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Which data structure uses Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) ordering?

a) Queue b) Stack c) Linked List d)

Binary Search Tree
Which programming language is primarily used for statistical computing and graphics? a)
Python b) R c) Java d) C++
What does SQL stand for in the context of databases? a) Structured Query Language b)
System Query Language c) Simple Query Language d) Scripted Query Language
Which sorting algorithm has the worst-case time complexity of O(n^2)? a) Quick sort b) Merge
sort c) Insertion sort d) Bubble sort
In object-oriented programming, what is encapsulation? a) Combining data and methods that
operate on the data into a single unit b) Hiding the implementation details of a class from its
users c) Making an object's fields accessible from outside the class d) Storing multiple objects in
a single container
What is the role of a compiler in programming languages? a) Translating high-level code into
machine code b) Managing memory allocation and deallocation c) Handling input and output
operations d) Optimizing code execution at runtime
Which type of network is typically used within a single building or campus? a) LAN (Local Area
Network) b) WAN (Wide Area Network) c) MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) d) VPN (Virtual
Private Network)
What is the purpose of an index in a database? a) To sort data alphabetically b) To allow faster
retrieval of data c) To encrypt sensitive information d) To compress large datasets
Which of the following is NOT a programming paradigm? a) Object-oriented b) Functional c)
Sequential d) Procedural
What does HTML stand for in web development? a) HyperText Markup Language b) High-Level
Machine Language c) Hyperlinks and Text Manipulation Language d) Home Tool Markup

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