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Which battle in 1066 established Norman rule over England?

a) Battle of Hastings b) Battle of

Agincourt c) Battle of Tours d) Battle of Stamford Bridge
The Renaissance began in which Italian city? a) Venice b) Florence c) Rome d) Milan
The Treaty of Westphalia, signed in 1648, ended which conflict? a) Thirty Years' War b)
Hundred Years' War c) Napoleonic Wars d) War of the Roses
Who was the longest-reigning monarch in British history? a) Queen Victoria b) Henry VIII c)
Elizabeth I d) Louis XIV
The Congress of Vienna in 1815 aimed to: a) Redistribute territories in Europe after Napoleon's
defeat b) Establish communism in Europe c) Unify Italy and Germany d) Abolish the Holy
Roman Empire
The Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the overthrow of which dynasty? a) Romanov b)
Habsburg c) Bourbon d) Hohenzollern
Which city was the capital of the Holy Roman Empire during the reign of Charles V? a) Vienna
b) Prague c) Madrid d) Aachen
The War of the Spanish Succession was fought to determine the successor to which throne? a)
Spanish b) French c) Austrian d) Russian
The French Revolution began in response to: a) Economic hardships and social inequality b)
Religious conflicts c) Foreign invasions d) Monarchy's refusal to grant civil rights
Which European leader is associated with the policy of "glasnost" and "perestroika"? a)
Margaret Thatcher b) Francois Mitterrand c) Mikhail Gorbachev d) Lech Walesa

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