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Submitted by: MUHAMMAD ANAS


Reg no. : BA.LLB/3-20/M01027

Batch no.09

Teacher : Sir Sahil Munir

Q.1) Define Theft and Robbery and
differentiate them?

A thief is an individual who
engages in the act of stealing or
unlawfully taking someone else's
property without their consent or
knowledge. Thieves typically take
items of value, such as money, jewelry,
electronics, or other possessions, with
the intention of keeping them for
personal gain or selling them for profit.

Robbery is a crime involving the act of
stealing or unlawfully taking someone
else's property through the use of force,
intimidation, or threat. It is a more
serious offense than theft because it
involves taking property directly from a
person or their immediate vicinity while
employing tactics that put the victim in
fear of harm.
Difference between theft & robbery;

1. Theft is the act of unlawfully taking
someone else's property without their
consent or knowledge.
2. It typically involves an individual
acting alone or discreetly, without the
use of force or threat against the
3. Shoplifting, pickpocketing, stealing
from a home or vehicle without

1. Robbery is a crime that involves
stealing or unlawfully taking
someone else's property directly from
their person or immediate vicinity
through force, intimidation, or threat.
2. It entails confrontations with the
victim, utilizing force, weapons, or
fear to coerce compliance.
3. Street mugging, armed bank
robbery, home invasion where
occupants are present.


Section 378 of the PPC: Theft is
punishable by imprisonment for a term
extending up to 3 years, or with a fine,
or both?

Section 392 of the PPC: Robbery is
punishable by imprisonment for a term
extending up to 14 years, and shall also
be liable to a fine.

Q.2) Define Dacoity and Extortion ,

and differentiate them?

Dacoity, also known as dacoitism,
refers to a type of organized robbery or
banditry, typically involving a group of
armed individuals. The term "dacoity"
is commonly used in South Asia,
particularly in India, to describe a
specific form of criminal activity.
Dacoities are characterized by a
planned and coordinated attack by a
gang of dacoits (bandits) who target a
specific location, such as a village,
house, or vehicle, with the intent to
commit robbery.

Extortion refers to the act of obtaining
something, usually money, property, or
services, from an individual or an
organization through coercion, threats,
or intimidation. It involves the use of
force, fear, or undue pressure to compel
the victim to comply with the demands
of the extortionist.

Difference between dacoity & extortion

1. Dacoity (or dacoitism) is a specific
form of organized robbery or
banditry, commonly associated with
South Asia.
2. It involves planned and coordinated
attacks by a group of armed
individuals (dacoits) targeting
specific locations, often accompanied
by violence and looting.
3. Gangs raiding a village or house,
highway robbery involving multiple

1. Extortion is the act of obtaining
money, property, or services from
someone through coercion, threats, or
2. It entails the use of force, fear, or
undue pressure to extract compliance
and usually involves ongoing
demands or protection schemes.
3. Blackmailing someone with
sensitive information, demanding
payment for protection against harm
or damage.

Section 391 of the PPC: Dacoity is
considered a more serious offense than
robbery. It is punishable by
imprisonment for a term extending up
to life imprisonment, and shall also be
liable to a fine.
Section 385 of the PPC: Extortion is
punishable by imprisonment for a term
extending up to 7 years, and shall also
be liable to a fine.

😊 Thanks

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