsothe of clothis cometh the mo3he, rnyddis of wymmen. For whi a mo^tei
and of a wornman the wickidnesseP of a cometh forth of clothis, and the wickid-
man cometh forth of a worn- wei endy
u man. Betere forsothe is the wickidnesseP nesse of a
aunt. Lire
of a man, than a womman doende bene- man. For whi the wrckidnesse of a man u for*, c.

Om b correccioun E c E pr. m. d Om. H. e to

myche E pr. m.
{ Om. GH.
>m. AGH. pr. m. biyngis
e Om. AGH.
vftis E p
and the 3iftis pr. m.
' Om. A. k Om. c et E pr. m. Om. A. ' '
shal H.

looken E pr, m. movve A, mowje E. P wickeuesse E.

Om. h c et ceteri.
e world wines prater u. f thi EFHiKMQRSua. S KS. seelyng, ether closyng
woman A sec. m. c sec. m.

* the
fet, and a womman confoundende in to is betere* than a wornman doynge wel, <**-
nesse of a man
isrepref. Myndeful be 'Y shall therfore and a womman
schendyng in to schen- betere, etc.;

of the werkes of the Lord and which ;

schipe. Therfor be thou myndeful of the is
I say, I shal shewen out, in the wrdis of werkis of the Lord and Y schal telle m ;
10 the Lord, his werkus. The sunne shyn- the" werkis of the Lord, whiche Y sh, dweiie togidere,
wherfor this is
ende thur3 alle thingus biheeld ;
and of in the wordis of the Lord. The sunne ic refemd to that
the glorie of the Lord ful is his werk .
Ii3tnynge bihelde by alle thingis ; and the
17 Whether not the Lord made seyntes to werk therof is ful of the glorie of the
tellen out alle his merueiles, the whiche Lord. Whether the Lord made not hooli i

ouse to a man
the Lord almyjty shal confermen stable men to telle out alle hise merueilis, whiche to dwe !
le *p-
18 in his glorie? The depthe of the se, and the Lord almy3ti stidfast in his glorie stmunge mm.
the herte of men he shal enserchen ; and schal conferme ? He schal enserche the i

in the 'sly3e wit, or gile*, of hern he shal depthef, and the herte of men
and he ; ^ja^
I9outthenke. The Lord forsothe kne3 al schal thenke in the felnesse of hem. For 19 The *"""* '''-
nynge bihelde
kunnyng, and beheeld in to the tocne of the Lord knew al kunnyng, and bihelde *' aiie thmgu
, . ,. , , , that is, made
the spiritueell world shewende out that ; in to the signe of the tellynge tho world ; alle thingis to

ben passid, and that ben ouer u to come ; thingis that ben passid, and tho thingis [hetod'el o7

openende the v steppis of hid thingus. that schulen come ; schewynge the steppis he en e a d of
. ','.
erthe ben lijtned
20 And ther passeth not biside
hym any of hid thingis. And no thomt passi th 20 of the sunne.
the teerlc therr.f
, j u-j-.i. i -1/1?
thenking, and any wrd hidde not it self hym, and no word hidith it silt fro hym. tsfuiofthe
21 fro hym. He made faire the grete wrthi He made the grete werkis of hisP 2\ L"^. ^m is,

werkes of his wisdam, the whiche is bi- wisdom, which is bifore the world, and wfr "G^

forn the world, and vnto the world ne ; til in to the world ; nether ony thine isi schyneth in the
werkis of the
22 it is echid, ne it is lassid, and it nedeth encreessidi, nether is decreessid, and he 22 sunne, that ben
.1 to listne othere
23 not the counseil of any man. Hou de- hath no nede to the counsel or ony. Alle 23
i />

bodies, to make

sirable ben alle the werkes of hym, and hise werkis ben ful desirable and to bi- 1

Alle flouris a"d

24 as a sparcle that is, to beholden. holde, as a sparcle^ which is. Alle these 24
these thingus lyuen, and dwellen in to thingis lyuen, and dwellen in to the world;
leeu y a <i

the world ; and in alle nede alle thyngus and alle thingis obeien to hym in al nede. here^c.
aaobeshen to hym. Alle thingus double, Alle thingis ben double, oon a3ens oon ; 25 the'deuei.
oon a3en oon ; and he made not any and he made not ony * o to faile.
thing He mtnem
that of ; is,

thing to failen. Of euery thing he shal schal conferme the goodis of ech ; and 8 y uele fde,
and wickid
conferme the goodus ;
and who shal be who schal be filhd, seynge his glorie ? iiie, in draw.

inge out good

fulfild, seende the glorie of hym, and who of tho. Lire
here. c.
witende shal conferme the strengthe of
J nether ony
leid to,
hym? thing
etc.; for

CAP. XLIII. CAP. XLIII. Goddis wisdom

may not be de-
1 The firmament
of the hei3te is the The nrmament|| of hi3nesse is the fair- 1 creessid nether
encresid, for it
fairnesse of hym; and the fairnes of nesse therof; the fairnesse of heuene in is greet with
2 heuene in the of glorie.
si3te The sunne the si3t of glorie. The sunne in bihold-2
in the si3te, shewende out in the issue, a yng, tellynge in goyng out, is a woundur- as a sparcle ;
that is, it is ful
goode to biholde
that these werkis of God, thouj these ben wondurful, ben not but a litil
sparcle of Goddis goodnesse and excelence. lyuen and dwellen ; for whi
alle creaturis lyuen in God, in as
myche as tho ben in God bi maner of vndurstonding. alle thingis ; that is, elementis. ben double; for the erthe
is cold and drie, the water is cold and
moist, the eir is hoot and moist, the fier is hoot and drie. Lire here. c. The firmament; that is, heuene ||

of sterns ; the sunne is fairnesse therof, that is, makith the fairnesse therof. in the
si)t of glorie ; that is, ful gloriouse and wondurful. Lire here. c.

1 thou c * that c
pr. m. pr. m. werkus c. *
wittynesse c pr. m. E pr. m. Om. AGH. v of the
c pr. m.

m telle of c pr. m. n thee E. Om. CK. P Om. c. q leid to, ether encressid c el ceteri. ' desi-
derable c. Om. c.
merueilous vessel, the werk of the he3e. ful vessel, the werk of hi3 God. In the 3
3 In the myddai it brenneth out the erthe ; tyme myddaiof it brenneth the erthe ;

and w in the brennyng whosijte of his and who schal mow suffre in the si3t of
shal moun suffre ? Kepende the furneys his heete? Kepyrige a furneis in the werkis
4 in the werkis of brennyng thre maner ; of heete; the sunne brennynge hillis in 4
the sunne brennende oute hillis, blast- thre maneris, sendynge out beemys of fier,
ende out fyrene bemes, and 336611 shyn- and schynynge 33611 with hise beemys,
ende with his bemes, blendeth the e3en. blyndith i3en. The Lord is
greet, that 5
5 Gret* the Lord, that made it ; and in the made it ;
and in the wordis of hym* it
* in the

of him, etc.;
ewrdis of it he hee3ede the weye. And hastide iourney. And the moone in allei;
the moone
thingus in his tyme
in alle men in his tyme is
shewing of tyme, and nil*-

shewende of tyme, and tokne of the spi- a' signe of the world. signe of the 7 A
7rituelr world. Of the moone the signe feeste dai is taJcun of the" moone ; the hen - c-

a b
of the holy'- day a ; Ii3t 3yuere that is which
Ii3t is msad litil in the ende. The 8
elassid in the ending. The mooneth aftir monethe is
encreessynge bi the name
his name is waxende, merueylously in to therof, wondirfuli in to the ending. As
9the c
ful endyng. A vessel of tentes in vessel of castels in hi3 thingis, schynynge
hei3e thingis , in the firmament of he- gloriousli in the firmament of heuene. The 10

louene shynende gloriously

. The fair- fairnesse of heuene is the glorie of sterris;
nesse of heuene glorie of sterres ; the the Lord an hi3 Ii3tneth the world. Inn
11 Lord Ii3tnende the world in heijtes. In the wordis of the hooli tho schulen stonde
woordis hoely men shuln stonden at the at the doom ;
and tho schulen not faile in

dom ; and thei shul not failen in ther her wakyngis. Se thou the bouwef, and 12 1 Se thou the
bowe ; that is,
12 wacches. See the bowe, and blisse hym blesse thou hym that made it; it is ful the reynliowe,

that made it ;
ful fair it is in his shyn- fair in his schynyng. It 3ede aboute is won durfui ].-

I3yng. He cumpaside heuene in the cir- heuene in the cumpas of his glorie ; the
the hondus of the hoiidis of hi3 God openyden it. Bi his 14
cuyt of his glorie ;

I4he3e openeden it. Bi his maundement comaundement he hastide the snow and ;

and he hee3eths Ii3t- w

he hastith to sende out the Iei3tyngis of
heejede' the sno3 ;

15 dom. Ther-
to senden out of his his dom. Therfor tresouris weren opened, 15
fore opened ben the tresores, and flowen and clowdis fledden out as been". In his ic
16 awey the litle cloudys as briddes. In his greetnesse he settide clowdis and stoonys ;

mykilnesse he putte the cloudus ; and ben of hail weren brokun. Hillis schulen be 17

17 to-broke the stones of the hail. In his si3te moued in his si3t; and the south wynd ;
tempest of the
h The vois of his
shul ben stired togidere the hillis ; and schal blowe in his wille. i

of God, and
in his wil shal spiren'/or bretheni, out the thundur schal beete the erthe the tem- ;

rmh the
The vois of his thunder schal pest of the north, and the gaderyng} to-
erthe, tur-
is south.
mentith men
beten k
the erthe ;
and the tempest of the gidere of wynd. And as a brid puttynge i!>dweiiynge ther-
... , vnne. as a briri
north, and the gederyng of wyrid. And sprengith snow, and the

19 doun to sitte pu ttynge do<m ,

as a brid puttende doun to sitteii spreng- comyng doun of that snow is as a locust ^J^^hig
eth the sno3, and as a locust drenchende o doun.
drenchynge The he schal wondre 20 *> thatis '

comynge doun
20 the descendingus of it. The fairnesse of on the fairnesses of whitnesse therof; and
TT to deuoure tho.
the shynyng of it the 636 shal inerueilen; an herte dredith on the reyn therof. He 21 L re { here. c.

hast mad a c pr. m. E pr. m.

w Om. A. * Greet is A. y age of the E sec. m. 'Om.cpr.m. a thou'
d e Om. c enhaunsith A.
b not E pr. m.
is c his ACIH.
heistus c pr. m. pr. m. he heejid G.
k beteth c
heejeth, or enhaunsith E sec. m. GH. h Om. c pr. m. '
shyne A. Om. c el E pr. m.
1 pr. m.

Om. cv. * Om. v. w hastide c. * bees CEFGHIKMNPQRSUVX:I. y or colour K marg.


and vp on the weder of the herte schal schede out frost as salt on the erthe ;
hym f u restM
Frost as salt he shal heelden
1 and while the wynd blowith, it schal be the cooidnesse
21 quaketh .
-Of the northrun

out vp on the erthe ; and whil he blow- maad as coppis of a brere. 1 he coold 22 wynd makith

ith, he shal be mad as the coppis of northun wynd blew, and cristal of watir

22 the brembil.
blee3, and the
The cold northerne
cristal freesede
fro the
frees togidre ;

ins toeidere of watris, and it dothith" it

restith* on al the geder-
^^' exi,,gein
hillis. yuenc/ie;
silf with watris, as with an haburioun. that distrie.
vp on al the gederyng of watris"
watyr ;
. medicyn of alle
it resteth, and as an habirioun, it clothide And it schal deuoure hillis, and it schal 23 thingis; brent

brenne the desert; and

23hymself watris. And it shal deuouren
it schal quenche wynd.Tm"/;"
hillis, and brennen out the desert
and ; grene thing as fier. The medicyn of alle 24
^rfT-trou t

hi the south -
24 quenchen out the greene as fyr. Mede- thineis is in c of a cloude
the haasting ;
urne wynd.
of a deewe, meetynge the heete comynge of
cyneP of alle thingus in the hee3yngi
_,. . . , , that is, schal
the litle
cloude ;
the" dew, metende to the brennyng, schal make it low. I he wynd 25 t em ere the

comende brennyng, Iow3 t shal maken it. was stille in the word of God ; bi his

25 In his wrd the

wynd heeld his pes ;
bi thou3t he made peesible the depthe of
thenking he shal pese u the se; and watris ; and the Lord Jhesut plauntide it. sauyour of alle
men, for whi
26 the Lord Jhesus plauntide yt. Who Thei that seilen in the see, tellen out the 20 jhesu is inter-
seilen the se, shuln tellen out the periles perels therof ; and we heeringe with oure thou'j the au-

of and herende with oure eres wee eeris schulen wondre. There ben ful cleer 27
it ;
Ei>rew man,
27 shuln wndre. There ful cleer werkis, werkis, and wonderful, dyuerse kindis of wroot this book
and merueilous, and dyuers kindis of beestis,and of alle litle beestis, and the in Greek, ne-
no3ouse bestes, and of alle helpely bestes, creature of wondurful fischis. The ende 28 tide7n here an
28 and the creature of bestes. For hym is of weie is confermyd for itf ; and alle

confermed the ende of the and in thingis ben maad in the word of hym. +/'', that is,
wey ; tor the occian,

the wrd of hym alle thingus ben mad We seien many* .

thingis^, and we faylen
* in 29 ether west see,
to be refreyned.

29togidere. Many thinges we seyn, and wordis ; forsothe he is the endyng of Lire here. c.

failen in wrdis ; ful endyng forsothe of wordis. To what thing schulen we be ao ,* ^^ ,-

sowrdis he is. In allethingus gloriende, my3ti, that ban

glorie in alle thingis ? for
to what shul we be my3ty ? he forsothe he is al my3ti aboue alle hise werkis. The:
31almy3ti ouer alle his werkes. Ferful Lord is ferdful, and ful greet ; and his
the Lord, and gret hugely ; and merueil- power is wondurful. Glorifie 36 the Lord 32 be compre"
320US the power of hym. Glorefiende the as myche as euere 36 moun, 3it he schal
Lord hou euere schul w myche 366 moun, be my3tiere
* ^
and his o o is won-
grete doynge
n " 4 ** tel1 out
, ?
B' oi vs. he is
he shal ben ouer wrthi 3it ; and ful mer- durful. 3e blessynge the Lord, enhaunse 33 the ending of
wordis; for he
ssueilous the gret doyng of hym. Blissende
the Lord, enhaunce 366 hym as myche as ,11-
myche as 36 ; for he is more
akxme com pre-

je enhaunsynge hym 34 s ;if pe rfitiy,

, , hendith him.

3ee moun ; more forsothe he is than alle schulen be fillid with vertu ; trauele 36 j^hitw'ord 1

34preising. Enhauncende hym 3ee shul x notll,

for 3e schulen not take perfitli. 35 that is ^"^ '
Who euene in sub-

be fulfild with vertue ne trauaile and who

; 3ee, 813 hym, and schal telle out ? staunce, and
35 forsothe 3ee shul not ful comen. Who i
, /-i as
he is
rro the
euene euerlast-
magnetic hym, i
nge with him.
533 hym, and shal tellen out ? and who bigynnyng? Many thingis gretter than 36 etc .

shal magnefien hyrn, as he is fro the bi- f G<

these ben hid "fro vs ; for we ban seyn ?leste. .
hath glo-
gynnyng ? Many hid thingus ben more fewe thingis of hise werkis. Forsothe the 37
thingis; which
we moun
knowe bi creaturis, as if he
seye, We moun atteyne to ful litil
thing. Lire here. c. trauele }e not ; to knowe God perntiy in this liyf ; for
whi this is vnpossible. c.

shal quake c pr.m. E

pr.m. AGH.
schal blowe AC sec. m. E sec. m. GH. n water c. Om. A.
Medecynes c pr. m. q hastyng AC sec. m. E sec. m. GH. r Om. H. s Om. ^GH. l
lowj, or mylde G sec.m.
lowen c pr. m. E pr. m. peese ^GH. v j s a lmi3ti A. w Om. c * Om. ^E
pr. m. sec. m. GH.

z closeth a
i. Om. A.

than these ; forsothe fewe thingus wee Lord made alle

thingis ; and he 3af wis-
37 han seen of his werkes. Alle thingus dom to men doynge feithfuli.
forsothe the Lord made ; and to men
pitously doende he 3af wisdam.


1 'Preisen we? glorious men, and oure Preise we gloriouse men, and oure fa- 1

fadris and modris in ther generacioun. dris in her generacioun. The Lord made 2
Myche glorie the Lord dide in his grete myche glorie bi his greet doyng, fro the
sdoyng. Fro the world 2
ben men a lord- world. Grete men in vertu weren b lordiss
schipende in ther poweres, grete men in her poweris, and riche in her
prudence ;

in vertue, and bi ther bb prudence biforn tellynge in profetis the of dignete pro-
othere mad riche; tellende in profetes the fetis, and comaundynge in present puple, 4

dignete of profetes, and comaundende in and tellynge hoolieste wordis to puplis, bi
the present puple, and bi vertue of pru- the vertu of prudence.
Sekynge maneress
dence of c thecc puple, most hoely wrdis. of musik in her childhod*, and
sin ther wisdam sechende thed musyk songis of scripturis. Riche men in vertu, 6 amendi<1 h
inker child.

manerys, and tellende the dytes of scrip- nauynge the studie of fairnesse, makynge hed, thouj
i i . summe bokis
etures. Riche men in vertue, hauende the pees in her housis. Alle these men gateny han, inker
kunnyng c -
study of fairnesse, pes makende in ther glorie in the generaciouns of her folk;
7 houses. Alle these in the ieneraciouns of and ben had in preysyngis in her daies.
han taken glorie and in ther
their folc ; Thei that weren borun of hem, leften as
sdajes ben e
had in preisyngus. Who of name to telle the preisyngis of hem. And (

hem ben born, laften the name of telling summe ben c of whiche is no mynde thei
, ;

9 the preisingus of hem. And ther ben, of perischiden as thei that wereri not, and
whom is no mynde ; thei persheden as thei weren borun as not borun ; and her
that f weren not, and ben born as not& sones perischiden with hem. But alsoio
born ; and the sonus of hem with hem. tho men of mercy ben, whose pitees fail-
10 But they men of mercy h ben, of whom iden not ; and good eritage dwellide con- n
1 1 the' pitoustees faileden not and with ; tynueli with the seed of hem. And the 12

the seed of hem dwellide stille good eri- seed of her sones sones d stood in testa-

i2tage. And the sed of the sonus sonus of ment, and the eritage of her sones dwell- 13

is hem stod in the testament, and the eri- ith for 6 hem, til in to with outen ende ;

tage of the sonus of hem for hem, in to the seed of hem, and the glorie of hem,
with oute ende dwelleth ; the sed of schal not be forsakun. The bodies of hem u
hem, and the glorie of hem, shal not be ben biried in pees ; and the name of hem
14 forsaken. The bodies of hem in pes ben schal lyue
in to ffeneraciouns and erenera- t * /ran*.

lalid, etc. ; he
biried and the name of hem shal lyue
; ciouns.Puplis tellen the wisdom of hem is schal ;
come a?en
is in to ieneraciouns and ieneraciouns. The and the chirche tellith the preysyng of
wysdamof hem puples shul tellen ; and hem. Enok pleside God, and was trans- i

the preising of hem the chirche k shal latidf in to paradis, that 3yue wisdom
he ** preche ajeims
Antecnst. Tes-
I'jshewen Enoc plesede to God, and is
. to folkis. Noe was foundun parfit and 17 tamemis ; that
. is, biheestis of
translatid in to paradis, that he 3yue wis- lust, and he was maad recouncelynge in the world, to be

17 dam to folc m of kynde. Noe is founde a the tyme of wrathfulnesse. Therfor re-i
parfit ri3twis man, and in tyme of wrathe sidue seed was left to erthe, whanne the

T We preisen c pr. m.
z Lord A. a maad A. b bi AGH. bh Om. c
pr. m.
c Om. c
pr. m.
cc Om. A.
d Om. AGH. e shul ben E
pr. m .
{ thei that A. S that not c pr. m. h
mercyes A.
Om. AGH.
puple c pr. m.
shewe out A. telle of c pr. m. m the folk A.

Om. v. c ther ben i. d C:::. c. e
bifor c.


greet flood was maad. Testamentis of the

recounsylyng. Therfore
18 he is mad is laft

the remnaunt of the erthe, whan the

n world weren set anentis hym, lest al fleisch him in glorie;
that is, in ver-

my3te be doon awei bi the greet

19 flod was do. The testaments of the world
tuouse werk,

nn Abraham was the greet fadir of the mill- 20*

ben put anent hym,ne'my3te be do awey
20 with the flod eche flesh. Abraham the titude of folkis and noon was founduri

multitude of the folc Hjk in

hym which kepte the lawe feith of o God,
grete fader of the
glorie*, wbanne aftir
of kinde ; and ther is not founde lijc to of hi3 God, and was in the testament the grete flood
He made a testament to stonde 21 P
in glorie, that kepte the lawe of the with hym. O[
with hym. in his fleisch and he was founduri feith-
he3est, and was in testament

21 In? his flesh he made to stonde the testa- ful in temptacioun. Therfor God with 22 rediiy his opn
aloone gendrid
an ooth 3af to hym glorie in his folk soneandderi-
ment ; and in tempting he is founde ;

ing, for to fille

Therfore by oth he 3af to hym God made hym to encreesse, as an heep

his folc of kinde, to encresen of erthe, and to enhaunse his seed as
glorie in ha
23 hym as an hilloc of erthe; and to en- sterris, and to enherite hem fro the see t^f,' aw e
i8 '

hauncen 'the sed of ^ as the sterres, 'til to% the see, and fro the flood 'til to kyndepreent-
hym T /-XJTJ id in mannus
fro the se vn to the the endis of erthe. Arid to Isaac (jrod dide24 sou i e . a testa-
and to eritagen hym ft * i i i~ went. etc. ; that
se, and fro the flod vnto the termes of in the same maner, for Abraham, his ta- droumci . is>

24 the erthe.
same maner,
to Isaac

he dide the
his fader.
dir. The Lord 3 af to hym the blessi ng 25
of alle folkisf and confermyde his testa-
; ^A temt- ^
ide him, to

25 The blissing of alle folc of kinde the

ment on the heed of Jacob. He knew 26 schewe to
. others men , ,, .

Lord jaf to hym ; and his testament he hym in hise blessyngis, and 33! entage to his obedience.
26 confermede vp on the hed of Jacob. He hym; and departide to hym a part in
knej hym in his blessingus, and jaf to twelue lynagis. And he kepte to bym*J *

hym the eritage ; and he deuydede to men of merci, fyndynsre grace in the si3t that is, the
myddil see of
27 hym part in the twelue lynagis. And Of eche man. erthe at the
west, and the
he kepte to hym sonus of mercy, findende deed see at the
eest; the flood
grace in the si3t of al flesh. Eufrates at the
north, and the
desert of Egipt
CAP. XLV. at the south.
dide in the same
i Moises looued of God and men
of ; Morses was loued of God and ofmen ;
maner; that is,
2whos mynde is in blessyng. Lie he made whose mynde is in blessyng. He made 2 and bihijte to
him that he
hym the glorie of seyntes, and he
in him Hjk in the gloried of seyntis, and he bihijte to Abra-
in the drede of ham. Lire
magnefiede hym in the drede of enemys ; magnefiede hym enemyes ;
here. c.
and in his wrdis he cesede hidous won- and in his wordis he made peesible the t the blessing
of alle folkis;
sdris. He glorefiede in the si3t of
hym wondris a3ens kynde. He glorifiede hym 3 that is, God jaf
to him and not
kyngus, and he cornaundide to hym bi- in the si3t of kyngis, and he'comaundide to Ismael, that

forn al his puple, and he shewede to hym to hym h bifore his puple, and schewide Crist schulde
be borun of
4 his glorie. In feith and softenesse of his glorie to hym. In the feith and 4 1
him, in which
Crist alle folkis
hym he made hym hoely ; and he chees myldenesse of hym God made hym hooli ; of erthe schulen
be hlessid. his
5 hym of alle flesh. Forsothe he herde and chees him of alle men. For he herdea testament; that

hym, and the vois of hym and he ladde

; hym, and and ledde ink hym in is,
his vois ;
which he made
6 hym in a cloude. And he 3aff hym an a cloude. And 3af to hym an herte toe to Abraham.
He knew him ;
herte to the hestes, and to the lawe of comaundementis, and to the lawe of lijf, that is, appre-
uyde him, as
worthi to hise
blessingis. on the heed of Jacob ; and not on the heed of Esau, thouj Isaac wolde first do the contrarie. men of merci ; that is, his soues patriarkis,
that goten mersi of the sillyng of Josep. grace in the silt ofech man ;
grace in the sist of Farao and of Egipcians. Lire here. c. J liyk in the
glorie, etc. ; in seynge Goddis beyng ; as Austyn seith to Paulyn, in his book of God to be seyn. In the feith ; that is, in feithfulnesse, for he was ful
feithful. chees him ; to lede the children of Israel out of
Egipt, and to be the lawe jyuere of the elde testament, to comaundementis ; to fille tho in
werk, and to teche tho to othere men. Lire here. c.

n Om. nn be do
awey myjte c.
hee3e ^EGH. PAndin^GH. q Om. c pr. m. E. the heuede of H.

f Om. h ether sends him

c sec. m. v. 8 vnto i. K marg.
of v. k Om. i.

lif, and of disciplyne ; to techen Jacob and of techyng to teche Jacob a testa-

the r
testament, and Irael his domes. ment, and Israel hise domes. He made 7
Hee3 he made Aaron, his brother, and hi3 Aaron, his brother, and lijk hym of
8 a lie to hym of the lyriage of Leuy. He the lynage of Leuy. Heordeynede to a
1 *
sette to hym an euere lastende testament, hym e'uerlastynge testament*, and 3af to euerlatttinye
tettamenl ; that
and he }af to hym the presthod of the hym the preesthod of the

folk". And he is, the coue-

folc of kinde ;
and he made hym blisful made hym blissful in glorie, and girteo
9 in glorie. And he girde hym aboute with hym with a girdil of ri3tfulnesse and ;

the girdil of ri3twisnesse, and he clothide clothide hyrn with a stoole of fflorie, and m yche M ''
figuride the
hym the stoele of glorie, and crounede crownede hym in the ournementis of vertu. presthod of

hym in vesselisShon, and off vertue. He settide on hym sandalies, and breeches, 10 presthod ;'

breches, and coepe he putte to hym, and and a clooth on the schuldur, and girte ^ad^^m^ii-
fnngiorie f
girde hym aboute with manye litle gold- hym aboute with ful many small goldun that is, made
n ene belles in cumpas to 3yue soun in
; bellis in curnpas ; to 3yue
" soun in his 1 1
him to be seid
hlisful, for
his goyrig in, and to make the soun herd goyng, to make soun herd in the temple, glorie of prest-
in the temple, in to mynde to the sonus in to mynde to the sones of his folk.
12 of hys folc. An* hoely stoele, with gold, ^afto hym an hooli stoole, a wouun werk,
and blyu vyolet silc, and sanguyn silc, with gold, and iacynct, and purpur, the maad of dy-
uerse colours,
the werk wouen, thur3 the 1 dom of the werk of a wijs man, maad riche with which is seid

wise man, and thur3 the treuthe of the doom and treuthe the werk of a crafti;

enourned ; with fyr red silc foldun u a3een, man, in writhun reed threed, with pre-
streynede togi-
dere the prestis

is the werk of the craftis, with precious iem- ciouse iemmes grauun in the byndyng of clothls ' ^ "^
fulnesse of the

mes figured in binding of gold, and with gold, and grauuu bi the werk of a crafti lawe refreynede
vnordenat ma-
werk of the v lapidarie grauen, in to the man of stoonys, in to mynde, bi the nourn- neris. c.

mynde, after the noumbre of the lynagis bre of the lynagis of Israel. A goldun n
u of Irael. A x
goldene^ croune vp on the coroun on his mytre, set forth with the
mytre of hym, expressid with the tocne signe of hoolynesse, the glorie of oriour,
of hoelynesse, the glorie of wrshipe, and and the werk of vertu, ourned to desijr of
the were of vertue, the z desir of e3en
'to i3en. Siche thingis so faire weren not bi- 15
15 enourned. So faire bifor hym weren not fore hym, til tof the eest. Noon alien was ie
le'suche thingus , vnto the est. Ther is nott clothid ther ynne, but oneli hise sones,
clad b with it any alyen, but only alone and hise sones sones aloone, bi al tyme.
the sonus of hym, and the cosynes of Hise sacrifices weren endid ech dai bi 17
17 hym, bi alle tyme. The sacrifices of hym fyer. Moises fillide f hise hondis, and
... ., T, that sacride.
* is,
isben ful endid with fyr eche day. Moises anoyntide hym with hooli one. It was 19 lo haue prets.
fulfilde the hondis of hym, and enoynt-
i9ede c hym with his hoely oile. It is mad
rnaad to
ment, and
hym to euerlastynge testa-
to his seed as the daies of
to preise
^^ God,
as it acordith
to hym an euerelastende testament, and heuene, to vse presthod, and to haue toacomyn
. . , . persoone. in
to his sed as the da3es of heuene, to vsen preisyng, and to glorine his puple in nis AM name,-that
n he
the offis of presthed, and to han preys- name. God chees hym of ech lyuynge20$ G^ J^
yng, and his' 1 puple to be glorified in his man, to offre sacrifice to God, encense, (^^as^ereii
Chore and hi
20 name. Hym he chees of alle lyuende, to and good odour, in to mynde,
for to plese
congregacioun ;

offre sacrifice to God, eneens, and good for his puple. And he jaf to hym power 21 in xvi. c .of
.i Numery. Lire i
smell, in to mynde, to make pes for his in hise comaundementis, and in the testa- here. c.

21 puple. And he 3af to hym power in his mentis of domes, to teche Jacob witness-

* And G * Om. c v
Om. w Om. AGH.
pr. m. //. pr. m. fait c pr. m.
r his A. c.

With E pr. m. * with E * Om. b clothid AEGH.

pr. m.
a y gold A. c pr. m. enoyntynge A,
in his c pr. m. to his
o pr. m. H.

1 an euerlastinge x sec. m. "'

Om. CEPGHKMNpQuuvxa. n folkis s. Om. c. P vnto i.

E e 2

hestes, in testamentes of domes, to teche yngis, and in his lawe to 3yue Ii3t to

Jacob witnessingus, and in his lawe Ii3t Israel.For aliens stooden a3ens hym, and 22
22 to
3yue to Irael. For a3en hyra stoden
men that weren with Datan and Abiron,
alienus, and for enuye ther cumpasseden and the congregacioun of Chore, in wrath-

hym men in desert, that weren with Da- fulnesse cumpassiden hym for enuye, in

than and Abiron, and the congregacioun desert. The Lord si3, and it pleside not 23

23 of Chore, in to ful wrathe. The Lord hym and thei weren wastid in the feers-

saj, plesede not to hym

and it and thei ;
nesse of wrathfulnesse. He made to hem 24
ben wastid in the bure of ful e
wrathe. wondris a3ens kynde, and in the flawme
24 He made to hem hidous veniaunces, and of fier he wastide* hem. And he encreess-25 for

he wastede them in the flaume of fyr. ide glorie Aaron, and

3 af eritage to
25 And he eechede to Aron glorie, and he hym ; and he departide to Aaron the firste

3af to hym eritage and the chef of the

; thingis of fruytis of the erthe. He made 26 to helle -

,. ,, . ,, , . eritaye ; that

frutes of the erthe he deuydide to hym. real his breed in the firste
thingis, in to is, the firste

26 The bred of hym 'in the firste f, in to ful- fulnesse ; forwhi and thei shulen ete the
nesse he greithede ; for whi and the sa- sacrifices of the Lord, whiche he 3af to hym, c

crifise# of the Lord thei shul ete, the and to his seed. But in the lond of his 27
whiche he 3af to hyrn, and to the sed of folk he schal not haue eritage, and no part
hym. 'For whi in thei ond he shal not is to hym among the folk ; for whi God
and part
hym is not to is the part and eritage of hym.
eritagen Jentiles, Fynees, 28
in the folc ; he is forsothe the part of the sone of Eleazarus, was the thridde in
hym, he is and the eritage. Fynees, the glorie, in suynge hym in thei drede of
gone of Eleasar, the thridde is' in glorie, God, and to stonde in the reuerence of29
k folk ; in the goodnesse and
folowende hym in the drede of God, gladnesse of
29 and to stonde in reuerence of the folc ;
his soule he pleside God of Israel. Ther- 3 t testament of
in goodnesse and gladnesse of his soule for God ordeynede to hym the testament fheVign^'oV
so he
pleside to God of Irael. Therfore he of peesf, and made hym prince of hooli Etf^*
sette to a testament of pes, and a
hym men, and of his folk ; that the dignete of
prince of seyntes, and of his folc ; that presthod be to hym and to his seed, with r> rince f
sones -

. . hooly men ;
ther be to hym and to his sed dignete of outen ende. And the testament of Dauid, si that is, of

presthed, in to with oute ende. And the the sone of Jesse, of the
lynage of Juda,
testament of Dauid, 'the king kk , sone of was eritage to bym, and to his seed ; that
Jesse, of the lynage of Juda, eritage to he schulde 3yue wisdom in to oure herte, to Goddis ser-
uyces. the tes-
hym, and to the sed of that he hym; to derne his folk in ri3tfulnesse, lest her tament of Da-
uyth ; that is,
schuld 3yue wisdam in to oure herte, to

goodis schulen be don awei and he made ; his ordenaunce,

of alarging of
demen his folc in ri3twisuesse, lest were 1
the glorie of hem to be euerlastinge, in the Goddis wor-
don awei the goodis of hem ; and the folk of hem. schipyng,which
ordenaunce he
glorie of hem, in to the folc of hem, he settide vndur
the gouernail
maade euere lastende. of the hijeste
bischop. the
glorie of hem
CAP. XLVI. CAP. XLVI. that is, dignete

of presthod in
Strong in bataile Jesus Nauee, the suc- hem and in her
Jhesus Naue, the successour of Moises i
sones. euerlast-
cessour of Moises in profetes, that was in profetis, was
strong in batel, that was 0*.- that is, to

aftir his name. Most .1.1. The gretteste

r,,, dwelle longe, as
2gret in to the greet bi his name. in to 2 hiiiis ben eW-
helthe of the chosen men g ** re
of God, to the helthe of chosun men of God, to ouer- ^" c."

e wilful A. f Om. c pr. m. e sacrifices A. h Therafter E Om. k Om.

pr. m.
A. H.
kk Om. c pr. m. 1
Om. c pr. m. m be c pr. m. E pr. m.

Om. i.

fi3tenout the enemys a^enrisende, that come enemyes risynge a3ens hem, that he
he shulde han afterward the eritage of schulde gete the erytage of Israel. Which 3
3lrael. What
glorie he hadde in taking glorie he gat in reysynge his hondis, and
vp his hondis, and in castynge a3en the in castynge scharpe arowis a3ens citees.
4 cites
twey bitende swerdis. Who biforn Who bifore hym a3enstood so ? for whi 4

hym so withstod ? for whi the enemys the Lord hym silf smoot the enemyes.
s the Lord smot. Or not in wratheful- Whether the sunne was not lettid in the 5
nesse of hym is lettid the sunne, and o wrathfulnesse of hym, and o dai was maad
6 dai is mad as two ? He inwardli clepede as tweyne ? He clepide to help the hi3este o

the he3est, my3ti" in a3enfi3ting his ene- God r my3ti in ouercomynge enemyes on

mys on either side ; and the grete and ech side ; and God, greet and hooli, herde

hoely God herde hym, in the grete stones hym, in stoonys of hail of ful greet vertu.
7 of hail of ful gret vertue. bure he A He made asau3t a3ens the folk enemy, and 7

made a3en the enmyableP folc ; in the in the comynge doun he loste the aduer-

goyng doun he distro3ede the contrari- saries ;

that hethene men knowe the my3ta
that the Jeritilis knowe the my3t of ofhym, for it is not esy to fi^te a3ens the
hym, for a3en the Lord to fi3te is not Lord and he suede my3ti men at the bak.

Ii3t ;
and he folowede the my3ti meni And in the daies of Moises he and Caleph,
1 y * was not cor-
sbihinde. And
da3es of Moisy
in the the sone of Jephone, diden merci ; to stonde nipt ; w aua-

mercy dide he, and Calef, the sone of


a3ens the enemye, and to forbede the folk

-,,,-. rice, but weren
stronge in

Jefone ; to stonde a3en the enemy, and fro synnes, and to refreyne the grutchyng
to forfende the folc fro r synnes, and to of malice. And thei tweyne
weren stid-io that stondith

drawen awei the grucching of the malice. and weren delyuered fro perel, of the
>* in ri

onours, and
10 And two ordeyned fro the perile
thei noumbre of sixe hundrid thousynde foot deiices, but
i i . ., ., . vertuonse
ben deliuered, fro the noumbre of six men 8 , in to the eritage, in
to bryrige hem wer kis. Lire
hundrid thousend foot men, to bringe to the lond that flowith mylk and hony. *? newe
them in to the eritage, in to the lond And the Lord 3af strengthe to thilke Ca- 1 1
the empire ,-

nthat flowith mylc and hony. And the leph, and til in 1
to" elde vertu dwellide therewmefro
/ i i - i
tne lynage of
Lord 3af to Calef strengthe, and vnto perntli to hym ; that he stiede in to the Beniamyn to
eelde abod stille to hym vertue that he ; hi3 place of the lond, and his seed gat
shulde ste3e in to the he3e place of the eritage. And alle the children of Israel 12

the Lord of
erthe, and the sed of hym heeld the sien, that it is good to obeie to hooli God. Jacob; that is,

eritage. And alle the sonus of Irael And alle iugis bi her name, the
herte or 13 he knew in
reuelacioim of
se3en, for it is good to obeshe to the whiche v was not corrupt*, weren strong profecie, for he
ishoeli God. And alle the iugis bi ther in batel, which weren not turned awei fro
name, of whom the herte is not
corrupt, the Lord; that the mynde of hem be in I4

^ th erfi "'
the whiche ben not turned awei fro the J & and her boonys apperen fro
blessvnsr, her here for herde.
f inhisfeith;
Lord; that the mynde of hem be

blessing, and the boenes of hem buri-

in place ; and her name dwelhth with outen
ende, for the glorie of hooli men dwellith
15 that
"" is, feith-

15 ounen fro ther place ; and the name of at the sones of hem. Samuel, the profete
hem with oute ende, the
abit' stille in to of the Lord, that was louyd
of his Lord owne of-

. fring. Samuel
glorie of hoely" men abidende stille to God, made newe the empiref, arid anoynt-
,.,.,1 T .1 f i vndefoulid. for
16 the sonus of hem. Samuel, the profete ide prynces in his folk. In the lawe ot 1 7 he ed e not

of the Lord, looued of the Lord his the Lord he demyde the congregacioun, tSSmfumm.
the Lord of Jacob, and in his "'* > nether bi
God, renewede the empire, and enoynt- and he si?
* other synne.
I7ede princes in his folc. In the lawe of feith he was preued a profete. And he is Lire here. c.

" Om. c pr. m. bure forsothe E pr. m. P enemy able c. eymable A. Om. c pr. m. r of A.
8 and A. * abideth AEGH. a tho hooli AE sec. m. GH.

T Om. i. * of footmen c. * Om. MBa. u to his i. to the CFHQ pr. m. sva.

v whom i.

the Lord he demede the congregacioun, was knowuri feithful in hise wordis, for he
and he sa3 the Lord of Jacob, and in his si3 the Lord of Ii3t.
And he clepide in to 19

proued a profete. And he is
isfeith he is help the almy3ti, in ouercomynge
knowen in his wrdis feithful, for he sa$ enemyes stondynge aboute on ech side, in

19 the Lord of Ii3t. And he inwardly clep- the offrynge of a man vndefoulid. And 20
ide the almy^ty Lord, in a3enfi3ting the the Lord thundride fro heuene, and in

enemys aboute stondende on eche side, in greet soun he made his vois herd. And 21
20 the offring of the man vndefoulid. And he al to-brak the princes of men of Tyre,
the Lord thundrede in fro heuene, in a and alle the duykis of Filisteis. And bi-22
he made herd. And fore the v tyme of ende of his and of
gret soun his vois lijf,

he to-trad the princes of Tyres, and alle the world, he 3af witnessyng in the si3t

22 the dukes of Filisteys

v And bifore thew. of the Lord, and of Crist* ; he took not * and
of Crist;
schoon w ; Saul,

tyme of the ende of his lif, and he 3af of onyman richessis, 3he, til to anoyntid in to
and no man accuside hym. And kyng. Lire
after 23 here.
witnessing of the world, in the si3t of c.

the Lord, and of Crist ; monees and vnto this slepte, and he made knowun to
the shon, of alle flesh he toe not and the kyngf, and he schewide to hym the + to the kyny;
that is, Saul,
asther acuside hym not a man. And aftir ende of his lijf; and he enhaunside his to whom he
seid, that his
that ww he slepte, and made knowen to vois fro the erthe in profesie, to do awei deth neijede in
the morewe.
the kyng, and shewede to hym the ende the wickidnesse of the folc. Lire here. c.

of his lif; and enhauncede his vois fro

the erthe in profecie, to don awey the

vnpitouste of the folc.


1 Aftir these thingus ros Nathan, the Aftir these thingis Nathan, the profete, 1
2 profete, in the da3es of Dauid. And as roos, in the daies of Dauid. And as yn-2
tal3 seuered fro the flesh, so Dauid fro nere fatnesse^: departide fro the fleisch, so Js ynnere fat-
ttesse, etc. ;
3 the sonus of Irael. With leouns he pley- Dauid fro the sones of Israel. He pleiedes thon; al the
puple of Israel
ede, as with lombis in beres lijc maner
with liouns, as with lambren ; he dide in seruede God,
netheles Da-
4 he dide, as in x lombis of shep. In his lijk maner with beris, as with lambren of uyth seruede
jouthe whether he slo3 not a ieaunt, and scheep. Whether in his 3ongthe he killide4 than othere

5 toe awei repref fro the folc? In takinge not a giaunt, and took awei schenschip men diden.
Lire here. c.
the hond in the ston of the slynge, he fro the folk ? In reisynge the hond in a o
6thre3 doun the k>3e of Golie, where he stoon of a slynge, he castide doun the ful
inwardly clepede the Lord almy3ty ; and out ioiyng of Golias, where he clepide to 6
he 3af in his ri3t hond to don awey a help the Lord almy3ti ; and he 3af in his
strong man in bataile, and to enhaunce 03! hond to do awei a stronge man in
7 the horn of his folc. So in ten thou- batel, and to enhaunse the horn of his
sendis he glorifiede hym, and So he glorifiede in ten thou-7 he glorifiede
preisede folk. hym him, etc. ; that
hym in the blessingus of the Lord, in synde, and he preiside hym in the bless- is, made to be
x preisid. preiside
offringe to hym a croune of glorie. For- yngis of the Lord, in offryrige to hym him, etc.; that
sothe he to-brosede the made him
enemys on eche the coroun of glorie. For he al to-brak 8 is,

preisable, of
side,and distn>3ede Filisteys? contrarious, enemyes on ech side, and drow out bi the goodis whiche
he jaf to him.
vnto the day that is now ; he to-brosede roote Filisteis contrarie/til in toy this dai; Lire here. c.
the horn of hem, vnto with oute ende. he to-brak the horn of hem, 'til in to?
alle werk he 3af knouleching to z
the with outen ende. Dauid in ech werk 3af 9

v w Om. w " Om.

Philistiym AGH. A. c pr.m.
* and in AGH. y Philisteym AEG. the Philisteym H.
z vnto ACH.

T Om. i. w the schoon A pr. m. * vnto

blessing v. 1 I.
hoely, and to the hee3e in the* wrd of knouleching to hooli God, and hi3 in the
10 glorie. Of alle his herte he preisede God, word of glorie. Of al his herte he heriede 10

and loouede the Lord that made hym, God, and he louyde the Lord that made
and 3af to hym a3en the enemyes myjt. hym, and 3af to hym power a3ens ene-
11 And he made to stonde syngeres a3en the myes. And
he made syngeris to stonde n
auter; and in the soun of hem he made a3ens the ; and he made swete
12 sweete motetes. And he 3af wrshepe in motetis in the soun of hern. And he 3af 12
solempnysingus, and ournede the tymes fairnesse in halewyngis*, and he ournede
vnto the ful endyng of lyf ; that thei tymes 'til to* the endyng of lijf ; that thei
shulden preisen the hoely name of the schulden preise the hooli name of the Lord,
Lord, and make large erly the hoelynesse and make large eerli the hoolynesse of scoping in
. prestis,dekene,
is of God c
Crist purgede the synnes of
. God. Crist purgide the synnes of hym, is and sing
hym, and enhauncede in to with outen and enhaunside his horn with outen ende ;

ende the horn of hym and he 3af to ;

and he 3af to hym the testament of kyngis,
hym the testament of kingus, and a setecc and the seete of elorie in Israel. Aftir I4 u erset5"n?s of , .

the Lire jeer.

of glorie in Irael. After hym ros a son roos a witti sone and for he * c
14 hym ; hym
weel felende ; and for hym he cast doun castide doun the
power of enemyes.

is alle the my3te of enemys. Salomon co- Salomon regnede in the daies of pees, to is

maundide in da3es d of pes, to whom God whom God made suget alle enemyes, that
sogetede alle the enemyes, that he shulde he schulde make an hous in the name of
maken an hous name, and greithen
in his God, and make redi hoolynesse with outen
hoelynesse in to euermor, as he was ta3t ende, as he was lerned in his 3ongthe.
16 in his 3outhe. And he is fulfild as a flod And he was with wisdom as a flood ie

with wisdam ; and his soule a3een co- isfillid; and his soule vnhilide the erthe.

the erthe. And thou fulfildist And thou, Salomon, fillidist derk figuratif 17
in comparisouns derk prouerbis ; to ylis spechisf in licnessis; and a thi name was t and thou,
Salomon, Jilttd-
aferr is pupplisht thi name, and thou art pupplischid to ilis afer, and thou were isi fork jigura-

islooued in thi. pes. In songus, and in pro- louyde in thi pees. Londis wondriden in
and comparisouns, and in remen- and in prouerbis, and in to the queen nf
uerbis, songis, licnessis, Saba. londis;

layngus wndreden the ee londis and in the ;

and interpretyngis, ether exposiciouns ;
that is, men
dwellinge in
name of the Lord, to whom is the toname and in the bname of the Lord, to whom is londis. Lire

20 God off Irael. Thou gederest as latoun the surname is God of Israel. Thou ga-2o
gold, and as led thou fulfildist syluer. deridist togidere gold as latoun, and thou
21 And thou bowedist f in thin hipes to fillidist siluer as leed. And thou bouwidist2i

wymmen ; power thou haddest in thi thi thies to wymmen ; thou haddist power
22 body. 3eue a wem in thi glorie,
Thou in thi bodit. Thou hast 3oue a wem in thi 22 : i M $,
and cursedest thi sed, to bringen in

and madist
. . ....
vnhooh thi
to the lust

glorie, seed, to ofthibodi.

here c- '

wrathefulnesse to thi free childer, and in brynge in wrathfulnesse to thi children,

230there thingus thi folye ; that thou shul- and thi foli in othere men; that thou 23
dist make empire partid on two,
the schuldist make the rewme departid in to
and of Effreym to comaunden an hard tweyne, and of Effrem to comaunde an
24 maundement. God forsothe shall not hard comaundement. But God schal not 24
leuen his mercy, and he shal not spille, forsake his merci, and schal not distrie,
ne don awey his werkes, ne leese fro the nether do awei hise werkis, nether he
stoc his chosun sonus sonus; and the sed schal leese fro generacioun the sones sones

aOm. AGU. D werk A. c the God c. cc see c

pr. m.
d fewe
da3es E pr. m. e made E pr. m.
Om. c pr. m. { Lowest c pr. m. e to A. Om. ;/. h withoute bridil E

z vnto I. a Om. cv Om. i,


of hym that looueth the Lord he shall of his chosun kyng Dauid; and he schal many
of hem, etc.;

He not distrie the seed of hym that loueth

3af forsothe an other that
25 not shende. is,

26 Jacob, and Dauid of that lynage. And the Lord. Forsothe God 3af remenaunt.25
Salomon hadde ende 1
with his fadris. to Jacob, and to Dauid of that genera-

27 And he lafte after hym of his sed the cioun. And Salomon hadde an ende with -26 defence; that
is, licence of

28folie of the folc, and the mynusht fro hise fadris. And he lefte aftir hym of his 27 ch-ijs, k yng of

Roboam the whiche turnede seed Roboam, the foli of the folk, and 28 thei m y ten ,
prudence , ;

29awey the folc bi his counseil. And Jero- made lesse fro prudence; which Roboam
And 29 Juda -
fro 'Me
boam, the sone of Naboth, that made to turnede awei the folk bi his councel. tiYicti f iimt

synnen Irael, and 3af the weie of syn- Jeroboam, the sone of Nabath, that made is,

c -no' hroujt in on
Israel to do synne, and 331 to knraym hem for her
nyng to Effraym and ful manye re- ;
""' L
sodoundeden the synnes of hem gretli, for- weie to do synne ; and ful many synnes
sothe thei turneden hem awei fro ther hem* weren plenteuouse, for thei turn- so
wickidnesses u greetli fro her lond. And 31
n tiieferuent
silond. And he so3te alle , eden hem awei j
' oue
. i

vnto the tyme that defending ful cam to the lynage of Effraym sou3te al wickid-
. , . broiul ; in kyn-
them and fro alle synnes he delyuerede
; nessis, til defence cam to hem ;
and dely- dling the he-
reris to Goddis
them. uerede hem fro alle synnes. lone, suynge
him, etc.; that
is, the prestis
CAP. XLVIII. CAP. XLVIII. of Baal, that
soujten to be
1 And Helie, the profete, ros as fyr; And Elie, the profete, roos as fierf; fori herdbi fierin
2 and his wrd as a brond brende. The whi his word brente as a brond. Which 2 ne r tren"
whiche brojte in to hem hunger, and brou3te yn hungur hem, and thei on
g7 ^ n e
c "' i>okof
folewende hym bi ther enuye ben mad suynge hym weren maad fewe for enuye ;
Kyngis, xvnj.
fewe forsothe thei my3ten not suffre
for thei my3ten not suffre the comaunde- c. and for thei

s the hestes of the Lord. Thur3 the wrd mentis of the Lord. Bi the word of the 3

of theLord he withheeld heuene, and Lord he held togidere heuene, and castide
4 cast doun fro m doun fro it fier^: to the erthe. So Elie 4
hym fyr to the erthe. So of the Lord;
mad large is Helie in his merueiles and ;
was alargid in his merueils and who ;
that is, thei
myjten not
riwho mai lie maner glorien to thee, 'the may haue glorie in lijk maner with thee, a^enstonde his

whiche hast borne? vp the deade fro

... 11 . c
which tokist awei a deed man rro hellis, 5
i 1 1 wille, that cc
mau ndideher
helle, fro the lot of deth, in the wrd of fro the eritage of deth, in the word of the
the Lord God ? The whiche thre3 doun Lord God? Which castidist doun kyngise
fro itfier ; that
kingus to deth, and thou breeke Ii3tli the and hast broke togidere Ii3tli the
to deth, is, w
the verm
of his preyer
my3t of hem, and the gloriouse fro theri power of hem, and gloriouse men fro her he made Her

bed^. Which herdist dom

7 bed. Thatt herdist in Syria dom, and in in Syna, and in 7
Oreb domes of defensioun. That enoyntist Oreb domes of defence||. Which anoyntists
kingus to penaunce, and profetes makest kyngis to penaunce, and makist prophetis / ACT *</,-
mi hokis si i i it!

H successoures after thee. That art res- successouris aftir thee. Which were re- 9 han/orAr
ceyued in whirlewynd of fyr, in a char seyued in a whirlwynde of fier, in a chare '^tw'ey prfn'ces
KI of fyrene hors r That art inwrite in . of horsis of fier. Which art writun in the 10
domes of tymes, to swage the wrathe of domes of tymes, to plese the wrathfulnesse ligginge in his
bed, to take
Elie, on which
lie made fier to come doun fro heuene. Lire here. c. in Oreb domes of defence; that of Goddis veniaunce, whanne God comaundide to
e opinly the

of fadris to the sones. that sien thee that

; is, sien thyn hooly co^uersa'cioun, and herde thi teching. Lire here. c.

endid c. Om. o pr. m. u.

k the kk Qm. c Om. c pr. m. U wickednesses E.
A. pr. m.
m tne fyr E pr. m.prudenceOm. c. for E

wickidnesse H. thou c pr. m. E pr. m hast thou

pr. m.
c sec. m. thou hast E sec. m. AG
pr. m. H. P beere CE
pr. m. q his E pr. m. T horsis AEGII.

c her enuye c sec. m.


the Lord, and to ioynen, 'or acorde s , the of the Lord, to recounsele the herte of the
herte of the fader to the sone, and to re- fadir to and to d restore the
the sone,
11 storen' the lynagis of Jacob. Blisful ben lynagis of Jacob. Thei ben blessid, thatii
* >*
thei, that thee han herd, and in thi fren- si3en thee, and weren maad feir* in thi mood
lashepe ben mad faire; 'for why" wee with frenschipe; for whi we lyuen oneli in l|}f,
lijf lyuen only, after
deth forsothe such but after deth oure name schal not 8 be
isshal not ben oure name. Helie forsothe siche. Elie, that was hilid in a whirle-is
in a whirlewynd is couered ; and in wynd and
; his spirit was fillid in Elisee.

Helyse fulfild is his spirit. In his da3es Elisee in hise daies dredde not the prince,
he dradde not a prince, and bi my3t no and no man ouercam hym bi power ; ne- u
u man ouer cam hym ne ouercam hym ; ther ony word ouercam hym, and his deed

any wrd, and his body dead profe- bodi profesiede. In his lijf he dide won- is

isciede. In his lif he dide huge won- dris a3ens kynde ; and in deth he wrou3te
dris ; and in deth merueilouse thingus merueilis. In alle these thingis the
puple 16

16 he wro3te. In alle these thingus thew dide not penaunce, and 3eden not awei fro

puple dide not penaunce, and thei wenten her synnes, til whanne thei weren cast
not awey fro ther synnes, vn to the tyme awei fro her lond, and weren scatered in
that thei ben cast awey fro ther lond, to ech lond.And a ful fewe folk was left, 17

17 and ben scatered in to eche lond. And and a prince in the hous of Dauid. Summe is
ther is laft ful fewe folc, and a prince in of hem diden that, that pleside God ; but
18 the hous of Dauid. of hem dyden Summe othere diden synnes. Ezechie maad 19
that shulde plesen to God ; othere for- strong his citee, and brou3te watir in to
issothe diden manye synnes. Esechias the myddis therof and f diggide a rooche

and bro3te in to the

strengthede his cite, with irun, and bildide a pit to watir. In 20
myddel of it water and dalf x with iren
; hise daies Senacherib stiede, and sente
the roche, and bilde vp to the water a Rapsaces and he reiside his hond a3ens

20 pit. In his da3es ste3ede vp Senacherub, hem, and he reiside his hond a3ens Syon,
and sente Rapsacen and vnderputte his ; and was maad proud in his power. Thanne 21
hond a3en hem, and putte out his hond the hertis and hondis of hem weren moued;
in to Sion, and proud is mad in his my3t. and thei hadden sorewe as wymmen tra-
21 Thanne moued ben the hertes and the And
uelynge of child. thei clepiden to 22
hondis of hem and thei soreweden as
; help the merciful Lord, and thei spredden
22wymmen trauailende with child. And abrood the hondis, and reisiden to heuene ;

thei inwardly clepeden mercyful the and the hooli Lords God herde soone the
Lord, and strechende out hondis thei re- vois of hem. He hadde not mynde on her 23
reden 'vp to? heuene ; and the hoely Lord synnes, nether 3af hem to her enemyes ;

23 God herde anon the vois of hem. He but he purgide hem in the hond of Isaief t , th
rernembrede z not the synnes of hem, ne the hooli profete. The aungel of the Lord 24 |

3af hem to ther enemys ; but purgede castide doun the castels of Assiriens, and
hem in the hond of Ysaye, the hoely al to-brak hem. For whi Ezechie dide 25 ins of Ese -
chie. pleside

24profete. He thre3 doun the tentes of that that pleside the Lord, and 3ede the Lord ,-in

and hem to-brosede the aungil

Assiries, strongli in the weie of Dauith, his fadir ; msaiem fro

25 of the Lord. For whi Ezechie dide that which weie Isaie, the grete profete, and
P restis and * e '
plesede to the Lord, and strongli he wente feithful in the si?t
of God, comaundide to kenes and the
in the weie of Dauid, his fader ; that hym. In the daies of the sunne 3ede26pup'e,toGoddis
and 11
i f-i -jJ T-J? x
and Lroct encreesside lijt to
worschipmg. c.
Isaie, the grete profete, feithful in ;

Om. CE u now c v Om. AG w

pr. m. E pr. m.
pr. m. H.
* store GH. c sec. m.
pr. m. thojte
the E pr. m. * deluede AEGH. 7 vnto c. z membride A. a hond E pr. m.

Om. c. Om. v. f and he I. 8 Om. c.


2fi the si3te of God, sente to hym. In his the kyng. With greet spirit Ysaie* si3 27
the laste thingis ; and he coumfortide the "imhepe-

da3es bacward wente a3en the sunne;

, naunceoffolk;
. .

addede to the king lif. With gret spirit

a moreneris in Sion, in toJ with outen ende. forhebroujt
schewide thingis to comynge, and hid 28 h s
, i . , the puple of
he sa3 the laste thingus; and coumfortede i rewme to

the weilende men in Sion, vn to euermor. thingis, bifore that tho camen.
to the worschip-
28 He shewide thingus to come, and hid, er
ing of veri God,
and distriede
that thei fellen. idolatrie. Lire
here. c.

CAP. XLIX. CAP. XLIX. -*the herte of

him, etc.; that

1 The mynde of Josie mad in a making The mynde maad in the mak-i
of Josie
ede the
e of odour, is the werk of a pyment
b " gouem-
of smell, is a werk of a pyment makere. yng
* aunce of the
2 In eche mouth as hony shal be inwardly makere. In ech mouth his mynde schal2 rewme hooiiiche
. . totheonourof
sweete the mynde of hym, and as melody be maad swete as hony, and as musik in God. in the

3 in the feste of wyn. He is euene ri3t the feeste of wyn. He was dressid of Gods
and he in the penaunce of folk*; and he took
godly in the penaunce of folc ;
took awey the abhomynaciouns of vnpi- awei the abhomynaciouns of wickidnesse. idolatrie regn-
ede. strengthide
4 tousnesse. And he gouernede to the Lord And the herte of
hymf gouernede to the 4 P nee ; that is,
T , ,, -. , ,, . restoride the
his herte ; and synnes he
in the da3es of Lord and in the daies ot synnes he
; worshiping of
d fl

sstrengthede pite. Saue Dauid, and Ese- strengthide pitee. Outakun Dauid, Eze-5 ,'e it

chie,and Josie, alle the kingus diden synne chieii and Josie, alle kyngis diden synne.
e For whi the kyngus of Juda laften the For whi the kyngis of Juda leften the 6 her
, ...... , re'ftne; that
lawe of the my3ty, and dispiseden the lawe of my3ti k God, and dispisiden the is,

7 drede of God. Forsothe thei 3euen ther drede of God. For thei 3auen her rewme?
kingdam to othere, and ther glorie to and to othere men, and her glorie to an alien
8 alien folc. Thei brenden vp the e chosen folk. Thei brenten the chosun citee of a thatis,Jeru.
salem was brent
cite of hoelynesse ; and desert thei maden hoolynesse ; and thei maden the weies for her synnes.

9' weies of in the horid of Jeremye. For

therof forsakun in the bond of Jeremye. 1

whi euele thei treteden hym, that fro the For thei tretiden yuel hym, which from 9
wombe of the moder is sacrid a profete, the wombe of the modir was halewid a *. c.
J to turns vpse-
to turnen vpsodoun, and to leesen, and profete, to turne vpsedoun:):, and to leese, doun,etc.;
., T-. hertohewas
10 eft to bilden vp, and to renewen. Ese- and efte to bilde, and make newe. .kze-
chiel, that 533 the si3te of glorie, that he chiel, that si3 the si3t of glorie, which the
shewede to hym in the char of cherubyn. Lord schewide to hym in the chare of
11 For whi he remembrede of the enemys cherubyn. For he made mynde of ene- 1 1 citeeand of the
puple, and the
in weder, to wel don to them, that shew- myes in reynj, to do wel to hem, that distnyng of the

12 eden ri3t weies. And the boenes of the schewiden ri3tful weies. And the boonys]2j"y s *andthe
twelue profetes springen oute fro ther of twelue profetis apperen fro her place ;

place ; for whi thei

strengtheden Jacob, and thei strengthiden Jacob, and a3en- Perseys. c.
in reyn; that
and a3eenbo3ten themself in feith of his bou3ten hem in the feith of her vertu. is, in word of

isvertue. What maner sbul wee make large Hou schulen we alarge Zorobabel" ? for is J^l 1
that is,

Zorobabel whi and he as a tocne in

? for whi and he was a signe in the ri3t bond israMn feith
H the rijt bond of Irael and Jesum, the ;
9 God to Israel; and Jhesu, the gone a^,
of H her hooli
vei ues bi

sone of Josedech ? the whiche in ther of Josedech ? whiche in her daies bildiden saumpiis and
techingis. a\en-
da3es bildun vp the hous, and enhaunc- an hous, and enhaunsiden the hooh tern- jomten.-fro i

eden the hoely temple to the Lord, mad pie to the Lord, maad redi in to euerlast-

isredy in to euermor glorie. And Neemye ynge glorie. And Neemye in the mynde iaj
in the mynde of myche tyme, that rerede of that reiside to vs the
myche tyme, Lire here. c.

^ Om. A. d Om. AG m. a. e f m. E pr. m.

sec. ther E. his weies c pr.

S Ezechie A sec. m. h he >

Om. in to A pr. m ii and Ezechie A pr. m.
marg. sauje i. c. J til
ahny3ti v.
lond A. m that v marg.
is, preise hym worthily

vp to vs the turned vpsodoun walles, and wallis, *that weren" cast doun, and made
made to stoncle 3ates and lokes that ; the 3atis and lockis to stonde ; which
icrerede vp oure houses. No man is born Neemye reiside oure housis. No man n;

in the# erthe such as Enoch ; for whi borun in erthe was such as Enok* ; for * was cA a,

17 and he is resceyued fro the erthe. And whi and he was resseyued fro the erthe.
Joseph, that is horn of man, prince of And Joseph, that was borun a man, the 17
d un8> whi
brethern, fastnyng of folc of kyride, go- prince of britheren, the stidfastnesse of ech nooly
uernour of brethern, stablyng of puple ; folk, the h
gouernour of britheren, the sta- .ath
sum 8pe-

is and the bones of hym ben visitid, and blischyng of puple and his boonys weren
; is God, whTch an

19 aftir thedeth thei profecieden. Seth and visitid, and profesieden after deth.
Sem, these?? anent men hadden gote glo- and Sem, these gaten glorie anentis men, bi a" e
!* .

thingis. Lire
rie, and ouer alle lif in the springyng of and ouer ech man in the generacioun of
* c.

Adam. Adam.


'Symon, Onyes sone, the hh grete prest, Symount, the sone of Onyas, was ai
that in his lif vndersette the hous, and in greet preest, which in his lijf vndursettide
2 his da3es strengthede the temple. Also the the hous, and in hise daies strengthide the

hei3te of the temple of hym is foundid, temple. Also the hi3nesse of the temple 2
the double bilding, and the heje walles was bildide of hymf, the double bildyng, t was liildid of
him that ; is,
3 of the temple. In his da3es sprurigen and hi3 wallis of the temple. In the daies 3 reparelid, for it

was foundid of
out the pittes of watris ; and as the se of hym the pittis of watris camen forth ; Sorobabel and
4 thei ben fulfild ouer maner. That curede and as the see tho weren fillid aboue me- Jhesu,
sone of Jose-
his folc, and delyuerede it fro perdicioun. sure. Which Symount helide his folk, and 4 dech, in the
tyme of Cynis,
5 That hadde the maistrie to make large delyuerede it fro perdiciouu. Which was 5 and performed
bi the same
the cite ; that gat glorie in to the lyu- my3ti to alarge the citee; which gat glorie men in the
k sixte seer of
ynge of folc ; and the incomyng of the
in the conuersacioun of folk and alargide ;
Darius. Lire

hous, and of the porche he made large. the entryng of the hous, and of the large

m of the"
e As the morutid sterre in myddel cumpas aboute. As the dai sterre in the 6
litle cloude, and as the fulle moone in his myddis of a cloude, and as a ful moone
7 da3es he Ii3tneth and as the shynende
; schyneth in hise daies and as the sunne 7

sunne, so he shyneth out in the temple schynynge, so he schynede in the temple

s of God ; as the a3enshynende bowe be- of God ; as a reyn bouwe schynynge a
twene00 the litle cloudis of glorie, and as among the cloudis of glorie, and as a flour
the flour of roses in the da3es of ver, and of rosis in the daies of veer, and as lilies,
as lilies, that ben in goyngusP of water, that ben in the passyng of watir, and as
and asi cense smellende in the da3es of encense smellynge in the daies of somer ;

Dsomyr; as fyr shynende out, and sens as fier schynynge, and ensence brennyngeo
10 brennende in fyr as a massee vessel of
in fier ; as a sad vessel of gold, ourned 10

gold, enourned with alle maner precious with ech preciouse stoon ; as an olyue treeii
11 ston ; as a
buriounende olyue, and rr ci- spryngynge forth, and a cipresse tree reis-
ynge it silf an hi3 ; while he took the stoole
presse in to hei3te puttende out itself ;
in takynge hym the stoele of glorie, and of glorie, and was clothid in the perfec-
to 1 be clad" hym in the ful endyng of cioun of vertu. In the stiyng of the hooli 12

lavertue. In the ste3yng vp of the hoely auter, the clothing of hoolynesse 3af glorie.

g Om. AGH. gg Om. c. h

anentis ^EGH. hh c m.
Symeon Onyes, son of the c pr. in.
conuerting pr.
E pr.m. k- in the c
pr. m.
Om.cpr.m. "> the
myddel EGH. ^Om.csec,m. Ii3teth c.
00 betwe c 1 Om. H. r Om. GH. * Om.
hymself AGH,
P the goyngis EGH. "" in c. 8
pr. m.
clothid AEGH.
n Om. ceteri. Om. v.

F f2

* '

auter y , glorie he }af the amyse of hoely- Forsothe in takynffeP partis* of the hoond 13 taking
... partis, etc.;
isnesse. In takynge forsothe partes of the of prestis, and he stood bisidis the auter. that is, the

bond of prestes, and he stondende w biside The coroun of britheren, as a plauntyng

the auter. Aboute hym the croune of of cedre in the hil Liban, was aboute

brethern, as the plaunting of a ceder in hym

* ; so thei stoden aboute hym
tithis thei of-

1 1 Lilian hil ; so aboute hym thei stoden as boowis of palm tree, and alle the sones wden the

palm braunches, and alle the sonus of of Aaron stoden in her glorie. Sotheli 15 Jh

isAron in ther glorie. The offring for- the offryng of the Lord was in the hondis
c f Numery.
sothe of the Lord in the hondis* of hem, of hem, bifore al the synagoge of Israel ; :
Lire here. c.

biforn al the gedering of Irael and the ;

and he vside ful endyng on the auter, to
alarge the offryng of the hi3 kyng. And
ful in to the auter, to 16
endyng vsyng
make large the offring of the he3e king, he dresside his bond in moiste sacrifice ;
16 he stra3te out his bond in the sacrifiyng and sacrifiside in the blood of grape. He 17
of likoures ;
and he sacrifiede in the blod schedde out in the foundement of the
17 of a grape. He helde out in the founde- auter, the odour of God to the hi3 prince.
ment of the auter, godly smel to the he3e Thanne the sones of Aaron crieden lowde; i

is prince. Thanne crieden out the sonus of thei sowneden in trumpis betun out with
Aron ; in beten out trumpes thei soun- hameris, and maden a grete vois herd in
eden, and herd thei maden a gret vois in to mynde bifore God. Thanne al the pu- 19

19 to the mynde bifor God. Thanne al the pie hastiden togidere, and fellen doun on
puple togidere wenten forth, and fellen the face on the erthe, for to worschipe her
in to the face vp on the^ erthe, to ho- Lord God, andi to 3yue preyers to almy3ti
noure the Lord ther God, and to 3yue God an hi3. And men syngynge in her 20
20pre3eeres to the almy3ty he3e God. And voices alartridenf : 1
and a soun ful of swet- t aiar
that is, heri-
thei largeden synging in ther voises ;
and nesse was maad
in the greet hous. And 21 eden God
in the grete hous is mad a vois ful of the puple preiede the hi3 Lord in preier, hm. c .

ziswetnesse. And
the puple pre3ede the til that the onour of the Lord was doon

he3e Lord in pre3ere, vn to the tyme that and thei parformeden her 3ifte.
ful don is the honour of the Lord, and Thanne Symount cam doun, and reiside22
22 his 3ifte thei parformeden. Thanne cora- hise hondis in to al the congregacioun of
T ,. ~t j t vertu of God ;
the sones of Israel, to 3yue glorie to God
ende doun, his hondis he putte out in to i ,
th, s that is seid

al the and to haue glorie in the J

congregacioun of the sonus of Irael, bi hise lippis,
to 3yue glorie to God of his name of hvm. And he reherside his preier, 2.1 isamendid.
lippes, and ,
23 in his name to And he willynge to schewe the vertu of God
rehercede * c.
glorien. .

his orisoun, willende b to she we the vertue AIIhe

And xu T j f 11 delyuere hem,
preyede more the Lord of alle,24 e<c .,. fro

24 of God. And aftir eft more he pre3ede that made grete thingis in ech lond; which
the God of
alle, that grete thingus dide in encreesside oure daies fro the wombe of
al erthe ; that encreside oure da3es fro oure modir, and dide with vs bi his mercy. r that is > Y hae
* no folk so
the wombe of oure moder, and dide with and that 25 myche as
3yue he gladnesse of herte to vs, this
, .
T , . , thridde. the
25 vs aftir his mercy.
3yue he to vs inward
pees be maad in Israel bi euerlastynge fanned pupie,
io3e of herte, and to be
pes in oure mad daies; that Israel bileue, that Goddis merci 26 f^^U^
8 '

da3es in Irael bi euere lastende is with vs, that he delyuere

da3es ; hem$ in her ^^ a^dnge
2fi Irael to
leeuen, with vs to ben the mercy dayes. Mi soule hatith twei folkis ; but 27 summe of hem
of God, that he deliuere them in ther the thridde is not a folk, whom Y hate||. sichem, and
da3es. Two folkis hateth
my soule ; the Thei that sitten in the hil of Seir, and 28 *2e^Sane
thridde forsothe is, that noon more folc the Filisteis, and the fonned puple, that
^ w is
- Lire

* auteris E
pr. m.
w sto de A. * housis A. 7 Om. AE. z Om. a. sown E sec , m .
b wil_
nynge AEGH.

P the
takinge v. q Om. v. r aftir i.

as I shulde haten. That sitten in the hil of dwellith in Sichemys. Jhesus, the sone of 20
Seir, and Filisteym, and the fool puple, Sirach, a man of Jerusalem, wroot in this
29 that dwellith in Sichemys. The doctrine book the techyng of wisdom, and of kun-
of wisdam, and of disciplyne wrot in this nyng and he renulide wisdom* of his

hoc Jhesus, the sone of Sirac, Jerosolo- herte. He is blessid, that dwellith in these 30 that^'bTthe

mytane that renewede the wisdam of

; goodis ; he that settith tho in his herte,
so his herte.

abit d
Blisful that in these goodus schal euere be wijs. For if he doith these 31
^ man
thingis, he schal be mi3ti to alle thingis ;
that putteth tho thingus in his ther
; ?

31 herte, wys shal ben euermor. If for- for whi the Ii3t of God is the step of MS ow ne wiiie
hym. he dide this,
sothe these thingus he shul do, to alle with Goddis
help, dwellith
thingus he shal ben my3ty ; for the Ii3t in these goodis ;

of God is the step of hym.

in thenkinge
and worching
tho. /;/;/; to

CAP. LI. CAP. LI. alle thingis;

that is, m alle
i I shal knoulechen to thee, Lord king ; Lord kyng, Y schal knouleche to thee ; i

andshal al preisen thee, God

I sa- my and Y schal togidere herie thee, my sa- his helthe, and
also of othere

aueour. I shal knoulechen to thi name, uyour. Y

schal knouleche to thi name, 2 men M his
teching. the
for helpere and defendere thou art mad for thou art maad an helpere and de-
s to me ; and thou hast delyuered my fendere to me ; and thou hast delyuered 3
e book, which
body fro perdicioun, fro the gnare of a my bodi fro perdicioun, fro the snare of wisdom is

wicke f tunge, and fro the lippes of men a wickid tunge, and fro the lippis of hem preenting of
Goddis list.

werkende lesyng and in the si3t of men ; that worchen a leesyng and in the si3t ;
the step of
him; that is,
stondende nee3 thou art mad to me an of hem
that stonden ny3 thou art maad weve ledinge
helpere. And thou hast delyuered me, an helpere to me. And thou hast dely-4
after the multitude of the mercy of thi uered me, bi s the multitude of merci of
name, fro the rorende men greithed to thi name, fro roreris maad redi to mete ;

mete; fro the hondis of men sechende fro the hondis of hem that soften my 5
my soule, and of manye tribulaciouns soule, and fro many tribulaciouns that
6 that enuyrouneden me ; fro the torment- cumpassiden me; fro ouerleiyng of flawmef <>
ouerieiy nge

ing of flaume that cumpasede me, and in that cumpasside me, and in the myddis of
am fier Y was not brent ; fro the depthe of 7
the? myddel of the fyr I not brend
the myddis of
7 out ; fro the hei3te of the worn be of helle, the wombe of helle, and fro a tunge de- fier; that is,

and fro the defoulid tunge, and fro the foulyd, and fro a word of leesyng ; fro heete. not
brent : hi con-
wrd of lesing fro a wicke king, and fro
; a wickid kyng, and fro a tunge vniust.
8 an vnri3twis tunge. Shal preisen vn to 'Til to* the deth my soule schal preises
a the deth my soule the Lord and my lif ; thee, and my lijf was nei3ynge in 9
Lord ;

ione3hende was in helle benethe. Thei helle bynethe. Thei cumpassiden me on 10

cumpasseden me on eche side, and ther ech side, and noon was that helpide; Y
was not that wolde helpen ; biholdende was biholdynge to the help of men, and
I was to the helpe of men, and ther was noon was. Lord, Y hadde mynde on thin
1 1 not. I hadde mynde of thi mercy, Lord, merci, and on thi worchyng togidere, that
and of thi with" werching, that fro the 1
ben fro the world; for thou delyuerst hem 12

12 world ben; for thou takest out men that abiden thee, and thou delyuerst hem
sustenende thee, and delyuerest hem fro fro the bond of hethene men. Thou en- is

13 the bond of Jentiles. Thou enhancedest haunsidist my dwellyng on erthe ;


h wel E
Om. pr. m.
c d abideth AEGH. c pr. m. { wickid AGH. * Om. A.
thingis A.

> aftir i. * Vnto i.


my dwelling; and for

Y bisou3te for deth fletynge doun. Yu
vp on the erthe
the k deth flowende doun I louly pre3ede. clepyde to help the Lord, fadir of my
14'! inwardly clepede the Lord, fader of
1 Lord, that he forsake not me in the dai
m tribulacioun, and me
my Lord, that he forsake not me in day of my forsake not
of my tribulacioun, and in tyme of proude with outen help, in the tyme of hem that
is men, with oute helpe. I shal preisen thi
ben proude. Y
schal preise thi name con- 15

name bysyly, and I shal withpreisen it tynueli, and Y schal herie it togidere in
in confessioun and ful out herd is myn
J ; and mv preier is herd*. *my P reyeri s
herd in stede-

ie orisoun. thou hast delyuered me fro

And And thou hast delyuered me fro perdi- ie fast hope, per-
. i i i j i i f dicioun.-ofhelle.
cioun, and thou hast delyuered me fro the
1.1 J.-L.

perdicioun, and thou hast ca3t me

out fro w

lck \ d ly,ne .

17 the
mm n
wicke tyme. Therfore I shal knou- wickid tyme. Therfbr Y schal knouleche, 17 J| j^ffj^
lechen, and preisyng I shal sey to thee ;
and Y
schal seie heriyng
* c
to thee ; and Y y nne
nesse regneth.
w 'ckid-

and I shal blisse the name of the Lord. schal blesse the name of the Lord. Whanne is LA here. c.

8\Vhan 3it 3ungere I am, bifor that 3it Y was 3ongere, bifore that Y erride,

aboute I shulde erre, I so3te wisdam Y soujte wisdom opynli in my preier.

openly myn in orisoun. Biforn tyme Bifore the tyme of eelde axide for it, Y 19

I askede for it, 'and 'vn to in? the laste

and til in to" the laste thingis schal Y
thingus I shal gretli sechen it; and it enquere it ; and it schal flour as a grape
20 shal floure as a first rip grape. Myn ripe bifore othere. Myn herte was glad 20
foot wente a ri3t ther ynne, my
foot 3ede a ri3tful weye ;
herte gladide in it, my
weye ; fro my 3outhe I enserchedei it. fro my 3ongthe Y sou3te it. Y bowide2i
21 1 bowede in a litil myn ere, and I toe it. doun a litil myn eere, and Y took it. Y22
c. i i . , .,- t ">yn hondis;

22Myche I fond in myself wisdam, and foonde myche wisdom in my silf, and thatis,Ydress-
23myche I profitede in it. To the 3yuende Y profitide myche ther ynne. Y schal 23 JJ
24 to me wisdam I shal 3yue glorie. I coun- 3yue glorie to hym, that 3yueth wisdom
seilede forsothe to
gretly I loou- don ;
to me. For whi Y took councel to do it ;24c.
t an herte with
ede good, and I 'schal not be s confoundid. Y loued feruenth good, and Y schal not tho ; that is,
'My soule wrastled* in it ; and in doing be schent. My
soule wrastlide togidere 25 uatnyngia of
2Git I am confermed. My
hondis I stra3te ther ynne; and was confermyd in do- Y
out in to hei3 ; and in the wisdam of ynge
it. stretchide Y
forth myn
* hondisf 2 '
forth wordi
disposing t<i

hym weilede my soule, and myn vnkun- an hi3 ' ;

and my soule schynede in the wisdom ; this
. - , , , . . , that is addid
nyngus he Ii3tede. My soule I ri3t reul- wisdom of hym, and he l^tnyde myn insumme
28 ede to it ; and in knowyng I fond it. I vnkunnyngis. Y dresside my soule to it ; 27 ,^'

weldede with hem herte fro the bigyn- and Y v foond it hadde 28 a*> for
in !t is
glos enter

nyng for that I shal not ben forsaken.

; pesibli fro the bigynnyng an herte with lynariesetin

My wombe disturbid in sechyng it ;
thoj; for this thing Y schal not be for- writeres. Lire

therfore good possessioun I shal welde. sakun. My soule was disturblid in sek- 29$^'
so The Lord forsothe 3af to me a tunge my ynge it therfor ;
Y schal haue pesibli a
meede and in it I shal
hym. good possessioun. For whi the Lord 3af30 euerlasti Ke
; preisen
... __ meede, in tech-
Cometh ny3 meede^ and in it Y inge othere
si and ge-
me, 3ee vnta3t ; to to a tunge
my _
. men feithfuly,
dereth 3ou togidere in the hous of dis- schal preise hym. 3 e vntau3t men, ne^esiandin preiynge

s-jciplyne. What 3it 366 tarien? and" what to me ; and gadere 36 3ou in to the hous

sey 3ee in these thingus? 3oure soules of techyng. What tarien 36 311? and wbat
sathristen hugely. I openede my mouth, seien ?e in these thingis ? 3oure soules am redi to

and I spac, Bieth to 3ou withoute siluer thristen greetli. Y openyde my mouth, 33 for God.
fro A. k Om. AGH. 1
and inwardli AG. m the day E pr. m. mm Om. c. " wickid AEGH,
jonge G pr. m, H. P vn into c
pr. m. vnto G pr. m. H.
1 serchide A. r for to AEGH. s am not c pr. m.
K pr. m. t Al to-wrastled
is my soule c m. E m. u Om.
pr. pr.

vnto i. v Om. y.
34wisdam, and joure necke vnderleith to and Y wisdom to 3011 with
spak, Bie 36
the 300 of it, and 3oure soule vndertake out siluer, aud make 3oure necke suget 34 wmpariiloim
hev discyplyne ; in the nexte forsothe is to the 3ok therof, and 3oure soule res-
as to
fynden it. Seeth with 3oure e3eri , for seyue
* techyng ; for whi it is in the nexte getun -

. rate; that in,

a litil I trauailede, and I fond to me to fynde it. Se 30 with 3oure i3en, that 35 myrthe of wi-
,., dom weltey
Y,trauelide and Y foond myche pientemue yoi,t
x ,.,., i -.r /
se myche reste. Taketh to discyplyne in a litil,

myche noumbre of syluer, and plenteuous reste to me. Take

techyng in 3e
37 gold weldeth in it. Glade 3oure soule in noumbre of siluere, and welde 30 plen-
the mercy of it ; and '36 schul not be>' teuouse gold ther ynne. 3 ure soule be 37 essi8 and the >

. . possessioun
38 confoundid in the preising of it. Werketh glad in the merci ot hym*; and 36 schu- therof schai he
3oure werk bifor tyme and ; it shal 3yue len not be schent in the preysing of hym. myche gold to
meede in Worche *' i" e here '
to 3011 3oure his tyme. 3oure werk bifore the tyme ; 38
* in the merci
and he schal 3yue to 3011 3oure meede in of him; that is,
Here endiih Ecclesiasticus : 7
his tyme. of God, which
is wisdom vn-
maad. hifor the
tyme; of deth.
Here endith the book of Ecclesiastici, meede; that is,
and here bigynneth the prolog of Ysaie euerlastyng
liyf, tyme
and of othere profetis . ordeyned of
God. Lire
here, c.

v Om. AGH. w Om. c. x Take ^GH. 7 beth not c pr. m. z From A. Here endith Ecclesiasticus, and
bigynneth a prolog on Ysaye. E. No final rubric in the other Mss.

w Here endith Ecclesiastici, and [here

cs] bigynneth a prologe of Isaie and othere profetis. CPGIMQSUX.
Here endith Ecclesiasticus, and bigynneth a prologe on Ysaie. H. Heere endeth the book of Ecclesiastici;
se now a prolog of Isaye, the profete. K. Here endith the book of Ecclesiastici, and here
bigynnelh a prolog
on the book of Isaye, the profete. N Here biginnith a general prolog for alle the bookis of profetis

xuynge. p. Heere eendith the book of Ecclesiastici, and heere sueth a prolog upon the book of Ysaie. R.
Here endith the book of Ecclesiasticus, and bigynnelh the prolog on Isaye and othere profetis. v. Here
endith Ecclesiasticus. a. No final rubric in EY.

Here begynneth the prolog in the book of Ysaye, the prophete*.

Noman, whan the profetes he shal seen with versis to ben disarmed, in metre eyme
hec hem anent d the Ebrues to ben bounden, and any thing lie to ban of Salmes, or of
the werkus of Salomon but that in Demostene and Tullio it is wont to ben do, that bi

thei ben f writen, the whiche forsothe in prose, and

dyuyseouns, and vnder distincciouns
not in vers ff wryten. Wee forsothe, to the profit of rederes purueyende, the newe re-

menyng with a newe maner of writing ban 'distinctly write*. And first, of
Isaie it is

to wite , that in his sermoun he is wys ; forsothe as a noble man, and of curteis fair
h 1

in his faire speche. Wherfore it falleth, that

speche, ne any thing is mengd of cherlhed
the transladoun shal not moun kepe the flour of his sermoun, biforn othere. Theraftir
also this is to be leid to, that not more k he is to be seyd a profete, than euaungelist.
mm to cleer/or cleerli", he pur-
mysteries of Crist 'and the chirche
So forsothe alle the

suede, that not hym thou weene of thyng to come to profecien, but of the thingis?
passidi storie r to weue. Wherfore I eyme the Seuenty Remenoures that tyme not to
han s wold the sacramens of ther beleeue to shewe ful clerly to the hethene, lest hoeli*
to dogges, and margarites to swyn thei 3eeue. The whiche whan this making 3ee
shul rede, of hem u heed v 'or perceyue, hid x thing?. Ne I vnknowe
3ee shul taken ,

of hou myche trauaile it be the profetes to vnderstonden, ne Ii3tly any man to moun
demen of the remenyng, but if he schal z vnderstonden zz byfore he schal reden ; wee also
to ben opene to the bitingus of manye men, the whiche bi enuye styrende, that that
thei moun not ban, thei dispisen". Thanne I witende and slee3, in to the flaume putte
the bond ;
and nerthelatere b
no3esum rederes I pre3e, that as Grekes after the
this of

Seuenty translatoures, Aquylam, and Symachum, and Theodocian thei reden, or for
studie of ther doctrine, or that the Seuenty more they vnderstonde of the togidere
c d
leiynge of hern, so and these namely oon remenour aftir the rathere vouche thei saf to
ban. Rede thei rathere, and aftirward dispise they lest thei ben seen not of dom, but

of presumpcioun of hate vnknowen thyngus Forsothe Isaie profeciede in

to dampnen.
Jerusalem and in Jewerie, not 3it the ten lynages led in to caitifte ; and off euer either
rewme, now togidere, now e seuerendely, he ordeynede the profecie. And tho3 f other
while he bihold to the present storie, and aftir the caitifte of Babiloyne he betocne the
a3eencomyng of the puple in to Jewerie, nerthelatere al his bisynesse is of the cleping

From A. Prologus CH. Prolog to Isaye and othere prophets. K. No initial rubric in EG. b vers c.
c m. d anentis ceteri e Om. A. f h write A.
c. passim. metre c pr. v. S deuydid E pr. m.
bic. ff
that spr. m. k as more E m. sed l
Cristis E pr. m. mm Crist c pr. m.
n Om. CE
pr. exp. ^Om.Epr.m.
pr. m. Om. CH. P thing c. q of passid A. T the storie GH. s ha c. '
u w Om. c et E pr. m.
thingis AK sec. in. tho thingus c pr. m. thoo
thingis E pr. m.
v Om. E
pr. m.
" to ben hid CE y Om. c et E z Om. c et E a
pr. m. pr. m. pr. m.
zz vnderstoden c.
dispiseden A.
* neuer the latere ceteri
lyuynge A. leiyngus c.
f o c. now to E pr. m. sed exp. f thof EK.
B betokneth AK sec. m.

of Jeritiles', and of the comyng of Crist, whom hou myche more jee loouen, o Paule
and Eustoche, so myche more of hym asketh, that for the present bacbityng 'by
which k me enemys vncesendely to-tern, he to me 3elde meede in tyme to come,
that wot me for that thing to hail swat in the lernyng of a straunge tunge, lest the
Jewis lengere shulden 'put repreue 1 to the chirchis of hym, of the falshed of

Here endith the prolog, and now begynneth the book of Ysaie, the prophete.

Here bigynneth a general prolog for alle the bokis of profetis suynge*.

seynt Jeroin seith in the prolog of Ysaie, Isaie is ful witti and ful opyn in his
writyng in Ebreu, thou3 the translacioun in to Latyn mi3te not kepe the fairnesse
of speche. Isaye is worthi to be seid not oneli a profete, but more, a gospellere, for
he declarith so opynli the mysteries of Crist and of hooli chirche, that thou gesse
d e
hym not oneli to ordeyne a profesie of thing to comynge, but to ordeyne a storie
of thingis passid. Ysaie profesiede in Jerusalem and in Judee, whanne the ten
lynagis of Israel weren not 3it led in to caitiftee ; and he ordeyneth a f profesie of
euer either rewme, sum tyme of both togidere, sum tyme of ech bi it silf. And
whanne Ysaie biholdith sum tyme to the present storie, and signefieth the comynge
a3en of the puple in to Judee aftir the caitifte of Babiloyne, netheles al his bisynesse,
that is, principal entent, is of the clepyng of hethene men, and of the comyng of
Crist. Al sentence of Jerom in the prolog of Ysaie.
this is the Here it is to
vndurstonde, that Isaie bigan to profesie bifore that the ten lynagis weren led in to
caitiftee of Assiriens, as Jerom seith here ; but he profesiede aftir this caitiftee, aftir
Ezechies deth, in the tyme of Manasses, as it is seid in the fourthe book of Kyngis
theh twentithe chapitre', and in many mo places. This seith 'a postillek on Jeroms
prolog on Ysaie. For as Ebreis seien, and Lire witnessith on the firste chapitre
of Isaie, Manasses ordeynede and demyde Isaye to be sawid with ynne a cedre tree,
that closid hym with ynne it silf bi myracle, whanne Manasses hadde demed hym
vniustli to deth 1Also alle profetis that ben not teld opynli in the text, whanne and

in what tyme thei profesieden, profesieden in the same tyme in which the profetis
goynge next bifore profesieden, that ben teld in the text vndur whiche kyngis and
tymes thei profesieden, as Jerom seith in his prologe on the twelue Profetis, and it
is sette in the bigynnyng of Osee. Comynli alle the derk places of the profetis
moun be vndurstondun Ii3tli The
that the principal entent
bi thre reulis. firste is this,

of the profetis is to declare the mysterie of Cristis incarnacioun, passioun, resurrec-

cioun, ascensioun, and the" comyng to" the general doom, and the pupplischyng of
the gospel, and the conuercioun of hethene men, and the tribulacioun of hooli chirche
in this lijf, and the blis of heuene therforP. The secounde reule is this, that the
profetis warnen the puple of Jewis of her grete synnes, and exciten hem to do

the Jentilis K. k Om. c et E pr. m. I
asaile c pr. m. asailen E pr. m. m From A. Here endith the
prolog, and bigynneth the book of Isaye. K. No final rubric in CEGH.

8 From EPY.
Prologe. I. Another prolog on Isaye and othere profetis. K. Prolog OH Ysaye. N. Prolog
on the profetis. v. No initial rubric in the other Mss. b Om. I. c misteries, ether
priuetees EPY.
d Om. A e Om. EY. { Om. c et celeri. h Om. PS. k the
pr. m. i. e on x. capitle K. apostle K.

apostle F.
the deeth s. m Om. s. n of the i. of K. P tlierof BY.

of her synnes,and grace in present
penaunce; and thanne thei schulen gete remyssioun
thei schulen haue tribulacioun in this lijf,
tyme, and glorie with outen ende;

and with outen ende.

peyn The thridde reule is this, that the profetis rehersen
ofte r benefices 3ouun of God bifor to the Jewis, to coumforte hem to 3yue credence
to goodis bihi3t in her profesies ; and thanne the stories of Moises lawe, ether of

Josue, Judicum, Regum, and Paralipomenon,

and of othere historial bookis schulen
be wel lokid ; and schortli to seie, the profetis schulen be expouned bi the text of
Moises lawe, and of othere historial bookis of the Elde Testament, ether bi the text
of the Newe Testament. The literal vndurstondyng of hooli scripture is the ground
of al gostli vndurstondyng therof, that is, of allegorik, of moral, and of anagogik.
No goostli vndurstondyng is autentik , nov but it be groundid in the text opynli, ether

in opyn resoun, suynge of principlis, ether reulis of feith , as seynt Austin witnessith*

opynli in his pistle to Vincente, Donatiste,

and in his book of Soliloquies, and Jerom
on Jonas, and Lire on the bigynnyng of Genesis, and in many placis of hooli scripture,
and Ardmakan in book of Questiouns of Armenyes. Therfor men moten seke

the treuthe of the text, and be war of goostli vndurstondyng, ether moral fantasie,
and 3yue not ful credence therto, no but it be groundid opynly in the text of hooli
writ, in o place or? other, ethir in opyn resoun, that may not be auoidid ; for ellis
it wole as likyngli be applied to falsnesse as to treuthe, and it hath disseyued grete

men in cure daies, bi ouer greet trist to z her fantasies. Literal ether historial
vndurstondyng techith what thing is don; allegorik techith what we owen for to

bileue ; moral ether tropologik techith what we owen to do to fie vices, and kepe
vertues ; anagogik techith what we owen to hope of euerlastynge meede in heuene.
these foure vndurstondyngis 'schal be seid pleynlier, 'if God wole , on the bigyn-
nyng of Genesis. Also it is to wyte, that the profetis speken sum tyme bi figuratif
speche, and liknen men to vnresonable beestis, and clepen men bi figuratif speche,

liouns, beris , culueris, and synnes whiche
oftes othere vnresonable beestis, for certeyn
thei vsen acordynge with the kyndis of vnresonable beestis ; as men ben clepid
liouns for pride, ether raueyn, ether sum other synne ; and sum tyme a lioun signe-
fieth Crist, for hispower, and sum tyme a lioun signefieth the deuel, for tirauntrie
and raueyn ; and men ben clepid beeris, for gredynesse ether glotonye, and mulis,
for letcherie and so of othere beestis and othere synnes. Men ben clepid culueris

sum time for madnesse, and sum tyme for innocence, symplenesse, and charite. Bi
these reulis and bisi studiyng of the text, men moun Ii3tli vndurstonde the derk

placis of profetis; and algatis loke wel that the sentence takun of the text be trewe,
and acorde h with charyte, and thanne it is the sentence of the Hooli Goost, as seynt
Austyn seith.
Here endith the prolog on Ysaye' 1

and l KS pr. m. " autentik, ether v Om.
ofte lyines s. s. historials preuable EPT. i.
w the feith s. * s. y ether FGKMNPQRSVUXY. z in
KQ. a Om.KS sec. m.
B. b for to PS. c is
d Om. s sec. m. e and thei i. f and beris s. 6 Om. c et ceteri. h
according KS sec. m.
Here endith
the prologe on Isaie, and here
bigynneth the text of Isaie. c. Here endith the prologe on Ysaie, and here
bigynneth the book of Ysaie. FMNU. Here endith the prolog, and here bigynnelh the book of Ysaie. o<j.
Here endelh the prologe on Ysaie, and on othere profetis, and here bigynnethe the book of Ysaie. H.
Heere endith the prologe, and biginnith Ysaie the prophete. i. Here eendeth the
prolog ; see now Isaie. K.
Heere eendith the prolog, and bigynneth thejirste c. of Ysaie. R. Here endith the
prolog profetis ;
and bygynneth the text of Isaie. s. Here endith the
prolog on Isaye, and here bigynneth the text of Isay e.
With a short glose on the derke rvordis ; and loke ech man, that he
wryte the text hool bi itsilf, and the
glose in the margyn, ether leue it al out. v. Here endith the prolog on the profetis, and bigynneth the
booc of Isaie. x. No final rubric in BPY.
I. i8. ISAIAH. 227

Here bigynneth the Profecie of Ysaye . Here bigynnith the bob of Ysaie * The
that is, profesie.
profete*. Visioun is pro-

pirli the know-

ing of a profete,
CAP. I. CAP. I. which knowing
is in waking.
i The viseoun of Isaie, sone of Amos, The visioun*, ether profesie, of Ysaie, i

b t of Amos ; this
that he sa3 vp on Judam and Jerusalem, the sone of Amosf, which he si3 on Juda Amos, a* Raw
in the da3es of Osie, Joathan, Aeha3, and Jerusalem:):, in the daies of Osie, of
aEsechie, kingus of Juda. Hereth, jee Joathan, of Achas, and of Ezechie, kyngis
Amos was
heuenus, and with eres parceyue, thou of Juda. 3 e heuenesfi, here, and thou erthe, 2 this
not thilke A-
erthe, for the Lord spac. Sonus I nursh- perseyue with eeris, for the Lord spak. mos, that is the
thridde among
ede out and enhauncede thei forsothe ;
Y haue nurschid and Y haue enhaunsid xii. profetis, as
Hebreu lettris
sdispiseden me. The oxe kne3 his wel- sones sotheli c thei ban dispisid me. An 3
schewen opinly.
Lire here. CEO
dere, and the asse the? cracche of his oxe knew his lord, and an asse knew
lord ; Irael forsothe me kne3 not, and the cratche of his lord ; but Israel knewe J on Juda and
Jerusalem ; bi
4 my puple vnderstodi not. Wo to syn- not me, and my puple vndurstood not. Jerusalem ben

ful r folc, to the puple heuy with wickid- Wo to the synful folk, to the puple heuy 4
and noble men,
nesse, to the shreude sed, to the sonus ful in wickidnesse, to the weiward seed, tod and othere men
of hidous giltes ; thei forsoken the Lord, the cursid sones ; thei ban forsake the dwellinge there;
bi Juda is vn-
thei blasfemeden rr
the hoeli of Irael, Lord, thei ban blasfemyd the hooli of durstondun the
residue puple of
5 thei ben aliened awei bacward. 'Vp on Israel, thei ben aliened bacward. On 5
da. Lire here. c.
what thing 1 shal smyte 3ou u , ferther-
I what thing schal Y smyte 3ou more||, that heuenes, etc.;

mor addende lawe breche, 'or trespassing encreessen trespassyng? Ech heed is sijk, that is, aungels.
erthe ; that is,

a^eyns the lawe*? Eche 'bed ful of lan- and ech herte is morenynge. FrO the Sole 6 men dwellinge
gour and eche 'herte ful of mornyng*.
of the foot til to the nol, helthe is not ther sones; that is,

e Fro the plante of the foot vnto the top, ynne; wounde, and wannesse, and betyng israeiTrflpisirf
me; in sem-
ther is not in hym? helthe ; wounde, and bolnynge is not boundun aboute, nether ynge to idolis.

curid bi medicyn, nether nurschid with knew not me ;

wannesse, and siknesse swellende is not in seruynge to
bounden aboute, ne curid with leching, oile. 3 ure lond is forsakun, 3oure citees 7 me for so many
, , ~ . , . ,. , beneficis. vn-
7ne nurshid with oile. 3oure lond is ben brent bi tier ; aliens deuouren 3oure durstood not ,-

desert, 3oure cites ben brend vp with cuutrei bifore 3ou, and it schal be disolat

fyr; 3oure regioun deuouren biforn 3ou

as in the distriyng of enemyes. And the 8
6 fices and bees tis.
alienus, and it shal be desolat as in ene- dou3tir of Sion, ''that is, Jerusalem , schal Wo to, etc.; that
8 myful wastete
the do3ter of Sion
. And be forsakun as a schadewynge place in a is, customable
to synne. Lire
shal beri forsaken as a shadewy place in vyner and as an hulke in a place where
, here. c.
On what thing
a vyne3erd b , and as an c hylet in a place gourdis wexen, and as a citee which is

schal Y smyte
of goordes, and as a cite that is wastid. wastid. If the Lord of oostis hadde not 9 V"ifmore, etc.;
as he seide, 3e
ben not amend.
id bi mi chastisingis, but more je be maad worse, as Farao wa.
tiyk; that is, the king and princes ben vncorigible. ech herte; that is,
ech heed is

failinge in teching and vertu. fro the sole, etc.; bi this is vndurstondun the
techeris and prestis. ; not for synne, but
mornynge residue puple.
helthe; of grace and of vertu. wounde; that is, opin synne. and wannesse; that is, enuye hid. beting ; that is, the synne of pride, not boundun
aboute; that is, with the bynding of Goddis lawe, withdrawinge fro synne. nether curid bi medicyn; that is, bi word and ensaumple of prestis and
techeris. with oile; that is, workis of mersi, that geten remyssioun of synne. )oure lond ; that is, the lond of ten lynagis, that was due to rewme
of Juda bi rijt. distrying of enemyes; that is, enemyes schulen dwelle therynne; in Ebreu it is as in dairying of straungeris, for this lond was
turned outirli to straungeris, and the sones of Israel camen neuere ajen therto. Lire here. c.

From E. No initial rubric in the other Mss. P Om. c. 1 vndirstonde A. r the

synful E pr. m.
8 Om. E * whiche E u Om. AG m. H. v Om. c el E
pr. m.
forsoken A. pr. m. Vp the pr. m. pr.
* z & wasted A.
languysshinge heued E pr. m. mornyng herte E pr. m. y hem AGUK. regiouns E pr. m.
c Om.
vyne c pr. m. E pr. m. c.

From EPY. No initial rubric in the other Mss. b i c forsothe c el ceteri. d of A.

sauje passim.
Om. KVX.
228 ISAIAH. I. 9 20.

9 But Lord of ostes hadde laft to

d the left seed to vs*, we hadden be as Sodom,
vs sed, as Sodom wee hadden ben, and and we hadden be liik
J as Gomorre. Je )
seed ts
that is,
vs, etc.;

princes of men of Sodom, here the word God, Lord of

10 as Goraorra lijc wee shulden ben Her- .

r , , /-. aungels, hadde

eth the wrd of the Lord, 366 princes of of the Lord ;
and 36 puple of Gommorre, not left to vs
summen turn-
and parceyueth with eres the perseyues with eeris the lawe of 3oure
Sodom ; ynge a3en fro
lawe of 3oure God, 3ee puple of Gornorre. God. Wherto offren tome the multi- ii J>
Uabiloyne, vn-

H What to me the multitude of 3oure slayn tude of '3oure sacrifices? seith the Lord. Y dur Sorobabei,
that bildiden

sacrifise? seith the Lord.Ful I am; the am fulj ; Y

wolde not the brent sacrifices a;en the temple

brent sacrefises of wetheres, and the tal3 of wetheris, and the ynnere fatnesse of ward
fatte beestis, and the blood of calues, and
of fatte bestus, and the blod of calues,
and of lombes, and off goet, I wolde not. of lambren, and of buckis of geet. Whanne i 2 tdistried,with
out rekyuering,

Whan camen bifore my who of as Sodom and

12 3ee shulden come biforn si3te, my 36
1.11 .
Gomore, and
who so3te these thingus of 3oure hondis, 3oure hondis these thingis, that 36 schulden other thredtees
is that 3ee shulden go in my porches ? Ne go in myn hallys ? Offre 30 no more sa- is

bringe 366 to more sacrifices

in veyn ; crifice in veyn; encense is abhomynacioun
encens abhominacioun is to me ; the tome; Yschal not suffre neomenye, and 3
that is,
and othere cumpe- u Hyk men of So-

newe moone, and sabot, and othere festus sabat, feestis. 3oure
, , i i i ,-.i dom, for these
14 1 shal not bern. Wicke f ben 3oure cum- nyes ben wickid; my soule hatith 3oure princes dide

panyes 3oure kalendis and

; 3oure so- calendis$ and 3oure solempnytees ; tho ben
lempnetees hatede my soule ;
thei ben maad diseseful to me, trauelide suf- Y as oodomytis
mad to me
greuous, I trauailede suff- frynge. And whanne 36 stretchen forth \5 diden. Lire
.. here. c. .

isrende. And? whan 3ee shul strecche out 3oure hondis, Y schal turne awei myn i3en + r am fu i ;
" e de 1 f s

3oure hondis, I shal turne awei myn e^en fro 3ou and whanne 36 multiplien preyer,
; e en m ff

fro 3ou ; and whan 3ee shul multeplien Y schal not here ;
for whi 3oure hondis e y n > lf 3e

orisoun, I shal not hereri ;

forsothe 3oure ben ful of blood. Be 36 waischun, be 3eiciawe. Thegio*

16 hondis ben ful of blod. Be 3ee washen, clene; do 36 awei the yuel of 3oure : >AO <m<fe ,
...... . j as if he seide.
beth clene ; taketh awei the euel of thou3tis fro myn i3en ; ceesse 36 to do wei- Y axide not.

myn e3en; resteth to do

3oure tho3tes fro wardli, lerne 36 to do wel. Seke 36 doom, 17
as if he

nshreudely, lerneth to do wel. Secheth helpe 36 hym that is oppressid, deme 36 1|

dom, helpeth to the opressid, demeth to to the fadirles and modirles child, defende worth to sou,
. , ,but anoveth
the faderles child, defendeth the widewe. 36 a widewe. And come 3e, and repreue K 36' \a more he 3 e de- ,

in And cometh, and vndernemeth mee, seith me, seith the Lordf Thou3 3oure synnes .
ben as blood reed, tho schulen be maad P -
the Lord. If 3oure synnes weren as f- .

menye ; that is,

m ben reed
whijt as snow; and thou3 tho
the feeste of the
flaume red silc, as 51103 thei shuln ben
newe moone,
mad white and if thei weren rede as as vermylioun, tho
m schulen be whijt as which feeste thj
.lewis kepten
blod red silc, as whit wile thei shul be. wolle. If 36" wolen, and heren me, 36
19 If 3ee wiln, and shuln heren me, the schulen ete the goodis of erthe. That if20

20goodis of the erthe 3ee shuln ete. That ?e

J nylen, and 36 terren of
the me to wrathful- sabat ! '

benefice of ere-
acioun. Lire liere. c. kalendis ; that is, the bigynnyngis of monethis ; and neomenye signefieth the same, strecchen forth yture hondis ;
to hiseche me. Y
schal not here ; and the resoun of alle thingis biforseid sueth. )oure hondis ; that is, werkis. ben fulle of blood ; that is, of

orrible synnes, for thei weren menquelleris and oppresseris of pore men, and diden idolatre. be )e wasch; that is, fro the spottis of synnes, bi the
teeris of contricioun, ether ynward sorewe of herte. be )e cleene ; that is, eschewe je fro turnyng ajen to synne. the yuel of joure thouitis ;
for whi outirmere clennesse suffisith not, withouten
ynnere clennesse. seke 3 doom ; that is, execucioun of rijtfuhiesse. oppressid ;
in releu-

ynge him. Lire here. c. deme 30, etc.; that is, for the
|| fadirles and modirles child, in his iust cause, widewe; ajenus him that
falsly calengith hir. repreue }e me ; that is, if 36 doen these thanne 30 moun playne, if 3e ben not releeuyd of God. a* blood reed, etc. ; bi
these twey colours, that ben ful holdinge and opyn, it is signened, that synnes, lw tho neiiere so greuouse in kynde, and neuere so harde rootid In
custom, tho schulen be purgid, bi Goddis grace, and heren me; in obeyinge to myn heestis. goodis of erlhe; bi these ben vndurstondun also
goostly goodis. Lire here. c. ^f that is, but if he thanne helpe hem. u. that is, if 36 ben not releeued. KSVX.

d Om. c et E pr, m. e haue ben K. f Wickid AEGHK. 8 Om. c.

h k
perseyueth i.
forjerdis c et ceteri.
> For joure EGIP JCC.TW.MNQRSUY. preue F sec. m.
Om. EKVX. m thei N. " thei N.
I. 21 31. ISAIAH. 229

if 366 wiln not, and me to wrathe jee nesse, swerd schal deuoure 3ou; for whi 'mood an
shulden terren, swerd shal deuoure jou; the mouth of the Lord spak. Hou is the 21
21 for the mouth of the Lord spac. What feithful citee ful of dom maad an hoore*?
. t auoutrie, which
maner mad a strumpet the feithful
is ri3trulnesse dwelhde ther ynne; but now cite kepte feith-
,, i n . fulnesse of ma-
cite ful of dom ? ri3twisnesse dwellede menquellens dwellen ther ynne. Thi sil- 22 trymonye bl-
22 in it now forsothe mansleeres. Thi h
; uer is turned in to dros, ether filthe ; thi (hat is? the

syluer is turned in to dros thi wyn is ; wyn is mediid with watir. Thi
princes techeris and of

23mengd' with water. Thi princes vn- vnfeithful, the felowis of theuysf ; alle louen jjrestis is turn-
ed fro truthe in
feithfull, felawes of theues ;
alle thei jiftis, suen" meedis? ; thei demen not to al *> faisnesse, i

loouen 3iftus, folewen 3eldyngus ; to the fadirles child, and the cause of a widewe yng o
faderles child thei demen not, the cause entrith not to hem. For this thing, seith 24 ('
24 of the widewe goth not in to them. For the Lord God of oostis, the stronare of
of the puple, S


that, seith the Lord God of ostes, strong Israel, Alas! Y

schal be coumfortid^: on
prestis. is
of Irael, Alias
shal be coumfortid vp ! I
myn enemyes, and Y
schal be vengid on r with

on straunge enemys, and I shal be

my myn enemyes. And schal turne Y
vengid vp on myri enemys, that shuklen horid$ to thee, and Y schal sethe out thi

tebefrendis. And I shal turne myn hond filthe to the cleenell,

and Y schal do awei "orthi to be
blamed, han
to thee, and I shal sethen k out to the al thi tyn. And Y schal restore thi iuges, 26 n< fobbed to
pure thi
dros, and I shal taken awei al as thei weren bifor to , and thi counselours, neris . lirT
*"*' c
26 thi tyn. And I shal restoren thi domes- as in elde tyme. Aftir these thingis thou

men, as they weren biforn, and thi coun- schalt be clepid' the citee of the ri3tful, a <L4w7'we
e ar
seileris, as tyme. bi old Aftir these feithful citee. Sion^f schal be 27
a3en bou3t J^t "4 t e^ ^
thingus thou shalt ben clepid the cite of in dom, and thei schulen bririge
& it a3en Jjftisofhem, that gaderen
the ri3twis, the cheef citee of the feith- in to u ri3tfulnesse and God schal al to- 28 hessis of the
27 ful. Syon dom
shal ben a3ee" bo3t,
, . ,
breke cursid men

teens of pore
and synnens togidere, men, lest we
and thei shul bringe it a3een in to ri3t- and thei that forsoken the Lord, schulen IheuytTn'd L
28 wisnesse and he shal to-trede the hyd-
be wastid. For thei schulen be aschamed 29 !J
ous gilteres and the synneres togidere, of idols, to whiche thei maden sacrifice;
theef, thou ren-
nedist with him.
and thatt forsoken the Lord, shul ben di- and 36 shulen be aschamid on the or- The fflos here.

2ostro3id. Thei shul ben confoundid for- cherdis, whiche 30 chesiden**. Whanne
sothe of the maumetes, to the whiche thei schulen be as an ook, whanne the leeues
" h a " P** of her
shamed and 366 shuln ben doun, and as an orcherd with out

sacrifieden; fallen 1
thelte. Lire

vp on the gardynes, that 366 hadden watir. And 3oure strengthe schal be as
so chosen. Whan 3ee shul ben as an oek, deed sparcle of bonys v Aether ofherdis of ,

x launce; he is
the leues fallende doun, and as a gardyn flex , and 30111-6 werk schal be as a quyk
coumfortid on
31 with oute water. And
3oure strengthe sparcle and euer either schal be brent
hise enemyes,
while thei that
shal ben as an 'deed sparke of a flax top, togidere, and noon schal be that schal deynen not to
knowe Goddis
and 3oure werk as a sparcle and eithir ; quenche. benefices in
prosperite, ben
shal be brend vp togidere, and ther shal amendid bi tur-
not ben that quenche. mentis and
peynes. Glos
here. c.
myn hond ; that is, my power
pnnyschinge. to thee ; to punysche thee duly. Lire here, c. thi filthe to the cleene ; as gold and siluer ||

is purgid fro al filthe bi the Her, so God purgide the

synnes of the puple of Jewis bi the fier of tribulacioun, maad hi Nabugodonosor ; and
whanne it was purgid so, it was broust ajen fro Babiloyne. Lire here. c. ^f Sim; that is, the puple of Sion. a^enhov^t ;
fro Babiloyne, bi
the weye of rijtfulnesse, in as myche as it sutfride iust peyne for synne. Lire here. c. ** whiche }e cheseden; that is, for to worschipe idols
there in myry places, and to do lecherie there, in the worschip of idole. Lire here. c.

3oure E pr. m.
meng E pr. m. k sechen CE. the E pr. m. m ashamed AEGHK.
ajen A
1 !1
el alii.
a Om. a
K. gnast c pr. m. E pr. m.

and swen K. P jiftis, ether meedis c.

jeldingis, ether medis EFGHIKMNPQRSUVXY. 1 Om. EPY.
T of CGFHINQRU. 9 Om. * " Om. EPY. T stobil svx. w Om. ivx. either of
clepid to s sec. m. vx.
fierdis M. * Om. CEPY.
230 ISAIAH. II. i 11.


1 The wrd that 533 Isaie, the sone of The word which Ysaie, the sone ofi
in the tyme of
on Juda and Jerusalem. And 2
2 Amos, vp on Judam and Jerusalem. And Amos, si3 grace, the hil,
in the laste daies* the hil of the hous of
ther shal be in the laste da3es beforn mad
; is,
hooli chirche,

redi the mount of the hous of the Lord the Lord schal be maad redi in the cop of that passith ech
and it shal be hillis, and schal be reisid aboue litle hillis. ordeyned to
in the cop of mounteynes?,
Goddis onour
rered out vp on hillys. And ther shul And alle hethene men schulen flowe to fro the bigyn-

sflowe to it alle Jentilis and ther shul go ; hym; and many puplis schulen go, and^s
schulen Come 3e, stie we to the hil of that
litle hillis;

many puples, and seyn, Cometh, ste3e seie,

is,princes of

wee vp to the mount of the Lord, and the Lord, and to the hous of God of Ja- the world, alle
hetlien men ;

to the hous of God of Jacob; and he shal cob; and he schal teche vs hise weies, and that is, summe
of alle hethen
teche vs his weyes, andwee shul go in we schulen go in the pathis of hym. For men. Lire

his sties, W
pathes*. For fro
Sion shall whi the lawe schal go out of Syon, and here. c.
t fro Jerusa-
word of the Lord fro Jerusalemf. lem ; apostlis
go out the lawe, and the wrd of the Lord
, , , , and othere dis-
4 fro Jerusalem. And he shal deme Jen- And he schal deme hethene men, and ne4 sipiis 3 eden out

and vndernymen many puples and ; schal repreuemany puplis; and thei schulen and Judee, to
preche the feith
thei shul bete togidere their swerdes in welle togidere her swerdes in to scharris, of Crist to he-

and her speris in to sikelis, ether sithes; then men. Lire

to shares, and ther speres in to sithes; here. c.
no more swerd \ a3ens *
ther shal not reren folc a3en folc a swerd, folk schal reise folk schal no
more reise
ne thei shul ben enhauntid more to folk, and thei schulen no more be exer- swerd, etc. ;
not that no
a bataile. 3 ee hous of Jacob, cometh, and cisid z to batel. Come 3e, the hous of 5 batel schal be,
aftir the com-
go wee in the Ii3t of the Lord oure God. Jacob, and go we in the Ii3t of the Lord.
yng of Crist,
6 Forsothe thou hast throwen afer thi pu- Forsothe thou hast cast awei thi puple,e but" that greet
. _ - 1.1 ^ii-j
, pees schal be in
ple, the hous of Jacob,
for thei ben ful- the hous of Jacob, for thei ben filhd as the tyme of his
fild as sum tyme ;
and deuynoures thei sum tyme bifore; and thei hadden false SSifJL.
cistd' etc - '
and to alien 8 childre dyuynouris bi the chiteryng of briddis, as
hadden, as Filisteis , is seid to

Filisteis, and thei cleuyden to alien chil-

nefie the long
7 thei cleueden. Fulfild is the erthe of
during of pees.
siluer and gold, and ther is noon ende of dren^ The lond is filhd with siluer and 7 the hows of ja .
.1 . cob; this is seid
the tresores of it; and fulfild is his lond gold, and noon ende is of the tresouns O ftheconuer-

with hors, and vnnoumbreable the foure therof; and the lond therof is fillid with
shorsid carres of it. And fulfild is his lond horsis, and the foure horsid cartis therof resseyne gene.
raly the feith
with maumetes, the werk of ther hondis ben vnnoumbrable. And the lond therof 8 of Crist, aboute
, i , . i
the ende of 'he
thei honoureden,that'therfingris maden 88 ; is filhd with ydols, and thei worschipiden* world, and in

9 and a' man bowede hymself, and meekid the werk of her hondis, which her fyngris
is the stronge man. Thanne ne for3yue maden ; and a man bowide|| hymsilf, and 9
thou to them. Go u in to the a manof ful age was maad low. Therfor the 3 t of >
ston, be
Cristen feith.
thou hid in a dich with erthe, fro the for3yue thou not to hem. tntre thou, 10 hath cast awey
iw . i iii 1*1 that is, schal t
face of the dreede of the Lord, and fro
puple of Juda, in to a stoon, be thou hid caste awey;

nthe glorie of his mageste. The e3en of in a diche in erthe, fro the face of the
the he3e man ben meekid, and ther shal drede of the Lord, and fro the glorie of
ledde the Jewis
prisoneris in to
Babiloyne. Lire here. c. thei cleuyden to alien children ; that is, vsiden in hem the synne of Sodom ; ether Jewis token alien wymmen to
her wyues, that worschipiden idols, and her sones diden idolatrie. Lire here. c. bowide him ; in bowinge to idols, into a stoon, etc. ;

many men of the puple hidden hem in caws of stoonys, and in dichis of erthe, for the drede of Nabugodonosor. of the drede of the Lord , that
is, of Nabugodonosor, sent of God to punysche the forseid synnes. Lire here, c.

P the mounteynes A. 1Om. c et E * 8S maden ther

pr. m. Philisteym AKHIIK.
s the alien K.
fingris c pr. m. E pr. m. * Om. AGUK. u Go thou c
pr. m.

and thei i. * hauntid c. exercised, ether hauntid EFGHIKMNPQRSUVXY. a i.

II. 12 III. I. ISAIAH. 231

ben inwardly crookid the hei3te of his mageste. The i3en of an hrj man ben \\* the Lord schat
, . - ,. beenhaumtdin
stronge men ; forsothe the Lord alone maad low, and the h^nesse of
men schal that day that ;

12 shal ben enhauncid in that dai. For the be bowid doun ; forsothe the Lord aloone
Lord of ostes vp on eche proud
dai of the schal be euhaunsid in that dai*. For the 12
man and hee3, and vp on eche enhaunc- dai of the Lord of oostis schal be on ech nerU For the

, , , . . . day of the Lord;

ende v hymself, and he shal be mekid ; proud man and 1113, and on ech boostere, the

that is,

13 and vp on alle the cedres of Liban and he schal be maad low and on alle 13
he3e ;

and vpri3t, and vp on alle the oekis of the cedres of the Liban hi3 e and reisid,
midoun. <m
uBasan, and vp on alle the he3e moun- and on alle the ookis of Baisan, and on 14 eche
oooitere ;
teynes, and vp on alle the 'rered vp munteyns, and on alle litle hillis,
alle hi3 hat >8
8 P<*-

15 hilles and vp on eche he3 tour, and vp on

; *lhat ben b reisid; and on ech hi3 tour, and is ajenus God.

16 eche
strengthyd wal ; and vp on alle the on ech strong wal and on alle ;

shipis of Thars, and vp on alle thing of Tharsis, and on al thing which is fair
And ther shal be in si3t. And al the Imnesse of men schal <*uien not
17 that is

inwardly bowid
fair in si3t.

the x hei3nesse of men,

be bowid

doun, and the hijnesse of men

mow defende
hem. on aiie

and ther shal be meekid the hei3te of schal be maad low; and the Lord aloone that is, forseietl

stronge ; men
and ther shal be rered vp
is the Lord alone in that
schal be reisid
in that dai, and idols is
day, and the schulen be brokun togidere outirli. 19

ismaumetes hoelly shul be to-brosid. And thei schulen entre in to dennes d of stoonys, me may vnne-
this neije,
thei shul go in to dennes of stones, and and in to the swolewis of erthe, fro the alle schulen be
distried bi Na-
in to swolewes of the erthe, fro the face face of the inward drede of the Lord, and bugodonosor,
be tlio neuere
of the drede? of the Lord, and fro the fro the f glorie of his maieste, whanne he so stronge in

glorie of his mageste, whan he shal rise schal ryse to smyte the londf. that2o waUis Lire -

20 to
smyten the erthe. In that day shal dai a man schal caste awei the idols of his f rise to smyle
the lond ; of
a man throwe awey the maumetes of siluer,and the symylacris of his gold, Judee, bi Na-
bugodonosor, as
his siluer, and the symulacris of his gold, whiche he hadde maad to hym silf, for to bi bis scourge.

that he hadde mad to hym, that he worschipe moldewarpis and backis, Aether maldewerpis,
etc.; in siche
shulde honoure moldewerpes and rere- rere myis h And he schal entre in tO 21 ymagis maad bi

21 mees. And he shal go in to the chynes z
, chynnis ethir crasyngis, of stoonys, and

, fendis jaueri
answeris sum-
'or creuessis?, of stones, and in to the in to the k caues of hard roochis, fro the tyme. fro a
man; that is,
dennes of huge stones, fro the face of the face of the inward drede of the Lord, and froGod, in
drede of the Lord, and fro the glorie of fro the glorie of his mageste, whanne he eschewinge his
offence, in hise
his mageste, whan he shal risen to smyte schal ryse to smyte the lond. Therfor 22 nosethirlis ; as
redi to ven-
22 the erthe. Resteth thanne fro a man, ceesse 36 fro a man, whos spirit is in hise iaunce. he is
arettid hi) of ;
whos spirit is in his nose therles, for hei3 nose thirlis^:, for he is arettid hi3- aungels, that
reuerence him
holden is he.
souereynly, and
myche more
men schulden
CAP. III. CAP. III. drede him, and
T-I i i ii i ii i T esehewe his
Loo! forsothe the lordshepere, Lord r or the lordh gouernour, the Lord
lo ! i offence. Lire

of oestes, shal do awei fro Jerusalem and of oostis, schal take awei fro Jerusalem gj Ebreys
fro Juda the stalwrthe, and the stronge, and fro Juda a my3ti man, and strong, |J in**!***""

and al the strengthe of bred, and al the and al the strengthe of breed, and al the nosethirlis ,

that that

lyueth bi breth.
ing a;en of the eir, and so he is freel and dedli. for in what thing he is set al mlii ; as if he seye, in no thing, in comparisoun to God, and
jit idolis maad of him ben of lesse priys. Lire here. c.

v w * Om. AGHK. *
haunsynge AEGH. vp rered c pr. m. strengthe E pr. m, skynnys H.
a Om. c el B pr. m. or creuase E sec. m. or creueis AGHK.

Om. c d the dennes EFO e Om. v. f Om. N. e And N.
pr. m. KPVX.
et ceteri. c takun N.

Om. x. '
A sec.m.rpiia, OKN sec. m. QUVX. chymeneis M. k Om. c pr. m. GNVX.
chynnis chynis
232 ISAIAH. III. 2 IS.

* children
and the strengths of watir ; a strong man, and a 2 ,-

astrengthe of water; the stronge, that is, jong

man and domesman, and profete,
man a werriour, and a domesman, and a in age, and
, , ,
. . soneere in ver-
3 and deuynour, and the olde prince vp
on profete,and a false dyuynour in auteris, tue s, for the!
e Uel
the wrshepeful in cheere, and and an elde man, a prince ouer fifti men, 3 me n .'\OT/!/
fifty, and

counseilor, and wis man of cheef crafty

and a worschipful man in cheer, and a m ens cond*-
ciouns that is,
. .

of priue speche. counselour, and a wijs man of principal vnkunnynge

thingus, and the prudent . and chauniable*
4 And I shal 3yue childer the princes of crafti men, and a prudent man of mystik, Lire here. c.

hem, and the mad wommanysh men shuln ethir goostli, speche. And Y schal 3yue 4

And the puple shal children* the princes of hem, and men of
Y haue nether
slordshipen to them. . power nether
falle, man to man, eche to his ne3hebore ; wymmens condiciouns schulen be lordis or kunnyng to
you *aue ' c'
ther shal striue the child a3en the old hem. And the puple schal falle doun, as J the tunge
6 man, and the vnnoble a3en the noble. A man to a m man, ech man to his nei3bore ; hem ; here it is

make noyse u schewid, that

man forsothe shal take his brother, the a child schal a3ens an eld thei weren bias-

homli man of his fadir, and seyn, Cloth- man, and an vnnoble man /^"^,/t/ a3ens a noble

ing is to thee, oure prince be thou ; this man. For a man schal take his brother, c ^g^id^hat '*

7 forsothe falling vnder thin hond. And the meneal of his fadir, and schal seie, A thei synneden
not bi passioun,
he shal answern in that day, seiende, I clooth is be thou oure prince;
to thee, ether sudeyn

am not a leche, and in myn hous is not forsothe this fallyng be vndur thin hond. ignorauncej but

bred, ne clothing; wileth not sette me And he schal answere in that dai, and 7
prince of
the puple. Ther fel doun seie, Y am no let-bet, and nether breed, knowing,
which is most i

forsothe Jerusalem, and Juda fel with; nether cloth is in myn hous; nyle 36 make greuouse.
_, , -r
The knowing of
for the tunge of them, and the findingus me For whi Jeru-8 her cheer, etc.;
prince of the puple.
'of hem c a3en the Lord, that thei shulden salem felle doun, and Juda felle doun to-
9 terre the e3en of his mageste. The know- gidere; for the tunge of hemj, and the y^ftllr
ing of ther chere shal answere to them; fyndineis of hem weren a3ens the Lord, malice sdmi
. . , . schyne in her
and ther synne as Sodom thei precheden, for to terre to wraththe the i3en of his chens,asthe

and hidden not. Wo

to the soule of hem, mageste. The knowyng of her cheer a
10 for 3olden ben to them eueles. Seith to e schal answere to hem and thei prechiden;
the ri3twis, for weel; for the frute of hys her synne, as Sodom dide, and hidden not. *3"me> <*' in
doynge synne
nfyndyngus he shal etc. to the vn- Wo Wo to the soule of hem, for whi yuels withoutschame,
and opynly.
, .

pytous 7nan in to euel; 3elding forsothe ben 3oldun to hem. Seie 36 to the lustiOschoiete, etc.;
12 of his hondis shal be do to a
hym. My man, that it schal be to hym wel ; for he
puple his pleteres, *or wrong axers , schal ete the fruyt of hise fyndyngis. WoiiJ
spoileden, and wymmen
lordshipeden of to the wickid man in to *yuel ; for whi the *;*, etc.-,
that the
it. Mypuple, that blisful thee seyn, thee 3eldyng of hise hondis schal be maad to souereyns that
weren tirauntis,
thei disceyuen, and the weie of thi m, c f , i
J he
go- hym. wrongful axeris ot my puple 12 not
is yngus scateren. The Lord stant& to robbiden and wymmen weren lordis
deme, and he stant^ to the puples to be therof. Mi puple, thei that seien thee [r
thei drowen
her hosebondia
14 denied the Lord to the dom shal come,
; blessid, disseyuen thee, and distrien the toidoiatne.

with the elderes of his puple, and with weie of thi The Lord stondith is thee biessid,
his princes. 3 ee forsothe ban distro3ed for to deme, and 'the Lord? stondith for fail
my vyne3erd ; and the raueyn of the pore to deme
puplis ; the Lord schal come to 14 P

is in 3oure hous'. Whi to-brose 3ee my doom, with the eldere men of his puple, to hem, W wh
biheest the pu-
ple rebellide
ajenus the king of Babiloyne, and so it perisohede with the citee. with the eldere men, etc.; that for to deme hem of her tyrauntyes.

vp on E pr. m. Om. A. !
Om. CE pr. m. Om. K. * Om. c el E pr. m. & stondith A.
vyne c el E pr. m.
houses c.

1 to be the I. m Om. " hem P he

plures. s.
my N. i.
III. l6 IV. 2. ISAIAH. 233
puple, and the faces of pore men 3ee and with hise princes for 30 han wastid ; myvynet, that
~ ,
is, the puple of

my vyneri, and the raueyn of a pore man


confounclen ? seith the Lord of i sraei. alto.

16 ostes. And the Lord God seide, For thi is in 3oure hous. Whi al to-breken
that arered ben the do3tris of Sion, and my puple, and grynden togidere the faces
thei wenten with stra3t out necke, and of pore men ? seith Lord God of
the an<i

in beckes of e3en 3iden, and flappeden oostis. And the Lord God seide, For that
with hondis for io3e, and 3iden, and with that the dou3tris of Syon weren reisid*,
17 ther feet in curious
goyng 3iden ,
the and 3eden with a r necke stretchid forth, ^""-
iden so myclie
Lord shal fully maken ballid the top of and 3eden bi signes of i?en, and flappiden thegoodisofthe
puple, that suf.
the do3tris of Syon, and the Lord the with hondis, and 3eden, and with her feet ficient liyflode
her of hem shal nakenen ; and for ourne-
. . , . lefte not to

3eden in wel araied goyng, the Lord schal 17 hem. Lire

isment shal be shenshipe. In that dai make ballyd the nol of the dou3tris of triU*t
w prideof souie.
the Lord shal don awei the ournement Sion, and the Lord schal make nakid the with necke
19 of and boces ", and be3es, and
shon, heer of hem. In that dai the Lord schal is ^trecchtd forth;
which is signe
brooches, and armcercles, and mytris, take awei the ournement of schoon, and of ynnere pride.

20 and combys and ribanes, and 'reuerses

goldun litle bellis lijk the moone,
at the hemmisP, and 'oynement boxes 1, ribans, and brochis, and ournementis of
and ere ringus, and ryngus, and iemmes * * the schuldris, and mytris,
armes ny? ether >
21 pieiynge
solutly, ether
22 in the frount hangende, and chaunging chapelettis, and coombis, and ournementis 20 wantduniy.
. and toith her

and litil palles, and shetes, and

clothis, or arrnes ni3 the hondis, and goldun oure- feet

23pynnes, and sheweres, and 'necke couer- nementis lijk laumpreis, and litil vessels
24cheues r and filetes, and roketes. And
of oynementis, and eere ryngis, nd
ryngis, and preciouse stoonys hangynge
ther shal be for swote smel stync, and leccherfe. Lire

for girdil a litil corde ; and for crisp her in the forheed, and chaungynge clothis, 22

ballidnesse, and for the brest bond an and mentils, and schetis, ether s smockis,
25heire. Also
most faire thi 5
men with and needlis, and myrouris, and smal lynun 23
swerd shuln falle, and thi s stronge men clothis aboute* the schuldris, and ker-
26 in bataile. And thei shuln sorewen, and cheues, and roketis. stynk shal be 24 And
weilen shuln hir 3ates; and desolat* in for swete odour, and a corde for the gir-
t And the yttis
the erthe she shal sitten. dil ; ballidnesse schal be for crispe" heer, then/, etc.;
,., AT that is, iugis,
and an heire for a brest girdil. Also thi 25 tinges, and
faireste men schulen falle bi swerd, and wereTwou"^!
thistronge men schulen Julie in batel.
And the satis theroff schulen weile, and 26
here c --

J eocene o man;
morene ; and it schal sitte desolat in erthe. sekinge to haue
him hosebonde.
ete our brejed^
A T) T\r that we
IV. etc.;
schulen pur-

, , ueye necessa-
schulen catcne v i
1 And seuen wymmen shul taken o man And seuene wymmen ries for vs and

in that dai, seiende, Oure bred we shul o mant in that dai, and"' schulen seie, We
etc, and with oure clothis wee shul be schulen ete oure breed, and we schulen be
couered ; onli beinwardly clepid thi hilid with oure clothis ; oneli thi name be Mpe,- of
. bareynesse.
2 name vp on vs, do awei oure repref. In clepid on vs, do thou awei oure schen- Lire here. c.

k the
pore K.
thei jeeden A. m ournemens c. n hoosis A. boosis GHK. filetis E pr. m.
P reuerses c pr. m. reuerses at tho hemmus c sec. m. calles E pr. m. reuerses at the hem H. 1 nedle fod-
* the desolat K.
neckercheuys AGHK.
dris E pr. m. r s ther K.

u the v take p
1 vynjerd i.,
r Om. CEFGHIKMNPQHUVX. the s. s other f. * aboue N. crispe N.
tec. m. w and thei i.

VOL. 111. TJ h
ISAIAH. 3 v. 3-
In that dai* the buriownyng of 2 .
that dai shal be the buriounyng of the
the Lord schal be in greet worschip and
glorie; and
Lord in gret doyng and

ech that is left in Sion, and is resydue

and residue in Jerusalem, hoeli shal be be,

in Jem- in Jerusalem, schal be clepid hooli ech

clepid ; eche that is writen in lif ;

washen awey that is writun in in Jerusalem if the 4

4salem. For the Lord shal lijf ;

the filthes of the do3tris of Sion, and the Lordf waischith awei the filthis of the
dou3tris of Sion, and waischith the
blod of Jerusalem shal wasshen" fro the
in spirit of dom, and of Jerusalem fro the rnyddis therof, in the
myddes of it, spirit
spirit of doom, and
Lord bro3 te And the in the spirit of heete.
5 of brennende looue.
forth vp on eche place of the mount of And the Lord made:): on ech place of the 5
of Sion, and where he was clepid to
Sion, and wher he is inwardli clepid, a
hille t haUs%fthe'

cloude bi dai, and smoke, and shynyng help, a cloude bi dai, and smoke, and bri3t-
of fyr flaumende in nyjt ; vp al forsothe nesse of fier flawmynge in the ni 3 t ; for
e the And a taber- whi hilyngX schal * be aboue al glorie.
glorie ouercoueryng.
nacle shal ben in to a shadewe hilet of And a tabernacle schal be in to a schadew-6 othere feithfui
- , i / i j men, that had-
ynge place of the dai, tro heete, and in to
the dai, fro brennyng, and in to sikir- den ioye

nesse and hiding, from whirlewynd and sikirnesse and in to hidyng, fro whirle-

from reyn. wynd and fro reyn.

Sunday, whanne
<-^r. VV '
CAP V theiresseyu-
eden the Hooly

1 I shal synge to my looued a song off I schal synge for derlyng the songimy
'myn ernes sone w of his ,
The? vyiugerd*. of myn vnclis sone, of his vyner
. A
is mad to my looued, in the vyner $ was maad to derlyng, in the my Lire

2 horn
he heggede
to the sone of oile. And home in the sone of oile. And he heg-2 ^ if the Lord;
, , , , j that is. For the
it,and stones he ches of
it, and plauntede gide and chees stoonys therot, and
it, Lord ofthe

a chosen vyne3erd a plauntide a chosun vyner and he
and he bilde vp a ;
bildide ; {at
tour in the myddel of it, and a presse a tour in the myddis therof, and rerede a
he rerede vp in it; and he abod. that it
shulde bnnge forth grapes, and it bro3te
presse ther ynne
schulde bere b
and he abood, that it
grapis, and

it bare wielde
.... doom,
Cnst made
etc.; for

tisfaedoun for

3 forth wilde vynes. Now thanne, 366 grapis. Now therfor, 36 dwelleris of Je- 3
dwelleris of Jerusalem, and men of Juda, rusalern, and 36 men of Juda, deme bitwixe
demeth betwe b me and my vyne3erd
. me and my viner. What is it||
that Y4 J^- d
made; that is,
schal make. Ysaye spekith of thing to comynge, bi the maner of thing passid, for the certeynte of profesie. of Sion; that is, of hooly chirche,
fiBtinge ajenus synnes. a clowde bi day, etc.; that is, the grace of the Hooly Goost, that hilith ether defendith ajenus the heete of couetise, and
lijtneth ajenus derknesse of ignoraunce. aboue al glorie; of the piler of fier, and of the clowde jouun to the sones of Israel, in the goyng out of
Egipt. kiting; that is, the grace of the Hooly Goost ; and the grace of the Hooli Goost schal be in to a schadew'mge place ajenus the heete of coueytise.
fro whirlewynd ; of pride, ether of persecucioun, which men strengthid of the Hooly Goost, dredden not. fro reyn; of fleisly lust, ether of temporal
prosperite, lest bi it a man be maad neische to vices. Lire here. c. J vyner; that is, the puple of Israel, was maad to my derling; that is,
to God. in the horn; that is, in an hij in a place ful of olyues, of whos
place and excelent, as was Jerusalem, in the sone of oile; that is,
fruyt is wrongen out oile. hegglde it; with hise comaundementis, and with the keping of him silf, and of aungels. chees stoonys therof; in
castinge out of Cananeys, worschiperis of stoonys. plauntide a chosun vyner; that is, chees the puple of Israel to his worschiping bifor othere
puplis, and plauntide in the lond of biheest. a tour; that is, the temple maad at the maner of a tour, a presse; that is, the auter of brent
heriynge God. wilde grapis; that is, viiprofitable werkis and noyful, in bowinge to idolatrie. Lire here. CK.
sacrifices, grapis; that is, good werkis in

What is it, etc.; as if he seide, no thing faylide of my part, that ne it oujte to make the beste werkis, and it dide the worste thingis. c.

u be wasshen c v Qm. E w my nemesone E sec. in. sup. ras. myn eem sone A. myn
pr. m. pr. m.
emesone GHK. * vyne c et E pr. m. V E pr. m. z Om. c et E pr. m. of the A. a vyne c el E pr. m.
b betwix A. betwen
EGHK. V yne c et E pr. m.

* Om. y hilyng, ether b -make

z Om. r. a
vynjerd i. CEFGHIK
V. 4 f ISAIAH. 235

4 What that I aw3te mor d to do to my

is ou3t to do more vyner, and
to my dide Y for herbi fendia
vyne3erd , and dide not to it? whether not to it ? whether that abood, that it Y hadden power

that I abod, that yt shulde bringe forth schulde bere d grapis, and it bare 6 wielde
grapes, and bro3te forth wilde vynes ? grapis ? And now Y schal schewe to 3ou, 5
5 And now I shal shewen to 3ou, what I what Y schal do to my vyner. schal Y cioun8 to tho -
caste doun the
dd do awei take awei the hegge therof, and it schal
shal do to my vyne3erd . I shal wai ; that ,

his heg, and it shal be in to destruc- be in to rauyschyng* ; schal caste doun Y

cioun ; I shal breke doun his wal, and it the wal therof, and it schal be in to de-
shal ben in to to-tredyng ; and I shal e f
foulyng ; and Y schal sette it desert, ether e
is, oppressing
setten it desert. It shal not be kut, and forsakun. and it schal
It schal not be kit, of aduersaries,
and most of
it shal nott be doluen, and ther shul not be diggid, and breris and thornes Babiloyne, that
distrieden the
ste3e vp vp on it breres and thornes and ;
schulen 'growe vp f on it and Y schal co- ; lond, and kill-
iden the puple
to the cloudis I shal comaunde, that thei maunde to cloudis, that thos reyne noth in parti, and

reyn on Forsothe the vyner of the? token prison-

7reyne not vp on it weder. Forsothe the it.
ens in parti.
u Lord of oostis is the hous of Israel, and
vyne3erd of the Lord of hostes is the etc. ; this is
hous of Irael, and the men of Juda his the men of Juda ben the delitable buri- seid most for

delytable' buriounyng. I abod, that it ownyng of hym. Y abood, that it schal

shulde do dom, and lo !
wickidnesse; and make doom, and lo wickidnesse ; and
of that lynage.
bi fleisch

a ri3twisnesse, and lo !
cry. Wo
that ioynen that it schulde do ri3tfulnesse, and lo ! cry; of wrongis
n doynge
hous to hous, and feeld to feeld coupleth, cry Wo to

$ou that ioynen hows to hous, s wrong to an

vn to the terme of a place. Whether and couplen feeld to feeld, til to' the ende he, c.
dwellen 366 shuln alone in the myddel of place. Whether 36 aloone schulen dwelle

of the k erthe? In myn eres ben these in the m yddis of the lond ? These thingis 9 no thin s to his
onour ether

Lord of
thingus, seith the ostes ; but 3if
ben in the eeris of me, the Lord of oostis ; seruyce,whanne

manye houses grete and faire shul be if many housis ben not forsakun, grete
10 desert,and withoute dwellere. Forsothe housis* and faire, with outen dwellere,
ten acris of vyne3erdis m shul maken o n Uleue ie not to m me. For whi ten acris 10 .

that is, hou

potell wyn, and thretti bussheles of sed of vynes schulen make a potel, and
he punyscMde
scharply fleisli
1 1 shul make thre bussheles. Wo that risen
., ,
thretti buschels of seed schulen make thre synne,in
drunkenhed to be folewid, and to
erly to buschels. Wo to $ou that risen togidereii woSd ff it,'
drinken vn to euen, that with wyn 366 eerli to sue drunkennesse, and to drinke n y ^" ^c'uees
labrenne. Harpe, and syngende instru- 'til to euentid, that 36 brenne with wyn.
* brunstoon.
ment, and tymbre, and trumpe, and wyn Harpe, and giterne, and tympan, and pipe, 12 i*ied ; that is,

in 3oure festes and the werk of the Lord

; and wyn ben in 3oure feestis ; and 36 bi- he spat of

jee biholden not, ne the werkes of his holden notf the werk of the Lord, nether
ishondis 3ee waiten. Therfor lad caitif is 36 biholden the werkis of hise hondis. ,

my puple, that hadde not kunnyng and ; Therfor my puple is led prisoner?, for it i3 certe y nteof
profesie. Lire
his noble men dieden thur3 hunger, and hadde not kunnyng and the noble men here. ;

his multitude thur3 thirst al out driede. therof perischiden in hungur, and the mul-
uTherfore helle spredde abrod his soule, titude therof was drye in thirst. Therfor u \

and openede his mouth with oute any et he

helle alargidei his soule:):, and openyde his n f "^-3
figuratif is

Rpeche, for whi helle hath no soule propirli. Helle in scripture is takun bothe for a diche, where the bodies of deed men ben put, and for a place
where the soulia of hem that ben dampned and of hem that schulen be purgid goen doun, and general! of hem that ben not resseyued anoon to
glorie; and thanne alle deed men jeden doun to helle in her soulis. boteid doun; that is, schal be cast doun al fro his pride, enhaunsid in doom; that

d Om. dd E pr. m. e Om. Om. h E

vyne c tredynge AH. G pr. m. n. pr. m.
f g
c. et K. vyne c el
dilectable AEGHK. k Om. c pr. m. 1
Om. c et E pr. m. m vyne c et E pr. m. oon E.


h Om. s. vnto i. k Wher ceteri fere passim,
Om. i. hous s. m Om. s. n o CEFHIMNUV. oo
vnto I. P caityf, ether prisoner CEFGHIKMNPQRSUVXY. q hath alargide i.

H h 2
236 ISAIAH. v. 1525-
terme and ther shul doun his
falle mouth with outen ony ende ; and r strong j^ ^"^.

men and the puple therof, arid 8 id bi this > that

stronge men, and his puple, and hee3e, therof, he schal make
15 and his gloriouse to it. And ther shal the* hi3 men, and glonouse" men therof, the forseid

be ful crookid a man, and meekid a schulen go doun to it. And a man schal i5 n e^is! lambrm,

be bowid doun, and a man of age schal be


strong man and the e3en of he3e men

; the'iambUnof

16 shul be threst doun. And ther shal be maad low; and the i^en of hi?* men schulen the sones of
Israel schulen

enhauncid the Lord of ostes in dom, and be pressid doun. And the Lord of oostisiebeetunofene-
the hoeli God shal be halewid in ri3twis- schal be enhaunsid in doom, and hooli doltours exT

lynesse. And lombis shul be fed aftir ther God schal be halewid in ri3tfulnesse. And

and desertes in to plente turned

order, lambren schulen be fed bi v her ordre, and ^
iscomelingus shul ete. Wo that drawen
lo y ne -
comelynffis schulen ete desert places turn- ete desert places,

wickidnesse in thePcordes of vanyte, litle ed in to plentee. v\ o to ~$ou that drawen \Sete. ; for thei
... ., i-. f , eeten the beestis
19 and as the bond of a wayn synne ; that wickydnesse in the cordis ot vanyte, and and the i

and soone drawen synne as the boond of a wayn

seyn, Hee3e, 'or haaste*, he, ;

come his werk, that wee see ; and ne3he, and 36 seien, The werk of hym
J haaste, 19


and come the counseil of the hoeli of

and come soone, that we se ; and the men of Israel,

2olrael, and wee- shul witen it.
Wo that counsel of the hooli of Israel nei5, and be led in to

seyn euel good, and good euel puttende ; come, and we schulen knowe it. Wo
derknesses Ii3t, and ; put-
Ii3t derknesses 30M that seien yuel good, and good yuel ;

and putten derknessis Ii3t, and Ii3t derk- haue

tende bitter in to swete, and sweete in to sufficient
liyflode bi
21 bitter. Wo
that wise ben in 3oure e3en, nessis and
putten bittir thing in to staat; and
... comelmgis;
and bifor 3ouself slee3e. Wo that my3ty Wo
., . , . .

22 swete, and swete thing in to bittir. 21 that is, the

ben to drinke wyn, and stronge men to to 30M that beri wise men in 3oure i3en,

2:1 be merigd druukynhed ;

that iustefien the and ben prudent bifor 3ou silf. Wo to wit 22 ?
3en fro
Joyne, schulen

vnpitous for 3iftes, and the ri3twisnesse mti

that ben my3ti to drynke wn, and ben
wyn ete desert
of the ri3twyse 3ee taken awey fro hym. stronge to meddle drunkenesse ; and
man is,

24 For that, as deuoureth the tunge of fyr iustifien a wickid for 3iftis, and 36 tis of the
of Israel,
stobil, and the hete of flaumme brenneth taken awei the ri3tfulnesse of a iust man was desert

out, so the roote of hem as ar gnast" shal fro hym. For this thing, as the tunge and vntilid
& of24 the tyme of

be, and v
the buriownyng w of hem as fier deuourith stobil, and the heete of caitifte. of va-

nyte; that is,

pouder vp ; forsothe thei
shal ste3e flawme brenneth, so the roote of hem schal of pride, which
iscause of
casten awei the lawe of the Lord of be as a deed sparcle, and the seed of hem othere synnes.
as the boond of
and the speche of the hoeli of*
ostes, schal stie as dust ; for thei castiden awei
a wayn; in go-
2alrael thei blasfemeden. Therfor wrath- the lawe of the Lord of oostis, and blas- ynge forth fer-
there to greu-
ede the wodnesse of the Lord in his femyden the speche of the hooli of Israel. ousere svnnes.

puple, and stra3te out his hond vp on it, Therfor the strong veniaunce of the Lord 25 sco

and smot it; and the mounteynes ben dis- was wrooth a3ens his puple, and he stretch- 2toS
turbid, and mad ben the 'deed carens^ ide forth his hond on it, and smoot it ;
that is >

peyne which
; manassen to
Thei seiden in scorn, Haaste, and come soon ; as if thei seiden, We
dreden not it< for they felden in to this errour, that God hadde not
puruyaunce of lowere thingis in erthe, and that he schulde not syne peyne for thingis doon in erthe. yuel; that is, the worschiping of idolis. good;

profetis, seiynge the contrarie of joure errour. stobil ; whanne fier touchith a litil the stobil, anoon it is brent up, as in lickyng, so the peyne of
synueris bifor seid, schal come soone of God. the roote, etc.; that is, thei schulen be distried al out. the seed of hem; that is, the children of hem.' schal
site as dust; for as dust reisid in the
eir, is scaterid abrood bi the wynd to an other place, so the sones of hem weren led out of her lond in to
caitifte. Lire here. c.

the heej man K. P Om. c. 1 Om. CE

pr. m.
rOm. c pr. m. s A. * Om. H. u dead
bronde E sec. m. marg. ABHK, v Om. A. in GH. w x Om. m. V fallen to
brennynge A. c pr.
deth el E pr. m.

r and the i. s Om. E. * tho A. the glorious M. v with s.

V. 26 VI. 5. ISAIAH. 237

of hem as drit in the myddel of stretes. and weren disturblid, and the deed
hillis* *
huiist that is

In alle these thingus is not turned awei bodies of hem weren maad as a toord in
his wodnesse, but 3it his hond stra3t out. the myddis of stretis. In alle these thingis
2 And he shal rere vp a signe in naciouns the stronge vengeaunce of him was not pey*!
the puple was

aferr, and he shall whistle to hym fro turned awei, but 3it his hond was stretchid not amendid M
tho peynes, Imt
the coestes of the erthe and lo hastid ;
! forth. And he schal reise a signe among 20 more obstynat

27 he shal come swiftli. Ther not failing

is naciouns afer, and he schal hisse to hymt
ne trauailyng in hym ; he shal not nap- fro the endis of erthe and lo he schal ;

Noon h a e a'
pen, ne slepen, ne shal ben loosid the haaste, and schal come swiftli. is27f j'| ^ ^ q
girdil of his renes, ne shal be to-broke
failynge nethir trauelynge in that oost; his oost u>
come ajenus
as the thowng of his shojyng. His arwis he schal not nappe, nether slepe, nether Jerusalem.
sharpe, and alle his bovves bent ; the cles the girdil of his reynes schal be vndo,
of the horses 7 of and his hym as flynt, nether the lace of his scho schal be brokun.
29wheles as the byre of tempest. His Hise arowis ben scharpe, and alle hise 28

roring as off a leoun he shal roren as ; bowis ben bent the houys of hise horsis

the whelpis of leouns he shal gnasten, ; ben as a v flynt, and hise wheelis ben as the
and holden the prei, and biclippen, and 1'
feersnesse of tempest. His roryng schal be 29
30 ther shal not be, that delyuere out. And as of a lioun ;he schal rore as the whelpis
ther shal sowne vp on hym in that day, of liouns ;
and he schal gnaste, and schal
as the soun of the se ; wee shul biholde holde prey, and schal biclippe, and noon
in to the erthe, and lo ! derknesses of schal w be, that schal delyuere. And he 30
tribulacioun, and Ii3t al to-derked is in schal sowne on it in that dai, as doith the
the derknyng of hym. soun of the see ; we schulen biholde in to J was deed;
not bi depart-
the erthe, and lo ! derknessis of tribula-
ing of the soule
cioun, and Ii3t is maad derk in the derk- fro the bodi,
but in which
nesse therof. jeer he was
smytun of God
with lepre, for
CAP. VI. CAP. VI. he wolde take
amys to him
the office of
i In the 3erMn which diede king Osias, In the 3eer in which the kyng Osie wasi
prest ; for fro
I 333 the Lord sittende vp on an hei3 deed};, Y
si3 the Lord sittynge on an hi3
that tyme he
was arettid
sete, and rered vp and ful was d the hous ; seete, and reisid ; and the hous was ful of deed to the
world, as Rabi
of his mageste, and thoe thingus that his mageste, and tho thingis that weren Salomon seith.

hym weren, fulfilden the temple. vndur hym, filliden the temple. Serafyn2 ^^tempie'
weren MHldrfWb.
aSerafyn stoden vp on it, sixe wenges to stoden on it, sixe wvneis
to oon,
. mon; netheles
the oon f, and sixe to the other?; with two and sixe wyngis to the tothir* ;
with this clause, and
the hows was ful
they coueredeii the face of hym, and with wyngis thei hiliden the face of hyrn, of his maieste,
is not in Ebreu,
two thei couereden the feet of hym, and and with twei y wyngis1 thei hiliden the nether in bokis
amendid. and
a with two thei flown. And thei crieden a
feet of hym, and with twei wyngis thei
tho thingis that

the tother 1'

to the tother, and seiden, flowen. And thei crieden the toon b to 3 wren vndur
mm, etc.; in
Hoeli, hoely, hoeli, Lord God of ostes ; the tother , and seiden, Hooli, hooli, hooli Ebreu thus,
and hise hem-
ful is al' the k erthe of the glorie of hym.
is the Lord God of oostis ; al erthe is ful mesjillide the
4 And to-moued ben the thresholdes of the of his glorie. And
the lyntels aboue of the face of him;
in Ebreu it is,
heenglis fro the vois of the criende, and the herris were moued togidere of the vois the face of hem
sthe hous fullfild is with smoke. And I of the criere, and the hous was fillid with silfand the
, ., feet of hem
seide, Wo to me, for I heeld my pes ; for smoke.
And Y7
. ,
seide, Wo
to me,
Yr a Lire here.

z a Om. AGHK. b Om. A. c that c et E pr.m. in the whiclie E sec. m. marg. d Om. c
hors A. el

E pr. m. e Om. A. f toon AGHK. ton E. e tother AEGHK. h toon A. '

Om. A. k Om. EGHK.

v Om. i. w ther schal i. * oother i. y two i. z Om i. a two i. b tother CFHKMMQRUVX. that

oon EP. the oother is. c oother i.
238 ISAIAH. vi. 6 VII. 2.

a defoulid in lippis I am, and in

man was stille* ;
for Y am a man defoulid in was stille; fro

the myddel of the puple defoulid lippes

lippis, and Y dwelle in the myddis of the

hauende I dwelle, and the king Lord of * & defoulid lippis, and
puple hauynge si3 Y brmnynge
thiswas not a

costes I sa3 with myn e3en. And ther with myn i3en the kyng Lord of oostis. material cole,
. nether material

flei3 to the" serafyn, and in

me oon of" And oon of serafyn flei to me, and ae auter, but yma-
his hond a cole, that with the toenge he brennynge cole was in his hond, which
7 toe fro the auter. And he touchede my cole he hadde take with a tonge fro the

mouth, and seide, Lo I haue touchid ! auter. Arid he touchide my mouth, and 7
sende thou me;

with this thi lippes, and ther shal be seide, Lo ! Y haue

touchid thi lippis with he synnede not

don awei thi wickydnesse, and thi synne this cole, and thi wickidnesse schal be don he

8 shal be clensid. And I herde the vois of awei, arid thi synne schal be clensid. And 8
the Lord, seiende, Whom shal I sende, Y herde the vois of the Lord, seiynge, purging. Lire
and who shal go to 3ou ? And I seide, Whom scbal Y sende, and who schal go * c.

9Lo! I am ;
send me. And he seide, Go, to 3ou ? And Y seide, Lo Yf sende thou !
; durstonde; that

and thou shalt sey to this puple, Hereth me. And he seide, Go thou, and thou 9

herende, and wileth not vnderstonde; and schalt seie to this puple, 3e herynge here e ,

seeth a viseoun, and wileth not knowen. and nyle 36 vndurstondej ; and se 36 the
stonde not, and
10 Blynde out the herte of this puple, and profesie, and nyle 36 knowe. Make thou 10 obeye not, but
he biforseide
his eres agregge, and his e3en close lest ; blynde the herte of this puple, and aggrege this thing to

comynge, in
par auenture he see with his e3en, and thou the eeris therof, and close thou the bifortelling the
hardnesse of
with his eres here, and with his herte i3en therof; perauenture it se with
the puple in
and be conuertid, and I hise i3en, and here with hise eeris, and yud. Make thou
blynd,etc.; that
uhele hym. And I seyde, Hou longe, vndurstonde with his herte, and it be con- is, denounce

Lord ? And he seide, To the tyme that uertid, and Y make it hool. And Y seide,
ben desolat the with oute dwellere,
citees Lord, hou long$ he seide, Til citees ? And
and houses with oute man. And the lond ben maad desolat with out dwellere, and ether hard -
nesse in yuel.
12 shal be laft desert, and aferr shal make housis with out man. And the lond schal
Lord men. And ther shal be multe-
the be left desert, and the Lord schal make
plied that was laft in the myddel of the men fer^. And that h that was forsakun ||
"^lyf^ of
00 d ut offl
13 erthe, and 3it in it tithing and it shal the myddil of erthe, schal be multiplied, ^? , ?.
; * wille ; for whi
be conuertid, and it shal be in to shew- and 3it tithing schal be ther jr nne and it
is a man that

yng as a terebynt, and as an oek, that schal be conuertid, and it

schal be in

turnyth awey
i i j i God,' disserueth
spredeth out his braunches hoely sed ; it schewyng, as a terebynte is, and as an ook, that God with .

shal ben, that that shal stonden in it. that spredith abrood hise boowis that ;
^f^wS* to
schal be hooli seed, that schal stonde ther worching is

lijtne the vn-

ynne. durstonding,
CAP. and to make
VII. CAP. VII. neische the
wiUe ' andther -
1 And it is don in the da3es of Achaz, And it was don in the daies of Achas,i for whanne
sone of Joathan, sone of Osie, grace is with-
king of the sone of Joathan, the sone of Osias,
drawun, a man
Juda, ther blyndid and
ste3ede vp Rasyn, king of kyng of Juda, Rasyn, the kyng of Sine, is
hardid bi his
Cyrie, and Fascee, theP sone of Romelie, and Facee, the sone of Romelie, the kyng malice. This
was fillid to the
king of Irael, in to Jerusalem, to fyte of Israel, stieden to Jerusalem, for to fi3te lettre, whanne
at the preching
a3en hym and thei my3te not ouercome
a3ens it ; and thei rny3ten not ouercome it. of Crist, Jewis
2 it. And thei tolden to the hous of Dauid, And thei telden to the hous of Dauid, and 2 weren hardid in
synne, for greet
party, as it is
seid in xij. c. of Joon. Lire here. c.
Lord, hou longe; schal this blyndnesse and hardnesse laste. Lire here. c. that wasforsakun; ||

that the chirche ofCristen men, that weren in Judee, and weren forsakun of othere
Jewis, schal haue prosperite aftirward; ether the lond of
Juda forsakun in the caytifte of Babiloyne, schal haue
prosperite in the tyme of Macabeys. Lire here. c.

Om. AEK. m fro E pr. m. n Om. AEGHK. in mo^h Om.
c pr- m> c pr. m. dymy E i>r. m.
P Om. ^GHK.
* the which i. e hereth e aferr h that *
i. i. i. the tithing, ether lenthe part i.
VII. 3 IS- ISAIAH. 239
* Sirie hath
vp on Effraym, and
seiende, Siria restede seiden, Sirie hath restid* on Effraym, and
reiiid, etc.; that
to-moued is his herte and the herte of the herte of hym and of his puple was is, the king of
Sirie and tic-
his puple, as ben moued the trees of rnouyd togidere, as the trees of wodis ben king of Israel
awodis fro the face of the wynd. And mouyd of the face of the wynd. And the 3
bea confed rid .
to come togidere
the Lord seide to Isaie, Go out in to a3en- Lord seide to Isaie, Go thou out, and Ja- ajenus the
rewme of Juda.
comyng of Achaz, thou, and that is laft, sub, thi sone, which is left, in to the meet- Lire here. c.
t that thou he
Jasub, thi sous, to the ende of the water yng of Achas, at the laste ende of the stille;that in,
that thou be in
condute of the ouere pond'', in the weie water cundijt of the hi3ere cisterne, in the good pees and
4 of the feeld of the fullere. And thou weie of the feeld of the fullere. And thou 4 reste
shall sey to hym, See, that thou holde schalt seie to hym, Se thou, that thou be suynge kyngis
. smokinge; he
thi pes ;
wile thou not dreden, and thin stilley nyle thou drede, and thin herte
; seith this, for

herte be not ferd of the two tailes of these be not aferd of k twei tailis of these these kingu
schulde be
smokende fyr brondis in to the wrathe brondis smokynge in the wraththe of
quenchid, as
of the wodnesse, of Rasyn, king of Sirie, woodnesse, of Rasyn, kynge of and he tellith in Sirie,
this capitle.
sand sone of Romelie. For thi that euel of the sone of Romelye. For Sirie, and a Lire here. i.
counseil he wente in a3en thee, Ciria, and Effraym, and the sone of Romelie, ban that of RO- is,

Effraym, and the sone of Romelye, sei- bigunne yuel councel a3ens thee, and seien, iTciepid here
e ende, Ste3e wee vp to Judarn, and rere Stie we to Juda, and reise we hym, and e

wee hyrn, and pulle wee hym vp to vs ; drawe we hym out to vs and sette we a T.hese ixv. eer

bigunnen in the
and putte wee a king in his myddel, the kyng the myddis therof, the sone of
7 sone of Thabel. These thingus seith the TabeelJ. The Lord God seith these?
Lord God, This shal not be, and shal not thingis, This schal not be, and it schal
sstonde; but the hed of Sirie Damasch, not stonde ; but Damask schal be the 8 ?
in which
and the bed of Damasch Rasyn and 3it ;
heed of Sirie, and Rasyn ^schal be m the Amos bigan to
profesie, for
and fyue 3er, and Effraym shal cese
sixti heed of Damask and 3it sixti 3eer and
; in the sixte seer
of kyng Ese-
9 to ben a puple and the bed of Effraym
and Effraym schal faile to be a puple;

Samarie, and the hed of Samarie, the and Samarie shal fade to be the heed of 9
"" book of
sone of Romelie. If 366 shul not leeuen, Effraym, and the sone of Romelie schal
And the Lord n
10366 shul not abide stylle. faile to be heed of Samarie. Forsothe not dweiie,- in

11leide to to speke to Achaz, seyende, Aske if 36 schulen not bileue, 30 schulen not seide this, S
And the Lord addide to speke toiOp h

to thee a tokne fro the Lord thi God, in dwelle.

to the depthe of helle, or in to hei3te t Achas, and seide, Axe thou to thee a signe n not bileue to
12 aboue. And Achaz seide, I shal not aske, of thi Lord God, in to the depthe of helle, hise wordis.
a signe; of thi
is and I shal not tempte the Lord. And ethir in to hei3the aboue. And Achas 12 deiyueraunce,
he seyde, Hereth thanne, 366 the hous of seide, Y schal not axe, and Y schal not pie. </<Mz!en
Dauid ; whether litil to 3ou is to ben tempte^ the Lord. And Ysaie seide, Ther- is
whether hou w <-schip-
greuous to men, for 3ee ben greuous and for the hous of Dauid, here 36 ; f
ist. m to the
14 to my God ? For that he the Lord shal to 3ou to? be diseseful to men||,
it is litil depthe ofheiie ,

3yue to 3ou a tocne. Lo a mayde shal ! for 36 ben diseseful also to God ? For my signe to thee,
conceyue, and bern a sone ; and thou this thing the Lord hym silf schal 3yue a
isshalt clepe his name Ernanuel. Butter signe to 3ou. Lo a virgyn schal conseyue,

and horiy he shal ete, that he kunne re- and schal here a sone ; and his name schal bi the

slonding of the
sunne, in the
tyme of Josue, in x. c. of Josue. Lire here. c. not tempte; this was a feyned accusacioun, to coloure his yuel, for lie was the worste idola-
trour, and nolde that ony thing were schewed to the glorie of God. Lire here. c. diseseful to men; that is, to profetis, whiche thei diseseden

ofte, in scornynge and tunnentinge hem, and sum tyme in sleynge hem. diseseful also to my God; in forsakinge a signe profrid of him, lest his name
be glorified, for this thyny; that is, to the declaring of his name principaly. a signe; of joure deiyueraunce. a virgyn; that is, Seynt Marie, which
conseyuede, and childide, and dwellith euere a virgyn. Emanuel; that is, God with vs, for whi Crist is bothe God and man. ete bolere and hony;

1 fishpond E pr. m. r holde not E pr. m. beued E el K passim. 4 the hei3t K.

k of the i. '
we up i. m Om. i. n Om. i.
Thou therfor A pr. m. c pr. m. EFU. P for
240 ISAIAH. VII. 1 6 VIII. 1.

For er be clepid Emanuel. He schal ete botere is this is


icpreuen euel, and chesen good. signefie his very

the child kunne repreuen euel, and chesen and hony, that he kunne repreue yuel, manhed, which
T-i !.<-
For whi bifore
, i
that the
.1 nurchid bi
10 siche
the lond shal be forsaken, the and cheese good. jhingis,
whiche thou hast abhominacioun of, fro child kunne repreue yuel, and chese good,
The Lord the lond, which thou wlatist, schal be for-
17 the face of ther two kingus.
sakun of the face of her tweii kyngis. word that sig-
shal to vp on thee, and vp on thi
bringe nefieth not
hous of thi fader, The Lord schal brynge on thee, and on
puple, and vp on the iVcause^butsu- "

da3es that camen not

fro the da3es of the thi puple, and on the hous of thi fadir, and

of fro Juda, with the daies that camen not fro the daies of de-
seueryng Effraym
king of Assiries. And it
shal be, in that partyng of Effraym fro Juda, with the
to the fle3e, kyng of Assiriens*. And it schal be, in
day the Lord shal whistle nus kunnyng,
that is in the" vtmostes
v of the flodus of that dai the Lord schal hisse to a flie, to repreue yuel,

that is in the lond which is in the laste parte of the floodis

Egipt; and to the bee,
19 of Assur ; and thei alle shuln come, and of Egipt ;
and to a bee, which is in the
lond of Assur and so r schulen come, 10 man fro"the
resten in the stremes of valeys, and caues ;
firste tyme of
of stones, and in alle busshi w
places, and and schulen reste in the strondis of valeis, his conseyuyng

20 in alle holis. Iii

x that dai the Lord shal
. .

and in caues 8 of stooms, and

alle places
m in his HIM Iris
W ombe,and

shauen in a sharp rasour in hem, that of buyschis, and in alle hoolis. And
that dai the Lord schal schauet with a
m2M&A- the child kunne,
be3unde the flood ben, in the king of etc. Lirehere.c.

Assiries, hed, and the heres of feet, and scharp rasour in these men, that ben bi- */cynff ofAs-
iriens; for Teg-
21 eche herd. And it shal be, in that day 3endis the flood, in* the kyng of Assiriens, lath Falasar,
of Assi-
a man shal nurshen a cow of oxen, and the heed, and" heeris T of the feet, and al w kyng
riens, wastide

22 two shep, and mylc he shal

for plente of the beerd. And it schal be, in that day 21 ^ttlne
n man *yn-
eten butter; butter and hony shal 'etc a man schal nurische a cow of oxis, and stood, schal
eche man?, that shal be laft in the myd- twei scheep, and for the plentee of mylk 22 hisse; thaUs.
23 del of the lond. And it shal be, in that he schal ete botere for whi ech man that ;

day eche place wher shul be a thousend schal be left in the myddis of the lond,
vynes for a thousend syluer penys, and schal ete boter and hony.
And it schal 23 to*e puple of
Lime, that cam
be, in that dai ech place where a thousand
in to thornes and in to breres they shul with greet cum-
peny. to a be;
24 be, with arwes and bowe thei shul go vyneris schulen be worth a thousynde that is, the pu-

in thider; forsothe breres and thornes platis of siluer, and schulen be

in to
25 shul be in al the lond. And alle hilles thornes and breeris, men schulen entre24|
that in a wode shul be purgid,
bil W thidur with bouwis and arowis ; for whi ciouns
Lire here.

kytt off"*, ther shal not come thider ferd breris and thornes schulen be in al the c.

of thornes and a of breres ;

and it shal be lond. And alle hillis that schulen be 25 ^ "haT is""*'
whanne Sena-
in to oxe b leswe, and in c treding of feld x
purgid with a sarpe , the drede of thornes cherib schal
come ajenus
beste. and of breris schal not come thidir ; and
Jerusalem, to
it schal be in to lesewe of oxen- , and in distrie it, the
Lord schal sle
to treding z of scheep. thiskyng and
his oost. the
heed; that is,
CAP. VIII. CAP. VIII. the king, that
was slayn of
And the Lord seide to me, Tac to And the Lord seide to me, Take to thee i
owne lond.

the heerii of
feel; that is, footmen of his oost. al the beerd; that is, alle hoi-semen, for the aungel of God killide an hundrid thousynde and iiij. score and r. thou-
sinde of his oost in o nijt, in mi. book of Kingis, xix. c. a cote of oxis; that is, a cow aloone
dwellinge to him, of a greet drone of neet. ech man;
that is, iust men, lyuynge hi mannus
liyf, and not beestli liyf. botere and hony; that is, abundaunce of goodis of the erthe. with arowis, etc. ;
wielde beestis and serpentis hid there, for defaute of tilieris. Lire here. c.

Om. GH. v vttermostis AGHK. w the busshi AEGHK. x And in K sec. m. y eche man ete E sec. m.
z a
Om.cBpr.m. ne E pr. m. 1>
oxen AGHK. c in to A.

1 two r a ii e
i. (ho CH sec. m. FS. alle KU. also M. s the
caues i. l of Hsec. m.
of CEP. v the
heeris N. w
of al G. x a breer hook i
marg. sarpe, id est, a rveod hook K sec. m. wodebil, ether a sarpe u.
7 oxe CFGHKMPQKSUVX. oxis E. z the
treding FK. the dredynge s.
vm. 2 14. ISAIAH. 241

thee a gret boc, and writ in it with the a greet book, and write ther ynne with
poyntel of a man, Swiftli spoiles tac the poyntil of man*, Swiftli drawe thou "with the
,. ,, .
poyntel of man;
sawey, soone refe. And I toe to me feith-
awei spuyhs, take thou prey soone. And 2 that is,

ful witnesses, Vrie, the prest, and Sacha- Y 3 af to me faithful witnessis, Vrie, the
3 rie, the sone of Barachie. And I wente prest,and Sacarie, the sone of Barachie.
to a prophetesse ; and she conceyuede, And Y nei3ede to the profetesse andsches ;
the word of
God himsilf.
and har a sone. And the Lord seide to conseyuede, and childide a sone. And the This was not
me, Clep his name Haste thou spoiles to Lord me, Clepe thou his name
seide to y ng yn of "!?it-
4 tac awey, hee3e thou to refen. For er the Haste thou to drawe awei spuylisf, haaste
child kunne" clepe his fader and his mo- thou for to take prey. For whi bifor that 4
der, shal be taken awei the strengthe of the child kan clepe his fadir and his mo- goostiy, and of
. tyme to com-
Damasch, and the spoiles of Samarie, bi- dir, the strengthe of Damask schal be doon ynge longe
And the Lord j ,i_ T /. c\ i /> aftir. This Vrie
s forthe king of Assiries. awei, and the spuyhs of Samarie, bifor profesiede bifor

eleide to to speke to me, seiende, For thi the kyng of Assiriens. And the Lords
that this puple hath cast awey the watris addide to speke to me, and he * xvi> c "- of
3it seide,
Jerem., ajentis
of Siloe, that gon with cilence, and more For that thing that this puple hath caste 6 Jerusalem and
... - . _,.. Judee. Sacarie
toe to Rasyne, and ee the sone of Romelie, awei the watris of goen with Siloe, that is the *i. among
7 for that lo the Lord shal bringe to vp
silence, and hath take more Rasyn, and
on hem watres of the flod stronge and the sone of Romelie, for this thing lo!; Aat is the vir-
gyn Marie, his '

manye, the king of Assiries, and al the the Lord schal brynge on hem the stronge name < that 1S >

the name of
glorie of him and he shal ste3en vp ; and many watris of the flood, the king of the child borun.

vp on alle his ryueres, and flowen vp Assiriens, and al his glorie and he schal ;

on alle his stremes f And he shal gon .

sti3e on alle the stremes therof, and he
thur3 Judam flowende, and passende'vn flowe on acordith
schal alle the ryueris therof. H
Crist rysinge
to the necke he shal come ; and ther And he schal go flowynge bi Juda, and he 8 ajen, that
spuylide helle
shal be the spredyng out of his wenges, schal passe til to the necke, and schal in that tyme.

fulfillende the breede of thi h lond, O ! comeand the spredyng forth of hise

9 Emanuel. Beth gedered, 366 puples, and wyngis schal be, and schal fille the breede kunn'n^diat*
beth bounde togidere and hereth', alle ; of thi lond, thou Emanuel. Puplis, be 369 is, bifor that he
be maad man.
3ee londis aferr. Beth coumfortid, and be gaderid togidere, and be 36 ouercomun ;
Lire here. c.
and beth m
3ee ; girdeth 3ou', and alle londis afer, here 36. Be 30 coum-
10 ouercomen" goth in counseil, and it shal
; fortid, and be 36 ouercomun gird 36 ;

be scatered ; speketh a wrd, and it shal 3ou, and be 36 ouercomun take 36 coun- 10;

n not be do, for with vs is God. These eel, and it schal be destried ; speke 36 a
thingus forsothe seith the Lord to me, as word, and it schal not be doon, for God is
in a strong hond he ta3te me, lest I shulde with vs. For whi the Lord seith these n
go in to the weie of this puple, seiende, thingis to me, as he taitjte me in a stronge
12 Seith not, Coniuracioun, alle thingis for- hond, that Y
schulde not go in to the weie
sothe that? speketh this puple is coniura- of this puple, and seide, Seie 36 not, It isiz
cioun ; and his drede ne drede 366, ne sweryng togidere, for whi alle thingis
istakith ferd. The Lord of hostes him which this puple spekith is sweryng togi-
halewith, and he 3oure inward drede, and dere; and drede 36 not the ferdfulnesse
he'' 3oure outward drede and he shal be ; therof, nether be 36 aferd. Halowe 36 the is
14 to 3ou in to halewing ; in to a ston for- Lord hym silf of oostis and he schal be ;

sothe of offencioun, and in to a ston of 3oure inward drede, and he schal be 3oure
sclaunder, to the two houses of Irael ; ferdfulnesse, and he schal be to 3ou in to
and in to a grene, and in to falling, to halewyng. Forsothe he schal be in to ai4
d Om. CE kunne ee Om. c S to B pr. m.
pr. m. rochis E pr.
e { roeches c m.
pr. m. shal A. fir.
girde je G
h his a pr. m. k m. be
here AGIIK. ouercomen, or houndcn loffidere G .tec. m. '

je AKE sec. m. a sec. m. D bounde togidere E pr. m. ouercomen, or to gidir gird G sec. m. Sey
P it K. q Om. A.
242 ISAIAH. VIII. 15 IX. 3.

is men dwellende Jerusalem. And manye stoon of hirtyng, and in to a stoon of

of hem shul offenden, and fallen, and sclaundre, to tweyne housis of Israel ; in
ben to-brosid, and grened, and ben taken. to a snare, and in to fallyng, to hem that

16 Bind the witnessing, marke the lawe in dwellen in Jerusalem. And ful many of 15

17 my disciples. I shal abide the Lord, that hem schulen and schulen falle,
hidde his face fro the hous of Jacob, and and thei schulen be al to-brokun, and thei
Ir schulen be boundun, and schulen be takun.
is I shal sechen hym. Lo ! and my chil-

der, whom jaf to me the Lord in to tocne, Bynde thou witnessyng, mark thou theie
and in to wunder to Irael, fro the Lord lawe in my disciplis. Y schal abide the 17

of ostes that dwelleth in the hil of Sion. Lord, that hath hid his face fro the hous
19 And whan thei shul sey to 300, Secheth of Jacob, and Y
schal abide hym. Lo ! is

of deuel cleperes, and of deuynoures, that

s Y and my children, whiche the Lord 3af
sounen strongli in their chauntingus, whe- to me in to a signe, and greet wondur to

thir not a puple of his God shal seche Israel, of the Lord of oostis that dwellith

a viseoun for the quyke and the deade ? in the hil of Sion. And whanne thei seien 19

20 To the lawe more and to thi witnessing, to 3ou, Axe

36 of coniureris, and of false
that if thei 'schul not sei* aftir this dyuynouris, that gnasten in her enchaunt-
wrd, shal v not be to them morutid Ii3t. yngis, whether the puple schal not axe of
21 And he shal passe thur3 it, and it shal her God a reuelacioun for quyke men and
falle, and hungre. 'And when it shal deed ? It is to go to the lawe more a and 20
w it shal wrathen, and cursen to to the witnessyng, that if thei seien not
hongre ,
his kyng and to his God, and it shal be- after this word, morewtide Ii3t schal not
22holden vp. And to the lond it shal loken, be to hern. And it schal passe bi that, 21

and lo ! tribulacioun, and dercnesses,'and and it schal falle doun, and it schal hun-
vnbyndyng and anguysh, and derk myst
, gre. And whanne
schal hungre, it schal

pursuende and it shal not moun flee

be wrooth, and schal curse his kyng and
awei fro his anguysh. his God, and it schal biholde vpward. And 22
it and lo tribu-
schal loke to the erthe, !

lacioun, and derknessis, and vnbyndyng,

ether discoumfort, and angwisch, and

myist pursuynge and it schal not mow


fle awei fro his



1 The firste tyme is aleggid, maud W In the firste tyme the lond of Zabulon i

litfy, the lond of Zabulon and the lond of and the lond of Neptalym was releessid b ;

Neptalym ; and the laste tyme agreggid and at the laste the weie of the see bi3ende
is the weie of the se be3unde Jordan of Jordan of Galile of hethene men was maud
2 Galilee of Jentiles. The puple that wente heuy. The puple that 3ede in derknessis 2
in derknesses sa3 a gret Ii3t ; to the men
si3 a greet Ii3t ; whanne men dwelliden in
dwellende in the regioun of the shadewe the cuntre of schadewe of deth, roos
3 of deth, sprungen is to them. Thou to hem. Thou thou 3
1131 vp multipliedist folk,
hast multeplyed the folc of kinde, not
magnefiedist not gladnesse; thei schulen be
magnefiedist gladnesse ; thei shul glade glad bifore thee, as thei that ben glad in
bifor thee, as thei that maken
gladen in rip, as heruest, as ouercomeris ful out ioie,

r Om. AGJIK. s Om. A. *

not c pr. m. seyn not " thi c
pr. m. E pr. m.
sei JE
pr. m. ther
shal c pr. m. B w Om.
this shal pr. m. ther shal E sec. m. c. * desolacioun c
pr. m. and desola-
cioun E pr. m. y Om. c et E pr. m.

a more rather b
alijted [lijtid KS sec. m.vx], ether releessid CEGHIKMNPQRSUVXY.
IX. 4 1 ISAIAH. 243

ful out io3en ouercomeres, the prey taken, whanne han take a prey, whanne thei
4 whan thei deuyden spoiles. The 300 for-
departen the spuylis. For thou hast ouer-4
sothe of his charge, and the 3erde z of come the 3ok of his birthun, and the 3erde
his a shulder, and the kingus power of his of his schuldre, and the ceptre of his
'wrong asker thou ouercame, as in the wrongful axere, as in the day of Madian.
sdai of Madian. For eche violent reuyng For whi al violent raueyn with noise, and 5
with noise, and clothing inengd with blod a cloth meddlid with blood schal be in to
shal be c in to brennyng, and mete of fyr. d e
brennyng, and ^schal be the mete of fier.
6 A litil child forsothe is born to vs, and Forsothe a litil child is borun to vs, and c
a sone is 3oue to vs, and mad is prince- a sone is 3ouun to vs, and prinsehod is
hed vp on his shulder; and his name shal maad on his schuldre ; and his name schal
be clepid Merueilous, Counseiler, God, be clepid Wondurful, counselour, God, A
Strong, Fadir of the world to come, Prince Strong,
fadir ofAthe world to comynge,
7 of pes. His empire shal be multeplied, A prince of pees. His empire schal be;
and of pes ther shal not ben ende ; vp on multiplied, and noon ende schal be of his
the see of Dauid, and vpon his regne he pees he schal sitte on the seete of Dauid,

shal sitte, that he conferme it, and and on the rewme of hym, that he con-
strengthe in dom and ri3twyssnesse, fro ferme it, and make stronge in doom and
now and unto withoute ende. The ri3tfulnesse, fro hennus forth and til in to

huge looue of the Lord of ostes shal don with outen ende. The feruent loue of the
s this. A
wrd the Lord sente in to Jacob, Lord of oostis schal make this. The Lord s
9 and it fel in Irael. And al the puple sente a word in to Jacob, and it felle in
of Effrayin shal wite, and the men dwell- Israel. And al the
puple of Effraym schal 9
ende Samarie, in pride and gretnesse'of wite, and thei that dwellen in Samarie,
inherte f seiende, Sclattes fellen, but with seiynge in the pride and greetnesse of
square stones wee shul bilden vp ; sico- herte, Tijl stoonys fellen doun, but we 10

more? trees thei hewen doun, but ceder schulen bilde with square stoonys ; thei
trees wee shul newen, 'or cliaungeri^. han doun sicomoris, but we schulen
n And the Lord shal reren enemys Rasyn chaunge And the Lord schal reise n

vpon hym, and his enemys in to noise he the enemyes of Rasyn on hym, and he
12 shal turne, Cirie fro the est, and Filisteyn schal turne the enemyes of hym in to
fro the west ; and thei shul deuoure noyse ; God schal make Sirie to come fro 12

Irael with al the mouth. In alle thes the eest, and Filisteis fro the west ; and
thingus is not turned awei the wodnesse with al the mouth thei schulen deuoure
of hym, but jit his bond stra3t out' ;
Israel. In alle these thingis the stronge
13 and the puple not turned a3een to the
is veniaunce of the Lord not turned awei,

smytende hym, and the Lord of ostes thei but 3it his bond is stretchid forth; and the is

14 inwardlyche so3ten not. And the Lord puple is not turned a3en to the Lord
shal scatere fro Irael the bed and the smytynge it, and thei soften not the
tail, the inbowende and the shrewende, in Lord of oostis. And the Lord schal leese& 14
is o day. The longe lyuende and the wrshepe- fro Israel the heed and the
crokynge tail,

full, the bed, and the profete tech-

he is and bischrewynge, ether refreynynge, in
16 ende lesyng, he is the tail. And thei shul o dai. An elde man and onourable, he is is
be, that maken blisful this puple, bigil- the heed, and a profete techynge a lees- 1'

ende ; and that ben mad blisful, throwe yng, he is the tail. And thei that blessen ic

a * Om. K pr. m. d
kingis jerde E pr. m. Om. E pr. m. pletere c et E pr. m. c
jyuen E.
e in to AG sec. m. H. f Om. c. B wilde mulberie c et E pr. m. Om. c et E pr. m. '
Om. c

pr. m,
c Om. N. d Om. i. e Om. E. I Om. F sf. in. N. 8 fordo i.

I i 2
244 ISAIAH. IX. 17 X. 5.

17 doun. For that vp on the 3ungek waxen his puple, schulen be disseyueris, and thei

men of hym the Lord shal not deliten, that ben blessid, schulen be cast doun.

and of his faderles childer and widewis For this thing the Lord schal not be glad 17

he shal not han mercy for eche ipocrite ;

on the 3onge men therof, and he schal not
m and a shrewe, and eche mouth spac haue merci on the fadirles children and
folie. In alle thes thingus is not turned widewis therof; for ech man is an ypo-
awei his wodnesse, but 3it his hond crite and weiward, and ech mouth spak
and the puple is not turned foli. In alle thingis the stronge
is stra3t out ;

a3een to the smytende hym. vp Tend veniaunce of hym not turned awei, but

forsothe as thoo his hond is stretchid forth ; and the is

is fyr vnpitousnesse ; 3it

breres and the thorne it shal deuoure, puple not turned a3en to the Lord

and shal be brend vp in the thickeues

it smytynge it. For whi wickidnesse is
of the wilde wode, and it shal be al to- kyndlid as fier ; it schal deuoure the
19 wrappid in the pride of the smoke. In
breris and thornes, and it schal be kyn-

the wrathe of the Lord of ostes al dis- dlid in the thickenesse of the forest, and
turbid shal be the lond, and the puple it schal be wlappid togidere in the pride

shal be as the mete of fyr ; a man to of smoke. In the wraththe of the Lord 19

20 his brother shal not spare. And he shal of oostis the lond schal be disturblid, and
bowe doun to the ri3t, and hungren, and the puple schal be as the mete of fier ;

he shal ete at the lift, and not be fulfild ; a man

schal not spare his brothir. And 20
eche the flesh of his arm shal deuoure. he schal boowe to the ri3t half, and he
Mariasses Effraym, and Effraym Ma- schal hungre, and he schal ete at the left

nasses, and togidere thei a3en Judarn. half, and he schal not be fillid ; ech man
21 In alle these thyngus is not turned awei schal deuoure the fleisch of his arm. Ma-
his wodnesse, but 3it his hond stojt out. nasses schal deuoure Effraym, and Ef-
frayrn ^schal deuoure Manasses, arid thei

togidere a3ens Juda. In alle these thingis 21

the strong veniaunce of hym is not turned
awei, but 3it his hoond is stretchid forth.

1 Wo that maken shreude lawes, and Wo to them that maken wickid lawis, i

2 wrytende vnri3twisnesse writen, that thei and thei writynge han wryte vnri3tful-
oppressederi" in dom pore men, and vio- nesse, for to oppresse pore men in doom, 2
lence diden to the cause of meke 00 men and to do violence to the cause of meke
ofmy puple ; that widewes were the prei men of my puple ; that widewis schulen
of hem, and faderles childer thei de- be the prey of them, and that thei schulden
3Stro3edenP. What
shul 3ee do in the day rauysche fadirles children. What schulen 3

off visiting, and of wrecchidnesse fro a do in the dai of visitacioun, and of

ferr comende? To whos helpe shul 300 wretchidnesse comynge fro fer? To whos
flee?and wher shul 3ee lefe 3oure glorie, help schulen 36 fie ? and where schulen 36
4 'lest 3eei bowid vrider bond, and with leeue 3oure glorie, that 36 be not bowid 4
slayn men falleth r
? Vp on alle these doun vndur boond, and falle not doun
thingus is not turned awei his wodnesse, with slayn men On
these thingis
? alle
5 but 3it his hond
stra3t out. to Assur, Wo his strong veniaunce is not turned awei,

k Om. AGHK. 1 eche E m Om. E sec. m. n

is sec. m. oppresse c pr. m. oppressen E pr. m. don c
el E pr, m. the meke E pr. m. P destroje CE pr. m. 1 ne be jeec et E pr. m. r fallen A.

Om. i.
X. 6 i6. ISAIAH. 245

the jerde of my wodnesse, and a staf he but jit his hond is stretchid forth. Wo to 6
is; in the hond of hem, myn indignacioun. Assur, he is the jerde and staf of my
e To a folc gilesum I shal senden hym, strong veniaunce myn indignacioun is

and a3en the puple of my wodnesse I in k the hond of them. schal send hyme Y
shal bidde to hym ; that he take awei to a fals folk, and Y schal comaunde to1
spoiles, and deuyde prey, and poote it in hym a3ens the puple of my strong ven-
7 to tredyng, as the cley of stretes. He iaunce ; that he take awei the spuylis, and
forsothe not so shal demen, and his herte departe prey, and that he sette that puple

not so shal eymen, but to to-treden 9 shal in to defouling, as the fen of stretis. For- 7
ben his herte, and to sleyng of folc not sothe he schal not deme so, and his herte

ffewe. Forsothe he shal sey, Whether schal not gesse so, but his herte schal be
not my princes togidere kingis ben ? for to al to-breke, and to the
sleynge of
Whethir not as Karchamys, so Chalan- many folkis. For he schal seie, Whether y
no and as Arfath, so Emath ? whethir
; my princes ben
not kyngis to gidere ?
10 not as Damasch, so Samarie ? What Whether not as Carcamys, so Calanno ;
maner myn hond fond the reumes of and as Arphat, so Emath ? whether not as

mawmet, so and" the symulacris of hem Damask, so Samarie? As myn hond foond 10
n of Jerusalem and of Sarnarie. Whethir the rewmes of idol, so and the m symyla-
not as I dide to Samarie, and his mau- cris of hem of Jerusalem and of Samarie.

metes, so I shal do to Jerusalem, and his Whether not as Y dide to Samarie, andii
12 symulacris ? And ifshal be, whan the to the idols therof, so Y schal do to Jeru-
Lord shall fulfelle alle v his werkis in the salem, and to the simylacris therof? And 12
mount of Sion and in Jerusalem, I shal it schal be, whanne the Lord hath fillid

visite vp on 'the fruyt of"' the gret do- alle hise werkis in the hil of Syon and in
ende herte of the king of Assur, and vp Jerusalem, Y schal visite on the fruit of
on the glorie of the hei3te x of his e3en. the greet doynge herte of the kyng of
is Forsothe he seide, In the Assur, and on the glorie of the hi3nesse
strengthe of
myn hond I dide, and in my wisdam I of hise i3en. For he seide, haue do in is Y
vnderstod ; and I toe awei the termes of the strengthe of myn honde, and Y haue
puples?, and the princes of them I rob- understonde in my wisdom and ;
Y haue
bede, and I dro3 awey as my3ti the sit- take awei the endis of peplis, and Y haue
utende men in hee3. And myu hond fond robbid the princes of them, and Y as a
as a nest the strengthe of puples, and as myjti man haue drawun doun them that
ben gedered eren* that ben laft, so al the saten an hi3. And myn hond foond the 14
londgederede and ther was not that
I ; strengthe of puplis as a nest, and as eirun
mouede a federe, and openede mouth, and ben gaderid togidere that ben forsakun, so
loberkyd". Whethir shal glorien the ax Ygaderid togidere al erthe; and noon was n
a3en hyrn that hewith in it ? or shal ben that mouyde a fethere, and openyde the
enhauncid the sawe a3en hym of whom mouth, and grutchide. Whether an axj&
it is drawen ? what maner wise if be schal haue glorie ajens hym that kittith
rered a 3erde a3en the rerende it, and be with it ? ether a sawe schal be enhaunsid
hauncyd a staf, that forsothe is a tree. a3ens hym of whom it is drawun? as if
16 For that shal sende the lordshepere, Lord a 3erde is reisid a3ens hym that reisith it,

of ostes, in his fatte thyngus thynnesse, and a staf enhaunsid, which sotheli is a

and vnder his glorie brend shal c brenne tre. For this thing the lordli gouernour, ic

9 treden ^GHK. *
princis E pr. v.
Om. E pr. m. v Om. c. w Om. c. * herte c
pr. m. X the
z a b enhaunsid AGHK. c the brend vp thingus
peplis K. eyren K. grucchide c et E pr. m.
stial E pr. m.
k in to A pr. m. '
Om. N. ra Om. i. n ther was i.
246 ISAIAH. x. 17 29.

And ther shal be Lord of oostis, schal sende thinnesse in

17 as brennyng of fyr.
the of Irael in fyr, and his hoeli in the fatte men of hym, and his glorie kyn-
flaume ; and d shal be brend out and de- dlid vndur schal brenne as 'the brenning
uoured his thorn and breres in o day. of fier. And the Ii3t of Israel schal be 17

is And the of his wilde wode and of in and the hooli of it in flawme and
fier, ;
his Carmel, fro e the soule vn to the flesh the thorn of him and brere schal be kynd-

he shall be wastid ; and he shal be for lid and deuourid in o dai. And the is

iflferd ferr fleende. And the releef of the glorie of his forest and of his Carmele
wode of the wilde wode for fewenesse schal be wastid, fro the soule 'til to?

shul be noumbred, and a child shal write fleisch ;

and he schal be fleynge awei for
20 them. And it shal be in that dai, shal drede. And the relifs of the tree of his 19

not ley to the remnaunt of Irael, and forest schulen be noumbrid for fewnesse,
these f that shul flee fro the hous of Ja- and a child schal write hem. And it schal 20
cob, to leuen vp on that smytiths
hym be in that dai, the remenaunt of Israel,
hem ; but it shal leue vp on the Lord, and thei that fledden of the house of Jacob,
21 hoeli of Irael, in treuthe. The rem- schal not adde for to triste on hym that

naunt shul be conuertid, the remnaunt smytith hem ; but it schal triste on the
forsothe of Jacob, to the stronge Lord. hooli Lord of Israel, in treuthe. The re- 21
22 If forsothe shul ben thi puple, Irael, as lifs, Y seie, thei relifs of Jacob, schulen
the h grauel of the se, the remnaunt shul be conuertid to the stronge Lord. For- 22
be conuertyd of it ; ending abreggid shal whi, Israel, if thi puple is as the grauel
asflowe ri3twisnesse. Ending forsothe and of the see, the relifs schulen be turned

abreggyng the Lord God of ostes shal therof ; an endyng maad schort schal make
24 make in the myddel of al erthe. For ri3tfulnesse to be plenteuouse. For whi 23
that these thingus seith the Lord God of the Lord God make an
of oostis schal
ostes, Wile thou not drede, my puple, endyng and a breggyng in the myddis of
dwellere of Sion, of Assur, in a jerde al erthe. For this thing the Lord God of 24
forsothe he shal smyte thee, and his staf oostis seith puple, the
these thingis, My
he shal reren vp on thee in the weie of dwellere of Sion, nyle thou drede of Assur,
25 Egipt. 3it forsothe a litil while, and a for he schal smite thee in a 3erde, and he

litil, and shal be ful endid myn indigna- schal reise his staf on thee in the weie of
cioun and myn wodnesse vp on the hi- Egipt. Forwhi 3it a litil, and a litil, and 25

2edous gilte 1
of hem. And the Lord of myn indignacioun and my strong ven-
ostes shal reren Vp on k it a scourge aftir iaunce schal be endid on the greet tres-
the veniaunce of pas of hem. And the Lord of oostis schal 2
Madyan in the ston of
Oreb, and his jerde vp on the se ; and he reise a scourge on hym bi the veniaunce

Egipt. And it
27 shal reren it the 11 weie of of Madian in the stoon of Oreb, and bi
shal be in that dai, shal be don on the see and he schal
awey his his 3erde ; reise
berthene fro thi m shulder, and his }oc fro that ^erde in the wei of Egipt. And it 27
thi necke ; and the 300 shal waxen al schal be in that dai, his birthun schal be
28 roten fro the face of oile. It shal come takun awei fro thi schuldre, and his 3ok
in Ayot, shal passe in r
and the 3ok schal wexe
it fro thi necke
Magron, anent" ;

Magmas it shal commende his vesseles. rotun fro the face of oile. He schal come 28
29 Thei wenten a cours, Gaba cure seete, he schal passe in to Magron,
in to Aioth,
Rama Vas stonyed , Gaba of Saul flei3. at Magynas he schal bitake his vessels to

e and fro E pr.m. l h

thei A. S smot c et E pr. m. Om. K. >
giltes c.
vp H.
Madyanytes c. H in the E. m ther c. n anentus E et alii. becam doumb c et E pr. m.

Om. A pr. m. brenning of A sec. m. P vnto I. q to i. r thi i.

X. 30 XI. 8. ISAIAH. 247

with thi thou defter of Ga-

vois, kepyng. Thei passiden swiftli, Gabaa 1*29
lyn ; tac heed, Laisa, thou porelet A- oure seete, Rama was astonyed, Gabaa of
31 nathot. Wente forth Medemena ; 366 Saul fled. Thou dou3tir of Gallym, weileso
32dwelleris of Jebyn, taketh coumfort. %it with thi vois ; thou Laisa, perseyue, thou
dai is, that in Nohe me stonde ; he shal pore Anatot. Medemena passide ; the 31
shake his hond vpon the mount of the dwelleris of Gabyn fledden ; be 36 coum-
33do3ter of Sion, hil of Jerusalem. Lo ! fortid. 3it it is dai, that me stonde in 32
the? lordshepere, Lord of ostes, shal to- Nobe ; he schal dryue his hond on the hil
breke the litil
wyn vessel in ferd, and of the dou3ter of Syon, on the litil hil of
the hee3e men in stature shul ben hewe Jerusalem. Lo the lordli gouernour, the 33

34 doun. And
the ful hee3e shul be lowed, Lord of oostis, schal breke a potel in drede,
and the thicke thingus of the wilde wode and hi3 men of stature schulen be kit doun.
shul ben turned vpsodoun with iren ; and And proude men schulen be rnaade low, 34
Liban with hee3e thing shall falle. and the thicke thingis of the forest schulen
be distried bi irun and the Liban with;

hi3 thingis schal falle doun.


1 And ther shal gon out a 3erde fro the And a 3erde schal go out of the roote i

roote of Jesse, and a flour of his roote of Jesse, and a flour schal stie of the roote
2 shal ste3en vp. And ther shal resten vp of it. And
the Spirit of the Lord schal 2
on hym the Spirit of the Lord, spirit of reste on hym, the spirit of wisdom and of
wisdam and of vnderstondyng, spirit of vndurstondyng, the spirit of counsel and
and of strengthe, spirit of kun-
counseil of strengthe, the spirit of kunnyng and of
3 nyng and of pite and shal fulfille hym^
; pitee ; and the spirit of the drede of the 3
the spirit of drede of the Lord. Not Lord schal fille him. He schal deme not
aftir theseyng of e3en he shal deme, ne bi the si3t of i3en, nether he schal repreue*
after the heering of eres he shal vnder- bi the heryng of eeris ; but he schal deme 4
nyme ; but he shal deme in ri3twisnesse in ri3tfulnesse pore men, and he schal re-

pore men, and vndernymen in equyte, for preue in equyte, for the mylde men of
the debonere of the r erthe. And he shal erthe. And he schal smyte the lond with
smyte the erthe with the 3erde of his the 3erde of his mouth, and bi the spirit
mouth, and with the spirit of his mouth
of his lippis he schal sle the wickid man.
s he shal sle the vnpitous. And ther shal And ri3tfulnesse schal be the girdil of hise 5

be ri3twisnesse the litil girdil of his leendis, and feith schal be the girdyng of
lendes, and feith the girdil of his reenes. hise reynes. A wolf schal dwelle with ae
e Ther shal dwelle the wlf with the lome, lombe, and a parde schal reste with a

and the parde with the kide shal leyn ;

kide ; a calf, and a lioun, and a scheep
the calf, and the leoun, and the shep to- schulen dwelle togidere, and a litil child
gidere shul dwelle, and a lytil child shal schal dryue hem. A calf and a beere?
7 dryue them. The calf and the bere schulen be lesewid togidere ; the whelpis
shul be fed togidere ; ther shul resten of hem schulen reste, and a lioun as an
the whelpus of hem, and a leoun as an oxe schal ete stre. And a 3onge soukyngs
soxe shal etc chaf. And
the faunt, or a child fro the tete schal delite on the hole
xoukande c/iilde", shal deliten of the tete of a snake, and he that is wenyd schal
vp on the hole of the eddere, and in the putte his hond in the caue of a cocatrice.

P Om. E pr. in. 1 hem K pr. m.

r Om. AE sec. m. GHK. *
lippis AEGHK. * And ther AE pr. m. GHK.
u Om. CE pr. m.
Om. *
repreue, ether conuicle
i. i.

caue of the kokatrice that shal be taken Thei schulen not anoye, and schulen not 9
awei fro sok, W
wenyd , he shal putte
v sle in al myn hooli hil ; forwhi the erthe
9 his hond. Thei shuln not no3en, and is fillid with the w kunnyng of the Lord,
thei shuln not sleyn in al myn hoeli as watris of the see hilynge. In that dai 10

for fulfild is the erthe of the roote of Jesse, that stondith in to the
mounteyn ;

signe of puplis ; hethene men schulen* bi-

the kunnyng of the Lord, as the watir
10 of the se couerende. In that dai the seche hym, and his sepulchre schal be
roote of Jesse, that stant in to tocne of gloriouse. And it schal be in that day, 11

Jentiles shuln louli pre3en, the Lord schal adde the secounde tyme
puples ; hym
and shal be the sepulcre of hym glorious. his hond to haue in possessioun the re-

n And it shal be in that dai, the Lord the sidue of his puple that schal be left, of
secunde tyme shal ley to his hond to welde Assiriens, and of Egipt, and of Fethros,
the residue of his puple that shal be and of Ethiope, and of Elan, and of Sen-
lafte, of the Assiries, and of Egipt, and nar, and of Emath, and of ylis of the see.
of Fecros, and of Etheope, and of Elan, And he schal reise a sygne to naciouns, 12
and of Sennar, and of Emath, and of the? and schal gadere togidere the fleeris awei
12 islis of the se. And he shal reren a tocne of Israel ; and he schal gadere togidere the
in to naciouns, and gedere togidere the scaterid men of Juda fro foure coostis of
ferr floun of Irael and the to-scateredz
erthe. And the enuye of Effraym schal \s

of Juda he shal gedere fro the foure be don awei, and the enemyes of Juda
iscoestes of the a erthe. And ther shal be schulen perische Effraym schal not haue

taken awey the enuye of Effraym, and enuye to Juda, and Juda schal not fi3te
the enemys of b Juda shul pershe ; Ef- a3ens Effraym. And thei schulen flie inu
fraym shal not enuyen Judam, and Juda to the schuldris of Filisteis bi the see, thei
H shal not fi3tea3en Effraym. And thei schulen take prey togidere of the sones of
shul flee in to the shuldres of Filisteys , the eest ; Ydume and Moab schulen be
bi the se togidere thei shul robbe the the comaundement of the hond of hem,
sonus of the est ; Ydume and Moab the and the sones of Amon schulen be obe-
heste of the hond of hem, and the sonus dient. And the Lord schal make desolat is
is of Amon obeisaunt shul be. And the the tunge of the see of Egipt, and he schal
Lord shal make desolat the tunge of the reise his hond on the flood in the strengthe
se of Egipt, and he shal rere his hond of his spirit ; and he schal smyte, ethir
vpon the flod in the strengthe of his departe, in seuene ryueris, so that schood

spirit ; and he shal smyte hym in seuene men passe bi it. And a weie schal be to ie
ryueres, so that thei passe thur3 hym my residue puple that schal be left, of
16 shod men d . And ther shal be a weye Assiriens, as it was to Israel, in the dai
to my residue puple that shal be lafte, of in which it stiede fro the lond of Egipt.
the Assiries, as was to Irael, in the dai
that he ste3ede vp from the loud of
1 And thou shalt sei in that day, I shal And thou schalt seie in that dai, Lord, i

knouleche to thee, Lord, for wroth thou Y schal knouleche to thee, for thou were
art to me ; turned is thi wodnesse, and wrooth to me
strong venieaunce is
2 thou coumfortedest mee. Loo ! God my turned, and thou hast coumfortid me. Lo!2
saueour, feithfulli I shal do, and not God is my sauyour, Y schal do feithfuli,

v Om. c et E
pr. m. or tvenyng c sec. m. w Om. E sec. m. K. * stondith AK. Om. GHK.
scatered c sec. m. Qm. ^GH. b Om. AC. c
d Om. c et E pr. m.

Om. i. * schulen not N.

XII. 3 XIII. 9- ISAIAH. 249

drede. For my strengths and

my preis- and Y schal not drede. For whi the Lord
ing the Lord, and he is mad to me in is my strengthe and my
preysyng, and he
3 to helthe. 3 ee shul drawe watris in io3e is maad to me in to helthe.
3e schulens
4 of the welles of the saueour. And 366 drawe watris with ioie of the wellis of the
shul seyn in that dai, Knoulecheth to sauyour. And 36 schulen seie in that dai, 4

the Lord, and inwardly clepith his name; Knouleche 30 to the Lord, and clepe 36
knowen make 366 in puples the findingus his name in to help; make 36 knowun hise
of hym ; hath mynde, for hee3 is his fyndyngis among puplis; haue 36 mynde,
5 name. Syngeth to the Lord, for gret that his name is hi3. Synge 36 to the 5
doendely he dide; telleth out this in al Lord, for he hath do worschipfuli telle ;

6 the erthe. Ful out io3e, and preise, thou

36 this in al erthe. Thou dwellyng ofc

dwelling of Sion; for gret in the myddel Syon, make ful out ioie, and preise ; for
of thee the hoeli of Irael. whi the hooli of Israel is greet in the

myddis of thee.


1 The chargeof Babilon, that sa$ Isaie, The

birthun of Babiloyne, which bir-i
2 the sone of Amos. Vp on a mysti moun- thun Ysaie, the sone of Amos, si3- Reise2
teyn rereth vp a tokne, and enhaunceth 30 a signe on a myisti hil, and enhaunse
outs the vois ; rereth the hond, and gon 36 vois ; reise 30 the hond, and duykis
3 in to the 3ates the dukes. I comaundide entre bi the 3atis. Y haue comaundid to 3
to myn halewid men, and I clepede my myn halewid men, and Y
clepid my
stronge men in my wrathe, ful out io3- stronge men in my wraththe, that maken
4 ende in my glorie. The vois of the mul- ful out ioie in my glorie. The vois of4
titude in mounteynes, as of besy puples ; multitude in hillis, as of many puplis ; the
the vois of the soun of kingus, and of vois of sown of kyngis, of hethene men
Jentilis gedered to gidere. The Lord of gaderit togidere. The Lord of oostis co-
ostes comaundide to the kny3thod of maundide to the chyualry of batel, to men s
5 the bataile, to the men comende fro the comynge fro a fer lond. The Lord com-
lond aferr. Fro the ouermost of heuene eth fro the b^nesse of heuene, and the
the Lord, and the vesseles of his wod- vessels of his strong veniaunce, that he
nesse h , that he scatere al the 1
erthe. distrie al the lond. ^elle 36, for the dai of 6
G lelleth, fornee3 Lord
is the dai of the ;
the Lord is ni3 ; as wastyng? it schal come
7 as wastite fro the Lord shal come. For of the Lord. For this thing alle hondis 7

that alle hondis shul be vnloosid, and schulen be vnmy3ti, and eche herte of
eche herte of a
wane, man shal 'or man schal faile, and schal be al to-brokun. 8
nfaylen and ben to-brosid. Tormentingus
, Gnawyngis and sorewis schulen holde
and sorewes thei shul holde; as wymmen Babiloyns ; thei schulen haue sorewe, as
trauailende of child, thei shul sorewen. they that trauelen of child. Ech man
Eche to his ne3hebore shall stone3e; brent schal wondre at his nei3bore ; her cheris
o faces Loo! the day
the cheeres of hem. schulen be brent faces. Lo ! the dai of 9
of the Lord shal come, cruel, and of in- the Lord schal come, cruel, and ful of

dignacioun ful, and of wrathe, and of indignacioun, and wraththe, and of

wodnesse; to be put the erthe in to wil- woodnesse; to sette the lond into wildir-
dernesse, and his synneres to ben al to- nesse, and to al to-breke the synneris

e and my strengthe and E pr. m.

f Om. AEGHK. e Om. AEGIIK. h wrathe E pr. m. !
k Om. c et E pr. m. l
with AGH.

wastyng, ether distriyng CEFGHIKMNPQRSUXY.

250 ISAIAH. XIII. 10 22.

lobrosid of it. For the sterres of heuene

therof fro that lond. For whi the sterris 10
and the shynyng of hem shul not spreden of heuene and the schynyng of tho
out ther Ii3t ; al to-derkned is the sunne schulen not sprede abrood her Ii3t ; the

in his rising, and the moone shal not sunne is maade derk in his risyiig, and
m on the moone schal not schine in hir
iisbyne in his Iy3t. I shal visiten'vp Ii3t.
the eueles of worlde, and ajen the vn- And Y schal visite on the yuels of then

pitouse the wickidnesses of them;

and world, and Y
schal visite a3ens wickid

to resten I shal raaken the pride of the men the wickid nesse of hem ; and schal Y
men, and the proude haunc-
vnfeithful make the pride of vnfeithful men for to

I2yng of stronge men I shal meeken. More reste, and Y schal make low the boost of

precious a fulP man shal be than gold, stronge men. A man of ful age schal be 12
and a man than clene most shynende preciousere than gold, and a man schal be
gold. Vp on this heuene I shal dis- preciousere than pure gold and schynyng.
turben, and shal be moued the erthe fro On this thing I schal disturble heuene, is

his place; fori the indignacioun of the and the erthe schal be moued fro his
Lord of ostes, and for the dai of the place; for the indignacioun
of the Lord of

uwrathe of his. wodnesse. And he shal oostis, and for the dai of wraththe of his
ben as a foun fleende, and as a sheep, strong veniaunce. And it schal be as a u
and ther shal not be that gedere ; eche doo fleynge, and as a scheep, and noon
to his puple shal be turned, and a rowe schal be that schal gadere togidere ; ech
15 to ther lond thei shul flee. Eche that man schal turne to his puple, and alle bi
were founde, shal be slayn; and eche that hem silf schulen fie to her lond. Ech is

leouer shal come, shal falle in swerd. The man that is foundun, schal be slayn; and
fauntes of hem shul ben hurtlid doun in ech man that cometh aboue, schal falle
ther e3en ;
to-broke doun shul be the doun bi swerd. The 3onge children ofic
houses of hem, and the wyues of them them schulen be hurtlid doun bifore the
17 shul be defoulyd. Loo I shal reren vp !
i3en of them her housis schulen be ra-

on hem Medos, that siluer sechen not, ne uischid, and her wyues schulen be de-
gold wiln ; but with arwis the litle chil- foulid. Lo Y schal reise on them Me- 17

der thei shul slen, and to the wombis deis, that seken not siluer, nethir wolen
3yuende souke thei shul not han mercy, gold ;
but thei shulen sle litle children 18

and vp on the sones shal not spare the b and thei schulen not haue
bi arowis,
636 of hem. And that cite, Babilon, shal merci on wombis 3yuynge mylk, and the
130 of them schal not spare on sones.
be glorious in rewmes, noble in pride of
Chaldeis, turned, as God turned vp so And Babiloyne, thilke gloriouse citee in 19

20 doun Sodom and Gomorr. It shal not rewmes, noble in the pride of Caldeis,
be dwellid vn to the ende, and shal r not sehal be destried, as God destried Sodom
be foundid vnto the 8 ieneracioun and ie- and Gomore. It shall not be enhabitidao
neracioun ; ne shal* sette there tente" a til in to the ende, and it schal not be
man of Arab, ne shepperdes shul reste foundid generacioun and genera-
til to
21 there. But shul reste there bestes, and cioun ; a man of Arabic schal not sette
shul be fulfild the houses of them with tentis there, and scheepherdis schulen not

dragownes; and ther shul dwelle there reste there. But wielde beestis schulen 21
ostriches, and wodewoses shul lepe there. reste there, and the housis of hem schulen
22 And ther shul answern there 3ellende be fillid with dragouns ; and ostrichis

rise A. n on tlie worldes eueles c pr. m. vp on the worldis euelis E pr. m. wickidnes AGHK*
P feithful AK sec.m. q fro c. ' it shal A. s Om. AGHK. t s hal not K. " tentis EK.

z the N. a hem N. b with i.


foules in the houses of and wengidit, schulen dwelle there, and heeri* beestis * keen/; that
fozis and
edderes in wasshing mauniet templis of schulen skippe there. And bitouris schu-22 is, as sum woluys,
len answere there in the housis therof, men seien
foul delit. ;

etherfieri ben

and fliynge serpentis in the templis of heerewondurful

bo-Mis, that in
lust. parti ban the
licnes of man
CAP. XIV. CAP. XIV. and in parti
the licnesse of
Nee3 is tyme of hym,
that come the v tyme therof come, and
It is nij that the 1
a beeste. Lire
and his dajes shul not be longid ; shal the daies therof schulen not be maad fer; here. CKQU.

han rewthe forsothe the Lord of Jacob, for whi the Lord
schal haue merci of Ja-
and cheese jit of Irael, and to resten cob, and he schal chese jit of Israel, and
hem w he shal make vp on ther* erthe ; schal make them for to reste on her lond ;

z 8
"shaly be ioyned to a comeling to them, a comelyng schal be ioyned to them, and
2 and cleue to the hous of Jacob. And schal cleue to the house of Jacob. And 2
shulnb holden hem puples , and bringe puplis schulen holde hem, and schulen
them in to ther place. And shal welden brynge hem in to her place. And the hous
hem the hous of Irael vp on the lond of of Israel schal haue hem in possessioun
the Lord in c to thralles and thrallesses ;
in to seruauntis and handmaidis on the
and thei shul be takende hem that hem d lond of the Lord and thei schulen take
hadden taken, and sugeten dd ther'casteres tho men that token hem, and thei schulen
3 out
. And ther shal
be in that dai, make suget her wrongful axeris. And 3
whan reste shal jyue to thee God f fro* it schal be in that dai, whanne God schal
thi trauaile, and fro thin
hurting, and fro jyue to thee reste of thi trauel, and of thi
thin harde seruage, that thou beforn shakyng, and of bard seruage, in which
4seruedist, thou shalt take this parable thou seruedist bifore, thou schalt take this 4
ajen the king of Babiloyne, and seyn, parable ajens the kyng of Babiloyne, and
What manere cesede the 'wronge askerh , thou schalt sei, Hou ceesside the wrongful
5 restede the tribute ? The Lord to-brosede axere, restide tribute ? The Lord hath al 5

the staf of vnpitous men, the jerde of to-broke the staf of wickid men, the jerde
elordshipende men, betende puples in in- of lordis, that beet puplis in indignacioun, e
dignacioun, with an vnheleable plage, the with vncurable wounde, that sugetide
sogetende in wodnes the folkes of kynde, folkis in woodnesse, that pursuede cruely.
7 and the pursuende cruelly. Togidere Ech lond restide, and was stille ; it was 7
restede, and was stille al erthe io3ede, ; ioiful,and made ful out ioie. Also fir trees n
sand ful out gladede. Fyrre trees also and cedris of the Liban weren glad on
gladeden vp on thee, and the cedris of thee sithen thou sleptist, noon stieth that

Liban ; sithen thou sleptest, ther stejede kittith vs doun. Helle vndur thee is dis-9
9 not vp that heewe' vs doun. Helle vn- turblid for the meeting of thi comyng ;

dere thee is disturbid in to the ajen he schal reise giauntis to thee ; alle the

comyng of thi comyng ; it shal rere to princes of erthe han rise fro her seetis,
thee ieauntes princes of the
; alle the alle the princes of naciouns. Alle thei 10

erthe ther risen fro ther setes, alle the schulen answere, and thei shulen seie to
10 princes of naciouns. Alle shuln answern, thee, thou art woundid as and d we,
and seyn to thee, And thou art woundid thou art maad lijk vs. Thi pride isn
1 1 as and wee, lie vs thou art mad. Drawe drawun doun to hellis, thi deed careyn

v Om. A. that GH. w Om. E * the AG pr. m.HK. J a cumlinge shal E sec. m. zOm. AE sec.m.
Om. E sec. m. a comeling b tb Om. E sec.m.
puplis shul E sec. m.
>8 shal be ioyned to c sec. m.
d Om. AG pr.m. HK. dd E sec. m. marg.
pleteres E pr. m. or wrong askers
and in c. Oin. c pr.m. e
f the Lord A. h ' heweth E sec. m.
pletere c et E pr. m.
casters out E tert. m. e for A.

c wondirful N. d Om. i.

Kk 2
252 ISAIAH. XIV. 12 23.

doun to helle thi pride, he to-hew3 thi

is felle doun a mou3te schal be strewyd vn-

k a dur thee, and thin hilyng schal be wormes.
careyn; vnder thee strouwed shal be
mo3te, and thi coueryng shal be wermes.
A Lucifer, that risidist eerli, hou feldist 6 12

12 Hou thou, Lucyfer, fro heuene, the

felle thou doun fro heuene; thou that woundistf
whiche erli sprnnge; thou felle in to the folkis, feldist doun togidere in to erthe.

erthe, that woundedest the folkes of Which seidist in thin herte, Y schal stie is

iskynde. That seidest in thin herte, In to in to heuene, Y schal enhaunse my seete

heuene I shal ste3en vp , vp on the

m aboue the staris of heuene ;
Y schal sitte

sterres of heuene I shal enhaunce my in the hil of testament, in the sidis of the

see; I shal sitte in the hil of testament, north. Y schal stie on the hi3nesse ofi4
14 in the sides of the north. I shal ste3en cloudis; Y schal be lijk the& hi3este.
shal Netheles thou schalt be drawun doun to
vp vp on the hei3te of cloudis; lie I is

15be to the he3est. Nerthelatere to helle helle, in to the depthe of the lake. Thei ic

thou shalt be drawe doun, in to the that schulen se thee, schulen be bowid
ledepthe of the lake. That thee shul see, doun to thee, and schulen biholde thee.
to" thee shul be bowid, and thee shuln Whether this is the man, that disturblid
aferr bihold. Whether this is the man, erthe, that schook togidere rewmes ? that 17

that disturbide the erthe, that smot to- settide the world desert, and distried the

ngidere rewmes? that putte the world de- citees therof, and openyde not the prisoun
sert, and his grete cites distro3ede, to to the boundun men of hym? Alle the is
gyuede openede not the prisoun ?
his kyngis of hethene men, alle slepten in
is Alle the kingus of Jentilis, eche slepten glorie, a man in his hous. But thou art 19

19 in glorie, eche in his hous. Thou for- cast out of thi sepulcre, as an vnprofitable
sothe art cast aferr fro thi sepulcre, as stok, as defoulid and wlappid
with rot ;

a stoc vnprofitable, as with quyture de- with hem that ben slayn with swerd, and
foulid ; and aboute wrappid with hem 3eden doun to the foundement of the lake.
that ben slayn with swerd, and wenten As a rotun careyn, thou schalt not haue2o
doun to the foundement of the lake. As felouschipe, nethir with hem in sepulture,
20 a stynkende careyn, thou shalt not ban for thou hast lost thi lond, thou hast slayn
felashepe, ne with hern in biriyng thou the puple ; the seed of the worst men
shalt be, thou forsothe thi lond distro3- schal not be clepid with outen ende. Make 21
edist,thou the puple sloow ; ether shal 36 redi hise sones to sleying, for the wick-
not be clepid into withoute ende the sed idnesse of her fadris; thei schulen not rise,
21 of the? werste men. 'Greithe 36*1 his r nether thei schulen enherite the lond, ne-
sones to sla3ter, for the wickidnesse of ther thei schulen fille the face of the
ther fadris; thei shul not 8
togidere rise , roundenesse of citees. And Y schal rise 22
ne eritagen the erthe, ne fulfille the face on hem, seith the Lord of and Y oostis,
22 of the roundnesse of the cite. And I schal leese the name of Babyloyne, and
shal with rise vp on hem, seith the Lord the relifs, and generacioun, and seed, seith
of ostes, and I shal
dest^e Babyloynes the Lord. And Y schal sette that JBabi-23
name, and relikes, and progenye, and loyne in to possessioun of an irchoun, and
buriounyng, seith the Lord. I shal putte* in to mareisis of watris and Y schal ;

it in to the
possessioun of an irchoun, swepe it with a beesme, and Y schal
and in The 24
myres of watres stampe, seith the Lord of oostis.
to ; and I shal

sweepen it in a besme,
treding, seith the Lord of oostis swoor, seiynge, Whether it

k is m and A.
^E pr.
m. l
coueryngis AGpr.m.HK. n that to K. Om. E pr. m. P Om. AEGHK.
Greitheth c et E pr. m. I Om. AE
putten E pr. m.
* not
pr.m.GHK. go K.

e fellist FI. f vvoundidist CEPGHIMNPQRSUVX. B to the x sec. m.

XIV. 24 XV. 3- ISAIAH. 253

24 Lord of ostes. The Lord of ostus swoor, schal not be so, as Y gesside, and it schal
seiende, If not as I wende, so shal be, bifalle so, as Y tretide in soule ? That Y25
25 and hou in raynde I tretede, so shal al to-breke the kyng of Assiriens in my
come ? That I al to-brose Assirie in my lond, and that Y defoule hym in rnyn
lond, in my mounteynes to-trede it ; and hillis and his 3ok schal be takun awei

ther shal be take awey fro hem his jok, fro hem, and his birthun schal be takun
and his berthene fro the shnlder of them awei fro the schuldur of hem. This is2<s
26 shal be don awey. This the" counseyl the councel which Y thou3te on al the
that I tho3te vpon al erthe, and this is lond, and this is the hond stretchid forth
the hond stra3t out vpon alle Jentiles. on alle folkis. For whi the Lord of oostis 27
27 The Lord forsothe of ostes demede, and hath demed, and who mai make vnstid-
who shal moun vnfastnen ? and his faste? and his hond is stretchid forth, and
hond stra3t out, and who shal turne who schal turne it awei? The birthun as

28 awey it ? The charge of Filisteym. In of Filisteis. In the jeer wheryne kyng

the jer that diede king Achaz, don is this Achas diede, this birthun was maad. A129
Ne w v
29 charge. glade thou, al Filistee, for Filistea, be not glad, for the 3erde
to-mynusht is the 3erde of thi smytere; of thi smytere is maad lesse ; for whi a
of the roote forsothe of the shadewe cocatrice schal go out of the roote of an
eddere shal gon out a kocatrice, and his eddre, and his seed schal soupe up a brid.
sosed x soupende awei a foul. And ther And the firste gendrid of pore men schu-3o
shul be fed the goten of pore men,
first ]en be fed, and pore men schulen reste
and pore men trostly shul resten ; and feithfuli ; and Y
schal make thi throte to
to dien I shal make in hunger thi roote, perisch in hungur, and Y schal sle thi
31 and thi relikes I shal slen. 3elle, thou relifs. 3elle, thou 3ate ; cry, thou citee, 31

3ate ; crie, thou cite ; throwe doun is al Filistea is cast doun; for whi smoke
eche Filiste ; fro the north forsothe schal come fro the north, and noon is that
smoke shal come, and ther is not that schal ascape his oost. And what schal be 32
32 flee out of his kumpanye. And what answerid to the messangeris of folk? for
shal ben answerd to the messageres of the Lord hath foundid Sion, and the pore
the folc of kinde? for the Lord foundede men of his puple schulen hope in hym.
Sion, and in hym shuln hopen the pore
men of his puple.


1 The charge of Moab. Forin^ ny3t The birthun of Moab. For Ar wasi
wastid is Ar, Moab heeld his pes ; for destried in ni^t, Moab was stille ;
for the
h Moab was
iny the ny3t wastid is the wal, Moab wal was distried in the ni3t,
2 heeld his pes. Ther ste3ede vp the hous, stille. The
kingis hous, and Dybon stieden 2
and Debon to 7 hee3e thingus, in to weil-
to hi3 places, in to weilyng on Nabo,
and ;

ing; vpon Nabo, and vp on Medaba Moab on Medaba Moab schal 3elle. In alle hedis
shal 3ellen. In alle his
hedys ballidnesse, therof schal be ballidnesse, and ech beerd
sand eche berd shal be sham:. In his schal be schauun. In the ineetyng ofs
thre weied places thei ben gird with a thre weies therof thei ben gird in a sak,
sac, vp on his rooues and in his stretes alle 3ellyng on the housis therof and in

al a weiling he shal go doun in to wep-

; the stretis therof; it schal go doun in to

u Om. E v Om. c pr. m. E pr. m. al E tec. m. marg. al E m. w eche thou, for c

pr. m. eche tert. pr.m.
E pr. m. x Om. A. y Om. E pr. m. z
in to E pr. m. a aide E
pr. m.


254 ISAIAH. XV. 4 XVI. 6.

4 Ther shal crie Esebon and Eleale, wepyng. Esebon schal crie, and Eleale, <
vn to Jasa herd the vois of hem the vois of hem is herd 'til to k Jasa on
is ; vpon ;

this the redi men of Moab shul jelle, his

this thing the redi men of Moab schulen

ssoule shal 3elle to itself. Myn herte to 3elle, the soule therof schal 3elle to it silf.

Moab shal crien, his bareres vnto Segor, Myn herte schal crie to Moab, the barriss

a she b calf al throwende doun. Bi the therof 'til cow calf of thre
to 1 Segor, a

of Luyth wepende he For whi a wepere schal stie bi the

ste3ing vp forsothe 3eer.

shal ste3en vp, and in the weie of Oro- stiyng" of Luith, and in the weie of Oro-
schulen reise cry of sorewe.
naym the cri of contricioun thei shul naym
erere. The watris forsothe of Nemrym For whi the watris of Nemrym schulen be 6
shul ben desert; for driede 'the erbe , forsakun; for the eerbe dried up, buriown-
failede 8 the buriounyng, eche grenenesse yng failide, al grenenesse perischide. Bi 7
;diede. Aftir the mykilnesse of werk, the greetnesse of werk, and the visityng of
and the visiting of hem, to the streme
of hem, to the stronde of salewis thei schulen
thei shul leden hem. For 'cri lede hem. For whi cry cumpasside the 8
cumpasideff the terme of Moab ; vnto Ga- ende of Moab; 'til to Galym the 3ellyng

lym his 3elling, and vnto the pit of Elym and the cry therof 'til
therof, to the pit of

9 his cry. For the watris of Dibon ben Helym. For the watris of Dibon ben 9
fulfild with blod ; forsothe I shal putte with blood ; for Y schal sette encrees-

vpon Dibon ecchingus, to them that shul syngis on Dibon, to tho men of Moab that
fleen of Moab a leoun, and to the relikis fledden fro the lioun, and to the relifs of
of the lond. the lond.


i Send out, 'Lord, the lomb , lordshipere Lord, sende thou out a lomb, the lordli i

of the erthe, fro the ston of desert to the gouernour of erthe, fro the stoon of desert
amount of the do3ter of Sion. And he to the hil of the dorter of Sion. And it 2

shal ben as a brid fleende, and 3unge schal be as a foule fleynge, and briddis
briddes fro the nest fleende to, so shul fleynge awei fro the nest, so schulen be
be the do3tris of Moab in the ouerste3~ the dou3tris of Moab in the? passyng ouer
yng of Arnon. Go in counseil, con-
of Arnon. Take thou councel, constreynes
streyne counseil put as ny3t thi sha-
; thou councel; sette thou as m'3t thi
dewe mydday, hide thou the men
in in myddai, hide thou hem that fleen, and
fleende, and the vagaunt ne betra3e thou. bitraye thou not men of vnstidfast dwell-
4 Ther shul dwelle anent thee
my ferr yng. My awei schulen dwelle at 4

fugityues. Moab, be thou the lurkyng thee. Moab, be thou the hidyng place of
place of hem fro the face of the wastere. hem fro the face of distrierei. For whi dust
Endid forsothe the pouder, ful endid
is is endid, the wretchid is wastid ; he that
is the wrecche ; failide that to-trad the defoulide the lond failude. And
the kyngis &
5 lond. And ther shal be befor mad redy seete schal be maade redi in merci, and he
in mercy the see, and he shal sitte vpon schal sitte on it in treuthe, in the taber-
it in treuthe, in the tabernacle of Dauid, nacle of Dauid, demynge, and sekynge
demende, and sechende dom, and swiftli doom, and 3eldynge swiftli that that is
63eldende that is ri3twis. Wee han herd iust. We
han herd the pride of Moab, 6
the pride of Moab, proud he is he is ful his pride, and his boost,
gretli; proud ;

b Om. E
pr.m. c the erbe driede c et E sec.m. d Om. c et E sec.m. fagide E pr.m. * wederes K sec.m.
ther cumpaside cri c * the
pr.m. E pr. m. lomb, thou Lord, the E pr. m. i
Om. E pr. m.

k til A pr.m. vnto m

i. 1 vn to i. stie up i. n i. vnto P Om. N. q the distriere
stiyng up i. i.
XVI. 7 XVII. 3. ISAIAH. 255

his k pride, and the proude enhauncing of and indignacioun is more than his

hym, and also his indiguacioun more strengthe. Therfor Moab schal 3elle to 7
7 than his strengthe. Therfore shall jelle Moab, al Moab shal 3elle to hem that ben
Moab to Moab, al shal 3elle to hem that glad on the wallis of bakun tijl stoon;

gladen vp on the walles of anelid tyil ; speke 30 her woundis. For whi the sub- 8
sspeketh ther veniaunces. For the sub- arbis of Esebon and the vyner of Sabama
urbes of Esebon ben desert, and the ben forsakun. The lordis of hethene men
vynejerd of Sabama.
The lordis of Jen- han kit doun the siouns therof ; thei
tiles hewen doun
his scourges ; vnto Ja- camen 'til tor Jaser, thei erriden in desert.
ser thei ful cameu, thei errede in desert. The bowis therof ben forsakun, thei pass-
His railing braunches ben forsaken, thei iden the see. On this thing schal wepe9 Y
spasseden the se. Vp on this I shal in theweping of Jaser, and on the vyner
weepen in wepyng Jaser, and the vyne- of Sabama. Esebon and Eleale, schal Y
3erd of Sabama. I shal drunkne thee fille thee with my teer; for the vois of
with my tere, Esebon and Eleale, for defouleris fellen on
and on thi vyndage,

vp on thi vyntage, and vp on thi rep the thi heruest. gladnesseAnd

and ful outio
lovois of men tredende fel on. And ther ioiyng schal be takun awei fro Carmele ;
shal be don awey gladnesse and ful out and noon schal make ful out ioye, nether
k>3ing fro Carmel and in vynejerdis ;
schal synge hertli song in vyneris. He
he shal not ful out io3en, ne inwardli that was wont to wringe out, schal not

io3en. Wyn in the presse he shal not wrynge out wyn in a pressour ; haue Y
trede, that to treden was wont? ; the take awei the vois of wryngeris out. Onn
11 awey. Vp
vois of the trederes I toe on this thing wombe schal sowne as an
thismy wombe to Moab as an harpe shal harpe to Moab, and myn entrails to the

sounen, and my boweles to the wal of wal of bakun tiel stoon. And it schal be, 12

12 the anelid tyl. And it shal be, whan he whanne schal appere, that Moab hath

shal apere, that trauailede Moab vp on trauelid on hise places, it schal entre to
his hee3e thingus, he shal go in to his hise hooli thingis, that it biseche, and it
hoeli places, that he inwardly beseche, schal not be worth. This is the word is

13 and he shal not moun. This the wrd which the Lord spak to Moab fro that
that the Lord spac to Moab fro thennys. tyme. And now the Lord spak, seiynge, 14

14 And now spac the Lord, seiende, In thre In thre 3eer that weren as the 3eeris of an

3eri as
the 3eres r of an hirid man, shal hirid man, the glorie of Moab schal be
be don awei the glorie of Moab vpon takun awei on al the rnyche puple ; and
eche myche 9 puple; and ther shal be lafte ther schal be left in it as a litil rasyn 8,

in it as a litil branch of a cluster of and a litil, and not myche.

grapes, and fewe, not fele.


1 The charge of Damasch. Lo! Damasch The birthun of Damask. Lo Damask i !

shal cesen to ben a cite, and it shal be as schal faile to be a citee, and it schal be as
2 an hypil of stones in falling. The for- an heep of stoonys in fallyng. The for- 2
saken citees of Aroer to flockes shul be ; sakun citees of Aroer schulen be to flockis;
and thei shul resten there, and ther shal and tho * schulen reste there, and noon
snot be that afere awey. And ther shal schal be that schal make aferd. And helps

k and the E
pr. m.
vyne c pr. m. E pr. m.
m Om. OH. n
vyne c pr. m. E pr. m. vynes c pr. m.
vOm. Epr.m. AG r Om. AG pr.m.HK. 9 fele c pr. m. E pr. m.
Epr.m. 1 jeeris, jeeris pr. m.
t Om. A.
* thei N.
* vnto i. 8
rasyn, that is, a litil boon, nltn litil fruyt N.
256 ISAIAH. XVII. 4 14.

cesen helpe fro Effraym, and rewme fro schal ceesse fro Effraym, and a rewme fro

Damasch; and the relikes of Cirie as the Damask ; and the relifs of Sirie schulen be
the sonus of Irael shul be, as the glorie of the sones of Israel, seith
glorie of
4 seith the Lord of ostus. And it shal be, the Lord of oostis. And it schal be, in 4

in that day shal be maad thynne the that dai the glorie of Jacob schal be maad

and the fatnes of his thinne, and the fatnesse of his fleisch shal
glorie of Jacob,
5 flesh shal become welewid awey. And fade. And schal be as gaderyng togi-5

he shal be as the gederere in rip that is dere that that is left in heruest, and his

laft, and his arm eres

shal gedere, and arm schal gadere eeris of corn, and it schal

he shal be as sechende eres in the valey be as sekynge eeris of corn in the valei of
e of Rafaym. And ther shal ben laft in it Raphaym. And there schal be left in itc
as the braunche of a cluster, and as the as a rasyn*, and as the schakyng doun of rasyn; is a
lytil bow, with
oile berie, as of two the fruyt of olyue tre, as of tweyne" ether
shaking out of the
a lytil fruyt.
A c/ alii.
of the of v thre olyue trees in the hi3nesse of a
or of thre olyues in the cop
braunche, ether of foure ether of fyue; in
braunch, or of foure or of fyue ; in the
seith the Lord the cooppis therof schal be the fruyt
coppis of it his frutes,
7 God of Irael. In that dai shal ben bowid therof, seith the Lord God of Israel. In;
a man and his e3en to the
to his makere, that dai a man schal be bowid to his

shoeli of Irael shul beholden. And he maker, and hise i3en schulen biholde to
shal not be bowid to the auteres, that the hooli of Israel. And he schal not be 8
his hondis maden, and that his fyngris bowid to the auteris, whiche hise hondis

ywrou3ten ; he shal not biholden maumet

maden, and whiche hise fyngris wnnrjten ;

gwodes, and the wasshing templis. In he schal not biholde wodis, and templis
that dai the citees of his strengthe shul of idols. Inthat dai the citees of strengthe 9
be forsaken as plowes, and v the tilthis therof schulen be forsakuii as plowis, and
that ben laft fro the face of the sonus of cornes that weren forsakun of the face of
10 Irael ;
and thou shalt ben desert. For the sones of Israel and thou schalt be

thou for3ete of the God, thi saueour, and forsakun. For thou hast for3ete God, thi 10
of the w stronge, thin helpere, thou art sauyour, and haddist not mynde on thi
not recordid ; therfor thou shalt plaunten stronge helpere; therfor thou schalt plaunte
a feithful plaunting, and alien burioun- a feithful plauntyng, and thou schalt sowe
yng thou shalt sowen. In the dai of thi an alien seed. In the dai of thi plauntyng 11

plaunting bareyne vynes, and erli thi sed schal be a wielde vyne, and erli thi seed
shal flouren ; don awei is the rip in the schal floure ; ripe corne is takun awei in
dai of eritage, and he shal weilen gi'eu- the dai of eritage, and Israel schal make
laously. Wo to the multitude of many sorewe greuousli. Wo
to the multitude 12

puples, as the multitude of the se sound- of many puplis, as the multitude of the
ende, and the nois of cumpanyes as the see sownynge, and the noise of cumpenyes
issoun of manye watrisx 'Puplis schulen
. as the sown of many watris. Puplis 13
sownen as the sown of flowyng watris xx, schulen sowne as the sown of flowynge
and he shal blame it and aferr it shal
; watris, and God schal blame hym and ;

flee, andshal be raueshid as the pou-

it he schal fie fer, and he schal be rauyschid
der of mounteynes fro the face of the as the dust of hillis fro the face of the
wynd, and as a whirlewynd bifor the? wynd, and as a whirlewynd bifor tem-
14 tempest. In tyme of z euen, and lo! dis- pest. In the time of euentide, and lo ! 14

turbing; in the morutid, and he shal not disturbling; in the morewtid, and he schal

wroujten Acpr.m.v,GHK. vj nc w tjii c * watris flowende c .m. 7 Om. AKGHK.

. .
pr. m.
Om. Epr. m.
two I. v Om. ENP. w or i.

stonde stille. the part of hem

This is not abide. This
the part ofis hem that
that wasteden vs, and the lot of men to- destrieden vs, and the part of hem that
brekeude vs. rauyschiden vs?.


1 Wo cymbal of weengus,
to the lond, Wo to the lond, the cymbal of wyngis, 1

2 that is be3unde the flod of Etheope; that which bi3ende the flood of Ethiopie
is ;

sendeth in the se messageres, and in that sendith messangeris hi the see, and 2
resshi vesseles vp on watris. Goth, 366 in vessels of papirus* on watris. Go, 36 *
papirus ; is a
kynde of spier,
swift aungeles, to the folc al to-pullid messangeris, to the folk drawun up and so greet, that
botis mowen be
and torn; to a ferful puple, after whyche to-rent; to a ferdful puple, aftir which is maad therof, as
is not an other folc abidende and to-
; noon other; to the folk abidynge and de- summen seye.
Lire here, A et

troden, whos flodes rauesheden awei his foulid, whos lond the flodis han rauyschid ;

lond ; to the mount of the name of the to the hil of the name of the Lord of
3 Lord of ostus, mount of Sion. Alle 3eea oostis, to the hil of Sion. Alle 30 dwelleriss
dwelleris of the world, that dwellen in of the world, that dwellen in the lond,
erthe, whan shal ben rered vp a tokne schulen se whanne a signe schal be reisid
in mounteynes, 3ee shuln seen, and the in the hillis, and 30 schulen here the cry
4 noise of the trumpe 3ee shul heren. For of a trumpe. For whi the Lord seith these 4
these thingus seith the Lord to me, I shal thingis to me, Y schal reste, and Y schal
resten, and beholden in my place, as the biholde in my place, as the myddai Ii3t is

mydday Ii3t is cleer, and as the cloude of cleer, and as a cloude of dew in the dai of
5 dew in the day of rip. Bifor rip forsothe heruest. For whi al flouride out bifores
al flourede out, and vnriyp perfeccioun heruest, aud vnripe perfeccioun buriown-
buriownede; and thershul ben hewe doun ede; and the litle braunchis therof schulen
the litle braunches of it with sithis, and be kit doun with and tho that ben
that weren laft, shul be kut awey. Thei left, schulen be kit awei. Thei schulen be
fishul ben shaken out, and forsaken to- schakun out, and schulen be left togideree
gidere to b
the briddes of mounteynes, to the briddis of hillis, and to the beestis
and to the bestes of erthe; and in euere- of erthe ;
and briddis schulen be on hym
lastende somer shul ben vp c on hym by somer euerlastinge,and alle the beestis
foules, and alle the bestes of erthe vp on of erthe schulen dwelle bi wyntir on hym.
7 hym dwelle al wynter.
shul In that In that tyme a 3ifte schal be brou3t to the 7

tyme shal be bro3t 3ifte to the Lord of Lord of oostis, of the puple drawun up
ostes, fro the puple to-pullid and to-torn; and to-rent of the puple ferdful, aftir

fro the ferful

puple, after whom was which was noon other; of the folk abid-
not an other ;
fro the folc abidende and yrige and defoulid, whos lond floodis ra-
to-troden, whos flodus rauesheden awei uyschiden; the yfte schal be broujt to the
his lond ;
to the place of the name of the place of the name of the Lord of oostis, to
Lord of ostus, mount of Sion. the hil of Sion.


i The charge of Egipt. Lo! the Lord The birthun of Egipt. Lo ! the Lord i

shal ste3e vp vp on a li'3t cloude, and gon schal stie on a Ii3t cloude, and
he schal
in to Egipt; and ther shul be moued the? entre in to Egipt; and the symilacris of

a the E
m. T>
in to K sec.m. c Om. AGHK. A Om. AEGHK. e feithful c
pr. m. f Om. A.
8 Om. AGHK.
rauisbin EP. 7 Om. N.

258 ISAIAH. XIX. 2 14.

fro his face, and

symulacris of Egipt fro
the face of hym, Egipt schulen be mouyd
and the herte of Egipt shal wane in the the herte of Egipt schal faile in the myd-
And to meete togidere dis therof. And Y schal make Egipcians 2
amyddel of hym.
shal make Egipcienus to renne togidere a3ens Egipcians, and a
I a3en Egipcienus,
and fi3te shal a man a3en his brother,
man schal fi3te a3ens his brother, and a
and a man a3en his frend, cite a3en cite, man a3ens his frend, a citee a3ens a citee,
sand reume a^en reume. And to-broken and a rewme a3ens a rewme. And the 3
spirit of Egipt schal be brokun in
shal be the spirit of Egipt in his boweles,
and his counseil I shall stumble doun ; entrailis therof,and Y schal caste doun
and thei shul aske ther symulacris, and the councel therof; and thei schulen axe

ther deuynoures, and ther deuel cleperes, her symylacris, and her false diuinouris,
4 and ther deuel sacrifieres. And I shal and her men that ban vncleene spiritis
take Egipt in to the bond of cruel lordis, spekinge in the wombe, and her dyuyn-
and a strong king shal lordshipen of ouris bi sacrifices maad on auteris to

5 hem, seith the Lord God of ostes. And feendis. And Y schal bitake Egipt in to 4

the water shal waxe drie fro the se, and the bond of cruel and a strong

e the flod shal be desolat, and dried. And kyng schal be lord of hem, seith the Lord
faile shul the flodes, and thynned and God of oostis. And watir of the see schal &
dried shul be the ryueres of water hepes; wexe drie, and the flood schal be desolat,

the reed and the resshe shal welewen. and schal be dried. And the floodis schu-e

7Nakened be the flod wombe, and

shal and the strondis of the z feeldis
len faile,

the h
ryueres fro ther welle; and' of k schulen be maad thynne, and schulen be
eche sowende the watri place shal be 1
dried a rehed and spier schal fade. The 7

dried, and welewen, and it shal not be. botme of watir schal be maad nakid, and
sAnd" mowrne shul the fissheres, and stremys fro her welle; and the moiste place
1 11

weilen alle into the flodputtende the of al seed schal be dried, schal waxe drie,

angil hoc ; and spredende out the net and schal* not be. And fischeris schulen 8
vpon the face of vvatris, shul waxe feble. morne, and alle that casten hook in to
9 And confoundid shul ben, that wro3ten the flood, schulen weile and thei that

face of wa-
flax, plattende and weuende sotile thingus. spreden abrood a net on the
10 And ther shul ben his Vatri placist dri- 1
tris, schulen fade. Thei schulen be schent, 9
ende ;
inaden pondis to be ca3t
alle that that wrou3ten flex, foldynge and ordeyn-
nfisshes. Fooles the princes of Thaneos, ynge sutil thingis. And the watir places 10
wise counseileres of Farao 3eeuen vnwys therof schulen be drye ; alle that maden
counseil ; what maner shul 3ee seyn to poondis to take fischis* schulen be schent.
Farao, Ii the sone of wise men, the r sone The fonned princes of Tafnys, the wisen
12 of olde kingys? Where now ben thi wise counselouris of Farao, 3auen vnwise coun-
men? 'Telle thei 8 to thee, and shewe, sel ; hou schulen 30 seie to Farao, am Y
what tho3te the Lord of ostus vp on the sone of wise men, the sone of elde
Egipt. Fooles ben mad the
princes kyngis ? Where ben now thi wise men ? 12

of Thaneos ; gretli languyssheden the Telle thei to thee, and schewe thei, what
princes of Memfeos; begileden Egipt, the the Lord of oostis thou3te on Egipt. The is

H corner* of his puples. The Lord mengde princes of Tafnys ben maad foolis ; the
in his myddel the spirit of turnegidy ; princes of Memphis fadiden thei disseyu- ;

^ her A. *
Om. c. k Om. E pr, m.
alle moiste seed E pr. m. m Om. AGHK. n sorewe dreden
c et E pr. m. confoundyn AGHK. moiste thyngus c el E pr. m.
P 1 Om. E pr. m. r I the E pr. m.
8 Thei shul telle E pr. m. *
aungeles c et E pr. m.

z Om. c et ceteri. a it schal I. b senden

XIX. is 25- ISAIAH. 259

and to erren thei maden Egipt in al his eden Egipt, a corner of the puplis therof.
werk, as erreth a drunke man and a vo- The Lord meddlid a spirit of errour in 14

lamende. And ther shal not be to Egipt the myddis therof; and thei maden Egipt
werke u it make hed and tail in
, that for to erre in al his werk, as a drunkun
leboowing and refreyriyng. In that dai man and spuynge errith. And werk schal is

it make an heed and

Egipt shal be as wymmen, and thei shul not be to Egipt, that
stone3en, and dreden fro the face of the tailbowynge and refreynynge. In that is
stering togidere of the hond of the Lord dai Egipt schal be as wymmen, and thei
17 of ostes, that he mouede vp on it. And schulen be astonyed, and schulen drede
shal be the lond of Juda to Egipt in to of the face of the mouynge of the hoond
inward ferd ;
eche that of it recordede, of the Lord of oostis, which he mouede
shal inwardly dreden fro the face of the on it. And the lond of Juda schal be to 17

counseil of the Lord of ostes, that he Egipt in to drede ech that schal thenke

iatho3te vp on In that dai shul be fyue

it. on it, schal drede of the face of the counsel
citees in the lond of Egipt, spekende Ca- of the Lord of oostis, whiche he thou3te
nanev tunge, and swerende bi the Lord on it. In that dai fyue citees schulen be is

of ostes the cyte of the sunne shal ben

in the lond of Egipt,and d schulen speke
I'Jclepid oon. In that day shal ben the with the tunge of Canaan, and schulen
atiter of the Lord
myddel of the in the swere bi the Lord of oostis the citee of ;

lond off Egipt, and the title of the Lord the sunne schal be clepid oon. In that 19

aobiside his terme and thei shul be in to;

dai the auter of the Lord schal be in the
tocne and to witnessing to the Lord of myddis of the lond of Egipt, and the title
ostes, in the lond of Egipt. They shul of the Lord schal be bisidis the ende
crien to the Lord fro the face of the therof; and it schal be in to a signe and 20
trublere,and he shal sende to them a witnessyng to the Lord of oostis, in the
saueour, and a forfijtere, that delyuere lond of Egipt. For thei schulen crie to the
21 them. And the Lord shal ben knowen Lord fro the face of the troblere, and he
of Egipt, and knowen shuln the Egip- schal sende a sauyour to hem, and a for-
cienus the Lord in that day ; and thei fi3tere, that schal delyuere hem. And the 21
shul herien in ostes and 3iftes, and
hym Lord schal be knowun of Egipt, and
thei shul vouwe vouwes to the Lord, and Egipcians schulen knowe the Lord in that
22 jeelde w And smyte shal the Lord Egipt
. dai and thei schulen worschipe hym in

with a veniaunce, and helen it and ; sacrifices and 3iftis, and thei schulen make

turnen a3een shuln the Egipcienus to the vowis to the Lord, and thei schulen paie.
Lord, and he shal be plesid to them, and And the Lord schal smyte Egipt with 322
23 helen hem. In that day shal ben a weie wounde, and schal make it hool and ;

fro x Egipt 'in to? Assiries, and seruen Egipcians schulen turne a3en to the Lord,
shul the z Egipcienus to Assur; and entren and he schal be plesid in hem, and he
shal Assirie Egipt a , and Egipt in to As- schal make hem hool. In that dai a wei23
24 siries. In that day shal ben Irael the schal be fro Egipt in to Assiriens, and
thridde to b Egipt and to Assirie, blessing Egipcians schulen serue Assur ; and Assur
25 in the middel of the erthe ; to whom schal entre in to Egipt, and Egipt in to
blissede the Lord of ostus, seiende, Bliss- Assiriens. In that dai Israel schal be the 24
id my puple of Egipt, and the werk of thridde to Egipt and to Assur, the bless-

u nede c et E pr. m. v Canaan AGHK. w thei shul jelden E pr. m. in to E pr. m. ? fro E pr. m.
Om. b of A.
Egipt G sec. m. K sec. m.
x A. a in to

and i /in i,

260 ISAIAH. XX. i XXI. 3.

myn hondis to Assirie ;

be forsothe rayn yng in the myddil of erthe whom the 25 ;

Lord of oostis blesside, seiynge, Blessid

eritage Israel.
be my puple of Egipt, and the werk of
myn hondis be to Assiriens ; but myne
eritage be to Israel.


1 In the 3er that Tharthan wente into In the 3eer wherynne Tharthan entride i
in to Azotus, whanne Sargon, the kyng of
Assote, whan hadde sent hym Sargon,
king of Assiries, and hadde foo3te a3en
Assiriens, hadde sent hym, and he hadde
2 Asote, and hadde taken it in that tyme ; fou3te 336118 Azotus, and hadde take it ;

the Lord in the hond of Isaie, sone in that tyme the Lord spak in the hond 2
of Amos, seiende, Go, and loosne the sac of Isaye, the sone of Amos, and seide, Go
fro d thi leendis, and the shon tak fro thi thou, and vnbynde the sak fro thi leendis,
feet. And he dide so, goende 'nakid and and take awei thi schoon fro thi feet.
3 vnshod e . And the Lord seide, As wente And he dide so, goynge nakid and vn-

my seruaunt Isaie nakid and vnshod, of schood. And the Lord seide, As my 3
thre 3eer tocne and vp on
wnder shal ben seruaunt Ysaie 3ede nakid and vnschood,
4 Egipt, and vp on Ethiope; so dryuen shal a signe and greet wondur of thre 3eer
the king off Assiries the caitifte of Egipt, schal be on Egipt, and on Ethiopie ; so 4
and the transmygracioun of Etheope, the kyng of Assiriens schal dryue the cai-
nakid wommari and vn- tifte of Egipt, and the passyng ouer of
3ung and old,

shod, discouered the ersis, to? the shen- Ethiopie, a 3ongman and an eld man,
ashepe of Egipt. And thei shul drede, nakid and vnschood, with the buttokis
and ben confoundid of Etheope, 'ther vnhilid, to the schenschipe of Egipt. And 5
6hope , and of Egipt, ther glorie. And thei schulen drede, and schulen be schent
the dwellere of that yle shal seyn in that of Ethiopie, her hope, and of Egipt, her

day, Whether this was oure hope, to glorie. And a dwellere of this ile schal 6
whom wee floun in to helpe, that thei seie in e that dai,
This was our hope, to
shulden delyueren vs fro the face of the which f we fledden for help, that thei
king of Assiries ; and what maner shul schulden delyuere vs fro the face of the
we moun scapen ? kyng of Assiryens ;
and hou moun we
1 The charge of the desert se. As The birthun of the forsakun see. As i

whirlewyndis comen fro the

whirlewyndus fro Affrich comen, fro the southwest,
2 desert cam, fro the orrible lond. An hard it cometh fro desert, fro the orible lond.
viseoun told is to
me; that vnleeuende is, An hard reuelacioun is teld to me ; he that 2
vnfeithfully doth and he that 'is dis-
is vnfeithful, doith vnfeithfuli; and he that
m Thou Helam,
tro3ere , wasteth. Stee3h vp, Elam, and is a distriere, distrieth.
bisege, Medeba; al his
weilyng I made to stie#, and thou, Meda, biseche Y made al ;

scesen. Therfore ben fulfild the weilyng therof for to ceesse. Therfora
rny lendys
with sorewe; anguysh weldide me, as ben with sorewe an-
my leendis fillid ;

vnbynde Esec.m.marg.AOHK. 1
of A. eQm.Epr.m. 'Om.csec.m.AGHK. threten E sec.m.
g Om. E h bi ther fairnesse E Om. AEGHK. k shal E Om. c et E
niarg. pr. m. pr. m.
pr. vice.

pr. m. that lie K. distrojere is c pr. m. E pr. m.

e on N. t the which i. S stie up i.

XXI. 4 1 ISAIAH. 261

anguysh of the trauailende with child ; gwische weldide me, as the angwisch of
I fel doun, whan I herde ; I am disturbid, a womman trauelynge of child Y felle ;

4 whan I 333. Myche languysshede myn doun, whanne Y herde Y was disturblid, ;

herte, dercnesses stoneid maden me; Ba- whanne Y si3- Myn herte fadide, derk- 4

bilon, my looued, put is to me in to nessis astonieden me ; Babiloyne, my der-

omyracle. Sett the bord, bihold in? a lyng, is set to

to myracle. Settes me in
toothil ; etende and dririkende riseth, thou a boord, biholde thou in to a toting
6366 princes, taketh to the terget. These place ; rise, 36 princes, etynge and drynk-
thingus forsothe seidei the Lord to me, ynge, take 36 scheeld. For whi the Lord e
Go, and put a tootere and what euere ; seide these thingis to me, Go thou, and
/thing he shal see, telle he. And he 833 sette a lokere ; and telle he, what euer
a char of two horse men, a ste3ere of r an thing he seeth. And he si3 the h chare of 7
and a vp of a camayle; and tweyne horse men, the stiere of an asse,
asse, ste3ere
she beheeld bisily by 8 myche looking, and and the stiere of a camel ; and he bihelde
he criede as a leoun, Vp on the toothil diligentli with myche lokyng, and criede
of the Lord I am stondende contynuelly as a lioun, Y stonde contynueli bi dai on
bi day, and vp on my warde I am stond- the totyng place of the Lord, and Y stonde
9 ende alle ny3tus. Lo ! this man
cam, a bi alle ny3tis on my kepyng. Lo this
! a

ste3ere of the carte of horse men. And cometh, a man stiere of a carte of horse
he answerde, and seide, Is falle, is falle men. And Isaie seide, Babi- criede, and
Babilon and alle 1 grauen thingus of hys
; loyne doun;
felle and
doun, alle the felle

logodus ben to-brosid in to the erthe. My" grauun ymagis of goddis therof ben al to-

thressing, and the do3ter of my cornflor, brokun in to erthe. Mi threschyng, and 10

the thingus that I herde of the Lord of the dou3ter of my cornfloor, Y haue teld 1

1 1
ostes, God of Irael, I tolde to 3ou. The to 3ou what thingis Y
herde of the Lord
charge of Duma. To me he crieth fro of oostis, of God of Israel. The birthunn
Seir, O !
kepere, what of the ny3t ? O ! of Duma. It crieth fro Seir to me, Kepere,
kepere, what .of the ny3t? The kepere what our m of the" ni3t ? "kepere, what

seide, Ther cometh morutid, and ny3t ; our? ofi the 1

? The kepere seide, 12

if 3ee sechen, secheth, and beth conuertid, Morewtid cometh, and ni3t if 30 seken,

The charge in Araby. In u x

and cometh. seke 36, and be 36 conuertid, and come 3e
is .

the wilde wode at euen 3ee shul slepen, The birthun in Arabic. v In the forest at is

14 in the sties of Dodanym. A3encomende euentid 30 schulen slepe, in the pathis of

to the thristi berth water, that dwellen Dodanym. 3e that dwellen in the Iondi4
the lond of the south ; with loeues a3en- of the south, renne, and bere watir to the
15 cometh to the fleende. Fro the face for- thristi and renne 36 with looues to hym

sothe of swerdes thei fledden, fro the that fleeth. For thei fledden fro the face's
face of the swerd stondende on, fro the of swerdis, fro the face of swerd nei3ynge,
face of the bowe bend, fro the face of the fro the face of bouwe bent, fro the face of
logreuous bataile. For these thingus seith greuouse batel. For the Lord seith these is
the Lord to me, 3it in o 3er, as in the 3er thingis to me, 3it in o 3eer, as in the 3eer
of an hirid man, and ther shal ben take of an hirid man, and al the glorie of Ce-
uawey al the glorie of Cedar. And the dar schal be takun awei. And the reme- 1?

relikis of the noumbre of the stronge nauntis of the noumbre of stronge archeris

in A. P in to c pr. m. 1 seith AK. Om. G pr. m. H.

vp GHK. vp vpon A. s Om. AGHK. * alle
E pr. m. u With E pr m. v Om. E w x Om.
his pr. m. in the K. A.

h a i.
two i. k he this i.

u cometh to me v of
morwetijd KVX. i. i.
262 ISAIAH. xxn. i 13.

archeres fro the sonus of Cedar shul be of the sones of Cedar schulen be maad
the Lord forsothe, God of Is- lesse; forwhi the Lord God of Israel spak.
mynusht ;

rael, spac.
i The charge
of the valey of viseouny. The birthun of the valei of visioun. i

What forsothe and z to thee isa, for thoub What also is to thee, for and al thou
al c in to the stiedist in to thou ful of cry, 2
ste3edist vp, and thou roouys,
2rooues, ful of cry, myche vsid cite, cite ful a citee of myche puple, a citee ful out
out io}ende ? thi slayne not slayn with ioiynge ? thi slayn men weren not slayn
swerd, ne deade 6 deade f in batayle.
'thi bi swerd, nether thi deed men weren deed
3 Alle thi princes floun togidere, and harde in batel. Alle thi princes fledden togidere, 3
ben bounde ; alle that ben founde, ben and weren boundun harde; alle that weren
4bounde togidere, aferr floun. Therfore foundun, weren boundun togidere, thei
I seide, Goth awei fro me, bitterli I shal fledden fer. Therfor Y seide, Go 36 awei 4
weepe ; wileth that jee not ben bisy, fro me, Y schal wepe bittirli nyle 36 be

coumforte me vp on the wastite of the bisie to coumforte me on the distriyng of

5 dojter of my puple. Dai forsothe of sla3- the dou3ter of my puple. For whi a dai 5
ter, and of to-treding, and of wepingus, of sleyng, and of defoulyng, and of wep-
fro the Lord God of ostes, in the valey yngis, is ordeined of the Lord God of
of viseoun; serching the wal, and 'the gret oostis, in and he
the valei of visioun ;

edoyng vp on the mounteyn. And Elain

h and
serchith the walle, worschipful on is

toe an 1 arewe caas, and the char of an the hil. And Helam took an arowe caas, c
hors man and the target naknide
the and the chare of an horse man and the ;

7 wal. And chosen shul be thi valeis ful scheeld made nakid the wal. And thi?
of foure horsid carres ;
and knyjtes shul chosun valeis, Jerusalem, schulen be ful

ssette ther setes in the 3ate. And dis- of cartis ;

and kny3tis schulen putte her
coueryd shal be the coueryng of Jude ;
seetis in the 3ate. And the hilyng ofa
and thou shalt seen in that dai the ar- Juda and thou schalt se
schal be schewid ;

mourie place of the 'house of the" wilde 1

in that dai the place of armuris of the
9 wode and the cliftus of the cite of Da-
; hous of the forest; and 36 schulen se the 9
uid 366 shul
see, for thei ben multeplied. crasyngis of the citee of Dauid, for tho
3ee han gedered the watris of the ben multiplied. 3e gaderiden togidere the
innethere pond mm 'or sisterne v and the , , watris of the lowere cisterne, and 36 noum- 10

houses of Jerusalem 3ee han noumbred, briden the housis of Jerusalem, and 36 dis-
and 3ee han distro3ed the housis, to trieden housis, to make strong the wal ;

nstrengthe the wal; and a lake 3ee han and 36 maden a lake bitwixe twei wallis, 11
mad betweP two walles, and the watyr of and 3? restoriden the watir of the elde
the olde fishpondPP, 'or systerner ; and 3ee w
sisterne; and 36 biholden not to hym, that
beheelden not to r hym, that hadde mad made 'thilke Jerusalem*, and 36 sien? not
it, and his werkere 8 fro aferre 3ee se3en the worchere therof afer. And the Lord 12

12 not. And the Lord God of ostus clepede God of oostis schal clepe in that dai to
that dai to weping, and to weiling, z
wepyng, and to morenyng, and to ballid-
and to ballidnesse, and to girding of a* nesse, and to a girdil of sak and lo ioie is ; !

13 sac; and lo !
{036 and gladnesse to slen and gladnesse is to sle caluys, and to

y the visioun AEGHK. z Om.

c et E pr. m. a forsothe is E * Om. K. Ora. c el E pr. m.
pr. m.

d Om. e Om. E k nakinde c. nakide E

CE. pr. m.
not dead K. h
magnetied E pr. m. >
a E pr. m.
pr. m.
1 citees
A. m Om. c pr. m. ml fishpond c pr. in. " Om. c et E pr. m. hows AGHK. P betwen
c et alii, bitwixe A. 1 Om. c pr. m. E pr. m. AGHK. r Om. c
cysterne E sec. m. marg. AGHK. pr.m.
pr. m.

Om. PY. * it i text, thilke Jerusalem i

marg. y saujen i
z Om. i.
XXII. 14 24- ISAIAH. 263

cahus, to kutte wetheres" throtes, to ete strangle wetheris, to ete fleisch, and to
flesh, and to drinke wyn ; ete wee, and drynke wyn and drynke we, for
; ete we,
drinke wee, to mom forsothe wee shul we schulen die to morewe. And the vois u
14 dien. And opened is in myn eres the of the Lord of oostis is schewid in rnyn
vois of the Lord of ostes, Ther shal not eeris, This wickidnesse schal not be for-
be for3yue this wickidnesse to 3011, tov 3ouun to 3ou, til 36 dien, seith the Lord
the tyrae that 3ee die, seith the Lord God a of oostis. The Lord God of oostis 10

is God These thingus seith the

of ostus. seith these thingis, Go thou, and entre to
Lord God of ostus, Go, and weend in to hym that dwellith in the tabernacle, to

hym that dwelleth in the tabernacle, to Sobna, the souereyn of the temple ; and
Sobnam, prouost of the temple and thou ; thou schalt seie to hym, What thou here, 10

is shall
sey to hym, What thou heer, or ethir as who here? for thou hast hewe to
as w who heer? for thou heewe out to thee thee a sepulcre here, thou hast hewe a
heer a sepulcre, thou x heewe in an hee3, memorial in hi3 place diligentli, a taber-
a memorial bisily in a ston a tabernacle nacle in a stoon to thee. Lo the Lord ! 1?

17 to thee. Lo the Lord shal make thee! schal make thee to be borun out, as a
to ben born awei, as is born awei a ca- kapoun is borun out, and as a cloth, so

poun, and as an amyse, so he shal vnder he shal reise thee. He

crowninge schal is
isreren thee. Crounende he shal crowne crowne thee with tribulacioun he schal ;

thee with tribulacioun ; as a bal he shal sende thee as a bal in to a large lond and
sende thee in to a brod load and spa- wijd there thou schalt die, and there schal

cious}'; there thou shalt dien, and there be the chare of thi glorie, and the schen-
shal be the char of thi glorie, and the schipe of the hous of thi Lord. And Y is

i9shenshipe of the hous of thi Lord. And schal caste thee out of thi stondyng, and
I shal putte thee out fro thi stonding, Y schal putte thee doun of thi seruyce.
and fro thi seruyse I shal depose thee. And it schal be, in that dai schal clepe 20 Y
20 And it shal be, in that dai I shal clepe my seruaunt Eliachim, the sone of Hel-
my seruaunt Eleachym, the sone of El- chie; and Y schal clothe hym in thi coote,2i
21 chie; and clothin hym with thi coete, and and Y schal coumforte hym with thi gir-
with thi girdil I z shal coumforten hym, dil, and Y shal 3yue thi power in to the
and 3 thi power I shal 3yue in to his hondis of hym ; and he schal be as a fadir
hondus and he shal ben as a fader to
; to hem that dwellen in Jerusalem, and to
men dwellende Jerusalem b and to the , the hous of Juda. And Y schal 3yue the 22
22 hous of Juda. And I shal 3yue the ke3e keie of the hous of Dauyd on his schuldre ;
of the hous of Dauid vp on his shulder ; and he schal opene, and noon schal be that
and he shal openen, and ther shal not be schal schitte and he schal schitte, and

that close ;
and he shal closen, and ther noon schal aa be that schal opene. And Y23
23 shal be that opene. And I shal
not hym a stake in a feithful place,
schal sette
ficchen hym as a stake in the 'feithful and he schal be in to the c seete of glorie
place and he shal be in to the see of
, of the hous of his fadir. And thou schalt 24
24 glorie of the hous of his fader. And I hange on hym al the glorie of the hous of
shal hangen vp on hym al. the glorie of his fadir, diuerse kindis of vessels, eche
the hous of his fader, off vesseles dyuers litil vessel, fro the vesselis of cuppis 'til to d

kindis, eche litil vessel, fro the vesseles of ech vessel of musikis. In that dai, seith 25

wyn chalices vnto alle vessel of musikes. the Lord of oostis, the stake that was set

u wedre AGHK. v for K. w Om. A. * that E

pr. m.
y a
spaciouse apr. in. HK. and Y A. and GH.
Om. K. tt
in H. b in Jerusalem AK sec. TO. c of feithful men E pr. m.

aa ther schal c a d Vnto

Om. A sec. m. i. <>
stake, ether a perche CEFGHIKMNPQRSUVXY. I. i.
264 ISAIAH. XXII. 15 XXIII. 13.

in the feithful place, schal be takun awei,

25 In that dai, seith the Lord of ostes, ther
shal ben taken awey the stake that was
and it schal be brokun, and schal falle
ficchid a feithful place, and be to-
in doun and schal perische that hangide

broken, and fallen ; and pershe shal
that therynne, for the Lord spak.
that he hadde hangyd in it, for the Lord

1 The charge of Tyry. Belleth, 3ee The birthun of Tire. 3 e schippis ofi

se, for wastid is the hous, the see, 3elle e for the hous is distried, fro
shippes of the

whennus to e comen 'thei weren f wont; fro whennus coumfort was wont to come; fro
the lond of Sethym opened to them. it is the lond of Cethym, and was schewid to

2 Beth stylle, 3ee that dwellen in the ile, hem. Be 36 stille, that dwellen in the ile, 2
the chaffaring of Sidon the men seilende ;
the marchaundie of Sidon; men passynge

s ouer the se fulfilden thee with manye the see filliden thee in many watris ; the 3

watris the sed of Nyli, the rip of the

seed of Nylus is heruest, the flood -is the
flod his frutes, and mad is the chaffare corn therof, and it is maad the mar-
4 of Jentiles. Ashame thou, Sidon, seith chaundie of hethene men. Thou, Sidon, 4
the the strengthe of the se, seiende,
be ascharned, seide the see, the strengthe
I trauailide not with child, and bar not, of the see, and seide, trauelide not ofY
and nurshede not out 3ung childer, ne to child, and Y childide not, and Y nurschide
5 ful& waxing bro3te forth maidenes. Whan not 3onge men, and Y brou3te not fulli

herd shal be in Egipt, thei shuln so-

it virgyns to encreessyng. Whanne it schal 5
h be herd in Egipt, thei schulen make so-
rewen, whan thei shuln heren of Tiro.
c Passeth the ses ; 3elleth, that dwellen in rewe, whanne thei heren of Tire. Passe c
7 the ile. Whether not this 3oure is, that 36 the sees; 3elle 3e, that dwellen in the ile.

in his eelde? Whether' this citee is not 3oure, that hadde 7

gloriede fro the rathere da3es
leden shuln it aferr hir feet to pilgrym- glorie fro elde daies in his eldnesse? the
agen. Who tho3te this vp on Tirun sum feet therof schulen lede it fer, to go in pil-

tyme crouned, whos nededoeres princes, g"rymage. Who thou3te this thing on Tires
his marchaundus noble men of the erthe? sum tyme crownede, whos marchauntis
9 The Lord of ostes tho3te this, that he weren princes, the selleris of marchaundie
drawe doun the pride of alle glorie, and therof weren noble men of erthe? The 9
to shenshipe bringe doun alle the noble Lord of oostis thoii3te this thing, that he
10 men of erthe. Passe ouer thi lond as the schulde drawe doun the pride of al glorie,
flod, thou do3ter of the se ; ther is no and that he schulde bringe to schenschipe
11 more
girdil to thee. His hond ouer the alle the noble men of erthe. Thou dou3- 10

he 'strecchide, and disturbede' reumes. ter of the see, passe thi lond as a flood ; a
The Lord sente a3en Canaan, that he to- girdil is no
more to thee. It stretchiden
12 trede his stronge men ; and seide k , Thou forth his hond aboue the see, and dis-
shalt no mor leyn to, that thou glorie, turblide rewmes. The Lord sente a3enes

chalengis sustenende, thou maden do3- Canaan, for to al to-breke the stronge men
seide, Thou maide, the dou3- 12
ter of Sidon In Sichym risende ouer-
therof; and he
seile thoum ; there forsothe shal not ben ter of Sidon, that suffrist caleng, schalt no
isreste to thee. Lo! the lond of Caldeis such more adde, that thou haue glorie. Rise
a puple was not Assur foundide it ; in
; thou, and passe ouer the see in to Sechym ;

to caitifte thei ouerladden the stalwrthe there also no reste schal be to thee. Lo ! is

d that and E e Om. E h Om. E m.

pr. m. shal
f he was E S the ful A. '
pr. m. pr. m. pi:
strecchen and disturben CE pr. m. k he seide A. 1 Sion c. m Om. c.

3elleth i. f Wher ceterifere passim.

men of it ; thei vnderdoluen his houses, the lond of Caldeis, sich a puple was not ;
H thei putten it in to falling. 3 e ^ et h> 3ee Assur foundide that Tyre; thei ledden
shipes of the se, for doun wastid is 3oure ouer in to caitifte the strong men therof ;
isstrengthe. And it shal be, in that dai in thei myneden the housis therof, thei set-

forjeting thou shalt be, O !

Tire, seuenti tiden it in to fallyng. ^e\\e, 36 schippis 14

3er, as the da3es of o king ; after" seuenti of the see, for 3oure strengthe is distried.

3er forsothe to Tiro shal be as a song And it schal be, in that dai, thou Tire, 15
i6 of a
strumpet. Tac harpe, go aboute the schalt be in for3etyng bi seuenti 3eer, as
cite,thou strumpet, to fo^eting taken ; the daies of o king ; but aftir seuenti
weel syng, ofte vse song, that mynde of 3eer, as the song of an hoore schal be to
>7thee be. And it shal be, after seuenti Tyre. Thou hoore, 3ouun to for3etyng, take 16

3er, the Lord Tirum, and

shal visite an harpe, cumpasse the citee ; synge thou
bringen it a3een to his meedes and eftP ; wel, vse thou ofte a song, that mynde be
it shal ben, whan it shal do
fornyca- of thee. And it schal be, aftir seuenti 3eer, 17

cioun with alle the reumes of the erthe, the Lord schal visite Tire, and schal brynge
is vp on the face of the erthe. And his it a3en to hise hiris ; and eft it schal be,
nede doyngus and his meedus shuln ben whanne it schal do fornycacioun with alle
halewid to the Lord thei shuln not ben;
rewmes of erthe, on the face of erthe. And is

hid*), ne leid vp ; for to them that dwell- the marchaundies therof and the meedis
ede bifor the Lord shal be his nede do- therof schulen be halewid to the Lord;

yng, that thei ete into fulnesse, and be thos schulen not be hid, nethir schulen be
clad r vn to oldnesse. leid vp ; for whi the marchaundie therof
schal be to hem that dwellen bifore the
Lord, that thei ete to fulnesse, and be
clothid 'til to b eldnesse.


> Loo! the Lord shal nakenen the erthe, Lo ! the Lord schal distrie the erthe, i

and scateren it, and tormenten his face, and schal make nakid, and schal tur- it

2 and distro3en his dwelleris. And ther mente the face therof; and he schal scater
shal be, as the puple, so the prest ; and as abrood the dwelleris therof. And it schal 2
the seruaunt, so his 8 lord ; as the hand be, as the puple, so the preest ; as the ser-
woman, so hir lady ; as the biere, so he uaunt, so his lord ; as the handmaide, so
that sillith; as the vsurer,so he that taketh the ladi of hir; as a biere, so he that

borewing ; as he that a3een asketh, so he sillith ; as the leenere, so he that takith

3 that owith*. Bi scateryng shal be sca- borewyng as he that axith ajen, so he


tered the lond, and bi robbing shal be that owith. Bi distriyng the lond schal 3

robbid the Lord forsothe spac this wrd.

; be distried, and schal be maad nakid by
4\Veilede and doun flowede the erthe, rauyschyng for whi the Lord spak ;
and it is feblid flowede doun the world,
; word. The erthe morenyde, and fleet 4

feblid is the hei3te of the puple of the awei, and is maad sijk ; the world fleet

5 lond, and the lond is slayn of his dwell- awei, the hi3nesse of the' puple of erthe is
eris. For thei ouerpasseden the lawes, maad sijk, and the erthe is slayn of hises
chaungeden the 031, scatereden the euere dwelleris. For thei passiden lawis, chaung-
edurende bond. For that cursing shal de- iden ri3t, distrieden euerlastynge boond of

n and after K. Om. E s pr. m. r 8 the AGHK.

pr. m. P of it R. 1 confoundid clothid
* herewith c pr. m.

S thei N. h vnto i. '

Om. I.

266 ISAIAH. XXIV. 7 20.

uoure the lond, and synnen shuln his pees. For this thing cursyng schal deuoure e
and" therfore waxen woode the erthe, and the dwelleris therof schulen
shul his tilieres, and ther shul be lafte do synne ; and therfor the louyeris therof
7 fewe men. Weilede the vyndage, feblid schulen be woode, and fewe men schulen
is the vyne ; inwardli weileden alle that be left. Vyndage morenyde, the vyne is 7
Cesede the io3e of alle men that weren glad in herte
agladeden in herte. sijk;

tymbris, restide the soun of men glad- weiliden. The ioie of tympans ceesside, s

ende ; al stille was the swetnesse of the the sowne of glad men restide ; the swet-
9 With song thei shul not drinke nesse of harpe with song was stille. Thei >.)

wyn ; bitter shal be the drinke to men schulen not drynke wyn a bittere drynk ;

}odrinkende it. Al defouled is the cite of schal be to hem that schulen drynke it.

vanyte ;
closid is eche hous, man en-
no The citee of vanyte is al to-brokun ; ech 10

11 trende. Cry shal ben vp on the wyn in hous is closid, for no man entrith. Cry 1 1

the stretes, desert gladnesse, trans-

is alle schal be on wyn in streetis, al gladnesse

12 latid is the io3e of the lond. Laft is in is forsakun, the ioie of erthe is 'takun
the huge cite wildernesse, and wrecchid- awei k . Desolacioun 1
is left in the citee, 12

isnesse shal opressen the 3ates. For these and wretchidnesse schal oppresse the ^atis.
myddel of the lond,
thirigus shul be in the For these thingis schulen be in the myddis 13

in the myddel of puples, what maner if of erthe, in the myddis of puplis, as if a

fewe oile beries that lefen ben shaken out fewe fruitis of olyue trees that ben left

of the olyue tree, and cluster braunches, ben schakun of fro the olyue tre, and
14 whan were endid the These whanne the vyndage is endid.
vyndage. racyns,
shul reren vp ther vois, and preisen, These men schulen her vois, and 14 reise
whan shal be glorified the Lord ; thei schulen preise, whanne the Lord schal be
15 shul ne3en fro the se. For that in tech- glorified;
thei schulen schewe signes of

ingus glorifieth the Lord ; in iles of the gladnesse fro the see. For this thing glo-is
se, the name of the Lord God of Jrael. rifie 36 the Lord in techyngis ; in the ilis

ifiFro the endes of the erthe preisingus v of the see glorifie 30 the name of the
wee ban herd, the glorie of the ri3twis. Lord God of Israel. Fro the endis ofie
And I seide, My
priue thing to me, my erthe we ban herd heriyngis, the glorye
w me. 'Wo to mex the And Y
priue thing to ,
of the iust. seide, My priuyte
lawe breking thei breeken, and in lawe to me, my pryuyte to me. Wo to me,

breking of the ouer don thingus thei trespassours ban trespassid, and ban tres-

17 breeken the lawe. Ferd, and dich, and passid bi trespassyng of brekeris of the
grene vp on thee, that dwellere art of lawe. Ferdfulnesse, and a diche, and a 17

IB the erthe. And it shal be, he that shal snare on thee, that art a dwellere of erthe.
flee fro the face of drede?, shal falle in And it schal be, he that schal fle fro the \&

to the dich ; and he that taketh face of ferdfulnesse, schal falle in to the
outz of the dich, shal be holden with the diche and he that schal delyuere hym silf

grene for the gooteres fro he3e

thyngus fro the dich, schal be holdun of the snare ;
ben opened, and smyte togidere shul ben for whi the wyndows of hi3e thingis ben
the foundemens of the erthe. With openyd, and the foundementis of erthe
19 to-

brekfng shal ben to-broken the erthe, schulen be schakun togidere. The erthe 19

20 with to-brosing shal be to-brosid the schal be brokun with brekyng, the erthe 20
loud, with to-stering shal be to-stired the schal be defoulid with defoulyng, the erthe
with shaking shal be 'to-shaken* the erthe
erthe, schal be mouyd with mouyng,
u Om. E i * Om. E
pr. m. preisynge A. pr. m. * Om. c pr. m. J the drede AEGHK. z Om. A.
* shaken AC pr. m.
translatid, ether takun atvey CEFGHIKMNPQRSUVXY. 1
Soleyntee, ether desalacioun CEFGHIKMNFQR
XXIV. 21 XXV. 7- ISAIAH. 267
21 the erthe, as a drunken man. And it schal be schakun with schakyng, as a
shal be don awey, as the tabernacle of o drunkun man. And it schal be takuiui
njrjt, and greuen it shal his wickidnesse ; awei, as the tabernacle of o ny3t, and the
and it shal falle, and it shal not leyn to, wickidnesse therof schal greue it ; and it
that it rise a3een. And it shal be, in that schal falle down, and it schal not adde, for
dai visite shal the Lord vp on the kny3t- to rise a3en. And it schal be, in that dai
hod of d heuene in e he3, and vp on the the Lord schal visite on the kny3thod of

kingus of the lorid, that ben vp on erthe. heuene an hi3, and on the kyngis of erthe,
22 And thei shul ben
gedered togidere in that ben on erthe. And thei schulen be 22
the gederyng togidere of a bundel in to gaderid togidere in the gadering togidere
the lake, and thei shul ben closid there of a bundel in to the lake, and thei schulen
in prisoun ; and aftir many da3es thei be closid there in prisoun ; and aftir many
23 shul be visitid. And the moone shal daies thei schulen be visited. And the 23
shamen, and confoundid shal be the moone schal be aschamed, and the sunne
sunne, whan shal regne the Lord of schal be confoundid 1
whanne the Lord of
ostes in the hil of Sion, and in Jerusa- oostis schal regne in the hil of Sion, and
lem ; and in the si3t of ther olde men he in Jerusalem, and schal be glorified in the
shal ben glorified. si3t of hise eldre men.


1 Lord, my God thou art, I shal en- Lord, thou art my God, Y schal en- 1

haunce thee, and I shal knouleche to haunse thee, and Y schal knouleche to thi
thi name for thou hast do merueilous
; name; for thou hast do marueils, thin elde
2 thingus, olde feithful tho3tus. Amen. For feithful thou3tis. Amen. For thou hast 2
thou hast set the cite in to noyse f, the set the citee in to a biriel, a strong citee

huge stronge cite in to falling, the hous in to fallyng, the hous of aliens, that it be
of alienes, that it be not cite, and in to not a citee, and be not bildid with outen
3 euermor shal not ben bilds vp. Vp on
it ende. For this thyng a strong puple schal 3
this shal preise thee a strong puple, the herie thee, the citee of strong folkis schal
cite of stalwrth folc of kinde shal drede drede thee. For thou art maad strengthe 4

4 thee. For thou art

strengthe to mad to a pore man, strengthe to a nedi man in
the pore, strengthe to the helpeles in his his tribulacioun, hope fro whirlwynd, a

tribulacioun, hope fro the whirlewynd, schadewyng place fro heete ; for whi the
a shadewe hilet fro hete ; the spirit for- stronge men is as a whirlewynd
spirit of
sothe of stalwrthe men as a whirlewind hurlynge the wal. As bi heete in thirst, a
sputtende doun a wal. As with hete in thou schalt make meke the noise of aliens ;
thrist, the noise of alienes thou shalt and as bi heete vndur a cloude brennynge,
meken; and as with hete vnder the cloude thou schalt make the siouns of stronge men
feerly brennende, the braunches of stronge to fade. And the Lord of oostis schal make 6
6 men thou shalt make to welewyn. And in this" hil to alle puplis the feeste of
the Lord of ostes shal make to alle pu- fatte thingis, the feeste of
vyndage of fatte
ples in this hil a feste of fatte bestes, a thingis ful vyndage wel
of merow, of
feste ofvyndage of merewi fatte thingus, fyned. And he schal caste doun in this ?
7 of vyndage most pure. And he shal hil the face of boond, boundun togidere on

stumble doun in this hil h the face of the alle puplis, and the web which he weuyde

bond, bounde togidere vp on alle puples', on alle naciouns. And he schal caste doun 8
and the web that 'he hath k weuede vp deth with outen ende, and the Lord God

b wickenesse E. c areren E pr. m. d in E e Om. F. f E pr. m.

pr. m. pr. m. a mynde ston hipil c et
h k it c
E pr.m. pr. m. E p, m.
8 bildid A. hij the peplis K. .

m shent, ether ashamid CEFGHKMNPQRSUVXY. schent i. n his i. his i.

M rn 2
268 ISAIAH. XXV. 8 XXVI. 9.

6 on nacyouns. He shal stumble doun

alle schal do awey ech teer fro ech face ; and
deth in to euere lasting, and m don awei
1 he schal do awei the schenschipe of his
shal the Lord God eche tere fro alle face; puple fro ech lond ; for the Lord spak.
and the repref of his puple he shal don And thei schulen seie in that dai, Lo ! 9

awey fro al erthe; for the Lord spac. this is oure God ; we abididen hym, and
9 And they shul sey in that day, Lo the ! he schal saue vs ; this is the Lord ; we

Lord oure God this; wee han abiden hym, suffriden him, and we schulen make ful

and he shal sauen vs this the Lord ; wee ;

out ioie, and schulen be glad in his helthe.
han suffryd" hym, and wee shul ful out For whi the hond of the Lord schal reste 10

103611, and gladen

in his helthe 3yuere. in this? hil, and Moab schal be threischid
10 For the hond of the Lord shal reste in vndur hym, as chaffis ben stampid in a
this hil, and threschid shal ben Moab wayn. And he schal stretche forth hisen
vnder hym, as ben to-treden strawes in a hondis vndur hym, as a swymmere stretch-
n wayn. And he shal strecchen out his ith forth to swymme and he schal make ;

hondis vnder hym, as a swymmere low the glorye of him with hurtlyng doun
streccheth out to swymmen ; and he shal ofhise hondis. And the strengthingis of 12
meeken his glorie with the 'hurling toP thin hi3 wallis schulen falle doun, and
12 of his hondis. And the forsemens, "or schuleube maad low, and schulen be

strengthis^, of thin he3e walles shul to- drawun doun to the erthe, 'til to the

gidere falle, and be lowid, and drawen dusti.

un to the erthe, vnto poudere.


* dai
i In that day shal ben sungen this song In that dai* this song schal be sungun i ; that is,
whanne the
in the lond of Juda. The huge cite of in the lond of Judaf The citee of oure . doom is i 'ml id.
Lire here. K.
oure strengthe r Sion ; a saueour shal be strengthe^:; the sauyour schal be set ther f Juda; that
set in it, the wal and the bifor walling. ynne, the wal and the 'fore wal r is iuterpretid
Opene2 knowlechinge .

and ther shal go in 36 the 3atis, and the iust folk schal entre,
of Goddis heer-
2Openeth the 3ates,
Lire here.
3 a ri3twis folc s , kepende treuthe. The olde kepynge treuthe. The elde errour is
gon 3 K.
t Sion; that is,
errour 3ide awei ; thou shalt kepe pes, awei; thou schalt kepe pees, pees, for thou, heuenli citee,
whois excel-
pes*, for in 'thee, Lord u wee han hopid.
, Lord, we hopiden in thee. 3 e ban hopid 4 lence mai not
v be declarid bi
3ee han hopid in the Lord, fro the euere in the Lord, in euerlastynge worldis^, in
mannus wordis;
lastende worldus, in the Lord God, strong the Lord God, strong with outen ende. For 5 this word Sion
is nether in
sin to withoute ende. For he shal in- he schal bowe doun hem that dwellen an Ebrew nether
in bokis amend-
bowe the dwelleris in hei3te, the he3e hi3, and he schal make low an hi3 citee|| ; id. Lire here.
cite he shal meeken w ; he shal meke it he schal make itlow Hil to 8 the erthe he ;
5 worldit; that
vn to the erthe, drawen it doun in to schal drawe it doun 'til to s the 1 dust. Thee is, to gete to
him euerlasting
epouder. To-trede it shal the foote of the foot of a pore man schal defoule it, and lijf. K.
citee; that is,
goyngus of helpeles men. The the steppis of nedi men schulen defoule it.
7 pore, the
citees in wiche
pride and
sty of the ri3twis is euene, euene the path The weie of a iust man is rijtful, the path? othere vicis ben
s of the ri3twis to gon. And in the sty of of a iust man is ri3tful to go. And in the 8 plenteuous.
Lire here. K.
thi domes, Lord, wee han sustened thee ; weie of thi domes, Lord, we suffriden thee ;

thi name, and thi mynde, in desyr of thi name, and thi memorial is in desir of
9 soule. My soule shal desire thee in
ny3t, soule. My soule schal desire thee in the 9
but and with my spirit in myn herte in- but also with
ni3t, my spirit in myn en-
ward thingus ; fro erly I shal wake x to trails ; fro the morewtid Y schal wake to

Om. m. deth and E pr. m. n sustened c
pr. m. c et E pr. m. P hurlynge A.
hurtlynge K. q Om. c et E pr. m. r gre te kinde E pr. m. * Om. AK sec. m.
strengthe c pr. m.
s folc of
u the Lord c. v Om. K. " meken it K. *
maken K.

P his i. q vnto dust i. r fore wal [biforwal

CK], ether a strengthe bifore the wall CEFGHIKMNPQRSUY.
biforwal vx. vuto i. t Om. i.
XXVI. 1021. ISAIAH. 269

thee. Whan thou shalt don thi domes in thee. Whanne thou schalt make thi domes
the erthe, ri3twisnesse shul lernen alle in erthe, alle dwelleris of the world schu-
10 the dwelleris of the world. Haue wee len lerne ri3tfulnesse. Do we merci to the 10

mercy to the vnpitouse, and he shal not wickid man, and he schal not lerne to do
in the lond of "
lerne to do ri3twisnesse ; ri3tfuluesse ; in the lond of seyntis he
halewis wicke thingus he dide, and he dide wickid thingis, and he schal not se
shal not see the glorie of the Lord. the glorie of the Lord. Lord, thin hondu
11 Lord, be enhauncid thin bond, that thei be enhaunsid, that thei se not ; puplis
see? not ; see and be confoundid the en- hauynge enuye se, and be schent, and fier
uyende puples, and fyr thin enemys de- deuoure thin enemyes. Lord, thou schalt 12

lauoure. Lord, thou shalt jyuen pes to vs, 3yue pees to vs, for thou hast wrou3t alle
alle forsothe oure werkes thou wro3tist oure werkis in vs. Oure Lord God, lordis is

I3in a vs. Lord oure God, lordis weldeden hadden vs in possessioun, withouten thee ;
vs, with oute thee ; only in thee recorde haue we mynde of thi name.
oneli in thee
14 wee of thi name. Diende lyue thei not, Thei that dien, lyue not, and giauntis 14

and ieauntis ryse thei not a3een. Ther- risen not a3en. Therfor thou hast visityd,
fore thou hast visityd, and to-brosedest and hast al-to broke hem, and thou hast
hem, and lost al the mynde of them and ; lost al the mynde of
and Lord, thou
thou hast for3yue to the fol of kinde, hast for3oue uu to a folc, thou hast for3oue un is
15 Lord, thou hast for3oue to the folc of to a folc. Whether thou art glorified*? thou glorified;

kynde. Whether glorified thou art? thou hast maad fer fro thee all the endis of w penaunce ?
hast 'drawen along b alle the termes of erthe. Lord, in angwisch thei soften 16
t yraeof
16 the erthe. Lord, in anguysh thei so3ten thee ;
in the tribulacioun of grutchyng thi Pf-.
naunce. Lire
thee; in tribulacioun of grucching thi lore doctryn to hem. As sche that conseyuede, w^re.

17 to them. As she that conceyuede, whan whanne sche nei3eth sorewful to the child
she shulde ne3he to the trauailing of beryng, crieth in her sorewis, so we ben
child,sorewende crieth c in hir sorewes, maad, Lord, of thi face. ban con-is We
so wee d ben maad fro thi face, Lord. seyued, and we ban as trauelid of child,
is Wee ban conceyued, and as wee ban and we ban childid the spirit of helthe ;

born, and bnrjte forth the spirit of helthe; we diden not ri3tfulnesse in erthe. Therfor
ri3twisnesse wee ban not don in erthe, the dwelleris of erthe fellen v not doun ;
therfore fellen not the dwelleris of the thi deed men schulen lyue, and my slayn 19
is erthe. Lyuen shul thi deade, my slayne men schulen rise a3en. 3e that dwellen
men shuln a3een rise. Beth wakid, and in dust, awake, and herie ; for whi the deew
preiseth, 3ee that dwellen in pouder ; for of Ii3t is
thi deew, and thou schalt drawe
the dew of Ii3t thi dew, and the lond of doun the lond of giauntis in to fallyng.
ieauntus thou shalt drawe doun in to Go thou, my puple, entre in to thi beddis, 20
20 falling. Go, my
puple , entre in to thi close thi doris on thee, be thou hid a litil

bed places, close thi dores vp on thee, be at a moment, til indignacioun passe. For 21
hid a litil while, to the tyme that passe lo ! theLord schal go out of his place, to
21 myns indignacioun. Lo forsothe the !
visite the wickidnesse of the dwellere of
Lord shal go out fro his hoely place, that erthe a3ens hym ;
and the erthe schal
he visite the wickidnesse#s of the dwell- schewe his blood, and schal no more bile
ere of the erthe a3en hym ; and the erthe hise slayn men.
shal opene his blod, and shal no more
koueren his slayn men.

b m. c she crieth
longid out c et E pr.
7 Om. E sec. * Om. K.
enuyying see E sec. m.
m. *
d thei E e thin AC pr. m. K sec. m. thi E pr. m. f with me u m. S Om. f pr. m.
pr. m. puple pr.
SS wickenesse E.

uu i.
v felden I passim.
ri3twisnesse forjiue
270 ISAIAH. XXVII. I 13.


1 In that dai viseten shal the Lord in In that dai the Lord schal visite in his i

his harde swerd, and gret, and strong, hard swerd, and greet, and strong, on
vp on leuyathan, an eddere, a leuour, leuyathan, serpent, a barre, and on leuy-
and vp on leuyathan, a' crookid wounde athan, the crookid serpent ; and he schal
k and he shal sle the whal, that sle the whal, which is in the see. In that 2
serpent ;

2 is in the se. In that day the vyne^erd

dai the vyner of cleen wyn and good schal

3 of good cleer wyn shal synge to hym. I synge to him. Y am the Lord that kepe 3
the Lord that kepe it, feerli shal heelden that vyner; sudeynli Y schal 3yue drynke
be visitid to it, lest perauenture it be visitid a3ens
out to it, par auenture
lest it

4 a3en it ; ny3t and dai I kepe it, indigna- it ny3t and dai
; Y
kepe it, indignacioun 4
cioun is not to me. Who shal 3yue me a isnot to me. Who schal 3yue me a thorn

thorne, and a brere? In bataile I shal go and brere ? In batel Y schal go on it, Y
5 vp on it, I shal brennen it togidere. Or schal brenne togidere. Whether ratheres

more my strengthe ? He shal

I shal holde Y schal holde my strengthe? It schal make
do pes to me,- pes he shal don to me. pees to me, it schal make pees to me, for
e Who shal go out with bure fro Jacob? the merit of hem that schulen go out withe
Flouren and burioune shal and Irael, fersnesse fro Jacob. Israel schal floure and
they shul fulfille the face of the world brynge forth seed, and thei schulen fille
7 with sed. Whether after the plage of the the face of the world with seed. Whether?

smytende hymself he smot hym ? or as he he smoot it bi the wounde of the puple

sloo3 the slayne men of hym, so he is

qfJewis smytynge hym? ether as it killide
8 slayn In mesure a3en mesure,whan leid
? the slayn men was slayn ?
of hym, so it

to it shal be, he shal deme it ; he bitho3te In mesure a3ens mesure, whanne it schal a
in his harde spirit, by the day of hete. be cast awei, he schal deme it he bi- ;

gTherfor vp on this shal ben for3ouen thou3te in his hard spirit, bi the dai of
wickidnesse to the hous of Jacob, and heete. Therfor on this thing wickidnesse s
this al the frute, that be don awei his schal be for3ouun to the hous of Jacob,

synne, whan he
shal leyn alle the stones and this schal be al the fruyt, that the
of the auter as the"hurtlid stones of askes .
synne therof be don awei, whanne it hath
Stonde shul not the maumet wodes, and set all the stoonys of the auter as the
10 the maumet
wasshing temples. Forsothe stoonys of aische hurtlid doun. Wodis
the strengthid cite shal be desolat, the and templis schulen not stonde. Forsothe 10

faire shal ben forsake, and lafte as desert ; the strong citee schal be desolat, the fair
there? shal be fed the calf, and there shal citee schal be left, and schal be forsakun
he lyn, and waste the ouermostes of it. as a desert ; there a calf schal be lesewid,
11 In the dro3te of his rip to-treden shul and schal ligge there, and schal waste the
ben wymmen, comende and techende it. hi3nessis therof. In the drynesse of ripen
Forsothe ther is not the puple wys, ther- corn therof wymmen comynge, and thei
fore shal^ not ban mercy of it, that made that techen it, schulen be al to-brokun.
it ;
and thatr foormede it, shal not spare Forsothe it is not a wijs puple, therfor he
12 to it. And it shal be, in that dai shal the that made it, schal not haue mercy on it ;
Lord smyte, fro the wombe of the flod and he that formyde it, schal not spare it.
vnto the strem of Egipt ; and 3ee shul be And it schal be, in that dai the Lord schal 1-2

gedered togidere oon and oon, 3ee sonus smyte thee, fro the botme of the flood 'til
13 of Irael. And it shal be, in that dai to w the stronde of Egipt ; and 30 sones of

and AGHK. '

Om. E pr. m.
k Om. E pr. m.
vyne c et E pr. m.
m vpon E pr. m. n he K.
asshen A. asken EGH. P wher E pr. m. q he schal AG sec. m. K sec. m. T he that A.

w vnto i.
9. ISAIAH. 271

shal be trumpid in a gret trumpe, and Israel, schulen be gaderid oon and oon.
ther shul comen that weren lost, fro the And it schal be, in that dai me schal come 13

lond of Assiries, and that weren cast with a greet trumpe, and thei that weren
awei, fro the lond of Egipt and thei ; lost, schulen come fro the lond of Assi-
shul honouren the Lord, in the hoeli hil riens, and thei that weren cast out, schulen
in Jerusalem. come fro the lond of Egipt ; and they
schulen worschipe the Lord, in the hooli
hil in Jerusalem.


1 Wo to the crowne of pride, to the Wo to the coroun of pride, to the i

drunke men of Effraym, and to the flour drunkun men of Effraym, and to the flour
fallende doun of the glorie of his ful out fallynge doun of the glorie of the ful out
io3yng, that weren in* the cop of the ioiyng therof, that weren in the cop of
2 valei most fat, errende of wyn. Lo ! the the fatteste valei, and erriden x of wyn.
stalwrthe and the stronge Lord, as the Lo the my3ti and strong Lord, as the 2

bure of hail, the tempest al brekende, as feersnesse of hail, a? whirlwynd brekynge

the bure of manye flowende watris, and togidere, as the fersnesse of many watris
:$ sent" out vp on the spaciouse erthe. With flowynge, and sent out on a large lond.
feet shal be to-trede thecroune of pride The coroun of pride of the drunken men 3
4 of the drunke men
of Effraym, and the of Effraym schal be defoulid with feet,
flour shal be doun fallende of the glorie and the flour of glorie of the ful out ioi-4
of his ful out io3ing, that is vp on the yng of hym, that on the cop of valei z

cop of the valei of fatte thingus, as the of fat thingis, schal be fallyng doun, as a
biforn rijp frute bifor the rijpnesse of tymeli thing bifore the ripenesse of her-
the whiche thing whan shal be-
heruest ;
uest ; which whanne a man seynge bi-
holde the seere, anoon as with bond he holdith, anoon as he takith with hond, he
5 shal holden, he shal deuoure it. In that schal deuoure it. In that dai the Lord of 5
dai shal be the Lord of ostes the croune oostis schal be a coroun of glorie, and a
of glorie, and the garlond of fulw out garlond of ful out ioiyng, to the residue of
io3ing, to the residue of his puple
and ;
his puple ; and a spirit of doom to a hym 6
the spirit of dom to the sittere vp on the that sittith on the trone, and strengthe to

trone, and strengthe to ther men turn- hem that turnen a3en fro batel to the 3ate.
ende a3een fro the bataile to the 3ate. But also thei knewen not for wyn, and 7
7 'These also for
wyn knewen not treuthey, erriden for drunkenesse ; the preest and
and for drunkenesse thei erreden preest ; profete knewen not for drunkenesse ;

and profete knewen not for drunkenesse; weren sopun up of wyn, thei erriden in
thei ben sopen awei of wyn, thei err- drunkenesse thei knewen not a profete,

eden in drunkenesse ;
thei knewe not the thei knewen not doom. For whi alles
a seere, thei vnknewe dom. Alle forsothe bordis weren fillid with spuyng and filthis,

boordis ben fulfild with the a vome b and c so that ther was no more place. Whom a
filthis, so that ther were no more place. schal he teche kunnyng, and whom schal
9 Whom shal he teche kunnyng, and whom he make to vndurstonde heryng? Men
to vnderstonde shal he make the her- wenyd fro mylk, men drawun awei fro
yng? The wened from mylc, the put awei tetis. For whi comaunde thou, comaunde 10

8 of AGHK. l to A. u the sent E

pr. m.
v to-troden E. w the ful A. * Forsothe thise also first E
pr. m. y Om. E pr. m.
z with A, a Om. AGHK. t>
vomes c pr. m. c of E pr.m.

erride i. 1 and A. * the valei i. a of N.

272 ISAIAH. XXVIII. 10 21.

fro tetes. For send, eft

send send, eft
d thoub a3en ; comaunde thou, comaunde
10 ;

d d thou a3en ; abide thou, abide thou a3en ;

send ; abyd, eft byde ; abijd, eft bijd ;

In the speche for-

litil there. abide thou, abide thou a3en ; a litil there,
ulitil there,
and in an othir tunge a litil there. For whi in speche of lippe, M
sothe of the lippe,
i2shal ben spoke to this puple, to whom
and in other langage he schal speke to
this puple, to which he This is my 12
he seide, This is my reste releeueth the

is my refreshing; and thei reste; refreische 36 a weri man, and this is

wery, and that d
13 wolden not heren. And ther shal be to my refreischyng ; and thei nolden here.

them the wrd of the Lord, Send, eft And the word of the Lord schal be to is

send; send, eft send; abijd, eft bijd

; hem, Sende thou, sende thou a3en send ;

litil litil there; thou, sende thou a3en abide thou, abide
abijd, eft bijd ;

that thei go, and falle bacward, and be thou a3en; abide thou, abide thou a3en;
For a litil there, a litil there; that thei go, and
uto-brosid, and gnared, and taken.
that hereth the wrd of the Lord, 366 falle backward, and be al to-brokun, and
men f that lordshipen vp on my be snarid, and be takun. For this thing, u
15 puple that is in Jerusalem. 3 ee seiden 36 men scorrieris, that ben lordis ouer my
forsothe, Wee han
smyte pes bond with puple which is in Jerusalem, here the
deth, and with helle wee han maad co- word of the Lord. For 36 seiden, han& We 15

uenaunt ; scourge flowend whan shal smyte a boond of pees with deth, and we
passe, shal not come vp
on vs, for wee han maad couenaunt with helle; a scourge
han set lesyng oure hope, and with les- flowynge whanne it schal passe, schal not
Therfor come on vs, for we han set a leesyng oure
icyng we ben couered. these

thyngus seith the Lord Gods, Lo! I shal hope, and we ben kyuered with a leesyng.
senden in the foundemens of Sion a cor- Therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, ie

ner ston precious, proued, in the founde- Lo ! Y schal sende in the foundementis of

ment foundid who shal beleeuen, hee3e

Sion a corner stoon preciouse, preuyd,
17 he not. And I shal putte in peis dom, foundid in the foundement ;
he that bi-

and ri3twisnesse in mesure ; and the hail leueth, schal not haaste. And Y schal 17

shal to-turne vpsodoun the hope of les- sette doom in wei3te, and h ri3tfulnesse in*

yng, and the proteccioun watris shul mesure and hail schal distrie the hope of

flowe. And don awey shal be 3oure pes leesyng, and watris schulen flowe on pro-
is bond with deth, and 3oure couenaunt teccioun. And 3oure boond of pees with
with helle shal not stonde
scourge flow- ;
deth schal be don awei, and 3oure coue- is

ende whan shal passe, 3ee shul be to it naunt with helle schal not stonde ; whanne
19 in to treding. Whan euere it shal passe, the scourge flowynge schal passe, 30 schu-
it shal take 3ou awey ; for erly the moru- len be to it in to defoulyng. Whanne euer is

tid it shal passe, in day and ny3t ; and al it schal passe, it schal take awei 3ow ;

onli the alone greuous birthene vnder- for whiin the grey morewtid it schal

2ostonding shal 3yue to the herende. Al passe, in dai and ni3t ; and oonli trauel
to streit forsothe is the beddyng, so that aloone schal 3yue vndurstondyng to her-
an other falle doun ;
and the shorte man- yng. Forsothe the bed is streit, so that 20

21 til either mai not couere. As forsothe the totherk falle doun ; and a schort mentil
in the hil of deuyseouns shal stonde the schal not hile euer either. For as in the 21

Lord, so in the valei, that is in Gabaon, hil of departyngis the Lord schal stonde,
he shal wrathe, that he do his werk ; as in the valei, which is in Gabaon, he

d and eft E pr. m. e E sec. m. abyde AGHK. { Om. c pr.m. E pr.m. S Om. K. h Om. c pr.m.

b Om. c the d * h and in

N. which I. wolden not i. of N. hereth I. 8 haue i
passim. I.
and i. k oothir i.

alyen is the werk of hyin, that he werke schal be wroth, that he do his werk ; his
his werk ;
straunge is his werk fro hym. werk 1
alien, that he worche his werk; his
22 And now wileth not bigilen, lest par werk is straunge fro hym. And now nyle22
auenture be streitid 30111-6 bondis ; ful 36 scorne, lest perauenture 3oure boondis
ending forsothe and
abregging I haue be maad streit togidere; for Y herde of
herd of the Lord God of ostns, vp on al the Lord God of oostis, endyng and a-
saerthe. With eres parceyueth, and her- breggyng on al erthe. Perseyue 36 with 23
eth my vois ; taketh heed, and hereth eeris, and here 36 my vois ; perseyue
24 my fayre speche. day Whether al shal 3e, and here 36 my speche. Whether 24
ere' the erere, that he sowe, and forth he that erith, schal ere m al dai, for to
25 kutten, andJ purge his erthe ? Whether sowe, and schal be kerue, and purge his

not, whan he shal etienen therto his face, londe ? Whether whanne he hath maad 25
he shal sowe the sed gith, and the comyn euene the face therof, schal he not sowe
sprengen, and sette the whete bi order, gith*, and sprenge abrood comyn? and he
and barly, and myle, and ficche k in ther schal not sette wheete bi ordre, and barli,
2ccoestes? And shal teche hym his God, in and mylium, and fetchis in his coostis? '

e re

2;dorn shal
leren" 1

hym. Forsothe not in And his God schal teche hym, in doom he2G Ae/a/"
sawes shal be throsshe gith, ne the wheel schal teche Forsothe gith schal not 27
of a wayn vp on the comyn shal gon be threischid in sawis, and a wheel of a
aboute; but in 3erde shal n ben shaken wayn schal not cumpasse on comyn ; but
as out gith, and the comyn in a staf. Bred gith schal be betun out with a 3erd, and
forsothe sbal be to-mynusht, but not in comyn with a staf. Sotheli breed schal 28
to euermor the thresshere shal thresshen be maad lesse, but he that threischith
it, ne shal trauaile it the wheel of the schal not threische it with outen ende, ne-
wayn, ne with his cles shal to-mynushe ther schal trauele it with a wheel of a
29 it. And that fro the Lord God of ostes wayn, nether schal make it lesse with hise
wente out, that merueilous shulde make clees. And thing 3ede out of the 20

counseil, and magnefyen theP rightwys- Lord God of oostis, that he schulde make
nesse. wondirful councel, and magnefie ri3tful-
i Wo! Ariel'', Ariel', 'that is, Jerusalem, Wo! n
Ariel, Ariel f, which i the citee
is, Jerusalem.
and auter*, cite that Dauid ouercam ;
Dauid ouercam 3eer is addid to ;3eer, A >! ulii. that

added is jer to 3er, solempnetees ben solempnytees ben passyd. And Y schal 2
2ouerturned. And 1
I shal besette aboute cumpasse Ariel, and it schal be soreuful
Ariel, and it shal be dreri and sorewy; and morenynge and Jerusalem schal be

sand it shal be to me
as Aryel. And I to me as Ariel. And Y schal cumpasse 3
shal cumpasse cumpas, as a bal in thi as a round trendil in thi cumpasse, and
and I shal kaste a3en thee an hep, and Y schal caste erthe a3ens thee, and Y schal
the strengthis I shal sette in to thi u sette engynesP in to thi bisegyrigi. Thou 4
4seging. Thou shalt be meekid, of the schalt be maad low, thou schalt speke of
erthe thou shalt speke, and of the loewe v erthe, and thi speche schal be herd fro the
erthe shal ben herd thi speche; and shal erthe; and thi vois schal be as the vois of

eren c pr. m. 3 that he c pr m. k vicia c et B
pr. in.
he shal AK. m lerne AGHK. nOm. A.
Om. CE Om. AEGHK. 1 to Ariel c pr. m. K pr. m. r Oni. woo! Ariel AK sec. in. s Om. c et
pr. m.
P c.

E pr.m. u Om. c pr. m. v Om. E pr. m.


werk ra n Om. CEIGHIKMNPQRSUY. P strengthis,

A m. H. speere, ether trendil
1 is sec. s.
ether engynnes CEFGHIKMNPQRSUVXY. 1 bisechyng A. bysekynge s.

274 ISAIAH. xxix. 513-

be as of a deuel clepere fro the erthe thi a deed man reisid bi coniuring, and thi
w grutche of the erthe.
schal ofte
vois, and fro the loewe erthe shal groyne speche
5 thi speche. And shal be as thynne pou- And the multitude of hem that wyndewens
der the multitude of men wynewende* thee, schal be as thynne dust ; and the


and as a gnast? thurgh passende, multitude of hem that hadden the maistrie
the multitude of hem that 33011 thee ajens thee, schal be as a deed sparcle
passynge. And it schal be sudenli, anoon
(ihadden maistri. And it shal be feerly,
anoon fro the Lord of it schal be visitid of the Lord of oostis, in
sudenly ,

ostus it shal be visitid, in thunder, and thundur, and in mouyng and of the erthe,

and gret vois of whirle- in greet vois of whirlwynd, and of tern-

quauyng of erthe,

wind, and of tempest, and of flaume of pest, and of flawme of fier deuowrynge.
7fijr deuourende. And shal be as a And the multitude of alle folkis that 7

fou3ten a3ens Ariel schal be as the dreem

ny3t viseoun the multitude
drem of a
of alle Jentiles that ft>3ten 33611 Ariel ;
of a ny3tis visioun ; and alle men that

and alle that a3en riden, and bisegeden, fou3ten, and bisegiden, and hadden the
a and hadden the maistri a3en it. And as maistrie a3ens it. And as an hungry mans
sweueneth the hungrende, and eteth, dremyth, and etith, but whanne he is
whan forsothe he were wakid, voide is awakid, his soule is voide and as a thirsti ;

his soule and as sweueneth the thrist-

man dremeth, and drynkith, and after that rr
d he and
ende, and drinketh, and aftir that he is awakid, he is weri, thirstith 3it,

were waken, weri 3it he thristeth, and and his soule is voide, so schal be the
his soule is voide, so shal be the multi- multitude of alle folkis, that fou3ten a3ens
tude of alle Jentiles, that fo3ten a3en the the hil of Sion. Be 30 astonyed, and
whil of Sion. Bicometh alle stoneid, and wondre 8
; wake 3e, and dou3te 36 be 36

wndreth; flotereth, and wagereth; 'be 3e drunken, and not of wyn ; be 36 moued,
drunken inwardli, and not of wyn ; 3ee be and not with drunkenesse. For the Lord 10

lomoued, and not with drunkenesse. For hath meddlid to 3ou the spirit of sleep ;

mengd hath the Lord to 3ou the spirit he schal close

3oure i3en, and schal hile
of slep ; he shal closen 3oure e3en, the 3oure profetis, and princes that sien vi-
profetes,and 3oure princes that seen vi- siouns. And the visioun of alle profetis 11

1 1
seouns, he shal couere. And ther shal schal be to 3ou as the wordis of a book
be to 3ou the viseoun of alle as the wrdis aseelid ; which whanne thei schulen 3yue
of the boc sealid ; whom whan thei shul to hym that kan lettris, thei schulen seie,

3yue to the kunnende lettris, thei shul Rede thou this book; and he schal an-
sey, Reed this ;
and he shal answern, I swere, Y may is aseelid. And
not, for it 12

i2mai not, forsothe it is sealid. And the the book schal be 3ouun to him that kan
boc shal be 3yue to the not kunnende not lettris, and it schal be seid to hym,
lettris, and it shal be seid to hym, Reed ; Rede thou; and he Y kan
schal answere,
and he shal answern, I kan not lettris. no lettris. And seide, For
the Lord
that is
13 And the Lord seide, 'For thi that f this this puple nei3eth with her mouth, and
puple ne3heth with his mouth, and with glorifieth me with her lippis, but her 1
his lippes glorifieth me, his herte for- herte u is fer fro me ; and thei dredden
sothe fer is fro me ; and thei dradden me me for the comaundement v and tech-

Om. E pr. m. * K. or dede bronde c sec. m.

marg. deade bronde E sec.m. AGHK.
wynnynge J
z Om. c et E pr. m. * Om. AGHK. *
slep c pr. m. E pr. m. c Qm. AGUK. d Om. A. e see shul be
c pr. m. E pr. m. f For that A.

1 Om. A
pr. m.
" Qm. N. wondreth i. t the " herte therof CEFGIIKMNP
QRSUVX. herte of it i. v comaundementis A pr. m. M.
XXJX. t4 24. ISAIAH. 275

in maundement of men and doctrines, yngis of men, therfor lo ! Y schal adde, u

14 therfore loo h ! I shal adde, that gret that Y
make wondryng to this puple, in
wondring I do to this puple, with gret a greet myracle and wondurful ; for whi
myracle and hidous forsothe pershe shal ;
wisdom schal perische fro wise men ther-
wisdam fro his wise men, and the vnder- of, and the vndurstondyng of prudent men
stonding of his prudent men shal be hid. therof schal be hid. Wo to ^ou that ben is
is Wo, 366 that deep ben in' herte, that hi3e of herte, that 36 hide counsel fro the
fro the Lord 3ee hide counseil; of whom Lord the werkis of whiche ben in derk-

the werkes ben in dercnesses, and seyn, nessis, and Who seeth vs, and
thei seien,
Who seeth vs, and who kne3 vs ? who knowith This thou3t of 3011 is
vs ? ie

icShreude 3oure thenking, as if the

is this weiward, as if cley thenke a3ens a pottere,
cley a3ens the crockere thenke, and the and the werk seie to his makere, Thou
werk sey to his makere, Thou hast not madist not me and a thing ^that is*

mad me ;
and the making sey to his maad, seie? to his makere, Thou vndur-
17 makere, Thou vnderstondist not. Whe- stondist not. Whether not 3it in a litil 17

ther not 3it in litil and in short shal be time and schort the Liban schal be turned
turned Liban Chermel, and Cher-
'in to 1 in to Chermel, and Chermel schal be
mel in to a wilde wode shal ben holde ? arettid in to the forest? And in that dai HI

is And heren shul in that day deue men deef men schulen here the wordis of the
the wrdis of the hoc, and fro dercnesses book, and the i3en of blynde men schulen
and mystynesses the e3en of blynde m se fro derknessis and
myisty ; and mylde lit

19 men shul seen ; and mylde men shuln men schulen encreesse gladnesse in the
adde in the Lord gladnesse, and pore Lord, and pore men schulen make ful out
men in the hoeli Irael ful out shul ioie in the hooli of Israel. For he that 20
n hadde the maistrie, failide, and the scornere
2oio3en. For he hath failid, that hadde the
maistri, ful endid is the gilere, and hewen is endid, and alle thei ben kit doun that

doun ben alle that wakeden \p on wick- walkiden on wickidnesse; whiche z maden2i
2iidnesse; that to synnen maden men in men to do synne in word, and disseyu-
wrd, and the vndernymere in the 3ate eden a repreuere in the 3ate, and bowiden
supplaunteden, and boweden doun
thei awey in veyn fro a iust man. For this 22
22 in veyn fro the ri3twis. For that these thing the Lord, that a3en bou3te Abra-
thingus seith the Lord to the hous of ham, seith these thingis to the hous of
Jacob, that a3eebo3teP Abraham, Not now Jacob, Jacob schal not be confoundid now,
shal be ronfoundid Jacob, ne now his nether now his cheer schal be aschamed ;
23 chere shal shame ;
but whan he shal seen but whanne he schal se hise sones, the 23
his sones, the werkysPP of myn hondis, in werkis of myn hondis, halewynge my
his myddel halewende myi name. And name myddis of hym. And thei
in the
thei shul halewen the hoeli of Jacob, and schulen halewe the hooli of Jacob, and
the hoeli of Irael thei shul prechen ; thei schulen preche God of Israel and 24 ;

24 and knowen shul the errende in spirit thei that erren in spirit, schulenknowe
vnderstonding, and the musures shul vndurstondyng, and idil men" schulen
lernei the lawe. lerne the lawe.

h Om. A. '
Om. c pr. m. k vnderstodist K. 1 and in to K. m the blynd K. n Om. c
pr. m. E pr. in.

to TO. wickenesse JB. P a3en bou3t j el alii. PP werk K. 1 in my E pr. m. 11 leren K.


w deep CKVX. deepe, ether hly EFGHIMNPQHSU. * Om. CEFGHIKMNPQHUVX. y seith a. * the

whiche i. a men, ether CEFGHIKMNPQRSUVX.

N n 2
276 ISAIAH. XXX. I 12.


1 Wo! 3ee sonus forsakeres, seith the Wob sones forsakeris, seith the Lord,
! i

Lord, that 366 schulden do counseil, and

r that 36 schulden make a councel, and not

not of me ; and wefen a web, and not hi of me ; and weue a web, and not bi my
that 8 jee adde synne vp on that 36 schulden encreesse synne
my spirit, spirit,

2 The whiche gon, that jee de- on synne. Whiche goen, to go doun ins
scende in to Egipt, and my mouth jee to Egipt, and 36 axiden not my mouth ;

han ss not askid ; hopende helpe in the 36 hopyrige help in the strengthe of Farao,
and 36 hauynge trist in the schadewe of
strengthe of Farao, and hauende
trost in

3 the shadewe of Egipt. And shal be to Egipt. And the strengthe of Farao schal 3
of Farao in to coii- be to 3ou in to confusioun, and the trist of
3011 the strengthe

fusioun, and the trost of the vmbre of the schadewe of Egipt in to schenschipe.
4 in to shenshepe. Wenten forsothe For whi weren in Taphnys, 4
thi princes
in Thampnys thi princes, and thi messa- and thi messangeris camen til to Anes.
1 tf
camen. Alle Alle thei weren schent on the puple, thats
sgeres vnto XAnes cite ful

thei ben confoundid vp on the puple, my3ten not profite to hem thei weren not ;

that to hem myjte no than profited* ; in .to help, and in to ony profit, but in to
thei weren not in to helpe, and in to any schame and schenschip. The birthun of a
profit, but in to confusioun and repref. werk beestis of the south. In the lond of
cThe charge of the bestes of the south. tribulacioun and of angwisch, a lionesse,
In the lond of tribulacioun and of an- and a lioun, of hem a serpent, and ac
guysh, a leounesse, and a leoun, of hein cocatrice thei weren berynge her richessis

a violent eddere, and a kokatrice fleende ; on the schuldris of werk beestis, and her
berende vp on the shuldris of bestes ther tresours on the botche of camels, to a pu-
richesses, and vp on the bocche of camailes ple that rnyjte not profite to hem. For?
ther tresores, to the puple that to them whi Egipt schal helpe in veyn, and idili.
7 my3te not han profited. Egipt forsothe Therfor Y criede on this thing, It is pride

wastli, and in veyn shal helpen. Ther- oneli ; ceesse thou. Now
therfor entre
fore I criede vp on this, Pride onli it is ; thou, and write to it on box, and write
iireste thou. Now
thanne gon in, wryt to thou it
diligentli in a book and it schal

it vp on a box table, and in a hoc bisili be in the last dai in to witnessyng, til in
graue it and it shal be in the laste day
; to with outen ende. For it is a puple <

in to witnessyng, vn to euerrnore. The terrynge to wrathfulnesse, and sones lieris,

puple forsothe to wrathe ys terrende, and sones that nylen d here the lawe of God.
sones lieres, sones not willende to heren Whiche seien to profetis, Nyle 36 prophe- 10

10 the lawe of God. That seyn men and

to sie ; to biholderis, Nyle 36 biholde to
seende, Wileth not see ; and to men bi- vs tho thingis that ben ri3tful ; speke 36
holclende, Wileth not biholde to vs tho thingis plesynge to vs, se 36 errouris to vs.
thingus that ben rijte; speketh to vs ple- Do 36 awei fro me the weie, bowe 36 awei 1 1

11 saunt thiugus, seeth to vs erroures. Doth fro me the path ; the hooli of Israel ceesse
awei fro me
the weie, bowith doun fro fro oure face. Therfor the hooli of Israel 12
me the sty; cese fro oure face the hoeli seith these thingis, For that that 36 re-
12 Irael. Therfore these thingus seith the preuiden this word, and hopiden on fals

r Om. c et E pr. in. and A. ss ha c. t the briddes E pr. m. tl Om. c pr. m. E pr. m. u Om.
c pr. m. E pr. m. v
profit AGHK.

Lo s. c Om. CFHMNQU. d wolen not i.

XXX. 13 22. ISAIAH. 277

For thi that jee ban re-

hoeli of Irael, caleng, and on noise, and tristiden on it,
preued and ban hopid in to
this wrd, therfor this wickidnesse schal be to 3ou as is
wronge chaleng, and in to noise, and ban a brekyng fallynge doun, and 801131 in an
islened vp on it, therfore shal be to 3011 hi3 wal for sudeynli while it is not hopid,

this wickidnesse ww as betwe x brosure fall- the brekyng therof schal come. And it u
ende, and a3een soyt in an hee3 wal ; for schal be maad lesse, as a galoun of a pot-

sodeynly whil me hopeth riot, shal come tere is brokun with ful strong brekyng; and
H the to-brosingy of itz And shal be to- . a scherd schal not be foundun of the gobe-
mynusht, as is to-brosid the galoun of tis therof, in which scherd a litil fier schal

the crockere with ful strong to-brosyng ; be borun of brennyng, ethir a litil of watir
and ther shal not be founde of his bros- schal be drawun of the diche. For whiis
ingus a shord, in whiche be born a litil the Lord God, the hooli of Israel, seith

fyr fro the brenriyng, or be drawe a litil these thingis, If 36 turnen a3en, and resten,
ijof water fro the dich. For these thingus 3e schulen be saaf; in stilnesse and in
seith the Lord God, hoeli of Irael, If hope schal be 3oure strengthe. And 56 nol-
jee turnen a3een,and resten, 3ee shul be den f . And 36 seiden, Nai, but we schulen 16

saaf; in scilence and in hope shal be fie to horsis therfor 36 schulen fle. And

3oure strengthe. And 3ee wolden not. we schulen stie on swifte horsis ; therfor
10 And 366 Nai, but to hors we
seiden, thei schulen be swiftere, that schulen pur-
shul flee ; therfor 3ee shul flee. And vp on sue 3ou. A
thousynde men schulen fle \1
swift wee shul
ste3en vp ;
therfor more fro the face of the drede of oon ; and 30
17 swift shul be, that shul pursue 3011. A schulen fro the face of drede of fyue,

thousend men fro the face of the ferd of til 36 be left as the mast of a schip in the
oon ;
and fro the ferd of the face of fyue cop of a .munteyn, and as a signe on a
3ee shul fleen, to the tyme that 3ee be litil hil. Therfor the Lord abidith, that is

the mast of a ship in the cop of

laft as he haue mercy on 3ou, and therfor he
a mounteyn, and as tocne b vp on an schal be enhaunsid sparynge 3ou; for whi
inhil. Therfor abideth the Lord, that he God is Lord of doom, blessid ben alle thei

haue mercy of 3ou, and therfore shal ben that abiden hym. Forsothe the puple of 19
enhauncid the sparende to 3ou; for God Sion schal dwelle in Jerusalem ; thou
of dom the Lord, blisful alle that abijden wepynge schal not wepe, he doynge merci

lithym. The puple forsothe of Sion 'shal schal haue merci on thee ; at the vois of thi
dwelle c in Jerusalem; wepende thou shalt cry, anoon as he herith, he schal answere
not wepe, rewende, W
doyng mercy*, he to thee. And the Lord schal 3yue to thee 20
shal ban mercy of thee; at the vois of thi streyt breed, and schort watir, and schal
cry, anoen as he hereth, he shal an- no more make thi techere to fle awei fro
20 swern to thee. And the Lord shal 3yue thee and thin i^en schulen be seynge thi

to thee streit bred, and short water, and cornaundour, and thin eeris schulen here 21
he shal not make to fleen awey fro thee a word bihyndes the bak of hym that
more thi techere e ; and thin e3en shul be monestith ; This is the weie, go 30 ther-
21 seende thi comaundere, and thin eres ynne, nether to the ri3t half nether to the
shuln hereu the wrd bihinde the bac of left half. And thou schalt defoule the 22
the monestere ; This f the weie, goth in it, platis of thegrauun ymagis of thi siluer,
22iiouther to the ri3t ne to the lyft. And and the cloth of the 3otun ymage of thi

* Om. CE ww wickenesse E. * betwene A. betwen E

passim, bytwene K passim,
y brosynge
pr. m.
* c dwellede E d Om.
pr. m.
z that
AGIIK. puple E pr. m. yee CE pr. m.
b a tocne c
pr. m. H.
CE pr. m. e fairnesse E pr. m. f This is A. And this K
sec. m.

gobetis, eilhir relefs FGHIKMNQRSUVX. f wolden .i.>t i. 6 aftir CEFGHKMNPQKSUVX.
278 ISAIAH. XXX. 23 32.

thou shalt al to-foule the plates of the gold; and thou schalt scatere tho , as the
and the cloth- vnclennesse of a womman in vncleene
grauen thing of thi siluer,
blood Go thou out, and thou schalt seie
ing of thi 3oten gold; and thou
shalt di- ;

stro3e them, as the vnclennesse of the to it. And reyn schal be 3ouun to thi 23
blod flux of wymmen ; Go out, and thou seed, where euere thou schalt sowe in
And erthe, and the breed of fruytis of erthe
23 shalt sey to it. ther shal be 3oue
wher euere thou shalt schal be moost plenteuouse and fat; in that
reyn to thi sed,
sowe in the erthe, and the bred of the dai a lomb schal be fed largeli in thi pos-

frutus of the erthe shal be most plen- sessioun. And thi bolis and coltis of assis, 24

teuous 'and fatt; ther shul be fed in thi that worchen the lond, schulen ete barli

possessioun in&s that day the lomb spa-

with chaf meynd togidere, as it is wynde-

24ciously, or largly^. And thi bolis and wid k in the cornfloor. And strondis of25
thin asse coltes, that werkeri the erthe, rennynge watris schulen be on ech hi3
mengd barly thei shul ete, as in the munteyn, and on ech litil hil reisid, in the
25cornflor it wynewid. And ther shul
is dai of sleyng of many men, whanne touris
be vp on alle hee3 mounteyn, and vp on fallen doun. And the Ii3t of the moone 20
alle rered hil, ryueres of rennende watris, schal be as the Ii3t of the sunne, and the

and in the dai ofsla3tir of manye, whan Ii3t of the sunne schal be seuenfold, as the
26 shul falle toures. And the Ii3t of the Ii3t of seuene daies, in the dai in which
moone shal be as the lijt of the sunne, the Lord schal bynde togidere the wounde
and the Ii3t of the sunne shal be seuene of his puple, and schal make hool the
fold, as the of seuene da3es, in the
Ii3t smytynge of the wounde therof. Lo! the 27
dai that the Lord shal bynde the wounde name of the Lord cometh doun fro 1'er ;

of his puple, and the smyting of his his strong veniaunce is brennynge and
27 wounde shal helen. Lo the name of !
greuouse to bere; hise lippis ben fillid of
the Lord cam' fro afer ; his wodnesse indignacioun, and his tunge is as fier de-
brennende and heuy to bern ; his lippis uouringe. His spirit is as a stef streem,28
ben fulfild with indignacioun, and his 1

flowynge 'til to the myddis of the necke,

28tunge as fyr deuourende. His spirit as to leese folkis in to nou3t, and the bridil
a swift strem, flowende vnto k the myddel of errour, that was in the chekis of puplis.
of the hyl, to be lost Jentiles in to no3t, Song schal be to 3ou, as the vois of an 20

and the bridil of errour, that was in the halewid solempnyte ;

and gladnesse of
20 chekes of puples. A
song shal be to 3ou, herte, as he that goth with a pipe, for
as the vois of the halewid solempnete ; to entre in to the hil of the Lord, to the
and the gladnesse of herte, as he that stronge of Israel. And the Lord schal 30
goth with a trumpe, that he entre in to make herd the glorie of his vois, and he
the hil of the Lord, to the schal schewe the ferdfulnesse of his arm
stronge of
xsolrael. And herd the Lord shal make in manassyng of strong veniaunce, and in
the glorie of his vois, and the ferd of his flawme of fier brennynge he schal hurtle ;

arm he shal shewe in threting of wod- doun in whirlewynd, and in stoon of hail.
nesse, and in 1
flaume of fyr deuourende; For wlii Assur smytun with a 3erde schal si
he shal hurtle in whirlewind, and in the drede of the vois of the Lord and the 32 ;

siston of hail. Fro the vois forsothe of be

passyng of the 3erd schal foundid,
the Lord shal dreden Assur smyte with which ^erde the Lord schal make for to
32 a 3erde; and the reste on hym. In tympans, and harpis, and
passing of the 3erde
shal be founded, that the Lord shal make in souereyn batels he schal ouercome hem.

e Om. AE pr.m. es Om. E pr. m.

k Om. c el E pr. m. shal come E pi: m. k in to AGIIK. 1
Om. A.

hem N. >
of thin I. k wvnewid I. winwed UP. !
vnto I.
XXX. 33 XXXI. 8. ISAIAH. 279

to resten vp on hym. In tymbris, and For whi Tophet, that is, helle, deep and 33
harpis, and in cheef batailis he shal ouer- alargid, is rnaad redi of the kyng fro 3is-
33 come them. Greithid is forsothe fro tirdai ; the nurschyngis therof ben fier and
m Tofeth, fro the the blast of the Lord
3istai kyng greithid; his many trees ; as a
nurshemens deep and spred, fyr and streem of brymstoon kyndlith it.

myche wode the blast of the Lord as a


strem of brunston vp brennende it.


i Wo! that gon doun in to Egipt to Wo to hem that goon
Egipt doun in to 1

helpe, in hors hopende, and hauende trost to help, and hopen in horsis, and han trist

vpon foure horsid earres, for thei ben on cartis, for tho ra ben manye, and on
rnanye, and vp on hors men, for bifor kny3tis, for thei ben ful stronge and thei ;

stalwrthe thei ben ful myche; and thei tristiden not on the hooli of Israel, and
ban not trosted vp on the hoely of Irael, thei sou3teu not the Lord. Forsothe he 2
2 and the Lord thei han not out so3t. He that wijs, hath brou3t yuel, and took

forsothe wijs, bn>3te to euel, and his not awei hise wordis ; and he schal rise
wrdis he toe not awey ; and he shal rise togidere a3ens the hous of worste men,
the hous of the werste men, and and a3ens the helpe of hem that worchen
the helpe of men wirkende wickid- wickidnesse. Egipt is a man, and nots
3 nesse 00 .
Egipt a man, and not God ; Godand the horsis of hem ben fleisch,

and? his hors flesh, and noti spirit ; and and not spirit ; and the Lord schal bowe
the Lord shal boowen his hond, and to- doun his hond, and the helpere schal falle
gidere falle shal the helpere, and falle doun, and .he schal falle, to whom help is
shal he, to whom men r 3yueth helpe, and 3ouun, and alle schulen be wastid togidere.
4 alle togidere shul be wastid. For these For whi the Lord seith these thingis to 4
thingus seith the Lord to me, What me, If a lioun rorith, and a whelp of a
maner if a leoun rore, and the whelp of lioun on his prey, whanne the multitude
a leoun vp on his prey, whan a3en com- of schipherdis cometh 336113 hym, he schal
eth to hym the multitude of shepperdus, not drede of the vois of hem, and he schal
fro the vois ofhem he shal not drede, not drede of the multitude of hem; so the
and of the multitude of hem he shal not Lord of oostis schal come doun, for to

inwardly ben aferd so shal come doun ; fi3te on the mounteyn of Sion, and on the
the Lord of ostus, that he fi3te vp on the litil hil therof. As briddis fleynge, so thes

a mount of Sion, and vp on his hilles. As s Lord of oostis schal defende Jerusalem ;

briddes fleende, so defende shal the Lord he defendynge and delyuerynge, passynge
of ostus Jerusalem ;
defendende and de- forth and sauynge. 3e sones of Israel, o

lyuerende, passeride and sauende. Beth be conuertid, as 36 hadden go awei in to

conuertid, as in to depthe wenten awei, depthe. Forsothe in that dai a man schal 7
3ee sonus of Irael. In that dai forsothe caste awei the idols of his siluer, and the
casten awey shal a man the maumetes idols of his gold, whiche 3oure hondis
of hys siluer, and the maumetes of his maden to 3ou in to synne. And Assur 8

gold, that maden

to 3ou 3oure hondus in schal falle bi swerd, not of man, and a
s to synne. And falle shal Assur in swerd, swerd, not of man, schal deuoure hym ; and
not of a man, and the swerd, not of a he schal fle, not fro the face of swerd, and

m jisterday ceteri passim, prater c et E.

n ful AE sec. m. GK. Om. c pr. m. 00 wickenesse E.

P Om. CE pr. m, 1 no c. r me AEGH. * And H. And as K. * the A.

thei N. The
280 ISAIAH. XXXI. 9 XXXII. 1 1 .

man, shal deuoure hym and;

he shal flee, hise 3onge men schulen be tributaries ;

not fro the face of the swerd, and his and the strengthe of hym schal passe fro 9

and his and hise princes fleynge schu-

ojunge men shul be tributaries;
and in- len drede v The Lord seide, whos fier is in
strengthe of the ferd shal passe,
Sion, and his chymeney is in Jerusalem.
wardly dreden shul his princes fleende.
The Lord seide, whos fyr is in Syon, and
hys chymne in Jerusalem.


j in ri3twisnesse regne shal a king,
Lo !
Lo ! schal regne in ri3tful-
the kyng 1

2 and princes in dom shul beforn ben. And nesse, and princes schulen be souereyns in

a man shal be, as that is hid fro the doom. And a man schal be, as he that is 2

fro tempest hid fro wynd, and hidith hym silf fro
wynd, and coouereth hymself ;

as ryueres of watris in thrist, and sha- tempest as stremes of watris in thirst,


dewe of the ston ouerstondende in the and the schadewe of a stoon stondynge
3 desert lond. Daswen shul not the" e3en fer out in a desert lond. The i3en of pro- 3
of men seende, and the eres of men fetis schulen not dasewe, and the eeris of
i herende bisily shul herknen ; and the heereris schulen herke diligentli; and the 4
herte of fooles shal vnderstonde kun- herte of foolis schal vndurstonde kunnyng,

nyng, and the tunge of bufferes swiftli and the tunge ofstuttynge men schal speke
5 shal speke, and pleynly. Ther shal no swiftli,and pleynli. He that is vnwijs, 5
more be clepid he that is vnwis a prince, schal no more be clepid prince, and a gile-
one the gylere shal be clepid a meyr. The ful manschal not be clepid the grettere.
fool forsothe fool thingus shal speke, and Forsothe a fool shal speke foli thingis, and e

his herte shal do wickidnesse v , that he his herte schal do wickidnesse, that he
fulfillefeynyng, and speke to the Lord performe feynyng, and speke to the Lord
gilendely ; and voide he shal make the gilefuli; and he schal make voide the soule
soule of the hungrere, and drinc to the of an hungry man, and schal take awei
7thristere he shal don awei. Of x the drynke fro a thirsti man. The vessels of;
gilere werst vesseles ben ; he forsothe a gileful man ben worste ; for he schal

tho3tus dide?, to be lost rnylde men in make redi thou3tis to leeseP mylde men
wrd of lesing, whan the pore shulde in the word of a leesyng, whanne
a pore
8 speke dom. A prince forsothe thoe man spak doom. Forsothe a prince schal a
thingus that ben wrthi a z prince shal thenke tho thirigis that ben worthi to a
thenke, and he vp on dukes shal stonde. prince, and he schal stonde ouer duykis.
o3ee plenteuous wymmen, riseth, and Riche wymmen, rise 36, and herel mys
hereth my voys; jee trostende dojtris, vois ; dou3tris tristynge, perseyue 36 with
loparceyueth with eres my speche. Aftir eeris my speche. For whi aftir daies and 10

da3es forsothe and a jer, and 366 shul be a 3eer, and 36 that tristen schulen be dis-
disturbid trostende; full endid is forsothe turblid for whi vyndage is endid, gader-

the vyndage, no more come.

gedering togidere no more yng schal 3 e riche wym-n
11 shal come. Stone3eth, 3ee plenteuous men, be astonyed ; je that tristen, be r
wymmen, and beth disturbid, 566 trost- disturblid ; vnclothe 30 3ou, and be 36
ende vnclothe 3011, and beth confoundid; aschamed weile 36
girde 3oure leendis
; 12
; ;

u E v wickenesse w hous *
jee pr. m. . c pr. m. E pr. m. To c pr. m. E pr. m. y shal do c pr. m.
K pr. m z to a E
pr. m.

seeris, that is, profetis CKFGHIKMNPQRSUVXY. P fordo I. (

l hereth i. r beth i.

i-2girdeth joure leendus ; vp on the tetes on on desirable cuntrei, on the


weileth, vp on the desirable regioun, vp plenteuouse vyner. Thornes and brerisis

13 on the plenteuous vyne3erd a Vpon the . schulen stie on the erthe of my puple ;
loewe erthe of my puple thornes and hou myche more on alle the housis of
b c
brieres schul ste3en vp; hou myche more ioie of the citee makynge ful out ioie?

vp on alle the houses of 1030 of the cite For whi the hous is left*, the multitude u ia/t ; that is,

H ful out io3ende? The hous forsothe is of the citee is forsakun ; derknessis and
the multitude of the huge cite is for-
left, gropyng ben maad on dennes, 'til in to 8
sake ; dercnesses and groping ben mad vp with outen ende. The ioie of wield assis is Ure here - K -

on the dennes, vnto with oute ende. The the lesewe of flockis the spirit be sched
til 15

1036 of feeld' asses, the leswe of flockes

; out on us fro an hi3, and the desert schal

is to the tyme that be held out vp on us be in to Chermel, and Chermel schal be
the spirit fro an hei3, and ther shal be arettid in to a forest. And doom schal 16

desert in Chermel, and Chermel in to dwelle in wildirnesse, and ri3tfulnesse schal

icwilde wod shal ben holde. And ther shal sitte in Chermel ; and the werk of ri3tful- 17

dwelle in wildernesse dom, and ri3twis- nesse schal be pees, and the tilthe of ri3t-
i;nesse in Chermel shal sitte; and ther shal fulnesse schal be stilnesse and sikirnesse,
be the werk of ri3twisnesse pes, and the 'til in to* with outen ende. And my pu-is
heriyng of ri3twisnesse scilence and sikir- pie schal sitte in the fairnesse of pees, and
isnesse, vnto euermore. And sitte shal my in the tabernaclis" of trist, and in riche

puple in fayrnes of pes, and in taber- reste.But hail schal be in the coming 19

nacles of trost, and in reste plenteuous. doun of the foreste, and bi lownesse the
19 Hail forsothe in the goyng doun of the citee schal be maad low. Blessid ben 36,20
wilde wode, and bi meknesse shal be that sowen on alle watris, and putten v yn
aomekid the cite. Blisful 3ee, that sowen the foot of an oxe and of an asse.

vp on alle watris, puttende in the foot of

the oxe and of the asse.


1 Wo ! thou that robbest ; whether and Wo to thee, that robbest ; whether and i
thi self shalt not be robbid ? and thou thou schalt not be robbid ? and that dispisist,
that dispisist, whethir and thiself shalt whether and thou schalt not be dispisid?
not be dispised ? Whan thou shalt hanf Whanne thou hast endid robbyng, thou
ful endid robbing, thou shalt be robbid ; schalt be robbid and whanne thou maad

whan'weeried thou? lefest to dispise, thou weri ceessist to dispise, thou schalt be dis-
2 shalt be dispisid. Lord, haue merci of pisid. Lord, haue thou merci on vs, for 2
vs, wee han abide be thou
thee forsothe ;
we ; be thou oure arm in the
abiden thee
oure arm in erly, and oure helthe in tyme morewtid, and oure helthe in the tyme of
3 of tribulaciouu. Fro the vois of the tribulacioun. Puplis fledden fro the vois 3
aungil floun puples ; of thin enhauncing of the aungel ; hethene men ben scaterid
4 scatered ben Jentiles. And gederede to- of thin enhaunsyng. And 3oure spuylis4
gidere shul be 3oure spoiles, as is gedered schulen be gaderid togidere, as a bruke*t + 6ruk?> " u e !


brush, as whan the diches fulle shul be is gaderid togidere, as whanne dichis ben A.

5 of it. Magnefied is the Lord, for he ful therof. The Lord is magnefied, for he 5

b Om. c e
vyne c pr. nt. e pr.m. pr. m. E pr. m.
c Om. E pr. m.
Om. c pr. in. E pr. m. folkis K.
f Om. E pr. m. t thou maad werie E sec. m. AGHK. h fledden E sec. m. AGHK.

" the tabernaclis N. v senden Om. K. * bruke, that

* vnto i. * vnto i. CEFGHIKMNPQRSUVX. is,

fruit oflocvstis CEGKINPQSUXY.

282 ISAIAH. XXXIII. 6 19.

dwelte 'in hei3 k , he 1 fulfild m Sion with dwellide an hi3, he fillid Sion with doom
edom and" ri3twisnesse. And feith shal and ri3tfulnesse. And feith schal be inc

ben in thi tymes richesses of helthe, ;

thitymes the ritchessis of helthe /* wis-

wisdam and kunnyng ; the drede of the dom and kunnynge the drede of the ;

7 Lord, it the tresor of hym. Lo ! the Lord, thilke is the tresour of hym. Lo ! 7

seeres shul crien withouteforth, the aun- seeris withoutenforth schulen crye, aun-

sgeles of pes bitterli shul wepe.

Scatered gels of pees schulen wepe bittirli. Weies 8

ben the weies, ceside the passid bi the ben distried, a goere bi the path ceesside ;

voyde mad is the couenaunt, he the couenaunt is maad voide, he castide

caste awei the
cites, he heeld 'of no doun citees, he arettide not men. The
and languysshede lond morenyde, and was sijk the Liban
apris nofmen. Weilede, ;

the lond; confoundid is Liban, and becam was schent, and was foul and Saron is ;

doumb ;
and mad is Saron as desert, maad as desert, and Basan is schakun, and
and smyte togidere is Basan, and Carmel. Carmele. Now Y schal ryse, seith the 10

10 Now I shal rise

, seith the Lord, now I Lord, now I schal be enhaunsid, and now
shal ben enhauncid, now I shal ben vp I schal be reisid vp. 3 e schulen conseyue 11

nrered. 3 ee snu l conseyue brennyng, 3ee heete, 36 schulen brynge forth stobil 3oure ;

shul bern stobil ; 3oure spirit as fyr shal spirit as fier schal deuoure 3ou. And pu- 12

12 deuoure 3ou. And ben shul puples as of plis schulen be as aischis of the brennyng ;

u thornes gaderid togidere schulen be brent

the* brennyng askes ; thornes gedered
v in fier. 3 e that ben fer, here? what thirigis
togidere in fyr shul be brent. Hereth, is

3ee that ben aferr, what I haue do : and Y haue do ; and, 36 nei3boris, knowe my
knowith, 3ee nejhebores, my strerigthe. strengthe. Synneris ben al to-brokun in u
14 Al to-brosid ben in Sion
synneres, trem- Syon, tremblyng weldide ipocritis ; who
blyng weldede ipocrites ; who shal moun of 3ou mai dwelle with fier deuowringe?
dwelle of 3ou with fyr deuourende ? who who of schal dwelle with euerlastinge
shal dwelle of 3ou with euere durende brennyngis He that goith in ri3tful-
? io

brennyngus ? That goth in ri3twisnesses, nessis, and spekith treuthe ; he that castith
and speketh treuthe ; that throwith awei awei aueryce of fals calenge, and schakith
coueitise of wrong chaleng, and shaketh awei his hondis fro al 3ifte he that stop- ;

out his hondis fro alle 3ifte

; that stop- pith bis eeris, that he heere not blood, and
pith his eres, lest he here blod, and closith his i3en, that he se not yuel. This z 16

ificlosith his e3en, lest he see euel-v This . man a

schal dwelle in hi3 thingis, the
in hei3tus shal dwelle, the
strengthys of strengthis of stoonys ben the hi3nesse of
huge stones his he3te ; bred to is hym hym ; breed is 3ouun to hym, hise watris
, his a watris ben feithful. The king ben feithful. Thei schulen se the kyng in 17

in his fairnesse seen shuln his e3en ; bi- his fairnesse ; the i3en of hym schulen bi-
18 holden schul b the lond fro afer. Thin herte holde the londe fro fer. Eliachym, thin i

sweteli shal thenke drede ; wher is the herte schal bithenke drede ; where is the
lettrid ? Wher is the wrdus of the lawe lettrid man ? Where is he that weieth the
chargende? wher is the doctour of litil wordis of the lawe ? where is the techere
lochilder? Vn prudent puple he shal not of litle children ? Thou schalt not se a 19
see, puple of hei3 sermoun, so that thou puple vnwijs, a puple of hi3 word, so that

k an
hej E pr. m.
Om. c pr. m. E pr. m. m fulfild is E pr. m. n of E
pr. m. he E pr. m.
<1 Om.A. i not of
pris c pr. m. not E pr. m.
arijse AGHK.
* Om. A. u of asken E
pr. m.
asken E sec. m. GHK. asshen A. v as of the E x Om. c
pr. m. pr. m. E pr. m. y blod c pr. m.
z a an d his c b Om. CE c
And vnprudent E pr. m.
jyuen E. pr. m. E pr. m. AGHK. pr. m.

hereth i. * He this i. a Om. i. b


inowe not vnderstoude the sleeynesse of thou maist not vndurstonde the fair spek-
20 his
tunge, in whiche is no wisdam. Bi- ing of his tunge, in which puple is no
hold Sion, the cite of oure solempnete ; wisdom. Biholde thou Sion, the citee
thin e3en shul see Jerusalem, a plenteuous 3oure solempnyte ; thin i3en schulen se Je-
cite, a tabernacle that shal not moun ben rusalem, a riche citee, a tabernacle that
ouerborn, ne his nailis shul ben take mai not be borun ouer, nether the nailis
awei in to euermor ;
and alle his litil therof schulen be takun awei withouten
21 cordes shul not be to-broken. For onli ende ;
and alle the cordis therof schulen
there the grete doyng, Lord oure God ; not be brokun. For oneli the worschipful2i
the place of flodes ryueres most brod and doere oure Lord God is there ; the place of

opene ;
the ship of
ther entride not bi it floodis is strondis ful large and opyn ; the
roweres, ne the grete ship of thre stagis schip of roweris schal not entre bi it, ne-
22 shal not ouergon it. The Lord forsothe thir a greet schip schal passe ouer it. For 22
oure domes man, the Lord oure lawe whi the Lord is oure iuge, the Lord is
3yuere, the Lord oure king ; he shal oure lawe 3yuere, the Lord is oure kyng ;
23 come, and sauen us. Slakid" ben thi litil he schal saue vs. Thi roopis ben slakid, 23

cordes, but thei shul not ban the maistri ; but tho schulen not auaile ;
thi mast schal
so shal be thi mast, that thou mow not be so, that thou mow not alarge a signe.

sprede abrod a tocne. Thanne shul be Thanne the spuylis of many preyes
deuydid spoiles of many preyes, halte schulen be departid, crokid men schulen
24men shul take awey raueyn. Ne the rauysche raueyn. And a nei3bore schal 24

ne3hebore shal sey, I languyshede ; the seie, Y was not sijk ; the puple that
puple that dwellede in it, ther shal be dwellith in that Jerusalem, wickidnesse
don awei fro hym wickenesse h . schal be takun awei fro it.


d 6
Ne3heth, 366 Jentiles, and hereth ; tak- Nei3e, 36 hethene men, and here ; and
i 1

eth heed, 366 puples here the lond, and

30 puplis, perseyue ; the erthe, and the ful-
and al his buri-
his fulnesse, the world, nesse therof, the world, and al buriown-

2ownyng. For the indignacioun of the yng

therof, here $e . For whi indigna-2
Lord vp on alle Jentiles, and wodnesse cioun of the Lord is on alle folkis, and
vp on al the chyualrie of hem he slo3 ; strong veniaunce on al the chyualrie of
s hem, and
3af them in to sla3ter. The hem ; he killide hem, and 3af hem in to

slayne of hem shul be throwe afer, and sleyng. The slayn men of hem schulen 3

of the careynes of hem shal ste3en vp be cast forth, and stynk schal stie of the
stinc ; whlateri shul mounteynes of the careyns of hem schulen of the
; hillis flete

4blod of hem. And wlate shal al the blood of hem. And the chyualrie of4

kny3thed of heuenes, and 'heuenes shu- heuenys schal faile, and heuenys schulen
len m be foldid togidere as a n boc, and al be foldid togidere as a book, and al the
the kny3thed of hem shal fade?, as fadeth kny3thod of tho schal flete doun, as the
awey a lef of the vyne and of the fige leef of a vyner and of a fige tre fallith
5 tree. For inwardli drunken is in heuene doun. For my swerd is fillid in heuene ; 5
my swerd lo! vp on Ydume it<i shal come
; lo ! it schal come doun on Ydumee, and
doun, and vp on the puple of my sleyng
, on the puple of my sleyng, to doom. The e
to dom. The swerd of the Lord fulfild swerd of the Lord is fillid of blood, it is

d e Loosid c Om. c pr. m. E pr. m. h wickid-

mastescpr. m. Epr. m. pr. m. E pr. m. fa.ndEpr.rn. S
nes AGHK. '
hereth c pr. m. k waken E
pr. in.
mounteyne K.
m thei shul c pr. m. E pr. m.
a the E
pr. m. boc of heuene c pr. m. E pr. m. P fade awey AGHK. <l Y A. r
fleynge AGHK.

c the which i. d to N. e hereth i.

o o 2
284 ISAIAH. XXXIV. 7 15.

isof blod, innerly fattid it is with tal3 of maad ynner fatnesse of the blood
fat of the

blod of lombis and of get, of the blod of lambren and of buckis of geet, of the

of merewi wetheres ; forsothe victorie blood of rammes ful of merow ;

for whi
sacrifices of the Lord in Bosra, and gret the slayn sacrifice of the Lord is in Bosra,
Edom. And doun and greet sleyng is in the lond of Edom.
7 sla3ter in the lond of
shul come vnycornes with hem, and booles And vnycornes schulen go doun with hem, 7

with the my3ty ; inwardli drunken shal and with hem that ben my3ti ; the

be the lond of hem with blod, and the lond of hem schal be fillid with blood, and

loewe erthe of hem with tal3

of fatte the erthe of hem with ynnere fatnesse of

dai of the veniaunce of fatte beestis; for it is a dai of veniaunce ofs

athingis'; for the
the Lord, 3er of" 3eelding of the dom of the Lord, a 3eer of 3eldyng of the dom of

Sion. And turned shuln ben his stremes Sion. And the strondis therof schulen be 9
and his Ioew3 erthe in to
in to pich, turned in to pitche, and the erthe therof in
brunston and his erthe shal be in to
to brymstoons ; and the lond therof schal
10 brennende pich, ny3t and day. It shal be in to brennyng pitch, ni3t and dai. It 10

not be queynt in to euermor, his smoke schal not be quench id withouten ende, the

shal ste3en vp fro ieneracioun in to iene- smoke therof schal stie h fro generacioun

racioun, and desolat shal be in to worldus in to generacioun, and it schal be desolat

of worldis ;
ther shal not ben a passere in to worldis of worldis ; noon schal passe
it. And welden shul it the foul therbi. And onocrotalus*, and an irchoun n
1 1
and a and a and hath
in face liean asse, and the irchoun ; and schulen welde it; capret,
a face lijk an
the snyte, and the crowe dwelle shul in crowe schulen dwelle therynne ; and a asse. Lire here.
A el alii.
it and w stra3t out vp on it shal ben a
mesure schal be stretchid forth theronne,
mesure, that it be bro3t to no3t, and 'a that it be dryuun to nou3t, and an hang-

x euene doun pi3t in to desolacioun. ynge plomet in to
desolacyoun. The 12

12 His noble men shul not be there ;

the noble men therof schulen not be there ;

king more thei shul inwardly clepen, and rathere thei schulen clepe the kyng in to t/</w;thatis,
ben shuln alle his princes in to no3t. help, and alle the princes therof schulen
13 Andy ther shul springe in his houses be in to nou3t. And thornes and nettlis
schulen growe in the housis therof, and a su
thornes and netles, and tasil in the

J beestis; Ebreis
strengthis of it ; and it shal be the bed tasil in the strengthis therof; and it schal seien, manyn.
place of dragownes, and the leswe of be the couche of dragouns, and the lesewe [and" K j

14 ostriches. And
a3en come shul deueles, of ostrichis. And fendis'f, and wondurful u
the beste party yy an asse and 'a party beestis k :j:, lijk men part and
in the hi^ere [j>ut
thei K] ben
[long yj tailid.

a man 7 and the wodewose-, the tothir a ; lijk assis in the

nethir part, and an heeri
Lamya is a
is shal crie to the tother. There shal lyn schulen meete; oon schal crie to an other.
'lamya, that is, a
thirs c or a beste A , Lamya' schal ligge there, and foond rest \f>

hauende the bodi lie a womman and and hath

there to hir silf there an irchoun hadde
feet bynethe,
horse feet ; and he fyndeth to himself dichis, and nurschide out whelpis, and
and "teeth hir
owne whelpis.
there hadde diches the yrchoun , e
reste ;
diggide aboute, and fostride in the scha- as the gios

and nurshede out litle chittes, and aboute dewe therof; there kitis weren gaderid
dalf f, and nurshede in his shadewe Seke
; togidere, oon to another. 36 dili- ic

the talwj t
Om. c pr. m. E pr. m. " of the E. * And it w Om. E pr. m.
cspr. m. E pr.m.c
lOm.Epr.m. Yf of c E
pr.m. pr. m. AGIIK. z of a boole and
loycpr. m.Epr. m. party of a man ^K. the party of a man GH. oon AK. ^Om.AGHK. c
thrisse AGHK.
the wilde cruel beste E
pr. m. lamya, that is, thirs, a beste E sec. m. marg. pr. m. E pr. m.
e euel c

brunston is. stie up i. h k beestis, as and martynapis,
fendis, as tvodetvosis N.
nijlde catlis,
tvhiche ben lijk
apis, but thei han tailis N. 1
Lamya, that it, a beest lijk a womman aboue,and hath hors
feet bynethe, and sleelh his owne whelpis N.
XXXI V. t6 XXXV. 10. ISAIAH. 285

there ben gedered kites, the tother s to gentli in thebook of the Lord, and rede
16 the tother. Secheth besily in the hoc of 36 ; oon of tho thingis failide not, oon
the Lord, and redeth ; oon of hem failyde sou3te not another for he comaundide

not, the totherh at the tother so3te not ; that thing, that goith forth of my mouth,
for that of my mouth 3ide forth, he co- and his spirit he gaderide tho m togidere.
maundide, and his spirit he gederede And he sente to hem eritage, and his hond 17
ntho thingus. And he sente to them lot, departide it in mesure ; til in to withouten
and his hond deuydede it to them in to ende tho n schulen welde that land, in ge-
mesure vnto euermore thei shul welden
neracioun and in to generacioun tho
it, in ieneracioun and ieneracioun thei schulen dwelle ther ynne.
shul dwellen it'.


1 Gladen shal desert, and the with oute The forsakun Judee and with outen i
weie, and ful out shal io3en the wilder- weie schal be glad, and wildirnesse schal
2 nesse, and flouren as a lilie. Buriown- make ful out ioye, and schal floure as a
ynge shal burioune, and ful out io3en,
it lilie.
buriownynge schal buriowne, and 2

io3eful and preising. The glorie of Liban it

glad and preisynge schal make ful out
is 3oue to it, the fairnesse of Carmel and ioie. The glorie of Liban is }ouun to it,
of Saron ; thei shul see the glorie of the the fairnesse of Carmele and of Saron ;

Lord, and the fairnesse of oure Cod. thei schulen se the glorie of the Lord, and
3 Coumforteth the hondes loosid the fairnesse of oure God. Coumforte 303
4 and the feble knees
strengtheth. Seith, comelidP hondis, and make 36 strong feble
3ee'of litil corage taketh coumfort, and
, knees. Seie 36, Men
coumfort, be 4
of litil

wileth not dreden lo oure God ven- ;

36 coumfortid, and nyle 30 drede ; lo oure !

iaunce of 3elding shal bringe, God he God schal brynge the veniaunce of 3eld-
jshal come, and sauen vs. Thanne shul yng, God* hym silf schal come, and schal
* that
is, Crist.
A el alii.
ben opened the e3en of blynde men, and saue vs. Thanne the i3en of blynde men 5
ceres of deue men shul ben opened. Thanne schulen be openyd, and the eeris of deef
shal lepe as an hert the halte, and opened men schulen be opyn. Thanne a crokidc
shal be the tunge of doumbe men ; for man schal skippe as an hert, and the tunge
kut ben in desert watris, and stremes in of doumbe men schal be openyd ; for whi
7 wildernesse. And that was drie in to a watris ben brokun out in desert, and
pond, and the thristende in to welles of stremes in wildirnesse. And that that?
watris. In the couches, in the whiche was drie, is maad in to a poond, and the
biforn dwelten n dragounes, shal springe thirsti is maad in to wellis of watris.
the grenenesse of the reed, and of the Grenenesse of rehed, and of spier schal
s resshe. And it shal be there in the sty, growe in dennes, in whiche dwelliden
and in the weie, and an hoely weie it dragouns bifore. And a path and a weie
shal be clepid, passe shal not bi it a de- schal be there, and it schal be clepid ana
foulid ; and this shal be to you a stra3t hooli weie, he that is defoulid schal not

ri3t weie, so that foolys erre not by it. passe therbi; and this schal be a strei3t
oTher shal not be there a leoun, and weie to 3ou, so that foolis erre not therbi.
euel beste shal not ste3en vp bi it,
ne be A lioun schal not be there, and an yuel 9

lofounden there?. And gon shul theii that beeste schal not stie therbi, nether schal

K toon A. oon K. h toon A. oon K. in it B. k Om. E

l couvvardis E
pr. m. text, or of litil
corage E sec. m. marg. couwardis, or of litil
corage AGHK. m Om. AEGH. n dwelleden E. And there A.
P Om. c pr. m. 1 Om. c pr. m. E pr. m.

m hem N. n thei N. thei N. P clumsid, ether comelid CEFOHIMNQRSU. clumsid, ether cumblid PY.
clumsid KVX. clumsid, ethir loosid atmynne x sec. m.

shul ben delyuered ; and the bojt of the be foundun there. And thei schulen go, 10

Lord shul be conuertid, and comen in to that ben delyuered and a3enbou3t of the

Sion with preising ; and euere durende Lord ; and thei schulen be conuertid, and
of hem ; 1036 and schulen come in to Sion with preisyng ;
gladnesse vp on the hed
and flee shal and euerlastynge gladnesse schal be on
gladnesse thei shul welde,
sorewe and weiling. the heed of hem ; thei schulen haue ioie
and gladnesse, and sorewe and weilyug
schulen fle awei.


1 And don it is in the fourtenthe 3er of And it was don in the fourtenthe 3eer i

of kyng Ezechie, Sennacherib, the kyng

king Ezechie, ste3ede vp Senacherib, king
of Assiries, vp on alle the strengthid cites of Assiriens, stiede on alle the stronge
2 of Juda, and toe hem. And the king of citees of Juda, and took tho
And the 2 .

Assiries sente Rapsacen fro Laches in to kyng of Assiriens sente Rapsases fro La-

Jerusalem, to king Ezechie, in an heuy chis to Jerusalem, to kyng Ezechie, with

hond ; and stod in the water kundute of greet power ; and he stood at the watir
the ouere pond r
in the weie of the ful- cundit of thed hi3ere e sisterne, in the weie
sleris feeld. And wente oute to hym Elya- of the f feeld ofe a fullere h And Elia-3

chym, sone of Elchie, that was vpon the chym, the sone of Elchie, that was on the
hous, and Sobna, scribe, and Joae, the hous, 3ede out to hym, and Sobna, the
4 sone of Asaf, chaunceler. And Rapsaces scryuen, and Joae, the sone of Asaph, the
seide to them, Seith to Ezechie, These chaunceler. And Rapsases seide to hem, 4
thingus seith the grete king, king of Seie 36 to Ezechie, The greet king, the
Assiries, What is this trist, that thou king of Assiriens, seith these thingis,What
is the trist, in which thou tristist ? ethir bi 5
strostest? or of counseil or strengthe to
rebellen thou disposist? vp on whom* what councele ether strengthe disposist
hast thou trost, for thou hast gon awei thou for to rebelle? on whom hast thou
e fro me ? Lo ! thou trostist vp on this trist, for thou hast go awei fro me ? Lo 6 !

'staf of reed u to-broken, vp on Egipt v to , thou tristist on this brokun staf of rehed,
whom if a man shul lene, it shal go in to on Egipt, on which if a man 1
restith' , it
his hond, and therlen so Farao, king
it ; schal entre in to his hoond, and schal
ofEgipt, to alle men that trosten in hym. perse it ;
so doith Farao, the kyng of
7 That if thou answere w to me, In the Egipt, to alle men that tristen in hym.
Lord oure God wee trosten ; whether not That if thou answerist to me, We tristen 7

he is, whos he3e thyngus and auteres toe in oure Lord God
whether it is not he,

awei Ezechie, and seyde to Jude and to whose hi3e places and auteris Esechie dide
Jerusalem, Beforn this auter 3ee shul awei, and he seide to Juda and to Jerusa-
shonoure? And now tac thee* to my lem, 3e schulen worschipe bifore this auter?
lord, they king of Assiries, and I shal And now bitake thee to my lord, the kyngs
3yue to thee two thousend hors, and thou of Assiriens, and Y schal
3yue to thee twei

shalt not moun 3yuen of thee ste3eres vp thousynde of horsis, and thou maist not
y of hem. And z what maner sustene shal 3yue of thee stieris of tho horsis. And houo
the face of a domes man a of o place of schalt thou abide the face of the iuge of

r fish pond cpr.m.Epr.m, what counseil AEGUK. twhanx. "reed staf cpr. m. reedi staf spr.m.
Om. c pr. TO. E pr. m. w answerist AEGHK. x taketh lieede E T Om.
pr. m. tac jee K.
Of E pr. m. a Om. E
pr. m.

c hem N. d Om. JSIQRSU. e

hij Q.
* Om.
Q. g Om. ceteri. h
fullere, or toukere CEGHIKMNPQRUXY.
fullere, ether toukere PS. !
leneth, ether restilh CEFGHJKMNTQRSUVXY. k wher i '
two i.
XXXVI. 10 20. ISAIAH. 287

the lasse seruauns of my lord ? That if o place of the lesse seruauntis of my lord ?
thou troste in Egipt, and in the foure That if thou tristist in Egipt, and in cartis,
lohorsid carre, and in the horse men ; and and in kny3tis and now whethir Ystiede
; 10

now whether withoute the Lord I ste3ede to this lond with out the Lord, that Y
vp to this lond, that I shulde destroje it ? schulde distrie it ? The Lord seide to me,
The Lord seide to me, Ste3e vp vp on Stie thou on this lond, and distrie thou it.
11 this and dest^e it. And Elea-
lond, And Eliachym, and Sobna, and Joae, seiden 11

chyrn seide, and Sobna, and Joae, to to Rapsaces, Speke thou to thi seruauntis

Rapsacen, Spec to thi seruauntis in Si- bi the langage of Sirie, for we vndur-
rie tunge, wee vnderstonden forsothe ne ;
stonden speke thou not to vs bi the lan-

speke thou to vs Jewly, in the eres of the gage of Jewis in the eeris of the puple,
i2puple, that is vp on the wal. And seide which is on the wal. And Rapsaces seide 12
them Rapsaces, Whether b
to to 'thi lord to hem, Whether mi lord sente me to thi
lord, and to thee, that Y schulde speke
and to thee sente me my lord, that I
schuld c speke alle these wrdys, and not alle these wordis, and not rathere to the

more to the men that sytten in the wal, men that sitten on the wal, that thei ete
that thei ete ther toordes, and drinke her toordis, and drynke the pisse of her
13 ther d vryne of their feet with 3011 ? And feet with 3ou ? And Rapsaces stood, and is
Rapsaces stod, and criede with a gret criede with greet vois in the langage of
vois Jeuly, and seide, Hereth the wrdes 6 Jewis, and seide, Here 36 the wordis of
H of the grete king, king of Assiries. These the greet kyng, the kyng of Assiriens.

thyngus seith the king, Bigile not 3011 The kyng seith these thingis, Esechie dis- u
Esechie, for he shal not moun delyueren seyue not 3011, for he may not delyuere
133011 out; and not to 3ou trost 3yue Eze- 3011 and Ezechie 3yue not to 3ou trist on
; 15

chie vp on the Lord, seiende, Delyuer- the Lord, and seie, The Lord delyuerynge
ende the Lord shal delyueren vs ; shal schal delyuere vs ; this citee schal not be
not be 3oue f this cite in& the bond of the 3ouun in to the hoond of the kyng of
king of Assiries* Wileth not hereri Eze- Assiriens. Nyle 30 here Ezechie. For whi 10
chie. These thingus forsothe seith the the kyng of Assiriens seith these thingis,

king of Assiries, Doth with me blessyng, Make 30 blessyng with me, and go 30 out
and goth out to me ; and eteth eche his to me and ete 36 ech man his vyner, and

vyne, and eche his fige tree, and drinketh ech man his fige tre, and drynke 36 ech
17 eche water of his cisterne, to the
the man the water of his cisterne, til Y come, 17
tyme that I come, and take 3ou awei to and take awei 3ou to a lond which is as
the lond that as 3oure lond ; lond of
is 3oure lond to a lond of whete and of

whete and of wyn, lond of loefes and of wyn, to a lond of looues and of vyneris.
vynes. Ne disturbe*1 3ou Ezechie, seiende, Ezechie disturble not 3ou, and seie, The is
The Lord shal delyuere vs. Whether de- Lord schal delyuere vs. the god- Whether
lyuereden the godes of Jeritiles eche his dis of folkis delyuereden ech his lond fro

lond fro the bond of the king of Assiries? the bond of the kyng of Assiriens? Where 10

inWher is the god of Emath, and of Ar- is god of Emath, and of Arphat?
fath ? Wher is the god of Sefaruaym ? Where the god of Sepharuaym ? Whe-

Whether thei deliuereden Samarie fro myn thir thei delyueriden Samarie fro myn
20 bond ? Who of alle the godes of these
is bond? Who
of alle goddis of these 20

that delyuerede his lond fro myn londis, that delyueride his lond fro myn
lond is

c Om. c d the {
b AGHK. grete wrdes c pr. m. jyuen vel
thyn hous E pr. m. pr. m. he E pr. m.
jyue E passim. S in to AEsec.m, GHK, h distruye A. '
shulde delyueren E pr. m.

vyne N.

bond, that the Lord delyuere Jerusalem bond, that the Lord delyuere Jerusalem
21 fro myn bond? And thei heelden ther fro myn bond ? And thei weren stille, 21
a wrd. and answeriden not to hym a word. For
pes, and answerden not to hym
Forsothe the king hadde comaundid to whi the kyng comaundide to hem, and
them, seiende, Ne
ansvvere 366 to hym. seide, Answere 36 not to him. And Elia-22
22 And wente in Elyachym, the sone of chym, the sone of Elchie, that was on the
Elchie, that was vp on the hous, and hous, and Sobna, the scryueyn, and Joae,

Sobna, scribe, and Joae, sone of Asaf, the sone of Asaph, ehaunceler, entriden

chaunceler, to Esechie, kut the clothis, with to-rent clothis to Ezechie, and telde
and tolden to hym the wrdes of Rapsaes. to hym the wordis of Rapsaces.


1 is do, whan hadde herd king
And it And it was don, whanne kyng Ezechie i
Ezechie, he kutte his clothis, and wrap- hadde herd, he to-rente hise clothis, and
pid is with a sac, and wente in to
the he was wlappid in a sak, and entride in
2 hous of the Lord. And he sente Elea- to the hous of the Lord. And he sente 2
chym, that was vp on the hous, and Eliachym, that was on the hous, and
Sobnam, scribe, and the elderes of the Sobna, the scryuen, and the eldre men of
preestus, coouered with sackus, to Isaie, prestis, hilid with sackis, to Isaie, the pro-
3 the k sone of Amos, profete. And thei phete, the sone of Amos. And thei seiden 3

seiden to hym, These thingus seith Eze- to hym, Ezechie seith these thingis, dai A
chie, The dai of tribulacioun, and of an- of tribulacioun, and of angwisch, and of

guysh, and of correccioun, and of blas- chastisyng, and of blasfemye is this dai ;
femye, this day for ther camen sones to
for children camen 'til to" childberyng,
the berthe, and vertue was not of bering. and vertu of childberyng is not. Therfor4
any maner here the Lord thi God the
If reise thou preier for the relifs that ben
wrdus of Rapsaces, whom sente the king foundun, if in ony maner thi Lord God
of Assiries, his lord, to blasfemen the here the wordis of Rapsaces, whom the
God lyuende, and to repreue with wrdis, king of Assiriens, his lord, sente, for to
whiche herde the Lord thi God, rere vp blasfeme lyuynge God, and to dispise bi
thanne orisoun for the relikes that ben the wordis, whiche thi Lord God herde.
sfounde. And ther camen seruauns of And the seruauntis of kyng Esechie camen 5
eking Esechie to Isaie; and Isaie seide to to Isaie; and Isaie seide to hem, 3e schulenc
them, These thingus jee shul seyn to 3oure seie these thingis to 3oure lord, The Lord
lord, These thingus seith the Lord, Ne seith these thingis, Drede thou not of the
drede thou of the face of the wrdus that face of wordis whiche thou herdist, bi
thou hast herd, with whiche blasfemeden whiche the children of the kyng of Assi-
the childer of the king of Assiries me. riens blasfemyden me. Lo Y schal 3yue 7 !

7 Lo I shal 3yue to hym a spirit, and he

! to hym a spirit, and he schal here a mes-
shal heren a messager ; and he shal be and he schal turne a3en to his
sanger ;

turned a3een to his lond, and to fallen I londe, and Y schal make hym to falle
shal maken hym with swerd in his lond. doun bi swerd in his lond. Forsothe Rap-s
a Rapsaces forsothe is turned a3een, and saces turnede a3en, and foond the kyng of
he fond the king of Assiries fi^tende Assiriens fi^tynge a3ens Lobna ; for he
Lobnam ; forsothe he hadde herd, form he hadde herd, that the kyng was gon fro
o was go fro Lachis. And he herde of Lachis. And the kyng herde messangeris 9

Om. !
And m E pr. m.
A. Rapsaces K. that

vnto i.
XXVII. 10 22. ISAIAH. 289

Theracha, king of Ethiope, seiende, He seiynge of Theracha, kyng of Ethiopiens,

wente out, that he fi3te a3en thee. The He is gon out to n'3te a3ens thee. And
whiche thing whan he hadde herd, he whanne he hadde herd this thing, he
sente messageres to Esechie, seiende, sente messangeris to Ezechie, and seide,
in These thingus 366 shul sey to Esechie, 3e schulen seie, spekynge these thingis to 10

king of Jude, spekende, Not thee disceyue Ezechye, kyng of Juda, Thi God disseyue
thi God, in whiche thou trostest, seiende, riot thee, in whom thou tristist, and seist,

Jerusalem shal not be 3yue in the hond Jerusalem schal not be 3ouun in to the
11 of the king of" Assiries. Lo thou hast ! hond of the kyng of Assiriens. Lo thou n !

herd what dide alle the kingus of Assi- herdist alle thingis whiche the kynges" of
ries to alle lorides that thei turneden vpso Assiriens didenP to alle londis whiche thei
doun ;
and 'shalt thou"
be dely- moun distrieden : and rnaisf thou r be delyuered?
i2uered? Whether delyuereden hem the Whethir the goddis of folkis delyuereden 12

godis of Jentiles, whom turneden vpso hem, whiche my fadris distrieden Gosan, ;

doun myGosam, and Aran, and

fadris ;
and Aran, and Reseph, and the sones of
Resef, and the sones Eden, that weren in Eden, that weren in Thalasar? Where is 13

isThalasar? Wher is the king of Emath, thekyng of Emath, and the. kyng of Ar-
and the king of Arfath, and the king of phath, and the kyng of the citee of Se-
the huge cite Cefaruaym, and Ana, and pharuaym, and of Ana, and' of Aua? And 14

14 Aua ? And Esechie toe the bokes of the Ezechie took the bookis fro the hond
hond of the messager, and radde them ; of messangeris, and redde tho u and he ;

and he ste3ede vp in to the hous of the stiede v in to the hous of the Lord, and

Lord, and spredde out hem bifor the spredde abrood thow bifore the Lord and ; 15

is Lord and? pre3ede the Lord, seiende,

; preiede to the Lord, and seide, Lord of n;
ic Lord of ostes, God of Irael, that sittist oostis, God of Israel, that sittist on cheru-
vp on cherubyn, thou art God alone of byn, thou art God aloone of alle the rewmes
alle the retimes of erthei ; thou madist of erthe ; thou madist heuene and erthe.
nheuene and erthe. Boowe doun, Lord, Lord, bowe doun thin eere, and here ; ,
thin ere, and here ; opene thin e3en, Lord, Lord, open thin i3en, and se ; and here
and see; and here alle the wrdus of Sena- thou alle the wordis of Sennacherib, whiche
cherub, that he sente to blasfemen God he sente for x to blasfeme lyuynge God.

islyuende. Verely forsothe, Lord, desert

For verili, Lord, the kyngis of Assiriens I8
maden the kingis of Assiries londus, and maden londis dissert, and the cuntreis of
19 the regiouns of them, and 3euen the god- tho' and 3auen the goddis of thoz to fier
, ;
, 9
dis of hem to fyr; forsothe thei weren not for thei weren not goddis, but the werkis
hondus of men, of tnennus hondis, trees and stoonys and
goddus, but were of the ;

tree and stonus; and thei to-mynushten thei al to-braken tho goddis. And now, 20
20 hem. And now, Lord oure s God, saue oure Lord God, saue thou vs fro the hond
vs fro the hond of hym and knowen
alle of hym ; and alle rewmes of erthe knowe,
the reumes of erthe, for thou art Lord that thou art Lord a God aloone. And 2 ,

21 God alone. And Isaie, the sone of Amos, Isaie, the sone of
Amos, sente to Ezechie,
sente to Esechie, seiende, These thingus and seide, The Lord God of Israel seith
seith the Lord God of Irael, For the these thingis, For whiche thingis thou
whiche thou pre3edest me of Senacherub, preidist me of Sennacherib, the kyng of
22 king of Assiries, this is the wrd that the Assiriens, this is the word which the.22

" Cm. K pr. m. thou shalt c. P Om. E pr. m. 1 the erthe AEGHK. r Om. E pr. in. s Oni. A.

pr. m. p pr. m. HP. H sec. m. 1 E. r not CEFGHINPQU. Om. F sec. m. IKNP

kyng A P did n^ten
tec. m. QU. u hem N. v i. w hem N. " Om. N. > hem N. z hem N. the Lord is.
jede up
290 ISAIAH. XXXVII. 23 3r,

Lord spac vp on hym, He dispiside thee, Lord spak on hym, Thou virgyn, the
he vndermouwede thee, thou maiden do3~ dou3ter of Sion, he dispiside thee, he scorn-
tir of Sion; aftir thee the hed he mouede, ede thee ; thou virgyn, the dorter of Jeru-
2:1 thou maide' do3ter of Jerusalem. To salem, he moued his heed aftir thee b .

whom hast thou repreued, and whom Whom despisist thou, and whom bias- 23

hast thou blasfemed ? and vp on whom femedist d thou ? and on whom reisidist
hast thou rered thi vois, and hast rered thou thi vois, and reisidist the hi3nesse of

the of thin e3en ? To the hoeli of

thin i3en ? To the hooli of Israel. Bi the 24

24 Irael. In the hond of thi seruauns" thou hond of thi seruauntis thou dispisidist the
hast repreued to the Lord, and seidist, Lord, and seidist, In the multitude of my
In the multitude of my foure horsed cartis Y stiede
on the h^nesses of hillis, on
carres I ste3ede vp the hei3tus of moun-
v the 3ockis of Liban and Y schal kitte doun

and I shal to- the hi3 thingis of cedris therof, and the
teynes, 3okes of Liban;
hewen the he3e thingus of his cedris, and chosun beechis therof ; and Y schal entre

the chosene firres of

it and I shal go in ;
in to the hi3nesse of the cop therof, in to
to the hei3te of his cop, the wilde wode the 6 forest of Carmele therof. Y diggide, 25

25 of the Carmel of it. I dalf

x and drank
and drank watir ;
and Y made drie with

the water of it and I driede with the ;

the step of my foot all the strondis of

step of my foot alle the ryueres of the feeldis. Whether thou, Sennacherib, herd- 2
20 waterhepes. Whether thou hast not herd what thingis Y dide sum tyme? Fro
ist riot

what thingus sum tyme I dide to hym>'? elde daies Y fourmyde that thing, and
Of olde da3es I foormede it, and now I now Y haue broii3t and it is maad in to^

haue bro3t to; and it is do 'in to the drawyng vp bi the roote of litle hillis fi3t-

drawing out the roote of hilles togi-

hi ynge togidere, and of strong citees. The 27
27 dere fi^tende, and of strengthid cites. The dwelleris of tho citees trembliden togidere
dwelleris of them with an hond shortid with hond maad schort, and ben aschamed ;

togidere* trembleden, and ben confoundid; thei ben maad as hei of the feeld, and the h
thei ben mad as hei of the feld, and corn gras of lesewe, and as erbe of roouys', that
of the leswe, and erbe of rooues, that out driede vp bifore that it wexide ripe. Yw
28 driede er it wex
ryp. Thi dwelling, and knew thi dwellyng, and thi goyng out,
thin entre, and thi going out Y knew, and and thin entryng, and thi woodnesse a3ens
2<>thi wodnesse a3en me. Whan thou were v
me. Whanne thou were wood ajens me, 20
wod a3en me, thi pride ste3ede vp in to
thi pride stiede in to myn eeris ; therfor

myn eres ;
I shal putte thanne a cercle Y schal sette a ryng in thi nosethirlis, and
in thi nose thirles, and a bridil in thi a bridil in thi lippis ; and schal lede Y
lippis ; and I shal bringe a3een thee in thee a3en in to the weie, bi which thou
to the weie, bi the c whiche thou came. earnest. Forsothe to thee, Ezechie, this>
:M To thee forsothe this shall ben a tocne ; schal be a signe ; ete thou in this 3eer tho
et this 3er that freeli ben sprunge, and thingis that growen bi her fre wille, and
in the secunde 3er et appelis ; in the in the secunde 3eer ete thou applis ; but
thridde forsothe 3er soweth, and repith, in the thridde 3eer sowe
and repe 36,
and plaunteth vynes, and eteth the frut and plaunte 36 vyneris, and ete 36 the
m of hem. And he shall putte it, that were fruyt of tho
And that that is sauyd of :<i

saued of the hous of Juda, and that is the hous of Juda, and that, that is left,

maydyn A. seruaunte ^GHK. v to the AE pr. m.
w Om. E m. x deluede AF.GHK. J it E pr. m.
z in K.
E pr. b woodedist E
to i.
pr m. .
c Qm. AE. Om. A.

these \pr.m. c Om. A. d blasfemist F. e Om. CFGHKNPQRSVX pr. m. ? to the CEFGHIKM sec. m.
NPSQUV. h as the I. >
hous rooties, ether rigges k hem N.

laft setten the roote d benethe, and shal schal sende roote bynethe, and schal make
32 make frute aboue ;
for fro Jerusalem shul fruyt aboue ; for whi relifs schulen go out :t-j
gon out relikes, and saluacioun 6 fro the of Jerusalem, and saluacioun fro the hil of
mount of Sion ; the inward loue of the Sion ; the feruent loue of the Lord of
33 Lord of ostes shal do this. Therfore oostis schal do
this thing. Therfor the 3:1
these thinges seith the Lord, of the king Lord these thingis of the kyng of
of Assiries, He shal not go in to this cite, Assiriens, He schal not entre in to this
and he shal not throwe there an arwe ; citee,and he schal not schete there an
and ther shal not ocupie it f a sheld, and arowe and a scheeld schal not ocupie it,

he shal not putte^ in his enuyroun an and he schal not sende erthe in the cum-
34 hep 'of erthe h . In the weie that he cam, pas therof. In the weie in which he cam, 34
bi it he shal be turned a3een ; and this he schal turne a3en bi it; and he schal not
cite he shal not gon in, seith the Lord. entre in to this citee, seith the Lord. And 3n
33 And I shal defende this cite, that I saue Y schal defende this citee, that Y saue it,

it, for rne, and for Dauid, my seruaunt. for me, and for Dauid, my seruaunt. For-36
36 Wente aungil of the
out forsothe the sothe the aungel of the Lord 3ede out, and
Lord, and smot in the tentus of Assiries killide an hundride thousynde and four-
an hundrid and fyue and ei3teti thou- scoor and fyue thousynde in the tentis of
send and thei risen erli, and lo alle
; ! Assiriens and thei risen eerli, and lo

careynes of the deade men. And alle men weren careyns of deed men. And 37
37 the
he wente out, and 3ide awei. And turned Sennacherib 3ede out of Jude, and wente
ajeen is Senacherub, king of Assiries,
awei. And
Sennacherib, the kyng of
sa and dwelte in
Nynyue. And don is, Assiriens, turnede a3en, and dwellide in
whan he shulde honoure in the temple Nynyue. And it was don, whanne hess
of Mesrach, his god, Aramalech and Sa- worschipide Mesrach, his god, in the
razer, his sones,smyten hym with swerd, temple, Aramalech and Sarasar, hise sones,
and floun in to the lond of Ararath ; and killiden hym with swerd, and fledden in
regnede for hym Asaradon, his sone. to the lond of Ararath and Asaradon, 1

his sone, regnyde for hym.


In tho da3es sicnede Ezechie vnto m
1 In tho daies Esechie was sijk til to n 1

the deth; and wente in to hym Isaie, the the deth and Lsaie, the profete, the sone

soun of Amos, the" profete, and seide to of Amos, entride to hym, and seide to
hym, These thingus seith the Lord, Dis- hym, The Lord seith these thingis, Dis-
pose to thin house, for die shalt thou, pose thi hous, for thou schalt die, and thou
2 and not lyuen. And Ezechie turnede his schalt not lyue. And Esechie turnede his 2
face to the wal, and honourede the Lord, face to the wal, and preiede the Lord,
sand seide, I

y nw a rdli pre3eP, Lord; haue and seide, Lord, Y biseche ; haue thou 3

mynde, I beseche, what maner I 3ide bi- mynde, Y biseche, hou

3ede bifore thee Y
for thee in treuthe, and in parfit herte, in treuthe, and in perfit herte, and dide Y
and that is
good in thin e3en, I dide. that that was good bifore thin i3en. And
And Ezechie wepte with gret weping. Ezechye wept with greet wepyng. And 4
4 And don is the wrd of the Lord to Isaie, the word of the Lord was maad to Isaie,
sseiende, Go, and sei to Ezechye, These and seide, Go thou, and seie to Ezechye, 5
thingus seith the Lord God of Dauid, thi The Lord God of Dauid, thi fadir, seith

e sauacioun f Om. A. 8 senden E pr. m. h Om. E pr. m. '

Om. A. k Om. AGH.
rotis A. c.
Om. K. m to K. n Om. AEGHK. for A. P beseche E
pr. m.

risiden A pr. m. CHKMNVX. resin p. m Ararath, thai is, Armenye K. n vnto I.

P p 2
292 ISAIAH. XXXVIII. 6 18.

haue herd thin orisoun, and seen these thingis, I haue herd thi preier, and
fader, I
thi teres. Lo! I shal ley to vp on thi Y si3 thi teeris.
Lo schal adde on thi ! Y
da3es fiftene }er and fro the hond of the
daies fiftene 3eer ; and
schal delyuere Y e

of Assiries I shal delyuere thee and thee and this citee fro the hond of the
7 this cite, and I shal defenden it. This kyng of Assiriens, and Y schal defende it.

forsothe to thee shal ben a tocne fro the Forsothe this schal be to thee a signe of 7
the Lord, that the Lord schal do this
Lord, for the Lord shal do this wrd that
8 he spac. Loo ! I shal make to turne a3een word, which he spak". Lo schal make ! Y K

the shadewe of lynesi, hi the whiche it

r the schadewe of lynes, bi which it 3ede

hadde go doun in the oriloge of Acath, doun in the orologie of Achas, in the

in the suune, bacward by ten lynes. And sunne, to turne a3en backward bi ten

the sunne is turned a3eeri bi ten lynes, bi lynes. And the sunne turnede a3en bi ten

the grees that it hadde go doun. lynes, bi degrees bi whiche it hadde go

9 The* scripture o/Ezechie, king o/Ju- doun.

da, whan he hadde be syc, and hadde The scripture of Ezechie, Ityng qfJu-u
couered of* his sycnesse". da, whanne he hadde be sijk, and hadde
id I seide, in the myddel of my da3es I rekyuered of his sikenesse.
shal to the 3ates of helle. I so3te the I seide, in the rnyddil of my daies
residue of my 3eres ; I seide, I shal not schal go to the 3atis of helle. Y sou3te 1 1

see the Lord God in the loud of lyueres ;

the residue of my 3eeris ;
Y seide, Y schal
I shal not biholde a man more ouer, and not se the Lord God in the lond of
12 a dwellere of reste. My ieneracioun is lyueris ; Y schal no more biholde a man,

taken awei, and al folden

vp fro me, as a and a dwellere of reste. My generacioun 12

is takun awei, and is foldid togidere fro

tabernacle of shepherdes. Kut of is as of
a weuere my lif ; whil 3it I weuede, he me, as the tabernacle of scheepherdis is

under kutte me. Fro erli vnto euen thou foldid togidere. lijf Mi is kit doun as of
isshalt eride rne ; I hopede vnto the moru ; a webbe he kittide doun me, the while Y

as a leoun, so" he to-brosede alle my was wouun 3it. Fro the morewtid til toP
bones. Fro erli 'vn to x euen thou shalt the euentid thou schalt ende me ; Y hop- is

u ende me ; as the brid of a swalewe, so I ide til to the morewtid ; as a lioun, so he

shal crien ; sweteli I shal thenke as a al to-brak alle boonys. Fro the morew-
culuer. Al to-feblid ben myn e3en, bi- tid til to the euentid thou schalt ende me ;
holdende vp in hei3te. Lord, fors I suf- as the brid of a swalewe, so Y schal crie ;

isfre, answere thou for me; what shal I Y schal bithenke as a culuer. Myn i3en
sey, or what shal answere to me, whan biholdynge an hi3, ben maad feble. Lord,
I myself haue do ? I shal eft thenkey to -Y suffre violence, answere thou for me ;
thee alle my 3eres, in the bitternesse of what schal Y
seie, ether what schali an- 15

16 my soule. Lord, if thus it is

lyued, and swere to me, whanne 'I mysilf haue
in suche thingus the lif of spirit, thou my Y schal bithenke to thee alle my 3eeris, in
17 s! alt chastise me, and
quykene me; lo! the bitternisse of my soule. Lord, if me KJ
in pes my bitternesse most bitter. Thou lyueth so, and the lijf of my spirit is in
forsothe hast deliuered out my soule, siche thingis, thou schalt chastise me, and
that it shulde not pershe ; thou hast schalt quykene me. Lo my bitternesse ! 17

throwe aferr bihinde thi bac alle my is moost bittir in pees ;

forsothe thou hast

issynnus. For helle shal not knouleche to delyuered my soule, that it perischide not;

Fynees K sec. m. r Qm. ^EGHK. s This is the A. * Om. AK. " The entire rubric omitted in GH.
v fait c
pr. m.
w Om. A. * in to K. y bithenke AEGHK.

hath spoke i. P vnto i. q schal I EFKS. schal he GIMNQUX sec. m. r he hath CEGHKMNPQRSUVX.

norz deth shal preise thee and thei

thee, ;
thou hast caste awey bihynde thi bak alle
shul not abyden thi a treuthe, that gon my synnes. For not belle schal know- IH

lodoun in to the lake. Lyueude, lyuende, leche to thee, nethir deth schal herie thee;
he shal knouleche to thee, as arid I to thei that goon doun in to the lake, schulen
dai ; the fader to the sonus knowe shal not abide thi treuthe. lyuynge man, a A iu

20 make thi treuthe. Lord, mac me saf, lyuynge man, he schal knouleche to thee,
and oure salmes wee shal singe alle the as and Y to dai ; the fadir schal make
da3es of oure lif in the hous of the
knowun thi treuthe to sones. Lord, make 20
Lord. thou me saaf, and we schulen synge oure
21 And Isaie comaundide, that thei shul- salines in all the daies of oure lijf in the
den taken an hep of fyges, and thei hous of the Lord.
shulde make an enplastre vp on the And
Ysaie comaundide, that thei schul-2i
22 wounde and he shulde ben hoel. And
den take a gobet of figus, and make a
Ezechye seide, What shal be the tocne, plaster on the wounde ; and it schulde be
for I shal ste3e vp Mn to d
the hous of the heelid. And Ezechie seide, What signe22
Lord? schal be, that Y schal stie in to the hous of
the Lord?
i In that tyme sente Marodoch Bala- In that tyme Marodach Baladan, thei
dan, the sone of Baladan, the king of sone of Baladam, the kyng of Babiloyne,

Babiloyne, lettris and 3iftes to Ezechie ; sente bookis and 3iftis to Ezechie ; for he
forsothe he hadde herd, that he hade be hadde herd, that Ezechie hadde be sijk,
2syc, and was coouered. Forsothe Ezechie and was rekyuerid. Forsothe Ezechie 2
gladede vp on tho thingus, and he shew- was glad. on hem, and schewide to hem

ede to them the selle of spices, and of the selle of swete smellynge spices, and of

siluer, and of gold, and of swote thingus, siluer, and of gold, and of smellynge
and of the beste oynement, and al the thingis, and of best oynement, and alle
cofres of his necessarie thingus, and alle the schoppis of his purtenaunce of lious-

thingus that ben founde in his tresories ; hold, and alle thingis that weren founduri
ther was not a wrd, that Ezechie shew- in hise tresours; no word was, which Eze-
ede not to them" in his hous, and in al chie schewide not to hem in his hous, and
3 his power. Forsothe Isaie, the profete, in al his power. Sotheli Ysaie, the pro-s
wente in ee to Ezechie, the king, and phete, entride to kyng Ezechie, and seide
seide to hym, What seiden these men, to hym, What seiden thes men, and fro
arid whennes carnen thei to thee ? And whennus camen thei to thee ? Arid Eze-
Ezechie seide, Fro a ferr lond thei camen Fro a fer lond thei camen to
chie seide,
4 to me, fro Babyloyne. And he seyde, me, fro Babiloyne. And Ysaie seide, What 4
What se3en thei in thin hous ? And si3en thei in thin hous ? And Ezechie
Ezechie seide, Alle thingus that in myn seide, Thei sien alle thingis that ben in
hous ben, thei se3en ; ther was not a f
inyn hous ;
no thing was in my tresours,
thing, that I shewede not to them in my which Y schewide not to hem. And 5
6 tresories. And Isaie seide to Esechie, Ysaie seide to Ezechie, Here thou the
6 Here the wrd of the Lord of ostes. Lo ! word of the Lord of oostis. Lo ! daies 6

da3es shul come, and alle thingus shul be schulen come, and alle thingis that ben in
don awei, that ben in thin hous, and that thin hous, and whiche thingis thi fadris
thi fadris han tresored vn to this dai, in tresoriden til to this dai, schulen be takun

a Om. AG pr. d in K. e
2ue AEGHK. m. HK. daiys E pr. m.
c cure E pr. m. hym E pr. in.
ee Om. E pr. m. { han seen A.

3 in N.
294 ISAIAH. XXXIX. 7 XL. 10.

to Babiloyne ther shal not be laft any

awei in to Babiloyne ; not ony thing schal
7 seith the Lord. And of this sonus, be left, seith the Lord. And thei schulen?
that shul gon out of thee, the whiche take of thi sones, that schulen go out of
thou shalt gete, thei shul take awei ;
and thee, whiche thou schalt gendre ; and thei
thei shul be geldingus in the paleis of the schulen be onest seruauntis and chast in
the paleis of the kyng of Babiloyne. And
sking of Babiloyne. And Ezechie seide

to Isaie, Good is the wrd of the Lord, Ezechie seide to Ysaie, The word of the
that he spac. And he seide, Be ther do Lord good, which he spak.
is And Eze-
orili pes and treuthe in my da3es. chie seide, Pees and treuthe be maad oneli
in my daies.


1 Beth coumfortid, beth coumfortid, jee My puple, be 36 coumfortid, be 36 coum- 1

2 my puple, seith 3oureGod. Speketh to the fortid, seith 3oure Lord God. Speke 36 to 2
herte of Jerusalem, and clepeth to it, for the herte of Jerusalem, and clepe 36 it,
ful endid 1'
is his malice, for3yuen is his for the malice therof is fillid, the 1 wickid-
wickidnesse' ;
he toe of the hond of the nesse therof is for3ouun ; it hath resseyued
Lord double thingus for alle his synnus. of the hond of the Lord double thingis for
3 The vois of the criende in desert, Mak- alle hise synnes. The vois of a crier ins
eth redy the weie of the Lord, ri3t mak- desert,Make 36" redi the weie of the
eth in wildernesse the sties of oure God. make uu
Lord, 3e ri3tful the pathis of oure
4 Eche enhaunced, and eche
valei shal be God in wildirnesse. Ech valey schal be 4
be mekid and enhaunsid, and ech mounteyn and litil hil
monteyn 'and hil shal ;

ther shul be shreude thingus in to euene schal be maad low ; and schrewid thingis

ri3t thingus, and sharpe thingus in to schulen be in to strei3t thingis, and scharpe
a pleyne weies. And ther shal be opened thingis schulen be in to pleyn weies. And a

the glorie of the Lord, and seen shal the glorie of the Lord schal be schewid,
eche flesh togidere, that the mouth of and ech man schal se togidere, that the
tithe Lord spac. The vois of the Lord, mouth of the Lord hath spoke. The vois <>

seiende, Cry. And I seide, What shal I of God, seiynge, Crie thou. And seide, Y
crien ? Eche flesh hei, and al his glorie What schal Y
crie? Ech fleisch is hei,
7 as the flower of the feld. Ful out dried and the glorie therof i* as the flour of
is the hei, and the flour for the spirit
fel, the feeld. The hei is dried vp,and the floury
of the Lord ble3 in it.
Verely the hei is felle doun, for the spirit of the Lord bleew
s the puple ; ful out dried is the hei, and therynne. Verely the puple is hey; the hey 8
the flour fel ; the wrd forsothe of the is dried vp, and the flour felle doun; but the

Lord dwelleth in to withouten ende. Vp word of the Lord dwellith v with outen ende.
on an hi3 hil ste3 vp, thou that euange- Thou that prechist to Sion,stie w on an hi3
lisist to" Sion ; enhaunce in strengthe hil ; thou that prechist to Jerusalem, en-
thi vois, thou that euangelisist to Jeru- haunse thi vois in strengthe; enhaunse thou,
salem enhaunce, and wile thou not drede ;
nyle thou drede ; seie thou to the citees of
sei tothe cites of Jude, Lo 3oureP God. Lo Lo! the Lord God
Juda, !
3oure God. 10

10 Lo! the Lord God in strengthe shal come, schal come in strengthe, and his arm schal
and his arm shal lordshipen lo his ; ! holde lordschipe; lo! his mede is with hym,
meede with hym, and his were biforn and his werk is bifore hym. As a scheep- 1 1

8 the E pr. m. h Om. A. ' wickenesse E. m Om.

A. 1
Otn. AGHK. cpr. m.
D Om. zpr. m.
Om. E pr. m. P oure E pr. m.

nd th e A *""' '"
, .
Om N
- -
uu Onl A -
Pr - m -
dwellith, ether schal stonde CEFGHKMNPQRUVX. schal
dwelle, ethir stonde s. stie i.
XL. ii 24. ISAIAH. 295

nhym. As a shepperde shal feedei his herd he schal fede his flok, he schal ga-
floe, in his arm he shal gedere the dere lambreen in his arm, and he schal

lombis, and in his bosum shal reren ; the reise in his bosom he schal here scheep


ful of frut he shal bern. Who 'with lomb". Who mat watris in a fist, 12

mesurede with handful watris, and he- and peiside heuenes with a spanne ? Who
uenes with the paume peisede ? Who peiside the heuynesse of the erthe with
heeng vp with thre fingris the heuy- thre fyngris, and weide mounteyns in a
nesse* of the erthe, and we3ede in peis
weihe, and litle hillis in a balaunce? Whoi:;
the mounteynes, and the hilles in a bal- helpide the Spirit of the Lord, ether who
islaunce? w the Who v was his councelour, and schewide to hym ?
Spirit of the helpede
Lord, or who" his counseiler was, and With whom took he councel, and who\\
H shewede to hym ? With whom wente lernyde hym, and tau3te hym the path of
he in counsel!, and enformede hym, and ri3tfulnesse, and lernyde hym in kunnyng,
hym the sti3 of ri3twisnesse, and
ta3te and schewyde to him the weie of pru-
lerede hym with kunnyng, and the weie dence? Lo! folkis ben as a drope of air.
is of prudence shewede to boket, and ben arettid as the tunge of a
hym ? Lo! Jen-
tiles as a drope of a boket, and as mo- balaunce; lo! ylis ben as a litil dust, and it;

ment of a balaunce ben holden ; lo ! iles the Liban schal not suffice to brenne his
ifias pouder, and Liban shal not suf-
sacrifice, and the beestis therof schulen
fisen to brenne, and his bestus shuln not not suffice to brent sacrifice. Alle folkis 17

ivsuffisen to brent sacrifice. Alle Jentiles ben so bifore hym, as if thei beri not ; and
as thei ben not, so thei ben bifor hym ; thei ben rettid as no thing and veyn thing
and as no3t and? inwardli voide thei ben to hym. To whom therfor maden 36 God nt

18 holden to hym. To whom thanne lie lijk? ether what ymage schulen 36 sette to
hast thou mad God ? or what ymage hym ? Whether a smyth schal welle to- m
19 shul 3ee putte to hym ? Whether the gidere an ymage, ether a gold smyth schal
grauen thing shal the smith 3eete, or the figure it in gold, and a worchere in siluer
man with gold shall figure it, and
craftis z schal di^te it with platis of siluer ? A 211

with" siluerene plates the siluer smyth ? wijs crafti man

chees a strong tre, and
20 The stronge tree, and the vnable to roten vnable to be rotun ; he sekith how he
ches the wise craftes b man ; he secheth schal ordeyne a symylacre, that schal not
what maner he sette the symulacre, that be mouyd. Whether 36 witen not? whe-2i
21 it moue not. Whether 3ee shul not wite? ther 36 herden not? whether it was not
whether 366 han not herd ? whether not teld to 3ou fro the begynnynge ? whether
to 3ou it is fro the bigyunyng ?
told 3e vndurstoden not the foundementis of
whether 366 han not vnderstonde the erthe? Which on the cumpas of 22

22foundemens of the erthe? That sitteth erthe, and the dwelleris themf ben as
vp on the cumpas of the erthe, and his locustis which stretchith forth heuenes

dwelleris ben as locustes ; that streccheth as nou3t, and spredith abrood tho as a
out as no3t heuenus, and spredeth abrod tabernacle to dwelle. Which 3yueth the 2:5
23 hem as tabernacle to indwelle c That . sercheris of priuytees, as if thei be not,

3yueth the sercheres of priuytees, as tho3 and made the iugis of erthe as a veyn
thei be not, the domes men of the erthe thing. And sotheli whanne the stok of24
24 as voide d
he made. And forsothe ne hem is nether plauntid, nether is sowun,

r Om. E
weide E pr. m. hongide E sec. m. AOHK. gobbe c pr. m.
<J fedeth pr. m. pr. m,
u Om. AE sec. m. GIIK. v Whom GHK. w herde E x who is E
pr. m.
y and in
Epr.m. pr. m.
z crafti c. a Om. E b c dwellen E d inwardli voide E m.
veyn E pr. m. pr, m. crafty K. pr. m. pr.

* ene, ether milk lomb CEPOHIKMPVXV. yeene, ether with lomb

296 ISAIAH. XL. 25 XLI. 5.

ne sowen, ne rootid in the nether is rootid in erthe, he bleew sudenli

erthe the stoc of hem, feerli he ble3 in on hem, and thei drieden vp, and a whirle
to them, and thei drieden, and a whirle- wynd schal take hem awei as stobil. And 25

25 wind as stubil shal take them awei. And to what thing 3e han z licned me, and han
to whom han 3ee licned me, and euened maad euene? seith the hooli. Reise 3oure26
aehan me? Rereth vp in
seith the hoeli. i3en an hi3, and se 36, who made these
to hei3 joure e3en, and seeth, who Vnade thingis of 110113! ; which ledith out in
of no3t e these thiugus; that bringeth out noumbre the kni3thod of tho zi!
and clepith
in noumbre the kny3thod of hem, and alle name, for the multitude of his

alle bi name he clepeth, for multitude of strengthe, and stalworthnesse, and vertu ;

strengthe, and of stalwrthenesse, and of

nether o residue thing was. Whi seist 27
27 his vertue ; ne oon was laft. Whi seist thou, Jacob, and spekist thou, Israel, My
thou, Jacob-, and spekest, Irael
', Hid is weie is hid fro the Lord, and my doom
my wey fro the Lord, and fro my God passide fro my God ? Whether thou 28
my dom passede Whether wost thou
? knowist not, ether herdist thou not? God,
not, or hast not herd, God euere durende? euerlastynge Lord, that made of nou3t the
The Lord that foormede the termes of the endis of erthe, schal not faile, nether schal
erthe, he shal not faile, ne trauaile, ne trauel*1 , nether enserchyng of his wisdom
29 ther enserching of his wisdam. That
is is. That 3yueth vertu to the weeri, and2

3yueth to the weri vertue, and to them strengthe to hem that ben not, and mul-
that ben not, strengthe and stalwrthe- tiplieth stalworthnesse. Children schulenso
30 nesse multeplieth. Failen shul childer, faile, and schulen trauele, and 3onge men
and trauailen, and 3unge men in ther schulen faile doun in her sikenesse. Butai
31 feblenesse fallen. Who forsothe hopen thei that hopen in the Lord, schulen
in the Lord, shul
chaunge strengthe, chaunge strengthe, thei schulen take fe-
take to federes as of an egle; rennen, and theris as eglis ; thei schulen renne, and
not trauailen gon, and not faylen.
; schulen not trauele ; thei schulen go, and
schulen not faile.


Bee stille to me, yles, and Jentyles lies, be stille to me, and folkis chaunge i

strengthe chaunge thei ; ne3hen, and strengthe; nej'3e thei, and thanne speke thei;
thanne speke thei ; togidere to dom ny3 nei3e we togidere to doom. Who reiside2
2 come wee. Who rerede fro the est the the iust man fro the eest, and clepide hym

ri3twis, clepede hym, that he shulde fo- to sue hym silf ? He schal 3yue folkis in his
lewe hymself ? He
shal 3yue in his si3te si3t, and he schal welde kyngis he schal ;

Jentyles, and kingus he shal welde ; he 3yue as dust to his swerd, and as stobil
shal 3yue as pouder to his swerd, as 1 *that iip rauyschid of the wynd, to his
stubil with the wind raueshid to his bowe. He schal pursue hem, he schal go 3
3bowe. He shal pursue hem, 'he shal
in pees ;
a path schal not appere in hise
passe in pes ; the sty in his feet shal not feet. Who wrou3te and dide these
thingis ? 4

Japere. Who these

thingus wro3te and clepynge generaciouns at the bigynnyng.
dide? clepende ieneraciouns 1 fro the bi- Y am the Lord ; and Y am the firste and
gynnyng. I a Lord; first and the last the laste. His sien, and d redden ; the a
5 1 am. lies see3en, and trembleden ; the laste partis of erthe were astonyed thei

e foormede c
pr. m. E pr. m.
brojte E pr. m. g to Jacob E pr. m. * thou Israel AGHK. to Irael
E pr.
pr. m. Om. c pr. m. E pr. m. k Qm. E pr. m. 1
generacioun AGHK.

z haue je i. hem N. a Om. CEFGHIKNPSVX.

XLI. 6 17. ISAIAH. 297
vtmostus of the erthe becamen stoneid, camen ni3, and nei3iden. Ech man schal
ethei ne3heden, and wente to. Eche to helpe his nei3bore, and schal seie to his
his ne3hebore shal helpen, and to his brother, Be thou coumfortid. smyth of 7 A
7 brother seyn, Tac coumfort. Coumforten metal smytynge with an hamer coum-
shal the metal smyth smytende hym fortide him that polischyde, ethir made
with an hamer that forgede that tyme, fair, in that tyme, seiynge, It is good, to
and he b
seiende to the glyu, It is good ;
glu; and he fastenede hym with nailis,
coumfortide hym with nailes, that it that he schulde not be mouyd. Andfi
sshulde not be moued. And thou, Irael, thou, Israel, my seruaunte, Jacob, whom
seruaunt, Jacob, whom I ches, the
my Y chees, the seed of Abraham, my frend,
gsed of Abraham, my frend, in whom I in whom Y
took thee; fro the laste partis
toe thee fro the vtmostes" of the erthe, of erthe, and fro the fer partis therof Y
and fro his ferre coestes I clepede thee, clepide thee ; and seide to thee, Thou Y
and seide to thee, My seruaunt thou art ;
art my seruaunt ;
Y chees
thee, and cast-
I ches thee, and I caste not awei thee. ide not awei thee. Drede thou not, for Y 10

10 Ne drede thou, for I am with thee; ne am with thee ; boowe thou not awei, for
bo we thou doun, for 1 thi God. I haue Y am thi Y coumfortide thee, and
coumfortid thee, and holpen thee and ; helpide thee; and the ri3thond of my c iust
vndertoc thee the ri3thond of my ri3twis. man vp took thee. Lo alle men schulen ! 1 1

iiLo! shul be confoundid, and shamen alle be schent, and schulen be aschamed, that
that fi3ten a3en thee ; thei shul be as fi3ten a3ens thee ; thei schulen be as if
tho3P thei be not, and pershe shul the thei ben not, and men schulen perische,
12 men, that a3enseyn to thee. Thou shalt that a3en seien thee. Thou schalt seke 12

sechen hem, and not finden thi rebel ; hem, and thou schalt not fynde thi rebel
men thei shul ben, as tho3 thei ben not, men; thei schulen be, as if thei ben not,
and as the wasting of a man fi^tende and as the wastyng of a man fi^tynge
isa3en thee. For I the Lord thi God, a3ens thee. For Y am thi Lord God, tak- \-A

takende thin bond, and seiende to thee, ynge thin bond, and seiynge to thee, Drede
Ne drede thou, for I haue holpen thee. thou not, Y helpide thee. Nyle thou, worm u
14 Wile thou not drede, thoui werm of Ja- of Jacob, drede, 36 that ben deed of Israel.
cob, that dead 3ee ben of Irael. I haue Y helpide thee, seith the Lord, and thin
holpen thee, seith the Lord, and thin a3en biere, the hooli of Israel. haue set Y 15
i5a3een biere, the hoeli of Irael. I haueii thee as a newe wayn threischynge, hau-
set thee as a newe wayn thresshende, ynge sawynge bilis ; thou schalt threische
hauende pikede poeles sawende thou ; mounteyns, and schalt make srnal, and
shalt thresshe mounteynes, and to-my- thou schalt sette litle hillis as dust. Thou \ ( -,

nushen, and putten as ponder hillis. schalt wyndewe hem, and the wynd schal
is Thou shalt
wynewe them, and the wind take hem awei, and a whirlewynd schal
shal take awei, and the whirlewind shal scatere hem and thou
; schalt make ful out

scatere them and thou ful out shalt

ioie in the Lord",and thou schalt be glad
io3en in the Lord, and in the hoeli of in the hooli of Israel.Nedi men and pore 17

17 Irael shalf glade. Nedi and pore men seken watris, and tho ben not the tunge ;

shul seche watris 8 and ther ben not ;

, of hem driede for thirst. Y the Lord
the tunge of them with thrist driede. schal here hem, I God of Israel schal not
I the Lord shal out heren hem, I God of forsake hem. Y schal opene floodis in hi3 IB

'" vttermost AGIIK. n vttermostis AGHK. I am AK sec. m. P thof E passim. 1 of the E pr. m.
1 ha c. r thou schalt AG sec. m. K sec. m. s Om. E pr. m.

b coumfortide CEFGHKMNPQRSUVX. c the N. d Om. N. e word i.

voi- in. Qq
298 ISAIAH. XLI. 1 8 29.

islrael shal not forsake them. I shal hillis, and wellis in the myddis of feeldis ;

opene in he3e hillis flodys, and in the Y schal sette the desert in to poondis of
of feeldis welles I shall sette de- watris, and the lond without weie in to
myddel ;

sert in to pondis of watris, and the lond

ryuers of watris. Y
schal 3yue in wildir- i

withoute weie in to riueres of watris. nesse a cedre, and a thorn, and a myrte
and tre f, an olyue Y schal sette
and the tre of
19 1 shal 3yue in wildernesse ceder, ;

and oliue tree; in the desert a fir tre, an elrn, and a box
thorne, and myrt" tree,

v shal sette in desert fyrr tree, and vim tre togidere- That thei se, and knowe, and 20

20 tree, and box togidere. That thei see, bithenke, and vndurstonde togidere ; that
and wite, and bethenke, and vnderstonde the bond of the Lord dide this thing, and
bond of the Lord dide the hooli of Israel made
that of nou3t.
togidere ; for the
this, and the hoeli of Irael
foormede it. Make 36 ni3 3oure doom, seith the Lord ;

2iNy3 doth joure dom, seith the Lord; brynge hap 36 han ony thing, seith
36, if in

bringeth to, if any thing parauenture the kyng of Jacob. Nei3 tho, and telle to 22
223ee ban, seith the king
of Jacob. Come vs, what euer thingis schulen come telle ;

thei ny3, and telle thei to vs, what euer 36 the formere thingis that weren, and we

thingus ben to come; the

rathere thingus schulen sette oure herte, and schulen wite;
that weren, tellith, and wee shul putte schewe 30 to vs the laste thingis of hem,
oure herte, and wite; the laste thingis of and tho thingis that schulen come. Telle 23
hem, and that ben to come, shewith to vs. 36 what thingis schulen come in tyme to
2sTelleth that ben to come in to tyme to
comynge, and we schulen wite, that 36 ben
come, and wee shul wite, for goddis 366
goddis al so do 36 wel, ethir yuele, if 36

ben; well also or euele, if 3ee moun, doth; moun; and speke we, and see we togidere.
and speke wee w , and see wee togidere. Lo 36 ben of nou3t, and 3oure werk is of 24

21 Lo! 3ee ben of m>3t, and 3our were 'of that that not; he that chees 3011, is

that thyng x that is not ; abhominacioun abhomynacioun. I reiside fro the north, 25
25 he is, that ches 3011. I rerede fro the and he schal come fro the risyng of the
north, and he shal come from the
rising sunne; he schal clepe my name. And he
vpy of the sunrie; clepe he shal rny name. schal brynge rnagistratis as cley, and as a
He shal bringe to the cheef maistris as pottere^ defoulynge erthe. tolde fro 26 Who
clei, and as a daubere, Wa potter?)', to- the bigynnyng, that we wite, and fro the
2ctredende the lowe erthez . Who tolde fro
bigynnyng, that we seie, Thou art iust?
the bigynnyng, that wee witen, and fro noon is tellynge, nether biforseiynge, ne-
the begynnyng, that wee sey, Thou art ther herynge 3oure wordis. The firste 27

ri3twis ? ther is not a tellere, ne a biforn schal seie to Sion, Lo ! Y am present ;

27 seiere, ne herere 3oure wrdis. The firste and Y schal 3yue a gospellere to Jerusa-
to Sion shal sei, Lo I am ny3 ; and to !
lem. And Y si3, and noon was of these, 2
Jerusalem an euangelist I shal 3yue. that token councel, and he that was axid,
28 And I 333, and ther was not of these" answeride a word. Lo! alle men ben vn- 2
any man that 3ide in counseil, and 'askid iust,and her werkis ben wynd and veyn ;
29answerde b a wrd. Lo! alle vnri^twise, the symylacris of hem ben wynd, and voide
and veyne the werkes of hem ; wynde,
and with ynne voide the symulacris of

Om. A. u
myrre AGHK. v and I E * Om. E * Om. c Om.
pr. m. pr. m. pr. m. B pr. m. Y A.
Om. CE pr. m. or as a potter K. z Om. c pr. m. these then c pr. m. hem E pr. m. b askide
answere AGHK.

mirre GK. B potter, ether

afoormer K.
14. ISAIAH. 299


1 Lo
my seruaunt, I shal vndertaken
! Lo !
my seruaunt, Y schal vptake hym, i

hym, my chosen, al plesede to hym in my chosun, my soule pleside to it silf in

hym my soule. I }af my spirit vp on hym. 3af my spirit on hym, he schal


hym, dom to Jentiles he shal bringe forth. brynge forth doom to hethene men. He 2

2 He shal not crien, ne take persone, ne schal not crie, nether he schal take a
shal ben herd his c voys withouteforth. soone, nether his vois schal be herd with-
3 A reed brosid d he shal not to-trede, and outforth. He schal not breke a schakuns
smokende he shal not queiichen; in
flax rehed, and he schal not quenche smok-
4treuthe he shal bringe out dom. He ynge flax ; he schal brynge out doom in
shal not be dreri, ne trublid, to the tyme treuthe. He schal not be sorewful, nether 4
he pute e in the erthe dom, and his lawe troblid, til he sette doom in erthe, and ilis
5 iles These thingus seith
shul abiden. schulen abide his lawe. The Lord Gods
the Lord God, formende heuenes, and seith these thingis,
makynge heuenes of
strecchende out hem, fastnende f erthe, no3t, and stretchynge forth tho h makynge ,

and that buriounen of it, 3yuende breth stidfast the erthe, and tho
thingis that
to the puple, that is vpon it, and spirit buriownen of it, 3yuynge breeth' to the
6 to men tredende it. I the Lord clepede puple, that is on it, and 3yuynge spirit to
thee in ri3twisnesse, and toe thin hond, hem that treden on it. the Lord hauee Y
and kepte thee, and 3af thee in to coue- clepid thee in ri3tfulnesse, and Y took thin
naunt of the puple, in to Ii3t of Jentiles. hond, and kepte thee, and Y 3af thee in to
7 That thou shuldist opene the e3en of a boond of pees of the puple, and in to Ii3t
blynde men ; that thou shuldyst bringe of folkis. That thou schuldist opene the 7
out fro closing the bounde, fro the hous i3en of blynde men ; that thou schuldist
a of prisoun the sitteres in dercnesse. I a lede out of closyng togidere a boundun
Lord, this is my name my glorie to ; man, fro the hous of prisoun men sit-

an other I shall not 3yue, and my preis- tynge in derknessis. Y am the Lord, this a

ing to grauen thingus. That first weren, is my name ;

Y schal not 3yue my glorie
lo! ben comen, newe thingus also I telle; to an othere, and my preisyng to grauun
er thei ben sprunge, herd I shal maken yrnagis. Lo ! tho thingis that weren theo
10 to 3ou.
Syngeth to the Lord a newe firste, ben comuu, and Y telle newe thingis;
song; his preising fro the vtmostes' of Y schal make herd to 3ou, bifore that tho
thek erthe ; 3ee that gon doun in to the bigynnen to be maad. Syrige 36 a newe 10
and the plente of it, iles, and the
se, song to the Lord his heriyng is fro the;

ndwelleres of hem. Be rered vp the de- 1

laste partis of erthe; 36 that goon doun in

sert, and the cites of it; in his houses to the k see, and the fulnesse therof, ilis,
shal dwelle Cedar; preiseth, 366 dwelleris and the dwelleris of tho. The desert ben
of the ston ; fro the top of mounteynes reisid, and the citees therof; he schal
12 thei shul crien. Thei shul sette to the dwelle in the housis of Cedar 36 dwel- ;

Lord glorie, and his preising in iles thei leris of the stoon, herie 3^'; thei schulen
13 shul telle. The Lord as strong shal gon crie fro the cop of hillis. Thei schulen 12

man fi3tere he shal reren enuye;

out, as a sette glorie to the Lord, and they schulen
he shal crien out, and crien ; vp on his telle his heriyng in ilis. The Lord as a is
uenemys he shal be coumforted. Y heeld strong man schal go out, as a man a wer-

cOm . K.
smyten togydir E sec. m. AGHK.
poote E pr. m.
formynge E pr. m. K out of K.
And that
:hat A. '
vttermostis AGHK. k Om. AEG. l
toE pr. m.

h hem N. '
blast CEFGHIKMNPQRSUVX. k Om. cr..vpo,u.
Qq 2
300 ISAIAH. XLII. 15 25.

my euermor I was stille ; patient I

pes, ryour he schal
reise feruent loue he ;

was, as the trauailende with child I shal schal speke, and schal crie he schal be ;

speke; I shal scateren, and soupen awei coumfortid on hise enemyes. Y was stille, u
Desert I shal make hi3e moun- euere Y helde silence Y was pacient, Y ;
schal speke as a womman trauelynge of
teynes and hillys, and alle the burioun-
yng of hem I shal out drien and I shal ; child; Y
schal scatere, and schal swolowe Y
sette flodis in to iles, and pondis I shal togidere. Y schal make desert hi3 moun- is

]<;make drie. Andbringe out blynde

I shal teyns and litle hillis, and Y
schal drie vp
men in to the weie, that thei knowe not, al the buriownyng of tho
m and Y schal

and in the sties that thei vnknowen, hem sette floodis in to ilis, and Y schal make
to gon I shal make; I shal putte the poondis drie. And Y schal lede out 10

derknesses of hem beforn hem in to Ii3t, blynde men in to the weie, which thei
and shreude thingis in to euene ri3t ; knowen not, make hem" to
and Y schal
these wrdus I dide to them, and I forsoc go in? pathis, whiche thei knewen not ;

17 not hem. Turned thei ben bacward be ; Y schal sette the derknessis of hem bifore
thei confoundid with confusioun, that hem in to Ii3t, and schrewid thingis in to
trosten in grauen thing ; that seyn to ri3tful thingis ;
Y dide these wordis to
is the 3oten thing, 3 ee cure goddis. ^ee hem, and Y forsook not hem. Thei ben 17

deue men, hereth ; and 366 blindeP, bi- turned abac ; be thei schent with schen-
nt holdeth to seen. Who blinde, buti my schipe, that trusten in a
grauun ymage ;
seruaunt? and def, buti to whom my whiche seien to a 3otun ymage, 3 e ben
messageres I sente? Who blind, but 5 cure goddis. 3e deef men, here; and 3018
he that is sold ? who blind, but 1 the ser- blynde men, biholdeW to se. Who is\t>
jouaunt of the Lord? That seest many blynd, no but my seruaunt? and deef, noi
thingus, whether thou shalt not kepe ? but he to whom Y
sente my rnessangeris ?
That opened hast the eres, whether thou Who is blynd, noi but he that is seeld ?
21 shalt not here ? Lord wolde, And the and who is blynd, noi but the seruaunt of
that he shulde halewen hym u and mag- , the Lord ? Whether thou that seest 20
22 nefie the lawe, and enhauncen. He for-
many thingis, schalt not kepe ? Whether
sothe a puple'drawen awei , and wasted; v
thou that hast open eeris, schalt not here?
a grene of 3unge men alle togidere"', and And the Lord wolde, that he schulde2i
in houses of prisouns thei ben hid. Thei halewe and magnefie the lawe, and
ben maad in to raueyn, and ther is not enhaurise itii* But thilke puple was ra- 22
that delyuere; in to"
taking awei, and uyschid, and wastid ; alle thei ben the
23 ther is not that 'seie, 3eeld?. is in Who snare of 3onge men, and ben hid in the
3ou, that here this, takeJT heed, and herkne housis of prisouns. Thei ben maad in to
24 thingus to come ? Who 3af Jacob in to raueyn, and noon that delyuereth; in tois

awei, and Irael to wasteres r

pulling ?
rauyschyng, and noon is that seith, 3elde
Whether not Lord ? He is, to whom
the thou. Who
is among 3ou, that herith23
thei synneden; and thei wolden not in this, perseyueth, and herkneth thingis to
his weies gon, thei herden not his lawe.
comynge ? Who 3af Jacob in to rauysch- 24
jj And he helde out z vp on it the
indigna- yng, and Israel to distrieris ?
cioun of his wodnesse,and"
strong bataile; not the Lord ? He it is, a3ens whom thei

ful out n t h ln s
AGHK. gi AGHK o Om. GH. P blynde men A.
1 no but E sec. m. AGHK.
it AEm. GH. non hot K.
sec. t non
bot K no but AE gec m GH u Qm B m .v to . broken
epr.m. Om.c Prm. Epr.m. * and into
AEGHK. 7 lerne to elden E m. jj take he c pr. m.
3 pr.
z Om. E
pr. m.
a an(j o f K
OT< ^
hem N. n
hym FIN. o Om. N. P in to N. PP biholdeth i. q Om. i. Om. CKFGHKMNPQHSUVX.
XLIII. I 10. ISAIAH. 301

and he to-brende it in cumpas, and it synneden ; and thei nolden go in hise


b c
kne3 not he tende it vp, and it vndir-
; weies, and thei herden not his lawe. And 2r>
stod not. he schedde out on hem the indignacioun
of his strong veniaunce, and
strong batel ;
and thei' brenten" it in cumpas, and it
knewe not ;
and he brente it, and it vn-
durstood not.


1 And now these thingus seith the Lord And now Lord God, makynge ofi
God , shapende thee, Jacob, and foorm- 6
nou3t thee, Jacob, and formynge thee, Is-
ende thee, Irael, Wile thou not drede, rael, seith these thingis, Nyle thou drede,
for I haue a3eenbo3t thee, and I clepede for Y a3enbou3te thee, and Y clepide thee
thee bi thi name ; my seruaunt thou art. bi thi name ; thou art my seruaunt.
2 Whan thou shalt passe by watris, with Whanne thou schalt go bi watris, Y schal2
thee I shal be, and flodus shul not couere be with thee, and floodis schulen not hile
thee ;
whan thou shalt go in fyr, thou thee ; whanne thou schalt go in fier, thou
shalt not be brent, and flaume shal not schalt not be brent, and flawme schal not
sbrenne in thee. For I the Lord thi God, brenne in thee. For Y am thi Lord God, :*

hoeli of Irael, thi saueour. I 3af thin the hooli of Israel, thi sauyour. I 3af thi

helpings Egipt ; and Etheope and Saba merci Egipt Ethiopie and Saba for thee.

4 for thee. Sithen wrshepeful thou art Sithen thou art maad onourable, and glo-4
mad inand glorious; I louede
myn e3en, riouse in myn i3en ; Y louyde thee, and
thee, and I shall 3yue men for thee, and Y schal 3yue men for thee, and puplis for
spuples for thi soule. Wile thou not thi soule. for Y am 5
Nyle thou drede,
drede, for I am with thee fro the est I ;
with thee Y schal brynge thi seed fro

shal bringe to thi sed, and fro the west the eest, and Y schal gadere thee togidere
el shal togidere gedere thee. I shal sei fro the west. Y schal seie to the north, c
to the north, 3if and to the south, Wile 3yue thou, and to the south, Nyle thou
thou not forfende ; bring to' my sones forbede ; brynge thou my sones fro afer,
fro aferr, and k my dojtris fro the vt- and my dou3tris fro the laste partis of
7 mostus of the erthe. 1
And eche that in- erthe. And my name to 7
ech that clepith
wardli clepeth my name, in to my glorie help, in to my glorie Y made hym of
I shop hym, foormede hym, and maad nou3t; Y fourmyde hym, and made hym.
hym. Bring outforth the blinde puple, Lede thou forth the blynde puple, and
and the hauende e3en; def, and eres ben hauynge ijen the deef puple, and eeris

to hym" Alle Jentilis ben gedered togi-

. ben to it. Alle hethene men ben gaderid !

dere, and gedered ben lynagus. Who in togidere, and lynagis be gaderid togidere.
3ou shal telle this, and that first thingus Who among 3ou, who schal telle this, and
ben to here 3ou shal make ? 3iue thei the schal make 3ou to here tho thingis, that
witnesses of hem, and be thei iustefied, ben the firste? 3yue thei witnessis of hem,
10 and heren, and sei thei. Vereli 366 my and be thei iustified, and here thei, and
witnesses, seith the Lord, and my ser- seie. Verili 36 ben my witnessis, seith i<>

uaunt, ; whom
that 3ee wite, and I ches the Lord, and my seruaunt, whom Y chees ;

leeuen to me, and vnderstonde, for I the that 36 wite, and bileue to me, and vndur-

b and he AE sec. m. GHK. c d Om. AGHK. e (

\\GEpr.m. makinge E pr. m. Om.Bpr.m. Slfjaf
h 3if thou AE sec. m. GHK. do awei Epr. m. k Om. AGHK.
mekinge B pr. m. vttermost
' '
m it E
pr. m.

* KMRV. " brente c sec. m. KM av. w vndur-

wolden not i. he c sec. in. brot^ten EFOHINPQUX.
stonde A.
302 ISAIAH. XLIII. n 25.

selue am; biforn me is not foormed God, stonde, for Y

mysilf am ; bifore me is no
n and aftir me shal not be. I am, I am God formere, and after me schal noon be.

the Lord, and ther is not withoute me Y am, Y am the Lord, and with out men
12 a saueour. I tolde, and sauede ;
herd I is no sauyour. I telde, and sauyde Y 12 ;

made, and ther was not in 3011 an alien. made heryng, and noon alien God was
is 3ee my witnesses, seith the Lord ;
and among 3ou. 3e ben my witnessis, seith
I God" fro the bigynnyng, I the seine, the Lord and z Y am God fro the bigyn- is

nyng, Y my silf am, and noon is that

and ther ys not that of myn bond dely-
uere; I shal werchen, and who shal turnen delyuerith fro myn hoond; Y schal worche,
uawei it? These thingus seith the Lord, and who schal distrie it ? The Lord, 3oure 14

3oure a3eenbiere, hoeli of Irael,

For 3011 a3enbiere, the hooli of Israel, seith these

I sente out in to Babilone, and to-dro3 thingis, For 3ou Y

sente out in to Babi-
alle the barres, and the Caldeis in ther loyne, and Y drow doun alle barris, and
ishondis gloriende. I the Lord, 3oure hoeli, Caldeis hauynge glorie in her schippis.

ifishapereP of Irael, 3oure king. These Y am the Lord, 3oure hooli, 3oure king, is

thingus seith the Lord, that 3af in the see makynge Israel of nou3t. The Lord seith IB

a'' weie, and in watris swiftli rennende these thingis, that 3af weie in the see, and
17 a sty; that bro3te out the foure horsid a path in rennynge watris ; which ledde 17

carre, and the hors, the cumpany, and out a aa carte, and hors, a cumpany, and
the stalwrthe; togidere thei aboute slept- strong man ; thei slepten togidere, nether
en, and shul not rise ; thei ben to-treden thei schulen rise a3en ; thei ben al to-
is as flax, and ben ful out queynt. Ne ban brokun as flex, and ben quenchid. Thenke is

mynde of the rathere, and olde thingis 3e not on the formere thingis, and biholde
19 ne beholde 3ee. Lo ! I do newe thingus, 3e not olde thingis. Lo make newe ! Y 19

and now shul springe ; also 366 shul thingis, and now tho schulen bigynne to
kriowe them. I shal putte in desert as be maad ; sotheli 36 schulen know thob .

weie 1
, and in the withoute weye flodus. Y scbal sette weie in desert, and floodis
20 And glorifien me shal the beste of the in a lond without weie. And a beeste of 20
feeld, dragounus, and ostricches ;
for I the feelde schal glorifie me, dragouns and

3af in desert watris, and flodis in the ostrigis schulen glorifie me; for 3af Y
withoute weie, that I 3yue drinc to my watris in desert, and floodis in the lond
21 puple, my chosene. This puple I foorm- without \veie, that
3yue drynkY schulde
22ede to me, my preising it shal telle. Not to my chosun puple. Y2i
puple, to my
me thou inwardly clepedist, Jacob ; ne fourmyde this puple to me, it schal telle
23 trauailedest in me, Irael. Thou offer- my preysyng. Jacob, thou clepidist not 22
edist not to me the wether of thi brent me to help ; and thou, Israel, trauelidist
sacrifise, and in thi victorie sacrifises thou not for me. Thou offridist not to me the 23
glorefiedest not me. Not thee to seruen ram of thi brent sacrifice, and thou glori-
I made in offring, ne trauaile I 3af in ceus. fiedist not me with thi slayn sacrifices.
24 Thou bo3test not to me with siluer a reed, Y made not thee to serue in offryng, ne-
and with the tal3 of thi victorie sacrifises thir Y 3af to thee trauel in encense. Thou 24
thou inwardly drunkedest not me ; ner- bou3tist
not to me swete smellynge spice-
thelatere to serue me thou madest in thi rie for siluer, and thou fillidist not me

synnes, thou 3eue to me trauaile in thi with fatnesse of thi slayn sacrifices ; ne-
25 wickidnesses". I am, I am he, that do v theles thou madist me to serue in thi
awei thiw wickidnesse" for me, and of thi synnes, thou 3auest trauel to me in thi

joure God E pr. m. joure E/>r. m. P the shapere
spr. m. 1 Om. AEpr. m. GHK. r thou E pr. .

'Om.Epr.m, t feelde weye K. u wickenesses E. wickidnesse H. A GHK. w Om. cpr.m. Epr. m.

v doth
x wickenesse E. wickidnessis ^IGHK.

* Om. N. ther is I. aa Om. I. b hem N. c

broujtist Apr. m.
2csynnes I shal
Bring me in
not recorde. wickidnessis. Y am, Y my silf am, that 25
to thi x mynde, and be wee deraed togi- do awei thi wickidnessis for me, and Y
dere; any thing thou hast, that thou
tel, if schal not haue mynde on thy
27 be iustefied. Thi firste fader synnede, Brynge me a3en in to mynde, and be we 20
and thi remenoures breeken the lawe demyd togidere telle thou, if thou hast

2sa3en me. And I defoulede hoeli princes, ony thing, that thou be Justified. Thi 27
I 3af to sla3ter Jacob, and Israel in to firste fadir synnede, and thin interpre-

blasfemyey. tours trespassiden a3ens me. And made 2 Y

foul hooli princes, and Y 3af Jacob to deth,
and Israel in to blasfemye.


i And now here thou, Jacob, my ser- And now, Jacob, my seruaunt, here i

guaunt, and Irael, whom

These I ches. thou, and Israel, whom I chees. The 2
thingus seith the Lord, makende and Lord makynge and for3yuynge thee, thin
foormende thee fro the woombe, thin helpere fro the wombe, seith these thingis,
helpere, Wile thou not drede, my ser- My seruaunt, Jacob, nyle thou drede, and
uaunt Jacob, and thou most ri3t, whom thou moost ri3tful, whom Y chees. For 3
3 1 ches. I shal heelden out forsothe* wa- Y schal schede out watris on the thirsti,
tris vp on the threstende, and flowingus and floodis on the dry lond Y schal schede ;

vp on the drie ; I shall heelden out my out my spirit on thi seed, and my bless-

spirit vp on thi sed, and my

blessing vp yng on thi generacioun. And thei schulen 4

4 on thi stoc. And buriowne thei shuln buriowne among erbis, as salewis bisidis
among erbes, as withies, 'or salewis ,
rennynge watris. This man schal seie,s
sbisyde the syde flowende watris. This Y am of the Lord, and he schal clepe in
shal seyri, Of the Lord I am, and he shal the name of Jacob and this man schal ;

inwardly clepen in the name of Jacob ; write with his hoond to the Lord, and
and this shal write with his bond to the schal be licned in the name of Israel. Thee
Lord, and in the name of Irael he shal Lord, kyng of Israel, and a3enbiere therof.
6 be licned These thingus seith the
to. the Lord of oostis seith these thingis, Y
Lord, king of Irael, and his a3een biere, am the firste and am the laste, and Y
Lord of ostes, I the firste and I the c laste, with outen me is no God. Who is Iijk7

7 and with oute me is not God. Who lie of me ? clepe he, and telle, and declare ordre
me? clepe he, and telle, and the ordre ex- to me, sitheri cc Y made elde puple ; telle he

poune to me, sithen I ordeynede the olde to hem thingis to comynge, and that schu-
puple; thingus to come, and that ben to len be. 36 drede, nether be 36 dis-
8 come, telle he to them. Wileth not dreden, turblid; fro that tyme made thee for to Y
ne beth d disturbid ; fro thennus to heeren here, and Y telde ; 36 ben my witnessis.
thee I made, and tolde ; 3ee ben my wit- Whethir a God is with out me, and a
nesses. Whether God withoute me, and
is formere, whom Y knew not ? Alle the <t

a foormere, whom I haue not knowe 6 ? fourmeris of an idol ben no thing, and the
9 The foormeres of the mawmet alle no3t moost louyd thingis of hem schulen not
d e
ben, and the most loued thingus of them profile; thei ben witnessis of tho that tho ,

shul not profiten to them ; thei witnesses seen not, nether vndurstonden, that thei
of hem ben, for thei seen not, ne vnder- be schent. Who
fourmyde a god, and 3et- 10

lostonde, that thei be confoundid. Who ide an ymage, not profitable to ony thing?

a Ora. A. b Om. cspr. m. Om. d ben A.

Om. AEGHK. y Babiloyne AGHK. 'Om.cpr.m. A.
beth not K. e moued E pr. m.

cc sith i. d hem N. e thei N.

304 ISAIAH. XLIV. II 20.

foormede God, and a granen thing 3etede, Lo ! the parteneris therof schulen be
alle 1 1

11 to no thing profitable? Lo alle his parc- ! schent; for the smythis ben of men. Whanne
eneres shul be confoundid the forgeres ;
alle schulen come, thei schulen stonde, and

forsothe ben of men. Thei shuln come to- schulen drede, and schulen be schent to-

gidere,alle thei shul stonde, and inwardli gidere. A smith wrou3te with a file ; he 12

and in hameris, and

i2dreden, and ben confoundid togidere. The fourmyde it in coolis,

in coles, he wrou3te with the arm of his strengthe.

yren smyth with the file wro3te ;
and in hameres foormede it, and wro3te He schal be hungri, and he schal faile ;

in the arm of his strengthe. He shal he schal not drynke watre, and he schal

hungren, and failen ;

he shal not drinke be feynt. A
carpenter stretchide forth a is
13 water, and
he shal waxe weri. The reule, he fourmyde it with an adese ; he

crafti man tree werkere stra3te out the made it in the corner places, and he turn-
reule, and foormede grauyng iren it in a ; ede cumpas; and he made the ymage
it in

he maade it in corneres, and in a cumpas of a man, as a fair man, dwellynge in the

turnede it abouten and made an ymage ;
hous. He kittide doun cedris, he took an u
of a man, as a fair man wonende in hous. hawthorn, and an ook, that stood among
14 He hee3 doun the cedris, and toe the the trees of the forest ; he plauntide a

kesteyn tree, and the oek, that hadde pyne apple tre, which he nurschide with
stonde among the trees of the wilde reyn, and it was maad in to fier to men. 15
wode ;
he plauntede the pyne tree, that He took of tho, and was warmed, and he
15 with rein& he nurshede, and made is to brente, and bakide looues but of the ;

men in to fyr. He toe of hem, and is residue he wrou3te a god, and worschip-
and he made a grauun ymage,
chaufed, and brende vp, and booc loeues ; ide zV ,

of the remnaunt forsothe he wro3te a

and was bowid bifore that.
he He i

god, and honourede, and made grauen brente the myddil therof with fier, and
16 thing, and is bowid biforn it. The myd- of the myddil therof he sethide fleischis,
del of it he brende with fyr, and of his and eet ; he sethide potage k , and was '

myddel, flesh he sethede, and eet ; he fillid ;

and he was warmed, and he seide,
sethede potage,and is fild;
and is chaufid 1
, Wei ! Y am warmed ;
Y si3 fier. Forsothe 17

and seide, Vah k , W

weel I am hat; Ym }
, the residue therof he made a god, and a
17 333 the fyr. The remnaunt forsothe of it grauun ymage to hym silf he is bowide ;

a god he made, and a grauen thing to bifore that, and worschipith that, and bi-

hym ; he is bowid biforn it, and honour- sechith, and seith, Delyuere thou me, for
eth" and inwardli besecheth, seiende,
it, thou art my god. Thei knewen not, ne- is

isDelyuere me, for my god thou art. They ther vndurstoden, for thei han foi^ete, that
knewen not, ne vnderstoden, forsothe thei her 136 se not, and that thei vndurstonde
ther e3en see3en, and lest
foi'3eeten, lest not with her1 herte. Thei bythenken not is

19 thei vnderstoden in ther herte. Thei be- in her soule, nether thei knowen, nether
thenken not in ther mynde, ne knowen, thei feelen, that thei seie, brente the Y
ne felen, that thei sey, The myddel of it myddil therof in fier, and bakide looues Y
I brende with fyr, and I book? vp on his on the coolis therof, and sethide fleischis, Y
coles loeues, and seth flesh, and eet and ; and and of the residue therof schal Y
eet ;

of his remnaunt a maumet I shal make, make an idol ? schal Y falle doun bifore
20 biforn the stoc the tree I shal kutte. His the stok of a tree ? A part therof is aische ; 20

part is askus ;
the vnwise herte shal ho- an vnwijs herte schal worschipe it, and he

*Om. A. g the reyn A. h Out. E

pr. m.
Om. cpr.m. k vath EK. l
Om. c et E pr. m.
m he honoureth K. A GHK.
andlEpr.m. ^Om.Epr.m. P bakide .

alle, ether a ioynours hook K sec. m. S book i. h Om. CEFGHKMNPQRSUVX. '
and he N. k
potagis K.
1 Om. N,
XLIV. 21 XLV. 3. ISAIAH. 30.5

nouren it, and yt shal not delyuere his schal not delyuere his soule, nether he
soule, ne seyn, A strong lesyng is*! in rny schal seie, A
strong leesyng my ri3t- is in
21 ri3thond. Haue mynde of these, Jacob hond. Thou, Jacob, and Israel, haue mynde 21
and Irael, for my seruaunt thou art ;
of these thingis, for thou art my seruaunt;
Ifoormede thee, my seruaunt thou art, Y formyde thee, Israel, thou art my ser-
22 Irael ; thou shalt not for3ete me. I dide uaunt ; thou schalt not for3ete me. Y dide 22
awei as a cloude thi wickednesses 1
", and awei thi wickidriessis as a cloude, and thi
as a litil cloude thi synnes ; turne 336611 synnes as a myist ; turne thou a3en to rne,
23 to me, for I 33een bo3te thee. 3ee he- for Y a3enbou3te thee. 3e heuenes, herie, 2:1

uenus, preiseth, for mercy dide the Lord ; for the Lord hath do merci ; the laste
inwardli io3eth,3ee vtmostus s of the' erthe; partis of erth, synge 36 hertli song hillis, ;

a3ensouneth, 3ee hillis, preising ; the wilde sowne 36 preisyng the forest and'" ech;

wode, and eche tree of it for the Lord ;

tre therof, herie for the Lord a3en-
a3een bo3te Jacob, and Irael shal glorien. bou3te Jacob, and Israel schal haue glorie.
24 These
thingus seith the Lord, thin a3een- The Lord, thin a3enbiere, and thi fourmere 24
biere, and thi foormere of the wombe, I fro the wombe, seith these thingis, Y am
am the Lord, doende alle thingus, strecch- the Lord, makynge alle
thingis, and Y
ende out heuenus alone, stableride the u aloone stretche forth heuenes, and stablische
25 erthe, and no man with me ;
voide mak- the erthe, and noon is with me ; and Y 25
ende tocnes of deuynoures, and the deuel make voide the signes of false dyuynours,

sacrifyeres in to wodnesse turnende al- ; and Y turne in to woodnesse dyuynours,

turnende wyse men bacward, the kun- that dyuynen by sacrifices offrid to feendis;

nyng of them folie makende ; rerende and Y turne wise men bacward, and Y
the wrd of his seruaunt, and the counseil make her science formed. And the Lorclm
of his messageres fulfillende ; that sey, reisith the word of his seruaunt, and fillith

Jerusalem, thou shalt be dwellid ; and to the councel of hise messangeris; and seie'', Y
the cites of Juda, 3ee shul ben bild vp, Jerusalem, thou schalt be enhabitid and ;

i~ and his desertes I shal rere that sey to ;

to the citees of Juda, 3e schulen be bildid,
thedepthe, Be thou desolat, and thi and Y schal reise the desertis therof; and 27
-'ftflodys I shal make drie that sey ; to Y seie to the depthe, Be thou desolat, and
Giro, My shepperde thou art, and al my Y shal make drie thi floodis; and Y seie 20

wil thou shalt fulfille ; that sey to Jeru- to Cirus, Thou art my scheepherde, and
salem, Thou shalt be bild vp ; and to thou schalt fille al my wille and Y ;

the temple, Thou shalt be foundid. to Jerusalem, Thou schalt be bildid ; and
to the temple, Thou schalt be foundid.


i These thingus seith the Lord to my The Lord seith these thingis to my i

crist, Ciro, whos ri3t bond I toe, that I crist, Cirus, whos ri3thond Y took, that Y
soogete bifor his face Jentiles, and the make suget folkis bifor his face, and turne
reggus of kingus I turne and operie biforn ; the backis of kyngis ; and schal opene Y
hym the fyrste entrees, and the 3ates 3atis bifore hym, and 3atis schulen not be
2shuln not be closid. I byfor thee shal closid. Y schal go bifore thee, and Y schal 2
go, and the glorious
men of erthe I shal make lowe the gloriouse men of erthe ;
schal al to-breke brasun 3atis, and Y
meeken the brasene 3ates
I shal to- schal

brose, and the irene barres I shal to- breke togidere irun schal 3
barris. And Y
sbreke. And I shal 3yuen to thee tre- 3yue hid tresours to thee, and the priuy

Om. E T wickenesses E. * AGHK. * Om. AEGK. u Om. AEGH.

1 pr. m. vttermostis

of N. '
seie to CFGHIKMNPQHSUX. seide to E. enhauncid E.

306 ISAIAH. XLV. 4 14.

sores hid, and the priue thingus of priuy- thingis of priuytees, that thou wite, that
tees, that thou wite, for I the Lord, that Y am the Lord, that clepe thi name, God
name, God
thi of Irael, for my of Israel, for my seruaunt Jacob, and 4
seruaunt Jacob, and Irael my chosen, Israel my chosun, and Y clepide thee hi
and v
I clepede thee in thi name I lic- ;
thi name ; Y licnyde thee, and thou knew-

nede thee, and* thou knewe not me. ist not me. Y am the Lord, and ther is a
5 Lord, and ther is not more ouer
1 the ; no more ; with out me is no God. Y haue
out of me is not God. I girde thee to, gird thee, and thou knewisti not me. Thate
6 and thou knewe not me; that thei wite , thei that ben at the risyng of the sunne,

that fro the rising of the sunne, and that and thei that ben at the west, know, that
fro the west ben, for withoute me is not with out me is no God. Y am the Lord, 7

7 a 'God. I the Lord, and ther is not an and noon other God
fourmynge 1131, is ;

othir ; foormende Ii3t,and shapende derc- and makynge derknessis, makyrige pees,
nesses, makende pes, and shapende euel ; and fourmynge yuel Y am the Lord, ;

I the Lord, doende alle these. Deweth, doynge Heuenes, sendeii

alle these thingis.

3ee heuenus fro aboue, and

cloudis reyne 36 out deew fro aboue, and cloudis, reyne
thei the ri3twis ; be opened the erthe, and a iust man ; the erthe be openyde, and
* that
burioune a saueour, and ri3twisnesse
it brynge forth the sauyour *, and ri3tful- is, Crist

springe togidere ; I the Lord shop hym. nesse be borun togidere Y the Lord haue ;

!> Wo that 'with seith ? to his makere, the maad hym of nou3t. to hym that a3enWo <>

shord of thez 103 clei of erthe. Whether seith his maker, a tiel stoon of erthe of
seith the clei to his crockere What dost
, Sannys. Whether clei seith to his pottere,
thou, and thi were withoute hondus is ? What makist thou, and thi werk is with-
10 Wo that seith to the fader, What getest outen hondis ? Wo to hym that seith to 10

thou and to the womman, What berest

? What
the fadir, gendrist thou ? and to a
11 thou? These thingus seith the Lord, hoeli womman, What childist thou? The Lord,u
of Irael, his foormere, Thingus to come the hooli of Israel, the fourmere there, f,
me vp on my sonus, and vp c the
asketh seith these thingis, Axe 36 me thingis to
12 werkes of myn hondus sendeth to me. I comynge on my sones, and sende 36 to me
made the d erthe, and man vp on it I shop; on the werkis of myn hondis. Y made 12

myn hondis stra3ten out heuenus, and to erthe, and Y made a man on it ; myn
is al the
kny3thod of hem I sente. I rerede hondis helden abrood heuenes, and Y co-
hym to ri3twisnesse, and alle his weies I maundide to al the kny3thod of thor Y . is

shal ri3t reulen he e shal bilde vp my

; reiside hym to ri3tfulnesse, and Y schal
cite, and my caitifte he shal for?yue, not dresse alle hise weies; he schal bilde my
in pris, ne inLord of 3iftes, seith the citee, and he schal delyuere my prisoneris 8

uostes. These thingus seith the Lord God, not in prijs, nether in 3iftis, seith the Lord*
The trauaile of Egipt, and the nede of oostis. The Lord God " seith these u
doing, 'or marchaundise
of Ethiope, ,
thingis, The trauel of Egipt, and the mar-
and of Sabaym the he3e men to thee ; chaundie of Ethiopie, and of Sabaym hi3 ;

shul passe, and thin shul be ; after thee men schulen go to thee, and schulen be
thei shul go, bounde in manycles thei thine; thei schulen goaftir thee, thei schu-
shul wende, and thee& thei shuln ho- len go boundun in manyclis, and schulen
noure, and thee louli pre3en h Onli in .
worschipe thee, and schulen biseche thee.
thee is God, and ther is not withoute God is oneli in thee, and with out thee is
v Om. AGHK. v Om. A. * wite thei E Om. AGHK. crockere, or potter E
pr. m. Y seith K.
b { Om. c et E
jee his E pr. m. vpon AEGHK. d Om. AEGHK. e
pr. m.
sec.m.marg. Om.Epr.m.
K Om. cpr. m. h schulen
preye K sec. m. thei shulen preye A.

1 knew r hem
B. N. s
caitiftee, ether prisoneris CEFGHIKMNPQRSUVXY. * Lord God K sec. m.
u Om. K.
XLV. 15 XLVI. i. ISAIAH. 307

isthee a God. Vereli thou art God, an hid no God. Verili thou art God hid, God, u,

ic God, of Irael the Thei ben

saueour. the sauyour of Israel. Alle makeris ofu;
confoundid, and ful ;
out shameden togi- errours ben schent, and weren aschamed ;
dere wenten awey in to confusioun the
thei 3eden togidere in to confusioun. Israel 17

iTforgeres of erroures. Irael is saued in is sauyde in the Lord, bi euerlastynge

the Lord, in euere lastende helthe ; 3ee helthe ; 36 schulen not be schent, and 36
shul not be confoundid, and not shamen, schulen not be aschamed, til in to the
isvnto k the world of world. For these world of world. For whi the Lord mak- IB

Lord shapende heuenus;

thingus seith the ynge heuenes of nou3t, seith these thingis;
he God foonnende erthe, and makende it, he is God fourmynge erthe, and makinge
he foormere of itnot in veyn he shop
; it, he is the makere therof ; he made it of
it, but that it be dwellid, he foormede it; no3t, not in veyn, but he formyde it, that
19 1 the Lord, and ther is not an other. Not it be enhabitid
Y am
the Lord, and noon
in hid place I spac, in the derc place of other is. Y
spak not in hid place, not in i

erthe I seide not to the sed of Jacob, In

; a derk place of erthe ; I seide not to the

veyn secheth me. the Lord spekende

I seed of Jacob, Seke 36 me in veyn. am Y
ri3twisnesse, tellende out ri3t thingus. the Lord spekynge ri3tfulnesse, tellynge
20 Beth gedered, and cometh, and ne3heth ri3tful thingis. Be 36 gaderid, and come 20
togidere, for 366 be saued fro the Jentiles ; 3e, and nei3e 36" togidere, that ben sauyd
thei wisten not, that reredenvp a tocne of hethene men ; thei that reisen a signe
of ther grauyng, and pre3en the god not of her grauyng, knewen not, and thei
21 sauende. Telleth out, and cometh, and preien a god that saueth not. Telle 36,21
counseilith togidere. Who herd made and come 36, and take 36 councel togidere.
this fro the biginnyng? fro thanne I bi- Who made, this herd fro the bigynnyng ?
forn seide it. Whether not I a Lord, and fro that tyme Y bifor seide it. Whether
ther is not 1
more ouer a God withoute Y am not the Lord, and no God is x fer-
me ? a ri3twis God and sauende is not, there with out me ? God ri3tful and sau-
22 beside me ? Beth conuertid to me, and ynge is noon, outakun me. Alle the coostis 22
saaf shul be, alle 366 coestes of erthe ; for of erthe, be 36 conuertid to me, and 36
23 1 the Lord, and ther is not an other"
In . schulen be saaf ; for Y
am the Lord, and
myself swor, ther shal gon out of my
I noon other is^. Y swoor in my silf, a word 23
mouth the wrd of ri3twisnesse, and shal" of ri3tfulnesse schal go out of my mouth,
24 not be turned a3een ; for to me shal be and it schal not turne a3en ; for ech kne 24
bowid eche kne, and swern shal eche schal be bowid to me, and ech tunge schal

25tunge. Therfor in the Lord thei shul swere. Therfor thei schulen sei in the 25

seyn, Myne ben ri3twisnesses and em- Lord, Ri3tfulnessis and empire ben myne ;

pire ; to hym thei shul come, and con- alle that fi3ten a3ens hym schulen come
foundid shul ben alle that a3enstonde to to hym, and schulen be aschamed. Al the 21;
26 hym. In the Lord shal be iustefied and seed of Israel schal be iustified and preysid

preisid al the sed of Irael. in the Lord.


i To-broken is Bel, to-brosid is Nabo ; Bel is brokun, Nabo is al to-brokun ;

broke ben the symulacris of them, with her syrnylacris lijk to wielde beestis and
feeld bestes, and hous bestes ; oure chargis werk beestis ben brokun ; 3oure birthuns

thei wenten E pr. m. k in to AGHK. 1 no AEGHK. m other beside me AE pr. m. GHK. n Om. A.

rijtwisnes AGHK.

errours, that is, idolis CEGIKNPQRUY. w Onr i. * Om. i. J ther is i.

K r 2

with heuy charge til toz werynesse werenz
heuyP berthene vnto werynesse
2 stunken, and to-brosyd ben togidere ; rotun, and ben al to brokun togidere ; tho
thei myjten not sauen the berere, and mi3ten not saue the berere, and the soule
the soule of them in to caitifte shal go. of schal go in to caitifte. The hous 3
3 Hereth me, the hous of Jacob, and al the of Jacob, and al the residue of the hous of
residue of the hous of Irael, that ben Israel, here 36 me, whiche ben borun of
born of my wombe, that ofte ben born my wombe, whiche ben borun of my
4 fro my priue wombe. Vnto the laste wombe. Til to eelde Y my silf, and 4

elde^ I the selue, and vnto the hoere heris

til to hoor heeris Y schal here ; Y made,
I shall bern ;
I made, and I shal bringe ;
and Y schal here, and Y schal saue. Tos
5 1 shal bern, arid I shal saue. To whom whom ban 36 licned me, and rnaad euene,
licneden 3ee me, and eueneden, and com- and han comparisound me, and han maad
eparisounden me, and maden lie? je* that lijk? Whiche beren togidere gold fro theo
togidere bringen gold fro the bagge,
and bagge, and peisen siluer with a balaunce,
siluer* with a balaunce peisen, hirende and hiren a goldsmyth to make a god,
the" 'craftis man v , that he make a god, and thei fallen doun, and worschipen ;

and thei fallen doun, and honouren ; thei berynge beren in schuldris, and set- 7

7 bern it in the shuldris, berende and set- tynge in his place; and he schal stonde,
tende in his place and shal stonde, and ;
and schal not be mouyd fro his place ; but

moued ; but and

fro his place shal not be also wharine thei crien to hym, he schal
whan thei shul crie to it, he shal not w not here, and he schal not saue hem fro

heren, fro tribulacioun he shal not saue tribulacioun. Haue 36 mynde of this, and
8 them. Remembreth this, and beth found- be 36 aschamed ; 3e trespassouris, go ^en
id turneth a3een, 3ee lawe brekeres, to
to the herte. Bithenke 36 on the formeref*
! the herte. Recordeth of the rathere world, world, for Y am God, and no God is ouer
am God, and ther is not ouer me a me, nether is lijk me. And Y telle fro the
for I 10

10 God, ne lie me tellende out fro the bi-

; bigynnyng the laste thing, arid fro the
gynnyng the laste, and fro the bigyn- bigynnyng tho thingis that ben not maad
nyng that not 3it ben maad, seiende, My 3it ; and seie, Y My
councel schal stonde,
counseil shal stonde, and al my wil shal and al my wille schal be don. And Y clepe n
11 be don ; clepende fro the est a brid, and a brid fro the eest, and the man of my
fro the ferr lond the man of my wil ;
wille fro a ferr lond;
and spak, and Y Y
and" I spac, and bringe to shal it; I shop, schal brynge that thing ; haue maad of Y
12 and maken I shal it. Hereth me, 366 nou3t, and Y
schal make that thing. 3e 12
with hard herte, that aferr ben fro ri3t- of hard herte, here me, that ben fer fro
iswisnesse. Ny3 I made my ri3twisnesse, ri3tfulnesse. Y made ny3 myn ri3tfulnesse,

and it shal not be longed awei, and myn it schal not be drawun afer, and myn
helthe shal not be taried? ; I shal 3yue in helthe shal not tarie ; Y schal 3yue helthe
to Sion helthe, and in to Jerusalem in Sion, and my
my glorie in Israel.
i Go
doun, sit in pouder, thou maiden Thou virgyn, the dou3tir Babiloyne, go i

do3ter of Babilon, sit in the erthe ; ther doun, sitte thou in dust, sitte thou in
is not a
kingus see of the do3tir of Cal- erthe a kyngis seete
; is not to the doubter
deis, for no more thou shalt be z clepid of Caldeis, for thou schalt no more be

P heuyng E pr. m. q Om. Om. s Om. c

cpr. m.
r E pr. m. *
u thenne E sec. m. K.
c et et Epr. m. sylueren GK.
them AG. hem H. v E m. AGHK. w no E x Om.
goldsmyth sec. pr. m. A.
T turneid E pr. m. z Om. E pr.m.
z vnto a hereth i.
XLVII. 2 13. ISAIAH. 309

anesshe and tender. Tac a grind ston, clepid soft and tendir. Take thou a2
W queerne stoon*, and grind me mele;
queerne stoon, and grynde thou mele ;

nakene thi filthed, discouere the shulder, make thou nakid thi filthe, diskeuere the

opene the passe oner the flodis.

thees, schuldur, schewe the hippis, passe thou
Opened shal be thi shenshipe, and seen floodis. Thi schame schal be schewid,:<
shal be thi repreef ;
a veniaunce I shal and schenschipe schal be seen ; Y

take, and ther shal not withstonde to me schal take veniaunce, and no man schal
4a man. Oure a3een biere the Lord of a3enstonde me. Oure a3en biere, the Lord 4
ostes ; the name of hym the hoeli of of oostis is his name, the hooli of Israel.
ftlrael. and c go into derc-
Syt, be stille, Dou3ter of Caldeis, sitte thou, be thou:.
nesses, thou do3ter of Caldeis, for thou stille, and entre in to derknessis, for thou

shalt no more be clepid the ladi of schalt no more be clepid the ladi of
ereumes. I am wroth vp on my puple, rewmes. I was wrooth on my puple, Yi;
I defoulede myn heritage, and I 3af hem defoulid myn eritage, and 3af hem in Y
in thin hond ; thou settest not to them thin hond, and thou settidist not mercies
mercies vp on the olde; thou agreggedist to hem thou madist greuouse the 3ok

7 the 300 gretli, and seidist, In to euermor greetli on an eld man, and thou seidist, 7
I shal ben a ladi ; thou puttist not these With outen ende Y schal be ladi thou ;

thingus vp on thin herte, ne recordedist* puttidist not these thingis on thin herte.

8 of thi laste. And now here thou these nether thou bithou3tist on thi laste thing.

thingus, thou delicat, and dwellende tros- And now, thou delicat, and dwellynge
teli, that seist in thin herte, I am, and tristili, here these thingis, which seist in

ther is not biside me more ouer ;

I shal thin herte, Y
am, and outakun me ther
not sitte a e widewe, and I shal vnknowe is no more Y schal not sitte widewe,

sbareynete. Comen shul to thee these and Y schal not knowe bareynesse. These i>

two sodeynli in o dai, bareynesse, and twei thingis, bareynesse and widewhod
widewehed ;
thingus cameo vp on schulen come to thee sudenli in o dai ; alle

thee for the multitude of thi sorceries, thingis camen on thee for the multitude
and for the huge hardnesse of thi deuel of thi witchecraftis, and for the greet
locleperes. And trost thou haddest in thi hardnesse of thin enchauntours, ether tre-
malice, and seidist, Ther is not that see getours*. And thou haddist trist in thi 10

me ; wisdam, and this thi kunnyng

thi malice, and seidist, Noon is that seeth

disceyuede thee; and thou seidists in thin me ;

this thi wisdom and thi kunnyng
herte, I am, and biside me is not an other. disseyuede thee ; and thou seidist in thin

n Ther shal come vp on thee euel, and thou herte, Y

am, and outakun me ther is n
shalt not wite his rysing ; and ther shal noon other. Yuel schal come on thee,
feerli falle vp on thee vvastnesse, that and thou schalt not knowe the bigynning
thou shalt not moun purge ; ther shal therof ; and wrecchidnesse c schal falle on
come vp on thee wrecchednesse feerli^, thee, which thou schalt not mowe dense ;
12 that thou wost not. Stond with thi deuel wretchidnesse which thou knowist not,
cleperes, and with the rnultytude of thi schal come on thee sudenly. Stonde thou 12

sorceries, in whiche thou hast trauailid with thin enchauntours, and with the
fro thi waxende 3outhe ;
if par auenture multitude of thi witchis, in whiche thou
any thing it profile to thee, or if thou trauelidist fro thi ^ongthe ; if in hap thei
i3mowe h
mad Thou if thou
be strengere. hast profiten ony thing to thee, ether

a Om. CE
pr. m. or a queerne stoon H.
b Om. AEGHK. c Om. A. d recordist GHK. Om. c pr. m.
{ these thingus c pr.m. S seide A. Om. c pr.m. h mou c.

b s. c wickidnesse A pr. m, myschef A sec. m. marg. I.

810 ISAIAH. XLVIl. 14 XLVIII. 8.

failid in the multitude of thi counseilis ;

maist be maad
the strongere. Thou fail- i:<

of idist in the multitude of thi councels the

stonde, and saue thee the deuynoures

and noum- falsedyuynours andof heuene stonde,
heuene, that biheelde sterres,
bren monethis, that of hem thei telle saue thee, whiche bihelden staris, and

Lo ben noumbriden monethis, that thei schulden

thingus to come to thee.
14 ! thei
thingis to comynge to

mad as stobil, fyr to brende them ; thei telle bi tho'

shul not delyuere ther soule fro the horid Lo! thei ben maad as stobil, the fier hath u
of flaume ; tlier ben not coles, with the'
1 '1
brent hem ;
thei schulen not delyuere her

whiche thei ben made hot, ne fyr, that lijf

fro the power of flawme ; colis ben

15 thei sitte at it. So mad ben to thee in not, bi whiche thei schulen be warmed,
'what euere' thingus thou haddest tra- nether fier, So tho
that thei sitte at it. \s>

uailid thi marchandes fro ther jouthe,

; thingis ben maad to thee in whiche euere

eche in ther weie erreden ;

ther ys not, thou trauelidist thi rnarchauntis fro

that saue thee. 3ongthe erriden,ech man in his weie; noon

is, that schal saue thee.


1 Hereth these thingus, the hous of Ja- The hows e of Jacob, that ben clepid bi i

cob, that ben cleped bi the name of Irael, the name of Israel, and 3eden out of the

and of the watris of Juda 'went out that


watris of Juda, here these thingis, whiche
swern in the name of the Lord God of sweren in the name of the Lord, and hati
and recorden not in treuthe ne in
Irael, mynde on God of Israel, not in treuthe,

2 rijtwisnesse. Fro the hoeli cite forsothe nether in ri3tfulnesse. For thei ben clepid 2

thei ben clepid, and vp on the God of of the hooli citee, and ben stablischid on
Irael thei ben stablid ; the Lord of ostes the God
of Israel, the Lord of oostis is
3 his" 1
name. The rathere thinges fro his name. Fro that tyme telde the 3 Y
thanne" I tolde out, and of my mouth former thingis, and tho 3eden out of my
thei wen ten
and herd I
out, made them ; mouth ; and Y made tho f knowun su- ;

4feerli I wro3te, thei camen. and

I kne3 denli Y wrou3te, and tho thingis camen.
forsothe for thou art hard, and an irene For Y wiste that thou art hard, and thi 4

senewe thin haterel, and thi frount bra- nol is a senewe of irun, and thi forhed is

asene. I befornseide to thee fro thanne, of bras. Y biforseide to thee fro that a

er thei camen I shewede to thee, lest par tyme, bifore that tho thingis camen, Y
auenture thou shuldist sey, My mau- schewide to thee, lest perauenture thou
metes diden these thingus, and my graueu woldist seie, Myn idols diden these thingis,

thingus and jote senten these thingus and grauun ymagis and my 3otun
nthat thou hast herd. See alle thingus , ymagis senten these thingis whiche thout;
jee forsothe han not told out. Herd I herdist. Se thou but 36 telden
alle thingis,

made to thee newe thingus fro thanne, not. Y made herd newe thyngis to thee
and kept ben that thou knowist not ;
fro that tyme, and thingis ben kept whiche
7 now 'thei ben shapeni', and not fro thou knowist not now tho ben maad of 7

thannei, and befor day, and thou herdest nou3t, and not fro that tyme, and bifor
not hem
par auenture thou sey, Lo
; lest ! the dai, and thou herdist not tho thingis ;

el kne3 them. Ne thou hast herd, ne lest perauenture thou seie, Lo Y knew* !

h beholden K. hh k in whiche thou c

Qm. ^EGK. >
alle c pr. m. E pr. m what c sec.m. pr. m.
K pr. m. AGHK. !
ben m. E pr. m. je wenten out E sec. m. AGHK.
c pr. m is his A. a thennes E
pr. m.
thes thingis A. P
shape ben E pr. m. 1 Om. E pr. m.

d hem hem
N. lumsis v. f N. S knew not A pr. m. i sec. m.
XLVIII. 9 21. ISAIAH. 311

thou hast knowe, ne sithen opened is tho thingis. Nether thou herdist, nether b 8
thin ere; I wot forsothe, for lawe thou knewist, nether thin eere was openyd
thou shalt lawe breke, and a trespasere fro that tyme ; for Y woot, that thou tres-
9 fro the wombe I clepede thee. For rny passynge schal trespasse, arid clepide Y
name ferr I shal make my wodnesse, arid thee a trespassour fro the wombe. Font
in my preising I shal bridele thee, lest my name Y schal make fer my strong
10 thou die. Lo I haue out 'bake thee r ,
veniaunce, and with my preysyng Y schal
but not as siluer ;
I ches thee in the refreyne thee, lest thou perische. Lo Y ! n>

1 1
chyrine of porenesse. For me I shal do haue sode thee, but not as siluer; Ychees
that I be not blasfemed, and my glorie thee in the chymeney of pouert. Y schal 11

12 to an other Here thou

I shal not 3yue. do for me, that Y be riot blasfemyd, and
me, Jacob, and whom I clepe, Y Y not 3yue
Irael, schal my glorie to another.
the selue I" the firste and I the laste.
Jacob and Israel, whom Y clepe, here thou 12
Myn bond also foundede 1 the" erthe, and me Y my silf, Y am the firste and Y am

ray ri3thond mesurede heuenus I shal ; the laste. And myn bond foundide the i:

clepe them, and thei shul stonden togi- erthe, my ri3t bond mat heuenes Y
and ;

u dere. Beth gedered, alle jee, and hereth ; schal clepe tho', and tho k schulen stonde
who of hem tolde out these thingus? The togidere. Alle 36 be gaderid togidere, and
Lord louede hym, and shal don his wil here ;
telde these thingis? The
of hem
lain Babilon, and his arm in Caldeis. I, Lord louyde hym, he schal do his wille in
Y v spac, and clepede hym ; bro3te to
hym, Babiloyne, and his arm in Caldeis. Y, is

16 and ri3t reulid is his weie. Cometh ny3 Y spak, and clepide hym ;
Y brou3te hym,
and hereth these thingus not fro
to me, ; and his weie was dressid. Nei3e 36 to u;

the bigynnyng in hid thing I spac of ; me, and here 36 these thingis ;
at the bi-

tyme, er thei shulden be mad, I was gynnyng Y spak not in priuete


; fro
there w and now the Lord God sente me,
, tyme, bifore that thingisweren maad, Y
17 and his Spirit. These thingus seith the was there, and now the Lord God and his
Lord, thin a3eenbiere, the hoeli of Irael, Spirit sente me. The Lord, thin a3en 17

I the Lord thi God, techende thee profit- biere, the hooli of Israel, seith these
able thingus, gouernende thee in the wei thingis, Y am
Lord God, techyngethi
is that thou gqst. Wolde God thou haddest thee profitable thingis, and Y gouerne
taken heed to* myn hestes, mad hadde thee in the weie, wher ynne thou goist.
be as a flod thi pes, and thi ri3twisnessesy Y wolde that thou haddist perseyued my i

19 as the swolewes of the se; and hadde z comaundementis, thi pees hadde be maad
ben as grauel thi sed, and the stoc of thi as flood, and thi ri3tfulnesse as the swo-
wombe, as his litle stones ; he shulde not lowis of the see and thi seed hadde be as
; i;>

died, and shulde not ban be de-

ban grauel, and the generacioun of thi wombe,
aofoulid his name fro my face. Goth out as the litle stoonys therof; the name of it

fro Babylon, fleeth fro Caldeis ; in vois hadde not perischid, and hadde not be al
of ful oute io3yng telleth out ; herd mak- to-brokun fro my face. Go je out of Ba-2o
eth this, and berth it vnto a the vtmostus b biloyne, fle 36 fro Caldeis ; telle 36 in the
of the erthe ; seith, A3eenbo3te the Lord vois of ful out ioiying; make je this herd,
Thei thristeden not m the laste
21 his seruaunt Jacob. arid bere 36 it 'til to partis of
whan he shulde lede them out;
in desert, erthe ; seie 3e, The Lord a3enbou3te his
water of a ston he bro3te forth to them, seruaunt Jacob. Thei thirstiden not in 21

r Om. cpr. m. " and AOUK. Om. AGHK. * fourmede A. u that H. v Om. AH. *Om.Epr.m.
* of A. y rijtwisnes ^GHK. z Om. G pr. m. H. a in to K. b vttirmostis AGHK.

ne B. '
hem N. k thei N. 1
hidlis, ether CEFGHIKMNFQBSUVX. m vnto i.

and he kutte the ston, and ther floweden desert", whanne he ladde hem out ;
22watris. Ther is not pes to vnpitous
brou3te forth to hem watir of a stoon,

men, seith the Lord. and he departide the stoon, and watris
flowiden. Pees is not to wickid men, 22
seith the Lord.


1 Hereth, 3ee iles, and taketh heed, 3ee His, here 3e, and puplis afer, perseyue i

puples fro aferr ;

the Lord fro the
con- 3e ; the Lord clepide me fro the wombe,
ceyuende wombe clepede me, and fro
the he thou3te on my name fro the wombe of
wornbe of my moder recordede of my my modir. And he hath set my mouth 2
2 name. And he putte my mouth as a as a scharp swerd, he defendide me in the

sharp swerd, in the shadewe of his hond schadewe of his hond, and settide me as a

he defendede me, and* putte me as a chosun arowe ; he hidde me in his arowe

chosen arwe ; in his arwe cas he hidde caas, and seide to me, Israel, thou art my 3
3 me, and seide to me, My seruaunt thou seruaunt, for Y schal haue glorie in thee.
4 art, Irael, for in thee I shal glorie. I And Y seide, Y trauelide in veyn, Y wast- 4
seide, In veyn I trauailede withoute cause, ide my strengthe with out cause, and
and veynlich my strengthe I wastede ; veynli ;
therfor my doom is with the
therfore my dom with the Lord, and my Lord, and my werk is with my God. And 5
5 were with my God. And now these now the Lord, formynge me a seruaunt

thingus seith the Lord, foormende me fro to hym silf fro the wombe, seith these
the wombe a seruaunt to hym, that I thingis, that Y
brynge a3en Jacob to hym.
bringe ajeen Jacob to hym. And Irael And Israel schal not be gaderid togidere ;
shal not be gedered togidere ; and I am and Y arn glorified in the i3en of the

glorefied in the ejen of the Lord, and Lord, and my God is inaacl my strengthe.
my God mad is my strengthe. And he And he seyde, It is litil, that thou be a 6
seide, Litil is, that thou be to me a ser- seruaunt to me, to reise the lynagesP of
uaunt, to be rered the lynages of Jacob, Jacob, and to conuerte the drastis of
and the drestus of Irael to be conuerted ; Israel ;
3af thee in to the Ii3t of hethene
I 3af thee in to lijt of Jentiles, that thou men, that thou be myn helthe 'til to^ the
be myn helthe vnto the vtmosts of the laste part of erthe. The Lord, a3enbiere 7

7 erthe. These thingus seith the Lord, of Israel, the hooli therof, seith these
the a3eenbiere of Irael, his hoeli, to the thingis soule, and to a
to a dispisable
despisable soule, and to the wlated folc folk had in abhomynacioun, to the ser-
of kinde, to' 1
the seruaunt of lordis, uaunt of lordis, Kyngis schulen se, and
Kingus shul seen, and togidere shul rise princes schulen rise togidere, and schulen
princes, and honoure, for the Lord, for worschipe, for the Lord, for he is feithful,
feithfull he is, and the hoeli of Irael, and for the hooli of Israel, that chees
s that ches thee. These thingus seith the thee *. The Lord seith these thingis, In 8 * that is, Crist
Lord, In plesaunt tyme Y ful out herde a plesaunt tyme Y herde thee, and in the man,
to the
werk of maimis
thee, and in the dai of helthe I halp dai of helthe Y helpide thee ;and Y kepte redempcion. K.

thee, and kepte thee, and 3af thee in to thee, and 3af thee in to a bonde of pees
pes coouenaunt of the puple, that thou of the puple, that thou schuldist reise the
shuldest rere the lond, and welden eri- erthe, and haue in possessiouu eritagis,

< the vnpitous A. d Om. E pr.m. he c. f

putte AK sec. m. dide GH. e vttermost AGHK.
h and to A.

n the desert
CFGHIKMNP sec. m. QUVX. Om. N. P lynage A. 1 vnto i.
XLIX, 921. ISAIAH. 313

gtages scatered ; that thou sey to them ''that ben* distried ; that thou schuldist
that ben bounde, Goth out, and to them seie to hem that ben boundun, Go 36 out,
that in dercnesses, Beth opened. Vp on and to hem that ben in derknessis, Be 30
weies thei shul be fed, and in alle schewid. Thei schulen be fed on weies, 1

lopleynes the leswes of hem. Thei shul and the lesewis of hem schulen be in alle
not hungre, ne thristen more ouer, and pleyn thingis. Thei schulen not hungre, 10
smyte shal not them gret hete, and the and thei schulen no more thirste, and
sunne ; for the rewere of them shal go- heete, and the sunne schal not smyte hem;
uerne them, and at the' welles of watris for the merciful doere of hem schal go-

njyuen hem to drinke. And I shal putte uerne hem, and schal 3yue drynk to hem
my mounteynes a weie, and my in to at the wellis of watris. And Y schal sette n
I2pathis shul ben enhauncid. Lo these ! alle myn hillis in to weie, and my pathis
fro aferr shul come, and lo ! tho fro schulen be enhaunsid. Lo ! these men 12

the north, and the se, and these fro the schulen come fro fer, and lo ! thei schulen
13 south lond. Preise, 366 heuenes, and ful come fro the north, and see", and these fro
out io3e, thou erthe ; inwardli glade, 3ee the south lond. Heuenes, herie 3e, and, is

hillis, preising ; for coumfortid hath the thou erthe, make ful out ioie ; hillis,
Lord his puple, and of his pore shal ban synge 36 hertli heriyng ; for the Lord
u mercy. And Sion seide, Forsaken hath coumfortide his puple, and schal haue
me the Lord, and the Lord hath for3ete merci on hise pore men. And Syori seide, u
is me. Whether fo^eten mai the womman The Lord hath forsake me, and the Lord
hir faunt, that she do not mercy to the hath for3ete me. Whether a womman \f>

sone of hir worn be? and if she shul may for3ete hir 3onge child, that sche
for3eten, I nerthelatere shal not for3ete haue not merci on the sone of hir wombe?
16 thee. Lo! in myn hondis I haue dis- thou3 sche ifor3etith"
u netheles
Y schal not
criued thee ; thi wallis bifor myn e3en for3ete thee. Lo ! Y haue write thee in is

I7euermor. Thi camen distro3ende

bilderes myn hondis ; thi wallis ben euer bifore

thee, and scaterende fro thee shul gon myn i3en. The bilderis ben comun; thei 17

is out. Rere vp in curnpas thin e3en, and that distrien thee, and scateren, schulen go
see ; alle these ben
gederede togidere, awei fro thee. Reise thin i3en in cumpas, ia

camen to thee. I lyue, seith the Lord, and se ; alle these men ben gaderid togi-
for with all these as with an ournement dere, thei ben comun to thee.
lyue, Y
thou shalt be clad k and cumpasen aboute ,
seith the Lord, for thou schalt be clothid
19 to thee hem as a spouse. For thi de- with alle these as with an ournement,

sertes, and thi wildernesses, and the lond and thou as a spousesse schalt bynde hem
of thi falling now streit shul ben for the to thee. For whi thi desertis, and thi wil- ID
dwelleris of the erthe; and aferr shul be dirnessis, and the lond of thi fallyng now

dryue awei that soupeden awei thee. schulen be streit for enhabiteris; and thei
2<>3it shul 1

seyu in thin eres sones of thi schulen be dryuun awei fer, that swolew-
bareynte, Streit is to me a place, mac a iden thee. the v sones of thi bareynesse2o
space to me that I dwelle. And thou schulen seie in thin eeris, The place is
shalt seyn in thin herte, gat to me Who streit to me, make thou a space to me for
these? I bareyn, not child berende; trans- to dwelle. And thou schalt seie in thin 21
latid and caitif and these who nurshede
; herte, Who gendride these sones to me?
out? I priued" , and solitarie; and these
Yam bareyn, not berynge child; Yam

Om. K. k clothid AEGHK. 1

thei shul E pr. m. m sor priued E pr.m.

s Om. * in N. u uu T thi
celeri. fro the see I. foqete I i.

314 ISAIAH. XLIX. 22 L. 3.

22wher weren? These thingus seith the led ouer, and prisoner; and who nurschide
Lord God, Lo! I rere to Jentilis myn these sones ? Y am destitute, and aloone;

bond, and shal enhaunce to puples myn

and where weren these? The Lord God 22
tocne and thei shul bringe to thi sones
seith these thingis, Lo Y reise myn hond !

in armys, and thi do3tris vp on shuldris to hethene men, and Y schal enhaunce my

And signe to puplis and thei schulen brynge

23 thei shul hern. kingis shul be thi ;

thi nurses ; the thi sones in armes, and thei schulen bere
nursheres, and queenes
chere in to the erthe put doun thei shul thi dou3tris on shuldris. And kingis shu-23
honoure thee, and the pouder of thi feet len be thi nurseris, and quenys shulen be
thi w nursis with cheer cast doun in to
thei shul licke; and thou shalt wite, for ;

whom shuln not be con- erthe thei schulen worschipe thee, and
I a Lord, vp on
that Whether thei schulen licke the dust of thi feet and
24 founded, abijden hym. ;

shal be taken awei fro the stronge a prei ? thou schalt wite, that Y am the Lord, on
or that shal be take fro the stalwrthe whom thei schulen not be schent, that
25 shal moun be saaf ? For these thingus abiden hym. Whether prey schal be takun24
seith the Lord, Forsothe and the caitifte awei fro a strong man ? ether that that is
fro the stronge shal ben taken awei, and takuii of a stalworthe man, mai be saaf?
that were taken awei fro the stalwrthe For the Lord seith these thingis, Sotheli2o
shal be saued. Hem forsothe that demeden and caitifte schal be takun awey fro the
thee I shal deme, and thi sonis I shal stronge man, and that that is takun awei
26sauen. And I shal fede thin enemys ofy a stalworthe man, schal be saued.
with ther flesh, and as with must with? Forsothe Y schal deme hem, that dem-
ther blod shul be drunke and knowen ; yden thee, and Y schal saue thi sones.
shal eche flesh, for I the Lord, sauende And Y schal enemyes with her 26
fede thin

thee, and thin a3een biere, the stronge of fleischis, and thei schulen be greetli fillid
Jacob. with her blood as with must ; and eche
man schal wite, that Y am the Lord, sau-

ynge thee, and thin a3enbiere, the strong

of Jacob.
1 These thingus seith the Lord, What is The Lord seith these thingis, What is i

this hoc of the forsaking of 3oure moder, thisbook of forsakyng of 3oure modir, bi
that I lafte hir? or who is my creauncer, which Y lefte her? ether who is he, to
to whom I solde 3ou ? Lo ! forsothe in whom Y owe, to whom Y seeld 3ou ? For
3oure wickidnessesi 3ee be sold, and in lo !
36 ben seeld for 3oure wickidnessis,
3oure hidous giltes I lafte 3oure moder. and for 3oure grete trespassis Y lefte 3oure
2 For I cam, and there was not a ful man ; modir. For Y cam,
and no man was Y2 ;

and ther was not that herde.

I clepide, clepide, and noon was that herde. Whe-
Whether abreggid, and ful litil maad is ther myn hond is abreggid, and maad litil,
myn hond, that I mai r not a3eenbien 8 ? or that Y mai not a3enbie? ether vertu is not
is not to me
vertue to delyuere ? Lo ! in in me for to delyuere ? Lo ! in my blam-
my blamyng desert I shal make the se, yng Y schal make the see forsakun, Aether
P shal putte flodis in to dn>3te; stinke desert 1 , Y schal sette floodis in the drie
shul fisshes withoute watir, and dien in place; fischis without watir schulen wexe
sthrist. I shal clothin heuenes with derc- rotun, and schulen dye for thirst. Y schal 3

of A. P of K sec. m. q wickidnes ^GHK. wickenesse E, r

my3te AE pr. m. GHK.
ajeebien c.
and I AGHK.

w Om. A. * Om. E. y fro NX. * Om. E.

L. 4 LI. 3. ISAIAH. 315

and a sac Y shal putte the couer-

nesses, clothe heuenes with
derknessis, and Y
4 yng of hem. The Lord $af to me a ta3t schal sette a sak the hilyng of tho b The

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