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Ars Artifexam
Being An Account Of Some
Few Mystic Items,
Well Known in the Successor States of

By Vendis Aristeides
Translated from the Regan by Jack Kellum
Compatible with the Fifth Edition
of the world's most popular roleplaying game.

Of Gods and Gamemasters

Dearest reader,
Thank you for once again taking the time to peruse my works. My associate,
Jack of Gens Kellum, of the Leodaides, requested a short treatise on some of the
more well known enchanted items found in the Successor States of Rega, here on my
home world of Telluria.
Being, as I am, a person of both utmost humility, and of o'erweening kindess,
I assented. This short folio is the result.There are, of course, many more items of
arcance and divine power, in Rega, but it is hoped that this small sample will prove
valuable to you in your 'tabletop roleplaying games', which I understand are some
form of collaborative improvisational theatre and storytelling?
As always, please forgive the ineptitude of my translator. Any mistakes are
his alone, I assure you.
Jack would like to thank all of his patrons, followers, denizens, and other
supporters for their continuing valuable support as he translates my works for your

Yours in all candor,

Vendis Aristeides.

Anguish, the First Black Blade (weapon, greatsword. Artifact, requires attunement)
No one knows whence came the great black blade, Anguish. Forged of some strangely light black metal that devours all light, it is
etched with runes that somehow manage to be yet darker black. A dull red radiance seems to limn its outline, but it gives no light. Its
bone white hilt is wrapped with leather the texture and appearance of black dyed human gut. Its pommel is a flat surface, and the
bone white guard, again of some unknown metal, is shaped like a demon's face and horns. When swung by an attuned wielder, it
sometimes howls and wails like the winds of Pandemonium, or like banshee foretelling death...which is most apt. The blade and
guard are slightly warped, and the weapon is chipped and pitted from countless millenia of conflict. For thousands of years, despite
its appetite and evil reputation, Anguish has been a sword born by heroes...heroes that have paid a tragic price to wield it. Anguish
will not allow anyone to wield it who is not attuned, and no one truly knows the criteria by which it chooses its wielders.
You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage with this weapon. On rare occasions it may choose to act as a sword of dancing, under its
own control, usually to defend its fallen wielder, although it has been known, even more rarely, to turn on its wielder in this way. It
has the following additional properties.
Random Properties. Anguish has the following random properties:
 2 minor detrimental properties
 1 minor beneficial property
 1 major detrimental property
 1 major beneficial property
Always At Hand. Anguish may be summoned to its wielder as a bonus action, and will escape any attempt to prevent the summons,
automatically. It will cross any distance to get to its wielder, so long as they are on the same plane.
Life Drinker. In addition to its mundane damage, Anguish does 3d6 necrotic damage that ignores all necrotic resistances and
immunities, and affects both undead and constructs. The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic
damage taken, and the wielder regains hit points equal to half that amount. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. If
Anguish reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it slays the creature and devours its soul, regardless of creature type. When it devours a
soul, Anguish grants the wielder temporary hit points equal to half the slain creature's hit point maximum. These hit points fade after
24 hours. While you retain these temporary hit points, and have Anguish in hand, it grants you advantage on all attack rolls, saving
throws, and ability checks. It may choose to deny you this benefit at any time.
Life Sense. While Anguish is in hand, you are aware of all creatures within 60' of you regardless of type, and Anguish allows you to
know whether they are alive, undead, or constructs.
Mental Shield. The attuned wielder of Anguish is immune to the charmed and frightened conditions, and has resistance to psychic
Sapience. Anguish is a sentient chaotic evil weapon, with an Intelligence of 20, a Wisdom of 16, and a Charisma of 20. It has full
hearing, and darkvision out to 120 feet. It also possesses the same Life Sense it grants its wielder. Anguish understands all languages,
and when it chooses to speak to its wielder (which is rare) it does so telepathically, at any range.
Strange Metal. The unearthly metal of Anguish's blade is lighter than it has any right to be, and more easily wielded, but strikes as if it
were far heavier than a blade of its size. Any attuned creature may wield Anguish as if it were a simple weapon, and may wield it easily
in one hand despite its size. In addition, its base damage is 4d6 slashing, as if it were a Large greatsword.
Supernatural Speed. Anguish grants its wielder +5 to initiative rolls, +10 to base movement speeds, and +2 to armor class. Once per
day it may cast haste on the wielder, at its own discretion, and will maintain concentration on the spell itself as well.
Personality. Anguish is a sardonic and mocking entity with a melodic but terrifying mental voice that ranges from high tenor to low
baritone. Its purpose is obscured, but seems focused, in the main, on its own hunger for life energy, and on keeping its wielder alive...
until it decides otherwise. Everytime it is unsheathed, it must be fed, and if it is not fed for three days it will initiate a conflict at sunset.
Destruction. It is unlikely that Anguish can be truly destroyed. A strong willed wielder can cast it away, and while it is unattuned it is
subject to banishment and similar effects, though no one knows where it actually goes. It will always make its way back to the world,
in time. a world, anyway.

Blood of Invidia (potion, legendary)

This is the bottle and preserved blood of the ancient dragon who existed before the world, Invidia. Careful
enchantments have channeled its chaotic power into a more controllable form. It acts as a true polymorph, that can
transform the drinker into any chromatic dragon or Indivian abomination of their choice, if they make a DC 20

Charisma save. If they do not, the form is randomly determined or chosen by the DM. At the end of the normal effect, which
maintains itself, they must make a DC 20 Charisma saving throw if they wish to return to their original form.

Cubes of Chaos (wondrous item, very rare)

These three normal seeming dice, on closer examination, have shifting symbols on all the faces you aren't currently looking at. Legend
has it the first set was made by the Trickster God themselves, and that they have duplicated spontaneously, spreading chaos across the
world. When rolled, even without any mystic intent, they produce one of the following magical effects:
3 All of the allies of the person (including the roller) who rolled the dice are healed of all damage and
negative conditions, and treated as just having finished a long rest for all purposes, including regaining
spell slots and ability uses.
4 Roller and all allies receive an Aid spell cast at level 5.
5 Roller and all allies receive a Bless spell .
6 Roller and all allies gain shield of faith for 10 minutes.
7 Roller and all allies receive an effect similar to warding bond, but all damage received is equally divided
by the number of targets. This lasts an hour, and has no range limit.
8 Roller and all allies receive a mirror image spell, except they each get 1d4+1 images, rolled seperately. If
you have 4 images, roll 4 or higher to divert an attack to the image. If you have five images, this is automatic.
9 Roller and all allies receive a cure wounds at first level.
10 Roller and all allies get advantage on their next die roll.
11 The dismissal effect of dispel evil and good affects a 120' radius, save DC 16, affecting all valid targets.
12 A single randomly determined cantrip affects a randomly determined target within range of the person who rolled the dice, as if
cast by a person of twice the roller's level. Cantrip can affect the roller of the dice, even if it would normally only affect others.
13 One randomly determined target in range is affected by hideous laughter, DC 13.
14 One random target in range becomes the center of the moonbeam spell, which will last 1d6 rounds and follow the same target the
whole time. Save DC 14, must save each round.
15 One randomly determined creature in range is affected by confusion DC 15.
16 1d4 random creatures in range are affected by irresistable dance, DC 16.
17 One randomly determined target within range is affected by polymorph, save DC 17, into a form either randomly determined by
the DM or chosen for maximum humor. Save again after a minute, DC 15 this time, or the form is permanent. This will affect even
those normally immune to polymorph effects.
18 All valid targets within range, regardless of whose side they are on, are affected as if by the spell blight, save DC 18, cast at base

Fool's Stone (wondrous item, common)

This item grants the Lucky feat and the halfling racial ability, Lucky, to the bearer but reduces
Intelligence and Wisdom scores by two each, as long as it is carried..

Girdle of the Moon (wondrous item, very rare, requires attunement)

This long white belt, similar to a standard belt of knighthood, is decorated with five silver moon symbols, one for each phase of the
moon. Once a month, when themoon is full, the wearer is granted the powers (and weaknesses) of a random type of lycanthrope for
the next month. Every night at moonrise, the wearer may cast alter self, choosing their appearance, species, gender, gender
presentation, sexual orientation, and sex, in any combination. They gain the language, cultural familiarity, and general mindset of the
chosen species, but no specific knowledge. If desired, the wearer may leave these choices up to the gods, and roll on the following
tables. Their alignment and class are unaffected. If the belt is lost, or willingly unattuned, the lycanthropy fades after the month, and
the former wearer chooses whether to retain their current appearance and form or revert to their original.
Random Lycanthropy Table (1d10)
 1-2: Werebear
 3-4: Wereboar
 5-6: Wererat

 7-8: Weretiger
 9-10: Werewolf
Optional Random Tables/
Random Gender Table (roll seperately for presentation if desired, 1d6)
 1: Masculine
 2: Demimasc
 3: Gender fluid
 4: Nonbinary, androgynous
 5: Demifemme
 6: Feminine
Random Sex Table(1d6):
 1-2 Male
 3-4 Intersex
 5-6 Female
Random Species Table (1d8):
 1: Human
 2: Elf (1d4, 1: wood, 2: high, 3: sea, 4: plains. Other settings substitute dark elf for plains elf.)
 3: Dwarf (1d4, 1: mountain, 2: hill, 3: deep, 4:city. Other settings, 1-2: Mountain 3-4 Hill)
 4: Halfling (1d4, 1: stout, 2: lightfoot, 3: deepwood, 4: underhill. Other settings, 1-2: stout, 3-4:lightfoot)
 5: Spartoi (1d4, 1: coppertooth, 2: silvertooth, 3:brasstooth, 4:bronzetooth)(In Non-Rega settings this could be
Goliath or Orc)
 6: Half-Elf (as elf)
 7: Dragonborn (1d10, 1-2:black 3-4: white 5-6: red 7-8: blue 9-10: green) (In non-Rega settings roll 1d4 first, 1-2:
chromatic, 3-4: metallic, then if metallic, roll 1d10, 1-2 gold, 3-4 silver, 5-6 copper, 7-8 brass, 9-10 bronze.)
 8: Plane touched (1d6 , 1: aasimar, 2: tiefling, 3: earth genasi, 4: air genasi, 5: water genasi, 6: fire genasi)
The girdle is fairly well known, and may be identified as such with a DC 15 Arcana or Religion check. If the wearer follows the moon
deity or the trickster deity, the DC is only 12.
note: Due to the sensitive nature of people's identities and interaction with gender, sex, and even species, this item should not be
sprung on anyone unaware, used as a 'cursed' item, or used without discussing soft and hard limits (or lines and veils).

Hat of the Expected Visitor ( wondrous item, uncommon)

When this hat is worn, people see what they expect to see. The wearer is affected as if by disguise self with a
save dc of 16, but they do not choose what they are disguised as. Instead, they appear as some individual the
onlooker would expect to see in the situation. They do take the same appearance for all onlookers, usually.
The hat communicates only in general terms the kind of person it is portraying to the wearer, it has no
access to specific details about that person.

Helm of the Hidden One (wondrous item, rare)

This ancient, verdigrised bronze helm is sacred to the faith of Metus.
The wearer may cast greater invisibility or fear on themselves three times per day each, and the helm will maintain
concentration. Either effect ends if the helm is removed.

Laughing Gas (potion, uncommon)

This potion, when opened or thrown(it always breaks), creates a 30' radius cloud of gas that affects everyone inside it as
the spell hideous laughter, DC 14, for a minute or until they succeed at a save. It lasts in the air for 3 rounds, and anyone
who ends their turn in the gas cloud during that time must save anew, even if they have already saved. This has no effect
on creatures that do not need to breathe.

Marean Harpoon (weapon, rare)
This magic weapon is tethered to a leather wristcuff by a cord or chain that extends as far as the weapon can be thrown, which is 300
feet without disadvantage. You receive a +2 to hit and damage with this weapon, and it penetrates the flesh of the target with its
barbed head, effectively grappling the target automatically with an Athletics bonus of +9. Any round that the foe does not escape, they
take harpoon damage again and are drawn 30 feet back toward the wielder, unless they succeed on a DC 16 Strength save. This
requires only a bonus action from the wielder, who may otherwise act normally. The harpoon's base damage is 1d8 piercing.

Scythe of Mercy (weapon, uncommon)

This +1 magic weapon does an additional 2d6 necrotic damage, or 4d6 radiant instead if the target is undead. It can also act as a
divine focus for clerics with the Grave domain, or an arcane focus for necromancer wizards, granting them a +1 to hit with spell
attacks and +1 to the save DC's of their spells.

The Sentinel Set (various, very rare, require attunement)

This quartet of items was crafted carefully to work together, and each individual piece becomes more powerful, the more pieces of the
set one has. Even though the set has four pieces, and all require attunement, the fourth piece may be attuned as long as the first three
have been.
The First Piece is the Sentinel Scutum. Like its more common cousin, this is a shield, in this case usually a large
rectangular convex shield. Like its cousin, it grants advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks and initiative rolls.
If two pieces of the Sentinel Set are attuned, it gains a +1 AC and when a creature you can see attacks a target other
than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. If three
pieces are attuned, you gain the Shield Master feat. With all four attuned, it gains a total of +3 to AC.

The Second Piece is the Sentinel Spear. It grants you a +1 to hit and damage, has
the finesse quality, and can be extended to as long as 10', gaining reach. When
paired with the Scutum, it can be wielded one handed for 1d8 base damage,
and grants advantage on attacks of opportunity. With three of the set attuned,
the wielder gains the Sentinel feat. With four items attuned, the wielder gains the
Polearm Master feat.
The Third Piece is the Sentinel Helm. Usually this resembles a Roman galea or a Corinthian helmet.
Initially, it grants you Darkvision 60' and gives you advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks. With two
items attuned, you gain Devil's Sight, and can see through even magical darkness, as well as gaining
advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks. With three items attuned you become immune to
the friends spell, and gain advantage on all saves vs charm. With all four items you gain truesight 60'.
The Fourth Piece is the Sentinel Armor. Usually lorica segmentata (splint) or a breastplate, but can
be any type of armor. By itself, it grants a +1 to AC, and you gain the Tireless Watchman trait: You
don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep. When you take a long rest, you must spend
at least six hours in an inactive, motionless state, rather than sleeping. It doesn’t render you
unconscious, and you can see and hear as normal. With two pieces of the set, you gain the Armor Mastery feat appropriate to the type
of armor, usually Medium. Three pieces of the set grants you resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage.
Four pieces of the set grant you immunity to the frightened and charmed conditions.

The Omnitelus, weapon of Saevios (weapon, wondrous item, Artifact, requires attunement by someone with Saevios' favor)
The shapeshifting weapon of the King of the Gods was forged near the dawn of time by Ignia and her dwarven servants. Its base form
is a forearm length rod of silvered steel, in which form it has the statistics of a mace, and functions, if desired, as an immovable rod
and a rod of rulership. In all weapon forms, it grants a +3 bonus to hit and damage, and doubles the dice of the normal weapon. In all
its forms, it adds 2d6 thunder damage, and 2d6 lightning damage. When you roll a natural 20 on an attack against a chromatic dragon
or evil serpent creature, they must make a DC 20 Constitution save or immediately die.
It has the following additional properties:

Random Properties.
 One minor detrimental property
 One major beneficial property
Additional Forms. The Omnitelus can take the form of any melee or thrown weapon. In all forms it returns to the wielder's hand the
instant it is thrown, swiftly enough to make multiple attacks with it in the same round. It can also be summoned to the attuned
wielder's hand across any distance on the same plane, circumventing (or destroying) all obstacles.
Greater Range. In all its throwable forms (including warhammer and battle axe) the Omnitelus triples the normal ranges.
Warhammer and battleaxe may be thrown as if they were light hammer and throwing axe respectively.
Wrath of the God. The rod also has 7 charges, and regains 1d6+1expended charges every day at dawn.
These charges may be expended, as many as 3 at a time, to create the following effects, possibly simultanously.
Thunderclap: When it is thrown, the wielder can expend 1 charge to have the Omnitelus create a thunderclap when it strikes, audible
for 300 feet or more. The target, and all creatures within 30 feet of it, must make a DC 20 Constitution save or be Stunned for one
Lightning Strike: When commanded to do so and hurled, the Omnitelus becomes a bolt of lightning, forming a line 10 feet wide that
extends out from you to a target within 300'. Each creature in the line excluding you and the target must make a DC 20 Dexterity save,
taking 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one. Then the weapon returns to hand. Make a
ranged attack against the target. If it hits, the target takes normal weapon damage for the form
the Omnitelus was in, plus 8d6 lightning damage.
Brilliant Flash: On impact, thrown or melee, the Omnitelus does an additional 8d6 radiant damage to the target, and all creatures
except the wielder, including the target, within 30' of the target, must make a DC 20 Dexterity save to avert their eyes, or be blinded
for a full minute.
Destruction. The Omnitelus must be melted down in Ignia's own forge with her full permission.

The Ruby Heart of Bhel-Baidas ( wondrous item, Artifact, requires attunement)

Made from the literal heart of the ancient wizard called the Scholomancer, and
transformed into his soul vessel. It contains a significant portion of his power, and it is
most likely that should he recover it, he would undergo true apotheosis. It was lost
shortly after he made it, stolen by a skilled and good hearted rogue...according to legend,
a halfling...who was later found by the White Terror's minions, brought back to him, and
their soul devoured. The Heart was not recovered. In Rega, Bhel-Baidas is the Archlich.
Note that the powers of the Heart require attunment and ownership...but do not require
actual physical possession.
Random Properties. The Ruby Heart has the following random properties:
 2 minor detrimental properties
 1 minor beneficial property
 1 major detrimental property
 1 major beneficial property
Deathly Mind. The attuned owner raises their Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma by 2 each, and this can raise the attributes above
20. However, they take disadvantage on saving throws vs any effect or spell cast by Bhel Baidas, and must make a DC 20 Charisma
save every night at sundown, or move one step toward Lawful Evil alignment.
Spellcasting. The attuned owner gains the following spells, cast without foci or material components, as a 20 th level caster. The spell
attack and DC are based on the modified Intelligence or Charisma of the owner, as they choose when they attune. The owner can only
cast spells at levels they would have access to if they were a wizard of level equal to their own. The Heart has 37 charges, and each spell
costs charges equal to its spell level. The spells can be upcast, and if that is done, they cost the amount of charges equal to their new
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost, toll the dead
1st level : Cause fear, ray of sickness
2nd level: ray of enfeeblement, wither and bloom

3rd level: spirit shroud, vampiric touch
4th level: blight
5th level: enervation
6th level: eyebite
7th level: finger of death
8th level: horrid wilting
9th level: power word: kill

Touch of Death. The attuned owner of the Heart does 2d8 necrotic damage and 2d8 cold damage on a touch, and can add this
damage to any melee spell, unarmed, or weapon attack they make.
Undeath's Blessing. The attuned owner doesn't require air, food, drink, or sleep. In addition, they become immune to necrotic and
poison damage, and the frightened and poisoned conditions, unless inflicted by Bhel-Baidas. They gain resistance to cold and
lightning damage. Undead creatures see them as undead, and mindless undead will ignore them.
Whispers of the Dead. Part of Bhel-Baidas soul, and the souls of countless creatures sacrificed to extend his existence, are trapped in
the Heart. Drawing on their knowledge and advice, the attuned owner can gain proficiency in two skills they do not already possess ,
and an additional language, chosen once every 24 hours at dusk. In addition, the attuned owner gains the message cantrip, and may
cast it without focus or material components, by sending a vestige of one of the spirits to deliver it.
Destruction. The destruction of the Ruby Heart is fraught with peril, for it must be returned to Bhel-Baidas, inserted into his chest,
and reattuned. Then, before he can ascend to godhood, and only then, he may be slain, and the Heart destroyed, by impaling the Ruby
Heart on the point of Anguish, the First Black Blade.

Token of the Trickster (wondrous item, common)

This silver coin has a fox head on one side, and a rabbit on the other. With it in hand, you can cast either minor illusion
or an invisible mage hand, at will.
Other, less common versions exist. Each version still has the powers of the common one as well. From time to time, one
is found that gains the powers of each level, in turn, as its owner gains power. This kind requires attunement. It never
gains more charges, just more options for their use. Such a token gains the powers of an uncommon token at the owner's
3rd level, rare at 5th level, very rare at 7th level, and Legendary at 9th. There is only one artifact version of the token at any
one time, and it can only be granted by the Trickster God themselves, either directly or through progression, at no lower
than 11th level.

Token of the Trickster (wondrous item, uncommon)

This silver coin has a fox head on one side, and a rabbit on the other. It has 7 charges, and regains 1d6+1 charges daily, at midnight.
With it in hand, you can cast either disguise self or hideous laughter by expending a charge.

Token of the Trickster (wondrous item, rare)

This silver coin has a fox head on one side, and a rabbit on the other. It has 7 charges, and regains 1d6+1 charges daily, at midnight.
With it in hand, you can cast either alter self or invisibility by expending a charge.

Token of the Trickster (wondrous item, very rare)

This silver coin has a fox head on one side, and a rabbit on the other. It has 7 charges, and regains 1d6+1 charges daily, at midnight.
With it in hand, you can cast either blink or major image by expending a charge.

Token of the Trickster (wondrous item, Legendary)

This silver coin has a fox head on one side, and a rabbit on the other. It has 7 charges, and regains 1d6+1 charges daily, at midnight.
With it in hand, you can cast either confusion or freedom of movement by expending a charge.

Token of the Trickster (wondrous item, Artifact, Requires Attunement)

This silver coin bears evershifting images of foxes on one side, and evershifting images of rabbits on the other. It glows faintly with its
own silvery lunar light, providing dim light in a 15' radius. It has 21 charges, and regains 3d6+3 charges daily at midnight. It has all

the powers of the lesser tokens, allowing it to cast minor illusion or an invisible mage hand at will, as a bonus action. At the cost of a
single charge, it can cast any of the following spells as a bonus action: alter self, blink, confusion, disguise self , freedom of movement,
hideous laughter, invisibility, or major image.
The token has the following random properties, that change each time a new owner attunes it:
 2 minor detrimental properties
 2 minor beneficial properties
 1 major detrimental property
 1 major beneficial property
While it is attuned, it has the following additional effects:
Adjusted Ability Scores: The token grants +2 to Dexterity and Charisma, which can take the owner above 20, but subtracts 2 from
Change of Type: The owner is considered a shapechanger and is no longer subject to hostile polymorphs or any spells that would only
work on a humanoid.
Granted Feats: The owner gains the feats Lucky and Bountiful Luck, as well as the halfling racial ability Lucky.
Destroying the Token: It must be melted down in the fire or acid of a lawful evil greatwyrm after being offered in sacrifice to the God
of Tyranny.

Trident of Versatile Use (rare, requires attunement)

This compact trident is made, apparently, of living coral. Its handle is very short, and the outer edges of the trident are sharpened,
allowing it to be used as a slashing weapon. Once attuned, this is a +1 weapon that can extend to as much as ten feet long, allowing it
to be used either as a battleaxe (versatile), a trident (including versatile and thrown) or a halberd or pike (heavy, reach, two handed). If
used in or near a large body of water, it will return when thrown.

Wand of Bubbles (wondrous item, very rare)

The wand of bubbles resembles a slim stick with a loop on the end, like the kind children use to blow bubbles using
soap and water.This wand has 7 charges. It regains 1d6+1 charges every morning at dawn. The bearer may use an
action to expend a single charge per spell level to cast the following spells, by waving the wand through the air until a
soap bubble comes out and turns into the spell.
 chromatic orb (1 charge)
 fog cloud (1 charge) This spell manifests as a cloud of shimmering soap bubbles with the same
mechanical effect.
 Flaming sphere (2 charges)
 Tiny hut (3 charges)
 Resilient sphere (4 charges)
 freezing sphere (6 charges)
 globe of invulnerability (6 charges)

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other terms or conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License.
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your acceptance of the terms
of this License. 4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License, the
Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive license with the exact terms
of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. 5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Your
original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. 6.Notice
of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include
the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or
distributing, and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. 7. Use of Product Identity:
You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as
expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product
Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Registered
Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in
another, independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use
of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that
Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,
title and interest in and to that Product Identity. 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content
You must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated versions of this

License. You may use any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open
Game Content originally distributed under any version of this License. 10. Copy of this License: You
MUST include a copy of this License with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute. 11.
Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open Game Content using the name
of any Contributor unless You have written permission from the Contributor to do so. 12. Inability to
Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms of this License with respect to
some or all of the Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then
You may not Use any Open Game Material so affected. 13. Termination: This License will terminate
automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14.
Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be
reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game
License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC. System Reference Document 5.1
Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and
Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. END OF


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