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ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP 4. Branch of psychology that apolies the principles of psychology totne workplace. ‘A. Industrial Organizational Psychology B. _PersonnelPsychology © Ergonomics D.__ Organizational Psychology [RATIONALIZATION ‘+ Industrial Psychology - determining the competencies rnoeded to performa job/hiring/training + Organizetionel Prychelogy = creates on organizational structure andoultue that wil motivate employees to perform wet, + Human Facters/E:gonomics - concentrate on werkploce dosgn, human-machine interaction, ergonomics, ond Physical fatigue and stress + Occupational Health and Safety - decting with the safety of. the employes in the werkploce, preventing werkpioce hazards 2 Anne le an HR profeecional. She ie concerned abeut motivating her employees by ensuring hat policies arein place that safeguard their Well-being, such as alotting suiicient sick Leaves, ofterng Incentives for good performance, and allotting educational assistence for those pursuing higher academic degrees. What frame of reference is Anna operating? A. Industral Psychology Personnel Peycrology ©. Organizational Psychology D. Human Fectors/ Ergonomics 3. Anna is on HR professional. sased on archival data, previous femployees lott the compary due to increased physical fauigue. Reports Included an unconducive workplace, poor equipment, and outdated ‘data security protocols. Given te problem, Anna should focus her cottention to ‘A. Cccupational Health and safety B Human factors/ Ergonomics ©. Industrial Psychology ©. crganzatienatFeycrotogy 4. "De we have any empirical basis for making this decision?" howe what enproagh in classical organizational theory? 4. Scientific management approach '8. Bureaucratic approach C. Administrative approach D_Neoelassionl approach RATIONALIZATION. ‘+ Choices A.B, Care underclassical organizational theory 4 Organzatonal ecries © Classica ~ focuses mere on the og © Neoclassical - focuses more on the people © Syrtorns~ fooueas interaction between thepaopie ard the company ‘+ Sclontiticmanagement Principles © Science, notrule-of thumb © Scientific selectin ofthe worker © Menagemert ard labor cooperation rather then contlict Scientific taining ofthe worker 5, _“Asaleader,!believe thatthe best way tereach our group goals J by alvding the tosksinta chunks and assigning them ta mamnbers with the strergth to periorm them Knowing the strengths cf your members is a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP necessary." Thie line demonstrates the structural prniple under classical organizational theory? ‘A. Functional principle B. Scalar principle © Line/Statt principle D.__Span-of-sontol principle [RATIONALIZATION ‘A. Fair election of applicants 8. Imposng nerarenical structures. CC. _ Assigning tasks to people with established competencies 1D. Decentralizing decision making. RATIONALIZATION. ‘= Centralized ang desision mating sa bureaueratis principle, Kopeg decentralized ay sa workers ka lumataoit to: devsions “4 MAJOR STRUCTURAL PRINCIPLES OF CLASSICAL THEORY ‘+ Functional Principle 5 Dwision of labor ‘© Orgs should be dived into units that perform similar tunetions + Scalar Principle (© Orgsre structured by a chain cf command thet grows with inereasing levels of authorty © Unity of command + Line/stat principle (© Line functions: crectiy meets og goals © Staff functions: supports tine activities + Spon-of-control Principle ‘© Number of subordinates « manager I responsible for the supervising x x HORA an xx Span Span 6. Which activity doesnot align with Burecucratic principles under classical organizational theory? ee Agee reine hat hi eam nos mae nu for Rees Pe a mc 7. Anna is an HR professional, Previous records indivated a high volume of new employees eventually Leeving the company duc to ‘unmatched competencies. Anna started to focus on reevaluating t competencies of appiicante and fitting traning mechanems to jeds pertormed in the workplace. Anna focuses on ‘A. Industrial Psychology 1B Crganzatienal reyehology C. Human Factors/Ergonomise 1D. cccupationat Heatth ana sarety 8 “As a Loader, the best way to reach our group goals is by matimizng my authority in moking decisions fer the group. Some decisions are dificult te formulate, especially when my members hove ‘lverse judgment.” This tine demonstrates what structural principle 18 ‘under classical organizational theory? A. Funetional principle ‘sealer principle ©. _Line/statf principle © Span-of-contra. principte 9... proposes that people work in groups, and these groups are Interconnected to achieve a group goa! ‘A. Classical organizational theory ©. Neoclassical theory tutta wa hepa ree eta tr athe ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP Cc. systems theory 1D. Motivational re0ry [RATIONALIZATION ‘+ Systems Theery - developedin the 1970s that described orgs In terme of interdependent compenents tha! form a ayster ‘© Nodem organizetional theory © Coorainatien ‘2 Organzational communication © Five parts: 1 individuals (parsoraities,oilitos, ete) 2. formal organization (intertelated jobs in an organization) 3. small goups (Individuals do not work in Isolation; helps in adaptability) 4. status and role (define behavior in an organization) 9. physical setting (equipment, tecotogy) + Sociotechnical ~ more on the relationship ng werker so technology ne ginagarrit rita ‘+ Contingency appreach - wolang one-size ft solution sa mga compar 10. proposes that dlivsion of labor may alse trigyer boredom, especielly those who values exposure to several tasks and perceives thom as a way increase professional growtn A. Classical organizational theory 8. Neoclassical theory systems theory ‘0 Focuses on WORK. © Formalorganizational structure © Taylor, Weber, Fayol + Neodlassizal ‘© Focuses.on WORKER © Informel organizetional strocture © Honthane Prnciptes: + individual (social being, satisfaction, fulfiimene) + Work group (eyneray) + Participative management (worker partcipaton ond involvement i decisien making) + Divison of tabor + Sealer principle + Line statfprincipte + span-o-controt 11, Hanno owns a small business that started ust Last month. They ‘only have tenemployees. She supervises her employees and gives therm Independence in doing their wort. Ae an H professional, you can say that the company nas —— and —— Tall structure: Narrow span of contrat Fat structure; Wide span of controt Tall stucture; Wide span of control D. Rat etructure, Narrow span of cantrel 12. Annas an HR Professional. Anna's company was reperted to DOLE due to multiple complaints regarding their company’s response to Injured employees. For the context, Anna's company recruits electrical engineers, Ama must focus on a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP A. Industral Peyehology 8. OrganizatonatPsyciotogy Human Fectors/ Ergonomics . Occupational Health and Safety 13. “Asa leader ofa big company, the best way to reach cur group {goa iby assignnng more Layersto my company so we can manage and ‘monitor our group gocts effectively. This means tht | am not the only ‘one to lead, but Iwill distribute my power to other managers to ensure that appropriate departmental geal are being moniterad and ‘chieved." This line demonstrates what structural principle under Classical organizational theory? A. Functional principle B. Scalar principla © Line/Statt principle D.— Span-of-zontol principle 14 Statement A: Contingency approach proposes that there is a single way to adcress company isu. Statement B: Systems theory caserted that envirsamertal factor oF company’s physical setting do not cifect organizational performance. ‘ystems theory is more focused on the person, rather than the physical set-up. A. Statement Aistrue while Statement Bis alse, B._ Statement A isfolse while Statement Bie tu. C.__BothStatemere &.and Statement Bare true. D. _BothStatement A and Statement Bare false, 15. Stotement A: Soclotechnicat. approach appears to have similarity with human factess and eraonomies, since both concerns how ‘employees interact with the equipment they use at work Statement 8: Systems theory velUues organizational communication, Here, without communicaton, ere no stem. A. Statement As tue while tatementB is false. B.__ Statement Aisfalse while Statement B istrue. C. Roth Statement A and Statement Bare true. D. Both statement and Statement Bore fase. 16. What are the two fundamental requirements of organizational structures? A Hierarshy end Diision af labor B. Division of laborand Coordination ©. Coonation ana stendaruization 1D. standardization and Communication enter Srey ter ed Le 17. Natching employees’ compotenciesto their toaks er postions is highlighted in what structure? A. Simple structure Functional structure ©. Divisional structure a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP ‘SIMPLE STRUCTURE + Employ only « few people and typically offer only one distinct product er cenies ‘+ Minmat hierarchy ~ usualy employees ang din nagre-report + Employees perform broadly defined roles because there are Insuficient economies of scale to assign them to specialized jobe + Depende usually so direst supervision ng owner sa agcoorainateng work activities, so manirap to operate as the company grows and becomes more complox FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE + Organized employees around specific knowledge or other + may departments per speciatzations DIVISIONAL STRUCTURE (Multicvisional or M-form structure) + Org structure ~ employees are organized cround gecaraphic creas, outputs, orelionts ‘© Geographic ~ distinct regions o! the counity orworld © Product/service divisional structure ~ distinct outputs © Client - specific customergroups ‘TEAMBASED + Sell-directedteams thet complete anantire piace of work ‘+ Wide spon of control, minimel supervision + No iormotteauer + Highly decentralized becouse almost all day-to-day docisions are made by taam members + Low formalization which means that teams are given relotively ewrulesabout how to erganize their work [MATROX STRUCTURE Ww Overlays two structures in order to leverage the benefits of both (ex. An employee reperting to nis two managers ~ product manager and marketing manager. ‘+ Two chains of command, ane along functional lines and the other along preject, product, er lian lines [NETWORK STRUCTURE ‘+ Allance of several erganzotiens for the purpose of creating product orservng cient + Helps visualize both internal and external relationships between managers and top-Level management “+ More decentralized and more flexible than other structures “+ Relies on open communication and reliable partners; boty intemal and external. ‘+ Agilerthan other structures because kont Lang ang tires nya, mere contral, and abattem flew of decision making. 18) Mare works at ABC company. ABC company s Jus! @ start up ‘company and presontlyhas o flat structure. Marc observed that her co workers interact lot with one another, sharing information to faccamplsh specific wore-related tasks. Which coordinating ‘mechaniem i visible in this ease? A. Informal communication 8. Formcl hierarchy ©. standorlization B. Coardnation 19. GHI company sa clothing company. thas been inthe industry {or many years and has been chellenged by contemporary companies producing the same product. In this casa, what structure fitsthe problem of GH company? A. Nechaniste structure ‘organic structure a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP Organizational structure .__scatar principle [RATIONALIZATION + Mechanistic structure (© Narrow epan af control High degree of formalization and centralization any rules ana procedures LUmited decisionmaking Tall hierarchies of people Vertical communication Tasks are rigidly defined and altered oniy_ when sanctonedby ngher authorities + Organic Structure ‘© Wide span of control 15 Decentralized decision meking © Little formalization (© Tasks are flulc, adusting to new situations ond exganzaticnal reeds 20. Mare works at ABC company. ABC company ie ust @ tart up Company and presently has a flat structure. You can say that ABC ‘company nos A. Simple structure 8. Functional structure 6 Netaork strctire D. Matrix structure 21 Ben works at X¥Z company. XYZ isan established company with ‘tall structure. Ben observed that herco- workers follow crectves fom thsicimmediate supervisors. Which ccordinating mechanism ievisibein the case? A. Informal communteation Formal hierarchy © stanaoraization D.—Coordinatien 22. Bon wneke ot X¥Z company. X¥Z ie an established compeny with ‘tal structure, Ben observed thatherco- worker follow diectives fram {ther immeatote superviors. In this Case, we can say there ‘A. Centralization and departmentalization. 2. Decertraization andspanof centr. ©. | Farmatization and decentralization D. _Noneof the above is correct. 23. Nate works at ABC company. ABC company & just a start- up company and presantlyhas a flat structure, Given this background, you ‘can say that the employees are A Lkely to face problems with communicating with one another. B_Ukely toreceive promotion, C. —_Fasterto formulate solutiens tolmmedi D.__None of the above is corect. RATIONALIZATION. Choice A-talletructure ‘© Cholce ~ mabiis kasi ang communication tine since wala ‘masyado hierarchy 24, Whichis NOT TRUE about team-based structure? A. Works collaboratively andidoesn't have aforral leccler mostly Also calledas “self-directed” teams. C.__oesr't require much supervision D. —Highty formalized. 25. Nare works at ABC company. ABC company és just a start~ up ‘company and presently hos a flat structure. Their work varies daly, a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP requiring specialists to wort on complex cases. Given this background, you can say that tne company’s work processes have A. High variability, high analyzatility B. Highvaribility, ow analyzabitity © Lowvariabilty, high anaiyzability D. ‘TECHNOLOGY ‘+ Refers to the mechonisms or processes by which an organization turns out its product or service + Variability ~ umber exceptions to standard procedure that tena to occur, © Low variability ~ work is routinary and follow standardization 2 High variability - pabago-pageang work + Anelyzability- predictebilt or dificulty ofthe required work (© High enalyzabitry ~ easy yung trabano © Lowanalyzobiity ~ requires a speciclist to do the work dahil mahirap yang work + Organi structure = high variability ane tow analyzabilty + Mechanistic eructure = low variability and high enalyzabilty +The work is routine and highty predictable, an ideal stuaton for a mechanistic structure to operate efficiently 26 More works at ABC company. ABC company is just @ start up ‘company and presently has a flat structure, Their work vores daily, requiring specialists tc wort on complex eases. Given this background, youcan say thatthe is appropriate. A. Mechanistic structure B. Organic structure ©. —Organizationalstructure 1B. Seatar principle 27. What type of depertmentat structure Is applicanie tor big ‘companies with afferent branches threughout the country? A. Teom-based structure 8 Functional stretute C.__Natrixstrueture ©. bivistonatstructur 28. What type of departmental stuctire is applicable it multiple ‘organizetions:beth inside and outside the ceuntry, come tagethe ar jin {forces fora particular couse? A. Network structure 2 Natriveteucture ©. Functional structure 1D simple structure RATIONALIZATION. ‘© Notwork ~ alfferent ORGS na nageolisborare fer @ specie, project 29. on worke et X¥Z company. XVZ ie an established compeny with ‘tall structure, Given this deta, whichis TRUE about XYZ cempany? A. Lowalision of Labor B._Lawelanderdizetion ©. Leseuse of informal communication 1D Lowjeb specialization 30. Statement A: secretory and other laisonroleshave authority or power cver other people involved in the process. Statement & Concurrent enginesringis related to selt-drected teoms, opereting for ‘specific period only A. Statement Ais tue while Statement] i fale. 1B. Statement Ais false while Statement istrue, a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP C. BothStatemert A and Statement Bare true. regular status. | wonder why thisrule does not pply to my colleagues 1D. _Botnstatement A ang statement B ae false, who nave tne same academe status as me but were ableto receive a _promoticn after they werked for two years forthe company. Yung ibaa 31 Statement A: Current research suggests thata relativey narrow wala pang masteral gy promoted na, tapos ako hind pa?" Ths tine pan of contra ierecommended shows lack of Statement B: Decentralization ie aligned with the classical A.—_—Distritutive Justice ‘oxganizational theory. 8. roceduralustice A. Statement A istrue while Statement Bis false, ©. interactional Justice B. Statement Aisfalse while Statement Bie true 1D. __tudiciry Justice CC BothStatement Rand Statemant Bare tue, RATIONALIZATION. . _Bothstatement A and Statement Bare fase, ‘ORGANZATIONAL,USTICE ‘+ Distributive Justice - perceived tairess of tne ecssione mace 22, “Being apeychologist glveeme somuch fulfilment. ladmit itean, in onorganization be dificult at times, but | know this is my calling and cok forward t0 © "What?" helping more people.” Thisis an example ot —— © What made me fil? A. Job Satisfaction ‘+ Procedural Justice - perceived foimess of the methods used 2. Affective Commitment by an organization to make decisions ©. Noxmative Commitment © "How?" D.__ Continuance Commitment © Hew did youcome up with the decisions to jail me? + Interactionallustice — percoived feinese ofthe interpersonal \WHAT CAUSES EMPLOYEES TO BE SATISFIED WITH AND COMMITTED TO treatment that employees receive in an organization ‘THEIR JOBS? ‘© the oniy one who failed the class? ‘+ Affective Commitment ~ remains with an organization ond ccres about the organization 34. Research suggests that you could expect the fallowing + Continuance Commitment - remains due to | _outoomer toa perron with high ob eatistaction EXCEPT: time /expense/otter/diticuty finding another job A. High ite satisfaction + Normative Commitment ~ fets obliged to stay due togrowtn | 8.___Lowabsenteeism atiainedfromthe ergarization C. —_Loworganizational citizenship behavior D.__Lowccounterproductive behavior 33 * The administiator are unfor They promised me that | would RATIONALIZATION. be regularized after two yenrs of tenure. Now that Ihave acquired that ‘+ High ob satisfection, high OCB requirement, they tole me I must fish my masters belore !attan @ a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP 38 Decentralizaien ie elated to A. sob eumout B. —_Jobenrichment c Job enlargement Job rotation 36 Which ine below accurately characterizes. orgarizational citizenship behavior? A *No pay, ro work~ B._ “Iwill assert myself know that 1am being exploited." C1 con empathize with those employees who wore just hired recently. Lam willing to helo them adust in the workplace.” 1. “Did you know that hereis anongoing sue with our bess card Shella?" 27 Comaany ARC arganizedia training about peycholagioe first toequip ther newly hited employees with the necessary skills, Afterthe training, attendee A sald, “Ang goling ng trahner natin, no? she's so ‘great. couldn't retain anything from whet she taught; she spoke very calmly. Para na rin ckong nasa therapy.” This shows what listening sble? A. Inelucive c.__Empathic D._ Stylistic "RATIONALIZATION: LEARNING STYLES + Leisure - pinopakinggan mo tang kung ane yung nogbibigay 1g pleasure ‘+ Inclusive ~koy poits tang + Stylistic ~ delverylona + Technica - fects end detailsonly Empathetic - rel 38 Lang 1 speaker 38, Statement A: A faculty sent an email to the Chairperson to formally ropert @ ctudent who outrightly made diereepeetful tomarke while the classis ongoing, ‘Statement 6: A student sert an eat to tne University Prestient to formally report a professor who doesn't come to class and assigns only tasks thot wore mestly unexplained A. Statement & shows Upward Communication; Statement shows Downwerd Communication. 8, atement A shows Downward Communicaton; stateneent & shows Upward Communication, C. Both statements show Upward Communication. D.__both statements show Downword Cemmmunication RATIONALIZATION. ‘ORGANIZATIONAL CONMUNCGATION + Upward Communeatien - from employees up to management + Downward Communication - from management down to employees 4+ Horizontal / informa ~ interpersonal 39. In-petson meeting was conducted in the XYZ company to liceuse matters regarding rebranding, this ease, you roesmmandl the ‘employees tohave space. A Invmete 2 Personal ©. Social a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP ‘Gossip — poorly sukstantiatve information end insignticant information that is primarily ebout individuals (a related sa trabeho) + Grapevine ~unoffical, informal communicaton network 41, Employee A said to Employee 8 “Uy alam mo ba, Boss and our ‘co-worker Shelia are having sexual arr, tatokal” Employee 6 snared this infomation toEmpioyee C. Employee then shared this information to Empleyee D. Employee D decided not to share thiswith anyene else ‘You sould say that EmployeeD is an A. eolate 8. Cossiper. C.— Dead-ender. D. Gossiping 42," dont like to be grouped witr Dane, but now | don't have a Cchace. Feeling mogaling kos! Lagl. Vey egocentric ond acts as if she knows everything.” Thisline shows AL Forming 40. Employee A soid to Employee B “Ly alom mo ba, Boss and our co-worker Sheila ore Raving sexual off, kaloka!~ Employee 8 shared mins ths infarmaton to Employee C. Employee then shared th information © —_—Notming tofmpioyeeD. Employee O decided not te share ths with anyone else, P___Ferforming ecm o RATIONALIZATION. ‘GPOUPLIFE CYCLE Single strand grapevine, “+ Forming - gotting toknow,elerifying goo, best behaviors aro presented 4+ storming - aisogreement, rustrations ‘+ Norming ~ easing tension/acceptance of team members 4+ Performing - tork accomplishment Probability grapevine, a B. Gossip gropevine, c. Rumer - poorly substantiates infomation that ls passed aleng the grapavine (elated ta trabaho) a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP 42. A group of graduate students formed a group chat te express ‘suppor a they embark on ther thesis journey. You could say that te reason for formulating the groups. A Assignment BR Affiltion ©. Common interest .__ Emotional support [RATIONALIZATION 8 Indivieual-Sroup ©. Group-inariauct 0D. Group-Group 46, “Idont ike Shella attitude eversines. Laging nagpapa-bidasa boss natin. Hindi namon nagwowerk; puro credt- grabbing long ang ‘lam. 1 pope she gives ereai to whom the credits due" You could say that Shetais 44, What communication stisctura is host to use ifthe group i tll in“forring" stage? A Open 8 Centolized Chane Do Citas 48. “Idon'tUke shelta’sattitude ever since. Laging nagaope~ bida sa bess natin. Hindi narman nagwework, puro eredit- grabbing lang ang ‘alam. thopeshe gives.redit to whom the credtis due." What conflicts presentin this case? ‘A. Interpersonal A. Naybe Person’ 8 Fiendly Sniper ©. Think-they-know-it-all ‘rena "RATIONALIZATION. ‘Sim feta Sapetig ty er pl ie feet tase penny Marca ncatien Iennset toat_bappman np mane aman 47. Statement A: The essumption that seme varicsility in job sotisfaction isdue toincvidual's personal tendency across situctionsto ‘enjey what ahs does i aligned with social inforretion processing theery Statement 8: High turnover due to overwhelming emails is labeled as “Escape” ‘go rea nfo ers ss ei ain tt pean nonce ec ae ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP A. Statement A istrue while Statement Bie fae. ‘+ Social facilitation (with simple/leamed tasks) B. statement A istalse while Statement Bis true, © Presence ot others » physiological arcusal » increased ©. BothStatemert A.and Statement Bare true, performance D.__Bothstatemert A and Statement Bare false. ‘+ Social inhbition "RATIONALIZATION: © Presence of others = physislogoat orousal + Statement A- Individual Differences Theory decreased performance + Arecoworkers ourwaraly unhappy? + Auatence efects © Social Information Processing Theory - employees eo ‘model the levels of tatistaction and matvation from = = Lowsetf-esteem and high in neurcticism other employees ‘© Individual Differences Theory - sore varabilty injob | 49, Which theery supports theideathat leaders are “made”? satisoction 1s due to Incvicua’s personal tendency | A. Fsychodynamictneoties ‘cross situations to enjoy what she does. Existential theories + Recetione to information overload C. Learning theories 15 Omission = concn decison to omit Family eystoms theories © Bor - incorrect processing © ueuing - waiting in une 30, Narle, @ supervisor of ABC company, ensures that all her (© Escape ~ resigns to reduce stress ‘employees con share ther input before she decides. This isan example © Use of gatekeeper only the most impertant passes | of through A. htooratic! Use of multiple channels - assigns another ett BAutocraticn ©. Consutative 48 Statement A: Sociol inhibition blleves thot the presence of -D.___Consuitative thers will increase performance. RATIONALIZATION. Statement 8: Competition among. different school branches is an = Autosratie = decide without coneuting ‘example of dysfunctional conflict + Autostaticl- obtain info then decites A statement a strue while Statoment 8 false. ‘+ Consultative | -askinaivauaty then deciaes B.__StatementAisfalse while Statement Bie true. ‘+ Consultative il -sheres the problem then decides C.__Bothstatemert A and Statement Bare true. Group t~ consensus D.__RothStatement A and Statement Bare false [RATIONALIZATION 51. Carrie ie an active etudent-Leader in her school exgarization ‘PRESENCE OF OTHERS Carte tkes totead, claiming tnat leadershi is inner blood. Shes well a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP liad by her team because she has clear plans fr the organization and hes always succesdedin establishingharmonious relationships with ner team members. Given this case, you couldsay that Carries High tatk orientation; High person orientation High task orientation; Low person orientation {Low task orientation; High person orientation. Low task erietation; Low person orientation coor 52. Cantia ie an active studant-Leadar in her sehoal organization, Cori kes to Lea, clciming that leadership isin her blood. She is well liked by ner team becouse she Nas clear plans forthe organization and hes always succeadedin establishingharmonious relationships with her toam membors. Gven this case, you could say that Cari is classified as A Thecry Wieader B.__ Theory Xleader c. Theory ¥ leader D._Theary Z leader [RATIONALIZATION "= MeGireger Theory Xand Theory ¥ © Theory X leaders - naniniwcla na employees are ‘extrinsically moxivated kaya ang Leadership siyle nila ‘oy by iving directives andsetting goals. (Money) © Theory Y leaders - naniniwela na employees are tringeally motivated kaya ang leedarship style rile by empowering their employees (Mearing) 52. Carrie le an active studant=Leader in her school orgenization, Corie kes to Lead, clciming that leadership isin her blood. She is well~ liked by her team because she has clear plans forthe organizetion and hes always succeededin establishingharmonious relationships with her toam members. Given this case, you could say that Carre possesses Coercive power Feterent power C. Legitimate power D.__ Reward power RATIONALIZATION. 'A.Coorove power > Purses bad parbmance 1 Referent power > Poop ke em Leia poner > Postion Reward power “> Rowan gcd pertrmanse Exert > Knowledge 454, Corrie ie an active stucent-leacer in her school organization Carte tikes tolead, claiming that leadershif is inher blood, She's well Liked by ner team because she hos clear plons fer the organization end hhas always succeeded in establishing harmonious rletionships with her ‘team members. Given tis cose, you could say that Carrie possesses -_. A. Affective dontity Motivation B_Non-caleulativeMativation ©. CalcviativeMativation 1D. Social Normative Motivation "RATIONALIZATION. “+ Affective Haniity motivation - motivations Yo lead az eresut of adesieto ben charge andleadothers ‘+ Non-catculative motivation ~ those who seek Leagershyp positions because they wil result in personal gain + Social-normative motivation - thedesite to lead out of cance of duty orreposiility 155, Carrie i an aotive student-leader in her schoot organization Carie tikes tolead, claiming that leadershif is inher blood. She's well Liked by her team because she hos clear plans fer the organization ond has alweys suceeededin esteblishing harmenious reltionships with her a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP toam members. Given this case, you could say that Carre applies what leacersnip styte/stytes accoraing to Path Goat theory? A. Instrumental and supportive 8. Supportive.ane partcipative CC artsipative and achievement-orientod D.__Achievement-oriented and instrument [RATIONALIZATION ‘+ Pati Gool Theory ‘© Instrumental Style ~ plans/organizes/eontrols © Suppertivestyle ~ concerned © Participative Style - empowering/shared decision ‘maxing © Achiovement-Oriented Style ~ sts goalsand rewards ‘occomplishments 56. _kellyhas been one ef the top team leaders in her team since they neve naa tne most siguncant sales for three years now. However, Kelty eed tobe bette liked by her members dve to Kelly's striet approach to hher members. Given this cas0, you could say that Kelly’ team would hove —— A. Lowperformance 8. Lowtumover C.__Lowgrievance D. None ofthe above 57. _Kellyhas been one fthetop teamleaders inher team since they hove had the most eigiticant soles for three years now. However, Kelly ‘needs tobe bette liked by her mambers dve to Kelly's strict approach to her members Given this case, yeu could say that Kely has A. Hlighneed forpawer: High need for affliction B. _Highneed for power; Low need for affliction. &—_Lowneed for power; High need for atiuation D.__Lawnsed fr Low need for affiliation ‘RATIONALIZATION ‘© MoLellanc's Learned Newds Theory © Need for power - person desrestobeincontrolof other peopl © Need for achievement - person desies to be suscesstut © Need for affiation - persondesies tobe around other people 58. _ellyhasbeen one ofthe top team leaders in her team since they have had the most eignticant gales for three yeors now. However, Kelly nests tobe better iked by her members dueto Kelly’sstrict approachto hher members. Given this cose, you could say that Kelly's leadership is clattited ae bated on managerial gid A County Club 8 Impovensnea ‘THE MANAGERIAL GRID a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP 59%, _Kellyhas been one cf the top team leaders Inner team since they hheve had the most significant sales for three years now. However, Kelly eed tobe bette liked by her members de to Kelly's strict approach to her membars Given thie cata, you could say that Kellys leadership i classified as Theary Wieader ‘Theery X leader ‘Theery ¥ loader ‘Theery 7 loader oom 60. ling Nera std, “NakaXaloka, Bogsak na ‘alags ang bansa, Inflation rate is high. Unemployment rate ic high. Now, they areptanning, tophaseout jeopneys the sole source of my family’s income. Hirap na hiop ra kami humanap ag pagkatakitean. mahal ang bilhin pero ‘mababa ang income. Paano nang mgo andk ko? What leadersh style that the government must use that could address Aling Nena's A. Position and Magnetic 2. Informational and Affiliation C. Tactical and Coercive Allo! the above Ww Disorganization | with krowledgeand resource: but does not know how to use it 61. Viviane said “i, mogreresign na ao. fel lte 1am not valued in thie company. Ang daming changes, pero never naman tayo na lnfozm and ne-eonsult. onrypero pune na tolage ako" Vviane’s bossis ‘applying under Viaom=Yetton Model A. Autocratio! 2B Autocraticn ©. Consultative! 1D. Consutative i 62. lenny Ie very enthusiastic about johing the psycheleay forganization ot her university. However, she admitted that she locks the skis to porform her tasie, fyou supervie Jenny's team, what approach will you use for members tke Jenry? A Directing coaching ©. Supperting 1. __botegating RATIONALIZATION. ‘+ Situtionel Lecdership Theory © R1'Unable and unwilling orinsecure ~ crecting © R2 Unable but wiling and confident = coaching a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade Styles Climete Deveription © RO Able butunwiling arinsoeure + supportive Informational | Ignorance Info snot available © R&- Able andwilling orconfident» delegato Magnetic | Despair Low morale, Pesition | Instability | People arenot sure what to do 63. The staff of the Miss Universe organizetion are very anxious Afiation | anxiety Worry predominates ‘bcut the direction of their company. Since Ms. Aane acquired the Coercive Crise Decision has extreme ‘company, it hae gone through many rebranding tactics, The fane hadl consequences miked reactions. Yeu could sey thet Anne applies A. Transactional approach ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP 8. Transformational approach ‘= HRD future workfo,ce/focused on people/Long-term foroad ©. Tactical approach + 00 focused on organization D. Supportive approach 1+_Employee Training ~ short-term specific 64. Statement &: Leaders canbe horn and madest the same time, {67.__hichof the following e the jab rezponsibilitioe of arocruiter? Statement 8: High IQ individuals can autematisolly become A, Maintain eontacts within the community ard perhaps travel great leaders ‘extensively te search for quattieg job applicants. ‘A. Statement A istrue while Statement Bis false, 8. Collect and excmine detailed information about job duties to B. Statement Aisfolse while Statement Bis true. prepare job deseristions. C_BothStatement Rand Statement Bara tue, ©. Davalop:compensation plane and handle the emplayes benefits D. _Bothstatemert A.and Statement Bare false, program. D.__Hanjorganze, end arect raining activities. 68 Statement A: Noresistc leaders are likely to possess non~ ‘RATIONALIZATION. calculetive motivation. + B-jobanalyst Statement & Low person orientation i likely tobe considered as “high 20 payrott, liability fosters taining dept ‘A. Statement Alstruewhile Statement Bis false, 5. Statement &isfotse while Statement Bis true. 68, Statement A: Human rescurce development seeks to enhance ©. Bothstatemert A and Statement Bare true, thepatential among employees. D___BothStatemert A and Statement Bare false! Statement 8: Organizational develogment deale with the yeterse, RATIONALIZATION: structures, policies, processes, and procedures, + Statement B= high person oventction dapat A. Statement As tue while tatement® is false. 2. Statement is false while Statement 8 istrue. 66 The proses of acquiring, training, appraising, ond ©, Both Statement A and Statement B ere true, compensating employees, and of attending to their labor relations, _O.-—_—Bath Statement Aand Statemont 8 ore fae. health and safety, and fairness concerns, ‘A. Human resource menagement 69. Clody Is recruiter in XYZ compary. His company accommodates B. Human resource developme ‘round 200-200 applicants n a day. To save time, he usually intorviows ©. Organizationaldevelopment ‘round ten applicants in justone sitting. This interview is celled D.__Employeetraining, A. Gne-en-one interview RATIONALIZATION: 2 Panelinterview + HRN » present worktorcs ©. Groupinterview a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP D. —Structuredinteview ‘+ Freezing - latter part of the change process, in which systems {and conditions are introduced that einforee and maintain the 70. Clody is a recruiter in X¥Z compary. His company deviedbehaviers ‘accommodates cround 200-300 applicants in a day. To save time, he usually intewviows arcund ten epplicants in just one siting. The fest 73, What strategy le being applied in this case whan it comes to question thot Cledy asks is "Can youtell me about work experience in reducing restraining forces? the customer service industry?" This question isan example of ‘Communication A. Disqualiier 8. Employee involvement 2B Clontior C.Negatation C.__Still-lovel determiner Coercion D. Patterned behavior description interview: 74, Youcouldsay that the taculty members of the ABC Department 71 Clody is @ recruiter in XYZ compary. His company af Psychology are ‘accommodates cround 200-300 applicants ina day. Tosavetime, he A—=«Change agents Usually interviews arcund ten applicants in just one siting. Clody is B, Change resister copplying €. —Change analyst A. Horlzontat recruitment D.__recoptve changers B._Vertioal recruitment "RATIONALIZATION. C._ intemal recruitment ‘Charge analyst ~ "ano meronibhie?™ D. extemal recruitment + Rocaptive changer -“gotang beh’ ‘+ Roluctont changer - “hmm, sure ke? Sige’ 72 Based on Kurt Lewir’s Force Feld Analysis model, you could say ‘© Change resister ~ “ayokonga, kayona tong’ that the organization is presently at what stage? ‘+ Charge agent - "push na kasimagoaga!” A. Unfreezing Changing 75. What othical prablom ia present inthis oas0? c Freezing ‘A Configentioity D.__Re-freezing, Induces complience and conformity. [RATIONALIZATION Fisk of voleting individual privacy rights. ‘+ Unfreezing = change agent produces disequilibrium between | D._Downgrating students’ abilities and potentiat. the driving and restraining forces RATIONALIZATION. + Chonging actual implementation of the new poi ETHICAL ISSUES It ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP + Risk to violating individual privacy rights (asking to divulge Deniat Personal opinion about tne change) Detense ‘+ Induces compliance and conformity Discarding + Undermines empleyeos self-estoam during unfreezing Adaptation [RATIONALIZATION 76. Given the case infermation, what approach to orgarizational change nts he situation of ABC Univessty- Department or Psychology? Serres ‘A. Retion-Research Approach esas Appreciative inquiry Approach © Large-Group Interventions D.__Paraiie Learning Structure "RATIONALIZATION: ‘+ -Action-Research Appreach - combines changing altitudes tand behavior (action) and testing theory through data collection and anciysie (research) + -Apprecictive inquiry - focuses participants on the group's potential andpositive elements ‘© Discovery ~ Dreaming ~ Designing » Delivering + Large group interventions / future search - systemwice group sessions in which partsipante identify trends onl establish ways to adap te those changes 78. What probeble prominent reascn is evident that makes students ‘© Limitations: 1) cominating employees during sharing londistakshotders hate tre proposed palicy? 2) limiting opportunites t look for unique ideas since Lack of top-level support and commitment ‘ng fecus ay makuha ang common ground: 3) high Fear of uncertainty ‘expectations about the future Social diareption + Parallel Learning structure - highly partiipatve| 0. -—_Grganizational incompatibility ‘arrangement composed of people trem most levels of the organization who follow thectionresearchmadel to produce | 79. Applying the Six Sigma and citical phases. of process ‘meaningful organizational change improvement to this cose, ABC University- Department of Psychology oeds toroviit what phase? 77. From the frame of Camal’e stages of change acceptence, you -As_—_efine Could say that inthis cas, the stakehotdersarein what stage? 8 Neasure ‘go rea nfo ers ss ei ain tt pean nonce ec ae ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP c. Analyze 82, I Pat has already chosen the person/s to conduct the job improve ‘onetysis, wht co you think isthe very nist step tnat they woute take in ppertorming such an activity? ‘A. Selecting tests to tapKSAOs, CN Re eM eee tec writing task statements, ies €, _Mentitying tasks performed. 0. betermining KSA0s. [RATIONALIZATION Ea es » es CONDUCTINGA JOB ANALYSIS ies sa Se ee = 180 Would you recommend ecnducting job anaysle for the psychometrcian positon? | A. Absdlutely yes. ‘Absclutaly no. 7 83. Which competency ot a psychometriian below fais under the c Partlyyes io . “other characterisice™? Party no, ‘A. Writing psychological reports carl — cd condetig job enayl who ie he most Sone Fshomete propor, you recommend conduéting job analysis; who is the most RT feasible perzon/sto conduct such anacthly boredan the givencaie? «mater epacuin et A. Jobincumbents B.__ supervisors 84, ©. External consultants D. College / Graduate School interns It the new position (psychemetician) offered has lower compensation compared to other positions within the cermpany. you ‘could cay that the company has A. High internat pay equity ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP 2. Lowinternal pay equity ©. Highextemat pay equity D._Lowexternal pay ecuity [RATIONALIZATION + External pay equly - comparing your eahed te other employees outside yourcompany na same ng job sayo 85 Given the structure of XYZ company, yeu could say that sychometrcianshave ‘A Highchance of gotting promoted: Honce peter principles tikly 8. Low chance of getting promoted; Hence peter principle is unuiety. ©. High chance of receiving salary Hncreese; Hence Ammerman principles ely D. Low eharee of receiving salary inerease: Hence Ammerman principles unikoy. 86 Hazel works at KYZ University. she was deciding what type of test she would use in hiring professors in their univerty. What can you euggoet? A. Administer perceptual ability test and ask for opplicont’s B. Administer cognitive abit test and ely on job interview data, C._ Administer physical ability test andask for applicant's portato. D. Administer cognitive ability test are maximize use of other pro- temployment assessment tools such as interview, resume, behavioral observation, references etc. 87. Hazel worts.atKYZ University. she was deciding what type of test she would usein hiringprotessorsin their university. n conjunction tothe test data, protocol suggests requiing applicants to undergo teaching demo. this case highghts,_inappicant section, Loadertoss group discussion ‘simutations In-basket technique Business gome technique ¢ ° 88, Hazel works at XYZ University. As part of ther protocol, Harel Called on the character references Indicated inthe applicants resume, Hazel noticed that all of them shared good quaities ofthe applicants, ‘anénone haschored apalicante’ red flog. Suppose that she hired theee oprlicarts andlater, she discovered that all of tiem did poorly at their actual job, What _robterns is/are presert inthis cose? ‘A Lenieney error B. Negligent a © Negligent hiring D. — Allofthe above 89. Hazel works at X¥Z University. Hazel is conducting performance ‘appraisal to their current employees. Out of 100 employees, none has receivada satisfactory parformance aparaieal. This result was surprising ‘lven that the university has been thriving for the post two years. You {coud suspect that there is A. eniency error 8. Central tendency error ©. Striotness Contrast enor 90, To avoid the error that happened in item number 89, the fevaluater must A. Undergo training related to accurate ratinas. 8. Use unstructured interviews. ©. Revisitjob / postion analysis a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP Botha and C 91 Hazel works at X¥Z University. Hazel is currently conducting performance appraisal for particuler department, Hazel arranged the ton (20) employees in. hiararehy, and those who were placed at the lower end were either targeted to uncergo training o terminated, Hazel coppiieg A. Paired comparson technique 2. Rankorder technique CC. _Fonee diatibution technique D. Objective easurestectnique 92 Hazel wotks at XYZ University. Hazel odmitted that she Lacks experience in conducting performance appraisal. In evaluating femployee performanes, ate the most common sauces of ratings orfeedback, Therefore, youshould suggest thisidea to Haze. A Supervisors Beers ©. Suberdinctes DB salt 93, What questionbelow reflects person analysis? A.__Isourcompany supportive of gender aliversity? B. Who are the perpetrators of homophobic actions i ‘company? CC. Should! partner with Local organizations on ths project? Papa eatin sue ney ornano? ide the 94. Who would you recommend to Joe to facilitate the queer offiemative training? A. Jechiel B.__1SBTG+ employees ©. Subject matter expert. 1D. Anoffcer in an eraarization 95, What mode of taining would you recommend to Joe as they factitate quesr affrmative training? ‘A. Online, lecture type. 8. Onsite roleplay type ©. Gnline, simulation type. 1D. Cneite, lecture end simulation Yype. a Agente rier hat han os ate tu fo Rees Poe i ech el lly ey wit perma ote vectra ech ade ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Lesturet Mx Rolf Gin Marcos, RP 96. What method of evaluation can yeu recommend to 108 as they test the ettciency of te treining program? Hypothetical case Living case Providing talutions ta pat cases Reacing of up-to-date journa articles oom 97. According to self-determination theory, Georgette is — ‘A. Intrnsicaly metivated te teacn B__Extrinsieily motivated to teach ©. Both intrinsically motivated and extiinsically motivated to D. Neither intrinsically motivated ner extrinscally motivated to 98 Accerding to research, what can you expect from Georgette’s performance when she feels “incompetent” to teach a particular subject? A. Satistactery performance B. _Unsetisfactory performance C—Average performance BD. Noperformance 99. According to Alderter, what need is prominent in Georgette's A Existence B. Relotedness Growth D._Recegniton ‘+ Relatedness - love and belonginaness + Growth ~ self-esteem and gall-actuatization + Maslow ~ one need at atime + Aldeifer - more than onenes is possiblo 100 According to Herzberg, what needs/factors are prominent in Gecrgetie's case? A. Intrinsic factors Extrinsic fantors ©. Notivator factors D.__ Hygiene factor Cel el O Re en Pao Sescaten ie Sa Sey scl ( Taio gem fas ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Lecturer: Prof, Jehnnylie V. Beringuel, RPm 1. The teachers in a school were told by the administration that if they were able to gain a high performance score in the next quarter, they would be given the opportunity to make their own schedule. This is an example of a. Expectancy theory b. Premack principle c. Anincentive d. A benefit RATIONALIZATION: Types of Incentives used to motivate employees: * Premack principle - reinforcing with something that on surface does not appear to be a reinforcer o Reinforcementis relative / subjective ¢ Financial rewards - variable pay (incentive to perform better) o Bonuses and prizes ¢ — Recognition - through recognition programs ¢ Travel - travel awards rather than financial rewards 2. The ERG theory is developed in order to fill the inadequacies in the industrial setting of which of the following theories? a. Equity Theory b. Acquired Needs theory c. Path-goal theory d. Needs Hierarchy RATIONALIZATION: MASLOW’S NEEDS HIERARCHY * You cannot go back a level and choose to stay there. * You cannot skip a level. ERG THEORY e Developed by Clayton Alderfer * A person can go back a Self-lillment reeds level and choose to stay there if he/she wants ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Lecturer: Prof. Jehnnylie V. Berinquel, RPm EQUITY THEORY * How fairly we believe we are treated in comparison to others * Inputs - personal elements we put into ajob * Outputs - elements we receive from the job * Employees will try to make the ratios equal ¢ Ratio is compared to other employees. 3. Birdie was a new employee in a firm. She just joined the company 4 months ago. How many more months before Birdie would have a chance to become a regular employee? a. 6 more months b. 34 more months c. 8 more months d. 2 more months RATIONALIZATION: TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT * Regular employee - jobs necessary and desirable in the business o Kailangan ka to operate the business co If contractual employee na Laging nire-renew, he/she can be considered na as a regular employee kasi nga necessary na siya and desirable. « Casual employment - jobs not directly related or desirable to the business of the employer o They can ask to be a regular employee if they have rendered1 year of working whether it is continuous or intermittent. * Probationary - 6 months from the day the employee started working © Kapag lumagpas na ng 6 months si proby employee, kahit hindi pa sinasabi ng organization na regular ka na, automatic pa rin na regular employee ka na. © Educational Setting - 3 years probationary * Contractual employment - hired for a specific job for a specific rate of pay o Project-based 0 Fixed-term ANSWER KEY ~ Diagnostic Examination Subject: INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Lecturer: Prof, Jehnnylie V. Beringuel, RPm b. Hawthorne effect c. Primacy effect d. Contrast effect 7. This is the foundation of all human resources activities. a. Job evaluation b. Job analysis cc. Job description d. Job design RATIONALIZATION: JOB ANALYSIS ¢ Foundation for almost all human resources activities * Tasks, conditions, and competencies needed for the job * Job analysis is the process while the written output is the job description. * Job Description - summary of tasks and job requirements * Job Design - optimal way a job should be performed o Gilbreth’s motion study - studied the most efficient way to get the job done JOB EVALUATION ¢ Determining a job’s worth * Talks about the SALARY. « — Internal Pay Equity - comparing jobs within the organization o “Magkano dapat ang sahod ng position A in comparison sa iba pang position?” © Compensable factors - factors on which you base the compensation. = “Mas mataas ba dapat ang sahod ng may lisensya kaysa sa walang lisensya?” * External Pay Equity - comparing the job within the external market o Salary surveys co It is unethical to ask the salary of other people. To do the salary surveys, hire a salary survey company.

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