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ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecture Prof lehnnyliV.Betngue, Rm | Thibiethe scientie study of wayein wheh people change, as wll toy the same, am cancepion te deat. 2. Humen Development b.tifespan Development «Developmental Paycheogy 2.whiein the200,9 chilésaw ahote for he het ne andretered tok as 0409, ‘he eh deronetrated whichof te fllowing? ‘a Astinilation Accommodation 4 .eo%nng "BATIONALZATION: "© Schema - ramewor for xgonaing information They divelog ther achematathrough the processes of © Astinilation ~ nclapot yurg new information sa existing schema knowledge para ma-eecommodate yung new situation ‘cumagee ng penibogong scheme, ‘+ Pagat's Stages of Cognitive Development 1. Sensorimoter Stage (bith to2 yes) + Cocrinares sensoryexperence + stage cttanment Objet Permanence + Moraming changes no nos-experiance during this tine + Sa nitol port ng sensorimotor stage, wola pong ‘consent rg object permanence yung ao + Best way to know IF nogre-develop yung OP ng bay kagog negstat no sila hanapin yung toy no 2. Preopertiona Stage (2-7 years) Ww + Use! lenguage + Egoctnte ~ Beet thatthe whole world revolves ‘round them + Bose nat understand te Principle of Canservation Stage attainment Theory oti (understanding ra may weparte mind on9 00) ‘3. Concrete Operational (7-11 yars old) + Senation + Reversibility + Bound to the corerete physical realty ofthe world ‘They con't understand pa yuna concept no death kasi tooabstrat fr them 4. Formal operational (11 years ~ onwards) tighest stage of cognitive development + Thinking becomes abstroct, feral, tical 1 Accotcing to stuces, nina! porket maton ka na, asaormal partion staye kano, ‘3. hich of thefolowing statements ae true accorting to Rousseau? 0. The environment espacial powerfulin the chil’ eaty life because che Children develop according to neturalptanbase on ther imer biological timetable, «Development unfoide in fixed sequences andwos etivated by genes. dl ersonality i formed ring the st ow yoorsof fe JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU ‘Father of Ovelopmerta Psychology + Chien aeintrisicay good 1 chiaten develop based on a natural plan wnieh unto in eterant stage, « developmen based on their un imer bologialtimetobie Nativsm ~ innate driving force behind development: sll-Leaming a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecture Prof lehnnyliV.Betngue, Rm © Rativisn leaning more soinnote charasterisics + arlow ~ experiment with hesus rankeys. Contact Comiot © Enpirist~teaning move ea envirrmnertal nuences © ttisthe warmththat gives securty ond ttechment “+ Punihment dosen't werk! Shien ea team on their an, 2 eaitmaymgamasoma? cas aww nace conupt tye ngsociety, 6. According toEritsen this the comerstone of hecithy personality. 10H L0CKE nas -_ 1 RESEESSo name weor sesamin om Ligne Sie 4. Thie theory euggr tween ity Socket Bes 2 SEEN, aaa teen < SREETENY SS gz) — ht seen oer oan oe re nr ees aay soars sc “ma, TASTY Mba taint nn 1 Ee eeates hols reameseacte 2 Now esianentent igor seer enn agnor onto > econ sioner ation «Ses eda owe atest tna Msn m tet Sooner ® ecto en oie + Boiss antes one nh tmitenemrnte oration ©. Bowlby 3 Industry vs inferiority ‘oe 2 Seen eer : Soapondenene 2S gaan 2 SESE a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecture Prof lehnnyliV.Betngue, Rm > ADOLESCENCE deni vs entity Confusion © Mestertical fe stoge somgatata © ldenty vary mpertantforenkson © Bosc stiength: Feeity © Cor pathology: Roi repudiation + Youno ADULTHOOD ‘© Intmac vs lotation © Bexie Stonath: Lowe © Cor pathology: Exclusivty = Empty-nesting usnlly happens + ADULTHO09 © Gonoratuity e Stagnation Basic stength: Core Predtvty ic impartant Coneribute tothe common good, werangienetencugh. recreation - mast important sctivly se. oxlthoed nurturing the next genertion + owwsce Intogityvs Despair ‘Basie Stenath: Wisdom (co% pathology: Didoin year-old sisters incoming birthday He proudly chose the truck as git since he loves wotching Thomas end ends, Basedon Paget theery the isan exonple of which ofthe following? 0. bject permanence be. stranger arwety ‘Egocentriem Ww {8 Mariposa abbors lying and not telling the truthbecause according toher only ‘aba person tes. She isin what stage of metal developers? «@.Pe-conventonal moraty »,st-convertonal morality ©. Canvertiona morality 4. Ureonsentonal moral [MORAL DEVELOPMENT THEORY (Lawrence Kohiberg) + Moral decison iskasedon justice end ramos + Woral lemma = tool ured tedevelop these stages Laval: Preconvantionck morality (2 00 years) Keywords Rewards ond Punishment Stage 1: obedience end punishment eienttion "Moral judamente are driven by © need to avodd punishment 4+ Not punished - good behovier + Punished ~ bod behavier T Noral judgments are eriven by the dase to rest + kung ano yung abubut mo™ + Level 2: conventional morality (9 years and oder) ‘© Keywords Acceptance ane the aw © Stage: Good boy/Good git orientation + Divendya need to be cocoptedby others Stage 4: Law and oreo orientation + Dien by © deste to adhere to the law or the cauthortios + Level: Posteonventioral mealty (12 yars end older) > Keywords Common good and censcience 8 Stage: Social contact eientotion ‘Adherence to awe thatare st up os socal contracts © Stage 6: Principled conscince- Unowore pa savulesnan aje-enist, + Stage: Heterononousstage (4-19 yeas old) © Ruleeasinvotete ondunaterable © Egosentrisintheir uc of ules © lgnee intentions ane focus oniyon consequences © Immonert juste - type of magical thinking wine they bellve that accidents are caseeaf din + Stoge2: Autonomous Stage (around age 10.111) Rules as human convention, git eonbe change ‘buon a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecture Prof lehnnyliV.Betngue, Rm Well-developed netionsaffolmess and aaproprcieactice elle! inimmanentustice aso inches 28. Based on the oge period of development, which ofthe folowing periods stort of 18 until 25yeareold. be Adolazcance| ‘0 Eosedon studs, which ofthe fllowing statements flse? 10, There is @ higher risk of decth of @ wicow widower after the deat of the spouse, '.Widowhood increases thariskof dying fram almost oll causes. «6. The rats of rortaity of widow widower was ower if they had tine toprepare <4. Men show a highatrisk ef mortality following the death of heirspoute if they hove higherneattn poblems. ‘Emerging adulthood "RATIONAUZATION. RATIONALIZATION: ‘Widowhood Mertalit EMest ‘ACE PERIODS OF DEVELOPMENT + dow -batoe iretrason a tw atin wal yt nso onder wonsentotot —Sotabrerdcmimasioyeor ny caro yrs tos your WalendeteCslaiwod oye topiary lenene et of ber 38 Eneronaasitbond 180975 1 Ent adn? 2ioa0-t5 Late Adulthood ésanmord 29.This psychosocial staye includes fincing meaninginors’stifeand accepting ‘one's accomplishments while also acknawiedsing these that Fad net gore os hoped itt be ntimacy vs eoation « eneratt vs. stagnation d.integity ve Despair wigower~ eta 1 Thisiethe feof one's oun death, ce wellaethalossof se-suticieny, loved ponners and tends «Stagnation bs. Thanatoe .Necropia| 4. Despair 32 hichot the folloning typesor elaer abuse isthe most cemmen? 0. Abuse and neglect bs. Peychoiogical andemetional abuse «Financial abuse Physica bine [RATIONAUZATION: + Financ abuse ~secard most conmon ‘38 Vhichof the flloning statementsreferto social death? a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecture Prof lehnnyliV.Betngue, Rm 1. Social death occurs when ethers dehumanize and withdraw from someone ‘who ie teminaliy i, b Soci. death oocurs when @ person dognozed with terminal ilness ignores other people despite ther continuous etfs to suppat them. €.Socialdeathonlyhappensteeldery people with temincl illness or dagnased with teeminatitiness ‘34TH the flex nvolved when infant get agitated aueto sudden roisesand sudan movements Rooting Moro a. witherawor| 35 Who among the fllowing believed that chleren of diferent ages interpret theworldinaterent ways? 2.vygotky b.rioget «.Sranfenbrenner 4 Skinner 36 Which ofthe following statomerts is tue about davelepmertal perceptions «Infants do not cemprenend death, thus, they Garnet react to the separtion cousedty death Those in middle adulthood fear death more besoust of ther caretaking ‘responsbiltes, ©: Adolescents believe that dah something temporary and ever, Ww 37 At abeut 4 months of age, erinaily an infant wil be cbserved to pertarm ‘which of he fotowing? ,Polmargrasp b.Phcer grasp «Pikingof sal objects an patting ther in containers 38 hisbtage, on inailaval nbW Understands the fri of death ard knows ‘that everyone will de, but they may think that poosle de becouse of their ‘wrongdoings. o. arty hitched «Late eitdhond Adolescence "RATIONAUZATION + Early childhood ~ cannot understand the obstact concept of ceath + Middle childhood - medvo osts ne yung concept na death pero they believe that they wishhard enough, babalikyung namatay napersen persondahitmasomang too sa 39 In his concspt of birth order, Acer believed that neurotic, perverts, ond criminalscre oten 0. Fest-borns &.Second-borns "RATIONAUZATION: * Fst born = Halal ong responsibly, exparences "detvonement, parvrts moo a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecture Prof lehnnyliV.Betngue, Rm + Youngest children ~ “block sheop", "protiem chia”, corspetitve, + Only child - satf-contared WAHA + tlaaie emia = cooperative, angss ys (BAS S1 ADLER KAS! MIDDLE ‘CHILD HAHA) 40 indivaiols experiencing tis type of grief may ster tented symptoms 442 tothe Lock of social supper os there ae ne formal meurnin proctices that 2. commucatea get b.Disentranchised get «Antciptory it 4 Enfranchise ret RATIONALIZATION: © Complicated Gret- atypical re reactions ‘Longer then usual and mere avenge than newnat, feeling of cabal, preoccupction with the dead loves one, eitresstal menories, fein unable to moveon, yearning forthe deceased + Symptomsare simerto MED Dizentrenchised art - ge! tht isnot sciallyreeognizee + no fomal mourning pation: + Brorle: toss ot0 pet = _Aicipetory gre - when deathis expectad reeverent- tho peiodaltor aloe ding whieh gratand mourning + Mouming - presess by hin people ccapt #2 @ lose; outa! cxressionol ort (ex Wearing back thes. 40 ays) 41\hic ofthe folowing ison exemple of @ child whose moral reasoning is Under Kohlborgspracomentional ora? Ww 6. Nami balioves that a men, who has 6 vay sick chil, can steal romanater person ae then eveyone wil think ri aba good finer. » Robinbaiove thot father of very sie chitdean steal em anntherbecouse tes mor important thanproperty Luffy who blievesthata person shouldret steal from anether ince he might ‘et punched by the person. +42 Whiehot the following statements is false about te te stages of grit by Kubee-Ross? «6. These ere no state theta person goes through in eer e only once be. Those ere stages that occu withthe same intensity d.Nane othe above 43 Upon retiring, Co now travels orcund te werd and began bicwarching in Poredice Fails He red hiking end sing, and he visted several counties to ofretiernant? ‘mediate pre-retrement pha: Actua etrament «.Haneymoon phase «.Reoriartation phase 44 whichot the following is true based on Bandra? @. Ha citzized Skinner's emphosis onindvidual animal subjects atherthonen furan subjects interacting with one another, and thus his approsch Investigates behavior as its formed end mid in asciel context. a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecture Prof lehnnyliV.Betngue, Rm b.He denied he existance of anentiy called petconaltyard didnot sek causes of venavor wathin the organism, ondbelieves that human bengsare jst “empty organism” «He coneded thet people function inthe some way sientists do .Allottne above 1 theoryoncopt ‘0. The ego must incorporate only the adoptive ways af coring, ba conflict at any stage remains unresolved, we are Les likly tobe able to dap te later probleme, © Base strecothe sxe interdependent, one strength cannot develog until the strangth associated withthe previous stage has been confrmed. ‘46Whicn ofthe folowing statements true? 4 Biologial age is based on the number ef yous since your bth bs. Soci aga is hazed onthe social norms of aur cuttre andthe expectations ‘our cultae hes for people of our age group. «.chronotogiea age cancompietely capture apersin's. ay .Allotthe above 47 Who amona the following araued thet one’s environment isnot the most slenificent factor inthe daveloomert of personelty? «john tocke batten ©. Watecn 4 Allottneabove 48Accardingto the Codeat Ethics, whichof the fllouing statement Ww ©. Participants cannot withdraw their consent to participate once they heve ‘9Iven the consent inorder to protect the integrity of he study. b Inconductng experiment with infants rd young hdres, avrten formed consent must be secured fom the parents I Lonctudinol research, we con ack for informed consent on more than .on to abut thelr own chieren? «9. Attachment theory » Social earning perspective 4. None ofthe ove 50. When famies get Larger, their average ovesal intellectual climate dons, which is opoeable cous farbirth order affcts or ntaligence, Thisstatamert ie Dosed on what theo? theory »,Sbling ditferntiaton «Sting and fomiy namics theory 4. confluence theory [panonauzarons + Canfluance theory ~habang lamalak ang size ng femiy. yung overall intellestual climate eens a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecture Prof lehnnyliV.Betngue, Rm ‘© Koya mas metaline ang mga panganay dahil expose na ala ‘gid soadult conversations, kaya mada sta mog-matue + Resource theory ~ evalablty of sources 91 Based onthe dere attachment styles azcoring te Ainsworth which of the olleninginfonts bleng toTypec? ‘a. After a separation episode, Ross appears angry with his mother, despite ‘melntaing close proximity ther. b. Monica fer her mother return, cotvely voids contact with her mother by running aweayerigraringher. «Racha, upon theretum of her mather, hugsher and appearsto be deliahted tosee her ‘22 wnveh of te folowing stotemert false regardng ing? ‘As people progress to mid-life and beyond, they seem to shift o evening ‘ostheirmostorodustivetime of theday. b. Those who stay mare cagnitively active show slowerratesofceqntve decline, People tendo decline very pa starting in their id -60% «4 None of the above 93. Which ofthe folowing true about Erksons teeny? Erkan fol to take court of culture in hie theory. 6. The challenge insachstage doesnot afect he next stages. ‘d.Noneaf the above 94 Kohlberg assessed the chilren'slevel of moral developmentusinga method hedevieed clea «.strange situation Moral ssenatioe dinentiens ard Corsequencestest 95. Whichof the following ematacoract embinationaf peychostcial cele one bosie strength? co. Intatve ve Cult Purpose Indust vs. neronty = Competence Autonomy vs Shame and doubt ~ Care Alot the above 96. who amon the fllowing iin the postcontentionl oof development ©. Bory, wi belies that stealing mine is He becouse it woth spending sometime njilto keep hismothe alive. 'b. Marshal, who belies that stealing mecicine for his dying wifeis acceptable «Robin, who balieves that it is ecceptableto steal medicine forher dying chil 4. Liy, who ballevee that no matter the reason, stealing ie wreng shoe i le oganst te law. 97. fazed on recent evidence, which af thefollowing attachment styles can be o.npea bnpes ecTpec 4.type0 a Agente reine hat han os ae tu for Rees Poe ec el lly ey wit perma te ve caster he ece wh ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY Lecture Prof lehnnyliV.Betngue, Rm 98 Thisstage of psychosocial development expresses that chiren should be supported and encouraged wnen ty stort haiping around the Nowe rther thon be solded ond hunitioted, «.Autoromy vs. Shame end deubt bb eentiy ve entiy contusion e-nduty ve inforerty ‘d.Noneof the above 99, Yourmather told youthat# yougot apertect sce inthe examination, she wirlieve you of your ores fora month Ths &an example of @.Postve reinforcement «©. Negative reinforcement 4 Modeing 109.Thecorepatheogy of oldoge a. iedain -Rejectvity db Excluity a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade Professional | 1 Board for Psychometrician as of February 2023 Subject: Developmental Psychology Weight: 20% PQF Descriptor Level 6 Difficulty Level Bloom’s Taxonomy Remembering | L Topics and Outcome Weight | No. of Item The examinees can perform the following competencies under each topic: emote ROI LU) Elem aC 1.1 Explain the role of 2% 2 heredity and environment in human growth and development. 1.2 Illustrate the influence 2% 2 of heredity and environment on the development of persons 1.3 Identify the 1% 1 1 1.4. Differentiate and illustrate the moral development of a person across the life span based on Kohlberg. 2% 1.5. Illustrate the impact of ecological model in the development of personality based on Bronfenbrenner. 2% 1.6. Apply the socio- cultural theory in the development of personality of Vygotsky. 2% 1.7 Illustrate the role of attachment in the development of personality and other human attributes based on Ainsworth and Mahler. 3% 1.8 Illustrate the theory of identity formation during adolescence period based on Marcia. 2% 1.9 Compare the different learning theories in explaining the development of personality and other human attributes based on behaviorism and social learning. 2% childhood, adolescence, and adulthood stages of development. 2.2 Assess the expected 5% developmental tasks in physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional during childhood and adolescence stage of development. 2.3 Illustrate 5% developmental tasks in physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional expected during adulthood stage of development. F. Developmental Challenges and Milestones on Developmental Stages 1. Developmental (15%) Challenges Across the Lifespan (15) 1.1 Explain the challenges 3% faced during prenatal and childhood stages of development. 1.2 Illustrate the 5% challenges faced during the adolescence and adulthood stages of development. 4 2 Tifferentiate the 5

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