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GBU-49(V)1/B & GBU-50A(V)1/B



02 DECEMBER 2015

Document Number: 0000299173

Revision -
CAGE Code: 15090
02 DECEMBER 2015

Contract Number: FA8681-13-C-0196

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Table of Contents

1.1 Contributing Factors ...................................................................................................................... 6


2.1 CCG Description ............................................................................................................................. 6
2.1.1 Enhanced Computer Control Group (ECCG) Hardware Description ............................................... 7

2.2 Airfoil Group (AFG) Components ............................................................................................... 10

2.2.1 Control Fins (Canards) ................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Rear Wing Assembly ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.2.3 Conduits, Saddle, JPF Pigtail Cover, and 1760 Cable (MXU-650L/B for GBU-49(V)1/B; MXU-
651F/B for GBU-50A(V)1/B) ........................................................................................................... 10

2.3 Aircraft Interface Requirements .................................................................................................. 10

2.3.1 Aircraft Power Interfaces ................................................................................................................ 10
2.3.2 Aircraft Communication Interfaces ................................................................................................. 10

2.4 Captive Carriage Envelope .......................................................................................................... 11

2.5 Safe Seperation Conditions......................................................................................................... 14


3.1 Unpowered/Laser-Only Mode ...................................................................................................... 16

3.2 Enhanced Operation .................................................................................................................... 16

3.2.1 Weapon State Descriptions ............................................................................................................ 16

3.3 Accuracy........................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3.1 GPS/INS Accuracy ......................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.2 Laser Accuracy ............................................................................................................................... 18

3.4 Weapon Guidance Description ................................................................................................... 18

3.4.1 General Guidance Logic ................................................................................................................. 18
3.4.2 In-Range Guidance ........................................................................................................................ 20
3.4.3 In-Zone Guidance ........................................................................................................................... 21


4.1 Release Envelope ......................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.1 Relationship between In-Zone LAR and In-Range LAR ................................................................. 28


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Table of Figures
Figure 1 - GBU-49(V)1/B ............................................................................................................................................5
Figure 2 - GBU-50A(V)1/B ..........................................................................................................................................5
Figure 3 – Enhanced Paveway™ Computer Control Group ......................................................................................7
Figure 4 - GBU Captive Flight ................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 5 - GBU Captive Flight Angle of Attack Design Limits, Sea Level Positive Angle, Symmetrical Load-out
Conditions ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 6 - GBU Captive Flight Angle of Attack Design Limits, Sea Level Negative Angle, Symmetric Load-out
Condition ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 7 - GBU Captive Flight Angle of Attack and Sideslip Design Limits, Sea Level Positive Angle, Asymmetrical
Load-out Conditions ................................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 8 - GBU Captive Flight Angle of Attack and Sideslip Design Limits, Sea Level Negative Angle,
Asymmetrical Load-out Conditions ......................................................................................................... 13
Figure 9 - GBU Release Envelope .......................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 10 - Design Angle of Attack Requirements at GBU Release ....................................................................... 15
Figure 11 - Notional Weapon State Diagram .......................................................................................................... 16
Figure 12 - In-Zone and In-Range Trajectory Example ........................................................................................... 19
Figure 13 - Weapon Target Impact Conditions ....................................................................................................... 20
Figure 14 - In-Range and In-Zone Trajectories ....................................................................................................... 21
Figure 15 - In-Zone Laser Command Hold Off Based on Release Altitude ............................................................ 22
Figure 16 - Impact Angle and Impact Heading Trajectory Example ........................................................................ 23
Figure 17 - In-Zone trajectory .................................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 18 - Logic After Loss of Laser Acquisition .................................................................................................... 24

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1.0 Introduction
This document contains weapon release, flight performance and aircrew related information about the GBU-50
Enhanced Paveway™ II (EP2) Dual Mode Guided Bomb (DMGB). The purpose of this document is to serve as
the primary information resource used to familiarize aircrews with the GBU-50 system and to provide the aircrew
with enhanced features, flight profiles and flight performance data required for mission planning and execution.
The GBU-50 weapon “enhancement” is a result of the addition of a GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) receiver /
processor and an INS (Inertial Navigation System) to the basic Paveway™ II (P2) GBU-10 laser guidance


 The intention of this user manual is to describe the GBU-49 & GBU-50
performance capabilities while operating with fully-functional GPS/INS
 Information provided within this document does not protect aircrew against
unauthorized releases. Refer to F-15SA documentation for appropriate aircraft
flight clearances and restrictions.
 Included in this manual are recommendations for effective use of the EP2
weapon. These recommendations are not performance requirements but
instead provide guidance to help assure mission success.

DMGB components, as shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2, mount on a general-purpose bomb converting the bomb
from a purely ballistic weapon to a laser/GPS/INS-guided weapon. DMGB components consist of three groups:
Computer Control Group (CCG), an Airfoil Group (AFG) and Adapter Group. The CCG guides the weapon to the
target while the AFG provides lift and stability during flight. The Adapter Group provides the hardware to allow
1553 communication between the weapon and the aircraft. The GBU-49 allows the use of existing MXU-650
AFGs with a GBU-49 Adapter Group and MAU-210 Enhanced Computer Control Groups. The GBU-50 allows the
use of existing MXU-651 AFGs with a GBU-50 Adapter Group and MAU-210 Enhanced Computer Control
DMGB components detect a laser illuminated target and alter the flight path of weapon for impact on target. If
inclement conditions prevent laser detection, the GPS/INS system becomes the primary guidance system. DMGB
components provide five basic functions: autopilot control, target detection, flight path error determination, flight
path correction, and aerodynamic stabilization. A MIL-STD-1760 interface cable between the aircraft and weapon
is required for GPS/INS guidance functions. The weapon is launched without target acquisition. After launch, the
internal guidance electronics will fly the weapon to target impact. No aircraft or weapon electrical interface is
required for laser guidance only.
GBU-49 versions are covered in this document. GBU-49(V)1/B utilizes the MK-82 general purpose warhead. The
DMGB is a GPS/IMU and laser guided weapon system that consists of a MAU-210E/B Computer Control Group
(CCG) and a MXU-650L/B Airfoil Group (AFG). The GBU-49(V)1/B all-up round (AUR) is shown in Figure 1.
GBU-50 are covered in this document. GBU-50(V)1/B utilizes the MK-84 general purpose warhead. The DMGB is
a GPS/IMU and laser guided weapon system that consists of a MAU-210E/B (GBU-50(V)2/B) Computer Control
Group (CCG), Airfoil Group (AFG) (MXU-651F/B for GBU-50A(V)1/B. The GBU-50A(V)1/B is shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 1 - GBU-49(V)1/B



18.5 IN BAND
CLAMP (2)*
17.5 IN BAND



Figure 2 - GBU-50A(V)1/B

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Table 1 Bomb Configurations

Computer Control
Weapon Warhead Airfoil Group Adapter Kit Fuze
GBU-49(V)1/B MK-82 MAU-210E/B MXU-650L/B Contained in Airfoil FMU-152 Series
GBU-50A(V)1/B MK-84 MAU-210E/B MXU-651F/B Contained in Airfoil FMU-152 Series

1.1 Contributing Factors

Enhanced Paveway™ II (EP2) performance is the result of internal and external influences that can be called
contributing factors. These factors affect weapon performance, the degree to which depends on the flight
characteristics of the weapon and its response to those characteristics at that particular time.
Internal factors are the specific characteristics of the various components that affect the flight performance of the
weapon (e.g. the detector, guidance logic, flight profile, and bang-trail-bang flight controls)
External factors are the outside influences that affect the performance of the weapon; the effect may be positive
or negative, depending on the energy reserve of the weapon. These factors include GPS jamming, atmospheric
effects, target motion, laser spot characteristics, weapon release conditions and gravity.
The utility and success of EP2 employment is the direct result of understanding the effects of the contributing
factors on weapon performance and putting the knowledge of these factors to good use to improve the overall


The Enhanced Paveway™ II (EP2) Dual Mode Guided Bomb (DMGB) is an all weather guided bomb capable of
single or dual carriage on the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) F-15 SA aircraft. The EP2 integrates GPS and INS
hardware, electronics and software into the Paveway™ II (P2) Laser Guided Bomb (LGB) Computer Control
Group (CCG) to create the Enhanced Computer Control Group (Enhanced CCG).
The GPS/INS guidance is dependent on satellite acquisition and being powered by the host aircraft prior to
release. GPS/INS guidance requires the EP2 to be loaded with targeting information and mission options prior to
release. The EP2 GPS/INS provides guidance commands to direct the weapon to the predefined set of target
If released from the host aircraft without power applied, the EP2 will perform as a P2 (laser functionality only). The
P2 LGB can engage stationary or moving targets, which are illuminated by a laser designator.
When both laser and GPS/INS guidance are available, the EP2 will use laser guidance if acquisition is available in
the terminal phase to hit the target. GPS/INS guidance is utilized when laser acquisition is not available. If neither
laser nor GPS/INS guidance is available the EP2 will follow a ballistic trajectory.

2.1 CCG Description

The CCG provides the system interface, navigation, guidance and control for the EP2 weapon system.
The CCG consists of the following main subsystems: GPS Aided Inertial Navigation System (GAINS), Semi-
Active Laser Detector and associated electronics and a Control Actuation System (CAS).
The GAINS and laser detector, including associated electronics are housed in the Guidance Electronics Detector
Assembly (GEDA) enclosure. The GEDA includes the GPS receiver, GPS antennas, antenna electronics, central
processor unit (CPU), Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), and laser signal processing.
The interfaces associated with the GEDA include the aircraft umbilical connector, test connector, keep alive
battery compartment, crypto device connector, and status LEDs for both GPS receiver keys and optional data
retention battery.
Figure 3 shows an exploded view of an EP2 CCG.

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Figure 3 – Enhanced Paveway™ Computer Control Group

2.1.1 Enhanced Computer Control Group (ECCG) Hardware Description

The ECCG Hardware elements are described in the sections through Error! Reference source not
found.. GPS Aided Inertial Navigation System (GAINS) CPU I/O CCA

The Central Processor Unit Input/Output (CPU I/O) Circuit Card Assembly (CCA) consists of a Mission Processor,
1553 interface, UARTS, and discrete I/O connects. The Mission Processor hosts the software to control the
weapon in terms of pre-launch and in-flight operations, aircraft interface communications, autopilot control and
telemetry, if provided. Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)

The CCG contains a strap-down IMU configuration which contains gyros and accelerometers, and an Electronics
Industries Alliance (EIA) Standard (STD) RS-422 signal level Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) interface.
The CPU I/O Mission Processor and GPS Receiver/Navigator interfaces with the IMU. Interface CCA/Closeout Assembly (1760 Interface Panel)

The CCG Interface CCA and closeout assembly consists of the system interface connector, the CCG Test
Connector, the Keep Alive Battery receptacle, the KYK Connector, the Battery Power status LED, Key Status LED
and Power Only Interface Indication LED. The circuitry on the Interface CCA consists mainly of system
interconnect, LED driver circuitry and the GAINS Battery squib circuit. CCG Test Connector

The CCG Test Connector is the port for loading supplemental GPS data into the EP2 if utilizing a DAGR device.
A DAGR is capable of loading GPS Time, Almanac and Ephemeris data into the EP2 via the DAGR cable (PN
2238724-1) from the EP2 Chameleon Upgrade Kit (PN 2238739-4). If supplemental GPS data is loaded using a
DAGR, a bit will be set to retain this data in flash memory even after a weapon power cycle. The DAGR cable

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should only be connected and disconnected to the CCG Test Connector while the EP2 is unpowered, or it is
possible that the data will be reset.

Supplemental GPS data will be overwritten with each DAGR load. Keep Alive Battery

The Keep Alive Battery is a 3.6 V Lithium half size AA battery capable of retaining GPS keys while the EP2 is
powered off. It is only drawn from when the weapon is unpowered. It is not required with aircraft capable of
providing target coordinates and crypto keys. System Status LEDs

There are three system status LEDs on the CCA interface. The GPS key LED indicates weapon key status. With
no keys loaded it will blink at 4 Hz rate. When keys are present but invalid or not yet validated, it will blink at 1 Hz
rate. Once keys are validated with GPS Time, the LED will remain illuminated.

The Keep Alive Battery LED indicates if a healthy battery is inserted in the receptacle. It will blink if no battery, or
a dead battery, is inserted. If a healthy battery is present it will remain illuminated. The health of the battery is
determined by a voltage measurement made internally. However, since lithium batteries drop off voltage very
abruptly, any internal measurements or multimeter measurements are not an indication of longevity.

The Power Only Interface (marked POR) LED is no longer utilized on the EP2. Zeroization Button

The zeroization button will zeroize only GPS keys when depressed while the weapon is powered by DC 1.
Depressing the button in the unpowered state will have no effect on the weapon, and the crypto keys will remain
loaded in the weapon until the next DC1 power up of the CCG at which time zeorization will occur. It's primary
use is to allow zeroizing crypto data from the weapon itself rather than the aircraft interface. Laser CCA

The Laser CCA processes signals provided from the laser detector and determines if a valid laser return of the
correct code has been detected. The Laser CCA initiates the gas bottle squib after a two second safe separation
delay and a valid laser signal has been processed. The Laser CCA issues commands to the solenoid valves to
guide on the reflected laser energy. The CPU I/O CCA may, depending on the guidance mode, issue the
guidance commands and may also issue the gas bottle squib fire command to the electronics on the Laser CCA. Power Supply

The GAINS power supply (DC-DC) converter accepts 28V DC System power from DC1 pre-launch and post
Power Change Over (PCO) from the GAINS battery. The GAINS power supply provides fuze logic power and
power to the GAINS electronics. GPS Antenna

The CCG GPS antennas receive GPS satellite signals during captive flight, and after release if the GAINS battery
squib has been fired. Since the antennas extend beyond the leading edge of the wing on a F-16, HB1 is not
required on either variant of a GBU-50. Control Actuation System (CAS)

The EP2 Control Actuation System (CAS) is mounted aft of the GEDA Housing. The CAS is modified from
PavewayTM II to include the GAINS System Battery. The CAS also houses the pneumatic actuator assembly. This
unit provides pneumatic actuation of the four control fins (canards). Canard control is dependent upon signals
received from the GAINS or laser Detector. Four fin shafts mount the canards to the control section, which move
in pairs and guide the GBU-50 toward the target. Included in the control section are the gas bottle, manifold and
the system thermal battery, which is ignited by the thermal Battery Firing Device (BFD), and the GAINS battery.

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Once the pilot initiates launch, the GAINS battery is activated using 28V DC2 coming from the aircraft. When the
GBU-50 is released from the aircraft, a lanyard attached between the bomb rack and BFD activates the thermal
system battery. Once the system battery is activated, a safe escape time of two seconds will elapse before any
guidance commands are sent to the CAS. System battery minimum life is 180 seconds and the GAINS battery
minimum life is 195 seconds. The pneumatic source for the control fins is an 8,000 PSI gas bottle supply for the
pistons that move the canard actuator shafts. The gas is routed to the pistons through a manifold assembly that
contains the four control solenoids that regulate gas flow out of each cylinder. Guidance commands from the
computer closes the appropriate valve or valves to cause fin deflection that will adjust the weapon’s flight path
and the detector’s boresight toward the laser spot on the target when laser guidance is used. When GPS/INS
guidance is used, the guidance commands may cause the weapon to fly along an arc to the target without
consideration of detector boresight. If the weapon goes into high oscillations while guiding to the target, all laser
and GPS commands are ignored and the control fins go into a trailing position until the weapon flight path
The control fin deflection is constrained either by high air loads at the higher airspeeds and at the lower airspeeds
with lighter air loads by the damper and mechanical limits of the actuator pistons. Thus, when a control valve is
closed, the pressure build-up in the cylinder forces the actuator piston towards the mechanical limit of the system,
or to the point where piston pressure is balanced by air loads. The resulting movement is not instantaneous, but
takes a finite period of time that is dependent upon the air loads on the control fins. The amount of time required
for the control fins to reach the mechanical limit or full deflection may vary from approximately 0.1 to 0.3 seconds.
For large flight path corrections, the fins will move to their limit position and stay there until boresight (or the
GPS/INS guidance objective) is achieved or the weapon’s rotation produces a change in the
instantaneous-line-of-sight (ILOS) vector towards boresight. Control fins streamline to the relative wind very
quickly after the control valve is opened. The merits of this type of system are extreme simplicity and reliability. Laser Detector

The laser detector is mounted to the GEDA housing and is a semi-active laser detector. The detector has a
gimbaled fairing that keeps the detector Field Of View (FOV) aligned with the weapon velocity vector. The field of
view and field of regard are the same value for the EP2. The (FOV) is 36° (with a +10, -4 degree tolerance)
relative to the velocity vector.
The detector’s infra-red (IR) detector element is divided into four electrically distinct quadrants and is mounted
perpendicularly to the detector’s aerodynamic or longitudinal axis. Optics in front of the detector project the laser
return onto one or more of the quadrants. This energy generates an electrical signal that is processed to give a
guidance command to adjust the flight path of the weapon to center the laser return on the detector. For instance,
if the spot of energy falls on the upper right quadrant, the bomb’s electronics produce a down and left guidance
command. When the weapon is flying down the ILOS, the defocused spot will hit in the center of the detector
where all four quadrants intersect and no further guidance commands are generated. Once on the ILOS, the
canards go to the centered position (trail) and the weapon follows a ballistic trajectory. Eventually, one or two of
the quadrants receives more laser energy than the others, commands are generated again and the appropriate
canard deflections attempt to re-center the spot. This constant re-centering of the spot to the boresight position
takes place on a randomly intermittent basis. In other words, control deflections are commanded only when the
spot is off boresight. Gravity and wind effects plus boresight overshoots combine to produce an oscillation around
the ILOS that is on-off-on by nature. This on-off type of guidance signal, produced by the detector, generates
flight characteristics that are further accentuated by the bang-trail-bang control fin deflection system. This
combination of an on-off type detector and a hard-over displacement of control fins produce a type of guidance
called bang-bang or bang-trail-bang.

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2.2 Airfoil Group (AFG) Components

The airfoil group (AFG) and adaptor assembly consist of the canards, rear wing assembly, forward adapter, 1760
cable and conduit, and the other associated hardware, bolts, screws and lanyards necessary to mount a CCG to
a particular warhead.

2.2.1 Control Fins (Canards)

Guidance control fins, or canards, are mounted in pairs on both ends of the control shafts on the CAS. The fin
pairs generate the up/down and/or left/right directional changes necessary to keep the weapon nose on to the
target. In addition, the weapon is not roll stabilized and may rotate randomly about its longitudinal axis.

2.2.2 Rear Wing Assembly

The rear wing assembly (RWA) provides additional lift and stability. There is a unique RWA and set of control fins
designed for each bomb body size. Wing deployment is activated by a lanyard attached to the bomb rack, sway
brace or positive arming post. After release, shock absorbers, or dampers in the wing deployment mechanism
restrict opening speed for safe aircraft separation. Depending on weapon air-loads, rear wing opening times will
vary from approximately 0.8 seconds to approximately 1.8 seconds. Mechanical accessories, including bolts,
screws, lanyards and the front adaptor are shipped with the RWA in the airfoil group container. The CCG is
mounted on the front of the bomb with an adapter ring that is bolted into the front fuze well. The RWA is mounted
to the “V” groove on the bomb’s rear butt plate using cone screws in the same manner as conical fins. The
mounting hardware and lanyards are contained in the mechanical accessory pack shipped in the AFG container.

2.2.3 Conduits, Saddle, JPF Pigtail Cover, and 1760 Cable (MXU-650L/B for
GBU-49(V)1/B; MXU-651F/B for GBU-50A(V)1/B)
The conduits, saddle, JPF pigtail cover, and 1760 cable are included with the MXU-650L/B and MXU-651F/B
airfoil groups provide a 1760 connection to the aircraft. All components are attached to the warhead using
multiple band straps.

2.3 Aircraft Interface Requirements

The following paragraphs describe the aircraft interface requirements for the weapon.

2.3.1 Aircraft Power Interfaces

The CCG power requirements are in accordance with MIL-STD-1760 prior to Weapon power change over (PCO)
and supports the following aircraft power interfaces:
a) 28 V DC1 and 28 V DC1 RTN [Primary System Power] during ground and captive carry operations.
b) 28 V DC2 and 28 V DC2 RTN [GAINS Battery Squib Power] to activate the GAINS battery squib. Aircraft Source Power Quality

The CCG requires aircraft power as specified in MIL-STD-704A.

2.3.2 Aircraft Communication Interfaces

The CCG supports the following aircraft communication interfaces:
a) Release Consent Discrete [Launch Sequence]
b) 1553 MUX A and 1553 MUX B [Weapon to Aircraft Data Communications]
c) High Bandwidth #1 (RF) [GPS RF]
d) 1760 Address Lines (A4-A0, Parity, Addr Rtn) [Weapon Bus Addressing]
e) Structure Ground [Common Chassis Return]

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The CCG digital interface complies with MIL-STD-1553 augmented by MIL–STD–1760.

2.4 Captive Carriage Envelope

When in the AUR configuration, the CCG is capable of aircraft carriage to 40,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) from
the minimum aircraft airspeed up to 1.4 Mach, Figure 4, and in accordance with Figure 5 through Figure 8, where
α is pitch angle of attack and β is yaw angle of attack.

Figure 4 - GBU Captive Flight


Boresight of weapon is -3 degrees from boresight of aircraft during captive carry.

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 = +
_ ____
s q

0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Figure 5 - GBU Captive Flight Angle of Attack Design Limits, Sea Level
Positive Angle, Symmetrical Load-out Conditions




 = + ____
s _


0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Figure 6 - GBU Captive Flight Angle of Attack Design Limits, Sea Level
Negative Angle, Symmetric Load-out Condition

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0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Figure 7 - GBU Captive Flight Angle of Attack and Sideslip Design Limits,
Sea Level Positive Angle, Asymmetrical Load-out Conditions







0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Figure 8 - GBU Captive Flight Angle of Attack and Sideslip Design Limits,
Sea Level Negative Angle, Asymmetrical Load-out Conditions

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2.5 Safe Seperation Conditions

The GBU shall safely separate from the aircraft when released from 200 feet above ground level (AGL) to 40,000
feet mean sea level (MSL) from 165 KCAS (0.25 Mach) to 1.2 Mach as specified in Figure 9 and Figure 10.

Figure 9 - GBU Release Envelope

The weapon is capable of level, dive, and loft/toss releases.

The weapon is capable of release at flight path angles from -45 to +45 degrees.

The weapon is capable of release at aircraft roll angles from -45 to +45 degrees.

The weapon is capable of release between +0.5 and +7.5 Gs.

The weapon release Angle-of-Attack is per Figure 10.


A valid LAR may not be available at every location inside the Safe Separation envelope.

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0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Figure 10 - Design Angle of Attack Requirements at GBU Release

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3.1 Unpowered/Laser-Only Mode
The Enhanced Paveway™ II can be used in the legacy “Laser-Only” mode by being dropped unpowered, thus
disabling the GAINS operation. In "Laser-Only" mode however, there is no Height of Burst capability.
For an unpowered release, no electrical connection is required to the aircraft but a lanyard must be routed
properly to the Battery Firing Device in order to actuate the system battery upon separation from the aircraft.
When used in "Laser-Only" mode, the DMGB should be released so that if unguided, totally ballistic, it will impact
near the intended target. This may be accomplished by using release ballistics and symbology for a legacy
Paveway™ II.

3.2 Enhanced Operation

3.2.1 Weapon State Descriptions
This section provides a description of weapon states prior to weapon release. Figure 11 provides a pictorial
notional weapon state diagram.

Figure 11 - Notional Weapon State Diagram

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This is a captive carriage state where no power is applied to the weapon. The weapon can remain in this state
indefinitely. There are no interface functions supported by the weapon while it is in the Off state except Interlock. Start-up State

When power is applied, the weapon transitions to the Startup state to execute the Boot loader. When Boot loader
execution is complete, the weapon transitions to the Initialization state. Initialization State

The Initialization state is a captive carriage state where the weapon is being initialized for its mission. This state
supports the following interface functions: Power On Initialization, Built-In-Test, Targeting, Transfer Alignment,
GPS Data Transfer, and the Weapon Control and Monitoring. Transfer Alignment

The transfer alignment process involves comparison of common vector quantities of the weapon’s inertial system
and the GPS data. The difference between these two vector quantities will then be used as the measurement for
the weapon transfer alignment filter. A successful transfer alignment will result in the difference between the two
measurement vectors decreasing and approaching zero as the weapon inertial navigation function aligns to the
local reference frame. The transfer alignment quality is expressed as a value between 1 and 10 with 1
representing the highest quality. At power-up, the weapon begins with a transfer alignment quality of 10 which
improves through the transfer alignment process. Transfer alignment quality values of 1 and 2 correlate to
Transfer Alignment Good status.

Transfer alignment does not begin until a velocity threshold of 70 knots is reached.

The host aircraft may provide dynamics, through “S-turn” maneuvers, to facilitate the transfer alignment process.
S-turns are 20 degree heading changes about the aircraft trajectory. Following a take-off when the EP2 has been
powered, S-turns can be performed once the initial cruise altitude has been reached if weapon is not already
aligned as indicated by a low transfer alignment quality number.
Additionally, if flying straight and level for extended periods of time, the transfer alignment quality may degrade.
Perform S-turns as required to improve transfer alignment quality. AUR Ready State

The AUR Ready state is the captive carriage weapon state that the weapon will be in when sufficient initialization
and self-test has been completed to ensure that the weapon will accurately guide to an identified target. Launch State

The Launch state entry is marked by the irreversible action of the GAINS battery having been initiated. The
Launch state is the captive carry state in which the final preparations to enable weapon free flight are
In the Launch state, the weapon will continue to navigate based on IMU and GPS measurements, perform 1553
communication operations, and send telemetry data, if equipped with telemetry. The aircraft may monitor the
weapon status (e.g. AUR Ready) during this state.
When the weapon detects the loss of the aircraft 1553 RT address lines, the weapon will sequence to the Safe
Separation state and begin in-flight operations. Weapon Release with an Expended Battery

If a dual-mode mission is aborted after firing the GAINS battery, it is not recommended to release that weapon in
any mode. The GAINS battery voltage drop-off during the expenditure process leaves the weapon electronics in
an unknown state.

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Revision - Safe Separation and the Two Free Flight States

Safe Separation and the two free flight states start at umbilical separation and consists of the Safe Separation
state, the GAINS Guided Flight state, and the Laser Guided Flight state. Once separation occurs there is no
interface with the host aircraft.
The Safe Separation state lasts for 2 seconds, starting from when the weapon first detects umbilical separation
(loss of continuity of all 1553 RT address lines). During the Safe Separation state, no canard commands will be
issued by the weapon.


Fuze arm time should be set by air crew to ensure a safe separation distance between aircraft and weapon prior
to weapon arming.

Free flight guidance states are described in section 3.4.

3.3 Accuracy
3.3.1 GPS/INS Accuracy
When GPS is available and the weapon is released within the Launch Acceptability Region (LAR), the ECCG
meets the requirements to achieve the following system Circular Error Probability of 50% (CEP50) accuracies
(measured in the target plane), which include GPS target location error[FGW1] (horizontal: 5.7 meters, circular
distribution, 1-sigma; vertical: 5.6 meters, linear distribution, 1-sigma), GPS quality hand-off from the delivery
aircraft and a release from within a valid LAR:
19 meters CEP50 when the impact angle is between 30 and 60 degrees.[FGW2]

13 meters CEP50 when the impact angle is greater than 60 degrees.

However, the LAR is designed to achieve the closest approach accuracies shown under Section 4.0 in Error!
Reference source not found., which are more stringent and cover all regimes.

3.3.2 Laser Accuracy

When laser guidance is used, the accuracy is 9.1 meters CEP50 when released from within a valid LAR.

3.4 Weapon Guidance Description

When in GPS/INS mode, the GBU-50 uses proportional navigation. After release, the weapon falls ballistically for
two seconds to ensure safe separation from the aircraft. Then the weapon flies an optimized trajectory to meet the
pre-programmed impact conditions, compensating for wind and gravity effects. Following is a description of the
guidance logic for EP2.

3.4.1 General Guidance Logic

The weapon has two general types of GPS guidance. If impact angle and/or impact heading constraints are
requested, then In-Zone guidance is used. This guidance will work to achieve the requested impact angle even if
a laser is acquired. This guidance restricts the usage of the laser guidance until the weapon is close to guiding on
a line toward the target at the requested impact angles. The distance from the GPS target when laser guidance is
allowed is a function of the release altitude and will be between 2,000 feet and 8,000 feet slant-range. In-Zone
guidance must fulfill both the accuracy and impact constraint requirements.

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The second type of GPS guidance, In-Range, is used when impact angles and impact headings are not
requested. This guidance will work to achieve a hit on the target but will not control the impact angles or impact
headings. The impact conditions will be different if a laser is acquired because the non-laser guidance is trying to
guide along an arc while laser guidance is along a straight line.
In-Range guidance restricts the usage of laser guidance until the weapon is within the expected laser acquisition
range (16,000 feet slant-range) of the GPS target coordinate. . To be an acceptable In-Range release condition,
the weapon impact must only have the correct accuracy but does not need to meet any other impact constraints.
Thus the area of the In-Range envelope is typically larger than the area of the In-Zone envelope.
Figure 12 illustrates an example of an In-Range trajectory together with an In-Zone trajectory (requesting a
vertical impact). Both weapons are released from the same point (20k feet altitude) and both are guiding to the
same target, which is at the origin (0,0). The figure shows no laser guidance being used; if laser guidance was
used, the curves would have been straight from where laser guidance is allowed.

Figure 12 - In-Zone and In-Range Trajectory Example

If dual-mode guidance is being implemented for an unconstrained target, CEP50 accuracy can be achieved for
laser targets up to 500 meters (1640 feet) from GPS target coordinates. It is recommended that the laser
illuminated target be located within ½ kilometer of the GPS coordinates.

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Three impact constraints are programmable, Impact Heading, Impact Angle, and Angle of Attack. Impact
Heading and Impact Angle are measured as shown in Figure 13. The achieved tolerances for impact constraints
are given under Section 4.0 in Table 5.

Figure 13 - Weapon Target Impact Conditions Impact Heading Control (Zeta)

The Enhanced Paveway™ II can be programmed to attack a target from a specific direction, relative to true north.
The amount of heading difference possible from the release heading will depend upon the release altitude and
When no impact heading is selected, the weapon will default to the heading angle to the target at release. Impact Angle Control (Gamma)

The Enhanced Paveway™ II can be programmed to attack a target at a specific impact angle relative to
horizontal, from between 30 and 90 degrees inclusive.
When no impact angle is selected, the weapon will default to 50 degrees but will achieve whatever angle at
impact is necessary in order to meet accuracy. Angle of Attack Control (AOA)

The Enhanced Paveway™ II employs active AOA control. This means that 0.8 seconds (relative to the GPS
target) before impact, the weapon commands are used to control only angle of attack, ignoring accuracy, impact
angle and impact heading control. This does NOT have a significant effect on terminal accuracy and angle. The
command is maintained for an extremely short period of time. This command actually moves the canards to
cancel out an AOA in the weapon prior to impact (unlike passive AOA control, which just allows the canards to
free float), generally achieving AOAs of less than two degrees for GBU-49 and five degrees for GBU-50.
When the option is not chosen, the AOA is not controlled at impact. It may be as high as 15 degrees.

AOA control is available regardless of Impact Angle constraint.

3.4.2 In-Range Guidance

In-Range guidance is also known as “unconstrained” guidance. This is the guidance logic that is used when there
are no requested constraints or when there are requested constraints but the weapon is released in the In-Range
LAR outside of the In-Zone LAR. This results in the largest LAR for the weapon. When released “In-Range” the
weapon guidance logic flies an arc to the target location. The default impact angle is 50 degrees but is not

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required. If the guidance determines that it cannot achieve the default value of 50 degrees, then the guidance just
tries to hit the target and achieves an impact angle necessary to do so.

The weapon has no restriction on laser acquisition. However, the weapon guidance will allow laser guidance only
if within 16,000 feet slant-range of the GPS target. This allows the largest possible difference between laser spot
and GPS location.[FGW3]

3.4.3 In-Zone Guidance

In-Zone guidance is also known as “constrained” guidance. This is the guidance logic that is used when there
are requests for impact angle and/or impact heading. The weapon flies to the target and achieves the requested
impact angle and/or heading. The weapon will fly an arcing path to intercept a “straight line” trajectory point
(“straw” end point) before guiding straight to the target. Figure 14 shows both notional In-Zone and In-Range
guidance trajectories. Both achieve a 50 degree impact angle (In-Range by default and In-Zone by request). But
the In-Range trajectory achieves the 50 degree impact angle at impact while the In-Zone trajectory achieves the
50 degree angle at the end of the “straw”.

Achieve 50 deg at
end of straw

Achieve 50 deg at

In-Range release

In-Zone release

Figure 14 - In-Range and In-Zone Trajectories

The weapon has no restriction on laser acquisition. However, the weapon must get within a certain distance
between 2,000 and 8,000 feet slant-range before laser guidance commands are allowed. In some cases, such as
from low altitudes, this straight line trajectory is very short (on the order of 2 seconds time to impact). This has the
effect of reducing the amount of target location correction available (difference between laser spot and GPS
target), due to field of view and maneuverability. Figure 15 shows the relationship between In-Zone release
altitude and the range at which laser commands can be used.

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Restriction on Using Laser Commands

(no Laser Guidance for Distances outside this Holdoff Range)



Release Altitude Above Target (feet)






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Laser Command Range Holdoff (feet)

Figure 15 - In-Zone Laser Command Hold Off Based on Release Altitude Weapon Flight Path Max Altitude

Note that the weapons in Figure 14 both fly above the release altitude later in their trajectory. It is not shown but
they return to the release altitude behind the aircraft. Thus the recommendation is to avoid slowing down after

For release altitudes below 5,000 feet AGL, the maximum altitude the weapon can fly above the release altitude is
approximately 1,600 feet. For release altitudes between 5,000 and 15,000 feet, the maximum altitude the
weapon can fly above the release altitude is approximately 1,200 feet. For a release altitude of 20,000 feet, the
maximum altitude the weapon can fly above the release altitude is approximately 200 feet. These values are
shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Approximate Weapon Flight Path Altitudes
Max Height above Release Altitude Weapon
Release Altitude (ft)
may Climb (ft)
< 5,000 1,600
5,000 – 15,000 1,200
20,000 200 Trajectory Examples

Figure 16 provides a notional example of the In-Zone area and has two trajectories. Both trajectories achieve a
90 degree change in impact heading together with a 45 degree impact angle. The target which is directly in front
of the release aircraft required a trajectory with a large maneuver away from the target before it was able to
impact the target as requested.

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Figure 16 - Impact Angle and Impact Heading Trajectory Example

Figure 17 provides an example of an In-Zone trajectory with a requested impact angle which is 45 degrees
different from the release heading. Note that as the guidance logic works to achieve the requested heading, the
weapon trajectory may move away from the target.

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Figure 17 - In-Zone trajectory Lost Laser Acquisition Guidance

The time after the Laser guidance has started, the time-to-go (TGO), and the distance between the Laser target
and the GPS target are used to determine lost laser acquisition logic. If the weapon loses acquisition (after
guiding using the laser commands) then the weapon has a decision tree to determine which guidance logic to
use. A flowchart of the logic is presented in Figure 18.

Figure 18 - Logic After Loss of Laser Acquisition

If laser acquisition is lost and TGO is less than 3 seconds, the weapon follows the velocity vector.

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If laser acquisition is lost after laser commands have been used for more than 3 seconds and T GO estimate is
greater than 3 seconds and the velocity vector is less than 85 degrees from horizontal, the weapon follows the
velocity vector.

If laser acquisition is lost after laser commands have been used for more than 3 seconds and T GO estimate is
greater than 3 seconds and the velocity vector is greater than 85 degrees from horizontal, the weapon falls

If laser acquisition is lost after laser commands have been used for less than 3 seconds or T GO estimate is greater
than 10 seconds, the weapon guides to the GPS target. GPS/INS Navigation

If during weapon’s flight, post-launch, it enters a GPS inhibited environment, it will navigate using INS data (IMU
only data inputs). The guidance logic and reactions to laser acquisition will remain the same however without
GPS input correcting the IMU drift.


The GBU-50 system provides, in real time, the release envelope of the weapon. The release envelope is also
referred to as the Launch Acceptability Region (LAR).

A LAR is a region relative to the target such that a weapon released from within the LAR will successfully engage
the target. A successful engagement is one where the impact conditions are met within the accuracy
requirements specified in Table 3 and Table 5.
Table 4 – GBU-49 Launch Acceptability Region (LAR) Requirements

Guidance Azimuth Angle (ζ) Impact Angle (γ) CEP Requirements

(Closest Approach) AOA Requirements
Description Requirements Requirements

Percentile Tolerance (± Percentile Tolerance(± Distance Percentile Tolerance

Release Profile Percentile (%)
(%) deg) (%) deg) (m) (%) (± deg)

Laser-Only 50% 9.1 N/A N/A

50% 8 90% 2

50% 8 90% 2

50% 8 90% 2

γ ≤ 60 : 8
In-Zone (γ)
50% 5 50% γ > 60 : 5 90% 2
γ = 90 : 6

In-Zone (ζ)
50% 5 50% 8 90% 2

γ ≤ 60 : 8
(γ, ζ) 50% 5 50% 5 50% 90% 2
γ > 60 : 5

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Table 5 – GBU-50 Launch Acceptability Region (LAR) Requirements

Guidance CEP Requirements

Azimuth Angle Requirements Impact Angle Requirements AOA Requirements
Description (Closest Approach)

Release Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance

Percentile (%) Percentile (%) Percentile (%) Distance (m) Percentile (%)
Profile (± deg) (± deg) (± deg)

50% 8 50% 5

50% 8 50% 5

50% 8 50% 5

γ ≤ 60 : 8
In-Zone (γ)
50% 5 50% γ > 60 : 5 50% 5
γ = 90 : 6

In-Zone (ζ)
50% 5 50% 8 50% 5

In-Zone (γ,ζ) γ ≤ 60 : 8
50% 5 50% 5 50% 50% 5
Level γ > 60 : 5

The LAR does not guarantee that the ballistic release point will be included.

The LAR is generated assuming the Penetration mode (AOA control) was chosen.

The LAR will change based on changing flight conditions. Certain maneuvers may invalidate the LAR.

4.1 Release Envelope

The available inputs for the GBU-49(V)1/B and GBU-50A(V)1/B release envelopes are shown in Table 6 and
Table 8. Near the extremities of the release envelope (low release altitudes and high target altitudes) weapon
performance inherently degrades and therefore some combinations of release conditions may return an un-
useable LAR (less than 5 sec. downrange extent) or no LAR at all.
Table 7 – GBU-49 Release Envelope

Inertial Altitude Requested

Guidance Release Above Target Release Impact
Description Speed Target Altitude (kft) Angle(θ) (deg) Angle(γ)
Azimuth(ζ) (deg)
(knots) (kft) (deg)

Laser-Only 250 to 760 0.5 to 40 -1 to 15 -45 to 45

100 to 760 1 to 40 -1 to 15 -10 to 10

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250 to 760 0.2 to 8 -1 to 15 >10 to 45

250 to 760 1 to 40 -1 to 15 <-10 to -45

In-Zone (γ)
100 to 760 5 to 40 -1 to 15 -10 to 10 20 to 90

In-Zone (ζ) Aircraft Heading

100 to 760 5 to 40 -1 to 15 -10 to 10
Level ± 90

In-Zone (γ, ζ) Aircraft Heading

100 to 760 5 to 40 -1 to 15 -10 to 10 20 to 75
Level ± 90

Table 8 – GBU-50 Release Envelope

Inertial Altitude Requested

Guidance Release Above Target Release Impact
Description Speed Target Altitude (kft) Angle(θ) (deg) Angle(γ)
Azimuth(ζ) (deg)
(knots) (kft) (deg)

350 to 760 1 to 40 -1 to 15 -10 to 10

350 to 760 0.2 to 8 -1 to 15 >10 to 45

350 to 760 5 to 40 -1 to 15 <-10 to -45

In-Zone (γ)
350 to 760 5 to 40 -1 to 15 -10 to 10 20 to 90

In-Zone (ζ) Aircraft Heading

350 to 760 5 to 40 -1 to 15 -10 to 10
Level ± 90

In-Zone (γ, ζ) Aircraft Heading

350 to 760 5 to 40 -1 to 15 -10 to 10 20 to 75
Level ± 90

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4.1.1 Relationship between In-Zone LAR and In-Range LAR

In general the In-Zone LAR is contained inside the In-Range LAR. However, due to the difference in guidance
logic and the statistical nature of the LAR development process it is possible for the In-Zone LAR to lie partially
outside the In-Range. Be aware that some aircraft are mechanized such that they constrain the In-Zone LAR to
the limits of the In-Range LAR.

When the host aircraft uses an In-Aircraft LAR for cockpit display, there is a possibility that the aircraft can display
a constrained LAR (target with impact and/or azimuth angles), when the weapon does not have a corresponding
constrained In-Weapon LAR as described herein. At launch the Weapon uses the last In-Weapon LAR computed
to determine if the Weapon can successfully prosecute the target with the commanded impact conditions. If not,
the Weapon will auto-unconstrain the flight trajectory and fly directly to the target ignoring any commanded
constraints. This is to prevent the Weapon trying to fly a commanded flight trajectory that cannot be flown due to
Weapon physics and fall short of the target.[FGW4]

Table 7 Recommended In-Aircraft R2 Input Combinations
Recommended R2 LAR Input Combinations
Aircraft Height
Above Target Requested Requested Aircraft R2 LAR
Ground Level (AGL Impact Angle Impact Heading Aircraft R2 LAR Weapon R2 LAR (notes different from Risk of Auto-
Number feet) (deg) (notes 1,2,3) (notes 4 to 7) 4 to 7) Weapon R2 LAR Unconstraining RMS Recommendation
1 13k - 15k 30 to 90 Zero Single (Impact Angle) Single (Impact Angle) No Low Point aircraft at target to minimize risk
2 15k - 22.5k 30 to 60 Not Zero Dual Dual No Low
3 15k - 22.5k 61 to 90 Zero Single (Impact Angle) Single (Impact Angle) No Low Point aircraft at target to minimize risk
4 22.5k - 40k 30 to 75 Not Zero Dual Dual No Low
5 22.5k - 40k 75 to 90 Zero Single (Impact Angle) Single (Impact Angle) No Low Point aircraft at target to minimize risk

Additional Requested Impact Heading Combinations for Cases 1-5 (Deviations from Recommended Use)
Point aircraft at target, and request impact heading equal
6 13k - 15k 30 to 90 Not Zero Dual (Extrapolated) Single (Impact Angle) Yes Med to aircraft heading to minimize risk
Low because Impact Angle Constrained LAR captures Dual
7 15k - 22.5k 30 to 60 Zero Dual Single (Impact Angle) Yes Low Constraint LAR, use Mission Planning Software
Point aircraft at target, and request impact heading equal
8 15k - 22.5k 61 to 90 Not Zero Dual (Extrapolated) Single (Impact Angle) Yes Med to aircraft heading to minimize risk
Low because Impact Angle Constrained LAR captures Dual
9 22.5k - 40k 30 to 75 Zero Dual Single (Impact Angle) Yes Low Constraint LAR, use Mission Planning Software
Point aircraft at target, and request impact heading equal
10 22.5k - 40k 75 to 90 Not Zero Dual (Extrapolated) Single (Impact Angle) Yes Med to aircraft heading to minimize risk

Additional R2 LAR Input Combinations (Deviations from Recommended Use)

11 5k - 40k 0 Not Zero No R2 LAR Single (Impact Heading) Yes High Use Mission Planning Software
12 10k - 13k 30 to 90 Zero No R2 LAR Single (Impact Angle) Yes High Use Mission Planning Software
13 5k - 40k 0 Zero No R2 LAR No R2 LAR N/A N/A N/A for R2
14 13k - 40k 1 to 29 Any No R2 LAR No R2 LAR N/A N/A N/A for R2

Input Combinations where In-Weapon R2 LAR does not Exist, Weapon will Auto-Unconstrain (Black Areas in Figures 23 and 24)
Aircraft Height
Above Target Requested Requested Aircraft R2 LAR
Ground Level (AGL Impact Angle Impact Heading Aircraft R2 LAR Weapon R2 LAR (notes different from Risk of Auto-
feet) (deg) (notes 1,2,3) (notes 4 to 7) 4 to 7) Weapon R2 LAR Unconstraining Target Altitude (ft)
15 13k - 15k 75 to 85 Any Single (Impact Angle) No R2 LAR Yes 100% 5k - 8k
16 13k - 25k 75 to 90 Any Single (Impact Angle) No R2 LAR Yes 100% 8k - 10k

1 Zero requested Heading is a special flag (implies no requested heading) while 360 degrees is a requested impact heading.
2 Not Zero requested Heading implies any Non-Zero heading can be considered
3 Any requested Heading implies that Zero or Non-Zero can be considered
4 No LAR implies no aircraft R2 LAR or no weapon In-Zone LAR
5 Single implies a Single Constraint (either requested impact angle or Impact heading but not both)
6 Dual implies a Dual Constraint (request both impact angle and impact heading)
7 No Data implies that the Aircraft LAR was extrapolated

Error! Bookmark not defined.

5.0 Weapon Miss-fire
Once the pilot has pickled the weapon, the CCG will check the last Periodic BIT status and if passed, will attempt
to fire the GAINS battery squib. If the last Periodic BIT failed, or the GAINS battery squib did not fire, the pilot has
three choices what he can do with the weapon.
1) He can use the weapon as a legacy GBU-12 or GBU-10 and drop it as laser guided only.
2) He can jettison the weapon, therefore not arming any explosives.
3) He can captive carry the weapon back to base.

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APPENDIX A: Acronyms
6-DOF 6 degrees of freedom
AFG Airfoil Group
AGL Above Ground Level
AOA Angle of Attack
BFD Battery Firing Device
BIT Built In Test
CAS Control Actuation System
CAS Calibrated Air Speed
CCA Circuit Card Assembly
CCG Computer Control Group
CEP Circular Error Probable
CEP50 Circular Error Probability of 50%
CPU Central Processor Unit
CPU I/O Central Processor Unit Input/Output
DAGR Defense Advanced GPS Receiver
DC Direct Current
DMGB Dual Mode Guided Bomb
EAS Equivalent Air Speed
ECCG Enhanced Computer Control Group
EP2 Enhanced Paveway™ II
EPAK Enhanced Paveway™ II Avionics Kit
FOV Field of View
GAINS GPS Aided Inertial Navigation System
GBU Guided Bomb Unit
GEDA Guidance Electronics Detector Assembly
GPS Global Positioning System
HAF Hellenic Air Force
HAT Height Above Target
HB1 High Bandwidth #1
HOB Height of Burst
Hz Hertz
ILOS Instantaneous Line of Sight
INS Inertial Navigation System
IMU Inertial Measurement Unit
IR Infra-red
LAR Launch Acceptability Region
Laser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
LED Light Emitting Diode
LGB Laser Guided Bomb
MSL Mean Sea Level
P2 Paveway™ II
PCO Power Change Over
RAPToR Raytheon Anti-jam Protection Technology Receiver
RHCP Right-Hand Circularly Polarized
RTS Readiness Test Set TTU-550
RWA Rear Wing Assembly
SAASM Selective Availability Anti Spoofing Module
SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control
SV Space Vehicle
F-16 F-16 Block 52M
TGO Time to Go
TOF Time Of Flight
UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter


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