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Computer-aided technology for

fabricating complete dentures:

Systematic review of historical
background, current status, and
future perspectives
Avinash S. Bidra, BDS, MS,a Thomas D. Taylor DDS, MSD,b and
John R. Agar, DDS, MAc
University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Conn
Statement of problem. Computer-aided technology is an emerging method for fabricating complete dentures. Con-
solidated information about historical background, current status, and scope for the future is lacking.

Purpose. The purpose of this systematic review was to analyze the existing literature on computer-aided technology
for fabricating complete dentures and provide the reader with a historical background, current status, and future per-
spectives on this emerging technology.

Material and methods. An electronic search of the English language literature between the periods of January 1957
and June 2012 was performed by using PubMed/MEDLINE with the following specific search terms: CAD-CAM com-
plete dentures, digital complete dentures, computer dentures, designed dentures, machined dentures, manufactured
dentures, milled dentures, and rapid prototyping dentures. Additionally, the search terms were used on the Google
search engine to identify current commercial manufacturers and their protocols.

Results. A total of 1584 English language titles were obtained from the electronic database, and the systematic ap-
plication of exclusion criteria resulted in the identification of 8 articles pertaining to computer-aided technology for
complete dentures. Since the first published report in 1994, multiple authors have described different theoretical
models and protocols for fabricating complete dentures with computer-aided technology. Although no clinical trials
or clinical reports were identified in the scientific literature, the Google search engine identified 2 commercial manu-
facturers in the United States currently fabricating complete dentures with computer-aided design and computer-
aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology for clinicians world-wide. These manufacturers have definitive proto-
cols in place and offer exclusive dental materials, techniques, and laboratory support. Their protocols contrast with
conventional paradigms for fabricating complete dentures and allow the fabrication of complete dentures in 2 clinical

Conclusions. A body of scientific literature related to computer-aided technology for complete dentures is emerg-
ing. Significant advancements in this technology have now resulted in their commercial availability with shorter clinical
protocols. However, prospective clinical trials with true clinical endpoints are necessary to validate this technology. This
could affect dental education, patient care, research, and public health worldwide. (J Prosthet Dent 2013;109:361-366)

Clinical Implications
The application of computer-aided technology for complete
dentures has considerable potential for patient care, public health,
education, and research.

Computer-aided technology is a or subtractive manufacturing (such successive layers of a chosen material.

broad term that implies the use of com- as computerized numerical control Subtractive manufacturing uses im-
puter skills to aid in the design, analy- [CNC] machining). Additive manu- ages from a digital file to create an ob-
sis, and manufacture of products.1 It facturing, or 3-dimensional (3D) ject by machining (cutting/milling) to
can either involve additive manufac- printing, uses images from a digital physically remove material and achieve
turing (such as rapid prototyping) file to create an object by laying down the desired geometry. In prosthodon-

Assistant Professor, Department of Reconstructive Sciences.
Professor, Department of Reconstructive Sciences.
Professor, Department of Reconstructive Sciences.
Bidra et al
362 Volume 109 Issue 6
tics, the subtractive procedure, com- fabricating complete dentures may computer dentures, designed den-
puter-aided design and computer- ameliorate these disadvantages. In- tures, machined dentures, manufac-
aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM), is dications for CAD/CAM dentures en- tured dentures, milled dentures, and
widely used.2 It represents a modern compass individual patient care, edu- rapid prototyping dentures. The peri-
method for designing, developing, and cation, research, and public health od searched was from January 1957 to
producing a dental restoration/pros- because of 1) increased aging popu- June 2012. The inclusion criteria were
thesis, partially or completely. Sev- lation in the United States;14 2) con- set to permit inclusion of as many ar-
eral reports have described the use of tinued growth of edentulous patients ticles as possible. The only 2 criteria
CAD/CAM technology to fabricate in- and increased demand for complete were that the article be in English and
lays, onlays, crowns, fixed and remov- dentures in the US14; 3) access to that it included the specified search
able partial dental prostheses, implant dental care issues around the world; terms in the title or the abstract. Any
abutments, maxillofacial prostheses, 4) easier implementation in pub- article that did not involve items de-
and substructures for removable and lic health programs; 5) shortage of scribed in the inclusion criteria or any
fixed implant-supported prostheses.3 dental laboratory technicians in the article that described repetitive data
However, few reports have described US15; and 6) shortage of dentists and from another included article was ex-
the use of computer-aided technology dental faculty in the US.16 Some of cluded. Additionally, articles that did
for complete dentures.4-11 This is prob- the anticipated advantages of CAD/ not clarify descriptions of CAD/CAM
ably because of the inherent nature of CAM dentures are 1) reduced num- as defined by the Glossary of Prosth-
fabricating complete dentures, which ber of patient visits, which is espe- odontic Terms2 were also excluded.
includes the multiple steps of record- cially beneficial to elderly patients; 2) All 3 authors predetermined the inclu-
ing, transferring, evaluating, and then superior strength and fit of dentures sion and exclusion criteria.
creating artificial substitutes for teeth due to use of prepolymerized acrylic The search was conducted in a
and gingiva, which are required to be resin blocks for milling; 3) reduced po- systematic manner in 3 stages: titles,
in harmony with the patient’s mouth tential for dentures to harbor microor- abstracts, and full text articles. Dur-
and face. All of these elements require ganisms and minimize resultant infec- ing stage 1, a record of titles was ac-
the clinician’s artistic and technical tions; 4) reduced cost for the patient quired from PubMed/MEDLINE, and
acumen, which is less easily adapted to and the clinician; 5) easily reproduc- the search terms and relevant titles of
CAD/CAM technology than intracoro- ible (creation of duplicate dentures) articles were analyzed according to
nal or tooth-supported restorations. due to stored digital data; 6) improved the predetermined inclusion criteria.
The ability to customize tooth ar- potential for standardization in clinical At this stage and before excluding an
rangements and to confirm all preced- research on complete dentures as well article, any discrepancy was resolved
ing steps before the trial placement as implant-retained overdentures; and by discussion. In cases of uncertain-
stage is a significant advantage of 7) ability for better quality control. ty, the disputed article was included
the conventional method of fabricat- With the recently increased inter- in the abstract stage for consider-
ing complete dentures. Additionally, est in complete dentures fabricated ation. At stage 2, the abstracts of
the conventional method has been by using computer-aided technol- all selected titles were screened, and
shown to be clinically predictable for ogy, it is important to consolidate again, in uncertain cases, the ab-
almost a century.12 However, some of the existing scientific information to stract of interest was included for the
the disadvantages of the conventional promote accuracy and consistency in subsequent stage of full-text analysis.
method of fabricating complete den- future scientific reporting. Therefore, At stage 3, all full-text articles were
tures are 1) the need for a minimum the purpose of this article was to sys- studied in detail. Thereafter, final ex-
of 4 to 5 patient visits and additional tematically review the existing litera- clusion criteria were applied, and the
postinsertion visits; 2) high treat- ture on computer-aided technology final list of articles was reviewed in
ment costs due to increased patient for complete dentures and provide depth to satisfy the objectives of the
visits; 3) varying laboratory expenses the reader with historical background, systematic review.
and time; 4) lack of intimate fit of the current status, and future perspec- Additionally, the Google search
denture bases with underlying tissues tives about this emerging technology. engine was used, and web pages on
due to polymerization shrinkage; and the Internet were searched until the
5) inability to easily create an opti- MATERIAL AND METHODS tenth page to identify current com-
mal duplicate denture. The first 2 mercial manufacturers of CAD/CAM
disadvantages are significant enough An electronic search of the English dentures and their protocols. The web
to cause many dentists in the United language literature was conducted pages were used to draw any addi-
States to decline treating patients re- by using PubMed/MEDLINE and the tional articles from scientific journals
quiring complete dentures.13 search terms CAD-CAM complete that were not identified through the
Use of CAD/CAM technology for dentures, digital complete dentures, PubMed search. The collected data
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Bidra et al
June 2013 363
were scrutinized, organized, and con- tory protocols using exclusive dental which use CAD/CAM technology.17,18
solidated into 2 sections: historical materials, techniques, and laboratory The clinical and laboratory protocols
background and current status. support. These protocols contrast for both systems (Dentca17 and Ava-
with conventional protocols for fab- dent18) incorporate many principles
RESULTS ricating complete dentures, and both previously described in the literature
manufacturers allow fabrication of on digital dentures. Both commercial
The electronic search from complete dentures in 2 clinical ap- manufacturing systems allow fabrica-
PubMed resulted in 1584 titles in the pointments.17,18 tion of complete dentures in 2 clinical
English language literature, of which appointments. The first clinical ap-
30 titles were relevant to this review. DISCUSSION pointment is for systematic data gath-
Further application of predetermined ering (impressions, occlusal vertical
exclusion criteria resulted in the elimi- Historical background dimension (OVD), maxillomandibular
nation of 22 articles. The remaining relationships (MMR) and tooth selec-
8 articles4-11 were reviewed in depth Maeda et al,4 a group of Japa- tion), and the second appointment is
to study the use of computer-aided nese investigators, are credited with for denture insertion and adjustments.
technology to fabricate complete the first published scientific report in The limitations and disadvantages
dentures (Table I). Of the 8 articles, English on the concept of using com- of the current commercial systems are
3 reported on the use of subtractive puter-aided technology to fabricate that optimally assessing OVD, MMR,
manufacturing (CNC milling) to pro- complete dentures.5,7,9,11 Their report lip support, and maxillary incisal edge
duce complete dentures5,9,10 and 3 in 1994 described the fabrication of position is challenging; establishing the
articles reported on the use of addi- complete dentures from photopo- mandibular occlusal plane is impossible;
tive manufacturing (rapid prototyp- lymerized composite resin material the opportunity for patient input is min-
ing technology).4,7,11 The remaining with rapid prototyping technology. imal; and current material and labora-
2 articles did not describe the manu- This was followed by a report in 1997 tory costs are higher than for traditional
facturing of complete dentures but from another Japanese group, Kawa- methods. Some of these disadvantages
only addressed the use of computer- hata et al,5 who explored the con- may necessitate remaking the complete
aided technology for denture teeth ar- cept of digitally duplicating existing denture at a cost of additional time and
rangement.6,8 One article6 described dentures and milling them by using expense. Another important disadvan-
the use of a specialized computer a CNC milling machine. Since then, tage is the lack of opportunity for clini-
program to arrange teeth digitally several investigators have contributed cians and patients to evaluate a trial
by using anatomic and average mea- to improvements in this field, rang- denture intraorally. This disadvantage
surements, and the other article8 de- ing from digital tooth arrangement to has been partially addressed by one of
scribed the use of a multimanipulator incorporating cone beam computed the manufacturers (Avadent18) but addi-
prototype robotic system for tooth tomography (CBCT) to scanning tional treatment costs are involved.
arrangement. Most articles described and fabricating complete dentures The expected advantages of cur-
unique theoretical constructs for the through either rapid prototyping rent CAD/CAM denture commercial
production of a prototype denture technology or CNC milling.6-11 A brief protocols over conventional methods
and it was not clear whether the den- summary of the 8 articles identified in of denture fabrication are several: the
ture was used for treatment purposes. this systematic review is presented in denture can be fabricated in as few as
As a result, this systematic review did chronological order in Table I. 2 clinical visits, which benefits both
not identify any case reports or clini- patients and clinicians; the fit is bet-
cal trials on dentures fabricated with Current status ter as the denture base is milled from a
computer-aided technology. prepolymerized block of acrylic resin;
The Internet search on Google This systematic literature review minimal porosity means fewer chanc-
resulted in 299 000 items, and a de- did not identify any clinical reports es of microorganisms such as Candida
tailed search of the first 10 web pages or trials on complete dentures fabri- albicans; an optimal occlusal scheme
identified 2 commercial manufactur- cated with computer-aided technol- can be developed with only minimal
ers of complete dentures (Dentca; ogy. Additionally, complete dentures adjustments; a denture can be easily
Denta Inc, Los Angeles, Calif )17 and fabricated by CAD/CAM technol- duplicated as the CAD files are digi-
(Avadent; Global Dental Science, ogy appear to be more amenable to tally stored; and research on edentu-
Scottsdale, Ariz)18 with CAD/CAM clinical use than complete dentures lism can be standardized. Moreover,
technology. Dentca claims to be the fabricated with rapid prototyping with progress and broader acceptance
world’s first CAD/CAM denture man- technology. An internet search identi- of technology, the cost of materials
ufacturer.17 Both manufacturers have fied 2 current commercial manufac- and laboratory support can be signifi-
listed definitive clinical and labora- turers of complete dentures, both of cantly lower than traditional methods.
Bidra et al
364 Volume 109 Issue 6

Table I. Summary of historical background (8 articles identified through this systematic review) on
computer-aided technology for fabricating complete dentures
Article Summary

Maeda et al4 (1994) Data acquisition: 3D laser scanner and charge coupled-device (CCD) cameras of double-arch
impressions made with silicone impression material and a specialized custom tray.
Denture fabrication: Rapid Prototyping (3D laser lithography) technology as 2 outer shells
(cameo/occlusal surface and intaglio/tissue surface), which was then connected by using
predetermined reference points.
Kawahata et al5 (1997) Data acquisition: CCD cameras assisted by lasers to record digital images of cameo and intaglio
surfaces of set of complete dentures of patient.
Denture fabrication: computerized numerical control (CNC) milling by using block of wax to
create duplicate denture.
Busch and Kordass6 (2006) Data acquisition: Scanning of edentulous casts with laser and other types of scanners.
Digital tooth arrangement performed with a specialized computer program using anatomic
measurements and averages.
Sun et al (2008)
Data acquisition: 3D laser scanning of edentulous casts and occlusal rims, followed by digital
tooth arrangement and creation of virtual flasks for denture processing.
Denture fabrication: Rapid Prototyping technology to create physical flasks, followed by
insertion of teeth and conventional laboratory procedures to fabricate complete dentures
Zhang et al (2011)
Tooth arrangement performed by using prototype multimanipulator tooth arrangement robot
system. Multimanipulator tooth-arrangement robot system consisted of 14 independent
manipulators (1 for each denture tooth), dental arch generator, and slipway mechanism
Kanazawa et al (2011)
Data acquisition: Separate extraoral cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans of
patient’s dentures and artificial teeth, followed by virtual tooth arrangement.
Denture fabrication: CNC milling of denture base by using a clear block of acrylic resin,
followed by manual bonding of denture teeth into the recesses of base.
Goodacre et al (2012)
Data acquisition: Scan of silicone impressions made by neutral zone technique and scan of
interocclusal records, followed by virtual tooth arrangement.
Denture fabrication: CNC milling of denture base by using pink block of acrylic resin, followed
by manual bonding of denture teeth into recesses of base.
Inokoshi et al (2012)
Data acquisition: CBCT scans of wax trial dentures of 10 patients, followed by various
modifications performed on computer.
Denture fabrication: Rapid Prototyping technology to create 7 prototype dentures for each
patient with various alterations in tooth positions to study feasibility of using prototype
dentures for trial placement purposes.

An additional implicit advantage is the steps of MMR, trial placement, and has been an acute change in treatment
fact that complete denture therapy denture processing using conventional protocols. Some of the controversial
is a noninvasive and reversible form methods. The clinician and patient topics include: immediate complete
of intervention. Should a CAD/CAM should be prepared for the additional dentures, single-visit endodontic ther-
denture fail to satisfy a patient or cli- time and expenses incurred if any of apy, metal ceramic crowns without a
nician’s requirements, the clinician can these outcomes ensue. bisque bake/esthetic evaluation, sin-
revert to the conventional method of gle-visit CAD/CAM crowns, immedi-
denture fabrication or remove the ar- Future perspectives ate implant placement, sinus grafting
tificial teeth from the CAD/CAM den- and simultaneous implant placement,
ture. The milled denture base can then Historically, dentistry has wit- immediate loading of implants, and
be used to proceed with subsequent nessed controversy whenever there several other such treatments. How-
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Bidra et al
June 2013 365
ever, with sufficient evidence, many not only individual patient care but fabrication of complete dentures in
of these topics have ceased to be con- also dental education, public health 2 clinical appointments. There is an
troversial. The adoption of new treat- programs, and clinical research. It is impending need for clinical trials on
ment protocols to fabricate dentures important that future clinical research computer-aided dentures that can
with computer-aided technology will on this topic focuses not only on sur- affect individual patient care, den-
be no exception to controversy. How- rogate treatment outcomes but also tal education, research and public
ever, current commercial protocols addresses true treatment outcomes. health around the world. The ability
should be improved and validated Examples of surrogate outcomes in- to manufacture complete dentures
through sound clinical and laboratory clude elements such as denture exten- using computer-aided technology has
research to overcome many of the dis- sions, denture retention, lip support, untold educational, investigational,
advantages listed. Thus, current and and OVD. Examples of true outcomes and clinical possibilities for the future.
future clinicians should aid manufac- include elements that provide un-
turers in improving the current treat- equivocal tangible benefits to the REFERENCES
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bility to guard against quackery and on complete denture prosthodontics 2. The glossary of prosthodontic terms. J
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the abuse of computer-aided denture preceded modern concepts of evi- 3. Miyazaki T, Hotta Y, Kunii J, Kuriyama S,
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facturing systems use a combination niques used in the fabrication of com- 4. Maeda Y, Minoura M, Tsutsumi S, Okada
M, Nokubi T. A CAD/CAM system for
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computer-aided denture fabrication. should adhere to modern concepts of 1994;7:17-21.
5. Kawahata N, Ono H, Nishi Y, Hamano T,
This is because the impressions of evidence-based dentistry at this incep- Nagaoka E. Trial of duplication procedure
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conventional techniques and materi- tunity to examine many of the funda- Rehabil 1997;24:540-8.
6. Busch M, Kordass B. Concept and develop-
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impressions for edentulous arches
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movement of the muscles and jaws, nology to fabricate complete dentures robot for full denture manufacturing. J Med
Syst 2011;35:1421-9.
which may be difficult to execute with has been studied since 1994 by mul- 9. Kanazawa M, Inokoshi M, Minakuchi S,
an intraoral 3D scanning type of de- tiple investigators using CAD/CAM Ohbayashi N. Trial of a CAD/CAM system
vice. However this gap could be ad- as well as rapid prototyping methods. for fabricating complete dentures. Dent
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dressed by future research. Another Significant advancements in this tech- 10.Goodacre CJ, Garbacea A, Naylor WP,
manual step in the laboratory stage nology have been made since its in- Daher T, Marchack CB, Lowry J. CAD/CAM
is bonding the artificial teeth into the ception, but currently no clinical trials fabricated complete dentures: concepts
and clinical methods of obtaining required
recesses of the denture base. Under- or clinical reports are available in the morphological data. J Prosthet Dent
standing the strength of this bond or scientific literature. However, 2 com- 2012;107:34-46.
even eliminating this procedure by mercial manufacturers in the United 11.Inokoshi M, Kanazawa M, Minakuchi S.
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milling the denture in 1 piece with the States offer complete dentures fab- method applying rapid prototyping. Dent
artificial teeth should be the focus of ricated with CAD/CAM technology Mater J 2012;31:40-6.
future research. to clinicians across the world. These 12.Jacob RF. The traditional therapeutic para-
digm: complete denture therapy. J Prosthet
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sults of this systematic review, the au- tive protocols using exclusive dental 13.Christensen GJ. Removable prosthodon-
tics: a forgotten part of dentistry. Alpha
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commercial manufacturing of CAD/ support, which sharply contrast with 14.Douglass CW, Shih A, Ostry L. Will there
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tunity exists for clinicians to improve ing complete dentures, allowing the 2002;87:5-8.
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15.Christensen GJ, Yancey W. Dental labora- 17.Dentca- CAD/CAM Denture; Dentca Inc. Corresponding author:
tory technology in crisis, part II: Potential Available at: Dr Avinash S. Bidra
solutions to the challenges facing the indus- 18.AvaDent Digital Dentures; Global Dental University of Connecticut Health Center
try. J Am Dent Assoc 2005;136:783-6. Science LLC. Available at: http://www. 263 Farmington Avenue, L6078
16.Hill EE, Breeding LC. Who is teaching Farmington, CT 06030
undergraduate prosthodontics in US dental Fax: 860-679-1370
schools, 2007? J Prosthodont 2009;18:195-8. E-mail:

Copyright © 2013 by the Editorial Council for

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry.

Noteworthy Abstracts of the Current Literature

Fracture resistance of crowns cemented on titanium and zirconia implant abutments: a
comparison of monolithic versus manually veneered all-ceramic systems

Martínez-Rus F, Ferreiroa A, Özcan M, Bartolomé JF, Pradíes G.

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2012;27:1448-55.

Purpose: To evaluate the fracture resistance of all ceramic crowns cemented on titanium and zirconia implant abut-

Material and Methods: Customized implant abutments for maxillary right central incisors made of titanium (Ti) and
zirconia (Zr) (n=60, n=30 per group) were fabricated for an internal connection implant system. All-ceramic crowns
were fabricated for their corresponding implant abutments using the following systems (n=10 per group): (1) mono-
lithic computer-aided design/computer-assisted manufacture (CAD/CAM) lithium disilicate (MLD); (2) pressed
lithium disilicate (PLD); (3) yttrium stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystal (Y TZP). The frameworks of both PLD
and Y TZP systems were manually veneered with a fluorapatite-based ceramic. The crowns were adhesively cemented
to their implant abutments and loaded to fracture in a universal testing machine (0.5 mm/minute). Data were ana-
lyzed using two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s test (α=0.05).

Results: Both the abutment material (P=.0001) and the ceramic crown system (P=.028) significantly affected the
results. Interaction terms were not significant (P=.598). Ti-MLD (558.5±35 N) showed the highest mean fracture re-
sistance among all abutment-crown combinations (340.3±62-495.9±53 N) (P<.05). Both MLD and veneered ceramic
systems in combination with Ti abutments (558.5±35-495.9±53 N) presented significantly higher values than with Zr
abutments (392.9±55-340.3±62 N) (P<.05). MLD crown system showed significantly higher mean fracture resistance
compared to manually veneered ones on both Ti and Zr abutments (P<.05). While Ti-MLD and Ti-PLD abutment-
crown combinations failed only in the crowns without abutment fractures, Zr-Y TZP combination failed exclusively in
the abutment without crown fracture. Zr-MLD and Zr-PLD failed predominantly in both the abutment and the crown.
Ti-Y TZP showed only implant neck distortion.

Conclusions: The highest fracture resistance was obtained with titanium abutments restored with MLD crowns, but
the failure type was more favorable with Ti-Y TZP combination.

Reprinted with permission of the International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants.

The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry Bidra et al

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