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Pathfinder 2nd edition is great at covering a wide range of character fantasies, with the weapon trait
system giving noticeable differences with different weapons. However, there is a popular fantasy weapon
that isn’t quite represented well, colossal weapons. Sometimes called ultra-greatswords, BFS, fullblades,
oversized weapons, or even “big fuckoff anime swords.” The colossal weapon has been a staple of high
fantasy since 1990 with the launch of Kentaro Miura’s seminal manga Berserk. Since then, many
fantasy series like Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, Dark Souls, and Inuyasha, feature heroes with
colossal blades that cause tremendous damage when they connect.

While there is still the Giant Instinct Barbarian, restricting a weapon group to one subclass is a bit of
a letdown for some players for those who don’t want that specific fantasy. The options provided here
are desgned to they have immense power with significant downsides to offset it, encouraging a
playstyle of single decisive blows instead of rapid slashes. This book introduces new weapon traits,
critical specialization effects, and uses an unconventional die size, the d14.


Players who enjoy Dungeon Crawl Classics might be familiar with, or
even own a 14-sided die, but those don’t need not worry, because most Writing and Layout: Joseph Vargas
Virtual Tabletops such as Foundry support unusual die types. (Ukulele Bard)
Those who don’t play online, or prefer to not use digital tools for dice,
can replace any d14s with 1d12+1. If something calls for you to roll 2d14, Editing: Helen Savore
you could instead roll 2d12+2. This keeps the average intact, but
increases the minimum rolled to 2 and reduces the maximum rolled to Stock Art: Grim Press, Direquest,
13. While this changes potential outcomes, the diffference is miniscule.
Sade, Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock
NEW WEAPON GROUPS Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games
All the weapons in this book are a part of the Colossal Club, Colossal
Sword, or Colossal Polearm weapon group. Listed below are their
respective critical hit specializations.

Colossal Club: Your attack crushes the target’s defenses, the target’s
armor (if any) takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage per weapon damage die
(before applying Hardness); if the target has a shield raised, the shield
takes this damage instead.
Colossal Sword: Your attack draws a ton of blood, the target must make
a Fortitude save against your Class DC or be Drained 1 for 1 minute, or
Drained 2 for 1 minute on a critical failure.
Colossal Polearm: The target is moved 5 feet in a direction of your
choice and takes a -5 status penalty to its speeds until the end of its next
turn. This is forced movement.


While wielding one of the following weapons, you take the penalty listed
in this entry to your Reflex saving throws and Speed, to a minimum
Speed of 5 feet. If you meet the weapon’s Strength threshold (see Table 1-
1), you reduce the penalty Reflex save penalty by 1 and the speed penalty
by 5 feet.

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Uncommon Speed and Weapon Traits
Martial Price Damage Bulk Group Hands Strength Reflex Penalty
Ultra-Greatsword Overwhelming 3, Severing,
23 gp 1d14 S 6 Colossal Sword 2 18 -2 and -10 ft.
(level 3) Unwieldy
Immense- Overwhelming 5, Backswing,
Greatclub (level 22 gp 1d14 B 5 Colossal Club 2 18 -2 and -5 ft. Forceful, Unwieldy
Giga-Glaive Deadly d6, Overwhelming 3,
25 gp 1d12 P 7 Colossal Polearm 2 18 -2 and -10 ft.
(level 3) Lunging, Unwieldy
Shieldcrusher 30 gp 1d14 B 7 Colossal Club 2 18 -2 and -10 ft. Overwhelming 5, Razing*, Unwieldy
(level 5)
Gigantic-Edge 30 gp 1d14 S 7 Colossal Sword 2 18 -2 and -10 ft. Lunging, Unwieldy
(level 3)
Rare Martial Speed and Weapon Traits
Price Damage Bulk Group Hands Strength Reflex
Weapons Penalty
Meteorblade 62,000 gp 1d14 S 6 Colossal Sword 2 20 -3 and -10 ft. Lunging, Unwieldy
(level 20)
Mithral Fullblade 19,000 gp Overwhelming 3, Severing,
1d14 B 4 Colossal Sword 2 16 -1 and -5 ft.
(level 16) Unwieldy


Some weapons in this book use the Overwhelming, Table 1-1 has a weapon with the Razing trait, a trait that is set to
Unwieldy, or Lunging traits, in addition to weapon debut in Treasure Vault. At the time of publishing this, the book
traits listed in the Core Rulebook. has yet to be released, but we have been shown a preview of
how the trait functions. Like all preview content, this weapon
trait is still subject to change, and this document with be
Lunging: Swinging this weapon is more revised to reflect that change when the book releases in 2023.
effective when you step into it. If your last action Until then, this document will use the current iteration of the
was to Stride at least 10 feet towards a target, your trait.
weapon gains an additional 5 feet of range and +2 “Your weapon deals an additional 2 damage per weapon
circumstance bonus to damage against that target. damage die against objects, including shields, apply Hardness
to the object as normal.”
Overwhelming: The sheer weight of your
weapon shatters defenses. The Overwhelming trait
includes a value. Strikes with this weapon ignore an WEAPON DESCRIPTIONS
amount of the target’s resistance to physical damage Ultra-Greatsword: An oppressively large
equal to that value. Creatures with the Incorporeal blade that barely counts as a sword. It cuts and
trait are immune to this effect.
crushes anyone unfortunate enough to be hit by it.
Severing: These weapons smash as much as Immense-Greatclub: A beautiful union of
slash. When determining a creature's resistance or wood and metal, the Immense-Greatclub is a
immunity to damage from this weapon, use the favorite of warriors who would prefer to spin wildly
weaker of the target's resistance or immunity to rather than learn a more refined technique.
slashing or to bludgeoning. Resistance or immunity Giga-Glaive: A polearm for only the bravest,
to all physical damage applies as normal. the Giga-Glaive was originally a decorative weapon
that saw use in a moment of pure desperation. The
Unwieldy: Swinging this weapon is difficult to stories say that a lone unarmed soldier needed a
do in rapid succession. Strikes made with this weapon, and used a Giga-Glaive on the wall to fend
weapon count as two attacks when calculating your off a squad of enemies until help arrived.
multiple attack penalty. If an action treats an attack Shieldcrusher: Designed to, well… crush
as multiple attacks for multiple attack penalty or
allows you to make multiple attacks at the same shields. No shield can withstand the overwhelming
multiple attack penalty, you take a -2 penalty to the force of a well placed swing from this weapon.
attacks. For example, using Power Attack gives a -2 Gigantic-Edge: A sword conceptualized by a
penalty, but if you have the Furious Focus feat, you half-giant blacksmith. Users of this style of sword
do not take the -2 penalty. find it easier to step into their swing.

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METEOR BLADE ITEM 20 corresponding to the following table. For
example, if your deity’s favored weapon is in
the Sword weapon group, you can select one
Price 60,000 gp
weapon in the Colossal Sword weapon group.
Usage Held in 2 hands; Bulk 6
The weapon you select is treated as your
Forged from an oblong meteor, this +3 major
deity’s favored weapon, and you gain access to
striking speed adamantine gigantic-edge is said to
it if the weapon is Uncommon, as normal.
be able to rain down meteors at the wielder’s
Additionally, you reduce the Speed and Reflex
beck and call.
penalties by 1 and 5 feet respectively.

Activate � Envision; Favored Weapon Group Colossal Weapon Group

Frequency once per day;
Sword Colossal Sword
Effect You hold the sword skyward and slam
it down, making it cast meteor swarm (DC 40 Club Colossal Club
Reflex save).
Polearm Colossal Polearm
Usage Held in 2 hands; Bulk 4
Prerequisites Colossal Weapon Zeal
Surprisingly light for a weapon of its size, this
Your deity guides your strikes, lightening the
+2 greater striking mithral ultra-greatsword can
burden of a colossal weapon. When you make
be swung around with surprising speed.
a Strike with your deity’s favored weapon, if it
has the Unwieldy trait, it counts as one attack
Activate � Envision; toward your multiple attack penalty instead of
Frequency once per hour; two.
Effect You swing the sword in a circle and cast
Weapon Storm, but you can only choose the 10
foot emanation version. (DC 28 Reflex save). GIANT SWING STANCE � FEAT 4
Requirements You are holding a weapon in 2
You enter a wide power stance, giving you the
balance needed to topple foes with your
UNCOMMON CHAMPION CLERIC colossal weapon. While in Giant Swing
Prerequisites A deity whose favored weapon is a 2- Stance, your weapon gains the Shove and Trip
handed weapon in the Sword, Polearm, or Club traits, and you can attempt to Shove or Trip
weapon group. creatures up to two sizes larger than you.
Your deity’s preference for big weapons If you Critically Succeed a Trip or Shove
extends to oversized weapons as well. Choose attempt while in this stance, the target takes
one weapon from the weapon group bludgeoning damage equal the weapon’s Bulk.

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Your weapon hurts all the more when the Prerequisites Swipe
attack is well placed. Make a Strike with a +1 Requirements You are holding a weapon with
circumstance bonus to the attack roll. When the Unwieldy trait in 2 hands.
you deal precision damage from your Hunter’s You step into a wide arcing swing that is hard
Edge with this Strike, you can roll d12s instead to avoid and packs a wallop. Stride 10 feet and
of d8s. make a single melee Strike. Compare the
attack roll result to the ACs of up to two foes,
each of whom must be within your melee
BANISHING SWING � FEAT 10 reach within your 10 foot stride.
UNCOMMON ARCANE FLOURISH MAGUS METAMAGIC If the Strike hits add an additional weapon
Prerequisites banishment spell, Inexorable Iron damage die. Roll damage only once and apply
Hybrid Study, Spellstrike. it to each creature you hit. This attack counts
Requirements You are holding a weapon with as two attacks for your multiple attack penalty.
the Unwieldy trait in 2 hands. On a Failure, a target takes damage equal to
The weight of your weapon is ample your Strength modifier.
motivation for extraplanar creatures to leave
your home plane. Make a Spellstrike using
the Banishment spell. If the Strik e hits, the
target takes a -2 penalty to the Will save as if
you presented a material component that is
anathema to the target.

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