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Question 1: Theories of Personality

Which psychologist is most associated with the concept of the collective unconscious?
A) Sigmund Freud
B) Carl Jung
C) Alfred Adler
D) B.F. Skinner

Question 2: Developmental Psychology

According to Jean Piaget, at what stage do children begin to engage in abstract

reasoning? A) Sensorimotor
B) Preoperational
C) Concrete Operational
D) Formal Operational

Question 3: Conditioning and Learning

Which type of conditioning involves learning through rewards and punishments? A)

Classical Conditioning
B) Operant Conditioning
C) Observational Learning
D) Insight Learning

Question 4: Social Psychology

What term describes the phenomenon where individuals exert less effort when working
in a group than when working alone? A) Social Facilitation
B) Social Loafing
C) Groupthink
D) Deindividuation

Question 5: Cognitive Psychology

What is the term for the mental shortcuts that people use to simplify decision-making? A)
B) Heuristics
C) Biases
D) Schemata

Question 6: Abnormal Psychology

Which disorder is characterized by periods of intense fear or discomfort that peak within
minutes? A) Generalized Anxiety Disorder
B) Panic Disorder
C) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
D) Social Anxiety Disorder

Question 7: Neuroscience

Which part of the brain is primarily responsible for regulating emotions? A) Cerebellum
B) Hippocampus
C) Amygdala
D) Thalamus

Question 8: Motivation and Emotion

Which theory of emotion suggests that emotions result from the perception of bodily
changes? A) Cannon-Bard Theory
B) James-Lange Theory
C) Schachter-Singer Theory
D) Lazarus Theory

Question 9: Psychological Testing

What is the main purpose of a projective test in psychology? A) To measure intelligence

B) To assess personality traits
C) To evaluate mental health disorders
D) To uncover unconscious thoughts and feelings

Question 10: Health Psychology

Which model explains health behavior by focusing on an individual's perceptions of the

threat posed by a health problem and the benefits of avoiding the threat? A) Health Belief
B) Theory of Planned Behavior
C) Transtheoretical Model
D) Social Cognitive Theory

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