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ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm 4 Givan the prenatal background of Minty, Volentina wanted to tack her daughter's milestone through time and to adrows poe that may are, This concerns what subfield in psychology? ‘A. Lifespan development. Abnormal poychelogy. C._ndustral-organizational psychology. ._Gognitive paychology [RATIONALIZATION "+ Chronological age 1+ Paycholegical age - citference between menial age end chronological age. + Blologicel age ~ refers to our biological heath. © “ang bata mo naman para magka cholesterol” ‘+ Social age ~ “anong edad me gusto mag-asawa?” 2, The case history cf Valentina and prenatal background of Minty Supports the rle af _~ te human development ‘a. Biology/ heredity b Emironment © Culture ._Aloohat RATIONALIZATION: ‘+ Heredity ~ inborn traits of characteristics inherited fom the biologicel parents, + Environment ~ tetality of nenheredtory, or experiential, influences ondevelopment, “+ Maturation ~ unfolding of a natural sequence of physical ond behavioral changes. Minty's prenatal historyis an example of Normative ago-graded influences. Noimative history “graded influences. 'Non-notmative life influences. ‘Socioeconomic status influences, "RATIONALIZATION. Developmental Influences ——— [ Normative \(~— Age-graed History. graded eae mecpaie | (ar: ponone) Given thot Minty is born female, you could say that she has what comaination ot Sex xx XY w 7 Garomrasome? "RATIONALIZATION. ‘GENE - basic bulsing block ofthe nature perspective ‘Autosomes Aberrations ‘+ Trisomy 12 ~ multiple bith detects ‘+ Tisomy 16 - multiple birth detects 4+ _TWisomy 21 Dewn syndrome 5. Mint's prenatal background makes Valentina worried upon delivery a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm Ww {5 her lifestyle may load to Minty’s birth doocts. In davelopmental poychology, relere to the study of factore that contnbute te beth etects. 1a. Teratology b. Teeatogens © Developmental poychology {Abnormal psychology [RATIONALIZATION TERATOLOGY - the study of faciors that contribute to birth detects 1 Teratogens - envonmental factors that can contribute to birth dafects, and include some maternal diseases, polutants, rugs ond alcohol Foote oftting Prenatal Rit Timing of exposure - crtical period ‘+ Amount of exposure ~ some substmces are not harmful Unies the amounts reach a certain level + Number of teratogens more terctogens, the higher the sk + Genetics - some mothers may be more resistant to toretogenic fects than others + Being male or female - moles or more ot risk os ¥ chromosome contains fewer than X chromosome 6. "Velentina engaged in self-sabotage behaviors, such a alcohol sirnking, emoking, and self-harm. Vetontina reported that her alcohol drnking andsmoting wore just occasional but were consistent ill March 2003." imhat does this mean regarding prenatal development? 1. Nothing. Oczasional alcohol drinkng and smoting are not ‘considered wangerous, b._ These behaviors may affect her deughter bt nat so much given that Ithgppenedin the earter period ot her pregnancy. ©. The timing of expesureis alorming, and it sa period where a let of ‘complications may occur. d._ Solf-sabotage behaviors may be risky, but it doesn't have a drect Impacto fetal development, te got rina bot th a ade na fu Ro rnc Pass [RATIONALIZATION Figure 29 Crhical Periods of Prenatal Development 7._ What materna factors highlighted ane of aconcern in Valentina’s pregnancy? ©. Gestational diobetes ‘b. Depression fe. RhDsease Valentina’s age RATIONALIZATION. ‘+ Hind! okay magbuntis kapag sobrang beta or sobrang tanda For teanage mems, hind pa fully-developed ang pelvis. Maternal factors affecting Fetal Development ‘© Rh Disease - protein found in the blood: RG Nogative + Mothers over 35, oy wa thepermien teres eta tr athe ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm Nore confident Lose stressed ‘Typically married providing fomily stability Viomen choose to wait are often well educated and lead heathy ives © Nore stable, demonstrate stronger family focus, possess gater self-confidence and have more money ‘+ Teenage Pregnanoy Fertility problems © High bloodpressure © Diabetes © Niscariages 2 Placenta previa premature birth sittin © _ababy witha genetic disorder or other birth defects + Gestational diabetes High Blood preseure / hypertension Weight oan Maternal emetions Patornalimpact ~ fathers over 40, 8. “No complications wore reported except that Minty did not have ‘much response to stimulaton/ when the nurse pinched her.” This tine ‘means that Mintymayhave scored low in ring Apgar assessment. 1. Appearance b. Pule ‘e. Grimace a. Actty 9. Valentina was anxious regarding her baby potentially having Ww complications since she engaged in smcking and alcohol drinking luring her frst month of pragnancy. Sho came aeiose the study of Popova and colleagues (2028) This research alms to “examine the lasssciation fetiween, cicohol use identified oe rik fector during pregnancy and adverse necnatal outcomes and pregnancy ‘Somplications,” Besed en the given date, you coud 2ay that thisstucl ie innature 0. Deseriotive ». correlational ©. Experimental 6. case study 10, Which of the following accurately characterizes the tmitattons of the correct answerin item number 9? [AL Doos not assess relationships among veriabies. May be unethical it ppanicipents co not know they are being observed, Cannot be used to draw inferences abcut the causal relationships bbetweentand among the variables. ©. Connot experimentally manipulate many importont verablos. May 'be expersive and time consuming, D. Allows testing of expected relationships between and among variables and the making of predictions. Can assoss these relationships Inoveryday lle events RATIONALIZATION. ‘© Bidirectionality problems + Thirsvarebie problems Canrot krow causeand effect Choice A - descriptive Choize C - experimentation Choize D strengthot cerelation 11, Given thetife history of Minty, Erkson’s theory proposes that ‘AL Minty will develop « feeling of trust in caregivers. a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm Misty wil lean what can and cannot be controlled and will develop sense of treewil C._ Minty wil team to become independert by exploring, manipulating, ‘rd taking ection. D._ Minty wil lean todo things well er correctly according to standards sctby cthers, pariculerly in school [RATIONALIZATION 12. Given Minty'sbackaround. Minty will achieve what Cognitive miestone of JeanPiagst? A. Object B. Theory of mira. Di. Abstract loge. "RATIONALIZATION: + Object Permanence ané Trust is somewhat connected 13 Minty was bom with Low birth weight. Whichot the following reflex is essential for feeding? A. Gresp Sucking Babinski D._Moro [RATIONALIZATION + tisimpertantfor these reflexes foappear because it indicates @ healthy nervous systern. However, some clsappeor (i's normal), Mayroon ding mga reflexes na kapag hind nawala ‘may indivate na may neurological probleme. 14, "The doctor says that Minty might hove o poor everall immune system and need complete immunizations and adequate nutrients, given that she wos born with a lower weght than other neonates.” Hence. ideal for Mintys case asa infant. A. Breast nik. 2 Formula milk , sotia foods, Allo the above "RATIONALIZATION. ‘Introduce slid foods for te fst six onthe but mesh the sold foods. 15. “When Minty wae eround four moathe old, Ring put dangling tye) (mobile) in Ninty’s crib, which Minty tried to reach.” What substage under sensorimotor stage isreflected in thistine? A. Reflexes Primary ckeuter reactions. . Socendary circular reactions. peta ces a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm Reflexes - newboms learn cout their world through the use ff their rottexes, such as when sucking, reaching, end grasping 2. Primary Circular Reactions - during thase next 3morths, the infont Begins to actively involve his orher awn body some form of repeated activity 3. Secondary Citeular Reactions ~ the infant begins to interact with objects inthe environment 4, Cocrdinction of Secondary Circular Reactions infont ‘combines these boric reflexes and simple bshaviors ond uses plaaning andeoordination teachiave a specific goal D. Tertiary Circular Reactions - toddle Is considered a “Unle scientist” and begins exploring the wotd in trial-and-error ‘manner, using both motor sks and planning abiities 6. Beginning or Representational Thought ‘© Object Permanence understanding that even it something's ou' of sight, nage-exisi pa rn sia, Stranger anxiety fear of unfamiliar people “Now, et age 2 Minty cam stand alan...” ie an exernplect Finemotor skis (ross motor skills Cephalocaudal development Proxmedatal development [RATIONALIZATION ‘© Cophalocaudal development - from head totoe ‘+_Broximodistol = from center ofthe body to outward 19. "Minty ie deserhed 28 “moody” by Valentina and Rina, but she stl responds o therefforts to make her laugh.” Hence, youcould categorize Minty’ temperament os A. Easy temperament B._Ditfisut temperament . Slow-to-warm-up temperament 1. Warm tomperement "RATIONALIZATION. Easy temperament - e057 / flexible child + Difficult temperament - difficult /oxtive 16. “Now, atage2, Minty con stond atone, walk well,and walk- up sieps With assistance from Valentina or Rina.” What domain af development Isrellectedin thietine? A. Cognitive B._ Psychosocial 1c. Physical D. allot the above 17. “Now, ata9@ 2. Minty con standalone, walk well,and walk-up sens with assistance from Valentina oe Rita.” Eaged on the given data, you could say that |A. Minty attained an age-appropriate motor milestone, Minty experienced glebal delay inher mator development Minty needs help from an oscupational therapist to attend to her rmator sil .- Minty wil develop dependence on Valentina or Rina. 20, Which ine below suppote the ideo that parentingis bidectionat? A. Minty war ralsod by Valentiza alone, although 2he still receives ‘monetary support rom Leo. 8 Valentine's mether,Rina, sometimes helps Valentina in taking care of Minty. ._ Valentina and fina love Minty ot Minty is descrived as “moody” by Valentina and Rina, but she sill responds to their efferts to make her laugh. However, at times, Valentine felt she was rot enough of amother toher child as sho would 21. “Rina described Minty os “madaldal” or tolkatve. ina was not a Agente reine hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ec el lly et wt perma ote reve caster he ece wh ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm surprised because thelr big family interacts alot withMinty.” How would Bendurs explain Minty’slanguage development? |. Due to positive reinforcements from her family when she speaks «| new werd B._ Mirty's language skills ae inborn, pre-wired, and determinad highly by genetics. CC. Minty’s Language development was shaped by her observation, imitation, and interaction with ber femily members. 1._Due to Valentina’ suzage of nfant-directedepeesh, "RATIONALIZATION: ‘PERSPECTIVES ON LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT + Nativst- Biology + Bohavioret - wherever wo speak, cur parente reinforce it ‘+ Interactionist - combination of both of biology ond environment [BRAINPARTS RESPONSIBLE FORLANGUAGE ‘+ Broco's area ~ responsible for language production, Resa harap ng oft nomisphare at matapit se motor cortex. ‘+ Wemicke's area - responsibe for language comprehension: Imalapit so ausitory cortex 22. If Minty forgets what happened in her frst two yours of life, this ‘means that ‘A. Minty may have delayed brain development which could lead to Inmpairmentin leering, B.. Minty rray have acquired @ biological predispositin to develop eurocagnitve and teaming diserders. Minty may have demagas inher 'oea's area, ._Minty isnormal. "RATIONALIZATION: INFANTILE AMNESIA ~ incblity na matandaan yung memories natin trom the fist tow yours of ite. + Biological ~ immaturity of hippocampus Ww ‘Cognitive = lock of linguistic skils to mentally represent + Social ~ lock of sense of elt 23. “Whanever Valentina goss to work, Minty cries and eventualy steps ‘after afew minutes, given thet Rinais there to comfort her. Minty appears excited when Valentina retums hore.” What attachment style is present in irty's case? ‘A. Secure attachmentstyle. 8. Ambivalent/Resistont attachment style Avoidant attachment syle Disorganived eisorented attachment etyle. RATIONALIZATION. ay ~ru « tee ef. il 24, The following are examples of Miny'e attained fine motor tile at theage of five EXCEPT ‘A. Managing her spoon andfork neatly. 8 Guttng out pletures using scissors. a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm ©. Copyingsimple shapesat school. ._ Minty con ala belance hersaf while tending on one foot wither ‘eyesclosed, 28 Leo gave Minty « doll named “Chato," whom she liked. Minty Fegorded Chaka as hor “bestfriend,” and he accompanied her inher plays lie “lutu-Lutuon* or kitchen-play and “bahay-bahayan.” Ths is Snexampleot Egccantrism ‘Animism CCentration cope 26, Given the age anc background of Minty, Praget Would assume that she sin what cocnitive developmental stage? 1. Sersormotorstage 8. Preoperational stoge ©. Concrete operational stage ._Fomal eperational stag [RATIONALIZATION ‘PREOPERATIONAL STAGE + Symbolic function substage (2-8) + Intuitive thought substage (4-7) 27. “Minty regarded Craka as her “best frend” and she aecempanied her in her plays lke “lutu-lutuan* or kitehen-play and “bahay bbohayen.” This isan example of ‘A. Protendplay. B. Unoccupied play ©. Soltary play, D._Onlooke pay, "RATIONALIZATION: ‘+ Uncecuried ~not playing + Solty ~ playing atone + Onlooker- wotching others play etng Parallel - playing but not i ‘+ Assoziative ~ play endinteract together Cooperative ~ interacting anaworkng on the same goct 28, “Choka has witnessed how Minty explored her genitcls whenever hewas n a private room.” Basedon Minty’s background, you ceuld cay that |A. Minty’s father allegedly abused Minty sexually. Minty’s classmates might have introduced ths activity to her CC. Minty’s mother set an example to Mint for exploration, Minty is normal. RATIONALIZATION. ‘= Males oremore likely to explore then fernales ‘+ Sexual Development in Early Childhood © Curiosity about the body about others’ bodies is a natural partof early ctildhood. © As children grow, they are mors likey to show their genitals to siblings o peers, end to tale off their clathesand ouch each other Mostutbation ig common for beth boy (more commen openly) and gts 29. “At fist, she had no issues with the set-up of her family. not until such a tme that her father spanked her as she was trying to help her ‘mother ca the chores.” Which is wrang abot spanking? ‘A. Many studies have shown that physical punishment, including epanking, hiling, and other moane of causing pain, can lead to increased aggresson, entisecial beharior, physical injury, and mental hhoalth probleme fer ahildron 2. Parents ond caregivers meke every effect to avoid physical purishment end called for the banning of physical discipline in all US, schools, ©. Children who wore spanted et Least twice awoek by th ‘cored 266 points higher on a measure of aggression and rl than those who were never spanked, mothere breaking a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm ._ Based on the Filipino Children's Report, corporal punishment causes higher self-setoom and eol!-diesipline to children and youth. [RATIONALIZATION "BAUMRIND S PARENTING STYLE ‘+ Authoritative ~ high worth and high control (inductive techniques) + Autroritarian — low warmth and high control (powor ceertation) + Permissive ~ high warmth and low control (rebellion / pamperedlifestyle) Neglectful - low warmth and low contol (withdrawal of love 30, Wrich tine below isa manifestation of theory of mind? [A._At rot, he had noiccuce with the set-up ofhor fomily, not untitcushy {atime that her father spanted her asshe was tying to help her mother do the chorea, B._ She's trying to understand why her father did thot, such as maybe it Is away her father shows her love, just Ukehhe aid, CC. Nonetheless, Minty described Leoas strict, punishing, and hostile. D. t's. @ good thing Valentina was there to call eut Leo's Behavior, saying that he should be happy that Ninty s wing to help an¢ lear, "RATIONALIZATION: ‘AL Authoriterian parenting style 1. Authoritative parenting eyle ©. ©. Permissive parenting style Uninvolved parenting she "RATIONALIZATION. ‘BAUMRIND'S PARENTING STYLE ‘+ Authoritative - high warmth ond hich centro (inductive techniques) + Authoritatian ~ low warmth and high contel (power assertation) ‘+ Permissive ~ high warmth and tow control (rebelion / amoeradlife style) + Negleetful - ton worrthand low control (withdrawal of love) 32, “Thet event wos a "memorable" memory, according toher, and she ow perceives herself a2 a “pasaway ne bata’ or etubboen child for ‘mating her father spank her” This i an example of what kind of memory? ‘A. Semantiememory Episodic memery (C. Seneory memory 2. worting memar ‘+ Theory of mind Abilityio think about other people's thoughts. © Diverse-desires - understanding thot two people may have different desir ragerding the came ubjact © iverso-beliefs - understanding thot two people may hold dtferent beliefs about an abject © Knowledge acoess - understanding that people may rot hove accesstoiiniormation © Faleebeliet - urderstanding that comeare might hal ‘belief bated on false infermation 31 “Minty doscrbed L20 os strict, punishing, ard hostile.” Leo ‘gptles what kinéot parenting sie accoraing t Baumnine? ‘got rina otc nate na fu PD nee Paes a @ sensory reser] ‘RATIONALIZATION. ‘quickest to disappear Working memory - may ee ed |= | ‘moy ADHD memory sth cy wou tepermscn ote rove eta eh w a he ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm 38 “She now perceives herself as o “pasaway na bate" or stubborn child for making her father spank her." Thieis an example of |. Self-concept 1 Sett-eatoem ©. Sell-worth D_Sett- awareness [RATIONALIZATION + Dargal - intemal view /eelf-worth + Puri- external /ealf-astoer 124 “At achool, Minty was described as fiendly hy her teachers. She lergages in play with her clessmates. Minty socialized well in thelr group clase activites and contributed to hartecm.” Ths ine rftecte what kine otplay” ‘A. Cooperetive play. B. Associative play ©. Parallel play. D. Onlooke pa, 36, “Minty was also seen te aisplay her ablity to stay focused at school fran extended period” Ths line refers to Divided attertion 5 mutitasking C._ Selective attention. ._Sustained attention. [RATIONALIZATION - + Selective attention ~ you can still focus on what you do lotoite having distractione in your enveaninant ‘+ Divided attention ~ chidren 5 yeors old and above stort to develop this 36, “Atom, Minty tikes toorganize her toysin boxes. Sheputsher dolls ina yellow box, cooking toys in the red box, and art materials inthe blue bor.” What cognitive milestone & present inthis case? A. Seration B. Categorization ©. Conservation D._ Spatial thinking [RATIONALIZATION ‘© Serition - arranging by serie (6x. Shortest to talest) ‘© Conservation =same amount of water despite having diferent containers © Fonises on one characteristic only ‘+ ldentity = plees of chal est chalk even if when the piece it beckon into two ‘= _Decentration = focusing on both height ancl width © Con see other characteristics ofan object and rot just foeue on one aepect + Rovesibilty -2+3=5 and 5-3=2 ‘+ Classiication- sorting of toys accering to categories 37, “Minty alzo.goes to school alone, soyingthat she already knows how to 90 to ther school since it is just one tricycle ride oway.” What cognitive milestone is present inthis cose? ‘A. Number ond mathematics. 8._Industiveand deductive reasenina ©. Spatial thinking. D. Transitiveinferance, 38, According to psychoanalytic theory. Minty is ia what siage of peyshoeexual development? A. Gralstage 8. Analstage ©. Phallie tage. RATIONALIZATION. Ego develops during the phallic stoge. 39, Given thecogritive milestones attcinedby Minty inthe tem number 136 and 27, Minty’s may have significantly developed accerding to the a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm biological perspective, ‘Amyadela Tholamus i 40, “Minty's“withhigh honers" ewarcs make her one the “intelligent” students in their class” According to Sternberg, this ine s on example of ‘A. Analytical inteltigence, Ww D. Girlewere mors likely tohaveparticipate in any typeof sport. 42, Accerding to Howard Gardnet, Minty is high among the fallowing types of intelligences EXCEPT: AL Linguistic B. Naturalistic ©. Kinesthete 5. na RATIONALIZATION. B._ Proctica intelligence. “Tie 5. Howard Gartner's Eight Species D._Flud intlligence. a a= "RATIONALIZATION: ne Tie an a ~ Ligalmaemscl | Thabo emt mabetl alice es = Tiyan si wen Mas Tat pete ny a Kawi cs) | Tabi now bn pt dn he pi ais — Tien eed nc ey thos apes Thin eight nt et ahs ine Ee ‘+ Creative inteligence is connected / timiler to Operness to Experience soNEO-PI 41. "Minty, at the age of ten, developed her love for volleyball. She decided to jpin the voloyball team of ther school and gained a Let of frionds." The fllowinginfomation are accurateabout children engaged Insporte EXCEPT: A. “Higher levels of satisfaction with family ane overall quality of tein children. B._ Improved physical and emotional development. Better academic performance. 43. “Jacob, hor clasamate with ¢ specific learning derder, hae beon receiving criticism from her classmates, saying that he dosent belong Inthe sove0l, Jaco® performs well in the olaas except for subjecta that require numerical calculations.” What specifier Is approprate for Jacob's case? ‘A. Dyseateulia © Dystexio ©. Dyserapho ©. bystuncton a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm 446, “Minty hed hermenstruction when ehe was 11 yeas ol.” 44, Based on Minty’ backgyound, Minty i kay te devatop ‘The frat manstruation among women istermed ee A. Hope A. Spermarche 8 wit Monarche C. Purpose C. Primary sox characteristics. B._Competoncs ©. Secendary sexcharacteristice, RATIONALIZATION: [earionauzarion. ‘+ School and parents are also important foctors in developng € competence. == 45 “Minty revealed that sha cated about the impact af bullying an her friends, and partially, she wanied to please others also.” This is an ‘example of according te morality development 1. Presonvantional morality, 3. Conventional morality C. Post-conventional morality ._Poet-convereational morality [RATIONALIZATION Tao KA Cnt Re fe patie a iar SS “+ Provonventional = to avsid punishments ‘+ Conventional - what is usually accepted 47. “Now thot she's 15 yoors old, her breasts have enlarged, her hips hhave broadened, end her pubic and undorerm hair has developed and ‘become darter and coarser.” These chonges to Minty’s body are ‘examples of| Spermarche Menarche Primary sax characteristics, Socendary sex characteristics. B poor “She wasso setf-censcious. she always ooks at hersett Inthe miror..” This ine chows Egocentrism. 8, Imaginary audience, . Personal ‘ble D_Bod dysmarphic disorder. ‘RATIONALIZATION. = Eqocontriem > a Agente reir hat han sae tu for Ree Poe leche el lly et wt perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm ‘© Primary norcisssm (sa mga bata) ond secondary rarcissim (teenagers) ~ reud + Personal fable ~ feeling mo walang nckakounawa sayo; your Perspectives ore important than other people's perspective uiones = fealing mo pinapansin kang lahat 49, "Bho thinks that her email pimple ie very evident in the eyes of many.” Thisline is an example of A. Egccontism, B._imoginery audienet C. Personal fable. BL Body dysmorphic elsorder. 50, "Minty sald thatthe gender Identity ofthe person doesn't ‘atterto her when it comet to love.” Therefore, Minty ie A Bisexual/Biromantic B._Asexual/Aromantic . Pansexval/Panromantic D._Heterosexuat + Gorder entity = gender Identity show you, n your head, think ‘about yourself t's the chemistry that composes you (a. hormonalevels) fond how you interpret what that ‘© Woman - genderqueer - man © Bomferrale /male andyousee yourself asa woman /- man cisgende “straight” © Bon female male butsee themselves asthe opposite of theirsex = transgender + Gonder expression - gender expression Is how you demonstrate your gander (bated on tratitional gender roles) through the weys yeu act, dre, behave, andinteract © Feminine = androgynous - masculine ‘+ Biological sex - biological sox refers to the objectively measurable organs, hormones, and chromosomes. Female = ‘vagina, ovaries XX chromosomes; male = penis, testes, XY tereex = a combination ofthe to, © Female - intereex - mole ‘+ Sexual otlentetion - sexual orientoton is who you are physically spiritually, and emotionally atracted to based on theirsex/gender in elation to your own, 2 Hetorosonul = hizexuol = homatenuol 1, “Now that Minty i aboutte enter collage, che atkchorconiore about the'r courses. After morths of reflecting and inquiring, Minty decidedto toke peyehology. Hor caring oftitude fits the poychologist's. job description, and helping others gives meaning te her if.” According to James Marcia, Minty’ achieved what icentity status? ‘A. Identity achievement © Kdenity moratorium C. Identity forectesure 1B tdentity diffusion ‘Commitment ‘Abeont toaniventity [Absent | Difusien | Moratonum Present | Foreclosure | Achievement ‘+ MAMA Cyeling - Mcratorium > Achievement > Moratorium > Achievement Present a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm 52 “Minty edmitted that something sexual hed alieedy happened to her ard Donny” According to Sigmund Freud, Minty. is what poychoroxuel stage? A.” Anal stage. 1B Phalis stage ©. Lateneystage, D._Genital stage. RATIONALIZATION: + Exctement phase = phase in which the intrinsic. (inner) ‘motivation topursue sex arses. + Plateau phase - the period cf socual excitement with Increased heart rote and ciculation that sets the stage for orgasm + Orgasm - release of tension + Resolution ~ unaraused stated balore the: le begins again 52 Rated on the conect anwar in would label this es A. Sanu erive B. Aggressive drive D. Secondary nercissism 1m nursber 48, Sigmund Freud 54. “Due toLoo'sstrict parenting, Minty couldn't accopt invitations fom her friends to go outsie. She will sometimes be granted permission to jon them in exchange for ding household chores first.” Behavirists will View ths styie of parerting as an example ot A. Postivereinforcement. 5 Nogative reinforcement. CC. Positivepunishment 1D._Negative punsnment RATIONALIZATION: + Postive reinforcement ~ dking something to increase the bbohavioe Negotive reinforcement =removing something to increose the behevior ‘+ Positive punishment ~ adding something to decrease behavior ‘+ Negative punithment - remaving something t2 decrease behevior 56, Poychocosial theory of development proposes that Minty and hor peers will experience/develop during thisperie, ‘A. Caring altitude for tre yeung ones. B. Questions concerning thir identity. CC. Depressive symptoms ard eating disorders, 1. Hypersexual behavior. 156, Which line below supports the argument of letfiey Amett (2006) ‘that people in their emergng cduithood stage, such as Minty, are ‘exparioncing the aye of "selt-fecus"? [AL She experiences worries and une: ‘continues anyway. She decided tocut ties with Donny in her first year because she said she wanted to focus on her academics. Nonetheless, Minty greduated \with Latin honore and decided to review for the icersure examination for psychometricians. Minty enrolted in the RGO Peychology Review CContor and pessed the Licensure examination. She said she ishaving @ hard time looking fora stoble job adie still ‘xplaring her career as. mental health professional She attempts to fenter diferent subfields in psychology, such as ciinioct, industrial, fedueaticnal, and asademic . She sometimes fools too young to make decisions forherselfbutaiso thinks that she needs toembrace her independence. RATIONALIZATION. KEY FEATURES OFEMERGING ADULTHOOD ‘+ Identity exploration - love, work/coreer choices ‘+ Self-focused = personal development / more personal choices + Fooling in-between ~ art adult enough? aintios about her ccreer, but she a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm Instability ~ changes incaresr, residence, uncertainties crlented thinking ~ plans, decsion makng, meanng 57. Stotement A: At times, she engages in alcohol drinking with her frionds to cope with piled-up schoolwork. Statement 8: At times, she copes with her problems by solving them ‘actively andproastvely. neteadat dwelling on her emotions, she makes ‘a checllist and attends to them accordingly. |. Stotement A is on example of problem-focvsed coping, while Statement Bis an example of emotion-focused coping B. Stotement A is cn example of emetion-focused coping, while Statement Bis an example of problem-focuzed coping C.. Both Statement A and Stotement B are examples of problem- focused coping 1. Both Statement & and Stotement 8 are examples of emotion focused coping, 58. “When fow of her classmates knew that che was romantically ‘tracted tony gender and identiied as part ofthe queer community, the received hataful comments from her peers” Thia line Highlights 8 cS D. Homophobia internalized homophobia insttutionatized homophobia Transphobia ‘Homophobia - negative atitude and feelings foword hernosexuallty ‘ people who are identified or perceived os being lesbion, gay, Bisexual, or transgender (L687) ‘+ Internalized homophobia ~ negative atitude of other people sayo ay naa-absorb me ‘+ Instituticnalized homophobia = ex. Hind allowed ang rac basing s1 school na to, lootinty andl ig ‘A. Psycroanalytictheory ©. Histo dynamic theory C. Mincrity stress theory 1. Diathesis stress modal RATIONALIZATION. LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY Minority Stress Theory ~ proposed that sexual ‘minority health disparities canbe explcinedin targe > party stressors induced by hostile, homophobic culture, which often results inatitetime of harassment, meltroctment, discrimination, and victimization £60. Which ofthe fellowng lines shows the sillover hypothesis? ‘A. She said that applying psychology in the workplace helps her ‘become a better personto the people she Loves. 8 Unlile bolore, when her ‘athe: liked to intervane with her decision ‘making, now she is more autonomous when deciding for herself and her C- She needed to arn money to support her needs. 1B. She experiences waries and uncertainties about her ccraer, but she ‘continues anyway "RATIONALIZATION. ‘Spillover - you appiy in other aspects of your life yung mga rnatutunan mo sa work (orother areas) © Example: marital conti affects relationship to the chi 59, Based on the correct answer on item number 58, provides a 61. “Minty resigned frm her career in human resources since she a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ef wit perma ote reve caster Pelee hs ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm neticed thather boss typically gives her unrealistic tasks that sheislikely tofail"Thieis an example of A Gloss celing effect 2. Gloss oltt Sticky floors B._Seniam [RATIONALIZATION + Glass eciling ~ Keaps minority and females from risng into higher positions 1+ Sexism - prejudice or scr or gender + Occupational sexism - involves discriminatory practices, statements, er actions, based on a person's sex, that occur in theworkolace 1+ Sticky floors - low wage for women/minority + Glass elit - women and minorities being placed in leadership postione when therisk of fllure is high ination based on a person's sex 62. “Minty said that she cannot settle for less and connot tolerate clscrimination inthe workplace” Thisis an example of ‘sexiem Occupational sexism ‘Sticky floors Discrimination 62. “Sho ail aheiz having ahard time Looting for @stablajob endiestill texooring her corser as « mental health professional, She attempts to fenter different subficide in payehology, auch a2 clinical, industri, tecucatonal, and academic.” According ta Career Davelooment Theory ‘oF Denela Super, Mintyisinwhat stage? Growth Exploratory Establishment Mantenance Donald Super’s Career Development Theory om saeoncp, deep capt) sates teeta noes ana frm 8 General undestancng che woed of work, “Trou toxgh esses, ork exparence, “relate che andres sal rity sa buiting dso Wreogh ‘Corus aqustent press improve Extabinmen 64, The ines "She now paysher own toxes” and “instead of dwelingon her emotions, she makes 0 checklist and attends to them accordingly shows what post-farmel cognitive milestone? A. Dialectical thinking B._ Reflective thinting ©. Tacitknowledge 1D. “What thinking ‘RATIONALIZATION. ‘+ Diolectical thinking - two opposing feelings (masaya ako sa ginagawako pero nokakopaged din siyarinsan) ‘+ Reflective thinking - whet isthe meaning of what fr dong? ‘+ Stemnberg’s Tosit knowledge ~ not fomally taught but is necessary to get ahead © Self-management - knowing how tomotivate oneself and organize time andenergy a Agente reir hat han sae tu oR aces Poe ech el lly fy wit perma te ve caster he ece hs ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm Ww ‘2 Nanagement of tasks - knowing how to write a term ‘oper or grant proposat ‘© Management of other ~ knowing when and how to reward or eticize subordinates 65. “She tried using dating applications to satisty her sexual needs.” This is on example of what adultlitesivie? a up. B. Friende with benofite ©. Cohabitation D._Singlehood, ‘+ Passion - refers to the intense, physical attraction portness feo toward one another + Intimacy - involves the obilty the share testing, psychological eloseness and personal thoughts with the other ‘+ Commitment ~the conscious decision to stay together ‘COMPONENTS OF LOVE ‘CONMITNENT ‘infatuation RATIONALIZATION: ‘ADULT LIFESTYLES ‘+ Sinalehood 1+ Hooking up +) Friends with bonatite + Cohabitetion + Marriage 66. Which of the following lines azcurately depicts Passion under Stemberg' Tiarchio theory of love? ‘A. Given his athietic physique, she admitted that she was physically ‘attracted to Mingyu. B._ She described Mingyu os caring, hard-working, ond passionate, CC. They developed a close relationship toaether. D._aftor two years of friendship, Ningys finally courted Minty and uly married each ot [RATIONALIZATION [FACTORS INFLUENCING ATTRACTION + Sinvlority + Selt-cisclosure 1+ Proximity _3MAIN COMPONENTS OF LOVE. ‘get rina at team naa ona Ronee Pease Empty Love Fatueus Love. ‘Companionate Love consummate Love 67. Which of the following nes accurately describes parental Investment theory? |A. After two yea's of fiondship, Mingyu finally courted Minty ond ‘eventually married each other. Minty got pregnant andl gave birth to Mili, Mingyuadmittedhe likes hhaving around fivekids, bt Minty ikeshaving aroundtwo. CC. Reqerding her romantic and sexu relationships, Miny is open to dating. Valentina deaisated her time to caring for her “apo” while Mingyu ‘ona Minty were working, [RATIONALIZATION ‘+ Sex that invests more in its offepring will be more selective when choosinga mote, and tess-Investing sec withaveintro- sexual competition for accessto mates. ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm 68, “Velentina dedicated her time to caring forher “apo” rd Minty were working." Thi ine showe 1. Indvidualistic culture of Filipinos 2. Collectivstic culture of Filipinos CC. Essanceot parental care. D._Esseneecf non-perental care, 69. Misty veluntarly supports Valentina in buying her medical needs td decides to keep her company by inviting her to live in their house.” ‘Ths line shows what concept in Fipiro psychology? A. Hiya ._tbang too B.Utengnatood 70. “Minty thrived in her academics. Insteed of dwelling on her emotions, she makes checklist ard attends to them accerdingly.” ‘These ines show that Minty is high in A. Extaversion B._Neuroticiem C. Conscientiousness D._Agreeableness [RATIONALIZATION ‘poe nae meta i ae omnes aasnnaar apercapee 71. *Recenty, Milt péssedher licensure examinations for pharmacists, She felt profoundly proud and grateful to God for hor daughter's ‘achiavemant." esitive payeholegy wil interpret thisas an example of A. Grotitude 8 How ©. Well-being ©. Spirtuatity RATIONALIZATION. ‘+ Paycholosical flow - the holistio sensation that people feel when they act with total involvement 72. “Marina, her undergraduate studert, wos remarkcble te her. Marina | already 30 and has decided to push through with cellege. Marna wos ‘not privileged enough t study when she was yeunger due to financial ‘suas. Marine's dedication to psychalegy and cemmunity work inspite Minty ond her classmates.” Given Marina's age and backround, she is Uikely to use what learning approach? Memorization B._Creation of vieuale and reviewers C. Application of theoretical concepts in real ie events. 1D. Relience on professanalinetineta, 72, “Marina soil “Naku anck but nalang at pharmacist kena. Boke ‘makadiscount gaat since modal na oko nagkalasokt, kit ‘wala naman ake bisye at palagingnag sexercse.” Hopetully, we can get discounts on medications, given that | am frequenty il despite not having ony vices ond having regular exercise" This i an example of AL Primary aging B Secendary aging . cenity sis D. Existential crise "RATIONALIZATION. ‘+ Primary - normal orexpacted avents Secondary - lifestyle 74, Psycrosocial theory of development would classify Minty asthriving Inwwhat poychosocel ersis? A. Identity vs. role contusion ©. intimacy ve. Iotation a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm C. Generatvity ve. stagnation Novice - lacks experience D. integrity ve. deeper ‘+ Intuitive ~ less retiant onstepe 75, *Minty ie veryloving, caring, and supportive of Mill Minty sharesher Automatic - used to CORES thea ‘experiences with MiMi as she quides her towards adulthood.” This line + Strategic - ig efficient! aggtive ways hightights: Fue ae 5 A. Crystallized intelligence: ae 7. tor mond ea MOR/oP ete and adel ormiatg Kieth rttlgonce er woring mpesions fo the coves she handed. gen thet she RATIONALIZATION: thought? + Kinesthl algae maverant acetate + Comtaltredhteligence “conte mprevedtwouphedicaton| — & Astanat one traring,KCQUREDintetigence 5. fowbie «Flu reigence = ccpoaty fo tear new wap ot stm art SmuLe ATE prone itllon- mre on alk aking fist todeciine than crystllized inteligence 78. “Now thot Mii is about to enter her marred life, Minty is having dliffculty letting goof her only daughter. Minty sai, "Nok, fyoureedme ‘ane yourPope, please do nothasitate to calls ove you. naksha” This |s an example of ‘A. Empty nett syndrome. Abandonment iesuee ©. Social disntegration D._Fearot death, RATIONALIZATION. ‘+ Emply nest syndrome - refes to great emotional distress 76, Based on the case, -- describes Minty and -— describes Marina experienced by parents, ypicelly mothe, after children have A. Expert: Export left enn B. Expert; Novice © Novice: Fxpert 79. Which ofthe fellowing lines proves that Minty ie akinkeoper? ._Novioe: Novice |A. Minty is very loving, caring, and supportive of MiMi. [RATIONALIZATION 18. Minty regularly engages in Zumba togother with hor friondsin their ‘MIDDLE ADULTS IN THE WORKPLACE: GAINING EXPERTISE neighborhood, oy serena . Now that MIM is aout to enter her married ie, Minty # having a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm ditficaty Letting goof her only deughter. D. Moreover, despite being busy with work, MIM organizes family jtherings ennuelly. [RATIONALIZATION: + Kinkeeping = person or persons who keep the family connected and who promote solidarity and continuity in the family 80. “Every tme MiMi and hor partner Zia have problems, MiMi always returnsto Minty fer advice.” This s an example of A. Dependence B. Cate-seekingattitude Counseling and paychetheropy ._Revolving door syndrome [RATIONALIZATION 12. Which ofthe fdlowng ins supports Hermonal stress theory? [A> Minty was dosed a inreosingly tabla her daughter. 5. Shehoppy wth herfedeckions howshe rigecher caughter, her aren, ond her romanti ie "Despite hor rtement, she contnued her volunteer wok a8 @ poychoteget ond sil ceepisevourseapeckershipein OF0-geveratng fran . TA work ‘she had problems with colleagues questioning her apabiltes to teach, avon her ego, bit sho over et thom hinder her ston for teaching asping poycctogss tke a RATIONALIZATION. + Hortonal Stress Theory / Neuroendocrine Theory of Aaing = Suggetsthat as we age, the ability ofthe hypothalamus fo regulate hormones inthe body begins to decline leading to metebotcprotiems ‘+ Revolving door syndrome = tendency for young adults who: have lefthome to return to their parents’ hovseholdin ies of financial, marital, or athor trouble 01 “Minty experionces challenges in her eyesight, heating, memory. ‘motor skills, and other physically heavy activities.” If you are to use Damage and Eire theories, you would explain this experence of Minty 1A. Acantinuation of childhood development. B. Abologeal tmetable ._Anormet response to aging . An outcome to the cumulative damage brought by envirenmental actors. [RATIONALIZATION + Programmed / biological theories - our bedies, whether we like it er nat, are expected to age at wo got cla. PRIMARY AGING, + Damages and Etfor theories - aging due to eccumutated ‘damagein ou pos: lifestyles. SECONDARY AGING. 183. “Minty wos described asincreasinaly irtable by her daughter.” This Lineis an example of ‘A. Type A personclity. 8. TypeB personality . TypeC personality D._TypeD pessonality ‘RATIONALIZATION. = TypoA— compatiti + Types - relaxed impatient, hestilo,andtime urgent 124, Given Minty’s health statue, you could say that che fe classities as ‘A. Yourg-Old B O08 ©. Oldest-o18 ._Young-Yeung RATIONALIZATION. ‘© Young ~ golden years: good health; social engagement = Old-old -livesindapendently but physical health declines a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm [5 otcest-cla = more sericus aliments: needs lng-termeare | "RATIONALIZATION. £85, Minty's gradual loss of hearing is called A. Presbyosmia B._Presbycusis Age-related macuiar degeneration D._Osteoporosis, "RATIONALIZATION: + Preshyosmia - loss of smell due to aging + -Age-relcted macular degeneration - loss of clarity in the ‘center etd oF vision, due to the deterioration of the macula, thecenter of the retina ‘+ Ostsoporosis - a bone disease that develops when bene ‘mineral density and bore mass decreases, er when the quality orstructure of bone chenges 86 Case backgrcund of Minty suggests thet she is leading to 2 Deipair 1. Integrity D._Acveptonce "RATIONALIZATION: ‘+ Wolook back and recalllife challengesandhow we surpasted ‘and feel satisfaction and fulfillment. Those who triumphed cexperionse ege integrity accepting our past and embracing ourplace. 87. “AL work, she hod problems with colleagues questioning her copabilties to teach, given her age, but she never lt them hinder her pssion for teaching aspiring psychologists lke her." This's an example oF A. Serie Racism C._Insttutionatized homophobia D. Ageism ‘+ _Iniple Jeopardy - multiple marginal status £88. “Minty sad she cannot stop doing something that gives meaningto herlife."Tisline aligns with ‘A. Stereotype threat B Actvity theory C. Convoy Model of Social Fetations Socioemetional Selectivity Theor "RATIONALIZATION. ‘Stereotype Threat ~ perlormance on tasks doclines because ‘they worry, they will confirm the cultural stereotypes. ‘+ Comey Model of Secial Relations - sovial connections that peonte accumulate differ in levels of closenses and are held together by exchanges in social support. + Socisemotional Selectivity Theory ~ feouses on charges ‘motivation for actively seeking social contact withothes, ‘+ Disengagement Theory + Continuity theory ~ tuoy-tuloy sa ginagawa pero with cajustments £89, Given Minty’s background, you could say that she in what stage of atremont? A. Retual relrement 1B. Honeymoon phase CC. Disenchantment phase 1. Reorentation phase "RATIONALIZATION. RETIREMENT PHASES (Atchley, 1994) + Remote Pre-retiremant - what wil do ofter retirement? ‘+ Immediate re-retirement ‘+ Honeymoon Phase Disenchantment a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm Ww ‘= Recrientation 90, Wrich o the following ines shows revolving door syndrome? |. Mity explored other activities, sush as greening, when she couldn'tdo while working Misty ivae now with Mitte family, together with ner husband Mirgyt C_ Mirty also regulary listens to tne holy mass on TU. . Every time MiMi ond her portner Zia have problems, MiMi always returns o Minty for advice. ‘91 “One week later atter he died, Minty alsa died due to cordiac arrest.” This phenomenen fs known as A. Traumatic death B.Widowhood mortality effect Sudden death syndrome ._Commitment-unti-death syndrome [RATIONALIZATION *+ Potential reasons of Widowhood Nortaily EWect © Adjustment to tiestylos © Lack ef social support 5 Complicated death of partner 02. "Minty ded at the age of 85” Thisis anexample of A. Longevity B Lilespan| C. Lifeexpectancy 1D. Functional age [RATIONALIZATION ‘+ Longevity - a:tuallongth of someone’ lite ‘+ Lifespan ~ the longest period that members of © species can live + Lfeexpeotansy - age toiwhich aepersonin apertouler cohort is statistically tkely to live ‘Functional age - person's lity to function rather thon hronatogeeal age. {93. "MINIs in shock, he cannot belleve thet she ost ner parents in ess than a month” This line shows what stage of grief according to Kubler. Ross? ‘A. Denial & Anger ©. Bargaining ._Depresion mal Stages of Grief The experience you expected: The experience you got Aectanes eyeing ae yer nah rl baying estat Dees Dees + "stages" are theoretical lang. ‘94, “She feels quity that she couldn't eave both of her parente since it cll happened while sho was at work. Sho hated herself for what happened." This line shows what stage of aret ‘according to Kubler-Ross? A. Denial BL Anger ©. Bargaining 1D. Depression a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm % ‘Studios suggest that Minty, and people of her age, i likly 10 — Feer death, Feer having no control over how they de, Dony tikeinosd of death, Difficulty underetanding the concept of death, [RATIONALIZATION Perceptions about Death and Death annie om> Perens eoreoeeiag 96, Bereavementrefers to ‘A. Poriod after aloss during which grief and mourning occurs. The normal process of reacting toa Loss. CC. The process by which people adapt toa loss, ._Cause of death of a loved ore. "RATIONALIZATION: + Choice B= grief 97. “Whenever she saw a buttery, sha would utr, “Naney/Metherko yon" AmongFlpns, tis pocteelsconsidredas ‘A. Normal expression of Longingness fo the lost loved one. . Early indicators of prolonged grief disorder (C. Mantestetion of depressive aymptoms with psychoto features, 1. Culturally deviant. Flipinos have intact realty testing, 98. The death of Mingyuis ely to Lead in what kind of gre? ‘A. Digentanchised git. ‘Anticipatory grief C. Gomplcotegriet ‘D__Unwanted gre! RATIONALIZATION. ‘+ Complicated aief ~ atypical reasons ‘+ Disenfranchised grief ~ not socialyrecognize + Anticipatory ret ~ expected death 99, "mingy has been dagnosed with sancer for almost rive years now ‘ane has been receiving chemotherapy since then.” This line is an example ot ‘A. Curotive care 8 Pallistvecare ©. Hospice core 1D. Hospital care RATIONALIZATION. ‘+ Curative care - designedto overcome disease ‘Palliative care ~ adéressing beth physical and emotional pain ‘+ Hospice care ~ support for both patent and family Cre of the patient and farnly asa single unit Pain and symptom management for the patient Hoving access today ond night care Coordination of al medical services Social work, counsellig, an pastoral services a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx olf Gin Marcos, Rm (© Bereavement counseling forthe family up to one year tients death. 100, “Given the heclth status of Mingyu, Minty, and MMi decided to withdrew Mingyu’s life-sustaining support ‘since it is hecrtbroaking for them to seehim sufferintersely.” Ths is on exampleof A. Euthanosia 2 Active euthanasia (C. Passive euthanasia D._Physicion-ossisted euthanasia "RATIONALIZATION: ‘+ Euthanasia - ending one’s lif whan suffering from a terminal ines ‘+ Active euthanasia - intentionally causing death ‘+ Passive euthanasia - withdrowing life-sustaining support +) Physicion-assieted euthanatia.- form of active euthanasia hore @ physician prescribes the mean where the patient can ie a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecturer: Prof. Jehnnylie V. Beringuel, RPm 1. This is the scientific study of ways in which people change, as well as stay the same, from conception to death. a. Human Development b. Lifespan Development c. Developmental Psychology d. All of the above 2. While in the zoo, a child saw a horse for the first time and referred to it as a dog. The child demonstrated which of the following? a. Assimilation b, Accommodation c. Schematization d. Learning RATIONALIZATION: * Schema - framework for organizing information co They develop their schemata through the processes of: co Assimilation - nilalapat yung new information sa existing schema © Accommodation - ine-expand yung framework ng knowledge para ma-accommodate yung new situation. Gumagawa ng panibagong schema. * Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development 1. Sensorimotor Stage (birth to 2 years) * Coordinates sensory experience e Stage attainment, Object Permanence * Maraming changes na nae-experience during this time ¢ Sa initial part ng sensorimotor stage, wala pang concept ng object permanence yung tao * Best way to know if nagde-develop yung OP ng baby: kapag nagstart na sila hanapin yung toy na nawala 2. Preoperational Stage (2-7 years) ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecturer: Prof. Jehnnylie V. Beringuel, RPm o Nativism - leaning more sa innate characteristics © Empiricist - leaning more sa environmental influences * Punishment doesn’t work! Children can learn on their own. * — Bakit may mga masama? Kasi rawww naco-corrupt tayo ng society. JOHN LOCKE e Tablua Rasa « Weare borna blank slate. We are shaped by our environment. © Empiricist 4, This theory suggests that there is interplay between our personality and the ways we interpret events and how they influence us. a. Jean Piaget’s theory b. Psychosocial Theory c. Social Learning Theory d. Sociocultural Theory RATIONALIZATION: Social Learning Theory ¢ Albert Bandura e Learning by watching others o Bobo Doll Experiment Reciprocal determinism - there is an interplay between our personality and the way we interpret events and how they influence us. 5. Who among the following reiterated the importance of physical closeness and touching, not mere feeding, as a foundation for attachment? a. Freud b. Harlow c. Bowlby d. Piaget RATIONALIZATION: * Freud — attachment is formed through nursing and feeding ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY. Lecturer: Prof. Jehnnylie V. Beringuel, RPm « ADOLESCENCE © Identity vs Identity Confusion o Mostcritical life stage sa mga bata o Identity is very important for Erikson o Basic strength: Fidelity o Core pathology: Role repudiation e¢ YOUND ADULTHOOD o Intimacy vs Isolation o Basic Strength: Love o Core pathology: Exclusivity o Empty-nesting usually happens « ADULTHOOD © Generativity vs Stagnation © Basic strength: Care © Core pathology - rejectivity © Productivity is important. Contribute to the common good, working is not enough. o Procreation - most important activity sa adulthood; nurturing the next generation e OLD AGE o Integrity vs Despair o Basic Strength: Wisdom o Core pathology: Disdain 7. Ata toy store, the 3-year-old Donald chose a toy truck as a present for his 15- year-old sister's incoming birthday. He proudly chose the truck as a gift since he loves watching Thomas and Friends. Based on Piaget’s theory, this is an example of which of the following? a. Object permanence b. Stranger anxiety c. Contact comfort d. Egocentrism

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