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//uOiitf/p*' ljru#£fM£j iftrtjh



Theological Seminary,

'^ r~t/ pivtsion

ShelfMO 7k Section

«°°'» No,
\ +- -

\ \\
CCfte Volume of
tije botte* calltD 3poctfpftft:
coiuapnco in tjjc ccmcn ^Ltan*
flarion to &ati>ne,tofjicf)e ace
not foiiriDciutfjc i^ebjiu
uoi in tfje

^rfte tftpzuc bofte of gftyd&

^ lie fourtfte bofce of <gf o;a&
r£ tje react of t \yt bo&e of gcftcr*
€l;e bofee of acopfeDome.
^Lpcfo3eoft0c, ttf.$(lD?enfit
OiLtjc flow of 2i3ei $ of toe &#$&
bo&e o'ttl)c ^acljabeeg.
ft l)t f tcft
^IjefeconDebotuoftlK s^atya*


Co tl)e Meatier.

$confgDctaei6rt)attfjc necofaftoxpMStoclIofp'bofceofja&at&abcesa* SlnfJt*

l) c lies befoxc ace f ounb etutlje of tbctti, of fifbxas : altbougbc bccocamc tbe *"•*•*„'
©ebxuetonac.ceceaucbof all bobes compplco f torn tbe tatgucof l&png attarc* oft? antt-i
bnt obis tpmc, to beapoctppba. qupnes.
men: anb tbat tbe otbctfolos
topngCtobtcb ate callea apo* WbetfoxctbenABbcntboumpltcmapnteint 3|«
auptbpugefoxcetteit.tcnbxpngea tcafonoftbp bckea an
to be t f aDc not opeulp ano in
faptbe.taBCbcabetopxoccaoe tbcttu bp tbelp= gaumap
commcu.butastt toctctufes
upngc aubpptbtbpes>ctiptutcs,fDlotppngcg>. P ,on;..«uc
ctetcaiibapacte) ace neptbet founw tntbc©Ci }9ctct,wbtcycfapctb:I&e tbatfpeaBCtb.letupm ijacr.t.w
tiiuenoxtntbc Cbalbc: in tobpehetongestbep fpealteastbougbebcrpaBCtberooioofiBoD.fec
tyrocuot of longc bcuc mxptteu( it
toctcfiapplrctbeboBc of &apicucc)tobctcupon anb ccttcn.openeo bp tbe pxopoercs anb apoQIcs,
iurppxcti tvitb tbe boip gootte:of totjom inc iiaue
tttoeteuGhJCtocrp batbeto tcpapxeanb amenbe
tDon:anb tbat alfo tbep ate not teccaucb no; ta; toptnelc moatc clcate then tbe aape.£amets bas
SlnffcM ben as Icgpttpmatc anb toel of tbe upngc gtcatc bcfpxc to coufpune anb ftablpu)e
logctof toepx opinions bp tfje iatoe of man, Tap, tbat it 10
Inucs as of tbe tu&ole cbutclje, as g>. ©tctorae
g&umctb. fbametofpeaBetDitt)outlaioe:^oto muebmoxe us r „hrft-
ftctcctbtmc banc fcpatate tbem,aiib fct ttjem as
feaMaubbicabetbcitougbtebeto&aue.ttiat rau ma„ni,/
fpbc, t&at tbep mapc tbe better bcmioweu : to
ctb be is a £&uat<ui,UP tobpcljebolbctb not bpm ji„ ,aoMi
tbpntente tbat men map fenotoc of tobicbeboBcs Mi » "'H^ ,,;
in tbe lames of tbe Ipupnge
toptuesougbtcto beteceaueb,auboftobicb not. felfe.oiteaaetbuot
tfoxtbcrapDC&.j^ieromerpcaBpugeoftbeboBe f5sD 2) : but in itutiuts inucitcpous, iubg-pngc of
3Inf|9xo ofjuitfbCtobtcIjetsapoctipbaXaictb.tbattbc all tbpugesaccoibpuge to tbem, anb icaupnge to
Jose be? autoxptietbeeof isncteftcamcbtooitbp anbfufs anbuccttcu pmagpu^cpon anbpbantarpe^ JLet
fow 31U5 fictcntfocoufpimeanbaabUibe tljct&uigcstbat bs tbetfoxe tbat ate buplbeb cottbe fouubatpon
pzopbetes anb apoftles , ano on tt;c «*«»,- « h
tiitb. Ipgbtemoprputation. aubgeuecallpeorail tbe of tbcbolp
3ln£ #xo bohcscaflcbapoctipbajcfapetb.tbatmeitmap bcabecoxneiQonc( ontobiebctbep tl)cm relucs iloitat
logetotbe teabetbltotbecbpfpingeoffl people: but not to tDCtcfounbcb.aubtobpcbetbeppjcacbeb, tbatts
jpxouccbt confpimeanbatlgtbentbcbocttpncoff cbutctj. 3lcfus Cbufte.tbclfuet aottc ; leaue tbe tbpnges
tbatatetmcettcnto folometbc cecteiuljolbpnge
31 leaueoutc&ecc tbe lamc(as tbep call tt)of£as
aou.c,§aticta&omana4b.btamc.ftbctcbc(bc: bs anb tcaftpn jc us in tbcm.aub f aOenpugc oute
ancr c tt) etc, as in a lure place, foi outccbuQcn
toetbbisfubgemente. JLpBctopretijc iBlofeof.c*
men fapctb couf pocth not in boutefull tbpnges,
Canones. i-bi.btttutc.tobtcbefapctb, tbat
buttnplapncanD mooftccetteuatTui
rcabefbem, but not in genera II : as tbougbe be
taunce, aub in mooft ttuepecfuas
fljoulbc fapctbat gcuctallpe anb tboiotolpc tbep
f ton, t a Sen anbeoufitmebbp ins
atcnotalotocb.anbuottDttbouteacaufe : jfot
t!;at tbeptfaue bene coiruptcb anb falfpfpeb tn
StauntCbsto Vualcbcpcv;
manp appeatctb fufftctcntlpe bp ffiufc* petuallp, to tbiutente
31nf.tiit. bins in bisbo!ucallcb&iftoHat£ccIcftaQica:
feofeetbe ^IDbubc tbtnge is carpe to be anotocn cuen noloe (fulfplipngcuis
abapestucettenpopntes, nanulpeintbe bofces
boip topll in
3infp;oi oftt)CflBjacbabces:n)borcfec8bcboBc5i.©teto.
antttoofif confecrctbtbatbcfoun&enot tit tbe fcctttuc, bp
fettpngca fpocall uiuencions ccuiftacrc
tiflfcesof tbe meanes uberof it is becomebnto tostbe moxe
i-nto Optn)rt)cmapc IpuctobpsDos
#^cbwn' rurpccteanbtl)c!eaetcccaueb.3In IpBemaiictta
uourt, anb to tbe cbtfpmg %
«c« ttoftbctbpxbcanbfouttbboBCoftgfbxas.robtcb
tbatbevrouloctiot bane of Dis Cbuccbc.
liti'*mo= &.I&ietomcpxotcaetb ^ObCtt.
ttanflatcb.eftcampnge tbem f 01 oxcames : tobete
lose of
as lofepbus pet tn bts boftc of bis antiquities
aeciatctb toe funune of tbeuuttcvaftcc tbema*



to pafle , rlje pjtcftesanb tbe jietipccg
of elms* ftooegooblp in tfjeit ojbec.anb bab tbe
*3*;c&cfpzfreCbaptct, bnleucncobicabc tbozotooutc tbe ftp*
V bes»8nb after tbe ozozpngc oft^e pjtn*
3!oftas !;oI&ctf) patreouet. after \)ist>eatt)C,a
3Kct}omae fits Comic nwDc ftp 113c m tjisftcabc: cipall mcniu the trpbes, tbep offeceo
»Dl;omerOCiSpuucofegpptc putwOoutc, atiD bat the UoiDc in the fpgbt or t be pco*
fcttctt) in I)t9b»otoec3|oacQim. HctuTalem is be:
fircFCD.aitD j^CDccUias t&iau ple.accozbpngeasttts tozpttcn in the
boae or scores,* a«D fo tbep rolled tbe
a $0 Jfoftas* bclbe eaftet lambe as accozbpnge teas. 3s
the ft aft 01 tf after f 0* the tbaucfec orTrtngcs ano the other,

in Jetufalem bnto tfjcp btghtc them to Hcttels anb poms,

tbcjLo?bc,anbacto anb fee them before the people to goob
the jaaflecucc the topll,andaftettoarbe befoze them UU
ties,anbtbepjtcftes* jfoz'tbe pzicflcg
monetb . fee fet t be
offteb the fat , tmcpll tbe time toa* eje*
pmftes alfo in o** pp*eo , but the juuttc0 pzepareb foj
bet(accojbpnge to tbe baplpe coutfes) tbem felnes anb foz tbep? bzetbzen the
bepnge arapeb in longe gatmentes in cbilbien of 3aroii,{E&€ fpngcrs alfo tbe
tbe temple of tbe notbe. acnbberpafce cbplbzen of afapb (lobe in theft o^ber,
bnto the Heuifcs tbe bolp mpntftecs of accozbpnge as BauiD bab Deuifeb.&>oi
2[frael^ tbep fcoulb fjaioto tbem femes bib atfaph Zaebatpe $ Jbutbun, tobicfj
nto tbe !ozbe s to fet the bolp arcae of tocce appopnteb bp tbe apnge sapoje* /
tbe to;bc,tn tbe boiUe that apnge £*a< out t the poztersanb dojeftepers (lobe
lomon r be fonue ofBauib f;ab builocb, bp tqt botes anb that bilpge*tlp,fo that
anb raio:£e $al no mote beare p 38tcfte none ivcnte out of bis ftabpnge anb let*
bpon pout fijoulbct 8«/ftoto tetue poute upce : foz tbctr bjerbien ( tbe Xeuptes)
TIoidc, $ take § charge of his people of pupateb foz t he m.'STbus lucre ail tfein* c
3Efra cl af tet poute btllages anb poute
ges petfoutmeb , that belongcb to the
ttpbes : accozbpnge as hpnge teoutb offetpnge of tbe tozDc » Jn that Dare
tbeftpngeof jgrcaclbatbozbencb, ano tbep be toe tbe$afleouer,anb offer eD
accozbpnge as Salomon tips fonne tbancfee offctpnges befpbe tbe faenftee
bath bonozablp pjeparcb:pca,lofec that of the 21 ozbr, accozbpnge to tbe comaiw
yeallbofecupce in tbe temple, accoz* Dement of apnge Joltes.
Dpnge to tl)t ozbzpnge anb btftrpbucio &o tbe cbilbzcn of Jfracl tobicb toe tt
oftbepztneipal men tobicb ate appotn* tbcpzefcntebelbcanbonozablejbairc*
tcb oute of tbe ttibes, to bo (etupce foz one r,anb the feaft of ftoete bzeabe.biU
€».*» tbe cbtibzen of |(tacl . * ftpli (be paN bares longe * pea, fucbe a ^adcouec
f couer,a nb pzepate orlnngcs fo; your e teas not fcepre t u ^:rael,f torn tbe ty me
bzetbMb s anb bo accozbpnge to § com* of the pzopbet ^amucK^tiD all § kpti*
inaunbtmtntc of the jioibe, tobicbe be
ges of jjfcaei belbe not futb an otto,
gauc bnto dpofes.SFnb bnto tbe people
as tbts tohicht fepngejfoftas I'tlbe.a nb
that teas foube Jfofias gaucrjoctbotii
tbe pzteftes,tbe ate uttes.tbcj clues anb
raitbe of Ojepe^ambes^vbbes, $ goa< a! |fcael,of al tbem t^at toere at Jetu*
m tts ,anb thze tboufanbe orcn.Chefe tbe rait m . Hnb in tbe* rbiti. peate of tbe
kpnge(ofbts^pnglp*lpbctalitc)gaue tai'gneof Jofiastoastbts ^affeouee
bnto tbe people accozbpnge as be bab
, hep t.anb ti) a parfecte b cite bib ftrngc
pzompftb:anb to tbe pztcftes fo; tbe
^onasozoecalhistoozcaes. before tbe
|Da(Tcouer)he gauc ttoo. ^» ft)epe, anb 31ozbe,anb tbe tbinges that toete tozrt*
en bnnbzetb ojcen.apozeotiet,9iecbon<4 ten of bim in tpmes pafte, concetnpiige
as anb ^emeias, anb j&atbanacl bze< tbofe p fpnueb 9 toete tmgoblp againft
tbzen,anb feafabia^ebiel^nb Jofa^ tbe tozb befoze al people,anb piougbt
bab gaue tbem to the paffeoncr, fpue notf toozbof§UozDbp6 3ftac!.*?fif*
tboufanoc ctjepc anb fine tntnozc ty bi\U tec al ttytt e actes of king J of ias, jaha^
!#« tao

cno p Itptigc o f <£ gppt tocnte Dp $ came low.* *{tcc tbis , 03btKfjoUonofoj
totoatoe Carcamisup Cupbiatcs: , 9 tbekpugiof^abiloncamcbp.bounbe
3|ofias toeute to mete bpm. Cben icntc b!mu}iC')b.vJC8otpion,anDcactcobini
the hpngc of cgpptc Uiuo Jofias fap* Uato aabilon * ^abuchoDonofozalio
tugc:tobathaue j to Do tout) the, £> tofce al (be * bsilets tbat voece balouie j iMa^
fciuige oi J uoa^ J am not lente of tljc in tbe temple of tbe lope , anb all tbe
jnozbe to fpgbtc agapnfte tbe,fo*mp 3jctocl0,anb caepco tbem buto £abila,
toatreisUpo tfupbiatcs^otboutbp ^ biougbt tbe in to bis oume temple at
£> toapc bem c agapnc m
ai I the bad. $nD 25abilon» £>f bis bnclennes ^ ungoo*

Jofias luouiDc not tunic agaiue Upon lpnes,it is toittten in tbc bone of p ac<
gtjEUbarct.butUHbettoUetofpgbtea* t es of tbe Up ng cs * 3nb Joacbim b ps
gapnfte him, s bethciieD not Unto the fonne tapgneb in fits fteaoe : i^ctuas S,
mozD of tbe piopb c t,tohi cb be to Id bun maoc bpnge bepnge.jcbm.pcare olbe,$
cut of the mouth of 0oD, but pitcbeb a taigucb but tb?e monetbes *, jc. oapes
battaplc agamft bun in § f elbe of sjipa* in 3ecufalem,anD oib eucll befote tbe
gebbo. aiuo (be pares pzeaffeb to King 2loioe.^»o at cc a peace, /j-iabtub ooo^
foiias • (ibentatD (be fcpnge Unto bis nofoi f cm anb caul r D bun be biou gbte
iMwiw.f fetuauntes:*£atpe mc atoape outc of ontoi^abilon tottb tbe bolp bcflfcis of
tbc battaplc, toz J am f ok ujou ddcd. § 2loiD,ct maoe ^ebecbias b«s b^otbec
3(!iiDtmmcbiatlp bis feruaimtcs tone king of Juoa $% etutale, tobcu be teas
bun a toa j>c out of tbc f ton t c of tbc bat* jcjci.pcareolDc:^ be tai i.pcatc.
taple. Cbeu fat be Up upon the iccouoe 2CnDbeoiDcuclalto intbclpgbtcf
cbatet,camc to jctufalem bpeb , auo tbe TLoib,ano cat eb not foi tbe toojocs

teas butpcb m fns lathers fepulcre. * tbat to etc fpottcn buto bim bp p pzo* jxt.n.*
3GnD tn al j cluip tbep moutncbfoi Jot pbet J c temp at tbc month of tbe KLoib.
ftae.pca.tbc culcts alto Mil) tbett top* 3fmo ttbece as be bab maoe an otbe
ties uiabc lamcr.tacton foz bpm Unto Unto Hpngc 0abucbobouofoi,be matu
this Dapcauo tb»3 uias oouc cute ftpll f toote bim f c!fc,anD fei from haupnge a
Injlraci. ftpfcnccUca!ibabcrt,attanigtcff(ball
Ci,f fe tbpnges ate to^ttcn in tbe tbe (latutcs anb ozotnauccs ot § noiD
boU of tbe ftozpes of tbe fepngts of ©oD wbe culcrsalioanb fan*

3[uba 3 namelp,al tbc acres ano vuoicUegj bes of tbe people of tbe H02D bio imi c t>
ot fcpng 3Botia»,b<s fcpnglj> potoer, ano eue^anb became bngoblp,ino2c tbe tbc
tnatettp, bis UnbctftanDpngcinpiatoe j^ca tbcn,bcpngc bciplcb in ai mane c of
ofgoD3tobatbtoio,rca,tbtgc0tobicb abbominacions:2ca,anb befpieb § bo*

te ij,a
of Jftaclanb |uoa. * »
ace not tozptte in tbc boke ot f apnges 1 temple of tbe ftoib at j erui ale .giro

the people the <5oDol their iaibcts cute bis mef«

tobc Jccbonias tbc fonue of Jonas s feugecs buto (bem,to tunic tbe bacttt,

W *°' B
maoc bimapng in fteaoc of Joitas bis anb to cal tbem agapne from tbcit Ipn*
fact)ec,tobenbe toas.crjtiu.pcate oioe. ncsifoihetooulbc fapuebaue fpateo)
ano be caignco ottec Jf tael tbu mone* tbefoxbisbalp tabernacles faae. lie* $
(be£.3nD tbc fepngc of Cgpptc put bun ucttbclcs tbcp bab bis meiraungcrs

Dotoue.tbat be Ojoulo not argue mju in bcrifiou: anb loMeiubat <jpob fpaae

tufalc in.ano tapf to Up a tare of p* peo* Unto tbem bp hi3 ptopbet cs.tbcp mabe
plcmamc |p ,an.c talcntcs of ftluec ano but a fpoite of tr. zW
bub? on fo log,
onetalenteofgoloe. cbenpngeof €< tpll tbc ZLotoc teas tozotb toi tb bis peo< ,

gppte alfo mabe joacbtm bis bzotber pie foi ttitit bngoblpues, 5 tpi be cau*
fepnge of^tioa anb Jctufokm. %% foz I'co tbe bpnges of tbe €albcc$ to come
tbem of tbe fcpnges couuccl Ub x> fcpnge Up,U)bitbe fletu t bcic poungc men toufi
bim fclfe ano Z uacclcs bis btotbcc,b( theftDcarDc,pea 5 cuciun tbe compaffe
tohe rt)ctn,anD catpeb b cm atoap pip*
f oftbepzbolp temple ,* anb fpateo no stut.*.»
f oners in to Cgpptc. f p it c anb t bientpe boDP, nether poge noi olbe,netbcc map*
peace oloetoasjciacbun.toben be toas Htn no: poge ma: but tbep toe te al belts
nrtbe upugc in tbe lauae of Juoa anb ucccb in to tbe potocc of tbe ttpnges of
jjetufalem, aub be orocucil befoze tbe tbe calbee? , ajwalltbe bolpe ueilcls

#f<£ityas, Jfol, iij.

of the lojDcahb the fcpnges ttcarure# toitfj all maiiecof golDe anD rplnec.anj)
toUc tbcp,aiiD rarico tfjem Dnto *&abr« catel alfo, anD toitfj manp ipbetal
Ion.3Cs foztfjeboufe of tfje jLozDe, thep tes, anD tfjis Dpo manp one,
bzeute it,ano bzafte ooume tf>e tualles of mpnDe teas ftp:eD bp tbecto , *
^ccufalem, fyzeDpon hectotozes, Cpzusalfobzougbc foztfjetbetjeflTels «.*ftii«;
fepnge #
Dcftrorco all bet noble bupiDinges ano ano ojnammte0 , that toete
bzougbt tfjem to naught , anD the pco< imco tfjOlojDectofjicb ^abucfjoDoiiO^
pie tljat toere not flaiue to the tocarDe, foufje ftpngcof ©abilon baD
CbepcatteDDnto25abiIon. atoape ftom Jicrufafem ar.D confecta* ,

-Chus became tfjep pzffonets anD teD tljem to bis 3|DoIl anD image ) ano
bonDemenoftbcftpngeotisabilon, tpl DelptieteD them to $8i:fjuDattis
cfjcp toere DcIpuereD anD rapgneD foz treafutec,anD bp btm tfjep tecre Deliues
SlSJi' *& cm feIu * s > * to & e » the i»o?Des of tfje teD to ^almanafac tfje Debpte in |em*
jtozDe toere fulfplIeD,tohich he pzomp* tpe. amo tfjis toas the nomine of foem:
feD tbem bp tfje moutfje of tfje piopfVel tCtoo tboufaDe anD.iiii. c.fpiuec bot^
3|etemp,anD tpll tfje lanoe baD bet celt: ies *jc,cjc, rpltiet bafens.wjc.baicn? of
natnclp,a!l the tpme that it lapc toaiftV golDC.ii.^.anD* itii. C.Deffels of fpk
fjao it reft ano qupetnes. IjcjcDii. pea< ue^auDatbotifanDebcfpoe aiitfje
tes» tiefTeis of golDe anD fplttec^
feline. ti.^naptcr* cbcfe ioete nonibzeD
Cfcus scucttj Ipceitccto tDcjfictocsfo tefucitt Unto §>almanafar,anD tfjem tfjat tohe
to3lctufa!cm,auOi;cGoicrJj rfjem rljctocOeUesof
H)CtC!itplc. after rljjf arc rO«£!ctie,sfcnDcro
come agapne teitb fjzm to Jecufalem
acrajretfes, totjic&e accufcrlje oute of § captiuitie of aabilon.* j^oid i.<2Co?,4.8
fcpugvoi'tjcmu^ti&roisrlKbup.Dpugc&nucit in t fje tpme oi Hpnge aittacecfes i5 ftpng
of,!t!jcu.pcaceo:S)a ims.
of ^ecfta , tbefe men: ©alemug ano

*£>to totjen tfjeftpnge Cptus iSpithziDatua, ^abeiaus, liatbimus,

3.f»e.56.a rapgneD otiertlje j&erfians, Jdaltfjemus, ^emcliue p ^cnbe,auD
anD tofyen tfje nozDe toonlDe othecthatDuielte m
^amacia ano in
jpecfourme tfje toojDe tbatfje other places DnDcc tfje Dominion tfjec«
fjaDpzompieD bp tfje moutfj of tfje pzo< of>;otc a letter Unto itpngc Tlttwu
pfjet Jecein? : tfje iozoe rapfeD tip tfje fes 3 Ujfje!;in tbep complapn:D bnto ifj«
fpitfte of €w*$$ fephg of g ^erftaus, ftp uge of tfjem in Jeiuti> ano
Co tb at he catU'eo tbi£ tazitpnge to be lem. Cbe letter tuas iuaoe aftec tl;p$
pioclapmeo thozotoe oufe bps tobole ma net:
tealme,fapinge:fChus faietfj tfje npuge ^>:U, tfjp feruauntes &3ihitmisthi
of &e tftans: cne ftozDe of Jfrael that ftoip uuptet,
%abcUiua( tfje &>ttibt,
fjpe&ozDefjathemaoeme ftpngeof the aiiD otljec tuDges of the coucte ki <£eloe
ianoe, anD commaunDeD me to buploe rpzi^ano idfjeuicesf. i5eithn3Ujen anD
Ijpm an fjoufe at Jecufalem in Jctozp* manpfefttoouceiLozoeibcft;j!ige,tfjac
gf tfjere be anp notoe of poure people, tfje 3fetoes lahtche ace come Dp tro
tfje hwh fjim,anD go Dp totth
i,ozDe be DntoDs into the rebeilpous anD tope*
ft Jecufalem. 3nD a!! tljep $ Dtoel
tat to ft D citpe,begpnue to buplt)e it
tounoe aboute tfjat place, mall fjelpe anD tfje toalUs aboute it, anD to ret Dp
tfjem, tobetbet it be toirbgolo*, toptfj the temple of et>e ncto./ftotoe pf
fplucMtitb gaffes, toitfj fjozfeg$ ne^ tyt anD tfje toallcs tfjecof
MS ti*
be fet Dp a*
ceflatp catel, ahD at otfjec tfjpnges tfjat gaiiic,tf;ep
Ojal wat onelp tefupe to geue
fire bjougfjte toitfj a fee txitl to
§ houfe tributes; anD caves , but alfo rebell Dt*
©ftfjei,ozDeat3Jccufalcm. tetlp agaiuft tfje ftpng.^nD foz fo mucfj
ttfjen tfje pzpneipal men out of tfje astfjeptafte Ujis
mfjanDenooj aboute
f tpbes ano bpilages of juDa ano ©^
the temple, toe tboughteitrcafon, to
Jamin flooe bp,fo DiD tfje pzieftes alio thpnefte no fcozne of it, but to f^etoe i%
^ano tfje H,euites(taljome tfje nozDe fjaD bnto oure ZLozbe the
hvnqe , anD to cer<
motieD)to go fop, anD to bnploe § fjoufe tpfpebpm tfjecofrto
tfjpntcure tfjat pf
of the lozD at jetufalem awotfjep it plcafe the ftpnge, be mape caufe it to
tW tout aboute tfjem, helpeD tljem be fougfjtejqtbebooftesof olDe:
%$MU thou
tbou fljalt fptit>e fttcbe toawpnge unit* to ctbtopta ,an rjurfDierbam) ^jcftW»
ten anD fljait bnDetftanDe.tbat tfyis tU
countres.*3>o toben tbep baD eaten anD
tie fjatti altoape bene tebellpous anD Dzoncftenbepnge fatpffpeD , anD toecc
ou;obeDiente tbat tt batb fubbueD fcpn*
gone borne agapne. Barms tbt fepnge
ges anD cttpes 3 $ t^ac tbejetues mbtcb tocutc into bis cbambie , UpeD bpm
fctoeltbecin, baue citec bene a tebbellp* Dotoue to flcpe,aiiD fo a toafteD*
ous ob(tpnate, bnfaitrjwll anD fpgb<
, Cbcutbctbtepongemcn,? aepte &
tpuge people, foitbe tobicb caufe tbps apnges perf ouuc,anD toatcbcD bPS
citpe is toafteD aootycifoie notoe toe b od ic co m mo neDamongc tbem fclues,

cectifpe outenojDe tbe hpnge, tfjat pf anD fpafte one to anotbec : let cuetp one
tbfscitpcbebuplDeO anD occiippeD a* of rjs fape fome tbinge auD lake toboie 3

gapne,anotbe toailestbecof fetbp a fentence is topfet anD mote ejceellente

ne to,tbou cad baue no paffagc into Ce; tben tbe otbec, unto bpaicballftpnge
lofpiia anb ^benices. £>atius geuegreategpftes,anD ciotbe
5© Cben tojote tfje Kpngeto llatbimus bun yuitb purple « ^eu^allgeuebpm
tbe ftojp tomet to *3al*bemus to £>a* beflfelsofgolDeto Dzpnchc in, clotbes
3 3

bcllius tfje ^cttbe anb to tbe otijet of< of golDe anD couecpnges: be ( make

fleers anD Dtoellers in ^>trta anD pty* r)im a coftelp cbacet a a bipDle 01 golD,
npce&after tbis manct: J| bane ceo tbe bengal gene bi m a bonet of tobtte fil&e,
tpiftle tobicbetbonfenteit bnto me anD anD a cbeine of goIDc aboutebis nccke:

jjauecommaunDcD to matte Dplpgente f^albc tl)t fecoDe anD pipneipal

Ceatcbe,anD bane fouuDe, tbat tbe cirpe uejete bnto hpngeBacius,anD tbat bt*
fcatb euet rcfpftcD ftpnges, tbat S fame caufe of btf topfebome 5 u^aloe called ,

people ate DpfobeDpente 3 anD baue cau« tbe fcpnges bvnCeman*

reDmoucbetoarre, anD tbat mpgtjcpe ^oeuetponetmotebt^mcanpng, C
fepngesbaue rapgneD i\\ Jfecufalem, f caico it,anD lapeD it buocr tbe ftpng :3
tobicbe alfo baue rapfeD bp tares of pelotoe, 5 faiD:toben t\)t &pnge acifetb,
£>pjia anD labemces.^becfoiej baue toe toil gene bpm oute totitpnges: anD
commaunocD tbofe people , tbat tbep loHe lobofe tooiDe tbe upiige $ bis cbcfe
fijall not buPlDe tbe citpe , § tbep make fto.tDes iuDge to be tbe mooile topfelpe

no mote in it,anD tbat tbep pzoceaDe no fp often, tbe fame ujall t)im tbe bit toip*

Jobber toitb tbe builDpnge:fot fo mucb £)ne toioteracoP'K ts a ftconge tbpnge.

as it migbt be tbe caufe of toatce, anD Cbc feconDe m Jtc: C 'n ftiuge is ftroria
Dpfpleanite&ntoftpnges. gcr. cbe tbpibc toiorc : acomeu baue
#toto \sf)t\\ uatbimus anD fynbtU petmote ftretigtb!, but aboueall V^iu
Itustbe^ctpbe,anDtbctulcrs m tbe ges tbettttetb beacetb atoapetbebpc^
lanbe baD reD tbe tojitf nge of fcpng %u toipe xobm tbe fcpnge toas rp#
caretfe$>tbep ga* tbe togetbec, $ came 3 fen
tbep bp
toketbepi toiptinges anD
mal tbe bade to^ctafalcm irib an booft DelpuereD tbem bnto bpm 3 anD fo be teD
of boif cmcu,anD toitb tnucbe people of tbem. <lbcn rente be f 0? tb to cal al bis
fote,anb foibaD tbem to buplDc. 3BnD fo cbcfe lozoes ,all t^z Debptes anD rulers
tbep lefte of from buplDpuge of$tcm* of tbe r ontrees of <^eDea anD ^crfia.
pie, tonto tfje fecoiiDe peace of fepnge 2lnD \ot)tn tbep lucre fet Dotoue in tf)t
partus. councell tbe to^ptinges toerereD before

tbem. 30 ud be commaunDcD to call fot

CW» tit* Chapter* pounge men , tbat tbep mpgbte De^

clare tbepjtmeanpnges tbem felues bp
ONitiusmafectl) a fcatt. ITbc.itt.rcntcttccs of
t&e.ut.pouttgcmcn,Qfto&ici)£fuft ta&cclactb.
moutbe . £>o toben tbep toere fente
fot, anD came in, tbe fcpnge fapoe bnto

£ nge Ban us maoe a greate tbcnnfyciue beans make bs to buber*

fe aft bnto bis feruautes,bn* ftanoe, tobattbe tbpnges are tbat pe
to at bis coutte, anD to al tbt bum to?ptten«
J^jorTicetsofb^cDeaanD $tt*
fia, pea, to all tbe Debptes anD rulers
Cben beganne tbe fpzft(tof;icfj l^aD
fpoften of tbe ftrengtf) of topne ) anD
tbat toete fcnDer bam , ftom Jnbia but fapDe:£> pe men, * topne is matuelous »„^
Jfol ti(|.
ftt*nge,anD oucrcomctbtbcp ozpncfee fmpte , typ fmpfe : pf |e bpo Djpue a*

ttrttopfceauetbtbe rnpnoc , ano bzpn< toape,tbep Djpuc atoap:pf f>c commauoe

getb borij tbe- poozc ma ano p iumgc to to bupioe.tbep builoe : pf be commauoe
Dotage ano bant uc. Cbus ootb it alfo tobjeaKeootone, tbep bjeabe Dotont:
toitb-tbc bouoeman auD lutcfi tfjc free, pf be commatinoe to p laiit c.tbcp plate*
uutl) tijc poo?etaUctb aumpe
ri tube : it tube commen people ano tbe rulers arc
tljttt bnOccaaDpng^ano maftetb tbem obeopente bnto bpm. amo tfjt fepnge in
carclctt'cauomcrp,fo tbat none of tbcm tbemeane feafon fpttetb bpm Dotone,^
temcmbietb beupncs , Oct oz Dcto;
a iu» tatetkanoozpn&etb, anD tafcetb bps
tpezjjtcaufetba man to tbpncfce alfo tefte: then feepe tbep toatcbe rounDea*
tbat tbe tbpnge Uibicfjc be ootbe,is bo< bo ute tbe hpnge,anDnot one of tbcm
licit ano gooD:anDtemcbzctb not tbat oartc ger bun out of tf)t Do bis
be IS a ftpnge,noz tbat be is in auctozi* otone bufpnes, but mufle be obeopente
tte,anDtbatbeougbte not to oofttcbe tnto tbe fepnge at a toozoe Jnogepe
tbpnges * iH?ozcoucr, umenmenare noto,€) pe men, f^oUiu^bulDe not be go
DzincUtmge, tbep forget all frenDCbpp, tobomc men are tbu s
facte aboue, fcuto
all biotijctl? faptljf ulncs at)D loue:but obeDiete^nDU)bebebaofpobatbts,bc
as foone as tbep are Dzon«c, tl)tp ozatu beloe bis toge.ttb«tbp:oetobofe name
cute t'be ftuctDe a no topllfpgbt:ci toben toas?ojobabel, \ot)icl}t brio fpofcen of
t\np are laieo ooume (torn t be ttuue.ano loemeu ano of tructb , begaune to fape
(o rpfen up a gap iic, tbcp can not tell after tbis maner:D pe me if is not tbe

tobattbcpopDiiuDgepenotoe, is not greate fepuge,it is not tt)t multituDe of

topne tbe ftrongettfifoj tubo tooulo els men,netbet is it topne tbat ejccclletb;
r afce in b anbe to Do fucfj tbimgcs.-a no acobo is it tt)m tr)at batb tf^e lozoeu)pp
toben be bao IpoUca ttjis, be OdDc bps ouet tbcm^ i^aue not tocmen bbzne t\)Z
conge. bpnge,ano al tt)t people tr)a t rule tbofe
C^«»«^»€bapter. tbtnges.-^aue not toemen bojne tbem,"
STOCDctldcactoii of tuc
ti. laQ fcaicnccs of t\)C
ano bzougbt tbcm bp,tbat plants £ up*
pouiiscmcit.pjopouuDcD turtjc Cijjptec define:
of toljuOctbcUa.fOat ig.tijat ucmpc bcatctfj
nc0>l)€tout tbe topne commen> cljep
rbebutoipe m alt rOpugcs.temottcommcuDco matte garmentes toi al men, tbep geue
ano a otu cd .2> a cm 9 unit er t> lee tecs to al tbe cw=
bonouc bnto al uteris tottfyoutc tocmeti
lets Unocc bpm, that tucp i^o.iiD apDc; oiobabcl
can not men Ipue.Jf tbep gatber goloe
to t ik buplspitsc of jflccufalcm.
l^en tfje feconDe ( tobicbe tjao ano ulnct ano alpzt nous tbi!igc5,anD
|iapDe,tbat t\^t ftpnge mas fcafapicUiel tauoutco tooman, tbep
jftrongct)beganneto fpeahc, Icatie altogetber,ano tume their epes
Jrapinge : ^)pe men, are not onelp bnto tbe tooman, ano gape bpou
tbep tbe ircongcrtanD moft erccllcnte, bet,ano Oaue moitptUtt bnto ber.tbeni
tbat confiture tbe laDf anD tbe lea, ano bnto tbe f (liter $ goloe ,oz aup mane t of
all tbat is in tbe fea, anD in tin cattbiv piecious tbingt.3 man leauetb bis fa< &
|}otoc is tbe ftpngc lozoc of all tijef e tbec tbat bzotigbtebpm bp , beleauetb SIu£5
tb mgcs,anD batb Dominion of tbcm al: bis otone natural countrejanocleauetb lco».»»S
into tbe iBomanjpea,be ieopatOetb f)is *^»* -
ano lofce toba t be commaunoetb , it is
Done, ^f be fenoe bt'js men f oitb a baa u Ipfe toitb tbe tooman, ano rcmembzetb
fare,tbep go,ano bieake Dotone Spiles, netbec fatber,noi motber, noz comitce*
toalles 9 totous.fCbep areflapne , anD 23P tbis tben pe muft neDes liuouj.tbat
flape(otbcr men)tbemfelues,ano ouet* toemen baue tt)t Dominion otter pott.
paiTenot tijt ftpnges tooioe.jjf tbep get &otb it gteue pou.- 3d man taUetb
tbe Wctojpe tbep bzpngetbefcpnge all bis ftoearoe, ano goetb bPS( toapeto
tbe fpople . tLpfce hipfe tbe otbec # mco* fteaie,to kvll,to mu faple bpou
H not Uiitb toartes anD fpgbt mgc , but tbe fea, 9 feetb a Ipon, ano goetb m
tpll tbe gtoanDc:toben tbep reape,tbep Darc&nes.'ct toben be batbe (lollen, ot>f<
bzpuge trtbttte bnto tbe fcr nge. 3 no pf ccaueD ano robbeo } be bipngetb it bnto
tbe hrnge alone do but commatinDe to bis loue.'4!gainc,a man Ictierb t)is loife
*pll,tbep Ml: pf be commatinoe to toy, better tben father ano motber:pea,ma4
geue,tljepfojgerie:pf be commatinoe to n^ om tbew be 7 tbat renue out of tbep;
m.HiU lupttejs

testes, anb become bonbmtn foi tbepz ftpngebome anb pofoet anb matellpe
nap ues ralies.manp one alfo baue pecu f o.i euermoze * JSleiTeD be tl;e ®qd

U)eD,anD baue bene aapne , anD baue of truetb.

fpnucD became of toemen* 3nb toitb tbat be belbe
bis tonge,
3nb note bcleue me,3J fenoto a fepnge anb all tbe people crpeb » fapOe:<Btcate
tobtcbtggreateinbispotoec, anD ail is tbe cruetb,anb aboue all* Cbeu fapo
lanbcs ftanbe in atoe of \)i m,anb no matbe ftpnge bnto bpnr.auae tobat § \oplt,
Dacrelapebanbe bpon biro: pet bpb J mozetbe igappopnteb in tbe uui tinge,
Ce,tbat 3pame(tbe Dougbter of § great anb jaiaUgeueittbe , foz tbou arte
jfepngc ©artacus ) tbe apnges concur f ounbc topfec tben tbp compantos:( boti
bpne,fat befpoe tbe fcpng bpon § rigbt (bait fpt nejete me,anb be mp Hpnfeman.
banDc,ano tokc of Ijis ccotonefrombts Cben ato be bnto tbe ttpngc: uc menu

tjcaoe, auDfertt upon becotone fjeabe, bzc tbP pzompfe anb botoe, ojbiebe tbou
ano (mote tbe fcpng tutro bee left babe* baft botoeD anD pzompreo ( in tbe oape
& fitf)oieouer , tfje apnge loaeb bpon bee toben tbou cameft to tbe &pngoome)t
toitb openmoutbejif (be laugbco bpon buplbe bp Jeturalem , ano to feuDc a<
btm,be laugbeb alfo: but pf Ojc toiu m
gapne all tbe betTel* anb Jeiocls, tbat
np bpfpleafute toitb bim, tbe apnge lucre taken atoape outeof Jcrui'aiem:
teas fapne to flatter bcr, anD to gene tobicb Cpzus reparateb,toben be offtea
bee goob toozDes,tpU be baD gotten bee in jsabiloh,* too:ih feuoe tbe agapne.
fauoutc agapne. %ni) t$p mpnbe loas to buyloe bp tbe
C> pe men,are not toemen tben ftro* temple,tobicb ttft Cbomites iuet 3 U)bcti
aec^ceate is the eattb, anb brc is tbe jcrufalcm teas beftroicb bp tbe i bal*
SJeauen tbat bo tbete tb tuge£. cben tbe bees^bis onelp(^) apnge)is $ tbpnge ^
feimgc ano tbe 0zinees loaeD one bpon tbat J require,tt)is is p maieiip,tobicb *
anotber » £s>o be beganne to fpealte of 31 Defpze ano ante of the tbat tbou pec*
f be truetb * AD pe men ate not toe mm
foucme tbe boioe, tubicbc tbou to t bine
ttronger.-MBreate is tbeeattb,bpe ts tbe otnne moutb baft mabe bnto tbe bpn%t
beauen,ftopfte is p concfc of p purine, ofbeauen*
be compaffetb tbt beaucu roiioe about, Cben Darius tbe Kpng (lobe bp^
*"W, » anb+fetebctb bis courfe agapne to bts anb Rpu"eobim,*anb tozotea letter bu< }
tffc r
otone place in one Dape*3$ be not creel to all
; tbe bebptes anb ojzeues, to ai tbe j.*mi;&
lent tbat ootb tbtSfHea, gtcate is tbe TLoiDes anb nobles , tbat tbep fl)oulDe
tru*tb,anb ftronger tben all tbpnges* conuepebpmfoztbe,anbaH tbem tbat
eartbc calletb bpon tbe truetb,
2611 tbe looulbe go bp toitf) bpm * j^etozote
tbe beaucu pzatfetb it,al tooikes tyake a letter alfo bnto all tbi £>bzeues tbat
anD tremble at it y anb toitb it is uo bin tpcre in celofpzia anb ^beniccs, anD

45 tpgbteous tbfnge* aoopne is bntigbte*

bnto Jtpbami^tbat thtp i7>oulDt Dzahi
ousUbe fepuge is bnrigbf eous:tooinen ceoze trees from ftpbauus bnto Jttno
are bnrigbtcousraU tbt cbilbzcn of me f alcm ,to buploe tbe cptpe Un ttjalU
ace bnctgbteous,pea,aIl tbeic toozc&e<a; a^ozcoucr be tozote bnto all tbe %%*
atebnrigbteoug, anbtbeteisnottiK toes tbat tofte gone outeof bt£ rcalme
ctb in tbem , in tbeic bnrsgbteourncffe in to jfebizpe becaufe of tb% frebome;
alfo (bal tbep be befttopcb anbpetpCb* tbat no officer, no ruler, noz &bzcue,
flsrapc.ti.a * 3s ft;
f t ruetb, it enburetb,anb is all OjouiD come to tbepz bozcs:aub tbat al
toape ft t0 nge:it Ipuetb anb concjueretb tbepz lanoe &b«cb tbep bab conqucreb;
f o i etiermozc tooilDC toitbotite cube. Ojouioe be fre anb not ttibutarpe : 3nt>
Cbe truetb acccptctb no pcrfonneg, tbat tbe (gbomites QjoulDe geue ouec
it puttetb no bpffetence bettopjete riebe tbe cptpts anb bpllages of tbe Jetoes,
©z pooze,bettopjcte tbe mpgbtie oz fpm# tobicbc tbep bao taken tn:?ea,anb tbat
ple,b ut Doth rigbt bnto euerp ma tobc* tbep (boulbe pearipe geue* jejr* talen*

tber tbep be cuc!lo:gooD,anD all men tes to tbi buplbpnge of tbe temple,'
are loupnglpebealte toitb all in £ moz bntpll tbe tpme tbat it toerefpnpflicb:
Us of itjn tbe iubgementeof it there anb to tbe baplpe balotopnge of tbe
is no bntigb.tcous tbpng, but ftrlgtb, bjentof|eringes(as it is comauDeb)teri

talented tcatlpc alfo: 3&D that all tf>ep fafelpe tonrb IeruTalem:1faD ffrcit bze*
tofnchc come f tome isabjion tobuplDe ttizcu toete glao.plapinge bpon zuftcu^
the citte,QjoulDe l;aue fee libettpe, t'hep utentes, aiiDfpngpnge. 3nD thereat*
ano their chilDzcn, anD all t!ie pzicftes the names of the men, ui jiclje xomtt Dp

^e tozote the gwatcnefle alfo, anD out of the Dpilages , accozopugi to the
^ comma unocDthat garment cs ttpbes. tf>fthepzieftes, the fonne of
tf>c f;olP

U>oulD be gcuen them, tohetin tfjep mt* &bihehc0,tfie fonne of aiacon : Jerns $
mtttcD : 3nD tozote that commaunDe* fonne ofJofeDechJoachim the fonne of
9©3tlj,{, 6
mentcs EtjulDc be geuen to rf>c jieuitcs, *?ozobabcl the fonne of £>alatbtell(of
Dntr II the Dape^bat the houf e toecc fp* the tipnrcD of ©auiD , oute of tt)e fyn*
mfhco anD Jfetuifalem buplocD bp:anD ceD of Shares, ofttjetrpbe of Jjuoa,
commautiDeD that al ibc;> that luatcheD * tohpcfic fpaHe toonDcrf ull tbpugcg 3,<£fo,tf«,t>
the nt(e fIjouloc bane their pozcions^ DnDer Darius the krngeof^crfia,in

toageg. tf>e reconbe peace of hps tapgne in the

t^c ganc otter alfo alt the bcilellcs ftrfrmonctbofBtfan.

that cpitiB ftao fepatatcD from isabi: Chef e alfo are tbep of 3efotp>hict)
Ion : 3ttD all that cpzus bao gcuen ttt came bp i 3 tmncD agapne Dtito jjem^
(ommaunDcmenMbe fame charged he falem,oucofthecaptiuitethat#abu#
alfo, that ttfhouloe be Done ano rente cboDonojoztlie fevngeof Babtlon haD
into Jerufalcm. Jftolzi tone this ponge bzoughte Dnto z3abtlon.3!nD etierpe
man urns gone foitfjt , he toucneo bps man foaghte hps poicton agapne in
face toUiatDc 3ceufale.11, anDpzapfeD 3!etozpe his citie,thep that cametuitr>
the fcpnge of heauen,ano fapDc: ®f the jozo'ja uell , anD ttuth Jefus, ^ehemi^
«ccW.(,a commctb the tnctoipc *of thee Cometh aBj&aratas^iaciaia&cftimeus^uw

toiCDome ano clearnelTe , anD J am tbp mamus , iJi^arDocheus , EeeUerns,

fetuaunte isieffeD arte tboUjtofjpche ^echpha, liochoz, €)Iiozus, emonif
haftegeuenme toMDome : mm
tupll as,one of their princes.
jpzapfe, Mo2De,thou<5oDofouce 3Biid the nombze of them accozDpng

fathers* to their ftpnrcDes anD ruelars lueie*

3fnD fo he toofcc the Utters,^ foente ChechtlDzcuofjdhare0,tii)oth(JufaDe,
fcnto 25abilon:anD toben he came there, an hunD^eth anDa^it.Chc cifplDpm of
ftc toioc this b nto all his bzethzen that 3iW8.ii! .g©.an.C.anD Jibii Che tl)iU
inercat2Sabi.on,anDib£ppzapfcDthe Dzen of f emo , an hunDzeth , anD Htu
<5od of their, fa tbers , that he haD ge Che fonts of 3 ef us auD3foabes a.^.

ucntbem rcfreOjtnge anD

, liberie to iii.hunDzc th anD titto. che fonne of &e*
goe tjp ,anD to bm'loe Jertifalem anD niti.u.^.ini.hunDzeth anDiw. <the
the temple(tohichei3 thetc calico after fontzes ot chozoba.tihunDzeth anD .D«
the name of the tloid e ) anD the? wiop? Chefonncsof sanica aubuuDzttb j ,

feDtotth inftuimentessgUDncs* bit. Ubtit.Cheroniies of ftcbech.iiii.hun*

Dares Ion ge. DzethanD.iii. chcfonticsof 3HrchaD»
tiii.hunDzeth aub.jtttm * Che ronne?
of Cham.jcjcjcbii. che fonnesi of jozoar.
2^cp t\)it terucuc to3RemCal£ arcufibiCb.^foef
bcstmietolaperlKfouubactoitofthetcmpic.but ii.^.anoa.cbii. chefonnes of 3(Dinu#
arc icrre bp tlje mcaitcs of tbe enemies: 2ub Co 19 ftii.buiiDzetb . chc fonts of 1*
t\)t buplbpugtupucn of bprberpacc.ti. peaces.
DarectijS,an ijunDzcth ano . chc Mi
pzm* fonnes of Ciafo anD jelas,an hunDzetbj
tfter this toere the
cipallnienofal the toil* Che fonnes of 4t?ouc in . i M>
lages ebofen tn thetri: Djeth anD.wjcijc.che ronneis of jeDar^
besanDftpnteDes, that bone,an hunDietii anD.rrwt. Che fou*
(hep Ojouloc gocbplfc nes of i^annanias an hunDzeth anD
etttupucs pichilDzen, WW?** Ch£ fonnes of 3lfoni.)cc. ch«
teiththeic fecziauntes anD mapDens, ronncs of ^Batfac. ittt.fmnDicthanD
toitbatl their cattell ano rubftaunce* jrjrti.Che fotines of jabattts.wD. Che
SlnD ©arias the fcpngef cut ttuth them fonnes of ^ep'jofemon an hunDzeth 9
M^^p* tjozftrwu, to conuep tt)em t-tui. j;he fonnes of ^epopas.ID. chc
3XDt fonuejf
founts of f^ecfjauatus an bunDietb o f &f ncna
£ Cannes of 3tra , § Tons ot

anD mat. Cbrfonnes of jebetbanus,a» !^attc;§ Tones of -3fiana,f Tons of ^a*

lumoutf) anD .jcjcjcu. €be Tonnes of ne 5 $ Tons of ^aftftn^ tonnes of 2iccu^
Crearpa tros { tobtcbe is calleD alfo c* fa, tbe Tonnes of 3gtfta, tbe Tonnes tf
nobaDtes anD ^oDiasj.uu.bunDzctbc 36?uMbe Tonnes of jfauon,tbe founes of
anD4Cii«.€»ft}>i:inofvi?Cciino8a!iD^^ ^baTalou.tbe Tones of $£ceDa 5 tbe Ton*
bea an bubDzetb anD \ jcri . ®f tbehi of nes of £>ufa , tbe Tonnes of cateD,tbe
©eflclon anD Ceagge l£b.€>ftbem of Tonnes of ©accuse fonnes of &area,
©aTtarus, an buiibictb anD mi ®t tbe Tonnes of coefi , tbe Tonnes of 0a> ®f tbe Tonnes fft 3 tbe Tonnes of aigifta , tbe Tonnes of
of 2UptiG,tbere toerc ^eoon: Salomon bvs Tonnes, tbe Ton>
ijDftfjcfoutKSofllabondsau.fnlDut!) nes of M
opbot,tbe Tonnes of ^bajiDa,
anD.lim.£tf tf?e Tonnes of ^tcbeuutti. tbe Tonnes of celtVbe Tonnes of &eD6,
Gunozctb $Am
£>f tbe Tonnes of £>ua> tbe Tonnes of <saDDaell,tbe Tonnes of
DonasiD Clunon.nt. f?uDietb Nrrbiu. ?apbeus , tbe Tonnes of 3ggia, tbe Ton*
fl)ftr)e Tonnes of Cricusai.^. an bu* nes of <3»acbatct, tbe Tonnes of ^aba>
Dutfj anD . tin *
itubunDzetb anD. lu\
wTonnes of anaas, tbem,tbe fonnes of ^aronetb, tbe foa*
nes of c^alTtt , tbe Tonnes of ainia , tbe
_ c^ep;teftes:'Cf)e tonnes ofjeo* Tonnes of £>atas,tbe fonnes of 3DDUS.
c DMS : tbe Tonnes of Cutbentbe Tonnes tl)t Tonnes of £>uba , tbe Tonnes <£nta,
of <cl jafib.f ii.fjuDtetb ano.ljcrii . fCb* tbc Tonnes of uabotis, tbc Tonnes of
founcs Cumetus.if .bunDietb anD. In. ^baTpbat,tbe Tonnes of Salmon. 3SII
Cbe Tonnes of tfaTurtuS.iii bunDietb tbefe miniftreD in tf)t ^anctuatp , anD
nuD.Ibtt. Cl)e Tonnes of Carea. ii.bun* lucre Teruauntes of Salomon: cucn
Dietb anD.rjcbii.€be fteuttes:Cbc Ton? titubunDictb anD*ljcjcjciu

nesofjefusin caoubcll anD ©anus, CbeTe folotopn gc are tl)tp, that tocnr
anD &etebias,anb cocas, feuentpe bpfrotn cbelmellat Cbeiarfa C tobofe
anD fourc. pit'iiccs toerc cannclam anD carctb)

C^e tobole nombtc oftfjefc ftom.rii. anD migbt not Ojciuc foitb tbeir ctrpes
peaces teas .u t.dEM n.c » . €>f anD brnr cDDes , bo me tb t? lucre of JT»
t i

t!je Tonnes , Dougbtets anD topues, tbe raell: Cbc Tonnes of 53alarus> tbe Ton«
tobole Tuntme toas.ifU.3Mi* bunDietb nes of iCtibcn, tbe fonnes of |iccboDa>
anD rlii.<Cbc Tonnes of t^e piteftes tbat ictts.^ftbepzicTtcstbat ejcecutcD tyt
pzapfto <se5od in f be temple: Cbe Tonnes off pet of rbcpztcrtboDe, auDtocrenot
of 3fa pb,of tobome ttjece tuere an bun* f omiD e : Cb c Tonnes of ®bi& , tbc f oiu
Dictb.jcjrtUi.&ttt £Dooie fecpets toer?: ires of aicbiTos, tbe Tonnes of aiDDw,
4becbj»loienof efmenus: %ty ctyU tobtcbt matpeD one of tbe Dougbtcrs of.
Dien of 3fec : t£be cbPlDien ofaiinon: pbargelcnanD lucre uanicD after btm.
Cbe cbploicn of 3ficuba Copa : %be ^be luittiuge of tbc fame ftpntcD teas
cbpIDtcn of Cobi an bunoieD j jcjcjctjfc TougbtintberegtTfer of tbeir genera^

mail. cion,but it mas not fomiDc : anD tbe re <

<qDbep iiefte0 tbat TertieD in therein* foje mere tbep fo:bpDDen to erccute tb«

pie : Cbe Tonnes of £pcll , tbc Tonnes of offpee of § p^ieftbooe* Wo

$ TapD &e',
<£>afpba tbc Tones of tEoblocr), tbe Ton?
bemias anD -iftbaras.tbat tiw Cbtiioe
tics ofCarta , the Tonnes of £>ub,tbc banc no poicion in tbe ^aiictuar^tvll
Tonnes of focliu,tbe tonnes of JLabana, tbcrerofebpanbi'e p?peac,tbat toere
the Tonnes of Sfrwacba , tbe Tonnes of toell inflructe in tbe plapnc clcacneflfe

acub,p Tonnes of ntba,£ Tones of <£e; an'o tctictb €)f ail JfraellCbcfpoe fcra
tba,tbc Tonnes of aiggab^be Tonnes of uauntes anD inapDcns)tbece inercrlu.
^)bap tr)e Tonnes of ainani , ttjc Tonnes
^.iti.buD tetb aiiD.rU jfroto toere tbere
of Canna,tbe Tonnes of <©eDDu,tbe Ton* ofTeruauntes anD mapDens.Dii.^.iit.
nes of at i,tlje Tonnes of tgaDtn, tbe Ton* bunDietb anD.rrrbi.^f Tpngpnge men
nes of 3Defanon , tbe Tonnes of 0ecbo< anD fpngpnge toomen tbece toerc. ii.€«
ba,tbeTounes of Cafeba, the Tonnes of anb.Icb/four bunDietb ano.jcccb. Ca^
^oja, tbe Tonnes of ^>|till , tbe Tonnes nicis^n$eVJ03!ioVrrcbUbcufc3au[)
jrtU.^ulcs.jFpHe.^anD.rrjcU*3in-es. ba bell theTonne of <&alathtell anD %t>

& %Wt bcaues alfo anD the rulers fua tb e tonne of JofoDec and their bzc*
in tt)tttpbts,\B\)tn thep came to 3Jertt< tintn the pzieftcs anD fteuites, anD al
falem , anD tooulDe buplDe anD fate tjp thep that mere come bnto^jerufale out
the temple of^oDagapne misplace, of the captpuireo? ©abilon ,aiiD lapeD
thep(gaue after their abilpte)Unto the the f ounoacp on of the temple, in § nctoc
tcple,to toe trcafureanD to the rerupce <I^oouc of the f tcotiDe moneth in the fc>
ofttjc ^anctuarp rit»«j|£. pounDes of conDe peace that thep mere come into
golDe,U*tboufanDeoffpiuer , anD an Jetoipe anD Jectifaiem.ainD they ap^
luinDzctb pztcftcs garment ee 3iuD To popnteD the (xjuites that tuetc aboue

Dtoelttbepzteftes^ § fteuptes, anD the* ttoentpe peace olDe ) tmto the rerupce
people that toent eut to JeruFalemjauD of thelozDe : §>o Jefua ano hrs fbn?
in the countcc there aboute,tbe fingers nes anD hps btethzen all the jLeuptes
alfo anD the pozters,cuerp one of 3fra* .ftoDe together anD perfourmeD the

cl in bPSOto*elanDe, la toe anD ozDinatince in the houfe of the

+ tofien the fcuentbmonetb came, )Lozbe»
anD toben the cf^iozen of Jfcaeii toere ano the pzicftcs (loDe, anD haD their
cuerpe man at bps bufpues, thep came garmetes ano trompettes, anD the &c*
all topth one conlente into the coutte, uptes,the f onnes of afaph hao $vm*
tobpche teas befou the Caft Doze . aino bals, geupnge tbanefces anD pzapfe.s
there (toDe jjfeftia the fonne of Jofe* bnto the jLozDe,accozDinge*as BauiD «.p^w»»
Dec, anD bps bzctr)un the pzisftes anD thefepngeof JfcaelhaDozDepneD^no

jozobabcil the fonne of -^alatbtel anD the fonge that thep DpD fpnge Duto the
lite bzethze/ettpng bp an aultet,to of* )LozDe iDas after this maner:*4D f tnge
fct bzent factpfpees Upon it,as it is Unto the lozDe,foz he is gtacious,anD
tozptte-n in the latoe of ^ofes* hps gooDneflfe upon Jfraell enDureth
fCbece came people alfo of other coil? foz eucr * 3d no all the people bletoe oute
trees,atiD the heathen out of all Janoes totth trompettes , ano foge topth lotiDe
to ret bp the aulf er in bp$ p!ace anD of; Uopce pzapfpnge the
5 3
%om togethet in <5
f ceD faccpfpees ano bzente orTetpuges the rearpng Up of the ho'tife of § HozDe*
into the ftozoe in the mojnpnge * ano * Cbere came alfo frome amongc the
fo thep belDe the feafte of tabernacles, pzttftes anD nettptes the rtielatis ano tem.i.9t
t»a».a,c *as tt is comma unDeo in the lato. MU
eiDers,accozDpttge to the tepbes anD
t$$£u WlP* °^« WW
D as" accozopnge toas, fcpnreDes ( fuche as haD fene the houfe
anD maoe the factpfpees appopnteD, afoze)tothe buplDpnge of tbps temple
the offerpnges alfo of the £>abatfoes topth gteat ctpe anD great moutninge,
anD of the netoe g©oones , anD all bolpe manpe alfo toitb trompettes anD great
i.«ft»w,b fea&cs«*3inD all thep that UotocD off o ioperjn fo muche, that the trompettes
tpnges Unto the Xozoe, beganne at the mpghte not toell be beatbe foz the toe^
netoe ^oone of tbe*Uii.monetbe to of* ppnge anD mournmgc.jf oz the commen
fee Unto <!5oD,foz the temple of § nozoe people bletoe gooDlpe Upon the trotm
teas not pet buplDeD* 3iid thep gaue pettes*
Unto the qpafons anD catpetets, mo> * Chen came tin enempes of f trpbes i.<sn>?.4.»
npe,meate,anD Dzpncfee topth ch ecef wb of 3JuDa anD Ben Jnnun. to bnoto tohat
neffe mnto them of £>PDon alfo ana that trompettpnge anD nopfe of Jfcato*
Cpzetbep gaue catres, that thep tyuio mes mpghte be* 3nD thep petcepueD
carpe CeDac trees frome ilpbanus to that it toas thep tohpche toere come m
be topftes $ beames anD p thep fyulDe gapne oute ofcaptpuvte, anDtooulDe

mafcecbpppcs in the batten of 3[oppe, buplDethe temple Up a netoeUnto the

accozDpnge as it toas appopnteD anD ILozDc cdod of Jfiacll ^o tfjcp bicntc

ozoepneD bp Cpzus £imge oftbeteer* to ?ozo babe I ano 3 cf ua, anD to the rti>
tpans* tars of the upllages , anD fapDe Unto
- 3BnD in the feconDe peace thep came them:^>hall toe buplDe topth pou airo/
* into the temple of <50D at Jertifalenn 5foz toe Iplte topfe haue bearbc poure
cufr.*, i*3ntt)efeconDe monetf) beganne $o$o* &ozD,auD toe toalUc after the fame ma<

die MiMkt
Wet, ftome tfjebapes of airbajacctb tljc tbat tbcfc men rent unto Ring &anus;
&pngcof 3lftcta tobtclj: bzougbteUs oas after tops mancr.

tjptbec. <Cben Znababell ano Jfierua £»pi'enncs tbe Unbcr- £>b.zeue in

ano tbe tulats oftfjc ullages ofju &>f tia anb pbcupces, ano tl;e lanbloi*
caellfapbe Unto them : Jt is not mete Dcs tuptb tbeic companions, tobtcb act
tbat re fljoulbe UuplDe tbe temple of beao cuelacs indicia ano ©'jenpees,

oucc v©oD toptti Us : £ce ouce fcitics a* fenoc tbeic falutacpon Unto Bacpua
lone topll buplDe Unto tbe JLozbc, Ipke tbe ttpnge* we ccctpfpe ouce jlozbe tfji
i.€f6i.ta.*ascp?ust!jcfcpnge of tbe pcrfiang fepngc, tbat toe came into tbe lanocoC
(jatfjeommaunbebus* ,
3e tozpe,anb toent to Jenifalcm:u>bcte
25Uttbe beatbentn tbclanbc lapDe toe founoe tbem buplopnge tbe gceate
tbem felties agaviift tbofe tfiat toece m boufe of (5od anb p terople,toitb gceatt
3fetozpe,belbe Up t!je buplbpngefcome coftelpe fece (tone,anb toptfj gooolpe
ibemjapebtoapteupon tbem pziuelp, tvmbze foz tbe toallcs : £ea, tbep make
aoppcD f uclje as bzougbte anpe tbpng gceat bade tottb tbe toozcae , ano bdpe
to tbem , fozbab tbem to buplbe, ana one anotbec,anb it goetb fozttjc pzofpc* 25
fcpnbzeb tbofe tbat mabe tbem paflage, rouflpe in tbeic banoes,anD toitb gceat

tbat p btiplDtng ffyuloe not b* fiutOjco: Dplpgenceano toueffypppe isicmabc.

3Bnb tbps conttmr.D folougcas fcpnge -Cbcn afUcD toe tbe cloec$, tobo bad
Cpjus lpueb:28nD fo tfjep put of § bupf< commaiinbcD tbem to matte Up § bonfc
Dpngcfoubefpace of tmo peaces, Un; anb tbe buplbpnge,anD t^5 toe DpD to
tpll tfje ckpgne of apnge Banus* tbe intent tbat m
mpgbte ccctpfpe tbee
pecfectlpe,^ uizpte Unto tbe, tbe names
ft^TOe.tJt.Cftapter* of tbofe p uiecep culacs of tbe toozeke:
C3ffgcusant>jtc^acp piopfrfcp.irfjcp bupioe £ S»o tbep gaueUs tbpsanfiuete: xcz
temple to tttj out icr 02 otuoccauiicc, by $ coau u- ace tl)( fecua untc 5 of tbe 3Lozbe, tomclj
maoe beaue anb eactb : anb as foz tut
fl)t toytbflaubpnge boufe,tt*batb bene buplbeb anb fetUp <.«*,**
in (be fecouoe peace afoze tpme bp tbe gceat ana mpgbtpc
oftbetapgncof j©a> ftpngeofjffracll. ®ut tofyeu oucefa*
ttus,* <\ggcti0ano tbecs pzouokeb v^oo Unto tozatbe , anb
tthifi.t. IZacbarp tbe fonne of fpnueb agapnfte tt)t ©od of 3|fcael,*be *.*•.*«.
iiiDDopiopbccpco bp gaue tbem ouec into tbe potoecof $&i %££%•*'"
Sou tbem in jetozpea bucbobouo^ozkpuge ofisabilon, tbenm-u
gcrufalem, in the name of tlje <25ob of
kpnge of tbe- Cbaloces, tobicbe bzafte
soar Jfcaell.* Zozobabel
tlfjen tf;c fonne of Do tone tbe boufe,anb bzent t,auD met* 1

-fealatljiell a no Jefua tbe Tonne of 3Jo< cd a toap tbe people pzitars Unto 23a*
feoccftoDctjp,anDbeganne to bupioe bPlon»*BeuectbeleiTe,in tbefieft peact
tbe boufe of tbe ftozbe at Jetufaiem, tbat Hpnge Cpzus capgneoat zsabilo, < **fc*»«»
tuben t\)t fdzopbetesoftbe ftozbebei* Cpzu3 tbe Hinge tozote anb commatin*
p cd tbem 3t tbe fame tpme came &p* Deo to buplbe Up tbps boufe agapne: 9
fennes^Unbet^ziefe in £>ma ano all tbe oznamentes tbat jftab-icboo^
fMjemces, toitb tbelanbeiozbesanb nnjozcaci'eb atoape frome Jeturalcin
fyts companions, ano fapbe Unto tbem: Unto aabilon , ano appzopziateb unto
«Obo bathe bpoben ano com.naunbeb bps otniie temple: <£beCe bzbugbte <£p*
pou to buplbe tbe boure, to make tbe rue foz tbe agapne anb Delpueceb tbeui
tofe ano al otfjee tbpnges agapne^nb to Z )iobabell anb to ^almauafac tr)t
tobo ace tbe tuoozcae men tbat bupioe Unoec^bzeue, commaunbpnge tbem

tbem f ifteuectbelelTe tbe eloccs of tbe tbat tbep Ojoulbe b;pnge tbofe fame oz*

gctoesbaa fucbe gcace oftbeiozoc, nametes agapne to 3[ecufale into § xh

tbat tbe? inoloe not be let(tbougb tfjtp ple.anb to begpu from tbat tpme foitb,
lucre pzouokeo tbetunto) but buplDcD to buplbe tbe temple agapne in bps
on ftpll,Untpl tbe tpme tbat apng 3©a* tone place . <Z'nn ^almauafac lapbc
cms lucre cectifpeb tbeceof , anD an an* tbcfounbicion of tbeiLozbes boufe at
ttoeteteceautDfcomdpm, Cbe Jettet 3ccufal»m , ano euer fence fjaue tbep;
' a ;

t>tiptoe&,*8tt& peHsie not enoeov3n& elapmeb affo oHtticrpeTpbc , tbat tor)o*
tberfoze,® fepnge, pf t&ou typncfceft tt foeuerbzeaherbozbtfppfetb tbi0 com*
goo*, let it be fougbt mtbe ftibzarpes maunbement of tbe binge tyaUbeban*
enbtolles of apnge €pius : ^fitbe geb bpon a ga(oioe6(mabe of bte otone
founbe tben, tbat it is bone toitb cf>e goob)anb fjis goobee (ball be feafoneo
ccrunfellanb confentof &pngecpzu0, tonto tbe ftpnge . <Cbeao?De tbercfoz*
bud pf oute iotoe tfjc ftpnge be fo itipn* (tobofe name is tfjert calleDt»pon)rotf
Deb,lette bpm tozpte bnto bs tberof* oute anb beftrope a( tr)e binges people,'
*Cbcn comma uiioco kpnge 3©arp* tbae bnbcrtakebp bpofence tobpnbec
Jift^** U0Mefcetntb«S.ibzarte$: 36ud foat t be fame,oz to beale tncutteouflp toit^
<£gbatbanis in alptieeitie m
^eoea tbeboufeoftbe loibe at JetufaleitH
tfjere teas founbe fucbe a tojttingetjn
3 ?aattusf kpnge baue oioepneb^tbac
tbefpzft peare of tbe tapgne of Cp?w$ s tbefe tbtnges u)ail be bone tottij all Dp*
tbe fame Hinge Cpzus commaunoeb Ipgence.
tbat tbe boufe of tbe&ozbe ac 3Jetuf«i k? iZbtMUtbapttL
IcmQotiJDe be buptoeb agapne(m»D o*
The temple ts f i:«ia)ctt -xnn Dct» c* tcraitb f fe&Q9
ooures tobemaoetbete contpnuallpe of totilcucKcb bicaae ts !joloeti.
tMUottje&ozoe)tobofer)eigbt(balbe^ j^eii Ss>tfcnues tbe fan*
cubites,anb tbe bzeoetb, jcl.cuupte& bet ^>b?eut fmSelofifif 38
atrtumi.fquare tmtb.ui.beiuen ftones, ia, ano0!)cmccs, anil
toitb a fofte cf timbze of tfje fame coun? tbe otbcf aaiJDcloibf
trep,p£a,u»itbanetoelofte, anbtbeejc* tottb tljctt companibnsf
pences tfjetof to be gencn of tbcfjoufe obeteo tbe tbinges tbat
of fringe pzus.3nb tbe oznamentts of fepng c artus bao ozbepneo, 5 loece Di*"

goloe anb filaer , tbat ^'abucbobono* itgeut in tbe bolpe tooozeftes , anb toew -
joztokeouteoftbe boufe of tbe lozbe feioioc b elpcts trntf; tbe olbe niclars of
at 3etufalcm,foaU be fet'agapne in tfje fbe ^etues . %\\D fo tbe toozcae cf tbe
temple at Jetiitalein, tobere tijep toete l^anctuarpe toente foztbe anbpjofpeo
afoze.&ifennts alfo tbe babe t&bieuc reD toIjeu3ggi:u3 anb Zacbarpepzo/
in £>tria ana ptymces, tbe J9ztn«s $ Pbecpeb^ttb
tytp perfoucmebal tbpn*
t\)Ut companpong , ano ti)t otfjtt tbat gestbozotoetbe commaunDemente of
fcefjeab tueiaca in ^irtaanb ffltnU tTre &ozbe (5ob of 3Jfraet, ano aftet tfje
ce0,$al not meble not baue any tbpng beupcc of Cpzu0,^attu0 auo ^ttb&t*
to Do toitb tbat place* etiesfepniejffof^etfta*
H Cpzus baue commaunbcD alfo , § ^inb tbus teajs ourefjoufe finit^eb^
& tbepOjalbuplbe tbe boufe of tbe ftozbe Unto ttjr*jdjcfri. nape ofttjrmonetb 3b*
touolefcp, anb baue ozbepncbtbemjto tret pearc of apnge ^arfuiJ#
fjelpetbofetnatbe come oute ofcaptn* 3Inbtbe4nflbZenof3fraeatbep2icCe0:
wtte : Cpll tbe boufe of tbeXozoe be tpJ anb tbe leuptes , anb rfjr orfjet
tipped : anb out oftfjc tribute anb taj> totce come out of cap'tutte anb fucfje

inge tbat is peatlp rapfcb bp in Ssttta astoecetopneb bato rbfm;bpbaccoz*

anb j^bemces , oplpgentlpe to geue blpnge as ft is to^itttn Uit'gt 6oae of
a certapne fumme to tbe offetpnge of ^ofes* 3nb in tbe bebicaciou of § tern/
tbe lozbe: 3no p fame to be oelpueteb pie t\)t\> offereb an bunbzetb ^jcen , art.
imtojozobabelitbe offpcet : &bat be btmbzetb isammes.iui, bunbzetb tamr
tfjctiDitball mape ozbepne ®xm
s R&m> bc0,anb.jcii.<£)oate8foztfte fpunes of
iM0,tiambe0,anbTOine ; falte, topne,? all tbe people of 3ftaeU,aftet ttjt nom*
ople,aub tbat continual!? euerp peate: bzs of all tbe ttpbes of Jfraell. Cbe
3ftet tbe erpences* tobtcbe tt)t pztcUes anb tbe Xeuptes tTobta*
pziefjes alfo
i,«*.w.i.tbat be at Jctufalcm, fljetoc to be mabe
rapebintbe pzicfllp gatmentes, after
&aplpe:^bts(r)aUbegeucnbntotb'cm tbetrpbes,oucral!tbc toozeftes of tbe
toitboute belape tbat tbep mape offer )lozbc (Cob of3ftael atcozD>uge
5 to tt)r
facttfices bapfpe to tbe bpsft ©ob , fo: bofceof ^ofes
3 anbtbe pbztecs bp all
tbe ktnge anb f 02 bps fctuauntes , anb tbe boozes*
to piape f oi tbeic Ipucs %tt tt be pzo* 3nb tt;i tWtyty
of ^fraeifCtJb rrjofe C

I '

tljflt lucre come otite of capttuite)bclDe <£fbzas gat great CnRrtif tf oil , tf)*t 91
tbepa(rcoucrtbe.j«m.Dflpcottbefpzfte fyoulbclcaue none oftbe tbpngeebo
itiouett>,t»i|ciitr>c pzteftes anb tbeiie* (litiDe.tut^tcrj ate in ^ lamefrcommaun*
elites mere fancmtcD . <€bep tbat came Dement c of <£od, aiuD betaugbte lotjolc
out of captititte,tDcce not all fanctifpeb Jtrael al rigbtcoufnes anb uiDgeme*t.
togctbcnbut Olenites; toctc al faucet* %tim came (be Secretaries of king
fteotQgctbec.anbfo alt tbeptfjat came attijarerfes, anDDclpueteb tbetozp*
out of captiuite, kpHcb tfje carter lam* tpnges(tbat mere come f tome artbajc*
be, foztbetrbzetbtciUoz tbepzicftes* ctfes tbeapnge)to Cfozas" trje pirefle
& foitbem f clues , %vto tbe ebpibten of anDteabeeof tbe Jam of tfjc)lozDe:an&
3|fcae!tbatcanieoutcof captiuitc.anb tbpsistbecoppeof tfje letter ftpnge
efcapcD fromc all tbe abbomtnacions actbajecrfes fcuDetf; bps gretpug bnto
of tbe t^eatbeu.fotigbte tbe)lozbe,an& u&fozas p pzieits? teabet of plain of tbe
kept tbefcaft of unicuencD bzcabe.bu. KLozbe:^)f fcenDfljpppeauD gooo torll
Dapes tonge , eatpuge auo oit ncfcpnqe 3 r>aue ozbcpncD anb cfjargeo , pf tbere
anb mere incrpe befoze tbe toiut : tbat be anpc of tbe jfetues , of tbe pzicltcg
tbe jtozbc bao tucneb tbe Dctipce of tbe anb ncuptcs tn mp realme, mbicbe be*
fepnge of anTiria , anb comfozteb tbepz firetb anb is contente to goe mptb tbee
t)anbes to ttje mozftes of tbe ftozb ©od bnto Jccufaicm , trjat be mape Doe it;
of jftacil. mmttopt pf anpe be inpnbeb to bearc ii Cfiaptec.
. W
companpe , let tbem come togetber,
8<>« *&e(!p&e ** 3 am content
tfTbiastaurcti) t\>t pcopk toacrembie * toma*
»cti»ct ,4«utijciucaDctotb«n#Utoc.iycpiicpc anb mp.bif.frenoes mp councelers:)ta
tprcaa of fyetabftnacics. f cc totiat t&ep obe at Jecufalem anb Hi
\0D after bim,*tobc artbar* Jem.zp.anb feepe tbe tbinges accozomg
[er( es,p fringe of tbe perfians as tbou bad In tbe latoe of tbe ftozoe:*
jjrapgncb, tberc toente bnto to bzpnge tbe gpftes buto^Btbc
Ubpin &fbzas p Tonne of fea* ftozbeof Jfcael,tbat J anb mp frcnocs
taias,tbe fount of Farias , tbe fonne banc pzompfcD to Jerufalem, 9 all tbe
of i^clcbiab, tbe fonuc of Galium, tbe fpluer anb golbe tbat f£ in tbecontrep
fonne of &aboc , tbcConnc ofacbtrob, ofsairilon, Dntotbe&ozbetojecufa*
t&e fonne of amarias , t&e fonne of 3* lem,mitb tbe tbpnge tbat is geuen fot
jartas, tbe fonne of ©occus, tbe fonne tbe people tntfjeJlozDes temple atjfe*
of 3Ebifu,f be fonne of pbmea&tbc fonne r ura lem: £ea , tbat t\jt fame fpluer and
of €ieajac,tbe fonne of aaron t&c firit goloemapebegatbereD, auo ©rcn,ra*
piieft. Cbis CfDzas toent bp from 13a* mes, fl)epe anb (Boat eg anb otber tbat •

bilon(foi be bab goob buberdanbpnge belong to tbcfe tbpnges: ano tbat ttyp
in tbe la toe of i^ofes , tbat mas geuen map offer facrpfpees bnto § ftoib, bpo
cttlie Jio*b ©ob of 3frrael,to be taugbt § atiltec of f Iozb,mbtcb is at^erufalc.
nub bone in ocbe ) ^no tbe apnge fa* 3Pnb mbatfoeuer tbou anb tf>p bie*
uotireb bpm> anb tyt> bpm greate mur< ttytn mpll Doe mptb tf)t fpluer 3 goloe,
fiipppc anb bonourc, after all b?S befi> tijat Doe after tf)p mpnbe, anb after tbe
tcStCbcremetbpttbtuialfocertapne commaunbemente of tbe mozbe tbp
oftberbJ'lbieuof 3ffracil, cftfje pzic* 0ob: anDlphempfcmptftailt^ef?oIpe
ftcSjOf tbe ftcuttcs,of tl;e lingers, poz^ beiTelles , tbataregeuen tl)tt foz tt)t
lets anb iiiintftcrs of tbe temple at Jc< ferupce of tbe boufe of tbe loibetbp
rufalem* d5oo a no otber tbi nges mbatfoeuer i£

Jn tbe fcuenfb peace oftberapgne of ncceiTarpcfoztbeetotbe motcfte of tbe,

ftpnge artbarcrfes, in tbe«u » fl©onctb, temple, t bat fljall be geuen tb'e of p tyiu
tbat is in tbe fenetb pcare of § raigne, ges treafure: anb lobe mbat tbou mify
tbep mente frome aabtlon in tbe nc toe tbp bzetbzcn toplte Doe bptb tbe golDe
tnoone of tbe.t).3»onttb, anb came tbe anb fpluer, tbat Doe after tbe mpll of tbe
Ibpe toape to Jjerufalem after bps com* nozbcano J Umgc attbaierfcs bane
maunbemcut, Iplteas tbe lozbebab cdmaunDeD tbe lepers of ^tteafutcs
piotpertDttietrtoucufjP* $ oi in tbefe in^ttianub j&benices s tljat mbatfoe^
€l)t AHMi jfalMi
geuen t\)t foj tye rctuice of £ ftoufe of tbe captapne of ^oabiion,^ataef,'
of tfje M.ozDetbp<25oD:^ otbet tinges anD h)ttb btmai»c«anoa
.men <©f f be
tobatfoeuec 10 ncccffatpe fojtbe to tbe fonnes of
toozfte of g temple § u)aii be gcue tbe of Ip,anD Mtt)
, l)imAu bunoietb ^.5lanen»
tf)e friges tteafute:$ lofte tobat
p tt top ^Df tbe fonnes; of &>a!amaafia0 , d5o*
bjetftfen toilt do tb tbe goioe a nlim,f tboiie,anD.lrjc» toptb
bpm €>f tbe fon«
Do aftct the toil of £ ftozDc.ainDj fctng nc0 of Zapbacia»zatta0,
^tbelp, anD
aitthajcetfes baue commaunDeD tbe fee* iaHl) bprn^lrjcic. flDf tfje fonne0 of Job,
persoftbe cteafures in £>irta3}&be* 3CbDia0jebelp,anD toptb bu*
npces, £ tobatfoeuec Cfo?a0 the pzieft DjetbanD.jCtumen* ^)f
tbefonnc0 of
bud reaoet of tbe lame of the ttozbe do* isanta , £>alimotb tbefonne of
ctft toiptt, it tyaf be geuen bpm: tpllan Pbia,anD
toitb bpm an buojetb ano. Ijc.
C.talentes offptuct, ano of golDein men » fl>f tfje fonnes; of
©eet , Zacbatp,
lpfce manec: 4Df coine aifo an bunDietb JSebei, anD
toptb bpm iuC.anD.biiu
meafuces, ano tpllan bunozeD um$ men fl)f tbe fonnes of efeao , Joban?
of topne, 5 otljec plenteous tbpngee tb< ne0 ^ecbainaHD toptb
bpm. c anD*.
©tit nutntye. ftet al tinges be Done af* men.^of tbe
fonnes of aiDonicam tbofe
ter tbe lame of tfje bpeft dgoD , tbat tbe tbat toece
to;atfjeof©obatpfenot intfje tealme mesrciipbalam tbe fonnc
latte, 5 tbefe ate tbeit na*
of«©cbel anD
of § bpnge $ of bps Tonne 0*3 cdlnaunD ^»emeias,anD
\Km bpm.I^. men .mi
pou alfo,to requpze no tare not tribute tbefe
3} calleo togetbet b^
of the pzieftes Acuiteg fpngets , anD (Cbia, tofjete toe
, ,
m toatec
pptcbeboutetentes **
* mini ftets of tbe temple, no? of tbe xoxu tb^oape0 ano tbece mufteteDtbe".
tets:3BnD § no man baue aiictozitpe to
* 3!s fo^ tbt fonnes of tbe pjteftes
iSa Mt.

meDle anp tbpug agapnft tbem », m fot anD leuttes^ founoe none
tbe(£>CfDzas)fettbou iuDge0 anD at? fent 3} bnto clea?ac,anD
Cccelom, anD
bittits in tbt tobole lanoe of £>ina,
$ ^armanjauDaaalobam, anDdBnaa^
phenpces 3 aftet tbe topfeDome of mob: tban,aiiD ^amea, anD
atiD Uarne all fucbe 30 ate.ignotaunte €unagan,
Zac&arp, i^ofollamuni
tn tbe latoe of ®ot> tbp J(Lczd,s let ai ibe* (tbefe toete
tbe leoecs ano men of ejcpe*
tbatoffenoe agapnfte tbe latoe be put tpcnce)anD3fente
tbem toooioe,tbae
npfljeb: jSEbetbct it be toptbDeatb,toitb tbep 0>oulDe
eoinc Unto jioddcus, \Di)U
papne , to be conoempncD in moiw oz cbetoas b^ tbe place
, of tbe tteafucpe,
to be banpfljeD. ano c dmautiDeo tbem tbat ti)^ Ojbuioe
• «ft*7.«>
®&* n fa ? D <ER»as tbe tozpfet.*!3lef* rpea&e bntoftoDDeus anD to
bps bie?
feo be t&e dSoD of oute fathers, ijatbe tfyzn ano to
f tbofe tbat toete in tb[t freap
geuen fo gooD a mpnbe anD toyll into fcnae bs fucbe men, as
the beatt of tbe fcpnge,to magnifpe bis
etecute tin pjieftes offpce in tljt bouie
houU tbat is at Jecufalem , anD batbe oftbejLo?Deouted5oD. 3inD toptb tfje
maoe me to be accepted in tbe figbte of mpg^rpe banbe of out&o?De dgoD^bep
tbe fepnge,of bi0 coucel,of bP0 freDe©^ biougbtbutobs
men of goooe^pecp*
of bPS nobler* anD foj toao fteofaft in ence,ftom
amonge tbe fonnes of «Moo?
mp mpnDe, accozbpnge as f ftozbemp mis tbe fonne ofXLeta tbe
5 foune of Jfr
goD bdpeD me,33[ cbofe out men of JU tasll
^fbeiannanD tbz fonnes ano
tad t0 5 ° &p to m««*3l«» tbefe ate tbe bps; b^tb?tu
'*• D,, '
f citi a 3ifbinanD3(niti,of tobome
beaDes(af tec their fcinteDes 9 boufeo of
Wit fatbettsjtbat toe"t bp to me fcom cbplbjen of thz fonnes of amonge tbe
Babtlou, outeoftbefcpngDome of %u ano tbep? fonnes
toerc.jtjMiicn ikud of
tbarecfestflDftbe fonnes of ^1*0, tbem tbat fetueD in tin temple, tobome
(Serfonius^cftbe fomi£0 of ^>iema* BaupDbaDojDepneD, ano tbepjpncp*
titt),ainenu0»€>f mfonne0 ofBamD,
3ccu0,tbc fonne ofCecilia*
pall men tbat miniftteD fot tbetoozcKe
unto tbe Jteuites in tbe .'ba<
^)f tbe fonne0 of Abates jacf^atp:
Dzetb ano tiomt^ men , tobofe names
anbtoptbbpmtbete tucneD agapnean ate all tofceneo Up in toiitpnge. t.croM,^
&uno?cD anD fpftpe men.^pf tbj fonnes
*^en commaunDeD 3 a faftrmg
ot$%miti&, to f nubit
unto yonge men befoze tbe fcozbe, tsattus^ cette
toepgbte : <t% toepgbt of tbe toa«
c^at31inpg^tc Detpze of bpma pzofpe* % to $
torts loutnep anD a gooD toape foi
bs, tozittcn bp § fame tpme 2Bs f oz tbof e p
toere come out of captiuite tbep off teo
pea foz us , foz out cbilDzen 3fo: § cat*

factiMce bnto § JLozD v gob of Jfcaell:


tell, becaufe of tbe lapiugcs atoapte,

requite oftfje&?nge eue\£ii*oicen foz al jftael»l]C)C]Cbutams
ijociUOjepc^it.goatcs foz Cpn.jcii* fepnc
menofbotfe anDoffote to conuepebs 3
tbanfcoffcmg, al to ^ factifice of p
rafetpeagapnfte oute enempes fojtoe foz a 3

Hinges cdmiiTtd DeltufteD

bao fapbe bnto tfje lu>nge,tbat tbe pop 5LozD»3fnD ^
be tbep bnto § ftctoatoj 5 oebites of f big,
toec of tbe HozDe oute csib© ajoulDe
to f bnoet Cbziu^ in celofitia 5 ^be*
toptb tbem g feke b*m toitb tbett tobole ^
utceg;.jaototobetbefetbigJtoeteDone §
beatte*3!nD tberfoze toe bcfougbte (BOD

oureftozoeeatnettlpe becaufe of tfjefe tulecs came buto me^ fapo: § geneta*

cio of 3ffrael 3 § pz4nces,^ pzittes 5 %v<
tbpnges, anbbetoas metcpfull bnto
fcs, anD beacoe oute pzapec »
perateD fcome amonge tfje
3 fe?
« mtt$, tbe fttauge people 9 wDtoellecs:
of v lao,baue not put atoap tfjett bncle*
ef tbe people s a no fcome tbe pziefteg of
nes 3 fro § Cananltes,^etbtte$,^!)etet
temple.jciumw^uo^beta anDl< fites 3 fc6§^oabiteB,egipttas 3 ^eDo?

fania,auD tm menne of tbepz bzetbzett mites^oz botb tbep 9 tbeit fones banc
3nD 3 toepco tbem tbe mtugleo tbelelues to tbe D3togbtet$ of
toptb tbem
goloe anD tbcfpluet,anD all tbe pzieftlp tbM v bolP f ebe is mijct to § outf SotO)
ozuamentes of tlje boufeofourecgoD, beatben » fence tbe beginninge of tbeic

tobicb* tbe Upnge anD bis councel aua

3 3
tapgnebaue ^ tulecs anD beaoes bene
bps pzpnces anD tobole ijjftael bao ge*
3 U&Ofti*
tien.inb toben 31 bao toepeo it,3I gaue as 3 b»D beatD tbcfe tbtng$mmieDtatlp
out $
tbem anbunozetb anD.ft * ^Dalentes tu J tet mp bolp gacmetes,$ pulleDfat me
fpluec,anD.€ calcutes of fpluec bcl> beete of mv beabe 9 mp beatoe^
Doune f ozotof nil ? beupe.^o all tbep f
Jell ,an.C»talentes of golDe 5 of golDen 3

toece moucD tbozoui p toozoe of p goo of

fceffellfeucn tpmes tmentp, anD beiTel*
lesofotbecinetall(pea ofgooo metal) 3fiftael 3 came btito me:f 3 fat ftpl ful of

jcti.glpftecpnge as tbe golDe,anD tapDe tjeuioes bntil^ euening facctfice* cbe

tjntotbem: £ealfo ace bol? Unto tbe ftooej bpfto faftig bauing cet clotbes^
&o!De ano tbe beffels ate bolp, aiiD tbe
^p bolp gaunet, fcuelcD Doune bpo mp,
golDesffpluct is pzompfeD Unto tbe bnees 3 belD out mp babes bnto $ ZlozD,
^^ozDtbe<l5oDofontefatbets»iSeDilp* 9 raibto Iozd 3 3j am cofouDeD,s afbameD
gerit notoe a»D fcepe it , bntpll tbe tpme
befoze tbvface 3 foz out fines ate become
tbatpeDelpttecit to tbetuelatg of tbe maup bpo out bcaD$ 3 fr oute toickeonef*
res ace eralteD bnto f beaue:foz fens p
people 3 to tbe ^zicfteg!, to tbe Jlcuites,
timerof out fatbets toe ate in gteat fpn
atio to tbe pzinripa! men of tbe cities of
3Jftaell in |etttfalcm,anD in tbe cbam< bnto tiits Dape « ainD fozp fines! of bs $
bet of tbe boufe of ouce ©od»
ourfatbec3 J toe\jboucbzetb.ze J 5\jbouc
£>o tbe pziefteg auD toe &euites, pzieftes baue bm
DeliueteD bnto p big J
off eattb 3 into § ftoetD , 3 into
tobpcbe cecepueD of me tbe goloe , tbe
fpluec,anD tbe De{Tel,bzougbte it to3|e* te,^became a fpoile tb cofufio 9 ftjame
tufalem into tbe temple oftbeHozDe. bnto tbis.oap.ainD noto lozD goD,boto
bzaKe Up tbe«jcit. gteat is fmctcptbat toe baue gotte of
2HnD ftome tEbia toe
tbcHn p I bade left bs a cote 9 a name
to 31etttfalcm *
cape toajS paft,tbe
cape of tbe fpztfe monetb ,

toben tbe tbitDc

toepeD goloe anD lib
tpll toe came
inf place of tbp factuatpe, to Difcouec
out ligbt in v boufe of § JLozD out goD
net teas DelpueteD ui tbe boufe of tbe anD geuen bs meate at all times of otic
miutftcacion. 3inD tobe toe toece in cap?
>LozOe tbe fouttb Dap , bnto v^atimotb
ttuitCjtoe tocte not fo^fasen of p Horn
thefonneof 3kztbe pzicttcano toptb
otic 45oD: i$ut be maoe p higes oi |^ec<
jjpm toagClcajac tbe Comic of j^binc*
gracious anD fauourable bnto bs;
8S,an0 toptb tbem toete 3(ofabDtts tbe fta

tonne of jjefnet i^«Dias ano $ fonne of fo t\)att^ gaue bs bttaples 9 meate,


.ty&& ^foiijc
pea, anD leane to buplDe tip tye temple
of outc JlozDe €od agapne, to tepapze
all ouce topiics, W
f be toe baue taken

of tbe i^eatben, tottb tbeic cb tlDzcmlpfce

tbe toaftcD places of «bion,anD to Dtocl as it appoputeD the bp outefozeel*

In Jefcup anD 3 etufalenu ainD note g> DetS^tanoe bp tbcn,opcn tbou it,anD
Declare it plapnlp bnto us , accozomge
<$ jlozDe,tobat fijall toe fape , fyaupngc
tfjeret&pngesinpoffeirion * ifozto* to tbe latoe of tbe ;Lozdc : foz tye ma tree
baue bzokeu tijp commaunDcmcutcs, bclongctb bnto tljc,auD toe topll tjctpe
tobtcb tbou gautft bnto bs bp tfie ban* tye,quite tbp felfe manipe.£>o efbzas
oes of tbp fecuauntcs tfje pzopbetes, acofe, $ toke an otbe of tbe rulers of tbe
fapinge:€bc lanDe rfjat pe go bnto,ano pzieftes 3 anD of tye )£euites auD otjl ra*>

tbat 10 geueu pou foz an fjtcptageto tl,to do after tyefetbtges:$ tbep Ctoace.
fyatite fn po(reiTion,is DefpleD luitf) § bu* Cbe.ijc»€bapter.
<E3fKt*gtt>;us l)aD ccanct(?c lato.tftc people put
clennesanD fpltbpnesoftbe i&eatben,
atoape tuetc arauuge t»y.ues:aul» t&cu tctumctl^
anD toitb tfjeir abbomiuacia baue tbep euetp man mccclp Diito Ijts otoue DtoeHpnge.
polutco it all togctljet cbecfoze (ball
fii^eu* ciDzasttoDe dp
Dougb tecs buto tfjeic
pe not lopne pout 'from tbe courte ot"ptc*3!(
fonnes,noz matpepoucefonncs onto (pie anD toente
».« ft *»^>

tbett Dougbters : i^ozeouer, pe (ball 'mtotbecbamberofjo*

neuec feke to make peace toitb tbem, natba0§fonuedf^ara*
t&atpe mape incteafe anD eate tbe bed Jbti0, ^remapneDtbete,
in tbe ianoe, anD tbatpe mape DeupDt ano ate ubineflte^oz DionUe
tfyt fubecttaunce of tbe ianoe bnto pout tbe muRKt-UDlof tbe topcfceDne* of tbe
tbplozen fot euermoze.Sis foz tbe tying people* anD tbece toas maoe a pzocla*
tbat notoe bappeuetb buto bs, it com* inacion in al Jetozp anD at Jecutalem;
man all foz ouce topcaeo ujozbcs auo foz all fucbe as tocce gatbcteD at 3lecu*
gceate fpunes,pet bafte tbou geueu bs falem out of captpupte tbat tobofoeuec 3

iucbeacote, tbat toe ace comcagapne came not to ^er'ufalem \nitl)in ttoooj
into out o tone lanDe:atiD toe ace fo toic* iii.Daie0(accozDpnge to tbe tuDgemenc
fceD tf;at toe baue bzokeu clip fiatutcs of poioelozoes ofp couceijbtsgooDes
anD eommauuDementes agapne, ano CboulDe be tafeen fcombpm , ano be ejei
ttienglcD once felues toitb tycttntlcn* congtegacion of § cap*
cluDeD from tf)t
ma" of tbe outlanDtn) $tatytn.tiD Iozd, ttupte,a!nDintbicDape0 toercail tbcp
art tbou augepetoitb tosr topltetbou of tbetcpbe of JuDa anD ©cnjjamtii
tote bs cleane outc- tbat ouce cote anD gatbeceDtogetbecat3|etufalem tbe.!Gi; 3

name temapne nomoie? 3D zLoid xsod of Dape of tbe.tjc.monetb 5fnD tbe tobole
giraeltyou act true foz one cote enDu*
3 nuilti tuoc fat tremblpnge in tbe courte
tetb pet unto tins pzefcut Dapc.3inD be* Oftbetemple a foztttoa0topntec ^,o
boiD 3 noto ace toe bef oze p in ouc fpnnes,
cstbzas arofe Dp^anD fapoe Unto tbem:
notoe can toe not ftanbe before p in tbe*pfbawe Done bnuigbteouapejtn tbat pc
* 3ud tobenCfDzas toitb tbi0pzap< baue taken outlanopOj \o^ms to marp>
ctboDUuotoleDgeocbefpnne toeppngc,
3 age,anD fo to tncrcafe tbe fpnnes of JU
scwaq an 0||>inge gat upon tbe grouDe befoze rael.fluDnoto knotoleoge tbe fame a«D 3

tbe temple tbcee gatbereD buto bpm

geuepiapfe bnto tt^t &ozD <©od of ouc
from 3|ccuialema gecate multituDe of f afbets,anDpetfoutme bt0 topl.Dcpar*
men anD toemen, otponge men $ map* tpugef com tbe I^eatbeu of tbe laD^anD
Dens, foz there tons a beep gceate toe* from tbe outlauDpOj topues^ben crp*
ppnge anD mournrnge in tbe congee* eD tbe tofjOle multituDe \b louDe ftopce, 23
gactomssotobenjecbonias tbe Tonne anD fapDcjlpfcc as tbou baft fpouen , fo
of Jebclioneoftbe cbilDzcnof JCcael topll toe Do: butfoifomucbeas^pco;
ctpeD, be fapDe bnto Ctozas: toe baue
pfe are manp,^ tbe topntet bere^toe map
fpnneD agapnfte tbe ftAJDe, becaufe toe not ftabe tbout tbe boufe:aga?»e , tbigf
baue macpeD outeJanDiuj tot men of tbe toozke is not a t btg,p can be f initytb in
^eatben.^otoc act tbou ouce all Jfca*
a Dap oz ttoo,foz toe be manv ^ baue ton*
tU^i topil ftoeace an otbe tycrfoie bn* net) in tbefe tbtges:4E)zDtpne tbctfozej
totbe Aoz;oe, t*mi toe u)ali put atoape $zi\[n$ of miatituDe $ al ttyy § Dtoel
»Si!t tottb

tnitt) bs, anDfis man? as baue outlaw mon,©en3amin,$)alcfm$ ano gpat*
city Utiuc0,tf|€ pueltcs alio anD uibgcs ras .3nD of tbe f onnes of Hfom, Carta*
of ctierp place map ftanDe in ttje tpme neus,^atbatbias , ©annus, <£lipba*
«ppop»tcD,tpU ttjcp lotofe Dp § tojatbe lacb,#analTes,<tecmet t ©f tbe tonnes'
of the JIoidc in bijafbufpncs. ©annus, Jecemp^oobias, 8bja«
Chen Jonatbas tbe f ornie of <g?c», mas Jobel , ©aneas ^eliaas, Jona,
, ,

anD g)?tag ana tcbceam teccaueo the jj^atunot^euafib, ^atyaneus, €iu

char ge of thf s matter ©ojoiamus, 9 afis 1 ^ias,i3ielus >
tbe f onnes of &<n
TLems, auD £>abathcus belpeD them bus anD 3Jof epb .£>r

tbetto.3ftet this, all tbep ftoDc Dp that beus^Delus^atbatbias^ababus,

I tocre come out of cap 11 tc.3lli.D el bias Zecbeoa^ebmi, Jeffeus ,
anD ©ane^
t i 1

tbe pzteit chore Ditto bpm rlie principal as Ml tbefe baD taaen outlanDpu^ toe* C
men from amonge the fathers acco^ men to matiage,anb tbep put tfje atoap
bpnge to tbepj names , anD in the netoe toitb tbeit cbtlD^en Cbe pueftes 9 %u
C moonc of tf>e tentljc monctb tbep fat to * up tea,anD all t^tv t
Dtocite at
W toere of Jt'tacl,
Jetufatem anD tboioujouto
getqetjto cramen tbps matter . 3taD fo
the matter teas a bete cmpnge(concer* all tbe lanDe t n tbe ne to moonc of $.M.

tipnge the men that bab outlanopCb toi< monetb,anD tbe cbilbjen of3|fcael toecc
ucs)bntplltbeneto moonc of tbefpjlte tntbetcDtoellpnges i 3BnDtbetoboU
monab.aiiD of the pneftes f bab mijcte multituDc came together Dpon p floo^c
them Celtics tottb outlauDpfl) topues, attbeCaftfpbeoftbehoIppo^te of tbe
«.«ftj«*.t there toete founDe : * fiDf the f onnes of temple* 3inD tbep f pake Dntoeroias
3|elu the tonne of Jofebcc anD bis Die*
tfjcbpcpiicftartoccaDec, ^bc toouloe
tbuu,<a£a|cas,eiea?ar, Jonbus anD bzpnge tbe la toe of <upofes,tobicbe bias
Joabeus, tobtcbe offreD them ulttcs to geuen of tbe Jlozoe d3oD of JfraeK &>o
put atoape tbepj topues , and to off re a CfDzas the hpe pticft brought the latoc
camme fo^t toeit ignojannce.anD of the Ditto tbe tobolemultituDc, to man ano

Conncs of ^cmmeri,^aircas,ei ClTcs, tooman,anD to al pMcftefllj tbep might

anD Jeelecb 3?arias. ©f the Tonnes" of heace the iato,* in the neto moone of the icttlta
^oreta,TLtniofias,^ifmaen,Ba^anc< Dii.moneth. 3nD he teD in the Ooie that
poite of the t epic , fed
a,IuOio JeDDus,anD Dallas . 3no of is bet oie the hoip
tbe tUuitesJofabDug, ^emeis,fr Col* the mojnpnge catlp Dnto the euenpnge,
ttis.calctas, jfacteas,Colnas, 9 Clio* Ucfoie men anD
toemen.^no tbep applp*
nas.SDf tbe fpngers of tfic feanctuacp, cd their immDc all Dnto the latoc.
Cliacib,Zacftatu8.flI>{ § pojtecs,S>al* amDCroias the piieft anD reaDer of * *
litmus ano Colbancs . ano of Jf cael, the iatoe ftooe Dp
Dpoit a fcaff olDe of
tooD, tobicbe toas maoe tbecfoie:^ Dpon
of the ciulDicn of jfoio,<Dfi,auD Kent!*
as,anb <seDDias,anD ^elcbias , <3%U his right babe thetc Sobe bp him ^a<
cbelus.CleajatusJemmebias^san* thatbias 5 ^amugf, Ananias, ^jatias,
nas. ainDoftbecbpiDjenof lolaman, Biias €)?ecbiajS,anD ©alfamus: mp*

Cbanias, Zacbari Jeijtclus, JobDt*

on bis lerte haiibe ftobe jfalDeus , $$u
us,Cnrao tb anD <£ lias. auiD of toe fou faei,^alacbias ,3bufcha0, ^abus,
ties of jatbotm, cltabas JUafamus, ,
^ababiasauDZacbari ChentoRe
Cf bias the bo&e befote the tobolc miiU
*> ano Zochtas,Jlattmotb,£>abDis, ano
^ qcebebias.anDof tbefoimes of Zebes, tttube 5 fojthetoasthc p^incipali, anoi
3obanues,3matuas, Zabbias, $Cm* baD in molt honour of rbi al. 3nD tohen
metis 1 and of tfcefonncs of gamuts, he bab reDottte the latoc , tbep ftoDc all
£>lammus , oaalucbus, Jcddus, 3a* (tcaigbt Dpon their fete* jfeoerDias
(ub,mabus,aoo Jettmotb* ainD of tbe piapfeb the &oib § mofthpe «J5od , the
ronnes of 3DDin,0aatus,auD $&oo{i* 3lmightp dBOD of fortes. 2Iud al p peo*
as,ano Caleus,anD ftaanas, <apaafu< pie anftoeteD: 3mc : anD hclDc
Dp thepg
B8,fl£atbatbias, ©cfcl, ©annus , anb h5D( fel Dotone flatlipd $ earth, 9 P$ap«
£©auau"cs» feD * no:D.3lnD Jefus,©encas,^are<
3nD of the fonneS of 0aue , &o* bias 3abD(mus,30ccubus,^abl>atbC4
ties, 3feas, gpelcbias, ^ameas, &i*

^ " m*i

<©f€ttya& Jfoljc,
trfa&abb #bi!ias § %mittB Ipft tbcpz fepngecf^crffa*
bauDes bptoat DC , botocD thcpj fa*
atiD ano the toozo of the % oid came ton*
ccs to the grouDe, atlD piapfco v> JI02D; Co tre,rapmg:go chP toapc,anD tyeto mp
fChofc toe re tbcp tobiebe taught § la toe people thep: f ptitul bebes, a tbcit ehpU
of the ao?Dc,aiiD rco the Into off 31.020 Die" their im cftconclTcB ,fobt cb thep banc

in the congregacion:anD euerp man let bone agamft mc.that thep map eel theft
tljof e before tfjat bnbci rtcb c (6c la toe* chiiocr b cbilbun the fame: tot the fpn*

45 Cbe fpaHe 3fithatatcs touto ettias the ncs of their fathers ate mcceafco in the,
^ ^pe p2teft anD tcbec,anb to the Ticuites 3Bno tobPftbep hauc fotgotte me,<t hatie **
chat taughte the multitube,rapmgc: offteD tonto (Icannge goDDts.Jm not
Cbis bape is bolp tonto the jU2Dc:anb eue hc,thatb2oughtthem ont of f lanoe
all thep that had bcaroe the lata, tocptc. of €gipt ft6 the houfe of booagc.' But

tfto,M.f §)0 cbias 1'apoe: * J^cpatte poute thep hane pjouofccb me tonto totatb, $ . .

touipe then,anD cats the bcft,anb Dun cbe DefpifeD mp connects* $u\l then oure
the I'toctcft ,ano fenbe gpftcs tonto them then the beereof tbp beabe^caftalle*
that bane notbpngc.foz this Dap is ho< ucl tier the m to2 thep hauc not bene o<

Ip ton to the 1, ope, ano be not pe fojp e. bcDient tonto mplatoe*

Chen toent thep tbett toapc eucticbonc, 31 t is a people toitbotit letup ge ano
citeano Oco ncke,a no toe re metp, $ rente nonttonrc*^oto longc (ball J] t'ozbeare
re toarocs tonto them that haD nothing, them jtonto tohom J banc bone f m neb *

tbatthcpaifo mpghtc eate UntbglaD* gooD^iJ^anpftpngesbane 3 otftrop* fSf-y'-*

iieu"e:fo2thep toeteejcceDinglp reiopfeD, cd ft>2 their fanes :* ^ztaotoittttyfti^tu
thoio to the tocuocs that lucre reD tonto feruauntes $ al his potoet bauej finite *€»•»+•
them U\ the la toe : aino f o tftc-p tocrc all m
tm Do ton c 9 Oapnc: the nactons bane
gathctco together a t Jcrufalc" to holoe 31 beftropeb anD rotco out befoze them,
che feau\acco2Dpnge to the couenaunte ano hauc J bt ought c too Ian*
in f (£aft
of the 1 o id c (50D of 3 f r a el* Des 3 people to aought,cuen CPU ano
'Ct;c cnDe of the thiubc bofce,
^>tDon,anb hauc flapne al their eneuiti
es*s>peake thou tberfote tonto tiitsap*
tnge: Chus fapeth the )l02D:*3f leo '^ou «*«*^«a.«
thowto the fca, ano hauc gene pou f ute
djeauubokeof fttetes fence the begpnnpnge.*3l gaue
pou ij^ores to be pout captapuc^ aaro
tf0 *- "i6

eto;a& to be the pitcft.*]!! gaue pou light in a jummp.*

ppllcc of fpze, ano gtcat toobetB baucj w.w*
bone amonge pou: pet tjane pe fozgotte
£!}£ people is tcpioucft f oi ( be t c ton tfjanchf uli me fapth the ^ozoe*

««9.©oo toil fpnOC auoUicc people pftljcfc hipll Cbus fapeth the almtghtp ?Lo2be:3
gaue pou quaplcs to eate , 9 Untcs f 02 *

fccfccoubc bofteof pour fuccourc:BcuectheleS pe mutmu*

;f piopbct c 102 as ceb^afcttbconotthetoictoipeofpoutc
:( the fonne of <§>a* enemies tonto im nainc:pca, rbts fame
tatas, the (tonne of oape bo pe pet murmoute* iochere are
ftjaua.s, the fonne Cbe bcncfttes tbat J banc bone fo2 pou*'

of ^elcbra,f fonne aoobcu pe tocrc hongrp tti t(;e toilD e cnes, ^ m!) rf>(|
'of&allu, f fonne * did pe not ccpe tonto me: goo hp hade £
jOf^aoocf fonne brought bs into this toilocnus^o npl(
of acbf tbb,f fonne of 3fimettaB,f fonne toS:'3Jt bao bene better fojtos, to banc
of 3$atias,tbe fonne of ^ataiotb, the fecucb the egipcians,tbc to Ope in this
fonne of £>aabias,tbe fonne of n$Mhe totloetnelTe. %bt haD J pitpe opo pouc
fonne of ©oecns.tfje fonne of 3b.fu,the moutnpnges,ano gaue pou ^anua to
fonne of 0bineas,tbe Tonne of Clcajat, eate.*2 c ate angels foobe. dcohenpe ^p(, tw«
Cbe fonne of 8at6,of the trpbe of lent) toctethitHpe,bpo notj hcbiethehatoe i&»m-.».»
tobicbe toas pipfonec U\ the lanbe of (tone j caufeb toa tec to 3o toe thcrou t.-
j^eeDes, in the rapgne of jprtaicctfes ^02 f heate J eoucteo pou tt f leaucs of C
tbtttttz 3 500b plcafaunt fat lanoc metano tbep bnto tofjome 3 neuer Oje*
Cananitcs, toeo token , Qalioo tbe tbpnge tbat 3
gauc J potuj caft out tbe Cbep baue feneno
tjje pbettfptcs 9 ^biliftmes bctoze commaunoe tbem*
«fe?.M. ^Domozefoipou pzopbetes, pet Qiall tbep call tbeic fpn*
you** flobatfyall
ties to centembzaunce , ano knotoleoge
Cbus f apetb tbe aimpgbtte &ozD: tbO tepozte me bnto tbe gtace,tbatj
people tobicb is to come,
ecofciKB * 30Dbcn pe mew in tbe unlDctucs ,m ttje topi do toz tbe
toatec of tbe 3mozptes,bepnge a t&itft, tobofe cbplozen tc mpfc in glaones: anb>
ano blatpbempnge mp name, gauc tbougb tbep baue not fene me toitb bo*
tbep beleue tbe
pou not fpzc foz poute bla£pbemtcs,but Help epes,pet infppzpte
rape. 3ao no to biotbec,
caft a t ice in to cue toatet,ano maoe tfje tbpnge tbat 3
tpuecftoete.jjobattyall Jootjntotfjc^ beboloe,tobat gteate toorajpppc, ano
people tbat commeth from tbe
£) 3acouj Cbou 3110a toouiocft not 0* fe tbe

©««.jt. »
bep me . * 3topll ttitne me to anotbec Cafte, Unto tobome
mil geue tbe
"»". f
ptopu,ano bnto tbofc topll J gcue mp ouKeoometof3bzabam 3faacano3a*lut 5 c
amos,ano ^icbeas,of s»«.>»^»
iiame.tbat tbep map fcepe mp ftatutes* cob, of flDfeas,
£>epnge pe baue fozfafcenme , 3 topll 3oel,3bDi,3onas,0aum,anD
aooben pe Defpze me of ^opbonp,38ggeus,Zacbac?e , ano
fozfalse pou alto*
to be gracious Unto pou ,
bane <^alacbi,tobicb is calico aifo an angel
J Qjall
(ojmsffengec)of tbe Jtozoe*
cqv.ia nometcp bponpou** aoobcnpecalbp*
on mc,3 topll notbeate pou tfozpe 65* Cbe. iU Cijaptew
Ijaue Detiico pou w banoes toitb blouoe,
HXDe^ttiasose fpiidetQ fautctotcb t>ecoto»e
ano pouwteteate ftopftcto eommptte cuplDicn. Xvt fScutplcsMC callrt.
mamlaugbtec.Ec baue not Co^fake me
^usfapt^tlje)iLoiOe:3 *
(m a mancr )b u pout tone felueSjfap*

etb tbe JLozoc*

bzougbt tbps people
CQ110 faptb tbe almpgbtpe&ozoe:
baue 3 not pzapco pou,aS a fattjet bps tbtm mp commaunoe-
Iouncjs4 as a motbec bet oougljtets 3 anO .mcutesbpmpfetuaun*
as a noifft bet pottnge babes , tbat pe
toouioc be mp people, ano 3 fyouloe be tbou tooulDetlnobeate*
but oefppfeo
poute <5oo: tbat pe toouloe be mp cbpl' mp councels » €be motbec tbat
bnto tbem:6o pout toape
Ozcn,gi 3 Oioulo be poute otone fatbetf tbcm,fapetb
fox 3 am a topoootoe ano
mm «.» *I gatbewopoii tog«bcc,as aubenne pe cbplozen,
pou bp tottb glao^
gatbeietb bet c^ckcus bnoet bet \opnt fozfaften:3 bzougbt
ano Ijtupnes baue
ges « 33utnotoetobatCbaU3Dobnto tjcffe.but toitb rozoto
face*- 3 loft poutfozpe baue fpnneo befoze tbe
aa pou?- 3 u)all caftepou out fro mp
Jlozoe poute <soo,anO oone tbe tbpnge
«,if * i»ntnpeo8tebntome,3 malltutne
ftnD.i*».a mp face ftom pou : foz poute lolempne tbat is eucll befoze bim .©u t toba t (bai
tcaft capes , poute neto moones , ano 3 noto
00 bnto pou f 3 am a topoootoe
poutetirtumepfpons baue 3 fozfahen* ano fozfafceu : go poute toape , €> mg
of tbe tLozoe.
t P*o« cbplozen,anoafitemetcp
3 fent tjuto pou mp Cetuauutes Oapne,
pbetes.tobome pe baue ta&e ano 2|s foz me,€> fatbec,3 cal Opon § foz a
of tbefe cbpl*
ano tozue tbcpz boopes in peces, tobote toptneffe ouec tbe motbet
blouoe 3 topll tequpxe of poute ban* Ozeu,tobicbe tooulo not bepempcoue^
&ts,rai>etbtbe;jLozoe. naunte : tbat tbou bzpnge tbem to con<
Cbus fapetb tne aimigbtp &*&- fufpon, ano tbcpz motbec to a fpople,
tbatO)ebeatenomoze JLettbettna*
poute bouCe muft be ocfolatej toil caft
pou out as tbe topnoe Ootb tbe fttatoe: med be rcattco abzoaoe amonge tbe
j^eatben,iet tfeem be put out of £ eattb,
poute cbplozen (ball not be ftuteful 3 fo*
tbep baue oetppfeo mp commaunoe* foz tbep baue tljougbt fcozneofmpew
roente,anoDone tbetbpnge tbat is euel uenaunte*
acco be bnto tbe Xffut , tbou tbat
befoze me * £oure boufes topH 3 geue
that ujall come, * ano bpOeft # bntpgbteous bp ^Cbou
«r« f«* - bnto a people
§£>!*! ttjep t$at ncuet becoe me 0)aU beletie ia fcco people.eemeb^e * to^at
opo bnto 3 &m tKt


©f€itya& #oltf.
£>obomc anb <Bomozte,u>bofe lancets not oncofffjem perpOjc, foz 3 topfj
tucncD to pitc^afu)es.€ucfo alfo toil feke tbem from tfo> notnbte, bejce no*
3 Do Ditto all tbcm, that beate me not, tbp f elfc,
tapet^ ^aimtgfjtp nozbe.i;bus fatetb tfoz to^ent^cDapc of trouble ana
toe XLojd bnto cfbtas: Ccl nip people, beupnes commetb,otbet Ojall toepe ana
tbat J topfl geue tbem tf?e fepngebome be fozotof ull, but tbou fyalte be merp
of Jetufaiem, tofjicb 3tooulo baue gc* anb plenteous.<€be l^eatben Ojaibe au
ucn Ditto jf caeLCfjc j t glojp alfo topll lot»s but tbcp ujalbc able to bo noting

3 take Dnto me , ano geue tbem tbe u agapnfte tbe,faptb tbe Jlozb. <jbp ban*
tteriaftpuge tabernaclegjtoljiclje 3 bab bes tyail couer tbe,fo tbat t^p cbtlbzeti
p2eparcb foz tbofe* Ojal not f e tbe fpze euerlaftpnge.ise lot>#
ttbt tree of Ipfe tyalbe ditto tftem a full ^> tbou mother tottb tbv cbplozett
Ttoete tmellpuge opntement : tbep tyall foz 3
topll M?un tbe,fapetb tbe Ztozb".
25 netberlaboiirenozbetoeerp <Bopeftemembze tbp beabe cbPlbzeu,foz 3
poute toape,? pe u)ai ceceaue it pzape tyail bzpnge tbcm out of tbeeactb, ana
foz poure felues a feto oapes,tbac tfjep Ojeto mercp bnto tfjem,foz Jam merci*
mape DtocI tbctiit . &o\n is tbe Hynge* ful,fapt b tfa tozbe almtgbtp*
Dome pzepaceb foz pou,t&erfozc toatcb* embzace tbp tbPlbmMtpU 3f
•Cake beauen ano eactfj to toptueu~e,fo* (ome,ano fl&eto mercp bntb tbem,foz mp
3 baue bzoke tbe euel in pcces,e* crea* toelles tunne ouet^ anb nip grace fyaii
tcb tbe goob,foi3 Hue faptb tbe liozb. not faple*
c^otber embrace tbv c&plb?cn,g& bztiig 3 Cfbtas teceatteb a cbatge of tb«
tbcm Dp tottb glabiKffc: make tbcfr fete
&ozbe Dpon tbe mounts t£)zeb, tbat 3
asfaftasapilIc^fozJfjauccJjofcntijc, OioulD go Ditto Jfrael. jsuttobenj
fapetb tbe Xlozbe* cae Dnto Jftael tbep fet me at ttoug&r,
3no tbofe tbat be bcabe topi 3 raprc anb befpyfeb tbe commannbement of
»p agapne fed ttjett places,anb bzpnge tbe &ozD»anD tberfotejf fap Dnto pou,
tbemoute of tbe gcaues, toz 3 baue flDpe i^catbetbat bcarefrDnoerftabe:
buotoue mp name in jfraei . f eate not JLokc toi p our tye pbetbe, be fljaU geue
tboumotbet of tbe cbplbzenjozj baue pou eueclaftpngetcft: fozbeis npeat
cbofen tbe,fapetb tbe XLojDe»^nb toz tbp battbe.tbat (ball come in tije eube of tbe
befpe 3 Ojatl Tenbe tbe ittp fcniauhtcs tooilDe. »se ceabp to tl)( retoatbe of tbe
<£fap anb Jetcmp, after tobofe councel Upngbome , foi tl)( euerlaa^nge ipgbt
3 baue fanctpfteo ano pzeparebfoz tbe u)pne Dpon pou foz euermoze»Jle
jcu. trees toitb op tier fe frutes , ano as tbe tyabotoe of t\)ps toozlb , tecea'ue tyt
iitanp tocIlcs,flo toingc tottb mi Icfte anb topf nines of pottre glozpe • 3 tetlpftc
bonp,anD fetien mou ntar ncs, tober Dpi mpfaupoure openlpe : £)rcccauctbe
on tbere grotoe roles anb liUes,tobcrtn gptte tbat is geuett pou , anb be giaoe,
3topIfpUmpcl)Ubzeutottr)tope^jce^ geitpnge tbancbee Dnto bpm , tbat
cute tuftpce foz t\jt topbbotoe, be utbge batb calleb pou to t^e Ijeauenlp fcpng^
foz tbe f atber iGffejge u e to tbe poozc:o c* borne*
f enbe tbe comf ozteleffe : ci"otbe tbe na* arpfe Dp,anb (la nbe faflrbebolbe 3B)
fecbibcale tbe tooubeb anb ficke:Iatigbe tbe uombze of tbofe tbat be fcaleo m tin
not a lame man to fcozne : befenbe tf)t feaft of ttit JL€)UD,tobtcb are bepaw
crcpell, ano let tbe blpnbe come into tebfrom tbe Ojaootoe of tbe tooz(b,am>
tbe fpgbt of mp clcarnes. feepe tbe olbe baue receatieb glozpous gartnentes of
anb vounge tottbtn tbp toalles:* tober* tbe 1 oidc » cake tbp nomber ^p^ q
foeucr tbou fpitbeft tbe beabe , token on, anbttjutbp tbp purpfpeb, tobicr)<i
tbcm,anb burpe tbtm,anb J (ball geue baue fulfpileb tbe la to of tbe ftozbe*
t\)tt, tbe fpzft place tit mp rcfurreccton. Cb^ nombze of tbp cbtlbzen tobom tfjoti

C ^oIDeftpll(4Dmp people) anb take tbp longebeft foz , is fiilfplleb :befecbe tbt
tell,foztbpeitipetnestscome. jfeebe potoec of tbe nozbe, tbat tbp people
tbp cbplbzeu o tbou gooo uoztTc , fta* tobtcb baue bm
calleb from tbe begpn«
clpfljetbepzfete : 3B6foztbe reruattn* npnge,mapbebalotoeo»
tcs tofjonie 3 fiaue geuen t^e,tb« 1c fyai * J € fb ja s f ato Dpon § moute &U npnm
®%Mi, op

crta gtea t people, toljome 3
couioc not banbebabplanteb,6ieuet fcartbtoas
nomb*e,anb tbep all ptapfcb tf>c ftoioe mabe.aubbntobim tbou gaueft com*
tottb Conges of tbaufcergeupngc»3lnb in
maunbement to loue tbp toape , tobicbe
tbe mpbbeft of tbem tfjete be ttanfgceffeb,anb immebpatlpe tbou
teas a ponge
bcatb in bun, anb in hps
roanofanbpe ftatute, mow ercellente appopntcbeft
geuetactons . £>f bpm came nacpons,
tbeal tbep.anb bpon euetp one of tbeit
anb ftputeoes out of no;
bcaoes be f et a cto tone , anb toas euec tcpbes,pcople
anb euetp people toalfteb aftec <«5«ie.w,»
feigbet ano bpgbet,tobicbe3 matueleb
at gtcatlp.&o j affteo tbe angell, ano tbeit
otone topll, anb w
npee tbpnges
tbe: ano as foitbv commaunoe*
fapbe: &p*,tobat are tbefe r fy anftoe* before
befppfeb tbem. 23
teb anb fapbe bntome : tcbefe be tbep, mentes,tbev «* n *««*
*23utinpioce(Teoftpmei? biougb*
tbat bane pnt of tbe mortal clotbpnge
floube, bp 5 tbofe f Dtoclt
anb put on tt)t immoztall,anb baue tu teft tbe toatec
ftvfteD 9 ft no tolcbgcb tbe name of ©ob
in tbe U)OiiDc,ano beftcopebft tbe* Sub bjas
&o\s ate tljep ct oume^anb teceaue tbe Ipfte as tbe beatb bias in
tttoatbe* tbe toatet floube alfo id tfjefe . ^euec«
one of tbem tbou lefteftmamelp
Often fapbe 3 bnto tbe angclttebat tbeleffe
boufeboloe of tobo came
ponge pctfohne ts it , f ctotonetb tbem, ^oe tottb bis

men * 36nb it bappeueD

ano geuctb them tbe palmes tnthepi all tigbteous
tbat tobe tbep tbat bluelte bpo § cat:!;,
banbes f 5>o be anf toeteb anb fapb bn <

multpplpe, anb bao gotten

tome: 3ti$ tbe fonne of d5ob,tobome beganne to
tbep baue ftno tolebgeb in tbe tooilbe.
manp cbplojen, anb toete a gteate peo*
to be moie bngoolpe
Cbcn beganne J gtcatlp to commenbe pie, tbep beganne
tbem,tbatftobefo ftpflpefoztbe name t^entbefpzlte*
&o\x> toben tbep all Ipueb fo tope*
of tbe nozbc. m*fo tbe angel faib bn*
fteblp before tbe,* tbou tt^M cbore the «to.ivr.
to me:45o tbp toape, anb tel nip people,
tobat manec of tbpnge$ anb ho to great
a man from amonge tbem, tobore name
luonbetsof t&e JLojOethp tfob , thou toas
abiaham.^tm tbou (ouebeft, and
bnto bun onelp tbou Oje tobeft tbp topll,
anb mabeft an euetlaftpngc couenaute
£7tlfte«ftt»C$aptcr; toith bpm, pjompfpnge bpm,tbat tbou

«betoont>«oustowAC9trtDttt) «5oo Uib fox

tooulbeft neuct foifafte bps febe.*3inD j^Sx
r&cpeoplc acecccptco.igCOias mameletl) p i5ot» bntobtm^ gaue(t3faac,bnto Jjfaac
ruefceti)ti)CJ3abilouiaiw toftauc rule ouecljps alfo tbou gaueft Jacob anb cfau *M
people.totocO pet ate rpnncts alfo. foijacobtboubpbeft cbofel;pm, anD
® CB,iV
thetbitfpe peate of put bacfte dBfau * 3lnb To Jacob be*
came a gteate multitube. -
'atffiabtlon.&lapcttou* 3Hnb it bappencb tbat toben tbou Icd «

blebbpon mpbcb, anb bed bis fcoe out of Cgppt,*? b^tougb^ «^|^»t
S*BMW **

'mptbougbtcscame bp teft tfjem bp to tbe mounte ^>ton , bo*

Jouetmpbeatt:fo*3|fato topnge oo tone tbe beauens , fcttpnje

fafte tbe eatt&e, moupnge tbe gtouuoe,
the betolacton of $>ton, anb tbe plente*
oustoealtbofthemthatbtoclteat ©a* maftpnge tbe beptbes to fpafte , ano
t toublpnge t\)t tooilbc: anb tbp glozpe
bplon : anb mp fpitite teas fo;e moueb,
toente tbozotoe foute pontes of fpie,
fo tbat J beganne to rpeaftc ftatfull
quaftes, anb topnbes,ano
tooibes to tbe moft bpeft.anb fapbe : flD anb eattbe
tbat tbou mpghtcft geue tbe
jieibe &oit>,tbou fpafteft at tbe begins coloe

febe of Jacob, anb

npnge toben tbou plantebft tl)t eartbe latoc bnto tbe

(anb tbat tbp felfe alone)^ gaueft com* bplpgence

bnto tbe genetacpon of JU
maunbement bnto § people,anb a bobp tael.
3lrlD vtt tofteft tbou not atoape
ljnto3bam,tobfcbe toas a cceatuteof
tbp banbes , anb bade bietbeb in hpm ftom tbem tbat topeftebbeatte, tbae
latoe mpgbte bzpnge foztbe fcutt
tbe bietb of Ipfc: anb fo be Ipueb befoze tbp
the^tboulebbeftbim into ^arabpfe, in tbetn f or tbe fpzfte 3oam bate
gatben of pleafute tbp tpghtc a topefteb beatte , tcaufgteiTeD , anD
I#& jfoijrtj
Idas ouercbme , and Co be ail
ate bozne of bim
* cbus remap*
tbat & UMiL'&topttu
"Stye auttgcl cepiouetO crtiias.bccaurebc fe*
neD tocafcnes toitb the (atoe tti tf?c heart mcatoeutctiiuo tycpiofouuoc iirtgemciircsof
of the people, "tu tfje totcluDncu'e of toe *5oD.

tote:fo that the gooD Depatteo atoape, 0b tbe afigell tbat teas 3
anD tl)t abobe ftpll.£>o the tpmes
cuell feutebnto me ( tobole
pafleD atoape,$ § peates toer e bzougbt inametoas mzfel)gaue
Co an enDe.+iCben DpDeft tbou rapfe tbe mcauanfU)cr anDtaiD:

ifiuo.t, « top a f etuaunr catleo £>au id, * to home

ftyptyntt batbtaheto
tboucommatmocDft to buplbea cptie luiucbe bpon it tu tbp*
bnto tbp name , anD to offtc Dp tncetU'e tooilD,? tbou tbtnefceft to compzcbcnbc
ano facctfpee bnto j? tbettn. Cbts mas tbctuapeoftbe^peft cbcnfapbej:
Done noto manp peareja^ben the tuba* ^ea,mp)lo2D3nD bcanftueceb me.anb:
bptetg of the cifte fozi'okc tbc,anb in al fapDerJ am fent to $etoe tbe tbie toap^
tbmejes did eucn as a Dam $ al bt0 gc* es,anDtofetfo^tbc tbze fprnplituDes,
iterations haD Doncrfoz tbep alfo haD a befote tbe: tobetof pf tbou cauftDeclatc
topeftebbeacte* meone,3 tuplOjctoe tbe alfo tbc toape,
3nb fo thou
gaueft tbp cttpe. otter tbat tbou Defp^eft to fe: 5 3 0)all Ojeioc
* into tbebanbts of tbpne euempes.aite tbe from tobence t\jt topcfecD bcacte
tbep of ©action tben better auo moze commetb « 35nD3fapDe:cellonmp
tpgbteous tben tbp people, tbattbep KloiDe Cbcnfapbebcbntome:(i5o
fljall tlietfozt baue the Domini of ^p< tbp toape.toepc me tbe tocpgbte of tbc
on? jfoi tobeu 3 came tjjece, anD fame fp2e,oz meafute me tbe blaft of^ toinDe,
ttypi bngoblpncs , anD fo gteatc tope* o: call me agatne tbe Dape tbat ts paft*
fecbritiTc,tba t tt cotilDe not be nombzcD: CbcnatUtoeteD
3 anD fapDe: jeebat ma
pea, tobenmp foule fame fo manp euell bozneisabletODotbatr- ^obpttqup^
Doet8(Mtbe.jCj;jc.peare)mpbeartefap* teft tbou fucbe of me^nDfapbe btt*
leome, foi 3 fame, boto £ fuffteft tbcm me:Jf 3 iboulDe affte tbe,bott>e Dcpc
fnfucbebngooipnes, anD rpareft tbe Dtoellpngcs ate in tbe fea * j©i botoc
topcfceD Doers: but tbpne otone people gteate toatet fpzpngejsi ate
bpo tnt in*'
tjaft tbou totcD oute 3 ri pzefetueD tbpne ltiamenfrgDi boioe gceate toatet
cnempcs,anDthtsbarrc thou not tye* ges ace in tbe begpimpnge of tbe mptf
toeD me* $>} tobtcbe are tbe out gopnges of fen*
3 can not peteeaue bote tbts bap* caopfef ^ecaDuentute tbou bioulDelt
penetb»J3otbep of isabtlo then better, fape bnto me: J ueuec tocntc oovonc pet
tben tbep of £>pou? ®i is tbereanp 0* in to tbe Depe no? bcl,netbec DpD 3 euec
rber people,tbat fcnotoetb tbe, faupuge clpmme bp in to beauetn j£c uettbelefTc
tbe people of jc cad;- <Di lofjat genera* nolo baue 3 affceb tbe but onelp of fpie
tionbatbfo beleueD tt)p cottenauntes, anD topnDeatiD of tin Dape, tobcretbo*
as Jacob f HnD ^tt tbett tetoatbc ap* cotoe tbou baft trauapleD,anD from tbe
peatetb not, and thctr labott te hath no tobpebe tbou cauftenot be fepatateD:
ftute.jfoi 3 baue gone bete anD tbete anD pet canft tbou geue me no anf toece
tboioto tbi j^eatbeujanb 3
fe tbat tbw of them.
be epebe anD toealthp , anD tbpncfce not ^e fapbe moteouec bnfo mercbpn*
bpontbpcommaunDementes acoepe
* otone tbtugcB^fttcb a$ace gcoltme bp
thou tfterfoze oure totcheDnefle no toe in toitb tbe,cauft p not knoto:bo tuc OjottlD
tbe balaunce, anD tbeits alfo that Dtocl tbp beffell tben be able to Compzebenbe
tn tbe toozlDe,anD fo Cball tbp name be tbe toape of tbe l^left^ no to outtoatblp1
no tobete founDe but tnjfcael £>z tn tbe couupte tootlbe to bnbetftanbe

tobete ts tbete a people bpo eattb,tbat tbe couupciontbat ts eupbentctnim?

^atbnotfpnneDbefoietbe^ £>ztobat fvgbtc f tiben fapbe 3 bnto bpm : jjjfi
people batbfo feepte tbp coinmaunDe* toece better tbat toetoere not at al,tbeti
t#entesf ftbou gjalte fpnbe,tbat Jftael tbat toe fljoulD ipw in toicfecDnefiTc,anD
b^ name batb fcepte tf;p pzecep tes , but to fuSce,anD not to Imotoe tobctf ozc.^c «
fiot tbe otbec people anb l^eatbcti* aufto£teDmc,atiDfa!'Dc: 3 tocutc tn a
&&MiU to 00
. 3

jcat.M to u *anD tfic tcces tofee k rucf? pane atoape, anD cafi not compubenbe
a Dcupcc
zpat.**,« tbatatcpjomvfeD fox tbe
anD fa j> De: come let bs go, anDfpgbte tbetbpnges 3
Depart a= rpgbtcoustntpr? etocomc, to:*tbPS i.jow.b
againft tbefea, tbat it mape
toap bcfoze bs,anD f toe map mafte &s toozlDeis full
petmoietooDDcs:* toea&nes*
^bcflouDesoftbefca^lfo in Ipfee 55utas concetnpngetbe tbpnges
tnanet tofce tbis Dcu?ce^(apDe:Come, toberof tbou affeeft me, J
topll tell tbe*

let Jjs go Up,anD itgbt agapnft § trees %\)t euel is iatoen, but tbe Deltr ucaou
of tbe tooDDe,tbat toe mape mafceoute tbetofig not pet come^f tbe eirtlnotoe
lanDetbetopoec tlbetbougbteanD tbat is lotoen , be not tutuco toplpoe
DeupceoftbetooDtoasbut fcapne anD Dotone,anD pf tbe place tobece tbe eucll
notbpnge tooztbe,fo: t'pcfpze came anD is lotoen, patte notatoave, ti)tn can
confumeDibetooD : 'tube tbougbte of not tbe tljpage come tbat is t otoen tot tb
tlje flouDes of tyt lea came Ipfec topic to
gooD . ifoi tbe cojnc of eucll feDe batl)

nought alfo,fo2 tfjc lanDe ftooe bp anD be At (otoen in tbe beart of man from tbe
fioppcDtiKm. begpnnpnge,anD botoemncb UngoDlp^
IftboutoctcittDgcnotoebcttoptfe nes batbe be biougbte tp into tbP0
t!>efettoo } tob6 tooulDeft tbou iulitrpe, tpme*' anD
botoe mucbe (ball be pec
bipngefo^tfjc^ntpll fee come into tbe
ox tobomc tooulDeft tbouconDcmne f J
anttoctcDanDfapDe: uctelp it is a fo* battles'
!&onDet no to c bp tljp felfe , toben tl)t
IpOje tbougbt t^at tbcp botije fjauc De*
u^fcD. if o^ tf}c gcottnDe is geuen bnto come of euel feoe ts cut do tone, (joiue
t\)ttooD,anD tt)i fea alfo batb bis place gteate a batne u^al it fpllf J

Co beare bis flouDcs. cnen anftoeteD be anD fapDe : §otoe anD toben (ball tbefe
tne,anD fapDc: tEbon ball gcucn a tigbt tbpnges come to paffe t jxberfoje ate
iuDgemente,tobpiuDgefl: tbonnot tbp pute peaces fe to anD tutlW aiuDbf au«
as tbe gtounoe is f toeteD me.faptnge : l^afte not tbou tq
lelfe alfo t if 01 Ipfee
gcucnbnto tbe tooD,anb tbe tea to bps mucbe Upon tbe ^pe(t,fottbp baftmes
flouDes : ettcn fo * t^
tbat Dtoell bp< to be aboue f;im is but baine,tbou ma
cd» itro
Ueft to mucbe a Do, ©pD not tbe foulcjs
3ohn.(iM oneattfj,mape bnDetftanDcnotbinge,
* 0,M<,b alfoof tbe rtgbttotisafbc queftpou of
'but tbat tobiebcis bpen cattberanobe

ttjefe tbpnges in tbticbolines,faping:

tbat Dtoellctb aboue tbebcauens,map
tbpuges,tbatare *j$oto louge OjallJ! bope of tbusfau^p* 3j pt>
cnelp bnDetltanDe tl)t
%t)tn aufmeteDJ, on f ^ocbencommetb tbe fcuteofm^
aboue tbe bcauens
atiD fapDe:J berecbe tlje, ®
toiDC let bat:ie,auD uh» tetoatDe/3KnD bpoii tbi^
^tcbangel gauetbean*
me baue biiDctftanDpnge : font teas 3etemielt^e
laiDtCucn toben tbe nombze o£
not mp mpnDe to be cutpous of tbp bpe f toete,^
ttjinges jbut of f ucb as toe Daplp meole §
fcoes ts f i-llcD tn pou:fo z be toei^t
w Wb
toitb al, namelp, tobctfoze tbat 3Jftael
cd tbe tooilD in tbe balauceuii meafute
meafutcD § tpmej
iSblarpbemeDoftbe i^atbei^ano foi anD uombie batb be
tbe lame mea*
tobat caufe tbe people ( tobome tbou u anD
mouetb it not, Until
fulfpllcD. -cben anf toeteDj anti
net baft loucD)ts geuen ouet, to be pu< fute be
fapDe:©2lo2De?LojDe,notoeatetoe alf
nptyeD of bngoDlp nations : anD tobp
of fpnne,"anD ioi oute fafee petaDu^
tbe iatoe of out e fatbers is u: ougb t to ful
tute it is not , tbat tl)t batne of § tigb*
nougbtj 9 tbe toiptte couenautes come
u)al not be fplleD , became of tbe
to none effectc, anD toe paflfe atoape out teous
of tbem $ Dtoeil bpon tbe eattb*
of tbe tooilDeastbegteu^oppcrs, anD fpnnes
out Ipfe is a betp feace,auD toe ate not ^>o be anftoeteD me,anD fai»De: <Bo
tooman toitb cbplDe, anD
toojtbp to optaphe metcp* j&bat toil be tbp toape to a
Dotbcnl)ntobisnamc tobicbciscaIIeD batbe fuljfplleD bee
affee of bet, toben u^e

ijcmionetbes,pf bet cbplDbeD may feepe

bpou ouet bs*« 4Df tbele tbpnges baue
gafRcbqucftion. tbe bpjtb anpc longer toptbin bet. %\>i
can flje not*
_ Cbeu anftoeteD be me,anDfaiD:Cbe fapbej: |io)lojDe, tbat
* bnto me : Jn bell tbe Ce*
mote tbou fearcbeu\j? more tbon (balte 3tnD be fapoc
places of foujes atelpfce t^pte*
tnatueljfojtljetoQilDe ^aftetf) ^aUc to ctete
tipecfjambet of a foomau < jfoz rp&c ag Dbo^tlp fee foafte* mit pf 60b geaunte
a tooman tbat trauailetb,maketb fjaft, tbe to Iiue 3 tbou fljalte fee after tbiroe
toben tbe tpme ano neceffpte of g bitty trompet,tbat tbe £>unne ujall fooenlpc
(# at banoe : <gutn fo Doetb flje fjafte to ftpneagapne m
tbe npgbte, ano tbe
Delpuer it tfjat is committeb bnto ber» <$oone tbje tpmes in tbe Dap, 9 blouDe
?loke tobat tbon Defpjeft to fee, it fljall fball Djoppe out of tooDDe,anD tbe (tone
be fljetoeD tl^cc frome tbe begpnnpnge. (feallgeue
bps bopce, ano tt)t people
C&en anftoereDj,anD rapoe.'Ifj bane (Ijal be bnq«iete:anD euen
be O/al rule,
fotinDe fauoure in tbp fpgbte, anD pf it
tobometbep bopenot tbat DtoeU bpon
be pofflble i anD pf J be mete therefore, eartb,ano
tyefouIc^fit^aH Apt, anD tye
fljetoe me tfjen, tobetbet tbere be mooje
^oDomititbe feafcal caftoutbis fidj,
to come tbm is pa(le,ojmojepafttben anD make
a nopfe in tbe npgbte, \d\ju
is foj to come.gcobat is pan
J] ftnotoc: cbemanve Cball not fcnotoe , but tyep
23ut tobat is fojt to come,
J fcnotoe not* f^alt all beace tf;e bopce tberof*
anobefapDebnto mer^tanbe Dp €bereft)all be a confufpon alfo in
bpon tbetpgbtcfpDe, ano J fljall er^ manp places, tl)t
5 fp^e fljall be oft rent
pounoe tbeftmilittiDe bnto tyee. £>o
ftoDe,anD beboloe,
3 agapne anD tbe topiDe beaftes u)all go

an tobote burnpnge tbeir toap,ano mtnftriiotis toemen u^al

onen toent ouet before me : 3flnD it bap* beare monfters,anD fait toaters fljalbe
peneD tbat tobe tbe flame bias gonebp, founDe in tbe ftoete : ^>ne frenDe fljall
tbe fmoke bao tfje bppec fjanoe after
tygbt agapnfte anotber^ben fljall all
tbps tbere totm oner bef oie me a foate* toptte
ano bnoecftanDpuge be bpo anb
tpe doiiDe,anD rent botone mucfj taprte
put a fpDe into tbeir fecrete places, anD
toittja ftojmr : aitiDtobeu the ftojmpe
Ojall be fongbte of manpe anD }pet not,
tapne teas pafte tbe Djoppes remapneD be
fotinoe:Cben u)all bntpgbtcoufnes
ftpl> Chen tapb be bnto tnclpbe as
tbe anD boluptuoufnes bane tbe bppee
rapne is mou tlftn the Djoppes anD as
banoe bpon eactb* 4Dnc ianoe alfo (Jal
tbcfpjeerceaDetb the fmoke, enen ro afke
anofber,anD fape : 3s tpgbteouf<
tbe meafuce of tfje tbpnges tbat ace
nedegonetbojotoetbee ? InD it fljall
pafte,batb tbe bppet banoe* cben toent
tbe Djoppeg ano m faye:|ao.3t m
fame tpme (ball menne
fmo&e aboue: 3Bno bope, but notbpnge optapne:Cbep
g pjapeD ano fapDe^ap 31 lm(tw< labottre but tbeir toapes fljall not pjo*
l$efttbou)bntplltbat tpme?-
®i tobat fpete*
fl)allbappen in tbofe Dapes.-I^e anftoe*
Co ujetoe
fucOe tokens 3Jbaue
reDme,anDfapDc: 3s to; tbe tokens leue^anD pf tbou mtt pjap againe,anb
tobetof tbou afkeft" me
, g
mape tell t\\z
toepe as noto.anD fafl feuen Dapes,tfjou
oftbemin a parte :25uta$toucbpnge fljalte
bcare pti greater tbinges^ben 23
tm m\>, **&? W*>Jl map not Ojeto cbe,foj am 3f atoakeD,atiD a fearfulnes Mntt tfjo< *
inpipfc not rent tberfoje*
totoe allmp boope, ano mp mpnbe teas
K^bc.b^Cbapfer. rebIeanDcatefHi 3 fotbat|almoftroto*
< rgr&usans t&e anjcH comma, tosct&ec. neo toitbail < £>o tbe anngel tbat toas
<£nertbeleu"e,as con*come to talke toitb me, bcloe me, cofow
cernpnge tbe too? teD me,anD fet me bp
bpon mp fete*
kens, matfte tbps: 3nb in tbe feeonoe nigbt it fjappe#
JSebolDe, tbeDapes neb,tbat ^alatbieltbe
captapne of tbe
Gball come, tbat tfjep people came
buto me , faping : acDbete
tobpebe Dtoellbpon baft tbou benef ano
tobp is tf;pcoute<
ieattb^fball be taken naunce fo bcuiv knotocft
in a great nomb:c , ano tbe Uiape of tbou not,tbac
tbe 3ffrael(s comitteo buto
truetb fljall be bPDDe,anD t\)i lano thai tbe,in§lanDe
of tbeir captiuiter-up tbe,anD eate,an&
m*»A be barren from faptb: ©ut *imqufte
foifakebsnot 5 as^ OjcpbcatD tbatle<
fljall bane tbe bpper
banD,lpke as tbou uetb bps flocke in
baftefenenotoe, ano as tbou baftbearb § babes of § topcUt>
toolnes^ben fapb bnto
3 bim:go tf;^
longeagoe anbtue lanDe tbat tbou toape fro mc,anD come
not npt me;38n&
fepeftnqtoe to baue rule, ujalte
tbou &
bflttbe it,ano as
J fapbe, f tocnt be
bps toape f to me*?tnD fo 3 fafteD feuen mp gcaue^o baD 3f
not fene the mi fe*

Dapes 3 mournpngeanD toeppnge,lpfec rp ano trouble of3acob,anD

the tea*

as ^utiel tbe aingell commaunDtD me» uaple of mp people of 3f taell.

aiaD after feue Dapes it bappeueD, tbat anD be fapDe Unto me: jaombie me
tbetbougbtes ofmp beattetoereberp the tbinges gate not pet come:
ate fca<
areuous bnto me agame,anD mp Coule me togetbet tbe Djoppes , tbat
me flouees geene
receaueD t^ fpttite of bnoecftanDpng, treD abjoD:make tbe
me tbe
ana 3 beganne to talKe toitb tbe molte agapue,tbat ace toptbeteo:open
aaapne,anD (apo:4D ftozoaojDe, thing tbat is clofeD:anD biing ine toitif
ofeuetpetooDDeoftbe eattb anD of all tbetoinDes,thatate ujutbp: &WW
tbe ttees tbtteof tbou bafte cbofen tbe
, me tbe pmage of a bopce,anD then Cbau
one onelp bmepatDc.auo of all lanoes 3 Declare tbe § thing,? tb°« laboutefc
of tbe tobole toojtloe tbou bafte cbofen to fenotoe^no 3 fapD:€> HoiDe,iio?D,

tbe one pptte: 3flnD of all floutes of tbe tobo mape fcuotoe tbcfe tbinges, but be.
acotinDe thott hafte cbofen tbee one tbatbatbnoCbtsDtoellingetoitbmeni'
j!lplpe:anDofaltheDeptbes of tbe tea asfoimejambntopfe.botoemape J
tbou bafte fplleD the one tpuer: auDof tben fpeake of tbefe tbpnges tobettot
all buploeo cities tbou bafte balotoeo
feio bnto tbp felfe: ano of al m foules like as p*canft Do none of tbefe tbinges
baue fpoken of,eue fo canft tbou
that ate cteateD , tbou bafte naineo tbe tbat 3
one ooue:anD of all tbe cattell tbat ate notfmoe out mp iuDgemente, ojin tbe
tnaoe tbou baft pzotiiDcD tbe one Cbepc: enbe tbe loue tbat 3 baue P.wmpf ep bii
ano amouge all tbe multituDcs of foU to mppeople.amo 3 fapDe:©tbolDe ®
lies tbou baft gotte tbe one people, anD )lojDe,pet att tbou m t»nto tbem tbat

baue no enbe : ainDtobatmalltbepDoq

bntothps people tobom tbouloueoeft,
tbou aatteft a iaiuc,p is pioueD of all. tbat baue bene before me,o* toe tbat be
3nDnoto,SDtoDe 3 tobp baftetbou notoe.oubep tbat fljall come_af tec tef
a- aeue tins one people ouet bnto manp^ ainD be fapoe Unto me: 3 topi Ipkenmp
anb bpon the one tote tbou baft piepa* tuogement onto a tingeXike as there q
ceo otbet ano tohp bafte tbou f catceD is no ftackenefle of tbe lafte euenro is
thp one onelpe people amonge manpe*' tbete no ftoiftneffe of tbe tira.§>o J an*
tobicbtceaDetbemDOtone,pta,tobpcbe ftoeteD*fapoc:couloeft tbou nor make
haue euet ubftanDe t\)V piomifes , 3 ne< tbofe(tbat baue bene maDe,anD tbat be.
uet beleueD tbp coutnautes^ tbougbe notoe,$ $ ate fot to come)tn_one $ tbou
tbou toeteft enemf e bnto tbp pcople,pet mtgbteft 0>cto tbp iuDgemet p foonet^
OioulDefttbou puupibe tbemtb tbpne' -cbenanftoetcDbeme,anDrapDe:Cbe
otone banoe^ <aotoe toben J baD fpo< cteatute mape
not bafte aboue tbe m*
mape tbe tooiloe boloe tbe
ben there tootDes J angel f came to me net,, nettbet
(balbe cteateo*
tbe night afoie 5 toag! Cent onto me , ano , at once,tbat
1 fapDe : i^otoe bafte
tbou fapDe
rapoe onto me: ideate me , anD betHtn ^SnD
to tbe tbtnge v 3 f ape,^ 3 Cbal tell tW tben bnto tbp fetuaunte ,-tqat tbou Ip*

tiio:e*3inD3fapD:^)peaUeonmp lo^D * uingemaket baft maDe tbe
cteatute bate it^
<Cben fapDe be bnto me: Cbou att foie uing at once,anD tbe ,

(guenfompgbtitnotoalfobeate tbem -
UeceDanD ttoubleD foj 3ftaels fake*
-Loueft tbou that people better the* \)im tbat be pzefent , at once* amp be fapDe
that maoe tbcVainD 3 fapD:Bo lozDe, bnto me: 3ffce the cbPlpbeD of a tooma,
but ofbecpgtcfcanDcompalTion baue anD fape bnto bet: 3f tbou bipngeft
foitf) cbtlb^e^tobp Docft tbou it not
% fpoken f oi mp tepnes papne me e^
uetp boute, becaufe 3 toouloe baue ec* gctbet 5 but one aftet another t
uetienceoftbetoapeof tbemoft bpeft,
anD to fefte out part of bis iuDgement. atonce.3nD3fapD:^beeannot, bi^
5finDbefapDbntome:Cbattboumap* muft Do it one after another.
eftnot.36nD3fapDc:tobetfojelLoiDe^ CbenfapDbe bnto me:^uenfo baue
accbctcuntotoas3bO£netben:» m
ggeuen a cbplDbeD bnto tbe eattb, fot
thofe tbat be fo torn bpon « bp p^oceffe
tobp toa^ not mp mothers cbplDbeD
offpme. 5fo? Ipke
asapoungec&ploe cnbed,ahb bp hoHe bfr>ct
tfc&en anftoe*
mape not typnge fo?tb t^c tbinges tbat teb ano
belongs to tbe agcD,euen ro baue 3 01*
3 rapd: tobicb $all be tbe pac*
tinge a foubec of tbe tpmes f
pcneD tfjc too^lDe tofjtcf) 3 maoe, c>? to&en
(bait be tbe cnoe of tbe f icft, ano tbe be*
30nb 3 affeeD am> fapDe:§>etng tfjou giumugcof it tbat folotoctbr mt> to*
baft note gcuen me a toap,3 toil (peafce
before the: tfojoutmotbec oftobome
japDetntome: ifcomab^am Unto r
3faac,toben Jacob 9 efau toece bo?ne
tbou baft toIDe me , ispetpoungeanD of bun,3acobj5 t)m bcloe ficft tbe
notoe tye Djatoetb npe Ditto age, iae an* of Cfau : ifoj <C(au is tt)t enbe of
f toctcb me,* fapoe: 3f fee a tooman tbat tbptf
too.2loe,aiiD Jacob t$ tbe
beginning of
beatctbcbtlD;ten 5 <KI>flbalteltbe.§>ap
fcnto bcr:toberfo?e are not tfjcpObome
ttopjet tbe belt ano tbe banbe .
tbou baft notobJtougbtfoitb)lpftetbore
queftion (CfDzasjarfce tbou not,
tbat toece bcfoie tf>e,butles of nature*-
3 anf toecco tben,anb fapb: s> iLozd;
anDftjcajallanftoece tbe: Cbep tbat lo:oe,pf 3 baue founbe fauoure in tbp
be bojne in tbe poutb of fttengtb,ate of KQbte3 Oerecbe tbe,f^etoe tbp fecuaue
one fafljion: 3Ino t bep tbat ate boine tit tfjeenoeoftbp tokens, tobeceof tpoti
tbetimeofage(tobentf>e cr>tfDbcb fap* OjetoeDDeftmepatte tbe lafte npgbte,
lctb)ateotbectopfe . ConfpDje no to tbp £>o be anftoctcb ano fapbe onto me:
relre , borne tbat pe ate leffe of ftatute,
£>tanoe Dp bpon tbp fete,anbbeare tbe
tben tbofc tbat toere bcfoic pou anD fo
, perfecre bopce ano founbe. cbere o^alt
ate tbep tbat come after pou Jcffe tben come a greate motion, but tbe place
pe,as tbe creatures tobicbe notoe begin tobece tbou ftanbeft mai not be rnoueo*
to be oiD,$ baiu palled ouet j> ftcengtfc 3Bno tbecfo^te toben tbou beateftd too?*
cfpotttft.fC&enfapDe3: motbejbe* Des,be not afeayoerfo* of tbe enbe (bail
fecbe m , pf 3 baue founbe fauoure in

t f>p figbt,<betoe tbp reruaut, bp toijome

be bnberftanoe.snb tobp t Cbe tooibe
Doeft t(;ou Met tbp creature** tbeceof tccmbletb anD quafeetb , fo? it
CC&e.W. Chapter* ftnotoetfj, tbat it mufte be cbaungeb at
SKbeaungell iiistucrctQ cttoee, ? sciictb&irtt
tf)t enoe.anb it bappeucD,
tbat toben 3 3
a iifwcte to ijia q uca 011 9.
baDbeacbeit,3ftoDebpbpon mpfete,
anD becaeneoranD bebolDe,t&ete toajsf a
|B& nc rapbe tnto me: tjopce tbat fpa&e,? t\)t founbe of it toas
jutfjc beginning u>be" Irfte tbe founDe of
manre toatecs, and it
tt;egcoutiDetoa0 inaoe: fapD.©ebolDe , t\)t Dapes
Scfo?etbcte02lD ftooc, topll begiune to D?atoe npe,anD to btfel
oietierp tot.iDeg IjUojc, tbem^Dtoel bpoiteacbe^topu
Jlbefoje it tljomueb ano to make inquificton of
tbem, tobat t\)$p
Ipgbteneo , o? euec trjc foundations of be tbat baue
buttequite toitfjbntigb*
tearadtre toece lapcb , bef oie tfje fap?e f eoufnes ano toben
, tbe lotoe cftatc of
Routes toetc fene 01 euer tbe mouable ^ionmallbefnlfpHeD:
ano toben tbe
potoets toece ftabliied.befote tbe Uu tooi!Dc tbat
5 Oja'I banl^e atoape , (ball
numerable multitude of aunctcis toerc be ouecfealcD,tl?en
topll 3 Doe tbefe to#
gatbetco togetbet,o? euec tbe bigfmef* f>ens*
res of tbe apze toetc Ip/teb bp, afote tfje Cbe bofteis (Dall be opened before f b?
meafutes of tbe ficniaimnte toere na* firmament anbtbep
3 fbal fealtogetber,
meb,oi euec tbe cbimnepg in &>io toece ano tbe cbpioicn of a
peace olbe C^all
bote, anbojt tbe pufente peaces toece fpeafte tottb
tbeic tiopces : Cbe toometi
fougbt out,anb 0? euct tbe inuencions toitb cbilDe
Hall b?inge fojtb bntpme*
cf tbem tbat nolo f tnne, toete put afpbe, Ipe cbplDien
of tb?e 0? fouce ^onetbeff
befote tbep toere fealco tbat notoe ga* oloe,anb
t bep $all Ipue anb be tapfcD
tbet faptb foi a tceafute: tcnen opb
3 Upr.lnDfcDculpfball tnefotocn places
cotter and ponder all tbefe tinges, appeate as § bnfotocn full ftoie
,f bou#
Bnu u)£pal toece initDetboto toe me,ano fes u^all fobenlpe
be f ounoe cmptp.auD
tfjojotoc none ot&et:
©p me alfo tbep lie tbe tcompet Q>all geue a founbe , tobtc^
^ aw JS.?rn«?irtnf the todies fcall ficfttiKfpititcortDefitmamcatc, anD



25 w WcSnco «, t! »«of bood cow lwcn« beatt (, D* MM t-

?n«<.aimfcartnot hafle not toil*

'•"X it hannenct) after this

fatt«D feucn
ment of <Bod ,

atl>au,ano DpDBett fepatate tf>t one f to

cfte oil ec:fo f t&c
Ceuetuf, pact (naraelp;

*..?t .oaoro ano
°nSttfWC IfiUIjetftte toftetetfte Wtt« »« ««^ X> |1

Su ? foul toW n D«ft« 8 , toti.un ace actootuoe Wto Wjt to

on f? '

iLoiDe tliou fptaKeli (o ieuiathan tlwitgauett

t^M*** *J«
«»« town*
C,W«fc.^'ttamncn« p«t.,<U>


sSsSSb a&sassr&
i Jfoljctt
31o3tb of all ftp mat um:®f bim come fakes banc 3 ffiabe tyi tooztoe: 9 toben
toe all,anb tbe people alio, tobomc 3oam ttagteffeo mp ftatutes, tbe toas
t?aftc cbolen fptctailpe bnto tbp f cite* tbe tbing tuogeo tfjat toas bone. Cbeti
311 tups baue J
lapbe notoe anDfpo* toete tbe cntcau nets of tbe toozlD maoe
ken before tbe, tbat 3 mpgbfe Ojetoe, nacotoe,f til of fozoto ano ttauaplettbcp
Ijotoe tfjat the tDoziDe tsmabe fozoure atcbut fetoe ano eu ell full
, of patplles
fafces • 266 toz tbe of 1 r people tobtcbe anb labottce . 01 tljt entcaunces f tbe
alfo come of $Dam thou baft fapbe tfjac f ozc toojio toete hint fute,$ btougb*
tbep aw notfipng,btit be Ipfce a fpetle,^ immonallftuttc*
GattipckcneDtbeabounDaunccortbciii 3f tbcp notoe tofjfeb ace entteb im
bnto a ozoppe(t&at faUetb)f com § tote to tbts toozlbe a mape not compzebenoo
of the boufe thefc fttapte anb bapne tbinges,mucb«
3tiD notoe , €> JLojDe , the l^catben lefle map tbep compiebenbeauD bnDet*
tu.Uic^c Oauc cticc bene tcputcb'as no* ttanbe tbe fectete tbpnges: tobp Dtfqui>
t&pnge , baue begonto be JLozdcs ouec eteft tbott tbp felf e tbeu, iepng tbou ate
bs,^ to Dcuourc be : but toe tbp people but a corruptible matifjuD tobat wol*
(tofjom tijou bad calico tbe ficit bozne, Deft tbou fenotoe, tobece astbouacte
tbp onclp begotten anD tbp f c tucnt lo*
, butmoitall^3nbtobp bade tbou not
t»t)ate geue* into tbeic babes 9 potoet. tcceaueo into thpnc bcacte tbe tl)pi\$e
l>f tiictoozlDcnotobemaDetozout fa* that is foi to come,but tbat is pzefetu^
fees, tohp banc toe not tfic infyeef tauncc •Cb^n fapbe 3:© Hozb,iLoibe,tboti
in poffeiTiou toitb tbc tooiioc < jtjotoe baft ozoepneb in tbp la toeJ tbe tigbtc; 75
longel&altbisenDute*' ous Ojotilbe tnbettt tbtf e thpnges, but
CCbe.bii.cbaptec. tbat tbe bnfautbf ul anb bngobip njttlD
ITfjc angel fiieactu Cftuiwmanp
titfjcs to come. petilbc* ii-ifitettbes ti)t tpgbteous u)a(
jjftD it bappenco afutp fuffte fttapte tbpnges , anb bope fo>
3baDfpofeen ouubeie topbe:ifoztbertbatbaueliuebbngoo#
luojDcs, tijerc tuss uut Ipe ano f uffteb fttapte

tbinges,tyal not
(bnto mean aumgcll, fe tbe topbe*
jtol/icb bao bene bp me 3Wb be fapbe bnto me : Cftete is no
!ialt"o§ mgbtcs afozc,$ iubge abotte 45od, ano none
tbat batbe
be fapD but me:bp (Cfozas & bcacc £ bnbet ftanopnge abotie tbe bpeft • i 01
toozb es O ,

am come to tell tbe . 35nD 3 tbete be manp tbat petiaj .btcaufe tbep
fapD: £peafee on nip &ozdc ©od* cben Dei'ppfetbelatoeofoBOD tbat is fctbe*
fapbe be bnto me : cne ica ts fette in a foie tbem. f oz <sod batb geuen fttapte
topbe place., tbattt mpgbt bebepeanD comma unbement to fuel) as come,tbac
gteat:but tbeenttaunce is nacotoe ano tbep ftno toe tobat tbep do. ano botoe
final Ipke a t puct. jf oz tobo tooulbe goe mp
Ojo tilDc Ipue: sud pf tf)tp kept tbts
into tbe f ca, to lofte bpon tt ano to cule tbep Q>oulD not be punil^cb*

itr'3fbetocnt.not tbozotoe tbenatotoe, ^eucttbelcTc tbep toete not obeDp#

botoe migbt be come into tbe bioDc/ tnt buto bim but ipake agapnfte bpiii:

3tcm anotbec : a citie is buploco pmagttteo bapne tbpnges, ano pirtpo^

anb fet bpon a biobe feloe,ano is t ttl of f eo to f tone , anb fapbe moze ouet tbal
allgooDes: tbeentcaunce ts nacotoe tbete toas uo6oD,anb tbat o^ob tcgac
anD f obapn,lpfee as pt tbete mete a fpie Debit not. ^pstoapes banc tl)tp nol
at tbe tpgbt banbe,anba bepe barer at fcnotocn,bPSlatoebauetbep DcfppfeD.
tbe lef r e,auo as ft toete oulp one fttaite anb Dent cd bis pzomtfes: in
ftat ut{
patb bettopjete tbem botb,fO fmall tfjat anD ozbtnatiuecs baue tbep not bene
tbete coulbe but one man go there. faptbful anb ftcofaft, anD baue not pec*
£f tbts citie notoe toete gcuento an fouriwDfnstoozckcs.
bepze,anD be neuet toent tbozotoe tbe 3nD tbetefoze efDzas bnto tbe full,
petelous toape,botoe toolbebe teceaue plentpetanD to iift emptpc,€mptpneffe»
fits enbe citauncc^ainb3 f apoe:3t is (0 ©eboIDe,tbe
tpmeft^al come, tbat tbcfe
Xozbe^bcn fapbe be: Cueufo is JU
tokens tobpebe 3 baue tolbc tbe c, (ball
ml alfo a pojepon »3iid kty f foj tbeic come to patter tbc bzpbe
^al appeace;

ttS%t eaten that notoe paffetb atoape, teoufoes gcotoe anb the ticctte fpjqngc
lhalbe roetijeb : anb tobofoeuec is belp* Up* Cben (gall no man be able to faue
ueceb from tbe foze f apoe euels^all ft bpm ttjat is bettcopeb , no? to oppjefle
mp toonbcrs.jfoi mp fdnCJefus Ojalbe him that batb gotten tbe bf ctojp.Jj an*
ftoereb tben , ano fapbe : ttbps tf mp
oof Iv bcclaceb, ti tbof e t be tottb bim:
f irft 9 laft taping: that tt bao b ene
finD thep tbat remapne, tyall be merp in
tec, not to baue geuen tbe eactbe bnto
foure bunbjeb pcatw.
after tbefe fame peaces (hall mp 3ba:iDj els toben tt urns geuen him,to
fonne Cb Jtft bpe,ano all men tbat bane feepe bpm tbat be Ojoulbe not f tnnej 0$

Ipfe 3 tbe'toozioe foalbc tutneo tuto tbe tobat profit is itfo.i me noto tn tbis p?e>
olbe fpletice (turn oapes, Ipfce as in tbe fent tpme to Ipue in beupnefTe , anb af*
tec beatbe to loofce fo? punpCbment^
f ow luogementes, fo tbat no man tyall
tetnapne. 3nb aftet fcuen oapes , tbe tbou aibam,tobatbafte
tt teas tbou tbat fpbncb, tbou
tooiloe p pet atoafcetb not, OjaU be cap* tbougbe
feb buiuo (ball
cactb foall teftote
mcozcupte 30no the
tboie tbat bane Oept
act not fallen alone,but toe al tbat com
of tbe.tfo? tobat pzofpt is tt bnto bs pf

in bec,anDfoO)al§Dua tbof e tbat btoel

cbecebe pjomvfco bucobs Jmmojcau
in fpUnce, ano tbe feccete places fyall
tpme,tobeteastoe mcble tottb beaolpe
tbece is piotmfeb bs an
beliuec tbofe v be committtb bnto tbe". toojefces^anb §
hope , tobece as toe ouce
C afnb tbe moll bpeft (balbe opeulp becla* ttteclaftynge
ace euel 9 bainer-ano f tbece ace
teb topon tbe feate of tubgement,ano al f elites
to$ b toellpngcs of health 9 $>
m iecp mail toaupfbe atoape anb longe lapeb top f ot

frebo,tobeee as toe tjaue liueo euel.-aim

f uffecpnge (ball be gatbereb togetbec*
tbat tbe tourOjpppe of tbe bpeft ts Kept
jb ut p iubaemet foal continue,? tcuetb
to ocf enbe tbem,tobpcbe bane leb a pa>
foal «m:une,3 faitb $al u>a;ce ftcogcj
tooifee mal toloto,$ p retoacb Cbalbe fee*
cpent ltfe,tobcce as toe baue toalcfcet tn 1

toeb Migbteoufneffcsajaltoatcb^tfte
tbemofttopc&eb toapesofakanbtbat
UurpabteoufnetrefUall beace nocule* tbeceO)albe(betoeba#acaDpfe,tobofe
'CbeufaDb l:*3lbiabampiapeD ficft fcuit enoucetlj foM«cc,tobecetntsfce^

foitbe &oDoiwtes; a*»fe"sfoube borne anb mcbtcpne, tobece as toenail

fatbecs tbat fmneb tn ttft toploecnes , 9 »ot goe int fo? toe baue toalckeb in tonj
pleafaunt places:in£ tbat tbeifaces of
be tbat came aftecbtm foijtxaeun tbe >

tbem tobpebe baue abftepuco, Ojal ujtna b l vm
of 3[ Ct)as atlD ^>amuel:anb*©a <
«.« 8 w,«. uiD f 01 tbe beftcuccton,*anD ^>alamon aboue p ftacces.tobece as out faces


fot tbem tbat came into tbe &>anctua*

tp ano*$eliasfoitboretbat ceceattcb,«. /' anbfoMb^becb,tbatbempgbte Dteb not, tbat toe tyouJbfuffcetbecroje

liue i anb ejecbtas fo? the people m

after beatbf _
Mi.W.18 Cben anftoeceb be me,anDfappe:
tbetvmeof ^ennacbctib:^bpuecso#
^i^ ^^f^X£
tbec in ipfcetnanectobichebaue pjapcb
foi m
ma batb bpo eattb:
th f battapl, tobtcb
iKften fo notoe fepnge tbe coitupte is
tbatpfbebeottetcome, beujaUfuffce
ittotoen bp ano topcUebneffe iheceafeb,
as tbou baft f apb . ©tit pf be get $ bic*

cpghteous baue piapeo fo? the totp belhail ceceaue tbe tbpng that J
enb tbe
SnVoolpftofeif "w ft^al it not be fo noto

rape.iFoz tbps is tbe Ip e , tobecof m»

m anftoeceb me,anb faibtCbis pic*
ueb,faping:*Cbofe tbe ipfe, tbat tbotj
mapeftlpue^cuecthelestbep beleueb^^
wtb mucbc bououte in it,tbecfo« baue bpm not ,
neither tbe Prophet es afrcv

tb p plipeb 01 tbe toeane, But tbe

bap bpm.0o,no? me tahicb baue fpoften brt
to tbem.tbat beupneffe fljulbe not reach
of boirie Oiall be the enbe of tbps tpme,
bnto ?,to tbetc beftruccponlpfee as iop«
Snb the begpunpnge of tbe tmmottalp* :

ticfitt to come, tobecctn all

cojeupepon tfli foi to come otter tbofe tbat baue fufr
in faU
tJaniOjetb all boltiptuoufnefTe is loto* freb tbem femes to be infqucraeD
leoanoalmifbeleuetafcenatoap^ig^ uaitqn« 4

)lozoe 5 tbat the bieft is mcrcifuMn
r)e barb mercpe topon
tbcm, tohpebc arc
jFoz tbou arte afoncanb
toe a! arc tnt
toozcftmanlfaippe of tbp banoes,lt&e
tbou baft fapd, and Iphe a* tbe boop is
not pet in tfje toozio, aiiD bpou
tbofe al< f aebponed notoc in tbe
BenM.(i.R fotbat toaic&e in bis latoerand tbattbe rbpidef bed . and
tbon gcueft tf)t membies and tbp
is parent aiiD Jonge [ u«( cpng totoard ture is pzefcrued

fpze and
tbofe tbat Oatic fpimed in ef?ctr tool*
and.ii;^ouetbes Doctr) tbp toozfte fufr
ties : 3nd tbat be g* lpberalf
to gene fee tbp creature, tobicb is
terete as it ^cqutretfi: and tbat fatfavoued in
be is of bet:but tbe tbmgc tbat pzefecuetb ano
great mercpe,foz be multiplied
ftps io> it tbat r«af pzefcrued,
tyail botbe be kept
tipngefepnouefTes totoarde tbofe tbat
togetber:and toben tpme is,tbe chpldef
are ptcfent,ano tbat ate pad, to
$ tbeu? bed delpueretb tbe thpngcthat is kept
tobtcfjearefoz tocome.tfozpf
bemul* and gtotoen in her*
ttplpe not bps mercpes, tnt toozldc
(bal tfoz tbou baft commaundeo fbe bzc>
not be made Ipuptige , tortf? tb'ore
tbat ftes to gene milctte dnto
J>toell therein: $cgeuctbaIfo,fozpf
tbe tbpnge tobicbe is created and fauSi*
hegauenot hps gooones, tbat tbcp, oned,mape be no^Qco fo^t a tyme: 3([nd
lobicb bane done cueif,m?gbt be eafeo'
tbeutbou difpoteft andoiozefttt toitb
fbe ten tbonfande parte of men thouldc tbp mercp , bttgeft u dp
jot be made Ipupngc.aind pf (be iudge toitb f bP tigb>
teoufnes,nurtureft it in tbp latoc, tu
rozgauenot tbofetbat be healed toptb a
fourmeft it toitb tbp Underftandpnge
hpstoozde, ano pfbetoouloe dcu>ope
mo^tifieft it as f bP creature^ mafeeft it
cbe multitude tbat ftriiieth,tbere
foulo Ipuitig as tbp tooifte.&etng
tjefcerpefetoeiefte in an innummblt tbf 6 tbou
deftropeft bpm, tobicb toitb fo great
inuIntiiDc. las
hours is created and faftioned tbozoto
^CbchMCbaprerV tbp comaundcmet.tbou couldeft ligbt>

tfftaas juapcr b ®o* tar&et to

IpeojdeneaIfo,tbattbetbpng tobicb is
lobcbpS bis otoiic
mctcp t&«i on m fumes oftocpeopie. made.migbtbepzeferued*
3Pndtbps 3} fpeafte notoc of aH men
BDbeanftoeredme,fai* in generall,as tbou
anotocftjbut of tbp
'pnge: -cfje moftebpeft
|maDe tl)ps toozloe foz
peopie,foz tobofe faHe am fo:pc:
of tbP mberitaunce : fo: tobofe
:manpe,butthe toozloe
caufe 3
moutnerind ofjfraeljoz tobom 11 nm
tocomefozfetoe»3!topH toofuI:3!nd f oz 3acob,foz tobofe faae %
JtcltbcafimiiituoeCf* am greued:cberfoze bcgynl topzape
biases toben tbon afaett tt)t eartb it
befo«fbe,foimpfelfeanofoz tbein foi
Cbal fape bnto tbe , tbat it geuetb rnncb
3f fee ttft fal of ds,cuen of d,s,tbat dtoet
tnouloe, tobereofeartben bcflTellcsare
Upon eactbe zsut J bane bearde tUz
made, but Ittle of it tbat gold commetb
ftopftnts of tbe iuoge , tobicbe is to
pat. ff t> of.tCueu fo is it toitb tbe toozefce of tbis
come:Cberefo:e bearemp dopce and
toozloe * ^here be manp created
but fcnoecftanoemptoooide8,and i (hall
fetoeujalbepieferueo* €benanftocrco
31 and f apdc : q;ben ftoalotoe dp § topt
Cbts is tbe beginnpnge of tbe toot*
(tbou foule)anddeuour tbe bnderftan*
Dcs of CfDzas,befozebe toas receaucd:
oing,foz tbou art agreed to her hen
and fl>JLozd,tbou
j> dtoellcft in euerlaftmgi
to geue eare.and toillinge to
pzopbecp: epes are lift bp
tiefle,tobofe m
f01 tbou baft no longer fpace tfa apzc,
gene" tbee, toboreftoleis ecccadpnge bpc, tobofe
but onelp to Ipue*® jtozde, toplte
tbou glozp and maieftp map not be
not geue tbp feruaut leuc, compie*
tbat toe map bended befoze tobometbe booftcs of
piape before tbe , and tbat
tbou mapeft beauen ftandc toptb tremb!inge,toboff
geuefeede dnto our bearte,and buploe
beppngc is turned in topnde and fpzc
nD Dpn * e '. ^attbere mape tobofe toozde
?IL*» ^??
come fruit of it: and euetp one is true , tobofe calcBpiige*
tohicb ts ftedfaft, tobofe
is cottupt, bearetb
tbe ftate and place fttonge,tobofeojdpiiaunce '

ig fearful/
tobofe loose Dzpctfr tip tip Oeptbes!


Clje ,<nU>ofee

ssfewsss a
^oito^lc1!Irtte 5 ItepUrpcaftc,
«$BE « 3% A^WDing,
tnucfje Cede bpoti ti>e
plants «^»W «
: an*

KSS?SK.S.rS '"'PrT.SSiJS'.

•3sss# imps
take Difpteafucc at ftpm* €>?
gj« VJiVrte bpeft Vn fraft

£>ome tf>p«8«« tiaftc tjou

tpoften a « w wn^
D ceft ^
onfnfozgctfitlncs^Gzotoes afceba^ ano cuetp one tbat u)aU be fatted 5 anb
npffl)eoatoape,auDintbeenDe ts fye* 0)aH be able to efcape bpbPS toozekes
toeo the trcaf nee of t mmoztalpte. 3UD anb bp faptb, tobercin pc bam bclcucb,
Ctji'cfo^eafketfjouuo maze qucfrton$, ffyall be pzefecueo f torn tbe fapbt pa*

convening tbc multttube of them tbat tels,anDu>aUfemp^aupouce iu mp

perpOje, Jf o* tfjcp baue taken Ipbettie, lanbe anb toptbtn mp bozbecs,foz 3
Dcfptfeo tfte^teft jffjougfjt fcozne of bf 8 baue balotoeb me from tbe too*1b»Cbf
lato,ano fozta&eu fjts toapes fyall tbep be m
casefulneff* , tobpebc
^ozcouer,tbcp baue troocn boton notuc baue abufeb mp toapesranb trjep
;pra,t«M.a tjfgf cigtf)ttiou0,fjfio*faiO tu tbcitbett, tbat baue cart tbem outt befpptfHllpCj,
tbat tberc to no<©ob,pea,anb tbat totf* tyalbteell in pap-lies'.
tpngip,f oz tbep Dpc< f oz Itae as § fbtng ifozfttcbeajsintbetripfebauerecea
tba't 3! banc fpoht n of is maoc rebp f oz
, ucd benefttes,tt baue not fenotone me*
pou:Cuenrofstbtt&c anb papuc&zci anb tbep tbat baue abbozreb mplatoe,
pat cd f oi tbew. jroz it toas not fjtaf topi tobple tbep bao pet tteDomc,anD toben
tbat roan fljoulo come to nought: but tbep babDcfet open rotome of amenoe*
tbep tobf cb be cceateo baue ocfplco toe ment anb cotmerfpon} anb bnoerftooe
name of Win that maDc tbcpm, anb art not, but befppfeo itjt^e fame mufte
tmt&ancBMf bnto bim.tofjitbe p?epa< hnoto it after beatb in papne. win tint*
tea Ufefoi tfyepm. ainb tl/crcfoze is mp foze be tbcu no mo^e carefulI,botoe tbe
I ubgement no to at banoe. cb efe tf>tn> bngoolp u>albt pttnp^eb } ano bob) tl;e
ges baue J not Ojetoeb bnto al ine,but tigbmoiis D^albe faueb,anb tobofe tfa
bnto fetoemamelp b.ito totbxe, ano to toozlo ts,anb foz tobomtbe too:loe,ano
fucbeasbelpKetlK. toben it ts« cl;eu anf toereb J anb fsto:
CbenanCtocc'cb jB,an&farb:23e&olD * 3 ftaue talcbeb before , anb notoe J
JL^, f #
£> noibe s noto baft tbou fbetocb me tbc fpeake,n no topil fpeaae alfo betcaf tci, m*
mulfituoe of tbe tokens , tobrcbe tbou tbaf fbere fre ma up mo of t^epm tofncli
to pit faegpnnc to bo at tbe lalte , but at pcriajjtben n>all be faueb, IpU as tt)e '

tobat tpme aim tot)en tbou bas not Q)t? flouoe ts greater rben t^e bzoppes*
toeo me* 3«m be auf toereb me , faptnge: Ipai
as tbe fclbe te,f ts a (fo tbe febe;as tfy
iffl)ia5f;at!>cmrtousQ)Ctt)C&\)«to butt.
gouies be,fo are tbe colours aiforf ucf>
as tbe toozefcman fjS , f utl)t i$ a/fo tbe
£ a nftocrcb me tb£!i,<t fapb; tootle : anb as tbc bttf banbe manne is
tbou tbe tpmc t>p*
!3ii}<afute bpm ftlfe , rots bps fyoufbanbzpe au

Hgcntlp <n tt feifejto&e tfjou f0, f oz u toas tbe ttme of tbe toojlb* ,1 no
Jfcpft tbat one part of (be to* toben 31 pzepareb fo? thf tbat are noto*
^CS^ :vseiiB come tapaflfe, tofrpebjf 0; eucr tfje toozlbe toas mabe, toberetit
baue toibc tbe befoze :fo fljaitc pMmbcc* tbep ftouf be t>\snll , tbeu toas tbere no
ft aHO,^ it ts tbe betp fame time, tobe t> man tbat toitb ftose me^otoe toben ty
mm ^rcfttopit begpnnetobtfet tbe uerpoiie toas,anb$ maker alfofn tbe
too.zfb,tobf cb 'K mabc.3nD toben tbere toozlbe tobtcb ts no to pzcpariD,anb tbe
(balbe f cue eattbqtraae ano bpzoare of moitttbtbat ceafetbuor ,anb tbe latoe
tbe people m tbe toozib,tbeuu)alttbou tobtcbe is bnrearcbeabic,tbeiemanerg
toe»bnoecftante,tbattbe moftc^peft toere co?rtipte* ^6%
confpbzeb tbe
fpafcc of tbof e thpngcgf from tbe trapes toozlbe,anb bebolbc.tbcre toas paceil,
tbat toere befaxe tbe, cuen from tbe be * ticcaufe of tbe tbotiglrtes tbat toere
gpnupugc. tome in to t'f.S'nb 3 fa toe, ano fpareb
f oz ipfccas ait tbat ts maot mm
tbem gteatlp,ano baue aept'me a totne
tooilD,ba tb tf begpnn tug anb enbe,an& bct4'of tbegtapes,anDaplante from
tbe enoe is mam'felr.cucn fo tbe times ambmjemaftp genecaepens. met tbe
aifo of tbe if)peft baue piapnc begpn? mnlt tttiDc pertfb tf?en,to.btcbe are gro#
npnges in toounbers ano fpgnes , ano toen bp in bapne,anb Ut mp grape anb
tbeesocM-toozckpnge anbtu tokens topntberp be aeptereuen mp planterfo?
toitb great labour baue 31 maDe it bp» moutneD fo:e 5 ma&e great lametaciott,
^eucctficlcs ?>f tfjou tuple takebpo anDtofpttotfblouDeboice:berclotbes
tfjc Dapes mo(but tbou (bait
pet feuen toetc rent i» peces , anD flt)e bat) arises

not taft in tbem)go tbp lnap tben into oponbeebcaoe*

tbcfeJDeof floures, toberc no boufeis CbfnletJ mp tbougbte£gb>tbat3
buploeb,ano eate onelpe of tbe floures teas in,ft turneD me Onto bet , $ lapDe;
of tbe felDc,taftc not flerfye,Dzpncke no tofjetfo^c tocpeft tboiif tobp art tbou fo
topne but eate fiourcs onlp^*ape bn? rojpeiDtrcortifojttcDr'ainDtljcfatD bnto
mntt cofinuallp,fo toil 3 come,
talke toitb tbe*
me :&>\u,let mebetoaplemp felfe anD
take pet more (ozoto:foz3 am foje bejc<
C ^0 J toent tm> toap anD came into cd iiwnp mpnoe , anD bzougbte bcrpc
feioe tobicbe is calleD 36coatb(lPke
be commaunDcD me)ano tbete 3 fat
lotoe* anD J fapoe onto ber : tobat
letb tbe*-®z tobo batb Done anp tbpnge

among tbe Roures.ano ate of ttje t)n> to tbertell me.^b* fapbetj bane bene
beg of tbe feiocs tbe meate of tbe fame tmfrutefull anD baren , ano bane baD
TatiffpeD me.Htec fenen Dapes 3 fatte an boufbarto tbpztie peates.SInD tbefc
bpon tbe graffe,anD mp berttoas uereD jc^c*pcaces 3 do notbpng elsDape anD
toitbin me Ipke as afoze:anD 3 openeD npgbt $ allboures,but
make mp mv>
mp moutb5 anb began to talkebefoieg ertotbel^peft .

japeft,anD fapDetiiD tLoiDe ,tbou tbat <&od beatDc me tbP banDmapDen,lokeD.

*«.*ttxb fyctoeft tbP felfe Onto bs , * tbou bafte opon mp miferp.conf iDieD mp tronblc,
•«:4«. ano openeD tbp felfe bnto one anDgauemeafonne,anD3toas glaD
BUM i,6 DeclareD
fat ^ erg it tf)e topioetuelTe , tn a place of bim,f teas mp b«f
banoe alf 9 all
tofjere "o ma Dtoelf etb,tn a bare place, mp nepgbbours,anD
toe gauc great bo
toben tbep came out of egppte^tbou noureDntotbempgbtie*
3noipf> mn
fpakeftyapingc^eare me $> JCraell, cpcD bim great trauaplc.<5>o tobe
came to tbe tpme,tbat be
ano markc nip toozoes tbou feDe of 3a be gteto bp,$
rob.©ebolDe,3 fotoe mp latoe in pou, tyoulD bane a topfe,3 maDe a featt.
anD it 0)all bzpnge foztbe f rnte in pou, KS-cbc»]C»Cbapter«
anD pe fyalbe bonourco in it f 01 cuet* SrDiag $ flje toomatt tljat appcatetfj biuo
4foz ourefatberstobicbe receaueot&e ftimcommeitiogetOcr.
iatoe,kcpt it not,anD obfecueD not t^p 0D itbappcneDp>ben 3
oiDpnaunces anD ftatntes,anD ^ ftute nipfonnetoent tntobps
of tbp latoe toas not DeclareD : foj it cbamber,be fell Dotonc, ,

migbt not,f oz totyHt toas typm** jf 0? anD Dpco:tbe ouettb^eto

tbep tbat receaueo it peciat)eD,becaufe
toealf lpgbtes,9almp
tbep kept not tbe tbmg tbat toas fotoen nepgbbouts rofe bpto
iiitficm cofoit mcebe toke 3 mp reft t>nto t^z
%t is a cuftome \»\)tn tbe grounDe reconD Dap at nigbt:^ toben tbep baD at
rcceauetb fcDe 5 oi tbe fea a Cbpppe , 0} a tefteDj tbep migbt cofoit me,3 refteD
UM meate anD Dtpncke, tbat toben it alfo^ rofe op bp nigbt,^ BeD , anD am
pertftjetb 0? is bzoken, toberiu a t^int$ come bitber ituo tbis f elD, as § fepft : 9
is fotoen,ojt toberin anp tbingc ie put: am purpofeo not to come
in § citie, Due

3© tbetbpngesalfoperifflje anD are bio? to remapne bcre,anDnetbertoeatjeno?

ke,tobicb are fotoen ozput tbetin^iut Dtpncke,bntc6tinuallp to mourn* anD
onto bs it batb not bappencD fo:fo? tor to faft,bntpll 3 ope*
tbat bauc receaneD tbe latoe,pertCbe in <Cben let 3 mp meDitacpons anD

fpnne anD our bcrte tobicbe alfo recea* tbougbtes fall , $ 3 toas in,anD fpake
«r«M« « mJj tfjc latormot toptbftanDmigc *
it.«um ua
mto bee in Dpfpleafure : tCbou foolptye
not our beutnes anD
iato£ p eCpf(])etb not , but remapnetb in toomau.feift tbou
big laboure* mournpnge,anD tobat bappenetb bnto
3nD toben 3 confyDcrcD tbefe tltptH os^botoe ^>pon oure motber is al too^
ces in mpberte after tbis maner,3lo= full anD ft»»pe, anDbotoe ujeis cleane
keD about me toitb m?ne epes,anD bp* biougbte Dotone anDinrnpferp/tcpng
on tbe rigbt fpDe 3 fato a tooma,tobicb toe be gll notoe in benpneffe , anD make
i#& Jfolrtttt
bute mone(fo tk
fee in all fozotofuli.)3s fntocaptfttite,butcbirgpns ate befp*
foz tbe beupneffe tbat tbou take ft , tt is led,and ouretopucs raupfGpedjOure
but foz one fonne.Bcmaunb tbe eattb, tpgbtuous men fpop!eo,and our ebpfc
and Ope mbicbe
Ojal tel tbc,tbat itis fyc Dzen deftroped ourepouge meune art

ougbte ( moutue,
up rear on ) to foz t^e bzougbt in bondage, ano oure ftronge
fall of fo manpe tbat grotoe Upon ber. tooztbpes arc become toeafee: ano ^p*
if oi fcom tbe begpnnpnge all men on(ttibpcbe feale is tbe great eft of all)
arebozneofbet>aubotber ipaft come: is lotofco bp from bet toozu>p:foz Oje
ano bebolo,tbep toalclie almoft at into is oeiiuereb into tbe banbes of tbepnt
Deftcuction,and manp of ti;cm Qjall be tbat bate bs.
cotco out. 3Bnotbecfoze Irjaae of tbp great be?
S)Obo fljouloc tben(bp reafon)mafte upncu"e,anoputaU)ape tbe multptube
mote mournpnge,tbcn tfce , tfjatfjatfjc of fozoujesrtbattbe ^pgbtte mape be
loft fo great a inu it itubrano not tbou, mercpf till bnto tbe,anb tbat tbe $peft
totyebe act fozp but foz one » &ut pf map gcue tbe reft from tbp labour ana
tb.ou tootiloeft tap bntb mc:s"pp mouc trauaple.lnb it bappenco , tbat tobcti
npnge is not Ipse tbe mournpng of tbe 3 bias talapng tottb ber , bcr face opo
cattt; , foz J baue lode tbe frute of m}? Q)PM anb gliftctjfo tbat 3 toas afrap«
boop, febicbe 3 bate tottb beuines:but eb of* ber,anb mufeo Uibat tt mpgbt be.
tbe eattb is accozopng to tbe mancr of 3no immebiatipu^ecairoute a grcate
tbe eattb, ano t\)t piefent multptube bopee,bcrpc fearfttil, To tbat tr)e cart!?
goetb agapne into ber,as it is come to (bose at tl)t nopre of t\)t feoman:ano 31
pallc : cben fape 3 unto tbe : Ipse as loaeo,a nb beboioe, tbetooman appear
tbou baft boznc lotto ttauaplc anofo> teb bnto me no moze : but tbere toas a
eoto,euen f o tbe eattb alfo from tbe \>u cptie buplbeb^anb a place luas QjetueD
gpnnpnge geuctfj bet frute bnto man, from tbe grounoe anb founbacpotn
lo% mm tbat maoe ber Hlno tber f ozc <&t)en feas 3 afrapcb, anb crpeb
tottb boloe tbp fozotoe ano fjeuitteffe bp toptb louoe bopce,ano fapoe : tobete is C
fte»}.*i.n. tbp I'clfe , * a'ub ioac tobat bappcuctfj Wiitll tbe angcll , * tob*cb came to me 4.«fo.*.»
twrotbe.beareitfttongcip.ifoztftbou attbefpzftr*JFoz be batb caufeb me to
liidgcft tbe matcuc and enoe of as oo to come in manp confp beta cpons anb bpe
be rpgbtuous ano goob,anb rcceaueft tbougbtcs,aub mpne enoe ts tutmo to
bps counfcl in ttme,tbou fljalt be com* cozrupcpou,anb mt» pzaper to rebuke*
menbeo tbertn . <Bo tty toape tben into 3Bnb as 3 toas fpeaftphgtbefe luozbes,
tbe citie to tbp fjoufbanbe. be came bnto me, ano lobcb bponme,
$ anotye farce bnto me : tbat topH3 anb 3 tape as one tbat bab bene oeao,
not do,J topil not go into tbe cpttc,but anb mpne bnberftanbpng feas altered,
bete fepll J ope £>o 3 commencd anb be tofec me bp tbe rpgfjt banbe,anb
moze initb ber,ano fapD:*£>o not fo,but comfoztebme,anbfetme bp bpon mp
be counce!eo,anb folotoe me : fox boto e fet e,anbfaib bnto me: tobat atlctb tbe^

manp talks batb &pon e se of goob anb tobp is tbpne bnberftanopnge bet*
comfozte becaufe of tbe fozotoe of Je? cDrttiD tbe bnoetftanbpng of t\^\> berf;
tufalem. jroz tbou fetft tbat ouc$>anr* anb tobctfoze art tbou fozp t %nn 3
tuacp is iapco toaft,our aultcr bzofcen, fapo: Becaufe tbou baftc fozfaacn me:
ottre temple Deft topcD,ou t plapcnge of
inftrumentes atfimgtmg iapeD botone,
anb 3 baue bone * accozoitig bnto tf)p 4
toozbes,3 toent in to tbe fcib,anb tbere
^ .

vmr.% tbe tbancaefgeupnge put to* iplence, baue 3 fene tbpnges, tbat 3 am not a«
cure mpztbe ts banpffl?ebatoape,tbe blc to erpz effc.^c fapb bnto me:^taO
Ipgbte of oure canoclftpehe is quen? bp anb be manip,anb fyal! geue tbe
cbeo, tbe 3rcfce of tbe couenaunte is erboztacpon*
taken from bs,all oure bolpe tbpnges Cbenfapbe3 : ^>peafte on tome
atebefilco,ano tbe name tbat is calico
bpon ouer bs,is Diftonou r eb:o u t cbil
mv iLozbejfozfaRemenof, left 3
bapne:'foz 3bauefenep3&netoe
m in
bicn are put to fljamc, our pzicftes are anbbeatbtbatjUbonothnotot^Dz (bal
bzeni/mttftcuttcs ate carp to atoape mp bnoerftanbing be bpfceaueb, 9 mp
€£*iU mpnbef
; 9

topnoefEutnotoeJ befccbctr)e,tbat feto.JSut to mozoto at npgfjt tbou (bait
tboutepltefyetoe tbpferuauntoftbps temapne bete,=iro fyall tbe i^peft fl&eto
toonDJt.^c anltoeteo me tbcn,$ fapoe: cbebpfponsofbpe tbpnges,tobicb be
beare me,s J (l>al enfourme tbe,ano tel topi bo bnto tbem that btoel bpo cattf;

tbe totjerfoze tbou art aftapeo , foz tbe in v latt baies.^>o JJ ttept ^ fame nigbt
$tett batb openeo man? fectcte tfjpn* Ipbe as be r oimnaimDco me*
ge0 Onto ti>e» C^e.ri*Cbapter»
l&e batb fene tbat tbptoap is tpgbt, j]n tbts iD^aptec ant) ciifupnj,
anb tbat tbou tafteftfozo toe continual* Ijecntwareth of ccctea tufvons ano of tUc uuet=
pictacpona ii)ttof.
lpfoztbPpeople,anomafeefl: great la*
mentacponfoz £>ton:and t^ecfoze bn* l^tncatoejB a Dzemetaub be-/ %
Oetftanoc tfje bifton tobtcb tbou fatoeft boioc , tbete came bp fro tbe
a Iptle tobple a go after; tbis maner: ifea an 3!egle,tobicb haojiu

Cbou fatoeft a uioman mouenpng,anb topngeg anb tljze beabeg!:

tbou bafte comfozteo bet.^euertbeles mnb 3| fatoe,anb bebolbe , bt f pzeb bps

no toe fettt t^ott tbe liftenes of $ tooman topngesouer all tbe cattb 5 ano all tbe
nomoze,butp tbcugbteft tbere toas a touioes of tbe apze bleto in ttjem ,auo fo
cpttebui>loco:$ lifce as (r)e toloe tbe of rbep toere put together agapne . anb J
tbe fal of fjer fonne,fo is tbis § anf toer: bebelb, ^outofbisfetberstberegreto
fl&be tooman tobo tbou fatoeuys £>io:
ctfjei lit le contract' fetbers:tbe beaoes
ano tobete as tyt toloe tbe, £ A)e batbe r cftco,tbe beao in § mtooeft toas gt»ea>
bene ttjpztp peaces bnftutefui ano ba* ter tben tt)e otber^et reftco it toitb tbe
ren,tbofe ace tbe rtjpxtte peares,tobertn tefpDue*
tt)cre toasnooffeepngmaoe tuber. S^ozeo tier J fatoe, tbat tbt aeglc
jBut after ^peaces §>alomo bui^ biS totnges, 9 raigneb bpon
fieto toitb

Deo t)ery* offreo,ano tt)cn bate § baren eartb,^ ouer all tbe tbat b\3Jtl bpon tt)e
^afonne ano tobete as (l?e toloe tbe, cartbranb %
fatoe tbat all (binges brt;

tfiat fl&enozptyeo btm tf> laboute, cbai bee beauen toere fubtect bnto bim,9 no
toas tt)e obiellpng of Jcrufalem. sut man fpaae a gamft bim } no not one crca
tobereastbe fonneDpeo in bet cijam* turebponeartb . Jfatoealfo tbat tbt
bectbatistbefallofjerufalem. ano aegle (iobe bp bpon b?s clatocs,anD
tbou fatoeft bet lpcfcnes,boto tyemouc gaue a founbe toitb bis f etbers , anb a
neb fot bet foune:? tobat els baupenco bopce faringe alter tbis maner:toatct>
bnto betjjjl baue CbctoeD tbe. ano nolo notalltogctbec^flepeeuerp manmbis
<C5<DB feptb, *bat tt>ott art fozp fn top otone place,anb toa tcbe foz a tpme,but
mt no,ano fuffteft f torn tbp bctt foi bet, lettbebeabesbepzeferuebat tbelaft*
ano f o batb be f&etoeo tb e her cleatnes, IrzeuectbelcHe 3 fatoe, tbat tbe bopce
aiiotbefapzcucBofbcrbetotpe* totnt not oute of bis beaoes , but from
anotbetfozelbao tbe temapnefn§ tbe mpooed of bps bobp ano J notm
felb,toberenoboufc is buploeo.jfoz J bzeb bis contracp fetbers, anb bebolo,
fcnetoe tbat tbe ^peft toouloe tyeto ttjcsf tbere toere epgbt oftbepm. J lot mo
into tbe,tbetfoje J commaunoeo tbee fteo , ano beboloe bpon tbe tigbte fpoc
to go into tbe feloe, tot)ere no founoact* tbere arofe one fetbet , anb rapgneb o<
on not buplbpng is* if 01 in tbe place uer all tbe eaetb*anb it t)appeneo3tbat
tobete tbe il^petttopli ojetoebps cptpe, toben it rargneO,tbe enoe of it came ,
tbete Qjall be no manncs buplopngc* tbt place tbe tof appeareo no moze»&o
netcte folotopng tlooe bp, ano rapg<
ano tbetfozefeare not,anb let nottbin tbe
beattebeaftapeo but go tbp
toape in, neo,auo bao a great tpme : ano it bap;
anb Te tbe giozpous anb fapze bupU penebjtbat tobc it rapgneb , tbt eno of
opnge,ano bo toe great it is , anb bo toe it came alf o,lphe as tbt fpzft, fo tbat it
great tbou tbpncKeft it after tbe mca« appeareo uo mote.
futeof tbpneepes,anbtben iljalt tbou Cben came toere a bopce bnto it,ano
beate as mncb as tbpne tares map co> faibt^eare tbou f» bad kept in tbt tttb
pzebeno»f oz tbou art bleffeD aboue ma fo longe,tbis 39 Tape bnto tbee , befoze
up otbcM art calleo toitt) f i^icu\as § tbou begpnneft to appear e no moze
^cre (I>an none afect
attcpnc tin^
fap bnto t&e : Js tt not tr)ou p* baft tije
40 tfu> t imc^bc* atofe tbe tbttD,^ taig •

bictoxp of tbe.iiii.beaftes,tob6 m?.beJ

neo as the other afoie , $ appeareb no> to raigne bpou eattb anb in mp tooxlb,
mote airo.&o tocnt <t tottn a( tfjc refi* anb that tbe enbe of tbetc tpmes mpgbt
one one after auotbct,fo that eucrp one come tljoxoto them?
caigncDj* tbcuappeateD uomoze. %\$£ 3lno tbe foutth came3 ano ouertoanne
31 IqHcd,?* benolo^tn pioccffe of tpme § all tbe beaftes tbat tocre paft , anb hub
f ecl;crs tfjat folo tuco toere ftt bp bpon potocr ouer the tooxlb toitb great fear*
the rpgbt fpbe,£ t^ep mpgbt rule alfo: f ulnes,anb ouec tbe tobole compaffc of
$fome of the ctilcD, but nmbin a tobtle tbe eactb toitb tbe mod toicfccb labour,
tfjep appeateo no moxerfox fome of the anb fo long tpme btoelt be bpou v cttb
mere Tet bp,butrulcb not.aif tec IW$ tovtb Dirceatc.anb tl)t earth bade" tbou
l0BC0,anD bcbolDe the.rtf . fetners ap --
UWtltD not toitb tenet h * fox tbou bad
peaccb nomoxe,* tfjc ttoo topnges: atiD troubleb tbe mefce , tbou baft burte tbe
there toas nomote bpou the Regies bo; peaceable anb qutete, tbou baft loueo
bi>,butttoobeaDcsp refteb,cifpjte ft* (pecs,anb beftcopeb tht btoellpngeg of
tbcts.<Ebenfato3|alfo,; tbep that bxougbt foxtb fcutc.anb baft
cbecs tocre partebinttoo,$ rcmapneD caftbototietbe toallesof fuchc as bpb
bnoet § fjcao,p toas bpo tbe rr gb t fibe, the no banner be rfoie is tbptoxongc*
C fox tbeaiii.cotiiiuebtntfretc placebo
bealpng anb biafpbempe come bp
31lofccbrfibiftolbe,tbcp£ toctc bnbec bnto tbe |^peft 3 anb tbp pxpoe bnto tbe
tbe tofnges.tbougbt to fet bp tftemf el* ^pgbtpe*cbe l^peft alfo batb looUeb
ties,$ to bane tbe rule, tcbe teas there bpon the pxouoe tpmes , anb bcbolbe,
one let bp, but tyoxtlpc it appear cbno> tbep are enbeb,anb tbepx abbompnaco
moxe,$ tbe fee onbe teas foonet atoape 011s ace fulfilleb.ainb tberfoxeappeare
tbeh tbe fitfUBnb J bebelb,^ lo,» no moxetbou aiegle,anb t\)i> boxrpble
thought aifo bp tbe fellies to raigne: 9 topnges,anb tt)p topcaeb tethers , anb
tohen tfjep fo thought bcboIb,ff;erc tea t^pbngcacpousbeabes,anb tbp fpu*
fteb one of tbe beabesp tocre at* full datees , anb all tbpbapnebobpc:
mclpjit that teas in $ miDbcff, fox (bat tbat tf;e cactlj map e be refreu^eo , anb
toastbegteafcrofthcjt.bcabes.auD come a«apne to Ijcc felfe, toban ibets
thru 3)(atec,that the ttoo fjeabes toere belpuereb f com tfy anb tbat
fr Heb teitb bim,s tfje beab teas turntD fljemape hope fox tbe iubgement anb
fcb the" tfjat toere bp bpm , $ atebp §ai. meccpofbimtbatmabe bee*
buocr toi uges, $ teotjlD ha u e ratgneb. CCbe^rucnaptec*
23 ut this beab put the tohole earth tit mn bappeneb toben p 1 po
it %
fearc,auD bare rule in it, otter alltbofe Ifpabctbefetooxbcs bnto tbe
t btoclt bpou earth \b much labourer 3Rcgle,3! fato,anbbebolo,tbe
feenab tbrgoucrnaunce or the tooxlbe, [oeab tbat befoxc bab tbe bp»
oner a II the foulcs that bane bene. 3f« perbanb,appeareb no moxe:netber bpo
tec this 3 lofceb,* bcholo ,thc beab that p four topuges appear c a munoxc, that
teas in tbe mpbbeft , fooenlp appearcb came tobtm,anb toere fet bp to raigne:
no moie,lifce as tbe rtungesrtheu came anb their bpngbome toas una! anb ful
tbe ttob ijeabes,tobicb ruleb bpo ettr), of b pxou r e. aiiiD J fa tec , anb bebolbe,
anb ouec tbofe $ btoelt tfjertn. %nt> J tbep appeareb no moxe, anb tht tobole
jd bebcl^anblOjtbe beab bpon tbe right bobpeoftbe ?f'eglc toas bxent, anb tbe
fpbe,beuoureb it that teas bpo tbe left cartb toas in great fcare. £hcn atoa»
fpbe.3nb3 beacbea bopce,tobtcb fato beb 3 out of tbe tcaunce of mp mvnbe,
bnto mejlofeebefoxe tbe, anb confpbie anb fcom gceat fearer fapbe bnto mp
the tbpnge that tbou fepft . %t)tn 3f fpictc: io,f()is baft tbou geucn me, in
fatoe,anb b tbolb ,as it toere a Ipon that tbat tbou featcOeft oute tbe toapes of
toacetb , tertnpnge foaftelpe oute of tbe tbcI^peft:Ioe,pet am 3 tocecp in mp
tuobbt ,anb be fent out a mannts bopce mi\\D& bcri? tocafee in mp fpxetc,« litlc
bnto tbe 3!eg!c,anb fapbe:lSjeare tbou, ftregtb is tbereiu me,fox§ great fcace
3 toi! talfcc toitb tbc.anb tbe l^tcft Ojal tfcat 3( ccceaueotbfs npgnt.cUecfoxe
€€M* topi)
--I —Jr.

topn^notoe befcc^e tfyc ^prlf ,tf»at fjc topekebnes agaptie,anD tbat (ball per*
topi! comfo^tteme bnto tbe eiiDe,auD 3f foutme ano ftiuu> bis laft.3lnD toncte
fapD,HoiDc>)Lo.zDc,pf 3 baue founbe as tbou fatocuVbat tbe great bcao ap*
grace befoze tbp Cpgbt,sif 3 am iufii* pcareo no moze , it ftguttietb,tbatone
fte& tettb tbe befoze manp otbec,$ if mp of tbem (ball ope bpou bis bcb,auD pet
pzaper be come bp befoze tbp face,coui toitbpapue,foz tbe ttoo tbat cemapne,
f dzt me tben,atiD flje toe me tbp reruaut ft/allbe flapnetoitb tbe ftoeatoc. jfoz
tbeintccpzcracionauDplapneDiffrccce tbe ftoeatoe of tbe one Cball Deuoure
of tbis boirible fpgbt,tfjat tbou mauft tbe otber,but at tbe taft Qal be f al tbo;
per fectlp cofotc mp I oulcrfot tbou ball roio tbe ftoearo b 1m f elf e.

tuDgcDmetooztbp,totyeujmc tbelaft 3Dnotobereastbou fatoeft ttoobip

oftpmeg, Dertot nges bpo t^z beaD,tbat is en tbe
31no be fapD bnto me: this is tbe m? rigbtfpoe,itfigntfiet:>tbatt't tstbep,
fetpzetacpon of tbis fpgbt* Cbe aoegle tobome tin l&pcft bat!? kept bnto tbtpi

»<i«.7.a. tobom tbou come Dp fro tbe fea,

fatoeft cud e: tbis is a f mall kmgDomc,anD ful •

is tbe kpngDome*tobtcbe bias fine in of troublcCbe ipon tobcm tbou fato*

tbebfftou oftbptyotbec darnel, but eft rpfpnge bp oute of tbe tooooe , ano
23 it teas not erpofioeD bnto btui,foz nolo rearing,anb f peaking bnto tbe icgle,
it unto tbe*BebolD,tbe bates
Ifoeclare ano rebukpnge bun foz bps bnrtgbtu*
come,tbattbere (ball tpfe bpa kpng* ourneiTe,is tbe topnDf,tohpcbtbe fctcft
Dome upon eattb ,anb it fball be f careb batb kepte foz tbepm aio foz tbeir toicf
aboue al tbe kpngbomes tbat toere be* kcDnefte Unto tbe enDe:be u)all repzoue
i oze it.3Jti tbe Tame kingbonie Qjai.jcit* tbepm,anb rente tbepm afunber befoze
fcpnges rapgne one after anotber.f 0; tbem. Joz be (ball fet tbepm Ipupng be*
tbe feconne (ball begpnne to rapgne , 9 f oze tbe tuDgemcnf ,ano (ball rebuke

Opal baue moze tpme tbe tbe otber, ano tbcmrfoz tbe refioue of mp people u)al
(bis Do tbe.jcii. toinges fpgntiie,tobtc& beDelpuertoitb trouble, tbofe tbat be
tbou fatoeft. 3fis foz cbe bopce $ fpake, pzeferueb ouer mpne enoes:anD be fbal
ano tbat tbou fatoeft go oute from tt)z make tbem topfull butpl tl)t commtug
beaoes but not from tbe boDpe,tt beto* of tinDap of iuDgemet s tobcrof J baue
feenctb,tb?.t after tbe time 0: tbat king fpoken bnto tbe from tbe begpnnpugc.
DometbetefyaU arpfegreate ftrpupn* 'Cbis is tbe Dzeame tbat tbou fatoeft,^
ges,anDitft)allftanDe inpareli of fab tbts is tbe inter p .etacpon. Cbou onlp
Ipngmcuertneletle tt (ball not pet fall, baft bene mete to knotoe tbe fecrete of
but fljal be ret into bis begtnntng.lnD oftbei^peft.
tbeepgb'c bnoertopnges tobtcbe tbou Cberfoze toztte all fbefe tbpnges t^
Catoeftbange bnto tbe topnges of bint, tbat tbou baft ft nc in a boke, ano bpee
betoften, tbat in bimtbtre ajall atpfe tbem,anD teacb tbe tbe topfein p ptot
cpgbt kpugc0,tobofe tpme Ojall be but ple,tobore bertcs tbou knotoeftmap tdi
f mail ,ano tbepz peare ftopfte, ano t mo pzebcuDeanDkepe tbcfe fecretes . s>ut
of tbem Otja I beate*©ut toben tbe mi t toapte tbou bete rftp fclfe pet feuctt
Deft time c5mctb,tbete ttjalbe.tiiukept Dapes moo,tbat it map be u^eioeo tbe,
in p timc.toben bps tpme begmnetb to tobatfoeuer it pleafetb tbe ©peft to De*
come $ it map be enoeo 4 but ttoo Ujalbe dare bnto tbc^uDtoitl) tbat fyewentz
kept bnto tbe cnoc. bistoap*
Hud mbere as tbou fatoeft tbze bea 36nD toben all tbe people perceaueb,
£ besreftpng,tbia tstbe tnterpzetaci5: tbat tbe f euen Dapes toere paft,^ Jnot
j n bis (aft iljai tbe i^pett rapt e b p tbze come agapne into tbe cptte,tbep gatbe*
kpngbomes ano cal manp againe into ccd tbem altogetber from tt)t left bnto
tbe umtbep mall baue tbe Dominion of tbe moft,anD came bnto me , ano fapD:
tbe cartb,ano of tbofe tbat d toe! tbec* I tobat baue toe oftenbeo tberanbtobat
rn,toic b mticbe laboure aboue all tbofe euel baue toe Done agapnft tbe, $ tbou
tbat toere befoze tbepm* cbetefoze are f ozfakeftbs,9 ft tteft bete in this placec
tbep caltcDtbe ncaocs of tbe3CegIe:foz foz of al people p onelp art lefte bs,as
it is tbep tbat Ojall bzpnge foztb bPS a grape of § t»ne,auD as a canoeil ina
tf€to#& $*iw
Datcfce place,ahbas an tmttcn $ &>ppe frapeb,pet Btitft t&ep fpghc. 0euecthe
pxerecueb from the tcmpeft , i^aue toe les tobe be fa to p t ear; ncs s bioleuce of
not els aDucrftte pnougb , but p mud? £ peopie 3 bc netber ipf t bp bis baub no*
foxlaKe tief&jcte it not better fox bs, bcioc f toeroe,nox aup toeapen:but ene<
tbat toe bao bene bxent toufj £>ioiif jf ox lp(as 3B fatoe)be rent out of bis moutb
toe arc 110 bctter,ebcn tbep poicbtbcce: as tt bab bene a blatt ot fpxe > ano oute
ano tbep toepte toitb louoe bopce. %t)i of bis Ipppes tbe \opnos of tb e flamine:
anftoereb3!tbcpm,aub fapoc : jbc of anboutofbtstongebecade out (par?
goob cDinf oxte , £> Jfcacll, auo be not ke# anb ftouncs,f? tljep toete all mpjcte
feeup tbou houfc of jacob:f ox tbe^ieft togetbernbe blair of fpze,tbe topnbe of
bathe you tti cemembxaunce, auo tin tbe flammes,anb tbe great flozmc ; anD
s^pgbtp batb not foxgotten pou te% m fel tottb a ruu> bpon tbe people, tobicb
tacion,3!s fot tm,3 banc not foxfaaen teas pxeparco to fpgbt anb bzent them
pou,neptbet am 31 bepacteb from pou: Dp cuerpebone :fo that oftbc tnnumc*
but am come into this place to pxape, table multttuoe tbetc toas notbpnge
becauf e of tbe mpfetpe of Jfraell, that fene, but onelp butt aim f mo &e ^ben
3 mpgbt feae met cp fox the to toe eftate ]B fatoe tbiS, J teas afrapeo.
of pout <£>anctuacp.3nb noto go pour 3ftettoatD fato 3 tite fame man come-
toap e fcome euctp man , ano after tbefe mountain e,^ calipngbn ?
to ton fro tbe *

bapes topll 3 come bnto pou . ^0 t\)t to hmi another peaceable people : anb
people toent their toape into tfje cptte, there came much people bnto hi : tome
lp ac asj commautibeb tbcmrbutj tt> toete glab.fome toete foxpe,fcme of the*
mapneb ftpll in tbe fcioe fcucti bapes, toete bounoe,fo that tljep toete caneo
as the ^ugell bab me.* aub 3 ate ouclp ano brought foxtb.
oftbefloutesof tbefelbe,anbbabmp tcbe toas3Jf tea tboxoto great fcate,
mcateoftyefietbesin thoreoapes, &\toji atoafteo^ fato:^ baft tyetoeb tbp
f ecu a ut all tbp toobers fro tbe begpn>
C€$e»jclii.C&aptec» npng,5 baft counteb me tooxtbp, f tbou
mpgbteftteceauemp pxapeu^etoe me
$bftbappenebaftetg noto ptt p intetpxetacto of tbts bxeame,
letieu ,0
o:ca< fo» thus 3 confpbxe f n mp bnoerftan>
mcbabxeamcbpmgbt* Ding: floo bnto them that ft^albe left in
3i«>Dl)cfjolD, tfjercatofe tbofe bapes:anb muche moxe too bnto
a topnoefto tbe fca, that them that ate not left bebpnbc:foz tbep
... itmoucballtbcfloubes not left,toete in bculncs
tf;at tocte
tbetof . 3tiD
lo&eb , anb bebolbe,tbe
3( ^otoe bnbetftanbe J the thpngeff
man teas ftronge anb tncteafco \oitf) that ate (apeb bpm the latter bares,
tbcclouoep of beuemanD toben be tur* tobicb fbaf happen bnto , ^ to tbofe
neb bis couittenaunce to confpbet all that arc not leftebchpnbe « Cberfoxe
the tbinges tre"bleb § tocte fene bnbec arc tbep come into great parelles , anb
bimtanbtoben the bopce toent outeof manpe ncceflpt pes , \pkt as tbefe bxea#
bis moutb,al tbcp bxent tbatbetb fnm, mes bf dare, ^et is it eafier that be .

ipfce as tbe ettb toben it feletb tbe fit** tobicb fufTcctb butt, come in tbefe, thi
after tbefe 3 f atoe , 3 bebolbe, ttytt topalTeatoapeasa cloube otitcoftbe
tons gatbeteb together a multttube of t»axlb,anb notoe to fe tf)t tbpnges thai
menoutofuombxe from tbe.iiii.topn* fl)all happen tiuhelaft.
oes of tbe beauen,to fpgbt agapnft tbe Cbcn anftoereb be me, anb fatbtftbe
man ,t bat came out from tbe fea. acnD Cutctpxctacton of tbe fpgbt fl)al Jdjeui
3loaeb,anb bebolbe, be graueb bpm the, ano 3 topi! open bnto tbe, p tbpng
felfe a great mounrapue, anb ftetoe bp that tbou baft requireb. fox tbou haft
bponit* 28ut3 toouloebatte fene tbe fpoaenof rbem that ateteft bebpnbe,
bozoer ox place , toberout tbe bpil bias anb tbps is tbe tntetpxetacpou*
grauen,anb3fcoubenot. i*>e that tabctbatoape the pacel! ill

31 f atoe after tfjefe,^ all rr)ep tobicb tbar tpme,batb feepte bim felfe* chep
came to flgtjt agaiuft bmi>toecefoje a* tbat be fallen in to barme,are f uche ns
€€*H\t* baui
baue tocnfces anb faptfi bnto tbe moae fepnge Of HiTitia tofec pzefoner,anb cm
tnpgbtpimQto tfjis tbctfo it, tbat tbep tpeb tbem ouer t\a toatet,anb fo came,
tobtcb be left bebpno,ate mow blcfreo, tbep tntoanotberlanbe.
tbe" tbep tWbe Deao. €ins 19 tfje »nra iSut tbep gaue tbem tin's counfell,g
upng of the biff on aopbete as £ fataelt tbep u^oulb leauetbe tnultttuoe of tbe
amancommpnge bpfcom tbe ocpeof ^catben^anb to go roztb into a fattbtc
efteffa/bcfdmeisfjc tobomc dDODtbe countrepjtoberc nc tier manHtab Dtoelt;
$peft batb feeptea great f eaf en,tobtcb tbat tbep mpgbt tbete feepe tbeir ftatu?
bp f?C3 ottme felfe ifcai belpuec bis ctca tcs,u»btcb tbep neuet kept in tbeit otott
titcc,attobe u>all ozoze t be tbat are left lanbe* 3no fo tbep entrco in at tbe na*
bebpuoe. $110 tofyete as thou ratutft, totoe parages of tbe toatct of cupbza*

£ out of bis raoutb trjece came a blade tes,anb con OjctocD tokens foz tbepm, *a
of topnoe.f rie o«u ftozme, 9 r>otec tbat * ano bclDf dpi tbe floube til tjjep tocte f£*JJ£
be Ipft bp nether ftnearoc no: toeapon, paffeb ouetifoz tbozotoe tbat counttep
but tbat tbe rufbpng mof btm beftrot* there toas a greatt toape , namelp of a
CD tbe tobole multptuoe , tbat came to peace ano a balf e toutnep, fo* ttft fame
fpgfjt agapnftebpm: it figtuftctb.tbat tc g von is callcb afatctb^ Cben btoelt
C tb«bapciB(come,toJ)a:n0ODtDpIoclpuec tbep tbete bnto tl)t latter tpme:$ tobeti
(betbatarebpoaeartb>^tna traunce tW
came f Ojttb agapnc, tbe $pe(i Q)nl
of mpnbe Ojai b* come bpon tbem,tbac boloeftpiitbe fp^pnges of tbefttcame
btoell in tbe eattb»3nb one fiial bnbet* agapne,tbat tbep map go tbototo.tbec/
cake to fpgbt agapnft anotbet,onecttp foze fatoeft tbou tbe multptutt( toptb
agapnft a uotb c c,one place agapnft an* peace* ainb tbep tbat be Itfte bebpnoe
otb«,one people agapnft anorber ano oftbp people, ate tr)ofe tbat be f ounce

one realme agamft anorbec « aebe tb is tottbin mp boioet. Botoe toben be oe;
commetb to pau"e,tben fnal tbe tokens fttopctbt'be multptuoe tbat is gatbe>
come,tbat3!0)etogD tbe before :&tben teDtogetber,bc(ball befenbe bps peo*
Ojall mp fonne be beclateb,tobom tbou pie tbat trmatne,anD tbenu>lbe fbete
fatocft climme bp as a man.aiiD toben tbemgriattoonbets.
all tbe people beat c bis b opt e , euetpe HDbenfapoc J 1 lo;bet t,o^oe,
man iball .ntbcito ton laubt leauetbe fl^etoemc tbfs:tobecefow baue ftne J
battaplltbat tbep bane one agapnfte tbemancomming bp from tbe Depe of
anotbet,anb an imiumerable mulrttuD tbe f eaf . no be fapoe bnto me: %ike as
(balbe gatbetco togctbecas tbep tbat tboucanft netbec (eheoutenoj ttnotue
betopltpnge to come ano foouetcome tbcfe tbtnges tbat aretn tbe Depe of tbe
btm bv fpgbtpngc.isut befyaU ftanDc (ea,euen To mapeft tbou not femp foti,
bpon tbe toppe of $ mount &pon.^e< 01 tbofe tbat be tottb bim,but u\ § time
uettbeleffe ^lonfljall come,auo ftalbe of tbe oape. -qtbis i$ tbe tntetpzetaciott
ri)etocb,bepnge pzepareb ano bnploeb of tbe bzcame tobicb tbou fatorft, tbetn
foz all men,lpfce as tbou fatocft tbe bpll toze tbou onelp act bete (pgbteneb ; fo;
graucn f onb toitbo tit anp baoes 23 nt tbou bade fozfaHen tbpne otone la toe,
mpfonnetyalltebufce tbe people tbat ano applpco tbpbplpgence bnto mpne,
ate come f 0; tbejc topcaebnes, tottb t\)t ano fought it.* chp ipf e baft tbou 024 tj^
* •*u,•'
tempett 3 anbfoitbe<c euell pmagpna* b2ebtntopfoom,anDbaftcalleD bnbec*
cpone:anD tbcic pat ties tobettottb tbep ftanoing tbp motbcc,anb tbctfoze baue
fbalbe punpObeb,atc ipfeeneb bnto tbe 3 fbetoeDttjee tbe rccafute of £ typeQ*
ftamme:anb toitbout anp laboure,fball after tbzc bapes J top! tbe moie,'
tt)t to

be beftrop tbem,euen bp tbe lato 3 tobtcb ano talhe tottb tbe moze at lacge : pea,
t& compaceo bnto tbe fire. beupanb toonoerous tbtnges topUJ
anb tobete as tbou ratocft ,tbat be Declare bnto tbe.
gatbeteo anotbec peaceable people bn* Cben toeuti fozth into tbe fctoe,gtt
to bimttbofe ate tbe ten ttpbc&tobicbc uing pzapfe ano tbanhes gteatlp bnto
taerc catpco atoape pzpfoners oute of <S5ob,bccaufe of tbcfe toonoets tobicbe
*.«f.f .«. tbtic otone lanbe,tn * tbe tpmt of 4>fe* bem in ttme^ betaufe be gouccnetb $
as tbe fepnge, tobo £>almauafac tut fame aanb fucbae is tn tprac,s tbere j
fiftftojag, HfoUfll
totmt mt&l
f[J€be.pM *€n&ptet.
tow,! WW as
dcd me,ano refoucme tbe people tohic<>
thott haft commaui
©e6(ippcattt^ttHtocn>w9uuocbna)c,««6 ate p cfeut.i5ut tfjcp tbatihaibe bozne

©ctocrypmtooar <va»iii». after toatDe^o u»p« crhoitc oz rebutte

3 [p^3^^'^ on tf> e rt ^&
e &ape J tfjenir'CfjustfH'iBOitoe
is let moated*
H latte tmoct an ofce tree, nes,ano tbep tbat otoel tbcriu, are tottfo
then came thereabopce out Ipghte: foz tbp latoe
is fcpnoico, be*
Onto me out of tbe bu(^, caufc no man bnotoetb the tblnaes that

^uo fapoe:Cfoza0,£f* aceooneoftbe^oztbatOjalbeoonc/ie*

. )zasf 3,'no J fapoe:bere haue founoc grace befoze tbe (cnoetbe
am 31 2lozoe,auo ftooe Dp bpon mp fete, bolpe goofte into me,ano 3 Mil tozpte
Chgepa&ehebntomerjntnebufyopo ail that bathe bene Done in the toozloe
Tflappcte bnto i3^ofes,anD talaeo toitb fens tbe beginning^ tobicb teas toiptte*
Ijpuijtoben mp people ferueotn egpptj in tbp latoe,that men map fpnoe i> path*
aim J fen t hpm,ano ieb uip people oute ano that thep tobicb \opl iput in tbe iat*
of Cgppte, ano bzoughte htm bpon the cer oapes,map iptie.
maunte fcion, tobece | bclD him bp me amo be anftuereo me,raping:©o tbp
a longe feafon, ano toloe hpm mp toon* toapc,gathec tbp people together . ano C
Decous toojtcfee«,ano Che tor o htm tbe fe* fape tmto them, that thep fefee thee not
ctetesorthetpraesanot&e enoe,ano«0,butloBet&ou gathetma*
tommaunoto him,fapinge: cbefe tooz* np bote tree©, ano tafce toitb $ &atca
oes Omit thou oeclace,ano nothtoe tbe* ©abzia.&elemta, Cchauua ano aital!
31n0 notoe 3 tape bnto the,that thou lap theie fpue , tohiebe ace rcaope to toiptt
bp in thine heart the oicanw that tbotr ftopftlp, ano come bptfaec, ano 1 (hail
baft fene,ano the interpretations tobicb fpgbte a canole of bnoetftanopuae its
31baue (hetoeo the:foz tbou fyalt be m tbpne bette,tobich fyal not beput oute,
ecaucoofall,tbou(haite betucueoano tpiltbethpnges bepetfoucmeo tohieb
remapue toitb mp coucel,ano toitb fucb tbou fibalt begpnne to tozpte. ano then
as be Ipfce the, imtpll tbt tpmes bee en* n^alte tbou oeclace fome tbpnges open*
beo.f oz the toozloe hatb loft bis poutb, b?bnto the perfecte, ano fome thpuge0
ano tbe tpmw bt^pnne to toajce otoe. ©alt tbou u>toe fecretlp onto the toitfe*
f oz the tpme is oeuioco into ttoelue par <co mozoto tbi0 boucc (halt tbou beapti
tes.ano Un pattesoftt are gone al tea* to to zpte*
op,anobalfcoftbe tenthepacte:petce* Chen tocnte 3f foztherashecom*
mapnetb there , the tohpcb ^ aft« ty maunoeo me)anD gat^eceo al the people
halfe oftbe tenth parte. togetbec,ano fapomeace thefe toozoes
© Cfterefoze pzepace $ ozOze tbp boufe, ^> Jfraell : £>urc father0 from the be*
ano refoutme tbp peoplc:comfozte fuch gpnapnge toece ftcaungero m <lPgppte,
of them as be lit trouble : ano tell notoe trome tobence tbep toere oelpuereo, ano
of tbe oefttucciomlet goo fro me § moz* tcceaueo the la toe of Ipfe, tobiche tbtp
tall tbougbtesreaft atoap tbe burthens feept not , tobicb pe alfo baue ttanfgref*
of mamput of the tocaltc natute:lape bp feo after them.^hen toas this lano ano
in fome places the thoughtes that are the lanoe of ^pon parteo among pou
moft h*op bnto the,ano baft s tbe to flpe op lotte to poOcOe mt pour fathers
ftome thefe tpmes : foz f uche euell ano ano re poure felues alfo haue Oone on*
totcaeoneffe as tbou haft noto fene hap* cpghtuournes, ano haue not fcepte the
SSUtl pen^all tbep oo pet much toozffe.* If oz toapes tobiche tbe japeft commaunotn
t^e toeaftet that the toozioe ano tbe time pou.Hno foz fo much as be is a tigb tu<
<s,fhe moze ©all fpnne ano toicfeeoneffe ous <uoge,be tohe from pou iiitpmc tbe
tncttafe, in them that o toel bpon earth, tbtnge tbat he hao getien vou.ino noto
foz tbe ttuetb is fleofatteatoape, ano art pe here ano poure bzethzeoamonge
Uafpngetsbaroe atbanoe. foz notoe pou.cherfoiepffobetbatpetopllfub*
bafteththe bpfpon to come, that tbou ouepoutotooebnoerftanoinge,anDre4
baftc fene. f ourme pour bearte,pe mail be fcepte a*
fCfai»anftoere03IanOfa?oe:$eboio Ipue, ano after ocathe (DaKpeoptepne
-.„ CC»o* metcp*
metep. #ot after Death fijall the iuDge* 31 topll bzpng plages Upon the toojIDe,
meut come,tofjen toe O^aCI Ipue agapne: tbe ftoctoe,bongcc,Deatb ano Dettrucci*
anD then Cball tbe names of tf>c cpgbtu* on,fo z topcKeDnes batb the tippet bano
eus be mantfeft, ano tbe names of t&e tn al tbe eattb,anD tbcir f&ameful tooz*
tmgoDlp toitb tfjett tuoickcs ftjal be De< fees ace fulfplleo.

claceD.ket rto man tbe'cf oze come notoe "Cfjecf oje fapctb the tojtDe :3topll

Unto me, uozaffctanpe queftionatine bolDemptongcnomozebntotbeictow*

do fo bngoblp:nep
$ fctDneffe,tobtcb tbep
&>o 3 tofte tbe fine men(as be com* tbec topll J fuffec tbem tu tbe thpuges,
£> that tbep oeale tuitb al fo topcbeolp,©e
maunDeD me)5 toe toent in to tbe feloe,
anD remapneD there. Cbe nerte Dape a bolDe,*tbc innocent blouD oftbetcou*
bopce calico me, fapinge:cf ozas,open bleb ccpetb bnto me , ano tbe routes of JEJJJ
tbp motttbe , ano Dzwcfce trjac 3 geue tbe tigljtuous complapne contpnuallp:
tbe.Cb*n opened 3 mp moutbe,anb be* ano tbercfoze ( faptb tbe £®»©<£) 3
f)olDe,ijcteacbc&meaftillcuppe,tobtcb topi fureipaue*ge,anDeeceaue bnto me
teas full of toater, but tbecolouce of it al£ innocent blouoftom among tbeitn
teas Ipae fpze.ainD 3tone it 5 ozancfee. *©ebolD,mp people is leD a* a ftocfc
3BnD toben 3 bao Dzonchen it,mp btacte of tyepe to be flapne , 3 \opll not fwffte
bao bnDecftanDlng,anD toifoome gteto tbem noto to Dtoell in Cgppte, but topll &fi+£
in mp bzette:foz mp fpicite toas fccpte in bzpnge tbem out toitb a mpgbtp banbe, < *owu«.t»

remembzaunce, ano mp moutbe toas o< ano a fttctcbcb out arme , ano fmpte it
peneDanDaMtnomoze.qDb*^i*ftgaue toitb plages as afoze,anD topll Deftcop
tmDecftanopng Unto tbe fpue men,tbat all tbe lance of it. Cgppt $ali moutne,
tbep tozote tbe bpctbfnges of the night, ano the founoac tons of it u^albe frnpt*
tobtcbe tbep o nocrft ooe not. out tn tbe ttn toitb tbe plage ano punt$ment,tbat
npgbt tbep ate bzeao:as f ot me,3 fpafee <goo Cbal bzpng bpon iu
Intbeoave, anbbelDenotmptouge bp WP
that tpll tbe grounbe, D>dll
nigbt.311. icl.Dapcs ,tljcp tozote ttoo bun : f 01 tbxic feoes fyall be Dettcop

DWDanDfoure bekes. eotbozetotbeblafttngeanb baple, ano

anDitbappcncDtoncnthe.yl.Dapcs anboztpbleftacre.aDOOtooztbtbetoozlD C
toece f ulfplleb,tbat tbe ^teft Cpahe,fap* ano tbem tbat Dtoel tbetin,foz the ftoeeD
i nge:Cbc fP?ft tbat tbou baft tojptten, ano tbep? befttuccpon oiatoetb npe,au6
fpeafte openlpe, tbat tbe toojtb? ano bn one people fyal ftab bp to fpgbt agamft
tooitbpmapcrcocit. ©utbepetbclrr. anotber, anbrtocrDesintbep?banDes»
lalte , tbat tbou mapeft u^etoe it onelpe f oz men (ball be bnftebfaft , ano fome
to f ucbe as be topCe amonge tbp people* njall do bpolence bnto otber : tbep u)all
5foi tn tbem is tbe fpipnge of bnoerfta* not regaroe tbep? btng ano pzpnces,tbe
tpnge, tbe f otiutaprie of toifoome, anD toapes of tbepz Dopnges 9 banDltnges
tbe aceame 01 fenotolebgeanb 3 did fo. fljalbein tbepz potoer.3 man Qjai otfpze
ITCbe »jcb,cbapter. to go into tbe cptp,anbu>altiotbeable#
iri)cputSmcntr!,atcttcitpcopie©aii^uc £oj btcaore ortftm pzpbe tbe cptpes
to5ict»c«5oacoin.nau«D«o cn>Ms toftjem bnto Q)albe bzougbt in feare,tbe boufes tynl
tocm. Qjafte, ano mental be afrapcD. 3 man
rCboloe, rpeaae tbou in Q)al baue no pitp t>pon bis neigbboure,
tbe cares of m? people but one tyallpzouohe another bnro bat
tbe toozbes or pzopbtcp, tapll to fpople t^tpf, goobes beeauf e of
,tobicb topll put in tbp tbebona;erofbzeaD,anobccaufeoftbe "

jmoutbe,faptb tbe ^ozb: gttat trouble.

3$ caufe tbem to be toypt' eeboloe, 3 gather anD call togcibe*
tm in a lettet,foz it is tbe truetb.f eare all tbe apnges of tbe eartbe tobicbf are
not tbe pmagpnacions agapnfte thee, f torn tbe bprifpnge, ftom t^e ^outbe,
letnotthebufaptbfulnesoftbemttoui ftom tbe Cafte ano Upbanusto turne^
ble tbe,tbat fpeafee agapnft tbe.jfoz all tnto tbem, anb reftoze tbe tbpnges tbat **
the tmfaptbfull u^ali uptin tbepz Km tbep baue geuentbem.Xpbe as tbep Do
fapthfulnes^eholDe i a^tb tbe jiojb*, ^t tbp0 Dape bnto mp cbofeiijfo topU %


ooatfo, anotecompenretbem mtbepz n>al come bpon them.

bofome. chug fapetb ttje jLozoe <eoo: ano then u)ai tfjere come gteate rai*
apP tpghte bano Ojail not fpate the fm< ties fro tfje ^>otJtu ano from tbe B°*tb,
iiets,ano mp f unto diall not ceaife ouct ano patte ftomtbe icgeft, ano from tb«
tbem, tbat Cbco tbc innocent biouD bpo ftoimp wpnoe ftom tbe vcaae,ano tyzil
eattbe.^be feare is gone out from bps fl>utetl;cm bpagapne, ano tbe clouot
tozatb,anD batbe coniumeo tbe f ounoa- wbicbe be tapfeo bp mwjatbeano tbc
cpons of tbc eartb,ano tfje fpnnets like ftatrc tocaufefcace to waroc tbe Caf«
the ttratoc that is fcpnoieo. *x>o woztbe and *cea wpnoe, Ojalbe Defitopeo:anD
tb em tbat fpnnc, an D fcc p c not nip com < tbe greate clouoes Ctjalbe Ipfte bp, ano
inaunDcmcntcs,faptb tbe XLozDc.J wpl tbe mpgbrp clouoes full of wzatbe, ano
not fpate tb em.© poute wape pe cbpk tbe fiatre , tfjat tbep mape maKe all tbt
Dzcn from btolcnce,DeftU not nip &auc cactbeafcapcDoftbemtbat DWciUbet^
cuatp : foj tfje fcozoe fcuowctb all them in, ano tfjat tl)ip mape poute oute outs
that rume agapuft bun ,ano tbetfoze oe* all places an boznbie ftacce, rpze aim
Ipuerctb be tbem Unto Deatbe ano De; baple ano ftptnge ftoetbes , and manpe
fitucctou: jf 0; now ace the plages come watets:tbat a(| feioes map be full, ano
bpon theU)oi!Dt } anD pefyall cemapne all rpuits,anb tbep $all bzcafcc ouwu*
in tbem.jfoz boo Ojall not celtuce pou tbe cptiesaiiDWalles } mountapnes ano
beta urc pe Ijanc Cpnneo agautft bim. bplletf ,all ttees a woo, ano tfje gtaffe of
€ 2bebolo, an bozctblc biliou commetb tbemeooWes 3 anD all tbep; f tute. 31 na
from the Cade , wbete gene tactons of tbep (I)aJl goo aeabfafle bnfo ©abplon,
£>zagons fl^ai come out,anD the people ano make bet aftateo,tbcp fbai come to
ot the airabes witb manp cbarette&ano bet ano befegt bet: tbe ffatce ano all
toe multptuDe of them fljalbe as the wzatb fljai tbep poute out bpon bet.
jopnoe bpon ca ttbe, that all tbep wbtcb CbeiiqjaUbeDuftanDfmo&figobp «
bearc tbem cagpnge in their- wzatb,map bnto tbe beauen, ano all ttjep tfjat be a< ^
fca te ano be afcapeb : ano as tfje wptoe boute bet,ft)al bewapfe benano tfjep v
boies oute of the wood, To fljalt tbep go cemapne bnoet bet, Ojal Do fetupce bn<
oute, ano witb greate powet fjjall ibep to tbem that baue put bet in feare* Slid
come , ano ftanoe fpgbtpng Witb tbem> tbou 3ffta tbat comfozteft tbp felfe alfa
ano fljali tuafte the poicpou of t b e lanoc Upon tbe bope ofjgabplon, ano art a
oftbeMiuans* wozfljpp of betpecfoune:$co be bnto
2tm tfjen ftjal tbc Jszagons haue the tbe tbou wzetcbe, becauf c p baft e maoe
bppetbau&e, not temembzpnge ttyepz tbp felfe ipu bnto fiec, anb bafi oecftte
bpztbe,anfc ujall tucne aboute f wearing tbpoougbtecs in tQbozDome,tbat ttyp
togctbec in gteate powet , to perfecute mpgbttttumpbanopleafe tt)p louecs,
t&cm.jsui tbelc£balbeafcaieD,ar»D fcepe tobicb naue aiwap oefpzeo to committe
fplence at tbepi po wcc,auD CTjali fle:ano wbozoome witb tbe:tbbu baa foloweo
one out of tfjc lano of tfje aiffpziaus Gjal fabbomtnable cptpm all bee wozaes
befege them, ano confume one of tbem, ano tnucntpons*
ano in tfjepz boofte Cball be fcate ano 'Cbetfoje fapetfj <Bob:3f wpl! ftftbt
DzcaD.ano fivpfe among tbepz fepnges* plages tjpou tbe, wpODowboo,pouettj,
f ©cbolo clouoes ftom tfic Cade, ano bonger,waiTcs,ano pefttleute,to waae
from tbe £oztb onto thc^)OUtb,anD tbp boufes witb Dedtuccton ano oeatb,
tbcp are betp bozcpble to lo&e bpon 3fiiI ano tbe glozp of tbp power Ojall be b;u
of wzatb anb ftozme. €b cp (pall fmpte to bp as a floute, wbc tbe bcare atpfetfj
one bpon another, ano tfiep flfjall fmpte tbatisftntouettbe . <Lbon fyait be
at tbc great (facte bpon the eartbe ano fpek as a pooze wpfe tbat is plageo ano
tbepz ftatre,anD tbc blouoe ftyalbc from beaten ofwcmenjfo tbat tbe mpgbtpe
tbe fwero bnto tfje belp, ano tbe rmofce loner not be able to teceaue tfje«
of a man bnto tbe camels Iptter : 3!no bate tlx faptb tbeUozoci*
ijootiloe 3( fo
there ftjalbc great fearf utues ano teem* 31ftbou baooeff notalwape flapne mp
blpng bponcatthe, ano tfjep that fe the cbofeu, craltmigtbe fttokeoftbebaib
fauatlj^albe af tapeb 3 ano a trembling oes ; ano fapbe ouet tbett Dcatfje^tn^ert
thou urnft Djoncfcemfct foi© trie btutp not be af tapeD*- ^hel€>Ul3(£©alf
of tup countenaunce, tf»caten,aub toho©allnot bttetlpebe
%Uc retoatDe oftbp tofiojDomc ©aU beaten to pouloer at his p?cf enter- Che
be tecompenicD the in thp bofonic,tbet* eatt&e quafcetbe, anD the fouuoactons
rtahe^ f°J c $*** tbow t«*aue*retoarD. t[jctcof:tbc feaatp feth tip toitb toaues

cctoacfic H<&* as tgou baft Done Unto nip cbo* from tbeDepc, anD the ftouoes of it ate
ja fen (fap© the &01D ) en en Co ©all <5od Dnquiete anD the fp©es thcrof alfo be*
Do bnto the, ano ©all Dclpucc the tn to foze ©efto*De,anD befoze the glozpe of
the plagcflCbp chilDzcn ©al Dpe of f ion* of fits potoet* jf ot ftronge is hps rpght
get ,a no thou ©al t fal t bozo to the ftuerD naiiD that bolDe© the botoe,bts ato to ts
Cbpcptics ©albe bioaenDotone,anD that he ©oteth>ate ©atpe, anD ©al not
all tbpne ©al peep© toi th the (toe toe in muTcjtoiien thev begpnne to be ©ot into
the fclDe. <Ehep that be in the nio untap* tbecnDesoftbetoozlDe.
nes©al Dpcofbonget, anocatctbepz 23cholDe,tbc plages are fent,a«D ©al
otone flc©,$ Dipncfce tljepz otone blono, not turue agapne, tpll thep come bpon
foxberpbonget of bzcaoanD thpzft of earth. tCbe tn* is apnDleD,anD ©al not
toatec. Cboubnbapppe©altecome be put out, tpl it confume the f ounoaci*
tbozotoetbcTca, ano anbteceaucpia* one of § eartb.ltfce as an arroto tohicn
ges agapne. i^©ot of a mpgbtpearcber , returned
3jn the pau~agctbep©al caft Dotone not bac&toatD : eucnfo the plages that
tbe llapne cptp,$ ©al tote out one parte ©all be fent bpon eartf>,fl;all not turns
of tfjp lanDe,anD confume the pompon agapne^jQQO is me, too is me, teho topll
oftnpglo*p. Cbepu>altceaDtheootone Delpuer me in tijof c oapesr- Cbe begpn^

tpne ftubble, ano thep ©all be thp fpze npng of f020 toes anD great mournpng:
anD ©all confume the :thp cvtyes ano the begpnnpng of Dar© anD great Deth:
thp lanDe,tbp tooo anD thp f tutcfu! m>, the begpnnpnge of toarrcs, anDthe
C0 ©all ©*p butne bp tot© the fpze. potoets ©al ftanDe in fearetthe begpn^
Cup chilozen ©all thep carp atoap cap* npng of euels,anb thep ©all tremble e*
tpue, anDlofcetonat thou hade, thep uerp one* Xchat ©all J Do in there tfyin*
©all fpople it t anD matte tye betotpe of gcSjtoben the plages conief seholD,^5<
cbpface* ger,anD plage^rouble ano angm© are
CCb^btChapter, (ent,as fcoutges foi amenDement^ut
2CT)c ©catocit COallbepuupCOen. f o: all thefe tinges thep ©al not turne

3D be bnto the isabplon anD from thep; toic&eDne(Tes,not be alumpe

3Hfia,toobcbnto ©eCgppte tmuDcful of ©e fcoutges*
anD ^itiargpzD pour fclues: 2&ebolD,t>ptaplc£ ©aibe To gooD chepe C
jvitn clothes bt faefce^fjeete, bpon earth,©at thep ©al tbpneae thent
anD moutne foz, pour cbplD*en,be fozp, f el ties to be in gooD caferano euen then

fot pour Deftruccio is at banD.3 CtuctD ©all mpfcbcfe grotoe bpon earth, toat*
is Tent upon pou,anD tobo topi tnrne it tes,Dcttb ano greate Difquietnes* jfoz
back? f SJfpte is BpnDico amonge pou, tnanpe of them that Dtoell bpoueartbe
anD tobo toil quench uv }&lagesare fent ©al pert© of bonger,at© the other that
into poti,anD tohat is he that top! ozwe efcapc the hoger,©al the ftoerD Defttop:
©c atoap ^Ul^apanp man Dziueatoape ano tbt DeaD ©albe caft out as Donge,
an bongrie Ipon in the ujod t ®i mape 9thete©albenomantocomf02t tbetm
anp man quench tbe fpze in the ft ubblc, fot the ear© ©albe toafteD 3 ano ©e cU
toban it hath begonue to bur < <8£ape tpes ©albe caft Dotone: ©ere ©albe no
enc tnrne agapnc the atoto,©at is ©ot tn an left to tpll the ear© a no to f toe iu
of a ftronge archer*- fltqc mpghtp ftozD (Che trees! ©al geue frute,anD toho ©at
fenDett) the plages,anD what is he that plucne ©£ of 9 gather the.- cbe grapes
uipI Dip ae them atoapc Che fpie is bpni ©al be rppe,anD toho ©al tteaDe ©em^
DltD anD gone f oztbe in fits tozatbe, anD 5foz all places ©albeDefolate of men;
tohatts be ©at topll quench ft*- $e ©all fo that one man ©al Defyje to fe another
caftclpghtenvnaes, ano bono ©all not 01 to h car e lips bopce* ^0^ of one tohole
feare^e ©all ©oiioer, anD toyo©al! cptp ©ere ©albe tm lef tjano t too in the
f do e>lj
eb tyal f)toe them f clues in the
t 3BnD that occuppe tbepz marcbaun*
tbpciu bulges, anDtntbccipffcs of fro< Dpes inttb robbetpe, botoe longe beetle
nes:lpae as toben tfyete cemapne tbze 02 tbep tbetc ctttes,tbepz boufes, thepz pof
fou re olpucsbpon tbcolpue fre 3 oias feJTtons.anD petfonnes*' t\)e moze tapll
totj£» a tmuparDcis gatbcreo,tbcteare
3 Punntib tbem foz tbepz finncs,raeetb
lift fomc grapes, of tjem that Diligent* tbe &ozb* jUfte as an toboze cnupctt) an
1? fought ttjozoto the btnepato. bonefttooman , foujall tpgbtuoufnes
£, (Such fo in tijofc Daves tljece I^albc batewiquctp, \sl)m tye Decactb bet fe!f,
tbzc 02 fou re left, foz them that fcarcbe ano fljan accufe bet to her face, totyn be
tbepz boufes tottb trie f toerDe. ano t\yz commetb tbat befenbetb , tobtcbe tym
earth fljalbeleftetoafte, ano the felocs mafte tnqupftcton foz al! fpnne bpon
cbecoftyalltoare olDe:atiD fjec toapes cattb.HInD therfou be not pe Ipfce t\m*
ano al bee patties (Tjal groin ftif of tboz* unto,noz to tbe toozefees thetofcfoz oz u
ncs.becaufe nomanftyalltrauaplctber wait be longe, tniquite Ojalbe taben a^
thozoto.Cbcoougbtets fl)all moutnc, map out of tbe eattb, ano ttgbtuoufnes
haupng no bztDgr omesrthe toemen Obal ftalraigne among pou.
maae lamentacpon , baupnge no rjottf; %tt not tbe fpnnet fap tbat be batbe *
bauocs, tbepz Dougbters u>iil moutue, notfpnneo:foz coles of fpze a^ll butne
bautng nobelpe of tbepz bziDgtome.Jfn bpenbts beao, tobtcb fapetb befoze the
tbetoarces Oball tbep be DefttopeD,anD JLozoe (goo anD bis glozpe :
tbepz boufbanocs ffral pertflj of bougcr*
bane not
fpnneo.©eboIoe,tbe a.ozo fenoiwth all
I 4D pe feruauntesof the &ozDe,bcatc tt)t toozctoes of men,tbepz pmagpnacp*
thefe tbpnges , ano mareae them. 2$e< ons,tbepztbougbtes ano tbepz bettes*
fcolDe,tfte toozo of t&e ilozD, €> rcceaue fozbefpaftebut the inozb:letf eattb tf'wu*.
tt:bebolo,tbe plages ozato npe, ano are be maDe,ano tt teas; maoe : Ut t\)t fan*
not ttackc in taking. ipbe as a trance uen be mabe,ano tt teas maoe^n bps
Ipng tooman,tobicb after tbe.tjC.monetb toozo toete tbe ftattesmaoe,3 be ftnoto*
tfzpugctb t out) a fonnc, toben tbe boute ctb § nombze of tbem.^e featcbetb tbe
cf tbe bpztbe iscome, anhoutertoooi gtounoe of the oepe, anotbetteafutes
tbzc a fou that tbe papnes comebpou tbetof : be bathe meafureo the fea, ano
her boope,ano toben tbe chplD corumetb tobat it contepnetb.j|ebatb tyut the fea,
Co tbe bpztb, thtp tacp not tbe ttopneae* in the mpooeft of the toatets, ano to^tb
Ipng of an epe;<£uenfo fljal not tr)e pla< bps toozo batb be hangeo the eattb bp*
ges be flaefce to come bpon eattb,anD f on tbe toatets.^e fpzeoetb out tbe bea*
ioozloe (ball moutne, anb fozotoes Ojall mn Ipfec a batote,bpou the toasts batb
come tip on it on euetp fpoe. be founoeo it^n § oefette anb ozp \aiU
fl> mp people,beatDe mp toozo, ma&c oetnes batb be maoe fpztnges of toater,
<£ pou reDp to tbe battaplkano fn all euell ano poles bpon the top of the mountaf*
ico».«u be etunaspplgtems bpon earth.*l^e neSjtbatf flouoes mpgbf pouce ootonc
that f elletb,iet bun be as be $ flpc'tb bis from the ftonp tocaes to toater p earth*
to apt :anb be tbat bpetb,as one that toil l^e maoe man, ano put bis heart tn t^
iefe.acobofo occuppetb marcbaunDpes, mtDDcft of the boop,^ gaue bim bzeatb,
as be tbat not:anb be tbat butl
iiiinnctb life ano bnoeraanoing,pea,ano the [pu
betb,as be tbat (bal not Dteell tberin:be rite of the ailmpgbtp ©oo,tobpcb maoe
tbatfotoetb,as one that fl)al not reape: al tbpnges,ano batb fearcheo f gcewnD
he that ttopltetb the bpnepatoe, as be of all tbe f ectetes of the earth.
tbat fljall not gather tbe grapes : H)qy ^cfcriotoctbpotit pmagtnaciouss (S
tbat marp,as tbcp tbat ft)al get no clnU inucncpons ano tobat ptttynkt toben

DzetuatiD tbcp tbat matp not,as p topo< pe fpnne,ano tooulo hpoe pour fpnnes.
prM.ii7.f.botoes:anD tbetfozc*tbep tbatlaboure, i?Ebcrfoze batb the ftozb fearcheo ano
0w>««^t biabout in bapne JFoz ftraungers fljall fougbte out all pout toou^es , ano he
* reapc tbepz ftutes,anD fpoile tttm goo* Qjal betozap pou all 3(no \at)tn poure
De8,ouettbzoto tbepz boufes, anb tafce fpnnes are bzougbt fozth,peu^albe atya
tbepz cbplozeti captpue , foz in cap? mebbefoze mcnanop.our otone fpnnes
untie ano bong*t o^al tbep get cbpfoz^ £balbc poiir accufe ts tn that oap.xchat

topUpcoo:>£)£i)ototopllpebpoc poure ^Dbtab feas of tbe 3
fpunes before ©od auD bps aiuugels*' ttf be anc> cptpe of
33eJjolD 5 (Sob felt is tbe itiDge,feace /rlcpbtali, tobtebe
bun.leaue or fcom pouc annes,ano fcu« ipetbtntnebpecou
getpouc bnrpgbtuoufBefres, anome* iteeja; of ©aiile a*

Die nomoze tottb them:fo flial vS5oD leaoe boue $aafon tbe
pou f ortb,anD Dcitucc poh from al tcon* toape cotoacbe tbe
blc.ifoi bebolb,tbe beau of a great mul* Jjcccftjbaupnge tbe 3
Cptube is hpnbleb ouetpou, ano tbep cptp of ^epbet bpb'ti tbe left fpoe*
fjjalltafeeatoapecectapue ofpou, aim Cboiigbfte teas taken pzpfonec in
""•" '?«•
feDetbepble toitb ]|Dol8:auD tbep tbat tfje bapes*of £>almanafathpng of tbe
content tmto tbem, tyalbe bao in Deep 4 Mitians , neuectbeles bepng in captf *
fpon,IaugbeD to f cozne, ano tcoben tm= ulte,be foifofce not tnt toap of tcutb'.Jn
Dec Cote, (o inwcb tbat tobatfoeutc be mpgbt get,
jfoz tmto tbe places fyalbea
tfiere be pacteb it bapip tottb bis fel oto pzpfo*
v place ,anD in tbe nejet cp ties a great Uu nets anDbzetbzeii,tbat toeccof bis Mm
futteccion bpoti tr)ofe tbat react tbe ceD.2HnDtbougbbetxiere poungectben
S.OID Cb ep fyail be Ipfee mab men,tbep all tbetepbeof ^epbtalt, pet bpb not

fyal f p a ce no man: tb cp Ojatl fpople ano bebebaue bun felfe ebplbe0)[pe inbps
toaft ruct) as feate p fcoib,tbcic goobes toozeft eg *MD totyn al tt)e otber tocnt to
Ojal ti)ep taae fcom tbem,anb fb ot tbem tbe golben calues,* tobicbe Jeroboam aut^i.9.
outeoftbetc JjouCes. Cben fyall it bee tbe kpnge of Jfcaell bab maoe, be bpm
feno toeu tobo ate mp , ano tbep
cljofen felfe alone fteo al t[;eic compam'es,atiD

Ojalbe trpeo as tbe golDc in tbe fpze. gat bim to Jecufalem bnto tbe tempie,
ideate $> pe mp beloueo, faptb § HozD: of tbe jLoiDe, anbtbece toot(])pppco tbe
bcf|oio,tbe baieg or trouble ace at baiio U-o^be (gob of Jftael, faptbfui(p*oflfe< ew-m*
but 31 topll belpttet pou (com tbe fame* tpng of all bis ficft rentes ano tptbes,
fo tbat in tbe tbpjb peate be mpnpftceb
,8 :6-«»

©enot:pc aftapeb, bpfpapze not, fat

©oats pout captapnc* all tbe tptbes tmto tbe ttcauugecs ano

aoDbo fo feepetb mp comraaunbemen* couuectes*Cbefe ano fneb ItHe tbingcg

tes aub pzeceptes(faptb tbe jlozd ^ob) bib be accoibmg to t^e lato of (5oo 5 tofjc
let not pout fumes toe p pou botone,ano betoaspetbtitponge.
let not poucbncpgbtubumeOTeg be Ipfte 25 uctobcu be toae a manne, be tofce 25

bp, 3000 be tmto tbem tbat ace f uboueb oute ofbijfotone ttpbe a topfccalieo ft0 ?,'*( , ' •

into tb tit fpnucjs, ano tangleb in tbeic 3ntia, $ of bee be begat a fonne,tobome
t»pCRebueffes:Ipae as a felo is bebgcb be calico after bps otonc name, ano
tnU)ptbbun)es,anbtbepatbtbecofco< taugbt bpm from W
foutb bp,to feace
^od, ano to refcapne from al fpnne*
ueceb toitb tboznes, tbat no maomape
trauaple tbozo toe : ano fe is be eatten^ ^iotoe toben be tottb bfs topfe, t)ps
caft in tliefpze^nbbzenc* fontieauOtoitbal bis feinreotoas come '

incaptmtte b«to*0iniue, \oWtvme <&mmt

C tCr)e enbe of tr)e*iiii,bOB«
as tbep ad ate of tbe meateg of cfje i)ea^ J" '-^ «•
tben,be kepte bis foule, ano toa^ nencr

befpUbfatbepzmeates. * anbfoifp
mucbaiSbe toastttpnofuil of tbejloib
CC&e bofce of ina»bP)ibeet,(0oDgaiie bpmfauoure
tn tbe p icfence of ^almanafae tbe hinq
tobicbe gatie bim potoer to go tobere be
C^fpzftCbapter* teou(o,auo fo bab be Ipbecte to do tobat
sTobpab ucr ttg taken pipfonct,foirafcef b not bpmlpfl.
tbe lati) of t tut I). £0 c met cp aiiD ctiacirpe of So* §>o tontt $obtab bnto all tbem C I
biab.aub rljcmauecsof bun tit btspourb.&c t«# tbat teec in p^iron,tanD comfoiteb ttf, «****.«
bcttj anna to tupfc, bp tobotne be b&tbt a Coime
named srobtal). &c Cuccoucctb i5abc( f« mottep
ano gaue tbem tobolfome eroztacpons. &omt
©eaitDtnsatcfamctoflic.butartmbebcwttef 3ne totKn be came to fcages a cptie of rca&e, ten
£> euuaUenb tbep ccrourne agaiuc tbe^eoes, banpuge*ten tajctttesof tilcnsce
ftluet{of the thtngcs tohcttoftb the fcing % ozde faptb dp the
the todzdes,tbat the
hah honoured b»n) auotatoc amonge pzopbet 3MiQs:*poutbicfeaii:csU?aibe am«.8.*.
a gceate companp of people of Ops bin* turned to fozoto ano bcupnes.' i4&sm».
tco, one <5auelus(to0ic0e toas of Ops I&ut tohen tbe s^mms toas Dotonc,
o to tic Upoc )bcyngc in ucceffite,be gauc he toent bis toap anb butpco bpm. fftbe
hpm the fapd tocujbt* of fpitur dudec an alibis nepghboats ceptoueo bim,fap*
hand tozptjnige* ingerjttsnotlongcrenstt+toascom^ „
atficcalongcfcafon toOcu ^alma* mannoeD toflapc tbeebecatife of this®
" <w ,

tiafat toe hpng toas Dead, and s>cuua* matter, ano haft fcarce efcapeb the oafe
henb Ops farine reigned to bis ftcadc, get of Death, gbimeft chou thebeab a^
tohiche bateb the cbpldzcn of Jftacll. gapue^iaenettheles cobiah featpnge
-CobtaO toenr daplp tb ozb to out ail Ops <soo mo^e the n the ftpnge, totte the bo<
fepnrcd,and comfoztcd them, and gaue Dpes of the daiue,hiD tfjem m his houfe,
of Ots goodes to euerpe one cftOcm, ano butieb them atmibnigbt.
as much as be might :be f eo toe bongtp, 3jt happened bpou a bafjthat he hao *
clothed the naaen,and bunco the oeade fautieo the oeao,ano toa0 tocerpe,came
^ and flai>ne,and that otligentlp* home,anD iapeo him Dotonc bp the toali
^ »e.wS *^ nD to ^ 6n §>ennaherib the fcpnge ano Hept.ainD tohple he toas a flepe,thec
came agapne auo fteD oute of 3jeto:pc fell ootone bpou Ops r pes toatme bonge

(tobattpmeas <£oDpunpa;co bpmfoz out of the ftoalotoes neft,fo that he toas

his blafpbemp)anb in Ots tozathe fletoe blpnD.*cbpstemptacto«oiDti5oDfuf* e>cbm*.« i u t. manpe of the cfjpldzen of Jfraell,* %pi fee to happen bntohnn,thattheptohicb *$$*
biaO bunco tbepz boo pes. Z3ut tohen it came aftet, mpght haue an ejcanipie of ano.".*.
tooas told the fcinge, he commaunded to htspacience,UaeaBofhoIp3!ob.jfouti
flaphtm,ano toHe atoap altjts gooocs. fo much as he euet feateb d5ob ftotn his
^euettheles CobtaO totfcbbpsfonne^ poutbe up, ano feeptehts commaunoe*
tottoOts totfe fled bis toap,and toas Ol'd tnentes,he toas notheup againft<Boo,
naUcD,f oz there toete manpe tbat lotted that f plage of bfpnones chauccj) unto
!um.$ut after.jlb.dapes tbe king toas htm,but temapneo ftebfaft in § feate of
napue of bis otoneloimcs* fCOencaur. d&oo^tba&eD gob al f baits of his life*
Cobiab agapne to Ots bouf e,aud al hts
goodes tcftoieDbuto hum
tfojipfce as bleffebjjobtoas habin
Detplpou of kpnges, mm fotoas he
# CChe4t. Chapter. laugheb tofcojncofbt$ elbets ^Utnf^
folHes,tobich fapbe fcnto bpm : * tohete ,

3EoWaft bp&Mtb Cuc& of bjs fcciioes as fearc ©ob Jobiuu


tobancquct oifcrtft.^ctB ccpzoucD of tjts fcais ts tbp bope,fo; cfjc tohich thou haft Dom '

J»cs.©freatetOi3ol>mojctl)Cirtoefcp»9.©cbcs almes anb butitt> thebeab^utCobi^

tommett) bluiD bp rtjc pecmpQion $ ruffcaunteof
fSob.©p9auitfuicaesmoiR£t)pm. ah ttMtb them,anbfpake;*^ap not ,„9^
h tal
fo,foj toe ate the cbplDzen of holpe men,
put theft thpnges fcpon a aub loUefoz the Ipfe, tohicheeob^all
|loIepuinedap of tbe KLojD Co gcuebntothem,thatneuetturne tbept
Ibtab maoe a goob feaft iubis beleue fcom hpm. 3Bnna his toife* toent

JjOoufe,^ fapo tjuto O'ts fount: Dapipetotbetoecupngtoo2e&e,anDlofee
€>o tbp toap anobipngabttberfomeof tohat ipupn$e(t)t coulbegettetotththe
our rtpbe, fuel; as ftare (Eod.tbat thtp laboureoffjcthanbes,(hebzoughteit,
wave make metpc Voitf) ds. aind toben SlnD it happeneb that the to&e a bto anb
foe toas gone,be came agapne, and toloe
his father,?" one of £ cbPldzcn of Jfrael Mb tohen her qoufbanDherbc if crp,
la? e napnc bpon tbe (trete. 3Bno tmme* he fapbrlokc* that it be not ftollejteftoze
Dtatlp be leapt f torn bis table, icfte the
it agapne to the otonets :foz it is not
fcaftccame faftpug to the DcaD coacfe. lauftill fozbs, to eate oz to touch anpe
foftebim and bate him pzetulp into bt£ thpng of theft. -Chen toas his totfe an*
houfe^tobctbe £>tuuu toas dotone,be gcpe ano fapbe:* Botoe is thphope be^ ,
mpgbtfafelpebutpebpm.3ind tohen be. comebapneopenlp, gtthp almes Debes
habhrDthecoatfe,be ate hps meat totth are mantfeft.irith there anb ruche ipfee
mournpno^ and fcate , rctmmbzpuge tooz^e^ bpb.u)t caft him in the t eth.
« '

tElje boke<
fjjCfrctu.tfbaptet. gmeft tbe fpnneg of rfccm, tbSf call fcpv
cu tbe. 5Linto tlje £D noioe tutne 3 mp
lsagueiUaftlauu&ua of uec facets feriumitc. face, foutotbelpftejbp mpncepes.J
^cpiapctartl>faQptijof$(flc4:anBalCott)em; befeef? tbe <D He#>e,lotof e me out of ttje
cbattup uf Decaff pjapecs of jCo»
sloccticp aito
ce b ube,o i (lies take me
benbes of tljjps
bub an&of g>*ta a« beatbe.
tjtterlp a u>ai> f come of tbe eatth . Cbow
[i^cti cobiab toUe itbeuclpe, fe UO toeft x.ojo,£ J neuetfcaD befp^c b»*
ano toitb teateg beganne to t0 ma „ an0 t fj at j tjaue fcepte mp fowle
jmafeebis pjapcc,faptngt;:© cUm f CO maU fcnclenlpe luu\ 3 baue
{JLojoe d)ou att cpgtjtuoua,* n ot fcepte companp toitb tbofe tbat paffe
#w,nf».b ail tbp tuDgcnieutcs are tcue, *pea, all
tbv toapes ace meccpe,faptbfulne0 a»D
mt turn in rpojtc,uetbec ^raue J mabe
mj, fdfe patt aKec toitb tbcm that toalcfc
tubgement.anb noto ®
Xojo bempnb* in i^tfte bebauouce . ^euettbelca an
M of me,ano take no fccngtauce of mp houf band baue J confeweb to tafee,not
fpnnc0,netbcc temembje
mp tmfoeDe0, m
p uafute,butin tbpfeare.
Otoc peraoueututeeptbec 3(baue **
baue not bene obeoient onto tbp com* % m
tontoojtbp of tbem,o? els toete tpep
tnaunDementes,tbecfo$e ace toe fpopleD, ^mnete fo; me, f oj thou bappelpe bade

biougbt intocapfiuite,cutobeatbe,ui fte temetoanotbecbourbanDe* * tfo*

(o becifion
anb Qjame tonto all nactom?, \a\)p?tt)y councell is not in tbe potoec of
aniongetonome tyou bafte fcatceb tos. inau.©uttobofoeuetlottctbtbeanDfet <IW, ^W *
ano noto &oib,tbp iubgemente* ace uctb t ^ e a tigb t,is fttte,tbat pf bp0 life
gteate,foj toe baue not Done accojmug bf tempteo ano pioueo , it ftanoetb in
to tbp commaunDemcntcs,netbcc baue t
fft tcpingianb if be enouce in pacience,
toe toalcfceo tnnocentlp befoze tbe.anb be O^alitjaue a cetoacoe ano bee bpelpe
noto toiD,b«ale toitb me accoiopng ft otoneD : anb if be free in tcouble, tftat
to tbp topll,anb commaunbe mp fpittte ©00(110 boute)OjaI belinec biimanb pf
to be ceceaueb in peace, fo* moze erpe*
y ps ipfe bee in cbattenpnge , tbat be
bient toec it foz me to ope , t^en t olpue. QisH f, a ue leaue to come fcnto tbp meccp
9 at tbe fame tpme it bappeneo , tbat jf j tbou bafti no pleafuce in ouce
&ata tbe oougbtec of laaguel! at isa< oampnacponrano tobp/ aftec a ttojme
ges a cptie of tbe^e&es toa0 fclaunoe* tbou maheft t&e toetbec fap^e aub ttp«:
tcbofoneofbecfatbecs banomapDeo, aftec toepmg anb beupne0 tbou geuett
tTaraelptfjatajeajoulbbauebabfeuen gceatiopc.icfjpname ©^ooofJCca*
boiifbabe0,tebicbasfoonea0tbeptoer cll.bep^pfebfoieucc 36ttbefame
gone in bnto bee, tocte flapne of tb«be# t pme toecc botbe tbepi piaper0 beacb i tf
uell caUeD armobeus. Cbecefo^c toben t "bc fpgbte of tbe raaieftpe of t&e ftpeft
fljecepjouebtbemapoenfoi becfaute, 4500. anb aapbae»tbe^oIpeattngell
Q)t anftoeteb bec 3 fapwg;£ob let be ne< f tfce lOibe toas rente to pelpe tbem
uec fe foime twi bougbtec of tbe mo;e botbe,tobbfe pjapeco came togetbec be«
tpoit eactb* > tbou fepuec of tbp Qotife ^od*
t 0i(
baubes«^tIttbou ftap me af fo,a0 tbou
baftflajme fcuenmen t at tbpg topee C$&c.rt«.c&apttt»
toentc &>ata into an bpe cbambecof bee
^obtab tbmebtug (0 bpe gttutb * gobtp ejfe
boufe, anb t\)it Dares anoti;ic npgb> boxracum aiio moHpcpoft to t)\a fottne.
te0 Or>enetfjecate no: Diancbc, but con* toben Cobiab tbougf^t ^0 ~
tpmteb in piapcc, anobetoug^te <$od P?ayet to bee beacbe , tbat be *
tottbtt aces, tbat be toouibe belpuec bee mpgbte bpe, r)e calico bnto
fcomtbiscebuHe, bim fjis fonne cobiab, ano
^ €lpon tbe tbpjb bap tt cbaunce^.tbaf
toben Ojebab mabe an enbe of ^ec p&p*
fapoe unto &pm : :

fonne, beace tbe
tooibes of mp moutb, anb iapetbemirt
er,ft>e pfrvm tbe &ojtb 1 rapmgi©ieffe& tfjpne btact e as a f ounoacion . acobtti
beetbP name ^> ©00 ofoute fatbeca, 0obtaHetbatoapempfouICj,bucpet^ou
tobicb tobe^ tbou act to^oibjOjctoeft mec< mp bobpe,*ano boloc tbp raotbec in bo^ M ,,.6.
ipe,ano in t^e mm of trouble tboufoj< nout all tbe Dapea of ^er Ipfe.jfo^ ctou »«««.«
£f€ttfa$ rfotw*.
biigbteft to rcrncihbje, bfjat aub botoc agapnev
great e pat els foe fuffrcD fo? the in fjec 3©p fonbe, be hot afrapeD : truer!)
toombe. 2THD toficn Q^c alfo Ijatb fulfrl* it is, toe leaDe bcre a pooje ipfe :
* but w>m « »
Icd tbe time of bee !pfe,burpc bet befiDe gteategooDOjall toe baue, pf toe feare
me * fcauetiSoDintbptbougbtcalltbc <£od , anD Departe from all fpnne . ano
B^a.M.b Dapcs oftfj^ lpfe,anD betoare, * lefte at Do toeil.
anp tpme tbou coufente bnto fp nuc,anD ftS'Cbe.b^Cbapter*
left tbou let Oippe tfje commauoDcmcn* weofccDptticeofFounae arobtab toWsfas
t»cc,tobub tsfciitcro iaages. 2ti <3uugcla«om«
panpctl; tottb b »n tn bis toutnep.
» <BM
almes of tbp gooDs,anD tunic
jjfccn anitoereD Cobfab
neuet tbp face from tbe poo:c:-i To (bait 3
itcome to paffe, that tfjc face off ftoioe
tber, all tbat tbou bade
commaunDcD me, topi J * :©e metcpf ui after tbp potoec/Jf tbou
bafte murbe,geueplentcoua«'e: pf tbou
_©utboto 3 tbal require
bafte lptle,Do Dpipgcnce,glaDlpeto
tbi!9! monepj can not tell* iftetber Dotb
geue of tbat Iptle* jfoj fo gatbeceft tbou
bcfenotome,no^3bim aoobattoBcn
tbpfelfea goooretoarDe in fbeDape of
dome neceffpte. ifoj almes Delpueretb* from
(ball geue blm 3nD as fo? tb* toapc
ail fpiine Deatb.auo f ufftetb not tbe route to come
tbptber J
weuer fenetoe it^Cben bis fa*
tbet anftoercD bim,anD fapDe : baue3
«n& fcom in Darcuncs .3! great comfoite is almes
bcarb. bis banoetojptpnge bp me,tobicb toben
befojctbebpe<i50D,bntoaii tbcm tbat
tbou (betoeft bpm, tmmeDpatip be ftall
pape tt)t> sut goe tbp toape notoe,anD
c * #p fonne, ftepe tbe tocll fcom all
get tbe fome faptbf till man to goe toitf>
tobojDome,anD(befpDe tbp topfe)re tbat
tbz fojtanbp^e, tbat tbou mapeft re*
no taute be bnotocn of tbe i ZLctncuer
ceaue § monep,tobile3 am pet liupnqt,
pjiDe baue tule in tbp tnpnDe noi in tbp
^Dbentoent Cobiab out, anb bpou tbe
toojDe ,* foj in pjpDe beganne all be*
fttete be founDe a fap^e ponge ma ftan*
Dpnge, gptDeD bp, 9 as it toere one tea*
JD«I,34,C * aoobofoeuet too ftttb anp tbpnge
DpetotafcebPSioumep* ainDbefenetoc
fo: tyt, immeDiatlp geue bim bis bP?e,
not tbat it toas an SBungel of &0D, but
anD lobe tbat tbPbP?£D reruauntetoa*
faluteb bim,anD fapDe : ifromtobence
gies temapne not bp tbe ouer npgbte*
arte tbou, tbou gooD ponge man r i^e
fl?a«,t>M,a *ilofte tbat tbou ncticr Do butbano*
an(toereD:€>f tbe cbptDien of Jicael.
tbec man, tbe tbpnge tbat tbou tooul*
3inD cobiab fapDe bnto bim*- ftno*
Deft not anotber man (fcoulbe Do bnto
lobe. i4,b tbe«*cate tbp buaoe toitb tbt bongrpe
toeft tbou tbe toape,tbat ieDetb bnto tb* ®
couture of tbe iJipeoes r-^e auC toeceD:
anbpooje,-*couer tbe na&eD toitbtbp J
ftnotoc it toe>(,auD all tbofe ftretes baue
clotbes. £>et tbp bjeaoe auD topne top*
Jgoneoftetpmeg, ^ibaueioDgeD tottb
en tbe burpall of tbe rpgbteous,anD do
oure biotber ©abclus,tbat Dtoelletb ill
not tbou eate $ Dimcfce tberof toitb tbe
liages a cptpt of tbe fljpcDcs,tobicb lp>
fpnncrs^fbe euer councel at tbt topfe*
etb bpontbe mounte cegabtbanis. Co*
& iSe altoape tbancbf ul bnto 45oDjauD
biab fapDe bnto bpm: 3
pzape tbe,tar?
befecbe bim,tbat be topll oiDjte tbp toap*
foi me,tpi 3 baue tolDe mp fatbet tbere
es , atiD tbat tobatfoeuer tbou Deupleft
tbpngcs»Cbentoente (Cobiab in, anD
onabeftin baube, it mape remapne-fn
tolDe bis fatberaI.3Bttbe tobicb bis fa*
btm.31 certifpe tbe alfo mp fonne, tbat
tber mar ucieD,anD pjapcD t be tooulDe
Cetrt.i.c, (tobentboutoaftepetbutababeO*3l
DclpuercD ten taleutes of fpluec bnto
come in bnto bim*
#otoe toben tbe aungell came iii,be
aabelus, at images a citpe of tbe Q$u
$cs,anD WbanDetojptpnge baue 3 bp
faluteD bpm,anb faiD:3ope be b>ttb tbe

me . anotbetfojefefce fomemeancs fo? euetmoje* 3nD olDe cobiab fapDe:

tobat tope can 3 baue tbat tptbeteitt
botoe tbou mapeft come bp bpm,anD re*
Darckues, anD fe not tbe ipgbteof bea<
ccauc of bpm tbe fapDe toepgbte of fyl;
ueiir-Cbe pounge man fapDe bnto bim:
Mtr, ano geue bi'tn bis batiDetojptpnge
©e or gooD ebcate , mob (bail beipc
~4< tlji
Clje fcofce
the ftjoitlpe 3fnb tcobta!) rapbe im< bis fete, anb bcholce, there rame foity
ro bimicanft thou bipnge nip fonne to an boirp blc fpflje to
Deuoure bpm. £>t
d&abclus , tiutott)ccptpe of images in tohoir.t Cobiag teas atrapcD,auD cnto
in ^eoeaf 36nD totjen tbou commeft a* toitbalouDcbopcciaptngciiojDCjbe
game, 3 Ojal pape tfjc top ppje.3nD «?c commctbbponme . amotbeaungell
Sflungell fapoe Unto tjtm : 3 u)ail leaoe fapoe
to bpm : Cafte bun bp the cbeKe
Diaioe bpm to tbe.^no he Did
tbP fonne,anD bipng him to tbe agatne. blaoe,anD
-Chen tKobtab anrtocteD bpmrtell me 3 fo,anD Diciu bim bpon the lanoe • 3ino
piape thee , of tohat bonfe , oi of tobat the f puje begaune to leape at his fete.
trpbearttbotifibeilungell Bapbacl 'Chen fapoe the 3tungcli bnto bun: 25,

fapDe bnto bpm :3Ibcft tbou after tbe *Cafte out tbe botoeis of this fpflje, anD
fepnrco of an bpieltnge,oifcfeeft tbou a astoi tbebette,tr)e gall anD the utter,
gpoefoi tbp fonne to go toitb burn-^ut ttepe them bp the. Jf o? tbcfe tbiuges are

ibat 1 make tbc not car cf ul J

am 3ja< necelTacpe anD gooD foj meDicpne . C04
the fonne of greate Panamas.
ciajsf biabopD fo,anD roftcD the fpu>e , 9 tbep,
3iuD Doblab anftocteDrtbou arte come toHe bimtoitb them in tbdr iotunc;-:
of a gteate apntcD:but piape tbe, be
J the rei'pDtie tbep faiteD , as mncht as
not Dpfpleafeo, tbat 3 Derpieo to bnoto teas f ufficpent foi them, tpll tt)tp came
tbpnpnteD. Cb* 3flungell fapbe bnto tottages * CbcnCobtabafBcDthe
bptmtbp tonne fljall 3
leaoe foitbe fa* Slungeii , anD fapoe tmt bpm: 3 piape
Ulp,$ bipnge bpm tobole to tbe agapne. the brother 31 janab , tell me , tobere to
t> Cbcn anttocrcD Cobiab,anD fapb: are tijef e tbinges gooD of the rpOjc, ti;at
foell,go on poure toape, aim <£od be in tbou baft bpDDcn me aepe/
anb bis aingell beace
poure iournep ,
poucompanp.^otoben tbep bao pie^ 3|f thoulapeft apeceof the bertenpon

pareD alt tbpnges,tbat tbep tooulD take tbecoalc0,tbefmotte tbetofDzpuetb a*

toitfj them in tbeir iournep : tcobtab toape all maner of euell fpirites , tobe*
baD bis father anD bis mother fare toel, thcr it be from man oz from tooman, fo
anD tbep tocute on their toape boilje to* that from tbencc foitbe tbc fameOial!
getbc t.Boto toben tl)tp lucre gone, bis come no moie tmto them . che gall is
mother beganneto tDcpc,ano fapoe: gooDto anopute 01 toftrpbe the epes
«obw.a 4c che ftaffc of oure age ha ft c thou ta toitbal, tobjre as tb etc. is anp biempflje

ben a toape , anD f ente f)pm from os. in tbem,fo 0)all tbep be tobole»
aronioe (5od that moncp baone* ainD Cobiab fapDe Ditto bim: tohere -

tier bene,foi tbe tohicbe tbou bafrc rente toplte tbou that toe remaiiUr-Cfje Mm
bun a Jape , Jt toe bao bene contente gell anftoereo anD fapDe:*^ere a njft p.™,->6.§
one Kaguell bp
toitb our poucrt ie, this bao bene great bpnfeman of tbpne

rpebes buto bs,tha t toe fatoe our fonne name, tobicbe bathe a Dottgbter called
fonne noi Dough*
gcrc&bcn fatD tXobiab unto ber:tocpe £>aca,fr batbe nether
not,oure fonne (gall come to bs agapne ter but her. Ill bis
gooD bclonge tb tons
fafe anD fotinoe , anotbpne epes (ball to thc,ano tbou muff marp bps oougb«
fe him.ifoi 3 trnff e,that tbe gooD 3ln« ter:anD tberfoie Defire ber of her father,
gellofflSootgall beace anDhetyalgcuebertbe totopfe.iChen
bun companpe,
anD oiDet toenail the tbpngestbatbe anf toereD cob tab anD fapDe: 2ES 3 b n<
bene marpeD Dnto
Dotbrfo tbat he fgall come to us againe Der(lanDe,fl)e bath
ti)tp al are Deao:
tomb tope. 3Gt tbcfe toojDes Ops mother feuen bouf banDes,anD
fape.that tbe Deuell
lefce of fro toeptnge,? belDe ber tongc. anD 3
bane bearDe

detoe them. am afrapeD tberfoie, fell
f neb tbtges bappc bnto me aifo: tofjicbj
youncjc £obtat) is oelpueceb from the f ?Q)t
bp rijc auugcl. acue iw\ gcll epDoitct £ob»aD to Yf it came to paflfe (fepnge am tbc 3
m , tabc&ara to fns wpf e. onelp fonne of mp father 5 mp mother)
4E> Cobiah toent on bis toape, ft 3! OjoulDe bn-nge them in ctjcpi age
a Dogge folotoeD htm,anD £ fir ft
\oit\) foiotoe to their graues*
n^ofit tbep abooe bp tbe toater Chen fapDe the gngell Raphael bu< ?§
of Ctgrts. cben tocnte be out to toatyet Qhim:^eate me,Fi3R toplltel the tohat
rbep be of toftdmc tbe Deuel batb pofoet.
3 topi netbec eate tioi bjpncfte bew tbts
|*amelp,tbep tbat tcceaue manage of Dape } ejcccptetboufpjft gtauntememp
fucbeafa(fcion,tbattbepilbut ©oDout peticiot^anb pzomife me to geue me tbp
i.ceC4-, s f torn tfyettt anD ftom tbtp? bette, * anD bougbtet ^ata. actben Kaguei betoe
gcuettje feltfes to tljep? otone luft,* cue tbts , be teas aftonnpeb, fo? be fcnetoe,
astttoeteaubozfea^ule,tobicbbaue tobatbacbappeuebbntotbeotbet»bit»
no fcnbetftanbpnge:bpon fttcb batb tfje men,tbat toeute in bnto bet: aub be be*
Deuel potoet . * JButtobentboutafccft ganne to feate tbat it Cboulbe cbwtnce
bet auoatte come into tbe cbambct, bnto btmalfo in Ipfef matter*

toitbolbe tbp felfe from net tb?e Dapes, anb tobple be ftobe fo iu ooute , aim
a no geue tbp Dpiigeuce bnto notbpuge gatte tl)t pounge man no anftocre
, tt)e
but unto ptapet tottb net* . aungeUiapoebntobptn : feate not to
ainD in tbe fp?fte tugbt toft tbe letter geue bun tbp bougbtet, fo? bnto
of tlje ftd),anD tfje Dettel fljaibe D?puen man tbat featetb^ob, betongetb t^
atoape . Cbe feconbe npgbt ifcalte tbou bougbtet to topfe,tbetfo?e mpgbte none
be teceaueb in to tbe copanp of t\)t bolp otbet baue bet*
pactiatcfces.Cbc thp?benpgbte{baite men fapbe ilagttel : J Doute not, e
tbou optepne tfjc bleflpnge ot ©oD , fo but (gob batb accepteb mp pzapets anD
tfje tobole cbplb?cn ujalbe bo?ne of pou» teates in bis fpgbt:anb 3 ttnft be cau*
3ftct tbe thp?be nigbte ta&e tbe mapoe febpou to come tmto me fo? tl)t fame
in tbe feate of <Sob,anb mo?e fo? tbe be* tntente,! tbts oougbttc of mpne mtgbt
f??e of cbtibzcu,tbeu fo? anp flefilp lull: be matpeb in bet otone kpnteb,* acco?<
tbat in tbefeoe of aib?abam tbou maieft
pptapue tbe bleffpnge m cbplozem
Dpnge to ti)i fatoe of ^ores* mb
Dotote tbou not,but 31 toil geue bet bn*
mm.* 8

C^* to tbe: ^>o be tofte tbe ttgbte banoe of

yonuge Xobta!) aim flje 3u«gel come fo ttje
bisDottg^ret, anbgaue bet into tbe
tjoufc of iaaguel. ©crequpiett) ifugucisDougO;:
tec to topfc,auo obtapnertj ijer. tpgbte banbeofcobiab,auDfapD:cbe
lf|^entoenttbeptu folia* ©0D0f3ib?abam 3 tbc(i50Dof3faac 3 anD
igutll, to&tcbe teceaueD tbe<Soo of Jacob be toptbpott,topne
pemiopfuUp,3!nDtoben pou togetbec, auo fttlfpl! bps bit fringe
tsagttell lofceb bpo Co* in pou. m*
tytp tofee a lettct anb maoe fapoe tmto am* a tozptpngc of tbe manage snbtben
_>na bts topfe : i&otoe Ipse mabe t\)sp metp3 anD pzapfeb d53b.3dno
*s tbts pounge man bnto nip fpftets liaguei catleb 38nna bps topfe bnto
f oime.^uD toben be bad f poken tins, be bpm^babbct p?cpate anotbetcbam*
faiD:tobence be^t goob bzetbzen^Cbep bedaub t\)pt\)tt be bzougbt ^>a ta bp?
fapbtr^Df tt)t ttpbe of $epbtt)au,oute Dougbte^anonjetoepte Cben fapbe
of tbe captiuitie of ^iniue-'QDben faia be bnto bet : 23e of goob cbeate nm
ISagusl buro t\)tm : fcnotoe pe mp bzo? Dougbtec,tbe nozoe of beauen geue tfe
tbet Cobiab^Cbep fapbe:pea, toe ftnbto tope, fo?tbe beupnefTe tbat tbou bafte
bpm toeli .ainD tobe be bab fpo&en mucb fuffteo*
goob of \)^m tbe aiungel! fapbe tmto
liaguel: cobiab of tobome tfjou affceft,
*s tbts pounge mans fatber* t ben fta« tctf; Ota tupfc to piavcc.aiio tucpp;apett);e
gtielbotocbbim felfe Dotone,anDtoept, befo;eri)epipctogetgct.
rokebtm aboutetbe uccUc aiio ftpffeo ©toe aftettbattbepbabfup^
Cobt^b |jpm anD fapoe:*
5 <£obs bleflpnge baue ptbjtbep b?ougbte tbeponge
tbou mp fount , fo? tbou atte tbe fonne man in to bet* cben tbougbt
of a goob bettuous man.3Gnb antra bis Cobiab bpon tbe too?Des of
topfe anb &ata l)ys bougbtet tocpte
tbe aungelUnb tohe ottfe of bis bagge
al£o» apece of tbe lettet of tbe fpOje.ano laieb
25 &otet toben tbep bab talfceD t oge* tt fcpon tbe bote coafes^o
t'be aungel
tbet,isagucl bao fcpll a toerbet, aub to ilapbacltoke
bolbeoftbebeuell, anb
tnafee a feaftainb iaben be ptapeo tbctn
fentebpmatoape, anb bounce bpm in
tofpt&ototieto bynuetj^obiab fapoe: tpt toplbernep of fbe bpet esppfe.
^^,ti, c$etj
^fjmfpafte ^obfab fmto tbebicgin, 3nbtmmebiatlp ftaguel commawn*
Lie},?*. anDrapbcinap ^>ata,* let bs matte ouc att> bps fetuauntes, to fpll tb. gcaue,
#zapec bnto <eoo to Dape , to mozotoe, tbat tbep bao mabc, toith eat tb, aeon ic
Alio oucrmozo tur :foz tbeic tbzc mgbtes bias tpgbte: anb bab bis topfe pzepate
lupli toe ttconcple oik fc lues tot b (Bob: a fead,aub to mahe reaope all tbpng es

bud tobar, the tbpzbe bolp mgbt is pad, tbat tocce neceffa tpe foz meate,to fuctjc
toe fljp.'a optic together m tbe bcutpc of as toente bp tbe toape. ^ecaufco ttoa

tnar/tage.jfoz toe ace the cbplbzen of ho* fatfcpncatfo, anbfotite toetbers to be

i'z inen,^ toe map not come together as aapne,anb meates to be pzeparcb foz al
tfje toeatbc n,tfiat bnotoe not d&ob. bis nepgbbouces anbfcenbes.Inb t»a*

w B * ^en dobc tfjcp top both together, guel cbacgcb £obtab,to tcmapne toitrj
** UD anD befoughreiEob catneflip,tbat be htm ttoo tocHcs . 3s foz all tbc good)
tooulDe pzefetuc them . 3nD ^obtab tbat be bao, be gaue Cobi ab § one half e
fapoe:fi?)lozDC(i5oD of oute tatbers, of f t,anD mabe this tozptpngc that tbe

pzapfco be thou of hcattcn anb cattb,of bade tolucb temapneb.Ojouloe f al btuq

i lie f ca,toeIlcs,anD floubes , ano of all Cobiab after tbeic Death.
tftnc.ii. b tin cieat uccs that be therm . * Chow 0£ i;be.ic. Chap tec.
tiiabcdasbamoftbcmoulDcofgcartbe, Sftc auuffd goct'g to (SabeluMt the tterpze
ano gauclt bun eua foz an belpc t.3inb of lobiat)
: VDtjitOcQclpuCfCty «;ci«t£c,auD ffs
v o tot HozDe tbou bnotocd bat it is
t not
became or boiuptuonrncg, tbat J tabe ]^enCobiabca!Iebbntobim 3
tbtsfpfrec of mpnc to topfe, butonelp the aungtl, tobo be tbottgbt
foz tbc loue of cbilbzen, in tobome tbp to baue bent a man,anb fato
namcbcbUiTcotozcucc. ainb £>ara Jbntobvm«l5?otbct ajatias,
fapberbatti mercp upon bs ( £> lozbe) 31 pzape the be then bnto mp toozbc^:
baue metcp upon bs, and ler bs botbe ^f J Ojouioc geue mp fclf'e to be tbp
come tobolc ano fotinbc to a gooo age. feruaunrc, J fl^all not befetue tbp p:o<
£ 3nD aboute the coch ctotoe,it bappe* upbence . Pa neci bcleffe, j| befcebe tbe
neb. tbat isagucf caikb bis fctuautcs, that tbou toplt take the beades anb tbe
anb tbep toente toithbPui,to mafte a fettiauntcs anogo bnto (Babtlns in

gcauc.jf oz be fapbeat is cbatmceb bnto Uagcs the cptit or ^:oes ,anb beliuec
bpmpctabtientuce, as tt bpb bnto tbe bitn bis banbetozptpnge, ano cecepue
otbec fetien men,that toente m bnto bee. tbemonep of bun, anb pzape bpm to
$otoc toben tbep bab mabc tbe gcaue, come to mp marpag« . } jz tbou bno« 23
isaguel came agapne to bps topre, ano toed tbp f ire, tbat mp father tclie tb the

faib bnto bct:( cube one of tbp mapbes, bapes:ano pf 3 tarp one oape to longe;
to lobe pf be be bcabc,tbat 3 map burpe he toplt be rozpe in his mpnbe. 0otofe*
turn aroze ir be Ipgbt bapc.&o foe feme eft tbou bo toe earuedlp isaguel bathe
a mapben to fe,tobtcb toben Ojc came i\u tequpzeb me,fo tbat J can not Cape bin
to tbe rbambet , (be founbe tbcm tobole nape.
aub founbe, fleppnge togetbtr . 311D 10 Chen tobe Kapbacl foure of ftagu*
Oje came agapne,anD bio ugbr gooo tu els fetuauntes, ano t ujo Camels ano ,

& Dpngss cbetuiaguelano ainnabPS toeure bnto iiages rhecirpe of ii^ebes:

topfe pzapfeb tbc &ozD(,$ fapbe: jazap? ano toben hthao founbe Obelus , be
feb be £f 3D Lozb ©toot 3ftacl,foz it is gaue bpm hps hanbetozptpnge, anb ce^
not bappeneb bnto bs,as toe though c. cepueb all tbemonep * j^ctolbebpm

# oz tbou bade bealte metcifuUpe with alfo of cobtab tbe fonne of cobi } botoe
b$,anb put atoapc from bs tbe enempe all tbpnges bao happened , ano caufco
tbat perfecutcb bs ,anb bade ajetoeo hpm to come toith bpm to the matiage*
merci'C bnto ponbert too brlouco O ^0 toe toben be came in to tbe bo uf e of r
^ozbe, caufe tbem to magutfpe j? moze Uaguel,be founbe Cobtab fpttpnge at
pcrfecUp,anb to ofTre tbec tbe faccifpce tbc tableranb be leapt : bp,i tbep biUed
of tb-' pzaj>fe,anD of tbeic bealtbc: tbat one auorbe c,anb ©abclin toeptj pzau
ell people mave bnotoe, tbat tbou onelp feb <5ob,anb Caib: tbe*bleffpnge of the cnw-w^
ftctc^ooinallrijeeactb, ^ob of Jf cael baue 1 1) u, foz tbou arte

tbe fohhe of a ttgbt bcrteous and mac fute ; tbat top father anbmp motbec
inn n,and of one that f ea tccb <5od , ana countecuerp cape, ano tf;attf;cicf;cc#
ID gmetbgreatealmes: . 3lnd WeiTpnge tcsarefozp.
baue tbp topf c,and poitre eidcrs,tbat pe £)otobenttaguel pzaped cobtafj
mar fc rourc chrlDun auD pome H)?U toftb manp toozdes ,ft tooulo in no topfe
decs cbfldze", Unto £ tbitde 5 fourth ge* beare bpm , be belpueteo §.ara bnto
ntracion. auD tf;at j'outc fedemape be bf m,and tbe balf e parte of all bis gooo:
tuff to of y (Bod of 3 f rati, tofjicf) raig* in feeuauntes ano bandcmapdcns , in
nett) toozlde tuttljour ctiDc • 2Gno tohen a)epe,tn Camels, and in ftpuc, $ muebe
tbep all bad fapde 3flmen, tf?ep tocnte to moncp. a t;d f fent (urn atoap from bun
tin featte,but tottb toe fcate of £ ftozde toitb peace and iope,and fapdetcb* bo* &&
Ijcide tbep tbe feaftof tfje manage, Ipaungeloftbe Jioioe be toitb pott in
<f3*^;be.jc»Cbaptet» ponte tournep, and bipnge pou fojtbe
STotualj aitO tor fc ate faooc fox tf;c ra tp ; fafeanofounde, tbatpemapcfpnde all
t> 1

tOce of ttjcic Comic, isagucl f cuDctO agar uc 3:0=

tbpuge$ in good cafe tottb pour elects,
and tbat mpne cpes mape fe pour cbtU
|£>totobpleponge ftobt* ,

iJ2«i afo:c 3 dpe. §>o tbe eldets embta«

abtnaoclonge tarptng,
ced tbepi d ougb tcr , bpffed ber, and lee
bpreafon orpmatpagc,
bergo,erboupnge ber to bonottrebec
ibis fatf;ec toa* full of
fatber and motbec tn!atoe,tolouc bee
care and beupnes, and
bufbande,to rule toell ber boua?olDc,to
Stbougbt:tobatu>uid be
feepe ber boufc in good o?dic,$ to libelee
ct^e caufe , tbat mp fonne tatpetb fo
longer- ^ztobptyouldcbcbcfccptc ro
longe ibcrc-iacraDucntutctfabcius {$ o^cbe^CbapferV
tea Dc,auD noma toil gene bim tbe mo* yourt ge aTob tai) Icupugci)ts topfc 9 ftouftofbe

tier. tfrbusbegaubctobcbctp fozoto^

iiitljcmrDbcuiaFC, toimr.ctt; befoje rbt\)C 3mu
gel.iri)CDicamcofi)tsmcfl)ct lonpngca reci>cc
full, beano arnua bis topfe tottb Ijptir, Cotmc. j^c t s topf ullpe cccraucb of t)ts f at^cc and
and beganne to toepe botb togctbet,be* motl;CE.g>acacommct&.uu.oapes after.
canfe tbepj fonne teas not come agamc ifs> tbep noto toete going %
twtorbeuiattbcoapcappopnted . M bometoardeagapnc,dp«
foz bis motljer, (be tocptc toitb dpfcom* on tbe.jrit dap tbep came
foztable teates,ano fapde : accotsme, StoCbarra^tobtcbelpetb
tnp founc:Cb tobat apled bs to fede tbe tn § balfe toape totoatde
atoapeinto a ftrauuge conntte, tfyoti IJ p.iimie^uD tbe 3Duugc( Ipgbte of once cpcs,*tbou ftaf c of otire ;apde: ?5?otbet cobtab , tbon Imotoell;
age,tbou cofozte of ottte ipfe, t bou nope botoetboubaftelefte tbp fatber: tbe»
cfouregeneracton»'$s>epngcal£fbpn< foie pf it pleafe tbe , toe ttoo topll go be«
ges tbat toe baue are onelptn tbe, toe fo?e,andlct tbe boutboldetb tbp topfe
tyoulo not baue fent tbe a toap from bs. and tbe catel come fofte and fapzlpe af*
Cben tcobiab eomfoztco bet, ano terbs. 3cnD toben xrobiab teas content
fapdctbolde tbp tonge , ano be not dpf* tbat tbep fbouioego before , isapbael
comf ozt ed,cuc c fonne is toftolc 9 fouoc: fapde bnto bpm: cafee of tbe gal of tbe p^
tbe man tbat toe Tent bun tiial, ts faitb* f pOje toitb tbe foz
. It fljalbc ncccfTarpc*
full pno 11 gbe. tfi cttcrtbelclTc (fee mpgb t §>o Cobiab tohc of tbe ga(,$ tbep tocne
In no topfe be eomfoztco. but oaplpe tbetr toape« i3ut3iimatbemotberof
foente ou te,iofccd about e, auD tocnte a* Cobtab fat dapip bp tbe toape fvoe bp
bouteaJtbetttctes,tob*tbpfbetbougbt on tbe toppe of an bPll,ftom tobence fte
lie (botilde come agapne:tbat(pf it toete mpgbte fe farre abotite ber* 3!nd tobPle
poffpble)ujempgbtfe b«n commpnge fl)e toas toaptpnge tijcrc foz bis com*
a farre of. mpnge, fl)e lotted a farre of, and auone
£ut Uaguel fapde bnto bts fonne me perceaued ber fonne commpnge,and
C in latoetflD tatp bete, ano 3 fcuoe frjall ratineandtolde ber bufbande, taping:
a mclfaunget bnto tbp father cobiab, 25ebolde,tbP fonne commetb . 3!nd)
to bptn that tbou atte in good
tell Kapbaci fapde bnto 'Cobiab : 48
fcealtb/Cobiab fapoe bnto fjtm : Jam fooneasthou commetl in to tbe bottre,
&&*iiu mime?
ifnmiedpatlp fooxfljpp § tova tbp to, Hen Cobiab called bps 3
odd geue tbankes unto htm: then go to fouuebntobrm^rapo:
ibp fatbet,and ftpffe trim,ano fttifce fiifif *cbat mape tee geue
epes ouec idi i!) tfje gall of tbe fpCb,t(?at tbijsbolp man, gtoente
Ibou baft bzougbttb tbe. ifoj be fuw, toitbtber cobiab ana
tfjatbpsepesfljaUfttapgbte toape be ftoetedbisfatfjet, an*
opened ,and tty fatbet fljall fe tfjc Ipgbt ;apde father, tobat rctoatdc Ojall toe

of beauen,and f&all teiopfe at tbe figbt geue tbpnge can defetue

bi nvflDz tobat

of tbe. cben tbe dogge tbat bad bene bis bcncfptesViBe batbe bene mp gpde,
toitb tbe in tOetc ioutnep,tanne before, and bzougbte me fafe agapne:be tecea*
and came ag a uieiTcugct , and toagged tied tbe monep from d&abelus , be cau*

toitfjbis taple f oz gladneffe. fed me to get m\! topf e, be dzoue ti)t euel
5>o tbe blpnDe fattier atofe,and be* fpitite from beUie batb bene an occafp*
C on of gladnclTc to bee fatbet 3 motber:
ganne to renne,aud ftombled tmtb bps
fecte , and gaue a fetuaunte bis bandc, be beltueted me,tbat J bias not deuou*
ranne to mete bis fonne, tcceaued bpm, ted of tbe fyuXbebatbe made tbe to re
end ftpu"ed bt tn 4 fje and bis topfe,aud be* tbe Ipgbte of beauen,pea 3 toc al bauc re*
ganne to toepe fox tope* ceaued gtcate good of bun^oto Cbonld
#oto tobf » tbep bad mo?0jpppcb and toe tooubelp Dtl'erue tbcfe tbmge s tmto

ibaiicftedd&oo^bepfatdotome . Cbeti 0pm/J3ut3f p^ape tbe mp fatbetj tboti

tofee Cobiab of tbe fptyes gal, and a* \opltt defp^ebpm, pf bapplpebe topll

nopntedbtsfatbets cpes : andtacpea toucbfafe,to tatte ttntb bun tbe fjalfe of

all tbat toe bane biotigbt.
halfe anboute,andtljenbtganne tbe
tjlcmpOi to go oute of bis epes, Ipfce as ^0 tbe fatbet and tbe f otitic called ©
b:m,tofce fum ai^Dc,and began to piape
it bad bene tbe tub t te f ft nine of an egge:
btnij tbat be tooulde be coutente to tafte
tobicb Cobiab toUe, and dzeta from bis
cpes, and fmmedfatlp be tcceaued ^ in good tuoztb,tbe balfe patte of al tbao
licbadbiougbt. Cbeufapdcbcrectetlp.
** •
cbe« tbep pzapfcdd5od 5 &e and bps tintotbcm: 0japfetbcd5odofbeaueii,
topfe,and all tbep tbat fenctoe tjtnu and and geue tbancaes bnto bpm befoze all
Cobiaf) topde:4D ftozde <5od of Jfcael, menlpupnge, foibe batbeu^etoed bp£
metcp*bnto \)$>%t fs good to t^pde tbe *eme
3 geue tbe pzapfe and tfjacfce&foz tbou
g ^"*
tjaft cbaftened me,and made metnbole*
fcpnges fectcte , but to il)eto 5 to ptapfe
3Bndlo notodo 3femp fonne Cobiab* tbe toozekes of <&ob , it is an bonozable

aftctfeuendapes came $>atabis fom tbpnge* ^zar e 1 1$ good tottb faftpnge;

ties topt'ealfo vubole and founde toitb and to geue alines is better, tfjen to
Ql tbe fjoufljolde and catel,toitb camels
bo ozde dp tteafutes of golde. * f oz al; D mu:»'.
and mucbe monep of
topues/j tottb
monep tbat be bad ceceaued of m*
meg dclpuetetb from deatbe , clcnfetl)
fpnne,and cauf etb to fpnde cue tlaflpng
belus:^ be tolde bis fatbet and bis mo; |pfe*i5ut tbep f do fpnne
and bntigbte<
ttjepi otone
Ibetail tbe benefptes, tobicbe <©od bad oufnes,ate tt)e enempes
- tone foi bpm, bp tbe man tbat led bpm. foules*
2lcbioi alfo and jftabatb Cobiab fpftec axbetf ote 3 tel pou tbe truett),an& &
f onnejj came.and toetc glad«,and tctop* tupli bpde notbpuge f torn pou. * aftbeti « w,«.a.
thou pzaiDcft tottb teates,and burtDcft
fed teitb bpm , bp teafon of all tbe good
tbat <5oo bad tbctuedbntobrm . 38nd tbe d cad e, $ iefteft tlip dpnet, 9 bpddeft
lo fox tbe fpace of feuen dapes tbep tbe deaoe tn tbp boufe bpon tlje dape
made metp , and inece tpgbte topfull u tpme,tbat tb ou migbtcft b u rpe tbem in
itetpctjone* tbe npgbte , % offced tbp pzapet befoze
tbe lozde # 3nd becaufe tfjou toaft ac^
Cfje.tft.Cbaptcc* cepte rt beloued of (^od,tt teas neceflarp,
tbat tentacioii Ojould ttpe tbe.3tnd nolo
Cyoungc fcobtalj ttcfecnetft top bttfo tois fatf>ct batb tbe KLozde fent me to beale tbe.anD
tI)cplcarucC8tbattl)eaunselotDl)tm.©coffcctl) to delPtiet ^ata tbp fonnes lopfe ftont
Dttro t J)caun gel Iwlf e tue 9 oofces tbat he b iou#jt
tbe cucllfpt rite ^0 j 31 mniaapbael
art Stmgcf, 6He of tfjefaietitfjattfanDe pou*3ts foz* me anD mp routine foil tu
befozeceoD. topfe m <5oD.flD pzapfe tbe &ozDe ail pe
*> *»!jcn c!jcp bcatDe tbis , tbcp tecrc
foze aft apeD,anD tmnblcD^ fel Dotonc
W cbofen,bolDe t\)t Dates of giaDncire,
anD be tbanftefui Dnto &> ^trtifa*
fyiontbcir faces Unto tbegtouDc*Cbe Iemtbou*cttpeof(BoD J tbe2LozDebatbjpat.w.«
fapoe Snnget: ^eace be tottf; pou,
tlje punpfajeo tbe foz tbe toozefees of tbpne
f eatc not . aoobece as jjj baue bene until ofone banDts.j© pzapre tbe JIozd in
pou,f t tjaf tfje idpU of (goo, geue pzapie gooD tbtnges^ geue tbaftes to § cuec;
ntio ttjaiicftcs tinto ftiin* iaftpngedDOD, f be map buplDe Dp bps
£K* *£
Wju*. * Dzpncae
0tt tbougbt { nat J dpd eate anD
tottb pou,but3 We meat* tbat
tabernacle agapnc tn tbe, tbat be mape
eal agapnebnto tbe, all fticfjcasbeiti
is wutfpblc, ano Dzpncfcc tfjatcannot captmtte, anD tbat § mapeftbaue iope
befeneofmen* foz euctmoze.+axitbafapzcligbtujalt uuau
&oto tbetf oze is the tpme p3 mult tbou Cbpne,ano all tbe enDes of f foozID
tunic agapnc , tonto bun tfjat rente me:
but be pe tbancfcfttlf buto <eoD,anD tell
fbai bonouc tbe*% cbe people (bal coine 1 *-*

bntotbefcomfatte, tf;ep (ball bzpnge Sta'iu

S -

out aU bis tiionoecous moickes. gpftes , anD toozu>p t^ iLozoe m tbe,

3llnD toben be baD fpo&cu tbcfc too?* anD tt)p iatiDe u)al itftp bam foz a&ac*
Dcs , be teas taken atoapc otitc of tbepz tuarp,foz tbep tt)all call bpon § gceate $ tbcp fato bun nomoze* cben name tn tbe*
fell tbcp Doionc Sat bpon tlmt faces bp
tbefpaceof tbze boutes, anD pzapfcD
CurfeD mi WWbe tbat Dcfppfc tht t C
anD all tbat blarpbeme tbe,ajaibe con*
<25oD:auD tobcii tbep tote Dp, tbep toloc DcmpneD: but bleffeD fball tbep be tbai
9Ut>i9U]ouDcroit9 toozekes* buplDe ti)t bp.3!s foz tbe tbou Ojalt tea
(£? Cbe.jtiti* cbapter* topfe in it)? cbtlDzen
, foz tl)ep allu)alb9

5:otJtaljf!)ceU)Cc8Cu«tIjti)ai»c!iC9to!itof5ol>. bleCfeD,anD gatbetcD togetbec bnto tbe

aKS,B [.^m olD Cobtab openeD jLozD*23le(TeD ate tbep al tbat loue ti)s
j'bismoutbcanDpiai'icD anD be glaoe of tljp peace* pzapfe tijow
tbe &oz&e3fapb: ©teat tbe ZlozD,© mp foule, foz ^i tozD ouc
acttbouilDilozDefoze* <5on batb DdpuereD b«s citpe Jetufa^
juetmoze,anotbp ftpn'ge* lem from all bet ttou Wes*3{ toil connte
jDometoozlD ttout enoe: mp felfe bapppe,pf mp feDe temapue to
nEi a i
* foJt tiim fcowc 8 cft a,,D bealeftj JeDeft fe tlfi cleatneg! of JJerufalem*
»«pi,tw.t imto beII,anD bzpngeft out agapnc, anD Cbe gates of Jerusalem fbalbe * »^8fc

tbetc is nouc tbat inape efcape tbpne buplDeDtoitb&>apbpze$ §>matagDe,

banDc.£> geue tbanefces bn to i be XLotD, anD all tbe comp affe of bet toalles mttb
pe cbtlDzen of Jftael,anD pzapfe bun in pzectous Hones * mi bet fttetes izjalbe
tbeffgbt of tbe i^catbfnjozamoge tnt paueD roitn fobptematble ftone, ano in
i^eatbeu tobicbe fenotoc bitn not batb be alt bet (Iretes ll)ail ailelnpa be longe.
fcatcreD pou, to tbuitent tbat pe OjouId jazapfcD be tbe )Lozd 5 fobicb batb ml*
tyeto'fbztbe bis matuelous luozcftes: teD bet3 tbat bts fcpngDome map be bp<
anD taufe tb tin foz to Rnotoc,tbat
bete t on bet foz euetmoze. Smcn.luD fo Co*
t$ none otbec ©oD almpgbtpe but be* biab maoc an cud c of ivis calfepngc.
toe batb ccbaftencDbs foz ourc
ties ,
a no foz bis ounie meccp faac tyall
C^ c *wiit*Cbaptet;*

2:obtaI;piop&ccpctl) tfjcucatucctoii df jUt'ofc

befauebfc* ©
uc is roime cctoutitctu to iaagucl, aftcc ttic oe*
ConfpDze t\)tn, bofoc be batb bcaltb ceffe ofOts fat^cc ano mottjec.

toltbpou,anD pzapfe bun lb feate anD BD aftct tbat Cobiab ~

fczeDe,$ uiagmfpef euetlaftpngc Hpng baD gotten btsfpgbta< 3
in pout toozfces . 3 Ml pzapfe bim euen gapne, be IpueD* -jAiU
in tbe (anDe of mp capttuite, foz be batb peates 5 *anDfatoebP5
Qjetoetb bis maieftte bnto a ffnful peo» .
cbplDets cbtlDzen*0ofo #f«i,»:8,i»
29 pie* puttie pou tbctfoze
fl> pe fpnnets, toben be teas an* c*
nnDDorigbteoufnegbefozecsoD ,$ be anD* il* peace olDe be DpeD : ano teas

pe futc, f be toil fljefo

!;is met cpe bpon butpeDbonazablpciti^intue 5roz

toag rprt anD fpftpe peaces
totjen foe
of age,be loft tbe fight of btf epes,a no
tor)cnb* toas tine uojc peace oloe, be
gat foisfpgbt agapne. cbeterpDueof
Cits life leo he in tope,ano incceafeD toel
^;befp?ftc Chapter*
in tbe feare of d5oo at oepartcD in peace.

© ©tit tn tbe noure of bis Dea tb be cal<

leo Unto him tits foune cobi ab,anb it* of jfiatmcOoDouofoiajamaarplwatb . 21)1
tten pounge rp^ingalDcjg: Ops fonncs inctTcuscc9of^al)ucI;oi)oaoroidt:£i»prpprcD.

fl6 , cbplD|ten,anD f apDe imto tbem:tEbe t>u

#owX't fttuccionofi-kiniuetsatbanDe, * foj tSpbajcattbcfcvnga
tbe to ojid t of p iLoiD can not fa pie, ano oftbedlpeDeslitb*
outcbictbjen tbat ace fcatreD outc of DticDmanp people
tbe lanbe of J f tael,ajal come tbttbet a * tmto bis Dominto,
gapne«ainD be tobolc lanbe of it g batb
i anD bui'lDcD a no^
J&L'J bene toaftc,Cbalbe f Meo:*anD tbe fjoufc blc fttonge cptpe,
of <EoD tbat teas bje*te m
ft,tyalbebuffc tobtcbe be calico
Deb agapne, ano al fur be as feace ©od Cgbatbanis^Cbe
tyall tetucne tbptbet : tbe t^eatben alfo toalles of it mace be of fee ft one , f oucc <

C;al fojfake tbeic JdoIs, $ come to Je* fquaceD,feuentpe tubitts bpe^.rrc,cu<

turalem,anbDtoeltbete,auDail§&pnj bites bzooe. m maDe rotates tbet bpon
ges of tbe eactb tyalbe glao of bee, ana of an buozetb cubites bpe»$ut Dpo tbti
toojQjip tbe Ioio ©Ob of 3 fcatl fouce comers enetp fpDe toas ttoentpe
C 2jnD tbetfoje mp cbtlDten, bearc pone fote bi obe . j^e maDe tbe pontes tn tbe
fatbet:* &ettj e § jlojD in fattbfnlnes, hcpgtb,lpfteas tbetotous. cbts kpng
Bmr w x
3,«b,»i.,'b fette after bis toil,* do tbe tbt ng p plea* ttttfteD in b«S mtgbtie bofte, ano tn bps
»ft«. J4.t
f et ^im i commauuDepottce cbplDjcn glotnouscbacettes*
f tbep Do ttgbt,geuc ahnes, be mpnDe* 2» o n t b e t to elf rb pea ce o f hi s rap gne
ful of <BoD,anD euec to be tbankef ttl \m* it bappcneD,tbat BabucboDonofoi tbe

to fjim in tcuetb anD toitb all tbep? po* ttpnge of tbeaiflicf aus(mbicbe capgneo)

toet ^eate me tbcrfojemp cbplD?en, tn tbe gceat cptie of Binitic)fotigbt a«

ano abpDc not bcccrbtit in tobat Dap fo? gainft 3tcpbacat, anD oueccame b tm in
enetpeuane butpeDpoure motbecbe* tbe gceat fe!De calleD i&agati, befpoe
tpDc me,g* t pou ftom bence . f 01 J re, (Eitpbiatesanc qrigtts anD jffaDafon
tija t tbe topekee nefle of it fyall bipnge in tbe fcloe of (gtiott) tbe jfepnge of tt)c

It to DC fttucctou anD enDe. Cltkes*

Hiftec tbe Deatb of bis motber,Cobi^ mchen toas tbe kpngDome of 0a*
33 ar)DepacteDatoapeftom jfrtniue, toitn bucboDonofoi cjcaltcD,*? bis bette toas (.^at ta
bis topfe anDcbplDzcn, ariDtoitbbps li'fteDpranDbc rente tmtoalltbetbafi
cbplbecs cbtiDten, anD came agapne to €^cii,in ©amarcus,m %m
Dtoelte in €
ijts fatbet anD motbec in Iatoe,$ founDe bamts,anD bntotbe j^eatben^ Dtoelte
ihemtoboleanDtnagooDage, 9 toke titvtacmelanDCeDac, anD tofttcbeas
tbe cace of tbe»H!nD be clofcD tbeic epes", Dtoelte in dclalplein tbe gteatc felDe of
$ toas b*W Unto aff liagucls goobes, <£[ otclon, to all t bera tbat toece in ^>a<

anD fatoe tbe fiftb generact 6 $ cbilDecs macia.anD beponDe p toatec of jotDane
cbtlDjen.3lnD toben be toag.rVtjc". peace Duto Jectifalem anD tbe torjole laiiDe of

of age,beDieo in p feace of j? tLoio, ano JeiTe Dnto tbe moutaines of Ctbiopia*

bis kimffolkes bucpeD bim.amb al bis" Unto all tbcfc dpd ijiabucboDonofoi
poftecite contuwcD in a gooD Ipfe, anD tbe kpnge of tbe Mirias fenoc mctTati«
gecs.^ut tbep al ft one confent tooulD
bolp comtetfaciomfo tbat tbep toece io*
not agcee bnto btm,anD fent p meffail*
B -

utD anD acceptcD botbeof <eoD3 men,

attDofal t\)t people of tbe lanDc* gees agapne emptpc, anbpttttberaa«
toap tottbout bonouc. cben 0abucbo*
C '<E& C cnbe of tbe boke of
Donor oi tbe kpnge toke inbignacion ac
all tbofe lanoesj? ftoace bp bi$ tcone ai
bpT;ps ftpHgtoome , that be tooulDe bt toamtceuecpe fftoUhge f^otoe Zs fox
auengeD oral tbofe con u t reps. tbe toeltbp citte of 3$elotbug,be biabe
65" £be. Chapter* it do tone, anDfpopico all tbccbplOjcii
of injard0 anD tbe Jfmaellptes, toty*
©olofecncs t9 fen t or j&ab ucb oDouojoi fo rub* ,

Hue al tge UioiIDc. 2#c p;cp<icacu>ii atio pucfuic cbelape totoarDe tfje toplDetncHe , anD
effcolofccnc*. Upon tbe ^outbc fpoeoftbe lanoe of
0tbc.rtit.p earc of & mg € belon. j^e tocnte ouec eupbzates al* *&>

j^abucboDonojo;, Dp* to, anD came into ^efopotaima anD ,

on the. rrii»Dapeoftbe bzatte Doume all tb'c bpe <£ptpw tbat

fpilre dponcthe , it teas toere there , from tbe biofcc of gamble

^iDCtipf CD in tbe coutte of tv u a man come to tbe (ea : sino be toks

jftabucboDonojot the tbe boozocrs in from (ttlitin Unto tr)o
fepngc of tf?e 3HT.riau3" , that be tooulDe coaftes of Japbet totoatDe tbe ^>outij,
DcfcuDc bpm felt e i ^o
be calleD Unto i^e catpeD atoape all tt)e j^aDianptce,

mm al tfje fjis cap tapnee .ano anD IpopleD all their gooDcs:3;nD tubo«
men of toarrc , them Ops fe*
a:iD 0>c toeD f oner tottbftoDe mm, be He to tbem toi1 1)

ccete counfaple , ano tolDe them , that tbe f tocroe. 3ift er tbps be tocnte Do tone
bps purpofc toas, to bxpnge t(j c torjole intotbefelDeofBamaicusiutbetpme
earth UtiDct bps Dominion* $om toben of barueft,ano bzent Up al tbe cozne auu
tbep toere ail content* toptfj tfops fap* all tbe trees , anD caufeD tbe Upnes to
pnge , ^tabuchoDonojoj t!^e hpnge cal* be cut Dotone.3inD tbe feare of bpm fell
IcD i^olofcrnes tl)e cbi'efe captapne of Upon all tbem tbat Dtoelt in tbe eatii;*
bps toactes,anD fapDe unto hpm: <5oe O'Cbe.tii.Cbapfer*
tbp toap tout* agapnfi: al § fcrngoomes Uvpnttcsbecomi- wp;itnff!p rubicct fo j^olofet^
of the occctle, anDfpeciallpe agapnfte &bt ttr amipc anD ccucltpe of tin.

tbofe that bane Defp tfcD mp comma ti \\> £)tf;e hinges a no pun*
«»ttt,.^b Dement** cbou fljalt fpatenotealme, ccs of all cptpes anD %
all Itrongc cit les (fcalte tfjou ba'ngc in lanDcs fente tbcitiEm*
fubieccion Unto me. bafptoutcs : ^amelpe,
33 Cben^olofetnes calico together tbepof^>p2iaanD^e>
all the captapnes ano tuelars of all fopotamia, ^ina*s»o«
the potoerm^ifuria, aiiDmulUcDtbe ba/l.aiibiLibia , anDCelicia, tubpebs
f ouopers Unto the ^ooftc ( Ipfte as the came to §olofcrncs,anD favDt: %a tbp
fepng ComaunDeD bpm)namclp au bun; tozatbccafctotoarocbs: Jtis better

Diftn ano ttoentpe tboufanDe fpgbtlng f oi bs great ftpugc ^abu*

to fcrut tbe
men Upon fore, ano ttoelue tboufanDe cboDonojot \wt\) oure Ipties , ano tote
archers Upon boifebticfce* 311 Ops oi* fubtcct Unto t'jee, ti) n tr)at toe u^oulDe

tipnauncefent fjebenne toptbaumuu; Dpe,anD be Oapne , anD rcceatie grcatec

rateable multptuDe of camciics.lo that burte.^ll oure cptpes anD poUctTions;
tfje fjoofte uiasf toed pioupDcD fox mini) all mountapnes anD bpllcs all fclDes, ,

OjCcn 3 aiiD fmall catteil , tiw uoptb> gteate anD fmall catteil, fl)cpe,goatc&.
out nomine . ^e caufco come to be pie< r)o;fe3 , anD camelles,a(l oure gooDes
patcD out of all&pziafoxbps boofte; anD boufb. oloes,be in tbp po toer,bnDcc
sjfcucbc golDe ano fpluec alfbtolic be tbp fubiercion be it all together . xtt
out of the Upnges" fjou te » ^o be toae oure fclues al fo anD oure cbplozen topll
I)p0 ioutnepe.he ano all br s bo fte, tof tb be tbpnc o tone , come Unto Us a pcacea>
cbatettcg.fjoifcinen anD archers : Of ble ioiDc, ano Ufc oure feruprcatthp.
C vobome there mere fo manpe tbat tbep , pleaftire.
couercD the grounoeof the lauDe 3 lpfte Hhcn came l^olof ernes Dotone from
tbegrcOjoppers. the mountapnes toptb bozfmen^ great ©
3nD \ai)m he teas gone pall tf>e box* potoer, anDconqucreDall ftrongefciw
Decs of tbeafficians 3 &e came totoatb* (cd cptpts , anD all that Dtoelte in the
toe gteat mountapnes of ainge, tobrctje lanDc.^nD out of all tbe cptpes be tottc
Ipe Upon the left* fpDe of Celicia : ano fttonge mcn,anb fucbe as toere mete fo?
ft be toct Up tiKo alltijei r caftclles,ano tbctoacre.tobclpcbpm. + fCbere came
iD3D>t), fuel?

_g --

tuclieafearcalfo tipottall tnofc coun* gent toatch totierc anpfttaitcfoap toas
tec c s> cfjat t f] e mo VDtllcre of all tiiccp* Uettijpjctc $ chpU
the motiiitapncg.ainD
tpcs.tb c pipnccs atiD Kuictgf , anD all DicnofJCtaellopD aseliacbim the ,

the people together, lucnt forth to mete pnefteof theJlozDe haD commaunDeD 35
bpm as he came s anD teceauco hpm f?o* tbem.*3nDalltbe people ccpeDerneu* *>(Uf.jK
noutablpe toptb garlanocs anD top Ipe anD humbleD their foules tottb fa*

ches ; fctth oatwfes, tab^ettcs aim pp< ftpngejs anD piapers^bep anD their toi*
uejaf. Che pzielrcs put on ftcetp clothes;
^euctthelelTe though thcpDpD this, auD lapeD the poungc babes before the
^ pet mpghte the? not ftoage ftps cigo* temple of the &ozDe, anD coueccD the
tuS ftomactic:but be Dcftroieo their tU aultcr of the TLojdc uiptb an beetrpe
tpes, aiio ficUicD Dotutic tficir tooDDcs* clothe. anD toith one acco?De thep ctped
£oj |*abucboDouo?o£ the &pnge baD onto the HoiDc C50D of Jftaell, that
coramaunDtDbPin,thatbeft)oulDetote their chplDien fljoulDe not be geuen in*
out all the goDDes of the lanDe: (Co tfjc to a pzape\ anD thett topucs into a
intent that he onclpe mpgftte be calico fpople, that their cities IhoulDcnotbe
anD taken foi <5od , of the nations toht lapeDtoafte, anD that their &anctua«
che l^olofernes tbbps potoet bjoughte rpe OjonlDe not be unbalotocD, anD Co
unDcc hpm i S»o incut he thoxome *&p thep to be a fl)amc anD tebufee unto the
tta &obaU,anD tboiotoe all3ippamia, teeatben.
aiio al ^eropotamta,came to the 3 dim Chen cuachi'm the hP« P.itcft of the

tneans,tn the lanD of o5t bca, anD &cp ftoioe toeut counDe aboute all Hfcaell,
topolp , anD toone their cities , anD re* anD rpa&e unto them, fapingc: 25c pc
there.wjc.oapcSjtohertn he can*
tiiafrtcD lure ,that the lozue topll bearepoure
CcDalltlietohoIe multituDcof&tshoftc petitions, pf pe continue ftcDfaftiufa*
to be gatheceD together*
ftpnges anD pzapets in thefpghte ot
the '/loioc . uemembie jj^of cs the ut>
uauutof the jLotDe.+tohtch oucrtljieto «j*t«f.».

31fracltcquirctt; hclpcof£o& agap»ficj&olo> the aimalechttes ( that ttulleD in thepj
ftujcs,fflKP f aft ana p wpe
mpght anD po toct,tu their haft, in theic
l^enthcchplDMnofjfi Oji'lDes^n their charettes anDhotfnie)
itacll that ouiclte in j|ci not toith ioeapens,but hitch holp piap>
pjpe hcatDethpSjthep crs.euen Co thai all the enempes of JU
ftotrc foie afrapoe of taellbe,pfpe continue in thps toojefee,^
[hpm»Chetecamefuche pc hauc begonnc. <^o Upon thps ejehou
trcmblpngc alfo anD
la tacion thcpcontinucD tn pwper before
feareupontbem, that thep fozomcDhe the TtoiDc.jfu fo muche that thep tohp*
€)otiiDc Do unto the citie of Jet ufalcm che offreD bjente facrpfices Dnto the
anD f tcplc of tbe&oiO c,as he hao Done %oibt, offered the off etpnges unto the
to other cities anD their temples* &o jLOiDe bevnge atapeD in beerrp clotheff

thepfente into all Samaria rounoe a* anb hao aojes upon their heahes. 3Cnt>
bout unto Jerich 0, to be in anD occup u thep al bef ought <£>od from their tobole
cD toppes of the mountapneg,
all the heart,thathc iuoulDe Difcthps people
inaoc fad the tonnes hit th toalle&anD ofJlfraelU
piepaieD coin* foz them agapnftethe 0*Che»u»Cftapter.
©olofctttes tsbtreoiittntl* f actoes.acl)fw IJee
(CUachlm alfo the piicfttoioteunto ©olofttncjf metucllttof iSobDone
\nctt} v>nro
all them that Dtoelt totoache CfDtelon Vjutof 3fictocs,f«iU)f)ul)CtDi»$tftccuIac$Vm6CK
(Vnhichc Ipeth otter agapnft the greate i&olofcntC9tDCtcucfF3iiacprmitt)t)im t

felbe bp Botbatm ) anD unto all thofe ^^j|5D toojDe came to ^olofec^ m
bf tobo men mpght hatic paffage unto te^fsjiws the pzpjicc of the toatces 5
tbem,that thep QjoulD take tn the toap* [of the ^ffitias, that the cbtl*
csofthe mountapnes, toheccbp there iDjenofJfcael pjepaceD them
might be anpetoap anD paffage todies felues to mafce tefiftaunce,
anD botoe
culalem, a that thep tyonlDe holDeDilo thep hao ftoppeo the toape$ bettoprte
tbemountapucs • cben teas fje ereca< peneD^o tofjen tbf s people toas paffeD Jd
Dpngc tozotb,anD calico ail tbe pzpuces tboioto t&e teeD fea , tljep came tnio tt#
of apoab,anD tfie captapnes of amnio, toplDecneffe of tbe apounte ^>pnap,
ano fapD Unto t jjem: (Eel me, tobat p eo> tobeteneuec man mpgfjte Dtoell afo^e,
pie tins is,tbat fcepetb m tbe mountain anD tobete tbe Tonne of man hao neuec
mb? £>z tobat iiianec of Cptpes are reftcD *Cbete toete tfje bittec toatecs e%o.%\t.K
acubat is tbeic potocc ?
tobat maoe ftoete fo? tfjcm,tbat tbep mpgbte
inanec of booft baue t?;ep- tobo is tljcic Djpnc&e,*5»]ci4peace8 fjaD tbep meat* etorystt
Captapuc .- Sno tofjp doc tbep Difppfe ftome beauen»iODbctefoeuectbep toente JD ",t,s '*•'
gabittjo.b tos(moie*tben alltbofetfjat Dtoell in (toitfjoute botoe anD acotoe,toitboute
tbe caft)auD come not foztbe to mete bullet 0? f toetDe)tbeic <5oD Cougfjt foj
Us,tbat tbep mpgbte teceatie Us toptb tbem,anD caufeD tbem to bauetbe bic^
9Mk**»pMttt*tbm%sbioi tip captapne of all tozp^ca,no man toas able to butt tins
t()e ammonites anf toeteD and, fapDe: people, ejecept it toecei'o, ttjat ti)zp dh
£>ic,pf it picaf e tbe to beatc me , 3 topi pacteD bnf apt bf uilp from tbe toozdjpp *

tell tin ttuctbbefotc tbeconceenpnge ping off XLoio tbcic (it od.*J5ui as oft jMtMM
tbps people tfjat Dtoell in tbe mountap* astbcptouclbpppeD anpe otbet befiDe mmU
nes.anDtfjccef&alnoipe gee out of in? tbeic <^od b e g a uc tl)i ouc t to be fpop?

inoutbe* ieD,to be aapne, $ to be put to confufio*

•3 Cbps people Is of tbe genetacion of ^cucctbclctte as oft as ti)tp toece fozpe
tfje calDecs , tljep Dtoelte fpzfte in i^e- fozoepactpng from § touttypp of tbeic
fopotamw , fo? tbep uionloc notfolotoe i@oo,tfjcfame <25od oCOcaueu gauetbc
t!)c<SoDDcs of tfjeit fatbetsttiat toece potoet anD ftccng tl; to toitfjftanDe tbeic
in tfje lanoe of tfje catoees , ano fo f oy, cnempes*
rofcetbep tbe ctiftomes of tfjeit fozefa* *^ozcouet tbep aetoe tbe ftpngc of
tbets(tobpcbe baD manpe <EoDDe6)anD
Cauanites, jebufites, ^beteliM«, a
tdozfljpppcDoue<EOD, tbatmaoebca* tes,^etbites } Cuites, anD amozites, 51 3,ofu,,ua;
tien ano eattbe: tofjiclje alfo commauu* al tl)t migbtpe in l^efcbpn,
9 tofee tbep?
6mt,xifi. fceDtbem tfjat tfjep*(^nID go fto tbece, iaiiDes anD cities in podelTion : aino To
<stti46 »
anD DtocI at © at «n»*Bo toe to&en tbece longeastbep fiuneDuot in§ figbteof
«rot>.i b. came a Dearth into j> toijoie lano,* tbep
tbepz <i5oD, it toent toell tfj^foz tiwi ^
toe,lt DoUme t0 <CgPPte ano tbece tbep d5oD batetfj tjntigfjteoufnes
SB? ;
, * f oz in
Dtoelte foute C peaces,tn tfje tofjpcfje tpmes paft M)m tbep toentoute of tbe wutts '*'*
~ ....

tfjep mnltiplpeD fo gteatfpe, tbat tbeic toape,tofjtcb d5oo bao geueu tbcm,tbac

f»^i> bolt mpgbt not be mimbieD**3taD tobe t\)C^ $0 uIdc to a lefee in it, tt)t)? toece De>
ttit ftpnge ofepjjpc oppzeffeD tbem,ano ftcopeD in Diuecte batailes of manp nm
fubDucDtbem tnbupibpnge ofbpscp* cpons:^ manp of ttyi toece cacpeD amap
ties toftbmaftiugeof cla^eanD bzicfce, pzpfonecs unto a ftcauuge cotintcepu
t&ep ctp«D Unto ©od tbeic jlozDe>bi> &ut notoe latclpe tbcv banc tucneD
cbepuntujeD tbe tobolelanbe of egtpte feltics agapne Unto iozd tbepz 150D,
tot tbDiucrfc plagues. anD ace come togetbec agapne out of §
*#oto tolje tbe fcpnge of egnpte let countcees tobete tbep toete fcatttcDa*
€#»*** tbem goe tbeic toap.ano tfje plage
ceaf* btoDe:? tbus bane tbep conqueceD tbefc
ut3>** tf> cn foto tocD af tec «>«". to tafee tnountapnes anD
€t m,!b Dtoell tfjiecein:atiD as
tljem, anD to bzpnge tbem agapne into foz Jecufaleni tobete tbeic £>anctuatp r

bis fetuiee, tobplc tfjep toete flepnge a< is,tb ep baue 1 1 agapne in pofleffion*
toap 5 tbe <©od of beatien openeD tbe f ea, Hub tbecefoze mp )LozDe , mafteDp* 5?
fo f tbe toatecs IloDe fafl: tpon botbe ligent inquificion 3 pftbps people fjaue
fpDes as a toall,anD tbefe \otnt tboioto DonetopcfteDneffem tbe fpgbt oftbepj
tbe botome of tbe fea Djpe u^od Jn tfje <B0D,tben let Us go Up agapnlt tbe, fo;
tobteb place toben an innumetablepeo^ Doutles tbeic ©00 Ojall Delpuec tbem
pie of tlje (Cgipcians folo toeD Upon tbe, iuto tbp b a no c s % fubDue tbe Unto tbp

tbep toete fo ouettobelmcDtoitb tbe toa? po toet.sut pf tbts people baue not Dtfr
tets, tbattfjetecemapncD not one, to pleafeD tbeic v5od , toe (ball not be able
uil tl)tm tf;at came after, fjotoe it i*ap> to toitfjftanD t!>em,*foz t(jeit<!5oD
; m

fcgfcnD tfjcm,anD fo fl)all to e be a $a me

to all ttje tooziDc. $>o i^olof ernes comaunDeD bis fer*
tftotoe toben 30cf)<o^ baD fpofceu out uautes to take aicbioi, anD to catp
tbcfe toozocs , all tbe pzpnces of $olo> Dnto isetbuUa.anD to Deliuet bim
femes to'ere tojotb, ano t^ougfjt to dap t\)z banDcs of tbe cbpttnen of 3|f cacil.

f)pm,anDfapDeonetoanotbtt:tobatis Cbcn i^olof ernes feruautes tokc bmi,

fje tbps,tobtcb Dare fape,p tbe cbplozen anD
toenttbozototbe plapnefeioe.23iit
toben tt)ep Dzctoe npt Dnto p mountap*
of Jftacl ar< able to toiriiftanD n-iabu*
cboDonofoztbekpngc anD tits booftef ncs.tbe fling cadees came out agapnft
tuyere as tfjep ate an bntoepeueD pco* them: ^cucrtbelefle ibep gat tbema*
ple,toitbout ftrengtb oz DnDctftanDing toape bp tbe fpDe of tbe monntapne.ano
of the feates of tuarre^ Cbataiclnoz bounDe 36cbioz banoeanDfote onto a
tfjetfoze mapknoto tbat bebatb Difcea* ttee,anD fo left bpm bounD xb toitbies,
ucDtis luetoPll goe bpmto tfie mouu> anD tnrncD agapne Dnto tbetr iLo:oe.
tapnes: anD toben tbe migbtie men of ^ottottbdanDfnge trjecbplDzen of

tne ace taken,be alfo tyalbe ftpctc tuitij 3fraeil toent Dotone ftome Betbulta,
the ftoerDc,£ all people map Unoto, that came Dnto bpm , loufeo bpm,
^iabucboDonofoi is tbe <0od of tfjc bim into ^etbulia, fet fjtm in tbe mpD«

eacb.anD tljat tfti te is none otfjec toitlj* oeft of tbe people , anD afttcD bpm tobati
outrun tbe matter toa& tbat tf; e 3HiTi r tans *>&>
left bpm bounDe.
tcbe'»1)i* Chapter.
iDftastbefonneof^tcba oftbetnV
acfttotstommittcD into fbanbee off 3ietoe«
t>p teoloferirts. i^etstp.&roa tcee,butiBloufcb
be of Simeon, anD Cbatmim(tobpcbe ^
sfHirtt>C9.i;i;cpiapccof£peopic.£cgioM9C&: is alfo calleD ©otbomiell ) tocn tbc
ftutc&ouocjUtocs. pzpncipall tutlacs at tbe fame tpme*
fiO toben tbepbflD left of l^otoe toben Hicbioi ftoDe in tbe mi»o»
!rpcafcig,^oloftr nj robe Deft of tbe ^enato iitcs n befoze tt)i all

indignation tapbe
jifoie betolDc tbcin,tobatanftoece be gaue
'bntoj&cbcoz 5fozfomu> ^olofernes , to tbe tbpnge tbat beaf^
lebeasgbaftpzopbecieo hco fipin , anD bo toe i^oloferncs people
;i)ntoDs,fapiiip;:g*tb* tooloebaueaapne bpmfoz fofaping,^
peope of 3'i tael fljaibc DefeDeo of tbepz bote j^olofernes bp felfe toas toiotbe,
<©oo,3| topi ftjeto tbc,£ there is no <£oo anD ComaunDeD bim foitbe famecaufe
bntjfrabucboDouojoi gca,tobe toe Cap tobcoeltuetcD bnto tbe 3|fraellftes:§
tbc al as one man J
alto Ojait pecity Mb toben beouercame tbe cbilozen of ju
the thozoto p ftoeroe of p 3(Tiuans,aiiD tael lie migb t comaunDe 3iebioz alfo to i

al Ji tad fljalbe DefttopeD toitb tbe,anD be put to Death toitb Dtuctfe toimeces,
then Ojalt tbou fele , tbat ^abue-boao becaufe be fapDrCbe <©od of fjeauen is
no?oz ts tfie ilotDc of tbc tobole eartbe* tbeir DefenDec • 3BnD toben Icbioz bao
tibial tbe f toetDe of mp fcnigbtboDe plapnelp tolDe out all tbefe tbpnges al ,

goe tbozotoc tbpfpDes,atiDtbou njaite tbe people fell Dotone upon tbeir faces,
fal Dotone ftpekt amouge
tbe Ujouudcd pzapfpuge tbe nozDe , anD pouceD oute
of J fracl,anD not
fljaltcome to tbp felfe tbeir pzapctg together Dnto tbe HozDe,'
agapnc.but be bttctlpe DefttopeD toitb \oitl) a gcucrall complapnte anD toe*

tbem. ©utpf tbou tbmkcft tbp pzopbe* ppnge,anD fa pDcri© Hoib e <s ob of bea --

cp to be true, tobP Doeft p t ben cbaunge uen j of ear tbjbcbolDc tbeir pipDe.anD)
tbP colourr-tob p act tbou aftapDtvtbm; lohe bpono-:ire lotolpne(Te,anD confp*
befttbouf mp toooiDcsate not able to DzebotottftauDetb toitb tbp fapnetes,'
be perfourmeD *» ibut tbat tbou mapeft anD make it to be nnotoen , tbat tbou
•a buoto, (bat tbou tnaltc fele tbefetbpn* f otfa keft not rbofc tobicbe bolDe tbeut

ges toitb tbem,bebolD, from tbis bouce faftbp tijc anD bote tbat tbou bzingeft

fottb topi 31 fence tbe fontoponDet peo> tbem Ioto tbatpiefume of tbem felue.0,

pie , tbat toheu tbe puniflmicntc of mp anD make tbeic boaft U\ tljtit otone "o
ftoetDe(tobtcbetbepbauetooztbelp De< ftreugtbe. ^oinbentbe toeppuge anD
fctueo ifalictb bpon tbem, tbou mapeft pzapecof tr)e people ( tobpebe «jep bao
toabe tbe tobole bape longc)toas enDcD, conbuite in f under, Cfjetc toerc toe! Jes
tbep comforted aicbto?, tapitigc: tJtfjc aifouotfatte from tbe toalles } tobicbe
<5od of oure fatbers, itboie potocr anD tbcp DfeD fecretclpe ,moje fo? pleafurc
ftreugtb tbou haft piapfeo , (ball fo te* tbcnfo^nccefrpte*
toarbetbe, tbat tbou tyalte ratbet fee Cbtn tocnttbe Immonites anD t^e
tfjeir Dcfttuccir.n : ftobm tfje no?be O^oabites Duto ^olofernes , a fapbe:
our (Sod tbenOjall gcut bPtf feruaun* <?the cbilD^en of JjtracI trua mit^tt iti
tes tbts libertve,<i5oD be alto toitb ibee tpeare no? arrotoe, but baue taften In
amongc bs : $>o tljat ?f u plcafe tbee, 9
feepe tbe mountapnes anD bplles. dLbac
tbou U)it!? mapeft btocl toi«b os.
tfjpnc tbou mapeft ouercome tbem tbenfoje
|*otoe oflas bad ended tbe
tofjeti tDitbout p fttiapnge of anp battapi,fee
coucell,be tofce Dim into bps boufe, ano men to Uepe tbe toeilc$,tbat tbep Dtaut
maDe a greate flipper , caileD tbe no toatet out of tbeunfo $alte tbou dc*
fibers to it •
anD fo tfy? refrelbeD tbem ftrope tbem tottbout f toerDe, oj at p left
feitics after § faftpnge.ainD aftertoarD tbep Ojalbe fo feble , that tbep mufte be
teas al t\)t people calleb togetbec,tobi* fapne to gtue ouer tbe cttie, tobtcb tbep
cbemabc tbeir pzapers all tbenpgbte tbpncfte not able to be toonne, fo? (0
iotige in tbe congregation^ befougfjte mucbeas ttlpetl) in tbe mountapnes*
.t&edBoDofjrcartlfoibeIpe, Cbefe Ujozocs pleafeD i^oloferues toell
O-Cbe.bti^cftapter* anDalbpsmenoftoarre *anD befetan jmnt**

jSctfmlta is befegea of ©olofectiM.STjcpeop.c bnnoictb men at euerpe toell rounDe a*

tcqtuml; Oclpe of fBoo.injcp of SctOuIta too^c boute.
gcucoucc^cirtcfo;toatcof t^epjapec of anDicbcutbts toatcbebaDenDureD
tpepcople tDirb teatcs aito lamcmactou.

t\omtp oapes,tbe riftetnes anD al tbat
bao toater,faileD tb. em tbat Dtoelt in tbc
Comam.OeDbiSboftjtO cute of ©ctbulia , fo tbat in the tobole
gobp agapnft I3ctbu* citietbcp baD not DjpnBcpuougbefoj
JotfUtf <ia.*Cbere toerean.c* one Dape,foz all tbe people baD toatec
.fiiiO.jcjr/iSouianDc figb> geuen tljem buplp in a meafure (Cben
Jtpngemcnonfote,auD came tbe men anD toeme', vonge perfon^
ttoo 9 ttonw\v$.boifine\ bcfpDe £ pie* nes anD cbtlDJtenallDnto^Dfias^fapD
paring of tbe i tocre toonne : 5 came to
tbe on euerpfpDc out of p cofitrces anD
al tuitb one Dopce : * d&oD be iuDge be*
ttoprt bs anD tbe, fo? tbou baft Dealt u
^ -n> *

titles tobicb be (?aD ta&cn.3fll tbefc pie* tiel toltb t># : tbou looulDeft not fpealte
pateD tbem kin cs btito § bate! agamft pcaceablp toitb tt)t apnge of ti)t Mni»
tbe3(ftaellifes,3 came on bp § r)pi uoe, ans,tberefo?e batb €>od (olDe i)8 into
into £ top £ loaeth ouecagaift ©otba< tbeir banDes, anDtbereis no man to
im^rof place tobtcbe is caileD ©elma } belpe Ds tobere as toe are tyougbte
bntoCbclmontbat ipett) totoarDeef* Doune before tbeir epes in tbirfte ano
oiclon* great Deft nice to Cberfoie gatber nou>

$otoe toben tf^c cbilDicn of Jfraell toget.ber al tbe people tbat be in tbe a*
23 fatoe fo great a multituDc of tbc ailTin* tie,tbattoe mapeallpelDe oure felue^t
ans,tbcp fell Dotoue flat fcpon § gtouD, topllpnglp b nto tbe people of ^oloier#
ftratoeD aOjcs bpon tbeir bcaDcs,anD nes:fo? better it is tbat toe be captpue
pjapeD taptt) one accoiDe , tbat tbe ^oD anDpiapferbeZLoiDe toltb our IpucsV
of Hftaell toouloc flfjetoe bps mcrcp bp< tben to be Oapne anD perpl^e, anD to be
on bps people. ai"Drotbep toHe tbep? lattgbcDtofcome anD ujameDofeuetp
toeapens,auD rat bettotrt tbe mountain man \nhtn toe fee oure topues ano cbtl*
ties in tbt natotoe place , ano kepte the Dtcn Dpe bet'oic oure epes* ice taae bea«
toapedap ano npgbt. ©ut Htbplt ^olo? mn
anb eartbe tbps Dape to recojDr;
femes teas goi'inge abotite , be founbe anD t^t <SoD of oure fatbers ( to?Tpcb«
tbetoatetrp?pnge,tobpcbfc6§£>outb punpfbetb bis accojDpnge to the uu
fpDetoas conuepcD into tbe Cptpebp retupugeofourefpnnesjanDgeuepoii
a conbuite: tbp% comma unbeD be to be toatnpnge, tbatpegetteDp tbe cptpi
&irect anotbet toapc, anD to mtu tbeir notoe in to tbe potoer of $blofernes

f>ooft,tbat oute cube mape be O^ozte bps Defolafe topbotoe tbie peaces ano
toptb tbe ftoecoe, tofjtcbe els fr)all en? fpee ^ponetbes.lnD in tbe bpet partes:
Dure lotigc foi tuante ot matet; ano foz of bet boufe (be maoe bet feUc a pzpupe
tl;irft* cbambze, tobei e (be Dtoelte , beinge clou
aeubenbab fp often out tbtfe tobz*
tljcp f eD in toptb ber mapDenS <§>b* toare a
$5 Des, tbcretoasagtcatetocppngeauD fmocne of necte, and f aft id all tbe Dap>
botoltmgc tii the tobole congregation, csofberlpfe, ejecepte ibe ^abotbes,
auD tbat of eucrpc man
ano tin p ccpec
, auD uetoe moones anD tbe s>olempnc
an tobole bourelonge bnto <£>oD toptfi Dapes t tbe people of Jfrael bept.^be
one bopce, lapinge : * $oe bane finneo toas a betpe fapze^beutifull pctfone,
toIt{) oucfatfjecs, toe bane Done amilTe, jaec buf banoe alto baD leftc bet gtcate
toe bane oealte topckeblpe* qcboutbat tpebes, a plenteous IjouOjoIdc, gteate
arte gracious , brute me tepe bpon bs, bnmoueable pofleffpons ano manpe t&
pnnifg out bnrigbteoufnes toitb tome telh 'jtbps Judu!) toas a tooman oc
o tone fcotirge , nob geue not tijofc otic c a betpe gooD tepozte toptb cucrpc one*
tbat fttiotoUDge tbe,bnto a people tolyu f o.z flje f eateD tbe ilotcc gteatlpe , anD

cbeRtiotoetbtbee not, left tfjcp fare a? tbete toas no boope tbat fpake an euell
«r...«L monget&e ^eatben:*aobete is tbepz toozDcofbct*
«cben tbps JtiDltb b'tbe, botoc ®i
3!nbtobcntbcptocte fo tocrpc Uptfi fpas baD pjompfeD tbe people, tbat afr £
tbpsctpinge ano toeppnge,tbat tbep tet tbe fpftc Dape. be toottloe gcue bp
feclDe in c i rtongues, £>fias floDc t»p \b tbe cptpe Unto tbe 3in"itiaus, fbefente
toatrpc eyes , anD fapDe : ©
take gooD foUbeeloecsCbambip ano Cbarnun,
hcartcs bntopou,(Dcarc bzetbzenjanD atiotoben tbepcame to buMfetfapDe:
be of gooD cucate , and let tis toapte pet ^ccbattbpngeis tbiSjtobetcin ^fia«J
tbtfe tpueDapcg foz mercp ofpJlozoe: batb conjfcnteD , tbatpfd50D b^noc
peraDucnture lie [gal cutte atoape bis toptbinfpucDai»cs,betopll geue on
inoignacton,anb gcue glozrc bnto i)ps tbe cptpe to tbe Mtrians «• s5X)bai ate
name ©ut pf be fjclpe bs not toben
tbcf e f in e oapes ate pad, toe Oj all Do as
pe,tbat pe tempt tbe jLortcj* be^
upce optapnetb no metcpe of ©od , bufl
pcbauefavDe. pzoitoketb bun bnto to.iatbe anD Di*
flCbe.bttt.Cbaptet* f plcaf ure. jsril pc fet p mercp of § lo.zD
JDftl)C\)CLtcougVtiom3 JIuDtrt),tD')tcl)tCp:oucff)
atpmeanD appopnte bputabapeaftcc
toe aincieres becaufc tlje? remprco v EoiDc.^oc pourtopiu
aifo maucrg roe to meow jc $l;eactcii f> people, <e ^euertbeleffc fojfo mucbe as tyt
l&ctoctrj get tou cci agatntt $ encrme g of £ 31 tics.
toiDc bs ratbet anicuoe
is pacient, let
$D it bappenco toben t&efe oure fclu esjpourpngc oute rentes, anD
toozDcs came to tbe cares of befeebpnge bpm of grace ifoi (5o&
JtiDitfja topDotoc, tobicbe tiucatenctbnotas a man, nctbcrtopll
Juiastbe Dougntct of <JK)cta* be be pzono&eo bnto to^af b as^ ttft cIhIj
rp.tbe fonne J
ofjooj; tonne of Jfofepl), Dten of men.^nD tberf oze let bsbcarte<
the fonne of sDftab, tbe fonne ofciai,p Ip fal Dotone befoze bpm, anD fctue bim
fonne of JammoMbe ionnt of Tjeoeon, totth a mene fptrttc,auo toitb tocprnge
the tonne of ttapUoim , tbe fonne of 36* epes^ fape bnto tbe JLozoe,tbat be Deale
cftitoo,tbe tonne of ^elcijia, tt)e tonne toitb bs accozbpnge to ins otone toplt
ofefuam, toe fonne of ^atbania, tbe anD mercp e , tbat ip be as oute beatt is
fonne of ^alatbiel,tbe lowm of &imc= notoe bereo, anD bzougbt lotoe tbozoto)
on,tbe tonne of Uubeu* aMDfyetbuf' tbepzpDeof tbem,ttmapefo be confoi*
banDe toas calico ^anatTcs,tobpcb Dt> teDtbozotoe t)^s gtacemifomucbeas
eD m the Dapes of p barlpc batueft, jfoz toe folotoe not tbe fpnues of oute fa*
tobple be toas bpnopnge tbe Qjettes to) tbers,tobpcbe foztoHe tbeir ©od,? too^
getbet in the felDe , tbe beate came bp t OjpppeD otbet goDDes : f oz tb^ tobicbe
on bps beaDc,ano be dpcd at isetbulia fpnne tbep perpfbeD toitb tbe ftoerDe,'
bps eptpe,anD tbete toas be butpeD be* toetefporlcDauD bzougbt to tbame of
33 fp&e bP£ facets • $o toe toas j uo t tb all tbcic enemies . 25s fozbs, toe nuotoe

houcotbcr<Eob but onelpc bpm, fot ell toff bin f^ue Dapcs,as pe baue fapD*
let Ds tatpc to ttf; meae*
tobof e comfort 21* fox tbe tbpnge tbat 3 goe in banbe
&miji,t neffe « * £e O^aii require ano matte im no qucutons of it , tpll
tDttball,affte pe
quificton for our blouoe, from tf>e be r* 3 open it
Dnto pou mp felfe: 320c pe
actons of ourc encmtesrbc (ball bzpnge notbpnge els but pzape Dnto t\)t lozbe
Do lone all tfje beatben , tbat rple Dp a*poute(50Dfot me* Cben £>lpas ibe
gapnft Ds, anD putt bem to otu>uoz,c< l^tpnce of tbe people of 3 uoa fapDe Dn
uen tbe JUnoc ourc ©ob» to bct;©oe top toape in peace, tbe noia
55 ate
'CbcrcfoxeDcarebzetbzen, feingepe betoptbtbe,tbattoemape be auengeD
tbe bouozable ano elocrs in tbe peo* of oute enempc$.3inD Co tr)ep ioent from
pie of d50D, into tobo all f people baue bet agapne.
tefpcctc,aub Dpon tobom tbe life of tbe
people ftanDetb , Ipfte Dp tbeic beattc
%ty t'r» Cbapter*
toitb pourc crboztacion, fttftp mape 3Wjepwpet of Hubt'A f01 toe btctoxpe.

wn.wi» wiltoremembzaunce.Kbotoe ourc fa* €)toc toben tr)ep foete

«.p*t jif. rbers alfo in times pair, lucre tempteb, gouctbeirbjap,3iubitb
tbat tbcp nit gbt bepzoucD,if tbcp tour* loeutetntobcroiatoipe,
tyfppcD tbett ©od a cigbt.Cbep ougbt putonanbeerpefmobe,
^ tocemembze,*botoe ourefatbeeabza* ftrotoiDaujcs D pou bee
wn,;ISta' Dam bepnge tempteo, ano ttieo tr>o?bt» lbeaD,feI Dotone before §
manpe ttpbtilacions teas founbe a lo#
, JloiD,^ crpeD Dnto btm,faping:€)tLozD
uer a tiD f renoe of ©od . ^>o teas* 3fa< ©od of mpfatber ^imcon,*U)btcb ga-^ «»

*ffi?b « c > f0 toa0 Jfacobjfo toas #ofes,* anD ueft bim a ftoerDe fo: a Defence agapnft <sm i - ^
»»bwi». a all tfjep tbat pleafco <^oo,bepnge trpeD tbe enemies ^Df eD bioleuce^toplful*
tbozotoe manpe troubles, toece founbe ncs ^ tbat rautO)cD # Dttgtn 9 put bee
(tcDfaft in faptbe Hlgapne,tbep tbat re* to Difybttcltp.tEbou v gaueft tbeir tap*
ccawD not tbeit tempt acions toitb tbe ues into a ptap , 3 tbeit oougbtets into
tbcm retries foztr)
feare of (i5oo,but put eapti uite,aho al tbett pzap f 01 a rpople
toitb impactencpe anD m tir murpnge a* Dnto tbp fetua untejs, tobicb bare ajcie
ftom«b. gapnft d50D,*periu>eo of tfft Deft toper, Dnto tbe,be!peme topbotoe,® >Lozd m>
s ««•« anD toerc aapne of lerpentcs.ainD tbet* (5oD,3 befcebe tbe» ^oi tr>ou bade bone
fozefljouiDenottoe Dnbettaae to be a* al tbinges from tt)i beginning , * lone
ucugcD, f 0? tbe tbmge tbat is Done \m* tobat tbou baft taken in bauoeanbbc*
to Ds:but to confpoet, tbat al tbere p m uifeD it came cuct to paiTe . f 01 all tbf»
ntfljmentcs ate facte lelfe tben out fpiu toapes ate piepateb, f tbp luogemetcs
lies 9 mifDeDes.seieuing alfo,* | ffjis ate Done in tbp euetlafttnge foiknoto*
tto.WU.0 correction
commetb Dnto Ds(as to tbe lebge . lofte noioc bpo f armies of
fcrua times of dfc>oD )foiamenDemeut$ aiirttias , Ipse * as it mas tbp pleafute
not fo: our Deft tuccibn, fomtpmeto loobeDpontbeboftoffC? <J5«*««»

A Cben f apDc ©rtas $ tbe elDers bn gipcias toben tbep bepnge toeapeucD,
^ to 3fubitfj : 3BII tbat tbou rpeaacft, i$

petfecuteb tbp feruauntes ft put ibetc


true,auDnomancan rcpzoue tbp tooi< ttuft in tbeit ebatettes,boifme\3 in tbe

Des»jazapetboufoi Ds riotoetbetefoje multitube of tbett men of toatre^ut
into csoD ,f 01 tbou arte an bolp tooma, loaebeft Dpon tbett booffe caftpnge a
ano feareft d5ob»ainD 3ubitb far be bn* tb tcftc Datchenes brfoie tr)em: anb lobe
<.£«,!* t0 t! » c »» * &e«»ge pe fenotoe , tr)at mp tbep came into tbe Depe, t^eloatetso*

" *' to0XDCB ate of d5oD, tben pxoue mp coil* uertubcImcD tbenn
eelanD Deaiee,pf it be of ©od : anD Dc< (guen fo TLozDe let if goe toitb tbcfe,
1 bzpnge mp cou t
cebe (50D, tbat be top!! tbat ttufte in tbe potoet 9 multttube of
ccltoagooDcnDc. tbeit men of toatte , in tbeir cbarettciaf, s
Cbws baue 3 DeuifeD: £e Ojal ftanb aro toes anb fpeares , anD ano toe not J
tr)ps npgbt befote tt)t pozc,aub*3 toll tbou onelp act ourc «BoD,* toluene De^
jmjwa gofojtb toitb 38bza mp mapben: jaxape ftropefttoarrcs from tbe bcgpntiynge, f3fau«<»
pe tbetfoze Dnto <£ob,tbat be topll gta* anb tbat tbou arte tbe llozbe lpfte ©
tvouUn temembze&ps people of 3ffca* Dp tf)pne ar me notoe Ipae as euec from


&>t begphmng,6rtD in typ potoec tying ges,anD Dccfct bet felfc foptb al bee bed
rfjcit potoce to nougbte, caufe tfjctc atape*
tiipglit to fall in tbp imatb* <Ebep make Cbe JloiDe gaue ber alfo a fpecpail
tijcic boaft , g tbep topll Dnbalotoe anD beutpe anD fapieneffe ( f 02 all tbps Dec*
tottpk tfii> £>auctuarp , anD to toad tbe ftpngeof bee feife \oas not Done t 01 anp
tabernacle of tlip name, anD to cade tooluptuoufnes oz plcaf ucc of tbe flefb,
t>otone tbe fiozncof tbpneauUec toptft but of a eigbte DtfctccionanD bertuc,
ftoerDe.^zvnge to pafTe(*D JlozD)
tficit tbecefoze dpd tbe HozDe inert arc bee
tbat tbe pzpDc of tbe enemp map be cut betotpe )fo tbat u> bias erceaopnge
©otoue toptb bps o tone ftocacoe tbat be amiablc.anD toclfaiioutcD in all mens
mape be taken toitb tbe fnarr of fjpjat epes. £>be gaue bee mapDe alfo a bot4
epes tn me,anD tbat tbou mapeft" finite tell of tovne,a potte toitb ople , potage,

bpni toitb § Ipppcs of nip louc. gcue © cake bzeaDc anD cbefe, anDUjcutebtt
me a ftebfaft mpnDe,tbat3imape De* toape.
fppfcbpmanD bps ftrengtbc^tbatj} ^totoe ht)tn tyt came to tbe potte of s,
tnapocftropebpm. tbe cttie.Cbe fouuDe oipas anD tbe <£l*
Cbps jfljall bzpnge tbp name an e< Decs of tbe citte toaptiug tbece. decbtcf?
uetlaftfnge cemcmbzauncc(*pf gbanD tofien tbep fa to bee, tbep toe re aftonptD,
So ,,4t
of a tooman ouectbtbtoe bun.* jfoztbp anD meeuclcD geeatlpe at bee beutpe,
potocr(^DHojD«)ftanDetO not in tbe 11c tier tbeieffe , tbep al keo no que ft ion at
Sow*?.!, potoce ofmcn,imtbet bade tbou anpe bee,but let bee goe, fapiuge : Cbc (isoD
i«* 7 .b
puafure in tbe ft regtb of bozfes.Dbete of ouee fatbecs gene tbe bps grace,auD
toasneuecpzotiDe petfonne tbat pleas toptbbp$po.toee peefoueme all tbe oe*
fcD tbe,bue in tbe pzaper of tbe bumbft upce of tbpne beatt : cbat 3[cruCalciti
anD uuhc batb tbP plcaf ute bene eucc* mape ceiopce ouec tbe, anD tbat tbp na*
moze. me mape be in tbe nombze of tbe fyolpe
i £D tbou <eod of tbe hcaueus, tbou anD cpgbteoujs* 3nb all t\)i)> tbat toece
maker of z} maters , $ &ozDe of al crea? tbetc,fapDe toitb one bopcc:^o be it,lo
tures,bcatc me poozc tooman,cailinge be it* JnDitb mabe bee pzapec bnto tbe
Dpou tr)e,anD puttitige mp truft tn ttip U.ozDe,anD iomt om at t\)t pozt,0)C ana
««u.j9.« metcp.* isemembte tbp couenaunte £> (jec map.De*

%oiO,$ mimftcc toozDes tit mp moutbc, 3iiioastbetoas goinige Dotone tb?

anD da blpujc tbps Deupce in mp bcact, mouutapnc, if bappcncD tbat about tije
tbat tbp borne mape continue ftpll m fpzpnge of tbe Dape,tlie fppes of tbe 31 f
Ijolpncs ,ano tbat ad tbe ^eatbeu mape fiepans^net toitb bee , ano toke bec,
imotoc anD bnDetftauDe,tbat tbou arte rapinge : aajbeuce commeil tbou t Da
<BoD,ttg tlutcts none o tbe t but tbou* tobvtbec goeft tbou/ ^>be anftoeteD;]}

C CbcjcCbaptec.
SIuBttl) Of c ftctti tjee felf to go to ©olofccues. Tbe
am a Dougbtee of tbe l^ebzues, anD ant
fleo fcom tnem , foz 3 bnotoe , tbat tbe?
WeCTing $ rijc ciDctsgauc jfluoitu. ©oiofcencsta Q)allbe geueu bnto pou to be fpopleo:
*nlouctoW31utriti). Became tbep tbougbte fcoznetopelDe
j$D tobentye baD Ieftofccp* tbem felues bnto pou,tbat tbep mpgbfl
& W&^ 4m%t bnto tbeXLozDc , (be core fpnoc metcpe in pouce fpgbte> tcbeeetf
Dp from tbe place, tobcrc Oje fozebaueJDeupfeD bp mp felfe aftec
[baD lien flat before tbe Iozd, this manee: J topll go befoze tbe pztnee .

anD mapDe , toent Dotonc into

calleb bet i^olofecnes,auD tell bnn all Unit feerc?
becboure, lapeD tbe beecpclotbef come tes,^ topl( epetoe bim,boto be map come,
bet,putof tbe gatmcurcs of bectopD* bp tbem.anD to^nne tbem , fo tbat not;
DOtoboDe,toaujeD bee boDpe,annopnteD one man of bis bod Cball pcrpflje.
fict Cclfe \t pzecious tbPtigesofrrtiete PCno toben tbefemen baD beaeD ber
fauouce , bzopDeD anD platcD bee tooozDes, anD confiDzcobec fapie face,
bee r e,

Tet an booue bpon bee bcaDe , anD put tbep toece aftonpeD(foz tbep toonozeD at
on fucbe appacell as belongeD bnto bee ejccellmte beutpe ) ano fapDe bnto
glaDnelTe,aippets bpon bet fctc,acme> becrCboubaftefaiieb tbPlpfe bpfpn*
lettes, fpanges, eacpnges, fpngee tw> Dpngc out tbrsDeupfe,^ tbou tooioea
iSfJttiritfc jftAmM.
come botone (6 oure lozbe ; anD be tbou (bp tbe reafoti of out fpnnes)^ be batb
i utc,tbat toban p comcft b nto bint , he Ujc tocb bK> bis jdzopbetcs bnto tt)e peo
fljall mtreatc ano tboufyalte
tfjc toell , pic,boto tbat f 02 tbeir fumes be toil be>
pleafe btm at § bett^o rijcp bzougbtc Ipuer tbe o tier bnto tbe cueuip. 3 no top
bet into i^olofecues pauplton,anbtolb fo in ucb as tbe cbtf 02c of jcrracl bnotoe
bun of fiet»0otoe to^eti ffoc came in be> tbat tbep bauefo bifpleafeb tbeir ^od,
foze binMmmebiatlp be toas ouetcotne tbep are fojeaf rapeo of tbe»
anD taken toptb bet betotpc. c
)£ii faib
tEbep fufifre great bonget aifo , anb
\)p$ fccuaunres : tobo tooulbc Defppfe foz toauteof toater } tbep arebeao uotoc
tbe people of t!;e 3jetocs,tbat fjanclo in a maner^ojouer tt)cp ate appoint
fap;e toemetir- ^>f)ouloe toe not Dp tea> ceo to Hape all tbepzcatteli 9 tbat t^
fonfpgljt agapntt tbemfoztbefcr^a map Dzincae ttjt blotib of tbf m;ano ace
toben jjubttb fatoc ^olofetnes fpmng purpofebto fpenoealltbe boipeozna^
m a catiapt>,tnat toas tozougbt of pur* mentis oftbep2d&£)&(tobicb be batb
ple,fpl&e, goloe , §>inatagDe anD pzt* f02bpDDen tbepmtotoncbe)f02C02ne,
(pons (tones, tye iofceo fail bpou bpm, topneanbople ^yepnge noioe tbat *
anD fell bourne upon tbe eartb aino Wpb) tbefe tbpnges,it is a plapne
l^olofccues fetuauntes toUe berbpa* cafe,tbat tbep mutt neoes be befttoieb*
gatne,at tbeir toioes comaunbemetK» acobpebe toben 3 tf)p banomapoen per>
c3*Cbe«jri.Cbapter» ceauebj fleb from tbc>MQ tbe HQ2be
feolofctucg ccquicctl) of JJuDtrlj t\)t catire of Ijec batbe fenre me bnto tbee to ftetoe tijee
cutiimpnu.ttJijuiJ gpuetb Dim 4 futrcit diifmet.
tbefe tbpnges if 02 3f tijp bauomapo
]|eu fapD iftolof ernes bn< D2ntoo.2f^pppe^^)B mm
bete notoe
tbbcr.'seo'f gaoDcbcre,^ befpbetbce^anbtbp baubmapbenf^all
[fear c not in tbpne bctte,f 02 gofo2tb , ano I topll maHe mp p^apec
3f neucc butt man , p toolb bnto 05ob,aub be fball tell me, toben be
flferuc/ftabucbobonofoi tbe topll retoarbetbepm tbepz fpnne:tbcn
fcpng,38 foz tt>p people,pf tbep bad not fl)all3 come anb fyetoe tbe anb b2png
befppfeb me.j fl)oulb not bane Ipft bp tbe tf^ojo to tbe miooeft of 3|etufaie,fo
a fpeare agapntt tl)^ $ut tel me no toe, tbat tbou fba It baue al tlft people of Ji"
tobat is tbe caufetbat tbou act bepat* cael,as tfjs ujepe toitbouta Ojcpebcrb?
teb from tbem, ano tobetfoje arte tbou there iball natfomucbeas onebogge
come bnto bs. barcn againft tbe.foztbefe tbinges ate
3pnb Juottbfapebbnto Qtin:$W, fl)etoeb mebp§p2ouioenceof©ob:anb
bnberliaube tbe toozbes oftbpbanbe* fox fo mucbe as <ff>oo is Difplearcb toitb
inapben : fozpf tboii toplu Do aftettbe tt)epmj)t batbe fent me to tell tbee ti)t
toozoes of tbp banbmapben, tbe fioioe fame.
tyaf bipng tbp matter to a pjorpetous Cbefe toozbes pleafeb^olofecnes 9
effected trnelp as Babucbobonofoz aUbisferuauntes,tobicb marueleb at 33
a lozbe of tbe lanbe Ip«iefb,anD as teu*
tbe toifaome of ber,anb rapb one to an*
f pe as hps potoet f ptietb ,
tobtcbe is m
otber : tbete is not fucbe a toowan bp*

ibe to tbe p unptymentc of all men tbat on eattbe , in betotpe ano bpfcrecpon of
go to2ong,al men tyal not onlp be fub< tootbejS* 3nb j^olofernes fapbe bnto
bueb bnto btm tbozotoe tbe, but all tbe ber:si54Da batb bone toe!, t*?at be
beattesalfoof tbe felbe.ffoz all people fent tbe bptbet befoze tbp people , tbac
fpeafce of tbp pzubente actpuite, anb it tbou mapett gene tbepm into
our ban*
batb euer bene tepozteo,botoe tbou on* bes %nt> foz fo mucbe a$ tbp pzompfe
Ipearce goob anb mpgbtpe in allbps is gooo,if tbp d5ob perfourme it
fepngaome^ tbp bifctccionis coming tm,be(bali be mp<5obalfo,anb tbou
DcbinalllaiiDcs. fl)altbeeccellentanbgceatiu£ court*
K Cbe tbpnge is manpfeft alfo,tbat of Ba^ucboDonofoM tbp name tyalbe
^3Pcbiox fpabe,a«o it is toell fcnotone, fposeuofiu all tbe lanoe*
tobat tbou commaunbebtt to bo bnto
fttntrf oz tbis is plapne anb of a Cure*
C^olofetncs commaimoetlj tfiatju^ttt) be
t¥S)t\&t out tfcoDisfo tojotb toitfjbs
Vx>clt:irtcatC5.5»t)C licence Defpjfri) re go oat in
&£4* tbe
then? gbt ctafonto piap.aub obtapuetb
it.w& ftapco , to corat m
to n^ fojbe, tbat ft>^
aao ts rente unto bet , to mouc yet to
tome tn to
map be bonouteb before bun,? tye inaf
I&olofCEuesto a banj&et.ano $c
eate ^Dztnck totne,^ be metp tottb b«»«
mntotobojuottb anrtecteD:300boatn
f^V^en commatmDcD be bet to goe 3J,tbat 31 u)oulo rap mp Ioid nap^tobat
21 A rtn,tobete bps tteafute lape
arm , focuet t$ goob before bis epes,3Bft)a»
CfLcbatgdi tbat ft)e baue
(fcoulbe do it : a lofce tobat is bis pleaf ure, tbat
$et DtoeUpnge tbete ano appopntco
, Q)al J t bpneke toell Done,as long as 3
tobat tyoulbebe gcuen bet ftom ftps
table/Juoitb anrtoeteb turn, anb fapb: ^>ou>e ftobe bp,anb betUte bet felf ^
* 30 f j tbe meate tbat tbou baft com* libbet appatell,anb mnt in,ano ftooot
maunoeb to geue me, 3 mape not cate before bpro.amD j^olofetneiS bette toas
of ft as notoe(left 3 opfpleafe tnp <£od; tobole moueb ,fo tbat be bient in befpre
but topi cat of fueb as j baue brougbt totoatoe bet^no ^olofetnes fapb bn*
to bet ; orpnehe notoe ano fptte botone,
toptb me* €b«» fapi>e j^crfofetnes tw
to bet:3f tfjefe tbpnges tbat tbou baft ano be metpe,for tbou bafte founoe fa*
brougbt toptb tbefaple , tobat ft)all toe uotice before me. Cben fapbe ]|uDitb:

Do tmto tbee f 3nb luortb fapbe:H!s &>Vhl topllbrpncae,for m^ mpnbe is

tnecte t to tmp t tf)tn euet ft toas in al m?
f ruelp as tbou Ipuett mp lorb,tbP
mapDenOjallnot fpenoe alltbps,tpU ipff .3no 0)e toU ano ate ano brancae
before bim, tbe tbpnges tbat bet map*
df>€>© bauebrougbte to paffe tamp
banbe^e tinges tbat J baue Deup* ben hao prepateb for bet* ano ^olofet
Ceo* nes toas metpe toptb bet , anD brancfte
m ^o bis fetuauntes brougbt per tn* more topne s tben euet rje Dpb afore tn
totbetent,tobete as bebao appopnteo. bps Ipfe*

3no as Oje toas gopnge in,Hje Defpreb oS'Cbe.jcnuCbaptet*

©ofofettieeflepetb fotbeep dionrtmeffe, ana
tbat tye mpgbte baue leu* to go fojtlje
3fnortb cuttetb of bis bcaoc.anb goctbttwttotrt>
bp npgbt anD before bape,to bet prapa to bet otone peopletof tobfi Q»ei9c«e4uc» tottb
*r,anoto make intetctiTron bnto tbe tope . &\)Vp jjcuetbanches ttnto ©oo.foitljept
3Iubttb rpcaberb bnto aebto*.
KLorocCben commaunbeb i&olofetnes telpuctAuncc.
tobuDe tnarucletl; at bet f care cone tofcolofcc=
tys Cbamberlapnes,tbatOje ftjoulD* nes.
go out ano tn at bet pleaf ure,to pzape
btrto (Boo tbofe tb.rc Dares. «^)to toben it toas late in tbe
3ino f o tn tbe npgbt f eafon ft)* toente nigbtbps fetuauntes maoe^
foitbintotbe ballepofi5etbuua,anD baft eucrp ma
to bis loogig.

toaljeo bet I'clfc in tbe toel toatet-Cben 3Bnb «iagao (but tbe e&am*
ffi •; «v

toent u)e bp,ano befougbte tbe Jlorbe bet Dores 5atiD toente bps toape , * foj
<Eod of IftaeU tbatbe toouloe profp* re tbeptoece all ouetlaoen toptb torn*
bet toape, for tbe oclp ucrauncc or bps ^o toas 3 uoitfj alone in tbe chamber*
pc ople.ano fo u)e toent tn, ano remap* 3s for fcolof ernes be tape upon tbe
tieddene in bet tentc , tpll u)e toae bet bcoaf br6ncaen,aub of berp DroncUcn?
meate w tbe euenpnge. uesfellaaepe*
mijm comma tinoeD ^tfoitf) bet map*
c- ^jpo» ttft fouttb b*pe it bappeueb,
tbati^olofetnesmabea coftlpefuppet ben, to flanbetoptbout before tbe bore,
ftobe before
tjnto bps Cetuauntes , anb fapbe bnto ano to toapte.3inb lubitb
ujagao f>v$ Cbambetlapne : <eo m
tbe beb,maBpnge bet prapet \o^ tea*
tes,anb moueb bee Ipppes fcctetlp,anb
toape,anb rounfeltbps f^e&rueftVbat
Tapb:^trengtbenme£))lorD <£5ooot
(be mape be topHpng toconf ent to aepe
touipanpeiwptb me tfo?rtto«tea Jfrael^anb baue refpect bnto t^t toor*
ft)anie bnto all tf^t 2MQ>rf as, tbat a too*
fees of mpbanoe^ in tbps bou«e,tbat

man OjoulDfo laugbeamanto feoznc, tbou mapeft fet bp tbe cptie of Jerufa*
tbatfljetoete come ftom bpm femm% !cm, Ipfeeas tbou bafte
prompfeb :
fcotoitball. graunu tbat bp tbe 3 map perfoutme
tcben toent toagao trnto ^ubttbjaiib tbe tbvng,tobteb % baue beupfeb tbo*

C&tDe:jL*t not tt)e gooo oougfttet be a> to to tbe beleue--"
tr>at J baue in tbe*
iBfjmttfr ftimutu
3uo tofjcn f^ef?aft fpofccti tbps , 0)s agapite bnto pou3 tbat &
gceat bict
tocute to the bebfteabe , nno lotofeb tf>e tpe, fo tbat 3J am efcapeb 3 anb pe btlp*
ftocrDc tfjat bangeb bpon it,anb azetoe ueceb.iD geuetbanfecs bnto bim eue«
ir oute cbcu tofcc fljt fjolo otttic 6cccp
. cicbone,foz*be is gtacious^bis met* &ta.t*i.:
cpe enbucetb foi euec
8M rtl'*
iocBes of his bcaoc,anb fapberi^tceng
then me O
loidc (Sod in this bonce:* ^>o tbep pzaj'leo tbe Hoibe altoge*
tuirl? gaue bim t too ftcolus top
tbat.Oje tbec,aubgauetbanfeesbntbbim. amo •

on the uccbc anb fmote of bp s fyeaoe*

to bet ti)tp fapoe:Cbe JLozbe batb blef^
Cbeu toBc fl)e the canappe atoape , a id f eo tbe in bis poujcc,f oz tbo^oiu thee be
tolleo tf;e DeaD bobp afroclf mmeDiac* batb bzougbt ouc enempes to nought.
ip flje gat her f oztb , auo Delptic reD the vHhd iDj tas tbe chief ruler of tbe people
fjeao of l^olofccnes bnto bee mapbeu, of i'fcacH, fai'De bnto bec:z3le(Teb arte
ano baD tic c put it us fjcc toaile t. tbou(g) bougbtecof tbe XLojo tt)t bpgb
3Bno Co thefe t too tocnt f oztb togo <5oo,)a bone ail Uiomen bpon earth,
cbet after their cuftomc,as tbougbe zSlcflTeO be tbe )lozoe , tbe maBec of
tbep toouloc pjape,anD To paffcb bp the beauen anb earth, u»bicbe batbe gpbeb
&ofte,aub came t bozotoe the ballcp bu* tin a tight to idoudc ano to finite of tha
totbepozreo£tbeq>tie. Sfnbjubitb bcaoc of the capttapneofouce enemp*
ccpeb a farce of bnto the toatcbmcn bp *& * f °* tbis bape be batbe mabe tbp
on tbe toalles : ©pen the gates ( fapDe name IjonoucabU , tbat tbp pzapfe
n)e)toi iB©B is tot to us tobtebe bath (t)aU neuec come oute of tbe moutbe of

fljetoeb bis po mer in Jftacl 3BiiD toben .men, iuhicbe fx)ali aliuape temembecg
tbep beacbe her boice,tbcp calico tne el? po toer of tbe JLozdc ; repnge thou bade
oetsoftbecptpetogetbec , anb tbep not fpaceb tbpne oton (elfe,but put t\&
came all to mete bec,lptle 9 gceat, pong fitieopacbp 3 confpbecpngetbeangut(b
anb oloe,foz tbep tbougbte not ttjat Qje anb trouble of tbp people, anb fo bade
Q)ou(De baue come To foone . &o tfjep belpeb tbepz tal befoze dsob ouc £020,
Ipgbteo cnnbeIs,anD gatbeceb aboutc 2t»b all the people fapber^men, ameiu
bet cuecpcbone:but (Ijc ment bp into an 3ich toz alfo toas caUeb,anb be came.
&peplace,an& cattfeb fpleuce to be pzo* (Chen fapb 3 uoitb bnto him: at)e gob <&

flapmeb. of J fcael bnto tobom tb u gauetl toit*

^ wben euecp man note belbc bis tong, ne(fe,tbat be toouloc be a ucugco of bps
3 ubitb fapb;© pzapfe tbe lozbeoute cucmpt0,cucn be batb tbps npgb t tfjo?
d5t£>2D,foz be batbe not bpfppfeD,noi totoemp banbe fmptteuof tbebeaoeof
f ozfafce n tbepm , that put tbeittn bpm: al tbe bnfaptbf ul.3inb tbat tbou map;
anb in me bps banbmaiben be ba t h pec eft fe tbat it fo is,beboib,tbis is § beab
f ozmcb bis incccpe , tobicbe be pzomp* of i?)olofetues,tohich in hj'S pzefumpte
feb bnto tbe boufe of 3fftael;pea,tn nip ous pzpbe befppfeb tbe Cob of tbe peo*
bauoe tbis fame nigfjte batbe be flapne pic of JTraelljahb tbzeatcntbtbe toptb
tbeeneim of bis people.
Dcfttuetionjaping:* tohe tbe people of Jam 6 #

3nnb tottb tbat u> tolse foztb j> beab 3lfraelli0taRtu,5tfl)allcaurethealfo

of nolofetneaoute of tbe toallct,aiiD to be ftpclue toith tbe ftecatbe . aooben
tyetoeb it tb.epm,fapf nge : ©cbolbc tbe 36cbtoz fatoe ^oloretues beaoe befell
beaoe of i^olof cents tbccaptapneof£ Dtooue bpon bis face to tbe gtounb fo;
aiffpjfas,anb tbis is tbe cauapp,tober> betp anguine anb feace, fo p be ftooto^
tn be lapc 1 n bis bzonftencs: tobcrc the iicd Vuvtfiall « ent after that he toas
%om otic ©oD batb Oapne bim bp t\)t come agapue to bpm f elf e,fje fell do tone
banoeofatooman. befoze bee, anb pzapfeb bcc,fapinge:
sut as ttuelp as tbe fcozbe Iruetb, JSleffcbarte tbou oftbPupobm all the
bis 3ngellbatbBepteme,gopnge tbp* tabernacles of Jacob;fozaltbe people
«bet,ccmannfngc tbece,anb commpnge tbat beare of tt)p name, aja pzapfe tbe 1 1

bttbec agatme fcom tbenec . 3nbtbe (^od of Jfcael becaufe of tbe. x

Z.ozbebat!je not fnflfceD me bps banoe* |[€bc.riut.£hapttt.
mapben to be befpleD,but tottbou t anp
JTlic couitCd of JIuBttF). 3c!)ioibct!t«4uI&!ras
f iltfjpues of rpnne f;atb be bzougbt me tijett mau,t utttc t U to f5oH.W\)t fflu tan s arc
CCtti. afcapeb

aftayett am$ttot9* toptbout a beabe,toeltreb in bis blouD
i^DitbraiD bnto all tbe bpontbeeattb. CbenctpeDbetoptba
[people, 23jt£tt)^cnficare loube bopce,arto toitb toeppng cent bis
fme.^tuUl)p cljis heo clotbcs,anD toent into JuDttbes teute,
*bpo oure toales,^ totjen ano f ouudc bee not; ano To be leapt out
ftbe£>finearpfetb,taBe bnto tbe people, ano fapbetone too man
leuerp manfjts toeapen, of tqejetoes ,batbe biougbteall/aa*
anb fal out btolentlprnot as tfjougb pe bucbobonouus people to ftjamc* jfoj
tooulo go befpDe tbe,but to tenne bpon lo, ftolof ernes Ipetb bpon tbe grouno,

tbe\toitb btolcnce. acuben t&e fP»es in ano batb no bcab.

ef?c tentes fe tbts,tbep tyal of neceuitpe sob en tf)t cbefe of tbe Mp^pans
be compelled to fle bacatoaro,* to ratfc beatoc tbat, tbep rente tbep? clo>
tjp tin V! cap tat' ne to tbe battapU.^to tncs,ano tbere fel an tntollerable feare
tofieti tbeit cap tap ties come into i^olo ano trembling bpon tbem,fo tbat tbeic
femes pauplion,anD fpnoc tbe Dcao bo mpnoes to etc f oze afcapeo * 3BtiD tbere
Dp toiappeo" in tfjc blob,fearf ulnes Cbal toasanerceaopnge gteate ccpe intyt
fall bpon tbc« bnjen pe perceaue that toboleboft.
*bep flCjfoIoto tbe toithout all cate,fo?
<SOD tyal Dclpuer tbem unto pou, to be
DeftropeD. jTfteflpgljf cf t(je atrpjiaits. SrbepurCutcof
Cben SBcbpoi fepnge tbe potoec of Jlfcaei after ti>em.3lfcacllbecommcri) cpcbc.bp
t()e fpoples of tl;c aflupaus. JiwBttbispjapfcO
©obtomclibebaDfljeaieD bntoppeo* of Hoacbtm anb of tbe people.
pie of 3|ftael,fel of fro f?ts l^eatbeutfye
belef e,=t put bis <500, 9 let bpm
tt uft in £Dtotobcnaltbe booftbcatD %
(elf be ci tcuctf eo:* f teas be nombuo tbat Dolofctnes toajS bea*
among § people of 3!fraell,be$allb?0 cDjtbep? mpnbe ano counfei
poftcntebntotbisbape. fell from tbepm;anD fucbea

» &o\u as f oone as it teas Dapc,tbep feare came bpotbem,tbat tbep bnoer<

fttr&e bp i^olofetncs beaoe bpon the toae to Def enoe tbepm f elues bp &pm$
toalfes, ano ettetpe man tofte bts toea* atoap;one fpaae not to anotbec,but bi
pon,aub fo tljeptoenteoutc toptb an geo Do tone tbeic beaoes,left al bebpnb
t)o?rtb!c crpe . *»ben tbe fppes fatoe tbemj maoe baft to elcape fro tfje $t>
tbat,tbep ranne tint i^olofetnes tmt, but cs:f ot tbep bcacD,p tbep toe re baft?
3nD tbep tbat toete tot rbin £ tent 3 came png to come after tottb t beir toeapons,
betoze bps cbambte,anD maoe a great ano f tbep fteb bp tbe toates of tbe fel*
tufityng to toaae bun bp,becaufe tbe 9 D es,a no tboitotoe all tbe fote parties of
tbougbt toitb tbe nopfe tobanetapfeD tbe Dales* tbere Dutft not one of tbe
fpjians fenocfte,go in,o? open*
^ 8nD toben tbe tbtlDitn of Jfrael fa to
tbat tbep a co , tbep f dlotoeo bpon tbe,
23uttoben tbecaptapnesanbpjfn* ano toent ootoue toitb tcompettes,bl04
ces ano all tbe cbefe in tbe fepnge of tbe topnge ano maapnga great crpe after
HlTpii'ans booftecame togetbec,tbep tbem.ils foitbeailTirians.tbep bao no
fapo bnto tbe cbambetlapnes;<i5o pouc o?oer,anD septe not tbem f elues toge^
f.»M4. u.
toapefti ano toaae bpm up , * fo? tbe tber,but fteo tbeic toapc.0euertbelea~e
mpfe ace ccepte out of tbep? bole&anb tbe cbilbten of Jftaell fell bpon tbetra
Dace ptotiobe us bnto batr ayie* toitb one companp aub ozoec, ano opt*
tcben toent wagao into btjS cbam? comfpteo as manp as tbep mpgbt get*
^ ber,ftooc befoie tbe beDDc, ano clappeo 8nD £)ftas f ent meiTattngecs bnto all
tottbbis banbes,fo! be tbougbt be bao tbe cpttes ano countrees of Jf rael.
§>o al tbe regtos ano euerp ci tie fe"t
bene fleppng tottb Jubitb.
23uttobcnbebaD fjetfteueb perfect? out tbeic beft men after tbe mbames,
s •

Ip toitb bps eaces,anD cottloe pecceaue ano fmote tbem toitb tbe ftoearoe , tpli
no ftetinge,be toent npec to tbe beboe, tbep came to tbe bttemoft part of tbeic
aub ipfte it bp ,anbtben false be tbe bozDcts * 3Biid tbe other tbat toere in
oeaoe bobpe of fcolofecncs Jpeng tbere ©etbulta came {utottje tentes of tbe

3B(r!\uan$,aU0 tofcc alt tbat tfftp tol)icb lei
s.^e putpofeD to bane tytnt bp mp
tone flcD bao bebpnoe tbepm , a no
left IanD,(j to dap mp pong me *ib tbe ftoero j$
to tbep founDe gecar gooo, 3BUD tbep p 1$: tuolDe bane catieo atoap nip cl)iU
came againe to i&ctbul 1a from tfjc bat* Dun anD biegpns into captiuif e,but £
taple,tofte luttfj ibem fuche tbmges as aimpgbtpe Horn hu rte bim, ano Deli*
fyaD bene tbeirsitbcrc'uias no nombje ueteDbpmintotbebanDesefa teoma,
of the catcll , anD of all cofflpc Jctoels, tobfebe biougbt bimto confufpotu jfo?
fotbat from the loiucfr bucotbebi'ed, their mpgbtpe toas not DedropeD of p
tbep toete all maoe nebe of tbe fpoples pougemenne* Jt toas not tbe fonnes
of tbepm.3InD ^oacbun the iftpt piped Cttan tbat acme bpm,ueptberbaue
at3Jerufalem,camcto sctbulia toptlj tbe great gpaunteg fet tbepm feiues a«
all the ClDets , that tbep mpghte fee gapnde fjiuubut juDitb tbe Dougbtec
^ 31wOttf>. of ^eraritopthhcrfapze betotpebatb
C ^otoefobenfjje came out bnto t&e, Difcomfpteb him, anD bionght c bpm to
tbep begaune all to pzapfe bee bitb one uougbt.foifl)clapcDaaiape bet topD*
bopce,faptnge : tboti foojfljpppe of tbe Do toes gatment,anDputontbe appa«
cpteof3fecufalem,tbouiopeof3Ifrael, telofglaDneffein tbe ceiopfpnge of tbe
thou bonoure of oure people, tbou baft tbilDzen of Jf taell* $>be auopnteD bet
Done manlp^nD tbp beartc is comfo:> face, ano bouriDebp bet" bearte in an
ceD,t>ccatifc tbou bade loueo , clenelpi booue,to begple \}im * j^ec fiippets tm
neffe anb cfjaflpte,anD bad fenomen no uiOjeD(?ps epeSjbec bemp captpuateD
manne but tbpne otone bttfbanDertbet* fjis mpnDe,Ujitb tf)( ftoecD fmote^eof
fo:e bath tin banoe of tbe juuoe com- bis ueefc. Cbe 0etfpans toete adanni<
foiteo tbe>auD bleifeo n^alt tbou be foj eDatbetdeDfadne(Te,anD tbe ^coes
euec. anD all people fapDe:fo be ttjfo atbetbolDneffe. CbetiboibleD the at t
bett. mpes of tbe 3KTpnans , tobm mp fpm?
Jfn tbjnrpe Dapes coulDe tbe people pfe appeateb,Djp of tbpjft^be ronne^
of Jlftaellfcacre gatbec bp tbe fpoiles of tijz Dougbtecs baue pcatfeD tfro* m ^
of tbe aiflpiians^sut all tbat belougeD toto,anD flapne tbetn as tuqitpm ttyU
bnto i^olbfcrnes,anD bao bene bis,fpe D^en:tbcp petpu>D in tl)t battapfe,foj
cpalb(tobf tbet it toete of golDe, of fpl* tf)t betp f eate of tbe %o^t mp <B®&,
«er,piecP0us donee, clotbpng anD all Alette bs fpnge a fonge of tbanfeef ge^
otnameutes )tbcp gaue it bntojubttb. upnge u nto tbe )LozDe,a netue fonge of
3nD al tbe people reiopfeD,botb toeme, pjapfe topll toe fpnge bnfo out 000*
mapDcng,auDponge people ,tutt^ pp* a.o^De,^o?De,tl)ou att a greaf mtDW,
pcsauDbarpes* mpgbtie in po toec,tohom no man mape
CCbe.jCbi.Cbaptet. ouetcome^il tt^p creatures ft)oulD fee*
tie tbe:fojt *tbou fpafecd but tfjt toojD,
^Tbcroug of Jjubttl) for tljc bictcxtc. after ttjc
i^\\ ^
toicrouc o'j uvmcD, riic people commetp to 3|ecu= anD tbep toere inabe : tfjou * fented tbp tpcs.'«i.o
f aleui,t o tooxtypp anD pup fc £SoD.
fpii'tc , anD tbep lucre cceateD , anD no
31 (^V^enfongeJuDttb tbis fong bn; man can toitbdanbe tbp bopce* Cbe
^/totbetlo:De:25cgpnne bnto tbe mountaincsfJwllmoue from tbe foun*
\2^%oiise bpontbetabzettes,fpnge Dacios ^itb $ toaters,tbe donp roches
Unto the "LOiDe'bponthe cpmbales.^) fJbalmelt befote § Ipbe toajce tstit t\)tp
fpnge bnto fjpm a netoe fonge of tban* that fence tbe:u>albe great \bti)tinall
ftcfgeupng,be topfull anD call bpo fits rbinges.ttoo bnto tbe people tbatrpfe
uame. * jje t'0 tfje %$)&&<& tbat bp agapnd mp generacpon, fo? tbe ail*
Deftcopetb toarres eucn tbe , U4H1© mpgbtpe tlojDe tovll auenge bim felfe
is bis name«i3obtcbe fjatb pitcbfD bps
tentes in tbe mfDDed of bis pcople,tbat topll be bpfet tbeim*
iFo? be [bail geuc
be mpgbt Delpuec bs from tbe banD of fric a too;mes into tfjeir fieOi, that tbep
all out cnempes.sflut came outoftbe map burne anD feJc it f 02 cucrmoie.
mountapnes in tbe multptuDe of bps 3fter tbis it bappeneb, tbat aftettbe
3ucit,7.t:ttrengtb.*!£t8 people doppeD tbe tea* bfcto:pe all tbe people came to Jetu*
ter biokes^ the it bojfes coucjkd § ba falcVo geuepzatfe ano thane kes bnto
tbe&02Dc3tt)tobentf)cp tore purifp toe $ foere tntbe Ringed court^cuct
cD,tbcp offreD all tbeir bunt facrifices tbeles be teas one of f> pzifonees3 *tob6 +**»**
*' 3
^abucboDonofoz tbe bpng of tsabilon J'"-
1 -

anDtbepipiompfeD offctpngcs* 2Cno

atoape fro Jerufalem bnto
3uDltfj offreD al^oloferms weapons -jteD carpeb
ano al t^c Jctocls^tfjat tf?e people baD jkabtlon xb 3[ccbonias
tbe Mug of Jm
geuen ber,anD tbe canapp tbat fl)e tofce faOJntbefecono peareof tberaigne
\vtn.9.t. from bȣ beo,** bangeo tbem Dp into of great actajcerfes intbefirfl; Dape of
**•**• tbe monetb 0tfan , baD tbps SIparDo*
tbe jlozDc.tlDbe people teas iopfull,as
tbe bfe is : anD tfips tope bp teafon of cbeus fucbea Dzeame; ^e tbougbte be
great tempe&,bozrible tbonber
the tuctoip,totrb 3RUDitb,enDUteD tbze berbe a
clappeSjeartbquakes, anD greate bp*
tbat be fatoe.tu
£>o after tbefcDapeseuetp manne route iutbe lanoe:ano
foentbomeagapnejawjIuDitb toastn great Dzagong , reaDp to fpgbte one a*
gapnftanotbec.Cbeircrpc bias great*
great reputacpon at ©etbulta,* tigbte
roaring anD rrpe al bca*
honoutablp taken in al tbe lanbe of Jt at tbe tobiebe
taell* sunto bet toertue alfo teas cba>
tbentoere fcp.tofigbtagapnft £ tpgb*~
teous pco pie. 3DUD § fame Dap bias full
ttitit iopneD,fo tbat after bee bufbanD
SI£anau"esDpeD,u>neuet fcnetoe man of Dar canes anD be tp bncleace, full of
trouble anD angupOj,pea 5 a 8 teat fear*
all tbe Dapes of bet lpfe» mpon tbe bpe
foletnpneDapesfljetoentouttt great fulnes teas there in all tbe lanDe . cbe
tooidjpppc&be Dtocltc inber butbaii* rigbtuous toereamafeD,foz tb^p fea*
reD § plage fieucllp teas DeupfeDouer
bes boufe an bunD zetb antique p!Pfc
tbe,^ toece at a pointe btitb tbt f elues to
anD left bet banomapoen fre, $ bpeo, $
toas burf CD befioe ber bufbanoe in $e*
Dpe.&o tbep ctpeD bnto <goD : $ ttbvl*
tbulia^nb all tbe people mourneD fot fbep toere crpeng,tbe Iptle toell gteto in
to a great riuer 9 into manp toatets*
btt feuen Daies.£>o long as Q> IpueD,
tfjere toas none tbat troubled 3ifrael 5 ^
$ud to tbat it teas Dap,* tbe funne tofe
manp peares alfo after btt Deatb* bp agame.ffnD tbe lotolp lucre eralteo,
-Cbe oape tobettn tbfe Dtctojp bias
anD DeuouteD tbe glorious * piouDc*
gottenjtoas felcmpIpbolDen,anD tefte*
^objeloben^atDocbeus baofene
tbis Dzeame,be atoohe,ano mufeD flteD
neooftbe Jletoes in tbe nombxe of tbe
faftlpembts bearte,U)bat (Bob bjolDe
bolp Dapes,anbit is vtt greatlp boloen
of tiie Vetoes ener f ence,bnto tbf a Dap*
Do : anD fo be DefpieD to ftnotoe all tbe
mattet , anobi's mpnbe bias tberupon
K^CljeenDeoftbeboRc intpllt^enpgbte*
o f JaDtrbt CCbe.jtit^Cbapter*
a game toe tuug, (t is tijctfoK cetoainco of i; im.

ctStyerelToftlje % tbe fame tpmeDtoelt^at^

Docbeus toitb jsagatba anD
Cbapters of tbe bolue of eftbtc, cares tbeftpnges chamber*
tobtcb are netberfofioe in tbe (apnes auo pouers of tbe pa*
l^ebzue,noitu$ CbalDe* lace.* 10 u t toben be bearo tbeir Deutfe, &*** a
CDBrgezttCiraeof jflgatttoc&eus. anD baD Dplrgentlp confpDereD tbetr p> «»»*«.»
fcr 'Cbe.j&cbap* after tbt %M tte*
tnagnnacpons,be perceaueD tbat tbep
toent about,to lape tbeir cmtll banDes
aitDocbjuStbefon tpon rbf ftpnge artayerfesranDfobe
of3Jair,tbefonne certifpeD tbe ftpuge ttjetof. cben cau^
of^einet,p fon tie apnge to eram en tht ttoo gelDeo
f cd tbe
of Cifeiofg trpbe toitb toimentcg * 3BttD ioben tbtp baD
of senjamfn , a grauntcD tt,tbep toere put to Deatb*
3Jetoe:tobfcbe bub (€ki$ tbc femge caufeD to be put M
bps Dtocllpnge in tbe cr onirics fo: an cuerlaftpng rem^
ibutts.a manne of bzaunce,anD^atDocbeu0 baotcbp
great reputation^" excellent among al tbe fame matter « ^0 t^e fepnge

oftffffteft $blxw.
commauhbcb tW cjptDocfjeus C&tiib boute to Oablpifyffeetob matte rs, tbat
%* oo rctupcc in coutte,anD for tbps
tlf c oure&pngeDome u>uloe neuec come
faptbfulncfTe of bps,be gaue t)pm a re* gooD eltatc, aiiD ftebfattneffcr^bcts
toacD.xSut Lilian the fotmc of am aoa* foze baue joe commaunDcD.tbat ai tbep
tbu the aigagite, tofjicbe teas boloeit in tbat ace appopntcb in tozptpnge anD
gtcate boiioutcauD rcputacpon in tbe fljetoeD into pou bp 3>man ( tobpebe is
&t uges co tirtc bnbertoae to burt ^ac oiDcncb anD fct ouet all oute bufpues,
oocbeus aim bis pcopk,beca uf e of the anD tfje mooftc pzpncppali nerte bnto
cujo chain bctiapnes t^at toccc put to tbejbpnge,anbtn manner as a fatbet)
o?atb» Ojall toptb tijcpz topues anD cliplbzen

fc^be.rdt.Cbapret. bcDeftropcDattD cootcDoute toptb tbe

ftoeacDe of tftepz enempes an&aouerfa*
ST (je C0pr e of ty letters of act arci-rcs ajapuae
rpes : anD tbat there (ball be no merest
ttje Vetoes, articpjapcc of cejacboclKus.
0)etocD,anDnotnaufpateD • 3lnD rhps
lung ^rtatctfes tobicb
fce great fljal l be Done tbe* jctiii . Dape of the mo*
rapgncth from Junta bnto <£* netb( calico 3Dat)oftbpgpe6te,tbaC
thioptajOtietan huDzctb anD fe; t^tp tobpeb of oID(anD notoe aif ojbaue
ucn lanDes , fenoetb bps
ajib ttocntpe euec bene rebellious, mape in one Dapc
frcnDlpralutacpon bnto all tfje |&zpn< toptl) tpolence be tbuift do tone into tb§
ccs anD Debptes of the countries, tol;t* belljtotbeintente tbat after t bis ma?
tfje be fubtccte bnto his Dominion. nec,outCmpp?e mape baue peace anD
aoubeuJituasmaDe Tl£>K£> cSoucc ttanqupUte.
martpe people, anD baDDefubDucD the
toboieeacthe buto nip Dompnpon,mp
©nt ^acDocbetts thought bpoual
anD noble actes of tbe
tbe tooicftcjs
tiipnoe loas not tot tb ccucltpc * tozong %ozDe,anD maDe bis ptaper bnto htm,
tocralteint'feirebp t!;e reafon of mi fapinge : fl> klozdc , Tlozoe, thou bale*
potott :but purport D toptb eqtictte al- aunt ano almpgbtie fepiig^f oi all tbpn?
toape anb gentplneu"e,to gouerne tbofe ges are in t\)p potoer,anb pt tbou toplt
that be bnoer mp iiitifDpccpou ,anb belpe anD Delpuec ^lracll, there is no
tobolp to ret the in a peaceable lpfe,ano man tbat can tottbftanbe no? Ut tbc;fo$
cbctbp tobzimgc mp fepngDome bnto tbou baft maoe beaut n anD earth ano ,

tranqupllitic,tbat men might fafelp go tobattoouoeroustbpngfo cue r is btv

tbozotoe on cuerpcfpDf ,anb to teuuc Dec the beaueu: tbou arte XoiDe of alt
peace agapne,tobicbe all men oefpze. tbpnges ,ano there is no man , tbat can
|*otoe toben 3 affceb mp Couufelers refill tbe © iLoiDe*) Cbou fenotocft all
«* botoe tbcf e tbpnges mpgbt be bzougbt tbpnges,tbou ruottft jioid, tbat it toas?
Co a goob cudc, tije te teas one bp bs,cjc nether of malice,not pjeiumpcton , no;
ccllcat in topf cDome , toljofe goob top 11, f 0; anp Dcfpze of gl6)p,tbat j too(D not
iructb,anDfaptijfulucffe hatb oft bene botoe Dotone mp felfe noi tooifbpppe
fljetocbatiD pzotteD( tobiebe toas alfo ponDcr piouDe pzefumptuous3Bma(fof
anb ncjet bnto tbe king)
tbc pzpncppall J tooulbe haue bene content , ano tbat
3!maubpname:tofjpcbe cettpfpeb be, toptb gooD topli,pf it tnpgbt bane Done
botoe that in all laubes tbece toas crept JfraeTl a up gooD,to baue Hpft mm
tn a rebellious folfce, tbat mabc ftatu* tortfteppes)btit (hat 3 bpb it becaufe ,

tee anb la toes agapnfte all tfje r pto*

J tooulbe not fet tbe bonou re of a man
p!c,ariDbaue al toape DcfpffcDtbe pzo* in tbe fteabe of tbe glozpe of t£>oD , ano
clameD commaunDementes of&ingcs: becaufe 3 tooulbe toozil)pppc none but
anb boto tbat foi this caufe it toete not onlp tbe mp &,g>i1&€«3:nb this baue
to be fitfft(D,c bat 1"ucb c title ft/oulD con 31 Done in no pzpDe noz pzefumpepon.
tiMiucbp poit anD not tone put ootouc. 3nD thetfoze q
Hozbe tbou cSoD 9 <0
_ §>epngcnotoc toe per tea tie the fame, ftpnfljbaucmercpbpon tbp people fot
** tbat tbps people alone arc contrarp bn tbep pmagin botoe thep mape bzpnge
to enter man, bfpnge ft ra tinge anb 0* its to nongbt,pea,tbeir mpnbe anb be?
tbec matter of iatoes, anb toptbftanbe fpzc is to Dtftrope anD to ouertbzotoc
oure ftatutcs onDDspnges ,a£0 go a* tbe pcople,tbat bathe euer bene t^pnt
^e.Kii. «»•

thberftaunce of olfte.ff) befpifc not tbp baft ozoeneo ano appopntc6:to oefttop
>ozci5,tobich tfjou b8ft oclpueceo ano tbpne tyut ano to (top
b^bug^t otit of egipte Cot tfjpnc otone tbe moutbes of tbepm tbat pzapfe tbee,
to quencbe tbe glozp ano toozfypppe of
ftlfe. ideate mp pzapcc,ano be metcp*
tbp boufe ano tbpne aultec,ano to open
full tonto tbp people,tobotue ttjou fjafte
ebofenfozanbedtage unto ti)P fdfe. tbemoutbes of tbe t^eatben , tbat tW
CUtne otitcomplaputeanofozoto into map* pzapfe tbe potoec ano toertue of §
topc,tbat toe mape Ipue €> ftozoe , ano
goooes,ano to magupfpe tbe fleCtylpe
pzapfe tbp name . ®
ftozoe,fuffce not fepng foz cuer.
£>jUzoegcue not thpfcepret tonto
tbe moutbes of tbem tbat pzaifet&e,to £
beoeftropeo. them tbat be notbpnge, left tbep laugbe
oute mpfetpe ano fall:
31 the people of Jfcael in Ipne manec bs tofcozne in
Oeupce Upon tbepm fel?
ctpeo a0 eacneftlp as tbep eouloe unto but turne

tbe &ozoe,foztbepzocatb ano oetttuc*

ues,ano punpfhebim,tbat batb begot?
cponftooebefozetbeicepes. tbe fame otter to0 ano fette bpm to an

l£Cbe.jctui.C!?aptec» ejeample.chpncltetopontos ® &ozoe,

anofljetoetbpfelfe in tbe tpmeof oute
Itycptapetof ffiCftecfox-tu* aelpuctatuuepf
beraiiDtjcc people. opft teffe ano of out trouble. Strength
SLieneCftbet alfo bepngein me £> tbou fepng of <j5oooe0,tljou&oiD tfw ^ e
the battapll of oeatb , tc(oi> ofalpotoec,*geue me an eloquent ano jmrikiX.
teb tonto tbe nozoe,lapeo a< pleafauntfpeatbeinmp moutb befoze
Jtoapebecglozpous appatd, tijt upojr.Cutne bi£ hett into tbe hate

ano put on tbe gaementes tbat fettuo of out enempe,to oeft tope bpm,ano all
fo^ fpgbpng ano moucnpng.Jn $ fteao fucbe as confent onto bun 23ut belt?

of pzecpous opntinentjOje fcatetcoaf* ueebs toptb tbp banoe, ano bclpc me

oefolate tooman,tobtcb t)aue no oef ence
(fees ano oongebpcnbctbeao: ano as
nozbelpetbutonelp tbe Hozoe tboti
f 01 bet boop,uV numbleo tt£ bzougbt

tttoetplotoe. Hill ttje places toOcre Qje fenotoeft altbpng£S,tbou tooteft tbat3J
toas toonte to baue ioi»e afoze,tbofc ftl; foue not tbe glozp ano tooztytppc of tbe
leo 0)e tottb the beaite tbat tye pltixkte tontpgbtuous,ano tbat 31 bate ano ab*
outfjerfelfe.^hcpzatcoairobuto tbe ^ozretbebeooft^ebneitcumepfeoano
•jlozo <£o6 ofjfftael toitb tbefe toozoc*.
4D mpftozoe, tbou onelp art once
^Cbou knotoeft ano tooteft mpnecef *•
token of mp pzeemp^
fepnge,belpe roe oefolate tooman,tobf cb fpte,tbat 3} bate £
toozfbrp^toljtcbej beate bp>
bane no helper but tbe,foz mp mpferpe nence ano
on mp beao,tobat tpme as J muft f^eto
ano oeft met ton 10 batoe at uip banoe.
* ifro nip poutb Dp 3 haue beato oute mp felfe ano be rcne,ano
IXff an bncleane clotb,^ tbat 3R toeace
of tbefcfmeo of mpfatber,tbattbou to* it a0
ttnottobenjiamqupete ano alone bp
keft Jfrael ftom among at people(ano
Co baue onre fathers of their f oze el* mp felfe. Cbonfeuotoettalfott>atjf
oer&)tbat tbep tyouloe be tbp perpetu* tbPbanoe mapoeu baue not eaten at
allinbecptaunce,ano lofce tobat tbou auias tables tbat 3 baue bao no plea*
Dpocft p.iompf e tbem,tbou baa maoe it f ute noz otlPte in tbe fcpngesfeaft,tbat

go oD to n't tijt m. J baue not ozouche tbe ozpnc&offetin*

ges^no that 3 tbp hano mapoen baue
© 0otoetoelltLozoe,toehauefpnneo
*u.iut. before the,* tberfozebafte tbou geuen bao no tope fence tbat oape tbat JJ toas
bzougbthptbet,bnto tbi0 oap,butotfc»
tos th to tbe baizes of out euemies,be<
lie in tbe tf) )l€)UB(£*€> tbou (5^)©
caufe toe toozOiippeo tbeit goos.ftozoe
of36bzabam, d) tbou mpgbtpe <&$>"&
tbou art rpgbtuou0 ^eucttbelcs it
fatiffpetb tbepm not,tbat toe ate in bpt*
aboue alt, beate tbe bopce of tbepm,
tbat baue none otbet bope,ano oelpuee
tec ano beup captiuite ano oppzeffeo a*
mongetbem,but tbou baft lapeo tbepi b0 out of tbebanbe of tbe topcfeeo,a»i>
banoes bpon tbe banoes of tbeit goo< dp tie t me out of mp fcate.
Otstfotbattbcpbegpnto tafee atoape,
the tbpmje that tbou toptb tbpmoutbe
CW4to.Chapter» ;
#f €ftyer, JfoH^jCi
jffljatoocljcaB motieth J&mt toto in to ty
feptiij.auDmaluuirerccCriou fojtjcc pcoplc,au&
^e great* kpnge 3(rtaretfc0, «

$e pctfojinctl; t;tfl tcquca. tobtcbrapgnethtromjnbta

t^ctfjpjDDap bntoCthtopta outran bun*
iliD Upori
8ift.Ua i-thappeiicbjtbat^cfler Jozetljanb rrbtt.lanbes, fen*
lapcbatoapg mourning
beth buto the^tuces anb tulets of
tiarmentes^anDputon thefamelanbes,fucha5louchpm,hPiS
her glorious appacell, fcenblpfalutacpon.(5Chete be manptijat
fo^the fonb^pefteHb(l)pppcs; anDbcne^
^DccKte berfelfe goob<
fptes tobicbe ace bpuerQp bone bnto thi
.pcfgft ec ttjatige bab calleb bpen 4&0D,
fo^thep? tooi(l)pppe, beeeuettr;emo?e
tobicbis tOe beboibcranb ^atuoutol
P?oubc anb bpe ititiiD«D>atiD bnbettaae
not onelpe to tjurte oute fubtectes ( foj
bpon the one fije ieaneb hex felfe,as one
plenteous benefptes ma|> tbep uotfuf<
that Uja0 tenber: the other /oIoiucd her,
anb bare tr)e trapne of bec,.beftiirce* nbe
fee, anb begpnne to pmagpn f ome thing
fljpneofbec betocpemabeber facecofe
agapnae tbofe that bo them goob,ano
tafte not onlp all buthanafulnes atoapc
colourco Cbeftmilitube of her face
teas cherfull anb amiable,but her uerte
from meunejbut tn p;pbe anb piefump^
toasfojotofullfoi grcatcfeare* ^>0c
cpon(as thep that be bnmpnbe'full anb

toi.tbancfcefull foj the goob bebejS)thep

tocntf in tboioto ail the oou* ,atiD ftooe
b:foie tbe kpnge*n;be &ptig rat bpo the
go aboute to efcape the iuDgemeute o£
(i5ob,that fepth all tf)pnges,tobicb(tub*
rrone of his &ii,gDome,aub toas clotfjeo
.nbisgooDlPe arape,alof golb,anb fet gement)hatcth anb punpujeth all tyt*
toitb pjecpous ftones, anb he toaiS berp fcebncs.Jt happencth oft aifo.tbat thep
cectibie*£e Ipfte bp bis( face,tbat Ojone tohtch be fet in office bp the bpec potoer,
in the cleaves, ano lokeo griunlp bpon ano bnto tobomethe bufines ano cau*
her* 'Chen fell the <0uene ootone, uias fes of the f u bicctcs are commpttco to be
pale anbfapnte, Ieaneb her ielfcbpou hanoleb, toare p^ouoe, anb befple them
the bcaoe o f the utapDc that toente toith felues Unth Ojebbing of innocent blotib,

her* fohiebe bm$eti) them to intollerable

&iimtt)tks*®oii turncb l)urte»&)hicbe alfo toith falfe anb bpf*
25 the fcpn<
u,o. n.ft. ges mpnbejbat he toas gentle, that he ceatfull toozbes anb toith Ipmge tales,

leapt out of hps feate foz feate arib gat bifceaue anb bettaptt)e innocent gooo*

her in his armes,anb nelbe her bp ivtl nesofpiinces*

(l)t came to her felfe agapne , js^e gaue
/liotb is it pjofptable anb goob,thae

her lonpug ujqidcs alfo,anb fapoe 'onto toe take bebe 5 ma&e featch therafter,anD ,

&er: feller, tobat is the mattery 3j am coufpD!c,uot onlp tohat hath happen? o ©
tbp biotber, beeofgoobebcate, thou Duto bg; of olDttbnt tf?e u)amefaU, bn«
flmit not Dpe:f02 our eommattnbement houeft, anb nopfome thpuges , that the
touchetb the commons not the* Come bebptpes haue noto taken in hanbe ba
npe.anb m tb
he beibc bp his got-
foie our epes : anb tfjcrbp to betoate in
tpme to come, that toeemape make the
anb iapoe it boon her ntcfee
den toanbe,
anD nmiaccb her frenbelpe , anb fapbe: ft ? ugoome quietc a rib peaceable final I
talke toitb me* tchen fapbeH)e:3*ratoe menue, anb that mpghte fotne tpme

I '£2.1* W^ ^°^
c )as an angeli of dBoMiiD

Diaicc it to a cbattnge : anb as ioi the
thpnge that notoe ts picfcnt befou our
tnatcftpeanbclearneiTe* jfot rrctlieut epes, totoithftaube it, anb to put it
anb tooubetfullatf tbou(4D jlozbe)anb botone, after the mod frenblp matter*

tbp fate ts full of amptte . ©ut astfce * )oobat tpme noto as 3dman 0)t fonne
toas thus fpeakpnge bntobtm,ff)e fell of atmabatbu the j^acebonian(a ftrau ^,ft ^ai

Dotone agapne ftn fapntnes : foj the ger berelp of the ^crfiaus bloub,^ far
tDhuhe caufe the fepnge t»as aftaptb, from our gooDnes)toas come in among
anbaUhpS feruatmtes comftnteb her* bsasanaleaunte, anbhab optapneb
the ftei.DU>p that toe beare totoarbe all
{L%bt%\)i Chapter*
2$c Copy ef ti)c let tecs of attfta]recrc3,to&ec s peop!e,fo that he teas calico our father,
, frp 0« tcuoWtl; tytfctDWcU &c fpxft cent foif
anb bab in bpe bonoure ofeuerpe man,
CC.u* as

as t&ettcjcte ano pjpnclpall fcnto t*je ft wo anb iw , aim

tottb tin ftocatbc
nomoze tnbabpt cd of
ftpnge,be coulD not f ojbeare bun felfe fbait not onelpe be
from bpspzpDe,batbebnDcrtalun not men, butbeabbezteb aiToofttjc toilbe
oulp to tobbe bs of tbe fcpugbome^ut beaftes anb fouled*

aeitb manpfolbe bpfceat alfo tjatft
be befpjeb to Defttop «j^atDocfjeus out
C W enbe of tbe teaft of ttje
botu of £ fiber*
anD picferucc, tobicbc fiath Done
D0 gooD in all tbpngcs: anD innocent*
lifter tbe IpUe partaker of our* fcing*
bomc,toitf) all net people, if oz tjts initio
CClje boke of
toasOben be bao taftc n trjem out of tfje
toape , anD tobbeD DS of tb em)bp tbf'S
*3*Cb.efpzft Chapter*
tneanes to trannate tbe Kpngbomc off
laerfians unto them of g^aceboma*
23ut toe f pud e,tbat tbe Jetties ( tobicbc
® oto toe oagi)t to f catcb a no enqupie after (Soft
au&to&obetbofetUatfpnttetjtm . jfl>f tt)C bolre
toeceaccufeD of tbe topcfceD, tbattljcp good . w>c ought to ape fcome bacbbptpitge a»i
mpgbt be Deft ropco)a te no cueil Doers, mucmurpuj.jc,
but life reasonable anb rigbte la toes:
dnb tbat tbcp be tbe cbilDuu of tbe moft ^etpoure affect
bpelpupnge <soo ,bp tobbine tbeapng* on tpon topfoome,
tome of bs anD out pzogemtouts batb pc ttjat be jfubgts
bene tocll ozd z cd Otfyetto acoberfoze, oftbceartb.i^auea
as for tbe letters anD eommaunoemen* goob opinion of tbe
tm, tbat toere put foztbcbp an.antbt •jLozD-auDfcfeebtm
fonne of aimaDatbu, pcfballbo toell,pf IntbeftnglcnefTeof
pc botDe tbem of none etT ectcrfoz be tbat bette.*ifoz fee topll *f «-j*4
fet tbem bp anb inuctcD tl]cm,bangctb be of tbem tbat tempte bpm not,
f otifioe

at <§>uri* befoze tbe pozte, tottb all bps anb appeatetb finto fucbe as put tbep*
fcpnreo,ano <©oD(tobicbe batb all c&pn* tiufte in bum 26s f oz f rotoarDc tbeugb'
ges in bis potoc r jhatb tetoaraeD t;p af m tes,tbcp fepetate from dpob } but bettue ,

iter bPS Del ertipug. (t r 1 1 be alo toeo jref ou r mctb tbe btitoif e;

3Bud Upon tbtspef^allpublpf^ anb 30tiD tobp ctopf Dome fbal not cntr c into a
» fet bp § copp of tbts letter in all places, f to noz Dtoell in tbe bobpe
toa r d c Toule,
tbat tbe Vetoes map fcelp anD toitbout tbat ts mmttt butofpnne. Jfojt tbebolp
bpuDetatince boloe tbem felues after goofteabboztetbfapneb nuttouce,ani)
thm otone flatutes, anb tbat tbep map tbbza toetb btm felfe from tbe tb o ti gb
to t

be beipeD.anD tbat upon tbe.jcttuDap of tes tbat are tottboute bnoetdanDpnge:

tbe.jctumoiutb 3 oar,tbcp (nap be aucn*
anD toberc topebcoues batbe tbe tippet*
geb of tbem,tobpcbc in tbe tpme of tbeie banbe,be flpetb from tbence *
jfoj tfje tfaU ,»,
angupflje anD trouble, tooulD e ba uc op* fp trite of topfoome islotipnge, gentle
pzcffeD tbem. jfoz <BOD tbat gouec,
tfje anD gtacpous, anb topll bane no plea>
tietfj al tbpngcsjbatb turneb to tope t!je fare in ijpin tbat fpcaactb euell mt)
I Dai>e,tobettit tbe cbofeti people Cboulo bpslpppes . foz (50Dts atoptnefTeof
tjauepetpajeD* bps ttpnes,a tcuefeatcbec outcofbps
^ozeouer, among tfjcbpc folcmpne bette,atiDanbeacecofbis tonge.*foj fj'jgj
capes tbat pe bane, pe Ojall boloe tbvs tbe fpt cite of t^e nozbe fplletb t\)t roub a**,™.,.
Dap alfo tottb all glaonefTc : tbatnotoe compafte of tbe toozlbe, anb tbe fame £
anb tn tPtnt to come, tins nape mape be bpbolDetballtbtngeSjfjatljRnotolcDge
a temem biauncc to goob,foz al f uc'b as alfo of tbe bopee.
lotte tbe pzofpctitp of tbe pcrftansrbtit Cbetfozebetbatfpeafeetbbntpg^JS .

a remembzatmee of Deft ruction to tfjoU tuoustbwgesjcannot be bpb,*netbet HS.Sft.

tbat be fcDtcpotis bnto tos> mapbeefcapetbeiubgem^t ofcepjofe* mtuou*
^UcptpesatiD lanoes tbat bo not anD tobp.-- mq utfpcion (balbe mabe foz
tbps, Ct>all r)oztpbtp petptye anb be dc< ty tbougt^tes of t&e bngoolp, anD tbe

rcpozteof hps foozbes fyall come frnto fljalbefozgotten bp fptle anb iptie, ano
(50D, fo tbat bis toicRcbncs OjalUe pit; nomanajall baueoarc toozekesmtc*
npfljeb jfoz the eace of gelonfpe bea< membzauncc.
tettj ailtbpnges, auo tbe nopfc of the * jfoz one tpme is a betj> G)aboto that 25
gtubgpugesjfljall not be bpobc.Cbet * paffctb atoape, anb aftet out eno tbcte <-p«-hm
toie betoace oi mucmucpnge,tobicbe is isno cetutnpnge,foz it is faft lealco, f
notbpngctooztbe, anb ccftapuc poute tbat no man ommetb agapne. * come S%?i"*
tuijciti.a t oiigc from fciaunocr.* jfoz thece ts no oncbecfoze,letbsentope tbe pleaf uces s>*pi.».i,
tooiDc fo baccae auo fcccete,tbat tt flmil that tbece ate, anb la tos foonc bfe tt)e
/W# bctii ircs,nnre«)
go fo.i nougbtranb t^e mouth tbatfpea cceatuce Ipke as in po utr>* jgee topll tpll
the foule, oucfelncs toitbgobbtopue anb opnte*
C £) fcfcc not pout otone beatb in tbe er* meute, tbete fljailnoaouce of tbe tpme
touce of potice lpfe*beftcope not poute goo bp \)$* jcoe \xtpll ccotone one felneg
fellies tbozotoe tbe toozc&es of ponce tottb cofe$ afoze t^ep be toitbeceo.iCbtf
oton c na noes foz <£ob bathe not ma b
», (l;allbe no fapze mebotoe, but out lufte
beatb, netbcc hath be pleaf ure in the be* fl}allgootbo;totoeit.xet euetpe one of
fttucctonoftbelpupnge.jfozbecceateD ?ott be pactaaet of one boluptnoufnes*
all tbpngcs,tbatthep mpgbtbaue tbetc Tletbs lean? Tome tofce ofoutpleafuce
bepngetpea, all tfje people of tbe cattbe tn etietp place, foz tbat is one pozepon, .
bathe beniaoe tijat tbepfyouloe bane els get toe notbtnge.XLet bs oppzeffe tbe flM z \
bealtbc.tbat tbecc fljoulb be no beftcuc* poozecpgbtnou$j leebsnotfpate tbe, » A
cpon in thcm,anb tljat tbe apngbome of topbboto noz olo man,lct bs not cegacd
hellu>ulb not be bpon eattb (fo: ctgb* tbe beaoes tbat ate gcape foz age* jut
tuouincs is euetlafting anb immoztal, the latoe of bnctgbtnonfnede be ouce
but bntpgbtuoufiuiTc bztngctb beatb*) a n ctozi ti e,f oz tlft cbpng tbat is feble is
$cncttbcleiTe,tbebngoblp call bee bn* uotbpnge woittbe »i;betefoze let bs be^ «
h r to.tbem both toitb toozbes anb toozkes, fcaube t{)£ cpgbtnons, anb toty? be i0 *
anb tobple tbep thpneke to bane a frenb not foz ouc pzofpte, pea,be is cleane co«
ef h^Mbep come to uougbtetfoz the bn ctacptooncebopnges.^ecbecftethbjS h jl
goblpe tbat ace confebecate toitb bee foz offenbpn ge a gat nft e the latoe , aim "Ot^
aim take bee parte,ace tooztbp of beath. bs as teanfgeedoucs of all
fclaunozetb maaetb his boo ftc to baue
Wjcpmasinactonsan&ticrpwsoffVetoicIicD, theknotoleoge of ©00, pea, be cailetb
anD tficit ceunfell agatuO- tt;c fdptf;futl.
htm felfe 000s fonne.*i^e is p bemzai*
ADztbe bngoblpetalcke ecofouctbougbces^Jtgtenetbbso^^^'
aubtmagin thus among la uu *® • ••
fo to lobe bpon hpm, foz hpslpfeis not
tbem leiues ( but not ipfec otbec mennes , bvs toapes ace of a
right:)* ^Dbc time bf one notbctfaO)pon « ^ecountctbbsbut
IptcisbutOjozteanbte* bapnepecfonnesjbetottbbzatoetb bpm
at trH.l
L£0} tfl.D
anb toben a man felfe fcom ouce toapes as from fplthp*
10 once gone, be bathe nomoze tope noz neffe:hecommenbetb gceatlp tbeiattec m J
pleaf ure, netbcc knoto toe anp man tbac cube of tbe ma, anbmaluthhisboafte /
tucnetb agapne f com beatb : foz toe ace that (Sob ts bp$ fathec* %tt b$ fe then
bozne of nougbtanb toenail bebctafc if his toozbes be ttut } Ut uspzo tic tobat
tec as thought toe ba b nenec bene* if ot (ball come bpon hpmtfo fljaUtoe fenotoe
ouce bietbe is ag a frooke tn onte nofe< tohat enb he Q)al bane** jfozpf he be the
(relics, anb tbe toozbes as a fparcke to tcue fonne of ©ob, he topll ceceaue
bpm mt^'t

tnoue otitebctte. 3S foz once bobpe, ft auo bclpuec bpni fcom the banbes of bis
fljalbce becpe afyes tbat ace quencbeb, enempestftet&sejcamenbtmtotth&efe jute^tt,
anb otic foule tyalibanptyas tbcfofte pitcful cebtike anb tozmcntpug,tbat toe
at>ze.©uce Ipfe tyall paffe atoape as tbe maphnotoehts btgnitc anbpzoue his
tcace of a cloube, anb come to notighte pacicncc* ftetbsconbcmne bpmtoptb
as tbe mpfttbat ijibzpuen atoape toptl) themoofte OjamefuII beatbe : foi Ipac
tbe bcames of tbe ^unne, 3 put botonc as be bathe fpokeu fo fl)all
, he bee re*
tofththefjeatetrjetof* ^ucenamealfo toatbeb.
tJDlje bofce-
£>ucb tbtnges Do tbe bngoDlp pnfa* go&lp* cb^p? creature is cucrcD.Slef*
g?n,atiD go afttape,foz tbepz otone tote* reDi0 ratbettbebaten anD bnbcfpleD,
^ fccDnes batbc blpnoeD tbem* 3Ds f oz tbe tobicb batb not bnotoen tbe fpnfull beD:
Kg mpftetpes of 4&od 3 'bep tjuoecftano tbe fl)e baue ftute in tbe retoatDe of tbe
€ «ot:tt)ep netbet bopefoz tl>e tetoaroe of boip foulest ainD bleffeD is tl)t gcloeb, arcar.!w.>
*v tpgbtuoufnetre, nozeegarDe tbetooz* tobicb toitb bis banbe© batb tozougbte
i fljpppe tbat bolpe f otiles C^all ^atie.if oz no bnrtgbtuourneu*e,no£ pmagpneD
•,«4T w«oo cteateD manne to be bnDefltopeD, topckeD tbpnge0 agapnft <©od. f oz bn^
«c*e'.«.a. pca,*afterthe pmage of hi0 otone ipca* to bpm tyall be geutn tbe fpeciall gpfte
„ neffemaDebcbPin.*Btuertbcleu*etbo*
... of faptbe,anD tbe mode acceptable poi*
totoe e|JU p e of t ^ e DmcW cauu oeatfietti c von in tbe temple of <$ od • jf oz qloitt

to tbe toozio 3 *anD tbep *W borne ot bis ous is tbe ftute of gooD Iaboure,anD tbe
jpi)n.Mii) fpoc^o as be DOtb* roteoftopfDomeu^alineuerfaDeatoap*
%s foi tbe cbpIDzen of aDuoutrcrs.tbep »,
ri;c confetuacton a«rt aCTutaiiceof trje cigirttucs* ^JcometoanenD,^ tbefeDeofanbn^
Stye crtD a toe of ttjcfapttjfuH. rigbteous beD (bnlbe roteD outc* aim
,1U ff;c * Toul(0 of
tbongb tbep lm longeo'et Ojai t\)tp be
fceuuwiic.a notbig regatDeo,^ tbepi laft age malbc
otcDODjanDtijcparncct tbout bononr^f tbepbpe baftelp,tbep
Dtatf? t^alt not touch tfje
baue no bopejtieitber Ojal tbep be fpohc
*31ntbefpgbtoftbebn* to in tbe Dape of fenotoleDge* ifoz bozti^
itoifc tfjcp appeate to die, ble 10 tbe Deatbe anD eime of tbe ton?
ant) tfjicit etiD (0 taken berp Deft cue*
cpon* tfrbc toape of tbe right uou0 i$ ^be.ftif.Cbaptec,
ItiDgeD to be fetter Deftr uccio:r,but tbep £>f rt)c fljaftcgciictationof tbefaptftfoH. att&of
ate in refte . aimtbougbe tbcpfuffte ttjcpifcIpcirt£)ftf)CDCartoftl)cnBfjtuotts,a«Z>
W toitf aprt;ful!.

paine before men,*pet i# tbepz hope ful
of ""'Walite^bepate punptyeDbut
of tlje

s*** ^1
Ir ^^
a cbad ^
i)$to fapze is
generacion toitb bee
<n feto tbpnges , ncucrtbckffc in manpe
tbpnges fl)ai tbep be tocf retoarDeb\ jfoz tue«"C^memozialI
<£od pzouctb tbern^fpn&etbtbem mete tbcroftstmrawtall,
fot bPm felfe:pea,as tbe goioe in t\)t f oz
fozttis bnotof toitb
V jlf
tiace ootbe be trpe tb em, ano tccea uetb
them asabzentc offctpngc, atiDtoben
tbe tpme commety tbep fyalbee IoKcd ample tbrte at:anD pf it go atoape , pee
bpon, tbepDcfpzeft, 3ft is alltoape crotoncD
$ * Cbe rpgb tnous f&all fljpue as tbe ano boioen in bonour,anD \s^nmt\) tbe
»at.f,t fpa rfce g tbat rcmie tbozoto § teD buOjc.
e retoatDe of tbe bubcfpieD battap».©ut
*£«£'? *^P
©a! iiibge tbe nactons sano bane tbemuItituDe ofbngoDipe cbpiozents
fenpzofptable 3 anD tbe tbpnge0 tbat are
*k«.t»i.o. Dominion oner tbe people, ano tbep;
XLozDc fyall raugnefozeuer* cbeptbat plantcD toitb tobozDomc, u)a!!tabeno
put tbepz ttuft in bim,a)all btiDeritano Depe rote,noz lape anp faft founDacton.
tbe truetb, auDfucbc as beefaptbfuU, •Cbougbe tbep bee grene in tbe bzaun^ 3m
cbesfozatpme,pet(5aUtbepbe Q^asen gate",
m fc

topi agree bnto b tin in loue: f oz b s cb 1 t

not faftea »«'w f -

fenCballbauegpftesanD peace. * 75ut toitb tbe toinoe foz tbep ftanoe

tbe bngoDlp fyalbc pumfljeD accozDing ano tbozotoe tbe bebemencp of ^ toinDe

to tl)m otone pmagmacpons , f oz tUtp tW ftalbe roteD out# ifoz tt)6 bnparfert
bmt Defppfr d tt)t rpgbtuous, anD foj* bza uucbes maibee bzoUcn , tbepz frute
fabcntbeiLozDc* flialbe bnpiofptabie anD fotoer to eate,
- aoobo fo Defpifetb topfDome anD ntir^ pea, mete foz notbpnge»3ifiD tobp^a! tbe
^ route, be is feubappte, aim as foztbe cbpIDzen tbat are bozne of tbetopcfteo;
bope offucbe, it is but bapne, tbep: uuifte beare recozDe of tbe topckeDtieffc

labotires bnfrutfull,anD tbep* toozkts agapnae tbepz fatbers anD mothers ,

bnpzofptablc * Cbepz topucs are bo* tobentbepbearaeD* ©ut tbougbetbe
Dfrcrete.auD tl)tv$ ebpIDjcn mooCe bn^ ngijtuoue be ouecta&en toitb Deatb,pet
H)em, anbtabeti afoapetbepz labours*
23 aigc 1$ an bootable tbpngc:tt£uer<; 9D0ben tbep fe it t tbep fbalbe bejeeb toittj
cbcles it ftauoetb not onlp m
tbe length bojtpblcfeace,<ifyaltoouD?eattbcba<
ot tpme,noz in multitube of peaces:
tfje ftmeiTe of tbe fooapne bealtfrgtonpnge
but a mans topfeoome is § grapbecie, foz betp biftceffeo'f mpnbe.ano fl)af fap
ano an bnoefplco Ipf e 10 tfje oioc age* toitbm tbi'iu fe!ues,bauinge irnnaro fo*
fee pleafcD <5co , ano toas beloueb of totoe, anb moutnpngfoj beep angupu)
Spimfo toat luljere as be Ipueo amonge ofmpnbe*
i?tbio i(.a fpnncts,be ttanftateb bpnu£ eajoocn* SLbefe ace tbcp,tobome toe fotnt^me
Ip toas be ta&cu a toape, to me intent g bab tn berpfpon, anb iefteo bpon« * ace &a V t*t
totcbeoncfrc fljoulD not alter bis bnber* f ooies tbougbt tbep^ fife betp mabneffe
ftauDpnge,anD tbat ppoccpfpe tyon loe Mbtbm enbetobe toitbout bonoutc. 00
not begple bps foulc. jfoz tbe ctaftp be* 23ut lo, boto ace counteb among f
toitcbpngc of Ipesmabe goootbpnges ©Ob,
cbpibjten of
ano tbep? poupau is
DarcUc,tbebnft ekfaancffe alfo ano toic* amoug$ tbe fapntes*Cbetfo?e toe b»ue
ftebnes of voluptuous Defrze tutnea* ecceb from tt)i toape of tcutb,tbe ipgbte
fpbe tbc bnbcrftanbpnge of tbe fpmple. of t^gbteoufnes batb not ftjpneo buto J
^bougb be toas foone Dcab,petfulfpfc bs, anDtberunncofbnDetftanDpnge
Icd be mucbe fpme. i oz bis foule plea* tofe not bp bpon bs. we banc toectpea
f eo cBOD,tbtrfo:e baftco be to tabe bpni ouc femes in tbe toape of toicbeDneuTe
atoape from amonge tbe topcbeD»WB anb Deftcticeiou .*ceDions toapes batie
tbc people fe, anb tonberftanbe it not: toe gone:but as to: tbe toap of
p jiojoe
tt)ep lape not bp fucbe tbpnges tn t bcic toe bane not bnotoeuit*
better, bo toe tbat the loupnge fauoute 3B»t>at goob batb our p?pbe bone iym «
ano mercp of ©od is upon bis famctes, to-t)stf®h tobat p^ofpt batb tbe pompe
ano tbat be batbe tefpeetc bnto bps of tpebes b?ougbtbs^*3!ltbofetbin*
cbofen* ges ace pafTeb a toap iplut a £babobj,anb ffS."i
€ Cbus tty tpgbtuous tbat is oeab, as a mefraungee cennpnge btfoie:asa
conoeimietb tbe bngoblpe tobtcb ate lu (bpppetbat paffetb ouec tift toaues of
uing:ano the pont\) f is foone bzougbt tbe toater,* tobif be to!;en it is gone bp,
toanenDe,tbelongelifeof tbe tontign* tbe tcace tbeteof cannenotbc founDe, t&J0» Wft

tuous.jfoz tbep fe tbe enbe of tbe toyfe, neptbectbe patbe of it in tbe ftouoes.
but tlitp ljubcrftaoc not tobat (isoo batb ®l as a bp?b tbat flpctb tbo?oto $ apie,
beutfebfojbim,anD tobctfoze tbc jlozd anb no man can fe anp toben tobeceu^e
batb taben bpm atoape.atno toty? tbep is clotoen,but onlp beatetb tbe nopfe of
re bun anb Defppfe b?m, tbetefoje Ojall bet topnges,beatpnge tbe fpgbttopnb,
gob alfo laugb tbetn to fcozner^o tbat pattpng tbe ap?e tbozoto tbe bebemencp
tbep tb em f elues fijal Die bere after(but ofbetgopng,aubflpetbonu)abpngbec
totttjout bonoure>ea, in tyame among topnges, tobeteasaftetuiacDno toben
tbc oeao fo? cuecihoze.jfo; toitbout anp of bee toap can be founoe » £)? ipbe as
bopec (bail be burfte tijof e tbat be pufte tobe an acoto is fij ot at a maccbe,it pac«
bp,ano temoue tbcm from t\)i founoa* tetb tbeapze, t»bicb tmmebiatlp com*
tfons,fo tbat tbep fbalbe lapeo toaft bn* metb together agapne, fo tbat a man
to tfje bteft.Cb?? fibal moutne,ano tb etc cannot bnoto tobere it totnttbo?oto^
tnemojpall fball pecpfb^o tbep bepng utn fo toe in fpbe maner as foone as toe
afrapebfftallremembze tbep? fpnncs, toec bozncjbega tmmebiatlp to bzato to
anb tbepj otone topebebnefle fljall be* our cube, ano bane fyetoeD no toben of
toiape tbetm bertue , but ace confumeo in out otone
^Cb^b^Cbaptet* topebeoneffe*
ITb^eottftanrncs of Wctgirtuoiw before tfjept
$i)i!cbe toozbes Ojall tbep tbat baue <r
durable atit> uaptte. £toc blcffcbHCs ano fonmtar= fpnneb fpeabe in tbe bell : foutbe bope job ml«
msof t&erapnctcsanD goDlpc. of f bngoblpislpbea b^ptbpaell flout ", l

gi5 l-^
$eh fbau tbe tpgbteous BanD in (oz buft)tbat is blotoeuatoapctottb tbe an».n.a. %
greatefteDfaaneffe agapnftfucb topnbe : Ipbe as tbpnne fcomme tbat is »«•*••*• !

asbaue Dealte ejctteamlpe toptb fcatreo abjoaoe toitb tbe ftozme:lpbe ag

lata of rpgbf uouXnes,noj
the fmofce to^cfje is bffpetf cD here and not ftepte the
cfiecc toitb the iopnbe, anD as the re* toalkeo
after ins toiUi^o^cpijIp aim tf>ac s
membxaunce ofaftcaungct that ta* rigbteroonetyallbeappeaceantopou:
tpetbfoxabape, anD tfien oepactetf?. fox an bacoiuDgementujall tbep haue
po* I9, * ; tbatbeare tule.*«apercpeisgraunteD eaic*t,
*$ut the cpgbtuous fyall Ipue foxe*
ucrmoxe:tbctt retaatDe alfo is toitb the Duto tbefpmpie.but tbep ttjatbe in auc
ftoxDc:anD ttjept eemembxaunce toitb p toxpte fyalbe foxe punpibeD * jf ox <EOD
tjpe&.Cberfoxe iTjal tbep reteaue a glo* tobicbe is tLoxoe all , fyall ejecepte

uoujj apngoome $abetotpfullccotone no mannes petfonne, ncptbet tfjallbe

oftr)e noxoes hanDetfox toitb fus rigb* ftano in aloe of anp mannes greatueffe:
banDetyall be couettbem,anD toitb hps fox be bathe maoe tbefmallanD gteate,
otone attiie l^all be Defenoe them* l^ps anD catetb fox all a lpfce*2Siit tfjc mtgb*
aeloufp alfo Ojall tafce atoape the bar* tpe (ball baue toe foxet punp£hmente.
*u w- nelTe,' anD he (ball toeapen the creature tintopoutberfoxe(®peKpuge;eODo
to be ai|engc0 ot t ^ c C nempcs.*$e tyall 31 fpeaae, tbat pe mape lerne topreDome
put bnrpgbtuoufnes fox a bxeft plate, ano not goo ampffe : fox the? tbat hepe
ano taae fnce iuogement in fteaDe of an rpgbtuoufnes tyalbe rpgbteoudpe mo*
helmet, Cbe inupnepbie fyploe of cqup* geo:anD the? that ate lerneD in tpgbtu*
te (hall he tabe , his ctuetltoxatbetyall ous tbpnges , tfaall fpnoe to
heaatpenfoxafpeace, ano the tobole ftoete*arberfoxefet?our luftbponmp
compaiTe of the tooxloe Qjall fpght toitb tooxoes,anD loue them,fo tyall pe come
him agapnft the butopfe* bp riuctout**»pfeDome is a noble thing
-Chen fljal the t&onDcr boltes go out anD neuer faDetb atoap : pea, fl)e is ea-
of$lpghtenpnges,ano come out oftbe felpfene of them that loue het,anDfouD -
tapnebotoe oftbe clouDcs to the place of fucbe as Teacher £>be pxeuentcth
apopnteD:out of the batD ttonpmDpg* them that Derpxcher,tbatfl)e mape tpxlte
nacion there tyal fal tbpcfce baples, ano Ojeto her felte bnto them* axho fo atoa*
tetbetoatecoftbcfcafoalbe toxotbagaift ftetb bnto bet bptpmes,u>ll haueno
them anD the ftouDes Ojal rehne tough* B ««« ttauaple , fox he (bail fpnbe her
IP togetber.Vea,a mpghtp topnDe Q>all
fpttpnge teaDp at bps boxes* Co thpucH
ilatiDc t>pagapnftethem,anDaftoxme t)ponher,i^ parfecte tjuDetftanopnge:
ffial fcatre them ebioaDe^bus the M\u anD tohef o toatcbetb fox her,0)albe fafe,
rpghtuous Dealpnge of them fl)al bxmg anD that f oone, jf o* tt)t goetb about,fe*
al the lano to a toplDetneg,anD toickeD* fepng fucb as are mete fox bee, (hetoetb
nes Qal ouetthxoto the btocllpnges of her felfe cberef ullp bnto them in tbepx
the mpghtp gopngcs,a no metetb them toitb al Dplu
4 macpon is her begpnnpnge : to care fox
%hc callpttjc offepttgcs.i&itucts and Jlubgcst nurtoure is loue, *$ loue is the aeppng »wn.xt.T.b
to\)\cl) ace alfo eyljojtcD tofcactU tuctopfcuoiae of()£tlaU)C6»0oU)etbe heppngeofthe
i^fcDome is better then latoes is perfect tonanD an tmcoxrupte
itrengthe,anD a man of ipft, anD an bncoxrupte ipfe maaeth a
bnbctftauDpnge is moxe
tooxtbe then one that is
man famplier toptb (sod 3!nD fo the
. &
Defpxc of xopfDome leaDeth to the Ring*
ftronge » $eare therfoxe Dome of euerlaltpnge»*3[f poure Delpte
^(^>P e6 r n 5 e s)artDtJu* bethcninropallfeatcsanD cepters(€) «u«m.«
becftanbf:© lerne pe that beuiDgestof pt Bpnges of the people) fctpourelufte <'•*'«««• c
5 •* t, •*••
the enoes of the earth»<25eue care pe that bpon topfebome , that pe mape rapgne
title the multitttDes,aiiD Delite in much fox euecmoxc. €> loue the Ipght of topf*
t»Mi,iew.a people,* foxthepotoeriflgeuenpou of Dome 5 alpe that be rulers of the people*
the )LozD,anD the ftrength from the i£p* %s fox topfeoome tohat 0)t is,anD home
eftttohich tyalJ trpepourciDoxcaesanD Q)t came bp3Jtopu tell pou, anDtopII
fearch out pour pmagpnacpons.^otoe iiothpDe the mpltecpes of <bod fr5 pou:
that pe being officers of hps fepngoome but topll ftfee bet out from the begpn*
banc not ejcecuteD true itiDgement,baue npngeof t&e qatptipte, anb bxpngethc
fctrofoleDge of f>cc into fpgbte, Mb toplf <EoD fjatfj gtatihfeb me to f alfce totfe*
fom £
not Ucpe uacfec tbe ttu tb: &ttl)u Urpl 3 f pe,anD coi m
cnpe ntip to ba udu tbe tb'n
fjaue to Do tottfj conrumpnge enupe, tot ges tbat be batb granouap lent me. jf oj
f ucljc a manuc ajall not tree partaker of it is be, tbat liaoetb unto tor Domc an&

topfeDome ftuttfye niulrtntioe ofCf)6 teaebctb to Ulc am'Dome a rpgbte»*3jn »api.M«

topf e is tbe melfarc of tbetoo,itD,anDa< bjsbanDare toeauD oure toojoesipea,
topfe fetng r$ upb olopng oi tfjs peo* all out u>yi cDome,ouc t>iioc t uanopng
tf>e $
plc.£) teceauc nourtaute tben tfjototoe bnotoieDgc of all out tooicfccs » jfoi be
nip U)o;Dc0,auo it (])al Do pou gooD* hattjc geuen me tbe true ftpence of t^efe
{[ t£be*tou Cbapter. tbpugcsrfotbatjlfenoto bote tbe toojID-
Wpr&omcougip to be prtcmtt&cftHcaif Me* vuas made, anD 1 1? e po&ets of (f;c elem£
^p (clfe alfo am a mottaii te# Jtbe begpnupng, enDpnge ano mpD*
man, ipH#asaUotbet,anD ocft of tbe tp mes, botoetbe tpmesaul*
am tome of tl;e eaetbp gene* tu, note one goetfj after another , am>
ration of bpm that toas tttli f^e t&ep ate rulfplleDrthe coutfe of ttjt
maDs,a»D* inmpmotbecs peare :tijeo?DpnauHces oftnc flattest
toombe ioas 1 fatypouca to be feu): Jti the natures anD fcpnoes of beaftes;tbe
f tpmeof ten monetbes toas J btougbt futpoulneflfc ofbeattes: tbe poivcr of
togetrjer enbtouDe tb/ototu-e tbefeDeai: tl>e toprtDesitbepmagpnacpons of men*
man, and tbe commoDtous appetpte of tfje opuetiapes of poungc plautes ; t&e
ftcpe. JX>ben 31 Urns botne , J tcceaucD &ettues of rotesyitio all fuel;* tbpnge*
like nt'ic as oibet m*n,auD fei Dpou m
as ate fectete ano not ZoHto to?, banc J
eattb\tob«b is nip nature) etpiuge anD katneo.f oj tbe toojcftmaRet of al t&iu*
toeppngeattOeft>tfte,as ail otber do.! ges batb taugbteme iupTDouw* Jn ba **
toas tojtapptoin ftoaoipng cloths, anfir fs tbi fpirtteof DnDeraanDpng, toijic&e
btougbt Up tettb great cares. £o? tbat %% bol? 3 ma«pfolDe,one onip, fotpl^cur*
is no fepng ibat batbebao an? ptber bet Jcous^nfcretjtiutcke^nDefpleD^iame,
gpnnpngof bpttb** mimtn tbenbaue ^uz y loupng tbetbpnnetbatis gooD
3fn*«c v
ffim »j< b one entetamice tmto (ife 3 anD one gorng a^arpe, tobwb fo^bpDDetb not to Do toel*
outtnlpkcmaner* gentte.fcpnDjfteofarUuresfterbaupnge
^ooberfoze J DefpjteD,anD ftnDerftan* jm uertues,t;rcumfpecte m ai tbpngss
# ^pngetoasgeuenme:J caIleD,aHD tbe teceamngalirpjtcte^of DnDetfranDtug.
rptnt of totfDome came in to me/$ fette j^cpnge clrane ano fljarpe, jfo? tuproome
mo^e bp btc tbcbp bpngDomes anD tof< # nemblct tbrn al tumble tbmaes:u>
ail f eates,anD counteo rpebes notbpng &0 gt^ tbo^oto ano m^iitth to at tbpn*
tn compatrfon of ber.*a& fo? pucpous ges,b£cauie of btr elenws** jfor (he is
3ba.^»« flonc j. conapareD it not into aer:fo? al mmL
* * t

tt^c ujetb of tbe potoer of g&oD .ano a pu

gelDets but gtauelt bntofjtr, ano tyU u cleaue ejcpjeOtngof tbe dearnes of at
«er a;albe counteD but clape before \>a nipgiitp <KoD*Cberfwc can no bnbclp*
fpgbte* J lomDberabowe toelfareanD 1

UDtt>imgcorae into bertfoj u>et$ tbc

lietetpjanD putpofgD to tafte bet fo? inr bjpgbtnes of ttje euettaftpng Ipgbt tbc
J^gbt 9 fo«ber(bpnecannotbeQuencbe& trfiDefpleo mp^roure oftbemateape of
*ai H S co D^Pnges€amefometi>ubbtt ^od , anD tb( fonag* of bis gooDnelTe»
turn Mb
wttn't anD innumerable ncbes tntnoto- bet ^uDfojfjomucbe as fleets one ft> map e
ftanDes.J ?»as gfaD tn mm
nljox tbps qo an tbpnge^ano bepnge fteifaft bit
tort Dome foent before me,$
J feneto not $ iu me rennet^ al,auD amog rt)e twoplg
tbat Q)t i$ $ motbet of al gooD tbinges* conueietnu^e fjcr felfc into tfc bolp fou<
lioto ss mp felfe k arneD tmfapueD*
J ie$ • ^be
mabetb mobs ftenDes an^
fpe, fo do ]B mafec other mm
parta&ers p:opbetes:foj <sod louetb no man, but
eff)cr,anDb«De bet rlcbes from uaman; bpm m to&ome lrpfcDotm Dtoelletb*
foi flje is an infinite tteafure Unto men, $oi tytis mote beutiful
tbe" £ &unne,
tefjicb tobofo Dfe,btcomt pattafter$ of arnDgttietb mote ligftt tbmtfteftarrcs,
tbe loue anD ftenDu^pp of <&ob , anD are ano tbe Dap ts not to be
eompatcD Dntff
8cc pteD t,,Uo ^
m f°l tf>*
S^ ftcs °* ^iMo^pontbeDap ccmmetbnpgfjte^
su t toptbeDuifle tan uot ouetcome torf

Clje btiku
bome,$ folpf!)nes map not be vuttfj fjec* nations Qalbe tnbbueb onto mc.^oici
^Cbe*biu.€baptec* ble tpia uiues fl)albe aftapb, toben tbep
a; ^= effected of top r&ouic.
£ieoome ceacbetb ftom one
bo but beate of uu.amonge the multp*
tube 3fbalbc counteo goob,anb mtgb^
enbe to auothet nugbte lp,anb tpc tn battapll accbenj come bome,3
loupnglpebotbefbe ozb'zcall (ball fume tea tottb he t:f oi bet compa
t'atnges *
J banc lotieb bet npbatbnob(ttetues,anbbetfelotoO)ip
aui) taoouteb nee eueti ftome tnp
bath no teo.p ouf neiTc,but mpztb 9 tope*
poutb bp.J opD mp bpligence to matpe il^oiue \n\)m 3 conipbzeb tbele tbin*
tnp f elf e toitb i;ec,f ucb loue bab bnto 3 gesbpmptelfe, atibpoubeteb them t C
feet bcutp* sobo to bath the company of mp bette,botoe that to bee iopinn bnto
<S.ob,commeubetb bet nobplpte,pea,tbe tovfeoome is immoztaltcte, anb gteate
&ozb of al tbtnges bimfelfe iouctfi net. pi cafttce to bane bet f tcnbfljpppc.b otoc
if o; (Ijc is tfje f colematiteiTc of the nut* that tnthe teouHes of bet hanoes ate
tout of$ob,anbtbecbofetoiiteofbp5 infinite ttcbes:boto tbat,toho fo ftepctf)
tooifces.fcf a man tooulb betpze ticbe£ companp toitb bet flpalbe topfe:aub that
to this Ipte , tobat is epebet then topfe* be lohtch calnetb toitb bet,Ojal come to
Dome,tbat tooifectb all tbpngcsv %\)on honour e : 3 toente aboute febpnge , to
toplt fape : onbetftanopnge toozfcetb. get bet bnto me* jf oz 3 toas a labbe of
SDonat is it among al tbtnges,tbat too;* a tppetoptte^anobao a goob bubctaa;
fcetbmote tben mpfbome.-'Jt'a ma loue Dpngc.
berttte aaD tpgbtuoufnes, let bun la* &ut toben 3 gteto to moze bnoctfla*
botite foz toprbome, foz ft)c bath greate binge, 3 came to anbubefpUbbobpc*
oettues* 3Bno tobpf flje t each ctb fobet* lieuettbeleia; toben
J petceauebtbat3
nesaao pzubence , tpgbtuounics ano coulbe not nepe mp felfc cbafte,*ejccepi 3«ow«>.
tUengtb,tobicb ate fttcb tbtnges as mi (Sob gaue tt me ( anb that toas a popnt
can batte notbpnge mow profitable in of topfbome alfo,to ttnotoe tobofegtfte
# ttyn lpfe*3f a man befpze mnefj fenoto* it toas )3 ftepte bnto the tlozo, anb be^
iebge, Ojecau tell the tbtnges that ate fought him,auo tottb mp tobole hctte
paft,anb bifcetne tbpngesfoz to come:
fapb aftet thpsmanet*
fljeanotoctb rfitfotcltus oftoOzbes,^ K^vCbeajc.C&aptcc.
can eypounbe batcKe ftntenccs*S>be c3 a pjapct of Salom on to obtapne toprocme.
tell of tokens ano toonberous tbtnges, vfiob of mp fathers,? %
o\ euec tljep come to paflt 3 ano tf?e cnoes * jlozcj; of metcpes j.*«8-«.»
of all times anb ages* &o J putpofcD *thou that ban mabe &nu.L
after cbts manet : J toil! take bet bnto all linages toithtljp
tnp companp,aub comen loupnglp toitb tooibe,aubo2bepneD
tt)t fl)al gene me goob cou*
t)cr:no bottte ma tbozoto tf)p mife«
anb fpcakecomtoztablpe bnto me
cell, [^^^^^^goome, that be Ojoulb
tnmpcacefulnesanbgrefe . jfozbet baue boniinton octet t\)t cteatute tobiclj
f a kc Ojal 3 be tocll a nb boneftlpe ratten tbou baft mabe.tbat be H)oulb ozbie tbe
amonge tfje comens anb ftozbes of tf)t toozlb accozbpnge to equite anb rig&te*
counrcL dbough 33 bepoungc,pct fljal o u f nes, anb ejcecute iubgemente toitb a
31 baue fljatpe bubet(ranbing,ro t!;at3 true bette)gcue me topfebome, tohtch is
fljalbc matueloug in the ugbr of gteat cute aboult tfip featezgt put me notoute
tnen,anb the faces of ^inces f^ali too; ftotn among tbp cbilbun:foi*3 tbpfei; paine.*
38b.w^«« oct at me* * aaoben Jbolbe mp tonge,
uaunt $ fonne of tl)p banbmatben,am a
tbcp fljal btbe mp leaf uccrtobc 3 fpcaae feble pctrounCjOf a lI)ozte tpme, anb to
tbepfliall lolie bpon mc:anbpf J talae pounge to^bnbetftanbingef3ubge<i
in ucb, thep fl)al Im tbepz banbes bpon ment anb the la toes. Hlnb though a man
t bcir moutb.vJ^oKouet bp the meanes s beneuet fo patfecte amonge thecbpl*
of bet 3 fl^all obtapne immoztaiite,anb bzen of menne, petvf tbp toifebomebc
leauebcbinDc me an euerlafl in j memo* not toitb bim,be Gfjalbe no tfunige regati
cpall) among tbcm that come aftet me* mn* * suttfjou baflecbofen me to be U9Mnit.\

3J Gjall fct tlje people in ozozc, ano the a kin$e onto tty people, anb the tuoge u,p«m
of thpfohHes ahbDougbtets*
fCbou bafte comauDeD nic to btnlDc
toettotuIealtf)m5es;*3W)entt)e fcn* ««*«<,•
* righteous toent atoap in bt£ tozath fro
a temple Upon tbp bolp mounte,anD an this topfeDome, f bzotbtrbcaoe pcrpf*
aultct in § cifie tofjerin tf^ott Dtoellelha
ft) cD thozoto tbe tozatb of muttber.**!* <&*6,*,8

ficaneffecftbpbolptabetnacletobtcbg gapne 3 tobe tht toatec oeftropeo tobolc

baft pzcpareD fro the begpnnpnge, anD toozlD topfeDome
5 pzefetueD tbe rpgbte*
tbp topfeDome toitb tbe,tobtcb Knotoctb ous tbozoto a pooze tre,toberof
ftje toas
tbp toozcBes:*tobicbealfo toas tfj the, goucrnethetlelfe**
fllpozeouet toben *«•*•*

toicbeDiies baD gotten tbe bppctbabe,

tobat teas acceptable in tfjp fpgbte anD fo tbat tbe nations toetepuftebp
right (n tbp c6maunDemcntesȣ> fenbe pzpDe, u> ftnetoe tbe tigt)teous,paefet*
r)eroute of tt)p fjolp beaucus 9 from tbe ucd btm fautleffe bnto d5oD, $ lapeD tjp
ttoue of tbp maieftp, that foe map be tfj futemettpfozbijScbtlDzen.* ^bepzei <£e«.rtt.«
ine,ano lab oute toith me: tbat 3 mape fetueo the tigbteous,toben be fleD ftbui
fenotoe,tobat i# acceptable (n tf>p fpgbt. tht l»igooipetr)atp£rp(b,eD,tobattpmc
jfoi Ore fcnotoctb ano fcnoerftnnoetb all as tbe fpzefclDotonefcpo tbt. b.tities:
tf)igee:auD fbe Orali leabe mc f obetlp in X-pfeeas pet this Dape tt)e tjnftutefull
mp toozfces , ano pzefctue me in bet po< toaft,ef fmobpnge laoe getietr) teftunonp
tocr. ^>o fljall mp toozfces be accepta* of tbeit toicHeDnes:pea i) bntppe bm
} 9
ble,anD then (ball 5 gouerne tt)p peo* tpmelp ftutejs: $ gtotoe Upon tbe
cp, c ,
* P l * tpghteouOp 3 auD be tooztbp to fpt (a 36nDfojatoHenofa temembzauce of 13
Ronvti b mp fathers feate.* jf oz tobat man is be tbe bnfaytbfulfoule, there llanDetr) a
that mape tmotoe the counccll of <0oD^ pplltt of fait Joz all fttcbe a$
©z,tobocan tbpn&e tobat tbe topu of not toifeDome 5 gat not onelp this butte-
<Poo (s f foi tbe tboughtes of mortal tbat tbep ftneto not the tbinges
menarempftrable^nDoutefoicaftcs toeregooD, butaifoleftebebpn& tbem
c ace but bucertapne. %m tohpf a moz< Unto men.a mcmoziall of their foolpft>
tall anD comiptpble boop (6 beup
Onto nes:fo that in the tbmgcs tohetin tbep
tbe foule, ano tbe cattbp manfpon fee* fpnncD,tbep coulDc not be
hpD* 23nt as
petb ootone tbe OnoerftanDpngc that foz fucbe as ta&e heDe bnto topfeDome,
murctbbpoumanpe tbpnges . ^jctp fl)e foal Delpuet them from fozotoe.
fjarolp can toe Dpfcetne tbe tbpnges **Cben the tpgbteous fleo becaufe ^
tbat ace opon eactb,ano gceate labotit ofbpsbzotbers tozatbe, topfeDome a5trtf,28, °
rjauetoc, oz toe can fpnDe tbe tbpnges bim thetpghtetoape^ctocDbpm
tobtcbe ate befoze oute epes: axbo topU fepngoom of d50D,gaue
bun ImotoleDgc
then fehe oute tt)e gtounoe of tbe tbpn? of bolp thpuges maDe bim
} tpche in big
gcs tbat ate Done in hcauen^b ftozo labouces, ano bzought to paffe tbvt]*
tobo can baue KnotoleDge of tbp bnDet< ges that be toenre aboute*
Jn the bpf*
ttanDpngeano meaupnge ercepfe tbou ccatfulnes of fucbe asDeftauoeo
geue topf cDome ano fcuoe tbp Oolp goft flje ftooe bp hpm.ano maoe
him tpefje.
ftomaboucf that the toapes of tbem ^>he faueo bim from the enempes
tobicbe ate fcpon eattb mape be
refour* Defenoeo hpm from the Dpfceanecs*
meD:tbat men mape leatne tbe tbmctes £>he maoe hpm ftronge in
battaple ano
tbat ate plcafaunte Onto the, *
be rue gaue bim the bictozpe, that he mpgbte
fctueotbozoto topfeDome* Hnotoe, hotoetbac topfeDome is tttow
C ^be*ccbapter» get then all tbpnges.* iOQhentf tpgbte?
ous toas foioe^e fozf orc bitn not, but
a u"

Delpuereo bim from fpnnergf.^he toent

Dotoue toith hpm into the Dongeon , anD
|£(Dome pzeferucb;«;cfpzfte fapleo bpm not m tbe bauoe#:
€f*t.i.b * tph fte <&ttuju.t
man, tobeme * d5oD maoe a bao bzougbte bpm tbe fceptet
of the
IfathctoftbctoozlD, tobenbe tcalme, anD potoer agapnfte
tbofe that
teas treat eD alone,bzougbte oppzeffeo bpm.36B foz tbem
that bao ao

fctm out of bis offence, tofce butt oute of cufeD

hpm Q)t oeclateo them to be i\u

tye mouloe of tt)e mtbjt gaue bin? po< ets, anObjoughte

bpm to petpctuall
theit charge,? coDerteD
them . BObetbe*
eous peo* thep toete abfetojpjefent.tbeitputul^*
fc * She. DelptteteD tbe tight *o> theit gtefe toas
the nations merit toas alpfte
e*M4.ft Dle anD fautleffc f cDe,ftom tbe temc*
in to Double:nainelp,moutnpng3
JE* *
Sat oppieff«D tbem. £>be entteo b:auce of thtnges paft » ©ut
toi)en tbe?
the Cottle of the fctuaunt
of 0003 ftope
tokens agatft petceaueD t tfteit puntChmetes
Me gaue p ttghte* gooD,tbep tbought upo p JLoiM
the ho^ttble ttpng. thep beloe
of their labours, ano Dcteo at § enoe * if ot at § laft
cms the retoaroe
IeDthem f £the a matueious we
on mttche of hpm, of tobo U\ p out
thep tbougbt fcozne,as of an
thaootoe Dnto
the Dare tpme (he toas a tigbteous DtD not ro tope
them ano a ipglit of ftatres
in p npght jpteuettbeles §

fearon.*£>be b*o«8W them tftojjpto

the tbep toete tbit(tpe:but
ettenlpheas W

«* I* r
teeD mm catpeo the thojoto § great tbougbtes of § folifl)
toere ,

fo toas
tbeir toickeDnes.*$oobeteas
toater»M* Dtotoneo theit cnempes

the Cea a bzought the out of p oepe. £>o me noto ( thototo ettottte ) did tootO)PP
tofte tbefpoples of § im* Dome fetpetes $ Dapne beftes,p feDeDft
the riahtebus them
thp holp name, <D a multituDe of Dome beaftes Dpo
£ «* aoDlp anD * ptapfeD that
.v, fl
mctonous fox a begtacejp thep mtgbt fenoto,
•""•^SSw atiDmagWeD tbP
topfeDom loke tobete toithal a man fpnneth,bp
«*«« 9 a banoe imth one atcoiDe* tfoj Dn*
mt,m ' b
nneneththemoutboftheDomme^ ma-, fame alfo fyal he be pttnpujeo.tiFo?
that maoe the
to fpeaUe. to thp almigbtpe tjaiioc ,
&eth the tongcs of babe*
of nought,tt toas not DnpofTtble,
& -che.ti.tfbapter*
beaftes of a
oi tooooelpons, oicrttell
fttaunge fepnDe,fucf) as are bnanotom;
|H&e oiDjeD tbepj toozc* fmofcpngc
tuStntbehanoesoftbe oi fpoute fpte, 01 cafte oute a
oute of
holp ptophet:ro*p tbep btetb oiChotehotrtblefparhes
<fro.jfl»i- a
tbeir 'epes:tohicbmpghte
not oneip De*
[ties that teas not inha* ar ope tbem U
httrtpnge, but alfo ftp II
tbem toith tbeir hoirible ftgbt.^ca,tB4
JbiteD,$ptttheD tbeir te"=
haue b£n
res tn the toafte Deferte .
tchep ftoDea* out tftcft beaftes »"5 ht th ^ ?
auen* Harnett one toinDe,bctngperfecuteD
aapnfte their enempes,anD toere fcatereD abxoaoe
atcbentbcp tbeir otone tooifces, a
cno.«wi.b art) of theit aDiieciaties,* tbppotoet*
#*"•» "•
g,ere thtrftpe,thep eafleD
Upon the, ano tboioto tbe bjeth of
toeuettbeles thou baft oiD^eD al thin*
the roefce,
toater teas geue them out of anD toepghtc*
hatoe oes tn meafttte,nombte
ano tbeir tbtrft flacfteneD out of §
ttjoio to f 01 thou hafte euet hao gteat fttengtf)
ftone*5foj bp tbe tbiuges,tobete the
anD might,anD toho map toitbftaDe
thepjenempes toere punpfCqeo, tocte atme^nD tobp^lpfte as:
the potoet of thpne
thephelpeD in thett neoe»iFottnto balatmce toep<
in the I mal thmge that tbe
tnempes thougatteft mansblouDe tooilD before thetpea , a0 a
toatet . auu> tohete as
eth 1 is tbe
fteaoe of Ipupnge falletb Dotouc
toben Diop of p momtge Qeto, f
thep haD fcarceneffe in the rebufee Dpon
toete dapne , thougaueft
Upon the earib.^hou haft mcrcpe
tbe cbPlDjen all thpnges:
bn< al foi thou baft potoer of
into tbpne otone a plenteous toatet the as thougb f fatoeft not
the thptft that *ano mafteft
lofteD fo;:Declatpnge bp becauf e tbep OjoulDe
tpme, botoetbou tooulDeft tbe f panes of men,
toas at that
amenoe Jot tbou loueft all the tbtnges
bipnge tbine otone Unto honoured flap tobom
that are,anb ftateft none of tbem
thett aDuerfaries*
anD noj< thou baft maDe:nethet DiDDeft thou 01*
© * $01 tohen tbep toete ttpeD
,thep attoto* Depne oi make anp tbtnge,of euel toplU
©wt.s a.
tute o totth fathetlp metcp enDttre,pf tc
iaotoe mpgbte anp thtnges
ieogeDbototbefcngoDlp toete fuogeD, totl/£)jbotoecoulDe an?
puntO)eD tboioto tbe tojatb of ©od» toere not tbP
ano ptcfertteD,etcept it toere callea
•Cbefe baft thou ejtboiteD as
a father, £ tbing be
all are
banc of the f ©ut thou fpateft all,foj
pioueo themtbut hnto tbe other p of foules.
barDe to thpne,^) JLoiDe, thou louet
bene a bopfterous Upn<je,laieD

i^(Cr)e*t;tt»Cbapter. rffo* fo mttcu tr)eh as

tyou art tigr)*
2Tf)Cmfcrpoff5o&totoatticrpntiCt8,tljcltot: reous tbou ozDzeft all tbpnges
tf;p fetfe
6esofi3o?acetiii:cpiouaUlc.i2ijD9Cucri;lC[futc ngbteouapanD * punpOjeft cucn bpmjob.M
toccpcutc US.
tbat batb not DeferucD to be punpu>D,
&ozDe,botoe gracious et anD tafceft fjimfoza ftraungeranD an
[toeteistbp (pictceinaJ nlca tint in tbe laubc of tbp potoer* foz
tbtngesr'^Lbcrlozecba* tbppotoetijgtbe begpnnpnge of rigb^
tbou tfjc meafu*
Ijftcncft teoufnes:anD becaufe tbou art &ozd of
rablpc§gotoz6ge, ano al tbinges tljetfoze arte tt)ou gracious;
;*toarnefttbeconcecnpnge Unto al* aocben me tbtncfce tr)e not to be
tbe tbpngcs toftccmtfjep offenDc : tt;ou of a fnl ftrengtb, tbou Declared tbp po*
fpeafceft bnto tbem ( 4D JLozoe janD ejc< toet:^tbolDlp Deliuereft tbou tbem otiec
ozteft tbem to leauc tfjcir topckcDius, 9 tbat Hnoto § not.SuttbouJlo^De of po;
©ear.ft 8, to p U t (fjtjt ttuft in tt)e 4 * 3d6 foz tbofe teectuDge(iquicrip,$ozD£cft b$ toitr)
olDc j^gojjftg f t fjp f^olp ianoc, ti;ou greatetoo?tr)pp } foztr)oii mapeil Do as
tmgbteft not a toape toitb tbem,foz tbep tljou toplte*
commptteD abtjominable toozues a* EPfticbtoojfeesrioto&afrgfaugbt ^
$atnft tljcias tottctjcrafte, fozcerpe anD tbp people,! a ma alfofi)oulDe be iuft $
3lD0tatcp:tl;ep flcto tbeic otone cbtlDzeu loupnge: anD baft mabe tty cfjiiDzen to
toitbout metcp:tbep ate bp mens bote* be of a gooD bope : foz tutn toben trjoit
els, aiiDDcuouceD tbe blouoc: pea, be* iuDgeft,tbougeueft totome to amenDe
caure of fucbabbomtuacions, mpfbele* from fpnnes* foi info mucb as f bafte
lies ano offetpnges, tbou ftetoeft cfie fa* punpajeD,$ toitb fucb Diligence Dciiue*
tbers of tbe Defoiate fouks bp tbe ban* teD t\)t enemies of tbp fetuauieSjtobict)
ties of oiire fatfjecs: tlja t § latioc tuf;icfi toerc tooz(r)p to bpe(tobcte tbozoto tboti
tbou lousft aboue al otfjer,mpgbte be a gatieft tbem tpme anD place of amende^
Dtocllpngc ret tbe cfjilDicn of udoD* ment tfjat tl)tp migbt turne from tbep?
25 #teuertbeles tbou fpatDeft tbem al* totcaeDnes)toitr) boto great Diligccc i^e
fo(as mc anD feiiDcDft tbe fozerunners pumfyeft tbou tbpne otone cr)ilD?cn,tjn#
ofrbpneboofteuebozncttestoDefttoie ^ baft f toozne 9 mabe
to tobofe fatbets
tbe 111 oute bp Iptle ano Iptle . &ot tbat couenauntesofgooDpzompfes ? ^0,
tboutoaft fcnable to fubDtiefbngoDlp tobereas tt)ou Doeft but cbaften t>s,
tutUo tin tpgr)teous in battaple 01 toitfi tbou punpfteft outeenempes Dpiierfe
cciui bcaftes,oz toitb one rougbe toozD toapes to tbe intente tt)at toben toe pu^
t0 ocfttope ttjem togetbec : * 75ut trip
cm « npflje toe OjoulD rcmebu tl)^ gooDr.elTe:
jd«u>m inpnbe teas to Dzpue tbem out bp Iptie anD tor)en toe our felucs are punp^
anD Iptle geupnge tr)em t p me anD place put oure truft in tbp mercp*
to anicnDc: fchotopngc toel, tbat it teas 80Qbcrfoje tobcreas mcur)aueIpueD
anbnrigbteotis nation ano toycfccD of

ignozauntlp 9 bnrpgbteouap,tboti baft

nature anD tbat tr)ett thougbtc inpgbt punift)eD tbem roze euen tbozoto p fame
@ft)ftf ,

netier be aitereD if oz it teas a curfcD tfjiges tbat tbcp toozf&ippeD.* jfo? tl)tp uoSui.u
fcoc from tbe begpnnpnge, anD fcareD toente aftrape berp longe in t^ toare of
no man: £et baft tbou patDoneDtbepz errour^b,elDetbebeaftes(tol;icbe euen
fpnncs»JFoz tobo toplfape tinrotbertobp ttjeir enempes DefppfeD)foz goDDes, Ip*
tbou Done ttjatvg)} tobo toil ftanDe
rjaft upnge as cfjplDje of no bnberftaDpnge.
agapnfte tbp iuDgemcnt."^); tobo topll Cbctfoze baft tbou fent a fcojneftil pu*
come befoze tbp face an auenger of on* nifbment amonge tbem, as amonge tye
^ rigbteotts men^n tobo topi blame tbe, cb»IDze of igno^aunce. 3Cs foz f ucfjc as
rf tbe people pcrpuXtofionie tbou bafte tooulD notbcrcfoutmeD bp tbofefcoz^
none otber CPod but nes anD rebtifees t!;ep fclte tl)c \»o}tinye
nioDc.-'iToz tiierc is

cpit «* tbou,*tbatcateft foz altbpnges:£ tbou punifljmet of <J5oD. foz § tbinges gtbep
niapeft Declare 00 to tbat tfjp nogtn cut fuftreD,tbepbare tbem bnpacientlp,be4

isnottnngbt * 'CbereDartcnetbec pnge not contct in tbe but bntopllpnge*

fepngc 5 tioupzafite in tbp fvgbt require 3finD tobe tfiep perpt^eD bp fame t\)iti4
ectopics of tr)cm totjo g bail DefttopeD* ges I tf;ep toaefoz goDDesi, tfjep fenoto^
f$AU leDgc\>,
teDgcD tf)t$tl)tt teas but otie true goD, one patte makctb a belle! to bebfeo;
tobomeafozctbep tuotifDc not ftnotoe: and Digbtetb meate toitb t^t refpoue.
tberrozc came the c.iDc of their Damna* Sis for p other parte tbat is left, tobicb C
(ion fcpon them. is pzofp table foz notbpnge( foz it is a
-Che %UU Cbapter* croKeopeccoftooos full of tmobbes)
31 rbtttges be toapacepcept tljc tmotolCDsc of be cat ueth it Diligentlp tbozolti bis ba<
_. iSoD.JiDolatCTsauolDolcsatcmocheD.
nptte, auD(accozopuge to § Unotoleoge
* x^i'^faimcnu ati men,tobicb fjaue
of l)i<5 connpnge)be geuetb it Tome pzo*
not tbe knotolcDge of i©4DB:
Bomat.b. pozcton,faiionetb it after t\)i fpmplp*
*a$ lucre tfjep tf^at oute of
ttioe of a man , oz maketh it ipfee Tome
tbe gooo tfjingejai tolncfjt ate
beaft,tUeakcth it ouct uutb teD,^ pain*
leue.tstieaie not f)tm s tfjat of bun f elfe is
tetb ity ano lobe tobat foule fpot is in it
euerlaftpng.B et bet tolte *b*P f0 n,ttC &
be cafte tt) fome coloure upon it*
tegacoe of tin toozches that ate maDe,
teas tbe ctaftefman of
Chen maket h he a conuementta*
©rat 4,c as to knoto,tobo bernacle foz it,fettetb it in the t»all,anD
i»&.irtrt;.b tbem:*butfonie tohe tbe fpze,fome tfje
maketh it fad i»i tb pzou , pzoupbpnge
fopnoc oz apzc , tome the coutfe of tbe
fo foz tt,lea it happe to fal:foz it t$ ittelf
ITattis/fome tbe toatct , fome toke
it can not he lp c it felfe : 3Bim
^unneanD^oone, o^t^elpgfjtes of feriomeu, $
tobp."it is but an pmage , anD mntte of
flatten toblcbc rale the latthejoz goD*
Des.jBut *boiigbc tbep baD fucbe pica*
(Cbcn goetb be anD offretb of bP0 33 -
f urc Hi *beir beutp, that tbep tbougbte
goobes bnto it , foz bis cbplDzen anD
tbemtohauebene goDBes : pet fljoulDe
ttm> naue knotoen , botoe mucije moze
bPS topf c:bc feketh helpe at tt,bc afa
t e>zecbe«stbatmaDetbenn jfoz the
fpcafcc bnto it tbat hath no foule : foz
maker of beutp batbe ozoeneD alt tbefe
bealtb,be maketh bis peticio bnto bint
tbpnges* £>zpf tbep marueleb at fpo*
tbat ts fpeke : foz Ipfe, be piapetb bnto
foet anD toojefcee of tbem, tbep Ojoulbe
bun tbat is Deabe: be t allctb bpon bpm
baue petceaueD tbetbp, that be tobPtb*
fozbelpc 3 tbat is not able to heipc bpm
.naoe tbefe tbpnges is mpgbtpec tben
felf c:anD to CenDe bim a good ioutuep,
be pzapetb bim tbat map not go.ainD in
jfoz bp tbe greatnclTe anDbeutpeof
all tbe tbpnges tbat he taketb in babe
tbe creature J maker tbecof map plap*
it be to optapne anp tbpng 0;
nelpbeknoioen $ottoitbftanDpnge (tobetber
to toozr ke )he pzaietb bnto bun tbat can
tbep ate tbe tefle to be blameo,$ fougbt
<IE>oD,anD toouloe banc founoe htm, ano
Do no mancc of gooD*
pet mpfleD » 3nD tobprfoi fo mucbe as Cbe«jcini» Chapter*

tbep toente aboute in bis foozekes ano Hn)CDCteaactotiauDab!)ommact5oftmagC9«;

them, a token that acutfeofttjem, atiDoflnmtijatmabeti; t^jcm*
Tougbte after it is ,

tbep rcgarbco ano h eloc mucbe of bps

% Dc cuclice tbat come of jfloolatcpe.

toozekes tbat are rene.botobeit tbcp are i^apncanotberman purpo^3l

not tobolp to be ejecufco jfoz pf tbcp? fpnge to faple^begpnnpnge
iwDetftanoinge ano knoiiiIcDgc ioas fo to take bisiournep thozotoe
greate,that tljtp couloe Dpfcerne tbe Jtberagpngefea, calletb top
toozlbeano tbe creatures tobp 3
DiD tt}^ bclpe bntoa ftocke , f is farre Uicaker,
not rather fpnoe out tin toil} tbetofr then tbe tree tbat bearetbbpm* ifozas
But bnbappve are tbep , a amonge foz it.couctcoufnes of moncp batbfotiDe
the ocaoe is their hope, that call them it but,attD tbe ctaftefman maoc it uutf>
(I500DCS tobicbe are but tbe toozekes of bis connpnge.^uttbppioupDence, ^)
mens banoes.goloejpluet, 9 tbe tbmg fatbet,gouetnetb all tbpnges ftom tbo
*•• '^*
tbat is founoe out bp connpnge tbe fp* begpnnpnge:*foz i> baft maoe a toap in

inilifuDe of beaftes, oz anp toapne (tone tbe f ea,auo a f ute pathe in f mpDDeft o£

m h
^at hatb bene maoe bp § baoe of oloe* tbe tdaues:Declatfg tbetbp f thou baft
SSmt*' * l * s tof,g a cac P^ £c tnttetb bourne potoet to bclpe in al
tbinges,pe tbougn
a tree out of the toao,ano patctb of tbe a man tocnte to t\)t f ea, toi tbout Q)pppe«

barcke of it connpnglp ; ano f toitb the ^euertb.elcffea t5at tbe toozekes of thp

€mMt fopfeDomc (TwiIDe not be bapne,* tfjott foozkemantopUpngc to bo bpmaplea*
baft caulco an a t ke to be maoe : $ tt)tv fure tbat Tct bpm a toouke, laboutco
fozc Domcncommpttctbctr Ipties to a tottbai biscoupnge to make tbe pmage
fuiall pccc of iuod, paflpnge ouec § Tea, oftbebeftfatyiom atnDro(thozotoethc 33
in a Bipppe,anD are fauco* beutp of tbe toozckc)tbe comme people
* if oz in to e olDe tpme alfo tobc t be tuasDpfccaucD, info mucbe tbat tbep
pzotiDc giauntes peetfljcD ,be(in tobomc tokc bim no to foz a d50D , tobiebe a iptle
tljc hope toas lef tc to met cafe § toozlD) afoze toas but bonozco as a man anD
tocntc into tfje Ebpp, tobicb toas goiter tbts toas tbe etroure of mas lpfe,toben
ncD tbozoto tfjp banoe, anD To (efte feoe men(etbet foz to ferue tbeir otone affect
bebpuoc b tm onto the toozlDe* jf oz hap* cton,oztoDofomcplcafurc bnto fepm
pte is the tree loljcce tbozoto cigbtcoufc ges ) afcrpbcD Dnto (Tones anD ftockes
nes commetb : but curfco i$ tbe pmage tbe name of <5oD,tobtcb ougbt to be ge^
made toitb banDes,* pea,
of to od, tb a t is ticn bnto no man.
botb it anD be j» maoc it* £k, becaufe be j3^ozeouer,tb<s toas not pnougb fo?
maoe it:* tt.becaufc it toas calico ©od, tbcm tbat tbep cttcD in tbeftnotoicogc
tobeee as it is but a ftaple tbi ngc.* if oz of <sod : but tobere as tbtp Ipueo in tbe
tty DugoDlp anD his bngooiyncs ate greate toarrcs of gnoza uncc, tbofe ma^ i

botb Ipke abboiuinablc Onto «5oD.<£ue np anD greate plages calico tbep peace,
fothctoozeke anD be tbatmaDe it alfo foz etbet* tbepfluc tbepz otone cbilDze, ©to.'*.*:
fljalbe puniOjco togctber. €b« rfoic fljal anD offteD tbem, oz DpD factifpce in tbe
there a plage come upon tbe images of npgbtfeafon,ozelsbelDeUnteafona<

(be i^eatben: fox on te of tb c creature of ble toatcbcsrfo tbat tbep kepte netbec
«15oD tf)tp are become an abbomtnacto, martage cleane : but etbet one
Ipf e noz
ft temptacio bnto tbe fo tiles of me, anD flueanotbcrtoDeatb maliciouflpc, o:
a fnare foi tbe fete of the bu topic. MH els gtcueD bis nepgbboure tottb aoV
tobp,tbe f chpngc out of pmages is p bu uouttpe . SEnDtbustocrcalltbpngeial ^
gpnnpngeoftobozeDome,anOtbebzpn< mpjrtetogetbet:blouDe,manaaugbter,
gpnge Dp of tfjctn is the Deftcuccibn of tbefte^ptTimulationjCoztupciou , bn<
ipfe.iFoz tbep toere not from tbe begpn* faptbfulneu"e,fcDicion,pctiutp,Difquie<
npnge, netbet (hall tbep continue foz a tpnge of gooo men, tntbankfulnts,De<
C tier* •CbetoelrbppDelncsof men bath fplpnge of fou!es 5 cbafigpnge of bpztbe,'
founDe tbe m oute fepon eartbe, tberf oze tonftcDfafincu~cofmatiage,mpfozDzeofi
fljal come ujoztlp to an etiDe.
tbep aououtrpe anD bnclcnncite ainb tol;p^
aocben a fa tbe t mourncD foz fit's fonne t be bono u tpnge of abbompnablepmatf

tbat urns taken atoapc from bpm , be ges ts tbe caufc,tbe begtunpnge s enDc
tnaDe bim an pmagc(tn ail tbe hafte) of of al eneLfoz tbep tbat toozOitp JDols,
bis DcaD fonne:ano fo beganne to too;* eitber tbep are mao tobnt tbep be mccp;
frjpp bim as d5oD, tobicb toas but a oeao oz pzopbecpe Ipes, oz Ipm DngoDlpc, oj
man,ano ozoencD bis f crua untes to of* els Ipgbtlp fozttoeare tb em felues. f 05
feeOnto bim. Cbus Dp pzocelTe of tr me in fo mucbe as tbeir trutt is in f jools
anD tbozo to longe cuftomc,tbts ertou te (tobtcbe bauc nether foule not bnoer*
toas kep tc as a la toe,ano tpzaunf es c6* ftanopnge)tbougbe tbtp f toeare falfe^
pcllcD men bp violence to bono u re pma> Ipe , ret tbep tbpneke it (ball not burte
ges . 3s f oz tbofe that toete fo facte of, tbem*
that mcnmpgbte not toozfhpppc tbem cbttfoze commetb a great plage
pzefentlpe.tbctc pictute toas bzougbre Dpontbem,anD tbat tooztbelp: foz tbe?
from farre (Ipfee tbe pmage of a fcpnge baue an euell oppnpon of €5oD,geupnge
to borne tbep tooulDe b ono n r c )to tbe in* beDe bnto 3Dols ftoearpngebniuftlpc

tent tbat tottb greate Dplpgeuce tbep to Dpfceaue, ano Dprppfpnge rpgbte^
inpgbt toozQjpp bim tohtcbe toasfarrc oufnes jfoz tbepz ftoearpnge is no
of,as tbougbc be bao bene pzefente. & bcetue,but aplage of tbem tbatfpnne,
gapncjtbe tingulat connpnge of p craf, anD goctb euec toitb tbe offence of tbe
tci'mau gaue tbe ignozaunt alfo a great bngoDlpe.
pcraftontotoozGbtp pmages jfoz tbe
tfjMtfi CfDt
kyqftMcfc* chapter* to offettDe about all other*
I^eoopcc of the fapthfull pwpffnjet&emets: ailltbeenempesoftbp people anD 3$
cpe of f5oo,fo;i tobott states ra&c ttjep fecue not that holDc them in f ubieccion , ate fciu
topfe, bnhapppe,ano ejcceaDinge pzoudc
~KIJt tbou(fi) oute <£oD)atte
ltocte,Ionge fuffctiuge aim
bnto theic otone foule$:*f oz thep iuDge **«»"+•&
all the JDols of the ^eathen to be gooi
true, atiD in mcccre ozDzcft
ttjou alltbrnges.Chougbe Des,tohiche nethec haue epe fpgb t to ft,'
Btoe fpnne, ^ct ace toe tfjpnc,
not nofes to fmell, noj cares to beate, 1

fttengtb/lf toe fpnne noifpngcts of banDes foz to gtope:an&

Coz'ttTeViiotDC tbp
not,t hen ate , that tb ou tegat*
toe f ute
as to: their fete, thep are to floto to got*
bnotoc the, is parfecte if oi man maoe them , anD he that ha tfj 1

deftbs. ifojt to
but a bozo tocD fpitttcfac&poued them*
tigbteoufnes:£ea,to ftnoto tf>p tightc*
Jdnt no man can ma&e a ©odlpaebna
oufnes and potoer , 15 1 tote of immoz*
to him:f oi Cepnge he is but moz tal bf in
tawc.ais foi the tbmge that men hatie
fclfe, it ts but moztall that he makethi
found e out thoiotothett euell fcience, it
toith bncighteous hades. $^c him felfe
hath not DifccaueD t)e:a$ the papnttug
is better then thep tobome be toozfljpp*
oftfje ppcture(an bnpzofptable labour)
Dtuerf e colours, petb,foz be Ipued though be toas moz*
anD carueo pmage,to
iguozauntc:f tal, but fo Did neuec tbep.J>ea,tbei tooz*
tohofc f»>gbt ent pf cth the
and loueth the pre? fljpp beauts alfo,tobicbace molt mpfc*
that be honour etfj
table:f ot compare tbtges p can not fele
tuts of a DeaDe image $ hath no foule.
tmto them, 5 thep are toozfc then tbofc.
B 0euettbeleu"e,tbep that loue f ucbe
£et i^ there not one of thefe beaftes,£
euel tbj uges,are tooztbp of Death: thep
toith his fpght can beholoe anp good
that truft in the, thep that mahe them,
tbpnge, nether haue thep geuen pzapfe
thep that loue them, am> thep $ honour
them Che potter alfo tafeetb ano tt m< noztbancKesbntodDOD*
pecetb fof te earth, laboutetb it, ano ge* fiG^bcjctoucbaptec.
ueth»tthefaOjponofa beiTcl, tobaffo*
SHjepunpCbmciit of3|t>o!attct9.anl> t\)t bmt*
euetfecuetbfozoutebfe : anD fo of one onto ttjc f aptDfuII.
fptcfi 0011c
pece of clape bemaftcthfome cleane bef
felfoz fcrupce,anD romecontcarp*23ut
Wl thefe ano f uch other tb uu
ges haue thep TuffreD tooz*
tohere to euetp beiTcl ferueth,that feno*
£>o bps bp punpu)emente,$ thoio toe

toeth the potter bun fclfe t tottb

the multitude of bcaftes ate
bapnelabourebemaaetba ©odof the
thep roteD oute.Ju fteade of the tobicb
fame clape:tbts Doth euen be,tobtcbe a
punplhmentes thouhaftegraciouflpe
ip tie afoze toas maoe of earth him f elf e,
ozDzed thpnc otone people,^ geue them
and toitbin a I? tie tobple af te t( tohen he
their defpie that thep longed f oz:a ue to
Dpeth ) tutneth to earth agapue.
and ft raunge tat ft, * pzepa tpnge them j?»m &*
cj Dot tot tb ftatiDpng c,bc catcth not the
labour e,nozbe< quaples to be their meateuo the inttnt
moze becaufe he Cqali
caufebtislpfeis tyoztcrbut ftrpueth to that(bp thethinges tobicbetoete tyu
golDelmptbes, tbcfpluctfmptbes
toed and let bnto them)thep that toere
fo gredp of meate , mpght be toitbDza*
anD copetfmptbcs, anD taneth it f 0; an
toen euen from the Dcfpze that toas he^
tjonoure to mafce toapne tbpnges . f z
ceffatp » ©ut thefe toitbin Q)OZte tpme
his bert is au>es,hts hope is but bapne
cattbe, anD bps Ipfe is moze bple then toere bzougbt tmto pouertte, 5 tapfted

clape : foz fo much* as he fenotoeth not a neto meate* tfoz it toas requifpte that
(toithout anp ejccufe)deftcucci6 mould
his otoue maker, thatgaue htm bps
foule to tooicRf ,anD bit thcD in him the come bpon tfjoie tobicbe b ted tp&nnp,
bzetbof Ipfe.Cbep counte oute Ipfe but and to iljetoe onelp ditto the other, ho to
a paftpme anD oure conucri'acton to be theic enempestoetedefttoped * jfo* Pn*»M
butamacftet, ano that men OjoulDec* tohen the ctuel tooodnefle of the beaded
tier be gettpnge ,anD that bp euel mca<
came fopon them, thep petpehed thozoto
of the cruel ferpentes*
ties.jftoto he that of earth mafteth fratle the ftpnges
fceffcls anDpmagw,fcnotoct& bpmfetfc ^tottoithftandpngeth^tozathe ert« 9

OttceD not pcfpctuallpe, but rtjcp lrcre ocfiw , fo tbat euerp man mpgbte tabe
put in feate f oz a Iptic fr aion, tbat tfjep tobat- IpftcD bpm bcfMSut tbt fnoto anD
mpgbte be rcfourmcD,baupngca to* pfe aboDe tbe Violence o( tbe fr zc,fl meb
ben of faluanon, to rcmembze com* tco uotitbat tbep migbt buotoctbat tt\t

inaunocmcnt of tbp latoc, 5f oz be £ eon* fpze butnpng in tbe batie anD tatne,be<
net tcD, toas not fjcelcD bp § tbpng that (IropeD tbe f rute of tbe enempejs :p fpze
be fatec,bu bp ti)e,o atuout c or all*
t I alfo foz gat bts ft rcngtb agapne , t bae
S>o m tijis tbou ft)t U'coft tbpne enemi* tbe tpgbteous mpgbt be nozpfljeD* fop
cs,tbat it (6 tbou,tobicbe Deipuereft fro tbe ereature tbat feiuetb tbe( tobieb art
««o.jf.&. al euei. tbem * tofyn tbep toere
2Ks foz tbe maUerjis fearfe in punpft)pnge tlje
bptteu toitb grcOjoppcrs anD 8ics 3 t I;cp tonrpgbteousjbut is ca:p,anD gentle to
OteD,foz tfjep toere tooztbp to petite bp Do gooD,uuto f ucbe as put tbepz trufte
fucbe:2Sut nctber tfie teetb of Djagons in tbe . <3Cbeifozc DiD all tbpuged alter C
nozofDcutmoustoozmcs'oucrramctbp at tbe fame tpme,anD toere al obcDpent
cbilDzen,foz tbp mercp mas; euer bp the fcnto tbp grace, tofjicl; is tbs nozfc of al
anD belpeo tbem . (Ctjerfo?etoete tfjep tbtnges,aeeozDinge to tbe Defpze of t(;e
punpftjeo to rcmembze tbp toozDes,but tbat bao ueDe tberof : tbat tbp cbtlozcii,
ijaftelp toere tbep bcalco agapne : left A) UozDe, tobome tbou loueft, mpgbte
OjoulDe in to To oepe f ozgetful* Iuiooj,* tbat it is not nature anD g gro* SSrSK
ttjep t'al

migb- not bit tbp belpe*

ncffe,tbat tbep topnge of frutes p feDetb men,but ttjat
Jttoasnetber beebc nozplapftee it ts tbp toozbe, tobicbe pzefetuetb tbem

tbatteftozcDtficmtobeaitbe, but tbp tbatputtbeir truftiutbe « fozlokc
toozDe(€) noiU)W)iti) bcaietbaltbin* tobat mpgbte not be DeftropeD toitb tbe
ges. Jt i$ tbou(£> &ozDe)tbat baft tbe " foone as it toas toarmeD toitfj a
patoetoflpfeauDDeatb :* tbouleabeft Iptle ^>unne beame,it melteD : tbat all
fSS'a b
tontoDcatbcsDoze.auDbzrngcftbp a* men mpgf)t Unotoe,tbat tr)ac!te^ ougbt
gapne.sut ma t bozo to toichcDncs flap; to be geuen onto tbe befote tbe ^unne
ctb bis otQiu [oule.anD tofjen bis fpirite tpre,auD tbat tbou ougbteft to be \vou
goetb foztbc,f t turuetb not agapne, ne* ff)ippeo befoze tbe Dape fpztnge»f oz tbe
tbec mape be tali agapne tbe foulc that hope of tbe bntbaufcf uiu)al melt atoap
is tafce.-i a toape : jft is not poflpble to as tbe tern ter pfe anD perpu^e as tea/ ,

cf hape tbp bauDc.foztbcUngoDlp tbat tcr,tfjatisuotnecefrarpe»

tooulDe not fcnotoe tbe , tnere punplljcD Cbe icbii.Cbapten
€m.k$ j,p t f, £ ftrengtb ot tbpne armi : * tottli
Otaungetoaters,baples anD rapues locate arc* tfjp iuDge<3J
lucre tb:p p errecuteo,anb tfjozo toe rpze inentcs(fi) UozDe) 5 tf)p «««**
toere tbep confumcD. jf ot it toas a toon* tctlctlscannotbeitpzef
betous tbpngt tbatfpzemigbtDomoze f cd tberfoze me Do arc,

ibcntoatertobicbcqutncbetballtbtgj: tbat topi not be rcf our*


but tf;e toozlo is tbe aucnger off rigb* mcD toitb tfjp topfDome*
teous * &otm tptne toas tbe fpze o I * jFoz toben tt)t ontigbteou$ tbougbte ««w
tamc.tbat tbe bcafles tobicb toere feme tobaue tbpbolp people in fubieccton,
to punp(l)c tbe bngoblp^zent not: ano tbep toere bounce toitb tbcbanDc.a; of
tbat becaufc tbep fljoulD i c anD feno toe, Dardmcttc $ Idgc npgbt, il)ut OnDer tt)6
cbattbcp toere pcrfccufcD toitb tbe pits rofe , tbpnfcpnge to efcape ti)t euerla*
npCbmtnt of <j50D.3nD Tome tptne bunt e ftpnge topfDd«3lnD tobplc tbep tfjougbt
tbe fpze in tbe toater on etierp fpDe, tbat to be fjpD in tbt Dat rbneiTe of tbeir fyn*
tnigbt Deftrope tbt Ourigbteous na<
it nes,tbep toere fcatereD abzooe in § Oerp
Croiftrt cionol'tbceartb.* 3Cgapue,tbou bafte mpDDeftoff oarcfee couerpnge of fo?*
£> feeD tbpne otone people toitb aiungcls gctfulnes,putto bozriblefeare^toon*
foDc,anD fent tbcin bzeabe reabpe from DcrouflPbejccD jfoz the coznertobere

beauen(tottl)out tbeuz laboitre ) beynge tbep toere mpgbte not Hcpe tbem from
bervpleataunteanD toed gufteD. aino feare:becaufetbefounDe came Dotone
tofijetoetbptpcbesanDftoctticfTebnto anD oercD tbcm:pca,manp terrible ano
tbP crjplDze*,tijou gaueft euerp one t&etc ftrauuge bifious maoe tbem afrapeD,
MWt maps

$ |}o potocc of the frte mpgbt geue moutapneszft mabe tbem fotone foz U*
tbem ligfjt, netbec imgbt tbe clcare fla« tp i earc. f oz all tbe cartbe i^pucD toitb
enes of tbe fracces lighten tbat fjozcible clcare lpgbt,anD no man. teas bpuDcreD
mgbt. jf ot tbere appeared twto tfictn a in bis labour* omip Upon tbem there
loDapne fp?e,tjerp Dzcocf ull:3lt § tubicb fell a bettp nigbte , an pmage of Darcfee*
(tobcu tbep fame »oth ngc) tfjcp toe c c To neffe tbat urns to come Upon tbem.£ea,

afrapeD,tbat tfiep tbougbte t^e tbpnge tbep toere Unto tbem lei u eg tl)t moil
«cd \»t b
toftic^e tbcp fa toe, to be tt>e mozefear* up anD bozrtble DarcbnciTc*
nil.* 3B0 foz tbe tozcerp anD encbaunte* ^Cbc.]cDitf»cbapter*
men t tbat tijep bleb, it came to Decinon, 3Cljc (yiyt lft\)t fljat t\)c jrcaelttes Uaa ni
s?Stpr. s:tjc pcifcquuctoit of rf;c faptijfuit l$e.
anD tlje piouDc totfcDomc mas bzougbt Hoiit ftnotc 4I ttjc fp;a boiitc of £gip Wijc ruuve. t.

to tbame » ifoi tbep that pzompfeD to ofrlK people mrljetBtloccucs . aatouOoocbe;:

Dzpue atuape tbe fearf nines anD DzeaDc rtaijrrc rtje tpue auD t\): Dcaoe.tmtl; tjis ceitfoute.
from tf)c toeafee routes , toere fpcfce foz (SuertbelcjS tfyp fapuctes baD 31
f care tbein ft lu es a nD mat tuitfi fcozne,
a Dcrp greate ligbte ( anD tbe
2BnD tbougb none of tbe toonoers feareD enempes bearDe tl;epz bopce, lucre tbcp afrapcD at tbe bea< !but tbep faiue not tl;e figure
Ges came Upon tbem,anD at tbe of tbem . ) 3nD becaufe tbcp rutTccD not
i&iiTpnge of the rcrpentcs.jjnfo muebe tbe fame tbpnges, tt)(p magnifpeo tbe:
that mitb tcemblpnge tl)cp fotoncD,anD ano tbep tbat tuecc Ue^eDafoze(becaufe
fat D tbep fatoc not tbe apze, tobicbe no tbep mere not burtc nolo) tbanclieD tl)C t
manpetmapefcapc. 9 befougbt rt)e(fl) <dod)£ tbere mpgi^te
f ot it is an be up tfji ng^ben a mans be a Difference. 4 Cbcrf oze baD t\)tp a ««.>«.•.
otone confciencebeacetbTecozat of bps burnpnge ppllerof fpzetoleaoe tbe in
toicheones and conDempnctb bim anD tbe bnUnotoen luape anD tbou gaucft
tobp^a bejceD 9 toounDeD conftience, ta* tbem tbe £>unne foz a fre gpft Unto out
fect jj euec cttte j jft, n g Cg in haoe,* jfeat< anp burtc. Keaf on it lua^.p tbcp CboulD
f nines is notbtng els,but a Declarpngc luant tpgbte ano be put in tbe pzpfon of
tbat a man feaetb bdpe ano Defence , to Darcancs , to bub aepte tbp cbplozeu iti

anrtoerefozbimfelfe . 3nD lo&e botoe captiuptie , bp tobome tbe bncoztupte

mucb letTe tbe hope ts tbtn, tbe moze is Ipgbt of tbe latoc of tut toozlDe bias foz
tbe tmcccf crp of tbe matter foz p toijub tobegeuen* * acobentbeptbougbt to WL _
De is p uupfljeD l&ut tfyp $ came in tbe
. aapetbe babes of tbe rpgbteous (one «?
migrjtp ntgbt rHept § Ht pe p fel Dpo tyi bepnge lateD oute^ pzeferucD to be lea*
fro bncer anD fro aboue: fomtime toere Dcrbnto tbcotber)*tbo[i bzougbteft
tbep af cap co tbozoto §feareof tlje too* out tf)t to&ole multptuDc of tbe cbilDze, *^'<-««
Ders,anD fomtpmc tlftp toere fo locate anD oeftr oiDeft tbere in tty mtgbtp toa*
tbat tbep fotoneo toitbai : foz an baftpe ter . of tbat npgljt toere ourc fatbers
anD CoDapne fearf nines' came bpo tbem. cccttficD afozc,tbat tbcp Hnotopnge bn<
3Bfter tt> a roe, v f anp of tbem b ao fallen, to tobat otbes t^tp baD geucn crcoence,
be teas fcepte tyut in pzpfon but tfout mpgb t be of gooD cbeare . Cbus tbp,
cbapnes. 23ut pf anp Dtoeit in a billage, people receaueD tf)t bcaltb of § ngbte*
pfbebaDbeneanbeerDozbufbanDema ous,but t^t b ngoDlp toere DeftropcD.
foz ipse as tbou bafle burte oure cnej
be ruff r cd mtoiierable neceiTtterfoztbep
lucre all bouu'oe toltb one cbapnc of mpcsifo b^ft tbou pzomoteo bs tobome
Wtrfeneffe* tbou calleDeft af oze. foz t\^t rpgbteous
3D 9C0bct*;er it lucre a blafpnge topnbe", cbplDzcn of tbe gooD men offreo ferrets
z a ftoctc fonge of tbe bpzoes araog tbe ipanbozDzeDtbe la toe ofrigbtcoufneff
ttjpeae bzauncbes of tbe trees, oztbe Unto Diute:tbat tbe tullirjouiD receaue
toebemenxp of baftie runnf nge toatet,oz gooD anD euell in ipkz maner,ringpnge
greatt nopfe of ttft fallpnge botone of pzapfes bnto tbe fatbec of all men. %t
ftonts.oz tbe plapinge anD tunnpnqt of gaine,tbere teas beroe an tonconumitnt
beaftes tobome tbep fato not.oz p nugb topee of tbe enempes, ^ a ppteous ctpe

tpe nop fe of roarpnge beaftes, oz tbe foz cb plbzen tbat toere betoapleD » Cbe <g
fouuDc tfeatanftoeretb agapne in §bpe matter citi;c feruaunte toere punpctjeD

toiibtimb ftitfS.
tn \pke matter;
ity tbep al t ogct bet bab mttttw toa$
toiptten tti tbe crotone of
bps beaoe*
gaue place, anb
mm tberc tt)e Deftropec

«*>,«. * f nt to biirre tt>f beab,f oz

teas' afrapeb of tbemt
linge of an tptftt noblcft
the ttnii irh* m f 01 it mas onelp a temptation tooztbve
nation of tbe
toa$ beftrope b . 3s ofte
as; d£>ob bclpeo
them afoze 3 pet tooulbe it not
mm: mafce
&ut in tbebeftruccion of the
W b

f irft bozue tbe|> lmotolcgcb 5Shr J ?? Cdf 't£*Sipt tans, a„D tf)C swat iop«
3 tbat it teas
toe people of <Boo ; jfoz tohple nceoffjjcpeopIc.a:t)C«glcmcnte8rccuc»otoHCl«>
v all tbrn*
Severe ftpl,anb toben tbe npgbt toa8
in tbe mpDDeft of bet
courfe , thp M*
. foitbetjngoblpe s tbe «
mpgbtpe toozbef® jlozbejieapt botone tozatbcame upon tbem
from beauen otite of tt)p ropal trone, toptboute mercpe bnto
as tbeenbe* fo^beftneloe
a tonghe ma;) of toarre,in tt)t
mpbf bcfozetobatujottlobap^
t»f« of tbe ianbe tbat
. toas beftropeb:
3BnD p Eharpe ftoerbe pcrfourmeb Ipcnbntotbemi^otoef
tbelc (toben t^p bao confenteo
tttapte coinmaunbement, to let them
ftanbpnge goe,anb bab fent tbem out
aub fpllpoge tow, gteate
tbpnges toitb beatb:
pi^gencejtbep tojouloe repent, anb
Feajttftcbebpontbe eatthe anD tea* to
lo toe bpon t\w\u *
cbeo bnto tbe fjeauem #02 mtn tbep toere &<>

anb f
«1 '* D2 ca, es b
fearfulueOe came
i;ben tbe fpgbte
tfjem fobenlpe,
bpon them km
pet mournpngeauD
cion bp tf)e graues of
tbe t>u* tt>tp be> }
««, '

mates* «ifebanotbfrfooItibne8:^othattbei>
perfecnteb tbem in tbeir
**«. ^Mk
JJape there one here, another
bcab balfe qM .,
flpenge, tobom
tbep bab cafte oute afoze hjptt)
toebm caufe of hps beatb. JFoz

fo C?
acoztbpe neceffptc alfo bzougbrc
tin tbps enoe, f oz tbep bao cicane
(hetocb tbtui gotten the tbpnges that
ibefe tinges afoze, feo that tfjtp bappencb bn>
toete tbem afoze*
©ut £thpnge tbat toas
not tgnozauut,toberfoze
tt)cp perifteb. toantpnge of tbeir
Cbe temptacron ofoeatbetouebcbtbe puniOjmente.toas
tequifite fo to be fulfplleb
Jigbteous alio, anb amonge tt)t multt? bpon tbtm
nice m the toplbctneiTe tbere
teas in*
tozmentes : tEbat people
mpgbt bane a matuelous paffagetho*
furtecciou, but thp tozathe
enbureb not
SRB* ? £°-z tft< fewM* own Petite in be the
ail tbe baft e,anD to&e
an0 ^ C n" ^ tpm
tbe battaple bp<
on h P m Cbeu toas cuerpe cceafure faflbpo*
bzougbfefozthe the tocapenof

bis numftrac iontfueit pzapcr

nebagapne of the netoe accozbpngeto 3
ano cttu tbe topll of their maker
, obeptnge thp

agapnft tbe tozatb, ano fo bzougbt eommaunbementes ,tbat thp cbpibzeri

tmfetpe to an enbe : feedarpnge
tbe mpgbt be kept
toptbout butte* tf oz he
tbere* cloube ouerlhabotoeo tbeir tentes
t)P,thac be teas t(?p fetuaunt,
foi be o* tbebzpeeattbe
tiercamenot the multittibe appeateb,tobere afoze
tomb booe< teas toarer
Ipt potoer,noz fcttb : ^,0 tbat in t\a teebfea

m toeapens of mpgbt:
bpt tbe tooozbe be fubbueb
tberetoagtatoap toitbout impebiment
bpm anb tbe greate bepe became a

f e
c otf> e * a,,D wuena«nte tbat toere befenbeb wt
fe!be:«C)bere tbozotoe all ti)t people
rnaoe bnto tbe fathers toptb ttyp banbe fe*
. tfoz toben tbe pnge tbp
toonberous anb maruelous
tooozcneB* ifozas tbe bozfes^o
Jpon another be ftooe U\ tl)c mpoDeft toere
pactfpep tbe tozat be anb

patteo § toape
mpfeeb anb leapte Ipbe
^.«.bbnto tbelpupngc. fpngtbe(^)JLozbe)tobpcbebaoDcft be?
mt>W*into* Ipuereb tbetn*3lnb tobp»»
Cbep toere
f?"?'8a«nent all tbe beutpe anb
5 Vtt mpnbfull of tbe tbpnges , that
intbefouterotoegiof^ Hones teas bap*
SJojpeof the fathers gtauen,
ano thp
peneb tobple tt)tp btoelt in
p gtoaoe bought foztb flpes in fteabe

tf cateil , anDbotoe tfct
toitb tbe wultituDe of f
tpnci CctauleD
togges in tteao c Clie pjolope
C of3cfustt>eConntofS>?-
"%u\att!,daCct!)£pfatoeauetoe tacbtontobpsbofee*
aomc creation of bp?Des,tobattpme
8S5* mac, anD Dc WcD haucbccla<
tocte otrceaucD tout) £n »cgtcatmm eutcof
toew «"»*"j us
tcoroii""'"*' tonto "» »*»•---
iVlpcatemeates- Jfoztobcnthep 1tcbtoifbomc
tbe qiiap* tl)CUVue,outoftl)ep;opi)CfC5
[!tl)CUVue»outoftl)ep;opi)Ctcs jyiowt
fpeafcpngc of Wit appetite ,

latin out ofot^cc
toatfoioto«> z>
of otb« toatfototoei* cjg.A.
& came bP *nto tbcm
anD puuplbementes came
ftome the tea
topon the f&U ougot to be commen* W*frr
tokens tobicb [3 5Dcr» top tbetcaronof boctcpuc A* h **<"
lunnecs not toptbont tbe
fcebemencp 0*"' n,
tame o paffcW bpthe S>Tea!eit,(Oottlwnotoncip flew
SSeftwaraeo: jf oubep ruff teo
X»£&£mt tboww. ^t fiweotoer afe

tbelp accoiDpng to then; topcfceDncffes,

tbep ocalt (o abbominablp 9 h.iSiStctotcaactljclatD.tftepiopUCtcs -

&ome teceauebno
*nbnotoenscftes,fome o>w«ft«|g
fttaunaets into bonoage
eoob > 25cfpoc all tbefe tbpnges
fome , that not onelpe
wcejueo no bauc
tocte i

topllcB,but pet.
fttaunaets toptb tfjeit

mi*. S
f ectitcD tbofe
alfo,* anD oto

etefo?e toete
them miub
teceaueD tbcm glaoipe*
m PWOK* ^
tbep that toete co<

•»* Spnoneffe *lpUe as

« 5

UCM Dtottf)fobepnDatcfccnes attbeoo*

teg of the tpgbteou*
lo that euetpe one
rt B60SC
«'«*.« 'fi
o(mpnc,but a«> ^ ^^ ^
the enttauce of bps
Doie* !?e?Me, «S««W «crp»sc« mtDma«.»e^««i
iht^tbeeiementes toutneDtnto
3D tbcmfelues ,
thaunacD tjpon an mfttument of mu*
telpDtie feepe tbtit
fpcfce, anD pet all the
rtieloDpe flebpebe inapc eafelp be
thinges that
ceaueD bv the tight of tbe
lanDe toas
ate come to pafle . Che
into a toatetpe , anD tbe
that af oie ftoamme in tbe
notoe boon the djp*
toatet, toente
tebathpotoccintbe toatet
* fp*
tohvsotoneDettue)anD tbe toatet toy.
aat bis otone fepnD to qncnrb^gapne,
rte flammes of the
noptome beaftes
bttttcnot theflctqe of tbemtbat tobpcbeiscalleDtnjiatP?
tbep the pfe,
toptb tbem,neitbetmelteD ne cccleriaftif
tohpebe els meltetb Ipgbtelpe
thpnaeshaftetboiipiomotcD thppeo*
Dler2)lLoiDe)anD biougftte tbcm to V C;3 I
eD them,
honotite: Cbou baft not oefppf o3rch^itChapt«;
baft toon
but altoape anD tnall places
ttanDebpthem. Vftinjome pioceaaetb anb comraetb
of tSob .
B3-CheenDeoftbeb0B« gtcrocometotopfoome.

fo* »#«& 3fo Wbfe
Mfftftf.b. nictb of <Bod ifje glaDneffe.»borof*aret&StoiD&aU
«t»,im.b Jlojoe a Wf) bene bebapppe.-lnDtobenbe bathe nebeof ^1
atebi.a. eucc topth bpm,
ano is
c6fojt,be(faalbebleireD.cofeatc<i5oDi* *#
before all tbe fotfbome tyat tnabetb rpcbe atiD J4*&.
tpme.axbobatbe ^ngetbaUgooDttbet^VfPltetS
mmbw tbe fanbe £
tbe toboleboiife toitb bee gpftes/anD* F
8«ww to^ftettteafuw. 7 lr 1

oftbeiio^e isthe ctobmeoftafffiom
Cb*feac« AT
7; c

M 'f miB ""

WMitXnf ?if.rJ 2i
9<DaW«n«ft«BfiDn6b}eDW:toioSw 2- ^
S^?n„i/ n /5^ " at " fous,"t kD S< •» *»Derttai.o?ng« of toifoome
tticfcfetfe bme iSviii5S55? £' W* & fait £t* bitVXtt to

is t&e tptl of toploome,

9f tuctiattj'iis Ipfe . In the tteafuttt of tocfDome ib
' c0 3<,Duttoyrooinef8abf)O!KOofll»
h .-**;»' hS.^'^'^'i*?*
roue oene occlatcb^ ©j mjo &atfte tiers. Cbe feateoftbtiotbt nioucth 'frA»«.

^^^K!5S,"L^T J b neWfC0tte * wnnotbemaoetpgbteou^, anobpa , T

» maS au Zi«f« 5 ?,?
UI pcft
, '/* tfje *«•» anD * Wl 6f baue tbe re,
Iff- /if
m ©TO* 0f Potoer ( of tohome men fau>ii fipbe bi>8 tooibes foi a tvmc t*nh J ^

r -^ •
rn^hlhl;^ a*"?*? ^ ett,J0 ' Domc «* ^ beciacacpott of ooctcpne. £w
anDtn c af««obet:^
i; i7 Sf2?S b i^ ^od, ^p Tomie pf tbow Derpze topr*. ;

.^^. *c$ aubbponallflcfj accojbpngeto (ball geue bet bntotbe: tfoi^feaceof £%*
S 7

v /
Uhnn tS
!ff^y^ Cip
t0 ^De%0topfeDomeanonourto«ebf
tjatbpleafutetnfaptbanbloiipng^ne* 2

^ sss^^»E»
a n erw ftcatte C?
1^? w^SlaDneirclope^tonaclpft.
w## fofeambcbero^uSaUgoe^u
? »

f «H to tbe feate of tbe JIojdc

h»m ^ n *h «\i.X3.T L/"'r
ano come


^^ Dom?^ Q tOoufappcuo fall ano b ?P ngS '"? J

S * * ?i
b *
S V^ ^^Lli^ mm?^ ot W>
fcatc of * W tf> e m ^ 0eft
cawrc e ^ «
of «6« congtegacton : Ke<
Gilbert not rcceaue * iraw
C ^ SfWcStoaTW^
thl t^lln?T » a an 3 n tottb
: f
^ t
of^oD.anDbecaufetbpbeart "aftSS
fapneones ano Difceate* ^c*«* #u 2k^ #^-
tr anD faptWul «* ^^•^^touaBtes^Vrotttafewi*^.^
uqeKate ot
.XiLyf reate l
Ot tbe fa t be mnht e "
ne0,louc,« J
es ''o« c »* mi&ecOanDiiia.*nari*rr«*rh ft ,^h^
f'^^V/iboDDesfcrupce, that pwfenictbana
ts tbetpabte
? r ^"^ *ntert*nms,9pici£ce, 9 ctmntb
Vobe!cuctooopc,*foiouc:b^ ,1

taMMitm CDe Done
a -..-I ****** m H.iTfrii fl- li»i

~Vfonne,*pfthoutoplte cbtp that feate the ftojoe topuwe out

plcafauntt wiro ^..h,,*
9 come mto the retupce of the tbpnges , tljat ate
tfjatlotic hpm , (ban
4E>oD, ftanD faft in ttgh* hpm: * 3no tbep
that feate the
keoufnes j fearer arm*, fuKpllbpslatoe. chep
.... *-..! *«. t;nMfiftii»
Jtbp foule to teptacion: %
^ ^,^„ »i<narr rhrm
i«.wi piepatettm

EL&jKB#tetle thpne hcatt,anD be fumble tytit Conies in his

bsa a "?
w Yu^
^ liUMw
UlJWwJ >^
•D'P ^r
M" that m**
?^ "l!:;.H f Snit.rftminttnff ftihiinfte maunoementcs
»**v\ acpetiPB
teate the tiojoc e com* 1^ > ^
*:rVl pacuntc
**Y*Z< **
be panente J» \
w m
tn gS^XowttaittipnB^WnBt maunncmentes ,. ano
and topll
tfW* Statoap toi)entl)OuattentpfeD^oloe
i *ti
tpu the? fee hpmrelfe
tetit tffojbs to fall intoithe
*^ * Hp

bit* ZSpot<ii5oi,iopnetbplelfctjnto

y /V
**"". mtcM tMftc^MCtoeucciunappc# men: jfoi b*s metcpa is a0 i^ «/«*#*
bjun felfe*
ftUt//^ ttetb tonto tbe,teceaue it:fufft«

• iica atiDbeDacieniiniuYttuwu^^ji^ ^«vn^»»«»^v "r"- ,

nw»«.» £«, tuc Co ate acceptable me n in ? fc*> JX^imliUVoucc mmm to« CeactO
motDcc.jfto man ous&touec cuctouOp

na« of aDU£tfite.53eIeue in©oD ano OeJ

toap a ugbt, ^ecbplDjenof toifoom^

ttallb. eipe tbe:£#>et tbp
bmi^oloe faft bis 'atea congtegacion of -'.,*, *ni
«iU) put tb,p ttuft t»
feate ano gtotoetbettn.€) n t^at feate y^
*""/, tbenWbMa^futebolDeofbijSinetcp: ^™?r\
ejeetcpfe tf obeopence
^nihk jattD <4
loue.i&eate mepouc ft*;/*}
Jfatbet(o mp cha«^-^^

^ vb V
pefallnot* c>pctbat feate the
bticnc bim apouw tetoatlre
(baluot be Ojen)auo do
ojen)auo tbete
thete aK«,tuat
pe nmp «
afteMbat P«»v b? m.« *

>LU t ,lHl *, honouteDoftfjechplD^anDlokctoljat^

^P ^tmz^\^^m»^
ttout ttuft
him anDmetcpeOjalcome
a motbet commaunDeth Det cbP
Djm J
^ g*
<H .
mm fcSSa ttalbeoloeIigbteneD*
cm5pD c %e
^ menT<D pe cbploien
) ano matefce
noutetb bps fathet, \w f mnea tba"
foigeuen bim: * ano be that bonoute
bps motbet is .Ipke ont that





•*»«Uhete euetanpeonecou,

« SSofoJSat put UPS ttuft in ftm ano
g^^ J ^ m JD m hp0
mw tteafutctogetbet.
hpSfatbet, ^Il^e.opjofgoton
toiiDX: anD totjen he maheth his
piapj 7T
^ ^ J|
iponhun^ hisfathet^allhauealongelpfe:^ +%
metcpfuli, be that is obeoigt fo? the lojoes faav
^ he foiaeuethfinnes in the time of
ttou> ^M|
/^ k^nf g c KaoefcnDetfoiall thcmW ^^^"^^^iSSSS*
anD ano them mothet, Doth
the ttueth* aooo be bnto
J^i/n fekehim in
(SS hath a Double heaTte, to pckeD
hps fathet
fetttice,as it
toete bnto the
fconoute thP fath« in DeDe i»
tape bpm

V ^' to&nnV^^
tooope, ano in all patience that ueu
25m. be bnto tf)em that ate
SSheatte tobpeheput not thep*
W niapefthauehP^bUjrpnge:*fo.i|blef. &(
fpnge of the fathet buploeth top* Jeu«

^ J
\t %Z V Itufti. «S a^tetai iball thep fes of the thPloien, but

iShlhSSiD af bpnn 'w be imto (utfetotethoutethe founoacioiis.i'ie^ ^7J

*£ ^}2!?»Xtoapes anDatetiitneDbacfee foi it is uo honoute tntothe, Mifaffl

BS w«V* «i f m.
«« W- mail begpnneto
the fathet is toithout honoute ,
waned* of the fouue^P
it is tbi

^cbSat feate tbe Xoibe , toll not


»*»r>1% V.

. « '

> mud) of tr)p fatbet in bis age , 9 greue finnes^fncteafe inp tools' of
1 tiqb*
PjJ fcpm not as ionge as be Ipuetfj , 3tnD teoufnes^atetqiiencbetb'burninge A
'ri '

pf bps bnDetftanDpnge faple , baue

tyl*& mercpe reconciler!; fpaties <©oD v '>

patience toptfj r)pm 3 anD Defppfe bptn batb cefpect bnto

bpm tyat is tbancfce* ^ ^
not in tt?p ftrengtbe . Jf oj t!)c gooo DeDe ful:^e tfj^nbet^
bpo bpm agapnfte tbe Ciik &,
V^f #** tbou tyeiucft unto tbp fatbet, t^ali tpnietocome:fotbattDbebefavlet& fl bV ^P 1

not befojgoiten : 5 tof;eu tbou tlw f elfe trjal fpnDc a ftronge
^'Hr z^ ^
?1 foanteu\tt tyalbe tetearueD tfje(aiiD foi
j*** t ^p motbets offence tbou tyalte be tu i'€^J^cTaiifet3^^£^
aimcsmuabeuonci*allmeheitcs.2r&cftu6i> of ' *^<£r-^J
ifo-% copenfeD toitl^ gooD 3 pea ita)albe foun* 3 totraomeaiiDljcrftutt.atuDgeougfjtrobc meca
jd &eD foj tbe in rpgbteournes> in § Dape ctful,aneFowactouto cW;«c cucll jtooogooo.
of trouble tboutyalt be rcmebjeD: tbp f*
«t ftnnes alfo tyal melt a toap, i^Ue as tbe
5>fonne 3 *DeftauDe not 31 tf°^^f\
tbe poo^e of bis alme$, vta,tfl>* $x\
)w.'« pfeintbefapjetoarmetoetber*
J & §e tbat fcufafcetb bps father , (frill
COm t0 ® m
* : anD & e *&« Dcfictfi bps
anD toutne not atuape
t^pneept^fromebim^//^^ n^\
. o.&c€
»"o^cr tsctiru"eDof(J5oD: *ippronne,
bath ncDt. Dclprfe notf^f ^; 1
fF 3

petfourmetbp tMufcestbiouinge me*

is^^^^^'an bongrpe foule, anD 7^^
"» j> fceneffe, fo ftalt tbou be loueb aboue 0?
befpe not § pooje in bis neceffite:greue v^/ 7
not tbe beart of bpm tbat is belpeles, 9 <^*t '
fvV^ {jumble
cbec men. cfje greater ttjou act, g mote
tfjp fcite(tn all
luitbDjtatoe not tty gift fro tbe ucoeful.
tfjtnges)^ tfjou tiefufe not tbe pjapec of one tbat is in
$^<%*G}alt fiuDe fauout fn tbe fpgbt of <£od*
trouble, anD tourne not atoape tfip face
&*t £ „ Sm
great potoer bejengetb onelp bnto
from t\\t neope . cafte not tbpne epes a L *&
To' £^°M"& te
w fjououteD of tbe Jotoclp* fpDe frome tfje poo^e , § tbou gcue bpm jU/fl
*£>efte not out tbe fljpnges tfjat are
m .$»
R«*«. aboue tbp capacite, anD fearer) not tfje
not occafion to fpeafee eucil of tbee^jfo?
^v /
faukfUM gtounDe of
fucbe tbpnges as ate to
pf be coplapne of tbe f bptterneffe of foi
5 bps pjapet ftalbe bearD: eue
bp0 fouie
\h mn¥v
fo? tl)te: But loofte fobat <eod
be tbat maoe bpm , ftall beate bpm»©e
Wb comaunoeo tb# , t&pnfce bpo tbat cutteous into tbe companpe of
manpe poo?c \)u\nbU tbp foule bnto tljt
3 elDer,
nebefuti anD botoe Dotone tf)p beaDe to a man
. tbpnges oftourftpppe* %tt it not greue tbe to
t&at ate fectet^afee not tbou to mucb
botoe Dotone tbpne eate bnto tbe poo?e,
y^^ rearcbtnfuperfluougt: ;es 3 5benot but pape tl)p Det ^ geue bpm a frenDIpe
curious in manpe of by* mojekes: fo?
. 1
anftoere anD tbat toitb mefeenes*
manpe tinges are fl^etoeb bnto tnt al< 3

**J reaDpe , for)pcr)e be aboue *J3eIpuerbpmffuffret^ Huong fro ^

tbecapactte tfjebanoe of tl)t oppieOour , anD be not ^J^'
ofmetuCb^meDIpnge tuptr> Uid)W\) fapnt r)eartcD tobe tbou
«v yn begpleo manpe a ma anD tangieo tbeir fitteft in iuogep
meut»?BemercpfuH bntotbe fatbetie^
toptteis in bantte. ^otoe be tr>ae louetb
as a fatber , anD be in fteaDe of an buU
I- pate^CbaUper^etberem.

banDe into tr)eir motbet:fo ft^alre tbou

3Cn bacbe beart (Sail fare euel at tlje be as an obeDient fonneof tfje bpeu\$
!aft(anbeartetbat goetb ttoo toapeg,
u^al not p^of pere:$ be tbat is frotoaroe
be Cbaliloue tbe mo^e t\)tn tbpmotbee &*-*a."L*i
Doetb«accpfDome bitthttn Ipfe into bee '<£& Ink
cfbcart,U)i!euctbe^too?feanDtoojfe), c^plDien teceauetbtr)em tbat feberjer,
hjtud % toptkeo bearte fl^a! be iaben toptb fo*
O** rotoes,anD tne tjngoblpe rpnnettopll
anD topll, goe before tbem in tbe toape ltl
U '

of rigbteoufne^^e tbat louetb bet.!o#

UCth Ipfe; thev that frit* hot- *;(.»«»*. i

bec 3 u^all baue tbe berptage of Ipfe: for

i ^Cfje beart of bpm tbat ba tn bnoetftan? )lrt&*i
tobete CHe entretb in , tbere is tbe blef* - l
Dtnge djalf perceaue fype tbinges,anD
gooo eare topll glaoipe becfteu bnto
a fpnge of d£>oD* c^ep tbat bonoure bee, £>T
Cede Wtte" Werae ttufte not fcnto tfjp tptbes,' ^.
luDge ti)t beathcmanD b c tfjat batfj te*
tpect Ditto Ijer, tyall Dtoell fafelp*
anD*fap uot:tuu) , baue p< te

^ mc tbat beleuetblje^ajaU baue bet nougb fo? mplife.( jf 01 it Ojal enubu

c in poffeffion anD bps genetacion Q)M
not belpe in tbe tpme of Den*
\C 1* £UDttte:foz tofjeii fjc fallet,b, 0je tyail go geaunce auD temptation » ) jfolotoe not
™*n / JtDUMpm>foiealI* jfeate,DzeDeanD tbe lufte of tbpne otoue btatte in tbp lle>

M«a^JP& temptation C^ai u> bziuge Upon t)tm,$ fttengtb,ano fape not:tuOje 5 botoe baue $-2
3baDftrengtb,oztobotopllbipngeme \_
DnDetbecaufeof inp toozaesf for Doufc 11$ *J
lesceoDtyaliaueugemainDfapnot:;! f$ ^
bauetommttteD mo fpnnes, butUi^at-" ^
eucllbatbe bappeueDme*' foz tbeai.*^^
mtgfjtpe is a pacpente tetoatDet** 23e*^ rt 4
canfe t&p finne 15 fozgeuen tbee, be not

tdhk aetftanDpnge 9 tpgbteoufnes . ©nt pf tbetefoze toitboutefeare, neitbetbeape
one finne bpon anotbet**3!nD fape not: <e«utf.i
& $
XZfoirtv* 8 0C tojonge . c ^allfojfafce bpm,s tuuXtbe metcpe of tbe ftozoe is great,
At^^fieuenmi onet into tf^e fjanoes of bps
be Ojallfozgeue me mp It'tmes , be tbep

tf Mft*t*&»
09pfomw,mafctwttt&eof tl)e tpmc, neuet fo manpe.* jfoz fine as be is met* #«* ,^.,
t&p life cpftiH/o goetb toiatfj from brm alCo,U a j <v
> eftbue tbe tbpng f> 1$ euell,$ for

ST^^ftamcnot to tap tbe imihfoi tbere i$ \W inbignacion torametb Dotone m/*%

^^^^a^amettjatbipngetbfinne.anDtbew onfpnnets,
^M?B^«8 mm Sfcafce
no tatpfng to toutne into the in***
tbat bipngetf, touted anD

K%ai0.l cauouce^3lccept no perfon after Wne ftozDe,s_pnt not of fto Dape to Dap: tot $ £
f oDenlp fljal bis tozatb come,9in § time ^rftjA
fb4*ifikfa otone topMJjat tboti be not tonfounoeD
of bfngeannce be maU Defttope tbee* ° *\
* V-QHifa to tbpne otone Decape . 25e not afcameD
V<W of tfjp nepgbbonte in bis aouecfpte , $
fee P e not bac&e l ^
counccii toben it
*€tnfte not in toptaeD tptbes for t\)t^
mall not belpe in tbe Dape of punpOp Jg'JJ'
^/^M^^inape Doe gooo,
neitfjet f?pbe tbv topf* ment 5 tozatb 2Se not catpeD abonte to twm
enetp topnbe , anD goe not into euetp
* 9 **Mi
\ Urtm
w&Oomeinbetbentpe* jfoiin tbe tongue
toap: f oz fo Doetb p fintiet i batO a dou*
/iwA Dpnge.fenoVDleDge anD Icarnpnge in tbe
/ *r
<s topfDome fenotoen , fo is nnDecttan?
ble tongne»^tanDefaft in f toa? of t^e
%} mtbp miDetftaDing, £}k
talfepngeoftbe »»pfe,anD fteofaftneffe
<^*f^f in tbe toozeftes of rpgbtcontnes* 3Jn no
llozDe, be fteDfaa
abpDebptbctoozDe,anDfoIoto § toozDe
ofpeaceano tigbteonfnes* J5e gentle v <

htffaji**-' foifefpeake agapnft^luo2Deof-ttitetb,

yfe^jbut be af&ameD of tbe ipes oftbpne to beatc tbe tooozDe of csod, tbat tboii %%
mapeft h nDeiftaiiDc it, anD make a ttne
\ •
otone i5 ll0 ?annce, rt)ame not to confeffe
anf toete ttntb iopfDome. * ffie Ctopfte ro f
Jrf*bV n * tttonce, anD fnbmit not tf;p felfe J4tw* ,,

n ^ nt0 euet? wSbpcaufe of fpnne*3CCiib> b eate , but aotoe anD patient in gening
mpgbtpe^ anD anftoere*31ftbon baft tmDerftanopnge, iy'M
Canoe not tl)t face of tbe
fttpnenotagapnfttbefti;eame»©utfoi fljapet^pneigbboncananftoerc: pf no, ^f/UL
tfoib' L ,
L tbe tcwct ^ fttpue ^ ou bl,t0 D£ at!)e anD lape tbpne banDe Dpon tbp moutbe: left
'Tn 5 f

d-afMr^ <£oDfl)aUfpgbt foitbe agapnft tbpne tboti be ttappeo in an nnDifetete toozD, \ ™*i

anDfotonfounDeD»^ononreanD tool* }v**\

enempes ©e not Ijaftpe in tbp tongue,
(I)pp is in a mans totfetalKing,butt^e I
ba. JE£)Mitt)tt fa&*
' *M> neglpgente in tl)\>
tongne of tbe UnDiftrete is l)ps otone *f[ol
^^tooicfees* i&e not as a Upon in ttyne
^j/^ ^Wotonebonfe, Deftcopinge tbpne bonf? Deftcntcion.*23enotapMttP atcufetas
longe as tbbn lpneft3 anD Dfe no rclattii*
hffTfomfr ftoioe f olcfees anD oppzeffmg tbcm tbat
•ww** ate DnDet tbee. * ?Let not tbpne banoe Det toitb tbp togtie* f ozfl^ame ^fozohKdg|
goetb onct f tbefe,^ an euel name ouec <?j
t; / in
bi fttetcbeD out to teceaue, 9 Ojut tofjen
'? V\* ^011 f^oulDeft geue* bim pis Double totigtieD: isutbetftal
is; apMupactufetof otbetmen,Q)allbe l
^m e^cnc^*Cbaptec.
bateD,enupeD 5 confonnDeD» ^e£ t^oi| -
1 " 1 10 'SlncicftcsmapctDcnot put aupcc8fia«itc.2:fjc tuftifpe tbe fmaie anD gteat alpae* ?$«-k*m
mt( m^^ tcngcaungcofiSoii ougt)tctobGfcatcD,j «c?i
4a^ peotawiKKroapctBCrtDtbcflottje, v$tl\)tA>U chapter*
"^ cirr i
ID •

cms gs^acii 1
piopmrcofafumcrfo be cttcll tongues.
3lf fs £ but utlc labour in net toozfce, but tbou 1

Si)crn)ciriuc$(jooD counrciJof ttjc itnfcistobc

ajalteateofbetfruitestpgbtroone*^) *L'
cmbiaccb.^UDif uom OpouloebefcatcUeD foj.&he
jnofirrDccccf. botoe erceaDtnge fyacpe is topfoome to c^r- Ll ^ I
bnlearncDmen^nbnaeaDfaft boDpe c'J^ff
^noftrjpnetgbboutes topll not temapne in bec^nto (ucl? Bic uhak m- \ \

enempe fo: tfjp fcenDes isagittoecea toucbeftone ?becafotb62>rV^*A

falu fo^t tobo fo is eucU

bee from btm in all tbe bafte: fo: topfDo f~^h^%

£ bep:e of cebuae is toitb bim but tu name , tbetc be but v >
i? K^fi'anDDt^oiiout^to^ofo* fetoe tbat baue HnotoieDge of bet<©ut v 4 r
g^S^&^IUucc bcacctb enupe anD toitb tbe f fcnotoe bct,fbe abpDetb ^« e »cW^ wi^
a Double tongue offeuDetb . * iscnot futo tbe appeatpnge of cdoD*) *&' <r* j' J
pjouDe in tbe Deupce of tbpne otone bn* <25eue eace ( mp f onne) teceaue mp jw^n 'J,
DerftanDinge, lefre tbp leaues toitbec,?
Docrrpue,anDtefufc notmp towtt\U3fflS&ci«*A
tbp fcutt be DcftcopeD, ? fo tbou be lefre ^ut tbpfote into bet lpncBes,*?tafce c,^_.
as a D:pe ttee . jfo: a toickeD foulebe* bec pocketjpontbpneclie:botoeDoUjne 7 ^7° /^l
ji.jjrf ttropetbbtrnpbatbtt 3 maRetb
tbP cboulDet bnoer bet , bcate bee pact* v£ ™{Fwm
fcelaugbcDtofcojne or bis enemies,(? entlpc,anD be not teeerp of bet banoes*^^ fa t
ijw^biingeib nn ,, to tj?e ponton of tbe bn* Come tjnto bet tottbtbp tofjole bcatte,y^/^n^jt
itooc soDlpe)«3f ftoete tooojoe multtplietb ano fcepe bet toapes toitt) al tbp potoet*
freriDes anD pactfteth tbcm % be at ba;
Jc V
^efte after bet,? u^eajalbeCbetoeD tbe: | ,

riauce,anba tbancUfuli tongue topll be

auDtobentbott batte «y*r , fojfahe bec^ ,WLT
plenteous in a gooo ma.^olD frcDfljpp
uot« foiattbelaftetbou ftiaUefpnDe^vV^/^JI
\ toitb maupe , neuectbcles banc but one
anD tbat be toutneD to
reft in Jjet, ftall ft^^fJplm
councelec of a tijoufauDe*
tbp gtcatiope* cben Jb,all betfettet^ ^f/fflhii
£f tftou gctteft a frenDc,*p:oue f>pm be a Itronge Defence f oj tbe , 5 bee pocae ^(ydi
Jta.riii. b
fp:u\anD be not baftpe to geue bim etc* lM\ 1

a glojious tapment jfoz tbe beutpe of #~f y?

patb, jc.c
Deuce, f, 01 feme man is: a f tetiDe but fo: <&">#«*»
Ipteisin bet, anD fjtt banDes* ate tl>e
a tpme,? topll not abpoe- in the Dape of
tcouble.itiDtbecetsfome fccnDt tbat
toutnetb to enempte,anD takctb patt a*
gapnft tfjc : 5 pf be bnotuc anp butte bp
tton,anocneiamenuaiueuiiui'K w a
tftoutowe. 'J& *<&fa&*dfaj&#i
m e
Z Z Jn
tft j 7 , a tfje,be telletb it out**3igapne,fom fteD ® ^ „> y \

<s but a companion at tbe table,? "i tbe
<g©p fonne ^ftOoutoplt.taBebeDe,
tf)ou ^alt baue DnDecftanDpng: anD pf
tbou toplt applpe tbp mpnDe bm
5 tbou

^ fr

fcenDe topil be bnto tbee cuen as ii)vnz
'be Uipfc»3|f tbou toplt bote Dotone tt)iw <TF
ctone felfe,? Deale faptbfullpe toitb tbp
tf r eatc 5 tijou Ojalte ccceaue Doctcpne: atiD^^
J t)ou(^olDe f oleke . Jf tbou furTce f tou^
bit 9 aDuetfite, be is toitb tbe,^ bpoetb
pf tbou Delpte in beatpuge, tbou (fcalte^
be topfe^tanDe toitb tt)t multituDe of -^
ftun felfe f com tbe . ©epatt f torn
cnempeSjpea,? betoate of tbp ctenoes*
WW fucbe elDecs asl baue bnDecftanDinge, ^
anD confente bnto tbcic toifDome tnptf)
^faitbful fcenDe i$ a fttong* Defece:
tbpuel)eacte:*tbat tbou mapeftb^ace tfttlw „_
tobo (0 fpnoctb fuebe one, fpnDettj a nm
algoDlpfermons, anD tbat tbe too^tbp ' ^J
bic tceafure fcenDe l^atbe "
» ftftJ'tfyfuil
fentencesefcapctbenot* 3lnD pftboti vw/^
s^^nopeacej tottgbtofgoIDe^fpluet is
fepft a man of Difcrcte tmoerftanDpng, ^m^MM
'*?,& not to be copaceo to tbe gooDnes of bis
get ttje foone tmto l;pm 3 anD let 'tbpfote^v5*<^|
t> . . faptb.^fattbfulfcenDeisameDecineof
^ct^qpfc^tbep tbat fe ace t^ nozDe
tbe fteppes ofbis? Dotes*
tceaDebpon &&&*
*ciLettbpmpnDebeiJpoti tbe tommafi^j^,^
ft/** f^nDe rjtnn^oobofo feacett) f lo^D, Ojal Demcntesofd3oD,anD becacneftlp oc^

i&lPlrtPM ti> ftenDcs:? as be is bim ftife, cuppeD in bps latoesrfo fljal be ftabltty
fr^Xo (Dal bis ftenDe be^p fonne, ce«
tbP bcact^geue tfje topfopme ft«6pw^S5*|P
T^C ceaueDoctcpne fcomtbp poutbetp,fo
oumeDcfpje* ofi^ & -kauk ^j^^f^^M
Mfljalttboufj'UDe iotfbomc tpU tboube
W olDc* ©October as one tbat plotoetb, CCbe*f>u\Cbaptec, Q&9f***f
anD fotoetb , anD toaptc pacientlp fo?
WJCmnQfoifaftc cucll,$?etnotiuaificoutttey *., AlgS
Ijecgooo fcuites * fo? ttjou t^alte Ijauc U(9. %Dt bC^aupoufC of tdctoyrctotoatac b?» K >
Cttlefiafffms Wbtmt
fci t. ; "
totft,IJ<5frcnbc,!ji9cIji!6x«R,lj<8fct«awitC3,(>is ponton fn
tfje feare of tfje JLoiDe foi tfjc :
'* ^ J «"«&" a"b motOcc,tl?epticae».^c.
gpftc of Oct fjoneftpe ts aboue goioe.
*3CObcre as tbp fetuaunt tooiketb ttu? fi »* f *
Sarnie bap pen totitotOc*
depart auiap from tfic
Ip cjutrca t c Opm not euci t , no: t&e $p
tcfpngc tf>at is fapt^full into t^ce* ^"VJjj
nomiffortunc tyalline;
otic a Diff retc fcrunut as tljpnc otone
fotile^cfrauDcljimnot ofljislibettp^
DleUbtbe^pfoneJoto An'
nutije t leaue fmn a pooie ma.*3 £ tbou o«'-tf
tu^fototocs of tonticjb;
bauccatcn,loke toe! J to tbem: anDi't
& ob MrwtouttKSSo u>lt £ not rcapt tbe fcuen
^ffolDe.&abourenotbuto man foianpe
tbep be fat tbp ptofpt , kepe tbem * %i «««#'
tbou bane tonnes , bzpnge tbem bp in
I02D(T)!pji£tf)£t bnto p bpng foz p fcaru
nourtour ano leatnpnge, anb boloc the -o
S«tc.tu'« cifbouoitt,*3ftuftifpnottbpTelfe~befoie

*a 8'
d5oDff02heknotoetbi> bcattelaDefPte
uott be puteD toiu tn?p:c ence of I
"»««»« u«»«« | y«i4'*'"»v««^3i»py«»»« (ow*
^8Wecs,fcepc then; bobp
9 u>to not

tbp face cbereful totoatoe tbeim <!£arp

ftjaltetbou p£t>
mattec: zButgeue L^n

WW «•"•«•
"»•"»"• ' not tiao nnoetftoatUuiUi
(too fume
in one mine ^ at
S. M"
' c i,

,**,£ «£. ». ©
'. "?'

[tni'JtpfM I«7#
* M
wnTiiI fc^ft^KAh"^^^!!'^ tU'Mtbe tbpnges that tbep baueDone
foitbc/fearefloiDe toitbaWoute
^ -n


B ,
^i/v»^Ki^^n.M2«^?n5 .-'." notl, pB ft tua«*ea t etI,eJLo ? De
/^jof almes.JLaugb no mS fcozne
. Jru*i
to tn tt)z
h^cS^ZZlcZlf^ SXtahVpfc.
KSSKh^mLI^ ^h^KSM2
to< aU thp foule , 9 bononte Ijis pipe*
.* (Be«etb.tuitbett poicion oftlic

^ fbi lefFngeAagapnae
« «'« comtnafiDrt> tbc: gene tbera the
/ M»r.S? fh?
tbp h,nVh,r
ai- bzotbet, .ifihl!
t ii>r»n«neitbec
n^x^T* » thnt tnnnni* n nffmn rt /<r ^^

>^ manre toozbes.tobcn tbou act auionge

luting,* vet let not but do goob cucn to
^«T#^ ^
c ClOets : * 3lnD toben ttjou piapett,
tbemttjatateDcaDa i!
Su."'"b make not mucbe bablpnge . ftet no ia<
*)Ltt not tbem p toepe be toitbotitc ^m.^su
/ boitous tooitte be (cDtotis bnto t\)CM>
cofoitc,but mourne V6 fucbas mourue.
^^theetbeboufbauDipetobpcb^^alinigbi ^ at
*iict it not gteue tbe to ntfet ^ fichjoji »V-
itw- 7s fctpt batb cceateD.^Bakc not tbp boa (t in


\nuinble tup felfeeue from tbpne neatt:

- »/
tuat fl)al make tbe to be beloucD.*x>tmc hifih

*» >?1 *«*Merhfte>ani»rfe
enoc, i' *
bano temebie § enoc.
f takeft in banD,tcmebte
mm m mm 7
//. n ^
^^SnD temembie tbat toiatfj Ojall not m anD
ano .


i^^jJ b^Ionge in tatpmge, and tbattbcljen< tlDljc t)iif»'Ct?apter*

/>?geaunccoftneOeaCoeoff bngoolpc is Sga? ltd tl)p bctttc is no ftnutng. £)f f near ftc of
a Detp fpie ana tooime * mw
not oticc tijme cticmtemaieS tbou notcctopce, nozDcrptfc
tb^p ftenoe fo: aupe goob,noi tty taptfy

jfuHbiotbttfoit^ebeftgolDe* /^> Ccpuenottoptfjampgntpemj;
*?***£ 3©epatr not ftom a Difctete anb gooo v^v \ t $ ti)0ll C haunce to fal intobirs 3
U t^^man,tl^at is fallen ftntot^ foxier CV^tjloes^j^aaenobatiauncetfjffl^,,,

>#>, mjm%, fffy f^^J^^^f^m
i, I I


two actors., an
enjmi ' !eft
quatel agapnft tf>e.* jf o: golD

t™« —
If ? ,o
P ^£^v^f...«c
to rail* <§»tricie not tottn a man *

T 2* * »W«»*lap«
.2. fuI
S?.?J* !*
^gr^mite^:*cp« nocompanp
ftpcbcs ftp*
*oe«iww«m» ci
moi*u»bc6i»aitogcfca«boucwrJcSSe C
B8SE8 ......
IKSa C not gelous ouer
4*^ '"^tottlwKDjfett&egccKt&p bpukd
/-torft^**'tmlmieD,UftheoxuetriD kium-h ant*

2£%S: "" "P°* te •* 3© £f P^

not a man tbat c?s6\

fa K«m« up
tu ™*ty Wm relfe atoape from fpnne,e
flieQ)«toe not foment? w
i'^toi «» &"« not in Itocopopnte

l^ Vj&**-
tfje ttttff
*ncmb^ t&at toe ace fratfe cuctpcftoiie.
-_,*.. *Cbpncaercoziieofiiomaiiin&t8 oto
tuimubut u*

^ %
7*>" D «»y«»c«iwcuianopng,outap
£* qnapnte tf;p rclft &>it& tfc topfe fenten, K
not [eftthorin^^^VV^z
SSSKSf mn tW ^ 0,olM et *

c,,t <£&"*
m vm./*# «* of t»em:ft» of t^mtUu^Vl ^™l°&&
^.topfeoome ariD tfje 00m me of inoet
n b^?Ma%Tr£?f
tb^PiTCth^?^ * Mi m


°fwj topU inDge accozopncr to "*^ anornecr^*^

" Ul ""fl
oinne hi* m7H«~»Trf"u'
•fiiiu, noHce.4cauaPfenotbPtn!toaTtoifr

LT^S a pn,ca,le
e,,otto ^^^^
» Sc Hell :
f 0i2 be folofoetb b otone luXl SS ! iS 82? ? tto
*> m confent * ^ ^-
C *6)tt^ue not toft* Km t&at r anacp l im S'f M
&c n
^^ a " not b IrSe
^ &^®
^/%^<0 rpgnte,ano tonece tbere ^ Jo Wpe Sf,l%
p eafut? ^ ^ m *m **""" !C

Hrhrfn^S5 ? ?^ ouourc «n0

P? ot
^civric^t.fje^allnmttoettbee.^cakenocS -,
«^?5J2i-SlS«-™«" sit

eh«t«MW.<!50Dba«itottt>«eD tb«o> .„„««!,

4,/^ ?» W Jt JWts to be awwceo.
"'""* ..A
«btlotolpeaniongetb«ii. J* pJ
? A.' W n c8«c«bcab!)o;t ;
rt.iLabouc is paplW. 01 "' .i...... M..m nut nf the atoiinD.'nju?****)

» etJeptf)atDtom
t ^ fwc ^ at
" , ro
tl)a f
(cate tf, -r> a

I **•* in aurtfett are men of bnoetttamw,

^ { OjameD^etfjat is t^e a , ^1
4)0 e A cgetetqecpttepjorpetetq;

tuici ouw»
l*^ Uh^&x poW of the cacti) ts g
in fcanp :

t /gatD£t b lucq as f eate gM j- tfrj

a ptofptable tulec *P
* J!?5 jnM 11 e
§ Rate of ©ob* ^J
§ poje

Thtfl** nwirabl^
g™,g J tn oW tttttpoo»cmt> &ft JJ
no of
<**§* potoct of «w,8nDJjen
i of (SOD is cue

"LssssgggS SBSSssgsg
foie (J50t< ano man,a!iD all
toicaeoneiie cqw • *
f D0 fctuic e * w^n

ynww to anotnec. _ „ mac*nv

h * lia r nWtotSctproeofaDuerttteABe
tec ««*.
(QCnetetsnotbpngetooife ft^J^ b 0U tett),anD DatD Ple»*eou&*H^nS
B ttetouamaiLUCajpattcbon PJOttW,© "f
„,J? '*>**
tw/ Xoueattbaittiatae*^ StisanDtoantet^zeaDe.
...._ -
^trra^-r,. amr
wpinb Wrfttrteonenarawi^


Wf-'-'^^^wftWjftecDue gonoute. Wo
$?#$; on fjim to goob, feffctb prrfi tip fto bps
jfc/^ tfcv&fyall iiiCifie f;(m tfjat fpnnetb agapnft loto eftate,*?* ipftetb tip bi0 beao : fo
jowuti $
WKm {hi ** im ul(ef WW
bonouce fjim, tbat
topil manp men maruelat biimano geue fjo^ //> rM
&w)onouretb bis otone Ipfe^cbe poozc
frnwh £^*^2cj
noutei>nto<soo» <%*
f°^vu<J sm}oml3(o s feptWuhwffe aiiD *^zofpetiteanD aouetfite,life ano £
r<ui* *^%utb,bat tbe ctcbei0bao in
j rcpuracid beatb,potietteanD rpcbeo come aliof |°,y;*.t
a wj«9W8ooow.^etftato.iOj«^
of bis goooes.^e tbat ozozetb &ozdc . ( sccpfoome, nurroure am
fiS J« tbe)iozDc.(3CCPfoome,nurtoure
y-" m
bun relf ooneftip poue rte^oto mucb ftnoto/cDge of tf>e latue ate luptn (Boo
moze fyal be bebaue bun felfe boneftlpe loueanorbe tnapes of gooo are toptfj
in tpebes^uo tofjo f ozozetb bim feif bim. tfrtoure ano Darc&ne0 ace maoe
.##**«f6 fcnboueaip in rtcoeF,t)oit)e mucb moze foz rpnners;ant> tfjep tbat exalte tbepm
/*•/•- fhall l.o knl.i.,., U.».. cwr. «-_i s». "... .. .
fyall Oebef;ane bim felte tmboneftipe tti f elu e0 in e uell, foaje oioe in euel.) cfje
pouerte. gpfte of <&ob rcmapnstb foz tfje rpgb*
^CbCjCi.Cbapter. teou0,anobP0 gooo topu tyail gate
pzofperpte foz euct\ £>ome man 10 ttcb
. ^wca»ciuji«ei«cii«. *wc«Ss iwt wSouS
t ^ ^W*
"Pgatolpe ano ttjat 10 c&g ,

r^Z*«c^l fff""-^iif''P«8e5comeofi580. aiimmatc pozcponofbfstetoatDe,intbat nefa^


m' $/
^oM«Wlotoe,aoal!lPf« tTp'bp*

maaebtm to fpt not,tnat tbe tpme ozatoetb npt>

j eate ano Dzpncfee of mp goooe0
mp felfe alone. 3Bno pet be confpozetb %4-'Uq
*f amonge great* mem Commcnoe not a tbat be ^n ^ a
^V ?
xr*fU,fn+* tnanne in np0 bemtpe
mufteleaue all tbcfe tbpnge0 DmooiM^t 'fc

, ueptfat oefppfe men,anD biebim felf.j^tanD tbou/^fe^

&»#* amanmbpsbtterapperatince. <cbe
couena«nt,anD ejeercpfe VbxHtnmfWi
fait in tbp
?«i0 but a fmale beafte amonge toe
fdftberin,anDtemapne intfje too^clte^^^
fonf es,pet 13 ber fcut ejccca&ing n»ete»
bnto tbp age .contpnue not in tbe tooz? n /> >
fyfrf-flffWUt not tftp felfe in tbe Dap of tbp bo*
fte0 of finer0,btit
put tbp ttua in <£oo TO?V*
anbbpbeintbpneeftate:foz tt 10 but
an eafp tbpnge in tfy figbt ofd^^^to
^ r
mafteapozemauricb,auDtbat fooeu* ^ ;//

" ,t0 o'tiet mens 6anoc0.* t ononnpnt

>«». «wi.b u>anf« tn thou art (n lntlfaw fm. •feou'ieis
^,^u#r««w«»*«fojet!»ott Dane aMtiotawSe-ant
m/, ?t«n«h -'

:? ri?r qafTKlon^di t( fo« tm{ rtgftmoulU-c.

r n
6e £T ^Zre ba»»ffi """I ?
W"« e »«» ^".'" '"" MP
e a0t
^J 1
m b C bet "tZnnsbH
«W ^1mall G"
" ?b«ttaUB
? """
" Mtoan)e " Kt «'MacwiBw to(,(B
8 !

jfxc7?t £14 4Cn> cty-ai1**-* j c

« '

CccWtaftttus, djtbo&e %fc

U # AbiSraaimXifck «o t)inges,tobjtmg come npethebea(tc0: Cue 010 tttottb ^p/J

c, K mp/srtoetetnbi0lWcMe
mabe manp to0 ^
anD rpe afee manpe
eanne ^
'"* ^ ^ fl

untotoUomtoc ou8Utto6ogoot».i5ncmrcs
g ob thrngeo : £ca,be
cantocpe topth
^, s epc0,uutin big hett be imaginetb,
botoe to thiotoe the mto the pptte : anD
^ P^
^ ^j
«2 thou tutlt bo aooD,anotoe
^Sm^aDMSttS pft)emapfpnDcopo;ttinttebctopIlnot <Wfl

BrW^ ami Kteart the:»c sSEnmmu W &o*s ouct the fo» betp glabncs,
A^* h
|M firftf ,. Sell,anD gcuetb no alme0;foi the fepeft
bath mctxp bp
DiCgupfc &u countenance*
cc? &he.j:ut»Cbaptet.
'hatetb tbc rpnneco,anD batb
mown of «» %\>t company es of tf)e pioube anb of t&c tub
, y ontbepm tbat tyetoe the toozefteo
ace to be efebucb. Cbc louc of *5ob.iL}>fec bo com „ fA-
W'dtf& pentatwee ©cue tboti bnto fucbe a0 paiipuHtDtocitlvbe. ^
„ TZ fca« ©oD,anD teceaue not a fpnnct.

30 foi tbc bngoDlpe 3 fpnnct0,be (hall

—il^o fo toucbetb p«cb , tbalbe3
tottbal:*anD be£ 10 fa* *>««.f*
teconipence bengeauce bnto tbcm,anb
miliar tottb tbc p^oudc, (ball czrrr-a
bepe tbcpm to the Dapc of tojatb*<fceue
fM/viuhtbou bnto $ gooD, anD teceaue not tbc clotbe tym fdfe toitb pipbe*

i^M^r?nnec:Do ml
bnto hunt 10 1«iDlp,but *c faki* a buttben bpou htm, tbat :

£5^r5 J * ** ».* <,»^m,.o et tint thn •«» comnanpeth a moie honourable man

fsOt tb2 th? Wf thctm.if oj fo ©alt tbon

>tt 1/^ ceauc ttopfcaomMchecuell, (nail tbc
pot together^ pf the one be tmptunf*™P"\
,te fjriM good that tbou Doeftbnto bpm:3nD
bioaeiu n,u1? mrroV
©all be biobetn gtf[^/H
jt (hall
agapntt the otbct,tt
^ ?i>*

u c

tobPrfbe i^teft batetb fpnner0 anD (bal
Swaeaunw to tbe bi goolpe,
© bnotocnVauD in aDuecfptc an enempc
Sallnot^ben amantstn

fcbc tpebe Deaktbbncpgbtuouap,anD

pnge oppje(TeD anD to^ongeouap oeatt
?^^^* 2 Ke !S£fl£5!JiSr
bt0 tccnoe.ccunc neu« wvik wmnp 9
f 01 iP&e a S an pjon tuftetb, fo Dotb bis
topcfecDnelTc /^nDtbougbcbcmaae
«* *v»~ *«*»««» *v-« «^»
W* *"'
^1?°^??^.?^ il^&KSSJ
— -j»- --
S. Sh P

SSh ^

FT aukt ntoTp too?DC0,anD fape:tobat toantcft tbouc ^^


*H S
VIP*1 *?"
«*" wwe el f DlacMakc tbp totomc anD
P featc , anD to tpou at tnc
thv Iafte TOls^^^metbe/n w
'^m»«» ^»»* y* mam* *•#*••• b? - mcatj,
-"v:;;' a
/ //

^Mi*€ mStnaes;
r^u.< °i tbjpfe,anb at the laft (bal be laugbc
«n.«U ™ pj* ^St fpnncs together,
eto0 the » «^«-aft«£a^tDben^^ ^
Whetc (ball not one be bnpun1f(bcD»
that tbou haft npthmg, be u)aUfo^c
P o ' T

tye,ati& tyake W
fieaD at c&e. ijps conference , anD pouerte is a fopc*
$ 25ettmte > tbattbo«benototfceane& beD tfjpuae in tfje tnoutf; of thebnqoo*

Un.ifnj* • ue taueo oi
becalleD mpgutpc man, anient tnp
of a mpgbtpeman,abfcnttbp tobnotoetbetbotigbt.

, pl^^mt. ^zeaffe not tfjoubntobpm, that

2rfjcoff}'rcoftl?cfougc.ajaiti3butabapnt J^l
&nh'tfih webon be not Ojntte outrbnt go not tbon

ftniiS.Qappp is {>cr!;ar toimmtct!; toplDom. m

nJ^LiL fatte of' lcft hc f0 *8 et *& c atottfjDiatoe v. v ^
iS^4 ^
in* lUffeD is tbe man,*# batb
,ot ff Iff f com ^
5 fP^efje , but be* not fallen toitb tbe tooio of %$?&$

1 ^^eiienot bis man? toojoes* jf 02 toptb

bis montu,anD is not pile* jta^uji-*-
'MapJ * wuc^e commmiicacpon fl^all be tempte fcebtoitb tbe conrcience of
ano(toi?tb a pzeupe moefce)fyall b«
tbe of tb^ fecretes . %\je ;bn«
fpniic 4 ^apppe is be tbat

**' g* eflMllnotfpateto ootfte

d coticfeus mnitatiD a iipgacDt ,tobe //u.

itXfl^i'^ '?%"• ?"S te
V2US22 » «ffl£ P"*«?«»?4* ' «*••* ffat HMD a upgatD Do ttmoltt

Des «iaKeti;ea6 tftoug, tfroufeercft

make QO0D ch ere ftfe gooDeg7» e /£#«M.

^ oLC^/^
CIjp lp
* *r« longer tiD ^ti
f e tv.iijcjaiiu uhuh mm
call t)po fjnn m
ti hi "J?
« be be *™_
Qton De aoeD imto u 'HWinu
mcmic> l nhi/t
memuv' 7-« r?inL
' '

mte.&.uern heart loncth "
site ssssks h,tt hife.* ennt ZZ^ "VI..
saar •*
8 fcnto
u other
. . £>. 1
„< xsw

p sss ii h^M -

-« ^7V

}£$?ZftlT*%' 'L®
'?'!*' anlrattfjelaftheDeflatetf,V g bngtaJr>^/;
^3^^ ^ ?
an&tb( poze agree togetl;et-COe toilD
catlt ctf c
betnrnetb aufap bis faeLnt Defpfret
m ome f0U (e**3 couetong mansepe


^r^e ^^apeitit&e loplDer- ff r74«

"W" »^ "P°0-"'Hen-tbemcateof
e a
batbe newer pnougbe intbepoicponcf
to fcHeonesintpl| cpmct&atVeWtbel

^^^?Wif?^ wo ? eB,ar ]

8toap,anDftaueloft5rtotoSroale- * %J^
t3S^ ffiSS^ElP'-y*"*'"!*** «sfcarceneBbponbistabIe^pfom"^^
mg u^.^ben
T S £
21 ^? 88 ? fo^ 3
h pooie falletb

DogooDtotbpfelfeoftbatfi ftatte^gcg
* geuc $ m
^ 0lD ^jg Due offctfimcclm*A 1

mWa pooie mannmxUiMubmu

W*s P?o«Of tootbes^pet
go tozonge be ,
toco bnto tbee:fot
w* m&imil WW Da S .* Sac isfS'
tt>t eonenannte of W~ % ;

D au ° 18 "* «* w * e anc accozopng to t^p abilile reaeb on

In £S^iL?? f
tube man fpea&ctb.eueri boou hototffi ^ n „, h 9 h
»h ^1 wl *, " 1 . , fl

"B hnfl' ?
" e f*
'"f ^ ^ '
P ffif not MM-nteo of j 8 oo& »«pe, a..B

? nD ^^ Doa,l » ^>

iS^vilhifh-aHSX^'' uapiesanbrlabonts tmto otber Vnen/2W

^^JnnhttiJ^^ «P^' eB «« intbeDctipDpngoftbe berptagegene
Y> SooD^ntobpm tbatbatbe nofpnne in an&ta^,an0fane;ifpetbpfoull

J/->^vt. ^0 '-//'*&-#>#$* *&<&'«x- **'*&&-.


eccleftaftutts, CDtboke
oVartMoimtbcbelltbcte isnotneat V^al^^mtWtmn% '

|p£ gtaft^ano Ipfce a rVpOjpng leaft J
n a gteni tcee^ome
gtotoe,Cbme ate
*" D te.feen tbat go about
fltoi ?**'>


^ J'*, 4
g^SSiS mfounw«©»• u^&t

^tt^caft Dotonc : euen f o is tbe fiwwacpon in bet

mt«A m*
ano blouo:one commit* to an
f*^ t of

;iTc QaU ftpfe

S& J WD. flkjl
«»«»«> anD * c
ao toitball.<£uetp cboten
toojoe G>albe
fo?of©oDcLnKtbtopn)otne,anDtbe j£p^*
w^EE, o,n h( h» the mufeDome of ;#»*,_
f tfte

tuttifteb,anb be tbat mebietb

^K^ TaSebou^t^be^^^^
, ,Vn tjpon tbe foiefeuotolcoge of <&&&>
^rfer,3i»bicbconfpDetctbtbctoatc0oftopfe ? ™
„ do tbc thing tbat <25od batetb-S>ap
SIS m*£%. cc

tnbctCcctctcs,gotbaftet btt(asoneg
"^JS rtftaUaMlom
n C
piiartoii ofeo
f f f^ dS^topH
br <W topnootoes ano
;ies : fee tafeetb bps
beifenetb at bet oo^es
rSK t h
^ «»* £ p t hatfeate

p I
oD maD£ manfcom

re anb feftenetbbis
reObefpbebetbouCe,anb faftenetb 410
S?3 mk^m^tomi W ^
Sf Sn"ia,a»D
Ht ktt
left tbc bano
bim in tbe
saue bpm bis conw i'

obfetue tbe commaunoementes, &i<fn

'*& ('/ iqaiigoooumiuw*"*^ •"••"••?••
bene acceptable faptbf nines toic#
I ^y T i^e^allfetbiscbtlDun bnoet betco*
^ h
a p?£f£tuc tbe.*^ebatbe
>,0^ Vn«e,a.iDu^alDtoelbnDetb«tbjau, gMJ Sf? cb efojetbe,teacbout J
** nDct ftet ™« het*!.*
f torn tbe beate,anb in
% l
f^^ mbim W8t
bnto tobicb
tbou toplM5e#
|, go0 D ano e*
4' *
J ftfM

rp Ojall be teft* PxtSK

Li.*# h
utlltloKe tobat lpfeett) 3 (5albe geug^
o^ticbe^tJ.Cbaptet^ <2>ob is great
b(m-if oi tbe topfbome of
«hcwotocsflmtMfltottbbtmtoMcbfta* anb mpgbtpe in potoet, anb bebolbetb
cattetlj of tOcrpii^
tctU fSoli tfJootetcctctU an& epes of tbe
all men contpnuallp . -Cbe

nottijeauctoiof curt!.
% ® «©
ucc.0oDie bpon tbeim tbat f eate
CP ate
.Ctbat fcatetb dP^B^pll bo ^m,anbbeanotoetballtbe tooifeesof ,
Igooo:anD tobo fo feepetb § latoe, man^ebatb commaunbeb no man to '

nball optapne lupfeDome 3fis geuenanpc o)w

4 Do bngoDlp 5 netbet batb be
nlktn<*%i Jonbutable motbec tyall 0)e mete manleuetofpnne*
< A/> -
v «©aui«.a bpm,atiD as a bf tgpn (fcall (be teceaue
jjp in ^ ^
bpm, £>f Dttljapppc auDtopc BCDCl)tlbjcu.iSU) man

tJUDctdatibpnge fljall (be feeoe

can moc i)imfelfcft;om «5oo. an e?;l)o;ta«onto
jtoftn.*.*. * geue bim tbe toatet of tobolfome
aiiD tijepeccautiisofinttwction,
I »9i) toPfeootne to oipncfee. If be be contt&t *
(CUte not tbou in tbe multp^
tnbet,be OjcII not be moueo:anb pf be
bolbe bim faftbpbcc,be (ball not come
tubeoftjngoblp cbiltyen,s& ^fM\{
IRlllIlfiZfik* confunom ^»be (ball blunge bpm to
baue no pleafute in tbem , yt «n $$* \

~^^ bonoute araonge bps nepgbboutes, tbep feate not d?oD . Ctutte
congregation not tbou to tbcit Ipfe, anb tegatpe not
niPbDeft of tbe cougtegacion
anb in tbe mPDDeft
-IH-&«c*til (ballOjc openbp^moutb. «?ptf>tt)e

Si ot toifbome anb bnDetftanbpng gob is bettet,tbe a tboufanb bngob p*

)£l7Li 2Cnbbettetitisfoiaman to ope Wt^
v f tk^ni aiefpllbtm anb clotbebPmtoptb
&* 5

out cbilDun,tben to leant bppiiD bpm

**h griSment of giotp. fcbe beape ujall
fticfje c^lbjeii as ate bngooipe, f 0.1
tbe tteafute of mp jtb ano iov bpo tjiui,
ano the trfcnge out of men te in the

5 f
fpllpuge. %e that is
vtt(t)QlHtb^L thpncketb bpou
»eD tbo^oioe t^clin* ^anpfucbetbpn*
bumble of bearf
fucbe tinges: but an
bnujpfe ano erroneous man
^**§M*"***totte mptie c^e fene,ano greater e attetb bis

**.*» <<Ws«Kniherebaue3hearbetoitb
* 3Jn tf, c congccgacpon „
, HSI ^fo»nf,betfeentboutmtome,

A t


ftn 8° D m anDIearnebnDeraanopnge,anD
iW tyan a ftp burne, ano a. mp toozDcs toptb thpne bea rte marcft
rncmge fnfapwnll people ; % topu
77 tyal j u>;arfr
^ i mt
a " 3 mftrurfte £LK
llt anD Pte«lpe
^.-w- c ^
coi0c 9* a "' c soptapncD no Jp
fbce.<25£>£> batb fettj
grace ^ ,fi teo^cftes in gooo
ozoze (torn tbe bee
pnnpngc3 anD parte of tbepm bathe he ^
^/AQfrurtpugeto thm otonc
I fttengtb. jocp' funoercD from m
otber.^e bathe gar.
n fU A
" toa0aflraunger:*butrmotetbepmanD
ntibeo hp0 toozcaes from euetlaftpnge,
ano xbm begpunpnges, accozopnge \ a**
abbozreo them becaufe of the to W<r>rA
pzpbe of tbepz generacpons.Bone of
tbepmbm* £n */J
km °^ ™L $ ett *??*«•*« tort no
pitie bpbn itM.
L&^^ J«f beftropeb all the people, that toere
betepanotbeMettber teas anp of tbem / ^i

* f ' ? *°"
J <«
f W* *«>
curtate not the
foz fo much as
fpje hanozeth thou*
OtfobfbpentbntobpstoozDe . aiftec 'C&M
ranoe, that gathered them felues
fpIfeDttujptbbpsgooDDes. accpthali
maner of Ipurnge beaftes batb
tt>n in the baroneflre of be roue* 0** 1
their bearte ; it «d tbegtouno^arD tbep a! u^albefur^ */5^ ^J
ReD,u)ouU)e be free.*
tozatb is
#oz mercpe and
toitb hu«:he is both? mtghtte
neb bnto eattb agapne.
JfM ^Jm ^
9^^ J°
» au0 10 P° to ?' w»« bpfplea*

S me^et0great,euefi
O-^be^btr.Cbaptcr. S "^fc^
M £*

, '^^^fofsb^pum^ementalfo^etuDgetha
i^w^^manneaccozopnge to bigtoozcfces.
*h €?3^ * fi^ope man of the
P*fch fb % *»8oWpe foall notefcape tti hps %
S^ 7 an e l0,, e P«Pen« of
^m eattf;,anotourneb ^m

;£??&' ?^ ,
? at
3w h mercpe,n>all not bpbe
metcp fyall mafteplace Unto
bnto earth agapur.
gaue bpm tbt noumbie
\S1J. m ^^-
cuecp man accpzbpnge to tbc of bapes at certame time,
of btftoozcftes, rafter tbe dpeajanD gaue bun poi»ec f] .
biiberaan> oftbetbpnges that are bpon earth £>°p]>*u
&P"geofbpspplgremage. .me :

C ^ap nottbou:3l topllhpDempfclfe

worn ©€>© , foz toho topij thpncae bu>
on me from aboM/ 3 0>au* notbefcno*
toeiufo great heape of pcopte,foztohat
to ftanoe in atoe of
bpm , fo that
Domvmon of all bcafte^ atiD foules.
m %%!?*
^em-aoe out of bun m\ helper ip&eim &ntui& •

lt^/w'J F, 8t fouUamon 8tomanp creatures^-

"^TA^l "M*
i/r £# »> thettn is,u)ai be
.^C^te.^jbolDe.tbebeaue^pea^beheauenof on anb
of pc,tbe eartb,ano al that
uiotieo at bis pzefencr
•X/^ { mountapnes,tbe bWes,anD the
tobpmfeffe.anbgaue thepm Dpfcrecp>
f ong,epejS ano
to bnberftaube, anb
eares,anD a hert
fpUeb thepm tovtb
inttwetpon ano bnbcrftanbpnge. fee
'tnhtl crcateb foz tbepm affo tbe
y oftfje earth (hal lha&e fozfeate, ftuotoieoge of
the fpztte,fpiieb tbeirfteactes
tobcn eoD bpfptetb tbem . Cbefe tbpn' toptb bn<

Taw»uy ges Ooetb no beact bnbetftanbe, but

Dctftanbpnge, anb ifcAuft rhem
eue l.^eretbpsepe bpon
goob ?f « 7
their beactes
^7 l>nberaanDetbeuerpebeacte,anD tobo beclarpnge bnto thepm bts gteate
inDerftanoecbbts toapes^o mafettb anb
noble toozkesrtbatthepmouloepzapfe
bis ftozme, anb tbe moofte patte
of bps bps bolp name togerber rctopfe of
bjozchesarefccrct* aoDbotopII Declare 3 Dps
toonbets,anb be ullpn^z of bps
1 1 tbetoozcfeesofbpsrpgbtuoufneflre?- noble
m tobo mallbeablctoabpDetbcpm'
ifoz the couenaunt isfacre from fome,
acres.* iBefpbe tbrs,be gaue
ftcm:tion 3 anb tbe latoe of
tbcuit iw,
Ipfcfoz an bu
wage, * *"**> '

CiS.iiti. ^e

^ccletfafficiS. lafeliofce*
^U^ tupgbbourtoarnuig,befo?ctbontbjea atiD fome man feepetbfplence,foaptpng
ten tum anD gcue place Unto tbe la to of a couuenpent tp me. * 31 topi c man \d^U

tt)t JLo jbe.GEbe f care of c^od 15 all toif* ijoloe ops tonge tpll be fe opouunptpe,
fiOachme. come, ano be tbat is a tight toy fe man but a toanton ano bnoplccet boop fball
kefifintff. fecpetbtbelatoe,3!sfojtbeboctcpnc of cegacbeuotpme.l£ctbatbfccb manpe flttRa.h
fyiffi&M, toicaebneCre, it is notopfbome,anbtbe tooioes fl)allburtcbisotoneroulc:anb3 ^m W<£
"Sin** iff P*"benccoffpnner$tshogoobbnbec* betbattafcctbauctojptcbponbimfcn* ^wfi;
ftfvntyfc ftanbpng:tti#butu>pcBeoneu"eanbab> tigbtuouflpejOjalbebateb^omcman c^ja Wh
ml&wS- ^/^ompnacpoanDa blafpberaing of tepf* batbeoftetpmcjspjofpecite iutoicUeb 0lljhn*hfyl
mu$jtv,fcr Ample man of fmalbnoctftan* tbpnges":aigapn*, fom* mannc gettetb
Vnol &# n 3* tf> at frai'Mfc <Eob , is better tben mucb,ano batb barme ano offe.Ch etc
4r^ i

f InU one^tbat batb mucb topfebome, $ ttanf* is fome gifte tbat is notbpnge toottbe:
j^gteftetb t^e latoe of tty i£ieu\ a ctaftpe
3gapne tbece is fome gpfte , tobofe re<
/ *T
^ftttcl wan can DC toife,but be is bntlgb
toacbe is Double. ^>omc man gettetb a

feous.anb to W
%Vttts b^ tazaftetb tt)e falfoj beinge to pioube,an& fome com*
y^Qptn anb manpfefUato. 3 topefeeb man mctb to tooztypppe ftome lotoe eftate*
% imp* «ftanbebauebpmfe!fcbnmblp,anbcai! ^omemanne bpetb muebe fozaiptlc
toitb bts beabe,anb pet is be but pzpee ano muftc pape foz it (mm fold* 15
tZveM ^a otlbe
P**. «5a/i/o a hod-raner imtbin^e hiMffhhfa
bpfceauec imfhtn.ter 3 topfe man tnnfhhna ma* ««i<»»^
bibetb bis faro
face, *?eftit>ff
* topfb bps fnntftca
toozbes ma*
* an0 opfgupfctb it i anb becaufe be ketb ^^'n felfetobeeloueb, but tbe fa*
(bouloe not bee anotoue,be pzeuentetf; uonts of foolcs fl)albe pouceo out.Cbe
tbee* gpftoftbebntopfeftjaUbotbenogooo naum
3fnb toougbc be be To toeafte tbat tic fozbps epes ace fcueu folbe. * $e fyatf
canbotbenobacme, pettobeubemape gcue Iptle, anb fape Oe gaue mucbe:b* fts\
fpnbeopoztunite,be (ball bo fome cuel*
3i man map be ano tone bp bps face,anD
openetbbis moutbeanbctpetbout,as
« totce one tbat ertetb oute \nm* %o
A nof
\ fom**}

^•cwm..- jjjfiafg to^atbets* Ijaue no^tbancfeefoj al mp goob Deoes: mM$

Cbe.jcr.C^aptct* l>ea,euen tfap tf^at eat mp bjeabjpcak cf»"f $
**<^>-a,.u ^*. . nogooDofme,£>botocoft,anbofbotoe (u^fnoftt
*c*prenu.. aim of tf;Sfou.fl)f i p t«st,
w tnjnp tftall ^e be laugbeb to fcojne^e /
a& „
takctb a mote petloujs fal bp fucb tooj^ / <**&;
pDmc manne*tep.:ou«t^ bps bes tben pf be Ul bpon tbe gtounbe:**
Bncpgbboure off« tpmes, but urn fo f^all tbe fallcs of topefeeb mcune
notmbue feafon * igapne,
come baftefp*3lntfiemoutb of bus tbat
Jfwnemanbolbetbbtstongc, isbntaugbte,ateniaupbnconuenpent
id/mi*** «nb bets topfe ano bifcrete.jjt is mucl) anbbmnetetoojtbes. % topfe fenteuce
^^p^/bettet to geuc teaming anb to wp^oue, Ojallnotbee alotoeb at tbe mout&e of
tf)m t0 bmi tml1 toVU :fo? fft tfjac tbefoole, fe^e fpeaaetb itnot inbue
^knotoltogetb bim felfe openlpe, fl^albe feafon*
d»mi t»

Vf Ln ,U S} i(ttml> (tom &

a,lD Deft wcrtoii. ^ome man fpnncty not^ecaufe t)e &
ft CLuton ^
vht n * tofte " a 5 C,D man tbozoto oe< batbe not tobettoitball, anb in bps reft
uanDIuftf befpletbamapben, eucn beffcalbeftpngcb.&ome man tbece 10
"mJh r° i0 tt to,tf) tm
mtt> ^ 10 ^»ce 91 tbat beftcopety bps otone foule toptlj
&^y tjncpgbtcoufnetTe in tbe latoe:^) botoe u>ame,anb fojan bntopfe bobpes fafce
j goobatf)pngeisit,amanne t^atisce^ befttopetbbeit,anbtoitb acceptingeof
foi fo Ojalte tbou efcape toplfuf ftnne.
petfonnes Qjall be tonboobpm felfe*
£>ome man piomiretb l)is fcenb a gifte
^omeman ftepetb faience, anb is fo^ beepa;ame, ano gettetb an enempe <?.&*
fottnDtopfcibutbetbat isnotafyameb ofbpmfoinougbte. ailpeis atowfciD^JS* %
tobatbefapetb,is&atefun*£>omeman r^ame in a man 3 petfljal it be euecint^e 1}*^ ,
boloetb bis tonge, becaufe be batb not moutbe of tbe bntoife*2((tbefe is better Z"* ?/"&.
cbe bnbetftaubpnge of tbe language: tben a man is accuftomeo
tbat \vijn«iHr°f **

a.pui(&)^Sm& o/nc* t$^$K*-jUr'

^ a

#f 3Mus rfoUsiu
WVjkatty buttfjep botbe
baue befttueepon fljail Cbctoape of tbe bngoblpe is fette toptb
J ^ tobetptage, ^becoubpciong oflpccst
, ftones, but in tbip vi enoe is tjtll, Date*
**? jE! atebnboneft, atiD tbepjtoameis euet ncB,ano papnes.^e tbat bepetb tbe lato
4$ 3B topfe man tyall tapuge Opm felfe
toiit boli>e faft tt)e bnoetttauopng tbec*
of, aiiDtbeenbe of tbe feate otaobis
^rnc.jcn.f toOoiioute tottfj tns tob:Des, * ano be toproome^e tbat is not topie,topll not
tftat at ^ bnoetftanoinge tyal be fet ftp
f, be taugbt in gooo:b nt tbe bntopi'e man
^jo t'i b. amongc gtcatc nietme.* £)e tbat tplletb abauuoetb in topcheoneflTe : ano vutjete
«•»»«• lanoc, Ojallencteafebps beape of
f>i0 bpttetnes ts , tbete is no bno«tOau* .

come : be tfjat tooickctb tigbtuoufnes, bpnge.Cbe hnotoleoge ottbe topfe (t)M

aIbe CjcaUeD,$be tfjat pleafetb gteate flotoe iplte toatet tbat remietb ouet,
e«ic a « ^
D«u.^;«'.t) men,fl()altefcape mucbeeuel.+iletoat'! bps cotincei is ipfce a buntapne oi ipfe. „-
bes ano gpftes blpnoe the epes of tbe ttbebeacteofafooieislpfteabio* ^
<ttU c*
topfe,ano matte Domme,tbat be can mm feen ben"eU,be canne feepe no tovfDotiie*
?r not tell men tbeit fautes.* irpfeDome *Cben a man or bnoetUanoiug beatetb
that (0 biD,anD tteafute tbat is booioeD a topfe too?De,be Qail commenoe it, ano
tipcat pjofpt is in tbcm botb^ettec matte mucbe of it.©ut if a voluptuous:
t$ be tbat kcpet b h ts ignoiauncc fectet man beate it, be u)ait baue no pieaiute
tfjcn a roanne that bpDetb bis topf Dome. tbettu,butca(teit bebpnoe bps bacbe*
C^W^Cbapter. Cbecaicfeioge of a fooie is IpUe an b.eup
SDft&cccpcntaimceof rpmic. tfE>cm<ip not&capc buttben bp tbe toape:but to beate a toite
fpnnctopon fpime . m\)C boftmes of an fccccr pfte. manne fpeafee,u is a pleafute.sioobete a .

^TtjccttDcof Cnmec.SDf ttjcfoolcauD officii) yCc bouteis in tbe congtegacpon, it is afc

man. jpf hym rf;a t cutfcri) tl)CDcuf II.
tteoattbe moHtbeoftoetop(e,ano tbep
3 i£ fonne pftbon baftfpnneb, fyal pono;e bis toojoes in tbep? bettes*
< do it nomoie: 4c but pia>>e for jlptteas aboufetbat isoefttopeo eueti
utt.a.j; i.e. 5
tbpfo?efinnes,tbat tbep map topfebome bnto a foole:3£ to}, tbe
f o is
lutic ti>.c Jbe fojgeuentbejfle ftom fm, Itnotoleoge of fbntoife,it is but batcfee
(U' euen as ftome a fetpente : fot pf tbou too^es 4 Jaocttpne is bnto bpm tbat
P^T: "commeft tonpebet, Oje topll hpte tbee. batbe no bnoetftanopnge, euen s& fet#
•*{$ • ^bcteetb tbetof ateastbeteetb ofali* tetsaboutebps fete, aim iptte matim*

[ fffaWJ* fl*P* tfje fouies of men. <Cbe tope* ciesbpon bps tpgbtbanoe* * aifoele
fecDlus of ma * as a
^ at P e tto0 £D e0 ipttctb bp bps bopce m^ti) laugbtet,
?tT/^/>4 3

^—^ WP
<*,*w« ^,1 ftoetDjtobtcb mattctb fucb toottoes tbat

- }
can not be bealeo.
£>tt?fc anD tojongcous bealpnge
but a toife ma u)al fcatfe laugb lectetip,
^Letnpnge is bnto atopiemannea
3fetoeIofgolbe,anblplteanacmlet bp*
(k^ ffjal toafte atoap a mannes goooes, ano onbp» tpgbt atme.3ifoolpl5 mans fore
tbojotxie pipoe a tpebe boufe (fcalbee ts foonembis nepgbbouts boufe, but
fcjougbt to nougbt : fo tbe tpebes of tbe one tbat batbe eypetpence, tyatbe aflt;a*
m «« h PJ° uDg ^
,lje totcD oute>* €be pzapec

of tbe pooie goetb out of tbe moutb,ano

meo at tbe petfonne of tbe mpgbtpe* 31
T£.ml foole topil pepe in at t\)s topnbotoe in to
v p- ~J commetb bnto tbe eates,anb bps ben* tbe boufe,but be tbat is toeil nouttuteD
««%e geauiiceCoxDefeiwejOjalcomc^nDtbat
<f" topil aanot toitbouta foolpf^e manne
5vk fnfpi«'il-
&aftelp,*»bo fo f?atctf| to be tefoucmeb ftauoetb betttenpnge at tbe ooze,but be
ff<? Jw "tsafofeen of an bngoolpe petfonne: tbat is topfe,topll be afyameb/
€be Ipppes oftlKbntopfc toplbe
itftsA*^ ^m feIf itl& m ^5btpe man
fmotocu is tellpngc footpft tbpnges, but tbe tooj*
<yyT'. fattc bp bps tonge,but be tbat batb bn* ttesoffucbeas baue bnoetftanopnge,
waft-**-: detftanopnge, pctceauetbtbat be-all (fcaibe laKpzt) in tbe balaunce.Cbe bette
^baueafatL of foies is intbepj moutb, but § moutb
I n L
/<*;* U
fff-0% tbet
^cf, ° f ° blf P ,Dc <» bps boufe
mens coft,tsltfte one tbat gatbetetb
toitb e* off totfe i$ in ttjcyjt bett. jccben tbe bn«
goblp ctitfetb
f blafpbemec, be cutfet^
ptiforM jw flftones m topntec* tCbe congtegacuon btsotoueroule. *3Bp:cupaccufetofo*
oftbebngoblpislp^e ftubblegatbereb
mfjJ)& togetf;et3 tbep2 eno is a
tber men fljal Defile bis otone foule,anb tta 'rfW
ftamme of fpje* be bateo of euetpe manne:(but be tbat

taltt Mkm.
hpf o tone rouge anb te Defctfte,
t^lje fcofc
beare,tbcn aif bntoife,folplfoan&
ffer te
fljaUometobonoutc.) bngoDlp matuitUe a$ the bano of tooo
CCbe^jcti.Cbaptec* bounbe together in the founbaciou of
tbe bout c can not be lotof eo,enen fo ts it
Catyepttt&acpoii of ttjrc Oout(yfulLJfiI>f t&t.folttfc
roattcaiUiOoufjUtec, lucmuftc batte BtCccCcpoit
t>oio aittt to toijoiuc tuc ougtn to p:cact>,of fojoiu
tout) tbe beacte tbat is ftablptyeD tn W
thought of eouncel.^betbougbt of the
gnffctopontocDeao.afoIetsitotto be'mucb tallica
topfe,fball neptfoetfeate noj be ofJenDeD
fcntb all.iluumcsanbttiHmgcgBo fctcabc ftcuo
fppppc atiD amutc> at a nptpme*
£>lotltbfuIl hom »5 jlphcasafaftcplapftrcD fnail in a
jmoulDco of a ftoowc of topntetijoufe, anb an bp* buplopnge,
elar;bctbattotiebetbbim map not abpbe tbe topnoc au& fto;mc:e«
mufttoafl)bi$banDC0ai tmifotsafoolesbstte afrapeD in ftps
ftajme * % mpfnurtojcD pmagpnacpomb* feacetb at etierp thing
tonne is tfje Dptyonour of anb can not enbure* li^e tbat npppetb a '^fflyr -


tbe fat!jer,3E foolify ooughter (J>all»c Ip* manne0ipe,bipngetbfo itbteawsjanb3t/i| ten


tic regaroeD* 3 topic Daughter 10 an be* LvWfc**

Wn. %%
fyVt-m be tbat pjpcfeetb tbefjtatte, bipngetb
^ "J5^' cptagebrtcofjcrf)ttfbanDe}butflje^ac fojtfje tbemeanpngauD thought*^** Jc J*n{^
y^% commetb to Dpu>ucftpe 3 b:pngetb(jer fo caff etb a floone at the bp:De0,fraierfr.
fatber tn bcupnes 3 Doubter that is rbematoape ano be tbat blafpbcmetf) $ nim i *
|P-^ :

paft e rbame Drfl)cnour ctb botbe her fa*

5 bteftenbe, bjeafcetb tbe frenDOjppptf f w \\ &. J
tber auD bet: buf banoe: tbe tougoblp u>i I
ccgatDc ber,bu t tfjcp botb fbatl Dcfptle
f;tt,tbe plapinge of Quitch is not mete
tbougbe tbou Djctocft a ftoerbe at tb? / '^p
fcenDe,pet bpfpapie not, for tbou mapjc9<>
eft come agapne to tbp feenbe
B n

Jf be 4rfr IfaBtfj
tobete bctipues is,cucn fo 10 tbe come* fpeake fou»etlp,feace nor, foj pe mar tof&i&sfa
cpon ano Doctrine of toifeoome euer tn agteeb togetbec agapne :«]ccepte itbt% m ium
picfaunt Dtito f oolcs* that tbou blafpheme ^t, opft)apne btm, fa <OU
^ a foOtc, i eucn as
ac&fjo To tcacbctij opebp0 fectete0 anoioounDbpmfcat# K{htJ*&c
one that gletoctb apotQjctDe together: tojouflp:fo; a!! fucb cbmge0 ft^ai o^tue tfii \v*n>* x

a0 one tbat tellctb a tale to bpm char

fccaretb bim not,ann as one tbat taffeta
a man out of an bcupc fie pc» iDQho fo tel*
©efaptnfulftntotbpnepg^bourc in
bps po uer tc,f> tbou mapeft rciopfe Uiitb
!-z ^^ letb a foole of topfebome , 10 enen as a bpm alfo in bis piofpcrtte* aibpD* ftco*
yJ^^ inan,tobtcbfpcabeibtoone^i0aflepe» faffbnto btm in tbe tttue ot bis trouble,
Vt&p ^^ m ^ e ^ at ^ tolDe &* taie > *)*
fapetb: tbat tbou mapeft bee bepze toitb btm in
¥nfiu>«* to ^t is tbe matter? jofjen one opetbjla* bi0b*rptage. tpbcastbebapourauD
£{ilA »nentaciout0maDefoj b»n,becanfe ti)t fmokegoetboutattheoucn befotetbe
Wtotti<wt "SW fotlW) btm:eue fo let men mourn*
~m jo ^ buer a foole : foj be toantetb bnberftan
fp?e,eutnfo cuell too^bes, rebu&e© an&
tbjeateupnge© go^efo^ebloublqcDpng no&wkpm
: \yfe Dpnge^ake butfptle locppng bcraufe ©e not afliame^ befenbe t^p frenbe: Ch«fa£irn Ob
\k'faif *>vht tiit beaoe : fo^ be ts come to reft,but as in me,J topi not bpbe mp face from &-* ttJk
Waf&v '
cbeltfeoftb^foleiotoozfetben^oeatb* bpm.tbougbe h* f^oulbe do me harme# i«r nuuK*
I #:ne.u. *S>euenDapesDomeiimouruefozbtm acobofo euerbearetbit, tyailbetoareof "fi^Hr^
tbat is oeao, but t^t lamentacpon ouer fjpm.* acbo ujall fet a toarcb before mp ffiSPtft*
tb* tUUipfe ano tmgoolp u^outo enoure '
mou tb,anD a lure feaie bpo mv ipppee,
ai tfje Daj'cs of their ipfc* tbat 3f fall not toitbtbem, anorbat mp
€ halite not mut b tuirf> a fdoie5 anb go tonge Deftrop me not?
nottoitbbtni tbatbarbeno bubetftan< C^bf^jciii.dTbaptet*
I bpnge* ©eioare of npm,Ieft it turn* tb* 2pi<jpeta8apuacpii>oc,icc&ctF,«iibg!ofdii».
to trauaplc,anb tbou Qjalt not be Defp* tf)f otDcs.blarpDcmp.auD of tuprc tommuiitcacts
on £>f tbe t tuc bpttbes of fpnuers. <2Q anp rmties

leb tof ti) bP0 fpnnc.Departe from bpm, pu)teabcofabuoutcp.£>ft0cftaccofi5ob.

ano tbou fljalt fpube reff ,anb ajalce nor
bee D.iatoen bache into bps folpajnes*
>S ^o^Dejfatberanbgouernoureof
Tj]y mp Ipfcjleaue me not in tbep^t ima 21
i>jo tjM. aopbat ts ^euper tijm feabc.-* 3gnb tobat gpnaciou0 anb councell
<'~ v -v ^>b kt
! n^oulbe a fool* be calfeb els but ieadec me not fal in fucb rcp:of .aoobo topi aepe
mp.tboughttoitb rhefcourge, anb tbe

\tnA* fifthrQ-o fas**- pqcttiflt

asu $P-jfcJ£s ptosis WxnnanA
-Bf 3Wus JfoUb.
fcocttpne of topreoome tu mpnc l)ttttf
tbat be rpa te not mpne tgnozau nee ,ttjat
mm i$ to mucbe 5 buf t ne t tyftt bipm
getb tojatbano bote fto
J fail not toitfi cfiein , Ufte mpne igno* mackc can not btquencbeo (euen Ij fee a
taunccs inrccafe 3 t(iat mine offences be butnpug fpze;till it baue f toalotoeo Up
not manp in nomine , ano tbat mp fpn« fomtbpnge:euen roan micbafte mannt
nee eject aoe not : lea J rail tjetoze mpne batbe no tefte m bi^ fl tu)e, tpllf)t baue
enempes, a»D fo mp aouetfatp eelopee* bpnoleoafpie*
£) iiozo thou fatbee ano goo of mp life, aiii bzeao is ftoete to an fofjotemom
icauc we not * n the?* nnagpnacion. ^ get,be iopli notleaue of,ti(l be baue bis
L c/ iff me not baue a pzouo loke, but tu cue man tbat bzeafcetb toeblocft,
[oW<P atoapc all boluptuouincs tr 6 me. cake ano tegatoetb not bis foule,butfaptb:
*W& fro me the luftfjS of tbe boop, let not tbe *'Cuu^,tobo feptb me.- 3 am compaffeo <j.rfl. wfc ,
, Dcfites of bucicntus take ljoloe bpon aboute totty batckues,tbe lualles couec
fawM-fy me, ano geue me not ouet into an on« me,no boop feptb meztobome ncoe
U*8$*a& tyamefaft ano o bttpnate mpnoe*
3 to
feate.-Cbe j^peft \opl not temenibze mp
'ytyamtvft ideate me(4Dpe cbpiozen)3 topi gene f pnneg.^e bnoctftanoetb not tbat
po'i a oocttpuc, nolo pe iljall ozDze pout epes re al tbpnges,foz all ruc^re feate of
moutbitobo fo kepetb t,cbal not petpty
menozpuetb atoaptije feate of ©od ltd
tbozoto bP$ Ipppes, noz be butt tbozoto binufoz be featetb onip tbe epes of men,
topekeo toozckcs.ais foz tbe fpuncr , be ano confpDctctb not tbat tbe tpts of the (Jufi?
fljall bee ta ken in bps oimie baupte : be
Xozb ate cf eatet tben tbe ^unne,beboi n£fo~
tbatispzouoe ano cutfeo,tyal tall tbet* Dpnge all tbe toapes ofmenne ano (be $****&
«r 9) rrb. in.* net not tbp moutbc beaecuiromcD gtounoe of tbe Depe,ano iofcpngeeuen fc^^j
fib? ? tolt ^ ftoeatingtfoj in it t^ece ate manp
to menjsbettes in fectete places* Cbe^* ^
faitcs.JletnottbenampngeofcSoDbe %oit)e<Bot> ftnetoe alltbpnges oteuee^^^J
contpnuallp in tbp moutb:fo* ipke as a tbep toetemaoe^aftet tbep bebiouatr^A^l
recuaunt tobicb is ofte punpiiKD caime to palTe alfobe loaetb bpon tDem all.
La*-*tM- not bc to * fhowt f0, " e fo.«,euen fo tubat* *^Cbe fame man u^albe openlp punpu^ieS ni
l~rr f oeuet be be tbat ftoeatctb ano nametb

eb in tbe ft tetea of tbe cptpt t ano Oiaib e »«*»*i^

J**- «5oo,a)alinotbeeJeane poutgeo feom [

n^ ^1
finned man tbat bfetb mucb I locating
ano toben be
Mn A .

tbpncftetb leafte bpon it, P"*"fy

VgA-tnt, tyatoe fplleo toitb toickeoneffe, ano tbe be tynlbt taken. tEbusOjall be be put fbffOV
r^ plage tyall neuec go from bis boufe. Jf to fyame of euetp man bccatifebe tooio
ff_ afys^k
fjr^ Ije bcgple bis bzotbec, bps faute abalbe not bnoetftanoe tbe feate oftbejLozoe* h> /'

fcpo bumpf be knotolcoge not bis ftnne,

licmakctb a Double offence, ano pf be
3no tbus fl^al it go alfo toitb euetp toife U \

ieauetb bet boufbanbe,anD gettctb Q^ffA

bapne, be mail not befouno
ftoeate in
enbetptaunce bp afttaunge matiage,
,t ^
tpgbteous, to* bps boufe $al be fui of *if^fte,0)e batbbenebnfaptbfuilbih -
plages* to tbe lame of tbe bpeft
^econoipe, tye ~_
€ * Cbe foozbes of tbe ftoeater bjpn* batbe fozfaken bet otone boufbanoe:
»«».wtt« getb oeatbe(d5ob graunte tbat it be not
I « ^CbpzDlp, batbe plapeo tbetobozem
f ouno in tbe boufe of Jacob.) ®vx tbep aououttpe, ano gotten bet tbplbien bp
tbat feate d5oo 3 efcbue all f ucbe ano Ipe anotbetman.^>beO)albe bzougbt oute
«pte.«.«not toclttpnge in fpnne.*ufenotibp of tbe congregacpon,anDbet cbplbzen
mouibe to bnboueft ano fpltbp talking, fl)albe lokeo bpon.^et cbilD?euu)al no«
ie n>6<js fo? in it is tbt toojbe of fpnne. isemem* taftetote:anoasfoi ftute, betbzaun^
[ML**** bzetbpfatbet ano tbp motbet, loben cbes mall bzpnge foitb none. 2»u*>ame<
.^\dfiJk t\)ou atte fctamongt gteate mennc: full tepozte tyail fl)e leaue bebpnbe bet,
£W//w- Icft 3 0D toW*t ^e in tbep; fpgbte,ano anD bet DpOjoncute ll)all not bee put J 4 *i
%£. e<
tebuke,anb topfl) not to baue bene bozn*
oute.3lnD tbep tbat temapne,tyal knoto fort
tbat tbete isnotbvnge better tbentbe/^^</
*p J

9x*.i\)Ub ${0 cutfe tbe oap of tbp natmttp.* cbe feate of d5ob:ano tbat tbete is notbino:
man tbat is accuftomcb toitb tbe tooz* rtoetet tben to take bebebntotbe com*
bes of blafbbemp,topll neuet be tefout* maunoementes of t^e TLozDe.3! gteate
meo all tye oapes of bps Ipfe.Co fpnne. toozllppppe is tt to folotoe tbe jtozbe,
Cceletfafficus, 'Cljc bofcc
f o; loiige Ipfefbalbececepucb of&pra> 310 a fapze olpue itee iti tbe fetoe, ano 1

Cbe.flctw.Cbaptec* amcjcalteDlpfceas aplantepnetree bp y-rT.*

m / p:a/Icof ^p/.Domcpiob " t t,
^8 ^ ltl,8
f?f tbetoatecfpDe.3bauegeuenarmelltii ( J™ *

EfcDome 0>di pzapfe bee tbat batb to gooo a fauoucrpea, a ftoete a,Av«tt
lelte.anDbebonoureD ui oDoucebaueJl geuenas it tocce^pzee J-gfta^
vBOD, anD cetopfe tu rtje oftbe befh 3

mpDDeft of bps people: 3 baue maDe rap Dtoellpngcs to fmel c

Ju tlje congic^aciGiiB of as it toeec of tofpn j<salbanum,of Cloto
]jti)t bpeft ujaii u)e open es ano 3ncenfe,anD as JLtbanus toben
anot ctumpbe
tit tbe be&ol* tt is not betoen Dot»ne,anD mpne odouc
bee tnoutfte,
Dpnge of bps potoec : j|n tbe miDDeft of is as tbe pute ©aimers tbe cecebpnt

becpeoplef&alltyebeejealteDjanDtoon* baue 3 ftcetcbeD outemp bzauuebes,

DzeD at in tbe bolp fuIucflTexJn tbe mui* ano mp bzauncbes ace tbe bzauncbes of
tptuoe of tbecbofeu^ecbail be coming bonouteauDloupngefauQute.*3Btl;e JO n4t ,, , (l

DeD,anDamongefucbe as be bleffeoflje topne baue3bzougbtefoztbefcuteofa

tyalbe pzapreD , ano ttjau" fape:3 am ftoetefauoute,anDmp floucesace tbe
come out of tbe moutb of tbe ^peft 5 tpz& fcute of bonouce anD epebes 3 ara tbe
bozne before all ctcatuces.3 caufco tbe motbec of betotpe, of lone, of feate, of
plfc'cnnt ipgtjte tbat fapletb not, toaevfeintbe fcnotoIeDgeanDofbolpbope.3n nuts j^ ma
Y; pai /- beauen,anDcoueteDaUtbeeactbeas8 all gcaceofipfe anD tcuetb:*3n me is:

,C a, clouDe* 4©p Dtoellpnge is aboue in tbe ail bope of Ipfe ano t»cct«e»c> come ton*
^Ji'iW tjeptb, anomp feate is tnttje ppilecof to me^llpe tbat be Defttous of me,ano

tjfcvMtbeclouDe* 3 mpfelfe alone bane gone fpllpoucfelucstoitb rap fcutes:foj mp

tounDe aboute tbe compare of beauen, fpicite is ftoetec tben tbe bonpe, ano fo
and peatceo tbe gcounoe of tbe D$pe:J IS mp inbecptaunce moze tben t\)i bonp
jvtor&Kfir combe:tbe temeinbzaunce of me enDu*
^auc toalcfceD int^ aotmes oftbefea,
iftkciKk ano baue fiance in all IanDeS;mpoomf* Mb foz euecmoze. Cbeptbateateme,
nion is in euecpe people aim in enecpe fimll batie tfje mojte bongec : anD tbcp
wtW. nacpon,anD untb mp potuec baue 3 t to* tbat Dzpncac me,u>ll ttyifa tnt moic.
Den do tone tbe f?erte^ ofall,botbe bpe fcobofo betfccne'tb tontome, tyallnot
auDlotoe. come to confutyon:anDtbep tbat toozcS
aU tbefe tbinges alfoj fougbt
311 *» me,<bail not offenoe^bep tbatmafci
ano a Dtoellpnge in fome enbeci*
ceil , me to beitnotoe,0)al baue euetiafltg itf«
taunce* ^>o tbe cceatuce of all tbpnges 31 tbefe tbpnges ate tbe bofce of life,
gaue me a coma uiiDcment e:anD be tbat tbe couenaunte of ti)t j^pefl , anD tbe
^r^ maoe me , appopnteD mc atabecnatie, knotoleoge of tbe tcuetb»*i!^ofes! com* «to ».«,
'*>j#&r VanDfapDetontome:3lettbpDtoe!lpngbe maunDeo tbelatoe intl)i pieceptes of »««>- J *.««.
Lfitfsrsf in 3lacob,ano t^ine mbetttaunce in ju cpg?)tuoufncs fo; an betptage touto tbe
tffof. cael 3 anD cote t^p fclfe amonge rap cbo* boufe ofJacob,anD eoramptteD tbe pjo

»{D mm * 3 toas
f eiu "eateo f com tbe becrpn* mpfes tonto 3fcaeii. (®ute*of j^auid pc« mri*
ro°.w"> **•*•*•
npngeanD befoietbetoo^lDe , anDftall bP3fetuaunt ve o^DeneD tocapfe top a
&*'r J* not leaue of tonto tbe too^loe to come* mode mpgbtp bpnge,fptting m tf)t feat
«jwfl&.8 * Jntbebolpebabptacponbauej fee* of bonouce fojeuecmojeO*€bPiB!fpl< ©mrata
. ueD befoje bpm , anD fo teas 3 Qabip* letb toifDome ipfee as tbe dotiDe of &)t* «».»».*

Q, eD ^n4pon.*3ntbeboIp citiecefteD fon,anDastbeflouDeof Digtis, to(;en
^r^jwii.b j in raauec:anD in Jetufalenf^ms
iifte tbe ntto f cutes ace a gcototng*

^TQ t"P potoec, 3

tofee cote an bono?able <Cbis bipngetb a plenteous tonDec*

^^ pcop!e,euen in tbe poicpon of tbe JLo.zDe (lanDpnge Ipbe Cupbiates:anD fplletb
\(k<m ^anDinbts becitage,anD me isepte int\)t ittop,*as3oiDane in tbe tpmeofbac* - - ...

/q| fulnesoftbefapnctes;, 3amfettopan

•{^cnra& &pelpftea€eDactopon)Lpbanus, anD
uefl»€bpsmaKetbnouttout tobzeafee
foztbe as tbe Ipgbfe 4 anD as tbe toatec
ixY/#y^-asaCt'P?estcetopou tbe mountej&cc< <i5ibonintbebacuefl» cbefpjfl batbe
ttlon : 31 am ejcalteD I?be a palme ttee in not fenotucn bee petfectlp, nomoze fl^aU
j, caDeM»b as a tofe pl^nte in 3eticfjo: tf;e lafle feHe out t&e gcwinD of bee. Joz

fieu^ oPdti>ri^tfm»ffi ffis-fltrfuM cf^fTFxc wffiffijjfap- **S
M 3Wus
ber tbougfjte is fuller tben cbe fea,ana
t)tt councell is pzofounDec tben f great
topH 3f tel foztfj tonf b menne toptfj
inptonge. ai man tbat tobple belpuetb, j *~~^'
Dtpe. batbe iope of bps cbplDzen,anD feitb tf)t
3ItopfcDome fjauecattoutflouDDes fallofbisenempes* dooell is bpm tbat
31 am as a great toaterbzoae
out of tb« Dtoelletb toitt) an bouftoife of bnberfta^ *v
tpuct. 31 am as cfjc tiuec oou)c,anD as Dpnge, *anD tbat batbe not fallen toptl) ff?«/.«
a toatec conopte am 31 rouie oute of tbe bps tonge,anD tba?,^atb not bene fapne fKS

garoen of pleafure.}) fapoerjR mill toa* to fecuefucbe asarebnnutc foz bpnn 4:
ter tbe gatDen of mp pounge plantes, accell is bpm , tbat fpnoetb a taptbfull -T f°\
anD fpH tbe ftute of mp bpztbe. £>o mp ftenDe:auDtoellisf;pm,to6tcbctalRett> £
toatetbiofte became crceaopnge gccate, of toifDome to an eare tbat bearetb biro*
V 1°
anD mptpuet appzocbeobntotbe fra. ^> bo to gteate is bfjtbat fpnoetb topfe^ #
tfoz j mafceDocttpne to be bnto al
men DomeanofenotofeDge^ ^ttistynotsi* r nrd* <

as ipgfjteas tfje fapze motnpng, anD 31 boue bim,tbat f earetb ^ jiozd. Cbe feac At:,h
tyal mafee tt to be euet tbe cleatec, 31 ton of^oDbatbfetitfelfabouealtbtnges,,
%rr? peacfc thozome all tin lotoet partes of ©leffeo ts tbe nianne,bnto tobome it is _ I^'

tfje eartbe ^ 3 topll loae Dpon all fucbe gtaunteo to baue tbe feare of ©oD.san* /t Ji t r
as be a flepe ? ano Ipgbten all tbem tbat to tobom fbal be be licHeneD,tbat aepet^ ^h ion
puttbepz ttufte in tbe tlCHIBCJfyal tt fafterCbe fcace of <£od is tijc begpn* x-v^
pet poute oute oocttpne , Ipaeas pzo* npng of bis loue,ano tl)e beginnpnge of
./in ,
pbecpe,anD leaue itbnto fucbe as fefce faptb 10 to cleuefaft bnto ir. Cbe be up*
after topfeDome 5 anD tbepz generations ncs of tbe berte is all tbe p u np foment c,
tyall 31 neuet faple,tmto tbe bolpee* ano tbe topcUeones of a tooman goetb a
««i*33.(. uetlaftpngetoozloe .* i5eboloe,botoe boue all. 3tl( punpOimente ano plage is
tbat 3<baue not laboured fozmpfelfe notbinge tn comparifon of tbe plaae of
onelpe , but fdz ail tbem tbat fefee after (be bcrt ,cuef o al toicftebnes ts uotbing
tbetructb* to tbe topcKeoncffe of a tooman*

CCbe.flcb.cbapter. acebatfoeuct bappenetb tmto a man,

jDf t&jtftbyitjcs to&ic&cplcafc iSoMufc of t\)it is uotbpng in comparifon of it,tbat tjig
tootclietieuatctfj- jfiDf.tjf.tDpitjest&atbceuotto
euel topllcrs Do bnto bpm : and all ben*
be ruCpcct,auO at tfoc tcnt\jiti)tUl? of t\)t malpcc
ofatxjoinaii. geance is" nothing to tt)e bengeaunce of

r-i^ze tbpnges tbere ate , tbat tbeenempe*

Imp fpirite fauoutctb, tobi cbe (Cbere is not a moze ttucfteD r)caDc
<d6d$ tbe beabe of tbe fecpente, anD tberc n>'
|be alfoalotoeo befoze tben z
^|men:*Cbe tmitt of bzetbzen, ts no toia tl) about p tozatb of a tooman.
*tbe loue of nepgbbout$,*anD man'anD *3I topi ratber Dtoel toitb a Ipon anD Dza p ?0 ntx

tZw topf e tbat agree toel togetbec. gon,tben to feepe botofe toitb a topcaeD^i: <? e

Cbze tbpnges tber be tobicb mptoule lupfe^bf toickebnes of a tooman cbau*

, batetb, ano jj bttetlpe abbozre tbe Ipfe getb bet facc,u> (I;all moffell bcr coun*
f^J of tbem : 2B pooie man tbat is pzouDe.31 tenaunce as tt toec az3eer,anD as a facfe
ticfj man tbat is a lpat,*anD an olD bo* fl^al tye u)eto it among tbe nepgbbours*.
*w-*w* j^ccbufbaD is bzougbt to flwme amog
jjpj tfjgt Dotetb,an6 is bncbaft.
jftboubaftgatebereD notbpngeiti bis nepgbbou ts, ano toben be bcarc ti>
tbp poutbjtobat toplt tbou fpnoe tben tn tt, tt mafectb bpm to fpgb * Ml toicReD* 8
tbpne age^© boto pleafaunt a tbing ts nesis butlptie to tbe topc&eDncs of a
it,tot>en grap bea DeD men are Dpfcrete, tooman,tbepozcionoftbebngoDiptt)aX /
ano toben tbe elocrs can geue gooD coii fall bpou bet.
celiVi) boto comelp a tbpug is toifDome
tjnto ageD rnen^ pea, buDetftanDpnge
Upfee as to clpmme tp a fanop toap
is to tbe fete of tbe ageo , etienfoisa
w rn
* v
anD councell is a glozpoustbpng.Cbe ft pll quiet man*
topf c ful of toozoes to a
ctotone of oloe men is to baue mucb e# •nosenottonarotolpbpon t^ebc\atp ettltU(h
petpencc, anDtbefeate ofd5oDistt)epi of a tooman, lent tbou be pzouoaeD in a.«t8.iM

tcfjcte be«it.tbpnges\tobtcb 3 baue
Defpze.totoatobet:Cbe tozatb ofatoOi
man ts Difl^onour anD great confufion*
8W «•
ttibgcD in mp btrt to be bapppe,anb tbe 3|f a tooman get tbe mafttp, tben is Cbe
Mir" i(ufi«n« tn •JV i H^o-v-'r ar UK end
flat £a
^ €

€ct!elMicu& Cjje hoku

t //u//^»|ConttatpetQbetboufbanDC*3 fopcfceD nette toatet tnat O^e map get. ©p mctp
Ls.imM* topfe maliety afozpeb«atte, an beupe beogc ft^al! u^e fet bet eotorte, ano open
countenauncejanb a Dcao toounbjtocaUe bet qupuet agapuftc euerp atoto* 31 lo* ^
banbes.anD kbit fences, is a tooman upug topfe cetopfetb b« boufbano^ ,ano^ ^ «-
bones toitb b« toifeoome.3 //,//
fiEmul' *& at fomfojtetb not bet buf banDe»*tf)f feoetb bis
-v> v
#' fbetooma^ametbebegpnuingof fiune, tooman of feto tooioes is a gift of ti5oo, &—

atiD bozoto Oct toe all ace Deaoe. v£c ue ano to all toeil uui uito mpnb map no*
t i

tbp toatec no not a (ptle,uep* tbpnge be compateo, ^

fljfr*nh cbetgeue a topefeeb tooman bet topll.Jf
kn Stye toalcfec not after tup banoe, u> tyal
3!n boned auo inane tip tooman is a y
gpfteaboueotbetgpftes, anotbeteicf
, Jt °e ^**confounbetbee in tbe fpgbte of tbp cne^ no toepgbt to be compateo,bntoa tttfuD l-w^J
beam** a pmm*^
t bet of tben f tome top flense, tbat can tule tt fclMifee as tbe ^unne r
that fye do not altoape abuf e tbe, toben it arpfetb) (San oznametue in tbe
1 ,- 4~*a C^totWbf.Cbaptet* bpe beaucu of tbe jiozoe, fo is a b ettu*
5 C*5«pwprcofaaooDtooiB*ii. £>fthefcaccof ous topfe tbe betotpe of all b« bonfe* %rj.fM
flJ ffeir
.' tbjetbui8es,auboftbefou«:tb.j©ftije;jelojca»&
HP&e astbecleare Jpgb« is bpon tbe £/£||
'if t*
^ Pjoticfcentoomau. £>f ttoo tbpuges tbatcaufc
canoelftpcaejfo is t^e btmp of tbe
wj<>v n t foutto,Mi» of tbcrbpibctohicp mouctb to;at&.31t bolp
^Krx" HiH i0t)acOtofpiideamaccijaur\tHtooutDprcC4tc,ojt face bpon an boneft bobp.^TLpse a$ tbe
£$5 £-tt- ^•atauenucwftuoiit fpniw tu pistungc.
goloeu ppllecs ate bpon tbe fochetteff

3Bpppeis tt)t man tbat fyarbe of fpluet , fo ate tbe fapze legge^ bpon
a bcrtuous tuiic,fozttjc nom a tooman tbat batb a cotiilaunt mpnoe*
bzeof bis peaces $albe bub* pecpetuall ate tbs founoacpon^tbat
> flott.
bic. 3 no bonefi tooman ma* beiapeb bpouatoboleftonpetocfte, fo
1 **
Kecb bee tjouf bano e a topfull man, a no ate tbe commaunbemente^ of 000 bp#
bman-* tyeQallipil tbe peatejs of ftps ipfe in onanboip tooman*
peace* ai tortuous tooman ig a noble Cbete be ttoo tbpnges tt)at gteue ,
gpftc, tobtcbefyalbc gcucn toz agooo mp bctte^ano in tye tbpzoe is a bpfplea* 5
pozcion bnto ^
c j /3 « tber a manne be rpebe ojpooze,be mape
fuclje as fcate (EoD.aaobe* fure come bpon me accben an ejepecte ?id.
>*~ro rLytn &aue euer a metp becte, ano a ctjeaefuU
luiuof toatte fufftetbfcatfenes ano po f^\

ucttp.JCPbenmenne of bnbetftanDpnge t jnqm

"*?"$» *r cottntenauuee, tbetcbetbzetbpngfsp"
J iwpbcartefeatetbjauDmpfaceisafrai*
ano topfeoome ate not fet bp:aiub tobenj ^ j£,\

£, ^QjCD of tbefottctb.cceal'ou in acptp,a fe*
onebepattetbftom rpgbtuoufnes ton'
to tpnne. »0no fo Do Dotb fucb,ttje lozo
3 & f| l
^^•i, Dpcious people, ano noprometongcs,al
^y(,^^^«ft*"ftcup«t^ oeatije. ©uttofjen 'Cbete be ttoo manet of rbpngeSjtobicft K'flUl ^J)
bat& piepateD bim bnto m

%v£k**& one is gelous ouecbtS totfc,tt bzpngetb me tbpucfce to be bcaroe anb perilous A^m
>'C«^Kyu/n/?papne anbfozotoebnto rbeiiearteranD % inatcbaunt can not Ipgbtip fcepe t)pm
§a tooman p" tciletb out ail tbpuges, is a *
ftom to^onge , nept^ec a $a wetnetjjfro s%
M^Pfcourgeoftbetonge* arbenoncbatbe f eife ftom fpnne. tf?uwn*><j><m
J an euell topfe,if is etien as tobt n an bn* ft5"Cbc.jcrbii»Cbapfec*
pate ofojeen mutt Dzatoc together:
Ipfee £>fti)tpoacti)attt»ourDbccpci),3;i3epzobac»5
betbat gettetbbet, gettetb a fcozpi* oit of tbe man that fcatctb ©od. rbe toticona«ti(
3b»Mw. on # 3p ojoncfeen tooman is a gteate ueffeof afolc. 35:i;cfcccctc»of afreuDe ace not ta
be tottctct». &\)t toitbeo pmajptutl)^tcoc
«/.*>• f Plage, fojfl&e can not couctber oiane
, tetoatnttbvjpon pirn felfe.
Ccauft of poucrtebauema^ *
v r« ^"^r cbe toboibome
of a tooman mape np one offenbeb:^ be tbat fe
* y'P be fenotoen in tbe pipoe of \nt epes anD herb to bet{cb,tutnetb bl'S
'X. cpelpDDes. * Jf^Dougbtecbeenot epes afpbe.ipae as a natle,
««uw.b fljamefaft , bolbe b« ftraptlp, left uje a^ in tbe toall (Ipcbetb fatt be«
btife ber tbojotocouwmucblpbctj
fclfe ttoptte ttoo ttones, euenfo ootb fintta
/ tpe ©etoate of all tbe DpOjoneftpc ftpclte bet toijet tbe bitt$t\)e f el le t .
J f be

4^- • ofbecepes,anbmatueIInotpfu>eDoa< bo lo bim not biligentlp in tbe fcate f §

V ;r7i
gapnttetbe^TiLpheasone tbatgoetbbp ftozb,bts boufe Q)al foone beouertbjtotv
' tbe toape ano is tbpjftpe, fo t^all fl)e o< en* up fee as toben one (pftetb, tbefpl*

j$>^w P ert ^ ec nioutbe, ano Dipjicfee of eue rpe tbpnes ttmapuett) in tbe fpuc^o,re<
.napnetb tbcte fomc bncleant tfitnge in
tbe thought of man. Wouenpzouctb
tbepottecg beft~cu>ro Doty temptation
ta&c turn ftom
ft nte,bf

Cb. all bielpe

afcbcn tbou ate pit*
commenDe 9 pzapft
tbp toozsesibutat tbe iaft be Ojal tutn*
jmat.wi.b of trouble ttpe cpgbtcous men *&be bis tapie anD fdaunDet tbp fapinge,

tee of toe feioe 10 fcnotoen bp (110 ftute, <a^anp (binges bane Jbatco, but no*
Co is tbe tijou g!jt of mans beatt bnotoe tbinge To eucl,foztbe &ozd bimfelfe aU
bp oi9 uio.iDcs . piapic no man cjctcntc loaebozretbiucijcone.
toon bane beatDc bim,foz a ma is huo* * 4i bo focaftetoa (roneonfjPMt
bp bis: Atones . Jf t(;ou f olotecfl: flja:i fail Upon bis otone beaDe : anD be
tigb teo nf ties , tbou ftjalte get her, a no tbat imptctb toitb gple, toounoetb bim
put fjcr Upon toe as a fapze garment* fcke . m)o fo Dpggetb a ppt, tbalifall toon ujalte otocl toitf; bet, ano foe tbetiurano f;e tfjat lapetba fnace, OjaU
fljail oef enoc tbe f 0: euet 3 ano in p Dare be taken in it bimfelfe.*^OQbo fo geuctb
of luiotoleoge tbou fljal t fpnDe fteDfair * a topefeeo nopfome counceI,itOjat come W>fa!,bu,b
neffe *<€be bpzoeg tefozte Unto tfjeic Upon bun lelfe , anD be ujaU not Imotoe Dotb tbe truetb tutnetontotbe ftom tobence ube pzouDe blafpbeme
cija t be occti pycD toiiba H. c&e Ipo toap< ano ace feozneful, but Dengeanucc tut*
tetb foz § pzape : Co do tbe fpimes iutie feeibfoj tbem as a Ipou tfnjep tbat m A flA
ljp on the toozekers of to icfccDncs Cbc topf e at tbe fall of tbe tigbteous
talfcpng of bim that featetb d50D,ts no* be taken in tbe inate anguptbe of beatt

tbpnge but topfeDome:as foz a foole be fbal coiuume tbcm befoze tbep Dpe. 3n<
<t tbaungetfjastbeS0oone» [Jftftottbe gecano tigozoufnesatertoo
amonge tfjelinDtfecetc, feepe (ftp tobz&e nable tbpnges, anD tbe bngoDIp ijatlj*
to a tonuenient tpme btu amonge fucr) tbem botb. Upon bim*
as be topfe, fpeafee onbacoelp %\)t o^ttbe.rtbiiuCbaptet*
talkinge of fooies is abbominaeio 3 anD
tbetrfpozte is
^ **'
gcue tl)t cffcucc.jBDf ti)C epecs of t^e tonse,aiio of
nuttoute^aeufbftoeaiingmaketbf tuciinunjjctsrljciof.

Ijccatc to flanoe Up auD to

, fttpue top tb '<& tbaf*reKeto bengc<
fucb.ftoppetbtbeeares* ;atmce 3 fl)aatpnDeDege*
Cbeftcpfcoftl)e pzoube isblouDe* aunceof^jlozD tobtcbe 3
(5eDDp,nge 3 ano tbeit blafpbempnge t#
«ccl, jtei.fc beup to bcart * jxbofoDpfcouereth fpnnes** jfo?geueit,p. $®atb.,lo, %
fetteteSjlefetft fus cceDece,ano fpnoetb
no ftenoe aftetbig toiK^oue tbp fteoe, be batn Done tbe ano fo r&al tbp fpnnes

ano bpnoe tbp felfe in faitbfulnes ml) befozgeuentbe aIfo tobtn tf;oti piaicft,
!)im:butpftbou betozapeft bisfecret* 3 mautbar bcarceb I;attcD agapiifie a?
tes,tbou ujalt not get bim agapne, foz uotbcr boto oacte be Defiicfozgeuenefff

Ipheastbsmantstbat Defttopetb bps of (25od t i^e tbat fl;etoetb no ineccp to a

enemp,foisbealfo^DeaIetb faiape in man tobicbts ipfee bim felfe , boto Darte
ti)t freiiDOnp of bis uepgbboute.
be aifte fozgeucneffe of bi£ fpunes t Jt
3D &pfce as one tbat lettetb a bpzoe go be tbat is but flcQj bcaretb bat reD ano

outeof bis banDe, tan not take baa* fttpetb it, tobo topi! intrtate foz bis fpn^
gapnetcuen fo tfjou 3 pf tbou gene oner nes^iiemcmbze tbe enDe anD let eumite 3
tbp f reoe,tbou call not get bim againe: paffe tobicb febetb Dcatb anD Defttuc^

Eea^bou canft not come bp bjMn,foibe cion, anD abpDe tbou in tbe commaun*
is to facte of * i£e is Onto tbe as a 1300 Dementes.^emembze tbe commaunDe*
crcapeDoutoftoefnate fotbisfoulcts
5 ment ,fo fpalte tbou hot be tpgozous ot
toouDeD.^s foz toounDcs,tf;ep mape be iter tbp nepgbboute*<Cbpncfce Upon tbe
bounoe bp agapne, anD an tutl toozDe conet.aunte of tbe i£ieu\anD fozgeue ti)p
mape be reconcpleotbut tofjo fo betozap* nepgbbouts ignozaunce * sctoace of ««i.wt,i
ctb tbe fecretes of a ftenoe ,tr)crc is no tttpfe, ano tyou tipalte make tbp rpn*
moie bope to be baD Unto bim* nes fetoet foz an angtpe man
^C0,JC,6 * J^etbat.topnclutb toitbtbeepes, fcpnDletb batiai}nce 3 anD tfjcUngooire
j>magineto fome cncll, ano no matyall ?!Stt!^wftfrtots!,anD putteto Dtfeozo^
l^l^iv among*

CcclclMims, tnjebofo n •4
»»»-»w.« otiiongc tbem tbat be at peace * * $$t $0 fo topil OKtoe mercp, * let 9
mote U)OD ttjc re is, the mozc bebemcute him Icnbe bnto bP$ nepgb*
is the fpzcranb the mtghttc t that mc be, |boute:anb be tbat is able, led
(ttje greater 19 the tozathe: anb £ longer Jhtm bepe tbe comaunbement.
tbe fttpfe cuDurctfj, the
mow tt but* XLenbe buto tbpnepghbouce U\ tpme of fla£
\m ncbe,anb pape thou tbp nepgbbouc
C bafttc tyatolpnge Upnbletb a f?ze, agapne in buefeafon. &cpethptootbe

aub an bafttc fttif e lijebbetb bloube.jf anbbealefaitbfullptoubbimanbtboii

rboH blotoe tfte tpar&cnt 0»al burnc:|f fbaltaliuape fpnbe tbe thpngetbat is
uV/«. tbott rppt bpon ittit Ojal go foztbe, anb necefifacp f oz tbe.cbete ha tie bene mac
cm^j(<.d both tbcfe go out of thy moutbe.* Che tip, tbat tofitn a rbpnge toas lent tbem,

rekeneb it to be foun&e, aub mabe them

^H^-^ fclaunbcrcr anb bubbletongebiscut*
feb. f oz manp one that be f rebes fcttetfi ttatiaple anb labours, tbat bab bcipeo
tbem . acobple tt)tp ceceaue anp tbtng, 7l<rte.*
w ^e
be at battaunce.UCbe tbttbe tonge batb
tbep Hpfte tbe banbes of fucbe as gpue ^M
u. ^bifquietebmanp one, anb bzpucn them
r* hm<\ tcom one lanoe to anotber.&tronge tU them , aub Cot ti/eit nepgbbours gooo ?
«# lies batb it bzoften botone , $ ouerthto* tbep bumble rbeir bopce* isut tobe" tbep jKy raff,
e ie
r* 7»n $e teen tbe bottles of great meVCbc tbtrbe Ojottlo pape agapne tbep fcepc it baefce; ^
tonge batb raft out manp an boncft too* anb geue euel tajojbes,anb make man?
ma, aub robbeb tbem of tbe tt labours* ercufesbpreafonoftbetpme^tbougb °n r ijf
OCObo to berftenetb bnto lucb ,fl)al ncttet be be a bie,pc t geuetb be fcarfe tbe balfe
^^fpnoe teft,ano neuerbtoelfafelp. Cbe agapne, anb reHenetb tbe otbtr to be
""Tit-coke of § rob mahetb pebbcrs, but tbe f ouube. Hub pf be tottbolbe not bis mo* ^^ '

fttokc of tbe tonge fmitctb tbe bones iti nep,petbatbbe an euempofbim, anb '

(unber.Cbere be manp tbat battc per u tbatbnbeferueb. ^epapetbbim tottb

Ojeb tot th v ftoccoc , but manp mo tfyo* curfpnge anb rebuke anb geuetb bpm
totoc tbe tonge. euell Ujozdcs fo z bis goob bebe* Cbcte

& *&el ts htm tbat is ftepte from an u be manp one tobicb are not glaoe foz to
Ienbe , not becaufe of euell , but tbep
uell tonge, aub commetb not tn tbe an*
get tberof, tobtcb biaiuetb not tbe pocfee feare to lefe tbe tbt>ngc tbat tbep lenbe*

of fttcb, anb is not bounbe i\\ the babes 2et banc tbou patience tufth p fpmplc,

of oz tbe pocfte tberof is of pta , aub

anb iuttholoe not mercp fro htm. i^elpc
tbe banbe of it of ftcle. ^be Death tbec<
tbe poozc foz tbe comma unbemetttes
y/#a of is a betp euel Dcatb#ell toere betm
CaUe ,anb let him not goe emptie fro tbf
becaufe of bis uecelfpte.llefe tbp moncp,
f oz one,tben fucbe a tonge.©ut tbe fpze
of it mape not oppuflfe tbem tbat feare foz tbp bzotber anb nepgbbours fabe,
flamme tberof mape not
<!5oD,aiibtbe atib burpe it not bnbera ftone, tohere tt
buctie tbem.&ucbeas fozfabe § lozo, ruftetb anb cozruppetb* * father thp ^k^xc
tbertn:anb tt fbal bttrne tbem, ereafure after tbe commaunbemente of fjjfft
fljall fall
anb no matt tyall be able to qttencbe it. tbe J)peft,anb To fl)al( it bipngc p moze ktm'yt
bpon tbem as a upon, aub pzofpt ti)m golbe . nape bp tbe alines
3|t Qjall fall
beuoute tbe as a leoparbe . <$bou beb* in tbe banbe of tbepooze, anb it QaM
sgeft tbp goobes tottb thoznes : t»bp boi
bepe tbe from all eutL* 31 mans aimes ^M UM
ts as a purfe toitl) bim,anb (ball aepe a ut -».«>
t ft thou not rather mabe ooze 5 $ bar ws | ,

f 01 tbp motitb f ^bou toepeft tbp golbe mans fauoureas tbe apple of aiiepe:* oS5,*.b
r^ atib fpluer:tobP boeft tbou not toep tbp
anb aftertoarbe ft)all it arpfe,anb pape «c.i.irt»o,t»
man bts rebiarbe bpo
vf^ tnoibesalfo bpon tbe balauncc/ ©e^ euerp his heabe.
fpgbtfoi tbe agapnft tbpnee*
3It Oiall
toare,tbat tbou ftpbe not in tbp tonge,
anb fb fall befoze tbpne enempe^ , tbat nempes , better then tbe typlnt of a gp<
aunte,oz f pta re of tbe mf gbtpe*
lape tuap t e foz tbe*
% goob boned man i% f uertpe fo; bis C
fiS'CbetWijc* Chapter* nepgbbou tc, bur a tot ctteb petfonne \tU
reth bpm come to (bame . jfozget noc
©ottt toe ougt) tc to leiiQC once moitcj'.aivb &o
tbe frenbOjpppe of tbpfuertpe , fo; be
ilmca* . £>f f.ttrnful matt aiitoerr trefoil)!*
ftwoc. 4>f tpbct«lptiC4n& ^ofpitalittc. batb getien b is foule foz, tb« * Cbe bn$
goblp oefppfcrb tbe gooDcxDe of bps
tmsmtm tfolMii
5£Oho fo (tifotiniKtb anD tcachetf; bps
lucrtp,auo tfjc tontbancfefulanD fgno# fonne,gteuetbtbeentmp:anD befoze biff
tauutc Icaucch bts fucttnc tn Daunge r» ftcnDcg bemape baue iopeofbitm
£>omemanpiomvfctb foi fjtsncpglj, Cbougbe tbe fatfjetDpe, pet is be ad
l)ou rc:anD tobcn he batb (oft bis bone< tbougb be toece not DeaDe : fo? be batb*
ftp,be Ojal f ozfa fee bim . £>uettiu>ppe lefte one bebpnbe bim tbat is Ipfce
batu DcftcopcD manp a ticbe matt, 9 tc? 3[n bis life be fatoe bim,anD baD iope in
moueD tij em as tfjc toaues m tfje Tea, bim.auD teas not fojp in bis Dtatb , ne^
O^igOtic people fjatfi it Dipucn atoape, tbettoasbeaft)amcD before tbeenemp*
nuo caufeD tbcm lo toauoze in ft ramige es»f 0? be left bebpnDe bim an auengec
f ountries.aiiUjngoDlp
man tranfgtefr
conimatiiiDcmciu of § a o:Dc,

fl?al fal into an eue I f ucrtift> ppe : anD

againftbis enempes,anDa gooDDoec
\)nto tbe trenDcs^if oi tbe life of cbiioig
be ft)ai bpnoe the toouDeiS togetbcr 3 ana
& O £ an
n\ 'ft
^^7 a
tbougb be fOJtte Iiiin Celfe to get out, pet bisbeattisgteueDateuetpctpe 3Bn ft^Jf*L
$al be fal into iuDgemente* is^elpe tbp lmtameD boifetoilbebatDe.atiDa mntfiamfy
ticpgbbou t out after tbp potoec,anD be ton cbPlDe toilbe topIfuKjff tbou bipng
toate,tbat ebon tbp felfe fal not in f ncii ijp tbp fonne 0)al maRe tbe,
net, * q^ecty efe tbpnge tbat fcepetb in aftapeD:anDpf tboupiapetoitbbim,be/L
€t&mt.t „,*
tjj^ ipfc } ts toatet ano bzeaDe, do tbpnge Ojallbstpngetbetobeupnes , JLaugbe'C,;//? >•
>n £**> anD loDginge,to couec tbe Ojauie* not tout) bmt.Uftc tbou toepc toitij bun ^
, r, ^.o^ ©etteustttobaueapoozelpuinge alfo,auD lefltbp tetbe befet on eDge at ^*^
£> fna mas otone boufe,tbeuDefpcate face tbelafte. "
amongetbefttauuge, * ©eitlptleot
* cseue bim no tybetf ie in bis poutb^ wsF
*&U6. mucb tf^at tbou baft.boloe tfie contents anDefCUfenotbis foIp.jsotoDotonebis
SR5.!! to Wal, anD ^o« fcalte not be blameo necfee tobple be is ponge, \^t bint bpon ec "
a$afcagabounDe:fozampfetablclpfe tbefpDes tobplebe is pet but a c^loe

Tl*w ss it,to go from boufe to boufe^ tobete left be toajce ftubbutne t

, 9 geue no moje

Mlifrrfty* man <s f"*n& e > be oate not open bps f oue of tbe, anD fo ajalte tbou baue be<
J^ J moutb.Cbougb one be loDgeo, $ baue uynesoffoule.CeacbetbpcbplDesaua

\ftoL- meate ano DzpncBe,pet fyal be betaken be Diligent tbetinjeft it be to tbp fljame.
asbntooztbpe,anDbeate manp bpttet loettecistbepoozebepnge tobole anD
W v
rougbetoozDcsjiamelptbus: ciDOtbP fttongc,tbena man to be rpcbc,auo nofi
|Lp '*<> toape tbou fttaunge^anb prepare a ta~* to baue bis b«altb»^ealtb 5 toelrate is
aboue al goloc anD a tobole boDp about 3 AruU
ailtrcafure 'Cbcteisnoifcbcjaf^boue e£atfo***\
mozcj a founDe boDpe, anD no iope aboue tbe I fltdflw
mp bzotbet cometb into mp boufe auD , iope oftbebeatte^tatb is better tben _ J

fo be tellttb bpm tbe neceffpie of bp* a toietcbtD lrfe 5 oz continual fpeftnes. a==
Ijoufe* Cbefc tbinges ate beup to a ma Cbe gooD tbpnges f ate put in a ciofe
tbat batb tonoerftanDpngcmamelp, tbe moutb,ate ip&e as totym meate 10 lapeO/V^
fojbpDDpnge of tbe boufe,auD t tye Im
y bimintbetctb.
tpontbe gtaue, <7f^?**<fi»lJ?nfftf
5BX)batgooDDotbtbcoffew>ng«t)rtto €j c
*t !~

Cbe.w^crbapter* fin 3JD01:-* Jfoz be can netbec eate, tafte, 36tl °

©f tDc toicctciou of cijiloitit j©f tfjecommo* noz fmel* Cucn fo is be ibat is cbafte&^fQ

bptieof ijcaltlj.JDcatl) is better tOeu a Coiotofull of tbe JL02be,attD be aretb tbe

tetoatDes p n
Ipfc.^>f ijpDoe topfcoome. )Df toe tope dim Coiom
of miQtiptie^efeitb toitb bis: epes.anD -

gtonctb Ipfee a gtlDcD man , tbat ipetb
l^ofoIouetbbiscbilDe^bo^ toitb a titgpnanD fpgbetb** <15euenot o^.^.b
°f c
iDetb bim flpli hnbev cozreeci* onet tbp mpnDe into
beupnes, anD bejee ^
b>Vtt * B
«im.)diii.|i en, tbatb^mape baue iope of not
tbP Mfc <« tbme otone coucel.*ti;be ««i jm
„b"ti aftettoatDe anD tbat be iope anD cbearfulnes of tbe beart is «"*««•»-
gtope not aftct bis nepgbbouts Dozes. Ipfe of man, anD a mans
&WM*, giaours is
*^e tbat teacbetb bis foune,^all baue tbepioIongpngeofbpsDapes . tout
iope in bim,anD neDe not to be aftjamsD tbpne otone foule,anD
comfotte tbpnj
cf bim amonge bis acquapntaunce* bcfltt;as foj fototo anD beupnes, Dzpuc

?Zjp'l \

U ' «

Cccletfafttros, Cfiefioke
i.tfoj,t)i(.bjt facte from tijc. * bath tobattbpneigfrbouttoottfofapncbaue?
tfoj bcupnejBi
Oapnemanpa man, ano btpngetb no ano beDefctetem euetp popnte. eatt

.V.Q piofpt.ZeleanDangcttbouentheDap* the thing that is fet before themanetlp,

c* of the ipfercaref nines jfoiotobipng as ft becommetb a manranD eate not to
ycJvHk* agebcfojetbettme.wtoametvbeatt much, IcfttboubeabbojteD . )leanc t"^£
J) G^7«uetp tfipuge bathe a gooo taft,tbat lie thou of fpift of all becaufe of nuttoute,
& i
.,-<?- eatctb. iefttboubebetobomnomanmapfatiC*
t-pe,tobiche inapt cucne to thp Decape.
a^Chctjcrf Chapter.
weougiitt aeiwujwt Sac to ho,«o P e.
«»«• **ou fptteft amonge man? men,

saw^^^c tcachenottbpnebanDe outfpjfteofal.

* ^)foOto toellcontetlteisa topfemafcb £«i.,7.e
a j pt j c topne v f g m fl e pe thOU Cbalt not
to flcDioucbcuucCTcauBfoloto Cobccueffc.

.iSauaileanDcarefulncs befpcaetbetof.nojfelcanppapne % fffym

foi* tubes taaetb atoap ftuete tityoicfome flepe Cball fuebe one a ^
the flepe anD maaetb bauCjanDfelenointoatDegtcfe. ^etp*
, V^^J
the flefl)e to confume. fetb bp bp tpmes in the moinpnge, anD
aoben one Ipetfi $ tafcetb is toell at eafe in bun felfe. 23ut an bn« ^^
Jcate,betoaUetbeuctbp, factable eater flepethbnqupetlp,$ hath ^
Ipse as gteate Uctmes bjeaKetb § flepe. ache and papne of the boop.Jf thou lu jUvM
Che tube bath gteate labonte in ga* left that ti?ou haft eaten to much, arpfe,$# up
tbecpngebis tithes together, anD tfjeu go tbp toaie,caft it of thP ftomacae,aufc
tottb the pleafute of b*s riches beta* take tbp reft. g**-u
6s-oJr f&ftccJj* c
fetch bis teft 3 is teftefljeD. ©ut tobo f ^p
fonne,bcare me,anD Defppfe me
labotiteth ano p?ofpetetb not, bets not:anoattbelafte thouthaltfpnDeas
pooze:anD though he leaue of, pet is be 3 haue toloe tbe.*3n al tbp toojftes be b»m.'»
a begger $ t that loucth tubes, Qja Diligent $ quiche f ft)all there no rpca*
toho folotoetb coj* ties happen bnto the* * $ocbo (0 is libe* P»*w«

not be luftificD : 3 fo
tupctbvialbauepnougb ibetof.*<:pa* tall in oealpnge oute his nwate manp

np one ate come in gteate miffoitune bp nun foal bleflfe him anD p?aife him toiti) <T<
the teafon of goloe , anD haue f ounDe their Ipppes : ano the fame is a fute to-<

^ M
tbetcDeftruccionbefozethcm. ^tfsa fcenofbisloueanDfapthfulnes.iButbe o ^\
ttce of fallpng Dnto them v. offre ittjp, that is bnfauhfull in meate , the to&ofc£^"*^
« 5 al fucb as be foolpflje fal tgminsltfc cptpe ftjal complaine of him:anD that is
feDisthetuhe,tohichisfouDetotthout afute erpettenceofhis inftDelpte anD
*£2*Wblemta),ano hath not gone aftet goloe, topcUeDnts**©e not thou a topne bpb* *$** -J
tioz hopeD in moncp 5 ttcafutcs.ixbete bet , foz topne bathe DefttopeD manp a
is thcte t uch one^anD toe thai commeDe man. %\)t fp?e pioueth the hatDe p^on,
bpm > anD call hpm blefleD fo: gteate euen fo Dotije topne pione the htttes of

thpnges Dothe he amonge his people, the pjouDe.tohen thep be Djoncben. j^

9Ccho lo is ttpeo } ano founDc petfecte in *acopnefobetlp Djocften, quicaeneth p-r0 u m
o!man Cimo,i »«
fucbe thpnges, Ojalbe commtnDeD anD the Ipfe Jf thou Djpncfteft it '•

pjapfeo. iOho mpghf offenDe,anD batb, mearutablp,tbou fl)alt be tempetate^ C

not offcnDeDr'&bo coulDe Do euell , anD aoohat Ipfe is it,that map contpnue \be *t
bath not Done it * Chert oje $all bps out toine/j&pnetoasmaoe from the bc« V>°
ar gooD be ftablpft)eD, ano the tohole con< gpnnpnge to maae men glaD ( anD nofi ^fio

gtegacion Ojal Declate his almeff«s.£f foiD^ofecnnes ) iccpne meafutablp ofa

thoufpt at a gteate mans table, open tmmatefopfpngeoftbefoule^boDp;
r~5^ not tbp mouth topDe Dpon it, anD maac ©ut pf it be Dioncaen toitb ejeceffe, it
ct not manp tooioes. iacmemb:e,tbatan maRethbpttetnesanDfojtotoebutotbe
't^ e A
guel eve is a 0)?eto. mrnDe. ©touaennes fplleth the mpnDf
^fa** © «ohattbigcteateDistoo^fetbeatoic< ofthefoolpfl)etoithu)ameaitupne,mp4
npujeth tbe fttength anDmaaeth too mis
fteDepe^thett o;e toepethit before euetp
mas facc^&ap not thpne baD bpo euetp Des . * y&bnl&i not tbp nepgh boure at
thing g thine epefcetb,* ft tine not toitb the topne , ano Defppfe tym not (n
Inm in t^>e Dpu)e. * ponDe* bp tbp fclfe bps ropjibe* (0eue Jpm no DpfpptefuJ

« 1

fjftfoS JfoUt]c,
tooibcs alto pzeaire not ftponftfin lotto rbcr f n bts purpofe.3 man of bnDerftS*
conttarpfapmgeg* Dpnge DeCppfetr) no gooo c ouncelrbut a
^Cbe*;c]crit*Cbapfer# UjplDeauDpiouDeboDpbatbnofeare* 02^
JPf the a CcceC
t i ott aito pxarfc of f &e prcacljcc,
fement,fo£bal tt not repent tbe after tt)e
Deoe.dBo not in tbe toape tob«e ^ map^ t wuA
tffbemaDearufer,* pipbe eft fall, no: tobere tbou mapea ttomble to,
toottbpfelte tbertn, but be agatnft tbe ftone, <Beut not tbp felf e tn^ m f£nAi
v t
as one of tbe people to a laborious dpperp toate,9 beloare of a1
_j*Ca&e DiUge't care foj tbem, tbpne olone cbtlD^eu. Jn al tbp looses
anDlofce ujcU tfjetto : anD toben tbou puttbptruttetn <eod from tbp tobole
baft Done all tbp oetotpcfpt tbe Dotone,
tbat thou mapeft be tnerp tottb tbem,
beart,fo.i tbat is m feeppnge of p com*
maunDementes*tt>bofo btleuetb <SoDs
ano teceaue a crotone of nonomvcalkc tooiDetafeetbbeDe to rbecommaunDe*
topfelp anDboneftlp,fo? topfeDome be* mctes:ano be tbat pttttctb bis trua ttt
commctb ti)t rpgbte toeii* j^pnDcc nor tbe &o}De,%aii toante notbpnge,
mufpefte. <§>peafce not , toberc tberc is
noauDpcnce:*anD ponce not fo«b totf*
•oow:'* "Z\)t ocItuccaCceof bimtfat fcatetij iSob.irje
Home out of tpmc,at an impoitunptc*
anftocte of tt>e topfe . 3J0e Iptle oprcttctoit of
gftu , /M^dpfee as tbe carbuncle iToiie u>netb fole.isjanisui tije&airt,eofCSoD, astfjccattO is
A# f e" tl> at * fet * n 5 OI be,fo Dot[; a fonge gar* We
t» tljc Oanoe of tljs pot tec . ousot not to Dpfc become fubtcct to otOec»
^npfyetbetopnefeaft.anoastbe ^mtn
raDge coat i$ (tt in goloe , fo is tfje
ftoetnes of s^ufpefce t)p tyt mpjtbe of
23 fCbou pounge man,fpcafce tbat be* JtflW tyall Delpuct bp m ;ii^r t

coinctb tbc'jauD tfjat

is pzofpta ble,anD topfe man batetb not tbe laioe, but aa7^>#r"i
$tt tea tf c tolicn tbou art ttopce affceD.
ppocrpte ts as a tytp tna ragpnge toa*^7oM^*H
CompiebenDc imtcb lotto fciu foojDes. tec. 2& man of DnDer&anDpnge geuet^
3n manp tbpuges be as one tbat is tg* creDcnce bnto ttft latoe of <soD,anD tbe
^i !

iio*aunt,getie eate,anD bolDc tbp conge

latoc ts faptbfull Ditto
brittle fure of
xpatftJirKs toitftaujff tbou be amonge men of bper matter, tben talfte tberof : ©efpjfte tf)t
{T attctojMe, Defpte not to compare tbp \Dtli tnftructe , tben mapeft ibou geue
felfe unto tbem. anD djfif an elder fpea* anftoere* tcbe beart of tbe foolpOjets "*
,v» w>u-tKtb,ma&e not tbou manp looses tber* Ipfte acattetobele, anD&te tbougbtes /[ffook
aC *in ,tn* Eefoje tbe tbonDergoetblt>gbtc< tenne abottre \pkt tin arel tre* Upfte as

Aj npnge,anD befoic nurtoute anD tbame* a toplDe bozfe, tbat nepetb tonDer euer?
faftnefTc goetb louc at fauoure.&tanDe one tbat tpttctt) bpon bim 3 fo ts it foptf) '

fcp bp tpmes, ano be not tfe* lafte : buc a fco^ncftill frenDe* accb? Dotb one Dape jw****
get the borne foone , anD tfjere rake tbp erccll auotber , f epuge all ti)s Dapes of
paftpme, anD do tfje peare come of tr;e ^unne^
cbc topf^
(bat tbou Do no etiell, anD Defpc no ma* Dome of tbe jLotoe r)arr> fo parteD tt)«n
l&ut fo? all tbtnges gcue tbaHri$es,bn* a funDer,anD fofjatr) be o:DencD tbe t?t
• to btm tbat batb maoe toe, nnD replent* mesanDfolempnefeafres . ^omcof
Ojcd tbe tottb bts gooDes* tbembatbebe cbofeu anD balotoeDbe*
5tcoJjo fo fearetb tbe £oiD,fofl rcccaue fojte otber Dapes* 3Bno all men are maoe tu
bts Doctrpne : 9 tbep p get tbem to bpm of tbe+grounDe^ttD oute of
tbe eartb of
Xofe bp ttmts&nl fpnoe grace* ^e £ fefeetb 3d Dam. dgetu. (j,a

£-yL*o W
lateral be fpIleD ibal: 3ds foi bi'm 3fn tf)t mttltit tiDe of rcrence batb tlft «*
r/>2r tbattsbutla^neD,belopIl beoffenDeD &o?De funDjteD tbem, anb maoe tfjep?
t;fvt^ tberat^bep tf;at fcare tbe HoiDe^all toapes of
Dpuerre faibpons ^>ome of
p $4 ftnoe § * uDgcmet $ tljctr rtgbtcoufnes
tbem batb be blefreD,maoe mttcb of t\)$,
cm ^ ^
fljalbe ftpnDleD as a Itgbt 3Cn DngoDlp
balotoeD tbem 3 anD clapmeD tbetn to
TktJvvtrtom topll not be refourmeD but ran bpmfclfe woukick
28ut fome of tbembatbe
^Ipebpmfelfe m\)tl)t ejcampleof o? turfeo, bjottgbt tr)etn lotoe, put
<u towJh
% tbem
Boni8.(f.t bade neDe of btm as of tbp telfejf ebon
outeoftbciteftate^ftpfce astbeclape
intteateft btm euel,s ftepeft bim batDe,
tf?e oz<
huS£jjs is in tt>e pottets ^auoc, a»D all pzoube,$to tenne
ate me ano mafceU bim to be
U» *im* tftewrf at bis pleafute:fo
to atoape from tbe,tbou canft not tel totjat
cAn alfo in tbe banDe of bim tbat maoe toe,
^ tftat mflp8 gau tftem ag ^ j pfeel!, toapc tbou (bait f cfte bun.
«.coi.M.t bim beu\*Slgapnft eucl is
gooD 5 anD a<
bngoD pe
I U VM&Uamtt Dcatb is ipf e: f o is the jOft«eamcs,oputuacion9,antiencl)aimteinCtt*
p«againftfucuasfeare<©oD Eeboloe tes.HlDe ousjOt to confute wapnc !;ope,ano Ipmge*
J -J** thus al tbe tooifees of tbe I^peft, $ tbece ScEaprc of toem tijat fcace 0od. £Df fipucta
notalotoc tgctoojWs
fet tooicfteaof mm.J5oi» ooto
£>otne ate euec*ttoo agapnft ttoo, ano one ofautoufaptDfulmau.
Kaocttoo atoaluDtoplaft
^topfe people begple tbem 3
Sf ofalLasonef gaibetctb after in bat*
felues toitb bapne a Dpfceat*
7L /uett.ant&egpftesoftfoDanDta bPf
3 foles tturt in D?ea*

am incteafeD, anD baue fib
j c o mp topne pzeiTe,lpfce a
gtape gatbe*
If ul i)ope
Jmes»300bo fo tegatDttb Djca*

«t. w not labour meifisTpfte bl'm tbat topi tabe bolDe of

t cr.*sebolDe,botoc 3 baue

tco onelp foz mp f elfe.but fo* al fucfj as a iaDotoe, anD folotoe atter tbe topnDc:
Cueufoisittoitb tbe appeatpnges ot
loue nouttoute anD topfeDome.
ideate me, opcgreate men of tbj
Djeames.sefoje tift face is lp times m j^lr
^ people, anD bet Ueu toitb pout categ pe of a face* 3QCbo can be clenftD cf tbe Dii^j 0%riv
cleans ^tobatttuetb can be fpofeea ^- tffai
rulers or t&econgtegacton » <E5euenot
tbpfonneanD topfc,tbp bzotber«fteDe
<Z potoct ouet tbe,tobple tbou Ipueft : anD
geuenoratoapetbP fubftaunce^gooD
U a Ipatf
anD Djeampnge t$ but Uaupte:
Ipkeas toben a tooma tcauapletb toitft

l «
y» e h &

cbPlDe, anD batb manp fantafpes in bee

to anotbec left it repe nte tbe, anD tbou
beatc. iX)bete as I ucb iif ion$ come not tyjr 7i*J*t

„ » te fapne to begge tbetfoze tbp fcife* 31s

Gvmo w
joiige as tbou ipuelt anD baft &ytk let
ofeoD^etuottbpue b'eatt bpontbem: <l^^«»n
jFotDjeamesbaue DpfceaueD manpea
m5,anD tbep fapleD,tbat put tbeit trufl:
'fl DettbefapnetoloBem trjepz gauoes. tbecin. . _
vAw* Jn all tbp toozcUcs be ejccellente , tbat Che latoe Ojalbe f ulf plleb toitbout J5.
3t tbe Ipes, anD ujpfeDome rufficicnte to a
r$ tbP bonottte be neuet ftapncD
^J tpme toben tbou ffcalte enDe tbp Dapes, faptbfull moutb topfeman tbat is
toel infttucte,bnDetftanoe b mucb:anD
p mU anDfmplbe tbp ipfe,DtTttpbutc tbpne
be tbat batb gooD ejepettence , can talhe
{^fTL in\)ttimmct. (Cbe foDDec, tbe tobpppc,
of toprcDome. |^e ^ batbe no e^pettence,
ti&ptnly ano- tbe butDeu belongetb buto £ Mr,
J $u ^eate,cozteccion, anD toozae bnto tfje feuotoetb Iptle: anD be tgat ettetl; cau*
""J v for It All ttf P. fctbmucljtopc&eDnes*
&#; 55 3f tbou fet tbp fetuaunt to labouce, soobeu 31 toas pet in ectoute 31 let4

tbouQialtefpnDeteft . ttutpfthoulet ncDmucbc

pea,, jnota
alfo:: pea
neD muebe alfo 3 toas fooiecneo,
letneD, i»*yu

ofteinpatellofDeatbtb,etouer, tpil 9} ,j
pocfeeanDtbetobPPPe botoeDotonetbe
toagf DelpuereD ftom it»|5oto 3 fe,tbat ft %.
necfee,but tame tgou tbp euel fetuauut
tbep tobiebfeate (gob, baue the tpgbte^otf: tm
toitb bonbes anD cojteccio.^>cnDe bm»
fpirite:foi tbeit popeftanDetb
b^ ope in nm*$l*fUQl
to labout,tbat be go not pDlertfoipDpl*
neffcbipngctb mucbe euel.^et frim to tbat catibelpe tbem.«obo fywoi fo featetb tbe <L

C^oc tooffte',fo?.tbatbel6getbbntobpmano ?LojDe ftanDetb 3

tn atoe of no man,anD is *
qAfc, ffi

be not obe< not afcapeo, fojtbe S^Detfbisbope^^gcfl

, becommetb btm toell. Jf bi
VLLt£ anDcomfo^te*
Dient,binDe bts feterbut do not to mueb ..„
j&leffeD is tbe foule of bpm tbat fea<
tjnto bu» in anp topf e,anD toitbout Dif* c towf**}
*«,WM fwcionDonotbpnge.* 3[ftboubauea tetb tbe JLoiDrJn tobom puttetb be bis fynjsbx

sr-v? (faptbful)fetuaunMetbimbebntotbe tcuftr'toboiS bis ftcegtbci'tfoz tt)t epes ipaxtw t

So vumtifa tf)m mm
faule,foj in blouDe bafte of tbe TLoiDe baue
tbat loue bpm
terpectebnto tbem,
l^e is tbepi mpg-jtpe
gotten bPm. %t tbou baue a
Haunte,ljolDe bim as tbp f elfe, fo z
v tbou ptoteMi5a$ltco?;e gtounbe : 53 Defence
« " '

S4M ftl^ •
erttsgwart) jfol
f>}jw v« / foMfce tjcate, ateftigcfozf fjotenoone neuct be forgotten ; <&tut <soo bps bo*
fr*** /$ape,afuccoze foz (tomblpnge,anD an
~ ,
noun toitb a cbeatfnl cpe 3 ano fcepe not
^clpefozfallpnge ^crettetb tiptfje bacftetrje fpzttelpngcs
n oftbpbanoes. H%yf^
2' foul£ 3 anD Ipgtjteuetfj tfte c^cs : feegc* * Jn all tbp gpftes a me tp coum fi,W,t
^ «, ^
Mt & wlt & ^' fe fluD £ AP"S^ ^f 'bat
f W
tenaunce,anDt)alotoe t&ptptbcf bnto 2^: flXJ
'^gcuctfj an cfferpnge cf toutpgbteous
gooD^is offetpnge is tefufeo : ano tbe
Cod uutbglaDnejS^euebnttxi&oDjac* /*
cozopngc ajs be batb euticljeo anb pjof^
J ^
fill f*fay~toowfall Dealpnges of tbe bnrpgbte* peteo the : * aim lofte tobat tbpne banoe cow.4. u
*»«**•» ous plcafe not <5oo » * d5oo batb no De«
is able , tbat gene mt) a cbeatful epe:
j- ${&&#?%* ipte in t^e off etpnges oft^e bngoolpe, tbc.HL^KBC
f/#W*ietbet mape fpnne be tcconcpleo in tbe
tot, recompenfetb, ano atQfwM
kAr genetb tbe Uum tj>mc$ as muebe toQtcteu&t
nSowtox^ imiltitube of oblations* *)0bofobzpn<
#£^ 0L.f$8 ctf > an °ff* oute vof tbe gooDes of We <Scue no bntpgfjteous gpftes, fo: ®-s7H7
^/,<Wt. !?

00 00 "'
^at lulled
fonnc before tfje fatfjecs epcs»
fncbetopUbenotreceaue setoaceofivTKdCTff
to^ongeotis off t^nges fo? tbe ZLojoe ts
3 Wmteou

Cbc bzeabe of tbe neoeful is ibe Ipfe atigbteousiuDge:ano*tegatDetbno ©wtje.?* •


of;p pooze:be that Deftauoetb btin t\)tu mans

Df,is a man of bloube. jccbo fo cobbetfi
pecfonnc^eacceptetij not ^ put gftS .

nefgbboute of bis lpuvngc,Dotb as

tonne of tbe pooje, but fje beatetb tbe %,%J L
pjaperoftfjeopp^efrcD ^eDefpp(etf>£^|3
gteatrpnneastbougbebeaetobptn to not tbe Mm of tbe fatyetlcft, noj tfje
i/^r5 i
S5,m;c Deatb.*^e tbat DcftauDttb ti;e labozec tapDDoto^bef^e poutetb ont bet pzapj '
et before bim.iaotb not ^od fe tbe tea *
fcnorvW one buiIDetbs anotbet bzcafcetb Doume, tcs, tbat tenneDoUme t\)t cbencs of
(tn&o***' to &at W ^ & auc P ^ b"f labour/
tfac C!l
toiDDoto^zf?eatetfjbenot^ coplaiate, //
SBben one pzatetl) aim anotbet cucfetb, ouec fucbe as mafee bertomep^ $$\yi fe*
|5«m.i9 tobofe bopce topil tbe kozDe ftcattf*$e fo fetnetfj<©oDaftecbis

tbat aiaajctb bim felfe because of a ocao be accepter bis

pleafute, ^uS3r^
pzapet mti)ttt) bnttA^S^
boDPC, auD tbcntoucbctbtbcDeaoead tbeclouoes.*
i;bcpzapecof bpm tf;ar*^«
fll« !S sapnc,tobatDotbc bis toa$pngc*>*£>o bninblttftbtm felfe, goetfjtbozotoe tf>e
J is it toitf) a man tbat faftetb foz bpflf cIotiDcs.tpU^e come npe^be top! not
p/ <hot\^ fpnne&anDDotb tbem agapnc:tobo topi fr -a-M
WL*/Hikuutte m Wb
pzaier.-iDz tobat |at$ tjis fa*
be comfozt eo s noz go bet toape , tpll tbe
Ijpea d5oDbanetefpecteijntober,geuc
ttne fentence,anD petfoutmc tbe tnoge^
w**" *

^ b

^Cb^jcjcjcb^cbapter* ment. ano tbe jLozoe mi not be Cac&c if^'^

3|t (6 twl toucto piapcanD to do fatttfpec. in commpnge , noz tatpe longe : tpll be 'LSnW
2:i)cp;apecof rue fatDcclc(Tc,$ of tgc toioDotoct baue fmitten in fonoet tbe baefces of tbe H°^*ftu '

ano of J;unti)at OtunblctU Ounfeifc.
J^oro Uepetbtbetatoe,*b iin5 v
bnmercifnl^no auegeo bim felfe W tbe H&~Ap
3^eatbe:tpl be baue tahen atoap mult ^*^y^rtL
p \
gttb offetpnges pnougbe* tituoe of tbe ctnef,anDbzoftenfceptec $Mk"
s^e tbat bolDetbfaft tbe coim of § bntigbteons: til be gene enerp xxil&rSf+n
lib tfa*t¥r fl__
f mannDement 5 offtetb v t'gbt af tec bis toozftes, ano tematDe tbem e£o/\
as; u en.
offietpnge.^etbatis tbancfefull
. tbep baueotrecneo:tpl! be bane oelpne^
ano tecompenletkoffcetbfpnefloute*
tcobispcoplej mapntencotbeir caufe,
K,e *abo metcpfna ^ geuetb almts, ano ceiopfeo tbem in bis mercj\£>
f o is
boio h
tafarvGLf^ tbat is y ttgbt t&ancfee offerpnge* «i6oD fapzeatbpngeis metcpin tlje tpme of^^
>$^u*£o ^atb. plearuce,to&en one Departctb from angupO) » tumbler- 3ft is ip&e a cloubc ** M
S7jT>rt3tttf(pnM : ano to fo^fabe bnngbteoufnes of tapne tf)at commet^ in tnc tpme
of a oOr
r " on ^ u
H^««oo j*
i)6 Wtft ^ftn.
^ DZOHtbe. faiV *f ^*fry K^tr^/x*^/
* ^botiQjaltnot appeatc emptpc
befoze tbe fto2De,fo) a! fucbe is Done bei
to dob tn ttjc pctfoit of all fartf/fiill
caufe of tbe commaunoement, %in ou mctutDftb tbepjapCcof a gooo toomait.
fctpnge of tbe tpgbteons maHctb tbe 3fue metcp bpo bs,sD tozo.tbou 31 ^
aultet fat 5 ai»D a ftoete f mell is it befoze
tbe i£peft\* Cbe effetpnge of tbe tpgb*
u -^
(Eooofal tbinges.^auerefpecte
bnto bs, njeto bs § ip^te of tbP
tecus is acceptable bnto ^oD atiD $ai metcpes
4 a anD*
feate amoge tbe Jo m ^eatoeg^c

CccScftaCHcttS, froIe €p
an beart of & nbetftanblge marcfee falfe fi 7 c
Cro°) $eatbenanbftraugets,tobtcbfefcenot /UJr
M>e:t&at t^cp mape feuotoe, botoe toojbejs.a frotoarbe beart geuetb beut*
X, /f«ft«
•^ rt^at tbere is no d&ob but tbou,anb tbat nes,but a man of ejeperience liftetb b*ni
ip*^tbep map 0j Cto t jjp ujgDcrous tooiftes* Upagapne ^Dbetoomanteceauetbe* ( ravrz
^ •

yhfium ftpfte &p tbpne banbe ouec tbe outlan* uerpma,p£tisonebougbter better tbe A^
* U^MbMW i^eattjen,t^at t^ep mape lewe to anotber.21 fav^e totfe reiopfetb bet buf^
fenoto tbp migbt anb potoer* Jtpfreas banbe,anD amanlouetb notbpnge btt* Jr"l

f /w? n> tf)ou arte balotocD m &s befojc tbem fo ter»31fu)ebeloupnge 9 Uerteous toitt) Ch^bi*ot
'M^tij lupnge to paffc , tbat tbou mapeft be al^tbenlsnotberbufbanDelpneotbec
J .

r ] triagnifpcb alfo in tbem befoze Usttbat men. ^e tbatbat^e gotten a bcttcous <^^_4.
tbep mape fcnoto tbc, IpUe as toe fenotoe tooman^atbagooDippoiTefffonrCbei^ G^ ,


tfje.jfoj tbere is uoneotyct t50b, but Dntobpmanbelpe,anDppliertoberebp*

oneIptbou€>Xo;De i&enetoe tbe to* on be reftetb Wbere no beoge is, tbere Go)/cD/^
feens,anb cfjaugc tbe toonberous toojc* tbegoobes are fpoplebtanb tobere M%&&<?eJ
^iftftcffces.&betoetbpuebaube $tbp rpgbte boufetopfe is, tbere t\^t frenbles mour* * fr%A
no credence ge* -^ t
ma, atmt Slojiouli?. mapfc Dp tbpne in* netb* nipfte as tbere is ^ 1
bignacion, anb poto;e outc tbp tojatbc. uen to a robber, tbat goetb from one
*# Cake atoapc tbe aouecfarp, anb fmpte cptpe to anotben^o is not tbe man be* f^^if', Jh
J ^^.

^ tbe encmpe* i^afcc tbe tpme fyojte , re* leueo,tbat batb no neft, anb mutt tutne » **
couenaunte,tbat tbp toon* ii*,tobere be map abpbe in tt)e
if membie tbp
/ betoustoojcfcesmapebepzapfeb. %tt KS-cbe.Wjrnil.Cbaptet. Ml%otUnty<Sm
*lk tbetoiatbeof tbe fpjeconfumctbe,tbat ©oto a man ©oulut bnoto fccnoes 9 counccte "WTi? -t$ A?*
jct9,anft fcatcDc tO« f ompawp of a &olp matt, ^S^w/Sai,
iLL** Ipuefocarelefle : and let tbem perpflje uerp
tbat oo tbp people burte.&mpte in fo* f reime fapetb : 3 \i0P7uth
&^>«tbebeadeoftbe Wn««
> **
at be toil be frenblp bnto bim
e 4 ^ ^x
'cure enempe&anb fape:tbere is none o* al(o. jsuttbeteis fome HJ

r&oi ^
tber but toe* frenDe,tobtcbeisonelpa
$dsatbet all tbe ttpbes of Jacob to* frenbe in name.ilemap*
gctber agapne, tbat t\)tp tnape fenotoe, _netb tbere not beupnes;
fc°to nat
l tbere ig none otber
cnelp tbou 3 § tl)tv mape fyetoe tbp
<pod but
is turneo to
tobena c6panion»frenbe 2W/?£nr'
an enemp^ $> moil toicheD £o/@M m^
tretous toojcbes,and be tbp people ano piefumpcion: from tobence arte tbou
tjetetageJpfce as from tbe begmnpuge. fpionge bp,to couet tbe eattb toitb foUJ?«Z**m<f

^PHojoebauemcrcp upon tbe people febanbbifceatef*cbereis fome copa* ««*.«* y

tbat batb tbp name, anb bpon Jfraell, mon tobicb in p^ofpetite reiopfetb toitb OW^*<;
«K>,(i«.f: *to^ome tboubalte IpcUeneb to a fpjfte bis fc^Derbut in § time of trouble,be ta* %»{ufti4i'<>n
boine forme. €> be merciful buto Jjeru* feetb pact agaift btm.Cbere \z fome tbt J ft
«,»«r.w »
fal j m tfje ctt pe f tf)P ^>anctuarp,*tf>e panion f moucnetb toitb bis frenoefoj
/ title of tbp reft.jfpll £>ion mi) tbp du* tbe belp faac : but tofym trouble com*^ Ufo~p<ut
7rtpeaftabU &ertues,and X&p people tottf) metb,be tafeetb boloe of tbe D)ploe.f o^« Jj« *^%#
,^>*tbp glojp.dBeue tottnes Unto tbp ctea* get not tbp frenbe in tbp mpnoe , anb ^fr v%£T
^M^tute,ti)borae tbou madeft from tbe be* tbpnHe bponbvm intbp rpcbes.*ydue< SS<V»
pn npnge,and rapfe dp tbe pjopbecpes rp counceler b^pugetb foitbe bis coun* ryi
<n»nWfy*t baue bene l&ctoeb in tffp name.i.'Je* eel: i^euertbeles tbere is fome § coun*
foj tbe,tbat tbp celetb but fo; bis oiune pjofpt. ©etoare afetfts
r toarbe tbem tbat toapte
/? ©lopbetes map be ounce faptbfuL €) of tbe counceler , anb be aoupfeb afoie <^^ P

^Zar^Lojoe beare t!>e pjapet of tbp feruaun* tobet to tbou toplte bCe bpm^fojt be topll

^ffi^tes.acco^bpngeto tbe bleffpnge of Sa* councell foji bpm felfe. iteft be caff tbe Jo :jUft**
ySSSu»^5 °« et ( bP people»tbat al tbep tobtcb lot bpon tbe, anb fape bnto tfjem: €b?i JfJ'Me:

Dtoel Upon tbe eactb,mape fenotoe, tbat toapeanbpurpofets goob, anbaftec*

' ^
r a^ fl^tbott art tt^ nojb § eternal <l&o&,tobtcb toarbe be ftanoe agapnfte t^ , anb lotte
^isfromeuer!aftpnge* tobat (ball become of ti)t t
£ Cbe belp beuouretba! meates, vtt 8ffec nocouncelf at bim,tbatfufpec< 3
is one meatc better tben anotber* upbe betb tf)t fo? an enerape , anb b?be tbp
i4Gqi.if.ft as tbe tonge taftetr) uenpfon,* fobotbe councel from f utye. as bate tl)e. airtte no
: '

ems g>mw
qLvmA^ eoimceUaUtooman, concetnpngetne pcople,anb tys name tyall be pctpetu*
#£$>/*- ** tinges tbat u> longetb foj .&oi at a all ^p tonne p^oue tbp foule in tbp ,
fitful an ° fapntbeatteb boop, tn mat*
*7Duu^ i lpfc:anb pf tbon fee anpe eueli tbpuge,
*t i "hL tm ot toatcei «M *
a matcbaunt,boto geuett notbnto b«»*ifO2alltbpnge0 r Co
,, HSe ,

ate not pjofptable fo? all men, netttjet ««•*»

at <p toatDe
terete ^ s;fi)? at a bpcc,of rcIIpr»g:£D? batbeeuecpefoule pleafute in euetpe **.
^"ISf a fit an en " <0 «8man } oe tbancftergcuing: tbpnge.Ee not gtebpe In enetp eating, JHcr
'-IP/rlFl'lVl atc &* &nmercpftii,of JoufngefeinD* anbbenot tobaftpe bpon all meates* flic Avr
rfHffT «w:4>?«^eflou^fuU of toouftpng: * iFojejcceOe cf meates typngetb fpcfcc*
wjtt*rJw*«i©$at anbpjelpnge tof?pclie batb* no nes 3 ano glotonpe commetb at tbe lafte *«**>&*
^t*> boufe,of pjofpt oj toealtb, (an pole bo* toanbnmeafutable beate»
Cbojotoe jnf*ht
F^, - eye
tootitoe not glablpe bea te fpe ahe of glotonpe batic manpe
one peti%D:bu8/;^y /U
B7f w aV *^ jnucbe iaboute) cafce no f ucb t olcae* betbat opetetb bpm (elfe tempetatlpc^O/i
^; <S*fo>g'Ho councell, but be biligent to £cfce cou>
^^T " Xcell at a Uettuoue man
VmZltte* mot} > tmf)t a*m ^°« tbat featetn
fenotocft to be t&WMmu^apttt.
i^/£/^ck Bk ty ttoU bnoimmuntemtntts i
tol)i» a pbiricfei?.3finrtcfeciiC6 ougi^t tot to piap,? KnD
v,/wW* ^* & at &* a m^ UDC aft « «ftP»w ***"«
a pt)tric»cutet;ic|)}jcaJctb bpp;apcc. %\)Cbc\ot*
ptngr of f acaD.^>aimcs.MDireDom.acttfic«8oj

aiub bolbe %
councell faft in tbpnc
f^Dnoute ttjt


beacte: jfoj tbete is no man fattb*mow ntfeffpte^oObatbctetf

full to ftepe it:tben f bou tbp felfe. jFoz
jatcDbpm(fo: of tbe bp*
ftinamjinpubefsromc rpme moiebt'f* eft eommetb mtbecpne) }L>Bik
r ~ ~,
pofeb to tell oute,tben reuen toatcb*
IJall receaue giftes yfakr*
men tbat fptaboue m
an bpc place lo? oftbeUpng^CbetoifoomeoftbeBbifp
/^ fepuge abonte tbem. 3nb aboue al tbi0 cf en b?pngetb bpm to gteate

/fP PW
P bP^Mbat be topll leabe tbp toap anbtn tbe fpgbte office gteatemenof
Vt^ J
gn faptbfulntffeano tructb .Eefoieall tbps too?fDe
/>^fc , be-all be bonojablp ta*^-^
!#/?*? tbp toojftca af fee councell fpzfte: aino oj hem
&* tmt *& 0M DOCft Wc Cbsftojoebatbecteateb meoe^
tbpnge, be tocl ab> cpne of tbe eactbe
upfeb»Cb«e be fonte tbpnges tbat be? topll
, anb be tt»at is topfe,
not abbowe it.* aa>a0 not tbe bit? «i»]rw#l-
elate a
cbaungeb bwcte.tobecout tbete tet toatetmabe ftoete loptf; a ttefCbat +,r wu5 ^
fptpngetbeuellanb goob, beatbeanb men mpgbte leatne to anotue t|je bet* -
Ipfe,anoamapftetfufi tongue t^atba* "
cbe no^be batb geuen imn
cue tfjetof,
Wetb mucbe ^ome man is apte anb topfbome anb tmbetftanopuge , tbat
\ !?'J% tocI mtm
,n ma "P « WngeB,» pet betp mpgbt bebonouteb intys u»onbetou0

tooKae0 , acuptb fucbe boetb ne beale

^?X ^ cte *? ^ at cm 8«« We
i^^r «-^/c councell ' anb pet is 9 puiDcnt men, anbtafeetbatoape tbett papnes: /^fT
, be bateb anb con» ,
fl)f fucbe boetf; tbe J
unuttfi a bcggertfo? tbat gtaee is not
afpofpcatpe maNe a ,
confecctou, pet can
no man petfontmeY^^
4-S**h of S^w^^niofdgob.tobeaccepteb.aino* allbps tooKlieB»f o^of tbeno?be con^y
Uu^enc&i ^etis tobbeb of al topfebome,pet is be
metb pjofpetous toealtbeouet all tbe \2
hr*n* fvffortotfj **«° &P*» Mfc , anb tbeftuitcof eactbe, * *t'
mtonm oefppfe notttw
, t^p
fpc&eneffe,but*p2ape&rtfotbe jtotbe
m ^

% topfe man maftctb bps people

B topre,anbtbefruitesofbP0 topfebome anb be (ball make tbetobole^eaue
ftom fpnne, anb opnt tty banbesa
faple not 31 totfe man fiball be plenty
tpgbfe: cienfe tbpne beatfeftomeal!
oufl P c Weu"fbof<i5ob:3!nDalltbeptbat
~A m'Jp topeftebnes * <seue a ftoete fauouteb

for f c rt
^ m^
aIIfP eaftc 8oo&ofbpm.'(j:be fcpnge,anbf
fpne floutefo? a to&eno«^4fe%
^^/^teffpfeofman ftanoetb in tf^e nombwof temembtaunce: ^©ake
tbe offetpnge/i/
T<36}' *b* oapes, but tbe bapes of iftael ate fat, a0 one tbat geuetb#fp?ft frntfes, &?r>
<nnumetable*3 mantbal optapne ^nb geue totome to tbe jafnficten .
faptbfulnejafanocteoence amonge ^ps
$$'£.QfDc&aty cteateb bpm:)fl,«tbpm
ifoi y/ l
. .

CctleCtaftims "CpTjo
not goc from tbeM baft K f &* of bim*
anD bP* W s Iolie ftpl tjpon
tbat be mafeetb. ^e batb fet bP0 mpnD«
ty tt)in& m-
/^J* M
<£beboutemape come, tbat the fpcfce
mape them terpen
be belpcD tbojotoe , t^ecebpoiMbatbe topU mabeoutbps H* ***'£*
/#- tbeppzapetoutotbeaiozDe^batbcmap too?cke 3 anDtbecefo?ebe toatcbetb,boto ^rr jy^ •


eecouec,anD get f>ealtf| to Ipue longer be mape fet it out , anD bjpnge it to aw '


fee tbat fpnnctfj befoze fjps maker,
&>o potter fpttebpbps
Doetfj tbe
, .

C g©p tonne,* bzpngcfoztb tfjp teatcs teozfcc,be tucnetb tbe tobele about toitlj
«ttt.»u.( ouertbeDeeDtanDbegpnneto mouwe, bts fete , be is Diligcnte anD cactfull in

r as pf tbou baDDtft fuffceD great hatme
al Dopnges,anD bis laboute anD too^Bg
)vw\b^ ^p felfe : 3BnD tben cotter bis boDpc afc istoitboutenombte.^efaOjionctb tbe
% tec a conuement manec, anD Defppfe clape toitb bPiS acme ,
anD toitb b*s fete **
^^(notbps burpall. enfozee tbp felfeto be tempecetb it »^psbeact pmaginetb r -

toepe, anD piouoke tbp clfe to moutne, botoe be map make it

pleafaunte,^ bPS p>c*~"?
iirAiiib * anD mafee

lamcutacioti crpeDientlpe, Dplpgence is to cleanfe tbe ouen

***? (7.1&*. m£
auD f ^ at fl Dai>c ^
tto0 | e (l ({joy b g ClU [ tbefebopemtbeitbanDesi^nDeuetpe
fpofceu of : afttio then cbmfozte tbp f clfe one tbpncbetlj to be connpnge in bps 97l?*?*™>
pjoae.rfu becaufeof tbebeupnes\* jFojof
r)cup> toouKe»^ritbout tbefe mape not tbe cu .vn^na
•no.*!.. & nes commetb Deatlj, tbe beupneg of tr)c ties be mapntencD, mbabiteonoi occu* "Pd'+ffjA
beatt bzeafcetb ftcengtbc.^eupnes anD pieD:pet come tbep not bpe § congre? m
pouertpe greuetb the beatte in tempta> gacion: €bep bnoetttanDe not tbe co^

ct on ano offence » caKc no beupnes to uenauntoftbelatoe: 'vCbep can not De<

beartc,Dzpucitatoapc, anD remembte dace cqutte anD iuogemente: Cbe? ^/^Y^
tbe laft tbpnges.jfozget it cannottpnoeouttbeoatcke fenteuces.
not ,foi tbete M^to-b
ts no tucnpnge agapne. cbou fljalt Do ©tit tbototoe tbem OjaU tbe cceatuce of U
bpm no gooD^but bucte tbp feife «e* tbe tooilbe be mainteneo: cbeic piapec £/_ 4jmtfH ^A
membzc bps iuDgcment,tbpne alfo tyal concetttetbonelptbetooifee anD labouc 7 -
be Iphe topic: &ituo me peftcc Dape ton* of conninge*

«.«b.t«.« to tbe to Dape.* jut the temembzaunce Ocbe.Jcwt^Cbapter*

of tbe DeeD ceaffe in bps cede, anD com* a totre man.2;ijetoouftcsof fSob.mnto f goeD.
P fozte tbp felfe aga?ue ouerbim,feing gooD tt)mgc6Dop;oftr:iSuf
goofi twinges ate eucl.
ciuo t&ccucll,cuctt

i) is fptttte is DcpattcD from bpm.Cf;c

topfDomt o; tbe rcrpbi is at cotmenicnt <£ tbat applpctt) ftps

tpnie of teft:auD be tbat ccaffet b fcome mpnDe to bnoecftanpe *

erectile anD labour, tyaU be topfe.^e
ft*' * tbat boloctbtbe plougb.ano batb plea*
i;tbelatoecfd50D, Doetb
DUigentlpe fefte out tV} t
7 r
toifoomeoftbem of tbe &**
ti/fuce'tn pzoDDpugeanDDzpuingc f or*
>en,am>goctb aboute toitb fuchetooz* Joioc tpme, anD ejeetep^ foi*y\?*
u-f be can fpeane of ojcen i^e fettetb
fees fctbbun felfe iiube piopbetes* J^efco ^Cji-M
v$t r.

jjpsbcartto maUefozotoes,anDis dp petb tbe favinges of famous men, anD /c/

\d * n
c^^^lpgenttogeuetbe fcpnnefoDDet* £>o pualfetb to tbe bnDcrftaiiDlng of oatac far*>L

^nvJp^L fgdteep carpenter alfoauD toozefcmat* fenteuces of toifDome.^e feHetb out t\\% u&gjtbi
^ ftec, tbat laboutetb ttpl upgbt anD Dap: miftetp of feccete rapinges,anD erccci^ Ar I.
-.« fee caruetb, gcauetb ano cuttetb oute, fctb bpm felfe tbetinconttnuallpe* e ^ KZi
M^/^anD bps Defpje is in fonozpe conninge Doetb fecupce amouge gceate men, anD
tbpnges , anD fjps beacte pmaginetb,
fcotoebemapeconnpnglpecaft anpma-
appeacctb befote tbe ptpnee . g>e goctti
into a ftcaunge countce 3 anD tcauatletb
ge, bPS&ilpgence alio anD toatebpnge tljoiotoe it : Jlooke tabat gooD oz euell
petfourmetb tbe tooozefce . cbe pzon* is
, be piouetb it anD fe>
amonge men
fmitb in iPfce manec b'poetb bp bps u> hetb it oute* ^epurpofetb in bis beact, j r- lkLl

tbpe^tiD botb bps Dilpgence to labouc totefoite eacipe bnto tbe AozDe tbat^^'rv
tbe pion* €be baponte of tbe fpw bwn* maDe bpm.anb to piap befoze t&ebpeft^*M*^3
'iFmtblW fleflje.anD be muftfpgbt toitb (CoD.^eopenetbbps moutb in piapec, l&Tfa-fari
^^tbe b« ate of tbe foinace Cbe nopfe of auDpiapetbfoibPSfpnues. tbe j-f^fn^ek Men
5 itje ijammec f oimoc ti; euec in b is eaces, gceat ?loiDe tepl,be Ojall be fpllcD toitvj^fa^ ft



tins ^aclj s

t^erpfritebf tmbetitanbpnge , that be a Houdc of toatcr.ttpfcc as be ma&ctb £

map tbe poute out iupfe fentences, anb toatet fo? b?oiitb,f o Ojal bis to.tatb fall
geue thanc&cs bnto tfic tLo^Dc ttif?rs topon tbe heathen*
pjapet^e a>aU oibct Tips beupc e , ano ^istoapesateplapne^tigbt bn* €
bngoblpe ftomble at gj g'tt*
leaoe bps ftnotulcDge atpgbt 3 anD geue to tbc tuu\but tbe
fjpm bnDetftanDtnge of fectet tbpngejS. tbcm jfoz tbe goob ate goob tbpnges
oc §^e tyall Ojetoe fort &c tftc fcience ot bis cteateb from tbe beginniuge, anb euelt
j g&k/ Icatnpnge,anD teiopce in tbe coucnaute tbinges fo; tbe bngoblp. * all tbpnge<ai €v& #ftA '

•*/>*• .©ftbelatoeoftbe &ojDe. <cf?c tDt^olc ncceiTatp fo; the life of man ate cteateb .^^r ,

^'^tA7^tongtcgacionfl)all fommcnoefiis toife ftom t\)t begtnutnge^atet^pze, vioihJr^f*™

f^/^/^w/iionie^jitCballneueEbeputoute^fje anbfal^mee^tobeateanbbonpe^ntlhe foxFl^ri) ,

cemembjauuce of bpm fljalf ntuet be anb toiue 3 ople anb clothing.* all tbefe i.%mu
r n-J
d ;/ f ojgotteu,anb bps name u)all continue tbingj ate cteateb fozj> bell to § faptb*
efi.twu 6 from one genetacion to anotfjet.* i£>ps fulliaut to the bngoblpe Ojalial thin
topfoomeu>ilbefpo&enof,anb§tobole ges betutneb totbebutteanbbatmc^-
congtegacionfljall openlpe Declare bis Cbete bcfpintcs tbatate cteateb fo^ U
ptapfe. aoobplebelpuetb, bebatbea bengtaunce , anb in tbeic tigotoufues av'W
gteatec name tfjen a tboufanDc belibcs haue tbep fatteneb tbeit toiin(ntcs*/?
9 aftet bps Deatb , § fame name remaps *3fn tbe time of tbe enbe tbepft^alpoute

^af.^t> *
i7, ^
L M netb bnto ftin»«2 cr topi J fpcaHe of mo out tbeit fttength , $ pacifpe tbe tojatt)

Irty /ui?$ mm of tonbetftanbing, foi 3J am ftil as ofbimtbatmabetbem.* jFp?e,baple, tftnim,*

omJft fl£°°ne, bongte anb Deatb:all tbefe tfjmges ate f^^HB
! .fA*A i^ctftcnbntomeCpebolpebet'fttous crcatebfoJtjengeaunce,ce cm
jj chplbun)b?pnge tottbe fctiite astt)e Cbe teetfjof toilbe nopfome bcaftes^
4 &X&
!* $ofe tba* is planteb bp the biofces of tr)e fco^ptons , fetpentcs^ tbe ftoeatoe f ^
tfje felDe,aiiD geue pe a ftoete fmelle as ate cteateb alfo fat beugeaunce to tbe fttfl Hit- ,
JU banus f iotpOje as tljc tofegatben, Defttuccionoftbei)ngoblpc»'Cbep(I)aU -J&ljlaPx

fpngc a fonge of pjapfe * £) geue than* be glab to boe lw$ commaunbentess ypi/j-frUk
fees tmto (5oD oucr all typs tooojc&es, ano tofyiw ncbe is tiny Ojall be teaope 'n
^p t -V\

<15eue glojv ano tjonout bnto p kojbe, tponeattb: anDtuben tbeit bouteis^^
tyetoe bis piapfetfj poute, come tbep not ouet pafle tt)e conn
>){ ^
Veris o*-4 fljall 5

JLl jjHp ^« en tout) tbe foge of pout lpppes s U)itr; matiiibement of tbe )lo:De. ^^ **-&**-n$i&j£0t>.
/Q *U ^ atp£S anD P ,a Vtnge anb in gcupnge , Cbettfojtebaue itakcnagodDco^ £r$£
tbanches bnto bim,fape aftet tbis ma* tage bnto me ftom p beginning, anb r_r_e^
net :*al tbe tooicfees of tbe ILozo ate cp tbougbt to put tbefe tfmuges in toip
ceabing goob, ci al bts comaunbemen; ttug,anDtoleauetbebefjpnDe me.*^l
tes ate mete anb conuenient U\ Due tbe bjojebes of ibe Uo^De ate goob, anb
® cttiM *
& 1 man ncbe not to fapertobat is
be geuetb etiecp one in Due f cafon anb
luban neDe is , fo tljat a man

nebe uoe J™-

tobatistbat ffo^at tpme conuenient tofap:tbpsiStoo£fe tbentbat. ifo.iiii^fc

fbepftallaUberougbte. 3Btbpscomi
s tnaunbemente § toatet teas as a toad,
iA?u$vtoM$too$}t ofbps moutbe tbeioa^
Due feafon tbep ateal plefaunf^goobs
ainD tfjetfoze piapfe tfre 3Q.oioe toptf;
iDfjofe beatt anb moutfr an& ge ue tfjan* */ /
w,6 ftoDe ms
ft ^ a •*
3 n *)is commaunbo lies Dnto bis name, ifa {*&> yMyo*v"M>ef»i

TILS* tfoft went is euetptbing acceptable aEtccon^ •CbevcLcTbapter* 'Me-tut*

Wail**} tvkb,* bis bealtb can not be miniOjeb, m airpc tntfe'ttes fpcjfjt tit * m5s Itfc.ail tb? ttgc© Jj.r
paffc atuap.buf a ficme 9 ttablcfattlj ccitiapitcttJ*/>W h£tft*}
tlltiin Che ioozfees of alfieC^e ate before biw, maM
'-ooc iDf^bUDriiigoffljettsOtuotts.aiHipieBOsatpue //
^p anb tbete is notbmge bpb fto bis epes* sftl)efeaceofigol>. zJ*-*-
3^e feitbfto euetlarfiuct to cucrla fling, vBreat trauaplc a cteateb S
anb tbete is notbinge to bxmDc rftill o? fozallmcn, gtanbuippocfeew,'
Iipebntobim. 3Tman nebenot tofape
tben,tobat is tbis 5 oz tbat^jFoz be naine
bpon ai men$ cbilbzen , froinjj^
tbe bape that tbep goe out ofp* 4

mabealtbinges tobogoob bnto man* tbeit inotbets toobe, tpt tbep be bntia>]£ih? fa
^psiWeffpugc mall tenue ouer as tbe in(f> cattb)£ motfiet of all tbpngesma^in^ «*
ftteame , anb roopftut* tbe eattfje tpH< wdPjt^ii trjougbtes 9 imaginacios,^^^^,
^ ^
talttMitm %\yt 5ofce
il featcofrhebearr,councel,meditacios, butanbone&fooma'fsmoietoottbrhS ?, JljL
a^To longpng and defpze , tbe dope of deatb: tbep botb fcopne 5 mintttciTpc rtiopfe ^^Jl™
-> Jk 9}*' from tbe bpcft £ fpttetb bpou tbe glo> tbe bearte,but # loue of topfdome is a* «M> $«,»
boue tbem botb^ ry ^nrlfi;
Wp&Rvew* reate bnto tfic iotocft ano motte

S i£~.& C«l* ^P° n *&« wttljc ^ tom * m : i^ppingc sbarppnge mabea ftoete
^^"7 #""l tbat is gozgioudye a taped $ tocercth. a hopfe , but a frcndlpe tongue goetb be* ^
m^aiiu ctotone,fcntpllbrmtbatisbutbome< ponoetbembothe.Cbpnecpeoerpzeth —

„/ /^Ipeandfimplpeclotbed* tlbete is no* rauoucaiidbeutpbutagtcueredeume £«„„,*«&,

U«7^ u *bP"ge,but tozatb,jele fcatfufoes, on? father tben theptogether

panion come
at opoztumte,;^


1^/*" anger ano fttpfe. ano in tbe npgbte but aboue them botbe is a topfe that 3*^7*0
w/^infjcn on£ ojoulo teft anDOcpe Upon bis gteetb toitb bet fmlbanoe* £>ne bio***
/f^P'beOjtbeaepccbaungttbbisbnDctftatu tbetbelpctbanofbeun§tpme of trou*/>«£ «#»
9n m %/^tpngc and fcnotolcdge . 3d Iptle as no; ble,but amies fljail detpuet moie thenar JSr *0
iikeUM tbpnge is bps tcu\tn the He pe as tocl as tbep botbe<<ffi>oldc ano fpluet fatten tbe rfj- a*r*
r tc%*4 in the da? of laboure* fcte,butagoodcomu;eUismQzeplea* ,-,» ^%
wn » s $e tm
at> ano is difquf etcd in the faunt tben tbep botbe.tpmpozall f ub*
\ty°*?— tJifionofbisbeatt^as one that rennetb ftaunce and fttengtb lift bp the mpndc:
out of a batel:ano in tbe tpme of bealtb but tbc f eatc of § Jtozde moie tben tbep ^jri A
be atoafcetb, and marueletb that tbe botb»tCbefeateof§ftoidetoantetbno> ;>*7^
iff frate teas notbpngc &ucbe tbpnges thpngejand nedeth no belpe. %\yz feate fat
is as a pleafaunte gatoenof^
a happen bnto all fleafJ}e botbe man and off ziozd
fuM n
^r f ?beafl: but feuen folbc to tbe bngoblpe* bleffpnge,ano notbpngefo btut^Uil ajS tffoJU

^^rKil^oicouecDeat^blouDCbeDiuge^tife, tti3 swpfonne,leaDenot abeggers

ffipfcr anb nDCtOjOppjemon^ongct beftruc* Ipfc,f03t better it tocte to Die tben to beg.^T
a {
:,\4^ L ;
tion aub puni^ment: * ftbefe tbiuges 90Dbofo lofeetb to another mans tabief
J^ V
-«ccte.;«5.« '
weall ct£ateD a?apnft t^ bngooipe, tafeetbnotbougbtfojbis otonelpuing
a™,™.*. * anD foi tbcit fahes came § floube aU botoe to bpboloe bps ipfe,f oi be feoet^
<8kne in b feu* 3Bi tbat tb of tb,t eattb s u)al tn tne to bpm felf e toitb otbet mens meate 23 ut
cumou e art!) agapne:^ al toatcts ebbe againe a toife and toell nurtouteo man topi be* into tne Tea. 3U bribes ano bntigbte? toace tbecof segginge is ftoete in tb$ Hot-""
M 0^oufnes Ojalbe put atoapc,but favtbfuU moutb of tbe inu>ainefaa , but in bps
nJfybittW* anD ttUCtfj ^ aU CnDU " f0 ^ mU

belp tbere burnetb a fpje, A

%^ U^^%%
t c

'jiTa 'cbefubftaunccanogoodes oftbebn?

^ ^Tioolp ftalbe djped bp 5 fpneke atoape i^cbe.rli.Chaptei;;- , .

'tiu llZi6 aratoaterftouoc^tlKP Ojall make a £>f f tememtwutue of beat!) . fceatfc it not to be
f caceo . a encfe topeu tl;cm f fojfa&e tbe !atoc of
^i^Counde like a great tbonoer in f tapue* *Sob. «5oot) name ( cjrtjouacifi f o gene
<r ™rfr
" ^ as tigbteous ceiopfetb tobe
iftc tlje
c &eopenctbbpSbanae,rou)altbetranf« iicticvmro tn t ruom. ®f toftat tfyutses a mi ow}\)t
>t-Uu£v '
grefiours be fapnte,toben theft goodes [5©catb,botobtttet is tbe
fcant$ and confume atoape.* tEbe cbil? ,temebiaunce of tbe, to a 21 °f"
«tt!c.j:«.ii dzenoftbebngodlpeCball notobtapnc man f feketb telt $ com* ydfiyif*
irianpe binuticljcs : 3nd
bncleane tl)t fojt in bis fubftaunce^i ?
<' km
totes bpon tbe bpe rectus u)aibe toted JctcbeSjbnto f mafwi^J'Vl
out bcfoie tbe graffe bp tbe toater fpde ilnotf)ingtoljetebim,and^t^ /$
and t>p on the rpuet banclics. petite iuaitbtnaes, pea, . 7- V

mercp alfo and fcpndncs enoutet^ foze* to btm tobofe fttengtb fapletb,^ tbat is lbtr^.ljp\
r Hw>ii b t'^^Co labour and to be content tottb notoe in bps lafte age , and t^at in %\l^l/iJ>'f*
fawMLb tbat a man batb is a f toete pleafawnte
. tbpnges is ful of cate and featefulncst^e ^ rt
Ipfe: 5 f is to fpnbe a treafure abottc al tjnto bpm alfo tbat is in difpapie , and JUL
,tteafutcs»'Co beget cbpldzen and to te^
|Pap?c § cttie,maHet^ a perpetual name;
barb no hope nozpacience^c not tboti
afrayde ofoeatt;: teuiebje t^emf baue
r ^
4JZ &£ JO *»


II auxm
fcelie before t\)tt: a&nD # come after tbe: topfe,anb to ma&e mati^e triflpng fooj* ## fA
tfjie i$ £ iuogement off JLojoe ouer all Des toitb bet mapben,oj to ftanb bp bee fyfl
I cmm* 8e(b»*amDtobptoouIbeftgbeagapnft beDfpbe^eafljameDto bpbjapbetbp '^
tbepleafureof tbebpeuv dccbetberttfrcnD:tobentbougeueftanptbpng,caft
c? beten,anbunDjetb,o;athoufanDepea* bminotlntbetcetbtoptball.
^J tts:btatbeaf&etbnotbotoelongeone (t^cbe.rHuCbapten n
"^ 1
,„ 1 c ^
. «.
&mcfe» mapcnotbeopeitco.2;&e!atocof£o* ClJw*
muabetausflt.aDougmecatooiuati, jooftno* TTku/ /fof
abbomtnabIecbtlDjen,anDtO aretbep toet&aUbuiges.pea.mcnJfMteresofttjeoeatr. Jc-
tbat kepe company turn the bngooipe* Cbearfenot a Q>m*?$\lZ?\\
cctbfU *^
c inbetttatice of bngoolp cfjploun ttopfe, anbbifclofe no«£»^y*N]
ftai come to naugbt, ano tbeir pofteri* tbe toojocs, g tbou baft «W**fc fa
te Ojail baue perpetual (bame ano cou< bcatoe in fectetc . 2E(|
fttfion . cbc cbplojen complapneof an tyamtfaftanotocllma* effacM
J n
tmgoolp fatber :ano tobp r foi bps fake hereo in DeDe , f OjalU* / £$ *
tbevarerebukeDauODifppfcD* xoobe uerpmanfauourtbe*4Dftbefetbinge£Lr) '^fyr
^bntopou(4DpebngoDlpe)tobpcbebaue benottbou afbameb, ano accepte no f X?r '

/^fojfafcentbelatoe of tbe bpeft^oo: £f petfonneto otTctiD ^ |*amelpe,oftbefe^ra^'.

M>~ pe be bojue,pe (gal be bojne to curfing, tbinges be not atbameo:j©f tbelatoe of oZ/&iu**§
ZtrB-faciyi peope,$ cutfefbalbe pour pojciom d5oD,oftbecouenaunte,of tubgement: j^kr.^1
trte.)ci.ii *3Bi tbat i£ of p eartb, (ball tucne to to bnnge tbe bngoblpe from bps bn* }v~ wc»i
f it «artbagapne:fogoe tbe bngoDlpeaifo gobipnelfe bnto tpgbteoufnes,anbto cfe$)t*lA
W^outoftbecucfeintoDefteucciotn tcbe mafcebiagoobmamto oealefaptbful* /
s l® f- fozotoe
of men \% in tbetc bobp : but tbe ip tjb tbp. uetgbbouce 9 copanion: toW'vJW
vj^^nameof tbe bngoDlpOjalbc putout,fo£ (tribute $ becitage bnto tbp fteoes: toU°.%m
<tisuotbpngetooztb.*:iiabouretogct beoilpgenteto kepetrue meafureand y°*
tbe a gooo name, to* trjatfbal continue toepgbt:tobecontente, tobetber tbou KWoM&i
Cuter bp tbe, tben atboufanoe greate gettcftmucboMptle:toDeaIettueIp1[b fa ^^UU%
treaftires of goloe % gooo Ipfe batb a temporal goooes in bpmg ano felling:
tiomb^ of oapes a but a gooo name en* to biphgc bp cbplo^ten toitb Diligence: ^f.w^
| ^^Oi

buretb euec* to coirecfce an euell feruaunte : to fcepe t ^i

€ * $®V cbplb jcn,fecpe toifbo in peace: tbattbpne is from an mtll topf e: to let J\t^o r«f,
Ctcit. n •»
foi totRjome tbat is bpb ano a treafure a tocUe inhere mar.p banoes are : tobat
$<}*f f ^V £>
tfjat is not fene, tobat pjofpt is in tbem tbou Delpuereft 9 gcueft out to be fcepf, J
botb^3I man tbat bpbetb bps folpCbnejef, to tell f t,anD to toepe it: to bp all */ /jjf wtt
mp**nfi better tben a man tbat bpbetb bps tbp out geupnge ano receauing : to cn^jr^^
at mv fourme tin bnlearueo ano bnu»ife : $>f<M&Ao,
icJs ^)toifDome* Cberfoie be pe turneo

toozDes:f02itisnotgooD>tnalttnnges tbeageD,tbatateiuDgeDoftbeponge^ , ,-

rf^^iinDaltoapeto beaCbameo^ruefaptb WttioutemlwM* intbefe ^rnges,^gKr c

3* \ tnuft p;oue ano meafure it* truelp tbou (balte be learneDano top/e^^ JS&
ilM affikto 26e atbameo of tobo^oome
vhtiLre^ tberanOmotber:©e«i

XV Ja^^
mi bcf0 ^
befojc tbe congregation 5
offence ,
^e l c <UD S C anD tU£lac: b« batb foj ber,tafeetb atnap bps flep e:
pea 3 in t\)i poutb , left u> fboulbe ouet*
t^7\^^7People: 4>f bnrpgbteoufnes before a , grotoe bpm:3BnD tobenCbe batb anbuf^^^
w*'*" s /companion ano frenoe:c>f tbeft, befow banbe, left Oje fljoulbe be bateb: left tbe -^"SoJ
^»om».M>tbpneigbbours.*aisfo^ptruetbofgoD OjoulDcbe DefpleD 0^ raupfbcD in bec^-4,
tfcffib* ^ W* couc »aut , be not aO)ameD tberof* tirginite, oj gotteu toptb cbplDe in bee j>%,
©e afbameb to Ipe \optl) tbpne elbo< f atbers boufe : €>?(t»ben flje commetb " V ,

p^; ye toes Upon tbe bjeaoe : ©e au^ameD to to tbe man)ieft (be bebaue bet felfe not €ff „„ 6
i^Sul lofee ^P " barlotteg; : ©e acbameb to rpgbt,oz continue bnftuitfull.*3lf tbP^^^r
¥21 turneatoaptbp face from tbp frebe:©e Dougbter bctoanton,bepebetftrapte<»
^ w
afljameototafteanD not to geue: ige ipe, lefte tbe caufe tbpne enempes toffit/4%,
f^^w^^ameDalfotolofeebpo anotber m^s lauabtbetofco^ne,anotbetobolecit«%^^
j* c^^g<r^_pr n>W$Lur6,f;\ oy»ffgj& 'ftfau'fi,
oniffi? &**£>' S% & -L«
&JHQ.**. i*o4-Q urn*.*

hit00) cm.
/ '

jjSfcffaKctfg ^Eprnrar
to ge ue tl)t an euel repoite,an& To tbou ant) tobo inapt abpbe fot tbe b* at tbct*
be fapnc co beare tbp tbame of cucrpe of «• dcobo fo ftepetb an ouen tofjen it is
man, anD be confounoeD before all tbe fjote tfjie t^nue moie ootf; tbc^unne 6>cW
I -e«T»tn» peoplc»*$ebolDenot cuerpe boopes
iibeutpe.ano bauc not mucbe otocllpnge

burnetopon tbe mouutapnes.tobeniS

bzetbetb out tbe fpzpe beanies ano u> t
^ p•-

[Oy^V^mongetoonieiuJfojlikeastftetoo^me netbttoitbfbzigbtnes of blpuoetb X,* ^

I^ST**-. ano i^otb cometb oute of clotbpnge, tf;e epes.<srcat is tfje &oioe tbat made
«cM,ti.B * fo ooetf) topektones eoine of toonun . 11,5 U\ bis coinmaunoetuent be caufctij
7 € ^t tg better to be toiif; an euel man, it to tenne baftelpe*
ft ttyn toitb a fcenolp mpfe tbat puctetf? .*Cbe Qpooue alfo is in all , s at co* <&«?.'.&,'

c fees 7 ^Dbe^unneouetiofeetbaltrjpnii gaVne^be ^onetb is catleo after tbe ^v^W

f%^ ffi ges teitb bps (&iue,auD all bis* toozfces groioetb toonoctouap in bee T/«y
It/*"? 7 .
ate full of tbe cleatnes thereof i^aibe <T$ v-
^'nottbejlozDbiougbttopaiTe.tbatbts' Cbe armpeofbeaucnalfois in tbe J3.'

f apnetes fljouibe tell oute all bps toon* Intern te in tbe fituiameut of beauen it

nT^n^ betou0 toozefces, tobicbe tbe aimpgbtp geuetb a clcce 9 glozious typut (tEfits .

f ^WTuiniozDe batb ftabltCbeo ^ 311 tbmges en* is tbe cletenes

clei of tbe ftactes,tbebeuti>

f£mf j^PioiD fcnotoetb al fcience $ be lofcetb in ozoze,anD not one of tbem fapletb in bis
™ a vf ™
,-,i & i*-* totbetofeenofgtpme*t|eDcciaceibtbe toatcbc**Xloo&etjpontbe rapnebotoe* tfew.*.*;

A \^bingestbatatepalt^foitocome,anD
r%$ \wfctbinges tbat ate pad $ foi to come.ano ano pzapfe bpmfmaDe :berpe beu*
bpm $ raaDe it :fcecpebeu* J&
;>^ Difclofctb tbpugesparefecrete.*Bo itypne. $e compaflctfj ,-u.
It&Ar a tbougbt
mape efcape bpm,ncitber map tf>e beauen aboute toitb bis rlecenes $
m'.rm. anpetooiDebebPoftombpni.i^ebatbe glo^tuebanocsoftbebpeftbaueben* Jrtfa,
^^iW gacntil)eb tbe bpc excellent too^cjes of oej^tt. cbo.iotoe bps coininaunpemenli k^^ t

fwvi^s neoets.tbeparealobeDpentbutobinn Cbe mountapnes melt at tbe f^gbt

^TLXkS> C&ep ate all Double, one agapnfte an? of bim, tbe topnDeblotoetbaccotDpngc .k^^
EJE5 /^"otbcc:^e batb maoe notbpng tbat batb to bis tyU* 'Cbe fomiDe of bis tbonoec^ Jfa *j
beacetb tbe eattb, ano fo ootb ^ ftoitne^? V

~l*:&', faute ox blempQ)e»*^e ba^b RablpfljeD

t ^ t gooDcg of cuerpebone : 9 tobo mape Boitbe : €be mbp^le topnbealfa
of tbe j nm-*
fit be fatiffieo toitb bP5 glojpe , toben be Ugbtetb botott^ as a fetbeteD foule, ca^ ^/j/
feptbit^ ftetb out ano fpieoetbpfnoUje abzooe: Jit Ptrro
-Cbe.Jcliff.Cbapfet-. a»oas tbe gteOjoppecs tbat Defttope^/ lfLffL
^efttmtneoff creation of ttjewoubes of©oft. allJofaUetbitootone.'Cbeepemacue? c uj ^
tfF -r » ^c gioipe of tbe bepgbMs i^b at tbe beutpe of tbe tebftenes tfnunw rot*

JtbefapieanDcleatefpi* of,anD tbe beaut is afwpeo oftberainc L^u^

Jh* Pa^SS
mament, tbe beutpe of tbe of it ^epotoietb oute tbe fcofte tymcffvZZ,
E§M l^beaucn in ftps gloirous eattb Jpaeralte 3 toben it ts J^U
cleatnes fCbefune Wtit isasibarpeastbepiicBcofatbiftle. \> .
^hmp r%

JUrS^appeatetb.DeclatetbtbeDap sx>ben tbe coloe 0owbe topnbe bio?

vXi^pnge out of it, a merueloiis tooicfteof toetb.batDe Cb.iifta" commetb of tbe $ tv/csn,

N>&f^ebpea.3ltnoone it butnnetbv eattb, toater^elpgbtctbootonebponalltbe fuxik m


tm g^aci
fences are founbe i rt tbett tnHructfotn
tnl) on the toatcrs as a lu t ft plate, i^e <?Cbep fougb. t tbe ftoetencs anb nieloop n
OH ^^

L&M betioutetf; the mountapnes $burnttfj of mufpefte, ano brought fojtbe § plea* *

V tin topIDcrucfTcs^lohc toljat is grcne, faunt fonges tn fcttpture cbep toerg /fA £Ml f(
^ q^ &* pattern U out ipfcc fpze ttitf mtDU tpebe alfo , ano eouloe comfort ano pa* W tL
>» u\
tUjvJw- Ci m of ail tfjefe 10
a doubt com* , lutjeu cpfpe tbofe tijat Dtoelte toltb tbem all Qo^U^ r™'
p, /&4?
,neth baftelptlnb tohen a oetoc cometb tbefe tocretierp noble anb ^onourabls r
cs c
\ ,

tpo $ Ojalbe refrefgCb agapne. men in tbeir gencracton0,ano toere toel /> /y
jn fjj'B iDoi&c he frpllctb p toinbc. repoztcb of in tbtpi tpmes 'Cbefe baue rflf&jM-
3n ijpg counccU tie fe ttctb. ttjc Dcpc,ano left a name bebpnoe tbem, fo tbat tbepj unr i ir^
pravfe tyal altoape be rpoatn of* aifter* ($?'
f-lK^X & lwD03B«f«*
f e pI^tcD ir«<cbep that
wBWfapf c ouct the fea , ceil oihis paretics $ marbe t^cre toere fome, tobofe retnem? w'/'
fcfotftjTjacmes: ainb tone toe beare it toitb our brafice 10 gone.* <xfjep came to nougbt <&mm%\
%-sfi «ates,toemarueJltbcteat« for there be and perpfljeo , as ti>o u gbe tbep ijao ne*

*J v
ftraungetoonDerou0tooz&es,Dpucrre bene : anb became as tbougbe tbep
jr/?* manerofnpccb;afic0 ano tobalftfljes* bab neuer bene bozne,pea , 9 tbeir cijtb
^SvfC&ojotocfjpinarcall tbpnges fettciu men alfo toitb tbem.

c^gooD oimc anD pcrfourmeo , ano in f)ts
JL^/if,* too^De al thpnges cnourc.
eu t tth t[ effe t befc are
tobofe rpgbteoufnesu>all neuer be (ou
lott mg men, ^

y /
3D 3 fpeane mucb,but3 can Motfufflctet*
Ipe attapnc bnto it, tor fje brm feiie on*
gotten, but continue bp tbeir poftcntc.
Cbctr cbilDicn are an bolpe goob beri*
yn r ipe is the perfeccion of ait tooiDes. a»c tage : tbeir febe enbuteo faff in f coue# }J.rC
^ass *
naunte«iFoz tbeir faae0 ftail tbetr cbpl<
Ymfi-wi potoe r,f or be is cjreat f n al r)is toozfcc©. Ditn anb lebe continue for euer , 9 t\)tp$ fo cMJ
%ff*.k*fbt %,oiot (0 to be feaceD , pea , fcerpe piapfe u^all neuer be put Dotonc,<Cbetr an fj/^p,
pun** g t c a t 15
be,*an& inaruelous 10 fits po* bobpes are burpcb in peace, but tbeir r jO* ,

"^.'"Itoet.i&javfe t& e JUzbe ,anb magutfpr name ipuetl) for euermore (Cbe people of Ay**".
'£• b?m as ntucbe as pe boetb he

flSfiv*,* farre ejeccaoe all pzapfe . * $> magmfpc

can fpeaae of tbwt totfoome , ano tbe
congcegacion can talKe of tbeir prapfe.^aA^M^
n f h> hh\^
t/kjfrfc&pm toptb all pour potoer, ano labour* *(£nocbtoalfeebtpgntanbacceptablpe
3 ^^catncftlpe
, per are pe In no topfe ablt before tbe lorb: tberfoze toa0 ne tranf* gSSV
Wt- ^futTicicntip to piapfe bpm«*DQho hatt) latebfoianerample of amenbement to
I *"* « fene bpm, that be mpgfjte tell ira/ JDObo tlje generacions . * Boe toas a ftebfaft scwxn.*

™Jf can magntfpe bpro fo gteatlp as be is/ anb rpgbtcou0 manianb in the tpme of am,%- zj[
E flzV* jfoztbereareljpbpet greater thpnges tozatfi be became a reconcilinge* cner^
foze luas be lefte a rcmuaunt c bnto tba
f ib } thentbefe
be : 30 (orbs * toe nauefene
y\ my
but fctoe of bps toojeaes • 5for p" TtojDe earth, tol^en tbe aoubecamean euetla^rJW
tlJfvf ^atb maoe all tyi nges,an& geuen topf* ftpnge couenaunt tea© maoe tottf) Wnffl" MS?*?
Hm r°° Dome to f uc'je as feare <5oD« chat amecb u>oulbe*pcriu>e no mozetd <&at&.t mA
/GA ; £3"Cfrc*riittu cnaptee*
3JDC piapfc of tntcttW? imfi,J8fCnoe&, ^ocyija
the toatec Sdbzabam toa0 a*gteat fa^ ^^wwi
t ber of ntanp people,in glorp toa0 there €rfj-
t>u0am, JJCaat an& Jjacob. none Ipfte bnto hvm* %t aepte the Iato*^fe p^ H 3
Ctbscomcnbetbe noble fa* of the bpeft,ano came into a coucnaunc^/?/w^
motie nicn.anD tuc generaci^
on or oure fou tlDersanD fa«
\)vm^t fet the couenaunt in tys
, atib tobenbe * toao temp-teb, (>e
^// J t u
tea© fount* faptbfull* tcnerfoz^ ftooje /ff»Ta *'/
tbers j£pa ripe iwooic glorp^

i/*-a^ •
ous actetfbatne tpe jtope Done , $ u>e?
toeo fits great potoer euer fence trie be>
<E>od tmto hpm topth an othe , that be
tooulb blcffe^l people in hps febe,thai w&*pt$
^r msn
gpnntng.^ILhe noble fatuous me rapg* hetooulbemultpplpeanb incteafehptw p'<h\
*& fad in tfjetr fctngDomcs^ bare eycellgt as the cruft of the earth, » to ejalte hps ipr'uT
U^jfa f) tule.Jn tbelt topfbmnc ano bnoerftau* febe a© the ftatres :£ea , armrhat hps /^ri/p km
^azo£\ tpn5e,tbct>folotoebtt;ecouu£et(!)etoeD febe fb,oulDehaue the poffeffiou anb in* #*. Qdi
ep&i&t in the pjopljecpes: * -cbcp leoDe f olebe Tjetitaunce of the lanbe from fea to fea; j?
tboiotoe tue couuccii aim toptcDotm of antr from the rpuer bnto tb;e bozeers oiffy^/
tbt^ctibcs oftfte people, jpppfe rem tnelanbe, W**-

^cclcCklltaa: MljtMkt
* $cptf> Jfaac dpd fje (labile t&e ftone0 3 al botinbe itHtfji gotoe: anD cfjpg
««.x*w.« fame couenaunte, foz3Bbzabambp0fa4 bebzought intjp0 miniftracion* Cbe c#
oaLckw t&et0Ca&c.£ea,tf>atgraciou0bleu"Mg ftone0 toerefafteneDfozatemebzauce, a
i>^3' anDbealtfjotall men, anD couenaunte after t^cttDcIiutrpbes of 3ICtaeli.up*J£
</^DrDbeftabUfl)etoitf? Jfaac, smaDeit onl?p0 mptrctbcretDagaplareofpure/^,
K^^yl^o jgft fepong beaD of Jacob.foc fcnetoe golD,a gcauenpmage of bolpneg, a fa* iJ/->
u fJPt«,tn*tf)at he pzofpereD bpm (o toellmous ^ noble too2fce 3 garnptycD 3 s plea* ^ \
Sm' ano cpcbelp 3 anDgaue bim an heritage, faunt to Jofce bpon ©efoze bpm toeri*^#
^, anDfunDeeeDbt0pozcionbp it felfe,*$ tbecefeneno fucbe fapze bznamente0p J £;

^'J; parteD it auionge t^ettoelue ttpbes. aaDtftefe it bet)oueD^»malvuaj' to bfe: tJ$*
^etcpfull men brought be out of bim, fUlym mpgbt none otfjet put t&em on, prf**
/ tohjcbfounDefauoutebcfozeaiaeOje
• butonelpebp0 cljplDzen anD ftttfcupifTp^/zft
fey ^^5 &
gfey^^iCbe.jcIt>*Cf)aptec. Dzen© cbplDzen perpetuallp* ^P^MaJ?,
perfounmD be Uts burntofferpnge0, k
^!9^ '* |^SH€>fw*bdoutDof^5oD5ineti, cpmc0.*vii£ofe0fplleDbp0banDe0,anD
'tobofc rcmembzaunce 10 iu anopnteD bpm toith tjolp ople»
3ttutu,7 fjpe pzapfe:fum toat £ ftozD* •CfiiB toa0 noto confirmeD bim \b an »
maoe Ipkc tfje glo2pcoftbc cucrlafting couenaunt 3 anD to 010 feoe,
S}o£itk*\w\m%, anD magnifpeb bimrot&ae a0toeDape0offjeauen 3 namelpe:i;bai;
c jd Clbc enempe0 bPB c&plozen u>u!De altoape miniftec
ftoDe in atoe of bpm , ttjo*

r*/, tofo hi0 toozDJheDiD gteat to6Dcc0.^e before b?m,anD perfoutmetbe office of rj*
^£vymaDebpm gteat in the fpgbte of fym the pzieftboDe, ano topu^e the people
<f £
men lp< ~ds
ttfojLj* Stf.saue faro commau noemet befoze gooD in hp0 name ©efoze all
V7/' l)P0pe3ple anDajetoeonimf)P0gIoip4 uingccbofebebpm^hatbemoulDeoft IW»

wfom ^

°«S Po to « • * $« flablptyeD bpm topty

fLmitua faptbfulne0 9 meUene0 , anD cftofe fjpm fot a ftoete fan out anD temembiaunce,
oef °-« *to torn , ano mabe oDours & f*f
J jr^
^ mm.
&n of al men. tf 02 Oe heatoe f)p0 bopce, tbat be tyonlDe teconcple tlje people of;/^ «
m aQ*'ManoieDbpm in tijeoaccfte clouDe 3 *ano tbcno2oetoitbhimagapne**^egaue fn t f ^

w« ci&ccfm
m tfjete^e gaueb.pmt!)e commamiDcmt* bpm auctoipte alfo i»if?is commaunbe^ ^ai 8 ..u
mente0 ano in tbe couenaunte , tftat^e
pea the latoe of Ipfe and tm>fDome
, ^

"**W*fajtW mpgbt readme Jacob tfje coue?fie IpoulDe teacl;e 3fiacob the flatutes ana
naunt J anD3Hftaelf)p0latDe$. teftimonic0,atiDtotnfouime31fcaelliti

<Ejcotu<u, c
4 !^e cbofe 3Bacon bp0 biotljec alfo ¥$ lame.
outof^tcpbcofXLetitjejtalteDbpm.anD *tiDbetefo2etbeceaoDebpcettapne <0
@to».38, a maDebi Tucb lifter 3Bn etierlaftfg coue^ agapnft bim , ano hao enupe at bpm m ^« »s.«

fCofr tiautmaDebeiijbim^gauefjtf pzictt^ the toplDecne0mamdpc J tljep that toece Qmt

IrU},- ^emaoe bpm gloii? ofJDatbainanoaibicamgfpDe^HDt^ f£^J^
IjoDe in tbe people*
rem H> :>>
ou0 in bentpfulacape anOcIot?)eD bun fntiou0 congregation of Cboze.Cbps *
bpm, ^

ro *Khr* toptb tbe garment of bonoute . !^c put tbe XLozoefa&e ano it Difpieafeo

ch ktefo P« rfcct i°P« ^P°» ^ni,ano gptbeo bim anD ty% toiatbf ull inoignacion luetc

,%:-antoW tt«ngtftc. ftcDcckte UPm toptb, tbep confumeo.a great Uionoer opo be fitpOa
w~> fpoe clofhe0 , anD a tuupcle ,toptb an topon tbem anD confumeo tbem tovfy
, c
6/^ouerboDp cote alfo anD a <jpio'le,«ouDe fpze,*ffiefpDe0 tbp0,f)emaDc 3Batonpet *wm7J
moozcfjonourable anD glozpou0 %tAni far
*™*aboufe maoebe \wm belled of golDe,^
©*••»>* tnat maupe : tfjat*ioOen be toentin.tfte

M) C\a founDe mpg!)t be OearDe , tljat tbep

gaue fjpm an bentage 3 anD parteo tfje
fpzft fcutteg bnto ypm>* ^tito t>pm
'Or mpgftt maUe a nopfe in tlje ^>anctua* fpeciallpe be appopnteD t(?e bzeaDe fo: tw^.i
/rjr^iwi t ^nD CUC t jj C people toarnpnge^be
p g fuftenaunce ( foi t^e ^tiefte0 ate ofttje
offerpnge0oftfje2LozDe)tbp0gaue^c ?J()jr
.tf&ftolp garment toa0 tozougbt anD bzo<
DereDtt)ttbgoIDe 3 pelotDCfilfteanDput*
pie . 3lnD in tbe bzefte lappe tfjere i»a0 a
berptage uoz pozcion in tDe lanoe anD
gooDlpe toozene, tofjerintoajalfaaeneD toitn tbe people.jfoz tbe llozDe Dim felfe

Ipgbte anD perfectne0» ^bislpozcponanDinb.eritaurice. -j^

^««, » t * Wpon § fame alfo tfjete foasl a tooz> Cbe tbitDe noble 5 ncellent man i0 $ Vyfc
feefafteftcD^anDfcttoitljcoltlppzeciouB *j^inebes gfonnc of Cleave, tobpebe ^»w
- pieafeD
& Jefos
plearcb tfjc <Sod of 3fftaell, becaufc b* *3nl» office bunwetb ttjonfanb people ^jTl
n Gab tbe jele anb feate of tbe no?be*jFo* offote,tbep ttootocce pzeferneb,toben '

Hti/x tobe tbe people lucre toutneb bacfcc , be biongbte into tl)i betptage,^
cljep toete P ;^-
^^ ^

J^J putbpmfelfefojtb tpgbtfoone 3 Mbat namelp,a lano tbat ttoisetb butb mtlcfc
^#toitb a goob topll , to pacpfie tbe tozatb anb bonpe,*(Cbe %ops gaue tttengtb *V2
oi the &ozb toiuatoe jfraell.Cbetfozc alfo bnto calcb,tobtcb teinapncb tottb Oh i^^jo
jct^c^g tfiere a couenaunt of peace maoe bim Unto bis agc:fo tbat be toent bp in rf tff-k
'ZMt- toitlj blm,tbat b e fyoulo be p pzuicipall to tbebpeplacesoftbelanbe,anDbps r J^
j/v amonge tbe tpgbtuous anb tfje people, fcoe conqaetco f fame fo* an beritagej CJot^otn'
rXr^ tbatbeanbbCspofteritpe ffjoulo baue tbatalltbecbilDunofjfraellmpgJtc a. ** . '

cfjc oftrce of tbe pztc ftbooc foz eucu fCjbotoegooDatbpngitiiSjtobeobeD^ yflh'nfrfa
fXpfce as tljece teas maoe a coucnaunt ent bnto tbe ?Loibe,3lnb tbe tuoges oj l£ mMi
ujptb 5©at» o o f t he tube of Juba, time tulcts(eueti one after bis name^tobofe J
fio among bis Tonnes oulp ibercOjulo beet toent not a uibotpng, not bepatteD {*£
n jr nai\ y^ •

bea&pnge: 3nb that 3flaron alfo ana ftom tbe X.o*o,ano tbat fotfbfee nottb« fl^nf
v*. ^ f)t3 uee (l)o uId be tbe betttage,to geue
bs topfbome in oucbeatt, to iubgebps
people in tigbtuoufnesitfoat bps goob*
)Lotb bufaitbfullp , tobofe remebjauce yw»*ty

At- fill
ne$ i^ouId not tome into fozgetfulncs,
anD tbat Ujnt bonoute mpgbu cnoute ^amHeltbeptopbetebcIoucooftbe Qjam*-Z\, ^
fojeuer* )Loibe 5 *otoepncoafcpng,anDanopn> >.».« f%-
Q^be.jclbi.Cbaptet. teo tbe pzpnees ouec tbepeopie.lin tbeJ^,DJtW > /J
3:t?eptapfc of jiofue, Caleb, anD dfttttttel* latoe ot^otbe tuieb be, anb tubgeo tb<?Jn
lainlp atiD fit ong in
battap le congregacpon, anb tbe iLozOe bab w^pLJ&ojr
* toa$ Jefus § fonne of
My* tojicb in fteabe of i$o>
t 0a fpecte bnto Jacob.fCbe pzopbete toags^^
founbebtligentmbis faitbfulnesipeayT^ '/^>
Jfes tbe pzopbete teas geuen in bts faptbfnlnes toas tbe fattbf ulnesiiv^ m/ttig
; of tbe bifion bnotoetu i^e calleb opofiT^^^ ffuer
U- ^/oxko;Djpng bnto bis name teas a gteate tbe itojoe tbe mpgbtie 3 toben j) enemies^r>:

Vkaafautout bnto tlje elect of <©ou,to puuiOj pzcafeo tjponbpm oneuervfpbe,tobaCjrt^>t€,


Pfrfityfh* enempes £ tofe bpagapnft Jftaell, tpme as be offteb tbe fucfcpng lambes« a*-
^tbat ](f taell mpgbt optapnc tbetc tnbe< 3no lozo t^onb^cD fr6beauen,anb J >

w^-eH'titaunct.® botoe great , noble ano ep maoe bis boice to be berb

»&».*<«. ceiient toas be , * tu^en
toitb a great &f
be Ipf te Up bps
bano,aub ojeto out bis ftoeato agatnft
tiopf e. i^e bifcomtptcb t^ pzpncetf of ^^X^l
cpze,all tbe rulers of tbe jabiliftincs* ^^^T
\i^T aaoboftobefo marilpbefozc ©efozc bis laft enoe be mabe pzotella '•««««, %i

blm*»JFonbe&ozDbimfelfebzougbtin cpon (n tbe fpgbt of tbe ».ozbe,anb bVS ll nScLmui,

enempts. * ^tobe not the &tiimt
' he
sfet. ( anopnteb,^ be tofce neptber fubllaunce ^.Tu
Itpl at bis coBimaunocmeut,* one oape noz gooo of anp mau,no not fo mucb as rip
^- toajjaslongeagttoo.- ^e calico bpon a 0)ue:aub no man mpgbt accufebpm#f^
/^7 o MM m
lb* fcpeft ano molt migbtie,toben the u after tbps be tolbe, tbat bps zmtoas W;/n/H<iri*
^ra anD
PieafTeb bpo bim on euerp fibe;
^ 0IDc fiwtDe bim toptb § baile
atbanbe,anbO)etotbtbeapngealfobiS*ol|n an
'**%(%' tbe
*n Jfif/itftones, tcbep f mote tbe ^eptbenpffltie
cnoe anb beatb:* from tbeeartb lpftb« 0^,%
bpbis iopcetntbepzopbecpjtbe ^myU
*<Mm3p'°P lc migbtelp,anb in fallpug Dotone goblppeople^oulbperiO),^)^^
a /Jf tbep neto al t\jt abttetfaries To tbat tbe
fL^ heatben knztoe bis booft ,ano all bis be* ^Cb^lbi^Cbapter* ?*>U£*-QkS
ft««,tbat tbc Jlozo bpm ftlfe fougbt a*
n ,)i/
V/ 4£ m
a P" ft * tftf i f0 ? be folotoeo bpou tbe Hiftcttoatbe in tbe time ofkig %
P^^nigbtpmenoftbem, |5©antb,*tbcte tofe bp a pzo> i #®W?$' i
i«%> £, * 3!" tbe tpmc of chores
be anb alfo a
vm.H9 pbctccallebBatba:jfozlp&e fXZfr
I £0
u ^ a
Caleb tbe fone of 3epbune,bpbagooD
tobicbt Rooe agapnfte tbe ene>
Jastbe fatteis tasettatoape
ftom tbe offetpnge,fo toas JSauiD cbo*

WuPm t4
c£ lkm
fa % #1
yinpes,bjitb belbc tbe people from flnne, fen out of tbe cbilozen of 3fftaell. i^e
V^T 8 il° W** ^emrcfeeo inutmurpnge* lofeebj'SpaOpme toptb tbe upons ano
Iffi tin A dp ^ . frith
A'»bhtottf> fu>ooes 3 aoo toitfj
beatcs Ipbc as aoo at tbe name of
m nv£ yvkn'h

the jlotoe <& £>


&t,h "#

*&Utobc ootagpawtae tootcoettcalleDtociPoDofJftaell.


'i«i..7.f »•*-«•*
fiM^ Ebetoaspe?butponge,aoDtoBea* * ^cgatbeteogoloeas tpnoe,anp &e
2ap"be wbuke ftVm bts people, tobac bao as mocbe filuet a<as leaoe^e teas 2 .»« *.
r SfsbeK

^ ^^ ^w*
ftanoe, tnoueotoboojopnateJooetotoatOtoc,
,/Wan, nDfmotcDoh)ne pjouDe eoltttb toft* toeo.aoDtoas *w t0 -™ "M*W "'
* u° ^Vupnge, jfoj oe calico Opon the btett $e ftapoeo WMM rjanD

n *Jn
l£j/M^tah(B ttaht haoo,f o tbat be ooertb?eto
mpXe gpaunte
gpog tbe o^atb of the jlojpc bpoo JPg£S§
chploteo,ano fo^af^bts iop:*fo g
W*w ,<
fc*^ h :
to the battaptt,
mpgbt/f et Op the boioe of bps bts Bpngoo toas orapoco, aoo epbja> jKc^
55 bat be

aoaoebtto obaoeagoootepojitetotbe <j5oDro ? ioRcnocoxsmer tp ,uv«,u»«» y- .—

^^ ^^Wf?ortbetL©KB(C,tbat9e iiebttctipbcttwttDbccattftofbMtooj^w
^^.^Kea^toSgloip.* fojfoOw Bc«,tbat*<&PUloe leaoe bpm nopo* 6Wj(Wwi
r"^? ° fttoueb the eoempes oh eoetpe fpDe 3 co* ftetite*
& <«#. rlT.ESI Ch /h,.^
CD out the fcbilittmcs bis aooetfaties
as * Jj tffa,
fojebe feDc scarce bpo btm,tobtch <

r astttsbiofeeopetthtsDape.joaiotB
inDbia&t6citbo>ociofono«,lpM belooeo,bebioogbtettnotbtteripc to
«*««*«»««*«** i"
oougbt,botgauepet atetooaootooto - -

f k>W*/^ aoo
bouoote Onto
^peft bo. 3fiacob,aoDarote
^^^T^l^r 2
bpimflCbuB ««« ftalomooiDtt* bps MWm&
i 9i&»5tft,ano
j>nw 2.7..* afctpbeo tbe
-" ... J:.- ^i.„«, anh nut nf hp«f£bf he lcftebe^<nt<1?/ii/*^
.X-f^m aooptbhps tobolehcatteopobe
»,,,,.-#., *,„,?„> fflfhrra

piwfc ano

ioue btm tbat moot bpm. bpobe bpm a twe f oo Ipfljme iTe of tbe
P^P^no fuebe ooe bao oo btjjc* ^

^efetfpngctsalfobefozetbc aoltec,
anointheittunebeoiaoeftoetefoges* ttaoopogc:oamclp,*aoboamtobpcbe ™\
cooocell,8oo Jccoboam the foooc of tf*«f^ /<
0abat,tobicb*caofcD Jftael to ftooe, s.«(f.ti.»
*.V>Q&<f(^tb020bj the tobolc peace Cbooloe bcbo<
aoo Ojctocu Cpbjtatm tbc toape of bo* $%*$]?*
;^a-:/?j)fcnootabIpbolDeo,toptb pjapfpoge the
oaoie of the toioe,ano toptb bps fpo*
goolmeiS:31ofomocbe|tbcicfpnncs5 !"$-**

,r\ T
^J HSctoatpr
tMawimil^ mpfoeoesbaotbc bppetbaooc
t^t at the laft thep tocce ojpoeo
fo fo?c»
oot of feM j^
feAc^* ibe£o:otoRcatoapbisfponcs, ^L a l
i P£?if?iJ?^r. g'?^
," 8 "^?^^^ /W'
iisa i2 <
aoo eralteo bts bo:oe foteuer.i)e gaoe oot aoo bioogbt Op all topcfeeooes,tt|^ e
Oeogeaonce came bpoo tbcm* - /&™4
bpm tbc coocoaonte of the fepogooioe, the
aoo the tcooe of toojojpppc to jrtaelU C€be*jclbiit»Cbaptcr* —J
* 3f tec hpm tbece tof e Op § topfc foooc % Dc pjatfeof tf!i4&»©eIi?cu5,©cjekUj>» Wj
aiibtfCap. ^ of H*

mt calfeo^aloojoo,aoofoj bps fafec be
tyooe tbc cneoipes atoapc fatcc of. l<5ff
^^eo ftooe tjp*Cltah
a fpje.aoo bps
the pjophcte i>uu ., 7
tooio bjent like

j g Salomon tatgoeo
tottb peace to
'hTMHtt bPStpoie(fo^d5oo gaoe hpm tett f com
^Tacceloet. i^ebioogbtaoboogec
Opootbem,aoOiohis jclebeoiaoetb?
fetoe to oooib^e tbep oipgbt oot
if oj '
^ gfr*
atoape toptb tbc comoiaonoeoieotes of v/'^V^
piepatetbe^anctoatp fo?eoec;ipfte
fl-uJioo fpllto toptb topfeoome aoo booec,
of tbc
. cboiotoc the toozoe •?
t© Rise be (potte the Oeaoea, ^ ^^ s

nanopng,as tttoecetba toatecflooo% aoo* tb?e tpmes bjotigbtc bctbefpje unm.**'

[*H#^/>.^ CCOU eteoaoofplleOtbe tobolelanoe
XuJ^m h* \Mt\\ f^mplptoocsi aoo topfe pjooeote
tabic to
Cbos became eilab booo>
bt$ tooooecoos oeoej . a»bo
\y fo Snteoces; toape mabe bts boaft to be opot«^ nfl*
* P^*^ tats oame tocot abjooe to the JUs, * £)oe that teas oeaoe tapfco be Op ** -
„?becaofe of bts peace be teas belooeo.30l fcomOcatb,aoototbetootoeoftbcbp? M **H
at bps peace,
cftbeb^oogbtebpm oote of the gcaoc
agapoc l^e cjae potooc »poge$,


&i $tlw tftAMfoU

%J$- *>**> ariDDc{tcopcbtbem,anbtbebonoiabIe be,tobat tfmto come to paffe at tbe laft: (fctfo %
[hv up **& from tb£itfeate»<Bpon tbe mount &y* ano to fucfje as toete f ozotoful in ^>ioti ^^^
"k*^ na be iicatD tfje pumfli)ment,anD bpon be gaue confolacpon , (u*
vufjeretoitt) tf;ep

v+ti-Wlti* iubgemet'of tbe toengcauce,

t\)t nipgbtcoinfoztetbtimfelue^fozeuet:* *:
* l^c pjopfjccicD tccompcftng tonto fcpw nioze.^etyetiJcDtbinges tbat toete l*%ut<L
«sw-fgeSjanD*ozoepneD ^zopbctes after
4.5RCBbpm.* |^e toas taftc top in tbe ftozme of
to come ana fectete, oz euet tbep cam^^rv m
fpzc in a cbarette of bojfes of tbe
ozDepncb in tin tepzoupugj
^Azd, K^tCbt.jcu^Cbapter* / ^L
l)e luas tit
£>f HortaD^cjefeiaft^autD^ercmp.iEjectjtcl
tpmetopacifpetbeuuatb of tfjc jloiD, jojobabCJ,31crus,^ci)cmtat3,CiiocO,$3]ofcp{j.
%v.\u.t. « Co* turne tl;c bet tcs of tfjc fatbets tow CTAV^etemembzaunce of Joftab ts %
to the cbilo&atiD to p f rpbes of
ret top
% \ as
liketoben tbe SCpotecarp ma^ 4.««.m.a,
3Iacobagapnc.25lcfrcD toecetbep tbat
f a to tbc,anb tocr gatupfljeD in louc;foz
V> ^ et ^ tnaup pzecpous f toete frnel^ tJ«?£'«
Ivng tbiges tcgetbet, i^is rcmebzailce >rr;

*t»« if?
* <CK*b toaiaf coueteb tn tf)t ftozme,
ftoetcae bonpetualJmoutbea^
as p plapeng of iJ^uftefe bptlje topne,^**^
but j$el(fais toas fplleb tob bts moutb.
enwu'. m toas appoputtD to turne tbe people flsdtvd
l/Tt^ *#3Xtmetoe Ipuebbetoas afrapeb ofuo agapne, ano to tahe atoap all abborop* a.£WUtt
frA*"^? pzpnee > ano no man mpgbtc ouetcome nacpdsof tbetongoDlp.l^eDirecteDbiS if»i
Ma, twfih i;ini 4 -cbetc couloe no toozbeoifceaue

bett tonto tbe 31ozDe,anD tn t\)t tpme of CiJ%


.%» *.we,«3 a fyini,*aiM) aftetbis beatb b<s bobp pzo tbe tongoblp be fet top tbe toozfttppe ofoftfrr*
£K5&, ^eopDtoonbergtn bts Ipfc,
p.bccpeo.* C50Dagaine*ailfttnges(cj;ceptBauiD, m-M > c

|/w^^?MnD marue*
in beatb toerebts Utoz&cs j^ejefeiab ano Jofiab)commttteD topc?*L ^ pf
.f^v.yjrr-rm^'toii^^f oi all tf)ts,tije people amcnDCD HeDnesrfozeuentbefepugesofJuDaat^^r
Eff^^/^iotjtietbet Dcpacteb tfjep from tbei c fin fo tozfofce tbe latoc of <B&t&* jfoz tljtpjoJ <*$%
*.<«B '8.f> nes:* t^II tbep toere carpeb atoape pzp; gaue tfrtpz bozne tonto otbet, tf;ett bo?
lit =^>]
a.i£i fr&&f>fi
ona * outc °f *be Ianl,e » anD iDete fca ' nout anb toozQt/pppe aifo to a fttaunge r
*a'q ^f- tr£Bab:oDeinaIlcounttepg 3 rotbatof
!*V UftAt^^ tnete remapneb but a toetp title peo
^ * tcbctf o?e Toas tbe elect cptk of tbe ^ Qfifik
r\fr ° ^^pk,auD a pztnee tonto tbe boufe of Ba* ^anctuatpbzenttoitbfpze, $tbeftte< Zwvb'
fm »** \. wo.^otobe ttfomeoftbcmbtotpgbt, tes tbetof lap Defolate ,$ toafttfoztbep
*# XJ<r anD form beapeb b P & n 8°&Ipnes. tntreattDjIctemp euel,tobicb neuectbe^ jfa/z j

IS'^apw.j 5
* V)£r^iab maDe bis cptte ftcongejCo leg toas a pzopbete ozocpneD ftom b'ps> , •

f\cs i uepeotoatet
into it,DpggeDtbozoto tbe motberstoombe,* tbat be mpgbttote *?!*•
|,n> «w /fc**r r
ftonp rocft tolt{) pl 5 janD matJC t,p a foel outjbzeafcc of,ano beftropt;anDtbatbei/p^'^
«£j6 « top tbe toatetfpbe.*3]n bis time came mpgbt buplDe top , ano plante agapne* Wa*ffi\k
«l£*.<r* .V ,«£peunabertb top, ano feme itabratteb, *C?ecbiell fatoe tbe glozp of tbe Xozbe Jw» »?|
» " 'V jJs Jpfttopbtsbanbe agapufte£>pon,anD tn a toifton tobicb toas fljetoeD bun topo y*w*u*£


t* r" oefpeDtbcm toitb great pzpbe, %\jm


tl^t cbarette of tbe Cbuubpnes. jfoz be ^^^4

fet^jT^^y fnni WeDf&etitfieetes anDb3bes,fo tbat tbougbt topou tbe enemies in tbe tatne; ty*£ VL z

I £Q u ntLC i tbep lozofoeb iffte a tooman trauailtng to bo goob tonto fucfje asbab ojbzeD //^
tbeit toapes a tpgbt Hlno tbe bones of rfn *h .

l »l * tf*pbit\)t i5 metcpfuU,attD Ipfte top tbeic tbettoeluepzopbetesflozpff) fromoute

yf ^^ ^banws befoze bun
^uuneDtatlp trie
|?)r3// ^^X.ozDe beatDe tbem out of &eauen,anD
. oftbeir place tfoztbep gaue comfozte^/
ano confolacpon tonto Jjacob.anD oeli^

L ,ffljt*eji belpuxteD tbem bp tht banoe of Cfape. uereb tbepm faptbfullp.* ^otof^all toe 'if-", 8.
5j„ 4.«s4*8 *i^e fmote tbt booft of tbe 3KTittan6 3 $ p^aircZozobabtljtobicbtoasasactng \.&IISa

Z- *n£/Q L 4fHbiQ
(aungell Defttopcb tbem* ifoz && intberiabtbanbe*
&o toas 3lerus
Tfa i £T
*>to oone § tbtng tbat pleafeo tbe * alfo tbe fonne of
f.^ u I
I* itozDe,anb remapneD (leDfaftlpc in tbc
ui^mx^L Q-tLi to jj Pe of j^ ai ,io fjjg father .
3BofeDcc:tbefe men in tbeir times btitl* tSSLij*

Jcobicbe C*
tape toajs great anbfaptbf nil in bis toi^
Deb tbe boufe,anb fct
of §
top ^ £>ancruatp h
lozb agapn 3 tobieb toas pztpateb JJ
}a & \

*.«c».*. fxonj .* Jn bis tpmc tfje ^>um« Uiente fozaneucrladpngtoozfbpppe * aino :«ni?.t.i.'j
•rap se i bacfetoarDe.anb
lengtbcneb tbe fyni
. \)t Itiebempab is altoape to be comment yur£»t*\
«iW w^esWt.jsgttftatis^tfBjct pjopbecieb Oeo,*tobicb fet top foj tos § toalles tbat a &t*w

ViC ^^ 3 l*iU_ toete t^*e/

<^>>i nrx&xj&Tj k£&p-tnp
Ccdctfatttm Cbeuofce

SStt rfg Se '.

* »ttt*po» <««, .» p.tfoutme Ws teu««
»Po t* ault«, ^.j-
of a
fh f rtn«maiureattDlifce<enotl),foib*
aiiogatrntytheofftpngof ubRttteoB, ' 7*

-ffiBrfflSsseas Saaesssss:
:»v. tomane agteate nopfe,fo;a temem*
ifaivrt tdrftbe.UCbapter* O^e
mcor»uu V . b?auce anb pjapf e Unto tbe tpj 1

sHPmon ibe fonne of £>niab

to me
m people af tapeb,anb fel botone^/
eattbe bpontbcpj taces to toot. /
jJ9a'j*+. ft€ bpe p»iefte, tobicbe in bis , h
infefctbMbeboufeaaapne, Q)pppetbeilozbtbett£>ob,anbtogeueg, 7.. ,
li&g«ganbtnhtgbapc6mabe ^estot^almpgbtp^oD.C^^
vI K
^ B l

_. 1
.. -c * .

Wnepgtp of tbe temple

1, r..M^^ $W
n.\nt\\s,f it\Cn
fungcgooolpcalfo toitb mfil* uJZ
turn tbett Z?'J>
bopces, at
v^x, *//»* t,

Ibt J*
' bpng.anbtbcbietoalles oftbetemple* B"«^ pppct M^i?JSJ2

Fl : ^
,i •
„ fps D apes tbe todies of toatet fto>
toco oTiti toete cjcceabtng fill as
6a a* Job" care foi bis peoplc,anD be.
W tbe
pie in fteit

tpU tbe bonouce

lK*M»t ^ ^oulDe
be metcpf Ml,
ot tbe Jloioe toete pet* C

litterebtbem fcom bettcuctiou.^e sept

&is citie anb mabe it fttonge, $ it fyulb m*
ucttbetobole multptube oftgepcop e
. »^CbtooXpp among dps peopIe,anb

ano tbe coutte.fee geuctr) Ipgbte as tbe anb tbanaes

oute of tbm Ipppes into
£r, of

f *
fL %mZwa*™
mpbDeft of tbe
«n tbe
anb as tbe moone toban it i*
* «fJf
$e began pet
aiCo to pjape,t&at be

'fa ful %e Z*mt Snetb as be in the mpgbt openlp fteto tbe tWttfjmw


- ^[SleSS^eisasbTpgbtastbe befotetbe^ieft,namclptbus:£)geue 0%*.* M

fa* boS tbe fa»e cloubes . a«m
fapie cloSbes
anb piaife anb tbaues(pea al)bnto § lot*
aljbnto f jlojd *5 Sr

^m^^m^^^^^ irfl
tapne botoe a
tapn n tb ;

ont^obtobicbe batbeeuecbone noble
Setbas be SoSea anb tofts in #

yLr />
JZ *
rm. nm if f hr peace,
fpipngeoftbc » £ art. anb IpIpcs bP anogteattbpnges:tobtcbbatbenctea.
ana as Iplpesbp
tbfrpuersoftoatetipReastb^bzau* feDoucbapesjtomoutinotbecsto^be,
& ,tA

rh^AonthemounteVibanusintbe anDbealtto«bbsacco;btngtobismet ^J**?*
0i tbatisRj'UDleb-JLpheasantoboIeo^ of bect,a peace foi outturn in jrtaeiu ^^
^ ^^
\ v-
Set of pzcciouB ftones:^ as oliue tee
allma. 3CObicbfaptbfullpBepetbbi^raeccpfo|
bS euetinoje,ano altoap belpuecetb bs

/« ^ thatisfcutefull anbasa CPP?esttee iabuefeafoiu f

tohich fltotoetlit pan We! Cbece be ttoo manec of people that B

U™>' mm be put on tbe garment of bo*
(fc T
m *

IhSifiitiaiiu astbt bJauncfiesof tbttcfneotmactoiiBanDDocanientcsof

6}°"\ e }"W}l:I?™TT£Zl to.n.ame aim tiiDttftanDfnaeftttW* /

©f $t(M jfoUjfyff
in m|» pjtaper 3 came tfarfou bttttf L«-mv
wJL^m &> to Ijerc c^afbc tutTe.Jlt |»e do tl;cfc tfjtn> tne teple,ano fotigbt bet into the laftV
« £0 > !>* aI1 bE ftrongewaU. jfojtfa
tJi ik'a^Me
frf &%* {5*0 £*
Cfan flo^eo (be tmto me,as a crap* rg-
that is foone rppe,$)pp oert cctopud in
faMbcn mm mp fore tfa tpgfa toape

a U * qi *
!<9&Sr?tifl Chanhe
Cliailkc the nth a
<© jtojo * fcmrt
<JT» it ru k«w* *«s^.' ..\..„ "*Y !_*_ !
3 bototD bourne mpneeate ana tmakltJl
anD pzapfc tfa £> <s^) nip © ucD hecj founbe me mucfa topfeOom^ii
fautoute.Jf topn pcf De pzcUfe anD pzofpeccD greatip in far*qnberfoie7
bntotfrp name ;fojtfa>u art topi! 1 afcribe tfa gj jp bmo fanntbac^ n7
*u!n'l ^^^nbetanD^Ipe"tjaVonaa^ret? geneth me topfoome,
3 am aonifeD ,A
« epJWj&ODP ftom Dcfttuctio , ftom the to 00 tfarafter
J be gelous toft
•£. fnateof traptozous tonges ,anb from
tfa ipppes tbat ate occuptcD tottb lies*
dm tmto the tfange that is 8ooD,fo1f/7
u>i!3fnotbeconfonnDeD* •p»
Cbou haft bene mp falpet,ft6 fucfa as
^/*«^J*oDe&pagapnfte me,anDftaft Delpue*
h% %Mtrf>«4 th meafter

muItituDC of tty met* tfje
mmenanDesan rtSSKi^Sft
IpgfaeneD tf?ozotoe topfeoome tbat
»^£ -h
mot ^Wmocb oll
mt >
the toarpnge
rttbtytlM prepared tbemfelues to be^
nnoujleogeD mp folpOmelfc, 3l' ozDzeo
im>fouIc after far, Qje anoj tuereone''^^
fart ftom t^ begpnnpng,ano 3 founo *ifcjH
Oct in cleaned , aino tfarefoze foall
J 4#^,'

K%W ?W
3r«m not «*ent in the ,„< DO eft of a goob tteafure,
<jp?fart!ongeB after fat, anD
Cbozoa her tfaiozt) WtSk
torn tfte oepe of fall, from an frith geucn me a netoe
tongi,toft ttinitr*wM
i>L/^#^ 1, ,rlea, ' c f °"5,f com Ipeng
too?bes,fr6 jujpllptapiehfiii .
* ^> come Un? '**«<»•!
VU,f£jL **>* fetng,ano from an imtfgfa tome pe bnlearneD,
aiiDDtteU in the ^y^J
%BL^^> tC0UB r »«^.dpP ronle Opal! t apfe tbe
p boufe of U)ifDome:untbDzame notpouc Aft*
Mf+frW- t^V "" 3 Deat W°* ,n? W« b»^ me

tmv ^
Cnep'compaC'eD me rotinoc abou« tbitftf^openeD
feluc^f ftobccjbuttalc^anDcomenof^
tfafe tbpnges,roj
tteb pour fouies ate w^

?\ (
mtJ lt>™ teas no man to £) tome anD
3f i0 ^abotiteme,pftbere
bpn toiioome toitbout m>IiZfl
#^ ?'^"toereaup man nep,botoc Dotone pour necfee
bnDer btiwJ?&

fotome me: tnat toonlo Vocft,anD pour foule foall tsceaue

h«* |^^H*nt tfjere toas none*
&fan tbougbte 3K
toifp -i^;^
Dome.^>fat0harDeatbauDanDtsco?X^ «//i ,

^«Wut&&j *>Pon t^p metcp ad to?D,ano upon tt)p

ttnt fo be founDe. ©eboloe
toptbpo«rc^^ v ^J
>jb«oi rtk^*- fittes tbat tfjon f^aa Done etiet of otoe: epcs,notoe*
tbat3fbauebaD bmtotu ««<»»w
\Li fa&te " a »i£lP,that^ Delpnetea fncfaasput l8boute,anD ptt batie fourtD mucb w?
reft &*
p ^ nMfatwvi ttnft m tne,anD rpDDeft tfam ont
p receaue t»pfDcme,anD peftal baue nr^i
u:h-%^m h tonm of tbe ^tatfjc» c^os Ipft pIcnttoufnesofftfuecanDgoiDfnpofi^^'1
^c^^^ r^P ? "t ftom Wl P? a the earthy p: ap>
ftffi'on. let pout mpnoe teiopce
m iTfT'\
^H P ^P^»f
ifow<* U
&L aift* ^*«D
J> fo?
tpon tfa jioto mp father^ he inolo
leaue me toftfjout fa!pe,tn ,^ f Bapg
from Deatfi* Jcal* metcp.ti be not afljameD of bps
«c°^e bis tDojcfee
p 2 apf«. w
bp tpmcs,ano i)<f<H.
befhaH gcuc pou poured <»$Z2-
fo.«Sb n. to*£» 3 of mp trouble anD n tfa tpme of tbtf , t

I /& /t^P #*Pm*t.j pjapfeo tbp name contpnu«

toatoe in Due tpuiir. r^^^e
^ ^^ya

^ 7 X^^np,pelDpng bonoure anD tfjankes bi^ 'i^Bgass

£, ^Q^«uA-;«"f
roe fco
r ?n^eftruction,anD

^ tjnttgbtttous ttme*
and %fipMif

m•^ Mf0 * e to P ! 3 acnnotoleoge

& A*8* 9 p ? a^rt
>^ ^. "'^"u'nagnirpetnenameofjJiioio*
magntfpetbe name of §1ozd.

^W Sm
?S ? r but pon ^o? «wtj
W>l MfW topfeoqm

T e

•-J %&* ~ nor *&*»&>
mape Ipne bnbet tbe Defence of jftabov
cbobonofot ftpng of JEabplon, aub tiu
Chc^Sokeoftlje Der tbe pzbteetpon of i&altbaTat bpS
^zopbeteisatucb* fonnettbat toe map lougeDo tbem fee*
•3*cbefP*ft Chapter. utce,anb fpnbe fauoute in tb«t fpgbte.
CSaeucb toxote a boM. wriuge tbe
eapttuttte |9iape foz bs alfo bnto tbe Jlozbe out
tcat> bcfoicaccoutaij ana <i5^>B 3 foitoc baue fpnneb agapntttbe
pf ©abp!wi,toi)tcij be
tgc bobetoptij
all tbe people. EbCjftctoearcubc £o2beout<j5£D33,anD bnto this bape
monep!b»to tbcic ottjet btftbxcn:
W? fcoulbe piapc foubepra. is not btf toiatb tutneb pet atoap from
to tbe intent tbat
~10D zsatucb DPD bs . aino fetbat pe teoe tbps boae
uiDettjctuozDes of (*X)bicbe toe baue fente bnto pon to be
tbisbofte,f3Itcbo tebeatfeb th tbe temple of tbe JLo:D)bp
I niabf Tonne of 31 o
actn lung of 31 trim
on § ^
* Wis
bapes, anb at tpme couenient*
tyal pe faprtcbe lozbe out 53
mtgbt beaten in £ <Sob is tigbtuouSjbut toe ace tooztbpe 2&ani.«.b.
oam * a
pzefencc of all the of confufion 5 0?ame:lt8e as it is come
people, vtocr come to paffe tbis Dape,bnto all Juba , ano
tobeare t'jc bobe:pea,anb bcfoze al tbe toeuetpeone tbatbtoelletb at3fetuTa>
;'-V noble fcpnges Tonnesjbcfoze c be lozbcs lemtto once fepuges 3 pzpnce)S{ , pjieftes,
of the coftfel anb elbetsrano before tfje pzopbetes^ to ourc fatbets. dece baue
tofjolt people,from the lotocfl bnto the fpnneb betoze tbe 1 ozoe oure c^ob , toe
bpelhbefoze all tbem tbat Dtocltat ©a> baue not put outettuft in bim,nozge*
btlon,bptfjetoaCccof £>obp. archive tienbun ccebeuce, toe baue not obepeb
tube n «)f P betbe tt,toept, fafteb,$ pzap bpm, toebawe not betaeneb bnto tt)t
tDbefozetbejloioe. bopce of tbe JLozbs our <Boo 9 to toalcse
Cbep mabe a collection alfo of mo? in tbe comaunbementes § he gaue bs*
J5 ^>pns the bap $ be bzought oure fo^e<
nep,«ecozDr>nge to euctp mans potocc,
eno fente it to ]jjf tufalcm bnto Joactn fathers out of the lanbe of cgipt bnto
the Tonne of ^elcbtab tbe Tonne of £>a* this pzefenf bape , toe baue bene euer a
Ion pzica,tottb p other pzicGesranb to mpfbelcupng anb an bnfaptbfull peo*
all the people tobicb toece toptb him at pie bnto the lozb our <5ob: bellropenp;
3etufalem,tohattime as tbp bab gottg ourfeluejj t)tte ripe anb Ojzpncbpnge

tb e omameates of tbe tf pie off 'HozDe bacKe,tbat toe t^oulbenot heare ht»
t (tbat tDtce taken atoape out of tbe tun bopce*
ple)tbat tbep mpgbte bzpnge tbepm at * come bpon bs m
jccberfoie there are
gapne into tbe lanoe of 31 uoa,tbe tenth great plages anb bpuetfe curffesjpfee t ^, ,,»*.
as the top Deuifeb bp fl^oTes bis feo ^««.»
uape of tbemonetb <fe>tban:nauielp,fil*
uu be ffelf es ( tobicbe £>ebecbtab tbe uaut:^tobich bzought our forefathers ®«n»jj«j
out of the lanbe of £gipt,togeue bsa
rcn of Jonah fcpug of Juoa bab maoe)
3ftec tbat $abucboDonofo: fepnge of lanb,thatflotoethtoith milcae sbonp,
^abplonbab taken 3(ecboniab,toptb Ipbe as it is to fe tbps bape. j&cuertbc*
all bis pzinces, lozoeg , anb all tbe peo* les,toe baue not hetfteneb bnto f boice
ple,anb leb tbem captt ne from Jecufa* of the tlozdc our <5oD,accoibpng to all
!em bnto sab (Ion. the tooioes of the pzophetes,tohonie he
3nb tbep Tapbe ©ebolbe : baue , toe rent bnto bs aub to oure rulers : but v.
C Tentpbu monep,* to bpe pou burnt of> uerp man folotoeb his tone mpnb anb
topebeb pmagpnacpon:to offer bnto

' fetpnges anb inceTe toitball:maRepou

tmleueneb b*eabe,ano offer fot fpnne tttaunge gobbes, anb to bo euell in the
bpon tbe aulter of tbe t,ozoc out 45ob. fight of the ftotbe our <£ob.

* anbpzapefoz tbe pzofperfte ofjfta* C< Chapter.
bucbobbuoCozfetngof z3abtlon,anb of *be 3lctocs confefflt tbat tbep fufftt Dtttelpc
zsaltbafatbts Tonne : tbattneic Danes foxtbetc rpntics.arbe true cottfcffion of tbeebxis
den. 3CTK J| ctocs bcfpiic to baue tbe toxatb of gob
mape be bpon eartb as tbe bapes of bca futttebftomtbcm.lWEoTWtopltbattaeobcp
wen: tbat <B0B alfo mape gcue bs bntopipiiccsalrbougbe tbep bccucll. ©cpio;
fctength,ano Ipghten out epes.that toe mrffctb ttjatbctopUwll agafnctbc pcopleftj

fi&ftcfc jfolljcbuu
capt tint tc.anb gcue fljcm a ticto aubcuttlatttus toapc : tb at all lanbes mape buo to,t[jac
tbcm att tbe ftozoc oute 4500, anD.ttjaf?
®2tbefobicb*cauTe£ jiozo 31f rati ano bps generacp.on called bp*
ourcdDObbatbc per four into on tbp name.
bis oeuife,tobctof be ccrttfp? iDftozbjlofceDotonfcomtrjp rjolp ©««.**««
^jebbs^no outebeaocs * fav* 6? '
tijnt boufe bpo bsieuclpnetbpne eate , anb 1

tuleb en j|£tufalem:pca,anD out foyn* beate bs. jfoz tije oeao,£ be gone botou
gcSjOut pzpnces,toitb al Jftatl $ jju* totbeitgtaucs,anb tobofe loulesate
Da . ^uofuebe plages batb tbe JUuoe out oftbeitbooyes^afcribe bnto tbe *^
bzougbtebponbs,as neuet came to Jlozbc nctiict pzaife not tigbtuoufe ma
paiTebnoettbcbeaucViUeasit isful* Jung; but tbe foule ti;at is btjceo foi tbe
fffciki fplleo in3|ctu(ale>accozbf ngas it is niultttube of bet fpnuc^, tobicbe goetb
tiupttcn in tlje lato of vj^ofcs;trjat a ma onbeuelp anb tocalicb', tobofe epes be^
©oulD eate tl)e fteHje ot Ois oton fonne, gpnnetofap!erpea,fucb a foule afctp?
$tbe fleO) of bis otone Douet,btet* 3$oy, betb pzatfe anb tigbtuoufnes bnto tbe
puet,be batb oelpueteo tbe mto y ban* >Lozb«c> lozt) 3 toe potoze out out piap*
DCS of al # Itpnges, £ are rounDc about etS befoze tbe 3 aub require metcp ui tbp ©
fcs(to be confounoeo 9 Dcfolate ) 5 Tca> fpgbt,© l,o>bt otit (29fob: not fo^anpe
trcD tbe abjtoD in all lanbes $ nations. goblpnelTe of oute fozefatbets , but be?
25 EfyuB are ibc bzougbtc benctb anD not caufe tbou bail fent out tbp toiatb anD
aboue,foztoe baue fpnneoagapnfttbe t nbpgnacpon bpon bs: accozoprtge as

TLozo out d5oo,<* not bene obeopent bm> tbou bpbcfttbzeatenb0,bptbpfetuau^

©ata.u tobtsDoice.* cbctfoictbe)Lo:oeout tes tbe pzopbetc6 fapinge:

*Cb«s fapetb tin Hop: i&otoc boton ^ -

itt r7i **
©ooiStigbtuous^toe tboucfatberg
(as teafa is)arcbzougbt to ope fyame, pour 'JjcKiloers ano neefces , anb fetue
as it ts to fe tbts oape. amo as foz tbefe tbe Upng of sabtlon,ro fljal pe remains
plages tgat ate tome upon bs alreaop* (til in tbe laube } tbat J gaue bnto pour
tbeftozoe bao Deuifeb tbcm foz bs: \nt f atbets . ^f pe topll not bo tbps,no$
toouloe toe not pjape bnto the nozbe beare tbe bopte of tbe )L€>E©Vou«
oute <©oD,tbat toe mpgbt euerp manne (5€>B,to fetue t\jt kpnge of ©abilon:
jturne from bis bngoolp toates.^o the ^JP^albefltopepou in tbe cpties ofjfu
ftozobattjcaufeDfucb plages to come Dajtoftbin Jetufalcm anb toptbour.jl
ipon bs,foz be is tigbtuous in al bps topll alfo take ftom pou tbe bopce o£
tooifce$,tofritbe be batbc eommaunbcb mpztb anb tbe bopce of iope, tbe bopce
ts : tobtcbe toe alfobaue not Donc,nox of tbe bzpbegtome anb § fcopce of tbe
batlseneD bnto bis toorce 3 foz to toalcfce bzpDejanbtbeteu^aliiomabtoel mo^e
ommaunbemeutes of tbc ftozD,
in tht t in tbe lanoc . a&ut ttyp tooulD not \)th
. tbatbebaogeucnbntobs. lienbnto t\)v feopce , to Do tbe fepnge of
osni.w.t %inDnotoe^))lozb(5obof3Iftael J ©abtlon fttuice:anb tbetfoze baft tbou <B
etoo «r. tbou tbat*baft bzougbt tfjp people out petfoutmeb tbe toozoes 5 tbat tbou fpa?
mm m bf ^ lanbe of Cgipt tfj a migbtie banb,
toitb tokens $ toonoets, toitb thp great
keft bptbp feruauiites tbe pzopbetes:
uamelv tbat tbe bones cf once Bruges

potoct aub out fttetcbeo atme:anb bait aim tbe bones of out fathers Ojoulo be
gotten tbp felfe aname,as it is tome to tran(\ateb out of tbeit place*
palTe tbis Dape.© %oivt oute 05ob,toe 3!nDla,uotoe ace tbep lapeo out totfa
banc fpnnco,toe baue bone topckeolpe, beat of v s> uimc,ai ib in the colbe of tbe
toe bane bebaueb out felues bngobipe ntgbt,anbDcabiugteatmifetp:ti)b«ii
C inaUtbp tpgbtuoufnclTes * Cutnetbp gee , toitb ftoeatDe,tottb peftilence anD
tozatb ftom tjp(toe befecbe f beejfoi toe are dene catr foztb. 36 foz tbe temple
arebut a fetoe left amonge tbe htpthm, tone nn tbp name toas calico bp3,tbou
s.pat.w.1 tobetetbou fjafle featteb bs ideate * bafte lapeo it toafte , as it is to fe ti)ps .

out pzaj.>ets(€>ftozbe)anD out pctici* Dape:ano tbat foz tbe toiefcebnes of tb^
ous,bzpngets oute ofcaptuiitie,foz boufe of 3!ftacll,ano tbe boufe ofjju*
thpne otone faKcrget bs fauoute in tbe Da.© Ioid out v0ob,tbou baft tntrea*
fpgbt of tbcpuij tobpebe tyaue leo bs a* tit) bs after al tbp goooncs ano acco^i

tldje ^opljecte
fcpng to a!! tbat gteat loupng metcp of plages bange noto bpon bs.^D ^o?be,
tbpne,lpfcea3tbou fpafceft bp tbvfeo remembzeuottbe totcUebneiTe of otite
namit3)£ores,mtt* bape toban tbou fozefatbets,but tbmkebpon tbp potoet
DpDDcft commaunbe bpm, to tozpte top 9 name noto at tins tpmerfoz tbou atte
latoe before f&e cbtlozen of 3rtael,fap* tbe Tlozoe out ®ob, anb ttje(€> TLoiut)
foz tbou bafte put tbp
?«?h?* tnge:*3fpe topll not betfeeubnto mp topll toe pzapfe.

feare in out beatteg,to§ intent tbat toe

|| ""•'•Vf t) pce,tbenfl)all tbts gteat inuWtubt
bettttnebintoabetpelmall peopled Ojuf b cal bpo tbp name,(j pzapfe ti^ct in
out capttuite : 5 tbat toe mpgbte turne
3 topll fcatte tijem abtooe. jfrottoptb*
ttanbpnge 3 am fute, tbat tbps folcke fto tbe * toiefceones of out fozefatbets, ««m r4.»
ptsu 77,a
topll not beate me:foz it tg an batbnec* tbat fpnneb befoze tf>e,
fteb people idut in tbe lanoe of tbepz ©eboloe 5 toeatepettbisbap in out ^
captiuptie,tbep tyall ttmembettbepm captitm te,tobete as tbou baftc fcatteb
felues,aub leatne to fcnotoe,tbat 3 am bS,to be an abbomitiacpon , c utfe,anb
tbe ftozbe tbepz ©od , toben 3 gene tbe
fimnc Ipbe as it batbe bappeueb bnto

an beatt to bnbttftanbe , ano eates to *outfatbetsalfo,becaufe of all tbepj 0a1.79.fl

beate. Cben Ojall tbep pzapft me in topebebnes ano bepattpng f torn tbe*
ttft lanb of tbepz capttuitie,anb tbinfte €> 3fftaetl j beate tbe commauttbe^
Upon nip name* %\)m Ojall tnep tontne mentes of lpfe:ponoze tbeim toed \o}>t\)
tbem fcom tbeit batbe baeftcs s ano fro tbpneiates,^ tbou maieft letne topfod.
tbeit bngctblpneiTe: Cben fl)al tbep te< 23ut ifotoe bappenetb it Jftael !,p tbou
membze tbe tbinges,tbat bappeneo bn att in tbine enemies lanb/tbouatt toajc
to tbeit fozefatbets,tobicberpnneb a* en olb in a fttaunge countte, ano befp;
gapntt me*£>o topll bzpnge tbeim a*
J leo toitb § bcab.wbp att tbou become
gapneinto tbe lanbe,tobtct)e pzomp* Ipke tbcm,tba t go botone to tbeit gta^
J utsftutn becaufe tbou balltlozfafeeii j tte,u.b
feb toitb an otb bnto tbeit facets : 3B<

bzabam , Jfaac anb 3acob : anb tfjep tbe toell of topfbome«jfoz pftboii bao^
tyalbe lozbes of it,pea, 3 topll incteaf bed toalctteb in tbe toape of (i5ob,ttueip
»tb).8.c tbem,anb not mpnifllje tbepm»*ainb |
tbou t'7)oulDc(t baue tcmapneo ftill fafe
Mcha.8. b topii mafce anotbet couenaunte to tbe": in tbine otone lanoe,
f MC jj Conca 0(jjallenbntefoj euet:nao * AD leatne tben tobete bifctecpon is,
PW , *", '
tnelpe,tbat J topll be tbeit d50b , $ tijep
ts': tbat tbou mayeft hnoine alfo fcom
fyalbe mp people : ano 3 topll no moze
tmtie mp people tbe cbtlozen of 3 fraef, commetbtlong lpfe,a neceflfatp |>fgLl9 b
tobence . .

outoftfrelanbetnatjfbauegeuentfje, Ipupng, tbe Ipgbte of tbe epes 9 quiet* •bd.^V.

£rcbe.ifi»cbaptet. nes»xobo euet founbe out bet place.-ot
Unpeople contiuucrb t" rOcicpxapet btgon tobo came euet into bet tteafures*
fox tueit oclpuctauticc. iac pxapfctt; toprotnne aoobeteatetbepzincesoftbe beatb^ -
utiro tUe people, (betoutge toat to stent aDu«rt= **
tics camctonto ttjem foi t&c&irptcyngfljccof.
become « fucb as tuleb tii( beaftes bp*
£>nclp jSod toasrl)cfpnDcc of toyfeoomcuf tue on tbe eattb f Cbep tbat bab tbepz paf>
tncattucpon of Clmft. tpmc toptb tiit foules of tbe apzc, tbep
,#ibnotoej©ft,o*be almpgb* tbat boozbeb bp fpluet anb golb(tobec
tie,tbou c&oD of 3!ftacl;biiK in men ttuft fo tnuclfe ) 9 maoe no tnt»
of tbeit gatbeting^ accbat is tooitb of
fouls that is in trouble,* out
fpzet that ts bejceb,cttetb t>ntbat copneo ftluct,anb toete fb care

totbe:beate ijs(flD &ozb)anb bane pp* ful,anb coulD not bzpng tbeit tootles
ttebponbsfoz tbou attea mctcpfull to paffe t Cbep be totco oute,anb gone
<©od be gtacioiis bnto bs, foz toe baue Dotone to bell, anb otbet men ate come
Hneb befoze tbe»cbou enbuceft foze* bp in tbeit aeabe/ ponge men bane
tiet^ulb toe tbe" bttetli> petiu^^o jlozt> f c tie lpgbt,anb b toelt bpon eattb : but

«Pbtf.«.a almigbtp ^(Bob of 3fftael;*^eate noto i\it toape of tcfozmacion banc tbep not
V pzaperof pDcao Jfcaelites^i of tbeit hnotocnozbiiDerftaDppatrjcs tberof:
ebtlbie,tobicb boue finneb before tbe,^ neptbet baue tbeit cbilbze teceaueb it 9
*>am («.t not betfeeneb bnto tbe bopce of § iLozb pea, vi giit fat is it fto tw.jt batbe not
fte£*sji tbepz (S0b 3 *fojtl>e toljic^e caufe tbefe bene bcrb of in \> lanb of Cauaa^netbec
<&i gatttcft, JfoUjtfjC
ttbcne fcne at Chemau
f^atfjc ^PSisgbOBeoffcora« 3
^(;c 2Ggarenes fougut after toif Dai»c, ihamioemcntcsofcBoo*
but tfiat Uiluclj ts carthlve, Ipae as tbe lanotbelaUie tbateubu*
uiarcbauntcsoftbelaubcoo. <ZW of ictbfojuuet .3111 tbep g
•COcmau ace conninge alfo,anb tbep Ia« :kepetr,u)aUc':iietoUtt:
botire fcu uuf borne auo bnoer ftanontg:

I b tit i"u t!;c as fojfaae it.

but tbe to>ap of true toiCbometbtp&noto fball come to beatbe* tcurtie ib* £D Ja*
not jiic tf?crbo tfjcp tbpncae bpoii toe pa cob, aiiD taae bo toe of it : toalcke bp tl;pft
tbes tfjcrof,© Jf raell, botoe greate tg toap* tbojoto bis b?pgbtneu"e attD Ojme,
t!)c^oiifeof<5oo.-'3!ivo{)OVD large is tfje <15euenottbpnebonoutetoanotbcr,an&
otttw^. piaceofb<sconfeu"totu*<greateisbe,$ ff?p too^Oj^ppe to a fttaunge peopled

IrKS '! &atb« none enoe^pe ano bnmeafucable. 3Jfraeii,*fjouj bappp ate toe,fepug tbat ©&!?*
30Cbat is become of tfjofe famoufe €>y* ©oo batbe Ojetoeo bs f tube tbpnge s as
auntes , that toere fo gceate of bobpes, are plcafa tmtc bnto bpm 1 13s ot gooa
anb fotooztbpraenneoftoatte** cbole cbeare,tbou people of gob,®tbouaun*
f?ab not tbe JUibecbofen,neptbec bane cptntjftaell.* |}otoe arepe folbe a* ,«,.-»
Cfy^ founoe tbe toape of tefoimacpon, niong tbe beatben,botobeft not foi pout ano .»&>
tfjetfoje toece tr>cp beftropeb : ano for fo Utter beflrucctombut becaufe pe pzotto
tmtcbe as tbep bab no topfebome, ttjep keo <Eoa tbe ftojb to tozatbana opfplea
<* pi rpflbcb becaufe of tbcpzfolpflmccre* fure 5 tbetoftoerepebeipuerebbntopou!y
accbobatb gone bp tntobeauen,to enempes ; foipebpfpleafco tbe euecla*
tafte topfebome tbcre,anb biougbte bee ttpnge ©Ob tbat mabe pou , offerpnge
Dotone f torn tbe clottbes t «Cbo bat&e tonto Deuels, ana not to ©ob* £e baue
gotre onet tbe fea to fpnoe b«t, anb batb fozgotten bpm tbat biougbte pou bpj,
cbof en b« aboue golbe,atib fo biougbt anb poticeuurfe baue pe gceueb,
Jp* ®
bet bptbeT*\0o man anotoctb ttjt mates r uf alem*

oftopfbome, neptbettstbereanp tbat aoobentyefatoe tbat tbe toiatb of goo

teas commpuge tjpon pou :u> fa pbe;
tetb all tbpngcs , ftnotoetb ber, aitD'be Igctfecn $> pe tbat b tocll aboute &>poti,

batb fountii tjec out tortbbfs foie fcnoto f 0? © ob batbe biougbt me tn to greate
leoge.*TOsfametsbeto>btcbcptepa* beupncu*e,anb tobjvjfet&e captpupte
teb tbe eattb at tbe bcgpnutnge,aHb l\U of mpptople^f mp foime£ ano oougb^
3«r«c .'.c. uo tt tottb all maner of foules anb bea* ^ts, tobtcbe tbe euerlaftpng (Bob tupll
Suit".* ftes»* Wbenbe fenbetb ottte ti)t Itgbte, b^P"8e bpon tbem* «Dttb iw Dib J no*
«pfl) tt)Wh but noto mufte
ft goctbranb toben be calletb it agame, a leatte t\)tm
it obepetbbfmtottbfeare, /Cbe ftattes toitbtoepptigatibfopto*
feepe tbepi toatcb,anb geue tbepi Itgbt, 51" »° »ian retopce ouet we topbboto
pea,anb tbat glablpe* ^ccbcn be calletb anb ftufaaeu : tobtcbe fo? tbe fpnnes ol
tbem,tbepfapt:bcre toe be»atnb fotottb wp cbplb^en am befolateof euerp man*
t bearfulues rbepu^eloe Ipgbt twto btm $°l WvWv beparteaftom tbe lata of
(i5ob:tbep tooulo not fcnoto bps
Sw 2u tbat maoe tbem. * tEftis ts oure <fcob, tpgbte*
anb mere (ball none otber be compareb
Unto bpmtltt0be>tbat batb founo out
wtius » m toalcfte tn tbe nape of bpjS
commaunbemente$:^asfo? tbepatbes 1

all topfebome, anb batb getten ber tinto of tfa ttutb anb goblpneffe^bep bab no
l liac t0 $° itt t ^»«»
!<*».< a. Jacob bis fetuattnt,anD to jfifcaell bts
t.iutjn.ia |«ioueb.*3ftettoatbeDpbbeQ)etobpttj fl) pe btoellets aboute ^»pon:come 3
Ceif bpon cattb,anbbujelt among men, anb let bs eal to tememUiaunce tbe cap
tpupte,tbat tbe euerlaftphge <bod batfj>

CCbwitt.Cbapfcr. biougbt bpon mp founcs $ mp bougb^

ters.*l^e batbe taougbt a people, bpon
CSTftctctoatDc oftlicmttwt bepttfjejatof, an» tbem ftome farre, ait tmeutteous pco^ otat n*i
t Ucpmtpa>Jncitt of rt)«nti)af DcrprTci t. a comfw= *"'*'<
pie anb ofafttaunge fanguagertobtcb
rptigc of roe people bcpitgc ttt captt mr tc & cdin =
tieptbec regarbe tbe ol^enoj pi^tt^t
8f,oftl)cctjw;ctjc.aco4ifo]arwu4«DcoiofoiUtttuc ponge.
sf rue fame. -Cbefe bauecatpeo atoape tbebeare
JJ.b^ belowe^
^\)t ^opljeae
beloueb of mp topoootoes, icaupng me ano tbat batie carpels afoap tl)p formes,
aione,botb oeiolate and cbplolefle»tf ut tyalbe cojteete. jfoi Iphc as tl)tp be nou>
alas 3 U)batcan3|belpepou f #otoebe glaDoftbvoecape^oiJjall tbep moucne
tbat batbe bzougbte tfjeCc plages upon in tbepi otoue Deftcticcpon. qcije tope of
pou, Delpuct poii atf o f tome tbe baubes tbepi multptuoe Ojalbe taken atoap ano
of pout enempes* tfjep^t cbeace Ojalbee tucneD to fozotoe*
<Bo poute toape ( O mp cbplbzen)go foi a fpie fljall fall bpon tbem from Hje
poute toape:f 02 3f am oefolate ano toz* euetlaftpuge ^oDjlonge to enouteiano
fafeen»*3fftauepnt oftfjeclotbpngebf
°w a
2K?;? itmalbemfjabiteDofoeuclsfoiagteat
peace ano put bpon me the faclteclotbe feafom
of Pjapec, ano foi mp tpme 3 topii call
tpOntbemoftefjteft^COf gooDcbeat? Ocnifalem
C^ ^« £ Chapter.
isrooucDbnro slaimesfo: ttyxic
*"' w,a *€> mp chploien ^"^^"P^P^^^toiiwtt^fpguwtocwf,
: ccpe tmto
bnto tbe
the Jtozoe,
Jiozoe, thccljurcl;
ano be QjallDelpuecpoufcomtbepbto*
ct of tbe pzpuces,pouce euempes*
•xw&sji 31eturalcm , Jose a*
boutetbetotoarotfje ?
tf o: bccelp,3( flane etiet a gooo bope
of poute profpetous bcaltb:pea,a beep
tope tbat commetfj
glabneffe ts come bpon me fcome ti)e
fcolpeone, becaufeof tf)t metcpe tbat
jijFozIo,tpp fonnetf
petyailbaueofoute euetlaapnge£>a*
Sh mtmnmnttp *mh t™ ««„*.
* IlleXS ht,h ra ^ en >
auDtbat &«* ccatteb
comegatbeteo togetbetftomtbe

pecpetuan giaoneire, ityau tbe ticzDe w

thc ho i« e onc tbc f, ,iniirc nf
ozpngepouagapnebntome* npfce as
Xft XToutf
ft fteal het^r
3f^ilfalem )anotbpfotouJ e J anDDecfee

oTauo &
toapes foj tfiep ate feo ataap as a floc&e
Decla " * tt WW Is buoeube

tpSoutotto * jm! \te bbno22 nf

- tbat is fcatreoabzoDetottb tf,e enemies
ls$*t!*n ' * " °*

.1 i

lope agapiie toitb po ute bealtb* ICafee
a of be S »moii? f Si ? D h rtffi?
n«w«j«rto^e^ tapnes,p^a, and all bie tocfteg tofpi tbe
tbe fo to bo 5

il».t *••« S
tbe to ttoubli
I „tt
p mi
pu£ ^ Me
8 ««w * «8t3ftae« mape be oplp.
gent to ipue into tbebonoute of/oo.
ep.^e mniH)^
cptie^ tobome Jifetue
tf;p c^lotg
%l)e * anDal1 Pteafawnte Sees
f^all one effete JftaeU, at tbe com,


f JfoUfo
maunDetmnt of &od. for bp tbet $all tobeteof f&ere fs mucoe amongecbetm
<£wb bzpng JjftacU tottb topfull mpztb, g>ne batbe afecptet tn bisbanbe, as
anD in t\)c l±qt)t of bis maieftp: to irb the tbougbe be toete niDge of ti)z counttee?
metcpe anD tpgbtuoufneffe, tftat com* pet canne be not flap f ucb as oflfenb b"w
metbof&tmfelfe* anotbee batb a f tocrbc o* an aje tn ijpB
{£ bauDCjfoiall tbat, is be neptbetableto
3 eoppc of tbe cppttle tbatactempcfenf bate H)e oef enoe bpm felfe from battapl!,noz fxfi
3)cajes,tPbpc& tocce leabc atoap o»foaecs bp rgc tnuttbet*
bmgcof SabpIotutDbcutii 0«- cccrpfpcrb. tbem
o* fdetbpiiije, ttjat &>*9 conwuiw&ea t^pra of
©P tbP£ pe mape ftnberftanbe, tyut €
©ob, beno goDbegubetfoze fe tbat pe ne
tbec toozujpppe tbem, noz feate tbenu
Ctaufe ottiw u tints tf;ac
Jf oz Ipae as a beffell tbat a man Ufetb,
[pe t^auc Done agapnfte
isnotbpnge tooztbe tobenftisbzoaen,
bK,tt*.« ©oD,Fc Qjal be*lcb atoap euenfotsit
tottbtbepz gobbes* aapben
captpue into isabplon ti)ep be fet t>p
tn tbe temple , tt)tpi epes
euen of ^abiuftobonot be full of bufte,tbozotoc tbe fete of
tbat come tn.3nb ipae as tf)i cozes ate
b toben pc be come tn to jdabplon, pe
tyuttntounoeaboute bponbtra, tbat
fftall remapne t&ete uiaup peaces, and
bat^e offenDeb tbe ftpnge:^)z as it toete
for a longc fcafon:namclpc«t> U.geneca<
a Deaoe boope aepte befpoe tbe gtaue:
cpons:auD after tba t topil J bzpng pou Cuen fo
tbe pzeeftes aepe tbe oozes
avoape peaceablpftomtbence.^otu fiial
tottb battes ano lockes,! efte tbepz «so&
pe fe in aabplori, gobbes of $oloe , of
Desbefpopleb tottb tobbets* Ctjcpfet
fplnet,Qf toobbeanb of ftont:bozne fcpd
top caubles befozetbem(pea,betelp ano
meu0 (l)o MonSyta cafre ou *e a fcatf nU tbat manpjtobcteof
tbep can not fe one,
netf before tbe i^eaten. $ut ioUe cbat pe
but euen as blocfces , fo ftanbe tbep tn
bo not as tbe otbet : be not pe aftapeo, tt)t temple^t
is fapbe, tbat tl)z fetpen*
anD Uttt not tbe feare of tfjem ouet* tesanbtoozmes, tobpebe comeoftf^e
come pou. eattb,gnatoeoue tbepz ^eattes,eatpng
Cbet fozc toben pe re tbe multptube tbem 9 tbepz ciotb alfOjano pa tbep fele
& of people toozOjppppnge tbem bebpnbe it uot.Cbepz faces ace Wacae, cbojotoe
aub before, fapc pe in poute bea ttes:ip tbe fmoae tbat Is in ttje temple.Cbe ou<
Dea*.bi,f. jiozDe,*it is tbou,tbat ougbteft oneipe Ies,ftoaIotoes,anD bpzbes fle tjpon tb^,
be toozu>ppiiD.-^pue angcll alio u>all pea, ano tbe cattes tunne ouet tbepz
be lottb pou , ano nip felfe lupil care
J beaoes*
f 01 poute foules * 3s for tbe tpmbze of
©P f^ts pe map be fute,tf>attbep ate t$
tbofc goDDcS, tbe carpenter bath polof* not gobbes , tbetefoze feate tbem not*
Q)eo tbeimpea,gpltcD be tbep,anb lapcD Cbegolbc tbat tbep baue, ts to maHe
ouet u>i t& fpluet, pet ate tbep but batue tbem beuttfullrfo; all tfjat, ejeeept fome
tbpnges,ano can not fpea&e* jtpae as a jboopebpgbte of tbepz tu&e, tbeptopll
v»eucb ibat iouetb peramours i* tttmtp geue no u)pne:anb toben tl)ep toete cafte
Deeate, euen fo are tbefe mabe anb ban* into a foutme,tbep felte it not.Cbep ate
geo toub goloe.CtotoneS of golbe bete* bougbte foz moncp,anb baue no ijpttt)t
Ipe baue tbepz goooes bpcm tbepz bea<
Des:f o tbcp^ pzecftes tbeui felucs ta&e £
of ipfetoftbtntbeim *Cbepmuaebe» lpttttt(t
boznebponmcnhestyoulDcts as tbofe
golDc ano fpluet frome tbem , anb put tbat baue no fete rtobctebp tbep Declare
u to tbepz ottme fcfesrpea, tbep geue of Unto men,tbattbep be noting tooztb*
tbe fame Onto barlottes , anb limine ConfounocD bee tbep tben, tbat toozi ***«».
tbepz u>ba«s tettbal:agapne,tbep taae fbpptbem.f ozpftbepfal totbegrouD,
tt from tbe U)J>ores } aiiD Dec&c tbe it 900
tbep can not rp fe tp agatne of tbem fcl*
bes cbettoit&.*£ et can not tbefe goos ues» 2 ca 5 f bougbe one belpe tbem bp
3«tnv:xa jjelpuet tbetn felues
from tulle anb mo* anD fet tbem tpgbf, petatc tttep nota*
tbes. aobeu tbep baue couctco tbem bleto ftanbe alone:but mutt baue pzop<
tottb clotbpnge of putple, tbeptoppe
t&cpz faces foztlie oufte of tbe temple, fozt^e tbpnge tljat is offceo bntotbjcm,

Hflje l^opljecCe
tbm piccftes fell it, auD abufe tt:pea 4 a; fapb, (feat tyep ate goDDcs.' Carptn*
the pieeites topue£ take cfic cor, but ton; ters ano golbfmptbcs make them, nep*
to the fpefee $ pocue t!>cp geue notbtnge tbecbetbcpanpeotbertbpnge,buteueii
otitic mini tuttl? cbplbe auo the me* tubat tbe t»o;cke men btpU make of the.
fit uoti s lape haiiocs of tbep; o (fringes. £ea,tbe golbfmptbes tbem (elites tbat
©P tbps pe maps bee fute,tbat tbep ace make tbem,ate of no longs contpuuauce
no goDDcs,therfou be not pe afrapcb of l^oiue iDouioe then tbe tbpnges tbat are
tr>eim jfrome tobence commetb it tfjen, maoe of tbcm,bc goDDesv guapue tber*
tbat tbep be calico goDDesf €be toeme foie are tt)e tbpnges (pea, toerpe Ojame
fptbefoK tbegobocs offpluer, goloe is tt)tbat tbep leaue bebpnbe tbcm to:
ano toooDe,auD tbe p;ee(tes fpt in tbe tc tbep;poftcrpte» jfotasfoonc as there
templcs,baupuge open clotbes, tobofe commetb anp foarre 0; plage bpon tbe,
beabis ano bcarocs are tyaucn anb then the p;ee(tespmagpn, tobete tbep
bauc notrjpugc upon tbep;beaDes:toa* mape bpbe tbem felues ioitb tbem.^oiD
tpnge auo ccpiuge bpon tbep; goooes, caa men tb?nke tben tbat tl)tp be gob*
asmenne do at tbefeafle, totjen one 10 Dcs, tobichc neptbec mape DefenDe tbem
oeaDc. felues from toar re,no: Delpuer tbem fro
$ ^bep;eeac$aIfo take atoap tbe gat* mp(fo;tun<f Jfo; fepngetr)cp bee but of
mentes of tbe images, auo Dccketjjep; tooDoe,of(tone,ofrplueranDofgoio:al(
topues anb c!jplo;en uittbal.acbetbec tt people anDkpuges u^allknoloe beraf*
be gooD 0; eucli tbat anp man Do imto ter,t.iat tbep bebut bapne tbpnges:pea
tbem,tbcp ace not able to tecompence tt: it u)albe opelp bed .ucd, tbat tbep be no

tijep can nepthe t fet bp a kpnge no; put goooes: but euen tbe berpetooihes of
bimbotone* Jnlpkemaner tbep mape meunes banbc^,anb tbat^oo ba ^ • no*
neptbec gcue rpebes, no; tctuaroe cucl. tbjnge to 00 toitt> tbem. %\w? can fette •

«tti«.t».a * Cbougb a manne make a borne bnto no kpuge in tbe lanbe no; geue tapne
tbcm auDkcpeitnot, tbep mpil not re* bnto me 1. Cbcp caane geue no few mc
qup;e tt.fCbcpcannottcftoie ablpnoe of a mattermetber oefenb tin lanb front
man to bps fpgbt, no; belpe anp man at toiouge : jfoi tbep are nor able to Do fo
bis iicot. Cb tp can u)et»e no mcrcpe to muebe as a crottie, tbat flpctb betanjete
t\)t u>pDD oUjc .no: Do goob to tbe rattier* beauenanDcartb*
les.cbep; goobes of toooDe,(tone,golD
anb ftluec,arc but euen as otbet (tones,
XObautbere bapP<netbafp;eintof
boufeoftbofegobDes oftooooe, offpU
that be beiocu of tbe mountapne* tCbcp ucr ano of golbc.tbe pucftes toil efcape
tbat ujo;0)pppe tbcm, (ball be confotuw anb fatte tbem felues, but tbe goDbes
CcD-i^otocajculDtbcp tben be taken foz burne as ti^t balkes tberein* €bcp can
goDDcsf pca,boU)c Dar re men call tbcm not toitbftanbe anpe kpuge 0; bated:
goDDes^anb tbougb tbe Calbccs tooi' boto map tt tben be tbougbte 0; graun*
CuppeD tbun not, fccartngt that tbep tcb,tbat tbep bee gobbes t g^eouer,
toere but Dommc auo con ID not fpeabr. tbeic goDDes of toobDe,of (lone, of golb
£cttbep tbcm f clues offrc bnto ©ell, ano fplucc mape neptber befenDe tberti
nnbtooulbe fapnehauebtm tofpeake: felues from thcuts no; robbers :pea,
as tobo fape,tbcp couloe fele, tbat map tbe berp totckeD ace fttongcr tben tbep*
not mo tie. $u t tuben ibti'e men come to 'Cbefe ftcp pe tbem out of tbep; appa rel,
' bnDer8anDinge,t hep Ojalfoifake tbcm, tbat tbep bee clotbeb Uittball, tbefe take
fo; tbep; gobocs bauenofelpng* . % tbep; golD?iriluet from tb?,anD fogef
gteate fo;te omeiiicu gp;oe toltb coar* tbem au»ap:pet can tbep not belpe tbcm
Des,fpt in tbe uteres , anb burne olpue f clues ,c )ftfo;e it is much better fo; a

bctpes. 0otu pf one ot them be conucicD man,to be a kpngeanb to tbctu bis poto«
a toape ,anD Ipe mi) anp fucbe as come er:o; els a p;ofptabIe beffell in a boufe,
bprflje caftetb bet ncpgbbourerretntbe tobctta betbatotnetblt, mpghtebaue
rcth becaufe (be teas not To tooitbclp re p!eafucc:pea,o; to be a Do;e in a boufe,
pufeb,no; bee coaroc btokeu. n$W fo to kepe fucbe tbpnges fare as be tberin
ruct is bone fot them, it is but in baiue tbe* to be f U6b a baine goo. Cbe ^fine,
anb loft:$otoe mape it then be tf;ouj«jt the moneatiD all tbe ftarces tuben tbep

M tottcl),
gcue tbepz typw &n& Ipgbte, aw obebi* CCfre coromen ttaiiRacpo teabetb tbis
ente,aubbomengoob:4]Obantbeiigb' Conge m t^.nf .c&aptet of Banieu
icnpnge gipftcetb, ail is cleare:Cb*
topnbe blotuctf) m euetpe couture auD $D tijcp toalfccb tn t&e
tolje n goo commaimbctb tf;c cloubes to wpcbeft cf ttje fiamme,
go rounoc aboute tbe tuOoie zuozlD,tbcp IWipng <frob anb mag*
DoastbepatcbpoDtiufofjcu tbefpze ts np/pingetbejiozDe.aia*
fcnte bourne f com aboue
anb commau* nablloDcbp 3 anDpzapcD
Deb itbutnetb npbplles anb tooooes: ontbps ma net, Cuenfti
©utas foi tbofe gobbes, tbep ate not tbe mr>boeft of tf»e fpje opcneb be&ps
one ofttiefc tbpngcs,netbet in bun
Ipfec moutbe,anbfapbe : J3lc(T;D be tbou(€)
tpenozftceugtb.aBbetfozementljouloe Tlozbcafbbofourfatbets jrpgbtetooz*
nottbpuc&e,noz rape tbat tbep be gob* tbptobeptapreb anbbonotiteo is tbat
Oeg , fepuge t^cp can neptber gene fen* name of tbpne foz ewecmoze : foz tbou
tence in fuogement, nozbomengoob* attetpgbtuoustii allfbetbpuges tbat
5Foj fomucbe notoe as pt ace face , tbat tr)o ti baft Done to bs:£ea,faptbfull ate

tbep be no gobbt£,tbenfeate tbem not: alltbptooicaes, tbpuiapes atetpgbr,

$ o: tt)ep canne neptbet rpeahe euell not anb tbp tubgementes true 3Ju ait tbe
goobof kpuges.ffcbepcanf&etoeno to* tbpnges tbattbou baft bzoupt bpon
kens in beauen fo? tf)t i^eptben, nep> bs, anb bpon tbe bolpecptpe ofoucfa*
tber Q)pnt as tbe £>unne,uoz geue ligbt tbets(eue Jeeufalem)tbou baft ejeecu
as tbe *^onc:pea } tbe bnteafonable bea teo true iubgementrpea, aecozbpnge ta
ftes ate better tbentbep,foz tbep can get tpgbtanb cqupte baftetbou bzougbte
tbem bnbet t^)t rofe,anb bo tbem felues tbefe tbpnges bpon bs ,becaufe of out
gooD.§>ocatipebececttfpebbp noma* Cpnnes*
net of meanes,tbat tfjcp be gobbes^bct if oz totyj'toe baue offenbeb, anb bone
foje teate tbem not . jfoz IpUe as a trap* topcfceolp,bepartpnge from tbe:* 3fn al
boggatb in a gatben of Cueumbccs tie tbtges ban:; to: ttefpaceb,anb not obep*
petti notbtnge.euen fo ate tbepz gobbes eo tl;p comaunaementes, no: ftept t\ji
of tocb,offpuictauDgoJbe:ahbip&eas neptbet bone as tboabaft bpbben bs,
a tobptt tbozne in an o:cbatoe,tbat eue* tbat me nipgbt pzofpere.* jCDberfoje al »««.flj»
tpebpzbe fpttetb bpon: pea, Irkeasa tbatrboubaftbzougbtbponbs.anoe*
bcabc tscafte mtbe oatckc. ucrptbpnge tyact&ou baft bone tobs,
Cucnfo is it tm tb tbofe gobs of inoobe, tfjoti baft bone tbem in ttuc tuDgemrnc

fpltiecauD goloe t 23?tbe purple anb 30s in bclpiicrpnge bsin totbebanoes

fcatlet tobtcb iWbaue bpon tben^ano of our enempes,amonge bngoblpe anb
foone faoetbatoape, pemape bnber* topcbebabbompnacpous,anbtoanbn<
ft*uoc,tbat tbep be no gobbes:pea, tbep tpgbtuous kpnge, pea, tbe moft frotoa
tbem felues fi)ill bee confumeb at tbe aco bpon eartb* jtiib notoe toe map not
lafte, tobtcbeQ)alI be a grcate confufp* open outemoutbes, toee are become a
on of tbe i anb . £lc le d is tbe goblp ma, tyame anb repiof e bate tl)p fetuauntes
tbat batbe no pmages anb tooztypppetb anb to tbem tbat tooitypppe tbe.^et foj
none 3 fo£b*Ebalbe far from cep.:ofe» thy names fafee(toe befecb tbe)geoe bs
notbpfoz euer, bzeake not tbp coue*
nauut,aub ta he not aioap
ttftj metcp fta
Q%t)t cnbe of tbe i^iopbet ©ai ns,foz tbp beloueb aibiabams fafte,foj
rucbtolucbeisnctintbe tl)p feruatint3!faacs faae , anb fo? tbp

Canon of tbe nolp3ffraci$faBe:to lobome tboubaft

i^ebzue. fpoken anb pzomifeD*tbat tbou tooibeft ««.**'
multppipe tbep? febeas tbe ftartes of ft^X
fea ft)o?e . Jfoz toe (fl) %oib) ate b:*

come \t& then anp people,anb be kepte

tl)lt ct)plD;en, tt3t)tcl)t tucre put tmber tbps bap in al tbe toozlD 5 beratife
in to tbe bote bzeimpuge ouetn ofoutfpnues:^otbat notoe tee baue
tut tec
pipnce,DuBe,pzaphet,bututoiTe< cuet*l3leu"et)be tbou,that loBeft tbojoto
tinge, factpfpce, obiacpoii,'incenie,noj the bepe , anDfptteft bpontbe Cfjettt*
S>au«uatp uetozctbe* bmsif oi ttjou act tooitfjp to be p43i'fcD r
ctheleftVm a conttpt heart anD ano aboue all to be magnpfpeo top euet*
an bumble fpirit lee u s be r cc caucb tijat lalciTco be t b ou t n the fpjmament of b ca
toe map optcpne clip metcpe.ftpBe as in tien , fox tbouatt pzapfe ano bonoute
the butnt ofFrpngc of tammes ano buU toojtbp fox etiet.
locBes,anDUseas:inchoufanDcs of fat £>alpe tooxcBC-s oftiieUozD:fpc-ake
lambesrf o let out oftxmg be m
tbp light g ood off *loxD,pzapf e bim,ano fct bint

K?/ 8, tbp
* W^
map pleafe the, foz*tbete up fox euet.
crap »» is no confufpon tmto tbem , tbat put * ad pe angels of the JtojDt , fpease ma
««iMr,B t^epj> ttutt ttube.aiuD uoto toe foloto the goob of the iazdc , ptapfe jjun,anD fet mn.tStii .

totthall out beatt,toe fcare tbe,ano fefce bim tip foz euet*
cbpface*putbsnottofbame,butDeale £>pe l)eauens,fpeafeegooDofthe
toitb us af tec tbp loumg BinDncuXano jtoibtpzapfc btm, 3 fct btm bp foz euet.
accozopug to tbe muitptub of tbp met* £> al pe toatctg that be about (be try
t pes. ®eipucc as bp tijp mp?aclcs(© mamcntejpeaae goob of $ jtojo;pzaire
&o.zD)auD get tbp uamc an bjjnout.tbat btm ano fet btm bp foz euet*
alltbeptobicbDotbp ft ma u tuts cucll, ^alpepotoecsoftbeiLozD,fpeaRe
inapbetontoiinDeD. Ticttncmbeaflja* goob oftbc^oxDe, pjapfe bpm anD fct
mtD tbozo to tbp almpgbtpc potoet, anD bim bp foj euet*
iettbepztttengtbebebzol,eu:tbattbcp * ad pe Auntie anD sipoone; fpcaUe
mape tmote,bott> that tbou onlp att tbe goob of tbe lojD:pjatf e btm,anc fet bim #* x w•
JLozd d5oD,auD boiJou t tootfb? tbozotoe tip foz euet*
outaUthetoozioe* 4Dpeftattesofheatiert,fpeaBegooD
2CrtD the Binges 'ctuauutcs tbat put
I of tbe noxDe:pzaife bun, ano fet btm bp
tbem in , teallco not to matte the oum foz euet*
&ote toitb toplo fpxc^peittatoejpiicbe *®pell)otoersanDDeto,rpeaBegooD ,*<„,*,>,
ano faggotte<s:fo that the aammettient ofthe]iojD:pz^pfebiui,aBDfetbpmbp
out of tbe out Upon a.jcU£.cubptc$:pea, foz euet*
It tofte atoap,$ bzent bp thofe CalDees, ^> al pe totnDes of <SoD,fpeaue good
that it gat tjoloc Upon befpot tbe ouen* of the XozDt.p jaf fe bim,anp fet btm bp
1£>uttbe aingell of the tow c a me Domne foz euet*
in to ouen to au'aria'} ano bps f doio
ti)i pe fpxe ano bcatt, rpcabe goob of
es,anb fmote p ftamme of tbefpze out of %op)t : pxapfe bpm, ano fet bpm bp foz
tbe outn,anD mao e tbe mpbbcft of tbe 0* cuct*
uen,a$ it ijao bene a coloe topnoe bloto* pe topnter anD fomer ,fpea&c goob
ing:fo that tbe trxciutnct toutbeo the, of the loiD:p;apf«bpm,ano fee bim bp
gteueo tbcm,uoz i po them butt* Chen foz euet*
tbefe thze(as out of one niOutb)pzatT eo, £> pe Deto cs good
ant) f toftes, fpeafce
bonouteD,aiio blcfico <sod iu p fozuace, of tbe ftojo:pzapfe bpm,ano fet bim bp
fapinge* fo^euet.
tmum*' * £l £ u"eDbet&ou,®tozDc<£oDof ^>peftoftanDtolbe,fpeaBegoebof
out fatb:ts:roubou att pzapfe ano ho* the 2Lo^De:p;apfebpm,anDftt bpm bp
nout toojtbpjpca, an o to be magmfpcD

top euet*
prajt.rii.c foz euctmozc.* 6lc(Tco be tbe -joip name q pe pfe ano fnoto fpeaae goob of tbf
of tbp glozp,fo;it is luoztbp tobepwp* %Gibt: pzapfe bpm, ano fttlnm bpfoj
feDjaub magnif^eb in al tobzlDegaaiefc euet.
febbe thou inthcbolp temple of tbp glo-- <d pe nfgbtes anb baies:fpeaBt goob
tp,foz aboue all tbpnges tbou att to be of tbe ftozoe : pzapfe bpm, anb fee bint
pzapfcDjPta ,anD mote then too?tbpc to bp foz euet*
be magupf ieo foz euet* &letTeD be tbou £D pe Ipgbt anb batcBiicffe , fpcafcc
in the ttone of tbp Bpngbome,foj aboue gooo of the Uo?b:p?apfe bpm, ano fete?
allthoa attiooztbpeto bctotllfpoaen l;pmt)p foz euet*
of, ano to be mojc tbjn magnpfyeo foj ®pe lightntnges anb (louDt^ fpeaae

<&, Cong of tWiulnl^tn, fMxpi

gooD of the &o*De:pzapfe &pni, an& fee
bpm top foz e nee*
Clet tbeeattbe fpeaae gaoDcf ffje
'Clje fto#> of i£m
*LozD:pea,let it piapfe bpm,anD fet btm fauna, WcOts ti)e.;t:iu-cf)ap*
topfozener* tec of Darnell after tl;e

iD pe mouutaines ano biUeSjfpeaae Jlatpn,

gooD of t&ciLozDc:piapfebim, anD fee
bwi top foz cute. i^ere Dtoelt a man
© all pe gecne tnpnges topon t^e in isabplon, calleo ^
tactMpeaae sooo oftfje noiD : pzapfe Joacbtm,tl)attoke
btm >anD ret tym top 1oz eucc* ;atotcc,U)f)ofcnauie
£) pe toclles 3 fpea&e gooo of f JIqzd: toas <3>nfanna 3 tbe
pzapfe btm,anD fet bpm top foz enec. Dougbtctof|$elcbi*
flD pe feas ano flonoes, fpeaae gooD a& s atoerpfapzetoo<
of tbe £ozD:pjapfe btm, ano fet I^im top ltHaU,anDtucl)Coiie
foz eucr. as"feateo <BOD.$ti fatbc c anD fret mo*
«© pe toballes" anD all tbat Ipue tti ttye tber alfo toece goolp people,ano taugbe
toatecs,fpeafcegooDoftbe nozo:pzatfe fbep^Dougbteraccozopng tottielatue
fum anDfetbtmtopfozenen
of^ofes 0otoe3foacbim(becbouf*
A) all pe foules of tbe apze, fpeafce banDe) toas a great rpebe man,anD bao
gooD of f be Jlozoe : pzapfe bmi , ano fet a fapze ozefiatD ioijifng tonto (ns tjoufc*
bun top foz enec* 3BnD to bun ccfoztco ti)t Jetocs com*
^DaUpebcaftesanDcattell, fpeafce inenlp,becaufebetuasaman cfreputa
gooo of tbe )iotD:pzapfe bpm, auo fett* cpon among tbem*€be fame pcare toec
bpm top f oi eucr* *bere maoe mo ttiDges,fucb as p jlo;d
^) pe cMDzeii of men,fpeafte gooo of fpeaactb of: $11 tl;e mpcBCDneffe of &&*
m TLoxoe : pzapfe bim,anD fee biin tip
fo; tuts*
toplon, commetb from tbe elDerg ( tbat

tsjfcom t^e iuoges, tobtcb feme to cule

^letffcael fpeafce gooD of tfjejlozD: tbepeople <cbefecame oftetojoa*
piapfe bpm,anD fet btm up fo; euet* cbpms bouf e, ano all f ucbe as bao am?

© pe pzeeltes of £ &oiD>f pease gooo tbpnge to Do in tl;e latoe , came tbpt^tt

of tlje ZLozD.pzapfe bim 3 ano fet l)pm top tonto
fo;euet/ " iBotoe to^entfje people came agatn^jg
*®pefetuauntesoftbeplo?D,rpcaft at after noone,^»ufannatoent into bee
gooo oftbe^oiDe:p;apfebpm,anD fet nonrbatt&csojcbatDe^otoaleae^ Cbe
trwm a
Spotjis.a bpm top f oz euec* - eloets f epng tbt8,tbat $c tuent in Dap^
£> pe rpitites anD fonles of tbc tfgb* lpe,anD toalcaejD : tl)tp bntneo fo; lufte
fuous,fpiabe gooo of tbe no:D:p?apf e to bet,pea,tbep toete almoft ont of tbett
bpm,anD fet bun top foz enet* tomes, ano call Dotone tt)*vi epes, tfjae
g> pe bolp ano bumble men of bctte, tf;ep OjonlD not fe beaui,no} temembie,

gooD of tbe ]tozoe : piapft pe

fpeafee pe tbat ©od is a tpgbtuons inoge fop
bpm,anDfetbpmtopfozenet» tljeptoecebotbetoonnbeDtoitb tfjtloue
^D ainantas,3!fatias,aiiD ^ifaell, ofotbe^ncptbet Dttcfte onel^etoeano^

fpcane pe gooo of tbe JloiOe : piapfe pe

^imianDfetbnntopfoieuet,* k)biebe
tbec W gtefe.aino fo?u>ame s tbep ouoft
not ttll tjettbepzinoiDpnatelufte, tbac
fiatb Delmetcto tos from tbe bel,Hcpt bs tbep toolD faine baue bao to Do toitb bee
from tbe bano of Deatb,ri>o tos fcom tbe £et tbep iapeD toaite foz bet caroeftlpe
mpDDeaoftbebncntngaamme^faueo fcom Dap to Dap, tbat tfjep migbte(ae
tosenenin tbemtQDeftoftnefpze.*^) t{]eleaft)baneafigbteofbec . anotbe
J&fal.tfe.;?. gene tbanekes tbecfoze tonto tbe ZL020: oncleiD to tbe otbet:up,let tos go borne; a.
foz be ts fcpnoc beatteD,$ big meccp tiu foztt ts Dpnet time^o tbep toent tbete
Dnretb f oz euec.^D al Dcnont mc^fpeake toape fcom ben
gooDofHozD,euenO<i5oDofalgoDs: 300ben tbep cetucneD agapne, tbep
A) pzatfe btra,3 geue bim tbancneSjf oz came togetbet,enqiipzitig oute tbe mat*
bts mcccp enoucetb UjozId lott^out em), tec betuujet c^e felntsrpea^tbe one toine
.... „.... ...
3 i

ifKotfoerofbtstoic&eDlufte. cbcnap* feme foz bet. &otyecametoitr)t)etfa*
pottucocticp a tyme, toben cljep might c thee ano mother, bee cbpibien anb all
C take ^ufanna alone* bet Rpnreoe»0ou) ^tifanna loas a ten*
31 1 rjappcucD atlG that tbep fppeb becpecfon,ano maruelous fatceof face.
out a continue ut tj'ine , tobcnltjctocnte Cbecefou the tuvekeo men comiuaun*
font) to toa lfce(ag bee mane c xoas; $ no Deo to take of the clothes from her face,
beop it bes>but t too maibcus,* the ugbt (foi Q?e teas couerco) that at the leafte,
to*toaO)c t)etulfe in the garDeu,foztt tbep might fo be fattlfpeb tuber beutp.
teas an bote reafon : 3BnD there tuns not Chen her fee noes, pea, anb al tbep tbat
I one peer on tbere,ej;ccpte the t luo cloves, auetoe ber,ucgaune to tucpe.
that bao bpo ttje tn l clu es , to beljoio t)ee* Cbefe tuio elDers (loot bp Ux tbe mtb
<5>o fl)e lauoe to bet mapoens:go ret me Ded of tbe peoplc,*anD lapeb tbepz ban*
br!e anb f ope,anb (but tr)e ozebarb boze Des bpon tbe beaoe of ^ufaniiartobccr)
Ifftit Mi
ibat 31 map toatye me. ano tlicp did as loepte anb lobeb bp totoatb heauen 5 fo:
bao tbem,ano
ttje tyut the ouharo Doze, bee heart hao a f u re tt ufte in tbe &02D*
ano toent out c them felues at the bacae ainb tbe fibers lapoe; as toe toece toalc* ,

Doze,tofet the thing p u> bao commau* bpngetntbe oicbarbc alone, thps too^
bcb:but ^uCatma Uucuj not,tbattt)c el? man came in bttb bet ttoo mapbens:
Dees lap there bpb toitbm. ;iou>c tohen tobome Cbe fence atoape from bet , anb
Che maioens lucre gone f oztb,tbc ttoo tU fpatcebtfje oicbatoe bozes.accitbtbat,
Decs gat the Dp:$ ratine bpo bet,fap(ng a poungc felo toe (ujh'cb tbece toas bpb)
iiotu the ouharo botes ace Oput, that no came bnto her. anb tape totthher. M
man can te bs:toe haue a inft unto thee, foz bs toe aooe tn a coznee off ozebatb.
cbctrozc content bnto bs,anb he ub bs* thps topc&ebnee, toe
3lnt> tohen toe fa toe f
ID g f tbo 11 toplt not, toe tyall typnge a tahneto bee anb perceaueb, that tbep
tcfttmoupal agamlt trjcitfjat there teas bAb mcoleo togetbec.23ut toe cottlb not
a j'c tinge telotue toitb tbe,anb that thou bolb bnn,foz be toas Or onga then toe:
bade f nit atoape tbp matbeus from the thus be opeiub the boze,anb gat t)tm a^
f oi the Came caure. ^uf anna fpgbce, $ toape. ^otoe tohen toe ha o tabentbps
fapbc:3lta3, 3 am in trouble on cuerpe toomaiJjtoc afReb her, tobat pouge felo to
fpbe. ^Ehoughe J folotoepoutempnbe, thps toas ; but Q)t toouibe not ull bs*
ittopllbcmp bcatheranbpf 31 confente Wfi is the mattec,atiD toe bee
not but o pou, catUU nor crcape ponce fame "Che commen fozte bele^
f ts of tbe
haiibce. & ts better foz me, to fall as chore that mere tbe fibers
tteD them,
into pouthanbe toitboute tbe bebebo* tint iubges of the people ,ano fo t h tp co<
page, then to fpnnemtbe fpgbteoftfje Demneb bet to bcatbe. ^uf anna ctpeD
jLozb:anb toitb that, the ctpeb out tottb out toitb aloube bopce,aub fap bc:^) u
e louDe botcctfbe fibers alio ctpeb ottte ucclaftpnge<Bob,* t^oufeatcbecof fe< j,.™,
agatnabec ccetesjthoutbat fcnotocft all tbpnges a
foW<M ^
$ Cb* « tanne there one to the ozcbarbe foie tbep come to pa(Te:t^ou tooteft } rbat
boze anb fmote tt optn.^otoe toben the tbep haue bozne falfe toi> ticiTe agaputte
fetuauntes of the houfe Ikcdc the ctp tn mc:anb beboibe,3 mud ope , tobece as
tbe ozcbatb,tbcp rnfrjcb mat tbebacfee 31 ne net DpD anp f uch tbpnges, a# tbefe
Dc;c,to f e tobat the matter toas.^o tube men haue malpctouflp tnuenteb agamU
the clDetS toloe tbcin the feruauntes mc.2|iU) tbe Uozbebecoe bet bopte.jfoz
toete gteatlpe afyameb, fo; ter)p , there tohen Oje toa^leo fozthe to bcatbe, the
toas neuec (uche a repozte mabc of £»u« jlozeecapfeDbp tbe fpitite of aponge
fanna £>n the mozotoe after came tbe cb(lb,tobofe name toas Damcl^tohiche
people to Joacbpm het boiil'banDe,anb ccpeb toitb a loube bopce:*^ am cleane (25
*• ft
the ttoo eloecs came alio, full of mpfebe f com tbts blonbe. (Cbeu all tbe people jg*
uous pmagimacpons agapnd ^ufan* tucneb them totoatb h m# fapbe: ixbat
na,to bzpng bet bnto beatr)e,ano fpafce mcanc tbefe toozbes,tbat thou bad fpo#
tbus before the people: feenbe foj ^>u* feenfBaniel ftob in the mpbbeft ofthe%
f anna tbe bougbtet ofi£dcbias,3!oa4 pfapb:3cepefucbfooles,^)pechplbze
cbpmstopfe . Zno tmmeoiatlpe tt)ep o^3(fractl,trj!atpe can not Dpfcctne^2«

€Ijc Ham of gmfotmau f&lxxiiu

fyaue fjcrc cotibcmncD a Dotigbtet of cfjep bab geuen falfe toptnclTe ) ano
Jfcael Unto Deatb, and fcnotoc not the bealte toitb the, euen Ipketopfe as tbcp
truetb toberfozcrtiSo fpt on luogemcntc tooulbe baue bone toitb their nepgb* Craf ,{,
agapne,f oz tl;cp baue fpoken falf e tott* bouteffe: pea, thep * aecozbpnge to Pio.w'a

ticffeagairiftbcr. the lame of <Bpofes, ano put them to

gcobeefoie the people f urncbagainc Death* ChuS the innocent bfoube bias
in all tlje batte.aittD the c lbers(that is, fautb the fame bape.
ibe pzpncipallbeabes) fapb Unto l)tm: Hfytn teclcbtab anb hps topfe pzap*
come Dotonc bercamongeus, ano
fpt rcb tioob, to j their bou ghter ^
uf anna,
fljetoe tins mattct,lepnge ©od hath
Us toitb Joachim bee hufbanbe anb al the
geucn the as gecatc honour* as an tU ftpnrebe:tbat there toas no bifljoneftpe
j, ec ,a!nD &amcl ratb bnto thematic founbe in her. from that bape foittj
tbef e t too afpbe one from another , ano teas Daniel hab in great repus
tl>cn Ojall 3 fjcare cfjem . accbcti tf;cp tacion in the fpgjt of the
toere put at uuber one from another , he people*
calleb one of t bcm,a no fapbe bnto htm:
£> thou olec canketbc catle, that bafte C^bcenbeoftbeftozpc
Ufeb tbP topekebneffe fo longe : tbpne of^ufanna*
Ungracious bebes tohicbe thou bafte
Done atoie,are notoe come to ipght Jroz .

thou hart gcuen falfe itibgemetee ,tbou

dart oppieffeo the innocent, and letteti
25cll,anb of tr;e Jszagou , tofjiciic is
toe gpltpe go f re, inhere as pet the JUzd
toe.riiii.c^aprcr of Bauiel af«
exo.ntii a fapetb: * flCbe innocent ano righteous
*>jcu,<7 c
(ethou flape not,a»ci tban 3 pf thou haft
tenc hcr tel( me Unbct tobat tre latoeft
i^ere foas at sa<$
tfiou th cm t allonge together r ^ean«
bil6anpmage cab 3
ftotreb: tinner a sjpolberp tree , 3lnD
Icbyeli: ano there
Daniel fapbe.Uetp tocll,uoto thou Ipefr jtoere fpetbpohim
euen upon thpne fjeabe* %o the meffau* etierpbape.jctt.catf
gee of the ttozDc hath receaueD the feu * kes.jrl.ujepe, anb
fence of bun,to cut the in t tao.Chc put
be hpm a fpoe , anD calleb foz the other, J3i0ftopne*^pmbpD
ano fapoe Unto hpm: O
thou feoeof
tbe kpnge toozOjpp bpm felfe, anb toenfi
Canaan,butnotof juoa : tfapzeueffc baplp to honoure hi m:b tit camel toou
hath opf leauto tije,anD lufrc hath f uo<
fbpppcb ht^ otone <©ob 3inb tbe kpnge

ucrteD thpne heart Chus bealte pe a

fapbe Unto htm : aoobpooeft not thou

foze ttith the Doughters of Jfr aci,auD tooiflnp JSelf^e anftoercb 5fatb:*i3e* ©»m.«
tbep(fo* feare)confeuteD Unto pou:but caufe 31 map not tuoztyf p thpnges f be JSJ.S, a
the Doughtct of juoa fooulb not abpoe mabe \b banbes , but the ipupnge <5ob E'".-^ •
poure topekebneffe tell me &om tohich mabeheanc^ earth, ^bathe po^
? '

tbaiijbHbcr tobat tree bpbeft thou take toer Upo al ficaj. %\n kpng fapbe bnto
tbem,fpcakpnge together «• j^c anftoe* bimtt^inckeft p not,§ zsell is a liupnge
ceb.SLinbcr a $>o ingratiate tree » Chen
gob^z feift ^ not boto much l)t eatetb
fapbe ©anicl Unto bimrsuetp toe. uoto 3
anb bzpheketh euerp bape^Baniel TmN
tbou iepftalfo euen Upon thpne beabe. Ieb,anb farbc:c> kpng,bifceaue not thp
tebe meffaunger of the ftozbe ftanoetb felfejthisisbur mabe of clape raisin,
toaptingt toitb the f tocrbe to cut the in anb of metal toithout &&*&.*
} *nctber catetb be
ttoo, anD to flapc pou both*
aoith that, all the tohole multf tube t&\)in the kpng teas tozotb, anb cal*
gane a great fljoutc anb pzapfeb dsob, Icbfozbis pzitftes anb fapbe Unto
m the: 3

*b,w.* *tohtchcaluiapcDciiuicrcth them that 3fpeteilmenottoboistbis, tbatea<;

put their tr uft in bim « ainbthepcame tetb Up tbefe erpenfes,pe
fr)all bpe:bti«
Upa the t too clbecs(tobome Bantel bab pf pe can cectpfpe me, that ©ell catctfti,
conupcte toitb tbef r otouc mouthe: that
tl^jtben ^antcl mail bpe, foz r)e bathe'
WMj fpokeg
rpoftenblapbcmpagapnftej&ei . 3Cud a great Dzagon, tof)fct)e tfjep of ©abpl6
^amel fapDe bnto tbc ftpnge : let it To toozOjpppeD 3llitt tbe ftpnge fapobn*
be,accozopnge as bou bail lapoe. Cbe to jbanicltfapea tbou, tbat tins 1$ but

pzieftes of 25c( toere, Irjc* befpDe tbcpz a ©oD of metail alior- lo,be Ipuetb , be
topucs anD cbplozen * 30nD tbe ftpnge caret!) anD Dzpncttctb:(o tbat tbou canlt
tocnte toilb &atml into Cfje temple of not rape, tbat be ts no I^upnge d50D,
iSd.*3>o ©els putties fapD:;do,toe toil tb--rfoze toozttjip binn©amrt tapDe btu
go out.anD let tbou tlje uieate tbete(^) to tbe ftpnge: J tovll toozOjpp tbe zLozdc
fcpnge)anD pottte tntfic totue-.tbcnfluit mp 0oD,*be is tbc true ipupnge <j5od: ©«t,w.

tbe Doze fall 9 f eale jt tuitfj tbpnc otone a$ f oz bis, be is not tbc dt>oD of ipu%

fignct : a no to mozotoe tobr n tfjoti conn &ut geue me Katie ( ftpnge ) anD J o
mcftin,pf tbou f pitted not, f ©el batb fball Dcfltope tbts Dzagon toitboute
eaten up all,toe topll fuffte Dcatb:oz els f tocatDc oz ftaffcCbc ftpnge TapDe 3
C 2©antcl,ti)at batb IpeD Upon bs . Che geue p leaue » cbtn Daniel tofte pitcb,
pzicftcs tbouabte tbcm clues futcp* tatteanD beearp tooLauD DtDfetb tbc in

nougtjc, foz bitter tbealtate tbepbaD togetber,anD maDelompes tberof: tins

iiiaoe a pzcupe intrauuee , ano tbett be put in tbc &zagons moutbc , anD To
tocnte tbep in ewt, ano atebptobat tbe Dzagon batft in fonDer : anD Mantel
tberetoas* (apDc:io,tbcre is be tobome pe tooztyip*
£>o toben tbep toere gone foztb,tbe peD » aopben tbep of ©abplon berDe
fepng f et meates befoze ©el. jfroto &&* tbat,tbcp tofte greatc inDignaciort, anD
luclhaDcommauuDtD ins Ictuauntes gatbereD tbcm togetber agapnfte tbe
to bzing affl&cg anD tbefe be fpfteD tbo* ftpngejapinge : <Cbc ftpnge ts become ^
totooutall tbc temple, tbat tlje ftpnge a Jx toe atfo,be batb DcftcopcD ©el be ,

itipgbtefe » tLbcntoent tbep out, anD batb Qapne tt)z Dzagon, anD put tit
rpatrcD tbcDozc, fealpngrittoitbtbe pzieftes to Deatb » ^»o tbep came to tt)t
fepngcsIpgnct.anDfcbcparteD . jn ftpnge, anD fapDe: let bs bane Banc*
tfje npgbte came tbc parties tut tb tbcie ei,oi els toe topll Dcfltope tbe anD tbpue

topucs anb cbilDzen(as tbep toere toote boufe*

iQDo)anDateaitDDzoncftebpall Jn #10 to toben tbc ftpnge fatoe , tbat
tbe moznpnge be tpmejs at tbe bzeafte bpon [fim , anD
tl)tv tufebcD in fo foze
1D • ,H' 6»•
of tbc Dape,tbc ftpnge arofc, ano feanu tbat neceffite confttapneD bim, be * Dc<
el toitb bim.» tbe ftpnge fapoe : £a* IpueceD Bantel Ditto tbcm: tobtcb e end
iuel,acetbcfeales tobole pet ^ 13c an< bpm into tbelpons Dennc , tobcre be
ftoeteD:Eea,© ftpnge,tbep be tobole. teas fpjee Dapes « 3ntbcDennetbere
i-loto as foone as be openeD § Doze,
bflD toere f cue n Ipons anD tl)t^ bao gcueti

tbc ftpnge loftco Ditto tbe aultare , anD tbe in cue-rpDapettoo boDpes anD ttoo
crpcD toitba louDe bopce : csreatc art Ojepe: tobicb t\)tn toere not gcuen tbcm,
thou £) ©el, anD tot tb § is no Difceate. tbat tbep migbt Deuoure Mantel.
Cbcn laugbeD jaanici, aittbclDc tbe ^bere toas U\ Jetozp a j^zopbef e jf
ftpngc,t ba t be Q)o tilD not go ln,$ far De: calleD Bbacucb, tobrebe bao maDc po^
©cbolDe § pauemet 5
inatfte tort , tnbof e cage, ano bzoften bzeaDe in a Depe plat*
fotefteppes ace tbcfc/'Cbc ftpngefapo: ter, anD toas gopngc into tbcfclDe, fo;

3 fe tl)t f o t cilcppcs of men, tocmen anD tobzpnge it to tbe motocts. * ©tit tbe
cbpIDzen. 3ungcll of tbeiozDerapoe bnto 3ba*
t& angrpe,
flDbetfoze tbc ftpnge teas cucb: go carp tbe meate tbat tbou bafta
anD tofte tbe pztefles.toitbtbeit topucs in to &abp4on,bnto Bantrt, tobicbe is
atttcfjplDzen, anD tbep tyetoeb'bpm tbe in tbe Ipons Denne.3lnD aiba cucb fapD:
pzeup bozes, tobete tbep came in , 9 ate )LozDe,3 neuer fatoe ©abilon : anD a£
tpnicbetbpnges as toere bponpaul* foztbcDennc.Jftnotocltnot, * cben •».**•
tare, jFoz tbe tobicb cauf e tbe fting fleto tbc 3tungeU of tbe X-ozDc tofte bpm bp,
3am. u.% tbcin , * anD DeltmeceD ©el in to JDan u tbetoppc, anD bare bpmbp tbe becaca
l of tbe beaDe , anD ( tbozotoc a mpgb^
S££ f els potoer tobiebc DefitopeD fypm anD

Dis temple. tve topnoe ) let bpm in ©abploti Dps

2inD in t bat fame place time teas- ontbeDcunc , Ttob ^bacucberp*

ttytpiwt of 0imMj tfoUwtiti

i««.iw ctpeDJaptnge:j©fcanfeI,*fboufer*
fealeDftfojt^r fedrftifl am) lauDaofc
iiaunt of<£>oD,bauMafee tbe bzeafeefaft, nmne,tobicbe al men fear*, anD tremble
tbat©oDbatbfcnttbe , anDBaniel
before deface of tbpbertue atiDfoztm?
fapDe : 4D©oD 5 !iaft
tfjou tbougbt tipon
anger oftfjp tbieatupngcthc tobicfje ts
iMftoel, tbou neuer fapleft tt?em y ioue importable to fpnners. i&ut
tbe mercpe
tbe.&o ©antel arofe,ano ate : anD tbe of top picmes is great anD bnrearcba*
aungel of t$t %om
fet abacus tn bis blejfoz tfjou arte tbe ftoiDe
©od mooft v

otone place agapneimmeDiatlp, !>igbe,aboue ail tbe eartbe, long* fufifo

,_ & Upon tbe fetientfj Dape, tbe fepnge tpnge,3 erccDtnge merciful, ano rcpci^
tocnte to bctuepe mantel : anD tofjen be taunt foi malm of men,
f ^bou 2L02D*
came to tbe Dci.ue^e lofted in : anD be* after tbp gooDnes baft pzomifiO repen*
feoloe, fcaniclfatm tbempDDeftoftbe taunceof tbe rempffion oi"Qwies
JLpons cbencrpeDtbcfepttgetoitba tbou tbat arte tfje <Booof thernabre*
louDc toopcc,fapiug: ©rear art tbou,<© ous, baft not put rep*tauce to v njbte*
3m.3 7 .b tLope^ooof &antel: * anDbcD2etoe oiuMeinabainJfaacauo 3acoo tonto
©fitcr r.b&pmoute of tbe Dennc . * asfoitbote tbem tbat baue not rpuueDaViurtine*
B>«m»u tbat lucre tbe caulc of bts Defttuctton,
fcut becaufe 3 baa* fnincDaaouctfi*
beopo cafte tbemtn to tbe Dcnne, anD nombzeoftbelanDesofMca airotbat
tbeptoeteDeuoureDtu a moment before mpneimqui tesaremiiittplpcD
%, am
^ g face * bumbleD toitb maw> banoes of pio aito
aiftct tbis,fo:orc tbe fcpnge tmf o all tbere is in me no bzeathpnae ;i &aue
people, fcpnrcDcjs anDtungcs,£Dbjclte pjouofceo tbpne anger, anD ban e Done
m all countries, fapmge: peace be muU cue! before tbe , m
commpttpnae ab ? io*
tiplpeD teitb vou . s£9P ccminaunDcmet minacious anD multiplying* offences*
i$,in al tbe Dominio of mp rcalme: tbat amD note 3 botoe tt)t fences of mp bette
« ,c » fea " 8nDrt auDe inatoeof j?ani< rcqupztngegooDnesoftbe€>Zto2De.1r
Ente.-.u' els dgoD , * fot \)t is
M )Mn
m Ipupnge <£od,
e n *« tet » ««« • WS fepngcDome
ftaue iimneD tozD* 3 baue fpnneD anD
itowfj fcnotoe mpne iniquptte 3 Define tbe bp
s>4r>.».f abpDetbtmcojrupte anD bis potoer i$
, pza^er,© JL02D tozgeucme:fozaetie m*
cuetlaftpnge»3|t isb* tbat can Dt Inter ano Defttopc mc not toiti) mpne i mquv*
YmD f auc:bc Dotb toonDcrs ano manic* ties, nether Do tbou altoapfe rcmembie
lous toozefces in beauen anD eartbe, c'oi mpne euellejj to punvff)ctbem,but rati*
l;tbatb faueD Baniclfrom tbe poiccc me(tobicbe am fcntoozrbpe) after tbp
cftfj*jipcns. great metcp : anD 3 tupif ptapfe tbeej
uetlaftpnglp , all
lpfe,foz all tbe tiettu*of
Dapesof mp
beauen »

pzapfetb tbe ano mito tbe bc«


cdjep^erof longetb glozp*,toozlD*

f;e mas bplDen captpue it]
sabplou •

JloiDe ailmigbtpc,
goDofourfatbers ottt)e®acf)al)ee^
3facob,50f^tigb# C^^friCteC^apt*t«
jtecus feabeoftbe:
<E3f«ttbc teatb of aiejcanbct rtjeftptrgcof fljas
jtobicb* baft* maD* tcDoma,autto(t)U6tabetO tOcbf tigoome . m<&
-j'teitb all tbe oma*
npof m c^piown of 31CcaeIl mabc coHCttauirte
tottU tbf !5cnrpIc6.a»tioclju*rubouctr> iggpptc
went tfiecof, tobicb baft oiDeneo tbe f ea ano Jiccuralcm tontoljps0omtupon.3|ccurafcm
bepngebutnte mafectD latocsof fjfc otuuc, and
bp tb* tooiD* of tbp commauiiDemente: fDj'orQDCft) tobcpcsouaeeiatDCs . aimocbw*
to^ic^ baft tyutte i?p tbe D*p*, anD l?aft fcttcts Dp an jQDolc ouc t toe aultec of <5od.

fr^.«* ^fte$

iftt r that ^IcjtanDct tbc mpgbtie in his fepHgDomt , he toentc a*
lonnc of ^iltppc,bpng boutc to optapne the lanoe of cgtpt al*
oi sfl£)aceDonta toet f oztb fo,that he might haue the Dominion of
oftbclanDc of Cetbim, ttoorealmes**npon this entteD he tn« *" **
anD aetoc ©anus apng toegppte tottha ftronge booftetoitf)
of the Veritas anD ^c< cbatrette&elcpbantes, bozfemen anD a
Des: Jt ftappetuD, tf;at Ijc tokc gtcate great nombje of Ohpppes, anD begannc
toacres in banoc, toannc Imp manpe to toarrc againff ^tolomp the apnge of
ftronge cttpes, anD flctoe manp Kpnges cEgpptc* Jbut $t olomp u.-aj» afrapeD of
of the earth: gopngt thozo toe to the en* him,anD 8eD : anD manp of his people
oesof the toozloeanD gcttyngc manp toere toounDeD to Death* 'Chus antio<
fpoples of the people: Jnfomucbc.tbat thus toanne manp ftrongecitpes,anD
tt)e too.iloe ft oDc in great e a toe of bp m, toae a toape great gooD out of the lanoe
£»miu» * anD tbccfczc teas be piouoe in hps ofcgppte* $
heatte • ftotoe tobanbebaD gathe* * 3'ud after that xnticchus haD ^kai
ctoamtgbtp ftrongebooft, anDfnbDu* fmptten Cgip t hc turneD agapne in the

eD tbe laocs anD people toith their pun* Ctliii^peateanD tocntc totoarDe Jfra^
ccs,fo tfjat tbep became trpoutarpes eI,anD came Dp to 3; et male* \b a migh
fcnto him : he fell fpcae « anD toben be tu people: anD entreD p joudip in to the
perceaucDtbatbe muftncDcsDpe , be <3>anctuatp,anD toaeatoape the goloeti
catleD foj hi s noble c fta test tob» the faD al tare the canDeiirpcae anD ail the ou

bene u:o tight Dp to tb fjrin ot cbplDicu) namentes the rof the table of the fhetoe

©no,**, a* anD parteD bis apngDome amonge bieaD,the pourpnge Deffel,f chargers,
tfjem,tohple he teas pet aliue.^o 3fller* the golDcn fponcs the Dale , f cro tones
anDet rapgneD.jii.peare^nD tbenDpcD* anD golDen apparel of the temple, anD
3£cet bts Death fel! the apngebome bia kc Dotone all « ^e toae alio the fiU
aitttquf, Dnto his pipnecs anD tbep optapncD it utr anD golDc,the precious 3« to cijsano
cuetp one in his rotome, anD caufeD the the fecrete tteafures that he f omiDc*
[elues to be crotoneD as kpnges: anD lo 3inD toheu he haD taken a toape all to*
DpD taepi cbplDun after them mauve gc tijcr, cauf cd a great murther of men;
peaces, anD muche topcaeDnefTe mcrea* anD fo fulfpllcD his malicious p?pDr,
ffDintbetoozlDe <JDutoftbefecame he DepartcD into his otone lanDe*
•""p.cious rote, noble aumocbus % Chus there arofe great heupneffc 3.^«c.v.a
:'S,*§C0!meof36ntiochustbe apng(*tobtch anD miferp in al the lanoe of 3fracll.
|ao bene a pledge at ftome ) 3 he catg# Che pipneeg anD the eiDers ofthepeo^
in tbe«C*trr:*upeate of the taigiw pie mo ur neD 3
the potige men anD f map*
ofthe^eUes* Dens toere DtfpleD,anD the fapu beutpe
25 3jn thole Dapestoente there out of of men toas chaugeD : $ b^pDegrome

Jfrael tofc&eD men,touub moueD much anD the bipDe toae thetomournpnge:
©»tw.ap e0 p|j totttj tt)£ j t councel,faping:* tet the ianoeaiiD thole thatDtoeit therm,
us go anD make a couenaunte toitb. the toas moueD : fo? ail the boufe of Jacob
2tt*w a l^cathen,that ate tounDe about Ds: foj toas brought to confufton,
* fence toe Departed from them, toe haue * 3Cftet ttoopcarejs the apngfent &
haDtnucbfoioto . <feottips ocupce hpschiefetteafurerDnto the cptpes of
pleafeD cDcmtoell,anDccttapneof the 311 oa , tohpche came to Jerufaleni
people tone Dpon them foi to go Dnto tot th a great multptuDe of peopie,rpea*

the fcpnge, tobichc gaue them Ipcence to kpngc peaceable too.iocs onto them but
9at 4 fl Do after the oiDiuaunce of the heathen. all toas Dpfccate: fottohan thep haD)
* tEhtn fet tbep Dp an open f cole(at3 u gcucn hpm crcDcnce,hc fel foDenlp Dpcn
htt9,nifi tufa!em)of the latoes of
£ $eatbe",*anD thecptpe , anDfmoteitfo?c , anD De#
toere no moie ctrcumctfeD : but fozfoae ftropcD muche people of Jfraell*
the help Ccftamcn t, anD topucD the f tU * 3nD tohenhehaD fpopIcD the tptpt t t«».*w
mB t0 t fy ^g at f, en * anD toececleane he fet fp^e on it , caftpngc D otone hou«
(olDetoDompfchiefe. fes anD toalles on euerp ipdc . ^he
&o fto^cn^mtochus began to be toemen anD tijepi chplDjen toae thep>
£ftfje$fl^afitt&- ftAJwfa.
irapffac,anblcDafoap theft cat cl^bcn chaunge all tbcholpeozDinauncfs of
tupiocD thep the cauel of &auiD tottb ti&oD: anD that tohofocuertooulDe not
a great auD tbicfec u>al,a nb toith migb* DoaccoiDpuge to the commaunDcmcut
tie totozcs, auD maDe it a ronge botoc of Hpi.g anttochuSjiboulD fuffre Death*

f oz t(Kui • seO'Dc ail this thep let tope* 311 Ipks maner eommaui ocd he thoicm
beD people anD tingoolp men to kept it, out all hps rcalmc, anD fet rulers: ouec
ftoatcDit tottb tocapeus auo bptaies: the people, fo; to compel! thun to do
gathercD the gooDes of 3JctufaIcin,auD thefe thpnges , commaunDpnge the
lai'co them Dp there : thus became it a cptpes of 5«oa to do factpfpee bnto
tfKUpO) caftell. 3JDols«
3110 tots toag bone to lapc toaite foz Ch^n biente the people bnto the f
the people that toet into t(;c ^mctuatp, heathen bp heapes, fozfoae the latoc of
anD to; the ctucll Deft r u ccion o t (tad. the Xlozoe, anD commptteD much eud in
tEbus t(KP H;cd inuoccutcbIouDcoue= the lanoc:pra,anD cijafco out the fecre te
tierp fpDe of the ^anctuarp, ano Dcfp* 3irraeltees,tohiche hao hio them fdues
leDtt Jnfo much that £citcf ins tocre incozncrsanD pzeup places <IilK*JCb»

fapne to Departs ano the citpe became Dape of the mouetb CafteUjin the, Cjdb.

an habiu cion of ft tauiigers bepnge. peace, fetfcpnge 3Bntiocbus an abno*


Derolarc of her otone i'cdc , foz her o tone minable Jpol of Defolacion bpou the
natpues toerc fapue to leaue her.* j^ec altare of ggoD , anD thep buplDeD alta*
fbo0,8.V 35>anctuacp toas dene toaftcb, her l/olp res thoio to oute all the citpes of Jluoa
Dares toere turncD into mournrnge, on tucrpfpDe, before the Dotes of the
Ijer^abbothcs toere l;aD iubcufpon, boufes, anDinthe(tretes:toherethep
anD her honoure bzougbt to nougli te. biente incenfc,anD DpD iaccpfice**3«nD l««w*n
jio&ebotoe great her glozp luag at ore, as for the bofees of the lato of <5oD,thep
(o greate to as; her confuf ton , $ t;ct iop c biente them tu the fpze , auo rente them
r* . tutncDintofezotoe* inpeccs • acohatfoeuithetoas that
<C * aintioebus alfo the fcpnge Cent out hao a boae of the tellament of the fcoiD
a commiiTion Unto ailbig fepugDome, founbe bp hpm , pea , tohofo euer enbe*
that all the people fltoulo be one. cbcu uozeD hpm felfe to l>cpe the la toe of the 1

tbeplefteeticrpmau his latoe,anDalI RoiDe , the fcpnges commaunDctneute

the i^cathen agceeo tothc commauiw teas that thep CbouiDe ^iit hpm to

Dement of kpngc 3ntioctm$:£ea,manp beathe 3nD thoioto his auctozite thep,

of the ^fraclit cjs confenteD there bnto, ejrecutcD thefe thVuges enerp moneth,
offcrpnge Unto JiDols, anD Dcfplfnge Upon the people of Jfcadl that toere,
the ^abboth.^o the apug afntiocbus: founoe in the cities*
Tent his meffanngcrs taitb his commit * chefpneanDttoentpeDapofthe %, e<!-
3 ''S^ 6*'
f ton bnto ctufale m, anD to all the cp* moneth tohat turn as thep DpD facttfice
& tpesof Juoa: that tbcpfboulDefolo toe Upon the altare ( tohiche ftobe in the
the Is toes of the j^catben , anD f ozbaD (lease of the altare of the lozDe^accoz*
ether burnrc offetpngc, mcatoff crpngc, Dpnge to the commaunDement of bpnge
0; peaccoffcrpngc to be maDe in § tern* 26utpochu^ , thep put cectapne toe<»
pic of u5od ano that there (houlDe no men to Death* > tohfche hab cauf eD thetc

£&abbotb muhpc fcaltDapcbt Uepte: chplDzeutobecircumcpfeb : ^otonelp

but commauiiDeD , that the ^anctua* that , but thep haugcD bp the chplozen -,

cp ano the holp people of Jfrael a>otiloc bv the ncdies thozotoc oute ail tfjepj
fceDrfpIcD. ho ufe , aiK) Ce toe the circumepfers 0!
©tcommauiiDeD alfo that there them*
GjoulD be fet bp other altarcs, temples tyttom there manp of the people
anD 3 Do is: to off re bp ftopnes fled) anD of J tad, tohiche DeteniKD in them f eU

other b tide nc bcaftes :tbat men fyoulo* ues,that thep tootilDc not eate bndeaue
leaue their cbilDien Unci rcu mepf CD to thpnges : but chofe rather to fuffrc

Defplc then maner of Dcath,thento be DefplcD toith budeane

routes toith all
bnclenneu"e,anD abhominacions : that meates ^obecaufe thep tooulbe not
thep mpgbte fo fozget the la toe, anD buake the bleiteD latoe of <j5^)d thep 3
Inert ctuellp Qapne 3no tbis great tp* bis fonnes remapheb ffeOfaa « Cf?e»
rautii* incteafco berp foje Dpo if;e peo* fpahe p cdmilTioners of big jSutiocbus,
plcof Jfcael. ano fato bnto gjaatbatbiab: fCbou arte
Q^Cbe.fuCbaptet, a noble man, of "bpe rep ;itacton $ great
^bemoucnpitgeof flgatbar&iab pbiaromtcs in tbis ct rie,baumgc f ap:e cbiloien ano
f oj tlje ocftcutctott of toe Oolp citpc. £bcp tcfurt
bictoicn. come tbou tbcrt'oic f,uu\auo
fooofaccffpccoitto j&oles.awjcteof isjatijas
tbiab foz tl;e tame of £5oo. SToep ace Qapue ct ttipl fulfil tbe Kpnges commaunoemcur }
uotfpgbtcasapnebCMurcortbe&abbotbbape. as al tijt t^caibcu baue Done , pea , ano
tbe men of Juoa, ano t'ucb as temapne
flptacbr tbenjoxocof <Sob af ret the Cf ample of
tbc fat bets.
at jcr ufalcm: To wait tbou 5 tbp cbpl«
Fjfttyoft tapes tfjete Did Dun be in f fepuges fauoure,^enricbeo
[ftanoc bp one *a£atba* biitb go!oe,fpluec ano great retoacoes,
anttqut, tbtabtbc fotmc ofs>p* iJ^atbatbiab anftoereo^ f pake toitlj
meon tbe p^iert (outeof a (ouoe bopce : Cbougb all
nactons o<
ftap.Uii. bep tbe itpnge 2Dnttocbus,ano fat atoap
ftbe fcpnrco of Joans)
[from Jerufalem , aim euerp man fro feeppnge tbe la to of tbeic
oVclte bpon trie mount of #)oO<n ano ,
fathers: tbotigbetbcp cottfentetobps
hao.b. fonnes : 30^1 calico <©aoois: commaunocmentes, pet topll J ano mp
pinion, calleo cbaft jjuoas, otbet<
: fonnes ano mp bietf^en , not 'fall from
toife calico sflpacbabeus: £lca?e r,otbcc tbeiatoeofourefatbers <^oofo^bpo
topf e caileD 3Bbacou:? jfanaf bas, tobofc toe rt)ouloc : tbat mere not gooo fot ^B t

rurname mas fame tbc

^Bpptitis. iCbtfe * tbat toe f^ouioe fo^faketbe latoe ano ** w ^^
cuel s that bias Done amongc tbe people oxopnaunces of (000, ano to agre bnto
of Juoa ano Jerufakm » aiuo <j©atba« tbe commauuocment of apnge 3tntio^
tbiabfaio: ji&o is me,a(as tbat euec 3 t'nis ,'Cberfou toe topll 00 no fucbe fa*

teas borne, to f e this miferp of mp peo* crpfpee, nctbec buahe tbe ftatutes of
pie, ano tbc ppteous Dettruccion of the our Iatoe,*togoanotbetb»ape 3InO &**>+*
bolp ctfie:ano tb us to fpt To ttpll,tt be/ toben be bao fpoUeu tbefe tooio es,tbere
tnge OeliueteOfnto tbe babes of tbe ene< came one of tbe Vetoes, tobicb openlp in
tfip«c(.t nipcs^iaec ^anctuacp is come in to § tbe fpgbt of all , opo faenfpee bnto t\)t
po toec or ftraugccs,bec temple is,as it jools bpon tbe aulter in tbe tptpt of
mete a man f batb (off bis gooo name* 3^oOin,acco?opnge to tbe apnges coim
l^cc pzectous oinamcntcs are catieo a* maunoemente*
toape captpue , become men are flapnc gcobm#atbatbiabfatoetf;<s, it
in tbc fttet£03betponge menarcfalle gceueo bun ai tbe beart f tbat bis tai* 5

tbojoto tbc ftocaroe of tbc enempes* ties (boke uutbal , ano bis buatb ftp no*
people ts it, tbat batb not
SflObat leo foz berpjeleof tbe la toe. jaoctb tbat

.'Come pofftftloninbcr kpngeoomcs' €>i be gaueaiUpppefoitbe,anofeplIeo tbe

Dobobttbuot gotten romcofbeti'pop* Jem befpoe tbe aulter ; ^ca, ano fietoc
lesf HI b^t gloip ts taken atoape . ^>be tbe kpuges commi(Tioner,tbat compel*
toas a 4b\wnt, ano no toe tye is become leoiumtoOo faenfpee, ano OeftropcO
nnbanOemaiOe.23eboioe once &anctu< tbe aulter at tbe fame tpmc:fucbe a $elc
Btp, our e be totpe ano bonoureis toa* bao be bnto tbe latoe of ©00 , * ipfcc as m^^fi
ftcoatoap,ano otfpleo bp tbe gentiles* l^bmebes opo bnto Zambzt tbc fonne
SODbat belpctb it bs tben to ipue t aino ot^>alomi . 36no ^atbatijiab ctpco
gaatbatbtab rente bis clotbes, be ano toitba loube botce tboioto tht citie 3 fap^
bis fonnes , ano put facae clot be bpon tngctacobofo is feruent in tbe latoe, anD
tbem.ano mourneo berp (oit> topll bepetbe couenaunte , let bpmfo*
'% -cbencamefme tbitbet tobtcb toere lo toe me . * ^0 be ano bis fonnes flco :.^«t,r^

fent of bing 36nttocbus J to copel fucr> as in to tbe mountapnes ano left all tbat
totce fleo in to tbe cttie of jjfcoo in, fo£ to euer tbep bao in tbe cttpe* sj^anp otb f c
tjofacrtficegito butne fncenfebnto 3* goolpmenalfooeparteotnto t^t\a^U
bo!s 5 p| to fozfa^e tbe lato of d5ot)» ^0, oerueffe toitb tbeic cbpLo?cn,tbcpz top^
manpofp people ofjftaelcofeteo ano ues ano tbepi cattell ano remapneo ,

tncltneo bnto t&but #atbatbjab ano tberc : f 01 tbe

tpiaunp incteafco fo fo;c

iepaci)auee& tfollxM
fcpou them; that l;aD not pet receaucD etcctimciftou;
j^ Bote kpngcs feruautes,
tofjen tfje a# maup as thep founDe \Dit[)in the eo -.

arm trjc hooft,tohtcb toas at jcrufalcm ftesof Jfcael: anDfolotoco mpgbtelp

in tl)t cptte of &auiD fjeroc p ccrtapne
, topon the cfjilDic of pzpDe,anD this acte
men tjao bzoken tije kpnges commaun* pzofpereD in their hatiDes: Jn fo much,
Dement anD toere gone their toaieto the that thep keptethe latoe agapnfte the
toplDcrncs in to fecrerc place s,anD that potoet of the (©entiles anD the kpnges,
there toere maup DcpatteD after them: ano gaue not ouer their Dominion Dnto
rijcp foIotocD Upon them to fpgbte a< topcKeD Doers*
gapnft them in the &abboth Dape, anD tohen the tpme Dzc toe on
ffl ter tfjis $
fapDe : ScopHpcpct rcbell f tl£>ctpou faft, that ^athathiahft)oulDeDpe, he
hence ano do the commaunDemente of fapoe bnto Dps f onnes:/iotoe is pzpDe
kpuge ainttocrms ano pe fl?all Ipue. anD perfecucion increafeD , notoe is the
3W&.M fl^cp anf toereD:* jcce topi not go foztt), tpme of Deftruccion anD tozatbfull Dpf*
nether topll toe Do the kpnges conn pleafure:tohecfou(^> mp fonncsjbe pe
maunDemente, foDefple the £>abbotb fcrucute in the latoe,auD ieoparoe pout
Dape . Cbeubegannetljcptofpgbtea* Ipues fo; the"Ceftame*t of tfje fathers:
qapnftc them neuertbcleiTc thep gaue calttotemembzauuce tohatactes oure
them none other anftocie, nether cade fathers DpD in tfjepz tpme, fo tt)al pe re#
thep one flone at the* not maDe faft their ceatte greate honoure anD an euecla*
pzeup places, but CapDc.iiX'c topll Dpcal ftpuge name.
in on tc iiinocencpe , gcatien anD eactbe Uemembze aibzabam,* toasnot
Cball teftifpe toitu db, that pc put us to he founDe fapthf ull in tentacion, ano it liom.iui.
<j5-m nil.
Death tozongeouflp. Cfms thtp fought toas tcckcncD Dnto him foz righteous ilEiil. 44 c

agapnft them Upon the ^abuotf? ano , nes t * 3Jofcpb in tpme of his trouble %<£ctltAi.t

fie toe both men anD cat ell, tbepz topues kepte the commaunDemente , anD toas
anD then chpiDicn , to the nombzc of a maoeaJLozDeofCgppte . * 4^r)etut)es 4E«l.4f.f
thoufanDc people. oute father toasfo feruentefoztneho*
(» aooben^atbatbiabanDbisfrcnDcs notice of(DOD, that he optaptubtheco*
becoe thts,tbep moutneD foz the rpgf/te uenaunte of an euerlaftinge pzicfthooe.
foze,anb fapDe one to another : Jf fo be * Jofue foz fulfpilpnge the toozDe of ^8tn.J7.»"

that toe al Do as our banc Done,

bzcthze" <!5oD,toas maoe the captapnc of j f racl.
ano f pghtc not foi oute Ipues 9 foz on re * Caleb bate recozDe befoze the congtt* jfrutni4fl
iatoes agapnft the ^eatben : then mail gacion.auDreceaueD an hcrptage.
thep the foner rote bs oute of the earth. * BauiD alfoin his mcrcpfull fepnoe* t&ti J4.e
£>o thep concluDeD amonge them fcl* nelfe, cptapneD the trone of aneueria*
ues at the fame tpmc,f aping: tiCbatfo* ftpnge kpugeoome * ciiab bepnge
cucr he be tfjat commctb to make bat* gelousatio fetuente in the latoe, toaiS
taple teith be bpontbe ^abboth Dap, taken Dp into heauen . * ^auanias,
toe topll fight agapnft fjim.anD not Dpe afarias ano 9^ifael remapneD fteD*
ail,as our bzctbzc that toere murthereD faft in t'apthe , ano toere DelpuereD oute
f o hapnouftp « upon this came the &p* of the fpze.ijjn ipke maner * laaniel be-»
nagogeor'tue Jetoes Dntothe:ftronge tnge Dngpltp,toas raueD fro tyt moutt;
men of 3f racl, all fuch as toere fctuent oftbc&pons,
in the latoe . 3!nD all thep that toere Acd 3EnD thus pe mape confpDze tho^oto
foz petfecitcton.came to helpe tbem,anD oute all ages fence the toozlD beganne,
to ftanoe bp themt^n fo much tbat thep * that tohofoeuct put tfiepz trufte in
gatbcrcD an h ooft of mcn,a no fle toe the <5od, toere not ouctcome. * jfearenot flPat^.jt.8,

topchcD Doers in their geloufpe,aiiD the pe then the toozDes of an bngoolp man,
bngoDlp men in tijcpz tozatb.feome of * foz his glozp is but Donge anD tooz^
the topcHeD flcD Ditto the heathen, anD mes:to Dape is he fet Dp,ahb to mozoto
cfcapeD. is be gone:foz he is turneD into earthe,
tichuB j^atbatbiab anD his fretu anD hps memozpall is come to nought
Ccs toente aboute,anD DeftropeD the accbectoze (^)mpfonnes)
take gooD
aulterfijanD citcumcpfeD the cfjplozen, hettes tmtopotijano quptepourfelues
$&AiiU l#U
Ipftc men in the lato:foz pfpc do the iW rcceauphge fucrjeas toere op*
rael 5 anb
ges that ate commauriDeD pou in § lata pnllcDraiiD the fame of hpm toent buto
of the ftozo p out; <£od , pe u)a U op t apnc the bttcmoire parte of the earth » Chen
3Cppollonius(a pzpnee of £>itta)gatbe*
great honour tbctin*
bebolbe,3| knoto that poute bzo* rco a migbtie greate hood of the i^ea*
tbet ^unon is a man of topfebome : fc then ano out of ^amarta, to fpgbtea*
ihatpegcueearebnto bimaitoape, he gapnft J[ rael * ftpbtche toben Jubas
0)albe a father onto pou.SIs fozjuDas perceaueD,betoente fOztb to mete hpm,
^acbabeus,be bath eucr bcnempgbtp fought toith }jpm:flcto" him,anD a great
anD (tcouge from l)i$ pout & bp:let bpm muitittiDc toith bim,tbe remnaute fleo,
be poute captapne,anD ozDec £ battapU anD be toke the tt f ubftaunce.JjuDas al*
of tfoepeople:tbu0 fljalpe bipngc Unto fo tobc 2Bppollomus otoueftoearDe.anD
f ou all tfjofe tfjat fa tiotirc the lato,anD fought totth tt all bis irfc longe*
fetfjatpeaucngc theto.zonge of poute 0o toe toben ^eron(auother prince 23
peopMnDtecompeitcethe ^eatbett a* of £3>tua)bearDc fape, that JuDas baD
gapne,anD applpe pour (chics tobolc to gatbcrcD Dnto bpm the congregation
the commautiDtment of the lato. £>o he anD cbtircbe of the faithf uil,be fapDe: %
gaue them bis bletTpnge,anD toas laieo topi get me a name anD a piapf e thojoto
bp bis fathers: anD DpeD in the. C. anD outtberealme: foz J topllgo fpgbte
jclbi»peate at <f#oDin,tobere hps toith JnDas ano them that are tottfi
burpcD hpm in tug fathers fcpulcbze, bun,as manp as bane Dcfpif eD the Upti*
anDaljjrraci maDc gteatelamentacpon gescommaunDtmcnte * ^o be maDc
fozbpim htm reaope, anD there \atnte totth hvm
a greate migbtpe hood of the bngoolp,
tEbe.iti* Chapter.
to(lanDcbpbP'm,anDtobe attengcD o(
mafic r ulcc ouec tuc Sjctocs. l$ t h tl=
31 tt&as i5 the cbvloicii of Jftacll 3nD tob«ii
lem appolomus an £
fi <g>cc6 ti;c isnuccs of icia.
tbep came npe bnto sethozon , JnoasJ
SOcconfpbcticcof 3fluOast<m>actiC{5o&. jfiufias
attciwtiictl) to fpsl>t agatuQ Ltf iue,\t>i)oiuc an; locate foztb agapnft them toith a mail i

tioiljUBljafi mafic cap tajmc ouctl;isboftc. 2Et)t companp . 3inD toben hps people fatoc
pwpceof tDcabttcpitccs. fttch a great booft before them , tbep
I^c rtoDe bp 3fuDas Sipacba* fapDebntoJuDas : J^otoe are toe able
% beus in bis fathers ftcaoe, ( bepnge
fo fetoe ) to fpghte agapnft fo
3f0f«pllU9 $
allbpsbictbzeu bclpcDbtm: greate a mttltpttiDe anD fo frrongcf- it*
anD fo DpD all tbep that beiDe pngc toe be f o toeerp, anD banc fafteo al
toith his fatbet,anD fought totth there* thtSDape^ itttai+a
fulncflrefoz^fracl.&oJuDasgat hps *25ut3tiDasrapDc: ^tisarmal!
people great bonoure: t^c put on a bieft matter fo: manp to be ouercomc totth
plate as a giaute, auo arapeo him felfe fetoe : pea , there is no Dpffereuce to the
toith bis barneffe ,anD DefenDeD the bolt <5oDofbeaucn, tooelpuerbpa greate
toith his ftoearDe.Jubis actes be toas multituDe oi bp a (mall companp:*fo$ «•?**»•»
IpUe a fc,pon,anD as a lions; tobclpe roa* the bictozp of the bntttl ftanoctb not in
i»ni.f(A tpnge at bis pzape . * i$e toas an cnemp the mttltpttiDe of the booue , but the
to the topefceo , anD bunteD tbein oute: ftrcngtbcommctbfrombcaucn • &e* C
bs totth a pie*
bolDc,tbep conic agapnft
plc:^>o that bis enempes flco foz feare fumptttous ano pzouoe mulrpt udc, to
of bpm, anD all the toojclurs of ongoDs Dcftropcos, ouretopues attDourcbpI^
ipnegtoete put to trouble: fucblucke Dien,anD to robbe bs, ©ttt toe toil figbfi
anD pjofpen tie toas in Ins banDc.cbts foz once Ipues, anD fbz oure iatoes, ano
greueDDpuerfe kpngeSjbutJacob toag; the £ozdc bpm felfe 0)aII Dedrope tbetti
greatlpe teiopfeD thozotoe bps actes, befoze oure face : therfozebe ttotpea*
anD he gat hpm felfe a greate name foz frapcDoftbetn.
cuer* % s foone as he hab fpoken there toon*
i^c toent tbozoto the cptpes of Jm De#,he leaptc fooenlp bpo them. Chu$
bngoDlp out of the,
Da,Defl:topiiige the toas ^eron fmptten,anb hps bootle
Iturnpugc atoape the matin from ju put to flpgbte , ano JuDas folotoeo
tipon tfjcm bepurtD: jsetbozon bnto tbe t(;cbpe count tees.'
plapne fclDe, tobetetbete tocte flarnc *3''riD Wiag cbofe bnto r)im £tolo=
cygbtc buiiDzctb men of tfjcm , ano tbe mp tbe fonne of feoif minus $»canoi
into tbe latiDc of tbe p\)iix>
tci j'Du c flco anDdBozgias mpgbtpe men, anD tbe
, it ^w B ft

ftincs. Cljcti a( tfjc fccatbc n on cucr^c hpnges frenoes, -cbefebe fent toitb.ri.
rpDetoetcafrapDe foi juDas anDbPS tbotifanbe fote men anD^iuboufanoe •

bzctfucn; ^>o tbat tbe tumoure offjpm bozfmen, foi togoe into tbe latr:e of
came Unto tbe fepugcs eare&foz all tbe 3«Da, anDtoDeftropeit,as tfiefepngc
d&entples coulee tell of tbe tnarrcs of commauBDcD.^o tbcp tocnt f ozib untfi
3iuDas. all tbeir potoct , anD came to Cmmaus
35 • &>o to^en fcpnge SMtpocbus" fjearDe into tt)t plapne feloe aocben tbe mac*
cbefe tpopnges , be toas angtpe in bps ebatmtes bcat'Dc tbe rumour c of tbem 3
mpnDe: iccbetfoie be feut foztb anD ga* tbcp ano tbetr feruauntcs toiu bcrpc
tbereDanboftofbps tobole realme be* ninebe fplucr anD goloe , foi to bpe ttye
tpeftrongearmpes: 3111D openeD fjps cbplDien ofjjjfcaclltobe tbeir bouiiDe
treafurpc,anD gaue bps fjooft a peaces men.-Cbcrc came bnto tbe alio pet moo
toages iubanbe, commaunDpnge tbcm men of tuatre on euerpe fpDe,out of <&i*
tobeteaDpataltpmes. rpa anD frome tbe ^alcftpucs.
tfteucttbeleiTe toben fje fatoe tbat , 0om
Uiben Jubas anD bps bzc;
tfjetetoas not monve pnougbe in bps tlfitn fatoc tbat trouble increafeD , anD
Ireafurpes, anD tbat tbozotoe tbe Dif- tbat tbe baft outue 'upe bnto tbeic bou $
coidc anD petfecucron , tobpeb be maoc oers:confioerpnge tbe Hpnges vuozdcs
in tbe laiioc ( to putte Dotonc tfjc latoes tobpebebe commaunDeD bnto tbepeo^
tfiat bab bene of oloe tpmcs)bps cufto* ple:^amelpe,tbattbep fljoulDe bttec^
mes and tributes of the lanDe inert mi* Ipe toafte anD Deftcop tbem: Cbep fapDj
mdjcD : be feateD tbat be mas; not able one to anotbet : >Let bs reouffc th.i DC*
fot to beate tije coircs anbebarges anp cape of oute peoplejet bs fpgbt foi ouc
longer, nozto bane fucbe gi>ftcs,to f olcfce ^ for on re sanctuary* Cbcu tbe
geue fo Ipbetallpe as be DpD afbze,moze congrcgacionwcrc foone reaop gatbc*
tfren tfjc &iuges tbat toerc befoic bpm» teD to fpgbt , to pzape ano to ma'Ue rupa
ax>berfo*e be toag f>eup in bts mpube, plpcacton bnto ©od foz mercp 5 grace.
anD tbougbt to goe*into pctfiDcg, foz * asfoj 3fiecufalem,it lape bopDe,
tjmtM « to take ttpbutes of tfje lanDe , anD f o to anD bias as it baD bene a toplDemcs*
gatbet muebe monp e. £>o be left %p[U •Cbere toente no man in noz oute at it, (.&«.(&
as(a noble man of tfjc fcpuges blottDe) ano tbe ^anctuarp biastroDeDobine.
to ouerfc tfjc fcpnges bufpneffes, frome (Cbcaleaunreskcpte tbe caflell,tbere
tfjc toatctcupfuatcs Unto tfjc bozDcts toas tbe babttacion of tbe bea tbe. cbe
of Cgpptc : anD to Kcpc toell bps foune mpub of "Jacob bias taken atoai-e tbe ,

5Dntiocbus,tpl be came agapne* pppe % ba'rpc toas gone fro amage tbe*
^ozeonet,be gaue bim fjalfc of bis Cbe 3|ftaelites gatbeceb tbem to^
booa anD elegantes , committcD Xnu getber,^ came to ^afpr>a bcfoiejeru*
C to bpm cticcp tbpnge of bps mpnDe, co* faienujFoMu g&afpba mas tbe place
ccrnpnge tftofe tubpcbeDtoclt in 3juDa *tobere cbep pzapeD afoze tpme . £>o
anD Icturalcm : Ctyat be (qouioc fciioe tbep fafteD tbat Dape,anD put on racfce*
out an acmpc agapnft tbcm, to Dettrop clotbesbpou tbcm, cafteafljes bpoti
anD to rote out tbe potoer of Jfrael anD tbeir beabes , rente tbcit clotbes , anD i.ttw.o
the remnauntc of "Jerufalcm ; Co put lapDe foztb tbe boUesof tbe latoeOber*
out tbeir memoziall from tbat place, out tbe beatben fougbt tbe Ipcftenes of
to fct ftraungcrs foz to tuba bit al tbeir tbetrpmages )anbbzougbte tr>e p?ie^
quarters, anD to parte tbeir lanoc a* ftes oznamcnteSjtbe fpzftlpnges anD
mougc them* -cfius tbe fcpnge tofce tbe tbe tptbes »(Cbep fet tbcre alfo tbe*abj(
otbecpar^oft^eboofte,anD DepartcD ftepners ( tobpebe fjaD fulfpIleD tbept
joft»».cap,from 3lntiotijf (a citie of bps tealme) o* Daves ) befoze d5oD , anD crpeD toitba
lottDc bopce totoarDe beaueti, fapinge: ®mM.«
bunDzejb *.,tlbti.pcarc, 9 tocnt tljo.zoto ^CUat itjal toe Doe totrb tbefe^ anD tobi^

*ۤmmmw ibte tboufanbe men onelpe , fofjpcb bab

Iberian toe catpe tbematoapcj' jFoj
tbe£>anctuarpc(s ttoDcu Dotone aiiD neither batueirenoi I tucarbes to tfjepj
DcfpUD , tbp pzieftes ace come to \mm mpnDes*
nefle anD Dlit)d(ioure:3iiiD beholoc , t!je 25ut on tbe otfjer fpbe.tbep fatoe tbat
l^ea ben are come together foz toDe> tbe ||eatf;en toere mpgbtpe anD toell

drop bs. cfjou tmotoeft tobaf tbpngeg barn'effcD, anD tbeic bowmen about*
tbeppmagpneagapuft bs. li^otoemap tbem , anD all tbefe toell ejeperte in f ea*
toe ftanDe before tbem,ejc.cepte tbou(^) tes of toarre.Cben fapoe Jubas to tb$
<£oD)be one helper men tbat toere toitb b?w tf *ate not pe

%\)tp b(etoe outc the trompct alto cberaultituDeoftbem, be notafrapeD

© toptbalouDebopce.Cben 3uoas runupnge : ttemembze
o^» of tfjcir bioleut
DencD*captapncsoucr tbe people: ouct botoe oure f atbets toere DelpuereD,*m ft .^
tboui'anDcs ouer tjunDteocff, ouec i?U
, m
reeD fea toben ^barao tb^eateueD
tpe, anD ouec ten . z3ut as for fuche as tbem toitD a great booft*

buplDeD tbem boufes marpeD topues,

, C»cn fo Itt bs alio crpe tiotee toe
plautcD them bmeratDcs atiD tbofc toatDcbcauen.anDtbelo^Detyalbaue

that lucre feaccfull: ^ecommaunDeo mercpe bpon bs anD remembze tbe co» ,

tbem eucrp man to go borne, accozDing uenaunte of oure fatbers , pea, anD Dc<
©«,«.« *totbcIatoc. s>ot!jenooftcrenioueD, (trope tbps booft befoze oure face tbps
3ut>w«,a anD pptcbeo bpon toe ^outtje fpDeof Dape- : 3CnD all tbe !jca tben (ball knotoe,
Cmmaus* tDat it is 0oDbimfeife,tobpcbeDeitue4
3lnD 3|uoas fapDe : Slrme rottre fel> retbatiDlauetbJIfraell*
ttes,be (Uonge ( £> mp cbplDzen) make Cben tbe i^catben lift bp tbepz epes: 23
pouceaDpeagapnfte to mozotoe intbe anD \oi)m tijep fa to tbat tbep toere com <
mojnpnge , tbatpemape fpgbte toptb mpnge a gapuft tbem, tbep toent oute of
tbefe people,tobtcb are agreeo togetber tbepz tentes into tbe bat tell : 3lnD tbep
toDcftcopebs anD oure *3>anctuarpe* tbat toere \b 3 uoas.ble to bp tbe trout %
Setter is it fojt to ope m
battaple tban pcttcs.* ^0 ttytp buchleD togetber,
to fee oure people ano oute&anctua* ano tbe beatben toere DrfcomfiteD anD «.»«.7.*
tpe in fucbe a tmfccable cafe. * jfteuer* QeDDe oner ti)c plapne felDe: %uttl)t
tbeles 3 a3 tbp topi is in b eaucn ,ro be it, bpnmoofte of tbem toece Qiipm f ot
K3'<C&e«tuu Chapter* tit? t'olotocDbpon tbem biito3BQfate-
3Juoas goer!; agapHtt Otogtas tobicbclpefotit motb , anD into tbefelDe^of Joutnca
toaptc. &t put r ctu fBoigtas $ bts bod to a p sbt.
Eifias iimaoctl; JlctDip.biit Jluoas omicrb ijtiit
totoaroe3Fjot anD
J annua: $30 tbat
cur. Juoaspuctftetbt&e temple auo ocfticatctij
there toere dapne of tbem bpon a tfjze
tbeaultct. tboufanbe men. ^>o Jjuoas tourncD a*
^cntoftedSotgiaB fitie gapue toptb bPS booft, anD fapDe bnta
tboufanoc men of fote, tbe peop !c:bc not greDie of tbe fpoplcs,
atiD a tboulanoeoftbe toe haue pet a battaple to fpgbte: jfo;
jbefrboifmcn: 3flnD re» dgozgias f» b?s booft are berebp bsin
mo ueb bp npgtjte to , tbe mountapnes , but ftanoepc fafte n*
'comenpetobecetbe 3Je< gapufteoure enempes, anD ouercomt
toes boofl lape , anD fo to dape tbem fo* tbem: tbe map pe fafelp take § fpoples*
tienlpe. $otoe tbe men that fcepte tbe 3ds 3luDas toas fpeakpnge tbefe
caftel,tocte tbe conuepers of tbem.Cbe toozbes, there appearcD one part of the
atote JuDas tofmpte the cbicfe anD bpon tbe mount* 23ut tobcu <0ozgias *•
pzpncppall of tbe fcpnges boofte at Cm* fatoe tbat tbep ofbj>spattie toe« fleD,
niaus , f 01 tbe ar mp t toas not vet come anD tl)t tentes bzent bp(foj bp p rmo&e
togetber* Jn tbe meane feafon came t\jtp mpgbte bnDerftanDe tobat toas
' ©oigtas bp npgfjt into JJubas tentes: Done)tbep petcepupnge tbps , toete be>
3BnD toben be founDe no man there, be tpefo»afrapDe:3fluD toben ttftp fatoe
fougbte tbem mouutapnes anD
in tbe , alfotbat 3HuDas anD bps booft toece
tbougbte tbep baD bene rTeb atoape be> tn tbe felDe reaDpe to ftrpcae battarlle,
caufeof bpm » out tobentt toas Dape, tbep fleDDe euecpebone into t^c lauoe of
Juoas OjetocD bpmfclfein tbefelDeib tbe^eatben.


^ojpuDas tnrticD agaptiecofpople *ii\pm tb?6 all the boofic ga thcrcD

the retires , tobete tfjcp gat much golD? them tOgethec,anD toent Dp Duto mofit «.*»***
ant) fplucr,pjctious ftoncs, purple anD Ss ion. ^otoe tohen tbep fa toe the fanc>
grcatc rpefjes . <Cf?us tbcp tusnrc home tuarpc lapDe toaSe , the a niter DefpleD,
a no longc a pfalmc of tbacfcefgeupng the Dous bunte Dp , the Ojxu b bes gro*

eM tw. anD pjapfcD (Sod in beaucn: | oj*bc is hjpng in the eourtesjibr as tn a tooooe
pfet'»»8. * granous,auD bps incrci't cud uretb ioi 01 Dpon mountapneSipea. qtf the pztef
cuct: jfinDfoJiratUOaDagteatcDicj ftcs Celles toere biobeu do tone: 'Chcp
tojtpc in ttjat Dape. rent their clothes , maDe gteate latmn*
llotoc all the heathen tffar tftapcD, tacion,caft a:ljes Dpon fheic heaDes,fel
came anD tolDe ftpftas cuerpt tlnmge Doune flat to p gtotinDe,ma&e a greats
as tt bappcncD. chcrfou ipfias tons nopfetoptbthe trompettes, a«Dctps&
fo« afcapDeanD gtcucD tn bps iiu'n&c, totoarDeheaiien.
becaufc jftaell Bao not gotten fucr)c ChenjnDas appop^ntcD cetta^ni
inlCfoitune as fjc tuotiloe the? fyoulDr, men to fpght agapnfl thofe tohieh toete
ncptbet as the &pnge commaunDeD* tn the Caftell tpiltbep baDclcnfcDtbe
Che ncjtte peace f olotopnge , gatbereD ^anctuasp * ^o
he chore pzteiles that
£tfias tbjc fcoie tboufaiiD cbofen men toere DnDefpltD , f uclic as l;aD pleafuce
ci f otc, anb fpue tf j ouf aaDc \)Oii men, to in the la toe of &oD:auD tbep clcni'eD th(
fpgbtagapnfttbetm ^anctuarp, anD bare oufetTje DefpleD
5-5 £>o tfjep tame into 3Ieto|p, anD ptt« (rones into an Dncleane place . 3&nD f o»
etjeDtfjett tenter at ©ctbozon, tober* fO much as the aulter of the burnteffe?
31uDas came agapnfte t(?cm toptb ten rpnges toas DnhalotoeD he f okc aDu U

ifiouf anDe men « 3nD toben be fatoe fo feme nt tohat he mpght Dot toitbailKd

greate mtgbfpe an boofte, be maDe f>ps he tboughrt tt toas heft to Deft rope tt

piapcranD favDc: ©IcttcD be tbou(o fa< (left it fjottlDc happen to Do them anp«
*»».t/4 tii(ou«of3!fcaeil)*to^ff?e DyDDeftDe* Ojaincjfoi the i^eathenhaD DCfplcD it,
fttope the biolenf potoct of the gpauttt, anD th etfotc thep biafeett D0uue:as fo;
in tfjchanBcot tfip fetuatuiteJzautD, the (lottes thep latb the Dp Dp5 p moil?
*auD gaiisft ttjc booft of the heathen in tapne ,bp p bouf t in a conuemcr place?
fo the banDe- of 3J|onatbas(tbe foniwof t pi there came a p:ophettofljetoc,uihat

$3>au!)anD of bis toeapen beater. fJt)oulDe be Done topth them* 4

put tups hood noun into f ban&e ^othsptohetohole (Idtie^ acc'o?# evto.#&
of tbp people of Jftaell, and let them Dinae p latoe , 61 btiplDeD a netoe aultec Sj}g£
be confounoiD tn their mnltiftiDc anD fueffeone as teas befoie , 9 maDe Dp-tyi
!?o:fmcn,<Ii^aHc tbcmafrapcD,anD Off? ^actuatp toithiit $ tfeffut ,$ fjatotiKD f
comf oitb t!^ bolDnes of their ftrengtb, conrtes. Chep maDe netoe ojnamentes,
that trjcp rwape be moucD tboiotae theft anD btottghte tfre canDeKltcae, the aiu?
befttuc ciom <f aft them do tone tbozotoe anD the table into th$ te>
tec of itiftitfe,
the ftoeatDc of tup toners, then fljaH alt ple.Chc mcenfe lapbc thep Dpon §&uU
the p that fei»o toe tbp uame,piapfe thee ter,slpghtcDthclampe8 tohiehe toerl
totth tbanaef gcttrngr tponthe cauDetftpeite, tlrit thep might
£*o the? ftrocke the battapl, * there butnc in $> temple Ct>ep fet tl;i Qjetoe*

lucre Oapnc of ZLifias booft , fpue tbo«». bieaD Dp6 the table,anD hangeD bp ttft
fanoe men^ben nif tas fttngc the Dif* i>alc,an&XetDp tiwtcmDie.aja! it toas"
comf ctpngc of bp.s men, anD the ma alp * afoM,*3nD ttpon the.xD Dape of (.fa t\jt$tmt
ties of the ^etocs ho toe f hep lucre rea«
, m onef h , tohtche is calfeD the m one th of
Dpc, cither to Irue oito Dpe IpKe men: Caa<u,JnthtvC*anD,)clDtu.peate:fhep &owm
$KtoentDnto3lntiocbc anD Cbofcoute toie Dp bp tpmes fn the moinpngefoj wc»
men of toarrs ; that tohen tbeptoe re ga^ toDo faerpfpee ( acfoaDt'nge to j> latoe)
t bcrcD togef&et , tbcp mpgbtccome a* bpon the netoe Intent* offecpnge fifultet
gapnc into Jetazpt. ttftcn lapDe 31uDa£ t^stthtp DaDmaDe:3ifterthfe tpmeanD
eud lips bUfbcn:'b€boiDc ourc enemfes f eafonthat tfre heathen haD DefpleD iu

crcDiftomfiteD:'lUt bs no toe go Dp, to Che fame Dape toas ft fet Dp agai-ne.

vjTule anD to rcpapji the ^amnuacp*, tept& f onges jjipes^arpeg 9 cimbaks'f

lEtyt ftrtte Me
2fnb an t&e people fell fcpon tbcpi tbem , couDcmptut) tt)em,anb bzetit t?p
faces,toozfl)ppppnge ano tbanckpnge tbeic totocts, tuitb all tbat msec tbe* m
tbceoDofbcnuciitobicbbaDgcucntbe 3CftettoatDe tocnte be agapnfte tbe
tbe btctozp.*§>o tbep ticpt ftKDeDica* cbplDzenof3!mmou,toberofbefounDea
ci on or tljc a alter cvgbt Da reg otfertngc mpgbtpe potoec anD a gteat multituDe
burnt facttf ices ? tbankorTerpngcs ti) of people , tt Cunotbp tbeit captapne^
glaoncs Cbep Decktc tbe temple alfo ^>obe ftrobe manpe battaplles toptf)
rb ccoton^ flulDes of goloe, $ balotocD tbem,tDbicl) toete oefttopeD befoze bim.
tbe pontes 5 cedes, $ bangeD Dozes bpo 3BnD toben be baD Oapne tbem,be toaune
tbe\€bus tbere teas bctpe gteat glaD* ©ajectbecptpe, tuttb tbe to tones be*
nesamongc $ people, becaufc § blafr longpng tbecto, anD fo toumcD agapne
pbemp of § ^eatbc toas put atoap.§>o into Jtftw ^ne btatben
• alfo in <&v*

JuDassbis bzetbze"lbtbe tobolecon* leaD gatbcreD ttjem togctbet agapnfte

gtegaciou of 3fcael,o;DcneD,tbat*tbe tbejftaelites tbattoece in tbewquaw
tpnieofgDeDtcacionoftbcaultettyulD tets to Oape tbem : J3ut tbep fteD to tbe
be kept tn bis feafo fro peate to peace, caftcllof3©atbeman.3inDfenteIettets
bp tf)e fpace of cpgbt Dapcs , f tome tbe Dnto 3(uDa^ anD bis bzctbzen,faping:
prb * Dape of tbe ^onetr) CaOeu: £ea, Cbebeatbenate gatbeteD agapnftbs »
nuo tfiat tottf) mtutb auD glaDnes* on euctp fpDe 5 to Defttope U«(, anD notoe
3uD at tbe fame tpme buplotD tfjep tr)cp make tbem foi to come , anD lape

t>p tbe mounted on toitb fjpc toalles fege to toberunto toe ate flcD,
t\)t caftci,

auD ft rouge founts rounoc aboute:lcft auD tcpmofftp is tfje captapue of tbepi
tbe gentiles OjoulD come ano treaoe it booft: Come tberefote , auD Dclpuet b$
botonc as tbep DpD afoze * fvCbcrcfozc
, out of tbeic bSDes: jfoz tbcte is a gteat
3!uDas fet men of toarre in it,to kepe it: multttuDc of bs flapue all teaDp ^ea,
9 maDe tt ftronge,foz to Defence* ©ctr> anD out bzetbzentbat toece at ^ubin,
ttlKMi f UW : tbat tt)e people mpgbt baue a te< ate ftapne anD DefttopeD ( toell npe a
fuge agavnft tbe <£oomites» tboufanDe men)anD tbetc topucs, tbeic
ebplDzen anD tbeit gooDes baue tfjee*
Cbt.b. Chapter. nempes leD atoap captpue*
accbple tbefe letters toece ^tt a rcai
J|utoast>*»cimR)eo tbe fttatbtn p go about to be*
Dpngc, bebolDe , trjecc came otbet mef^
Ctope3|Ctacl,jt9l)olpcitofl)t«btctDvcn g>tmou
* «^onatDa».i&coumg;otoct&pctftcof£piMOit, fangets from Baltic, toitb rent clotbes:
becaufc rtjcp txnict) lnmuaflage rtjoiotuCit. tobtcbe toloe cuen tbe fame tpbpnges,
n CbappcncD alfo tfjat tot; an anDfapo : tbat tbep of i&tolomais, oe tljc j^catben totiuDe aboutc Cpzus anD of ^iDon toere'gatbcreD n*
bcatDe,boto that the attltct $ gapnfte tbem, auD tbat all <£alple toas

_ tbe fanctuatp toete fetbp m

fplleb toptb enempes to Defttope Ifra*
DifplcafeD tr)c berve ell.*«Dbcn31uDas^tbe people bearbe^
their o!De cftatc: it
w ' 86
foze,teberfoze tbep tbougb* to Deftrope tbps,tbcp came togetbtc( a gteat con>
tbe genetacion of Jacob tbat teas a? grcgacion)to oeupre, tobat tbep mpgbt
monge tbetmjn fo mucbe tbat tbep be> Do foz tbeit bzetbten,tbat toere in ttoti*
ganne to aap 9 to petfecute cectapne of ble anD befeg'eD of tbcpz enempes* am>
tbe people* * tcbcnJuDas fougbte a* 3|uDas fapD buto^pmon bi^ bzotber:
ga?nfte tbecbpIDieu of cfau in 3|du* tlbofe tbe out cectapne men,anD go be*
mea , anD agapnfte tbofe tobtcb toece at lp uer tbP bzetbzen in csalilc : as foz me

aitabatbane ( fot tbep Dtoelt rounoe a* anD mp bzotber ^jonatbas , toe topll go
bout tbe 3fraelttcs) tobcre befleto ano into ©lleaDitbim.^>o be left 3iofepbuS
fpopleb a gteat rrmltttuDe of tbem . 19c tr>e foune of Zacbatp , anD Sdjatpas to

cbouotb? alfo bpon tbe malpce anD bn> tx tbe <raptai>n es of tbe people anD to
faptbf nines of tbe cbtlDieof iseati^oto Uepc tbe rcmnauut of tbe t>oofte in JIc<
tbeptoetea rnare anD ftoppe bntotbe tozpe,anD commaunDeD tbem , fapinge:
people, anD botoe tbep iapeo toapte foz •cake tbe ouerftgbt of tljps people,anD
tbe in tbe bpe toape : toberfoze be Ojutre fee tbat pe make no toarre agapnfte tbe

ir)cmbpinto totozes, anD came bnto jaeatr)cn 3 bntpll tje fpme tr)at toe come

49f tlje jMacljabecs* jFaUmv*

agapue * $nt> bnto £>pmonbe gauc tbcp flcD from bun ; anD tbe other flefoe
H#c t&oufan&e menfo? to go info <£a* them do tone right f oie : fo f there lucre
Iplebut JuDas brm felfe baD.Diti.3£. fcpUeti of tbem that fame Dape, almofte
UKMcaDitbim. cpgbt thotif anDc men * Chen DepactcD
Chen toent &>t mon into dFalt leanD 3|uDas Dnto^afphaJatD fege unto it

<r ftroc be Djnicrs battaples toitb tbe bca> anD tontine it,8etoe all tbe males in if,
tbciKSCbotnc be DtrcomfiteD, anD folo* fpoplcD it , anD fet fp:e bpon it jftome
toeD top on tbem bnto the pouc of )&to? tbcnceteentbeanDtoRecafbon, $$&
lomais * aiiiD there to ere flapnc of tbe getb, 53oro?,anDtbcotbcc Cptpes in
beatben almott.ttuboufatiDc mcn.^o ©ilcaD. t>
be tofec the f pop lee of them, anD catprD *3ftertbps gatfjcreD Cpmotbpan j,29«a>
atoapc the 3 lis tlitts,f tecum d&nltlc otbetbooft,tobpcbe pptcbeD tbtic ten?
anD 3cbatis,toptb tbepj topueg, tftcv? tcsbcfoic iiapbon OcpotiDcthctoaicr,
cbilDzen anD all that tfjcp baD,anD 3Iuoas fent to fppe tbe booft , anD tbep
biougbt tbem info ]|eto?petoitb great bjougbtbPmtoojDe agapne , fapinge:
giaDtieg. JuDas ^acbabeeus alio 38U tbe l^catbcn that be tounDc about
eiiD ops btotbet Jf onatbas , tocntc 0* t»s,are gatb ctcD bnto btm,anD the boft
tier jojDanc.anD tcauapleD tbze Dares is Derp greatpea 3 tbep baue bP?eo tfyt

iournep in the toplDecnes : acebcre the Arabians to belpc tbem, anD baue ppt?
fit buthecs incite them , anD ccceaueD cbcD their tentes bcponDe tbe toatcr , 9
them loupnglpe, ano tolDe them cttetpe arereaop to come anD fpgbt agapnae
tbpngc thai bao bappcncD bnto tbcp: the. ^oluDastocntontomcte tbem*
buthun^iIeaDithmi, anD botoetbat 3dnD Cpmotbp fapDe bnto tbe cap>
irianpeoftbemtoete bcfegcD in#ata< rapnes of bps booft :toben3JuDas anD
fa,2Boro:3tm!S,Cafpho^^agttanD bps booft come npe tbe rpuer t pf be goe
iCatnaun(all.tbcfe ate ftronge toaUcD ouer fp?fte,toe ibali not be able to teitb*
anD mpgbtpe great cptiesOatiD tbat ftauDc btm:f oi tobp,be topi be to ftrong
tbcp tocie kept tn other Cptpes of <©p* fotbs. ffiutpf bcDare not come ouer fo
IcaD alio : anD to mo:otoc tbcp ate ap< that be pttcbe bps tente beponoe § tea*
Sopntco tubungc tbcp: hofj v nt tbcf e tc t:tbcn topi toe go oucr,fct toe fljall be

ttc&to tafce tbem anD to topnne tijem ftronge pnougb agapnft bim» ^oto as
in one cape. foone as JuDas came tofherpuct, be
^>o 3|uDas anD bP£ booft toutneD in appopnteD certapne fcribes of the pcop
all the bade mtbe toplDetnes totoatoe ple,anD commaunDeD tbem,fapinge:fee
iSofo^anD toannc the cptie,fletoe al the that peleaue none bebpnDe bpon tbps
males totttj the ftoeatDe , toae all their fpDe of tbe riucr,bu t let etterp ma come
gooDcs , anD fet fpieDpon tbecptpe* to § batapl * §>o be teent fir ft oner Dip
3nD in the npght tbcp tofee the ir iout> to tbem anD l)vs people after bun.
ripe from thence, anD came to the caftch 3nD all tbe bcattj cit teere DifcomfiteD
3lnD bctpmes in tbe moinpnge toben befojebpm anD let tbetttocapcus fall,

ihep Iorjd Dp,bebolDe,thete toag an in anD ratme into tbe temple tbatteas at
numerable people beatinge laoccs anD Carnaim»3»bpcb citie JuDas toanne,
ether tuftcumctcs: of toatre, to take tbe anD b?ent tbe temple tot tb all that teere
caftelanDtooueccometbeim in it : §0 teas catnaim fubDueD,aiiD
30Ct)en 3|ttDas fatoe tbat tbe battapl mpgbtnottoPtbftanDc JttDas, o;r)en
beganne, anD that tbe nopre thereof 3fuDas gatbeteD al t\)t fftaclites that
toent Dps range fn to tr)e beauen, anD toerc in ©itcabirbt niacin the left bnto
that there teas fo great a crpe in tbe ci< tbemoft, toitbtbeictopues anD tbepj
tperi^e fapD bnto bps booft: figbt tbis cbpID^en ( a berpe greate booft ) fo? to
cap fo: pour b:etb:etn#no fo came be< come into tbe lanDe of jfiftaeli.
bpnDe their enempes in companp* *^o tbep came bnto tfpbion, toht < &
cs,anD bleto Dp tbe trompcttes,anD cct* cbe teas a mpgbtpe,greate anD ftconge iuMi*uji
«Dintheiep:aperto<i50D. cvtpe,anD lape in tbeit toape. 5fojt tW
*3ut as foone as cpmotbis booft coulDe not goe bp it , neitber of p rpgb*
pcr:*aueD that ^acbabetis teas tyctc banoe no; of tr)e lefte.but muft go tbo*
rotoc it. jfteuettfjeles tficp that lucre in
UclpeD* Buttfjcmtfi tW toete topty

the utic, toouloc not let tbe go tljozoto, J tiDas , tocte gteatlp commeoco in tbe
butiualicOUp rficpoztcs nntb (tones* fpgbtc of all jjrtacll anoall^eatbeu,
2Cud3!ud«i0 Tent Unto them totib peaces tobctefo euet tbtir name toas hearoe
Able mozDesJaping : let Us pailc t^o* Upon, ano tbe people came unto then*
tome pout fauo § tue map goe into out
, bpDDinge tbem toelcome*
©tone counttc: 4bete fl>nll no boope Do 3Bftettbps toent Juoa-j' fotifjc tottb
!>ou barme,toc toil but onlp go tbozoto, l?i's bictbjen , ano fougbt agapnfte t\)t
J5ttt tbep toouloc not let them to. cfjploien of cfau , in tbe lanbe tbat ipt
acobetefoze Juoas commaunotD a ctb totoatoe tbeioutb inhere betoanne
proclamation to be maoe tbozotoeout tbecptpe of i^cbion auD § to tones tbat
tbe booft, that euetp man Ojouloe kepe Ipe befpoe it :auo as foz tl}t tea lies ano

ftps ozozc: 3(f nolo tbep DpD tljcit beft touches ro unoe about it, be blent tbem
IpfeeUaaauutmen. Up* Cben rcmoucobcto goe into tbe
3nD Juoas bc.ejeo tbe cf tie a! tbat lanoe of tbe pbiliftf ncs, ano toent tbo#
bape aiio all that npgbte, ano To toanne rotoe §»ama t ia.3tt tbe fame tpme tocte
it: tobcte tbep fletoe as manpe as lucre tbere manpe pzicltcs flapne in tbe bat>
inalcs } ano Delhopeo tbe cme,anD fpop* fap!,tobt'cb toplfullp ano totiijout aDui?
leb tt,anD toent tbozo toe all tbe cttpe o* fement toent out fo; to fpgbt to get tbe
net them tfjat tocte flapne . €ben tocut bouotuc 3'no tuben Juoas came to 2B«
tbep oucc jozoan into tl)t plapne feloe ^otintbe^biltdtnes lanDc,*beb£abe ©c«va.i
Uefoze 25etbfan 3iid Juoas bcipeo Dotone tfietr aultct s,bzcnt tbe pmages
tborefoztoatoe tbat came t»iipnDe,aiiD 0" tbeit jools, f popIeD tbe citieg , ano
gaue tbe people gooD cjcboitacion all came agapne into tbe lanoe of 3 uDa.
tbe toai'e tbozotoe , tj>ll tbep tocte come (^?Lbc.Uf»Cbaptec»
Into tbe lanoe ot 3luoa. cbus tbtp toet aitftotbus^npugeto taftc^ cirtcofUlUmsfot
Up Unto ti)t mounte &t on , tofjete tbep a piap ts onucit atoap of f c trc?ut 9. <$e fallcri? tti
^ffcteb toptb mpjtbe ano * tbanckefge* rortc^CHCsffOietlj.iijiafoiiitcauriotous tsmaDe
hut ic. £ Dc te'n:icoi§»ioii.iguparic
upng:©ecaufc there toere none or tbem co net j into J c.u;p \b a gceat acmp. &i)C bolb ;-
flapne, but came ijome agapne peaces ucifcotCIcajar.
aoipe. gDto*tofjenfting3Bn^
^otoetohattpmcaa; 3uDas$3 >
tpocljiis ttauapUD aJRJv
tiatbas toe tc in ti)t lano ot cBtlcao, ana tboiotof fjie coutte*
£>imon tfjclt bzotbet tti <©altle befoze es , be beatoe f <glp^ mmqaL
IDtolomais: ibcu Jofepbus tbelonne i •^',t •*•

mas in ^etUa
o*ZacbatpeanD aijatiab tbe captap* a noble 9 plenteous
nes.bearpngc of tbe actcs tbat lucre _etticinfpluctcigolD,
Uone,anD of tbe battels $ toere ttroken, anD p tbet e )tas U\ it a Deep ticlj ieplt:
fapoerilet Us get us a name alfo , ano tobcte as toere clotbes, cote armours 9
goe ftgbt agapntt the i^eatben t&at ate fmiocs of golo, tohtch 3!lcr5Dcr f fotmc
tounbeabouteUs* of ^btlpp kpng of S19aceDouia b'aD left
£s>o tbep gaue their bood a commas bcbpnDf him. 3ccbetfou be toent about
f Dement, ano toent toimuoc Jammab* to take v title $ toTpople it t but be toas
Chen came ©oigiab anubps men out not able : foi p ntcjtns toere toarneD of
of tbe cptie, to fpgbt agapnft tbem: J y< fougbt ib bi.38no (0 be fleo 5 Depart
(epbus alfo ano aBjatiafi lucre cijueo teo ui gteatbeumes, 9 came agapne in
tonto $ bozbets of jRetozpe 3 there toete to sabilon ^oteouer tbete came one
fliptfe tbat oapeoftbe'peolpeotjrta* tohich biought bt tiDtnges in ^etfpDe,'
tlMi.tboufanDementro that there toas *^tsb3{tes,tomcb toere in § lanoe of
a great mtfetp aunuge tbe people, ano Juoa^ete otiuen atoap,^ boto § %ilu «.c»*«-«w
*al becaufe tbep toete not obcotet Unto as \nm fottb great potoct^
fpzft \b a
3juaas ano b"8 bietbtcn, but nought toasoiiiieatoapof^ Vetoes: bo\»tbac
tbep (Jpulo quire tbem felueg manful* tbep bai toonne i> tfctoip,^ gottc gteafi
Ipe . came not of tbe
jjicuettbeles tbep go ooes of f booties p perpu^co : ^otoe
I eoe of ti)tk men, bp toftom Jfta'el uus tl;epr)aD bzofeen Dotone tbe abbomuiai

cum,* tobicfiefjefct tip bponthcaul* fome tngoDlpc riich Of ^ftacll lopneD
tec at^ei uraiem,ano fcnceD the <§>auc* tbem fclues alfo) anD bnto the tucnte
tuatp toi ti) bpe toalles , Ipke ae it icao hpng, faptng:^otoe longc topll it be,o?
arou;pca,aitD ©ctbfura bpe citie alio, tbon punitb anD aDuenge out b?eth?e/
^o it cljaunci D ,tba t tob« tbe bpng aoocbaueeuerbene mpuDeD to Decthp
» baD ijcatD tbelc tucuDcs, be toas atrap* father fcrupce,to toalkc in Ms (ratutcs*
CD anD cjrcucD berp fo?c . scb< tctou be anD to oucp bps commaunDemcntcss
lapD bpm Dotone bjftm bpS biD,anD fell Cberfo?e oure people fell from bs,anD
f pcfcc feu berp foio&cianD al b ecaufe tt tobcrf ocuer tbep tounDe anp of Ds, tbep
ftaDnot IjappcutD as be baD DeuHcD. flc to tbem: ano tbep batie not oniv meD»
3P»D tficrc couttnucD be longc 3 fo?bps teD toitb lis , but toitt) al oute countce*
gcet c toas cuer moie anD moie fo that es:anDbebolDc,tbpsDapare tbep be*

be fame be mud nebes Dpe. Chetf cue be fegpnge tbe caftell at Jetufalem, anD
fent f oi (jl.3 fteuDeSjanD fapD Ditto the"; * bane maDe Dp tbe (trouge bolDe in
the flepc is gone fro mpne epes fo? the 23etbfuta:^nD pf thou Doeft not p?euet «.«»wtt<i

fcecp fozoto anD tJejcar ion of heart that tbem rpght foone , tbep topll Doe moo?e
31 rjauc 5fo? tobcu J confpDcc in mp then tbef c^anD thou u^aite not be able to
inrnDctbe grcate aDuerfite that Jam ouetcomethem* _
come but o,anD the flouDcs of bcupneffe iooben the Wngc()eatD this rjetoaja; »
tobtcbc^amcomc in, tobcrc as afo?« ierp angrp,anD calleD all bps ftcnDes,
tpme 3 bias fo mecp, anD fo grcatip fee the cap tai'iics of bps fote men anD of
fop(bp rcafon of mp poiuct )againc con* al bps bo?fmen togctber.^e r)p?eD meh

fpoc rv'nac the etiel that 3 banc Done at of tearre alio out of other rcalmcsam)
jgctufaluii from tofjencc j tofce allege out of the Jjles of the fea, tof)i(be came

rpctjes of golDe anD fpluct that toete in tJutob»n3iDtbenomb?eofr)psboolt

tt , anD fent to fetch atoap tbunbabp* toa$ an hunDuth thouiauDe fote men,

touts of Jetozpe umhour anpe tcafon anD ttoentpe tboufauDc hoifmcn, anD
fobp:31 ftnotoe , that troubles ate
tf?erc yjejeii* (Elephantes toel ejcetcpfeDto bat?
come Dpon me fo? tbe fame caufe « 2flnD rapl.Cbefe cametbojotoejDumeabiw
beljolDe,^ muft Dpe tottb great fo?otoe to*Eetbfuca, ano befegcD tt a long! t.m^: fv
m,¥fc '
in a ftraunge lanDe. 'Cben calleD be fo? feafoi^anDmaDeDpuers mlltumtutes
one |Bf)ifippc a frenbe cf his,tobome he oftoattcagapnfteit. ©tit tbe Jctees
iiiaoe rular of all bis realme, anD gaue came out anD bunt them anD f oughte ,

bim the crotone, bis roa be 3 bis tinge: IvHemen.CbenDeparteD JuDas from?
that be tt) tilo take bis fonne a nt locbiis the caftell at Jctufalem , anD rcmouett
into bpm, anD b?inge bim t)p,tptlf>c the hood totoarD ©ethjacacati ouec &e
tmgbt rapgnc bim felt e.*<®o the lunge gapnft the fepnges atmpe*
39 8 1. if. aituioebtis Dieb the

re, in y . cjclic.pcfi tc. ^0 the fepnge atoie befote f be tuape;
c 1
Scben tlias ftueto that tbe fcpng toas DteD , be ozDcncD 3nttocbus his fonne
anD brought the potoet of hps ^ooft in
to® etb?afatai},tobere
to the toape the
(tobombe bai> bxowgbt Dp, to rapgne l^ooftes maDe them to the battaptle,
in ftps fathers fteaDe)$callcD bpm Cm blotoinge the tcompettes . 3EnD to p?o«
pater, tfiotoe tbep tljat lucre m tbe ca< elepbantes fo?tofpgr)t,thep
iiobe the
ftcll(at Jerufalem ) Kept in tbe Jetoes Q)ctoeD tbem ti)t fappeof recD grapes
tounDe about £ ^anctuatpc,s fought anD molberpes. 3PnD DeupDcD the c£lc*
cuer ftpll to do tbem Ratine, fo? $ ftren* pbantes amonge the hooftr^a that df
gtbeningc of tbebeatben* eu crp Clepbante tbete ftooe a.^.meti
JXftertoie ^uoas tbougW to Deftrop toel batnefTiD, ^ f/elinettes of ftcie Dpon
tbcm>anD ealleD al tbe people together, thett heaDes : £ea , ftnta ener^ one of
tbat tbep mpgr>te lape fege bnto tbem. the <£lspnantes aifo,toete o?DentD»b.c
*&o tbep came together in the bunoztD boifmenof the belt, tohiche toapteb bpr
anD.2L.pca te^anD befcgeD tbem, taping on the gopnge toh«efoeue$
aBlepbrant ,
fojtb their ozDtnauiue anDinftrumcii^ he tocnte,ai)DDeparteD not f come bpuu
tcsof toatre.Chctucrtenof tbem that CuerpCtepbattoas cottcreD it a Ircoge
lucre befcgeD toentt fojtb(buto tyhouui totoer of tuoD, toberebpon toere.crrr^
toeapeus to Rgbte, agapnft tbcits,aub foufcfjt a longe feai
ftalf aunt inert toift)
anb toptbmit toas a man of Jnoc to Join
tuletbebeaft, But in tbe cptit tbete toece no bitap*
3Bs fo? t^e remnaunt of tbe f>ojfme\ les , font roas tbc feucntb peace of tbe

^efett^coibpotibotfi tbefpoeginttoo toarccs,anD tboi'cbeatbcn tbat remap? ^ -

partes toitf? ttompcttcs, to pjouofcc neDlujetojpe bab eaten bp ail trjepi fucb agtoete ftoare . 3nD in tbe §>anctuacpc tocce
flotoeintt)eatmj>e.3nbtoben tbe funne fetoe men lef t,f o:
p bongcr came fo bp^
fijunebpon their fbplDcs of golbe and on tbcm,t ba t tiicp toere fcatrcb abiobe
ftele,tbe motmtapnes gufteteD agapue cuecp man to bis otone place*
at ibem, anb toete as b?tgbtas f crefr ^otobcu ^iftas brarbt tbatjabt>
fettes of fpje itEfje Bpngcs booft alfo Ipppe*(tobom^ntiocbtiiSf king u>biie
betoaspet Ipupnge, baooibepucb to j.«P«.«i»
teasbcutbeb, one parte bpontbebpe
mountapncgjtbc other lotoe benctb: fo bipugc bp 3t>ti octjus bps fonnes , tbat
rbep toent on, taapuge gooD beDe , anb be mpgb t be kpnge ) toas come a gapne
ftcpi'iigctbeirozOK* 3BnD all ttjep that oute of jacrfta anb ^ebca tottb tbe
Oioei te in tfje lanoe, toete aftapbc at tbe ftpnges booft ,ano tbo ugb tc to optapne
nopfcof tbctcboft, fofjentbe multttuoe tr)e by'i gbomet^e gat btmi to tbc Hpng

tocntc foitft , anb tobeu tl?c toeapen? in all tbe baile, anb to tbc cap tapues of
fmorctogctbet, fozy booft toasbotne tl)t booft,anD fapbe: occc becteafe Dap*

teat anb mtgfjtp. JuDas alfo anb bis !pe,anb out bitaples ate but fmale: $*
f ooft en tr cd into the battapu\anb fle to gapnc,tbc place tbat toe lap fege bnto,
buC.mcu of tfje fepuges armpe. Botue ts bctp ftrongc, anb it lucre oute parte
tobenClcajattfje Tonne of g>aurabpb to fee f oi tf^t tealme.lLet bs agte toptb
fee one of tbe Clepbaurcs Decktc toprt) tbcf c men anb tatte ttuce toptb tbem,
tae Bruges baoge,? teas a mote gooD< ano tottb all tb etc people anb gtaunte ,

Ipc beaft tiien tb* otber: be tyougtjt tbe tbem to Iptte aftet tbett latoe , a$ tbep
fepnge Qjouloe be bpon bpm, $ ieopatbe bpbafozc. Jfoitbtpbegreiicb anb doc
fum feife to Delpuet bps people , ano to altbefctbvngcs agapnft bs,bpcaufe
get bpm a perpetuall name* toe baue DeipifcD tbett latoe . *&o tbe
^OQbetfoie be canned a eoiage bnto Hpngc $ tbe pipnees toere content , anb
« tbc Clepbaut in tbc mtobeft of tbe booft Tent bnto tbc to matte peace , anb tfjcp
fmptpnge tbem bourne of bo tbc tbc fp< ecceaucDit.jaotoe \nl)tn tbc Bpng anb
Dcs,anbflctoc manpe about biun » £>o tbe pnnces bab mabe an otbe bnto tbc,
dcpbaiitcs fete ,$ gat
toctitc fjc to tf>e tf)ep came oute of tbe caff ell } anb tbe

tjpm bnbet bpm,anb fletoc bun: tben fel apuge tocntc bp to mountc ^ton. I5ut
tift <£lepbantc botone bponfjpm, anb tobenbefatoethattbe place toas tocll

tbece be bptb* JuDas alfo anb bis men feceb, be

btabe p otb tbat be nab mabe,
repn&etbcpotoctQftbe&pngc anb ttft anb commaunbeb to befttop tbe toalt
inigbtpbfolcnce of bis booft, bepartcb rotinbe aboute.'Cbenbeparteb be in all
from tbe . asnb tbc Binges arm Ujente
t c tbe bade, and rctotttneb bntoHntiocb,
fc p agar na tht totoatbe ijcriifalc" , anb tobcre be founbe i&btlippe baupnge bo^
pptcbco tbett rentes in Jtmyc befpbe mtupon of tbe cptpe. s>o be fottgbt a*
mount ten. i^oieouc t.'tb e apng tbftc gapnftb m, anb tone tbc cttie agapne it|

trtice tottb tbe tbat toere in*23etbfura* tobtsljanocs*

r,fl»«t4.« 25ut toben thep came out of p cittc -Cbe^bii^Cbaptec*
SDcmcttiascatgitctij after OeijaD hpllcu Zntto*
r®« tt a (bpcaufe tbep bab no bitaples toitbtn, ct)us $ aidas. ©c rtoublctu f ct)tl&teii of Jfcaell
«no .rt,v anb § lanbe lap butplleb)§ apnge tofce tljoioiui comtccll of cccfettJicIjcQ pecfoues. XHe
$etbfuca,£ fct men to kepe tt, $ tutncb y tapec of f pxicacs agap »Q jfticanox. 3 uoas tiiU
bPS booft to tbe place of tr)e fanctuatp, icttj^icauoi.aftccUcDaomaocijtspiapet.

9 lapeb fege to it a great tobplc.goobete ]$ tbe*Clt t peate came ®e^

be mabe al ma net oib tnauncc, banobo* |
metttus tbe founc of ^>cleu? »
toes, ftme bactes , tacfcettes to caff do* !
cits frome tbe cttpc of Uome
nes,f:oipios to tyot attotoes, anb 8pn< itoitbafmallcopanv of men;
ge g* Cbe Vetoes alfo maoe oibiuaunce bnto a €vtvt of tbe fea coaft,aim t^ece

be bate cule.ainD itcbaitnceD,tbat tube*

be came to antiocb tfie cptie of bps pp>
but? tbc.£>o t^ere came a gteafe
ano D^eaDe amonge £ peopie,fa?*
getttout&bfs boott tofce antiocbus $
<ng:tbete t0 netbet ttutb no^ tigbteouC
?urias,to tymge tbem bnto &un . ©lit
neg in tbe,foj tbep baue bjohf n t\)t ap>
toije u u>as toiD bim,be ra<D:lct
me not poputment ano otbe $ t\#v maoe
fc tbett taces^o ano
g bofte put tbepm to 2&acbiDC0 temoueo bis boofte
aeatb: jftoto toljen® cmetciii* ujas tot t«falem,anD pptcbeo
bt;s tent at ©etb*
bpou tbe trone of t)t$ fepngoomc , tbcte
jecba:tobete be rent fo#b, ano tobe ma
came bnto bpmtotc&eoano bngoDlpe np
mctme in Jftaeli; tobole captapne toas
of tbem tbat bad fojfafeen bim :
tte toe manp of tbe people alfo, ano
28lc{mu0,tbat toouloe baue bene maoe
tbem into a gteat ppt cben commpt*
bpe }aueae:Cbefc menaccufcD tbe peo tea
be tbe lauoe bnto mcunus, ano left
pie of Jfcacll Unto tye fepnge, raping;
me of toatte Mttt t)im to belpe bim^tto
JuDas auD fc's bzetbjen baue aapne Jdacbtoes bimfelfe
tomt bnto tbe King.
tbi>frenoes,anDDjpuen bs out ofonte 3Rno
tbus MlcimuB DefenDeD bps bP*
otone lanoe. ax^ctfo^e fence noto fome
piieftboDe,ano allfncbeasbejceo iu
tnancto tobome t&on geuea ccepence
j raelljtefojtteD bnto bpm? Jnto mucbe
tbat be mape go ano fe all tbe ocacuc^
tba t t\)tp optapneb tbe lanoe of jjuoa,
tion,tobicbcbc batb Done bnto bs,ano
anD oto mucbenel bnto tbe Jfraelite^*
to tbe ftpnges lanDe,ano let
bim be pu< ^otoetobenJlttDaofatoall tbemif?
npft>D toptb all f)is fcenDes ano fauou*
cbefetbat 3Dlcimu0anD bt$companpo
bao Done(pea,moietbentbe i^eatbeni
$ GEben tbe apnge cbofe JSacbtDcs a
fteno of bis,tobtcb toas a man of
tbepm felues j bnto tbe Jftaelttes : m
great tocnte foub tonnoe abouteall tbe bo^
potoet in tbe cealme(bevonDc tbe
gteat Decs of Jetozp.ano pmiptyeo tbore
mater ; anD faptbfull bnto tbe ftpnge Dm
faptbfull tenuagates/o tbat t^ep came
ano fente bim to fe tbe DeOrucf ton tbat
no mo:e out into tbe countte . ^o tobc
3|uoa0 bad Done. 3Eud as fo* tbat tote*
3!lctmu$ fatoe,tbat JJuoas ano bis peo
fceD3lcimus,bemaDe bpm bpepipcft, pie
bao gotten tbe bppetbanD 3 ano tbat
and commaiiuDeo bim to be auengeD of
be teas not able to abpDe tbetmbe toenfi
tbe cbiloaen of jctaell, £>otbepaoDe agapne to tbe fcpnge 5 anD fapDe all tbe
Sp,anD came toitb a gceate boofte into
toozCe of tbepm tbat be couloe cben
tbelauDeofJuDajenDpugemeflfaun* tbe Bpng rent ^icanoi one
9 of big; cbefe
gets to Judas ano bis bietbzcn ano , ^tpuceo ( tobicbe bate euelf topll bnto
upuu ;P £ak P»ge bnto tqepm toptb peaceable 3ltaell)ano
commaunoeD bim, tbat be
JjozDesrbut bnDet Difceate.* ^crfoie '

u)oulDe btf etlp Defltope tbe people*

3UD80 $ bis people beieueD not tqett
*^)OiBicane?cameto3fetufalem j^
faping,foj tbep fatoe $ tbep toete
come toptb a gteat boou\ anD fente bnto J\m*
toitb a gteat booth
Dag; auD bP0 bjet^en toitb ftenolp tooz>
3ftettbis came tbe fcttbcs togetbet
Des(but bnbet Difceate)fa^inge;tbete
6tu o 3Clcimus ano ©acbtDe0 trufting
5 fl)albe no toatte bettotrte me anD pou;
tbe beft bnto tbepm. and firft affioe*
§ 3f \dpU come toitb a fetoe men to fe bo to t
ane teq niteo peace of tbem,faping: 31* 3

peDo^toitbftenDfl^pppe* ^jpontbisbe
cim«0 tbe pzteft us come of tbe feeoe of
came bntojuDas,anD tbep faluteD one
3daton,boU)ecaHbeoifceai« bSf £>o anotbet peaceabfp:but § enempes toete
tbep gatie tbe louing too*DJ,anD ftooze
appopnteD to'taae 3uDa$bp bpolence.
bnto tbeim.ano fapo:toe topi do pon no
i&euettbelcsittoastolDe 3fuoa0 tbat
batme,netberpoucfce*Des:anDtbepbe< became Dntobpm butbnoetDpfceate:
leueD tbe.&ut tbe beep fame Dape tohe
tobetfo^e be gat bpm a toape ftom bpm, of tbem ano fletoe tbem ac>
auDtooulDfe bis face nomogte*
fozdpnge to tbe toozoes tbat ate \nipt>
a&ben ^icanoi pet ceaueD tbat bis
m.7$£ ten ;.* Cbep baue caff tbe Hcrc&e of

counfell toas betozapeo^be toent out to

C fatncte&anD ft>D thepz blouo touno a<
fpgbte agapnCe jguoas , befpDe <ra*
b3ut3Jeturale3auD tbtte toao no man § pbatfalama : tobete tberetoere ijapue
au. of
one of them left* v
of $>fcanozs teftV
Chentbeptofeetbeit rubftaunce foz
Due flco bnto the caftell of ©auib*
3ftet tbts came $teanoz bp bnto a pzap anb fmote oftfiicanozs heab ano
mount £>ion:anb the pzicftes toitb the hps tpght banbe(*tobtcb he helDe bp fa ^ mt .p>.t
eloers of the people toet foztt) to faiute
pzouoelp)anb bzought it toith the, ano
hangeo it bp afoze jjecufalem* cohere*
tym peaceablpeanb to ftjetoe bpm the
foze the people toere ej:ceabinglp reiop
burnt factlfices that toere offcreb foz
feb,anb paffeb ouer that bape tn great
the fepng*>&ut be laugbeb the to fcozne,
glaoneu*e*3uD jjubasozbepneo^hat
moefeeD thcm,befpleo their otTecpnges,
the fame bape(namelp the tbpztene bag
anb fpafce oifDapaeDlpe,pea,*ftooze in
ubas ano bis oftbemoneth2Ibar)ioulDebe bept in
•nat.ii a hps tozoth,f apt ncj:*3|f 3
boofte be not bclpuereb notoe into mp mpzth euerp peare* ^hus the lanbe of
babcs,as room as euetj come a game 3 uoa teas tn teft a litle tootle*
(anDfatetoell)3l(5a» burns bptbps C^be«biii.Cljaptet*
houfe aoottt>tbar,toentebeoutema
31U&U contiDtcms tftc potest $ good? pa-
great anger (Chen tbepzfeftcs came Ucte of me Womapnes mafeetij peace toitt) tf)atu

tn,anb ftooe befoze tbe aultet of tbe xh S0eccr«pptcoft0cKom«?Re8 Centt btus toe _
zfcar.7.f. ple,toeppug anb taping:* f oz Co much
acmes. 9
3«t»'.8.f. j^bas beacb a!fo the fame of
as tbou(®&ozb)batt cbofc this boufc,
tbattbp name mpgbte be calleo bpon !f UoraapneSjthat theptttere
tberein,anb that it ttjoulo bt * an boufe impghtpe anb baleaunt men,
of pzaper anD petpepon bnto thppeo* Janbagreable toallthpnges
pie :rs>t aueugeb oftmsmanaubbps: t are requtreb of them,anb mabe peace
hoft,ijlet tbem be ttapne toitb tbe ftottD: topth all men,tt»bicb come bnto thepm,
cemebze tbe blafpbemies of tbeim>anb anb ho toe thep toere boughtpe men of
ft tengtb. ©erpbe-g that it to as tolb him
f utfte tbem not to continue anp longer*
aooben jtycanoz teas gone from 3cm of there battatls anb noble actestohic^
falem,be pitcbeb bis tent at jsetbozon, tbep btb in cBal acra,ho to thep bab co w
anb there an boofte met btru out of £*t querebthem,anb bzought them bnbee
3juba$cameto aoarfatuptb
tta,3fnb tribute:anb tohat great* thpnges thep,anb mabe bis pzapec bnto bao Done in fepapne.botoe that toprb
theicttJifeooanbfober behauourethep
€f«M7.f <Sob,faping:fi> nozbe , * becaufe tbe
2,S0ac 8.D mefTauugers of fcpng £>enacberib blaf habbe toonne tbe ^pnes offpluetanb
pbemeb fbe,tbeangeU toentfo«be,anb golb that are tbete,anboptaineb al the
aetoean.clrjctb.tboufanoc of tfjcmiC* tanbjtoith other places facte fro them:
um fo Dcftropc tbou tbps boofte befoze hotoe thep bab bpfcomfptebanb flapne
fcs to bap tbat other people map fcnoto, botone the bpnges that came bpon the",
boto tbat be bath blafpbemeb tfjp fane* from the bttermofte parte of the eattb;
tuarp: anb pumftye l)tru accozbpnge to anb ho toe other people gaue the 1 m ttp<
bts malicioufnes* bute euerp peare:l^otoe thep bab flapne
5f aiiio fo tbe booftes ftcofee the felbe, anb ouercome Philippe anb ^ecfcjs
the tbpitcntbe bape of tbe aponetb UpngcofCethim.anb othetmo( in bat>
* 3Dar i anb /fricanozs boofte teas bit* t aple)tohi che h ab bzoughte their ozop>

comfiteo,* ano be bpm felfe bias fpzfte naunce agapnft themrhoin thep
ftapae in the battatle.iCOben 0pcanozs fptebgceateantiocbus bpngcof3fts
menoftoatrefatoetbatbetoasftplleD. (that toouloe nebes fpghttoptb thepm)
tbep caft atoap tbeic tocapos anb fteo: baupnge an hunDie th anD.rt«(£lcphan
but the Vetoes folotoeb bpon thepm an tes,toith hozrcmeiijCharcttes ,anb a bt>
bihole bapes iournep, from HiDajec bn* tp great hooft:hotoe thep f obe htm felfe
co$a?aca,blotopngimtb the tcompeta alpue,anb ozoenebbim C totth fucheas
ce0,anbmabpnge tokens after thepm* fljulbe taigae after htm)to pape ttypm
£>o v Jetties came foztb of all the tobj< a greate tribute , * pea , anb to fpnbe m^icu;
nes there atioute,anb bit toe oute tbepz thepm goob fuertpes anb pleogc:befp^
bozncsbponthem s ar.b turncbagapnft bes all thie,^ otoe thep hao taken from
tbem:<<P;us toece tbcp al aajn^ano not t)im jflnbf ftjti$cDf a ^"0 JtPbia(his beft'Jft.

tabes}? geue them tofcmgCtnmnus ratctp thep
might bauebptyc a memo?
3Bgapne,boto thep perceputng that the ttali of p fame peace ano bono of treuo?
gtckes toere coming to bcrc tbem:fcnt Ojip,aftcr this manect(250D faue the no .

agapnfj tbepm a captapne ofanbooft, mames 9 the people of the Jetoes botb
totjtc!;c ganc tbepm battaple,flctoe ma* bp fea ^ bp Ianoe,anD l>epe theftoearo $
tipof tbem,leD atoape thep? Uirucjaf ano enemp fro them fo? euecmo:e» Jf there
cbilD?en capttue,rpoplcD tbcm,to&e pof comefirfte am-c toarre &pon tip uo<
feffponof tbcfc lanoe Defttopeb tbeit mapnes oi anp of their ftendes tfjoio to

ftronge boloes,anD fubDuco them to be out all their Dominion the people of the
thcpt bonbe men, bnto this Dapi^oic Jetoes (l>al he! pc t hc(as the time tequt^
©uet,ho toe that as fo? other fcpngboes teth> that to al their hettes.ailfo thep
anbjfies, tobicbeforoetpme topthftobe fDali nctljcr getie no: feno bnto thep? e*
tfiem, the? Defttopeb tyepm, anD bjou* uemtes bptliaes,toeapons , monev not
gbtthepm bnbet their Dompnpon:©ut fljippes t bntfulfpll tbps charge at the
DelpcDcuet tfjetr otonc frenDts^tbofe tiomaines pleafure,anb ta&c nothpng
that toere confederate totth tbepm,a»D fro tf^cm thccfoze.aigaime vf the people
. conqueteo fcpngoomes botbefarreanD of thejfetoes happefirft to bane toarre,
npe;anb that tobo fo euet beam of their the Uomaincs fhall (lano W
them Witty
tenotone,toas aftapeo of them: foj toho a gooo uui,acco?ot ng as the tpmi toiU
thep toouloc bclpe to tfjeir fepngDomcs, fuffce*0ethern)all thep gene bnto the
thofe tapgneo : anD tobome it ipfeeo not Vetoes enemies,bitales } toeapons,mo4
them to raigne,tbep put htm Doton: #nD nep no2 u>pp$. chus are the llomain^
Qotoe thep toere come to gttate p;eemp> content to Do,*Ctjai fnlfpll their charge
nencerbaupng no fcimge amonge tbef m, toithoutanpDifceate*
rtetftefcanp man clothco in putple, to be 3ccotopns to thefea«icles.t^e ilo?
magnified there thoiotoe,but fjao o?be> maines maoe the bono toith the'3[etoes, -

neb them felncs a parliament , tobete in Botoe after thefe articles(fapD tt)tp)pt
there fat t\ju bunDjetb ano ttoeutp <§>e> anp of the parties topi I put to them ox ,

natours oaiipebpon p; couiicell , to Dpf * tafce anp thpnge from tbepimtbep u>a«
patch ewer p bufpneffe of the peop!e,anD bolt topth the confente of botne:anD
Co fcepe goob OHjje:3tiD ho to tljat euetp tobatfocuctthep abbe buto thepmoi
peace thep chore a <H£apje,to hanc go> take from them,it f^all ttano fart*
§ mv
uetnaunce of all their lanb:to tofjom e> n$ tottcf)inge the euyll that s^emetrp*
tletp man teas obcopent, ano tfjat there us hath bone bnto the 3Jctocs,toe haue
teas uepther eue! topi noi Dpfc*ocpo« a < to^ptteu bnto him, raping : 3cuhetfo?e
tnougcthem* Iapefl thou thp henp poc&e bpon the 3Jc
- %l)tn Juoas chofe Cupolcmus trje toes our fretibes ano loners^ Jfthep
*• tonne of John thefonne
of Jacob, ano matte anp complarnt of p againe onto
Jafon the fonne of eieajar, 3 fent tfjem t)s,toe fhal befenoe them, $ fpghc totthi
tmtoftome foj to mafee frenbfyfp ano a ttjebp fea ano bpianoe*
bonbe of lone toitb tbe:tbat thep might e^Che.i]c»Chaptet»
Case from tfjem the bonoage of the <&ia 3frct tue aeatl) of Bitanoi, JDtmet rfos fcti*
fees,foi the jetoes fa toe that t? dStefces Wtf) ijidatmic agapua Jiu&aB.JiuoaB tsOapne*
tooulDfubDuethefepngDomeofJftael* OcifcbcttDC»cJioitat0a9$ Bacfjtocs . aicirauff
£>o thep toent bntomome(a betp great is tahen topth tijcpalfpcano open*. ©acljtDea
iournep)anD came in to tin parliament, cctouwctD agapiictoitothe fepttge. fcec8m«b
anD fapoerjubas ^achabeus topth bponJioMatDasbp tl)e cowicetof ccctapnetopcs
his bzethte ano the people of the Vetoes Katbas tottb 13 aebnes.
hath feat bs bntopou,to maKea bon&e
the meane feafo tohe 13 e
of fcenD(?)pppeanD peace topth pott,ano
metritis berb$ Bicanoj $ 3r
pt to note bs as poutc loiters ano f ren* fc

m$* awo $ mattcfpieafeo $ Romanies

his hoofte toas aapneinrhcSph
right toefl,toherfojett toas tojpttcu bp:.
_fenbei5achtDes * alctmus lo»»f»»
of p tohicb. the iiomapnes maoe a tojp?
agafne inf o^fetoi^ thofe ^ toere in the
ting m rabies of ^atin^fentittojem rijgfjt toinge of iji-s bofr,toi^ tbem^o
tbcp tocW foztb bp $ toap £ leaoetb tin* das ana tbem tliac torn toptb bpm*
10 ©algaia , ano pptcbcb tbcpz tciucjo; iqcbcu toa<3 there a fojc battaile D foz ma*
befoje i^efalotb iuhicf) is in 3tbellts", npc fcuecc flame aiiD tooanbeo of botbe
anD toan $ eitpe,anb fictu mucli people, pa rtpes,3 ubas alto b* ml cite mas ^1^

In tbe fttlte inouctb of tbe*Clii,peare, Ico.anD tbe rcttinaunt flcb. &o jona>
tbepbiougbtthc>u trooft to^ecufalc, tbass^pmoiUoHeJuoas tbeir bzo*
and tof e tip * came to ©ctea, toptb.rj. tber,anb burteo tiptti in bPS fathers fe*
j3B.fotemen,anD.u.dp»ooifmcn. pulcreiutbccptieofsJIpobin atnDall
jftotoejuDasbab pptcbcb big tent toe people of ijjfraellmabe great tame*
at Haifa , toptb tb?e tboufanbe cboftn tacpon f o: bim,anb mourned long,fap*
mem 3nb- toben tbep fa toe tfjc multp* tnge:3las,tbat tins tooztbp fyouloe be
tube of tbe ctfjet atmpe tijat it teas fo flapnc, tobicbc Delpueteb f be people of
great,tbep toete foze afrapeb , anb ma* 3|f taell. 31s foz otbec tbpnge* pertep*
tip conuepeo tbepm felues outc of ti)t npugetotbcbattapls'of 3Juoas,tbeno* .

ljooft*j|u fo mucbe tbat there abobe no ble actes tbat be did ano of bis tooztbp
tnooft^enibut*»ben3m ncs:tbcpatenottozticcu a foztbcp toete
aas fa toe tbat bis bod fapleb bpm,ano betp tnanp.
tbat be muff ne&esfpgbte:itbzalubps *ainb after tbe beatb of 3ubas,tofo C
bert,t&at be bab no tpmt to gatbec tbo feed menne cam* tip in al tbe coaftes of 3iorep&.
togetber:i»bcrfoze tbe man toas in tp ^ftaef ,ano tbere arof e al f neb as toozfc JM*
fttmc trouble* ^euettbeleffebcfapD fjugodlpneffe . 3ntbofedapestoas
tint tbem,tbat remapneo toltb bim: tbere a great Deartb in tbe lanoe ,anb al
nap,ictbsgoagapnfte oure cnempes, tbecounttepgaueoucttbemfeluesaM)
peraouenture toe 0?aU be able to fpgbt tbcits bnto sacbibes . S>o tsacbtbes
toitb tbcimBut tbep toouib bane flop* cljoi'e toicfeeb men,anb maoe tbeim lot*
pcD fuui fapmgc : toe 0>a!I not be able, Des tn tbe lanoe. <xbef e fougbt out aiiD
tbetfoze let bs noto fatte our lpues,auo inaoc featebe fo? Jubas frciiDcs , atiD
turne agapne to our bzetbze n anb tben bzougbt tbepm bnto ©art) ibes: toiucbe
topll toe fpgbte agapnfte tbepm, fo? toe auengcb f)Un f elfe bpou tbeim tfc great
^ ateberebutafetoe^no Judag fapbe: defppte»3nd tbere came fo great tcou*
00b fozbpboc,tbat toe fljouloe Re from ble in 3Rftaell,as toas not fence £ tgmt
tbem. icobtcfoje pf our ryaie be come,lct tbat no pzopbc t toas f ene tbere*
fcsdpe manfully foz our bzctbze-u , and Cben came al Judas frenoes toge>
let b0 not ftapne our bonoure » %t)tn tber ,auo fapbe bnto J onatbas: f 0: fa
tbe booft wmbueo out of tbe fetes , ano mucbe as tbp blotter Jfubas ts Deao,
ftobe agapnft tbem»HCbe bowmen toere tbere is none Ipht bpm to go fojtbe a*
Deupbeb in ttoo partes : tbe flpnge cap gapnffe our enempes, agapnfte sacbi*
flers anb tbe arcbets toeute before t\)z Dc^aubfucbcasaceaDuerfartesbnto
botte,anD al tbe mpgbtie men toere foi» oure people Wtfo?c tbis bape toe
moft in tt)t feloe ©acbibeis bimfelfe cbof e tbe f o: bim,to be oure pipnce and
toas in fye rpgbt topug of tbe battailc, cap tap w to o?D?e oure battcia'nD Ja>
anb tbe booft letoe npe in ttoo partes, natbas tofec tbe goucrnaunce bpo him
anbbletoetbetrompettes . cbepof attbefametpme,anbruleb iiffeabeof
Jubasfpbebletoetbetrompette-salfo, btsbiotbecjuDas. doobenjsacbibeff
anb tbe eartbtyofte at tbe uopfe of tbe gat hno tuiebge tbecof,be fougbt fo? to
boffcs,anb tf^p ftrohe a feloe from tbe Hep bpm : sut ^onatbas anb ^pmott
mo?otoe tpll nrgbt. 3nD toban Jubas bis bio tbet,percca uing tbat, fXcooc tm
fa toe tbat Bacbtocs boofte toas ftron^ to tb e toplberneffe of Cbecua \aptff al!

geft of tbe rigbt fpbe,be robe toptb companpe,anb pptcbeb tbeit tem
all tbe batbp men,anb b?aae tfft rpgbte tcs bp tbe toater pole of Sfpbar.
toingc of tbeir ozbze,anb folotoeb bpon a»b«b tobentsacbibes buberftoo;
tben? bnto tbe mount n jot. be came ouer ^oibapne \optlf allbpa
i^otoe toben tl)tp tobicbe toere of tbe Jioofte bpou tbe ^abbotb tiape. &otoe
lefte topnge,fatoe tbat tbe tpgbte fpbe baoHonatbas fentebps btotber Jobti
toasopfcomfptebjtbep petfecuteo Ju> (acaptapne of tbe people) to pzapebes

&tyt0l<itUbm, tfoUmtiL
f ceDeg the $abutf)it£0,tbat trjep fooID ^herfoze sacbtDes toith his hoofic
leuoe theim tbepz oiDpnauncc,f 01 t!)cj> tutneo agapne to Jc tufaitm.anD built
baDmucb* ^othecbpiDunof Jaun bpthccaitel0 atiD tUongeijoioestbaE
became oute of iJIpaoaba , anD tokt toete in Jetotf, 3ericho, Cmau0 ,se*
3 of) a a no aUbat be baD,ano tocur tbetc tbozon^etbtlj^bamnata^bataano
iuapetoptball . Chen came tnozDbn; ^;op o,tott h hie toalle0,toitb poztcs anb
53 |ouatba$a jD&pmoubpsbjotbct,
to toith locUes:auD fet men to fecpe them,
fiat the ebplD.zen of 3amb;p maoc a that tbep might bfe tbepj malice bpo»
great matpage , a no bio u gb t the bzp o 3ltael*^etoalleDbp ©ethfutah, ©a>
fcom^aDaba toptb great pompc: foz latah anD p cattel a 1 3 tcufaig all o,anD
Oje teas Dougbtet to one of the uoblcft pzouiDeo thf toith men ano bttalee;^e
ponces of *Canaan
ixbcrfoic tbep f oke alfo § chtcfeft mene formes in the

cemebzeo uiouo of 3 oba tbepz bzo*

the countte f 0: pleDges, anb put the m
cbet,atiDtocntebp,anD broDetbepm> cafle! at 3 et uraiem to be kept*
Celtics bnoet tbe ftja om e of tbe moun< 3if Cc ttoatD in the.cliit.peare tn the Ui
tapne* coudc monctb,3Hctmu0 cemmaunDcb,
s»o thep Ipfte bptbjft epes,anb lo that the toallcs of thepnmoft^anctu*
keo:anD bebolDe.tbere Uias much a Do, arp fl?oulD be DcftcoicD,anD p bupioin^
anD great tepap*c:f oz tbe bzpbcgtome ge0 of the jszophetes atfo^no tobche
came f o i the , aao bps frenoes ano hp0 began to DeUtoi them, the thmge0 that
bzetbicri met therm toith tpmpani0,m> be tocnte aboute , toete hpnDeteo,f o; be
fituttieiitce of muftcUe anD manp toea>
, teas fmfttcn toith a palfep^ hie mouth
pons • Chen Jonatba0 ano thep that fl)utte, fo that be ceulb no m oze fpeaae
toete to t'tb bim,tofe oute of their loutc* nozcommaunoeanp ofhi0 boufecom M
ftpng places agapnfte tfjepm, ano fietoe cetnpngebisburpne0* ^hu0 DpeD3tl< *
manp of tbepm. 3B0foz tbetemnaunt, ctmus in gteat mpfetp at f> fame time*
tbepfleDDe into the mountapnes , anD 3nD tohensa ch D es a to that ^Icimus
1 1

tbep toae all theft fubftaunce* Cbu0 toae DeaD,he turneD agapne to f j&ing,
Che manage toas tucneo to moutitfng, anD fo the lanoc toas tn u. ft-.u.peaus*
anD the nopfe of tbepz mcloDp into la* 'Cheuall thebugoDlpe menue helbe a
raeii*at!>oti.3!iiDfoioheiuhcpbaDaucii counfelljfaping ; &ehctDt, Jjonatbas
gee v bloulo of tbepz biocbct, thep tup ano his companp ate at eafe,ano Dtoeli
ueoagapnebnto jHoioane. torrhoiit cate. iK'ljctfoie let bs biimge
©a ch iocs beatpnge tbte,came bnto ZSachtDcs hi ?bct,ano he thai ta&ethem
the berp bozoec of JozDaue tb a grea te all u\ one night*
potoeubpoutbe^abbotbDapc* 3BnD js> a thep \Dti\t anD gaue ©achfbes
3Jo»athas fapbe to bts compaupKlctte this counfel,tohich a tile to come tottb
& bs get bp,ano fpgbt agapnfte outene* a gteat ho(t,anb Tent letters pzpuelp to
mpcstfoi ft ftanoctb not toptb bsto his aoherentcs tohiche toete in 3ctozp,
cape, a0 in fpme0 pafie : scbolDe, out to taKe jponathas anD tbofe that toete
enempeg ace in out toape,tbeu>atet of toith bimrtutcbep might not,foz tbe o*
3foiDatic bpon the one fpde of b0,toptb tb e r haD gotten HnotoleDge of thep; De^
banctus, fences anb toooocs of theo< Hi'ccainD Jonathas toae«Hmien of the
thee that there 10 no place fozbs counttep,(tohich toete the tpngieaDcts
a.s»«.t.». to Depatte bnto.* $obctfozc ctpeubtoe of them)anD Qeto them* CheJonatbaS
tjntotjeaneUjthatpemape be Delpue? anD £5>tmon toith their companp oepac
teD from the potoet of pout enempeg. teD bnto § citie ©tthbcsTcn tofucb Ipetb
fij>o tbep Qroke f bat taple 3nD
J ona* in the u ploerncs,aiiD tepapzeo the De*

cha0 IttetcbeD out bps hanoe to&npte capethetof,anDmaDeitfttonge.i)Qhen

25acbtoes,butberIeDDe bacatoatDe* 53achf dcb bnetoe tl;p3 , he gatheteD all
lEbenJIonatbag ano thep that toete tb bp0 hoft,ano fent tooioe to thepm that
hpm, leapte into JotDaue , anb ftopm* toete atjfetozp. tj:he came he ano lareo
. meb oucc JJozDane bntohim ano tbete fegeto ©ethbeffenano fought agaputl

toete fiapne of ©acbiDea fpbc that Dap, it a long feaf on,anD maoe inftr umftes
atboufauoemen* oftoatte * ^otoe^onathas left Ups (&
JLfl.iU* bzothet

bzotbet &imon m ttje cptle, anb loente gaf nft &im,f>te btotber anD bijal people*
foztb bpmfelfc into tbe eountrep ,ano 3nD fo be gaue 3(onatbas leue toga«
came toritb a certapuc nombze , ano Qcio tbet an booft,to make weapons, * to be

•©Dates anD bie bzctbzcn anD tbe cbpl> cofeDetatetoitbbtm,^ tommauDCD tbe
bzen of ^bafetonin tbeic eentcs:fo tbat pleoges tbat tuetc in tbe caitel,to be De
be began tobeKtougMUDtotucteare IpueteD imto binn
in potoet. Cbencame Jonatbas to ^etufale,
3s f oz £>pmon 9 bis companp, tljcp anD teD tbe letters in tbe auDtence of al
toetout of tbe cicftgbzet bp tbe tnftcu tbcpcople,anDoftbcmtbattoctc tntbc
caftcll. 3DnD tbecfoic toete tbep foie a>
mentes of loacre,^ fougbt agapnft ©a*
cbiDes,^ DtfcomfltcD f|im . 3im> i&acbi> ftapcD t becaufe tbcp bea tbe, tbat tbe
fetrngc baDgeuen bpm Ipcence to ga>
free teas Cote bereD,becaufe bis coufel
aim tcauatle teas in baine. gcubetfoze tbet an boofte Cbus lucre tbe pleoges

be loas lozothe at tf?e totcKcD meti(tbat ftelpueteD onto jfonatbas , bjbicbe te?
gaue bim coufel to come into tbete 13D) ftozcD tr)epm to tbepz clDers.Jonatbas 3
ano tteto manp of tbe.<Cbe" putpofeb be alto otoelte at 3!erufalem,anD beganne
to bttplD bp $ to repapze tbe cptie:com>
toftb bis company to go atoap into bps
t\)t tooufee men, to toali itt
otone countrettobereof toben Jonatbas maunopnge
mounts §>pon re utiDc about e
baD fcnotoleoge ,be fente embaflitouts anD tbe
bpm toptb free ftoue,to be a llrong bolD, ano
bnto bun, fo: to matte peace vuitij

ano $ be tyaulDe Deliuet bpm bis pzcfo* fo tbep Dpo. 33 foz tr)e i^carbeu tbat
toete in tbe cadets tobicb&acbioes bao
nets agapne. Co tbe tobpeb ©acbibes
confenteo glaDlpe, ano opD accozopnge
maoc bp,tbep fleo:fo tbat euecp manne
tbe place,anD toeute into bps otoue
to biS befpje : pea,ano maoe an otbe , f
countre. £>nlp at sctbfuta temapneo
be OjoulDc neuet do bpm bat me all tbe
tbe JeUtes,tobtcbe baD to>
oapes of bps Ipf e ^o be reftozcD bnto certapne of
faaentbc lato anD commaunDementes
bpm ali tbe ptifonets tbat be baD taken
setbfuta loas tbetr refuge*
out of tbe latibe of 3|uDa,anD tben tuu of <35oD,foi
otone &<i\n toben kengailetanDerbeatD of
neo anD toent bps toape into bps
IanDe,neptbet ptoceDtD be anp futt&ct tbe pzompfes § Bemetrtus baD maDc
bnto 3onatbas,atu> toben it toas toloe
to come bnto tbe bozDers of 3JuDa»
•Cbus^ftaeilbaDmoie toatte 3nD bpm of tbe battaples ano noble actes,
3!onatbas otoelte at ^aebmas , anD tobp cbc be anD b?s bzctbzen bao Done,
begannctbece to gouetne tbe people, aubof tbegreate trauaples tbat tbep
auDDcfttopeD tbe bngoblp men out of baD taaeuibc fapD: tobete Q)a(l toe fpnD
f ucbe a manne t oeoell, toe topll make
(tjr(Cbe.]c»Cbaptct. bun our freno,anb be confeDctate toitb
bim. upon tbts be tozote a letter bnto .
SDctnemus ucfpictt) to Uaue peace toitb Jio=
ttatbas.aicraubct moucro toacreagapuQ £>c- bpm,tib tbefe toozDes; &png aicranoec
mcf rms.Dcmmtus is Uaptic. £\)C ftcuWppppc bps bzotbec jonatbas . ire
of$ tolameus ano 3lffaj»Dec. bauebcrDof^tbattbouatt abaliaut
tbe.clr.pca tc came 3le# man,ano mete to be our trco; toberfoze
Jlarcpij anDcr§fowneof noble %\u tbisDapc toe ozoapne tbe to bctbebpe tiocbus $ to&ej&tolomatg, P2ieft of tbp people, ano to be calico tbe
libi ,fiiU
tobale ettcjee teceaueDbtm ftpnges ftenD.(oupon tbis,be fentbiui
„ auD tbetc be ratgneo. aoobe a purple clotbfug,? a ccotone of golojf
iDcmcttius betDtbctof,begatbereo an tbou matetr edfioze tobat is foz out pjo
tjcceaDPnge great booft,auD toent foztb fp t,ano aepe f rciiDfljpp totoaro bs*
ag.ipua bim to fpgbt * aoobetfoze&e* ^o in tbe*bti,monetb of tbet lt«
mettius fent letters bnto Jonatbas 16 peatebpon tbe folempne fcatt Dape of
lotting uioiDes,anDpzatf£D bpm great* tbe tabernacles, ^onatbas put ^ bolf
i>. f oi be f apo :toe toil fpzft ma a e peace tapment upon bim. cben gatbereD be
tottb b>m,befozc be bpnD bpm felf tottfj an booft,ai»D maoe manp toeapous*
3letauDct agapufte bsteis be u>all re* acDbicb tube Demetrius bearD, be toas C
membze tbe euell tbat toe baue Done a* matucious f ozp,ano fapD ; 3las>bat *

baue toe Done, tbat ^Ic^anDec ftatfj pjc< t^ep map fap(bfulip Dcale tout) p fame;
uenteD &s t» gettpuge tbe freuotypppe cbe Jjetoes alfo (ball baue pzpuces of "
oftbeletoeSjfojbtfotonDcfence.'^et tbeicoame,anDtoalc&in cfyecc otonla*
Dnto tbem alfo,
topi! 3j tozpte loiipnglp toe&as t^e King batb commaunoeD m
pea,anD pzompf e tijem Dpgnities * re* tbe lanoe of 3|uoa.
toatDcs ,tbat tbep mapc be of mp fpoe* ainD tfjc tbze cprpes f Oat arc fallen
SObereuponbe tozote onto tbepm tbefe fcnto Jetozpe from tbe countre of ^a*
toozDeg:&png Demetrius feno et{? gee* mar ia auo <J5a!ii ee ;"balb c raft e as Jem

tpng rtie people of tbe Jc toes. tp, tiiDcc ouemei'tber be lubiecc
BCObere as pe baue acpt pour couenaut toaupeftraunge)lozDe,buttQ tbebpe
totoarD b&ano contpnueo tn our frenD pzieft. 2Es foz ^toiomais auo lanDe t>

f^ppp e,nor enclpnpng to oure cnempes pertepnpuge tbeeto,3J geue it tmta^toe

toe toere gtaoe, toben toe berDe tbereof. ^anetuatp atjf e tula lem,ftn tbe neceC
acobcrfoze remapne ftpll anD be faptb? fatp ejepences of tbe bofp tbpnges*
full to tJSMno tecompeufe
toe Ojall toel ^ozeoucr , topll gene euerpe peate
J -
pou foz tbe tbpnges , tbatpe baue Done fprtene tboufanoe £>pcles of ftluet out ^
on oure partpe : toe fr)all releafe pott of of tbe fcpnges cbeci,er( ui^tcuc pertap.-
manpe charges , anD geue pou tetoat* netb fcnto me) te tbt toozebe of tbe tern*
Des*3tnD notoe J Dpfcbatge pou auo al pie:pea,*lobe tobat remapnetb tobtcbe*
tbejetoes from trpbutes , 3f fozgeue tbep tfjat bao oure matters tnbattDe in
pou § cuftomes of faIt,ano release pou tpmes pad, banc not papeD) t bat fame
of tbe ctotone tajces,of tbe tbitDe parte fljal tbep gene unco tbem alfo* auo bei

offebe,anD balfe of tbe frupte of trees, fpoes all tbps,tfiefpue tboulauoe ^>p*
tobtcbis mpnc ototw Detotp* cfiefe 3 cles tobicbe tbep tobe peatlp of tbe ren*
leauefoz pou, from tbps Dapcfoztbe:fo tee of tbe <§>anctuatp,u>il belong onto
cbat tbep fyall not be taken of tbe lanb tt)e pziettes that do feruice*
of jluoa no'z of tbe tbie cities to&icb are ^[tem.tobofoeuer tbep be tbat fie bn?>
aDDcD tberunto out of Samaria $ m* to tbe temple at Jcrufalem oz xoitbin §
Jtlee,f rom tins Dap foztb foz euermoze. ipbeeties tberof,tobere as tbep are fab
£> 3JerufaIe alfo t6 all tbtnges belonging ien into tbe Ispnges Daunger foz anpe
tbetto,(l)aIl be toftolpe 5 fre 3 j>ea,tbe tp* maner of bufpnes, tbep (Dall be patoo*
t\)& 9 trpbutes (ball pertapne bnto tt> ncD,ano all t^t gooDes tbat tbep baiu
36 foz t\)€ potoer of tbe carteltobieb is tn m
rcalmc,u>all be fre.ifoz tbe bupl>

at icrufale,3l remptte anD geue it on* Dpnge alfo ano repapzpug of tbe tooz&i
to § bte pzte(l tbatbe map ret in itrucb
5 of tbe^>anctuarp,ejcpenfes Q)M be ge*
iwn,a.s be mall ebofc to bepe it, 3 frelp um out of tbe binges Cbcclter:pea,anD
Delpuct all $ 3Je toes tbat are pzefoners foz tbe makpnge of tbe toalles routiDe
tbozoto out all mp tcaImc:fo tbat eucrp about |etufale s foz tbe freaking Doton
one of tbem fljalbe fre from paptng anp of tbe o(De,anD foz tt)t fettpug t>p of tbe
ttibute,pea,euiu of tbeir catelK ft rouge boiocs in |e tozp, iljall tbe coa<

3Uf)efolempnefea(tes,^>abbotbe^, flcsauD cbarges be geuen oute of tbe

netoemones,tbeDapes appopnteDjtbe fepnges Cbccher*
tbze Dapcs befoze ano after § feaft ujaf* * but toben Jfonatfjas anD tbe people *'**"**
be fre foz all tbe jfletocs in mi> realme: beatoe tbefe toozDes,tbep gaue no cre^s
to tbat in tbepm no man ujall baue po< Dence bnto tbem 3 receaueo tbe:
toer toDo anp tbi ng,oi to moue anp bm foz tbep rcmembzeD tbe great topcbeD*
fpnes agapnft anp of tbepm in anp ma? neffe tbat be bao Done tmto 3|l*rael 5 anD
nerofcaufe.t!Cberefl)aU.]ncjC»^»alfo bote foze be baDtoejceD tbepm* wber^
oftbeJetoesbetozitteuDpin tbt fyn> foze tbep agreeD bnto Hik]cauf.Dct,foj
gesboft,anDbaue tbeir toages papeD, betoasaptonce tbatbaD Dealt frenDlp
as al otber men of toarre of tbe binges toitb tbem, anD fo tbep ftoDe bp bim -al>
Q>oulDebaue:anDof tbepm fballbe oz^ toape.*qcben gatbereo bpngeaietan^ 3Iofcpb;
DevneD certapne to fcepe tbe Huniges
, Der a great booft,auD bzougbte bis at* "P-^w
ftrongebolDesrpea, anD fome of tbepm mpe agapnft ©emetrius* §»otbettoo
(ijali be fet ouer tbe kpftge$ bufpnes §
3 ^pnges ft robe battapll togetber but
2 ,

^~ » —
Semtttuts bort 0cD anb 3Pf cjtfocr fo* attt> that no ma trouble ?)im foj aup ma

lotoeD after atiD f cl bpon tbem.3i mtgh net of cauf e.

tie fore teloc teas tt,rontmupng tpl the ^o it bappencD that toben fjps accti
§)ttni« toent do tone , anD Bcnictrtns rets fatoe toozfypppe tohpebe teas

teas (lap ne cfje fame Dap. pjodaincD of l)tm,anD tfjat be toas do*
f ainDHIleiattDer lent embaffitours" bn tbeo tn putple:tbep flcD euerpebone.
to i^toloinp the fcpnge ot Cgtptc tope!) 3DnD p ttpng maoe miicfj of bpm,tozof e
tbef e teozDes,faptnge: jFoz (o aittcbe as tjpin amonge bvs cbiefe ftettDes, niaDc

31am come agapne tomp realme,anD bpmaBu&e,ano pattafeerof ops Do*

amfctmptroncof mppzogcnttouts,fi minpon, * Cbus Jonathastoentea* jfoftpb;
banc gotten the Dompnpon, ouercom* gapne to Iferufaiem toptb peace ariD
mh ©emetctH8,conqueceD the lanDe, glaDnefle 3fh the CIjcb*peate came *«««»««
aJotfrpcKen a felDe toptb hpm , fo that Demetrius p ronnc of Demetrius fro
toehane DpfcomfpteD bothe bpm ano Crcra intobps fathers lanDe.tobereof
|)ps hoofte,anD fptte in the (tone of bps toben 3HleranDet beto tel,be toas tight
ftpngDome:2let bs notoe make ftenoe* f ozp ,ano tetourncD bnto3Intiocbe.3'nD

fl}pppetogethet,geuemethpDou3htec 3^emetritt8cbQfe*^^pOl!ontus(tob^cb
f, ^ 8e,
'• (,

to topfe : fo Ojall 31 be tfjp fonne tn la to, bao the gouernauce of ce!ofpzia)to be

ano bothe geue the tetoatDes , ano her bis captapne.
great Dpgmtpe . $tolomp the fepnge £>o he gatbetcD a great hoode anD
gauc aunftoet e,fapinge:j$appp be the came bnto 3jamma,anD feno toozo bn*
oapc tohcrin thou arte come agapne to to Jfonatbas the bpe pz t c tt , fapinge:
the tanoe of thp pzogenptours , anD fet &areft thou toitbftanbe bs thp felfe a*
intbetroneof tbepz&pngDome . 90 lone t aisfozmc,3|ambutlangbeDfo
trotoe \ny\\ 3 f ulfptl thp tozptpngc; but feozne anD tyamcD , becaufe thou pzo*
mete me at ^tolomais, that toe map fe ucDft thp ftrengtb agapnft bs in p moil &
one anothet,anD that 3) map marp mp tapnes*Botoe tbetloze pf thou trufteft
Doughter bnto the accozDpng bnto tbp tnthpneo tone ftrengtb, come Dotone to
Defpze. &o
ptolomp toent out of e* bs into the plapne felDe,anD there lette
gppte top tn hps Doughter Cleopatra, bs pzotte oure ftretigtb together : thou
ano came bnto ptolomats tu thccljciu fbaltfpnDe } that J haue baleaunt men
met htm,
pcarc.tob ere fepng aiejcatiDcr of toarre topth me ; anD fhalte imotoe
anD he gaue hps Doughter
ailejcanDec tohomc J am,ano the other that ftanDe
Cleopatra,atiD tnarpeD thepm at pto* bp me*
lomaps toptb great toozfl)pppe,lp&e as *

soohpeh fap,tbat pout fote is hot a*

the maner of fepnges is to be ^be u ble to itauDc bef oze our tace,foi t dp fa?
toxote ftpnge aUcjatiDer bnto 3jona> tbers haue bene ttoifechafeD into theic
thas , that he tyoulDe come anD mete tone lanoe.3!nD notoe,hotoe topJt thou
hr tn . ^he toent honourablpe bnto be able to a bpbe f greate an hootte of
)^toIomais,anD there he mette thettoo hozfemen anD fotemenne in the feloe,
bpnges,anD gaue thepm great pzefen^ tone tc as is nether roc^ftone noz place
tes of goloe anD fp!uer,anD founoe fa> to tie bntof
<2S uoure tn tbepz fpghte. there came mo aoohen 3fonathas fjcarD the toozDeS
together agapnft Jonathas; certapne of 3Bppollonius , he toas moticD tn hps
toPcUco mm
anD bngracpous perf ones mpnoe: tobcr f oze he chofe ten rhoufanD
of 3|fraeII, maftpnge complapntes of men ano toent out of 3fetufalem,5! ^p*
him,but the ft trig regarbeD thepm not* mon his bzother mette him foi to hetpe
3Bs f oz 3|onathas,the Upng comma tin* bpm: .ino thep pptcheD their rentes at
c cd to take of hps garmentes , anD to jjoppa , out the cptie bepte hpm foztb,
clothe him in purpIe:anDfothep DpD* fozjoppa toasanholDcof 3Eppollbni<
&pnge appopnteD him to fpe
Ziehen the us* tEben 3[onathas lapeD fege to tt%
bp him anD fapo bnto his pzpnccs:d5o
5 anD thep that toere in the cptpe, fo^te*
htm into the rapDDcft of the cptie,
tot tb rpe feare lette hpm in : anD fo Jona^
ano make a pzoc!amacion,that no man thas toanne 3|oppa * 3ppolf onpns
tomplapne agapnft.htm of anp matter, he^rpnge of thps,tofce ttXzee thoufanDe

#f tlje $tactmbee& tfoilm^

a gteate ^otte of fote,
fjoxfe inch, toitr) /I^Dtfjcfernge ofCgppte aj
ano toent as tbougb be tooulo go to 311* gatbctcDanbo(re(lpbei
jot u0 j anocamc immeDpatlpe into the fanD p lie tb Opon the tea
plapne fclDc:becaufebe baoromanpc uXzeja manp ujippes:<i
b oilmen ano put bis trade in tbem.£>o *toente aboute tbozotoe
Mf0 ,

Jonatbas folotoeo Opon bpm to ai?o* Dtfceate to optapnetbe M.iiS3r(

cus , ano tpece tbep fttobe tbe battaiL btngDome of aileranDec,^ to lopne (t ton
laovo e b3D 3Bp polkmi us tefte a tbou to bpS ournc realmc.qap on ttj^s be tobe

fanD bowmen bebpnoe tbem p^tpuelp in bps loutnepe in to £>j>zia, ano toas let*
tbe teiueg.ainD tnbeti Jonatbas bnetoe ten in to tbe cpties, ano men came fozt!)
tbat fucbe toapte toas lapeo bebpnbe tomerebpm:foz fepnge3flleraubeebaD
tbcm,tbcp toent rounfic aboute tbe ene* c ommau noco tbem To to do, becaute be
mpes boii,ano u>t cartes at tbe people toas bps father in latoe . $totoe tojkii
from tbe moznpng to p euenpug^s foz ^toiomp entreo into anp cptie,be Iwe
3 onatbas people, tbep bepte tbep; oz* men of toarre to bepe tt,auD tbps be Did
Dzeasbc baocommaunDeD tbem> ano tbozoto out ail tbe cpties* atnotobenbe (Lfl9flt ,,
the enempeg bozfeg toere euer labou* canktoa$otus,*tbepO)etoeD bpmtbe
tpnge. temple of ciago u ano 3D?o t us tbat toas
Cben bzougbte &pmon foztbe r)is bzent op toitb tbe otber tbpn^es tobtct)
31 bou\dnD f ct tf,t aga^nft tbe fote men, mere DcftropeD, tbe Dcab boopes call a?
foi the bozfmen toere toerpe alrcaopc* bzoaDe, ano tbe grants tbat tbep bat>
£>obe Dpfcomfpteo tbem, $ tbep fleoe* niaoe bp tbe toapc fpoe, foz fucbe as:
3[iuo tbeptbat tocrefcatrcDiiitbe feloe, toe re flapnc in tbefe(De:3luD toloetije
gat tbem to aijotus , ano came into tbe bpnge tbat jonatbas bao Done ai tbele
temple of oagon tbepz Jool, tbat tbep tbpnges,to tbe mtentc tbep mpgftte get
ttipgbte there lauc ttjepz Ipues i #ut bpm cuell topH.Sut the bpng fapbe not
3|onatbasfetfpze OpouaijotusanO.all a toozDetbcrto.ainD j|onatr)as met tbe
tbecpttes touubc aboute it , ano tobe fepnge toitb greate bonoure atjoppa,

t flaat it6 ^V 1 g° 0DCS ' anD * b?«"te &P H)t tem* tober tbep faluteo one anotber,ano tobe
pie of ©agon toitb alltr)em tbat toere tbeir rette <§>o toben Jonatbas ba&
tlcoe in to it* gone toitb tbe bpnge
onto tbe toater

<Cbus toere flapne ano bzent toelnic tbat toas calIeD€leutberus,be turned
bm.tboufauD men* ^0 ^onatbas^e* agapne to Jerufalenh ^otoe ptolomp
moucD tbe bode from tbeuce,* bzougbt bao gotten tbe Dompnpon of tbe cptpes
tbem to afcalou : inhere tbe men of tbe onto ^elucia Opon tbe fea coaftc,pma*
cptie came foztbe, ano met bpm toptb gpnpngtoicbeDcouncelsagapnft^lle^
gteate tooinjp p. 3Cfter this \Dtnu Jo* anoe r,ano lent embaditours Onto 2&e*
natbas ano bis bode agapne to Jcru* metrius,Capinge:Come, let OS make a
falcm.teitb gteate fubltaunce of gooo* bonDc bettopjcteOs, fou^alij geue tbe
aino toben kvngc JKlcranocr bcrbe tbele mp oougbter tbat SClejcanot r bat b,ano
tbpnges, be tbou gbte to Do | onatbas tbou iljai t rapgne in tbp fathers ftpng^
mou vnoilbpppc, ano fente bpm a colar Dome. J repente tbat J gaue aieranocc
of golDe,as tbe ore is to be geuen onto rap Dougbtet,f 01 b e goeth about to flep
fucbe as are of tbe Upnges utjet bloube* me* 3MD tbus be f claunDieo Xieranoec
Dt gaue bpm alfo tbe cptpe of accaron becaufc be tooulo baue bao bis reaimc*
(toitb tbe lanocs belongiuge tbertojin cb us be tobc bis Dougbtcr fromc
poffefTion btm,gaue bet OntOj©emetnus,anDfoz^
C^be.jcnCb«ipfer» robe ai!crauDer,fo tbat bPS malpce toasr
injcDpffcucron bcrtmFrEiatotomcs ana aicj^ opeulp bnotoen. aiuo ^tolomp came to
•ntiiticri)t6f8ttciiilan).art)cDCdro ofatcjraiiocc.
3iuttocbc,tobcrc be fet ttoo crotones Op
S>cittcttiustapgitctl) aftet t\)t watDC of }9ro!o -
mcus.^pcinis befegro of 3Iouatl>as.2>emctcw^ on bps otone bcaDrthc crotone of €gtp(
fepnge tljatno man tcfpOcb lnm,renbet)p9 arm? anDo£3Blta» 3|n the meant Ceaf on toas
agat iic.irtpiioii mouttb Sattochus agapitQ 2nv bpnge 3BleranDcr tn Cilicia, foz tbep p
of jPoiiatUas.atrcrl'LeDcliHjcramtccijcbxedftertj
Dtoeltein thole places, bao tebellcDa*
i)\s coucuauiu ti;ar he nan mane. gapnft binnzsut tobcnailcjanDct t;eatD
Clie ftrff baU
cftbps,bccameto toatwagapnft bin?. tnto tbe elDers ^aftbenU0,cot)CCcntng
£>o kpnge j&tolomp fought foztb l>i>s pou tbat pe fboulo knoto it.
bolt ano met tjtm tottb a mtgbtp po tocc, fet'ugejDcmctnue fenbetb gcettng
aiiD cfiafeD btm atoap. cbcu flcoc ^\$p tmto jtaflbeuus bis eloec* jfozpfaitb*
auDec into3fitabp,tbete to be DefenDeD, f nines tbatoiire ftenoe<ei tbe people of
flno fcpngc ^tolomps bono uc mctcafeD. tbeJIetoeskepebnto bs,anofo; tbe lo^
^uDZabDteU tbe acabian imote of & ttpnge kpnoneffe tobtcbetbep beatetd*
Icjanocrs beaoe.anD Cents it bnto ^to* toacb bsitoe aceoetecmeD to Do tbetn
lomp.©ut tbetbpzDeDape after, opeo gooo. wbcrrfoic toe ozDeue all tbe coa*
fcpug ^tolouip bt Celfeiauo tljcp tobome it es of jfietozp toitb.iii.citpes,2lpDa ano
be baD Cette tu tbe rtcouge bolDes, tocce liamatbac tobtcbe ace aooeD bnto Jeto
flapneof tbofctbat toere toitbintbecp% tp ftom ^amacta ) ano ail tt)t ianoeg
ties. 26uD JDcmetmis raignco tu § bun" pettapninge tbece buro,to be ftclpfcpa
Dierb ano f etteu anD fpjctie peace* tatcD fo.z f ucbe as Do facctfice in J ecu*
^ at tbe fame tunc gatbeteo Jonatbas falcmrbotb concecntnge tbe patmentes
tbem tbat toec m Jetoip to lap fege bn* tobicb f kpng toke pearlp afoje tpme,$
to tbe caftell tobtcb toas at jfccuialcm, tbe f cutcs alfo of tbe eactb ano trees .2Cs
anb fo tbep maoc manp inftcumenteg of foz otbec tptbes anD tepbute^ tbat be*
teatcc agapnft it. cben toetir tbete cec* longeD Dnto ts,toe Difcbacge tbem tbec
tapne bngoDlpe pecConnes(iobicb bateo of from tbps tpme foztf;. Jn ipkc manec
tbepz otauc people ) onto kpnge Berne* toe gtauntbnto tbem all tbe cuOtomes
ttiu&ano tolbe bpm, tbat Jonatbas bz of faite ano ccotone tajces tobicbe toece
Cegeb tbe caftell. g»o toben be bcto tt,be biougbtbutobs . ^inDtbpsfccDome
toas angcpe,ano TRmmeDtatlp came uu> fball tbep baue ficme anD fteofaft/com
Co idtolomai?, ano tozote unto Jona< tbijai tpme foztb foz eucrmoze.Cijetfoze

tbas,tbat b e fboulD not iape fege to tbe fe tbat pe make a copp of tbefe out let*
caftei,btu come ano fpeake tottb bpm in tet£,anD Deliuec it onto Jonatbasubac
ail tbz baite* BciiGctbclciTe toben Jjona* it mape be kepte Dpon the bolp mountt
tbas beatDe tbps be commaunoeD to in a coticntent place.
befege iu w cbof e alfo certapne of tbe 3flftectbps, toben Demetrius tbe (

clDecs ano pzecftes of Jftaell , ano put kpng fato tbat bis lano toas in ceif ,anD
bun i elf c in tbe patcell , auo toke tottb tbat no tefiffaunce toas made bpm :be
bpm golDe,(iliiec,clotbpnganD opttecfe Cent atoap al bis booa enecp man to l)is
piefeufes:anD \otnU to ptolomias bn< otone place, ejecepte an atmp offttaun*
to tbe kpnge,anD founo Dm gcacious. gets,tobombebzougbt ftom tbe ^les
2lltiD tbougb cectapne bngoolpe men oftbe^eatben,toberfozealbPis fatbits
ofbvsotone people maoc complapntcg boon bao cueltopll at bpm.* &oto toas
<&«,»* toP°»Wni,pet*tbekiuge eutreateDbim, tbexe one Ctipbon(tbatbaD bene of3U
ipfee as bts pzeDeceffouts bao Done be< lepubers parte afo2e)tobtcb toben be
foze: 3«Dpzomoteobpm tntbeftg&te fato tbat all tbe boft mncmureD agatnft
of all bps ftenDes,confpzmeD btm in tbe 5Dcmctrius:be toente to Cmalcueii tbs
bpepzeftboo tottb all tbe tooztypp tbat 3Itabian(tbat bzongbte bp Untpocbus
be bao aroze , ano maoe bpm bis cbefe tbe fonne oRBle jcanDer)anD lap foze bp^
ftenDe.jflouacbas alfo Defpzeo tbe king on bpm,to Delpuec ^pm tbps ponge Tim
mtr ^
at he to oulDc make Jeuozp fee, *toitb tiocbus:tbat fje mpgbt tapgnetnbps
tt c.

«aojti.o. tbe tbze beaoe cpties of £>amatfa and fatbersfleab. toloe bpm alfo tobat
tbe lances pettapninge tbeceto : bpoti threat euell Demetrius bao Done, anD
tbps bpolonatbas p^ompfe bpm tbze bote bismeuoftoactclouto btmnot:^
C.talentes. aco&ere tmto tbe kpng con* fo wmaineD tbete a long f eaf on.
fenteo, anogatie 3Ronatbas tozptpnge 2tn53|0Hatf)asfent onto Jung 3©e^
of tbe fame, cont^n^nqe tbefe toozoes* metritis to Diptie tbem out Witt) toec
fei'iige 3©emetcpu0 fenoetb gtetpuge in tbe c attel at 3f ettifalem anD in tbe Oi
fcntobps bzotbec^onatbas auo to tbe tbec tefugpes foz tfjep DpD 3JftaeI great
people of tbe Vetoes. jooe feno von bece b arm e. ^>o £>emc t rt tig fent toozo bnto
a copp of fyelettte tobtcb toe opo tozpte gfonatf,)a0,faping:3{ topll notonlpe do
iSftlje $tac!jauee& jfoitow
tfjcfe tbp ngcs fo* t&e and tbp pcople,at Alport tffis he fenfe bpm goloen bef*
j? tpmc co uement 3Jtopl Do boefj tfjc $ tljp fel& to be feruco in,ano gaue bpm Imt
people great tooztypp^utnotogfyaU toDiincftc tugolo,to be ciotbeo in pur*
Domcaplearutc,pftbeutopitreuoeme pie,'ano to toeareacolat of goloe«H^e
men to belpe mc;foi all mpnc armpe 10 uiaoe Ms bzotbet «^imo alfo capta we,
gonefcome. £>o3Ioiiatba* rent bpm ftoratbe coaftesof cpzu0bntod bou
tiu^.ttrongc men tiuto 3lutiocbe>auD Decs of cgppre. Chen 3|onatha0 tofce
tbep came bnto tbe &pnge,tobetfo*e the bps iournep, anD tocnte tbozoto the tp*
fcing toas fcerp glad at tbepz comming* tpes beponoe tbe toatet (of iozoane) 3
sue tbep tbat tocce of the cptie(eucnau
C w. fboufaiioe men)gatbereD them to*
all the
teo tbem
men of mm of £>ptpa aatbeV
bntohim foi to belpe bpnufeo
gefb€C,anD toouiD baue aa tnc tr>e &mg, f;c came bnto afcalon , a»D t&cp of tbt
tobtebe flcoc into bps courte:ano rbe cu
tefpns Kept tbe-frtcteg of the tpttt, ano
cptp teceaueo bm
bonozablpe : a from
tbeuct toeute be Unto ©aja , but tbep
beganne to f igbte* tooulDc not Ut bun imtobetrozc be lap*
Cbcn tbcfcpngecalieD foztbe 3feto< cofege bntottburnpnge bpauo fpop*
es belpe, tobicb came bnto bpmaltoge* |mg tbe places thattoec about the cptp.
tbec,anD toeut abzooe tbozoto tbe cttpe, amo tbe cptefins of ©aja lubmpt* ^
ano ftctoetbe fame Dap anD»C*#.o»n: tco tbemfelues bnto TJonatbao tobicbe *
fet fp:e bpon tbe ctfpe,gat manpe fpop< uiaoe peace tottb tbeHj,but tolu of tbeit
lestu that Dap,ano Delpuereotbe king, fonnes to pleage, fent tbem to letura*
£>o toben tbe citefpu^ fa to tbat tbe j|eto iem,ano toent tbozoto tbe c ountre bnto
csbao gotten tbctr \m>\ of tbe cptte,anD &amarcus.0oto toben ionatbas berD
tbep tijem felues Dpfpoputeo of tbepz tbat Demetrius pzince0 toece come to*
purport tbep maoe tbep? f uplicacpoii to caoesObicbe 10 in Galilee) to*
tb a
bnto tbe &png,raping:<szautb8 peace, gteateboaae,purpofing toputjaeme*
ano let tbe Jctoes ceaffe fro troublmge trt 110 out from mcolpng in tbe realme:
bsanD tljecptpe, ano bpon tbp0tbcp becameagapnfttbem,anDiefte£>fmon
cafte a toape tbepz toeapen0, (€bu& tbep bp0 biofitt in tbe lanoertobtcb came to
maocpeacc,ai?D tbejetoeo gatgreate ©etbfuca, ano lapeDfege tottSioncte
bjo^pppc in tbt fpgbte of tin fepuge, feafon, anD DpfcomfiteD tbem^o tbep
an&tntbefpgbtofaH tbattoecetn bP0 beip^eo to baue peace tottb bpm tobicft
tealme,anDtoetefpofeenoftbo.:otoeout |jegraunteDtbem,anDaftertoarDe put
tbe UpugDome:ariD fo tbep came againe t^cm out from tbencc,tofee tbe cptp anD <

to 3trufalemtoitb great gooDc0. retmentoliepefL3CnD3ouatba0^b^ *

<B £>o tt?c fepnge Bemettius fat in tbe ^ ft came to tbt toatet of d^enefar, anD
trone of bis fepngDome, ano baD peace Dp times mtbc mo^npngegat tbem to
in bis lanDc. ^euertbeleffe be Dpffem< tye plapne fclDe of 3B?oj»
DlcD ti» all tbat euer be Cpabe, ano toitb 3Cno bebolDe,tbe booftt0 of tbe tow*
Dictoc bpm fclfe from 3onatba0,netbec t^en mettetbem in tbe fetDe, anD lapcD
retoatoeD bPin accoiDpnge to tbe bene< matcb fo? tbem in tbe mouutapneo : fo
fi'tes tobtcbe be baD Done foz bim , but tbat toben 3enatbas cameagatntt tbe,
ttoHbicD bun bcrp foze.3ftectbi0 came tbe otbet(tobicb toece lapeD to toatcbe)
Cttpboti agatne tottupong 3Bnttocbu0, tofe out of tbeir places,anD fougbUanD
vttbicb rapgncD ano toas crotoneD fttng. tbep tbat tocce of ^onatbas fpDe fleDe
mben tijete bnto bpm all tbe
gatbe-teo euerpe man : ano tbere toa0 not one of
men tobome teemettiU0 baD
of toarre, tbem lef Mrcept ^atbatbiastbefonne
put atoatntbefefougbt agapnft ^erne* of 3lbfalomus,anD 311030 tbe fonne of
ttiii0,tobicb fleoano tutneDbtsbacfte. calpbttbecaptapneoftbebooft. Cbtn
^»o crtpbon tofte tbe Clepbant?0, ano Jonatba0 rent bis clotbe0 1 lapeo eactb;
lwmne^ntioebe. ano pong ainttocbug bpon bis beaoe, ttiaoebP0p?aper,ano
toiote bnto 3ffonatba0, rapinge : J com tutneo agapne to tbem intbe fclDrtobec
firmetbeintbp pteftboDe,anomaftetbe tbep fought togetbcr,ano beputtbtm
ruler of uiicounttees,tbattb,oumateft to fipgbt./Botoe tobenb!0otonememie
be a ftenoc of tye fefnges* tbat toere fteo,fato tbiB.tbcp tutneo a*.
Clje fitff htM
gat'ne Unto Utm,anD belpco bun to foloto tjonoure*
Uponalrbep* cncmpes Unto tbepitcn. aino though toe haue bao great ttott*
fesatcaoee. £&o there toere Uapneof bles.ano toarres, fo that the fepnges a*
the ^eatl^en the fame Dap* m^.men^ bout us haue fougbten agapnft
lonatbasturneoagatueto31etutakm* toouio toe not be gr cuotis Unto pou not
{[/Cbe.jCit.Cbaptcr. to other ofoure louer$ ano freubes m
lOKarfrasftitncrb <gmbafl\tout9 to Komc an& thefe toarres. foi toe haue bao helpefro
to ttjcpeopleof <g>p«ta to tcuuettjeic coucnaunt r)eaueu,fo that toe are oelpuereo, ano
of fceiiofljyppe. 3lo«atljas puttcttj tofligutttje out enempes fuboueb aoohcrfoie toe
j0xtncc«oflDeincttiu9. 3Ettpoon taftftgJlouas
chofe te amen us the i fonne of %i\tiot
3 *^^5M^^>"a^ a5 fepnge r ^ at rbc ch us ano ainttpatcr the fonne of Jafon,
tpme toas mete to; btin, ano fent them Unto the momapues, tn
iboie tcrtapne men ano torenuethe oloebonoe of frenotypppe
lentc t(jcm Unto ttomc ano lone totth them. a»« commau
foztoftablifyeanDtore; them alfo to come Unto pou , to falute
*. mac wi.a ^j§^|^'mie * the r tencfypp toith pou.ano to Demur pou our ittters 3
out biotbct*
bem.^efent letters alfoUnto Sparta cerning the tenouacpon of
ano fo other places in Ipkemantt.^o boo* amonoto pefl)aU do tight toeiI,to
cnep toente unto uonsc, aim cntreD into geue Us an aunftoere ther Unto*
toe councell, and fapbc : Jonatbas the auotU^s istbecoppoftbetoiptpng C
Gpepzeeft ano the people of the Vetoes tohiche^riustheftpug of^partafent
fent tos unto pott , tot to tcnue the oIDc Unto i$>iuas:3riu3 bpnge of thc^par^
f re nDCbpp ano bonoe of lou c .mp on ttn$ ctanji fenoeth gtetpng unto flDntas the
the ftomaines gaue them fte pafpoztes hpe p:eea*3|t is founo in toiptpng,thae
that men Qjoulo IcD e tljem home into £ the ^parcians ano Jetoes are biethze,
lano of jflnDa pcaccablp*3enD tins is the ano come oute of the generacpon of %*
copp of the tetters that 3Jona<has mzot U:aham.3!nD notofoi fo muche as thps

into the ^>parctans* is come to oure fcnotolcDge, pe fl;a!l Do

Jfonathasthehpe pzecfttoitb cheek toe ll,to tovptt Unto Us of pour pitfpeti*
Ders pmftes,ano the other people of f t te*3ls f oz i)S,toe haue totftti out minD
3Jjetoes\feuDegtetpng Unto tbe^par* Unto pou :quu catteli ano goooes are
cpanstbetrbzetbzcn.iCbcretoeriettcts pourcs,auo routes ourcs* tthefe thpiu
fent long ago Unto ©nias the hie piieft, ges haue toe commaunbeo .to be fl)c W
from ctunSM'Jth than ratgneo among eo Unto pou*
pon:that pe arc our b?ethien 5 aathebjjp attben Jonathas hcarDc,that IDeme
tinge maDetherupon , fpecifpeth. 3(nD trtus pztnees toere come foztb to fpgbt
juntas entreateo thecmuallttouc that agapnft hpm,toith a greater hooftthen
toas lente^ouozaoIpc.anoreceaueD the afozche ^ntnt from3Ierufaieui } anD met
let t ers.tobcrin ther urns me ncpon maoe them tn the lano of ^emath,f oz he gatte
of tb,e bonoe of loueauo frcnoOipppe* them notfpacete come into his otont
J3tttas foibs, toe neoe no ruche toip* countte • 3no he rent fppeiS Unto thepj
35 tpuges.foitobp,, toe bane the bolpcbo; rentes , tohichecameagapneanotolDe
fees of fecipture n our banocs to oute hpm.thatthep toere appopntto to come
comfoite* jfretiectbeles toebao rathe* Upon him in the night feafon. jc her toze
f e no Unto pou,foz the renuig of the bio< tohen the funne toas gone botone, jona<
tberbooeanb frenou> ppc:lcft toe ftwID thas commaunbeo hP» men totoafche
be arauge Unto pau,foi it ts long,feus al thenpght,anotobeceabptoithtoea#
the tpme that pe rente toozoe Unto Us* pens f oz to fpgbt:atiD fee wtmtnenne
sooherf oze tn the facrif tees that toe offre tounoe aboute the hooft* ©ut tohen tt)e
ano other ceremonpes Upon the hpe fo* aouerfaries heatbthat Jonatbas teas
a &
lempntoaws anoother,toe altoapere* teabp totth his men to the battap^tbep
incmbze pou toitbout ceafpngc(lp&e as feareo , a nb toere afrapebin thepz hear<
teafonis , ano as it utcommetb Us to tes , anoftpnblebfpzcs tn thtpztemes,
thpnefee Upon oute bzeth«n ) pea, ano UzabeUp,ano gat them atoape. ^euer^
&tetpgf)te gtaDoeo/pqucepzofpecous thelcffe jonat&ns ano bis companpe
ftnctoe it not tpl tbe mojnpnge, f oj tbep agap nc,anb cgofc ccrtapne men to matt
fa to tbe fpjesbutnpag* upon tbee , ano come tfjon mitb me to
tEbenjonatbasfolotoeo fcponibe, j^tolomats : top J vopli geuc it ti;ee,
but be mpgbte not ou ettaUe tqc m , f oj uittij the otber ftrouge boioes,menne of f
tbep men gone ouec tfte mater €leutbe< &,arre ano tbeit o&cers : a# foi me,
tus . $>o Jonatbas DeparteD bnto tfj.c im a oepartc,tbps i$ ouelp t^e eaufe or
3rabians\mbicb mew calico Zababei) mp commpng.Jonatbas beieueo i^m,
Oeto tbM»*> tofee tbett 50000 * J^e pto; quo opo as be f aj'Dt 3 pumnge a map bis
ceabeo futtbet aifo,anD came tmro Ba* i> a, tofneb ment into tin lano of Juba*
mafcus,anD tocnt tbo;om al tbat conn*
ere . s«t fepmon bis bjotber tofte
kept butaiu^.bp bim, mbeceof be
bP* fent.iu*8iMnto ^aUlee,gt one^ment*
ionrnep ano came to 3f calon ano to tbe mitb bim felfe,
nejete ftrongc boloes : oepar tpngc bnto ^
i» as foone as Jfonatbas entrefc

3}oppa,ano manne it. tfoj be fjetoe tbat intofatolomias, tbec-ptefpns fpattcD

tfjepmoulbe ftanoe of jBmnttim par* tbe gates of tb,e cpcte,anb to&e btm a ano
tpeimtjerefoje be fent men of matee in § Q^mc at tbem mttb tbe fmetD s cbat came
cptye,to &epe it. after tbis came Jtm* m twtb bitJV Cben feut Cripbon an bott
cbas borne againc,anD calico tl)t doers of tote men ano bojimeu ta Galilee
of tbe people togetbec:anD DcupleD imtb auD in to tbe great plaiue feio,to oeftrop
tbemfoj to buplbbp tbe ftrongebolDcs aUjonatbascompanp.^utmbeutbcp
ta 3Heta#>,anD tbe mailer of JJecufalem, k {xm tbat Jouatbas mas cafeciuanD at
to fet up ati bpe mat betmptte tfje caftel tbep flapne tbat tuapt eb bpa tymimp
ano tf>e cptpe, foi to fcpatate it ftome toite councell togetber,auD came fojtbe
tbe cptpe, that it mpgbte be alone, a»D t eaop to tbe battapll « &o
mtjen tt)tp
tbat means 0)outDe neptbet bpe not fell mbicbe folomeo bpontbem, fame tbat
ttut* ttmasamattetofltfe,tbeptumeDbacis
upoti tbps tbep came togetbec f 0^ to agapne* as fo i tbe otbec, tbep mentc in

buplo bp ttie cptprano foj. f e mucb asp to tbe lano of J uoa peacea,blp, ano be<
mat Upon tbe fyofce of tm tocft fpoe(cal* toarleo Jonatbas , ano tbem tbat mere
IcdCapbcttKtatb ) mas fallen tomne, 'aim rpgbt fote* jno Jfrael maoe
tbep ctpafteHic;3nfi$ipmon fet l?pai< great lamentacpoin %bm
all tbe bea*
Diababtn^epbelab>anomaDeitftr6s tbentbat mere rounoe aboutetbem,
fetttug poms ano locUes bpon tt./aom ^ugot to oeftroie tbeimtfoj tbepfaibe:
^ tobea* Ccppbon purpof eo to rapgne ur no tu baue tbep no captaf ne,noj anp ma
H^a^obe-ctomneDjftnD to aap tbe king tobelpetbe.<€bemojelet bs onetcome
1 fflatji t

iofe.i£«p. 3Bntiocbus be teas afrapco tbat Jona* tbem,anD tote oute tbep^ name from a*
w .u f*u cfiajs moulb not fuffte bpm, but ftgbt a< mong men*
gapntt bim. axberfoie be tocnt a bout e C^be.)ciif*Cbapter»
to take3ouatbas,an6 to fepi bpm« C after 3IoiiatlM3toa3t«&CH§ip;floitt9 cpofen
^>o fie oepa ct en^ came bnto jQttl)', caprapitr.of mljome aJcipljoii tafttiig \)is cOpfBjc
aim mottep foitDC teaempepon of JlottatOas.hpfe
fan.Cbe tocnt Jjonatbas oub againft

!eto.;^nt an* Dp9rtjpl£neu.2T)cgc3ue of Jonas

Ijpmtothcbatraplltoitb fourtj'ctbou* tOas. 2Ctppl;ou QpilctD 3uttoci>us,aiiD poacflfetO
fenoe ebofen mcn,ano came bnto ©ctb* D
r !) c r ca ttx .-
i c :nc t r tus raitctt) f cuce antt) £> una.

fan alfo.i5cu toben cripbou fame tbat ^>tou. &t ttiafcctjjjtg f oiute 3ol>n Capr apiie,
Jonatbascametoptbfo gteate an boft SDtoetobcn^©imoubftD
tot Deft copbu^be mag afraieDranDtbet*
tbat (Cripbon gatbereo 31
to:e be tcceaucD bun bonoxabl^e com< agreati^ooftjtocomein
uunocD fipmbnto all brs lrcnDcs,anD totbelatiDof 3fuba,anD
gauc bpm retoarDes:anb cammauuocD to Deftrope it: anD fame
ins men of tear re to be as obcDtcnt bnto tbat tnt people mas in
bun as to bi'mftlff*
great f earfulnefle 9 carer^e came bp to
^DfarbbrjtojBotmtbaiairtobpbaft jerufalem,anD gatbereo tf?epeoplrto
tbou caufeb tbis people to tafee fucbe getber,anogaue tbemetboztacion,fap*
rrauaple, fepnge tbereis noUrarrebp* inget^cfenomctobar great battaplles
ttopjete bs r ct;etfo?e fenbe tljcm ^ome % ano nap b^tintn $ mp fatbet^ fjotife

ttye firft boke

bauefttttulfojcfa latotftbt&attctU* to befttope (t^nb toente tounbe aboute
arp,$ tobat manec of troubles uie baue bp tbe u>ap,tiJatleaDetb bnto aiDoi.isut
r tobere foeuec tl>ep toente, tbptbec toente
I.T£Si fencttbojojoto occaftontobecof,*almp
bietbjen ace napne f oi 3f caelum fafce, £>pmon ano bis botte alfo. /liotoe tbep
anD am lefte aloue.3mD nolo lette not tbat toec in tbe caftel,fent meffaungecs
me fpate mpne otoae Ipfe m anp manec bnto tcttpbou , tqatbeOjouloe maftc
of trouble foi J am no bectec tfjen mp
bade to come bp tbe toploecne(Te,anD to
tyetb^en : but topU auenge mp people feno tbem bptaples:3!nDCcipbon mabr
ano tbe &>anctuatp, oute cbplojeu ano teaop al bps bojfmen to come tbat fame
ouce topue$:foj al tfje ^eatben ace ga* npgbte. ^euectbeleiTe it toas a becpe
tbeceo togetbet,to betttope b# of beep gceate fnoto } fo tbat be came not iu<£a«
malpct. laaDitbim.ainD \a\)m be bjetoe nj?t $af*
3jttbefetooibestbeb«ttesoftbepeo cbama, be Ceto Jfonatbais ano bps f ou>
pie toete hpnoieD togetbee, Co that tbep \u$ tbete, ano tben tucueb foi to goo
ccpeD toitb a iouD bopce, Taping: Cbou borne in to bis otouelanbe*
fljalte be ouce captaine in fteaoe of J[ m Cben fent &pmon fo; to fct bis bjo*
bas ano Jonatbas tbp bjetbjen, otDje tficr soeao coatfe,anb bucpeb it m ^o
tbou our battell, ano tobatfoeuet too w Din bps fatbets cptpe. ^>o all JfcaeU
commaunoeftbSjtoelball bott.£>obe betoapleo bpm toitb gceate lamentacp*
gatbcceD all tbe men of toacce maapng ou 3 anb moucneb tor bun b etp.loug.aino
baftetofpnplball tbe malles ofjetu* pinion maoe bpoii tbe fcpulcfte of bis
~ falem,tobicbebemaDeftconge counoe fatbecanbbps bjetb^en a buplDing bie
s about»Cbenfeut be^onatbasf fomie to lofce bnto of fcee ftone bebpnoc am>
befoie:ano fet bp feuenppliecs, one a*
of IBbCalomus toftba fcetljc booftbnto
3|op pa,tobtc?j D joue tbem out tbat toece gapnft anotbec(f oj bis fatber, bps mo*
ano cemapiuo tbece bpm tijec anDfouce butb^en) anofet gceate
in tbe cattell ,
ppllecs tounbe about, toitb acmes bp'
f elfe.Ctipbou alCo remoueD from pto*
iomais toitb a gceate acmpe,to come in on tbem foi a petpetuail racmoip, and
co tbe lance of^uoa, ano ijonatbas cacueo (bpppes befpoe tbe acmes:tbat
tibbpmin toatoe.Zlub^itmonpptcbeb tbep mpgbte be Cene of men f aplpnge in
testes at 3KODU s befoje v plaine fcio. tbe fea.'Cbp* fepuicce tobicb be maoe ae
$ut tobeu (Ccipbon kmw
tbat ^u ^Aooin } aauDetb )>tt bnto tbps Dap*
mon ftooe bpm fteaoeofbps bjotbec *Botoe as Ccipbon toente fo^tft to
3onatba0,anD tbat be tooulD toacte a< toalbc toitb tbe pouge tsinge Mt mcbus, ^
gapnft bpm:be fent meiraungcts bnto beaetobimtcaptecouOp, anDcapguiD jo&.tap:
iipm,fapiugc:iX)bcteas toe qaueaepte inbtsfteaoe, ctotonebbpm felfeapuge
3Jonatbas ttiy bjotbet,itis fojmonepe of 3pria }ano dpd mucb euel tn ty iano.
tbat be is otopn$e m
tbe fcpnges ac< £9pmon bp tbe cattels
alfo buplte m
torapte,concecnpnge tbe bufpneffe tbat 3eto2p,maapuge tbem fttoug toitb w
toto^es,gceate toalles, poetess ano loc^
be baD mbanDe.4X)becfoicfeuD nolo an
fees, anb lapeb bp bptales in tbe ft con 5
C.taletes of fpluec anD bis ttoo foimcs
foi f ucetpe,tbat u»be'» ne is letten f ojtb bolocs . 3nD &pmon cbole cectapnc
be (ball notfcufafce bs:anD toefljal fenb men, ano Cent tbem to bpnge ©emctc U
aeuectbeleffe ^puioti us:toDefpiebpm,tbatbe tooulbebpf*
bpm agapne
feneto,tbat be opflembleo in bps toozDes tbacge tbe lanoe f com all bonoage, foj
pet commauuDeD be tbe monepano cbpl Ctipbon bab fpopleb it becpe foje*
bien to be DelpueccD bnto bpmtlclte be Bccbecebpon &cmcttius tbefepngan*
tyoulb be tbe greater enempe agapnfte f toeceb bpm, anb to^ote bnto bun aftec

(be people of jfcacll, anD fapctbecaufe

be Cent mmnot tbe mbnep ano tbe cfjpk ©emetctujS tbe bpnge fenbetb gte<
Dten, tbecfoie is Jonat&as oeabc. (page bnto ^>pmon tbe bpe p?eett tys
£io&ptnon fent bpm tbe cbPlDiea fteuD, toitb tbe eloers ano people of tfte
anb an bunDietfj talentes, but be D?h~Z'< 3fetocs*Cbe gotoen ccotone anb p?ecp«
C bleo, ano toouloe not let jonatbas go.
Cone tbat pe fent bnto bs^baue tot

^ftettoatD came tctipua tn to tue lainj teteaueb^nb ate ceabp to make a Ceo
#f tlje iteljafcees,, ftUmfoiii
faft peace loitfj pou,pca, 3 to tojf tc Dn< tr)c caftell from fplthpnes^nD
to out officccSjfo? to releafe poit,concec bponthe^fit^bapeoftbefccoiioemo*
Hing the maoe pou nethintbe.CJjcri.peate tbep entreo m
thing ts toherm toe
fre:ano the appointment that toe make to tt tottb tbancbefgeupnge ano biaun*
toltbpou,u";albe fynueano liable, cbe cbes of palme trees,toitb barpes,ccoto*
ftr onge boiopc tobicb pe ftaue buplDeD, ues, cpmbals,auD lutes, fpngpug pfal<
Ojalbe pour oiunc. as f oj anp ouct ftgbc mes, anofougeg ofpjapfe bntoeoo,
oi faute commptteo Onto tbis Dape, toe f ox tt)ac tbe great cuemp of jjftacl toas
fojgcue it atio the ccotone tajce that pe ouercome.
ought bs alfo* 3nD tobere as toa0 anp 3hd ^pmon o^benco tbat tbe fame
otbcrtcpbuttn3ccufaUm,it(^a!inoto Dape u>ulDe bee bepte euerpe peace in
be no tribute lohetobo are mete amog glaOHe(le,anb maoe Otonge tbe bpll of
pou to be in out coucte,kt the be toti ttetbe temple tbat toasbefpbe tbe caftell,
bp,t!jat there map be peace bettopjct bs. tobere be Dtoclt bpm felfe \oitt) bis com*

^ '
Chustbepocfceoffbeatbentoasta* panp* ^pmonalfo perceaupngetbat
fecnftomji'taell, in thebunDjetb anD Jobn bi0 fonne toas a mpgbtpe man of
feucntppeare.ainD tbe people of f Jeto armes,inaoe bpm captatne of al tbe bo*
es began to tojpte in tjjepj letters anD ,ftes,ano caufed btm to btoel at <©a?a*
<.ctw..r^ti.o actegonrbpsmanet.*3jn# firtt peate
of&pmontbebpcpjicfte, anopimte €12>emctttus is ouercome of atraccs.&pnton bt
of thejetoes. * tifff cap taync ttjcteis g cca t qutctttcs tit 3\u
31 h tbofe bapes \otnt ^pmon bnto %\)t coueiumu of fccnO(t»pp toitl) rf;cHoi»aaus
4ti9toiU)toepeoplcof £p4cra ts ceuucd.
©a ja,ano befegcD it touD about tobec
be fette Dp ojbpuaunce of toatte « #no ||itbe*ci)cyt.pearega<3
toanne a totoet tohicb be tofec. £>o tbep tberebbpngBcmetrtus
tbat gat in to tbe tonne leapre tm titm bpsbofte, ano Departed
tpe,tobicbe toas in a gteate fcate: Jn Co Onto ^cbia, to get bpm
mucbe tbat the people of tbe cptpt rente elpeto^toftgfjtagamft
thepj clothes, anoclvmmcD bp bpon ^Cttpbotn^oto tobe* ait*
tbctoalies toitbthtp? topues anocjipb aces $ bing ofperfta 9 #eoia bearo
Demetrius toas entreo but bin bps bo;
Dicn befeebpnge £>pmon to bee at one
toitbthcm:fapmg* Ders:befentone ofbpspttnces totabe
f £)tetoarobs not after ourtoicaea* bim aliue,«tob^pngDimbntohi«^o
nc$,but be gractotts btuo Us, ano totebe toent anD fteto Bemettius bofte,toae
ffcallootrjeferupce, ^ften ^>pmon foi btm felf,b:ougbt btm to 3! traces, tobtcl)
Deep ppte,tooulD fpgbt nomoje agapnft ftept bim in toatD.ainD al tbe lano of Ju
t{jem,but put tbem out oftbe cptie,aiiD Da toas tn reft,fo long as ^pmou liueD
caul cd tbe bourcs( toherm tbe jmacjes fo^befougbttftetoealtb of bis people,
toere)to be clenfeb:anb To entreo tbe tu tberfojetoeretbepglaDtobauebpmfo;
tpetottbidfaluics ofpzapfe, geupnge tnm^t^ anD to do bim too^pppe
thancbes tonto tbe lojoe^o toben be altoape*
baocaftallabbompnacponis out of tbe §>pmon toanne ttit cptit of 3fopp«
cptie,hc f ette f ucbe meune in it as bept alfo for an bauen totone,9 maoe it an in
the latoe of (5oo , ano maoe the cptpe ttaunce into tbe JIlcs oftbe fta« i^e en*
8rong>aHb buplbeb abtoelipnge place largeotbe boiDcrs of bis people,anDca
fojfjunfelfe* quereotbem mo:e lanDe: i^egatbewa
$oto toben tbep in tbe caftcll at Je* top manp of tljcp i people tbat mete p$t*
tufalem tocte bept fo ftraptip,tbat tt)tp fouers:bebao tbeoompnpon of <5aja,
cOulbe not come fonb not into tbe coti* 25etbfura ano tbe caftell,tobtcb be clcn*
trcp,ano mpgbt nether bpe noj fell:tbep feoftomfpltbpnes, anb there toas no
toete berp hungtpe, ano manpe of tbem man that reuftcD bpm I &o that euerpe
famptycb to be athe : Jn fo mucbe tbat man tplleobps grounoe in peace, the
tbep btfougbte *bpmon to bee at one ianoeoflubaanD the trees gaue tbept.
toptb tbem, tohicbe be graunteD tbem* frute anoencreafe* tSDbe clbers fat tea I
^o he put them oute from thence, atib in iuDgementc, ano toke tW}


foitbetocalthe of tljclaiiDc : thepohge Ojoutoe fenue acoppeof thefame onto
men put on to oify ippc ano batnc c bp< £>pmon the gteat ^;eeft\

oruhenn^epzotipDcD bj'tailejjrxu the iftec tbpS opo £>pmon fenoe 0m

cptpe$,anD maoe goooip fttoug holocs memus onto mome, totth a golDe tt>tlD
of themifo that the fame of his too;0)ip of a thoufano pouno toeight to cofitme
teas fpoaen of t> nto the cud of § too;lo. the ftenoChpppe toith tbem:tobicb tobe
*tfoj bemaoepeacccbo;otoc oute the theisomapncs bnDetfteDe,tbcp fapoe:
| ailDe ^ aoD3J(caeiltuas fullofmp;tbe tohat tbancaes tyall toe tecompence a*
auD iope* gapne into ^pmon ano hps cbplD;em»
« CuetpmanfatbnoetbPSbpneanD jfo: hehath aabliOjeD his b;etb;en,anD
f tggcttees9 thee urns no ma to f cap the" ouetcome the enemies of ^ftacUjccbet'
atoare* €bctc teas none in the lanoe to fo;e thep gtaunteo bpm to beftee* 3BnD

fpgbt agawft tbem,f0; then the kpnges ailthps to;otetbe Jctee;* in tables of
toete ouctcome Be qelpcD tljofethat latpn,anD napleo tn tt bnto the ppllets
toete in aouetfttie amongc ms people, bpon the mount £>ton*(£be copp of the ,

he teas Diligent to fe the latoc "upte:as to;ptpngeistbP$* , , .

as toete bngooli> ano topcbcD

foi Cache Cbe*]cbiu*Dapc of tbemonetb*$!uI ius«*tf<.

heto&etbe atoap^efetbptbe^>anc* in tbe*Cljrjcit.peate tntbetbp;De peate

Cuacpe, anu enccealeo the boipe UcfTcls of §>pmon the hie pjeefte, in the gteate
Of the temple* congtegacpon of the puettes,tulets of
aoo&en the llomapiics anD &patci* the people, ano elbets of the countteat
ans fiao gotten toozoe, that Jonatbas SBfutame, toete thefe toojoes openlpe
teas DeaD,tbcp toete tpgbt fo;pe ©at Oeclateo.
tohen thep heatD that £>praon his b;o* ifojfo muche as thete teas tmich; -
thee toas maoe hpe piecft tn his fteaoe, toatte inoute lanDe,thetefoje ^>imon §
ano ho to he hao toonne the lano againe fonne of i^ata thiah( come of § chPl^e
toith the cptpes in it : thep to;ote bnto of lateb ) ano hps bjcth^en , put them
gpm in tables of latpn,to tenue the frco. feluesinpatell , anotefpfteD the ene^

m 8.» 1 6 ^PPP C j ano bonoe of loue,tobfcbe thep mpes of thep; people :tbat thep; ^anc«
ano yfti. hao maoe af o;e toith * jfiuoas ano 3fio< tuatpeanolatoempght be mantepneo,
nathas bps butb;e\200bicb to;ptpnges ano bpb thep; people gteat too;typppe*
toete teoe bcfo:e the congtegacpon at T|onatha$inlpRemanet, aftetthat he
Jctuialem. hao gouetneD hi» pcop^ a «& &™ Wn ,

3nothpS istbecoppe cftbeletttes, hpe p;eeile :opeb,anolpeth butted bw

^ that the ibpatcians fente : QLbe£>cna* fpoe his cloets.
2if tct that tooulo thep; mmptfi
tours ano citefins of §>patta Icuo gte* haut
tpnge bnto $>pttion the gteat p;eeft tt ttoooen thep; holp th?»ngcs bnoet fote,

the cloers ,p;ecftes,anb the othet people oedcopeo tbm ianoe,anD bttetlpe toa*

oftbe Vetoes thep; b;ttb;en:^b£pout fteDthep;^anctitat^e« (Chen^pmon

embaffit ours that toete fent bnto oute toithftbbe them, ano fougbtefo; hP8
people,cecttfieo bs of pout too;Q)pppc, people,fpent much ofhis otone monep,
honoute and piofpctotie toealttje : toe toeapeneo the baleaunt men of his pea
lucre glaD of tf;ett com mpng, ano banc ple,gaue them toages, maoe tttong the
totptte the catattD tohtchc thep fpake be* cpttcs of|uoa, toith ©etbf Utah thai
f o;e the councell of the pcopletnamelpe, Ipeth bpon the bo;oets of Jeto;p(tohec
that 0umcniu0 § fonnc of antioebus* the o;opnaunce of thep; enempes lape
28nD SBntipatet the fonne of Jafon the fomtpme) ano fette Vetoes thete fo; fo
jetocs cmbaflttouts ate come bnto bs aepe tt* . ;

foito tenue the oloe fietiDtfyp toith bs* iaemaDefaft3[oppaalfo,toh«help< .

eth bpo the Cea,anD «a?a that bo;o;eth
Uponthps the people, conreuteD, that
the mm fhoulbbe bonojablp mtccateb, bpon 3?otus(tohete the enempes Dtoelt

ano that the copp of thep; eatano (fjuln afo;e)anD thete he fct jfletoes to ftepe it:
be uui'it en t\\ the fpecpall boats of the anD tohatfoeuet teas mete fo;tbefub«
people , tot a petpetuall memoipe on; Dupnge of the aOuetfatpes,thatlapeb
to the ^patcians : pea , ano that ujcc he tbctctn > $otoe tohen the people
toojflup f)f purporeD to Do to; tbcm,b is
|ie kept unto tbe m, $ bo to he fought bp 1LW)t>&* Cbaptec*
all toapes tbe toealtb of bis people, be*
caufe be DID al tbts,tberfo;e tfjcp cbofc ft4ifiocl7usm«hctf> ft coufuauiifeof ftciifiUfp
bun to be tbcic piince $ hie pttefl: • 3Jn& hntu $imoti , aitD * cipoon (9 pcrfecutca , rue
IsomapncB totite lettcva mto ftpujes « iiaccous
In bis t june tbep piofpc ceo tort bp bun,
f the ^eatben twrc take out of tbcic
(> ttjeUelpc rowtt 5>tmo feme y tot, bieaacti; y is co*
lanDcranb ttjcp alfo tobicb toe tc in § tu uenauutc
cpe of &awD at Jcrufalcm tit j> caftel
( tobcte tbep tec t but a DcfileD at tinges '^Djeottct, fcpngeantto* $
tba t toer e about tbe <banctuatp, $ DpD cbusthc Tonne of 3©eme
greatebatmeDtitocltitIpncs 3 anD £>t* tuns ft nt letters fro the
tnon put men of the Jctoes 111 it y f 0? the Ulesofffea^tonto^i*
defence of tbt lanoe ano the cptpe , anD montbebiepjieftapjice

& »
fet tip tfce tualles of Jctufalcm.
kpnge Bemefrt us cofpuncDbtm tbe people, eontcpmngetbcfetooiDes:
in bis bic ptiefthoDe.maDc
of the 3Eetoes J

bun bB fte'D, 3But ochus the Hptige f cuoetii grerpnge


$ did bun great tooiOjip. Jfo* be bcrDc p tout <feimon the bie pzieu\ 5 to tbe peo*
ttje Romanics calico the Jt toes tbuc pie of tf?c Jetoes . jf 01 To muebe as ceca
f ceuDes louecs a butbuu: bote bonou* tapne tou UD men bane gotten £ kpug*
cablp tbep receaueo Yimous cmbaiTt* Dome of oute ptogcwroursMl am pur*
touces:no to tbe 3fetDes 3 pitenes coffr poftD to cbalenge p tealme agaiue, and
teD p be tyoulD be tfjett punce anD bpc to cettoze it to tbe oloe eftatc*
pztert pctpetualiXtpU<£oD capfeD Dp aooDetfoie J bane gathcteo a greate
tr>e true pzopfjetjauD tbat be OjoulD be boft e anD maoe Ojpppcs of tea tec: that
tbetc captapne,to cace foz tt)e £>anctu - % (nap $00 tbozo to the count tic, anD be
at{',anDtofctoffitets bpothe tooikcs aucngcD of tbem tobtcb DaueDeftcopcO
tbeeof ,ouec the lanDe, ottec £ tocapons, oute lanDe , anD toafteD manp cu pes tit
ouet theboufes of Defccc, tomakepzoj tnp reaLmc . 311D therfoze note 31 makr
p bolp tbpnges,ci to be obtp<
ittfton foz tbe fee alfo fcom al tbe tributes, tobecof
cd of euetp man,anD all tbe lotptpngcs till ftpnges mp p^ogenitours banc DpfV

of p ianDe to be maoc in r)ts name:t$at cbatgcD tl;c , anD from other euftouies
be OjoulD be clotijeD tu purple $ go(De,$ (tobece from
baue realeafeD tbeej

that it Q)oulD be latoful f 01 none of tbe tob a tf oe tier tbep be : £ ea 1 g ette the ,

people no.i piteffes to b: eke anp of tbcfe ieaue to fmpte moncp of tbpne otone
tbtnges,totottb.ftanDebistoo?Dcs uoi tottbin tbp lanDe . 3Cs fo: Jerufalrm,

Co call anp congregation .in -fiance ft* JtopiltbatitbebolpatiDccc: anD atf

outbim:^be OjoulD be clotpeD in put* tr)e toeapons anD homes of Defence
ple,anDtocateacotoucofgoiDe:$nDpf tebJcbetboubafte DupIocD anD feepeifc
tijete toereanpe tobicfje DpfobepeD oi tntr)pne6anDes,u)a!Ibetbpne.90Qbete
biaHe tfjis oiDinauucetbat be tyoulDe as anpe tbpnge is ozfljali be otopnge
to nto tbe kpnge •
be p tinpOVf D. J f oigcuc it t bc,f rout
frptiltty people confenteD to alotee tnistpmefoitbefoieucrmote aina
5fetmon,fi to Do accotoigc to tbefe tooi^ toben toe baue optapneD oure kpnge »
ccs.^uuon alfo Dim felfe toke it bpoti Dome, toe $al Do tb€,tDp people aim tbe
bun,anD teas couteuteto be p Die pzied, temple gteate tootiTjpp : fo tbat poure
tbe captayne anD p.iince off Jz toes anD bonourt fljall be bno toeii tbojetoe oute
ptieftes.% to goue tne tr)em al.^nD tr)ep the tobole to oilDc.

commaunDcD to make tbis toiptpnge 311 the.C»(cai:t.reare toente M*

in tables or latpne, anD fatten it touto tiocbus into bjs fathers lanDe, anD all
tbc compatfe of tbc ^auctuarp in an o< p me of toarcc came cogetber tonfo btm,
pen place: anD to lape top a coppc of tbe fo tbat f e to toece left tf> ^icipDd.^o the
i tame in tbc t teafurp, tbat ^imon ano $£^«t. vpnjt

ferine 2Enrf ocfjus folotoco fcpon bpm, couenaunt tohtch t)e mabe toirh §>(nio

but he fleb bnro ©oza, tobichc Ipetb bp afoze ,anb tottbozeto htm feitc f to htm.
I be fca ioc:foz be fab g rnc te teas into
i I^e fente atbenobius alfo a frtnoe of
cbtefe commpnge bnto him, * that fjpsf t)ts bnto &nnon, foz to reafontt bpm,

bolt baDfozfakcbmi.tEbc" came 3Bntio* raping:£e toirholo e fro me jpoppa anD

thus 'oiuo ^' oza *&an bunbtctb $ ttoe* <5aj a( tottb f cartel that is atjetufale)
tiethoufanoe me of acmes fopon fote, 9 tohtch are cities of mp tealme , tohofe
ergo t tfjoufanDe bozfemc.^s>o be copau bozbers pe bane Deftroieb,$ bone great
fed £ cf tpe couDe a bonte, 9 efjc Ebpppes cue! in tbcm 3 anb baumge the Domtnaci*
came bp (be Tea Cbus tbep bereo the on in inaup other places of mp kpnge*
fi«Mr,i4.» cptpe bp lanoe anD bp toater, * in fo Domc.flQbctfou Ddpuct ifoto the citpes
tnucbe that tt)ep tuff ceo no man to go tohtch pe ha ue taken lithe tributes of <*
Innozout. places that pe bane rule bpontottbout
C Jn the meanereafo came tfiumennis the bozbers of Jetozp : €>z els geue me
(el tbep that bao bene tb htm J ft om the fpue buDzctb talentes of I'ilucr.pca, ano
litis of ttome.baupngc letters tozptten foz thchatme tbatpebauebone in the
into § hinges 9 pxouices, tobcrin toere citpes anb foz the tributes of the fame,
conrepneo tbefe too iocs : nuctus the other fpue b unbzetb talentes . ]|jf no, toe
laaatw of iSome renoetb gtetinge bnto Chad come anb fight agatnft pou*
leitolomp f kpng.cb* embaffttourg of &>o3tbenobius the bpnges frenbe
the 3Jc to cs out frebes bepng f ent from came to Jerufalem anb toben he fatoe

£>imoutbebie pxtcft* from the people the great toozf^tp^ bonoutc of ^>imon
of § Jetoctf, came bnto bs f ox to renue in goloe,f ituer 9 fo great plentpe of oz*
f be OIDc freuDfj)ip(anD bonbe or louc, $ namentes:he matueleb s toioe pinion

bzougbtea fyploe ofgolbetoepinge a as $ kyng commaubeb bun.* Chen an«

tboufanbcpoumxtobicb toe toctecom>
tenteto rcreauc of the 111 dopljf cf 01c toe
rtoereo pinion ano faib bnto him:
foz bs, toe haue nether taken other mes
J0W•' * M 1,

thought it goob to fczpte bntopkpn* Ianoe} noz toitboloen the, but onelp our
$cs 9 pxouices to bo the no harme,noz
, fathers heritage, tobicbe our ehempes
10 take patte agatnft the , their cptpes hao burighteouflpe in podefTion a cecs
noz eouttccs,uerhcr to maintafne tbepz tap ne tpme . Chis h enrage of oure fa*
enemies agatnft them Jt there be aim thers haue toe cbalengcb in pzoceffe of
ekeb perfonues tberfoze ficb fro tfjeic
fo'i tpme. amo tobereas thou complapneft
couuttc but o pou, Deli ucr the bnto <&>u concernpnge joppa anb <Ba ja, tbcp bib
tnou the bie pxieiVnatbe map punpflje great harmeroour people anD in oure
them accozDphge to tbepz otone la toe, lanoe ptt to pll toe geue an. <£« talentes
»_ Cberametoozoesto.idtepUomaiues foz them*
39 aliobn to JDcmet rius p kpnge, to 3Btta< 4l*eucttt)eles8rbenobfus anftoereb
lus,3raba, airfares anb to all regions: him not one toozbe, but turneb agapne
£bamfanes,totbem of &parta, ©clo, tozotbftillp bnto the kpnge^ toloe htm
ij^iDo,s»iD6,Carta, &>amo$,)&ampbt all thefc to02Dts anb tt)e great otgntcte
lia,Utcia,5ltcarnaffum , anb to f ttbo« of &pmon to tb al that be hao f e ne ,am>

ees.tojracclis.Coo.^tba^rabo.^o.i the kpnge toas berp angtp.jn ^ meane

ttua,(5utDum,to Cipxcs anb to Cjncn. tpme fleooc (Criphon bp u^pp bnto ®u
3nb of cuerp letter tbep fent a coppe to thofaioa. cben the kpnge mabe Cenoe*
^tinon the hie pxiett anb to the people beu$ cap tame of the fea cooft,anb gaue
of tnejetoes.^o <$ntiochuS the kpnge him an ho ft of f ote men anb nozfemeu,
biought his bod bnto £toza £ f econoe comma unbpuge t)pm to remoue the
cpme to take it: tohtre he mabe biuetfe boft totoarbe 3 etozp anb to bupIDel))i

ozbinauces of toarrc,$keptefCripb6 in, the citie of ^eozd,to make bp p pontes,

that be G)ottlD not come four). €t)e Tent $ro toarreagaiftp people of ^ Jetties*
&ftti5 antiochus, ttoo thoufanoe cbo<
(en me" to belpe htm \b golbe,filact anb
m kpnge htm
foz the
tponCrtpbon. ^ocenbebeus*came
felfe , be folotocbi

other plenteous gecr : $cucrthelcs be bnto jamnia,anb beganne to bejfctbe

IbouId not teceaue the, but brake altbe people, to treabe Dotone 2(ty?t, to
take tfjc people p;pfonet0,ro 0ape ct)cm flub in tyt felbe of %ttWo toas
i.ra«u6t> anb*to btiplbe Dp Cebjon: tobete be fet |&to!omp $ fonne of 3bobu0 wade cap*
hotfemen ? otbet men of toatw , £ cfje-p tapne : tobte&e becaufe be bao abound
mpgbte come fojtbe anb go tbojotoe tbe Daunce of fpluet anD goloe ( fo; be fjab
fttetes of 3cto;p,lp&e as tf)t fcpnge bao marpeb tbe bougbtee of £>imon tbe bpe
commaunbtb bpm. p;ieft)toajccb p;oube in bis mpnbe,an&
tLbe.jtbf Cbaptet. tbougbt to conquete tbe lanoe.pmage?
ccut)cbfusttKcaptar»cof anttocinis Doottia npnge falujeb againft *s>imon and oin;
puttoflp80toftuefomicsof^unoaptoiomeu5 ronne0,toDefttopetbcm*iSotoae £>l* *»
tpcConueofabobus ftpHctl) dunouanb Ote.tu ' '
ttn tmnc Ahntifc tthc
roimc9atabaiicbct.3iounbpii«^^m^atipc montoaggopnge
aooute tno^ocjne

I«ijaptcfoH3i0ipfc. cttt^tbattoecein tbe coutre 01 J cto;p,

$en came 3fbon bp fco*d5a< anb catpnge fo; tbem : be came bourne
?a,and tolDe ^imou bps fa* to Tjetfcbo, tottb iJ^atatbiab anb 3Iiu
tbet, lubat cciioebcus bao oas bis fonue0,m tbe. c. Ijcjcbii. peace -

bone amongctijcit people, in tbe.jci.monetb caileD*^abat.Cbcn
tipon tb(0 calf cb £um on tioo of bis cl-* f&tolomv § Tonne of ^bobus teecauco
Deft fonne0juba0 9 3|obn,$ faib bnto tbem(but tottb Dpfceate)into a fttonge
chernrH anb mp tactic anb mp fatbers boufe of bps calico JDocb, tobicb be bad
boufe, baue euec from on re poutfye bp buplded.tobete be mabe tbe a bancftet;
bnto tins dap,f ougbtcn agatnfte tbe e* £>o totjeu pinion anb bis fonnejs
nempes of Jfrael,^ udod gane bs gooD tocte mecp anb bao d joncUen mi$to*
fortune to oelpuct Jfrael ofte tpmes. lomp ftobe bp Uii tb b is men(tobome be
Sno nolo fo; fo mnebe as 3 am bao bpb tljercjand tofce tbcic tocapens;
re in fteaoe of me anb mp bio tb ec, 1 go entreb into tbe banchet boufe, anb flc to
f oubc anD fpgbte fo 1 ottte people , ano g>i mon toitb bis t too fouues , aub ccr*
tbebelpt ofdDObbctoUbpou * ^obe tapne of bis fcruauutcs.<§>ucbcgteate
cfjofe.jcjc,$Mpgbtpnge men of f coun* bnfaitbfulneffe bpb ^tolomp in Jfra*
trc,tb boif emen alfo,tobicb toente f o;tt> el,anb cecopenfed cud fo; goob • Cben
agapnft Cenbebcus $ rcitco at^odm. tojotc tbts j^tolomp p fame bnto fyn$
3jntbemo?npngetbcpatofe , anb 36ntiocbus,reciup;ingebtmprjeu)oulD
tDenttntotbeplavnefeloc:^bcbo/bc,a fence btm an bofitobclpebiin: anb fo
miotbtpe great boll came agatnft tbem, fljouice be belpuet bpm tbe lanbe, tottl;
botb of fore men anb bozfemen . iftotoe tbe ct ties a- tributes of § fame. $e rent
tuas there a toatcrbzohe bet topjttc tt)ey otbet men alio bnto ©aja , fo; to ta&e
ano Jobn cemouebtbebooft totoarbe 3Jb6:stozotc bnto p cap tames to come
tbe m. ano tobt n be fa to tba t tbe people to bim,5 be fljoulo geue tbe f ilue cgoto
toas afcapeb to goo ouectbe toatet-j ^ceioarbes.3Bnbto31ecufalembefetite
liiofce , be toente ouer fpjtftc bpm f elf e: otber,to take tt anb tbe s>anctuacpe.
ano tbe men fepnge tbis, folotoeb bpm. Cbe cane tbete one befo;e,s tolbejbel
Cben^Iobn fet bis bojtfeme anb fote tn d5a?a,# bis fatbec 9 bis" b;etb;e toece
» men in ojbec , one bp tbe otbec fo;
tf)t , aapne,^ boto $ 0tolomp ^ab fet to Oape
tbeit enemies boif emeu ioere beep ma* dim alf o,^x)be Jbo hearbe tbis be iuas
np . 23ttt toben tbcp bit toe bp p piieftes foie abafbeb, 9 tapeD babc0 of tbe that
trompe tt cs, C enbebeu0 flcb \u?tb bps lucre come to Deft top b f m,t lie to tbc:foe
i^ofte,tobetof manp toereaapne5 anb tbe be fcneto,f tbep toct aboute to fepU bpm*
temnaunt gat tbe to tbeit fttog boloe. 36s fot otbec tbinges cocecning iboiu
3Jubas alfo Jobns bzotbet toas tooiuu of bis toarres,of bis noble acte0( tobcr*
Deb at tbe fame tpme.^nb 3 obit folotoeb in be bebatteD bim felfc mafuI!p)of tbe
ttpll bpon tbe enempejs , tpii be came to builbing of toalleg tobicb be mabe, 9 o<
Cebtontobpcbcbebuplbeb . Cbcenc, tbe r of b ts dcdcs: cbo' are toiittc in tbe
tnpes fleb alfo bnto§ toto;c0tbat toece ctomcles of bvs? pjieftbobe, from tbat
in tbe feiDes of aijotus,auDtbofc bpD tnmc foubtbat be toas mabe bpepitcft
gobnbucnebp » ticbus tbere toete af^et bis fatbet.
aapne.iu gp.mcn of tbem, 5 Uofjii twu
mo agapne peaceablp in to jetojp,
C^ e cnDe of ^ Rtft boftc
of tbe ^acbabees.

tjtm btlpe*3n t&at toe rerfffcD To migft*
tie a kpngc* 3EnD tobp*- be bzougbt men
oute of pedis bp beapes, to fpgljtc a*
gaift bs $ tbe bolp citie.if oz as be toas
in jacrfis ( nameip, f captapne tb tlje
OvCbefpifteCbapter. great boil jbe petpfyeo in tbe temple of
jft aneas bepnge Difceauco tbozoto f De*
3n tfp tale of f be 3d ctofg ttw otoelt at 3f ecus upf e of /Santas pziefles. jf oz as be toas
falcm fCHfCtiuro tljjm itiijut) oiodtc in earprc,
tobctmrocp cjrbojtetbemto gene tbaucaca f« purpofeo to bane Dtoelte there , aintio*
rbeDeatbofauriocbus . £>f rtjcfpic rtjattoas cb us 9 bis freDes cSe tbithcrto receaue
t;pfcoe tit t U e pp t . aftc p wpec of jfrc&cm t aij

mucb monep foz a Dotozp.^o totje Ba<
neas pziefle$ bao lapeD foztb f monep;
^e bzetbzen of tf)t be entrcD \b a fmal copanp in to £ com* ;
\ -

[Jjevues tot;icf7 beat paffe of f tgpie, $ To tbep ujut f temple* C

3 etufalem anD in #toto tobcu aintiocbus entrco bp ope*
rtjelanDe of JcVupp, mmge f p^iupt intraunce off temple,^
tovOjc bnto tbbfe pzicftes ftoncD captaine to ocatb, be*

bzetbzen of tbe 3{e* toeD tbcm in peces y tocre tout; bpm,

'toes tbat are tbo; fmote of tbcit beaDes, anD tbzetoe tbem
jcotooute Cgpptc; out.Jn ai tbtges €oDbe pzaifeD, tobicfi
5 ood foztune,bca!tb anD peace* batbDcliuetcDf totclicD Into ourbaoj.
tozDcbc gracious onto
<250Dtfje decbere as toenoto are putpofcD to
pou ano tbpncfcc bpon bis couenaunte
fcepe tbe putiticacion of tbe temple op*
tbat be maDe toitb aibiabam, Jfaac ano on tbe.jcjtb. Dap of the monetb catlcu,
5>«j»,!o,b3jacobbi0faitbfttirecuanntes3*8eue toetbougbtentcelTarpe toccrtifpe pou
pou all fuel? an beart, tbat pe map louc tberof:tbat pe alfo mpgbt*fcepe tbe ta^ &$$$
anD fctue bpm, pea, anD perfourme bi£ bernacles feaftDap, 5 tbe Dap off fpze, ««•«».».«
topi! iuit b an tobolt beacte anD of a toil* tobicb toas geuentjs toben ^ebemiab
Ipngc mpnDe : ]|e open route better in offrtD,aftcrpbebaDfct Op tbe temple
ftps latoe auD in bps commaunoetnen; 9 tbe a uiter if oz to ba t tpme as oure fa*

tcs, fenoe pott peace: beare poure pzap* tbers toere leo atoape Onto ^crfis , tbe
srs.bc a tone toitb pou,anDneuer foz* pzic(les( tobicb rbefougbt f bonoure of
fake pou in tpme of ttouble • CtjtSiS (Sod itoke tbe fpze pziuelp fro f auiter,
|>cre oure pzapecfoz pou* ano biD it in a Oallep , tobere as toas a
dx bat time as Bemetrius raigncD, Oepe dzpc ppt.^tberin tbep fcepte it,be«
In tbe.c«ljcijr* peace, toe Jetoes tozote catifc tbe place toas bnttnotoen to etie*
Ijnto pou tnttje trouble frbiolence tbat rp man. Boto after manp peares toben
came unto os • 3ntt)ofc pea res after itpleafeDii5oD,tbat/iiebemiabu)ouloe
tbat Jafon Depart eo out off belp lanoe be fent from tbe ftynge of jaerfia : * be JUSX*
bud kpngDome, tbep bzente Dp t'be poz* fent tbe cbtlDecs cbilozen of tboft pzie;
tes,anDu)co innocent blouDe • cbcu ftes(tobicb bao biD cbefpze)to fefee it*
tnaoe toe oure pzaper bntotbe Xlozoe, Ttno as tbep toioe bs, tbepfotinocno
anD toere bea toe: mo ff r cD.ano ligbteD fpze,but tbtcKe toater.^ljeu commaun*
£ tbe canDcIs,fettpugcfoztb cakes , anD Deo be tbe to Dzatoe it Op,anD to bzinge
ftmniui f bzeaoe. * 3nD noto come pe onto f feaft it bpm, ano tbe obTerpnges topsail*

of tabernacles in tbe monetb*cau*eu* 0o id toben tbe facrtf pees toere lapeo on
Sa. Jn tbe* C*lrrrbiit* peace tr;e people auDozDiCD,tbepitefl: jftebemiab com*
tbat toas at Jferufalem anD in 31 e tozpe, mautiueo to fpzpncie tbem ano t\)t tood
tbe coQcel 9 J uoas bun felf e , fent tbps tottbtbe toater • «cben tbiS toas
tobolfome fatutactd Onto atiftobolus Done , anD tbe tpme come tbat tbe
fepnge ptalomps mailer, tobtcbe came S» untie Ojon e, tobpebe afoze toas bpD>
of tbe generation of tbe anopnteD pzie* in tbe ciouDe : there toas a greate fpze
Oes:anDtotbe Jetoes tbat tocre in <s* fcpuDicD. 311 fo moucbe tbat euerp mart
QPpterln fo mucb as dPoD ba tb Delpue* marueleD * 0otoe alt tbe pzieftes pzap*
teD is from great* parels. toe t banck* eo, tobjletbe facrifice toas a mattriige*
< 8

tp m< jfolxti
gohatyft piapeDfirae,aiiDt&e ot&et ,Cis founoe aifo in the 35
gaue auf lucre* tozttpnges of Jfetempe
3ud ^ebcmtas piapet teas after thepzophet,t{)athecom^
this manet:$> nozDe ©od maker of all mautiDcD them tofipcbe
tbiHges,tbou fearful auo fttoiigc^bou lucre catpeo atoape to
tpgbtcous ano mctcif uMbou tiw art take fpze,* a0 it is fapo iWmu
onelp a gracious kpuge,onelp Ipbecall, afoze.+^e commauDeo tbunalfo, that jtt«.w«.t

onelp tuftjlmigbtte ano eueelaftiuge, tbep Ctjouloe not forget the latoc 9 conn
»« B W '«

tlioutbat Dcipuccett Jffcaell from all maunoementes of the JlozDc,anD $ the?

trouble , ttjou that baftc cbofen the fa* fljoulDe not ette in thctt mpnDcs , toheti
diets ano halo to'cD them : reccaupngc thepfe 3(magesoffpluetcigolDe toitfi
the offetpnge foi tfje tobolc people of their otnauii ntes.'Chef c anD fuch othec
3fraell,pzererttetbpne otoue poicion, thpnges commatuiDcD he them, auD eje^
fliUMjaloineu dBatbcttbofc together, hoitcothem,thatthepO)oulDnotletti;8
that are fcatreo abzooe from us: Delp* lata* of (Sod go out of their bettes*
uer them that arc DuDcctbe ^cathcivS It is touttcu alfo,hoto the piophct
bonDage>lokc Dpo them tonic!) are Del (at the commaunDcment of ^oD ) chaco
ppfeDauDabboneD, that the ^catbeu geDthem,to take the tabernacle anD
mare knotoe auD f c,ho tu that thou arte the atcke toith t!um:anD be ^antc f oitfj
cute <sod: punpfye them ti>at oppteffe, tmto the moutapne,tohete ^ofes clun^
BUD piotiDlt' put DjSi to DiOjouoti tc.aet tmD Dp,tanD fato the hctptage of ^od« Oca, 34,
thp people agapne In thP bolp place, 3fnD tohOcrcmp came tbece,be founoe
Btnjm* *lpke a# ^9ofes hath fpokeu. an ope cane, toheriu he lapeo the tabet^
3no the ptieftes fonge ^falmcs of nacle,the atcke 3 anD the aultet of ineffe,
C ihaucfeefgeutnge,(o longe as the factt* anD fo (toppeo the hole, cbetc came ct u
fpee enDuteo* 0o\a toben the factpfpee tapne mi together alfo folotopnge him,
toajS bztntc, ^efiemtab commaunoeD to marcke the place, b tit thep eoulDe not
the gteate Rones to he fpzinckle D tottn fpnDe it 1 acobtcb tohenjeremp percea< 25
3«-i.w» the tcfpDttc of the toam.* scutch tobeti ucD,hc rcpioucD them fapinge; 31s f oi
« toas fcouMhctc teas kpuDleo a flame that place, it u^albe bnknotoen , biupll
*$£!& a
of them alfo: but it toas confumcDtbo* the time that 150D gathet his people to;
eotoc ttje Ipgbte t^at OjpneD from the gether agapne , anD receaue them Unto
aultet |s>o toben tins mate ct mas tw tcp. «Eben q^all <3oD Cheto them thefe
fetiotocn,fttoa£ toloe the kpnge of ja«< thPnges,auD the maieftp of the &oiDe
Cia,that tn the place fcbete the pzieftcs, f^allappeare,*anD tbcclouDealCo,Uke fjjj?i?
tohiche toetc leo atoape, bao bpo fpze, as tt toas (l)t toeo bnto ^ofes:anD like
there appeateD toatet m
ftcaoc of f pic, as tofjen Salomon DcfpuD t tbe place
anD tbat^ehemtas anD bis companpe might befactifieD,^ it toas u^etoeD him
hao purifpeD the faertfpecs toit ball. iroi he bepnge a topfe man , nauDlcD
Chen the kpnge confioe tpnge anD pom honourablp anD tovfelp oSecpnge Dnto
Derpnge the matter Dilpgentlpe, maoe <3ob in tbe halotopnge of the temple,
hpm a temple to pzoue the tbpnge that tohen it toas fuipfflieD » * ainDlpkeas
toas Done* 3nD toben he founoe tt fo in tohen v3©ofcs piapeD Dnto the ftoiDe,
tcDc,he gaue the pzteftes manp gpftes the fPK came Dotone from hcaoen, anD
anDDpuctfc retoaroes : pea, he coke confumeo the burnte ofletpngc : eucn
J «» wa 7«
tbemtoptnbps otoue banDc,auo gaue fo pjapeo Salomon alio, *anD the fpie
them . 3iio jfrebemias called the fame came Dotone from bcaucn,anD cofumcD
place 0ephthar, toincfje is as much to the bur nteofferpngc.3InD d^ofes faiDt
Cape a£ a clcnfpngc:,butmanp mencal becaufe the fpnoff ermgc toas not eate,
it£epb<« thetfoie it is com'mneD.jJnlpke maner
Salomon kept tbe DO)icaciou(oz halo $
C C&e*fu€bapter. topnge)e|>ght Dapcs*
3n the Hlnnotacions anD foittmges C
freto Secern? tun the t abe citaclctbe arcke.aiib of*5 c «mp,toere thefe thpnges put al< ^fffiti
th t aultet in the tjpll. tf>f the. to. bokesot 34(011
COKtapncdiKetiCt { o:anD fjoto ^e maDe a lpbzarp,anD boto hemuC
. »

be gatbcreb out of al countrccs the bo< 0cuertbeleu"e toe dure felucs tbat <C
kes of the pzopbeteSjOf 2DaniD,tbe cpt« baue meoleb toith this matter fo? the
(Iks oftfjc ftpuges,anb of the pjcfctcs. Cboitcnpuge of it , baue taken no una If
Cucn to Juoas alfo , lobe tobat be let* laboure,but great bilpgence,toatcbin*
neo bp experience of toarre , anD f uebe ges ano tcauapleXpkc as tbep f> make
tbmges as batb fiappenco tonto us, lie a f eaft, tooulb fapne bo other men plea*
gatbeteo ttyem all together, anDfo toe furc:<£uen fo toe alfo(foi manp mes fa*
0a u e the m bp b s . J f pe no toe befpz e to kes)ace bcrp toel content to take the la*
ba ue the fame,f cube Tome hoop to fetch boure,tobete as toe tnape ftoutpe com*
them Unto pott , accbcrcas toe then piehcnoe, the tbpnges that other men
areaboutc to telebzate the pntif tear t^ b'auctrulptoipttcn.
on, toe haut iwpttcii bntc pou . ^bet* jfoi he that bupibc than boufeaneto,
foze pe Ojal pf pe kepe the fame mud pzoupbcfozmanp tbmges, to the
oo toe!!,

bapes »hope alfo, that tfje ©oo tohole buplbpngc:but be tbat paintettj
(tohtehe belpuercb his people ,anD gaue it a ftei;toarbe,feketb but ouelp tobat is
thcni all the heritage, UpngDomc,piieft comlp,mcte anb c on u en tent to gaenrfbe
s»ow^,<nj 0DC anD ^anctuatpe * tbat be pzo< it toitbal.Cue fo bo toe alfo in ipke ma<
mpfeb tbemin the la toe jfljall ft)oztelp tier . anb mtjp t i^e tbat begpnnctb to
baue mercp Upon bs,ano gather bs to< toipt* a Itou' fox t\)i fpittc , mufte tottb
gcthct from bnoec the beauen in to bis bts bnbcrftanbpnge gather the matter
help place : foibcbatbfaucbbs from to getb t r,f et bis too^tbes in 02b:e , anb
great parcls ,anb hath clef cb the place. Dilpgcntlp f eke out of eucrp parte: sue
£> as concctnpngc Jubas flt^acha* be tbat after toarbe toil fljoiten it,bfetb
beus anb bis btctbun, the puctficacp« feto toozoes, anb toucheth not the mat*
on of the greate temple. the bebicacpou ter at the lar gtcG let this be ruff met.

ofthcaultcr,pea, anD ofptoacces that for a pzologe noto topi I toe begpnne to

*,^«t. 6,a f oncetnc noble aintioebus ano* £ upa* Ojctoe the matter : foz it is but a folpuje
tet Ins f onne,of g tbpnpngcs tbat came thing to make a longe pzologe , anb to
ootonc from beauen bpotbofc, tonpebe be fljouc tn the ftozpe tt f elf e
manfullp befenbeb tt)t Jctocs . for C.^Cbcui. Chapter.
though tbep toere but fctoe, pet befeoeb £>f tlje Donoucc none ton to tUe temple bp tlje ftf«*
ges of ti)t&cnv?\ts.&imoii utteceto toOat tua*
tbep the tohole lanbe , Dzoue atoape the Tuce is in t tjc temple. ©
ci iodoiu5 i« rente to take

emmpes bod, recoucreb agapne § tern* t»^atoape.©e tsttcpbcu of i3uO , atiDtjcaUDat

ple,tbat teas fpoken of tbozoio oute all t^eptapecof^Dtuas.
the toozlbe,belpueteb tt)t cpt^,uopn%e ^attimeastbeboipct^
tbepi bed tbat tf)t later of tbe Home [itietoas inhabit eb in all
toiwtje'ojas put oo tone, mrgbte toptb [peace anotocalthe,ano
ell tranquflpte be r eft ozeD agapne bn* |tobcn§ latoes toere pee
to tf)t ^ozoe.tbat toas fo metcpful bin jber?toetlkcpte»(£o;fo
to them . aistoucbpngcjafonajfoof

5 toas it ozbeneb bp ®m$

Cpzen,tocbaue imoer taken ronpenop* as p bie pzteft $ other goolp \m,t toere
oudp to bzpngc in to one boke , $ tljpn =
enemies to toickebne$»; Jt came tbec*
ges tbat toere compubenoeD of bpm tit to * tbat euen tbe kpnges $ pzinces tbJ
, -^* c *"
fpue i $01 toe ronfpberpuge the mu ltp<
tuDt Of p bofceg * b o to ha toe it ajoulbe

f clues m tbe place great too;Onp, anb

garniibeb tbe tepie toith great gpftes:

be f o: tb em
p tooulb meble tottb (touts |n fo much p ^eleucu.g kpnge of 3IU3
anb actes ( $ tbat becaufe of To bpuerfe of bis otone rentes bare all tbe codes
matters) bane bnbertaken fo to topie* bclongpnge to tbeferupce of f off cm*
^cnbe the dozpes: tbat f uch as are bpf< gt8.'«Ihen*^tmonoftbctrpbeof]5c^.^«^i
pofeb toreabe, mpgbtebaue pleafure 3 anun,a ruler of tbe temple, lab oureo
anb padp mc therms tbat tbep tobicb e to ozeke foinc mtfchuf e in § citpe:but
are biligent in fucb tb inges, might ttft tbe bpe pzteft reftdeb him.
better tbmeke bpon tl)em:pen,miD tbat jfteiiertbeleiTe toben be might not
tobof oeuer reabe them, might baue pzo< ouercome £>nias be gat bpm to * %p* a,&«u.

fpttbeebp. polomus tf)e fonne of cb«fa ( tobpche


#fttje^aclja&ee& fiolwi.
«;c h teas cbt ef e lozdc m
Celofpzta ant) beattc rjfojtbiscourtfchaunceand tbe
^bcntces Jano tolde bim,tbat tbe trea^ cbaunginge of bis coloute,dcclar«d tbe
ttup m 31etufaltm teas full of inn tunc # intoatoe fozotoc of bps ma
cable moncp,anb fjoto that the comons toas all in beupneff c , and bis bodpe in
gooocsc tobiebe belonged not bnto the f care: tobetbp tbep tbat lotted bpo bim,
ct?erpuges)toere crccadpnge great ab migbt pecccaue tbe grief e of bts heart.
fo:pca, ano botoc tt Ujccc polTp blc, tfja> %\) e otber people alfo came out of tbetc
all tbef c might come bndc t tbe Up tig es boufes bp beapes ditto tbe comon p?a u
potoer* ec.bccaufe tbe place toaslpfteto come
36 $oto toben Klppoionf us bad Oje; in to coufufion. Sbe toemen came toge*
(bed tt>e ftpngc of tbe mbnep , as t 1 teas tbet tboioto rue frrctes , ti) bccarie clo*
toldcbpuKtijeftpngc called foz l^elto*
Do? us anb rent bim tmtb
bis ftctoatde,
tbesaboute their bzeftcg.
Cbe birgins alfo tbat toete ftcpte


acommaundement, to bzpngc btm tbe iu,tanne to €>nias, Tome to t\jt toalles,

fame money. Jmmcdtatlp ^eltodoius other Tome lofted out of tbe topndotoes:
toae fits loucncp , but btidet a eoloutc, pea, tbep all bclde dp ttyit baudcsto*
as tbottgb be tooulde go tbojoto Celo< toaroc bcauciuinD pzaieo.3 mpfetablc
fpzta ano jabentces to of fct tbe cities, tbpnge toas it, to Joke bpon tbecdmott
but bis putpofe teas to fulfpl tbe kpn< people and tbe bpe pzieQ bepnge in fucb

gee pleafute. ^o toben be came to 3fe< trouble, ©tit tlft^ befougbt aimigbtpe
uifalem , anb teas loupuglpe tcceaued dt»od,tbat tfft goodes tobicb toete com*
of tbt bpe pzieft into tbe cttpe : be telde mptted bnto tbe,mpgbt be ftept tobole;
tohat toas OetecmcD concernpnge tbe f oz tbof e tbat bad oelpucted tb cm bnto

monep, 9 fljetoed tbe caufe of bis com* tbeic fteppnge* $eucttbclelTe tbe tbing
tnpnge: beafftedalfo, pf it toete fotn tbat ^citoDozus mas detennedto do,
dcde.cbe v W PJieft tolDe btm, f tbere
monep laped dp
tbat petfourmed be in tbe fame place,
teas fucb foz § opbol* be bpm felfe petfonallp bepnge about?
Dpngcof teeddotoesfifatbctleiTe cbPl* tbe treafutp \oitf) bis men of toarrc.
&.en,t* bob) tbat a cettapne of ft bclon* But tbe fpttite of almpgbtpc (dob tya
get) Onto Bpzcanus Cobtas a noble toed bim felfe openlp, lo tbat all tbe?
ma:frt&atofalp monep(tobtcbe£ topc< tobicbepwf timed to obep i^clpodoius,
feed £>pmon bad b£tojapcd)tberetoere felltbozoto tbe potoec of <Bob into a
titt.btmdzctb talentcs of fpluc t,auo .ti* gtcatefeaifulnciTcanddiedc • * jfoz «.«?«.
ljundzctb of goldc:pca,and tbat ft to ere tbcte aptaced bnto tbem an bozfe,toitb
Dnpofltblc f o? t bofe mens meaupnge to a tctrpble ma fpttpnge dpd bim,decftte
be or f ccaucD, tbat bad lapeb tip tut in goodlp arape,and tbe bozfe f mot e at
tnonep in tbe place ano temple ( tohtcbe ii^clioDozus toitb bis fozc fete* ^oto be
IsbaDtntooiEbpp tboiotoe tbe tobole tbat fat bpon tbe bozfe, bad barneffe of
toozloc ) f oj tbe mapntenaunce ano bo* goloe bpon bun*
nourc of tbe fame, xeber tint o^ilt ooo^ <^ozeouet tfjete appea ted* iU fapze
tus anf tocrco ,tbat tbe ftpnge baD com < and beutpful pounge men in goodlp a*
maunded btm in anp topic, to bzpngc tape, tobicb ftode b^ bim,fcoutged bim
btm In the monep. of both t\)t fpdes, and gaue bim manp tt.dpac.iM
C feo at tbe oape appopnted , It^elio* flrppes toitb'out cealTpngc.*axitb tbat
Dozus entree in to the temple to ozdet fel ^eliodozus fodclp bnto § groundc*
this matter * jgtit tfjetc tuas- no fmall ^o tbep tofte bim bp(bepnge compaf*
feate tbozotoout tbe tobole cttpe» Cbe fed abonte toitb gteate datcftneHe)aud
p^teftts fell Dotone before tbe aulrctin bate btm out bpon a beare CbusbetC.
their t)cfJpmcntcs,anD calleb onto bca* tbat came toitb f o manp tunnets $ men
w. 6 uen opon b mi,* tobicb bat) made a lato of toattc in to tbe fapde tteafutpe toas
concetnpnge Ruffe gtttcn to hepe , tbat boznc out.tobcte as no ma mpgbt belpe
tbep Qjouloe be fafelp pzefetucd , foz bpmtand fo tbe potoet of <sod toas ma#
fucb as cotnmitte tb cm bnto fcepp ngc. npftftand fcno tone, i^e lap ftpll domme
ffiben tobofobab lofted tbe bpe pzicft alfo bp tbe potoet of <££)£> , deftp«
in tbe fa^c , it tooulde banc gteuco bps tuteofallt)opeandlpfe . and tbep
pzapfeb tf)e lozbe , t&at be b&& fljetoeb bao moucD ^cltoDottw bnto this, nnD
tys po toer Upon bis' place anD temple, as bougb be bao bene a bitnger Up ot

tubicbe a Iptle afoie toas full of fcacc cueU-Cbus toas be not au^ameo to call
auD trouble: ano tt)at ttiozotai Vt)t ceue* bun an cnempe of tlje rea(me,tbat toas
lacfoii of tbe alnngtjtpc JLoiDcit toas f faptbful an ouerfeec anD DefenDcr ot

fpIlcD toi t() tope anD glaonelfe. ibecitie $ of bis people: pea,$ fofcruct
%\)cn cectapne of ^cIioDo2us ften* in tfjc latoc of ue>od * i&ut toben tl)t ma*
bes pxapcD ©mas, tbat in ail f;aftc be ltcc of pinion increarcD fofarrc, tbat
tooulDe call Upon ©oD, to graunte bun tbojo to bijs frenDes tbcre toere certaine
luSli>fc,tobtcbc toas geupnge Up tbe manQaugbters commptteD:€>nias co^
goofr. *po tf)e Ope piicft confpDeteD ttjc ftoereo tbe pareil tbat migbt come tboi
roattct,auD left the fcynge tyouloe fur* roto tbis boto tbat 3JppoIomus
peetc tbat tbe jfletocs bao Done i^eiio* (namelptbe cbtefelotbe in celofpzia
fcoitis fome cucutjc off t eD an bealtbof* ano }&benices)toa s all fct Upon tp:au<
ferpngefozbim* $oto toben tbe bps- up, anD Simons malpce incrcafeD tbe
pzicft baD op tcpncD bis petition, f fame famer^cgatbimto tbe fepnge, not as
pbnge me in tbe fame clotbpnge appear an accufer of tbecttcfins, buta^one
teD,$ ftoDe befpDe t^elpoDozus ,faping: tbat bp bim felfe in tcnocD tbe common
wfax* ^bancfee 4E>nias tbe bpe pzfeft,foz*bi0 toealtb of tbe tobole multituDe * jf 02 be
if fafeebatbtbe lozDe graunteDtbetbP fa to it toas not poUible to lute in peace,
Ipfe:tbetfoze fepmjc p <©oD batb fcouc* netber ^pmon
to icaue of from bis fo>
gtD tbe gene fjim pzapfe anD ttjancttes,
Ipu^neiTe, ejeceptc f ftpng DpD lofee ttyu
anDfljetoecuetp man bismig'gt$pos to* $ut aftet tbe Deatbe of &eleucus, 15
tocc 3nD toben tbtr ft aDrpofeentbcfe
. toben ^ntiocbus ( tobicbe ts calico tbe
tuozDcs tbep appeared no moze. uoblejtofeetbekpngDome : Jafontbc
§>o i^dioDouis offeree) Unto aoD, bzotber of ©mas laboutcb to be bpe
maoe great u o hies Unto bun , tobscbe p«eft:f 02 be came bnto tbe ftpnge,ana
bao g taunt eD bim bis Ipfe , tbauctuD piomrfeD bim tbze bunDzetb*
£)ntas, tofee bis ijooft , 5 to cut agapne lentes of fpluer, anD of tbe otber rentes
to t^e fepngc Cfjen reftifpcD tje Unto c« irrr. talcutes jsefpoes tbis be pzomp^

uerp man of tbe great toojefees of ©od, feDbpmpetan»c»anD»JL. pf be mpgbte

tbat be baD fetie too biS epes*3nD torjen baue tbe fcole of tbe cbt!D2en anD tbat •

t\)t fepngcsaffecD j^eiioooius tot>o toere be migbtral tbcui of Jerufalem Mntiot

mete to be feut pet once agapne to Jc< ciuans aCDbtcbe toben tbe fepnge baD

t ufalcm ,bc fapoe:pf tbou ban anp cue* graunteD, 9 be baD gotten tbefupetio*
mp oz aouerfarye Unto tbp realme.feoe tite,be began immebiatlp to D:a toe bis
bpm bpt!jcr,anD tbou fjpalte banc bpm
t fepnfemen to tbe cuftomc of tbe t^eatbe,
puupfteDjPf be efcape toitb bis Ipfcifo; put Dotone tbe tbinges tbat tbe Jetoes
in that place(no ooute)tbere is a fpeci* bao let bp of loue ,bp Jofm tbe fatber ot
ai potocr ano toozfepngc of cdoo* jf 01 be Cupoiemius, tobicb toas rent embaiTp'
tbat Dtoclletb in beauen , Upfptetb anD toure Unto ttome, f 02 to make tbe boDe
Defenbetb tbat place: anD all tba t come of f tenDlbpppe ano loue* $e put Dotone
to Do it barme , be punptyetb $ plagetb alitbe jetscsanD ilpbetties off Ju
tbcui iCbts is noto tbe matter concern toes,ano fct up tbe topcfeeD ftatutes.^ef ;
npnge l^clioDozus, auD tt?c feeppuge of Durtt make a fpgbtpnge fcole UnDer tbe
t(?e treafutp at Jecufalem. caftel, ano fet fapw ponge men to {erne
^Cbe*iiii.€bapter» tbe mailers of tobows anD bioDds.
$imon tepoif ctb cud of £>ma s 31 afon atfjn tit g
Cbis toas noto t^t begptinpnge of C 3
t&e office of t!)C Die pxtctt couuptol; fljchpngc tt)t anD ftraunge conuerfa^
toitl) cettatots. 2Tpc top cl$coJ afort.
ttttcttt of cioii,b2ougbt in tbozoto § Ungracious
pis^imounoto(of*tobome ano Unberoe topcfeeDneffe of Jtafoti,?
jtoefpafeeafoze)bepngeabe* towci? OjoulD not be calico a j^ireil, bun
jtoiaperof tbemonep^ofbPS an UnguDlp perfonne* Jn fo mucbtbac
Jotone natural countre,repo2< tbc.piie.fc3 toere noto nomoze otttipp*
Ut> tt)t too^ft of £>nias : as tywgbt ^e cd aboute t
ty f ecupce of tt^e am tecbtt*
©f tije 0utibti>tt& tfttotiti.
ctfppfeb the temple, tegatbeb not the the tozath of a fot'lbe biuu beau\*Cbe «»« .
cfferpnges:£ea, gaue their bplpgence Jafon(tohiche bab bifceaueb hps otone
2,w " b

to leatne to fpgbte, to tozalrie,to leape, toiotbet/etng that he hpm felfe toasbe*

to baunce,anb to put at tijc (tone : $ot gpleb alfo,toas fapne to tie into lanoe
Cctt^nge bp the bononte of the fathers, of the ammonites, ano *3j}emlau£ gat
but Ipfceb the gfozp of the vjDcekes jjcft the bomtuton . 2Sut as fo^t the moucp
of all : tfoz the tobpcbe tbcp fttoue pet* thathehabp?ompfeb bnto thefepnge,
Iou0p , and toere greope to foloto tbcpz he DVD nothpnge therm, toben ^oftra*
ftatutcs,pea,tbclt luft toas in all tbpn* tus the ruler of the caftell rtquiteb tt
ges to be Ipfee them, tobicbe af o:c toete of him jFot£>oftratus toas the man
their enemies anb be ft ropers idc be ,m that gatheteb § cuftorn^; mherfo^e thep
it to do topcUeblpe agapnft the latoe of toete both calleb before p &mge.(Cbw$
(Bob fl)al not ci tape bnpunifljcbJbut of toas d^enelaus put out of fpztclitjoD,
this toe fljallfpcake bete after* anb ^tfimachus hps brother came in
w aoobat tpme as the * citmptnDes hps fteabe « ^oftratus alfo toas mabe
f P°J res &*" Ptope& at Gp;ti8(§ fcpnge loiDeottf)cC«p?taiiS»
iDcteMpt hpm felfe bepnge pzefent)thps bngta* 3 1 happentb m the meane feafon,that
eutcp fifs ciotts 3Jafou fent toiefceb men, beating theCharfians anb ^allocians mabe
( tm t-jj m of 3ern(alcm( tobicbe notoe tnfurreccion, becaufethep toete geuen
toete calleo amttocbians) » ttt.c,bzacb* fo* a pjefente into fcpnge aintiochus if
mas an orTerpngc Unto
of fpluer foz concubpne^hen came the fcpnge in all
percales (Cbefe bab tbep tbatcatpeb ftplithem agapne , ano to pa*
tbem s befpzeb bnber ruche a faU)iou,as cifpe the matter \ leauinge ^tiD^ontcus
though theptyoulbe not hauc bene of* there to be hps bebtte,as one mete ther*
fereb, butbeftotoeb to other bfes . 0u foie^otoe^penelaus fuppofmge that
tiettbeleOe he that fent them, Tent them hehabgotteanghtc6ueniettime,ftole
to the intent that tbepfljouibe beoffe* cettapne bcflfetles of golbe outeofthe,
teb bnto j^ctculcs . mt
bpcaufe of teple j anb gaue the to aino jouicus f oj
tbofetbat mete pzefent, tbep toete ge> a picfcnt : anb fome he foibe at £puis
cten as to the mafepnge of fljf ppes.amb anbiu thcciucsthetcbp.
SOppoIonius the fonne of $eftcus toas acohpehetohen^Dnias fenctoe foza
tent into Cgppfc , bpcaure of the noble fuectpe,he tepioueb hpm: but he fcepte
Inen of fepuge ^tolomp ^bilometoz* hpmina ^>anctuacpe befpbe 3E>apb*
^otoe toben Hlmiocbus petceaueo that nis,that Ipcth bp 3Bntpoche. dODherfoje
&e toas put outeftom mebipnge in the tipmtiasB gat him to2BnbzoiHcus,ano
tealme, he fought fcps otoue pzof pt,be# piapebhrmthathe tooulbe flapecnu^
pattcb ftoin tbece came to Joppa, ano
5 as*^o tohe be came to €>«ias,be tw\u
then to 3etufale":tobete he toas honour celeb hpm craftelpe to come oute of
tablpe teceaueo of Jafon 9 § citte anb £>anctuatp geupnge him his hanbe
fc ,
brought in xb tozebe Ipgbt 9 toiife
toaja! topth anoth(hotoe be it befufpcct&tni)
great pzapfe:anb fo be toutueb bpa boft anb theuhc fletoe <Dmas, toithoute aup
into ^hem'ces* tegatbe of tpgbtuoufucs, j[oz the tohi<
Sifter* tit.pcare Jafon fent g&tnt* che caufe not ontp the 3|etocs but othec

.a^taus^hefojefapbe Simons bzotber, nations alfo tofee inbignacion , 9 toete

to beatc § monep bnto the fcpnge,anb bifpleafebfoz^ btitightuous beathof
tohzpngebprnanftoete of. other necef* fogoblpaman*
Carpe matters $ut he( toben he toas ainbtohenthefepnge toas cornea*
pzapfeb of the fcpnge, foz magntfipnge gapnefcom Ciltcia, the Jetoes anb^
ofbps potoer)toutneb the ^zteftbobe cettapne of the ©ttfees toent bnto him,
into him felfe,laptnge bp»iti*c»taleu< complapnpnge fo; the bntrgbtuous
tes of f piu er for 3}af on ^0 toben he Death of £>nias* £ea,3!nttocbus hPni

bab gotten commaunbementes ftome. felfetoas fozp in hP0 mpnbe foz £>ni<
the ftpnge , he came haupnge nothpnge as,fo that tt pptptn hpm, anb he toepr,
that beepmmeth a pzteft,but bcacpnge temembzpng his foberne$ 9 manern> 9
l&eftomacfceofa ctuell tiratmte, anb bebautoute, $$\) etf ou be bias fo binb>

Icb Mi* nipnoe
, W be commaunbeb temapneo
out of bP«
to be fttppeO
ftpll in
rpnge tn malpce,to «>e buttc of
*" cr '**

purple clotbpuge , anb fo to be leb tbo* Cptejpns.

cotueoutalltbccitie: pea,anbtbebn<
gracious man to be(la?nc intbefame

piace,tofjere be commtttco bps toic&eo* ^f *ri 8n csani> toiicns rmem 3jccuf«icm . ©e

t 0ccHOc*offcu«of3lafott.*0cpuui*tof
tthUS tbC JlOtfK tt>
b« p« ^ment,as be bao
*gg^t**»*. ** «*•«*
DcfcrucO./frouje toficu UtOmacnus bab
cone manpe topeftco beocs in tbe tcm> Ctbefeme tpme 3Btitf*
pie tboiouu tbe couticcl of ^enclaus, ocbus mabe bpm felce *
anb tbe bopce came abioDc: tbe multp* jteabptogoeagapnctn*
tuut gatbetcb tben togctbet agapnfte to Cgppte . flCben u" 8
jUtimac' be &ao catpeb out now tbece fene at Jerula^
mucbegolbe. Jlein «r! bapes longc,
$s>n mben tbs people atofe , anb toete boi;tmen tunnpnge toanb fto uube
full of bifpleaiute, nifimacbus acmeo ap*e,nmieue m^uwu
bab rapment
apxc, tobicne ijau w
of golDt ano
^uiu^miv 5

v lU^.Dntbtif tcs to cefebe bpnr.a cet< fpeatcs.'Cbete toete alfo fene tobole bo*
tapne tpiauhte bepnge tbeft captapne, ft C g of me tocapeneo ( 5 boifcs
tobicbc teas gtottcu botfy In age ano man oiote , boiue tbep came together,
toooonea"e.J5ut\Dbcn the people Dnbct4 jjotuetbep b^lbe foitt>e tfjepj fljplbes,
ttobe tbe purpofe of ttf uuaclms , fome t^ toe tbe barnciTco men bjeto out tbeis
gat ftonf fonie goob fttonge clubbes,
(toetbesanb 0>t tbett batten*
anb feme cafte atycjaiftpon toponlifu q^e fljfne of tbe goioen tueapens
machus ttnus tbete toete manpe of teas fene ,a no of all matter of atmoure,
tftem toouiibeb,fome betnge flapne.anb aocbetf oje euetp man p£aieo,tbat tbofe
ell tbe other cbafco a toape . tf ut as f 01 tokens tiipgbt toucne to goob . 0otoe
tbe toiefteb cburcbtobbet bi fclte , tbep tobm tb«e teas gone foitbe a falfe tu<
feplleb belrbc p treai'utp. £>f tbef e
bpm mour e,as tfjotigb Jtrtiocbus bab bene
matters ibctifojc tbere tuas fccptc a Deeb,3lafontoheatbou4anoemen,anD
cout te agapuft gpcnclaiiB* 0otoe tobe" came fobeulp bpoii tbe cptie. cljecptei
tbe ftpnge came to nvius , tbep tnaoe fpns tanne Unto tfte toalles , at tbe laft
O coplatnt unto b im of ^euelaus,coiu teas tbe cttte taaen,anD ^entlaus fleo
cetnpnge tbrs butpntffc, anb tbe cm< into tbe caftell.

baffvtours toerctbje* ©ut vl^enelaus 315 fot "Jaton, be fpateb not fjp* ^
tdtnt anb picmrltb ^tolon.ptogeue otonccttcjinsin tbe aaugbtcr,nethee
Ijpmmucfenionpe, ptbt tooulbepet« conftoeteobetobat great euell it ioere,
f uabe tbe kpnge.^o ptolomp
tocnt to to D t ft tope be pzoipe tit e of bps o'me

tbe ftpnge Into a courte(tobete as be ftpnfmembut bpb as one tbat bab got^
teas fet to cole bpm)aub bjougbtebpm ten tbe blctojj'e of bps enemies, ano
out ot that roy nee. jiti f muebe rba be not of bps ft euoes. f oj ail tbps gat be
tifcbargcb ^Benelaus from tbe accu* not tbe fupcrioiite , but at tbe lafte te*
f actons tbat not topibflanopnge teas
, reaueb confufion fot bi's malpce , ano
taure of all mtrcbtefe : anb tbole pooie *flcb agapne lifte a bagabounoe into J
men, tobicbe pf tbep babtoloe tbep? lanbe of the ammonites.
e aufe^pea^efoie tbe ^ctbians , tbep ifinallp : foi a tetuarbe of ops topo
Ojulb bane bene iuD^tH mnoccnt,tbcm ftcbncflTe , be teas accufeo befoie ace*

fieconbemnebtobeatb. tbatb«ftpngeoftbe acabtans: Jnfo

tcbus toete tbep foone punptljeb, mucb $ he teas fapne to ttee ftom cprpe
tobicbe folotoeb bppon tbe matter fot tocptie,bcingebefppfeb of eucrp man
tbe citie,foi tbe people , anb fo; tbe bolp as a toifaJur of tf)t iatoes , ano an ab*
toeffell. cobctefoie tbep of CP^us tofte bomlnable pctfonnc . ano at tbe lute
fnDi3nation,anb butpebtbem bonou? (asanopeneneni^e of b?somnen*tu*
rablpe. tnD fo tboioto tbe con eto times tal couture ano of tye Citejinsj^e toa^s
of t^em tbat tocre in potoec^eucUus Diiucututo^gppte.
tljc$lacljaucc& jFoLjttiffj.
Cbusbc that afo?e put manpc out rpleD, ttfyall be fette top tnhpe tour*
of djcit otont uattue lanoc pc tifljeb f to
fl;pppc agapnc*
liomcbnn tocnno jLaccDtmo,
Cclrc.ipe fe»o tobui amttocbus bao taken a.^* -
tbpncbpugc there to banc gotten fuc* atiD.biti.C.taltntis out of tbe temple, ^
court Up r caf on of bpnccDc* anD be that be gatbpm to antiocbe in all tbe bade,
afo?e bao caff cu manpc o u t unbu rpco, cbpnbpngc mbps p?poe, tbat be mpgb(
toas tbxo torn outc bpm fclfe , no man make men faple upon tbe D?pe ianDe,
tnoutnpngc f o? br m, hoi putimgc lum anD to goe t)pon tbe fea , fuche an bP*
in bp e g auc:<bo tt?at be neither cmop* mpnDe bao be* h)t Icftc Debitcs ttjece to

eO the burtall 01 a trrafigcr,nctbcc teas Utte tbe people :dt Jerufalem lettebe
hi petrahet or bp» fatbets (cpulcb?c* l&btltppc a pb?Pgt^» 3 i« mauers mo?e
jftotoe to tun tl?ts toae Done § hpnge c tucil tbe btm tWe^fetbtm tbere:2IC
C (ufpectc,tbat the Jctocs u.ottiti l?fine barium left be 5nD?on(cus 9 yl^euela*
fallen from fjym: ao. l>ct io?c be came in u5,U)!;icbbcre mo?e gtcuoustopep>
fl 8 tcat &' rPlcaCurc out ot <£gppt,*anD testis tben otbec * iftotue as bt bias lc&k J,e
».w«* .
tollc ^t c C j t(£ ^
titolence . $e commatb tbus fet tn malpce agapnft tbe 3iei»es,
OeD bps men ot toar re all o , tbat tfjcp be fent 3'ppolonitiB an bateD p?pnce,^
fljoulDe bpl 5 not (pare, bui 0ap Dotone rni.^D.comaunDingebunto flapc all
(ucb as toithftooe tbem,o? clpmmcD Up tboi'c lucre of perfect age, 9 to fell tbe
fcpontbebourtS. tuomc , mapocus anD cbtiDie. icbtn be
Cbus toas tbete a great daughter came nolo to Jetufalem,bcfaitKD pea^
at pongc mc",olDcmcn,toomcn chtlD?cn ce 3 bept bim ftil bnril $ £>abotb Dap*

eno bpjg1nes.3tMu.Dapt s tocce there 3Bud tbe be camauDcD Ins me to take tbe
flapne let* tboufauDe, fourrpe tbou* to tbeir toeapens(fo? f Jjctucs bept bo*
fanbe put , anD no kfff loloe.
in pipfon Iv Dap)^ To be flctoc all tbe* p mere gone
fa toas fit not content uuth tins , but f o?tb to p open plane, tuniuge bete anD
burft goe into the mod boip teplec ^t> there tboxom y citte tb bis men Uieape^
nciaus tljat rraptout totbelatocsaiiD ncD,$ murtbcreD a great uubie* * ffiut l ^" «.:«

f o bis otone natutall countre , bepuge juDas g^acbabcus tobicb bias § t$tb t
bpsgpDe)anD toitb bps topcbeD bans fleo into § toplDemes, leD bts Ipfe there
fces tobe be belp e Dcllell , tobicbe other \b bis c 5 panp amongc ? toilDe bcaftcs,

ItpngcsanD cptie0 bab gcuen tbitbec anD Dp5 § mou- apnes,Dtoell(nge there,
% o; t5e gatnifijinge anD bonouu of the anD eatpnge grau"e,lea thep Ojouloc be
Glace,tbcm tooke be tn bt$ banDes im« partakus of the fpltbpnes*
too?tbclp,anD DcfplcD them. %btM Cbnpter#
£>omaDDc teas jutiocbus,tbatbe
fflje 3lctocs ate coinpelleb to leauc p lata of f5oD*
^ coniiDcttD not jjoicc j> goo mas a iptle i'tjcreiJicisDCfiliD.iOcccaDccfiarcmomtDeD^
pfpnnes ot tljcm that Dtoeit
to?athe fo? ti)i? coal not abtjoxte f a&uctfitc toijctii f koibt
affiiutty t!;e. Atic gtcuouc paptte of eicajatus*
in the eptte,f o? tbe tobtebe fucbe contu>
fion came Uj; on tlmt place.* 2fnD tolnv £>t longe after this, fent tbe
*•*»*»• bpnge a meflangec of a nti>
If it bab not bappeneb tbem to baue :

BeuetappeD (u maitpe fpnncs,tbps $n* othc,fo?tocopclp Jetoesto
tiocbusCasfooncasbe bao come)bau Jaitre^o?Dmauccs of tbe fa^
foDcnlp bene puntu)CD,anD Ojottcout to Defile p rem*

tbers 9 $ la toe ot <j5cD ,

*flp«r.5.6 fo? bps ptef/umpcion , * l?be as ^clic* pic § toas at 3!erufale, 9 to call it p tii
corns toas, tobom ^acleucus (be bpng pie of Jupiter €)ltpius:a p thep tyulDe
Cent to robbe tbe tteafurpc. &tuit it)t< be in <tn ja t tboi'c tobicb Dtoell at
lee <^oD batb not cbofen tbe people fo? the place ofJuptf er § bet bcrous.^bui
tbe places fake , but tbe place fo? tbe toicbeDfcDictooftbe bngoDlp toasbe#
peoples fabe:anb tbcrcfo?e is tbe place up bpo al § peoplc:fo? § teple toas full
become partaker of tbe peoples tcou< ofuoluptuoufnes.fctbbingsbolpngoC
ble, but aftertoarue tyall ttcniope tbe the i^eatbtn. of rpbauDes, charlottes
toealtbc of tbcm.^nD Ipbe as it is no toe togetbec.Cbe toeme toeut tutopbolpe
f otfaben in tye to?atbe of 36lmpgbtpe places bate in $ toas not lauf ulU cbc
©ob,fotobentbc great <Eod ts tccotn aultec alfo toas f ul of uuia uf nil thing J

tom p* latoe fotbfbDetb to laptops Ojame, offereD t)fm fclfe fopflpnglpe to
be fame p be
Cbe £>abotbtjS toere not Kept , £ otber tt;e mattpzoo. $oto toben
go toUe tt Pjcient*
roUpiie f eaftes of £ la"D toere not regar* mult ncDes to , b*

b tjm felt
bco.Co be plapne,tbere Dtirft no m* be lp:fot be toas at a popnet

aUnotocugbetoasaJetoe.JngDape tbat be tooulDe content to no bulaufuii

of g bpnges bittb tbep toere comptlleD tbinge foi anpc
pieafute of lifcCbep £
pitie (but
patfozee to offtc 9 tobe f feaft of ©a* ilooe bv bepnge moucD toitb
cbHB toaa ftcpte,tbcp toete confttapneD not arigbt)foz tbe oloe ftenbw
of tbe

to totare gariSDes of pupe,** fo to go a? ma,tohe bi afpDe pziuelp, 3 P^apeD i)im a

tbat be tooloe let rucbe flety be biougbt
bout foz tbe bononc of ©acbus.
gBoitottec tbozoto f cotlcel of £telo* bim as toere lauful to eate, auD tben to
mplbete toe't out a comafiDemet in tbe mafce a countenaOcc as tbougb be baa
fleaoje of tbe (acrpf ice Ipbe
lujct cities of tbe be atbe, f tbep OjoulDe eaten of tbe
fo be imgbt
entreat tbe"letocs in liKe mauccmame* as tbe fcpnge comauDeD,foz
be Delpuereo from oeatbtf fo foz tbe olD
IP to copell tbe foz to 00 factifice after
tbe latocs of tbe <setiles:*tobofotoolD ftcnofljip oftbeman
not,to put tbem to oeatbe 8 ppteous fticb fepnones . >3ut be began to confp>
tfjing Has tEbetc toere.ii.too*
it to fee . Dec biff Difccct 9 bonozable age,bts no*
inen accufco to banc circumctbcD tbctr ble 9 toozOjf pful ftocfce,? boto $ fro bPj
ronncs,tobom tobtn tbep baD IcD tofiDe poutb top be bao bene of an boneft artt»
about tbe ctttc(tbe babes bangpngeat gooDconuetfacionrpta^otocoirautf
tbeic bzeftesMep cad tl;e Dotone beaD* lp be baD Hepte tbe ozDinauce$ 9 latoes
Ipngcs ouet tbe toalles. <feomef toete cimauuDeD bp dE>oD,tobccefoze be gaue
crept into oennes 9 bao ftcpte tbe ^a* tbe tbis anftocte, 9 fapDerpet bao J ra* •

botb toere accufeo Unto BbilfPPMiiD tnerftcfte belapeDinmpgraue** Jfo£

becommetb not mptte age( fapo &e)iir
taint u\ tbe fpze:becaufe §foz tbe feace it

cf<EODtbepfeept$c6mauDemgtfoftif* auptoifetooiffemble , tobecbpmanpe

lp,3 tooulD not Defence tbe" felues.jftoto potige perfones mtgbt tbpncbe,§ eiea»
% befeeb altr>oft tobicb teaD tbis boke, jar being* Ijcjcf . peare olbe 9 ten toere
tbat tbep refute it not foi tbefe falles of no toe gone to a ft taunge !pf e : 9 fo tbe*
aDueriite : 9 iuDge tbe" tbpngesCp ate roto mine ppocnfp(foi a litle tpme of *
happcntDMojno Dcfttuccton,but foz a ttanlitozpelite)tbcpmigbte beDtfcca*
cbaftenpnge of ouce people . 3nD tobp^ ucD:bp tbis meanes aifotrjulDeJ Dettle
axbcn<0oDfuflftetbnot finnets ionge imneage,^a&eitab!)Qimnab!e.tfo:
mpnDe,but u^ozte*
to folotoe tbtit otone tbougb 3! toere notoe DelpucreD f r6 tbe
C iupuiU(5etbtbcm,*itisatofeenofbps tozineres of nun, pet ftouIDe J noter<
rtat l0( .„-,gc fetuDnes* ifoz tbis grace cape the banoe of almigbtp ©oD^ietbep .

baue toe of <50D moze tben otber people, alpue noz DeeD.8K>b£tfozeJ toil Die ma*
tbat be fuffretbnotbs Ionge tofpnne fullp^Doeas itoecomimtbmpneage:
imputing Itae otber naci6s,# mtn § toberbp 3 mape peraoiicnture leaue an
fticb as be poge;
bap of iuDotmet cometb be map puniH) ejcaple of ftcDfaitnJfoz

tbcintbefiiltiesoftbeicfinnes. 3ftoe pfjtbateaop mpnDej mafullpe

b^but be neuer ftp an boneft Deatb foz tbe tpofte too^tbpe
finne }fjc cozrectetb ,

Diatoctbbt^mercp from bs:$ tbougbe anDbolpelatues* &

be punifbc tb Doetb be ne* iOCbcn be baD fapDe tbefe tooozDes,
uer fozfake bpff people $ut let tbps ^ immeDiatip be teas Dzatocn to tbe toz#
toe fiatte fpoken noto tt few toozDes,be
ment.^otoe tbep tbat leD bpm 9i toere
mtlDt a litleaf oze,bega to tafte Dtfplea*
foi a toaminge 9 eroztacion of tbe bca<
tben.Botoc topll toe'eome to tbe Dccla* fute becaufe of § tooiDes ^ be fapDr^op
ting of § matt er*<£lea?ar one of § pzin< tbep f bougbt be baD rpofce" tbe of an bpe
ttpall fectibes an ageD man anD of a
minDe ©ut toben be toas in bps mar<
toell fauouteD countenaunce, toas con-»
ticDom 5 be mourneD 9 tapoe : tEbou(^)
ftraineD to gape tottb open moutb*anD )LozDt)tobicbe baft tbe bolp knotoleDge,
ttoCjd.s a«3 migbt
to eate ftopnes fletbe^ut be Defrzpnge ftno toeft openlprtbat tobete

tatter to Dpe glozpouaptl;etolpue\& be oclpuereD from Deat^Jfuffce tbefe

tlje$tocl)al)ce& tfolxtti
fadjepapnesof mp bobpc:iSut fnmp f oi bis la toes ) in tbe tefurctccion of u
wpnoe 3B am toell content to f uffre tbe\ uerlaftpngelpfe.
bpcaufe -cbus tops man
J feat* tbec • aftet bim, to&s tbe tbitDebabfii
DpeD , If aupngc the meniouall of bps Ocrifton:anD toben be tea $ tequitco,be •

Death foz an sample , not onelpe lnuo put outebps tongue, ano tbat tpgbte
r onge m cn,but Unto al tbe pcoplc,to be roone^olopngefojtbbps banocs ma«
fteofaftanomanlp. a fteofaft faptbc?
f ullpe ,ano fpafee toitb

CC&e,oit.<rbapier* Cbefe baue 3 of beautn , but notoe i a?

3:ijcputuCt)inc:iroftUcrcuebiCtUiC!tanboftljcrc tbe latoe of eoo J ocfppfe tbcm,foj mp
mottjer* ttuftts, tbat^jOjall terra ue them of
i-CbappcncD alfo tbat cbcte bpm agapne. 3fiii (o mucb tbat tbe Utng;
toete leuen fytetbjen(ti) tbcit ano tbep brm mat*
tobiebe toete toitb ,

motbet)tafee, auD compclleD ueleo at tbe pounge mans bolones f ,

J.bptbejtpnge*agapnftetbe be notbpnge tegatOeO papnes. tbe

latoe 3 tocateftotucs flcOjeinamelp fcoitf) ^totoe toben be teas Dteoalfo^bep
reotttges a letbjen mf?ippcs. amo one of Uejceo tbe fouttbe toitb toimentes tti
tbem tobicb teas tbe cfjiefc, fapo:tobat tUc mane r ^>o tobe" be toas no to at

Cekcfttbou,ajiD tobat requite ft tbou of fapo: Jt is bettet p toe being

tos^aisfoiOs^toeaceteaDpe ratfjecto put to Death of men>baue outc hope ano
then to offenoe tbe latoes
f uffre Death, ttutt in (&oD,toi be (ball tapfe Us Up a< j ^n,^«
of<eoD ano tbe fathers'. Chen toas t^t gapue . * 3fls fo^ t\)tt , tI;o u (l;al tc baue
fepnge angcpe,anD baD beate eauioios no tefurreccion to Jpfe.
emo biafen pottes . acbicbe toben tfjcp aino toben tbep bao fpofetn to tbe
toeremaoe bote.immeDiatlpe be com* f?ftb,tbep totmenteo bpm. <li)in lokco
tnaunoco tbe tongue of bpm tbat fpafte be Unto tbe fcpnge.ano fapoe: tbou baft
fpjft to be cut out,to pulle tf)t ffcpnne o* pomcc amonge tncn f oi tbou acta mo£*

net b>'s beaDe, to pace off eoges of b is tall man alfo t^ felfe,to oo tobat tbou
fja noes 9 anD tbat t u tbe fight
f ete:pea, toplt, but tbpnc&e not , tbat 000 bathe
of bps motbecauo tbe otfjet of bis bie* foifalten oure genetactou * 3bpoe thee,
f luen.^oiuc toben be toas cleane mat* tatp ftp l a \o\)¥U, ano tbou Q)alt fee tbe
teD,bc commaunoeo a fpie to be maoe, gceate potoet of odod, botoe be topll pu*
ano fo(tobple tbere toas anp bica tbe in nt a? tbe ano tbp f eoe * SUftet bun tbep
Ijpm)to be frpco in tbe caulDzon. Jn tbe luougbt tbe (i%t , tobiebe beinge at tbe
tobicb tobe* be ba o bene longe papneoj popnt of oea tb,fapoe:©e not iyfceaueo
otbet btcthjen rti Jljctr mother cjcboiteo (^Dbpnge)fojtbpsitoe fuffet fo^oute
l)pm to Die manf ul!p,faping: cbe TLozD otonefafccs,becaurctoe baueoffenoeo
<Eoofl)ail cegacbe tti\> tcutb , ano com* once ©00.3 tbetcfoie matuclous ttyiu
fort Us 3
ipfee as ^©ofes tges ate Q)etoeO Upon UiS . 23 «t tbpnefee
eft if i etb * anD
Dtniji, j occlatetb in bis fonge,fapinge : 3Jno be not p, tobiebe tatteft in banoe to fttiue
toph* bane companion on bps fetuauu * agapnft goo,tbat tbou Cbait efcape Un*
us* punpfljeo.
$>o toben tbe ficCt teas oeeo aftet tbis -CbpsetcellentmotbetjCtooJttbpeto
j5 manet.tbcp biougbtffcconDc to bane betoeltcpo^teoof ,ano bao in temem* ^
fum in be t if ton , puileD (be f & nine top tb biaunce;fatocbetfcucn Tonnes ope in
tbe beer e oner bi'S b eaD ,a no af KeD bint, one oape , ano (uff rco it pacientlp , bp«
pf be toottlDe cate ftopnes fleadjs , oj be caufeoftbe hope tbatQje bao in «5oo:
toete papncD in tbe otbet membzesal? pea^e e.t oztco euetp one f the m in f pc<
Cotbojiotoeoutbps bobpe. ©tithe an* cial,ano tbat boioip ano ftcofaftlp mttf
(toeteD boloipt , ano ravbe : 31 to ?L pa t ("pt toifoome , toabpnge Up bet top*
Doe 2lir fotoasbeto^mentcD
it. t |
uiOje thought toitb a manlp ftomacfte, •

as tbe fpiftc.ano tobtnbe toas cueu at ano fapoe Unto tlmmj can not tel houi
tbegeutrigeop of tbe gbeft be fapoe: pe came in mp toombe, fo?3J neitbec
-Cbou mod ungracious petfonne put? gauepou bieatbnoUoule,nonoi Ipfe*
teft Us no toe to Death, but tbe fcpnge of iopneo tbe membtejs of
3]t is not 31 tbat
tbe tooilDc $ai capfe Us Up( tobicb Opt pout boopestogctbet, but f maketof

tf>e teo£tDc 3 tobicb e faftjioueD the bpxtff ous bpon the fetuautitejg of d5ob : fof
of man,anD begaune all ttipnges.Ciicn thou baft not ptt efcapcD the f uDgment
Ijcalfo ofOps otene incrcpe Ojail geue ofthedEioDtobicbeis almpghtpe, ano
I'ou bzca tb auo ipfe agapne ipfcc as pc fept'bailthpnges. si©p bzetbzen that
notoe regatoe not pout o tone felucs foat bauc f urTteo a litre papue ate notoe Dm
ijis iaiocs rake* Dec tbe couenaunte of euetiaftpng life:
#otoe thought ainifocbujs" tfjat ftje but tbozoto the iuDgemet of <bod, thou
P hao DefppfeD bpm , tbetefo*e f)e Jet tyt tgalt be punplljeD" tight eouOpc fo: top
go toitb net tepzotics , aim beganne to p*pDt.
ejeboite the poungeft (onne( tofnebe pet 3fls foz me(ltfce as mp bzetbzen bane

teas left but D one ) 31 offte mp f oule 9 mp boop foj g

)not oneipe tenth toooiocst,
Ctooiebrito bun toitf) an otbe , that be iatoegotoutc fathers , callpnge bpon
ftouloe inafte bpmarpebe anD a toel> <5od,# he topll foone be metcpf ull bnto
tbp man(pf be too id foifatte tbe latoes outpeople:pea,n toitb papne $puntu>
of bp0 fatbcrs)pea,auD tbat be Qjouloc ment*to matte the gtaunt, that he one* ,.^«,
geue bpm , tobat fo cuet toete heceffarp Ip is Son* Jn me notoe 9 mp bretbzc m
foz bpm.!3ut toben tbe ponge ma teoloe the toiatheof aluipghtpedpoD is at an
not be moueo , fo: all tbe re tbpngeg, be enDe,tobicb tigbteouflp is fallen bpon
rallcD bis motbet , anD counceleD bet to all out people*
fane bet fonts Ipf e.afliio tone be baD ejc< Chen the ftpnge bepnge bpnDleD in
boiteo bet %
manp tooiDJ,u> ptomifcD angte teas mote cruel! bpon bpm then
bpm that Ojc (bouIDe ipcabc onto bet bpon all the otbe t,ano toae tnDignacu
fonne *3>ofljctoutneDbct onto bpm onj be teas fo ipgbtipc tegatoeD # ^>o
(laugbpng the cruel tpiaunt to fco^ne) this pounge man DpeD bnocfilcD , $ put
anD fpaae teptb a bolbe bopce : g> mp hps ttaUt tn the ftoioc. 2La(le of all af«
fonne , bauc pi tie bpon me , f bate tbee tec the fonnes, teas the motbet put to
Ijc^onetbcs m mp toombe , tbat gaue Death this be pnough fpoUcn;
tbe f ttcKe,noiiO}eo tbe anD brought tbe concerniuge tlje offetpnges, anD ejette^
bpbntotbpsagc* inecruclneflfe*
3) befeebe tbefmp forme) loft t bpon
Cflftt* tjfff* Chapter*
fecauen anD card) e $ at tbat is therein;
anD confpDet,tbat<j5ob maoc tbcm anD 31 ul»a s oar i;ctcr f) togctbec \yi 3 booth ^aicatto: 19
mans genetacion of nougbt:s>o matte
ffet agauiC J uoas luoas cjroitctl) t)is f ouDtac*

thou not f care tbps bana;inan 3 buffuf< tWftcsaftecrOcrtJaucpuftOciccucmicstoflisljt
fee Death fteofaftlp, Ipfte as tbp bzcthzc ticutotiige^ rpoples bntof fatt)ccle» $ Dutot^e

bauc DonerfChat J mave teceatte the m toiootoCfi./fttcauoi fliettj onto auttocijus.

gapne in tbe fame metcp topth tbp bze* :^c ItiDas^acbabettS' ™

tbien: iaiiD tW t toete ti) him,
aobpietbe teas pet rpeaftpngc there toctpiiuetpintot) toto<
toozDes,tbe ponge man fapDe : phonic ji«s jtaileD theft feinf f oli
lobe pe f oi f jDChetefozc Do pe tarpef 35 jttes anD fcenoes toge^
topll not obep the ftpnges commaunbt« Jhet.tofte bnto them all
ttuitt a
wet* but the late tbat (Sod gaue bs bp f ucb as cdtimteD pet tnj faptb s lab) of
Ewj4((i(,a s^ofes • 3ls f oi tbee tbat pmagtneft ail the Jetocs,^ brought fojth»bf ^mS.
intf chiefe agapnft § Jetoes.tbou tgaltt §»o tbep calieD butop)LoiDe,thaii
not efcape tbe banoc of ©OB
, fo: tee be tootilDe bane an epe bnto fus people^
fuffte there tbpuges , bpcauft of on re tobic h teas ttoDen Dotene of euetp man:
fpnnes* tobegratious bnto § tepiegtoag t)u
3b.D though <©oD be angtpe to fin bs fileb of the bngooip : to bauc compaiTt*
f a if tie tebpte(fo? oute cbafteninge ano on bpon the Deft rticci on of p citie,tobp '-

cefoutmacfon) pet (Jball be be at one a* the teas Ojozt Ipc ime to be lapoe toaftej
?apne tepth bps fetuauntes.zBut thou to hcate the bopce of the blouDe § cepea
& fljamefull anD mode abbomtna* bnto bpm : fo remembze tbe moftebnj
ble petfonne).^ipDenottbp fclfetbo* righteous Dearhes of pounge innocent
so toe bapne hope, in bepnge fo malpcp* cbtlDzen^be blaipbemies alfo Done bin
«,8B«. i<,a
Ms »iamc,anD
p tim'Gpc tfjem.agte onto rbeir enemies* neither to be
* /fro toe tobcn qpacbabcus fjao ga< attaico foitbc mult 1 tube of tbetc abuet*
tfoljH&f »;

the teD tb ts mult it udc togctfjcr 3 f?e teas farpes cominge egapnft tbem tmrigfit
to mpgbtp foz tbe tjcatf^cn (foz p tozatb teouflpc : i3ut to fpgbte manipe comp*
of f be Uozdc bajs to tinuD in to mercp) bctpngc tbe repzofc tbat tbep bab bone
be fel Upon tbe totoues anD cptpes Diu to tbe bolpe place toitbout caufe, botoe
toates, bunt tbem,tokc tbe mode com* tbepbdDDefppfcoanD oppzeffeb tbect>
tnoDto ins places,aiumetoe maup of tbe tie, pea, ano btftropeb 1 be lanes of
enemies 25 ut fpcciallp be maoe f tic!) c tbe fatberjs.* jfoi tbep ( fapoe be)trtifre
](r.|AU. I»
cfjafes bp npgljte, in fo mucbe tfjat tn tbcic tocapen s anD bolbcnciTe , but
Ijps manlpncifc toss fpokcu of cuerpe oure ts tn tbe Kluif gbtpe
toljete. Rozbe , tobpebe tn tbe ttopnchlpngc of
£s»o tobcn pbilippc ratoe tbat tbe an epe map botb oeftrope tbe tbat come
8 man tncreaf eo bp Iptle a no lytic , and £ agapnft bs,$ all tbe toozloe*
tbe mat tc t profpereo toptb bpw for tbe l^e etbouiD tbem alfo to call to re?
nioftc parterre tozote tmto |£tolbmpe membtauce tbe belpe, tbat 450D 0>etoeD
(tobicbtoasa captapnc in Ceioficiaf* Unto beit fatbcts:*31s tob en tbetc p
t u
^bcnices)tobclpe bpm in tfje fcprtgeg tpfrjeb an • C.anD.lvt ib . sj^.of ^cna? 4.re8,rijr»B
bufpnes.Cbtn (en t be $f canoz $at t o> cbcrtbs peop(e:3Bnb of tbe battapll that
clp(a fpcctal f rcnoe of bps)tn al fbaft, tbep bab in ©abilo agapnft p <£?aiiaci>
anD gaue bpm ans:botoe^all)>^acebonias p came
of tbe cciiimcnfoitcof
tbeb^atbeunoleffetben.rv'.^barner* to bdpe tbe.ftoo c tn feare : $ boooe tbe p
(CD men to tote out tbe v»!joic genera* beinge but onlp.b i.^.Uc toe an.C.ano

cionoftbe Jetoes baupngeto fielpe W^.tbototoetbe beipc tbattoasge^


bpm one dt>ozgias a man of tea t te,tobi* uen tbem from btaucn, tobetop tt>cp aU
cbe in matters concetnpnge battaplles (0 bab reecauco manpe benefites*
jjaD great experience jfttcanot alfo ozf Cbozo toe tbci'c tooibe s X\)t me tofte
oencD tfic ttpbute(tobicbe toe i&omap* gooo bcartc$ b;ito tbem } reaope to b?9
tics fijouiocbane baD)to be geuen Dnro fat tbe la toe a no tf)t count re, &o t)t fee

tbe fcpngc , on t c of tfye € a pt u t e of tfj c

i 1 bpo euerp copaup a captaine ou:of bijes;

J^toeSjnamelpat*^. calcines ano ^imonjofepb $ 3011a*

tone btcrbie:
tmmcDiaUp be feme to tlje citiejei of the tbas:geupngcecbeone.;rto.C*men» ^e
Cea coafr.tcqturing them foz to bpe Jt> caufeD^fotas alfo to teaoe tbe bolpe
lues to be tfjeic fetuaurttes 3 bo.nomcn, boae onto tbcm an'o to geue tbem a to*

pzomifingc to fel tbcm.I.crc.anD ten foz Benoftbebclpeof(&oD«

onetalente : ©utbccouttDzco not tbe * Cbnt be bim fclfe being captapne t ti
tozatbc of aimpgbtpetSOD, tfjattoas tbe fott f con te of tbe battaplle, bucMeb
rocomcoponbpm. toptb Bicanoz . aino Coo toa$ tbeic (0
OOijenK'.iDas ftucto of coIDe tjelp tin fo m ucb tbat tbep Oetoe aboue
tbe Jctocs tbat toere toptb Dim of0u i.r .i^.men ano compellcD tbe mote part
C canots commpnge » ftotoc toere tbetc of 0icanois booffe to See , tbep toere fo
f ome of them f earf u II, not ttuftpng t»n« toounocD ano feable.Cbus tbep totte p
to tbe rpgbfcoufncffc of «£>0D ano fleD nunpfco tbofe tbat came to bpe ti)tmt
ibetttoape* anD folotoeD upon tbem on euerp fpoe«
23 tit ti;c otbec that temapncD , came ©uttobentfje tpme cams bpon t()tmt
together ano befougbfc tbty retourneo, fotittoas tbe ^ab<
belpuer tbem fcomc tbat topefceo &v> botf),auD tberfoze tfjcpf olotoco no moze
canoz, tobpebe baDColDttb'cmozcucc opo tbem. -$)0 tf)tp toke tbeir toeapens
be came npe tbem: aino thougb be toolD anD fpoplcjs ano fcepte tbe ^abbotb,
not boe it foz rfjetc raftes, pet foz tbe co> geupnge tbanftcs onto tbeftozDc,tobt?
tienatinte tbat be mabe toith tbetc fa* cbe bao Dcliuereb tbem tbat bape , anD
tnecs.ano beta nfc tbcp calico opo ftps' fyctoeD tbem bis mcrcp.3lf tcr tbe s>ab*
i,flj«»*.b holpc 9 glozpous name. * 3110 fo »ap>a< botb*tbepDifttibuteDtbe fpoples top
cbabeus calico bis me rogetbet, name? ficke;totbefatbecles ano to toiDotoes, (,rcg,Kt. «
ip abcjur.Df.^.er&oitino; tbem not to anD fgjfteue f;aD tt;ep tbe fellies toptb
tfieirs.^ficu tbts teas Done , anb tficp r)ps toere fapne to 8e \b (frame » 3M> ft
al bab maoe a geuetall pzaper: tfjep be> after tbat flpgfr tc it bappeneb, tbat 2hv
fougbt tbe merciful Hozoe to be at one ttocbus came agapne teptb bttyonour*
tmtbtjpsfuuamites. 36ut teben be
Cf tfjofe air o that to etc fcb Cimotbef gatte ftnotolebge tebat tea# happened
if us anD £ac(nDes,tofn>cf)r fougfKea* b nto jfticanoz $ epinot fr cus .'&o toe as
gapnft tbem , tbep Qctoe .pjC'Q^toanne be teas abuauncpnge bpm ftltcinfrps
Jpeanb ftronge bolbeg,auo DeupDcD toza tb,be tbougbvfye teas able to aueu*
moo Tpoples : Cure geutnge an t quail gctbe ini urve tbat teas bone to tbem;
pozefo bnto tbe ftcfee , to p fatbeclcs ,to upon tbe3Jctocs:anb tbecfoze coiumau*
topDotoes $ to ageo pecfons* 3nb lutjcu Deo to matte cea'ope bps cbaret.baftpnj
tbep ijao biligetlp gatbereb tijtit toea* on bps iournep teptb out ceaffpnge , tbej
pens together, tbep lapco tbem all fit iubgemente of 06b pzouottpnge tyxxit
conn ement places,* tbe remnatlt of tbe became be bao fpofcen fo pzoubelpe,
fpoples bzougbte tfjcp to Jccufalcim tbat be teouloe come to J|erufafem,and
fCb'cp "fletoe pbi'accbes tbat tepefteb make tt a gcaue of t\)t Jetoeg* ©tit tbe
pttfone,tobicb teas tottb tepmotbeus, Jlozbe <5ob of Jfraeii, tbatfeptb alt
anb bao bereb mam* 3(etoc£.3nb toben tbpnges , f mote bpm teptb an tnuiftble
tbep belDc t(je tbancfccf gcupnge at Je< plage,tofricb no man coulbe frcale.
tufalcm to: the biccozp, tbep b:et tbof e foz as foone as be bab fpoftcn tbcfe
tbat bab fettefpze on tbe pott cs of tbe teotbes > tberecame upon bpm anbot^d.'

tempJe:uamclpcaltftbenes,tobitbtoas tiblc patne of bps boteels,^ a foze gcefc

fiebtntoanboure: anofo tfjep gat a of tbe tbatmcu.auD ft bias but tpgbt:
tooztbpe tetoarbc foz tbetc toprtubiiejj* fozbebabmartpuD otbecmes boteels
ais foz tbat mod Ungracious j&icanoz, tettbbtuetfeanb fttaunge tomtentes,
tobicbe bab bzougbr a tbotifanoe mar* botee be it be toottlbetnno tepfe ceafe
cbauntcs,to bpe tbe Utters, be teas from bis mafpee • 2ea,be teas pet tbe
tbozotoe ti)t brlpe of tbe TLotb bzougbt pzouberauDuioze malicious agapnlit
botene euen of tbem tebome be regat* tbe 3etoes:but tobplebe teas commas
Deb not : Jn Co mucbe tbat be putte of bpnge to make bade in tbe matter, te
bps glozpous tapment,ficb bp fea ) anb bapprucb tbat be fellbotene biolcntlp
came alone to aintiocbe, teptb gteate f come tbe cbarct , fo tbat it bzufeb bps
fljanieanbbiibonoute, tobicbe begat boDpe,a:ib b^D bpm gceate papne*
tboio tor tbe Deft ruccton of bps boofte* 3nD fo be tbat tbougbte be mpgbt
Cbus be tbat piomtfcD tbe ftomapnes commaunoe tbeSoubDes of tbefea(Ca
Co pap tbem tbcic tribute, toben betobe pzoube teas be beponbe tbe conbicioit
1 erufalem: began note to Tap plapnlp, ofmanne )anb to teepetbe bpe mount
tbati&ob teas tbe oefenoee oftfteje* tapnes tnapapze of fcoales, teasnotoc
toes.anb tberfote not pouiblr to teounb bzougbt oo ujne to tbe gcounoe,auD ca«
tbem , becauf e tbep foloteeb tt)e lateen rpco bpou an bozapter, ttnotolebgpnge
. tofjicb<Eob bab maoe. tbe mauifeftpoteecof ©oo bponbpm:
fo tbat $ tepclteb boop of bps teas* fut
*3 .$be.ijc.Ci)aptef.
of teozmes , tobicbe in bps papne feIC **#M-
2«tiortu»tot!!j>«s?torpopIcj9«frpof(s(9Dns qtiicae out of bps fleaflje : Ji\ fq mucbe
tien to a t>: pctCccu tcrij tbe vetoes, a c ts
tbat bis bootl toas greucb teitb $ fine!
fittr&eii of t^cEo^c ^Uefapnett cepciuauiiccof
Smioc&tts.©eoutb. anb ftpneke of bun . cbus be tbat a Ip«
ele afoze tbougbte be mpgbt teacbe to
jC tbe fame fp me came tbeftarres of beauen , bpmmfgbteno
|>3Entiocbus agapnetia man abpbe noz beare , foz § be liemencc
jbtibonourcout off&cr* offtpnclte.
tfes.tfoztobe'becamefo tCbecefozerjebeinge bzougbt fcomc «r
l^ctfcpblts^bnoectok bps grrate pzpbe, began foz to come to
storobfl tepleato fub* tbe bnoteleoge of b^ni felfe:fot ttft pu*
Duepcttte,p people ranne togetbec 9 npiDment of <Sod teatneb bpm, anb bfs
Defence tbe felucs, to fo tnucr) "p be ano papue incceafea euec tnoze anb moze*
#f tfje 0ltofahtis, folptoiL
3ab fcrfjen be bun felfe mfgbt notable bp mp felf*,bofoe r&atall t&e mpgfjtpe
biSQtoiieftpnckCjbefapoc tfjefe tooz* men anD nepgbbours rounoe aboute,
0(0 • 3(t 15 teafon to be obcDpeut bmo are lapeng toatte,ano iohe but foz opcz*
0aD : auo t&at a ma Defpze not to be like ttmiteto Do barme: J baue ozoepneD
bnto tjiui, cbis ic^ciico pecfone pzafcD tbatmpfonne 36nttocbusfl)ail capgne
alfo bnto tin aom,ot tobom be fX>ulo after me,tobom J oft commeoeD to ma>
Ijaac oprapneo no mercp « %nt> as foz np of pou,tobcn J toas in tbebper lung
tbe cptie tbat be came Unto fo fjaftelp, Domes,auD baue iD^ttm b uto bun as
to bzptig it do tone to tbe grounoc , anD it folotoetbbecaftet^bcrefojejfpzape
(o make it a gtaue foz oeao menmotoe pou ano require pou , to remembze tbe
&e Dcfpjetb to oelpuer it fre» benefited tbat % baue Done Unto poti
3no as touebmg ti/c Jetoes , tobom genetallf anD in efpecpall* f oz bope
be bao iuDgeD not feoztbp to be butteo, tbat be fyati be of fober anD loupng be<
but tooulD baue caC tbem out foz to be bautour,anopf befolotoe mp Dcupce,lie
Deuoucco of the foules ano toplDe b ea> fljall be inoiff erent bnto pou*
(reshaping: p be tooulo baue oeftroieD *>**'**'
*€bus tbat murtlutrec ano blafpbe*
botb oloe ano pongc:$otoe be pzomp* mer of <&an teas foze fmptten:ano like
lety , to make tl)tm Ipke tt)t cptcjtns of as be btiD tntreateo otber men,fo be Dp>
aitbens* SBnotobeceasbebaofpopIeD cd a mpferable Deatb in a ftraunge coa?
tbe bolp temple afozc, no toe be maketb trep bpon a mountapnc»3l!tD bis boop
pzompfe to garnffye it tuttb great gpf < bpu ^bplpppe ( tbat bjente tytl) bpm)
tes,to encteafe tbe bolp oznamentes, $ cacie atoapertobtcb fearpngc
tbe fonnc
of bis Qtotie rentes to beate tbe codes of 3Bntpocbus 3 toent intoCgiptto mo*
ano cbacges belongpng to tbe offering lomp pbilometoz*
ges:pea,auo tbat be toouiD alfo become C^«^Cljapfet*
a Uetoe bpm felfe, to go tbojotoe euetp*
place of tbe to ozioe, ano to pzeactje tbe p!c.©ebC3Pimct(j ro focrtjc rijeartes of Cupa=
polncrof«i5oD» toz. agapMtt tbcSIftumtanss
JTljc Slctoes fpffijt

& ©tit \B\)tn bis papnes toouIDe not

2Ttmot!)cu8 mua6etu3ctojpe,totrt)toftom aus
itas topitcr h appeacc in ti)c apie
ceafe,(foj tbe rpgbteous tuDgement of to roc Qelpe of toe J,ctocs.%imot\)y is Oapnc.
C50D toas come upon bitn)oute of a \>ti j^cbabeus nolo ano bis com? -*
tp Defpapze be tozote bnto tbe Jetocs a panp(tboioto tbe belpe of tbe
letter of tntetceiTiott } contepnpng tbcfe
tLo?D)toannetbe temple ano
toozDes:Cbekpngeano pzpnee 3ntfo» Jtbecptpe agafne,Deftropeo
cbus toptyetb bnto t^ bettuous cpte* tbcaultersanbcbapels tbat tbe i^ea?
jpns of tbe 3Jctojcs,mucbc fjcaltbeano tbcnbabbiiPlocD tbozotoetbe aretes:
gooDpzofpcrite. clenfcD tbe temple,* maoe anotber zuU en*.**
fcfpeanDpoutecbplDjen fatefoell, tet of bwkt done, aitD af t cr. tt peares .

ano pf all tbpnges go after pout imuD: tfjep offereD facrifice&fetfojtljtbe Uu

toe geue gteat tbackes/Jn mp fpeknes cenfe 3 tbe Ipgbtes anD fljetoe bjteaoe»
alfo bo 3} temembze pou loupnglp : foz sooben tbat toas Done,tbep fe( botou flae
as J came oute of $erlia, ano toas ta* bpon tbegtounDc,anD berougbtetbe
turn toitb fozc Dtfeafe:3f tbougbt it tie*
tLo?De,tbattbep mpgbt comenomozi
ceffatp to care foz tbe commeti toealtb. but pf tbep fpnne&
into fucbe trouble:
jfteptberDpfpapje j in mp felfe ,but
anpe moze agapnfte bim,be bim felfe to
baueagooobopc to clcapc t&is fpek* cbaftentbepmtoitbmetcpc,anb not to
acfTc. cometntbebanDes of tbofe alcatuues
©ut confpoetpnge tbat mp fatbec anDblafpbemousmen.
IcDanbooftiomctpmetn tbe brer pla? il^otoe bpon tbe fame Dape tbat tbe
rcB,auDflbctocDtobo ftoulD tapgneafc fttaunger$ peluteD tbe ttmplt, itbap>
ter bpm, tbat Cpf tbere bappeneoanpe peneo % on tbe becpe Tame Dape it toas
contcouetfpe, oj anp baroe tbpng toete clenfeD agapne: namelp,* tbe ttooanD 'w".w.e
DeclareD)tbep in tbe lanoe mtgbt knoto ttoentieDapof^raonetbcalleD caUeu* ^
tbeir cbief e IozDe, tbat tberc fyoulDe be
tlCbep feept»biu«Daies in gIaDncs,lpke
€ no tufurteccioii:3Ccjaine,to^en poDzc as In feaft of tbe tabernacles:
J § remem*
004* bipnge
Cfte fecon&c bokc
fezpnge tbat not Ionge afoze,tbcp ficlDc ^ofepbtts , zacbaus anD tbore $ toete a
tbefeafteof tbc tabernacles topon tljc toptb tbcpm(tobtcbe toete betp manpe)
mountapnes ariD in dcuucs Ipfee bca< toent to befegetbe,anDtofpgbt tobete
Res. 3lnu to the fame token tbep bare mode iudc toas jftotoe tbep tbat toete
grenebomes ,b:auucbes anD valines Ujptb <§>pmon bepnge leDDC toitb coue*
ucfozc bpm tbat bao geucn thum goob toufnefTc,toetc mtteatcD foz monep,tbo
loitune to clenfc bis place * Cbep a* totocccttapne of tbofe tbat lapcin tbe
gr cd alto together ,atn> mabc a ttatu tc, totozeo:tofte tbze froze $»);«£$• Bzacb*
that euctp peace tbofe Danes tyoulD be mas,anD let fome of 'tbem efcape . &ut
folcmplpc fccpte of all the people of the tobenft toas toloe ^acbabcus tobae
Vetoes. bao bappencD,bc calleD tbe captapnes
^otoc 3ntiocbus then (that toas of tbe people together, accufpngc tbofe
calico the noble)Dpeo,it is f utTi c tenrip pet fouc6,tbat tbep bao folDe tbe btc*
t olDe. jftotoe toill toe f peafce of $tcauoz tfncu foz monep , anD let tbetr enempes
tbc Tonne of tbat topcheD aintiocbus, go. a>obe fletoe tbofe traptouts, anD
bo toit bappeneo toitb b nmauD fo toitb immeoiatlp \nmt tn uauDe toptb then.
compztlienDc tbe aouec
f e toe too tots to totoets 3BnDtobcn tbep bao ozDieb
fptctbat cbaunfeD in tbe mattes. tbepm fclucs manlpe toptb time toea?
aX)bcnbcbaD taken in tbe fepngDomc, pons anD banDes, t^
fletoe in tbe ttoo

be maDc one &pfias tobicbc bao bene

( cartels mo tben ttoeutp tbonfanoe* flc B
captapne of tbe booftc in ^bcnices ano * jrlom Cimotbeus tobom tbc Jctocs :'nwWi.t
&>itia) ruler oucc tbe matters of tbe bab ouetcome afoze, gatbeteD a inulti <
rcalmc. f oz j&tolomp tbat toas calleD tube of uraunge people, bzftugbte an
<j^acron,bepuga ruler foz tbe Vetoes booft a If o of b o:f in c ii of tbe ffl laus , to
(anDfpecpallp,to fpt iniubgetnent fot topnne Jfetozp bp ft rcngf b * l5Ut toben
iuebe toionge as toas Done buto tbcm) be Dzeto m>c,i^acbabcus aim tbep tbat <£
bnDcttolie to Deale peaecablpe toptb toete toitb btm * fel to tbett pzapet,fpte
tbcm* jf oz tbe tobicbc caufe be toas *t> fcclcD afOjcs bpon tbett beaDes,bepnge
rufeo of tbe ftenoes before Ctipatoz: gpzbcD toitb bcattpe cloth aboutc tbcir
anD taben be toas fufpecte to be a trap* lopnes ,f ell Doton bef oze tbe aultet,anD
toute(becaufe be bao lefte Cppzcs tbat befougbttbe l^DUBB
iDbilomer 01 bao commp ttco buto bun: b e met cpfull to tbepm, but an enempe
anD became be DepattcD from noble 3dn bnto tbeir enempes , anD to taae patte
tiocbus,tbat be toas come butojbc pop agapnfte tbeit aDuetfatpe^,*acco^ ©«*a.*
foneD ijim f clfe,aiiD DpcD. Dpngc as it ts pzompfeo in tbe lato*
fioto tobcu dDOigias toas gonetnouc ^o after tbe pzapet , tbep tocnt on f nt*
of tbe fame places , be toUc ftraungets tbet from tbe cptie:anD tobe tbep came
anD buDettofcc ofepmes to toatte toptb npe tbe enempes, tbep pzepateD tbc feU
tbc jjctoes. ^©ououcrtbc jDumeans ties agaiuft tbcm.

tbat beloc tbe tttongc bolDes,teceaueD 3Hno bp times in tbe moznpng at tbc
tbofe tbat toere Dzpuen from jc t uf ale, bzeaUe of tbc oap.botb tbe booftcsbuc^
ano tokc in banoe to toatte alf o * ©u t . ftclcDtogctbet.* 5Ebe one patte baD tbc %m.rr*:
b' i **« M *
' tbep £ toete to sSJpacbabeus befongbte %® &fo€ f 02 tbeit tef ugc , tobicbc is

anDpiapeDbnto tbe ftgDK&C ,tbat tbe geuet of pzofpetite , fttengtb ano

be tootilDe be tbepi helper : anD fo tbep bpctozic. cbcotbet baD a manlpe fto*
fell into tbe (Itongc boloes of tbe 3du> mack, tobicbc a captapne oftuarrc.
means ) anD toanne manpe places bp Cbc battapl no to being gteat,* there ^««s. ^
fttengtbt&ucb as came agapnft tbcm appeateD into tbe enempes ftom ftw^JSJS'*'
tbep Qetoe,anD fcpllcb no lelTe ( of all to; um,fpue men bpou bozfebackes isptt)
getbetjtben ttoeutpe tboufauDc* bzpDels of golD,IeDing tbe Jjetoes, ano
Jieuettbeleffe fome , no IcfTe tben npne ttoo of tbepm batungc ^acbabcus be*
tboufanDjtoere fleD into ttoo fttong to* ttoictc tbem tbat kepte bun fafe on cue

toKSjbautugall manetofozDpnaunce tpe fpDc WH) tbepz toeapons, fl^ottc

totoitbftanDetbem. Dattcs anD Ipgbtcupnges bpou tbe u
Cbc i^acbabcus leaning £>ptnon, nempeg : tufjerre tbozotoe tbep toerc

&f fyt 0lMfabtt& rffoljccMt,

confounbcD bb'UDiKS auD fofou
toitb mpnbe,* truftpng in the multitube of .
i? ' ibt
aftapeo,tbattbep fell bourne, ?£bcre foteme,inthonfanDes of bojfmen,anb *
lucre flapne of fote men ttoeutp.^.ano inbis.ljcijc.iieicpbanteg,
fpuebuuDzetb,anDfi]ce bunDzetb bozf> be came into Jfetozp anb then to

j? men . 31s foz ctmotbeus bihi felfe,he )3erbf nra( a caff ell of Defence Iptng tn a 25.

ftf bnto ©ajar a bcrv ftrongc boloe, nacoto piace„b.furlonges f torn Jecufa*
tofjerin Cetcas toas captapne 23ut Iem)anb toauneit. ^otoe tobcu *]^a*
$39acbabcus * bis companp la^cD fege fbabcus anb bis companp knetoe that
tditcbeacfHllp.mi.Dapes« the ftrong boloes toert taken,* tbep fell 1 e9«.w.
00 toe tbep that lucre toitrjin tt u(t> to tbe it piapecs toith toeppnge anb tea*
IVigetothefttengtboftbcplacCjCucfcD tes before the TioiDe : ano al the people
ano banneo cjcceaopnglpe,anD maoc in Iplte manecbefotigbte bpm > that be
great ctafcpnge tuptb topekeo uiciocb* toonlDe fenoea goob aungel to Dclpuec
bpon the fpftfj Dape in
Jzeuectbeleire 3fifcaell.yi9acbabeus himfelfe teas the
tbemoznpngc ,ttoentpe ponge men of firft that maoc bpm ceaDpe to the bat*
jj^acbabcus coinpaup,bcpuge fettc on tapie, cjcboitpng the otbec that toe te ft
t pic in tbepz mumsbeta ufe of (be blaf bpm , to tcopetoe tbepm feints ano to
ptjemi':came manfullp bnto tbe toalle, belpe tbeit Uzctbun . ano toben tbep
anb 1b boloc ft om ackeg tbep ano tbepz lucre gopnge fo?tbe of JJetufalem toge^
other companions clpmmebbpbpon thee tutth a teaop ano topJlvnge mmoe,
the to tozes,bubertakiug to Cet fpze bp tbecc+apptatcDbefozefbem bponboif u.m(.m,9
outbepoitcg,anDto burnetbofe blaf* bachca man in bibpte clotbpnge toptb
pbemons petfonnes q utckc. Ctoo Dap harneffe of golDCji^akpnge bts f peace.
cs to ere tbep Deft r op mg £ caftcl, tobr clj Chen tbep pzapfeb the XozDe all toge*
tobcu tbep founo \D motbeus'i trjat teas thee, tobtclje baDf^ctocD tbepm mcrcp,
ctepte tnto a coznec ) tbep kplleD fiv">» ano tocrc comfotteo tn theic minDes:itt
aim Setoc Ceteag bps bzorbct in Ipse fo mncbe that tbep tocce ceaDp,not one«
tnanet mptfj 3ppolWbhane;gf» aceben ip to fpgbt toith mcn,but toith the moil
tbps bias bone , tbep Conge pralines, cruel bea(USjpea,anb to cttnne thozobj
foptb pzapfeg anb tbankefgeupng bnto toallegofpzom
tbe TLoioe, tobicbe IjaDDe Done To great -Cbus tbep toent on topllpnglp ba^
tbpnges fo? 33ftaeU,aiib geucn fbepm upngean helper from beaucn,anDtbe C
t^e bictozp* )Loioe meicpftill bnto tbcpui.Cbep fell
fi3"Cbe.)ckCbaptet» mpghtelp bpon tbepz enempes l^be ip*
JLrrpas yoctfj about to ouct come tlje SJctocs. oils, bio tigbr 00 torn ^-utbonla.De fote
<g> uccout t9 f ou from Dcaueti uti to rljc 3]Crr>cs. mcn.)Cbi«c.botrm£n, put ail the other to
3£&e tetter of JLpftas tottjcaierocs. Ibelcttet
flpgbt,maup of them bepnge toomiDeb,
of bpuge 3ntioc&u9 ditto SLpftas. 3 letter of tbe
fameunto rOejRtitrc s.3 letter of tbe JUotrupnes anb fome gat atoap naaeb « ^ea,n tfias
tottjeiierocs. / btm felfe toas fapne to fie fhamcfullpe,
£>t longe after tfifs , fljftas ano 1 to cf cape . 0euertbeleUe th<
tbe fepngtB ftetoarbe,anba man toas not toptbout bnberftanbpng,
aptifma of bts(tobpcbe bab § but confpDereD bp him felfe that his po«
gouernauce of bis matters) toectoas imuiflbeD anoponDUDhotoe
tofee foze Difplcafure foz tbe
tbpngeg tbe TfjCtocs bepnge DefenbeD bp 5 helps
that bab bappenebranb toben be bab ga of3ilmigbtpc«i5oo,Ujercnot ablctobe
tbeceDfoucfcozetboufanD men of fote ottcrcomc:toberfotcbcfent them toozD,
bowmen , be came
\b all tbe booft of the anb piompfeD,tbat be tooulbe conf cut
agapnfte the Jetoes, tbpnekpnge to to all tbpnges tobtcbe tocce tefonable,
topnnethecytpc,tomakeit an babPta* anb to make tbe Upng tbetr ftenoe* %o
J •'
cpon f«z tbe ^eatben, anb * the temple the tobiebe pzaper of Jlpftas ^acbabe»

fooulbbebaueto be anboufeof incte, us agreeD febpngc in all tbruge the
Use as tbe otbetgobbes bonfes of tbe commen tocal b:anD tobatfoeucr $$$<

i^earben'b to fell the pipeff es of> cbabetts tozote bnto JLpfpas concern
fpee eueep peace: j?jot confpbecpng tnt npngtbe Vetoes, bpnge graunteD
potoec of &£>&,but tofe uuloc in his U*$*t there tocce Utters tozptten bnto
0&JU th*
tfjejetocs ftom Ktpfpas contepnpnge acorictefozc tboferbat topll come, to* C
tbcleiuojDcs* geue tbem fee Ipbettie, Onto tbe tbpup
jltftas UnDetb grctpng to tfje pco* oapeof tbe monetbe SCpiplMbat tbep
fc pic oft^e Jetoes ? JOon ano 38bfalon mape Ofe tbe meates of tbe Jetoes auo
tebpebe toete Tent ftom pou , DelpuereD tbeit otone latoe&lpfee as afoje^ none

me toiptpnge&anD teqtutcD me to tub tbepm bpanpe manner of toapes to

tyll tbe tbpnges concetnpnge tbetr ear?
bauebarme,foUbpnges Done tn igno«
tanoc* flCtjerefoie lofec tobat mpgbtc be raunce « sapcnelaus tobom toe bau«
gta«nt£D,3 ccttifpe tljeftpngetberof: Cent Onto pou,$al commen toitb pou at
bud voUatfoeuec toas conuenient . a* J lacge,fare pe toeKJntbe.CjclOiti.pete,
greeo tbetto^f pe notoe topll be faptb> tbe.jiLDap of tbe monetb of 3pttl.
ful in matters, J fl?al enoeuet mp felfc (Cbemomapnesalfo rente a letter,

bctaf tet aifo to Do pou gooo . 3is concec contepnpnge tbefe toojDes : ®uintu&
ning etbet tbing$ bp euetp article tber* jjpenntus ano Cttus <J|£amltus Cim
balft touts of tbe ilomapnes,feno gre*
of:|I baue eomptteo the to pour nteflUff
gerg^totbofeiDbomJfentbntopoti, tpng onto tbe people of § Jetoes^ofte
to comen to pou of § famc,fa te pe toclU tobat Jlpfpas § fepnges ftpnfmanbatbe
peace, tfjc graunteopotKtoc grauntc pou § fame
3J« tbe bunDietbano.]cltmt.
fourtauDttoentpeoape of tbe monctb alfo« JSutas concetnpnge tbe tbpnges
JDiofcbountbuis. tobtcbe be refetteo Onto tbe apng, feno
0om tht fringes: letters contctneo bptbe t f ome toitb f peoe:ano ponDje tbe
tbcfe tooiocs » fepngestntiocftusfcn* matter oplpgentlpe amouge
poute feb
Detbgretmgbntobpsbiotbet & ft a 5. ucsjtbat toe mape cafte tbe bed to pout

»Mf.f*.b tfoifomucbe as oute father *is notoe piofptc,foz toe mud Depart notoe onto
Dcao,o uce topll is, that tbep tobicb are 36ntiocbe.3ino tberf oze Uapte fljojt Ip to
inouttealme,lpue toitbout anpinfut* gapne,tbat toe map &noto pour mpnoe*
tection,anD euetp man to beoplpgente fare totll.Jn tbe bunojetb crgbt auD
fnbisotoue matte rs.aoce fcuDcrftanoe fourtp pear e,tbe fpftene oape of tbe mo>
alfo,tbat the Jetoes tooulbe not confer nctbofap^pii.
tooute fatbetjfo? to be biougbtefcn* IC^bc.rd.Cbaptft.
SrunotUcus ttoublett; rt)c3]etDC3 ICftcftjpc--
to tbe cudome of tbe <Bentples,bujt ftpf


beb bebe of toe Jicppprcs agay nfte tfje 31 ettoea.

Ipeto fcepetbeir otone ftatutesrfo; the 3|ubas is aucuscb of tljcm.©c rr rtetO fpieott rbc
tobicbecaufe require of Og alio,
tb.ep patcofJlamiua. %\)t putfutcof tl)e3imts&z
gaptiO arpmortjp.Xtmotfyte tstaaeuanDlet go
to lette tbepm temapne ftpll bp tbep*
toiitjutt.aubaspucfuctueozgtas. 3Qubd$ offe=
otone latocs* tpiig facttftccfoi ttjcocdoc.qjetDcri; tgc oopeof
& 3&)berfO£eourempnbet$ } tbattbpg tQcccfuttcccpon.
people ft>ail be in red : toe banc conclu* rw^n^entbefccouenauutestocte
Deb atio Detetmeo alf o,to tedoie tbepm ^J8fH«"aoe jLptiastoent Onto tbe
tbeit temple agapnc: that tbep mape ^^S® ^pbgc, ano tbe Jetoes tplleo
Ipue accoiDpnge to tbe Ofe ano ttiftome @£y@fcbep? gtounoe* ©tit ctmo^
of tbep? foufatbeig.^bouOjaltDoos tbe us , aippollouius tbe fonne of <J5a
a pleafure tberfo?e,pf tbou fenoe tin to mei,3erome ano Bemopbon ^ p;ouoe,
tbepm ano agte toitb tbepm:tbat toben jfticauoi tbe captapne of Cpper$ , ano
tb«P ate cettpfpeo of oute mpnoe , tbep tbep tbat lap in tbofe places: tooulo not
mare be of gooo rtjere,ano lofce to tbeit let tbepm Ipue in red ano peace : Cbep
otone toealttj. of Joppa alfoOpoeuenfucbea Ojame^
8nb tbpstoas tbe lettte, tbat tbe full Deoe. 'Cbep pwieo tbe Jetoes tbat
fepngetoiote Onto tbe Jetoes : fcpnge Dtoelte amonge tbepm,to go toitb tbeit
aintiocbus fenoetb gretpnge Onto tbe topues ano cbpiojeniuto tl)t (fjpppes
counfell ano tbe otbec people of tbe Jjc tobicbe tbep baooe p?epareD,ano DpD
toes, jf pe fate toell,toe baue oure oe? tbtbcpm,astbougbe tbep bao ougbte
fpxe:as foj 0«f,toe ate in gooo beaitb. tbem no etiell topll. f 01 f m u cbe tfjew
$)enelaus came ano toloe bs,boto that as tbcre ixjasf gone fojttb a general p io? t

pout Deft te toas to come ootoneto roue clamaciontboiomtbecptie becaufeof

pcoplCjtobicbe ate toitb Os. peace,tbep cooieuteD ^ereto,^ fufpecte
0f tlje jtoljabees, jfoljcctjc,
hotbiugtbttt tobe* tbep foere gone foztb time of 3ofuc)fell manfuilpe upon tbe
into tfje Depe,tf)ei» dioujikd no leffc tbe toalIes,tobe tbe cptte,auD( tbozotoe tbe
tluo»C*of tbcun bclpe of tbe JLoiDe)maDe an ejeccaopng;
$CObeu3|uoas&netoeoftbt8 cruelte great ftaugbtec : 3jn fomucbetbata
QictueD buto bfs people, lie commaun* lafte of ttoo futlongcs bzoDe tobicb lap

dcd tbofe tbat toete torn? bpm to maKe tberbp , f emeo to flotoe toitb ti)t blouDe
Cbe teaDp,£jCbottpng tbem to call bpou oftbeaapue*
d5oO tije ngbt uous iitDgc : tueutc ioztb Cben Depat teD tlftp from t bencc. fcif

agapnfte tfjofe muttbuttts of bis bze? ۥ*.% .t "utlongcs,anD came to cataca

tbzeu,fette fpze tu tbebauen bp npgbt, tmtotbejetoes tbat ace calico Cubia
bzentbp tbe ibpppcs,anD tbofe tbat efr nci.&ut as tot ©motbeus, tt)tp coulD
35 capeD from tbe fpze, be fletoe toptb tbe notgette bimtbcte:foz(not one mattes
ftoeatDe. Mb toben b c bao Done tbpS, Dpfpa tcbcD ) be toas DcpattcD fto tbece
be Departed as tbougb be tooulD come anD bao lefte ccttapne men inabetpe
agapne,ano tote out all tbe of joppa. ft rouge bolDe.©ut ©of itbeu s anD ^o
23m toben be bao gotten iuoid that tbe ftpatet } tobi(be toeteCaptapnes topty
3janitutcs uute nipiiDeD to do in Ipfce ^acbabettSjfle to tbof e tbat Ctmotbe^
manet unto tbe J crucs tobicb Dtoelt a* us bao left in tbe boufe of De fence ,e ucti
mongtbem,bc came Dpoutbc Jamiii* tcn.v$.mcn.3|lnD SJ^acbabcus picpa^
teg! bp npgbt,* fet fpze in § bauen toitb teD bun toitb .iJ^.men tbat toete
tbe Q>ppes: f o tbat tf)t Ipgbte of p fpze about e btm,fet tbem in oiDie br com pa
mas f cue at Jetufalem , opon a.u.C* nies,anD toeut foitbagapnfi; Cimotbe*
anD.icl.fiitloTigcs* tis,tobtcbebab tottb bun an bunDietfi
&oxoe toben tbep toete gone fcom anD ttoentpe tboufanDe menoffote* iU
tbence.ijc.f utloges,in tbeit
toatDe Ctmotbeus* b >
toutnep to*
tbcufaiiDc men
^Xfhtn (Ctmotfjeus baD fenotoleDge *^
of f ote anD.t). buuDietb bozftmn of tbe of3IUDascommpnge,be fentetbetoo?
3ltabtans fougbt toitb Hpirn £>o toben menne,cbilDzen anD tbe otbet baggage
Cbe battel! toas eat neft, anD ptofpeteo Dnto a Catnion* ( ifozit
cafteil calico

toitb juDas tliozotoc tbe bclpe of ©od; couloe not be toonne, ano toas batDe to
tbe terpDue of tbe aitabians bepuge o< tome bnto, tbe toapeieioftbe lame plat
uetcome,befougbt3[uDa6 to be at one tcs toece fo natotx))anD tobc 3!uDa.s co^
toptb tbepm,anD pzomifeD to gcue fyftn panp came fpjft in fpgbte, tbe enempes
ccttaime paftutcs ,anD to do bpm gooo toete fmptten toptb feate,tbozotoe tbe
tuotbectbpuges* Jjuoas tbpncfcpng tbe pzefence of d5fi)B,tobicbe f eptb all
tbat tbcp (l)oulDe in Deoe be pzofp table tbptiges:3[n fo mocbe tbflft tbep fopnq

concetnpngmanp tbpnges ,pzompfeD oik bete,anotbet tbete,toete tatbet oif^

tbem peace: tobetupon ttjep u>fccban< comfiteD of tbeit otone people,*^ toouV Wj***
Des,auDfotbep DepatteDto tbtit ttm oeo \b tbe ft tohes of tbeit oton f toetDJ* ^«.Jm»
res/J uoas toef alio Dnto a cittc,tobicb ]|uoas alfo toas betpe eatneft in folw
teas Detp fad kept ^tl) bzpoges , hm topnge bpon tbem, punil^png tbofe bn
Ceo tounoe about tottb toalles, anD op> goDfp,anD ftetocjcyjc.tbotifanDe men of
tictfe fepnoes of people Dtoellpuge ttyco tbem. cimotbeus alfo bun felf fell into
fu,caUeD Cafpitu tbe banoes of ©ofitbeus ano ^ofipa^
C Cbep tbat toece toitbin it t put fucbe ter,tobomc be bet ougbt e tb ma up pzai«
truft in tbe ftcengtbe of tbe toallcs, aim ets ,to let bim go toitb bfs lpfe:becaufe
in tbeic ft oate of bptaples:^ tbcp toete bebaomanpoftbe Jetoes fatbetsanD
tbe flacUet in tbeit D opng c s , cutfpnge bietbzen in ptpfon,tobPtbe (pf tbep put
anD te titling 3}uoas tottb blafpb emits, bim to Deatb)mpgbt be DJ'fapopnteD.
anD fpcaapngcfucbctoozDes as it be* ^otobenbebaD pzompfeD faptbfulfpe
commetbnot , i3ut^acbabeuscal* to Delpuet tbctm agapne accozopnge to
Ipuge Upon tbe greatc ^zpnee of tbe
toozloe(tobicbe tottbout anpe battaplc*
tbe conDicpon maoe,tbcp let btm go
f)atme , f 01 tbe bealtbe of tbe bze>
ramnies o: oiDpnaunce of toacte ,DpD tbien.^nD tobe^uoas baoflapne ipb*
3i 3 nw.6.c
* call Dotohe § toalles of Jericfjo, tntbc tboufanDe be toent from cat uion»
0$*M* ^o&« .
e Botot after £bebadcbafeDafoarc* aapne,tbep foud Jetoels tbat tbep bad
flapne bis enempes,be temoued § booft taken oute of ftemple and from tt)s J<
t<9«.t> t. totoaro*€pb£on a ftronge cj>ttc,tobct* dols of tbe*Jamuiters:tobicb tbing t£ ® m i. 7.ti
in Dtoelte manp Dpuerfc peeple beatbe, fozbpdde tbe Jetties bp tbe la toe* %t)tn Jv^-ia
aiiD the fttonge pong men Kept tbe toal* ettecp ma fain tbat tbisftoas t^e caule,
lesjdefendpngetbcmmpgbtelp . Jn tobetfoze tbep toeee flapne*
tfipsf cptie teas mucin o jdpnaunce,and 3MD fo etterp man gaue tbanckes Uti
pztHtpuon of cartes . Euttobcnju? to tiji idozbe f oi btS rpgbt nous tuDge*

Das ano bps companpc tiao called Dp* mentjtobieb bab opened tbe tbp ug tbat
onalmpgbtp <It><D5©(totJic^e totth bps: toasbpD. 'Cbep fell dotouealfo Unto
potoer bzeabctb tfjc ftrcugtb of ttje cue* tbeir pzapets,and befougbt (5od ,tbat
tnpejaf ) tbep toanue cfje cptpe, aitDUetoe tbe fatitc tobicbe teas maoe^ravgbte be
yjcb thourano of tbcm,tbat toece ttrttb* put out of remembzauce.©eftDes tbat, rom tbence toente tbep to n)e cptpe JttDas ejtbo ttcD tbe people earneftlp,to
of tfie S>citbtanS,tobicbe Ipetb fPjce.C. Uepe tbemfeiues fromfucbefpnne : fo|
f utlonges from Jerufalem. But tobcu fo mucbe as tbtp fa to before t(;eir etcs,
tbe JjciDcs toljictie tucre itittje cgtte te* tbat tbefe men toere flapne foz tbe fame
0ifped,tbat t\)t citejing Dealt loupuglp offence.&obe gatbertD of euerpe one a
toiti) tbcm,pca,anb intrcatedtbem kind fo mucbe tbat be btougbte
lp in tbe time oftbepj aduerfite Judas cogetberttoo tboufanoe D^acbmas of
ano companp gaue tbeim tbanbes,
t?*s rpJueobicb be rente Unto Jeeufalem,
oefpjpnge them to be fcendlp ttvll Unto tbat t bete mpgbt a facrpfice be offered
tbepm : am> fo tbcp came tojeeufalem ftucbempfdcbe. 3|n tbe tobicbe place
tbe bpefeafte of tbe toeafees bepnge at be Dpd tatll and tpgbt:fo£be bad fome
banoe* aindaftcttbcfeafttbcp toente conftdetacion and ponding of tbe ipfe
fojtb ag.<pnit (Soigtas tbe geuernour tbat is after tbtstpme. fojpfbebad
of 3Dttmea,toptb Hue tboufanD men of uottbotigbte tbat cbcp,tobpcbc toere
f uiid jet b bo jfmen.gDubicb aavne,DpD Vit Ipue , it bad bene rupees
totjtn tbep mette togetber, tt cbafifed a fluous and Uapne,to make anp Uoto o;
fetoe of tbe Jetties to be flapne « 3iid facrifice, * rot tbcVbat toere dead, ©ut

if Bofttbeus one of § cacbenojs a mtgb f oi f o tnucb as be fatoe,tbat tbep tob tcb

m bo.if man tofee bolbe of <25oigias,anD npeintl)e fauoureand belefe of <sod,

baue taken b m q uicke .£ u t an
too u 1 b e s are in gooo red anD tope, be tbougbt it
bo jfmau of cbtat ta fell upon bim,anD to be good anD bonojtable fo; a teconcb
bnote or bis annexe tbat ©ozgtas ef; lpnge,toootbefamefoi tbofe tobicbe
capeD and fteo into ^o;cfa» iobc tbep toere tlapne , tbat tbe offence mpgbte be
noto£toeteof<i5o2giasuoe,badfougb fo^geiteu.
ten long ano toece toeatp: Judas called a.31ufigctopoi)(tl)t?)pIace tetjetbec ttftoptnion
[)* to bene to pwpef ot roc to be bapt tfca
Upon tbe ftoide tbat be tooulo betbetr
rbem. t. Coi. fd.d. toOuOc trjtttge tots ottclpe
f o.i
belper, and captapne of tbe feloe : ano bone to coufpxmc ttyc bope of tb£ ccfuttectton of
ttntb tbat , be beganne tovn) a manlpe roc bcab, not to Del puce toon from anp papue. f»
UopcetotaItebpafoHgeofpzapfe,anD ia a u!c bpb not alotoc tbe cctcinoupc of Cb»acs
npugcfoi toe bcaoc. no moieooerljaiipc place of
a crpe: Ju fo mucbe tbat be made tift a> tbccanoupcali ^cciprutcalotoerOc ccrcinotipc
nemies afrapeD,anD <Eozgfas men of of offering f oi f bcab. ^puctOecmoxe : STbis Oofp
toartc tolte tbetr Sigbt.&o JuDas ga< bobeofroeiajacOabecs.aiib rpcciaflpctOpsrti
couoe,i9 not of f uff tcicnr autboutie to matte ait
tbeteD bis boofte,anD came into tbe tt ->

actpcle of oucfattOtas if is befmc fuffprpcurlpc

ttcof£)DoUa . ajnottibcn tbefeuentb puwcb bp tl)i autboxttf eof £.3]ctoitie in tfje pis
tape came Upon tbem,tbcp clenfeD tbe logcof tbefebohes calico apocOiipOa.
felues(as t^t cuftome teas ) anD Uepte K3r«€be.)tiii*Cbaptcr»
(be ^abbotb in tye fame place, and 3*0c ommpug of lfnpa f ox into Hetoxp.ff&e
lipotbeDapfolotopng,3uDasanD bis m cnclaus.H? ijabcus gopug
beatr) of at to f igOt
companp came to take Dp tbe bodies of agjpnftcjEupatox,?noucr0 0t3 fouloiars bnto
tbem tbat toere flapne,and to burpetbe
rentes of anrtcciuie. U0oi»ocu9 tl;c bet caper of
fntbefatbees graues. $otoe under tbe rOCjUcVtjcstptaHcii.antiocOusmapuetbfccnb-
cotes of cectapne 3ctocs tobpebe tocte Cprppetoiru tue jctocs.
iBfti}ej$ac!wbee& tfoujC*
$tbe*Cjcli%peategat*3ti Dpc*J3utbeauDtbe elDertf togetbetbe*
Das fcnotolcDgc,tbat3ewtiOi upfeD,to go foztbe fttfie Mrity tytyi peo*
cbus Cnpato; teas conn ple,afoze tbe Hpnge bzougbt bps'booft
mpnge toitb agrcatcpotoet into 3cto?pc, ano afbze be beiegeb tt)t
in to i|etoip anD %tfya$ tfic
3 cptpe, ano fo to conimptte tbemattct
ftetoarDc anD ruler of bis mat tecs untb btitod&oD*
bim rbaupuge an.c»aub.jc.s30,mcii of t
sooberfoze beafctpbebfbe potoet of
fote.b.dlB.bozfmen.jcjcit. Ciepbantes, alltbpnges bnto <5od t^ maker of tbe
anD.tti* C.r barrete3 . «j)penclaus alfo toozloe, ejcboitpnge bps people to fpghc
iopneb fninfeite toitb tbem ( but toitb manfullp,(pea , cuen bnto Dcat&e)foi
great Dpfceate) anbfpaKefapzeto the tbelatoes, tbe temple, tf)ecvtit y tfjep?
ttpuge,not fo2 aup gooo of tr)e countcc, otone uatpu e countte,anb to befenb tut
butbecaufebe tbougbtc to bane bene cptefpns:anb fet bps boll e before ®po>
tnabefome great man of auctozite.iBut tipn. i^e gauejrjjem alfo that toec toitb
tbekmgc of binges motieD ainttocbus bim,a tofeen of tbe tyctoip of©0D,cbO4
bngoDln petfonne,
rwpiiDe agapuft tbis fpng out tbe manlpeft pohge men, to cut
i.m«.««,n anDjlpftasinfounneD tbe apng^tbat bp npgbte in to tlft fcpnges pauplpon,
tbps Jfenclaus teas tbe caufe of all fletoe of rbe booffe.jrtiii*^. men, *ano m^t t
Deo to

to tbat tbe fcpnge
bim, anD(astbemanerof
m gteateft dclepbates,toitb tbofe tbat

tljem s ) to put bpm btuo Dcatb in tbc

t q;bus Mi[)ui tt)tp baD b2ongbte a _

Caine place* gteate feate aub turnout among tt)s tit
Cbete toas alfo in tbe fame place a tes of tbepi enempes, ano all tbpnges
totoet of X.cnbPtes bpe, bcappeo fomb toente piofpecouape tottb tbem , tbep
affljes : but abotte it toas To mao e, that DepatteD in tbe bieafce of tbe Dape, <5oD
men mpgbt lobe ooiune oneuetrefpDe. bepng tbepi belpetanb Def enbet»0oto
& bete in to tbe fcpnge cominaunbeb tobentbekpnge petceaueb tbemanlp*
that Cbamcfull petfon to be cad among neffe of tbe Vetoes , be toente aboute
,» tbeaajes, as one tbat toas caufe of alt to taae tbe fttong places bp'ctafte, ano u fl»«.n.«
bngtacpoufueffe Kind ceafon it toas, remoueb bps dooUe * bnto ©etbfuta,
tbat f butbtift (Doulb Dpefucb a Dcatb, tobicbtoa? a toell nept fjoufe of Defence
ano not to bee butpeD : foz be baD Done oftbeJIetoesrbut t\)tp toete cbaceba^
inuc be mif cbef e bnto tbe a niter of ©od toap,buttanb DifconfpteD*
(tobofe fpieanb afjjes toete bolpe)tbec* 3inD 3f uDas fent bnto tbem tfjat toe^
f 01 e toas it rpgbt, tbat be bun felfe alfo in it,fucbe tbinges as toete necelfatpe*
fljoufoc be Defttopeo toitb atyes* 3[n tbe Jfetoesbooft alfo tbete toas one
&ut lb* fcpnge toas tooDDe infjps 13boDocu$, tobicb tolbetbe enempes:
mpnbe anD came to ft>to bpm f elf c moze tbep* fectetes:but tfjtp fougbt bun out,
ctuell bnto tbe Vetoes, tben bps fatfjee anD \at)sn baD gotten bpm, tbep
toas* accntcbe toen Judis pecceaueb, putbpm in pzpfon : aftec tbps DpD tbe
u.tyH.%t *becommaunDeDtbe peopletocalbp* npnge comcti toitb tbem tbat toete in
ontbe jLojiDe npgbte anD Dape : tbat be idetbf u ta ,tofcc ttuce toiti) tbem,bepat«
tooulDe no to beipc tbcm alfo, Ipfee as be anD fttotRe a battaill toitb 3 uDas,
t cd,

baD Done altoap: jf oz tbep toete aftapeo tobicb ouercame bpm*

cobe put from tbepz latoe, from tbep: i3UttobtnbebnDct(loD,tbat^bilip< CB
natutall contte a hd from the bolp tern -
pe(tobomebcbaD lefte tobe ouctfeet of
plc:anD not to f uffrc tbe people(tobtcbe bps buf ineffes at aintiocb)began to tH
alptletobtleafoiebegatinetorecouer) bel againft bmi,bc toas aflonpeb in bps
tobeefubbueb agapuc of tbe blafpbe* mpuDe:fotbatfjcpclDcDbtmrelfetotbe
mous nations. 31 c toes,anD maDe tbe an otb,to do tobat
^r §,o toben tbcp baD Done tbis toge* foeuettbep tbougbttigbf*
tbft>and befougbte tbe hozd foz metcp p.otoetoben be toas tcconcpIcD tottb
toitb toeppnge anD faftpnge tbie Dapes tbem,be otfteD,maDe mucb of tbetctm
Iougcjfl at bpon tt)t gtounDe:3|iiDas eje* ple,gaue gteat giftes bntott,enbzatc&
hozteo tbenij to mafee tbem felue$ tea; Hl^i*ctj3beus, maHpngebpm captapne
&$Miu anb

Cljc toonot boUe
«no gouernoutfcom j^tolomaps bnto troubled aoonetefoze 31 berecbe tb*(ii> -
tbc^etrenes. fepnge) contpDze all tbefe thpuges Dplp*
lacuertbeleffe toben be came to 4$to« gentlpe,ano t^m make lomc pzoupfpon
k>maps,t be people of tbe cptie toere not foztb* lanDeanDtbepeople,accozDpng
(o nten t toitb tbat bono of f t cnDfypppc to tbe UpuDueffe thai tbou battcoffewD
fojtbep toere afcapeo, that be toouloe bHtotbe.fozaslongeasitiDasbatbe
breafce r!?c coueuaunt.'Cben toente ftp* tbe bppcrbanoe, it is not poflpblc tbat
(pas Dp into the feate , anD cnfourmeD men can Ipite in peace.
tin people, 0)ctoeD tbem the caufe tobp, a»ben be baD tp Ken tbefe tooiDc$,o*
auD pacpfpeD tbcm.&>o be came againe tber f renbeg alfbaupngc euell topll at
to 3aitpoch c * Cbts is no toe tbe matte 3tfuDas,fet tbe hpng Demetrius on fire
eotiecmpnge tbe kpnges ioutnepe, ana agapnft bpm.* aobicb tmmcDpatlp rent ,
m)l u
Ms ceturnc. 4&tcano?(tuUc of tbe <£Iepbantes)a cap
4£-Cbe.jctiti«€bapter, tapne,in to JetojpicommauuDpug bint,
J&p tbcmorroii £oit>>£>cmctniis fattier?)
of tfjc to taUeJubas bimfelfealpue, but to
ffitcamnto fepll ti)C3ietocs. j&icano;maftctu nape tbem tbat lucre loitb bpm, anD to
compact tout) rtjc 3|etocs,totoc& &c pet tueafeetr) waft* Hlcimus bpe P?eeft of tbe temple.
tljiou JD ttje mocpou of tlje bpuge, jgitcaitot corns
maunoeti) isafta to be taken. 2Ft)CboUmcsof 'Cben tbe beatben tobicb fteo out of
iwfta. ^etu^pfrom^ubas, came to Bicano^ ^
|5Fter tb« prates' teas bp Qocaes, tbpneapnge tbe barme ano
JuDajs m Con uu cD,!j otoe Decap of tbe Jetoes to be ttypi toclfare.
Demetrius p Tonne jjious toben tbe Vetoes bearbe of ^tca«
of ^eleucus toas come iio;s commpnge,anD tbe gatberpng to*
bp umb aojteatcpctocr getber of tbe l^catbcti : t^p fp^meUlcD
anDGjpppcjMbojcrbjtbe tbem felues tattb eartb, *anD befougbt «.a9tt.«.«
baaen of €ripoii£, to take cectatne bpm, tobicb mabe tbem bps people, anD
commoDpotts places anD co nnttccs,a* euer DefenDeD bis otoue potcpon toitb u
gaptifte aintiocbus anD Ins captapnc upbent tohens,tbat be tooulD pzeferue
fcpftas.^oto 3Uctmus(tobicb baD bene tbem ftpll.§)0 at t\)t commaunDemente
&pe p;ccftc,ano toplf «llpe DefpleD bpm oi § captaine^tbep remoueD from tbence
felfe,tn tbe tpme oi tfje mpjctpug)fetug, anD came to a totone calleo Denafan,
that bp no meatus becoulDcbebelpcD, 3lnD^>pmon3luDasbiotbecfe(ltnbaD
no: fjaue anp moze tntcannce to tbe aul toitb Bccano.i,but tbo^otoe tbe fooapne
tcr;hecame to ftpngc Demetrius in tbe commpnge of tbccncmpcs, be toasa;
bunDjetb anD one ano fpftye peare,pje* fcapeo.
fentpnge bnto bun a ccotoneof golDe,a ^euertbelefll ^icano? beatpngtbe
palme ana an olpue tree:tobtcb(as men manlpnes of tbem tbat toere toitb 3fu»
tftougbrc) bclongcD to tbe temple, anD bas,aub tbe boloe lromacKc$ t\^m\)tt
chat Dape be belDe bps touge. ©tit toben bao to fpgbt f oj tbcp: natu rail countre,
be baD gotten opoztuntte foj bis maD< Durfte not pioue tbe matter mtt) blout»
ncflfcDcmetrtus calleo bpm to councell fl)eDing.30Qbecfo^e be fent^offUJotttus,
anD afueD bpn^umat tbpnges oz couu* Cbeobocius anD <J$atbias before, to
eels tbejehies leaneDbnto.* ^eaun* geueaiio to take peace. &otobentbep
ftocreDttEbeJfetoes tbat becalieD Mu baD taken longe aoupfement tbere bp^
Dct(toborc captapne is 3JtiDas ^acf?a< ou,anD tf)e captapne a>etoco it bnto tbe
bcu$ ) mapntcpne toatres, make incut* multptuDe : tbep toere agreeD in one
re cctons 3 auo topll not let ib e rcalme be mpnDe to banc peace, ano tbep appopn^
in peace* teo a Dap to fpt upon tbefe matters quu
25 tfozJbepngDepzpueDOfmpfatbets ctlpe among tbem felue&tbe doles toec
bonoure (. J meane tbe b?e pzeeftboDe) b.iougbtanofet fojtb»0euectbeles,3{« •

am come bptber : partlp becaufe teas 3 Das commaunbeb eectapne mm of ar*

faptbful bnto tbe fcpnge,an& partlp be< mes to toaptc in conuenpent places,Ieft
catife 3 fougbte tbe profpte of tbe tptu tbere Q>oulD fooenlp arpfe anp cuel tbo^
fins.aiuD tobp.-all oure people, tbozoto to to tbe enempes. 3CnD fo tbep comoned
tbe toicaeDncsoftbetn, are notaiiUe teaf onablp together.
iSftijejteljabm ftb-fi*.
T& $tcanot,tobp!e be abooe at Jerufa* irepatteb*
Icm,o joud bun rclf c not bnreafonablp, Chen tbe pjeefteslpft bp their ban * f
but tent atoape tlje people that tocrc ga< dcs robjarD beaucn,anb befougbt bp'b
tbcteD t ogctbet. i^c loueD Juoas euer tbat urns euer tbe oefenoec of tbep; pco*
lotto l)is beatte,ano fauoureb bpm* l)e pUjfaptng: ebon £> jlozo of all,iobicf>
piapco bun alfo to take a topfe , anb to bafte nm
of notbpng,ujoulDeft tbat tbe
bipnge foztii cbplozeii, £90 he marpeb, temple oftbp babptacpoufljeuioebea*
ijuicD in rcfte,ano tbep leu a comen Ipfe, monge bs«Cberfoze nob) £> mofte bolp
©tit ailctmusperceaupngetbe lone tbat jLoxoc,fecpc tbps boufe euer bnotfplcb,
teas bettopjtte tbcm,anb boto tbep toere * \a\)ici) lareip toag cienf eo* &otot toasi
{ ma
agrecb together, camcto3£»emctuus, there accuf eo bnto ^tcanoz,*ne i&a?(s «.*«.*.«
ano toloe bpm that /fitcauoi bao taken an aiDcrinan of Jctufalcm, alouccof
ftraunge matters in bano,ano ozbeneo the uj b ole cptte , a no a man of goob r e*
J ubajj'Cau enempe of the tealmej to be poite:tobicbe f 0; tbe fepnoe berte tbat be
tbe kpnges f uccefToure. itlbeii tbe binge bare bnto the pcopic,tuas calleba fatbee
tuas foic Dpfplealco , anb tbozouic tbe of tbe Jjetoes.icbps mannc ofte tpmes,
toptftcb accufaepons lubicbt auctions tuben tbejjctocs ucreiupuocD to feepe
uiaDeof#ncanoz,bctoasfopzouo{uD, tbe If lu es bnDetpieb,beitnbeD ano be*
(bat he tozotc bnto 0icauoz,fapmgc: Ipuereb tbtm,bepng content fteofaftipe
tbat he teas bcrp augnjefoztbefteuo; to fpenDe bis bobp anb t)p0 ipfc toj bps
u>panbagremcnt,tobicbhc babmaoe people*
iotth $$acbabcus.$cucrtbclcs' be C5< £>o i^icanoz topllpnge to beclate|
maunbeb linn in al p baft, tijat be flmio Je toes, few fttte
fiate,that be bare to tbe
takc^acbabciispzrfonct , anb fenbe bfiDKtb me to take bpnufo: be thought
btmtoSButiocbc* pf be gat bun be fyouibe bziug tbe Jem
<* &htcheutfte0foben0ieanotbaD es in great becape.^oto toheu tbe peo*
fene , betoasathpstopttcscnb, anb plebeganne torutye <natbtsboufe,to
feu gteucb, tbat be fljoulbc bzeabc tbe buabc tbe bojes,a no to fet fpu on it:r)c
thpnges therein tbep bao agtctD:fpe< bepnge nob) taken, toouibe hauebefen*
cpaibje, fepuge s$)acbabcus teas tbe ttD btmtelfe vottb bis rtocatb:cbo(puge
man, tbat tieucr bpb hpm barme* ©tit rather to ope manfullpe , then topcloe
bccatifc be mpgbte nottoithftanbetbe bpmfelfe to tbofc totckeb boers:anb be*
fepuge, be fougbtc opozt unite to fuitpU ca ufc of bP£ noble flock c, be bao rather
bps commaunbemente* #iotuutbftan- baue bene put to extreme cruelte . 0ot
DFugctobeniDfjacbabcusfato tbat^i< tottbfl a nopng tohat tpme as be mpffcD
canoi beganne to be cburlpfl) bnto bun, ofbpsftrobe fo?bafte,auo tbcmultp*
anb tbat be mtreatcb brm moze r ugbip tuDt t el in bpolcntlp bettopjete tbe oozes
then be teas toontc , bepcrccaucbtbat be ramie bolbeipe to tbe toall, anb cafte
fucb bnkpnbncs came not of goob,ano bimfelfe bolone manfullp e among tb*
tberf ok be gatbeteb a feto of bps men, beape of tbem, tobich gaue foone place
anb imtJitoctu him feite from $icanoz. to bps faII,fo tbat be fel bpon hps help.
Sfchicb toben be kneto tbat sj^achabcus I^cuertheleae tobple ttjcr u>as ^et bKtb
bab manfullp pzcucntcb bun , be came toitbm bpm , betoas fepnolco in bps
into tbe great anb mode b oip f cmplc:<i mpnbe, ano tobple hps bloub guftct)
commaunbeb tbe pzecttesf uibtcbe toere outejcceabpnglp(foibe teas berpfoie
tiopnge tbepz bf uall offrpnges) to belp* toounoeojhe ratine tboioto the mpDDett
ucrbrmtbcman.3.ub tobenibepftoare of tbe people,ano gat brm to tbe tope of
tbat tbep coulee not tell lobere tbe man atocfee • ^otobenhpsbloubetoas
loastobome he fought, befttetcbeootit nob) gone, bttokeoutbpsotoneboto*
bis banbe,*ano mabeanotbe,fapinge: els bjttb botq bps banoes , ano tbzetoe
Ji pe topll not belpucr me Jtibas dip- tbem bpon the peopIc:cal(png bpon tbe
tpue,3I tyall remoue tbts temple of <5ob % cib of Ipfe anb (pirite,to retoarb bun
into § plapue ftlo. 31 (bat bzcake ootone tbi,0 againe,anb fo be tytb>
theaulter, anb confecrate this temple
bntosacfms after thefe toojDes \yt C^^^*€^apter,
= =

H\)t ittmm
W&it&noi soetb aboutt to come bpon 3!ttbas o»
man,fadeand of hoheft comtetftcpon,
tl;e#abbotO &apc. £t)cb!arpl)£mpcofi,licaiioi.
toell f poi;cn,anD one that bao bene erct
fpoa, boloencnj tbcp; ticrrcs. SDc piapct of em a cpf cd in uSoDlpncs ftomc a cbplDe)boU
f tjabcug. after
f boa of ^tcaiim ta ones oucr com Dpngc bp his hauDcs totoacDc heaucn,
isjac&abcus comtnauimcrb i;ts &cab anb t)i3 bait
besrobecut of,a»D bpsrongeto bcegcuenbiuo anD pzapingc fozOts pcopie»2Bftet tbps
fotoics. there apcarco bntohpm another man,
Otoe to!) en * $icaiwi tohiche toag ageD,honozabIe anb glozk
hnc toe tbatjju Das teas ous.ainD ij)ntas fapDc: chis t.s'a loiicc <£

in the couutce of &ama* of tbebzctbzen,and of the people of 3ff*

ria 3 heibougbtctoithaIl tacil. chis is he that pzapetb much foz
bps potoec co ftcpfce a the people 7auD foz all the help c?tie:3je*
feioc tottb bpm upon a cempe the pzopbet of aoD.i^e thoughtc
^a6botbDape»/ft«uerthclefre thereto* alfo that jjecemp helDe out c his cpgbte
es that toece compelled to go tottb him hanbe,anD gaue hpm(namelp buto jjii
fapDe:£> Do not ef tulip anD bnfcpnblpe, dasja ftoerDc of goloe , fapinge:Cafce
tut balotoe the £>a bbotti Dap,anD too;-, thps holpeftoeacoe, a gpfte from ©od,
fljpppe bpm tbat f e t tt) al tbiugcs* jroz al tohere toith thou fbalt fmpte Dototic the
thPS,pctfapDtbebngcaciousperfoune enempes ofthe people of Jftaell*
w.w.jt;.c. *Js there a mpgbtp one in beauen, tba t 3 nD fo thep toec \atll cotnfozteD tt>o

commautibeD the ^abbotueoape to be ro to the toozDcs of JuDas,anb coke co*

fcepccfSGnd tohen thep fapDe : pea, the iu cage bnto them , fo that theponge men
tipng C500jtbe bcaueu Jlozd iu toec DetcrmcD in thepz mpnDes tofpght,
«*«.**& ^commaunDeotbe feuetut) dapetobee ano to bpbc ftpflp at itrjf n fo much that
lupte. i)c fapd:aind 3 am mpgbtp bpon in the thpngestohich thep toae in hand commaund them f oz to acme thctc bolDneffe tt)etocDtbat fame, be«
them felucG.anD to per fontme the Bin* caufe the bolp cptp anD the temple toerc
ges bufiueflTe /frottottbflandpnge be in pare!l:foz the tohiche thep toftcmoze
mpgbt not batie bis p urpoic. cace,then foz thepz top ueja(,chpiDzen,b j«
23 ji-licauoi bad deupfed toith greate thzen anD fepnffolcaes* Blgapne, thep
pzioe to oucrcomc 3judas,and to bzing tbat toece in the cptie,toece mod careful
a toap the btctozp.idut jjBaebabc us bad foz tbofe tohiche toece to fpgbie* 0o toe
cucrafafre conf'pdcnec "and a patfecte tohen thep toece all in a hope that the
fjopctn <50Dtbat hetoouldpelpehpm, iubgement of the mattec toas at banbe,
anD ejboztcd bis people ,uot to be afrap* ano the euempes dzeto npe,the buoft be^
CD at the commpng of the ^eatfjembut pngefet inarape, the Clephantes and
altoapeto remembzetbebclpe that bad hozfmcn eutrpe one ftanopnge in his
bene OjetoeD bnto them f com bea ue*,pea f
ano to be lute no toe a if o, tbat almpgb*
place: ^acbabeus confpbzeD
mpng of the multptude.the ozdpnaunce
thecoma ^ '

tpe<Bodtoould geuetbem tbebpctozp* or bpuecs toeapens , the cruelneiTes of

I&efpafeetonto them out of the la to ano the beaftcs,arjD held bp bps handes to«
pzopbetcs , puttpnge ifjein in remem* toard heaucn, callpnge bpon the tlozdc
bounce of the battaples, that tbcp ban that Doth toondcts,tobicbe*gcueth not «**«««
ftcpefecn afoze , ano made them to be of the bpctozp aftti the multptuoe of toea«
3w x,u b * » *

a gooo coza gc> pens and potoec of the boft(but to them

£>o tohen thepz hearted lucre pluctc that pleafe hpm")accozd'png to his otone
tp,be fftetoed tbem alfo the Dtfccarfub topil. ^hecefozeiubispzapecr)efapde
neffe oftbe i^ca then, anD boto tbcp tool d t!;cfe toozdes*
fecpeno couenauntc not o be* ibus be t A)TLozde, thou that dpddeftfende 4-rrg^s
tocapcncDtheinnot tottb the acmoure thpne 3ngell in the tpme of cjeaiah *jg*Z**
ofu>id and fpeare,but tottb tobolfome bpnge of juda,and in the boil of$>tiu uXwi.*
toozdesandejehoztacpons* ^efbetoed naherrb fl c toe ft an hundzeth and fpue,
tbem adzeameaifo, tobercthozotoc be and foure froze thoufanD:fend noto al*
maDe tbem all glad,tohtcb teas ttygfyt fo thpgood angel befoze bs(4D jLozd of
thought that he fato ^>ntas(tofjtcb bad heaueiTjj^n tbefeatfuineffe auddzeade
bene bpe pzecu\a bectuous anD loupng of thpmpglKpacirf i that thevtobiche

come agapnfte tbp bolpe people to blafc goolp teano* to be cat in iptle peces,
pbeme tbenvnap be afftapeo, ainb ro be aub to be caft to tbe fonles,aub tbe ecu*
maoe att euoe of bis toozoes* Cbcn /l*i< ell mans banoe to be baugeo bp befoze
canot $ tb cp that toete toitb bun, ozetue tbe temple*
npe to«b tyattimcs and fouge$:but 3Ju< £>o euecp man gaue tbanefces bnto
oas ano bts compattp mttb pzapec ano tbe Hozo,faping;blefl'eo be b*,tbat batb
callpngebpon<EoD» . fceptebptf place
fflOJtbtbeitbaiiDcstbepfmote, but asfoz^tcanoijs bcab,* be banged
toptb tbeic bcrtes tbep pzapeo bnto tbe u bpontye bl'e fatten , foz an eupocnte
&ozoe audfletoenoleiTetben.w]cb^»
J anb plapue to&en of tbeijelpe ofdBob,
incline: fo; tbozoto tbe pzefent belpe of 3110 fo tbep agreed all togetbtt, to feepe
won tbep toece gloupuflp comforted* tbat Dape bolp,namelp tbe.tfii.dape
$oto toben tbcpnft of,ano toetc tut of tbe monetb 3Bdat, tobicb in
tipngagatne tmAope,tbep bnoetftooc tbe £>pxians? language 10
tbat jatcanozbmiTctte toas flapnc tottij calico tbe nejete oape be*
tbe otber. €bcn ttyp gaue a great fl;ou t fow^atbocbeusOitp*
aub a enc pzapfpngtbe ilmigbtp ilozd tflbus teas ^iiicanot
luttbalouDc bdpce»3inD3(uDas(tobicb flaiucanDftotbac
£ tons euer ceaop to fpende bis bobpe anb tpmeroztbetbe
Ipfc fozbis citefpns ) commaunbeo to 3feiue$ bab
fmpte of $icanozs bead toitbbP# acme tbecptie
and banb,aub to be bzougbt to jcrufa* <upolTeirpon: ano bete
Urn* -JOciKn b c came tbere,be calico at tbe toplijnobimafee
people, ano tbe pzeeftes at tbe aultec ancnoe*
toitb tbofctbatiuetc in tbe caftell, aub
fljctocbtbcm jftiranozsbeadc, and bps C^c ende of tbe feconde bo&r
tope bed banoc, tuijicbe be bab pzerwmp* of tbe ijipacbabees,
tuouflp bolocn bp againft tbe temple of
<B?oD»$e caiifiD tbe tonge alto of tbe bn
^Teftament of
nctolp an^'DpIpgcntip tranflat$D
infoCfiigtiflj, Ujttl) Sinnotacfoiis
in tt;e 20crget, atiD orfjct goD*
Ipt&o'us in tfje cnDeof tfjc
Dpngeoftye v
Ifto'ntnfi&filmtuerfSpjc-i.' f.'i {
litcatf cui'ficfifi.

rWec funtiuotcta cjucpv
1 poma itff.CxoH,
wep?Vi &

a i cir/fy '/dr. *s//'v~^

<///^jmn ht/rtJ ^JitJ f??arc/i:dk ^ v/^


m" f/?arty flsrW^S^ fctderjfui j3 j 732

- e

to* C to tl)e mUz. jfoltt.

fectptntctoffb g!ofcs^f!;erfo tortcft

4-toiUfam'Cm ttfboul&efauepfottlc.att&to manebsqputata

toxoge macbe to put ouretcuttc tit tbofetbpngcs
tbat pioftftbctcbcllpcsouclp^aca cure foulcs.
Dale tmto tbt eftttftm 2Cbcrpgbttoape(pca,aiibtl)eonelpwape) "S%t
Ifteaocr* fobiiDctaanberbcfcnpturc bato faluation, is rigbttoal
ibattoccatncQlpanbaboucalltbpMgcfctcbc fox into tbe
(Erefiaftet&otiCnjoofte tbcpxofciTton of oure bapttfmc ox coucuauntcs fcttptute
ncatc teaser ) flic tint) ureaa* mabcbcttocneiSobaitbbs . asfoxancnfample.
mttttox coucnautcmabC Unrb CbxtafaictbjCB)at.b.©appparctbcmcrttful,foi
l>9 0ffFofcmCbn(TC?blctlDC. tbcp u)ai obtaiuc batl; mabc
}l)l>btcbc3i baucloBCDoucta= a coueuauutc to t tb bs,to be mccctful unto
gapnc(tictocattl)ClaQe)tottb toe toil be merciful one to tbat p matt
jallbtltijcttcc, anb rompatcb it tobtcb flbetoct b mcccp iyito bts ncpgbboucc:map y^3
bnto tbc ©refect banc tocoeb be bolbe to trutlctn ©obfoxmetepcat at aeoes. \
mttcof ttnuttp faufC3 , tobicbe fox lacfte of beipc &nu coutrarttopre, mbgement tottboutmertpc, J|<tt0,l,
-*i fn «•
attftc bcgpmtpttge aim ouccfpgbt, D?t» foto t bets
ibalbe to bpm tbat fbetoctb not mcccp. § nome, *•

lu.idfoagtjtfcmccDauugcD.oiUotalroffCfOCca; pf be tbat mctoctb no mrrcp.trutte tn {&$> fox o

BrepngctoitbtliciScCBC.lettbcfptttierofiJfaufe mcrcp.btsfaptbc is carnal anb tooxlblp.anb but
tonfpocr tfte ©cbmcpbxafr, oxmaner of fpcacbc toapnc pxefumpci6.^foi (Soo batb pxomtrcb mccs
IcftcintbciStCBCtoo'.bes. wbofepxcrccpcrfcc; cp onelp to tbc mcrcpfulf.
tcurc ana pxcfciitcuce 15 oftcboti;c one anb ti;c ,
attb tbecfoxctbcmcccples baue not 0©a»

futtictcncct9tbeoptatpucmobcalfo,aitDp futu= tooibe tbat tbcpOjaUbaue mcccp: butcontcacics

rcteuects ofte fne tmpacat tue mooc in tbc acttuc topfc tbat tbcp (ball baue mbgemcutc tottboutc
toopce, anb in tbc pafftueeuec . Epnetopfcpcts mcccp. anb . 3ifpcC|jalfoxgcucmeji
fon fox perfou.nQbxe foxnumbxc,ai»binterroga:: tbeirfautes, poutebcauenlp fatbcrtbalifoxgeue
ctonfoxaconbictotiall,anBfucbclpBetstotfbtbC poiubutanbpfpcCbal notfoxgeucmftbcttfaul*
fceoxues <mo common bfagc. tcs: no moxccbal poucefatbecfozgeuepoupoure
31 Dane alfo ttt mattp places fet Ipgbf in tbc
matgcntctotoubcroancctbetc.rtebp Sfanp
©ctcairobptftc becftic anb Ortgtbof tbia
man fpttocfante cptbcttottbtbcttauflacion 01 coucnautite,\uUcctoitb©£>2Dofbi9m:rcpbatbe
ougbrfccfpbectobicbctscafpccfoxmanpetobo, Bounbcbtmrclfetob9biimoxfbpc,mapcbctbat
tuctt C toellto l)&uc tranQatca tbcm fclfcsof foxgeuctbbt9ttepgbbouce,be boloc mbeubcecs

tbepxotoucpxcgnauutc topttcsat^bcgpnntugc toutuetbanb amenbetb, tobcIcucanbttuOe in

tottboute an ctifample ; to tbc fame tt (ball be fSobfoxcfmiCTtcnof tobatfocucc be batbe bone
latofull to ttaitflatc tt tljem fclucs, attb to put ampOTcanOcontcaritopfe, be tbat topll notfox=
tobat tbcp Ittflc tbccto.5|f3] iballpcrccpuc eptbec gene, uniiot butbpfpcaccoffoxgeueucsintbe
bp tnp fee ox bp tljc mfoxmacion ofottjet tbat ciiDCjattbfearciubgeincuttoitboutmetcp.

2Ti)C general coueuaunt mberin ail otber ace

cugl;tc bccfcapc&me , oxmtgbtc be moxc plains
ipe tcanQatcb:31 topll Cboitclp after caufc it to be com pxebcii oco anb ut r uDco, s r bis. 3\ f wt men
1 1

amcnbeo.Botobctt, in manp placcs,me tbmhet b outfciucstojSa>S),toBepcaIl bis lames .aftcc

it better to put a teclaractott tn tbematgente, tbcenrapleof£l;xia:tbS i5obbarbbouitbc Dpnt
tbea to tuttnetofatrcfromtbetcrte . anb felfcbnto ftcpe,$ maac goob all f mcccpcs
in manp places tobctetbetcrtcfcinctb at p7pxttc pxompfeb fti Cbxtft, tboxoto out all tJ;c fcrtpturc.
cboppebarbt to be bnDccffanbe pet tb e ciccumi
ftaunccs bef 01c mo aftecaub often reabpugc to ouc coxrup tc tutucc.ia compxebcitbcb in f ten cfc jLatoe*
BCtber.maBc it plapnetnougbe. mamtbementcs-^ub tbe ten commauttbcsncutcs
«5o?coucr, bfrauftrbeBpngcbomcofbeas ace compxebcitocb tit tl;cfc ttoo:louc® 02> $ tbp
uen.tobicbctstlje fenptute arm tooxbe of *5ob, ttcpgbbourc. aim betbatlouctb bisucigbbouce
mapbcfoJocbcbbp,tl;atfte tobtcbe tcabetb ox i!i«5ob$et)iift,fulfiiletbtbcrettoo(t!confcqugt5
bcacetb tr.cannot tonbccftanbcittasCbxta tcots Ip toe tctt,aub fiuallp al f otbec. ^oto if tocloue
fpctij boto ft;at tbc #mbcs anb^bartfctsbab oucc ttctgbboucs tn *SjGD2> (e Cbuft p is to toitiC,
forbuttrup^atbrrttt.anbba'utabcnatoaptbc if toe be louinsc.bpttbc 9 merciful to tbS.bccaufc

fccpcofBuotolcbge . Hubert, tbat tt;e Sletoes 130b batb cteatcb tbcm totttobis It&eites.iit ci)iiQ:
irobpebe tboitgbtc tbetm fclucs tettb in toetc yet l^ubtcocmebtbg,S:boug!)tctfiemtoi)tsblouDe:
fo locscts cute.anb arc to tbis bapc, tbat rtjcp can t benmap toe be bolbc to rcuft in £5fi)2> tboxotoe
bnbcrOan&e no fcittenre of tbc fcrtpturc unto CDxtftfbtsbcfccupttgc.foxalmcccp . ^Fox«5oa
tbcpxfalitactontbougbctbcp caitccbccfc timet? batb pxomtfeb attb bouttbc b t m felfc co us to iDeto
fcscucrrtobcrcanbbpfputctbctofasfubtelpas bsallmercp.attbtobeafatbcralmpgbtpetotis,
the isoppCb beet 0:9 of SDunccs bathe icarnpngc, f tbat toe (ball not ucbc to fcacc tbc potoer of all
tobtcbe toitb tbcpz fophtftrpe fctucb bs as tl;e ouvcabuccfatics.
^banfrtsbpbtl)c3lctocs . 2Tbcrfoje tbat Jl ,
mpgbtebefouit&cfaptbfull tomp fatljec fl-iloxbc tORCpctbccommaunbCincntcs, botbpncfic tbat
inbiCtibutpnge\mto mpbxctbxcu anb felotocs bcbatbcanpfatfbciniS&SD : tbefamematmes
of ottcfaptbc, tbcpz buc anb nccetTarpc fobc: fo fapttjeisbaptte, tooxlbclp.oamuablc.bcucliibe,
Dzcflpngeit aim ccafottpitgcit: ttwttbe tocabe anb plapuc pxefumpcton, as it 1 9 abouc fapb,ait&
OomacKCf map rcccpucit alfo,$ bcrbe bcttccfoi is nofaptlje tbat can mtttftc ox be attcptcb be f oxe

it: $, ti)ougl)f it tnp butpCmooQc ccace rcabct)to I5£>S> • a»b tbatts it tbat 31ames mcauctl)
toacue rbe bcfozc,$ to ©etc tbc,f cpgbt toapc itt, tnbpsffppate . iFoxbotoe canamanbeleuc
anbtogcuctbc,^tcuchcpctoopciiir\jba!,anbto (fapctbjsauletottbout a pxeacbcc.lSomanoxujtt
annc tbc agatuft falfepxopbctcp $ malicious bps r. jSotoetcabcalltbcfcrtptutc^rctoberc f&cb

pantcs^toijofcpcrpctitaKOubpc is to leue tbe rent aup too pxeacb mcccp to anp,fauc tmto tbcm
33a, tu one
onclp tb&t tcpcut c aim t utne to ts £> So t»itt) at) toU bps rptrt tc from tbem anb gattc tbem tip to
tbcpi bcarrcs, to bcpe ins roinmaunocmciitcs. tbepzbeartcs luttes to reruc fpitue, from ttuqup=
WutotUt bprobeopentc tbat topi! not tutue, is tic to tittqui tic, tpu tbep toeretbozotoe baraeuco
tbxeateneDtozatbc,Dengeauttce,aubbamuacpou, aitbpaacrcpentauttce.
accozbptigeto all rije teerpblccurrcsaubfcacfull 0iib jdbarao, bccattfc tobcit tbe toozbe of

.^. . curamplcsoftbelSpble.
tfavtyt uotoem fStf>S> tbefatbec tbozofoe
tatro »t«3 ouraozbeJierusCbztae.accoxbpngctotbecoues
*5£>a> toas in bps couutrpe, anb iSobbcs people
fcateccb tboiotoe outc all bps lattbc , aub pet
neptber loucb tbeim oi it, tberfoze fS £) £> gatic
piaucrijt tiauntcsauDappoputemeut mabebcttocuctfSob bpm bp , aub tit tabpnge bps fpiritc of grace
aiiD bs is oure raluacion . \9Dbecfoxe 31 battc Cuer fro bacbeticb bts bearttottb couctourues,
noteo the coucuautitcc tit tbe mergences, ano als tbat aftcrtoarbcuo miracle coulbccouuertebinu
ropzompfes . agozcouct mUccc'tOou f puoca n i&ctto pcrtapuetb tbe parable of tbe talcum
pzompreanb no coucuauttte cjcpfCCTcu tbecetoprb: t es. CQ a tb.rvo. 3T be ii,oioe commaunbetb tbe tas
tbcrc nmttc tljou bubccQaiibe a coucuauiif c, tba t lettteto be taben atoapftomtbccuplanbQoutbs
toe tobcu toe be tec epueD to grace, bnotoe tt to be full f ccuauu tc.auo to bpube Dim batibc aub fore,
cutebutpctobepetbelatoe , asfoiaitcnfams aub to call bpm into bttec barcbeucs, aub to geuc
pic. ^JDiieittljcrcttptuccfapctl). iasjatb.tott.3re tbctaleutcburobpm tbat babteu ,rapiuge:toaI
ano it tbal be geueu p ou, f cfcc anb pou Cbal f tube, tbatbaue,mozcQ)allbegcueu . But from bpm
btiorhc ano it (bail be opeuco Ditto pou : 31 1 is to tbatbatbeiior, tbat bebatbe Cbalbc taben from;
feemiberQanbc, pf tbat tobeit tbp nepgitooute bpm . %\)U is to fapc : bttfat batbe a good)
at ctl), febetb oj b ttocbetl; to tbe, tbou tfjcn (fceto bearte totoarbc tbe tooozbe of jM>3> , aub to
Jnm tije Tame mcccp.tobtcb tbou bef t tea of fSob, garupfbc it "oaitH 0oblp Ipupuge, aub to tedfffc
iben batbc «5oo bounbe fyim rclfeto bclpe ti;c a= it to otber, tberame (ball tucceace mozc aub moxc
jrapuc.aub els not. bapelp itttbegrateof Cbziflc.JSut be tbait louctli
3lfo peretbat ttoo tbpuges accccqupze-b to it not, to Ipuc tbece after anb to coupe otI;cr: the
fecgpnaffbztftcuman . :ftbcfpxfteisattebfafte ramcfbal lore tbe grace of true buotolebge, anb)
faptb, aubtcuttc tit almpgbtpe *Sob, to obtapue beblpnbebagapneanbeuerpebape toarc toozrc
all tbe metcpe tl)*t be batbc pzompfcbbs.tbos anb toozrc, anb blpnber aub bIpubcr,tpU be be a«
coto t\)t ocf crupugc 9 met ties of Cbzt a c$ bloube i)ttctenempoftbetoozOcoff5£>2Daubbisbcarc
ouclp to 1 1 bou t al ccfpcct e to out otone tooz'a cs.
, To bacbtneb ,tf;at
it Cbal be impoiTiblc to couuert

iu tbpns # UD tl) c otbec is, tbat toefozfahc eupll, ano

scsaeere futnetoiSobtobcpe bpslatoes, an&tofpgbte Siiitt Hubc. rii. iTbe recu^uute tbat buotoetbj

iquucbfo a saputteourerelues , anb outccoztuptc uatuce bts matters topll, aubpzeparetb uotbpmfeifc,
begpu a perpetuallp, tbat toe mapc bo tbe top II of flSob es Qjal be beaten tottb manp ftrppes : tbat is, (ball
uccp bap better anb bet tec. bauegrcatcrbamttaciou.3ubi3gatb.bii .
*b»fteii ai£
W3H, %\)is baue 31 rapbe(moott beare eeaoct )to tbat beare tbe toozbe of *5ob ano
toatnetbc, leaOetbouu)oulbcttbebecepucb,ano tec, bupibcouraubc: tbat is, as tbe fouubacpoit
f&oulbea not onclptcabc tbe rcttptuces m
toattte, lapcboufaube cannotcefpftcbpoleueeoftoatci;
anbtouopjofptcbutalfotouto tlw greater bam= butisbtibecmputiebatib ouertbzotoeu, euenfo
nation . $ox t\)t nature of igobocs toozbe is tbe faptbc of tbemtbat baueuoluttc nozloueta
tbat tobofoeuer tcabe tr,oz beare tt rcafoncb anb tbe latoe of «5ob , buplbe topou tbe ranbe of tbepj
fuature bpfputeo befozebpm , tttopll begpnuc immtttu otoncpmagtuacion9,(E
uotontbccocbeof f&obz
effSobs* atelptomabe bptneuerpbape better
anb better bee toozbe accozbpnge to bis coucuaunt es, tut-
itooxbets, tpll
be be grotocit into apecfecre man in f bnoto= nctf) to dcrpcractou tu f pine of tcibulacion , and
Jcogcof£.bztttc anbloueof tbe latoe of *StS2>, tobcti (5ab commctb to tuDgc.
ozelamabc Dim toozfcatib toozrc, tplbe bcbac= Una tbe upitcpacoe ajatlj. rti, planteo aub
acneb f \)t openlp rcnoctbtbe fptrtte of f5£>2> bpzcbouttotbeburbaubemeutbat tooulb not
autotben blarpbemcaftec tbcenfamplc of pbas tetibee to tbciozbe, of tbe fmte ttt bue tpme,an&
rao,ffozan,3bicon,i&alam,3luba9,jg>tmou*a3}as tberfoze toas tabcu from tbem, anb bpzeboutetflr
fius,aiiDrucbcotljcc. otber.botbccoufpzme tberame ^ozffbzifterapi

5riji3 to bceueuro, tbe toozbes of ClyMc, etb to tbe 3leto»es:tbe bpngcoome of beaucu tbab
Slobii.ttt.botocllcoufpzme . Hcoie isconbemps be tabcu from pou, aub geucu to a nation tbat:
itacton (fapetb be ) tbat Ipgbt is come tnto tbe topi bzpugcfcztb tbe fruires tbcrof.asittscomc
tooiloe but tbe men loucb barbettes moze tijeu topaCTe . ^Foztbe3fetocsbauelottetbe fpirps
Ipgbteifonbepi ococs toereeupl.}gci)olbc,tobeu tuallbiiotolcbgcofbtscommaunbcmcnres,anti
tbe Ipgbtcof fSobs toozb eorametb to a m5 tobc= alfo of all tl)C rcrtptuce , fo tbat tbep can tonacc^
tbee be reabe it oz beare if pzeacbcb aub tetttfpco ftaube uotbpnge ffioblpe 4nb tbe bozc ts locbet*

anbbepej baucnolouc tbetto.tofaCbion bislpft bp tbat all tbepz bnotbpngc is m bapuetbougbe

tbeccaftet , but confeutetb ftpll bttto bis olbe bes manp of tbem tabegrcate papnefoz ©obsfabe^
ties of tgitojauuce:t!)Cti begtnuctb bis tuaebam- anb2.uc.]rii<.tbcfpggctcce^ bcaretb uofrmte,
iiactou tinmcbtatlpe, anb be is bettccfoxtb toitb= is commauubcb to be plucbeb bp.
outecrcufetit tbat be refuftb mcrcp offceeb bim, 3nb fpnallpc, becto pertapnctbCtottb tufp^
f oi f5£>"S> otTecetb mercp bpou tl;c conbtcto tbat nite otuct) tbe tetrpble parable
of tl)t toncleant
\)t topll mcitbe bps Ipupuge: but be topi not come
fpiciteCEub.riOtobicb after bets call out, tobw
tonbcr tbe coueuauitte . &iib from tbat bourc fo;s be commctb aub fpnbctbbis
boure rtoepte mt>
toatbebetoarctb tooxreanb toozrc, 1S0BU-- garuptbeb tabctbtobpm reueit toozrc
fepugebps fpiritc of mercp anb grace from Upm relfe, aub commctb anb cntcctbut,a»bbtoellctbi
fojbtstottbaubefulttesrabe. tbcccaub fo is tbcenbe of tbat xmn toozfe tbcit
3ub iaauletoxitetb fotbeiso.t.tbattbe^ca; tbcbegpnnpitgc . a:be3ietoes,tbcpbaBcleu?:
tbctt.becauretobcutbep ftnetoc (5ob, tbep bab reb tbem rclues toifb iSobbes toozbefrom
al out*
no lutte to bououtc bpmtottb ©oblpc Ipupuge, toarbcpboIatrpanbtoozfibppppngeofpbol6.©ut
t UercfojctfSob poutea bts tozat(je bpoit tbcm.anb tbeir bertes rctnatnf ail fattbielfe to^obtoarbe

to, C to $e rca&et ffialui.

mis t o'toacce bis mctcpe anb tcuctu. an& tijccfozc all tbat ft: latoc tequpzetb . anb. t. %imo*
toutbotuc loue alfo analytic to Ots latoe ana to t. panic fa pctb tbat tt)t loue of a puubcattc anb
tbcpz uf pgObout: s foz i;is raiic, ana tbozoto f alfc goob coufctcuccaubfaptbe bttfapueb istoecubc
tcuflcui tbcpz otonctooo;ftC9(totobicbe&)Ctrfp 5 aubfulfpHpngeoftbelatoe.^ozfaptbebnfapuca
ibc coplccof yctDiaoii tbetopchcb bpfboppeof mcbzifles Woube taufctbe to lone foz Cbziaes

iftomctoitbbpslatopccsbatbcbzougbrb9Cbzu fa he.
ftcn inoie abbomtuablc ibo'latcrs rl)Ctt bcfozc) ^Dbtcbcioucis tbe pntelouconelraubtbc favtD t't
anb become tctt tpmes toozrc in tbe cuoctbeuat ouelp caufeof goob confctcuce . ^foztbcu is tbe raufe of
tbebcgpunpnge . jfozroefpzactaolattpcteas conrcienccpiite toben tbecpeloBetb to Cbztft in loue*
fouc rppeb anb cafpc robe rebubcb of tbe p;o= all bee bcbcs,to bo tbem foz bis faue , auo not foi
pbetesbprbcrccipruce . ©urtoc latter ismozc bccotouerpnguiec abuauutageozanp otbec tote*
rotle to begplc tottball attb bunazcb tpmes of bebputpore . anb31obubotbctubpsi5orpc|{
mozcopfficuite tobCtoebcboutc of memtes 1kv= anb alfo tfpiOlcs.Tpcahetb ncucc ofanporbcp
tee, latoetbcu to loue oucanotbccpurclp.atfmnpngc
3Tftt9 aKo is a conclufpoit , norfypnge moze tbat toe baue 15 £>fi> bpm feite btoellpnsc os m
cecrapur, ozmoxcpzoueb bp toe rcQtmcnpeanb anb all tbat iEtfDS) berpzetb , pf toe loue one toe
cufamplcsofrbcfcnprute, tbat pfanpetbarfa= otbet.
uourci-j; t e\uojDcot"£3oo, befo toeanc tbat be
gicpnee tbeu tbatfapt^j to ffiiDa),anbfoue
can not cbaitc bps fl cu)e,bp:n mpl tbe jLjfl>lRS>j£ anbmeccifu!uesfooutenepgbouts,tsaltbattoc
cOaflpceauarcoucgeeuetp bapelfiacpct 9 ff ar= muftcbiibctaanbeaubtutetpzctcbptbem , s>o
per,\uui; mbulactonauD mpifoztune ,tbar 110= tbat al infeciourelatocs ate to be ftept anb obrccs
tbpugcfball pzofpecctoitb bpm butalllbali go ucb as loitgc s f l;cp be rctuauutcs to faptbc
agapuae bpm tobatfoeuct be tafcetb in batibe, loue: anb tben to be bzoseu tmmcbiatlpe, pf tt)os
anb Q)all topfct bpm toitb pouecttc , toitb fpcftc= totoeanpoccafpou.tbcpbwctceptbcctbefaptoe
nciTes ana oprcafes, anb fball plage bpm top rb Wmi)C toe Q)oulbc baue to gootoacbe tbe con=
plageopon plage, erbe moze lorbfomc , tecrpble fpbence of Cbzittes bloubc oz toe loue tobpebe toe
anafcatfulirbcuorbcc, tpil be be at ottecbefp^ otoe to out uepgbboucs fozCbztttcs fane.
flUUCCtoltOOtSflCfbC. anb toecfozc toben tDc blpnbc jsbartrccs
£et os tijerf ojc tbat baue uotoc at tin's rpme mutmuteb Mb gcubgco at bim auo bis bifciplcs,
outc rpes open co agapue rbozoto toe tcitbec mcc= tbat tl;ep bzafec toe gubbotb bw
anb tcaotcp;
cpcofr5£>£>, ftcpcamcancaetusfoputoucc ousoftbceloets anb toatbebpmfelfeopbeaxc
tcultc tit tbe metepe of rSSDSD.rbozoto 3!££>fl3& to ttb publicans anb fpnuets,beaunriDet:cty,
Ciir>HJl!§>5F tbat toe liuorottourr&utpe.toRCpc jGQafO.tF.alcDgpugcajraiastbepzopbete: iSo
tbe latoc anb connnauuacmcurc of £5£D3>, auo tatbecanblcatitctobattbismcjnctb,3iccqupze
toloucouccncpgbbouts foz tbtvi fatbets fabc, mctcpanouotfac (fpee anbjagatb.jtt.^u
tobpebe cccarca tijem anb bougbtc tbeim To beces tbat pc toitte tobat tbts mcanetb: 31 cequpze mccs
Ip totto bps bloufcc . & er bs toalfec ttt rbefeatc of cpeaubnotraccifpce . ^fozonelp loue auo mcc=
<5fl>£>,aua oaucoucccpcs open to borbepactcs cpfuliiesbiibecOaubctbtoelaaj.anbelsuotbtug.
of ©oboes couenauntes.cccrtfpcD tba t none fbal= auo bc.toat batbc not tbat tozpttcn tit bis bene,
bcpactabccofrbcmeccpc rauc be rbartotlftgbt (ball ncucc oiioccQaube toe latoc , no tpougbe ail
CbziCcs agapHactbefleibe,to&epcbp9latoc . auMct os tbe aungcls of bcaueu tocute aboutc to teaebe
Znbes fet acme oure f clues toirb tots tcmembzaunce , tbat bpm. anb be tbat barb rbar grauen insbeacr, £>ncfp
bsmf fa as Cbziftcs toozhes tuttefpe fcom rpnucaubrct toall not ouelp bubecaanbe tbe latoc, but alfo loucbnaj
uoureof bs tit rlje fauouce of *S£>2>, foo outc otonc bebes ipall bo of bisotoue incunaciou all rbat is ccqut^ becttaus
f5ob,atib tt)ozotoctoozhpugcoff0crpicttcoff5£>£>,0clpc tea of tbe latoe,tbougbe ncucc latoe bab bcuc
gc= betb tb;
ontoumc bstocontmuemrbefauoutcanb tbe grace , into utn : 39 ali motOfts bo of tbem felucs totrbourc latoe»
l)cipebs tobPCbccb»uebatbbzougbtbs,ana tbat toe can latoc unto tbcpz cbpibzeuaW rbarcanbcccqup^
to contpe no lengee continue in fauouce anb gcace tbeu out tcb bp aup latoe, ioucoueccomtnpnge ailpapue
imetbec? bectes bo bcpctOc latoe. gtpcfc.rcaiouruiiTcoz lotbfomncs, aubcucufu

tn. tfuctbetmozcconcetnpngctfjelato cf Sob, no boubtc p: toe bab continued in outefpztt ftatc

tbis is a genccat c on cluf on to at tbe lubolc iato,
t ,
ofiunoccucic,toCfboulbccuec baue fuifpllcb tbe
tobttber tbep be ceremonies , faccifpees, pea , oz lato toitbout coinpuirion of tbelatoc.
§>accameutcseptbcc, oxpzeccptcs of equptpebc; ana becaufc toe lato(toOpcbe is a bocttpne
ttocncmmanb man tbozotoeoutcall begtccsof tbozotoc tcacbpnjc euccp man ops butpc , botbe
tbe toozlbc all bjece gcucn foz outc pzofptc anb btteroutccoztupteuatu!C)isruffictcntlp Defects
nccctTtrif onclp.aua uotfozaup nebctbat f?£>£> bcbbpfijopfcs^bccfozcis lytic mcucion mabc
fcatbe cf cute beppugerbcim.oz tbat bps tope en; tbctof in toe ircto srcoameutc.fauc of loue ouelp
trcareb tbctcbp , oz tbat tbebcoc it feirc.botJje tobectn all tbe latoc is iudubcb as rclbomemciti
pieafe btm.2Cbat is all tbat Sob tcqupxetb of bs ciouismabcofrbc ncioe ^ettamcute tbe oiaem
tcbculoe beat one tDitbOin^anebo put out tcua latoe.fauc bete anb tbcteatepzompfesmabebni
tn bpm , anb (cuceuccp man Ops ucpgbboutcto to tbem tbatCbiitt aoulberome anb bleffcrbcm
pptpc Opnt, anb to banc companion on Opm in al anb bdpuec tbcm.anb tbat tbe ©ofpel anb nctoc
t; p e it cfcc s
, anb too be mcccpfull unto bun. 2T0i s areftament (boulocbe pzcacbcb anb publpipe*
tobccuenro.Cbuftetcftpfictb fagatb.bti. fap* bntoaliuacious.
tiigc:tbtststl;clatoeaubtbci9zcp0etes. SI;at 2Tbej5orpell tsglabe tpbpugcs of mctcpe, ©orpcif.
t'stoboa3tbouh)ou!bcttbcbuneto(accozbpnge anb grace anb tbat oucc coztupte nature fball be*
31 ineanc to tbcbocttpne of tbe f crtptutc;aub not bealcb agautcfoz ffbziaes fa he anb foi tbe mccp;
to bo tbat fbou too. tibcti not baue bone to tbe, tcsof i?is befecupuges ouelp : pet on rbar couop^
Soueis tsall tbat tbclatce tequpzetb anb tbe j9zopbc= cion tbat toe topll tutne to rSoa to leacnero ucpe
anb|S)aulctotOelRoma.riii.affpzmetb bislatoes rpttttuallpcptsto rap of louefoz bis
tbcfulfil=* c 8 •

alfo fuffce^ cuttgeofoucinfitmtrics, \oil
fpngeof alfo.tbat loue is tbe fuifpllpngcoftoelatoe.aub
tbelatoe.^af^^P^^ow^.^o^of^sotencaecojbC %bt wvot ^caament,ts asmnebfoz to rape
to, Ctmtott* ?*&&*?'
«* a net» eoucuautfte.snbcolDc sncaamcittc is att tiersauD fpitfull, anb that oure tohole nature a
olDctcmpoxal couettautcmaDebettocticiSoD attD coxrupte auD tnclpncD to fpnne anD all tonrighte^
the carnal cbtlDxcu of abxabam 3]faaeatiD 3|a= oufucs.auD tbctfoxeeupll.topcfeeD, anD bamua^
blc.attD bis latotf holp anD intte, bp tobicbe oure
tob,otbectopfe calico 3|frael,topott rbeDeDcs anD
tbeobfcrupttgcof arcmpoxall latoc. Where tr>c rpnf ull nature is rebufceD. auD alfo to out neigba
tetoacDeoftbcfceppugcts tempoxal Ipfco- pxofs bours,pf toe haue offenDeD aup perron pa,rttcui
pente in tbe lanDc of Canaan, attD tbebxebpnge lerlpe .3Tben contruion foxotofulucs , that
is tctuarDCD toirb tempoxall Death e auDpunpu)= toe be futbe Damnable rpnucrs , anD not ottelp
tncnte. haue fpnncD 3 but arc toholpe mclpiteD to fpnuc
©uf the ttctosreoametttets an euctlaftpuge
STbpxDclpfapthCoftohich out olDCDoctottrs
coucnauute maDe tonto the cbplDxat of iSoD,
tbxougbcapbeittCbxtft.topon the Dcfcrutugesof haue maoc no mention at all tu tbeDefccipriou of
ChJift:MDhece eternal Ipfe tspxomifcDto at that
f oxgeucbs,anD rcccpuc vj s to m cr cp ,a ttD is at one
belcue,anD Death to all that atctotibclcupttge.
tottt) Ds,auD tripl! Scale our coxrupte nature. auD
&iv DCDes,pf3l hepetbe JatocarcrctoarDeD toitb
the temporal pxompf cs of tbis IpfcBut pf 31 be; fourtblp fatiffaccionoxameiiDcsmahpngc, not
icue in Cbxtu\€hxiaesDcDcsbauepurcbareDfox
tofSoowul) holp tooxfecs,butto mpneigbbourc
ntc the eternal pxompfc of the eucrlaapngclpfe. tohome 31 haueburtc,anD tothccongtcgacionof
3|f 3) commpt notbpngc tooxtbp of Death • 31 DC;
<SiD2D , tohome 31 bauc cffttiDeD ( pf anp open
fcruetomp retdarbethatnomanbpllmc. 3If3l cepmc be fouitDe in me.) ano fubmpttpnge of at
l)urtcttomati>3| amtooxtbpe thatnomanhurte
mans felfc unto the cougtcgactou ox chucche of
€tr-tu\atio to the officers of tbe haue bis
»nc . 3|f3| Ijclpemp ttepgbboure ,3i amtooxtbpe
Ipfe coxtcctcDauDgouerucDbcucefoxtbc of then?,
that he hclpc me agaitte. £ o that toitb ottttoatDc
beaDcs,toitb tobtcb31 feme other men,31 Dcfccuc
accoxDpngctothcttucDocttpnc of Chufte. anD
that other men Do Ipfee to me tit tbts tooxlDc:attD uotetbis: thatasfatirfaccton ox amenDcsma=
Bpuge ts countcD tpghteoufncCTe is befoxe the
thep ertctiDc no further . ©tit xtbJtttes Debes et=
tooxlDc anD a pucgepttgc of tbe fpnne : To t bat tbe
tooxlDctobeu 3 baucmaDcafullamcttDeshatbe
2This be f ufftctettt m
tbts place,concerttpttge the
no f urtbee to contplapnc : £uctt To faith tn Cbxt-
Jatoeanb the *ecfpcl,t&c ttcto JEcftametttes: the
ftcs blouDc is countcD rtghtcouructrc,auD apurs
o!Dc:fo tljat as tijcre ts but one ffioD, ouccbiitt.
gpngeof all fpnne befoxe £5ob.
fKjoiCoucr be rt>at fpunctb agaiita htsbxotbet-
tbouthat tberc ts but oucfSofpeUbougb maup
fpnncthalfo agapnttebps father almpgbtp goD.
toxptcit,auDmattpp'xcacbctt. JFoxalpxcacbetbe
fame Cbxtft auD bxtngc the fame glaDe ttDingcs. auD a s tbe rp uuc commit tcD agaputt htsbxotbee
fltiD tbec to Rattles CptOles toitb f be ©ofpcl of
isputgcD befoxe tbe tooxlD tottb mabpngc amens
Dcs ox afbpnge foxgeucttes : euen To is tbe fpnuc
SlobiiaitDbisfpxttCfiptaic, anDthe fpxftefipu:
flleof.&.pctcc,acemo{tpurejSofpcl,auDmoil commpttcD agatnttc25oD pucgcDthoxoto fapthe
in Cbxtftcs blouDc ouclp. f ex CbxtQ rapctb,3)boit
plaptilpanD rpcbclpe Dcfccpbctbegloxpeof toe
bt 1 1. fir ccp tc vt bclcue that 3! am he, pe Cpall Dpc
in tbe^jofoge to the JSomapncs £ in other pla= in poure fptmes . abatis to fape,pfpc tbpufte

ces tobcrc tt is ruff t ctcntlp tntreatcD of. tbattbeccts anp other faenfpee oxfatpffaccioii
to fSoDtoacDe tbcu me, pc ccmapttc cuec in fpnne
CiRcp cutau ncc.
bcfoxe£3oD,boto focucc rigbteous ?e appcarebc?
foxc tbe tooxlbe . litDherfoxe ttotoe, tohethecpe
thep urcD)pciiafice,tbci&cbxue bath in the
call tbis, csjetanoco, rcpcutattnce.conuection.os
'oIDeSTcttament generallp (£>ob ) tutucto
tump ugc agaptte to ©oD.cptbcr amCttDpnge. $ c.
bcconucrtCD. fox which the ttanHacton that toe
Wbctbet pe rapctepctttebc cotmerteD,turtteto
ta He foxCainct ©icroms bath mooft parte ( con-
itectc) t o tutuc ox to be cotiuectcD, auD fomerpmc
3] am coutcnte f pe DtiDcrftanDe tobat is meant
yct( agcrc pcmteticiam . )anDttttbc ©cebetbe
thctbp,as31 haucnotoeDeclarcD»
itcto SCeGament hatb pccpcruallpCCQct auoco; to
tucuc ui the beatte auD mtuDc.attD to come to the
tpgbtefettotoleDgcaitD to a mannes right topttc
agapiic.tfoxtobtcbc.cagctauoco )&atnt Btcro- 'MW oIdc aeaamcutetbctcmpoxan heas
dcs auD rulers of the Sietoes, tohpche ba&
mestrattflacton bath roinctpmc(ago pcnitcjiti;
am)3| Do tepett t,fometpme ( penitco ) 31 tcpctire, 3\ the goucrttaun ce oucr tbe ! ape 01 centmutte
people are callcD elDcr.aspc raapcrcintbcfourc
fometpme( petuttox ) iltepcutaunte, fomctpme
(habcopenitentiam)31 haue eepenrauncc, fome=
tpme(pcnttetmc)3]tccpcntctbme • auDfirafs in his fipiftlcs, auD alfo jactec call tbe pxeias
tcs attD fpitituall goucrttours,tobict>e ate
snus tofetb muebe tbts tooiDe(I£cttptTco)3I come
j$pu)oppeg auD pxtcdes clDerrs. jSoto
fompfclfe,oxtompctgbtmpuDeagap!ie . auD
tobethcrpccall tbemelDetsoj
tbe uetp fence anD fpgniftcacion bottji of the 2^ pxtcaes,it is tome al
bxue.anD alfo of rbctSrcfte tooxDc is : tobe con;
that pe Do bnDcrttiDe that
uerteD anDtoturncto *5oD toitb alttbcbcaetc,
thep be officers ana
feruautttes of
latots , anD to becureD of oure coxrupte nature
toitb the ople of bis rptcitc.atiDtopne ofobcDps offSoD,
cttceto his Doctrpne. irtDb t cbc coimecf ion ox rue;
bntothetobich all men , botbcbpgheattfr
npugcpfitbetjitfapiieDtbcfe foutCDoaccoatp*:
lometbat topi not rcbcll agapne

f oure par; 'tPe it,

anD att cucfuDeD tbertu . CoufcOTtou, not
Cbiiftc, muftf obep as longe
in the piicftcs care ,fox that is but mausinuctrs
tcs of re; «s t bep pxeaebe anD rule
ueritaQce, cton,butto fi5o D in thP beartc,
anD befoxeall the
rrulp.anotw longer,
eongtegacioti of &£>%> , hotoc thattot be fyns
1 :

jtefjeS; jfolflft


/%'^> foucbpttge tbe tfttaitgcltftcs, pefe rbc ttt

ViJ ttctoe 3:cQamctttcIeacIpctnt)atrt)cp voctc*

l^+fiita flsjatbetoC
ie9,anbtoastintb Ctuifte alltpmeof bpspica=
e!jpnge,an& ijearDC ij ts oamc rcifcalmoil all tl)At

&. s©atl)cto
C3H3* gettcalogpc of Cbnft, ano macut ge of bp*
mottle flfjacp . £t>e auugcl farprfpetu JJoCeprjs

jljM£ of thegencrano of
fonne of b &auiD,
biafm . * aibiabam
Jofli 24 »
begat 3Jfaac:*9ffa^
>iac begat Jacob:
jto$.r&.r> * Jacob begat jjuDas aiio bis bictbie":

i<f:n.,-R!t *Iuoas begat pbarcsanbZatamof

*»^ JCfiamat. * abates begat $eftom

Am'** * i&eicom begat aitam : * airam begat
iviumi 3mmaDab : * atminaoab begat 0uU
*iRut..tiU fou: * $
aaffon begat salmon: * &al<
JKiw-d won begat 23003 of isabab:* ©003
*«uit.4* begat €>beo of tiutbc :* ^)bcb begat
jejfj: * jjeffe begat &nuiD tfoe&pnge:
.*j.rf,#,f * &auib the fepngc begat £>alo<
25 moti , of bet that bias t'm topfe of $Jip:

*^aIomon begat «oboam:*i$oboam
*ipa S3
begat 3Gbia:*3bfa begat aifa:*afa be*
Ji w ?? i
5at Jofapbat: * Jofapbat begat c 304
jjpaWa cS:*lo:5 begat £>fias:* &ftas begat
-55; 3oatbam : * Joatbam begat achas:
begat <£$ecbias:*C5ecbias be*
t%9a'.W*9 * 3Bcbas

JiKS"! S at sJ^anaffes : * ^auaffes begat 35<

*4',K.;i.Dinon:* 3£mou begat 3orias:*3ofias

4«?'i'J begat & Jec^onias anb f?is taethien a*

?K(Ku.r bouce tfie tpme tbep toete earned atoap
t<.*-,4,& am* after tbep foere brought to sa*
SeST/i! b«on, * iecbontas begat $>alatbiel:
j« p«£t> #^>alatbiel begat Zoiobabel: * Zoio*

.A2 *
babel begat #biuD: * album be pat £li#

toereanopniebtantl) ople: but to ttjc Tonne of the tbcp toete marticlouflpc glabc: 5 tocnti
totrgm bccauf: DC to as atiopntcD tout) tbcoplc of
into t^e boufe, anD I ounoe tlje cbpioe \6 *_•
tbe fpttttc mot: abounoauntlpc tijcn aitpottjct,
tobiebeanopntpnge teas alfoCpgnifpeobp tbe os i^atp bis motbet, * anD buclcb doilhc ujf JS
tbec. aub D
tooifljtppco bim,ano openeo tbetc
f' 2n>epbcenramples,tobtcbebeopcnJpepunps
rftirsnT* treafutcs,anD offeteO Unto bun giftcs,
Ipfec. anDinp^e . 3ut>
- rt fl. 3un8elt3bpfiitccp:etaetS,S9cffcugec,tobec3 after tbep lucce toatneo of <&&& in a
w«»»w« fozc tbepztefles aub al otocc tbat do oeciace 9 fee b:eanie,tbat tbep tyoulD not go agatne
foxr!) t!K topli oztoozoeof iSoo : acciu Ccriptute
calico auiigcte.
to i^ctooe, tbep tetutncD into tbep;
b.*£manucI,ismfCrpzcteD,{5oo tuitb bs.ttO&tcb otonccounttcanotr)ectoapc. h
Cmanutl iiametoaageuentotroOzia.bccaurciicbepnge JCDben tbep ojece Depatteo: bcbolbc
iSoo, toasC is )9aule toimc Jc tb)founbe Ipbc ton
to t)6 tn all tbpnsC9,r?iiiteone!p crtcprco.
tbe angel ot p TLoiDcappeareo to Jo^»
t. £be mpiibe of tbe cuan^clpftc tobcnbeocclas fepb in a ojeame faping^tife.anD tafee
ytim box tct»Chjttt to be tbcfpzttcronneof agacp toasto tbe cbtloe ano bis motber, ano*flpe uu **,w, »
p i0U c p octuas tbe fonneof auttgti, accozopngc to cgpptc.ano abpbe tbcte tpl
to t ijrpzopbccpc tbar to j 3 0? bpm,anb not to dc=
J bjlng
date tbar CQatp bad mo;c c jpl&icn af tec Opm ,as tbe oi l^ecooe topi fefee § cbtloe <£
fomepbantarpc. to DefUope bun. Cben be atofe ano tofec
fcTCfje.ii. Chapter. * tbec{)!!DecibiStnotbct;bpiugbtc,sbca
pattco tn to Cgipt, 3 ttas tbece feuto p
£bctpmca»D place of Cbzittcsbptrbe.
oeaibe of $etooe to f uicpll tbat tobicbc
2*be toy re men offet tijeic pzcf erues.
Cbztfi icto utto iggtpt. Stje c&ilorf be flame. ttas fpofeen of tt;e jLojo op tbe piopbe
Cbzift rutneo into JSatilc.
tobic'jeiai'ctb ,* oute of ^gpptebaue £**,**
l^e 3|e[u5tims bonuat 3|calleDmpfonne»
©etlilccmtnjurpe, m C'len^crooe pcrceaurngctbatbc
•tittymt of l^erooe the ttas mocfeeo of tbe topfe nun, urns crce*
bpnge : igcbolDe^bere Dpnge tttotb anD rent foitb ano c
flue aC
tanic d luzUe mcti iro tfje tbe ciuloun tbat ttete in ©etbletm an!> }

cafttojetufali, (aping: in all § coiled tbeeof , as manp as ttett

tobetc is fjc tbat is borne fcrngc of Je* ttto pete olDc ano unocc, t accozo tgc to
#iiwu+. » toes «• acce banc fenebis+ftattctn tbe tf)t tpme tobicb be bao oiltgentlp feat*
eaft,ano arc come to ttojifcpp nun. cijcooutoftbe top(em:n»
aocfjen ir>eroDc tbe Upnge baD bearoe Cben ttas f ultpllto tbat bjfjicb toas
tbf s 5 bc teas tcoubleo , ano ail 3 tt ufa< fpofeen bp tbe piopbet jjecempjaptng:
Icmteitbbim.anD be gatbereoall tfje £).{ § bpiicg ttas a botcc beatoe,mou^
cbiefe ptiettcs ano Scribes of tne peo; iipiige,tteppnge anD gteatet lamentaj
a jaemtx
Cbziit fljoulDe ctou: liacbel tteppnge fo: bet cbiltwn,
plc,fr atfeeb of the toberc
tc bomeano tbep faps c Unto bpm : at anb ttotilbe not be cjufoiteo , because
23£tf;l:e injetoip. jfoi tbus tt is tout* tbep 9 ttete not. f<
»ifl,»,a ten
bi, fy t pjopfjet^ inn tboti Betfjlee 4* 03ben ^etooe ttas DeaDe: bebolbe, &
in tfjc lanoe of Jetojp.att not tne b Iced an angel of £ nop
appetco in a D.ieame
concernpnge t\)$ j9ZPncesof juoa. to 3Jorepb in Cgipt,raping:atife 5 tafee
3W»»>wi 1 jo; * out of tbe tyal come tne captame, tl)( cbtloe ano bis motbet, go into
$ tyt
tfjat ftail e goticrnc mp people ?f tael. lanoe of 3(fracl. * jFoj tbep ate OcaDe «*w«j
33 Cbcn l^ctoDepiiuelp calico jJtopfe bJlncblougbtvchilocs life, cben be a^
men,anD Dtlygcntlp enqttpjco of tbe,tbe tofe up.ano tofec f> cbploe a bis motber,
tpmc of tbe ftatte tbar appereo, a .10 fet ano came into tbe lanoe of jrcaci* sue
tbem to setbleem.fayiug^oo* feared tobc be bearoe f 3Btcbdaus opo raignc
Dilijgctir "hi ffjc chtloe.Hno tunc pe.baue in Jettipe , tn tbe tottine of bis fatbec
foiiiiDcbun, bipuge me toozoe, tbat J ]^ctoDe,bettasaftapeDtogo tbptber.
mape come ano ttozQnp htm alio. p.ot tottbftanDpnge after be ttas ttatV
ttincn tbep baD bearoe (be ferngc, tiid of SD'O in a Dieame be turnco a«
tbep oepat?cb:ano to tbe date* lubpcbe (poe into tbe pattpes of <t5ab>le, ana
tbepfatointbc Caft tocntbcfoie tbem, tteute ano Dttelte in a tptps called Ba*
tpll tt cam? 3 ftooe out t tbe place tobere jacetb, tofulfplltbatttbtcbe toasfpo^
tlje cbjloe iaas* ^e t^ep (a to f ftatcc, fecn bp $ ^lopbetes: » be ftalbe callcoi

: .

tf^,flfai&efiju rJfoUj
time,be fapoe bnto tbem:*^) genetaci^ S.aH(,3,l
Wsbotta on of c bipets, tobo batb taugftt pou to
a. 5>ttabo(tobo toas in time of cbitacsbirtrje) fie fro § bengta tmce to come** ^pnge
fapcrb.tbat rt;c toifc men, roctc ccctcu Cage mcit
foub tbctfou § ftutcs belonging to it*
amount tgcjaecdcus, as sit; of. 9 teas ainonge
fbc&ebiucs. L^crapctOalfo, rbattbcp hscceroe pentauncc. SSnD fc § pe ones thpafec not
pzicii cs of r u c ja cencas. to Tape in poute feiue$ , tor baue ?j bia?-
b-jftotcjOattoijctcittsfapbe. 3nb rbouiBcfbs bam to ouc fatbet. ifo: 3 fap bnto pou,
Stotb iecm in tbe lanbe of 31 t not rfjc Icd^c. a tic
& ct ibes o t o as ouc pular cs ooe , tutui t bep Ijab
tbat q5od is able of tbet e Ocncs to taiie
catbec cetjerfc a pece of fcciprucc as tbepfmbc bp cbploicu bn f o 3;lua!?aiinCucu nolo
ttej:poubcbbpfomeof#boctouts,tb£a8itUerb is tbe are put bnto tbe cote of tbetre*
ititbetcrte. jfoubcplaceof flsjtc^e batberbus. tVatfi.'r.e;
es:fo*tbat cuccpetcee,tobtrb bifngub iiuc.ui, b
flab tboul&crblccm £pb;ata,actlttle amongc
t ljc ttjotn a abes of jjuba . c. £o gouecue is to cult not fou»? gooo f time , is betocn botone
tbepcopic bp leacmnge $ examples . b . atyc ©c= ano rafte into tbe fpje*
bjues bo often uiet&istoojbc moitytp fei Doing
toojQJpp • of ccuecence toitb tbe enclihactou anb bote tug of
J baptife pou in toate r* in toftcn of C
tbe boop,as pc bane iS'iie. ccruta.;* jcg.rrrir.c be tbat commetb af<
rr pentauncc: ©ut tigflttt.ta
c.ii3acubiu;> ui UK foucripcuap. of bis fatantas
tec me,is mtgbtiec tben 3R>tobofe iljoes
les, raaftctp men c ten tbat itgutlus ccfac , bea=
ting pi&etobe bab uapncbtsotone rou amongc J
am not tooubpe to brace* i^eOjall
fectobes tye otoet mrantcs/apo: j]t isbettet to bc©eco; baptife pou toitb tbe bolpc gooft 5 tottb
ftgtne. besfrctut ,t!jctitji9foanc . CBjeaupuge tbat be f pie: ibbicb batb alfo b p $*fanne bis m 3LulK.«l.f
toouibe nor bpll bis ftopuc tccaufc tbc 3\ctot$ bano,^ topi poutge bis fioure 5 gatbec
iah)Cfo;bobetbe tote of Cannes flcaCbc.
f.xUcojoutge ro toe time (tc.fc)ctemap begatbes
tbeotobeat into bts gatnec^ toil bucne
JBote. teb rijat it toas . u. peaces aftec f bit to of Cbitft, bnqucncbeable fpzc« b
tbe cbatte toitb
pcac tbe tntfc men mbf oanbclnm. +Hbeu came '^ctus fcom faille to
toctcuot 9- }8Detenot,isa$mucbtorapastbeptemapue
3<oiDa bnto 3obn*to be bapttfeD of bu
not bnto bet. 2Cbts pzopbeep is one ofttjg be uc- p
anb at roirtupc ©ut Jobn foibabe bpm, fapinge:^
ciftcb anbfulfplleb btucts wapes
tuncs.bciaje tcuclv fpoftcn of tljcm al.3sapeas ougbt to bebaptifeo of tbe: anb earnest
rctbbp tbcrrpi. cba.of 3|ttcmp,torjeceimmcbi2. tbou tomc.-^cms anftocreb anoiapbe
atlp aftec tbtspiopb«p tspxomtrebtbetetouene
of tbe cbilbxettof jflfcacllfcomcapriuite. to bim : net it be fo no toe jf oj tbus it
^ >c b.^ctpalbe calleb a iftajatite. atbts Was
fpoftg becometbbs to fulfill c all rigbtcouro
f ^amron.Butfoias mucbcastbebolp gooftc ncs»€bebefutTcebbpm.3!nb ^efus as
itr cigb t
bias neccffacpc.toat tbe tbiugesfpoacu of bpm foone as b e toas baptifcb,came
fpoutbe be fulfplleb in cijua e. out off toatet. 3no lo,*bcaoc toas ope
4kCbe«iH«Cbaptet» once bpm:anb Joiju fa toe tbe fpitite of ion u.t, 9
<5oo befcebe Ipbe a ooue,anb light bp«
CXbebapttfroe.pwaebingcfc office of 3|oJm,# onbpm.ainb lOjtbete came abopcefco
IjoroL £b uft to as b apt ifcb of bim tn Jloibau.
beauen fapmgc:* cbps is mp beloueo j^ath.i, fi

3 0*tbofebapes Jofjn t^e

(otme in toftom is mp oelpte* t
inhr.iii . a
saptift came $ pteaebco
a teploetne;a;of3etojp, inf
faping: *iaepent,tbe feing* n.WXIbctnes STbistailbccneg toasnota place ^ppiucw

altogetbcc bopbe of babitacions , bur as once acs.

^ '
tobome it is fpoften bp
fo^Qcsbe.rmaUpc inbabiteb.b JLocuttes aftec

*Cbi$ i& be of ldiinie,atecectenbeaQesrobicbetueidecrints$ltocuaeJ

.tbepjopbetC(ap,tobicf)e Capetb:*Cbe fitbir picas tfH commonip ofc to ent. ixcab tbe
«favrt ri. boftc aab.jrtc. coap . anb. tot. bone anb.tfr.cb*
fcopce of a ctpet in tbe toplbetnes , pje*

iaottoitbftanbingeromebolb opinion tbatt&ep

pate tqe ftozbes toape , anb mafee f>ps betbetoppes ozbubbes of teeesozfeuites.
patbes tttapgbt ^ps
3|obnbab ftps c v3ip ct 9 ace c ct t a in c fetpcuf es robofc nature is
tocScepue bptbemoutb.robetbp tbefcmalebps ©tpecs,
gatroet of camel* fjecte.ano a gpjble of
tcti) of tbe males beabe.aub tbeponge gname out

? Kt« it * a
tk*«n« about & ,s loptus^^is meate tt)t tenm bcalp.iaeab j&U. in bis. r.bohc -t. trbi
«9«rk.i,'(i trias b locuftes ano * top toe qonivCncn cbap. b.Bp to!icatc mn cbaffe,a:e mit goob * p U
* w»'*-*
toent out to htm Jecufalem, ano at Ja call ttgbtcoarnfs.tbat is tobo all f oibinaOccs ZltUtfttts
of gobfoifucij pucpofeasgob oibeueb t&emfw. ous*
toipe,anD all tne region rouiiDc abotite
^otoan, ano toete baptifeDoffipmiti
3oiDan 5
confe(Tpnge tbeit fpnnes* h
C tj;fte.iiii»Cftaptec»

•^XCbenbe fatoemanpoftbe^ba* 9 is t empteb . ©e cal?eb isctet, an*

Cfyrf ft fafteb
cifes $ of § £>3Dticeg come to bps bap &*etoe,3lam«M«b3!ob«.<* bcaictbeal fpebc.*
Cfte (Sofpell
S^foagjjefusa+leD atoap of tbe:fo!o tot me,$ lopU maae pou+ftr^
J Jm.i6.t
3 tbe rpinre into topibcmcire, aiers of men. 2BnD tbep fttapte toap left IS
to betcmptcb of tfie oeupiu tbetr nettes anb folotoeb bpnu
amDtobenbe baDfattcD # 3B»d be bjent foztb from tbence , anb ^
bapes ano fourtte ntgbrcs be bias af* , fatoe otber ttoo bietbzcn, jamestbe
rettoatbc an bongtcD.Cbcn came to bi fonne of Zebebe , 9 3Iobn bis bzotfjer,
t be tcptccrt fapo : pf tbou be £ lontle of in tf)i tb tpp c tot tb Zebebe tbeir fa tbe t,
©od r ommatinD $ tbefe (tones be mabe ineb tug tbeir nettes^ calico tbcm.3Bitb
bzeab.i^eanftoercb 9 Capbat is tozittg, tbep uutbout tarpinge*lcfte tbe ctjpppc a«tu.v> »
3bmf.8.a * man fbal not Ipue bp bzcab onelp, but anb tbeir fatber anb folotoeb bpm. b
bp euetp toozbc tba t pzoceaoctb outc of Wnb 3]e("us toent about al^alile;
cbemouibof<2?ob. rcacbmge in tbeir (inagoges,anb pica*
<Cben the beuil toac bt'm bp into tbe cbinge tbe c gofpei of § Rpugoome, anb
fccip titi: , a fet bpm on a ppnacle of tbe bcaleo ai maner of ficaenes^nb ai mat
temples fapb bnto bun: pf tbou be tbe ner bifeafes amouge f people. amo tyz
fonne of ©od, cade tbp f cite do tone, jf oz fame fpzcb abzobe tbozoto out ai s»trt?
pr^tBj it is tozitteu:be*OiaU gene bps angels a.?Onbtbepbzougbt bnto bpmairpcae
charge ouer tbe,anb toitb tbeir banbeg people tbattoere taken tf DtttetfeDtf*
Ojail bolbe tbe up, tba t tbou batyc cafes anb g nppnges,? tbcm tba t toere
not tbp fore a gaiuft a (tone* $nb 3 ef lis po(Te(feb toptbopuels.atbofe tobtcbe
©tate.wt fapDetobPnMttstotitten alro:* tctjou tDcrelunatpke .anbtijofctbat bao tbe
*aiw.4.i» qyait not tempt tbp iozbe ©ob. palfpe : anb be bcaleo t bcm.*3lnb tbere wmjtuh
cnebeuplltoliebpmbpagapneci folotoeb bpm a great notnbze of people^
® an cjcccbpnge bpe mo tin from faille j. anb from trje ten cities,
lebbe bun into <

iapne,anb fftctoeb bfm ai g fcpngbomes anb f route Jerufalem, 3 from 3?ctozp,i

oftbetoozlbe,ataltbeglozpeofthe,anb fro tbe regions § Ipe beponbe Jozoan.
fapbe to bpm:ail tbefe topi; J geue tbe, Motes.We
«.£ct) atoap into totioccucj.asc. Mot bcuutfc no
pf tbou toplt fad bo ton e anD toozfljippe
man can be tcmptco of ttjetteuilt outc of m?loec; icoatoul
me . Cbeu fapbe igerus bnto bpm: ties but becaufc cue ( amoutc mbo bCeo meat auo ll,t0 *?'*
auopbe £>atau. 1 oz tt is tozttt?; * tuou tmuc&e tttotflfetcittlp tu ail mens cSpanpe)mf got 'erati. .

3Dca t>i,c
not tjaucf aQco Co tonsc^ro OyapgOtipc m tijofc
eno.i.o fljalt toozflbpp tf)t a,ozoe tbp d5ob , anb
partes toljcte ocbao bene before couuetramtte,
ftabe.4-.b btm onelp fbalt tbou fcrue* tDbctcbp ttjcoiucl migOte tjauc tuftcoccaftoit to
<€ben tbe beupi left bpm , $ bebolbe, fcmptcinm tit rucUefoiteasOcOpO.b.Uocepete
istofo;o\oc euenfcom tt)e bottom of ttjeoeatt, ftottpEn
flpatut.t.b *£ angels eamestmnifttebbutobt. fr tl;ateucctoeopottjett;mgc'aif;etcaftocctpeittc.
flBatbc 1 &
**»nen I £fus fa* fame tbat*3fobu 3itD to ettocitoutcmttb all ouce mpsOt to ooctoc
teas taaen,be Depatteb into <5altle a no coittcatpcc.fSofpeltstoatglaDtpOpitgcsof t0«
$ajaretb,& toct anb Dtoelt in ura t* (tc metepe ano ccocmpctott tooiome ctjittte.
pcrnaum, tobtebe is a citie bpon § Tea, O'Cbe.b.Ct^apter*
in tbe coaftes of Zabnlo 9 &cpbralim, Jbttbifltoaptecaito ttttOettooitcit folototttgt's
cpneo rf?c moo Cjtcdicttt ano (ouittgc Cccmott
tofulfpllptobicbc toas fpoaen bp €-, cont
ofdntatntbcmoutttc: yo!nri;crcnnoit ts toe
«*mm. (ap§ piopbet, fapinge:* %\)t lanbe of tottpeaepctbat opcttcttj toeottoetttattotitge mto
Zabnlon anb jftepbtalim tbe toape of tbe ttosfiftO cijaptcc rpcctallp oc pzcai

C tbe fea beponbe 3 oiban ©altle of tbe cijetl) of tos.ottt.

bcarttuacs 0: blefftugcg.of mas
Oaugbtct toiatoe. attOaugct^of aououtrpc, of
<5enttles,tbe people tobpebe fat in Da u rmctinge, of fuffctpitgc towuge attO of loue euot
kentSjfa toe great lpgbt,3 to tbem tobi* tomatoe a mans enemies.
cbe (at in tbe region $ Ojabo to of beatb, S^en rj,be. fafoe tbe people be
light is begonnc to Qjpne. toentebp into a mountapne,
4»«(D.H(.a from f time Jefus began ro*pzeacb, ft toben be toas fet, bps Mcu

&m> [ o fap: b * cepe"t,foz tbe kpngbom of plescame to btm,anb be ope*

*ufc*.to'.A beauentsatbanbe. £> moutb,anb taugbt tbe, raping:
neb bts
+*3&s lefus toalcaeb bp tbe fea of bleiTeb are § poze in fptrite.foz tbeirs
v^arHf r b
<&*UkM fa toe ttoo bzetbzen : ^pmoti is tbe apngbome of beauen * JSleffeD awMm> ^-g-*
tnbicbe toas calleo )aeter, anb ^Bnozeto are tbep tbat moutne:foztbep (ball be
bis brother cadpngea neet into § fea, cdfozteb.tsleirebare tbe meae : foz ttyv
foi tbep toece fiajcrc,anb be fapbe bnto Ojali inberite tbe eactbe ©leffeb are
. \ .
tef^jM^efin ftltoU
*^otigcr anD tfouttt foj aoobofoeiicrfapett) bnto lw bjtotner,
tigbteoufnes : fojtbep fballbefpileD. fliacba 3 ujalbeinDatlgcr ofacounceL
KlcffcD ate the niercpfuli;fo.i tfjep CbaU 25ut tobofocuer fapctb tbou fooie,fl)alI
obtapne mercp e.jBlcffiD ace rl;e pure in beinDaungecofbellfp?e.
23 heart :fo: tbep (bal fee ®oq. 25IclTtD ate <ftbttfo?e toben tbou orTrcft tbp gift
the peace « mafccrs:fot tbep fljaibe cab at t&e aultare^nb there remc*bieft tr>afi
leDtbccbplDjeof<50D,'isicircD ate tbep tbpbjotber bathe ougbt agapnft thee:
tobicb Ctiffce pcrfecuci on ftu ttggteoufr ftcaue there tbint e offering befojetbe
tics fakcrfoi theirs is the npngoome of aultare, * anD goe thp toapc fpjfte anD jobm, 6
i.$ct,u,u beaueu * ©IctfeD ate pe toben men re* bereconcpleD totl)^ bjotl;cr,anD tben
come anD offre tbp gptte,
fape al manet of cuci fapinges a<
falflp +*3Hgreetoptb tb^ne aDtietfatpe g^Ji,?
gapnftepou fojmp fake * * iieiopfe $ n.uicfcelpe,tobPles tbou arte in tl;e toap
be glao , foz great 10 pout netoatDe in toitb bint,left $ aDuerfarpDeliucr tne to
fjcaueu* jfoz fo perfccuteD tbep the the iuDge, anD the iuDge Deliuer thee to
^tophctes tobpebe tocte befoze poure the minifter , anD then thou be call into
Dapes. t» pipfomtaerelpe 3 Cape fcnto the: Choti
«©atb («,« 4* £e ate the falte of tfje eattb:*buc ijalte not come oute thence tpll thou
jukc,j4. 2 pftfje fait baueloffe bee faltnes j tobat haue papeD the btmoft fatthpnge*
can be falteb thetctottb «• Jt i$ thence ^ehauehearDe hotoeittoasfapDe
fo:tb goob fot not')puge,but to be cade to the of olDetpme** choti 0)alte not ^^^
out ,auo to be ttoben bnoet fote of me* commit aDuoutrpe* isut^ fape tmto #oiu.jtiu,c
£e are ttjc Ipgbt of tbe toozloe* a cptpe pou that* tobofocuer lolteth on a topfe,

tbat is fet on a bpu\ean not be bpD 3 *ne* luftpnge after her hatb committeD aD^ fjgjtj
«.ube,s,c tbet Do men Ipgfjte a canDle, anD put it uoutrpe toitb hct alreope in hps heart.
twDer a buftjeli , but on a canoclMpcKe,
anD it Ugbtetb al tbat ate in the bouf c. the b plucfee him out,ano caft him from
%tt pout Ipgbt 10 u)pne before men,*$ the.26etter it tsfot thee that oneofthp
i.ptMi. 1 membjes periChe then that thp fobole
the? mape Ice poure gooD tooozcius,
anD glozifpe poure father tor)pegc is in bobp u^oulDe be cafte into hell * llfo pf
fjeauen, p thp right babe otTenDe the, cut him of $
»i«€hpmiK not that 3 am come to be* cafte hpm f route tbee.isettec it t$ % one
C fttope tr)e pzophetcs:0o 3
latoe,oz tbe of thp membtes periuj , then that al thp
am not come to Deftrope tnem , * but to boDpfljoulDc be caft into bel* h
flpfttw* f tt ifpi tt)em.ifoj ttuclp 3
fap bnto poti, 3t is fapoe , tobofoeuej put atoape
J?a!Si,9 * tpl beatien anD eartb perpuX one iote his toife,let*bpnt geue her a teflimcni^ mat *!*.«
ec»p.jcu 0? one tptle of tbe latoe Ojall not efcape, all alfo of the Deuo^cement.*©ut 3 fap m
tpliallbefulfplUD. tntopou: aoobofoeuerput atoape hps &&&*.*
SCCbofoeucc bzeaBetb*onc of tbefe toifc(epccpt it fomicacio)caufeth
be fo^j.

£St£l' eft fommaunDementes,anD teacbetb her to bjeahe mattimonpe.aiuD tobofo>

* men fo be (ball be calleb tbe left fit the
, euer marpetb her $ ts DeuojfeD, b?ea<
itpncfDomeofbeauen*23ut u>f?ofoeuec beth toeblocfce*
« obfecueth anD tcacbetb>tbe fame u)all 3igapnepebaueheatD hoiunttoas -
be callcb greate tu tbe BpngeDome of fapD to the of oloc tpme,thou*f^altuot $tui , iftB
peauen* {< foiftoete tbp felfe 5 *butfI)altperfourme
4«ffoz 3fape fmropot^ercepte pour thpne otbe to cdod 23ut 3 fape bnto
tpgbteoufnes crccaDe tbe tpgbteoufr pou,*ftoere not at all: neither bp hea< 3at ob,t».e
nes oftbe^>crpbcs;anD ^, tteit.-*foj it is d^oDDes featemo? pec bp ..

can not entre into ttjefcingDo ofljcaue. the earth>fojit is hps fote ftole: neither *yg %?; t
£ebatiebcarDe botoe it toas fapDe bp 3erufalem : fo? it is tbt citie of that m*t*m,*
greate fcpngemettfoet Q>alt thouftoete
a»«»,»",b not 0? tobofocuet Billetb,fl)albe to bp thp heabe 3 bpcaufe p canft not mafce
Datinger of tuDgemnt. But 3 fap bnto one tohpte heere oj blacfte,*23ut poure
c " '
pou.tobofoeucr is angrp toitb bis bzo* communicacion fljalbe pea , pea: ^ap,
j^ t&et,u)al be in Daunget cftuDgementj nap*ifoj to^tfouer iji mooje then tba*
e (gofpeli
tommetb of euplK becttaubc all uitutre opptobxiM anb TpitefuII
€»ou.wm £e ai »* &* arD botoe it is rapD,*an epe
fl.Sbts offering is mencioneb in ^aulc.iao.ytt. „«._.,..
b.3:op!ucacfiuttbecpctsto moxtifpe tpcconciporaP ffc
£5 w c
tomi ej,e:a tot & f °J a *ot&.*8ut 3B fap
pifcnuc of tbebeatt, pxoccabpngebp tbc meancs ~*l™*
jiumW. to pou, £ pe refift not tojongcis ut toljo ""tpepe.
oftbeepe. ^nb Ipbctopfe to cutof Ijanbcsantt
focuec geue § a bloto on tbp tigbt cbcfte, fete,as.t39atb.irt)ut.b. (ajacacijeg
tunic toljtm fotbet.aiuD tfaup ma topi i.©atetbpnccnemp€. 3bpst>abtbe ia^atprcs ^Atertitate
fuetbeattbe.atoejanDtafccatoapetbp aooeo to tbc comaunocmcnt.becaufc of tbat tbep ciwmpc.
cote , let bun baue tbp clofce alfo . InD
jepwuc. coneccnpngc tbebaupwg of famtlparpte
tobo f o tucc topll compel! tbcc to goc a U)itl>tl)Cf5cntplcs.
*np!e,goe toitb fjf ttoapne (£euc to bun ^
4L tiLb^ti.crijapter*
tbat af&etb,anD from bim tbattooutDe SDf alntcs ^ px-apct anb f attpngc Be f oxbpbbetty .

bozotuc tutue not atoape* tbecaeefulircBpngeof tooxlbelp tbpnges.

vg Hh &e naue beatD hotoe it is fapDc: j^lhe btoe to pouie*almes.,

«ra,t.M *^ ^ ^
ou alt ,one tf ncigbboute, » anD '€bat pe geue it notin § ftgbt f fc
EuKi.)H.» (

matWo bate tbiue cjiemie«$ut 3 fap Dnto pou, cf men , to tbe intent tbat pe
tSoraiii .c lOUC I'Otire diemiCS. * Jt)tC(T£ t()CI)l
ftjflt tooulDe be Tene of t(;cm»
cutfe pou . &oc gooo to tbem tt>at bate £)jtc!s peget no tetoaroe of poute fa<
pou . ^:ape foj tbcm tohic^e Doe pou tbet tobicbe is in beau etnscben. roeuec
toxonge anD petfecute pou,tbat pe map tijerfoie tbou geucfttbpne alines, tboii
be f cjjuou u of your father p" ts in fjca> Gjaltenot maftc a ttompet to be blots cit
jDtBf,4,«» ucn:*jFo£fjemafeetbbisfunne toacife bcfoic tbe,as tbe ppoctites Do in § &u
on tbe cud anD on § gooD,$ fcnDetb bis
, na goges ^ in f ftcentes, foi to be p;ap*
tapne on tbe iuftano buiuu\jroi*if pe feD of me.metelp, J fap feiito pou,tl)t^
*uiw.w,c, Joue tb^tobicbiouepou.tohatretoarDe bauetbcirtetoarDe^stittobetbouDo^r
fljall pe banc c £>oe not tbe publicans eft tbpne alines, a let not tbp Jpft banDe

«uen fo 1 3nD pf pe be fcenDelp to poute knoto,to^at tbf tigbt banDe Doetb,tl)at

bietbjen onelpe: tobat fingulet tbpngc tbpne alraes map bs CecteteranD tin> fa« \

Doepe t Boeuot tbe publicans IpK* tbet tobtcb fe ptij in fcctet£,0)ali tetoatD
topfef'+pefljall tbttefoie be perfecte, tbe openlpe. b ~
atu '^ ,a 3Kiid tub en tbou piapefl, * ttjou fr>alt
euen as po ure tobpelje is in fjea*
uen,tsperfecte. not be as tbe ?poctitesate» jfoubep
. .

%\ft Botes. loue to (lanDe anD p zap in tbe ^>iiiago<

»ooxc (11
*»15wc in rpictf accrued as retnotfOtt'ttatctopi ges, anD in tbe coznecs oftbeftceates,
C1,tl)t SCttttigcojhrputgcof ctrijes, Oaf laboticc
bpcaufe tbep taouloe be fene of men*
h\\ pgcutl v ut tbcu Uucaciou , bcraurc f5oD batb
commaunbcofo . anbtf tbc cicbesof rocioozlDC iieteip 3f fap tjnto pou,tbep baue tbeic
cljaunrc bnro tl;c:rljcj> rcccyuc ithjitbrbtmhes, tetoatDe^ut tube tbou piapeft , enttc wins.*.*
auo cnticuout to ure it as f5ob batb cBmaunbeb. *into ° tbp cbabie, anD Ojut tii^ Dote to »«**»-
&-&obongccanb tbxuttc tigbtcoufHCs.tstobe
ah i,i»r
©wigcc. asbeftcousof tbctigbte twbecaanbpngeoftbe tbe, 9 pzap to tbp fatfjee tofyict) is to m
tooxbeof ©obaub rbcfcammac of out Ipfe to ttje ctete.anD tbp fatbet tobicbe feptb in Ut
fame:3soutc bobpetsofmcateanbbipuc&c. ctete,Ojal tetoatD tbe opelp.*3BtiD tobeti
pcacctna- c. peacemakers ace calico tbc rliilotcuof csoD,
e. t h
not one! p tbeinatutsof outtoatbc auDtoozbipc
pe pzapcbablc not nuicb,as tijt beatye
pcace:butcl)icflptbc peace makers of tbecoufet; doc: to! tbep tbv»cfec tbat tbep tyall be
ence tnbo bo bp rbc confoxtablc pxompfesof tbc bear D,fo: tbeic inucbe bablinges fake.
rttiptuces,maBC attoncincntc bettveae ©00 anb
ourc coufcicnccs.
Se pe.not Ithe them tbetfoje,*ifo?pouc
father kno toetb tobeteof pe banc neoe,
tta m^
Kttoarbc b.ffiiabrcroarbctbbt's faptbfull Cccuauntcs,not
betaufetbepbc pcrfecutcb.but becaufetbcpcr= befoiepe affee of fypmjftectyfs manec
. rccutioneommetbfoibtsfase. tOetfozepiapepc*
c.2CI)isobrecuitt!jcanb teacijpnge, is not oftbe
tcacpta ou ttoacbcfcttcc:butoftberptcite.iiiDbtcbetDl)o
e *^)ute fatbet tobtcb art <n fceauen; • lV t a ,
roobrccuctbaiibtcacbetb, flDallbe sccatefntbe balotocDbetbpname.&kcttbP fepng^
bpnsbomofiSob.I^batis.mpgbtpuipieacbtns; Dome come. c q;bptopll be fulfpUeD,as
tbc tooibe of iSob.^Foi bis ococs anb tooxbes u;a (
picatbebotbeonetbpngef. irijps isbeclacea bp
toel in eactbeas it is in licattsn.f cseus .

tbat,^ folotoctb.Ciccepte pout tpsbteonfncs. (sc. Ds tbps Dap out Daplp bzeaD.sagno ton
KaclJ«. f.iRacbaaftec Cb»roaomc,tsa tooibeof rbc §>u geue Ds our tcefpaiTes, etien as toe fo^
ciensrpeacbe,bpt0biebts Q)Ctocb tbar fnnpuoc
moucb to auger, ©ur geue ouctreipacers.bainD ieaD fes not
bitbrc tbis tooozbe
folc, boctl) g>ainttc4i|Cincaitl» CbxifoOomcbH? into te"ptacio:» but oclpu« Us fto eue U
'm&,&a%t!R> jfouwi,
tf oz f&prie fs tp ftpngbom 3 tOe potoer, into p ou,t Oat eucn Salomon in alfjts
anD tOe glozpe foz euec aimen » jfoz 9 pf ropaltietoflsnot atapeD Itfee bnto one
l'£ $al fozgeu e tf?ec men tOctt ttefpa < of tOefe* sooftctefoze pf 05oD fo clotfje toe
ce& pout Ocauelpe fatoet toall alfo foz* gtas toOicOfs toDape in tOefelDe,^to
SPflt, gcue ?ou.*z3u 1 9 pe toil not f o?geue me
* 1U020U) Ojalbc cart into tf?c fr>2nace,u)al
** •" tOeit tcefpaces, no moze fl)all poute fa? OenotmucO mouDopfame bnto pou,
^ tOec fozgeue pou pout trefpaces* <©pelitleoffaptOe^
«fap,r»,a >i<*^ozeouer,fe toOenpefaft, be not <C0"foze take no tOougOte fapinge:
^8tu.^u faD ag tfje ppoctttes ate
. JF02 tOep Dtfr tobat mall toe eate , 02 toOat ftall toe
fpgute tOetc faces, £ t!?ep mape be fene DtinUe ,02 tofjettotto fljal toe be clotOeDt*
of men Ooto tOep faft«*aetelp 3 f&P & n * 3f te t all tOefe tOtnges fcUc p geutpics.
topou,tOcpOauetOetttetoatDe,©utt>, ^ozpour Oeauelp fatOerbnotoetOppe
toljen Njou fafteft,annopnt tOpue OcaD, haue ncDe of al tOefe tOpngc$ i 23ut t'a*
anD toaco tf?p face, $ it appeate not bu* pe fp2ft tOe fepngtiom of nea»
tfjcr *fefec J.«B.ih',& 3
to men Ooto f tliou fafteft:but bnto top uen ^ the tigO tcotifucjs tOetof,^ al tOef c
father toOicOe is in fectete:^ top father tbinges ftalbe miniftreb bnto poiu
tetoatDe tOe
tofncfj fet to in lectcte, fyal m cate not then foz tOe mozo to,bti t lee
openlpe. toe mozo toe cate foz it fdfe : foz § Dape
*&t £ pe gatOer pou not tteafutebp pzefent OatOe euet vnougb of Ois ototie
<ffitc.;njc. b
on £ eattb , toOete tuft anD motfjes coz*
3cccirtu.a trauaple. t
Piou,n\a rupt,$ toOete tOeuesbzeaRe toozotoe^
fteale* zsut gatOerpetteafutcstoge* a,2« nott^p itftt \)&nttc.$t.T5T tOps left Oanttc icftbaub;
1$ men tc r Dc flcOrtpc pftn uraf pc , Mil; tc.';c toon 'M
tOet in Oeaue toOete netOet tuft noz mo*
iiauc al tinges Done to roc pfipcof f tooiltt.^e
tnes , 5 toOete toeucs neitOer
c oztiipt c
mua net tljcrfojehtioU) of tuetuoifte sof r
bzcafce Up
noz pet fteale. jfoz toOete* b.i;i;ps eiittmge tuto tby cDambcc anD tyuttuiff
roeuet pout tteafute is tOete toil pour of tUp Doicto piapem fcctctcus to Declare tfyat
beattes be alfo. f< toutoiScD^ItoojIDelpcpUaiitaficslyutteoutof

!h!ic,jM i*<€be iigbt of toe boop is topne *pe» tt)t mpno.^Fci tt ts tl)t tcie of toe gcatt tt)&t fotoa

SXbetfoze pf tOpne epe be fpngle all top neti) tit tt)C cares of tlje £ojDc . 2TJ;c Ipbe is tit t£s
boDp f^albc ful of IpgOMSut a pf toule c©alotocD betOP name . 2ruat ts.let all tf^tljaf
cpe be topcbcD toenail top boDp (Ijalbe piofcffc top itamclpucfoolplpc a9tt)ou artpolp,
ftrft petti
fullofDatc&tnes»$O0Oerfozepf£ IpgO* a»o To Cbal tDp name be fancttftCD tn t yem.
6.2CftpRpitgDom come. (tc.Soat is f tpmetoOcu
tbat is in tOe,be DatcKenes : ooto gteat it. pernio
tftp foime ©all furtenDcr Dts hpugaome bnto
tstljatDatcfecncs* fl;e.astt is.i.Couu.rb. SEftps itpitgDome is alfo
JlllJj.tbr.C, +* p.o man can feme ttoo matftets* mcitcioneDtnp.bitt topiaomapueg tu.D. totyctt
B Jfoz ettoet Oe tyall bate p one 9 loue tOe t9beclareb that all creatures beftrethat bap as
the rpme of tOcir rctt anb perpetual jgiabbor lj.
oto et: 0.2 els be ft) a I leane to tin one anD c.^6ptopllbeDonc.^c.3:bpspettctonmuaal; ttt>pettcUI
Defppfe j? otbet : pe cannot fetue ©oD 9 toapcsbetDCenbeofalourc piapecs aitDpctici;
fl^ammbmCOetfoze 3 fape bnto vou: otis accoibpngc to tlje ecfample of oui %> autourc
iutl?cFirbi.of jJ8atb£toe.ilP!jerc l>e befpietbto
be*not catefull foz pouce ipfe, tobat pe bcbeliuerebfromtbeboloioufcbcatO of p croflc*
SSu "i>* fljall eate,oz toOat pe Ojall Dzincfee , noz f .15 cue b9 tbps. $c . ©p tbps peticion toe arc aos uii.&ttU
i,&tu t *>t ciottv
petfozpout boDp toOatpefiballputoii.
mouplbcb.tbat all toe ccccauc in tbts Ipfe , is toe
3s not tOe life 11102c toozto then meate, mere grf t of 0ob tbougljc it feme cbautice btuo

bs bp our otoue labourc 01 otbertopfe.

anD p boop mo ic of balue toe tatment^ g.jFoigcuebs.flEc.a:fjps peticion teac&etb bsto b. pctictS
5fOttIC0. BeOolDe tOefoules of tOeapze: foz tOe? bo as toe tooulbrbCDouebp.
b.acabebsnot.$c.X5ptbpspcH'ct<>»tocareab; bt.pettcttj
fotoe not,neitOer tcape, noz pet catp in<
monp ujeb of ourq tocaseites , h otoe f arre bnab le
to tOe batuegtanD v^t Pout* Oeauenlpe toearetottanDefatt,pff5obmouI°ep;oueusas
fatOetfeDetOtOem» Site pe not mucljc bebpb3biabam;jes>ifuffettbc beupllto tepebsi
better tbentOep» asbcbpbJiob.
i.lSutbclpuerbs.fccfe.lCbpspcticiottDeclaretlj ttti&tti*
£rtc.):«.t> * pou( toougbe Oc tooUe
tfttOicOe of maustoeabenestobe iituironeb anb befetotte? ciotu
tOougOttOetfoze)coulDeput one cubit ucrp rpbc toitbf uell , tbat ts, tbetopcSeb concus
bnto Ote ftatute^anD toOp cate pe toen ppfceuce of tbe fl eaflje , tfje bapne bcrp;es of the
toozloMubtberubtcI fuggcttpons of tbe ftrp^t.
foz tapmentr' ConfiDet tOe Iplpeg of toe
^From ptobicOetSobottelpbelpueretb.
irkts* felDe,Ooto tfjep gtoto^Ocp labour not h.yD!)Ciipefaae.$c.©ereistobeno«btljatfa5 fmwn
neitfjec fppn» ainD pet foz al toat 3 fape ftpiiseistb;efolbe,^»n is bppoerprpe tobpebe
"' *"

6(it &attpotite ccpzetjcubctu in the pbacafpcMS m :n OjoulDc ooe to pou,eueii fo bo pe to
toapuc ano to be tctoacticB totttj rye uapitcpiapfc
tbe. Cbps isf latoeanovpjopbetes.
©f tbe rooiiDc . at)c otbec ttoo ace (joolp.auD ace
*noacbco acco;opugto v'cuurctljcp pioccaoc of. *(£uttcinattbcfttaptcgatc:£o^toiDc
jBT^) c okc p:o cabc rf; of race cp , toijeu toe Do fo pp-
is tbe gate,anD bjoaoe is tbe toape tbat **»*,m*
tpetbcneabpc.t&at rueccfcapuc ouccotoncfobe
leaoetb to beiltucctou: ano manp tfjere
to gene 1 Ditto tbem, * tbat is cetoaebfb to itfo toe
be tubicb go in tbetat. ©ut atapte is ^

maitpfolocmccci'cs of *5oo tomacbegbs, Cape

ttmt. tri;coti;ct pioceaaetb of (5oblp cace to Tubs gate,ano natoloe ts tbe loap lubitb lea<
fcuctfKaeO; to tOcrpiutc,toart(;t[,jcactmaptS; Detbbntolife: ariDfetoetbetebe tbat -
tumall p ccp j unto f JLo toe tottb c&an tabic p za p=
ct.sanottjis is tctoatbcotoiti)£pIciitcou9 fulfil;
fpube it. + * isciyate off falle pzopbc* J. u a m
u» Ipngeofallouctequcacs.pral.EiTCiUjC
tes,tobicbe come to pou in £bepesclo^<.ioi+. a
J.^ijcltgbt.^caibisligbtis ftnott>lcbge,tol}«cl) tbpnge, but intoatDlpe tbep ate tauw
pfitbCU)o;lo!p,i?ig!ioiaufc bcfoicgoD.i.Coz-t
©cnot!. $t ©cce tstiot foibpbocn tnc

tbeitftuitcs.* ©ocmcu gatbet gta< tnbr.^c.

Mf 6 full. noiuop'-oupfiontbat tncuma&e foitbeinfclucs
ano tbeirfamtlpcs( foi panic fapcti) tiMtfucbc pesoftbomesf €>?fpggesofbjpets^
asmabcitottUps piomftoti tottb tt)Cic [about*, Cucn To etietp gooD ttee bitugctb o;tf>

«ctoo;a*e tbMitftbdes^bat tbemifccablcfcate

to lac tic-,\i>Uicb bcclatctb bs to t i)ptiac ty at (Sob
gooD ftutte.25ut a coztupt ttee bjfgctb
isiiorcatcfullfoiUg. foifbcuellftuitc.*agooDttcccaunot mtt tii.xt bipnge f oitb baD ftuiterjiio? pet a baD
ttee can bipnge fojtfj gooDttuite.*Cj jn-emuM
(CTCbe.bii.Cbaptet. atl u l
uetp ttee tbat bzingettj not foub gooD g »

$e f oibpofcct ft* tcmcracious ttibgmf t ,rc;

pxouctl; Uppocctfpc crUoitetb bntopiapec.toacs ftutte 3 ajaIbeb£benDotDne,anDcaftin> *

netb to octoarcof falfc piopijctcs , attb To con- to tl)t fp?e . jcobetef oie bp tbttt ftuites
duDCtftftisfecmou, pefiballknotoetbenn
3 jllDge a nof
5£ * pc be not iuD< *i!^ot all tbcp f fap bnto me,lo^De, maw*
JgeD.*jfoi as pe iuoge fo Ojal Xoioe, Q)H\ enter into tbe apngDome of
J^oiii u a
Jpe be iuDgeD. * 3JlnD lfi tobat beauen : isut be tbat Doetb mp fatbers
Jglincafute pe mct*,tt tbe fame toplliobicbeisin beauen. ^*^aupc iLu,le,w"•,
Qjatl it be meafuteo to pou agapue. hvll fapebnto me in tbatoapc: jLojoe,
*«im.w. » * ixifjp fepft p a moote in tfjp bzotbecs TLoidc, bau eioc not tntbp name pio*
*pe,3 petccaueft not p beamepis t tbfne plitcicD.-^iiD in tbp name banc cad out
otone ej'f j©j tofcp fapeft j? to tbp bjo> Dpuels^ 31DD in ti)^ name bane Done
tfjerrfuttreme to plticke out tbe moote manp mpzaclcs^nD tben toil J] tinoto*
. out of tljpiic cpc,s bcholD a bcaiue is in leDge bnto tbem, tbat 3 neuec bueme - .
aI b b
fio,%wt,t tbine oton cpc.*2poctit,fitft caft out j5 tbcm*iDcpatte f to me, pe toooi&ets of i^'.ulut
bcaiiKOut oftbpne otone epe, anDttjeu imquite*
malt p (c cleatlp to plucac out tfye moote *'300bofocuet& b^atetbofmetbefe®

outoftbPbiotbetsepe, rapinges anD Doetb tbe fame, 3 topi \u
&*<£eue not £ tobitbeis bolp,to Dog* {ten bun bnto a toife man tobtcbe bmU
a K^
ges,nctbet caftepe pout Katies befoie Detb iii'S boufe on a toefce: ano a bourn
ftoinMefttbeptteaDtbeDnDertbetcfete, DaunccofrapucDefccDeD, ^tbefluDDes
55 ^ § otbet tutne agapne. $ all to tit pou. came anD tbe topuoes bletoe 9 bet bpon
|ii .ftit.rt *aifkecntfljalbegcuenpou.£>eke<i tbat fame boufe anD it fell not,bccaufc
3od«,i6. f
pc^ fpnDe.&nocfce j it fljalbe openeD it toas gtouDeD on tbetocke3iD tobo*
tonto rou.tfoi tobofoeuet alftetb tcccp* (oeuet bcaretb of 111c tbefefaptuges,* $ 3«ob<{.»
ttctb.9 f)t $ (eketb finDetb,$ to bun tbat Dotbtbcnot fl)albelil>cncDbntoafolifi)
&noc&etb,itf!)albeopeneD.*3stbetea* man tobicb bplt bps boufe bpo ^ faDe:
npc man amonge pou tobicb pf bis fone *anDabonnDaunce of tame DcfccnDcD,
€9et **•*
affeeo b* bzeaD, toolo otfetbim a ftoue/ ano tbe fluDDes came , anD tbe topnDes
AD.:pf beafbcDhajc,tooulDe be piofcc bletoe anD bet bpon tbat boufe , anD it
^»ot.w,b bi»n a ^etpent^ 3f pe tntn*U)bicb ate fcU,ano gteat toas tbe fall of it.
iupI,caugeuetopoute chelDten good ano it came to paffe tbat toben Jit*

gpftes: botoe mucbe moie (Iml pout fa fus baD enoeD tbefe fapinges,*tbe peo> BEJ:^
tbec tof}icb is in beaue geue gooo tfjiti^s pie toete adoupcD at bps Docttpne.f ot

tfccstttb g^ co f^ cm tfJ at afbe ^^'"^ betaugbt tbe c a$one baupug potoer;

m ^betfoje toljatfoeust pe tooulbe p ano not as ti;e ^tribes.
. ,

£f#.#totg)e%; jfalMU
2F7)C /gtOtCS. anD to another come 5 nc comerr):anD to
3ftt&sc a.JRirtjgctiof. (K. :§>ucljeisti;c ctg;I)tcotiftic(rc of
*Soo, tljar \)C topi p imp flje toiri; tbc fame tb 1113c s
mp reruaut Do tbts^^e Doett) iU icobc

ttjat tl>e offence is commpttco toitb all as is Jjcfus ftearoe $MmacuelcD anD fapDe' to them I folotoeD bun : sucrelp J(ape
tecCflgatlMrrot. *£.fotbatpftoc mproemc 02
t>nto pou, J bane not f ouudc fo greats
tOCtupoiiit(j!)toccafioiis:tocH)alImh'lJC!naiicr Hak(,)cri(.r
bcmproemcD of otbet. 3]f toefpetoe final meccp: faitb:no,not in JttitUn 3
fap tberfoze
©cwc not tocfbalfpubcasiptlc.^c. Unto pou tbat manp ftjal come from tuc
b.i3cuc»or.(EC . SHns bolptbpngc.tstbc too;be
cad 9 toecft 9 tyal reft to 3btabajfaac
of ©oo. arijcSDoggco ate tbc obttuiatc blpnbe,
tobicbc ace reabpe to pccfccurc all fuebe as go 5 Jacob f>h?ngD6 of fteaue: auDtbc
abourtociittciutctbem. aitoftopncaterufbeas cijilounof tr)e ftpngcDome Ojalbe cade
oelpgf;tinfpltbpclputiigeromuc&c,tbatpftbcp outeinto utter D.irclines : tbereiT)albc
be at an p tpmc tufoicco to icauc t Depi pubDlc: pet
topll tt)cp ttt contittcntc tc weue to toe fame,
toeppuge anD gnafu^pnge of tetb/cijen mtu%
5fairepM> 3lef«s faiD Unto tr)c Centurion, go Darchc*
e. ©ctoatc of falfepzopbctcs . $c . ^airepwpbes
resacepicacbecstbatpecuccUuotoicSef tooio tbptoape,anDa9tbou beleueft fobeit ues*
Unto toe, ainD bis feruauut toas fjcalco
ofoutebiaebcbolpiics. iKauctipttgebiolucs, ace
tpwuntestbatoelptcittpetrccucton^CpeaDpngc tljefclfeljourc* F
of imioccittc bloubc. actum, rr.f amDtbenJ[efu0toenteto peters
o.iHWjofoeuccbcateto. a* . scbisfpmplptubcof lUiUc.iul.f
boule anD fa toe bis tomes motftc t ip *
bupiDptiseDccIacctb that toe ajoiilosjcouiiDeouc
coHfcicitcetopoii none of Dec founoacioit, but tbe tnge fpene of a fence,* toucbeD bee bao,
furctociicofiBobstooibc. ano the feuer left ijer:ano u)e arofe,ano
c.asoiicUauviigepotocc. (EC. Sin's potoec t? tbe
Tpfcpte of p;oprjecpc, toljicbeappeaceb notin tl;e fi0atb,f,e
pbarifcis.^foi tl;cp buploco alltOgCtbCcUpg olDC * accfien tbe turn toas come , tr)ep iLuUt.4.C
fatbecs court ttutioiis. bzougbt unto f)im manp tbat tocre pof^
Qrcbe^UifuCbaptcr** feiTeo toitb Deupls* atub be cait oute tbc
Clnfft clenfctl; tbeiepcc, bcaletl) f capf antes fpirites toitb a too^D,anD bealeD al tbat
fetuauntc 9 manp otbec otfeafcs.bclpctb jaetecs
motOeuulato.atUetu the Tea $tbctopnoe,$ tots toerefpchc.tofulfplltbat tobicbc toas
fpokeu bp Cfapas tbe piopbet fapinge:
iiCfbtijeDcuris out of rbcpoOVricD 11110$ ftopite. (ffftip.Ui.S

$e be toas come Dotone *l£e tofee on bim oure itifpimities, anD

Ifto^mountapnejnucbe barcourefpeftneffes*
people folotoeD bpm» sBC'bcnJcfusfaujmticbe people a* C
Hubf.V.c anDJo,*tbcrecameale4 bout bim,be cpmaunDeD to go ouer tbc
'pecanDtooiOjiprcDhim toater.3dnD tftcrc came a Scribe 5 faiD
3 leper faptng:«Ji£aftti,pftbou Untobun:*<^a(rer,3l toil folo top tobu S.uke.tje.8

toplt tbou canft matte me cienc 311D 31 e* .

tber foeuer trjou goeft»3pnD Jefus faiD
fusputfoztbe his banoc anDtoucbcD Unto btm:tbe fores banc boles7 anD tbc
him faptngc:3| tbou dene , ano UpzDcs of tbe apt t baue ncrt cs, but tbe
a tonne of man batbc not toberc on to
immcDiatlp \m lepzofpe toas clcufco*
3DnD 3Jcfus faiD unto bun : f c tbou tell red bis beco.* ainotOcr p toas one of bis J.uhc,(x,C
tcof.14, a no man,* but go Difciples CapDe Unto rjim:mader, fuf«
-t fye toe top f elfe to t ft e

pjiede, anD offer t\)t gpfte tbat ^ofes f re me fpzde to go anD burp mp fatber.

cbmmaunDcD in toptnes to tftenu © n t Jffer us faiD Unto r)im:folotoe me, 9

lube. *i(.a * accncnjcfus teas entceD into ca* let tbe Dcaoe burpc tbett DeaDe* f
unto bpm a 4< * 3Bud be cntr cd into a fljpp, ^bis
v Centu* pernaum there came came iLuUc.7.t
certapne Ccnturion,anD bcfotigbt bun IBtfciples folotoeD bun « 3110 bebolDc
l.uHe.7,a fapinge: * Rafter, mp fetuaunte Ipetb tberc arofe a greatc temped in tbe fea
3ot}»,4.» tycfce at borne of tbepalfpe,anD is gee* in fo muebe tbat tbe fljip toas couereb
uouflpe papneD
lum:j| toil
lefus fapDe Unto
come anD fteale bpm » €be
toirbtoaues,anDbctoasailepc . ain&
bis latfciples came to bim,aiiD atoobe
Centurion anftoereD aiiDfaiD:^r: 3 bim fapingr^aftcr faue Us, toe periCb.
am not tooztbp tbat p [bulbed come Uu* 3Bno be fapoe to tbem : tot)p are pe fear^
Dermp rofe, but*fpeake tbe toozb onelp full,® pe of Iptel faitfcqftcn be arofe, 33
anDmp fetuauntc OjalbebcalcD.jFojjl anD * rebu&eD tbe topnDes anD tbe fea,
alfo mp felfe am a man fubtect to $ au* anD tijetc folotoeD a great calme 3fnD
tbozitte of anotfter ,5 bauc fouDicr s torn tl)t men maruepleD anD fapDe : tobac
per me,anD J fap to one go^ ^e goctr), man ts tbps , tbat botbc topnDes ano
dje (gofpell
*3no toben be foag come to tbc otbet anopaiTcD ouctticame
yft*** into bis otunecptie»3inD
rpbe in to tf>e coutre of tbe ©ergefites,
3 8
tiietcmet bim ttoo poffetteo of Deutilcs, jlo,*tbepb?ouglitetog«Vi
tobicb came out of § gcaues^ tuete out
fpe3 lpige in bis beo.» mismit
of meature fearce,f o tfiat no ma mpgbt =
toben Je(ii3 falue tbe faitb of tbem , be cacie mai
go op p toape 3no bebolbe tfjcp ccpeb
fapb totbefpefte of tbe palfpe:fonne be ueaftgnc
s»atn.*.a out taping:* ©Jefutboufonne of goo,
ofgoobcbece, tbp fpnnes be fojgeuen JJJy-
* cectainc off Scribes potoctto
come bitberto to;inentc bs before tbe tbe.36uD bebolb
faib in tbem felues, tbis man biafpbe* fageae
tpme be corner #nb tbece teas a goob f m,es«
metb » 3((nD toben 3Jefu8faUietbeit P
toape offrom tbe a great beecb of ftotne
tbouqfittsfii faib.' &be tf oic ttynU pc
feDUige t CbeKtbebtuilsbefougbtbim
eupll in poure beactegf ioobetbet is ca*
fapinge:pf tbou cafte bs out,furTce bs
fiec to fape,tbp tpnntfi be ftugeuen tbe,
to go ante toap into t(;c beecb of ftotuc*
ottofape:atpfeanbtoaUu f A Cbatpe
3tno be fato bnto tbeimgo poue toates.
niape bhotoe tbat tbe tonne of man ba tf>
•Cbcn toent tfytp out 3 ano bepatteD into
tbebeetDofftopne ainDbcboloetbe potoec tofozgeue fpnnes in eactbe,tbeti - s 4 .

fapb be bnto tbe fpebe of tbe palfpe:ta« imiu,*. e

tofjoale beerD of fiupne teas catieD toity b
tpfe, .tafee bp ibp beb , anb go borne to ^jj
Violence beDlpnge into tbe tea, anb pc* J * ft

«?atfct>.b tpffjjeD in tfje toatcr.* Cben tbe beerb*

tbpueboufe3ib beacofe^bepattebto ana. «jr

bis otoneboufe.3Cnb toben § people fato

menflecb aim toente tbep^toapesinto
it,tbep matueilcb 9 gloiifieb gob %\)U
tfje citie,anD toloe cuetp tbpnge,3 tobat
tbe bab geuen f uclie potoec to men. f*

babfommeD bnto tbe peffeueb of tfjc

Deupls. 3DnD bebolbe all t!je cptpe came ^
Hlnbas Jefus palfcbfottbe fcom
tb«u«,be fato a ma fpt a teccaupnge of
out anb met ]jlefus,anb toben thep fatoe
»jt»,tf>:,s bim,tbep * bet ougbt bpra to Depart out
cuftomc,uamcD ^atbeto , anb fapoe to $$%~t
bimrfolotoemc.anD be atofe 5 folo tocb t\)tiv*
oftbett-.coaftcs* t
bim» Hinb it came to pa(Te } as be fate at
3"Iie tocrcs.
mcate in p boufe:bebolbe manp ^ubli^
Sbegtfte a.£>ffcetbpgpftc.$c.2;btsgpftct0mcncionebm
tbcriiit. of ILeiuticug in tbe lettec.JS.&ub Cfoitft cans anb fpnuecs came anb fate do tone
commauu&catiK Icapec to offccir, asaiurmcg alf toitb Jefus anb bis Dpfciples.
to tbe pjicaestfjat be tooulb not baut one tote of
iX)be» tbe j^battfes fato §,tbep faib ©
tbelato leftetonaone tpl it mete fulfplfeb tti ijtm.
STOTCfte. b.&Uallccae.<?-:. sCoccactottb 3(Hab»m3iraac
to bis Difciplcs: \sl)p eatctb pour m\*
ano3lacob .istobcof tbe ramefaptbc auboope ^ublpcanscifpnnecsf^cben i^ublf*
ftec toitb
rbat tbcp weee. 3C& C cbploien of tuc spngcooine, Jefus b^arbe tbat, be fapb bnto tbem: cas cate
acctbepcoplcoftbeaetwcg. cattecoaccimes, ts ,

CbctobolencaDenottbe|^btftcio«,but 1$ 3Je«.
tgaoi muce of ©oas mittccies . fSnaCbpugc of papnc, tbcgctefe toijccof can not be crs tbcp p ace ftc&e. d5oo 5 c learne tobat p fugf*
pjcCTco ttntl) tongc. £b« catte anb teett: ace a I tbc meanetb:* 3J bane pleaCure in mercpe, fl^eccic
partes of tOctuo line.
anb not in offerige. jpu 3f am not come anb not
Aoniicof c soeronnc of man,ts a name mucb toCeb am5ge
taepiopbetes.anbcommonlp gcueubitto tbe tbat to cal tbe tigbteous,but t^z fpnnets to faccifice
fboulbe conrpbte &\ib tcbufec tbe fpnnes of tbc tepentaunce*' tapa*. ieu, •
people. iflDUctfoje Cbjiacto Declare b?m Cclfe to
I* Cben came tbe Btfcpplesof 3Jobfi
be no leJc tftcn a piopber.aua v^t to be a Wvp nas
tucal mamcallco btm tbc f oiinc of man.
tobimfap'ing:*tobpDo toe^^barp* 2S!.fe*
ac&e&cao b.JELettbe&caDCbucpctbctc beabcasasmuebe'to fes faft of te:but tbp ©ifciples fad uot^ «.«!.«•». f
fapcasletrucbeascnbcnouccnot to folome mp $nt) Jefus faio bnto tbe:can § toebbig JobnJ
aoctrmc.ibouttobtcbnofouleltuetb.bwcp: tbe
beabecaccafes.wbecuuto tbcp map ctgbtwelbe cbilb^en moine as log as f b^ibegrome Dpfcp*
compaceb. is \b tbei'tCbe tpmc toill come toben tbe plesfad
«hef»mc e.lTbetpmetobettntbc topefteb fptcites tyiDcgco ft)albe take from tbe, anD tbe
"' K to;mcntcb 1 3 tbc bape of tuDgemcntc.
^£^bc*^»Cbapter* •*< garmet tb a pece of neto clotlje* jfo: tbe »?,?*"
tauetb be atoap tbe pece agavne fro tbe oW »*
C t&cbealctb tbcpalfpe,
callcb <2ejatl)cv» ft5 tbt
garment,anb tbc rent is maoe greater.
btfctp'es, bcalctbetbe 5 te now
toomancfp'bloubppffuctbc'pctbSlatntsDougbs jfjactbec
00 men put neto topne intoolbe blpnbemen tbetc rpgbte, maftrtft a
beitels fot tijen tbe beOcls breabe, anb
boramemau to rpcalic, anbbxpuctb outca benci.
£f£MHat!)cto, faUx,
tbe fopnc runneth oute,ancjtbe bedels fcpngoome,aaD fjeaffng a! manec fpcfc>
pecifflje. J3tu thep pouue netoe tupiic in* nes anD Difcafe among the people. 23 tit
to netuc Uerteis , ano la ate botbe fauco tobe he fatu the people,be*baD compaf*
together, fr (ion on the,becaufe thep tsereppneD a*
<£ 4* iOQfuic he t^us fpafcc Unto tbc,*bc> toap,$ fcattereu abzoaoe,eueu as fyep*
SSsIe! OOiOe there came a cectapne ruler , aiiD haumgnoOjephctb*
toozlUpppeD bim,fapfnge:mp Doughtec * tEbenfapDbetobisDirctptes^trje wtext.
is eueu nolo DeceafeD>but come ano lav fjetucft is great, but the labourers are
:i3Crt? « #
£bt> banoc on ber,a no fijcfyallpuc.^no fetoe* looherf oie * piape the ftozo of the
3}eftis a cole atio folotoeo bim ttJitb brs bar ucft, to feb t ojtb. labourers into bis
Difciples.*H!nDbebolD,aU)omantDbicb batucil.
SUm e toa* DtfeafcD toitb an piTiic of 3rhc/sotc^ peaces,camebef)pnoef)iin a»D toucbeo a.&bislnitMtfb&ll beafpffncbiitorou.tljatSI 5? 4f? *
h^ucpotDettoIojgCHCfpime. 1£
t[)t heme of bis Ucfturc. f o: u)e fapD in *J
b. S^fje 3lctoC9 f aSttis COKft to be naucotuei but
lice fell e:pf j map touebe but turn bis
man.glonfteb ©obtDOtcUCbaJigcucn Cucucpos Jf°**f
Uertute onetp, J fljalbe Cafe. Ztyn Jtt tocctoitrorncijasbjas n^rame,,
(us tutuco him aboute,anD bebeloe bee tobtcb h>^ ? comineulp geucti buto al rsjcpioptje- a t oaf puna c ton of t fecit Bocrtiac.ffiut tfee
(aping: Daughter be of gooo comfoi t, r fei cfc ti.iua to be notco octets tbarfucb as baus
thp c faptt) hath maoe the rafe.anbiu* rbis potocc.feaue alfo potoec to cemtt fpitnc^w
teas maoe tobale enen that fame bout* Debcalcbtbcfpch.tbattUctbptfeepmigbtbHoto
bab potoct to teuipttc fpnne. acbtstontt
tfyit fee
wk b r, * 3u ,D when Jefus came into the tu* tpngc of rpttHC.tfeetfoxc tstbc cccttfpctigcof tbe
iiuu.imt.8 lets boufc,anofauie the mintttelsanb tonfr penceof tfec fpiinct tfeat btsfpnac^ be fov
the people tagpngc,befapDc Unto the; gcuot*
c.acatnetobatfbtemcauetb.frclSp tfetsts btstfitmu$k.
get pou hence jfoitht maio is notocao s
claito tbat tfec tcpctitauntctopllfebe to bo tbe
3to^n.^ b.*but aepetb* asno thep laugbeo brm to taoibcsof mcccpctottbtfecomtttpng tobctof be
f come. M
foone as the people lucre put
tocnte in ano tokc bet bp the
tbalbc cfeatgeb at the Utter bape;aHb not to ap=
peafe tbe toiatfe of0obioitfe facttfpce^oxtbaf
3^ f oitbe, be
mud be tfec tooicbc of Cucb one as s altcabp iua

banoe,ariD the mapoe atofe*. 2finD tljps anb pctfcet,anb ttot of tbefpnnct that fehctbfo*
teas uopCcD thzough out all $ lanoc* h maicctboxouiccfeitft.
30iiD as ^efus ocpactco thence ttoo ,
b>&\)is id no fupct aicious faae bpon pzcrcn'pte
bapes.butCucfe as is menctottf o ia rfec act?s ti)t f* Q »
C P $*!

blpnbe men f olotueo him , ctpinge,an& jrjruti. C\)t p. $ ta otl;ct places of tbe eppttles.

: © thou fonue of DautD bauc

(aptnge c.3it ts,tfecpb;afeof fpc«cbetofaptb«f tbtag ifap*h»
toOt cl) mabc Us apt to tccciue anp bencf f te.gaue
mercponUS* auDtobtu be teas come
^v»o bstbebcncfptc.Hbefartboftbcttiomaa fecalcb
home,the blpnb camerobim.ainD 4«3(c bee aot: but mace ace apt to be acaleb of CfeuQ.
^ n
ma. Cus laPDe to " t0 r & cm:f cleuc «hat 3 etb.tve jguca Co lvfeen tocfapc tbat faptfe oac(p tuatfps
am able to do this^no thep fapo Unto nteaactbatfaptfeonfpcmaberb bs apte
to tcccpue iua tee from ©00 bp £biiac aab fox
bim t pea tLo?D£. Chen toucbeo he tbeit Cbuttcsfabe.
^^jfaptng^accoiDpug to pout fapth f.3Cbtsqucatoabeelatcfb tbatfaptbpzepatctb JBClwc ?'
flBatu s b
beituncopou. auiDtbtitepcstoereo* aab mabctbtosmctetotccepue<Sobsbcncfttc$. ? c>
anb tbe cbatgc be g a uc tl;cm,not toull anp ina
peneD»3inD Jcfus cbatgeo tfoepm, fap* of tt.bcclatcto
tbatbctaio(baotbauebs tctopfe
in gc; s>c that no man nuotoc of it, 23u t tutetnpoiallbeRCftrcsastiiattvas. flab tbep*
thep as foone as thep lucre btpattcD, fpwabpagabiobeof^tbpag.beclaectbtbattbep
Cougfet t t;c gioip of cSob.tDfeofc potoct tfecp bad
(pieD auioaoe bps name thzough out
afozc coafcu*cb to
alithelanDe. g.rfecbatucft isrhe fecttes of men picparcb to %\* u^t
3s thep toenteoure,*bebolDe, thep tcccpue tbciDDibC as it appeatetfe of tbe ^>ama=
SSjm" biougbte to him a Dome man poiTelTeD
ofabeuphMnD as foone as the Deupll
C'^net* Chapter*
CbitO rcabctbfoitb bts.]cii.apoafes topzeach
SDorame. teas caftc cut, the Don; ;nc fpaUe.ainD iNjictojp.gfuctbt&cmcbatge.teacbctbtbcun
the people mcruat!eo,faping:it teas net aab roufouctfe tfecm agapaa pccfecucpoit anb
uct (o fenc in Jftael.sut the ^hatifes trouble.

mat Mi b fapDihe * caftetb out Dcupls.bp tbepo* f^pl jrd he calico * bts.jtft. t>iUU n
££«?• toer of the chiefe Deupll. -^Wpics Unto bim,s gaue thepm ^« w 9
*3!no Jefus toent aboute all titpes 9 '^^Sjpotoei' ouer Undent fpiues, Lanwp.«,
S5m5J: iotoncs s teacbpKgein their fpnagoges ^^^S'to cart them out,? to beafe ai
anD puachpng the glab tioinges of the manetofficaneflejsi^afmanetDifearcs
££b,f. ^be
%f)t names of tbe.jeti*3ttpoftles are to Dcatb,5 tbe fatber tbe fonne^no ti>e
thcfe.Chefitfl,£>pmon callcD alfo^e? cbplDicnfball atpfe agapntte tbeir fa^
files ace
fciire. tet:an0 31nD?etobtsbiothet panics tbers'auo motbers.ano ft>ail put tbcm
tbe fomie of Zebeoe ano 3fo0n his bio? to oeatb:anD pe (t)nll be bateo of alt mc
tbet.jdbtKp ano ©attlemeto.Cbomas fo? mpnaine**23uti)c tbat cnouretb to
ano s^atbeto tbe^ublicau.jGamcs tbe tbcenDe,CbaibefaueD*
founeof3lfpbe,anDiUbbeusotbettoire * sccben t\)ep perfecute^ou in one ci> fl?atU.ii.f.
ano.uir. b.
calleo (€aDDeus*&>imo of Cane,$ 3Ju* titfiw into anotber. 91 tell pou foj a itctum.s.a
Das 3ffcariotb, tobicb alfo bettateo bu trutb,pe Q)tiil uot fpnifflje all tbe cities atiD.jctui.a

HQ ax .16. ft
* -Cbefe.jcii* DpD 3|efus fenoe,$ com* of jflfcaeljtpl tbe fount- of man be come*
maunoeD tbe\faping: * <bo notinto tbe *Cb* bifctple is not aboue b-is maftcr:
toapee $ leaoe to getirpljof , 9 into tbe cp? not pet tbe feruajinte aboue bis ilo^oe.
ties of the ^amatitans enter pe not* 3ft ts pnougbefo; tbe oifcpple to be as
3Sut go rather to tb€lo(le fyepe of tfte ops mailer ig,anD that tbe fecuauut be
boufe of 3BfcaeUd5o ano pieacb,faping: asbisloiDew 4 3f tbep baue calieD
tbat rfje Htugoome of beaut n is at bao. tbe&ojo of tbe boufe t ©eljebub: boUi
locale tbe ricfce,clenfe tbe lepets tapfe
, mucbemojte (I)aU tbep calltbem of bps
8 D. boufgolDefOfjfearetbem uot tbcrfoic.
tt)t DeaD,caft out tbe Bemls** jftelp pe

bauetecepueD 3 fcelpgeueagapn.*^of *Cbere is notb^pnge fo clofe,tbat Ojall f09rk.4.b

ILuhc in a.
fe(Te not goloe no: fpluer,noi (gaffe in not be openeD,auD noting fo bPO,tbat ano.j:(i. ab
a»D jt.t

25 pout gpzocls,noz pet fecippe totoatoes

pout loznep.netbet ttoo coates, neptbet 3Dobat9ftellpou in oarcUnes, tbat
u>es,uoz pet a ftaffe** jFoztbe toozefo Tpeake pe in Ipgbt* amoiobat pebeate
man is tooubp to baue
tjfe meate* Jn in tbe eare 3 tljat pieacbe pe on tl)e boufe
totobatfoeuercptpeoz totone pe ff)all toppes.
come, enquire tobois tooztbp in it, ano * &i& featt pe uot t\)t}>m tubicbe lipil ILuhc.u.a

«9ata 6 b tbereabpoetpJlpe go Whence, * 3fiuD tbe boDp^ano be uot able to itpl p route*
JLuUf. 9.8.
anD.,t.a luben vc come into an boufe, falute U)t bun , tobicb is able to
25 ut catber feare
famc*ainDpf tbe boufe be tooztbp, pout Oeftrop botb tonic ano boope into bclL
peace ttyall come npon it. ©utpfitbe 2Bre not ruio fparotoes folDe foz afar?
not too2tbpe,pouc peace ujal returns to tbpng/aino none of them Dotb h^t on
pouagapne* - tbe grouuDe,bjitbout pour father* 3:id
3ino tobofoeuettyal not teceauepou, noto ate al tbe beeres of pour beao nti*
hoi toi'l bcarc pour pzcacbi'iig: toben pe bieo . feare pe not thetfozerpe are of
actcg.ij.g Depatte out of § boufe oz $ cptie,*fh,afce mote balue tben manp fpatotoes* tT^acbs.t.
of tbe Dull of poutfeete* crulp 3 rape * JCObof ocuct thetefoie l^atl anoio^
£>uac. Unto poujit ftjall be * eafier foz tfte lano leoge me befou me,bpm Ujpil J know
of ZoDoma 9 doomozra in p oap of iuo* leoge alfo befoie mp fsitbet tobicb is in
ment,tben foz tbat c?tte. bcauen.But tobofoeuetfljall utnpe me sdcu?;
JluHr.t. a befotemen,bim toill 3! alfo Denp before
* JSebolD 31 fenoe pou f oztb as f^epc
amog pe tbetf oje & topfe as mp father tobicb is in beaueiu
ILutw )t« c. ferp£ntes,auo innocent as boues.tlBe* fChinUe not,tbat J am come foTcDe tuhc.u.r
3ioij.jcVi.ti. toawof men, foz tbepfJJafloelpuer pou peace into § eartb.J tame not to fenoe
fop to the counfcls,anD Chad fcourgc peace,but a ftocatocfojifi am come to
pou in tbeir fpnagoges.BfnD pe (hall be fet a man at bactaunce * a gapnfte bps 5S9itl)«.7.a

bzougbt to tbe beao tnicrs ano lunges fathers the Dougbter agapnft bet mo>
fbz mp fafce,iu toptnes to tbepm ano to tbet,f the oougbter in latoagapnftbec
mother U\ latoe.Hino a mas foes fhal be
c tbe^ntpls*
* igut toben tbepDelpuetpow fop, t\)tp of bis otonc houd)oloe»
l.uhe.i:.h c take no tbougbte ho to oz tobat pe tyall * l^e that loueth l)i$ fatbcr,oi mother &tt!tf.i<f.b
an&.trt. b
fpeaUe,f oz tt f&al be gcueu pou, turn in moi'e tben not mete fo: me * 3Dno
2cijc rpp= IjctbatlouetO bpsfonnc,o; Dougbter
tbat fame boute, tobat pe {gall tap* tf 01
fecttj tubs it ts not
pe tbat rpeafte,but tbe fpjpte of motethenme,tsnc»tmetefo2 me* 2(nD
pour fatber tobtebe f peaHctb in voiu betbattaketbnothis ctolTe % folotoetfi e9at«W.b
* <ftbc b 1 tljcr ujall betrape tbe bzotber mtjis not mete foj me*^e t ? * finoetb
, .

£f£M&a4e!& jfoljc,
W lpfc,fyaU lore
l)is Ipfe foz
it : atiD be that loretb
mp fafce,Oial frnoe it.
i^d tt came eo paCTe mwjv
maoean enoe of com
jius fjao %
tnut.T. c * ^c $ ceceauetb pou, rcccauctb me; maunotng m s.jcu-DU c tpus,
tt?at f>e DepactcD thence, to
^ttJl'i? *
nnoh * £ ceceauetb me,receauetb him g
tent me.^e that ceceauetb a pzopfjct tu tcacne ano to pjcac^e m
t&tir cpttes.
MW 'Vtt '•
Rename of a pzo^()cte,ajailrcccaue a »f* bepnge tnpjpfon
3C0f)en ^jotjn

pzopbetcs » re toaro. 3»d ()c tbat rccea * hcaroe tfje tooiUcs of cf)2iit,()£ Utu.tu
i uctt) a ngbtcous matyu tbe name of a of ms Difttplcs ano fapoe x>nto turn.
rpgbtcous manne,0)ail rcccauc tbe ro Sttttjou be gfl)allcome:oznjaltijeio&e
apart?, f toarDe of a rpgbtcous man f *a!nD tobo< f oj anotfjec. jef us antujeceo anD faroe

focuec foal geue Onto one of chef e litlc* t)nto t^etm a <5o ano fl)etoe 3jOf)n toijat ^ .

011.91 to Dzpucfce upp c of colDc toatct

, a c pcfjaueftearDeanDfenc* ^eblpnoe
onelp in the name of a d
pi'ctpic : 3} tell fc,thc fjaltgo ; tne lepers are clefeo: fije
pouofattuetu,bc frail not loofe b?s Dccf f)care tn: oeaDe nfcagai'ne,*anD
awtou «
cetoatDe* tne glaooc tr Dpngcs 13 pjcacfjeD to t^e
:£bc Botes. p 002c .3BnD bappp is ije tf/at ts not offen
0o not oeobprne.
«.2^t s f<j;bpbDpug teas to Declare tbat fcctoaa
ff £
cbtcflpCcut totyc3ifi-aclitctt.3ttD£foibpD0pnj *atHD as tftep bepatteb,3fefus began
MW 7 ''
' -'

of pioupfiou: toas to pull t Dent f com rt)C cases of

to f pea kc onto tbe people of 3|ofm . Co
ty is moilD a jjapuQ be CpouiD CeiiD tbem into t\)C

bmuccfdlltoojIDc. fe toha t,toct pe out into tbe tuploetnesf

STplpc b.scpllpego tbcuccisaoinucbe to fapcastpll tocntpcouttofe aoteeoetyaisen toptf)
go. sc. pe bcpactcUjc tpttc. jf ox it is not be rem pug tbat
the topnoe^otbec tobat toent pe oute foj
tbcmfCTcugcrs of t3oo QjoUlDe be To nut t cum;
f pect tit piacpug tbem fclfc to be lobcb ttt a cute, to f e 1 31 man clotbeo in fofte rarment^
tyat tycp fboulDeafrcrtoarDe ibpftc lobgpuges. 25tftolD tbep tbat toeate foft clotbpng,
grieve. c..0ottbattttbalbe eafpetgtbcjoDomttcstupv
Dap: b tit ttt comp anfou of ri;c ticngeauttce picpa>
ate in fepnges boufes. ©ut tobat to tnc
tetl fw fucl)c ad tcEufc tt,e f cuC P# acb'ecs. pe out foj to fee.-l p?oppetT-2ea,3Ifap
vftpfc it
tJ.arbetopfbointbattsnoteD in tbe Cetpeutts to topouanomoutbenapzopbete . Jfo?
auopDc tlje facte fongcg of tbcm tbat go aboute
tbfstsbeofto^omettistozptten.*25e^ H
to DcQrop turn tobtle gc gcucrb eaccto tbepm , To
rbatbp to ? uj if Dome dc cfcapetb bcatb attbCic
bolDe,31 fenoe mp meOengec befoie tbp gS'Ri
banDes.&ofbouIDbptbistopreDoinccrcapctbc face,tobicbef^ali prepare tbptoape be^
blDCg of p|iCcrccutours.3lnnoceiicp notca tu Do;
ue?,ts to butt none oryct bcaflc, hut fpmplpc to
f 01c tbe* *
tahc bet fodc tobecc fibc fpuDctb if , ano if anpC o= +niierelp fape tint pott, among
J §
tbccbcaa piofccbecnjjtong.Cbe tefittctbnotbut cbplozen of toemen atofc tbete not a
2Ta!ic no
flpcrb.atiDrocnDcuourctbto cfcapc.
e. ©eteatetuC aDtnomCpcDnottobcfcnDeonte
greatct then 3iobn tbe saprtft* &ou
toubftanopng be y ts IclTc « in tbe tttng^
tbougytc* e«ufc(o: wtbetCbiiftes caufe)bp tucityttvcan
ftocts tbat toe can tuucitt:bu* totcuft tipontbc Dome of beauen,ts greater tben be. jfto
topCebome tbat be Cpall gcuc tbe Cclfe tnflaut m tbe tpme of Jo^n saptift bptbetto,tb«
bisfpziteaiiCtoCtingm bs.
Bd?cbub f.2rbi6tooiloerpguiftctbt5oboilLoib of dpes.
fcrngDome of fieatien tiff vctb Violence,

3nb bp tbts iiamcbpb tbe Vetoes call tbe gecate ano tbep tbat go to tt tb btolence plucft
3)DoH5cI,bccaufeof tbe gccattnultimbcof flies it onto tbem. * fo: all tbe pzopbetes $ infe .*w.;o
tbattcfonebtotge bfouDeaub topite tl)at teas
tbe lame ptopbeepco onto tbe tpme of
©CD in tbe facrificcs bone t&Ctunto.anbfo* tbe
abbowtnacpottof tbe Hbole : tbep tcputeb tf as 3Jobn • ainD alfo pf pe top!! rccea tie it,
pipnee of 5Dcutlff. * tbts is Delias tobicb ©otilD come^e iojw.t. •:
%}>tlffa. g.^ofpiiDbtslifc.isto fatiffpetbebefpjeof bis
bect.tcfufpitgoi bpchtngeagapuOc tbe croOTe of f batb eates to beate kt Wm fjeate* 1 5Bfeu
CbntVpatts tbcpctfecution tbat fofotoetb t&e
*©nttobecunfo fl)all jflpkentbps . Bte1iu .
icrtrmrti PH>
fcffP a 3 e of f h« tcuetb.oi tobatfocucc butbcit generacpon ^ • 3t is Ipfce Onto ctylbtf
Kuvacu. ^oblapetbtopoubsi. b-H)Ctetoacbeofa^o^ tobtchefptin tbematfcctano call Unto
cuctlaQpng topctn tlje Ipfeto come aceozDpnge ,
tfjew fe!otoes,anD fape : toe baue pppcD *
totbepatablcsro bim tbat (ball be gcucu. 3ud Unto pou,9UD pe baue not oaunfeD^ifloe
agatucuspel bone goob fecuauut, cntct into tbp banc inoucneD tmto pou , ano pe baue
not fozotoeD.ifoj 3[obn came netbec ea?
C^^Jrt .Chapter* Cpiig noz Dtpncbpuge, ano tbep fape,be
C31obnbapttft fjoctb btsbifciplcsbnto Cbitd.
llDbtcb gcnctb tb^tijetcaitftoecc, cebuftct.)
batb tbe Deupll. cbe fonue of ma came
bntbaucitfuf cities,* lotttttglp Cjcbojtetb men catpnge ano ozpnekpnge ano ttyv ,

to take bis poebe bpon tbem. ffi$fr'f« fap,

tEljt <&ofpell
fape, befjolo a glutton an* DipncUcc of fatbctinpotoec^oulbtuif bctnfctiouc to3Robn, fepugbam
tobo teas but man.aitarbctfoic be Caprb, uc tbat ofbeancw
toine,anb a feettoe bnto publicans ano is lrtTc( tua 1 1 e;be tbat is bumbled to tbe lotoctt
Qnintt3»jfreucttfKlattetcujprcometg begtc of fetuauntcs, teputeo tatbet as a too;me,
tnftiftcDotbctcbtUucn. tben a ml, 13 gtcatec ttfi be.cuc tbe foime of gob.
tnke. ft of tobfi tt 19 fapb, 311 am a too.imc anb uo man ait
** (C^en began be to bptyapbe § ct> opptobipe of tbe fS cut u s.anb an outcaae of tbe

tie0 } tn tobicbetnoofteof ops mpjacles taf tall people.

tuece Doue,becaufc tbep me nDeo not* D. ©etc is a ptouccbe as to £fapc.Hftf.a . ^>pg»
nifpeng tbusmucbe-Epbtuetfetoiapcsbauctoe
8C0o be to tbe Cbojaflun aooobetotbee Wknn » rt «.
, ? loon'
gone About to Opwe pou to tbancBergcuiug:but
JSetbfaioarfoiPftbe mitacles tobube poubauebpnomcaues,bcuetbccunto. 9 ^ -
toece Oje toco in i»on,baoDe bene Done in e.)K>ireDomc (9 mOtf tco.ftc. Sbat ts.tbep tbat
ace tbe tbtlbxeu of gob,tecciue bis boctctne, anb
ttvit 9 §>toon,tbep baD tepente D long
bis toMbcasttutbanbtotfcboinc.altbougbtbe » A h aN .#
a gone in (acaclotb $ af{bes»/freuectbe» tonttaticpact.bOHOtfoteceiuctt.
leffe J Tape to pou:it (ball be eafpcc fot f. .Vctbarlaboutc^c.^bofc ace coiuprrb bete
%pu ano &ibon at tbe oape of tuogc to labour, tbat acbnomlcbgc tbcp; Uime,$ idle
13 uient,tben toi pou.^no tbou Capctna* rbebcauie buetbeuof tbe flcibc

um,tomcbeattelpftebp bnto beauen,

CC(>e jciucbaptec* +
%t)i bifcrplcs pfutSc tbe eaccs of come . j^e
fljaltbebzougbtDatonetobell. foipf ercufctb tbl.beaicb tbe oipco banb, bclpetb #
eb'etmtarles tobfcbe batiebene Done in poCreCTeb tbattoas btinb aubbomme^cbuheti
tbcbiif aprbful tbat tooulo ucbes bauetoUs,
tbe,bab bene Ojetoeb in ZoD6:rbep bab
anbfbcioctbtoboisbFS bjotbec , fpaecano
cematncD to tbfs oap . #euectbeies 3J motbec.
far bnto pou:tt tyalbe eaf tec foz f (ano Ctbattpme 3}ctus ioenton
of Zoboni tntbe oap onuDgeme*t, tben
tbe^>abbotboapes*tbo?obi ^ athtt.»
foi tbe. ^ tbe co?ne > ai)D
bPS bpfcipfes fiunc«,.«.

f.«ke.v.t + tbat tpmc^efus anftoeccb arm

ait ujcte an bongceD,anO began
l&ioaxl.a fapD:* pjapf e tbe £> fatbec Xozoe of
J to * plucfee tbe eaces of cojne,^ to eate. ©'««.»?.»
be tun and eactb,becaufe tbou bad bPD axbeu tbe ^batifes fa to tbat, tbep faib
knctouot tbere tbpnges from tbe topfe ano puu bnto biuu&ebolb,tbp otfnples do tbat
De*t a anD baft openeb tbem bnto babes: tobicb ts not lamfui to do bpou tbe fab>
euen To fatfjct,foz (o it pleafeb tbe.* all botb Dape^e faibe bnto tr)em» !^aue pe
*.i»ic.t c
tbiges ace geite* bnto me of mp fatbec* not ceao tobatBatuo Dio,toben t)e teas
MwM-t * 3JnD no man linotoetb $ fonne but tbe an bung r eo , ano tbep alfo tobicbe toece
fatber:neptbec&notoetb anp man § fa? toitb bim^*^oto be eutccD into § boufe ( **«- :, «

tbec,fane tbe foHne,anD be to tobom t\)t of ©00 » ate p balotoeb ioaues tobicb

founetopll open bint. toece not latof u( fot bpm to eate, nctbet
Come bnto me all pe tbat f labouce $ f 0; tbe Wcf) toece tb bin^but onelp to;
ace laben ano 3 lopll eafe pou * caue tbe baue pe not ceao in tlje
3«rc v>< c
<*Jol?t»,>.a mppocae
on pou ano lcatneofme,foi latoe,botoe tbat tbe pzfeftes in t(jc tem*
3 am mefte anb iototp in bcct;j pe (l)all pie bicaae tbe ^abbotb Dape , anb pet
tpnbe tea bnto pouc rouicg ifoj mp ace blamclclfe t ffiut 3 fap bnto pout
poc&e is eafp,anomp butoe is ipgbt. b tbat bece is one greater tbe tr)e temple*
2Tbe jaotcs. acubctfoze if pe bao totft tobat tfjis fap>
ajSoanb fbetoe c. gpfe anftocteopb
plapncip ocelarc.rbat be teas tbe OQctTtas lo kco
ing meauetb:3 * tequfce meccpe^not
faccifice:pe toouIOucuecbaueconDem* mnci'm
£ w rr« - b

foutfoi tbe tomftcg toeve toe tooifces orageffia?.

ISut tbe ctjtcfc tljttig: to be not co, t s tbe goat) bap
mn mnocentrs.foi tbe fonne of man is notuats
of tbem tbat toece not offeu&cb bp bpm(tbatis) )lo?De euen of tbe ^abbotb Dape* fr"*
tipb not (tumble at bun ano To fall, foi as it is
rapo.igrap.tom.e. fcetstbettone totmmblcar.
3Bnb be bepacteb tbence,*atiD toente & n ui •
into tbetc^>pnagoge;anb bebolDtbcce *•*»-«•«».
anb tbe cocftc to fal &p5 a mace to botb ebe bous

rcs.Jjf caci anb tbe tnbabitaunec of Hcrnralem. toas a mS tobicbe bab bis banDeoxpeD
3nb agapitf jLu&c. u. c. ©c teas tbe ftumblpnge
. Hp.3nD tbep afaeo b(m,fapfng: id* it ui.krj
flocae appottt f eft foi man p to (tumble at. JTbac latoful to beaie bpon % fabbotb oaies^
f s,all fucb ae loftca to bancbtm capgne in gteat
glozp asabpusofgeeate potocr.anoto belpuec
bceaufe tbep mpgbt accufe bim»anb b€
rbem f com tbetc cnemtes bp t be foiceof atmts,* Cat'Dc bnto tbem:tof)fcbe of pou toouIDe
not bptbc fuflFcttitj tipon tbe ccotTe. ttbe,pf bebaDDea * tyepe fallen into n ontn.c
gisctbc. b. Xbe cceb is a figace or tbe Hoc trine tltut is not
pptte on tbe fabbotb Dape,tbat tooulo
ZttTt inf eftbe fonne of tbe lutinffc 0ol»,eqitaU
xetiWi* not ta&e tym ano lift bnn out^nb bote

mttcb mozc t0 a m5 bcttet tben a fljcpc/ bi0 boure 1*4*^ tbat is not toptbme,
^ tobecf ou
Do a gooo Deoe
it 13 la total to isagaiftme.ainD!je§ gatbetetb notub
on tbcfabbotfj oapcs. £bcnrapobc to me/cattetetb ab.zoDe. ^xbetfoK 31 rap
tbe itiati:(l t etc (j foztl) tbp bano. 3BnD i)e ton to pou,al maner of f nine $ d blatpbe^
tctcb cd it fowfjc * 3KUD it loa0 maoe 20«rk
mpe (j^albe f oigenen tonto men: * but p lube. 12

tobolc agapue like tonto tfj e otljcr. blaf pbemp of tbe fpzlte,u>al not be f oi?
£9 «:.?,* 4< * often tlic £bar tfes tocnt out , geuen tonto men** Jud tobofoeuer fpea
IjelDc a counfcll agsjMifl bmi, boto tbep ketb a tooibc againft tbe fon tie of man,
wpgbt oettr op bim.aocben Jcftis fcue to it tT/albefo^geuen btm.23tit tofjofoeuec
cbat,be Depart cd tbcuce,auo mucb peo fpeabctb agapnft tbebolp gboO,tt fbatl
pie folo tocD blm,anD be bcaleo tbcm al, not be foigeuen blm,no 3 ncptbec in tbts
auD cbargeD tbem,tbat tbep fyoulD not tooiloe f neitbet h\ tbe luoiiDe to come*
matte bmi nnotoen ; to f ultra p tobt ebc * ceptbeemafee tbe tree gooD,anD bp0
^ffl.^:.8 toas fpofccbp<£fat> tbe jDzopbct.tobicb fcute gooD alfo : o; els make tbe ttee tt
f apetb** ©eboloe tup cbplDc, tobomc J upll.anD bts fcute euel alfo . * jfoi tbe lxfos,6jt
0a ue ebofen, mp beloueD , in tobomc mp ttee is ftnotoc bp b«0 fcut.^D genera no
louie Delate tin J topi I put mp 1 pzetc on of b ipc t0,bo to can pou Tap tocl,tobcn pe
bim ; anD he fljall tyctoe rirDgcmV.u to po nr felues ate euel*'* jf oi of t^t abou; teffvt.ri f>

tbccBcntpis" j^ca}aUnotftrpue,fte, bauncc of p betr,tbe moutb fpeakeib. a Hufcc.6.0

fyal not c ne.netb e c fl)all anp man bcate* gooD man out off gooo treat urc of bps
010 toopce in tfje Aretes ,a bzofeo tecoc beer, bjpng ctb to:tt> gooD tbinge0.3DuD
Cjall be not b zeafce, a ud ft ajee t!;a t be? an eupll man oute of bps etielt tceafuce,
gpnneth to b ucnc,be fyall not quencbe, bipngetb fojtb euell tbpngea i ©ut 3
tpU be fetiDe f oztb lUDgcment tonto bic; Cap e tonto p b u tbat of euerppb ell to oid

tozpe,anDtn bi'snamc 0?ail tbc<£en; tbat men Cball banc fpoBeti: tbep a?ali
tpis trnfte. h gene a countes at tbe oap of tuDgemet.
*Cbcn toas bzougbt to bun,one pof* * jf oi bp tbp tooiDcs tboii Ojalt be tuftt> :.lRtg.i. c
i.uSv.16 b
f cITcd toitl? a Deuel, tobicbc toas botbe f)>co:anobptbp too^oes tbouf^altebe tortus,*
blpnDe,ano Dommc:* be bealcD bim,tn conDemneD* t
to muebe tbat be tobt cb toas blpuoanD Hh CbenauftoeceDcectapneoftbe
DommtjbotbrpaUcanDfatoc. ano all ^>ccibf)j$iof f pbactfe0,faping:*^a> label 6 i.

fl?8t.lV Q$ar.8.b
the people toete amafeD,s faiD:* Jsuot (tcr,toc toolo fame re a fpgne of tbe* j^c
tbi0 tbat foiuic of ©atuDrt&ut tube tbe anf uicrcD $ fatD to tbe;Cbe b * e mil ano fl9atb.i6.«
gratifies beatD tbat, ttjtp fapD: CbP0 aououteeou* geuecacio fcketb a figne, Jluucji.e
teloto D.nuetb tbe Dcutlsno notbettotfe but tbe re (l)H no figne be geuen to ti)ct
outebutbp tbe belpe of J3el$ebub tbe faue tbe fpgne of tbe ^.zopbete Jonas*
cbiefeoftbcDeupJs. * f oi as Jonas mas tbzeebapes anb 30009,2, a
ffiut Jefus: line-toe tbftttbotigbtcs tbzc nigbtes in tbe tobalcs bellp:fo tyal
d fapoc to tbcm:Cucrp fctngDomc Deu U tbe Tonne of man be tbzc Dates auD tbze
D£D toptb in it felf cffcall be bzougbt to npgbtes in tye beatt of tbe eactb* %f)t
nougbt.Bctbcr fftall anp cptie ok bonf * men of /^iniueO)all tpfeat tbe Dapeof
b olD DeuiDeD agapnft tt f elf c, cont inue* iuDgement toptb tbps nacpon,anD con*
C £>° rf ^>at an ca ft out <§>atau, tben be Demne tbepm:*fo? tbep amenDeD at t\)i Jonaa.j.f.
is DeiuDCD agapnft bun felfe « j^otoe pzeaebpnge of Jonas; *3Bno beboloe 5 a
Ojall tben bis npngDome enDute t 3flfo greatec tbe Jonas tsbere,*tlDbe queue 3Tolin;.«
pf 3] bp tbe Ijclpcofzscljcbub call o»fc of t\)t foutb fpall rpfe at tbe Dap of tm> J.ulcft % ».
Detuls;bp tobofe bdpc Do pout cbtloze gement toitb tbis genctacton^anDu^all
call tbcm out- -cberf oic tbep Ct)Hll be conDcmne thcpnnfoz (be came from tbe
*>out tuDgcs. sut pf 1 cafl out tbe Dc* totmoR patties of tbe toozlDe , to beare
litis bptbefpzite of 4goD:tbcn is § king tbe toifDomc of Salomon. 3nD beboloe
DomcofC5oDcomconpou.- a gtcfitectfien Salomon is: bete.
Ctfret + botocana man cntet into a * ^ccben tbe tondene f pzttc ts gone out SUhc.u »
ftcongc mauncs boufe , ano bpolentlpe of a man^e tooalhetb tbzougboutf Dipe
tatsc a toap bts goobes:ejccepte befpzfte places , refcpngc reft ano fpnoetb none.
bpnoe tbe fttongc man, ano trjen [popic C^cn \)t rapetbe : J tepH tetourne
23>5b*m. agapne
iRje GoQeu
agaprfe tftto mp boufe, fra.m telenet 35 among tbo2nc0,ahb tfie tnbtius fpisg
came ut*9nb t»I>cn^e is come,bc fpn* tp anb cbobkeb it* parte fell in gooa
octbtbebouCe emptpe ano rtueptcanD grotmb,atio bzougbt fottb goob tcm:
gatntftyeD . tCbeu be goctb tjrs foape, I'ome an bunbzeb fo(be,fbme fp]«p folb,
anD tafcetb unto film feuen otbcc fpzp> fome tbirtie folbe.ioobofoeuec batb ea;
teg toojfc tfjcntjuti fclf e, $ f enter tr)cp tcstobearc,letbtmbeare* «
3nD * tbc cuoe of
»<6j. bu
h »*t.«.6 in anD D tocil thete«
%i\b tbe Difcipics came anb fapbe co
man | to03tfc t jj t ^ c begtnninge. bim.ttbprpcaKcatbotitQtbem in pa<
&ui fo Ojall it be toitf) tbts euei nacto. tables r ^eanftoereb anb fapbe bnto
«n« in h WW*bt pet talaeb to g peopic:*be tbcm,* ttisgeuen bnto potuoanotoe-StS!*
Sk mm" bolDbismotbctanbbisbietbzeii ftobe tbe f cere tee of tbe spngbomc of bcaue",
tottfjoutjDtfpzttig to fpcabe toitbbpm. buttotbemitisnot geuen a
,fo^ i| -c«.i.c, 6 Cbcn one fapb trntotjirmbetjolD,* tbp * tobo fo etiec ha b e, to bim (I)all be ge? apat.n».e

motbets tbp teetbjen&aiibe foitboute, ucn: anb be a>all baue abounbaunce* jjjj "' l J
Defpjtng to fpeake tout) tbe. 23nt lobofoeucr batbe not: from bpm
^c aufuicteD 9 (apo to btm, tbat tolb u^allbetattcnatoapc euen tbatbebatb
r)tm: Bono {0 mp motbc t f $>i icfjo are flCbetfoze fpea&e J to tbem iB fprnplp^
nip bjwhienf 3tiD be (trctcbebfojtb bis tu&«s:fo$tbougbe tbtp fee,tbepfenoi;
^ anD oim ^, s O ifcipie0,anb fapb:*be* abb bear inge tbepbeate not:necbect»tti
b oiD mp motbe't anb mp bwtbzen* jfot Dcraanoe 3nb in tbepm isfulfpllcbtbe
tebofocuu boetb mp fatfjets toil toijtcb B?opbecie of cfatas,tobtcbe piopbcep
ts in beauen,tbe fame is mp biotj;$r,f*» tapetb : * toftb tbe carts pe fyall beace $ ?,« !«
ftec anD mother, h anb (l)al not tjnberftanbc,anb toitb tbe Jg* f b -

tt c
,.__ £be#otcs. epespe (ball fe,anb (ball not perccane* 3aa'>8».
Blarpbcs a.a^ja blarpbempc is.tobenmen re anb ftnoto IRon, ** h
mpagaift n/eopcnatiBmatureCtruct&of Sob (tbiabjoib, f 02 tbps peoples bcartes are toeceb

i fpirite. fbcirconfcicuccsbepugfullp cettifteb r'Krof: $ grofjc , ano tbcp2 cares are bull of bca« .

pcf tiottuttl>flanDpuij toplt taplcbpon it <t pecs rpnge , ano tbe-2 epes banctbcpclos
f cd led tlnp d)on(b f e toptb tbep2 epes,
it ts ofrtjc&eupUanDnotof I5SDS> . MDbpcbe
fpmte QmII iicucc beffugcucu.jfoz fo (0 rpe mr4 anb bear c tomb t: iecr cares, anb Cbouioc
«ftf*i *,.* "?« J <* "rt'Kc m tbte toojlbe : not in torclbc ro bnoecuanoe toptb tbcpz bcartcs,a!iD
come.asappeaectbbptbe otbcc cuauHgeliQe«.*
uouies j, ^gjj ftu6 ajunutctouB gcnccacpmcarc tbofe
Q)u(b turne tbat J mpgbt bcaletbem*
WU9 » tbatteieuenotinfSob ctbtsfonncJierugGbwft *^ntbIetTcD are pout epes, f 02 tbep C
la%t *J* *
fc bc * onelp ^autouce.l5ut febe otbtc mcancs. fe;anb pone carc&fo* tbcp bea«*«eto
SDic n? ic
«/*f pw«=
c .a:bcrcittpplace9atetDsbectcsofracnrooite5
us fumus beamce of lp 3 ft? knto pou,* ^ tnaup p20pbctcs, (.i»»t.(.;».
top top rb ti)t iSobbes toome
tbat tbc taptftcb fpntce can baue no commobp; anbparftte me" baue bcfP2cb to fe tbofe
cusbtoelipugtbccc. tbpnges tubtcbe pe fc,anb bnue not fene
,IL Cbe.jciif*Cbaptcr* tl)i:^nn to bcare tbofe tbpnges tofit tbe
C St tc pa cable of feebc.of tbe tares , of tbe pe bcarc^nb baue not bctb tbc.*^eare

muftar&rcbcoftbtttuf.ofrbc tcearuccbtb gJi. , £

m tt)Z felbc.of tbc pear !cs, anb of f be net. pctberfou tbe fimilitube of tbe fotocc*
a G3\fy torn* v&pt font jttuti out ot aDObofoeuec bearetb tbe toozbe of tbc
f»*r ttti a 3/ «Moufe,anb* farce bp tbe fca ^ bpngbomeanb bnbctftanbetb it not,
V^fpbejanbmucbc people tcfojteb cbece comctb tbc cud man anb catc bctti
tuto bim,fo great Ip tbat be inert , anb atoape f tobtcb teas fotoen in bis bette*
fat in a typppe, anb all tbc people ftobe %nb this is be to!) icr> teas fotoen bp ttjt
cmtbc(*)oo2e*ainbb«fpaRe manptbtn* toapcfpbe* ©tit be tbat teas fotoen in
ges to tbcm in ftmilttuof Japing: $s>, tbc (lonp grounbe , is be tobtcb bearetb
bolDe,tbefotBertoent fo^ttb to (otoe* tbe too2be of &oo,anb anonrtbitb tope
3nb as be f otuctijf. ome fell bp tin toap? ceceauetb it , pet batbe be no rootes in
cs fpoc , anu tfje fotolcs came anb be< bpm f elf e, anb tbetefoie buretb but a
uourebttbp* ^omefellbponaonpe fcafon:fotas{oone as tcpbulacponot
grounbe tofjerc it bab not mucr) eartb, pcrfccucpon arpfctb becaufe of § toozb,
anb anone it rp?onge bp,becaitfe it bab lip anb bp be falletb * ^etbattoas
no beptb of eattb : mto tuben the fnnne rouicn among c tbojneg, is be that bea*
teas tp it caugbtebeere , and foi lacke cetb tbe toozo of <soo;but $ care of tbts
cf rotpnge topDDjeo aU>afe» ^bme fel to02lD,anb t^e DtfceptfulncfTe of ticbef
; ,

ctjofcc tl)t tuozbe,ahD To is be mabe &n* came bnto biui,fapf rtge : Declare bnto
fotncu in £ gooD
fctitcf ul.i)e tobicbe is bs t\)t fpmtltttiDe of t\)6 tares of tbe
gtotmbe 15 be tbat beatetb the tooiDe feme Cbeuauftocrrobe anb fapoe
ano buDerftauDetb it:tt>bir be alfo bea* to tbtim^e tbat fotoetb tbegooofebe, znzmtt
cetlj frute ano bipngetbfoztbe,rome an ts tbe fonne of man 3Dno tbe tclD ts tbe
, eFpoutict^
n miQieo foloe 3 fbme fpjctpc f olo , $ f ome tuozlo . 3Jno tbe cbtlDieu of tbe bpugb6»
tbpwefolbe. tbep ace tbe gooofecb . 3ud tbe tares
mtMu * ainotbec ftmtUtube put be foitft bn* are tbe cbtlDieu of ti)t topcftcD • 3tuD tbe
totbfim^apinger+^bchpngbomcof enempe tbat lotsetb tbcm,is tbe DeuplU
33 beauen ts Iphc tmto a ma tub icb f oujcd Cbe bar ueil ts tbe euoe of ujozId* 3»d
gooD fccoc tn bts feloc. $ut tufjplc men tbe rcpers be tt)t 3lngels . Jfoz cucn as
« acpt,tfjcte came Ota foo ano fotr»cD ta> tbe tares are gatbereb anD uuur tu tbe
tes among tbe u>b eatc * bent bis toap. fp;c:fo fball it be in tfjztnot of tbps
9X)ben tbe bl aDe teas fpiog bp anD baD vdoiIdc.* Cbe fonne of man ffjall fenoe ^»
biougbt foztb fcute.tbeu appeared tbe fojtbbis 3iugels, ano tbep 0>ali gatber *.
w w
tares alfo . ^ben came tbe fcruauntcs oute of bis Upngcoome ail t binges tbac
to tbebouu>lDet,anD fapDe bnto bpm; offcnDe,auD tlfmi uiincbc do tntqutte^
£>pi,rou»cDft not fbou gooD fccoc intbp fljalfcaftetbcpmfnto a furnes offp^e«
tlofTCjfcom tubence tbcn batbtttaces*- CbeceQE)aIbetoaplpug.eano guaa?pug
i^e fapD to tbemitbe cnuious man barb oftetb.*Cbeufballiije tuft men Qpiu ©anrt^T
Done tbf&TEbcn tbe fctuauntcs fapDe as bjtpgbt as tfje funue in tt)t fcpngooin •*•»»•' '

tmtobrm:tupltctbou tbcntbat toe go of tbetr fatbci. xc-bo fo euer bat b cares

ano toebe tfjcm out.-' ©tit be fapbemap, tobeate,letbmibeate* t»
left labile pc goabotiteto toeoe out tbe 4*3lgap sejtbeHpngDomeofbeaucri
tares,pc pi lit he bp alfo foptb tfjem tbe is IpHe bnto tteafurebPDDe in tbe telo,
tobcate bp tlit rootes.'let botb grots f o tbe tnbicb a man fpnoetb ^ : ano Wmb
getber tpll batueft come, anD tntpme f oi iope tberof goetb el rctlctfe ai tbat
ofbacueft,3|topll rape to tbe reapers, batb.anDbictbtbattclDe*
gatfjet pe f trft tbe tares ,aiiD btnb tbcm 3gapne,tbe kpngoome of bea utn is
tn Queues to be bzcnte:butgatbcc t\)c Ipfcctoa jj^accba tint tbat feUetb gooD
tobcate tnto mp barne* {« peatles.tobfcb * foben be bao founb one ****•••
«ar.titf ft +
anotber parable be put fojtb bnto pzecpous pcarle,iDent anD foio all tbat
aokepfib tbem,(aping:* <cbc fcpngbome of bca* bebaD>anDbougbttt.
uen ts plie bnto a grapne of muftaroe
3lgapne,tbe bpngoome of beauen is
TeeDe,tobicbeamantafcetb ano fotoetb IpHe bnto a ucet caft in to tbe lea
tn bis f eio j,U)i)icb is tbe
of all fee»
lecft tberetb of all fcpuoes of fpfi7)cs:bj;iicbe
Dcs*t3ut taf;c tt is g wioen,u ts p grca<
tcft among per bts,anb it ts a tree: fo
toben it is fu!i,men D:a mto fanbe,anD
§ tpt ano geatber tbe gooD info beftels^
tbe muDes of ttn a pzc come ano builoe caft tbe bab atoap.^o fl)al it be at tbe
tntbcbzaunebcsoftt* tim of tbe too?lbe,'Cbe3iungels Ojal!
€ anotber fimilitube fapD be totbetm come out,anb feuer tbe baDDe from tbe
*ufc.jrti., * *cbe kpngoome of beauen ts Iphe bn> gooD,anD (ball caft tbem into a furnes
to leuen labtcb a toomS taketb ano bp<
oetb fn,tit.pec!tes of mccie,tpl all be lc>
offpie:tbece*fbaUbe toaplpnge anb
„ 41 ^ ffl

ueneD. Jefus fapbe tinto t b^.tinDerftanDe
©»j«. c * an tfafe tbpnges (pahe 3efus bnto pe all tbefe tbpnges t %bcp fapbe: pea
tbe people bp ftmilt t uoes,anD \bzn t (i> kozDe* Cbcn f apb be bnto tbem: Cbec#
tnflituDes fpahe be uotbpnge totbeim, fotceuccpe 6 Scribe tobicbe ts taugbJ
to fulfill tbat tojjr cb bias fpofcen bp tbe bnto tbe Rpngoom of beauen is Ipae atl
^U77.3 ^topbete i fapinge : * wll open tup
31 boua)oloec 5 tobiebe biingetb fo:tb,out
moutb in ftmtitt noes > anb tuptl fpeaKe of bps treafure, tbpnges botb neto anb
foztb tbpnges tobicb baue bene Kept fe* o!be« p
Crete from tbe beginnpiig of gtoozlD.|« 3iid it came to paife inben Jeftts ban
+Cbcn fent 3jefus tbe people atoap, fpnpffbcD there fpinplptifbes , tbat be
flpat.'iu. ft anD eame borne . * mo r)fs bijfcpples DepacteD tbence^ came in to f>is oton s$m wn;
2Si3b,l:tu cjun*


Cl)t igofpell
counttc,anD taught tbem in tbett fpna* ftpnge fozotoeD . |ieuettbele0 fo;.i;p0
auht^. e goge0,f n fo mucbe tbat * tbep toctc a* orije0 fafee, anD foj tbeit fakes
tTouteD,3 fapDe;tobence cometb al tbp0 fat alfo at tbe tabfe,be commauuDeo it mm
fSbnteu topfeoome *potoct
bnto bini/* 30 not to be geuen betr^fent 9 DcbeaoeDJobn baptto is

'tljis tbe Carpenters fount*- Js not bp0 tn tbe pzifon,anD bt0 f^eao iaa0 biougbt bt&tn »
* inotbet calleo apatjv ano bis bietbze, in a plattct $geuen to tbc Damfeii, anD
be calico James anD Jofc0,auo:§>im6 fl)ebiougbtutobtt motbet* 36nDbp0
and ^uDas^nD ate not bi0 (pacts all Difcipic0 camcanDtotte bp bis boDp'c,
bete toitb bSr' whence bat!) he all tbcfe anD bunco ttranD vuent ^ tolbc 3|efu0,
tftpngeg » 3!nDtbcptoere offenDcb bp aooben 3|efU0 beatD tbat,be * Depat* ji*«.ft. b.
<9m.w «. bpm . 'Cben 3jeftis fapbe to tbem,* a teD tbence bp IbPPPe into a Defect place fS'X
jSTu ^iopbete 10 not toitbout bonoute,faue out of tbe toape . amo tobtn tbe people
fn^ts otone counttep,anD aroonge bPS ba D b ear De tbe 1 of , tbep folotoeD bpm a
otone ft tnne.3lnD be did not manp mica* fote out of tbeit cpttc0»3nD Jefus tolt
cIcb tbete,foztbeirbnbelefe0 fa&c* foztbanDfatoe nmcfjc people, anD t)P0
SCIjc Botes. bett DpD melt bpon t bem.anD be bealeD
a.2fl)att9to btmt&at batb a goob ijctt totoatb Of tbcun tbof e p toctrc f ic kt. iCDben euen
f&oDs inozo c to fulfpll it : toalbe maic gcace gc=
tua0 come,bp0 Dpfcpple0 came to bpm,
ucu.anb ftfi btm f bath, not,0?albctahca atoap
cuett P tame feuotDfcbge ttjat be ijatb,? I;is bectc f ay-wg:tbi0 is a Defect place, anD Dap
„ fo batb&teb.tbatbe (ball not repent. t0 fpeutcilct tbc people Departed tbep
Itpitgbom b.ftpngbome Ciguiftctt) OctretDc sorpcll, bp tlje
totjtct) «Sod caiguetb tit tlje ijectes of f fattjjfuL
mape go into tbe toumc0,auD bpc tbciu
auotljefamcrigmftcrti tbiitti tebtc&eisouce bp tailcB. ©ut Jefuo fapD bnto tbem:
bpng.attb our bpitgcDomecatgttttigc tubs , aub (Cbep banc no tube to go atoape* ©cue
ut toQemc toe tatgne as toe piapc.
pe tbem to eate . cben fapbe tbep bnto
^ f
&lepc. t.^isacpcrpgntfpetb.f negligence^ banc
int&e t&ingcs bcIongmgctoiSob,tobtebeisbp b tm: toe baue bete but.b.ioue0 anD ttoo
A ...
^cacefuhtesoftitbcs.f plearutCfioftUistooilo fpil)e0«3|nD be fapD:bung tbem
a ,£ CC it,cs toccctDCpPbabp" off*"" of cntetpit: to me anD be commautiDcD t^t people
f pug (E anf wcr m g to t U c fcnteiiccs of tbc piop c
to ne on tbc gcatTc, anD tofte tbe it appeacetb bp tbat ©crofic cuquttCD of to fpt D
r Describes, in thc.ui.ct)a.afo:c.c. f pue louc0 anb tbc ttoo fpffbes , anD lo<-
OCbcrtUi.Cbapter* hcD bp to bcauen anD £ blefJeD,9 bzafte,
3Iob« is tahcit a tie heabeb ClmO feabet&.b. anDgaucplouc0tobi0 Difciple0,anD

t!;out"anDc men vi;i tt)fr uc loucsaun ttoo fpf-

biftt p les gaue tbe to § people . ^ud
J&ca.anb appcaceo bp npgbtc onto btsbpfeps tbc

plcsbpoit tl)t fea. t^tp bib al eate,auD bjetefufficcD . 3no

ttmc*^etoD a c»
3d Ctbat
i tbe tbep gatbetco bp of tbe gobet0 tbatco
3©Ar,bi.c. [ttatcba f?carDc of tbc fame of .bafUets full. 3!nD tbep tbat
hefu,anb fapDbnto bis fet> ate,tocce in nombze aboutc.b.^.meu,
Juauntes:tbis iojjobn £ zSap bcfpbe tocmen anD cbilDzcn*
till. 15c t0 1 if en a gapnc from Dcatb, anD * ainD ftcepgbt toape Jefu0 mabc |2E"5'
tbetfoze ate fuel) miracles toxougbtbp bP0Dpfcpple0 entec into a u>ppe,anD '

wx w a. btm* jf oz l^etoD * bab taken jobu,anD to go ouet befoze bun, tobile be fent tl)Z
bQunDc jji,,^ anD put £p„, j n ptpfoil fo? people atoap* 311b as foone as be bab
C>croDia5 fafce,bps bzotber ^Inlippcs fent tbe people atoap,be*toentbp into *«!».*.«
jieait i8.r. fopfe, jfozJIobufapbc bnto bim:* b it 10 a mouutapne alone to pzape»3inD tub en
notlatofullfoztbeetobauebec . 3KtiD npgbt teas comc,be teas tbecebpmfelfe
toben be tooulDe ha tie put bun to Dca tt), alone. 30ud tbe fln^ppe teas no toe in tbe
«?ai.wi.b be featcD ^ people,* becaufe tbep cou* intDbes of tbe fea, anD teas tool* topt&,
tcDhimasa^opljctc, toauc0,foz it toas a contcacp topribt*
But lubcn^ctoDcs" * bpitb Dap feas & 3CnD in tbe fouttb toatcbe of tbe nigbt
co me, tbc Dougbtet of ©cr oDias ba tin> 3Ief us came bnto tbcpm toalcltpngc on
fcD before tbe\*3 pIeafeD^etoDe»aoobet; tbe fea* 3Cnb toben t)i9 Difciplcs fa toe
foicbeptompfcDtoptb an otbc,tf;atbe bpm toalcftpnge on tbe fea, tbep toete
toouiD geuc bet tubatfocuct (lit tooulDe ttoublcD,fapmg:it isfomerpzite, anD
ante 3tnDf^ebepng tnfozmeDofbet ctpeD out fox feace.3DnD rtrepgbt toape
motbet befoie,fapD:gcue me bctejobn 3[efu5 fpabe bnto tbepm,fapinge:be of
S5aptiftcsbcaD in a plattct 3nDtl;e gooo cbcare,tt is J, be not afrapeD*
#f &0tat|jeto. jfoUtii
0etet anftoeteo blm,anb fapbe : ma* fo ttaunrgceffe tbe commaunbemcut of
bpo me to come bnto <15od , tbozotoe poute ttabicions / fo;
ftec,pf tf>ou be be,
tbe oa § toatet^aiub be fapbe,come» 3Bub U5od conimaunbeD,fapingc : * tjonoure «*»3
tobeujiccec toascome oouneoute of § tbpfatbetanDmotbet~,auDbetbat cue* **!
fypppe,be toaleaeo on toe toatet, to goo fetb fatbet oz motbetjGbal ruff cc beatbe.
to Jfefus. ©ut mfjen be fa toe a mpgbtpe ©ut pe fape,euecp man flfjall fape to bps
topnbe,betoasaftapeD. aiubatfbebe* fatbecoz rootbet:tbat* tobicbe tbou be* «»/
ganne ma*
to rpncfce,be ccpeb fapinge : fpzett of me to belpe tbe* tout) : is geucii **"!j.
eet fane me * 3Bud f mmebiatlpe JJef us ^oo.anb fo tyall be not bonoute bps fa* •

fttetcbeb foztbebtsbanb, anbeaugbte tbecoz btsmotbet,ano tbus baue pe

btm anb fapbe to bpm:€> tbou of Iptell
3 mabe,tbattbe commaunbementof go&
Dpbbeft tbou boute*-
faptfjc, tobetefoze t-s toitbout eflfecte, tbzougb pout tcaow
™* SJWt
*2tobaffone as tbep toete come into tbe cpons. £poccites 3 toellpzopberpeb of
Ojpp,tbe topnoe ceafeb. <Cben tf>cp tbat pou Cfapas faptng: cms people bzato*
toettntbeu>ppe,cameanbtoozu>ppcD etbnpe bntometoitbtbett moutbes,*
bpm, fapingerof a ttut^e tbou atte tbe fionaucetfj me toitb tbeit lpppe$ boto be
fomieofti5oD.ainDtoben tbep toete come ittbetc beattesate facte from me:buc
ouet,tbep toent iuto lanbe of <$mm
tfje in bapne tbep tooztypppe me teaebpnge
jaretfj.ainDtofjetttfjemen of tbat place boctcpues, tobicbe ate uotbpnge bat
**> &aDftnotolcbgeofbpm s tbep rent our in menspzecepces.
to all tbat countte tounbe aboute, anb i3
?&nb becalleotbe people bnto bpm,
bzougbte bnto bi m all tbat toete fpefce, anb rapbe bnto tbem:beate ano bnbet*
attD befougbtebtm, tbat tbep mpgbte ftanbe %t)nt tobicbe goetb into tbe
toucb § bemme of bp£ beUuce onlp.^nb moutbe, oefplctb not tbe mambut tbat
as manpe as toucan it toete mabc fafe tobtcb commetb onte of tf)i moutb 3 befi*
ClTbe notes. ietbtbeman*
Xtxxtx? JuStttatcfya , ts a Bpngc 01 JLoxbc of one of tbe
partes of a cegpon oicounttp coeutDcn mtofoucc
Cbcri came bis Dpfcip(es,anb fapbe
pattcs.&ucbc one teas ©ecoac in 31uba, tnbtebe bnto bpm : pccceaucft tbou not, botoe
toas(as fiufcbms ta>ptHCffetb)Detubc& mto foucc tbat tin i^bacifes a ate offeubeo in bea*
& if*"** tbatbis tuotbectoas alpue. ifoitf ftc
tpngtbps fapmge^ !^eaunftoeteb 3 8no
topfc. UaDbencbcaoc. JaccoDcmpgijr tjaucamiftrcccD, fapbe:&alplantcs tobicb mpbeautnlpe
tftat bp tUc lato of tl)c3]etuC9 bcmpsDttnacp Ups fatbec batb notplante&,tyalbepluc&c&
otone rtftct.bepngc free fcU otljcc it apca;
tcrf) mtbej-m. ^'japrcc oftl>e fccoutie bohcof
bp bp tbe totes»?Let tbem a!one,tbep be
tbe Uiug«?,bcttt)titcatnmoii^2:i;amacr)t6riaec tbe bipnoe leaoets of tbe blpnoe* Jf tbe
c.Jo blcffc, ts mmoft placce of ^ neto 2t:eaainctit, blpnbeleaoe tbe blpnoe } botbc fall into
to p;apfc ibob aito gcuc ijptn tijaudcs.asaftec in ti)t bpebe*
li.iri)C©cbiCta)esbeurtciitUc«pjljtmto.utt.pac Cbenanftoeteo j^ctct anb fapbe to
jFoottbt tcs,tot)ict) ttjcp calico tljcfoucciuarcljcs. uiducc^
foictt)efourttjtoarci)tDasucpr to tbcmoiupng,
bmiroeclate bnto bs tbts patable»CbS C
ftjattijc fapbe 3Jefiisf:ace pe pa toitbont bnoet<
Biibtoascallentbc mouipnge toatcbe, asmtdc
fptttcof fbe bpngcs,tuc.j:t.c.
ftanbpnge t petceawe pe not,tbatc tobac
foeuet goetb in at tbe moutb,befcebetb
CCbe.]Cb»Cbaptet. + Donne into tbe belp, anb is carte out in
CUuOcej:curctl) &ps&pr«p!es, a»D icbubetf)
tbe f mbC9 ano i^attfcsf o; tcanfgteOpJigiSoDs to t\)c bzaugbte t ©uttbofctbpnges
lomtnaunOnnciitrJwotorijctcotouc tcaOicioits. tobtcb pzoceoe out of tbe moutbe, come
2*bc tbpngctl)ot goetbtntotbemoutljcoefplctb
net toe man. ©e bcipuccctl; tbe toomatt of Cana-
ftom mbeatt,anb tbep Defile tbe man*
ticcsbougbtct.bealctb tbe multttuiic.auo tout}, tfc^outoftbebeattcomeeueiitbougb*
bu.loauceaiibafcinc Ipt!cf)'(bcsfcD«U.tiu.fflj. (es,mutbet,bzeaking of toebloefcc,toboj
mcit.berpDctocmcHaub cbplb«K. Dome,tbefte, falfe toitnefbcatpng,blaf*
l^en*came to Jefus *S>ctibes pbempe* i?Cbefe ate tt)t tbpuges tobicbe
anb^batifes ftom ^ettifalf, man, ®ut to eate mtt) bntoau>
Defple a
fapinge:tobpDotbpb(fciples enbanbcs,befpletbnotaman, '|.

ttaurgreffe tt)t ttabicions of **'Bt\Q Jefus toente tbence,anb be* «P*.w

tbe elbttSffoz tbep toarbc not tbepz ban patteb into tbe cotteja; of Cpze ano&p*
bes toben tbep eate bzeabe. i^e anftoe< Don,3Inb bebolb a tooman tobtcb toa;S a
teD.anb Capbe bnto t^cm:tobp bo pe al* Cananite came out of tbe fame coattes,
23z3b«b, ana

and crpeb unto npm,faptuge:baiu met* b:eru 3Bnot)e rente atoape the people,
epe onnieM.ozo£fonne of oauiD , tup anb touc fopppc ano came into the par*
Dougbtctispetcouap uejceb tottl) a De^ tpesofsjpagoala.
ucIl»3»D ijc (jaucfjct neuetatoo.tbeto «I 3£b c notes. "
<*-u^- •

auuftoct c. Chen came to htm bis Difcp*

a.©tfcntc nt tftp splatemgutfictb, f be gcuogpng Ww*i
of mpnoc tobeii anp f tnuuctli tbat at! otOf c oo«
ulcs,ano bcfougbte bpm,f apt nge:f cube oifdpcrfiCuel.aiiD rogrubgct&iubtsmpnbeano
her aumpe,foi u> folo teeth bs crptngc* is offciibcom t)i5conffpeiiccat0tstjotiii|oz rap*
iiigcKoot £D offence voc ace not bouub to ccf taint
^eanfuJercoanDfapoe:3iani not rent,
fofottge as out twenties au& ococabcegooo, atto
»e.ic*b but* unto ttK ioofle Ojfpe of tbchoufe tbe patties ctTcnbcobc not tocafee bur obtttnatc.
of Jfracli. Ttben n> (ante anD toojftjpp* <foicDanrtcbpuDctD\)9fobca«tD»tUty-ti)fnac
peo bj m,foptnge : matter belpc me* l^e butuottdit&tueebamate. ailplans
b* scbcfc plan teg Ate Doctrines anb f nucntions res.
anftoereo $ fapout ts not gooo, to take of men, tobtcbeate not gconubeb on tbe to cube
the cbplbzensbuabe, ano to caft'e it to
°oogges <fencaun[tocrcoanofapoc: c. £et al men betoatctbat tbep anmblcnot at tbts ftlcr ? ow
peccof rcrtptute. ^foitt mcauctp iiott)pngcleffc, O
truth Xozoe, neu ertljelelTc the bogges tOcntbattDCCbonlbetbtncHeitlatofuU foito3to tn **W
eateoftbecrommes, tobitbefallfrome pouce in meate anb b;pncseti)bple tbc Oomafcc woatbe,
their matters table* €beu jfjeftis anftoe uiplijoIDcbuttijatuo ftpnbe of meate, attvbat
tpmcojUnbictoDat roitefocucc it be fatten (Co it
teo ano fapo unto bet»^)tooman,greae be enlproubenecctiTttic of out bobpesjeau settle
ts tt)p « faptb,be it to the, euen as th on tbe man ttjat f aft et it toitb toanaes gcupng..

Defpjcft* ambbcr bought cr toasinabe b.SCbc jctnes call ti)e J^eattjen Mi qtntils bogs *>-„---
ges.becaurcof tbepitbofatrp.Sut cbcflpfoj tntit
tofjole euen at that fame boure. h
final metcpinbeuoiupngtbcfiocne of jrcaell.
& 'Chen jBeftis toent atoap from thence c.^bp faptt) is gteat.acbegteatuesof enetp mis

ano cam npe Onto the Tea of csalilc, a no fatro is aiioojcnbp rt>c bencfptcstbattaetfceanc-**'''^
uicut up in to a mountapne $ fat ooune
ucri; r)ts gpftesto eucr? of Dps fctuauntes,acco»s
there* amo much people came unto b?m opiijcrotOcmcafutCoftDcfaprb tDatisfounbc
fcauf ng toitb tbem.balt, blpno,bonmie, in toefame.juotbceattfetljefajtbbcfecuefh tf;f,
mapmeb,anb other man? :anocaft the but becaufe be oat.; mabe tijem mctc ueOcllts fox
Co piccpous licouc to be bcG otocb uu
r uttf* » bourne at Jjefus fete* * 3flnb he hcaleb
f£'Che*)cbi*(£ hapten
them, in To mucbe that tr)e people toon*
duo , to fe the oomtne fpeafte,tr)e map* ftps bprctplcs of tijc }&baeif cs bocttine. SCfte cows
tneb tobole, the halte to goo, ano the feffpou of »9<tec.5b£ Wpes of bcauen. 2Cbe f aitb
blpnb tofe*ano thep gloipfpeo ttje ©00 full mutt beacetbc «offe after; cuipO*.
of JfraelU *^cn came the ^bariv*
i*t.m.* *€bcu 3[efus calico his Otfcpples to fes anb ^abuces, ano ^Ks*"
htm, ano fapbc 31 haue compaiTioti on
: bpbtcmpthtuijbefp^nj^' '

the people becaufe thep banc conttuueo Ihimtofjcutethctnrome

lint!) me uoUj. tit.Dapes^ haue noughte fpgnefrom beauen.^e
to catc:anb 31 topll not let them beparte anftoereo anb faibbnto
faftpuge,lefte thep petpttje tnthe toape* them. * 3t euen pe fape , toe tyali haue **<*«
and hps opfcpples fapbe unto hpm: fapie tocDDer anb that becaufe tJjefbpg
toheuce ajottloe toe get fo mucbe buabc is teaociano in the mojtupng pe fape, to
in the toplbcrnes, asiljouloc fuflfpcefo oape (ualbe f oule roebbet, ano that be*
gceatc a multptuoe* 3flno Jedis fapoe

caufe thef&pe is cloubpe ano reeo* £D pe

unto.thcmrhotDc manpe loues haue pec ppoccit es,pe can bpfcecne the falTpou of
2Buo tfjep fapbe:feueu , ano a fctoe u/tle the f Bpe:anb can pe not opfcerne tt)e fig
t pfucs. 3uo be commaunbeb the people nesof the t%mt8t*%bt f rotoaro nacp< ••»*<
to fpt bourne on the gtounbe : anb tofee on ano aououttous feketb * afpgue, m«.w«b
the fettenloa ties, ano the fpfljes, anb anb there fl)alnonothttfigne be geuen 1S&SS
unto them but the figue of the* j©zo< *
gaue tbanhes, anb biafcc the, anb gaue *
tobt0Oprctples,anotbcoifcpplcsgaiit phete Jonas *^o!efte he tt)em anb be*
them to the people* 3&no thep opoaleate patteb.
$ toere fuffrceb. Mb thep tofte up of the 3tiotohcn hpsopfciple.^ teetecome
uiofccn meate that mas'i.baf* to the other fpoe of the toatet , tut? hao
uettes full* ano vtt thep that ate toere f oigotten to taUe bieao totth them. tchi uu.^^
ttu.y^.mcmic, befpoe toemcu anb fapo Onto tyem:* caae t)coe ano
cbtl* 3[efu0
bctoate of tbe a leucu ^battles
ofc c&c not come bnto i&e.tcbe turned ticabouty
and of the ^aDtices. ano tbep thought and raid bnto #etei.«come after me f £&a
flitbenifcUiesfaiungerbccaufctoebaue tan,thou offendeft me , becaufe thou fa#
brought no bjcaoe loitt? bs» iOf)cn Je* uouteft not godlpe thpnges,but woiliu
fus bnoctftoDe tbat,hc fapd bnto them* fpe thpnges*
4D pt oflptlc faptft,tohp ate route mptN Jefusthenrapde tobps dprcpples* ®
fccs cumbicb because pebaue btougbte 3If anp man topi foloto me * let hPin for<
uo bzeabCfBo pe not pet pctccaue,ncp< fafee him feife and take bp bt£ ctbffe atid
tbet temembet tbofe &
loaues toben foloto me.*f oj tobofoeuet toil faue his ^"J.* ty
mt.m>t- there toetc.b.SJ9»*nien,ano f>oto many Ipfe s ^at4oofett. andtohoroeuetfljaU ES3
bafbettes tofce pe bp^/fteptbet tbe.biu
loaucs,tobeu thetc tocratu»^,anb bo to
loorebps Ipfe fo? mp fafce^all fj»nde it.
aDDhatu>all it piofptaman,thoughe be
&«"'•'!• I
manpe baffcettes tobe pe bp^ iconp pet* l^oulo topnne all the tobole toozlde pf be
tlaue pe not tben,tbat 3 (pa&e not bnto loofe bis o tone foule.- ®i els tohat fl?alf
pou of bzcaDc,toben J fapoc, beloate of a man geue to tedeme hPS route againe
the letic ti of tbc pba ttf cs a no of tfje £?a toithall r- Jfo^thefonne ofmanOjalf
IDucesr-tCbcit UtiDccftoDc tbep,bo to tbal cotnetntheglo:pofhpsfathec 3 toitbhiflr ltt „
hcbadnottbembetoate of tbeleuen of angels:*audthen^all he tetoatd eue< ^
b:cab:b ut of the Doctrine of the £ba va tpemanaccotdpngetohis debes»*tie* a9«.»w.«
fes,auDofttjc^>aDuce0* relp 3J rape bnto pou , rotne & there be a< * v^
- +£cnen3|erus*caunnto the toaftes monge tbem that here ftanae , tohiche
te«wM 0f tfte c ? tu tofWh* (js tailed CeCarea njallnottafte ofdearbe,tpll tfjep 0)all
. i ^bitipptjbc af bed bis dtf crpleg Taping: Ce p fomic of man come in hfc bingdotne
tohomedomeurape that j tbc forinc of
man am*"Cbep rapdjome fap that thou a. JLcitfitis Tomtpmc taftcit utaitcucflfciicc,
art J|obn &aptia, fotne l^elpas, Tome t; romrtinc ut a about m fbe.FiU ^"W*
3ferempas, oz one of tbc Pjtopbetejs.iiK Cbaprcc.e.
fapb bnto tbetmbut tobome Tap pe that b.©poHtbpsroefte,rbaff3Casraptbrapucf3tte JTOerocae
guamc)bpott f coiifeOTtott tobteb uyou baft ni»ae,
3f anv&imon&c tet anftoetcd and fain: acftuotDlebgpiigemctobee Cfcpftetbe roimcof
*<Cbou arte Cbipft e the fonne of the U< tbcIpupngeiSobrJibuplac mp coiifftegacpon oj
25"!??* P fi ^ c (BO0 *
l, *w
^ ef us anftoew & and cbuccbe.
c.Bp tbegatesof btff.aa rpguifpcb, beafbc.bc!, ^bcga«
fapbe ta bpimbappp arte thou ^ptnon bcrpcratton,rpiuie,bpoicitcea»0«cSuou9baiibs tcsofbct* I
thefouneof 3onns,fozftefhe anb blond Ipiige.pccfccucpott. jc.
_ „; , bath
not opened buto the tbar,*but nip D.iluhcuitbcIcttec.iS.ofbtg.n.COapfCt.-calfcfb 2Pbcbete3
30 ta tbcrckepestbebepesofrciciicctbansforapcof oftbe
fatbet tohtche is m
beauen. and 3B rape
tbcbnotoIcgeof«Sobbp tbc rmpruces tobicbe stnabonu

alfo bnt o the that thou arte 0etet:and feepesCbitQgatietobtsapoaies.tbattbcp might

b *&Pon this rocfte 31 topll bpidf rap cos open bit to tt)c toozlbetbetcearucesof tbe Hptigs
i c«i t «

borne, tt) at 1 3 to Cape communion of tl)t f aptbfuj,

era? 8.t.
gregaepon.SInd * tbe gates: of bell flball
<.par *w* tempulfonofrpunco^nblpfceueclafttug^boiotD
nof putiaple agapnfte iu mo
° 3 topll
Cinifl.aiiofojCbuaes rabeouelpc. arbcbtiottis
gene bnto thee , the fcepeg of tbe ftpng* Ico gc tot;ccof teas bp tbc latoccs anb |9bar tfcta

dome of hcauc:*tobatrocucr thou c bm< l;pbfcomtbcp«opIcoftbC3!ttBe6,bptot)oinctljcp

«wt.>tx«.t toctc taugbtto put confpbcitfcm topll too?.bcs
J) gn; bpon eatcb,fl?all be bounbe in hea< of tbept tnucucton,au& tbc outtvatb obtcruauuee
tien:* tohatfocuct thou ioofeft on earth, of tbc (atoc
fl)albcloi»fedtnhcauein b c.^batfocuet.^.ilibcas^ctftscofeiriOfttoa^TSriifiaiia
tbc confeffpon of all tbc teftc of tbe apoalca, ro jnfc !

Chen he charged b?s dpfcpples,tbat U)a9tbpspzomprcmabcbnto0ctcc,communcto

thep Astride tell no man, that be teas cm all 2TI) a t tuba tfocuet tbcp Qjoul DC bpubc ox
1 1) .

mr.wtt.itfti# Cfayfo»*tf tom that tpmefonb loofcui cartb:Q)ou[o be to tnbeaucu. flubtben

baucpoutbc mcaupngc tbeteof in tbc .putt, of
^efus began to fljetoebnto bpsdpreix CB3.irtj.13.aitD the. rr.of 31 obu.C.
pfes,hoto that hemuftgo bnto JJerufa* f.€>atban,fsbptittecpictactott.3buccracp.iADo> §atb«ij,

letrt, and fuffet martp tfjipnges of the eU tbdpctbcccfoic toasfdctct; calico bp tbat name
n>t)cn i)C bp bps counrapl tooulb bauc tnitbOanb
dtrs,an&of the hpepjeeftes^nd of the
tbc toplloftSob.tobteb teas tbat Cbipft Qjoultt
&cttbes , anb mufte be fcplkd, and tvfc fufftcall tbofc tbpttgeotbat bcbabbcclaccbbtts
agaptf e t|je thpzde dap.23ut petet tofee re tbem.
g.ajofojfaftcbpm fcIfc, tsbttedp to boagapna
htm a ft'De,aiiD beganne to tebuk* hem,
tbctnpl of bps flcfl),moxtpfptttg tbe affection* of votrtla,
fapingennafter fatter tf)pfeffe3 tbis(^al t^cmptibcttjoibpugtbcglojp of0obartbp;ofpt 9(* *
or out nepjbbour.
€Je <§ofpeii
39 ts f apbe Woraams tfic. ju
«kO jaUilippiaiis.n.
JtyougbtetjpBj tot&popfcpples, and
fcJKcebc. b- STbpstDasfpoftcu oftbcttanrfpgutactonof ttjep couloe not beat e bpm, jcfusauu*
out <g>autout bcfoicyia totfctples.njpetof iBiqctP ftoettD anb fapot:£) generacpon faptb*
fpen iu rbe cpap ret folotopitg. leg; ano ctofcco : botoc longe Ojall 3 bee
{LCbe^biucbapter. + ton!) pou?-f?oUi long Cballlfufftcpouf
^btttaunrfpgutacpon of Cpjpftc topon tbe ,. n(; hltl1 i, fhrr Siimc flnhlcfiiR «<
tnouurcof ^aboi.^epcalctgtpelunatpbc, and ?J m » ntmbptbCt lOine.#nD4eiU5te<
papetbtttbnte. buhcotbe Deupil , aaD t)c canieoate of
00 * aftir*bi*oapf s J[e< *>pm» a "& *&* cbptoe toas bealeo cueu
fus ano 3|a*
toftc i^ctec *&«t fawe beure* i«

incs and 3obn bis bio* *€b*n came tbe Difcp pies to 3cfus Mat-ip.t,
ttjet, ano bjougbtc tbem fct«tlp,ano fap0e:3Bbp couloe not toe
bp into an bpe mofieaini *ane bpm outletus fapoe bnto tbera:
a outoftbetoape,anotoas Eecaufeofpourbnbelefe. fojjfape
ttanfftgureo befoje tbem:*ano bis face t>etelpebntopou:*pfpe bad faptbasa
Jpo£«4,c. gtapne of muftetofeeo, pe ibouloefape
Dpo (r)pne as tbe f unnc,ano bis clotbes
toeteas tobpteas tbeh>gbt,anobeboio bntotbismountapne, temouebence to
there appcrco bnto t bun , <jbofesauD PonoerpIace,anobju>uloremouc:ne*
$elpa$, talapnge toitbbtm.%bcnan< tbectyouloanpthpngbebnpofftblefoj
rtoeteo £eter, 9 fato to jficfusrmaftec, vou to oo» i^otoe be it ibis ftp noe goetb
bete is gooo being foi bs»Jf tbou toUt not output « Up
let bs mafte bete.itutabctuaclcs , one*
foztbe,anb one tot apofes ano one foz
tl M P^ ffcD thc W* in (Saliie , Jefus
fapb bnto tbtm:*thefonneof manOjall r at to i. 9
55 $«I?as»ift<r. *v*.,n i.;«- r«^u. ..^^ a
SObpUbepetfpaBe, beboloe bebetcapcotntotbebanDesofmen,anO
mxr.ib ij.a bjpgbt ciouoe fljaootoco tbem.ano*be* tbep (bat fetl bimtf tbe tbpzb bap f&al be
S?i* " & olDe *& ew ca»ne a bopce oute of tbe rpf e agapne.ano tbep f jo toeo gceatlp*
ciouoe faping;tbps ts nip Deate Tonne, toben tbep tocte come to £a<
at ?.riiu *tntobouie3JbeIite > 4beatc*bf»3!no tobe ptmaum,tbep tbat to*re toontto gatbec
jDw.8.t. rbe bpfcipleg; heatbe pollc monep , came to $etet anb lepbe:
^ tbep fell on tbcic

faces anb toete Cook aftnpeo. 3inb %n 2&otbe poute maftec pape ttibute t j^e
fus: came ano toucbeb tbein, anb fapoe: l"apbe:pca.3Bno toben be toas come into
atpfc anb bee not aftapeb ^no toben tbe boufejefus fpabe fpzft to bim,fa|^
tbep loofteb bp, tbep fatoe no man, faue
U W* *»b at tbpnaeft tbou ^imonfof

tobomeootbeapngesoftbe eattbtaac
a®am,(icft. *3(nb as tbep came Ootone from the tt^hutt 0? polle monepe.- of tbep? cbpl*
inoutatne,3Jefuscbacgebtbcm taping: Ojcn,oj of CtaungetSi* peter fapbebn#
fe tbat pe (bctoe tt)s bpfton to no to bint agatnerof fttaungets«chefapb
bntpll tbe founc of man be cpfenagatnc 3ftfus bnto bimagapne: Senate tbe
from Deatb» *3inD bis bpfcpples af aeo cbplbje fee. |ieuectbclefl*:left toe OjuId
of bpm,faptng: aobp tbcnfap tbe ^»ctt< fc
^ftrnD tbfcgo to tbefea,^caft intytnt
besjtbat^eltasmuafp^fte coiner Tje* angel, anb taae tfjefpOje tbat fpjacom*
f«s aunftotccb , anb fapbe bntotbcm: inetbbptanD toben tbou bafle openeo
t^ehas ft^all fpzft come,ano teftoze ail !;ps moutbe, tbou fl^alte fpnbe a pece
flpat^.b. tbpnges.ano J fap bnto pou tbat* fou of ttoentp* pence: tbat take ano pape
!pasigcomcalteop,anDtbe?Bnetobuu foimcauDtbc. *
not:but baue bone bnto bpmtobatfoe* C^penotcs.
tbefonneof mantuffteof tbem. C^en e». frnxmxmncmtivcismnSSuSn
tbCOPlCpplCB petceauebtbatbefpake PawnnctcntcsoxtabftnacIcsmaDcfoiCtepOf
Unto tbein of & jobn ©aptpft. anb toto
then rp rrtmrf /h« «rT.w-Vt 1
v SSlf^M 01 '? 9 ro cH,M: ^««»"«prne«
of tbe«5obt)cabeaaottpCbtbcm.w»tbcPovaof
tbep *nr
lucte come tor. tbe came
pcople,tbete tpefetucttoaBbcactc uringt^tSStSSS-
to bpm a cettapne man, ^kneleo ooune bcioucbcottnc^tatcbpin. astoboa*uiocrapeI
to bpm,ano fapoe:a»aftet: baue mercpe °5 ? *^ ,J <* " ut tbat p°» f«warpc tbpngcs f

roic bereo. ano ofte times be failed tn< »• aoon jeaprpoctstaHct aeipa3,bccaurcbe © d ?«*»
to tbe fpje,ano oft into t^e toatet»*anO
ES^^" 6 *? e «*>«e<«<*»eius.fl»«i«ee5i»s
#fg>,$tatljeto. jfaixh
0ia?ct 9 e.&treta&c fbcrupetfliciouBpapiae9,grtatr)o!b 3ttt>pf alfo t^jptic epe offenbe tbe.plucfce
faftfugc. foitbeptpjercciptcfaapnsca, aubrctuumb:cof itoute ano cade it from tbe.Jt is better
topon to buploc atip piefcctpt bapc 01 mr.nbie. fioi
fonbee to enter ituolp^e tbitb oneepe,
tops is all tgatmap be gac;;cce& of ti;c rr ft.Kut tben baupngc tu»o epe$( to bee cafte into
futbCAsbc ouccttoubieotmtb tbe topcaco rptwt
cffttncp,camiotbeei>clpueceD of bpm tpll fucbe
bell fpze* &t
tbat pe befppfe not one of
tberelpteiones* foi J fape tjntopow,
timeastbep g.uc tfjcmrciucs ro tcucpupetCtbat
uto contpuual Ipftpugbp of tbepLbectes to tSob tbatiubeaiietbep^aagelsaluiapesbe^
toartic)auDfaariijcrtjaii6fuboupit3 0ftbeac* boloe tb e face of mp fatbtr, tobicb is in
co roc rptctre bp touobxatotng from if, not onelp
bcaueu* b £ea,anD tbe fomu of man is
tttcplnctcous ano oclutoKSfobe tbat UDCfpintK
but atfo foftcclotOpHg.aub 4i otbec tbiuge* that come to vaue tbat tobicb* is loft* i^otoe
u oel itcttjt a. tbmc&epe^jf a man baue anbunoicD lahc.]t\j.b
3>otoartntt)i9 place Uisineanpttg is nonco* (})epe,ano one of tbem be gone aftrape,
youcmcakcfaptbtBCtcagccatpactcoftbccaure Dotbe be not leue npHtpano npneintbe
tbat pou coulo itot cad out tbps beucll : pet to as mouutapnes,auD go anofehe tbat one
tbwealfo an otbet caufe. %t)*t iswM
tobtcbe is gone aftrape^ *3ff it bappen
manabebalfe.fojbeoaonot put bpm felfcrobol*
tbat be fpnoebpm, becelpe 3 fape tinto C
Ipe into toe bauocs of ©ob.uetbec Ijab enbcuou*
«b to mmtpfp \)is flcu)c bp ttuc p;apec $ failing. pou:be ceiopfetb mo;e of tbat ft^epe, tbe
Offence. &> 3|f£buaebaDnotpapcbtbetoleinouep,rjc oftbenpntp anD npne vubicbtornteuot
fboulb base officii roc people. SCuat t s cpam
adrap.Ctien fo it is not tbe lopl of pout
plctbombc uauccaafcb t&c people totmtbbolb:
tijcmbute, tobiebcrouaof ncceffitic bee papcb fatber in bcauen, tbat one of tbefelpteb
bnto fepnjea. oncstyoulDepecpty*
fkCbe»JCbut*Cbapter.4« Hh ^oieouer*pf tr)p b?otber tref*
© c teaebctb bps bprcpples to be bumble $ batme
pjice agapiiit tbe <&o ano till bpm bv$
je9:foauoie£tccafpou9 0f cueli , auo one to f ois faute betbene bim aio tbe alone. Jf be
gcueauotbccsoffcuce. bcare tbe 5 tbou bafte toonne tbp bibt'jcr:
pe fame tpme tbe Dpfcp< I3;i t pf be beare tbe not,tben take v^ tf>
plejs came tonto Jefus tbe one tmo *

o.i , tbat in tbe moutbe of J*tobM Oi

lfaping:*mboijS§gcia* Co?. 13. a*
99 m it*.
ttoo tbpnges ma?
o.i t [)ze toji tneiTes, all

ana rb. i.teftiutbe fcpngoomc of

be aab(pu^eo«3[f be beare not tbem, teli
line-aliens' 3Jcfus calico a
it bnto tbe congregacpon * Jjf be beare
Jcbplbc bnto bpm,auD fee not tbe congregacpon, ta&e bim as an
tym in tbe mpDDes aftbetn,anDfapDe: beatben man ano as apubltcan.ttjeccip
Vict-dpe 3 fape bnto pou:* ejeceptpe 38 fape tin to pou ,»» * tnfjatf oeuer pe bum
»«*• » •» toutne,anD become as cbplozen,pe can on eartb,(I)albe
R bounoe in beauem amo
SStl't not entet in tatbe Bpngoome of beauem tobatfoeuer pe lotofe on eartbe , tyalbee
aochofocucr tbecfoie humble bpm felfe iotttfeo m beaticn. 3gaime,3[ fape bnto
as this cbplbe, tbe fame is the gieatcft pou jtbat if tmo of pou ajal agre in eartt)
in tfie hiugbome of beauen/apnD tubofo* bponanpemaner tbpnge , tobatfoeuec
etiet receauctb fuel) a cbilD in mp name, tbep il^all Defpieut Ojalae
geuen tbem of
receauctb mc.*suttubofoctiei a oft\iiD mp fatber tobtcbe is in beauen
£"& onc of tbefe Iptelons.tobicb bcieuein me
*U)betettoo o^tbieare gatfjrrcD togc^ fiflto.HA
it teere better fojbpm tbM a mplftone tb er in mp name,ti)ere am J in tip miD*
tocrebancrcD abont bis Htcbe,anD tbat De^i of tbem*
6c tocre Dzo tunco in tbe Depth of (be f ca. Hh*Cbencame ^eterto bpm, anb
90CO be bnto tbe tooilo beeaufe of often* fapDe:mailerbotoe ofteO)atl 3 fozgeue £$)m tit
fcs.*^otoe be it, it cannot bcauopoeo mp b!otbet,pf be fpnne agapnft me,feug ilabjilNMI
Ltmi*. ttbat offcnftsttjalbe getien. $euer*
ft tt
tpme^efusfapoe tntobpm:Jfapo
thctelTe tuo bee to tbe manne, bp tubome not bnto tbe feuen tpmcSrbut feuen tu
tbe offence cometp* uics feuentpme.Cberefote us t\a apng*
53 «
betefoie pf tbp bano oz tbp fote oome of beauen ipaen eo bnto a certatne
offenDc tbe, * cut bim of aim cafte bpm fepnge,tobicbe toouloe talteji conntes of
,t m from tbe » Jtts better foz tbe to enter
S jS
feet in
lfU0 W
halteoimapmeo, ratbeetben
tbou tyoulbeft batipnge t too banoes oz
bpsfecuauutes* aiub tobenXbao be<
gonto rccften , one toas bpugbte bnto
bpm,tobicb ougbf bpm ten tboufano ta<
agat.b.c (too fete,beca0e into cueclalUnge fp:e» lentes : income beeaufe be baD uougbte
to pap e,
* »

tClie <0of|)tll
to papc,bis matter commaunoco bpm to fucbctooxDts ant fcutcuccs.asnoo cot mats c 0:«
tcctlpefo; tbtsputpofc: ate not to bee taaettas
be foioe,anD b is topf e,ano bps cbpIDjtcn, tbpnges tooxtbp fobupiocoutffaptbetopoit a9ts
ano all tfjat be bao , ano papmcute to be t bps. £t)C'iiOiac togaue the oct. auo pet tobctt be

tnaDe* %\)t feruaunte fell bourne ano toas enfoucmebofbts fctuauntes unmcctpfuU
nes:l;e teuobeo bP»f ctiteute.aitB catt 6pm tit pits
befougbt him fapinge:£>ir,geue me re*
Ton fox tbe tobole .3!f our beauenlpe farbec toecc
Cppte, ano 3 topll pape it euerpe tobpte* compares bototbts JLoidc in tbps popmc: tbcu
Chen bab the ttojoe pptlcon tfjatfet* (boulbcttfolotoctbatbetoece not tbe fcrcbccof
tbe beacte,bnt tubseb accoxbpitg to tbebtter aps
waunte, ano lotofeDbpuywDfojgauc
pecaunce as menne do. isrsb tc To ts it of alt otbec
bpmtbeoettc. parables.
3no 1 5ie fapoe feruaunte toente oute
IWDfounoe one of tns fcloiocs, tDfjtclje CC^ixpa gcuctb aunftoer concernpnge manage,
on gb t bi m an bu noieo pence,ano lapeo ano teacbetb not to be careful.nox to louc tooif Dip
l?aaocs on fyim, auD tofce bpm op the tpebes.
tbjote,Capfnge : pape me ttinttfjou oto*
(ft ^ ^uobisfelotoefcllDotorieaiiDbe*
fougbte bpm fapinge : baue patience
c©alile,ijcauie into the
toitb me,ano 3 topll pape tfje all * ano
be tooulDe not,but \omu ano cafte bpm
Jojtoan }anO mucbe p eo*
into pjpfon, tpl be Ojg uId pape the oette.
plefolotoeDhpm,anDhe h«aleo thf thee*
acoben bis other felotoes fato lobat toas
bone,tbep toere berp ro:p aub came ano
* Chen came Unto him the #hartfes apart*..

tolo onto their JIoid al g bao bappenco

temptpnghim5 ano faping tohpm:3fs a
latofnll foz a man to put atoap his toiU
<Cbenbts noioe calleo bpm anD fapDe
luob u b
* mbtm»*4i> U *H fttuannt 31 fozgaue
the all that bet, becauferljou pjapbeft:
fojallmaher of canfesr- ^eatinfttiereD
ano fapOe Onto them : l^aue pe not reo,
me: teas it not mete alfo that tijou Qui*
hotoethathe*i»h«che maoeman at the <&„&/„
Deft baue bao companion on tfjp f clo to,
anofapoe:*fojthte thpnge,fj^alla man tfwrftf
cucnasjHhaDpi'tpeontocci' awobts ,
lo?Dr toas tujtoth,ano Dclpuereb bpm to
hue father anD mother ano cleuebnto «pu«.v.i.
'• C9 '-* u »
fjp$tDpfe a ano thepttoapne f^albeone
the taplets , tpll be f&oulo pape all that
ae(7)e • giooherefoie riotoe are t(;ep not
flpat.w.t. teas oue to bpm.^o+lpfce tuilcfyall mp
«©at>tt.b. ttoame,b tit one Qe^tLet not man ther^
heuenlp father oobntopou, erceptepe
fou put a funoer,that tulnche^oDhath
fojgeuc toitb pout bertcs, cacheoneto
coupleo together « tJDbcnfapoetbcpto
bis tuothet their trefpafee. h
«J %t)t notes, hpm : tohp opo q&ot es commaunoe to
*^ H
a * a"° otfctibc tl)Cin tljat beleuc
tit Cbxpac: is f o Do geue a teftimonpall of opuoifcment ano
fbetbpiigctOattscueiliu tbcfrBbte ofthetocas to put her aioapec ^cfapoe bntothem:
Belpnges ( fox fuebe arc calico iptleoitcsoxcbpis
exctOtobcrbr t&cp raucctfamplc foDo cud. a«5 iJl^ofes becaufe of the haronea of poure
to tcccpue ottcof tbofelptclone* tit Dps iraincts fjerteB*fn ffeteo pou to put atoape pour
to cuaructc tbenuo bcatc totrb tbetc tocabenes, topfe0:»sut from the begpnnpng it teas W.u<.V
aitO to cubcuoutc to nuU
fbem fi coug til cbx t a.
not fo.*3( fape thetefoie Onto pou, toho^ a,a»«- ^
tfutoffbp b£oBetbc0rpoftttOttoftbt9tnCBjatb.D.
&a me. c Wbcit toe bane after t be oxoxc of cbactt tc abmo^
foeuer putteth ahjape his toife ( ercepte mn>.\>.»
feoto me "POJCDoutbxotber.artbbefoxbps itbe foj fotnpcacpon)auo marieth ano^
Wpnbe. tooxtbelpaccoutttcD as a jaubltcanebp tbe tobole ther.bzeaketh tocoloclie.luo tohofoeucc
tonfente of tbe congrcgacton.tbcn ace toe face bp
tbps that tSoo bpttbctb tbcfimc ttt beaucu.ox Iq- marpcthher lohicheis Dpuo:reo,Doctb
fetbe.tftoeuponbpspcittteutebeactctcmptbps commit aououtrp*
faultc.atto u
fee tjp m as a f doto membic toitb us
Chen fapDe hps opfciples to him : pf 23
of £bxpacs mpft tea \\ bobpe.
^!>jjatfo5 D a'Ois\»batfocuer,teatbctbitofattbCcfftOTtbfc
' the matter be fo bcttotne man ano toife,
tucc. ges area tit CDxtaestiamc. awbmbts name can the is it notgooo to marp.^e fapo Onto
toe are no thpuge but toe muQc cef eccc t^e to^ole
them : all men can not atoape toitf j tbac
totbe topllof tbefatberascbxtftcbpm rclfe bpb
attb taugbt bps to Do,fapttio;:/&dt as 31 topll fas
fapingc * faue thep to tobome it ig ge* •**.».«.
thcc.buttbp topllbcboue. uen » Cherearechafte,tohichetoerefo
_. c.3intbpspatabie,ttts mamfeaip bcdaccb.tbat bozne out of ttypp mothers beiipe. 3BnD
Crcepte. onelpetije mcccpfull (ball fpnoe mcccp tottb <5oo
there ate challe, tohtch be maoe of men*
fox tbep onelp ate tbe cb plbxcu of (5 ot> attb t bis
is tbeoitclFCttteitfcoftljcpacablc.WDccfMe.aU

2|no tljete bt c&afte 3 » WW baut maoe

jlatljcftn jftiixte
rbem felucs cbafte a foz tbe fcpngbome meu,oi lanbcSjfo? tnp names fafce,*tbe jwj*u
of beuens fafce^e tbat can take tt,ictte riujefjjal rcceaue anfiaiiDzcD folDc ano
QBat.rt.6. D. bmitafceit. * c^cu lucre bzoug;f)te to tyallinbgtitciictlattpugiVu.t&^aiipe ILuU.pu a.
bmi ponge cbplbien,tbat be B)onlD put tbat arefpzftc Qjalbe laittvino tbt lafte
bps hatiDes on tljcm auo pzape.ainO cfie fbalbcfpjfte. f
Difctples tcbukeD tbe".!&ut Jtf us fapo:
f urTte tbe cbtflbzeu ano fozbpo tbcm not
a. %\)ttc moaUs, ^ticts, anb ott)tt guiles cijaflc*
raatcljauatcs^biasscDVictp muri; of rt;is ct;aat=
to came to me: to: oc f ucbe is tbc fcpng<
tica,3tt)ow3\j rljcp (MDmaoctoem felucs cfjaac
Dome of beauen. Blno toben be bao put foitljcftpiigoomcofSoD.lButtOcpUjctfactotac
bps banDf s on tbciu be Departs t&euet* - .ffoituOerOecycralie itttjus, ttjatas tt)c otocc,
toOtcl;DpDcpt^ctbp nature lacuc tl)CQun&tt)C
3IIiiDbebolD one camc anDi*aj'D Unto
of jjeueL-acpon oi ifstecccbp mtniiemabtgci::

bpm:*goOD mallet, tobatgooDtbpnge Dtugcs.Ta tbefcQjouiacfptOcc t>p mcbpcpnstx*

Hue jrtmi.i
(ball 3|ooo, tbat 31 mape baueetetuail Qtope tlje itaturall operacpott in ruetc boopcg.o*
elsgelbc tijem felucs foi tlje ttpns&omc oif&on
Ivfe^efapD bnto bpm;iobP called tbou fabe . jOzclstUartbcpopobproijieiaboutcana
me gooo^tbece is none gooo & but one, abttincnec, fubbuc tocpi bobpes, foti;arrt)tp
#fal.cjtf.f. aiiD#i8<ffoD ^utifptoilteentreinto mpgtjrc ccf capnc ti>c appetite of tlje aeuje.ncthec
toapc fecuctb fw tijepi pi^cpofc . $
Ipfe^epe § c6maunDements.<Cbe otbec o; tijcpi rule
fapo to btm: jocbtcbt^no Jef us fapoe: tl)cy mp$|;t not 3elbet!)cm felucs. Eaboucc t!;cp
bicaUe no toeDlocfec a *fetl uot:ftca!e not: mpgJKiiot anb as foi tbepifaupng teas bur cons
rpiiuancfccOt-.iJJKmaucc ofgcUipugtDecefoje,
CtoD.W.t. beare not falfe toptneffe :bonoute fatbec
"Dtut.tJ.O, tt)at Chzpfi iuplictfj men tocmbiaccasfpmtua!.
ano motbcr:$*loue tbine neigbbout as ffptljet tu'l;eit a man Ijaupucj ttjc sp'tc tftije loue
lRmu (
tbp f elfe» amo tbe pouuge man fapo ten iyfcMctt) it to f fcttpugfoitt) of t5obs toozb.£>i
(i)alii.w.c. els bepiig gclDcb bp inen:ufet^ f fame to $ fame
to hpm : 31 baue obferuco all tbele Ujim
euD.iDz els bepng a petfect $ natural mamtaftctb
ges from mp poutbe, tobat lac&e J pct^ bpmanijoHCftpocaefelotoiaub tyuctb tncbaOe
fparb i.t 3Cud 3Jefus Cam bnto bpm*pf tbou martagetottbberbecaufemcu poutbe uotra&e
otcafioit bp t>pg flcQjelp Ipupugero mpffe ccpozte
toplt be pecfecte, goo c ano (el tbattbou
il.UUc.i8 £.
a»D jrti.c. tbe Rpitgbomcof f^ob,ta:;tcb tsl)tsn)0zl)c.2:i)ij
baft,ano geue it to tbe poo«,ano jf fljalc ftalbc further^ec
baue t real u tc in beaucn,$ come ft foloto occaftoiifljalbegcucu.
me*5D0bentbepounp;eman beatoe tba$ b.ailfOeercarutesof £Sob arc goob J bccaufctt)ep
arebps cccatuces,f6 fcructo rye ufethat t)c!jatl;e i5obonip
fapingCjbe toent amav moucnpuge.jfoi appopittcbtbcm.iButfSobonelpeisgoob of upm tsgoob.
be bao great poiTelTpons* fclfe,aHDfozi>{'mfclfc. «

Cben 31 ecus fapoe buto bis opfcp* c.fCbiiabaDt)pmgofcllaH,tomafteijpmbctlatc iSorclaB

£©at.jc l)?m felfe a Jpar tu n;at be ijab bo attcb t;pm f clfe
pie£:eerclp 3 fap butopou:it*isbato
iiulic.i8.c. to baue sept a! tbe couimauubcmcntcs.if oz pf he
to? a rpebe man to enter into tbe ftpng-- foab neptc bu t ttjc f pift commacmDcmciit(that ig
Dome of beauen. aino mote ouet 3} fape loueiSobaboucaltopugcs) be roouloe not Oaue
ftpcliCbro fellbpsgoobcs to be pcrfcctc,tl;at is to
bnto pou:it is eafpcrfoz D a camell to go
be a mete fcijolcr foz ci)zpftcs fcolc.
cbtougbetbe epeofatieble, tbenfota* o. EbcopinlactusrcabetbaCabl^irb^iBrcbe aomcl,
tpebe man to enter into tbefcpugDome toozbfpgiipfpctUbotbCamel^Cable.Buttbat
foicetl) not, tbcmeanpng ts all one 31 r is as tm-
poOiblctbatatpcbcmati , that is to rapec fucfte
t\)^ toerecjcceDpnglye amafeDjfapinge: cncasmaHCt!) bps riches bps treafurc ) ©oulae
tobotbeu canbefaueD^cfus bebelbe ciirctmto tneftpngcbomc of fSoothatisfbouKie
tbem,anDfapbbnto tbcmrtoitb menne become a true chziftiaiuas that eptber a Camell
oz Cable CtjotilbpafTcthozotof epc of a ncDIc.
this is bnpoiTible , * but toitb <jdoo all
jatl)3.8.t«. c.~!))'s tslitic as f> ^obomircsOjal iubge f cities Jfrbge*
tfjpugesatepoiTible* of 3luba,tbat is ©alcrccl then rofarrc.tbattbcp mcine«
5D +
Cben anftucteo peter, anb faPDe them felucs CbalithPHhcthcmrelues tooztbpegs
bcinitaciou ttt compacirouoftljCotDer.^foz none
marhe.r, D tobpmrScbolDc,* toe bane fozfa&enall
©all gcuc fentcucc but onlp Chztft^o toh omc the
iUUu, S.f. anbfolotoeotbe, tobatcball toe baue^
fatber b*fO geueit al mbgemcin.

3(efus fapoe bnto tbemrberelp 31 fap to 4l^ -it^Cbapter. +

pou:tobcntbefonneof mm fyall Uftm teachetb bp
bcttcc touto
that fSob
a firailttube,
no m?.M,aiili hcto he
is altuap catling
tbefeate of bis mateftte,pe tobt'eb foloto
men tohis labourc.lSc tcacbeth hpsbpfciplcs to
ILafeMqula me in tbe fecono generacion * mall fpt bclotolp^nb gcucth tmobh»nb men thcirfigbt.

alfo bpo.rii.feates,anD c iuoge kpngbome of beauen

tbe.n'u •C>? the ijs
ttpbes of 3ffrael. * 3CtiD tobofoeuer foz* Ipbetjntoanboufljoloer, tobiebe
fabetb boufcs,o? b?etb:eu,oi fpaets, o> toeutotitetIpeintbemo;ningeto
tbet father, ojmotbet, oitopfe,oztj)pl* bpccl^boutefs into bis bmepatbc.3lnD
c s

C^e (iofpell
be agteeD toitb tfjc labourers f o; a petip Zcbebcs cbiltye toith her fonnc&ttoo}* «Pa«* m
a Dap,anD Cent tbem into f»$ b incpatD. Ujppppng bim anD berpzpng a certame
3Bno "be toe t out about the tbtcD tbpngeotbpm. SBnbbeiapbe tontobct:
fatoe other ftanDpng poel in ti-je market Uibat totlt tbou baiav ^>be fapDe buto
place s atiD fapoe ttnto them,go pe alfo tti bim:<25taunt( tbat tbefe mp t too fount
Co mp bpucparDc:anD tobatfocucc is tnapipt, tbe one on tbp rpgbt baiiD ano
tight, 3 topli geue p ou. 30uo tbep incut e tbe otfje t on tbe iette banoe in ti)p e btug
tbcittoap.jgapne be toent out about borne*
the fpjetc anD npntbe bo ire , ano opb
Ipfcetopfc.ainD be toent out* abotttg rf;c
3|eCusaufUieteDanDfapD:^e toot not
tobatpeaffce»aitepeab(etobipncfce of
cleueutb boute anbfounbe other ftatu tbe cuppe tbat 3 tyall DzpncUe of , anD
Dpngc pbeli,anD fapDe buto them: *»bP to be baptpfeb toitb tbe baptime,tbat J
flanoepebcre all the Dare pbcll t Cbep 0)albe baptpfeb toitb?* Cbep anftoeteo
fapD buto b m:bceauf e no man fja tq t)u
t to bun j tbat toe are, 3ud be fapDe buto
ten b 6^ c fai'De to t b e m: go pe a fo into
i tbe:ge ft^al DjincHe of mp cup,anD fl)al<
my topneparb,anb tobatfocuer is right, be bapt ifeo toitb tbe baptime p" J (l^albe
that (ball pcrcceauc. baptpfeb tottb. J&ut to fpt on mp tpgbte
aoobeneuen bias come, the toiht of banoe ano on mp left bauDe,is not mpne
tbc bpntpaco Capo buto bis &etoato:cal to geue: but to tbem foi tobome it is
the Ubourets,anD geue the tbepzbpec, *p^epareb of mp father. m«tn*x
begpnnpngat tbc lalte, tpll thou come 3Bud toben tbe ten bearbe tbis»tbep
to tbe fpilte.^iuD tbep tobicb toe re bireb bpfoatneb at tbe ttoo bjetbjemjsut %u ^
wk **-
aboutc tbe eleuentb bouce, came ano fus calico tbem buto bim ano fapoe:
teceaucD euetp jnan a penp » cbe" came * t>e ftno toe tbat t^t lozoes of tbe geiii tun wu.
©tbefpiuyuppofpnge that tbep tyoulbe tpis baue bounnacion ouer tbem. anD
teceaue more, $ tbep Ufcetotfe receaueo tbep tbat are great,ejcercpCe potoet oues
euerp man a penp . 3BnD lubeu tbep bao tbem.Jt u^all not be fo among pou.23ut
teceaueo it,tbci murmureD againftc tbe 6 tobofoeuer topll be great among pou,
gooo manoftbe boufej fapuigc : cbcfc let bpm be poure mpnifter,anb tohofoe <
lade bane tojougbte but oik bourc, anD tier \oilbi cbefejet bpm be pour feruaut
tbou baft cniaDc tbem eqtmllbuto bs, eucnas*tbefonne of man came, not to ^
ar ^-B»

tobicb ba tie boiue tbc bu ttben ano neat be mintfttcD buto,but to mtnifter, $ to
oftbeoape. geue bis life fo; § rebempcio of manp. h
t)e atuirtoercD to one of tbem Taping: 3Sno as tbep beparteb from i^ieticbo, qn„. tt9m
ftciioe,3 Do tbe no uuongeioiDocfl tbou mucbe people folotoeDhpfu.*3no bu
not agte tottb me (ox a pennpe^ ca&e p bolb ttoo blpnb men tittinq bp tbe toape
tobicb is tbpoutp^auD goo tbp toape, % fPDe , toben tbep bearbe Jefus palTe bp,
tupll geue tmto tbps laft,as muebe as to ctpcb f apiugc: Chou Ho.ioc tbe Tonne of
tbe. Us it not latoful for me to do as me DaucD baue mercp on bs.3no tbe peo«
Ipftctb toitb mi'neotouc- 3s tbpneepe piecebufteb tbcm,becaufe tbep OjouiDe
.. cuptlbecaufellam gooD^ * §>otbe boloetbeit peace. @ut tbep crpeb tbe
Sftff Maftetyalbefpzfte,anbtbefpzft" ;iio:e,(aringc : baue mercpe ou bs tbou
«p*fcje* iatte.jfoz ma np ace wlleo aubfetoe be
Hoibe tobtcbe arte tbc fonne of JDatuD.
cboten. h ChenjcfusftobeftpUjanb calico tbe,
# 4*lnD llefus arcenbeD to IJerufalem ano fapDe:tobat topli pe tbat 3 Ojoulo*
c anD tofce tbe.rit.Dpfcpples a parte in p Do to pou: Chcpt'apoe tobpni:Uoibe
<mark <x t
toa ^ c » an0 faj,DC t0 tbcm »* sebo!Dc,toe tbat our epes mape be openeb . * Jefus a?« **•
Huke.i8 f. '
go bp to IJeturalem , ano tbe lonne of bao companion on tbem , anD toucbeo
man ffyalbe bettapeo buto tbe cbefe piee that epes, anD pmmeDtatlpe their epes
Ces,auD buto tbe fcttbes,auD tbep ftjal receaueo figbt.^no tbep folotoib bim*
c oiiDcmue bt'm to beatb,anb (1) all belp* jfcfjcnofcs.
uet bun to $ b gentpls,to be mocfceb,to CS^c tobolc purpofcof tijisparablcwto pwue - 1 _ .

be f courgco , anD to bee crucpfieb:anb fftatiSol) cctoatcett) nottjts tooiacmea acc«6fg ~f "Anj
totljctpmct^cp tooichc. antipapncs tDatrtjep »» «*iatt
the tbpzD Dap be fyall rife agapne.
tabe in i;?g topuepatD.tbat ism tips towlDcbut
^ fCtjencametofjpm the mother of ttcwtpBgc to bis nwcp.^M rt?ts be f onduDctb.

M 0*
Gjottib e bauc far be . 3 !;cp be not al! elect cb tbat
* anb Refits toict into § f epic of JLuUc rif.s
bccallcbto tbe cctcmoiual laturof tbe Jctucp,
ttcptbet all cbofen rbat be callca to the tuic of rlje in f tcpic 3
otier tb!eU) v tables off mo;

fSorpcl.JButciitobome be toyl,betafcctb.mctcp: np cbafigtr$^ f featcs of tbe tbat folbe

aiibiubomcbcliiOctl.) bcma&ctb baibc ijattcb. laib to tbe : Jt is iuzittcn,*mp JttcW.i
fitntrtcs b. ©etc is to be notcb^bat p" Sietres tocrc in Hub
b ouf e fbalbe calico § bonlc of pjaper.
bon bn gc to i b t iftomayucs at rlje bca tb ofttbxtft, ©lit pe bauc mabc it a Dene of tbeucs. {<
tbat tbcpnugbtbo no execution tbem fctues, but ano t{)t blmbe anb p balte came to bpm
toclpuetbepx cupl beets to tl;c tfmpcnwts Totils
in tbe temple, anb be bealeb tbcm.
Dioutsto bctojtnentco.
c.&bistcquca of tbetts fcerlatctbh'bat cpinfon jiCCbentbccbefepzicftesfr^crpbcs
tbcpbaboftbcBpugbomcofCbuftc.ijunttbat matucplles $ be DtD,fr § cbilbze
fato tbe
it Qjoulbcbr ancanbly kpugbeme, uterus tljC
crpinge in § temple ^ raping: ^ofanna
iic.rtcaboutci)imD;ouitc bcatcinoft title . 15 ut
ffbitftcsauftoctebcclatrtbtljc(ttffuoMuncc,an6 to £ fonnc of jaauiD, tbcp DpfDapneb, $
tiicctct»alipubcCtiiaciottcff5ob. faio bnto r)mi:bear£ft ^ u*bat tbcfe fap/
b. © cthcii pe prices atib t ulcts.lcatue pout but p. 3efus fapb bnto tlje>ca:baue pe ueuec
g> uppiCffc anb mahc tbem flaucstbat tooulbcbe
gteat . STbctbc 3fl faretbatbrccffttesiu poutc teDDe,*of tbe moutbof babes anb fttci pralloWta
couttcs,aubructobepoutcei)aplapnc0,fojtbai; aelpngcs tf;ou baft oibepnco piaplc^
istgcttjapetobemaDcgtcate. ^no be left tbcm, anb menu oute of tbe
cptpe bnto*J3etf;anie,anbbab Ijis abi* 3fob/, Vji'ii.a
^ctpbctb into ©tcturalcm.bjiuctb tjjemacs Dpnge tbete.
cbauutcs out of tbe tcjiipic.cutfcto tbcfiggc rtcc,
anb tebuhetb tbe Abating nntb p" ftmtlptuoc of
* |u tut mo?n?nge as be retutneb Uu
tbe tto o fouucs,anb of tbe but b .utbincu tba t Qcvo to tbe cttpe agamebe bugtcb, $ fpub a LuU,j:iu,.b
fuebcas vuctcfciituiit o went. t * fpgge tree in tfje
ampe,anD came to
^ * Dtctac npe fcnto
Iftcn tfjep tt 3 anbfoubcnotbpngtbetou,bHtleue$
36 |ctulalcm,anD lucre come to onelp,anb f apbe to u,ueuet f cute gto m
matbc.ti a
6ctbPbage,bntomounte £>* on tbe hence f oitoaro cs * 3iuD anone tbe
ipuctitben rentjfertts ttoo of fpgge tree topbbcub atuape* tobeti ms
l)i6 Di>utples,rapmge to tfjemtfpo into bis Dtfciples fau?e ttjat tlnp matuclcD ,

tbe totone t&at Ipetb ouet agapnft pou, faping:^oU) fone is tbe ftgge tree tetb* c
atiD a none pe Ebal tjmoe an aire bouuDe Deteb atoape ? Jefus aufiucteD,fr fapoe
ano bet colte toitb betilofe tf)cm $ bug bnto tbe*:5uetelp 31 fap bnto pou,*pf pe rear. Mi t»

tbem unto mr »3nD if anp ma Cap ougbt ft)all bane D faitb anb Ojall not Dotite,pc
fcnto poti Jap pe p cfje ftoto fjatf) ncbe of QjallnotonelpDo tbat inbicbe 3 bane
tbem:* ftrai gn t map Ik toil let (be goo. Done to p fpgge trcerbut alfo pf n mall
36U trjis toas 6one,toftiIfpl tbat tofjicb fap bnto tfjis mountapue tafte tbp fclre 3

toas fpofce bp tbe p2opbete,fapmg::€cl atoapc,anb call tbp felfe into tbe fea, it
tnsrk. rt,ft«
petrjeDougbterof^ion:*bebolbetbp ujalbcbone.* 3nDU3!;atfocuccpe Ojall "Jolm, tj b
apnge commetb bnto tbe, incite anD fpt* afte in piapec ( pf pe bcitnt ) pe njail ce*
joiiti,'iStt tpngc fepon an a a(Te anD a colte tbe fole , ceaue it;
+* 3DnD toben be toas come into u)e L«Uc. 17,9
pies tocn t $ did as 3 cf u s comma unbe d temple,tbe cbcfe pueftes anD tbe eioets
tbe,$ bzougbt tbe affe $ tbe colte , 9 put of tbe people,c^e bnto bim as be teas
on tbem tbeic clotbes,* fet bim tljeton* teaxbpngc,anDfapb:*bptobatauctou; JBitcct, 4,(1
StnD tnattp of £ people fpubtbeir gar* te Doefttbou tbefc tb.tnges^ lobo gaue atiD,vm.o

metes in § toap»4Dtbcc cut boune biati* tl)t tbJS potoetf |efus anftucreb, 9 fapb
® cbes from tbe freest ftratoeo tbe in tbe bnto tbem: 3f alt toil aftu of pou a cet*
luare. ^ouotiet f people g toet bcfoic, tapuc quefuon,U)bicberf ve aaople me a
anb tljep alfo tbat came after. crpeo fap-- 31 in IpUttopfc topll tell pou bp tobat
inge:frofamm ro tbcfomicof J^aiiiD* auctoztte JJ Do tfjcfe tbpngcs.Cbe bap*
Enbcr't r* isUfubbebe^comet&mf name of j> tpme of Jotjn : tobence toas its* fro bea*
john.tVb jlozbe, 6 * l^ofanna in tbe bpeft* y ucn 01 c of men t tLbeu tbep reafoncb a^
fSuSft +^ nD to n? be toas come intojetufa^ monge tbem felucg fapingc:pf toe (iwll tbe citic teas moucbfavingruibo fare from bcauen,be topll rape bnto bs:
is tbiS^nb tbe people rapb:tbi# is 31e< tobp DpD pe not tben beleue bfm ? isue
^ rn s*tbc pjop^ct of ^aiatetb a citpe of anD pf toe Ojal fap of men,
tfjtn fcare toe
, «


tHj t (gofptii
m*. i4.» tfj(people** ifoj all men fjelbe 3Iobn a0 punctpal parte of the coiner : tbts toas
a p£opbet»3lnD tbep anftoereDjefus 9 tf}eftomes Doinge,anD it is meruelous
fapDc: toe cannot tell. 38nD be Ip&etopfe in oute epes* Cberfo^e fap 3 bnto pou,
fapDe bnto tbem : netber tell j pou bp tbe KpngDome of ©od fl)albe tabe from
tobatauctojite jDotbefctbtnges* h pou,anbfbalbcgeuento tbe ©entpis,
tobicb fbai b^tng fojtbet be f r utes
aaobat fap pe to ttys?* 3fl certapne man
of it*

baD tuio formes, » came to tbe clDcc auD * auiD tobofoeuer (baft fat on this ftone,

fatD:fonne go 9 tooiHe to Dap in mp bp< be f tyalbe bjoben 5 *but on tobofoeuer it 5D a „< iUe
neparDc.^e anftoereD 9 faiD,3 toil not: mail fal bpo,it toil grpnbe btm to poto;

but aftertoarDe repenteD anD tucutc. Der.^InD toben tt^t chef c pueftes <t p\w
Ctjen came be to the leconoe^ fatD libe tires heacoc tbefc fimiIttiiDe.s tbep per^5

topf e.ainD he anftoeteD anD fatD: 3 topli ceaueD that be fpake of tfyz.* ino tbep IJJJ'J.^
fpj:pet toent not* jxfjcttiec of t&e t toaine toente aboute to (ape banDes on bpm, iLuBc!x.i. 9
*but ttftp feaceD § people, becaufe tbep * a0 ' wt

Did tbe toil of tbe farberr3lnD tfjep fapDe

into bim:tbe firuYlefus faiD bnto tbe: tobebimagapiopbct. h
2Tt)C botes'
fcerelp J rape bnto pou tbat tbe publp* a.Jlrtiti!otttoubIcf!jc(8Ciulcccadcc)tt)afmfl)C ZttntTe
cans anD tfye harlot Ojall come into the otl)Ct tliic Cudit itli ace is tto meiicioa of t & e Mc,
mm a (0 t | feingbom of <£oD before pou.* jFojJobn bur of tl)tfolltoMlf ( tobicbe t\)u\8t tome cuip=
uf c ceaDcc s bo ffixatlp note )foi it is not A tlfpa j
came bnto pou tn the toap of r tgbt couf * pact apupn 3c to tbe purpofc.f o: as mucbe as tbe
nes,9 pe beleueD bun notour the pub; intent of toe piopbct toas to bcclace tbat omc
Jicans 9 tbe barlotes beleue btm . 3Bno S>auioucc(bou!bcbeoffo bafcfoztcatib Cmatl
tcpuracioti tit rbc tooilo.tbat be (boulb bauettone
pctpc(t^otigfjcpcfato trjtoe« notpet
orbec pautfeepe but a y 0113c a ore wbecon no matt
moueD tottb rcpentaunce,tbat pc mtgljt bab fate befoze btm, pea.afollctbatbabbeuebs
,_ aftertoarDe baue beleueD fyinu h f eo to 02 at» in toe eactb MP bctf o.ic it QiaF^rccj ta
*$ *^erton another rimilitube*<€bere
name tbcfoiie,anb agatben? batb ttotosfcubcb in
e nainyugebotbc tbefole anbbisbantme, foias
«rap ;Ka toas a ccttaiucbou(j)OlDcr tohicb plau*
mucO as tbe jaxopoct nametb borije.
Sar ?-JteD a &P ne P atDc . ailD fa&geD it wtinDf b.^ofannt .JuOcbiuc^osauua. STbattsto J&oramta
luBf'.w'b aboute,timaDc a toi>nep?eu~e in tt, anD fayctj piap tbe to gate me Ijcaltt).
t.T&t tbts ftggc ttee ciy.ia botb Cuffictcutlp Ojcw Jf PS3C
bilt a totocr,am> let it out to fjufbanDe* tbattbeJiemesaltbougbtbepbaD auappacailce tccc*
wicn anD toent into a fttaunge countcc»
of botpnesbp tbetc cecemonpcs:petueucctbcle(rc
3nD toben tbe tpmeoftbe fcute Dzetoe tbep b& not tbe fcute of cbactte , bp tbe mbpebe
tbpngebeCpgnifpcb tbattbep Cpouldebeu>o;tlp
ncarc,be (eute bis f crua tunes to p buff bcpipue&anbputfconttbisfaireappacauuce,bp rcccaue § f r u tj of it* xnD f tbebcftcucctonof^icmCalcm.
buf banDmen ca ugb t bf$ f c cuaute s,a no b.srbatfattbecauiiotbutboubtetebicbcts not jfaytbr
fi z v *
gcouiibcbopon hnotolcbgc.aubBUOtoleDge topll
bet one^plleD another, anD ftoncD ano« notruffcctostoberpieaup tbiugebut bpoutbps
tbet . agapne fiefciu other lc tuaun t es coubicton.pfitbetbetoilof *Sob . icbis place
moo then tbe f irftianD tl)tp CerueD them tl;ecfoic oocri; not encourage us to befpxe in ouce

bnto pxapecfucbtUpiigesastoefantaCpc.
ipbetopi'e.isut lafte of all,bc feute
otnnc lonne,fapinge:tbep topll
fonne.tsut toben tbe bufbanD*
ts tnuentcb bp men.aub tbatof beauctt, tobtctj ts
of i5 ob.

menfatoe tbe fonne.tbep fapDe amouge MCbtsbjeaRpugeaub gcpnbpugctopotobecris Sioncnf

tbcbttecbeacuccion of tbcmtbatpzoublpcefptte gtouuoe,
<s.wj7.& tbem felues .*»$ is tbe bep?e:come, tbcboctcpueofCbxi&c, asbtb ri;c ptjattfeta of
let bs fell bitn,$ let bstafee bis tnberp* tobome tbts toas cbieflp fpoben.
taunce to our felues . 36nD tbep caugbte t^Cbe.rrit.Cbsptct*
3:bcmattageoftbe%pnges fontte. STrtburcfo
btm anD tbiuft btm out of £ binepacbe, be gcucn toft£mpecouc.Cb»ftconfutetb tbe opt^
anD fleto bun. .acben tbe fto?Dc of tbe bt * nto of tbc&abucescSccrningep' ccfurccccio, ana
neparDe commetf), tofjat toil be Do tottb auftoctctb tb^ Cctpbe to bts qucOton.
tfjofe buf baomeV Cbep faiD bnto bpm: auftoereD , ^fpabe 31
jftD 3Jefus
be toil cruellp Deftrop rhofe euti petfos, tmto tbem againe,in fpmilp^
anD totllet out bis bineparD biuo otbec tuDes,faping»4-*cbebing^m hf>l+>fc
fjufbanbe men, tobicbe Qjal Dclpuer htm pome of beauen is Itbe bnto a
tbe frute at tpmes conuenpetite . Jcfus certapne k^nge, tobpebemarpeb hvs
0c«j.ti7 .< f apDe bnto tbem : DiD pe neuer reaDc in fonne, * anD tent foitb bis feruauntes, spock^
JSfrf t
tbe fcriptuces : * Cbe ftone tobicbe tbe tbem that lucre bpD to tbe toeD*
to call<.'<i.i>. bplDecg refufeb the fame ts fetin tbe Dpnge, auD tbep toouloc not come*

#f 04 ^latljeto; ftiLift&l
2Cgflpue btfeut foitb other feruauntes", * Cbe fame Dape tbe saouccs came €9 «. cit.6
f apiiKjc< cell tbcm tob u b c a te bpDDcn: to (i tmfiDbicn Cap tbat tbete is no relur*
beboloc , J baue pzeparcD tup Dpuuer, r eccionjauD albeo bun fapingr^aftcr,
tnpne oren auD mp tatlmges are fcillcD, <^ofes babe, 4 pf a man Dpebaupnge
bud a( tbpnges ate re Dp. come b wo tbc no cbilDun, tbat tbe b:otbet marp bps
manage ftuttbipmaoeligbtofit,
. topfc auD repfe bp febe bnto bis bio*

anD marcs: one to I) is ferine

tocnt tbete Cbcrc lucre tottb bs fcucu bictfnc
tbc r*
placc,anotbcr about Ins marcbauDtf c, anD tbe f irfl ma rtco anD Dcccafeo tot ti^
the renmaut tokc his fcruautcs anD uu out i(Tue,anD left bis toife bnto bts bio.-
tteateD them bngoDlp anD Qetoe tlunu tber. ipkc topfc tbe f cconDe 3 tbe f bi toe
•jxUe tbe knig fjca toe p,be toas luzotli, bnto tbe f cut ntb.)Lafle of al tbe tooma
anD Tent foul) bis toarncrs 9 Deft ropco Dpco airo^otoe in § tefurrcccto tobofe
tbofe muctbercts,* blent Up their citie* topfc fyat fqc be of tbe feuen^ifot al baD
Cben iat'D be to bis f etuauntcsrtbc bee Jefusanrtoereb anb fapbe bnto
toctDpngctoag" pzcpatcD . 23uttbep tbcm:*pc are DeceaucD anD bnoe rftaoe £0afk.iXi

tobicbt toe-re bpDDcu,tocr e not tooitbp* not tbe fcttptucejBf.noi ^ptt tbe potocr of
<doo pe tbcrtoie out into the bfc toapes, (SSoD.jf oz in t{)z rcfurreceto tbep nctbec
anD as manp as pe f pnbe bpb the to tbc marp noi are marpeD: but are as tbe
wattage. %ty fetuaunttg to tut out Uu « angels in bcauen.
toibehpctoapes,agatbcrcD together aistoucbinge tbe tefurreccio of tbe
as manp as tbep coulDcfpnbe, botbe Deaoe : bane pe not tcDDe tobat ts apoe 1

gooDanD baD, anD tbc uicDDpngc to as buto pou of ©oDjtobtcb faptbf : * 3 am em, (ua
f utnpifljeD toitb geftes* Chen tbc Upng asbiabams cJ5od, auD 31faacs <£od , anD
camciu,to bpfet tbe gefhs , anD Ippco tbc &ob of 3 acobr>eoD is not tbc <£od
tbete a man tobicb baD not on a a toco* of tbe DeaDetbut of tbc D Ipupnge » 3BnD
fcpnge gatmente , anD fapDe bnto bpm: toben tbc people bearoe tbat, tl;ep tocre
f ccocboto foituneD it tbat tbou earned dftoHpcDatbisDocttpne.
Inbptbet anD hade not on a tecDDpnpje Hh * &
be n tbe |^f;art f cjof baD bcaro c, 33
t13flr, m. t-

garment 1 3lnD \)t bias cuen fpecblclTe. botoe tbat be baD put tbe ^notices to ilukc.jc.t
35 iCbcn latD § king to bis uiintftcts:rake fplcnce tbcp Dietoe together, anD one of

anDbynocbpm banbeanofotc, $cafte tbcm tobicbe tons aooctourc of lato,af*

i»«m;. s bim into Utter oarcknes,* there ffyal be kco bim a queftton temptpnge bim,anD
n, £ ppngc anD gnaftbpnge of tctbe f o* fapt'.igcrd^after tob icb is tbe cbete co t

manp are calico anD featoc be cbof en. f. inaunbement in tbe latocc ]|jci us fapoc
Asa **' a + * ^ cn to£nt l & gharries 3 toke to bim: Houc * tbe loibe tbP (Bob toitb

count el bote tbep might tangle bpm in al tbpne bcarte, toitb all tbp foule, anD
bis toozocs 4 3ud tbep rente buto bim toitb al tbp mpuDcqtbis ts t\)t fir ft anD
their Diictplcs toitb aerobes fetuauin tbe cbefe commaunDcment.3iuD there is

ima*** t£5 faptngc: **Bpaftcr,toc knotoe p tbou another Ipkcbiito this . Tloue tfnmc
arte true, anD teach eft tbe toapc of d5oD nepgbboure as tbp fclfe J{n tbete t too
t eulp uctb e r ca reft f 0; anp ma ,f oz tbou
, commaunDementejg bangc all tbe latoe
conftDzeft not meimes eftatc , cell bs anD tbe pzopbetcs.
C ti)ctfoic:fjoU) thickest tbotif Js tt ia to i * arbple tbe ^bariCcs toere ga tbereo
Speme ie f u u to geue trpbute buto Cefat 0: not/ together, 3)efus alkco the fapmg: tobat
JtttbJ? 3
£fUB P £tfcauco *&«* topckeDucs, auD tbinkc pe of Cbiiftc jeehofe Tonne is
iapD:flObp tempte pc me pe ppocrttcsf ^bep fapbe bnto bim, tbc Tonne of ??a
t nctocs
can a rp= £,et mc fe tbe ttibute monep . 3CnD tbep tiio.^c fapDe bnto tbcm : * 1^0 toe then markjtlij

222 toke bim * a penp

« Ms
3inD be farbe bnto Doctij Sau id in f pirite,cal bim c XloiDe
Jmagc anD fupec* faping:* %ty ^otD fapDe to mp 31oid,*
Silcc aw tf)*m: to & of c
tyngt. fcripctonr'tCbep fato bnto bimrCefats. fpt on mp right babe b tpl J make thine

mat *ua> *^ ®
en fa ? DC ne tont0 tf)C m: * cuc W)«< enempeja! tbp fore Hole i JfBauiD
fote to «» Cefat , $ cb is Cerar2?:anD call bpm lotbe : botoe is; betbeubps
geue bnto <£oD,tbat lobub ts Ododdcs* fonne t 3CnD none coulDeanftocre bpm
VM».)rfi(.» *«onen tbep beatD tbat,tbet> matueleD, agamic one tooiDe: nether Durftcanpe
anDlcftrjim,anDtocnttbcittoapc. b from tbat oape foitbe , afke bpm anpe
CCc.ii. moo

HTlje (§ofpell
mod citicttfons* ppoctites,fot pe fljut « bp (be fepngoom

X\)t motes* ofbeauenberowmeii:* pepoureielues *«*«•?<
a ^isistbcjarmciif tbat is mfrioueb in £fa. go not in, necljcr f ufftc pe tljem p come,
garment. jri.c0ap.tu3>.. anDttisiioii'.ot-jctdutroelpuCi to enter tin
i? fap f o.toij ui)c is mode bcuttf ullpc occ i>co 4oitij
tije tuoxc lies of rue fpmre.
aooo be buto pou ictibcs anD pba*
iScucta pe Dettourc Ujpooo toes
rtf cs,ppotri. cs:
b.ISprbisCciatismiurall tempotalltulccs to ,

t £Cfac,<K
tuljOiiictocougijrof cotifctcuce to gcuc ail tl>p«: bottles:^ tbat DnDer a coloure of pzop*
ges rfja t tbe UVu of t tjc count rp toe be lit bpnbctt)
tosto gcuc. i n betbetitbcoutcgooocs.outcrclfe,

euccbplbi:n,otfctuautirc9to bo tbcinfciupcc. ceaue tbe greater Damnacion.

Sis 3u»s c.£o bcasauiigel^ietobcnntliour all coztup*
«co be bnto pou Scribes anDj^ba*
gels. tuH9aua utfttinptpcs of tl;cflcii;c, format fDCi rifeis ppocrties Uiijicbe compaffe fca
fp;cs of tbefame bptteutc trouble bo.
b.j|;£5oobiuotti)c is oa of tbcocaocbutof tbe ano lanoe,to bipuge one into potire be^
cf tl)t Jps impujc:£bcn.nua abiabamuebeslpue, t'ptljeu le ;e:anD tobeu be is bzougbte, pe maUe

&ctsab;abanis tSoo. WptihciiotattOtspIacc

pou g>abuccs of oucc tpmc tobicbe topll not bes
bpm t too folDe moare tbe cbploe of ijell,

icucauD cofeffe that tOcfoulcof ma" tsnn nozral. tf)enpe potire feluesare*
<./donruOQaiiopu«c rbatCOuormfbuljcmaB Wo be bn pou blinoc gibes, tobtcfi
man jtwas t Ije rotiiic of Dautb bar 15 Dcf ccuocb
, r
rape tobofoeuer f toeare bp tbe temple: it
of tlje ft ocfcc of SDautb'ipet 3>auib fepnge itt fpp=

utetbatbctoasSefi^allcaopmiloia. ffiuttbe isnotbpnge : but tobofoeuer ftoearetfj

iabacttes(tobotocccallflctoeip;eouUiciiotpcc:> bp tbe golDe of tbe templcjjc offenoefb*
ccpueCo mucocof tbe fpuitc. Pe foles anD blpnbe : tobetber is gtea*
(COc.ji'jciii.COaptet. 4* te r, tbe goiDe,oi tbe temple tbat fauctp*
Cftitfte cepctb too oucc ti>c pljanfcs £ tubes fpetb p golocr-i 11D tobofoeuer ftoeare tfi
anb ppottuce.aRb piopoccictb tbcocftcucctoii of
bp tbe aulter,tt is notbpnge : but tobo^j
foeuer ftoeacetb bp tbe offerpnge tbac
^cnfpahc 3 cfus fop people, Ipetb on tbe aulter,off etiDetb . V e foles
anD to bis Difciplcsfariugc: anD blpnbe: tobetber is greater tbe offe*
ictibcs ano tbe ^ba* rpnge,oitbe anlter tobicbe fanctifpetfi
ctfee fpt in i^ofes f care. Ml tbe off ettge." jocbofoeuer tberfoze ftoeai
»tarfb«,e tberf oie * tobatfoeuer tbep bpD pou
, retb bp tbe aulter , ftoearetb bp it, anD
obfe rue,tbat obferue anD Do : but aftec bp all tbat tbete on is . mo
tobofoeuer dp
tbur toojfccs Do not:fo.i tfjep fap,anD 00 ftocatctb bp tbe temple, ftoearetb bf it,
«rap*,t.« not,*j>ea, $tbep bpnDet)eup burtbens anD b^ btm tbat Dtot lletb tiKrin.*3BiiD m%*&
T£*\ $gteuoustobebozne ,$ lep tbe" on meV be tbat ftoearetb bp beauen ftoearetb bp
mg ^Ottloec0:but ifjep tbc felucs topll tbe feate of «©od anD bp bint tbat fpttc tf>
not beaue at ti)em tottb one of tijcit fin* cfyerom
gets .311 then ujozcUes tbep Do , for to tto be to pou fecribes anD pb&ti*
be fine of men * Cbcpfetabtobc tbete fes ppoctites,tobicb*tptbmpnt,anpfe, «."»*«.Fi»f
pbtlatertes.anb make large botDcts on anD commin , ano leaue tbe toapgbtec
tb«r garmentes.aaD (otie to fpt bppet* matters of tbe la toe biiDonciiuDgtmct,
mode at f cafrcs,?* to baue f cf/cf e feates mere)) ,a faitb » Cbefe ougbt pe to bauo
tap fpnagogges,ano gtetpnges in tbe Done,ano not to baue lefte tbe otber bti*
watfcettes, 3 to be calleD of me ilabbt. Done * J> c blpnbe gpoes \of)icbt ftrapnc
* J5 u t pe fibai not f uff r e potire ft lues out a gnat ano Ctoalotoe a cammeiU
««ob - • t0 DC cal * CD ttabbi. jfoj one is pour ma< 3000 be to pou Scribes 9 i^bartfes
* ' fter,tbattstotoitCbMMnDallpeate ppocrttes, tobicbe matte dene tbe bttec
bietbien. 31 nD call no man pou b f atbec fiDeoftbecuppe,anDoftbeplatter:bu6
Upon tbe cr tbe,f oi there is but one pout tottbintbep areful of btpberp^ ejrceflfe»
fatbet,anD be ts in beauen. ©c not caN Cbou blpnbe jabariie, clenfe fptfte tbc
Icd matters , fot tbcre is but one potire pnneftoe of tt)i cup anD platter, tbat tt)C,
matter anD be is Cbiifte.^e f> fs gcea* outefpoe of t gem map be cltw alfo.

reft amonge pou, malbe pout fertt aunt* * acoo be to pou scribes anD &)%', *»*«»*»*
fton,rii«.t J5»t* tobo foeuet cjtaltetb bpin felfc, rites ppocrites , fot pe are ipftc Ditto
fl^albe bzougbt lotoc. anDbc tbat hum* papnteo tombes tobicbe apperebeautp*
bUtb btm felfcfljalbc cralreD . aceo f ul out toatbe:but are tottbin f ul of tea*
be bnto pou ^cnbes aim ^arpfes, bones anD of all fpltbpncs* ^oarepe,
, Jttatfje&ji; jTolrfjr.
b. ©crc ts tbe bpftop of ISome otclartb a plapne f atrjet.
fotoutfoartJc re apperc righteous ton*
2 u n t\)i iQ in tbat be toouloc be caiicb tbe tnooQe
to men,toben toitbm, pe ate full of ppo* bolp fatber, anb tbat alcbnftcti men Cbouibcacs
^ crifpeanbtniqtiite* bnotclcbgc bun fontolcOetbcn tbetr fptntuall
Cir-itt tall tto matt poute farmer.
ttfcs ppocrtres : vc bplbe the tombes of c. %o ibut top tbe tipiigcboinc of iSob befozemen, 2:0 Cfuife
tbepjopbetes 5 anb gatnpOje tf^efcpul^ tstobtrpcitcetvttbmcns courctcttccsfoitbclca^ rhcHtitja
cbjeg of tbe tigb teous,anb rape : pf toe upugcofi5obbcsc5mauttbcineuttotiboneappotn:oome»
tptigetbetn tooibcs of tbett otojnc tuuencton to
fjaD bene in ^ oa^cs of our fathers, toe
Ittppipc tbcfaineCasourc gbofllpc fat bets bauc
tooulDe not bauc bene parteuers toi'.t) uico robotntoiifccrtoit.) froi tbis tstbchrtigci
tbem in toe blouDc of tfjc jaioptoctcs. borne of i3ob,tDben men be ttubtoucc ro bo f> topi
of fSoo,ano tbtnacitttor fufiftctcut to icaucgoDg
uetiTtt a c £>° tben*pe be toitneffes tonto pour fel* lutltoiiboiicaubtbcit to fatpffpc after tbctrohjttc
' *
ues,p>eatetbcchiux:enoftbcmtobicb fantarp^tDbecfcicalirucbeasbpnbzc tl;ts Qubp
fcplleb ttje pzopbetcs ifulfpll pe ipfec* u;uttbebpiigcbomeofi5obbefoicm'n.
topfe tbe meafute of poure fathers. £e
b.apou tbisplace is buplbeb a hjouocrful choife
aubfretopHof man. ^lDbomape(astbcpoppacs *£*"
$ gencracio of toppers, none
f crpentes anb fcttapueotbcc antecbitftiatts Slmagin ) tti
tyoulbpeicapetbcbampuanoncfbellV flaitactbetDpIloft6ob ) tobtcbtscrapetbcp)tbat
all men ©on ib befaueb anb come to tbe acftnoto;
fli»fttn.t. b {, sCDberfoie , bebolbe*3l Knbe tonto
tcbgpuge of tbe ttuetb: mbicbc mapc
§SK'i Pou pzopfjeres, topfe men and fctpbejs, of turn Cclfc rcf ufc oi cmb ja ce, tbat tboubc not be
ittce'. \),i of rbem pe Gball kpl $ crucifpe:^ of tbem tepueb tu tbis C cbuGtattrrabcr ; ibouftoaltcttot,
wo '"' tbat tbe ropl of fSoo mutt be coufpbxeb ttuo ma
pe Ojal fcourge in pour fpnagoges, anD I

iterof toapes. ^FpiGc it is eternal tuf crut pble anb

perfecute from ct pe to cifpe,u)ac topon tbat tt can not be tefpttcb , but
pou map come al the righteous blouoe multe bcfutfplieb,tbougb all tt)c tuoilbctoouibe
that toas ftccD topon t be crtbc,from the Tap nap . after tbts matter tooutb not cm ttt bauc
aarbceeb tbejetoestogetber . jfoibotbc Cfapc
tffiw.«i.bbIoube of righteous* 3lbell, tonto tfje
bloubeof Zacbartas the fonneofga* tpeb tbeir obtttttactc, cuett accoxbpuslpc as bps
a*«r,H. f
tacbiajJ,* tobome pe fleto bettoene § te* eternal hul of i5obbabpaefptteb. ^ccoubareipe
tbe tupll of 0ob is to be courpbcccb, as tt is twos
pie anb the aultet ne relp J, tape tonto
tocn to men bp tbe fcttptutcs. ICbatis tbat men
pou,all t hefe tbpnges fljal ligbtt topon fijouloc louc c5oo abouc al tbpnges, anb bo to on
HAC.13.S this generation.* 3)erufakm,3[eruia* tber as tbcp tooulbe be bone lip. after tbts foite
Uiouloc ©ob baue gatbctebtbc Jflemcstogctbcr,
pzophctcs aubfto*
lem tobtcbe fcplleft ,
in bcdarpugetbts bistopll uutotbcimbp f>p:oj
tuff tbem tobtcb are f ent to tbe:boto of* pbetes , but tbcp iuoulbc nor becaufe tbcp tucce
4.«fc^u ten tooulb*3 bauc gathered t!?pcbilb:e rbofcttp 'cuecttrb people tbattbc toufearcbcabie
toil of ©ob, bab oiaap ucd to re anb not.ptecepuc,
togetber,as p benne gatheretbbct chic*
bens tonocr her topuges, but pe ° tooulD uccte anb be ftooulbc beale tbctm.
prawjef not:©cbolDcpourc* habitation Qjaibe
iefte tonto pouoefolate. JFo? Jfape to Cbntlefbctoerb btsbpfciplestbebeQrucctfi of
pou,pe (bat not fe me here f o itb til that ,
tbe tcmple,tbc ettbc of m tnoilb, $ tbe tokens of
tbe latter bapes.aub toacuetl; tbem to atoaBe,fM
takf-Tit f pefape,*bieiTeD is be that commetb in
tbe tooiloetbal fobatttlp pecpfbe.
Rename of tbe ftojbe. h 3IefU9 toent oMte anb be* 31
3C0c $otes*
«jorc9 a.1]r isfobetbougbtcrbar f Sietvesbab tu tfjct'r
parteb from the temple: anb
(cats, tgples,fomeceetapne places tobectn mas a feate * bis bifciples came to bpm, mr.tut.*
ouoaircfoxbtmtbar rcabctbclauiofogotrcsro loj to Ojetoe bim tbe bplbmgc %****•*
t\)c fpt on ivbri c be tcabe( as toe bauc

nou> ut cuerp ebutcbes, fox tbem tbat tcaac r!)C of tbete~ple.31euis laiD tonto tbemtfepe
Cpiftel aub fe ofpcl ro tbtpcoplc)tobtcb mpgbtc not ai tbefe tbtges*- uetelp 3 fap tonto
rpgbrh)Cl>bccallcbCQotrcsrccUC,bccaurcflgoi= pou:tbete*(&al not be bete left one (lone *iA.rt.a
Tcs ahic ouclp teas rcabe tit tbat p lace. }d.o\x> tbe

<g>crtbcsanb Obarifets toctc appopnrcb ro ttwr

topo another,? Ojali not be cade Doune*
f carc:h»bctf o:e out f am sure to mmauubctb bps ^nb as be fat topo the inout GbUutte,
Dpfctplesto obferue alt £rt>cp tcacbc.^Foi tobplfe bis bifciples came tonto bpm fecretlpe
tbcp fate tn tbat rcatc.tbcp taugbtc tsjoifes lahi
faptng.^el tos toben tbefe tbiges fi^a^ i
iDbatircts: To fongc as t bep fpt ou COiides rcatc be :% tobat figne ft>albe of tbp compnge
anb tcabc tonto tos c b uft outc of tbe bolp ©pbcll anb of tbe enbe of § tooiioef 3110 ^eius
boh c:toe ace bp Cbuft cs cfimaunDcment.bouubc auf tocrco $ fapb tonto tljcm:* take beoe dfpTtr.M
toobeptbetm . JButtobeutbcpruunctotbcpi
otoucrtatoiciottoc arc asftc from tbcinastbe3= tbat no ma beceatie poti^ifoj manp u)a(I £oitoI*C*
poaics tocte from tbe feepbes ana pbattrcisof come in mp name raping: 3 am fb"ft:
tbcrupme* auD ujall Dcccauc manp. i>c ajaUbcare

'Clje <§ofpell
offedttc0,^of§ fame of toarres: butfe typnett) into tfjetueft : fo Ojali t% e com^
tbatpcbcuottroubleD jro* all tbtfe mpnge of § fonne of ma be»*ifoj to^ere
J»J' ^:»

tbinges mud come to patTc,buttbeenDe foeueraDeaoefeatfeasis, euen tbj>tf>et '

*.«b.u.t is not pet,* jfot uacton fbal cite agamft topll tbe Regies tefojte « JmmcDiatlp
na«ou,anD tealmc agamft tcalme: auD after tbe tribulacions of tbofe Dates, mm^x
there flialbe pcftilcnre, fjongcr $ eacn> fl)al tt)e cfuune be Dctheneb:anD p mone laJ^i' 8
quakes in at quartets. Ml tlicfc atctbe l^al not geue bet Ipgbr, atiD tbe fta r r cs
begpnnpnge of forotues. 0?all fall from beauen , anD tbe potocts

Watb p * cben Ojal tbep put pou to trouble, of f;cauen u)all mouc. MD
tbe u)all ap*
«@ar .*. b ano fyal kt pou:* pe tyalbe hateo of all pere tbe fpgne of tbe fonne of ma in bca<

3oK'« nactous fojmp names faRe 3MDtben ucn» Mb tben tyall all tbe hpnorebes of ct
Ojal tnanp be oSenoeD,anD fljali bctrape tbe eattb mourne,anD rfjep Ojali re*t[je ^ s.c.&
one another^ fl)al bate one p otber«3UnD fonne of ma come in tbe clouDcs of fjea*
tnanp falfe piopbetes foal arpfe,$ Ojali uen iutib potoer anD great g!o£p**3no 5p«n.t«.«
*.er.i*. b Dcceaue manp * anD becaufe iniquire be u>al feuDebis t angels li> t^e greate
a)allbauetbcbppcchanDe,tbeIouc of nopce of a trompet, $ tbep Ojali gatf^ec
»«fliw- manp Ojali abate . * 23ut be that cudu* togetbec bps cbofen, from tt)e fouce
23 retf) to tbe cube , t be fame fljalbe fafe. topuDcs , anD from tyt onceuoeof tbe
&u. ij. * 3f no tbis glaoe tpbpnges of toe Kpng*
Dome ujaibc puacbeD in all the toojlDe, Jlearnea fimilftuDe oft&e fpgge SffiS1 ?
foi a toptnes bnto ail nactons :anD tben tree:tor)en f)is Maunctjes are pet tcnoec
Challtbc ciibccomc. $ bis leues fp^og pe bnoto p fommec is

wnr.r, b **fcbcnpctberfo«fljalfetbcabbo* upe*56>o Ipbetopfe pe,loben pe fe al tbefe

*ake >W i,6
m ^ naC | 0n tfiat betoRenetb Dtfolacpon, tbmges } bepefuretr)atftisneare,eueii
©ao. fx. s * rpoUen of bp £>a niel y ^ophct, ftaoe attnebo^es* merelpJIfapeDntopou,
in § a bolp place : lee bun tfjat teDeth it, tbat tbis 8 generacion u)al not patTc, tpl
p fc
tiiDctftatiDe it.Cben let tbcra tobtcbe be aIlt^efebefuIfpIIeD^^eauendeattljeftt? ifb
in J urpe,flpe into tbc mo unta incs.SinD
ujallpcrpfte^utmp UiooiDcsOjalla*
let bun tobttlje is on tbe boufe toppe, bpD e» ®ut of tbat Dape anD b our c* Rno^ »««•• '•

not come bourne to fet anp tbinge out of Uictb no man, no not tbc angels of bca*
Ins boufe « j&ctbcr let bim tubtcbt is in ueii.butmpfatbcronclp*
$ felDe,retutue backe to fetche bis clot aistbc tnneof0octoaS fo'IpBeUjpre
thes* sco Ojalbe in tbofe oapes to tbem fyaltbecommpngeoftfje fonne of man gRffi*
tbat are toitb cb)>lDe,anD to tbem f geue be. jfoi as in tfje Dates before tbe Aoudc:
fucRe, ©utpjapetbatpouteflpgbtbe tbcp did eate $ D ^ncBe,matp, anD tocce
not in tbe b inputer , netbet on tbe $s>& marpcD, mm onto tbe Dape tbat j*oe
botb Dane, jfoz tben Ojalbe great tttbu* entreD into p ujVP, fr Rnelo of notbpnge,
©sni jtit.a iaciou,* fiiefjc as teas not from tbc be* tpll tbe flouoe came anD tone tbem all
gpnnpnge of tbe UuoilD to tbis tunc, no:a toape*&o Ojal alfo tbe compnge of tbe
bates tyoulo fonucofinanbc,* tCbenttoofljalbciu nahci7.»
Ojalbc.j? ea,$ ejtceptc tbofe
be OjojteneD, tbere fljotilDe f no fltOje be b the felDes, § one fl)a!be teccaueo, anD
faueD: but fojtbc cbofens fake, tbofe § otbec u^albe refufcD, ttoo Ojalbc griib
DapeslnaibcujoitcncD, ftingcat tbe mpU tbeom ftjalbc rccca<

man .s t *Cbenpfanp man ftjallfape bnto ueD,^ tbe other u)albe refufeD,* xoaae SJ-J!-*
Ha^m poujlo.bece isCbziu\ot tbere isCbiift: tbe tfoic, becaufe pe ftnoioe not tobat iun^ule
belcuc it not: if o; tbetc ftal arpie fait noucepoure matter toil come* £>ftins
«.«cf.«,b <c^ifte0 anD falfe pjopbet es,*anD Ojal be f ure,tbat pf tfje gooD man of p t)oufe _
&*« .

0Q gteat nucac j £ c; an o foonbers 3)n fo fcnetoe tobat bouret^e * t^efe toouioe

3p0 -JtW-t-

wmebe tbat pf it lucre poiTib(e t tbe nerpe coine:r)e tooulDefurelp toatcr)e,atiD not
t lecre fljoulbe be DifceaueD^ake beoe, f tiff re bis boufe to be btofcen bp. Cbcr^
31 bauetolDcpoubcfoie * Mobcrfoiepf f oie be pe alfo r eDp, foi tn the boure pe

tbep ujal fapc tonto pou : bebolbe , be is tbpnRc be tooulDe not * topll
tbe fonne
toe oeferte, go not foubrbcljolo be is of man come * 3ff tbere be anpe mt* -A
€ fnt^efecreteplaces.beleuenot. tfojas faptbfull feruaunte anD topfe tor)omc 5

tbe ligbtenpnge coinctb out of p Call,? bps matter batf;einaDe ruler ouerbps

iSf^lttatljefi, .dfolft.
IjotiCbolDc to gcuctficni meate in fcaf on together.
i.3lntbeboutepctl)fbcnof.BcrctnaptocIcatne 3I» fbe
conuenient:*bapppe is that fejuaunte ti;a t al tl;c ftgucs of tbc laOe bapc ace to be tahen boutcpe
toljonic fits matter ( tofjen be commctb) rpicituallp. ^FoiroCbal be come tobcumcn£ lobe tbiacnol
to be catnallp fulfplicb, tbnicuelcaa.
thai fpnoe fo Dopnge.^iicrcip fap bn« 3 f 01 tl;e
to pou,bc fljal matte bpm ruler ouet all
SCbctenutrgius, tbc talentesbclpuetcbtot&c
lj is goooes 7&ut ano pf that cur II fc r * fecuauutcs.aub of tbc general tub gem cut.
waute u)al far in bis bearte,mp matter ~~j»it$en tpe a * bpugDome of-
toil Defer qis commpnge anD begpnne
ucaiicn Ojalbc IpHeneD into'
to fmpte fitfif 9 to
f clo toes, pe anD to eatc ten btrgins, tofwn tokc tqeir
Duucbe tottb the Dzonchcn:p fee uautcs _Iampes,anD luent to mete tr)e
matter topll come in a Dape tobenhe lo* bjpDgtbme: fpue of tocm lucre f olpCqe,
fectbnoefo.bmi $in anqoucetqatqi ,
aiiofpuelDcrctupfe Cqefolpiqctohc
is not toate of,anD mil Dcuppc btm,anD their " lampes, but toftc none ople to 1 lj 1

gene qim bis tctoatDc tottii ppoccttcs. tfjem.i3ut tlje lopfe tohe ople mtn tiicni
ainD there fljalbc toeppugc anD gnaf* mtneir t»efXeIs toitq tfjeit lampcs alio*
Onrngcoftetq. 9CCl)ile bipogrome tarpcD, allflom^

2£bc (Botes*
bico anD flcp tc.ainD tutn at mpDuignt,

Botpc tqcre tuas a crpe maoc: DdjoIDc,p bito*

a.IWsljoIp place is tbc tcmplcof «3ob, that is
cougrcgacionof Cbuft, as paulctruptctb.
grome commctf;, go out agapnfte qpuu
b. ©crctstobctljoiniUt, tbat COattoio couett= *Cqen ail tiiof c Dicgins ar ore $ pupa* ,

Ipc aont oup flje ljts d if c ipl cs of tfte tpme of p" p ccc ceD tl>m lampcs.JnD tlje folpfbe rapoe
to tqe icrgeuc tis of pour ople foi our
<& trabo tozttctt; tu bis. ro t. bohe, ja ompetus tohc
jtDpntet, tbcmontbe£>nboti)&arc,aiiofoDpD a;trus ano
lampes goo outc. 23ut tfje topfe anftoe*
vacrpafianalfo.astemcimoucoiu^ioutoutus. reD Capiugc: not fo,le(l tiure be e not p*
IBut pet tr is earner to be tbougbte that be Dfco
iiougbc foz bs anD pou: but goo rather
tbefetooxbestotutetaub §>abotb: to rbe entente
to ret foul) tljcgrcamcgof the trouble p" fiboulbe to the that fcl anD up e f 01 poure f clues*
fi;au:icemtbofcDapcs,toberucbctbatpfitfclm aino tobile tbep to cute to bpc,thc bzpDc* S
tfjcmntecojin£i5>abotbbap(hibentbepmigbt grome earner tljcp f toerc rcop, toet in
iiotbptbelatotcauellpaQe oncmple.Ht fboutoc
not be ipoCTpbc foitljcm tocrcapcbp Spiugci- totti) fjpm to § toeDDpnge , 9
f gate toas
tf'cct. toapc. font bp . 3ftcttoatDcs came alfo the o<
c.^tisnofpoflrblctbat fboretohome fSob barb ther birgtns fapiuge:*sa^aftct matter,
elected from the begpnnpnge of tbc toortb fboulb Eu1*e.6.e
be tbat ttjep (bouIDe bate 01 perfecute
tbetoapeof tbc2,oxQc J toJ)icl) tUcp bauc oticcpxo- telp 3 fape bnto pou: 3 Knoto not pou .
feffeb. °* 30t)a cij e t!;e t fou:fo? pe knoto nctbec S0at.54.&
tffl!»* b eg les ace bpxbcs tbat flpe
. gb t a nb fcabc bp=
1) t

on cation. ttDbecfoictbep rcfoxte bnro tbebeabe the

Dap noi pet the fjoute, toqen 1} f onnc LuUc u.a
tartastbatlpetbforaetpmcfacftomtbem. 3it of man Ojall come. (•
istbCtfoicametcfpimlituQeto occlacetbat tijc
* 'L p be to p re a s a cer tap n e ma tu
ueiDCball at tbc laQc a ape rcfoxte to Cbxtflr tfteit
Dp to tabe his toztiep to a ttrauge ccun*
fobc from al
, pact ea of toe tooxloc. trc, calleD bis fetuautes ^DeiiuereD to
jfcperOuc e. a*bc funne Qjaibc oar&ua> Cbalbc mane as the his goooes.*3iiiD imto one be gatte
ratftclotbo'.rmoftc. XbcmoiieibaHiiot gcucbec
lj. talcntes, to another, it 9 to another S.UfeMit.0
Ipgbt.Cballbc toururo into bIouDebcfoiCf>Dape
comc.aub tbc fiacres (ball fall, fito boubrc al tijts eucrp ma after bis abilite ano fl^ar .fiil.9 ,

mutte bcfpitttuallp bubecftaube. 2"ba t tbc ttrci gh t toap Dcpartco. ebche p baD tu
CunnctbctooxbcofiSobtobtcbist&cugbtoft&e ceaueo fiue tastes, toet anD befto mcD
tooxlbc.aub fo; tbemone mans latoes.^ oias
jHocs doiibt: fo (ball tbc com mrngc of
it teas at the s toanne other fpue talcntes. Jip&e*
tbcrcmucofmaubc.iSuttbefuuuetDasbxpgbtc topic he p reccauCD ttoo , gapueo other
tben enen to tbctoftp boutc^c. t too.55ut be p reccaueD § one,toet ^ Dig*
Suiigcls. f 1 befc aun gels ace tbc piopbc tea anb pica cb et

of tbelatet bapcs.tobo Cbal blotoc t\)t tcumpe of

bis tooibc.aub t beebp ga tbec togetbec tbc cbofen
gcD a pit in § ectb.anD biD
monep af tec a longe feafon the loioe

from all quarters of tbc rooiloc, as is bee lacco in oftborefecuauntes came anD rebeucD
toitb * Chen came be tfjat baD te*
Henetati g.*5enecactfl is taken betefoxtbat empttctobicb
bjastbcncbpefcoftbctobolctooilbc, tbattoas ceaueD fiue taleutes,anD brought other
ISomc. "iDbilc IZomt rtjeefoic beacctb tbc na mcfpuetaleutes fapingermatter Delpue*
of tl)t cbtcfcemppxe of C niftcuoome, ©all f lati
rcott bntomcfiue taleutes: beholDe 3}
«-*« ft tn tctBapccomcb.Sbisbeclacetb.tbatcuentotbe
5fl?eof w^J " 511 '* tbe 200b anb bablballbtotU baue gapneD tb them fpue taletcs

Often bis matter fapDc into him : tocii theD me * 3 toajs ficfcc anD pe otfpteb gg£%*
gooo feruaunt ano faithful* Cbou baft me*3 teas in pziftm 9 P* came onto me. '
bene faptbf ull in irtel, j topUmafce tfjcg;ben(bal the righteous anftoecehpm 33
tulet oucr mucbe: c enter in into tbp raping: matter, tohe lata toe the an bon*
tnaftets f ope*ailfo be that ceceaueD ttoogrcD^ f eDDe the/o? a tt>uru\$ gaue the
talentes, came ano fapoe: maftec s tbou Diincfeer'toben fato toe the herbourleore;
OelpuetcDft Onto me ttoo talentes : be* ano loogeo cfjcr* 0; nafceD $ clotbeD the^
fjolDc, 31 baue toonne t too other talctes oj tohen fatoe toe the fpcUe 0? m
toitbtbem* 3nD bis matter fatoe Onto ano came onto tbc^no the bpnge ftall
bim,toeU gooD fetuauntc anD faithful!. anf toece ai fap Onto them: Detclp J rape
•Cbou baite bene fapthfull in Iptell , 3bntopouunasmucbeas pe haue Done
toil matte the ruler ouermucbe, goom it Onto one of tbeleeftofthefemp b^u
into thp maltas (ope* {• thjten,pe haue Done tt to me.

C Chen he tobtcbe haD ceceaueD the Chtn Qjal the &tng fap Onto the that
one talente came, ano fapoe : mafte t , 3 ©albe on the ipfte hanDc:*Depact fcom $*•*&
confpoeceo chat thou toafte an batoc mepecutfcD, * tntoeuerlallpngefp^e: **«.*««
man, tobiche tepeft tobece thou fotoeoft tohich is p^epateo fo; the Deuil anD his iSSSfi!
not,anD gatbeceft tohcce thou ftcatoeoft angels. fop 3 toas an hungreo , anD pe ap° c -^x»&
not,ano teas thetfoze afrapoe, 5 tocnte gaue me no meate.jj thurfteo^ pe gaue
ano bto thp talente in the ettb:beholDe} me no ouncfte.jj toas hetbourleffe, anD
thou haft thpnto tone « ^ismaftetan* pe loogeo me not .31 toas nafccD, anD pe
rtoeceo ano fapoe Onto him : thou eupll clotheo me uot.^f tons fiche 9 in pjifon.
fetuauntc anD fUmthfull, thou ftnetoeft anDpeOifitcDmenot*
thatjcepetohece 3fotoeonot,anDga^ Chen tyall tbcpalfoanrtoetc ff^m
thee tohere 3 ftratoeo not : thou ougft* favinge:maacr,tohen fato toe § an bum
teftthcrfojeto haue hao mpmoncp to greD,o? a thutft,o? hctboiicltflfe, o: ua«
thecbaungcts , 9 tbenatmpcompnge fceD,oj fpcfte s oj in patron , 9 DiD not mp^

Ojouloe J haue ceceaueD mpne otone nifterOnrothe^ ChentyaUhianftoete

toftboauntage* (Cafcetberfojctheta* them $ rap:* weeelp 3 rape Onto pou in !£$o f*.
lente from htm , anD geue it unto hptn asmuche aspeDpo it not to one of the w-^".*
flMtuM tohich bath ten taletcs.r* jf oz onto tut* leeft of thefe.pc DpD it not to me * ano
3o.„ „
thef e Ojall go into euerlaftpnge papne:
tyallbaue abounoaunce, 3 from hpm, anD the righteous into Ipfe eternal* fr
that hath not,fbalbe taken atoap, eueu Cffoe/aotes.
that bj bathe ano cafe that Onpzofp* *.3Inrlj(8p!«ethe kpngeoomcofoemenrpsiifs «,„„.,«-
fpcru tbetoOoIeconacegacifiof bc!euec9,bep«je Sh#f!S
table fetuauntc into s Otter oarc&nes: or ywus
petcoimccfawiite iitt^ts f?K,toUicD i5oD goueci •
SK rib". * there tnaibe
«. ctr.r.t..
of teeth*
toeppngc anD gnatyiuge net|)t»uir(blp as EuftftFjCi^u c. b.2?oerelami af
pesatcfucfjc beattefaptoeasaiaracsDecUceti) to SI
betit Dcutlsatio cpttenfcccsto^tcUcbjtiigefou^ n^i*'
* aooben the fonne of man come th no fmite, "* i% *

in his glozpe , anD all the holpe angels c.^ccctg tobcuotcD th at noftotf tjaanftprrgc t^c atinuefi
toitb b ini,tben Ojal he fpt Dp 6 $ feate of tooibcsWitWaopiocCbeof fattOe,{ibcneuecro
bisglozpe, anD before bpmOjalbega* copioufc.pctljauctoc noncouecpluCcto bpQcpj
buteuuto otbec, as ttje i^ppoctttptbe cclpgpons
*»> », t. t )m0 a u nactons * * aino he $all fepe* fapuCD tbcm reiucs to Dauc. b
£betobo!eeuteut ^y«f
rate them one from another , as a ftjep* of tb<9 parable is tbattocflOoulbe be altoaptj tti
"'*C h#
v '* w
bepacte tbis
fjecDe DeuiDeth the n>epe from the goa* a ceapites to
f pfe.
e. wo ctttte tu bis mapQets iope.ts to be pacfafter Cntttinc
tes . 3BnDbe0jaUrettheu>peonhps totti;bismapaeeitt tjts poffcmoiiB anDfoCball toti)pm» ,

tight hanoe,anD the goates on £ Jpfte. tbcfattbfulbc iopntcdcp;cstottbCI)itaet:Ujp» fiecstopC

qcbenajaltbe&pnge fap to the on Dps bpngebome.
f S-oae tbeerpoCtcion orrtnsafoie.Fm.b.g.siN «.
tight banoe: Come pe bleffeD cbtlDze of tec aacheiieo : botbe b«cc rignifpe ettccme tgno*
rt hw

^atD.ff.6 »S^ KL1
m? fa etf in^jjjt pe the fcpngDoe*p;e< tauueeof iPobanb bis totnDe.aiibt&etneattpHge tj„-*f r; ""
euv ^b patcD f 0? pou from the begpnnpnge of bottottbaiibefuUpe applpetbe gpftestbatiffoa
the tooilo** Jf o:3i toast an bongreo anD geuct!)ft)emfot!Ktc bio ttjccapiofp recall baue
pe gaue me meate 3 tbiufteo , ano pe rrjofcffpffcstahett fcom tb*m,ant» bcma&emo&c
gaue me Diincae* % toas betbourlelTe, 9 bopbe of all rutbegpftes.
peloDgeDme • Jtoasna&fD^ecjo* IL <tbe_.jcjc W*Cbapf cr.

#f *$, $totljefo afolm

*Dc fleasftdlftjeannopiifct £t)iitt. £&rp eate £
etfj, mp tpme is at hanbe 3 topll bepe
caoct (ambc , aim t&ciupptc of £ jLoat.mmae
piapctJj in tuc aacDg.JluDasbctcapcro l;pm,}9e=
mpne cafter at tfjp bouf e totth mp dh »
ctples.2Euo the Difctples DpD as 3ef us
ret fmptf to of oej alcue catc.cijxpQ is accufco bp
r«iretortncflC9,)sct(cDenpc ri> bao apopnteb them, ano maoe ccop the
Ui *".
jfrDitcametopaffc.tobe Cafter lambe.
jefus baD fpnpOjeD all * *x be n the mtn teas come, be rate S0«r.»4-.e
9 tbeferapinges, be fapbe Dotone totth the . jcti » Hlnb as tbep DpD
bnto bis Difcfples: *pe eate,be fapbe: qjerelp J fape bnto pou,
luk,tc(M Unotoc rfiat after ttoo that* one of pou flja it betcape me.SfnD joh.riiix
apesOjalbecafte^anD tbep toere ejeceaopnge fo£Otofu!,anD be<
the fonne of man (bail be DelpueteDto ganne euetpe one of them to fape bnto
beccuctfpcD.Cbcn atTembleb together bpm: Js it J} ma tft e t:^e anf toe teD anD
tbecutefepzicftes ano tbcfcrpbcsanD fapbe:he that Dippetb bi's banoe toptb
tbeCibets oftbe people to the palace metntheDtaje, the famcOjaU betcape
of the bpe i^tefte , calico cappbas, me . * Che fonne of man goetb as it ts
BnDbclDcacouneellbotoe tbepimgbte toittten of bpm:but too be to that man, C:
take 3!ef us bp fubteltpc ano ftpli bpm. bp tohome tbe fonne of man Ojalbe be<
JSut tbep rapoe,noc on the bolpe Dape, tcapeb.Jt hao bene gooo fo; that man,
lefte anpe bpzoute arpfe amonge tbe pfbebaDneuecbenebo^ne* tthenju*
people. Das tohiche betcapeD bpm,anftoeccD
3CCbcn*3efus toastn®etbanpe,tii ano fapDe: 3s it jmaiftetf i^c fapbe
09 at .14-
Kffie! the houfe of &pmon the JLepec , there tjuto bpmttbou baft fapbe.Ss tbep opD
j9to.pii.» came bnto
bpm a tooman , tobpebe bao eatc,3efus toac bJtcaoe ano gauetba<
An ala baiter bejee of pzecious ointmet, bes , bzafte it , anD gaue it to tbe Dtict *
anb potozeo it on ops beab as be (at at , pies, 9 fapD:* f:ai;e, eate, « tbps is mp i.£oi,tt.t.
tbe bourbe . *»ben bps Difcpples fatoe boDp.'^nD he toae v cup , anb tbantt co, luu.ttii, b
that, thep baD inbtgnactbn fapingc: ano gaue it tbem,fapinge:D;pncke or it
tohat nebeb thps loaftec chis opntmet euecp one.ifoj this is mp blouoc of the
tnpgbt baue bene tocll Coloe, 5 geuen to ne toe teftament, § Ojalbe Chcb toz manp
tbe po ze. aooben Kef us bribe tftooe that f o: p temtiTion of f innj. 3 fap bnto pou:
be fapDe bnto them: iODdP trouble pe the 91 topll not Dipncke hence fotth oftbp$
tDOtnauf &be hathe tmoughte a a gooo fttttte of the btne tree, bntpt that oape,
»mi p,t tooo? cfee bpon me . * j? oz p e fl,all baue tohenJI (ball Dipnckcttnetoe totth pou
pojefolchealtoapcs'toitnpou: *&utme in mp fathers ftpngoome.
Ojall pe notbaue altoapes Hlno in tfiat * anotohen thep hao fapbe grace, fl^at.i*,*.'
llje caftcb tbps opntmente bpon mp thep toente oute into mounte ^)lpuete» lol)0,i8,«
boope , (be DpD it to burpe me toptb all* Chen fapbe Jjefus bnto them: iltpe
^etel? J fape bnto pou , inhere foeuec (ball be offenotD bp me thps npgbt*
& thps CSofpcIi Ojal be pieacbeD tbozotoe
out all tbe toojioe.tbete n?ati alfo thps
5Foztt is toittten: * 3 topll fmpte the
u^epehetDe,tatiD tbe tyepe of the floche
that Che batb toioe to z a inc mo* f^albe (catceb a bioaDe.^ut after 3 am
tpall of bet. tpfen agapne , * 3 topll goe before pou
„ Chen one of the ttoclue calico 3tt* into (iDalile.^etcc anftoeceO.attD fapbe
** Das jjfcanoto toente bnto the chtcfe bnto him: * choughc all men Ojouloe
pittites, and fapDe : tohat topll pe gene be off enoeo bp the , pet tooulbe 3 ueuee
tnc, * ^ 31 topll Delpuet^pm bnto pou/ be offenoeD.^cfus fapDebnto bpm:be#
ftoMtit. • 3nD thep apointcb buto bfnujtr.pcces relpe J fape bnto tbee, that this fame
of fpluet^noftoin f tpme be fought o* night befoze the cocbe crotoe,tbou (bait
p ozt tint t e to betcape hp m Denpe me tbzife.^eter fapbe bnto bpm,
«ar.i«.b * €bf fp?ftf Dape o f & f toet e bzeabe * 1 f 1 fl)ouloe bpe toitb tbe, pet toouloe
iHiwti.a tbe Difetplcs came to Jefus Taping bn< apaf.14. e
3 not oenpe tbe.ftpa* topf e alfo fapo a!
tohptn:tohete topltetbou that toepze* the Dtfctples.

pate foz tbe to eate tbe pafcbal lambe*» Chen toent 3efus toitb them into
3nD be fapD:gofnto the citie, bnto fucb a place tohiche is calico cBethf emane, 9 ap»r.i4*
ft man.atui Tape to bpimtbc matuer fap< fapoe bnto p Difciples.f it pe here tohtle
nr :

HTlje <§ofpeli
3 goe miD p jape ponDet 3nD be tofte cben.jrff jugfons of angels*- 28ttt bote
toitb bim^etet nno tbe ttoo founts of cben iDtiloc tt)t (criptures be ftilfpilcD:
ZeocDc,anc begauuc to toajcc fototoful foj*ro muft it be. cbe fame tpme fapbe ftofce J4 §
anD to be in an agonpe* cbcn fapb jc; 31efus to tbe multptube :* pe be come
»at,i4,i> fM0 bnt0 tW: c *SflpP foule is beup cue out as it toece Unto a tbefe , toitb ftoer? SCjSSa
38J»b,?u,d tmto tf;e Deatb»Cacp p e bece:anb toat> Des aim ftaues for to take me fatte j
Dapipc teaebpng iu tbe temple amonge
cbc toitb me.aRnD he toent a title a pact,
anDfeilflatteou bps face , anD pjtapeo pou,auDpe toIicmeuot t *3iUtbtstoas ©rn i.ui.»
fapinge:€> mp fatfjet, pf tt be poiuble, Done tbat tbe f cctptuces of tbe jajopbe* «»•&*•
tes mpgbte be fulfplleb** cben all tl^e ^„ i+ f
tbeleffcjiotas 3 upil, but as tbou Difciples f02fo be bpm a no fieDDc » 3Bno ii«u i#t,i.
lopite ,3ud be came bnto tin bifctplcs, tbep tookejefus anD leo bimto cap«f 3ot>n.»^.t»
anufounbe tbem a flepe , anD fapoc to Pbas tbe bie piiefr, toljcte tbe ^etibes «
|9ctc t: uibat, couIDe pe not toatcb to me anD tbe Clbers toere adembleo. 3dnD *
onebouce;toatcb,anD piape that pe fall ^etet folotoeD bym a farce of , bnto tbe
aaat * ( not mt0 tonptacf on. * cbe f pf cite is bpc ^lieftes place :ano toent in anD f al

topllpugc but cbe flefibc is toeaUe.

toitb tbe feruatintejff to fe tbe cube*
* l£e toent a toapc once moie,$ piap* * Cbe cbiefe p^iefles anb Jiie €U
mat,w,< eD,faptug:flD mp father , pf tbps ctippe Ders,anballtbecouncell, fougbt falfe
can not paffe fro me, but that J Dipnae tottneffe agapnfte Jefus , foi to puree
of it 3 t^p topi be fulfplleD.ainD be came, bt to beatb, but fouDe none: Ju fo mucb
enbfouube tbem a flepeagapne. $01 tbat tobenmanpe falfe toitneffes came,
cbetr epes toece beupc. 2B11D be left tbem pet founbe tbep none. 3Dt tbe lade came
anb toent agapne, anD pxapcD $ tbpzoe ttoo falfe toitnetres, anD fapbe : cbps
tpme fapinge tbe fame toooxbes. Cben felotoefapbe:i<J can Deft tope tbe tem# mKmr
came be to bis Difciples anD fapbe bib pie of Sod, anD builoe it agapne tn.tii. io^ao.
to tbem: s ^lept bence fotf be anD take Dapes.lnD § cbtefe pucft arofes fapbe
pouce cede • cake bebe tfje boure is at tobtmrtnftoercfttbouuotbinge.'i^otoe
bauDe,anD tbe fonne of man tyalbc be* is it tbat tbefe bearetoptues agapnfte
ccapeD into tbe babes ot Miner's: » ttifc, tbe^jsut Jefus (jelbe bps peace ainD
Ictus be gopuge: tscboloc, be is at tbe cbiefe pzieft anftoereb, anb fapoe to
banoctfiat $al bettape me.* xobtlc be bpm: J*cbarge tl)tir\ tbe name of § ly. lateae.
tSttS't* P
et fP afee: &o, Jubas one of tbe.jtii. upuge ©Ob, tbat tbou ttll bs, toWW
' '
came,auD toptb bpm a great multttube tbou be Cbzift t\^t fonne of csod. Jefus
- toitb ftoeatbes anD llaues, fct from tbe fapDetobpm: Cbou bade fapbe. ^e?
^ cbtefe ^iteftes auDClDecs oftbepco* uettbelelTe J fapebntopou,*be«af!»nM?.t««.»
pie. 3inD ijc tbat bettapeb bpm, baD ge* terOjallpe fee tfje fonne of man fitting *«*«»«»
ucn tbem a tofcen,fapiuge : tobofocue on tbe tpgbt banbe of p otoe t,anb tome
31 fcp(Tc,tbat fame is be,lape banbes on ultbeclouDesoftftefkpe.
bpm^ib forth, toptb all be came to Je> * %\tm t\)t bpc PJieft refit bis do*
fus,anb fapbe, baple maidet: anD ftpf? tftes faping:bebatb blafpbemeb:tobat
CeD bP«i* 3lnD jefus Ca?Dc bnto bpm: uebetoeofanpe moo toptnefitesv rs>u<$
f rcnbe,toberfoze arte tbou come* cb t bolb noto pe banc bearb bis blafpbemp
came tbep anD lapeD fjanbes on Jefus tobat tbpneae ve.-* cbep anftoereb anD
anb tofee bpm* fapDe: i^eistoojt^etoDpe** cben
HnD bebolD, one of tbem tobtcb toe re fpat tbep in bps face anb buff etebbpm c ffl ^«
toptb 3fefus , rtrctcbcb oure bps banbe toitb fides* 3fnb otbet fmote bpm toitf)
anD Dtetoe bps ftoerbe, anD ftc oke a fer* tbe palme of tbetr banbes on tbe face,
uauut of tbe bie pifed,anD fmote of bis fapinge: tel bs tbou Cbipft, tof>dbe is
care. ^bcu fapbe Jefus bnto bpm:put tbat fmote tyt*
top tb»> ftoearbe into bis Ojeatbe^ifot ^eter fat toitb out in tbe palace .3nD
au tbat lai'c banbe on tbe ftoctDe, 0)all a Damfel came to him, fapinge: .Cbott
IJSS pertaje toitb tbe ftoearbe . Cither tbpn* alfotoade toitb Jefus of ©alile: rsirt
«t««jt,b fcert tbou tbat
J cannot notoe piapcto be Denpeb befoie tbem alfaping: J toofi
mp father , auDbcftjall geueme moo not tobat tbou faped* Mm
be toas.

tef*£,#fa|>eto ifolwfc
gone out into tbe po;cf?c,atiot^cc toen? mapbcuoutc)aiibtbc aeaHietstoeabL', notable
cfjefatDc bpm, atio fapoe unto tbcm to tcno tbc temptacious.
tbat tocrctbcrc.Cfnsf dome tons alio fecn, anb anotbec ment . jf oi in bpbontg t\)l Uepe s>«f pe
toitb3lerusof$ajaretb*asnoagapne bcabmontOietbtbat ittecte moo;c ntbcfull fo; b^ccfouft
beocupcotoitb an ottic tfiat be feneioc ri)cmfofl)iftcfoi tbcm films cotifibuugc borne 2Co lape
ingbbemasatUatibctbatbabbcttapcbbpin. banbeoti
tbc man 3110 a tut a urn tic came unto
bi^elapctb baubeoutbe rtocatbe.tbat bepugea $ fhjctftev
Gprntbcptbatftooebp anDfapDc Unto m
pnuatc petfoiutop! tabe banbe to teue^e toitfr
m«f,it««.g |detec:*fuerlpetbou acre (tun one of tbe tociD,i*oit r anp latoe ox coitfcut of p couutte

lluk.itu.f to bcatcbpm(pea,o;catbetto conftcapnebpm^

3of)n.iS,c tbem, fottbpfpeacbc betojapetbtbee* alfutbeace tbicatencoto pcttfb tottb t ftoctbe.
Cben began be to ruric ano to ftoeare, i.tecccatettootbtuges to bcnoteb.jfpjtte borne bcfojcfbe
tbat be fcneto not tl)e man.* aino tinmen able isctec teas to firffpilbts manfull pzompfe. Cocbe
tobtcbtoas tbatfbougb UcDDoulbcbpctoCbiift, uotoc
dtatlpe tfjc coefce crcluc » Hud ^ettt re*
pet moufbcbcnot beupe l)im . 2Ct)c otbcc.botoc
membuo tbc toooioes of J el'u, tobpebe impoOtble it is tbat tbe toozbe of *5ob u)oulb not
fapo Onto bpm: * before § cocbe crotoej be routibc ttuc anb fulfplleb.
fljalte Deiive me tbjt pfc:aun tocnt out at O-iCbe.jcicbttCbapfer.
tbe Oojes ano toept bpttttlpt*
Cbtifl t'sbclpuci-cbbnto }9plate,3lubag l)m<!ttt)
bimfclfcXb»ftctsccucif;eb amonge tbcucsbc
15000 goobhwcUc sut!) at tl;cpapi(!f 9 butlb hictD anb isbuctco.matcbmcii hepe tbegtauc.
a.lTln's i

tuowfee* al rbcpompc ano uiaQ of tl)Cic temples; j©cti tbe mo^npng uias come, 20
counting tr fo bcttcc bedotoeb, tbcn upon p" poje.
Jt5uffartoto*~.;Jro:£ljitap;taiCcfcttnotfozagcoo at tl)t cbtefeplates ano tbe
bene , tit tbat tbc twinge tobube mpgbf c i)aue JCloecs of tt)i people, bctoe a
benegeuCutotbepooiCtx>a6toaiKb:but becaure _*comiceU agapnft Jefus , to w*\.(t.a
it mas bcQoiacb upon bpm wu o( as tijeu aoobe>
itEbeoftt tfextbebapeof bisbuualroasat Dane put bpm to ocatbe ano o^ougbte bpm i£tS£

to&eu bcftouibCticbcfuri) eritrmciitcs tobc bus bounoeano^oelpuereob^m onto po* , h

tpebaccoibtngeto pmaucrof Ijctocsbunpng.
ctus opiate tbeoebtte* mSSjfti
SEbCbapc b»3! eroousOMltctbou fpiiDC
offtocre tl)C uQbzeof tbcrebapcstobcfcucn. 3notl)Cp arc Cben toben 3 uoastobiebe bettap*
time, callcb tbc oaves of f lretc lucaoe, becaure tbc 3|c- eO btm,ratoe tbat be teas conoempneo,
tocsmfgbt not in tijore bares eatc anpc Icucnco
be tepeteO bim fdfe, $ bjougbt agapne
3!nti)Cfcfetoetooibcg!^ctl)al tbcfcn-
t&tstsmt bicaoc. c.
tbe»]t)C]c platcjs offpluet to tbe cbiefc
tcouccfpe tbat bat be bene $ ts aboute t be bclcue
of t b e <g> actamente of Cbufl cs bobp c a no bloubc: piteftes 9 eloets,raping:3] baue rtnneD
£ome men rape tbat toben befpahc tbofetoojs bettaptnge tbe tnnocente blouoe. 3Cno
bestbc popurco to bps otone to bo (bulb tooiirberpeabcouetbpugc, anbpoputau
tbep fapo:tobat ts^ to 0$^^ee tbou to
mbcr.tbat none mpgbtlmbcrttabc bis meaning, tbat^no be caft ootone tbefpluctpla< r.,«8,.-r.i»

butfucbeasifatoe bimonctpe. £>ftbcfemcn3i tes in tbe temple ano oepatteo,*ano * ,u w**«

tooulbc arttc to tobat be poputcb , toben berapbe
toent ano a boungc bim f elfe.
ibis ts mp bloube. $c. 3not get foitc f ape, tbat bp
tbc toectuc of tl)Of e tooc;aes,bc turnco f tic bicatic 30no tbe cbtefe pueftes tofce $ fpluec
Into btsbccp natural bebye cucn fubaanciallp $ plates ano fapoeitt is not lauful to: to
reallpe . £>f tgcfc men 3| tooulDc tutowc mbetbcc
put tbem into tbe tteafucp, becanfe it
1} is bobp toctc f ben coirupnbic onto t Zbc tbu be

rmtfbcrCbcto;)tcbrarc,f!)atbC!ititi)ctpopitteD i$ o t\)i ptpce of blouoc.3KuD tl;et> tooUe

fobtsomucbobpc , not pet tutncb tbcbicaoc in- councel,9 bought tuttb tbem a potters
to bpsbobpe: but fpabc of tbe bxcabccallpngcif
feloe to burp ftraungers in « arxberf oze
tnsboop in rigmficat tbougbebcmouloc
Ijaucrapcbtbpsbieabc betnge bxoRCit .bcupocb tbat feloe is
calico v> felo of blouoe, bn
ambgcpou.aub eaten of poutftgntfictb bnto pou til tbis cap. -Cbc toas fulftlleo,p tuft ict)
mpbobp,tob«cbetbalbCb;oMfoxpou.irbefcmg toas fpo&e bp3!etemp f pjopbet fapfg:
b^bis offence is fpobeoafoie in p\rb.cbaptcc.e *^ tbeptobc.jcjcr fpluer plates, § pjtce q p

vMtotce c.nrbtafoulctstberatnbcoibeact.jfoirotttoafl ofbimftoasbalueotobo tbepbougbt'

*befoulc. tbemanfcoftoc^cbxues tofpeabe astt appear of f cfiilDze of 3irtacl,9 tbep gatte tbem
2T&erpitt cctbtii tbe ^falmcs abounbauntlp.f. 2Tbeocca<
Ispiompt f ion tbat ouc &autoucc bao to fpcaUe tbcfc tooz (ox § potters feloe,as f jLoid c appopn^
£tepc bcstobpsbtfciplcs .brclacctb tbat tbis fpttitc
D&efoitb tobtcbcbefapetbtgreabpe, isnottbcrpinrcof
teo me»*3pefus ftooe before tbe oebpte: ^
ano#oebtteajreObimfaping:art tbou ^.wtb,*.
mmiCtobicb #au!ccallctb tbciutoacbemau)but *"•"
tbccuclirpicircfbatfcmprctb man. 5l=oi toben be tbe kpuge of tbe Vetoes : Jefus fapoe
tab crboirco tbcmto toatcbe anbtopiapc: ©c Unto bim : Cbou fapefhcHno toben be
Cbcmeb tbcm tbc caufc mbp.Eea tbcp Cbouloc be teas acctifco of tbe cbtefe pticftes <ttU
temptcb. ano tbcntobcclarr tbc nebc tbepbab
fo to tcllctb tbcm tbat p* fpititc tstcabp($
Ocrs,be anftoereo notbvnge, Cbe fapo
as jeetei; fapctb goctt; about fcitmge tobomc be ptlatc bnto btm:bcar eft tbou not,boto

H£\)t <§ofpell
waiipe ranges tr)ep tope agapnft the^ came out,tr)ep fouDe a mart of CN
#% ««,r*<Tno he anftoctcD hi to neuet a tooiDe:
. ren,namco *3>tmon:bim thep compelleo

info mucf; p p D eb t te ma rueicD greatly to beare fns ccoffe * auiD tofjeu tljep
j ^h*
*aittbat feaft, theDcbite mas tooute came to£ place,calleD (Kolgotba ( that
to oeiiuct onto the people a pztf onnet, is to fape,a place of DeeD mens fculles)
tobom thep toouioc Defpzc . i^ebnD then thep gaue htm bineger to Duncke nuns
a notable pitfoner, caileo satabas. glcbimtbgall^nDtobcnbcbaDtaftcD
3inD tube thep tocce gatbeteD together, t&erof,be uioulDc not Dtpnke.

Aartb a
|&ilatefapDebnto them:* together topi *)cobentr)ep hao crucifieD bpm,tf)ep S5n.Sc
joW^s pe £ 3I geue lof e onto pou 3 satabas o; parteb ftps garmentes > $ opo cade lot*
Ifefus tohtch is calico cbufte * jfoi he tes:to fulfill that toas fpoken bp f pzo*
fenetoetoell,tbatfozenupetrjepbao oe?
Ip ucccd bpim
pbet»*cbepDeuiDeDmp garmentes a/ aUt( „
monge them : auo opo mp beftu t e Dpo
««»,.«! c
SObe he toas fet d o tine to geue i ud gc* ca ft lottes . ai no tijep rate aim toa tch cd
ment bp# topfe fent onto hpnt fapingc: hi tbete.38tiD thep fet op otict bps beao
banc p nothpnge to Do totth $ tuft ma. the caufe of bis Death tnif ttcn. Cnts is
tfoi hane f uffeco inanf thpnges this Jfefus the fepnge of the Vetoes * 3nD
J 522'?/
Dap in a Dieame about bi.*23ut$cbefe there toere tioo theues crucifieD toptfj esat'uii.i
pttcftes ? £ eloecs haD pecruaoeo § peo* bpm,one on the cpgbt babe anD another
pie, that thep (boulbeafkesacabas, ontbelvfte.
ins* r »
anD ^
otll0e beftcope ijefus* * Chen *Cbep £ paffeD bp,teutleD r)f m toag* SfJtb rt ,
the oebpte anftoeteD 3 fapo onto them: gpnge their beabes 9 fapinge: cbou # ukMii*
tohethcr of the ttoapne topll pe that bcfttopcft the t {pie of ©od $bplDcft it
acts.«(,.b ^t loofe onto potif*anb thep fapD:jsa< intfneoapesjaue tbp felfe * 3 f thou
ra{)agt ^ 0j,jatefapD bnto them: tobat be the fone of <I5od ,comeootoneftom f
mp '

fballj Do then ii» Refits tobpebe is cal< crotTc. like totfe alf p hpe pzicftj moc*
leo CbztuVCbep a( fapD to hiimlet him kim* bim,toitb the Scribes anD elbers
bectucpfieD* Chen fapbe theDcbite: fapDe: (§e faueb other , hpm felfe he
tobat eucl bathe be Doncr-SInD thep ericD can not fane. Jjf be be the kpugeof Jf*
Che moic fapinge: let hpm be crucifieD* r ad :ict him notoe come Dotone from the
3COheu opiate fa toe that be pjeuapleo cro(re,8toetopllbeleue hpm»*^etru<„ f .
nothpnge, butpmooie bufpnes toas ftcDtn<i$oD, let htm Dtlt iter him notoe, ^»u" :l

inaoe, he toke toa te 1 9 toa$co his nam pf he topll baue him: f oi he r apoe, |[ am
Des before the people fapiiige:j am im thefonneofvsoo* Chat fame alfothe
nocentof^bloubeofthiS^iuftperfoue, theues tobicbe toere crucifieD toit^ him
hts muse ano § pe u>al fee. cheu auftocrcD al the caft in hps tethe*
people5fapbe:^is*blouDebeonbsj *fcom$ftjct houre toas there t
luSc. ooourchplDtc.* ChenletheSarabasf kenesotieral the laube onto the npntf) au&.w««,r
svcusVo loofe onto them,9 fcourgeo 3 cfus,anD hourc, ;tino abottte the ninth houre J t> t

Sift oeliuereb him to be crucifpeo. fus crpeD topth a louoe bopce,faptnge: f

apij.^.0. ^c Chen p foulDiers of the Debute tokc <gli €ti lama afbatbani « Chat is to
£P.r,tt>.t>3icfii8bijro thecomonhall^gathereD fap.^^p^ob^npdDOD, tobp haft thou
aouji w. «tonto hpm all the companpe • 3inD thev fojifakf me«»£>ome of thS
t ftooe there, SSKJ-
(Irippeb tj i'n? auo put on hpm a purple tohen thep hearoe that,fapbe: this man '

toob,anb platteD a crototie of thomes calleth toi «^cipas. 3Bno ftrapght toape
anb put Opa his heab.anb a reeb in his *oneofthemtanne,3tookeafponge$
righthJnt):? botoeD their knees befoze fplleDitfttllof OinegcranDiput it on a j'jS'Jl'e
bun ci mockcb him,faptnge:haple kpng reeb,$ gaue hi to Dirncke. ^)ther fapD,
ofthe^etoes: anDfptttebbponhpm, let be:letosfetohether^£lias toil come
ano toke the i&eeDe anD fm ore hpm on anD Deliuer hi m«jef us crieD agapne tf
the heaoe. a iouDe bopce ^pelDeD bp the ghooft*

^ 3(nD tohen thep hao mockeDhPm, 36nDbeholDe ,the*baple off temple
thep toke the coobe of hpm agapne,anD DpD rente in ttoapnefcof top tothebot* iunmit
puthPSOto;)erapmmtonhpm,anDleD tome,^ the earth DpD quake , 9 # (tones
IK'i&pm atoape to ctucpfpe htm * M*
as DpD rent^graue^ DpD open^f bootes:

$tatl)cto. rffolOT
of manp fapnctes tobtfbe Oept , atofc^ CCbc*trt)«f.Cr)apter. *
came outc of p grants after r) is rem e* "Z fie rcfuctf cetott af CbuQe.f fiie pjtcftcsgtuc |
foulotas large moucpc.toi'ap-'tfiatCljiiCetoaa
rectio,3 came 1 m
£ hoi p cute $ a p pe* ,
CoKitoureofbps graucCbiific appeateb to tjti
ceo bnro manp*%iocr)c f> rcruuo 3 tfjer ot fct pic s 9 fcnbctfi tycm foitl) topicacbea-io to
that toeretotU) liuti tuatcUiuge 3 tins, bapnre.
f n toe § quake s tfjotc thing J tobt*
cater) ^c «*^>abbotr; Dap at tfje
cljt happened thep fca re D gteatlp,fap< eutntobtcboaunetbpmo* »ww,»«.*
in 3: of a fucrtp (Ins to as § fon of ©od* totoeaftec tbe 5feabbot^
^»w » a»

*2BnD manp tocnicn tocrc there, bcbol^ |^acp a&agDalcnc $^o^

fWar.tto *
Ding nun a facce of, tobicb folotoeD J e> tbct^atp cametofeetOe
f us fro <Balile,minift rpnge tonto bpm* fepulcbze. 3EUD bd?oloe,tberc urns a
2>mongc tobicb toas^acp^agoaleu, great caitb quake. f oz tr)e angel of tbe
ano <ft£arp p mother James $ Jofes,$ iozoc DcfceDeDccd'beauen:^ came anD
the motbec of Zcbco<; cliiIDz^ +* *X>hc rouleD backe t be Hone fed the Doze, anD
the eucn urns come , there eame a rpebe fat Dpon it.§i$ countcnaunce toas like
manofapcamatnianamcDJoiep^tof)^ Ip ghtupiige , 9 bis capmente toliw as
cbe man alio toasjlcfus cilcrple ije fnotoc. anD fozfcareofbpmtbe (upas
toent to opiate ano beggeo tf)e boOpe toete aftonpeD, 9 became as DeeD mem
of JefujS . Cncn pplatc commaunoeo * VH)t angel anftoeteD 5 iapoe to tr)e SBfSS
the boDpc to be oclpuc tcD.3fuo Jofepfi toomen, fearc pe not.J bnotoe f> pe fcke
rake the boDpe,? toznppcD tin a cleaue 3tfus tobtcbe toas crucificD:^eis not
lmneu clothe ano putte it
, t» bps netoe b tjcte: he is rpfe ajs fjc fapD»C omc,anD
tombe, be liao hetoen oute,euert
toi)tc()c fee the place tobcrc the tLozoc toas put: 3
tiHberocke,$toIleDngtcafc none to anD goe qutckclpe a tell ??p<s Dircipleja;
the Dote of p f cpulchzc ft DepacteD . Sflno that he ifl! eifen fca Death. 4nD behoIDe,
>»t>?rt>. 6 there toas* iUfmtp sJipagDalene&tbeo* he tovll go befozc pou into c5a!tle,tbere
thec iHftatp Oh tinge ouec agapnftf fe* pen)a»(ehpmXo,3ihauetolDepoiu h „,«.**(,»;
pulcbze.Cbe nc ttflapt § folototo p Dap 44* 3!nD thep Depatf eD quickefp fcom iLufct.:*, t.

of pzeparpnge # £>abotb tin bpc pzie* the fcpulcbjc toith fearc .j gecate tope:^
lies * pbacties gate rfje felues to ^p> DpD tiitnie to bziug his Difctples too2D«
late 9 fapDe: jfepz,toe remembzej tups 30nD as thep toent to tell bis Difcipics:
Difceaucr fapDe tobile be teas ptt aliue. bebolDe, jjeius met them faptugc : ail
imA.tMt. c
* lifter thzc Dares 3 topit rpre agapne. bapic. -tuo thep came a hclo him bp the
am j ton, ComaunDe the t cfo;c p ttjc fepulchze be fetc ?itoozajpppcDhim.i;f!enrarD3Jc«
s a
ftatkjcttit. f
maDe Cure Dncpiltfye thpiDc oape , lefts fits Ditto themrbc not af capDe, (50 5 tel
pctabuenture b»S Difctples come, anD mp bzethzen } § thep go into csaliIe,anD
ftealchpm atoape* rape unto tbe peo= tbctetyail thep fee me» nxtytnt\)tptottt <£
ple,be is nfen from Death,* the laft tu gone:beholDe, fome of the kepecs came
courebe toozflTc then the fpzfte.j&plate into tbecttte, ^OjctocD bntopbitpuc^
fapoe Dnto tljem.'Caft t toat cb men : <Bo ties, all the thpnges f_ lucre happeneD*
anD make it as f tue as pe ca u »ain d tbep 36nDthep gatherco the together lb the
toent anD maoe the rcpulcbzc fuce ujttb elDets, v toke con uccl3 gaue large mo*
toatcfjmcn.anD fcaleo tr>c (lone. tup Dnto the foulDicrs.fapmge : ^>ape
that his Difcipics came bPnpght,anD
dole hpm atoape tob tic pe Oepte. jiid pf
fdfk a-JTnstcpaitauitccof ^uDflstoaegreate.fonf this come to the rulars eares,toetopU
* * caur/cDbtmfobanjebtmfeife.bur tttoastiot ac* peafehim,6(rauepou harmeleife jiuD
ceptcb ,becaufc tt I at ftco fap tb m
Cfu ift ,to(jp t b c
tooke the monep ano DpD as thep
t&oulb fiauc raufCD btnt to ficpcfoi rcinitTioa ano thep
rt*" parte
foijeueiitsof lusfaultc. toete taught* %nu thps fapmge is nop*
rtblonue b.3 toottcctful! matter. £be outtoatbc obfers fiD amouge § Jetoes buto thps Dap. i*
uactonof p" latocfatcfo btgblpc tutficirronrn;
etttcs.tbat tbep toon !o t not put toe raoitcp p tfiep +
Chen tbc.i't.Dtfcipics toet atoape
bat) bfeeeb trap tour to ttfiall into tfie treat" us
f fit ,
tnto Baltic, mto a moiitapnc tohece 3Jc* 53
tpe.Sut tfic piocurtngc of rfic initocentcs ttm\), fus haDappopnteD the. SnD toheu thep
rroab!ct)ft)C(nnofara![. £.ctcucrptmiiireuct)t
out fits otouc confc t rn cc ano re to fietficr tficrc be
fame bun thep toozrjhtppcD him . But

not maup IpBc affect toustr' rhtfeour bapes, fome of the oouteD. 3lno icl'us came 9

fpnkc bhto tfjem fapf ngc: all potocr is
geucn buto inc in bcaucn,anD tu catt b.
*<I5oc tbctfcje auo tcacbe all nations,
€%\)t <§ofpel of
baptifpnge tlie in $ name of $ father, &
30 ^
*be fonnc^ tfic bolye golt : Ceacbtnge 03°(£f)e«f*Cljapter» * .

tbe to obrectic all tfnngcs , tofjatfocuec 3rbcofRteof3Bob3©apttft.#bapnrmeofCbHtt,

bis faumg.bts tbccallmg of peter,
j comauDeD pou»3fluD lo, c* 3 am toitb auoxctoc^atnes aubjflobu.CbuO bcalctb?man
pou altoape , cucn bntpll tfjc enbe of tbe tottb tbcttitclcaucfptctt.beipctb petccsmotber
toojlbe, h (it latoe.attbcleufetb tbefi-cpec

lEbc/jotes. §e begrmumgc of
£abbot& a.&ecCttotetbafOe3|eit>cs dabotbtoasp" nap t!)Cd5ofpcllof Ja
toOtciK t»c cal c idcccucu , auo our goon fctoape lu Cbjtttc, § Tonne
tans tocoapcof picpactugc auo t ik bap afrcc p*
of(fi5©B,a6tt is
1**4* ,£abbotb teas one catlecoape.
©ct5uor b. >rtii9 ts fpo&ett of tits bonttp piercitee.;Jfo;tfits touttcuintf?epioi
***** fceuinf, rbcccbccrb 9 pbete8.*©cbolbe, m}ltUU
al piaces . ( J3ut as 3> . auauQiiic an tucOctb
3f (ciiDe mp mtKh m^u.a
3!»pcptft ijisboDpisinfomcoitcpIdfCof oeauc.c. Xbisbc;
lero 2>ac uijcvotrt) b9 isuous roc papules bauefaps
j'gec before tbpface, n****
tattus. neb, m
rue faci-amcut of toe aultarc , but bp tbe tobicbe (ball pupate tfjp toare bcfoic
1 *m\i «(no«»«of btsrptcite.euenJsberapDe.MDbece the .%f}t b n
c of a crpec in toe toiloet*
F«» tujo oifDif ace gatbeeeo tojerijcc name, mmp
fbece am 3| in the mtooctt of r J; ci n.
nciTe:*piepatepetbetoapoft9e)Lope: «f«pe*i
S^afte big patljes ftcapgbte*
{[^etcenbetb thc^ofpellog *31onn opo baptife tn tbe mtlDetties, ^?: ;*- ?

auo picacb v baptifme of t tepentauce: t*«j .«

foj tbe temiltton of fpnnes 3lnD all tbe
^ u ^^-«*
lanbe of 3}eto:pe anb cpep ofjctucalf,
g^ologetjpon toft out buto btm, 9 toece al baptifeb of
qim in tlje tpuet of Joioan.confepruige
tl)c d5ofpen of 5>^acfte* tbep.ifpnnes.

5f dQarlte tcaoe( 3etes.rft.) dotbcD toltb camelles

*3Jofjn foas ffl h ,

botoc isctcc ( af tec be teas los beet^toltbagp^Dleofarbinaboutbis ^

feb out of pxifon bp tDc angel) loincjS.3nD be otD eate locttftes $ totloc
motocts boufc,
tobetcmaitpc of rbc bpfcipfcs
qonpe rt picatbeD faptnge a ftrongec
, : 23
Et&ccepiapingcfct btsbclpuc= tberi Jcdmetn after me, umofefjjoclat*
5 raunce . flub pau'eattb 15 a c= cbet 31am not toounpe to (loupe Donne
Lnabas toobe bun to tb ti)i fed 1
ano bnlofe J fjaue baptifeb pou toitb
3|erufaIem,anbbxougbtbtin to auttocbe.actcs,
frii.aiibactcg.riit. £au!c aub ©ncuabas too he toater.-but be Ojal baptife pou toitb tbe
CB)athctoubtt)cmiurjenr!)cpiBCctifrrop:cac:): bolpe gbofte*
fcom to bom be alfo ocpactco , as it appeacetb tu
3Bnb it came to paffe in tfjofe Dapes, p
the fapDCcbap.fccructtcbfoliecufaUm agapne.
attbact.irb.idaukaubBacnabastoeceatbacu 3cf m
came fcome j^ajatetb, a citie of
auttcc about btm.idaulc not totllpttg to rafce bun (Sallies toas baptifeb of Jobn in "$aii
toitb rbem, because foirohc tftcm m tljcirfirft ban.3BnDas(oonea$ be bias come out
ioucucp Bottotrbftaurjingc pet tobfn |3aulc
. ,

toitij be fatcrb tit the fouctb chap, of tobfl
of tbe toatec: &;jobn*fatocbeauen op€,
anb tbe bolpe gooftbefccuDpnge bpon uik.i.c
tt ^^ ,

j&aulcairote&tfietbbotbetbat be toa9Bantcu bpmlpftea ©one. 3Dnb tbete camea 3<» l, • ,

^ • ,•

ba« fitters roimcant) alfo ijisfclotoc tooiftcc in

topee ftom beauen « Cbou act mp bere;imo.tni.}3au:e
tommauubert) STimotDc tobttngc cejarhctoitb fonne in tobom 3 oclv te.
tltm,a(rtcmuigc tbat be teas nebefulito *3DnbimmeDtatlpe tbe fptcfte l>tauf
ittiiuiocc to btm teas alfo ifc l&ct cc
btm into toplbetnes : fi be (pas tbete in ZSi'i
tobfubctoxorcbtsftcft fgptftle.atiD fofarathec
tbat peter caHctb btm bts f6ne.iE>becof pcre.of tbe toilberncs .rl.Daj'es , 9 toas te*pteb
tobombc leacucbbtscofpell. cuenoffbctoecpc of ^>atan,aub tuns tuttb toilbe beattes,
fipoQlcs.tottb to!)5 be bao bts continual cotiucr- aJnDtbcaungels mitudreb bntobrm.
racmn,atiba!foof raOatautDortticbistoiprrugc
it, and ftotoe tomtbpeof etcocnec
Iftecjobn bias tahe^^eOie came Uu
to ©alile , pzeaebpnge tbe <sofpelf of »»*.«* b
tbe Kpngbome of <Bob anb fapinge: J^L-i
31 31
(Cb e tpme is come anb tbe Kpngbome

£f*&$foi$e» #ol»ftt#»
of <SoD ts at Jjanoe, tepente anD beUue fpcfce of Dpuers bfftafes**anD becafte
tbe 0ofpfU * as be toalfcco Dp tfic Tea out manpe Dtupls , anD fuffceo not tbc featji.
of dE>alile,befatoc§>imou anoanbicto trucls to fptafce, became tljcp Biwtoc
Ins bzothcr,cauTng nettes into the Tea, m. »j»j

foj ttjgp toete f uijets *ano Jjefu* fapoe anD in # mojnpng oerp earlp , 3Ierus
unto tociii : folotoe roe , 9 j topll roaUe atoie $ tuent out ttuoa folptarp place,
JRj'K'b poufrfifljets of men,am> ttrapgbt toap, ano tf?cte pjapeo. ano &pmo anD tbep
tbep fojloac tijcit ncttcs',auD foiotocD tbat toete toitbbim foloiucoattctbim*
l)i. 3B»D tube be baD gone a Iptle further anD Uihcn tr)ep hao f otttiDe bpm , they
tbence,bcfatoe panics tbe fonneof Ze< fapD Onto bim:al men fenefoj the .anD
ueDe,fi Jol)ii bis bjotbet , eucn as tbep fjc fapDe Unto them: let Os goc into tbe
toete 111 the Ojpppe menopnge tbeit net* nert tonnes, tbatj mape puacbe tbete
tcB.anD anoiic be calico tbem. anD tbep alfo:fo? ttulp 3 came out loi that put;
icftc tbeit fatbet Zcbeoc in tbc fnpppe poie.ano be pua.lieo Hi tbeit ^iinau
bps bp:eo (ecuautues , ano tocnte gogeg,tbojotoe out all <ia>alile,ano cad
^tbepjuiape after bpm» thcDPitelgoute.
matiie,^ * 3lno tbep eutteD into Capernaum: *ano tbete caroe a leper to bim be< ;
2®at\) T, 9
*ok« .4.0
ano fttepgbt toape on tbc ^abotb Dap* feebpnge bpm ano BiieleD Dotone unto, SVi"
es, be etuteo in to t^t ^pnagoge anD bpm,anD fapDe to bpm £f tbou toplte, :

ww,?-t taugbUIno tbep metuelcD at bis leat tbou canft matte me cleane. anD 3|efus:
InpngetjFojbctaugbttbcm asonetbat bao companion on bpm, ano put forth.
tjaD potoet tb btm ,3 not as tbe (tribes* bps banoe, toucbeo bpm ano lapbe to ,

*anD tbete teas in tbetr <btnagoge bpm:3i toi l,be tbou cleane* ano affoone
a man OcjceD toitb an Dnclene fpttite, £ as be baD ipoBe\t mmeDiatlp § lepiofpc
cneD fa pi, igJ e t be,tobat baue toe to Do
i DepattcD f to bi $ be toas cltnt
. anD be
toitb tbe tbou Jefus of $ajatetb?*3(!tt cbatgeDbt,$ie^htatoapfoubt&$fapD
tbou cometoDeftropeosVj hnotoe tl)9 onto bpm:*£>ee£ lapnothpngetoanp &„,*&*
lubattbou atte 5 euentbatbolt>ofd5oD» man: ©nt get tbe bence,anDu>etoetbp
3lnD 3lefus tebURcD bpm fapinge:bolDe felfc to tbe pipeu\an0 offer fot tfjp ilen?

tbp peace ano come out of binnamD tbe fpnge, tbofe tt)pnge$ tobicbe Q^ofcs
ljnclene fpjtte tare bt,9 erieD %
a louoe comaunoeD,foj a teftimontall bnto tb?,
tjopce 9 came oute of bt. an* tbep toete JB ut be(aiToone as be teas Depatteojbe*
- al amarcD,in To mucb tbat tbep Demau* g'an to tell manptbpnges,? to publilbc
DcD one of anotbet amonge tbem felues t\)t Deoennf mucbe tbat Jefus couloe
faptnge: joobat tbinge is tbis^ c iocbat no mow openlpe entce into t\)t citie,but
itetoe Doctrine i0 tbis^iFot be commau^ toas toitbout in Defett places* anD tbep

Detbt foule fpirttcs toitb potoer, 9 tbep came tobpm from euerp quarter.
obepebpm. ano immeDiattpe bis fame
fp:cDabioaDc;tl)o:oU)e oute all a. ^obaptifttottH&oIpgolMsfotooz&etOat
it be re* 5J.or
tUpH^emtDatalpe, ^baprtCtnctu toatccoocrl) Suo«e.
gponbo^Derpngebn ©alile* riguific,tbattstopuc9C tijcCoulc tljojotofartl)
anDfoitbtoitb,as foonc as tbep tmtlnpiKsblouac.
toerecomeoutoftbe*^>inaaoae tbep t». ifiort)U)ptDaa«iirn5tbaf3ioi)n ratos£ clous ^eaugopj
be 9 open aub ti)C tjoljc gh oca bcrtcitbpng ttt ti)t
SSJSIf entreo in to tbe boufe of ^ptrion anD Ip'HCiiciTc of a ooue atto Co vcftptigc upon £b;tft,

anotetoe, toitti Janws anD 3obn anD pet is tl)tzt attotftcc rb nujc to be not cd in tins 02
^©imonsmotber U\ latoe lapefpetteof pcttpngc otttit tjeauCH. S !)at 19, tbat lie Dao maa
Cluiflc, ana
ntfcQ buottilf ogc of ttjci5oolicaD of
a fence anoanone tbep tolDe bpm of
todsfullp r ci tiaco, ha t it teas eucn be tbat toa 9

bet. anD be came ano toofee bet bp tt)e feutofiSob tobc t!)eramoutcofal tbatibouloe
banoe ano Ipfte ber Dp : ano tbe feuer belcuetnbpm.asitieinigjccljtcl.t.a
c.©ecemapfttbouprt;ccaueCclHtftiaiitcat)Cc)of ift^toe
f o^fokebet bp anD op : anD me mtni*
tobfltrptttttbepbetbatbe foroxeoffciiocbtottb bocttpue>
ttreD onto tbem . anD at eucn tobcu tbe tbcgoCpell.tallpnge itnetoc bocttmc^foiCotbe,
S>unne teas ootone tbep bjougbte to
, eucn of tbe Cptcttc of tauoxanuce , as tbep tocrc $
f tcttganc it tbat name.^Foi Ijab tbep bnotocn tbe
j3 bpm all tbat toete oireafr d , ano tbem fectptucesubep toouioc baue capbe, tots ts tbe
tbat toete poiTeiTeD toptb oeuplleg. anD Dot tctuc p toas Cpobcu of bp tbe jaxoputtcs tbete
all tbe citte gatbetco togetber at tbe matip UmtoicD peaces rence,
Dootc,aiiD bf bcaleo manpetbat toete «5* %1)Ui. Cbapter.
igfyt (^ofpell
©cj)M!crtj^emanoffl)cpairpc,taiiGti)iLcupf \ait\) publicans^ fpMttctS i ffKP fa'p&i vy
cuu0mec,carctbimti) opeiirnmccs,aub cjrtufctU
^ nt0 ^g oircipUS : botoe I? It, f be ca>
# tetbanDDjinfcetbtoitb publicans $ fin*
jftet Dape^ fje*£iUteD nW!5y a^en Jefu$f fjeacD #,be fapo ton
a fetoe s
*uUr,Y)i.T> into Capernaum agapne ,$ to tbetm+'Cbe bole bane no neDeoftbe s&aiw».%
it toasnopfcofbc toas ma la!"-*' e
pbificion,but tbe fpcbe.*3( came not to
ftouh.3no anone manpe ga* caU thl tpgbteous , but the fpnnecs to <.<&tao,t,t

tbere otoge(bct,tn fo mucfj p note tbete

teas no colonic to rcccaue tiicm,no, not + 3nD t ^ c o^fciplcg of 3foftn , ft toe '»«*<«,»
fo much as aboute £ bo.te.3lnb be pjca* |^^artfes dpd faft:<* tbetef oie came anD 4t,fc ,u,f

cbeD tbe toojo onto the, aino tfjete came ffl p De t,, lf0 ^, ,
Dntobjiti g bzougbt one ficU ot # palfp,
m ^p
D0 t f) c Difciples
f Jobn 9 of tbe abatifes fau\ano tb»
bojne of foure men . ^no becaufe ftjep Difctples fait not.^nD Jefus fapD bnto
couioenot come npe Unto bimfojtbe tbeuKCantbecbilozenofa tocDDpnge
pjeafe, tbep imcouereD tbe rofeoftbe faft.ujbiles^be btibgtomc istetbenn
boufe toberc be urns. 3(!nD lobe tbe? bab ^ 5 Ion e as tftC p hauc tb£ btpbgrome
bjo&eu it open , tbep let Donne tbe beeo uiiti) tbem , tbep can not fade * ©nt tbe
tobectn the fpc&e of tbe palfpelap.Wbe bapcstopUcome tobentbe b?pbgrome
3/efus faa>e tbeic raptb, be fapbe to t^t n)al be tanenftom tbe, 3 tbeu (bal tbep
iubc,\>,D. Cic&eoftbepa(fpe,*fonne tbp fpnnes fafte intboreoapes.
ate foigeuen tbe. #lfo no man foioetb a pece of nefoc 3a
# 3no tbtce toete certapne of tbe fctt> clothe Unto an oioe gatmente , fo: tben
bes fpttpnge tbete , ano reafonpnge in
tbeit bearteg:boto ooetb tlypn taotoe fo
talutb be atoap m mm
ptce ftom tin
lDe,<* fo is t&e tent tootfe.JIu lifcetoife,
blafpbeme^ wbo can foigeue fmnes, no man pouuetb ueto mm
into 0I0 M>
bnt(j3ooonetp^nDimineotatipetofien feisjjFoiifbeDoe.tbenetoe toinebzea*
3|efus pecceaueo in bP3 lpitite 5 ^ tbep ^ctb tbe beffels, 5 m mm
tunetb but,
lo teafoucD m
tbem relue& be fapo tint
to tbemtiubP tbwkt pe fucb* tfjpngejj
m neffels ace marteb
muft bepotozeo into netoe Ijeffcls.
in poute beattes^ scobetbet is it eafpec *3no it cbauncco that be mm
tofapetotbefpeke of tbe palfpe, tbj> totoetbecoinefelDesoutbesabbotbe^^^ .
fpnnes ate foigeuen tbe:oz to fap, atife oapa bis Difciples as tbep toetou tbeic ffiw i
ta&e b p tbp beeD,anD u>alcke r * cnat toape,began to plucke tbe eates of tbe
rn'«i.ft.i peunp l$noioe>}tbefonneofmanbatb come, aino tbe^bariftcsfapDe Dnto
potoetmeactbeto foigeue fpnnes
fpake Unto tbe fpefee of tbe palfpe : 3
M bim:2SeboID,tobpDotbcpon££>abotf>
oaves p tobtcbe is not lauftiU < aino be
<9<*fi.(t(i fapetmto tbee:*3Jcpfe anDtaUebptl)p 5 fapbetotbem:banepencuecteaDtobafi
bi *W> S et tm ftencc tlU0 tfiinc otone 5©auiD DPD.tobenbe bao neDe,ano teas
boufe.WiDbpano bp be atofe, tone Up anbongce^botbbe ano tbep tbatuiete
tbebeeD,anOtoentefoub befoie tbem toitbbnn.-*^otoebetocmintof bonfe
ell:3|it fo mucb tbat tfiep toete al ama m
tbe Dapes of 36biatbat tbe -f-Otwi.*
. of (Boo,
(eD,anD gloitfieo 50D fapf ng:toe mmt
bpe pzica , ano o)>D eatc tbe balotoeb lo*
fatoe it on tbps fafyion, ues, tobpebe is not laufull to eate , bat
mm,(%.*, *3BnD be loent agapnc bnto t^e fca,j foi tbe pzieftcs onelpe :anb gaue alft»
all tbe people tefoueo Unto bPm,ano totbetobtcbtoeteTiibPrnf^nDbefapti
be taugbte tbem. 3BnD as 3[ef us paKea to tbem : tlje ^abbotb toas mabe foj
bp,befauielLeuptbefotmeof^lpbcpfit Aman,aiiDiiotuia» foitbe ^>abbotb»
flttbeteceite of cuftomejatiD fapo bnto ^ijetroie tbe fotmeof man is jlojbee*
bim:foio toe me. 31. id be atofe ano f olo> uen of tlie ^abbotb Dape*
«n«Mr.& toeo bpm.*3Bno it came to paffe, as Jt> csbejaotcj.
fate at meate in bps boufe,mam»e
Sl?ciV f«s a.a8^o©ouincrapc. mauisuotrobounbefo
it publicancs'anD fpnncts fate at meate ^ c oatw«uc obrecuactou gftw £ab&ot&, mt ,

mia romi juub ano nis oticipieB. jroi rttcp cco«rti»ecactrw

. t):n»pe boc tUinscs fow

tberetteremanpe^foloujcDbvm.^nD bybcutobc&oitcastiKn.
tab? § fctibes ?i piiatifes s fatoe b( m eate ^ c^e .W.Cfjaptet, ^ j
, .

£f$,#tarkt; jfoLjcjcli,
€ ©c Ijclpctf) tge man to Wj f Dc D;pco fjano.cijo = of tbonoet 3no 3noz cio e, anb )&bf lip,
fctOOtaapuaies.'jcdCetOuur tftoucleanc fpiet,
toljici) tOcpijacifcs afcnbc unto rtjc octtpll.snje
anb!gattlemeto,anb^atbeto,^ cbo«
biofijtc ,f pflcc ano motljec of CUutt raas,ano James tbe tonne ot SUlpbep $
3 ftg^g^jftobeentteoagaynemtotbe 'CaDDeus,anb ^prnon of cane, ano
|?^^j|jipnagoge ^ tbere toas a man 3 % ubas 3lfcn ciotbjtobicbe Came alfo be^
*»a«i " a t$^oS
m) ,,aD a * to,DDuD
t!,m to ^ (rapeDbim.
*ute.*^yiJ2^oano.3!nD tfcp uoatcbcobun 3BnD tbep came onto fjou(e,ano tip
iofe,iubetberbe toouloe fjeale bpm on people aftemblcD togetfjet agapne,fo
the <babbotb Dap,rhat tbep mpgbte ac< gceatlp $ tbep bao not lafurc fo nuicbe
cure fj tm,3uO be fato liuto § ma tobicbe as to eate bzeaoe. a no tube n tbep tbat
bao tbe tutoozeo banoe:atpf c ano It aO e longeo onto bint beatDe of it,tbep toent
in tbe miooes. ano fj c fapo to tf?e:Vu!jc* out to boloe btm . f oz tbep tbougbte be
tbet is it la to t'ti 11 to do a gooo dccd e on bao bene befpoe b<m felfe. *3fno # fen* SSI53.
tbe rabbotb oaves , oz an eupll^ to Caue bes tobiebc came fed 3|er makm,f atoe:
Ipfe oz ftpli^jdnt tbep beloe tbeit peace* be batb Bel^ebub, ano bp tbe potoec of
ainobelofceorouD about ontbeanget* tbe cbiefe Deupl,caftetb out oeupis*3 no
Jp,moucnpng on tbe blpnones of tbcpz be calico tfjem Onto bim,ano (apo Onto
©ar.i:.&.t)ectes,sifatD to tbe man;* ftcetcb foztb tbeminftmilituoes*
tbpuebanoe.ainobe (ttetcbeo ttoute* l^oto can ^>atan ozpue out ^atanr- © ?
f oz if a t ealme be DettiDeD a gapnfte it ^
toboleastbc otbec {< felfe,tbat ccalme cannot enoure. £>i pf
ffiat*tf>. * 3no
^battles orpartco, ano
tbe a boufe be oeupoeo agapnft it felf, mat
dcepgbt toap gatbeceo a counfell, toitb ftoufe cannot continue : ^»o pf ^atan
tbe that belogcD to D}eroo,aga mft nun, make infuttection agapnftc bpm felfe
tbat tbep nugbt ocfttop bun. 3Bno Jt> ano be oeuiOeo,be cannot continue,but
fus auopoeo to bis Diicipies to tbe Tea* isatancnoe.^oman can cum into a
3Bno a great multitube f olotoeo bun f to (Iconge mannes boufe,ano take atoape
©a! ?t from 3 etozp,ano fto J etufale,
fie bis goooes , ejeeepte be fictt bpnoe tbat
anofco jDumea, $ftom beponoe Joi* fttooge man,ano tben fpople bis boufe.
fljjft».4.D Dane,* $ tbep tbat otociUD about cite taecelpe 3 fape onto pou,allfpnnes

ano £>toon,a gteat multttuOe;tt>bicbe (Dal be fozgeuen Onto mens cbi'.ozen, $
* toben tbep bao beatoc tobat t lunges be blafpbemp tobettoitb tbep blafpbeme* tJ
OtO.cameOntobim. ©tit be t * blalpbemetb ttje f?olp gefte, to\uju*.
23 3nD be comauoeo bis" Otfctples,tbat (bill ncuct bane fozgeucnes:but is in
a Ojtppe fljulo toaite on bint, becaufc. of oaungetofctetnalloauacpombccaufe
tbe people,left tbep D^ouiD tbzong bim. tbep fato,be bao an onclcttc (pztte.cbe
5foi be bab bealeo manpe ii\ To mucfje came bis motbet anO big bzetbzen,ano
tbat tbep pzeafeo iipo bun, foz to toned ftooe toitb oute,ano fent Onto bPtn,ano
bim/:S manpe as haoplaacs.sino tube* calico btm * 3Bno tbe people fat aboute
tbe Oncleane fpzttes fato a btm,tbep fel bim^ano fapo Onto btmtbeboio tbp mo>
Dotone befoze 6pm, ano crpeOjfapinge: tbet 5 tbp+bzetbzen fefee foz tbe tboute. BKS
ibouattethefonne of <£©*©. anb he 3Bno beanftocteo tbem,faptnge:tobo is iofc*«.
tttaptlp cbatgeo tfjem tbat tyoulo t^ mp motbet ano nip bzetbzen^aino be lo>
not Otter btm. fteo touO about on bis Oifcipies, tobicb
* 3lno be toent tp into a mountapne, fat in compafTe aboute bpm fapDe:be> ,

anb calleD onto b in tobom be uioulo,^
t boloe mp motbet ano mp bzetbzem if oj
tbep came Onto bun. ano be ozoepneo tobofoence ooctb tbe toyll of 000, be is
tbe.jcit* tbat tbep fljonlo be toitb
bpm,* mp bzo tbct,mp fv (l er ano motbet*
tbatbempgbtfenDtbemto pzeacb;anb 2Tt)e/ftotw.
tbat tbep mpgbtc bane potoet to beale «.!&ercatctl)cmcn poffcfltotettf) bnclcaite fpt- ©ncleane
titcs caltcotoiiclcaneCptutcs.^ox it incut imn fpttites
^ fpctmetres,* to call out Oeupls. 3flno be
^ gaue unto §>tfflon,to name ^etet.SInO rtjat fato Chuft.auoi til Ootouc bifojcljun. Catoe
be calleo^amesp tonne of Zebeoeano Ciltoe.iiii.Cbaptec*
3fobn,3amcs bzotliet , 3 gaue tbe so* jnjepatablcof tbcrotoct, £\)iia ftpllctb t\)t
natgj to name,tob«r> is to fap,$ fonneg tempeft of tt)C Cca.totJict) obep own,
3DP0.U 2HnO
Ct)t <§ofptll
0b he began agatne to teach the tboines 3 arefucbea« beare § toozb:
bp the fca f idc. <iinD there ga? ano £ care of this Uio2lbe,anbp mfcett*
tbctcbtogetherUntobtmucb f nines o f r ; cbeS anb tbe In tte s of other

_pcople,fo gt eat ip, tbat be en* tbinges,entte tn,anb cboofce tbe tooib,
m ij a ttebintoa u)ip,*anb fat in the fea,anb anbitismabe unfcutfull. ainbtbofe
all tbe people teas' bp tbe feafpbc on the that toere fotoen in gooogtounoe, are .

0)oje*3nD be taught tbepm manp tbpn* thep that hear e the toozbc anbreceaue
ges in f miilitub ts 9 fapD Unto tbem in
it,anb bzmgefoitbe frute, fonte tbirtie
I)tg ooctnne.^ctketi to.mcbolb, * tbcte folb,fonie fijmc folbe,fome an b uud jcd
to e iu out a fo toer to fotoe. 3Bnb it f oz t u> foIDC * mt*.*,
, . ,
neb as be fo toeo,tbat fome fel bp f toap * 2tnb be fapbe Unto tbcmuspcanblc im«.8.c
fib,$ tbe f oules of p apje came ? oeuou ligbteb,to be put bnbet a bultyeljOi bn
eeD « up. %ome fell on tbe ttonp grouo ber the tables not rather to be put ona af loc ^ .

tor/ere it baD not mucbe earth : $ bp ano notbpnge fo ioiw.8. ».

canbelftpcfe:'* jpo wz there is
anft,^• 8
bpfpjSgeUp.becaufe it bab not beeprb piieupjtOatu^all notbeopeneb:nepthee
of eactbibu t as foone as tbef mine teas f o fecrete, but tbat it u^all come a b job*

Up it caugbte beet c,ano becaure it bab 3If anp man baue eates to hca te,let him
norotpng,teptbetebatoape. beare * 3no he fapbe bnto tbepm : take
3BnD fome fell amonge tbetbomes, bebe tobaf pe beare* *Jtcptb tobat-mea>^«|.7^
fueepemete,toptb the fame Ojallitbe
anb tbe tljoines grcto bp aub cbobeo it,
fo that it gaue no f cute. 3«d fome fell meafureb bnto pott agapne* 3inb Unto
Upon gooD grouno,anb DpD pelbe f cute pou tbat beare,mall moje be geuen^oj 101ie (n
tbatrpionge anb gee toe, aim Uiougbte * bnt o him that hath , mall it be geuen: m^ u.b.
f oube : fometbittpe foloe, fome fprtpe anb from bun $ batb not,u)all be taaen
8 c Sf
folbe,anb fome an buubieb f olo.3(tiD be atoape,euen that be batb*
fapb unto tbe":be £ bath eates to heart, %nb he fapb: fo is the fepngbome of
d5ob euen as * pf a man ctjoulDe fotoe
^• t aU0 '
Ictbimbeate. h j

anbtobenbe teas alone, tbep that feebe in p grouno, anb l^ouio fltpe anb
toere about him toitb tbe. jcii. af deb bun rife bp night anb bap:aub p eeoc mulD i

of tbe f imllit ube.aino b« fapb Unto tbe* f pit net anb groto bp,he not toate. jfoi §
etthbipngetb fojtb frute of her felfe:
cccp of the fcpugoomeof <i50D*23utUuto ftrtt the blabe,then the eares,after tbat
tbem that are toitbout,fl)aii all tbmges ful come in the cares. anb a (Tone as tbe

23 be bone in fimilitubes: that

lutjt.i ibep frute i0 bzougb t e f ouh, anone be tfyu*
fe tbep fyall fcanb not Dif cc cue,* toben fte th in the f pcfccll , becaufe the harueft
«rai.6 t. tbep*beare,tbep tt)al beate^ not Unbec ts come.

f&W anbtbeitfpnuesmoulDbefojtgeuetbe\
ftanb:left at anp tpme tbep tyulb tutne, 3Bud be fapb: tobere bnto mall toe Ipp
bentbebpngbomof(i5ob:o; toitbtobat
«J2j!!i 3nD be fapbetmto tbe: perccaue pe not fompatifonO}all toe compare it/* jt gjJJ^
tbtsfimtlituberbotoe tbenfltjulbpe Un< is Ipke a grapne of multarbfecD,tohtcb
Dccttanbe all other fimilitubes* toheu it is fotoen in the cat tins the left
fo*t.n.u * Dbe fotoee fotoetb tbe bmzoe* 3Bnb of all feebes that be in the earth: but af*
tuiK.8.b. ter tbat it is foboen,it grotoetb bp,anb
tfj C p that ate bptbetoapesfpbe,tobere

tbeteotoe isfotoen,aretbep to tobome is gtcatelt of a I perbes:* bear eth great

affone as tbep baue bearoe it, &atan bzauuebes , f o p the foules of tbe apie
cometh immebiatlp , anb tafcetb a toape mat'btoel bnoec the Qabotoe of it*
the tooib p icas fotoen in tbetc bectes. *3fnb toitb manp fucbe fimilitubeis be n****
3Bnb li'ke uipfe tbep that ate f o toe on tbe pieacheb the tooibe Unto tbem,af ter as
ttonp gtounbe , ate tbep : tobicbe toben tbep mpghtbeate it. anb toithout UmU
the? baue beatb § tooib,atoncc teceaue lituDefpattebe notbpnge Unto them*
it toitb bane no tobtes in
glabnelTe, pet T&ut toben tbep toere a parr,be eicponni
tbem felues,$ fo enbute but a tmtemnb beballtbpngeiaitohis bpfcpples**38nb f^fi 1 *
anone as trouble anb perfection arty the fame bape toben euen toas come, '

fetbfojtbe tooibetf fade, tbep fallfm* be fapbe Unto tbepm :lette Us paflfcos
mtbiatlp^nb thep tfjat ate fotoe amog tier Unto the other fpbe*3lub thep lefte
'fiffrfltaffcte dFolwcfii
tbe pebple 3 anD toke bun eu^ as t)c urns' out of tb« man tbou foule Cpt ttc,3no b*
in tfjc u>ppe.2Bnb tbcr tocte air o toptb
c- af Hcd bun: tobat is tbp name/anb be an
bunotberfbpppcs. f toeteb,faping:mp name is JLegionJoj
3D #uo tberc arof e a gtcate ftorme of toe are manp. aim be pzaieo bim inftat*
iujMiDc,aiiD oafOjco luaucs into tbe
tl;e lp,tbat be tooulo not fenoe tbem atoape
u>p,io toat toas full. 3im fjc toas in
it outoftbecoumrcp.
t?> e (teme a ilep e on a pelo toe 3Bub tbep . 3Bnotber teas tbe«np« tint of mou^ 23
auio'ac bpm,anD fapbe to bun: smarter, fapnes^a great beetb of rtopne febtng, ffii%
caret! tbou not tbat iuc petite*' 3iim t>e ano al tbcbeutls befougbt bim,faping;
tofe up,c* rebuaeb p toirme^ fapb Unto [cud bs
into tbe beetb of ftolne,tbat toe
toe leaipcacc * be ft>»n * 3(ud tbe top tme map enter into tfjeimaFno anonc jefujS
elapeb,* tbete folotoeo a gtcate caltne. gaue tbem leaue. 3inb tbe imUcaue ipu
3!ud be fapoc Unto tbepnutobP ate pe (o rites toet out aim entteb into tbe f tome,
f tar t till r-it^o toe is it pe baue no f a tt [)t 3uD tbe beetb ftatteleb, $ ran beoliuge

3tno tbep feareb erccopngip,$faib one into tbe fea. cbep toere about ttoo.^*
toanotbcr:tobatfclotocistbis t jfo; f topncjauo t^ toere b^totoneb in § fea«

botb topnoc auo fea obep bun* %m tbe ftopue bectoj fteo auo tolo it in
tfjc cit ie,anb in tbe counttep. 3Bnb tbe?
»uto poa a,Q n f
p OU) fhanstontopoutobicbatctoirbout came oute f 01 to fe tobat bao bapneo:$
accepter* arc not cunoufc noi tcuO in aup ttniig
tbatpcctapnctb roma.isttjcuf of mp mctcpful came to J, ems, aim fa toe btm that toas •.

fatbec of bis mctcpfull goobiicsuo buotue p* mp- bcreb tottb tbe f cube anb bab ti)e%t%u
Ocrp(£is rbcfectctcjof tbt fcpugoomeof ffitoo, ou,fpr,boibc ciotbcb anb inbps rpgbte
tbat (s of tbe tobicb is taught p" binj?
Dome of iSoD.^DMcU is out tpgbteoufnes.pcacc
mpnD,ano toere afrap eb, 3no tbep tba*
and iopc iutbe t;olp gboil.TSut unto rue to&iebe fatoe it tolo tbem,boto tt bab bappeneo
atctoirbout.tlMt isuaro fucb ad be cimous.auo to bim tbat toas poffeffeb lb t^e beutll:
ttuttmoie in tt)epi otott tooiftcs tben in p" cigbtc
oufuca of c.biin rate all tbpnges rpobcu tu pacas
anb alfo of tbe f toine.* 3inb tbep bega to uokte. • j

ftles.HWsls.all tbat tbep hcacc is eueu as ob- piap btm,£ be tooulbe oeparte fro tfaw
fcuccanD iD<itbctotbcin:astt;ougbtUcptocccm cbaftes. h *3lnb tobe be toas come into &&.*. *
ocflU parables.
tbe fbip,be tbat bab f oeui!,p;ateb btm
b.Ciiuo bun tbat UatbS.ohc in <SBjatb.F»t- b»
tbat be mtgbt be tt bt.l&otobctt Jlefus
C©c Dcuuccctt; toe poOOTcB fcom ? unclcaiir
+ toouib not rufft c bt,but ram tnto btm:
fpi titc,tf)« tuoman fcom tbe bloirtp iCTue , anU go borne into tbpne otone boufe 9 to tbp
capfetb tbe Captapncsoougbtct. frenbes, aim H)ete;etbepm tobat greatc
srf|||0O tbep came*ouec to tbe o* tbpnges tbe Xojbe batb bone tnto tbe,
% lA&t the t (tbe of i f; c fea into p cou? aubbotoebebab compaffpon on tbee.
£patb %x •
&ube.8.N of tbe ©a tberenites. 3no
ere ano be Departeb a ano began to publifbf
be bias come out of (be
aibe n in tbe ten cptpcs,U)bat greate tbpnges
ftip,t be t e met bun out of tbe gtaues , a jefus bab bone Unto btm 3 ano all men
man an Uncleaue fptttte,
pofteffeb of Dpb mcrueple* -
tobicbbab bis abpbpng among §gta* ainb tobeu Jefus toag come ouet a«
ucs.3uo no man coulbe bptme btm:no
not $ tobc" fje bias
tottb cbeiiu:s,becauf c
gapne bp u)pp onto tljc otbet ibe,mucb

people gatbeteb to bf m,ano be toas npe j**

often bouiiD tu fetters anb cbepncs,be Unto tbe fea.* 3nb bebolbe , tbcte came iuiw.8.e
plucfeeb tbe cfjatnes a funoie^ bianc $ one of § tulets off ^pnagoge , toboft
fetters in peces^etbet couLdc a tip ma name toas ja tt us : arm toben be fatoe
tame btm . ano altoapes botbe npgbte bpm, be fell bo tone at bps feete, anb be*
ano bap be ccpeb tn tbe moutapnes ano fougbt btm gtcatlp s faping:mp bougb*
in tbe graucs, ano bet bim relfc to (lo« ter ipct b at popnt of beatb J tooib tboti
nes. iOQbenbebabfppebJcrusafatre toouibeft come anb laptbp bairn onber,
of,be ran ano * toozfbpppco bim^ crteb tbat £pe mi' gb t be fafe anb Ipue^nD be
wit R.t.. toitb a louoe bop ce , anb fapbe : * tobat toent tottb bim,anb mucbe people folo t
**• l6t -
naue 3 to bo tottb tbee |ef us tbe fonne toebbm^atm tijiougebbun.
of tbe moftbpeft <Sob^ J requite tbe in *3iub tberc toas acewapnetooman, ^
a t.(t.^
tbe name of <sob,tbat tbou toiment me tobicb bias bifeaf to e f an pffue of blob
not , i o.j Ik bao fapoe tonto fjumcome jctt.peares, 5 ^ao f uffteb man? tinges
© of
Cftt (Hofpell
a. Woxftpp bcce.te notto gcuc ouc tjoitout ?
If manp pbtficfotls,anb babfpentalli
tapnctl) tonto i5oti:butruclj teuetenceaspactcts
Q)c f?&D,miD tclr none amebement at al, netD toiito meu.aflbotopujj of lwwcs,o;mafepus
but toarco to o ilc atiD toozf e * flcbcn fbe
&ao bea toe of j|efus : Qje tame into ttjc |£ticne*t)tCl)aptet^
puacc bcbP'ifce bim,3 toucbcD big gar* £bxitt renbetb bt* apottris to beale tfyl $ toctc
nient. jf oj fl)e tbougbte: pfJ mape but btrcafea.Of 3Iobn ?of ©ctooe.fl>f tbcb . loues
ant>.ti.firtbC9,aitb of tbctoalbpitsou tbc tea.
toucb bis c lotfjw, 0)al be tobole^no
ttce^gbt teape net fountapne of btoube 0bbe*tiepatteDtbence,anD gj

teas bzpeb bp,anb flje felt in bee boop, came into bts oton couttep^ «w^«
aaw - WM*«
Cbatqje teasbcaleboftbe plage. bis bifciples folotoeb bt« 3Bnb
anojclustnuncotatlp felte mbptn Jttbentbe ^abbotbbap teas
fclfe,tb£ bettue tbat toent out of bpm,s
come,be bega to teacb in tbe fpnagoge,
tucneo bun toutiDc abonte in ppieace, 30nb manp tbat beatD btm toete aftonp*
atiD fapo:tobo toucbeo mp clotbesfHlnD eb,anb fapb:ftom tobence batb be tbefe
btSDtfcrples fai'oe bnto innufepft tbou tbpngc 0^ti ©bat toifbonie is tlw tbat
is geuenbntobim:^fucb bertues tbat
tbe people tbiufte tbe, 9 pet affteftjtobo
t>tD toucbe me.- ano be lofteb tounDe a?
are to^otigbte bp bps Oanbes*'* 3Js not &«.im.'
boute,foi to re bet tbat bab bone tbat tbts $ catpentec^aties fonnc,tbe bjto^
ibpnge* t;bc toomanfeateoanbtretm tqer of James anbjofes anb of 3110a,
bleb(f j Oje tine tu tobat bias Done toitb
anb&imom'$atenotbts fitters bete

in bet)anb fqe tame anb fell ootone be>

toitb bs^nb tbcp toere offenbeb bp \)'u
mat ,, ^
fate bun,anb tolbe bun tbe ttuetb of e*
36nb Jefusfapbbnto tbe;a*p;opbtte nan -,+ »
uetptbpng»3nDbefapoetobet:Douglp is not bifpifeb but tn bisf oton couttepj 3oun.»t
tet,*tnp fartb batb mabe tbe tobole:go
anb among big otone ftpnne , 9 amonge
tbe tbat are of tbe fame bouO)oIbe»3nb
in peace,a«o be tobole of tbp plage*
** *3tt>bilenepetrpafte,tbete came fro be coulbe tbere fl)etoe no mp jaclcs , but
lapo bts banbes bpon a f e to fpcfte folcft
tt&wi *&* tulec of tbe Anagoges boufe,cec>
tatne tobicb faftntbp oougbtet is Deab:
ano bealeo tbepm,anb be mat uepleb at
tobp Dpfearelt tbou tbe Rafter anpe tbepi bnbelefe, h
5B »«•»
fuctbecr3!iTotie as jfefus beatb £ toozD *3finb be toent aboutebptbetotones g*

fpoften,be fapo bnto tbe ruler of § £>?* tbat lap on euerp Cpbe,teacbtng^ 3»b ^at^^.c
nagogejbe not atcapeo,onelp beleue. be calico tbettoelue,anb began tofebe
SJiiDOefuffreb no man to foloteebpm tbetn ttoo ano ttoo,? gaue tljcpm potoer
oner bnclene fpittcs * 3nb comaunbeb

mote tben jaetet ano James ano John

*.,* (. t tbe biotbet of James. * aiubbecatne
bnto tbti r toinep, fatte a a tobbe onelp,
mou.8.8. bnto the bottle of tbe ruler of tbe£>p<$
nagogc,ano fatotbe toonbiing,$ tbetn neptbet fctippe,neptbet bzcao, neptber
, but tl)o uloe be
tbat toept 5 toadied gteatlp, ano toet in nionpe in tbeir pourfes
fl)ooD toitb ranbals.Hlnb $ fytp tyoulbe
ano fapbe bnto tbe:tobp mafce pe tbis a
Do,anD toepe.- cue mai ocn is not beab, not put on
ttoo coot t s* 3nb be fapb bn^
to tbcpm: tobcre fo euer pe enter into an
butnepetb. 3inD tbcp laugbtebtmto
botife,tbete abpbe tpll pe bepacte tb^cei
fcozne.Cbe be put tbe al out 9 *&* tbe matb t

father 9 tbe motbet of tbe mapben, ano

ainb tobo Co euer 0>alnot teceauepou, s^i». t^'.
not beare pou, toben pe beparte tbence,
tbat toete toitb bun, anb entreb tn
tobete tbe mapocii lapc,anbtofte § mau
fl)afteoftr)e biifle tbat is bnbrtpoure
fete,fo? a toptneffe bnto t^L* J fap be* JBftfS
Den bp tbe hanD,anD fato bnto bet:Ca*
relp bntopoUjitC^allbeeafier fo^Zo?
bitba^umittobtcbeis \)^ interpzetacp*
onnnat'ben J fap bnto tbe,arpfe 28nD bo anb <S5omoi at tbe bap of tuogemft,
Cttpgbt tbe mapben atofe,anb toent on tben f 01 tbat ct tie.Hno tbep toent out 9
pzeacbeD,§ tbep fr>ulo tepet:^ tfytp catt
Ijer fete, tfoityetoas off age of ttoelue
pcates^no tbcp toere aftonfeb at tt out out manp oenils. 3nb tbep attnopnteb
of meafute.atnb be cbatgeb tbefttattlp
manp f toere f icfte tb ople,^ bealeb tbi*
* $nbftpnge aerobe bearbe of bpm, m*.**
^ m ^ t

tbat no maniboulo ft no toe of tr^com*

(fo.t bis! name toas fpzeab abjtoabe)anb
tnaunoeb to geue bet meate*
JFbe^otee. fapoe; Jobn ©aptifte is tpfen agapne
ftornotatOjanDtbetefozc miracles are comets anb goets,tljattr)cp bab no lea?
tozougbt bp \)inu$)tt)ti lapb, it is tye* f uce 10 mucbe as to eatc Hud be toeute

^ lpas:auDfomefapD:ittsa pzoprjtteoj bp (i)pp cute of tt)i toape into a D;i ctte

^ one of tbe p»optj£teB.23ut toben ^croo place.zBut tbe people (ppeb tt>£intoben
beatDeofbiui,befapDc:ttis3jObiitob6 tbep DepartcD:anD manp Unetubini,anD
3JbebeaDeD,beisrplen ftom Dtattj a> tan a fore tbitber oute of all cpties.anb
gapne.^jFoz^ecoDe bun frlfc 5 bao fent cams tf>ttbct befoze tbe.ano came toge^
fozttj auooao fallen 3|oljii,auDboMiDe tbet btuobpm.* ainbjeius toent out 9

ijitn anD caft bun into pzpfon foz f^cto* fato mucl; people, s bab compaffpon on
bias faBe,tobtcb teas bis biotbet &\)i-> tbe,betaufe tbep toete+iike OJcpe tobtcb «*«-s«-«-
epbcrD* anb be began to teacb
"WppJ toife* jfoz be bab matieD bec.jobn bao no Uj
fapo * llt0 fynoM : * 3t is nor latofull tbemmanptbinges*
S?ff £ ®
to? tbe to baue top bzotbets mvfe . J£e* *2finDtobentbebape toasnotoe farce a
cobias lapo toapre foi btui,? toolD baue f pentjbJS Dtfctples came bnto fotm,lap* im^.Ua.
a^sin-ft* »•
fepileo bim,btitfoecbulDenot;jfoz i$e* mg;tb!S is a Defecte place,anD noto tt)e
tooe feaceDjobiijftnoming tbat lie toas Dap istarrc paffcbJet tbem Depart,tbat
a tuft man $ an bolr*3 gaue btm reue* tbep map go into tbe couticp touuDe a*
rence ; a«D toben be bearbe bpm,bebpD boutc anb into tbe totuncs, 9 bte tbcpm
manp tbpnges,anD bearbe bun glablp* bzcao:r'oz tbep bane uotbpng to eate.^e
I3ut toben a couenf ent oap toas come: anftotrtb anD fapD bnto tbem : geue pe
0cn.Fi.ft §ecooe on bis * bittb Dap maoe a f up* tbe to eat.3!nb tbep fapD bnto f)im:G)al
pec top lozbcSjcaptaius $ cbefe eltates toego ?i bpe.ii.Cjpenptooztb of bztab^
cf<©alilc.3nDtbeDougbtct of§fapoe geue tbe to eatc^c fapb bnto tbe";boui wn.*a.u
i^croDias came in anD Daunreo , 9 ptca> * manp loucs bane pe,go anD loUe^itiD
f cd aerobe anD tbem tbat fat at boutD tobeu tbep bao fearcbeb, tbep fapD fpue
alfo. cbentbe King iaiD bnto $ maiDe: anb .1 t.f ilQjes ainb be commauuDr D tbe
af fee of me tobat tbat t!)ou loplt, anD 31 tomalietbf allfptbotoue bp copanpegf
topi gene it tbe. #no be f toare bnto bet, bpon ^ greue gtaiTe^^nD tbep fat Dototi
tobatfoeuct tbou fljalte aflic of me 3d berearotoeano tl;erea totoe.bp bun*

topll geue it tbe , euen bnto tbe one bait DzeDJ anD bp fpfties.3nD be tofce ^ fpue
of mp upngbome anD fl)e toent foitb loucs anb tbe ttoo ftffljeg;^ IorcD bp to
•onDfapDetobet motber: tobat (ball j beauen , anb bleffvD anD bzafe c p louejS
afUe f ?flnD Q)t fapDe : lobnisaptiftes anD gaue tbem to bis Dpfciplcs to put
beaD. amb Q}c came m ft tepgbt toape \b befoze tbem;$ tbe ttoo fpffljes bebeup*
bafte bnto the lung, anD arucDjfaping: Deb among tbcpm all* Ino tbep all DpD
31 topllrtbat tbou geue me bp anD bp in eatc,anb tocte fattffpeb. MU tbep to&e
BacDacgcrtbebeabcof jobn aaptifte. bp ttocluc bafhetteaf ful of tbe gobettes
2HnD tbe kpnge toas foirttjoiuc be it,foz anb of § fpffyes, 3!ud ttjcp tbat ate toere
bis otbes ifabe,^ foz their fakes tobtebe about tpuetfjoufanDe men* f
fat at fuppet alfo,bc tooufbe not put bet *3tnb ftrepgbt toap be caufeD bis Dtf* s^atii.ij.t
befibe bee pnrpofe.ftno immcbiarlp tbe ctples to go into tbe typppe , anb to goe
bpnge Cent tbe baigman anD coinaun* oner tbe toatet befoze bnto ©etbrapoa,
fc cd bis beabe to be bzougftte tn.SCnb be tobtle be fent atoap tbe people.* 3lnb n$ seat.i «x
toent^bebeaDeo btm in tbe pzpfon,anb fonc as be bab fent tbcpm atnape,bc be? ^
bzought bis beabe in a charger, ? gaue pacteDtntoamoutapnetopzap»Hh2f»D
it to tbe mapDeu, ano tbe maPDen gaue toben tuca toas come,tbe Hjpppe mas in
it to bet motbct.attiD tube bis Difciplcs tnempbDesoftbefcaj-tbe alone on tbe#
beatoe of it, tbep came ano tofce bp bps lanoe,aiiD be iatoe tljcm troubleD in ro>
boDp,anDputttinatoumbe. j« topiig,foz tbe \apim toas contrary bu>
^notbeaipoltlcs gatljercb tbcmfel» totbcpm.3(;nD aboutetbefourtbquat*
wes togtt ber to ^efus,anD tolD bun all tec oc p mgbtjbc came bnto tbcm,iB3lc
tbpngcs,botb tobat tbep bab bone, anb ftpng bpon tbe fea,anb tooulD baue pat
tobat tbep bao taugbt.ano be fapD bn* feb bp tbe. iaobe tbep fato btm tealkpng
t0 ^em+come pc a part into tljetotlDet* bpotbefea,tbep(uppofeDitbaDbenea
3ounM.a «cs,9 reft a tobtle, jfoz tbere tocrc manp ' fpztt,^ crpeb out:foz tbep all fatoe btm,
3S3^D.iii» aiiD *
ant) lucre afrapeD.3flnb anone be talfccD oets,but eate buaD \b bntoaffyenban*
^ toitb tbe anD fapD bnto tbfcbc ofgooo Desr-j^e anftoercD anD faiD bnto tbcm:
»at.i4.8. cbete,it is j,bc not afeapeD * * anDbe toel^opbecteDCfaias of pouppoctp*
tocnt bp bnto tgem into tbc fyippe anD
topnDe ceafeo.auo tbep lucre i 02 c a<
tes,as tt is tuzpttcn:* €bts people
nouretb me toitb tbeir IpppeSjbut tbeir
W «ra.: 9 •.
** at **- *

maf cd in tbcmrclucs beponoe mcaturc, beet is fa rtc from me : jn bap tie tbep
anD maruepleD tf 01 tbep remembuD tnozfbpp me,teacbpng Doctrines' tobtcb
mt*i.f. not.of tbe * ioues>becaufe tbeir bcrtes arenotbpngbut tbe commaunDemeno
toece blpnoeD* tes of mcn.f oi pe lap t\)t commaunDe?
2!nD tt)ep came oucc, ? tocnt into tbe ment of <5oD a part,anD obferue p txm
ianoe of 45ene?atetb , anD Di tie tip into Dictons of men,as tbe toafi^png of cr \x>
cbe !jaue.3"D aiTone as tbep toete come fes anD of cuppes,anD n.anp otbet fucb
out of tbe u>ppe,ftrepgbte tbep fciicuje Ipbe tbpnges pe do*
t)im,$ can fojttj tbzougli out all (be re* 36iid be fapoe b ut tbem:U)cII,f e tad
gion counDe about,anD began to catpe a fpDe tbe commaunDement of (50D ,to
about in beDDes all tbat toete fpcfce , to mapntapnepour otonttaDpcious^jfoj SSf\
Cbe place tobere t^ep bearDe tell tbat be bl^ofes* f apDe:bonoure tbp father $ tbP cvkm'.*
luas. 3JUD tobitbet foeucr be entceD into
toionc9,cprj'f 5,02 bpllages^bep lapeD
motbec:^*tobofoeuer cutfetb fatbec oj t
motber,ietbim Dpe foz tt.25utpefap:a &m<jt,&'
tbeic Cpcfce in p ftrc atcs,ano piatco bun man Ojall tap to fatber 0? motber co^ ^w"^*
tbat tbep mpgbt toucbe,anD it toere but ban:tobicbeis?tfyat$Defp£eft of me to
cbe eDge of btsbeftute.iflnDasmanpe belpetbe toitb 3 is geuen <£0D*3nD fo pe
as toucbcD btm,tocre fafe. b f uffre bim no moie to Do ougbt fojt bps
%\)t &otcs. fatber oi bis motbcr,mabpng tbe loo^D
«. 31 n QSjatfctD t\)c. r . a. is CaiD: jaoi a ttalfc. and
of <5 oD of none effecte , tfuo 11 gbe poute
oione tcabtcions tofyicht pe baue ojDep^
tbe a coDc,pct ooti) not toe tcrt mcatic fa in txbt,
J5ut fo;bpDOCrj cote, fyottKe.coD.ftc. bp a figure jieo.inD manp fucbe tbinges Do pe*
to rocciitent oiilp.tbat tlpcp Qjouloetottcclpcput 3fino be caUeD all § people bnto tym, c
fro:tul;em all catefulncsof attp fuctjc pioupfiS,
asa rccippeoiatipoftbeotber, amongetobtebc
anD fapD bnto tbemiberben bnto me 3 e* &M h
t&e Qaftmapbeotte,foiafmucbcas it isa ruea; uetp one of pou 9 bnDecftanDe.* Cbete
pou of is.but ratueca to; is notbpng toitb out a man tbat can dc;
kciio;rpsuc of peace.
fple bpm tofytn it enttetb into^pm : but
CW-btt*Cbapter* tbofc tbtges tobicb pjtoceoe out of bim,'
&becoininautiDrmctitofiSoD is teaufgrcf- are tbofc lobtcb Defile^ man*3|f anp mi
feo bp matittcs rtabutons tf>f tbe toomati of baue eaces to beare,let bim beare, 4no
5»tropl;c:iitTa.£>f tt)C rabbotb.
toben be came to boule atoape from tbe
|0D tbc*]$battfes rameto< people,bps opfcpples affceo bim of t^e
-jetbet bnto bun * Dtuc rfc of
j f pm ill tuDcjnD be fapD bnto tbe m:are
rpc Scribes tobic& came fro pe fo toitbout,bnoerft anopnge < &o pe
Jjferufalcm. 2fnD toben tbep not pet percet ue,tbat tobatfoeuer tbtng
fato cectapue of bis Difciples eat buao from tottbout jditr etb into a man,it can
tf comcnbanDes(tistofap,%bbnioar< not Defple b t ni/oer auf e it entrett) not in
Q)tn banoes)tbep compIapi'icD. jFoi tbe to bps bcattc, but into tfje bellpe : anD
tebatffes 9 all tbe 3etocs,crcepte tbep goetb out into tbeD^augbte tbatpur>
toaftye tbeir banDes oft,eate notjObfec* getboutallmeatesi'
upng tbe traDicions of tbe elDers 38nD anD be fapD;p Defiletb a man tobicb
lobe* tfftp come f rom p mar set , erccpte commetb out of a man * f 01 from bjitb
*tbep toaflfce,tbep eate not.SBnD manp 0? in,etten out of tb c berte of me ti 5 pioceDe
tbet tbpnges tbcre be,tobtcbc tbep baue cuplltbougbtcs,aDuoutrpe,fo2iiicacp*
taken bpon tb em to obferue, as § toaf* on,mttttbec,tbcft,couetoufne0,toicfeet>
Q)pnge of cup pes anD ctufes , $ of bia* nes,Difcepte, buclennes, anD a topebeft
fenbeu"els,anD of tables* epe,biafpbemp,pzpD,foIpfJt)ne6:aI t^efe
S 'Cben af ft cd bpm tbe £ba r tfes anD mpll tbpnge^ come from toitb in , anD
Scribes vnbp toalckc not tfjp Difciples Defple a man.* HlnD from tbence be rofe ******
accoiDpnge to tbe trabpeions of tbe el* anD \owt into tbe bojoer^; of ^pu anD
fif#<flWfc folxfoiii
&>pDon,ahb entreD into an fjoufe,anD atoap fattpng f rr)etc oton fjoufes ,tbep
tooulo toac no man fljoulo fjsiic Unotoc. 0)oulb fapute bp tbe toap** jfoz otuecs «&?.&..
© tit fje co tilD not be tjio. jf oz a cectamc of tbem came from farre,afnb bis Dif ct>
C9b? ,J •

tooman too of e Dough tec baDbeafoufe pies anftoereD him: tuber e fijouiD a man
rpzi tc beat d of umi,? came ? fell at ops bauebzeabe bcre m the toplbernelTe to
fete, cbe tooman toas a <5tefcc oute of fatisfpe tbefe^nb be affeeb tbem:boto
*©pzopbeiucia,ano Oje befougfjtc bpm manp loties bauepcr-Chep fapo : leucu.
coat he toouloe cad out the Dcupl out of 3mo be comma unbcD tt)t people to fp tte
bee bough tcr.atnbjfcfus latb bnto her: do tone on tbe grounb,3tnb be tofee j? fe« ..

let the cbiloze ficit be f ceD. jro: it is not uen loties, gatie tbancaes , bzaUe, aim
mete to tafce the ch ilbzcns bzcaoe , ano gaue to bis bpfcp ples,to fet befoze the*
^ to cad it bnto the tobrtpes. ^eanfuoe %nb the)' DiD fet them befoze the people.
ceD anb ram bnto bim:eueu fo Rafter, 3inb thep bab a fctoe finale fifty cs.ainD
jpcttt..t. * ncucrthelcs,tbc tobclpcsalfocatcbn he bleiTco them $ comaunDeb them alfo
Dec the table of tb e chiiDic use tomes, to be fee befoze tl)tm. 3ub thep ate anb
3njb he fapDe bnto her :foz this fapmgc tocrefufftreb %i\Dtl)tp tottcbp of tbe
gotbptoape,tbeDeupllts goneoutof biolie meate tbat toas lefte. b ti.baf feetj
tbp Don ghtcc 3lnD tohen Q)t toas come f ull.3nb tbep rt)a t ate,toere in nomber
borne to bee boufe,u> founoe the DeueU aboute foute tboutanbe aitib be rente
oepartco, 3 !;ec ooughtet ipingc on the thematoape. fr
beDDe* 3nbanone be entreb into a lr)ppU ©
<9flt ;*.<. Hh * 3!no be oepactco agapne from the bps bpfeppfts, anb tame into tbe par*
coalles of cpze anb &(Don,$ came bn> tiesofE>almanutha.*3!nDtbe^bati^^af.i6^
to the Tea of <saltle tfjozoto tf;e mpbbes f es came foztb3 anb began to bifpute tb
|Jg J "jj
m«to.irt> of the coaftes of the.;. cities «*3ino thep bmi,feftpng of bim a fpgnefrom heaue
biought bnto bim one that toas Dccffe, anb temptpngc bun. mt) he fpgbtheD
anb ftambzcb in bis fpeebcanD pzapcb in bis fpzete -5 faib: tohPbotb this gene?
F* gun to lap bis banbebponbini.ainbbe tacio felie a TpgneV ^ierelp 3| fape bnto
tofcc bun a f tbc f com the peop!e,anb put you,tbete ttjal no figue be gcuen bnto
bis fpngecs in bis eaces,s bpb fpit ano rbis genetacpon. &ud be icftc tbem anb
roucbebbistonge,$loaebbpto beaue" toente into tbe Oipp agapne,a no Depart
anb figt&eb,? faiD bnto him: epbatba, teD oner the toater.
that is to f ap,be openeb* 3nb ftrcigbc 3DnD thep haD fozgot tm to take bzeab
toap bis eaces toere openeb,fr ti)t firing \uitl) tbe,tuthet bab t\)tp in tbe Ojpp \b
of bis tonge toas loofeo, anb be fpahe them moze tbe n one Ioofe. 3!nD be char?
9«r«.(.«. plapne.t 3inDhccomaunDeD them that geb tbem,faping:^* CaaebeDe,anD JJft'JSl
thep tyoulD tell no man . l&ut the more betoare of the letten of ^barifes, anb
he fozbaD t he,f much the moze a great of p,!c uen of i^c roDe.3 nD tW teafoneb
Deale thep publpfOjco it: ano lucre be* among tbem felues 9 fapinq; toe baue no
*2£c f9 ponbe meafure aftonpeb,fapinge: * ^e bzeab.30nbtob{u3|efusbuetoetbat,be
bathe bone all thpnges toell, anb bathe fapDe bnto tbeimtobp taae pe tbougbte
maDcbotb tbebeeffeto bearc,anb t^t becaufe pe baue no bzeabcr perceaue pe
DommetofpeaHe. \* not pet , neptber bnbetftanbe t i^atie pe
C^&e.bHf.Cbaptcr^ pour bertespet blpnbeb. I^aue pe epes
Tbempiaclcof tfjcfcucn loues.ictje *&&atps 9 fe. uot^anD baue pe rates* ^ beare not.-*
ficgarbcarigtic.JTDelcucn of tlje jaijaufcs.
9at (4 e .

%\)t blpiitoetecepactb Ui£ fifiDt.

3©o penotremembz«»'*JCOben3fbzaBe
fpue lottes among fpue tboufa iid^oid
thofe bapes* toben there manp bafaett^ f ul of bzoben meate to be
toas a berp great copanpe,^ pebp/€bep(apbe bnto bun, ttoclue* <^ av^,^
bab notbpnge to eate , 3jefu# * iXhen 3| bzaae.bii.amongc.uiud^*
JcallcbbiSDpfcpples tobpm, I^oto manp bafaettes of tbe leuinges of
anDfapD bntotbem:3f haue compaftto bzoaen meate toae pe bp * tcbcp fapbe,
on this people,becaufe it)^ baue no toe f eu cu.anD be fapb bnto tbem:boto ts tt
bene \nptlt me tbze bapes, anb baue no? tbatpebnberftanbenot^
tbpnge to eaterano pf J} tyoulb fenb tbe* ft 3:id bt came to 55ethfapDa,anb
^©D.itiu tbep
€fte <§ofptll
C cbepbjougbta blpnbc man bnto him, bntopou:* Cbecebe fomeof tbetbat ®>«it.tV)i.!>

ano Defpzco him to toucbc bpm. 3fcno be (tab bete,tobtcb fl?all not tali of Death, iLttUcic.t

taught the blpno op the banD, anD icno ttl tbefbaue fene the fcingDome of <Jt>oD
turn out of the totonc,anD rpattc in bps come tottb potoec.
ctes anD put me tjanoes upon bim,auD
flf kcD tnni uifictficc b c fato ought . 2tttD
a^ctcatiCfpguracpoti. 2Cl)ClmiattfeGt0f)Ca=
^, lie lofecDDpanofapDtJJ re tbemen: foi Ico.SocatrputactoutolioaouIDbCfljcgcca-.-
** fe the toalcfcc,as tfjcp mete ttees.aifr tcQ.^fifcticesarcfoibi'QDcit.
tec tbat ^
put bis fjanbes agapnc bpo i^D * . Dap es 3Ief us
tys e«s,anD maoe gim fe . 3tno be toag tofee^etec, James $ jobn3 JLuUcit.n.
reliozeD to bis ftgbt,auD fa to cuerp ma ano Icd tbepm bp into an bpc
cletlp 3&ud be Tent bpm borne to bis
. iiiountapne oute of tbc toape
boufe,fapiug: nether go into the toiDitc , aione,anobe toas tcanffpguceD befoze
uoz telt it to anp in the to tunc. i« tbem»3BnD bis capment Dpo fbpue , anD
SSS"!m *3nD3Jefus toent out $bts Difcpples toas maoe beep tobitcjcucn as fuoto;fo
into tbe to tones tbat louge to tfjc cptfe SXbite as no fuUec can make bpoiktbe
calico CcCarea ^wlippi. aino bp # toap ectb»i6nD tbere apeteo bnto tbepm%e*
ljeanscDhisDifctplcs,raping:tobomDo (pas tottb gjpofesranD tf)tp talftcD tottb
men Tap tbatj anif 3(iid t^cp auftoeteD: liefu. HlnD ^eter anf toctcD anD fapD to
Tome fap £ tbou act John ©aptifWome 3}eru:^)aftet,betets goob bepnge foz
Tape i^clpas : ano Come one of tu c $zo< b5,Iet bs maRC.itt.tabernac lcs,ouc for
pbetes*31nD be fapo bnto tbem,but tofjo tbe,one f oz ^pof es,anD one f o: (deltas*
S£' £/' fap pe £ 31 anif * isetcc anftoereD 3 fapD 3nD pet be top ft e not tobat be l apDcif oz
3oijrt.v(i« tbcp tuece aftapeD . 3Cud tbere teas a
tiuto btmrtbou act berp €biJfte.3flnD be

<m af *7 efacgeD tfje,t tbep u)oulD tel no man of clouDc f> O^aDDotoeD tbcm.ainD a bopce fl0ftff).M>.
K.w.« Itanobe began to teacbtbe,*bototbat came out of the clouDc,faptngc:* Cbis
*uhc.9<tbefonue of man mufte fuffre manpe is nip Dear e f onnc s h ear c
btm. 3EnD f o>
tbpnges,anD fboulD be ccpiotieD of tfjc benlp , tbep loHeD 1 uudc about tbepm,
doers ano of the lire pzteitcs *£>t& ano fa toe no man mo.e then 3jcfus ouci
bes,anD be fcpllcD,anD after ttye Dapes Ip tottb tbem*
atpfe agame.ano be rpafce that raping * % no as tljtp came Dotone fcome the C9ar.l d
openlp. 31110 jBerer tofec btm a fpbe, ano bpii,be cbargeo tb em,tbat ttitp fboulDe
began to cbiDe bim.'ftbcnbe tutucDa? tell no man tobat tbevbaD fcne,rpil tljc
bout e,anD Iskcc on bis opfr pples" 9 ano Tonne of man toe re cpfeu,fcom Death a
cebUReD|deter,faptuge : (So after mc gapne. jfino tbep ncpte that raping toitb
^atamifoi tbou fa ucrcft not tfje tym* tbepm,atiD DemaunocD one of another,
ges of <25oo but t be tbpuges of mem tobat tbatcpfpngeftom Death agapnc
2*!?!! *^ ,lD 9 £ ealleb tbe people bnto bpm, a)oulDcmeane r KtnD tbep affceD bpm,
nakcfct tottb bis oifcpples aIfo,anD fapoe bnto raping: tob)' then rap tbe^cctbes, that
tbem.iicobofoeuec topll folotoeme, lette l^elpas muftc f ttfte come^c anf toereo J5
bun foiUbebpmfctfcanD take bp bps auDfapDe bnto tbepm: * i^efpasbe* 03ala.+.»
ctofTe 3 anD folotoe me » if 02 tobofocuei celp (ball fpzft come ano refloic a I tb(n> tiyHt.tii.t.
topi Taue bis mfe,fyiUorc it. suttobo* ge^. 3BnD a if the rounc of man as it is iluhc.ijt.t.
foeuer fbal lore bis life fo: mr> falu ano tozptten,fbaU fuffte manp tbpnges anD
the gofpel&g fame cpall fane tt; aoobat fbalbe Tet at nought.s^ozcouec 3rape
(ball it pzofpta ma,pf befbouiD topune bnto pou that Delias is come,anD tf/cp
al! p toozloe ano lore bis otone f oulef oz baue Done bnto bun tobatfocucrplca*
els tobat fbala man geuetotcDemebfs CeD th em 3 as it is \s}pttm of hun.
Stb fourc agapnc ^ * acubofoeuet tbetcfoze 3Bjid be came to bis DiTcppIes ^ rate

(ball be affbameb of me ano of mp tooj< mucbe people about tbc 3 anD t\)t ^cw
Dcs,among tins aDttoutrous ano Tpn< bes DtTputpng toitbtbem.^uD ftcetgbc
full gene taciorof him QjaUtbcfonnc of toape all the people tohcu tbep bebeloe
ma be afljamcD, tobc be cominetb in fbe amafeD ano can to bpm, anD
btnijtocr c
glozp of bis fatbec tottb £ bolp angels. faluteb bpm , 3BnD be TapDe bnto
tno be fapo bnto tbem : wmlp J
fape tbe ^>ccpbes: tobat DpTpute p%^pt\$ €

jtt&ttte. tfoixnt
fp«j.«7.c ttjcinv>i<*r3inDone
iwttc.ij! c.
oftbecompanpean* bourc,be a;eb t6em:tobat teas it pe mt
ftomb ^ fnpo:^aftec J baue biougbt DpfputeDbettoenepou bp tbe Wape^anD
tnp fonne bnto tbe>tobtch batb a oomme tbep belDe tbepjt peace :fo^tbp tbeteape
fptcite*3tiD tufj£nfoeuecf?etalJett)l)piii, tfjtp teafoncDamongetbcm felues,tob0

be teatetbbpm,$befometb, anDgnaf* Q)ouiDbetbecbcfeft.*3BnDbefatDotone

Ojetb toitb bt$ tetbe, aim ppnct& atoap* anD calleD tbe ttoclue bnto bpni, anD iTuhcVx
^ atl8 a .

ainD JTpaUeto tbpopfcpples tbattbep fapDetotbemrpf anpe man Defp^e to be

IIjouId call bim out,anD ti)tp coulo not* fp^ft.tbe fame 0)albe lafte of a!l,anD fee*
i^e anftueteD bun ano fapDe:© gene* uaunt bnto aI!.3BnD be toke a cbplD,anD
tacion toitbout f£jptf),fjoto louge Q;al Jj fet bpm in tbe mpDDes of tbenijanD tofte
be toitb poll;* i^QiDC ionge (ftait 3} Cuffic bt in in bis acmes. anD fapoc bnto tbcm:
pon r sjpngc bpm buto me» 3B»D tbep iDbofoeuec teceauetb anp fucbe a c^piDe
biougbt bpm Unto bpifi. SlnD affone as tn mp name,ceceauetbme» 3nD tobofoe*
tbe fpfctte fame bpm , be tare bPm*HlnD uee teceauetb uie,teccaiietb not me,b ut
be fell ooume on tf;e gtouuD toalotofng bimtbatfentme* {«
anDfommge.HiuD beafkcDbps fatfjer: 3HobnanftoeteD Wm
taping :+g^a<
botolongets it a goo, fens tbpsbatbe ftec.toe fatoe one caftpnge out Deuels in
^appettcDOim^ttDfjefap^ofacfjplD: tbp name,tobfcbc folotoetb not bs,$ toe
ano off e times caftetb bim into tbe fpje, foibaobpm becaufebe folotoeD bs not*
anD alfo into tbe toater,to Defttopebim* 2But Jefus faiD,fo?biD bt not* jfoj*tbee 'aco?.jrff j
jBUttftboucanuYDoanpetbpnge^aue no man time u>al Do a mpzacie in nip
metcp on Ds, anD belpe b<s. 3GnD jefus name, t bat canlpgbtelp fpeake eupllof
fapDe bnto bpnnpf tljoti couiDeft beieue me*^obofoeueci^notagapnftepou, is
_. _„ *a!ltbtngesatepoiTiMetobtmtbatbe<5 onpoucepatte* 3DnD*tobofoeuec ajall ® at^^B «

w t
ieuetb*3!no fttepgbt toape tr)e fatbeeof gc uc pou acttppe of toat ec to Dzpnche
ibe cbplDe ctped toitb teateSjfapingc: fo: mp names fake , tecaufepe beionge
ftojDe 3 belen.e,f)elpe mpne tonbelefe*
SDDnen Jiefus fatoe,tbattbe people
io Cb?ift,betelp 3f fap bntopou,b.e 0)al
net loofe'bis a tetoatD**^nD lubofoeuee
i• mu
came cunnpnge together bnto bpm , &e Q)aUoffenDeoneof tbefelptelons , tfjat
cebukeD tbe foule fpirite, fapinge bnto beleue in me,tt toctt better f oi brm ,tba t
. t)pm:C()Cu Domnic ano Deffefptcite, ]ff a mpldone met bangeD about bps necke «5a*.ia.6.
cbaege tbe come out of fopm , anD entte 6E tbat be toere cad into tbe f ea.*acobec4

no moje into bpm* ano tfjc fpicfte ccicd, fote pttbp banDe offenoe tbe,cut bpm of* 45
anD tent bpm foje anD came out:anDbe 3jt is better f oi tbee , to entre into Ipfe
teas as one t oaD beneDeaD 5 info mucfj rnapmeD,tbenbaupngettoo banbesgo
tbat manp fapbe,fte i# DeaD*U3ut Jef us
caugbtfjps banoc anD Ipftbpm bpranD
tntobell,intofpjetbat neuee ibalbe qug
cbeD,tobcte*tbete toojme Dpetb not,anD
m J

be rofe send tobeu be teas come into § ibe fp?e neuet goetb oute. tLpketopfepf
®at.i7.t>.boufe,*bps Dpfcpples afkeD bimfectet* tbp fote offenD tbe,cut bpm of* Jfoi it i$
ipettobp coulbe not tuee cade btmoute^ bettee foi tbe to goo balte into Ipf c,tben
SfnDbc false bnfotbeuKtbpsftinDe can baupnge ttoo fete to be cad into beU,fn*
bp no notbet meanes come fojtb,but bp to fpze tbat neuet fbalbe q ucr be D:tobce
pjapct anD faftpng* f tbeie too^me Dpetb not, 5 tbe fpje neuee
£Pal *-*-»
~ >£3linD tbep DepattcDtbcns, stoke goetb out.€ucn fo*pf tf^pne epe otfenDe n
^tfjcfciourncpe tbojotoe Baltic, anD be tbe,plucke bim ottt*3|t is bettee fo? tbee
JuonlDc not tbat anpe maime GjouJdc to go into tbekpngbome of <ffifoD tortr)
bauefenototn it. jfo: be raugbt fjps Dtf<s one epe,tben baupng ttoo epes to be caff
sm*t rt. cctpIeSjanbfapDebnto tbem:* tbe fonne into (;ell fj'ze : tobete tbeie toojtmeDpet^
f man ^
a n, e oelptuteD into rbefjaDcs 1 10 t,anD tbe neuee goetb out* h
of mcn 3 anD tbep tyallkpll bpm aiiDaf* &uttp manne tOeefozeil^albe falteD I
tet tfjatfje is kpllcDfjeujal atpfe againe toitb b fp^*3(!nDeuerpfacrifpce(I}albe JSff; P

tbeti)pjD bape . JBtit tfjep toifte ttot feafoneD toitbfalt,*^^lttg;gooD.!3ut iia^uiti j

tobaf tfjat fapinge meante,ahDtoecea* pf tbe fait bebufauctpc, tobatH)allpe
frapcD to affce bpm.3taD be came to €& fait tbeeeiuttb t ^etbat pc bane fait in
perummi * ^nDtobenfjeto^seometo police felucs :anD bauc peace amonge
235©D,b. poue

HTlje (Hofpell
pour rcIucSjOtJctoitb another* banoes bpontbcm,aub bleffeD tfjem. t*
Xljenotcj. * 3Eud toben be u>as come into t be C
ttttttdtd a -^bnrfocuev trjou tooifectt at tbc commauubCs toap,tbere came one cunnpng anb km<
leb to bpm,anb at Iud brm:* goob 4l$a* mtt.tit*
rh.upcrtmnet[> unto afapWul! tooztjcr, toi)icljc a""* 1"-*
isIi'fccucclamtig.BottOatrtisDwcto fUiOxUc, fter,tobat u)all J bo,cbat 3 map enberit
burro rtjp faptbc,our of tljc mi>urjc , rbp tooibe etetnall ipfe r 3|ef us fapbe to bpmttobp
pzoce alicrij.>r oitDC tcccpuc tl;ar piomrfc bp fapty
called tbou me gooo** cbece is no man
b.jftrcDccc rtgnifietb tctbulactort.3iio t&cfalte goob but one,tobicbis goo.Cbouttuoto
fyic. lSl50t)5tD0JDC. eft tfjecommauubemeutes : bjeafef not
matcimonp:bpll uot:fteale not;beace no
iDf bcuojreinctu.XVerpctjc man qucOionerb falfe toitues:octcauoe no man :bonouce

tout; ClMia.i©frOC founts of jebe&c.iSasrOuncus
tbc bipnoe matt. tbp t Mm ano motbcr.i)e auftoer eo anb
J5bberofeftometbenee rapb to bim : ma(lec,aUbefe 3) baue ob'
ano*tocnt into f coailes fetueb fcom mppoutbe.3|cfusbcftdbc
otjmit tfnougb tfje t
e- bpm,anb bao a fauour to bpm, ano faio
gion tf?ac is DcponD 3f[oz^ bntobpmrone tbpngets lacspngbnto
DatnUno the people tcfoi* anb felt al that tbou baft,anD mmrt*
the .*<5o *

teDbntohpmafrefyranb geue totbepoo2e 3 ano tbou Qjaltebaue iMu »^ -,

asbetoastoont,betaug&Vtl;lagaine, tteafureinbeauen, anb come ano foloto

3hd the £batii es came anb af fceo hem me,anotaftebptbp croffe. ©tube teas
a cjueftiou : tobethet it toecc la tof nil feu DpfcomfoiteD toitb that raping,? toent«
arnantoputatoapebfstopfertopzoiie a toap mouenpngejf oj be bao grcate poli
bttm3GuDbe aunftoeceb anb fapbe bnto UO'ious*
©cut.u.a tbcm : * tobat bpo opofes bpb pou bo*« ano Jjefus loobcb tcunocabonte,
• tf,w a 3no tbep fapbe :^ofes fuflfreo to toiif e auofapb bntobis Dpfcrples:*tobatan «Mtn.rtf.«.
"fc^' 8 '-
a tefrf mbnpall
of beuotfemente, ano to bato tbpngets it fojititm tbatbaueri*
putbetatoap.ainoj^rusanrtoerebanb cb e s,t enter into the Mngbomc of gob*
rapbe bnto tbem: jfoj tbe barbnes *>f ainobisbprcpplcstocreaftonpcoat bps
pour bearers be toiotetbps p^cccptc ton toozbes $ut JJefus anftocreb agapne, j>
to pou sut at the fpzfte ereacion,t5o& anb fapb bnto tbeimcbPlbicu, bo to ha tb
ma be tbem man ano tooman.*38no foi
ftps twinges faaeOjal man leuebis fa*
is it f oz thenijtbat tui&in rpcbes,to em
m into the ftpngbome of vSoo^Jt is ea*

£55% ^ cc anD mot(jec,anD bpbe bp ftps topfe, fper foz a cameilto go tbojtoto the epe of
ano tfjep ttoapne Ojal be one aefjje* ^>o an ncbicjtbcu foz a rpcb man to entre in*
tben ate tbep no toe not ttoapne, but one Co the kpngbome of ©oo*3ub t^tp toere
fte[b*€betfoie tobat <Soo batfj cotipleb, aftonieo out of meaf ure,faptng bettoen
let not man fcpa rat* them felues: tobo then can be fauco.- Je«
25 3tno fn the boufe fits MUvpUft affce& (usiobeb upon them s anb fapbe : Wty
bpmagapne of that mattet.aBnobefatb men it is bnponKble^ut not toitb <sod:
flpat.b e. bnto tbem.* aoobofoeuerputtetbatoape foz* toitb «©oo all tbtnges ace poQUble* »«*«.8.».
ann.ttt a.
iuticito/o hps totfeano marietb anoti)cr,biea6etl> 3lnD^eterbegannetofapbntobim: ® w '

tucDlocUe to bcrtoatbe.ainD pf a tooman HLo,*toebaucfozfahcnall,anbbauefo* EBJ/r

f o > fa it e fict fj o tifba no ano be macpeb to iotocbtbe* 3(e(ug anftoereb anb fapbe:
ariotOerjIjecommpttetb abuoutrpe* werelp rape bnto pou,tbcre is no mi
tski.i8*.e * Slnbtbepbzougbtecbplbientobpm, that fozfafcetb boufe, 02 bietbjeu, oi fp*
be OjoulD toucb tyem<3tiD bis bpf*
tfjat aers,oi fatber,oi motbtc,oz tot>fe,otb*t
cpples rebufcebtbofethat brought tbe\ chplbze ii 3 oz lanbtf foz mp f afte anb the
aooben^efus rato tbat,be teas Dpf plea* <Bofpels,tobtcb Qjal not recta ue an hun<
fco,anb fapbe to tbem:§>uffce tbe cbpi* bltb foolbe note i n tbis Ipfcboufes and
Dzen to come bnto me,anbfoibpb them bzetbien,anb ftaecs,anb motbecs, anD
not . jfoz of I'ttfb ts j? fcpngbomeof <5eb« ctnlDien,anb lanbes toUft pecfecut ions:
metelp IKap. bnto pou, toboroeuecffjal anb in the toozlbe to tome,etccnail Ipfe.
g«ib..8.«notreceauetbebpngDomeof<sob*asa * ^anp that a re fpzft, malbe 1afte:ano m . „ .
*uw 7 '

cbrlDe,be tyal not entr* tberin* ano be tbelaa,fpzll*3lnb tbeptoere in the toap utfj£:t
tofce them bp in f)?B atme&anb put bis gopngebpto3[crufalem * ^nbjjcfus
foence before tbeimauD tbeptoeceama* gan to ctpe anD to fape^efus tbe fonue
fco,anD as t^p folotoco, tuece atcaieo* of 5©aupb,baue mercp on me* 3no ma^
anDjefus toae tbe*jcii*agapne, atiD npe tebuHeD bpm, tbat be OjoulD bolDe
began to tell tbem tobat tytngcg u>ulD bps;peace * sut be ctpeD tbe moare a
™ ilii'c happen tmto biro * ©eboloe toe go bp gceat Dcale,tbou fonne of &aupo banc
^ c

'7 f - tojerufalcm, anDtbe fonne ofmanne
fljalbe DelpuercD bnto tbe bpef^iecftes
mctcp on me.aiuD ieius ftooe ftpll,anb
commaunoeD btm to be calUD«2tnD tbep
auD Unto tbc ^crtbcsraiiD tbep G^all calico tbe blpnDe,fapingbnto bpm:©e
coiiDcnipue bun to Deatbc,atu> (IjallDeli* of gooo comroue : cpfe , be calletb tbee*
uec bpm to tbc geutpiles:anD tbep Iball aiuD. be tbicto atoap bps cloobe, * rofe
mocfte tjtm,aiiD (courgc bint, anD fppte came to Jcf us.ainb Jefus aunftoeteD,
Upon f jt m,a no feril bpm. 3nD tfjc tfjpjD anofapoe bnto bpm; tobat toplte tbou
Dape be (ball cpfe agapne* tbat 3 do buto tbee/ CbeblpnDefapse
ainotben 3lames anD jjobn tbe foil bnto bpm;^©aaec,tbat 3 mtgbt fe*31e4
Mg of 2cbtoe came bnto bpm, favtug: fus fapoe bnto bpm:goo t\)^ toape, tbp
S^aficrjUjetooulDcptbotUljouiDeft do f aptbc batb fauco tbe*3nD bp ano bp be
toz t)6 tobatfoeuct toe Delpze* i^c fapoe teceauco bis fpgbt,auD folotoeD Jefus
bnto tbem: tobat tooulDe pe J (jjoulb Do tu tl)t toape.
bnto poiis- Cbep fapDe to bpm:graunte K\)tfa0tC9.
bnto bs tbat toee mapefptte one on tbi> a. jlokc in ogatuctoenv.
b.i;i;dtisplucticii)v'itct;cartFcomaU,tbattfjou fy.o utd»
tpgbtbauDc, ano tbeotfjec ontbpltftc
Hoed poCrare.aiiD fo foiUht ttjem toi tij all tDpne gooo.
banoe,in tbp glojp » But Jefus fapoe mm
Dcr r ,r oa t tu a! tl;p my nw f Uoa Docft Tel ©o
and felaL
biito tbe:)> e toot nor tobat pe affee » Can be tcaDy a fo
I m a cue to fell rl)dn : pf t t>c neceffi tic
pe D&mcfce of tbe cuppe tbat of tOp neighbour c rcquy ic it. Wl)c affect $ tcufte
J (ball
tu ti)p 1 ges poiTcffco, muttc ibcc cucc tcnouncc, ox

5f D2pntKc of, anD be baptpfeD tn the bap* els aw toe not perfect.
tpmctbat J tyalbe baptpfeD in?- 3Bno C&be.jci'Cbaptet.
tbep CapD bnto bpm.tbat toe cau.Jefus CUiiOc ciDctt; to 3letufalcm.2:^efpggtttee
lapo bnto tbem :p e fljali Djpnc lu of tbe SxyctUtp. 2rt,icbycr5anbfcllctsatccaaeeuteDf
fljal Djpnekc of, ano be bap; toe temple. %\)i $i)atirc3 qucftion toitb Cl)iiQ>
cup tbat J
tpfvD tottb tbc baptpme tbat 3
tyalbee 0D*tobcntbcpcamenie ~
baptpfeD in: but to fptteon nip tpgbt e toJecufaUmbiuo^etb munu
t)ano anD on mp left banD is not mine to phage anD 23etbanie,be» nuiw.w.«
geue,butto tbefojtobom it iepicpatiD. fpDes mount ^Dlpuet, be
ajaHvK.D *3md toben atD tbat 5 tbep be* fentfo^tbttooofbtsDife
gantoDpfoapue at panics anD Jjobu. p!cs,aiiD fapD bntotbet
53ut 3crus calico tbem bnto bpm, ano ©0 route toapes into tbe totouetbatts
fl^af.rtb. fapbe
to t&emrpe &noto tbat*tbep tobf cb ouetagapnftpou.BnDasfoue aspebe
iuk«u.t.f{tnc to bcare rule a mange tlje gcntpls, entceD into it^t (I)al tpnDe a colte bouD,
tapgne as Ioidcs ouec tbem, anD tbep tobcton neuec man fate : lore bpm anD
tbat bee greate anion ge tbem ejeercpfe lut'tiac brin^nD pf aup manfape bnto
auctozptc ouec tbem* ^vo (ball it not be pomtobp bo pe for-^ape tbat tbe )Lo jdc
amonge pou,but tobofoeuec of pou \a\U batbe neoe ofbpnuanDffrepgbte toape
be great among pou, Ojalbe pour mini* be topi fenD bpm bpoec 3nD tbep toent
a4tffK ftet.3inDtobofoeuettoilbecbefe,u)albe thm toape ano f ohiidc a coolte tpco bp
Yeruaunte bnto tALtfot eucn tbe fonne
tbcDOic toitboutctnaplace toberettoo
of man came not to bee mpmfitcD bnto: toapes met,anD tbep lofeo bim»3nD op<
but to minute c, anD to geuebps Ipfe (op ue rs of tbcm tbat (lobe tbece,fapDe b \u
^tbe reDcmpctonof manp* to tb em :* toba t Dope loofpng tbe coolt/ m«4tt.ii , 3Bhd t^
came to ^ietico.* 3inD as 3nD tbep fapoe bnto tbem eucn as Jen
tohM8.8 uc tnente oute of i^iectcbo tottb bps Dpf* .fus baDcommaunDcD tbem * HInDtbep
cpples, anD a gceate nombje of people: lettbem go. 3lnD tbep bjougbt tbe colte
jgartbtmetiB tbe fonne of €bimeus to Jef us,ariD cade tbcit gacmentes on
tobfebe toajs blpuDe, fate bp tbe We toat* bpm:auD be fate bpon btm* 3BnD manpe
e s fpbe beggpnge. Mowbmt)t bcarDc fpjteoe tijeit gacmentes in tbe toape. ®*
tbat U teas 3'cfug of $a5atetb,b«be< tbeccutDotouebtauncbes of t^e trees, 3
Hfyt <§ofpcll
am> fltatocD
tfjcm in tbe luapc.BinD tbep Done fo bim*Wrfozc J fapc bnto pou, 5©
tbattoentebefozeanb tbep tbat foloto* *tobatfoeuerpeDcfpzctobenpepzap J be gjj-it
K'n'fa: e ° ct i,cD f a P in S f
5 '
d ^ofanlw: * ,jUircD letietbatpetyallbaucit, auoittyalbe *'y.fbc
Joan jct.b.
be tbatcommetb m
tbe name oftbe Done bnto pou.*H;nDtobciipcfianD ano s^a-i?.**
jlozbe. eUffeD betbckpngDometbat pzape J fozgcuc,pfpcbaiteanptbpugca*yi>'»<».
commctb in tbe name of bpm ibat ts gapnftanpman:tbatpciore fatbcralfo
XAzoeofouce fatbet&aiuD:^o(anna tol)iclHSmbcuc.mapfo:geuf pou pour
in tbe bpeft. ttef pares.
3iid tbe 3to?D ciicrcD into Jferurale, 3flno tfjep came agapne to jjecufale. lubc.jn: «.
ano into tbe temple. 3Bnd toben be tjao *30nD as be temple, tbere
toalftco in tbe
IoRcd rou u d c about Dp on all tb mges, came to bun tbe bpe pzectte s, ano tbe
ano no toe t\jc euen tpDt tuns come, be £>ctibc5,anDtbcelDct0,anb fapo bnto
toent out bnto 23ct&anp,tottb j? ttoelue. bun:bp tobat auctozpte Docft tbcu tbe!*
* 3nD on tbe mozotoe toben tbep toere tbpngesvanD tobogauc tbe ibis aiuio
comeoute from setbanpe, be bungeeb, ttte to do tbcfetbpngesr'jlefusanftoe*

anbfppeba fpggetreeafarofbaumge ttb aubfapDetmtotbcm: JtoplI alio

Ieucs,auD toent to It tobctbtc be mpgbte ar&e of pou a ccttapue tbpngc:anb aun«
fpnbe a up tt»> ug tb i re en 13 u t tone be f toere pp me ,ano J topi tell poabp m ba t
. 1 1

came tbecto,befoutiDcnotbpngc but Jc* auctozpte 31 do tbcfe tbpnges » %lte

ues:foz tb e tpme of ftgges luas not pct» baptpme of Jobn, toas it from fcaucu:
2fiuo3iefusanfkDereoanofapDtott:ne* oztofmeV3Cnfteecme.3InDtbcptbQugbt
mt man catettiue of tbe berc after tobil intern fclues,fapingc:pf toe Ojallfape
tbe toozloe ftanoctfc, 3nb bis Dffciples from beauenrbc topllfape,tobp tben did
beatbeit. penotbcleuebpm^but pftoedjallfape,
ainotbtp came to Jtcufalem 3BnD of menitbenfeare toe tbepeople. ^oi all
C Jefus \i)mt into tbe temple,anD began men counteD Jobn } tbat be toas a bctpe t0 * wfte out tifc fellers ano bpertf in tbe j&zopbet
*ttkejE_«.B temple, ano oticrtbzetoe tbe tables of

tbep anf toeceo ano fapoe
Diito Jefiutoe cannot tell 3DnD 3fefu^
304n.u t.
ti)( m0llC p cfjatingecs, auD th,t ftoles of anftoetcD,anb fapDe bnto tbemrueptbec
tbem tbat foloe Doues:ano toouloe not ^pll 3 tell pou,bp toijat auctozpte ** 3
fuffcetbatanp mancacieoabeiTeltbOi tbefetbmgcs. b
to toe tht temple. 3ino be taugbt fapmge ^UCiSlOtCS.
a.£o jcittdaatl)ca»c.j:i«.b,
f& c
m" tout0 them, *is it not tozpfteiump bout'e l).3ibtbcm.
3e«»»i.*tfl)alb£ calleDtbe boufe ofpzapetbnto
c£o&e ut matt) ctt).n:(.c.
all uaciansv sue pe banc maoe it a Den
oftbeucs. C
3Tljcbpuej'atWislctour. ffieuefoccfactbafbc*
*3CiiD tbe Scribes anb biepzeeOes
J longct!; to cefat.Df rt;cfi>aouces, of t&eooctoi
bcatoe it aiiDfougbte botoe to oeftrope of!atoc,?poctrtc«muat>ertcDcwo,tbcoflc?iiac
bpm. ifoz tbep feateo bpm, becaufeall ofwp<wctociH*»
tbe people maruclcD at bps Docttpue 0D be beganne to Cpeafee 31
3Dud toben mm
toas come, be toent oute butotbciufpmilituDcs*
f tfoecptie.*3(inDtn tbemoznpnge as aiccttapnemaplantcDa
t[)tv paffeb bp,tbep fato tbe b fpgge tree *bpnepatD,anDcompa? "•£•«*•£
I dzpcd bp bp tbe cotcs^no ^etec reme* feD it toitb anbeDge,anD *rlJ:S!i.-

bzeb, ano fapoe bnto bpm : mailer, be< ozDepneD a topne pzeiTe, |JJc"*- r *

ano buplt a tourctu it^nb let it oute to
Deft is toiDDzeo atoape* »
boloe, tbe fpgge tree toljtcb tbou cutfe*
Jfefus au<
ftotrcb,anD faiDe bnto tbcm :* baue
bP?« t)iuo bufbanDmen,anD toent
drauttgecountte . 3BnD toben

S'^'-confiocncelnviDOD.+Ilctelp Jfapbn# toas come,be rent to tbe tenauntcsafee

^ 'topcu, tbat tobofocuer u^allfapebuto uaunte, tbat be mpgbte reccaue of tbe
tbps mounrapne : tahc atoape tf)p felfe, tenauntes oftbe frutc of tbe bpneparD*
ano caft tbP felfc into tbe fea,s Gt)all not anb tbep caugbt bpm anb bet bpm, ano
*toauecinbisbeatt, but tt)allbcleue£ fentbimaga>>neemptpe.?(lnDnjozeouec
33co6.«.b. j-
tf)0 c tobtcb be fa^etb fl^al come
tbmges be fent bnto tbcm anotber feruaunt,anD
topalfo tobatfoeucc be (apetb a fflalbe
....... at bpm tbep cafteOpne^anD bzaaebps
"r" oeabe
£f$»#larlte. f*imt
fleabe^nb fcnt t)im agapue all to teup* ^^»dc f#m«3nt> «;c fecoub tofce hPkam>
Ieo.ano agapnebefentanother.auD him bpeb.mcptbetlefteanp ree&.aiub StbpzD
tfjep fepIIcD :ano manp otbet , bcatpnge Ipfec topfe* aino feuen bab bct,arib tette
.Com^anDfctlUngefeme. no feeoe fcehpnoe them, ftafte ofall the
Ectbab be oueronnetobomehcloueD topfebpeoalfo.Jn tbetefutieecponthe
tenDeilp,btm alfo he rent at tt)e laft ton* tohen tfjep tyal rpfe agapne:to.hofe topfe
to tfjem faptug:thep topi feate mp forme* ajal Oje be of tbemr-tfoi Ceuenhao bet to

*#"t tbe tcnauntes fapb amongeft the* topfe. 3Jefus anftoeteo arm fapoe tonto
Sw.i76 fducs:tf)tB is tfjc Ijcice^rome let Us feprt tbem*aitepenottt>ei;fo£e DcceauebaiiD
nmu.w.c. wn^aiib tbeinhetttaunce Ojalbe oure0» tmbetftanoe
not the rctiptutes, neptfjec
2pnb tbep tofcebpm anb hpllcbhpm, ano thepotoftofdsoD*' tfoj tohen tbep (gall
caft bpm oute of tbe bpnepatbe . achat tpfe agapne ftom beathe , thep neptbet
Ojall then the )Lq?d of the bpnepato do^ matp,noj ate matpeD:but ate as the an
*$e topll come arm befttope the tenaun* gels tefjicb ate in heauern %s touching
tes, arm let oute tfje bpnepato to otfret* the otaoe , that tf)ep fyail rp fc agajme:
Dane ye not teooe this fctfptuce^Cb* fjauepe not teaDe i\\ toe bo&e of ^ofes
* r!"" 7 -< ttouetohtchethebuplDet0DpDtcfure 3 is botomthebutye^ob fpafcebnto brm
^' wt
tjiaoe the cbefe ftoone m
tbe comet:tht0 raptnge;*3i am the mot) oi 2Cb?afta,aub *«* «&.
teas Done of theiloiDjaiH) (0 metuelouS f <$od of 3|faac, ano tf;c dgoo of latob? "2-Tf
inoureepc0>3Bnbtheptoenteabouteto ^ei0nottbe<5oooftheDeaDc 9 but tbe
tafccl)im,but thep featcb the people.tfoj ©od of the liumg.tte ate ttjerfcue gteat
tgcp petceauco tiiat be fpafte that fimi* DeceaucD.
*3InDtbet came one of tfje ^>cttbcs, ^^^
anbtoenttbeittoap* that haobeaeoe them opfputpnge toge*
* aino thep feut bnto hfai cettapne of Dec , 5 perceaueD tbjat Oe hao anrtoeteo
•n«^ ^'^the ^atifes toith i^etoocs fetuaute0,
*° w totaftehiminhis too:be0« Sdnbatlone
them tocll, ano arfeeo htmitohiche is tbe
^a$ tbep toete come thep fapb tmto hpm: fU0 anftoeteo hpm :tbefp2fte of all tbe
maftec,toe fcnoto that thou act ttue 3 anb commaunDcmentes is* Ideate JftacU:
careft f oi no man : 1 j thou confpoeteft *cbe HojDe <soo , is one Jlojoe 3Bnb met mi t>
not tbe Degtce of menne,but teacheft the tbou Ojalt loue tfje ?Lo?De tbp ©od toiti) jDtis.t>i.a.
toare of ©oD tttUpr^s it latof 11I to pape all tfjp bette.ano toitl) all tfjp foule,anD
cttbutetoCefat,o?not^ £)ugbtetoetcf toitfi all tbp mpnDe, aim tottb alltfjp
geuc,o? ought toe not to geutf ^e tJitoet ttcengtb. %\)p$ is ti)t fpift commaun^
ftboetbeic rtintilaclon, ano rapoe bnto Dement.3CnD tbefecob is likel)ntotht0:
tbem:2X)bptmrptcpemc^>5ipngemea * Cbout^alte loue tbp nepghbouteaa
penp,tbat 31 mav fe tt.3llnb tbep brought tlw felfe«(Chete 10 none othet commamii !?Sy
3nD be rapoe bnto tbem: iCDhore t0 w$ bement gteatec then tbef e» iSSiA

pmagc ano fupetfccppciou^ <8ud tbep 3Buo the ^ctpbe fapb tmto bpmrtoel
fapb bnto bpm,Cefats*3!nD JJcfus aH i
maftec 5 tbou haft fapoe the ttuthe , that
ftoeceo anb (apbe bnro them : * Chen tbete 10 one d50D,anD that thete is none
*m.m* g^ ue t0 ccfat that Witl) bclongetb to but fre.^nti to loue btm toith al thp hett,
*©rt mi ^earatianD to
^on , that tohrcbe pet< anb tottp all tbp mpnDe,ano tottb al thp
'* d5ob 3nb thep raetueleo at
tepneth to fonle,anb tottb al thp fttengthc : arm to
bpm* loue a man0 nepghbout as bpm relfejis
tEben came the ^abticcis tmto hpm, a gteatet tbpng then al ixutnt offetinges
tohlcbe fare , there 10 no tefutceccion* anb facttfrces awb tohen 3cfu0 fatoe
^nDtbevarfeebbpmfaptnge^maftet^ that hcanftoetebDpfctetlp,hefapb bn*
ffl» to^otebntob0 pfanpemamtes tohmi: a Chouattnotfatfcomthefeing
£l^t Kb
b>tbetDpe,anDlcauehJ^ toffe b:hpnb' Domeof^ob* 3pnbnomatmeaftettl;at,
fT^ ^ fl|lD l£aut !J0 r!)VlD j en : tt, at DutftafUehtmanpqueftion.
then h?0 btotbet u^oulbe tafte hp0 toife, atnb 3fef 110 auf toeteb anb fapbe 5 tea* B,
9 repfe bp feeb bnto bP0 biotbet 'Chete
chpng the temple:hoto fape the §>ttu
toete t'euen rjuttyen: ano tbe fp^fte tohe bes that db^pfteis the fonne of Jaamfr.
a topfe,anb tohen be eo left no feeb be* foj Bauto ^piu t elfe tnfpp^D toith the

€lje (gofpell
anp matt Decca u* :4.a
S?V«" ^ oi ? e 8 o0tt > fapDe :*€be jtoio fapDt to (o lap;*cafce bcbc IcaO
mp;nojDe,fptonmprpgbt« banDe b tpl pou.jfojmanpelt) ail come tnmpname
31 make tbpne enempes cf>? fore dole, faptngcj am € tj iptt,auD fbatocceaue

Cbe BauiD b m f elf calletb ftp m tLoio:

t man p e
JMD bp tobar meanes 10 be tf;eu bps arxbcnpcfl)all brace oftoatre anotp*
fonne f Snbmucbe people bea roc bpm Dpngcs of toacre, beepeuottroubleb.
glaDlpc. Jfojtfucbe tbinges mutt neocs be . 23ut
3nD be fapDe bnt them in his doc* tbe enoe is not per, jf 01 tbere 0?all nact*
ttlne : bctoare of the ^ccpbcS tobicbe on, acpfe ngapnfte nacpon , anD fcpng*
m^.nm.H jftiouc to 90 m
longe clotbpng:ano lone Dome agapnft hpng d ome.^uD tbec (])al
fallacious in tbe mat feet places , anD be earthquakes m
al quarters^ famiflj
tbe cbefefeates in tbefinagoges>anD to uietu gj troubles. flpfjefc arerbebegpn* 30&. jcwui
fpt in tbe bppermoft counted at fealtcs, npnges of fojotocs.* *3ut take bebe to
anD beuouretoiDotoes bouf es,anD tbat pout f clues. *Jfoitbepftja I bjpnge pon Sj^gJ'
tJnDec a colour of longe piaptng.Chef e bp to p couufels $ into tbe finagoges,$ w-wX
u)all teceaue greater Damnation, pe fyalbe beaten:pea,$Qalbe bjougbre
3lnD 3jef u s far oucc agapnfte tbe before rulers atio binges toi mp fa&t ©at. H.I
Rotc«i.a treafurpe, anD bebclDe*bo to tbe people f 01 a imonpall bnto them.* anD tbe

put mouep tnto tbe treafuep.HInD manp tBofpell mult tpift be publpu)eD among
that toere crcr>e,caft ta much, ano there all nations* f.t.

came a certapne pooie tot o oto c , auo (pt * isut tof)cn tfjep leaoe pou anD p:e»
fcaUc ^ l - e

rhie toe in ttoo mptes ,tobi ch make a far* fent pou, tabc no thought e a oie banDe l

tbpnge* 3CnD be calico bnto bpm bis off* tobat pe fl&all fape , neptber pmagton:
cpples anD fapDe bnto tbem: aiicr elpe 3} but tobatfoeucr is geuepou at t\)z fame
fape bnto pou t b a t this poozc toyootoe
, tpme tbat fpeaae . fox it Q)all not be pe

barb call moarc ttyb en all thep tohi che (bat fl)al fpeabe^ut tbe bolp goft, £ea,
banc carte into tbe t ceaf oz thep al anD tl)i biotber fl)al Delpuer tbe biotber
DpD cade in of tbepj fuperaupte:btit 0)e to Death , anD tbe father tbe fonne, anD
of her poueete DpD call in al tbat U)e baD tbe cbpiozcn Ojal rife agapnfte tbe?; fa*
euen all berlpupnge. h tbersanDmotbers,anD flball puttbem
&])t Botes. to Deatb.aonD pe be hateo of all men
a-Botrobcfarrc froinrlje bpitgnomcof <5ob t« foimp nanus fahe.23ut tobofoeuer Ojal
to t^auc tbe ttuc hit oto rfi ge of tbe la tor aito lachc
I ,
en'bure bnto $
, tbe fame tyalb efafe.
e iid
not()pngbut faprU auo t tuft tn Cb aft bp f to I; tcb
ouclp commcrt; eacclattuig Ipfc.
* ^oieouec tohen pe fe tbe abljomp*
b.SpIl 31 make tbr tic eucinpcj tb? fote aolc^c. nacpon tbat bctoaenetb Defolacpon,^^
Eofte uiCQ atJjetu.fict.b. toberof 1^ fpobc bp Daniel tbe pjophet, ©»w.v.»
C^^.)ciiucbap^t:* * ftanD tohe t e it oughte not, let bpm that
2^e cnoc of t!) e too;Ib. £|>e bap atio t\)t bo« t« reabetb buDerllaiiD. Chen let them tt)a(
(0 tmliuotocn. be in 3 u rp e, ft e to tbe mouu tapucs . 3no
ffi»lt 34. n.
^Dasbctocntoutof tbe let bpm tbat on tbeboufe toppe,not
titmple,* one of bis Dt'fci* DefccnD Doione into tf)t bouf e, neptber
pics fapD bnto bpunma* cutre fctche anp tbpnge out of
flit, fe tobat ttonc s, auo bps bouf e . 411D let bpm tbat is tn tin
b bat bplbpnges are here felbe, not tourne bacae agapne bnto tbe
^uDJefus aultoetcD auo tbpuges tobicb be left bebpnbe bpm,fo:
tnto bpm: ^epa tbou thefe great
f apbc to take hps clothes toith bp in. «co H)aU
bplbingeSf Che re Q;all not be lefte one be then to tbem tbat are toitb cbpJD,ano
ftone tpon a no thee , tbat (ball not bee to tbe tbat geue fouc&e in tbofe Dales •
cbio men Dotone aiuo as be fate on mout
. &ut piap, t tbat poure ftpgb te be not in
£>liuietc,o tier agapnfte tbe temple, pe< tbe topntcr. jfox tber u)albe in tbofe Dap>
cet,anD lames ano 3(obn, anD 3lnD:eto es fucbe ttibulacton , as teas not from
aftteb bpm feccetlp:te(l bs , toben D)all tbe begpnmng of creatures tobtcbdBoo
tfjcfc tbinges bef 38no tobat is tbe f igne ctcateD,bnto tbps tpme, neitber ffjalbc.
toben all thefe tbinges (balbe fulfpilebf 3tno ejecepte tbat t\}s JLozdc u)oulo u)o;»
^no J e f us auf to er CD them, a^iD began ten tbofe Dapes, no man f^oulDe be fa*
& c

&f&>$lmku dfoujcjqrtf
Iambe is catctt. cintGcts tafecn. jdctccucnpttb
aeb*z3uf foi tfje electes fake, tofjicfje be
bumtotrb many otbcctbpugcstbattoctc&cmaii
batbe cbofeu , be batbe tyoneneo tt)ofe bcbof£bxpttx._
jjjfter tlDo oapes folotoeD
C *3Bnb tt?cii,pf anp rape to pou: man €ftct anb tbe oapes of
, mat.^(.«
to,f|sce is Cbzpifc:lo>be tf tbere, beleue lltoetebwaot' * ainotbe
^^ 7 ' *S&%*
not* jfoz falfe Cbziftes tyall arpfe,anb lbie|&«cftesanb§^cU
falfepzopbete$,a"b Ajal ty cU) mpzacles jbes fougbt mcancs,boto
ano toonoets,to beceaue pf it tocte pof* itbepmpgbttaaebpmbp
ftble,euen § electe*£ttt take pe bcbe:be« crafte anb put t)i>m to oeatbe* ©ut tbep
tjoiDe, 3J OaueO^ctutDpou ail tfiinges fapb: not in tbe feail Dap,leafl: anp buffi
befoze* nes arpfe among tl)t people*
mat M *sj9oteouei; to tbofe Dapes,aftet tbat acoben be toa* in ©etbania, intbe SSfg*
Socu.tV tttliulacion,t^e funne tyal toejee barcke, boufeof^pmon tbe ieper, euen 89^
anD thc njojjg fl, a ii not gcwe ^ et Ipgbte, fate at meate,tber cam a tooman Wiin<&
ano tf>e flarccs of fjta uen Lfcal fal:ano anaiabiailerbO]ce of opntmente calico
tljepotocrs tofjtcfjeatc mbcaucn, fyaU 0aroe , tbat U)aspure$coaipe:anbO)e
©am w « moue.* HMD ttjen 0E>ail ttjep fe tbe fotinc bzakc ^ bojee anb pobjteb it on is beao.
of mancommpnge mtfjc clottDoef, toitb 3inb there toe tc feme tbat loete not con*
grcatc potoctatiD glozp* 3MD tfjen 0>aU te nt in tbe in f el tics, a no t'apoe:U)bat nu
be f enoc his angels ,anD ftall gather to bco tbis toaft of op ntmen t^jf 1 it migbf
getbet bis elect from tbe foute totnoes, baue btiu rooloe foz moie tben tbze buiu
5 from tbe one eno of § toozlD to § otber* Dzcd bens $ bene geuen bnto tbe pooze.
* uhe
**uatne aftmtlituDe of tbe fpgge %\\b wpgruogcD agapna ber.
'' a»
tree* apben bis bzauncbes ate pet tens 3Dub Jefusfapbe:letber bcintefte,
30 Det anobatb bzotigbte fourtb leues,pe
3 tobP trouble pe bet/ £>bcbatbebonea
kno toe that fonimcr is nca tc.3>o m like goob toozne onme**jfoz pe ft)ali baue s>wt^M
ma'net toben pe f e tbere tbinges com*to pooze toitb pou aItoapcB:anDicbenfoe<5
patrc:bnDetftaiiD , that ttis npe eucn at uer pe topil, pe mape do tbcm goob : bnc
tb€Dozes*tierelp J Cape Dnto pou, tbat me pe Ojal not ba ue altnapes.^bc batb
tbis gene ra ci 6 Oja J no t paffc,ti l a I tbefe Done tbat (l)e couIb:Q)e came afoze banD
tbmgcs be Donci^cancn ano eartb £J?al toanopnte nip bobpe tobi'S bu^tuge
pai'fe,but ihp toozoes 0>al not paffe.s ti t toatDe*turelpe J fape fcnto pourtobew
of tbe bap ano tbe bouce knotoetb no ma foeuer tbps ©of pell Q)albee pzeacbeo
no not tbe 36tigelsbjbicbare inbeauen: tbozobj out tbe tofjole loozloe : tbps aifo
b netber tbe fonne btm fetfe:faue tbe fa* tbat ajc batb Donegal be rebearfeo in
cemembzaunceof ber*
tbec onl>»c»
abe fjeDe,toatcl?e anb pzap>foz pc
lute ?a.r noto not to ben tbe tpme ts**:8s a
*30nD3uDas3!fcatiotb> one of tf>e
bpe^jec* J5
tto*Iue,iiient atoape tonto t\^z
'tobicb is gone into a ft ta tinge conttep, ftcSjto bettapbimtJntotb,e.3CObetttbep 5K5SJ
ano bat& left bPSboufe,anbgeueuauci beatbe tbat, tiiep mere giab,anb pzomi* 9o»^(u.
tozpteto bis fcr uauntcs, anb to euctpe feb tbat tbep tooulo e geue ^pm nionep*
man bis toouke, anb com matt no eb the Inb be f ougbt, botoe f>e mpgbt conueni*
poster to toatcn sx at ch tberf oje, fat pe
. entip bettape bpm*
Unotonot.bjbcn tbe mailer of tbe bout
topll come , tobc tbec at euen oz at miD;
*3dnb tbefpzft oape of ftoete bzeaDfj
tnben men offer tbe pafcati iambe, b« mm.**
f ^ ^ ^
npgbt, tobctbet at tbe cocUe crotomg oz Difcipies fapbebnto bimrtobcre toplt|
intbeDaunpngcUeaitpfbecomc foDeiv. § toe go $ pzepare,tbat tbou mapft eat p
Ipe be ftjoulb fpnb pou ft cppng.aiub tbat eaftet lambe^3!nb be rente foztb ttoo of
jlfapeDuto pou, jj rape bnto ail men, bis opfcpplesf^ fapb onto tbem : €0 pe
toatcbe* tntotbe cptie , anb there Q)all a manne
mete pou bearing a pttcbet of in a tc r 5 f 0.
a. JLohc tit fflj atljcui. jrjrmi. b.
lotoe biin »3I no tobttber foeuer hegoetb
b. 39 be teas mau.ljc lutein it uoms nt as be toas
eoDijehnctoctr. in,fape pe to tbe goob man of tbe boufe:
C'Cbe»JCUuVCbapter* 4* tbe mailer afketb tobece is tbe geft cba*
fl&acpfljaaDalcu aiioputM& ber, tobcrc J Qjzii eat the <£aftcr iambe
HJe #ofpell
toitJj mp Dpfcpplcs 3no be tor U fljc toe bente; fojtbe a Iptle ano fell Dotone oti
pou a gr catc patloure, paueo a»D pze* tf^c geounoe ano pzape Drtfjat pf tt mere
parcoabcre make teaop foz bs.3WD bag poffiWe, tbe Ooute mpgbte paffe fcome
Dimples to eiuc f oztb e ano came to tiic mm. 3ub be fapoe : * 3b ba imukw.*
f atbet,all
ftttk ^ 1 "-
cptp,anofounDasbfbaDfapDbntotbe: tbtnges ate poffible bnto tbe,tafce atoap
ano maoe teaop tbe eaftct lambe. tbis cup from me 0euettbeleffe not $
matft. J6 b.
* 3luo at cue be came toitb toc.jii.3BuD J toilt:but that tbou toplt,be Done,
as tbep fate at bozoe $ atejjefus faioe: 3PuD Oe cam anD ouno tOe flcpin ge,
nerelpc 3 (ape on to pou : tbat * one of anD f aiD to 0cter:<®imou,aepell tbouc
pou ftjallbetcape me, tobictj catttb toitfj couloeft not p*toatcbttmeoneboucej»
me* aiuo tt)tp begauue to mo u t ne,a no to bjatcb pej P?a p, left pe entce into tepta<
fap to bpm one bp oucas tt J^no ano* ci6,p f pint is ceop,but $ Acty is toeabe*
tbetfapoeas it 3 t l^e anftoeteo ano *3onagapnc be toentauiapcfrpzateD, 9 »•*•»«••
fapoe onto tbem : 3 1 ts one or tbe.jit. fpafce§ fame toozoes.ano be tetourneD
ano tbc fame oeppetb toitb me in tbe 9 fouD tbe a flepe agapne , foz tbcit epes
platter* cbe fonue of man goetb , as it toec beupmettbec toift tbep tbbat to an*
is tojptten of bttmbut too be to tbat nt&, ftoet t».3nD be cam # ttipzo tpme ,5 faio ,

b^ tobome tbc fonne of man bettaieo. biKo tbcalcpe » bens foztb,^ take pout*
<J5ooDtoeteit fozbpm:pf tbat man bao eafe,tttspnougbe.€be boutetscome,
neuet bene bo zn e, b cbolo f fonne of man ft) a Ibe oelpuctco
*3no as tbep ate,3efus to&e bjcao, into $ babes of fmnecs.iapre bp,let b*'Ji.b
bleiTeo ano bzake ano g a tie to tbem anD be tbat betcapctb meas at bano.
fapoe: caKe,eate ,tf)is is mp boop. 3nD *3no immeotatlp tobpl be ptt fpafce, iKfflJ
betoftc tbecuppe, gaue tbanbes, ano came Jjuoas one oftbettoeIue,ano toitb
gaue it to tbem, ano tbep all o ta ncBe of bim a gteate multttuDe of people toitb
it.3no be fapo unto tbem : dips' is mp ftoeatoejes ano ftaues ftom f bie pzeettes
blouoeoftbcnetoeceftament tobifbis $£)cnbe<3*elDets. 3nDbe£betrape&
u>0 foz manp.taiecelp 3 fape bnto pou: bim bao geu£ tbem a general toben fai*
3Jtopllozincbeuomozeoftbis(fcute of pngitobofoeuwj Dobi(re,^eitis;tabe
tbe bpne, butpl tbat oap,tbat 3 ozincRe bim ano leao bim atoap toacelp^no as
it netoe in tbc, bpngoome of u5od * 3110 foueas be toas come, be \omt fttepgbte
toijen tbep bao fapoe graccabep toente map to b»n,<» fapo bnto bftmmaftet ma
out to mount olpuet* ft tt) % kpffeo bim 3(no tbep lapoe tfieic
3liD Jefugf fapoe bnto tbem : 3BU n banoes on bpm, ano toke bim»3no one
fbalbe offenbeo tbozotoe me tbts nigbt of tbem tbat ft ooe bp, ozue out a ftoerD,
f«4a.*iu.c font is tozpttcu:*3| toil fmpttbeu>ep< ano f mote a f eruauut of tbefype pzecft,
bcroe, ano tbe mcpeOjaibc fcattereo. ano cut of bis care*
©ut after tbat 3 am tpfcu agapne , 3 3no 3Hef us anftoerco ano fapo bnto f
SJflf.rrti t topll go into <sali Ic before pou,* peter
tbem : * pe bee come out as bnto a tbtfc matjww.e
iUtfKHrt',0 »«*»•»«.''
fapoe unto bim. 3lno tbougb all menne toitb ftoearbts 5 toitb flaues,foz to tafte
fboulo be offeoeo^et mould not j.3|itD ine.31 toas Daplp toitb pou in tbe temple
3fiefus lapo bnto bpnuiuerelp J fap bu« teacbing, 9 pe tobe me not.but tbat t\)(
to tbe,tbps Dape euenintbps npgbt be* fcrtptutes Q)oulDe bee fulfplleo. * jpno *»*.».*•
fozetbecocfee ctotoe ttovfe, tboutbalte tbep all fozrobe bim 5 tanne atoap. 2Bno
benpe me tbzpf e.3lno be f pabe bolDlpec: tbece f olotoeD b"n a certatne pong man,
noaf 3 u)oulD ope toitb tbe,3f toil not oe tlotbcD in Ipunen Upon tbe bare , anD
tip tbe.ipketopf e alfo fapoe t^ all. tbe pong men caugbt bim,ano lefte bps
* aino tbep came into a place nameb linne\$6eeD from tbe nabeo.*3Bno tbep apa*.j6.R
mat.wrtu d (Bctbfemaui.inno be fapoe to bis oifci^ leaojefusatoapetotbebpeft pzeeftof iSKlsi
ples:^ptpeb£re,tobpl3IgoaparteanD al:^ tobim carnal tbe bpepzeeCes,a tbe *

ppp.ano be toke toitb bpm ^eter,3a< eloers,^ tbe £>c«bes.38nD peter foloto
»es ano ^ofm.ano be began to toare a< eo bim a great toap of, euen into f palo
bafljeo ano to be in an agonp 5 fapo itm* ips of p bie pjceft^ fat toitb t&ereruaun
totbem:*^pfouleisbetpebetipeeuen tesanotoatmeDbimfelfeattbefpze. <»„ ,
mutt).*** *
unto § oeatb^tarp bece $ toatcb^no i;e *9nD § tjie pzecftes ano al $ counfeK m&$ J/;

JtttoKtt tfolmiii
fougbtc foz foptnegagapnftc 3fef«, to a.£okctu#jartjcto.ftt)t. &lcpe.
put bun to Deatb,auD foiuiDe noonc.£et cbcjcb.cbaptcr; 4*
wanp bate fair? uutucs agapnftc bun, ar&cpafliouof Cfoia . £>f tips bcarijcaub bit*
but tfjcir tonnes agrcco not togetljer.
SIud tbcre arole cettapne anD bzougbtc $D auone batonpnge
in tbe %
falfc toiMes agapnfte bpm fapingc. *t!je bpe pzieftcs bclbe conn* «m,T7,*,
* 31 mpll Dclttope
«X-e fjcaroe (inn Tape: rel toitb * elDcrsfrtbe $ctb gfciB

temple maoc toitb baDes a nD toitb

tin , bes,anb t(;e tobole congtcga*
in tbzc Dates J toil bplDe anotber,maDe cion,auD bounce Jefus anD IcDDe bpm
toptbout bauocs . I3ut tfjeit toitnes a? a toap anD DelpuereD bun to ptiatc, anD
giccDtiottogctbcr. pplate at bcD bun : atte tbou tbe ftpnge
BWf.RtW.f * 3 iid tijc bpcftc p: eft ftoDc bp amo* of tbe3[ctotsv3nD be anrtocrcD at id fa id

geft tbcm.auD affccD Jcfus f apmgc:au< bnto bim:tboufapctt it . anD tbe bpe
f toe reft tbou notljpngc f l^oto is tt tbat pzuftes accuftb bun of mattp bpnges* 1

tbel e beare toitnes agapnftc tbc.-acuD be dX'berfo^e pplate atbcD bpm agapne
bcloe is peace,anD aufteeceD notbpnge, raping^ainrtocttfttbounotbuigefzee*^-^.*
3&gapuc tbc bpcftc pucft afftto bun, anD bolbe boto maup tbpnges tbep tap buto
Tapbe bntobpnuflctetbou Cbnuetbc tbp cbacge.^efus pzt anf tocrcb neuer a
Comic of tfie blcflfcb^iiD ji efus rapD.J tooiDejo tbat pplate mcrtttleD.
6 am.*3lnD pe fljal fe the fonne of man fpt * 3lt tbat fcaft pplate toas toonte to " fl,>27,

on tbc rfgbte banoc of potoe^anD come Detpuer at tbcit ptcafure a p^pfonct:

in tfic clottDcs of beaucn.^ben tbebteft tobome rocuer tbep tooulDe Dcrp?e 3nD
pziefi- rente bis etotbes" anb fapbe: tobat tbere toas one namcD jgarra bas, tolucfi
wdc toe anp further of toitnes^e tja u e tape bofibe toitb tbcm tbat mabe tnft»t^
bcatbe tbc blafpbemp, tobat tbincae pc- tcccia .anD in tbe tntucrcccton commits
3nD tbcp ail gaue fentence tbat be toas teD muttbcr.auD tbe people catleb Ditto
tooiibp of bca tl; .SinDfome beganne to b ttn,anD began to Defp?e acco^Dpnge as
fppt at bim,anD to cotter bis: face , anb be baD euer Done bnto tr)cm.pttate au>
co bete bpm toitb fpftcs,anD to rap bnto ftoereb tbcm anb rapDeraccpii pe tbat Jf
bim, atcbe unto be* aiiiD ttjc feruautcs lotofe bnto pou tbe apnge of tbejetoesf
boftettcDbtmoutbefacc* jfojtbeftuctoctbat tbe bpe pieties baD
ano as peter toas benetb in t be pal* DetpuereD btm of enup.+^ut § ^ie pjte* ^'^ rj *

!ace,tbirecameoncoftbctocucbcsoftbc ftes bab tiioucD § peoplejbat be fljoiiiD

bpeft pjieftc;anD*tobcn Ojc fa toe peter ratber Detpuer ©acrabas bnto tbcm*
toarmpnge bpm feife, (be IoIkd on bim, anD ptlate anftoctcD agapne,^ fa rD 23
3oi)n, is.
anb fapDc:toaue not tboti alfo toftb J'u bnto tbcm:*3ccbat topll pe tben tbat 3 JJtefi
fus of jfrajatetb:' 3BnD be DenpcD it rap* Do toitb btm tobome pe call tl)t ftpnge of
inge : J bno toe turn not , nctber toot 3J tbc Jetoesf 2M1D tbep crpcb agatnercru*
tobat tljoii rap eft. 3nD be tocnt out into cifiebim.pilate faiD bnto tbc:acobat u
tbc pozcbc,anD tbe cocUc ere toe 3nD a upl batb be bone^ttD tbcp ctieD § moze
bamfcil a toe bpmiatjD agapne beganne
I ftrucnt(p:Ctucttpcbtm.^nDropiIate
to fap to tbcin tbat ftooe bp,tbis is one topllpngetocontcnte tbe pcoplcJotofeD
of t b c m.SPnD be benpeD it agapne* 9nD tb^sartabas, 5 DelpuereD JefustobS
tt anoneaftet,tbep tbat ftoDe bp, fapbe a* bebab fcour geD bun,foi to be cruciftcD.
gapne to peter : rurclp tbou arte one of * 3 nD tbe f ouDicis leDDc btm a toap in* mu „ B
tbcm, foz tbou arte of cpaiple , anb tbv to tbe commc baII,Q calico togctljcr tbe
Cpeacbc agreetb tbccto.ff ud be beganne tobole mult it uDe, ft tbep clotbcDhun \b
to cutffe anb to rtocare raping: 3 anoto purple^ tbep plattcb a ctouneoftboii
not this man of tobomc pe fpcafee* anD ne$ 3 etouueb btm tb all,? began to ra*
mat.'KM,g agapne tbe cocfeefctetoe, * anb peter lute bt m»$a t ic apnge of f Jctocs* zm
lemembwD tbe teo.zDc tbat Jjefus fapbe tbep rmote bim on § beabe toitb a rcDe,
bnto bim, before tbc cocltc etc toe ttopfe, anb fpate upon btm, auDfcncIcD Dotone
tbou Ojalte benpe me tbzpfe, 3 beganne anb tootfbpppcDbPm.
totoepe* t 28 ud tobcu tbep bab moclteD bpm,

tbcp toae tbc purple of btm.anb put bis

€€t.u otone
btone clones onfjunj leooe f»m out,to be fapoe: ttulp ttyz mail teas tfje fotine
"ucifpc bpm.*3no t&ep compelleD one of (5oo * 'CbetetDetealfotoemcn a
E?Su gooD toape of bebolopnge bim:amonge

tbat pafjeo bp,calIeo &imon of Cpjene

(h3pic(K came oute of tin f elDe ano mas 5
tobome teas ^atp ^agoalen^^atp
fatbet of ailcjcanoet 3 Uuf us ) to beate tbe motbet of James tfjelptie, auo of
ftps ctoffe.flno tbep bjougbte bpm to a 3f ofcs,anO ^atp ^albtnc: tobicbe alfo
place nameo d&olgotba(tobPCb ts bp tn* mben be mas in <5a[iIe foIoteeO bim anO

tetpictaciou place of oeaoe mens

, tf)e mintfttco Onto bpm, auOmanp otbec
fcoulles)ano tbep gaue bim to D^inckc, toemen bobicbe came Op witty bun Onto
topne mpugleo uutb rapjw, but bete* jecufalem*
<r ceaueo it not* * 3tno notee toben np^te teas come mt tW ,

©rai.Ki.0 * 3lno toben tbep bao ctucifpeo bpm, (becaufe it mas tbe euen tbat goetb be; mm*,***
fo^etbe fabotbjjofepb of aitunatbia a
iSSnillttyty patteobts gatmentes ,
tottesfojtbetn,ti)bateuecpmanO)OutD noble counccUout tobicb alfo ioaeO toj
iMiic.aino it mas about p tbitoe boute, t\)tkpngcoomeof (SoO,cameauo teente
a no tbep ctucpfpeD bpm.3no tbe title of in boibelp Onto ^iiate, ano beggco tbe
ftps caufe teas tojptten : €be fcpnge of boop of Jefu.luo ^tlate metueleo tbat
tbe Je toes , 3notbepccucpfpeDtoitb be teas al teaop oeaoe, ano calico Onto
typm tajo tbeues : tbe one on tbe tpgbte bpm tbe Centution, ano afaeo of bpm a
t)anOe,anotbcotbctonbPSlefte. ano tebetber be bao bene anp tebple Oeaoe*
tbe icttptute toas fulfplleo tobicbe rap* 3Ino m\)tn be tme to § ttuetb of ttyz & ce^s
cfac.iiii etb:*be teas couuteb among § toiefceo. gaue tbe boop to 3|ofepb.3ino
* 3nD tbep tfjat toente bp s tapjeo 011 be bougbte a Ipnneclotbe,ano to&e bun
macfar * f
ImtQ, £l &pm teaggpnge tbeit bcaDes anD fap<
ooune , ano inzappco bpm in tbe lv nnen
tnge:3I tojetcbe.tbat Defttoieft tl)t tern* clotbe,auo lapoe bun in a combe p suas
ple.ano bplDeft it in tbze oaicsiiauc t^ beteeu out of p tocfte,3ino toileo a (lone
felfe 3 anD come Dounc from tbe erode. Onto p oozcof tbe fepulctc.* 3flnD s^a« mstb.rr,*

ftpfcetopfe alfo mocbeo bim tbe btc pztco tp ijpagoalen ano ^atpjjofes bebeioe
ties amogc ttjem fcluts toitb tbe fe>cr 1* tofjete be teas lapoe* *.

toes ano iavoetbe faueOotbetmcn,bpm 3Cbc/5L0tcg.

felfe be cannot fauc.&c t Cftfift § kpnge n.3-bt9l)apIch)asaccrtapuccIotfjctUafUans£6 Xljcbaps

of Jiftaci notn DciccnDc ftorn tbe ctofTe, iu tOc tcinplc.tiiupupiisc tUCiuoactjolp place if co it*
toe cctt of toe temple , as oute clothe t Oat 19 oan=
tba t toe map c fe anD beleue , 31 no tbep
gc& Dp in icntc.DcupBetl) tOc aul tec from tijc cc:lc
tbat mere ctucpfpeo tott& bun , cbecaeo of the courcocscoeceittpiigcof tDijico bailcfpss
t)pmalfo. mf pea ,tljat toe tyaootoes of m
opfes lato ftouloi
m% T7, t
* aino tofien tbe fpjetc boute teas banpfteatoapeattljeaoipajpnsclpgotof^ffiiofs
pclI.b.tCciuuciou,ts a captapite, tijat Oatge btu
come MtC k nw at0 f( ouw gi (be cattle
^ Dec ijim an Ouudicd men.
Onul tbe mntbe boute.ainD at tbe npnty
boute Jefus ctpeo toitb a louoe topee
& Cb< ..cOi.Cbapter. HP
CTCbxtftcis tffen aaapitc , ano appeacet& to Uje
fapinge : <£loi , qgloi , lamaafbatbant, toOom Oc conumtteto n;e pjeacOmgC

at»t «i a tobicb
is pf it be interpret:* mp d5oo, oftOc«5ofpell.

5© mp ©oo,tobpbafttboufojrakeme.26no |iOtet)etbe*^abboto3l
tome of them tbatftoocbp, toben tbep ]oape teas parte , ^atpe «"»«. * •
beatoc tbat,fapb:beboloe be cailetb foi '^©agoalen, ano a^atpe jSJt'if
aaatu t7 «
$* l ? ** ainD one tan & fplleo a fponge Jacobp , ano Salome,
%n*,w* ful of Otneget,anO put it on a tcoe, anb Ibougbtoooutes,^ tbep
gaue bun to ojpnche,fapf nge : let bpm imigbt come ano anopnt
alone , letos fe tobetbec i^elpas topll bun.lno etlp m ttyz moiiipnge ttyi ncjete
come anb take bim ooune. oape aftet tbe &abbotb oap, tbep came
53ut Jclus ctpeo to aloubeOopce, Onto tbe fepulcte , toben tbe f untie teas
anb gaue tip tbe <£ooft.3uo a tbe oayle tpfen.3nO tbep taio one to anotbet:tebo
of tbe temple OpO tente in ttoo peces,fto CballtolieOsateape t\)t Honeftomtbt
oiarti. tbe toppe to tbe bottomc.*aino tobc tbe oo^te of tbe fepulcte ** 3BuOtebentbep
ftvb(,q.t (jentution tobicbe ftooe befoie bim,fato loheo , tlttp fatoe botee tbe ftone teas
tbat be f ctpeo anb gaue by tbe good, tolico ateapefo; it teas a eepe gteate

* 0utkt, tfolmiiil
bnc.Inb tfiep bet info tbe f cpttIcrc,auD rongojiofuifottietoapctoaf Icafcctljto tficflci^alftocjli

fa toe a pouugc man fprtpugc on p ngbt

tr les . HB>fj ic!K 1 9 fceclat CD r t; crc . K ur no to c \)c
rctiDctl) t^cm into all rtjetooiloe, bccaurcasrbcii
hoe, ciotbc d in a longc tobitc gntmcuf, ')CbabmaocbutoncflocbcofaUtbetoOoIctoo;tO
mart}. -.8, a cno t\)tp irere abaUtycD.* ano ft c fa* be tobitO to as befozc beupbcb into ttoo.
fcnto tbcm,bc not af taicb:pc fcaejleius
of j=ia?a cctii.toij cij teas ctucifpeo * i$t
idr t)cte enbetb tbe (Dofpell of

is tpfen,be is not bcrc/scbolDe f place,

tobcre tbep put btm.jgut goe pout map,
cud tell bis bifcpples ano namclp £>c*

ter:bctopii gobcfoie pouinto ©alplc:

*tbcte u)all pe fc btin,tas l;e fai'Dc bnto
rou.^iiD tf;cp UJCiitcoutciuicUlpcJOcckj
from tbe fepulcce . tfojtbtptrcmbicD
on tfte d5ofpcii of
&>apncte )Luae«
ano toccc amareo.jl-ietbcc fapbe tbep a*
up tbpnge to anp man ; foj tljcp toete a*
'twas teas panics com*
frapeo. {<
pan ion at tbe icaftc toap f com ,

£Pat :S,a 4* * -SCti en perils teas tpfen tbe moi thc.pDt.oftbcactCffcjfijc.aitQ

fculic :+ a
totoc after tbe <5>abbotbbape, f>e * op< toub bpm in all !;ps rributacu
on.anbbctocntctottl) jaaulc
pereo fir ft to ylparp »J£agDalcu,outc of
at bis lane gopitgcto fetctns
toboim be cart icucnoc nils. ainDOjetoct Calcm. aubfrom tbeucebe fos
ano toloc tbem tljat ujetc imtb bun a,s n. c%. >r^ lotocb |daul toCfatiatebctc
, •v.

be lapc ttoo peace in piyttm. anb ftowi ceracta be

ibevmoutneD anDtucap tc . 3l»D itfjcii
toentctoitbidaulcto Home, tobecci;eIapcttoo
trjcp fj crOG,?'; be foas aline * be t;aD appc< otbec prates inptpron. anbbc toasteub U>aule
teo to ber,pet tbep btUutH it not»*#ftet toben be toiotcto be tcGifpetu appeateD unto ttoo of tbem in a tntbcfouctbcffbaptecfapingttbcbcloucbiucas
fttatmge fpgute , a# tbep loaikeo g toet toben be toiotctbefefonbc izpiacl to SFpmetljc,
tn to tbe counttpe. Sno tljt v tomtt ano asi;cfapetbuitbefouctbeCbaptecCaping:iDncs
roloe it to tbc tcmnattnte . Zno tbep be* I? Zuus is to it
I) inc. ttDbCibp p c f c tbc autboipte

of man, anooftobaf crcbcncc anD tcuctuice tys

letieo tbem netber. P to;ptpngcis tocttbpeof ,ani» tbectooftobomc be
Inbt. s+.e
4« * fflttt tbat,be appeteb bnto tbe c* leatticb tbeftoipe of bps aofpclf, as be bpm Celfc

Icucn as tbep fate at nicatc:anb cade tn rapctb.booj tbarbclcacncD it anbCcatcbeb it oat

toitb all bplpsence of tbem tt)At Cato it ano tocce
tbcic tetb tbc it b nbclef e ano baiones of
alfo pacta tiers at tljeooingc.Jnb as to.: flje
bette : becaufe tbep beicucD not * tbem actes of tbcapottlcs, bcbpin fclfc to as at
iuln cbc bab f ene bun after bis refuctcc* tbc Dopnse of tijcm( a t tbc tcaft ;of tbc
moScpactc ana bab bis parte tbcti
32> cion.2(nD be fapbe bnto tbem a ©0 c pe
m, anDtberfoic toiorcofbps
into all tbe moziDc.auD pzeacbe p glade otone erpctpcncc,
tpbtnges to all creatures , be tba t bcle< (O (O U)
uetb ano is baptpfco,(balbe faueo.&ut CD
be tbat beleuetb not,fbalbc bampneb.
ano tbelc (binges fl>ail f olotot tbem
tbat bdtuc.* ]gn mp name tbep fbal cad
t .tit,i» out Dcupls juUij ajai t rpcalte Voitf) netoe
tong cs 3 fbal hv I fer pent eg .<tnD pf tbep
c ^Tljc #ofpel of
Sues, :8.a bimfce anp DeDlp rbing,it fljal not buttc garnet ftufec*
tbem (CLbcpQjaUlap'e tbeir bauDcje; on
tbefiCBc auDthcpajall tccouer*
3 ^ajBimucbeasmanpc
jLQttr.n. D * S>o tben toben tbe Hoibe bab fpo < ibaue taken tn bauoe to
ben unto tbc", be teas receatieD into bea* jcoppleatreatisoftbofe
ucn,ano fate bun bount on £ ngbt babe tbpngcs,tobpcbearefu<
of <t5oD.3iit& tbep toent four?, anD pjea* ittlplsuoiDc flinongebs,
cbcD eucri' tobcre. 3!nb vTLoiX) toiougbt as tbep DedareD
toitb tbem, ano confpjmeo tbe toojoe tbembutous, tobtebe from tbe bcgpin
luttb invades tba tfolnUieb. ^ upnge laiue tbem tbm f clues , ano
2CT)e <ftotca. lucre my nift ers at tbe Dopngc: j| Deter*

$0 Otto «.31nti;e^'fi!;aptC(of(99at\)Ctoe,ftffdpct&, ^>c nii'tieD foone as J bao fearcbeo

<£<£e>ii» out

ottte bifrgctitlpc all tbpnge$ from the pcres.^no the angel anftoeteb anb ram
begpnnpngc,p tbenj tooulo tojtte tonto t>ntob<ttn3am&ab?icltbat(tanoe in
tbe,gooo cbcopbilus:tbat mtgbteft tbe parens of <H5 flD
, anb am rente to

feuotuc § cettcute of tbofc tinges tober* fpcafcc tonto tbe : anb to Ojctoc the tbcfe
of thou arte infojmeb. glaoe tiDj'ngeS3m bebolbe tbou Qjalt

CW fp.xfte Chapter*

SWconcepetonanbbpttbcof 3IoIjn £ bapttft.

be Domme,ano not be able to fpeake, o
tpl § tpme §tbefe tbinges be petfouneo,
3Cbc conception of Ci»ia. 2Cb« ftjauUfull rouacs becaufe tbou beleuebft *not mp toojtoes, 4.B*S.7.«
ofjjgatpaiiDjadjacj'C. tobicbcfhalbc fulfpUco tn their fcaron.
j^eretods in the 3duD the people toapteD foi za chart*
Dares of i^croDe v as, ano mctucpleo that be tarpeo in the
Upnge of 3Jutp« a temple. 36nD lube be came out,he coulbe
certapue pjteft na* not fpeaUe onto the . aoofjcrbp tbrp pen
WbZaeijartas,of ccaticD that he hao feue fome oifpon in
«.par,ir.!> |tbe*coucfeof $bt* the temple ,31110 he bechenco onto them,
l'a anOhistopfe- anb remapneo fpcacbictTc
JtoaiS of the bough* +
;iinb it ftituneo,as f one &$ p tpme c
rets af S&aron : ano her name toas <£lp* of bis offipce tons out,heDcparteo home
jabetb.!5otbe toerc pccfccte before <H5oD, into his o tone houre 3no after those
imo malfeeD in all § iahus $ ozDiuauccs Dares, bis topfe Clijabetb conceaticb,
*f the JLojtoc, that no man couioefpuoe ano bibber felfe fpue tnonetbes Taping:
fa tote tottfj tbe\ 3Cno tbep aD no chilbe, Cbi3 topfe hath (2500 ocaltc toith me m
became that dijabetb mas batre ano the Dapes toheti b he loheD on me,to tal;e
botbetocte toell ftriefcen in age* from me the rebuke £ J fuffrcb amonge
m*it came to paffe,as be cjcccu tco the meiu+ anb * in the fprte moncth p an* S33ati(.i,5

p^ettes office befote d5oD,ae bis coucfe gel ©abiicl toas f cut from d5oDbntoa
came(accozopnge to tbe cuftome of tbe cptte of cattle, nameb ^ajarctb , to a
pjieftes office ) bts lot toas to burne in* btrgpnfpotifeo to a man tohofename
temple of tbe toas 3|ofeph,of the houfc of &auiD,anb
e%w>. jo.t cenfe,*36nD be toet into the
mm*. v .a
0?D6t t jjj foijok multituDe of $ people the tot rgins name toas ^arpe.3Dno the
tocre looout in pzapec tohrlc tbe met nf angel toent in tonto her,* fapbe:c i^aple
toasaburmmg'e 2£nD tf^cte appereD full of gtace,the ?Lo:D tjS toith the:blef<
tonto him an aingcll of tbe feDe ffan< feb atte thou amonge tocmctn
Dpmjfontberpgbtc fpDeoftbcaultare aoohen the fatoe hpm me toas abaf-«
ofmcenfe. ainDtobenZacbauas fatoe 0)cD at hvs fapingc : anb cade in her
hpm ,tje toas abactjeb^ feare ea on bpm. mpnoc tobatmaner offalutacion tbat
care not moulDe be.3CuD the angel faib tonto bet:
23 3nD tbcSingclfaiD tonto him:f
€tw,\> Zacbarp,foz thp pjatet is hearoc:+3flno feare not g^arp : tot thou bafte founbe
ttjp topfe (Elizabeth thai bcarc £ a f onne, grace toith <l£OD.*)lo, thou maltc coin

aiio £ malt cal bis name3obn,ano th on ceaue in thp toombe, ano malte bcare a
fljalt bane tope & glabucs,.? manp tyall fonue,anb*ft)alte call hps name Jef us.
teiopce at bis birth. jFoz be ujalbe great l^e mall be gceate,anb tyalbc calleb the
in § fight of the kojoe.ano tyall nether tonne of the bpeft • 3BnD the &o?be<5ot>
Diincfce toineno: ftrotig Dilnchc.3InD be IDallgeue tonto him the feateofhis fa<
dial be fplleD tt tbe bolp goofte,eucn in tbet Bauib , *ano he mall rapgneouec €

bis motbecs toobetf manp of f cbilOie" the houfc of Jacob fo.tcuet,anD*of his s>a!i.^(i.a
of 3|fcacl Ojall be tourne to their jtotoe bpugebome Qjalbe none enoe. S33irt> 4. b
0od 3nD be mall go before him in tbe Ch en fapbe iHparp tonto the angcll:
maia. j.o fputt $ potoct of *^elias,to tourne tbe l^otoe (hall this be,fepnge 3 mioto not
a^tes of $ fathers to tbecbtloien,anD a man t 3Knb the angell anftoereb anb
holpe goofte mall
the tonbeleuers to g topfebome of § iutte fapbe tonto her : 'Che
me:to mafee people teop foi iLozoe. come topon tbc,auD the potoer of the ht ;
£ f
anoZacbartasfafO tonto the ang ell:ouerihaooo toe the. * Cherfoic
eft (hall (

«mt,i7, t
tohetbv itjai 3f tmoto tbtsv* fepnge tbat alfo that holpe tbpneje tohiche mall
j?«5tt 3 am oloe ano mp tojpf e toel ftr<cfec» in be borne, Qjall he calleb the fonne of


of <8t>t).nw beWDe typ cofc elijabctfj came to circumtpfe tr)c cbplDe: anb cafi
Qje batb alfo coceaucb a Tone in fa t age. lebbpsname Zacbatias.aftetpname
3(inD tb is is bet f p jet monctb,tbougb cbc of bis fa tbet.i^oii) be it bis motbe e mu
& be calico bart cn:*f oz toitf) cS5od can no* f toetcD. ano fapbe : not fo 3 but be ftalbe
cbig be bnpoluble.31lno *JI£atp faio: be* calico Jfobn . 3(inD t^
fapbe bnto fa t:
boiDc tbc banoe mapoen of rf?c jtozo.bc tEbc te is none of t^ apnne, tbat is na*
it tin to me cucii as tfjou baft fapDclnD mcD toitb tbis name anb tijepmaoe
tbe angel DcpacteDfcom bee. h fpgnestobisfatbec, botoe be luouloc
+ 3no <8patp atofe in tfjof e oapes, banc bpui calico* 3BnD be afacD f 01 Ujip<
auD act into p mountapns tf baftynto tpnge tables ano anote fapiuge:bps
a citie of June ano entreb into § bouf
, name is Jobn. ^no tbcj; maeuelleo al*
ofZacbacp,*faluteD<£lt?abetb.2enDit aino bis moutbc toas openeD immeopa
foiruncD,asC-/i|abctl)ljcarDctbefaIu< atlp,anb bts tonge alfo,^ fa fpabe lain*
cation of dpan\tbe babe f pzonge in bee Dpuge (Kod. 3nb f eaee came on all t b c 111
belli' * Siid Cclifabctb toasfplleD \i) the tbat Dtoeltenpe bnto tbem. anoaltbcfc
r)o!v goofr^cruD *b a louDe bopce 3 ano fapinges toece nopfeo abiobe tbtougbc
€ fapDc : 23ietTco arte ti;otinmongc ice* out all tbe bpli count tc of J uric, ano al
tncn ; 3bttiIcbis§fruteoftbp toombe. t(;ep tbat beatoe tbem lapoe tbembp in
3'nD bbeuce bappenetb tins to mt,p tbc tbcic bcetes fapinge : 5£0fjat manec
tnotbec of hip XLozD 0>ouED come to mcf cbiiocojai tbis bc.-SMD tbebanoe of tfa
3rozlo,asfoone as tbe bopce of tbp fa* IdozDe teas tout) faun
iutaciou foumbeo in mpne cates,£ babe 3DUD bis fatbee Zacbattas bias fpf^
fpzagein mp beilp foz iopc.3no blcflfcD lebnutb tbe bolp gooft, alio pzopbcfpeo
acte tbou tfjat belttteoft : for tbofe typm fapinge:
esk&a* £ cs
W bc petfotmeo tonic!) tucrc toloe
t{> e ftom toe fcoib.aiiib d^arp fapbe:
zBlciTco be tbe
lo:Dd5cD or3|fcacI 5 fot 53chei
bebatb bifiteD9tcDemeD bis people. DictllS*
cu+w * *$®V foul£ 'nagniftetb p lozo*3Bna mp ano bat b raplcD Up an * borne of fat; <&
p fall J 2.6
fpirtte reiopfetb in gob mp lauiour. *< uacion bnto bs,in tfa boufe of bis feu
jF 01 be batb IobcD on tbc poozc oegte of uauntc DautD.
bis banoe mapDcn.iscbolDe uotuc ftom €u en as be pioim'fcD bp § moutb of
bene c foztb ft a al generacions call m e bis bolp pzopbetcs tobicb tocee fence tbc

blcfleo. jfoz fa tbat is mtgbtp batb Done tooxloe beganne. cbat toe Ojoulb be fa^
to me gteate tbinges, ano bolpe is bis ueo from oure enemies ano from § liafc
name. cUnD Ins metcp is on tbem f f eatc oes of all tbat bate bs»
bun tbozoto out ai gencracions.i^e (be* Co f u If pi tbe mec cp pzomifeo to otic
toetb fttengtb toitb bts annexe fcate* f a t b c r s, a nb to remember bis bolpc co*
teibtbcm tbat are piotibc iutbcpma* uenaunte.
f.lRcg.i «. ginacionoftbctcbectes.* ^eputtetb * inb to pcrfozmc tbe otlie tobiebe be
«tclr.,i.t bourne
tfa mightpefromtbeu; fcates, ftuaee to oure fatbee 3ibiabam 3 foz to
anb cjcaltctb tbem of lotoe Degte. &e fit i geue bs.
luntbebongrpumbgooo tinges* :ano % Cbat toe Delia ereb out of tfa ban «
f enoetb atoape tbe tpebe emptpe.^e re* Dts of ouce enempes , might feme bpm
membzetb mercpc:anD hclpetblni fee* tuitboutcfcarcaltbcbapcsofoutlpfe,
uauntc Jfcacl. iulucbcboipncg; ano rigbtcoufnesas
f * cguc as bepzompfcDtoourfatbets, are accepts before bim.^inD tbou cb i!dc,
«w.ffiw 3pbzaba $ to bis feeoc f 01 euet.sinD 99a (bait be ealleo tfa pzopbete of tbe bpeft:
tv abooe ft bee about a.f ti.monetbes ^ foz tbou fbalte go befoze tfa face of tbc

retourneo agaptie to bee oume boufe* jlozbc, to pupate bpsujapes : ainoto

*> Clijabettjes tpme teas come tye geue ftno toieogc of faluacpon bnto bis
tftoulo be DeUucteo^ (be biougbt foztb peop(e,foz tbc eemtiTion of fpune s.
a fonne*3nb bee net gbboutcs 3 bee co^ tcbzough tbc tcnoec meeep of our d5oo,
fins beatoe tel bout p jlo id baD a ctocb toberb^ tbe a oapc fpzpnge from an bpc
geeate metcp bpon bee , anb ttyv teiop< batb btfpteo bs.
tebUntbber. Co geue Ipgbte to tbem tbat fat tti
a!nD"^^8^ *&« cpgbtDap:*tbep oarcRtics anb in u)aootoe of Deatbe,auo
€€t*iiu to

Co gpDe out fete Into tfje toapc of peace* Diers,lauopnge (C>oD ano faptng:®lotp
3no tbe cbiioe gecto 9 toereo fttonge in to i5od on bpe,ano b peace on tbe eauij:
f pt rite, ano mas in toilDccuc0,tpi p Dap ano bnto men ceiopfpnge* h
camebwen be OjoulDe tbctoe bin. felte + ?CnD tt f ouuneo, as Tone as v ati= C
toutotbejfcabclptes. F gels mere gone atoape from tbe into \)u
uen,tbe t^epberoes faio one to anotbet:
Jtofutnc a. 3:0 m a&c tlje ijaur rucbe ait ucattc to let bs go eucn bnto ©etblccm, etrc tfjtjs
iSob as amatjam aito tbefatbetsbab.
b.arUatta.iuO^citjeiBefl) faueutoiscacctoinc tbpnge p is bappeneo,bibicb tbe iLoioe
loacb.ttc. ctful of gcacc,ts as? mouclK to Tap , as ro tubome batf) HjcvoeD bnto b# « ano tbep came
fbctucb abouubauutefauoute. bit ti? baft ano founbe s^arp ano| 01"cpf>
fe apteral iS>oD tjatu
of grace 6. £be acnu' of «Sob ie Cftu'tt bp topomc
be ttojs
herb gtcar ano migbtpe rouges.
ano tbe babe lapoe in a manger * Mb
feigarmc e. ©ob oifpteto bts people, tobeu accojbpnge bpa biben ti)tp bao lent it,r bep publpujeo a*
fetfiteb. piompfeoc Qjetoetl) tucin fomescearebcuefpre, biooe tbe faping bibtcb bias tolDe tbeni
aub agapttc tuben bp punptbmcut anb abuet fitc:
of tbat cbtloe * anD all $ btaroe tt,U)on*
be ulictg to cm to vcpentaunce.
Dtco at tbofe tbpnges tobicb biere toloe
4£€t)t«u*<£t)aptct« 4<
tbem of tbe Ojcpbetoes^nt ^arp kept
JTbe bpube aub ctwamciftou of Cbitft. ©oto t>*
ail tbofe f ap tnges , ano ponoereD tin 111
teas tccepucb into tbetemplciaotoc&tniou aub
fluuapiopbectcbof bim. 2ito bote be iuasfcuoc in ber ijcarte. ano £ QjepberDcs ret oun
tu toctcutpleamongetbc boctouta. neo,p?apfpuge ano lauopnge ©od fo; al
$Dit cbaunccDfn tbofe Dap* tbat tbep bao bcaroe ano fene , turn as
ss:£ ttjete toft onto coma uu* it bias tolDe Onto tbcm.
Demit fro 3u gull tbe empe* * ano tobcn tbe eight Dape bias come Sen %W.b
cour.f al tbe tooiID CjoulD be tbattbecbplOet^oulDebectcctimcpieD,
tajceo.ainDtbtg tajringe teas £ fttft.ano bps name bias calleo Jefus, * bmube iuhc.i.c ,

crecutco tobc s>pieimis bias lef tcnaut bias nameo of tbe 31ngel bctoie be bias
in £>lria. 31.D euerp ma toent tnto fjiss conceaueo in tbe btombe* t>
obrne citpe to be tareo.3nD Jofepb alfo Hh 3BitD biben tbe time of tbetr purtfp*
a; cenoeo f com <£alt!e,oute of a emt cal* cacion(after * tbe labic of i^ofisjtoas
icD jj}a?au tb,tnto Jitrpcbnto p cptpe come,tbcp * btougbtcbunto ^tecufa^ i.Bc3,J,B
ot &autD * tobicb is calico sctblrcm, lem, to parent bun to tbc iozoe(asrt
jm&.jcu.b C|:o,Kta,«
becaufe be bias of tbe boufe aiiD linage is biipttcn in tbc labi of tbc )L6iD:*e:ie*
of £>amo, tobetajtcotoifb Spupbps rpmancbilde tbat fprfte oppnictb tbe
fpoure'j topfe tobicb toas tottb cbplDe. m at r jc , Ojaib e calleD b olp to \l ozo cjj

* 3nD it fortune D tobPle tbep lucre to offer(a$ tt is fapDe m tl)t la toe of tbe
cbere.bec time bias come £ foe flbotiio be JLotoe ) a papie of turtle Doues 0; ttoo
DclpuctcD . 3!nD tye biougbte foztbc bee ponge pigions. 3)nD beboloe there toaal
« ttcft begotten fonne,anD buapp cd bun a man tu ^ierufalem tobofe name bias
in ftoaolpnge clotbes,anD lapoe bim in &tmeon * anD tbe fame man bias wit,
a manger, becanfe tberc bias no coume ano f car eo goo, ano lougeo fox tbe con*
foitbembutbtntbcpnne. folacio of 3tratl,anD tbe bolp good toas
%nn tbete toe re in § fame region Ojep? in bun 3ln0 an anftocre bias gene" bpm

Vetoes abtopnge in tbc feme 9 biatcbige of tbe bolp gcoft, tbat be Ojouloe not fe
tbetr florae bp nigbt.*3t»D io,p angel of Dcatbe , befote be bao fene tlft ftozoeg
tbe lorn (lobe baroe bp U)Z,% § bztgbt* <Cb.itftc.3lno be came bp tnfpteactoh iiu
nes of § &ozo Ojone cofioe aboute tbcm, to tbe temple.
anb tbep biere foic af raieo.sut p angel Hnotobentbefatber^motberbi, * ?
fats bnto tbem:©e not afrapeo. f 0.1 be* in tbe cbploe Jcfus, to Do foz bim after
j)o!De,3 bzpngepou tiDinges of great tbe cuftome of tbc*la to, tbe tofce be b i in lM'ttt,t.
tope.tbat ibal come to al tbe peopic.-fo: Dp in bps armes,ano (apo. 10:0,110 toe Bunt
fcnto pou is boine tbts Dave in tbe citpe Ictteft tbou tbp fecuaunte oepacte in Dtinitt.?,
of&aufD,a(aufoureb>btcbei£ cbnft peace accotopnge to tbp ptomes f 01
tbe iLozoc .3mo take tbts f 01 a fpgne: pe tnpne epes baue (tm tbe fautoure fence
(ball fpnoe tbe chvtt^ f biaoleo af (apeo in from tbee . icobicbe tbou bafte ptepa< fP»,)rtfc. i
a manger* $ no (rrcigbt b>ap tbete bias teDbefoie tbe face of all people * * %,
tb tbe angel a multituoe of beuelp foui t Ipgbte to Ipg^ten t^e gcutpls , aim
tfjeglo^pe of tr)p people 3Jrracl. b
* Euke»
*boto i# it tbatpe fougOte mcf 300ift pc
$olftoi. 3oDn.«,«

+ 3BUD lusfatbetanDmotbcr mac* nottbatjimuftgoeaboutempfatbers

ucllco at tbofe tfj ingcs tuf>ictj torn rpo* bufpnes.-'+ainD tbep DnDetftoDe not tbe £?$£
lien of bun 5SiiD Simeon fapingctbatbclpakctotbcm anDbc
bleffcD tbcnij
anD f apDe bnto jji^a rp his moibcr : be; toentetotbem, ano tame to j$a?atctb,
bolDc,cbis cbplDc fyalbc tbe fall anD re* ano teas obcDpcnt to tbcm* * © ut bps <f«"»s7»«
futteccion of manp in JftacI, $ a fpgne motbec feept al tbefe tbtges in ber beatf.
tobicb tyalbe fpobc againft* 38nD mote* ano* Jcf us inrtcaf cd in topreoome anD ,-.m cs m
microbe ftoeatDe ttja pea t cc tbp f oulc, age,anD to fauo tire toitb (5oD $ mam b

tbat tbe tfjoni^fjtcs D of manpc better 2T(jc /Botes.

a.JLofictaogatfjcto tljcfpjac.D. SfivacbCt
mapcbcopcucD, b.SCOtspcaccisf qutctcncsof conrttciicc,t»!)tcIj 8a f.
x: 3tiD tbete teas a p jopfict %iu I)appcncfUtoallrOcfatt!;fulI bclcuccs in Ci.mft lacacccit
na } tbeDougbtetof}ab8iwclof§ trpbc bptcaroutftartljoiOtD Uimtbef atcaiTutcDofrc= ttjccauh
of aifcr: tobicb teas of a gteate age,anD
c.2:iji6fti)crtict9ti;c rojotuc CUoula pcaccc
t!j<if 1 >c
IjaD lpucD toitb an bufba iiDc. lm. petes bec0ctte,toretl)CfoHucofi5oaDcfpicco auoccus rw^-cftc.
from f;er fcirguute « 3flnD fyc bao bene a clip ficaltc toul; all of tbe totcbcD.
fi.2CftcfaptDfuIO;aIopeMlpcotifrtrc^rl)ept'o(iiftc rhflf fhe
tocDotoe aboute.iiii. fcoie,
UimtobctOcfonncof tl;clpupnsc i5ob . 2tbc Hinuoh--
neucr out of tf;e temple, but
tobicf) l|^t hit rfttb anD bnbclcucts Qjall occlace bp tbcpx /„ nf ma
fetueo cBoo foitb faft inge 9 Plaice ni gbt sapucfapuiscbtm.tljatfbcpfUpMfteOpmtobca "1 "*
anD Dapc. 3inD tfjc fame eame foztb (bat rcbiucc&otyaif rbouol;tccofiuaiipbeoptucb* '
fame boute,anD piavl'cD tfjc notDc.auD C i:be*iu.Cbapter* *b
K\)t pjcacI)pit8c,bapttrmc,aiio tmpul oiuncnt
TpaUeof twm to all tbat lo&eo fo: re* ofHotjn. £bcOdpnrmcofcittifl } atiDate!;ct;rall
Dempuonintoierufalcm. of roc gci-tccactor. of tljcfarbcts.
311D as foone as tbep bab pctfour* tt^i fpftene pere ot tbe tapgneof
3/15 %
meD all tbpnges aecojDpnge to tbe lato Ctbcriu^ tbe Cmpcrour,poui tus
of tbe JLoiDe ,tfjcp retucneo into cBalple ^ ^plate bepngelcftenauntofjurp,
to tbeir tone title $a*arctb * 3iiD tbe *anDi^eroDebepnge (Cetracb of d5a< ta te ,3 a
ebploe gcetoe anD tocrcD fironge in fpu Iple.anD bis bjotbet ^ilip a tetrad)
u ;e,anD toas fplleD toitb topfDome, anD injtu tea anD in tbe region of ciaconn
t\)t grace of 45od teas toitb bun. b tes,anD ^llamas tt)t -cetracb of %bp*
^ 3no bis fatbec anD motber toent line, toben 3iuna anD dappbas lucre (be

to l^ierufalem euetp pete at tbe fecfte bpe pzteftc5:ti;c toojD of cBod came Din
,5 8
Sfi4 c of ettec.*ainD toltfbe toas.rti.pete owe, to John tbe fonne of Zacbanas in
tbep toent Dp to i^ietufalem* after tbe the toplDctnes\ * 3ttnD be came in to all «•«• *« *
Ktai.u.« e
CU ft 0nK tobentbep haD
f t (j C feefte,3!nD tbe cooftes abotitejojoan, pzeacbrnge 55S ,»i"
f ulfplleo tbe Dapes , as tbep returneD tbebaptimeofrepentauncefb:^remif4
borne, tbecbplbe Jeftis booDeftpll in Hon of fpnncs as it is toiptte in f bobe

^lerufalem Dnfcnotopnge to bi$ fatbec of tbe raptnge$ of cgfatas tbe i^iopb c t,

i© anD motber • j[oi tbep fuppofcD be bao tobicb fapetb . * Cbe Dopce of a etiac in «fap«.tf.«
3ot)a ' 1 6

bene in tbe companp,auD (bet fozc came toiloernes:p:eparetbe toape of g jlojd,

a Dates iournep,anD f ougbt bmi ainoge make bis patbes tttaigbt * cf uetp bal*
tbett fcpnffol&e anD acquapntaunce* lep fljaibe fplleD, anD tuttp moun tapnc
31nD toben tbep fouDe bpm no t,tbcp toet anD bpil fbalbc biougbt io toe* 3inD ciot
bacbe agapne to i&icrufalcm,* (ougbte beD t binges fbalbe maDe ftreigb t e: anD
bpm 3nD it fo2timcD after, itt.Dapcs, tbe rougbc toapes Cbalbc maDe fmotbc:
tbat tbep founDe bpm in tbe temple, f pt< auD ail tJergc fl)all f e tbe faupoure rente
tpngc in tbcmpDcjcs of tbe Doetours, of<15oD» b
botbc bearpnge tljem anD pofpnge tbe* Hh *Cbcnfapbe be to tbe people trjat 23
toececometobebaptifcDofbim. b ^)ge* wat.m
gwatn.-r-c *3CnD all tijattjcatDc bim, mcnicilco at a

wSS2*m toit ano anftoets*
nD to n ^
fahje ^ ^ titration of bipecs, tofiobatbetaugbte
(fj£p toct{ pou to 8pe from tbt uotatr)e to comer*
aftonpeD » 3Biid bis mother fapDcDnto 2&ipngc foitb Due fr utes of tcpefauce,
fcim.fonnf ,tobp baft p tfms Dealt c toitb auD beginne not to fape in pour felues,
^ r ^Ber>olD tbp fatbtr »3|,baue f ougbt toe bane 31 biabam to our e fatber * f 01
jiotopngc.ainD be fapD mito tbcm: 31 laps Dnto pou : <bod is able of tbere
$&<Aiiu ftoneg
Ct)c <§ofpell
(touts to ccpfe fop clnlDim tonto 3tibia^ ^elcbi:toblcfj toagtbefonheof3Janha;
tjam . $otoe alCo is t(je are lepDe unto tobicb toas tbc fonnc of jRofepb: tobtcbe
^0ati,o • tbe cote of tbe trecsrfo tbat*euc tp ttcc toa$ tbe Tonne of ^atattbias : tobicbe
to ^ (^
ozingetb not foitbe gooD ftute,
e toas tbe f otitic of 3dmos: tobicb toas tbe
lvalue bctocti do unc, 3 cade into p fpie* [otitic of Babum: totjicb toas p fonne of

30UD tbe people aflieo nun fapinge: cat: tobicbe toas tbe fonne of ^agge:
9(i(0.(t.6 * aoobat (bait toe do tben.- i^e anf tocreo tobicb toas tbe fonne of ^paatb: tobicb
£ anD fapDe bnto tbem:^e tfjat batb ttoo toas £ fonne of ^atatbtas: tobicb toas
totesjet pint pacte tot if? bim that batb tbe fonnc of £>cmei:tobtcb toag gfonne
none : auD be t[;at batb twate , let fjpui of ofcpb; tobicbe toas tbe fonne of Jtu
3i V
fcolpfeetopTe* Da:tobpcbe toas tbe fonne of 3|obanna:
tcbeii came tbere publicans to be tobicbe toas tbe fonne of isbefta: tofncii
bapttfeD 5 anD fapoe unto bun: Rafter, toas f fonne of Zozobabel: tobicbe toas
luitat u)al toe Do.-^aD be fapD into tfje: tbe fonne of ^>alatbiel:tobfcbetoa^ tbe
tequpze no tnoie tben tijat tobicb is ap* fonne of 0eti : tobpebe toas tbe fonne
popnt'eDbntopou. of i^clcbt: tobtcbe toas tbc fonnc of 3ID*
%\H TotiDiouteg Ipfcetopfe Demaun* Di:\ui)icl)t toas p fonne ofCofam:tobicf|

Dcd of bim fapinge : auD tobat Ojail toe toas tbe fonne of j^clmaDam itofycbe"
Do,-IaD ne fapDe Unto tfietmBo Wolece toas tbe fonne of ^er: tobtcbeibas tbe
torn man : netber trouble anpe man Tonne of Jefo : tobtcbe toas t\)t Tonne of
tt>zougfullpe:but be content toitlj poute l^elie?cr:tobicbe toas tl)t Tonne of Joia:
toages. tobicb toas tbe fonne of ^attba:tob"icfi
35 ti)t people toe tc ina Doute,$ a! men toas tbe fonne of turn: tobtcbe toas t^e
DtfputeD in tijetc bettes of 3fobn , tone* Tonne of Simeon: tobicbe toas p fonnc
tbet be toete nerp Cbxtft : 3obn anftoc*
. ofJIuDa: tobicbe toas tbe Tonne of J\o*
S?h,i, a "D anD fapbe to tbem all : * 3 baptpfe Tepb: tobicbe toas tbe Tonne of Jfonam:
3ee».i,t tobtcbe toas tbe Tonne of i^eltacbim:
pott toitb toatec but a ttrongcr tben J
commetb after tne,tobofe fl)oc latebet J| tobicbe toas tbe Tonne of ^elca:tobtcf|
«?£ci, ,j6.» am not tooztbp to bnlouTe:*be toil bap* toas tbe fonne of sapenam : tobtcbe toas?
tpfe pou toitb tbc boip good, anD mtf) tbe Tonne of ^atbatba : tobicb toas ti)t
m*> m.b fp^jtotjicb batb bis*faune in ty$ baDe, Tonne of ^atban : tobicb toas tbe Tonne ®
anD ml pottcge bis 8ooie,anD top! ga* of BatitD:tobtcb toas tt)t fonne ofjeffc:
tbettbecozneinto fyis barnc: but tbe tobicbe toas tbe fonne of £>beb: tobtcbe
c cb^ffc topil be bourne mtl) fpzc tbat toas tbc fonne Boos: tobicbe toas tbe
rteuec Oja'. be qtuncfjco* 3DnD manp otbet Tonne of salmon: tobicb toas tbe Tonne
tbpnges in bis cjcboitacion pzcac^cD be of jfcaafon: tobicbe toas tfn Tonne of &
Dnto tbc people. minaDab: tobicb toas f fonne of 3tam:
5^ *^bjn^etoDctr;eti;etr9cb(tobenfje tobtcb toas tbe fonne of cfrom: tobtcbe
«9ae,m. a toag rcbukcD of bimfoi i^ctoDias hpS toas tbe Tonne of Abates : tobicbe toas .

j,^ ot |j ec i^hiuppes topfe,anDfoz all tbc tbe fonne of J uba: tobicb toas tbe Tonne
eupls tobicbe ^erobe baD Done )aDDcD of Jacob: tobicbe toas t\yt fonne of jfa«
tfng aboue al,anD lepD Jolm inpzpfon. ac:tobicbe toas tbe fonne of iibtabam:
spct. ui. a * 3CnD it foztuneD as al f> people teeea* tob tcb toas tbe fonne of €barra:tobicbe
MC {, baptime ( $ tob$ 3efus toas bapti* toas tbe Tonne of jftacboj : tobicbe toas
jotjn »,o
fcD ^ D|D p^ape)tdat beaue toas opened tbe Tonne of £>atucb: tobicbe toas tbe
anb the boip gooff came Domic in a b 0* Tonne of ftagau: tobicbe toas tbe Tonne
Dclp (nape Iptte a boue upon bun anD a , of 0ba Ice: tobicbe toas tbe Tonne of tye*
topee came f torn bea ucn f aping:Cboti ber: tobicbe toas tbe fonne of s»ala:
art mp oete fonne,tn tbc Do il Deipte* tobicb toas tbe Tonne of c atnau.-tobtcbe
& 3nD3|efus bim fclfe toas about tbit* toas tbe fonne of 36tpbarac: tobicb toas
age tobe* be bcgan,bepnge as
tit pete of tbe fonne of ^em: tobicb toas tbe fonne
men TuppoteD tbe* Tonne of &3ofepb: otfcot : tobicbe toas tbe fonne of fta*
s.uhc.+,c tobtcbe JJofepb toas crje fotttte of i^cH: metb: tobicb toas f fonne of iipatbufa*
a»U8,w,* la: tobtch toas f fonne of enocb:tobicfi
to{) lcl) toaiJ ^ c otme of ^atbat : tobicbe

bias § Contie ofHeui:tobicb toas § fomie toas tbe fonne of Jacttt) : tobtcbe toas

t^c fohtte of ^alalcbclrtobieb toas tbe tijebptbat tfjott batbe not typ fore a*
forme of Cat nan : tobicbe toas t(je font gapnft a ft one « Jeuis anf toeteb $ fapD
©fcnos:tobicbetoastbc fonof^eto: to bpm : it is fapbe : * Cbou fibalte not TDiUt.U f
tobicbe bias t&e Tonne of 3!Dam: tobub tempt tbe ftozDe tbp <Sod» His foone as
toas tl;e fonne of dt>oD* tbeDcupllbaoenDeDall bps tempract?
ons:^e oepatteb from bpm foi a leafo*
a.£oftctn dBjat&etoc.m.a Hh*XnD3cfusrctourucDbptbe po» C
b.JLo !ic in agatbetoc. tit. b, toec of tbe f p itit e into ©alilc,a no t b etc market, t
c.Eofic tit flajatbetoe .ttu
©tpets toent a fame of bpm tbo^otoe out al tbe
not tcouble t bc(cb:i A tl rcabec ) tl)at tfje
a.ftct tr
ffiuaiijilpftciuftc tctKatretb tbegenealogpe of region routioc aboute » ^iid be taugbtc

Ct)ita,V3Ht>cc oti;cc ua;ncs ri;ca ajatbcto ooctb: m tbeit^inagoges anD toas comment
fin the f atbets of r be oloc teaatneute, a re f o; the DeDofallmcu.
irtott part of mo names then
one. as fox rr ample
&aitiD9farijcc,M;oroastiamcD borbSlfapeaiiD * 3iuD be came to ^»ajatctb tobcrc
3]ctTe.£tio31acobtuIjotuas nainco a!Co Jlfcacil. be tuas uoutfeb, anD as bps cuDcmc
(STbciiii. Chapter. 4* teas, tocnte into tbe &>inagoge on tbe

JierustsFeD into fbettJtlocntcs.auDfanctl) all

^abbotb Dapes s ?i floDe t)p foi to teaD*
fhcttmcofbtstcmpracton.oucccommctbtheoc:: iainDtberc luas DelpneeeD bnto bpm tbe
upli.goctb uuofSaitie.pjcacbctb at/fta?atctb 9 * boofcc of tbe pjopbetc efapas . 3£no
Capernaum . SCbc jjflctocs Dcfppcc bpm , tbcDei :.£Co;.8.6
lubcn be baD openeD tbe bokc befounbe
utls ac :iiioa)!eogc I; tm. L^e commetb into pcrct j
l)o. -Sc, (jealetbbtsmotbcc in latoe, anoooctb tbc place, tub ere it teas to?ite.*Cbefpi* 4ECasVt«.«
greatcmpxacles, tite of tbe lope Upon me,becaufebe
crus + tbenfulloftbebolp batbe annopiite d me : tiro punebe tl)t
iut. a
gooftretournebfrom 31°^ gofpellto tbe pooicbe batbe rent me:
DananD toas carpeD or tbe anD to beale tbe biolun bcartcD : €o
fpttite into tet!Detneu"e anD p^eacbe Delpuetaunce to tbe Captpue,

toas jcl Dapcs tempteD of anD fpgbt to tbe blpnDe anD frelp to fet 3

rbeDfupa\*3(nDintbofeDapes ate be atlpbectpe t\)tm tbatatc bjufeD,anD

uoftjpnge* 3CnD tufjen tbep toctee noeD, pjeaebe tbe acceptable pete of £ jtojDe*
aftertoarDc bougrcD. 3BnD tbe Dcupll
{je SfliiDbc clol'eD tbcbohc,anDgaue
fapDe bnto bptmpf tbou be tbe fonne of it agapne to tbe muuftct a anD fat Doune

CoDcommaunDe tfjps (tone tbat it be 3lnD tbe epes of al tbat teerc in tbe ffr.u
_ bzeaoe.^nD ^eftis anfa>eceD bpm fay* nagoge , toetcfafteneb onbpni.HinDbe
man trjali not iptie
gn|jcs*ft is tozttteu, bega to rap Unto tbe»Cbps Dap is tbis
bp bzcaDe onelpc , but bp eueepe toozbe f cciptute fulfplleD in poute cares Hud .

of(50D. all bate bpm toptucs,anD*toonDcteD at £0att).7 g

3inD tbc Dcupll tooUe bpm into an tbe gracious iooidcs tobpebe pzoccdcd
Hubt .2.C-
bpc mountapnc ,atiD OjciueD bP»i all out of bps moutbe. jh^nD fapDeas not
tbps iofcpb fonne/
tbefcpngDomccf tbc toozlD euen in tbc
t topncfelpugc of an ere anD tbc Dcupll 3DnDbe fapbe butotbem: ^emape
t'apDe bnto bpm: all tfjis potoer- topll 31 betpe toell fape bnto me tbps pzouerbe.
gette tbc cucrpe tobpt anD tbc glozpc of ^biftnon, beale tbp felfe. aucbatfoe^ +
tbem: tfoztbatigDcliHteccD tome anD ucr toe banc beacoe Done in capetna*
Co tobofoeuet 3 topl,3( gtue lt/£f tljou um 3 Do tbe fame berelpkctopfe intbpne
tfjecfote luplte toozibpppe me.tbep O^all couutre . 3Enb be fapDe : berelpe J fape
be all tbrue. 3jefii0 anftoetcD bpm anD tntopou:*Bopzopbet is accepted in
$fai>Dc:i£cncefco me £>atan. foi it is bps Otone couture.
m ith Mi. 9 c tozittcn:* Cbou (bait bonour tfjc ftozD ©ut 3 tell pou of a truetb, *maripe e
tljp 45ob and bpm onelpe feme. topDotoes toere in Jfraef inti)t Dapcs 3»f,i7t».
anbbecatpeo bpm to Jjetufalem, of i^elpas.tobcn beauentoas fljut tnit
fet bpm on a ppnacle of tbc temple, aim Fetes ri,bi.moneti){ tolje great famitb

f apb fcnto bim : £f tbou be tbe fonne of ment toas tfiozotu out all p lauDe,^ bn^
<£oD,cafte tbp felfe Doune ftome bence* to none of ttjem toas i^elpas f cnte, fauc
tfozitis tozptten, be*fball geue bps
to ^atepta befpbes ^>pD6 biro a too*
PMW1.0 aungels charge otiet thee
to fcepctbee, man tbat toas a topDotoe. *2jnD inanpe s.IScs.b ,fr

auDtoitb tbeic hanDes thep Qall flaps lepers toete injftaek in § tpme of CIp*
€t c.t). reus
Hflje (iofpcll
feus tbe prophet : anD ptt none of tbe m Depatt from tbcm * ^nDbefapbebnto
teas r)ealtD,fauiug$aaman of^itta* tbcm. 3 mull to otbet cities alfop^ea*
3inD a0 manpe as lucre in tbe £>p* cbe tbe BpugDomc of <soD: y fox tbcre*
nagogctobcutbcpbcatDe tbat, tocte fo2e am j| fent.3BnD be pjcacbeb § fv* m
fpilco toitb lmatb :ano core top 3 tfmift nagogesof(i3aUle«
bpm out of the cute , anD IcD bvm e ucn jrije^ofcj.
bn 1 tc)e cogc of $ bpl } tobccon tbeit cp< a JLoftcitt CQatt;etpc.utt.c.
tie mas btlt,to cad bun Dotme bcDliug. 4»
£ut be umitcbvtf toapc eucn ttyoiom «TCbxift«t»eacl)Ctl)iutl)eO)pppc.^Uetitrcip!e«
tfjempDDeftoftljcm: fr**anD came fozrdfte all aitDfofotocDpiu. S^cclcnfetfj WO,**
capecuauin a cute ot cattle, anD pec,ljc4lctO ttyt man of t&epaulfpc, taiiettj ma?
' '
ttjetoc ri)Ccuaomcc , atio catcttj ti> open rpunecs*
tbete taugbte tbem on tin £>abboibe
bnj>e#, 3flno tbep tocre aftonpcD at bps :Ccame to patTe as tbe 3d'

Doctcpnc: foz bps puacbpng mas toptb peoplepzeafeDDpobnu,

oU)£t -* 4UDintbc^>pnagogc trjece to btare t\)t toocioc ot
«*t\>un P
warjtr.t » toas a man mbube bao a f pit tte of an 6oD,tbatbc(loDebptbe !

if tJuelcaneDcupl, anD ccpeo toitbaloube

t?0Pce,fapinge:Ut me alone, toljat bafle „* latoe ttoo WW& Wte tl , %
tbou to Do toub Ds,tt)ou Jjefu^ of &&
ftanbebptbelaUe fpDe, butthefpujec
jarctfjf^pttctbou come to Dcttrope 1)0/ men tuece gone outeoftbem,anDfccre
3 linotoe the tobat tbou acte , cuen tt)e luafljpnge tbcit netted Hino beentrcD
bolpeof <j3£>£>» 3KitD 3|efu$ rebuluD into one of tbe l&PPPes , tob^rje pettcp^
6pm faping:bolDe tbv peace, anD come iud to &pinon » ano pzapeD bPm , tbat
out of bpm. 3CnD tbe Deupll tb:c toe bim bcujoulDe tbzuaeoutalptle ttomctbc
In the mpDDcft of tr)em,auD came out of IauDe.3inD be fat Dounc anD
taugbt ti;c
fjpm,anb b tut bpm uot.HinD feace came people out of tbe a?t p. a
ben be bau left
on tbcm alt , anD tbep fpafte amonge fpeafcpnge, be fapoe tjnto &pmon:
tbtm fellies fapiugc: 3D0bat uianet a XLauncbe out into tbe Depe, anD ut atpe 2$
tbpuge is tr)iSf ifoi toitb auctoii tc anD poure uettcstomalicaDzaugbic. ^ud
potuecbe commaunDetb tfje fouie fpi* ^pmon anftoeceD anD fapoe to bpm:
utes ,anD tbep come out/ 3BnD tr)e fame ^»apftec,bjebaue labouccD alnpgbte,
oftjimfpuD abiooetbozotooutalpla* anDbauetaacn notbpuge. fimut\n->
ces of tbecountcecounDe about* h later at tbp tooiDejmpll lore fojtb tbe
+*aitiDberofe bpanocameoutof nef,InD toben tbep ban fo ooue,tbep in*
SI;! tbe £>inagoge,auD eutceD into £>im6s clofco a gteat multituDe of fifl)cs.3!nD
t)ottf:» aiuo Spinous motfyct tulatue tbetc net bzahe : but tbep maDe fpgnej
bias taken tntcli a great feuet, anD ttyp totbeu feioiocs tobicbetoete in tbeo*
inaDe inter cetTion to bpm for r)er • 3nD tber ajtppe,tbat tbep ctjoulDccome anD
be Hod e oner be r,anD rebn keb rbc feuet: belpetbem.3HnDtbep came: auDfplleD
anDitlefteljec^uDimmeDiatlpeujea/ botbe \ u^pppes $ tbep fonefce agapne*
rol e anD miutfttcD bnto tbcm. 90Cb en <s>p mou jDe ter false tbat , be
a *flcbcn tbe s>unue boas Do tine, all fell Doune at 3}efus anees, fapinge:
oatt.s.b tbep § baD fpeae tafcen tertrj Dpuers %oitx goe fro me, foi 3 am a fpunef ti«
nunc 1. c. Dtteclp aftonpeD,anD
tfe af eSj tyoug&t tbem bnto bpm : anD matutfoi be toas
bclapDe bps banocs on euccpe one of all tbat toere tobpm,at tbe Diaugbte
_ wkl .
b tbem , nealeD W*3uD Deupllcs alfo of frOjc tobpebe tbep tooht: anD fo mas
*•«.*.* came out of manp of tbe* ctpig 3 raping: alfo^ames 931obn tbe fonnes of Zebe<
tbou arte Cbzift tbe Tonne of <EOD. 3luD Detobicbe uietepectenets \b ^pmott.
betebufceD tbcm ano fucTteD tnem not 3BnD lefus fapoe tmto ^>pmon: 5Feate
Co fpeakc : $ ox tbep knetoc tbat be toas not,froine be nee f oub tbou 0)altc catcb
Cbipfte. men»3llnD tbep biougbte tbe Ojpppes to
4 «»-*'»
3s f oone as it tons Dape,r)e DepatteD lanD,*anDfoifotieall,$folotoeDbim. b J?
anD uient atoap into a Defect place, anD * 3BnD it fottuneo as be toas in a m* &
tbe people f ottgbte r>pm , anD came to tapnc cptpe: sebolDe.tbete
toaga man S«fe:.U
to^entje fjao fppeo
t)pm } auD Kept bpmtbat be QoulDe not ful of lepzofpe: 3HD
t ,


Jcrti s,b c fell on bps f a cc, anb bcfou gfjt *3Jnb after ffje tocnt foztfjc anb fatoe f
Ijpm favtnge:Xozoe, pf thou topir,tbou a publtcane namcb t,wp , fitttnge at §
canftmahcmc cieanc.aittbbcftrctcbcb tccepteofcu(lome,9fapDe untobpm: '

toul) bps banbc, ant) toucbcD bun rap* Up,aub

folotoe me.3lnb be lefte at, cofe
inge :3topll, be tbou cleanc* 30nb urn folotoeb bt.^nb p ramcJLcup mabc btm
tnebiatlpe ttje lepzofrc bcparf cb route t a great fcaft at borne tn bis ton boufe.
him. anb be uaatntb bt m ,tbat be fljulo c 3Mb tbcte toas a, great copanpe of pub*
telluo man: BtittbatbeOjoulbe goc licans * of other tbat fat at mcate tottb
anbtyetoebpm fclfe to tbe $ztefte,a btm»*3Bnb tbe fecibes 9 pbartfes mut* m9tf> (t ,
g cc f ^ jj Ig clenfpnge accozbiuge agf inutcb agapnft bis Difciplc* faptnge: natk't,«.b
5 ,

^otes comaunbcmcut toas.foz a topt* &cbP tate pe 9 bzpneke pe toptb pubip* JJJJJ
lies unto them. cans anb finnetsf Jfefus anftoeteD,anb
33ut fo inucb tbe moze tocnt there a fapbe Unto tbem: ocbcp tbat are tobole,
fame abzobeofbpm, anb mucbe people ncbe not of tbe pbii'ictbn : but tbep tbat
came togetbet to bcatc , ate ftcae.* 3 came not to call f ttgbte* «cfoi.c t
anb to be bca>
lcbofbun,oftbeirtnfttmtttes . ainbhe otis, but finncrg to repentaunce.
55 kept bun fclfe aparte tn tbe toplbctncf* €b
c n tbep fapbe Unto btm: JCCbP bo

mrfeM fee, 9 gaue btm fclfe to pzaper,+*a nb tbe btf ciplcs of Jobn fad often 5 pzap,
it bappeneb on a certapnc tare, tbat be anb tbe btfciples of tbe pbatifes alio:*

taugbte: anb tbcrc fate tbe j&batifcs: tbruc eate anb ozpnac/ 3Bnb be fapb Uti
anb ooctoucs oflato, tobicbtocte come totbem:*Canpemaae tbe cbilounof ^
out cf all tbe tonnes of gallic, jury,*tbe toebbiuge longe as p b}tot> &*& ha
3Jcr tifalcm.anb tbe poiuci of tbe iczb grcmc is pzefent toitb tbem^ ttbe bap< mak**
uias fo bcale tbem .* ainb bcbolbe, men ej? topU come, tobt n tbe bitbgrome (ball
fl»««i it » bzc ugb t a man Ipingc tn bis beeb tobi< be tatunatoap from tbe: Cijcn Ojal tbep.
Moriuui. •
C f, e uias taken tottb a paulfp : a f ougbt fafteintbofebape^.
tucancs to bzpnge btm in,9 to tape bun <Cbcn be fpalie Unto tbem ii\ a f irnilp*
be f 01c bpra . 3UiD toften tbep coulbc no ttibc:0omanputtctUa pece of a ne toe
fpnbe bp tobat map tbep mpgbt bzpnge gatment,into an oloe befrutc: foz pf be
bpm uijbe caul e of tbe pzeaf e, tbep tocnt boe: >Cben bzeaaetb be tbe ne toe , $ tbe
Upontbetoppeoftbe botifc^lctbtm pece tbat toas taken out of tbe ne 1 c, a^
bottne tbiougli tbe tpltngc, beeb 9 al,tn grcetb not tottb tbe olbc . 3Clfo,no man
tbcmtbOcftbcfoic3fefu8.i3c-bcubcfaui pouretbnetoe topne into olbe Ucffels*
ibeit fattb,be fapbe Unto btm: man, tbp f oipf be bo. tbe ne toe topne btcaactb§
ipnncs ace fozgeuen tbe * anb tbe feepp uefteis^ tunnetb out it felfe, 9 tbe Uefe
bcs,a tbe pbartfes beganne to tbpncftc felspettu*): ffiut netoe topne roufte be
fapmge: -iixbatfclotoe 13 this tobiche pouteb into ne to Ucffels,* both ate pzer
fptaltetbblatpbempcf* accbocanfoz* fcrucb. ailio.noman^bzincbctb olbe
SSI .m gcue ftnnes but <£ob onclpc totne,fttapgbt toap can atoap rt netoe,
*rsp.4j tbeittbougb*
aoobO e fwspctceaueb f pz be fape tb,tbc olbe is pleaf a untcr.
i anftocteb, 9 fapb Unto tbe*: tobat
tbpnkepetnpourrjeattesi'aobetbet ts a.JLofeciniatjatbeioe.tF.a
tOr-Cbe .Ut. Chapter.
carper to (ape , tbp ftnncs ate fozgeuen
C©e crcufctU t!): Qirciplcg 'tfjat piurSc tbe c,-i»
trje,oz to fape: tpfe anu toalciuv*©ut $ tcsofcoiiic .fjchcalcttnuc man tottlj tljttotits

m mt .1, pemapeanotoe tbat the (onne of man tbctcD t)auO,cl;oCctl) apftoatcs mafe ti)
aftoctt Cetmoti.auD tcacfjctljro Do gooofo;Caci!.

TSwi\ ' batbpoioet to fozgpue ftnncs oneactb,

m>**» be fapbe Unto tbe ficke of tbe palfpc : J C
bappeneb on an af tet fab* 3
fape to tbe.atpf e , take Up tbp beeb 9 go ibotb) p be toct* tbozotoe tbe ma*.tff,i
immebiatlpe cojne fclb, anb tbat bis bifci*
mt ** M '*
borne to tbp bourc.3 no be
core Up bcfoie tbem,* toae Up bis beeb pics plucbeb tbe cares of
tobcre on be lap,* Departed to bis obmc eoznc,anb ate, anb rubbcb tbem in the tc
bo ure pzapftnge c£5ob»*InD tbep tocce al babes.Hnb certapuc of § pbatifes fapb
nmafcD,* tbep laubeb (BobjStoetcfph Unto tbem: JDC'bP bo von p tobiebe is not
leu tottb feate, faptngc: 6tcoe bane fene Iaufultoboontbefabbotbbapes^ainb fBtfff ' ,
ft taunge tdinges trjps oape. {. Jefus! anf toeteb tbem, anb f apb:*bau c
peflotreabe foljat
^t itofpell
teauvb Dpb.tohen lebtbetnali;
bebunfelfetoasan bungreo auD tf^cp m*b* tpfteb tp^fs epes tport the
tobicbe toete toitb hun:hoaj be tuent uii Dffciples,$fapD:*25letreD bepe^pozc: ®«..
*' I,I,M
**>.«* t to t^e boufe of d5ob,$ tobe 3 ate the*lo» foz poutc* is tbe fepngbome of «©ob.
MCS f balotoeb bzeabe , s gaue alfo to 25leffeo ate pe that bongce notoe:foz pe
tbem tohtcb toete luitfj b tm: tobtcb toas Ojalbefatiffieb EleCTeD are pe tbac
notiaufull to eate , but lot tbepzielies toepe notoc: Jfoz pe (hall laughe^leflfcb
cnlp*3luD be fapbe bnto tbem: tf je f one are pe toben men bate pou , ano tljzurte
of man iglLozDe of tbe ^abbotb Dape» poti out of their companpe, anbraple,
S3 4«*36nD it foztuneD in another ^>ab* anb abbozre route name as an eupll
tbinge, foztbefonne of manned fake*
SS'uk* botb aIf0 ' tha * hc * ntt£0 mt0 the fma *
goge $ taugbte* 3inb tbe re toas a man
fteiopce pe tben,aub be glabbe : foz be^
toborc rigbte baube to as DjtcD bp . 2tnD bolbe, poure retoarbe is greate in bea?
tbe fettbes 9 pbartfes toatcgcD btm,to ueu t ^3Df te r this manet tljjccc fathers'
fe tobetber be tootiioc healeontheiab* entreateb tbe pzopbetes*
3 w
both oape,tbat tfjcp might finbe an ac* *)5ut too be bnto pou that are *> ti#
cufacionagapnftbinn i&ut be bnetoe che:fozpe baue tbciin poure confolatu
tiicir though tcs,$ fapbe to § man tohfe on acco be to pou that are full: if oz pe
cbe bao the toitbetcD baube: litre bp,$ tballbongre* acoobetopou tbatnotoe
ft a no m
foztb the mtbbcs , 30nD be atof e laugbe: jfozpe flhall toaple anb toepe*
anb fteppeb foztb.<Cbcn fapb JJcfus bit acco be to pou tot)in al men pzapf c pou:
to tbe: J totll affce pou a qucflion: tobc* jfoz fo Dyo ttyit fathers (0 tbe faifc
tber is it iaufull on p fabboth Dapcs to l^zopbetegf.
Do gooD otto DoeucMofaue life ozfoz Tout 3) fape bnto pou tobic-bc beare:
to Defttopc it «• 3ub be bchelbe the" al in loue pour enemie$.Bo goobto ttiztotyU C
compaiTe,ft fapo bnto tbe man: ftretcbe cbe bate pou . ©lefle tbem f curfe pou.
foztb tup banoc 3nD be DpD f o: *$ bps KuD pzape foz tbem tobtebe tozongf ui*
iStf iVS* ha,loe toas
" ft o?eb , 9 maoe as tobole Ip trouble pou. 3lnD bnto bun that fmt*
JUDarii,/, a 39 t\)t Otbet . 3BllD thcp tttCtC ff'IftD fill I tetb tbe on the one cbe lie, offer alfo tbe
of maones , 9 comtmcD one to another, otbet«*3nD bimtbattafeetb atoaptbp
tobat ttyv migbt do to lefus, y goune,fozbib4iot to tahttfyp cote al*it«fli,wt
C *aiiU> it foztuneb in thofe Dapcs.cbat UMBeucto euerpe man tijat affcetbof
•• • be toet out into a motltapnefoz to pzap, tbc^no of bpm tbat tabetb atoape t^
3iDn.w, a anD continueo all ntgbte in pzapet to goobes aflie tbe not agapne. * 3trtD as
hmm w
. <5ob»* anb as foone as it toas oape , be pe tooulbe tbat men Oboulo Do to pou:f «ccic,^;#
nkrta.'i.b calico his Dirnples,(tof tbem be cbofe Dope to tbem ipfcetotfe. cowm-a
KWi ttoelue,u>bicbealfobe calleo apoftles*
9frum.i!b.' pinion tobome be nameb |9etet,$ ain?
*3fpe loue tbem tobicbe louepou:
tobat tbanfte atepe iooitt)ps ofr-jfoz ti)e

Dzetoe bis bzotber # James anb jjobn, terpefinnersloue the it louers^hb it

Idbtiippe ? @attlemetoe,^atbeto auD pe do/oz tbem tobicbe Doe foz pou: tobat
•Cbomas,3amestbefonneof3!pbe«s tbancbe ate pe tooztbpe of.-* jfoz tbe be*
anb&imou calleD Zelotes,ano juoas tpefinners Doe tmn tbe fame * Ji pe
Raines fomie,auD3uDas Jfcarioth, lenbe to tbem of tobome pe bope to tt*
tobtebe fame toas tbe traptoure. ceaue:tobat thancfee [ball pe baue: jfoj
$*MD be came boune toitb tbem and tbe bcrp finners ItwDt to fpuuers,to te*

(lobe in tbe piapne felbc \b ti)t cdpanpe ceaue as mucbe agapne * aoobcrcfo«,
mat m t ^
of 8 bifciplesf, * 9 a greate multitube loucpe voure.enemies 5 Do goob 3 lenbe,'
matfc.i«,b of people out of all parties of Jfutpe^ lobt lige foz no tbinge agapne: anb pour
jleturalem^fcomtbefeacoaftof^ite tetoacbe Cbalbc greate, aitbpeu^albe $
anb ^>ibon,tobicbe came to beate bim, cbilDzeu of § htcft; jfot be is biitbe bnto
anb to be tjealco of tbeic bifeafes : anb tbe btibpuDc anD to tbe euelL
tbep alfo that toete bctcb toptb foule +©epe tberfozemercifull,aspour jf
fpitites,anb tbep toete bealeo. 3Bno all father is metcpfull. * Jubgc not , anb «»«•,*««
Cbe people pzeafeb to toucbe bpm JF01 pe flhaii not be i ubgcb* conbemue not:

tbete iomt beet «e out ot bun , anb beai ano recall not be conbemneD* jfoz»
b 1

gc ui:*$ pe fljalbc fojgtucm tBcuc, and ©chcalcto f taptarttCsrcrtiautif : t npfeb bp tbc
lupDotocs Coniie from Dcat&cto frfc.tufoucmctfj
tbc mfctplestofjoinjobit bap tt ft rent bnto Urnr,
furc,p;circDbounc,ujabtutogttbcranb fommctibcro Jlotjti , rsrcpiouctij ttjc 3] flats fa*
tunning ouet,(&al men gate into route ttjeu biifavtbfuIitcs.idtcatctljtDttl) tUc pbatifc.
%\)t toOHtautoaCbctlj f;isfcte tout; ijcctcatcs^
JBflt„ 7ft
boforacs! .* Joi topt^ tobat rnca*
ftefoisjcucroocc getfpuuew.
watbt,4. i f ute re meate, tuirfj t(;e fame foall men
l^en be bab cubcb all %
('bpsiapingcsiutbc au<
ainDt;c put toitfj a ftmiimibe bnto
jbienceoftbe people, t)t m m,t,*,
flpar,^,b tbem:*CautbcblpnDeleabe# bliiiDCf |*cntrcb info capetna< J *"^-'
&oetbcp not botlje then fall into the |um.3Bnb a certapne * cc* Centura
fpatft.t.c Dpcbe^Cbebiftiple tsnotabouetaps _jtutfoti0 fctuaunte teas ts a taps
aoun.ii. b
ma ((j e r.dguerpe man u)aibe petfecte, e* ficke anb reaop to Dpe, tobome be tnaoe
tt c

uen as bis matftcr ts.* aa?bp fepft thou "J .

««c .mi* mticbe of.3Inb toben be beatoe of Jcfu,
a moU (lJ t[)p tj^t^jg £ p C anb C om>

befentbntobtm tbe elbcts of tbe Je«
octcft not the bcamc that ts in tbpne
toes,befecb?ngt Wn t ty tootilbe come
otonc cpc/Cubecbotoe canned tfjou fap
anb beale bis f ctuaunt. 3f no t bep came
to tbp biotbet:i3£otbet, let me pul oute
to 3ef u$ anb befottgbt bpm inftantlpe
tbe mote tbatistntbincepertoben tfjou
faringcr^c is too^tbp tbat tbou fljoul*
perceautft not the bcamc that is in DeltbotbtsfojbtiU'foibelouctbottw
tbpne otoue epe/ £poc tttc call oute ttjc nation^ hath bilt bs a f inagoge ainb
bcamc out of tbpne oiwnc epefpzfte,anb
31 cf us tocnt teitb tbem.
then Cbalte tbou Tec pctfectipe , to pull
%\xo tuben be toas not farce from tbe

<£ out tbe mote out of tbp bzotbersepe. b boufe., tbe Centurion fente frenbes to
fOath. 7 ,b
*J t ts not a goob tccc tbat btingct bim fapiuge bnto fjim:*Uo?Dc trouble matu
5 m
fojtbcurllfruiter^citbct is f ancucll am not toojtbpc tbat
tec that bUngetb f ottb
not tbp fclfe:foz
gooD fruit, if ot
tbou OioulDcft cntrc bubcr mp roffc*

cucrp tttcis Hnotocnbr bi3 fruttc.|*c*

3Xb^ tfo^e 31 tbougbt not mp felfe too^
tbet of tfjotnes gather men frgges, not
tl)^ to come bnto tbe: but Cap (be Uiozd,
of buujes gather m t u grapes 3d goob
anb mp fctuaunte Ojalbctobolc.jroi 3|
man oute of tbegooo tccafurc of bp£ libctoife am a ma bnber pouicr , <t baue
beatte, bipngcrb f otthe that inbicbc is
bnbet me fouDtecs,anb31 fap bnto one:
goob.Slub an cucll man out of the eticll
go } anb be goctb. 3inb to anotbcr,come:
tccafurc of brsbcartc,biPngctbfoitbc
anbbccommet^3nb to mp fcruaunte,
mafnr«.c tha{ toWcbe is
cucl.*£o£ of tbebabou*
^fai.jti.'b.bauncc of the heart c , bps moutb (pca< tbp^be mctucplcb at bmi, ano toucneb
bim aboute ei fapo to § people 1 olotoeD
axbp cal ye me*matlrcr,maiftet: anb l;tm:3 fap bnto pou, 31 baue not fount*
Donotasibropottf'jxbofoeuercom* Jfraclnltib m
Co great, not
mctb to me ano bear ci b mp far inges", tb
bjere fent turncb bacKc borne a?
cp $ ,
anoboctbtbc fame, 31 topll Ojetoc pott gapnc,anbfounoe tbe feruaunt^toas
t0 ton0,nc ne ts lP&*»*9* is Ipfce a man
Sffifu S fpc&c,io!)ole»
4*3Cnb it foittmcb after f, tbat be toct
anb lapcb tbc founoacton on a toefce* into cittc calico ^aira, fi manv of bis
geoben tbc toaters arofe tbc rTtioDc bet
bifctples toct imtb bun 9 much people*

topou tbat boufe, anbcoulbc notmoue

tt.jroiit toasgrounbcD bponatoe&c.
3CCbcnbecamenpe to tbe gatc.of tbect? c
tic:bcbolbc,tberc toas a beeb man cact»
25ut bet bath car ctb anb boetbnot,is
out, toas onelp fonnc of bis
eb tobicb p
Ipfcca man
that topthoutc founbacion
mother, ^fljetoas a topbotoe, ^mucbe
b t'lte an boufe bpon the earth, agapnft
people of f cittc toas tuttb ber^no lube
tobicbc tbc flubDc opd beat : 3dnb it fell
tbeXLoiDefatoebet, be bab compaffioti
bv ano bp . ano tbe fall of that boufe
on ber.anb Capo bnto bct:t»cpc not.3DnD
teas gteate.
Xtie Botes. be toettte 9 toucbeb ? coffin , 5 tbep tbat
« JLolictu £99act)^ffc.a. bate bim,ttobc ftpl. %m
be fapb:ponge ( «. f r,, 7 f ; .-

0. itoBCuitsjatbc\tJ.nic.ct)apKt.c. man,31 fap bnto tbe^atpfc . 3Cno ^ oceb £*<«»**

K^ftbe.bii* Chapter. fat bp,fi began to rpeafee** sub f)t t>t\u ^\„r
*lje (iofpell
titreb brm tofj^s motbcc. 3no tberc are Ipfce bnto cbtlDicu fitting fnp mar*
came a f car c on tbe ai aiuo tbep glozp* bet piace,anD cttpnge one to auotbctj
3of)«.4..c. titb goDjiarmgcta great pzopbet ts rt* fapi ngc; toe banc pp peD bnto pou , ft pe
f tn amonge b& anD <£od batbe btfiteD bane not Daunfeo:toe r)aue moutucD to
(us people 3BnD tbps tumoz ofbpm pou^pebaue not tocpt.foz John bap*
toent foztb tbozotoe ont alt Jutpe , anD tilt cae,neitbet*eattng bzeaD,noz D^irt^ m%i,*
tbozotoe ont all ti;e teg tons tor)tctje Ipe ftpnge tot ne,(j pe fap:be r)atr) tr)e Dentil,
rounoe aboute. h Cbe fonnc of ma is come =t eatct r? ano
3CiiD § bir c tples of Jobn Qjetucb r)t'm Dztnftc tb,anD pe lap: bebolDe a ma tobi*
»aai.f(A of all tr)efe tt)ingc£«* ano 3 o'm calleD cr)e is a glottcn.anD a dziucrcc of tome,
bnto blm ttoo of bis Difciples, anD lent a ftcnDe of publicans aiiD finnecs. £et
tbem to jjjerus faptngcacte tbou be£ t# c totlbome ittftifteD of bet cbilDzcn.

fljoulo c come : 01 (ball toe loac f 02 a no? HtftaD one of t\)t pfjactf es Defpzcb l)im f
tbcrv iccben p men toete come Unto bun f bat t)c toouloe eate toitb bpm 3mo be •

tbep faio: 3obn baptiir let bs bnto tbc, toente into tbc pbatifcs boufe, anD (ate
faptuge:attc tbou be f iboulDe comeroz bonne to mea re.* IflnD bebolDe a tooma tn., 6 s m
fljall toe toapte foz anotbeiv 311D at tl)t in tbat due , \o\jicnt teas a fpnnet, as «»**.«*.
fametimebecuccDmanpof tbcittnfic* fooneasflje ftnetoe tbat Jefns fat at
tntties 9 plages,^ of etiel fpitites anD meat c in p* pbatifcs boufe (be bzougbt
, ,

bnto matip $ toete blmD bc gaue figbt. an alablaftcc bojee of opntment,auD (be

3i»D 3 el us anftocccD anD fapDe dip ItoDe at bis fete bebpnDe blm tocpinge >

to tbem : <25oe pourc toapes anD fljetoe anD began to toau> bis fete toitb tea*
83 3Jobn,tobattbpngespcbaue fene ahb res, anDDpDtoppetbS toitb gbeetes of
ma$&" b«atD,botoetbattbe*blpnDe fee, § bait becbeaDc,anDfeiireD m# fete, anD an*
go,tbe lepers ate clcnfeDjp Deafe beare, opntcD tbem Mil) opntment*
tbe DeeD attfe,to tbe pooze is § glaD tp* acoben be pbacpfe tobicbe bao bpm,'
Diiigcs pzcacbeD,a a bappp is be^at ts fatoe tbat , be fpaftc toitbiu bpm felfr,
not otTenDeD bp me. rapiuge: ]|ftbps man toete a pzopbete,

WW Men tbc meflTengets of Jfouit tocre be tooulDe furelpe bane fcuotoen toip
beparteo , be began to rpcafcc bnto t^e anD tobat manet tooman tl)g& is tobicf?
people ofjobn.jccbattoentpe out into toucbetbbpm,fotlbeisafpnnet» 3Bud
tbe toplDctn^ foi to U? toent pe out to it Jefus anftoeteD , anD fapDe bnto bpm:
a tcDc ibaUen \siti) p topnbe 1 25ut tobat salmon 3) banc fome tobat to fape bin
toct pe out foi to fcr-a ma clotbcD in foft to tbe . 3Bud be fapDe maiilcc fape on.
tapmcutj'25ebolDe > tbep tobicb are goi< Cbete toas a certaine lenber totytb baD „
gionOp appateIlcD,anD line Delicatlpe, ttoo Detters, ^ one ougbt flue bunDJCD ^
ate in Singes couttes.&ut tobat toente pence anD tbe otnex fpftpe acoben tbep
pe foitb to fee^3t pzopbet Cfj^ea, |f fape bab notbpnge to pape,bc fozgaue tbem
to po'u^ mo2e tben a p;opbcte«(Cbis is b otbc wblcbe of tbem tel me toil lone ,

be of tobom it is toil t ten: * «8eboloe ,31 btm moltc^tmon anftocreD,anD faior

fenDempmclTenger befoze tbpface, to fuppore,tbat be to tobome be fozgaue
tnat«.<u,9, pzepate tbp toap befoze tbe. jfoz 3 fape mode, ano'bc fapoe bnto bpm : ^3bo«
Unto pou:agrcatecpzopbet tben Jobu, baft feuelp iuDgeD.
amonge toemcus cbilbze is tbete none* 3n6 be toutueD to tbe toonnn , anD
^euectbeleffe " one tbat is letTe in tye fape bnto ^pmotufeptt tbou tbis too^
femgDom of ©oD.ts greater tben be b nwuj
cntteD into tbpnc boufe, 5 tbou

ainD all tbe people tbat beatDe tbe 3
gaueft me no toater to rat» fete: out Ok
ptiblicas,iuftif ieD <5oD, anDbap< ba tbc toaibeb my fete toptb teates, anD
tifeo toitb tbebaptime of Jolju. isut toppeD tbem ^m
tbe bcetes of bee
tbe Pbatifcs anD rctpbes DefppfeD tbc beaDe. Cbou gatieft mt no fepffe: But
counccll of <Bod agapnft tbem felues,^ Ojc,fencc tnt tpme J came in , batbc not
toete not baptifeD of bpm. ccaleo to hpflfemp fete ^p
bcao toittp
3InD tbe tiozDe fapDe : * tobere bnto ople tbou DpDocftnotanopnte: &ut 8js
%t *' mp fete toptb opntmsnt*
3 ipften tbe men of tbis genecaci>
fljall batb anopnteo
ot^anD tobat tbing are t^ l^f^LW aoo^ctrfoie J fap? bnto tbee: * i^attpc
f panes
Cannes are fozgctich her : jfoi fye lottcD fapD: «*tjntopou is it gench tofcnofoe
mucbe.Co tobomc Itfte is foigctien,the tbefecretesof the ftpngDome of ©oD:g2rffI
fame Doetlj Icffe lou e. anD he tapDe Dn* but to otftet in fimilitiiDes:that*tDhen
tobct, tbpfptmcs ate fo?gcucn tbcc. thep fee,thcp flpouiDc not fee, anD tohcu m «ti,.«ti:i»
3BnD tfjcp that fat at meate foitb hpm,
bcganne to rap U
in them fclucsraccbo
thep heate,thep fhoulDe not DnDctftaD*
%\n fimilituDe ts this.* Che feDeis 3 tta'^K
is this tobtcbc foigcueth fpnnes alfof the tooojDe of d^oD . ^hof e that are be*
JS!; 5 t
ainD be faro to the U)oman:*Cbp faith fpDe the toave ate thep that heate , anD matMui
jjatf;fauco tf?e:gon» peace, £» a ttctiuat dc commcth the Dpuel anD ta^
C£bc/*ottfi. bcth ahiapthetoojDc out of thcithcac^
tes, leftc thep ffjoulDe bcleue anD be fa^
SCobcofs a-Hobcin OSjatlKtec tbCfl.tbapfCt.
flgatbcto tbCFt-cbapres.
b. JLobc in
ucd. tchep on the Hones, ace thep tobp?
fniocb bp
cttuac. c.JLofcem i=Qatbca'C tb&Fi. che Uihen thep heare, ceceaue the too;oc
jLcacin b.jftotrbattbciouc obtapneb trrmflioti off)"
toithiope* i£ut thefe haue notootes;
tonroomc fumca.butfaptbcoutoftUcVDUtcbctjciloucpiOi Uilnche f oj a tohple beleue , anD in tpme
cciiDct>,3tt&fi)CtcfoicClmftc opcitlpc affitmcttj.
fmncsfoj 2;i)pfapti)t;afbcmaDet!)£ fafc. tfoiasfapuctc of temptacion goe atoap. 3111D f tobtcbe
flCUCll, Idaule ravctftnUDittjout faptbtt tsbnpofTtblefo fell amonge thotnes, ace thep tohpche
plcafcgoD. ©ebicto.jt't.a.aito tobatfocuctis not
hca re,anD goe fo jtb , 9 ace choheD linth
caces anD toith cpches,?iDoluptuoug
Ipuinge , anD bipnge f oztfje no fcuite*
CbiiattutbbieapoflcIcgoctbfcStouuttotomic Chat in § gooD gcouDe, ace thep lufnch
ana pjcact)Ctl), QjctccrU * parable of tucfefcc, tcis toitb a gooD anD puce hcatte, heace the
letb tobo is bis motbet $ bis biotbcc : ttttlert) tbc
tasuigeof tl)t Tea, oelpuetctb toe poiTcttca and tooiDe ano bepe it, $ bzpuge foul.) fcute
taiuetbtbebiucis. titto rbcijctbc of ftmnc bels , tuUhpacience* b
pctytUeficKetuomait.aiiDJlauus bougijtcc.
* 00 man Ipghteth a canDle^ coue< C
tflD it f oztuneo p , that
after teth it DnDec a beffel, neithet putteth it SSSJ5
be Or uj out
felfe to cut tbozotti bnoet the table , but fetteth tt on a can? **»>#*.

cities anD founts, pleaching DIcfticKe that thep that entce in, mape

ana fljetopnge the UpngDome feethclpght«*iltlothpnge is in feccete, maritc.^f;

of i©oD,ano the ttuclttc toitb hpm anD
» that tt)all not come abioDe:0etbec anp
UJ! JJ J*certapne ttmncn, tobicb tocre bca* thpnge hpD,that 0)all hot befenotojen,^
IcDof eucll fptntes, anD infirmities: come to Ipght.Ca&e heDe thecfoie hoib
|Lnbe.24.a'sjl£at;>* calico *apagDalene,,outof tobo pe heace. jf o.i Uiho foeuec hathe , to (jun
iuent feucn Dpucis, a ud Joanna p toife
ofChufa ©ccoDes ftctoartjc anD&u* ,
fljalbe geuen : * anD tobof oeuec hathe mat
not,fto him fhalbe tafce,euen that fame «wWi,
ft m
fauna ano maupe other :tohicbe mint* tohiche he fuppofeD that he hathe* SSiJ*
ft ceo them of tbcic fubftatincc.
t»tito Chen came to htm his mother anD *«nat,«t:
rait,im,, °*
«0«tt».i3.« 4«* iOOben umebe people lucre ga tfjereD bisbietbien^coulDenot comeathpm
togctf)tr,aiiD toctc come to hpm oute of fot pjeafe.anD thep tolDe him, faping: , 1

allcpties,befpafcebpa fuwlituDe. a Clip mother anD thp bicthjen (lanDe

fotoet tomt out tofotoe his fcDerauo as toithoute,anD toolDe fee the.j^c anfU>es>
be fotoeD, fome fel bp the toapc fpDe , 8 r eD, anD fapDc Dnto them : mp mother $

it teas tcooc bnoer fete, anD the toules mp bicthzen are thefe tobtcbe heace ttje
of the apze DeuouceD it Dp . anD fome luoiDe of <5oD anD Doc it.
© fell on (lone, anD as foone as it toas 4<3nDitcbaufeDona cectapne Da?
fpionge up, it ujidzcd atoape,bceaufe it that he tuent into a ff)pp 9 bts Difciples
iacHeD inopftncs.atiD fome fell among alf 0,1 he fapD Dnto thcmtiLe t Ds goe 04
thotnes , anD the tboznes fpzaugc Dp uer Dnto the other fpDe of the lake. anD
toitb it,ano cbokco it . anD fome fell on thep lancheD f oith.3inD as thep fapleD,
gooD gcouDe anD fpiang Dp,anD bate
, he fell a flcpc,*auD there acofe a ftozmc ^mmu
f titite,an b uiidkd f olDe .anD as he faiD of topnoe in the lafte , anD thep toece fpl> nwtbt,+,»
thefe tbpnge&hecrpeD : i£e that batfje IeD toith tea tec, * tuece in teoparDp.anD
earcs to hcarc,ict hpm beare. thep incut to btm,ri atooKc hpm faping:
anD Ins Difciples affceo hpm raving: niaiftcr,niaiflcr,iDC are loft. Chen he a*
tohat maner f imtlitiiDe is tijig c anD he cofe ^ ccbuUeD § tuinDe $ § tc*peft of tea* ©
1 ^
XJv ~

goe&omeagapne fnta v/a /?^*

T*a?utJ4' fet^btbepceteMnoit'iDficcDcalmei l&fta^fapfnjje:
;%? lr fo^nD b« fapDe bnto tobcce is poun cbpne boufe,frCtjetoe tobat great tiWKfa w&en


nne to anotbetitobat
tiirr one anothefrtnhat ft Iota 13

*T$ if~* rfapeft f Cljep feateD anD toonDieD fap* ges <j50D batbDoneto tbe. anD be toent t
7h ^
10 tblSr 013 toape aub pieact)CD tbOlOtoeotlt all f f$<\ Jl*

baas ^#
5 ,

J^=-a^lfo^ be comauoetb botfje t^e totnbes auo tbe citie tobat great tbtngesjefus J<

# 225551 toat et,$ tftcp obep bun t * sua tbep Doncftntotytm


j.JtfUfapleDtmtotbe tegpon <saocre^
or tfje ainDitfouuneD tofjen 3fefus toas^Y- *q|
.tofjtclje is otter agapnft gallic. come agapnep£ people rcceaueD bimJ+Lias m
3nD as tjc toente oute to la tiDe^tfje re f oj tt)ep all be*<£s™ t <^
toapteD foj bun : * 36uD
hofeittr metetjtmacectapne man outoftbe cp* bolDetbetecameaman nameojaicus mt%*.i'Q)
h >**r*l* n tii • tofticfte fjao a Deupil longe tpme,$
J (auo be toas a rttelcr of tbe fiaagogeX* ol^ot
c ikjfcwfytoit* no clones, abooe inanpe befellDouneatjRelusfete, pbefougbteW^pf
ii^m-ent^ouUibut amoge gtaucs. -cobe be rato bun tbat be tooloe come into !;tg t)ouff ,-^, 2/W7
;W fiu)ra-ft> c*3irtusM crpcD, 5 tel douuc before fttm, fo£ f)e nao but a Dougbter onslpe , bpa«~ tt «£>
wi»wfl«i.s.i>. auDtoitbalbuDebopcefapDe:*ai»bat attoeluepeatcofage,anDtyelapeaDi< p ^y-
10 «**•*• au e3(toDoetoitbtbe3Jefu8tt)eronne pnge*3B»D as be toent the peopUtbjon%^£^g|
jrtntvruje/rtf tbetfoD mooftehpeuV 31 berecbe thee geo hpm» cfcy #e Wcdhjajnj. $cHr%%i
t faf&fySr tojmente me not
^ben be comanntleD * ainD a tooman bauinge an fffue of
blouDettoeluepeaces(tobtcbbaD fpent mari*».*/A
$ ^fe
* tbefoulefpiritetocomeoutof tbetna.

£^:fo$oftetime£bccaugbtebim,anD be all bee rubftauceamonge pt)«f icions,^ J->

5i^v*jtoas bounoe vuttb cbatnes, $ kept tout) neitbet couloe be bolpeu of anpe ) came /faff.
fc^ :Si fetttts:ano be biake tbe bonbes, $ toas bebpnbe btm , ano toucljeo tfjc ticm of

ri>rfi is ^ p name * ^ nD f,e fapDC : c & C S I0,I >
to0 ° * 8 4t c ^ at touc&eo »ne/a»!ieri *Mt££^ ^ nr t

Wat iloe bmu [t man p opuels toere entcebinto manoenpeo, ^etec^tbeptbattoeceiif/o^^^^^

an &nfcaie tym>%n* tbep befongbtebim 3
tbatfje bPinJapDe^aifte^tbepeopletbiuftew^^ #ft
F V ^^tooulbe not comaunoe tbem to goe out tt)e ano tjejee tbe anD tbou tobo gp Jft£i
fapeft "

«, into tbe Depe* 2Bn&fb«e teas tbecebp toucbeDme^anDjefus fapoe: ^omeC^ n

an betbe of manp f toine ,febinge on an boop toucbeo me»/o^3 pecceaue $ bet* rnr .

fypl: ano tbep bclou gb t f?mi,p be tooulo ttie is gone out of me » wbcu § 1

LtJ&un. fuffte tbetii to entce mto' tbem iiio be fain tbat i'e u»a0 not bpiSiecaraetce* 7lok%&

Xru> AfcSki CuffceD tbem.tcben toent tbe btuels out blinge,$ fell at bis fete, 5 toloe bim be<
(dfteirrihf of tbe man, ano eutteb into tbe ttopne: foieal tbe people foitobatcaufefljebaD
f^t« M^'«^eaDlpnge
into tbe lake, ano toete

at ju%-offiibto**xftm We betbmen fatoe tobat bao

It uiLte •cWunfeo t\)t^ fleo 9 toloe it in tl)t tpt
, faptb batbe mabe tbe bole, go in peace.
'WXdfK/P^iPianDintbetJpllages* dOObtlebepet(pafee,tbetecameoiw^|p^^
'bxr ji'W anb tbep came oute to fee tobat teas fto tbetulacs of tbeanagoges boufe,y^£Vemv (

^PskttxS^ oone: 9 came to 3ef us ano founDe tbe tebicbe fapDe to btm: Cbp Dougbtet Wq££? & &
C ,

fenJl# /ut)HW ttt of tobome tbebiuels toete De* DeeD,Direafenottbcmatftec»aDOben 11** (}*>$ J&
n 4i patteD,rittig at f fete of 3[efus,clotbeD fus beatD tbat be anftoeceD tbe fatbe^^ij^^n' ,
ij-t #£^£"5*
anD in bis ttgbt mpnoe, anD tbep toece fapinge:* fatitt not,beleue onelp,^ u>e O^tr-fyo;
im y yaftapDe.-cbepalfotobicb fato it, tolbe u>albemaoetobole,3BnDtobSbecaetof ^X^jJo
r r\ } *

Wtf/tlfe&tbzbvtoW meatus be tbat teas pof/ boufebefuffeco no man to goe in toptb/77-

feffeD of tbe Detail, toasbealeD.2BnD,all bim,faue^eter,3amesanD3obn,anD^
f% -p^ln ^ e to ^ ole im,,t tUDC of tfie countepe of ibc fatbec anD tbe motbec of p tnaioetuj)^

[firf^ytp ibe <saDetenttes,befougbt bpm tbat be Cuecp boop toept anD fojotoeD foi l)tt*(j%i
pjrtP «yc^tooulD Depattfcom tbem: foi tbep toete 3nD be fapDe : acoepenot: fofujetsnot
U Btcauift t^t toitb great feate.3BnD be gat bvm DeeD,*but Oepttb 3nD tbep laugbeD -f^% *

(, ttc
5flS)ttiintotbeCbtppeanD tetourncD bacftea* btmtofcome:ifo itbep ftnetoe tbat flje 5o5jw,^» v

^ifenjrmi gapne.* Dbe p man out of tobo tbe Dp? toasDeeD .3nDbetbjufttbemallout,$c9<^

^if2ii'h MgIstoeteD£pacteDsbef0U5f,t fjmi c caugbtbetbptbebanDe:anDctieDfaprf ^ '

r f , ' , 1

tatzS^T^gapne^ahb tye rofc faapgbf toap.ainD tbep mape go into w anD topfc tfatf**
f ofoiies
gr „
lages counDcabout,anD!oDge,anDgct !£-£^i

itf #* v*a?' becommauDeDtogeuebctmcate.anD

;#e j*W&*tbc fatbetanD tbe motbct; of b« to«c a> meace,foi to* ace bete in a place of topU^p-^
jt^^ftonieo.JBut be toacneDtbem, tbat tbep DetneuT^8UtbefapDetontotbem:<5eu«;#*/^fr

iD^ffioulD tell no man tobat teas Done* J>e tbem to eate.ainD tbcp faiD.awe baue fcrtf*
am<rf^ffft»'^/^4rcR: %& &*$.*&* gw£fji no mo but fpue loucs ano tu>o fpfu)e0>0£/'

>«tjc.<ic.;icgV" ,Stct^ >

tbi0peopU.3Bno tbcp tocre about a ftue%
Z£ ^.
m nt
THejiorug foour4iiM.tiu.<ittiiDza«<./^^^i7zotQOUfanDement2BnD^erapDeto^i0 Dtf*
M „sfff*~i**1iftbt.tx*€ntyttt* 4//%?Wiple0:Caufetbcm tofpt ootone
%*7?J' % eb- ©C tafccrb out fFiUpottlcs toptfa«b.©ctb* tics in a copanpe. 36no rnep Dpo fo.anDtL
w Owmb tcJI of buti.fcefeawrh.» tt>o«fant>e
^ya ^
lEWr*'"*^p£« men tmtb»t>. lours'&be oifcp-
maoe tbem all rpt Dotone. ainDbetofce^p^
[ro KjW *\ i% piBlcs confede tfim i tobcrocfotmeor
to ©oo . ©c
be ttjc foime of isoo.i&c t^fpucloties,anDtbcttoofpfff;eSjano^^j^iN
fficttcrn ^p/^w'ttanrfpgutctb btmfcIfeuponrOcmount.DCits lofrco top to beauen,anD bleffeo tncpm Jaflldf*'*
^^ Uavuiik* HCc«Utbcpoawrc6,anateacbttbbt«Dtfctp!C8
anD bjafcc,anD gaue to tbe Difcpples,to $**%<
#0 *¥* 1^^ ^o tobc ^tolp. 3Cbcp DCfpictoCua;cauncc,butbs
a o tfLt
wpwuctb tbem. befoze p pcoplt;.* ainD tbcp ate, ano 4.3ft.,
f et

wfc^jM iJ3\$
,i en caIICD &e *& c * Hwlue t0 8 c> mere all fatifipeD.flno tbere mas taken (Jutfy*.
j-fi*wS££* I %
tfjer^atiD gauetbeimpotoet,ano &p of tbat ccmapneo tojbf.tti.bai"&et$ $&&**&
wtVS^?"' vLi^wrtoifteonecallDeupls^ tbat full of bzohen meate. <^$ei^fcfe*jW*[
CM Muii. tbep mygbt beale Direare*. anD f)e rent * 8nD it foztuneD a# f>e toa0 alone $,i*yc*wt\
\fflaM£a&L(tiitm vo pzeaebe tbe Hpngoom of <£od,s pzaplng,bis DifcppIe0 toece toptfo bpm, flM.i6.& cJ
\ptMf£%ifu^ cwre l &e f«fee*2tnD be fapDe to tbcm: anD be arfteo tbepm,rapinge:iccbo (ape
J -*y
J^ c

)U£o*k6* ** <€afee notbpnge to fnefcet pon bp tt>e t\jt people $ g amj'Cbep anf toeceo anivW^6 ^- \

• toape: a neptbctltatTe,

JwS ^
"L g?*y* •

fapD.'JobnJSaptifc&ome Tap $elpa0.%t&£/^
no? fctippe,nep*
1 b«aDe,neitbct monep netbec baue giro fome fap,one of tbe oloe pzopbetetf afjfaaMi

v.a..L&>«*j£ ttoocoates . 2Bno tobatfocuecboufepe tgttreftagapne.feerapDebntotbepm:/^^^

entetiuto,tbeteabpDe,anD tbenceDe* tobo fapepe tbat jam *» ^etccanrroe/^e/^TT
-rf"7 fl^flt .e b. pact.* anD tobofoeuec toil not teceane teDanDfapDe:*tbouatt tbe Cbzifteof fl9««u«c
j^a *»«wj-«. «,tobcn pe go out of tbat c We , fltjafee «oD»3nD be toatneo ano comauDeo IS'%? d m
^ 7
oftbetJccpDuftfroinpontfeteJo^ate^ tbattbep^oulDteUnoma tbattbpnge4%'^
ftimonpeagapnfttbeimatnD tbeptoent faping:*^ tbe fonne of man muftrutTce^,«<?
WdJfuXJeus out,auo foent tbo:oto tbe totone0, p?ea ntanp tb^nges, anD be tepyoucD of tbe aSS"8 9i
*T&£atf£tl8fl® £ ^ gofpeil, anD bealpnge eiutpe eJDec0,anD of tbe bre p?tcft£0 ,5 Ittibts «.».».«
t! c
•7 WtrfiV»6ete. t anDbeaapnejanD^et^pfDeDapecpie^S":^

^r 9«k>o. *2luD ^ecoDttbc 6 Cctcatcb beatD of agapne* finjthr * ^t/^^A^ */^im

ur/<£}«0yS* aU & attoa5Do,,e ofbun,anDDonbteD, SnDbefapDetotnemalljPfanpmati jft^pl
^aJbecaure tbat it toae fapDe of fome, tbat topll come aftec me, let bpm Denpe bpm %m. m£
•PpSobn toaa tpfen agapne fco Deatb: ano felfe,anD taae bp W«offe Daplp, 9 f 0* £fl'z
do Jpj •' fomM&ati£eIpa0naDappcateo:ai!D lotoeme/* socbPfoeuec topil faue b?s 523?
HJ/a 4l of rome,tbat one of tbe oIDe ^topbete0
: fouIe^aU lore tt.3!nD tobo To etietfyall &*****.
\x» %*$$*&$***
Wt c » agapne. tnb j^erooe fapDe: lofe bis Ipfe f« mp fafte,tbe fame Qjalicf^^/
r j^/b^ftcjobn bauej bebeaDeD:tobo tbe is tbts fane it. ifoz tobat ananntagetb ttumfrtfrt%m
n U w&'ntytimom 3 bcace fucb tbpngesr Jnobe to topnne tbe iubole toozloepf be loofe^Jft<1
^uint of a DcfpuD to fe btm. bim felfe, oz cunnc in Domage of tom*&kr"<m
^^*^^ainDtbe3(lpoftle0tetnrncD:anDtoI» feife^ * jfoitoboroeuecisaujameDofSKii^
^^aTu .4? 0,m to y at « ccat tbtnges tfjep bao Done. me,anD of mp fapinges:of bpm foal ttefaf&Mt
3 *&X •" * anD ^
toftc tf^ cm > anD to*"* afPbe m< fonne of man be aff^ameo, toben
be co*ziW^B
to a foiuacp place, npe to a cptiecalleo metb in bts otone giozp,anDmtbc q\t»J
JraW SetbfaiDa.
3fnD tbe people ftnetoe of it,
tpeof bisfatbec,n of tbe bolpe angete.&S^
'roier^Lw anD fo^ioeDbtm.anDbe ccceaueDtbe, 3BnD 31 tell pou of afutetp.afcbcce
fpabc tWo tt,n,n of c a ?«Sbome fome of tbepm tbat ftanoe ber'e,tobpcbe«^ it
MpW^b^? ^
of 0D f,caUD tw tf,at ^ aD ncDe t0 bc
^ We,
, i \u.f/Z ?
al » ot taft of oeatfcttl ^
fe f feing*Ata« Y* f

-om^nd ^ caUD • 3nD to ^ cn ^ c Da J' e beganne to Dome of <bod*^/>c>« <f^tyy*™>!^~™*'

*ifrA?t &f\otm atoap,tben came § mm*
$ TatDe ^/*3lnD it folo tocS £?iV
-p(/7^r^t^ntobtm;fenD« tbe people atjmpejtbat' aftet t^ofefaptngLtbatbe tohe B«ec,c^^

— e »»


^e (gofpell tbep fcnbetttoD

lames, anD % ofjri,ftni> toente ftp into a foag bpb f to tr)cm , tt)at

inountapnetopjap.3lnba;$be piapcb, it not* atnDtbepfeatebtoafhebpmof

^tfje faff&pon of fits countenaunce teas tbat faptnge*
\cbaungeD,anD fits garment teas tobtte *«£ben tfjetearofea bifputacpona* g;Vb,8,'V
ano u>ne.» bcbolb, ttoo men tolfceD mong tbem.fcobo tyulb be tbe gteateft. mue. «jt
tfjep toere <$)ofes anD acoben JJefus petteaueb tr)e tbougbtes <P
a** toptr) bpm , ano
^ feelpas,tor)tcbe appeatcb glojiounp , 9 of tbett bertes 3be tbftc a cbplb# letbim
fpafceof bisbepattpng,to§icbbe amlD batbebpbim anDfapD 3
fento tr)e\ax>bo>

enbeat jflctufaleuHBcter 3 tbep £ lucre focuettecciuetfj tfjis cfjilD (n nip name,

tettr) btm,toere beup to flepe.ainb toben receauetfj me. * 3nb tobofocuTt tecea* j®** *
• ^
cfjep toofee,tbep fatoebie gioip, anbttoo uctb me,receauetb bpm $ feme me* jfoj jSS'iii
men ftanbpng toftb bim. be tbat ta leaft amonge pon al,tl;e fame
Kbl« *3flnDttcbaunreDa$rbepDepattcD u>U be great, r . .

fro b"n,petec fapoe onto jcrus ; gpa> ^nojobn anftoereD ano fat Draftee
fter,tt is gooo bepng bete foi bs: jLette toe fame one caftpnge out Deupls in tbp
- fcs mafce tbje tabernacles,one foj tbe s $ name,?! toe fojbabejpm, becaufe be fe>
Vanefoi^ofes.anDoiwfojteelvas.-anb lOtoetbnottoitbfcjS.ainbJiefusfaiDbn
ailMII _

topft not tofjat t?e fapDe, aocbile be tbus

to bim:* fojtbpD pe btm tiot*^oj be tf^at ^ *
fpaIe,ti/erecameactonDanb(&abotoeD ignotagapnftbs.iBtoitbbs.
tbepm, ano tbep feateb toben tbep tocte arno it foIotoeD tofjenttjetpmetoas

C come bnDet tbe clouDe* 3BnD tbete came come tbat tyoulD be te ccaucD bp,tbe
r)e n
fgat.17 b^a tjoice out of tbe clouD,faping:* tCbtS be fet bis face to go to 3fetufalem,anD
SKib^ismpoeatefonne^beatebpm. ainoas lent metTengersbcfotebim. Slnbtbep
yw.i « tone as tbe fcopce toas paft, Jfefus toas toentanb entteo into a cptte of tbe^a«
foiiiiDc alone. ainD tbep Itepte it clofe : 3 matitans,to mafee reaop foj r)fm ©««
" tbep tooID not tcceaue bim, becaufe bifif
' '

•* toto no man in tbofe Dapes aup of tbof
tr)pnges tobtcbe tbep bab f cne. face toas as tbongb be tooulb go to Je
* *no « cbaunfeb on tbe nejete Dape tufalem. aoben bis Difciplcs Barnes,?
*»« .7 b
k mpvA&s tbep came Dotone from tbe bpi>tn«cb 3!obn fatoe tbat } tfjep faiD.tLo?DejtoyIte
.peoplemet bfrm 3Cno bebolbe a man of tbou tbat toe commauno,tr)at fpje come
tbe copanp ctieo out fapinge : fairer,
botone from beauen ano confume tbem>
* ,,w * ,€
31 befecbe tbe , beboibe mp fonne,fo? be
enen * as (^clpas Dpb r 3|efus toutneo
is al tbat 31 baue;anb fe,a fpute ta&etfj about,ti tcbufteb tbem, faping:pe toote
fttm,anD foDenlj'eAe cttetb , anD be tea< not tobat manet fp^ite pe ate of* Cbe
. tetbbiWOatbefometlj'agaftte^toitb fonneofmanisnotcometobeftcopme*
inucriepapneDepactetb ftombim, tobe
:»•"' nes Ipues^uttofauetbepm* Knotbcp.
^ ^bebatf)tentbim,anD* Jbefougbttbp toenttoanoti)ettoton.**3BnDit c!;au> *«*»•«•

out^ tfjepconloe febasbetoenteintrjetoape ,acettapnc

not. iefus anftoeteb anb fapoe." €> ge< man fapbe twto bim: 3 topll foiotoe tbe
t neracpon toitbout fapfb,* ctofcebtbotoe tobptbet Coeuet tbou go , Jefug fapbe

ionge(Wl3|betairbpoufanoa>alfuf* tmto bimtfojecsbaue boles, ano bp^

ftepot^Bipngtbpfonnebptbet. as be bes of tbe apze baue neeftes:but
Tonne of man batb not tobete on to lape
yet toas a corampng,tbe fenb tente \)im y
anb tare bum 3BnD 3 efustebufeeb tbe bpsbeabe*
fcncleanc fpitite,anb bealcb tbe cbilbe, 3tnD be fapbe tjnto anotber: foiotoe

Jtt * b *nt> belpueceb bpm to r)ts fatbet. *3Bno me m*tbe fame fapbe:TLojbe fuffte
'Ubep toete aUamafeo at t\)t mpgrjtp po> me fittt to go $butp mp fatbet Jetun

Uietof^ob* fapbe ftnto bim,* let tbe fibeabbur^eieat,^.
•», ^obpletbeptoono^eDeuetponeatal tbepjbeab:butgo tbou anb pjeacb tbe
tbpnges tobtcb be bpo,be fapb bnto bts ftyngbome otmn.
Difctples : %tt tbefe fapinges fpnche IBnbanotbetfapbe:3lJ*topl foiotoe tbe
botone into pout eates -cbe tpme topll to?be:but let me fitft go bpb tbem fate
£»attu6.c come,toben tt)e * tonne of man ft^all be toell, tobtcbe ate at borne at mp boufe*
Si!" *£ t
belpuereo tnto f banbes of mem * ©ut lefus fapb tmtobtm:B° * wa» ^ P» fo *•**•».*
tabkrii tw toiftnot tot;at§toojDmeante,& it tetbbist>anDetotr)cplotoe,anblo!jetfj
I Vnv

SfgbJLttlft jfolldtf,
bac8e,f s apt c to tfte fcingbo of <soo. fc Done in c??c $ §>fbo, tuln'ct) baue btne
fciic/j-iotcg. Done in poti,tr}ep bab a greate \nl)ttt %*
3?2" aJItfieta^attKtotbe.jr.Cbap. p/one repentebjl'pttpng in beere 9 au>ejS»
«, « ,h« t>-itokei n figatbcta.jruu.*
jmatepa lieuertbelefle it tyalbe eafpetfoz %$%*
c . ^ati9,u»0t)foeucc(ui tins tooxtoejtejjar&etb
fobisli>fc,tbatbctt>pltiotputif ni icopatbpfot anb &>ibo } at p iuDgimct 3 tbcufozpou.
ppuraue «.

mc>to jj Cn f (j C tpmc jcqapjctb rue fame, Opali lofc 3nD p Capernaum tubicbe arte craltco
|t9lpfc j;t3 ip^ cr aiiai!p. to beaucjU)alt be tbzufte botone to tytlU we
* *»• 3Cl;cccbefomctljataanl)Cljetc.jc.Eoftcui
(jgjatoem.icuuij. * l^e f bearetb pou,beacetrj me;anb be^ fo&iuj.*,
ccaoc.^c. e,£ „ cQatncto tJjc.bui. Deipifetb pou,Dcfpiferbme:auD be tbat
ft C ( c.

{[Cbc»r.<!Ebaptcr.>fi Defptietb me.Dcfpifetb bun p fente me*

C. © c fenoctb rt>c reucnttc befo:c I; t rti to pic.ulK, 3HD tbe (euentp returneb agatne toitb
aab g cicri) rne a charge bote to bebauc ttjefci
ucs.pijpicrO l)\* beaumlp father, tufw.cccrb
iope,fapinge;}lozDe euen tbe toctpe De^
rJj:^)ctibc rtjat temptcb lnm,3(bp rijec^am- uels arc lubOueo to b^ tbozob) tbP ba?
pic of rlje Hainan r.iuc)G;ctoctl) U)I)o is a mas me. anb be fapbe bnto tbem:3 * fatoe
iicptfoboarc.i*} .ictDacCfct'ucclj rtjCiLoib ins

to \)o\xtc,ffmtfCfSSiAg,oalcn isfccucutc
^>ata,asitbaDbenelpgbtenpng,fauie •

Ijcatpu? Ijts toiwsc. Domnc from bf auen. * ©eboiDeJl gcu« tRJi' »*

f tec tbe ft tbptigc$ , $ )LojDe bnto pou potoer to treaoe on ferpenteS)
lppowteD otber feucntpc ak ano fco.'pions,anD ouerall mauer po>

Lo,* Tent tbeim ttoo $ tfojo be; toct of y enemperanb notbpng ftal butt
jjtoie bim into euetp cptpe,anD poiu^c tier tbcleffc , in tbis reiopfe not,
plar (,*ajiutf?cc be btmfclfe tooulD come* tbat § fpirites are Dnber poure pbtoec:
but re 10 pf e,bccaufc * poute names are
nvojn »
sBft«j.ot.b 31no be fapb t»nto t!jetii 3 tfje* baruert is

gccate 5 but ttjc labourers are fetoe toipttcn inbeauen.

piapc tbetfoie tbeftotb of tbe barueft, Cbat fame time reiopfeb 3Jcfustn# 5©
tofciiDc toitb labourers into bis bat* fpiite,anb faii)e:3cofe(Te tmto tbe fa?
«v 8, ^»
£i5att».]t.b, ueu\<so pour toapcs:*bebolbe,3i fenoe tberj*notb of beauen ano ertb, § tbou
you fozrfjc as lambcs amonge toolues. baft bib tbefe tbinges fro tbe topfe anD
£P«tn t.c. * scare no tuaf lcr 9 neptr>er f crtppe , not puibct, ano bafte opencb tbe to tbe ba^
Sute9.a R)oes,anD* falute no man bp tbe tuay. bes.c^uen fo fatfjerjfo: fo pleafcb it tbe.
attt«.ij.'s 3|ntotobarfoeuerboufc pe enter, tinlh *31ll tbingjare geueu me of mp fatbet. JfiSw^
fapet^eace be to tbis boufe.ainb pf tbe * 3nb uomanbnotcetbtobotbefonnet^at.tuo
rontie of peace be tbeee,pottt peace fljall is, but tbe fatbet;netbet tobo tbe fatber JSSJt 1
refi bpon not,?t (Ijnl returne to pou iis,faue tnc fonne^t be to tobom f Tonne
agaf ne.3Mo in tbe fame boufe tarp ftil, tupll fl)t to btm.
catpnge anb btpncfcpnge fucbe as tbep 3no be turneb to bis bifcip(e0,anD
baue. jf 02 tbe labourer ts tooztbp ot bis fapb fecrettp : +
^apppeare tbeepes,
tctoarbe. f« tobicb fe f pe fe.iTbz j tell pou tbat ma^
d5o not trom boufe to boufeianb Into w piopbetes anb femgj baue befpicb to
tobatfoeuer citp pe enrer,if tbep receaue fetbofetbpnges tobicbepefe 3 anD baue
pou,eatefucbctbpnge£(as are fctbe> not fene tbe~:ano to beare tbote tbpnge^
foie pou,5 beale tbe fpcfc tbat are tbere, tobicftpcbearc,(j baue not beatb them.
anb fape bnto tbepm: tbe ftpngbome of 3Bno beboia,a certapne latoear ftobe
Wam.T.a, (Bon is conienpe bpon pou. * Qiit into tjp,anb temptebbim,fapinge:* Rafter ,3^!,
tobatfoeuer cptte pe tfcall enter, pf tbep toba t tljall
J bo to inberit eternal! Ipfc**
teceaucpou uot,go pour toarcs out uv, i$z f apt bnto bi m: acobat is toiptten in t
to tbe ft retes of tbe fame, anb fap:eueu tbe latoec ^otoe rebeft tbou^aino be an?
tbe beep bulttobtcbe cleauctb on bs of ftoereb anb fapb:* Hotie tbp Jloib gob, ©cat w.t»
pout cttie,toe toipe of againft pou:0ot toitb af tbp bert,anb ft al tbp fouIe,anb SSJ'mc
toitbftanbpng,markc tbis tbat $ fcpng* toptb ali tbp fttengtbe, anb toptb ail tbp
Dome ofesobtoas come upe bpon pou. mpnDe:atiDtbp ueigbbour as tbp fcife*
£ea,anb J fap to t>ou:tbat it djalbt ea* 3inb be fapb bnto bpm: t^bou bade a 11*
fpertntbat Dapcjfo* Zobome rben foi ftoereb cigbt. tlDbis bo anb tbou(r)aite
tbatcptie. Ipuc.a i^c topllpnge to iufttfiebptn felti
6 *3CCobetotbeCbo2ajin:toobe totbe fapb bnto 3efus; iXbo is tben mp nep*
^""^•"^et^faiDa^oz if vrnpiacles bao bene gbboure^ .
jfjff.ii* Jcfus
* «

3fef«s abftoeteb $ fapb : 3D certapne ^fiD itfoituncb as fjefoas3
man DeftcnDcD from $fetuf&lcm into ^^pzapiftgc in a cettapne-place:
^tcnco^fclintocbcbaubesoftbuics, tobenbt ceaf cb one of bis cif>
tobicbe tobbco bun of bis rapine tit anD fapbe bnto bpm : ^a<
toouuDeo btm,3 bepatti o,lca upng bpm fter,teacbe bstopiap,as3!obntaugbt
l;alfc DcaD.^tiD bp cbauuce tljcrc came bisDifcip!ts.3ino beiapoe bntotbeim:
a ccrtar ne pzpeft tbat faint toape , anD * lob en pe piape, fape : £> ourefatbec saat^.^
tob£bcfaU)ebim 3 bepai7tbbP.3tnD like tbbicbeatt in ^eaueii,baIotDeD be ti)p
jt toil e a juuite,tot)en be toas come me to name, Cby&i'i'g&omc come.CbPtopll
cue p lac e,toente a iiblofceo ottbtm,anb be f u f illcD,e ucu n ca tt b as it is m bea
l s

paiTeb bp • Cben a certar ne ^ama

rp Hcn.GureprtpipeuiCc-Dcgeuc1)5ciiet*
tane,as be iozuctcD 3 came me bnto bin?, moie.SnD foigeue bs oucc fpnues: Jro:
*tiDtobenbefaU)ebim } bebaD compare euen toe fozgeue euetp man tbat tcefpa
fpononbtm,anb toent to aiiDboiioe bp fetb bs»3iUD UaDc os not into tempta^
big tooiib J,* potouo in ople $ toine,anb cpou. ©ut Dclput r os from eupli»
put bun ontitsf oujne bead, =t biougbte Mb befapoe bnto tbenu+pf anp of
bim to a comen pnnc 3 $ maoe pzoupfton pou GjcuiD baue a hd,^ fljouib go to
1 1 e

4 f oz bim. ainD on tt)e mozoiue tube be De< bim at mponigbr,? fap bnto btncftenb,
parteo,!rc tobe out ttoo pence ano gaue lenbe me tfyic lotus ,f oz a ftenbe of mine
tbe to § bou\$fato bnto bt : Cafce cure is come out of tbe loape to mc,<j J baue 25
of bun, anD tobat To e iter tbott fpcnDefr uotbpng to fct bef oze bpnuanb be toitb*
moze,toben 3 come agapne , J, tupU ce* in fl;oulDc auftoere ano (apjt rouble me
compence tbe* XCbicb note of tfjef e tbze, not 3 tbcDoozc is notoe fr)ut,anbmp fet?
tbpnRetttbou,toas ucpgbbourc brito uauutcs areujptbme in tbe cbambcr,
bim fill into tbe tije ties fjanbes t J can not tprt anb geue tbepm to tbec.
ainobefapbrbetbatftyetoeb metcpeon |[ fai't bnto pou.tbougbe be tooulb not
bim. Dben fapbe Jefus fcnto bim . <&o atpfe ano geue bpm becaufe be is bps ,

anD Do f bo illicit)}' re. p frcubc : pet becaufe of bps" imp oztunitc

® +3!; f oituneo as tbep toem,tbat be be tooulb tpfe,anbgcuc bim as manpe
cnt rco into a mtapne tou»nc.3inD a cec as be ncDcD.BiiDJ fapbntopou:*affce, ^»'- b "-«
tame tooman nameD$)artba,teceaiuD ano it Q)a(l be geuen pou. §>ebc,anb pc |St"b!i
bim into ber bouf c aiiiD tbis tooman Q>all fpiibe.fenocke,ano it dpall be ope;
fjao a fpftet calleb <J£atp, M}f)itift * fat neb bnto pou.ifoz euetpe one f aflietb,
at jfleffis fete,anbbearb bis pzeacymg. rcccauetbabc tbat fchetb,ftnbetb, anb
28nD Zariba toascobieb about nmcb to bim tbat tuiocUetb,(T)al it be openco.
f erupngc,aiH> ftooe ano rapbennapfter, 3f?tp fonue fbal af ut bzeab of anp of pou
Doeft tbou not care, tbat mp fpftet batb tbattsafatbctrtoilbegcutbf a ftonc.--
lefte me to miniltet alonc-SpD ber tbec 0i pf be affte fpfll)e,toill be
fo2 a fpfft)e
foic,tbat fl>e helpc inc. ano Jeftis an? geue bim a ferpcut t Qi pf be afkeatt
l'toeteD,anofapDe bnto bet:$)attba, egge:topUbeoffetbima Itotpionrjl
i^a«ba,tbou catcft,anD atte ttoubleb pe tben tobicbe are cupll. can geue goob
&u\ it*, aboute manp tbpnges: betelpe* one is gpftes bnto pout cbilbzen,botoe mticbc
b mozeiljalltbefarbcrofbeaucu geue ail
nebfull aBari'e batbe ebofen ber tbat
gooD pa rtejtubicbe fball not be taken a> bolp fpitite to tbe J
befpze it of buuv &
toape from bet. j« + mo
* be toas caftpnge out a beuil, ?&**?*
*¥at - 7 '*
*»* n Wt)C S&OttS. tobicbe toas bomme 2Bnb it folotoeb
# « ?S a.Si>at ts.topllpijff to fct foitb bim felfc as ittft. \a\jm tbe mwll toas gone oute,§ Dome
HI ' V
„cpg bbouc.frc.
« * no as 0,,c at toas leatucb : fap&e , tobo ts mp
fpahe,anb f people toonbzeb. 23ut fome
b. ar&ar ts,Q>e b attj cfjorcn tbe tjcartttg of p* tooio
oftSo&,tobtci)cuecetttwcetb,$ tstbctoapeof&r
of tbem fapb:* be caftctb out ocupls bp
tbe potoec of JSe^ebub tbe r btcf c of ttje
9 S^^
C'"&b***i»Cbapfer. beupis . anb oilier tcmptebbpni,ft>
C£)Ctr.icJ)cU) Dtsotfciplcs topzap.bxpoctbotu Kpnge of bpmafignc fcombeauen Sut ~
a ocupi.anoccbuttett) tbe blafpbctttous ?aya; be fenetoe tbep^tbougl)tes,anb fapbe
ttfcs.a;bep ocrpxcfpflncs 9 to&cns.©ecateti)
bnto tbepm : €uape ftpngbome btup*
toitb tbe |9bacife9,f cepjouetb Jbc btpocttfic
of tbe pi;attrcs,§ tribes, aub p poccttes* no toptt) in it relfe,tyalbe bef Qlate : anb

one Ijoufe fl^all fall fcpoti auotbct . &>o ** jj}oman!pgr)tetha canDeU anD 5

if £>atan be DenpoeD tottbtn bun f eke: puueib it in a puue piace,netbet bnoec ^JJtil
bo toe Q^ail bis UpngDomc cnoute 1 i5e* a uutit)c(I:but on a canDcidpc^e.ftbep kabesi.
caufe pe fare tbat J caff out De npis bp tbat come in ujape fe tbe Ipgbi* * Cbe at^. 6 t ^
tbc potoer of $cl;ebub» 3 f J,bp tf;e po> Ipgbt of tbp boDpe ts tbe epe* (Cbctfote
tDccofJBcljebubcafteoutcJBcupts.b;' loo en tbp ne tp. is Ipngle: tben is all tbp
tohoni Do pour cbilDzen cad tf;em oute. boDpcfullotipgbte* jsutpubpneepe
'£bctetoie f&alltbcpbe poiituubgcs. b c c urll : tben Q;al all bp be ope be full
i i

*3ut pf 3,tottb tbe * fpnget of <eod tail h Datcbcncs* Cahe becoc t beef oze tbac
out Deuils,noDoubtc tbe upngcoa.c of Che Ipgbt tobicbc is tn tb c,be not Dacca*
^oDts come Upon pou. ttes.tfoipfailtbpboDpfyailbelpgbte,
«at»((.t. * aoobenaftcongemanarmeDfoat* tio parte Daccfte : tben frail alt
rbetb bis boufe:tbac be poffcffub is iti be lull of Ipgbt/ ut n as tobm a cancell
peacoSuttobenafttongertbeu be tty Doetij Ipgbt tbe toitb W
bipgbtnes* t
3mD a0 be pafcc 5 a cettapne pba tue
metb bpo bun ,anD oueteommctb tynv» t

betafcctb torn him btebatncjS tobetuu

t befoug^t bun to Dpne toptb bim:a no be
IjetcuftcOjanoDeuiDctbljisgooDca;. toeiu tn anD fat do tone to tneate* ^cben
again it me.38nD
l#e $ is not until me,is tbepbatpfe latoe tbat, be matuepleD
bctbatgatbctcrbnotiDuuNfcattcrerb. tbat be baD not jpjfte tuafOjeo before
**• " * * *Eben tbe bnclcane fpitit is gone Dpnner • Hlnotbe noibi fapDe to bim: $
out of a ma ,hc uiala cr b tboroto b toa ter> * 0o to Dope ^batifcs , mabe dene tbe e»«*a.«
IcCTc places ,fekpngc relic. jtnD tob'c n be out fpoe of tbc cnp,Ff of tbe plattc*:but
2£ fpnoetb nonc,bc fapetb.'Jf topll tcturnc pouc intoatDe partes ace full eftaue*
agapne nnto tnp borne tobence J came npngc anD topebconcs 4 ^e foolcs,Dpo
oute.3lnD toben be commetb,bc fpnbetb not be tbat mnoc tbat tobicbc i$ toptb*
U itocpt a nD gatnp^eo* .tEben goctb be oute:ma'ae tbat tobtc!)c ts toitbin aliof
anD tafcetbto brm fcuenotfjtt fpzptes jjieuettbeles* geue atmoteof ttjat pe^ws™
tuozlTe tbe bun felft:^ tbtp entet m,ano bauc,(i bcbolD ail te clene to pott.* i&ut apaf.s.«
Dtocl tbetc Mb tbe enoe of tfyac uiau,i8 too be to pou ^batifes,fo^ pe tptbe tbe
toozfe then tbe begpnnpng. nipnt $ tetoe, $ ail mancr ctbes,^ paife
3no it f oitm jcd as be fpane tbofe ouec iuDgcmet $ tbc loue of goo, %W*
tbpnges,a cert acne too man of tbe conn ougbtepetobaueDone,auD pet not to
panp Ipft bp bee bopce.ano fapoe nnto f;aue left tbe otbec unbone.
bunr^appp ts tbe toombe tbatbate tbe, * wo be to pou pbarifes; fo? pe loue aj^^.c
aim tbe pappes tobicbc gaue rbe fue&e. rbe bppermofl: fcates in tbe Itnagoges,
©ut be fapD;£ea,bappt>e ate chep tbat anbgtctingesintbe matbetj. ^pobe
tjeate tbc tooibof <E0D,anD kepe it. £ to pou fcribcs .anD pbatifes,ppocrites r
3CCben tbe people toete gatbetcb tbtcn foipeatcasgtauc0 tobicbappcrcnota
9SS. t tpget&ettyc began to fap: * .ttbts is an anD tbe men tbat toalcke ouet ibtm.are
jtoa.w.o, cupii nacfortbei' fe&c a ftgne,auD tbece not toaceortbem. Cben anftocrcb one
ffjall no fpgne be gene n rbepm, but tbe of tbe latocars^rapDe bnto bpm:il^a>
fpgne of 3|onas the ^zopbete . jfotas ftec,tbus Taping , thou putttft bs to re^
3ow. ii.s ^jonas toas a fpgne to rbejftiniuites, bURealfo.Cbebefapo:* *&o be topou sbitts**
fofljalgfonneofmatibeto tbisnacto. alfo pe fatoeats : foj pe iaoe men toptb <5

i'J£IV« *^ e W*ne of tf >* feoutb fl?ailtpfe at buttbensgeeuous to be bozne,at)Dpe

«pat.u.o. tuogemeotjtoitbtbemen of tbts gene* pour Celtics toucbe not p pacaes \b one
tacpon , ano coud empne tbcpm:f o: Ojc ofpotttftgets.&Qbetopou:pe* bupiD
came from § enoe of tbc jboiId. to beate tbe iepulcb?cs of tbe pjopbetes, pi pour
tbe toif o orne of <fealomon.3!nD bcboloe fatbets HpiltD tbetn^tnlp pe beare toft*
a gteatet tben Salomon is bete. Cbe ncs,tbat pe alotoc t^t dcdcs of pour fa>
men of attune flwilrpfc at the ttiDgo tbcrsifo i t^ \tilltb tbem,anD pe builD

tnent toitb this geuetacpon: $ Oial coin their fcpulcbits .Cberfou faiD tbe toif?
9 fltJJ *»
Dcmpne t cpm : f 01 tbcp rcpciitcD at tbe Domeof<I5oD:*3 topllfenDetbem p?o« 9
p^aebpnge of Jonas 3nD beboIbe,a pbetes ano 3poftciies,anD of tbepui
geca tec tben Jonas is bcre. tbep ll;all Qep ano perfecute : tbat tbe
"SftMU blouoe
blou&e of an $zopbetes , toytifo toas
%W ©oipen feffctb me bcfoic men,eueU bfm (bal tbe Jg2£.\
(I)cDoe from tbe begpnning of p toozlo, fonne of man cofeffe alfo before tbt an> apotaii a
mape be tcQtiiteo of tbps generation, gele of <Kob.anbbe c^ac Denpecb me be
Ji h
SuLnj from tl)t blouD of* abeIl,bnto § bloub f oze mcmOjall be benpeb befoze tbe an?
of Zacbatp, tobicbeperpffbeb bettoene
tfyt aultec anbtbe teple.JEietelp J rape
gels of ©0D.*anb toboroeuecfpea&etb
a toozoe agapnfteb tbe fonne of man it
£t)all be fozgeuen bim . But bnto bpm
tj n t o pou:it fl^albe r cq utreo of tfjis na>

ciotu*x>o be to poulatoears:fozpebaue tbatblafpbemetb ttje bolp gbouytfljal

ca&enatoap tbe c&epe of &notolebge,pe notbefozgenciK* aooben t&ep bzpnge
c ^^ }

%a]u *fLb
entccb not in poutefelues, anb tbe tbat pou bnto tbe fpnagoges, anb intone
came tn,pe fozbaD » acube be tbng fpahc rulers ano officers , ta&e no tbougbre
fmto tb epm, t^t latoeatg ano tbe pba« botoe oz toba t tbpnge pe fl?all anftoere
n'fes began to toejee bufpe eboutc bpm, oz tofjat pe (ball fpeafce » fop tbe bolpc
ano to (fop bis mouth tottb manp que* &}oft tyaitcacbcpou in § fame boute,
ftions,laping toaptefojbim, frfebpnge tobatpc ougbttofape.
co cnttt) fome tbing of bis moutb,tobcc +
©tie of tbe company fapbe bnto
bp tbcp mpgbt accufe bim* bpm : Rafter bpb mp bzotbet oeupbe
tbe cnbetttaunce tottb meJnD be fapo
^1/^ «**Sobbesbaucfap&.af
fpngects bet* b(spotote,ias tbouglje
bp tbepotoetofgcD.jc,
bntobpm^an^bomabemea tubge
Sir' beCboulb oz a Deupbct ouet pou t acberfoze be
mppwctt «at&ctotbej;i)i.e&ap. faibe bnto tbem:tafce bebe,anb berate
c,|Lobe tit
&epe, ofcouctoufnclTe . jfoz nomannes Ipfe
C^^^Cbaptct* #
C^bcleucit of tbe jebattCes.Cbiiaecoitfoxtetb ftanoetb in tbe a bounbaunce of §tbin<
btsfcifaplcg agapnftcpccfccuctpii , toatuctb ges tobicb be ano be put
tijem to bcaidte of coueteufnes, bp tbe f tmiln
bnto tbepm/aptngc:
foztb a ftmiittuDe
tubcof a cectapnc ctcbe mamue topll not ijauc
tbcmto bangetopon cattblpetbingcs.butto Cbe grounoe of a cettapne tfebe matt
toatcbe aub to be ccabp agapuft bis cfimmge. bzougbt foztb ftutes plcnteouflpe,anD

§> tbete gatbeceo to getbec be tbougbt in bim feite , fapinge : tobat

an innumctable multitube of fljallj no? beeaufcjjbaucno coume
pcopfe,(mfomucbetbattbep tobcretobeftotoemp frutcs t anb be
w ttooD one anotbetjbe beggne fapbe: cb»s topU 3 bo.jR topll befttope
Sffi » «o fap buto bis Dif«pies:fifft of al^be^ mp batues,anbbpIDe gteatet,anb tber<
toate of tbe a ieuc of ^barif es, tobicb in topil J gatbec ail mp ftute& anb mp
»apn> isppoctiCie.*^Ubeteisnoibpngco> goobes;anb j topllfapeto mp fou!e£
KV.S uetcD,tbatft)allnotbel)tuoueteD:nep? *£>ouIctboubaaemucbegoobestopD ^m.jrf.t
nukes, t. tber
bpb, tbat Orail not be ftaotoen* bp tn ttoie fo^ manp peares,tafce tbpnc
Jf oz tobatrocue t pe bane fpokc in oack^ caf c^ate^bipncbc^nb be merpe • ©ut
.. nesrtbat fame l^albebearo in tbe Itgbt* (Sob fapbe bnto bim:* cboufoole,tbis 3e«.i7.b
ano tbat tobtcbe pe baue fpoken in tbe i|igbt topil tbep fetcbe atoape tbp fottle .

eac'eeueniufecteteplaces,fl[)albep.iea> agapnettomtbee.* Cbcntobofe Q)till^

cbeb euen on tbe toppe of tbe boufes« tbofetbpngcsbetobifbctboubaitpjo*
m tipoeb f ^oisittoptbbpmtbatga*
apatb. ^? *3fapebHtopoumpftenbe)BijbeiKot
*pm n't afrapoe of tbemt^at&pll tbe bobp,anb tberetb tpebes t ano is not rpebe in
aftet tbat baue no moze tbat tbep can d5€)©»
Do^ut Jtopl O^etoe pou, tobom pe u>a[ anb be fpa&e bnto bPS( bvfcpples: &teLn
feafe»ifeatebim tobicbeaft'ec bebatbe 'C^etfo^e Jf rape Unto pou: * tcafee no S£w'e
feplleb.batb potoec to catt into bel.^^a, tbougbt foipotit life,tobat pe fl^al eatc: ,
* t *-1 » •

31 fape bnto pou,btm feare.are not fiue netber faz pout boop,tobatpe fl^ali put
fpatotnes boufbt f oz t too fattbpnges*' oiuCbe life is moze tben mcate.anb tbe
ano pet not one of tbepm is fozgotten boovt is moze tben tapmente • Coufp^
of (Bon * alfo euen tbe berpbeetes of bet tl)t ftauens , foz tbep neptbet fotoc
pottte beabes are uombieb » f eate not no: reape tobicb netber baue ftoze botife
tberef oze:foz pe ate moze of balne tytn not ba t nc, anb vet <^£)3D febetb tbeim'
manp fparotoes. i^otoe mucbe are pe bctte t tben tbe f otfc j^
wmx.v. 3j fape bntopou * to&ofoeuet cotu
: Its * * sCCbrcbe of pou tottb tabpnge &***.».

thbugb't can abbe to bis ftature ouccu* bis bouu>lDc,fo gene tbem tbepi Due < > .

bitrji t pc tben be not able to do ptbmg *r°u***

tie of meate at Due f eafon : * bapppe is
tobtcb ib Uaft;tobp take pc tbougbt f 01 tbati'ecuauntjtobom bis maftectobeu
tbe ccmnaiint-coufpozc $ Ipltes bo toe be cdmetb,fl)aU fpnoe fo Dopnge* &f a
tbep gco to:€bep laboucc notrtbep fpin tcuetb 3 fap bnto pou : p be to" II maUe
no t:ano vet J Cap Unto pou,tbat £>alo> btni ruler ouec alii be batb**25ut anb wmA&
itiou tn al this topaltc,toas not clotbcD pftbeeupUfecuaunte (ball fapetn lips *
UKc to one ct tbcit, bettr^p maftec topli Defctte brs coin*
3 Uhcgraiife tobtcb is" to bantu tbe mtng,anD (tmli Uegpn to fmpte tbe ler>
felDe,aub to mozoto (tyalbe caft into tb uaimtcs ^ ma tDes,^ to eate $ D^pncU,^
f oinace, Cod f o ciotfj e:b o to mucb moie tobeDzoucken:tbelojDeof| fertiaunte
topll be tlotbe pon , <g> pe enoueD toptb topll come tn a Dape toben be tbpncUetb
tptle faptbt^ jho af fee not uifmt pe tyatl tiot,$ at an bout c toben be ts not u>are,
eate , o; tobat pe tyail Dzpncfte , neptbet anD top! Deutoc bim,^ toi>l gcuc bim tjts
clpme pe bp an bpe : foz nil fucbe tbpf* cetoatbe toitlj tbe bnbeieuecs»
ges tbe ^catgen people of r'ljc wozlbe * Cbe fetuaut tbat kneto bis malices 3^.4 .»
fefcefoz. poncfatbccftnotoctbtbat pe topi, anb pjepateD not bun felfe,neptbet;
£0Btw.c. bauenebe of I'ucb tbpugc6.*:*X>bctf02C DpD acc^ozDpnge to bus ^ply u)albe bea^
5e?dt% b fefte
pc aftet #
e & l'«3bome of <£tob,ana tcnloo maupftttpes &ut&etbatlmeto
t&iou.u'. a al tbcfe thinges (ijali be mpupfttcb bit* not,anD ^>et DpD coinpttetbpugcs too?;

topoa +
iFeace net IpteilflocUe, clip of ftcppes,fl)albe beatcnf toitb fetoe
foz poutc
ft fatbets pleafutc,togcue fttppes* jfoz bnto tobome mucbe is ge*
»at.i 9 .c pon a fcpugbome.c * ^>el tbat pe bane, uen,of btm fftalbe mucb tequitcb* 31 nb'.
&".;>< atiDtjcueaimcg. 3MDmaftepoubag? to toft 6 men mucbe commit, tbe mou 0^
gcsjtohicbi toajce not olDc.auD ttcaCute btm tbep affce;
teifl ,

tbat fapletb not m

bcue,tobete no tbeffe 31 am come to fenb fp^ on cctb:anb
commetb,netbet motb couuptctfn f 01 tobat ts rap befpje , but tbat tt toete alt
tobete pout tteafute i5 atbete touipouc teaDpe&pnDl£D.-'jl*oftottbtianDpnge3l :

tjettes be alfo* rauttbe*baptifeD toitb a bap'tifmerauD wai&t.-

^ * net pour lotnes be getb dbottte 3 anD botocaraJpapnebD'HitbeeubeD."
88?" pouciigbces biinfn&anbpe poutc fcl* *^»upporepetbat3}amcome tofenDe &*h*W
ties Ipfec bnto tne,y toaite foz tbtpz wa>
fttr, toben be topll retntne from a tocD;
peace on ettbr 3!teipou & nat ) buti;atbet;

Debate.jfoiftobeucefo^tb tbcrcfbalbe
tpnge : tbat a (Tone as be commetfj anb fpue in one boufe DeufbeD,tbzc agapttft
fcnocfcctb 3 tbep map ope bnto bmn^ap ctoo^nD ttoo agapnft tbue. Cbe fatbet
pp ace tbofe l eruautes, tobrcbe§ ilozoc (ball be Dcupbeo agatntt tbe foune,anb
tobc be cdmetb,(ball fpno toa king, tic? tbe fonneagapntle tbe fatbet* Cbe mo/
fu&t.iz i.
teip Jfap bnto pou,be*topll gpzo bpm tbecagapuitetbe bougbtec,^ f Dougb^ ^

felfeabouteftinaKetbetofptDotoneto tec agapnft § motbcc* Cbe motbeceIato

ineate,auDtoalcfce bp giininiftce bnto agapnft bet Dotigbtecetatoj^tbe Dougb'' #
tbepnu tetelato agapnft bee motbeiela toe,
ainD pf be come tn r be fecouDe .

toatcbc,pea, pf be come in tlje tbpzoe Cbeu fapb be to tbe people : * toberr

pe^fe a clotib tpfe out of f toeft ftraigbt &>&$:&.*
toatcbe,^ (ball fpnbe tbem fo, bappp ate
JB8M+, * fetuauntes.*Cbis bnDctftoiiD,$ toape pe rape: toe fball bauc a Ojotocr, $
KyUtW* (bote
yUfy go()D ||jail Q Jg ^^jj fcwJtt to ^ at fo rt is^atno toben pefc tb'eloatb topnor
Ijou'tetbetbefc toouloe come, be to on Id blotoe,pe fapettoe (i^allbaue Ijcfate, ancr
Ttictlp toatebcranb not fuffre bis boufe it commetb to paffe : Vpoc'rites,pe can
«9dt.:?.a. to be bjtotsen bp**2de pe pzepareo tbet? ffcpll of tbe falbpon oftbe cactbjanD of
f oie;foi tbe fenne of man topll come at tbe ffepcjbut tobat is tbe caufe , tbatp^
anboate toben ye tbtmcfce not* h cannotfliplloftbps (pmet* 2 ea a, ny i

am h .b
tEbcn jBetet fapo bnto Wan* *39a> tpbp iubge penot of poute felues tor^at
.ftet,telleft tboatbis rtuuUtuobnfo bs, is ttgbt*
oi to all men 3iid tbe ftozbe fapbc:3Jf
> *4XbPu:fbOU gocft toitb tbpne aD< = •

tbete be anp faptbf all fetuaunr $ topfe, uerfatp to tbe rulcr:as tbdu arte in tbe gJHS
to&om ln£ jlo^jef^all mafce tntec ouep toape, geue Diligence tbat tbou mapeft ftaucfi*
fftMiu be

Cfie (iorpeu
f tnagoges on £ fabboth Dates. 3WD be*
be belpucreb f com htm, lefte he bzpnge a
thee to the tubge, anb tfjc iubge belpuet holoe , there toa$ a tooman tobjeh hab
the fpittte of infttmpte.)ct)tii.peare6:?
ttje to the iaplar,anb tfje taplar caft
bepartett botoeo together,^ coulo not ipft up her
into pztlon. J tell tfiec,cf)Ou
fclf e at all. aohen 3ef us favo her,be
ca I
not tijcnce , tpil tfyou f^awe tnaoe gooo C
w ttbtifltotca. art oelpuereo from thp Dpfeafe. 3B»D he
£,cucn. a.lo&etn(S)atbctotbe.Ftou ^ m m lapD his hanbejs on her ,9 tuimcDtatlpe
3Tbc ftlne b.ICo fpcafec 4 tooibe agapntt tbe roanc of man. ©od.
tetobeoffcnbcbtottOtbcbumamticojtnaubobc 0)t voas maoe ftrepght^ glojifieo
ofChutte, fox bps bate anb totcc aino § ruler of p ftnagogeanitocreo^
. _ „ manpoftbcjctocs. inDignacion(becaufe £f efus hao hea#
leo on the fabboth bap)^ fapo Unto the
nor peace D .^„t tbe peace frquictucs of tbts tooilb teftetc
bat bc= i„ CuCt p man r ij u is cupll, couteittetb bpm
Cclf people.Cbeteate.toubapes in tohtch«
*atc. hritbbiatopcftcbneaeibutbcbatc .tbattatucbe men ought to tooubrin tl;eai come a> D
an iti natbc bate to tticc.tbat tbc rptciteCpal cou behealeb^notonthe fabboth bape.
tuSkmme e. Jftottbat ttjetc ts aup place of puiutDmetw «»»
af; -Chen anftoereb htm the nojoe^anD
S5T tefS!»UfeicreratiTfacti5©albemabe fapbc^ppocrite.Doetl; not rathe one of tip « t vt( «r."

rotbcpjcttetbalbebelpucccii, buttbar allfuctjc
pou on the fabboth bape, loofebps &;« IDfOt.n.4.
as hue buTolutlp bete toitbout ttjc feate of Cobs
from the ftall,anb Icaoe hpm
oz ht0 aire
iitbgenicnt.ojal! etetttallp pctptb.
tothetoatcr s 31nb oughte not thps
boughter of 31btaham, tohome £>atati
€£&f tbci&a t'.eans tobom dilate fletoc , anb of peates,be lotofeb
tbofetbatopcbiu&vloe . SbefimtUtubeofrbe hath
bouube lo.jcuiii.
fpggetcee.Cb»flebea!ctbtbcfpcfttoomaii.i;tj« from this bonbe on the fabboth bap«»
pacablcof tbc muftaca fcebc anb ctoe ens 3Bnb tohen he thus fapb,al htiS abuerfa^
tct into tbe &pngbome,COuft cepjouctb fcetobe
riesttuee aObameb,anb all the people
3 «ub Otccufalcm.
retopfeb on all the cjtcellent bebeu.tljat
tftfV&e« toc " pwfcnt* at tfjc tame
T of the toere bone bp him. ^
^/ feafon 7 tljat tyetocb bpm^plate Chen fapb be:tobat rs the fepngbome
of (Bod Ipkc^oi uoherto Ojal J compare 30 at i«.»
mengleb voptfi their otone facrifpee.
3nb1eru8au!iftoereb,anbfapbei>nto it f *3tw
IpHeagtapne otmuftaroe e9'rh.4(>
-^ *. ,
feeoe,i»hiche a man toUeanb tototi W
thepm:£>upporepe thatthefe* d5alf>
gretoc 9 toeyeb a greate
leans toete greater rpnners then all the his gatbenrs it
tree^the foules of the aper mabe neilj
other Galileans ,becaufe the? fuffteo
tnthebiauncOes of it.
fuche punpftymeut^ tel pou nape:but
ejecept pe repent,pe (§al al in Ip&e topfe
3mb agapne he fapD:tohf cunto tyal
9f Ipftcn the
kpngbome of dSob f*itis
pcrpfOje.Ot thofe epghtenetpo tobich
Ipbe leucu,tt)bicbc a * tooman toae,ano
the toure tn &ploe fell,anb (letoe them,
aboue hpbbe in thie buf(l)cls of ftoure , tpll all
tnpneft pc that thep tor re fpnnets Snbbetocnte
tell toasthozoioeieuenbeb
al! men that Dtoell in Jetufalcnir'J
,pe al tyatl thoiotoe al maner of epetes anb tolones
pon nap: sut except pe repe"t
tcachtnge,anb tozneping totoarbes 3Uc
ff miltf ube:a
tufalem. Chen lapoeonc bmohpm:
J5 ^ ^c put fozth this cer*
5toib,are there f etoe that ft^al be faneb*'
«*$.». » rapne man hah a*fpgge tree planteo tn
atnbhefapbtoiuotbenufttpue ^b pour flBaM|.7-6
his fctneparbe,anb he came ano fought
felncs to * enter in at the tttapte gate:
frute theton,anD found nonc.tcbe fafb
foz raanp 3 fape bnto pou, topli febe to
he to the bzetTet of bps tipneparbe : be*
enter Ajall not be able * floben
ho!De,thts thze peare batie J come ano
thegoobmanofthehoufeisrpfen top,
fought frute in this fpgge tree, 5 fpnbe
none,cut it DotomtohP combzeth it the
anb hath Ojet to ttjc boic,pe 0>all begpn
ftanbe topthouf,anb to fenocae at the
gtounbe:anb he anftoereb 9 fapb hnto to
Doiejfapingett&oibe^ozbe^opentm* 39^.}f.«
htm :Hozoe, let (t alone this peare aifo,
* tpll 11 Dpgge rounoe aboute it,$ Donge to bs:anb he (Ijall anftoere anb fap tin*
fruteranb to pou:3! Unotoe pou not tohence pe
tt,to fe tehethcr it topll bfrire
Che fljal pe begin to fap: toe hauc eaten
pfit bearenot then, after that, cuttett
inthp pzefence anb DtoncBCi anb ^ haft
ootonc* aino^je taught in one of tr;etc taughJ

raugbt i\i out ftfetes 3ffl> b« Q)ali fa?: Dzopfp.afno 3efu0 anrioetcD ano fpafee
31 tell poti, 3 fcuotoe pou not to^cucc pe Unto tbe laioeats ano ^batifes taping:

atc:*bepatte ftom me ailpe toozfcecs of ^S.K J

„ „ (
*t0 it latofull to beale on tfje ^abotbe
tmqutte . * Cbetefibalbe tucptuge ano DapCf jno tbep bclo tbeir peace.aino be **** •*«.• I
* m>i *'
gnaujpiige ot utfje, ttitjen |>e Ujall U 31^ tofcebpm ano bealeobpm, ano Ictbim
bzabam ano ]pac ano Jacob, ano all go:ano anf tocrco tbcm faptuge, Uibtcbe
tfjc £:opf jctis in the kiugoomc of d3oD } ofpou u)aUbauean*a(reo2anojte,fal« c-^.^h \

ano poucefelues tbzult oute at oozes. len into a pyttty ano topllnot Crapgbte SS'£'f
* 3CnD tbep a>ail come f torn tbe (£a ft ano toai'c pul bim out on tbe ^>abotb Oapf
t {j g toC ft >an D (roiii tbe noztbe ano
f com 3hd tbep coulo not auCuiete bim againe
b fijal fpt ootone in
from tbe foutbM"& to tbat.
tbe iungoome or goo.aiuo bebolo,*tbec put foitbe a TimiUtuoe to tbe gc^
«pat t«
a«j» -o.

ate lau\tobtcb flbalbe tpzlhjnotbec ate

(tee ,U)ben bemat&eD bouj tbep pzcaf eo
^^fpzBtobicbtyalbelaiL to tbe bled toumc«,ano Tapo Unto tbe:

U5 cbe fame oape tbete came

- cettapne aoobcntbouattebpDoento ameDDpnge
of tbe ^baufes auofapb Untobpnuget of anpe man, rpt not do tout in tbe bpeft
tbe out of tbe toap, ano Depart benceuoz rotome, tell a moze bonozabic man tben
jljcroDctopll fcpll tbe.auo be lapoc Unto tbou be btoDen of bprn^ano be tbat babe
tbcm.o&o pe ano tell that for e.bebolo 3 bo tbe bpm ano tbe,comc ano fap to tbe:
caftoutDcutls anDbeale tbe people to gene tins man teume,auD tbou tbe be*
oape ano to mozo to,ano tbe tbpzoe oape gpune tottb (l)ame to take tbe lotoeft
3 matte an enoe. /fteuertbeleiTe, J muft toume.idut tatbet toben tbou att upo*
toalcfte to oape ano to mozo ujc, ano tbe Den,go ano fpt tn tbe lotocft toume,tbat
Dapcfolotoiuge:fozic can not be, tbat a toben be tbat bao tbe commetb, be mape
j^zopbet petpft) anp otbec tobete , faue fape Unto tbe:* fcenoe,fpt Up bpct.'Cbcn ^j, f
atlerufalem. fl)alt tbou baue tooz Inp in tbe pzelence

*<£> Jetufalem,3Ietufalem, tobtcbe of tbcm tbat fit at meate tottb tlje^t jf oz oba* ::.c. lj

ano tbcm§ *ute,8 «

f!£'~! &P IIeft jdzopbetes , ftoneft toboloeutt eraltetb bpm felfe, Qjalbee
ate Vent to tbe:boto often tooulo 3 baue bzougbtclotoc. JMDbetbat bumbletb
gatbeteo tbp cbplozeu togetbet, as tbe btmrelfe,fl)albccraltcD* h
ben gatbeteo bet tieft unoct bet mfnges Cbenfapocbe alio to bpm tbat bao ~
but pe c tooulo not. ScboiD pout babp« Defpzeo btm to oui cc:.j- ^cbai tbou ma<
tactonfbalbeleftUntopouoefoiate.ifoi feeaaDpnetozafuppct:callnottbpfte<
3 tellpou, peajal not fe me Untpll tbe Deg,no*tbp bzetbzen, neptbettbp ftpnf<
tpme come that pc ftjalliape, *bleffeD mcn,oz pet tpebe nepgbbouteg : left tf)t}?
jg nc tbatcommeto tn tbe name of tbe UpDoe tbe agapne, ano a tecompence be .d

3oljn.icii bjLOZDe* maoe tbe«*©ut toben ^ makeft a feafte, CoM '**j

call tbe pooze,tbe mapmeo, tbe lame ano
a.SCUat is tuiKii tyc touetuuntmabc in t&c bloua tbe b!pnot s anD tbou Q)alt be bappp, toz
^DDbf tljc^ cb ltl ^bjpnocou^cumcitp^piicfocmfelues

jood man a)tt g 0ip t»oifeca,tmQpuge tgccbp toCHtcs.tmt tbep

cannot tecompence tbe . iftut tbou

off Uouie a || mvjapiic. fj^alt be rccompcni'cD at tbe tefutrcccii

accben one oftbem tbat fate at me at 53
r ceja&ciD.ffiu.
*J ; aot
cbe.ruu .Chapter.
3[cruscatctl)toitg tbe #hactre bcalcth tbe
alfo beatoc tbat,be fapoe Unto bpm:bap
ppe is be tbat eatetb bzeao tn tbe Uing^

Oitpfp upon # g>abbotu,teacbetb to be tototp.tcls Domeof(it>oD.> nbcnfapDbetobim:

lag 0* tucgrcatfuppcc, attbtoatnetb t!)em tbat
toil lapc tgett actomptcs befoje +3! cettapne man ozotntD a great fup>
tobat it tupU coft fbem. iCbcfalt of tot cactlj. pet ,ano babe manp,^fcntbi|3 fetuaute ajo'^3
^JtflD it fbatmctDtbat be at fuppettpmc,to fape to tbcm tbat toec
aStoente into tbe bonfe of bpoDen,come : foz all tbtnges ate notoc
*?i|one of f>cbefe§£batifes to tcaope.ano tbep all atoncc beganneto
fo&inc.ois* mmt bzcao on a ^abotb crcufe.Cbefpzd fapD Unto btm:3 baue
to ta&e a, r , oape: ano tbep toatcbcD bougbteafftnie,anb^muft ncocs go
jbpm . aino bcbolbe tbets f c tt,3 pzap tbe baue nu trcufeo. 3FiiD a
ittsfaiK. 7=
fB^mJ tsas a mamu bef oze ^inijtobub fjao ty notbet fapbe:3 baue bought fpuepolte
m)t (&oipeu &e mutte not bcatc fUct>c lotfe to t&ton, tbat tucp
of ojcen miD 3 9° *° & ow * ftem, 31 IW ©alttmi;0;iau)CUpmfcomfeloU3ui8£bM>tt..yef
tbe bane roc cjcuftD. Cb« ttjp^oe fapoe: acuertDcIetrcaccoimnje a'otoelatoc bpo&etO.bc
baue marpeD a topfe and tbetefoie J ntutt louc ttjcm a no Ootiouv ipcm.
cannot conic* 3niD the ler uatmtc toente, CviLbe.JCb.Cbaptec**
anb brought bps matter idoid thereof. Zbeloupnge mcccpofiSobisopCtttp tafottfr
tub of r&e
# <Cne»toast^egooDroanoftftct)ourc in toe parable of tbe buiriuab Cpcpc,
® DpfpleafeD,anD fapoe to bis fecuauute: Count rpat to as loft
j^eu rcfoueD bnto bpm
<£o cut qmcfclp into p aretes anD cjnac
*all the publicans ano &«.!<£..
tees of tbecptie, anDbjtpnge tn bptbec
tbepooicanbtbemapmeD anD the halt I fpnners, foj to beare bu *****

ano tbc'blpnDc.aiuD tftc fccuaunt faioe:

buo tiit ^batircG aub
JLoiDe it is Done as tbou commannbeft, Scribes murmurcD fap
arm pet there is roume. 3uD tfjc %oiie Jingle
tl)t f etuau ourc into the
companpfinncr0,ano catctb truth them.
fapo to T :

*m*A KttMf atS?c08fM an* compel! 2p rtP»W fo«be tbPflt fimilitubc to

ebcm facing:* »at ma of poubaning

tbemtocomeinjnat bouferoapebe
fplleb. j?oi J rape *«to pou,tbat none of an WuDieD fbepe & one
be ioofc
wt Usui npntpe ano npne
of the,
in tbj
fftoft m u tobtcb toete bpobcu^all tall **?"
toplbernes.anD go after that tobicbei*
ofmpfiiDDet I-
Cbcretoentatfteatecompanptoitrj iou\bntpllbefpuDebpnvainD tobenb*
* bim.anbbetucncb anb fapbe unto the: batbfoanDebpm,beputtetbbpmonbts
««.»(* i*3fa man come to me,* anb bate not <b»oto«*
b»tpiope:» affone asbe
""netbbome, becallctb togetbec bps
Ju g f at h e r anb motbcr.anD topfe anb
lonetsanD nepgbbouts; fringe bnto
cbploieu 3 atib butb?en, ^fpfteteimoic;
ouct anb
ant» bis cannot be-
his otone lpfe,be
tobofocuct beare not
be mp i*""? K"°£f£ ?"* »»«#* 3! bane foube
bps mp fljepe tobicb toas loft e . bnto 31 fape
bpfcpple. 7t\to
pon,tbatlpke topfe topefyalbe tnbeaue
croffc, anD come after me 3 cannot bemp
oner one fpnnec tbat rcpentctb, moic
ti)ttt ouct npntp anb npne uifte perrons,
jpbtebe of pou Dpfpofeb to buplbc a tBUcb.6.
fobtch neDe*no ccpcntannce » <£vtbec
(oute,fpttetb not DOtoiie before anb cou
tetb tbe code , tobetbet be baue fufficp.
to W tooman baupngcjcgtoteg, pf &>
00 ^ one s ooto notlpgbte a canbell,anb
cut to pecfojme lev leatt aftet be batbe [
lapeo tbe f oiitiDacf on,ann is not able to 5» e P« <b* boufe,anD leae Diltgentip tyll
perf o:me tt,all tbat bebolbe it, begume tytpmt "' 5B«D toben Oje batb founbe
to mocUcbpmfapinge:tbps man began ft loecalletb bet loners anb betnepgb

to bplbe , ano toas not able to make an

bouresfaprng:isetopce toitb me,fo?3l
bane fouiib tbe gtote tobicb jbaoloft.
® euDc.i!)i tobat kinge goetb to uiaKc ba«
tarlc agatnft anotbet kpng,anb Ipttetb %l> Uctopf e 3f f ap bnto pou, tope is niaoe
not botonc fptft,^ caftetb in bis minbe, in tbe p^cfence of the angels of <5od o; (

tobetbet be be able toitb tm tboufanbe, uet one finnet tbat cepentetn« ^

lo mete bpm tbat commetb agapna bim + 3inDbcfa»Dc:3Dccrtapnc manbab C
t too founes,anb tbe ponger of tbem faib els tobil tbe ctbec
ispetagteatetoapofjbctoplfcnoe cm* to bps fa tbe t : fatbec geue me my parte

baffitoutSjanb Defpie peace . IpU ^o ot tbe Soobes tbat to me belongetb.^nb

topfe none of pou tbat fo^faaetb not all
nencnpDeD nnto tbembiB rubltaunce,
tbatbebatb^aubempbpfcpple. * 3tnD not longe aftet, thepongec fonne
»«).vj.b *^>ait is goobjbut pf fait bane loflte 5 ath " co a » th at be bab togetbec , anD
m faltnes, tobat Ojal be feafoneD tbete
toitb f Jit is ueptbec goob foz tf)t lanb
tofee ¥* ioutaspt into
a facte countte,
no; pet f o: tbe bonge bpll, but in cade tous Ipupngc.anb toben be bablpente
it outeat tfuoous. ^cpbatl;cacesto all tbat be bab, tbet atof e a great Dettp

bcace, let bimbeace. tboioui out a p fame lanbe,$ he began


to lacbc. 2Bnb be toent anD riaue to a cp^

ITobarc. of tbat fame countre, tobicb fence
a.l&ttfjattopl foloto COna.mnft ftatcfat^ano tefpn
motUct.CttCnasbcmuft^ate hrmrcife. m*ti» f)V\XitO DI5 felDe,to bepebp0ftopne.2BnD

fjc tooufDc faphc fjatic two
bps belpe tftlcofiStftstooib fl)allpftpa;.fl)f t^rpth man
lout) tbe cocoes tfiat tbe cuipue ate : ano autJpooiCjLajatus.

nomangauetobpm. 0D be fapoe alfo bnto

2D (€i)iu be came to btm fdfe ano rapt): jbts oifciplcs* £bete +
l)Ote ma upc bpze D feruauntcs at nip fa* ItoasaccrtapnerpcbmS,
tbcrs ba tre bzeabe pnougb,a«o jC Die f 01 i&bicbe baoa ftetoaroe,
bongct.3 topil atpfe ano goo to mp fa* tbat bias aceuico bnto
tber, ano topU fape Unto bun : fatber,3| ijpm, tbatbcbaotoafteo
fjanc fpnnco agapntt beauen ano bef ote bis goooca;*38no be caileo bpm,anofato
tbe,ano am no maze tooztbp to be calico bntobpm:i£ottnstt, tbat JJbeate tbis
tbp fonne,make me as one of tftp bpzco oftbe*' <Beueacomptes oftbpftetoaroe
feruauntcs. 3uobearofeanD iccutcto lUPPpe : if oi tbou mapeft bee no longer
bPS father, * ainotubeubc mas pet a Ketoaroe.Cbe ftetoarb f ay o toitb in bini
fat j2.a great toape of,bts fatbecjato tjnn, ano If elfertobat Ojall 3} oorf01 mp matter toil
bao companion , ano ramie ano fell on take aurny from me tbe fteioaroiqpppe*
bis necfce,ano Biffeo bpm.ainD tbe tonne can not opgge, ano to begge, am a 3
toameo .3J tooot amat to 00 , tbat ioben
gapnft,beauen,ano in tbp fpgbt,ano am Jamputoutoftbeftetoatoityppj t\)t$
no mo je tooztbp to bee calico tbp fonne. map receaue me into tbeir boufes*
But bis father f a roe to bis feruauntcs Cben calleo beallbps inaftct^oct*
€ bzpnge foitb tfjat belt gatmtnt ano put ters ano fapoe bnto tbe fpift:boui mucb
it on btm, a nc put a riuge on bis banoe, obieltp butomp matter;* aino be faioe:
ano fljotocs on bis fete* a/no bzpnge Dp* an bonouo tonnes of ople.lno be fapoe
tbet that fatteo caul fc, ano bpi bpm.ano to bun: take tbp bil,an0 fit bobme quick
lette bs eate ano be merpe : f oz tbps mp (pe anDtoiptcfi'ftte. Cbcu fapoe be to
fonne toas Oeaoe, ano is alp in agapne, anotbet:tohat otoett tbouf 3no be Capo:
betoasloft^noisnotofouno.SBno tbep an bono^eo quarters of tobcate.ipe faiD
begannc to be merpe* Cbc eloer brotbec to bpm: cake tbp bplljano tojpte foure
teas in ttft feloe, ano toben be came ano fcooze. 3Bno tbe lojDc commenoeo tbe
Dietue npe to tbe tjouf e,be bcto mlntttel* muuttettetnaroe, becaufe be bao Done
(p ano oaumpngc,auo calteo one of bUJ topfelpe«ipo? tbe cbploien of tbis toojia
retuauntc0,anoaiseo tobat tbofetbin* are in tbepj kpnoe, topfer tben tbe cbpl<
ges mente.lHO be fapoe imtobpimtbp D^en of Ipgbr.ainojl fap alfo bntopou:
bzotbet is come 5 ano tbp fatber f)ao kpl= a make pou frenoes
of tbe toickeo mam
ieOtbe fatteo caulfe, becaufe be batb re* moiijtbat iafjtn pe u)al oepart,tbep map
ceauco btm fafe ano founo* ano be teas teceauepou into euerlattpnge babpta<:
angrpe, ano tooulo not go m.Cben cam clous*
S bis father oute,anDeutreateObpm« $e + tbat is faptbfull in tbat tofu'eb
15 e
aunouetec ano fapoe to bis father : no fame is faptbfull inmucbe*
is lette tbe
cbcfe ma up peares bane J Done tbe fee* aino be tbat is bnfaptbf till in tbe lead:
uice,neptber bzakc at aop tpme-tbp com is bnfaptbf ull alfo in mttcbe* &>o tben
maunoement, ano pet gatieft tbou me pf pe baue uot ben faptbfull in tbe imc*
neuer fo muebe as a kpo to maac merpe keb ma mon,i»bo topi beleue pou in tbat
toitb mp louers : bur a (Tone as tbis t^ tobicb is tttie*' 3Bno pf pe baue not bene
fonne teas come,i»bicbc bat-b oeuoureo

faptbfull in auotber mannes bufpnes : ^«nw,

tbp goooes tottbbarlotcs, tbou baft foi toho (ball geue pou poure obmc / * jfro
bPS pleafore feplico tbc fatteo caulfe. feruauntecan ferue^i.mafters, fo^o*
auo be fapoe tmto &pin:feonne, tbou tbet be (ball bate tbe one ano loue tbe o*
toaft euer toitt) me, ano ail tbat
J baue tb er ,oz elles be tt)a lene to tfjt one ano
I !

UStbine : it teas mete thattoeedjioulDe

make merpe ano be glaoe : to: tbis tbp
befppfe tbe otber^e can not feme «£>od
ano mammon* *^ ^
bzotbet teas ocao,$ i$ aliue againe:ano 31 tbcfe tbpnges beato t^t j&barif es
teas lott,ano is founo* fr alfoiobicbe biere couetous, ano tbep
K^be.jcbkCbapter* '
mockeo bpm. amo be fapbe ftntotbem:
^e ate ttjep u»&icb b tuftiffe pour felucs
\)t ©orpeu
bcSo«mcu:but(2DObRnoluetb pout bet* ^ofe$ ano tr>c $tbpbetcs 4 ticptber toil
ces.jfojtbatiubicbcts bpgblp elhmcD tbep beleue,tbougb one rofe fcomDeatb
amonge mcnne , is abbouuuabL in tfjc agapne*
fi3fjtor'(50D. t TbeJBbtftt.
Spat.jctb, Chela toe ano tljcpjtopbetcs tapg< bpstooibCjEEjamuionis atoortiof tbc&pu* m$xQm>
ncD bnrpll the ti'mc of 3 ohu auo fence
: an rpcacDc,;aul> fisutftctu rpctK6 . &o tbat tbe
that tpme,tbe femgDome of <£oo is pica ttjtt mctuictl^beGotoepourcpcbesflccoiDytigeto
t\)crvoibcofi5at},tl)at{Sebbc pleafcotoirbpouc
cbeo, ano e tictpc man rtrpuetf? to go m.
ooma^s,atitniorDCccptfui!p,a8tbe actoatobpo. ^
* potter tball heaueti auo catrb pecpft), b.JLoftebefoie mtt)e.]c.of £ukc. Jttatfpe
then one tptlc of the latoc 0)ali pttpOje*- c. domcbprDefcofo«icofflt)xabam,fio\)nl)Ct3 ^,t ",felfe* ft QauDc tt>e faptbe of abzatjam . j©tbcc Come alfo »wab8«
* iconofoeuec rozfaRttb hps topfeanD
tno.tir b. bnbetaaDttofrt;epIacc,td!)eEtbc elect antt ctioK boronje,
WaeU^.a. mauctb anotbet btcaKctb matttmonp.
: tbat fulotoc tbe tap tbc of abiabam bo renc af tec
3lnD euetp man tome!) matpetb fjet rhat tbett bcatb-'ButtBbcrcrbat place isCbccaufc tbc
^cciptutcBotbnotcrpicCrclpccictcuitpne it)can
is Deitozieo from bee brtbano, commit;
toe not teii.anb tbectoe map no mau be to bolbt
tetbaDuoutcpalto* to befeno tt.
>KCbet teas' a certapne rpebe man,
c tobtebe teas clotbeo in purple ano fpue
COittt tcacbetb btsbifcfplcs to auopocotcfc
bp(Te,anD face d di uciouftp euecpe oape. ft on g of euctf,ojic to f ojcjchc anotb«c,fttbfaaip tt
3nD thee mas a ecttapne beggec uameD ttua uttSobanDHomautspicfumctiibtfiotone
iajacus, tobicb tape at bis gate full of tooxhcs.©ebcaiett)tbetcnlcpcts,rpcabetbofrtje
Dap es.ano of t\}t cuae of tbc tooilbC*
Ja tec
looses Dcunug to be rcfccfljcD tettb tbe ^
c tomes tobicb fell from tfje ti-cbc mans ^eufapDebetobt'soifcU
bozoe. BcuettbclclTe > ttjc Doggcjaf came p'lctf, it cannot be auop<<

ano It crco bps [oozes • ainb it foztuneD Deo but tbat offences toil WAt rWuft .

lbattbebeggerDpeD,anDto36cati;Dbp come* i^euertbelelle+bjo wa*j*j into«aibiabams botanic* be to bpm tbo$ou> tobome
Cbe tpebe manne aubopeo, ano teas •tbep come* Jt toece bettec
burpeD* f 1 bpm tbot a mpifl one toere bangeo a*
aiiiDbepnge in bell tn tozmentes, be bout bts neche.ano tbat be toete caft \m
* Ipftebpbisepcs anb fatoe#b?abama to tbc fea ,tbeu tbat be fbculD offctiD one
facte of, atiDKLajatus tnbps botanic, of tbefe Iptkons «Catte \}6Ht to pour fcl*
and be crpeo ano fapb:fatber abiaba m, ties* * jf tbp bjotbec t tefpas agapnfte %£$*&
f he
baue metcpe on me, ano fenoe najar us rcbu he bimianb if be rtpcnt,f o:get« &iu,vj*
[bat be mapeopppc tbc tpppe of bis an* bpm. >no tbougb be fpnne agapnfte tbc
gee 111 tea tec , ano cole mp tongc : to? J feucn .'pmts in a Dape,aub feuen tpmes

am tozmeutcD in tins aamc. r&m Midi in a oap tourne agapne to tbe [apt ng:f t
bam fapo bnto bpm:*<g>omie , temem* tepentttb me ,foigeue bim.
bee tbat tbou in tbp lpfctt'me,teceaueD8 3EnD tb e apoftlejs fato bnto tbe & 02D : ®
tbP plcaf lire, anD contcatp topfc Haja* tncccafe outfapt&.anDtbe&oiDfapbe: mt.m.%
tits papne.^otoe r fjctf oze ts be comtoz *pf pebab faptbe Ipfce a graptie of mm
tcD,a;iD tbou art punpfbcDt&cponDe all ftacb f eoe.ano fbott! D Tape bnto tbis fp<
tbps,bt>t tocne poit $ bs tbcte s a great t ca mine tree , pluclte tbP felte bp bp tbc
fpace f et,fo tbat tbep tobicb tooulD goo tootes,anD plant tbp f elf e in tbe fea : be
from bence to pott cannot : netber mape IIjouId obeppou.
come from tbencc to bs t foboisitofpoupfbebaoafccuatit
Cben be fapo: pzap tbe tberf oze fa*
J plotomg oi feDpng cattcll, tbat tooulDc
tberjfenD ban to mp fathers boufe. $ ojt fapebntobimtobenbetoerc come from
31 bane fpuc bzetbjcn : f 02 to Uiarue the" tbe fctoc:cBo qutchlp anD fpt ootone to
left t\)%p aif come into ting place of toi meate:anD too u ID not rntbet fape to bmi
nit.'itc .aibiabam fapbc bnto bpnntbep Djtffe tobetetottb 3 map fup,ano gp?bc
bane Ji^ofcs ano tbe jazopbetes, let tfje bp tbpfclfeanD feme me, tpli 3baue
beare tbem » a'no be fapDemape father eaten anD Djoncicn:ano aftectoatDe,eac
3< bzabatn, but pf one came bnto tbem, tbou,anD owncfte tbotif3©otb be thanac
from tnz oeabe, tbep tooulDe tepente* tbat (cluaunt becaure be did tbat tobicl)
i^c fapoe bnto bpm: Jf tt)ep hcate not toas comnwmnDcD bnto bim t J tcotoc
: j

*$ oUrft)
hor^oip&efoifepe^benpebaue&oue bougbte tbc^ folDe, th^ plantiD , tbep
all tboie tbpuges tobicb are commaun; 3nD eutn tbe tame oape tbat %<&
DtD pou:iape,tt;e ate Unprofitable * fee* loent out of ZoDom,it tapntb t\^i ano
uautcs*iLCC ba ue ooue tijat luhicb bag bzpmftoue ftom beaueu,*auD oertroieD <s^«w. f.
OUtDUCtptODO. tbem ail I after tbefe cnfamples.ajall it
c *
3iiiD it cnaunfcD as fie tonit to 31 c; bemtbeoape tobeutbefonus ofmanne
cufalem,tbat be pailco tboiotoe §>ama< appere.
tta a»D <0alple. 3lnD as be cur ico into a

*tbat oap be tfjat is on tbe fjoufe wat.**,


cettapne toume, tberemetbim ten men toppe ano bis ftuffe in tbe boufe:iet bun
that bet lepcrs.itfbicb ftooe a fan c of, not come Doioiie to taUc it out^jiDiifee^
anD put fozthetbcpzbopccs anofapoe: topfe iette not lum tijat is in tbe felons,
3[efu mailer, bane meccp on bs . *x>bcu turne bache agapne to tbat bUette be<
S.cui.Tit(i.a f;c Tatoe them,be fai'De Unto tbcm:*<J5oo bpnoc.+ Bcmeuibze nottes hufc,*iacbo
and (1)cidc pout fclues bnto tbe pzee(te5. foeuer tupligo aboutetofauebpsipfe, m^Vi.a.
3no it cbannceo as tbep incur, tin)' ukc 0)ail iofe it:ano tobofoeuec u^aii lofe bis
Lul, ,'' f '

clculeo.aiuD one of tbem , tobcu be fatuc lpfe,fljal faue it.j m pou:in tbat nigbt,
p" be 1030 clenfcOj tutucD baefceagatue,
* tber Q)aibc t too m one bco J one {Qalbe S9at.j4i>

anbtoitb alou&e boi>cc pzapfeo isoo, teceaueOci^otberCbaIbefozfafee*Ctoo

ano fellootune on fops face at fits fete, malbe aifo a gruiomg togctbei:tbc one
anD gaue bim tfjanfces . ino tbe fame fbaibe teccaueD,auD tl)e otber fozfaften
toaisa^amatitanc.alnD Jefus anftoe> 3fuDtf;epanftocrcD, anbfapoe tdiipm:
ceD ano lapoerar c there not ten elenfsW tobete JLozoe*' 3Bno6efapDe Unto tbem: «« w''</.t>! flt

tStitiDbeteatetbofenpne?' Cbetcare 3ot,ww&

* UJbcrfoeuer tne boDp 8;aibe,tf;itr>er Unf
not fouuDe tbat ceturncD agapuc, to

gcucgoo p:aifc,faue onelytbis ftrauu* 3TI.JC notes.
gec.^no be fapbe but o hpmiatpfe, ano a,3lu toojcSes map no fap tl; be pat, fi» bp tbem uatfpe
go tbp toape thp faptbe bathe umoe the is no man tuOiftco bcfoie<5od,butbpfatt5 onlp. ttior.
b.3lnfbts place rbpfetngbome of «5ob bcro&cnerb
tohoaie* f« t Dc commpttge of CDuft.o; coitS toOen be Ojouib 2Tbe ft rn

+ dOOOcnbctoasfccmaunDcDofthc
€ 0batffes, rome,a9 oorij carelp appeacc bp t l;c rcrt. auo tbet borne of
tobcu the kpngoome of <25oD foic(tnmpncopttuon)toercan(lacpon(bou!bcbe x^ob.
better to tap. Slje Suigoo>tie ofi3ob igamoitgc
fljoulo come be anftoeteo tbe ano fafD:
pou.ifb; Cn to?, rOtiStc&ctooii&.bcintgceferccD
Cbe KpngDome of <sod cometb not toith to tbe tpmr.inap figntfp among, ^.s Uuios pinoii,
toapttngc foz* /frcptbet (ball menfape: among pou attbtspicrcnt. if ales
c.Hobc in cgatbtto tbctfittf. Chapter.
)lo nere Jo there* jFoz bebolob the King*
DomcofgoDisimrhinpou* C^Ocicbiii.cOapter* +
SuobcfapDebutotbeoifcipUs: the ©c teatbetb to be fcrucn t in piaicc continual'
I pe. t> f tbe ja b a c i rep aub ti;e publican. 2CIje bins
Dapes topilcome, tobcu pe fljall Defpze
Home of C5ca ontocDpliKCii.CbitU au=
to fe one oape of the fonne of man a no pe
rvuccctb rye tuIccaitD piompre 1 1) ccniaco buto at
(ball not lt*3nD tbep igall fare to pou
I'c Iucb as fuffre IciTc fci Dt s ra he, aub foloto bpni.
*£>e bcre,fc tbete » ©o not aftet tbem, 3bcblpiiDemautsccQo;cbtoUtsfisbt«
no* foloine tbcm,fo*a£ tbe Ipgbtenpng f^b l)e put foztfj a fimfii^
tbat appetttf) out of tbe one parte of \m jti'Dc buto tin in, Hguifp<f
uemanD fljpnetb Unto tbe otber patte of ing tbat men ougfjtc*ab
aub not to -* t *-»»

beaueu ,s>o fl;a 11 tbe fonne of marine be Jtoapes to pzap


ittat.ttjf.t. in bis Dapes.* 5tit
£l?ar 8.B.
fpzftemufthefutfte betotrp, iapmge^bcre
tuc.rbti'.t manpe thpnges 3 ano be refutes of tbps luia«sf ajjuoge in a cettattt

nacpon. cptie,tobicr)feareDnot^oDineptbtttc*
%$ it bappeneb in the * tpme of /froei qatbcDmaiuainD tbete teas a ccriapne
fo flhal it be in p tpme of p fonne of man. tocDom in the fame cptie,lubicb came bn
a? At. h (Cbep ate thep DzancKe,thep marieD top<
to bpm fapingc:auejigc me of mpne aD^
ues £ tocte matpeD,euen unto tbat fame ueriatpe.3!uo be toouib not foz aiubple*
Dape tbat ^etocnt into tbe 3(rcfce:anD ©tit aftertoaroe befapbe tobpm felfc:
tbe flou.De came ano DeftropeD tbem ail* tbougb 31 fcate not gob no* care foz ma,
JLpftetopfe alfo,as it tfwuceo intbe Dap< pet becaufe tbp^ to cbotu troublctb me,
C0 of ^ou ftbcp ate 3 tbcp Dzauifcc, tljefi 3 topjl auenge berleaftea( theiaftcfl)e

18%t (Hofpcll
75 come ana bagge 611 me* 3no tbe iLozDe tbat,be teas beup:f 02 be toas ticrp tfeb.
fapD:hcare toi?at p Uncigbtuous 3[uoge ^ben 3fefus fame bpm mourne, be
fapctb.ainD Ojall not ©ooauengebis e* fafD:*toitb tobat Difffcultecbal tbep tbat „
lecte,tobicbe ctpe oapeano npgbte bnto baue cpcbe&entet into tbe ftingoome of SS*J £
bpn^petbougbebeDefetcetbem^teil ©oD:it 1$ eafpec fox a camell togotbo*
poti be Mi aue nge tbem,a»D tbat qiucK toto a ncoles epe,tb*n fot a tpebe man to
lpc» fr/fteuectbelefl^toOeiitftefonueof enter into tbefcpugDomeofilSoD.Cbcu
ma cometb,f upp ofe pe,tbat be a>ai fiuo fapbe tbep tbat bcarbe tbat
faitb on trie eattb*
ainb tobo
foal then be faueo^uobe fapb:*fEbtn<
gestebtcbate bnpoftible toitb menace
SJr .

bnto cettapne tobicb ttufteD in them (el* poffibk toitb ti&oo*

ties that tl;ep toete petfeetc,ano befpp* Cben peter fapDe;^o toe ba tic lefte jf
feo otbcrvcteo men toent bp into tbe th aU,anD bane folotoeb tt)e* a iid be fapoc
pie to p:ap:tbc one a jdbartl e anb tbe 0* tmto tbe:* sactelp 3 Cap bnto pou,tbete «&*.**.»
tbec a publican. (CbepbariCe ftooe aub **»•*•»•
is nomantbatleauetbbotife, otbctfa«
€ pxapeo thus toitb bpm felfe.* (gobjj tbecanDmotbcr,otbecbietbien,oitotTe,
tbancfee tin tint J am not as otbec men 01 cnplDwn f oi tbe ft mgbo me of <50DDeg
ate^rtojcponers^nmfte, aououtrecs, fa&e,tobicb fame fyal not ceceaue muc&
o: as this publpcan.3 fade ttoife in t\>t moz e tn t bis tootlD:aiiD m
t^t toozlo to
toefee.31 gene tptbc of al tbat
3 poireiTe. come,lpfe euetlaftpnge*
aino tbe publican ftooe afatreof, ano **^etofce bnto bun the ttocluc,anb £K.?ib
toouioc not ipftc bp bps cpes tobeaueu, fapoe bnto tbem.zBebolbe toe goo bp to
but fmote bps bull faping:«Boo be mec 3|etuf alem,ano all ffialbe f ulfplleo tbat
cpfull to me a fpnuec . |j tell pouitbps ace totpten bp tbe pzepbetes of $ tonne
man Depacteo borne to bps boufciuftp* ofmah^eOjalbeDelpuereb* bnto tbe
fpeo moze tfjm tbe otber. * jfoz euecp* gtnr?l0,anD fl)albe moc&eD s ano Cbalbc
man % ejcaltetb bim fclic,ajalbc biongot befppttullp entceateo, ano Ojalbe fppt<
lotoc :3ir»D be tbat b urn blctb bim fcife, teDoniaiiDtobentbcpbaiicfcourgeDbr,
i^af be cjcaltco. jf< tbcp toill put bpm to Deatbe,auo ^ tbpjD
2? *<<llw biougbte bnto bpm alfo ba« oape be u^all acpfe agapne. * mt tbep anke.« e
bes>tbat be OjouIdc touebe tfjem. icchcu biiDcrftoDenoneof tljefetbpnges* 3!nD
bis Difciples faiu tbat,tbep tcbubeo tbe" tbps fapinge toas bpo fcom tbcm* 3nD
!5ut 3|ef us calico tbcm bnto bpm , ano tbep petceauebnot tbe tbpnges tofjtcbe
f apD:^uif tc cbploicji to come bnto me, torn f pofcen.
auDfoibpobetbemuot. jfoioffucbew
tbe UingDome of (ipoD.iiccclp 3 fap biu
*^ubittamtopaire > a0betoascome
npe bnto ^iericbo,a cettaine blpnb man «9«tj w.»

to pou:tobofoeuer ceceauetb not i? ftiug^ fate bp tbe toape ii>Dt beggpnge. 35no ^"v*
Domcof d5oD*asacbplo:bei^aluotcu; tobenbebeacbetbe people paitcbp, be
tec tbertn* aibeo tobat it ment. 3! no mp fapb bnto
30no a cectapne etilec afl«o bpm fan bim,t ba t J e(u s of ^a?a tct b paiTeb bp*
ing^gooD maltec:tobat ougbt 3 to do, aiuo be ccpeb faringe : 3]efus tbe tonne
to obtapne ctetnall lifc^Jefus fapo bn» of 3E>auio,baue tbou metcpe onme.ainD
to bim:tobp called p me gooc.-jfto man tbep toljicb iocntt before cebubeo bpm,
isgooo,fiiuci]5oDonlpc.cboubnotoftt tbat be ajouloboloe bis peace ©tit be
kern tt.c tbe commauiiDcuicntcs : * ^Lbou Ojalte ccpeb fo mucbe tbe moie s * tbou fonne of nw*.*. g >
not commpt aououtrpe : tbou tyaltc not ©atiio baue metcpe oh me ano Jtfuji
ftpll:tbouOjaltnot ftealc:tbcnO)3ltnot ftooe ftpll,anDcommauuDeD bpm to bee
beacefalfetoitne(Te:^onoucetbpfatbec biougbte bnto bpm • 3no toben be
ano tbp motber. 3Cno be fapoerall there toas come neate, be afaeb bim,fapinge:
baue 31 kept fcom mv poutb. ^cben Jz<, tobat toilt tbou tbat J do bnto tbc^anb
fug beatoe tbat,be fapoe bnto bpm:j>et be fapoe:)Lo?De3 tbat 3
map tectaue mp
lacked tbou one tbing.**£>el al $ tbou fpgbt.Jcfu^ fapbe bnto bpm : ceceaue
•wrkc.jc.t. baft, ano Dtftttbute it bnto tbepooxe, tbp fpgbtcrtbp faptbebatbe faueo the*
ano tbou 0)alt baue treafuce in beauen, jnD immeDpatlpebefatoe,anofolotoeo
ano coine^anp f oloto nj c^ben be beacO ^im^piapfiug <&&>> 3no all tbe people t

tohen tr)
ep fato lt,gaue lauo to $00 » h
pounDe*3flnD be fapDe bnto hpm** xcell ev&us t.

Kbcfootes. gooD fetuaunt becaulc thou toad f apt!)

full in a beep lptie,tbinge, tafce thou auc
cr cbe*tij£.Cbaptet* * tozpte ouet ten ctttejSMno the other cam
jfiDf ucueue.ano tlje mi f ccuauntcs to oitjom

tttf tiricutcstocrcocIpitfceft.CftHatpDCtl) to 31£

faptnge:]Lo^oe tbp pounoe hath enctea*
cufcTlcm.anO toCpCtp ouet if. feo fpue poun0.3MD to the tame he fapo:
! j&D be cnttco iiijanD toe tu t!?o ano be thou alio ruler oucc fpue cpttes»
roto ^icttco.aino bebolD,tbec 3mo the tbpzoe came mid fapD:HozD
pas a mannamcoZacbcus, bebolDebctetbppoutiDCjtomcbeJhaue
Jtobicb toasa tulei among the fcepte tnanapBpn, fe^ J teat cd the, bc«
|Dupltcans,anO teas ttchc alf o. 3lnD he catife thou art a ftrapt man; thou taHeft
maDemeauestofe3JeCus,tobatr)ea}ulD Dp that thou lapoeft not Dotone,anD
bcianD coulo not foi the pzcace, becauf e tepeft that thou DpDDeft not fotoe* ^
he toas of a lo ftatute. dobctfoze he tan ainohe fapoe bnto hpm : *£>f thpne Ma t g,(. tt
bcfoic,anD dp meD bp into a totio frggc otone mouthjtuDge J the^hou euell fec< «P«*ft.«j.»
tree, to fc htm : f o i he Qjouloe coin t that uaunt.&uetoeft thou that j am a Urate
toap.lnD tobc 3'ei us came to the place, man tabpng bp that 3J lapeo not Douue,
he lofteo bp,ano la toe btm,anD fapo bn* anD ceppng that jj Dpo not fotoec iojhec
tor)pm:Zacbe come oouwe attonce,fo* foietheu gaued not thou mp monepe

to Dape J mult abpoe at tbp boufe* aino into the bancUe that at tup commpng

receaueD mpghtc hauc requtteD mpne otnuc tottij

3ctu 16 b be came Dotone baftelpe ano *
htm topfullp. aino tohen thep fatoe that, bauutage*
thep all gtouogeD fapinge : li^e ts gone ano he fapoe to them that ftoDe bp:
in to rart> toith a man that ts a fpnnet* taUe from him that pounoe, ano geue tc
38no Zache ftobc f oitoc ana faiD bm him that hath tm pounoe* 3Hno thep faiD
33 to the >LojtDe:b£holDeiLoiDe,thc halfe bnto hpm tloidc he ha th ten pounoe* J
of mp goober 31 geue to the pooze, anD fape bnto pou,that*bnto all them that mm tiii b .

pfjhaue Done anp man tozonge,3] toil haue,tf tyalbe gcuentano from htm that am>.«* t.
rcftoze htm fotoer folo* 2MD jflefus fato \)m not s euen that he hath Ojalbe tabcti ZS^C:'
to hpmitbps Dape ts bealtbe come bitto ftombptn* ^o^eouetthofempneenei (g
this boufe, fez as much as he alio is be* mpes,tohich tooulbe not that J Ojouloe
mat jt>.c cometfje cbpioe of aibzabam* * tfoz the tapgne ouet them, bjrngehPDDet , ar»D
(oune of man ts come to febe ano to faue flee them before me** amo tohen he baD tnatb.»i.«
IMtto *"
that tohtch toas loRe. y t^usfpobeujhep^oceoeo fo^tbe before,
3te thep heatce thefe tbpnges, be aD< alTenopng bp to 3[eturalem. h
Deb tbetto a fp mpIptuD ,bcca uf e he toas * 3inD tt f ojtuneDjtofjen he toa$ come .
npe to 3Jctufalcm,anD becaufc alfo thep metoffiethpbageano ©ethanp,beftDes 'SBJ&'i
thougbte that the bpngcoome of sod motiute €)liuet,he fent ttoo of his Difcp*
mat wvb, fljouioe Ojoztlpe appete*^e fapDe tbece^ pies faptng:gope into the to tone tobtcfr
RiAcbc.ii b fou:+* ai ccttapne noble mau,toent in* is ouet agatnft potion the tohtch affouc
to a far counttt,to receaue hpm a Umg* as pe ate come,pe u>l fpnoe a colte tteD,
Dome,anb then to come agapne. 3nD he tohete on pet neuet manne fate* Roufe
calico his ten fctua tint es auD DdpueteD htm ano bzinge hpm hpthc r. 31 no pf anp
them ten pounoc,f aping bnto themrbpc man afue pou, tohp thatpelotofe hpnt;
anbfelltpll 31 come ©tit btscttcftus thus fape bnto hpm,thc iLotD bath ueoc
bateDbpin, anD rente melfengecs aftec of hpm*
hpm fapingrtoe \spll not baue tbts man cnep that toete fent,toentthepz toape
to tapgne otter be* anofounoe, euenas he hao fapoe bnto
C 3BnD tt came to paffe tohen he toas them * 3BUD as thep toere alofpngethJ

Come agatne,ano haD tcceaueo hts king cooltCjthc otoners fapo bntothem:tohp
Dome,hecommaunoeo thefe fecuauntes lotofe pe the cooltcf ano thep fapoe:fo;
to be calleb to hpm ( to tohome he gaue the TLo.tDe bathe ncDc ofhpm*3Dnothcp
^iS monep) to tott tohat etietpe manne
b^oughte hpm tojfefus 3flnb thep caft
JjaD Done»iChen came the ftrfte, fapinge thepuapmente on the colte, ano fitte
^LojDe , tbp pounoe hatt)e encccaf cd m ^ffustbetoii** inoas&etoentf, thep
. o «

ICije (gofpell
fpiebe tf;£it clottjeg in the toapt* auctontec $e auftecrcD anD fapbc

3inb toben be teas notoe come,tobtM buto tbctmj alio tupli affee pou a que*
be ftjouloe goo Do tone ftorn the mounts fh on ,anD attftoetc me.'Cbe baptpme of
fl>liuct,tbetobolcmultitubc oftbeotf* 3fobn:toas it from btaucn oj of * men/
ciplcs beganne to cetor t e, anD to la u be 2BnD t hep t bou gbt c to itb in them f elu eg
a ioube b opce,f 01 all the mp*
<5od toitb fapingrpf toe (hall rape from bea uembe
^D.rxt.6 tacles ttjat tt;cp baD fene, faping:* b I c f < topi f ap e : tobp then bcleueb pe bpm not/

aS'iK-feobee the apnge tbatcommctb Intfje ©ut anD pf toe fljall rapeofmen,alltbf
«9«n.rt.b nameoftbe)LozDe:peaceinbeauen,anD people topi (lone bg.tfoz tfjcp be petfua
itonisi gloip in the bteft.miD Tome of the £ba* bebtbatjobnisapjopbete* anbtbep
riftS of the companp fapa bnto bitmma anftoeceb tbat tbep coulD not tel tobence
ttec tcbuke tlw btfciples. l^e anftocteb, it toa$» 3tttD Jefus fapbe bnto t&emme

$ fapbc bnto tb em : J tell pott, pf tb cfe tb et tell j} po it bp tobat a uc to j i re

J do
Hm tf.t tyouioe bolbe their peace , tbe* lion cs thefe binges.

tooulDe crpe» Chen begantic be to put fottbe to tb e

+3lnD toben be teas come neate,be be people tbps f tmilpt tiDc. * 31 cettapne ***.&*
3fonw. tjelbe the cptte,auD*toepte on it raping: man planted a biuepatD,anD let itfoitb 2"-&fc
3ff tbou babbeft bneteen tbofc tbinges to fetmets , ano tomu bim felf e into a «'£'..*.;.
tohtcb belonge onto tbp* peace, eueu at tttaungecounttefo*agceate ftafott* »«•»•«•*
t bts tbp tpme/ out no toe ace tbep bpo 36nD toben the tpme tons come, be rent a

SK?'? fco throe epes»*jFoi the Dapesfljal come rccuaunte to bis tenaunteg tbat tbep.

sent!:" a tbp euempes Ojall caftc a

tjpoti tbc,rbar OjouId geue bim of £ f cures of tbe bine
So??* a, anD compare
the* pacbe* ^nbtbetenauntesDpDbet biro,
faunae, and tape the in on euetpe fpoe, anb Tent him atoap emptte. 3rd again*
anD mafe e tbe euen to t tb the g cou noc, be fente pet anotb e t f e r uauut. 3ud tbep
toitb tbp cbp iDicn tobicb ace in the* 3nD cpo bet bp m,ano f tile entteateb bim at
the? £)all no t le ue in the one ft one fcpon fo,anDfentbfroatoapeinptp.i©oxeouer 1
atiotbec 9 fcccauf e tbou ant tocft not tt)t be cent tbe tbpzb r o,anb t)m tbep toots*
tpme of tbp bpfitacpoti. Deo.anb caft out»<cben lapoe tt>e ZLozbe
*3inDb,e tocntinto thetemple, anb oft^ebpnepacbe : tobat ftalijl Do/* 3f |°*
#at£?(.k beganne to ca ft out them that folb tbct< uipll feuD mp Deace fonnc,bim petaoue < Suui- •?
aotm Mb (n.anD tbem that bought, fapinge bnto tute tt)ep topi teuecence, \a\)m
ttyp f«
t&«m,tc is tojpttg:*mp houfe is f bouf e bpra»
fc e
SrSr r* of piapec:butpebaue*maDe it a ben of 23ut toben the fetmecs fate him,thep

*fa P j\)(.t tbeues^. 3dnD he taughte Daplp in the tl^ thought tn them feiues fapinge:tbps is
j *«.*»«.
ple ^ jj, tChs |j pc j^csfleg anb the fctp< the bepie,*come let bs apil bpm, that f
<Sm ^ f
bes anb the chef e of the people toente a« tnhecttaunce mape be cares. %nt) tbep. «*"»> m*.
bo tit e to Deft rope bpm : but couloe not cad bpm out of the bpnepacbe:anb apb
eno. W i,e
f pnbe tobat to Do> jf ot all p people ftacM c d bpm. l ^o
toe tobat than the Ioid e of

fcp h»m,anD gauc him auDience* the bpnepacoe do buto them / j^e totll
s&cnorcs. come anb beftcop tbef e f ccmccs,anb toil

a.Eo&e ttioaatueto ttjc.rutt.cftaprcr.b let cute his biucpatDc to other, ftoben

b.©ctcpeacetsta&c!»iw. t^evhcatDthat,thepfapD:05oD fo:bpD*
|£tthc.)cjc.Chaptet*44 ^qd he behelDe tbemaao fapbet'tohat
^cpatftcc{j«ao»eqacaiott,airt&carftcfU meaueththpsi^cnthatis toiptten:*the „„
thcmanotDcr.irftcpacabJeoftyctopnepatU. £>( n-nnc that the bPlDccs rcfufcQ tbtfotne E ra
i"Z c
is mabt the heaD coinec aonefaODhoroe# n«w*r.^«
doppcti) tbcmoutbcs at tbe«&abuccs.
30 /-W ^>d
oxtuncD in one of tbof e Daies
it f u et ftomble at v »one,a>albe bxolte:but
)£L?i$ be taughte the people in rbe tcm< on tobofocuct it fall bpon, tt totll gtinD
\T v pleanbp:eacbeDtbegofpel:thehie turn to pottber amothehpe ^zeefte^
^zeeftes anb the acrpbes came toitb p anb the ^ceibes the fame bouce toente
matti wd t eloecs anb fpafte bnto brni faping:*tel about to lape hanbes on bpm, but*tbep mat
j»ar.jw.i>. ts bp tobat atictozite thou boeft thefe
feateD the people, jfoztbep pecceaueb m**t.u:
thingesj-Cpthec toho is he that gaue § chat he baa fpo&eHtbpgfpmplptuDe a«

£f&£ti&e. jTol]cli]C.
agafhftt&cni. fapbe:^a(!et tfyon r)ad tocl fapDe.3rnD
3& aino thep toatcfre D hpm , $ rente fojti^ after that Dticft tbep not alUc hpm anp
..rpt^^^icfjcfl^oulD fariu tfjcni felucs qucMtonatall*
«9ati).ub pctfcctc , * to tafte fjim in bis UiozDes 3 Chen raphe he bnto them:* bote fap 45
toDelpuer him bnto tbe potoet anD auc< thep that Chjtft is ^auiDs fonne^nD ""*•».»»»
t-o^itc of the oebpte.ainD thep afUcD bim J^atiiD htm felfc fapeth tntheboae of
faptnge: palter, toe Unotoc that thou the lafalmeu :* cbe jlozDe fapDe bnto p&Uic,§
fapeft anD teamed tight, nottjer confp* mp nozDe 3 fpt on mp tight hanDe,tpll 3
bereft thou aup marines Degre, but tea; raaae thpne enempes" thp fote ftole.^e*
3s it lato* tnge BautD callett) him )lozD:bou)c is
cheft the toape of tfSoo ttulp.
ful foz g cue Ccfar tribute 0; nof
Us to hethenhisfonnef
i^e pecceaucb tbeit craftiues,anD fapoe Chen in the aubpence of all $ people, af iTn ~ ^
m «f,ff(.,-f bnto tfi|:*tof)p teptc pc mc/ibbetoe me bcfapDe butohisDpfc(pIes:tbeU)areof m,tb,^'
a penp. ioobofe pmage ano iupetfetipei* the ^cribes,tDhich Dcfpjc to go in log
on bath ity chep anftoertD 5 f a?'De:Ce< c(othpnge: anD lotie gretpnges in the
facs.3!no be faiD bnto t!;e":geue the bn# marticts^nD thehJ'cft feate$inthe f^
to Cefat, p uihicbe belongetb bnto Ce< nagogc0 } anD the chicfc roumes at fca^
far;anDtoi£oD,£U)btcbcpi;ttapnetbro ftcs,m!ncbc Deuoure UnDDoiucs houfes
<5"oD . 3nD thep coulDc not rcpioucbps anD that bnDer a coloure of longe piap*
Taping befoze the people* sut ttj<p mar* tnge : the fame Ojall receaue greater
^ uaileo at bis anfujer,^ belD their peace. Damnation.
««t.ffu,c Chen * came to hint cettapne of the 3ThC OofM.
spar. irti.b ^aouccs* Dtnr that there is a*
b. ©emsapiaccfouucmtljaf&atocfomuc&e scDccfjtb
np refurreccio.HInD thep afluD himfap* tottl)tl;etdpuclcs!pfe,pfitbe flc(blpetaBe(astu o^nof

S>«3b in $ t; * aftcc >^ of£^

pfanpmanues bzotljet ope haupngc a
ofe bnt0 & s > bebettjeptrfe to ra&eaircctptuK$;bur raise tt afs i5oi, mas
tetruerpmtcasittsfpohgoftljctotlbif o^iSob c ^ aot*
afret ctjc ccCtictccctS^nb it fctuctl) norOpnjcfoi
topfc,5 the fame Dpe tottbout pu"ise:tbat U)em . ^FoiabiaUam.Jflfaacaiib Jlacob, toetcof
tbehisbzotbetOjoulD tafecfjts topfe, ^ t.jorcctnitneofiSoD.fO.uc^iafpcaSeryofyciX,
tapf c Up ueoe on to bi# brother* Ch ere aub pcttuCi-cmarrcD mtut'clpfc.
crcbe.jcri. Chapter
toece feueu bzetbien,auD tfjc fi'iftc tohe
a ujpfe.anDOpeD toitboute cbiiozcmaiuD oftlKt'CfltucctonofJictufalcm.offalfcreacucre,
tbe feconoc tobe the topfe , anD be opco of rijerofccitsautmoublcsfoi to come, of f cube
cypiDlciTc.aiuD tbe tbpjDe tofce her , anD of roc tooilb.anb of btsotome cominpiisc

in Ipae topfe the refpb uc of the f cueu, $ ^ljcbchelDe,*hei"atucp rich ? A

left no chtlOicn bebinbe them,auD DptD. men 3 hobj tt)ep cafte tnthtp;
Jlatt of ail tbe tooman open alf ,0o\ut effcrpnges into the tteafurp.
at tbe refurteccton tobofe topfe of them a no he latoe alio a certapue
fljal 3)c be «• jroz f etten hao her to topfe. pooze mpoDotoc, tobpebe cade in thpthec
if 3|cf t!6 auf toerto anD fapDt bnto the* ttoompte5.ainDhefapDe:ofatrueth l
,ca, •* f• ,•

Che cbilDzcn of this toozio marp top*

fap bnto potijthistpooze topDDoto hath
ncs, anD are macpcD , but thep tohpche pu t in moze then thep ait . j\ oz thep all
fijalbe maoe toojtbp to euiope p toozloe
baue of their fuperflupte abDeD bnto
a ud the ref ur rcccton from Deatb,netbet tbe offecpnge of 450D: but flje , or her pe*
inatptopues,netbetacemarpeD no* pet nucp, bath rail m
ai iht fubllaunce that
cauDpeanpmoze jfoi thep are cquall the hah.

lehn ul • tuito the augels:ano are* the fonncs of 3ls f ome fpalit of the temple, bolr It
i.iotyM.b d5oD,tn as muche as thep ace p cbilDzeu teas garuiibco luith goooip (tones ano
mt u a
of the ref ur r cccion. 3inD that the DcaDe 3Ictoets,he lapD.*CbeDapes toplcome, mat*.ij;»
Ojal rpfe agapne. etien^ofeB (pgmfp* UJhen of thifethpuges tobicbpc fc,QiaU 23
«tob.(« b eD befpDes the bu'lbc, toben be lapD:*tbe not bet efte (lone bpon ft one , that (bail
*b*ji. »•« jloiDe d5oD of #bzabam anD the <©oo of not be thtotucn Don tit 3hd thep

"** *' c
3faac,anD the ©od of Jacob, jfo^ be is afticD hpm lap tnge : fatter, loheit
not the (£oboftbeDeabc, but of them (hall thefc thpuges bc,au6 tohat fpgne
tohfebe Ipue.lroi all Ipue in htm Chen tupll there be,tDhenfuchethpugesu^a(l
cettapne of the ^a.ii'es anfmercO auo toiuetapatfe.
Cfte <§ofpell
fucbe perp!eietie,toat tr)cp flfjall not fell
*»ji<»».*.<i DcccaueD*5roz*manptopUcome mmp tobicb toape to turne tbem felues: Che
name fapinge J am be : 9 v tpttie Diatom Tea auD tbe toatets (ball rooje 5 anD meiu
neare. jf olo toe pe not them thcrfoze.
ctf) nes her tes fbal faple tbem foz feare,anD
25ut toben peltate of toarre^otDplTen* foi lofcpnge after thole t^n^es tohiche
ctombe notaftapeD. ifojt tbefe tbpnges u)all come on tbe ea ttin jfoi tbe potoctg
tnuttfpztte come: but the enoe folotoctb 1 heaueu ujaj moue.3nD tben (bal tbep
C not frp anD bp.<€bcn fapDe be unto the: fc the fonneof man come tnatlouDetb

f SfS u
1 fl
* ac * ott AW
r fe agapnfte nacpon, potoer anD greate giozpe . 900b en tbefe

anD fepngoome againft fcpngDome, anD tbpnges begpnne to come to paffc:tbcii

gteate earthquakes C&albe in all quae* lohe Dp.anD Ipfte bp poure b heaoes for
tcrs,anDbcmgcr,anD pcftilcnce :s fear< poute reDcmpcion Diatoeth npe.
full tbpnges 3rd gteate fpgnes u>all SnDbetbetDeDtbemafpmtlptuDe: f
there be from beaticin beboloe tbe fpgge tree,anD all other tre* SJiSf!
svatnt. b 23ut before al tbefe, * tbep flt?ali laps c8 tobcntbepajoute foitbe thept buD=

Des,pefeanDttnoioe of poute tone fel^

fcclpuetpnge pou up to the ^pnagoges uc0 that fommer ts tben npe at banDc.
anD into pzpfon, anD bzpngc pou btfoze ^>o Ipfte lovfe pe( toben ye U tbefe tbpn<
fepnges ano rulers foz mp names fake. ges come to pau"e)btiDerftanDe,tbat tbe
auDthisfliall cbaunce pou foz a tcftp* fepngbomeof d5oD ignpe.nuetelpjfl fape
niomail. JLct « ftpettc tbe tfozcfaftc in bnto pou:tbis gcnctaciotyainot pade,
pourc tjettes, not once to ft ubpc befoze, tpl ail be tulfplltD . i^eauen a no eattbe
CTot).4,c tobat pe 0)al auftocre:*foz J topll gcue (ball parte : but mp toozoes u)all not

jSSSfjf Pou a moutbeano topfcDoine, tobete a* v

gapnft,al pout aouct;fatpe$ Ojal not be +*
^afee ^eDe to poute felues,Ieft«»»M';«
roJcb.tMMJ yourebertesbe ouetcome toitb furfet^ SmUS^
ab j e t0 fpcake noj refpft.* £ea, anD pe
fljalbe bettatcD of pout fatbcrganDmo* tinge anD Dzonbennes aoD cares of t his
tbct9,aaD of pout bzctbzcn, anD bpnfc< tooziDe:atiD tbat,tbat Dap come on pou
men,anD loners,* rome of pou fljal tbep tmtoarcs. ifo^asafnarefbalhtcome d5
£> put to Deatb.3KnD bateD Ojall pe be of all on all tbem that fpt on tbe face of tbe
men foz mp names Cake . y>tt the te Ojal cattbe t * aocatebe tbetf ozecontpnuallpe Sl$*
not one bcere of poute hcaoes pctpluje* anDpzape,tbatpemape obtapne grace m >tk. /» f l

accttb poute * patience poffeffe poute toflpeall tbi^ that flball come, ano that *.»«»*•*•
routes. pe mape ftanoe befoze the fonne of
wtf.Wj.jj * 3nD toben pe f e ^etufalem befegeD man. h
8555 tottbanbofte,tben DnDetttaDe that the 3!ntbeDapetpme,f)etaug[)tem tbe
Def claei on of the fame ts npe . Chen let tcmple,anD at npgbt,be toent oute, anD
them tobicbe ate in Jetozpe fine to the hab a bpopng e in tbe momm olpuete.
mouiuatucs asnD let t&eih tobich ate in *3Iiid all tbe people came in tbemoi', JofouLa.
cut mpDDes of tt,Depatte oute. 31110 let upnge to bim in t^e temple, foj to beace
not them that other counttepes, hpnn
enter there tin f z tbefe be the Dapes of
a.^croaIctspoflrco:cD, to^eij^owtoefapt^etii tPoMfi
Vengeance, to f ulfpU all that ate impt* Ci)ita,ti>epacieiulF fuffce alazmccfpttcs. tcttettje
<£ tcn.isut too be to tbem that be to cbilDe, b. 2To tiftc op ttjp ftcaDe, is to be mccp aub tetopec route,
anD to tbem that geue fucke in thole attftccemembiauuceof atbpngc. % Q jpf«
oapcerfoi there Ojalbe gteate trouble in o^Cfte.jcjcn, Chapter. Hh bP *

Cbita isbctcapeo.tbcpcatetbeiEaftcciLambe. beabe.

wtfii* tbclanDe,anD*to$atbeouetaltbi8peo* %bt 11ft ttucion of f 5>«ucam£t. ac^cp ft cmc toQo
ple.aino tbep tyal fall on the coge of m 1

flbal be sccarca. &c tcpjoucri) t Dcm j^cpupctt}

Ctoeatoe,anD tyalbeieaDe captpue, into tint times topo tfte mount. a;btp taftc btm 9 bxige

btm to ti)c tc pitcft c? boufe . \sctct betipetb bpm

all nacions.ainD Jetufalem fijalbc tro*
tbipfe,aj»b M? bipugchim befo;c ttie touttfen.
Den DnDer fote of tbe gentpls,tmtpll t\)i ^l^e * feafte of ftoeate bzeaDe
tpme of tbe gentpls be f ulfplleD. jDztic npe tobicbeis calico eiv mt, w \*,*
om. n.t *
* 3mD there tyaibe fpgnes in tbe ter,anD tbebpepzteftes ano "»«*••+••
™"K c f wnne,anD in tbe mone.auD in § ftatres: _tecribes * foughte botoe to
?.*5«,j8,f anD in trie eattbe * tfje people tyalbe in ftp!lflpm,butt^epfeateDtti|e people. ^ B«»«»»

£f$«ZttKe; JfolL
a^».i8.« *i£fjen entteb $>at3 fnro 3ubas,tobofe 4<*3nDtberetoaga ffrpfe amonge c
fnnamc tons 3ifcariot tobiclje toas of
( tbem, tobicb of tbe CboulD be tafte" I 0* tbe ™V f 8' a
the nombze of the ttoelue ) anD he toen te gteateft^nDbefaiDbntotbe^ftingesSS^f*
btstoapcano communcD toitb the bpe of tbe gentpis rapgne otter th em, 5 tbep
pitcftcs aiio officcis,botoc be mpgbt be; tbat bcare rule otter tbe, are calico gra*
iraie bun to tbcm.ainD tbep tone glade: nous iojDeg 23ut pe fyall not be fo: ^ at n „
anD piompfcD to gcuc bim moncp « 3inD 4 But be tbat is greateft amonge pou, i.pct.\>.a

be conf enteo, aiiD fought opo^tttnp tc to Ojalbc as tbe pougcft;anD be p is cb ef e,

bctrat c bun bnto them toben the people fjalbe as tbe mpiufter jfoz tobetber ts
tocteatoape. greater,betbatfpttetbatmeate : 02 be
*0a«.j6 b
+ ^{j Cn came the bap of ftotte bzeaoc, tbat feruetb t Js not be tbat f pttet b at
tobe*ofneceiTitetbeeftec lambe muft be meatcf SuD Jfam amonge pou, as he
offereD • 3flnD be f ent jacter 3 John fap# that mpntaretb ^e are. tbep tobpebe
tnge: go 3 prepare bs § eftet iabe, p toe bauebpbben toitb meinmp temptacp* iu&c,^.n
map eate.ttbcp faiD to bim.XObere toilt bus * 3tiD 3( apopnt bnto pou a fcpng*
tbo tijtbat toe pieparc^nD be rat d unto Dome as mp father batb appopntebto
£ tbe*©ebo!De tobe pe be entteb into f tu me:tbatpe map eate anD otpncfce at mp
tie,tljece u)al a ma" mete pou beacpnge a table in mp UpngDome 5 *auD fpt on Tea* Bfikl
pttcber of toatet, bun f oloto in the fame tes, anD iubge tbe ttoelue tepbes of ju
Joule f be cntretb tn,^ rap Unto £ gooo raeiu y
ma of the boufe.UDbe matter fatetb bnto 3nD tbeXoib faib:^imon : ^tmon,
tbe:tobete is tbe geft cbambet,tobere gbebolD S>ata batb DefpzeD ^ou, to fpfte
Cbal eate mpne eftcr lambe toitb mp Dtf* pou,as it tocre tub eate: but 3 banc pz«i>
ctpics «- ainDbefljaUOjctopouagteat eb fo2 tbe,tbat tbp faptb faple not* ainD
parlourc paucD.Cbere matte rcbp« SfinD toben thou arte conuetteD, ftcengtb tbp
tbep toent and founce a? be bab faiD bn* bjethien.anD be faiD bnto bpm.* 102D ^ ?
to tbemiano mabe rtop tfyt efter lambe. 31 am rebp to go \»m tbe into pipron, 5 $& S!c
3lnD toben p boure tons comc be fat to Dcatb»ainD be fapDc:3 tel tbe ^eter,
Doune anD tl)t ttoelue ^potties ft bpm. tbe cocfte ©all not crotoe tbps Dap, tpll
SfoiD be f a»De into tbe: 3 bane tutoa to* thou bane tbipfc DenpcD tbat tbou ftuc*
IpDefpKD toeate this diet lambe toitb toeftme.

pou before tbat 3 ruffre.jfojj fav bnto 3BnD be faiD bnto tbem:* tobeujU fent E!5.*!»
pou:b cure f on b 3 topi not eate of it anp pou toptbout toallet anDfcrpppe-i tyot t«^.'x-a
mo: e,n ntpll it be f tilfpUeb in tbe ft ing* es:lacftcD pe anp tbpng/ 3HnD tbep faiD,
wat.tjcw. c Dome of €>oo,* 3Bt)D be tofte tbe cup a no no.snb be faiD to tbcimb ut noto be tbat
rSuIJi' 8 au * tbanftes s auD fatD. tcafte tbis,auo batb a toallet let bim tatte it bp, 9 Ipfte*
bcupDe it amonge pou . tfoi 1 rap bnto topfe bps fcrpppe . 3GnD be tbat batb no
i>ou:3 topll not Dipneftc of tbe f rut c of f tocarDe,let bpm fell bPiS cote 5 b^t one.
tbe bpuc, bntpll tbe HpngDomc of <£0D $ 02 3 fap bnto pou,tfjat pet tbat tobicb
become* ts i»tp tttn iiuifle be perfoimcD in me:

3nDbctohcbieaDc,gaue tbanfteg, * euen toptb tbe topcfteD teas be nom* &vm*

anD gaue to tbetn,fapinge: tlDljis is mp bieD * tfojtbofetbpngestobpcbeareSK"':?
bobp tobicb c is geueu foi pou* cbt s Do toipttenofme,baueanenbe • anotbep 3ouw,c
in tbe remem biauuce of me , uphetopfe fapDe : lo2De , beboiDe here are ttoo
BlfOjtoben tbep hab fuppeD , be tofte tbe rutearbe.s. anD be fapD bnto t\)tm: it is
cup (apt nge: Cbts cup is tbe neto telr v, puougbe.
tnent in inp blouoe, tobicb e Ojall fo2 pou * 38iiD be came out, anD toente as be rn^^t
be u>DDe. teas toonte to mount ^Dltuete. anD tbe
pet beholbc, tbe banDe of bim tbat be-; Dtfciples f oloto to bf m.SnD tob? be came

traietb mc,is toitb me on tbe table. 3uid to tbe placc,be faiD to tbcm:* p2arc,lcit mat^.b
the fonne of ma goetb as it ts apointeb: pe fall into temptacion. 85ftis9
22 ut too be to tbat man bp tobome be is * 3nD be gate bun felfe from tbem, * '

br t rapcD.3flnDt^ began to enqupie a< aboute a (tones cad, anD ftneleD Doune,
tnongc them feiues , tobicb c of them it anD p;aieD,faping:|atbecpf tbou toilt,
ujouloe be,tbat tyouibc Do that. tbDia to tbts cup fro me.^euertbeleffe,
<|5©s«it. gat

IT) t (fofptll
3«M w,fc Hot tnp topl!,*btit thpne be fulfpUeD* Dpon peter * 26nD peter temembjeD ^"gj
3iid tb ere appcteo an angell Ditto bpm tbe toozDcs of tbe 7Lozoe,Do toe be fapDe hu.m*
from beauen.conf oztpnge bpm. amb be Ditto Dim, befoze tbe coefce cr toe , thou
toas in an agonpe,atiD pzateD rom tobat £l)al te Dcnpe me tbzpfe* 3lno peter tocnt
longer* ainD W ftoeate teas ipfee ozop* oute,anDtoeptebpttctlp«
pes of blouDe, trpcfclpnge Doune to toe 2lnD tbe men that ftooe aboutjefus, <®
gronnDc . auDhccofe Dpfrompzapct mocftcD btm,anD (mote bim,anD blpnbe
anD came to bis DtCctplcs, atiDtounDe f oidcd bim,anD fmote bis face* 3ud af *
tljem deppngc foz fozoto, anD fapo bnto KeD htm (apinge: a rcDe toljo it is that
tbermtobp llepe pefttpfe auD pzapc, left fmote thef 3inD manp ot^er tbtges Def«
petal into temptation. pitfullp fatD tf)t? agapnft Dim.
3ftnD affonc as it toas Dape,f clDcrs
Sf!«Si * *°^P le be pct fpaftc:bcrjoIDc,tfjere
' cameacompam',auDbetbattoascalleD of tbe people anD tbe bpe pzieftes anD
3uDa0,one of thettoclue tociue befoze ^Dcttbes,came togetber,auD leDDe htm

ttjtm, 9 pzeafcDnpe bnto Jcfus to fepflfe into unit counfell fapinge : arte thou
bpm.abtb Jefus fapDe bnto bpm : J u* fcerp CbztnVtell ts. 3fnD be fapDe Unto
Das^trapeft thou the fontie of man to t hem pf 3 ttj a II tell pou, pe toy ll not be*

a bpffcj' aoben thep tobicbe mere a bout leuc.ainD pf alfo 3 affee pou,pe topll not
turn fa toe tobat loouloe f oloto,tbep taiD anrtocr£mc,ojletmcgo.i9craftcriI)alf
t) mo f tm : t
oidc , tyall toe fmpte toptb tbe tonne of man fpt on tlft right banoc

f ftocatDc.* ^nD one of tbemfmotea fct* atte # potoee

of tbe of <jf5oD. 'Chen lato thep all:
then tbe fonne of <&obf i$t faiD to
«*.»**, c nannte of the bpeft pzfeft of all, .5 fmote
tbe:pefap#3am.t£be~faiDtbep:*tobat fp«t,j6,s
SS'is i of tjts tpgbt eare . 3nD 3Iefus anftoercD mt*> +>*

anD faiotfuffte pe thus farre foztb.^nD nebetoeanp further toitnes t aooeoure

I elites banc bearoe of his otone mou ti;«
be toucbeD bis eate,anD DealeD htm.
Cften Jefus fapD bnto tr>e bpe pzte# £3"€be.jc)ciii.Cbapter.4«
3lcfus ts biougt;t bcfoic ja plate $ decode. 2:ijs
(les anD rulers of the temple $ the el«
tocmcii mahela.ncntartcufoihtiu . ©f piarctg
Ders tobicbe toere come to bpm. $epe f0: in 9 ciumice.feigcucto f rbefe upo D15 tpjQte
come out,as Unto a it) c fc tottb ftocacDcs banbe, and nperi) on tfjc ccode^ub ts burpf d.
nno ftaues f fccben 3 teas Daplpe tottb HiH * tbe tobole mulutuDe of 31
pou in the tcmple,pe it rctcbcD not foztr) them atofe, 9 leDDe bint Ditto *?;££•
banDts agapn&e me.igut tbvs is ctieu pilate.^nD tbcp began to a a j&l'. xix
poure bern bourc, anD the potoer of Jctife brni fapinge : toer)aue
tarcftncs.Ciien to&c tfjep bun , anD IcD fointDc this feloto peruertpnge tbe peo*
tjim,anD bzougbte bpm to tbe bpe pzie< p(e,anD fozbpDDpnge to pape tribute to
ttesboufe* 3111D peter foIotocD a facte Cefar:faping,tbat be is CrXzift a fting.
of. * 3BnD pplate appofeD bint faping:atte ***» **
3CCben t^ep r)aD ftpnDleD a fpze in tr)e tboutbcl»pngeoftbc3ctocs t h)ccm<
miDDesoftbepalps,anD toere fet Donne ftoereD Dim auD fa id: thou faieft it. tibc
SS;u.s together* peter alio fate Doune amog fa id ptlateto tbebpep2pcftcs,5to tift
3ot»n,.8.c them.ainDtooneof tbe toencbcs,bebelbe P t op it 3 fpnDe no fatite in this man.

l)tm as be fate, bp tbe fper , anD let gooD 3nD thep toere t\)t moze fearce fapinge*

iMt «»(.« c ?e
fpgbt on bpm anD fapDe : tbis fame l^emouetb tbe people, teaebpnge t|jo< „
mirjeutt-t teas alfo tottb bpm.* cbenbeDcnpeD totoe out 3ctozp 5 anD*beganne at <£ali*
bf m fapinge: tooman 3 nno toe htm not. Ie,eueu to this place.
3no after a Iptell tobple , another ra toe acohc^aatebcarDemeaoofcSalilcbe
bi'm anD f apDe : thou arte alfo of ttjenn afkeo tobetber f mS toere of (Baltle.^no
2CtiD peter fapDe:man 3 am not , ainD affoneasDe ftneto $ be toas of*^eroDej; LuUtW »
aboute tbe fpace of an houre after, ano* t unf D c c 6,bc fent bun to l^er oD e, toh it b
t 1

tbet affirmeD fat>mgc:berelp enen tbf s toas alfo at 3erufalem in tbofe Dape^«
f clo toe toas tottb bpm , foi be is of <$a* 3BnD tobe ^erobe fa to 3efu$,be toas m
Iple^nD jacteira.Dc : man 3 toote not ceDfglp glaD. if oz be toas D eftrous to fe 10
tobat thou f avert 3nD immeDiatlpe bun of a log feaf5,becaufe be baD bears
tobple be ]ftt f pabe.tbe cocke crctoe, manpetbpnges ofbpm, aiiDtrufleDto
3finD tr)e fto^Dc tourneD back* anD iobeD bauc fene feme wp jack Done Dp rjpm.

fif&Znfte. ft&XL
Cfjcn qncfffoueD r)e foffb bpm of manp toplcome, tofoen men Cfiall fape:*bappp
thpngcs . Jd u t he anfto c rcb him not one ate tbe batett ano tbe toombes that to*
toozoe.uDbe bpe pueftcs ano *fc>crpbcs, tier bate, anD tbe pappes mbicbeneuec
ftooc f ozt be ano accnf cd htm ft raptlp c. gaue f ucbcflChcn (ball tbep begpnne to
3no i^eroDc truth fits men of toatre, fapetotbemountapnes,fa(ioiibs:anD
oelpifco bim,ano mockcD bf tn,$ atapeo totbebPlIes,couetbs tfozpf ihep do
bun in tofypte , ano rente bim agapne to this to a gteiu ttcc tobat Ojalbe Done to

actum 4? ^plat e.*3lnD the fame Dap ^ilatc ano tbe Dtp e.

l^etoDc toere maocftcDes togctbcc.jfoz 3BiU> there lucre ttoo emf Doers leDDe
befoze tbcp toctc at bariaunce* toitb hiui to beHapuc. * Hud tub en tbep
3nDj£Plate calico together the bpe toctc come to tbe plaec,tobicbc is calico
Jotjn fxf.9
pzteftcs ano toe tulers, ano the people, Caluacp,tbere tbep ctueifpeD b«m ano ,

anD fapoe Unto thenupe batic bzougbte tbe eupll Doers, one on tbe rpght bauoe
this uia onto me, as one fiat peruertcD
t ano p otber on § lefte. %M
faio Jefus: <e
tbc peopMno beboloe J bane cramp* father fozgeuc tbem,foz tbep tooote not
neD bpm befoze pou,anD banc foiioc no tohat tbep Do.^-nD tbep parteD his rap*
Q&xt 17. »
fame in this ma.of tb o[c tbmges inhere meute,auD eafte lottes.* 31110 tbe people marh.t^i, e
of pe a ecu i bim.^to noz ^tt i^croDe.
c ItoDeanDbebelDc* pftl,r ti.B
feu 3 rente pou to bmuanD lo notbinge 3inD tf)t rulers mocbeD bpm tb tbem
tooztbpc of ocatlj is Done to bim.3 topll raping: be bolpe other me,iet bim belpe
thcttoze cbaftcn btm,ano let bim loufe. bimfclfe,pfbebe ftfyiitt tbe cbolenoC
flpat,r7.fc * tfozofncccffitic, be m till banc let one dDOD.yChe fouDiers alfo mocHeD bpm, *
loufe Unto tf)«m at that fcaft. came ano gaue bim beneger anD fapoe:
3inD alf the people ctpeo atone c rap* pf tbou betfiat Hpng of tbejfletoe&faue
inge: atoapctouh bim,auDDclpuetto tbp felfe«« anD bps fuperfenpeton toas ma(h,?ff.t».'
Us zsatra br.s : tohicbc foz inf ticrcccion rotten ouet i)pm,u\ ©rebe, in latpn,
maDc in tbc cirpc,atiD imi rtficr bias tad ano t^cbznc : Cfn's is the Upngc of tbe
in pzpfon.pilate fpabe agapne to tbcm 3eiDcs»
tDVltpnge to let % efus lotofc . 3ud tbcp 3inD one of the cue! Doers tobicb ban* $
ctpeDfapmge :Crucifpe bmi, Ccucit'pe gcD,rapleD 011 bim fapingc : Jf thou be
bpm.l^e fa id Unto tbcm tbe tin roe time, Cbttft faue tbp felfe anD bs» cne otfjer
ixbat eupll bathe be Done t 3 t'pnoe no anfiucrcD,* anD rebiibcDbpm fapinge: maf itV>rt,t
came of Dcatbc in bpm. 3 topli tbetfozc jj*etbet feared tbou d!5ob became tbou
maf.rtM t cbaften&pm,anD let bpm ioufe * * ano arte in tbe fame Damnation ? ax-care, a
tbep ctpeo lot tb a lotioe bopce ,anD re* rpgbteouflpe punpfbeD, foztocrcccane
quitcDtbatbempgbtebectuepfpeD. accozopnge to our DcD:s:sut this man
ano tbe bopce of tbcm anD of the fjrc batbeDoncnotbpugeamplTe * 3nDhe
pzieflespzeuaplcD* fai'Dc bnro 3Jciiis:iLo.zD: remember me
3uid pilatc gaue fentence that it tobc u tbou co me ft into tbp bpugeoom e*
fljoulD be as tUzp cequiccD anD let lottie aino Jef us fapoe bnto bun ^LUtelp 3

Unto tbem, htm that toz inf utceccio anD rap bnto tbe, to oape Qjalt thou be toitb
murtbcr,n»as caft into pzpfon,tobo tbcv mem a j^ataopfe*
DefpzcD:anDDeIiuetcD JHefus to Do toitb * 3nb it toas about tbe fprt hotire* maf.ttto'f.0
»arti,?7»*. bun tohat then tooulDc. *3!nDastbcp 3nD there came a Darcknes outr all tbe m .irh, %t>,9
leDDe hun aurnpc, tbcp eaugbte one $tf« IatiDc,bntiI tbe ninth boure,^ the ftinne
mon of ^piene, commpnge oute of tbe toas DarckcueD . 3PuDtbcbapIcofthe
f clDerano onhim latoe tf)^ tbe erotrc,to temple DpD rent euen tbozotoe tbe mpD*
beatc it after Jci us, Des . anD Jefuscrpco toitbagrcatc
l^ftl.rjrt,* >
ainD there f olo toco him a gceat .com* bopce anD fapbe: jf atber,* into tbp ban* 3(tunt.7,f
panp of people anD of tocm en, tab tcb toe* Des J commcuDc mp fpu ite 30nD toben.

men betoapleD anD lamenteD him 13 ut be thus bao fapo,be gaue bp tbe gcoft.

3d us ttirncD baebe bnto tbcm,* TapDe: * iohen tbe Centurion false tohat bao mat,ttW,t
daughters of 3erufalem,tocpe not foz bappcucD ,be glozifpcD ®od faring: of math. rt>.
mc:but tocpefoz poucefeiues,anD fc: a f uertpe this man toas p cr f ec t c 3'no al
pouu fl;plDjen, foz beboioe, tfjc oapej* the pcopkp came together topfpgutc,
<&<e$M t befJQlopuoje
< .

Clje dHofpell
benofarnge the thpnges tobicbe lucre he toas ptt tottfj pou in d5alile,fapingc:
Donc:i mot e their bieftcs , anD tcturucD that the f oime of man mud be DeliueccD
bome.3! no all lit s acquapntaunce anD into the hanDes of fpnful men ,a be cm*

the tocnun cfiat f oIoukd him f torn 45 a < eifpeo, anD the thiroe Dape n>feagapne.
iple, ftooca farce of berjolopnge there 3BnD thep remembieobis too:Des,anD *?
cfjpnges. tcttirncD from the fepiilcb:e , anD tolDc
«gat.r7, 5 * 30no bcholDe there teas a man na* al theft thinges bnto the ctcueu, anD to
§q?»w!d nw& 3Jofepb a couucelloure, aiiD toas a allthercmnanntc . * Jt toas<l)£arpe War **»'b8
a&at jo,

gooD man anD a i title, and did not caret ^agoalen^oanna^^arpJIacobr,

to the couufel anD Deoe of them, tobtcbe anD other p toere toitb the, tobicbe toloe
toasofaitamatbia acitpeoft3!etoes:
thefe thtgesbnto p 3ipoftlee,atiD thep;
tobicbe fame alfo umiteo foi the ttpnge* tooiDcs femeo bnto tfjem fapncD tbpn*
Dome of <5oD:be toente unto jdplatc,nnD ges.nether beletieD thep tbe.'Cbenarofe
beggeD the boope of Jcfus, auo tout tt jaerer anD ran bnto p fepulcbze, $ ftoto*
Douue,auD totappeo tt in a linneu cloth, peD in anD fatoe the Ipnnen clothes laioc
anD lapeo tt in an betoen toube, tohetin bp them felfe, anD DeparteD toonoij'ugc
teas nener ma before laieD. t< mo that in hvm felfe at that tubpehc haD hap?
Dap bias \> ^>aboth euen anD the g»a<
, peneD* h
»oM«»,fl both Diue on.* 'Che toeme p foloiucD af* Hh * 3inD beholDe 3 ttoo of them toetrte
""* ' bi € »

tec toniche came toitb him from oalile, that fame Dape to a tonne tobirhctoag
behclDe the fepulcbze ana boto his boop from Jcrufalem aboute tine (coze foi*
toast lapeo. :inD thep returns anD pre; longes caUeDemati^: anD thep talHeD

pareo oooures $ opntmentestbut refteD together of al thefe thpnges that haD

the ^aboth Dape, accoiDpnge to the happeneD.ainD it chaufeD, as thep com'/ €
coir.maunoemente. \* meneD together anD reafoneD b perils ,

tipm felfe Diuencare , * anD toente toith opattj ^,c

%])C£LOttS. the m.® tit thep: epes toere fjolocn, that
thep couloe not ftnotoebpm • 3CnD fie
l&ataMrca.teataorrc teasmucfteto faf, as a place of Un- I'apDc unto them: cchat manec of com
guide qutcmes attO pleafusc.
iiuimcacions are thefe that pe haac one

C^ c ^iiii.Chapter. * to another as pe toaltte , anD are faDDe^

ainothe oncof tijcm namco Cleophas,
STfcc toomen come to ttjc gtauc.cfnift appcatcfl) anf oicr cd anD fapDe bnto hpmrart thou
tmrotftcnDdDtfctpfcgtoatgo totoaroc i£m<uis: onelp a flratmger in Jerufaiem, ano
Qaitoero tit toe mioocft of a! is ot ciplcs opcuctfj haftenotknotoenthe
thpnges tohpche
tbetcoiiDccaaitOpuscttitoefcctpruccs. {gcucrij •

ti)cm a coarge to tacp at 31 ecuf alem . 3no aCcctts banc cliaufeD

therm in thefe oapcsfiSEo
Deooptotjcaaeii. tohomc he fapoc: tohat thpnges^
ainD thep fapDe Unto htm:of Jcf us

3a J * the mototo after the of i^ajareth tohiche toas a ^topliet,

matb.:8„a S>aboth,erlptnthemoi* mpghtp in DeDejanDtoo^D^befoie c0oD,
npnge, thep came Unto anD al the people.ainD hoto the hiepzte?
the toumbe anD brought ires ; ano oure rulers Delpuereo hpni
oDoures tobtcbe thep tobccouDcmpncDtoDcatbc: anD banc
haD ptcpateo anD other crucifi'tDhprn Gut toe trufleD that

toemen tutth tbem.aiho thep fouiiDe the it OjiulD hauc bene f)e that fboulD bane
(lone rotoleo atoape from the fepulcbie, Del Puerto 3 f rat II • 30'^ 3S tou«
anD toente in : but fonnDe not the boDpe chpugeall thefe thpnges,to oap is eueu
of the notoe Jefu.HSnD it bappeueo, as the thpzoe oape, that thep toere Done*
thep toere amafeD thecat : ©eqoloe ttoo * ^ea, anD ccrtapne toemen alfo of D
men ftooc b^ them in OjiningeUeflurcs. ourecompanpmaDeUsaftonpeD,tohich |^ *f*

mattuM * 3nD as thep toere afrapoe, anD botoeo came earlpe Unto the fepulchie,ano
jjoune rheir faces to the eartbitbep faio founoe not hns booptano came fapiuge,
to themrvohp fc&e pe the liwpnge amoge that thep hao feneaUifionof angels,
tnt Deaoe f $e is not bete:but is rpfen» tohichc fapoe that he toas alpue 3uo
Remember ijoto he Cpafee Untopou,tobe cectapue of tt)etn tot)icr).e toere toitf) Us,
focnce t&eic toape to tr)c fcpuicbze , ano pou tobple 31 foas pet toitt) pou:tbat all
f ounoc it cticn To as tbe tuctnc fjaD faio: iniiOc be fulfpUcD tobicbe toere tozptf en
tmt i)im not. of me in tbc la toe of ^pofes anD in tbe
tljcr faluc
anDbcfapocbntothcim&foicsanD pzopbetcs anD in tbe $ralmcs:* Cfjcn
3 aSa,i 7 ,a
opencD be tbepz topttcjg, tbat tbep
flotoc of becte to Deictic all tbat tin pzo*

SSwSi c P&ete0.&aue fpoken.*;SDugbt not Cbzift mpgbte bnDerftanDe tbe fcrppturcs,

' '
tobauefu(Fteoibefeibpnges,eitocutec anD far Dc bnto tbcm : s is it tout* dm
into bis glozpe f 3tnD be began at $$Oi ten^anDtbusitbeboueD Cbziftetofufr
fcs,anD at all tfje pzopbetes ano inter* fre,anDtotp(cagapne from Dcatbetbe

put cd bn to tf;c in all cuptu t cs tobtcb tbpzDc Dape anD tbat tepentaunce anD
i ,

tocrctozpttcuofbpm » ainDtbcpDzue remiffion of fpnnes GboulDe bepzcacbcD

tipebntotbe touue tofjiebe tbeptoente in bis namcamongc all nations, anD
to. 3uD be iiMDe as tfjougijc be too uioc muff c begpnne at J e r ufalcm . 3BnD pe

<ffm t(t a
hauc 8 one f wrtftec** J&ut tbep conftcai* aretoptnetTes of tbefc tbpnges, i* 2DnD
lujKc^.r. ncD bpmfapinge:abpDe toitb be , foz it bcboloc, J loplifenDe tbc pzomesof-mp
Dzatoctb totoarocs upgbt, ano tfjcDare fatbet bpon pou . * j$ut tarpe pe in tbc uttm.t, a
is facte pafTeD. 3lnD be tout tc tn,to tatp cptpc of Jertifa(cm,bnttl pc be cnDetoeD
toitb tbcm. toitb potoer from an bpc«
««rke,ir.b * ant) it eatne to paffc as be rate at awDbelcDDctbcmoiit into jsetba^
incatc toitb tbcm,be toltc bwaoc,blcu"cD np,anD Ipfte bp \j^b banDes anD bicfl'eD
it.bzakeanDgauetothem . 3MD tbepj tbcm i * ainD it came to paiTe,as be bief mtmw ,-

8r ->* 1 *
i-pesmere opencD a uD tbep Hue toe firm: feD tbcm , be DepatteD from tbcm , anD * fc

auDbebaniffbeo out of their figbt.3!nD toas carpcD bp into bcauen 4 3fuD tbep
tbep fa pdc bet tocne tbcm felues:DiD not toozfl)ppptD bpm anD returncD to ,

once bettcs bur ne toitb in bs, tobple be Jerufalem toitb grcateiopc,

talBCb toitb bs bp tbc toapc , ano as be anD toere continuallpe in
openco to bs tbc icrpp turcs.- amo tfyp tbe tcmplc,piapfpugc
tofcbp tbc fame boure, ano returncD a* auDlauDingctlSoD:
gapnc to Jerufalcin, ano founoe tbc u
icucn gather eo together, anD tbcm tbat
toere toitb tbcm, tobicb fapDe.tbe lo:o
10 rvfcnttiDcbe, anobatbe appeteD to
^imon * HMD tbep toloc tobat t&piu C (^ece eiiDetb tty d3ofpclI of
^apnte jluHc*
ges toajS Done i\\ ti)t toape , ano botoe
tijep feneto bun in buakigc of bzenoe. h
3Bs tbep tbus rpanc Jelus bpm +
if felfe ftcDe in * tbc mpDDes of tbcm,auD
Sotaff .c
^ l|t0 tbemrpeace be toitb pou: $nD
fa ^ D c&^olotjefcp
tbep toere abaffljeD anD af tapDc,f uppo*
on t\)t <$oivtii of
f migc tbat tbep baD feuc a pirite . ainD I

£>apnt 3fob.n»
l)£fai'De bntotbem: tobp arc pe ttoiw
blcD, anD \al)p Dotbougbtcs arpfc in
route bctt ts? Tscboloe nip banDes anD r£)bn tobat be toasf, is
mtw mp matipfca bp tt;cti)tefpiftc *gs
mp fete,tbat it is felfe. j^anDle I

. jFriacCi;;tttc3
me anD it: fozfpitites hauenot fierce {3foQlc,a\it)f one of toecijicf.
anD bones, as pc fc me baue . 3CnD toben |
a ijcti CDuQ.cs tir cl? r nfcinair,
atiofoUns rpugulcc timocciis
he baD tbus fpobcu,bc fbctocD tbcm bis j
, fjuisulcclpe
^Ifpc.attD rortneffc
banbes anD bis fete 3 ud tobple tbep vtt v "nrnr "i- 'bcloueb.aiin rpugulcc famplp*

bcleucD not foz lopeanD tooiiDzcD, be acttpchJit^ CbxtftE.auD cucc one of tljc t Die mpts
fapDe bnto tbcm : * i^auepebeteanp ucffcflofmoftrcccctctbpuffcs. scuecaurcofOps
nicate t
- nD ti7ep gauebpma pece of a tmprptt&e, h>a9 ccctapuctjcccfpcs tljatacofc in
bis tpme.auo uamelp ttoo , of tobiclje otic bcupea
anD of an boup combe*
bzoplefc tVOje ,
anD anD ate it befozcthtm.
be toUe it, attonatuceof man.agaiua toDtcljc ttoo becertes,
ainDbcfapDebnrotbem.* cbefe bciwotcbotb ijistSofpci $alfo tu bis fp*a «pt*
mattj^i,c ncJ.^tnf bcsttutpngcof bis ©ofpciratctb^tbc
au c^ £ toozDcs^fjicbe J fpafcebnto tooiDou&tJtoa9atp>egtiuuus,$toastf)0»o,
i2©g.iuu ano

%\yt dorpeu
tttib toas alfo betp t5oti,anzitljat al tfjmgcs merenot of blouDe no? of the topll of £ ficu)?;
tccateb anb mabebp it.atib tbattt toas alfo mane no: pet of the toil of matubut of 450D.
fl c«)c, r fj4 1 is to f ap c: become beep man . anb'be
twite amonge b s ( rap c to g e ; ano toe fato c OP 9 * 3BnD the toojDe toas maoe 8etbe,anD »»«•«.•
gloipc, Dtoelt amonge b s,* ano toe La toe p glo* spat, ttm
anb in tbebegpnnpttge of bis Caps tie of it,as the gloip of the onelp begot* j

' &1<l
etb: me Cbctoepou of rbe t b 1 ug rijat mas f com toe
begpnnpngc.tobtcOeairomcbcacbc, ratoctmtb ten fou tie of the father, tobicbtoojD toas
oucc cpes.anb ouc banocs banblcb dub agapne full of grace anD be cite,
. y
tocibcmepoueucclaftpitgelpfe.t&at mas toptb +
* ]|jh on bate toitnes of him * ctu &
f befarbet anb appcaccb to bs, ano tor bcacbe atib mfltfcM,a
eDfapinge : Cbts toasbeoftobomej
beginnpnge ano tOartt mas eternal life.anbtbat fpafce,be that Cometh after me, toas be*
it mas tottb i5oo oeaff;cmctb bpm to beucepe fo^e nie, beta ufe he toas pet the 3nD
£m u
©od. 3uo t u a r n c fapcrotme bcatoe ,f.ttoc $ fclte,
of his futnes haue all toe teceaueD,eucit

bemirncCTctbrbatbcmasbecpmatiairo . 3|oo«
b (grace)foj gtace. Sot, the iato toas ge*
aifotoiotc lafteaub rUccfo:e toucbebnot fbeftos
tvetb&t f otftct bab compplcb.©utmiptetb moft umbp ^ofes,bnt grace 9 tcueth came
oftbe faptbe anb pto npfes, a-io of roc fennous of
bp Jefus Chji ft c * Bo man hath feue ^ tat .#. *
uangeip aes, anb tbcicautbo;itpe,atib moubines ©od at anp tpme cb* onelp begotten ••3"i».4. b
to be bdcucD. f 19! in the bofome of the tin
nne, tohi che
thet,he hath DcclatcD him. b
4. * JcriD this is the recozDe ofJohn: c
tohen the Jetoes Cent piieftes anD icui* J^.y, l9
tes ftom jetufa(em,to aflte him, tohat
£>atnctjolm. atte thou^KnD he confeiTeD,atiD Denv< j<mn,«u
cd not,anD fapDe plapnlpe : am not
Cbztftc.3nD thep afkeo hpm: tohat tbeV
Cc&efpjfo chapter.* * atte thon l^elpasi'3BnD he fapDe: am aMb,*.*
not.*3lttethon that prophet t ainDhe _
&be euctlaftpngcbpjt&e of'jctoi&e, anb borne

t 8"
t>c became matt. scoc tcft imoup of J] obit, £&e cal= anftoeteDno.<€henfapD thep bnto him: '

Jpitgeof3no;eaje{9ettt.fl;c. tohat att thou that toe map geue an an*

ftoec to them that lent bs : *chat fapeft
thou of thp feife* l^e fapDe: 3 * am the •»«&•««•:
toas the toojoc, anDibc & bopce of a cciat in § toplDecnes.mafce ESV,'«"
toozDe toas rtxjgoD: anD ftcapghtethetoapeofthe ^oiDe, * as >««*•
the ujo:D toas aoD. Che fapbethepiophetCfaias*

fame mas in the begpn* 3nD thep
tohiche toere fente, tocce of &
Pjo.tmi ft ^npngetoitbdBoD.* 311 the ^barifes.anD thep affteDbpm, ano
tbpnges ttjete maDe by it, anD to ttboute fapDj bnto him: tohi' baptifeft thou the
„ tt,toa$ maoe notbinge,tbat toas maDe.
. pf thou be not cb?ift\noi ^elias,nethec
S&m * In it toas Ipfc a ei the Ipfe toas £ Ipgbt

».»•• of men,? • the Ipgbt fljpnetb in § Dates*

a pzophetf3ohn anftuereD them faptg:
* j baptpfe mith toatet:but one is come fi»am.*,#
nes.but tbeDaccknes copwbcDtD it not. amonge pou,tohome pe fcnotoe not,he it K?"m
where toas a man fente from cipoD, is that cometh after me, tobfeb toas be* W.^.?
tobofe name toas 3 ohn.Chc fame came f oie me, tohof c too iatcbet 3 am not too;

as a toitnes to beace toftneg of £ Ipgbt, thp to bniof e.-Chefc thpnges toere Done
that al men ttnough htm might beleue. in sethabara beponbe 30: Dan* tohere jm-ho
jo^aw j e toag not at ipgfjte : but to beace
^ John Dpo baptpfe* •"•*».
^ («
toirnes of the ipgbt. Chat toas a true 4. ftbc mm Dape,3ohn fatoe 3efus
Ipgh t, tohicbe Ugbtetb al men that come commpnge bnto htm.anD fapD: bcfpoIDe
into the toozlDe. ^e toas in the tooifDc, * the lambe of <0oo,tohtch taketb atoap 'ffi?
anD the tooilD toas maDe bp bjnn : $ Pet thefpnucofthttooilDe . Chisisheof
the tooilDe bne toe him not. tohome 3 faiD^fter me commetb a ma,
75 fyt came amonge his otone,anD his tohiche toas before me , f 0: he toas per

SS'K'b otoneteceaueDhtmnot. ©utasmanpe then 3,anD J fcneto Dim not:but that he

%u'cA' as cecean cd bpm,* to them he gaue po* Choiiloc be Declareo to Jfraell, therfojte
am J come baptpfpnge totth toatec.
beleueD on l;ts name: toyich toe te bojne, anD Jo^n bacewco^Derapinge : 3
. 1

fatoc tr)e rpfrfte befcenbe ftora btauen, fpgge trce a 3 fafoe tr)e. il^af banaell an*
a Doue.anD abpDe Upon bun,
Ipfte tjnto TtocrcD anD fapDe bnto bun
ttabbi, :

eno J &nctoc bpm not.25ut be that tent tbou arte tbe fonne of<©oD,tbou art the
me to baptife in toater , the fame fapDe K) ngeof3ifraclf.3}efus anftoereD anD

iftatt),;,b bufomer+bpon tohomctbou Ojaltcrcc fapDe bnto bpm: zsecaufe 3 fapDe bnto
the fpitttc Dcfccnoc anD tarpe ftpll ontbe, J fatoe tbe bnDer tbe fpgge tree,
bpm, tbou beleuett 1 Cbou f^alte fee greatec
the fame is be tohicbe bapttfetfi
toitb the fjolpe gooftc. 3WD
J fatoc anDtbpnges tben tbefe , 3uD be fapDe bnto
bare rtcojoe^bat tbps is tfjc fonnc of bim: ^ctelp,berelpe,3 fapebnfopou:
<$0D. F bereafter Ojall pe fee beatten open, anD
Cbe nejetc Dare after, 3 obn Robe a* tbe angels of <©oD afcenopnge anD De*
gapne,anD ttoo of bis Dif ciples* $no he IceuDtnge ouer tbe fonne of man*
bibcfoejirtusasbetoalcfuD up, anD 2:t)c eons*
TapDe:8cbolDe tbelambeof<0oD»HlnD
a.lBptoe!p8l)t,t3b»DctOaiiDCCoitft,atH> b? t\)t flfiW)t
the ttoo oilcipfes IjcarDc bpm fpeafce,
anD tolotocD jfefus . 3!nD jilcfus tour* tttjomcftxtaccamt.anotucp fte.eueo t>tm uof,
Jf ncD aboute,anD fa toe tbctn folotoc, anD
b.isj' gcacctiitocrQaitDcfauottrc. Ubeincantnge tSraccfox
fapDe bnto tfjem : tobatfefeepefCbcp
ts. 4Foxtl)Cfauout rl)ar ©ob f farfjet Uatij to Dps gtacc.
I'apoc bnto bun : ftabbii tobichc is to foil iic ctjufl batlj be ccceauco be into f auour. §> o
(ape Dp interpretation, ^aifter)tobcre 1 1) a t a s Cbitttc is bcioucD of toe fa tbet , eueit Co

Dmcllcfl tfjour-^e taiD bnto tbeni:come ate tecbcloucb ftubtafa& 1

c. rbctc can no booeip epc tbe matcttp or foft sou*

anD fee. iCucp came anD ta toe inhere he *SoD in Diecfcclltiit natucc,as be toe baue
otocltttnoaboDe toitb fttni that cape. oeilacco in CpoD o.tjrjrm- o
foi it teas aboute the tenth bourc b. 31n tbat 31 otjiibapttQc atfitmctf; bimrclfcto
bctbcramcfoicgoecofCijztft, oftnOoaicitVuas tijeuorec
sDnt oftbetwotobicbe bcatDjobu 1
' poben in igfap.fl. cbaptcca.
f peafcc.nnD folotoeD
bias HiiiDutu £>y,

mon peters ujotber. gz\k fame founoe 0*cb^t*C^aptcr*

bis biotber £>pmou tpzftc , anD fapDe Cbiia futneb tbe toatct into rtjiitc, and bipuctb
tbe bpcts anb fences outc of tbe temple
bnto bpm: ^eiTias,
toe baucfoitiiDe
tobtebe is b^ tntecp:ctaciou,anopntcD: ^D tbe tbp^De Dap, teas
anD btougbt bun to Jefns. 3nD 3«:us tbereamarpagetnca* *

bcbclDebpmanDfapDc:Cbouatt*^t> naacitieof(5aUIe:auD
mark*w,t n]Cm fonne of 3 onas, tb on fljalte be
tjjc tbe mother of Jjefus
calico Cepbas:tobicbc is bp intctpje* toas there. 3BnD 'Jcfus
tacton,a (lone* toascaUeDalfoano bps
Dape f o!otopnge3efus toouloc
<vlbe Difciplesbnto tbe matpage. ainD tobcu
goe into ij&alilc , anD founDe &b tltppe, tbetopncfapicD, tbe mother of Jef us
jfotjn wu anD fapDe bnto bpm , fololue me.* jj^bi* fapDe bnto bpm : %\)t\> bane no uipnc.
Ipppe bias of ©etbfaioa the citit ot aim 3efus fapDe bnto b« : DODomaiwtDbat late . §
DietoeanD peter. Sua pbtUppe founDe bauejtoboetoitb tbe*' ^pneboute
$athanaell,anD fapDe unto bpm : see is not vet comc.^ps mother fapDe bnto
banc founDe bpm of tobome * i$o* tbeminiders: dcdbatfoeucc be fapetb
•ns ftii.t.
Hytot i8,t f es in tbe latoe, anD be * ptopbetes DpD
t bnto pou, Doe it. 4nD there toccc flan-
*«i ,»u,c bupte. 3efus tbe fonne of Jofcpb of Dpnge there rpjcc toater pottes of done
**** 0ajatetb.3nD ^atbanacll fapDe bnto after tbe maner of tbe puufipnge of tbe
sww.* u bpm:*Can tbeee anp gooo tbpng come Vetoes, contapupnge ttoodttbie fp^
out of $ajaceu>idtnlip fapDe to him: kinsapece.
come anD fee. 2fuD 3ef us fapDe bnto them: fpl t\)t
3fcf us ra toe /ftatbanacll comminge toater pottes \b toater » 3Iud tbep fph jx
® to bpm, anD fapDe of bpm . rBeljolDe a Icd them bp to tbe bzimine. 3BnD be fapD
cpcjbt 3f taelpte iu tobome is no gplc.
, bnto tbctn:Dia toe out m
toe , anD beare
jfratbanacllfapDe bntobpm: SMere bnto tbe gouernoure of tbe feaft . 3nD
tmetoeft tbou mcjefus anftoercD, anD 3Iud tijt^ bare it. aoben the tula t of tbe
fapDe Dnto him : ©cfoie tbat ^fjtUppc fcafte baD tafteD tbe toater tbat teas
calico tbcj,tobcn tbou toafte bnDec tbe tutneb into topnc, anD bneto not tobece
commtinlcacifi of Cbxtft tof tb jfttcobctmw.
It fcas(but t&e nmitfte ts fobicbe Dtetoe %be
atbcboctcuic airtbapttftneof Jlobn, anb tobat
tbetoatcr,fenctoe)bccaUcDtbc bipDes tQittics be bcacetb of CbHtt.
gromc,ano fapD Unto bpm : 3811 men at
tbebegpnnpnge,fet fojtbe gooDtopne, feere toas a manor* tbe 31
• toben men be djoiibc, tijcn tbat tobicb pbatpfes nameb 0P>
is tuculTe » 25ut tbou bade Hcpte bacne coDemusa tttlacamdg
tbe gooo topne, Untpll notoe* tbe 3etocs* * %t)t fame Jf J^J* '

Cbtsbcgtmutigc of miracles DpD cametoJefuiSbpnigbt, '

3|ef us in Cana of <&alile , anD fye ir>eD auD fapbe unto bpm:
bpsglojpe, anDb»sDir«pics beieueb liabbi,U)e fcnotoe tbat tbou arte a tea<
on bun. f«*3Iftectbatbe DcfccDeDutto cber tobpcb arte come from ^oD.tifoj
matb.4.b, Capernaum, ano bis motber,*bitf bie* no man coulDe Doe f ucbe mpiacles as
fcuHc r <f,D
tbicn anDbts'Otfciples: ©ut continue
tbou Docft, creep te ©od toerc lui tb bun*
cDnotmanpDapestbere. 31cf us anf luercD anD fapDe bnto bpm:

4< * 3nD tbe jjetoes rafter toas cuen »wcrclp,berelpe 3 fape unto tbe: ejecept

mack,K(.t at banDcatiD Jecus lucnte bp to 3fetu* a man be bozne a tie toe,be can not fc tbe
faUm.ano tounoe fpttinge in tbe tem< bpngDome of dBoD « ^icoDemus fap&e
pie, tbofc tbat folbe ojcen anD ftjepe anD unto bpm: botoecana man be bo^ne
boues anD c baungets of monep . 2CnD toben be is olDe c Can be cuter into ins
be mabe a fcoucge oi f mall coidcs anD motbecs inombe,anD be bojueagapnef
, ?5fcB 4 fc

tuaue out of tbe temple, tottb tbe 3jefus anftoereD:*Berelp Uerelp,3! fap anD,7,»
tbe al
Ojcpe ano or en, a nb potojeD cute tbe Unto tbe: * ejeecpte $ a man be batue of ^ WB J'*

cbaungers monep , anD ouettbietoe tbe toatetanDoftbcfpirite,be can noteiv

tables,anD fapbe Unto tbem tbat folDe tec into tbe apngDome of ood * Cbat *

t>oucs:'^aue tbefe tbpuges bence, anD lobicbeis botnc of tbe fleets He(t)e:
inafee not mi fatbcrs fjoufe an boufe of
1 ano tbat tobiebe is bojne of tbe fptnte
marcbaunDple* aiuD bts Difctplcs xu is fpirite.^atuaple not tbat 3 fapoe
3D Unto tbe,j'c mud be bozne a nctoe. cbc
membjcD.botoe f it toas toiittm:*(€l)t
pfa.tcoc.b jeie
of ttym boufe batb euen eaten me* topnDe blotoctb tobcte be lpftctb,anD
Cben anftoereo tbe Jetucs anD faiD tbou beared bpsfounoc: * But cauil attu^i,
Unto bpm :* tobat toUcn Vetoed tbou not tell lubence be commttb anD \o\)U
maf,tf>(, 0.
unto Us fcpnge tbat tbou Doeli tbefe tber be goetb^o is cucrp man tbat 1$

t bpngesf 3|efus anCioeteD , aim fapoe

boineof tbe fpir it e.
rnnttj, 26, f Unto tfjcm:* Dedrop c tfjis temple, anD
^nDil^pcotwmusanftDetcD^fapD ttj

HMrkf.itf in tbie Dapes Unto bpm:botoe can tbefe tbpnges be**

J\ topi tear e it bp agapne.
Hben fapbe t\)t Jtiuts.rlbi » petes 3Jcrusann»creDauDfapDe Unto bpm:
teas tbl'S temple a bplDpnge: 3dd tut it arte tbou a mat (let in|frael,$ Ktiomert
tbou teare itbp in tbie Dapes 1 23ut be not tbefe tbinge0^51ietelp,Uerelp,3! lap
fpafee of § temple of bps boDp.3UToone
UntotbCjtoc (peaae tbat toe Uuotuc,aiiD
tfjetfozeaslje bias rife" fro Dcatb again t tedifie tbat toe bauc fene: atiDpere^
bps Difciplcjs temebieD $ be tbus rapD. ceaue not otite toptueffe* ^f totftn 3 eel
poueartfjlpc tbpnges, pe bcleue not:
ainD t\)t^ belcucD tbe fctipture,anD tbe
tuojDcs tobicbe 3ef us baD fapbe* botoeCbotilDepebeieue, pf 3 OjalUeil
swoben be bias at 3erufalc at Cadec
pou of tjeaueulpe tbpngest*

in tbe fead,manp beleueD on bis name, * HtnD 110 man b afcenDetb Up to bca* wm.*,
ucn,but be tbat came Dounefrombea^
toben tbep.fatoc bis mpiacles tobiebe
beDpo.sut Jefus put not bpmlelfe in \im t tbat ts to fape,tbe fonne of man
tobicb is in beaucn,
tbepi banDes,bccaufe be ftnetoe al men,
aiiDneDeDnot, tbat anpe man tyoulDe *3nD as s3^ofes lifte Up tbe fetpciit *'«»"*
tntbctoplDcruclTe , euen To mude tbe
tedpfie of bpm . * jf o? be fcnetoe tobat
man. t Tonne of man be Ipfte Up, tbat none tbat
3P0faJ,D, teas: in
bdeuctb in bpm perpu):^ut bauc etet?
tialllpfe. (<
*, Stoat ts to&eu men be fnlfpllcb anb fatiTftcb. +* f 01 (5oD f lottcb tbe too:iDjtbat ifton.M]
«3 -^be.!ii.Cbapter»ifi

bebatbegcuenbp^ oueipe fonne, tbat

: »

* 3fo|jm jfaUiiiU
tione tf)&t belencfn frtm,fI;oulbe petift: bp mcafutc(bntof)un) %\)t father lo?
©ut Ojouloe bane cucUafipiige lpf?» uetb tbefone,*anb batb geuen al tbtu* marke.*!.*
mwM *Jo*<l5obfentenotbps fonne intotfje
to02lDc,to cciiDcmpne tfjc toozlbe c but
gejj into bis banbe , * l^e tbat beleuetb JSJ-Sur
on tbe fonne,batb euetlailtnge lpfe:anb «. jou^.b.
tbattbetoo2!oetbo20toebim,mpgbt be be tbat beleuetb not tbe fonne, fljali not
faueb» i^e tbat beleuetb on ^pm , fl^all fcUfc,buttbctDiatbcofu5oD abpbetb
notbccohocmpucb. 23utf)e ttjat bele* onbpm. h
uctijnot , is conDimpiicD all rcbpe,be*
C caufe ije beleuetb not in tbe name ct tbe
picat\)Ct>bf3\ol)\\baptia, auDrtjc teimiiigcof^ ri".,-^-
onelpe Tonne of <BOD* 3fiiiD tfjrs is cfjc rpttttc,\tJt>icO is ccmiOTtou ofrmncs bpiDOxttte. ^"
3oim,f.a conbcmpnacion , * (fiat Ipgbtc is come b.aroafceDctoDcaue.isroDauc^pctfcctcauoto; s l
into toe to02lbe,anD tbe men [oueD oat* Ic&8cof/;:aueu!ptl)p»ge9,to0tct; »omant)at!;c, 3^ oa fC fu
but f natural aitDoue.pc founcof f5ob ijarijctr, fo ;C( U f
fecncs mooze tben lpgbte,becaufe tbe it c.3;iitl)i9pJacc,tOeteojliicrtgtHftctl)(bcct)ofcu
i j

m,,, DcDes toeteeuell.*jfo2 eucrpe man tbat auD ttjem ouclp tOat bo bcleue. £„ (Ct t0
cuclooetfi, batetb tbe Ipgfjrc : tflcitbct; D.HjjnstopuiuuilMsbcIcfcasff taccrliirca!e ln rea c< ;

ci^oto^fptntcojstftegof tljcfpitttc acegeucn |g j)ge 3

co mmctij to iigbUcft bis oebes Q?uiDe
bp mcarute,rcabe.lRom.Fu.aiib.i.£oi.j:u. uct( g^-

be icpioticD.Btit be tbat Doct b tnictb, (CTCbc.iut,Cbapter* tC5,

commetb to tbe ipgbte , tbat bis bebcs Xljcloutitsc communicacion of ci)jtaet»ttb toe
- wpghtc be iiiioiaf n,ijotue ttiat tbep ate U)omauofg>a:UJrt.i,bptt;cu)CllC3Cific.t&oibl)C
tojougbt in tiSQ&b l;caictotl;etiilcp3founc.

3f tec tbpnges cam&Jef us anb

tbef e *s> foone as t\)t I02DC b«»D 31
biS bifctples into rbc3! e toes lajiDe 5 auD UnoU>l?oge,l)otoetbe pbati?
3on».««.a tl)tic \jt bauntto tottb tbem
$* baptp* res bao beatoe , tbat 3d us
moth,,i.,a.(cb<3!uD*3Iobuairo bapttfeb tntit-non JmaoeanDbaptu'cD mo Dtfci?
u&\ti\ bribes &>cUi7becaure tbece toas umcb pies tben3obnctbougb tbatjicfus bun
toatettbete,($tbepcae$toerebaptiftb* fclfe baptifeonot : but fns Difciples!)be
marM.b *ifoz Jobn toas not pet caft into pzifo* * Icf tc 3c iu 2pe,anD ocpactcb agapne in
ifcHlnbtbeccarofeaqueftion bettoene to faille , 2CnD it toas fo tbat be muOe »«aflj^.»
id 3|of)nsbilcipIcsanbti)c 3etot$ about nebes go boioto Samaria tube came

punfipngc* 3inD tt)tp came unto Jcbu, be to a cptteof Sr.amnria calleb $3>i4
ano fapbe bnto turn: Uabbi, be £ toas cbaCjbefpDes^pofTefrionttbat 3aeob <fi«n.+8.b
tottb tbe beponbe 3o2"oan,to tobo tbou gatieto ins ton jlofepb-anb tbete teas
bar eft toptncs J 25eboloc t be Tame bap? Jacobs tocll.3ef us tben totcptb in hjs
t pre tb ,*anD a men come to bun . 30 im
( foznepjfat tbus on t\)% tucli.Hfnb n toas
3Mn.(ka anftoetcb,autJ fapbe : a man can tecea* aabout tbefpjcte boute : 9 tl;ete came a
ue notbpng atal ejccept it be geuen btm tooman of ^>amatia to DJtatoe toater*
from beauen* j>e poute felucs ate \nvu 3nD 3eius fapbe bnto bec:<Beuemc
nefTes, * botoc tbat 3 rapbc : 3 am not D 2p ncHe. JF 02 bis' Dif (iple$ tuctc gone a^
<£ b2pfte,but am rente bcfoze bpm. i^c f uiap bnto tbe toune to bp( mcate.Cben
batb the b2pbe,ts tbe bjpbegroim. ®ut fapbe p tooman of Samaria bnto bun:
tbefreubeoftbe bjpbegrome, tobpcbe boto is it, f tbou bepnge a 3etoe 3 affcefl:
ftanbctb bp ano beared) bim,ceiopf cth DjpncBc of mc,tebpcb am a &amattta*
gccatlp of § biiDegtomes bopce. ti#ps ne^*jFoi tbe 3|e toes meble not toitb tbe ~
mp iope is fulfplleb^e muft incceafe: Samaritans. 3^Msanftoeccb ^fapoe ^,17,,
ano 3 mud becreafe. fentofjp2:£ftboukuetoefttbe gpfteof
tec tbat commet b fcom an bpc is a* d5ob j ano tobo it ts tbat fapctb to tljtz
bo u e al: l^e f> is of tb* ca e 1 b,i s eaetblp, gcucmcbzpnckc, tbou toouibeffbauc
ano f peaketi) of tbe eartbe.^e v rotueth afbcoot:bim,ctbc tooulbe bane geuen
fcom bca uc,is ab one al, 9 urn at be batb tbe^toatet of itfe.Cbc tooman faib btij
fene$beacDc:§ be tcftif ictb:but no matt to; tbou baa notlung to bzato
batb receaueD
W tcftimonp.^oto beit,be v> toitb,^ tbe toe! is Dcpc.i to tobence tben
bis tcftimonp 3 **batb let baft tbou tbat toater of Ipfe < airtc tbou
coops reale^ <0oD is ttue» jfoibe tobo greater tben ourfatber 3acob*tobict> & ,%&
<5oD batbe fente fpeafcctb tbe tooioes gaue lis tbe tod, % be bim lelf c 02am he
ca. w.a. of ©00^^02 <i50D geuetfj not § fpjpte tbcrofjauo \)iB cbilDun^ano bis catel!^
C!je <§ofpell
3|efnsauftoercD 3 ano fapo bnto her: thatpefcnotoettotof. tCrjenfapDe the
tobofoeucc ozpueketb of tbps toater, DtCcipics bcttuetie tfjcuiCclucs : Oatlj a^
Ojail tbzpfle agapne . zsut tobofoeuce npe man bzougbte r)im meat* t Jefus
ftyall Dzpncfcc of the mater that 3 $all fapo bnto the": mp meat* is to Do § topi
gcuc bpm, u)all ticuct be moie a tbzpd: of him that fentc mc^uD to f ttuaic fir
*© utt &e toater that 3Ift)al geuebpm, toozc&e.£>apnotpe:tbeteatepetfout*
tyaiibciubpm atocll oc toatct,fpzpiij monetbes $tbencommetbbatued."be*

gpuge bp into euerlaftp age Ipfe Che IjoiDe , 3 fare bnto pou,lpfte bp poure
3ot>n w. tooma fapo bnto bim:*<s»it gcuc me of epes,ano lobe on the regions : jfoztbep

that toater , that JJ tbzpde not, neither ate lofjtte alreope bnto battled . *3IuD
JJl?f ?
g come hitber to ota me. Jlcfus fapoe bn< be tbat tepetb rcccauetb cetoaroe , and

to ber.^o 9 call tbp but banoc , & come gatbetetb f rtutc bnto Ipfe etecnal:tbac
bitbcuainD tbe tooma anf toeteD, * fa?D bo th be p fotoetb,ti he tbat repetb might
to bpm: 31 haucuo bufbanoc*3Jerus raopfetogcthct.^nD herein is the fap«
fapo to her: Chou bad toeWapD, 3 baue tnge ttue,tbat one fotocfyano an other
no hufbatiDe ifo^ thou bade bao fpuc tepetb. J feut pou tocepe tbat tobeteow
bufbanbes ano be tofjome thou noboe pe bedotoeo nolaboucflDtliecmelaboua

baft,ts not tbp hufbauDe.Cbat fapoeft ceb, * pe ate entteb into tneit labours.
tbou truelpe* ^anpe of tbe Samaritans of tbat ~
b * tooman fapo bnto him:*&>pz 31 cpUs beleueo on bpm, f 01 tbe rapinge of
petceaue tbat tbou act a prophet* i)uc the tooman, tobicbe tedtfieD: be tolo me
fathers toozfbtppco in this mountaine: al tbpnges tbat euet J dpd. tLben totje"
''**.'«». ano * pe Tape tbat in Jlctttfalem is t(?e tbe Samaritans lucre come bnto bun,
p[ace to{jcr{ nun 0(| 5?) t tQ tom: ^ P p p u thep bet ought fipm , tbat be toouIDe ta<
3ef us fapoe bnto bee: Uioman belcue tpctoitb tbnn,ainDbeaboDe there ttoo
ine,tbeboucecommetb,bJbenpefl)alne# Dapes • 3nD manpe moo beleueo be*
thec in tbps mountapne no: pet at 3 u came of bps tone too ozdcs , auo fapoe
tufaIfm,tooifbip tuotajtp, bnto the tooman : 0otoc toe beleue not
pe loot not tohat : ice ttnotoe tobat toe becaufe of tt^p fapinge : * if oi toe baue j^m b
toozu)fppe.*jfozfaluacioncommetbof beacDe bvm oure femes, ano ftnotoe
'°' w,t,
tt)e3|etoes»iButtbeboucecometb ano tbat tbps is euen in DeDeC&iiftttiefa*
notociS,tohc tbe true toozfljpppcts (bat upout of the toozloc. {«

Uma,t,*, toozflnp the father in tbc*fpint, anD in :iftet ttoooapes he ocparteo tlwut,
tcuetb . if 01 betelp f uche tbe father re<anb toent atoape into (j3aliIe.^3Bnd Jfe>,«
qmrcth to tooztypppe hpm. * <i5oD is a fus him lelfe teftifieD,^ a piophe t bath
fpitite,^ tbep f toottbip btm,mud my, none houourc in hvs otone countcepe.
fl^pp him in fpirite ano ttuetb* f^ben as foone as be toas come into
Che toomanfapb bntobpm:^ toot (isalpte tbe igalpicaus ceceaueo bpnt,

tocll ^etTias f^all come, tobicbe is cau tobicb bao fene al f thtnges p be DpD at

5^ IcDCbii&.tfObeubetscome, be topi ted 31crufalem at tbe f eaft. foz tbep tocntc

bs all tbtnges : Jefus fapoe bnto bee: alfo bnto tbe fcaftc bape » 3Hi»D Jefus
HJf^f^+Jthatfpeahebnto tbe am be ano u came agapne in to cana of <salplet
»afc'.wH,V. ucu at that popnet, came Iub Difciples, ^toberebetutneDtoatetintotopue*
i obtl(1-
8J1 Jf*
ano marueleo tbat be tallteDtoitb §.too< +
%nt> tbete toas a cectapne tular,
main^et no man fapoe bnto him: tohat * tohofc fonne toas fpclte at Capetnafi, (5
meaneft tboti,oz tobp talked tbou toitb 3s foone as tbe fame beatoe tbat Je» gpj -* 1

bet^ €be tooman tbe left bet toatcrpot, fus toas come oute of Jctozpe into m»
anD toent her toap tnto tbe cities fapbe lile be \nmt bnto hpm anD bef ougbtc
5 ,

to tbe mcn.Comc fee a man tobicb toloe bun, that be toouIDe Dcfcenoe,anD beale
me al tbpnges tbat euec 3 DpD: 3fs not bis f ounc»if 01 be toas euen ccop to Die.
be CbitnVCbeu tbep Chen fapoe jefus bnto bint : <cccep :e
toent c oute of tbe
ntic,auD came bnto bun* pe fee fignes anD can not
3Bno in § meane tohple bps Difciples beleue. The tular fapoe bnto hrm:3)ic
€ pzapeo bun faptnge:^ai(iec, eate. l^e come a toap ot euec p mp cbtlDe ope. 3}ei
faiD bnto them: J n baue meate to eate, fus fapoe bnto fjiim^o tfzp toape , tb:»
forth e Ipuetf)* 3nb tt?e man bcleueo the bp tl)p bed $ toalcfce* Sflnd immedfatlpe
luoozDes that 3Icfujaf bab fpoUcn Unto tbe ma toas made tobole, $ tone bp bis
bpm.anD tectit t;ps toap. 3Bnd atione as bco* toent, 3!nD t^ fame bap toas tbe
bctocnteon bps toapc 010 fctuauntcs ^abbotb bape * cbe Jfetoe^; tbcccfow
metbpm,anbtolbebpm faplnge : tClip fapbe to him that toas tnabe luhoie. Jt
cbplde tEbcn cnq u ircd be of tfjc
Ip uctf) , is tbe ^abbotb bape , it 1$ not laufud
tbe f?ourc uiftcti be beganne to amende. fot tbe to carp tbp beb.$t anf uicrcb the:
ambtbepfapbebnto btm: J>eftetbape be that tnabe me tobo!e,fapbe bnto me:
the f cuentb boute , tbe fcuct let te bpm* take bp tbp betb^ get tbe bcncc»i;beti
ainb tbe father &nctoc that tt teas the ark cd the p him tobat ma is that tobicb
fame boute tntobtebe jjei'ug CapDe t>n« fapbc bnto thee, takebp tbpbeebanb
act xwu t0 Ww <C9P lonne ipuerb» * ainb be be* toalche* 3Bnb be that toas bcalcb, to»ftc
ieucb,anDailbP8bouu}Olbe . Cbpsis not tobo it toas * jfo? Jefus * bab got*
againe the feconbe inpjacle, tbat^efus ten bpm felfe atoape, bccaufe£ there
dpd.aftet be toas come oute of Jjctuzpc toas picacc of people in the place*
into aaltlc. P 3ino after that, Jefus founbe bpm C
SbCftfltt* in tbe temple,^ fapo unto him : ueboio,
a.3Tt)c31etoC8cc^cucD tfjcijouceeof rljett napes thou art mabe tobolc ,*f une no mooie,
Ijoucc, p*
f com toe Ciitme cifmgc to tu e f mine fcttm left a toozfTcrumgc bappen bnto tine.
fir t Douce mas f ijcc Dances after tDc f mint c tfius
tobtct) at 1 1) c bias a bout none.
tpntc of t l)t peace ,
Che man bepatteb ano toibe ^ctoes §
31l)auc it toas lei us tobiebe bab mabe bpm
b.£9i9mcatct9toDoet5ctop[lof0i9fatbcc,tt)e ,
mcatcto cDtefctbpugcof DisfatOecsropl, tstopicacDtDC h^nDthctefotctheJctDCS bpD
guipcl to all toe tooiloe, totwDetDttige toas cue
petfecutejefus^ fought f meanes to
uotueat Dan oe to be Done, as a Den come is cipc,
mtu mutt f al to D acuta. flee bim,becauf c be bab bone tbefe tin a*
^Cbe.b Chapter* gesontbe^abbotb bape^lnbjiefus
l&ebcalctDiucmJiljattoasCic&c rrFSttt'.pctcs. anftotteb tbe:4« *^p father too^etb

atDcJlcmesaccufcDtin.DcaurmcceofoiDimreifc bitbec to^3i too2Cke«fCbetfote tbeJle*

auotcpiouctDtDcm. toes fougbte tbe mooie to Hpll bpm, not
lifter that there toas a onelp becaule be bab bzoften tt^e^ab>
botb:but fapb alfo that <]5oo*toas bis
[us toent bp to jjjetufa*
father, $ mabe bpm felfe equal \b d5oD,
Hern 3!nD there toas at
CbcnanftocrcD Jefus^ fapbc bnto HuUf.:i,f

;jerufalem,bp f a flau<
tbcm:berclp berelp , 3 rape bnto pou: 3

gbtecboufc.apole cub tbe* fonne canboe notbpugc of bpm

led in the l^ebiue tongue ^actijfcoa, Celfe,but that be feetb tbe father Do. jf oj
batunge.b . pozebes , in iubicbe lape a tobatfoeuer be boctb,tbat Doth § fonne
gteat multitude of ftcke folKe,of blind, alfo . jfoi the father louetb tbe fonnej
fjalte ano toptbeted toaitpnge fot the , metoetb bun al thtnges, tobatfoeuer he
mouingeoftbe toater. jfojtan augcll him felfe Doth.^nD be M)il Ojcto hi grca*
toet doton at a certaine ceafo into f pole tet tbpnge$ tben tbefe,becaufe pe tyulo
anotroublcdtbe toater. gobofocut tbe maruaple* ifoz l^ke topfe as tbe father
fp tit after the ft erpnge of p toat c t,ftep< raifetb bp tbe becb,$ quickenetb them,
pcD in,toas mabe tobole of tobatf oeuc t
turn fo tbe fonne qutcHenetb tobom e be
Difcafe he bad. 3 no a certapne ma urns
toplK*^etber tubgetb the father anpe
tfcete,tobicb bab bene difeafed.rrrbiii.
man:but bath cotmnitteb all iuDgemet
petes*aoobcn Jefugi fatoe bpm Ipe , anb bnto tbe fonne,becaufe § al men iljuloe
fencto that be uoto ionge time bab bene bououre tbe fonne, men as tbep honour
btfeafeo be fapd bnto bum *x>plt tbou tbe tathc t.l^e p bonourctb not tbe fone,

be tnabe tobole^ Cbc fpefee man anftoo the fame bonouretb not § father tobpeb
tco bim:£>pt Ji baue no man toben the batbe fente bpm.nturelp, hetelp,j fap«
toater is troubled, to put me into the bnto pou : * fc)e that ftca cctb
mp tooot?
15 pole . mt
in tbe meane tpme, tobple
3 bes,anb beleuetb on bpm that rent nur,

SSVhS amabout * to come 4 another fteppetb batbe euerlaftpnge Ipfe, anb mall not
iifct>.c Doune bcfoie me* *comc into bampnacion: but ts leaped tubj^iU,*
spnojefus faid*bt!toi;lm:*tife,tahe from Death bnto life*

Clje <§ofpeli
nan * « tretclp,tew!p,3 tape onto pou:*§ j^oe not tbfnclie tbat 3[ topll accuftf
3iobn.jrf.'s, timctbal come,anD notoe is.tobcu ° tbe pou to mp fatbec « Cbete is one p accuf
OeeDfball (jcatc the uopcc of tfjcfonuc fetb pouceuc ^ofes in tobom pe ttuft
of <!5oD*3!nD ttjej* that beate, C&al lpue« jfo]tbaDpcbelcneD<!^ofes,pe toonloe
. * jFot as § fatbet batbe life in fjim felfe, baue beleueD me : * fojbe to^ote of me* ©mf,ie,»
•Sfi, folpketoife batb be geuen to tbe fonue 23 ut f epnge pe bdeueD not bis touting:
Co baue Ipfe ttr ^pm reifcranD bathe ge* botoc Q)0itlDe pe beleue mp toojoesf ^
uen bpm potoet alfo to i uogun f be is %\)tSfa*tts.
the fonne of ma\^acuaple not at th isc a. 2r?)C©tcftC9!;at?;cO)cp}>ourc.apI.trc to^ccc „. h„
t&cp kpHcri) t5c bcaftes tij3t \tjccc offeco.
the bonrc fljall come in the tohicb c*ali Doufe.
b.5>omctoiite©cf|3fcDa.31tfsa3muc!) toTape, ^thrctt*
•* *& at aM m
l &* Static* , mall bearc bis asafptttcloi |)orptta!,tol)cctwpooicfol»cl)aue
«"-»y lvu *

Oopce,anDO)all come fottb:Cbep that f ijGtr bC)'iigc,toi)ui) place toas bp apolc , vnljctc
ti;c ojcpc ti;ar toccc off ecu iu temple toccc bept.
baue Done gooD bntotbe refuttcccton 3ua ri;c cemapne tDctc, loIuiiiC ?oj tJ;cmo-
of Ipfe : ano tfjep that fiatie Done cupl!, utii3oftDetoatet.$c.
onto the tefuttcccio of Dampnacion. F c.a;ftatts,mp fatbec ceafttfj not fa no goobtmfo j^pfa^
al men cucit on tbe ^abbotODape.nomoie do 3;. ti;c. ico^j
+• | can of nip nc o tone f elf e Doe no<
a.^cccucfpc^hctl) of tl)C tcfurtccciou aito tu; bet^.^c*"
$ tbpug at al. as J beate, 3 iud gc , a mp fiiftcactou tobcebp f totcbeo actfctbfcS Uisvutc-
iubgement is t ufre, becaufe 3 relic not feeoues.aub tobctbp tbe ruiitects btou jbt feotne _
in;' nc tone torll, but the topll of the fa* tbe oeam of bxsfinncs to i life of ctjbteoufiies.f ft 9:****
efpeciallpof tftecaltig of f getnples.iobtcbvnaB H»aioc<.tc
Cber, tofnebe bath fciit tnc**£C Jfl beats Done after tbe comtmnge of tbe bolp gi)oft. ^o; ^
toptnes of mp felfe, mp toitncffctsnot gem pis to etc Qill counted as beat) men,
true * (Cbcce is anotbet p beacetb toite c.&eregemeauctb of tbe gettecall ccruccecctott al^atein
tobtcb Cpalbeiu rbelatt oapc. staucs,
lies of me, anD J am f u tc tbat t be tope*
lies tobicb be beacetb of me js ttue* CCbe*t)i*Cbaptet* 4<
*£e fent bnto 3icrugfct)Cti).b. m . mcii.ficparti-'ttj
3Iob» , & be bate toit* (boulb not mabebtm bins,* cepumetij0acGtK!p
atoape,^ t\)CV
nes bnto t\)t t t uctii .23ut 3} teceaue not hcaECtaoftjigtooiD.jrtjfcaciialaccoifebCDattjt
tbetccojDcofnnn.Beucttbclefrc,tbcrc jjrtettbefethinges+Jc; 31
tbpnges J fape tbat pe imgbtc be fafe. Ifnstoetbis toapouecf ^«b.'4,b
toas a btitninge,^ a (tuning ligbf, fca of <©alile nie to a ci*
a ^»°» ^
3oftn ( 8
anD pe tooulDe foi a feafon bane tciop* jjtpe calleD i:pbctpas*

3o^ te)a ceD inbis ligbt » * 2But9lbaMe gteatec

toitnes tben the toitnes of John * foi
*3£nDagrcatmiiiatnD ^^4.9
tuiie 6f - -
llfolotoeD bpm, becaufe .

3o&«.)cjt .t tbe tooiftcs tobiche the fatbec batb ge* tbcp bao fene bismitaclcs \Di)ittf be did
uen me to finiCbJtbe fame toozefces y 3 on them tbat toire DffeafeD*3lnD J[efus
Doc, b cat c unities of in c, that the father toc'ntc bp into a mountapiic , 9 tbece be
me 3ud the father bun felfe fobi* (at tf bis Difciplcs.Hino Caaet,a f eaft
fent .

C at ^ e fcntc m8 » * 0WKI & toitnes of of tbe Vetoes toas nte,+*(Cben Jefus wmj+a.
«©atb b C ^ &
•nD,i 7 'mc.^e bane not bcatDe bisbopecata* lift bp bis epes^faioe a great copanp
iKX''! n P e e P ,ne no $ P*&&u* fene bis fljape: come bnto be fapD bnto ^bilip:
tbecto bis toozbes bane pe not abiDing
d.p(*.(.o. tobece (ball toe bpe bieaD f thef c might
in pott^oz tDbom be batb fern : bpm pe ea tc.Chis be fapDe to pionc humfoz be
beleuenot* bpm felfe b nc toe tobat be tooulDe Do*
S>ea ccbe tbe fctiptutes ,f 1 in tbcm * pbilip anftoetcD bim,ttoo bunbicD s.Bts.4.f.

f> pe tbmcHe pe baue etetnall l?fe:*ertbep penp tooitb of bieaD ate not f nfficiciite
W.Tu'acetbeptobicneccititie ofme.aitiD yU foi the J euetpe man baue a title* ^ben
topi pe not come to me , tbat pe mpgbte fapD bnto bun one of bis Difciples, m>
baue ipf e*3 teceaue not ptapfe of men. Dtcto pinion 0etct$ b^otbet.cbete is
^ '

But 3} ftnotoe pou , tbat pe baue not $ a tab bete, tobicb batb fiue batlp loues
folic of ii&oDiupou* Jam
come in mp anbttooficbes: but tobatijj tbat amoj
fathers name, anD pe teceaue me not* f iuanp:-3BnD ns fatD: make p peo<
anotbet fljall come in bP$ otone pie fpt D otone: Cher c toas inttcbe gtaift
JgJ« «h *E*
name,bim topll p6 teceaue* i^oto can v* in § place.30nb f> men fat Doune,in noiu«
belene tobtcb teceaue bonout one of an* bte about*b >$$ * aino Jef us tooKe tbe
otbet,3 fcfce not § bonourc tbat comttb bzeaD,^ gaue tbankes , et gaue to § mu
5fd5oDon,elpei' ciples,? bis Difciples to ttyt toete fct
©f^joljm jFoUbj*
Boutie* aiublpBCtopreoftbe ftQ^c«2f,as mcate tl;c fonnc of man fljall geue bnto
mucbastbeptooulDe* pou.jfoz b t batb (Bob § father fealeb*
aocfjentfjep baD catctiphougfiefje Cben fapb tbep bnto bimttobat ftjal!
fapD bnto bis Difciples : gather bp tbe toe Do p toe might tooifte tbe toozfees of
bzofeen mcatc tfjat tcmapnetb:tbat no* ©obf Jefus anf tocrcD anD fapDe bnto
tljingc be lou\3nD tbep gatbeteb u to* tbcimChtS is tbe tooozrhc of <£oD,tbat
getber,anDfpIlcD tbuclue bafftettestb pe beleueon bpm, tobomc be bath fent*
tbe bzofeen meate, of tbefpue batlpe lo* CbepfapDe bnto bun:* tobatfignefl)e*
ues:tobicbe bzofcen mcatc rcmntiicD bn toeft £ the , tbat toe map fe 9 beicue tbef 31ol)n.u,c

to tbem tbat baD eaten.Cben tbe nun, accbat Doeft tbou toozciuv Qm fathers
toben ttjepbaDfene tf)t miracle g 3je* DpDeate^anna tntbeDeferte,astt is
l.uhc,7fc ms
DpD,fapDe:*tbis is of a erttctb ttjc tozittenj^e gaue tbe * bieaD from bea>
pzopbet f OjulDe come into § toojlDe* f< ticn to catc » JeftiiSfapbe bntotbem: pfal.78.c
SOQbenJIefus petceaueb f tftep tuoIDc tniewlp betelp j fap bnto you: ^ofes

corner tafee btm bp to make bun Btng, gaue pott not bzeabeftom r)cauen:Bufi
*be Dcparteo agapne tnto a mountaine tup father gpuetb pott tbe true bzeabe
a e
Sg Vt' i bpni fclfc alone*
fcome beaueu jFoj tl)i b bzeabe of d&oD
EES5. 3»D toben enen teas come bis Difcf* ts be tobicb commetb Dotone from l?ca*
pies tocnte bnto tbe fea, 5 entteb into a ucn 3 anb gc ttctb life bnto tbe toozlDe*
tbip auD tocnt ouet tbe fea bnto Capet* (CbenfapD tbep bnto btm:* kozbe, Jo^n.4.9
naum HinD anone it urns DatcUe^ Je* ettetmozegeue b^ thvs bzeabe. InD 1

C fus toag not ccme to tbem . 3CuD tbe fea 3efus fapoe bnto tbem : 3 am tbat
arofetoptbagreatetopnbetbatbletoe* bzeabe of Ipfe* l^etbat commetb bnto
3inD toben tbep bao totocn about a.jtjcb me (ball not bongre : 3nD be tbat bele?
oja^jcjc^utlongcs, tbep fame Jeftts ttctb on mcOjalncucttbzulle. F-Sut J
toalcse on tbe fea , anD Diatoe npe bnto fap bnto pott: tcbat pebatte fene me,
tbe Gnppe,3 toctc af rapeD3rt> be fapDe anD pet bcleuenot* mi that tbe father
Dnto tbem:it is 3 be notafrapcb^Cbe geuetb me,Cball come to me : SflnD bpm

iuouloe ttyp baue tcceaucD bun into § tbat cometb bnto me , 31 catt not atoap*
Hjpppe , anD tbe Ibpppe bias bp anD bp 5foz 3 came Doune from beauen : not to
at tbe lanbe tobptbet tbep toent. Doinpneotonetopll,btttbistopl tobicb
Cbe Dape folotoinge,f be people tobt> batb fent me » SnD tbps ts tbe fathers
che Qobe on tbe otbec fpoe of tbe fea, topll tobicb batb fent me,tbat of al tobt>
Catoe § tbete toasnone otber Cbtp there, cbe be batb geuen me,*3f OjoulDe loofe
I'auc tbat one tobcrctnto bis Difciples notbpng:iButiboulDtapfeitbpagapn Iiotjn It.f,
tucte entteb,anD tbat Jefus toente not at tbe laft Dap^nD this i$ f topi of bim
in tottb bis Difciples into tbe Ojppibut tbat fent me: cbat*euerp man tobperj
tbat bis Difciples toere goneatoapca* feitb § fonne anD belettetb on bim,baue
ione^otoe be it, there came other typp* eueclaftpng Ipfe. 3lnD 1 topi rapfe t>im
pes t torn Cibec tas npe bnto tbe place, bpattbe laft Dape . >tEbe Jetoes tbcti
tobete tbep ate bzeabe,toben t^t nozDe murmureb at bpm , bpcaufe be fap D:J
bao blclTcD.'Ctjcn tuben tbe people fato am tbe bzeaD tub cbe is come Donne fro

tbatjefus toasnot tbete ncitbetb)'S beauen 36no tbep fapb:*3[s not tbps e
Dtfctpks, tbep alfo tone fypppinge anD Jefu$ f fonne of Jofepb , tobofe fatbec i&ax,t>i,e
came to Capernaum fening foz Jefus. anb motbet toe Hnotoe f |§oto is it then
3HnD toben tbep baDfounbc luhi on§ tbat be fapetbj came Doune from bea?
ctbetfpoeoftbe fea, tbep fapDe bnto ttenr^efug anftoeteb , anD fapDe bnto
btm:i<abbi,tobencamcft tbou bJ'tbctj' tbem « ^utmtit not bettoene pour fel*
Refits anftocreD tbem,anD fapo: bete* ues^* 0o man can come bnto tneep
lpc,berelp 3 fape bnto pou:pe fefee me, cept f fatbet tobpeb batb f^t mc,Dzatoe
not becaufe pe fa toe tbe miracles : zsut bpm 3DnD 31 topll rapfe bpm bp at the
becaufe pe ate of tbe loucs,anD lucre fib laft Dap 3t is \a^tun in tbe pzopbe*
Icd, +ilabourc,not f 01 tbe mcate tobP* tejai , tbat * tw
njall be all taugbte of €fa.44 t
cbe perilbttb,but foi tbe mcate tbat en* ©od cDuctp man tbetefoze tbat batbe i.Joljn.ii.

Uutttr) bnto cue rla ftp ngc IpEc 3 tobicb* bearDeanD t;att)c IcacticD of tbe father
:, f

Clje daofpeli
comet!) tint o me.* $ot f anp man fjatTi jfrom f. tpme tnanpebf bts Difctpies
toentbactte,9toalcfteono mooze ioyttf
cITf! fene $ ^tf)ec,fauef?c knf|tcf)e is of \J5oo,
ausiWc the fame batbf cue tfjc r'attjer* fjpm^ben fapoe Jcfus tbe tuieiue:

3Xm? tEecelp,Uerelp 3 fape Unto pou , be ixpll pe alfo goe aiuap^ cbcu ^fmon .

«.3k>t).4,b that Uclciifti) on me.batb eueelattpnge ^eterauftoereo.c^aifter to togoui fbai

lpfe.][lamtbatbzeaoe«flpfe.£outta<s toe go.-'Cbou ba (t p toozoes of eternal!
tbets Opo eatt g^anna in tfie mpiDf t> Ipit, *e» toe beleue 9 anbtoe f tljou art cgJSliS

tie* atio ate dccd.-' CDfj r e f s tfiat bieaoe COztft tUe fonne of tbe liuing vSoo. 3e< | *
u e •«*•«'
* ol", w - t
tebwbe cometb from beauen p be u>f)t< fusauftoereo tbe' : l§»atie not 3 cboien

u t
cbe cater!) of it ,m o uloc alfo nor ope * 3f pou ttoelue,*auo pet otie of pou is a oe* | ^ '^•'

am t liupnge bzcao vufnet? catm ooune tipilr'^efpahettof Jfuoas jmuiorb «w??»!uS

fromneaue. £f anp man eate oftbps tbeConneof ^pmon. jfozbe it toa^|
UzcaDe^efljallpuefoi euet.* xno tbe aiouloe betrape nim,ano toas oik of
ftau.^«.« bzeao tbat 3 uipli geue , ts mp flcatlje tbettofluc. l-

tobtcb3i ^Ipfeof ^toozlD |«

tot! (jctiefoj

aiuotbe Jetoes fttoue amonge tbe o»t»im,tDi)tci; tcftjftctij bp jnitacIi'stt»5arocts> ^e*Iei».

$ fclucs.fapingc ; i^otoe can tbts fclotoe b. socwo'.dc of riK 'jofpen tofjuiK is Cbxtft 19
geue us bi£ flcH) to eatefCbcn faio Je* trucphueipbica&cofljeauea.cuar gcuerbUfeta H>«t»*Mt»
tbeajoolcwoilir. of«5ob.
ins Unto tbemr+Uetclp, uerclp 3 iape c.&Uts ts if mp moibes boc To ofcube pou, i»iw
Unto pou jCccc pt pe rate p fleaujc of tbe topltacurtjcpcci'jac.n.uiacc ofr»j:tt boctuicu botb fhi*
fonne of ma:i,ri Ozpucfee !us blouoe pe tberonitcofmau q?a» Docm bebe tOacbc bAtyt oJfb pou
(bail nothaue (pfe ill pou j&bof oeuet
eatetb mpflea^ozincaetb mp blouoe, ^L
3ljru9toincti) ts Jcmralem at tfeefeaa.feacbrtfc
batft eternal life:$ 3} topll tapfe htm Up tbejiietocsfcepiouctutocm. xucccace biuecs
at tfte lad oai>. Hhifoi nip fltfl^ts meate opmioit6 of Oitn amon gc f people . %\)t py artfes
rebuke t offtcets.bccaufctbep baaf nor taken bt.
In Oeoe: SitiD nip blouoe is ozpnefcein
aubcbibctoitbBicobemusftK taaiu bis parte.
oeoe .if>e that catcth mp fletyc anooiru Iter tbat ,3cius toeut about
fectb mp blouoe , Otoelletb in mc ano 3
, ano tooloe not goe %
tn <©a liic
in tnin.SBs tbe liuinge.fatbetbatbfent about in Jetozp foz § Jetoe$
me , euen fo Ipue 3 bp mp fatbet : $ be p fougbt to aplbfm.* c()e Jt*
eatetb me, $ai liue bp me.Cbps is tbe toes tabernacle fead toas at bauo. i^is iza,Ktn r.
bzeaoe ton tcbe came from beauen: iiiot bzethzen tberfoze fapoe Unto [;im : doet SSSsJJ;
as poute fatfjets bane eaten s©anna °t tbe bence,ano go into Jetozpe t^ttf}jf tumikt,
are oeeo.^e tfjat eatetb of tbps bzeaoe, Oifciples map fe tbp toozaes tbat tbou
ujalUuc euu. t oocft. foz tbete is no man tbat ooetb a*
tEbefe tbiuges fapoe be in tbe fina< tin twinge rurcUpMuo be buu feifefe^
® goge as be taugbte in Capernaum. betb to be knotoen openlpe. Jf tf;ou Do
iH9anp theefoze of bis Otfctples : ajobcti fucbe tbpnges,fl)etoe tbp felfe to tge
tfjep beacoe tbis,fapoe:tbis is an baco toozio. iroz as pet Ins bzetbzeubeleucn'
fapingettobocanabpoe tbe beatpnge not in bPm.
of it f 3jefus buctoc in bim U If e J bps Chen ?ef us fapoe Unto ti)tm : $%?
btfciplcg murmureo atit,anOfapoon* tpme is tiot pet come: ©ut pout time ts
to tbe: c Ooetb tbts offieuo pou.- «#bat $ altoap tcaop . Cbe toozlOe can not bate 25
pf pe ajall re tbe fonne of ma afceno Up pou.*$utmeitbatetb:becaure3fteft.*
tobete lie toas befoze t Jt is t\jt fptrtte fprofit, tfjat tbe toozftes of it are euel*
tbat quic&cnetb , tbe flefb, pzofitett) no* <!5oepeupuntotbps feau\|f )npll not
rbpnge. ftbc toozoes tbat jj fpafte Un* goe bp pet Unto tbps feaft,foz mp time
to pou, are fptrtte anO life, isut tbete is not ptt full come. 'COeCe tooozoes be
ate fonts of pou tbat beleue not. jfoz fapoe Unto tbe, $abooe apllin<25a((Ie«
Jeftts ftnetoc frome tbe begpuninge, !dut as 00 ue as bps d bzetbzen toetc

tubicb tbep toerc tbat beleueo not, ano

lDbo OjoulOe bctrape bpm.3lnO be TapO:
gone Up,t^g tocnt U
alfo Up to f fcaft:
not opcnlp,bnt as it toere pziucip* chf.
tberfoze favo ]j Unto pou:*tbat no ma fougbte bpm tbe Vetoes at tbe feaft,
jotjn w,r.
can come tinto me, except it mete geuen ano fapoe : * scbere is be. 3lno muclje
Unto bpm of mp father* mutmutpngtoas tbete of ^pmamongc
J9 * n%l•*
. .

£f&3foftn; rffolUnu
the pcoptt&onw rapuei * $e is gooo this man hath Dotted
3ot»n nut- £Dtbttfapoenap,but be oeceauetb the Chen tbepbattresbeatoe that fpeo* €
em). tii.t
pccfple.^oto be ittnomaufpaKe open* pie murmuteo fuche thpnges aboute
lp of btm,f 02 feacc of the 3fe toe*. F htm 1 soubetfoze the pbanfes ano hpe
Hh 3» the mpooes of the feaft,3(elus piteftes* fente miuiiUcs foxtb to take a&at.n.»
tocut up into the temple ano taught* him.Chenfapoe3}efus bnto tbem:£ct 8E?.o!
3no p jjetoes maruepleo, taping; £oto am J a Iptel tohile totth pou ano the go

fcnotottb the f cctptutes , fepngc that

fie 3B onto him that lent me . 2 C u)all f*M
Icatiuo.-'Jel'uc anftocrco the, mc,s fljall not ftno me:* a tohcte 31 am, B *
he nettet UJ J;
ano fapoc : #p oocttpue is not mpne: thpth et can pe not come, Chen fatoe the
but btstbat rent me.jt anpman topll 3letoc# bettoenc tljepm fellies : tobptbec
do bps topll,be foall anotoe of toe Doc* topll he gojtfjat toe fljvill not fpuo himr
tt ine,tobetbec it be of csoo, ox tobetbet ooopll he go among the d5entpls tohtch
9 fpcafce of mp f effc $e that fpeaaetb ate fcatteteoal abtoo, 9 teach v gcnls:
of btm relf,fetutb bis oumc pjapfe.sut .tohat manet of taping is this $ he fato:
ne that fchtth his P?apf e that rent htm, pe fyall fefee m e 3 ano Qjall not fmoe me:
the fame is true, ano no bntigbttopfe* ano tohece 31 am , thpthec canue pe not
btm. come«»
C neffe is in not g^ofes geue pou a Iatne, f
*&pO Jn the laftoapjtuat great oat> of the
anopetnoneofpou b fcepetbtbe lato.v feaftc, JtfuQ ttooe ano ctteo , fapinge:
« r«-*M
«ObP go ?c ahoute to kpll me* Che peo? ^fanpmanthitftjet him come buto
pie anftoeceo ano fapoe: thou bafte the me ano Dztncfc.&e that beleueth on me 3
Deuplfctobo goeth about to fcpl the^Je? as taieth the fctiptute,out of his bcllp
Jot>n*a fu$ anf toeteo 51 fapD to them: * 3 bane fbal fiotoe rp tiers of toatec of (pre.Cijt^
Done one tooicfcc , ano pe all matuaple. fpake he of the f pttite tohuhe thep that
diflofes tbetfoze gaue bnto pou citcum beleueoonm'm,fl)oulDe teceaue. b
cp'f iontnot becaufe it is of sjpofes : but f 02 the holpe (Bhoile toas not pet thete,
*oftbefatbetB:3nbpetpeontbe fab? becaufe that 3|efus toas not petglojp^
botboap,ciccumcpfea man«3|f a man fyeo»
on the &abbotb oape reccaue citcuim HH 3^anpofthepeople,tohenthep*
ciftontoitboutbxeattpngeof the latoef
apofes : opfoawie pe at me, becaufe 31
heato this fapinge, fapoe:of * a ttueth f1
this is a p2ophete:othet fapo s * thps is

ha tie maoe a man euerp tofut totjole on Ch?ttt:fome faio:u>al Ch2tft come out
©cot<.t the &>abbotb bape t * 1 uoge not aftet ofd5attlec*^>apethnotthe fctiptute mw-*
of ©a^ ^
JUUlt.HIC C M atl»• •<,

the bttet appetaunce:but tubge tight? that Cbiift u^all come of £ feeOe
toifctuDgcmtnt. uio:anb out of the totone of j&etbieem
Chen faiofome of them of 3Ietufa* tohercBautotoasr^o toas thete opf* ®
letwis not this he tobom thep go about cencton amonge the people about him.
to ttfllr sebolO he fpeahetb bololp, ano ainofomcof tbepm toouloe haue taken
the? fap nothpng to btm.Bo the tulets ()im:but no man lapeo banoes on hpm.
fenotoe in DeDe,that this is betpCbjiuV Che came the mmtaets top hie pneftj
^otoe be it* toe Kiioto this man tohcuce fapoebnto them; thep
30t)fl t)i.c
be is:but toben Cb2fft cometh, no man tohP haue pe not brought him j-Ch e feo
tyalUnototobenccbeis. uauntes anftoeteo:ueucc man fpaae
Chen ctieD Jefus m the teple as he as this man ootb.Cben anf toeteo tbcm
taught,faping:ve fenoto me,ano tobtce the pharifes:ate pe alfo Oifceaueo t
31 am peftnoto.flnDpet Jam not come Sjocth anp of the tulets 02 of the pba*
tifesbeleueonhiuif 23ut thecommen
of mp f elfc,but he that fente me ts ttue,
tobome pe ttnotoe not. 3 anotoe bitmfot people tohich bnoto not the lato,ace tut
flBar.xi.c ur.8
3 am bun,* be
of oath tent me.* Chen fco. jfticootmus fapo bnto them: * t)e j^s.w.a
thep fought to take h» imbtit noma laio that came to 3fefus bp npght, ano teas
banoes on htm , becaufe his tpme toas oneoftbem.&otbout latoeiuogcanp
3olj n. 8.0 not pet come,* gpanp of the people be* ma,befo|e it beate bim,anofenoto tohat
tccteD on hpm, ano fapoc : tohen Cb2ifte be hath bone^chep anf toeteo a^ofato
commethjtopll he 00 mo mpxacles then bnto hpm:attethou aifoofeBaltle/
^h«i. ^eacche

IRje dtofpell
dearth anD leBC,foj out of <Balile act* 3go*£e(uDgcaft£ttbeaeu>,3JuiDge
tab no ptoplicte^nD euetp man teeut no man. anD pf 3 mDge,rop tuDgcmeiri
bnto bis otoneboufe is true, f oz J am not alone : but 3 anD mm
,f „

tbe fatbet tbat Cent me.*3t is alfo tout otut..7*«

JCDC /Rotes
ten in potite latoe,tbat tbe tefttmonpe of
ttoomenigttue* Jamonetbatbcace
|°^^ c.
Xnfc Jc. tfterameimDnftaiiMtft toat nocrcme. toptueffe of nip relfc, ano ttje fatbet; tbat fexjv! '«.

3:0 Uepe fent me,beatetb toptnciTe of me » Cbcn

ttje Ia toe. a£(Cbe«D"i*Cbaptec*4«
Tapoethep unto brm : tobete ts tbp fa>
a tootnan is taben tn a&uouttpc . Cfoiia MIp=

fta tftip afcufttoeauctftcsciiFii tottijm bpm, me,noj pet mp fatber.3f pe bao fcnotoe
ana go aboutcto ttoncDim. me,pe fljoulDe baue ftnotocn mp fatbjet
^^S0D3efus tocnt * bnfo mout alfo.Coefe toozDe^ Tpafee Jfef ns in tfjc
™ „
3 P&^^SDlPuete^eadp
S.rt;MlS5SBjS|npngccame agapnc
in tbe mot*
into tbe
nomanlapDebanDeson&im,* fozbps
^ flt ^ e

iLuiic.19 .e
people came tpme teas not \>ct come* f
||||§|j temple^ all tbe
l^o bim anD be fat DOtone 9 taugbte CbenfapDJIefusagapne bnto tbe: ioub.t^
. tbem.aiubtbe ^ctibes anD ^batifcs *3 go mp map,* anDpenjalfefee me# *rn.m.*>
bzougbtbntobimaioomantakctnaD* (gall Dpe in pour fpnnes acobPtbetJI
ubuttp,? fet bet in tbe mpDDes $ fapbe go,tbptber can pe not come.-cbe n faibe
bnto bim:3»after, tbts tootuS teas ta* tbe 3etoes:toplbe ftp! btm felfe,becaufe

U in aDuonttp,eue as p oeoe teas aDo* be faptb tobptbet 3 go , tbptbet can pe


, „ *' b ,.
png.* spores in tbe latoe commatuiDcD not come/ ano be rapoe into tbepnupe
* bs tbat fnebe Iboulbe be ftoneD ttObat . ate from benetb/J am ftom aboue.
raped tbon tbetfozefainD tbts tbep fatD t* ate of tbts toojlDeJ am not of tbis
to tempt bim:itbepmtgbtbaue,tobet> tootlDe.3 tope tberfoze bnto pou, tbat
oftoaccufebim*3efus(toupeD Doton, peOjall ope in pout fpnnes.jfoz* except fJJ.Jff
anDttbisfpngetto-zoteontbe gtoiiD* pebeleuetbat3amt)e,pe u)all Dpe in
38nD tobile tbep continueo affcpng bim, pout {pnnes.
be Ipfte bim felfe bp,anD fapo bnto tbj: Cben fapoe tbep bnto bim, tobo att
tbou^nDlefus fapo bnto tbem: Cue
Jet bim tbat i£ amonge pou toptboute
rpnne,cafte tbe finite (tone at bet 3ttD tbe bctpe fame tbpnge tbat J fape bnto
agapnebe ttoupeo Dotone anD toiote on pou.3 baue manp tbpnges to fape, ano
J8 tbe gtouuo. 3inD as fone as tbep beatD to iubge of pou*£ea,ft be tbat rente me
tbat,tbep toent out one bp one,tbe eloeft isttue.*3lnD3 Ipeaae in $ toojlo,tbofc 3ohM*.b
fpjft^no ^ef us teas lefte a lone , ano tbpnges toblcbe j baue beatoe of bpm.
tbe tooman ftanbpng in tbe mpDDes. I^otoe be it tbep bnnetftooe not tbat&e
gcoben Jefus bao Ipfte bpbpm felfe a* fpafteofbis fatbet* Cbenfapb^fus
gapne,ano fat»e no manne,but tbe too? bnto tbeimtoben pe baue Ipf t bp an bpe
man,befapDe bnto bet :tooman,tobete tbe fonne of man, tban 0)aU pe fcnotoe
ate tbofe tbpne accufatsr-^atb no man tbat 3 am be,aiiD tbat 3 bo no tbtng of
coDemneb tbe^^be faib : &o ma lop* mp felf:*but as mp fatbet batb taugbt J}^»
3tiD ^efus faiD: jHtetbet do 3 c6De"pne me,eueu fo fpeafce : anD be tbat rent*
J * **D
3o*<u*. e. tbe. a * d5o,anD fpnne no moze* y me,is iuitb me.Cbe fatbet batb not left
H^Cben f pafee jertis againe bnto tbe* me alone, foz 3 do altoapes tbofe tbpu<
3oW.l.a fa ping:* 3 am tbe ligbt of p toozlD. ®e gestbat pleafe bim. ^s be fpaae tbefe
ans,9 a joijfcWte
ffolotoetfnnr,fl)aluottoalcH moatcb tootDes,*manp beleueDonbtm*
nes:butll)albauetbelpgbtoflpfe.t|[;be +CbenfapDe 3efus to tbofe Jetoes
0batttes tapD bnto bim : tbou beared tobtcbe beleueb on btm* Iff pe contpnue
tecozbe of tbp felfe , tbp tecojDe i$ not In mp toojtDeSjtben ate pe mp betp Dpf<
true, 3|efu£ anftocreDanbiapDc bnto cppIes,anDd)alllmotoetbetcuetb:anD
tbepnutbougbe 3 beate recozbe of mp tbe ttuetb u)all mahe pou ftee Cfjep
felfe jPct mp tecozoe is ttue:foz3 bnoto anftoeteD bmi: $oe be 3Bbzabams feDe,
tubttice 3 came anD tobitbet 3 go*&ut auo toete neuee bounDe to anp ma;tobp
pe can not tel tobence 3 corner tobitbet fapeft tbou tt)en4 pe 0>all be mabe * fte* SS"


m $,3foftt;
3efus ahftoeteO tfjctu:tierclis*t?eti* upl! . abzabam is beaoe,anb aire tttf
ip 3 fnpe bnto pou, tbat tobofotuec co# |9;opbetes:anD pet tbou a
2 pM
mittetb fpnne,is tbe retuaunt of fpnue* ftepe mp fapinge,f;c fljaU neuet tafte of
^ttto tbe I'cruauutc abpocfb not tn tt;c Dcattj. aitt tbou gteatet ti)H\ out fatbet;
tjoufe f oi cuct : 2dut tlje fonue abpoetb 31btabam,tobpcbe is Deaocr* ano tbe
cuec/Jf fonue tfjcrfotc fljal make pou pzopbetes ate Deao aoobome maKcft
ftcjtljcu ace pe fee Ui Deoc, 3 anobj tOat tboutbpfelfe*
pe are Sfibiatjamg febe: but pe fcke mca* 3Jcfus auftoereD:3!f ^bonoure mp d9
nee to apl mc,becaufe nip fapmg J banc felfe,mpnebotioure is notbpng tooztb*
no place in pou J tpeaKe tbat 3 banc
. 3Jt is mp fatbet $ bonoucetb me, tomcb
feuc toprb mp fatbet:anD pe Do p idO tcb pefape 3 is poute 0oD 9 ano pe (jane not
pe bane f cne uutb pout fatbet. Cbep an ftnotoenbiimbut 3 bnotoebpm. 3Bno pf
ftoereo ano fapoe b nto bun: 2Kb zaba is 3|fl)ouioe fapc, 3 Bnotoebpm not, %
oute fatbetjefus fapoe bnto tbcin.^f fr)oulD be a Ipac ipfte bnto pou* s ut J
pe toe re ^bzabams cbplouu, pe toouio fenotobjm>nnbRcpe bis faring.
Do tbe DCDC3 of 3Bbiabain.i3ut notoe pe ^outfatberabtabamtons gtabto (&mivf A
go aboute to KpII iiie,a man tbat bane it mp b *oape ano be fatoe it ano tciop? aW^.^

tolDpotitbetrHtb,tt>bicb3banebeato feo . %\nn fapoe tf}e Jetots bnto bpm:

of <£oD:ttjps Dpo not tfbzabam. £ e Do tbou arte not pet fpftte pcate oioe , ano
tbe oeocs of pout fatbet » (ftjenfapoe bafte tbou fene3Bbiabam^Jefug; fapoe .'<

tljep to bun: toe mete not bozne of towu bnto tbepm.<ileteu> betelpjl fape bnto
cacion . ^yebaneouefatbctjiDbtcbets potupet^btabam toas,*3 am.* Cben f |Sf
C5od 4 Je(us fapoe bnto tjjepnupf ©oo tone tbep bp carte at bim.zdut
toetepoutefatbetjtben toouloe peloue 3feft$5 bpo btmfelfe,ano * toeut out of
me foi 3 pzoccaocD f oitb,anb come tbe temple* f
ftom<TOB $eptbetcame3ofmp 3cbejfto«3.
felfe,but be feute me • $ObP bo pe not
*.W\)t gofpd pzeactjett) not fo vmtffii of Ctmies s»nnc m
tonrotos tbat tocOjoufoc continue in rptmcibut nwc
fcnotoe mp fpccbtf ogucn becaufe pe can tbat toe fljoulDc cbauugc out Ipfc, ano UdUic tit a
notabpDctbefjcatpngc ofmptoozoes* nctoc Ipfc of ti)C fpicit,ncucc purporp ii(j to funic
an;' moie.
jf £e ate of poute fatbet tbe 33cupll, ».ai!tbc«)o!pCfatbctsttjattoctcbefoze# com-- .„.
ano tbe luftes of pout fatbet pe topi oo» mpngc of £U«ft,ftom tbe bcgpnnpns of ^ toalo mp a * K9*
*3»n.i * &e bias a muttbetet from tbe begin*
t)aX>f fatncfaitbinCb»Q,tl;attocbauc tobicb

npuge,anb abooe not in tbe t cuctb, be* bccaUc&Cbitacn.

caufe there is no truetb in bum axijcti C^^^Cbaptct.Hc*

Cbiifl ma'jetb tbe ml to fe f toas boiucbltuoc*
be fpeaKetb a lpe,tbe fpcaucttjbc of bis
otone jfozbcisalpat,auotbefatbcc $D as 3efus paffeo bp,be *
tbcrof. anb becaufe 3 tell pou § ctutfy, fatoea man tobicb teas blpuo
tbetfaie pe beleue me not* ftom bps bpitb.Jno bts opf>
4« ^cbitbeofpoucantcbtiBemeof ciples afatb btm fariug:^a
fpnne/ 3t*3i fa ? c tbe ttuettj, tobp Do not (lct,toboopO fpnnc:tbis man,oz bts fa<
t jo*.(«i d pe beleue roc- * fce tbat is of e>ob, boa* tbetano motbtr,§ be toas bozneblinOf
tetb <25oDDes tooioes . t Petljcci 3efus anrtoeteo : jBtpther batb tbps
f oie beate tbepm not,bccaurc pe ate not man i pnneo,noi pet bis fatbet ano mo*
of <5oo.Cbenanftoeteo 3Jetoes,anD
t\)t tbctrbut tbat tbe uoozaes.of &00 fftuio
fapoe bntt>bim:£>ape toe not toell tbat be (fietoco on btm* 3J mufte tooufee tbe
3MiM» tbou art a ^>amatttaue,ano * baft tbe tooickes of bpm tbat 1 ente me ,tobPlc
baue not tbe a npgbt
DeupIj'lIefujsanrtoefeDrJI f t is Oape. (Cbe commetb tobeo
beupllibut 3 bonour mp fatbet, aub pe no man can Uiozcfce, m
louge as J am
bane ortbonoutco mc.3 ckc not mpne
l in tbe toozloe,3I*fi'» tbelpgbtof tbe 3«w.^
otone pzapfe: but there is ouegfcftetu toOZlOC* atto'.jcu.ff

anofuogctb. ^foneasbebabtbusfpoaen^efpat ©
tutclp betelp 31 fajje bnto pou 5 pf a on tbegrounocano maoe clape of tbe
man fcepe mp (aptuges,be f&all neuet fe tubbto tbe clape on tt}t etes
f petle,aub
Deatb* Cben fapoe tbe Vetoes to bpm. of tbeblpnoe,anofapOc bnto bpm:05o
#otoe anotoc toe tfjat tfcou tjaft t#e oe< toaf(I)c tbe in tbe pole of -sit loc , to tjpeb
i^i^b»ii» bp
TOt <§ofpell
ftpintetpjetacp6n,figmftetb Cent $e (Cben agaime calico tbep tbe mail tbat
toent bis toap anD toa(beD,ano came a* teas blPiiDe 5 anD fatD bnto bim:*<5eue 3cm.i:.0

gapne fepnge.Cbe nepgbboutes $ tf>ep ©Ob tbe p?apfe:toeftuotoe tbat tbis ma

is a fpnncc^e anftoeceb 5 fapD :.300bl"
tbat baD fene b*m before ,botoe tbat be
tbet be be a fpnnet 0? no , 31 can not tel:
teas a begget,fapDe:ts not tfjis be tfiat

fatanD beggeDr&ome fapD:tl)is

be* iia! One tbpnge3Iam fute oMbatJtoas
blpitDe,a notoe 3 fe^bcnfapDe tbep to
0tbet rapD;fjc ts Ipfce btm*
^ ©ut be btm felfe fapD;U am euen be* btm agapne. J»bat DpD be to t\)t< j^otoe
% CbepfapDbnto bim* i^otoe ace tfjpnc openeo be tbpne epes^l^e anftoeteo m, if
(pes openeo tfjeiir-^e anf tuctxD $ fapDe: 3JtolDepoupettobPle > anD pe DpD not
beate. ^x)betfo;etooulDepebeateita«
Cbe roanne tbat is calleo 3Iefus,maoe
clape,anD anopnteD mpne epes, 51 fapoe gainer ioovli pe alfo be bis Difciplesf
bnto me* <&o to tbe pooic ^iloe anD Cben tateD tbep bim,$faiD:q;bouatte
toafCbe.SBtiD 3! mcntauD toaO)eD,anD te* bis Dpfcpple. j»e be ^ofes Dpfcipies^
eepueD mp fpgbttCbep fapD bnto bim: acce ate fute tbat 45oD fpabe toitb #o<
fes* cbis felotoe toe bnotoe not t torn
tobete is ^e**i^e fapD:J can not tell*
Cben bpugbt tbep to tbe pbatifes, tobencebets*
toas blpnoe: f oj it
Iptcll befoie
'CbemanartftoeteDanD fapDebnto
btm $ a
3!**" • toas p>fabbotb Dap toben iefus maoe tbeuutbisisa matuelous tbiugctbat
|abc.6. 9 tfte c i
a? e,anD openeo bis epes^beu a? P« toote not tobence be is,fepng be batb
«&T gapne the pbattfes alfo affceD bim boto openeD mpne epes . ifoi toe be fute tfjae
©Ob beatetb not « rpunets* iSut planp
be bao receaucb bps fpgbt* J^e fapo ton*
to tyem:lfp put clape Upon mpne epes,
man be a tootflnppet ofdgoo anD do bis
topi,bun beatetb be ^encetbe toozloe
ano 31 toafu>D# do fu €ben fapD fome
of § ^battf es:tbis man is not of d5oD,
began toas it not beaiD tbat anp ni5 0*
becaufebekepettynottbe £>abotbDap. peneD tbe epes of one tbat toas boine
Dipnoi f tbis man toete not of d5oD» be
%nnMs SDtbetfa?De:*botoecanaman tbat tjf coulDe baue Done no tbpnge* (€W an?
•«o.jt.» a fpunec,Do fucbe myjacles f ano tbete
f toeteo atiD f apDe b it 1 b im: t bo u tt al
teas fttpfe amonge tbepm . tcbenfpane
together b ozne t tt fpnne, anD Doeft tf^ou
tbep bnto tbe blpnbeagapne : sucbat
teacbe b3f ano tbep cad bun outr*
fapfl tbon of btm , becaufe be batb ope*
3ob» .7.t> neD tbme epes^ainD be fapDe; * i^c is a 3|efusbeatDe tbat tbep baD ejecotm <5
muntcatc bun:gt afTone as be baD fouDc
J5Ut tbe Jetocs DpD not beleue of tbe
btm,be fatD bnto bhn:Docfl tbou beleue
ontbcfouneofdSoDi' j^eanftoeteD anD
felotoe,botoe tbat be toas blpnD aimte*
? eeaueobis fpgbMwtil tt)t\> baDcaUeD fapo : jeebo ts it jlojDe, tbat 3} mpgW
beleue on btm^ 3BnD 3jefus fapDe bnto
tbefatbetano motberof bpm tbat baD 99 at. 16 f
teceaueo bis ftgbt^no tW
afaeD tbe, bpm:* cboubaftfcnchim,anDbeit is .

fapiu&e:3Is tbfs poutc tonne, tobom pe tbat ta tbe tb ti) tbe.ainD be fa id:1Loid J
beleue, 9 toa^ippeDbu b 3.efusfaiD:
fape toas borne blpnDe i igjotoe Doetb be
notoefetbeti*' |£is fatbet ano niotbet 31 am come bnto tubgetnente into tbps
toojlo: tbat tbep tobicb fe not,mpgbt fe,
anf toeteo tbem,anb (atDttoe toote tocll
ano tbep tobicb fe might be mabeblmb*
tbat tbfs is out tonne,anD tbat be toas
borne blpnoe* but bp tobat meanes be
3 no fome of tbe ^battles tobtcbe toeee
toitb bim,bcatD tbefe \no;Des, anD fatD
notoe feptb, tbat can toe not tell,oj tobo
bnto bim:ate toe tben blpnbe * Jcfus
batb openeo bis epes,can toe not tell*
fapDe bnto tbem:* pf pe toete blpnoe pe t&ms*
i^e is olD pnougb,afUe bun, let btm an<
ftoecefotbimfelf^ucb toojoesfpafce f^oulDe baue no fpnne Butnotoepe
* bis fatbet anD tnotbec,bccaure tbep fea fape,toe fe.tbetfo^e poutc fpnne temap<
teDtbe3|ctees ifoMbe 3!etoes baD
conrpiceD aIteaop,tbatpf anpman DpD C^bejSxitcj.
mtunLt confeffe tbat be teas Cb?tu\*be tyoulD a.a:bt0 npsl)tts flptpmcof p0i»iauwrt.t»t>cti rbe utg^t
be excommunicate out oftbefpnagoge* mamv
in x\)t l» notolco gc of cijn a, tjotoc be oulp
ct t), t s loft, srof can no man taxnetta eooo toouk
Cbetfoje faio bis fatber emiotbet:r)e is tnrtjefpgurof ffiioD,ftotocsloi?ousfo cuct bpi
olDepnougbjafbeljim. too;besappcacc
SMlti; jFMip
iSoDfjca; b.lTOat t'9,fje!;cat;^ none ti;attcpcntc not, up; me,becaufe,3[f put mp life from mt y tW
ran no ace in tnpittic to icauc tbctc euell ipfe. agapne.^o ma tafeetft
ttnitcc. tJ£Cbe.r*Cbaptet» 4«
j might take it

CbuG is rDc true CD cpcijccbc, fl-tbeooxeof tl)C

u fro mejbutjput it atoap of mpfelfe*
ftcpc^>omc far ,ci)iiQ batt) y ocuil, t is maD 31 haue potoer to put it fro me,anubatte
jSD tDcc rape p be fpcaUcttj not p" too:D es of one potoer to tahe it agame: QLfjis comauoe
t&atbatb ttj£DcttpI,bccaufef;ctrttcttj f tcutl)
2rtjc Icujcs f a &c up aoncs to caft at D tin, call
met bauc J receaueD of mp father* 3inD
picac; mg« blafptjcmpr.aua go about to tabe there teas a DiiTencpon agap:vc amouge
Upm tbcjlctoes foz thefe raprnge-j^ manp of mt . ,>a
d£rclp tiecelpjff tbefapD»*^ebathtbeDeupi^is mao: JJ"^
bp the tohp beate pe Citm?* £>tljet fapoe,* tbele uuuc «.b
hctfjat ciurcFfi not in
ooze into the Ojepcfolbc , but are not $ tooibj of hi £ batb ?) ocuiUCa fg %
cli'tnc ti) Dp fomc other tear:
the Deuill open the epes of the blpnDe*-
the Tame is a thefc gt a robber . ifte that ^noittoajSat jetufalem tbefeaft
goetb in bp the Dozens the fljepcbero of of the oebtcac i6 3 anb it teas teintercanD
tbe(bepc:to bpni the po.iter openctb, Jefusl toalcbeo mt^aiomons pozch«» ilKS
%te.8.9 * ano tfjeu>pe beate bis bopce,*(*be Chen came tfje Vetoes roiuiDcaboute ano.».s
ca iletbbis otone fljepe bpnamc,$lea> bim,anD fapD bnto hinu^oto long ooft
Oeth them out.ainD toben lie bathe fente thou make bs boutf jr thou be Ctjzift,
f oztbe bps o tone Qjcp e , be goccfi bef oie tellb$plainlp • 2liiD jRefusauftoercD
tficm auD the fyepc foloto him: foz tbep tbS:l tolo potti ano pe beleue not. cbe

Unoto bis boicc.31 ftcaugt t tbep toil not toozbesthatj bo in mp fathers name,
tolo toe,bu t id ill fl i e f com turn : foz tbep thep beare toptnes of me<i3 u t pe beleue
Unoto not p bopce of ftraungets.Cbps not, becatife pe ate not of mp Ojepe* Ms , .
fimiltt uDc fpa&e 3ef us bnto tbcm.iSut 31 fapoe bnto pou: * rap ujepe beate mp
. tbcp bnoetftsoe not tobat tbinges tbep bopce,* 3[ auotoe tbemi ano tfjep foloto

toeretontcbt he fpaae bnto theim Chen me,anb J gene bnto them eternal Ipfe,
fapo 3Jeftis bwo tbtmagawie* fljetelp ano tbep tyall neuet peri{5e,nethec u^al a
^n.14.8 x>mlv anp man plucke them out of mp banoe*
3 fa p tmtopou:* 31 am the Doze
C of the u>pe.3ill,euen as man?' as came ^p father tobicbegauetbepm me, is
befoze me,are tbcucs anb robbets:but greater then ail ano no man is able to

the cijepeopo not beate them. J am the tafce them out of mp fathers bano* 3ino 30 f,«.,4. 9
«»•»*« •«
Doze:bp me pf »np man enter in, be fbal* * 3 ano mp father are one.
be fafe,ano fljali go in ano oute =tfpnoe * ^ben § 3Jetocs agapne tofee bp flo? j i)n,s.»
palture. Cbetbefe come th not but tin aes,to ftone him 10 al.jjefus am toeteD
to fteale^pll , anb oefttope*3 am come tbenumanp gooo toozcaes haue J fl^e?
that tbep mpgbte naue I Jfe , anb baue it toeo pou from mp father : foz tobicbe of
* uioze abouuDautip. f them toil pe (lone me^Che jetoes aim?
«5 ^4..D *
*Jamtbegoooa)epebetbe.€be ftoeteDbim>fapmg;5fozthp goootooz<
«>w«.^8 gooo tqepebi toe gettetf) his ipf c foz the aes f abe toe ftone the not : * but foz trip
u>pe.3!n bpzco feruaunt,tobic!)C is not blafpbemie,^ becaufe that ^ beig a ma,
tt)cfljepehcrbe,nctbcttbc fl^pe atebps maaeft tbp felfe (Poo Jfefus anftoereo
otone,feptb the toolfe commpng,anb le< themes it not tozitten in pout latoe , 9fal 82a

wtt) the tt)epc,auo ftpetb,ano the toolfe * 3 fape, pe arc d&ooocs t Jf be calleo ©too.n.»
catcbetbche\ano cattetctbp fljepe. q;be them (Scodcs bnco tobom the toozoe of®.

bpzeo f etuaunte u>etb,bccaul'c be ts an 0oD teas fpoften(ano the f cripture can

fjpzeo f e t nailt,* careth not foz p t])cpc. not be bzoaen)fa?epe tben tohpm,t»h6 !!•

3M<m> t.b 3 an? that gooo tuepebetb,* anb fcnoto the father batbfauctifieo, ano feat into
<BBartj.ii.ft tnpne,anoamauotoenof mpne • * 2Bs the toozloe,thou biafpbeme(r,*becaufe -.9 A,
late j.o nip fatbet fenotoetb mereuen fo fenoto
3 1 fapb 3 am the fonne of ©00/ %t * 1 J»jj

seatb.ic.f mp father.* 3110 3 gene mp Ipfe foz the 00 not the toozebes of mp
fathec 5 beleue ans.^i
u)epe;ano otberu)epe3 baue,tobiebare not.isut pf 3 oo,then though pe beleue
not oi: tbisfolo. alf rauft3 bzing, not mc , pet belt ue the toozcltes, that pe
® that tbtp map beate mp boice,ano that mape auotoe ano beleuethat the father
., > there mape be one flocke anD one ft)epe<
is in me,ano 3 "ihpm. Walb
t]CtD. fr€n<tfoieDocrliinp father Umc
j^^baii* but .
tRie ©ofpell
butcfcapeD out of tbeit bauoc&anb
fje fapb*CbomasfobicbetecaUeb ^Pbf* 3(ll0Br f
toentatoap agapne beponbe lojoaiyn musjbnto tbe bifctplestlet bjs alfo go,
3W>».i.c to tfjc place * tobete^jobnbefoiebaD tbat toe map ovt toitb bpm.ti;ben Petite
bapnfco^ tbcte abobe 3lnb manpe te< 3Iefus,auDfounbe tbat be bab Ipentn
f ojteb bnto bim,anb fapb:3Iobn bpb no bis gcauefoutebapesalteaDp»25etba^
3"Dw« b iniracle:bwt*al! tbtnges jobn f pafte upc toas npe bnto Jctufalem , aboute
of tine man,arc ttut* aiuo manp bele* 3Cb«ft*tlongesof3maupe of t^e 3Jetoes
ueb on btmtbete* lucre come to ^attba anb £)patpe,to
Sbe^oteg. comfojt tbem ouet tbep? b?ott}et* S^at
tftobbcs a-^'w fltC tallca ©ottos , bccaurc tbcp ace tt)C
tba atTone as (be bea tb tbat J[cf us toasc
3]magC9,tj bo tetemble fiSoo, rba t is bpon f> ectb.
t jjep tubge bcttocitc man anb man, anb ougijr bp
compng,toent anb met btmtbut ^acpe
tuepi bocactott to puitttbc r Ijc offent>ct,(E Defcn&e fat ftpli in tbe boufe*
tbe tutioccur. HhCbcn fapbe ^pattba bnto 3[efus:
C€bc.ti.Cbaptet.4< MzDetf tbou baDDcft bene bete, mp ;joi)o.u.o
CbuCt taif etlj najatus f com beatb. Sue bpe
pneaesam>jat;attfC5gatl)Ct a coimfaple a^
biotber bab not bene beabe:but ncuct?
gatittt btm .be gt ttctb Dim out oftbctoapc. tbeleffe,3| ft no to tbat tobatfoenettboti

3B ®^^Siineo ftajacus
ccctapnc man toas fpcfce,na4
af&ell ofCiPoD,<J5oo topi geue ittbe.Jfe*
fus fapbe buto bet: Cbpbzotbcr fbati
\ti)t to tone of $$atp anb lict ft ttfeagaine^attbafaib bnto bun: J
Jftec $)attba. * 3)t toas tbat Itnoto f be rt^al rtfe agafne in tbe refute
SJ^atp u>btcb anopntebjefus "& opnt* tectum at tbe fall Dap.^efus faio bnto
tnent,$ toppeb bt£ Cetc toptfi bet bee te, bet:* 3J am tbe teftttcectio^tbe*!pfe; 3obiu*.«
tobofe bzotbet ftajatus teas ficke,ano
bnto btm,faping:t,ozb
tjtg ftftetg fent
*i^e tbat beieuetb on me,p< ttjougbe be ^
a i«.B
tocte beab,pet Qjall be lpue» Inb tofjo fo jon« *-»
bebolDe,bc tobom tbou lotted, ts fpeftc. anb beieuetb on tue,Qal ne? ^SjS! J
ettet liuttl)
accben 3icfti0 beatb tbat , be fapoe:tbts net Dpe:23c(cuc ft tbou tbis r- ^be fapb
tnf tcimtc is not bnto oeatb,b»t Fez tbe bnto bim:pea)LotD,3I be leucg tbou act
3iobji.9.fl lauoe of <5od , * tbat tbe fonne of (Bon Cbiift tbe fonne of <BoD,tob cb fboulbe

might be piapf eD bp tbe teal on of iLJ\t come into tbe tooiioe* ^3CnbalToneas B
(us loueo Martha anD (jet- fpftet,anD fl)c bab To fapbCjOje toent bet toape anb
TLaf arus^Cben after be bab bcatD tbat calico iJlpa tp bet f pit et fcctctlp,raptng:
be teas fpc&c, pet abooe bet too bapes Cbe mailer is come anb callctb fo; tbe,
ftpll in tbe fame place tobctc be boas* 26 no Q)e a (Tone as (l)t beacoe tbat, arofe

© HbenaftcttbatJatDbeto bisoifcp* qupcftlp,? came bnto bun. Jcfus toas

plc9;ict bs go into "Jctozp agatne* i^is not pet come into p totone : but toas in
Difciples fatD bnto bf;^aftcr,f Jetocs tbe place tobcre iUpartba met bun. Cbe
??»"' 7 latelp+fougbt meanes to ftone tbe, ano 3|etoe$tbentor)icrjtoete toitb bet in tbe
'*' *' r"
toplttbottgotbptbet agapne r Jefus bouf e,anb comfozteb bet,tobc tbep fato
anftoeteo,ate tbecenot ttoeiuehoutes iBatjybatfbcrofcbpbaftclp^tociite .

in tbe bape^Jf a man toalc&e in p bap, ouMolotoeb bet,faping:^)be goetb bn

bcftombletb not,bccaufe be feptb tbe to tbe grauc,to toepe tbcre.
ligbt of tbt's toozlo.isut if a man toalcfc Cben \»t)tn ^atp toas come tobett
in tbe ntgbte,be (tdbtctb, bccaurc tbete 3Iefus toas,5 fatoe bpm , u^e fell botonc
is no Ipgbte in bun. -ctjis' fapbe be>ano at bijS fete,faping bntobpm:*)loibepf ^m.. «
aftet ttjat,be fapb bnto tbe : out ftenoe tbou baDDcft bene IjetCjUip biotbctbao
mtii .tut fta?atus * flepetb, but 3f go to toafte not bene o cao . aooben 3Jefus fatoe bee
§«kVi» tym out of Qepe.Cben fapbe bps btfcp* toepe,anb tbe Jetoes alfo toepe, tobpeb
pies: ioiD e pf be Ocpc , be Q)Ml bo tocll came toptb bet, be gtoneb in tf)t fpztte,
pnougb^oto be it Jcf us fpafte of bis anb toas ttoubleb in bint felfe,^ fapbe: cS
Deatb:buttbcvtbotigbttbat be baDDe acobete baue pe lapeb bun *• ^bep fapbe
fpoken of tbe nattttall Qepe. dben fapb bnto btm:iLo:be come 9 fe.3JHb* Jerus ftou.>»e
3(efus bnto tbem plapneIp 3 Ua?atus is tocptc.cbcn fapb tbe 3|ctocs: $eboloe
beab,$ 31 am glab fojt pout rafces , tbat botoe be loueb bumainb fome of tbeptn
31 toas not tbet,becaufepemap bcleue. fapD:cou(oenotbc*tobtcbeopeneb tbe 2otj».iM
BencttbeleffeletbsgobmobuiK^be cpes of tbe bltno.^ue mabe a!fo,§ tfrfs

®f^3foim, nfoiij;,
man fbouloc not banc opeo/ Jcrusa? 3e toes eadet bias npe at banoe,? ma*
gapne gtoneo id bimfclfe,<i came Co tbe up toeut out of ti)c counttep op to jctuc
graue.J t teas a caue ^ a ftone lapD e on falebefoze^ putpfpetbefefc tfl

U. WJjefusfapoe.-taucpeatoapetbe ues.Cbeufougbte tbep foz 3|efuSj ano

ftonc * ^actya tbe fpfter of tjtin ttiat rpaaebeturenetbe feluesas tbep ftooe 7ft
bias oeao,fapD Onto binu &ozo bp tbt$ in tbe t^ple:* jjxbat tbpnfee pe/epng be
twit be ftwcftetM oz t)e batbben? oeao comctb not to tbe f eaft Cbe Upt pzieftj

ano pbacifeS * bao geueu a cotnmaun* 3<w« *

f c
foureoapes : jffcfus lai'De Onto bcr:
£>aro 1 not Onto tbe,tbat if ttjou opt* oement,tbat pf anp man knetoe tobete
Deft bclcue,tbou OjoulDefl (e the glozpe bcUjcre,f)cniouloci^etueit,tbattbcp
of(j5oo.€bcntbeptoReatoaptbe (lone mpgbttafeeblim I*
ftom tbe place tobcre tbc oeao teas lau
a.£totacalle&t)imrelfctt)e tcfuttectwn $ Ipfr: ^cturccc*
CD • 3iiD 3|efu$ Ipftc tip bis epcs anD bctauf^jctstOeautljowr of tfjctffutwctiaatio t , Qllail0
fapDe: jFatrjetjtbancRetbee^bccaufe Ipfc.i.- )efaprt;.i:i)ocet^tbclcucuime,topn j'j-
(aOettap mro Ipfe cuctlafttus ' *
tbat tfion baft beacoc me . 3 toote t bat 3) t«s?* top at rue ,

anot^ore tlw ace DcaD.qjall Hue dp mc, bccauic

*AB.di c & 0tt ^wteft me altoapes;* but becaufe tljcp bclcucouintc.
of tb« people £ftanoebp,3l Capo it,tbat 4[,'Cb£.)Cii«Cbaptet. 4»
tbep map beleue,tbat $ baa Cent me* H(S)atpaiiutittCDCI;:iac9fctc.5IuDasnmrmu;
,* ano toben be thus bao fpoken,be ccp* tco-Clj«ac]ccurctljb«^ttDctft into JlctuTalf.
9 i^en Jlefusfpye tapes * be*
eo tottba louoe topee JLajarus come J
3ou«> t foztb.*ano be $ teas Deao,came foztbc, fozeCftet.cameto aetbanpe SS'll!
Itobece JLajatus toas , tobictje * abt «7
bcitnoe bano anD fore toitb grauc bon>
ccs ,ano ops face toas bounce toptb a Jtoas Oeao,^ tobom 3cftis tap
napRiiu^cfus faro Onto tbc:lo tifc biui, feTftompcatb.tEbete tbev maoe btm a
ano let btm go. Cben manp off Jetoes fupptt,anD ^attba fetueo:but taja*
tobtcb came to ii^acp, ano bao feue ti)t tus toas one of tbe tbat fat at tbe table
tottb binn* €ben tofee vj^atp a pounoe
Ute.?.f tbpnges tobtebe 3fefus OtO, *
on bum t?5ut fome of tbem toent tbeic ofopiumct calico Bat Das, perfect ano
toapes to tt)e ^banfes , ano toloe tbem pzecpous,^ anopnteo 3Jefus feete , ano
tobat Jfefus bao Done. toppt bis fete ft bet beete,ano p boufe
09 at. 16. a
a +* Cben gatbereo tbe bfe pieties toas ftlleo of tbe fauec of tbe ointment*
«.ukc?..a ano p pbanfes a counfel,* fato:* tobat *CbcfaiD one of bis Oifcvples nanuO m^e.a
6o tB^^rfjtg g D0Et ^ nianp miracles* 3|uoas 3(fcattotb^)imos lonne,tobicb
M - l+ " ®
31ftoeletbtmrcapetbus,aU men tern aftettoatoe bettapco bun:tobp toas not
beleue on bun,ano tbe t&omai nes tyall tbts opntmente folOe foz tbzee bunozco
come ano tafteatoap out countttp 3 tbe pence,anogeuentotbe pooze *• tbps
people. ano one of tb$ nameo Cappbas fapbe be,not tbat be cateo foz tbe poze: 3]3lj.jtfL6
tobicb teas f bpe pit ell tbat famepeate, but becaufe be toas a tbefe,auD* bepte
fapO Onto tbem:£e perceaucnotbpnge tbebaggc,auo bate tbat mbicbc toas
3oi)».i«. b at all, noz pet confpoec tbat * it is t%* geuen^beufaiO]|Iefus:tetr)ec alone,
peotent f oz Os,tbat one man ope foz tbe agapufte tbeoapeof mp butpmge 0)e
pcople,anb not tbat all § people pettfb. Repte it.cbc poze altoapes ft)al pe baue
Cbts fpahe be not of btm felfe , but be* toUbpoiiabutnieOjallpc not altoapes
pug bie pucft tbat fame pete, be pzopbe baue* -.
cpeo f 3 ef us fijoulo ope foi tbe people, 99 u cb people of tbc3fc toes bao hnoto* *
ano not foz p people oiilp.but t be tyiilo leoge tbat be toas tbcre.aino t\)tp came,
gatbettogetbecmone tbecbplOzen of notfotjefus fake onelp, but tbat ctjcp
©at * r &** tohtc ^ tocrc fcatteceo abzooi* tf to mpgbtfe)La?atus alfo* tobom be tap*
m- * b tbat oap foub tbep bcio a counfel toge?
fee from oeatb €bebpe pzieftes tbet4
t bcr,f 01 to put bun to oeatb* fote beloe a counccii tbat tbep mpgbte
(5 Jcfiigtbctefoietoalcftconomozco* put la?arus to oeatb alio bccaiilc tbat
penip among tbe Jetocstbut toent bps foz bis fake manp of tbeje toes toent a*
toap thence Onto a counttenpe to a toil* toap,ano beleueo on 3}efus* b t ^ atj)n .
£B t.:6.8 oetneSjtntoa cptp calleo€pbzafu.,ano
fl *®u tbe mo;oto,mucbe people tbat 3^1. ,

SSK'itt W" & a(itc0 *

& <s otlcpples»*3ino tbe toe t c come tot be feaft,tobeu tbep beato
,iiii* tbat
" .

i$)t <§ofpell
tbat 3|cfus Qoulb tome to 3jetufalem,
Dzauncpesof palme tttcs^ luent
ipojlo:*noto H)al§ ptfnce of tpfs toojto
toete Ipft bp fro
tofee be caft out.3uD 3,pt J
Mr li.« h •^ w« Wm,$ ccfeD;* &ofanna,bleu"cD tpe eartp^pll D:aU)t all men bnto me*
JnS^J ° te be tbat in rtje name of tbe jLojD 3 conn ^Cpis fato Jet uj5,ftgnifpmg topat petp
metb bpngof JCraeL3[nD jjjefus got a be fl)onloe ope > q:pe people auftoerep

ponge affe,$ fat tbeton> accojppng to § Um : a»e paue pcaroe oute of tpc latoe
cfep 6:.d lubicfj bias toiptten:* feate not Dougp *tpatcbjift bpp'etb euer,anD bob fap-> Jgf.o J
e&tbpu tbeiupar (befonne of man mnll g,w ? ,t i- D

SSKft cec of &<on,be&olDe,tbfcfcpnge comet!)

C (Pttpnq on an 36fl"cs cooltcispjefe tijuv, belpfte bp^iOQpo 10 tbat fonne of man*-
gee biiDetftoDe not pis Difcppics at tbe -Cben 3efu6 fapDe bnto tpem; pet a tp*
fju&e:but toben Jefug uias gloipfpep, tell topple is § Ipgbt UJttp pou»* $calfce «P t»e b.t
••«< ff^«.
tben teme"bzeo tpep ffutbetbingj toere tppile pc bauefpgbtjleae tbe oarclinefre
fozptten of btm,anD tpatfuebe tinges come on pou,l|e g toal&etb m p batcse,

tpep bao Done bnto bim. ilbe people £
toagtoitpbuntobcnbe calko jdajatus
tpottetb not ^bt^jef^e goef b*, &m ™
baue Ugbt bele^ on f * ligpi Jpe inau
, P« h
fllin ' „ '
n8 b

out of bis graue, $ ratfeD bmi fro Dctp, betbecbtlD^npf.tbelpgbt* b

bate tecoiDe^becefoze irict bim fptot -Cbefe tbpngtg^pafce Jefu^ pe^ac^ f
|>Ie,becaufe tpep peatb tbat be fjao Done tep,anD bio bim fe|fe from tljepm . 3W&
fttcbeampzacle* Cbcpfatifestpete* tbougbe be bao Done fo manp miracles
fozc fapo among tfyem felues, perceaue befow tbe,pet btUuttt not t^ep on bim, *
tpat tbe taping of^faias tpe .p^oppetc

pe'bototoepzeuaplenotbmg:' sebolDe,
tfye toozlo goetp atoap after him.
+ <gcpece ujece cettapne eteftes amog
mpcxbt be fulfpllep, ft be f pafre,*&ojDC:
U)bo (ball beUne oure fapittgc j-^nD to uu»»a#.c.
r; 9 ^ .

aSs. st tbem,tbat came to pjap at tbe fcannbe tobpm is tbe acme of tbe Iozd openeDf
fame came to jabtnppetobicbe toasof Cberfou coulD tpep not belcue,becaufc
5&ctbraiDa,a cttie inc!5aUle,auD DcfpzcD tpatcfaias fattb agamc:*be batp bliu win c
bf m,fap ingej&pj toe toouioc
p'Mp came anD telDe 3lnDieto*
fapne fee pe^tbetc epe^anDbarDenep tbeir beat
tes , tbattbev D^oulDe not fe tottp tpcic m»»t.s.b.
acttf ,8 f - -
3nDagapnc3finDietoauD |£bUiptolbe epes,5 bnDerftanpe toitb tpcic pettcs $
Jgefus^nDjefnjB; anftoeteo tb«m,fap>
ffiSS'? in % : $ * ^ 0[IU * 3 mm**
33 mammiftfteglojifieD*
ttje fonne of W ft)oulDbecouertcp^3lOjnlD bealecpe*
^ucb tbfngj fato eiapas,topen be fa to
bis g!oip,» fpahe of pirn* j£eticrtbdcs
drop ».e 4«*iajetelp,betelp 3 fap bnto pou,c]c* among Vnt cpief e rulers manp beleneo
cept t (, c ideate eozne fall into § group on btm.)3ut beeaufe of § pnactfes, tbe^
anpDpe,ttbpoetn alone tooulP notbea fenotoenofit,*lcfttbep 3on». 9 «
» 3|fitDpc,it

«M .0 «. biwgetb fo«b
mucbe ftute. * l^e tpat IboulDebeejCcommunicate.* ifo^ tbep jo^.^.b.
upar.8.M louctg pis Ipfe f^ail Defttope it ; anD pe loueD tbe piapfe tbat is geuen of men,
i?K d c^at batetb pis ipft to this tooilDe,(ball moutbentpc piapfe tbat commctpof
feepe it bnto Ipfe eternall * Jf anp man (^oo* -
imntftcr bnto me,let pirn foloto me,anD 3no Jefus cttep^ fapDe:betbatbele*
3Min.u.« *topete,t&ere$alalTomptiifnt* uetb
on me, beleuetb not on me,but on
srtojuu d fterbc.3InDifau)>mamititltcrPatome, bim tbat fent me* 3!no be tbat fettp me,
bimtopllmpfatbccbonoute. fr fcitb bpmtbat fentme*^ 3 am comc*a l°hVoa,i ,t
4M h. ,« » * ^ otue *B ,M P foul€ trotible0,ahd Ipgbte into tbe too?lpe,tpat tobofoeuet
SS'i i tobat Ojall 3 capei- iFatpei; oelpuet me bthwt\) on me,fbonlD not bibe in Dat& •

iU*ac - J nes3ibifanp man bea temp toojDes,

from tbc^ boure ; but tperefoze came 3}
tmto tt>i0 ponce* tfatbec gloztfie tpp ^tbeleue not3 J tuoge bim not* * f -. 0^
name* CnencametbcreaDopceftom camenottoiupgef too^lD:buttofaue
beaue: J baue glozifieD it,auD glo toil tbe too;lo*l^e ^refufetb me^teceaueto
ttfie tt agapne 1 cbenfapDetpe people not mp toozoes , batb one tbat t uogetb
(pat ftooe b}> aipearput tp 5 Dier&.^Dtpcc btm*Cbe tooioes tbat baue fpoien,
faipanaugelfpaaetopim* Jjefusan? tbep tball iupge bim in tbe las Dap* jfo£
ftoereP ^fapprtpts Popce came, not Pcj J baue not fpo&en of mp felfe : but tbe
3ot»« jt< e catif e of me s * but f 0; pout faftco* fatbet tobtcb fent mc,be gaue me a com
it ^ ^otociBt^ciuDgementoftpps uianoewettopatjamlDfap^tobat j

#f^*3folm. jfoUirf,
fyoulbc fpea&e.Sub J fcno toe tbat tbps tct tfjen bP£ mafl er,uep tbe r tb e mcllt »<
comma uuDe meat is Ipf e euetlafl: inge . gee greater ttien tjc that feu t bpm. <£
SODbatfoeuir 3B fpeahe tbetfou,euen as. Jf pe bn&erftaud tbefe tbpuges,bap
tbe fatbet babe me,f o 3 fpeakc. iLakc,< *•
{< pp*arepepfpebotbe.3Jfpeaae not of
{k^be.riii.Cbaptct, 4« peu alI,3J nnoto tobome J banc cbof eu.
C&ziatoatoct&rtjcbtrcpplwfete, i5uttbattbefcriptureberulfpUeb:be*£ * fcl * M *
fcllettj rbcttf
•f Jlu&ast&c traptoutc,auD commaun&ctl)
ti)c;n eatetbbzeaoe toitb me,batbe b lpfte bp
cai uea !p to louc one *iiori)Cc
ftps bele agapnft me.*Botoc tea 3 poit j»itn.i*.»
i^fozetbefeafte of carter befoze it come: tbat toben ttt^ come to anD ^ uft -
toben 3fcfu«s ftnetoe tbat paGTe,re mpgbt belette tbat J am
bts boute toas comt,i&at celpe berelpe 3 bnto pou.* ^e tbat
Ojoulbbeparte outof reccauetb tobome foeuec 3 feube,recca Em»ct.*fJ
^ ftt h „

wMijm tbps too?loe unto tbe fa* uetfj me. 3Gnb be tbat rcceauctt> me , ce* s9«k.9.«.{
g^^^sfStbet.aocbcu beioiuobrs ccauetr)bim tbat few mt. T
tobicbtoete m
tbe toozlbc,fcnto tbe enoe aooben 3e£us bab tbusfapb,betoas
be loueb tbera.3inb wben tuppet toas m ttoubleb in tbe (ptcite a a»D tefticicb fap*
mat «' ,
&eb,aftet W#( beuplbab*jmt
+ ° twteofJIubasjfcaciotu £>imos ron*
tfje m tng:betefp berelpj rap imtapau^tbat m*t *a.
Qiwofpouu>al/betcapme.3inD tben tbe $>"•'* '.;

mattMUi, cobetcap bpra:Jefus fenotoig tbat* tbe opfctples lottcD one on a notbetboutum 1
ta&«rjaDg8HenalliIjpngre into tow
df tobome be fpafce. qtbete toas oneoe
banbes,anb tbat be teas come fro <Bob, bps bifciples, tobicbeleaneboniefus
anb \attUt to ©obrfje cofe from fuppet, bofome^Tubome jjjefus loueb. Co bun ?JJ 2'f
anblapcbafpDebpSbppctgarmcntes, beckeneo^tmoniaetectbatbeOiouloe
anb tofce a totoelt, anb gpzbe brm t'elf*, affce tobo it toas of tobome be fpafce. %t
3f tcr tbat,be poutco toatcc into a bai. 1 u, tben as be ieaneb on gjef us b^ae,fapbc
anb a beganne to toau>bis bifciples fete, t>nto bpm:iLo?be tobo is it^jef us aim*
ano to toipe tbem tottb tbe totoel, tober* ftoereb,be it is to tobom
J gene a foppc,
tautb be toas gpzbe. toben j banc appt it. aitio be toet a top*
^Lbeu came be to gsmnon peter. 3!nb pe,anb gaue a to Jubas 3,f cartotb $>i
filter fapbe to bpm : torn tyalt tboit
toatyt mp fetefjefus anftoeteb anbfaib
mons fonne. 3Knb after m foppe.c
tan entreb into b?m«Cben fapbe let us
^a< _
Unto btm:tobatj boo, tbou tooteft not bntobpui:tbattbowboeft,boqmcalpe.
notoe, but tbou tyalte bnotoe beteafter. no man at tfyt tab!e,f oj tobat
(&tf&t toift
^cter fapbe Unto bun : tbou fyalte not tntente be fpa&e bnto bpm i ^>orac of
toa© nip fete tobpletbe too^Ib ftanbetb* tbem tbougbte,becaufe*3fubas fjab t^s *bMi4|
3if us anftoeteb buurpf .3 toatb tbe not, baggMbat 3Jef us bab f apb bnto bpm,
tbou Ojaltc banc no pact toitb me.^imo bpe tbofe tinges tbat toe baue nebe of a
2fc> peter fapbe tmto bpm : nojbe, not mp gapnfte tbe feaft:oj tbat be fljoulb gene
fete ncin : b u t alfo mp ba noes anb mp fome tbpnge to tfft pooicMone tben as
btab . %ti us fapbe to bpm : be tbat is be bab teceaueb tbe f oppe,be toente im*
«au>cb,nebetb not fa uc to toaf^ bis fete mebiatlp out.3Bno it toas nigbte, toben
anoisclenttucrp tobit.aubpcareclcnc: be toas goneoute J|efusfapb:*notoe is
lobn m a * but
not Bfld** " c fetieto ^P s bettaper. tbe fonne of man gloipfpeD.31nb d5ob is Jo***.*
CCbcrcfo^e fapbe be:pe are not all dene, giozpfpeb bpbpm:Jf ©ob be glojpfieb 9no '*'* * 4

3ft ct be bab toaCbebtbept fete, anb bpbPm , (Bob 0>aUalfo gloipfpe bpm
receaueQbisc!orbcs,anb toas ret bo ton inbtmfelfe:auo u^all fttapgbte toape
agapne,be fapb bnto tbem: toot pe tobat glozpfpbpm.
3bauebonetopou»-^ecaU me maftcc ^iDeace cbplbien,petalptentot)pU
anbTLojbe,anDpefaptoell,foifoamJ. am3toitbpou.*peu5aIfefeeme,anbafl
JtbenpouteUozbe anb mafter baue
J fapbe bntotbelfetoesjtobptberjgo, ^BWt J
toaibeb pour fete,pe alfo ougbte to toaflj tbptbercanpenotcome.3B!fotopoufap
onc anot cs im ^ ^
Q J* 31 & auc Seuen 31 hoto **3B neto comaunbement geue Jf
pou an enfample,tbat pc ft^oulb bo as J bnto pou,£ pe lone togetber, as J bane M"-** i
sdM\xr c.baucbonetopou. f. ttereipe betelpe j Iouebpou,tbateuenfopefoueoneano*
nftn ^ im bntopo^e reruaunt is not gtca* trjet.*:>5p tyis 0;al al men fcuoto tf;atpe ^Mw

me (dofpell
fctempbprefples, pfpefljall tmueloue ^mlppfapoe bnto ^pnnJLo^Dc qjeto
one to anotbef^imon©ctet fapbe b»* UjS tlie fattjccauo it fuffifec^ tos»Jcf us
to bpm.jlojbe tebttbet goett ttjou^ 3e* bpm , baue 31 bene fo long*
Capbe bnto
*k- ^fusanftoetebbptrntobptbctagootbou tpmetoUbpou.^pet bait | not fcnotoen
&!!*i canft notfoloto me noto,but*tbottu)alt ineirpbf Up, be p fjattj fene me, batb fene
lolo to me af tettoatoes. h tbe tatbet*' 38no botoe fapeft tbou tben: 15
fapoe bnto bpimnojoe, tofip
tannot3folototbenoto«'*3 topll geu*
foetoe lis tbe fatbet*- i&eleuett tbou not
tbat*3 am in tbefatbe^aijotbe father jofytxt
tontM mp Ipfefoj tbp fafetf 3elus aunftoeteo 111 mefCbe toojoes tbat 3 fpeaaebnto
bini: toilt tfjou geue tf>p lift foz mp faber pou,3 fpeake not of mp felf e;but
tbe fa
qjetelpjbctclp 3 rap bnto tbe,tbe*tocUe tbet t^at Du>ciuctj m me.ts be tbat ootlj
tyall not ccotoe, tpll tbou baue oenpeb «*e teowfets ©eleue rae,tbat am <»
tbefatbet,ano*toet'atbet in me. at tfje }„*«,*•

Ucgatt f ff
J &

j^ c toatbeb tbcpi fete, to itcclace ttyat be camfc to
leaft beleue mc f 0? ^ Uttp toojfee© fafee*
53iietLi{',uccilp 3 tap unto pou,fyc tf^at
toafb ,$c mptuaec unto otocc.ano nut to bentpnttteeb tons bclcuetl) ou mc,ttje too^ckts ttjac J 00,
to. 4iiD f uc tljct to tcaci) bp f ops toaf&pnge, f bat
toe fame f^al f|c oo,ano gttatet Unufces
ftpsmuuftcacton toafi,toputgtanbtoafl)e avnap
tbefpltbeoffpiine.tobtcbisoonebptbetbeaouig tyeu tl)cic i^all rje oo.Uccauf e J go Unto
ofU»9biouocfoit0cb[Duo of C&ttft fpipuMcbiu mp fatl)ct.*amD tof;atfoeuct pe attic tn ©« l7 ^ f.
tooutebcattcs bptbctooioc of bpssjofpcli.attD
tctcpucb bp faptfrcteiifetb bs f torn fpRnc.
mp namejttjat topll 3 Do,tl>at ttje target ^•«' «-

to .,,, , , w i

•powoeie ^ojtobomcpct^waoitttppchjubtucMciej^m pefyallafae anp tbpngefa mp uamc,3 Jjf 1 -?^

bopebttctlp eucttbwtt.e.
topll 00 lt , j« +
gf ?e iotte rae hC pj mp J.^;*
ifusgcipo «ffpjm«b in f bcjum}H«9 of t^tsitbap
r«iiim»fm**mpfitftf anh Tl tnnl
tommaunDemente^ano j ropi pjap t^e ,|a ^-*
tttflti the «.IObtl j*

tcr.bui iiobj bc«j oe ihmcic caro;ccbw otcn«tb, fatbet,ano be tfyal geue pou auotbet ca>
ano mo;copeii!p to Gbcto btm fclf. jih like mawcr, foi tt,ttjat ne map bpDe U)ttf» pou etur:
KftcapoQIes bac tbc bo!p ©boQ, bcfoxcCbxpftcfl
tef iittctncn , tobcu ttocp bcleucb in bpm, toben
Uibube is the b fpitite oftrntt)eu>t)omt
ttje luottof tan not ttttaut, bpcauie tbc

tbcp confc(rcbbpintobcetbcroiincoi <50b. ©nt

tbcpcupbcntlpc ccccpucbbpin,tot)cn Cb^tSbja* toojloe teetf)fjtin not, nept^et ttnotnetb
hp in. tout?* feno to la m. $ 01 l)C o toet 1 et
k^ g:C;c*jCtttuChaptcc*4« toitt) po«,ano 0)aiOciupoiu*3jtoit not ^

l^e atmctt) bis titfctplcs toitb confolatpon a^

gapna tcoubie.attb pionufcrb rbcm tbebolr Soa, get a tptle tofjptc ano ttje toojtlo feetb
tbcfpuitcoffomfon. me no m ou * but pe tyali fe me. f 0^ 3 joij.r? b.<

fapoe bnto bps bprtp* Ipue ano pe $al Ipue«cbat oape 0>ii pe »«**•
^^(ples-Ucttenotpoute bettesbe bnomctbatjlara^mpfatbet, ano pou
iroubltD.jptleut m<^oD, ano m me>auo 3 m pou*
beieue in me . 3)n mp fatbets *^e tbat batb mp commaurtDtmem c
home ate manp man«68. %Ut toet not ano fcepetb tbem,tbe fame is be tbat join.*.*
Co,3 tooulo bane tolo pou.J goo to pje* louetb me*3oD be $ iouetb me u)«Ibe lo^i" 1;-*
pate a plate f 0; pou. ainb if 3 go to p^e* ueo of mp fatbe t?* J) but tout btm,9 toti
put a place f oi pou, 3 toil tome agame, tyetoc mpue etone fette to bpm«* 3 uoao 9 & M
ano teteaue pou turn bnto tnp felt, tbat faib bnto bim(not 3 uoas Jjftattotb) p
Efgf J fobete*3 am,tbete mape pe be alfo^no Ho^
tobat isp caure tbat tbou tout Qjtio
* tobptbec 3 go pe bnoto, ano tbe mpt
pe tbp fcU bnto tos,anD not bnto § toojlbt*
Unotoe. 3efujaianftocteDanD fapbe bnto bpm:
tbomas fapoe bnto bpm:tlo^D toe pf a man loue me ano topll ttepe mp fap*
ttnoto not tobttbec tbou goeft. 3Btf boto tnges,mp t attgec alfo topi loue bim,auD
is it potfiblc fot bs to ttnoto tbetoape^ toe topll tome bnto bpm,anb topll Otoe!
3ef us fapbe bnto fjpm:3 am tfje toape, imtb bim^e tbat lout tb me not, fttpetn
55" ! t'
auD tl)Z * I P fc »*3' nD no manne
toc ttMt * not mp fapingetf.ano tbe toojbee tobitb;
tm\n* tometb bnto tbe fatbc t,but bp me.Jif pe pe beate, are not mpne, but tt)t fatbets
bhb hnotocu me, pe bao ftnotoen mp fa< to^icb fent me*
tbet airo.3dub notoe pe anotoe ^im, anb ttbps baue 3 fpoaen bnto pou be* 3^
baueftnef^iin. pnge pet pjefent toit^ pou^ut tbat to*
#f£*3<*fc rffoUju
3on« >:i».b
fo^tec fo^tcli tfje fjolp
t'flf gooftC*toftomc butnetb**3 f P*bfoeN»ine,anOmptooz* M th tf

aKK ."'.
nip fatljet topi fcnoe in nip name)!)' fyal dcs alfo bpoe mpouraffce tobat pe mpil, $?&*»*
teatbepoualltbpngej3,anobzpngeall auo it tyaJbe Done to pou fr © €M| » ISfi'Sfi
tbpngcs to pout temembzaunce tofjat* ismp fatbec glozprpeo., that pe oeate fa«*4*
Coeuct 31 baue toID pou* much ftute,ano be maoe mp opf ciplcs*
$&eace 3 Uuetoitb pou, mp peace 3 3>0 the fatbec batbioueo me, men fo
gene Onto pou* |}otagtbe too?loege# baueJloueopou.Couttnueinmploue*
cutb,geue jj bnto pou.iLet not pout bet £f pe ft)al ftepea mp commauubementes
tc0 be gteueo,net&ec feate pe. £e baue pe fi^ait bpoe in mp iouc,euenas 3 baue
ijcatD bom 3 fapoe bnto pou : 31 go aKD kept mp fatbers commaunoemente& 9
come agapne bnto pou 3f pe loueo bpoe in bis loue.cbefe thmges baue j[
we, pe toouloe tjcrelpc ccjopce, becaufe fpofcen Unto pou, tfjat mp tope mpgbte
3 fapbe, 3 goo bnto tbe fatbec ifoz tcmapne pou , ano that poute tope m
atfjet is greater cfjen 3.* ano note migbtbefull* j«
«»ohnt(«t tJjc f
•nfi.^i.8. baue3u>toeopou,befoze it come, tbat +* Cbis is mp comaunocment:tbac £
toh^n it's come to palTe,pempgbtebe4 peloue togetbecasjbaue loueo pou* ?objt«i.»
Icuc.^ere after topH J not talcbe manp greater loue tf;en tbis bat be no manne, wiw*
toozoes bnto pou.jffoz tbe ruler of tbis tbentbat amanbeftotobps Ipfefozbis
3oi>n.ij.ft toozlo commetb,auo*batbcnougbtE in ftenoes* geatempfcenocsjpcpeooo
me* i&ut tbat tt)e toozlbe mape ftuotoe tobatfoeuec jf commauno pou. thence
tbat 3 loue t\)e fatfjer : tbjrefoze as t^e foztb call 3 pou not feruauntes : foz tbe
father gaue me commaunoement, eticn fetuanntc anotoetb not tobat bts lozbe
fooo3* frttpfeletbsgobcnce*. Ooetb* zStit pou baue 3 calleofcenoes:
fozaltbinges tbatj baue fceatoe of mp,

fatbec acfenofolcbgeauDgeuctbaijBCstbatbcaauebps .
K«v»u«norcnoieil me, btlt3 baue
wtgijtbc fotmefwbstorauebs. cbofenpouanoozoetueOjtbat pe go ano
gtapfpa b-feciscallca tbefptttte of teutbe, not ouclpbc* fcpng foztb' ftUte, atlO that Poure fmte
%i)t t9 u taurcbctsttucburbccaufc&ema&ctbt&cmaji m ,r
c ma
* ** *
h inhatcZn?rL£lt\ Jrhl
a| ne » tWUwatloeuetpeiOallaffce
titcof totobomtbceutcctb.ttuc.MDbcceasaltbatfDep v"
ttutijc bo tottbout the fptrttnts none orbec tbpnje bwt or tbe tatter in mp name,be (bouio geue
IPCs. It potl* I*
CCbe.rb.Cbaptet.* *'Cbfs commauno 3 pou, t(jatpe

SbcttuCtopttc.tbclmrttauDinan attbtbcbzaU= loue togetber*3ftbe toozlo bate pou,pe

cbes. abocttiuc of louc.anb a Ctocrc comfoitca^ ftnototbat be batco me befoze be bateo
pou.£f pe tocre of tbe toozlo,tbe toozloe
pm*tbettuebpne,auo tootiio loue bis otone.i^oto be it becaufe
mp fatbec 10 an buf bano pe ate not of tbe toozlo, \)Ut% Oaue cbo^s
ma.cuerp bzaucbetbat feu pou oute of tbe toozlOe, tbetcfoze
beatetbnot ftuteiume, * fjatetb pou tbe toozloe* ilemember 3»«,^
be topiltafteatoape.aino tbefapiage tbatjfapoe bnto pou:tbe
I cuerp bzauncbe tbat bea
tetb ftute,topll be poutge, tbat mape
f etuaunt 10 not gteatet tym t>i$ %mu
it * Jftfjep bauepetfecutco me,fo toplf T^ xt;
tbozofoe tin toozoes tobtcb mp fapinge0 , fo topll tbep bepe
baue fpo t 3 pouts*
fcenbnto pou. i&poeinmeanoietteme
*isutalitbefetbpnges toplithep 00 fe
bpoe in pou .30 me bzauncbe
cannot bntopou fox mp name0 fafte . becaufe *<*«**.•
beate frute of it f elf c,
bpoe Uiercepte it tbep baue not fcnotoen bim that fent me*
tbebpue:tioujozccaimepeetceptepea< ^f 3 bab not come ano fpofcen Onto
bvoeinmt\3amtbebpue,^peate the tbem,tbepCbouloe not bauel^ao fpmie:
bzauncbes.^e tbat abpbetb in me, auo but notoe baue tbep notbpnge to cloUe
fi!l?K l !u
bun9etf f°M mncf> t}) > W
rptmc tolrt ««^« tbat batetb me, >

S^^tt^mccanpeDffftot&tg. *>**'**> Wfottot Vf3haonotoonl

«?i? i P8
e uot to m
c is caft f0 ^ tfj^to02ftcs a 'bonge tbcm tobtcb none otbet

SltJiJ?^ '^ IS to(D&er ^*ano mi man Opo tbep bao not bao (iiumt noto
gatbet it,ano caft

it into tbe fpze ano it baue tbep feue,ano vet baue ^ateo botb

1Rje <§ofpell
toe abb tup fatbetteuen tbat tbe fai>inge to potubut pe cannot beate tbem atoape
mpgbte bee fulfplleb tbat is tojpten in notoe i^otoe be it toben be is come (3 c
fcfeijyr. tbepjlatoe:* tbepbateo me toitboutea meane tlje fpitite of tcutbe)be topll leao
«W).69 a.
caufe.sut tuben tfje comfojtec is come, pou into al tcutbe.^e $al not fpeabe or
*tobomeJ| topllfeuoe bnto pou from? bpmCelfe:but tobatroeuec be Ojal beate,
atio.ttji.b. fatbec, tobicbe fstbefptrite oftcutbe, tbat (ball be fpeafee, anbbe toplltyetoe
axte.U. a.
tobicb pjoceabetbof fbefatbet,befball pou tbpnges to come.^efltiaUglojpfpe
tefflfpe of me»3&uDpeft)all beate btopt* me,fozbe^alUeceaueofmiueanDtbal
neffealfo,becaufe pe baue beuetoitb me u>toe bnto pou. * 3111 tbpnges tbat SJJ2
J* m
from tbe begpnnpngc fatbec batb ace mpne.^betfoje fapoe lake .*.». 3
%\}C notes. bnto i'otijtba t be tyall tafce of mpne ano "****.
JETo abpbe fi.©e tUat topll abpoc ut0oosloue» muaelicpc Ojetobutopou. b
in ©005 tfSoDscoinmatutDCinetttes.
b.jflu tbc.u. chapter of tUisfBofpcll.Cbjrtft faptlj
3if te c a tobpie pe (ball not fe mc,fj 3o!} „ *«,»
that be cccepucttj no tup tut 6 of mau.jSut bete be agavncaftecatob^cpcojall feme:fo?
31 go to tbe fatbet.Cben fapoe fome of
rap tt; that tjis oprtiplcsCball tcatc bimtuttucs.
J CJiiljctnaHDtoeifo'.c.tljatfoibimfcIfeDCitcoctt)
ftps Difctples bettoene tbe fellies: tobat
not tmuuac.jsut foxbs it toas uecefTacp.tbat l)ts
fcp fcpplcg Cboulo bcatc tmtuctfc of bis tcuti^tljat is this tbat be rapetb bnto bs, after a
rbo iott> ttjem toC nugljt bclcuc. tofn'le pe (bail not f e me,aiu> agapne af*

Ct£be*jct>t»€baptet» tec aiobpiepe (ball feme:ano tbat go 3

£otirolact5 agapua troublcjaiapcts ace (jcto to t^z fatbec*<€bep (apo t betfoicrtobat 3©
t&otoiu jCbuflc, is tbis tbat be faptije aftec a tobpuv toe
t 3 $cfc tbpnges 3
fjanc cannot tell tobat be raptb.3efus petcea
iapoe butopou, became ucd tfjat tf;ci* luouloe alke fjim 3 anD fait)
ye (ijonlDe not bee offen* •
bnto tbetwCbf is it tbat pe cnqupie of
Dcb»* iiLbep tyall ejecom* bettoeue pone f elu cs ,tbat 3 fapbe aftec
mnnicatc po n : pea, tbe a tolule pe ftyal not fe me,anb agapne af * time fljal come tbat* tobo tec a \^ph pe (ball fe me.netelpe bete*
foenecHpKetb pon, totlltbpnfcetbatbe ipe 3 fap bnto potupefljalltocpe aim la*
DOtb d&ob ferupcef*3nbfucbe tbpnges mente aub tbe toojloe fljall reiopce.$>e 3oj„, ,. t«
topll tbepboo bnto pon, becaufe tbep fballfo;otoe:but*poucefojotoe tyalbe
baue not Imotocn tbe fatbec neptbecpet tucnebtotop.
me.©ut tbefe tbinges baue 3 t olo po u, 3B toomau toben fl)e tcauapletb batb

tbat toben tbat boutc is comc,pc migbt fojtotoc,bccaureber bouce is come : but
tcmebec tben,tljat 3J tolo pou fo»Cbcfe au"oneas(l)e is oelpueceb of tbe cbploe,
tbpnges fapo 31 not bnto pou at tbe be< cemembjetb no mo;e tbe angupflje,
gpunpug c becaufe 3 toas picient toitb a man is bojnc into § toozlo.
for top tbat
pou. p 30no penoto ace in fototoe:but J topi fe
# H^©ut notoe3l80omptoapetobpm pouagapne,anDpoucebeattesu^aIltes
tbat fent mc,a ud none of pou af feetb me: topce,anb pour iope frail no man take
tobitbet goelt tbou^isut becaufe3| baue from pou* haino in tbat Dap tyal pe affee
fapbe fucbe tbrnges bnto pou , poute me«o que(li6»4»*^etelp,beteip 3| fap
beactes ace full offo?otoe* Beuectbe^ bnto pou, tobatfocuecfeOjaJlaffce t\n &»#;%:
Ie(Te J tell pou tbe is erpeoient fatbec i\\ mv name, be topll gene it pou. jffjfifc
fo^ pou tbat 31 go atoape.jfojpf3|goo ^ptbetto baue peafftebnotbinge in mp •"»*»»
not atoap,tbat comfouer topll not come name.*3fRe anb pe (bat ceceaue it:tbat
jwoft f *
b nto pou But pf3fbepacte,*3I topll pouc top map be full,
»m>.rt.b. fendebpm bnto pou. ainbtobenbeis cbefe tbpnges baue 3 fpofeenbuto f
co topi rebufte tbe toozlo of finne, pou in pzouerbes.Cbe tpme topll come
ano of cigbtetocfnes anb of Juogemit* toben 31 (bail no moiefpealti to pou iti

lohn.jrir.8 «^)ffpnne,becaufe*tbep beleucnoton *p^ouecbcS:but 3ffral(beto pou plains 2S??J

merof rpgbtuoufneB, becaure3|gooto Ipc from mpfatbec.ait tbat DapeCbal pe
mp fatbec,anD pe Ojal fe me no moje.^ of affee in mpne name.Bno 3 fape not,b»a
iuDgemetue, becaufe tbe cbefe euleeof to pou tbat 3 topll fpeade bnto mpfa<
tbis U)o^lD,is; iubgeb all ceabp. tbec foj pou.jfo? tbe fatbec bim felfe Io<
3 baue pet manp tbpnges to fap tin* netb pou a becaufe pe bai« Iomio we,
- "" "'"'.""

£f£3o$tu JfoUirtK
baue beleuea that 3 came out fro
attD ges tobatfoeuet tfjou f>att geuen me,ate
3otm ff.b.©oD»* j toeat out from the father, ano of the . * jf 02 3 baue geuen Unto them 3ol)n,, w<
came into the toozloc :auo 3 Icauc the ti;c toozoes tohicbc thou gauclt me, ano

fcHuloagaine,auDgoto tbetatbec. tbcp baue teccaucb ttjtui, auo knowe

i^ps oiiciplcs (aio Unto bim:lo nolo lucelpc that J came out e crotu tbe.auD
fpeatieft tbou plapnlp,anD thou bfeft no do beieue ctjac tfjou opooett ieuo inc.
® pzoucroe . * 0om hioioe lug that tbou. b
3 PW« foj them, auo pzape not f 02 15
j, nDeC ft a „j) e ft an tinges s
auo neoeft f * toozlD:but foj them tobicn thou bait *•!****
4Elflu8 ,> * -

not that anp man fyouloe afke the anpe :

geuen me,roz thep ate tbiue.^noal mine
qucftton. cbeifoze beleue- toe that thou ace tbpne,ano thine ace nune,ano 3 am
earned f com ^oo»3ef us anftoeceo the: glozprpco in them. ainD noaie am j no
pe Do beleue.* >i>c^olDe the houce mozc tii the toozloe , out thep ace to < he
SS { c

o^aujeth npe,ano is all teaop come that
&0t.i+.ft.gc c^albe Icatecco euecp man bis toates,
to02io,auD 3 come to thee. {< 4* johoip
tathec kepe in tbpue oume name, them
ano fl;al leaue me alone, awo pet am 3 tobttbe thou baltegeueume , that thep
not aloue.jfo2*the fatbet 13 toith me. mape be one,as toe ate dcobpuj toag
-Chefe toozDeshaue3fpokenbnto tottbthemitubetooziDe, Jjkeptethem
pou, that tn me pempgbte baue* peace*
m thp name.* ^choie that tbou gaueft art"-**
jFojtn the toozlDfljallpe batietttbula* me, bane 3 aeptc, ano hoik otthem is
ciomout be o£gooDcbeate*3baueouec loft,out that loft chitoe,*tbat thefccip* # fa, « ,c 9-»

rnm<»h«t«nilhii r. r it rr ml itht hr Mi ffnf ch

come the toozloe. t tucc might be tulfpUeo* 1

STOC/Sotcs, iiiomc come 3 to the, ano there too?; cr

#\Ffinne a.IJbeto#lbificebubcbofrpmie,bceauCetbcpbc
Deo fpcake 3m the tooziae, that thep
| eucnot ,^ tsuabelcfc tbcfpime ujjt cotibcms mpgbt hauemp top tuUin them.3 bane
heb, tf pxoufb.anb unf ap tbful, auo not al tbe ccca
geuen tbcmtbp tooiDes 3 auo*ibi euozlo jam*.*
tiitcs rt)at be tu roc rooilbjatib faptb ts tbe tpgb- hathbateo them s becauiethepaccuotot »>ap.»ii»*
tcoutucs of bclcucvs. a ii o becauCe tbc tooilDe ano
natural I ccafun top i not Uuoto tbps top itgc, but
the toO?io,euen as 3
a '» uot ot ? toozlo.

tophbeiufttftcbaub faucb bp t^tfi otoitetooi= 3 Dcfpzc not chat thou u>uioett tatte
Ses tbc bob' S JoO ©al tcbtt si tbc looilb, j tbeasc chemOut ot'UK toozloc:but*tijatthou ^atub.j
,WK ^- fc
tOat tt;cp Q)aibc tuaip conbcmucb. fcepe them f com eupU* Chepacenotof !

"3" Cbe.Ebu.Cbapter** the toozlDC) as 3 am not ot the mozloe.

ITbcmoObactpcanbloupuacpxapccofffbitft.e ^auctftie them tout) thp truth, cop lap
Unto ftisfatOcc^oj al fuebe as cetcauc tijetcutb, iugeistcuthe.^s thou opuoeit leuo me
l^efe too^oes fpafee 3 e' in to the toojlDe,euenrohaue3 lent ti#
ins anoipft Dp his epes mto the toozlo,ano foz the iclaHes ianc*
to beauen,ano faiD:*fa< ttfpjl mp Celt e,§ thep alio mtgbt be fane
tlet the bouce is come: tpiuD tbozo toe ti;e t tuebc.
glo^pfpe thp lonne, that 3 p jap not f 0? them alone : but fop
tfy> l onne mape glo jpfp them all tohich u)all beleue on me t bo*
tbe:asthoul ~*geuehpmpotoecouet rotoethep?p^achpng,thatthcpal ma^
3iobn.b b.
be Q/oulo geue eternal lite
all ftcO),tha t be one, as thou tathec acte m me, ano J
to as manpe as thou bade geuen bpun tn the,i tbcp map be alio one in us, thac
i.3obn.<.a.*Cbpsi0lpteetecnallthat thep might thetoo^loe mape beleue that tboubafte
linotoe tbe,that onelpe Decpe tdoD, ano fent me.anD that glozp that tbou gautft
tohome thou baft (cut 3efus Cbxtft* me,3 haue geuen them, that thep map* .^ ma
3hauegloipfteotbeontheeacth.3 be*one, as toe aw one* 3 in them auo
3**» «• ^jaue * fintl^eo f tooztte tohtch thou ga> thou wme,that thep map be maDe peti
tied me to oo.3no uotoe glozptp me thou feet tn one,auo that the toozlo map bnoto
fatbec luitb thpne otone lelf,toith the glo that tbou haft fent me, atio balle louco
tpe tohtcb 3 naD toitb the, peethe toozlo tt)cin,as thou haft loueo me» J3
teas » 3 baue ocdaceD tbp name Onto Jfathec,3 topll that' thep tohtcb thou *g**1
tbementobtchthougaueftmeoutof the
anDJ ^8 '
bafte geuen me, * be toith me tohcce3
Cbpne thep toece,anD thou ga* am, that thep map f e mp glojpe tohiche
uelt them me anD thep baue kept thp fap tbou haft geuen me.ifoj tbou loiteoft me

tnges. $otoe tbep kuoioc that all thin* befoze ti)e makpnge of tbc too:toe.

tCiie (iofpcll
|©a«» *«
l/ns tva f)tuoti0 fatbet,tbe fcetp toojlbe anD bounce bpm s anb leo (jpm atoap ta
SK:fet batb not bnotoe tqe:but baue knob* 3 anna fv>ft:foi be toa* fatbetlatoe bnto
•m.wi.fy t% 9 ano tbefe baue fcnotoen tbat tbou Cappbas tobtcbe toas tbe bpe pieefty
baue beclateb bnto fame perc. cappbas teas be tbat gaue Jm # .
ball fent me.3inD J coumell to tbe TJetocs.* tbat it bias <%<
tbem tbp name,ano topll ceclace tt,tbat
pebiente tbat one mannc fltjoulo ope for
tbc loue tobettottb tbou baft lotteb me,
be in tbem ; anb ttjat 3 be in tbem. h
tbe people* c •
ano £>pmou petetfolotoeb3efus ©*f.j«.f
31 Uut*i a ,<gM t ,$ t \)V ttnototte ant) glwpc, ttjat t&ou atf
anb anotbec opfciple:tba't otfcpple toas ggJSfe
clacca f Op
m ertpftil,fot8tuca rpnnttf o>inp falie, ano attc HuoUjc of § bpe puift,a no tocnt in tottb
m gooDaitfitpglKcottS*
towlD b<2:ftc tow i tn t^tg plate ifltahlfoitljctoicbca,
3! cf us into tbe palps of tbe bpe pzeefte.
z&ut peter ftooe at tbe dou tottboate*
'Cbcn lucnt out p otbet bpfcpple to!; tcbe
toas ftnotoenbnto tbe bpe pzeefte , ano
ClMtt tsbctcapc&.2;t)et»»ubesof ftps moutlje
fmptetlje oeficctsfortjcscoiwo. i©«Ktfmptctl) fpaUe to tbe oatnCel tbat ftepte tbe Doze,
•finale Due care. Jicfus tc biouflUt befoic sdiwa, ano biougbtc m pet cccben fapbe tbe
Cappoas,4nQ jdilate. Da mt ell tbat Kept tbe bote, bnto petet:
l^cn 3((u0 fpolun
bftb aitte not tbou one of tf i mannes Dpici*
n tbefe H)ozDts 3*beb)tnte
€9ae.:6.j) pies^efapbeijam »1ot. Cbefetuaui
Warh.14 t'o*tb toiib bP£ oifciplcs
tcs ano tbe mfmftets ftobe tbec,anb bab
oucc tbebzobeCeozon, inaDeafp?eofcoles:foitttoascolbe:£
tobete teas a gatoen t»< tbep toarmeo tbem fcluc* peter alfo
to m
tobicbe be entteb
tottb bis bifciples»3|ubas altotobicbe
a oDe among tbem anb toatmeb bim felf.
* *i;bebpepzeeftaffteb3efusofbi0 5©
betcapebbtm,bneb)tbeplace:foi3efus DtTciplesanbofbtf boctftne.3efu£an* mukt.^t
oftetpmes tefozteb tbptbet tottb bP« ftofteobiunjfpaaeopenlp in$ toozlo. *»*•»••
Dpfcpples^UDastbcnaftetbebabte* 3 euertaugbtintbe&pnagogcanb tit
ceauebaboubeofmenjanDnumaetsor tbe temple tobttbec all tbe Vetoes cefoi*
tbe bpe pzceftes,anb pbatifesvcaine tcb,anb m rectete bauejf fapb notbing:
tbptbet tottb lantern ano fpec bianbes ^Dp afbeft tbou me^ 3(fee tbemtobwb
anb toepeus* cben 3elus unototng ail ^atoe me,tobat 3 rapbe bnto tbeim©e
binges ttjat u)oulD come on bpui,tuent ^oloe tbep can teil tobat 3 fapD» tioben
foitb anb tmbnto tbem : tobome rebe i)e &ab tbus fpobcn,one of tbe miniftets

?er-<EbepanfujeteDbpm:3efus of 0m uibicb ftobe bp,fmote 3efu$ on tbe face

^ jatetb . 3«l'ufl fapoe bnro tbem:J am
*»«us.e. be»*3ubas alfo tobfebe bettapeb bpm,
faptnge:*anftoeceft tbou
f o^3cfu0 anftoeteb
bpe pzeefte
btmjf J baue euel ******
g' ,r '+ e ltoDe tottb tbem. ©utaironea^bebao fpofien,bearetettnesoftbe eupll:pf3
f *

* • tapoe bnto tbem

, 3 am be, tm
toente tjauc tocl fpoben, tobp fmptfeft tbou mtr
tiacfeetoatbes ano fell to tbe grounoe. amo annas fetu btm bounbe bnto cap*
ano be a f KeD tbem agapnc;tobome fefec p^ae tbe bic pjceft.
pe^bcp fapb:3erus of ^ajacetb.3e4 ^pmon petet ftobeanb toatmeb b^m
f us anrioeceo: 3 fapoe bnto pou, 3 am tbep fapbe bnto bpm : atte not
felt e.aiuo
b2jf P^ M* me,let tbefe go tbep; toap. tbou alfo one of bt* bpfctplesr'
<Cbat tbe faptnge mpgbte bee fulfplleb cb tt,ano fapo:3 am not. $>m of tbefes
beni< m
3Pjon,«7.b Mjf ( f, e \)t fpake:*of tbem
tobtcbe tbou uauntes of tbe bpe pjeefte* ( bt^ cofen
gaueft me bane 3 not loft one. tobofe eate petec fmote of) fapbe bnto
S>tmon petec bao a fmeato anb am
bp mtopo not 3 fe ttit in tbe gatoen tottb
ft,anb fmote ti)z tyt pueftes fetuauut, btim-petec beuteb it againetano tmme#
anb cut of bts tiqln eate.Cbe fetuauiii Dtatlpe tbe coefce ctetoe.* tcbeu leb tbep
tesuametoasijpalcbas* Cben fapoe 3efus ftomeeappbas tntotbeballof
«nt«w.f 3efusbntopetet:*putbptbpftoecoe tuogemente. Jt teas
tbe moznpnae SlfSi
mto tbe n)catb:£bal 3 not o^tucfee of tbe anb tbep tbem lelfes \otntt uottntotbi Ute ** -

cup tobtcbe mp fatber batbe geuen me. i uogemct bal itttt^ Iboulb be befpleb*
Cbcn tbc compaupe ano tbe captapne, \juttm tbep mpgbte eate tbe paf cbaU
ano f mpntftecs of ^ 3etoes tobe^efu^ (ambe.pplate tben toente out bnto tb«
#fg>.3IoJm. nfoUtfut
anD raptor: fotja t accufoc ton bjmge pe a< $en opiate tofte Jeftts %

gaputte tbi Cbep anftocceD a nD

man*- 'anD fcourgeDbpm.*31nD «»«*-«*«.c
rapb unto him. 3fbe tosre not an eupll |the fouDpers toounDe a tS^-X
Doa r, toe toon Id not baue oclt uercD nun jCcoune of tboirtes anD
f bnto the. CbenfapDe ^plare butotbe\ ;

putttonhtshtaDe. %m
take pc bun anotuDge fjim after police tH? did on htm a purple
oU)tieIaujr.'C^ntf)c jjemes fapDbnto gatmeu, anDfapDeihaplIltpngc oftfje
bpm. Jt is not iatotuil f 0: bs to put a* 3etoes:$ tbpe fmot fum on p face ptlat
npc man to Dcatfi * Chat the tooioes of
toetK f oub agatne 9 fapD bnro them:be<
flpat. jo.8. bolD 3 b^tngc htm foith to i>ou, thatpe
2K e f tt|0 imgbte be fulfplleD* tobtcbebe

f pake.figmtping tobat Death be OjoulD map ftnoiu,that 3 f titoe no faute in t»m.

ope*' d)h^ cam leftts foith toeartng a crottue
»ftt.:7.b * Chen opiate cturcD into the iuD; of thoineanoa cobeof purple.^tiD &u
late fapDe bnto them : beboiDe the man. flp«t.rr.«
SSilv'H gfnicntbalagapue,anD
calico 3erus,fc
fapD bnto bun:act thou the ftpnge of the *)00heutbebpe pjceltes auD mmtfters SKiJ*
3f ctocs j-JcCus a unftocccD:faieit thou p
fato him , thep ctteD favmge : crttcifpe
of tbp f cite, 01 DiD other tell it the of me." btm,cructfp him, ^tlat fai>D bnto the.
^plate anitocteD:3Bm J? a Jje to^Chine (CaUepe hpm anD ccucifpe hpm:foi 3
otone nation anD t;pc pueftes baue Df li* fpnDeno caufe in him Che Jetties an* ?5
ucccd the bnto mc . kchat oaftctfjou ftoeceD him.icoe baue a*lato a^ bp our (a * u t} 4-«
Done." Jefus anf toereo: u mp Upngoome toe heoughte toDie;*becaufc hemaDe 3oftn.n.b.
is not of tbp$ tooiloc. V f nip & ingDome htm felf the fonne of d5oD.3COhen i^tlate
lucr of this tooilD, then inoiiio tup mint* heacD $ raping he toas the mo:e afrapD,
fters ftit eli' fpgbMbat 3) tyouiD not be 5 tocnt againe into the iuogement ball,
DclpuercD to the Jetties, but nolo ts mp ^ fatD bnto Jef usitohece act thou.">3ut
3o!iti.i>i b * fcpngoome not from hence, pplat fato
3efus: gaue him none annftoete. Chen
bntobim:3tcte tbouafcpngetben?- Jje< favD pilatc bnto htm. ^peaked thou
fits aunf toerco:tnou f apeft that J am a not bnto me ft no toed thou not that
tumg c. jf j thps taufe toas 3 bome,ano baue po toec to ccucpfpe the* , auD baue
&> toitbps eaufe came 3 into tnctoojlDc, potoettofotofe thet'Jefuja! aunftoeteb:
that 3i fljoiiloe beate toprnefTe bnto the 'Cbou couiDcfthaue nopotoec at all a^
%x uthc.ainD al that ace of f tcueth h care gapuft uie,e]ccept it toece*geuen the fto &»p w- «;
tnp bopce. j&plate fapD bnto bpm: tobat aboue. Checefo^ehethatDelpueceDme 22K*
tnpngcis truth^no toben bebaDfapD bnto the, is moie in ftnne, * %nb ftom .

tbat,betoent out agatne bnto the 3eto* theucefo?th foughte^ilatemeanesto

cs,anofaiD bnto them:* 3 ft'iibe in bun lotofebimrbuttbejetoes crpcD raping: naH.^fu.e
pf thou let hpm go tbouatte notcefars <C
m** rr.t no cauf e at al.*£e baue a cuftouie, that w
1? b
M* fl

JChoulDDdpuecpou one loufe atCa* fcenDe»ifo^tohofoeiiecmafeetbbimfelf
ntt * - b*

J!K?!iJ ftcr.axjpil pc that 3 loufe bnto pou the a tung,is agapntt Ceafar*
P n 3 of tr)C 3t*tot**®hm erpeD thep al
When opiate bearDe^fapinge, fje
ilw^SS a
againe faptnge:jBothpm,butjBacca^ biougbt Jefus fojtb , anD rat Doune to
bas: that j&atrabas tuas a tobbet* geue rcntcnce,iu a place calico the pane
%bc notes. meut:but in the ^ebzue tonge, d5abba*
JCbatttK naDfapb ttjat jtic ibouIDbccructfpco of rfjc
a. fee tha. ittoastbe^abotbeeuentohlcbe
too;6csof gempte.aHDtbctfoxemuftpplate 3em:icntence faileth tn the eaftecfeaff, * about fire
3|eTu9sc. oiibim.anbnottiiejlctoes/oitbepecfoutmaQce bou re. 3nD he fapD bnto the jjetocs:be<
£Bjpbing:0fyp9 **oioc.
tomejtc. b.:£batt9,mp&pngbomct9notatooxU>!pcfepitg
bolD pouc fepng. cbep ccpeDjatoap toitb
borne, t Ijat coiif UK r y in ft r ei igui, in a tines, u mc\
t htmjatoap toith bpm,crucifp htm.jdilat
Cuboumgc of roc booctp
tn r&c ftoccoc.anD in tbc fapbf bnto tbem^bal 3 crucif te pouc
rt^tngcf jburmr hpngDome is fpirtrudli telnet) is
in U)i beattcso. tl;cfaitt;fuI,torjo atcnortulcb bp
fepugf Chehpepieeftes anftoeceD:tot
f he f toetb.but bp rl;c e> of pcii. baue no Hpng but cefar:* chen Deliue* ^J ^••-

uectD he him bnto tbe,to be ccucifpeo.

SnDtheptofte3efus,^i(eDbimatoap &
ibMft ts ttuttfpcb. ©c cfimrnbetb bpg motrjet 3nDbebacebtectoa"e,gr*tocntfojtbinj **»*••
bmc 3iobji 3 0;ea&ctl; i^ts bloub.anb ts butpeb. lo a place calico the place of oeao mens

Ctje (iofpeli
^eb?iu 5 4pol
teulics, tob icb is ttameo in toa^beabealreabpetbep b^abenotbts
gotba* *»bctccbcp ctuciftcobim 3 auD icgges:butoneoft!)e fouoiets tottb a
ttoo o tbct tottbbpm,on eytbet fpoe one, fpeace, tb^ufte Imn into tbe fpbc,- * ano
ano Jetus tn § miODes* 3tnD * palate toube toitb came tbete out blotme anD
toiote bis title, ano put it on tne ccofft* toatet.
Cue touting toastjefus of jjiajatctb, 3nb be tbat fatoe 1 1 jbate recojtK.anb
feinge of Uje Jjetoes* t3LUps tptie ceaoe bis ttco^D is true. 3no be bnotoetb tbat
manp of tbe Jjetoes * if oj tbe place toijet be faptb ttue,tbat pe mtgbt beleue alfo
JJefus toas cruci tico,toas upe to p cttie. Cbef e tbpngeg toe c Done tbat tbe fctip«
ano tt teas tojttten tn |£ebiue,<©tcKe 9 tutefbouloebefulfplleD**2 e f^aUnot £MB
%at n. cne fapo § bpc pieeltes of p 3 e to « Mm,-^-J
bieake a bone of bpm. 3no agapne ano*
cs to j&i la te:to;pt not fttng of tbe 3jeto* tbtc fcttptute fapetb:*tbep fball lofee on .*sctt#i.r:
es,but p be J am tttng of £ Jetoes*
fa id bpm,tobometbep pearfeD»*3ftec tbat, {IWatr7 -
^plate anftoetco: toijat j bauctojptten, 3lofepb of 3Btamatbia(tobicb toas a Dif« npat %\>

tbatbaueJtoiptteH* cpple of Jefus:but feccetlp fo; feace of

****** »•
Cbentlicfoubicts,* toben tbepbaD tbe Vetoes ) befougbte ^tlate tbat be
$» It. 57.0 ctuctfieD Jefus, toltc bisgatmentcs;*
Spar.tto.c. mf gbte tafte Do tone tbe bobpe of ]|cf u s.
maDefouccpattes , toeutt^cfotiDura 3nD ^tlate gaue bun licence*^nbtb<C(
partem alfo bis cootc. ciie coote toas came alfo liicoocmtis tobtcb at § begin
toitbout fcme,to:ougbte bpon rtjozotoe nmge cam to Jefus bp tugbt,^ bjougbt
onte»3HiD tbep faj'D one to another* jtct ofmpjtefialotoesmingleD togetbeta*
Ds not DcupD i t ,but caft lottes lofjo fi)al boute an bnnDuo pounoe toaigbtt'Cbe
bane tt Chat tfje feciptute migbte be toke tbep tbe bobpe of Jefn,a no toouno
fulfpllebtobicbe fafctt),*cbeppattcb tt tn itnnen clotbes toitb tbe odou tcs,as
mp tapmente amonge tbcm, ano on mp tbe mancc of tbe 3 etoes is to bucp .acno
coote opD caft lottcs . 3Bno tfye Couctets in tty place tobet Jef us toas a ucifieD,
DiDfucbtbtngcs in Dcbe* toas a gatoen,^ tn tbe gatben a ue to f u
Cbenftooe bptbectoffcof Jefusbts puu:te,tobecin toas nenct mannc lapoc.
motbet,anD bis motbectf fpft er, sJpatpe CbetelapDe tbep Jefus becaufe of tbe
tfje Uitfe of Cleopbas,anD ijjparp ^ag<
Vetoes ^abotbe mm, foi tbe fepulcte
Daieiic. axjljenjcfus fa toe jig motbec,
toas npt at banbe. h
3olKX«(.a. anD tbe Dtfctple ftanDpng*tobom be to- £* tcb^rjc.Cbaptct.+
ucd , be far oe onto bis motbetrtooman ITIjctffutPfcrpon of^pclj appcaml/to
bebolbe tfyp fonnc»Cben fapoe be to tbe Matt ^agDaicncanH to al ttjeic
Difciple:bebolb tup motbec .3nb from p great tonifQitc.

bonce tbe Dtfctple toite net fox bis otone. |^emojoto*aftet tbe fabotb HI
aftcctbattobenjerus pctceaueo bap,came il^arpe magoalene £&£•
5P tbat all tbpnges toete pctfoimtD : trjae ctlp, toben it toas! pet oatcfee, &mJma
l©Cfll.68.t tbe*f ccipt arc migbte bee f tilfpllcD : be jbntotbe fepulcte, anD fatoe
fapo: tbP?ft, Cbece ftooe a fceffell full tbe (tone taken atoap f tome t\)g toumbe*
of tocnegat bp.*3lnb tbtp fpllco a fpong 'Cben tbe taune, anD came to^pmon
93 or,! to. D toitb beiuger,anD toouno tt about toft b petet ano to f otbet Dtfctple tobom*Je Hf"?^
pfope,anD put it to bis momb.Monc as f us loutD>ff fapD bnto tbcm.Cbep baue S5.'S:«1

3feCUjS bao ceceaueb ottbe beneget,be tafcc atoap tbe ZLoiD out of tbe toumbe,

lotljrWt.a fapoe : * Jt 10 fiat tyeo,anD botoeo bps anb toe cannot tell tobete tfa\> baue laib
beaoe,anD gaue bp tbe gooff, nbc Jjeto btm,0etet toent fojtb,anD tbat otbet Dif
es tben becaufe ft toas tbe s>abotb eue, ciple anD came bnto tbe fepulcre* €bc?
tbat*the bobpes Ojoiiio not temaine bp tan bo tb t og i tbec, anb tbat otbet Difc?«
on tbe ctoffc on tbe fabotb Dape(fM $ fa* pfe did out tunne )aetet 9 came fpiOe to
botbe Dart toas an bte Dave) befoiigbte anDbeftoupeDbouneauD
^plate tbat tbeir legges nugb t be bio *
ben ano tbat tbep mtgbt be tafee ooune*
fatof Ipnnenclotbes Iptng, pet toeut be
not tn»* cben came §>imd ^etet f olo to

Cben came tbe fouDiets ano bjnke tbe ing btm,s \atnt into f fepulcte, ^ fa to §
legges of f> ft eft ,ano of tbe otbec tobtcbe linnen clotbejSilie,^ tbe napatn^ toas a«
toas ccuct.teDtoitbJcfus. Buttobeii boute bis bcab, not (ring tottb f ipnnen
tijea' came tojefus.anb fa toe tbat be clotbjbut to:appeb to g*t&ec fn a place
bp it felfe.Chen toent in airo that othec
Dpfctple to^tc^e came fpzfte to the re*
3efus came* Che otbet btfctples rapoc
jafdfmus, teas' hot toitb the" fobc"

pulcb& ano be fatoc ano beleueb . fot into hiimtoe baue rene tbe ZLozbe.aiud
»&i.i6,b as pet tbep frnetoeuot tbe*r«iptutes be raib fcnto them: cjcccptc 3 re in bps
the p jcnt of tbe uaplcs, 5 put tup
mTmi t^at fjc ujoulbe tpf c againe f torn death. bSdes
3no tbe difctples toente atoape agapnt fpnget in f holes of p naples, 9 tbzufte

fcnto tbelt otone home. ^ rop b5be into bis fpbc,l toil not beleue.

C + * qaatp ftobe tottbout at tbe fepul* ainb after.fctif.barcs agapne,bts Dtrci^

cbie toeppnge.aiob as Oje tocptc,Ojc bo* pleS toete toitb in ano ^Dbomas
nob.**.* ,

toeo bet fclfe into tbe fepulebze 9 fatoe them.'Cbe" came 3Ierus toben tbe
t too angel* in tobpte rpttpnge , tbe one toccc fl)ut, anb ftode m (fie ropddes and
at p beaoe a the otbet at tbe fete,tobete fatb:peace be u>ttf> pou*
tbcp hao lapbe the boope of 3|eru6«8nd W et that raid be to Choma&bzf ngc <$
tbp fpnget betbet,and fe mp b$des,and
tbep fapbe fcnto bet:tooma tobp toepeft
tbour^be faib into tbe*:foz tbep haue bzpnge tbp hanbe anb thzuft it into nip
ta&en atoape mp XLozb, anb 3 toote not fioe.anb be not faitbletfe,but beleuinge,
tobewthep haue iapde bim tttyentye Cbomasanrtocted and fapd fcnto bim:
bao thus faio,fte tutneb het ftlfe baefce mp jlozbe,and mp mucins f aiD b n*
and ratoe Jefusftandpnge.andfenetoe tobpm t£bomas,becauretboubafte
not tbat it teas Jetas. Jef us faib bin fene mMbetfoze tbou bcltueft: ©apppe
to bet:toomatobp toepeft thoii^iccbome ate tbep § baue not (ene,& petbeleue. b
^ f cfeeft tbou ? &Mt fuppofpnge £ be bad *%™ i«anp otbet fpgnts bib 3efu$ w*
* bene $gatdtnct,faid fcnto bim. £>pzpe in tbe pzefence of bis dtrciples , tobpebe *

tbou baue boznc bun bete ttl me tobete ate not mitttn in tbis boUe Cbefe ate
cliou baft latbe him, $ J mape f et bpm. tozpttcn tbat pe migbt beleue, tbat jt*
lefus faib Unto btt:j3»atpe.<febe tut* fus it Cbuft tbe f oune of <Bod,and tbae
neb bet felfe^ faib fcnto bim : ttaboni, in beleupuge pe might b au c Ipfc thozo to
tobicbe is to fapc maftet.Jefusrapbc bis name. («

bet, a toucbe
me oo^foj I am not
attsbc(attrft^&tanottut 31 am *0U ti>t
petalCCbCOtompfatbet»BUtgOfO*mp jprenttccptfoo.buramucuallasaitoasbcftue mciiof.«c
tt»u,ii.«. h?efhjcnanhfflt) linfnrbcm
bzetbzen anb rap but ilnfrmrie
fycm,*J afcenDe 3 fu{fccl»Matt>»tl)Ctfoxctoutt>cmc not. ©otoml
tit* t»< r
' '
butompfatbec^poutefatbet: tomp b.EohctuaqatOcttJtDc.irtmt.c bilt^Iote
il^ltf.w* Chapter. 4<
4nhf.i4.a (Bobanbpoute(5ob.* j^atp gpagba*
Beappeatetb to 019 DiCctpIcs agapnc bp tlje
lene came anb tolbe ti)e bpfcipies tbat Tea of stbcctad, aitb commaunbet^ {deter cacs
Ak bao fene tbe )Lozoe, anb tbat \jt bao ncttlp to fcoebtsCbcpc
fpoben f uebe tbvnges bnto bet. {* ftettbat Jerusftctocbbpm 31

^ +*Cbcfa»nfbapeatuigbt,tobicf| felfe agapue,at tbe fea of ci<
toagtftctnozotoaftettbe &abotbdap, bettas.Snb on tbps topfe fl)e^

toben tbe bozes toete (Inn, to^ete § bpf« toco b« bim felfe. tcbete mete
ciples toete aftembleo togetbet foz fcate togetbet ^imon ^etct anb Cbomas,
of tbe Jetoes , tame jefus anb ftooe in tobicb is called 5>iDimti£:auD*0atba* nowx
tbe mpbbts,fi taiD to tije:pcace be toitb nael of caua acitie of d5alile,fi § fonnes
pou.ainbtoben be babfofavb, be fyctoeb ofZebeDei,anbttoo otbet oftbe Dilcp«
buto tbem bis banbes,anb bis fpbe. pies. ^imon 0etet faib bnto tbe:]B go
30*0.16.6 * cb en toete tfie
bifttpiesglabetobett a fpftynge.'&bep faib fcnto bturtoeal*
tbepfato tbe Jlozb.Cbeti faib Jefus to fo toil go toitb tbe. tcbeptoent their toag
them agapnerpeace be toitb pou*9$ mp anb eneteb into a flu p ft taigbt toap,ant>
«&p,w,8 fatbet * rente me, euen fo fenbe J pou* that nigbt taugbte tbep notbpnge.&ue
SKI on tbem anb
3nD tooai oe oaD lA! Dc that » nc bzetbeb Itoben the moznpng toas noto c me ~$s*
joijn, 17 1

fapbe fcnto tbem: uetca ut f us ftobe on the tyozc : neuettbeleu"e tbe


the bolp gooft.&horoeuers b fpnncs pe bifcppleg ttnetoe not that it toas 3 ems*
ccmlt tbep ate remitted bnto tbennanb Jems rapbefcntotbcm.'rp&hauepea*
tobofoe ucrs fpnncs pe tetapne^bep ate i\p meatet* cbep anftoeted .2fin&
* tetapucb* {• be fapbe fcnto tbem:cafte * oute the net lube to

3K*o.^u +
* 3£ u t ^bciua s one of tbe t toduc, on § ngb t fide of § Ojip, 9 ujal fpnde. w
f ' ,

tfchep catte out* , anh auottc thep tocte

3Jnh tohen he haD faph tf>u0,&ip faph t6
Hh foiotoeme. ^etertumeD about
not able to Diatoc it f 01 the multitude of hpm
fpffljes* ano raise that hpfciplc * tohome Jefus f° t

^ Chen fapDe the Difctplc * tobome IoueDfoiobjpnge:h>hicheairoleanehoti '

Hob«.«3,c cft15 iouco two jaetcc: jt 10 # iiojo. his bicfte at rupper anh fapDe : lo^De
*»»».**. e
jjooijen ^uno^ctec heatne,that it teas tolip ch c is he that (lym b£ tea p e the*
the JLo^dc, he gpjoe bps mantel to hpm acchen ^etccfaU)chmi,herapDcto3|ei ^
(fojbe toas nafceojanorpiange into the fus :XLo?De tohat (hall he here do^ Je< v
tea * CbeotbctDviuplcscamebpflnp fus raphe tmto.-hpm : If 3! to PH h attc
f 01 tbcp mete not facte from lanhe , but hpm to tatpe tpll J come , tohat is that
as it lucre ttoo hunDjcD mbytes, $ tirep to ti) if f olp toe thou me* Chen toent thi<$
Djetoetbe ncttoitbfpfincs 3i(ToueajS fapinge ab^ohe amonge the bietbicti,
5 t^cp toete come to lanDe, thep fato boote that that oprcpple fl)ouio not ope * ^ct
cotes anh f ifhc lapoe thero, anD bjcaDc. 3(erus raph not to h?m,he 0)81 not Dpc:
&nk(.H.fJefus (apoe unto them:* iupngc of 1
hut pf topll that tfmmtpll I come;
the fpffhe tobpeh* pe bane nolo caught* tohat is that to the /Che fame Dpfcpplc
6 pinion petcc fteppco f orthe ano Dieiuc is he.tobtche tcftificth of thefe tbtnges p
the net tolonhe fwTof greate fpffljcja:, anh tojote there thpnges 38nh toe
anbjuiDiiD attD.lui « atnofo; ail there buotoe, that his trftimonp i$ true* h
tuctc fomanp , pet urns not tr)e net bio< * cherc are alio manpc other thpnges Mhjh
btiujcfus fapDe tmto them: come and tohpche 3erusDph:the tohiche pf thep
. ppne, ^nDnone of theDpfctpIes Dutlte B^ouloe be to^tten euetp om^ytupr ..
af&eitfm: tohat arte thou * $t>i thep pofeche too^loecouloe not contapuethe
ftuetoe that it urns the ilojoe * 33efus hoae^thatu^oulDeheto^ptten* j?
then came ano tofee breaoe ., ano gaue
cbem, ano fpfflje Ipfeetopre * awa this A.^cIoMCtijC^Ki^OatfcaDctljljisEftinbcsanb £ambcs*
ts uottie the tfyp$c tpmethat 3|«fus ap* 0)cae.
6. ©ji?i9? fjgucattuc rpcad)C,tot)ul) aoct^ rijs
peceD to fus oif ciples ,af tec that he teas mtyetljat tlyctc tdCtcntanpc tljmgcsmoteto 31 Tups W
rpfenagayiu.frtjm'Death* |i tomt«ttftatatcnottoUtt«M5utpettbetctsasporc»

<8 aooheutbepbaDDpneD,3pfusfa.pDe tnutUctorttcuasisueccffatpcanDfafftcieiufoi

to &iiuon i^etec : &»mon Joanna, lo *

ueft thou me mote then there* ^efapbs 4[^erccnDcthtbc(Borpeaor

tinto him:pea jLojp thou fenotoeft, that
* i^e raphe tjutb^pmrfeoe
Jioue the
nip a lambes ' ^elapDetottfohVnia*
j gapne thef eronae tpmc : pinion $om*
na, ioueft thou me** J^e raphe bnto htm:
pea )LojD thoufcnotoeft loucthe.Umj
i^e fapoe hnto hptmfeoe mp Gjepe ^e aipolilrs, toiptteu bp ^apucte
fapDehntoh^mthethpjhetpme : &>u KLUhethecuangelpft,
tnonJoanuMouefr thou jutVainD j&etcc tohichtoas parent at
fojotoeh becaute he ra&oe to hpm the theDopngeiaiof
thpjhe tpme,loueft thou me , anh raphe them*
3oW>i.:b nntohpniiftojDe, thou fenotoelUall
tbpnge.thoufcnotoctt that J iqaetbe* K^Chefpjfte Chapter. ^ ...:.*•...:

3ef us raphe hnto hpm : fehe mp.ftjepc*

4P metelp hetelp 31 rape hnto the, Sftc arcctt c i ou of £ l)»a. m atl? i&$ is c rjoren

3r totbefteDeofJItfUa?.
tohe" thou toaft ponge,thou gethehft tijp
fclfe.anD toalfcehft tohpthettbou tooul*
<*,. tl * tteft : hut toben thou arte olhe, thou
f cenDe Che*
l?&a * Ojait fttetche foutthe thp hanhes,anD ophtfus)3bauVto?pt4
another fyall gpjDetbe, anhleahethe
ten of all tfiat 31efuB be*
tohitherthou tooulDertnat:Chatfpa&e
ganne toDoaiiDteache.
he rpgnifptnge bp tohat Death he tyoulD
t)ntpiit^eDap«into^tctt ...

glojicpe <I5oD» t

\ .

#f tlje Styoffle*. Jfolfrbf.

Ije foag taken tip, after tbat ^c a tfjozotoc getter, lucre abotite aii ^unbiebanb
ti>c f;oit ej
goofte , fmo geuen commaun; ttocn tp)Ve men anb bzetntetbis fcrtp^

'im » tomMNS unto tbe

a Slponies , tofjlcfjc f>c ture 111 u lie baue nebes bene fuIfpUebJ
eno,«i.t' bao cbofeu :tohome alfo be * tibetocb
to tobpeb e tbe bolp god tiiozoto tbe mou f? t

tj?m feife alpuc, after bps paOTton bp of Da ti to fpaKe before of 3ubas,tobic^

manp tokens, nppcrpnge bnto a?cm * teas gpbe to tbem that tobe J ef us. maf,t*w,'«
fouttp &aics,aub fpeakpnge off ftpng* ifoibetoajsnoubjeb initbbsanbbab Kc 'U
borne of C50D , a no gatbereb tb cm toge* obtaineb fellobju^tp in tbts mpniaracii %mt,r.
tfjer,* ano commauDCD thcm,tfjat tbep on^nbtbefame f^athnotoe poffeffeb a f£ftY
DjoulD not Departe fromljerufaletmbtit plat of gcoube toitl) tbe rcinarbe of ini<
totoapte t'oi tfjc p;omps of tbe father, quitejanbtobeubetoag+bange^bzaft ?$%\
fV-O.l.ib .9
* tobetof pe baue bearoc of me » * ifojt a foiiocr tn tbe anb all bps bo; m^ms •

1 }oiin.i, c jolju baptifeo Uittti toatenbut pe foall toclsguffljcboutc . 2Bnbitisfehotocii
be baptifeb toitb tbebolp gofMnb tbat Unto al t\)t inbabpters ofJerural emnti
ftunr,iu,( luubintbisfcatocbapes: . accbentbep fo mucb tuat , f felbe is calico in tb cp j
Uicce come together , tbep afkeD of bpm motbet toge, aicbclbama,ti)at is to Cap,
fapmgc: jioiDe im It tbou at tbptf tpme, tbebloubefeibe*

a&at. 24. c
telioic agatne tijc fcpugebom of JJlraclr-
fa})D tont0 ^
cm j^-^tts not fo wi
poti to ftnotoe tbe tpmes , i tbe feafong
3[tis mipttenin tbe bofeeof ^fal<
mcs:*bps babptacionbebopbe, an&
no man be btoellpnge tberin: * anb bps ftoi.tor.«
ttf '',:fr • ,

tobtcbe tbe f atber ba tb put in fits otone ffipfftopipcke let anotbec take.aoobere* ^
fozc of tbcfe men tobpebe bauc compaui*
SSj'^f potoet : but * pe tyall receaue potocc of
t(K bolp good, tob tcb Rial come on pou* eo toitb bs, all tbe tpme tbat tiit Hozoe
3C,]D * pe * al1 be toptneffeis bnto me irt 31cfus tocnte in anb out amonge bs,be*
3Jccufalem,anDtrtall J etoipe ano in gpnnpnge at tbe baptime of 3|obn buto
^amarpe , ano mm
bnto ti;e tooiloes tbat fameoape tbat be teas taken bp
cube* from bs,muft one be oioepneb to beare
23 $nb
Uibcn be ijab fpofcen tnefe toitncs toittf bs of bts refurreccion.
«Nr jtot.D tfjpnges, tobple tbep bebclbe, * be teas * anb tnep apopnteb ttoo,* Jofepb f »*'•
lute, j*.t +
taKen t)p,auti a clouoe teceaueo bmi bp calleb 23arfabas ( tol;ofe fpj name toas
oute of tbetc f pgbt . 3inb tobple tf}tp lol 3!uftus)anb^patbias « 3Bnb tbep
kcD ftcDfaftlp bp to beauen asbe tocnt, piapco fapingctbou tlo:d tobtcb*feno< par.:?,& t

bieft tbe beartes of all men, fcetoe tobe*

beboine tioo men (lobe bp tbem in tobite
»ppateu„tobpcbe alfo fapoe : pe men of tber of tbcfe ttoo tbou bade cljofcn tfjac
dBalple ,tobp ftanoe pe gafpnge bp into tbe one mape take t\)t rotime of tbts mu
beauen , %\)i$ rame jjefus tobpebe *s niftracion anb 3poftletbpp,from tobtcf?

22* »"?* afceu **P ftoni p0M int0 faawe,* aI fo $ Jubas bp trangreffio fcl,tbat be migbt
•m,.^,t come, euen as pe baue fene bpm go into go to bps otone place* JBtiDtbcfgauc
JiSJ.I^beaucn {< Cbenrctutneb tbep bnto foztbe :'?cp: lottes , anb tbe lot fell on
aw.wi.c" Jerufalem from mount £>!i net c,tobf cb ^Dpatbias, anb be toas counteo toitb^ tbe
npe t0 jerufalem , contepnpnge 9
eleucnaipoftlcjsf. b
a ^abotb Dares iozuep, ainb toben tbep
come m
toece 3 tbep
tocnte bp into a paw
SStet abobe bothc * ^cteranb Ja<
ler.tobete «. "STbcgjabotbu^caioiturp toas alioatc ample $abotb.

*uteti,«. mes, jobn ano anbjeto, 0bplpp anb astsinciicpouct>tit(S)4tt)eto>PFtuub iciuey* ,

•Cbomas, sartlemeto ano sj^atbeto,

4£%ty*iU Chapter.^
James the fonne of 3ilpbeus, anb £> u
' won Zelotes,anb31uba$ 3fames fonne* fbe c omntpn gc of ttj c holp 1 bo ft c. 2CTj c rctw
%b£feaIlcontpnueb toptbone accoibe mott of i&ctcc bef o:c tne congccgaciott at © tctn*
\\\ pzapec anb rupplpcacion toitb t^e

toemen anb sipatp cbe motbtt of Jfefu, ^entbe * fpftietfjbape toas 31

anbtoitbbisbtetbien* come, tbep toere all toptbone p«j.>w*
C * 3(nb in tbbfe bapes |0« et ftooc bp jarcozDc to getbet in one
tcmt,y,t .

m tbtmpbbcs of tbe bpf ciple^ anb faib: [place * SBnDfobenlpctbcrc

(tbe noumbjeof nauie? tbat u>ere to* tame a founbefcombeauen, as it baa
ftenet&c commfrtgc of a «ipgf)t|>tumDe, the mone into bloube bctoie tbat gtcatt
bud itfpllebal § [)oufe totiece tfjep fate* ano notable bapc of tbc ftojbe come,
3uD there appctco bnto tbem clouen * ano it t^albe , that tobofoeuec (ball m»».*.%
Conges, ipftc as tljcp bao bene {per, ano call on tbe name of cbe jLojoe, a^aioe
*fam,4,:r it (are bpon eacbe of them : * ano faueD* b
•w,w' b -
tr)ep tocce all fplleo toptb
tbe bolp goft,
beganue to Cpeafee Mitt) otbec ton?
bes jjef us of ^a;acetb,a man apioueo

gcs, euett as tbe fpittt gaue tbem b tte* of <©od amog pou tottb mpjaclcs, toon* .

cauuce. DetsauD fpgnes tobpebe ©od bpbbv

bpmin tbe mpbbcs of pou,aspe poute
^ fale\3Jetocs, beuoute men xobicty tutce felues feno toe: (rpmbatw pe tafeen bp tbe
ofall»anonst>nDerbeauen*:WJbcnfbts banbes of bntpgbtcous pctfones ,af«
.toas nop i co abo u t,tb c tmiiti tube came tec be toas belpueteb bp tbe betetmtuat
together ft toere aftonpeb , becaufe that counfel anb f ojefenotolcbge of (5ob,anD
euetp mi bcatDe tbem f pea fee bts oume baue ctuctfpcD anb 0apne:tobome <sod
touugcc&ep toonozeo all ano matuep* batb capfeb Dp anb lotofeb tbe fojotoes
IeD fapf ngc amonge tbem felues : be* of ocatb,bccaufe it toas bupodtbic tbat

t)olbe, ate not all tbef e tobicbc fpeafee,of beftoulbe be bolbcn of it jfozBautD
<&alple f 3no bo Jo beate toe cuetp man fpcafeetb of btm»* afoie banbe J| fatoc v**' *

bts o tone tounge tobecin toe toe te bozeV €?oD al toaies befoze me: for be is on mp
Ida ttb ians^cbes anb Clamptes,anb tpgbt banbe, tbat ~$ ttjouloc not be mo*
the Inhabit er s of d^efopota una, or Jiu mo* ^betfoze bpb mp fjett tetopce, anb
tp.anbot Capabocta.of^ontbiis ano mp toge toas glabe.^ozeouer alio mp
ftfta , |&bzt gia, jaampbtlta , ano of e< fleOjc itjal tea in bope,beca uf c tfiou \silt
8Ppte,anbof£ patties of JLtbia tobicb not km
mp foule in nel, neth e c to tit f uf a
is befpbe ^pzene , ano ftraungcts of fee tbpne bolpe,to fe coztupcton . cbou

Sueic* ttome,3etoesanD* conuettes.atjceftes baftfbetoebme tf>e toapes of ipfc, anb

mt i*.oe Ano aitabtas: toe baue bctoe the f peafee u^altc mafec me full of tope toitf) tfjp
tbi«a»i toptb oure otoue tonges tbe great tooi* couiitenaunce* f

6CS 0t (B0D * *
anD toonoub fapinge
toe " aU amaft &>
one to another
<$)cn anb bzctbzm, let me f telp fpcafee
bnto pou of tbepattiatfce ©aiuD;*iioz 5 .»ej.«,»
far'toe, tofjat meanetb t htsv 4Dtbct mocfecb tbc be is borb bcabeanb butpeb,anb bisfe^
faping:tbeparefullofnetoetopne* puict;zc temapnetb tottb bs bnto tbts

C 4* 23ut |^etec fteppeo f oztbe toptb oap .Crjctfoze fepnge be toas a pzopfjet,
tbe eleuen, ano Ipffc bp bps bopec, ano ano feneto tbat dBoo bab ftoozne toitb an
fapbe bnto tbem:£c men of jetozp.aua otl?e to bim.tbat tbe * f cute, of. bis lop* £rai;«».&
all pe that tnbabtte J e r ufalcmrbc tbts ncs ft)oulb tpt onbts feat(intbatcb?ia
fcnotocnbnto pou.ano toitb pout eates fljoulo tpie agapne tn the flcfljejbefato*
beate mp toozbcs.^befe ate not tyonc* bcfoze:anb fpafec of tbe telutcctcion of
ben, as pe f uppofe : f oz it is ^tt but tbe C b.nft,tbat Ijts foule Qjoulbe not be left
tbitbc bourc of the bapc* ffiut tbts is p in beluictbec bis flcfl) ftoulb fe cottup*
tobicb toas fpofecnbp tbe pzopbet Jo* cion.tEbis Jefus batb (5ob tapfebbp,
btl.-Jtujalbetutbclafte bapesfapetb * toberoftoeallatetoitneffes. 3tfc«.t,«

^>ence notoe tbat b«bptbetpgW« '"**•*•«*

auuu ©obrofmpfpicite J topllpotoze out*
tjpon all SeO)C*3nD pour c Tonnes auD ' banbe of <&ob * eralteo is, aubbacbe ^*i,m«
jjfri » P ottC * oougbtecs fljal Piopbcfp,** pout ceceaueb of tbe father tbe pzompfe of
t iBo, Vb ponge men f^all fe btrions,* ano route tbe bolp good, be batb f^eebefoitb tbat _
m».*w. t>.
olDC mcn gj a | Dlcmc zemes»3nb on mp tobpebe pe no toe (e anb heate jf oi *
Ccttiauntcs,anD on mp banbe mapbens, oauto is not afcenbcb in to beauembut
3Q toil potoze otite of mp fpttite in tbofc befapbe . * Cbe t,ozbe fapbe tomp ^ „ , w
Dapes^nbtbepujallpiopbefpe. itnb J )Lozoe fpt on mp rpgbte banbe,bntpl J «9«tn.i^
topli Ojetoe toonbecs in heauen about,
make tbp fooes tbv fote dole . tbec^
ano tofeens in tbe eattb benetb, blouoe foie let all tbe houfc ofJfcael fenotofoz
3W,J' , anbfpze,«itbebapouce of fmofee. * Cbe afuectpe, tbat ©£)j© batbe mabe tbat
fum«"u)albttai;ncDintooatcfenes,ana famejget'us tobomc pe baueccucpft'eb,
•©f j$e #pofflc& tfoUtfbft
)lozbeaitD£bttu\ tpnge to rcceaue tome tbpngc of them*
j«rt,rf«,c * do?!jc» thep bcatDe this* thep toere (Chen fapDe |^eter : £>piueranDgolDe 53
Pzicbcd m their hcttes, ano fapDebnto haue3fnone,fucheas Jhaue,geue 3
f^eter anD Unto tfje other aipoftlcs : £ e the.*j|nthenameof 3efu$ Cbziireoe 3tcc* f 4.k

Slu0?9 a wen ano bjccf;te,*tDfjst fljal toe Dot- }§e» ^ajatetf^tpfe Dp anD roalfce 4MD he
8no,.6,o rcr faiD bnto them : repent anD be bap* tofce him bv the rpghtehanDe,auD Ipfte
MfcD euerp one of pou m the name ofJe« hpm bp . 3MD mmcotat Ipc his fete anD

fusCbziMozrbc temiulon of fpnncs, anclebones reeeaueD ftrchgthc ainD he

anD pe u^al receatte the gpfte of the bolp f pzange,ft odc anD alfo toalfccD, anD en»
3*u. f goft.* jfoz the pzompfe toas maDe bnto treD totth them into the teple.toalfeinge,
pou * to pour ctulDzc,? to all that are a an d leappnge anD lattDpuge €>od»
facrc,euen as many as § &ozd our 450D ainD all the people fa toe him tonlfee
Ojni rail » 3nD tottb maiip other toozDes ariD la uDedBoD ainD tbepfene toe bpm;
bate be tottucs anD crboztcD tbemfap* that it toas he tohiche rate anD beggco
inge:§>aue?oute felues f torn this ton* at the betitpf till gate of the tcmple.3no
® totoatDe generacion.cbenthep g glaD* thep toonDuD ano toere Coze a ftonpcD a c
lpreeeaueD bis pzeaebpnge , lucre bap< that tohiche haD happeneo bnto hpm.
tpfeD: anD the fame Dape, there toete ainD as the balte tohiche toas bealeD, ^
aDDeD bnto them aboute tine ti;o ufanoe helDe ^eter anD 3fohn , all the people
foules* tannc amai'cD onto them tn Salomons
ainD tbcp contpntteD in the aipofrles * pozche* $.m w. a
fcocttpne anD felotottjpp^ in bzcafcpnge «ob«n &tut fatoe that, he anftoe^ JJ; »•«
of bzcaDt.auD m,pzaicr,3!nD fcare came
otter euer? foulc. anD manp
ftgnes toere (I)etocD bp f
toonDzes *
tohp maruaple pe at tbts,oi ^
teD bnto the peopIe.*2 c men ofjfrael,
lofte pe
foftcDfaftlponbs,asthotighebi» oure

all that bcicucD Kept them felues toge* omncpotocrozholpues, toe haD maoe
thct,*ano haD ail thpnges comme, anD this ma goefiche goD of 3bzaha,3faac
foioc their potfeiftons anD gooDcs, anD anDJfaedb^he^oD of out fathers hath
DepartcD them to al euerp man glozifieD his fonne 3fefus,tohom pe De<
haD ucdc* ainD thep contuico Dailp toith IpuereD , anD DenpeD in the pzefence of
om accozoc i n tye teple,? biake*bzeaDe pplate, tohen he haD iuDgeD ftfm to be
in euerp boufe,anDOPD catc their mcate lo tofeD.*©ut pe DenpeD the holP 5 tuft, mtrtfi
together, toith glaones anD fpnglcnes anD*DtfpzcD a mutthetar to be gcutn !£&«;••
or heart pzapfpnge (0od, 9 haD fauoute poti anD kplleD the zLozd of ipfc,tohom tmat; 27. c
"» n - ,8 »«
toith al the p'cople.ainD the ftojDe aDDeD (Eod hath tapfeD from Deatb,of ^ tohich 3

to the congregation Daplpe fucijc as toe are toitneO"es.a!nD his; name thozom
thouloebefaueD. the faith of his name, bathe maoe tbps
man foutiDe, tohom pe f e anD ftno id.3I!ud
03; che. tit. Chapter.* the favth tohich is bp him,hath gette" to
C£0el)altctatcQozcDtoht8fetc • ®tttt picas him this health in p pzefence of pott all.
cUcrt; CDuft vmto t\)t people, ainD noto bzcthzen j toote toci^*rho* " ^°JvM
totoe tgnozauncepeDpDtt^sDpDalfo if
rCtet anD John tocntbp ro< pout heDDes,,ffitit thofe thtnges tohich
/get her into the temple at the (Idod befoze haD fl)etoeD,bp the mouth of
Jnpnthe hour e of pzapet * 3Bud al his pzophetes,hotoe ^ Cfuift ftoulDe
jthere toas a cer tap nc ma halt fuffre,he hathe thus topfe fulfplIcD*
from his mothers toombe, tohome thep b * isepente pe therfoze anD turne, that
bzoiigbt^lapDcat the gate of the tern* pour fpnncjS mape be Done atoap, j«tohe 2
pie calleD bcutpf ul,to lu almeg of the the t^mt of refreCbtnge commeth, tohich
thatentteD into the tcple* 3CObicb fame toe (hall haue of the pzefence of § HozD,
tohen he fato ^etct anD John 5 that thep anD tohen (250D ujallfenDehpm,tohpchc
toouIDctntotbetfplc,DcitrcDtorcccaiic befoze toas pzeacheo Dnto pott, that is
an almes. 3BnD ]5>etcr faftcneD hps epes to topt 3fefus Chzift, tohichemnftere>
on hpm toith John, anD rapDe: lofeeon ceaue heauen bntputhetpme that all
fcs.ajno he gaue fjcDe bnto them , ttuU thpnge^to^pcl^e <b €> 3DhaD{ponen bp

JIM" m
1 *

i\)t moutlK of an bis fjolpe jazopberes bp tobat meant 3 ^e ts mabe toboalc: be
fence $ tt>oi!D beg3,be rcftozeo agaiuc. tt anotoe* buto pou al,anD to tbe people
fop $$oica fatD bnto tbe fatbers:*a of Jftael, tbat tn tbe name * of Jefus s9»«mx
pzopbtt fyal tfje ftozoc pout <sod tapfe CbMft of Dajavet^, tobome pe ccuctfp* *»»»^M *

top bnto pou ,euen of po « te bzctbzc",Uke eD^tobomc (5od tapfeD agapne ftotn
fcuto mcbimtyalt pe beare m
alt tbpn* Deatb:eucn bp bun Dotb tbts man ftaDe
gcs tofjatrocticc be fliall rape bnto pou, bete picfcnt befoze pou toboale. * cbijS martj,w,'»
Joz tbe tpmc topi conic,tfjat cuecp f oulc ts tf)t (tone catte a fpoe of pou bpioets,
ffi' «'!
tobpcbeujallnotbeate tbat fame jazo* tobtcb is Cet in f cbtcf place of $ cointt*
pbet, u>ilbc DefttopeD f com among e tbe i^etbec ts tbcccfaluacioninanp otbet. c
people.siro al tbe pzopbeteg ftom §>a* 0o}* pet alfo is tbete anp otbet name «»•*.<.«
mud anD tbence foitb,as manp as baue geue to mf tobettn toe mutt be faueD. {«
l,,, ,, *

fpotou, baue m Ipfcetopfe tolDc of tt)efe dODbcn tbep fato tbe bolones of |actcc
Dares. anD 3 obn a bnoetftoDe tbat tbep toete

}>t atetfje cfjrlDzcn of tfje pzopfjetes, bnlecneD men anD lap people,tbep mat#
anD of tbe cou ena unt , tobicbe <25oD bail) uepleD,3 tbep kneto tbe , tbat tbep toete
maoe bnto out fatljecs ,fapmg to 3bia* tottb 3cf u:ano bebolDpnge alfo tbe ma
45ttt.t!(.a bam:*Cueu tu tbp CeeDe foal a! tbe Huh tobicb toas bcaleo (taDpnge toitb tbcm»
MtJl.I I,
teDes ofttje ertb be blciTeD** jfpzfte btn tbep coulDe not fap agatnrt iU&ut tbep
to pou batbe ®oD tapfc d tip bps fonne comaunoeD tbem to go a fpoe out of tbe
3 ef us,? &tm be batfj rent to bipfft pou, counfel, anD cottnceleD araog tbt felues
tbat cuctp one of pou tyoulD tutne ftorn fapinge:*tobat (ball toe Do to tbefe mcV sotn^,*
poute tope-scDncs. y f oz a mantf eft fignc is Done bp tbcm, 9
ityc iftotes. 10 openlp ano toen to al tbcm tbat DtocU
a.a:hat tecum l)ttUat fpiae DpttrprcfrCDtAtljc
1 n|et ufalcm 9 toe cannot Denpe it .1511
unto Iffe, and bp tt&omcall toe muOecpfe ana ,

ipue.grc. tbat it be nopfeD no fattbet amonge tbe

KSrCbe.fiit.Cbaptec people,let bs tbicateu,anD cbatge tbcm
CSbc 3p oftlee ace taken aitb biou gb t bcfoit toe tbat tbep fpeaae bente foz tbe to no man
comtcci. £bep atcfojtbp&Dcutopxcacbe.buttbcr
tunic t&cmbuto piapec, aub ace mote obcopattc in tbts name.
3ud tbep calico tb ctn,anb * comaun* w
buto is eft tucn bnto men.
&>ti)tp rpa&ebnto tbe
people.tbe pzicfics 9 tbe
dcd tbem tbat in no topfe tbep OjouIdc
fpeaae oz teacbe in § name of Jefu.©ut
^ te

culatoftbe umple,anD pa e 1 9 Jjobn anftoeteD bnto tbem anD

tbe^aouccs came bp* fapoe: tobetbet tt be tigbt in tbe fpgbte

ontbemtaBpngeitgrcj of d5oD, to obepc pou moate tben €>od s
uouu> tbat tbep taugbt t uoge pc. jf o,t toe canot but fpeake tbat

3In51CTus tbe people and pzeacbco* mjcius p tu tobtcb toe baue fene 3 beatD c .$&o tbzea^
f DC 1090 torn beatbe. aiuo tbep lapbe tenco tbep tftcm anD let tbem go,s fotloe
rprcupal iur tcccion f
ibul&cpfc banDc&ontimn,eiput tbe" mbolbebn* notbpnge boto to puniilje tbem, becaufe
bpppro. tpll (be lurtc bap : f oi it toas notoe eucn of tpc people, foz al melauDeD <sod fo;
ttoe » l^otoe be it manp of tbcm tobicbe tbe mpiadc * tobtcbe toas Done: tot tyt mmw
hearDetbetoozDc&bclcuiD^tbenoubze man toas aboue fouttpe peace olpe , on
of tbe men teas aboutc fpue tboufanDe. tobome tbps mpzaclc ofbealpnge toas
3IUD tt cbaunfcD on tbe mozotoe tbat tyetocD*
tbcit rulats anD doers $ Scribes , as 3u"one as tbep toete let go, tbep came $
Slnnas p cbicf piteft 9 Ca tpbas 3 3Hobn to tbcit f clotoes.anD ujetoeo al t tbe bit
G3il*ranDer,(i as manp asbjere of tbe ^zteftcs atto elects bab fapoe to tt^etm
ttpnrcD of p bie pzieftes gatbeteD toge* 3no toben tbep beatDe tbat, tbeplpfte
tbet at Jerufatcm,} fet tbe otbet bctoze Dp tbeu boices to gob toitb one accozoe,
tbent,anDafteD:bp* tobat povuer 01 in anD f apDe:HozDe, tbou arte <5od tobtcb
tobat name baue pe Done tbf s ,fpzs/ bade maDc beauen anD cartbe,tbefea;

23 +
^ben ^ttct ful of tbe bolp goft fatD anD all tbat in tbem is, tobicbe bp tbe
into tbe:pe tulats of $ people, 9 elDets mo tube of tbp fetuauntc oauiobafte
of 3 f tael,r f toe b is Dap are era mp ncD f atD:* 'Joobp DpD f be tbe tage.s tbe peo# &c*,u,«

oftbcgooDDeoeDonc to tbe fpcucman, pie immagc batne tbiges. Cbe feiuge*

#f tfje &po(tto, jfolimil
bf tt)e tattr? ftooe Dp 5 tbe culars came bephge of councel^ bjougbt e
topfe alfo
togctbcr,agatnft (be >lozd auo agamft a ccttarnc parte, ano a lapeo it boune
()fjS Cbjuft e. at tbe aipoftles fete* Cben fapDe petct:
S iFoiofatruetb agapnftetr)p bolp
ainamas, boto t£ tt ££>atban batbfpl*
cln'lDe 3Jtfus tobomctbo abaft anopm leo tbpne bcatt , tbat tbou O^ouIDctl lpe
tto, botbe i^ccote ano alfo poucius into tl)t holy gooft, 9 ftepe atoap patte
pplate, tottb tbe<5cntpls ano tt?e peo* of tbe pzpee ottbc IpueloD^ettapncD tt
pleof Jftacl, gatbereo tbcmfclues to< not Unto § onelp,anD after it luas folDc, to Do tofjat focuct tbp hanoe ioas not tbe piice in tbine otone potoer^
auo tin' counccil Dctcrmj'ncD befow l^o to is it tbat tijou baft conceauco tb is
to be Dont, anD nolo 2loiD bc!)olo Unit tbtng in tbpne bearte V ^Tbou bade not

tbteatcniges, 5 gtaut t>hto tbp feruau* IpeD Unto men 3 but onto (©oD.^Oben 3B<
^ •

Ccs \0 al cbntiocnce to fpea&e tbp tooiD* naniag bearoe tbefe uiotoj, be fel ooune
^0 tbat ttjou fttetcb foul) tbpne baDc, anD gaue Dp tbe goft ainD grtatc feare
tl)3 1 healpnge anD fpgnes ano tooDecs came on al tbe p tbefe tbinges beatDc*
be Done Up t be name of tbp bolpcbploc anotbepoubge men tofeup ,anopu£
3]cius HJnDaffoneastbepbaDpzap* bimapatte,anDcatpeDt)imout,$buri4
co * tfje place moueO tobcare tljep lucre cDbpm.
3 c tt g.ii. a alVembleD togetber,ano * tbep toete all amo ttfotttmcDajs it tocre about tbe .

fpllcD Uittf] tbe fjoii> i0ooi1 $ tt)ep f pake fpace of.ttt. boutes after tbat bis topfe

tbttoo:Dcoft£oDbolDclp. came in, tgnoiaunt of tbat tofytcbe ujas

+. 3B«iD tbe multptuDe of tbcm tbat Doue»3inD peter fatD bnto het:Cel me,
B i tea. ii. c, be! cuid, * toete of one heart, ano of one gaue pe tbe lanDc fo? fo mucbe^nD flje
tonic. Mo none of tbcm ai'De a tfjat anp fapDetpe.foz fo mucr)e»tlDben peter lato

or p tbinges tobtcb be poirciTcD, toas t)is bnto'betitobpbauepeagceeDtogetber,

omucbut baD al tinnges commen.aiuD tatempt^fpiriteoftbeto:Dr'5&cbolDe *•'

tottb grcatc potter gatte tbe ^potties £be f«e of tbtm tobicb baue burpebtW
id tueg of tl)e refucr ccciou of tbe HozD c
1 bu»baDe,are at tbe Doze,^ tyal carpe tbe
3f cfu.anD greatc grace toas toitb tbcm out.^Dbcn tbe fel Doune ftraigbt toape ac
all. jjiettjit mas anp amonge tbe,
tbece ano pelbeD Up tl)t goft. E'nD tbe
l)i$ fete
£bat lacked if 02 as manp as lucre pot:«
. pounge men came in,$foGoe \)tt DeaDe,
f effect of lauocs 01 boufes foloe tbcm , anD carpeD ber oute, anD burpeo bet bp
anD biougbtethepipce of tbe tbpnges bet btifbauDe . 2Dud great feat e came on
tbat lucre foloe , ano lapeo it Doune at all tbe congregation, anD on as man?
tbe aipoftles fete. Hud Diftrtbuciou bias asbeatDctt.
inaoc onto euecp man aecojDpuge as be * * i5p tbe banDes of p Kpoftles toere

t)ao ncDc. y manpe fpgncs auDUionDzes ften)eDai ^ at.i6x.

Mttif.l.n 3riD * Joi'cs tobicbe toas alfo calico monge tbe people. aiiiD tfjep toere all to
of tbe Jpoftle6,23acnabas(p is to fape, getbet tottb one arcoiDctn+^alomons t <.uus>6.a
tbe fonnc of coufolacton ) bepnge a ne<
utte.anDoftbe courureof Cppers,bao
poicr)e.3SnD of otbec Durft no man lopue 3
bun iclfe to tbe m: nc uc tt be la t cr f people
|t t ^

lauoe , ano foloe tt ano lapoe tbe pipec magniftcD tbe. Cbenoumbieofrbem p
tjouncattljcXpoftlesfcre. b e Icuco in tbe % oiD botb of men $ u? cine
3T0c jaotea. grctocmoare anomoate : in fomucbe
a. xbAttt, tbat 3!cfu3 teas cprcu , ano tljat all
tbattbepbtougbt the fpefeeintop ftte<
fumcctf fbouroetpfebphini.
Cbe.U»<£bapter» £cs anD latoe them on beDDes anD paler^
interna }

"2TI)C by ffcmblr n gc of 3ua mas $ ^aphtra is £es,p at tbe (eft toap § maoobje of peter
punpOjcb Cfi) trades <itc none bvtticapoQIcs,
tube be came bp, migbt maoobj fome of
U.ljubatctaUcn.butrtjeangclof 0od tuyuijcrb
tbz t cberc came alfo a multttuDe oute of
tbcm out of pxifon. 2L*bcp arcbxottgtjtcbcfoict&e
rou!icel.£n)ercritcnrcof£?aiinilic|.^!)capoaics £r)e cities touDc about, Unto 3|etufaie,
ate c p tci opf c nt trouble. btigpnge ficfee folkes,6i tbe tobicb toere
I ectainc man namcD ^nanu Uereo tottb unclcnelpiriccs.anD tbep
asinitb £>apbtta bps topfe toere bealeDeuerp one. e*
foloe a poOeffjou anD bepte a* * <Cben tbe cbtefpiteft rofc Up anD ^
toape parte of tbe [ bps all tl;ep tbat toete fiimCtoljicb is tf)t
a ""'+»«
1 1 <««<• KM.
1 t

ferteoftfye &>aDttecs)anD toete full of anDcommannDcDtoputtbc^pomesa

tiiDignacton, anD lapDe banoes on £ 3* fpDe a Iptel fpace,ano fatD Dnto the: me
poftles,anb put tf^ein tit tfjc comcu pjp* of Jfcael take beoe to pout telues tobat
3ctc0.tif.b ron,* sut the angel of $ jioiD tjp upgbt pe entenoe to Do as touclnnge tbefe inc.
«mw.* openeD cbepiifon Dojes,anDbjougbte BefoiethefeDapes tofe Dp one Hbm* <&
them foab,auD faiD:go,fteppc to?thc,s Das boftpnge ()tm fe(fe,to tohome cefo^
fpcake tn the temple to tfjc people al the teD a nomb^e of men,abottt a fouce bu^
toojDes of this ipfe. Men thep tjcatoe dud tobtcb toas flapne,5t bep all tohtcfi
that , tfjt p entteD into tty teple cr Ipe jn beleueD btm toete fcatceD abiooc anD
cue moznpngc anD taugbte.Cbc cbpefe bzought to nought. 3ftct this man, a<
pztcft came anD tncp that tuecc ub bpni, tofe there Dp oneJuDas of * <Balp!e,f n &ubjrti(,«

anD calico a coufel togetbc ano all tin5

the tpme toben ttpbttte began , $ Die toe
clDcts of the cbilDien of 3ftael,anD Cent atoapmnch people aftet b"n. ^ealfo
Co the piilon to fet them, iooben ttic mp< pecpft)cD:? all mm
as manp as batbe*
ntftets came anD f ouuDe ti)tm not tn toe ueD to bim,ate fcatteteD abzooe.
pztr ou,tbcp tetutneD anD tolDe faytnge: 3nD noto % fape Dnto pou : reftaptte
the pitiou fouDe toe Ojut as furc as toas poute feltres f torn tbefe men,let them a«
poflpblc, anDtbcfccpcts ftanDpngc U* lone. jfoz*pf the counfcll of tbts toozUe
^ out before t^e oojes. istit tobeu toe fjaD be of men,tt toil come to nougb te ^u(
openeD, toe t ottoe no man burn tn. looben anD pf it be of-<SoD pe cannot Defttop tt,

the chief e pitcft of al anD t be mice of tfjc left b'aplp pe be fouuDc to ft cp tie agafnft
temple anD toe bpc piieltcs bearDe tbefe <t>0D*3BuD to htm thep agrtcb, anD cal«
tbluges.tbep DouteD of tljem3 tof|cce biu Ico tl)i BBpoftles^tiD 4 bet them, $ com* mfltt),i(iT.c

totbistooulDegtotoe. matinbcD that thep fljouloe notfpcafte

tEben came one anD tfjctocD t bcm:be< in thename of Jefu,anD Ut ttxm go.
fjolDe the men g pe put tn pzpfon,ftanDe anD thep DepatteD from the coucelf,
mail), V»a
tn the temple,^ t cache the people, cben * tctopfpngc f thep toete couteD tooztbp
toeti t the ruler of tbe temple toi tb mint* to luftce tebuhe f oi bis name.3HnD Dap*
fter$, anD bzottgb t them tottboute bpo< lp in the temple anD in euetp houf c tbep
#af.w(. t leuce.* $01 hep f cacco tlje people, lefte ceafco not, teaebpnge anD pzcacl; ?ngc
thep Ojonlo hanc bene ftoneo.ainD tobcu 3Icfus €f)^H.
thep baD bzougbt them, thep ret tin be* 2TI)C SfrOttB*

f oze the cotinf cl.ainD the cfjtefe piteft af* a. lSi'tI)Ccaapii3Cafi;iBmoncpattIjc 3poQIes aimm'aa
fete, uctooulDDauc bene compre&tobeoneof roc aub^api
»t«0,*,b fapingc:*DpD not toe ftcapte *
fteo tfjem £(;iiauitcou3cc3aciou,aii0tyatoitcoft(}ccijtcf. btca.
Ipcommaunoepou tbatpe fljonioe not JBut m
DolDpiigepactc abac&c.ljc bcclaccb utfCc±
teacbe in this name t aiuDbcbolDcpe lp,tDbat t;c luas.tijarts Cubtplc, (tan Oppof ctre,
imatua>'iigctoei;olp goottc, tuljicfjctoj'iige t»Ci
nauc fplleD 3|etufalem toitb poute Doc* caufc}3cfCctDou!Dciii no cafe fboulDCbcufcD as
mt .»wf,t tttne,anD pe mtcoc to bzpnge *tfjts mas moiigcrbatfo;tc, tf;ecfojc punplbcD J;c if fo en
blouoe Dpon Ds» ncaipc.

anD the otfjet aipoftlcs anftoea
C^tntaccs(oiticacons;aceoibetneb in tbecbtts
«ene, ?6.a teb

J'S'S'i ^ auo
* iooc o ugh t moze to obep
*&*" me,1 »^ c ^ 0D of ouc fatbets
capfeDbpJcfuB.tohomepe fletoe anD
t\)t bo op
itcccffarpc ttjingcsof
tbe apottlcs map toap te ouclp ttp3
, tljat
Cgc motoc of 16 ob,^ teucn is accufeb.
bangco on tr e.i^p m hath ©oo Ipfte Dp thole Dapes as the nom* n
tottb bis tpgbte banDe,to be a mice anD bie of the Dtlctples gtetoe,
a fautour,foz to geue tepentauce to ju tbeteatofeagtuDge amog
taci anD f ozgettenes of fpnnes. 3Ii»d toe thfdsteliesagapnftthc %a
ate hts r ecozocs cocetnpnge tbefe thin* -\ n b^ttes, becaufe tbcit a topD*
gesanbalfotbebolp goofttobomtiSoD Dotoe toete Defppf eD tntbe Daplpmp*
bath geuen to them that obep hitn.accbe mft ration . ^Dben the ttoeluc callcD the
tbcp beatDe thai, thep claue a f unDcc: $ tmiltit udc of the Difctples together anD
fought meanes to 0ea thctn.Cheu (looe fatD:tttsnot mete f toetyoulDleaueg
there Dp one tn the councell, a phanfep toozD of (Bob $ fetue at f tables. i»hcr«
9ttt.rr&* uatncD * <&5amaltcl,a Doctoute of la toe, foze bzetbje,lolte pe out amog pou feue",
baD tn auctoitce amonge all tl;c people, m^ofttjoncft tepojt sfulof § fiolp goft

#ftlje&p0ttle& :?oUjcfj&
5 fe)irct>ome,tol;icb toe map appofnet to bufeetf) the ijcatbnccUcb 3ieibes, anb (s ttoncfi to
this ncDcfuluui'fiiCjS.Buttoc toil gjuic
j^enfapDe the cbjefe
cure fd tics continually to pzapcc anD ,
l!0)iefte:3fsiteutnfo^ 30
to t be imnittracion of £ toojbe»3'nD the
]i3ihD h« fapoe : £e men,
fapingcpIcafcD the tobolc muLntuor*
!;bjeth?eu , ano fathctjsf,
3»D tfjep chore ©teucn a man full of
Jlglojpe appeateo tnto
lPppc,auD ^lotbozus ;aHD $icbanoz,
oute father Hlbtaham ftbple he bias
apow,«,b aim ^pmou,anD $ermenas,anD*/Ftp4 pet in sl^cfopo ta m ia , before he Dtoc It c
cbolas a conuecte of aintiocbe.acobpcb Hi € batran, ano fapD but o htm:*come «*w.ju
ifjep fct befozc the ^potties , anD tbep
out of thp countrepe,anDft;om thp bin*
piar cd anD b * lay coe tfjepj banocs on teD,anD come into the JanDe, tohpchc
tt)em. 3
ii.^im.i.D fl^all a)etoe the.Chen came he out of the
ainD the footDe of <EoD eucrcarcD,*
ano Dtoclt* in <tl)*t4
laitDe of dfjalDep:,
tbenumbjeofibc Dilctples muttiplpeD
tan,*3?nD after that as font as his fa?

in 3JcrufaIcm greatlpe } anD a great c5* thee teas DeeD,heb?oughx t)(tn into this flgcnr .#:'.•

panpeoftbe pueflcs lucre obeDpentto IanDe,in tohich pe notoe DtoeJ,^ h^ gaue

the faptb, * 20nD £>teuen full of faptbe
hpm none inherptaunce in it,no not trje
anD potocr , dcd gceate tootiDers ano b;eaDethofafote:*23utpjomt>feDthat
miracles amongc tfjc people Chen d5cnr,ij^.'
he luoulDe geue it to Ijim to pofireffe ano
, : theft acofe ccrtapneoftbe&inagoge, tohpsfeeDaftetr;pm, lof^eii a^pet he
tobtebe ate calico jitbettpnes anD &u tjaD no cbplDe*
renitcs,? of 3leranDjia anD ofctiieta,
<ooo Detelp fpafte onthps fopfe,thae
ano 3fia , anD Difputco umb £>teuen, hJ'jJ fccD fhoulDe be a DtocIIcr in a
tn&r jici,b * aino tb c p c ou ID not reftft the iucrDont, ftraungc lanDc, anD that thep u)oulDe
ant the fp trite , Uittb tobicbe be fpnKe.
Ucpc them tn bonoage anD entreate the
-Cb'en Cent tbep in men, tobtebe fapoe:
cupu\mi.bunD?etb petes . ^ut thenar
J9af, J6. f. *acoe&aucbearDcbpmfpca&ebJafpbC'< cion to tohom thep (t)Ml be in bonDage,
mows toojDes agapnfte i^ofes anD a> ,
topll 31 iuoge fapoe d5oD < ainD aftct
2D gapnftdSoD* SlnDtbepmoueDtbe peo* ftallthep come fojtbeauD fetuc me in
pie ano the doers , anD the s»ctibe s 15
thps place • * 3nD he gaue hpm the co^
3nD eame fopou him anD caught htm, ,
tienaunte of circumcif iou.3CnD he begat
anD brought bpmtofbecouncell,anD 31faac , anDcircumcifeD hpm ttyAuu
biougbr foitbe falfe toitnetTes, tobpebe Dape,anD Jffaac begat jacob,ano 3]a<
fapoe: Cbps man ceafetr) not to rpcafce
blarphcmous taoiocs agapnft this bo*
cob !he*jcii^atctatBes.*a!nD tyt m*
ttpatUes haupnge inDpgnacion foloe « { «K37.f
Ip place, anD tbelatoe: ifoitoeheatDe Jofeph into Cgipt. ainD <^od toti$ toitb
hpm tape : Cbps 3fefu0 of /ftajatetb
hpm, ano DelpueteD rjpm oute of al bps
fbal Deftrop this place, anD Ojal change aouetfities, ano gaue hpm fatiour ano
the oiDpnatinrcs tobtebe Jefus gaue topfoome in the fpgbt of ^hatao hinge
Ds. 31 id all that fat m the councell, lo* of Cgppte tohpche
maDe hpm goueo
feeDftcDfaftlpeonhrm, anofatoebps nouceouet
egppte, anDouec all bp0
face as it baD bm the face of an angel, houtboloc*
%\)tfaatt$. Chen came there a Dearth ouer all <&a.%ltt.t
&.%l)is is.not (nDia'eccntlp loTteD bpon in Dap;
isibotocs f thelauoeof cgppte anD Canaan, ano
tcrppreo. Ipbtanburtiijoftljccoinmuneffoooes. great aff!iction,that our fathers fouDe
putrigon b.acbatts.a&mtttingtottb an opcitrtgne > tbent
thattocccbptbc toi;ole conjccjaciou cboftnto no fuftenaunce.2Sut tohen 3Jacob heatD
anpoffice.tobcclaceopcnlpc ttmccallpng.aftec that there teas come in cgppte he fene
tbts rmtc tocrc panics tapcb on }9aule $ ©acnas
bas.tobcn rljcp toCEtfenttopiCacbe.astsmcnct; oute fathers fpjft.*3lno at the feconoe
onrt) in toe.Fitt.of tljts booftc in a. tobetc appea- tpim ^ofephtoas fenotocnof hp$b^e«
red tftat tbep ccceauca not the bolp god bp rtjts tbjten j anD Jfofephs fepnreD teas
puttuigonofbanocsrfoubcptoet;. bcfoic cnous
ftnotocn bnto ^harao* chtn fente
«Dtotr&f&cbolp8boa. Jo<
feph 9 caufco hps fathet to be bioughe
C^bM>if,Cbapfcr. ano all bis ftvn,th:e fcoje gf,rti> foui^
ftteuen mabctp anffcet c to bis
aetufarton, ife 3|nD3|acobDefcenDcDinto cgpptano

bpeb,bbtbebcano oute fatbets,e teste ac,9§ $ot> of Jacob* ij^ofes fcembleo
ttanOateo into ^icfjcm ano toece put ano outft not beboloe. <€ben f apoe tbe

Intbegjepulcbiegatnabam bougbtt M,oioetobpm.*^utoftbpfboesfcoro g».s.*

foj monpc of tbe ronncs of Cmoj,at tijp fete 3 fo? tfjc place totierc tljou Dan*
beft cjac (jolp giounoe.3 baue petfectlpe
C £>pc&cro*
accben tbe tpme of tbe pjomes bieto f me tbe affectum of mp people toljpcbe

«to6,«,8, npe(tobicb* d5oo bao ftooine to* 3bia* is in epjppte anD 3 baue btatoe tbtit
Pfti.tiJ.fl fjauotbe people gretoe anb multpplpeo gtonpngej anb am come ooune to Delp«
InCEgppte, tpll anotbet fepnge atofe ueetbem»loonotoetome$3toplfen0e
tobpebnnetoe not of 3ofepb*(ftbe fame tbe into Cgppte. -
bealte ructefpe toitb oute ftpnceo,ano cb»s ^ofes tobome tbepfoifofce
euclt etttteateo out fatbets.anO maoe raplngc:*tobo maoe tbe atulat anoa «*<»,«,«
tbem to call out tljeit poungc cbtibien, tuoge.i? fame dsoo fent botbe a tulat $
t(jat tbep f&oulDe not tcmapne alpue. a oclpuetct,bp tbebanoes of t\)t Sngell
cton «
* c fame *V m * toas ^ of
teas a piopet cbpibe in § fpgbt
* s &°?"
c ? tobicbe appeteo to ^im in $ bufb.Buo §
<sod, fame biougbt tbem out, tyetopng toon*
tobicbe teas nozptbeo Up inbps fa< oetsanoffgncsiutfgvpte, anb in tbe
tbets bouf c tbie monetbes . acoben be teeo fea ano in tbe toploetnes fouttpe
toae caft out ^bacoes Dougbtet toke petes
qcbps is tbat ^ofes tobpebe
fcpmbp, ano nozityc* bpm bp fozbet rapoebntotbecbpiozenofjftaell:* n €nMa. e
otone Tonne Htno ^ofes toa# leatneo $&iopbete (ball ti)t "doiOe poute d5ob =>»«. ««.»
in all mancttopreoome of tbe egppti* tapfe bp butopou of poute bzetbun, '•"

ans,ano toa$ mpgbtpe in beoes ano in Ipfee bnto me,bim Cbal pe beate,
tooibes* Cbts t0 bc*tbat urns in tbe congte* ano w ,
aino toben b« toa0 full fouttpe pete igacion } fn tbe topioetnetf topn) tbe 30-. *****
alOe,it came into b?'0 beat t to uifet bis gell tofjicb fpabe to bpm in § mount*
bietbten,tbecbplozen of Ifcaell . 3di0£>pna, ano toptb outefatbets <CbP£
tobenbe tbem
fato one offuffte tozoge, mauteceaueo tbe toojoe of Ipfe to geue
be Defenoeo bim,auo auengeo \)is qua* bnto b0,to tobome outfatbecs tooulbe
tell tbat bao tin batme oone to bpm, not obepe,but cafte it t tome tbem, ano
ano fmote tbe €gpp ttau. if 01 be fuppos in tbettbeattestoutneo baefceagapne
feo bps bzetbieu toouloc baue bnoet* into qegipt.fapmg bnto 3atou:*make am i\»

(lano,bo to p C500 bp bis banoes Oj nioc b£ goooes to goe before bs . jro: tbps
fane tUc.$ ut tl)^ bnoetaooe it not* scores tbat b^ougbte us oute of tbe
s^ 3uo
tbe nejtte oape be (betoeo bpm lanoe of cgppte, toetootenottobatts
bnto tbem as tbepftroue,^ tooulo
felfe become of bpm* 3flnO tbep maoe a calf«
baue fet tbem at one agapne , fapinge: tn tbof e oai»cs , ano off 1 to ractifice on?
&n$,V* ate bjetb ten , tobp butt pe one to tbe pmage , 9 tciopfeO in tbe tooikes
auotbet*j3utbe tbat opobps neigb^ of tbeit otone banoe0»
bout tozonge , tbiuftc bpm atoa^e rap* i^lim d5oo toutneo bpm felfe anb

<$xnt.ttt b inge:*iobo maoetbeatulat^atuoge *gaue tbem bp tbat tbep fbouioctoou iRsuur.


«*<">•" f atnouge \y&< iOCbat, toplt tbou ftpll me, u)pppe tbe attes of tbe fftpe , as it is

STrStt as tbou Opooeft tbeegpptianpeftet^ toipttcntntbcbofee of tbe piopbctcs*

oape.-* Cben^ofcsfleooe at tbat iap^ * ^peoftbeboufeof Jftaelt,gauepe n m ^.\>. 9
Gpx*t n,t. ingeano toasa fttaunget in tbe lanoe to me factpfices ano meateoflfetpnges, J"-**.«t
of $0aotan,tobete be begat ttoofones. bp tbe fpace of fouttpe peaces in tht

* 3mo toben fouttpe petes toete ejt^ toplbetneu"e^nO pe tooke bnto pou tbe
p| KD ^ tbete appeateo to bpm tn tbe tabetnacleof^olocb, anotbeftattcof
toploetnes of mounte ^pna, an angell poute (Bob ttempban, fpgutes tobicbe
of tl)t &ozoc in a flammc of fpze in a pe maoe to tooifbpppe tbem«3Bno J to?l
bufbe. accben^ofes fatoeit,betoon* ttanaatepoubeponoe^abtlon.
oieo at tbe fpgbt »3ltio as be oietoe nete flDut e fathers bao tbe tabernacle of
to beboloe, tbe bopce of loioc came bn toptnes in tbe toploetnes,as be bao ap»

SS'?iH t0 bpm:*3 am tbe ^00 of tbp fatbets, popnteo tbem,fpeafepnge bnto ^ofes,
*©*&:.:;€ tjje&oo of albiabami tfjedSooof 3fa< *tb,atb,c u)ouloe mafte it accojopnge «».«*•&
#ftlje$pottle& jftUm
to tbe faOjtoti tbat be bao fctie* afobtcbe C^W«Wrt«C|>apfirJ
tabernacle oticc fathers receaueo , ano ftaulpctfccuterl; tbccUuQcit . EueapoOlesat*
rcatcea atnoDC. \s l)t Itp commctU into damacia,
WotMj,*: *tuongbte it in tot tb Jofue into tbe
ponfefttonof tbe ©cntpis tobpeb* <S50D baptifctu t&c ctjambetlaptte.
Dzaue oute befoie t&e face of our era* ami bao* pieafuce in
•Mm tijecBonto tbe tpme of 3©aupO»* flQbf* |bpsoeatbc*anoattbata
cbe founoe fauout before <Eoo, 9 tooloe tpme there toas a gteat *«».».•
fapn* bane maoe a tabernacle tot toe Ipctfccunonagapn ft tbe
**< •• (Bod of Jacob . * ©ut Salomon uplte [congtegacpon tobvebe
bunauboufe. bias at 3cruralem,ano
*«w\t * i^otoe be it he tbat i$ hpeft of all,
tbep toete all+frafrcDabioaDetbozotoe t .,; mm ,

btot Ikttj not in temples toptb outetbecegpons ofjeiuzpe ano ^a« »««.*»
•ra.irtf.8 fapctb tbe piopbetc: * &ea< tnatia , ectepte tbeapofMes . cben oe*
yjXJ'nenismp feate, anbeattb ismpfote uoute men dzc(Tcd ^teuen , ano maoe
dole , tobat boufe topi! pe bploe to; me, gteat lametacton ouec fnm.isut ^aul
fapetb tbe %om ? m
tobat place is tt
tba 1 3 tyouioe tea tn,batb not mp b£be
maoe bauoclte of tbe congccgacion,
ano entceo into enerp boufeano o^etoe fj^'*' 1
maoe altbcfe (binges?- outbotbmau ano tooman,anotbi«fte.«wi\
m fcoucactc^ ano of oncttcumcf
fttffcnccfeeo >
tbem into pjpfon i^ome be it tt^ep tl^at %%*£*»
anD catcs:£e bauealtoap* toete fcatceo abiooc, toenteuetp toljcte
»c B t(,.», *s cefifteo tbe bolpe gbooft :* as pouce picaebpnge tbe tooojoe * %l)ti\ came
fatbctsopo.foooepc. acbtcbeoftbc iDbtlpppe into a citp of ^amatia,anO
l&zophctcs baue not pouce fat berg pet* pjcacbeo Cbuft onto tbem, ano § peo*
fectitcD f JnDtbep bane flame tbem, pie gatte bcOe Onto tbofc tbpnges tobi>
tobtcb OjetDeD before of tbe commtng of cbe isbilippc fpabe , toptt) one accojoe
tbat<uft,tobom pehauenotobctcapeo in tbattbep beatoe ano fatoe tbe mp^
9 mutoeteo»3lno pe alf bane teceaueo tacles tobpebe beopo.f oi*Onclene fpi< 23
3<*,wc,n .a latoe,*bp tbe ozbmaunce of angels^ titeg ccpinge rsi^tl) louoe bopce,came a**^**
a»b*n tbep beatoe thefe tbpnges, 3no manpe taken toptb palfpeiBt, ano
tbeitbeartesclauca funoet.anO tbep manp that balteo toete b^aleO • 3lno
fenafljeo on bpm toptb tbeit tetb.+36no tbetc toas gteate io^tn fcptpt* ano
fatwn bepngefull of tbe bolpe goft, tbetetoasacettapne man calico &p«
lofeeo Op ftebf aftlpe uutb bis cpes into mon,tobPcbe before tpme in tbe fame
oeauen , ano tatoe tbe gloipe of (500, citpe,bfeO toptcbectaft ano betoitcbed
anDjefus ftaoDpng on tbe cpgbt bano tbe people of &amatia , raping e: tbae
of (Boo ano fapo:bcboioc , J (e tbe bea> be toas a man tbat couloe ooe gteate
wens' open , anD tbe fonne of man ftan* tbpnges.*»bomc tbep tegacoco.f tome
Opngc on tb e cigbt banOe of d5oo. tcben tf)t left to tbe greateft, fapinge : CbPff
ihcpgaucaflioutt toitfj'a louoe Oopcc, felotoe is tbe gteat potoet of ©00 ano.

ptwt.*, ano*ftoppcD tbeic eaceg ano ramie op* bpm tbep fet mucbe bp , becatif e tbat of
on bpm all at once, ano caft bpm out of longe tpme be bao mocaeo tbem \o^tff C
*»*,», * tbecitie,anO*ftoucDbi>m.3no tbe 'tott* fozcecpe* But as foone as tbep beleueo ,
neffes lapoe ootone tbeic clotbes at a ^bplippes pzeaebpnge of tbe hpngo
pounge manned fete nameo feauUBnD Dome of ©00 , ano of tbe name of Jefu
tbep ftonco &tetien callpnge on ano Cbiift,tbcp toete baptifeo botbe men $
9UL2i.«. faptnge: Hoioe^efutteceaue mpfpt*
toomen. Cben^imonbpm fclfebele*
tite * ano be luieleo ooune ano ccpeo ueo alfo, ano toas baptpfeO,ano c ontp>
iahr.i}.c toptb a louoe bopce:*3Loioe, lave not nuetb toitb ^bilippe.ano toonOzeo bti
tops fpunc to tbcit charge, ano toben bolopnge tbe miracles $ Cignes } tof;ict>
be bao tbns f el a flepe. h toete (tyetoeo*
+9CDbcntbeapoftles tobicbetoeee
#<m!«* *.XHt is to rape, men aut> toomc*. as in tScnb at 31 etui'alem beatoe fape tbat ^>ama»
tta bao teceaueo tbe toooioe of ©oo:
H»o!ctb '**•#••& «"&*"«•&•
v '*•
-Cbei' Cent onto tyem.^etec ano John.

Wcbe toljcti tbeptocte come pjapeb tbe fcriptutc fobitb be rcabe
t^t ^j^etDasIebbeas atyepetobcaapnc: et^.unA
tot tbem,tbattbcpmpgbteccceaue
&olpe gboft* jfoj as pet be toas come on anb UUe a lambe bomme befote bis Q)t>
baptifeb tet,f o openeb be not bis moutft e. b Be*
none of tfjem : jsut tbep tocce
mtca.'oLf} onelj' in the name of Clntftjef ti.*€be caufe of bps bumblene^ be toas not tU
Declare bps geneca*
icSa* lapoe t^cp tbeit Canoes ontfjem, * anD tcmeD : i»bo tball
Mtt.i.8 tljep teceaueb tbe bolp goth {< cion f $01 bPS Ipfe ts tafeeu fcome tty
eattbe • Cbe cbambeclapne anfbieceD
Svmll tfOben &tmon fame , tbat tbojotoe
laptngi on of tbe 36poftles banbegon pbplippe anb fapb: 3 ptap tbe, of tobo
tbem,tbe bolpe gbooft teas geucn : #e ipeafcetb tbe ptopbet ibis *• of bim icltc,
effeteo tbem monep fapinge : getie me ojoffomcotbecman*'
alfotbpspotoer tbatontobomcfoeucc
^nb^biiippe openeb bps moutbe,
3Jput tbe banbes, be mape teceaue tfjc anb beganne at tbe fame fcciptuce,aub ..

boipe gboft . tlben fapbe 0etec tmto picacb'eb buto bim 3clus,3(uDastbcp
bim: t£bp monep petite toitb tbee,bp< ujent on tbetr toape, tbepcame bnroa
^ a,
^caufe tbou toeneit* tbat t^e gpfte of cectapue toatet anb ibe cbambeclapne

® ©od mape be obtapneb toptf) monep* fapbe : ^ee, here is toatet,* tobat $all *«w,r,%
Cbou baft nettbec patte noj felotofljpp let me to be baptifeb r ^biiippe fapbe
in tbis bufpues. jFo? tbpne beatt is not unto bpm: £f tbou beleuc tottb al tliint
tpgbt in tbe fpgbte of ©oo ; Ifcepente heattc,thou mapelt. wanf toetcb , anb
tbecfou of tbps ttjp topcaebnes^ pjape fai'be : 3 beleue tbat Jef us €fyitti is
<5od tbat tbe tbougbte of tbpne beatt e tbefonneofd5ob »3lnbbecomnmuiibcD
tnape be fojgeuen tbee* tfoj jj pctceaue tbe cbacet to ftanbe ftpU Motbep toent
tbat tbou act full of bittec gal a ttnap* botone
botbc into tbe toateniaotb pbi^
pcDtnimqtittc. Ipppeanbalfotbe cbambeclapne and ,

Cbenanftoetcb*5>fmon anb fapbe: be baptifeb bim . 3(nb as fooue as tbep.

«to8.8.b *pjape pe to tbe noibe foz me ,y none tocte come outc of tbe toater, tbe fptcite

Sffiij,! of tbefe tfjpnges tobicb pe batte fpoften, oftbetozbe caugbt atoape ^biUppe,
%da.w. t fa n on nte.inD tbep jtoben tbep bab tef* tbat tbe cbambeclapne fai»e bpm no
ctfteb anb p'eacfjco ttje toojDe of tfjc moje^nobe toente on bps toape ceiop*
jLoibe retontneb totoatbe3ecufalem, f^nge: sut j^btlpppc toasfounbe at
anb pieacbeb rlje goipcl in manp cities 3B?otus 3biD be toalcfceb tboiotoe oute
ofthc^amantans. tbe countcep pjeacbpng in tbcic cities,
$ *Cbentbeaingellof§)lo2befpa&e tplbccametoCefarca. b
into pbilippcfaptngc: 3irpfeanDgoe
it, ttjetjolp gott npu mattifcOIp ? tuTtblp
fotoatbe mpbbe bape tonto tbe toape a.2Tjat
appcdtctopourl;em as DeOpaupou fljeapoaies

tbat goetbboune from jctufalcm ton* tt)tm felucs,as ts mcntioiif D tn tt;e re coDe of rl;ts
to dsaja tobicbe fs in t^t befette* mo bohc.^fitstoasnotbptljcticctueoftoclapiugc
be acorc anb tocnt on » anb brbolbc, a roDeclatctbeinutriblcsraccoftbcrpfctt.totjtc})
man of ectopia tobicbetoasacbam* U£8Cucrbtoalitl)em tbat beleuc tu tbe name of
fccclapne,anbofgccat auctbozite toitb Cbitft,aiiOp;ofeiretberame > anatoaabIiajtUcin
Canbace &uene of tbe tftbiopians, tu tbcfaptb of ttje bol?e 8bofte,t»0o loas uotibes
istcs. c anb bab § cule of al bet tteafute,*came b. fcumblcueut. tsbetctaften fan bare 01 latoe
soling, c tQ jjecufalem fcu to piape 3flm> as be be^cc.

tetoucneb borne agapne fpttmge in

cijaret,be teabe Ctap tbe piopbet.
W f£(C!)e.i)c»Cbaptec t 4.
j&atile is connects 9 cottfouubctb

Cben tbe fpictte favbe tonto $\)v* }&etectaprctb3CabuUa» . ..-.*

Ipppe : <Eoe neare anb iopne tl)^ fdfc to jfib^aulpet b:etbing3fl

ponbec cbacet . Mb ^bilippe tanne to oute tbieatnpnges aim
* bPm,anb beacbe bpm reabe tbe pjopbet aaugbtecagapnftetbe
cElfapas.anb fapb:iainbecftanD«ft tbou bifctples of tbe JLo*D£,

tobat tbou ceabeft^nb be fapbe: botoe toetontotbebiepjieft

_anDDerp^ebof bpm let* Si.
can H,eccept J bab a gpber- ainb be be<
fpieb jabplpppe tbat ^e tooulbe come tetslo^ tbe ^tnagoges: fg^'i
Up anb fpt toptlj fjpm • %ty tenoucc of *i;batpfbe feunbeanpi of tbps toape hm'^l
#f$e#poftle& jfcUjcitt
fo^etber tFjcp teece men 02 toomcn be tbcte f c! ftoW tpes as it bab bene re a* .

itipgljt bzpngc tbem botinbe t>nto 3Be^ les,anb be receaueb Cpgbt , anb a toi e $
r uralem.idut as be tout iiepeb anD teas teas baptifeb, anb teceaueb meate ano
come npe to ©amafcojobelp tbetc Qjt^ toas comfoneb^ben toas ^aul a cet#
neb rofioe about btm a ligbf ftom Ijttn tapnebapestoin) tbe bifeiples tofyictte
fktt.ffU.b uen,$ ^efef to f eattfj, $ bcatb a bopce toete at ©amaf co« mb
fttepgbte toape

raping to bpm**£>a ul,£s>aul,tobp per* be pteacb eb cimft in tbe ^magogeja;,
tccutcft tbou me r anb be fapbc.jcebat b toe tbat be bias tbe fonne of ©od.
act tbou Jlotbe^no tf>c iiojbe rapb.3 tbat beatbebini, toete amafeb ^fapbe:
am Jefus tobo tbou pcrfccutcft, it dial is not tbi s be tbat rpopleb tbem tobtcbe
be fiaroe foi tfiec to hvchc agapnfte tfje calleb on tbi s name in Jecufaletti, anb
pipcftc*anbbebotbettcmbltug*afto< came bpebet foi p entent tbat be (I)ulbe
mcD f arD: JLoioe* to! ja t wit tbou baue bzpngc tbem bounbe bnto tf)t bpe pue? -

nictoooef JfitiDtbcloiDc fapbe bnto ftcs." 15 ut ^aul enctcal eD tn ftrengtb,
bimtatife 9 go into tfje citie, 9 tt u)albe anbeonfounoebf Jetoes tobteb btotit
tolbe tlje tobat tbou ftalt Doe* at ©amarcoaffirnungetbat ftjis to as .

Ctje men tobicbe f outnepeb %

fjttti, ljetp CbMft» I*
© ftobeamafeD , foj tbep ^eatbe a bopte, 3Dnb aftet a gooo tobple, ebe 3Rel»cff
butfato no mam aiuo ^aul at ofc from toUc coticelto getbet^o bpllbpm . 23 ut
tbetattbe,>$ openeb btg ep^but fame tbeit lapinge atoapte toas ftnotoen of
Ho man.Cben leb tfjcv bpm bp p banbe, ^aull*3lnb t\itv toatcbeb at tbe gates
ano biougbt bi into Bamafto* snD be bapeanbnpgbtto»pllbinn*ts;ben t!>e
toas«iii*bape8tottboutugbt,$nettbet bifeiples tooftebpm bpnigbteanb put iSSS*
ate no2 Diancac , 3uD tfjete teas a cet* ftimtbo20toetbctoall,5letbimboune €
tapne Dtfetple at ©amafco nameb Mm inabafKet*2Bnbtoben^)aultoas come
inas,anD to &p'm fapbe tbeftojbctna to JJc tufalem, be affapbc to couple bun
Miotuflnaniasr'ainb be fapbe.bebolb, felfe tottbtbe bifeiples anb tw

am bete Jlozoe. 3flnD tbe a oibe fapbe alaftapbeofbim,anbbeleuebnot tbat
fciito bun :attfe anb goe info tbe Crete toas a Dtfetple ©ut isatnabns tone

tobtcbe is calleb fttapgbt,anb fefce in p bim ^ btougbt bini to tbe apoftles 5 bc^
fjoufe of Jjubas, aftet one calico §>aul clateb to tfye botoc be fjau fenc f X,oibe
mttt*(.% *of c^acfns»^oibebolDe,bep:ai'etb> in p toar >% bab fpoken tot tb bim: 9 b oto
anD ^jjtjj ( Cn? in a fcjfjojj a uj/ni nameo be bab bone bolbelp at Bamafeo in tbe
ananiascommfng intobpm,anbput4 name of 3!ef u anb be bao bps conned
tpngebp* banbes on f;pm,§ fje mpgljte facion it tbem at Jetufalc , a quit btm I
teceauebpsfpgbt* ftlfe bolbelpein tbe name of tbelozbe

Cben Ananias anftocteb : ftoibc, 3J jefu *3lub be fpaheaub birputcb tottb

£ltfuebeatbebpmanpoftbpsmau,boto tbed5teacs:anb tbep toent about to flee
a bpm* 2&ut toben tbe butbzen Hnetoc of
Sunn»!k *mucbe eupl be batb bone to tbp fain*
tesatjjetufalem: anb b* batb attctbo* ti)at,*tb,ep biougbt bpmtbcefatea % « 3^.^ I
titt ol tf)t binbe all tbat
ty e piitftes to fentbimfotth to ct>atf us . UicnbaD
calontijp name* qfteftozbeTapoe bnto tbe congtcgacions tcft tboiotocout all
bitn : <soe tbp toapes.foj be is a ebofen 3|etotp anb Baltic anb feama tpa , a no
t>eu"el un to mc,to beate mi' namebcf o:e tocte cot fteb, 5 toaltaeb in tbe feate of f
tbe gentries 5 binges $ tbe c biloicn of )Loibc,anb mtiltiplpeb bp tbe cofoztc of
3fraell » tfoi 3 toPll tjjetoe bpm fjoioc tbe bolp gboft*
8«attbpnges*&emufte ftiffce fojmp mt) ttcb an nfeD § as $efct toalckcb «
tboioto out all tbe quartets, be came tb
SKS.t names fafte*
3cu ^'
*Hlriantas toentbpstoavanbentteD tbe fanctes tofjicb btotit at jLibba ano ,

into tbe bonfc, anb put bt£ banbes on tbetc be founbe a cettapne man namco
Ijtm anb rapbertuotbet £>aul , £ moibe c^neas,tobicb bab kept bis beobe^ttf.
tbat appeateo bnto tbein tbe toape as pete fpcfte of tfy palfpe* Cben fapb &*<
tbou camcft.batbe rente me , tbat tbou tet bnto bf:Cneas, 3 ertiis cbtift mafee %%£*
mpgbtelt receaue tbP fpgbt anb be fpl* tbe tobole Htpfe , anb make tbP bebbe* idte*. i

1*0 toitb tbe bolp goti. %nb unmebiatl? *nm> fjt" atoft twmebiatlp»ainb al tbat
^ *
febtlt at fcpbba af 3B(Tato!i 3 fab* bpm,? altneles ate come Dp faf temebiadce' fene.}?.*
toucneD to ttie )Lo^De« befoie d5oD»3nD nolo feno men to 3op?
Cbete teas at Joppa a cettapne too* pa,$ cal toi one^imon nameD alfo jae*
£abifi>« man(tobicbbiasaDtfciple namcD(Ca> tec.i^c loogetb toitb one ^imou a tatb
_ &ltba,tobicbe bp tntetpietacton ig cat? nee, tobof e boufe is b^t^s fea fpDe « j^c
»«W0, j eD 3-> 2cas)tbe fame bias full of gooo fljaii tei tbe, tobat tfjou ougbteft to Do*
tooikes 9 alines dcdcs, tobicbe C&e DpD. axben tbe augell uibicfje fpatte Dnto
2lnb it cbaunceo m
tfjofc Dapes tbat u> Coinelius,ttias DepatteD,be calico t too
toasfpclieanDDpeD. aooben tbtp bao ofbpsbouO)olDerecuautes,$aDeuout
toart&eD bet anD lapDe net in a cfjauct: foDiecoftb^tbattoapteDonbim,9tolD
ftecaufe JUDDa biag npe to Joppa, anD tb^ al tbe matec,anD fent tbe tojoppa*
tin Difctpies bao beato tbac^ctcc toas £Du tbe mo;o to as tbep toent on tbeic 25
tbete,tbep fent buto bim.oefitpng f>u» ioutnepe,anb Dzetoc nit Duto tl)t citpe«
tbatbctoouloe notbegteueD to come ^etec toentebp*into tbe toppe of tbe a^afft 6,»a
tmto tbem. boufe to p,iap about cbe
^etet arofe 5 came toftb tfjem. 8tm Uia.ccDbcanbongtcD,anDtooulDebaue
<E> fofjen be bias come,tbep brought nun m eaten. !3ut tobpie tbep maoe tcDp,be fef
to tbe chamber 3no all tfjc toPDotocs; into a ttaunce,anD fatoe beauc openeD,
ftooctouiiDe about bim toe ppng^ibC' anD a certapne Deffelt come Donne Duto
towge tbe cotes * gatraentes tobpebe bim,as it bao bene a great u)ete , Unit
aootcas maoe tofjilc ct»c vuas pettotfb at tbe foutc coznets,ano bias let Dottne
tbe.ainD^ctet put m
ai rottb cf bnelco to tbe eartb,tobereiu toere al*manec of
f oure foteD beafttsf of p cactb, anD bet*
Dototie 9 ptapeo 3 toutneD bim to p bo« E>cut,i4.«
Op 5 fapDe:cabttba,*artfe.aiiiD tye o» me$b)oimcSj$foules of tbeapje. 3no c
pcncD fjer epes , ano toben u^e fatoe pe* tijctc came a Dopce to bun: upfe ptttt>
3,tc 2 ,tw a

iSEJIfe t«>fl>e fat Dp.ano fjc gaue bcr p banD, kvl* eate.^ut ^etet rapD:<soD foibpD
lift bee bp3 calico tbe fainctes $ toiDo* iLo:b,fo t 31 bam neuer eaten anp tying

tocs,anD fyetocD bee alpuc. %nD it bias tbait is comen oi Dnclene » 3BuD f bopce
fenomen tbozotoe out alt 3ioppa,9 manp fpaHe bnta bt agapne p,ii.tpme:*tobat
beieucD on tbe 2Lo.iDe.3lnD it foituneD f> (5od batbe clenfeD,tbat make tbou not
be tarieD manp Dapes m Joppa, \d one comen.Cbps bias Done tb^pfe , anD tbe
pinion a tanner. beiTell toas teccauco bp agapne in to
ace callcb tainctts as
a. 31» tl)t rcrtpf fuel) aoobPle letter tnufcDin bpm fclfe
fiaft'CtCs Do beteuc $ mitt tu r!;cp;oimrc9 of *3ot>,(f f came tobat tbps bifion totyebt be bao fene
ttjeic liunige to tt)c euleof tSooBes t;o!pe to ojoc,
3uo ai Curl) ate fauictegcucn tcUtlc tljcp pet hue mcant:bcbolDc,f» men tobicbe tocte lent
<mtDecacrt).3|tneDetl; net tljecfa:e to tarpc foi from Cornelius bao maDe inquirauce

tut pope* canoutjacion romatjc tOefauictcsati f 01 Sinuous boufe 9 iloDe before tbn
bunojeo petes aftectijctr acati).
Doic.ainD calleD out one 9 af&eo tobctbec
(CF(€be*it»Cfjapttr Hh
^pmon tobicbe bias alfo calico peter;
£«nclmg.1vDci)catOJairomcaucr!;cfpmrc,(t tocte loogeD tbecc . aoobPle 0etet
atcbaptifco. tbougbt on tbps bifion, f fpiiite fapoe
ftctetoas a cettapne man in tjnto bvm:bebolDe,men fcke tbe:arpfe,
jdcfa tea calleD Cornelius a tberf ote,gct tbe Doune , 9 got toitb tbe,

jcaptapne of tbefoulDietsof auDDout not:fot 3 bane lent tb$*$e<

JOtalpc.a Dcuoutc man, 9 one ttt toetit Doune to § men tolncbtoet feni
tbat fea wd d&oo bntb al bis bouOjoiDe, tmto bim frome Coxuelius, anDfapDe;
tobicb gaue uiucfj almeg to the people, BebolDc, H am be tobome pe fcke, tobat
3 piapeoiEoo altoap. %\)t fame mh fa to is tbe canfe tobeccfoze pe ate corner 3Snt»
in a toifion euiDentlp aboute,Jbe uputb tbepfapDe bnto bpm: coinelius tbe
|oute of tb e Dape, an angefi of ,<sod co * captapne,aiud man , anD one that fea*
minge in to bim, anD raping tmto bim: retb d5oD,anD of gooo repoit among al
Cornelius aooben be iofeeo on bim , be tbe people of tbe Jetties, bias toarneo

toajS aftapDe,6f fapDe:tobatts it 2Lo^DCf bp an bolt' c angel, to fenDe fot tbe into
l>e fapDe fcnto bim: * tbp p japets 9 tl>? fas boufe,atiD to bear* tootDw of tbe.
#ftl)e$pfflc& jFMWfc
C&«i called ^et^ent ftii «9 IoD8«D tt?e\ pjefleD of Dcupls, fo? <5oD.hjas taptr)
lnDoutbjmojoW|aetertoentawap him.atnD toe are toitueffes of al thtnges
*«e « anD * ccctaiuic tytetbe from
b toI tf > tfjem, tohicfje heDi'D tnthc lanocof p Jctufg
3oppa accopanpcD l;pm. ano § tbpjDe 011D at 3|crufalem:iuhomc tfjep Qetoe n
Dap eurteb tbcp into Cciaria.3BuD &ou Ijonge on tree . l^tm ©oD rarfeD bp the
ncltus watteD fo: thcm,aiiD t)aD calico Dape,^ fl/cixfcD him openlpe , not
together bps fcpnfmen auo cfpcciall
, toalrhc people,butbntobstDitne(res
fretiDes. aiuDasitcbaunicD pyctetto cljofcnbetofeofvSoD.tDhichatCciDtoBe
come id 3 Council us met (urn , atiD fell totth hem ; after he atof e frome Dcatbe* <&
coune at bi5 f cte 3 anD toozfypppcD mm* amotlie comaunoeD but bs to picacfj'.b,
!3« t pitcc toae bun bp f ap inge:ftauD e but the people % teftffie, f tt is he that
*t*c«.i4. c upjfoj cuettt3H rop felfe am a man.amo is oiDcueo of (0od a iuoge of qutcae 9 duetto ,c

m£ZS»£ a0 &' talkeD with fum l;e came in , aim DceD. co hpm gcucf all the ptophctts £tde.UiiJ
foutiDc manp tljat tnece come together* tuitnes, that thojotue hi'6 namc,al that
3BrtO Ijc fapD unto the: pc do biiow boto beleue in him , d?aU receaue teimiTion
3Dcut,i.a * that it is an Dnia wcfuil tbmge foi a offpnnes.
man that ts a 3feroe, to eompaupeoj fflDhple^etecpetfpaRe thefe Ujojdcs,
come unto an alient: 3Uti£oD nail? m^
* t he holr gholl fell on all tfjem tohpehe
toco me t(?at 31 Obouloe not call anp ma hcaroe the pteachpnge^nD thep of the
commen ot michane: Ck:fnrfo;e came J circiimcifion ttljich bcicueb.Ujete aftoi
fcnto pou btt fjotit fapinge nap, alloone nieD i as manpe as came tut th ]&etec,
as 31 was Tent toj J aifce tbcrefojCjfoj becaufc § on the gentiles alfo was H)cd
to^at intent haue pe fent to? me* out the gpft of the fjolp ghoft* if 01 the?
€ awo Cornelius fapbe: chps Dape hearoe them fpcatte with tongues aap
note ton te Dapes 3 fatteD,? at £ ninetfj inagutrpeD <0OD . Cien anf wcrcD &t*
&oure jj piapcD in mp home:? beboloe, tet:*can anpe man foibpD watet.tfjat
a man ftoDe befote me in bngbtcclo* thefe mouloe not be bapttreD , wh^che n«tt.s.t
ibpnge,anD fapD:€ojnelius", tbp p?ap* haue rcccaucD tbcftolp ghoott as well
etisiKarcc,5 thpne aimes dcd'cs ace as we."2HnDhe commaunDCDthem to be
liao in rcmembiatince tn tbefigbteof bap tn" cd tn the name of the io:oe. <lhc
* dBoD.^enD tberfdje ro3loppa,a call foj piapeb t^ep him to tarp a few bapes. f
<5>un m to'cjic'j is alio rallfD pcteci^e

IS loogeo in the fjoufe of one Spmon a

tanner bp the lea fpoe.ihe wbpehe as a. 3"f)t3pt3vcc t a!;ncgtoo* acceptable itt t!)C j^iapct §
of goo.bccaurc tuep tocte f fmitcs of faptl; 2mrc»»
loone as he ts come , mall fpeaae tmto
^FoiirtattottobctijougDre p Cornelias toA9 Us
t be.Cben fe*t | fo? the immeoiatlp: 5 j? ourb.Ica.'.bccaufcOCOaDiioriKarDctDcgorpcl
ftsft wel Done to: to coe.jfrow are Ice al picacbcb , burtjc Dao cotucaucD rbe fame fai-ttjc
lew pufcnt before dt>oD,to heare al !bt< tljdttocfatucceoftocolbc lato: baa cottceaucd
aub p :of c.U d of Cu
t ft c to come, a no oute of top 5
.jcepare comaiiDCD Ditto the oi'<it>oD. fapti;tTpioti3crbcrcpiapcc$ auo aiincso.oco of
if +-Xhen pert ropcncD his month f» Ijtg.ioljtco it pIcafcD (5ob to acciprc a 10 to cc-

fapDtof a trneth 31 pcrccaue,tqat*(50D Uiatb toitb tl)C lutotolcogc of t'oc got pel pif acbtti
onto Dun bp jdctcc. &etc is to be ttotcb f bipnbs
JK i* IS not partial* but mal people, he that licsoftbtntbat maititapnc tl;e mfttftcatioiibp
SuE**? feateth f)im $wo:cfceth tpgtjteoufnes, tooj&cs^ptbispeccof fectptute , afltcmuifftfiat
Sock'* is acceptcD wttb him. bcfo;cCotncltu8 bcleucb , Dcmagfo tuft ano ac^
ccpfablc in tbc ftgi)t of (So5,f> ijc ocfcrucD bp big
^e anowe the pjeaebpnge that $od too:6c? to auc f taitb ofCDnft pzcacucb bit t o l;u

• fent Unto the c!ji!Dicn"of 3Itraell,p:ea* ano tbc gtftc of faptb geuctt i; tin. STocf; m; n cons
cbpnge peace bp |elus cbiiite', which; f :oct no t tbc bocrt tnc of jaaulc.itibtfO is? mbati

foeuectooicaettbe.tbatpioccbcti) notoffapro, '

is TLoiDe ouer all thinges. ao'iicl.) ptea<

t3 Ctnn'e mtbcftgbt offfiob jfto temcop tnccfo:c
cbpnge to is publico tboioiow out all Coi itc.'ms muft ncbcs bauc faptb bef oxc b c c ou '0
AM.4-* .3ictoji'e,anD* begaune tn gallic , after oo anptooutiCtt)atmpgi)tcbc acceptable tnrlje
figijt of (Sod,
the baptpme
tobicbe 3[or)n pteacijeo,
«c3r.uu,hoioe*(i50D hao auopnteD 3|cfus of
•"•"•^jiaajatetb with the bolpe gboit, $

> -
^efctojetbetof caurewbetfoiCbe tocitt to f U-3
power, oobicbe Jcfus went aboutcDo? tbtn.TjacnabaS't Baule p;r acb onto f ijcatpcft.
pnge gooD,?i heaipng? all tljat toete op.< agabtigp' .

jfabf aponics, ^ tfjc b^ctfjje * C&ep fofjicb, abiobe
tocte tcafteb s^.^
tbat tocce tbozototoute Je« acofeaboute
cbojoto the affllecion that »
tojtpe,beacbe tap p tbe bjatbe* $s>teucn,toalc&eo tbojotoe out tpu tbep
Jbabalfotcccaueb tbe toojbe came Dnto ^bentces ano Cppecs anb
of 45oD.a!nD toben i^etcc teas come Dp 3Bnttocbep;eacbpngetbetoooiDe to no
Co Jet ufalcm,tbcp of $ cltcucifion tea< man,but bnto tbe Jetocs onelp.&ome
s>{H.wi,a foneo tottfi bpmfapmge:*tbou toentefl of tbe" to tee men of Cipecs ano ^icene,
into men bnc ircuciicD , 9 ateft Vb tbem* tobicb toben tbep toete come into Sntp*
<Cf?er»i^ctct began eppouuocD tbe ocbe^pane Dnto tbe beetles, ano pzea«

icf jf.^t b ibpnge In otDcc to tfje fapnigerj* teas cbcD tbe iLozoe 3efu$ . 3nD tb« banoe
in rbe cttte of Joppa piapingc.anb in a of tbe noiDt toas tottb tbem ,$ a gceat
tcaunce J (awe a W ion , a ccrtapne tmbie beieueb $ toucneo Dnto p )Loioe.
bciTcll berccuDe, as it fjao Dene a large +
Cpopngesoftbefetbpnges came
lpnnc"clotb>lctDoune ttobeauebp the Dnto p eaces of tbe congcegacton, tobi«
fonte corners ,« came to mc/Jnto the cbe toas in Jecufalem 3no tbep fente

tobicb toben J DAD fa ftenco mpnc epes, f oitbisatiiabas tbat be Oionloe go bn>
to i|nttocf)e.ia?bicb toben be toas come;
3 conftDicb ano fato * fouccb fote bea<
tics of the cattb 3 * btrme" ano toojnits, ano bab fene tbe grace of 4500, toas
ano f oules of tbe ap je . 36nb J bearoe a glab , atiD*ecboiteo tbem all p lb put* ntturj
P fcopcefapinge Ditto me:atpfe0ttet,flee pofc of beacte,tbep tooulbe continuallp
ano eate. ano J fapbc : <ffi>ob foibpooe cleaue Dnto tbe 2Lo;De« Jroifje toas a
&oib, toi notbpng a comen 01 Dnclene, goob inan>anD full of tbe bolp goft $ of
batb at anp time cut tco into mp moutb. t aptb:ano mucb people toas abbeD Du<

&ut the Dopce anftoeteD me agapne f to totbe-ioiDe. «IbSDepatteo 25acnabas

ljcauc\couiit not jf (bore (binges comen, to €atf us,fo^t to fe&e fi>anl.3inD toben
tubpebe (5oo f;athc elenfeo ano tops be babfounbe bpm,be btottgbt bpm bti
teas Done tfue tpmcs.ainb ai lucre taitc to aintioebe . 3Pnb it cbannfco p a toboie
Dpagapnetntobeauen* pete tbep bao tfjcit conuecfaciou tottb;
3Piidbcbolbe,immcbtatlp tbetc toete tbecongcegacion tbece, ano taugbte
f bzc men come Dnto tbe bonfe tobctc J mttcbe people: tn fo mucbe tbat tbe t>H>
ferns fent f come Cefatca Dnto me . 3no cjplesof antiocbe totcctbe fpifte tbat
(be fptrtte fapbe Dnto mc } tha 1 3 ajouio toctccallcDCbM^ians*
goc toptb tbem, toitboute Doutpnge* 4«*3ntbofe bapes cameptopbetcs fca , tt rt fc

sfl^ojeouec,* tb ere fpjee bietbun accoim jjecuTalem Dnto 3ntpocbe nnb tbetc
fctcM,fr ftooc bp one of tbem,nameb 3Bgabus,|
panpeb me:anb toe entteb into p mans
ft gnifieb bp tbe fpittte, p tbetc ajonloe
_ boufe.^nDbeOjetoeD bs, bo toe be bab
^ fene an angel m bps bonfe, tobicb (tooc be a gceate beactb tbo^otoe oute all tbe
ano fapoe to bpm:fenbe men to Joppa, tooiloe, tobicb came to pa(Te in tbe cm«

ano call fot £>imon, nameo alfo peter: pecouc Claubius bapes . Cnm
§ oifct*
beOjallteltbc toooiDes.tobetbp botbe pies euerp man accoiotug to bis abiiu
tbou^altbinebouieQjalbcfaueD.^nD te,putpofeD to fenbetfuccoute Dnto tf)9
as J began to puacbe,tbc bolp goft fel bietbicn,tobicb Dtoelt tn Jttotp. <.o.iw,« WW*
on tbem,*as be bpD on Ds at cbe begin? cbetbtngetbepairobPD.ano fentettto wli*
npnge. cben came to mp temembjauce (beelbccsbptbe^anbes of ^atnabas
tie tooiDes of tbe lotD«,bo to be fapDc:
anb&aul. h
*3obn DaptifeD tottb mater btitpe Qjal Commcii
3W»a,<,& a. Wit 3Ketoes eallrt f comen.f eartngc tebettof
be bapttfeb tottb f bolpe gboft. jFoj as rtjcptoctcfoibtbDcn in molttc utot , bccauCc it
mucb tben as^oo gauc tbem Ipfec gif* toas accoQptetf unputt aufi oncleane. be bpb Dnto bg.tobe* toe beieueb ^:be*)[iKCbaptct.4.
on tbe tLo;oe Jefus Cbiift: tobat toas
feet ode ptrrccutctl) f t fjitdtatts, fctlletb 3I«tnt s,
3 ,tbat| tyoulbc bane toitbftanb «5od«» ano puttetb $crcc tit pnrou , tobS f Eoift otlt ue^
OOObcn tbcp beacbe tbps, tbep belD tbetc «th bp 411 angcI.JTUclbamcfulDcat^ of decobC.
peace ano gloufuo <©oD,fapinge:ftben
batb (Sod alfo to $ djentplcs gcaunteb
k epentaunce Dnto Ipfc
3A tbat time Aerobe § atnge fleets
cbeb foztbe bps bana j to Dcre cgc<j
tame of ^ cogtcgacio»2|nD be ftpl«

. » e * "

t\)t %pm\t& jfouma

Ijb * 3Iames tOc blotter of 3fof>t» toprfj mpitt is t)is Singcii.jB ut peter cortti>
tbeftoctDc,anD becatifc be fame tbat it nueo fenocapnge: ano lob t n tbep bao o*
pleafebtbeJeiweSjbe pzoceoeb foztbet, peneD tbe Doze,auD fame bim 3 tbcp mere
auo tone peter alfo* f« Cben uiete tbe nftomcb.*3linbbe becaeneb bnto tbcmarfw.M
Dapes of f ojcte bieao.^no lobcn be fjao mi tb t()e banb,to boioc tbeft peace, ano

caught tiun,bc put him m
pzpfon,$oe? toibe tbem bp mbat nieanes tbe zlozDe

ipuereo Mmto foure * quaternions of bao bzougbt bpm outc of tbe pzpron. f«
fbnlDtc rs to be hepte,cntenDpnge 3BUD be fapbe; go ideate tbefe tbpnges
-eftcr to bzig bim foztb to § people* €be bnto James ^ to tl)s bzetbicn. aino be
teas peter kept e mpztfon.isut pzatct Depart cb anD mtnt into anotbet place*
teas mabe mithout ceafpnge of the con; Wont as it mas Dape tbere mas no
gr*gaciou,buto <5od fozbtm.aiuD tofye Iptlea boamonge tbe (ouopcrs , mbat
l^etoDc mouib bauc bzougbt bun oute mas become of peter , ftuben l^ccobe
tonto tbe people, tbe faint npghte flepte bao caileb foz bim,auD fouiiDe bim not,
peter fouDicrs,bouDc toitb be ejcamineD tbe ftcpecs,anD comaunDeD
ttoo ebaj>nes,aiio tbe nepers before tbe tbem to oeparte* ano be DefcenDcD fro
3!emzp tocefarea,anD tbete abobe.i^e*
Dote Kept tbe pzifon.
Jfttre.b o 3Enb beboloe * tbe abgel of $ Hope roDe mas D if plea eo mi t b t b em of Cpze

teas there pzcfcuf 3 anb a light QjpueD i» ano ^>iDon*2f no tbep came all at once,
tbe Iooge lift be fmotc peter on x> floe, anb inaoc interceff ton bnto 23Ia(lus $
frftereDbimtJp 5 faptng:arirebpqutcfe> bpnges cbambecIen,anD Defpzeo peace,
Ip.^no b (s chapnes feU or f torn bis ba> bpcaufe tljcir countrcp mas hozpf(i)eD
Des.ainDtbe?LaigeifaiD DntobtimgirD bp tbe ftpnges lanbe . 3Bi»d bpou a Dape
acetates tbp feIfe,atiD bpnbe on tbp * fanoalcs appopnteD^erooe arapeD bim in ropaf
tobcboufc ainD Co be Dj'o^iiD be fapDe bnto btm: appareil,anD fet bpm in bps fcate , anD
bit&ci tb*
cafte tbp mantle abotite tbe,ano f dome mabeanozacpon bnto tbem* atnDtbe
me, 3Uid be came out auo folotoeo bpm, people gaue a u)otite,fapinge : it is tic
3 auDtopftnot,tbaf it teas trittbtobicbe t>opce of a iBod anb not of a man 3'iid
teas Done bp tbe 3f ngell , but thougbte immtDiatlp tbe angel of p KoiD*fmote oatneana
bebabfeneatufton. accben tbep mete bim,beeaufebe gaue not <^od tbet)o* eaten of
parte tbe f pzfte anD tbe feconoe tuatcbe, noute,anD be mas eaten of mozmes ano towmw»

tbep came unto tbe pzou gate, tbat lea* gaue Dp tbe gooff* ^notbemozoeof
Detb bnto tbe cftte,tobtcbe* opcneD to cBod greme ano multiplpeo . 3nD i5ac*
them bpbisomneaccozoe. ainDtbep nabasanD panic ret urneD to Jerufa^
toentoutanopaiTeD tbozome oneltrcte {cm, tobe tbep babfuIfpIleD tbeic office,
ano bp ano b)> tlje angel DepatteD f com ano tofte m«b tbem *3Iobn,mbicr) mas mtt.. ,. -
btm, alfocaUeb^arcus*
^nDtobcn peter teas come to bpm C^e*jctt« Cbaptct*
C felfe,be fame momc J fcnottie of a f urc> #au!c aii&Battiabflsarecalfciuopicae&eas
tic, tbat tbe Jtozbe batb fent bis aingell,
mous tt)Cl)Cpr;)eii.©f -gict^tug t^au us $ t£t
tpmas tbe fouecac fdaute p;eacOctb at ait*
ano batb Delpuereb me out of tbe banbe ttoebc.
of aerobe, ano from alt tbe maptpngc ^jvi^ere mete at 3lntpoebe,<n
foz of tbe people of tbe Jemes* t^nb 3}r congregacpon certapne » pzo>
as be connocrcb tbe tfjing,be came to p \1> pbetes ano tcacbecjs:as zBarna>
act) ts
botife of iJiaart' p inotber of one * John, bas anb §>imon,calleD ^tger,anD %,ti
fame tobicbe mas calico i^arcKc alfo,mbcrc tins of cerene, ano ^anabeu j^erooe
jgqaccfce nianp mere gatbereo together* in pzat* tbe cctratfte gf nozffelome, anb ^aul«
gorpcif of
EE.3E5 p trcr ftnccluD at tttt enttp Doze, %s tb v miniftreb to tbe ftozoe, ano fa^
a bamfell came foitb to bcrftcn, natricD Ceo,tbe bolpe gbofte fapbe: feparate me
ifthooa* amDmhenfljefeneme petets zBarnabas anb s>anle, foz tbe moube
Dopce,Q)e opencb not tbe enttp foz giab mbere bnto J bane calico tbem* Cbcn
neiTe 3 but ramie in anD tome botoe peter
fafleb tbep anD pzapeD,anD pntttim mm.r7.jk
ftobe befozc tbe cntcpe.^ub tbep fapbe banoes on tbepm,anb let tbepm go.
XV, J';£ '

Dnfobcr:tbouartmab3ibfbcbaretbe 3Bnb tbep after tbep mete rente of tbe bo^ <•*** '•»
bo tune tbat it mas euen to. Cben fapbe Ip goa.came bnto ^eleutia.anb ftome
fe^a*i* tbence
€fte 8ctes
thence tbepfapleb to cpp*us.3nb tobe* nets! tnrbefoilbernes,3lnbhe bcltcop*
eb.bit. nacpons" in the lanb of Canaan,
thep tocte come to &olamf ne, tfjep $e*
toeo the toojb,of 45ob in etje fpnagoges anb * beuioeb their lanoe to therm by
oftbejetoes* anotbephab* Jjobnto he * gaue bnto tfjfi
lot. 3Bno after toaroc

their minifter. iubges about the (pace of uiu c.anb K

aoobcn thep hab gone tfjozoto out the t\pearcs,bnto the tpme of Samuel the
© Vie into the citp of £apbos,tbep fotlo piophete»3Bnb after tbat,tbcp * oefpzeb
a cettapne fozceter , a fair* pzopbete afcpnge,anb @od gaue bnto thepm
tobtcbe teas a Jetoe, nameb ©atief u, *£>aule the Tonne of cis a man of the

teas toitb the ruler of the co un*

totjic!) e
trpbe of 25cmamin,bp tbefpace of four
ctep, one &*rgtus 0aulus,a pzuoent tpepeates* ainb after be bao put htm
ttian.(€b*rame ruler calico bntobpm ootone,bc fet bpBaulD to be their big,
tfatnabas ano $>aule anb , DefpjieD to of tohom he rcpoiteb,fartngc:*3 haue l£>Cat.89.«

beatc the toozbe of (£ob.25 tit <glpmas» founoeBauib the fonne3Ie(Te,aman

* tfK ro|tcecat( foz fo toas his name bp after mpue otone hett,he ujail fulfpll a I
Swa \ mp toplL
a«a.8.b mtetpjetacton)totthftoDe the, a fought pra.ijj.6.'

to tutne atoaie the tulcrf torn the faith*

*€)f this mans feeb hath doobCaccoj 1 &C9.7.6

Chen £>aul c toblcb alfo is calleb^aul binge to hiS pzoimre)btought foith to

bepng f ul of the bolp gboft, ret his epe$ the people of jrrael,a^amour,one^e
oti6im,»rai>o:fl)fttUof all fubtiltie ? nis,tohe3ahn hab firft pzeacheb befoze
S0«tk;( .a
DpCceptf ulnes.tbe cbilbe of the beupll,$ bis commgc* p baptune of repeutaure Hutu.j. c

iheenempeof allrpghteoufneffe,thou to 3f caetainb tohe John hab fulfplleb Jo'on.i &

ceafeft not to peruerte the tttapgbt toap hts courfe,he fapb:*Ujho pe thinfte § 3
*s of the ftozbe 28nD notoe beboloe a the am,f fame am nousut bcholb,thcre
fcan&e of the Hope is bpontbe, thou<i rometh one after me M) of c fl)e cs of h 1^

(halt fceblpnbe ano not fee the runne foz fete 3 am not tooztbp to lotofe*

a ceafon*3(lnD immeoiatlp there fell on

4* ^e men anb bzc thzen .chplbun of
the geueracpon of 3Cbzaham,anb toho*
bf m a mptte $ a oatcfenes , * he toent a* £©at^.j:.a
bout fe*png the that fooulo leabe hpm foeuer amog pou feareth d5oo,to * pou
bpthehanoe* Chen the ruler tobenbe is this toozb of faluacion rent, ch e in*
joim.6 .d fatDtohathaDhappeneo^beleueDjano habitcts of Jerufaleanb their rulers,
toonbzeb at the oocttine of the )iozbe» became * thep Imetoe hrm not , ucz ytt
the borccs of § pzophetes toh ich are reb
<£ ashen thep ftoete toitb ^aule,toete
tepatteb \iV fypppe from ^aphus 5 thep euetp ^abboth bar c, thep haue fulf pi* S0at.J7.c
came to teetgaacitteof ^ampbtUa:^ lebthem in conbempnpnge bim.*3nb
tutu** there * johu bepatteb from theim^ano tohenthepfounoeno caufe of beathin
hpm pet befpzeb thep j&plate to fep«
rcturncbto Jetufaleim sut thep toan< ,

bzebtbozoto the conntces from ^erga hpm 3no tohen thep habbe fulfpl*
to3nttocbe,acptpe of the couutrcp of leb all $ toere tozi tt en of him , thep to&e

telftbia, ano toent into the finagoge on

him bourne fro y tree $ put hpm in a U*
pulcrc.isut d5ob raifeb htm agapne fro
the £>abbotb bape,anb fat botone.amo 3oB«.»»
btath , ^he * bias fene manpe bapes of
after the latoe anDthe pzophetes toere
teaD,the rulers of the ^pnagoge fente
them tohiche came toith him from (5a?
Hie to Jcruf alem. tohich* are his in it? aiw.j.e
them faping:^e me ano bzetbze",
tjnto }
nelTes bnto the people* 3oftn.if. ft
pf pe haue anp fermon to ejebozte p peo*
' 3lnb toe bee late bnto pou, h toe that
the ptomtre maoe bnto the fathets,goo
*tut.%a t <$fom ^aule (looe bp , anb * becfee*
fulftlleb bnto bs their cbtlbzen,ui
neb toitb the hanbe, anD faioe : s^en of hath
agapne ,euen
1frael,anb pe £ feare <i50b,geue auop* thatherepfebtjp Jjefus
it is 'tozittc in y firft pf alme:*Chou
ence.fChe ©ob of this people chofe our as
tonne, this fame bape begat 3
fathcts,anb eicalteb $ people toben thep arte mp
btoelt as ftraungets in the lanbe of e? thee
tjpfcomoeath, notoe no moze to
ct<nu4.«appte,aub * topthampghtpeatme hpm
to cozrupepon , h« fapbe on
bzougbt themout of it, anb aboute the tetourne
of^Upeares,fufferebhe tfjetr raa* cbpstopfe : * ^etiolpepiompfcs

&lt\)t%pMm tfolfortfft.
fnabe to mato J topi geue them faith tpe, ano tepfeb petrecucpoa agapnffe
tulip to pou.*»bertoze be faptb alio tit paule anb 23atn.iba0,anb ejcpcilebtfjS
©fai.rtiu another place.* Chou fhalt not ruffce out of their coaftes.* ano tberfljoufte
w* Sj-fiV
tfipne bolr to fc couupcion* i&oto be it, of tbebulreoftbepz fete agapuft them, take!**,

Bauib after be bab time fuffpfe
in bis anb came bnto Jcontum . auto the bpf* 8" 'M
ico p mril of good, bc+flcpt^ teas lapo ctples lucre fplleo fcttb tope ano tnptb

toitn bis fatbcrs,anb Tatue corruption, tbel;oIpghoft. h

23tit be tofjom d5oo ccpfco agapne^atoe
uocoirupcton. socjBiorrt.
tf 13? ft fenotocn tmto pou therefore
a.&olc aftct to tl)e.ft).c\)aptct.t isupbfe
*«iw.:4.b men $ bictbzeu,tbat*tbozoU) tins man fa.Hoftc bcfoit in tbe.tji.cuap.b. res.
(0 pzcarficD onto pou the fozgcnencs of c.SI)at i» bp intccp;Cfaci>oii,Hcfu9fomiMftt8 ?autrbcm
f pnncs,anD t br n»ni,al ttjat uclcue, ate name fyati ryis fouctct gotten to blpn&c tcoiitt baitocs.
toirijaH. ISacteru<.
t aft fttb f torn ail tbfngc© , from tobicbe
toben go to tooic&c, tt)tt fall to ctoOpitgc 9
pe couloe not be bp tbe la toe of
pxaptngctoptballMpc tuotocs to occcpuct^e
gpofcs .©cioar c tbcrfoze left tbatfal on people toptt;aU,tomabctt)cpmbclcuc toat t^ep
ta ttjet t arfre tmtucob ttjen tottt) tbe oeutl. jTOis
pou,tobicbe 10 fpofccn of in the pzopbe*
foicctets name teas slums, bf iumpietanoti
9ftae.cs tes; »3Ct)oIo*pe OCfppf Ct0 ano toonDc t, (Tafrfi tljetcttc^toljicfjeas letarmusaffpzmerti
anb pcnOjc pc :f 0131 do a tootbe tn pouc inDpsjaatapbiafes.foutioctl) as muchc mtbe
&ape0,tot)<cb pe fljall not belcuc,pf a ma ^inpanetoungeasgteare, anDfaJfe }9?opbetc.
O.^Df tbenameof |da(i(ctiomanpe Difputc, but dauic<
focuibe Declare u pou. t
socben ttjep toere come onte of the fp> bctoascancD^>aulc,ano after f manfeof fpccO
rtagoge of the Jetoes , tbe dentils be* oftt)c ©ciitpls aim l»omapues,be
teas called
fought f tbcptooulOpzeacbstbetoozoe c. srocfepcaccg Jfdttec.c;
mu(k be ccbe tfco from tbetc corns
Co them be t luetic tbe ^>abbotb Daies. mpttff out of eutpr.ffirob.rtcuot fcom tdeic f ictt $4.peatr4
acoben the eengrcgacpo mas biofccDp, iuDge<HuD.u
manpoftbe Jetties ano Oerteou0 con*
uettes folo toeo pauie anb iSarna bas, C^r«X«M*C^apt«t«.
ttttg.,1.9. tobtcb fpafte to tb£,anb*c;bo;teD them
to continue tn tfje grace of 600*4* ano i»AUIe«Mb. Barnabas pieacbe at3lcou<um»
domcbclcuc.fomcQctf upfcDictou. at £p<
tbe nejete ^abbotb bap,came almoit £ flea, tbeptDOuIoeooraccpfpcetoisacuabaa
tobole citf e together, to tjeacc tlje tuozo anfi idauf.toOtcb cefurett,anDctboxttbepco
of <sod. When fame tbe peo*
(be 3Je toes pic to tooxtbPPPe t^etvue ©od. )dauic ts ao?
neo.3f tcr tt)*t tfimetb be to S>etba,iLpCta#
ple,tbep toctc full of niDiguacioii , ano
Jlcotuuui auo to Auttococ.
fpafee agapuft tbofc tbiuges uifjicfj toer
fpoken of pa ule , f pea apng agar lift it, Bb it fojtuncbfn Jtontum, *
ano taplpng on it. Chen panic 9 23ar* that tfjep toeut both togetbec
<5 nabas tocjeeb bolbe , anb fapoe : it mas into the ^pnagoge of the
««b.M inete*£tbctuojDeof<soDfl)oulbe fpzft = Jetocs^fofpaaeja gteatc
bauc bene picacbcD to pou&ut fepngc inuItYt iioe bottjc of the ~$t toes anb alfo
pe put it from pou, ano ttwifce pouc tei> of the <5rekcs bcleneD s&ut the bnbele^
ties bntooztbp of nicrlailpna;e Ipfcrlo, upng3[etoe0,fleteb op,anb onqupeteo
tocturnetotbe ^entWs.-foz fobatbe tbemrnbes of tbe<5entpls agapnft the
St.* tbeXozoe comma unDcD bs/*3Ibaue biethzen.ZLong tpme aboo t\f^ tbete,^
maoe tbe a Ipgbte to tfje ©entpte , that quite tbcpm feiucs bololp toptb ^bclp«
thou be faluacpon onto the cube of tbe off lozo, t} tobicb gaue teftimonp bn*
tooiloc. to the toozb of bis graces canfeb*fpgf mt-t*i*
Cbe tocnipis bcatD,aiiD lucre glaD, ne^anotoobzestotrebonebp tbcit ba*
anb gloziftcotbetoozoe of tbe ioioe, Dee.'Cbe people of tbe cptie toecc mup>
anb beleueb : eueu asmanpe as uiere bcb:anb patt belb toitb tbe ^etoeo.ano
ozDcpneD tJiuo eternal! Ipfe* 3,-id the parte toitb the 3lpoaic0*
tooioe of tbcXozb teas publpfOjeo tgo* iOQbcn thetc toas a faulte maoe both
totiie out all the region. ©ut the Jetoes of the ©entpls , anb alfo of the Jetoes
reoueb the tootCbppfull anb bonoura* toitb tbeit put tbem to u^ame
We tocmcn,auD tbe clucfc men of tl;ccp? ano to (tone tbenM&ep toete toace of it,
JtifobM* ano
l^e &ctes b>
anb tmto * )tf ft ta 9 ©aba, cpitcsf f tbe ftphgbomie of dBob* 36nb tty?
of ftpcaonta,anb Unto tbe tegto g ipetb
bepneb tbem elbets t))> elecctonin euctp
cougtegacion,anb p^apoe ano fatteo,$
tounb about,anb t^cce pjeacbeb § gor*
pcl.Sinb tbete fat a cectamc man at jifc
commenotD tbepmto <BOD ,on tobome
toent tbo^trtu oui
ftratocafeeinbl!8!fcte,bepng*cteplefto tbep beleueb.^nb tbep
toalcfceb. ^ifibia.anbcameto ^ampbilia,anb
bi0 motbetg toobe, anb neuet
pjeacbeb § tooib of C50D
Cbe rame tjeatD jaaule pjeacb*»obicb toben tbep bab
fn.'^etga,tbep befcenbeb into attalia,
bebelbe b»n anopcrceaucD tbat be bab

faptb to be tobole 5 anb tapo tottb a iouo

anb tbence bepatteb bp Ojpppe to 8nti<
toete belpueteo
Dopcc.ttanbetopjpgbt on tbp fete ainb ocbe,ftom tobence tbep
gtace of <©€>5©»to tbe tooickc,
mat *be ftette top,anb toalfceb. £tiD tobe" tbe tmto tbe
fulfplleb aoc^en tbep
fci»**.\»ti.o people fato,to^at jaaule bab bone,tbep tobicbe tbep bab
toete come 9 bab gatbfteb § congtega*
Ipft bp tbett bopce0,faping in p fpeacb
ciontogetbet,tbep tebetfeball g eoo
•ctw.28 b of iicaonta:*<l5ebbe0 ate come botone
to tJS in tbe IpfcnelTe of men anb tfjcp bab bone bp tbem,anb boto be bab opv
called ©atnabas Jupitet^anb ^aule
neb tbe boie of faptb bnto tbe d5entil0»
g©ereur<u0, btcaufebetoas tbe pjca? 3Bnb tbete iw abobe longe tpmi topt^
Idaale 9
cbec * Cben3|tipttcrspjtefte,tobtcbe
J&4Cttd =
bis at); Dtoelt befoze tbete cptte.biougbte ojcui
ano gaclanoegbnto tbe cbuccb pojebe, <[ ©attaimce about ctccumciftoit.a:i)capoQ!cs
tiaae op£
pacific tbe matter atjietufalcm. jsaule atf>
ano gac= anbtooulDebaue Done
racrpfpee toptb
ffiacnab as pxcactje at a«itiocl)c.
laaDCs ttje people.
flffccD ton
©ut toben tbe ©atnabas (^f^ i^en caiiie cettapne ftom 3«tojp, 3
ajpoftles ,
ano ^aule beatbe 'tbat, tbep tent tbepj 4 -a anb taugbt tbe h^etbjen * qccept
C clotbes,ano tan in amonge tbe people,
caSJpebectccumcpfeb aftet tbe ma*
crpiuge,$raptng:fp:8,tobPDopetbt0*' nee of 3poCc0,pe cannot be Taueb* 3Enb
3<tt«.« D *aooeare mojtallmenlp&e bnto pon, toben tbete toas tpfen bpffencpon , ano
3poc.i9 b
anb pieacb* bnto pou >*bat peu>uloe Dpfputpnge,not a Iptell bnto * ^aule ^a,,
tutneftomtbefebanpties! bnto tbelp* ano©atnaba0agapnaetbepm. tCb«P
<&cne.te uiug<]5oD,*tobiebroabebeaucn3ettb, bctttmintbtbat ^aulanD©arnaba0,'
¥>Ca 146.8
aim tbe f*a,anb al p in tbe t0:tbe tobicb anb cettapne otbet of tbep m u>oulbe af?
apot.14. *
$ctes,i7.f intpme0pafte,fiiffeteball nacpons to cenbe to Jjeturalem bnto tbe apoaiejf
toalcbe in tbeir otone toapejsf* *. 0euet* anb elbets about e tbtsqucQion* 3Bnb
tfjeles be left not bim felfe toitbout aftet tbep toeteb?ougbt on tbete toapr
nes.intbat be tyetoeb b»0 benefites,in b)? tbe congtegacpon , t^ pafleo ouec
geuiug bstapnefrombeaueu,^ fcute* |£bentce<* anD ^amaria, Declatlnge g
full ceafonsjfpllpng out beattes toptb conuetfpon of tbe «S5entplsf,ano tbe?
feDe,ano g*aDnc0*:» toitb tbefcfap* b 10 tight great iope bnto al tbe tyctbieV
ingegjfcafe teftapneb tbep tbe people, 3no toben tbep toete come to 3fecufalg,
g tbepbab not bone factpfpee bnto tbe* tbep toete teceaueb of tbe congtegacio
Cbptbet came cettapne Vetoes from anb of tbejpoftlee anD tlDets.SEnb tbep $
antiocbe ano Jconium ,auD obtapneb beclateb tobat tinges gob bab bone bp
tbe peoples cofent,fi ftoneb * 0aule, $. tbe.fCbeu tof e bp tbete cettapne of tbe
Dietoebtmout of tbe cptie, fuppofpng, fecte of tbe pbatif e0,tobicb bv*> beleue;
be bab bene DeaD.l^otoe be it,a0 tl)t did faptuge.tbattt toa0 nebefulto epjeunt
ciples ftobe tounbe about bim,be atofe ci>Cc tbem,atiD to eniopne tbeim to aepi
bp,anb came into tbe citf e.3nb $ nerte tbelatoeof di^ofcs aino tbe 3poftle0
Dap be Departed ft ©acnabas to "&tu anb<£lbet0 cametogctljettoteafonof
ba.3 f ter tbep bab pjeacbeb to tbat cttie, tbi0 matter*
ano bab taugbt manp,tbep tetutneb a* 3inb toben tbete teas mucbe Dffpui
gapnetotLputa,anbto jjconiumanb tpng, peter rofe bp.anb fapb bnto tbe*:
aintiocbe , anb ftreugtbeo tbe bifciples y t men anD bzetbien,pefcno toe bote ft
foulest ejcbojtpnge fbepm to contpnue a goob tobple a go, ®ob cbofe amonge
in tbe faptb, affttmpuge tbat toemtitte b$,tbat tbed5ctii0 bp mp moutb (boulo
iMin.l.a t tboiotoe mucbe ttibnlacpon,enttc im be arc § toojD of p ©of pell auD " beleue*



& tlje $poftle&

3nd (Bob tobf cb * fcnotoetb § bett,bat:e banc tcoubitb
pott foptb toozoeg 3 ant)
SSK:7.c tbem tottnes,and gaue bnco tbepm ti>8 combzedpouc mpndes,faping;£e mud
(p gfjoft,eueti 06 be dpd bnto bs,ariD
M>ato.:s.b be circumcpfcd 9 ftepe cbe latoe , Co tobo

bcptttuoopffcrencebettoene tbemano uie gatie no fucbe commaundement.jc
inoVa bs,buc toitb faittj « *pttrifitD tfjctc f?cr femeo tbccfozr Co bs a good tbpng,tobe
tcs. j&ou) ttierfoxe tobp tcmpte pe 45 oo, toe toerc come togecbertb one accozoe,
tbat pe toouioc put a poke on tfye Dtf cp> to fence cboien men bnto pou,tofcb our
pies ncctieB,tobicb*uctbcr out fathers beloueo Barnabas ano pauie.mctqac
not toe, toere able tobcare . ©utusc baueteopatDeDtbepzlpuc0foz tt)e na#
beUuetbat grace of§ XLozD
cfioioui t!ic me of our torn jelu Cbiltr,dODebaue
C 3|ei« €bzifte,toe fljall be tbep ftnc tbcrfoie juoas auD£>tlas,fcobtcb
oo.Cbcn all tbe multitiibc teas peal cd pou tbe fame tbpnges bp
tyall alfo Cell

ano gaue audience to ©arnabas and moutb* if oz it f etneo goob to tbe tiolve
^aule,tobube toloe tobat fpgnes ano gortanbtobSjtoputno greuous Cbtp;
toondzes^od bad Ojc toed amonge tbe copou,mozetbencbcfe neceffatp tbpn*-
CScntpls bp tbcm. ges;tbat is to fap,cbac pe abftapne fro
3nd toben tbep bcloc tfjctr peace/$a tbpnges offccD to pmagcs,f rom blouD,
mes anrtoercd,faptiigc : ^cuand bu> from ft rangleo anb foimcacton. from
tfjzcn fretbcn &imeon toloe
bnto me tobicbe if pe acpe pour (elues,pe u)al bo
b o toe ©oD at $
begi lining dpd bift t tbe toclU£>ofatepctoell«
dentils ,s reccaucd of t be, people bnto aocben cbep toere bepatf eb,tbep came
bps name.36nd Co tins agtcetb § toozdj to spntiocbc, anb gatbereb § multttube
r.^fioftfjc pzopbctj, as it ts tozttten.*3tf tec togctbct,auD DelvuereD tbe p title. sxUe
cbts J toil returnee toil bplbe agapnc, tbep bao reafte it , tbep reiorfco of tbac
tbe tabernacle of ©auto tobtcb is fa lie coufolacion. anojubas aiiD^tlas
Dotoue,* tbat tobicbe is fallen tn ocftcp bepnge* pzopbcteg,e]cbozteD tbe bit* ^2opbe^
of i t>top IJbplbe agapne, and J topi fee tbzen tottb mticbe pzeacbiug,anD flrctt^ res ace
t)cu taW
it Dp, chat cbecefpoueofmen mpgbte the d tbcm • 3inD after cbtp bad carteb anottiDts
ft fte after tbe Hope, ano alfo cbe <&m> tbcreafpace,tbep toere let go in peace
til0 » bpo tobo mp name is named fattb of cbe bzetbzen bnto tbe 3Bponies*Boc« ccs of tbe
netoc xca
tbe TLoiDe,totjici) ootb al tbefe tbinges tottbttabtng pleafeo $>plas to abtbe aamente.
fcnotoe bnto <Boo ace alibis to 02 ft$ ftorn tbece ftpll.jsatile anb Barnabas con* fo;crpo&
tbe begpnupngof tbe toozloe* *x>b«fo« tmueo in antioctje tcacbrnge ano pica* octs of f
mp fencence ts,p toe trouble tbepm not cbpnge tbe toozbe of tbe ftozoe toptb 0?
tobtcb fed among cbe getils,ate tneneb tbecmanp.
to <!5oo:b tit $ toe toztte bnto tbe , f tbep is ut after a cerCapne fpace, ^aul fapo
«p».» ,a abQapne tbcm felucs * from fpltf/tncffe bnto tsar nabasriLet bg go againc anb
. of pmages,ftom foznicacton,fr6 c ttra* bifiteour bzetbzen tn euerp cptte tobere <5
&.i»ic. gied >* anb from blonde, jt oz d^of cs of toebauefbetoeo tbe toozbe off lozoe,
«rwmu» j D e (pme batb in euetp cptte pzeaebe anofcbotoctlicp do. ainb Barnabas
bim,ano be is ceaoe in Cbe &tnagogcs gaue counfcltotake toitb tbcm 3Johu,
cucrp^abbotbDape. called alfo s@arfte.15ut jaaul tbougbc
^ Cbt n pleafeo tc tbe
m Dets to tbe tobole cogregaciou, co fenD 35p oKles anb tU tt not mete to tafte bpm bnto ttit^ torn*

panp , * tobicbe departed ftom tbcm at

cbofenmenof cbelr otone companpeto pampbilia, 9 toent not tb tbepm to tbe
Sintiocbctotcb ^auleanD isatnafeas. toozcftcaino p OiiTention toas fo tyacpe
jdjn.M.8 cbepfeut^ sacla*
jfluoajS called alfo bet tocuc tncm,f» tbep departed a fundec
bas,ano ^>plas,tobicbc toerc cbtcfe me one (torn tbe otber:fo § zsarnabas tofte
amog cbe bzetbzen,^ ga tic tbcm letters <j@atBe,anDfapIedbnto Cipcrs. arno
in tbeicbanoes after tins matter. paul cbofe £>plas and departed, deli*
%t)t apoftle&eloers a bzctbzcn.fenb ucred of f bzetbzen bnto p grace of god*
* gtetpnges bnto tbe bzetbzen to'bicb ate be toent tbozotoc a I ^uia ano €plitia a
of tbe fficntpis in 30nt t ocbe , &pzia anb ftabltfft)pngc tbe congregactonst
(f tlicia.£oz as much as toe banc bearo
tbac cetcapue tobtcb oeparteo from bs, CSfDcjiiotts.
mwi ejaptf}

&bc littt a.4FartDP»«'W^^ c^ mc ' to ^ Cftft,oxotofdU ^ tooman HameWbpa, a feller of pat?
is nutpfu tbe rinncs atcfoxgottett ano not
ple,of p cptie of cbpattta.tobicbe tooj<
fo«$euenfo;j£b*iQesblouD fake.
co. but flnppeb 0oD 3 gaue is aubiece* afiobofe 3©
©p6tob6 b.^boretbattyanieuameDtottbrnpnainc , as
mp name, ace tbofc tbautctaHea tbcpcoplc of &Mjjt beet f'KLoip openeoj OjeattenoeD tjnto
rccuaStcsoft&ejloiD.fOccSgcegacioiiofCbMue tbe tbinges,tobicb1&aule rpafee.^en
companyc. «'
oi cimfttait teas baptifeb bet ^ou(r;oID 3 tbe be?
&tt 5g!cb ueaaes tbat ope tonthoutc blcaopngcace
c<a;t /c
fongbt &6,faptng:t>f pe tbtncfc tbat J .

beleueontbejio^cometntompfroUfe^ *

^abiDetbete,3HnD(i)e* cofttapneb t>B* a;cBe.«9.a

mmotbe is ctteumctfCD.^auIc pieacbetb at
j&tXltppos.anb tbcte ts beput t« piifon. * mn it fojtuneo as toe toent to pja^
a»j»j*- e

%?> pet,a cettaphe oamfelt poffeffeD to^tft K^iu«hft

7& £3V^e came be to Betba ano to

% r ftra»3nD beboloeanamed
certapne off* fpiite tbat p^opbecpeb.met t)S,tobicbe f^**
<cpmo> biottgb. tbet maftetanD mafttes mucfje
v'Lcpple teas tbete
atoomansfonne tobpene teas a
tl>eus 5
Datmtage ft ^iopbecptnge*(pe fame
f oloto eo ^aule anD lJS,anD ccieb , fap-
3etoeft"e,anD beleueotbut bps fatoet ®> a ««*««
inge:*tbcfe menace tbe fetuaontesr ot
tuas a dStefce* fl)f tobome tepojteb
toeUjtbebicthjenof&pfttajanD of H* tbe mofteOpe (goo Mtyfyi ft)etoe tinto
of faluacpdn^nDt^tsbro
comum. Cbe fame paule tooulo tbat Us tbe ttjape
2Sut laanlenot com
bett)oulDcgofottbtoptbbpm,anDto&e $e manp capes
te»t,tutneD about 5 ahD fapft to ffpitteir
ano citenmcifeb bim,becaufe of pjeto* ;.»«*»•
cs tolncbetoecetn tfjofe quartets :foj 31
eomaunD § in name of jeftutttyf^
teas a tbat tbon come out of tier. 26«tD became
tbep Knetoe al! , tbat bps ratbet
toent tbojoto tbe cities, ont tbe fame boute*
tW '

<5tm*MQ .

foj to 3Hid tofjen bee maftet ano maftte*;

tfjep DelpueceD tbeim tbe Decrees ' t,MW e '
ftepe,* ojbepneb of tbe 35poftIes
auD el* fatoei *tbibopeoftbeft gapneiaftoas
gohe tbep caugbt panic ano £>pfesj
Dets 5 tobicfte toete at 3[ctufalem;» fo 3

tocce t&e congregation ftablpfoeb in tbe

ano Djue tbeiri into § mat&et place Un*
bjougbt tbeni to t^e
~ fapt^,anDencteafeD in noumb?ebaplp» to tbe cnlets,ano
25 officet0,faping: cbefe mettouble put
gounen tbep ban gone tbojotoe onte
w of (Salacia,anD cptie, toljicb ate Vetoes ano pjeaebe oji
•Bbii8^,atto *&* 8*5 c
Wumafit Dinaunces,to!)tcbatenotlatofuieo?Dff:
itoete fojbpDDen of t^e bolpe gbofte to
to teceaue^iept^et to obfetue 3 fepng toe
pieacbe tbe toojbe in Bfia, tbep came
ate momains.ainD tbe people eanneoti
<©ifia 3 anD fongbt to go into Eetbpni*
a^sut tbe fpjite mffiteo tbemnot»tscbc tbe,anD tbe officers rent tbep? clones,
ano comaunoeD tbem to* be beaten 1b
tbep toent ouet i$pfla,anD came
Wff on appeateo to robD(3nDtoben tbep bao beaten tftem
to* tctoaoa* 3ino a
m man foze 5 tbep call tbem into p^tfbn, comau*
saule tbe npgbt.Cbete (lobe a
if 3lBaceDonia,anD pjaicb fjtm,faping;
Dpnge tbe iaplet to feepe tbem fntebv
bao receaaeD
acobicbe Japler to^enbe
come into SBacebonia atiD belpe Us*
commaurtDement^b^uft t^eim in>
a* mttt be bao fene tbe Mton, immeDtat* fucb
ptifon 3 ano niaoe tbeittete
Iptoepjepatebtogo fnto ^acebouia, to t^t ^inet "
to faftfntbeftocaes*
cettifteb § tbetojD bab calleb frs,f oi jp
2CtmpDnpgbtpaule^^)tlaB pja^ -
pieacbe tbe gofpell Unto tbepm » Cljcn
iotofeb toe fojttb f torn Ctoaoa ,$
toptb eD anb laubeb d5oo*3l!nD tbepjtfonets

a fttapgbte cotitfc came to ^amotbia?

beatbe tbem* Mb
fobetrfpe tbete toas a

nerte Dap to j$eapolim>anD great ettbq

nane s fo tbat tbetqutipat^"
tia,ano tbe ,

on of tne pjifon toas u^aften, artb1)P ** *R*?' r

from tbence 3 to^biIiPP08,tobieb is tbe °' fU 9 '

cbief citie intfje pattes of ^acebonia,

bp all tbe Doze$ openeo, * euerp niants
anbaftecptic* babes toete iotofeD*5aoben tne feeper of
ceo tbe pjifon toafeeo out of WS Cepe $ti(ti
*X>e toete in tbat cttieafttDtug a
bap* tbe pjpfonbo^es bpen^ebjae^ute^ps
taf ne Dapes3iD on tbe £>abbotb
es toe toent ont of tbe citie befpbes a tu ftoearbe , ano tooulbe bane ftpngb bprti
men toete toont to pjap^nb felt, fupporpugtbe pjpfoners bab behe
Dotone^ fpafce into tbetoemen fleD.JSut paul ctteb toitb a^ louo tibicc
toe fat
tobicb tefojteo tinker 3inD a cettapne
- —
*~ " "
ate all bete '*
5©f ihi gpottte,
C&en be calleD tot a ipgt^c foeuienyiotafefoe;
anD fpiangc tn,anD came tremblptige, 2311 1 tbe 3Je toes bofjlcfj bcletico not,'
aim fell bourne bef ozc paule $ §>plas, bailing iuDignacl6,tokc bnto tbepm u
a out,anD faiDc:*&>pis ml men tobicbe toete bagabonDes,anD
i°5« *JV anD bxougbt tbe ,

"noVa tobatnmftlfDotoberattebT' ano tbep gatbereo a companp, ano fet all tbe cp>
*'°* •*£• fapb:* beicue on tbe XloiDe 3Icfns , ano tie on a toatc,anD maoe affaut bnto tf;e
^ tfjou 0)alt be faueoanbtbpboufyolDe* boufeof3Jafon,3nDfougbtetobipnge
3flnD tbep PjteacbeD bnto bin? tpt tooibe tbem out to tbe people* 26bt toben tbep
of § HOHiM t o all p mere in (110 no ti fe» foube tbem not.tbep blue Jafon } 9 cer?
3inD be tokc tbc p fame bontc of £ 111 9 fit rapne butbzc bnto § beaoes of § citie,
$toaffl)eb tbetr tooubesi , ano tons bap* Ctping:tbefe3 tbatttoublettjetooilDare
ctUD tt al £ belogeD unto btm (traigbt come bptber alfo3 tobieb Jafon batb te>
toap«3Qobcn be bao biougbt tbc into bts tcaucD pzeueli'* * BinD ttjefe all do con? imtm
**«*& boufc,be f et meat bcfoie tbcm^ *iopeb ttatp to tbe Decrees ofcefat,affirming
tbat be to ttb all (us bQiifi)oiDc 3 DcIciicd anotbet itpnge,onc 3[efus . ano tbep
ondBoD* ttoublco tbe people, anb tf)t officers of
3InD toben it toas Dare , tfye officers ti}t cprp*, toben tbep bearbe tbcfe tbpn?

Cent rbe mmtftcts ,1 a pi ng:le t tbofe men gcs.ainb toben tbeptocre fuffictentlp an
go* Cb^^tpec of tbe pjtfontoloetbis ftocreD of 3[afon 3 ano of tbe otbec,tf;ep
raping to ^aulc,tbc officers bane Pent lettbem go,
tooiDc to iotofe pou.^o toe tberfoje get ainb tbe b^etbwn immebiatlp rent a*
pott bence ano go Cben rapDc
in peace* teape Rattle anb ^plasbpnpgbtbm €
Rattle bnto tbetmtbep baue beaten bs tozsettea. aoTjicb toben tb^p toere come
opelp bucouDcptuD,f ox al £
mapns,$baue call bs
toe ate l$o»
into pzpfoiuano
tb^ct^tp enttebinto m fpnagoge
of tbe 3fetoes.Cbcfe toere tbe nobleft of
notoe tooulD tfjcr fenoe bs atoap piitic< b??tbcamonge tbepm of Cbeffalonia,
l>v0ap not fo,but lettbe come tbem fel* tobicbe teceatteb tbe toozDc toptb all tni
ties 9 fet bs out.aooben^ mi uiftcts tolD Ipgence of mpnoe,? fearcbeb* t\)t fcrip
tbele tooioes bnto £ officers , tbe>> fed; ttites Daplpe tobetbtr t^ofe tbpnges
reo toben tbep bcarb that tbep toete tlo* toere etten to 3Bnb manp of tbem bele< tbc ftcip*
ssattj .« b. mains,? * came aim befougbt rbe, ano uco:alfo of tooi^ppftt.i toemeu tol)ic\)e tuttsfoi
biougbt tbc our,aiiD DefpieO tt?e to oe> toete ^reUes,anb of men not a fetoe bp t\)cptn
mape pe
part out of tbe cptte.3GiiD tfjcp toent out 900ben rtjejetoes of TCbeffalonfa baD trpcall
of tbe pnfou anb cntreb into £ boufc of Imo tolebge tbat tbe tooibe ofd5oDtoas ZH)ttSp»l«n
jLiDia , anD toben tbep bao fene tbe bxo puacbeb of ^aul at 2Sectca ;
tim> came
cfjjciijtbcp cofoitebtbem anb DepattcD. anomoticDtbe people titer c 3luDtbett »

fT'Cbe.jCbu.Cbapteu bp anbbptbeb^etbienfentatoap^aul
Idaulc coinctD to SCDciTalon 3\c\vz to go as U toete to tbe f ea:b u t * ^ilas
t f>

(5 Ccr rt)c ctttcott a r oacc. p aulr cfcapctMuo

cfimctijto attjetis, tobece ijcpxcacbetb #tme
ano Cpmotbeus abooe tbere ftpi t^jno
anDtottUnotocniSoD. tbep tbat gupbeb Rattle, bzougbt bpm
^>tbcpmaDetbcirio?neprbo bnto3Etbens,anD teceatteD a commau?
toto 3impbtpoIis,anD3ippo> Dement bnto ^>p(as anD -Cpmotbctts
louia jtbcp came to Cbeffalo* foi to come to bpm atonce ano came

jntca,toberetoasa fpnagoge tbep? toape» acobple Rattle toaptebfoj

of tbe jjemes^nb jaaule as bis maner tbctm at 3itbens,bps t'pnte toas motteo
foas, tocnt in bnto tbcm,anD tbze ^>au* in bim,to fe tbe cptie getten to toozibtp^
botb Dates oeclareb out of tbe f crtptnre ppng of ptnages. Cben bebrfputeo in
ftak.44 g. ton
to tbepm,* opeupnge anb allcgpngc tbe fpnagoge tout) tlje 3etocs,anD ^ft
tbat Cbiift mud nebes baue fuffreb $ tbe Dctioiitc pcrfonties,anD in tbe ma t>
tpren a gap tie from oeatfj,anD tbat tbis feet Daplpe \optt) tbepm tbat came bnto
Jjcfus teas Cbitfte, tobom(fapbe be) 3 bim. Cettapne pbllofopbets of tbc €>
pzeacbtopou.3lnb*fome oftrjembcle* pt cures, anb of tbe §>rofcttes,btfptttcD
»c«s .isr.
uco artD camc ano companieo tf) ^
attl toptb bpm.3(nD fome tbere toete tobicbe
ano ^plas:alf of tbe bo n u tabic d5te* fapb:tobat topll tbis bablec fap^t&e*
fees a great tnwltttuDe } ano of the cii c f fapbe ; l;c fcinctft to be a tpbpngeg

i^^U*t»tt* biinget
^e &ctes j^otobeft certapne me clattc bnfoj&aule
tyf tiger of ueto dpuete,becaufe be pica
^ cbed-bnto tbem 3efus and tbe tefutrec and beIeued,amog tbc tobtcb toas £>t<
cp6,aiiidtbepto&ebitn,$biougbtbnu ontfius a fenatouce^a toomau named
into cj^atce ftreate,faving:map toe not 3©ama tis D anD other toitb tbem.
Doctcme tobetof
feuotoe ujija t tbis netoe
a.Wc ace? generation of ©oD,becaufe toctome gcncractfJ
thoufpeafreOVs t tfojtbou typngcd of b im as of our farmer anO mafeec.
fttauge tidpngj to out caccs, acce tooid b.3]ntbtsplacc,faptbts tabert f<» f piompfts *avtb
bnotoc tbetefoje tobat tbcfc tbpnges of mcccv tofjttf) tfcoioto faptl) faue bs IflDOwfte

p:ompfes,!5oOC after t\)t ccfurcCfttoii of mmft)

meane, jfo? at tbc 36tbeiuans and fttau* commaunoeo to be pxeacOeD to al tiacr 0119,$ not
gerg tobtcb toere tbete,gaue tbe* f due 6 to tbe Jietocs onelp as bcfoie.
to notbvnge els .but eptbec to tell oj to ^Cbc.rbtii. Cbaptcr*
fceacc nctofi tpdpugcs. Clddulcpicatbcb at <Dmttt!)iQ,tontmupttge
tljere a peace anb an balfe, goetb agapnetns
odc ni tbc ujpdd cb of Sipatee
laaule fl
ftrete,^ faid;pe m£of 3tb£s Jj perceawe tPcbe.fDfapoltos.aqnpla.aiib j&itfcilia. ^
tbat in aUtbpnges peace torupetftpti* "Iftettbat^autdepattedfto *
3T ous* jfoz as
I parted bp anb bebeib tbc Itbcus, and came to cojitv.
manec boto tooifbip pout goodes , 3f
pe t(?itiin aiiD
foundc a certapne
foundeanaultectobettti toas toiptten: Jfetoe^namedaquilasbojne JJJJf'J ^
bnto tbc bnknotoen ©od» acboni pe the in ^outbus ,iatelp come from Jtahc
pgnozauntlp too;u>p,btm OjetoeJ tm? toptb bps top fe 0ziTcilla(became tbat
Sim \'i *° P 0U: * 0D ***** ,n8De **>* te0 ^ D a,,D Cmperouc€Iaudtus bad comauu«

»rai.*46 1 al tljat ate m tt,f epng tbat be is toide Ded an jjetoes to depaetc from Eome,)
IKt ? of^gucnawD eattb,be *DtocUetb not in
er*p .66 a temples made tottb banDcs, ncptljcc is
and be Suit bnto tbcim. :iuD becaufc be
toas of tbe fame craftc , be abode toptb
ISiJ'Si^too^pppeD toptb meunes bandes^as tbe 9 toiouctbt: tbcic craft toas to make
tbougbe be nebed of am? tbpnge, fepng te*tcs.3Ind be p^eacbed in tbe finagoge
©«nu.6, belnmfelfe* gcuctb ipteatidbjcatbto euerp ^abbotb dapc^and eftoiuoti)*
all men euetp tobece,and batbe made of ^ctoes and tbe gentple*
one bio tide all nacpongfbf menne,foz to &cbe*&Has and Ctmotbeus toere ©
* ttC0,l7B
otoellonall tbc face of tbe eattb,atiD come from Macedonia, jdaule toasco
batbalTigtieo befoie,batoe longe tpme, ftrapned bp tbe tpzttc , to teQpfpe bnto
and alfo tfjc cuocs of tbcu inbabptacp* tbejetoes^jelus toas beep Cb^ifte*
on,tbattbcp Cjouloefeac d5od 5 pfthep 3nd toben tbep raid contracp and blaiv
tn'^gbt fele and fpnoc bim,tbougb be be
not farre from euerp one of bs » iFoj in
pbemedjbe+u^ofce bis caiment 3 and faid
bntotbcpimpoucbloud be upon poutc aiuSS
*i: V ,

btm toe Ipue > uioue , and ba uc oure be otone beades,fi from benccfojtbej go
puge,as certapne of pour otone poetes blameleg bnto tbe dentils;. 3Dnd be&e*
f apd* f ot toe ate alfo bis gcneracpoiu parted tb encc, 9 entred into a certapne
f o: as mucb then as a toe are tbc gene* mannes boure, named 3juftus , a too:*
tacpouof<sod,toeougbtnot tothpnac (bpppecofd5€)23 ) toborebourc topned
tbat tbe oBoo&eo is Ipke unto go!de fil< s baedctotbe ^pnagogc«j^otobc it one
uer oi ftonc,gtatien bp era fee mid ima> CrtTpus v cbicfc rulec of § fpnagogc,
ginacionofmin. * bcleued on tbe %oin toi tb al bis bouf< 3oiw.4 §
»om«,«a * 3Bndtbc tpmeoftbfspgnojaunce tboidc,gtmanp of tbeCojuntbian^ gatie C
ttb.j4. c (Bod regarded not.*©ut notoe be bpd? audience.and beleued 9 toetc bapttrcd*
Detb al me euerp tobete repent, beta ufc Cben fpake tbcioid to |3aule in §
hebatbappopnteoa dape,tntbe tobtcb npgbt*bpa bifion:benotaftapde,but ntue^n
be topHi'tdgc tbe toojloe accojopnge to f peake^and bold not tfjp peace :fo;3J am
tpgbttopfnes,bp tbat man toho be batb toitb tbee,aud no man (ball inuadc thee
apopnted,and batb offetcb faitb & to all tbat (ball butttbee* foijim* mucbe
ineti,aftet§ be bad ratfed bun fro detb, people in tbijs citie » 3Bnd be contpnueD
^CDbcn tfjep heard of tbc refurrectfon tbece a peare 5 fpjee monetbes,^ taugbt
ftomdearb fomemoefced^otber fapd: tbcmtbctooiDcof(J5od*
toe toil beare tbe agattie of rbps matter* aooben ©aliio toas ruler of tbc cofc ^
£>o j^aule departed f com amog ttyim* tre of 3caia,p3etocs made tnfurteccia .

toptb one.
: C

•Bf $e Stpottles* f*u\tjfou

toitb one accozOe agapntte $aul, ano toas come tbptbet,be fjolpe ttjem nwcD
brought btm to tfje tuogement ieatc,fap tobtcb bao beleueD tbo^tot gtace*3no
ingc: tnpg f clotoe counceilctfi men tie to irngbtelpe be ouercame tbe 3etoes,ano
toozu>ppc <eoo contratpe to ttjelatoe* tbatopenlp,ttjetoing bp tbefcrtpmces
3nDas ^atit toas about e toopenbrs tbatjjcfus toas Cbzitte.
moutbe ,<ii5alUo fapoe unto toe Jjetoes JCtje/sotcs..
pf tt lot 1 1 a matter of tozongc,oz an euf I
a.©cQ)4tel;tsqcaoc anbfecptc Us botoe after
Deoe(£) pe 1 c toes)r eaf on vuotilD tbat $ rb c latoc of pe map teabc./ftu.oi. a
n)otilD Ijiearc pou: but if tt be a q ueittoti b. 33aptpmc of aobiUose in tbe bcgtiiitma of tbe
of toozocs,oz of names,oz of pout latoc,
lofce pc to it pout f elites . fox 31 topli be CCbe«jcijc»cbaptcr« »p
no ttioge tu fucb matters, aiio be Diane sDf tbe.]« tobom idaull baptpftb at tfpbfc
ttjem f com tbe leate. Cb^a toae all ti;e fus,an d tobat mita clcs toete boae bp bpm. 2>es
t£>tefccs£>oftencs tb c ctjere ruler of the mercius mouetb rcDicioiun roccpttc.
£>pnagoge , ano fmote btm before tt)e rtCfojtuneD tof)tl 3poIlo teas
tuogc3 feat>3t»D csatlto caceo to: none jatcojmtbtum, tbat ^aull *
ofttjoletbtnges* '
palleo tbojoto tbe bppet coo*
- ^aul after tbts , tarpe D tbere pet a ftes anD came to Cpbelus,
^ gooo tobplc, ano tben tofee bts leaue of anofouuo cectapne Dtfctples,ano fapo
tbe bietbzeu,ano Capleo tbence into €u tjntorbem:batieueteceauco tbe bolpe
ria, jsztfctiia ano 2Bqutla accompany goftfencepe beleueo^nb tbe? fapo tm
jtam.w.b tnge btm* 38nD *be fyoze bts beaoe tn tobpmrno toe bane notrjeatoe tobetbec
<£ciicbxca,fozbcbaoat>otoe » amobe tberbe anp bolp goott oz no.amo be fato
came to Cpb el us ano Icftetbcm tbere: twto tbemrtonet tottb toerepctfjen bap*
but be f)v m Ictr'c entreo into tbe £>ina* tpfeo^no rbep fapo:« tottb 3 obns bap
goge, ano teafoneo tottb tbe Jetoes« tpme.cbtnfapo paul:*Jobn betelpe «.,*«„»
accben thep Defpzeo bpm to tarp longer baptpfeo tottb tbe Oaprpme of repent m*&4$;
tpme tottb tbem, be concentco not, but tamice-i faping?tjnto tbe people tbat S&iir*
baa tbem fare unll fapwge.3 mutt tie* tbepO)ulDbeleue on btm, tobtcb u>nlD
Des at tbts feaile tbat comecb,be in 3}e* comeaftctbimttbatts on CbipUe^e^
tufaleunbut 3 toptl retutneaijapne bti f us* HPben tbep tjeatoe tbat 3 tbep toece
a to pou, * pf ©ott topll,ai>o be Departed baptprtotntbenameof tbe^ozo Jefti.
« fcam Cpbtfus ano came tmtocefarea: 3(inO^atiH *lapeo bps banocs upon S„w .
3(ato.itt,a. auD alccnoco ano faiutto tbe congrega
tbem,anotbe*bolp gooftecameon tbe", ameitiS
cpou,anDbeparteD tmto 3tfnttocbe,auD
uiben be bao tatpco there a tobple be De*
ano tbep fpaftc toitb*tonges, ano pzo* 2

pbefpeo 3 ano al tbe men toer abom*jctt* *«* **.
pattcD.aBuD toent ouecal tbe couture of 3Bno be toent into the fpnagoge, ano
J^*™ J-*
vi&alactaj jabiigta bp ozoe^tutngtb* 1 bebaueobtm felfe boloelp fo:^ (pace of *.+-f «9i.
mugaltbeotlciples^ tbzemonerbes J otfputpng ano geutnge iffia*
3ud a certauie "Jetoc namco*aipol* tbem ejtftozfactons of tbe ftpngoomc of
u&i/a iosjboiiie at 3llejcanozra,came to cpb« ©oo» MCOr)enopuerstoeii;eobatobcF*
• fus,aneloqucntman,auDmpgbtp tup teoano beletieono^bntfpafeeeupllof
fctiptuccs.'Cbc fame toas tnfo^meo m tbe toape, ano tbat befozt tbe multt*
~ tbe loap of tbe jLou>r;8tiplp fpafee fee* tuoe:be oepacteo from tbem, ano fepe*
m ueutlpe in tbe fptrtte,anotagbtcoplp* t atco fbetnrcf ples^no be DtfputeO oat
geiitipttetbpnges of § &oio,aiiD &nete Ipetntbefcoieofonecalleocpzannus.
but tbe b baptpme of Jobn onelpe* 3no< 3no tbts contlnueo bp tlje fpace of ttoo
tbe fame beganne tofpeaae bololp* tn pearesjfo tbat all tbep tobtcb Dtoeltc tn
tbe^>t>uagoge. subtoben aqutlaano
^lifctua bao beam bpm,tbep cofrebim
3fta,beatoe tbe to ozot of tbe tozbe
imro tbem ano ejepounoco Unto btm tf)e *tozougbte no fmall mpzacles bptbe
marrY)lh '
toapof ©aDtnoie petfgtf |p,» banoegtof paul:fo tbat from bts boop *<ul.* tf
3£nb tobeti be toas Du pofeD to go in? toetebzougbte bnre tr>efpcr<c,napftpn0'
to.3£tata,tbe.bzetbzctt ttuote ejcboztimg oz parfIettes 5 ano tt)t Otfeafes oepattco
tgt Dpfcfplcs to teccaue &pm i after *je from t tjem, auo*t^e tupli fptrttes tocnt-»t»at.]cw.b

b* oute
m of t\)tmi
%t)tn cettapne of tfje fcagabounoe
W^en tljep t)eatD tfjefe fapmgeSjtbep
anocrpeb out tap*
toere full ottozatbe,
tuge: (Create te ©tana of tbe Cpbefp*
3|cUjcs ejCQictfteSjto&e i?po tbem to call
au5<25nD all tty cptpe toaisi on a roore ,$
ouec tbem tobtcbe fjaD euell fpititcsjtfje
name of § jioiD Jerujj fapig: isoe aotute tbw rufbeu into tbe comeu bal tottb one
»««.7.t poub^Jcru tobomc^auil pjeacnetb. adent,auo caugbte ©apuia; ano nuttati
31m tl)tu toere feueu f mug of oik S>ce cu$ s mctj of ij^aeeDouta,^aal0 compa*
ua a 3 c to a no cbef c of £ pic caes toluene nionitf. icoben ^aul tooaloe baue etured
DpDCo.inD tbecuell fptcitc aunftoereo in unto tbepeople,the Diftiples futfereo
anDfapDe:3|efu8 J ano toe, ano jaaulj bfm not.cer tapuc afro of tbe cbefe of $>
13 fcnotocjbattobo ate pes' 3BaDC^ctnatiui tin tobicf) toer t)i$ frcDes 5 fent bnto bim, f
tobome tbe cucli fptrtte toas 9 ramie on Dcftruig bun § be tooulo not pteace into *
tfjem,atiD ouercam tbcm.ano pjeaapleb tbe co mmc u bal. ^ome crpeb one tb nig
agapaft tbem,fo ti?at cbcp fleobe on tc of ano fomc anotbec, ano t\it congregacp*
that no u fc nakcD ano toouoeo.3lnD tfjis on toas all oate or quiet, auDtfjcmoze
teas anotoen to all tl;c 3|etocs,anD ©re* pattc U ne to not tobetfoie tbep toer come
fees aifo, tobtcbe Otoelt at Cpbcl"us,anD together*
fcate came on tfyem aii,ano tfjcp magui* ^>ouie of tbe companpe D?acfo?tbe
fpeD tfje name of tfie Hop Jettis* 31lejcanoer } t\)z Jetoes tr uftrnge bpm
a?«ne.u 3hd manp tbat Uclc acD,camc,*anD foitoaroes.3Ble)canDer*bccBeneD tottb p 2t|fB u
cofcffeD ri^etoco tbeit tooicttes* sfl^aup banoe, anD tooalDe baae geaen tbe peo«
of tfjc toUtcfj bfcD cuttous craft j,bzougbt pie an anfm cr. -acben tbep aiuto tbat be
bofces auD burncD tbem ocrou a.i
tl;eic tua* a 3!etoe , tbcre arofe a (boute aU
tnen,ano tbep count eo tfu ptpce of tbem, moll for tbe fpace or t too bouceo, of all
3P&crefti anDfonaDettfpftpe tfyoufanDetCpIucc* menne ccping ; great tg jDtana of tbe €t
l 8C
h e lP»S es ^°mpgtjtclp gretoe tbe tooioe pbef tarts*
XSSI of (SOD 3 anD p*eaaplcD.3Bftct tr>cfc cfjin» dtX)bentbetoune clarche baD ceafeb
caipcucc, gea tocce cnDCD,f&aulI purpofcD in tbe tbe people,be fapoe : pe menne of dffpbe*
8 paflfe oner j^aceoouta ano ai« Cu6,to()at man 10 tt
*fi?°f p feno to c tb not botot
auiace *naia,anD to 80 to 3|ec«falem raping*: tbac tbe cttie of tbe tfpbefians ia a toon
tooutft.r tfter J bane bene tljerc, J made alf (e (bpppet of tbe great goDDes Biaua,anD
pence ace uomc.^o lent be tntogjpaceDoutattoo » of tbe y mage tobtcb came from beaue*
f tbem tbat mpniaceD tontobun Ctmo ^etnge tben tbat no manne faptb bete
cbetts ano ctaft ua : bat be ban feife re* agapuft,pe ottgbt to be conteute,anD to
mar uco in Blfta foz a fearon. DonotbpngeraO)lp:fo?pebaaebjtougbt
"Cbe lame tpmc tbere a role no Iptell bptbet tbefe men tobtebe are netber rob*
^ a do aboate tbat toape . foz" a cettapne bctsotcnutcbe«5, not pet befppfet0of <&
* man nameD 3©emetciaa,a fplactfmptb* Coat goDDt a . «obttf bze pf Demetrius
totneb maoe CpluecTcbzpnea foz £uaua, ano tbe ctaftca men tobtebe are tottb
toas not a Iptel beneficial buto (f>e ccaf< bpm.baue anp faptnge to anpe man,tbe
ceamen.^blcb&eJallcDtogetbcrtoitb la toe t£ open,anb tbere ate ral«r03 (ettb^
tbe toozftemenof fpac occupation, ano accufc one anotber.Jf pe go aboate anp
rapDe:§&p*s,pe fchoto tbat Up tbts craft otbectbpngejttmapebe betermineD tti
Uu*banebaantage. «$)ozeonerpefeei a latof all congregation* f oi toe ate in
»t«3.tvi d b catc tbat aot alone at epbcf us, bat all icoparDpeto beaccafeb of tbps oapes
mod tbozotoe ou te all aiffa, t\n$ pnuli bufpnes : fox aa macbe as tbere is no
Ijatlj petftiaDcD ano tiuneD atoap macb taafe tobetebp toe map gene a tefcenpng
people, fapinge tbat*tbep bee not goo* of tbps concourfe of people. 3CnD toben
pf»j t.ctoa tics tobiebe are maoc tottb ba noes* s$o be bao tb as fpoaen be let tb* eougrega*
tbat not onlpetbtsoate crafte comctb ctonDepattc.
into parcllto befetat nougbte:butallo tfytnotts*
tbat tbe temple of tl)t grrate ©oddcs «.ffbct)tffetencebettoencfb«©aptpftncof3|obtt ®*Pttf«Jl
£>f ana fljoniD beDefppfeo,nnD ber mag aitDtDcapoQlcs.ttiasotiripctQps . 2tyat3|o&u
nptpcentt ffjoalDe be DcftroptD, tobtcbe JBaptpfcb ttjem to bdeur m ctjipQc t\)nt toas to
rome;iiuDttic2poOI«s ( tV«tto4s come alccaDpe,
. all 3fta , ano tb* luojloc toozfypppetr;.

attbljaD ruffcccb foithc fpiinc* of as ma«pe as fe D frne o Sffon tfjere fO MMM f&ftUf*
telrc goo a roote^^x>fjcit fie luas come till
magetbat ^att!)CpcainefcomDcauen,attDtoatrDcp wee tObStoMonjtoetO&ehtm in anD came
came fc5 notmwtal,no;fubt«t butoaeatbe. t0 «j^ p tiieilC0.3CnD toe fapfco thence aUD
C tlDhe.rr»Chaptet;*
came the uerte Dap ouetagainit Chios*
aino the nefte Dape toe attueDati§>a*

acreas l)C capfetb top a beanc bobpe, at ffpbcfus mo3 an j, tntUD at CtoailOIU'Srhe nerte

toaciicti) tbcmoffaireteati)ctg,mafectbbtsp;ai' DetermtneD to ieaue Cphefus as tbep

cttDttbtDem,anbbcpactctoto(bppp€. fapleD,becaufe he tooulD not fpenDethe
jipBjftecf rage toas ceafeD, tpme inlfta, Jf oi fje halleDto bee(pf he
* paul calico the oilciplcs couloe poflftbleja't 3etufalem at the Dap
unto bun, anD tofce bis of pentecofte* accbetf oze f torn ^plctou &
leaue of them 3 anD oepat he f ent to €pberus 3 anb calico the eloets
tcD fox to go tnto ifl^ace* of the congrcgac'ton»3!nD to^en tbep toet;
jDoafa,3!nD he haD
tof?en come to bpm , he fapDe Unto them : £e
pheotiec thbfe parties, ano geuen the Dape that 3 came
fcnotoc f torn the fpzlt
latge etboztacion&he came into <i5tcce intoaifia,aftet tohat manetj haue bene
anD there aboDe.w>monetbes*3inD tube totth pou at all ceafons , ferupnge the

the Jetoes lapDc toaptc foz htm as he tlozD toith all humblenes of mmae,anD
toas about to faple into <§>pzia 5 be put* totth manpe teares , ano temptations
pofeD td retutne thozotoe ij^accoonia* tohich happeneD bnto me bp f lapingcg
Cbete accompamcD him into 3((fta,£>o* atoapte of the Jetoes, anD fjotoe 3 tape
pater of ©ecrea , 50tcheflaloutaairi= bacfee nothpnge that toas pzofptabie,
ftatcus ano ^>ccunDtis , anD ©apus of but that 3 haue u)etoeD pou sanD taught A
55 3©etba,auD cu»o tbeitf :ano oute of & pou openlpe a no at home in poute hou-,-
3c«cs jtt (• fiaCichicus anD* <Ctopbimos»Chefe fes, toptneOlmge bothe to the 3etocs,
ti.«CiKV4.» toente before, anD tarpeDbS at Ctoas. anDalfotothe(0teues,the*tepe*taunce
£a * f « ?+A
3BnDtoefapleD atoap fcomepbilippos totoatDe^oD, anDfapthetotoatDeoute
after the eafter bolpe Dape£ , ano came %o}D Jlcftts*
tnto them to tpoas U\ fiue Dapes 3 tobec amo notoe beholDe 3 go bounDe in §
toeabobe feuenoapes* (pitite bnto 3erufalem } anD ttnotoc not €
3nD on the moio toe aftet the ^a* tohat fhall come on me there , but that
both Dap the Difciples came togethetfoz *theholpgofttoitnefleth in euetp cttpr seta.*.*
to bicaftc bzeaD,anD paul pwachco im fapingc:that batiDcs anD trouble abtDe
tothem(rcDpto Depatte on tlje mozoto) me» i&ut none of thofethpngesmone
anD contmueD the pzeaching bnto mio* me : * neptbet is mp Ipfe Dete bnto mp itmm tut
npgrn%ai7iD thete toete manp Ipghtes in felfe, that 3 rapghte fulfpli mp coutfe
the chamber tohcte thep toere gathcreD toith tope,auD the mtiuftcacton tohiche
together,anD there fate U\ a tornooto a J haue teceaueD of the JlozDe 3efu,to \

cectapne rouge man namcD Cuttcijus, tedpfpe the d^ofpell of the grace of ©od«
fallen into a Dcpc ncp c.^Iiid as pa ul Dc* 31uD notoe beholDe, 3 ainfurerfjae
clareo^he toas the moze ouercome toith r)e»ce f ozth pe all(thozoto tohom 3 haue

ILoltc.tiii.t anD f ai'Dc : maUe nothpnge a oo,f oz hps 3 am pute from the bloubc of all mem g. Ipfe is inhpm»«Dhen he toas come Dp a }oz 3 bauekepte nothpnge backe : but
gapnc,he bzaUebzeaD,anD talcbeo, anD haue thetocD pou all the councelof d^oD«
comeneD a longe tohple euentpll p moz* cafee heoe thetfoze bnto voure felues,
npngc-^fo DeparteD.3lnD thep bzought anD to all the flocKe, tohcte of thebolpe
the ponge manalpue anD tocre not a lp#
good hath mabe"pou ouctfears,to tulc
tcllcomfozteD. the congtegacton of (5od, tohiche he
2tnDtoetocntafozetotypppejanDloto- hathe putchafeD topth hps blouDc*
tCjje aetes
Mxn4 « *4fa3Iamfuteof tbig^bataftermpbe* anb toent oute toapcg,$ tfjep a! b^ougbJ
iuco?.,,., partpnge u)all greuoug tootiltics entte bg on oure toape, toitl) tlnyi topueg ano
aSlilf:." »"
amonge pou,tobtebe topll not rpace £ ebplo^cii, tpll toe toerecome oute of tbe
flocUt\<©o:eoiiec of poutcotonefeiues $iid toe mielco boune in tbcQou
(&all men arpCe fpeafepnge peruetfc tbui
ano p;apeb.3nD \n\)tn toe bab tasen our
ges to Dzato Difcipleg after tljcm. Cbet* leane one of another, toe tobe u)tp,ano
fozcatoafce ano remember, tbat bp tbe lb*P ceturneb borne agapne»
fpacc of.tit.pereg J
ccaico uot (o frame ^Obentoebab fuilcnbeb t^i courfe
euerp one of pon,botbeupgbte ano oape f tome %p%t toe arpueb at i^tolomatba,

toitb teareg* ano faluteo tbe butbien,anb aboo mt\>

3od uo toe bietbwn 3 commeno poti tbem one bapc. che nejete bapc, toe tbat
to ©ooano to tbe toozoeof f;is grace, panics companp,beparteoano
toere of
tobtcb ig able to bplbe futfber, 9 to geue came bnto Cefarea*3nb toe entreo into
<£ pou an fnberitaunce amonge all tbem tbe boufe of * jabplpp tbe euangelttt, n t «c * m
SRtfM Mwbe ate fancttfieo. * 31 baue oefpzeo tobtcbbiagone of tbe feuenbeaconeg, an o.v>u(a,
«.co).»j.c no manneg fpluer,golbe, oz anb abobe tottb bJimcbe fame man bab
ftn 0to e. toc n tbat*tbefe banbeg bane mU fotoce bougbtetg bptgtng , tobtcbebpb
f5" * mftwo tiiito mp neceffitteg.anb to tbem P?opbefpt. * 3Bnb ag toe tarpeb tbere a C
iVorj.b tbat toetc tottb me. J baue fyetoeo pou goob manpe of oapes, tbere came a cec* 3<tEa H *
all tinges , botoc tbat fo labozpngc pe tapnep^opbetfrom3urpe,nameo3ga4
cugbte coteteaue tbetoeafte.anbtore* bug * xc b«" be toag come bnto bs, be
metnbet toe toozbc# of tbe ftozoc lefu, tohe i^auls geroell.anb bounce bis hi*
botoe tbat be fapbe;it is moxe blcfleD to beg anb fete,anb fapbe: cbus faptb tbe
geuctbentorcceauc* bolpgoft:*ro u^alltbejetoes atleru^, .„ „..

aoobeu be bab tbug fpohen, fje fcnelcb falem binb tbe man tbat otoetb tbps gee *m*Lt*
ate bu 6otone*anb pzapeo toitb tbem all.anb bel,anb u)ai ocituer bfm into tbe banbeis
• '
tbeptoepteallabounbantlpeanbfellon oftbeccntpls,
0auls necfte,anb fepffeD bpm,fozotoing ttobcu toe bearbe t^
botbe toe ano
mode of all fo: tbe toozbes tobtcbebe otber of tbe fame place,befougbte bim«
fpaUe, tbat tbeptyoulbe re big face no tbat be tooulb not go bp to 3jcrufalcm*
moje. ano ti)ep accompam eo bun bnto Cbcnpaul aunftoerebanbrapbe:tobat
tbeu)pppe» bo pe toeppng anb b^eaftpng mine bectd*
31 am rebpe not to be bounbe onlpe ,but
#aul9 Slonicp bp nn>p.£>f jatniip t&e tfuanges
iptt, aub agabus tbe *9H>pbetc,tubu&e toacneo
alfo to m at Jerufalemfo? tbe name
oftbe&o£be31eru*&>bentoecoulbe not
]daul not to 00 to Jlcruf ai cut. fee temapneb qcds
fall inbpsputpofc.aub is taben tit rfye temple.
tutnc big mf ube,toe ceafeb,faping:^tbe &
topi of tbe jiojb be fulfplleb^fter tbolc ••**•**>
W*bit cbaunceotbataf* bapeg toemabe ouretelueg reabpe ano
Tone ag toe baoiauucbto 3
toente bp to 3|ecufalem. * Cbere toente 9 «* t«
foztb, ano toere oeparteo
toitb bgalfo certapne of tttf bifciples
from n)cm,toe came tottb of Cefarea,anb bzougbt mtn^tm one
a ftrapgbte coutfe into
flpnaf on of epp tug ,an olbe bifcipie tb
JCbooanotbeoapfoioto toljome toe Q^oulta lobge*3nb toben tor
pnge bnto tUe ftbobeg,anb ftom tbence toere come to 3etufalem,tbebzetbzen te*
bnto ^atata Tint) toe fouuoe a fijpppc
ceaueb bg glablp.9nb on | tnoiotoi^aul
tcbp to faple bnto &beniceg,anb toente
toente tn toitbbg bntoJUameg. anb all
bozbe anb fet foztb»'Cben appetcb bn*
tbe elbecg came togetber. 3ino tat)tn be
to bg Cppjtug, a no toe leftett ontbe left
bab faluteo tbem, betoibebp ozbzeail
banoe,anb fapleb bnto &frta,anb cam
tbpngeg,tbat ©ob bab tozougbt among
tmto €Pze.5?oz tbere tbe ffclppe bnlabeo
tbe gentplleg bp big mpnittracion, ano
bet burtbem anb toben toe bab founbe
bzetbzen toe tatleb tbere 4 bir>bapeg.anb
toben mpbcatbe it 9 tbep glozpfpebtbe
Hoibe,anb fapb bnto bpm:cboufce0 jdws t
ittw.wt .« tbep f olbe jaaul tbozotoe tbe fpirtte * 6 K
bzotbet,boto manpe tboufanbe 3fetoeg wto&M
be fl&oulb not go bp to 3fetufaleitu, ano tbere are tobicbbeleue,anb tbep are all
tobeu t^e oapeg toer enoeo toe oeparteo
3 *l*-
l M*
$«« t be la toe»ano tw
are tm VvU
I ozmcD of tbMbat tbow teacbcft all thebpm to be bounbe toiftb t too c&apne0, 9
amongc the gcntpljaf, DemaunDeD tobat be toas , anD tobat be
3Jc toes tobtcbe ace
rofozfaKcjj^ofes, anDCapfte tbattbep bao Donf 3nD one ctpeD tbts,anotbec
ought not to citcumcpfe tl>eir c bplDjeu, amonge the people.ainD toben be couIDe
Mtijcc to ipuc after the bat not fcnoto the cectapntte f 01 the cage, be
10 ft tbcri ouf QLfK multttuDc tnuCle nc« comma titiDeD hi'" to be catpeD into the
Dee come together, ifoz tbep $all beace ca(le(I.3BnD toben h* cam bnto ad5rccc,tc
that tftou acre come. therefore tbps Bo foittmeD that he toas bojnc of the lou^
that toe rap to the. Diets foj the btolencc of the people. JFo;

* ix e, fohlcbe fjatie a the muitittiDe off people foiotoeD aftee
uuiM-ta.* tjotoe on tbcm.Cbcui tafte, anD putifpc ctptugratoap toitb bun.
tbp ftlte toitb tfjem ,anD Do colt on tbeu?, 3inD as paui OjouId baue btnt catfc
that thep mape fljatie tbep? bcaDDcs ano cd into the cattle, he fapoe bnto t\jc bpe
all fl)all bno to that tfjofe tinges ton icb captati,e:map3J fpeaac bnto tijtr jccbicfj
thep pane bearbe concctnpuge thee, are fapDc : canfte thou fpea&e ©teke^rte
uotbruge: but that thou tbpfclfe alfo not thou thatCgppcian tohicbe before
ano Ucpclt the latoe. jf 01 as tou<
toalfeeft thefe Dapes maDe an bpjoute,anD leooe
ebpnge the gcntpllcs tobtcbe faclcue, toe oute into the toplDc cuesi.iu'j.t be tt f auDe
nttca.&t haue toiPtteuano concluoeD, that thep mcunc that toer murtheters^ 13 ut ^a ul
obfettic tf o fucb tbpnges" : but that tbcp latoetj am a man tobicb am a Jetuc of awe*.**.*
feepe them Celtics tome tbpnges offteD I'
* Cbacftts a tptit m
cicill a Citeftn of
to i>Dolcs,fcom bloube, from fttaugleD, no bile cptie, Jbefcche thee luff re me
anD from tojuicacion. cbe the nett Dap to fpeane bnto the people* when be baa
*f<0.i<M> g^aut toKe the meu,*« ptmfpcD bun ft if geuenbpmlpcence
, |&aull ttooeonttje
t5 them, anD eutceD into the temple,Dc; rteppcs,*anb becneneD toitb the banbe **tsu.e.
clacpuge tbatfce obletueotbe Dapes of bnto the people, aim there toas maDe a
the punticactou,butpl that an offering gceate fplencc.3lnD he f pa he bnto them
O)o uiD be offr tD fo i euetpe one of them.
L in the bcbitie tonge faptnge.
2fnD as thctcueu oapes fyowlDbaue (cr ^bc»Wti.Cbaptec*
bene enoeo , the Jetoes tuhtche toere of fdaul auftocrcri) tUe feoutget) ajtb
3fta, toben ttiep fa to hpm in the temple, tapfcciupiifou agapttc.

thep moueD all the peop(e,anD lapco ha* ""iSRsrailC men, b;etbjen anD fat 3
f Des onbtmccptng:menof Jftacl,bctpe. tbcrs,bcatc mine anftoer

• i

Cbts is t^ man that teachetb all men tohtch 3 make bnto row*
cuetp tobete agapnft the people,anD the JCObcn thep be a toe that
latoe,uiiD this place, ^oicouetalfo be be fpake mthe fibiue
bathe bjoughte grebes into the temple, tonge to them, tbepftept
anD bath poliuteD thps bolp place iroi the mojc filcnce.3uD be fapDe: J am be^
tbep flatoe one *Cropbimus an Cpbc* telpe a man tohtche am a Jetoe bo^ne in

S5Sw5!ofJ«»» toitb bPm in tge cptie l^pmtbep Cbarfus,a cptpe in <£pcil:neuettbc!effe


ftippofcD^aulbaD bjougbte into the pet btou ghtbp in tbtscvtp,at the fete of
tetnple.HlnD al the cptte toas moueD,anD d^amalt el ,anD tnf otmeD Diligent Ipe in
the people ftoarmcD together, 31ud thep the lato of the fatbers,anD toas fetuente
tohej&auIauDDiucbimout oftbetcnx mtnDcD to <£»DDtoatDe,as p e all ate this
plc,auD fc^tlie toitb the do jes toetc 0)ute fame Dap, * 3f* pctfccuteD this toap bn
to. totbeDeatbebpuDingeanD Deliuetpnge 2iJ «;*•
f^ " &
I i

3(6 then toente aboute to fcpll bni,tp* into pjifon both menanb toemen,as the tV

bynges came bnto the bpe captapue of chefc pzeeft Doth oca re me toitneffe,^ all SliJ
the(ouDiecs 3 tbatalJerufalemtoasmo the clDcrs:of tohome alio 3] receaueDlet
. ucD.fflCbicb immeDtatip tohc fotiDiers tets bnto the bictbien anD toent to 5?a^
anD bnDet captapnes, anD canne Donne mafco to bipnge them tob icb toec there
<p bnto them. vCChen tbcp fatoe the bppec bouo bnto Jccufalefojt tobe pwniu)eD.
captapue ^ the louDiet$,tbep leftefmp* ainDttfo^tuueD, as J maDe mp id}*
tinge of pa ul Chen the captapue came m\y ano toas come npe bnto iDa mafco a
near* anD tone him , aim commauuDf d bout noot.e that i oDelp there fl;onc from

btaueh a great Ipgbt tomiDe about me, tbes,a»D rtnue Dud into t&e aiec,tbe cap
anD J fell unto tbe cat tbc,ano beacoc a tame baD bun to be bzougbt into tbe ca
»c*«.fe.a. bopcc fapmge onto me* * <^aul &aut, ftell,auo eommaunDeD btm to be f couc*
tobp pecfecutcft tbou mtf ^uo J anftue* geD,anu to be ejcammcD,tbat be migbte
ceD:tol)at arte tbou jUzDCj' 3no be fapD buoto toberf oie tbep cepco on bpm. ainD
Co me: J am 3!cf us or" Bajacetl),tobome as tbep botmo bpm toitb tbonges, i^aul
tfjotipecfccutcrt. 3nDtbcptbattocreti» fapD bnto tbe Centurion tbat itooe bp:
ine,CatD c Dcrclp a Ipgbt ano met afraib: 31 s it la uf ui to 1 pott to fcoutge
a man $
buC tbep fyca toe not tfje bopce of blM is a i&omapnanDbnconDempneDf JttbS
cbatfpake torn? me.SuD 3J CapDe:tobat tbeCentutponbeatDtbatjtietocntaiiD
(ball J do no? be*- auto tfjt jlojtDe fapoe toloe tbe Dppec Captapne fapmge:
Ditto me:3lcpfeanD goo into ©amafco jopbat inteiibed tbou to DOQf Cbis man
aiiD tf) ere it Ojalbe toloe tijee of alt tbius isaiiomapne.
c ges tobicbe ace apopnteD fox t bee to do* fCbeu tbe bppet Captapne came,at.D ^
ano toben 31 (am noting foj tbe bztgbt fapD to bim:tcl tbou a tfomapn t
ties of tbat Ipgbte, JtoaslcDDe by tbe ^c fapDr^ea .anD tbe captapne auftoe^
banoeof tbem tbat mete toitb me > anD reo: tottb a great fume obtapncD J tt)iB
came into ©amafto. f ceDome : jtio ^aul fapDe : J toas free *3nD one ana ma a pctf ecte man,as bozne*Cbendcapgbttoap DeparteDfco
pettapnpng to tbe latoe baupuge gooD bpm>tbep tobicb moulDe baue tyammeD
tepozte of al § 3 euics tobicb ttjec Dwelt, bpm* £nD tbe bpe Captapne alfo teas
came bnto mc, ano dobe anD (apD unto afrapDe, after be anetoe tbat be toas a
ID me:j&iotbcc^aul,lohetop» amotfjat tfomapne : becaufe be bao bounD binu
Tame boutc 3j rcceaueD mp rpgbte ano 4Dtt tbe mozotoe becaufe be toouloc
Came bpni*3!HD be fapDe,tbe d^oo of out baue ano toen tbe certapntie tobetfoze be
fatbets batbe ozDcpuco tbe before , tbat toas accufeo of tbe letoes, be lotofeD
thou fljoulDeft knoiD l)t$ tuf ll*,anb $om> btm from bis bonDes,anD eommaunDeD
Dell fe tbat tobicb is cpgb tf ul,auo 0)ul* tbe bpe pzeedes anD all tbe counfell to
bopceofbps moutbe:foi
Delineate tbe come together,* anD bzougbt$aulatiD j tt« n t,

bps toptnes bnto all men

tbo u tyalte be return before tbem*
of tf otc tbp nges >tobieb e tijou bade f cue

anD bea tDc •» no uott):u>bp tatted tbo uc


3Rtpfe anDbe baptifeD,anD toatyeaump )daul commfiit) before tbe councell. £>cbatc n
»oin«.jr.f. tbp [pnne$,*in callpnge on tbe name of tpfcrbamong tbe p«oplc.tbeffaptdttte ucipucccnj
htm,BO& comfouctt) pptn.
tbe -jlozd. ano it fouuneo, toben 3 was
come agapne to ^etufalem aiiDp^aveo. 20ul bebtloe ttje councell
in tbe temple, tbat J teas in a ttaunce,
anD fatoc bpm raping* onto mc.^aa* *3baueliucDinalgooD i« J4.0.

bade,ano get t b ee q upcalp out e of Je* c6fctencebtfoze(BoD*bn jotuuu.*
tufaleuK foz tbep top U not teceaue tty ttltbisDap.'Cbebtepzed
top tnes tbat tbou beared of me* anD jj ^uaiuascomauDeotbem
fapoe : ftoiDe tbep ftnotoetbatj] p*ifo« |ftoDe bp,to fmtte bun on § moutb.Cbf ^
neD, anDbetineuccpe fpnagoge tbem fa to 4^aul to bnn:©oD fmpte tbe $ pain*
3c«0,8 a. V beleueo on tbe* * a'tiD toben tbe blouo teDtoal**^ittedtbou$iuDged meaf<
1*af• 7 ••
of tbp top tnes <3>teuen luas OjeaDc, 3 al ret tbe iato:anD commaunDed me to be
(0 ftooc b»»,a:iD cofeteo bnto bis Dcatb, fmptten contrarp to tbe latof actio tbep John. 8.a 1

anD fcepte tbe tatment of tbem tbat fleto tbat dobe bp fapD:reupled* tbou <eod<

bpm. anD be fapoe bnto mc:Depatte,foz bes bpe pzeedcj' chen fapo |^aul: 3 told
lf * C9%1 .
„ *J topll fcnDe tbe afacce bence bnto thi not b t e bzen tbat be toas tbe b le p zced*

tfala.'i.b, <i5eUtpl5* fozttis tDZPtten:*tbouu)alt not eutfe ep>.w.t>

fCijtp gatic btm atiDience onto tqps tbe ruler of tbp people*
f toozoe, aiiDtbcu Ipftebptbcps bopecs aocben^aul perceaueDtbat tbe one
a ud fapoe:atoap toitb f ucb a feio to f com parte to er s?aDuces,au d tbe ot bet ^ba
tbe is pp tie tbat be fljoulDelpue* rifes:be crpeD out in § councell* gj^en
3uD as tbep ccpeD ano cad of tbep : do* atiD bzttbun 3 * 3jam |^abarifpe 3 t^e mw.m

#ftl)c&poft(e& jfoute
tom of * $h*W** * ®f
mm* tefutteccton
• b
tl>* & P C atu> oftftc toape : anb affceD f)tm:tobat faffe
' ftomDeatbe, Jam Juta tbou to rape Unto me^nbbefapDe.'tbe
geD.aiub toben be bao fo fapoe, tbete a* Vetoes ate DctctmpneD to Defp;e tt?cc §
tofc a Debate bettoene tbe ^banfpes tbou toouJDclt bztnge fo;tbe paui ta
ano tbe £>abuces , ano tbe multituDe mo;oto into tbe cbuucel,as tbougb c^cp
gat.»t« c. toag DeupoeD.* jfo; tbe Radices fapc toouibe enqup;e fomtofjat of bun mo;c
EKJ:!: tbat tbere is no teructeccion,ueptbec an petfectlpe.iBut foloto not tbeit mtuocs:
9(11, noj fpttite . zsut tbe^batifpes fo; tbete Ipc in toapte fo; bpm oc tycm,
gcaunt botl;c* 3nD tbete nrotc a greate mo, tobtcfj baue boutiD tbl
ctpe,anD tbe^crpbes tobtebe tocteof § felues tottha boiu, tbat tbep toillnctbcs
#bartfpcs parte , atofe ano ftrotte rap* cat ( not Djtucftc tpil tfyep
baue fcrilco
tngc : toe fpnoe none eupll in tins man. btm.anDnotoace tljepceope, anDloUc
Cbougbe a fpitlte o; an angeil batb a < fo;tbpp;omps.
peateD to bpm,let bs not fttiuc agapnft Cbe bppct captapne let tbe potmge
#00 man Depatte ano cbatgeb bpm : f e tbou
C 3no toben tbete a tore gceate Debate, ted it out to no man tbat tbou bad Oje to
tbe captapne feattnge left ^aul tyoulbe cd tbefe tbpnges to me . 3ino be caileb *
bauc bene pluctc a fonbet of tbem,com« bnto bun ttoo bnbet captapnes raping:
maunbcD tbe foubiecs to go Douue,auD make teDp tuoo bunD;co touoiets to go
to takemm ftomcamougc tbemanoto to Ccfatea, ano bo;fnuntb;ef coze ano

2K5?* bzpngebimmtotbe caftel!.* cbe nigbt ten,anbfpeare men ttoo buub;cD, at tye
' ' foIotoing,(0OD ftooe b^ Mm ano fapoe: tbp;D boute of tbe npgbt. ano Dclpuec
be ofgooDcbeatc0aul:fo;as tbou baft tfjem beaftcs tbat tbep tnape put Baul
reftifieD of me in Jit ufalem,* f o mu ft on,anD bzpngc Olui fafe b nto Jelpjc tbe
tboubeate topfnesat ttome.*»benDap bpeDebptea; tozotealettettutnis mance
teas come , cettapneof tbe Jetoes ga« CiauDius jLpfiatf fcno tt)t mofte
ibeteb tbem felues togetbec , ano maoe mpgbtp tutac f eltjc,fenDetb gretinges,
a botoe,fapinge:tbat tbep tooulD netbec * cbis man mas t afccu of tbe jfe toes,*
cate no; Dzpncfce tpli tbep bao feplleo f^oulo bane bene feplleo of tbem. Cben fft '

l&auh m>tv toete^tcbe bao cam J tottb fouDtets,anD teffeueD i)im,
inabe tbts confpitacpou.ainD tbep came ano petceaueb tbat be luas a Komapne*
to tbe cbefe pzeeft ano clocts,anD faro: ^no vobe J[ luouio baue ttuoiuc § cauie,
toe baue bouno out felues tottb a boto, tobetfo;e tbep acculebbim,* J
bzougbt * ttt «/<»
tbat toe topll eate notbpnge btttpll toe bpm foztbe into tbep; councell. -cbete
3D baue Oapne ^auU Botoetbecfo;egeue petceaiicbjltbatbetoasacculcDof que (5
pebnotoleoge to tbe bppet captapne $ ftionsof tbett latoc:* but toasuotgpl^
totbecouncel,tbatbeb;pngebimfo;tbe tpeofanptbpngetooztbp of Deatbeo;of **«•'#.• j

tmto bs to mozoto,as tbougb toe tooloe bonbes.aiftettoatD \otfen it toas ujeiueb

feuotoe fomtbmg mote petfectlp of btnn me boto tbat tbe Je toejs lapbe toapte foi
©ut toe(o; eucc be come neate)ace tebp tbe manj fent bpm ftcapgbte toope to
intbemeanefeafontoftplbtnu tbe, a no gauecommaunbement to bis
aceben j^a u is fpftecs foune beatb of accufats, pf tbep bao ougbte agapnfte
tbett lapmg atoaite,be toent anb entteo bim,to tsl it into t^je : fate tocll » cben
into tbe caftle,auo tolo 0auU30nb paul tbe foubiets as it toa$ commaunDcD
calleo one of tbe bnbet captapnes bnto tbtm.tolK iaaul, anb bzougbte bpm bp
btm,anbfapDe:b;pnge tbts vonge man nigbt to 3nttpatras.flDn p mojoto tbep
Unto tbebpe Captapne: fo; bebat&ea iefttbebo;fmen to go toitbbmi^tetuc
cettapne tbpng to 0)eto blm.3no be tofte neb bnto ^ caftle.^obtcb ^n ity? cam
bpm ano fapb:|&aul tbe pzpfonet calieo to Cefarea, tbep DelpueteD tbe cptftle to
mebntobim, ano p;apebmetob;pnge t^tntb^Uy anbp;efenteD'|Bautbefo;(
tbis pong man bnto tbe, tobtcbe batb a bun.iOPbentbeDebpte^aDtcDoe tbe ht*
• cettapne matter to lljeto tbe. tet, be affceD of tobat countce be toas.

^ebpe Captapne tobe bpm bp tbe a<nbtobebetjiiDetftoDtbat^etoasofCi
^banDe^anDtoenteapattetottb ^imoute ctU+Jtoil^eatetfjeCfaio^e^tobentbtuesjtajtwa

€fie #ctes
&t cums are tome alfojanb tdmaunocD totoatbes d5oD 3 tt)at* tbe fame refutrec*
bpm to be Kept in iketooes palips» t ion of tbe beaoe (tobitbe the? them UU
"3" tEhe.tjcmi.Cbaptcr* ues iofte foi alfojtyalbe^otb of iuft ano
i faults a((ufe&bcfo;e >fcltf ^canftoeret&fitt tmiuftt.ainD tbetfo$e*ftuDp J to bane
a cleate tonfttencetotoato t]5oo,auo to<
JFtet fpue Dapcs" , man alfo*
atoanf < toarb „.
as* the bpc But aftet manpe peres 31 came*anb w£i£:
pjccft ocfcc \m
DtDjIcoUDctsaiio^oatu: biougbte alines to mp people anooffe?
rapne iDjtacourc nameo tpnges in tbe tobicb tbep fouub me put
Cattulius, 9 cnf ojmcD p tificotn tbeteple, neptber toitfimulti*
'tulat of i&au!.aa;t)lf9aul tube } no^pet tottb bnq utetnes,boto beit
toas f aikD foul) 4 cattullus began to tbere toere tertapne 31c m$
out of af ia,
accnfc bunraptng;£>einge£ toeliue til tobttbtougbtetobebete pjefentbcfote
great quictnes bp p meanes of tbee,ano the.ano attufe me spf tbep bab ougbte a*
f ttianp gooo tbtges ate oone bnto this gainft me:o; els let tbefe fame bete fap,
nation tljojoto tty pzoutbence : falotoe tf tbep baue fouuoe anp eupil Dotnge in $»
toe euet 3 in al plates mofte migbtp fa me,tobpl 31 ftano be re in tbe tounttiucp
\x% truth ai tbacaes.^ot toitbftanoing, tept it be f oj tbps one bopte,tfyat 31 ttp*
f J be not teoeous bnto tbe,3( pjap the ebftanDpngeamongetbem+of tbe refut a
that tbou toonlbeft beate bs of tiw tut* tectponfromoeatl)aw31iuDgeDofpou *
tefp a feto too*Dcs. cbis oape*
23 »e baue founo this mail a*peftilenc iCCbeuifeUtbeatD tbefe tbpnges, be
t»p tv.o fclotoe,anD a motiet of Debate unto al § Defero tneni f 01 be Itiietti Uetpe toell of &
aao4^.k jgtoeg
tbojoto out £ toozlD.anoa main* toape } auD fapoe:toben npfias tbe cap<=
tapnet of tbe fecte of the /liajatites^nD tn^nr i$ come,3d topll Unoto tbe btmoft f
l?att) airo f nfoxrcD to pollute tbe temple* of pour mattets.3nb fje * tommauuocD |«*o'9 1.
Haw ^t.f *3cohome Oauc iuD an nnbet taptapne to aepe j^aul ano
toe tofceano tooulbe
peb accojbpnge to oute Iatoe:but tbe tbat be Q;oulbe baue telle, ano tbat be
bpecaptaine npfias tame bpon bs,ano tyoulb foibpo none of b'S atquatutaute
toirb great biolenee robe bun atoap out to mpnpft et bnto bpm > oj to tome bnto
of oute nances c ommaunopngc bis ac< fjpnn
tufat# to tome to tbe . m
tobome tbou aiuo aftet tettaptte oapes,tam ft\i%
mapeft(pf tbou toplt cnqupjejunoto tbe ano bis toife ^tufiila tobitbe teas a
tertapne of all tbefe tbpuges toberof toe 31 e tots, 3 calico foub |^aul 3 ano beatoe
at tuft bpm.Cbe Jetoes ipse toife affit bun of tl)t faitr? tobitb totoaro 4:b jiftt ^
into, raping tbat ct toas mtn fo, 3Bnb as be p?eacb*D of rpgfytuoufncs,
C €l)cn #aui(af ter ti)at the tulat bpm tempetauute,ano iuogement to come*
felfe bab becUenco onto bun p be ftjouID tfelijc treblcDano anfmercD;^ baft Done
rpcafcejaunfmeteor fbail toitba moje pnougbeattbis time,Depatte t toben^ <S
quiet mpnoe anftoerefoi im> felfe,f<u as baue tonuenient time,3| topll fenoe fo?
tnu tbe as J nnoetftanD tbat tbou bafte tlje.^e bopeo alfo that monefe Ojouloe
bene of manpe petes a tuogcbnto this baue bene geuenhpmof |&aul, that be
people,betaufe tbat tbou mapft itnotoe mighte lotofe bim : tohetefojte he callcD
tbat tbete arc petjbut.jci^Dapes fence 3( bun the oftennet ano tommeneo toptt)
toeut Up to Jerufalem foji to p:ape,ano fnm.isut aftet ttoo pete jfeftus ^o^ct<
«*« Kb * tnepncprhetfounDe mcfn rhetemple us tarn into if elit tourney not UUj: toil '* m\ 'Dpfputpng toitb anp man,etbct tapfmg Ipnge to ftjetoe tbe 3|e toes a pleatute,
Dp tbe people nether in tbe &>pnagoge, left paul in piifou bounbe*
noi in tbe cptte : tftetbct can pjoue mp CCbr.wti.Chaptet*
t\)t tbpnges tobtrof tbepaccufe me* jsaulbcfoic appea<
2:i)C jietocsaccure
J3ut tbts jetb bnto t be Umpccour.f is tenttontottome*
J confelTe but tbe,tbat afr
tet tbe umi>e(tobf tbe tbep tall betefpjf mi jfeftus toas tome into the a
tooifl)pppe 31 the (5ob of mp fatbers,be* pioutntf ,aftc c thu baies,be a
leuiuge ail tt)pn$e$ tobit b ate tojptren, liccuDeD fro Cefarea bnto %u
in the iato $f pjopberes,anD baue hope ruralem* %\)l enfo^meo him p
e c

tje^poftlec jfoUjc^t
fjpe pucftc s $ $crjtefe of tfye Jfefoes of concerfifnge t^e ttim Iaioe agaf ft rjimj

fbaul.31uD bef ougbt b»m,$ DefpzcD toben

tfyep tW
mete come bpboec , tottfjo ute
tauout agapnft bmij £ Ijc tooulDc f eiiDe Delap on tbe mo?o to rate to geue mtn
f 02 bim to 3i£tuf nlc ; <t lapDeatoapt foz gemente,anD comaunDeD tbe man to be
bun in tbe uiapc,to kpu bun. jf eftus an* bzougbt foitfje»3Dgaiuft tobom tobe tbe
rmctcD tbat patii ojouio be Hept at ce* accufecs ftoDebp^tbep bzougbte none actte,* t
fareaibut § be bun lelfe tooulD fyoztclp accuracionoffucbe tbtngesas 3(fup*
Dcpattc tbj'tberjlet tbem tbcrfozc(fafD pofeD:but baD cettapne queftios agaift
be, tufji cb a mongc pou ate able to Do it, bimoftbeicotonefupecfticio,anDofone
come Doune uuty bs atiD accui'c bun, pf Jcfus toljicbc toas DeaDe: tob. om pan!
tbetc be anp f autc in tbe man.
23 ^ijcnbcbaDtarpeDtfjecemoarc-tfjcn
affitmeD to be alpue . 3'nobccaufc j*
DouteD of f ucb maner queftios,^ af feeD
fen Dapes, be ocpattcD unto Ccfatca, 5 btm tobetbet be tooulD go to 3 c tufa te
tbe ncttcbape fate Doune intbetubgeV anD tbete be iuogeD of tbefe matters.
ment feate, anD commaunoeD paule to Cbentobeii paulebao appcaleD to be
be biou$Qt»&;ben be mas come,tbe3e* bept Dnto fenotoleDge of Cefar,3 com
toes tolwbc lucre come from Jetufate, mauDeo bun tobe&ept,ttl3}migbtfeoe
came aboute bun aoo iaibe mauve anD bt to Ccfar. ^gtippafaiDDuto jfeftus:
greuous complaiutcs againft Rattle, 3 tooulD alfo fcate the ma mp felfe.Ct
tobiclje tbep couioe not pzoue as longe mozoto(ratD be)tbouujalte beatebpm.
nttu, *,t as be anf meteo fox bim 'elf c , * that be
I ainD on tbe mozoto \of)tn igrippa toas I
|j a a netf^ec againfte tbe latoc of tbe Ja comcauD i3etntce toitb great pompe, $
toe s,net bet agamrt tbe temple , noz pet toere entreD into tbe cottneel boufe toitb
againft Cefai offenDeo anp tijing at al. tbe captatnes anD cbiefe mcof tbe cttie,
C * f eftus topllpnge to Do tbe Ijjetoes at Jfeftus commaunDement paulioas
3ct«. ?3, r
a plcaf u ce at,(toercD ^a til^ f aiD: toplt bzougbt foitb.3DnD if eftus fatD: bpuge <&
tbou go to jdecufalem anD there be iuD< aignppa, anoallmen tobiebe arc bete
geoot tbefe tbinges befoze me t Cbeu pzefent toitb Ds: pe f c tb is man aboute
lato panic: 3 ftanoc at cefars tuoge^ tobome all the multituDe of tbe 3etoes
met feate, tobere J ougbt to be uiDgcD. baue bene toitb me,botb at 3erufalem,
«5Co tbe 3etoce banc jnobacme Done, anD alfo bete 3 crving tbat be ougbt not
astbouDctptoellknotoeft . 313 baue tolpueanpleuger £erfounDe3no*
burtetbcm oi commptteD anp tbpuge tt)inqe tooztbp of Deatb t be baD comic*

tooztbp of Dcatlj 3 ttf ufe not toDpe.Jf tcD.frieuettbeleffefepnge tbat bebatbe

notie of tbefe tb nges ate, tube re of tfjep appealeD to Cefat, 3 baue Determined

accufe me,no man ougbt to Delpuet me to f m bim. £>f tobo 3 baue no cectaine
to tbem, 3 appeale fcnto Ccfat . Cberi tbing to tozite Dnto mp 2lozDe. ttQf)ere*
{pake ireftus u»ith Delpbetact6>auD an* foze3 baue bzougbt bim bnto pou,anD»
rtuerco. cbou baftc appealeD Dnto Cc* fpeciallp Dnto tbe,ftpnge aigtippa,tba«
fat:bnto€efactyalttbou go. after e ta mtna ion baD 3 migbte baue
~ SBftct a certapne Dapes,kpnge aigttp* rumtobat to tozptc. jfoz me tbtncaetb it

pa anD Bernice came buto cefarea to Uuicafonable, fozto fenDe a pzifouet,

falute jf eftus. 3Bud toben tbep baD bene anD not to (be toe tbe caufes tobpetje ace
there a gooD ceafon, jfeftus rcbcrfcD lapDe agatuft bim*
pauls caufe Dnto tbe kpnge fapinge:
»et. w « ^Cbe^jcbi.Cbaptec*
*tbere is a ccttapne man lefte inpztfon
of jfeHjc,about tobo tobeu3 cameto3e< tr JSpugc agappa u <\uf t\) ^auic.toDicljc tcllcrtr
a t;im 1119 callpiisc f com tbe bcgpimpugc.
tufalcm*tbebie pjieftes anD elDers of
^ tbe 3etoeg cnfoimeD me, anD Deftteo to d5rtppa TapDe into paule: 3
^ baue iuDgcmente againfte bim "Co tbou ar t permuted to fpcafte
tobom 3 anftocrcD: 3 is not tbe manec
1 foztbpfeife tiben^auJe
of tbe Romams to Deliucr anp ma,tbat ftretcbeDfoztb^baDe, ^an*
be fljoutD pe r pftje, bef zc that be tofjicb bim fclfe 3 tbpnfee mp felfe
f toeteD f oz
<s accufcD , baue § atcufnts befoze bim, happp fepnge ^gttppa bccaufe 3 fball

QnD baue lice « to anf totre fo? ^i»i fclfe anf to c te tfus Dape befoze tbe , of all tbe

thpngcs tohetof 3 am accut cd off ]je* fcom oaccknes to light, 9 fro the potoct
toes uamclp became thou att ejpecte in of £>atan Dnto coD,that thep map re*
oi cuftomcs ano qucirions,tobicb ace a* ceaue foigeuenes of rpnncjs 9 tnbecp#
mouge the 3etoes*«)betfo2e 3 befcctje taunceamonge them tohiche ate fane*
the Co beare me pacicntlp. tifpeD bp faptb in me* «
© #P lputnge of a chplDe,tobicb. toas ^herfowkpnge%tippa 5 toas * 3
at the fpzfte among* mpne tone nation notDU'obeDient Dnto the beatieniptp^
At Jecufale knoto at the 3c toes tohiche fiotubutOjetoeDtpifte Dnto the of JDa<
feneto me f coin the beg?unpngc , pf thep mafco,anD at 3ecuralem, anD thoxotoc
PWMM jfo;* aftet the mofte
tooulDctcftifpe it, out alt the codes of Je toipe , anD to the
ttraptcft fecteof outclatoc, ipucD la gcntils.ttjat thep u>oulDe repent e , and

jJSIJptil £&arifape.3JnD noto 3 ftanDeanD*am courne to <£od,$ do the eight toozkes oC

*•'«»• tuDgeDfonncbopeoftijepiomcsmaDe repeutauce * jf 02 tbis caufe the je toc^c
of 0od bntooutcfathctstunto totmbe caught me in p teple ^ toet about to atE

pioints,oucc.tu. tcpbes rnftantlpe fee* me* ^euertheieffe jobtapncDhelpeof

Hinge (5oo Dap anD ntgbt hope to come. <&od,$ contineto Dnto this Dap tottnefr
$ jfoz tobicb hopes rake kpnge 2 grtppa,
5 finge both to final ano to great,f aping
am J) accufeo of £ Hemes, acchp tyouiD none other thing J .then tbofe tobiche the
itbetbougbte a tbtngc tncceoible Dnto piophetcs ano blpof es DpD fape OjoulD
pou,tbat <bod Ojouioe capfe agavne tbe come ,p Chiift Cbo uloe f uffce , $ that he
DeaDev 3J alio Deceive thoughtemmp tyoulD be § ftrft (qouID rpf e fro Death,
3 oirgbt to do maup contra tp
(clfe,tbat 9 tyoulD Q)t toe light Dnto § people, 9 to
tbingc3,cleane agatuft the name of Jzt I geutilMs he thus anftoeceD fot him <5
fSS&S fu8 °* &M*xto * tobiche thinge 3 ah felfe : ifeltus TaiD *& a lotoDe Dopce
1 &oh%» b fo did 10 3erufale. tf&bcce manpe of the saule J arte befpDeg thp f elfe.d^uchc
fa?n cte5 5 four Dp to pzpfou, 5 haD re* leacninge hath maDe § maD* 3(uD $aul
ceanc D auctozite of § ope pzicftes anD fatDtJ am not maD, mode Dere jfeftus:
tobc thep toece put to Death, J gaue tbe butfpeaae^tooiDes of truetbatfobcr*
B fenrence, aino J p unpChcD them of re m ucs* «L!;e Ring bhotoctt) of ttjcfe thtges,
euecp fpnagoge,anD compelleD tbem to befote toho 3 ipeake fcelp: nether thike
blafpbeinc:anD toa# pet mow mao Dp j 3 panp of thefe thinges are hpooe fco
them, anDpecfccureo tbem , eiicn Dnto him * jf oi this tljmg toas not Done in a
ttraungccitic s.3lbout.tobici) tinges as comer .feing Igrlppa beleueft thou the
3 merit to ©amafco ib auctozite anD pibphcresf 3 too te tocl thou beleueft*
licence of tbe hie pz icff c s\ cut n at mpD* atgrippa fapDe Dnto ^aul : ^umtobafi
Dapefo kingc)3 faio in the map a light p bipngeft me in mpnoe f 02 to become
fcom bcauc, aboue the bag!; tncs ot tbe a Cbuircu.ainD^aulfafD: 3 tooulDto
funne,$pnctotiuDe about* me $ tbem vlBoDtbat not onelpthott : but alfoall
_ tobicbe lomepeo toith me* that hearc me to Dap,toere not fomtohac
^acberitoe toete ail fallen to § earth, onelp,b ut all together fuche as 3am

3 beatDe a fcopce fpeakpnge Dnto me, etrcpte thefe bonDes. 3inD tohen he bacj
JjJSV anDfapinge in the i&ebzue tdg:*&aul,
thusfpokcn,thekpngerofet)p, $p dc*
£>aul,tohp perfecuteft thou me * 31 Is bite,$ 23ernice^ thep f fate tf> ttj^aott
baioe to: the to kicke agapnft f pzicke* tohen thep toece gone apact,thep talked
3!nD 3 fapDetaooho arte thou JLozW bettoene them uiues fapmg:Chts matt
3i»d h* fapDe 3 am 3cf us tohome tbott doc th nothing toowhp of Deathe, noz ot
perf£curefr,buttpfe ano ftai.Dc Dp on bonDes * <fcben fatD 3fgtippa Dnto jfe«
ttip fete. £02 3 banc apeceD Dnto the fox a us : chis man might haue bene lo to*
this putpof e, to make p a mtniftcr anD feD,pf bj baD not appealeD Dnto Ccfar«
a toitnes,botbe of thou thinges tobiche
thou haft fene, anD of tbof e tbpntjfe In
the tobiche 3 topll appere Dnto the, De/
litiertnge the from the people, anD fcom
i&aule Qjppppngc totoatoc ISDme.Kttlius toe
rhegentils,Dnto tobicb noto Jfe'Detbe, Captapuc utr ctareru Dim cu^Cou0F(.4t r^eUS
to ope" their epes.that the/ mifjbt turnc toepfulfrtipiptwa&e.

0\\ it toas eoticlubcD

3no toe came Onto an pie namcb c lau>
that, toe OjoulD faplem* oa^baomucbtoozketocomebpabofe;
to 3Jtalp,tbepoelpneteo tobtcb tbep tokc bp ano bfco*
paulanDcettapncotbcc Oetgeropnge tbe Cbtp,fearpngc (cfte toe
pjifoners Onto one nn-s Ojouloebaue fallen into ^pztes, $toe
mcD Julius, an Onoer let ooune a Ocffell ano To toere carpco*
captain* of Ceiars fottDtats* 3!tiD toe Cbenertcoape tobeu toe toere toffeo \b
cntreD into a tyip of aioiamiciu , $ loto< an erccaopnge tempeft, tbcp Ipgbtenco
feo fro lanoe,apopnteo to faple bp f co* cbe fr)fp,ano ti)t tbiroe oap toe caft otttc
tfo»o,4,» ftes of3ifta,oue^3Eitf(laccus out of ^a* our otone baOes,p cackling of p fb'P.

ceooma,of p contce of qDbeiralta,beinge aoobc at § lad uc tbe t f mine no: ftarre ttt
tottfj OS. 3BnotbencrteOape toe came to manp oapes appearcO,$ no fmat te'peft
»S»3m &toon auo 3[uliu6*coutteouClpe en* lap Opobs, all bopepOjeOjonlD be fa,
ttcateo patil j gaue mm libettpe to go uco.toastben taken atoape.^ben after
tmtobisfrcnoeijauo to rcf refuse firm longe abftpnence, jDaule ftooe f ott he in
fclfe.amo f torn thence lancbeo, toe,^ fat* V m toocs of tbe $ f aio:^)irs pe ttjouloe
1(0 fiat dc Op Cipcrs, becaufe f topnoes bane barkenco to me,s not bane lotofcD
toere confeatpe cbenfoplco toe once from Canope, net ct to bane biougbt e
die fea of €plicia,anO j^ampbilta, ano Onto os tbts barms 9 toffe.^uo noIn J
came to <Jl£pza a cttie in Una, ejcboitepotttobeofgooocbere Jfo?
# 3ino tbere tbe Onoer captapnc fouoe tbere ft)albe no icire of anp man0 Ipfe a*
a Ojtp of 3!lera0cr,tc0p to faiie mtojta* monge pou,faue of tbe tbPP onelp . jfo*
IP3 put os tbcrin 3ftnO toben toe bao tbere flooe bp me tbts mgbte tbe angel
fapleo flotolp manp oapes , 9 fcacc toere ofc£>oo,tobo(e3lam, ano tobo Jfttue,
come otter agamft <!5ui0on(bccaufe tbe fapiugetfeate not *paul,foi tbott trntft * tt »5»*»*
top noc toitbttooe Os)toe faileo barDc bp be biougbt before Cefar. aho (0 , (500
tbe codes of canDp,oucr agatnft §>at; batb geuen onto tt)£ af p fatlc tottb tbe.
mo,ano \o mucb too the fatlco Oeponoe sJCOberfoiefpisbcofgooocbereifoi 3 <&
it,9 came Onto a place calico gooopoit. bcleue (Boo, $ fo it (lyalbc cue as it toas
jftpe tobere Onto toas a cttpe calico na* toloe mc^oto be it toe mufte be caft 1 11^ nttwt, *
l'ra» JDCben mucb time toas f pet $failtge to*accrtapneplonoe*
teas notoe icopecoeous , bccaul'calfo p T&ut tobc f> fourtcntb nigbf toas come
toe baoottetlongefaaco, £aule put tbe as toe toere carieo in ao:ia aboute mio*
tutemembiaunce,ano i'apo Onto ttytm* nigbtj fljtpmc oemeo § tbere appeared
<r fe»Pis,jf pci'ccauetnattms Oiagetoil* fome coutre Onto tWt$ fouoeo^fouoe
be trit tii b acre ano mttcbe Oomage , not tt.vr.fcooos. 3lno tobctbepbaogonca
of tbe laOpnge ano Cbtp onelp : but alfo Jitcffurtbec, tbcp fou nocoa^apue,ano
of oure Ipties. /fteuettbeJatec tbe bnoec coooms.iqLbeu ftannge left
captapnebelcuco tbegouernerano tbe tbep Ojoulo banc fallen on fome rocke;
maftcc, better tben tbe tbpnges tobtcb tbep cafte.iiii.aucres out of tbe fterne^
tocte f pokcu of $aule« ano becaufe tbe totmco fo: § § Ojipmcu toere a«
baucu toas not commoOius to topnter bout to fle out of § ll)tp, 9 &aD let ooune
tn,manp tokc coufel to Depatre tbence, cbe bote into § fea,Onoec a couloure as
pf bp anp meanes tbcp mtgbt attatne to tbougbe tbep tooulOe bane caft ankers J

labentces ano tberc to topnter, tobtcb is out of tbe fozeojip: ^aui fa 10 Onto ttic
an bauen of canope, ano feruetb to tbe Onoer captapne ano tbe ^ouoiers : er«
fotttbtocftano noUbtoeft topuoe.xxJbcti cepte t be(c abpoe in tbe OjJ'P, Fe cannot
t\}6 fotitft totnoe bletoe,tbep fuppoftnge be faf e* (®t)tn tbe ^ouoters cute of tf;e «
Co obtapue cbeic purport lotofcobnto tope of tbe bote,ano let it fall atoape. *
3ffoi»,aiiOfapIcopafreallCauDpe. 3ino itu^i meane tpme bettoicte that
is tit anone aftcr,tbete acore agapnft anooape, ^aule befougbte cbcm ail to
Cbeir purpofe, a fla toe of top no e oure of Cake meat e,fapingc:tbis is p fouttentb
£» tbe uoitbc ca ft c.HuO toben tbe OjI'P toas oape t bat pe batte tatpeo ano contvnu*
caught ano couloe not refill tbe totnoe, cofaftpnge.ceccaupngenotbpngeacaU
foelet l)tt go ano Oiaue toitfj £ toctber. ^bece f oie J ytape pou Co cake mcace:
Ajll.ii. fo|

. f ,

w$t ssm%
fo^ if>fe ho boute is foj poute healthc; anb lept on ftt's ^anbe » fc^eiithe

SK'I *foi t^ece tyall not an beete fai fto tfjc men of the countte lata the toozmebage
beabeofanpofpou. 2flno tohen be hab on his hanbe , thep f am amonge them
seatk.tJi.c thus fpofccn, be toke bzeabe auo*gaue (elues:this man muft nebes be amout*

f «5 "A t&aiic&es t0 ^ ol) W

pzefence of them al, thetet : £Chome(thoughe he haue eCca^

anb bzaue it, anb beganne to eate.^be peb the lea ) pet b^geauncc f uif tctb not
tDccctfjepallof qooD cheat*, anb thep tolpue. 23uthcil)OuHeofthebetmcn 3
alfo totte mea te. iccc toete al together tti into the fpze 3 * felte no hatme.l^oto be nMc&.tD(,»
*be Ojpp , t too bunbzeth thuf coze 9 fPJC* it thep toapteb tohen he fhoulbe haue
tene foules.3nb tohen tncp bab catcu t* f toolne,o; fallen boune beaoe f obenlpe*
nougb,tbep It gtjtcucD the fi)ip,anb call- 23ut after thep hab lokeo a great totulc,
cute the toheatc in to the fea. anb fatoe no harrae come to hpm , thep a .
*'" ,,, *,?
*cben it toas bap,thep ftuctoe not the chaungeb their mpnbes 3 ?fapoe * that
lanbe but thep fppcb a ccrtapnebaucn hetoasa<i5ob» -
toitb a bancke mro the tohicb tfjcp toete 3]n the fame quarters tt)e cfnefe ma
* C(l{lm
tnpnoeb(pf it toete pou"iblc)to tbzuft in of the pie luhofe name teas i&ublpus, ^poiiu"
tbs (t)ip • tobeu thep bab taken t)p haoalozbeu^pp: the fame receauebbs, awcem
ttje ancces.tbep committcb them f clues ano loogtb bs thze oapes courteouOp* JISJK
titito the fea, 9 lotofeb the rubber bobes Sub it f ojttuneb that the father of $ub# met. a9

ano tjopfeo bp the mapne fapie to the liuja; lap (pcae of a fieueranb of a bltto^ ©oobcsr
topnbe 9 blue to labe. sut thep cbaun * t>^ flpre* Co tohom ^aule entceb in anb JSJ * ff
c 1

ceb on a place, tobicbe baotbe fca, on piapDe,anD laib his hanbes on him anb c ^bo rSe
botbe the fpbcs.ano tqitifte in the Ojip. healeb him. -schen this toas bone, other toterucc 1

c ccoQi
ainb tfje fooic parte ftuc&t f aft anb mo* alfo tobicb habbifeafes in f ple,came $ !" P
uebnot but the bpnbet bzaue toith the toete healeb* ainb thep mt) bs great bo* tSic«S&
Violence of the toaues. uoure. ainb tohen toe beparteb , thep la« ioucs«w
Cbe &oubta ts councel teas to hj 11 beb bs toith thinges neceffarp* matmcvM
thepjtpfoners^ be mm
thze monethes toe beparteb in
bab f toome out, tnoulo fle atoape * ibut aflj^P of aieraubzp, tohiche hab tointe< rcas: w
the bnoet captapne topllpnge to faue reb in £ pie, tohofe babge toajs * cafto; Ff « ca f*
laaule&eptetbem from these putpofe, anb ^ollujc* 3ub tohen toe came to €v< SJ
ano coimuaunDeo that cljep that coulb racuia 4 toe tamo there thze bates. 3nb but one a
f tepme OjouID caff the reluct fpzfte into from thence toe fet a compaiTc $ came to i^mu
th e f ea,anb f cape folate, aiuo the otbec ttegium.atnb after onebape tjbe fouthe S"JS
commaunbeD to go, fome on bozbeg,
t)e \Dpm bleto,anbtoe camef nertbap to s^e otaT
anb rome on tyokcu peces of the fljpp. |^uticius:toherc toe fouube bzethzen^ net of rhe
Slno To tt came to paffe , that tr)ep came toete\ain^ to tatp tb the feuenbaies, $$fi£l
allfafe to lanoe* anb fo came to Uome.apnb from thence, t£
C Wt Botes. tohen § bzethzeheatbe of bs,thep came ot tuan;
«'<g»pucsbc pcttluafc CiiuDie places in tlje agatuil bs to apipbozum.anb to t} thze not Mmt
tour tweoattee of ifif ci u,ef roc nature of tuUict-
tauernes . ^cchen laa'ulefatothcm, he«$" tco,,
., {£Che *]tjcbiit» Chapter* tbaucttcb aob,$ toejeeb boIbe.3Bnb tohen ?£."
CIT&ebp fin jc of t !; c wippct ljuctc t b not panics he came
to uome, the bnber captapne tu?nc«f
tjiot.tacg;ftlcrt) i&ubluisfarOtt , anbpzeacocro beliueceb the p^tfoners to the chefe cap^ J"«^ »>
ffb»a atJKorae. tame of f hoft:biu^aul toas fuffceb to £ffSif
&n tohen thep toete fcapeb, Dtoellbphtmfeife toith one ^oubperpcctnsbi
then thep knetoe i the* pie that aept htm. agegbts
urns calico i^ilctc. aiubtbe aiub it foztuneb after thze bapes,that
_ people of the counttc ftyemeb ^aule calleb the chefe of the JetoejS to< t!)g ttfc«
i?s no ipteii apnbnes : foztbcp kpuoieb gcthet. Sno tohe thep toete come,he fa to tputffe
a fpze anb receaueb bs euecp one , be« Unto them.^en anb bzethzen,thoughe t,,ecof*
wufe of tbepzefent tapne anb becaufe * 3 haue committeb nothpng e agapnff wtue. >3. •
of the coloe.3nD tohen^aul hao gathc« the people oz latoes of out fathers:*pet 1^'"^
rco a bo nod of apcaes,anb put them in toas 3 oelpueceb pzpfonec from 3ecu<
to il)i ff&tbete came a bpptc out of the f alem into the hanbes of tt>c domains* •


i8frtje#potfle& tfollffliiU
t&Wcty lofKH tfjcphaa ejrampnebme,
tuoulDc haue let me go , bccaufc thep
C fouiiDcno caufeof Dcathc funic « 2Sut
tofjcu tin JjctDCjS crj'co rout rarp,31 toas on toe epi'ttci of &, 0a«ic.
coufttapiicD to appeale bnro Cclar:not fotheiaomapnes.
bccaufe J bao ought to aceuf c i«p pco*
pfc ot; if o) this canfc f?nue J calico foj
fl>? as? tmiche ass
pou ,eucn to l'e you, and to fpea U c top tb tOps Cppaic is fp?pn*
cipal anDmottcpccUcuf
ifM.u.b pou :*bc«ufe that fo; the Ijopc of Jf*
S>m i«,t» pac tc ottoe nctoe tctta?
tael,3l am bounce toitb this cbapne. mente , anfi moflc pute
aiuD thep fatD unto turn : *x>e nether -.euanaclron.tijansro
teccaueo letters oute of Jetozp petfap* fapcglaDc tptitscs.anb
rfja t toe cat t6 ofpcl.ana
iipnge bnto thc,nctbcr came anpc of the
alCoaliffljt anKatoapc
tuctbjcu p fljetocD o: (pake anp rjarme in.bnto tbctoftplefctcp
of the* JBtittoctofil heart of the tobat v~«i~a~^«\ m 1 <u fute: 31 tijpnfcc
it mctc,
f[;af cucrp £lj; men man > not onelp bn toe it bp
thou tb t ncheft. jr 02 ice haue hcatDc of
wai tfjig fccte, tbat*eucrp tohearc tt is fpo*
tote anb toptfjoutc tlje bofecsbutaJfoctetciCcutm
fcJfc t bettn cuermo :e contpnuallpe, as toptb rbc
ken agar nfte « 3nDtoben tbepbaD bapIpeb?cabeoftl;efoulc . /Somanbctcipran
tcabc it to ofte,o;Oubpe tt to Wtll , fo; tfjemo^c
apopnteb ijim a cape, tbete came manp it tc ttubpeb ti)C cafpat it is , toe mo;e it is cb&?
S tmto hpm bnto ftps loDgpngcCo toho tocD.f l}c Dlcafauntcv it i0,ant> t l;e mo;c gtoun&es
lie ejcpouDcD ano teftifpeb th e fcpngDoc ipeitis fcaccljf a.tljc p^eciofet tljpngcs ate f outie
in 1 1 ,fo gteate ttcafucc of Cptvituall thpnges ip«
anb pica cbcD bnto them of 31c*
of 450D, ebbpbtljetin.
out of the lato of scores a al<
Ui: botbe 31 topll toccf tc bttto toe my fabout anb ftps
f pgener « bo;o toe tbps Ip tic p?c face 0; \d ;o iogc,
fo out or the ptopbctes,cuen from mo?* ,

to p;epatc atoapc in tbetunto , fo farfuctft as

3"rtw.i7.s npngeto nigbt3.D * fome beleutD the
gob fbal gcue me grace, p ft map btfbctm b nocc
tbmgcs tohfebe tot re f po acn, and fome ftanbe of euetp man . jf o? tt tjat&e bene bptbets
bcicueb not* tocupllbacfhcnco toitbglofesauD toonbetfuit
blames of fi> opbiaccs,tt)at no man contue fppc
Sooben tbep agreed not amonge tfjem outetOc entente anb mcanpngc of it, tobf cbe
(clues tbcp beparteb, after that $aule neucttbeles pet of it (die, tsatypgote IpgOte,
bad ipohcn one toojbc * aocell fpafee the anb fufffcient to gcue Ipgljtc bnto all tbe fcrpps
tute . ^p?BCtoemuOcmachcbiipgcntIpctt;c
holp ghofle bp Ciape the ptophet bnto mane t of fpcaUpngc of tbe 3poQle,ano aboue ai(
«fjf w,» 6utc"atber8,faping:*<Bo bnto this peo#
. fbpngc nnotoc, Xol)at paulc meanctb bp tfjcfc

Si V "
2 P lc & toP !to i tb P° ut ea s flJ^I pe beare,
teoufncac.iFIcfpe^ppjpte.anb fuel;clthe,o?ei»
mne.F.'fc anb thai not bnocrttSdetand totth pour teabe tbou it ncucc 10 of te , tbou fbalte but lofe
3«*».w. r r t6
p ^
a i p C f8 ano no t pctccauc, . tbpfaboutc.a^btstoojcjcJLatocmuacnotbebns
becaanbe bete after tbe tommune mmcv, mo f
jfoj the heart of this people is tocrcd
bfc )daules tctme, after tbe raancv of men 0; aU
groffe,^ their cares tocre tljichc of h«a* tctmannestoapesttbattbtmtooulbeftffipe.t&e
rpnge,a»d their epes batie thep clo'fco: f atoc l;crc f n t bis plate toetc norbpiigc , but fears

lefttbeptbouidefe totth their epes, anb anb \ol)At ougi; te not to be b one.aa tt goetb tot tt)
beare totth their eares , anb bnderftade marines la toe tobcre ttjc latoe is fulfpifeb tovti)
toitb their hertes.* (feoulD be cduerteb, outetoatbe too;bcs onclptbougbctbe bcartc be
ncucrfo fartcof . But *5£>3D tubgctf) tbe -Sbetetofi
ano J fljoulo bealc them* ©c it buotocn
<E cberf ojc
bnto p 011, that this faluactd of
grounbe of tbe bearf , pea ant tbe tbougbtcs ana «fVD* Z
tbcfecrctemoupngcsof tbempnbc.ano tbetfo;« ouimh
<55oo is fent to the gentils , 9 thep (hail Opslatoetcqupjctbtbegrounbcoftbebcartanb ?flU t
louc from tbe botomc tberof,anb is not tontentc
beare tMtnbtohenhe hah rath that,the tottbtbeoutttoatbc too?bc onelp: but tebufecth
3|e toes dcparted,and hah greaie bcfpi< tbofetoo?ftesmoQeofau,tobicbefpjpngenotoe
cions amonge them feuks. iouc from tbe grounbe anb Ictoc botcmc of tbe
aub^aulcDtotltc ttoopcresfuIUn
W toogpnge , s receaued allf came to
m,p:cacbingc the fctngdomc of <£od 3
Ooncfl anb gooD as £b;iuc in tbe «5 ofpell rebus
betbtbepbarpfee aboue alotbertbattoere open
fpnners, anb rallctb tbcmbppoctpfcs,tbat te tu
fare, bpcrcmblats anb papntcb ^epultbzcs:
nnD teachtnge thole thin gcg tohich con* ^DDbicbc pbaeifes pet Ipucb no men fo pure/ a«
cerneo the H02D jef us toitlj all eonfp* pertapnp nge to f uttoatbc bebes ane too;bes of
bcnce.bnfoiboDen. tbclato.yca anb|9aulctnf tbtto tbaptctofbis

$ere enocth the actcs of tf;e
tbataotouebpnge tbe latoe be toasfutbeonea*
2 pomes no man coulbc cSpIapne on,? not tottbOanbfngc
TLfLUu. toad
fcas pet amutbece't of tbc£l;;iae,pctfccurcb tl)i it. anb ibetfoje ate toe mojcpjouofecb.anbbaue
•nbtojmentca tbcm,fo fo;e,pbc compellcatbem gtcatct ludcto b;cafec it.
to blafp beme £b? id, ana teas al togctbec mctcts ^Fo; tobpc!;c taufes fabebe fapetb in tbc
IcGc ,as man? to b"b nomc f apnc o uttoat be goob feuentb CUaptct tbattbc latoc isfpttptual: as
too;BCsatc. tbougbc be tooulbcfapcpftbc latoc toctcffifbip
^tbiscaurctbt.eFb.fcfal.eallctbalmen anb butmans bocttpnc, it mpgbfc be fulfpllco,
Ipats.bccaufc tbat no man hepctb tbc latoc f com fatpff pcb.anb dpllcb toitb outtoatbebebes.
tfjcgcouuac of tbe beatte , neptbet can hepe it, But notoc is tl;c latoegbodlpc ^ino nomanf uls tt)C fpps
tbougbc be appcacc otitcmatae full of £ ooo too;; fpllctb tt.CFCcptc tbat ail tbat t)cboctbfp;pngc tptc is
of louc fcoih tbc bottome of tbc beatte . £>ucbc tcqup;c&
tfo; all menace natucallpc cntlpnea tmto anetocbcattcanbludpc coutagcbnto tbe latoc pet toe
cup 11 and hate tbc latoe, toe f pnbe in once fclucs toatbc candc tbou ncuct come bp oftbjme otonc can beper
tmludeanatcaioufnestODogooa butludcana
d cengtbe anb enf ojcementc.but bp tt; t opecaeps tbc latoc.
bclectaeion to ao cupl. footac tobetc no f ccc luft on anb too;bpngc of tbc fpicpte;
is to ao 300b tbcte tbc bottome of tbebeatt fills
, fo? tl)t fppjptc of <Sob onelp mabctb.a man
f plletb not tbe latoc,ana tbece no boubte is alfo fpititua(,anblpbc bnto tbe latot ,fo tbat nowc
fpnne,$to;atbeisaefetueabefo;eiSob,tbougbe bcticcfo;tbcbc boctb not'bpngc of fcatc,o;fo?
tberc be neuec Co gc cate an outctoatbe fbctoe anb luctc.o; bantagc fabe.o? of toapne glo;pe , but of
•ppctaunceof boned Ipupuge. a f tc beatte anb of tntoatbc ludc . %t)t latoc is
$01 f bps caufc conclubetb fapnet Jdaulc in fptcttuall,anbtop(tbcbotbloucz> anb fulfpllcb
fbefeconbe cbaptet, tbat tbe 3lctocs atcallfpns of a fpp :ptuall bcattcanb tbc tcf o;c of ncciOpttc
nets anb ttanfgtcffouts of the latoc, tbougbc tcqup.rctb ittbcfp?;ptc tbat mabctb a mamics
itfjep maftc men belcuc,tbo;otoe ©ppoctifpe of m
beatte ftccanb gcuctb b¥ 'ud anb coutagc btu=
outctoatbe too;ftes,botoc tbat tbep fulfpll tbc totbclatoematbc, tobetc facbcafpp;itcisnot.
latoe.ana Capctb tbat be onelp tobicbe aoctb tbc tbccctcmapnctbfpnnc,gtut»gpnge,anbbatete&
latot is tpgbtcous before gob meanpngetbetes agapnde tbc latoc, tob iebe latoc neuettbf Icffe is
bp.tbatnoman toptbouttoatactoo;hcs, fuifpls goob, cpgbtcousanbbolp.
Ictb tbe latoc. acquapntc tbp felfctbctcfo;c toitb tbemas

atyou ( fapetb be to W 3|ctoe)tcacbeft tbat
fbouHi notbzeabc tocblocfee, anbpetb;eas
net of fpcaftp ngc of tt)C 3podcl,an& let tt; is noto wo bo the
dpebe fade in tbpne beatte , tbat it isnotbotbc bebes of £
bed toealocbe tbp Celfc.tobcttn tbou iuagede an. otic.T bo tbc bebes ana too;bcs of tbc latoc, ano U'mc.qt ta

otbctman tbetin conbempned tbou tbp; to fulfpll tbc latoc . zi)i too;bcs of tbc latoc is fulfil tbc
tbou tbp fclf c bocd eucn tbc beep fame t bpnges, tobatfocuccamanboctb,o;can 00 of bpsonmc latoc 0;
tobpebctbouiuaged. as tbougbc be tooulbfap, fccctupil,ofbps otoncp;op/c dtcngtbeaub ens ftoo tbin
tboulpucdoutctoatblpc well in tbc too;BCs of fo;fpnge. gts.
ti)t latoc, anb waged tbemtbat Ipuc not fo. /Jottoitbdanopngc tbougbc tb etc be ncs
Jcboutcacbedotbetmen.anbfccdcamoteinan ucc fo gtcatc too;bp ngc ,pc t as longc as tbetc tcs
otbet manneg epebut atte not toatc of p bcame, mapnetb in tbc bcatt.bnlude.tcbioufnes.gcubs
tbat is in tbpne otonc cpe.tfo; tbougb tbou bepe gpngcgtptf c, papnc, lotbfumncs , anb compuls
tbc latoc outetoatacl? toitb too;Bes,fo;feate of fpon totoatbc tbc laroc.f longc ate all tbc mo;?
tcbufte, (bame anb punpfbemente: otbet f 07 loue bes bnpjofp tabic lode, pea, ann bampnablc m*
of tctoatbe ,bauntagc,ana bapncglozpctpcraos tbcfpgbtcofi3£)S) . atbismeanctbJ&aulcirt
ede tbou v»ptboutc lude anb louc totoatbc tbc tbc. itt. Cbaptet, tobetc be fapetb.bptbcbcabcs;
iatoc.auabaaaedlcuctagtcatcaealcotbettopfc of tl)c latoc (ball no flefbc be tudpfpeo in #fpgbt
00, pf tbou apaacft not f cate the latoe. yea, ins of fSSHD. ©etcbppcccepacd tbou, tbat tbofc
toacbclp in tbpne beatte tbou tooulacde tfjat dopbidcts ate but beccpucts.tobicbe tcacb tbat
tbctctoeteno latoe, no no;pct«5tf>fi>, tbe aus a man mape,anb mud pjepate b im fclfc to gtace.
tbo; anb bengcac of tbe it toctc poffpble, anb to tbe f auoutc of Q £>£> toirb gooD too;bes,
fo papnef all it is bnto ti)t, to bauc t bpuc appc= befoje be bauc tbc fppjpte 9 ttuc ia^tl) of ffb;id-
tptcs tcf capnea, anb to be heptc boune. ©otoc can tbcppzepavctbcm fclucs bnto tbc fa*
MDbctfo;e tben it is a plapnc conclufp on, uoucc of C5 & £> ano 1 tbat tob p cl;c is goob;

tbat tbou f com tbc gtoube anb bottome of tbine toben rbf? tljcm fclucs can bo no goob, no, tan
fjcac teactc anbenempcro tbc latoc . HDbat p;e; not ones tbpnac agoob r bougbtc 0; confente to
uapletbitnotoctbat tboutcacbcdanotbetman bo goob , tbe ocupll poffcfTpngc tbep; bf attcs,
not to dca le .roben tbou tbpne to tic fclf c attc a mpnbes.anotbougbtescaptpucatbispleafutc*
tbcfe in tbpne bcatte.anaoutctoataipctooulaeft Can tbofc too;bcs plcafc *5fi>£> tb pnbed tbou.
f apnc deale pf tboufiutdeftbougbc tbat tbc outs tobpebe ate bone toitbgticfcpapncatibtcbioufs
toaebe bebes abpbc not altpapc bebpnae Xovtb ncstaitl) aneupll topll, toitb a conttatpe ana
fuebe ©ppoctitcs ana bplTimulats , but b;cabc gtubgr ngc mp noc?£> bolp&.jd; ofpctiig, i;ome 0;ofpcr."
fo;tbcamongeeuen as an cupl fcabbco; a poetic mpgbtelpc toitb tbc fctpptutc of laaulc Dpbbcft
tan not altoapcs be bepte intoitb btolcncc of me= tbou conf ounae ti; p s betefpe, aboutc ( D ttotoc;
bicpne, r a. bunb;cb petes ago,o; tbcte bpou. Wo fulfil arofuifpi
3;bouteaebedeanotbetman,buftca^ede tbc latoe, to bo tbc too;bcstbet of anb tobatfocs tbc latoe,

hot tbp felfcpca tbou tooted not tobat tbou teas ucc f l;c latoc commaunbetb toitb louc.ludc anb tobatitis

tbede, fo; tbou bnbetdanbede not tbe latoc a intoatbeaffcccton,anbbclcctacpon,anb to Ipue

tpgbtc, botoc tbat it can not be fulf plica anb fas
gob Ipc anb tocll.fcclpe, topll pnglp, anb toi'tbouc
tpsfpcb.buttottbanbnfapncb louc anb afFccaS, compulfpon of tbc latoc, cuen as tbougbc tbcte
fogceatlpe it can not be fulfpllcbtoitbouttoacbe toctc no latoe at all : fucbe lude anb f tee Ipbcttie
beaes anatoo;bcs onelp. 09 o;couct the latot ens to tbc latoc, commctb onelp bp t\)c too;bpngeof
1£t)clatoc ctcafctbfpnne.asbefapetbintbe.b. Cbaptet, fbe fpp;ptc in tbc bcattc,as be fapetb in t^i f ttft
encceas becaufc tbat man is anenempc to tbc latoc , fo; Cbaptet.
fctb fpn. as mucb as it tcqu p ?ctb femanp tbinges ejeanc JSoto is tbe fpp?ptnonc otbettopfe gcug,tf;g
conttatpe to bpsnatutctobctof bets not able to bp f aptbe onelp.m tbat toe bcleue f p;ompfcs of
fulfpll one popntc 0; tptle,4S tbe tetoe tcqup?et5 &ob \bout toauct pngc,b oto t\fnt gob is ttuc ana
. =

iotfje4Umtapn& #oUftjrffff,
topi fulfpl al bis goob p jompfes f ctoatbe jfo?tbetc(s none outttoatbc fpnnc corns
Cf);ta£6h!ouDCfahe,a2ttt9pi ipncmtl)C(r?tte mpttcb, ercepteamanbe catpcDatoapcalltoges

cbap.31amnotau)amebcfaietbiaauI)ofCb?»fles rbet, tottblpfe.foulc, beam, bobpc , luftc ana

3Thc Tpii
tltc com;
g lab UDigcs.f o; it ts f pctocr of gcb bnto faluas mpnoc tbcreunto . %\}t feepprute lebctb fpiu
c as manp as bcleuc . fot at ones together, gufatlpe bnto tbc bear tc, anb t nto t\)t tote ann
met f; by
cuen as toe bclcue tbc glabc ttbpngcs p?cacbcb to o;pgp nail fountapnc cf all fpnnc,topifbe'tsbns
b s tbe b Mp gh off c cntrctb into cut bcnrtrs.anb belycfe tn tbc botcmc of tt)t beattc
, . fo; as ^faptb (g
ioufcfbtbcbonbcsoftbe ucupll.tobicbcbcfojc fapctb onelp iuCifpetb anb b;pngctb tbc fpp;itc f motbec
pcOcfftb oute bcactes in capttuptpc, anfibcibc anbluftcbnto tbcoutctoatbcgocDtoo;bPs,cuen ofaigooa
tbcmtbatttftoulDcbauenolufteto tbe topllof fobnbctpcfc onelpe bampnetb anb bepctb oute too?bcs,
©©inntbelatoc.anbastbcfppjptctcmmetb tbc fpp?ptc, p?ouohctbtbeflclbc,anbftctcctb ebelpcf*
#attbt&: bpfaptbe onelp, cucnfcfa?ctb cemmctb bp bcas bp luftc bnto tbe cupll outttoatbc too?bes, as cf cuelW
mctfjbp t pngctbetoo?Dcof©*iDt>,tobenC©ia3l&2£ bappencb to floam anb n ua in paraDpfc. eenc;
Cicacpngc tgnjcacbcu, botoe tb*t bets gobs fonnc 9 man nctts.iu.
tbc glace alto, oeaoc anb tpfett agapne fo;ourcfabcs as , ^fo?tbPs caufcc©ia3|&2;tftaUctbrpnne
ttbmgcs, &c fapctb in tbc tbP?&e.iui.anb.r.Cbaptcrs.aif bnbclpcfc, anotbatnotablpcintbc. jcbt. Cfeaps
oute iuftpfptnge then cennnctb bp fa> rljc.ano tcrof&atntc31obn . Sbcfppjptc fapctb: be
f aptbc anb tbe fpp?pte tome of© fl> 2), anb not fbaHtebuttctbcVoo;lb of fpnue, bccaufctbcp hex
of bs. Wfoen toe fape , fapctb bnngctb tyc fpp= (cue not in me. flnbjobn. but. 3R am tbe (pgbte
rpte tt is not to be bnbctuanbc , tbat fapttb ac= oftbetoc?lbe. anbtberfo;cintbe.Fti.of Jiobti
fecuctb tbe fpp?ptc 0? tbat tbc fppjpie is not bcbpb&etbtbcm,tobple tbcp be«
p;cfentc in bsbcfojc fapctb • ;Jfo; tt)c fpp;ptc Icucintbclpgbte.tbatpe mapc be t\je cbpto;cn
_ 19 cue t inbs,anbfapctb is tbcgpftcanb too;- of lpgbte:fo?bc tbat toalHetb tnbartbnes tow
«pngcoftbefpp?ptc. j&ut tbo?ctoepjeacbpngc, tcti) not tobctbet be goctb . j^otoc as £h?i(te
tbc tpp;ptc bcgpnnetb to too?be tnbs is tbc Ipgbtc, fois tbc ignojaunte of Cb;iftc
anb as bppjeacbtngetbc too?ftctft tbntDatcbncs tobctcof be fpcafectb , in tobpebe
tbcfcaccof ©IDS): 10 bp pjeaebpnge tbcglabc i)t tbat toalbctb tootctb nor tobcrbec be goetb;
tpbpngcs.bcteojfeetbfarctb . ain>noiuu>i;cn tbat is be bnotoctbnotbotoc to too?be a gooa
toe bcicue ,ano ate come bnber tt)c couetiauntc of too;ftcmtbc fpgbtcof ©i£>2) , o?tobat a gooti
to j£> jed tbcu acc toe fute of tbc fpp?ptebp ttjc toojbc is. anb tbctcfo?c in tbc. fapctb , as

p;ompfcotgott, anb tftcn tbc fppjptc atcompas longc as 31 amin tbe too;lbc , jj am t\)t Ipgbtc of
npctb fapctb tnfcpatablpc , anb toebegpnne to t be to o iltic : but tberc commctb npgbtc toben no
feicbpstoojkpngc . anb fo fapctb ccctpfpetb mancantoojebe tobpebe npgbtc is but tbc tgs

bs of tbc fpp?ptc ,anb alfob?pngctb tbe fptcpre no;auncc of CfcWJl&aru tn tobptbe no matt
Xoiti) bee , unto tbc too?Upngc of all orbec gpf canfctoboanpctoo;bctop!cafc©£>S> * ana
res of grace ,ano to tbc to o?hp ngc out of tbc cettc |&aulcerbo?tctbtepbe. itii. tbattbep toalbc not
efoutefaluacpon, but? tocbaucali rogctbec as otbec beat ben, tobpebe acc Otaungccs f tfi tl)e
1 1

oucccomc fpnue, beatbe, bell, anb &atban, anb ipfc of (SjeD2>,tbo;otoe tbc tgno;auncc tbat ts in
ate tome bnto tbc cuetlaftpngc ipfc of glo?pc. tl)tm . anb agapne tn tbe fame Cbaptct.
2nb fojtbiseaufc Cape toe fapctb bjpngetbtbc put of ( fapctb be ) tbe oloe man, tobpebe is
fpp;ptc. co;cuptc tbo to toe tbc luftcs of ettoucc,tbat ts to
Jfaptbon ftctcofcommctb it, tbat fapctb onelp 01= fapctgno;auncc.anbUomano.rtit.EctbscaOc
ipiuftitt- ftpfpctb,ma!tctbcpgbtcous,anbfuIfpUetb tbc atoape tbc beabes of bachencs ,tbatfstofape,of;
*#! latoe,fo;ttb;pngetbt&cfpp?pte tbojtotoc Cb;i= i g no;au ncc ano bnbclpcfc . anb. t. i3c tc
t •

fits befctupnges, tlje fpp;pte bjpngetb luftc, la fton not poucc fclucs bnto pouceolbe luftcs of
fctb tbc beacte, mafeetb bput fee , fcttctb bpm at tgno;aunte . anb.t.3|obn. it. ^ctbatlos
Ipbctt pc.anb gcuctb br m ft tcng tbc to too?fee t\)t uctb bps bjotbet btocllf tb in Ipgbtcano be mt
beabesof tbe Iatoc toptb Joue, eucnae tbe Iatoc ifcatett) bpsb;otber toalbctb in barcsnes , an a
tcqap/ctb . Sbcnat tbc laftc oute of tbc fame tootetb not tobctbet be goetb,fo? DarchnojbatO
fapctb To too;bpngc in tbc beattc , fp?pngc all blpitbebbpscpcs , Bp Ipgbtc be mcanetn
^'a;hcs goobtoo?itcs bp tbcp? otone acco;oe . STbat tbc hn oto ICDge of £ © ia3!§>2 fi.anb bp barcbes
foiimcof n»*anctb be in tbctbp?bc fcbaptcc , fo? after be nes tbc tgno;auncc of CiSitJid Zt£ fo; tt is
farcto, hatbccatteatoapetbctoojhcsoftbclaw.fotbar impofrpbletbatbetfatbnotoctbCbnftctculpe.
befourjoetb as tbouejbc be tooutbc b;cabe anb fbouloc bat bisbjotber.^furtbermo^c, to pets
ovfamill tbc iatoc tbo;otoc fapctb : be aunftoc= tcpuc tbpsctbrngc mo?c clearlpc.tbou fbalte
rctbto tbatmpgbtcbclapbeagapnftc bpm.faps bnttcrQanbc, tbattttsnotpoffrble to fpnnc 4a
tngcttoebtQcope not tbc Iatoc tbo;otoe fapctb npc fpnnc at all, Cjcceptcaman b?eafte tbefp^ie
bufmapntapne,futtbeto?ftablpn)e ttjc latotbo* commaunbemente bcfo;e . jaotoe ts t^e fp;fte
cotocfapctb • ICbatistofapc.tocfulfplltbe rommaunbemente bcupbcb into ttoo becfes:
Iatoc tbojotoe fapctb. &bp Eo;bc ©fi>S> is one ©OS), anb tbot*
#pnoc* &pnne in tbc Tctppturc is not callcb tbat fbaltciouctbp IL£)ia&iB©fl)S) toptb altbpnc
•tttctoatDc too?ht onelp commpttcb bp tbebobpc batte, tottb all tbp foulc , toptb all tbp potoer»
but all tbc tobole bufpnes anb tobatfocucc anb toptb all tbp mpgbtc. . anb tbe tobole caufe;
occompanpetb , mouctbc o? Op?retb bnto tbc tobp 31 fpnnc agapnfte anpe infer toutcp?cccpte»
outttoatbc bebfr anb tbat to ben re tbc tooo;bes is tbat tbps iouc is not in mpnc be arte, to; toctc
fp ;pngc as bnbelcf c, p;oncncs ano reupnes b n= tbts Iatoc to;ptten in mpnc beattc, ano toere
to tbc ocbc tn tbc grounoc of tbc beattc, to itb alt full anb pcrtcctc in my foulc : it tooulbe bepe
tbcpotoers.afrccctonsanb appctrtcs, tobtrcs mpnc bcactc from confentpnge unto anp fpnne*
toptb toe can but fpnne . $>o tbat toe tA?c, anb tbc tobole anb onelpe wufc tobp ibps louc
tbataman tben fpnnctb, toben bets cacpeb a; isnotto;pttcntnoutc bcartcs, ts tbat toe be*
toapc bcabctpugc into fpnnc , all togctbec as leue not tbc fpjfte parte, tbat cure 2iDiaa>ig
vtucbc as be is , of tbat povf on inclpnacton atiu ©fl>E>tsouc©cb . iFo?topGc3ltobattbef*
co^uptc nature tobceem be toasconccpucb anb too;bcs,one Eo?b$ one ©ob mcanctb.tb at is to
faptspf 3|btt6?rQobctb4t be mafic all, ?tuictb
JLEl.ttu. alL

Cl>e ^oloijc

an,anbtb«ttotjatrocutt if boncto mctotjcttjct ncptbettopll countc it as fpnnCjbuttopll bcaU

be o= toitbbsacco:Bpngetooutcbcltfcin£b?pft,anb
ftbc BOObo;bab,ispctbps to?ll, anb tbat
ncf p is tbe iLo;bc tr)at tulctb.anb boctb tt . anb acco?bpnge to bP« pjomptcs , tobicbtbc batbe
topftctbccetotobat tbts too;bcmpnc mcanetb: fu)o:iie to b s bntpll ti)t (punc be ful Qapnc
, mH
tbattstoCapctpfmpncbcacte beleueb anbfelte mojtpfpcbbpbeatte . fraptbc is not mans 05 jfaitbctj
tbcinftnptebcncfptesanbBpnbcnesof *£:©&> ppnpon anb b jcamc, as Tome pmagiri ano tapnc, „ ot t ,, c
to me toatbc, anb bnbetttobc anb caincttlp bclc= tobcntbcpbcatctbcaojpeoftbciSofpcU. iBut jnojac ' of
uco tbc manpcfolbs coucnauntes of mctcpc, tobentbepfctbat tbetc folotoe no goob u»o?bcs mai l
tobctctoitb, (S*I>1£> batbc bounbe bpm fclfc, no; menoemeute tf Ipupngc, tbougb t\)c^ gcatc,
Co bcmpnctobolpanb all togctbet to itb all bP* anbcanbabpll manpc tbpnges of fapetbc : pet
tbentbcp fall ftom tbe tpgbtctcape, anb Cape,
Sotocc, iouc, mctcpc, a on mpgbtc ,
tben fpoulbe
loue bpm tottb all mpnc beatte,foule, potoec, fapctb onclpc iuftif pctb not , a man muue bauc

anb mpgbtc, anb of tbat louceuctBcpcbpscom= goobtoo;besalfo,pf betopllbetpgbtcous anb

maunbcmentes.&o Ce pc notcctbat as faptbc is fafe. £bccaufci9tDbcntbcpbeatetbcgofpell
tbcmotbctof allgoobncsanbof ail goob too;= 0; glabe tpbpngcs , tbcp fapne of tbcp; otonc
fees:fo tsbnbelcfctbcgtounbcanb tote of all e= ntciigtbe ccttapne pmaginactons anb tbougb=
upll. anb all cupll toojttcs . if anp man testntbcp;bcaticsCapingc : Jlbauebcatbet&e
tbat batbc fo;faBcnfpnne, ano is conucttcb to 15 ofpcll, I] tmumbjc tbe fto;pc, lo 31 belcue. ,

vut bis ttutte in CbJitte, ano to ttcpe tbc lame of anb tbat tbcp countc tpgbtc faptbc tobpebe ncs
«5£>£>,Do fall at a tpmcttbc taufc is.tbat f flefbe ucttbelcuc as it is but mae pmagpnarton fa.'= ft-

tbo;ougbcneglpgenceb?tbccboBcbtbefpp;ptc npng c.cucn f p;of itetb it not nettbet f olotoitb

anb opp;cffeb bet ,anb taken ftom bet tbc f obc of tbetc anp goobtoo;bcs 0; mebemfite of Ipupngc
t)ec Otcngtbe, tobiebc f obe is bet mebttacton in But tpgbtc faptbc is a tbpnge to;ougl;tc Hrgbtc
©jSDJ&.anbmbpstooanbctfullbeabes, anb in bptbcbolpegboftcinbs.tobpcbccbaungetbbs. fapctb i«
tl)c manpf olbc couenautes of bps metcp. viDbets toutnetbbstntoanetecnatutc^bcgcttctbtisa of p too;^
fo;e tben befo;e all goob too;Bes(as goob f cups ncto in gob.anb mabctb bs tbe f onncs of goMs b tngc of $
tes.) tbetc mufte nebes be fapctb in tbe Ijcatte tbou ttabeftc in tbe f p;flc of Jlobn , anb bpiletb fpp;pt cfj
tobencetbep fp;pngc . anb before all babbes tbc oibe aoam, anb mabctb bs all togctbet nctoe gob*
bes ( as ban f tuitcs ) tbetc mufte nebes be bnb<= in tbe bcattcmpnbctopll, luttc anb in all tbec
ipefc in tbc in tbc tote.fountapnc.pttb affections anb potoct.of tbc foulcs tbc bo tp goft
anbfticngtbeofaUCpnnc,tobubbnbclpefcanb cuctaccompanpingebet anb tulpiigctbcbcatt*
<gno;aunce is callcb tbc bcaoe of tbc fetpent anb . faptbc is a Ipuelp tbpngc, mpgbtpc in too;*
of tlKOlbeb;agon,tobicb tbctocm§sfcbe Cb;ift hpngc.balpauntc anb Ctonge,
muttc ttcabebnbctfotc, as ttVoaspjompCcbbn^ uct f tuptf tbat it is bnpoCfpblc p be tobtcb
toabam. '2 ' is cnbucb tbetc toitb.fboulbe not too; bc aI \aay2
iStacc anb gpftebaue tbtsbptfcccnee.fStace cs goob toopbes to ttbout ccaf pugc. t)c acerb not
©race. p;op ct Ipc is ©ob s f auout,bcneuolcncc o 2 btnoe tobct bet goob tog;hcs ate to be bone ; not , bat
mpnbc.tobicbcof bps otonc Cclfc.tottboutc be= batbcboaetbcmaiccbp, pet mention be maoc of
fecupngeofbs.bebeatetbtobs.tobctbpbetoas tbem anb is altoapebopngc.f 0; fuebe ts bps na=
moucb anb intlpncb to gcuc £b;itte bnto bs, tutc : notoc qupebe fapctb in bis beat re anb tpc
toptb all bps otbtft gpftw of gtacc. iSpf te ts ti)t ueIpmoupngcof#fpp;ptcb;puebim$actcb«n
i)olp gboOe ano bps too;bpnge tobome be ponjs tbeccanto. •jUDbofocactboctg not goob too;ijcs,
i 6 an bnbe leupnge petf on anb f aptb IciTc ,anb 1 0;
xttif into tbc bcattes of tbem, on tobome bc,batb
mctcpc, anb tobome bcfauoutctb.Sbougbctbc sctb tounbeaboute gtoppnge aftct faptbc anb
ttpftesoftbcfppjpteencveaCeinbsbaplpe, anb goob too;hc3,*tooti'tb not tobatfaitbcc; goob
$aue not pet tbcp; full petf eccion.pea £ tbougbc too;ftesmeauc,tbougbcbebabpllncuecfomanp 4ea V eth
tbpnges of faptbc anb goob too;bes Sia?tt)c is <„£*!*:?-
tbetc temapnc in bs pet cupll luftcs anb fvnne, .

tben a Ipuelp anbaebfatt tcuOe in tbe fauout of

iKX9 w^
tobpebe f vgbtc agapnftc tbe be tatctb
ftete in tbc feuentbe Cbaptct, anb in tbe f pftc to
&&"£> ,tobettoptb toe commpt out ef clues all
tbffSala.anb as it toas fpoMbefo;c in p" tbicbe togctbet bnto H5jG>S>,anb tbatttuQ is fofutelp
Cbaptccoc i3eucfis , of ti)Cbcb.i f c bctrocue tt)t gtounbcb anb Spcbetb fofaac tnouce bcattes,
toomans febc.anb tbc febe of tbc fctpete : pet nes tbat a man tooulbe not once boabtc of tt,tboug^.
uettbelcOc&obbcs f auoutc is fo gtcatc , anb fo be(boutbcbpcatbouCanbetpme3tbetcfo;e-antt
fitfigcouctbs fo;£b:iucs fabc.tbat toe ate cob= fuebe ttutte tt);ougbtc bp tbc bolp gbott tb;ougb>
*cb fo; fuU,bolc,anb petf cetc bef o;ciS£>l[>. fo} faptbc mabctb a man glabc, luttpe, d; ctf till, ano)
I50bbes fauoute to toatbc bsbeupbetb not bet true beacteb bnto gob * to all ctcatutes. ©p tl;e
fclf e.incteafpnge a Iptcll anb a Iptell, as bo tbc
mcancstobctof.topllpngclp^tooutcopuifio be
is glabe $ tcbp to bo goob to cuctp ma, to do fees
Jpftcs.but teccpuctb bs bole $al togetbec in ful
uicc toeuccp fuffccaltbpngcs^fSob ma?
out fo;£b;ittcs fahe outc intctceffo; anb nuui;
atoutcanbbecaufetbattbegpftesoftbefpitit be louco anb p;apfcb, tobiebe I'attjc geucn bpm
anbtbcbattaple bcttecne tbc fpp;ptc anb cupll fuebe gtacc ho tbat it is impoOpblc to fcpacate
iuttes.acc begon in bs alteabpe.
goob too;bcs ftom tap tbc.cueu as it ts imp .offp--
ble to fcpacate bcate anb but npugc ftom v;t.
g>f this notoe bnoctttanbca tbou tbe tc*
ucntb Cbaptet.tobetc paulcaccufetbbnnfclfc Xbetf o;c tabc bebe to tbpfelf c,(t betuatc of tbind
asafpnnet.anb pet inibe.btii.Cbaptct fapctb, otonc f a utaf pes anb ima^tuaciSs tobicb to tuege
tbetc is no bampnacpon to tljcm p ate in £t);ia, of f aptb $ goob tooicbcs.topll feme mife , tm;cit
tbat be caufe of tbe fpttptc,anb becauCe tbc in btbe tbcp ate ttatbc blpubc $ of al rbtges mott
gpftes of tbe fpitpte ate begonne in bs . &?m foipfbc }3iape fSobf be top! toptefafc totooibe
nets toe ate becaufc the flcCbe is not full bptlcb faptbc tit tDftit bcatt c : 01 c! s (bait tbou temapne
anbmo?tifpcb . iiJeucttbcleCTc in asmucbeas cuctmoicfapfblcs,fapuctbou,tmagtuctbou,ciu
toe belcue in £t)}i&, anb banc tbe evnede anb bes foxec ^.toiaftlc to tbp felfct bo tobit tbou milt.
gpnnpngc of tbe fppjpte , anb tooutbe fapne be C&pgbteournesiscueurucbefaptb, anb tacals rfayttf it

perfect c*S£>£> isfoloupngeanbfauoucablc

: leb i5obbc9ttgbtcournes,o:cpgbtcourncs tbat ctgbtcou
Dutbbs,tbat be topll not lobe on fucbe fpnne» tsoftialMCbcfojcigeb. ^PAitis^opbcsgpfrc; niSt

. atioftalfctctbaman ctbaungwb btmtoaucto f aptb in COxtft.anb to pjoue all mot rpnnccs anJs
fputf uafl nature , and maucri^ bun fee 9 libccall cbplbicncftojatbbpiubecitautc.anb borne tbae
to pap cuctp man bis buetp. *f ox tboxoto iaptU is to fpnne is tbcic natucc 9 tbat bp natutc fyc?
ami pucgeb of bis fttincs.anb cbtayncrb luO ton eau none otbcctopfc bee tben ipnue, anb tbctcxb
to rbelato of «Sob,tobctby begeuctb goto bis bos ro abate tbc pipbe of man, anb to biptigc bvm ton
noure £papctbb«mi&at bcotoetbbpm.anbtoit; totbc huoioleogcof bpm fcife, anb of btsmifeep
to men be boctb fetutee topllpuglp tobetH f tcuec anb topcbcbucs, tbat be mpgbt beftec belpc. tsui
tjccan.ano pay ctlj rucry manbtsbucrpc. gsucbe fo floct t).;g>. isaulc.aiib begiunetb tit tbct.cbaps
ty gijtroufiies ran nature, 'tc topi I, ano out otoue tec to rcbubc tbc tonbclefe , anb gtoiTc fpttucs,
fit tngtt; ueuct turug to p aire. ;f ox as no man rait tobtel; al men fc.aspbolatcp, 9 as f grciTc funics

seucbim feifefaptb : fo can benottaJte away mt

of tbc Jjcatbcn mcce.aub as tuc ruiiir s ace uom of
bclcfe.boto tljcu can lje take Atoap anp t Inn gc at al ti)i moico hue tit t jitotanttcc ttn tbour f attb, $
alfMDbecfoxealbis falfe btpetcifp<t mmc
wbat iiourfbefauouceoft6ob,(iratcij.2Cbctoiattjcof
foeuccisbouc tottUoutfaptb ouii tonbclcfc, as tt *£>ob af bcaucn appcacctb tboxom p* gofpet opo al
U cutocttrctn tbc.riiii.cbaptcttonto {< isomattts, men fox tbcic bngoblpc anb oubolpc Ituutge. fi 01
t&ougtjc appcat e neuct f o glomus, 01 bcuttful
it tijou jb it beftnotocn , aiibbaplptonbccaaubcbp
outtnarbes. tbccicatutcp.thaftDtccisbufoiicgobryetisuas
tfleipeauD rptrirc mapaefbou not ftercbnbetc rutc of htz rclfe tottbout tbc fpictte anb gcacc,fo
Gatibcaa tbougb ac(b mecc onlp tijat twijict) pecs to .nipt 31 fo popfoucb , p men 11 ifDcc can thausc
Mb bpm^tetbectojoifbpp bP>n » nctbccgcuc bpm bP9
tebatttts rarncroburocoaaitc: tbefpttttc,£tobpcl)C
intoactoly pectapnetb to tbc bcarnbut |S» aulc cafe buc bououcc, but blpubc tbem fciuC9 anb fait
letf) flcQ) bete as CDuft Doctl) 3jl)on. ttt. all f Da
toptboute ccaf pngc t uto tooiiTe cafe , eucntontpll
is boxne of a cCbc, tbat ts to mittc, tbe tobolc matt comctouto wozibtpppnge of pmages (two^
tt>ttbItfe,Coule,boDpe,ttipf,topll,tcarou$tDbat? hpngofCbamefuU'umcsixjDichaccabbointnablc
foCuct be ts ox ootb tottbin anb toltbounbcraufe agapntt natucc,^ moicouetfucTcc tbc fame tonce*
tbat tbefe all anb all tuftsin man, ttubpc after bubebiu otbec, ^aiipugc bclcctacpon anb pica*
tbctooilbc anb tbe flcfl) tbccfoxc tobat fucerbccctn.
fo(uec(aslongeastoearctoitboutc ffpymcof antocrcconbctbaptccbcpxocebctbfuctbct^
J5ob)toctbtncHCoirpeahc of©ob J offaptl)c,of
rcbuhctbaltbofcbolp people alfotoofncbcvoitb? tt'Cuapf*
goobtooiftrs,anboffpiritua!lmattcc.CallfU£b out luacanb loueto f 'amclpuemcl! outmatbe^
alfoalltooxcBestobtcbcatcbonctopfbout grate fp tu tbefaccof tbcoooi'bc, aiibtottbcmpueotber
anbtoltbouttbetooxbpngc of tbe fptntc.tjoto ro gtablpastbcnarutcofalbtpoceiicsisfo tbtiifte
<uctgoobbolpautofptcitualltbepfcinctobc:3s tljcm rclucs puce in ccfpccte of open fpnnccs.a lib pet bate tbe latojeintDacbclpc, ffacefnliofcouc*
tobcte#aulcnumbxetb,toDxfbtpputgcof3;bols. teoufnes anb citupc aub of all toucleancs .fSSfato.
toitebcraftc , fEKupc,aub batc.amoiigctbcbcbcs intbc.rjrut.cbapt.^tjcfeacctbcpbjUtcb befptfa
efti)eflcujc,aitbbpf.btu cbaptcttotbciaoma.
. tbc goobnes of gob,aub acrotc nig to tbf bacbue«
t»btte he fapctu tbat tbe lame bpthc CMl0U0 f f
of tbcic bcactcs,bcapctogetbecf« tbe fclucs tbe
Ucfb is weahe /.tobtcbe ts not toiocrft aubc of ton? towtoeofgob.^uctbccmwc.5>.|&aulcas a tcuc
cba&itconlp,butofal funics aubmoftfpcrtallp, ctpoObct of f latoe,fufiTCtb no mi to be tajttbouC
of tonbclcfc.tobicbe is a Dice mod c f piritua II, anb ftunc.butbcclacetb rbat all tbep ate tontocc f time.
srounocb of alfinncs. hiDtcboffcetoplaubofuatutc^pUpucmel.aiili
anb astbou callcb r>tm, tohf tbc is not tcnucb fuffectbtbemnottobe bettcttbcittbcopc" fpu^
tbitbtbe fpirite , anb boxneagapne tn Cbxiftc, ncts,pca,bccallctb tbcm bacbcbeattcb, 9 ruepe
flctbc, anb all sntbetoccpe morions astaunotcepeutc.
ofbysbcatt anbmpiibe,byslcrnynge,bcarpuc, antbe.tti.tbaptccbcmfuglctb botbfb8«bec „.. ...,
anb contemplation of Ijictbpnges.byopicachtg botbetbcjierocsaubtbcgcutples^fapctb tbat zr^L-
tcacbin ge , ttubpe tit tbe fcttptutc , buplbpngc of
cburcbcs,fouubyttsofabbays,gcutngoi aimcs,

rente bcttocne tbtm.fauctn tljisonelptbatfJlcs

p * V
' mau*e,matteus,aubtobatCeeuecbeboctb,tbougb tuesbabtbetxjoxbeof (Sob commttteb tontotDl.
fpicirnall tt feme fptcttttall anb after tbe lames ofiSob, anb tljougij manp of t&£ bdeucb not f beccon, p«
fo courtat itoife call bun fpicttual, tobtctc is res is gobbes tcuctb 9 ptompfc rbecbp nettbec Uutte
luicbiudmft , $albts Debts thicbcfpxyngc of ticjtntnifbcb:anb betahetb tu btstoap anb alrb*

faptb.remetbep neuec fo gcoffc, as tbc wafbpng gctbtbefapiugcoftbe.l.pfai.tbatgobmpgbta*

of tbc btfctplcs fecte bone bpCbxtft.aub jsctcts btbctcucinbtstDoxbesanboueccomcitJbenbcts j-j, c # a *^
fpfibpttg af tct tbc tcfuctcccton,pca 9 al tbe btbcs iubgeb. after tbat octetoutnetb to bis pucpofe iu A ifm i.
of mat rimotip are puce f piritual ,pf .tbep pzocc be agapitccpxouctbbppT'tiPtutx.p^lmgmifbout uor . b ut
of faptb.anb tobat fo cnct ts.bonetoptbtu the la: bitfccenceox crccpttonatefpnucrs anb i bp tbc ^tttb #
w '

Iocs of © oti.ttjoug d it be toxou gnr bp t he boopc, tooxefees oftbclatojenomatstuQificb:but tbat ft . «

astbctoctptopppugoflboesanbfucblpfec.hotoj tbelatocwas geucn to bttec 9 to bcclace fpnne " "^IL
foeucc gcofetbep appeceouttoacb.^ttboutfucb ouelp.irbgbcgpunetbtjeanoibetoctt) tljctigbte
l o uw» w w
tmbccftanbpug of tbefc toexbes.cauft tuou neuec ioapctouto cpgbtcoufue? bp tobat meanes mcit
»noer(laubetbpscpiaicoffayut$atilc,ucptbec mufte be mate tpgbtcoufc a fafe,?f apetb- 3Tbcp
aop otbec place in the bolp fcttptutc. g-ahcbcbc arcalfpnncts$tottboutpxapfs bcfo?e *Si2>S>,. tobofocnec tonbetft anberft tbcfc too: anb muft lobout tbcic otonc befecuinges be mabe
bee otbcctopfc,tbcrainetoiibct08bctb uct^aul, cigbtcoufc tbojotoe taptbein Cb?tfte, tobpeba
toqatfoeucc be be./ftoro topll tot pxepat c ouc fci batb bcfcei eb fucbe ctgbtcoufnes f 0? bs 9 is be*
ues to tbc Apt Qlc. come bnto bs gobbes m:tcp Oole fo? f temtffton
< -a foi&i mucbe as it becommctb tbc picacftcc of of f ynnes p ace pad, tbetbp pioutngc tbat Cb?<*
3Cb< fica cftxtftesglabtpbpngcs.fpta tbototo openpug of ttcs tignteoufnestajbicb commctb on bs tbo?ovo
Cbaptcr, tDelatunoccbufee aitbpnge?,$topxoucaltinnc fapetb.bclpetbbsonclp.'flDbttbccigbteoufnes.
g«u fpnne , t^at pwecbe not of tbe fpictte anb of ts a»\o bcclaceb tb 0: oto f gofpcl, anft

teas tefttf icb bcfoxc bp $ late anb of tl;c #xopl;cs notof out berctupnges 9 mecttcs. «Sobbe9 metcp
tcs.,ffuttt;etinoic(rapetb bOtbelato is Uolpeaua in pxomefpng,(ttcucto in fulfpllpngbpsptomps
futtbetcbtboxotocfaptb , tbougbcptbetooub.C9 fesfauctous.auDnottocoutfclucg.auDtbcrfox
tbccoftoitbaltbettboft arc biougtjr to nought 9 tsalllaube pxapfcanbgloxpe.tobegcuenbiito

pxoucbttottotuaific. iSobfox I;i9 mcccp 9 ttuctb,$ not tonfobsfox out

_.. 3Uifbefouctb cbapt'c( after tbat notocbp tbe bcrccutugcs. at tec tbat be u retcbet b b>s cnrSpie
Tnc.iiiU rbzc fttft cbaptets.tbcftnnes atcopciteb,aub tbe out agapuQc al tbet goob tooxbts of tbe latoe 9
Cbaptec, toap of faptb onto tigbtcourttcslapcbjbcbcgpns cenclubctb f t be 3i c m es c an not be abxaba 9 bep*
netb to attrttccc to ccc :ca obiccttoits ano cautlla tC3,bccaufc of bloubc 9 bpneeb oitlp.auo muebe
tious.anbftttt ljcputtctb foxtbtbofebliubrcas f cat bp tbe tooxbeg of tbe iatoc.but muttc tub cctt
rou9,tobicbc commoulpctbcp tbat topll be tutti= abxat;a9 faptb, pftbep topll be tbctpgbt bepxt9
fteo bp tbm ooju tooineg ace toout to matte tut) 6 of abxabam: foxasmucbeas 3bxab3bcfo:c rtjc
tljcp beare b faptb o:icip toitbout tootcftC9 tuQ is latoc,boto of jQ^ofes 9 of etccumctfion toas tbo;
f icr b.fapingc: (bait men bo 110 goob vuoihcs pea,
totocfaptb luabc cpgbteous, 9 calleb tbr fatijcc
aiiD pf f ap :!; onclp iuftific.tobat ttcbctb a mat? to of all tbcm tbat bcleue,aub uotof tbcm p tooxhe.
flubpefoj to boc goobVtio:ckcsf ljcputtctl; fonljc HQoxcoucctbclatoccaufctbtoxatbc.masmucbc
tbccfoxcabx«'tbafoxaueura'p!e,rapiiig:tobatbpb a9ttoma!t can fulfplIittoptbloucaubluQc.
flbtabam mitl; bte\rooificg.j t&as alt tit uaruc^ %nb as lougc as f uc ye gtubg pug, b a tc.attb ttibt?
tame t»9 tooxhes to no pxof it?3nb To cficlubc tb p gnactou agaptia tbe latoe tcmapneto in tbe bets
Bbxabam toitbout (tbcfoxealtooxbcstoastuftii teg 9 is not ta hen atoap bp tbe fptutc tbat coins
("icOtfmaberpgbtcous.JlnComuebCfbathcfoiC inctt; bpfaptb,foloiigc(uoboutc)tbe tooxbes of
tDc tooth of c 1 cQct fi on be toas pxaifeb offimo * tt>clatoebcclatccutbcntlptbattbctoxafbof0od

tutc.aiiDtallcDttgijfCougbpUtsfaptb ott!p.i5c. is upon 09 anb notfauouc . \TDbctf oxc faptb ones

in £.ro.$otl;at t;c opbtiottbctoozheof ctrcQct- Ip tcccauetb tbcgcaccpxompfcbuiito abxabam.
Hon foitobcbolpctbeccbp.vnto tpgbtcouiucg, aubtbcrcciifamplC9toetcitottoxpttcufoxabxa£
tobtcb pet gob c 6 m auubeo t;nn to boc,aub toas a ba«i9rai»coitclpc(fapctbbe;butfox ouccs a!fo,
900b tooxcheof obcDicttcc. totobompftocbctcucfaptblbalbcccSCiiCDIiac-
&o in tpbctotft no bout none otbec woxbes ca top re fox cpgbreoufncs,as be fapctbm tbe cube
"autteatb bdpc anp tbtug at al to a mas lufttftpng. But as of tbe Cbaptct. •
ap*, # w
toooic&Cfi abxab59ctrcQcifi8 toasan outtoacbftgttc tobec 3utbeftftCfbapterbccommeubetbtbcfcuii *P;*"; -
atefigitcs bp bebcclacebbigcig'ncouriiestobicb btbab bp tcsaub tooxbcsoffaptb.asacepcaccceiopfpuge wapror*
$toimcr=faptb,aHbbi9obcbieccatibtcbinC5 onto f topi of in ti;c cou Cc cucc, uitoacbc loue to gob anb man:

fits of tbe gobtcucTo arc alotbet goob tooxftcs out toacb fig moxcoucc bolbciiC9,t tuft ,cotifibcttcc,anb a ttrflj
intoatbc ncg $ outtoacb f ruttcs of fait I; 9 of f, tobub aubaluftpmpuoc^ftcbfaftbopeiuttibulaciott
faptb* tuQ trie not a ml.but (bctoet b a ma is mftif icb al anb futftpngc . fox all fucbe folotoc tobtce ri;c

rebp befoxegob tutoacblp tit f bcatt.tboxoto fattb ttgbt faptb is.foxtbcbabitiibatlcc of gcaccg faitc
9 tboioto tbe fpxpt c piircbafcb bp Cbxtftcs blouD. anbgiftC9oftbcfpttttc,tobicb 90b batbegcucu
©ere toitl; notoftablifbeb.&.iaaulc bisbocs b3tii.jcfuc;mft,ttttbatbc gauc bpmtobpcfot
ftitic of faptb afozetehctfeb in tbe.iii . chap. anb bs,rctt)pgc«;mpc9. Jiioroe banc toe f bcit.tbat
bxtngctbalfotcfttmotipof faptb ou:lpebc/oxc a: tooxc'acsiuftifietb, 9 tbat

tobtcl) caller b a ml bleflTcb not of tapxbes, butm it folotoetb not pet tbecefoxc tbat a man (boulbe
tbatbisrpnncisnotcceSiCncb .flsinrbatfaprbis bo no goob toooxcbcs.but t bat tbe tigbte dbapett
rr ™"
tmputcbfoxttgbtcoufues.tbougbbeabibc not af tooxitcs abtbe not belipubcbutaccoittpatip fattb
rjr 9 tcttoatbctottboutgoob tooiRCs.tobebcisoitcs cucn as tbe bugijtties boetb toe fnne,$ ace ca!lei»

J fufttfieb foi toe arc iufttficb anb ccecauc f fpp s ofidauletbc femtes of tbefputte . w>bccc tbt

tZ»*ff u n

*r: / ritefoxto bo goob tooicaes.neitbec tocc umbers rptrttcis , tbctcis altoapesfommcc , 9 tb^teare
W*. totfepofliblctotwegoobtooxBescrceptctoebab altoapcs goobftuites.tbatisto rape: goob tooi= goob too?
firftf be fptttte. bcs.i3rbi9i9)daulc90xbcc, tbat goob toooxeftes hesace
tfoxbotoc is it poffible to bo anp flung to cir in rpxpugof tbcrptcitctbc fpicitecometbbp faptb ffemtes
tbe ri9btof*Sob,tobtletocaccpet in eaptiuttc<t anb faptb cjiniuctbbp beacpngc tb? teooxbe of of tbefpf-
bSbaje onbec p" beuil, 9 f bcutl poCroTetb 03 alto Coo , tobcu tbe giabbctpbpngcg aub pxoinpfes, ;tte.
getbet 9 bolbetb out bcattes, fo tbat toe can not tobicbt3obbabmabC to ug in CDuic arc picas ,

ottcstonCcut tttto p" topi of gob. /ao man tbecfoxe cbcbftul,»c,aub teccpueb in tbe grouube of'rbc
t& pxcueiu tbe fpititc in bopng goob,but f rptctre bcatt tottbout toauenn jeoxbouttiig after tbat

tttuft f tcQ come, ft toa ac Dim u re of 1; 9 Q cp c anb

1 tbelatoe batbepaiTcbbpotibs, aubbatbebanp^
tottti f tbunbec of tbe latocfearebpm, atibfbeto neb oucccoitfctcncC9 . WbcretbetooiDCof «5o£»
bpuibpsmifccablceaatc* totcrcbebucs,*mabe is ptcacbcbpucelp aub teccpueb in tbcbeatt.rbcc
(nm abboxre $ bate btm felfc.anb to beftre bclpe, tsfaptbcaiib tbe fptritcof t5ob, anb tbtteace,
aub rben comfoitc bun agar nc\t tbe plcafauute alfo goob tootbesof ucceffttic tobtnfoeuer occa-
rapneof tbe gofpci.tbat fs to Cap .totfb tbe rujetc rpotti9gcucu.
pzomtfeso/gob in cbxifte, anb ft ice up faptbe in MDbrtc tsobbei toooxbc is not putdpcpxea<s
btm to bcleue tbe pxom»fes. £ c to!) t be bcleucrb cbcb.but mens bxeainc9,ttabtctons,pmaginacis
1; gob toasmcccpfu! to p:o:mfc,fo otts, iuueucious.cctcmonpes anb fupctftpciou,

t9 be true to fulpll tbcm ,*nb topll geue t;rm tbe t U etc is 11 faptb > aub con fcqueutlpc no fptttte £
fptttte anb tttcngtb,botl> to loue tbe topi of 0ob cometb of gob. anb tobcteisobbcsrptttfeig not.
anbtotooxbctbecaftcc. $0 fee toe tbat gob ones t becccau be no goob tooxttcs.cuE ag tobctc an ap^
Ipc tobtcii atcoxDtngc to f feciptuce tooxbetba!! plefcctsuof,tbetccangtotoenoapple9,b:4ftbe6
mall tbtnges, toeoxbetb a mane tutttfiptig, r<xh tsbnbelefc , tut bctipUf picttcaub cupl tooxbes.
uacion anb bcal t bc.pca 9 poucct b faptb Anb be:
£>f f bp9 tSobbe? fptttte anb b?s ftuircs bant
fcuc.luft tolouegobbes topl,anb Qccngtbtoful: oucebolpc bppocn tea not ones bnotoeu,uettbct
ftltbtramctntobs,eucnastoatccispoucebtnto pet taftca boto ftoetc tbcpate.tbougbtbtpfJinc
a bcffcl,£ tbat of bis 900b topll aiibpucpofeaub maupgoob tooxbesof tb<ic otone (utagiuacitHis,
to tlje &M$ti& iSfaUm^u
to btMMfm tmrtjAi, fit tthtrij (snot bite (tome potoct attb bomtmott outc bstrcuig toe can
Ijaf l)
of tcucfaptb of fpititual loucrozof iutoacb tope, not fulfpll tbc iatoe.ttamclp tottbtutbc bette.fot
peace anb qutctttcs of ton men ce.foz a mu c b c a 3 as muebe as no man of nature fauoucetb f latoc,
tbcp baueuottbctooibc of gobfoztbcm.pfucbe csfcurctb tbetebnto anb bilptetb t bcrbz.MDbicb
toozefces p Icafe gob,bu t rtpep ace cue # cotctt f tut; tbpttgets crccabpng great fptme, tbat me cannot
tcs of a coten tree. content to tbc latoe.totjpcb latoc tsnotbpugclfe:
sa f tec 1 1) a t !) c bzeabetb foztbc , anb tun net !) at fauc tbe topi I of Gob.
!atgc,aitb fbctoctb tobence both fpunc,$ cpgbte= Sbpststbccpgbtfcebomcfclp&crtiCfrcifprt*
p" latoc.tobcrof be tozptctb onto tt)»
otifncg.bcatbanb lifccome.anb bccompatetba= ne anb from
nam 9 Cbztfte together , tbus topfc cearenpuge cube of tups cbaptcc tbatittsafrebfitobogoobj
ant) bifputtngc.tbat Clma mutt uebes come as a ottclp toptb luftc, anb to Ipuc toell toptbout com*
fecoubeabatomabcbs bcttcs of btsttgbteoufs pu!ftonoftl)clato:toberfozctbtsfccbomtsa fpt
ties, tbojotoeauctocfptnrualbpztbc.toouroutc rftualifrebcme, tobpebocftropetbnottbelatoe.
oetccittijgcstcuetias toe fir ft attain maoe tig bet; butmtmftrctb tbattobtcb it ccqupzetb,^ toiler*
tesof fpttttc tbozoto f bobelp gcncractoti,toptb= topflitbeiatoctsfulfpllcb.tbattstottttictftabc,
out our beferupug. ilDbctbp it 19 cupbentlV ano; luftc attb low, tobcrtoptb tbe latoc is flpllcb 9 ac
tuctt 9 pzoucb to tbc u ttcnnoftc, tbat no matt can tufetbusnomoze , copelfctbbsuomozc.ncptbct
bipngcbtmfilfcou.eoffiimcuitto cigbtcouflics batbougbtctorcaueof us attpc mooje cutttas .

nomozetbcnbceoulbc baue tottoftaubctbat DC rbougb f toetctn oct to attotbcrman.f tocrc not

teas bozncbobelpc. anb tbat ts pzoutb tjcrttoirt? ablcropap.ttoomancctoapes mpgbteft tbou be
fozasmucbeastbcbccp latoCoftSob.toi.'trbcof loufcb.j©netoapc,pf bctoonfbeccqutrcitotbpng
ttgbtefboulbebaueboIpe,pf attpc tbtttgCcottlbc of tbe.anb b:calic tome obiigacUS. attotbec toap,
baue boIp£,tiotoncIp came anbbzougbt no bcipc pf fomeotber goob matt tooulbcpap foi tbc,aub
tott b Jjcr but alfo eucccafeb flnne.bpeaufc tbat p" Stuc tbe astnucb as tbou mpgbteft rattffp fbptte
cup! aubpopfoncb nature tsoffcnbcb anbbftcr; obltgactcl tbts totfecbJifl b«b n» at,fi
tpbtfplcafco tottfj the latoc ,aub tljcmozc (bets
tozbpbbp tbe latoc.tbemoze is a;Cpzouoheb,aHb
us frcftom f latoc.attb tbetcfozc ts tbts tto totlbe
ttc(blpiibctrp,tbatIbaulbcbocuoug!)t,bitt. tbat

retafpzerofulfpIlaiiDfatitficbceluttcs . tbc ©p boctb al tbtttgc3,attb (sfcefrotn tbc ctamng anb

latoc tben toe re cferelp tbat toe muft tubes bauc bet of tbelatoc.
Cbzpftc to tuftpf ic us top tb Ops grace, e to bcple 3lti tbcbtf coitftrmetl) fbc famcii a bu.eb^p $

ttatuce. ftmt!ptubcoftbeOatco:matctmoup.astobctt#
3|titbc.b(. fcttctb foxtb t cbiefc 9 pztit? bufbatibcbtctbtbetotfetdaftjerlpbcctp.anb t\)c
*i.cbapf« ct'paltoozftcof fattb.f bataiieof p" fpicitcagatuft one loufcb attb bep^rtcb from tbc otijct.itot tbat
tbeflcuXboto tbcfptcttelabourcrb attb ettfozcctl) t :; e tooman (boulb :tot tfAuc potoet to matp bnto

to bpll tbc cctnuaunte of fptme attb luftc tobpebe attotl)ctmatt,butratber noto fttft of alisOpcfre
temapnetb ttt rbc a cup, after out iufttftpngc.anb anobarbpctocctomarptontoatiotbcrma,tobici7
tins c&ap.teacbetbbs.r&af toe ate tmtfofccefrfi the coulbc not bObcfoze.rpi ft>e tons loufcb ftome
fpnuctOctctofaptb,ptocft>oulocbciiccfoztbgoc bcr fttft btifbaubcif ttcn fo are outc coufctcuccs
Up aitbbotoHcpblc.eaccfcuXattb furc'of outc (ch bounbe attb tu cauitgct to f> latocbttbcr olbc aba
ucs.astbottgt) tbctctoctctibtocuDmozerpnue m tbc 3cio, as iottgc as be Ipucti; tnbs.^Foz tb latoc
tos.pes tbetc is fpnne remapnpngc tu us.but it is beciacetb tbat oucbeartcsare bcuttbc$tbatto€
notrcc6encbbpcaufcoffaptb,aitbof tberpicite, can not btrconrcnt fr fl b tm. ]gut toben be ts mozs
ttDbctfoiCtoebaucpitougb to bo our liucsl8g
en $ bpileb bp tbe fpftitc , tben is f cottfctcucc
^ ue u ™

fcapttftne tofameourebobpes, anb to copell tbe membzest uotottougbt bo.butiiotoftrft ofalcleauctbbuto ^t',rj
t94toits roobeptbefptrtte^notf appetptcs,tbattl)crbp aiiotbtr.fbartsfotaetCbxtft.ait&bztitgctbfotfb ?°P „;
ntsbCi toempgbtebclpbebntoibztftcs Dcatbcjrcfurs tbe fruttesoripfc^oitototobcbttbcrf latoc.ts "'J.;^';
ttoeugob re«ion,(H mpgbtfulfpl ourbapttfme.tobtcbftgs ttotto beabictofulfpllflatoe.butto be better to
anbbsf nifietb ^moztiftpugof fptmcs.anb tbc ttctoc lire it, anb not ableto papc tbat tobicbetbc latocc?
tocbaue ofgtacc.^oztbtsbarte! cetfetb nottn usbntpll qu cctb. anb to be loufc from tbc lato ,ts to fulfil

pzompftb tbelaftbzcatb^btttpl f fptme be bttcrlpcflapne anb to pap tbattobtcb tbe lato fifmauttbctb,fop>
tomoztis bp tbc beatbe of bp9bobpe. it can nctoc bcute foztb ante tbettougbt.
fpcf !ufti arbtstbpiigcf3| meaiietotantefbc'bobp <tft Confcaucntlpidauie&cclarctbmozclatgelpe
es 9 funic foztb) toe arc able to ooffapctb be)fepttgctocarc tbenature of fpttttc ts of tbe latoc,botoetbat tbo?
f remap; bn&etgracc,anbuotbttbertbeIato,n)batttfsitot rotoe tbc lato fpttuc rcupuctb, mcuttb bcr felfc,(E
ttcttf tu# to be bnoct tbc bun fcifc crnoQbetb.tfoz gafbecctb Orcngtbc.^Foztbcolbcmau jcozrupte
fleafbe, not to be bubcr f lato is not To to be bnbecftabe, n.mitc.rbc tnoic be ts fozbpbbSano bcptbnbct of
tbat cucrp m3 map bo tuba t btm luftetb-tSut not moze otTcnbcb attb bifplcafcb tbjts
tbc latoc.ts p
to be under tbe lato, id to banc a fee be art rcnucb astnucb asbecaunotpapctbat tol;tcb
to ttb.foz
toitb tbe fptrtte, to tbat tbou baft lufttutoarDclp isccqutrcb rf tbclamc iFozTpnuctsbtsitatutc,

of tbpttcaccozbcfoboctbat tobttbcplatoc com; attb of 1) tm felf c, c can not but fume. 2:1.1 erf oze is

maunbctb ,to tbou t cfipu If ton ,pc a .tbougb tbrrc

t tbc latoc beat to b tin, t ozmeu t anb mart irbctne*

toctc no lato. jf oz grace tbat is to fap,gobbC9 fa; Jlottbat tbe latoe tscucll , but becaufe tbat tbe
noucbziugctl) Ustberptntc^ mabcrbbsto loue cupll nature can not fufftc tbat tobicbt tsgoob,
t])t lato.f is t be tc ttotoe no mozc ftutte, netber is rati not abpbe tbat tbe latoc fboutbe ccqutce of
tbe lato ttotoeanpmozeagapnftbs, but at one,^ bpm attpc goob tbpngc.iLpbc asa rpebe man cars
agree* toitb bs anb toe to tb it. t not rufftc tbat a man fboulbc ber?J c of bpm to
STobtbit ©utto be otibec tbe Iatoe,ts to bealc toitb tbe leapcattfi to be otbet bebesof an toboic
lictflato toozbes of tbc latoc, jtotoozhe toptbout tbcrpt^ man.
tobat itie ttte
Mti fieacc:foz fe longc no boubte fpuuc repg jjFoztobrcbe faurc&apnctciaaulc conclnberbp
Mttb mbs tbozotoc tbe iatoc.tbat is to fap,f lato tbattobcrc tbc latoc 19 bttbecftanbe 9 pctcepuca
•tcUrctb tbat totattVttbct fpnt^attft tb«t fttme of tbe beft tou"c,tbctc u boctb no moozebut brtcs
dje $Pb ge
ft'Mif.atibbxpttgCbsbniotbeknotolcbgeofouce togctbect'ptcttuail.
tciues.aubtbctcbp& 3Httbe.»(ti.cbaptct,bCconifOifetbfucbft8b* JTbcbift.
Ditto eternal bampttaciort.anb bcttctsof the cues tecs, that tbp btrpeace not becaufc of fuch fl caoj
iaamgc unatb of gob>«uctt as be well fcaleb aub otbec tbp ukc that tbep ate inTe tufauoucetoptb
tmbccftanbttb tobote coufcicnec is tculp toucbeb *5oo.2«d beu)ctoetb botoe t> f funic remapuinge
ef the la wc. 3)u fucb bauuget were tec pec pMato mbs,burtetbnot:foz there is no oauugecto tt)t
camc,tbat toe knewc not toM't finnemeutc.neps that ace in Clntft c wbtchc toalcke not after the

tbespctkitomctoctbctoiatbeoftfo&bpoiifpus fleau)e, outfight agapnfte it. ano becipounoerb

iiers.tpll tbelawebaD bttcccbit. forced tbou moic lacgelp c.tohat tbe nature of tbefleu) ano of
tbat * man mutt baue-fomeotber tbpuge.pea anb tbcfptciteis.anb hotoc tbe fputtc conrmeth bf
a states; ano amooicmpgbtpc tdp:ijjc then the Chit tte, wi; coe fptctte maketh bs fptct tuail, ta

la wc, to matte bimtigbteousaiibfafcSbeptbat metb.fubbuetb.aiibmottifpctbthcacCb.ctcertp*

bubecftauoc not the lam on this Wife, ate biittbe, fpctb osthattoc arciiciicctbctref fotiucsofgob,
auD goto mo;&cpicfit nptuouaf fuppofpuge to
, anb alfo bcioueo though p fpnuc capgnc ttruec To
fattffictbe lame with mooiites. tfoitbcp kuotoe mitcbeiuos.aslottgc as tocfolotoc the fppitte,
not tbattuclawe reqjitcctb a free, a Wpllpugc.a aub f pgh te agapnfte fpnuc to kpll aitb moitpf i»c
iuftp.aub a loupttge acactc . S&beefojetbep fe not it. aub bptauftnothpnge is fogoobto f moitp-

fisjofes ctgbttu the facc:p" baplc ban gctb betweu mo

f ipng of tbe fieaft) as the croCfe ttpbulacpou:
aubbtDetbbisfacc.ra tbatt&cp cannot beboloe o:t etij os tit ouccpaOTpous n affhetpons,
tOc gloip of bfecouutctiauncc, rjo wc that f> latoe bp thCaOfpfteecof thefppute tojtchc maketh tits
is fptctr u *ll ano eequiectb tlje bcactc. 31 mape of tccccffto to gob f oi b s mpgbtelp with gconiuges

mmeotoueftccttgtbtefrapiietbat 31 bo mine cuc= tlm paiTc mans tbat mans fpcacb
mp no burtc.but to lout btnttott I) at mpne heart,
ca tt not c ompieb cub c them, aub with f moxupitg
ano to put awap w:ath cleane out of mpmpiibe, alfo oftbc creatures tottbbs.of great beftce that
eau 31 not of mpttc otouc ft tetig t b 31 mape cefufc
tbep bauc.tbat toctocre loufebfromfpnne 9 cois
moucp of mpneotone ft rciigt b, but to put atoapc tuptionoff flcfb-^ofc toe^tbcfc.ui.chapt.tii.
louc onto cpcbeflTc oute of mpne bcactc.can ? not t)1 1 .m. o none other thing f mu cbc as to biiue
too of mpne otouc ft rcttgrb. So abftapne fed abuU bs but f rpgbt woikeof f aptb.toaicb is f bp p" I coucecttpit j tt)C outwacocDeoc.catt J

bo olbc matt.aiiD moitpfpe the flcft).
of mpne otonc ft ccug r b but not to befitc in mpne
,;i.chaptetst)e treatetb of gobs
t)tu, is asbnpotublc onto is to cbof c w b^ pzcocft iuacpoit, Whence 1 tTpipngeth altogether,
tbeel topi hunger oninufte, aub pet fu tbclatoc whether weft) all bcl tue o; not, belourcbfcfifpn 2Tbt.*.F,
cequiretb-ilDbccfozcof a mauitesototieftrcugtb, Oi not.TSp tohichcpicbcfttttacpon, our tufttftpng anb.ri.
is tbe la we ntucc f ulf pHeb.toe muftc bauc there- a tib faluactonlare deanc takeu out of our tiAnots Chapter.
tonto gob dcs fauouccaub bis rptcite.pucebarco anb put in the banbes of gob onelp, which f hpng
tip Cbjiftes bloubc^cuettbcleiTc tobcu 3| Cape a tsinoftuecciTarpeofal. jfoiweacefowcaheaub
maiitnapcbomaitptbiugcsoitttoarDlpclcaitca= bncecfaptic.thatpfitftobctiibs.thccctoolbeofa
gapttft bisbeacr.we muft bubecftauoc tbat man truer i; no man be fauco.thcbcupl no bout wauU»
is but bttueit of biuccfe appetptcs,aub f> gecateft becepue bs.ffiut uoto is gob f ure, that Dps picbc;
appCtptcouctcometb the lefjc, 9 tartctt) the man ft 11 act on can not otceme h tm.ttcthcc can aup ma

atoap u olcntl v
t tot th bet. top thftanb o» let bim, anb tbccfoie baue toe b ope
as When 31 Dcrpicticiige.umcc, attn fcatc alfo aub t r u ft agapuft fpu tie . )Suc here muft a mac itc
tbc titcouuemeitce that ts ipse to f eacc be fct unto thofcbtiquict , bufp 9 t)f9t) clpmpuge
fee jTMtcc.a abftapue,pf the appctptctbatDcfp= fpp :p tcs.hoto facte thep fbatt go:i£>bPCb f pxft of
rctb ucttgcaucc be greater . 31 can not but piofc= al bzit g t bptber their high reaf ons anb piegnant
cure f becb, as toe fe bp experience in matt p mu t« topttes,anbbegpn ficft f com an high > to fearth
fbems 9 tbcues, tobpeb though tbep be bxough t thcbottfilcsrctrctcsofgobspicbcftuiacia.toher*
into ncucr Co great perpl of Death , pet after t hep ther tbep b:p;cbcftittatojiiot.3rhcK muft ncoes
t aue cfc a p to oo eucu tbe fame a gapne. anb com
, cithcc c aft them fclucsbouttc ijeaa longc ttttobt-
nunc toome pxofecute tbepi luftcg.bccaure f care rpecactott, oicls commit toe fclues to fee cbaftce
.auD u)ame are awape, when otber tobpehc bane careles.)6utfolotoctOou the otber of thps £pp«
tbe fame appetites in tbe t c bcactes.abft apitc at p* ftie.aub noff it tbp felfctoptb chufte.aiib Icarue
Icaft toap outtoarbelp ottooicke rccrctlp bepugc robnberftanbe tobat the latocattb the iSorpelt
oucccoinc of feacc$of ftoamc, aub folpbewifets meattc.auD the office of bothttoo.thattboumjtft
it of al otber appetites. iu the one knows t b p felfe, 9 botoe that thou haft
tfuctbermtoicbcDcclatctb.botoctbcrptrtfe* ofthpfclfenoftcengtb,buttorinne:jinf other
-mx«.»«k tbcae (be fight together in one man, aubmakctb tbe gcate of Cbtpftc anb then fee thou fpgh te a- STji'sbof
^icgjano aH eiir4mp jc of bpm rclfe, tbat toe mpgbte learue Si?ntt fitmc.anb f fleu)e,as tbe.bii. fpiaechap* Tfp toplt
t0 fenoto ,, oto t0 to01hc arpgbt.3I meaueto ftpll tecs teach tbe. after tba t tohen thou arte come to bnbtcft®
fight to* fp,unourefelucs.iactaIletbbotbtb«fpiriteanI> tbe.btit.chapter.aubartebnber tbecroflTe tsrufs
getber. alfotbeflctb alatoe.bpcaufctbatlpkeastbena* reriugc of tribulation , the neccTtrc of piebeftp*
nice of go ooes lato is to btpue, to compell, anb to avion topi! toajre ftoete.aub thou ft)alt toell f efe
craue,eucnfo^flcu)eDipuctb,c6pe[letb,ctauetb botoCp?ccpousatbfngc it is. >pojej;ccptethoii
anbragctb agavnftc t be fpt cite, ano top H bane banc borne the ccofJc of abuccfttpe ano teptactS,
ijee luftes ratttfteo . on the otbec Tpbe oztuctb f anb-baftefcltcthpfelfebjougbtebntothtbctpc
irt»ctte,trtctbaiibfigbtetb agapnfte the flcaPJc, bjpm of befpecacion ,pea, ana bnto hell gates:
aub toplt baue bis iufte f attffiCD . Ettb tt)ii ftrife tbou canft neuet meblc toith f (entente of p?cdc*
buretb in u », as longc as toe Ipuc: t tt Tome moie,$ ftinaciontoifhoutthtne otone barme.anbtoith*
in Tome tetTe,as tbe fptrtte oi tbe 9 eaftjc is Qrott- out fecrete tojath * grubgpng intoarblp again*
*rcc,auo thcecrp maiihisowitcfclfctsbotbctbc tSoti ,f : otber wife it (bat not be poiTiblc f 1 the
finite anb'iicbefpgbtctbwitbbps totbpnkcp (Sobiactgbteous rtiufte.^herfoje
owncfcirctiittpllfpttiiebcbttcrlpnapitcjtocaU mufte aaara be toell mo;ttf (cbano ae(b Ip toyttt
? b

fcjougbt bf tctlp to riottg&tt , yet ftbon mapcCc opcnftnncts,%Rkatneb,bncrpccf,^oflotbfoia

atoap toitb ibis tbpngc , anb ajpnebe fotttonge ntancts, $ not tocaQctbem atoapc f«tbctoptb»
kbtnesabe bebe tbctcto;c bnto tbp fclfc, £ tbou but to ruffcctbcmtpl tbcp toarebcttrt: 9 cFDoite
Iwinthe not toinc.tobp le tb ou art c pet but a fuc« tbf in tbe meanc tpme. >F o; ro bealt JCbufte in t\)t
fclpngcifo? euctp leatupng batb bet tpmc.mca? gorpel.^notocbcaletb toitb bs baplp.fufftpnge
fuceanDagc,tn£b;itt is tbetc a ecttapne cbiibes outunpctfcctncs 68toeabcneg , not petfaibtonc&i
bobe.intobicbe a man muftc be content vfc mtlftc aftet tbcbocttmc of tbcgofpell , but fmellof tbe
to? a fcafon.bntpl be toarc Or oitg $ gtoto bp bn ficfb.pea,^ fome tpme bxcahe foitii into outtoacb
toapetf«tnianinCb?iuc.anbbcabUtocatcof ocbes. aftet tbat to conclube tottb al be tepfber
tno;cfttongctmcatc tbcnj euctcaccof faitb,peacc,$ tope of coufcieuce,
3ln tbe.rii.cbaptctbegeuctb crbojtacions. piapfctbtbem^commpttetb t\)tm toigob,aub
rtt.cbaP' Jfojtbismanctobictuctbjaaulc mat bis Cup* magmftetti bts office, anb abmuuaca cton i:ttb<
ttles.f ttft be tcaebctb Cbjift ana tbe faptb , then gofpcil anb robcclpe $ toptb gtcat bif ctcctou b&
ej:bo?tctbbefogoobtoo?Hes,£bntocontinuall mcti) fuccout? apbeof tbt'fcitOc poicfapnctcs
raojtif ipng of p" flefbe. §>o bete react) c to be gocb of l!Ctur4lem,aub it is al putc louc p be f pea bet b
looses in bebe,$ tbe true fctuinge of gob, anb oibcalctb toitb al.
ma&ct b al men p';icttes to offct bp,not mo ncp £
^0 ftnbc toe in this cpifiU plcntcouOp bnto ?
bcaQcs,as tpe manct ton 9 in f time of tbe late e, ,bfmofte,tobatrocuetacbJPQeuman ox tooman
bat tbeit btonebobies.ifc fepllpnge anb mo?tif i= .ougbt to bnotoc , tbat is to top t tob at ttft atoe.
, I

yngeoft&clutUsoftbcflcfbc. 2 free ttyat be or= tbegorpei,ftn,gcace,faitb,tigbteourncs,Cbuft»

tettbetb f- ourtoatb conuetfactb" cf Cbuftenmc",
©ob,goobteoozchC9, lcue,bopc,^tbcccoCrc,ac«:
Gotoetbcpougbteto bebauctbem fclucstnfpu atib cucn tobcteiu f pub of al tbat pettapnetb to
nruall tijiugee, bote) to tcacbc,p;c acbe.anb rule
in tbe congtegacton of CbJtft » to touc'onc ano= tbe rbJtacnfaptbcOanbrtb.aitb botoea ebxiaen
f bet to fuffceall tbingee pacientlpcanb to com-
manougbtto bebaue bun fclfe butocuetp matt,
be be pcrf cc tc 0; a rpnuet.gcob 01 bab, Qtongc 01
Wpt t^ to?ake$bcngeauncctogob.31ntont!u»
toca be,ftcnb 01 foe, anb in couc.'ufiou bote to be-
fionbotoacbnftimlougbtto bebaue btmfelfc
bnto al f cenbe, foe, 0? tobatf euct be be. bauc out fclues botbc totoatbe «? ob anb totoatb
*H;cfe ate tbe tf gbtc to 00 ? &e s of a cb ; ft en man,
cucfclucsairo.anball fbpngesatcpiofouitblpc
tobicb fpjting out of faptb. #0? faptb bepcrbnot grounbcb in tbefcrpptutes ? bedatcb tottb ens

bclpc bape.ncttbct fufftctb anpemanto be pale, l'amplcs of btmfelfe.of tbefatbets, ant of § p;o-
tobetfocuet fbe btaellctb. can bete beftte no mooze.
fiu.cbap. W»bftfo;e tt appcatctbcuibcntlp tbat^aulcs
31 n tbe. jrtii. teaebctb tobonoute tbe
toojlbelpe anb tepo;aI ftoetbi .fio; tbougb tbat mpttbc teas to compicbenbc bnefelp in tbt9Cpis
mans latocanbo?btnaunccmaRe not amangoob file al f tobolc learning of CbxiQes gofpcl,auo ro
bcfo;cgob,ncptbettufttficbimtntbebcatte,pct pxepate an inttobuctton bnto al tbeolb tcoamer.
atetbepo;tbetncbfo?tomapntapncpcacc,tODus ^Foitottboutboubttoborceuctbatbtbtseppole STbtsfpfa
npfpe tbe cupl 68 to bef enbe tt)t goob , 2Cbcttfo?c pctfcctlpinbtsbeatt, tbe fame batbflpgbt anb aietotbc
ought £ goob to bonoute£tepo?allftocatbefl- to tbeeffictof tbeolbetcoaraeut toitb bimttobcte; Ho.istbc
bauett intcuetencc,tbougb ascBcetninge tbcm fojeietcuetpmantooute Cfccpttou cicctcifcbim bcic into
felucstbcp ncbe it not , but tooulbe abftapne ft8 Tclfe tbf tin btlpgcntlp, anb tecoibcit npgbt anb al f Xctip
cuel of tbeit oteme acco?b,pea,« tobo gocb teout bapeconttuualipc,DntpU bebe fulUcquaputcb tutc.jca,
manslato.bufbptbelataeof tbe fpicitctobpebe tbettoitl). (Efbep:^
• gouctnetb tbe heart , $ guibctb it bnto al tbat f abelaa cbapt ttis a cbapf ct of tcc5m?bacion optnetb it
MKiiteff tbctoplofgob.jfinallpebccompjcbenbetb anb tobcttnbepetmiuglctba goob momctS tbat toe ^ b;tgcti>
S4 b «i" ct b bpalltr.louc.jloue cf becotoncnatutc fboulbcbetoatecf^ttabtcious 5; boc trine of in?, ml to tb.e
«»? lahT
ww. bcttotoetb al tbat ftc batb,? euen bet otonefelfe tobubbcgiletbcfpntplctoropbiftcpe.anblcats tcuctms
on t bar tob trbe f 5 louco.SCbou nebett not to byb npuge tbatis not aftet tbcgorpcl.sbxatoctbcm bctGan^
amnbtnetbettobe leutng bnto bet onlpe Con. f ronXbiut.aub ttofel tbcm in toeabcanb 1 cable, sing of tt
££) ucij lefTe fpicituall ioue tobicb batb epes geug anb(as isaulc callctb tbcm in f cptftlc to \ (5a!a
bet of gob.ncbetb mas late to teacb bet to bo bet tbtans)tubeggcclpccccmouicsfo}tbccutef,tbat
uuttc.anbaainf bebpb putfo?tb tbep tooulbe Ipucm fat pafloutcs febciuautbo-
Cb;ttt as $ caufe $autbout of out tigbteoufnes
anb ftt in p" temple of gob, p is ro topic tit tbe con*
an cnfaple to counterf attctbat as be batbeoonc
fctcnccs of men, tobete gob onlp bts tooxbc.gE bis
to bs,cuen fo fboulbetocbocone'to anotbet. Cbxift ougbttoftt. CSpatetbctfoxe al manet.boc
3!n teacbetb to&ealefobctip
ttme of mentotto tbe rcciptutc,68 fe tobetbet tbe?
»tbe confcpcnces of tbe te-eafce in tbe faj'tbc,
agtccoxnot.anocomtttctbprelfctobole anb al*
tobicb bits ctft anbe notpettbeiibect? ofCb'ift
togetbet onto Cbxift, anb To (ball be libps boipe
pftfectlpprtcugb,65tofaaouc tbcmof CbjiQcn
louc,anbnattobfetbe libcttpcoftbc faptbbns rptctte.anb tmtb al bts fulttcs btocl in tbp
2Tbe f limine $ bole caufc cf rbc touring of tb is
tobinb?auncc,but tntotbc futbetaunccajebtfts
png of tbetoeatte.^Fo? tobete Ut) coaCtbctactS cpiaie.istopxoue p a man is tufttftebbpfapfb*
is not tbcre f oletoctb bebate $bcfppfinsc of tbe
oulp,tobicb pxopofitic tobo fo bcutetb, to bint is*
gorpel.3itt6bctiettbetfo?ctofsrP bcateftocabc not onlp tbis cpiftlc $ al tbat $au!c toxitetb, but
a tobtlc bntpl tbev toate fttong, tijen t tbe Itats alfo tbe tobole fcttptutc fo locfteu bp.f be fbal u« s

npng of tbe gofpcil fboulb come bnbet fote.2nb uccbnbetfianbc it to bts Coules bea!tbcia«b to
fucb toojhc is p" ftfigulct teo;bc of louet^tobctc bxlg a tna to f bubctQanbtug $ fclpng tbat fapty
louc is pctfcct.tbf te mutl ncb-:s befucb a tefpect ouelpciuaiftctb: panic pxouetb P tbe tobolc na*
bmotbetecattc.atbinge p Cb;iffcc cemmaubeb tutc of man is fo popfoncb 9 To coxtupt, ?ca,fz TO
anb c.';acgco to be bab abouc all tbrnges. b cab concctuing gofilp liuiug ox gob !p tbiuhing*
fb .tbap. Jiutbe.j:ri.c?)ap.bcCcttctb fo?tb Cjjtftasapnc tbat tt is impotTi blc fox bet to bepc tbclatoe in f
toticfolntocb,*h)2 alfobp bpstnfsplc fboulbe figbfofgob:tbat(storap,toloueit,9ofl0ueatt&
fii&'tcctbct^ ate pet bc«ne , as ti)e p ate ftaple luff to bo if a$natutallp as a matt ea tab ox bun*
. , c

IptteftpUtn rt/'t&et cleAttTeb &e t!)C€ r^jfi

ttttj.tmttf fcewqutcfecnco agapne $ uealeu the*

JcotocfaptO. tbou ujoulbca cetonwte( as a rtopue)ttnro tbp;iS
flnbbpmfttfipnge.biiDcrftanbe none otl;ct olbc pubbie agapnc:But that thou Cboulbed
vhtugtOcutobeccco!in!ebrogobanbto&eccao= be a nctoe cteatuce , aub Ipuc a ttetoe ipf
WbUutobisfattoucanDtohauc tbpfpnuce foxs after the topll of ©ob , aub not of the toOcuJf] fapcgob tutttfictb tos^ns acft). 2nb be btlpgent left thoxoto
ccraan&ctOcrbp.tinugobfoxClmQesfatiC.mfc: thpne otone negligence and
sites aubbefetupngcsonelpe ,tccepucti) us two bnthatiBCfulucsthou
ftps mcrcre.fauouccaiiD gcacc, au&fozgcuctb us lore this fauoucc
aucfiniic9.anbttibm3] fapOuC iufHf»crh>\m- anbmctcpas
ticrftanocrDcrbp that CbitC ouclp b&u; rcbcmcb gapne*
tos.bxougOtano bciyucrco teour of tOCtoxatb of
ido&auoDampnaciou , anb bath tovtij bpstoox= K3°/facetoe«,^0
feesonelppuccbarcDbsPmetcp.tbefauoucc aub
ditb tobcii 31 fapc tbatfaprbc mfttfictb, tonoer-
Oanbc riKt b p that faprbe an D t cuftmtb« tcuctt)
of goo anb in tbe mcup piomifcobsfo: COxtQcs
cCJje Cppftle of
rafic.aiib fox bis befctmnge an&tooxBcsonclpc, tljc^poftle mmtt$m\t
oocto qutcte toe confidence , anb ccctiftcbcc tbat to tljc ttomapiicfi.
our finnes ace fozgeuen, anb toe w the f ul fauouc
of ©Ob.
tfuctbctmooxc.fetbefoxetbpne cpes Cbxtftcs
tooxfecs $ tbpneotouctoooxRCs. Cbxtftcs tooxhes
«nclpiuQifptbc$ mabc fariffacnonfoubc fpn CJ&aalebcclareth bis Ionc'totoacb the Womafc
aub tbinc otone rtiozkcs not. 3>bat tsto Cap ,qm c nC9,tbctoctbtohat.the i5ofpell istoith fruptes
tcto tup roiifciciuc , $ make the furc p tt?p fumes
thetof.anb ccbubeth tb.cbeftlpncsof thcflcau)c.
ace fozgeuen toe, (E not tOtncotonc toozfecs.jfozp
pxoimfc of meccp is mabc the f ozctmOcs torn kes
fabc,(tnotfoztt)pncoh>iictooozt5C9fa&c.iilDbcr; amc
f ozc fepnge gob bath not pzomifcb p to mc otone uauutc of 3Befus*
toooxftcs (ball rauetbc.thecefoxcfaptbc in tbpue
«a^iiftc, calico to
otone tooxhes can ncucc qutcte tbp cbTetcnce.nca
cccttfis tbebcfozcgob(ttI)£gT3Dcomett; totu&gc >ean3pome,*put
9 to ta&e a rcconupirgjtbat tbp fpnnes arcfozgc . apatte to pjcaciic
ueutbc.Beponbcaltins.inpncotonc tooxhes can
ncucr lanffpc f latoc, oz pap bet that 31 ore c bcr.
^fox 3|otoetbe iatocto loucbet toptb all mpne
bcartc.roulcpotoct anb mpgu t. ttMjpcfy tbpnge (CD afotc bp f)P3 3tt«,w,«
topape 3) am ncucc able tobple 31 am coinpaOVo * ni) * IU»
ibitl) a cCbc. mo 31 tan not once begpu to ioue the
p jopftetcB in § Dolp fcnpttireg^ mabc
latoc,crccpt3l bcfpxft fucebpfapto that Cob lo niencion of fjpg fotme,$ tobicbt tuasi be<
uetb mc aub foxgeuctb mc. ^fpnallp rtjat toe fapc gotten of t&efeeDe+ofisaupD, ajaipet^ ,
faptb ouclp iuQ if p crb.ougbf to offenoe no man tapnrnge to tf)»: fle^c : 3nD Dcclateo to ,t,i«B.{ii
jfoxpf tbps be true tbat Cbxift oulp rebcmcbbs,
COxift ouclp bate out fpnnes, mabefattffaccpon be § foimc of C'OD 5 toptf) § potoec of tbe
fox tUcm,(t purcbafeb bs the fauoucc of fi5ob,tO£ fjoCp gf)oft that fapnctifpet r) , fence tbc
tnuae itne&es be true p to c tcuae ondp tu Cbxis tpme tbat JtfuB dThjttae oiue Jiotoe
Ocg bcfccupng anb t it the pzompfes of tSob tbc fa
tofe agapn fro Dcatb,*bp tobo Uie baue nuttm*.
tbec mabcos fox Cbxtftcs faae.&otbc ouclp qupct
ti;c conf cicncc anb cettif te ocr to a 1 1 be fiiuics ace ttctaucc grace anb 3!poftlcfi)]pppe,to
f ozgeucn. am toben tbcp fap a man muQ cepcur, birnge all manes ©eatben people bm.
foxfahcftimc,^ Dauca purpofctofpnncuo moxc
as npc as DC can, anb Ioue toe !a>nc of tSobrUcgo
faptb alone tuQtftetb uof.3l auCtocce that anb al bps name :€)ftbetobicbcbeatben ace
Ipfec acgumcntcsarfiiottgOtc, anb Ip he to rOpj. pe a parte alio , tobicb ate Jcfus Cb?(#
31 muftc repent aub be f oxpc, tb c Oofpcil mu 2 be
ftcsbi'bocaci'on. ^
pxeacbeb mc,aub 3d tnuQc bcicut ,ox els 3 can not
bepcttaRCrofmcTC?,tobtchec.bxtftbatbc beret* Co all pott of Kome beloucb of
jucb foxmc. ccgo Cjzt one ip c tuft tfict h mc nor, (SOD anb* *£>apnctC0 bp callpngc. a*
oxChxtft onlp oatlj not mabc fattffactteufoxmp b
*<stace be voptb pott anb peace f come ixou.a.
rinncs.astopaisauougbtpc acgumentc, To is
the other. d5oD oncefatbe^anDfcom tye WttJlt* «ai».w
/Rotoe go to reaber 9 accoxbtuge to tUe oibct riiB €bipfl.

of iPauics toxtt pug.cucn r o bo tDotx. fiztt bebolo ifpzlibetclp^tbanftemp C5oDCbo> !5

top rcifcbiligeutipc tt tbc latoc of&ob, aub fee

totoe Jeftiscbxpftc, fotpoit all, bp*

mctetW tuft bampnactou. jgkCconbacclp toutue
tbpnecpes to Cbxifte.aub fee there the crccbnige canfe powfaptb is publplbeD tt)o?otue
tncrcpcoftbp mofte fepnbcanb Isupnge father. out at ( tbe toozioc*
Shpxbclpc temembxe tl)at COitftc mabc not this
f o i ©od is hip toi t>
iftoncmctttf tljou fboulbcftangccgobagapnc: ne5,tDbome 1
fecne, * toptb mp
Neither dtcb be fox thp fpnnes , p thou (poulbcft in the ©ofpell of bpjai fonne > tbat toptb* wSw.£

o trie 3u>m&?ne& 'OMjCjtjttUK.

oufecearpnge9fma&e mention of you bpes beffoehc tbem fellies : acobptbe
tpbiiLt. a altoapes * in nip piapccs , beftcbpngc tourneD bis» tructb onto a lie, ano iuoz?
t ^ at at onc t p mc 0? ot ^ cc a p ?0 fpcrous fljpppeoanoferueo tbc creatures moze

lotucpCbp tbc torli of (doD ) mpgbt iou tben tbc maker, tobpebe is blcOCO toz u
tunc me,to come onto pou. jfozj! long uecaimen. jfoztbpscatired5oO gatie S
to fee pou, tbat 2| mpgbte beftotoe a< tbem bp bnto ftamcfull luftes jfoz ^u.i8iu *
inonge pou fotne fpititnall gpf tc to turn tbeir toomen opo cbaunge tfrc \m

ttrcngtb pou toptb a llrCbat is , tbat J} turall bfc bnto tbc bunaturalU aitio
mtgbt baue confolacion togctbec toitn IpUctopfe alfo tbc men Icftc tbc natural V
pou ,tfjozoto tbe commen faptb, tobptije bfeoftbetooman, ano bzent in tfrcic
botbreaiio Jluaue. luftes one to anotlicr* a'ub man \i> man
35 toottloe that pe Ojouloc ftnotoc tozougbt fpltbtncs.ano receaueo in tljff
bzctbzcn,botoe tbat j bane often tpmes felues retoaroc of tbcpz ctroure , as it
purpofcOtocome bnto pou(*but baue toas accozopngc*
bcnelettc bptbctto)to bane Tome fruitc 3no as it fcmcD not gooo bnto the
amonge J banc amonge otfjec tobeaftnotoen of<Boo , euen*fod5oD* £t61,t f '

•f tfje c5E!Uples."5o2 J am better botbe oclpucceo tbc bp bnto a icauoc mpnoe,

to tbc etches ano to tbem totjicbcare tbat tbep (bouloe Doe tbofc tbrfigts
noc^refees, bnto tbc Icacnco anoalfo tobvebe toere not comclp,bcpngc full of
into tl)t bnlcarnco. XLtbetuife^as mnrti allbnrpgbteous oopngcof fozmcacu
as in mc is, 3J am reope to pzeaebe ttje on u,pcfecDneu"e,coucteouf ues , malpci^
<E«ie.*ii.c v^ofpcll to pou of &ome alfo.* jf oi J oufncs,full of enupe,murtbet , Debate,
an| nota ^ amcDof tbcgofpelofCbzift Oifcepte,euclconoicponcO,tobpfpcters.
becaure * it is tbc potoec of ©oD bnto baebpters , batcrs of d^oo , oocrs of
faluacion to ail tfrat beleue,namelpc to toiongc,pzouDc,boftcrs bzpngas bp ,

tbc 3etoe,aiu> alfo to tbc gentple.* fox of e up U tbrnges , OifobeDpent to fatbeo

bp it tbc cpgbteoufnes tobf cbe cometb ano motber,ti>ptfroute bnocrftanbpng,
C of 45oo, is openco , frome faptbc, to coucnaunte breakers , bnloupnge,
85i ta'fc
afe^Ms tt < 3 to.tpttcn: cbe*iuft tyal truccbzcabers.ano mercplcffc • ax-bicu

*>ib}i.yi, iiuebpfaptb* men tbougbe tbcp linetoe tbc tpgbte*

tfojtbe toiatb of d5oo appearetb fco oucuesof d5oo,botoe tbat tbcp tobpebe
hcaucn agapnft al bngooipncsano on commit fuebctbpnges arc tooitbpcof
rpgbteoufnes of men tobpebe toptboloe oeatb.pctnotonelpeooc tbc fame, but
tbc truetb in burpgbtcoufnesrlepnge, alto baue c plcafuce m
tbem ti;at ooe
*tobat mapc be Huofoen ofd5oo,tfjat tbem.
fame is manpfeft amonge tbcm* f oz
(500 DpD Ojcbc it Onto tbem.* ^>o!fucbc«tcca!fcDtolic fmc£(nt(fttans,'f9iit
+,e lBtotoalBCiiiff)ctso;be30ftt)egoCpcll rftwoVoc bt caiiiij
t6at & pB fouiflble tbpuges:<€bat is to H>«faptOtnC(»ta:atcrapnctc0bpcaI!pH8, ttjaf
fapc,bps eternal! potoec ano dt5oDb*ao, is to fa p men called ftomc f Damp tub c to ape of
, J .0
arebnoerltanoeanofene,*bp tljetooz* rpunc, r o forte an yolp tfe. f-oi ranter is as mucb

fces frome tbc cccacion of tbc toozloe.
b.©ctc,as rboxotoourrbpscptalc.gracetstaBCU tsxntti'
<§>o tbat tbcp ate toptbout erxufe,in as fw rftc f ccc mcccp of <5od a ud bp peace ts meme

nuicbe as tofjen tW
anetoc <goo , tbep rbe qmemes ofconfttcitcctuoiotoc tpcfucelaptb
gloipff eo bim not a$ <£>oo,neitbec tocrc **tii»
c. scoatts.bptbc pieacbpngeof tftc fSofpeir.ts
f " °hrta,
%tbanftefuli,but toarco f nit of banitpes occlateb tbegceatmccepc of «60D,toyetbp tjtftn* UnS* «c
' in tbcp: pmaginacpons^ano tbetrfo* gcuerb out riimes a»D accomptet \) os cpg&r uouc ° " *
in ftps rpgbtc.
ipuje bcartcs tocrc blpnoco. *Cben tbep tftfifaptft
o. dojnceitretpjeter^ts.fcometbebitpetfecte.M jofap*^8
countco tbem [clues toifc, tbep became
tUepecfcct,ftomH)Ctocabctotbeato»g ,*ftom * "v
fooIrs,*ano totirncothe glozpe of tbc one battcil of faptb to auotbr;. {tcete . But to mp
SSffc taimojtalH&oD , bnto tbc fimilitnoc of tubgementc.tbcmeatipnseof idauletoas , rbat
tbc ? mage of moztall man , ano of bpz< t be o idc fat bets of tbc latoe as of

tbcfaptbful fo*
tutMS Dcs > ano foil wfoteo* ueafte£,$of fee* lotoets of CD :».tt ro be CbitQcs . mdijo IpQerb to

kpcntes*5cobercfoze <25oD Iphetoife gauc uutjt) rbc tcjrr, fbal carcfpcpctccpuc tbattt se^
fame fence.
ibem bp bntotbepz bcartcs luftcs, bib uetbtbattbe «»!«
e.srobaucpleafuccinotbccmensfinttc tajtta* zT?lL
lobncltanejj jtooefpfe tfyepi otone bo* tec &lc*CDues,ft)Co to finite tbp ftlfe, %„™T
p Hb
f be
tbe t)tDt of t&e latoe fojpften fit tbep?
tljepi confepence bea*
S^ctcbuftctu f 3ictocs , totjictj astouelnus fume t)eartes : flobpU
ate Ip&c tt)C i;cat& ; u.pca.tooxfc Wu ttic^. cetb toptnefle bnto tbem anb alfo tbeit
tbougbtes, accufpngeone another 01
ercutpngc,at the bap^toben <&ob u)all f»at,ntt».c
'cii fable £> man,tobofo*
tuoge ^ fecretj of men bpjefus Cb.iiff,
euetg be t^at a * tub?
flpat.Wf.a accozbtng to mp (Bofpc l.
gelt, jfoi in that fame
*J3£bolDe,tbouatte calleba^jeto, nco.wi.t
jtobetintbou iubgeftan
anb ttufteft tntbe latoe ,anb reiopfeit
< * tf;ou conoemp^
in dDOb,aub ftnotoelf bps topll, ano baft
tbp fclfe. jfoz tbou that iuogeft
erpetpcuce of goob,aub babbe , in tbat
boeft ccien £ fame felfe tbingcB.zeut me
tbou arte infoucmeb bp tbe latoe : 3tnD
ate f uce (Oat tbe i ubgement of <eoo is
bcleucfttbattboutbp felfe arteagpbe
accozDpngeto truetb, agapafte tbem
bnto tbe blpnbc,a Ipgbte to tbcm tobir
tobpebe commptfuebe tinges* qDbiu* cbeare in barcbenelfe, an infouemec of
fceft tbou t\m ® tbou man tbat wo* tbem tobpebe Jaeke Dtfctecpon, atea^
geft tbem tobicfje boe fucbe tbpnges,
cber of bnlearneb,tobpcbe bade tbe en*
anb ?st boeft etien tbe betpe fame , tbat
fample of tbat tobpebe ougbte to be
tl)ou Ojalt ef cape § i ubgement of 0od.-
ftnotoen , anb
of tbe truetb in tbe latoe*
Cptbecbiippfefttbou tbe rpcbe$ of bis
J5ut tbou tobpebe teacbettotbec, tea>
gooonciTe , pacpence anb ionge ruffe*
cbeftnottbp felfe* *cboupieacbefta m*-7,»
taunce*- 3Hnb remembiett 110c botoe,
man u^oulbe not (teale: $nti ^ettboit
SSK * tbat $ fcinbenes of (gob leaoetb t\)t to
(tealeff.Cbou fapea,a man djouloe n ot
commpt abuoutrperanbtbou bzeafeeft
# i&at©ut tfjou after ttjpne fjarbe be arte
can not repent
toeblocae* ttbouabboueft,pmages,$ ^
, beapeft tt)(e toge* robbefrd^ob of bps bonbure.
tbec tbe teeafurc of tozatbe agapuft tbe
fcape of bengeauuee, toben fyall be ope*
Cbou reiopfeff tntbe la toe,aub tbo*
totoe bzeaftpngc of tbe latoe , bpftono;
neb tbe tpgbteoHg uiogement of 000,
reft (©oD . jf oz tbe name of ©ob is euell
a*atw.t> *>*tobpc{} mpi tetoaroeeuerpemanac*
fpoltcn of amougetbe <5entples tbozolo
PQwm, coibpnge to bps bebes : Cbat is to fap,
pou,*a$ it is tozptten* cr«p,tff,&
pjapfe.bououce ,anb immoztalitpe , to «^".^,e
Cucumcpfpou berelpe auaplet^,
ibe* tobpeb coiitpnue in goob bopnge,
9 pf tbou ftepe tbe latoe * ^ut pf tbou
fefee ctcrnall ipfe * ©tic bnto tbem tbat
bzeabetbe latoe, tbp ciccumcpfion ts
ate rebellious anb biTobep tbe truetb,
mabe bneircumepfiom cberfoze'pf tbe
anb foioiue tniquitie ,tyM come inoig*
bneircumepfeb Kepetbe rpgbtctbpiif
tiacpon anb tozatbe , tcpbulacpon , aiiD
ges coutaphcD in tbe latoe : ©ball not
anguptyebpont&efouleofeuetpeman bps bnctrcumcifioubecountebfozcir^
tbat boetb eupil:Df tbe Jetoe fpztt,ano
cumcifpon^ 3Bno (ball not bucircumcp^
alfo of ttje <&mtplcMo eueep man tbat fion tofipclje is bjf natuce(pf it kelpe tbe
Doetl) goob,CbaiI come piapfe^onouce, latoejiubgetlje,
tobpebe bepnge bnbec
anb peace, to tbs Jetot fpztte , anb alfo
tbe letter anb ciccumcifpon,boeft tranf*
10 *& c ©entple «*ifoj tbece is no parcp*
si ©a «t 1 grefjTe tbe la toe ^ jfoz
be ts not a Jetoe,
IctMAt alpte toptf? <©ob. ©ut tofjoroeuet batbe
tobpebe is a Jjetoe outtoacbe . Bept bee
SSSd! Cpnnebtoptbout la toenail petpuj tottb is t tbpng ciccumcpfion, tobpeb is out<
oute latoe aiuo as manpe as banc Uat
neb bnbec tl)t la toenail be tuogeo bp
to«arbe in tbe 3ea£|)e.©tit*be is
Wpcbe bPbbe \optbtn ,
a Jctoe 1^\ -

ano*tbe cic*
tbe later. cumepfion of tbe beacte is tf)t true cir* £M9iL,t'
* jfoz before dt>ob tbep*ace not
jmub. teous,tobpcbe beace tfjt latoe : ©ntnab* cumepfion , tobpc&e is ttje fppzite, ana
tttt not in tbe letter , tobofepzapfeisnotof
* boers of tbe latoe f&afl be iuftpfieb. jfoj
pftbeceentples tobpebe baueno latoe,
Do of nature $ tbf nges cone epneo In tbe
ut)ffe te tWsp!«cef«9<«m«ipf
latoe: %\jm tfyp baupnge no latoe , are A*H°i • otOet^g
focoiiDemptteotljccas toncpsOteous. au&tocr- *«j.«.
a latoe bnto tyem r clues , tobpeb tyetoe

UTo tlje 3p\omaftte& #aUWjtf?+
2To tfc t>.2stI;cfrurfsD0DecIatetl)Cttcc: foooifictooxs ate all gone out of tbc toape,tbep are al
toacbe ac s bcs Declare rbc ma. yf a mans tooihcs rbcrf ojc Do
coifiiusto Declare bun to be faptbfull, 1, email banc rbc «=
umDc bnpzof itabltjt bete is none § Dotb
toacDcof rbcfattbful.rbar iscternall ii'fc. yf tbe not one** ^Dbtit tbzote ts an o* ^ fa,toe
tooi&csDo*»cclatcbtmtobctonfaitbful:tt)enO>al peu ft p tilcbzc, tilt b tbc t lounges tfyep

IjwrcuiarDtbe amcugc fctpocwes in creniail

banc bpf rcaucb: the popfon of afpes is
toimfrcs. Jfatte ropoc tbcrfwcacctbcp.p' tooulD
bp rijis tcf r c pzouc tijat mains tuflifj'CD bp fops tuber tbcit Ipppts?-* jocbofe mowtbe^ ^w-*»*i
to Dihcs: f 01 r be too: hes a re but f pjnes accdiDing are full of curitpnge anb bpttcrnes.
totOctoUtcbOoDfrbttpgiircous iuDje)t Croat*
dcd big cl f ci co uetTda.anD puntfl&ctb f cepmbarc.
*Cbtit fete are ftoifte to Ctjeebe bloube. »* CB «»
VDtnoc JDellrurcionanb tozetcbebnes arcin«fap.m.b
t. SOat is, tbe Iatoe ©all baue no poivatocous
lame Oial Driimctucm.bccauferiicrljaucmallpopiitcsfdi tbeit toaieis.3inb tbe toapc of peace tbep pfa, 36 ,
cucr tbat
Wmatfps tiffpcDtbclatoc. J5utUiljoU)J9tl)Cic baue not bnotocn.* tibetc is no fcare of
coulDc be fuc tj a Docc of tr)e lato.j yea aitD tf there
«&befo*c ©obbcfozetbeirci'es.
babbcncaiip p To banc fatpffpcD £ latoe:
Vet QoulD tbe fame bane bene omatte tit ©
ooaes + V ea,anb toe fcuoto tbat tobatfoe^
fpffbf ftoi pf tbeie tnpgbt OauebCHcpctfcctc tin

uer tbe iatoe fapctb 3 be fapetb it to tbem
ftpcebprue obrccuacron of tt)e latoe: rben baD
tobicbe are bnber tbe Iatoe * fiibatall
Cjna DpcD in uapite.ox at tbe lead toap to malic
mill nou33arDC9,aiiD nor to rcgtac&c rlje o b rcrua-- moutbes mape be iToppeb^ al f toozlbe
ciou of ti)t latoe, tooetbp tbcp mp0!;tr)aucDefec= be fubbueb to gob 5 becaufe toat*bp tbe «•>•»*«•*
Debts of tbe iatoe s Q;al noflrajc be tuftu
K3*Cbe*iit.Cbapter. fpcb in tbe figbt of (Bob* foi bv § latoe
]&c Cberoctb totjat preferment the Jews baue,
anb p borb tbe jjerocs $ (Scuttls are ottber fume,
commetb tbe feuotolcbgc of ipnne* B
^oto tierelp is tbe ngbteouines tbat
(Eateiuftificoonelr bp $ grace of i&0Diu£!jiia.
commetb of <soo bcclareb totiboute (be
I^at preferment tiic fjatfi
tbeJjetoCfOtbertobata* pet of tbe iatoe anb of tbe j&zopbctes*
uauntagctb circumcirt* -iXbetpgbteournesnoboute tobpebcis
tserj' ti]ucf>« gooo befoze <25ob commetb bp tb« fau&
tfitll*bntotbetoasco« of 3cftis Cbzift, bntoallanb bpon alf
mitteDCbetoozbofgoD. tbat baeue
900f)at tf»cii,ti)oug()efcnicot ibcmDpD <Cbete is no bpffctence : foi ail bane
«,cfto, ».b not bcUticr-^OsaU tbeic bubelcue make fpnneb , ano lacfte tt}i pzapfc tbat is of

tbc pzomes of gob toitfjoutcffcctc-^oD fealoute befoze d5ob : but * * ate Mp* ^mu*
IS?" 6 h fotbtb.*2iet <©ob be
true, *anb an men fpcb frelp bp bis grace, tbzougb tlje m
l»«M$ it is tozptt en:* that g migbteft bcmpcton tbat ts in CbMft 3)efu 5 tobom
* '
be iufttficb ui tbp faptng^tyouloeft o-; <©ob batbe mabe a * fcate ot meccp t\)Oi^ m '

uetcome,tobentbou arte iubgeD. roto faitb in bis b!oube,to fbcto § rigb*

£foutet>nrpgbtcouu,es make tbe tcoufnj tobicb befoze bun is of baloure,
stpgbteoufnes of <©od moze cjccellente: in mat be fozgeuetb tbe fpnnes tbat are
tobat Ojul toe f aivje gob bntigbteous paiTcb tobicb ©ob
tobtcb taftetb bciigeatmccf 3 fpcahe at- tbis tpme,
3 m
fuffee to Ojetoe at
tbe rpgbteoufnes tbat is m
tec roe manec of mcri.vgob f ozbib . jroz lotoeb of bim, tbat be migbt be countcD
bom then fljall ©oo iubgc tbe tuoilo^|f tutt^ anb a iuatfier of bun tobicbe btlu
t\)t betitic of .^od appere m oie ercclict uctbonjefus* f
tbozoio mp ltc,bnr o bis pzapre,tobp am ^Obere is tben tbP cefopfpngc*'
^ bcuce toztb tubgeb as a ipnncr? ano 3ft is ejcdubeo ©ptobatlatoe^bptbe
fape not ratbec C as men eupll fpeafce of latoe of toozlies.-'/iiapeibut bj? tl)c latoe
bs,anb as tome affirme f toe fape ) iet offaptbe*
bs bo eupl,tbat goob map come tUetof. foz toefuppofe* tbat a man ia 6au.a,«
jOCbofe oamnacion ib iulte* tuatfpeb b)> fattb toitbout tbe dcdcs of
^ aocbat fap toe tbeiir^re toe btttet tt)en tbelatoe.Jsbetbe d!50D of tbe Vetoes
tbept'Bo^n no topfe . f o^ toe bane all onelpr-fs be no talfo tbe d5ob of | (Kena
reabpe pzoneb botoe tbat botljc Jetoes tpis?^es,euen of tbe vSentpls alto. iFoz
ano (©cn'tiltf are al tinbec f' it is it is <£ob onlp tobtcb tuftpfietb citcum^
©rai toiittc:* tbece is none cigbteous^io not cifion tobpebeis of faptbe, anb bnctr*
•m,im one:tbece is none tbat unDetftanbetb, cumciipoii tbozotocfartbe.JDo toe tben
cije cc is uone tbat fettetb, after goo, t fjep Deft cope tbe latoe tbozotoe faptl;c.--
It 0Ot>

'Clje Cpiftle
<I5od fotbp D.i&ut toe tatbct niaputatne tbetofaltbemifjatbeletic.tbougbtbep
Cl|€ IcIUJC be not citcuhmfeD , tbat tpgbtcoufnes
jtijc /sores, migbt be imputcD to tljcm alio: $ tbat
a. STbts far titj ttoti; <g>. arobiof e cjrp oubc f n ft) is
topfc. 2Tt)Cp tooiftpn^norbpngc.nwatquptinge
be migbt be tbe fatbet of tbe circumcp*
Ijpmanptupngeatal.accuilltfte&bp faptbe a- feo,not becaube tbep ate circuctfeD onlp:
lonc.bptoegpfrofgoo.acbistooi&aloncctbouab butbecaufe tbep toalae alfo in fftep*
pes of tbat fattb tbat teas in out fatbet
cup&entlpejpicflTcDbp £auie t>un fclfeut tbcfe
toortes.tfcelptoitbouttbc latoc,toirboutetooi= 3b:aba before tbe tpme of circumcifto. ts toe gpfteanb ruc&clpne . WincDc tbou
Jf o^ cbe pjomes tbat be f^ouloe be tbe C
rauaemacc&e.foHbcpateaU onctottbtops b epic of tl)t ujoiId, teas not geue to U*
poftttoiiof&.3inb*orc . i&p fattb alone we ace
iuttifpcb tobtcb: fapmge rtgntfperu rbus nucbe. btabatn oi to bis Ceoe tboioiu tbe (a ujc:
jGmelpbptbcbelcue tooectoitbtocbeKue, rbar but tboioio tbe rigbteoufnes uibicb co«
tbemcccpeof 0oa gcaunrco tit Cbitfics bioube
Doctl; fane bs:acc to: p ioiiou icca cpgbtcoufe.
metb of faitb»*ifoj pf t^tv
tbe bcpics ,
WW are of
t^iti in faptbe but
not Do
ft>ot» locft goob too:Hcs coins
t IjemCf 01 to al
bamc^y piomesof noueeffcetc, {•$&
maunbeb in tgefmptuce, arte tbou bonnbe, ana caufc tbe la to cauf c tb to;atb* jf oi tobcte
eabcb to toalue t:i tbcm.aufi mnfteeacneaipttu; no la toe i<a>,tbere is no tranfgre(Tion»
a tEberf oie
tonoone ) but tbat ttjou fbou iocd tit no care tbtac, bv fattb is tbe iuberitaunc
tbat tbon arte rbecbp mfttfpCD o; roaoe cpaOtcs geuen,^itmtgbteomeoffauoure:^tbe
onrcbcfo.icjSob. piomes migbt be f ttte to al ^ CceDc.ifro*
<cr®be*iiH*Cbaptcr» to tbem onelp totytb are of § la toe : but
fecbeclatctb bp rue example of ataaba", f fapt ft
tuttifierfo.anb not tbe latoc,noi p iu owes toecof.
alio to tbem tobicbe ate of tbe faptbe of
C^ai toe lap rt>e,t^ac
Eil^at 2lbiabam, * tobicbe ts tbe fatbet of bs
1i*3ib:abaotttc father as al. its it is tourte:J * baue maoe tbe a e««..7 •

-pettapnpngetof aeOje, manp nactoits,euc before goD

fatbet to
ppD fpuDcc gf ab^afiatn tobomc tbou bad bcleucd, tobicbe quic*
Ijtoere tnfrtfieo bpDcDes, fccnctb tbe Dcaoc ,anD talletb tb ore tbin*
Wriljtn iiatfie be tobettn to ge$ tolncb be not,as tl^ougb tbep toecc*
tciopcr:butnotibtBoD.jfoitobatiaitb tobicbe aibjabam contrarp to bope, &
«me. if. b tbe Ruptures'* 3bzabam ueleueD <5oD, belcuco tnbope,tbat bcil)oulDc be tbe
*fatber of manp nacions,acco?Dpngeto *o».»r.*
anD tt toa0 co « tfo & nt0 &im fojngbte*
£S^» ^o
oufncs.cobimtbattoojBetbjtstbete* tbat tobicbe toas fpoUcn:* fljal ?bP *««,^.i

toatoe not tcckcncD of fauoutc, butof f c cd be* anno be tapnteo not in t b c f ai tb,

Dutte.Co biui tbat too: kctb uot,but be* no; pet cofpDereb bis otone bobp tobicb
leuetb on bun tbat iuitifpetb § bugoD* toas noto Dcaoc ,ette tobe be toas almolt
lpe,i£ bis faitfj count eo foJt tpgbteouD an btibicD pere oloc:nethct pet f ^ata
nes»Cuen as BauiD Defccpbetb § blcf< toas paff cbploe bearpnge.^e ftacUetcD
f eof ul: ics of t be man onto tub o in: d5oD not at tbe ptomes of (Sod tijojoto bnbe^
afctibetb rigbtcourues toitbout dcdcs. lefe:but toas maoe ftronge in § faptbe;
anD gauc bonout to d5oo full cettifpeD,
Qiawk* *Bleu*eD ate tfjep, tufjofe bnrigbteouf*
f uincs, ties ate f o jgeuen anD tobof e fpnnes are tbat tofjat be bao pjonnf eD tljat be toas 3

tobati t (ouereo^^IelfeD is tbat man to tobSe able to make gooo « ana tberfojte toas
is. it recUeueo to b tin toi rigbteoufnes •
tbe Uojtoe rmputetb not fpnne.
Came tbtsbleffcDnes then bpon tlje *3tisnotto;vttenfo;bimoneip,tbar
circuctfcD o : t
bpoutbe bncimiinctfeD;* ittoas teefceneo to bim foi cpgbteouf* »«wm
S£Ce Tape bereip bob rj fattb bias teke< ncsrbut alfo foi bs , to tobomeitf^albe
ntDto3biaf)amfoirigbtconfues*^oto count eo f o: tpgbteonf ncs ,fo toe beleue
teas it rekencOr-in tbe time of citcumci* on bPm tbat rarfeo bp ileitis our JL02D
tioiwoi in tbe time before be teas circus from oea tb: aobicbe toas Delpuereb f 0;
«:n«.i?,6. ctfeD.-* jfrot tpme of ciccumeifio:
in toe oure fiumcs, anD tofc agapne f oj to iu^
but tobeu be toas pet bncircumctfeD. aifpe us*
3Ttjc <aor«.
*Hi;.>7,b BSiid be receaueD tbe*figue of titcmncit a.Tl)t enbcttf auncc ttM t eternal Ipfe.
ts is geacti
Hon, as a feale of § tpgbtcoufnes tobicb tint bs a nb toe cccepue it tbdtotoe fapctb to tbe .

t s bi> faitb,tobtcb fattb be bao pet being entcitttbar«e be fuce and ooubte not of it. jfoi
pftocfboulbe bcfccuc itbptooiitcs: totu>ou!bc
ueucc^ciWebuultoapJs oo;*bte*i)at »e(acitei»
Co tlje &omaim&
h)Ojrt«9,cr (l;rttcutccupl toozlics fi)cuifcc fjauc bcaDe:mucr) moze plenteous bpon ma*
$ oI,jcc*

ttjCuppctiMiiue in tbe Dare sritiGsemcur.aiiOfo

up toas tbe grace of (J50D anD gpftc bp
IboulD our Oopc be uaptic.f o; i"u cO as boubrc, can
notctuopt r:icp:omifcs of coa , foiasmucbeas gracc:tobicb* gtace teas gcucn bp one 3obn.f,i
cfjcp bclcue not cccrapuclp ttjat (Sod VopII pet- man3;efusCbziu\
3HnD tbe gpftc is not ouer one fpnne, _
asDcatb came tbozoto one fpnne of one **
ICIjcpotoCT of fdpftj, bopcanb lbuc:anb l;otoe
teatbcatgncbfcbabambiiro ctnift, upunjeme tbat fpnncD.f oz Damnation came of one
onctp tot ijaucfoiseucucuc of fynucs. fpnne bnto con6cmnacion:but the gpfte
Ceaufe tucrfoze tbat tor are came to iutttfpe from manp fpnncs, Jfoz
uiflifieDbp faith?, 8 toe arc pf.bp tbe fpnne of one,Dcatb taigncb bp
3Win.i6,8 at*peace toitb <£>od ifioiou-c tbe mcancs of oin uu, tb mozc Cbal tbep :

oure^ozDc 3eU?s Cbziitibp tobtcb rcccaue abounbaunce of grace ^

tobomc toe batie a toap in bozo to faith,
t of tbs gpfte of tpgbtcoufncs , tapgnc 111

if e bv tbe meanes of onc(ttjat is to tap)

»ctuv.i:.a buto tt)ts grace toljctin tee ftanoc*anD I

ceiopce in hope of tne pzapletbatfijat* JefusCbziae.

be geue of (SoD.^ethci Do toe fo onelp: Apfectopt'e tben as bp tbe finnc of one,'

bur alfo toe rctoyce in nbulaeio n. y 02

t conucmuacion came on all mc:euc fo bp
toe tutotoe that * tabulation bzpngctb ibeiuftifpingeofone commetbptpgb*
pacte nce,pactence bzwgctb ejejicttcnce, tcoutnes tbat bztngetb life.bponai me*
experience btpngetb hope . 3pnD hope Jfoi as bp one manes HilobcDiecc ma*

inakctb not aQamcD, fo? f lout ct^dD np became fpnners:fo bp tbe obcDicnce

is QjceD abiooe is out bertcs, bp § fcolp of one.Cballmanp be mabe tpgl|tcous»

5a,ft **
go oil, toljtrb is geucn bnto be* ©ut tbe « * mesne tpme cn«
latoc in tbe
* jfoztoben toe tocte pet toeafcc, ac* tub m.tbat fpnne OjonlDe enctcacs^e*
cozopnge to tbi tpmc : Cbzifte DpeD foz tiettbeiatct totictc abounDaucc of linnc

bj5 tobicbe toere bngoDip.£etl'caee topi toas, there toas mozc pleuteoufnes of
25 anproaDpefozarpgbteousmam ^ar< grace. tcfjat as fpnne baD tapgneo bn*
auentute fozn gooDman Durftcaman to Dcatbe,cucn fo mpgbte grace tapgne
Dpe**JSut*<ftoDfcttctb outbssloue tbozoto ttghtecufnc6,bnto eternal Ipfe,
S55+V ' tots, fepngetbat tobple bptl;el;cipeof'iSiii€bzift»
toe toere pet
rue Motes. ar peace
^ucbcmozetbcnnatoe(fepnge toe are
a.3robeatpc2£Ctt)tfi)f3oD,i9nonc otbfttbingc
tliciuobaiictcaitquilifieaMD tcac tit ouccikcks
lull* fieD in bis b!ouDe)ii)al toe be laucD totoacociSoo^uumpnge afTu.tolpc tUat i;cac;
ccpret^usaubtO«tt\x)Cp!carei;pm . wsottbt
e torn tozatbe,tbozoto e bpm.
peace can toeuot l;auc orbec topfc tJ;e» bp fapeto
jffozpf ^>\\tti toe toere cnempes , tee
ant? fute t tuae of tcmifTtS of rpime tijoioio «Dt)jts
toere teconepleD to ®ob bp t\)e Death of fics bbui't.^f «
a:l otocc meanes be iopiteo \oitij

fount ir.ucb moze , ftpnge toe ate

bDui>tc,atiocl)£t;o:ecan nctobrapit>. iota icGe.
bis : e£eof3[oamtoasfucl)C > tlmit 3b??m9
ceconcvlebjtoe frjalbe pzcferucD bpbps cciiocinpueD altjispoacctrtcCotOattyctierp in? bpfobeow
Ipfe fiotonclpfo,but toe alio lopcm -

fa!m 9,\jc00bauciicprfjetta)jou8btuoubon8btf c,,cC»

(pobbp tunicaries ofotireHozojcfus at:pC4p!,3ceti)ctbp toe ci)plbUit ofbamitatpon

anatboulo\)iiDGut£D'pfecb.;mpncb,h;ccc it not
Cbztft\bp tebomc toe batie reccaueo the tliatCi)»Q f ijojoiocbts bloaDcDp .bpuje barb c£=
attoncincnte. ocmco tbem. «-r,» ?»«*•
aooberf oze as bp one man fpnne entrcD c.a:f;ati9tbela^jfoibDbijfb9ittaiipmotbl.je9 *y*lfSL
^ r0eiii5ob fo:baCcrfjcfp;iZ man in I9«a6pfe:en= ™,",
into tbe toozlDc 5 atiD*Deatb bp tbe mca * UUf «
ccca r eti) fin urbsUvCauft tocbonot hoi can not »P
fi» w,» nes of fpnnc.^nD fo Deatb toent ouer ail tcf caiiie tijc bcfpic of ti) c r^iiues tb ccm t Oibo^l>
iucn,fnfo mticb tbata! roenftnneD.^oz <^»
cuen bnto tbe time of p lato toas fpnne foi Co mncb a 9 toe be beiiucceb tijoioto CMttz
fcomfpnuctoemuCe faaion oucc rcluegtolpue
in tbe toozlo, but fpnne teas not rcgat*
as fijcrecuauiuC9 0f £5ob,anb notaftccouc ovene
Deb,aj3! toil gc as there toas no la toe: ne* luftcs . EOebiJlp^rctoacbeof cisUtcoufncffe
ucrtbclefTe Death rapgncb from 3S>oam anb ipitiif .

to S^ofee, cuen ouer tbe aifo^fpnneD tbtn^ ^>bal

il^at Ojnl toe rape _
not, toitb (pUe trafg teflfion as did SD5: juie contmuetn fpnne , f there »
tDbtcb is v f imiiit uDe of fit £ ts to come. i map be abounDaucc of grater
:&ut tbe gi'ff e ts not Ipfce as $ fpnne. |(£obfozbiD i^otocfl?alltoc

jfojpf tbozoto tbe fpnne of o;ic,ttunp be ttjat ate" Dcaoe as touebpnge fpnne,
a^nuit Ipuc
Ipue anp Ienget tfjcccin*- uemembze + to tntqu(tpc:eui To nolo geue poure tnc%

JSSS'hP* not
l bat*aU me mbicbe ate baptifcD bees fecuauntes Ditto cpgbtcoufnes,
fntbenameotjeruCbJiM«&aptifeD pe map be fanetifpeb. jfoz toben pe toece

to Dpi toitb bimc roe ace bucp CD to turn tbe f ecuautes of fpnne, pe toece not biu
, &p baptpmc^oz co Dpc.tbat iikctopfe as Dec ct gb teo itf ties , aofjat f cu te bab pe
CbitfttoastaifcDDpfcomDeatbbptlje tben in tbo tbtnges.toberof pcate nom
CW*4,«, gloxpe of CM fatbetzeuen fo* toe atfo afujamcD. Jfoz tbe enoe of tbo t&iges i#
OjoulD toalUc in a tie to life* jroi pf uoe be D ea tb. is utnoto ace pe DelpueceD from
grafte mbeatbelpbc Ditto bun: cuenfo fpnne, atm maDe p* fecuauntes of cob,
mud tee be in tbe tctutrcccton.cbts toe anD banc pouce fcute tbat pe tyoulbt be
nutfte remember, ttjat ouce olDe man 10 fanctifpeo^ tbe enoe euetlaftpuge (tfe» ««,,
ccuct fpeD until bun alfo.tbat tbe boope * Jfoj. tbe cetoactte of ftnbe is Deatbrbut «*««.*.€
tftytmempgbtebtteclpebeoeftcopeD, eternal * Ipfe tjs tbe gpfte of d5oD , tbo^ SSlS*
ft>ac beuce fozt b toe Ojouloe not be fee* rotoe 3Ief us CbMft ouce ZLo ?De» £« ticfccuSe
tiatmres of fpnne. jfozbet&at 10 DeaDe,
«.Hfi>Uo To jcuctq not t)tm felfc ouet to $ berpxc«
is iuftffpebf com fpnne.
55 $cobecfo^*pftoebeDeaDeftCtitfft, pifccnccs tbece of tbe rant* is aeabc bnto fpnne.
tt,cftn.: *
toe beleue tbat toe ft>all Iptie toitb bun: (Qrrcbe.bu.Cbaptcr, >f
a»o tft
cemembzpnge tbat Cb*ifte once capub Cbifabatbbelpuctebbafcomtbeiah^eteatb* ^earb c8

{comDca<b,*&ie"jnomo2e.3Beatbbatb jdaulc (tjctocrb tobat tbefletbe anb outetoato* "tnpugc
iwmozepotoecouecbim. jfozastou* man n.atiD call ctiutrbcIalDC of t/je membecj. tyuue*
cbpnge p f;c DpcD , be Dpco couceenpnge '(Cmtmbetpe not bzet^en(3( 3
; fpnne, once, amo as touebpnge tbat be fpeafce to tbcm tbat ftnoto tbe (Kietb bnto <sod Jlpketople (a toe)bo to tbat tbe iatoe batb
pwagenpe aluybat peace DeaDe cotua Jpotoecoucramaaslongajs
cetnpnge fpnne out acealtue bnto 4500 tt c"noucftb.-Jfo;*tbe tooman tobtcbets tco»bti. f
tbozo to Jefns CbzrfJ ouce loioc. {*&et in fubieccton to a maiys bounoc bp tbe
not fpnuttapgue tbe rfozetu pout moz* lata to tbe man,as I6ge as be ipuetb»Jif
tal boDies^bat pe fyouio tbctunto obep tbemaubcDtaoc,fjjetSiotoi'eo fro tbe
€ in tbe luftes of ir*$ctb« gene pepoute latoe of tbe man^o tbmtpf tobple ttfi wm m

mem bzes as t nft tu men te s of bnttgbte; ma liuetb ftc couple bee felfe tottb auo*
oulucs bnto fpnne : but geue pouce feU tbecman,U)eu)albecounteDatoeDlocBe
ues bnto goo,as tbep tbat ate alt uc fro buafecc.i5utpf tbe man be oeaDe,u> is
Deatb. Mb geue pouce members as uu fee f com tfjt tatoe:fo tbat Oje is no toebi
fltumentes of cigbteoufnes bnto (Bon* locUe breaker, tbougbe u)e couple ber
%tt notfmuc banc potocto. ice pott jf 01 felfe tottb anotbec mam
pe ace not biiDct tbciaujc, butbnDec €txm fo pe mt> bict'uen, a are DeaDe
gtace. couceenpnge fyc latoe bp tbe boope of
scbat tbetif ^bal toe fpnne, becaufe Cbzift, tbat pe Ojoulo be coupIeD to auo
toe acenotbnbec tbe latoe : butbnDec tbec(]jmeaneto btmtbatts rpfena*

-sohn sa
S^aee^oD fozbiD.^aemembecpe not gapne fed Deatb)tbat toe ©oulD b?pnge
rpti.u,* boto p> to tobofoeuec pe comtt pour fel foub fcute bnto <£od. jfoz tobe toe toece «•
ues as (ecuautes to obep:bi$ fetuaun* in $ attytJ luftes of fpnne tobicb toere

tes peace to tobompe obep: tofjetbettt ft^zieDbpbptbelatoe rapgucotu ouce

be of fpnne bnto Deatbe,oz of obebpence membecs,to bzpnge foztbe fcute bnto
3^ onto ttgbteotifu^'j5oD be NjakeD, tbat Deatb.sut nolo ace toe DelpueceD from
tbougb pe tocce once £ f ctuaut j of finne, tbe latoe auo DeaDe from tbat tobetttn*
pe bauepct obepeD Db beacte bnto tin to toe toece fn bonoage tbat toe tyouloe
f oimc of Doctrine tobecunto pe toece be* fecue in a netoeconueefacionof§ fpp#
|oiin,8& imeceD.*£e ate tbe" maoefrefcoftn,^ rpte,anD not in tbe olDe conuecfacton o£
mftccome ^ ferua ijtj f rtgbteoufnj. (< tfjeletter.
Ht< 1 topll fpeake gcoQp becaufe of tbe tCObat a? al toe tap tbetv is tbe latoe
inf icmiti c of pouc pe bane ge* fpnne^oD fozbpD: but J * knetoe not *««,».»
ueti pouce members fecuauntes tobtu tobat fpnne meante but bp tbe lato, jfo t •**«* v

clennes $ to iniqui tte.fcom inlquitp Dn* 3H baD no| bnotoen tobat lufte baD

Co tlje IXomatttes, jfolxtu

mcant.cjtccpte tfft Iatuc bao fapD,*tbou a. ail fucb ace ttcaoe ccncetitpngc ttft lato, as ace 2D eao rot*
^tBl.b.O ttioioto fapti;c cructfpcD toirtj CfjitO.anH tbexcte cetfiyr.gc
C&alte not lade . !5tit fpnne toUc an oc*
b«*ptFrn.cbutptotogctl;ettcttb l)im. $l<p ucte? t^UUie,
carton by tfje mcanes of tbe comma urn ticsof Jpfc.t pMi agap nc totro t) mi, ^tu tpc latoe
Dtmef.auD toxougbt in meal mane c of l;atu no moxc potoct oucc tl;em , rycii mans latoe

concupifcence, jfoz Uetcip toiujcut tlje barb oucc tbe boopes of tijem tbat be ocpactcb
tljis ivfc.
iato,fpnne toas Dcaoc. ]jj once lyucD \b* it. 3ci;at ts,Co oppxctTco tottb tbe toiicuptTenrcof ^oiue toi
out la 10 .sut toljcn tbe commauuDcmct iDctUtije.Hjat tnaugtcouceucabcstoccommpt becrprmc*
tame,fpnne teupueD,auo J toas Deaoe. f pimc.iufiicb tottb aloucegcactcs toe ttcuQcutni
311D tbebcrpe fame commauuoemente
toluene luaa oiocpmo Unto Ipfe , mas 3TbclaiD of tbefpicitf g uctbl^fe, Zl)c fptc.t
founoc to be Unto me anoccafpon of ofi&oomaltett)bs<5ods CQpit>.e:t auobepustt
fcratb* jfoz fpnne toke occafpon Up trie £tjxtac,tl)cat)Oi|UDauutcioiicor C5oa u.u;otoe
mcanes eommaunDenuut, ano fo
of tbe
DpfceaueD me,anD bp tbe fclfe commafr
l^tre is tfjsn no Damnacion to *
tbem tobicbace in Cb^tft 3e^

Dement flttec me* -stfjc tfozc * tbe la toe

|tu, tubtcb toaike not attec ^na
is bolp,auo tbe commaunocmetit bolp,
_|flcflje:butaftet tfa (U'trit. jfoj
uifreanbgooD* tlje lato of tbe fppjpte tbat biingetb life
gooo,maDe ibo?oto
3Ct?as that tfjeu tobtebe is
3efusCbMft batbeDeipuecsD ,
Deatb Unto uhycBod toibio. j$ap ,fpune
tons Deatb Unto me, tbat it mpg?}tc ap*
me*f tec f to tf;e lato of fpnne anD Deatb,
jfo; tobat*tbe Jatoe couiDe not Do in as

pcrc,boto gfpmicbp t«t mcanes of that

mucbeas it toas toca&e becaufe of tbe
tobic-ftc is gooD, bao toiougbt Death til
aeOjcrtbatperfojmeD <BoD,anD*fcute miir^s
me : tbat fpnne tobicbc is DnDet f com* bis forme in
tbe fimilpttiDe of fpnfuU w* "* 1

mauuoement,mpgbt be out of meafucc fleoje anD bp

* fpnne DamncD fpnne in - „ m „ im
fpnfull* jFot toe nuotoe, tbat tfjc latoe tg
roiocou-" fptrttiial:but 3 am carnal loioe* dudcc
tbe aefjje.tbat tt)t tigbteournes twp->
ttD of tbe lato,migbt be fuifiileD Us, fin a fume m
Dec rpitue fpnne,becaufe
is to be
J toote not tobat 3 00 .
tobtcb toalhe not aftec tbe fleibc, but af; ce,fu ,9C

maoe 4 f ox tobat 3 toouloe, tbat do 3 uot:btit tectbefpicpte*

tobate 3 bate,y Do %ji 3 do noto tbat 5foi tbep tfjatatc catnall
ate tau \)Mto$t>
tobicbc 3 tooulDe not, 3 gcaunte to tbe
toil of ft u naliy mpnDeo. rsut tfcp tbat ate rppzp*
lato tbat it is gooo. ^0 tben noto, it is

tual,ate goftlp mpnDeo* ^0 be catnal*
not3 tbat do it,but fiiinc tbat Dtoelletb
Ip mpnoeo ,ts Deatft* 25tit to be fptcitu*
in me* jo:3 tmotoe tbat in me ( tbat is
allp mwocD is ipfeauo peace* j.
to rape in mp * 8eO)e)D toelletb no gooD ©e^
caufe tbat g flciljlp mpnoe is emupte a^
tbpnge*co topi is piel'ent tottb mc.btit gatnft goD:foz it is not beoicute to
3 f iiiDe no mcanes to pert ozmc § tobtcb lato of goo,netbet can be*s>o tben
3 do not tbat gooo tijingc
is gooD. j? ci
tbat ate $enm to tbe tTefihe , cannot
toOpcfje3 tooulbe:but tbat eupll Do 3, pieafetBoo.
tobpeb 3 tooulDe not* f pnallp v( 3 do
©ut « pe ate not geuen to tf)e aefJbjbut
tbat 3 tooulD not, tbeu is it not 3 tbat
totbe bfpirtt:pf fo be tbat tin ipmit of
Do ft,but fpnne tbat Dtoelletb in me, Do*
(Bod Dtoell in pou. |f tberc be anp man
ctb tf*3 fpiiDe tben bp tbe latoe, p tobcti
tbat batb nor ^ fpnite of £l)xift,p fame
3 tooulDe do gooD,eupl 15 pzefent toitfj, is none of bis.Jf Cbjtft be iii pou,f bo*
ine«3 Dclpte in tbe la toe of cBoo, concern
Dp is oeao becaufe of fpnue;but tt)s fpu
npnge tbe innec tnan.$ut 3 fe auotbet
cite is Ipfe foz tigbteoufn5fabe*^bet*
latoetump mr mines tcbellpngeagaifr
the latoe of mp mpnoe anD fubbupnge
from DeatbjDtoel in pou:eue be tj tapfeo
nieimto tin latoe of rpnne, tobpebe is m
Up cnitfte ftom
mp membets*® toictcbeo man tbat 3 poutemoztall Deatbe , n>all q uic&eti
boDpcs,becat»re tt>a{bi5
am: tobo Ojal! Delpue r me from tbis bo*
fpitpte Dtoelletb in pou*
top of oeatbf 3 thanbe d5oD tbozoto 3e/
Hh Cbetfoie btetbzcn toearenotoe <*
Dettets.not to tbe fle$e,to «ue after tt>e *
fus Cbjuft once XLo:De » £>o tben 3 mi>
fclfe in mp mpnoe feme tbe latoe
of 8c(I)e* jfoj pf pe
Ipue aftec tbe fleO)e , pi
<f5oD } ano in mp fleu> tbe lato of fpnne*
muff ope* ©tit pf pe moztifpe t\\z ocoes
of t&e boope,bp tm belpe of tt)e fpp*ptt,
^^m*itu '
ftf f peo,tobicb be iuttifptb, tbera be.aif
fct 0>all Ipuetfoi as manp a* arc leb bp
fonnes glojpfpeo*
tbe iputte of ©od : tbep ate tljc
fpmt s»bat ajal toe tben Cap to tbefe tbin* i
«tfamk of goo.ifoj pe baue not ceceaueo f gesf pf * udod be on oute fpDe:tobo can
i,»ni,ub of bonoage to feate anp tnoare,but*pe
aDopciou beagainft bs^ tobicbe Cpatebnotbps
«,«o».i o baucteceaueo tbefpititeof *
otone f onne, but * gaue bim foj bs all:
9tu»M tohetbp toe ccpe abba tattjec * <W botoe dial be not toitf) bpm geue b$ all

JSSii Came fpitite cectifietb oute rptttte tbat tbpnges alfo»»flDbo (&al lape anp thing
Sof&f toe ate tbe fonnes of <E>oD*3f toe be f to tbe cbatge of d5oobes cbofen^ itjis
in\m- ties , toe ate alf o bepjcs , tbe bepjeg I
4&0D tbat iuftifpetb:tobo tben Cball con<
ESS pffobetbattoe*futTettogetbet
nieane ofaiupD ttf Wit:
fl *
tv M ^fiifFprfQfrcfher.s toe Depne 1 3Jt is Cb^ift tobicb ts oeab.pea
State, tatbet tobtcb is tpfmagapne,tobtcb is
map be gloyfpco togctbet* b alfo on tbe right banoe of (SoD,anb ma^
+ $oi 1 f uppofe tbat tbe amnions <!5
doobo Cbal fepetate bs from tbe loue ctt; toM
tobtcbfljalbetbetocD bponbs*aUfotbe
M&VM of o^anguiCbc^
d5oD»"fbal ttibulacio*'
* fctuente oefpje of tbe creature^ abp* oj pecfecucioufotbec bonger^etbet na< bmbont
Detb lokpngc toben tbe Comics of d5oD foi\)im
fteDneffe^etbet patel^etbet ftoeatbe^s CdKOf but
(hall appete^ecanfc tbe ctcatutes ate
it is totptten: * fo; tbp fafte ate toe bpl< beleuc f>
f ubDuco to banpte agatft tbett totl:but ©Ob 105
leo aloap longer ate counteo as Ojepe uctt)
foi bis toil tobicb fubouetbtbe in bope. in
oeuucteD apopnteb to be aapne^euettbeleffc anb alfo
jfoi tbe berpfceatutes fbalbe
altbefe tbinges toe ouetcomefttong^ loue i5 00
ft6 tbe bonoage of cojtupeion, into tbe
lp tbopto bis bdpc tbat loueb bs. 2ea
alojious libectpe of tbe fonneis of <Bod»
creature gro< ano 3 am fute tbat netbet oeatb.netbet
$oi toe fenotoe tbat euetp
Ipfe.netbec amgels,no? tule^etbet po<
netb tottb bs alf o,s ttauapletb in paine
netbet tbtngeg pjefente, netbet
cuenbntotbtstpme. j -*. ,

tbpnges to come, neptberbigbe.netbec

iaot tbep onelp,but eue toe alfo tobtcb
lotoetb,netber anp otber cteatute Cbal*
baue tbe fpM*6 fcutes of $ fpirtt,moine
be able to bepatte bs from ttit loue of
* (Boo , fljetoeo
in Cb^ifte I^u oute
» lobe f oi tbe beliuetaunce of out boop
c bope»J3ut
«0« t*ifojtoeatefa«eDbp
bopetbat is fene 10 no bope f o? botoe
canaraabopefottbattobicbbel« 'K l

#ut ano pf toe bope i oj tbat toe fe not, a. m

To be ejeuen to tbe flcCbe, is to Ipue tbe toou £Se«enfo
then do toe tottb patience abpbe f 031 it* feceoftDcfleqjctobtcDeacecefpaea.ffial.u. m a efbe

$ ^pfcetopfetbefpicptealfobelpttb b.ailtOatbcofCbua.bauCfberppiptcofCDiia Tbefpis

btocllpuijemthcin SbattstDepbocouttiiuallp cite of

out infirmities, jfoj toe ftnoto not tobat OcpueagapnaetbefleCbe, altoapCs bcfpjpnseui Cbuttfc
tppjpte tbepibeattestotoalftemtOctooxftes oftbefpp-
to oefpje as toe ougbte: but tbe
tnaHetbintetceOion roigbtelpfoibstf) tptccccpteo.Cal.b. .

c.^emuft fuffccwitbcbiift, pftoe topllvcttjuc buffet ti

atonpnges tobicbe cannot be crp?eiTeD toittohpmmgloipc. gctbec.

i.»ar.iw> toitb'touge^no+betbatfeatcbetbtbc D.arbefpiacfcuitesoftDe rppiptctjabtbe apos

ccf ucs fittt fw
t lftl
w]-h bettes,bnotoetb * tobat
is # msanpnge Cbuae bab tbefpia f cuues of tbe
ttcctoti,thatis,tbcp weerhefptae amottgc al
fSSS of tbe fptttte:foj be mafcetb intercefflon nacpoiistbatceccpuebtDegpftegoftbefppipte,
f oj tbe lapnet eg
accoiomge to tbe plea? as Ct)ua tnas tbe fp;ft tbat cofc from tbe oeaoe.
of (Bob* |« c.*t»becefattb t9,ti)ecctsbopt, anotobeccisnu giauCbb
fucebopc.tbccetsnocOMftiartfaptbe.'JflDbCcfoie bope*
4, ifoj toe fenoto tbat al tbiges too.tfee itmapctsbtetoclbeCapcb.toeatcfauebbpbopc.
foz tbe befte onto tbem tbat loue ©00, Tbat tsbp tbe moaecectapnc anb Cute f aptbc ttt
purpore . ifoj C;)uaespiomtCcs,t»)l)icl) caufetb bsto bopece^
tobicb alfo ace calleb 'of
tapitclptbatat tbctpme appopnteb toe (ball be
tbofe tobicbe be bneto befoje bealfooj*
btlpuecEO f com tbts gceatebucbeu of ttjeftefOe.
bepneb befoie,tbat tbep fboulbe be Ipfee f.acbeetctualtopfeoomcofiSob ,opb befotetlje Calico of
fattponeo bnto tbe Ojape of bis
foune, toozlbrbesamtc.appopntecettapuctbatCbiJulbe pucpofc*
piofenrc ano ret fouttbetbe isorpei of bt9Co"« »
tbat be migbt be f fp jft
begotten f onne
cucn ro tbe tooilbea enbe , tbofe toece tbep tbat
amoge manp bjetbie.^oieouec tobicb toece, attb be baplpe calico of pucpofc, tbatts,
alfo calico. tbep ace not onelp ealltt), butairo elcctco ano
be appointeo befoie cbem,be
3Mb tobpc&e i)e calleb , tbem alfo be t>
t o

Co tlje ttomftfite*, ifolject?.

«>Cbapter< btpll, anD tofjome t)e topll,.^ie mafeet^
#aul complapnettitopon tut bar&e fjcnrtcsof
tUe j] ctocs rljat tcoulDe not tcccaucCDxittc , an
fcotw toe c p c Den ace cporcu ut toeic ttcaDc. Cbou top l re rape tben onto me:tor)p 3©
<^ave ibe ttuctb in Ctyift, 9 ttjenblametb b< bs petf jfo? tobo ca tu €rap
4T fc
Ipcnot, intbattobeteof mp fvftelns toilf* gut^D man, tot)at arte ano. 64.t
conference bcarethc me tort* tbou tobicb Difputeft toitb*<&oD^bal S?,ft
rbcbolp gljofte, tbatj be toozebe fap to tbe toozebe
1 tot)p mamaeo> ^e
bane greate beupnes $ continual lozom baft tbou maoe me on tt)is f affuv^atb to 9 pwm»
«*».jj b |U
m p (jeacte, ^oz * J bane topfflieD mp not tbe potter potoet oner tt)e clape,eue
felfc fo be cnrftD from cbzille , fo.z mp of tbe fame lo'mpe to ma-Kc one OeiTel On topreas
bictbzen 5 imp hi'iuciue as pectainpnge to bonoure,^ anotber Onto Diu>nour^ ©oomua
to tbe flcO^e, tobicb ace tbe Jjf caciptes, cBuen fo, (Bod tovUpnqt to u^etoe \)i>s $£?****
Cotob6pcttainetbtbeaDopcion,3tbe tozatb,auo to make f)is potoet hno tocti, icamcto
***";"• glozp, ano tbe cotmiauntcjs tije* latoe futtercD toitb longe pacpencc tbe beD fcm&on

floopcton tbat toas geuen,anD tbe ferutce of <BoD, fclsf of tozatbeozDepneDto Damnacton,
J.' "??
anD t!,c «* ujifes:tobofe alfo ace n)e fa« tbat be mpgbte Declare tr>e rpebes of uKrpu
Sf wufc t& w MUD *&*P of tobot(as cocempnge bps glozpe on tin beffels of mercpe, ttngctt
tbefletge) entile came, tobict)e is 05od tobpebe be bao pzepareo onto glozpe: m* ^
23 ouec al tfjpngcs DlcfT d fo: etier jtucii*
tbat 15 to fape,Ds UJucbe be calleD,not
fpea&e not tbefe tfjfges as tbougbe of tbe Jetoes onelp,out alfo of tbe gen* €
**>* to °J°J of ©00 bao take none effects rpls.a* l;efapetr) in* ^)fee:3 topllcal ffii!'
Bom ah
jfoz*tbeparenotal 3ffraclptes tobtcb tbem mp people tobifbe toete not mp
came of Jftacl: nether are tfjcp a ctjpU I people:ano bet beloucD tobicb toas not
Dzen fttatgbt toape,becauf e t&ep ace tbe biioueo. 3ud 0)ai come to paHe in tbe
n *' H *
.^ reco of ^bzabauu * But in 3jfaac iljall place toberc it toas fatD Onto tbcm , pe
3g».8 e ttjpfeeDe be calfeD:tbat is to fap,* tbep are not mp people: tbat tbere tyaJbc cab
*ww,,u, °
tobic&eare tlje clulozen of tbe fie0je 3 acc led tbe cbplDzen of tbe Ipupnge <boD.
not tbe cbilozcu of ©od.jb ut v cb uozen J3ut (Staias crpctb concernpnge
of pzotnes arc counteo tr>t feeDe * jfox 3fftael,*tbougb tbe nombze of t\)t tbiU cfap - M
•**•* b
a toozoe of pzomes,*about tbti
tfjis is Dzcn of 3(frael be as tlft fanDe of § fea,
tpme turn j come.aiiD $<ita $al banc i>tt (ball but a teutna tint e be faueD.^e

afotine. fpnpftyctb tf)t ojozd Oerelp,anD makctf)

4*etbet toas it fo toicfj t>cr otielp : but it fbozte in trgbttoufnes; ifojai^ozt
all toben ttcbccca leas toitt) cbplo c bp toozoe topll ©od make on ettb. 3ud as , 1
one, 3 meane bp oure father Jfaac, pec CBfafas fapDe befoze:* except tbe %ofi
t^e cbplDzen metre bozue,toben tfjcp bao of ^abocbbaolefteos feeDe, toebaD
netber Done gooD netber bad : tbattfte benemaocas ZoDoma, auobao bene
purport of <5od tobicbe is bp cieccpou, IpfccncDtovEomozra*
tnpgbt ftanDe,it bias fapD onto fjec.not •aopbatnjalltecfape tbenc 3ccefare f
-„_.. bp tbe reafon of toozkes, but bp grace tbat tbe gentrls tobicbe folotoeD not
* ** • of tbe caller : tbe * etoec $all recti e tfje rrgbteoufnes baue tier taken cpgbtc*
f otingec.ais it is tozp ttcn: Jacob fie lo* oufnes:3f meane § rpgbteoufnes tobicr)
ticD, but cfau be ba cd. Mat fl/all toe cdmetr)of fattr)*25utjftael tobicb folo*
(ape tbeiir-is Cr)ere anp bntpgbf coufucs toeD tbe latoeof rpgbteoufnes, coulDe
toitb (Sod.-'sBod fozbpD.tfoj be fapetb to not attar ne onto tbe la to of rpgbteoufr
«»,«,» ^ofes:J * topll Ojetoe metcpto tofjom ties 3BnD toberfoze f Becaufe tbcp
3 fteto meccprano toil bane comparTto fougbt it not bp fa t tb:b u t as it toere hp
on tobome 31 baue copaflfion . ^0 Ipeto tbe tuoikes of tbe la toe » f\oi tljev baue
ft not then a mis
torn 01 tttnnpnge,
in flomblcD at tbe ftomblpnge ilone* 3fs it
._ ..but in tbe inerepe ofU5oo. f oz tbcfcnp* isto^ptten:* 23ebolDeJ| put in ^ion a
tutc fapetb onto £barao:*cue"foj tbts ftomblpugc (lone , anD a roefcetobpebe *«*',&.
Came purpofebaue 3 ftereD tbebp to , fl)a I make men fale . 3BtiD none tr)at be<
Ojetocmrpotoer ontbe^tbatmp name le tie on t)im 3 Qjaibe a OjamcDf
mpgbtc be beclareb tbozotoe out ail ibt
tooiloc* ^0 bat^ ljc mercp on toljom be CCr)e,r.Ct)aptee«
#3?rn<tt<<» ct)e

SbctonfaptbfulnesoftbjJItoa.anoomaWc faptngesv ^>otb*nt"aPtbccommetbbp ^
ofcpaOtcoufaCg. beacinge,ano beacpnge commetb bp tbe
tooio of (S0D«i5ut 3 affecrhaue tbep not
l^ctfi^en,mp fjcrtcs befp:e $ beacbefiBto bout, * tfceicrounbe toente
pzapec to ©od f oz 31ltaci tg, oute into all lanbes : anD tbeic looiDcs
that tbep might belauco. into tbe enbes of tbe tooilDe.
beate the cecozbe tfjat s tit 31 oemauoe tobetbc c3 fcacl ran
Jtfoz 31
tbep bane a fecuct mpnbe to gobtoacbe, bnoto oj notj-Jfpjfte ^ofes fapetb : 3
but not accozbpnge to knotoleoge. if 0? *toilpiouofccpouto*nup,bptbemtbat o«« h**
t\)t? ate tgnbzaute of tbe tigb«oufties ace no people , 9 bp a folpuje nation 3
tobicbe is alotoeo befoze goo.ano go a< toil angec pou .CfaiajS aftcc p , is boloe

boute to fta bitty tbeic oume tpgbteonf* ano fapetb:* 3 am fonnbe of tljem tbat "«r« 'i«.»»
nD,, ^' J
nes,anbthecfoze ace not obeotent onto fought me not,ano bane appeceo to tbe
balefoe tbat afkeb not aftec me 3uo agapufte
,«»«.*. *b* tigbteourucg tobtcbe is of ma*w*
w**-** 1 oza*Cbzift ts tbe enoe of 3fcael be favetb:all*bape longe baue3
before dDOD.f
._ the tatoe,to tuftifpe al ibat beleue. ftcetcbeb f o«be mp bauoes bnto a peo^
S»oft8 befcepbetb § tigbteouthe* pie tbat beleuetb not but fpeaaetb a*
«,» «T ,

231?* * tobicbe camctn of the latoc.boto* tftat gapnfte me* J?

tbe man tobtcbe both the tbtngejS of tbe 5
a.^!Mt ig,CbztafutfpIleri)t!)cIato,uotro mucb
latt>e,Q)al )&ut the tpgbte* mobrcc«pnjeaIItt)ecccemo:uf5,a:io p;eccptcs *?"?J
lime thcttn . ™ c clJ°f .
or ? l *w*.
oufneg tohicb cometb of fatth fpcaKetb toctof.asm pccfoutinptiget^attoOtcDUJasmgt

on this topfe.^ape not in thine beatte, bpalirtjetofjolccoucfcofr^elatoc fpotteof fpmic, ftoulft
he bepu |C puce ana ttout
tobo Ojall af cenoe into beauen ( that is puege ouccfpItJ)pe»atucc bp tU« QKDpii j: of g n
notbpng els tbe to fetch £bzt(t boune.) moac manp of D9( 3B fape;«9
£>tt>ct tobo Ojal Defcenoc into tbe bepe^ Cboulbbclcue iu bis
name «-hrhi«»
b.BpfaptbacctoemaDcma.butpctoii tbtscou= *' , ,

rtbatisnotbtnge cl$ but to fetcbe bp f*°;

btcioi,ti;attocctnbiacc£buac3boctcpuc *coa*
Cbzift from beatbe. )Tdut tobat lapetb fcaebimuttoo;tteaubDeabC.^o:£l)uftca!letb
tbeYctiptntef * %l)t toozoe is npe tbe, bs to tooibem bisbmepatbe, aub not to
be Jlolc
men in tbp montb anD in thine beatte» fccmanpftcppcs. ,,_,, .

-Cbis toozbe is the toozbe of b faptb cdo:nctopla;tm£oftobomtt>e picacbecsmua tftccptc

bcrentc/bccelpofbtm tuattstbenmataet.tbat tbep
4* ^oi pf t^cu flialte
tobiclj loc p^cacfie.
£)f tjtmbetUcp rente, tobubcpicacbc feure*
fmotolcoge tottb tbp montb tbat Jems tssob .
Cbtifttculp.tottboutetbcbefpicof oapue gloipe
ts tbe HozDc,anb[baUe beleue \fo tbine o:aapitc».£)iitl)wfoitcboetb £W&
beet tbat ®oo tapfeb him bp fto Deatb bctDasreitteoftgefatOccbeeaufebcrougbtUi*
tbou Ojalt be rafc. f 01 tbe beliefe of tbe fatoevsgloipcanb notbisotoue.
Cbe.jci. Chapter.
bctt iuftifpetb:? to Knotolcoge toitb tbe
ai the lictocs aw not eatt atoap, ttjec foie t&atd
moutb mafcetb a \U fafe.jfoz tbe fcttp* hjacuetg tue^eutplstbatbecalieb, nortobchte
•ftp.*.* nice fapetb:* uibofoeuec belcuetb on mpnbca.noi to Wfppfe the H cvoes, f 01 tbe iiibsa
fjpmfyallnotbcaujameo. menus of JSoa ate bcpcaubftctete. «
C tEbeceisnoopffecencebettoene the
latoapc bis peoples <^ob
3|etoe 5 tfje ©entpl. jfoz one is Jto?oe 0*
net al,tobtcbe is tpebe bnto all tbat cal
!Sa u'
onbim»*Jfoib)bofoeuetCbalcal on tbe
e»o.i^.i, name of tbe noz^flialbe fafe. 3ut boto
Jthctcpbe of ©eniaimn,
aal tbep call on bim,on tobom tbep be*
not carte atoape bis people
ieueb noti'boto fljal tbep beleue on bpm Siblfbathe
luhicbe be Unetoe bcfoie. etbec
ioote pi
of tobo tbep bauc not beatDe^ bo to 0>all
tbep beace ttout a pzeacbet;- awo botoe not tohat the feepptuce fapetb bp the
(ball tbep pzcache « eccepte tbep befits
moutbe of l^elpagi, botoe be maactb m*
tecceffio to d5ob agaift3u-ael,Capinge.'
3$ if is tozpttemboto beautpful ace tbe i *^'»-'

fete of them tobicb bzpnge glabe ttDtn* * JLozb tbep baue kplleb tbp pzophetes !
geg of peace, ano bzpnge glaoe tpopn*
anobiggebboune tbpnealteces3 a ui
onlp, 9 tbep fefee mp U'fe. ©ut tobat
ges of gooo tbtges.BUi tbep bane not left

all obepeb to tbe <i5ofpel( f

01 <£faias teptb § am" toec of goo tobim againef3 w
gjj^a *h3t;? cefecueb bnto me (eue tijoufaoe
fapc tb:* fcojoetobotyall beleue oute

Co tlje 3&omajmes. tftAwUU

nitnfobfcbe haue not botocb the mice to fepnge f><&ob fpareb not the natural!
23aal.c£tunioattbps tpmc ts there a bzaunches, left bapplpe healfoTpart
tcnaGtc left tbozoto p election of grace. not thee*
3jf it be of*gracc s ihcn is ttnotoftooz< EcbolDc.cbehpnDcncs anD rpgo#
ate cotca Ucs , fox then tocre grace no mooxe ton fncs of <50U:®n them tobpeb fel,rt*
I?t0i£cs. gracc.3 rbe of toozekes then is it no
tt , gotoufnes :©mtotoarDcs the bpnDc*
if oi thru toece Defecupnge
mooxe grace, ncs.-pf thou continue in hps kpnones*
no leuger Defer upug, xx hat tbtnsjtia* £Dx els thou ttjalt be he toen of ,aub thep
ell bath not obtapneo that be fought. pf thep* bpbe not ftpll tn bnbclefe, mat u,&ou,*
#*o but pet the election Hath obtapneo be gr'affeb in agaiuc. jfox <soo is of po*
15 tt. chc remnaunreare blpnbeo, accox* toettogtaffe them in agapne. fozpf
Dpnge as tt ts tozttten:* ©od hathc gc< thou toaft cut oute of a naturall lopiDe
ueu them the fpitite of bnquietnesj olpue trecano load graffeo contrarpe
ep c0 p thep Ojoaloc not fee , a no carts to nature in a true £)lpue tree : t)otue
that thep ft)o nlDe not hca re en e n bnto
, much mozc ftjol^ natural biaunch es be
*>&>»*<«, this Dap.*3KtiD BaniD fapcth:let thep? graffeo ii\ the it o tone oliue tre agapue,
table be maoc a fnare to taHe them 3 toon iDe not pthps fecrete 0)oulb
toptb at! , a no an occaf ton to fa1l,anb a behPD ftome pou mp b«thten(Ufl pe
tctoatbe bnto ttjem. let riictc epesbe (rjulDe betotfein pour o tone cofaptcs)
blpnoeb § thep fee not:anb en en « botoe thatpattlp blptiDitj fs liappencb in 1\U ,

Dotoue their backes. tacit , bntpllttjefulnes ofthe<0entp«

3J fape then : $aue thep there* Its be conic in: 3nDroall3fracIlOjaW 33

toit ftoniblco, that thep fljoulbe but fal be f auto.ais it is totptten:*Cbete tyat Sgf'Sff
,i' l*u * ,, *

oneliv <&>ob fozbpb: sut thozotoe tbepj come out of ^>ponhe tbatDoethDelp*
fall is faluacpon happeneb bnto the ucr.anD (hall tourne a toapc the bngoDi
dfcjcutples.foz to pionokc them toitftall. Ip nes of Jacob .InDibps is mpcouc*
OOOherfoze pf the fall of them, be the tp* naunt bnto them , tohen 3 ftjall tafte m
cues of the too.zIDe:3lnD tfje mpnpQjmge- toape thep: fpnnes. 3s couccrnpug the
of them the rpebes of the <5entples: (Kofpell thep arecnempes foi pourfa^
§otocmuebcmoozc8jotilDe it be fo,pf ftes : Ji? m
80 touchpng ^ election thep
thep all bclciKD.J "fpcaUc to pou <&sntU are louco foi the fathers fa kcs.
legjnasmuebe as* J am tin aipoftle ^oz berelp the gpftes ano callpngc
tt,Citn,i (, of the iBentples,! topll magnifie mtne of (5oD are fuche, that it can not repent
ofjfpcc, that J mpghte pzouofce them hpm of thcm:f oz loae,as pe in the time
tohpchc are nip flcaOjc, mpghte paffeo nauc not beleueD <5ob , pet haue
fauefomeofthem* jFoxvftbecaftpnge notoe obtapneo mcrcpe thozotoe thep;
atoapeof them , be the teconcplpnge of 1) tibelcfc: Cuen fo notoe haue thep not
the toozloe: •XBljat fyall the teceaupuge beleueD the mere? tofjpeh is happtneb
of them be, but life a gapne from Death.-' bnto pou , that thep alfo map obrapne
£ oi pf one pece be bolp "the toholc heape mercp. (Sod hath tozappeb allnactens
isbolpe . aJuDpftbcrotebeholpc, the inbnbclcuc, tiiatije mpght fjauemet^
bzaunefjcsareholpalfo. cponalt.
Cbougbefome of the inauucbes be ©the Depncs of the abounbaunte
btortenof,aiiD tfjou bepngca toi'lDco* topfbomcanDfenotoleoge of(Bob:hotoe
Ipuc tree, arte grafte in amonge them, bnfercheable are bP# iubgemcutes,
ano mabe partafter of the rote ano fa U anb hps toapes pad fpnopnge out^ iFoj
nes of the * olp uc tree,boft not trip felfe *tohor)athe feuotoen the mpiiDcofthe
agapnft the bxaunches . foi pf thou iLozoe*' ^Dztohotoashps counfelour^ &api,(t.b.

boft thp felfe, remembze that thou bea< ©thee toho hathe geuen bnto him firft, $$££
teftnotg rote, but f tote the. ^Dboutoilt that he mpght be tecompenfeb agapncs*
fape then: Che biaunches arebzokcu £ oz of bpm,anD thozotoe hpm , anb f o$
cf,tbat 3 mpghte be graft in <Cbou bpm,are al thpnges * Co hpm be glozR
fapefttoell : j&ccaufeof bnbclefetbep fozcuct.aimcu.
Me bioUcn of ,anD thou ftanDeft fteDfaft ;jrt)CiSo«i.
tn not hpc mpnoeb, but f cace «,th?3toMjiot ouel?crpobenoft^« oppidtton
##m.t)» ttat
c -

tb«l>UouUtcfufftf bp tbe gentles: ©iu alCo or tribute bnto tbe neccfTife of tf>cfe>apnc<
cbelaclieoffaptljcano Cute t)opc togccebp tDcp tes,s* be Diligent to bacboure.©lc[Te mit.tu*
ftouiacnot oucc bcbolot ttnti; Cuteconfibencc to
t a! upon t be £ oioc tueu jS ob.
tbem tobtcbe pectccute pou : bleffe , but
curfe not . 2$e mcrp toitb tbem tbat are
<3rCbe*,jcii. Cbaptcr. * merpe«£cepe)optb tbe tbat tocpe.*25e p^i,!.«

JCfic ftoetc conuecrac iS.kme, aiU> toorteo of Chc$ of Ipke affection one totoarDes ano tbe c,
asbeicucmCbwa, ©enotbpempnDeD: ©tit mafcepouc g »«»».•.

ii©cfe<b* Pou tbctcfoze felues equall toptb tbem of tbe lotoer

* u, t " -

|Dzetbzcn,bp tbc*mctcu fo^te. y

f nines of <50D, tbat pc
^.©e not totfe in pour otoneopinios. j^ou c
rmaUc route boDres a * Llccompencc to no mau eucll for cupl. t&it'.Hil*
qupclic d lactpfice, bolp ^zoupDe afoie banDe tbpnges boticft
J u ^
janD acceptable bnto in tbe f pgb t men* 3)f it be poUtbie,
of ai
0oD:3OObpcbe ts ?outc reasonable rec* bo toe be tt of pour parte , baue peace
up tig of v5od, a no fafmon not pout UU toptb all men. Berelp beloueD auetige
ues Ipfcc bnto tbrs to'ozioc : ©tit be pe not pour felues, but geue roume bnto
cbauugcD ih poure u>ape, Up tbe renin tbe ttiia tbe of cdod . Joi it is tozpttcn:
pnge of route topttts tbat pc maps felc * ?lieugeaiince is mpne, anD 3 topll tu
tobat tfjpngc tba t gooD , tbat accep ta< toatDe fapetbtbeXLoiDe.
fcle.anb petfecte topll of <50D is. foz J tcbetfoie * pf tbpjie enempe bongre,
pjo %ft,9
fap'eftbozotoetbe grace that but owe feDe btm,pf be tbiuft,geue bpm Dipn&e.
geuett is ) to euetpe mau amonge pou, ifonnfoDopngc ttjou (balte beapeco*
tbat+uo man eftcme of bpm fclfc mote ies of fpic on bps bcaoe . ©e not ouec*
»aiftiV.ft tben it become tb htm to cftemc,but tbat come of euell:©ut ouercome euell toitb
fje Dtfctctlpe tuDge of bpm feife , accoz* gooDnes.
f« '

opnge as (Bob batb Dealt to cucr?e 2H)C fiLOtti.

man tbe mcafute of faptb. t. Xt)tUtUfiUt\)Mf$OD tCi}Uirt(0 OfU3,l3fO
bipnscouce buOpC9toroe obcoicmc o/tsjob.-a
2ds toeljaucmanpc membzes in one
8 boDp,* a membzes baue not one office:
tOis anbmanpcotijetplates off Ccciptucc,
<gfcotoe bepngemanp,ate one boopc in piopt) ccp ts ratttu, 1 01 CFpouiibtngc of tge fccip

COiift.ano euetp man amonge out fel* tucc» Co tl;at toe moic oacbcplaccs be ma&e open
anoplapncbptocmoicmauited places, j p" jc-
tics ,oue anotbers membzes. h articles of tije cijjittcufaprg.
ii eta I
i.caj-tf!. b 4,* ^crnge tbat toe baue Diners
ivrbc.jciii.ibapttr« 4*
SS;5ft gpfres,accozDpnge to tbe gtace H)at is SocobcDtenccof mm onto ri;cculats.n,oucfuii
geueu bnto bs : £f anpe man bane tbe fpllctQti>cIaicDC3|ti9HOtott9tpmetofo(oto toe
grfteofb j^topbcipc, let bpm baue it tooibesofoacbcncs.
tljat it be agcepuge bnto faptbe.*JLet <gt euctp foule fubmpt
^p m tbatbatbeanoffpce,toapte onbps
bpm felfe bnto tbe
off bpm tbat teacbe tb.takc bcoc auctozpte of tbe bpec
tobpsDoctcpne. &etbpm tbat erboz* potoers. * f oz tbere is
tetb,geueattenDaunce tobpscjebozta*
3{t«e,H. t,
C j 0Il4+ 2f anp man geue,let bim Do it t&
00 potoer but of <bod . fpSK

Cbc potoers tbat be,

ei<xt,ii,a ftnglenes.+XetbPm tbat rueletb, do it
are otDeyueD of C5oD ix>bo fo euer

3Dtnt,;».b toitb Dilpgece.*£f anp man fycto met* t be rf ok r ef ft t b potoer, i tcf ift etb tbe
cp,lctbtmDoittottbcbcrfulncs. 0: of n a u nee of god . $nD tbep tbat te»

a ^ tL«t lotic be tuptfyout DtffUiiuIacCi» f iu\0)all rcceaue to tbem felfe ba mpna*

«pm.V.'a, on . * l^ate tbat tobicbe is cuel,?i clcauc cpon. jfouuclars are not to be feared
jj nt0 {(jat tubpeb is gooD. ©e apnD one
f oi gooD tooi^es, but fox eupll * tioplte

i&tk a b t0 Mrtbn tib bzotberlpe loue .*3fn ge* tfjou be toptbout feare of tbe potoerc
upngef)onoure,gooUe befoze another. Ooctoelltbcn: 3nD fo u>alte tbou be
3iet uottbc bufpnes tobicbe pe baue in pzapfeD of tbe fame . JFoz
be is tbe mi*
banDe,be teotous bnto pou. ©e ferueut mac r of (Bod, f oz tbp toeal tbe. ©u t anD
in tbe fpitite . aippip pour felues to tbe pftbouDoeuplMbeufeare:jfozbebea>
tpnte. ttetopfe in bope. ©epacpentiu rctbnota ftoearbe foz nougbte but is
trpbuIacion«€outiuuefnp2aper*£)tf; tbe mimfter of 000 , to take bengeauce
tCo tlje ^omapttes. falxtiiii ¥
on them that Doe euptl aoohecef oze pc £m A tr)at is toeafee in
mud iuocs obepe , not foi feare of Den^ tbefaptb,tcceauel)tuo3)
gcaunce onelpe : 25ut alfo becaufc of poti, not in Difputpnge ,

* confctcnce.SInD euc f oz this caufe pap aiiDttotiblpng biscotu

petrpbute.jFozthepate goooes mpnp* fttencc, £)ne bcicuctlj
Rets , fetupnge foz tfic lamcpurpofc* tbat be mape eate all
d5e uc to eucr p man tfjerf oze bis Due* tbpnge* SKnotOet tobtcbe is toca&e,ea*
he:* crpbute to tobome trpburebe* tetf? earbes ftetnottjpm that eateth,
forjgcttj ; dCuftomc to tobome cuftomc Defppfe bpm that eateth not . HinD lette
is" Due: jfeare to tobome feacc bclotu not fjpm tohpchc eateth not,* tuDge
gcttjrt^otioure to tobome bonoutc par* hpm that eateth* iFo? (Bod hathe tetea* m >*tt>*

tapnetb.*4Dtoe notbpnge to anpman: ucd hpm»* jjohat att thou that iuDgeft Jat0 Mltb
XSut to loue one another, foz be that lo* another mans fetuaunte t achcthct he
C uctb another, fulfj'lleth tfjc iatoe * jroz ttanoe 0; fol, that pettapuctb Ditto hts
tbefe coimnaunDcmcntcs.*'Cbou(i)alt maifter:pea,he fhail ftanDe»jfoj d50D is, b, not commit aououtrpe: 3Dt)ou fif?al t not able to make hptnftanDe*
kpll: Cbou OjaU not Itcalc: £bou fl)alt (Cbpjs man putteth Difference be< IS
not bearc falfe toptnes: Cbou ffyalt not ttoenc Dape anD Dape . another man
Defpje anD fofozthXPf there beanve o* countcth all Dapes alvae ^»cc that no
tbet commaunDementejtbcp ate ail man toauer in hps otoue meanpnge.
compzebenDcD itttbps fapinge:*)loue $)t that obferueth one Dape tnooze then
1S& at jrtl.O thpne nepghboure as t«p f elf e . lone another, Doeth itfo^the jlozdcs plea? <
£©ac,x«,t, fuce » Sf.iDhe <Oat obferueth not one
<5ala.D.b buttctb not Ops ncpghboucc.'Cberfozc
is lone the fulfpllpnge of the latoe* Dape moo^e then another, Doeth it to
3D COps alio toe kuotoe , 3 meane tbe pleafe the RoiDe alfo . i^c that eateth,
feafou, r)01oe tfjat itistpme tr)ac lue Doeth it to pleafe f 31oiDe,fo? he gcuetfj
fl)oulDe no toe atoafcc oute of tfepe * Jf 01 <50Dthanftes.ainDhethat eateth not,
Home is oute faluaciou nerer the tobeu eateth not, to pleafe the JLo^De topthal,
toe btlcucD Cbe npgbte is paiTeD $ (be anD geueth d3oD thanckes . Jf oz none of
Dape 13 ' come npc.JLet us therefore cart t)s Ipueth hps otoue fecuaunt: Either
atoape the Deo es of Darckenes , anD let Doeth anp of Ds Dpe his otone fit uaunt.
lis put on the (atmoute)of Ipgbte let 3f tee Ipue, toe l^m to be at the ftozoes
bs toalke boneftlp as it toere in tbe Dap toplh anD pf toe Dpe,toe Dpe at the ftoj*
EnhMrtLf Ipgbh* j&ot in eatpng anD Dzpnckpng: Des toplhjcchether toe Ipue therefore 61
0eitbec incbambutpnge anD toanto* Dpe toe are the KtozDes fo? ChJifte
ncs,neptber in ftrpfe anD enutpnge:but thctfore DpeD anD rote agapue, anD re*
put peon tbe hozdc ^efusCb.ztfte. upueDthathempg;htbe*]LozDe hothe
2CnD make not pibu if fori foz the flcatyc, oftheDeaD anD quicke*
tofulfpltbeluftesof ihfr $ut tohp oocft thou then tuDge thp

biothec^ ^)ther tohp Doeft thou Defppfe *
thp brother ? ^ccefhallbeaU bzoughte
a.fcbougbctljou tocrc of potter fo tCTift tljcmi* befoze the iuogemenr feate of Cfuirte*
icorarea.yetfbouloc tin1 confcicitcc couocntpnc jroz it is toiitten : as truelpe as
Jf Ipue tboubpooea it , becattfe ©oo comtnauns
fapeth the jlozDe,* all knees ft^ail boio
ftctbtbetoooborf) goooano cuplf at flntc corns
mauuoem«tf:butfobottbjgoo!> tbiitffcs p tbep to me, anD al tongues foal geue aknoto 1

commauttae.aub pf tbep commautio t&c aup etui, lengeto ©od. §>o fbal euerpe one of bs
wrap tottbjaetccari&|]o!)iMt is oiicc parte ca=:
rbmoobepesob .tbetimeu anb per Ipftctio geue acedptes of bpm f elf e to©oD.2Let

toeapott agapnft tUe butpac tcttrlp fuffre at t&ete bs not therfoze iuDge one another anpe
banoes.toDatfocucr tpsamipe tbcp crecuteppoti tnooze,
ibfe,ft)iiwt bopiije tbcu camauiibeatent.
ism iuDge cops ratbet,that no man
W.jciiif.cbaptet. pueaftomblpnge blockeozanoccafp*

on to fall in hPS biotbecs toape * jf oz

Tbe toeaSeougbte nof to be Bcfptrea. &oman 3f
moulbcoffeubf atiofbecsco»rcieucc agapncfoi fenotoe anD am full cectifpeD in f lozDe mt t „ b
ttC t&PR *c * *°»f w H0 wart conwmpiic 31efus,that*theteis nothpnge comen mtk-jj
°n2f ofitfelfezbutbntohpm thattuDgefh *%$&

<t to be comcn: %o bpm i$ it comeu.jBf ttbecebnfees of tfjtm btyebe ttbni &( .
p ** m
tbp biotfjec be gceucD toptb ttjp mcate, fecotb<felonme*^*iKbatiocHcc(bJ»4
ate to^ptten afoje tpme, ace tozpc* to"".*.*
3^ now toalbeft tfyou not cljatitabl^c.JDC^ ges
- ftcope not bpm toptb tbP meate , foz cen tot onre learnpnge , tbat loe tboiout
tobome cb a (le Oi>eo * Caute not po tire pacpence ano comfoit e of tbe fectpr it«,
* tceaf uce to be euell fpofceu of. £oz tbe inpgbte bane hope,
tuugoo of goo is not mcate anO Dzintte: •Cbe 000 of pactence ano r onfolact*
jfiutcpgbtcoufncs, peace ano lopeiti on,geue fcnto euecpe one of pou,tbat yt ®
tbe bolp gboft jfoz tebofoeuct in tbefe be irbe mpnoeo one totoacoe? anotbec
tbpage* fetuetb Cbzttte pkafctb toell the enfample of Cbzpfte 3^fu:

(SoD.a no 1 3 corame noeo of men* Cbatpeallagrcpnge togetbcc map *&.&,* 5

net os folotoe tbofe tfjj'ngesf tobP> toptb one moutb piapfe <@oo tbe facbec
tbe maae fot peace, ano tbpnges tobec< ofoticejLoioejRcdie.JCC'bcrfo^rt'cc-aue
u>t tb one mape eotftc anotbet. Bcftrop pe one anotbec as Cbaile ccceauco os B
not tbe toouiu of <©oo foz a iptcii mea* to tbe piaiu'e of ©oo 4no J fape tbat

«.fB0,(,o, tes fafee . mi tbpnge«s ace pure : tout JcftigCbafttoasfaimmiU'Coftbectr*

it is eupll foz tbat man, tobpeb e eatetb
cutuctfton f oz tbe tcuetb of <iDOO,to ipotw
toitb buct of bis conlcieuc c . Jt is gooo ft tine t^e piompfes raaoe tmtotbeca*

nettbec to eate 8ca0)c,im ?bet to ozpnkc tbecs.*5nolettc t\^ d5entpU$ piapfe 10aAnt
topne^ieitbetanp tfjpnge.tobetcbp tbP <5od foi bps mcccpc , as tt is tuanten:
bzotbecftorabletb, ettbec falletb.ozts ttfoztbps canfetopU Jpxapretbuea* (^••JJ
niaDe toca&e.^afte tbou faptbe t ^aue mange tbe (Scntplcs anO fpngc tntbp
it \b tbp fclfe befozevEoo. i^apppe is be
namc.SnO agapne be fape tb:* Uciopfc ls>aA iUt
people. 3BitOa«
tbat conbempnetb not bim fclfe in tbat pe<Bentple0i»ptb bps
ozoe ai pe ©ent plesj ^r,«w,«
tbpnge tobtcbe be alctoetb* jfoz be tbat gapne,*pzapf e y 3t
mafcetb eonfetence ,is Dampneo pf be anolauoebuiiallnacions.aiioin »no* c
cate: spcaufc be ooctb it not of f aptbe» tbec place Cfapa^ fapetb : 'Cbece

jfoz tobat foeuet i$ not of faptb,§f auie

betbetcoteof Jeffe, ano be tbat Cball &»*.#*
rpfeto capgne ouer tbe (^entple^:Jti
2C1)C .0Ot€S. b phi (ball tbe ©
entplcs tcuft. <E')c: goo
a.&ainctejdankcaUctj tftsm tocafte.t^at not of bopefpll pou toitb all tope ano peace
ttifotefee toitonanotijctbcp
tnbdeiipnge: ticbat pemape oeepebe
t&ctc confcienec wpl not fufce t jem to cate fistij
raeatcs as tije iato 2 of QQ opfes fotba&b c £iico c
in bop e tbozotoe tbe pome t oft!;etjolpe
hiolD not&apncnaauUOaucDeCpireD,but S&lp gbooftc* y
inacuctea ano taug'jtc tijat to rfjc faptbfull a( am full
tUmgcf at* clcancanb notljutge to be rer'af co fo
J mi' felfe cectiffcObfpoti
ItbcraiiJ'njitJjtijauacg.anottjatflgoifCBfo^aii mpbzecbzen, tbat pe pou te feluesace
tbtbCeofccttapitebcaftcsanD meatcs:oitcjp be; full of goooues ano fpllco toptb all
caufe b: toouloc bp tlje pxopectpes of rt;c fame
Hnotolcoge,ano ace able to ejebozte one
bcaQceoi uicatC9, Declare tobat bices tbcfaptb;
fnlCboulbCccfcapiic . asbptbe foxtuDditigcof
ano :b er» jHiencttbelcffe bzetb.zen J baue
Tome tubac boloelpe tozttten bnto pou,
ftotnesflcaftic.tbattbcfapt&ful! tooulbe notDe*
Ittetotoallototntbcfpltbppubbleofnii.ajtbep as one tbat puttetb pott In cements
fcclpgbtetotoailotoe tu mpie.ano tpgbtc roof
b?auncc,tbozotoep grace $ is geug me
of (5oO,tbat3f Oiouljebe tbe mmtftec
of Jeftt (fbafle amonge tbe^cntpie^,
2f&etnftcinfteanafcaplenes of fltoeak: omW
tobebo:nctuttbal,louca:ibfetiibmes,aftcc^Ciis ano (I)ouloe mini (let tbe glao t tovngta
Camples of Coxtft. of (5oo,tbat tbe <&entples mpgbt be ati
l<£ toljicbe are ftrongc, acceptable offcrpnge,f anct tfpeo bv tfyt
"!*ougbte to bcate tbe bolp gbofte.Jj baue t beef oze tobeceof 3
jfraplenes of tbemtobp* mapc cciopfe in Cbzirte Jjcf u , in tbofe
cljc ace toeafte ano not tbtnges tobtcbe peeta pne to eoo • jfo$
to ftanoe tu onte otone 3BOareuotfpcafecofaupe oftbo tbpn?
, Sconfaptes , Tfi.ce euerpe ges tobtcbe dhzift bat be not to zougbtg
inflnpleafebps nepgbbout'e Ontoo»>s bp me , to matte t^t gentries obeopent,
tocaltbe ano eotfpf nge . cbztfte pleafeo toitb toozoe ano 0e0e 5 m
migbtp ftgnetf
notbpniWfe ; &ut asms
to^pttcn* ano toonOets , bp tfft potoet of tbe fpt
'Co tlje 3Umiapm*. folxt%
tire of <gob:§>otbat from 3cturalem CommrflDe pou into
anD tbe coaftes totrtiDc aboute buto ISbcbc cure after (tobi* 3
3 Uiricum,3 bane fplleo al count tepcs the is amtntittroftbc
tottb tbe glao ttDpngcs of Cbzilh congregacton of <£siu
$ £>o bauc 3 cufozfcD tni> felfe to cbua)tbat pe rcceauc
p?eacb* tbe gofpcli , not lubcrc Cbzift e JljecmibeJLoiDeastt be
toagnamcD , left 3 tyo mocha tie bplte comtiictb feainctcs , ar.D tbat pe cftfte
on anotfiec mans founoacion : i3ut as Ijcrintobat foeuer buitnes fyc moetfi
£&$!•* it is tozictcn: * -Co tobome be tuaa not ofpoureapDe.
KV.* fPofeenof,tbcpf0auree:aMDtbep tfjat 3?oz me bathe fucfcercD manpc,s mpne
fceacbe not,a)aU bnDcrttanoe.JFoz tfjps otone feife aJfo» <&mt ^jiYcaci* 3* aits,*,*
t aufcj baue bene come unto
of tc let to qufla mp belpecs f Cljitft J'cf u, tobtcbt"'^ *;'
• pou:©ut ootoefepnge J moze
batie no banc f 01 mp life lapoe Doune tbeic otooe
Co Do in tbcfc count rcpes,anD alfo Oaue neckes. unto tobicbe not 3 one Ip gene
bene Dcfpious manpe peaces to come thauckes, but atfotbc congregation of
fcnto pou, toben 3 Ujall take mp ioznep tt)e ©entpieff Htne totfe grttc tbe con#

info&papne, 3topUcometopou* 31
gcegacton f is in tbeir boufe * & aitite
i rufte to [re von in mp iourncp , anD to mp toclbeloueo epenetos, Umftr) is tbe n
be bzougbt on mp toapc tbptbertoarbe ftnl * frutte amougc tbem of s'ebaia*
bp pou, after that 3 r/aue fomtofjat tiu tStete^acpeto^icbe bcftotoeD mucbe f^ftft««
lopcDpou.. laboure on ts . Salute 3EnD?outcnf
#oto«goe 3 &»*<> 3 er «^^
anD anDjuniampcofpn^tobpcb toecep^i«
5 h»ac co»s
a *mintaet bnto tbe £>apncte$ jf oj tt Toners tottf) me alo, tobtcbe ace tacli uc ""^ to
SK.'S: ^t&e pleafeD tfiem of sj^accooiUa anD taften among etb^poftles , anDtoete
<^>< a aetata to make a cectapnc Diftcibufi* in Cbnft be foie me.© tete ampkas my
•wSm* d« tjpon tbe pooze * £>apnctcs totyvcijt beloucomtbeloiDe. Salute sBtbati
ace at 3 e r uf al ctin3 1 batb p leaf e d i\i c m ouce belpec in € f/jift ,anD <^tacbis mp
fce tclpe,anD time Dettcrs are tbjp. foi beloueb . Salute 3fppelks apptouco
(Mtplesbe made pactattets of in cbuite* salute tbem tobtcbe ace of
pf tbe
tfjetrfpicttuaH thpnges , tbtir Ductpc artftobolus bouqjoloe . Salute ^eto*
ItstominiftcrtontotbJ in caruaUtbm; Dion mp Hinfman.* ocete tbem of tbe
ges* -Men 3
banc pctfozmeo tbps, bouujolDe of &artiau? ^icl^e are to
anDt)auebiougf?t ti;e tfjtsfcuttfealeD. tbe lotDe Salute Ctipbcua anb %tu
3 tor come baefce agapue bp pott tnto pbofa, tofjtc^e tor men DpD laboure in -

Spapue.atiiD 3 am lure toncnj come, tbcXLo:De^alute ttje bcloueD ^frfi*, *

that 3 ujall come topth abounoamice tobicbe iabonreD mucbe in tbe )Lo:De»
© of tbe bleflpnge of the gofpel of Cbjrft. Salute Uufuscbofen fn tbe^ozD,anb
Jbefccbcpott bietbicn foiouctftozDc bismottjeranDmpne. ©tete Hiftncri^
Jefus Cbjiftes fane , anD f 01 tbe loue tu^^bUgoti^erma , ^atrobas 3 ^er#
of tijefptnte,^ pchcipe meinmp buft-s men anD tbe bjetbzen toijicbe are toitti
lies \o^tlj pouc pzapers to <jdod foz me, tbem.^alttte ^btlologus anojjulpa,
that 3 mape be DclpticcD fcome tbem Bereusf anD bis filler 3 anb flDlimpba,
tobp cfje belcuc not in 3c toipe, anD tijat auDalltlK satnetcsf tobtcbe arc tout?
tbps mp feruice,tobicbe 3 baue at je# tbem* * Salute one anotber toitban u&w*
cufalem,mapc be accept eo of the f apnc* bolp RiaTMO) e congregacions of Cbaa
ecs, that 3 mare come unto pou tottb falute pou.
<ope.,bp tbe topll of t£>oD, atto map toitt) *3 befecbepou bzetbzen,marRetbg £!?i?i *^"*
w«.»4»r» pouberefret&cD,*q£begoDofpeace be tobicbecatife Deuifion anogeue
tottbpou.Xmcn. fions of etiell , coutrarp to tbe Doctrine
tobicbe pe fyaue learntD: 3SnD auopDt
fc^'Che. jcbi. Chapter*
tbcm.foz tbep tbat are fucbe,fectie nor

tbe JLozd Jefus (ttyifamt tbeir otone
*belltes anDtoitb ftoete pzeaebpnges

anb oatecpnge tooozDes beceaue rbe

wtpcttuety, « .

5wtte» of t^e tnnocentes* jfbz poure a^

c a

Cfje €piftle
bcbfcncc cjcfcnt>ctf| to all men J am tact tbc bcutfton anb tf}t aut&oicsfbcteof.jcatj
lc to tbe people to cimu" agapne, $ teaebctb i;om
glao no Dome of pou.isu t pet 3] toouloe
anb f oj. i)a t tbc ptca c Dec is to be t hcii.
ban; pott toj'fe onto that tonicbe is 3;n tbefiftcbeccbu&etb t^ctmclcuiicsf mas
gooo^ to be iniiorcntcjS as concerning amonge rbctn.
3fjii tbe fiftbcrcbukf tb tbeoebatc.ano gontgc
eucIMrbe<it>oD of pence trcaDe&ataii to lamctogctbcc, pleat luge t&etc cautcg befoxc
fcnoet poute fete fyoitelp, tcfcgcace of tucbeatben.
outc ftozoe j|cfu diufl: be untb pou. jut be ccfoutmetb tbcm , concctninge
cjbaftttcanb manage."
'Ctmotbetis nip tuciclufchoitie, and
:3hti)c.\mt.i.c.r<rrv&t teaebctb rtjeOcongeto
ductus 9 3|afo s £>opatet mp WnfmS, foibcatctbetocahetbat pet uitDccttan&e nottbc * '"

falutepou, J| ^cctctus faint* pou, libccticof rbcgefpca.aub toirp ^ cnfampic

tobtcbe to:ote tms cpiftle intbe t,ozDe.
ot bun fc.fc. tDbicoet yougbc be tocce apoaic m
aiibiub antboiitc pet of lone be abfraptito to

*rteMf*.t*©at»0 »m'tie ^oftcauo tfjci^ottf of tointicotocc.aitbbcfiarcbtDcm tottb t!>ecur3=

alltbc congtegaciong , faiutetb pou» pics of tb: olb XcQamciit, anbecbuftetb biuccfc
btfoioccs tbat toctc amonge tbem, conectmngc
tfctaftus tbt cbanibexlapnc of tbc cptpc
tbe^accament jtfjegotngc bate ycabeb of mas
falurctb rou 3inDiGuartu6 a tuotbet tiebrooitteii.
faiutetb pon.€b* gtacecf oute nojoe 31 ii t bent. tcubetb of tbcm3iiu
folbc gif tcs of tbc fpi cue , aub pu>uetb bp a funis
JcCtl Cbuit be &mb pou all.3men. It tube of tbc bobp'.toat a gpftes ate scut tbat e*

Co bim tbat (0 of poiuct to ftabl tfl&c cbe QDoulbe bclpe orberj artD tbowtoc lottc ao fee*
pou atcoibingeto nip gof pell ano pica? otbCMnb pi04Ctb roat tirtcte iouc s not, 1

tbpngeofjeius £bnac,inbttefpnge tbncisnotoiitgetbatplcaf.tbiSob. j?oiMnc

fb ouloc louc anofbe' at t ;af @ob cdjiuct!) of
of tbe nnutctpe tobi'cbc tons kepte
bs.anbtbecfoictfvoe bcrptc rptc.tualf gtftesbs
fectete fence tbc tooilDc beganne, but tcacnetb tbefc gpftes to be ocruco tbat oelpc
no toe opeueo Jbp tbc fcrpptutcs of oucenepgbboucs.
Jn tbenj. bttracbetbof tbetcructecctottof
piopbccpc ,at ib c cemmaunbt incut c of tbeboope.
tbccuttlaftpngeaoD, to fticebpobe* 2nb mtbc lafttbecfbcotctb toftelpetbepotc
ttence to tbe faptbe, publtfbeo amonge fapiicrca.

all nations : tco tbe fame £od, tobtfbe

atone is vuire,bc ptapfe tbojotoc 3Jctus
Cb.nft f oi eu crimen. 1

oar Co tbc iiomapnc 0.^)» of&apnctc ibauletije 3lpoftie

to tbc Coimtbpan0*
C^> £ntc fcome Cortntbura by .

f^bebe flje that toae tbc tni*

mace Unto tbc congtc* ifelbc.i.cbaptcr.
ganonat Ccncbjca.
fCactommendetbtbe Coiptttbtatw, erboifetb
tbcm to be of onempnbe anb rebu!tctb tbe otuu

f ion tbat t»as amonge tbem. YiDoiiolp totfoome

isfoliCbncs brfotciSoo.y:a,t ;.cc is no mi;Da.u
butmtjeoefppfco ecoXeor CntSc.
topon toe fpid epfftie of capita tSiMc Dp Dora*
^anltotbeCoiitubiang. cionau 3poftlc of 3
£is Uptttlc bcclaretb it rdfc 'jtfu0<£bnft,tbo»
from cijaprct to chapter, rtjat totoe tbc feipii of
it ucbct lino piolcgut 01 tn-
pauic tjaD conucrtcb a gecare fe»oftcnes»
! numbic at £oimt!;um as r , ^into tbc con*
act rum.
tea oc . ano
tt>a$ fcc=
J gcegacfonof d^oo,
B* parte&.tbcrecamctmmebuti
IpfalfMDoaicjaitoftncma&crs.aiieDiitcc-.ietp tobicbc is atCojtntbum.Co tbctn fbat
man o'.rctplcs after t;im,fo tbat tbe people toctc ate fanctffteD incbnftc 3iefu,fapuc»
toijo'c tmquictco , dciuocq , and at a an a mice a-
res bp cailpnge,toitb all tbat car on tbe
moiig tbem fclueceuecp man f 01 tbe fealc of bis
boctout , tbofeneto apoalcs not tcga to tu g tobat name of out tLotfsJiefu Cbufttneucrp
Deuifpon bijc'eiuies of Ipupuge, 01 to!) at falfe place, botbcoftbctrisaiiD of 011 tcs*
opinions toerc amonge tbc people , as lougr as iCraccbeujttb pou anb peace from
tbcrmtgbtbemauctboute, ant> toeli at cafe m fcome tbexLojDc
tbctr bc'pes ©tit isaulettt tbcfoureficfi £tjap= <I5oDoticefatf)ec,auD
. JJJJJiJi'*
tcts toitb S«a t totfoom ano f obec lies, t cb u ker \j, 3cfU0 C^tae.
^o tfte Co^mtljians.
4-3itf)ancfeetnp<5oDaltoapcsoh t
ha t b elctte. * if oj tr)e Vetoes requite a <TRfltb 8,5
pout bctjalfc foz tf;e grace ot <£od tobt<
ttgne,anDtb*<©te&esUfee after tmf Do* ILiiU'.ti.O
cfje ts geuenpou bp Jjefus €bztu\ tbat 2Sut toe pwacbe <£b?tft ccucifpcD , bnto
in al{ tbpnges pe ate mabe tpcue bp tl)t 3 c to ts an ccai 1 n of fall p n ge,ano
fiptn,in all tcarupngc and inallKnoto* Dnto tbe (SrcUes of fo!pu)nes:©ut bn^
lebge, cucu as tbetefttmonpe of jRctus totfjemtobpebe are calico botbeof tbe
Cbitttc teas coufttmcD in pou, format Jctues ano a (BtebeSjtoe pjeacb Cb£ift
pe ate ben ynoc tu no gpfte , anD* toap t c tbe potoet of d3ob 3 anb tbe * toif Dome of £oto.(i.t

i*«r.».& foztbeappeatpnge of oute ftozoejle* dDOD* ifoitbefoipujncsof<SoD istei<

(us Cfmlte, tobtcbe (ball fit cugt'bc pou (et then men : nnn tbe toeafcenes of
23 DnfOtr)eenDe,tbatpe mapcbc blames cjpoDisfttonget tbenmen* J3?ctb:eu,
klle in tbe cape of oute jloidc 3!e(u0 on pout c callpngc,bo toe tbat*uot 3o{»n.WU
*«..**«,*• <£b*t&e.
f jfo^^oo is faptfjfuli, bp niau?etopfe men after tbe fleafijc, not
k&h*t. manpempgbtpe, notmanyeofbpcbe#
income y £ ace C aiieD bnto tbe fclotoOjtp
of r)ps fonne Jefus C Jjzifte oute ftoio* ate ate calico: 23ut ©od r)at!i cbofeii
3 befecbe pou bzetbzen in tr)e name of t!jefolpa;etbpngcS of tbe too^loe, to
oucejiozDe 3efus <C^M ^ , t^at pe all confounoc tbe topfe. iDnD <soDbatbe
Cpcaftt one tbpnge a no ifiat trjere be no cbof cu tf)e tocabe tbpnges of tbe too.ilo,
Diflencton amonge pou: ©ut be peftnpt to confounoc tbpnges tobtcb ate mtgb?
cogetbctinonempnDe anotn oueroea* tpe* 3nD b|fa tbpnges of tbe toozloe,
npngc:Jtt9 ffyetoeD bnto me(mpbze* anD tbtnges tobicbc are oefppfco, batb
ibzen)of pou , bp tbem tbat ate of tbe d5oD cbofen,pea s ano tfjpnges of no te>» I
bottle of Cloe, tfmt tfjece ts fttpfc putacion,fo; to b&mg to uougbte tbtn^
amonge pou. 2DnD (bis is tt tbat 3 ge£ of teputacton, tbat no fleam Gbuloe
mcauc: f^o toe tfjat commenlpe amonge tetopce in bis pzefence * 36nD bnto bf m
pou^one iapctb: J boioe of paule: ano< pactapnepe in C^tfte Jefu, tobpcb«
at rc«.is. d tbct,*3 bolDc of Apollo: Cue tbpibe 3 of 60D is mabe bnto bs topfoame, anD
«£$?;• & 0lDe of CepDau: ^be fouttbe 3 boioe aL(o cigbteoufneB,anD Uuctctipng ano
of Cbztfte * 3fs C&zifte DeuioeD t *cca£ teDempcion* Chataccoiopngeas it 19
^aule cruet it cd tojpoufCitbec toere to;itten:bc tobtcbeb teiopi;etb s
£t)ulD tc*
pebaptpCeDin trie name of j^aule*- 3 iopcciut^eiioiDc.
tbafee ©oD f> J cbMfteneo none of pou, wt)t Botes.
a.a;i)Ci3telte5&o fometpme ftgntficffjeit otoue ©tests,
but Ctifpus $ €>atus,left anp Coo ttlD a nation oalp as m t\)c actcs.tot. a §>otnc ty mc al f
Cap tbat 31 bao baptpfeb in mpue otone f3cit ttics, a s fjece ano i&ottM. t.b
name.3 baptifeoalfo pboufe of&te* b.^cmopretD tntocJLoxoc, roat ftnotoctb cccs.
taiuf? t^at ©00 toiftctu Oim gooo.if fanourcrf; a^beprt*
pbana.if oubetmoic Uuo toe 3 not tofje* topfe in
tjim To.tDat tbe tbfuge, toUict) be ooetO plearef ft f
tbetl baptffeD anp man ot no* «5oD,a»o ^totjici; ftcooto not as Uc Cboulo 00, is £o;oc.
* rfaiCOzmefentmeuottobaptpfc, fotgeuen tjun, $ ttot tmputeo to ijtm. Ji«
but to pzcacb tbe gofpei, not toitb topf* a»Disc:n.i,bui.c.

Dome of toojt Dcs,Ie ftt be ctoffe of Ctnift ^be.itCOsptcr*

flioulocbaue bene mabeofnone effect* eloquence ano glouous paptircti toots
31 1 tsitot

#01 ppzeacbpng of tbe ctofle is to tbem acsof woxf&ip teifDomc.tijat can eotfte ttouitt
TouUstinto CimttCjbnttDcplapneojoiDcsof t\)&
(bat pettib f oliflmcs, bu t bnto bs torji« rcciptute.^foitbep mafet meucton ofbpm auo of
•**•<•*• fbeateCaueD,*itijB(tbepotoet of dSoD*
«bi.29.t> Jfoutts tmittcn:* 3 topli Dcfttopctbe i^D3(bietbten tofjen3f
totTDomeof tfjctopre,atiD topll caflea* came bnto pou, came
toape tbe DnoccftanDpnge of tbe pith not in glozpotifncs ot
€Xbin,t, Dent* ixbere is t^t tot fry* aooOcte is tbe tooiDts, bz of topfbome,
fctibe*' 3CCbc«istljefeatcr)£toftbPial (betopngbnto pou §te«
too^lDef l^atb not d5oD mabe ttje topCM _Jflimonpeof<i5oD« &sp*
ofcbtgtoozlDcfouajncs*' tbec OjetoeD J mp felfe tbat 3 ftnetoe a#
tfoztoben t\js toozlbe tbozotoe topfc npe tbpnge amonge pou raue Jefus
£> Dome fcnetoe not d5oD,intbe taprooms Cbzifte,eu entlje fame tbat toasccucu
of d50D: 3Jt pleafeD ©00 tbozotoefo* f ieb*3nD3 mas amonge pou in toeafec<
Iptyenw of pzcactjpnge to fane t&cm ties , anp In f eatc,a,no in mucbe ttem^

blpng.36nb mp foozDes jmp pztacbmg jftD^couIDeuotfpeafce
luas not ti cutilpnge tooozoetf of man* buto pon bzctbzcn , as *
tiestoifDome: ©tit in ffceitipnge of tbe bnto fpirituall: cut as
f ptrtte atiD of po toec,£ pour fajub OjalD bMocarnail.euenastc
not flanbe in toe toproome of men : but toe re into babes in
en tf;c potDCt of Ud^O* Gbzifte. *3Bgauepoin, rt?..^»
Cbat toefpeauc of, is toifbomca* mplfte to bzpneae anD notmeate* jfoj
23 mongc cbem that ate pa tfcc te:/io t tbe pe tbeii toete not ftconge,no neitber ?ec
topfoome of t bp s toozloe nutter of tfic
are. jf oz pe are pet carnall*3s longe nc*
ruelars of tbps taoztDe ( tobicbe goe to telp as tbece is amonge pon enupinge,
nougbtcjbut toe fpeaae tbe toifcDome (trtfe,anD Diffen«on:3Btepe not carnal,
of (goo, tobpebe isinfccceteanDivetb ana toalcae after tbe maner of men**
bpD, tobtcbc<5oDozDcpncDbcfozetbe 3BS longe as one rapetb^ boloe of atf rtttl „
toozloe,tmto oute glozpe::0?bpcbe toifc ^aule.anoanotberj am of*»pollo, JcS,*
m .{« j,
Dom* none of rtjc tuclars of tbps toozlD
fcnetoe. jroz baD tbep &notoeuit,tbcp
are pe not carnall t «Dbat is |^au(c«*
dttbat tbpnge is $ polio r £)nelpe mp< 23
toouloe nottjaue crucifieo tfjc ftozoc niftets are tbep bp tobome pe beleueo,
» But as it is uuitten: * cue
of glczt'e euen as tbe jLozoe gaue euetpe man
ep e ba t'b not fene, auD ti;e eace barb not graced bane planteo, apollo toatteD:
bearoe , neptbec baue cntteo into tbe 2BtU(i5€Hsgaue eucrcafc* £>o tben,
beart of mnn,tbetbpngcB wUitfje <$ob netbet ts be tbat plantetb anpe tbmge,
ba tb pzepa reo f oz tljun tbat (oue b urn neitber be tbat toatretb but <bod mi*

^ JSut ^00 bartje openeo tbem nnto cbe gaue tbe encreafe.^e tbat plantetb
bwi«,8,8^ 8 opblsfptrite. jroz tbe* tbe fpieite ano be tbat toatretb , are neitber better
fearctjetb all rbpnges ,pea, tbe bottome tl)en tbe otber. qgtiecp man pet fljall re>
of d£>obDes fectetes* tfoz tobatmau ceauebps retoarDe accotopnge to bps
ftnotoetb tbe tbmgcs of a mau,faue tbe laboure . jcoe ace goooes labourers,
fptttte of a man, tobicb is totf fun bmv pe are goooes bufbauotp,*pe ace gao^ * pl,eft *• '
(Cut ii To tbe tbpngcsof dsoo ftnotoetb bes bplopnge»aiccozDPuge to tbe grace
no man, but tbe pi rite of «j5od i 3nD toe
I ofd5oDgeuenbntome, a$atoj>febpiV4U
banc not tcceaueb tbe fpecete of tbe Der bane J lapbe tbe f unoacion . 30tiD
toozloe : cut tbe fpitite tobicbe com; auotbetbpltctbeceon.isut IU euerpe
met!) of (j5oo , f : to ano toe tbe tbmgeg mantaae bebebotoe bebplbetb npoiu
tljatace geucn to bs cftEoD, tobpebe jf oz otber founbacion can no man (ape,
ft CbpngeS alfo toe fpea&e, net in tbe con* tben tbat tobpebe is (apbe, * tobicbe is &#.<* x
npnge toozoes of maim eg tolfDome,but 3Jcrus cbzme . J f anpe man bplbe on
3D toptb tbe counpnge toozoes of tbe bolpe tbps founbacion, golbe , fpluer, pzeci^
gbofle , maftpngc (pitituail compact ous (lones : cpmbze, bare, oz Hobble:
Itonsof fpirituall tbpnges. jfoztbe euerpe maunes toozeke u)all appeared
natutallmaupetceauetbnot tbe tbtm a jroz tbe o ape Ojall Declare it, a note
ges of tbe fptrite of 150D . jfoz tbep ace (ball be njetoeb in fpzc.amD tbe fpiefljal
but folpfoues Unto bpm . jiieitbec can tcpe euecpe mannes tooozae tobat it is*
be perceaue tbem,becaufe be id rpin tu< Jt anpe mannes toozeftetbatbe batbe
p>on.3M allp ecamineb.* $ut be tbat 1$ fpiti tn* bplte bpon, bpbe , be mall receaue a tc<
alttHfcuffetfr all tbpnges :£etbe bpm toacoe. ]|fa npe mannes toozcaeburnet
felfels tuogeo of no mm,* tfoz tobo be mall rutfte loffe , but be flball be fafe

«SW ftnotoetb tbe mpnoe of tbe lozoe, otber bpm felfc: j& as it toete
sUnd.Ki.D tsbo (ball info cine bpm r >3ut toe nu* tr)ozotoe fpze.
pecftauoe tbe mpnoe of Cr>zifte« +* 3te pe not toare tbat pe ace tbe &
temple of <5oo anb botoe tbat tbe tpv^cnu »

OnCbe.MCbaptet.' titcof ©oDDtoelletb in pou^ Jf anpe

man Dcfple tbe temple of <50D,bpm Ojal
jQawU rebuftctb tbe fcetej tub tbe aut r>o:g tbets (Sod Deftrope jfozrbe temple of tit»oD

ofxtjuftrtstucfotntuciott ofbiadmccije, j$a iS bolpe, tobi'cbe temple pe are . Utt no

ajanou8&tt»«lapcc<iut*t,butiiK5oa t
inanDeceaucbpm fclfc , %( anpe mart

feme topfe amongepoti, lette&pm be a fozpouterafces,t&ae pc mpgbr leacne

fole in tbis toozlo,tbat be mar be totfe. bp bs,tbatno man
count* of bimlelfe
tfoz tge topfbome of tbps toozlDe s fo* beponDe tbat toh icb is aboue tozpttcnj

Ipfbue s ttnrb ©od. jf 02 tt is tozpttcn: that one ruicll not agapnft

anotbet fox
be compaffctb the topic in tbeit ccaf * anp mans cauf e jf oz tobo pzefetteth
tpnc0.3nD agapne^ob fcno toctb tbe Wr*
achat ba ft tbou, that thou baftc
tbougbtes of tbe topfe tbat thcpbee uottcceaueDf Jf thoubauc tcceaucb * at(, f•*

fcapne. £b< cfoze let no man rel opce fn lc,tobp tciopfefl: tbou as
tbougb tbo u
men.jfozaltbpngesacepoucesjtobe* baDdeft not ceceaued its tootoepeate
tbecit be |0aul,cthec HIpoilo,etbecCe< fulimoto pc ate mabe tpcb ;petapgne
pbas:tobetbec it be p toozlD,etbec Ipfe, as nges toitbout bs:anb
3 toouloe
etbet Dcatb,tobetbec tfjtv bee pzefeute to #od pe did tafgne, tbat tot mpabte
tbigesoztbigeg to corneal ace poucs: taigne toitbpou,
9 pe ate Cbziftes,* cbzf ft Is <sods* {< fl^e tbiufcetb tbatiEod batb fet foztb

^apDereCpgna^tfme to Dc«€0Db^ Jf^SS "'^ °? ftf*


jjftu to IpgUr the rotngc nut is Dp&. JBp fptcim

of al * as
5 toet me apomteo
it J
to oeatb* iaoma.s.f
ficm mn Cf quifi te ano perfect true tuDgcmcnr, jToitocateagafpngcftocHe bnto tbe
Uitjuttc tvljciutharUopciiCQ ttjcf.nultc aitOCL
wuce, aff tec
i i on of foirutubtngc ano ccpen tin 3
tootlo ,ai jd to tbe angels, ano to men* C
toot t) folotoc. jg>apit etc Rattle ctitcutct y bece of
Sccc atcfolcs t'oi Cbitfres faBe,anD pe
picacDccQ.tuUpct) fucceatieD Dim, tuDe it l)c bias ace topfe tbozoto Cbitft.^oce ace toeaa,
ficpatrcOfroiiiti)cCo;uui)ian8. ©cDablapcb
9 pc ace fttong.£e ace bonoiable,ano
a gooDfoun&acion.lctcutKr ta&c hctux fatrlj be;
tobartDep buvlnctbizeon.%fti)i? buploetijun
tocaceDcfprriD.<£ucn bntotbpsbap
Bf3iuoul;fo;COita:ti)ett;tt>o;sc3itjplccmatitc toebongecano tbicft, anbacenafteD,
8nDabpDccucittot):utl)cpbcr(ticuitl)Clpil)f. ano ace boffettco toitb fpftes 3 ^baue
m>bic& tbutS Dc ugnifterD tobeu be faptb: Sbe
no cectainc to tiling place,anD labout
Dap QjalDcdacctt.iSuttftDer bung tit Jlctopffj
f atp ton «, tDep (ball bappclpc bece t uc f0.1 a tpmc, toozekpngetopthoutotone banbes, ?£££& IcngtU tfjctr occcit Ojal Tone %Qt ace ceupleo^anb ptt toe bleffe .i»e S1SSS.3J
asinsbcgoniierobcera;mit£D &>it& true atio
ace pecfecttteb^ ruff ec it. axic ace eupl
fiucctciuOgcmcitt.toDicDctsftgiitftco bp tbps
tooibe.fice.&bus botO Ctarmuserpotutbtbts rpoften of 3
toe piap* ix e ace maoe as
place, itibisaitnotacpoitsupou ttjefc toojDes. it toec y fpltb t nes of p toozfD, f offcoto
j^apcaiibOublcpioupuge alfo bptlKauthci; ting of al tbtges,cue \)nto tins cpme*
tptcof ^apnctcambiorc, Jerome, aub otbec
gato;p tDougD tnattp Dauc toouDctfuIIp labour
jftozptnottbefetbinges tofJbame
voutbut as mp beloueb fonesj toacne
ten to ttucac it to tt;a t putpofe. potujFoz tbougb pe baue tm tboufano
lLCbc.iiii.Chaptet.4< inttcuctouts ia Cbzplle : ^et bauepe
ft-3°3n3CpicacDcr9 ate bur mint acts. JflubgC;
meat belottgetb Ditto i3ob on
not manpe fatbtts.Jn £l)iptt jjefu,3J
3 €ft men tl>7seftemebstopfe bawf begotten pou tbozoto tbe <sofpeI,
euen as tbe * mmittets of accbecefozc jDefpzepoutofoIotoeme^
<£nztft,<* Difpofecs of tbe*fe^ ifoz tbus caufe baue 3 feme bnto pou
ctetes of (Bob.f uctbecmoze Cimotbcus ,tobicb is mpoea te fonne
is tequpzeb of tbe Difpofets £ tbep
it and fapthf till in tbe JLozD,tobpcb C^alf
be founDefaptbfulUiccitbim is it but putpouintemembzaunceofmptoafes
fijamtcg a beep final tbtng.§ 1 OjulD be iuogco tobpebjj baue in chztft.euen as J tea*
tiapc 19
of pou,etbtt of(m§s ba^OBol! i«^3« "
che euet P tob£ in aI ™ng«gacions»
mamtes ^omrttoell as tbougb 3f toolbe come
not mine otone fclf fcnoto notigbt bpJ no moze at pou«sut 3 toil come to pou
mp felf:pet am j not tbecbp iuftifpeo* t

it is tbe £ozd tbat iuogetb me*Cbec> lboztclp*pf ©oo topll : 9 topll fenotoe, |«-i* t.
not tbe toozbes of tbem tobpcbeftoefl, " ,A '

fozt iubge notbpnge befoze tbetpme

bntpi f n ozb come,tobicb topll Ipgbtf but tht potoet : foz tbe %pngbome of
tbingcstbatatebtDinDatcfcenesanD ©CD is not in toozoes, but in potocc.
open tbe cotinfelles of tbe beactcs* »bat topi pe^bal 3 tome bnto pou
3nD then fball cuttp man baue pzapfe toptb a robb e,oz els in loue ano in tbe
75 oftiBotn f
(Cbefe rbpnges bzetbzen baue be* 3
fecibeo in mine otone pecfon«31pollos C€be*b»Cbapfet.
&&M> ?BfUt

Clje fp# Cptftle

C2f tct teljat maner $aule cuttet!) tbe manttc, Dec tbe f apnet es t * Bo pe not Unoto §
tbat baft commpttcbfomicacton toitb bts mo;
tbe fainctes (I)al itiDgc tqe toozloef jf
tbct in lame,

Cti\® m3 0CI b a commei) raptnge

tbe toozlD fljalbe iuogeD bp pou:atepe
not gooD inougb to iuDge final tticles:
ciotn ^ ftbat
tbet is foznicacion
foznicacion as is fcnotocpe not bote ^ toe fljai iubgube

noionce nameDamonge tbegentpls: angelSt ^otoemucbe mote mape toe


tuoge tbinges tqat pettapiic to p lUtv

$*oneOjouloe qauebts fatbets topfe.
!LttU.i8.a. banc inogementes of tooziDeipe
3|f pe
3MDpe ftocll, anD baue not ratfjetfo*
mattets,tahe tbem tobtcb ate Defpifeo
totoeD.tqatqetobicbe qatbe Done tbps
make tbem iuD»
U\ tbe
DcDe,nugbt be put ftom amonge pou*
ges^bisJfapetopouteCbame. Js
jfoz 3 betelp as abfent in boDpe, eucti 5
tqet ottetlpno topfe man among pouf
fo pzefent in rpitite baue DetccmpneD
aoobat not one at al that can iuoge be
itolo.tLa. al teDp(*as though J toetepzerent,of
ttoene bzotlict anD bzotbct,but one bzo
qpm tbatbatqe Done tbps DeDe, in tbe
tbetgoetb to la toe toitb anotbet:anD
name of once ftozo Jefu £bzpft,toben
that bnoet tbebnbeleuecsf
pe are gatqereo together, auo m p rpi*
tite,toitb tqe poiuet oftde Jlozoe %u ^o to tbetfoze tbe t is bttetlp a faute
aniongc pou.bccaufe pe go to Iato one
eptSmut fus €bzru\to*Dcl>uec bpm bnto*i5>a
ntcacum tanio? tbe Dcfttuccton of the fleCo,toat toitb anotber. iX bp tatbet ruffe t pe not
is tout* tozongr'tobp tatbet iuff tc pe not poute
tbe.rpinte map be f aucD in the Dape of
fttopflefb fclucs to be tobbeDf naye,pe poute fei«
Ipimfbom OUt&OjDCjtftlS*
ues Do tozonge, % tobbe:^ tbat f bze»
f tljCfpts £ouc teiopftng is not gooD:4«fcnoto
tuemare penot tbat a Iptle Icuen lotozetq die tbzctuBo pe not temembct bom tbat §
be rouu&e bntigbteous fl)al not inlfmt tbe aing
in ft DC- tobole lompc of Doto. pourgc tfiecfoie
Dome of v5od^ ©cnot DcceaueD»*jf02
trine of the oID lcueu,that pe map be ne to Doto, d5fll8.\JB.
Cbjpa uctbet foznicatouts,neptbet toozu)ip«
as pe ace bzeao. jFoz Cbzpft oute
f tu etc
C cftetlambc is offeteD bp foz bs. <Ebe u pets of images,netqet tobozmongets, iberc (b
fucb ipse
uctbet tocaftlpngesjwtbttabufets of baueno
foze let bs ttepc bolp Dap,nbt toitb oloe
tqc~ fclucs Tub tbe makuiD e, uctbet tbe* pacte in
Ieuen 3 netbet leuen of malicp*
toitb the
ucSjUCtqcccouetouSjnctqetDzoncftac Cbtptte*
oufnesano toicfeeones:buttoit() the
Dcs,ne t jer cutfeD f pcaftct s ,nctbet ptl*
ftoetc bzcace of pur cues anD ttutqe* f
Ic r s ,fi)a It inbetct tbe fe in gDom of © oD C
tozote bnto pott in a piftle tijat pe
snDfucbetoatepebetclpe:but peate ^ancttfu
u)ouID hot companp toitb foitucatouts in jc $ in
ID toau)cD:pe ate fancttficD:pe ate iuQitu
anD 'J meant not at ali of tqe foznica* airptnje,
CD bp tbe name of tbe ftozD Jefus^nD tomebp
touts orthi3 toozlDCjCtbcr of tbecoue?
tous.ozofectozftaiiecs , eptbetoftqe
bp tbe rpittte of out <E5oD cy.«ac (t
bis fpicit
ail tbinges ate latofull bnto me:btit
pDolatcts:foz tbe* mud pe ncoes banc
goneoutoftqetoozlbe. ^utnotoel al tbinges ate not profitable* 31 'nape
tozptc bnto pou,*tbatpe companp not
fcuoct nomas potoec. ^catciateoz*
3jfattpe$ together, pf anpe tftat is calico a bzo*
DetneD foz ^bcllp,s tbe bcllpe foz mca<
piofciorertj a f oznica tout,oz couctous 5 oz a
cuua be toozfljpppet of pmages, etbeca tailat, tcs:but (500 fbal DeU top both it $ tbi.
fucoenus Hit not tbe boop be applieD bnto foz*
noiljcc etber a DzounhatD, oz an ertozcionat:
nica cion, but bnto § iuzd, $ tbe iozd
Couttcit ^ii\) bpm that is lucbe , fe that pe eate
ml inape not.jffoztobatqaue to do, toiuoge
bnto f boop.&oD ba tfj c tapfeD bp tbe
bo pe not 2Lozd,3 fljal tatfe bs bp bp bis potoer*
eompaup. them tobicbe
ate tottbout
iuoge tbem $ ate toitbin*-
c&cm p ate »{<Ctqectcmcmbctpenot, tbat poute &
bobpes ate tbetmembet^ of d bzpftcf
IDm.u.b toptbout,C5oDu^aliuDge.*0ut atoap £«.«(.€ i

ftom ampngc pou that eupll pecf on. Q)aU 3 notec take tbe membzes of £>utbo»
O^* Cbzpilc,anD matte tbem tf}s membets bpesacef
©: tcbultetb tbem fox gopnge to latoe togetbet of anqatlotf <©ob fozbpD . 5Do pe not memb;€9
before tbe j&citbf ccptouetb b ncleaues. bnoetftanoe tbat be tobtcb couplctq bt ofebutte.
<Dto Date one of pou baupng bu< felfe toitb an batlot, is become one bo i
fines toith anotbet go to iato bn Dpef*jFozttoo (faptqebe)tlbalbe one 05
Dctt^toic&cD,? not tajbetbn* 6eu)e Z3ut be tbat is lopneDbuto ©«t.t»
t^ejLo|De i^one fppipte. toptfj bet, let bet not put bpmatoape*
jFlefointcacton* m\ rpnnetf tfjat a tfoztbebnbeleutngebufbanDisfanc*
man Donate tottfjout tf?c boop* y&ut
be tbat is a fozuicatojjfinnetbagamfl:
WpeD bp tbe topfe,* W Dnbtlmpnat
topft is fanctiftcD b^ tbe bufbauD.oi
bps otone boop. Cptbet fenotoe pe not ellc0 toete pout cbplDien bnclcne:but
boto tbat pout boopes ate tbe temple & notoe ate tbep pure/ ®ut anb pf tbe
oftbebolpe gboftc, tobicbetsinpou, bnbeleupngeDepattMetbpmDcpate*
tobom pe ba tie of ^oo, 9 botoe tbat pe 3 bzotbet 0? a fitter is not in fubteecitl
ate not pour otonef jfoi pe ate Dearlpe to fucb*<250D batbe calico be in peace*
bougbt.CbetfoieglojpfpcyccEoD tn #oz ijou) Uuo toclt tbo u tDoman,tob^
pout boDies,$ pout (prtteSjfo; tl;ep tber tbou fljalt ra tie $ mannc,ot noe^D*
ate<B0DDts. f. tbec boto huotoeft tbou nmn,bbetbcr
fcS°Cbe*btf*Cbaptcr*. * tbou fbatt caue $ tooma 0; no /but cue*
Kr£>fmcUtagc,i3ttgiiimc,atiDtottiDoh)&Ctt6, as c£od batb Df uttbuteo to euetp ma*

£> concerning tbe tbiuges tobct* *3!s tbe &02D batb calico euetp pec tf c w<
p„ a
ofpctoiotetontomc :ttts gooD ron,fo let bun toalc fee : anDfoojDen
3 ©
'to: aman^iot toteur!) a tooma u* tn all congregations* 3 f anpe man be
$cucttbclts to auopoe foinpcacion, calico bepnge cttcumcifeD, let bun ao
let euetp man Imit r>ps topfe.^ let cue* notbingtbetto.3fanp be calleD bncic
rp* tooman fiaue be c f>uf bano. ju t tbe ctimcif eb:ict bpm not be ctrcumctfeD*
mangcuctontotbctoptc Due beueuo* Cttcumcifpon is notbiug, bncircum*
lence^Lpfcetoyfe alfo tbe totfe bnto tbe ctfion is notbpng:but t^z feepmgof £
man.Cbetopfe batbe not potoecouer comauDementesofgoDlsaltogetbet*
ber otone boope : but tbe bufbanoe* +^t euetp man abpDetn tbe fame LmmVjt
3nD IpUetopfe m burbanoe batbe not ftate tobmn be teas calleD* flct*tboii
potoer ouet bps ofemc boop e : but tbe ca llcD a fttua untf care not f : It* 0a
topfe**«cptbnzatoe not poute iclucs uettbeles pf tbou mapft be free, bfe it
M6.tolil.rt one ftome anotber,ercepte it be toytt) tatr)cr*iTo? be tbat t$ calleD tn
§ JLozD
3(Nl,U.D. confent foza tpme,fozto gcue politickbeing a feruafit,ts tbefcozbes ftemS*
ues to faOpngc ano pzaper*lnD after ft-pfcetopfe be tbat i$ calleD bepng fee,
toato come agatne to §fame tbing,left is Cbitfas fctuaunt . £e ate Deatlp*
&>ata tept pou fo: pour tucottnencp* j« bougbt c be not mens f etuautcs.iBze* <e
Cbis 31 fape offauout, a no not of tbzcleteucrpmantobetin tjc is calico,
commaunDement* tfoz 3 toolD tbat all t^tun abpDe toptb <Bobf iftH concec^
men toete as 3 mp fcife am:but e uetp ni»g iwgp«B»3l ba «* no commafiow
man batb bps p2opergpftof 05oD,one ment of tbe 7LotD:pet geuej counfell,
aftet tbpsmann£t } auotbet after tbat* as one p batb obtapneD metcpe of tbe
31 fape bnto tbe bnmatteD meune ano )Lojbe to be faptbfulU 3
fuppofe tbat
topDDotoes:tt i$ gooo tbem pf tbep it i# S^od foi f pzefent » neceffite. foj
foi r abvDe euen aisi 1 Do** ©ut ano pf tfjep it is gooo f oi a man f to be*3Btt tbou
cannot abftapne, let tbem matp*^oz it bouno bnto a topf e^-fefee not to be loto
i^bettecto matptbcnto.abiitne. feD^tttboulotofeDftomatopfeffeite
unto tbe matpeo commaunDe not not a topf e» 2&ut ^ pf tbou tahe a topf«
jR,but m* jioiD:tbat*tbe topfe fepa* tbou fptmeft not. iLpfectopfepfabp^
•ito.pj. a. rate not bet fclfc fro tbe man*3f flje fe gp» marp 5 0)e fpnnetb not*^euertbe<
patate b« MiM bet remains bnma* Icffe fucbe Ojall baue trouble in tym
tpeD 5 oj be tecfictleD bnto bet bufbanD fle(l)e:but 3 fauetpou*
agapne.^nDletnottbe bulbanoeput Cbts fape 3 bietbien s tbe*tpme is
atoap bps; topfe from bpm* foojte/jt remapnetb tbat tbep tobicb !fg«.}.»
C (to. tbe temnaunt fpeaKe 3,anD not baue toiues^ee as tbougbc tljep baD
§&oiD*3f aup*iotbetbaue a topfe^ none,auDtbeptbatU)epebeastbougb
beleuetb not,pf (t)t be c&.itent to Dtoell tfjcp toept not:^ tbep tbat tetopce, bee
UjitbbtnnUtbpmnotput beratoape* astbougbtbep retopfeD not:^tbepg
3nD tbe tooma tobtcb batb to bet b«f> bpe,be as tbougb tbep poOfeffeD notft
banoeaninfiDeLpfbeconfenttoDtoci tbep tbawetbis tooilD t be as tbougb
" '"
' '"
0&Mk ft«

%\)t f^ft €pt(tlc

tbep tifeD ft not. tfoj*tbc faffio of tbps b. CbaQttte is a gpft of fSob,anb tsCas al otbec S^jegpf*
«fa.4«.b. inoiall bectucs uc)an boncQ babpte of p mpnb tesof
*-3Rot|u.c. toojtlo toolb baue you
tDbctbp tbeoutcagtous laftcs of tbe fi cibc be ce cbaftpti*.
toitboutcare. Cbefpngle mancaretb pjcDTeD^bcptbiibct .Cotbattbcp cauCe nsnot

fojtbe tinges of tbe nope bo toe be tobrcoibeCicetbcbitlatofulcompaupoftbccds:
tcacp cecte,tbat ts tbe man of tooman.oj toomi
map pleafe tbe ftoib*sut be tbat batb
ofmamtc. iJbiscbaattte ougbte tobctneuccf
macteD, caret!) fojtf>e tbpnges of tfje CbtpOtau man $ toomau,bc tl)t^ mitpeb a; o n
tDOjttoe,botobemapepUafe bistopfe. matpeb. Wins ebaftttp baue toe not of Ion je ti-
"Cbere is Difference bettocne a birgm me compteo tooitbpe tbe name of cbaftupc but
tbougbt tt)i oulp to be cbaO: tob«cO baue cefcat
9 a topfe.Cbe fingle too man caret!) to: nebmaciagc. SlnbettebebctucDc.iftbcpcc;
tbe tbpnges of tot JLo^o,t oa t u)e mape fcapneallflcBelp companpe , anbberp;eof tbe
famc,atemottccbaae. SSnbpf tbepbo tovtt)9l
be pure botb in bot>r a no alfo in fpittt.
cefcapuc tbebufpuesof tbe too;lDc,acemooae
©tit u> tbat i3 matteo , cacetb to: tbe apteto picaebe tbe too;bc a mimficc in tbe cos
cbigesof # toozlo 3 botoO)e mappleafe gecgacifi of iSob.i&utotbectopfc tbe quiet mm
tpeb man is tneue apte foi tbat offpee . tfoi tbe
bet bufbanb.'Cbis fpeafce J foi pouc
troubles anbeatcsof tbetooxloe ace moo a c to
pioftt,not io tSglepou in a inaterbut
be auopbeo ut cbuccbemttuacts.
p tobicb is boneft ano comlt'e bnto
i oi 4[Cbe.biu.(£f?aptcc»
pou,anD ibat pe mat qutctlp cleaue bti 6^©etcbuaetb tbem tbat bfetbeiclibettp to
to tbe Jlototottnouc fcparacpon. tbe fclaunoec of o ftetoctb bo to memie
« jf anp man ibmae tbat it is bncom* ougbt to bebaue tbi totoacb fucb as be toeaae.
lp fo£ bis bitgtn, pfOje paffe tbe tpme ^JV^)fpeafee of tt)tnge0*oeopcate 3cfr*Vi.e,

of mariagc,anDpf fo neoe requpze,lct ]\ I bnto pools, toe atef ure tbat toe
bpm bo tobat be It fte t!) h c finnctli not: C^alJiaue fenotolebge^fenotoleoge aiitlClos
let tbem bc-couplco tn manage. Be use mauetb a man ftoe(l:but loue eoifietij. ue tsbets
tneleffe be tbat purpofetf) f ucelp m h is 31f anp man tbpnfee f be nnotoetb anp tectbeq
bearte,t)aupuge iioncncbc:btit batbe tbi'ngc jbc bnotoetb notbpng \>a as he buoto:
potoec otter bps otonetopll^batbefo ongbt to anotoc* ©tn pf anp man loue Icoge.
DecceeD in bpsbertc,tbatbc.toPUlupe 0oo,tbe fame ts fcno tocn of bpm.
bps bp;gpn,botb toel.^o tben be tbat Co fpeafte of meate bebpeat bnto
topnetb bps bpigtn tn martage,ootbc pboISjtoe ace furcptbcc*is none pool
£o*.t .e. i

totll.But be $ topnetb not bps btrgm tn § too£lbt,anb tbat tbec is none otbec
tnmatpage,Dotb better. Che* topffts eoo but one. ano tbougb tbec be tbat
»oro,»u'.a 25
boiinbc to tbe latoe as longe as bee ace calleo C50DDes,to{)etbcc U\ beaucn
bufbanb Ipuctb.Jf bee bufbano Qepe, otbec ta ectbCas tbece be ©oboes ma<
flje is at Ipbccte to macp toitb tobome
npe anb Iozbes manpc)pec bnto bs ts
tbe toil, onli'in tbe loioe. i3utO)Cts tbece
but onedBob tobtcb is tbefatbec,

bapppec pfCbc foabpbe,inmpiuDge* oftobomcaceall tbpnges, atiDtoetu

ment 2Dnb31 tbfnHe beceip tbatj baue binnanD one &ojoe Refits Cb?Pft bp

tbefppjiteofd&ob. tobome ace al tbpnges,anb toe 6i^ bun.

SHjC/ftOtCS. 2Buteuecpmanbatbnot ftnotxilebge*
arobutne a.3ftcr.&.3mbiofc, tbe eonrentc of tbctopl is f o:*fome Cuppofe tbat tbec is an pool tiCojs.a,
tUy sbutupugc. butpl this bouce ano cate as a tbpnge
b./ftottbatcbp!bicii atebp natutc.clcatteanb
©ate. puce tottbout ft tmc.f oi tbat toet agatutt f apo^ offeceD bnto tbe pbole 3 anb fo tbeic co»
OleinmCelfc, tobo pioucrD. ISo.u.tbat all ace fciences bepng pet toeaRe,are oefileo*
onset ouginaUfinuc.anb natucallp tijc ci;if&zg ideate maftetb bs not acceptable ro betcbtsmcas
niugis,t Itbeas al taigesacc f> cleaue,
goD.^etbec if toe eatjace toe p better.
Co 19 f bncbnatait tooman to tbe CbitQtaii mi. #>ctl)er if toe eat not,ace toe p ujoiu"c
^otbatbcnupebc conuccCauitttopf'J tjee a»a &ut ta&e beoe tbat pouce l^btttpt
not off cube , anbtbat tbe cbplbjcn of tbem ate tofaule. fotpf
caufenot tbe toeafce
not to be cepu ten as toulatofull aub onpute 3I« a! one
egensrec c. 2Tobctbcrccuaunrof mci.isrobo atip tbmj f ome man re tut tobicb baft ano toleoge bebes toe
Wuurcg, foirbefauoutof men,anbfoougbtctoeuot to fpt at meate in tbe pools tempie,u>all muQbauc
rcruemeti,15ut tobo tbembobcl? fetuteeaccoi
nottbeconrcienceofbttobicbtstoeafte, acefpecte
bpngcto tpcoxbeeof tbecountcpes toUcun toe to oucne
ipuc.isnot foibobeu but eontinenbco.pca , anb be boloeneo to eat tbofc tbmges tobicb bouts f
tbatto bebom fo f tbougb it toece areoffeceb tofpbole^nDfotbo^otoe tofltbc.
gob bpm felfe tbat toe fecuc.if oi To #aule wtt t\jp bnotoleoge mall f uoeaae b^otbec
tetb.not toptb epe retime as mettpleafets, but
ajracofcewfuge t|?t ILojb # uot racu,£pbe. to t. pccpfbefoi tobome CbiPHe Dpeo.

'Co tlje ftytoftfan*. -

bno toleD gc fyall § toeabe
fo tfjozo to tbp <sof pell , ftcmlDc iptu of tbe d5ofpell:
biotbec perpoje fo i tobome Cbzift dud,
*2Btit31bauc ifeo none oft&efetbpn* l;g^ '

ECben P« fpimc fo agamft the bictfizen, gtg»

ano tooutiDc that tocabe rofeicnecs, pe ^ctbertozote Jtbcfe tbiugce tbat C
* pf Q)oulD be fo Done bnto mc.jroz tocte
Cbaeptt fpnneftgainftCtK*fte*Mcrfo;e
it tt

tobatit nicatc luictc nip bzotbcrj topll cate no me to Dvc, tben tbat anp man
better f oz
Doetfj, fleffoe tobplc the toozlD fhioct fi.bcc-aufe ftoulD tabi tbis tetopfpuge from me*
31 toil not fjuctc mp bzotber* 3i» picacbe tfje gofpel ,
il fjaue no*J
^[/Cbe4r«Cbaptet. tbpng to tetopce of f oz nectffite is put

ilouefoibcambtoetljpnsctbat 0;c mapebo bnto me pf 3 pzcacb

tmto me*9£c o ts tt
bp ttjc latoe. J&e c, oitc r w t u cm ro rimtif oh foxrtj
not tbe <25ofpe!.3]f 3 do it to a gooD toil
in tl)c coucfc tbat tbep baue bcgouttc.
bane a rctoatDe.2Sut uj do it agaift
iftanl p;o
% ~ijfc»3 notanKfpoftUf'am 3
3 not tut* bane 3 not mp toil,an office ts committeD bnto me, M toot

(cue JcfiijS Cbtifi' cure accbat is mp

tctoatDe tbtn^etelp tbat
wtttj l;pm JJ^ bif
fctfc au a HozDe ^ ate pe not nip toben 3 pieacbe tfje ©ofpelj mabe tbe nm \>s

pOttlC Cs
tooz&eiutbcJlozD*3f3l ©ofpellofcbMftefce, tbat Jlmpfnfe boutuatfr
sKbcuotan a-poftlc tonto uotminKauctozitieintb^dBofpelU JJJJg
tuefpitpt ot!jer : pet am J bnio pou, jroz the feale ^oi tbougb 3 be f tc from all mc, pet
8P°ft W&PP ate P e •» £ W*> banc 3maDempfelfe feruaunte unto 33
22 XT mpucanftott of
all men, tbat 3 might tepnne tbc moo*
la picas ^!'ne to the g afke me,is this*
cDpngc, as i^aue toe not potoec to cate 3 to Ditcher
* 5imto § jjetoes, 3 became as a Jetoe, I
?* Ctbet baue tee not potoer toleaoe a* to topnnetbe3etoes» %o tbe tbat toete JfifJuJ
bnDf t tbe latoe,toas 3 mabe as tbougb
Sp Sim cs boureafpftcrtotopMstocilas ot!;cc
uecteD as 3Epo(tlcs,anDas the bietbzcn off >Lojd 3 baD bene tmocr tbe latoe , to topune
ftp #otbcc
aim Cephas?- ctbec onelp anD 3ar* 3 them tbat tocte bnDer tbe lau.Co tbciti
nabafi jj auenot potect (jjjg t0 jjo^^bo p tocte Vbout la to Cjbecanicjj a$ tbougb
goetb a toarfarc anp tpme at bis oimic 3 ban bene toitbout latoe ( tobcu 3 toas
f ouvtoho piantetb a toincparDc,anD ea< not toitbout la to as pettainpnge to goD,
rctb not of § f ni tc."3cobo fcoctb a floebe but UuDer a latoag; concerning cc bull)
and catetb not of the iiu'lcfte* 1 to topune tbem tbat toere toitbout latoe*
^apejj tbefe thmgeg after the ma* %q tbe toealtc became 3 a s toeaHe , to
tier of men t ®% rapctij not the lainc the topnne tbe toeabe* Ju all thp nge *3
Co? •'••
famealfo*'jFo*tti8tozpttenin p la toe faiTponeo mp felfe to ail men, to faue at »

jojatsy, b
«,«wll» * of adores:* $bou thai t not moftcll t be tbe lelte toape foine . 3BnD tbis 3 Do foz
mo tub of tbe o;e that t r caD e b out the t
tljtgofpelsfabe,tt)at3 might ijaue mp.
conic * JDothce-oDtafcctbougbtefoz parte tberof*
ojcetif t&ttjet fapetb be it not al together ^l^erceaue pe not boto } tljep tobicft
foz our fafcesvjfozourc tabes no ooutc tuuiie in a cautCe,runnc all,pet but one
this is tozptten : that be tobicb catetb, reccauetb tbe retoacDe* ^0
runne that
OjotilD care in
boperano tbat be tobpebe pe mape ob tapnr .<£ ucr p man $ pzouetfi
th:0 &~cth in bope,0}OulD be pattabet of mafterp£ia(,abilapnctb from al tbinges*
Kama f a 3Bud tbep Do tt to obtapne a couuptible
5auUi.b his hope* * 3f toe rotoe bnto pou fpicp*
25 tuall tbpnges:is it a great thing pf toe ccouue : but toe to obtapne an * bncoz* ,
Cfm 4 %
Sbcpiea tcpepotttecacnaUtbpngesj- Jjf other ruptpble croune . 3 tberfozc fo runne, >.V»tt,i>,o

tW not as at an uncertavne tbig. ^0 fight

25j«2 btpms^ztsot potocc ouecpou,
cBettgc tobetfozcarenottoctatbeiv 3, not as one tbat btatctb ti)c aper:bue
« ipuutsc i^cuettbeleffe * toe batie not bfeD 3 tame mp boove , anD bzpnge it into
f ubieccion , left after tbat 3 baue pzea*
EJuce ^ ts P° to£t ^»
t faff" alltbtnges lefte

5°S,w,» CboulDbpnDet
toe tbe ce-ofpel of Cb«ft» cbcD to other, 3 mp felfe fboulDebea
3^.0 pe not bnoctftanbe botoe tbat tbep cafteatoape* f
to\)itl) mtntftet in tbe tcple, bane tbep;
temple^anD tbep tobicb
ftriDtugc of tbe K5* ^be.jc* chapter.
toapteattbeaulter, ate partaHetstfj
<9atDK.b tbe attltec »*<j£uen fo aifo DpD tbe kLozdc CBcfcaccUKbcmtoitb the cnTamplcgof fofbt
2rcttamctit,aubC]coo»ctbtbcinto a fBoblpcou;
*ttf n& WW™*
( Oat * tbep tohicb. pjeaclje t(}C
zstmtt l^ctfjjcn^ tooulD not that pe to pmagejs is anp thpnge^ape, bat 31
tofolbte OjoulD beignozauntof this, fape 3 that tbefe thinges tobicb the gen*
©al it oo 'iota (Oat oure fathers toete tpts offer, thep offre to Deupls , ano not
fa? new al bnDer a clouoc 3 anD al pafe tO (BOD,
feDtbozotothefca.anDtoereall baptp* 3!nD * 3
tooulDe not that pe tyouloe
reo bubet <npofes,in tf>e*clouoe,anD#lti banc fcllplbip toith tbe Deupls* £e can
*«ro:i6' t tf|e (ea:auD did al*eate of one fpitituall not Dztncke of the cup of the Jlozo e,ano

Jfi'Jl'J mfate,anDDtD*allDzpnckeof one ma* ofthc cup of tbe Deupls. y>Qcmi\otbt

*^ '^ u,c
of Ipt"*" 3 - OztcHe.^nD toep Dzacke pact etaUcts of the jloidcs table , ancj
£fpftttualtocketbatfolotoeD them, of the table of oeuelles €tt)tt (ball toe
£©atti * t *tohich rocke
toas £foitt i&ut in ma< pzo uobc the iLoiDcs- ^r>: ate toe ft rouge t
j #*»,'•*'« up of them haD (Sod no Delite* 5Foz*thep then her* 3Blltbpugesace latofullbnto
toete oticcttuotocn in the topIDetnes. me,but * al tfjinges ate not ejcpeDicnte. lff'-^i 6
mi *
© chefe ate enfamples tobstbattoe 311 thpnges ate la tofull to me, but all
ft o ul d « o t lufre after eupll tbpnges, as tbpnges eDifpe not * )Let no man I eke voc ^aue
tbeplufteD.0etbetbe pc tooztbpppets I) is otonc pzofpt : but ht eucrp ma f eke piofcffca
ofpmagc$asn»ctefomeoftbcmaccoz* anothet-Stoelthe*
tf^ot, r, b Dpnge as it i$ tozptten : *
%t)t people acohatfoeuecisfolDe inthematcRet, norbcts
late Donne to eate a no Dzpncke, ano tofe that eate,anD afkc no qucftt ons f oz ton toeaitbc •
bp agapne to plap./ftetbet let tos count feience fafee.lfoz* the eatthe is the loi* pial J4 u
**am,tf,a toznicariotas Tome of the comtttcDfoz* Des,auD al that tbetin is«3|f anp ofthc
pw.^,0 nicacion,anD toete DefttopeD in one Dap tohiche beleue uot,bpD pott to a feafte,$
jCjtiii.thoufanDe . ^etber let bs ternpte ff pe be DpfpofeD to go, tobatfocuct i$
£hztu\as f ome.of them tempteD,$ toete ret befoze pou:eate, aikpngc no qucftp?
JPtoin,».b DefttopeD of* ferpcutes. Betbetmut* on f oz confeience fakc.isut
^ pf anp tna ®
mute pe as foaic of the in ut mar cD,anD fap bnto pomthts is DeDpcate bnto v* •

toete DefttopeD of the Defttopet. Dols,eate not of it foz bis fake that tyu
C 3PU there thiges baupenco bnto the tocDit,anDfozbuttpnge of confetence*
foi eufamples,anD toere tozptten to put Che earth is the lozDes ano all p the rm
bs in remembzaunce , tobom the euDes
of the toozloc ace come bpon.-axjherfoze
is.Confcience 3 fap.not tbpne:but the lt
* cornet cuce of p other, af oz tobp ftoulD
8b m
lethimthatthinkethhe ftanoetb, take inp libette be iubgcD of another mam
fieDe Unite he fall Ctjerc bathe none o* nes confeience. jfoz*pf J take mvpatt 2Mim ***
thee temptacion taken pou,but fucb as toitb, thankes: tonp amjB cup J fpoken of

fgJ'V folotoetbthenatuteofmam©ut*<£oD foz that thing tobetfoze 31 gcuetbakj.

i*A*A is fapthf ul,* tobtcb fbail not i uffee pott * wOetber thetfozepe eateoiDztke, ««"8 .««
^•^tobetempteDabouepoutftrength'buC oz toha tf oeuer pe Do , Do all to f pzapf e eouc ku
Cbal in the iniDDcja; of $ temptacio mane of d50D. h^e that pe geue none occafi< k«b to*
to efcape oute. fc fiobetfoze mp on of eupi,nether to § 3fetoes,noz
8 toapc
Dcare beloueo fle from toojfljppppnge tbe tber to p congtcgacf on of
to m XSS
ofpDols* <5od : euen as * pleafe all men in all !« £°l > *•»
3D Jfpeakeasbntotbeni tohlchhaue tb t ges, not "ekpngempne otonc pzofpt,

cup* Dffctecion,iuogepe tohat JCap.Jfsnot but the pzofpt of manp,tbat t\)tj? might
Bww *
the cup of bleffpnge tohiche toe bUlTe, he faueD.Jfoioto me z$ 3 do Cbzift*
pattakpnge of the blouoeof ChzinV is*
not the bzeaoe tohtch toe bzeake , pat tc<
takpnge of thebobp of Chuff.- becaufe a. „ J^tLa
^ctDouIMbcro'ful! ofloucairt To titams m?
that toe( tboughe toe be maupe ) pet ace Tpccte, tbattDeCtjoulbegcuCHOHCoctaCioH tot&c **° ,'t*^

one bzeaoe,* one boo? tn as much as toe

tgnoiautitetofpcd&ceupllofbsfoiouclpbcctte, ??• I?
^ , * ,|•
alacepactaketsofonebzeaDe«*5ebolDe fEfott*

3Jfcael tohich toalketb catnallp.3te not KJCbe/jci. Chapter

mv tohiche eate of the fa ctpfpce,pa ct a
taketsoftheaultetr ©c tcbufcetb tbctnfoittje abureaitD mtfoiBie
tbat tbep bab aboute tbe ^accament of tbe bobp
<£ acchat fap J tytn?* that the pmage anbbloubeof£bxt(ie,anb b;pngetb t^cin agatne
mo**,* is anp tbpngcf oz § it tohiche is offetcD to t&ctrUte mammon.
^ 5 ,

ComenDe von fytctbjtn tbat t$ bongrp 3 s another (0 b jbhcfccn.^aue

pe rcmembze me in al tbpn* pe not bottles to cate a to Dz?nche lite
gcs,anD ozDma un« <©x els Defppft pe tbe cong tegactou of
fecpe tbe
cucnasj DclpuetcD tbe goD,anD fyame tbcm p banc notv*xhat
topou. 3 tooulDcpcfcnetoc ftal 3faptontopouf$al3pjaifepou:
tftat'c^tftistfjefjeeD ofeuecpmaiu 3ntbts pzaprejlpounot*
«««.«. 3lnD tbe man is tb c* tooma ns becD.anD
t> Chat J Ddjutcreo bnto pott
tobtcbe €
oJ) l0 <£^t(tc0 becD.cuetp ma pzap< 3 wwauco oft^e jtozoe. jfoz tbe JtozDe
<nge 01 pzopbefpinge hautnge anp tbjg jefus ttjc fame nigbt in tobicb be toa&
onfHSnecD,fl)amett)!)isl;ecD . £uetp betrapeD tofce bzeaDe:anDtbanluDanD

tooman f pzapctb 0? pzopbcfpetb bate bzafce,s faio.* qca&e pe, $ eare pc: a tbts jjjw. 56 -
: tjcaDeD,ot(boiuftetfjbpMKcb.ifoztti5 tsmpboDptobicbeisbzokenfozpou* sXtSb.
eucn all one,anD tfje betp fame tbpuge, * cbts do pc in the temebzaunce of me. _. .

j5 euenascbougbetye toccerjjaue.jlftbe Iflftet the rame manec betotte tbecup, 2? K
tooman be not coueteD , let bet aifo be tobefuppct teas Done,faping:Cbls cup J:?* fl)ozen**3ff it be fjbamefoz a tooman to
be fljozne oz Cfcjauen , let bet couct f)tt
CbtsDo as ofte as pe Dzincke itjn § te* a cm*
membzauuee of me jfoz as often as pe »]j ente *
bceD. *
38 man ougbt not to c ouet his beeD, ojal eate ct>is bzcaDe,5 Dzfcbe t&ts cup:
tty as muche as lie is tbe pmage 9 Slo< *pe foal Ojeto tbe ttozoes Death,*tpll be i.®*,tt&
epe of ©oD.tEbc tooman is tbe glozp of come. acebctfoze tobofoeutc fljai eate of t a<"«.«.i»
««n«,t,tt tbemaiuifoztbemantsnotoftbctooi this bzeabe, oz Dzpnefce of tbecup tm*
nian,btit tbe tooman of tbe ma.^ct^cc tooztbcUMbalbe gpltpe of tbe boop anD
teas tbe man cteatcD foz the toomans blo'uDeoftbeaozD.*'jlctamantbetfozef5r Vrb
rafte:but tbe tooma fo* f tnanncj* fafee. ejeamen bun fclfe,ano f let bpm eate of
€f oz t\)i$ taufe ougbt tbe tooma to baue tbe bzcaoc anD DjpncUe of tbe cup foz
potoct w ^potoet on f;ct IjceD.foj § angels fakes, be that catetb oz Dztnclietb Dnmottbelp,
Jo Spas^c«tttbtUffe,tutbetts W
niS tottbout eatetb anD Dztncftetb bis otone Datnna*
afpaucp tbetooman uetbectbe tooman toitbout
5 cto^ecaufe bemaftttb no»»Dtffereuce of -
i ojoman tbe mantnf U-ozDe^ifo^ as tbe tooman § jiozdcs bobp* f jfoztbtscaulemanp *•
tmtt f0 is tl)t man b? t,?e ate tocalie anD f,cftc ama 8 ou ma "P
meant'** 0( r ^ f n,a "' '

batycau toomaiubutail is of (5od* 0epe« 3JfteebaDtru(ptuDgcDoutefeU

b«t» ouec 3)uDge m poutefelues tobetbec it be ties', toe OjoulD not baue bene ttiDgeD*
b?>* comlp § a tooman pzape buto god bate 15m toben toe ate tuugco of tbe 2to?De
bceDeo* m
els Dotbc not nature tcacbe toe ate cbaftcneD,bccaufe toe 0?ottIo not
pou, tbat it is a fljame foz a man , pf be be DamneD toltb tbe*toozlDe.^obetfo?e to5i « « ,

baue longe better a pzapfe to a tooma, rap bzetbzeu m^n

pe come t ogetbet to
t>fil)e baue longe beets.- jfozbetbeeate eate,'tatponeanotbei;»3fanpmabou<
tSgetieubecfocouetbeciDitball . 3|f get,letbim eate at borne, tbat pe come
tbece beanpmanamougepou $ luftetb uottogetberbnto conoemnacio.dDtbec
to lltpue let btm nnoto tbat toe baue no conges! totl3 fet in ozoet toben3 come.
fucbe cudome, netbec tbe congtegacp^ ^t^otcs.
ons of <5oD. a.©ftt)crc VooiDcs is rufftcicntlp fpottcuttttye. "Kins is

3D *Cbis 1 toatnepottof scomenbe ww«of«atftcto. mpbotnc

H rt
not ff^l!rL!r^f,r/ ifllX a
tbat pe come togetbet : ("otaftec
« b.53p8tDcrctooiDCstoou!bromeinff
H attic butluc ffljafeigc
trl;co p tmoi oft i,c boDelp p icr?ccof ailft Ilt[, c Z*\mc
, ,

better matter but after a toozfcHh JFtrd raccamettr. wim nttrctcncccrapc tDcp ) ojoui&c tence. $c+
of al Wm pe come togetbec in tye con* g?**!''^^ *£**££& toctcnottocnatutaii
gregactott , 3 bcare tbat tbete ts Dpf mental bxeabc $ twpnc bepngctnattbutca amog
(enciouamougcpoti:anD3 pattelp bti thefatrbful anD cecepucb of tl;efamr, Q>al cectps
tW<rtti p.a
leue it . jf oz t tbete mude be fcctes; a* fpctU8cucn(a8tttoctercnnb!p)oftbetcceDcmps
Tbdou cton bp Cfut a ,tDt)Ccc roc commune bicaoe Cotuc
£s fipoc* monge pou4 tbat tbep tobtcb ate perfect but febetbe boop.^ca aub tbe moie fp tcttual im
amonge pou,migbt be mio tocu.-jcebe" pe tcrpict ouce of 1 s place,bo take ttycte tv ozbcs to

cometogetbet , a man can not eate tbe berpoRcnoftbccottgregactott, tohtcfjc tstcuctp

callebtbebobp oftUc Hoibc. as tbougbc idauti
tLotDcs fupper. foz cucrp ma begtnetb Qpoul&baucrapcb . idutrtngenoDt&fcceiicebte
af oze to eate bt^ otone f upper 3111D one tu>c«c tbe f attbfu! and tbe snbeteupitffe.

m)t fp^ntc cptmc

^be.jcif.Cbapten 4* toete all one member : to&cre toete tr*«
SCbeopuecfpfieof tbe gpftcsof tt)t Dolp gooft, bobp*-0otoare tbetemanp membzes,
SCucrt to ttfc co mfo.ite $ coifpinge of one anottjec,
pet but one bobp*3Bnb $ epe can not fapc
as f l>c uilbets of a mans ooop ff cue one another.
bnto tbe banbe , 3 baue no neoe of tbe:
0fpmtual tbtgesbze*
noz tbe bcaoe alfo to p fete , j baue no
«^f n 31 toouio not !>auc
neoe of pou . £ea ratber a greate Dcale
jDnclpf pou tgnozaunte * £e
tliofc membzes of tbe bobp tufjicbe feme
knoto ttiatpe lucre gen*
to be moft feble,are mode neccu"atp.3inD
tpls,$ toent pout toapes
bpon tbofc membzes
ti)i bobp u»b tcb
toetbvukc ,
left toe mode bo;
as pc Ujccc Icd* xeberf oze J Declare bn« aiuo. oure bngoblpe partpes
nedie on .
*©a«>,v,f to poti,
| * no man fpeafcpnge iu§fpp< baue mod bcautpe on • Joz out bonefte
tite or QDOD,D<:t,i'erh JcCas. 4ilfo no man S>
membzes ncbe it uot.idut 450b batbe fo
caufapg 3efusistf)elozoe:butbptbe bpfpofeb
tbe bobpe,? batbe geuen mod
^olp goode . * cbete are biuerfities of
S°i»c'fpF= bouour to tbat parte tobicb lacaeb,lcde
tptc. iDtic gpftes t)etclp,pet but one fpirtte. 36nD
tberc O^oulbe be aup drpfe in ttft bobp:

*ff%* ®°
tbcrearebitTcrences of ^bmiuidracpj
but tbat tbe membzes fljouloe uioiffe*
ons,anb pcf but one tojb.lub there ate ttntlpi care one
foz anot ber*3inb pf one
baiers maiicrs of operations,^* pet but
member fuffer, all fuffer toitbbpm: pf
one gob, tabic!) toozketb al tbinges that
one member be bao in honour, al incuw
acc tozought,iu al cceatutes.*Cbe gtf<
SSc'ovr* bzes be glabe alfo*
tcsof toe te$of * tbefpitpteate geuen to euctpe
j> e ate ti)i bobp of Cbzid,j mi bzes
fpitit ace man,to pzofpt tbe congregacio.Co one
one of another . aiuo d5oo batbe alfo oz*
SS?ftS * 8 SCU£n &°? oto ? rpic«,t(je littetauce bepneb in tin congtegacion fpzde tbe

npceto of topfoome • Co another is geuen the

*3Cpo(rlcs rcc6Darclp pzopbetes, chitb*
ouc b;e= fetterauce of anotolebge bp p fame fpt* ilu^.ici.a.
Ip teachers , then them p bo mpzacles: CMe,4.«
twu tite»Co anotbet is geuen faitbe,bp the
af tet that, the gpftes of bealpnge, belt
23 fame fpirite . Co another tbe gpftes of pets,gouetuets, biucrlitpe of tonges*
beipnge bp tbe fame fpittt.'Co another
Sfitc all 3podlesf31te all pzopbetesc
potoet to bo miracles, co another pzo*
aire all teachers r-^re all boars of mi ca^
pbefpe.Coanotber*iuogcment offpn cles/^aue ail the gpftes of bealpnge/
rite s. co another Diners ranges. (Co a
3Do all fpeabe tottb touges/ Bo all iu<j
notber the interpretation of tonges.
terpzetef Couet after tbe bede gpftes*
3fnfi tbefe all toozhf tb euen p [elfe fame 3MDpet pou a mozeejet
fpir itc,bcuibingc to euerp man feuetal
Q)etoe J bnto
ccllcnte toape.
gvftc3,cuenasbetopll. fr ^fChe.ttti. Chapter. 41
* if oz as tb t boop is one, anb batbe St)CHatuccauDtottOiciousofIoue«
manp mcmbzcs,anb all the membzes of i^ougbe 3fpaheiobtr)efon<
one bobp tbougbe tbep be manp,pet ate ges of men anb angels^ pet
but one bobp:euen fo is Cbzide* jfoz m |bab no tone , 3 toete euenas
one fpictte ate toe all baptpleo to make XouDinge tzaiTirozns a tibet
one boDp,iubctbct toe be Jeiocs oi i&cni ipnge cpmbalUBlub tbougbe 3 couloe
tils, rubetber toe be bonbe oz fu,k baue pzopbefpe, anb bnberdobe all fectetes,
crap, ib, a *allDionche of one fpirite, jfo; tbe bobp 1 al ano toUbge : pea , pf 3 bab a * all aiifaftw
C isuotonemembet,butmanp.Jfffote p 3
coulbe moue mountains
cfte to fa?
rap: j am not tbe bai.bc,therf oze 3 am out of their places, 9 pet bab no lone, asCoScSf
not of t\it bobp: is be tb erf oze not of tbe toete notbpnge* 3!nb tbougbe 3]befto* fapttje.
bobpe*' snb pf § eate fape,3 am not tbe to cd a Imp goobes to feDc tbepooze,anb
epe:tbetfoze 3 am not of tbe bobp:is be tbougbe 3 gaue mp bobpe euen tbat 3
rfjerf oze not of tbe boDpe.- J f al tbe bo* butneb , anb ^tt bab no loue,(t pzofpt;
Op toere an epe,tobere toere tben p eate^ tetb me notbpngc*
Jf all toere bearpnge: tube re mere the Horn fuffteth longc anb ts cozteous* S
(mciipinge t ©ur nolo barb <5ob Difpo* •jLouc enupetb not.TLouc Dotfje not f co<
fco tbe membzes euetp one of them in toatblp,ftoelletb not, ocaletb not bifljo*
ibe b obp e,a t b is to uc pleafure«3f tbep ned!p *[c&etbnotbetotone,isnotpzo^

:o tlje ffo^ftttl)ians. jfaUi
wofceb to atigtc,tfjpncfectf> not curtate* bifipnge.$otoc tyctftftnpfj comebn
topfctb not iniuiquite : jgut retopfctf} to pou fpcabpnge touptb tougues: totjat
tntfje truetf? , f tnpnges, bc<
uff retb all Chall 31 pzofpt pou , crccpte | fpeabe to
C tenets alt tbpnges,bopetbal tbpuges, pou,otherbp reticfacion oz Unotolcoge,
ctiDuceif; in all thpngc 9. Chough tftac pzopbecipng,oz Doctrine.
pzopbefpingc far le, other tongues fl)al ^pozeouer, toben tbpngestoptbout
ccafe,oi fcuouilcogc bauptye atoarc 3 i'cr Ipfe.getie founoe: Whether u be a pipe,
loitc falletb neuer atoanc. oi an bar pe.cjccept ttjep make a Diumc«
JFotourcbnotoleDgets bnpcrfecte,s ctonmthc founDcs: i^otoe (ball it be
ourpzopbefpiuge is bnperfecte* 2$ut fenoiucn toha t is PPpeD 01 harpcDr* a'uD
toben that tofnebe is pcrfcctc , is tome, alfopfthetrompe gene an bnccrtapue
then tfjat tobicbe is bnperf ecte, (ball be bopce, iMljo ajallp^epatehpinielfcto.
Done atoape when 3| teas a cbplbejj f igWcucn fo libetoife luheu pe I'pcafee
fpabeasa cbpioe, 31 SjiiDctiloDc as a topth tongues,crceptpefpeabe looses
^ cbplbej imagineD as a (bplDe..©ut as that haue f ignif icacion jjotuc tnal it be
fooneas3toas a man, jputatuape D noe r ftaoe iuhat is fpofeenf if oj pe u)ai
cdpiDia-ncS . $otoe idc fee ma giaffe, biUfpeafcciiwijcapie.
enen Ux a oarebc iptabpnge : J5ut then ^anpcfcpnDesofbopces are in the C
fljall ujc Tee face to face, ji-ioiue J t%nou> toozioe,anD none of them are topthoute
fcnperfectlpe : t&ut then (ball 1 bnotoe ftgmficacion.3if 31 buotue not uihat the
cnen as J am btiotoen 0otoe abpDctb
. bopce meanetb , 3 (ball be bnto hpm
f aptfje , hope , anD Ioue,cuen tnele tt#c: that fpeabeth,an alpent,anD be that
© ut * tl;c chicfc of tbcfc is louc. fpcaUeth (ball be an alient Unto me. dfr
2Flje/&otcs. um fo pe(foj ag muche as pe couet (pi*
«h< cf)i£fe a.paulc fpcaltctl) no t I;ecc ef iuftift'cact 011, but of ritual gpftes)febe f pC map bane plen<
cfttjefcUffjepjofitoftyccjiiijcc-tatto.aiiaiiiiijta tcrprcf tpe bnto the eupfipnge of ti;e congre*
toue* isioucri)cci)icfc bccaufcir ioiuto oilpgeutip to
ttK choc of our HCpgljti jur.atio icattt) mcaites ru
ructoucc rtie fame:£ucu as ttt tuttificactou fatty ^hcrefoze letfefjpmthatfpeabett)
cIcauttQ0ne!pCAitDfui!petmto£t)uftcs blouoc, totth tongues,pjape that he map inten
auo fujictciir puccfoifpu,
tol)tc!jc tstt)£ottcIp,
pjet alfo.3Jf 31 pzape totth tongues,mp
8nDtst0crfc:ccl;iefctt?ccctii.£)i! tiitsfoitoocrt)
fitafmuscFpoijiHic in Uis annotation upon tins Ipirtte piapetb.iaut mp mpnbe is toiti)
place* out feuite.flobat i$ ttthen.-J toplpiap
Cbt.rffn'.cbapter. topth the fpirite,anDtopli pzapetoit^
p" fgiftcof p*op!jer? .interpjettg
the mpnbe alCo 3 topll fpuge topth the
o»pieac<jmg qrcellctt) tijc gift of tongues , $ l)oto (pirite, anD ^11 fpuge toptf) the mpiiDe
tDcp botljcujUtobcufco. alio.
3fibourcfozloueanDco* $0} els tohen thou blefleft tottl) the
;uet fpitituall gpftes: occupied the
fpirite,hotoc f])all he that
roume of the DnlcarncD (ape amcn,at
anDmofte clncflpefozto
pzopbefpc » jfoz be that

thp geupnge of thancbesf,fepnge he t»n

Ifpeabctb twtb tongues, DerftanDeth not tohatpfapeft. %l)on
ilpeabetb not Unto men, bcrelpegeueftthancbes toell, but the
butbntocSoD.jToiuomaheacethhnn* other is not eDifpeD.31 thanbe mp (5oD,
teotoc he it in ttje fpttttc he fpeabe th Jfpeabe toith tongues mooie then pe
mfftetpes 2snt he that piophectctb, all. £*tbaD3Ileuer in the congrega*
fpeaftetb bnto men , to cDtfipnge, to eje* cton, to fpeabe fpue tooozDes toithmp
ftojtacion , anD to tomiozt c dc that mpnDe to the info: macpon of otnct,ta>
fpeabeth toith tongues, picfitet'h hpm thee then ten thoufanDe toozoes toptb
fto.^.b. fclf e:*^e
that pzophccietu ebtfictb the cbe tongues*
n.»..» eongregacton.tJtooulDe that peall *55zeth^en,benotchPlDzcn in topt
fpabe tot'th tongues : £ut rather that !T)otocbe it as concernpuge maltciotif* «P^«.4.f,"
<£ pepzopbec?eb. jfoz greater is he that nes,be chplDzen.but in topt be perfected
pzopbecpctb,cbcubc that fpeabetbtfj Jnthelatoeitis tozptten^tottb other ecatrwu*
• tongues , ejeccpre he erpounDe tt alio: tongues,anD toith other (pppes topll%
Cljat the congcegactcH wape hauc u fpeabe buto t(jps people, anD pet foz all
fEljtfwtt Spittle
rfjar, toil! tbepnot beatc me, faptbe tfjc tozpte bnto pou « if ot tfjep are the com*

«!i bcbes ftotD.scbetfoze, togegate foza fpgue, maunbementes of tbe jLozDe * 2&111 ano
musbe not to tbe tbat4jeleuc:butto tbcm tbat pf anpe man betgnozauute , let b. im be
tgnozaunte.irbercfoze bzefyzen coiiet
JSttMc toleuenot,Conttatp top{e,p2opbefping
of £>oi>,f fct uctf) not fox tbe tbat bclcue not; but; to pzopbecp,*? fozbiD not to fpeake tot tn

not touu foi tbcm uiljtcf) bclenc* tongues . 3MD let aU fypnges be Done
812?" 31* t&wtf oie tohcn all tfjc congtcga* bonoftlpcanDinozDcr,
<£Cion is come together, anD allfpeaBC SoejEkorcft
a.2Jofpea&cimd) tongue « oitmrl) t\)t rpiute, fofpeaae
tottff tongues , tbetecomc intticp tbat
to to fpeake tljat otUetttiit>«cQanae pitc= jjj tongcj
ace bnlcarncD oz ibcp tobwb beleue not: ftes Cap thcu cecutce. 2:0 fpeabe twtlj t\)c mtnoe,

SCO pi! tbep not tape tfja't pc ate onte of ts to fpeahe tuet fcuaccft aiiae , as tobcu f pica?
<l)« puacoetb to t\)t people in « toiiflucptljcp
ponce anttcsi-^ut ano pfai pzopbcf tc, bnnetaandc,
aiiD tficrc come in one £ beleuetb not,oz creberb. Chapter, Hh
one bnleacncD,f;e is rebubeb of all me, a^e rcfutcccrioti of tt)C Dcao.
anD &s tuogcD of euecp man : ano fo ate metbzenjas pectapnlng 31
tbe fcctctcg of ins bcact openeD,anD fo totbcgofpell tobtcbej
ooune on bps face ano
falietb be , tooz> pzeacbeo mito pou 5
typppctb (5oD i $ raped; § <sod tg tottb lobicb pebatte alfo ar»
pott tn DcDc. cepteD,etiutbe W;i-cbP«
$otoc is *tf ben bzctbzcns'XOben pe continue, bp tbe tobicbe
come' togctbec ,euerpeman batbebps alfo pe are faueo : J Doe pou to to?t,af*
fonge, l;atbe bps Doctrine batbe bps
, tec tobat manec pzcacbco bnto von,'
tongue,batb bis teuelae ion , l;atb bps pfpeftepeit,erccpte peftauc beletieD in
tntecpzetacioimut all tbing-cs be Done bapne.
Ditto cbifipnge « Jt anp man fpealte ifot ficft of al^foelpuereb bnto pou
toffy tongues , let it be ttoo attonce oz tbat tof;icb 3 teceaueo: j^oto f*€W^ ^^*»
at the -mode tl;ze attonce , ano tbatbp Dicofoz ouce fpnnes agcepnge to ti)t oS'Xf,,

coutfe,anD let another interpret t rrrtpttires : 3no trjat be teas burpeo, 1?"^/
pf tbece be no iutcrpzeter , let bpm he pe ano tbat be acofe agapne tbe tbitoe ****>*,
- fplence in tbe congcegacion , $ let bpm Dape acco zD t ngc to tt;c feciptures: 3Bno
* fpeake to btm fell e ano to <eod. t(?at be mas fene of* Cepbas, tben of $ acute.:*.*

JUr ttic ^zopfi c t-es fpcafce ttoo a U ttoelue, 3Bftectnatbc tons fene of moo
toncc,oz tbze attouc c.auo let* tl;c otf;ec tlfzn flue bunDreth bietbten attonce:
funge, Jfaupe ceuelacion bemaoeto $>t iobiebc mative remapne bnto tins
anotbec tbat fittetb bp , lettc tbe mite oape,anD ma tip ace fallen a Qcpe, 3fftcc
boloc bis peace , $ oz pe mape all pzo« tbat appeceo be to James, tben to all ,

pfytcp one bp one, tbat all mape lea me, tin 3peftles,
ano all map banc comfoite, jFoz tbe f pi* 3111D laftc of all be bag fene of me;
rites of the pzop&etcs ate in tbcpotocc as of one tbat toas bozne oute of Due
oftbepiopbetes* jfoz ©oD is not tbe tpme . jfoz 31 am tin left of all tbe 3po#
b«h.«,8 cauf er of fttpf c : s ut * of peace, as be (ties, tobtebe am not taoztbpe to be cal>
is in all ottjet congcegacpons of tt;e Icd an apoille , bpcaufe* J petfecutcD wttam.^
~ £>apnctes* tbe congcegacion of d5oD 25utbp tbe *£,••;£'••
f l

*.Vm lib * & et P° ttCC tDIUt0 feC P C ttICf1CC * B gtace of ©00 j am tbat 31 am * 3no .u l ml
GauAiCt tbecongttgacions, jroz it is not pet* bps gtace tobpebe is in me , teas not in
raittlD ftBt0 (dem to rpeafce:iSut Jet tbe bapue: ^btttjiabouteDmoze abound
betmoetobeDtenceas fapetb tbe la to. Dauntlpe tben tbep all, not J , but tbe
gf tbep topll leatne anpe tbpnge , lette gtace of d5oo tobpebe is toitb mc.aopbe*
tbem arise tbett bufbanoes at borne, tbec it toe te 3 oz tbep,fo toe pzeacb, ,anD
mim?ac ifo; it is atyame foz toomentorpeafte (obauepebeieueD, {<
be m fut>- in tbe congcegacion ,£>pzonge f to ozdc + 3ff Cbztft be pzeacbeD hotoe that
Action to of <5ob from poti f either came it bnto be tofefcom tbe DeaD : ©otoe rape fome (ton.

Kjjjj* pou onelpe^f anpe man tbpnfcebpm tbat are amonge pou ,| tbece is no cc*
felfe a piopbete , eitbec fpicitual : %tt fttrrcccionoftbeDeaD^ ^f tbece be no
. bpm nnbetftanDe , tobat fypnges J rpfing agapne of t^ oeao;tbe i$ Chzift €
ms , '

tEo tlje CojmttrtMts, 5foUci%

hot tpfen»3|f &Wfo be not t pfen, tfieti of d5oD 3 fpcafcc tbps to pout rebuke
<rtsourepieacbpngebapne, anopoute $ut Tome man topll fap:botoe attfe
faptb is alfo f n, anD toeace
fotinoc f alie toptncflfes of <BoD jF 6? toe
tbe DeaD/toitb tobat bobpes come tbep
tn^tboufole^tbat tobicb tboufotoeft,
* m ..

'» tM

haue tcftifieD o f <©oD,bo toe tl?at t;e rat; i$ not quicRcncD ejecept it Dpe . 3MD
CcD Dp Cbuft tobo be tapfeD no t b p pf , tobat fotoeft tfjoti tCbou fotoeft not
it be (o tbat § oeaD ttfc not Dp agapnc. tbat bobp tbat Ojall be : but bate cojnc
tfoipf tbe Deao tpfe not agapne, tben (3 meane eitbet of tobete,oi of fome o^
ggnotCbitftetprenagapne.;j|fit befo tbecjs gob geuetb it a bobp at bis plea*
tbat £1)0 tofe not, tben i$ pout faptb face, to euetp fcDc a feuetall boDpe.
fntoapne.auD pet are pem pout* Cpn* 4«3!ll fleaflje is- not one manet of
nes.Jno cbecto tbep tobtcbc ate fallen fleafi)c:bu t tbete is one manet of 8ca(& f
aacpemct)ttfte ace perptyeD* %% in
of mcn,anotbct manet fle&e of bcalic^
tbPtf Ipfe onelpc tocbeleucou Cluifte, auotbet manet fleaflje of f'i!^es,anD an>
cbetiarctoeofall nun tbe miferableft* otbet of bpzDes.ticbete ate celeftial bo>
25ut no toe i0 Cbzift tpfeft from tbe Dpe&anD tbete ate bobpes terteiltialU
tfei!o.<,t, DWD,ano is bccome*tbe fpifte fcuites 23uttbeglo:peoftbe celeftialli^; one,
or tbcm tbat flcptc foi bp a man came anotbegloipeoftbe tetceftciall is an*

Deatb ,atiD bp a man came be ttlumv otbet»Cbete is one manet gloip of tbe

cion of tbe oeeo 4Fo? a$ bp loam all ^>unne

. ano anotbet glozpe of tbe

Dpcetten Co bp Cbnftc.ftjall al be maoe ^oone^anotbet glozp of tbe ftartcjs.

alpuc, ano cuetpe man in bps otone 5fotone ftatte Diffetetb fto anotbet
oioer. h gloipe * %>o is tbe tefutteccton of tbe
Cbe firfte is Cbxifte, tben tbepr tbat Deao » jflt ts; fotocn in cozttipcion , ano
areCbJiftesatbpscommpngc. Cben tpretb tnmcozrupcion Jt is fotocn in
commctf) the etiDe , toben be batb Delp* DiOjonoute , anD tpfetb tn bonoute* 3ft
MteD&ptbcRpngDome to<0oD tfjefa> i^Cotocn in toeaaenes, ano tpfetb itt
tber, toben be batbcput ooune all rule, potoet Jt ts f otocu a namtall boop,
ID autb oil te 9 po toec. if o* be mu ft tap g nc anD tpfetb a fpttituall boDpe* cb ere t

anatutall bobpc anb tbete is a fpitu

SSu'i'a *tpUbebaueputall bis cncmpe$
»*&.' Detbtsfete,i;belattenemptbatu>albe
tuallboDpe:asitistozttten: ^befpzft
® m8 w aft ^ ..
* *

*b mm » Dcatb.* jFoj be batb put al man*3HDam toas maDea liupngfoule:


»<t>x.u,b, tbpnges tmDetbis fete . i5ut toben be 3BnDtbe laft 3CDam toasmaDe a quit*
fapetb,all tftpnges ace put tnoetbtm, Rcupnge f p inte^o to be it , tbatis not
it is manif eft . tbat be is e,rccpteo,iuf?^ f^iftetobpcbe i$ fpitittiall: 7£>i\t tbat
tbe DpD put all tbpnges fcnbet bpm. tobicb is nattttall, anD tben tbat tobp*
oxben all tbpnges ate TubDueD imto cbe is f picituaiu (<Cbe fpift man is of
bpm : Cbcn Ojall tbe Tonne alfo be f u b* tbeeattb,eattblp : CbefeconDe man is <5
tectbntobim t P«t all tbpnges tmoet tbe ftoiD ftom bcaue*. 3Cs ijs tbe eat tbp,
bpm,tbatd50Dmapebeal'l in all tbpu* rucb ace tbep tbat ace cartbp. aiuo as is
ges. <£ttbet els tobat Doe tbep tobicbe tbe beaueip,fucb ate tbep tbat are bea*
ate baptpfcD oucttfjeDeab, pf tbebeaD tienlp»3nD as toe bane boinethepma*
tifc not at al*- *»bP ate tbep tb en bap* ge of tbe cactbp,fo Q)all toe bcate fyipf
tifcD ouet tbe DeaD**£ea,anD tobp ftanb mageoftbebeauenlp*
toeinfeopetbpe euccpboure.©pourc CbPU tap 31 bzetbzen, tbat * 8eau>
tciopfpnge tobpebe 31 baue in Cbzifte anbbloube cannot tnbetite tbe apng*
3(efu ouc)lo;bt,3 Dpe Daplpccbat % bom of (J50D ii^eitbet Doetb cos tuprp*
baucfougbt tottu bcaftessatcpbefus oneuberttcbncojrupcioiK ©tboIDe,3f
^after tbe manet of men, tobat abuatin* fl^etoe pou a mpfterp * jooe Ojall not
'^ rmom
J& tagetb it me,if § Deab tpfe not agapne* all aepe:©ut* toe tbai all be cbaungeD,
Japti.'t *let bs eate anb DtpncRe,to mozotoe anb tbat in a moment } anD in tbettoinc; ww*
toe Ojall Dpe . Be not DeceaucD : spalR* Ipnge of an epe,at tbe founoe of tbe laft
cious f pcafeing coirupte gooD maners. tcompc.tfoi tbe trompe fl)al b(otoe,anb
atoafcettuelpe out offlepe 5 anMpnne tbe Deao Cball tpfe incoir uptpble , anD
uot.jFoUome banc not tbe. anotoleoge toe tyalbe cljaungeD* fox tfjps cozrtip*
4$e fftlft €pf(tie
cpblc mutte put on fucozruptibtlptc; fenbeto bipnge poutelibctallptebnto
ano tbps moztail uiulte putte on iin« 3Iccufal tm. mt) pf it be mete tbatjj
moztalpte* goe,tbtp ftal go mpt& muj topll come
a&bcntbpscoittiptpbic f?atf»put
btitopouaftccjbaue goneouctg^a*
on ineozcuptpbplpte.anD tbps moztail ccooiua . if 01 J topll goe tbozotoottt 23
fjatfj put on immoz taiprc: €ben ttjalbe
*^accDonta. jacptb pou pctaucuture
bzougbtctopalfe tbe faptnge tbat is 3topH abpbc a U)btlc:fl)z els topnter,^
tezittc n.*3©catfj is confumeD into bio pe map bzpnge
me on mp map tobitb w«
tozpciaeatb inhere is tbp.ftpngc*' ^el foeticc goc
3 +

tobere is tbP bpctozpe Cb« ftpnge of *•

3 topll not fee pou notoe in mp par*
Dea tb is fpnne:ano tlje ftceugtbe otfpn fage:i3ut 3 ttufte to abpoe a topple
is tfjc (atu. 2c tit tljaua es be Unto <i5oD, toptb pou,pf <Eob ft^all
t.Jflti,**, fuffce me»3 toil
tobpebe fjatf; geuen o$ *opctozpe tfjo* tatpeat epbetus \)nt}fl[ toptrontpoe*
tome otite ]fl,ozot Jcius Cbzift. cber> if oz a gtca tc ooze ano a fruitful is ope*
foze mp Deare bzetbzen be pe ftebfaft 9 ucd onto me:* anb tbete ate manp ao*
tmmouable, altoapcs rpclj 111 § to cukes uerfatpes * f Cpmotbcuja! come, fee 9 tt.%ip, 9.
of tbe jtozoe/ oz as uiuctje as pe nuo toe tbat be be toitbout feace ft pou.ifozbe
bo toe tbat pout labour is not in tiapnc toozftctb f toozUe of £ lozoe as 3 Doe:
intfjeJLozoe* &et no man befppfe bpm:zsut conuape
jrijej,?o«a. bpmfozti) in peace, tbat be mapecome
baptpfcb a.3!n mrnc opinion, tbe trauaation Cboulbc be me»iFoi 3 looke fo? bpni toptb t^z
OU(Cti)C bet tcc,u it totce bapttfeb 01 f oea o. jfoi tuougy
btab. itbctcibtblcpitou^Cituicl agecutge to? pur;
pofc.rtMt tome men toouioe be baptifcb(tbat 1* Co fpcafee of bzorbet* Apollo: 3 €
Set xWl ,c
to tape tuatyCDjouec rye gcaues of men bepatteb gteatlpe oefpzeb bpm to come onto pou i.tCot.i.b
tyislife.uirokcn rfjofcfamcbobtcBlpulo Atf
\> ancili.a,
toptb tbe bzetbzen,but bps mpnoe urns
lad bapebe put if if b, attb To tapfeb agapuc : yet
IS it inouc Iphc f t xuc tb ,p m
tbis place. &. }3au Ic not at at to come at tbps tpme* k)oia be
nUHtcbtofUclatoeof0qopfcs,tomc!;ctoa3tOat itbe topll come tufjeu be 0)al( bane con*
tobofocuec Cboulbc touebe toe endemics of a uenicnt tpme»i»atcbe pe, ftanoe faftiu
fecab bobpc.tooulbc be biicieauc tpl tuenpiig, anb
tpulo iiotbctooitbpto care of f yalototb tyuiges tbe fa p ibe,q upte pou Iplte men , ano be
tpl bebnbtoacpeb bisfleau) li p" toatcr,tobccIacc ftconge.jlet all poute bufpnes be Done
tr)ebope of toe pucif tig of p" fame bobp,f f gtoiu niloue.
SIM rerutrcccion of p" ramc &o tbatto be baptis

feb ox bjaCbcbfojrbcb.abjts as muc&to fape,as

Bzctbzen , pe ftnotoe tlji boufe of
fojtoucomjof tocbcaofoipreg of ml bepatteb. * ^fepbanajboto tbat tbep are tbefitrt U£oi (.<
flelbcanb b,3£bat is to Cap:tljtscomiptible, impute (triu= fcuitegof ^cbaia, anbtbat ti)^ bane
bloubcati ful flcaib mutt be poutgcb.pcc it can enyente t:;c
appopnctcD tbem f clues to mimflcr bu
not nine? bmgbom of igob,u>i;ubeis toncoituptible.puce,
sufbms aub tbat can abpbeno fume. Xrxo tcmcbpctyctc: to tbefapnetes : 3 befcebe pou tbat pe
borne of fo« tuts acafbe mutt be cuawigebanbctrcincoxs beobcDpcut butoi'ucbcanD to all tbat
080, tupnbie,tba t it map ctu cc into tbat ftpiigbomc.
bclpeanolaboure. 3 am glao of tlje
lO-Cbe.jCbi.Cbaptec* commpnge of ^tepbaua , ifoztunatus
fccputtctb tbcm in temftuauueeof f Battering, ano acbaicus : if oz tbat tobicbe toas
fonbepoxechitatansat 5]ccufalcm,aub conclus iacapnge on poure parte, tbep baue
pontes JLofte tl)etfoze pe nnoto
rite 9
tbe * gatberpnge
iF tbem tbat arc fucbe.
3 foztbe£>ainctes,as Cbe congregacpons of afia falute
Mom, t» , f
3 banc ozbepneD in
poti,aiquplaanD ^zifcplla falute pou
tbe cougtegacions mticfie
111 tbe 'tozoe, ano fo boetb
MO.IM of<saiacia,cuenCo congregacion tbat is in tbeic 2:Dcramc
boc pe » wpem fome tl)t bzetbzen gcete pou. be acencs
* <scete pe one
fonoapc let cuerpe anotbet \o^ti) an bolpe febattbe
fepiTe c^e falu* EotbCBtS.
one of pou put a fpbe at bome,anD tape tarpon of me faille toptb
mpne otone mnigc.ox
tp tobatfoeuer be ibpnfeetfy mete, tbat banoc £f anpe man loue not tbe lozoe aafCtopt
tbetc be no gatbetpnges toben 3 come. iefus frame be
ibiift.ttbefamebe 3natbema crcfimun<
ftX)ben 1 am come, tobo f oenet pe iali maranatba
.Cbe grace of tbe fi,ozoe cate^acs
olotoe bn pout* letters, tl;«ui topU
3efus cbiiile be toptb pou all* i?j>
cutrca to

'otljeCojmtljiatts, jfoltiii
iouebetoity pouallincbjpaejefu* nttU an ftrpofHcs
3mcu. ofjcfuCbjiftbp
the topll of <50D»
fi3"Ebe cnb of tbe fpjft Cptflle to tbe anD bxotbec <€U
£ozintf)tans .£>cnte ftom p>t!ippos mothcue*
bp Stephana jatiDJfojtunatus, unto tfie com 1
anD 3iibfitcus,anD <ci< 'gtcgactou of qod,
raot&etta* tofitcf) te atC02tti

tbum toitb al § fapnetes tobrcb ace tn

al aetata** ©taec be toitb pou 9 peace *g?Ju:
froHi^oDottre father, anD f tome the iauuV-
CUD&et^oioge fcojbe Jtfus Cbtffte,
* bltiTeD be c$od tbe fatbet of oute
fcpo tftc at. p tftic of* s> ]$ aui jLo?D Jerus Cbjpft,thc fatbet of met*
totbe£ojwtbtan0. cpe^anD tbe <£od of ail comftur, tobtcb
comfojtetb bs in al oute tribulation*
ibfttt&efpxae ifpmicoctcs in fo mucb tbat toe ate able to comfojc
bu&ctl) tbccozin to tanefljat tbem tobtcb ate troubleD,in tobatfoe*
pclp.f o m tots ije comf oxtcro
uct tribulation it bee, toitb the rami
to rin a it & piapfetu tbem anD
commauHDCtbbmttbattoas com fojt,tobe etc ttb toe oute f clues' are ^
Cfcfimum tar c to bee tcccttico comfozteDof<§oD. tfoias tke*afflic< aff tI(lPi j

loupnghe into tbe congcegas cionsbf Cojifteate plenteous tntjs, otpatn&e

atto tntbefpitK ano feconcccbaptetsbe eucnfois oute confolacion plenteous *?5*P S
qsctoetbbislouctotbetoaco.boto tbaraftbat bp Cb?pwe» fuffriaes
Ijcfpahc.ox opo ruffcr.tDaefomCtc rabcs and acobetbec toe be troubled for poute ascbuft
Srtoenintbc.itt.iut.anto to. &e pxapCetb f fjc
confolatton <*faluaeion,tobtcbfalua4 rutreceo.
office of pieacbpnge of toe fSofpclt abouc tbe won Qjctoetb bet potoet in that pefuf* »«••«••
pieacbpnge of tbclatojc, auto Cbcaictb tbat tbe Ire tbe fame afflictions, tobpeb toe ab
«B ofpel gtotoetb tboxoto pctfecution,* tboxotn
toeccoflc.tobtcbcmabctb a man face of ctcnial
fouuTte:o?tobttbcttoe btc'cmfojtco
Jpfc;aii6bctcait0ti)crcl)ttoucbctbtbefalfc}9jo f 01 pout conf olacion : pet out hope is
pbetis.tobtcbe ftuopco to tutnc tbe faitfce of fteaofaft pou, in as mucbe a£ toe
tbe people ftomeCbit^tontotbc UiOjbcjoftb<
fenoto boto tbat as pe bane pout patee
la toe
3]n tbc.toi.anto.toU. Chapters t, c qrbouctl) in artitcctou&ro fl}all pc be pauafet taf
tbemtofuffettmtb tlje (5ofpcU,anto to Ipueaa of conf olacion.
it bccommctb tbe (5oCp el.ano pwpfctb bun in
©jetbjen,3! toolbc nothaue pou tg*
tbe later cube.
3lntbe.tottt.anto.tic.Ctoapfcr9 bf CFbonctft noiaunt of out ttouble* tobtcb happen
tbem tobtlpctbepooxe fapnetes tbatttctc at neb bnto b$ tn*3lfta 5fox toe toet gte< 3itl8ti%.t
ucD out of meafute paffpng ftrengtb*
3n tftcjMrt. tnuepctb agapntt t be
falfcpiopbetes. fo gteatlpe tbat toe DefpeateD euen of
2nto tn tbe laOe Cbaptcc be tbxeate* Ipfe* aifotoeteceaueD anaunftoete
netgtbcintbat babbefpnnc,
of Death in out fclue ,5 tbat becaufe
anto not amentocb tbem
fclues. toetboulbc not put oute trudeinoute
felucs:*but tn 60D , tobtcbe tapfetb ©««.»,
lM" M *
$ DeaD to Ipfe agapn,$ tobtcb DeliucteD
ts from f gteat a Deatb,anD ootb Deli
uct«€>n tobome toe ttuft.that pet bete
aftet be topll Delpuec , bp tbe belpe of
poute pjapet foi bs 3 tbat up tbe mea«
ttle of Rattle tfyt 3poffle to nes of manpe cccafton0, tbanftes map utn # u
be geutn of manp*on oute behalfe 3 fo?
o3rCbc jfpjtte chapter* the grace geucn bnto t$. ^
^Dutetetopftnge 10 tbps\ tbeteflf^ carcientc
monp of oute eonfctenee,tbat in ftngle ,
Ciroc tonCoIacfottof joto fnttouble.Sbeloue
of jaau K totoatoes tbeCotpiitbianj, antobpa
ne0 anD <S5oDlpe pucene0 anD not in
be came not to t&em. flcfMpc topfDome, but bp trje
gtace of
qctufe tbat

<25od, toe bant bab ottre gapne to pou tnbeupucs
conucrracton #ot pf 3
pou make pou Cozps,tobo is it that OjoulDe
in the toojlDe,anD moofte of all to
toatDcs. i»e toipte no notbet tinges make me glab.bu the fame toljichc is t

Dnto pou,tbc" that p e teaD 5 alfo kno to. maoefozpe bp mtf 3PnD J tozote tbps
£ea,anD 31 ttuft" pefyaft frnoc no bn« fame Cptftle onto pou,left pf 3 came,
co the enDc,cucn as pe baue founoc Us 3!Ci)ouloe tafee bcupnes of them, of
pattlp:foi toe areponte teiopfpnge.e* tohome J ought to teiopce»C*ciapnlp
uen*as pe ate outes tn the oap of the tbps coufpoence bancj in pou al,cbat
ftozDe jjcfue* mp iope is the iope of pou all * foi ut
* 3B»D in this conf idcucc toas 3 mitt gtcate afflpccton ano angupflj of bete
Deo the othec tpme to haue come onto 3J toiote unto pou tottb manp teates:
pou,tfjatpe mpgbte baue bao pet one not to make pou f oip,b;if p pe mpgbte
pleafutemoze, ano to baue paffeD bp petccaue the loue tobpeb J baue mod
pou mto ^accDoiua,^ to haue come a fpeciallp Unto pou.
gapne out of si©aceDonta, Unto pou, if any man hath caufeb fototo,the
to baue bene Icaoe foztbetojetozpe fame bath not maoe me f ozp, but pa u
£> toatoe of pou jcobeu 3 thus topfe toas tclp:Uft3«;ouioegteuepbuaU.*3t
minDeo:DiD3 bfe lightness tbtnkc is f tiff icicnte Unto the fame man that
gjcacnailpet^ofe tbpnges" tobpcbe3 betoastebukeo ofmanpe, ^othat
cbpnke/tbat toitb me CjguId be** pea, no toe conttatp topfe pe ougbte to lou
pea,anDnapeuape.<i5oD is faptbfull: gene bimanD comfotte ^pm.ieftetbae
$ 01 out pzcacqpug Unto pou,toas not fame pctfone u^oulDe be ftoalotoeD Up
pea,ano naperfot ©oodcs fonne^e* toptb ouct mucbebcupneffe. topbete^
fits Cfiu'ftc tobpebeteas puacbeDa fote 31 ccboite pou,tbat loue map baue
monge pou bp Us ( that ts co rape, bjf fttengtb ouet r)i»m* ifo: this caufe Ue<
tneanD&j'tuaiuts ano cmnthcus) telp opo J to?pte,tbat 3 mpgbt feuoto
toas not pea, anonapetbut tnbpmtt Che piofe of pou,tobetbet pe it)oulo be
toas peajjfoz al the pioimf cs*of <©od, tobom pe
mpfes of tnljpni ate pearano ace tn nun <lmcu, foigeue anpe tbpnge, 3 foigeue alfo*
j5od a.e Dnto the latoDe ot'^oo tbozoto bs.jfo; aino Uetelp pf jjfotgaue aupe tbinge,
SCUCH bs 3 fotgaue it ,fot pout rakes
it ts (Boo tobicbe ftabltu^eo bs ano co tobom
onelp foi
iCbntteg pou in Cbzifte,anD bath anopnteo Us, foigauc 3 itjn the toume cf Cb?tftf. €
fake. tajjpebe batb alfo fcalcDbs,anD bathe ^>atan fbouloe pzeuente Us. f 0?

Bon.s.a gcticn the ecneft ot tf?c rppzpte into bis tbougbtes ate not Unknotoen Un;
Cpt) uii.e outerjettcs. to tjr. ^
"&t)t&otcs. iObcn3bjascome(o Ctoaoafo;
tbe.b. or tsj at. were tooiftes ace as mue& Cbuftes (Soipels fake ( ano a gteate
Jftap nap a .31n it is net To. 3 plafuc a»0 fun:
Doic toas opcneD Unto me of the io:D)
is meant tbit tlje faptbe$ icebetueof ffbulttu 3 bao no tea tn mp fptttte, bt caufe 3
mcniboutoe bcfuctK.tiuttbac pea, ano nape f ounD not Citus mp bzotbet:but toac
tnpgbt be taacn mall m ittcts, ttj 4 1 tbcp flpoul Q
rup ieaue of tbem auD mnt atoap tnco
ratbeof. Cut in tbifi place tbep ace tahtf 01 oil
conQamttcues of tofap botb pca.anb ^accDonta.cbanckcsbe UutotSoD
napetocuetbpuge. Us the Uictoip
tohicbe altoaies gcuetb
|£t£ Chapter. + in CbiiffjanDopeneth the fauer of bis ^
C©c Cbetuctb rbc cattfe ef bts abfence aub er
tmototeoge bp Us in euetp place, foz
boitctij tbem to foi jeuc tfjc man tbat toas fate
ten, j to ceceaucbtm agapnc tottt) loue. toeate Unto <i5od the ftoete fattonteof
t nil (sod tot a tccoioe Cbztff ,botb amouge tbem that ate fa*
Untompfoule,tbatfoz tieD,ano alfo amonge tbem tobiebpe* hack.!.
tofauetpoutoptbal,3f rpO)c.* Co the one patte ate toe the in*
came not anprnozeUtv? uout of Dcathe Unto Dcatbe . ano
toCojintftum.^iBo^ Unto the other patte ate toetbc rauoue
itoebelozDesouetpouc of Ipfe Unto ipfe. 3ud tobo is mete Un*
faptb:btitbelpets of pout tope, jfozbp co there tbpnges t fozae ate not as
faptb pe ftano.But 3 occetmineo this manp ate tof>icbe cboppe ano cbaunge
in mp felfe.tbat 31 toouioc not come a* toUbtbctooiDcof^oD : but men ouct
~~— of

tpwiuitSiitts! jfauua
ofpuccne&anDbPtbc potoerof<250D, putatoape. suteueh fmtotbpgDape,
alio mtbeipijbteore^QDio tpea&e toe toben <j|p>ofeg is reDDe,*tbe baple ban* iCtO,34-.B.

getb befoze their beartes* 0cncttbe«

f£€b*'iit*Cbapter. lelTc * toben ti^tp tourne to tbe ^l.ozdc, ](t.B

&epxapfctb tbe pjcacbpngc of tfleiSofpeH as tbe baric Hjalbe taken atoape. * cbe 3o^tt.(iuc
a mc.
bouc ^ p;cac!)i'its of tl)C I
TLozDenoDoutisafppzpt* anbtobere I
3 i^SSSSip begpn to pzapf c oure tbe fpirtte of tbe %
oz De is, tbete is \y>,
Ifelucs agatne»$eDe toe bettpe* J5M toe all bebolbe tbe glozpe
as Tome otf) c r a of CPP<
i of tbe t/OZDe toitb bis face open, anD
cecommcnDaci* are cbaugeD bnto tbe fame fimilitube,
files of
on bntopour-oz letter?! from glozp to glozp, eucn of tbe fpirtte
Jlof cccomtnDacion from oftbe'/LozDc.
pou f £e are oure eptftle tozpttcnin
oure bette&tobpcb $
bnoetftanD anD a. fat topttc ace tftep ,t0 at taft ctbvsUtm to be 2TI3e Icfjs

teaDe of al men,jutbat pe are fcnotoen, tl)c Ipttccall fence of tbeftctptute tbo;otooutc, tecbtlletb
atto do t() cccbp qcljoztc men to tef t a p nc t (;e eca=
bote tbat pe are tbe eptftle ofCbzpfte, opngc of ttjc boop of tbe Ccttptute tottUout cn=
mpniftreD bp tog anD tozptten,not toitb tcrpmouts .fioi.&.\d*ult eutcnbcb none otbec
pntmbut toitb tbe fpitit of tbe Ipuing mtbts place but to teacbtbe tooztbpttesoftbc
fftofpelltobefacabouetbc latoeaubtbcmtnu
<c«(».54.i> goD*not in tables of ftone,but*m fleu) fltactoutbecoftobemucbmoje tooitbpto bee
£gg£r IP tables of tbe tjette. caeme&.tbeMtbemmiftcacion oftl)ClatBC,bcs
©* £$ucn truft banc toe tbozoto Cbzifc caufetbe onecttjat isttjc latoc)b;insetb neatbc
anUDamnactou foi fptme.anb tbe of &ct(tOat is
to <B0D toaro,not tbat toe ate f ufftcient
tbe^ofpell) bjpngctb Ipfe , anbtcmplTton of
of our felues, to tbtnfce anp ttjing as tt fpnacs. Sbat tbps is tbe toecpemeanpng of tbe
mt « 6 tom * but 0Ht 3 blcncja;
of our f eItt£S : apoQIcintupsplaccas plapne toasmanpeas
luQetotoepsDetbetccte, wtotoceabCj&.aus
coinetb of <25oo,tobtcb batb made bjat a*
guametn btsbofceof tbe fptctte anb lcttccanD

(of <.*<*««.« bleto*mimftctfbe neto teOamcntyiot

tbe lettet,but of tbe fpitit. jfoz £ let
ret &plletb>but tbe fpirtte geuetb ipfe.
Ccafmus tit bis $atapbiafis,anb atutot acious
a tcue pieacbec t« biligent.^c coxcoptetb not
jftbe mimttra cion of Deatb tbozoto tbcta>OiDcof(Sob.©epieacbctb not bimtclfc,
tbe letters fpgurcD m Cones teas glo* but rcBctljtbebonoucc of Cbxptt.peatbousb it
be bjttb tbe pctple of bis Ipf e.
rious,fo tbat the cbplDzen of Iftaell 31
couloe not bebolDc tbcfaceof#ofes ^etfoze lepng tbat toe baui

foz tbe gtozpe of bps eounttnaunce Tucbe an office,eucn as mcr*

|cpe is come on bS, toe fapnte
(tobicbglozVe neuettbelelTeisDonea'
u;ape)tobp u>U not tbe mpnpfttacion (not:but baue cafte from bs
mucb moze glozpousf
of tbe f pttite be
,jof tjnboneftpe, anb t»alfte
€ Sox jftbemimtttingofconDempnaci* not in ccaftpnes,netbet coztupt toe tbe
on be gloziongimucb mote Doetb § mi* toozbeof ©oD:but toalfte in opg trutb,
tuttcacpo of tpgbttopfnes ejcccD fa glo*anb repozte oute felues to euetp mans
tp* ffoz no bout t tobicbe toas tbere confeiertee in tbe fpgbt of oD»3Jf our &
<Eof pell bee ptt bPD, it is bPB amonge
gloztiieD isnot once gloztfieD in tcfpect
cftbpsejcceDpngglozpe.Cben pfttjat tbem tbat ate loft,in tobom *tfje cBoD
tof?icbe is Defttopeo toas giozpous, of tbps
toozlD*batb blpubeD tbemin^
mat itiiib.
beleue not,leatt ti)t
mucbe moze mall ttjat tobicbe remap* Des of tbem tobicb mar-iiii-b.

»etb,be glozpous ipgbt of tbe glozpous gofpel of Cbiift ILubc.8.b»

Hoi). Jtu-f.
£>epnge tr)eti tbat toebaue fucbe tobicbe i$ tbe pmage
ofd&oD,0)oulDe 3ICU8.28 f

ttulie,toe tofe greate bolDnes,$ Do not tbpnc bnto

^o.:*.t..asi^oree,tobicb*putat3aileouerbis Hh
not oure felues,
but €\)ivttt ^erus to bo tbe
face tbat tbe cbplDzen of Jfrael (fcoulD
not Ce foz tobat ptirpofe tbat ferueD oure felues youre fcruauntes,fo? Je^
<2$cnr i.a.

*rt tin %, tcbicb ifi pwt atoape^isut tbepz

min* fus fafee.iToz it is ©oD*tbat commau
I watim.b. Des tocce blpnoeo ifoz tjntplltbps DeD tbe ipgbtetodjpneoutofDarck* (.pctcr.t.O

125' "i cape temaphetb

fame coueringe
nes,tobtcbbafb frtneD*moutbertes
foz to geue tbe Ipgbt of tbe fenotolepge
«ffi?h bntaUenatoaptntbe olDe
of tbe glozp of ©oD,^ in t\)t face of Jt*
tobcntbepreaDeit^tcb, fnc&ziftis
~ "* fug

^e feconfce Cptftle of ©ob , to tbe Ubolc rerupce of jagmitmon tbt

Cu$Cb2pfte. h
«**?,* a £m
toe banc tb?s mature *ct* m tubes of tins tooiloc,
b.)&pti)efaccof3ieru9£buOe, tstobcbnbcc:
tbcn bcu"ellcs,tbat tbe ejtcelictit potoec aanbctoeloivcbegcce otutsmanDooc, accois 3in ifact
of it wpgb t appear to be of dgoo, and bpugc to tbcrimilimoc anb Ipbcues vuiuteof of 3[crat*
C not of bs. floe ace tcoubleboneuetpe
true pteaebcts aubpxofciToucs of £\)iitt toec,be
anb ©a I! to tbe tooilbcs cube be e aetneo.
fpbe,pet ace toe not to i tbout Ojpft* *»e
c, 2Tbps outtnatb maunc is fomtpme calico tbe

ace in pouectperout net totteelp loittji olocmaHjfomtpmctbeflcfb.tobattbcficfbrig'

out fomtobat. *x>e ace petfeeuteO:but mfpetb ©all pe fynbe tn tbe p;ologc to rbc^nttoatb
isomapnes. mauitc.
ace not t o jfafcetu *ce ace cad oo toueme
uettbcleffe toe pecpfijnot.ainbtoeak
%\)t tetoatbe fox futtecpngc ttoubic.
«*(• *te toapes*beate in ouc bobies tbe oping
jCbnotoeituelp pfour
of tbe ftozbe Jefus , tbat tbe Ipfc of
!i* cctbp manrpou tobec« %
Jeiutnpgbtcappece in eutebobpeg*
in toe no toe Dtoei! toece n-cm-M
*.foi toe tobicb liue,ace aitoapes be* |

ooma.8.r ipycteo beftcopeb,tbat toe baue

bnto ocatbefoz Jefus laae,
abplbpnge o^bepneo of
rt>at tbe life alto of Jef u might appece
<©oo 5 an babptacionot
in oute mojtall fletye. ^o tbcn beatbe
^e# niaoe toit'b baubes.but eternal mbea#
tooi&etbinbs,ano Ipfempou. +
png tben tbat toe baue tbe fame fpttit uen.2lno*bctfojefpgb toc^efp^ingto,. .
beclotbeotoitb otitemaurtou tobicbe
of faptb,acco2bpnge as it is tozptten:
*3bcIeueb,ano tbetfoje pauejfpo* is fcome bea uen :
fo pet pf tbat toe bee
foundeciotbeb, ano not naaeb. f 02
i&ra u6 b
*«!.«»« alfo beleue,$ tbetfoje fpea&e.
astlonge as tocatemtbie tabecna<
for toe Know tbat be tobicb capi'eo up l,pctw ^
cle,toee ipgbe anb ace gceueb, foz toee
tbe to?De Jefus^all tapfe bp be ai *
tooulbc not be bnclotbeo, but tooulbe
fo bp tt>e meanes of Jcfus , anb (bail
be* clotbco bpo, tbat mo^talite mtgbt
fettebstoitbpou. jfoiai tbpnges do
*& gfoz poucefafces*tbattbe plenteous beftoalotoeb fcpof ipfe.^ctfjat batbe *<».««..
ccoi.t.a. ozbepncbbsfo^tbistbpngc, ts<5ob:
gcace op tranches geuen of manpe,
becpe fame batbe geuen bnto ..
mapeteDounoc, totbepjapfe of$oD« tobicb
t>^ tbe ecneft of tbe fppjite* *2f f£
aOObecefozc toe ace not toetieb, but
Cbftcfoze toe ace attoape of gooD
tbougb ouce « bttoat b man perpu), pet
cbtre ano anotoc tocl tbat as ionge as
tbe intoacbe man is cenetoeo oape b? 3

toe ace at borne in tqe bobp,toe ate ab*

bape»* jfoi oute etcebpnge ttibulacp*
fent fcom «5od. jf oi toe toalite in faptfi
«>rai w.6. on tobicb is momentanp
ano Ipgbt.pze
»j.*mt». pacetb an ejeceabpnge ano an eternal! unb fe not ^eueitbciciTe toe ate of

toaigbt of glozp Unto bs,tobil toe lobe

goob comf 0; t, anb bab leuec to be ab*
fent from tbe bobp anb to bee pufe nte
not on tbe tbpnges tobpeb ate fene,but
toitb tbe tozbe . xobetcfo&tobetbec **
on tbe tbpnges tobicb ate not fcne.jf 01
toe be at borne 02 from borne toe rnbe*
tbpnges tobpeb ate fenc,atc temporal:
uoute oute felues to pleafc bim.* Sot «••**•'
but tbpnges tobpebeace notfene ate 99msau
toe mud allappeate befoze tbe iubge*
etetnali. b mente fcate of CbJtu\£ eiietpc manne
JTbC/fcOtW, mape ceceaue tbe tooikcs of bis bobp
accozbpng to tbat be bat^ebone,tobe^
a.SEbpstfSobletn thctjui.of JLuke calleb m*-
motuntlK.jmtt.of ^obii.tbcpitnce oxtulcr of tbec it be goooozbabi*
a'tbv9 tDpstomlbeoSpalfljata can gettjee botbtof Hh^epngc tbeh tbat toe aiioto qo toe s

tooiibf tbis place anb of tbeotbecatCbouJbeberpo&eit tbe 21ozd is to be feateb, a toe face faitf
tooxoc jSjammou, a tooxbe of tbe £px»an tons
toptbmenne.ifoi toe ate snotoentoel
guci&xpnccanbiSeb of tbtstooxlbcit is calico pnougbe bnto ©00.31 tcuQealfo tbat
bccaurctbetoFCHcbtooxIbc!ptigcsgcurugttb2 toe ace Knotoett in pouce confcicnccs.
rclucp to flje tmlatof ul! gctr v ngc t ogetbec, anb
*x>t pzapfe not oute felues agapne
bepws i 9 tbeit pun cc anb «5ob.# ome
call tbe bcupll bp tbefc names, tobo ate not fat bnto pou ,but geue pou an occadon to
topbe.jFoxtbebcupll isagrearcoeuu allrUffe teiopceofbs,tbati'c mape baue fome
tbpngcs.asanencmpetbatrefeetb al occafions
tobat agapna them, tobpeb teiopce in
to beface toe e&uccb of cbxift ,bp oxato in g tbein
from f f mere rupee of gob, t o the jjOole fee up c? tbe f arc,anb not in tbe btacte* jf 02 pf

'Co tije %tyfn$tan&
be to fecuent, to £>od ace foe to fct* raluaciemlet bs geu t no man oceafo
uctit 3Jf foe kepe meafure, for pouce on ot eup(,tbat m on re office be founbe
came fttpe u>e incafuce. jf oz the tone of no faute ; but in ail tbpnges let bs be*
Cbzffte eonirtapnetb bs/becaulc foe baueourftlucs+asfmimn-crgofgoD
^ i'

tbus iuoge,pf one be oeabe foz all,tbac jjinmucbcpacicnce, in arTuccions, in

it W- i.e. tfjcu ace ait oeaD,3 tOat be Dieb* f oz al, in angupfljejtn fttppes, in
ncceflfite 3
tr)at tbep tubicb ipuc.tbouiDc not bence pzpfonment,m ttrpfe,m labour ,m foat
foztb line Dn to tbem but Unto cbpnge3infaftpng,iupiiccneB,itiftiioui

btm fobicb dicd f 02 be $ cof e agatue i* IeDge,in ionge f u tf ccpngc, in ftptiDties,

febectnti aCCbetfoze bence foztfje ftuofo foe no in tbe boip gooil, in lout bnfapneo,in
acstotii, ma aftec tbe flcajcju fo macb tbougb tbefoozbes of tcutbe, in tbe potoec of ^ tmoart
ana Ipue foe baue ft tioojcn Cbztfi at tec tbe flcaj, <25od, bp tbe armour* of rigbtetoifnes f ctgotc
nor tbepit
ottntfplca nofoe bence f ozt be ftnofoe foe bun (o no on tbe tpgbt bano atiD on tbe left,in bo* ournes:i«
Cute, but moze.flCbctfoze if anp man be inCbzift, no uc a Diu>nour,f tml cepozte ^gooD ttwj/b
at l) is.
be ts: a nefo cceatuce.oiDe tbinges ace cepozt,asDeceauecs^ipettcue,asbn4 Sopciouc
«f>p.rf.a paiTeo a foap, btbolD ai tbinges ace be; knofoen,$ ptt ftnofoen:as Dpinge, ano Rate « c ,

come*nefo.0euettbelefle al tbiges ace beboloe toe pet Ipue:as cbafteneo, ano JJJJJ^i
Bom<ui.t of goD,tobich batb*teconctkD t>s unto not ftpileo : as fozofoynge, ano ptt al * icmt*t*
tfolloi j bi felt op njefu^ Cb.ipft^ batb geucn mv mecp:as pooze,anD ptt mafte ma< moutcor
bnto bs p office to pzeacb p attoue met* np cicbetas bauptig notbmg,^ pet pot> ivabvtv
jFoz*^oo foas in \£bipft,5 mabe agte* %*'*
tfollo.ii.a feCTpng all tbpnges* b ^ I
meat betfoene tbe toozloe $ bun felfe,^ J©peCoztntbpans,oiicc moutbis
imputcD not tbeic unties buto f bem:s opl bnto pou.€)uc beet is maoe lacge;
batb commit cd to bs $ p zeacbi ug of p peace in no ftcaptetutos, but are in a

attonement. jiioto tben ace toemeiTeu* ftraptc in pouc ofone bofoelles* 31 pzo<
gees in tbe coume ofcbipfte euenas mpfepou Ipfte cefoacbe fouti me , as to
tbougb gob Hit) befecb pou tbozoto bs» mpcbplDzen*!§»ct pout f clues tbetfoze
&>o pzap foe pou in Cbztftes lteoc,tbac atlacge,anD*i«beace^nota(ltaungets omt.7.*
pe be at one fottb <sod : f o i be * ba tbe pofte foitb § bnbeleuecjS! i oz fobat ttU
liloma .8,8
inaDebpm to be Cpuncfo: Us, tobtcbe lotoft)Pp batb cpgbtefoefnes foitb bn<
ftnetoe no fium\ibat foe bp bis meanes cpgbtfoefnes^ *»bat companp batbe afl-rtl9ll
8W 8 °
(bonloc be tbat cpgbtefoefnes tobitbe ligbt foitb oarcftuesfjOObat+concozDe
befoze<BoDisalotocD. batb Cb^pft foitb ©eliallj'Ctbec fobat
- § *

pactebatb be tbat beleuetb 9 fottb an in*
nor tbctpiamircs nutb cucfpiiges and cpeumus fpoellf bote agceetb tbe temple of (5oD b
ntcactoitSjUCtt)Cc))rctoCbtotciicemattciouapa foptb pmages^3DnD pe ate tbe temple ^,t>, fl , lt>

mougctbc people, but feacc isoa,* mtteatetbe

of tbe Ipupug c50D,as fapo ©od. * J (t
people louuiijlp, to bia to tbem unto CbuQc.
topll Dfoell amilge tfjem anD foalcfte a tm.xx^'.b
b. 2Toc a ouemcit t bcttnenc gob $ man in Clnift
«5« (l»-^f
is tbe apoftttg office to piCariK2;o bee fume foi monge tbem,!* toplbe tbeir ©oDrgi t^cp
tos:tbatmo Cap, tobctbcracuficcfoiouc fpu=
(balbe inn people ixbctf oze*come out
nec:f oi Untie in tbe fectptuce is Tomtpme tabcu e raF,y}»*'
f com amoi?g tbem,6i fepeta te pouc feb
foitbc facttftccof fpime.assDrc.tut.f pjcfQcs
catctbc fumes of tbe people, ana Horn. tout op ucs( lattb tbe )LozD)anD toucb none bn
fpunc be aamiicbfumc uuhe Hcu;. cleane tbpnge:fofopll Jrcceauepou,
C€be»buCbaptec*4» anD foilbe a fatbec bnto pou, 9 pe fljak
2rtcrI)Oitac(ontotcceaucf!)ctojoiDofgoat»ttI) be bnto me tonnes 9 oougbters, faptii
tbauBfuIncsatiDamcnbmcntof life, SCfoe Dili* tbe )LozDe almigbtpe*
genccof |9aute in tbe gofpel ,ft bote be toatnert) C€be«t)ii«Cbaptet.
tpem to tj. cbuc tbe companp of tbe s ci tueu.
©cCFboxtctr) ttjem torcteauc tbe pxomiCcs of
&tf^€ a?; belpecs tbecefoze ecbozte 1S0& tbanbf ullp. 2T0C coiinttuans ate commeu
bcafoi tUCaobCDieuce,t (ouc totoatD|9aulc,
3 /JO 1 *vCpou,ppeteceauenottbe grace
of (Bod in balne.tfoz be fapetb: Cpnge tbat foe baue fucbe 3
3J*baue beacD tbe in a tpme accepteD:^ pzomifes Decelp bcloueD, let
in tbe bap of faluacion,baue | fucfte* bsclenfe out ftlttes from al
ceD tbcsebolDCjito toe is tbat foell ac< _filtbines of tbe fit(t) k\ Tpicit,
cepteo rpmc: oebolD nofo is tbat Dap of ano gcofoe bp to full bolpnes in tbe
^)j©o.u feate
Cje feconfc Cpittle
ofoothii»nDttuanDb0,toebaue outebonmge^at3boftct)mpfclfcto
bait no mm
toVbaue coztupt no man; Cttus toitbal,founo ttue. ano note is
bis tntoatD affeccton moze
abom ban

SpaSSftauBiD no man arpraae
not tbis^ocotmemuepou : fofahane
.pou befou that pe aw in oat c
KXTpuc afpt, po«.3 am feateano
beep bolD ouet pau,anD rciopce great*
totoatDepou, tobenberemembzetb the
obeDienc; of eoctp one ef poutboto teub
tetopce that 1 map bef boio
~ ££
Ipetnpoii.jJamfpUeD tettbeomfoztefr tnaUtbingea*
am cjeccDtng iopoufe tn al out ttpbula* £Che.btti»Cbaptet.
15 cions. jf oz teben tee toet come Into ^a
art^*i»« a*oucefleajebaO nocettejtwt feepottctbtW mrtmftiaunceto&elpefpooxe
toeSttottbleDoneuetpfpDe^ut, 'M^*W**#tm** '•<***>
toacD toasfigbtpng.tntoaro teas feare.
«.*oi».<,* neuettbeles*&oD tbat comfoztetb tbe
©opou totoit bi*tbzen,ot
the grace of (@od uifcich e is
abiecte,com£ozteo bs attbecomming i

gc ucu in the congregations

of Cttus.
of ^auDoma,botoe ti;at $
3nDnottopthhps eommpugeorielp: J
ilaboun&aunce of belt tciop i

butalfotottbtbccoColacioa tobtttoitb
bctoaa comfotteo oi'pon. S ozbe toioe fing is, tbat tbep ace ttpeo nub much

tribulation. anotherta thought tbep

mpnoe to me toatDerfo tbat J toere ejeceopnge pooze,pet baue t hep ge
f entente
note re to? e #raow. Kb erfozc tbougb •« uwebmg wchlp,* that in fmg enes.
iFoi to tbctr powers (1 bear; tccopc)
1 inane pou fwp totth a letter. J repent tbeie potoer.thep toece
C ISSSm&l dpd reoent f 6» 3
. pet* pea,ana bcpono
topllpng of tbeir o tone accozo,e pzaieo
ccaue tbat tbat fame e'ppMe mane pou

ceaue tbctr benefpt ano fuff re tbem to

i«* g»
8X 1 now"ecopce,
not tbat pe teete
be partakers to otbet*fn mtmutinge mm*
Kip but tbatpefo fototeeD, tbat pete* *-"•<
to the f apnctes.aia tbps tbif opD,not
pem'eo. ?oi pe f ozobjcD goniprfo that
lnnoihpn8pebjetbuetbpb«.foigoo a* toe loath foz: but gaue tbett
IP fozoto caufctb tepentaunc
e nntoVal fellies Had to
the *«« *<wi
*ntn bS
Che topi of <i5oD:fo tbat toe coulD nol
nationfuot to bee tepenteb of : teben bp
««u. W c *toozlDlpfozotocauretbDcatb* butDcftte cuus to accompltty § fame
* bmiuolenceamogpoualfo,euenasbe
JeSSoeWt Diligence tbpsgob.
lpfozototbatpetoBc,batbtoiougbti<» babbegonre.
^ototbetfo«,as peateries in al par
»ou ;pea ittaureD poutocleare poute
* tes.infaptbe.tnteo^jinhnatoUDgejm
fellies lltcaufeDiiiDictflacton.itcaufeD

feare ti eaufeo Dtfpie,Waufeo a fecu^t
, it eaufeo

alltbpnaes pebaue tbetetD pourefeb

al feruent nes,a in lone, tebicb pe baue
punpQmemc: Jfoz in to bs:euen fofe tbat pe be plenteous in
maioing:but btcaufe otbec are fofer*
ues tbat pe teete cleare in tbat matter.
Snbeefoze tbougb 1 tezote bnto pou, uent 5 tbetfoze pzoue J pout loue,tebe«
tber bee perfpte ox noj^t feuotoe tbe
5So it not in bis caure tbat DID butt
of out&oiojetusCbzpfte,
neptbetfozbp^caufetbat toasbutte: liberalitte

huttbatouce ttooDrnpnoe tobpebe toe tobicntbougbbe

toec*ttcb,petfozpout ft , m ». M
baue totoatD pou in tbe fpgbt of©oD, fafces
his potiertiMiiigbt be ntabc ricb
rapgbt appete bnto pou.
tfils C
3ud 1 geue councelbere to.f oz
tEberfow tee ate comfozteD, becaufe
J2» erpeoientfoz pou^tobich began, not
pe atecomfozteD:pea, anD efceDinglpe Is
tbe moze iopeo toe, f oz tbe iop tbat <tu to
do onlptbur alf o to topll a pete a go.
j&ototbetfoze petfozmetbeDepejtbat
tusbab: becaufe bps fpi'zpte teas re^
frelbeDofpouall. 3 am tbetfoze not as tber teas in
pou a t«lneS to«ailL»*^
fo vt map pcrf ozme the oeoe,*of
note aajamcD tbougb J bofteo mp felf euen
"obimofpou.ifozasaltbpngcstof,icb tpottoblcbpehani--*
?*?.J"J;»!*ffi1Si accepted
3pieacheDbnto'poaatettae,eue'fais; a topllmge mpnoe , it is
%n tfje WntWm,
accozDing to tbat a
man bafb>? not ac* feffebnto tbem of^acebonta,9fape
f 3Bcbata toas pzepateba pete a goo,$
3it is not nip mpnDe toat ot^ec bee pouc fetue*tnes batb pzouofceD manp^
fetateafe,anopebzougbte into com* Beuettbeleffe, pet baue J fente tbefe
bzaunce:but tbat tbct be cgalnes noto bzetbzen,lett ouce tetopfpng ouec pou
at tbps tyme 5 tbat poute abounoaunce
Ojoulbe be in bapne in tbps bebalfe,^
fucKectbeirlacfte : tbattbepzaboun* tbat pe(as 3 baue fapo) pzepace pouc
Daunce map fupplpe ponte iacfce:rbat felues,lea
patauentuce pf tbep of g$n
tbete map be equality agtcpng to tbat
cebonia come toitb me, anD fpnDe pou
ewwt* tobpcbtstozptte\* j^etbat gatbeteD bnpzepateD,tbeboafttbat
mucb,baDneuettbemozeabounDauce, tbps mattet,u>ulD be a u)ame
to be,
$ be mat gatbeteD Ipttel bao neuettbe* Jfapenotbntopou.
lefTc.Cbaufces be bnto t£oD,tobtcb put
jiccbecfoiej tbougbt itneccffatp to
in tbe bett of Citus £ fame gooo mtno
erbozt tbe bzetbzen,to come befozebSD 8
rotoatD pou.tfoz be accept eD p tequeft: bnto pou foz to piepate poutegooD
pea,tatbet be teas fo ml
toiiiing^bat bieffing piompfco afoie,tbat itmigbe
of bis otone accozo came bnto pou. be tcDp:fo tbat it bea bleu"pngc,a not
& aoce baue fent toitb bpm tbat bzotbet, a DeftauDpng.*<di;bi$ pettemembec,
tnbofe iaisDe is in tbe gofpcll tfjozotoe
boluc tbat be tobtcb fotoetb IpteU^al
out altbe congregations aiiDnotfo
: teepe Ipttel, 9 be tbat * fotoetb plente* »m.#.k
onlpe,but is alfo cbofen of tbc congee*
ouap mil teepc plemeouflp.aitiD lette *<* lA > m
gacions to be a feloto $
bs inour ioz* man do accoiopnge as be batbe
nep concerning tbis bemuolens tbat is putpofeD in bps beatte,not gtotiD* «( ttt.?r.«
mpniftceD bp bs bnto tf;e pzapfe of tbe gpnglp,oi of neceffpte. * jf oi <sod lo^ f™l£"
jlozDe, anb to ftetce bp ponte pzompte
uetbacbeacfullgeueu *
mpnoc. eoDisabletomaftepotttpcb tnal ^.
ifoz tbps toe e^febue, tbat anp man gtace.tbatpeiu all tinges baupng *
fyoulbe tebufce bstn tbis plenteous rufficientbnto tbe btmoft,map be cicb
soHurfu Diftttbucion*tbat is mini ftreo bp bs,
bnto mancc gooD toozbes, as it is
auo tbetfoze mafee pzouifion fo; boneft tozptte\*^cbatblpatfea abioaDanD pm***
tbpngesjiiot in tbe fpgbtof <EoD onlp,
batbe geuen to tbe pooze.bps tigbte^
but alfo in tbe fpgbt of men. toefnes temapnetb f oz euec. i^e ft fpu*
axe baue fent toitb tbem a bzotbet: Detb § fotoec feDe,Cbal mirtpftec bzeao
ofoiststobom toe baue oft tpmespto* foz foDe,3 l^all multiplie poute TeDe$
ueb Diligent in manp cbinges,but rioto tncteafe tbe ftutesofpouc tigbttoef^
mucb moze Diligent, Cbe gteat eonfi* ues» frCbar on all map be
Deuce tobpeb 3 baue in pou, batb can*
maoe epebe in all fpngleneji , tobpebe
feD me tbis to do : pattlpe foz cttus
caufctbtbozotoebs ,tbanftesgeupng
faftc tobpeb &
mp feloto ano rjelpec as bnto^oD.
cone ctnpnge pou, pactelpe becaufeof
5foz tbe off^e of tbis mtnttltacf on,not S»
otbec ©bicbe ace out bzetbzen, anD tbe
onlp fupptietb tbe neue of tbefainctes:
mtfTengtcs of tbe congcegacions,$ tbe
but alfo isabounoaunte betein } tbaG
glozp of Cbzitt. accbetfoze fljetoc bnto
foz tbis lauoable mint iltingc,tbanftc«
tbem pzoffe of pouc loue, anD of tbe re*
mlgbt be geuen to goD of main', tobtrt*
ioprpug tbat toe baue of pou , tbat tbe
pzapf c f>ftD foz tbe obeDtc nee of poute
cengtcgacponsmapefeft. pzofeffpnge tbe (Sofpell of Cbipft^ foj
C^be*<r»Cbaptet» pbuce finglenes in Didcpbutpng to tbt
9 to all mcn:?i in tbepz pza pecs to ®oD
intitcuaptctgopnge bcfoie, tbatis,mouetb foz poiijlongc fitter pou, foz tbe abouu
t Dcra to bcipetOe poflje&m&jeu at acturalcm. Daunte gtace of <Bot> geuen bnto pom.
a -Cbancftcs be bnto c5od foz bps bn-
rf(T5^ ^ tf?e*m<tipftrpng to ^ rapnetes
9 f pcaUablc grfte*
i j£oj.s. a , ..
itiQ but fu P«fl«o«^ojmeto
to?tre bnto poutfoz^i (motu pouc Cbe.c.CbapKt*
ttwn.^.a. fyt tOttct)Cfl) tDefalfc 3poftlC9 , 9 HcfWDCUj
teDpnes of minDe,tobeteof J boaft mp btsauctottteauZ) tallpngc.
Cfje (etontj Cptftle
to pou baue
jf&aulempftlfebefecbpou jeacbeb bnto pou.tfo^ eue"
gofpel of Cb?P& 3 3 toe
Ibptbe meftencs «foftencs toe come tottb §
boaft not out (dues out of meafute i
ofc^pfte mf|tcfje totjcn
s 3
lam ptefente amongepou, tbet mes labours^ca^bfbopeMe
^"amoJnoceputacion, but pout faptb is incteafeo anflftge potato
accojDpngpout mea>
am boloe totoatoe pou be?nge abfcnt* be magnvfpeb
f ute,moje largelpe,anD
to pjtacbe tbe
3 befecb pou tljat 3 nebe not to be boID gofpell in tfjofe regions tobpeb ace be*
toben3 am picfentc tottb tbat fame co*
not to teiopce of tbat
fpoencc,tobcre tottb J amfuppofcb to ponoepoutanb
be bolbejagapntr fome tobpcbe repute tobicb
ts bp anotber ma3 meafure pje*
pareb all tebp^et bim p rciopfetb,te< mg mops
fcs as tbougb toe toalfceo cacnallp.^c^ rem tw
iopfc in tbe*ftozb* jfo^be tbat pjatfetb
ucttbt lefTe tbougb toe toalfce compaffcO ic *
feints not alotoeo:but be tobome f£ff*
tottb tbe flefl^pct toe toatre not ftcfylp* bim
€t¥:oll tbe toeapens ofoure toarre ate tbeJLojbcpiapfetb* notuif'tm
* *not01carnal
tbmges, but tbingesmigb*
tpe to (BOD,to cafte
^v C^b^jci^Cbapter*
botone ft tonge boi* aauftbnB* rufifctauuce^com-ncnbctu
Dim felt W
jrona '

Des,tobcttottb toe ouertbjotoe pmagi* *

^ulbeto<Bob pecoulbefuffce
nations,* euetpe Ope tbf ng $ eraltetb

itfelfeagatuft tbe fenotoleoge of $00

me a littel in mp folilbnes:pea,
ano bjpnge into captmite all bnoctfta 5 3 pjape pou fojbeate me* jfoi
ouer pou tottb goolp ge>
Opngetotbeobeotenceot Cb*P»\ aub 3 amgelous
loufp»foi3couplebpou to one man,
ate tebp to tafee bengeaunce on al bif*
v'ou a cbafte bitgen to Cb?pu\
obebience,toben ponte obeoicuce is fill to mahe
on tbpnges aftet tbe bt J3ut3feareleftas§ fetpent+begpleo &«tMM
fplleb. iofee pe
^utappetauncef <gue, tbojoto bis futteltp,euen To pouc
* 3fanpmatittuftinbpm feifetbat toittesmuU) be cojtupte from # fingU
confp* nes tbat is in CbJPft* i 01 pf be $
he ts CbjpfteS>l« tbe fame alio
metb,pieacb a notber 3efus tben i)vm
tie of bpmfelf,tbatas be is CbJtftes,
pf pe teceaue a*
c uen fo ate toe Cb?Pftts.
3Inb tbougbe tobom toe pieatbeb:oi
fpp?it tben ^tobpebpe baue tu
3ffioulDeboatte mpfelfe Come tobat notbet
ftojb ceauebuptbec anotbet gofpel tbe
Vnoje of out auctoipte tobpcb *be
t£aijtt.c h at gcu:n bB*to cbifte ano not to be* pc baue
teccaueb,pe migbte ttgljt \»el

Stop pou,it OjoulD not be to mp Ojame.

baue ben cotentj fuppofe tbat 3 toas ©
not btbmb tbe cbeieaipoftles.Cbougb
WW* Cape JlJealte J ftotilbe feme as
be rube in f peafcpng,pet 3 am not f
tbougbe J toent about to ma&e pou a 3
in fcnotoleoge.^otoe bett amonge
ftapoe toptb letters* 4foi tbe CPiftUs toe are
bo< toe ate linotoe" to § btmoll tobat
(faptb bc)atc f ote* fttong.but bps
fpeacbe is in al tbinges.©pb 3
tbetein finne, be
Delp pretence is "toeafce,* bis
caufe 3 rubm^tteb mp felfe,£pe migbt
tube.lette ln>m tbat is ftitb tbpn&c on to pou
tooioes bp be eralteb,^ bccaufe3 pzeacbeb
tbis teife,tbat as toe ate in tobbcD
letters tobe* toe ate abfent,fucb
ate toe § (Sofpelof ©ob free** 3 otbec
congtegacios , 9 toae toages of tbS 3
inDeoes tobentoe arepjefeur*
to do pou fetulce toitb at3Cnb tobe3 toas!
& f oi toe cannot fpnoe in out bettes pjefent \b pou,* bab woe,* 3 toas gte
ma£e oute felues of tbenombie of tbe", toas lac*
tbe,tobicbe uous to no man,foi^ tobicbe f^oi.K
01 to compate our felues to came
bpng bnto mej bjetbun tobtcbe
laub tbe~felues,neuertbelcg tobpltbep
femes, from g©accoonia,f upplpeb:* in al tbi*
mcafutetbefelucs toptb tb^m
aes 3 Kept mp relf tbat 3 OjulD not be
* compate tbem felues toptb tljem

ues,tbep bnoetftanbe nougbt*$ut toe

gceuous to pou:* fo toil? Uepe mp f elf
topi W tetopce aboue meafute:but ac* 3f tbe truetb of Ctjjift be in me v tbis
coibtngeto tbe quantitie of § mcafute teiopfpng
Cbal not be taUe from me in

tobicb <Eob batb Difttibutco

bnto bs,a t\)t regions of acbafa/iooberfo^se*
pou not/ Cdod Unotoetb.
meafutetbatreacbetbeuen bnto pou, caufe 3 loue
k oi toe ftcctcbe not out oute felues be* ifteutrtijcleffe tobat 3 bo,tbat topll 3
bab not Do,to cutteatoapoccafponftom tbem
ponbe meat ute as tbougbe toe 3

^o tl)t Cojfatlnatts, Jfclttott

occafpon , § tficp migbt*
to^pcft t»cf|^e fiebe ^
3 am not ficftc »»acobo is butt in
be fouoDc lptte bnto bs in tbat tebcti £ faptb anD mp bctt butnetb notfjf
tbep cciopce. jfo£ ttjcfc faiff 3!pofties
tnufte nebes tciopce, topll « topee of
arcDprccatefttli toojfcjts, anDfatrpon mpnemftrnuties*
tbemfeiuesJtBe bntoibe apoftifscf
CbJpfte.inD no matuaple,foj i^afan
3© bpm telfe is cbaungcD into tfjt faflpon jaaul <« tahcnbp into t&cfout> ljeaaen,«nb
of an angell of Ipgbt* ^Ebecfoje u is no Ucjtai; ir c*oc8 not to be fpofccit of.

great tbpnge, tbougbe bps muufters (TaV ^e ©od anb fatbec of our )Lo?D U
faffpon tbemfelues as tbougbe tbep
toetetbe mpniflcts of rpgbteouimftc:
3/ 35^u8«bMft, tofjicfjtsbUffcD
Sli^tcjeuetmojie, fenotoetb tbat3
tobofeenDetyalbeaccojopnge to (fjepj Ijn oof*^JnttjtcptieofBamafccn,
Dtocs. § gouetntt of t!jc people bnDet apngc
31 fap agapne,left aup man t^pnfee £ <acias, lapDe toatcb in tyt cptp of t@e
31 am mm note tnlu me
f olpQe;o? els j? amalceus janD tooulD baue caugbtc
as a fole,tbat 3 map boa mp a W feife uic,*ano ar a toinooto toas3 iet ^outK afrtr, "* ;

f eil.€bat 3 fpcaue 3 fpcalie it not af* in a baf feet ttjo:oto tbe toal^aitD fo fca*
tec tbe toapes off &o£D:btit as it toete peDbpsbanDes«
folp3)li',tobple toe ate noto come to bo< not ejtpeDpent fo? me no Dout
3lt is

C ftpng^epngtbatmanpettopee after tc ttiopce^etiettbele^ 3 topi come to

tbe acty,3l topll rtiopce alfo.+jloi p« bilions j teuelactons 01 tbe 5LciDe.3
f uffcefoles glaolp, bccaufe$p«pourc feuo to a ina in ibiifte aboue^iiu^ea^
myites {e [clues ace topfe.ffojpefuffte e'jcupca res agoue(tobctbet be toet in tbe boope
Ddcatence maunebzpngpou tnto*bonoagt:pfa 3 ca.inot tell,
ojtobetbec betoete out
a man take : pf a man
man &*"bute:pf octbeboopjcanottel CoDfcnotoctb)
toel°m #
femgDom ejcaltbim felfe: pf a man fmpte pon on toijicbtoas takg bp in to tbe tbpjD bea^
ofgoo.but tlje face 3 fpcafte as coiicetnpnge re* uen.aiiD 3 bnoto tt)t fame man (tobe*
mS££ bufce,as tbattsft toe baD bene tocafce* tber m
f boDp , 0? out of tbe boDp,3
toe to l^otoebe tt tobettn foeueranpman cannot tell <$od Imotoetb) boto tbat t)t
bnoic&sc Date be bolot( J fpcaltefoii$(pjJ Date toas take bp into paraDife,anDbearD
iMjui. nu
bc bolDe alfo*>Cbtp aee€b£ues,lo am tooioes not to be fpoaen, tobpebeno
Jrtbepace^ftaelptes, eueu loam 3. man can frier* ^)ftbps raantopll 3 &
Cljcp ate tlje CeDe of 3lbjabam,euen fo tciopce } ofmpfeltetopll 3 not rtiopce,
am JMwas a ate tbe imnifters ofcb?tft except tt be of mpne infirmities . 3 no
(3) ipeafce fole) 3 am mou: Ju la* ]>it tbougb 3 toblo rtiopce, 3 OjculDC

bouts moje aboiinDanc Jn fttppes a* not bee a fole : fo? 3 tooulD fap § trutb*
bouemeafurc:3npjpfoumojeplente* l^euettbelcffe 3 fpare, left anp mannc
£>«»* a ouflp:jn Deatb ofte.* £>f tfje Vetoes ajoulD t bmiie of me about tbat be fettfr
fpuetpnjesteccaiieDjJeuetp tpme.rL metobe^zbeatetbofme* _ .....
Job,i *'
acta.** t ftnppeg faue one.t^bjtfe teas 3
bea< *amo left 3
CbulD be eralteD outof
ten top th, roDDcs. *31 toas once itonco. meafuce tbojaio § abourtDauuce of tc^
8ltte 4t

OjfTrcD tbjife CbiptojacKe.jjStgbt 5 uelactons, tbec toas geuen bnto me.
a bnquiemes
acu.77.ff Dapbaue 3 beue in tbe Depe oftbefca* of pfleff), tbe meffengee
iFjuwiuepiugoftennnpaceloftoatets: of 5&atan to buffet mc:bccaufe fnulD 3
inparelsofeobbersrtu leopatDpes of not be eralteD out of mcafure. jfoj M$
mpne tone uaciomm tcopatDies amog tbingebefougbt 3tbeft<D&©tbufe,
tbe bctbcn.3 baue bene tnpatels in w* tbatitmpgbtDcpattftommc. ano be €
iit.sjc.6. tpes, * in patelles in toplDecnes in faiD bnto me:mp grace is fufficicntfoj
patels in toe Tea tn patels amonge
, tbc»5f 01 mp ftrtngtb is maoe pacfecte
faliebietbzcn, in labour $trauatle,in tboiototoeaftcnes.tajerp glaolptbet*
toatebpng often,mbonget, in tt»p^fte tn a
foie toil 3 reioicc of mp toefeeneSjtbat
faftmges often,in coloe n in nafceDnes* ^ ftrengt!) of Cbtift map Dtoel in mc. }»
3nD befpbe p tbtnges tobtcb outb. atD* Cberfo;ebaiie3 Delectacton in in*
Jp bappen bnto me, 3! am cobieo Dailp, f t tmit icSjtn re b u Uc^s .in ncDe ,m perfect*
^Docaufo^aUongtegacions.^pis ciouSjUi anguine a foi Cbitftts faUf»
£)^o f iU» $$$
, (

'Clje fecottDe Cptftle

•f 01 tobe 1 aw tot&tM am 3 ftrong.
Ham maDe afole in botti'iiae mp fceptomcretotocomctmtotbcmatrtcrtMtcg

felfelS Ao^^mmm^mmmtttn^
ana onempnbC- of
ttjcm pccfc tt • to baue benecomnienDtD of pou.* tfoi ®toe come 3 tfjc tbp^D t?me|
fti notbpngc teas 3
infetioj bntotbe
birto pou * in t\)t moutbe of ^ at , ,£ I

cbefe30po{tles,tbougb 3 be notbpng, ttoo oj tbje toitutffes tyal e* g|»-*«|.j

i* b<w :,e
aa ?et § tofefs of an aipottU toet tetongbt

among pou toitb al pacience,toptb fig* poubetoic, anDtellpoubefoje:«ias 3
ties anD toonDets,ft mtgbtpDcoeg.yoj '^y^f,
toa $ mefentetoptb pou
tobat ts it tobetin pe toet mfetpois tm* te
j; bzin
f£CQu0 f to j j nm %
Co otb« congtegacions evccpte it bee
3 toas not gceuous bnto
fem tQ
^^ m t|, me paftc fjaue
tbetetn tbat J come a*
fimic0 10 al ot bet:tbat pf
poutfoigeuemetbistoiongDonebn* aaprt e' 1tD pi UO trpateJeingtperel«
» >* * ••*•.*».
nolo tfte tbpiD tpme |
to pou-Beboloe mt tz 9t C bi>>ft*tobpcb fpeaftetb
*t» »
« am tc0? t0 S2
MMe * nt0 pou: * pet
notbegteuousbatopou.ifoi* jfefec
™ me,tobic() among pou is not toeafce,
butlg mmm W amobetclpe in >p ,
4 ID?m
lfo {)e
f^« //a not P ouce0ibutpoU4 ? tbe
•amm i ^u though came
itoftoeakencs ^fjemajS
oug})t B0| t0 lm
bp f0J fathers <»
mett, be tboioto J poto<
pet i

motbetsrbut tbefatbets ano motbetg -

n oN5oD 4 JnD toc no 0(m te ate toeafc*

foj £ WW
D ? cn *
,~ ..,, « tM «rh.
M .beftoto,
e toplbe
mi)pm:buttoeujal Ipue toitb biunbp
3 topll toetp
fte mi qt of 00 amongc p0lu ^
beftotoco fox pour foulesitbougbetbe *
* u
miotic ^
poute toim
felueg tobetbet
felues PC
f^M „ if
moje 3 loue pon leffe 3 am loueD a*
J ate in tbe faitbe oi not* Ccamen poute i«u.i8.c
aain.W be it tbat 3 gteueD ?m
otone f eluesrfcnotoe pe not poute otone
neuettbeleffe 3 toas ctaftpe * tofce pou
felues botoe tbat 3efus Cbipfte^t"
toitb gilc Bpb 3 PiH pou bp anpe of
pou.etcept pe be caft atoaies/3 ttutt t
tbem tob*cb3 t* nt bnt0 P "*'! DcU ", D p< (hai fenoto § toe ate not caft atoaps.
Cttus^ toitb bt f ft " a b^otbet.BiD « oel j Cg bcfoic ^
oD | ? e Do none cuill, ,

^CitusDefcauoepoti of anpe tbpngc i^tA^eflhu^fctnecommenDablebut

toalKeo toe not in one fpitite r toal&eo « ,, e a)0u i D a ^tcb ts boneft:^ let ^
loe not in lpbe fteppes^3Cgapne,tbpafee ^_ 0£ C0UlUe0 a9 i e u, ue petfones. &>e C
.,^ ^ »t> rtT;ifr nnrf frificfir" ulOC tUCflBe '...-., „ ^^^ .a a ^rttrfi. hut
pe § toe eiccufe oute feiues^ «oe Ipcafee canoonot^pngeagaiutt^ ttuetb, but
in CtHi'ft in tbe fpgbt of 45od. f o ? tbe ttutb.^X>e ate glao toben
toe ate
oeatlpe belo<
£>ut toe do all tbrnges
toeafce * n
fttong. tcnus alio toe toiu)
ueb f oi poute eoifpinge . if ot J Ccate foi,euentbatpetoctepetfecMCi)etfo«
lefte it come to paffe.tbat tobert 3
toiptc 3 tbefe tbpnges bepnge abfent,
3 ajall not fpnoe pou fucbe as 3 tooio:
left am pjefent
toben ujouloe bfe
3 , j
anD3rt)albefounDebntopouiucbas aatpnetre acC o?Dpnge to tbe potoec iUmxu
3 looulo not:3 feare left tbet be founb ^. £««.
(aate( iM
®^ i
fttpfe,bacfebptpnges 3
ftocllpnges anD Du?ceiDe*3 feate leafte ' ^ Qf one ^^^ lue p £ ace,anD m
toben 3 come agapne, <£>0D bipnge me

ye Qt Iouc anD peace ^ albe toitb u.Oj.K.c

lotoe amonge pou , ano 3 be
olJ # ^ tetc 0lle anotbet in an bolp
t«D to be toaple manpe of tbem tobpcbe ft ac\ nl t ^ e
*fapiicte« Calute pou.Cbe ^aintes.
baue fpnneD all teope,anD baue not tc* *
cof out ^fusCbufte, ano %om*
penteD of tbe* bnclenneg , foimcacion » loue of 00 ^ mo
tbc fe ioto$pppe teaaicc
» toantoneg tobicb tbep baue comitteb
of tbe bolpe goofte be toptbpouali*
a.JTbougo men of mud) gecarec hnotolcbge tl>8 3lm etu
©noutcts 3lam,totaWtl;tstoitqutetnc9 fouuctctiogcc,
itesoft&e tDatchctopchcatnaocasapuft toe Hoctcuie ^r^rheenDof tf)CfCCOtlD eppftle tOtbl
rotate. i9aale:pctinmpCuagementc,fl>efeFtc8CuetO *^ <Tfi2intbPanS»

anDastttoctctoitDflaJiDljtmbpfoiccofatmcs c6u0 ma.bpCltUS anD)lUCa0*


tn.rpealfa»ces*bttrinesof t^efptnte. ^^

'0fijc#alatljtatt& Jfolcb
*®cace beioi'cfj^ou ano peace ftome »oma.t«.
CClje dolose cboo tbe ratber, ano from oute fcoiDe uSSffi
3efug; Cbziftc, fobrcbegauebfmreife
upon etic cpuiic of^.^aut
fozoucefphncs, to Del puetbtf ftome
rbps pzefent eupll toozlDCjtijozo toe tbe
'& pcicabe.actu.fb.botoeeetfatne topllofftoDoutefatbec, totobomebe
ctuiic fiotn BtctiUaif m ro anrtoct^ pzapfe fo; euet anD uicr^mcn.
anD tc> cD iljc Difciplcs t f;crc,affi c= 3 nmruaple tbat pe ate f o f one tnu
LmpngcttjartbcpcoulDiiorberaucb nco
from Jjtm tbat calleD i>ou in tbe
Gcjrcepr rbep toetc cucuracpfeo.i? ue
fo after jaaule tMbtoitucrtcD tbe £>alarl;taus gtacc of Cb?ift,bnto anotbet dsofpcll,
ftitD coup (co iijciij ro £0itGc,ro ttutt in Ijtin on= which is notbpng c!s b tit tbat tbet be
fpcfojrue LCituflTioti of rpimc.anD tjopc of gcacc
fotnetobtcbettonbiepou,ano*jntenD8;te0 if«.
anoraluactoujanbtoasocpat-tcb : ruece came
faIfcapoO!cs\)iuot!Kin(asV)titctl)CCwtntJji' to petuette ttft eofpell of Cbjifte*
an s, anD unto all pla tjctc jsaulc aD picas ^euectbclctte tbougb toe oute felues,

c tit D) a »D ri) a rtutijc name offerer, James anD oi an angell ftom bcuni,p;eacbe anpe
3!ot)ii,\ril)omc mcp callcb^ Ijy c apoQIce.^pzca
otbet goipel bnto pou jtbe'tbat tobicb
cDcd circuiuctfton ana tbebeppugc of trjc latoc,
to be r aucb b y ,anD mmtfbcb pauls awrbourpc, toebauep;eacbeDbntopoM 3 bolDebims
3Co trje coufofiopng of tbofe.paulcmagnp:: as a cutfeo.Is 3 fapoe befozc,fo faie
fpcrbbps office ano apofticftrppc tit roc ctoo
noto agapne,pf anpe mann'epjeaebe
fpzaCbaprecsaiiomabctbbFmrelfeequaUDiu 3j
to rbe bpgbcapoGlcs,anbconclut)Cbtbareuctp anpotbettbpngebntopou, tbentbat
maumuftebeeiutttftco tmtbour Dcrecupitges, pe batie teceaueo, boloe bun accutfeb*
ttitrfjout h30j<jes,.inD ioitUout ijcip of rije latoc.
p;eacbe 3 inannts ooctttae ojt <5odsi»
bur alone bpCbufte.
ana in tbe tbpjbanbfouttbe, be pjouerh tbe €)tf)ecgo3aboutto plcafemen*' jf
fame ydr o C cctptute.epamples anb f tmtlttuoes,

anbQ>ctoctbrbartbelatoct0caufe ofmoicftii,
3*GuDpeD to pleafe men , J toere not J*^ *
tbe fetuaunte of €b?pu\
anobungctbtbecucreofiSoDbpoiitoB, anDtu;
fttfperb bsnoubuttbartuatfptng commctb bp +3 cettifpepou bjet^en, tf;at t&e
Stace piomtfcb ds of goo tboiotn tbe befetutng ©ofpcll io()ic!je toa^ p^eacbeo of me,
ofCbiift,bptobome(pftoebclcue)toeatetuttts toa$ not af tec ti)t manncc of me^nep^
f ico tottbout belpeof tbe toozhes of tbe Woo.
SuDin rt} crDoxtcrb unto rbe tbettcaauco 3 it of man netbct teas

iuozhes of loue wbtcb f olotoe f aptb ano tufltfu 3 taugbtr i r :bu t teceaueb it by tbe te<
r ng. &o rbat tn al bis Cptttlebc obfecuetb rl; te uelacion of 3ef u$ Cb^pft.f 0; pe bane
ozdzc. fntt c be picacbcrti rbe bamnacton of rbe
latoettben rl)c tutttfptng of faptb,ano tbitolpc
beatDc of mp conuetfacton in tpme
tbe tooxhes of loue . jf 01 on rbar cottbiciou rbat
toe loue a no to o zue , ts tbe mctcpe geucn tos.
paft 3 tn tbe 3etoes toapes,bob) tbat be n« who.
poube meafute*3petfecutcD tbe con? 1^* •*>
l * ow '*
gtegacpon of d5oo,ano fpopleo tt:ano
pieuapicb tntbe 3'cidcs toape , abouc
c €l)e €|HlWe of manpof mp companpons.tobKO tucce
^nr-nct^atiiebnfotbe of mpue otonc na cton,anD loas a
mucb ~ M m .*
<©alatrjtans. mo;c*fetuent mapntenet of tbe ttaou
CC&cfpjftC&aptec* 2gut tub muplcafcD 6oD 3 iibp<
cbefepetateome ftome mp motbets
fSaule tebufeetb tbem beeaure tftep toetc fallen toombe, anb*calleb me bpbps gtace, •*•*!
anD wu» -
a toap fcS tbe ©ofpel .tfcetoerb bts otoue conuet foj to Deflate bps fonnebp me, tbat 3
facien, magtuftert) bps office ano apofilclbpp
U)ouf be p^racb btm amonge tbe bctlje:
aub bedatetb t'pmfelfetobeecqualltoprb tbe
bpgbcapoCUcs» immeoiatii' 3 commcncD not of § mat
tettottb a *fictyeanbbloub,ncttbette4
,16. I
Btilean apoftle net of tutneDto3erufa!em totbem tnbpcbe
men,netbetbpmaHne, lucre Ipoftlcs before me:but brent mp
butbp3elusCbzpfte, teapes into3Etabta,anD came agapne
[aiJDbpcjsoD tbefatbet tnto JDamafco.Cbcn afrer tfjie peace,
Uifuc!) raiftD fitm frotw 3 cerutncD to jccufalein to fe petec,
iJDeaffjcranoalltiKbz^ anD abooe tuitb bpm.jtb.bates,no noi
tbzen tobicb ate tottb me*
^ntotfjccfjgteg actons ofdSaiacia*
tbet of tt)t ^poQtes tame % rati c 3a
mes trjc jLozdcs biotbet* afje tfjtnges

u.*o?t<i, fobtcbe3to|fre,bebolDc,*<i5oD fcnoto* fo? be tbat teas mpgbtpe in |&cf tttm §
etb 3j ipe not. 3fpoftle[brppe oucc tbe citcu tncirton,
aiftet ?bac 3! toenfe into feoffee of tbe fame toas mpgbtp in me amonge p
&>piia$£slieia:aiiOtoag unfcnotoen gentpIs:anbtbetcfo^e biben tbep pen
os touebpng mp petCon bnto tbe con* ceaueb tbe gcace tbat bjasgeuenbnto
gtegacionsofjctojpe, tobicb toete in me,tbc 3|ames,Cepbas 5 3Iobn 5 tobicb
C^pQe.^ut tfjcp bearDe onlp,tbat be femeb to be ppllerg,gaue to me $ ©an
Uj!>icti in tpme paft,noto nabas tberpgbtebanDes,anD agteeD
ttt'co I

Dip bcbalfe
pjeacbetbtbe faptb tobtebe bcfoiebc toitb bs,f fate fl?oulo puache amonge
tbep g lojtfieD cJBoD ott tbe J^etben^ tbep amonge tbe J'etoeg?
. i- toatnpug onip tbat tac Ojoulo te mem*
irbtjijott*. bet tbe pooie.**»b*cb tbpngealfo j 5tfM>rtB4
Of men. fl.idaulf.too'jgocbetantslonse af(tt fbeSpos toas Diligent to do* mco:.9.s.
Qlce,p cs Oab t»c nor Ops autfeoip tc of l^er c t.tio;
ofatipc orbec tOat toemebefozc Opm.,jfteptOcc
Iud toben |dctct toas come to 3in(i^ C
buwgijt tic tottl) Opm letters of rctominta'oa cp ocbe,3 toitblloD bim in tbe face, foj be glfite
ou,o; bulles of coiifpxmaeton. ©ur tOecon'p^ toas toojtbp to be blameD.iTojpet tbat j&etctt«
macfoiioftnsapofilcQjpppc, toastOCtooibcof
tettaiuccame ftomjameSjbe ate tottb tocfacc
rtte,tl)atte(hfpeb vuttUOtmbp mpiaclcsauo tbeti&cmtls* sut toben tbep toetcome,
jautu* * manpfoloegpftcs of state. betoitbDzucanofepatatcD bpm felfe,
Jritt^attD b.scoat is men anD mens toun fell,
^fojfofpg- featpnge tbcm tobtcbe toete of tbe tiu
oi«toe» uifictfyficcp anbbloubetn tots plate:
cumciH'on. 3>no tbe otbec jjetocs Dpf*
{I'ftbejt, Chapter.
rembleD Ii'Uetopfe ,tnfo mttcb tbat 13a t
®c wttbajact i) j&etec tntbefate,aiibpioncti)
nabas toas b^ougbt into tbeic ftmula^
tbat t!) : Utoc aub tf tumtpfpoit ace uot itcctOa;
tpetofaluatum. cion alfo.@ut toben 31 fatoe,tbat tbep


I?^ ^
^^ ^ "' P* at(g tberafter,

^^ptotnttpagapne to Jew*
tocnt not tbe tpgbt toap after the ttutb
of tbe <JSofpcU,| fapoe bnto ]aeter be*
foie al men,pf tbou being a 3 e to } ltutft
isauie ue |M{£$ ral*ro*tottb Batnabas,anD
Rbetotoe (gfijgllcolte %
me<€ttus alfo.^ca, after tbe manet of tbe€»entpl^$ not as
anD toentc ^P bpteuelacion,anD cs Do tbe Jetoes.'tob? caufeft tbou qtiu
r* v 3 f>

as do p Jetoe^cicce tobicb pw.* •>

muneD tottb the, of the ^ofpel vot)pc^e tpls to Ipue
are*3Jetoes bp natute,auD not finnetf Vo „ w
3J pzeacb among tbe (Sentpis : but be* c,

ttoene out fe!ues,toi£b the tobicb toete of tbe <j5cnttis,feno\u tbat a manne*is
GjoulD baue bene
cotiiitcD clnfe J- lie tt not iuftifieD bp tbc+beDes oftbelato:%>cbesof
tbougbte that 3 moulDe tunue,oj baD but bp tbe faptbe of Jiefus <£b.tpfte» ^'atotua
cttnne 1 1 bapnc^lfofCttus tobicb teas 3nD tbetfoje toe bauebeUueD oii^e^ Jj?fc .nr i*
tottb me,tbotigb be toetc a ©refce, pet fus Cbtpfte, tbat toe mpgbt be tuftifii mottietj
toag not compelieo to be circum«fcD,$ eo bp tbefaptb of £bw&e, anD not bv
tbat becaufe of incommets bepugt
tbeDcoes of tbe latoe : becaufe tbat bp
tbe dcocs of tbe latoe no fleOje can bee
falfe bietbjen tobicb came in amonge
iuftifpeD* 3^
otbet to rpit- out out libertte tobicb toe
jftben tobpleuje fe&efo beemaDe
&m\t is baue in CMft 3[efus,tbat tbep mpgbt
of as ope rpgbttoife bp Cbzift.toe our fellies ate
bztnge bs into bonoage.iCo tobom toe
founbe fmuers,ts not tben Cb?pft tt)9
mmtn saue no toume,no not foj $ fpace of an
mimftetoffpnnefii5oDfojbpD. iPo:pf
aainesoi boute,a0 concetnpngto be brought in
3M». t0 fabf eccie:$ tbat btcaufe f tbe ttutb 31 bPlD agatne tbat \o\)icl) 3 DcttroieD,
® of f ©ofpel migbt continue toitb pou»
tbenmaUellnpfelfea trefpafer*
a >5ut 3J tboiotoe tbe latoe^am DeaD to
«5ie:!?;{ Qt tbe tobicbe femeo to be great,
(tobattbeptoetemtpracpa(TeD ttina* j
§ iato:tbat mtgbt Ipue bnto cBoD»]|
m22*t am ccucifieb tottb Cbzift.l 'P" e bete<
Sph&« fcetb no matter to me:*<£>oD loketb on
coUo.<t( c.
no m g g pet f5 )ncuertbeIejTe tbep tobicb
Ipcrpet notoe not % but chjpfte Ipuetb
in me.jfoz tbe f pfe tobicb 31 «ob>e Ipue
ctwwmti temeo great,aDDeo noting to me.JSut
nottacef contcatp topfe, fame tbep fatoe tbat f n tbe fleaV, 3 bi> Ipue the faitb of tbe
tfit tfBht b fl
bncircucifion teas com fonne of <5oD*tobicb loueD me,^ gaue
bnctoLS <Bofpelouet§
ttftoHtoe mptteb bnto me, ns W
®ofpeH ouec bimfelfe (02, mt*3 ofrppfe not £ gtace uu>m.iuu'.
tsw?i<8 tbe * citcumciftott toas bnto ^etet; of <©od» * $ot pt rpgbf etopfnes come

'ofljc€>alatfjimt& 'foljdfr
oj tbe lato t^H c&jffi dicd in fcapnc* bem\* tf ojt c&t itiflft tyall Ipue bp rapt & ^c.if.a.
Sdcdcs of a.SUclato wtctctb mp rpimc, aitb tbxeatCHet&
Cb* la to is not of faptb:*bur tbeman §S ; V'

t&c latoe. oamnactottfoxtberaine.anb rbecbp oxpuetb mc tbat fnlfiiletb tbe tfcpnges contapneo
to Cbxide fox meccpc autt tcmpffton. foi in tbt in tfjc latoe ( eballiptiem
beoesof tbelato,ts none to be foutiDc./fox toben
Cl)?l'ftc fiatfjc DelpuereD bs frome (be
«om *«.
toe baucfconc all ,toc accuotobupxo'prablc fees
uauHtcg.anbbaue&onebufouconrte. J&>ecan cutfe of (fje latoe,anb toag inaoe a tut*
nottbetfoxc bf tbcfe be&cg,$erecue cetmCTiou of fed foj bs.tfoj ft 16 tojpttcn:*cutfeD is c
out foxraec offences.. ""^
^oma„reaati,oxotot ,et & xeate„pnge;of (
to*» to iau>i;aucacob»tocj)xta !

t?X3 S!SSS££i?2l
bieffpngc of aib?abam mpgbt come on

tjimbpmoxttfpmget&etc flcfbipcberpxes^ca; tbe ^entpls.'tbOjtOtoe 3efUS<Ib?PU\
Opng all tocpx beanp burthen on fets baefce; ace anDtbat toe miqijt tcccaue tfjc p?omcfe
bp tbe latoe Dcab to toe latoe,. ^battstbojotoc
of tf?e fppjpte tbojo to faptb*
fougbtecbxtftc tobo oeipueccrb from the latoe: j&tetbjcn J topll rpeafce after tbe
at tbem tbat come bntobpm, ana fcttetb tbem mancr of memCbouglj it be but a ma?
at Ipbcttpe.toftcue as freemewie, a no not as
teftament pec no man Defpifetb it^o^ aD
boiibe Qaues.
cj'Cbe.iMbaptet. Detb anp tbpnge iberro,tofjen it is once
alotoeo. + Co 3bjabam aim big febe
an 9 Qjciy utg tUe tiupecfe a ties of tbe iatoe, ana toe re tbe pjompfes maoe^e faptb not,
ficclatttbnencttbeics.tbatittoasnotgeuenfo* inthe fceDes,ag manp:butin tjjp fcbe, 1

as in onc,tobtcbiscb*pft.'Cbis 3
3 jfolpfl): <^alatbpans:tobobatbe tbat tbe f ato e tobicb began aftcttoarb
'flFfbe tottcbfD ^oti that j»c Q^oulDe
\\ not beleue tbe ttutb?"Co tobome
beponD**itiuc*$,j;jcr,peates, botb not (gmt
Dtfanull tbe teftamente, tbat toag con? *«« tu.t:
ti ^
3tf us Cbjtft urns DcfctibcD before rfjc fpjimo afo;e of goo bnto Ctyttft toaro, |5i *' *
epcg.anb among pou ctttcifpeD* -cbpg to matte £ pjomefe of none effect** tfo:
onlp toolo 3 leatnt of pou s rcceaueDpe
tbe fpictte bp tbe cedes of tbe Iatoe, 0?
pf ^mbetitaunee come of tbe Iato,« ««"-
tttt e- -

c5tm not f pzomefe .mt €>od aaue
cig bp p^eaebpnge of tbe f aptb^re pe it mo ^ jabam bp piomefe
robntopfe^bataftetpe battebegonne ^etefoje tbeiifetuetbtbelatoefwomor
mtbe fppjpt, pe tootilD noto eube in
fl^r'^o manp tbpngcg tbete pe
*cbe lato toasi abbeo becaufe of ttar* «* .^»*
baue atefTco n(tpl tbe f ebe came to tobicb tbe
f ufffrt in bapne pf g be bapne,tobicbe p^mefe toag maoejano it toas o^Dcp*

mimllceD to pou tbe fpinte, anD too^ neD*bp3fngelgiiitbebanD ofameoia *«»•*««

aC fa «. ^
feetb mpjacleg amsnge pou,Dotbc be it to « 31 meotato? tg not a meDiato: of
% I
tbo^oto tbe Debcg of tbe la to>oj bp pjea «e»i5ttt <£od tg one,* jg tbe lato tben t' €im t h
&tnnw cbmgoftbefattb^+Cuenagaibiabam agapnfttbepjomefeof ©oDfvBODfo^
jSLUS NUiwOdBWd. ano tt toag afcrtbebto bpo^otobettpftbetebaD bene a[ato a
bpmfoztpgbtetopfneg^eiDecftanoe genen tobicb couloe bane geuen*Ipfe:^ c
tbetfoze,tbattbeptobpcb aceoffattbe, tben no Donte tpgbtptoefiieg ajotiiDescuetbna
tberameacetbecbplD:enof3!b?abam« pa U ecomebptbelatoe.J5ut tbefccip^fcbut -

jfoubefctiptucefatoe afo^ebanbe, tm
conclubeDaltbpngegbnDecfitmeSS &
tbat^obtoolDtuftiftetbe^etbentbo^ tbat tbe piomefe bp tbe faptbe of 3e<
toto faptb.anb tbetefoje CbetoeD befoie flig cbipfte^oulb be geuen bnto tbe
banoe glaotpDpngeg bnto ^bzabam: tbat beieue. HB£fo^e tbat faptb cam,
*3n tbe fljall all naciong bebie(feo» toe toer Kept ^OjittbpbnDerf lato bn 3
^e tbe tbep tobicb be of f ap t b ,a re btef to tbe faitb tobicb u^ulD aftertoarbbe
ftD toptb faptbf ull Xbjtabam . if oi as beclattD.
manp as ace bnoer p dcdcs of tbe lato, aocbetfoie tUt lato toag our Tcolema*
ace tmbec malebiccpon* jfo.i it is impt* (let bnto tbe trine of cbtpfte tbat toe ,

ten:*curftb is mttv man tbat continu mpgbt be maoe rpgbtetoi fe bp faptbe*

ttf^ not m
all tbpnges tobpeb ate tojpt^ ©nt after tbat faptb is come,notoe are
Xbeiatoe ten in tbe bofee of W
latoe, to fnlfpll \og no lenget a tmbcr a fcolemafter*

5S SStb ^em * %^ no n,anne is luftlfP £D b ?

f oi pe ate all m
f onncs of <e>od bp tbe

kictrctb. W* latoe in t^e fpgbte of 000, is mu

rapt^ is in W^
CbJPfte 3efus. jfot
€>€>o,b, oi
tbat* ate baptpfeb^aue put on
al! pe (Bof pell bnto pou at tbe fp.ztt.38nb mp
Cbzpu\0ote is t\)tn no jfletoe netbet temptation tobicb 3 fuffteo bp teafon Jinffcmk
<£cntpll:tbete IS nether bonoc tioi fee: of mp Seu>,pe oefppfeo not,netbet ab* w$ti?
tfjer is uctbec man nojt toomantbutpe bo*teo:but ttceaueo me as anangcll JJ"j
3io«)ti.i7 1 ate all one*tbpnge tn Cbzpft J[efu»3If of <£oo:pea,as Cbzpfte 3efus. i^otoe on.tebus
pe be <£bitfUs,tbenate pelbzabams bappp toete pe tben ? fo? 3 beate pou $$ ecotre
fcto,ano bepzes bp pzomes* tecozoctbatpfttbao bene pofftble,pe
bonnes JEftejfcotcs.
tooulobaue pluciuo outpoute otoue
of ft5oo. a.&cne it is, ttyat toe ace all ttjc Tonnes of gob cpes,anobaue geucutbein tome 41111
Co mattpcof os as Dp faptb ace ucto borne ctipl;
3 tbetfoze become poute enempe, be;
bjen ill t^c generation of tbc rpp;itc. atiD To ace
toe bjotlKcsartbuepies together toittj ctjitQe taufe 3 t*a pou tbe ttuetb*
in tbe bpngbom of l) is f a tgec.i&ut pet is Cbuft Cbep ate gelousouct pouampffc*
(ftutobofe fabc toe ace abopteb;tbefpxtt begot
gea,tbep intenoe to cjccluoe pou, tbat *
tctt, cucit of tbe fubttice of tbe f a tftcc,au& tn bis

hum? equale onto bint. pedjouloebefecuent to tbcm toatoe*

^Cbc.fitt.Cbaptcr* * 3 1 is gooo altoapes to be Ceeuent,f it

be in a gooo tbpng,anb not onlp toben
Ipueceb fcom W
la to aim ceb u It etb t\)t bntbaa
, 3 am pzefent tottb pou*
00 3 fape tbat tbe bepje as tcauaple in bpitb agapne,bntpicb*t&
longc as be is a cbplo, oi (f u be faffionco in pou ) 3 toouloe 3 toete
tetbnot ftome afttuaunte, toi'tb pou no to,auo coulo cljauuge mp
jtbougb be be &ozo of ai\but bopce : f oz 3 ft ano c tn a Dome of pou*
is bnoer meets ano gouetne ts, bntpll ^Cellmepetbatoefpze tobeebnoec
tbe tpmeappopntcooftbefatbet*(£ue* tbe latoe baue pe not beato of tbe latof ^
fo toe, as longe as toe were cbplozen, jfoz it tstozpf ten tbat aibzabam bao
toete wboiiDagcbnoct tbe ozo maun* ttoo fonneja;*tbe one b^ a bono maioe, « M ti6.«
ces of tbe toozlo»©ut toben tbe * tpme *tbe otbec bp a fee tooman. 2ea, ano
otj.ui. b.
teas full co me, ©oo rente bis* fdnne be tobicb toas of tbe bono tooman toas S«b5'.I
oma. 8.a boznc of a moman ano maoe bonoe bn borne aftec tbe flcO)e:but be tobicb*
to tbe latoe,to teoeme tbcm tobicb toct toas of tbe ftee tooman, toagbozne bp
tjnoec t\)t la toe:tbat toe tbozoto cieccio pzomes.jOQbicbtbinges betoaen mp*
mpgbt teceauetbe mnctitauuce tbat ftctpe.jf oz tbcf e toemen ate ttoo tcfta*

belongetb bnto tbe natutall formes. ment cs ,tbc one ftoui tbe mounte ^p*
Htom.tHii t ©ecaufepe ate founts* tf>oo batb Tent na, tobpebe genozetb bnto bouoage,
tbefppzpteof bis fonuetuto out bear* tobicbe ts a gat. jroz mounte ^pna is
u s,tobtcb ctpetb 3Hbba fatbet. accbet* calico agat in3!tabia,auobozozetb
noto 5 tbou act not a fetuaunt, but
f oie bpon tbe cprpe,tobicb is noto 3ctufa*
afonne/jftbou be tbefonue, tbouattc Um,$ts in bouoage toitbbetcbiioz^
alio tbe bcite of goo tbozoto Cfm'ftc* f ©ut*3et ufalcm,tobicbe is abouc, 3por.^.a
0o toitbftanopnge, toben
t pcftne to ts fccc:to!)icbe is tbe motbet of bs alU
not <M)B pe opo fetupce bnto tbem, 5foi ft is tozptte:*teiopce tboti baten, «a f*.«»
13 * tobfebe b^ natute toete no <boodcs* tbat bcateft no cbplDzen,bzeaae f oztb
i. CO J. 8 8.
531st noto fcpngpe Into to <&0D(pcs ca* $ ctpe,tbou tbat ttaucleit not* if oz tbe
tber ate ttnotoe of ©oo) boto is it tbat oefolate batb maup moo cbplbzen tbe
pe to:it nc agapne bnto tbe toeaae ano (be to b v c b batb an buf bano* szt t bzen
©egga c *
*beggatlp cetemomes,tobete bnto a* toe ate after tbe ma net of Jfaac, copb
Ipe eeces
monpes. game pe oeftue a f teflje to bee in bon* ozenof pzomes. sutastben betbai
oage^^eobfetue Oapes, (jmonetbes, toas bozne catnallpe, petfecuteo bpm
ano timcs,ano peates, 3 am in feate of $ toas bozne fpitttuallp.cuen Co i$ it
pou,leafte 3 bane beftotoeo on pou la* noto * #icuect beleflc tobat fapetb tbe
boute tn bapne. fcttptucc:*put atoap tbe bono tooman &*,&.&
©zetbze* I befecb pou,be pe as 3 am: ano bet tonne, jfoz ibt f onne of § bono
f o? Jamas pe ate«£e banc not b utte tooman (l)all not be bepze toitb tbz fon
me at all.£e fenotoe, boto tbozotoc tooman * ^otben bzetbzeti
t'n* of tbe fte
fpzmptieoftbcflcfye, Jpjeacfjeotbe toe ate not c i;tiozen of tbe bono tooma:
r >

nnotl)C(!ialatl)ian& ifol4
but of tbe fee toomaii. * be Jeboe of tbe fpitife tfjen are penot 3©
ICOc Botes. buDer tbe latee»€be bcoes of tbe flcl^e
ff 0c time a.£yat teas tbe tpme ofcyziaes commpngc are maut(e8,tebicb are tfjcfe,aDuoutrp
ft»U««e, tt) Oo maoe an eitde of tlje latoc aua oJlpuetco las fotnicacion,bncIennes, teantonnes,p«
from rije butty cutyctcof.
C^* 5eIe,to?atb,ftrpfe,feoicion 5 fectes,euup<
©clabouceft to biatoetyem aiuapeftomctts inge,nmrtber,b?o»kcnnes,glottonp,ff
cumepfpeu, aao tyctocrt) rye batreil bemmie
tye rppepre arto tye fleu)e, aaD tye feuptesof fucbe lpfee:of tbe tobpebe 31 tell pou be*
tycmboty. foje as 3 bauetolb pou in tunepafte,
rtf0 . Wh
Canoe faff tbetfoze in tbe li* tbattbeptobpcb*commpt fucbe tbpn< iW^a.
bcttpc teftctcteP'b Cbzpfte ges 3 (T)al not inberp^tbe hpngoome of
batb mabc bs frc,aiu> tozapc ©oo» T5Ut tbe frupte of tbe fppjite is,
not poure (elites agapne in f loue^ope.peace^ongefuflLertngejgeti^
€fep.f]c,a. poke of aoiiDage,>3etjaiD,3i^aulfap ttenes,goobnes } faptbfu(nes,tnetteue$
Unto pou,tbat * rfpe bee cucumcileb, tempecancpe.* 2d gapnfte fucbe tbereis
3ttU.Rt\j.8 iMx *°- b l'

Cfj.tptlc l)aU piofptepofttiDtfj^tigc at no latee.Cbep tbat are Cbzpftes^aue

au\3ffettifteagapueto euerpemaune ceucpfpcb tbe Rttyetoitt) tlje appetites
tobfeb is circumepf eo tbat be is bounD anoiuftcs* h •
to liepe cf)e tDtiott Iniue £e are gone +^f toe Ipue in ttit fpirite 5 Iette b$
qupte from Cbziftas many as are iu* tealhe m
tbe f ppjttXct bsnot be batnc

ftifieo b:> la to,$ are fallen fro grace* glojpous pzouoUpng oneanotbec,anD
see foi,anD bope tu tbe fptrtte,to
lofce cnupingoneanotber* {
<25ala.b(.a. be tuftifpeb tbozoto faptb.* jfoz in 3ie« KS'Cbe.buCbaptec.
Sjc cpDojtetu tycm to b;otbedp loucatib one
fu Cbipfte,netbee is ciccttmctfion anp
tobwrcivity anotyec.Jlntycenftc yetoametb
tbpiigc too?tb,netbec ptt bncircumcp* Win tobetoateof cttcumctfton.
Cton,but*faptb tobpeb bp lone is mtgb l^ctbzcn, pfanp man befall *
tp in operation^* bpo runne tocl: tobo lenbpiljauceintoanpfaut;
teas a let bnto pou, tbat pe ajouio not pe tofjicb are fpirttualjbelpe
obep tin trmfjr-Cuca tbat councel tbat toatneuD bpmtn tbe fpfrtte is not of btm tbat calUD pou.* % ip ell of mcfcencs;confpDetpng tbp fel^eGe
leuen Dotb lene § tobole lompe of Dote* tbou alfo be tempteb** J3care pe one a*
ifrjbauettuft: totoarbe yoiiiwtfy notbersbuctben,anDfo fulfill tbe late ««wi>.«
3LezDe } tbat pe topi be none otbettopfe of Cbzi ft .jf mp
man feme jto bpm felf
mriuKD. ftc tbat troubled pou^alf tbat be is fomtebatjtoben uiocDe be is
beate bps iubgemente tobatfoeuer be tiotbpng } tbe fame beceauetb bpm felfe
be»isictbJen pf 3 pet pzeacb cucumcp* in bis pmaginacion«Xet euetp manne
fioti tobp bo ji tben pet fuffre pcrucu * pzoue bps otone teoztte, anD tbeu u)alt

eponr jfoz tbe» bao tbe offence tobtcbe be bape reiopfiug ui bis otone felf,anb
tbe cro(Te;geuctb,ceafeo« too aloe to notmauotber.t^oz euerpemauiljalt m.ttnu
cBod tbep toer feperateb fro pou,tebi fj bearebJS otone burtben.

trouble peu.Ezctbien pe teere calico in *Xet mm tbat is taugbt in tbe teozD, 5$

c to(libettpe)*onlpe let not pour libertp miniller ttnto bpm ttyat tmWi) ^oi s iRom.nto.f.
bee an occafion bnto tbe fit flje , but in gocbtbinaes* 25c not Deceaueb,
in all
loueferue one anotber.* jfoz al tl)Q late d^obis not modeb^jfoz tebatfoeuer
ijsfulfpUcb in one teozb, tobicb ts tbis: a man foteetb, that $ali be reepe . j^e job.m 6.
tbou Gjaite (oue tbpnc mpgOboute as
tbp felfe^Jf pe bpte auo Deuoure oue a*
tbat iotoetbnibts fleu^e, u^all of
fieu^e recpe cozrupcion. 5ut be tbat fo*
UVorn i,.
netbetrtafce bcoc lefte j»e bee confumeD toetb in tbe fptnte , fljall of tbe fpititc
3 b.
i.prt.u t. oneofanotbet* *< reepe lift euecla(lpnge»*^et is not be lu^ttutt
3 tape toalbe h\t'at fppipte,# ful> teecp of toel oopng* Joz teben tbe tpme
fpll uot tbe luftes of tbe flelfoe* jfo? tbe reepe toitb out tocrt <
is come, toe fljall

49fct.}6 > b
flefoe luftetb contrarpe to* tbe fppzite, baue tberf ozc time , let
nes . jQObPlt tee
9 tbe fpirit cottarp to £ tlctyMWt are bs DogooD bnto aIlmeu,anD fpenah
contrarp one to tbe otber,fo p pe cannot Ipe bnto tbem tebpebe art of tbe fyou*
DottjatteMpetecutD»2&titanDpipe Qjolooffapt^* h
%\)t 'Spittle
»£&el)o!bfyoh> large a letter 3 ljau«
feuptten Dnto
fiano.ais maiip
pou toptfj mpne otone
as Dcfpze toiti) bttoatb
apperauuee topiearccatnailpe, tbep
^apnet i^aulc buto tbe
con&tapne pou to be cireHmctfcu, onlp
becaufe tbep toolbe not futtcepetfecu*
tion tottb the croffe of (tbzptt,* jFoz tbe? %Wn% Cbaptet*
tftem felues tobtcbe ate ctreumcpfcD,
SJbecnccIaftpngwbtnamicc ant) cicinonof
ftepe not tbe lame : but befp?e to bane i5oD,iu faupng all men t bo.ioto cottft jRcfu bis
pou cf rcumcrfeo, that ttytp mpgbte xu fo imc. iidc ace otbepneb unto goob njojttfa. 4: Of
topee fnpout fleO)*.
& d5ob foz b pb tbat 3J %ou!D rctopee,
3Eulean3>pofrle of 3**31
tobctby tbe toozlb ts crucifpeb as ton*
of ®oo.
cbpnge me, auo 3 as; coucicnpnge tbe
jm netbtt

cotbtfat'netc0 > tebfc&

toozlb* jfoz* in Cbzift cit«
cumctfpo auapletb anp tbtug at al noz
iBtot&fog bem totwcl) beleue on
bncitcrlmciwonrbut a*ucto creature*
jjefus Cbzpfte.
FaucVo'bc 3flriD as manp as toalaeaccozbpnge to

aacxw *<E5racebetoifbpoa anb peace fro

tbts rule, peace be on tbc,$mcrep,anD ?jy[-J

im Warr.
f ? beu
„ „ S Dule tobu 3 cfw Cb?<fff *»lc©o be tfco tbe fa, MM*.
, f b la S t?b2; * tbcrofouttiozb^tuis cbzpu\tobicb
fpues.*ifo23beatemnip bobpetbe
tnatfccB of m
JLozbe 3Refu . ffiietbun
^l SSSSSS ? imSS tt! 1? s
HgS ffebbstoub^allma e offo
tbe grace of oute ZLozbe 3}eCu €^m % X* SSSte S 5bSS«
*eto«&po«rrppzitame«. * fsmbK
toozlD toas laibe,tbat uic fl)oulD be fafc
tee .anousitbout blame befote bim tbo
O^ato tbeo&alatbpans to^pttcn
roui lo tie. 3 no ozDepnto Us ucfou tbo# 75
from tiome.
rotoc H'euts Cbtpile to be bo'zes buto idie&eaw
bpm felfe,accozbpngc to tbe pleafute " aciou»
of bps topll,fo tbe pzapfe of tbe glozpe
of bis grace kbcrctoitb be (;atbmaDe
Us acccptco in tbe beloueb*
t)pon tb : Cptn-ic of j^apnet $auie *©p ttjbomc toe baue teoepepon tbo «owox».
totbecphtfpans. rotobtsblociDe,cucntbefozgeu£ii€8of cl)mt P 3
fpnnes 5 accozOpngtotbe tpebesotbis SJJ^g
f ja tbpsUpiGIc.anb namclpe fa tbe gcace 3 tobicbgcacel)ei^eDonbsabouiotte9of'
i u;. fjHC'£i)aptets,}aau!c Qjetocrfj & DautlptiialltopiDome, anDpritbeuce. fp««tt».
ttK0ofpcII anD grace tbcrof mas
3!no batb opeiieb bnto bg tbe*m>;ftetp j^^fM,
foxtfcnc attb ptcbcfttuate of <5oo
J of bPS topi accazopng to bps plealure, tsrecccte
_Jg. f cent bef an tbe begtnnpng.aitb be=
1 tljoioto Cbutt, titiD note attbc laft fcure ano purpofeb tbe fame in bpm felfe, to M«n«H»
f oi to tbat all men ©oulb bclcue tbecon, t fccccb p baueitDcclateD*toben tbe tpmciacte ^^atu.
full come, tbat alltbpnges,botbe tnt
p v e.atio to be bdpueteb fcome bnbec tl;e oa m p;
nation of tbe latD.anb capttuttteof ceccmoutcs. tbpuges tobicb are in beaut a,auD alfo
anbtntbefouctbb^tcacbctbtoauop&etca^ tbe tbpnges tobpebe ate in ectbe,u)ulD
but a 11 e aub raeimes boetctnes.anb to be toace of
puttpug ttuftc anp tbpuge Taue in CDipft.afs begatberebtogetber, eucn tncbzpfl:
fpimpngctbatbeonlpcisrufficfent.aiifitbatut tbat ts to fape, in bpm in tobom toe are
brin tot baucali tbpugcj, anbberibebpmnebe mabe bepzes, auo toere tbctcro pzeoe^
notbpnge. lazebrtu
an t&cto. anb.^t.becFljoiretb to ejrecttTe tbe ftynatc accozopnge purpofcof to tbe
fapt be anbtobcclarc it abioabc ttjototoc goob bpm tobpeb toozbetb all tbpnges after-
tooth cs, ait o to auopbc fpnne,anb to acme t bent tbe purporeof bps otone topll:tbattoe
toptb Cppipttiall acmoucc agapttQe tbe bettpll
rbattbcp mpgbt ftanbe faftc in tpmeoftcJbulas
tobpeb befoze beltueQ in Cbzpft $ul&
eion aub bnbccrbcccoQre* be bnto tb^ pzapfe of bps $l6w>

tro tlje €$)efians,

3f n tofjom aifo pe (after t^at pe beatD
28uf d50D tobic^e ts rpcfje in mmpt
the toozo ot tcut^j meaue tbe ©ofpcl tbowto bi$ great loue tobectoptfjibe 10
of poure faluaciou, tobctinpe beleueo) ueD bs , euen \uf)tn toe toere DeaD bp
Boma.8.etuje« fealeo toptf) tbe bolp fpp^pte of fpnne,batbqtipcfteneDbs fogetberm %*
aSi!' p?ompic,tobtcb is ti)£ ecneft of oure i\u Cbjpft(*f 0? bp grace are pe faueD )anD <cra,t]A,»
berptauuce. to ccDcme tbe purcbat'cD batb eapfeD bs Dp togetber anD maDe W'**'*
puticflioti, anD tbatumotbe laaDcof bs fptte togetber in omtnlpt tbinges
bis glo?p. tboiotoeCb^PfleJefuSjfo? toietotn
33 accbetfoje tucn3(aftet that If beatD tpmes to come tbe erceDpngericbes
of the faptb tobicbe pe bauc in f JLojDe of bp$ grace, in kpnDnes to us toarD*
»&" b3 'i
clu ^
iouc to,Uoai f raiiictes ) *ceafe tnCb^ftejfiefu. ^o?bp grace ace pe
Soiio.U.' not to gene tbanfces; foz pou, mafcpnge maDe fafe tbojoto faptbe, anD tbat not
nenC j1on of pou inmpp?apets,tbat§ ofpourefelueiaf. jpo; it is tbe gpfteof
gGDofourelo.iDjefusCb?tftanDthe <BOD,anD commctb not of toojfces, left
father of gloip.mtgfjt gcue unto poti § anp manOjoulo boftbunfclfe. jfoi toe
f p tut of topfbome,anD open to pt>u the arcbis too^cttmauil)pppc , cceateD in
fenotoleoge of bpmfelfe, anD Ipgfjtcn i Cbjtpftjefu tjnto a *gooD too;ftes,tjn c««nM.t
epes of point mpnDes,tbat pe mpgbte to tbe tolucb C50D ojDcpncD Us before
»omx^t. fcnotoetohafcMbatbopets.tobetebn* tbat toe ojouiDe toaiHe in tbem. 1

to be rjatfje calico pou, $ tobat tlje rp<? dwberfoic remember tbat pe being <g
cbes of bpggioipous turjcrttauneeis in tpme patTeD gentpis m the flefy.auo
topontbefapnetes, 3 tobat is tbeerce* toere calieD bncircumcifiou to tbem
Dig greatnes of bi'is pomcr to bs toarD MrMn ate calico * ctrcumctfion in i»w.«t« M0M 9
tobicb beleue arc owing to the maoe *

tooling tbetteO)e 3 tobpcbe citcumcifto is

of chat bps mpgbtp pomet , tobtcbe he bp banDesrUemember j lapc, tbatpe
tojougbt tn Cb?iu\tobcn be tapfeD (>itn toere at tbat tpme toitboute Cb?pftc, j
fro p DcaD,*frUt t)pm on bis right Ho
toere reputeD altantes from tbe conn
_. .. inbeauenli'etbpnges, aboue*airuIe, men toeltbe of Jf raell ,anD toere ftratl
potoer,anD mpgbte anD Dominacpoh,^ gerieffrome tbe b teftamtntcs of p:o?
aboue ai names
tbat are nameD,not in mefe } anDbaDno*bops,9 toere toitb^ KoKi.ju„fc

tbJS tocjlor onlp,bnt aifo tn the toojlD out y^oD ni tbps toojiDc.jgttt notoe in
couu:*ano batb put all thpnges bn Cb^ptte lefti,pe tobpeb a tol)ple agoo
^rajm.s.b to

55tS»» bcrbts fctc 3 anDbatbmaoebpmaboue toere far of3 are maDe npe bp tbe blouD
alltbpngcs, tbe*beaDe oftbecongre< ofCbiptte.

«»uo ,ju! gacton febicue is bps bobp anD tbe ful ifo^be is our pea« } tobicbbatb maDe |J«f -» J
nes of Dim tt>at fillctb al in al twinges of both one,anD batb bioisc Doune § •
toali tbat toasia (loppe bittoene b^,
anD batb aifo put atoape tboiotoc bt$
$au? fijetoctl) tDcm, tofcar matter of people tb ep flsfl>e > & tbe caufe of batreD, tbat is to
fape, tbetatoe of comma unDementcs
no x> ttt Cuuft.
contepneDtntbe latoe to^ptten, fo? to
#jDpcubatbcbe ciupcbeneD maUeofttoapneonenetoe man inlnm
alto that toe t ccab t trelpafle fcifc fo maupng peace:a>iD, to recoil
anD fpnne,* in tbe tobicbem cple botb Unto goD tn one boDp tbojoto
tune paffeD pe toaIaeD,accoj< bps croflfe, anD flctoc batreD tberbp:$
Dpnge to tbe coucfe of tbps toozlD, anD famecipjeacbeD*peace topoutobicb «ftf.>-7.e
fLuUt tt *
after tbe gouemer tbat rtiletb in tbe toere a farre of,ano to tbem tbat toere
soito m a
apjctbe rpittt tbat no to tooifcetb in tbe npe.jFoj tbojoto bpm toe both baue an
tbpiDuu ofunbelefe,*amortgtobpcbe open u»ap in one fppztt bnto § father*

MDebeaii toe aifo baD oure conttcrfacion in time

^ l^otoe tberefozepearenomote^
patt,tn tbe lufte$ of oure SeuXanD ful ftraungersanD fojeners;but citefitijS!
eftouatoe fpHeDtbc toplloftbe flefljeaiiD of tbe tottb the fapnctes,anDof tbe bou(DolD
:£o *
< M*
fbmesof mpnDe:anD toere+naturaHpe tbe cbpl* ofucoD:anDatcbpltUpoiUhc*cfotm<
ojcnoftojatf)e,euen astotfiasothet. oa ct on of tbe ^poilles anD i^opbetcs
C&e €ptftle
ITS'?? *3ftf"£ C(J?pltc bepnge tbe beaoc co^, toe ace boloe to Djafo npe in (be mifte,
gpma.ft.f necltonejintobomeeuerpbtlDingcou* tobtcb* u>e baue bp faptb on bpm.
mtt'.pii P leo togetber,grotoetb bntoanbolpe 4»*«0t)ettfoje 3 Defpje tfjac pefapntepwp^
3 {iw -*- c f^inplc in t^« ftojo, in tobome pe alio not bciauf e of nip ttpbnlacpons, foj "•««& ui«
• fa
- arebplt togetbec^maoeanbabitacp* pout fafces:tebicb is ponce p;apfe»
on fo^(5oo in tbeipirit, f jfoj tbps caufe 3 botoe ihp antes C
fctje/fcotes. bnto tbe father of oute ftojocjefus
»oootoo» a.Styepiomtfcs of nuccp uuCbiittesbleuoeate
»es» m<JDct>so!itOafcouDiciou,tiMttoctt)aIiittat!)C
Cb?pft>tobpcb ts fatfjec ouct al tbat is
toojbC6comauitl)CDofi5oDlout!i3onC4Hor0cc. calico rathe c in beanen cj in ertbe, that
£"betoaU b.jffi3ofe9laiutt)astt)t9iTtaii,ttJ!;!cgcaE)utourc be toouloc gtaunte pou accojopnge to
tbe rpebes ofljps glojpe,tbat pe map*
M) is tea II is uotoe r a fectt aiuape bp Cbiitf, aito
cmcautice is gcuen to all nations of tbe eactbc be ftrengtgeD toptt> roigbt op bps fpi;
to come to tbe HnotoJebgcof tSob.anb to Ipue tit tite in t\)t inner man,tbat thivft map
biotbcclp louetogcrticc asQ)cpcofoneaocSe,j
Dtoellinpoucc ijectes l»> faptbe,tbat

cbiloifti of one boufb oibc.rijc cattfc of ba xtca

p pe being cotco anD gcounoeo in lone,
ts tbe Into of ceremonies Jputatoap.
mpgfce be able to compjebenbe toptfj
©efbetnerb tbeeaufc of bis cup: tfott went, allfa j>nctc3,tobat is tbat buaotb a»D
Mrpietbfbcmuottofapatcbecauftofftisttoii= lengtbe^DceptbctbepgtbianDtoknouje
*Mm*»*»»mtotmv***m m mmi/l0UiTof 0»»Pft,to^ lone
^ tbps c aufe If &aul am paffetfj fcnotoleoge:tbat pe mpgbte be
tn f bonbes of Jcdis cbjtft falfplleo lb al maner of f nines ttibtcbe
pone fafees tobicb ace be* f ommetb of dBoo.
tbcmjf pe bane beatb of tbe ^
nt0 bPm tbat tf able to bo ercc* ©
miniftcacion of £ grace of gob* tobicb D ? H5C abonnoantlpe abone al tbat toe
acta m«
tsgeuenmetop6utoatDe.*tfo;bpre< afije oi tbpnfee,accojopng totbepoto*
ea».tj,. uciacpon fyetoeo be tbps mpftecp bnto M
&** tootfeetb in bs,be pjapfe in ti)t
me,as 31 tojotc aboue in feto tooibes, congregacton by Jefns Cb?Pfte, tbo*
tobetebp toben pe rebe, pe map* fenotoc torn out all generacions f com tpme to
mpne unberttanDpnge in tbe iwttctp tpme.Sflmciu b
of Cb^Pftc, tobpebe mpftetpe in tpmts denotes.
paffeo toas not openco bnto § tones of «.W>bccctcucfapti)inCbjpae ts.tbccetsloue jf«ptoe»
to tbcncpijbbourcaua faptb ano ioue.maBCbs
mcn,as it 10 notoe bcclaceo bnto bps bttoccaanatbmcce.faptbebubetaaubetbtue
boip3!poaies 5 pjopbetes b}> § fpuit: recrcteeoffScb.aitbtbcmcccp tbat is gcuen bee
tbat tbe ©entpls d)im be inbetitoucs ttiCtoiae.anD lone una toctbbct; buetpcto Oct
nagi) tjouca can cntecp;etc al latues mn oiDp -
alfo,anb of tbe fame boDp,ano pacteta iiauticcs,aubbuotDCtbbotofarfoubtbCp4(cro
bps P?omefe tbat is m Cbipft,
feecs of be fccp t,auo iddch to bee Difpcufca tsptb.
bp tbe mcancs of tbe gorpel , tobeteof ^be»iiii»€baptcc.Hh
31 am mabe a mirttltec, bp tbe gpfte of l^cerboitetbtbemtoinetieties, lonjerutfe
the grace of i^oD geuen bnto me tbo* louc$ peace, cucrp oitc to rctucaiibcbp^
rototbe toothpngofbtspotoer* fpeanotu tvtottl) tbe gpft tbat goo batbegcucu
« ?mntometbe*leaftofal(fapncte0i3 tbe olec conuerfacton of gc en? luQe s,? to loalae
1&1 jtS e ^ B
9 racc Se«e» tbat OjoulD pjeacb 3 tn a ucto Ipfe.
amonge tbe mmpls
tbe bnfeatcbable ^b«rfo?e tobpeb am in wmnis
tpebes of Cbjpft ano to mabe all men bonbes fo? tbe no^oes jf«twe
fe tobat tbi felotoftjpppe of tbe*^pfte
tpe ts,tobicb from tbe begpnnpng of p
petoalUe tooUbpof tbe
£ M

iCowtuu tooilbeftatbebenebpD
m^obtobpcbe bocacpon tobertoptbpe
mabe al tbinges tbo^oto 3(eftis €i)ii^ arc calleD,inal bumbles
to tbc'intentjtbatnoto bnto tbe rulers nes of mp'nbc, ano mefmes, am) (onge
anDpotoersinbeauempgbtbefenotog ftifferpnge, fo;bearpnge oneanotbec
bp tbe congregacion, tbe manpfoioc tboiotoeioue, ano tbat pe be Diligent
topfoomeof<ipoD,acco2Dpngtotbeetec tobepetbe bnitveof tberpp^ptein tbe
nail purpore, tobpebebepnepofeoin bonDe of peace, bepnge one boopc,anD
uelSlA ^
&WK* 3«f« oh* « Xo^De, bp tobo me one fpiute,eum as pe ate caileo one SneS5I m
« & c

trotde€pljeftans, Jfoltjrtt
gaga® bope of potire caHpnge.&ertetbere be lw frompou t!jat otoe mamu^tobpcb
SmcV bttt one & w &*>°»« ttytt>,mit baptpmc: ts cot tupte tbojotoe tbe or cniable lei*
one <fcco ano fat&ct of all,tobpcbe is a* fle$, ana be pe tenueb in tbe fppjpre of
^ boue at tljojom al,ano in pou all* i» pout mpnoes,$*put on tbat neto man, atom w «.
isori ji « +* n w " ,ct P one °f B W geuen tobpclje after tbe pmage of ©oo is Oja*

i-itoj kua grace actojopnge to tbe meafure of pen tnrpgbttopfiies ano true boipnetf*
tin |Pft of qcojpU. iccberfoze be faptb: *ober«toie*put atoape ipinge , ano tort l9 c
»fti.6j.j. l^e ts*gone bp an bic,anD batb leo tap fpca&e euecpe manne ttuttje onto bis
c».*>. mm f aptiuejano batb geuen gpfteg nepgbboure , foj as mucbe as toe are
botomeune. {£batbeaicenDeo:tobat members one of anotbet.A+seangrp,
AD .

meanetb tt,bwt tfjat be aifo Deiccnoeo but fpune not : lette not tbe funne goo
fitfie into ttjc lotoeft pattes of tbe ettb? ooune bpon pottte to£atb,uettbet geue
gt & at bireenDco.ts euen tbe lame al place Unto tbe bacfeebpttet.* jLecbtm
* w * • fotbatalcenocobp,euenabouealbea< tbataoMealenomoiMbutletbpm
iab» a, b*fc ,,„,, m
9 . , fuifpll al tbrnges* ratbet laboute toptb lips banoes fome «-**ts.»
<£ aino tbe betpe fame maoe fome* *# goootbpng,rbat be map baue to geue
tgn.m.9 pottles, fome ^jopbetes.fome tfuatu tjnto bpm tbat ueoetb.
EfcS,8^ tlJ .^ OIM ^ c P fi;DC6 ! ? lomc ® ca *
ftct nofpltbpccommunpcacponpjo
tbecs:tbattbe tapnetes mpgbtebaue r cdc ou?e of route moutbes : but tbat

all tbpnges neceflfatp to mozkc ano mi* tobtcbe ts gooo to eopfpe toptb al,tobS
mite t toptb all, to tbe eoifptn ge of tbe ncDc isitbat ft map bane ration c tout)
boop of Cb?Pftjtiil toe euetp one( in tbe tbe beaters . aiuogtcue nottbebolpc
bmfteoftaptbe,ano&uotoleDgeof tbe fptcite of(SoD,*bp"tobomepeatefe'a Stomtt.t.
fonne of <0oo)groto op onto a parfcet j €D tinea t^t oape of reoemp«,ette
manne, attec tbe meafure of a ge of tbe a u bpttcrnes,fearfnes ano tozatbe,ro«
fulnes of Cbipft.Cbat toe bencefojtb rpngeauocurreo put a*
£o\\ou.b, be no moje cbplojeu,*toauetpnge ano toaj, e from pou, toftb all maltcioufnes*
carpeo toptb euetp topnoe of Doctrine, gepg courteoufe one to anotber, and
bptfre toplpnes of men ano craftpnes, niercpfull, foigeupnge one anotber,
tobetbp tbep lape atoaptc fot b* to oe< euett as ^^ ^ ^ c&ipjjjg (aae foi*

JDceauebS sututbsfolotoe tbetrutb gauepou. t

in loue.auo in all tbinges groto in bun %DtB<>tt*
crtcr if. * to?ucb ts § heao,tbat is to rap Cb»ft 5 a. otpoetoagaugepe atttjc bltntmee ofttjt

8u?f'!'f m to>ome all tbe boope is coupleo ano 3ettes,£Bjati).|rj:m. and to toasi3goprcs\)t
ttnpt togetber in euetp totnt tobertoitb aaofattpc oftDf Iircac.ittg.2]co0.wu.3ut) at
toe reotcton of CDoi,a>att}an ano abpion. jftu,
aim tu,b *one mpuiftretb to anotber(atcoiotng ITto. jftcucctl)CicOTe t6t9angccoi twato toasbut
to tbe operation as euerp parte batbe a\3fcp?ea!ttott)tidU)of©or),a3t()oumatcafe
bis mcafute)anD incteafetb t\)t boop, bp ^t)i»r«3. /iumc.rirvi.anobp 'JBjattjatytas.
t. iSQacD. tt. 3s is
tmto tbe cbpfpinge of it felfe in loue. t
p f eibmoe u as appca tc tu tu t^ts £t)aptec
*W$ 3 fap tberfo^e ano tettifpe in
to t tc ti

4]"Cbe.n.Cbapfer. 4*
tbe TlozD, tbat p e bence foul) toalfte not ^ceicboitetOtl)ftoIoue,h)ametbtb£robrto«tc
*asotber<5entpis toalae,in banptpe ofbncIcanC6,couctoufue9,fotitbtaIbin3,9faire
botttutc. %o be atcumfprctcro auopDCDiou^
SSSiti of tbep^mpnoe,blinDetb ttbeirbnocr*
ftauopng.bepngeftraungers from tbe bents, to rciopcc anb to be tbanbcfuil to toacbe
iBob.tofubmpt tbcmfclucsoiieto anotbcc.i&e
Ipfe tobpeb i3 in <^oo tbo^oto tbe igno* teaciKtb !)oto toomen Cboulb obey t u cir huf baiv
3ignoxaa tantpe tbat ts in tbem, becaufe of tnz bcs.aubDotoc (oipngl?mm oit3i)tioeatceatc
SC tbctctopue*.
S5 1?* blpnones oftbepibeartes,tobpcbebe< 3
pngepafte tepemaunce baue geuen ^pc*fdotocrs of <5ob as
ume ,

them f clues bnto toantonejS, to tooitte acre cbpiojen, ano toaiae in ':&'{;»••;

at matter of tmclennes,euen toptb gee- loue euenas+CbjpfteloutD ^^^^

opnes . 25ut pe baue not To learueo OS, ano gaue bpm felfe foj
^ CC)jp(lc,pf fo be pe baue bearo of bpm ano faenfice of a f toete
bs,ati oueiiug
ano are taugbte in bpm, euen as tbe fauoutto ©oo.^otbatjfoznpcacpon 45i*.jj.»

trutb is tn 3Jefu . ^otljen as concern anoallbiiclennes.otcouetourncsbee

npnge tbe conuerfation in tpme pari s not once nameo ainonge pou as tc be
b ,

r ommetb rapnctes:nepthet fplthpnes, tfjinges* ^ufbanoes loue pout to tries
imbecfolpQ>talRpng,netbecgeftpng euenas Chzpfte loueD thecongcega^
tof)ici) are not coiuip:t»uc rather gcutg cpon,anD gaue hpm felfefoz tt,to fan:< of tbanfees jf o» tbps ve Hue me,tbat no
. tpfp tt 3 auo clcnfcD it in thetfountaine
i.jCoj 6b. *tobozmonger, cttfjec bnclcnc pcrion, of toatcr thoioto the toozDe, to niaac it
0} conetous pecfon , tobtcb is tin toou Unto hpm cong wgs< rauctotoo
felfe,a glozpctts
fljpppccorpmageg, bathe anpe mbe* cion toitbo ut fpot oz tozpncftlc.ot anpe too* ti)t
$ tptannce intbeHyngDome of C^pde f tich hi ng:b u t that it Oj o ulD be holpe
8Nt.2<f- .a
anoof^oD. anotopthout blame* ^ooughtemen fatt&tap"
Collo u.b. *&ct no man Deceane pou topth Imine to loue tbepztopues, as thepz otone \voibents
toojDes.jfOitbozouj ruche tbpngesco* UoDpes. i^e that louetb bps topfe,(o coioiitgro
t\)t COU&s
imtbtbetouatb of £oD bpontbecbpi* tteth htm lelfe.f oz no man euet pet ha
Dztn of bnbclcfe. ©e not tberfozc conn teDhts otone fleihe : but nozpajcthatiD mafic in
pam'oijg mitt? tbem.£c toer once Deta* chctpfljcth tt.euenas theiojoe Dothe CtepUc*
nes butarcnoiBligf)t tntbc'/lozo.
5 thecongregaci6.t'oztoeate members
c * dCealae as cbrlozcn of Ipgbte. ifo; of hps boDpe of hps Qefhe, anD of hvs

the f tute of the fpittt is in at gooDnes boncsf * f oz thps cattfe Q;all a maiine
tpghttoefucs anD tc tube. Accept c that leaue fa the t anD mother, anD (hat roti :^9attu,a
tobtcbeis plcafpiige to ttjc >Loioc:anD tpuue topth hps topfe,anD ttoo fhalbe l.CojWi.B.
ha tic no felotoftjrp topth the bnfrute* inaoc one flefl). tjcbps is a gceat ferret *PU« *.»."
fulltoozcResofDeccfcues : butrarbec but 3 rpeabc bettocne CbzpflanD the
rebuke them Sot it is ffyame earn to congccgacton. j^enertheicje Do pe fo
tpiacaufe name tfjofc tbpngfg,tobtcb ace Done of that euu'pe one ofpeu lour hps toife
them tn (ccrcretbut all tbpngcs..tobtn ttulp, euen as hpm felfe* and lette the
F«gc, thep ate ti u'ud of the Ugh t ate mam topfefe that Qje feare h ec hufbanD*

rcft.jfoz tobatfoeuec is manifeft, that

fametslpghte » arbcrcfouhclapctb: C^ e *tji. Chapter.
atoabc thou that Ucptft, anD ftauDe ©oto cl);>ltiicu fftoulac ftcijauc t'mnUluts
tomato tijcpjfatfjccs a»H uiotljccsMihcnjifefa
t>p ftoitie Death* , anD C&zptte (hall
thets tomacl> ttjetc cbpIDzcn : gccuautitesta;
gene the Ipgbt* h toattic tDeitnnttecs.agapiic ma acts totoacite
* •Cafce beoe tbctf ozc that pe toallte tljcir rcruauittcfl au crijoiraciott to rbc fpitttu--
a!l batrcli.aua u> -m tacapens CDuftcii mctiHC
cttcufpeetlp:not as folcsibutas toife
Cbouf oe f pgtjt tcitb al f.
*rcDetwnge the ttme:foz the Dapeg ace
tneumz? cupII. JX>betfoze,be pe not bntopfc,but i^plDze*obep pout fathers 3
is.rpeoisc bnberftanDe toha t the topi of the tlozD
lanD mothers tn the ftozDe: mmm*
is,? be not D: oncaen totrb torn? a u»hc tin rozfc is it rpgbt**^onouc
is e£cefle:biu be fultpileD Uiith the fpi* Jthp father anD mother, that «w.»»
rite, fpeakpugc bnto pouce felucs in is the fpzfr commauDement that hath
pfittritfjs * pralmes anD bpmnes, anD fpicituall anp pzomcfe, that thou mapiibeeiu
fonges.finginge anD maapng meloDp gooD efla tc,anD Urn Ion ^e on the ittf),
to thcUoth in pouce bette*, gpupnge 3nD pe fathers mo ue not pour chilDifi
tbaufces all toapes toz all tbpnges bn< totozatb:btit*bzpnge them bp topth «ron,isrt.9
©ajt. 4 h.
to ©od the father, tn the name of ou re the lioztcc anD itifozmacion of p tLozD.
ftoiDe^efns Cbzpfte : fubmpttpnge £&etuumrcs be obeDpeut bnto poure
pout fclues one to another in thefeate eariiall mafJ ers,toi h feare anD ttem;

of<0oD« h blpnge in ftnglenes of pouc hcartes,

socmen fttbmpt poueefelues onto as bnto Cbzpft.-not \nitl) ftrupce in j?
poute otone bufbanbes, as bnto the epe f pgh t as men plcafer s :but as the

)LozDe**f 02 the htifbanDe is the top* feruamues of chzpft,Dopngthe topll

uesheaDe,eucuas Cbiift is* the beaD of dpoD from the heart toith gooD \opl t
«Pl»efJ.o. Ctoiftt
of the congregation , anotbe Tame is ferupnge the 110*0,3 no not men. 3inD harti puts
the Tauiour of the boDp. tChercf oic as temebec rhat tohat foeuer gooD thing cvafcoace
the congtr gacion, is in fubieccibn to anpe man Doctu that fhal he receaue a a) twinges

Cbzp(re,ipBctopfe let the tapues befti gapne of the TLozDe , tohethec he be

fubicccpon to thepzbtifbanoes ni ail bounD ozfre.ldnDpe mailers, Do euen

^otfje^ilipptans #olc00
fame tinges onto the m .puttings
23 atuapc tbzeatcupuges ano remeoze p:

u.pnMuc euepoutmafht alio is in ncne: *iutl}ct

bpon the € piftle of fapnt paule to the
Soma h s ^ W
aap " fP {Ct of perfon tft ftmu idbiltpptans*
cc nwikk + jFmallp nip bzetbze, be ftrong in the
^010,5 in p potoer oc ^t& n.tght put autepiapfctb tbc |5!)tlippta»!fi,(e
crboucro tlicm to ttanD fatt in tut
on tlje armoutc of csoo , that pe mape t tut fapri), auo to cttct cafe tit (oue»

ftanDcftcDfa&agapntte the ctaftpaU aiiobtcaufc ritar falft p;cp»?ctcs

lautcs; of the Dcua. jfoi me toicftlc not _ ll u Dp a tu a j- c s ro mp u 3 itc auo bee
! i

flcope tijt ttucfapth, tictuaiuctu tocmoffuc^

agatait ft cOjc auD blouoc: but agatnft
WQihc Icaciic 1-6,01 tea cl;rt 9 of tcoic ^cc.-r pxaps
tulc,agapiu1 potoer, $ agapntt moziD* fcth if p npijj obirus . ano ail tots Dot tie tn ttjc
Ip rulers of the oat hues of tins tooztD, rictteauo ftcotioecuaptecs.
31 it tfjc ttito Ije ttpiouctt) fattUIesi anomans
agapuft fpititual totckcoucs, foz hca>
nee ctglj tcoul tics, tot) t clje fa ire p:opt)etC3 tcacl)
uenipethpHgcs, ano matJttatnc. auo l)f rcttctb Dim foi an cpanj
jfoztbiscaufetafccbntopotithcar* pff ,'oto toar DC bun rclf ijao liueo tn fucfjfalfc
r mouc of (tgtncoufnes ano ijoltttes Uiicctmttcable, ttjat
d5oD , that pe map* be able to
toas fotijar no maiieoulcc (omplatueonf^pnti
refill in the eupi Dap, ano to ftattD pet* atto pet notoe rcttctft ttoufUt ttjctbp ,foj£t)iis
fectcinalltbpnges* ttcs ttgljtf otti'ttcg take . ano fittallpe afftctnctlj
tfjat fuel) faire jaiopucts ace tlje enemies of toe
*3>tanDe tberfoze * anD pout lopnes
eiofTf, tsmafcc tone bralicstljctt gob.^uttqee
Yf£S.c gpzoe about toi:lj becttte, baupnge on tlje tt)cp map fafelp auo tottboutal pctell t fuf*
tije bull plate of ag!)tiuiff ucs, riajooo fcctnsc toil tlje p not picact; Cl;nfl.
tuttf) ctjooes ptepa ceo bp tbc gofpel of
peace. 3lboue al,take to pou p ujiloe of
tap t (i tobetti) pe map quencb a II § t i e *

tpe bat tc b of the topcfeeD.ainD take tbe

C Cbe
of ^tapnt panic
the 3fpoftIe bnto the

be [met of faluatio, 9 the ItcerD of p fpt &biltpptaii9»

altoapestib almanctpzaper^fuppli* Che fpifte Chapter*
catioa that in tde tp:tit, 3 match tber* © e t l)e to encteaf e ttt Ions, tit mtohi
leogeaiio experience ofgoolp tUtnse*, maactb
unto ojitb all tnftauuee * fuppltcation tnenctott of ots tinpitfcttment at, is 3 a a
fapnteg, ano fox me* that Mte*
foz all to tjeacc cou l pica coca, 1 9 cotttCdt er uec to ope
ci Ipue,atto pzapcru r tjetm to IcaDe a goelp cons
raunce map be geue Unto me. £ J map
uecfat ton , to be ot one mpu&e > auo to feace no
ope mp moutb bololpe, to tottet ttjc iu pccfccuttoit.
tretcs off gofpel,tobetof 3 am melTe*
get in bonots^ tbetin J mape fpeafce ]3fuIeanDCfmotbeti0,
t cclpc,as it becometh me to ipca&e. y
the fetuauntes of Je*
i3nt that pc mape alfo fcnotoe tohat (fuBCbzifrcCoalltbe
cdoittou 31 am In, ano tuba 1 3 do, %n |fapnc'csiuChzt(le3e<
cbicus mp Dtatc bzotber,anD faptbful fu.nhubeateat pfju
immftet tn the lozo, Ojal (fietoe pou of lllppos tb the brtyeps
al tftpnges, tohom J fent fcnto pou f 01 anD Deacds* * €>tace be njuh pou anD
the fame putpofe,tr)atpe might buoto peace fc5 cBOD oute father, anD f to tbe
tohat cafe ftaD in,anD tbat he mp ght
J 'jloiDjficUis Chtift*
somfoztpdutbertcs* +3ftbanftemp (BODtoptbaltemctw
0cace be toptb the biethzen $ !oue bzauce of pout altoapes m al mp pzap
, son.t «,

toptb fapcth, from tfcD the fatbet,anD Colto •**

cts for pou, * pzape toptb glabniB, bu
from the JiozDe Refits Cfuf fte, c aufe of ttje felotoftipp tobtcbe pi baue
(State be toitb al the tohicrj tn the gofpel ftom tie fttlte tape bnto
loucoureUoiDeJefus notoe: anD amfutelp (etttffcD of thps,
£b:ift in patents. that be tobtcbe began a gooDtoouhe
ainitn. tn pou , fl?all goo fo^ he toptb tt btitpli
CStente ftome tfomctmtothec^ the Dape of 3 cfus Chziftc as it beco* ,

pt)eftans bp dchtcus; metb me fo to tuDge of pou al, tica tif e

3 baue pou in mp bette,anD baue pou
ftlfo euetpe one companion^ of grace

PPV<h mti
%\>t Cpiftle
euert in mp bonbcs, as 3 be* teiopec in 3efus€b*ifte tbojotoe me,
tattfi ins,

fenbe ano ftablpllje efie gofpel. bp mp commpnge to pou agapne.

jfoi ©oDbeatetb me tccoiDe botoe
* ©nelp letpour conuerfation be,ajE»
it becometb tbe gofpel of Cb?tft : tbat
$ gteatlpe J longc after pou all fro tt>c
3efus Cb»ft»*3nD tobetber 3 come anofe pou,oi els be
*,*,« * Uecpe tiecc totem
t ^ g 3 piapc, that pouce loue mapc tn< abfent, 3 map pet bear of pou, tbat pc
creafe mow ano moie in &uotolebge,$ continue in out fpirite, 9 tn one foule,
in all f ealpnge, tbat pt mpgbt accepte labourpngc as toe bo, to mapntapne §
tbpnges mod excellent, tbat pe mpgbt t aptb of tbe gofpel, 9 in notbpngc f ca*

be pure , aim fucbe as fl)oulD butte no rpnge pout aonerfaries : tobtcbe is to

mans cofcience,bntil p oap of CbMft, tbem a token of pctbition , anb to pou
of faluation,ano tbat of mob. ifo? bn^
filleDti) tbeftuites of rpgbteoufnes,
tobpebe fcuites come bp Jefus CbJtft
topouittsgeue£ notonelppe Qjoulo
into tbe glojp ano lauoe of 450D. v beleue on Cb£tft: but alto * fuffer fo? Cl6 JO 8 tO*
ki of fatus
3 tooulbe pe buoecftooe bzetbzen bps fabe, 9 baue tntn tbe fame figbte tiotitotlje
tbat mpbufmes is bappeiuD buto tbe tobpebe pe fatoe me baue , anb notoe ttucbdn
greater futtberpngc of tbe gorpel.&o beare of me* Cbe.iuCbaptet*
tbat mp bonbes in Cbtifte , are rnani* ©c cpDoitctl) t!)e tototiitic $biotl)cclp lotic.d
to be&a c c offlttfc $ bat ic gl o: v • 3ttb fox a f ucc
tbozo toou t al tf)t iubgement

fell bal, z
CMmD!c,l;clapctt)Cl;uQ befoic tijtni
m all otOec places : 3jn fo mucbe tbat
tnanp of tbe bmbzen in tbe JlojDe are a
boloencb t boibto mp bonoes, a»0 bare
moze largelp ipcafce tbe toozb tottbout
teare » £>ome tbete ate tobpebe pzeacb „ be anpe felotou>p of § fpi^
companion of met*
Cb«fte of enupe ano ftrpfe,anDlome rite if tbete be anp
of goob topll. Cb* one part pzcacbetb cptfiilfpl mp
iope f pe biato one map,

one loue, bepng of one accoiti,

€l)lift of fttife ano not purelp, fuppo< baupng
notlnng be bone
fpnge to abbe mow abuerfitie to mp anb of one minb, tbat
0? bapne glotp, but tbat
babes* Cbe etber part of loue,btcaufe tbozoto ftrife

tt?ep h tl *w fet t0 DcfenD tl)t QOfP^* in mefeenes of minb cuerp man tfteme
fclfe a *ano lohe i.C«^M
aocbat tbem- £>o tbat Cb?ift be pzea otbet better tben bpm Mo.)MtUb
cbeoalmaner of toapes, tobetber it be not euerpe man on bps
otone tbpnges,

bp occafio, oz of true meanpng, 3 tbet but euerp man on

tbe tbpnges of otbec
&ctte tbe fame minD be in pou
in tope:pea,ano topi iope. jfoz j Knoto men. *
toas in Cbftfte 3efu: tobpebe be*
tbattbtS (balcbaunce tompfaluatto tbat
0)ape of ©od ,« tbougbt it
it.CoM<*< *tbozoto pout pzapct anb mtniftrmg inge in tbe
not tobbetpe to be rq ual tib <15od» &t*

^ of f fpttite of 3|efus Cbitfte as 3 bet-

telpe lofce foz, 3 bope tbat tn notbpnge ucttbeles , be
maoe bun fclfe of no te*
tofec on btm tbe lliape of
3 0)all be atyameb : but tbat \sjit\) all putatio , anb
cofibence, as al toapes in tunes pafte, a f eruaun
t 5 became li&e bnto nien^

bts apparel as a man. ^e

cuen fo notoe Cb?tft tyall be magnify toas foub in
felfe,^ became obecient
CD m mp bobpe,tobetbet it be tbozotoc bumbleb btm
Ipf e, 01 els beatb. ifoz cbitfte is to me bnto §
beatb,eue ^beatb of tbe ctoffe.
lpfe,ai.D beatb ts to me aouauntage. * ixbetfoie ©ob batbe eralteb b<m,$
name aboueall names,
Jf it cbaunce me to liue in tbe ftefl), geuenbtm a tto.P«<.t

tbat ts to me ftuitefull fo? to toojfce^ * tbat in tbe

name of 3ef us fl)ulo cue*
am tb*+3 rp fence botoe,botb of tbinges in beul,
u « «<ti* tobat to cbofe 3
tootte not,

IS™ ftrapneo of ttoo tupnges : 3 oefpze

& t, c iofeb,ano to be toptb Cb*tfte,tobP*
to anb tbinges in eactb, 9 tbmgcs bnocr
tbe eattb, « tbat al tonges l^oulb con*
cbe tbpnge fs belt of all. $euettbcles feffe f 3ffus Cb?tft ^s* tbe bn< %o^ 2Jct«.f.
toabtoe in tbe fleO)e is moze ncDcf ull to tbe ptapfe of <©od tbe fatbet. h Ko.rtl*i.h,

f of pou. 2Mb tbps am 3

f ute of,tbat 3 acobetefote mp DearlpebeloueD, as

mall abpbe,an6 toitb pou al continue, pe baue altoapes obepeb, not toben 3
foz tbefuttbetatinceano iope of poute toas pzefeut onlp, but note mticb mow
in mine abfece , euefo toozHe out
fapttjjtbat pe mape moze abunoantlp
Co tfje PjtHppiattS JUcjtutj.
otonc.s.faluaffon toptftfcatcsttcm* denotes.
4f tr»th b
blpnfie. * f 02 & IS (SOD toflWhC UJ02*
«»Ss?ebcf«uttft8miiier&oxotofcftO,roto0; Otoleeoi
Ken? wpou, 0019 ige mp» a»D aUO the
DCOC,eucn Of goo m pi I .
w radiation of gloip. jfouf ycccafctooxfittij, f8l0,tM>«'
c tbe (put re qucncljetfl agamc, and pc t cafe to be
*©o at thpugetoithout murmuring partakers of the piotmreB.
miu uiipmpng^ipacpemap be taut* &t)ctcffaptbp^nc,$bimrclfc the other. Ebctc bt0aro*
ics 3 puce ,s tut f onnc s of ©oD Uout tbatuehao offeree themtmtotgoD, as
cebufce, m p miDDcB of a ctoKeo $ per* tr)efrutcsof btspzccljtng. fetm Scire, tf it Gbolo
uerfenaciomamong tohpeh le that re gorpel Unto t h cm, Cb oulo be put to f be cruel ton
ttyme as (pgbtesm the toojlbjholDing Mtentcs or tearl.j. W\) u he tbptig be tefutcn not
fad g tooio of Iffe,bnto mp*reiopfpng truftinge, t&at rl;crbp Oe might mabett)£ toot»
Xeff.tuc. in t&pof *Sob.
f oap of €b*itt,£ J haue not tune in
baine3 nethet haue laboureD m baine. Cfoe.fii. Chapter*

H £ea, anD thoughe 35 be ofeteD Dp ®e toatiietb fblto beware offairctcaebcw,

to 6 be calko Doggcs $ enemies of ff l»i&, and
bponthe offierpngsfactifice of poute rcpioucth mans otonebnrtgbteoufnes.
fapth:3 reiopcc^uD reiopceto pou ah j£>2eouer mt b2eth2e,teiopce *
JF02 the fame caufe alio, rciopcepe 3 fr in iojD.Jt gceueth me not
teiopcepeiupthme* jto tojuc one tbing ofte bnto

J tcuft in f I02D 3fcrus fo2 to febe* >ou» tfojtopouitisafute

CimotheusOj02tlp bntopoii s ^*3 a! thing.t>eiuateofDogges,betoareofe*
(0 map be of gooD cofo2t, tohe | fcnoto till iaoifeer?,DeU)arc of Direction.* jfoj «•«&«.>
tohat cafe pe ftanbe tin jf 02 3 baue no tosacentcucifion , tohfcbtoejIfcipgoD f&mtl
man that 12 fo like minoeD to me,tohi* in*the fp!rit,3reiopce iuCbiiftJRefu,
che topth fo pute affection cateth fo2 anD baue no cofibence in f flelb: thou*
pour matters, jf 02 all othet fefee thepj ghei^aue toherof might tctopee ttt
otone,anO net that tebpche isjlefus
<lh?irfe8.2eftnobjethep2ofeofhim, hath toherof he mpg!;t ttutte in fflttbt
hotoetl;atasa fonnetoith the father, mud) mo2eJ:citcucifeD§.biii«Dap,of
fo to me beftotoeb he his labour bpon the fctnreb ot Jfcael, of g tribe of ©en#
thed5ofpcI.|)im3IhopetofenDa(rone 3Jamin*anCb2ue 3 bo2neot^eb2uc0,«.co?.rt.t
a^ 3 Biiotue hom it mi go toptft me.3 *as cocernpng tbc lato, a ©haufap, s JfS^
tcu ft in W
3 alfo mp felf e as cocernpng teruetntl, JpcrfecuteS
"* u *
tf^e congregation, ^ajstouchinge the

1 ftippofeo itiuceflarie to fend b20< rigl)ttDifenes toOpcbe is in the iatoe,

JB thee Cp9ph2ooitus bnto pou.mi coin^ 3 toas Untebufecable.
paaioutulaboateasiDfelotofoulDiec. *ffiuttOetbtngestbattoercbautagc
poure 3dpoftIe ano mp mmifter at mp I,,it '^*,
tjnto me 3
cotinteb fofle f02 Cb2iftes

neoes. jf 02 he lotigeo after pou, $ bias fahe.p caj thinftc at things but iofle
fuIofheamne3,bicaufe thatpehabbe foz f ejccellet bnotoleges fafce ofcbiift
beato fap p he OjoutD be fpefte. 2BnD no Jef u mp %oiti> jf 02 toh6 3 haue coun<
Doubte he ioas fpcfee> ano tbat npc bt^ ten all thpnge leffc, gt do iuoge the" but
to Death, lout ®ob OaD mercp onfmn: Donge, p 3 mpght topnne Cbzifte, anD
not on htm onelp,but on me alfo,lca 3 migbte be founDe in him,not hauinge
0)olo hatiebaD fozolo bpo fo2oto»3 fee mine otone rpghttoifenes tooiche is of
him tberf oje the oiligcntlpec , f> lofaen tlje imti but that tohicbe fpiingeth of
pe Qjouloe fe him, pe might teiopce a* the fapth tobicq is in Ch2ifti 3 meane
gaiiie^3mtg0tbetheIeiTelO2oiDftiI. the rightcoufnes tobpefte commetfa of
lieceauc hpm tfjetf 01c m
the tlo2Dc ub <bod ibo2oio fapth,in bnotopnge hpm,
al glaDnes 5 3*mafte much of f uch:bt « ano the bettue of bis refurrectio, ano
M£effa,*,e caufethatfo.2tfaeitJ02feeofCh2iaehc thefeIotoO)ippeoff)ispaiTion3 that^r -, .

toente fo farre , that he teas nfpe bnto

Deathe anD tcgarocD not tys life, to
might be cofczmable buto hig(Death) &!$$
ifbp alipe meaues 1! mpahte attapne 2r« '»?»
mbich bja$ lachiuge
fuiftl.tfjat fertttce
on pour part totoar&e me*
into thcrefutrection of the DeaD* SK^
0otas though haoalceDp attap* ««*w«.
nco to it a etber toe re alteop pcrfitc:buc

Cfje €piftle
3fototot,tf tw 3 marc compzebenD 3 fare teiopce # )lette poute foftnes be
tbatjtobectin^l am compzebehbcD of knotocn bnto alt meune«t£be TLoiDtis
€b?ttt 3efu»©zeti)zen3 count not mp euen at ba not catcfut:but in at
felfe £ 3 baue gotten it: but one tbpng tbpngesfbetopoucpeticion bntogoo

not ontlje
3 fat>e:3*fozgctte cfi'at tobpebe ts be* in pzai'er 5 i application toitb geutug
l>tnD~e ,anD fitetcbe mp felfe bnto tbat of triahc5»3BnD*tbe peace ofct^oD tobp*
3'baue bo* tobpeb ts be toje, ano pteace i)iro tbat cb paffc tb al b noerftaD i ng, ftepe pout
UjlaSe' matrtw appopnteD to obtapne tbe re* , fjectes ^ mptiDes in Cb?tft3cf«» h

of ti)cp«« toaroe of tbe bpccaltimgc of ©odui
Cbztft 3 f f«. net ds tbeccfoze as ma*
up as be perfect, be r bus toil c minDeD
futtbetmoze bzetbzen,tobat roeuec
tbpnges ace true,tobatfoeuet tbinges
ace b oncfle , tobat fo euec tbpnges ace

anD if pe be otfjectopfe mtnDcD, 3 P*ap tufte , tobat fo euec tbpnges ace puce,
<Bod optneiicn tins bnto pen. ji-ictier^ tobstfoeucc tbpuges pectaine to tone,
ttjeles in tbat toberunto toe ate come, tobatfoeuec tbpuges ace otboiuftcca
let bs pzceeoe bp one title, £ toe mape pozte: it tbetc be anpe tject uou.3 tf)ptN
beofoneaccozt)c« ge , tbece be anpe UuDable tbpnge,
f.Coj.utt.c' »J* * ©
jetbzen be fof otoertf of me, anD tbofe fame baue pe in pouc miuD, tobt 1
lone on tfrcm tobicb toalfcc euen to, as cbe pe baue botb leacueD anD receiueo,
pe bane bs foz an e jcamplc. jf oj manpe bcacD, ano atfo fene in me: tbofe tbpn*
toalfce (of tobom 3 flaw toloe pou of* ges do, anD tbe <©od of* peace Qjall be
Cf {
f en,aiiD notoe tell pou toeppngejg tbep toptl) pou.3 tciopce in tbe JIozd gecat
ate tbe enemies of tbe ctolle otXbztft, Ipe, tbat notoe at tbtlafipc aceceup^
Kom.jri)t.b tobofe cub is Damnation,* tobofe gob ueD agapne to cace fez me,tn£ tobetiu
is tbeic bcalpe,anb tobofc glozpc is pe toece atfo cacef nil , but pe lacfee d o<
totbetc fi;ame,tobpcl)c ace toozlDlpe poztuni.'ie. 3 fpeaae notbpeaufeof
ceiio.fiu mpnoeo. *13 ut out conucrfatiou ts in ntcefji tic. foz 3 baue leacneb in tobat
bcaucn,fcomtofjeticctoeloKcfoz aU< focucccltate Jam,* tbtrctoptbtobe <^, w «
mout,euen kozDc 3cfus Cbzifte, co tent. 31 can botb cart do ton mp fetfe,
H»f.f\>.t tobpeb tyal *cbaunge out bple bootes 3 can atfo cvccdc. Cuccp tober,anDtn
tbat tbep mape be fafl)ioneD fpfce bnto alt tbpnges J am indcucteD botbe to ,

bps gtoiious boDp.accozopngc to tbe be futt,anD to be bongtpc, to baue ple*<

toozkimge , tobetcbp be is able to ub« i no to f tiff er ncDc. 3 can Do at tbin;
tt :,a

Due at tbpnges bnto bpm feife. fr ges tbozotoe tbe belpc of cbzid tobicb
Wi)t notes. ftcengtbcnetb mc^ottottbfiabpngpe
t-Wt tocxCbtp gob in rptnf tbojoto fail fj*f our
Wz mopce roar£t;ztft tjatij reoewo os, nutft baue tocll m:'
Done, tbat pe bate patt toittj
t>. nor tit out otou tooifees. ciw ft otilp ts ow ci s.js me in tribulation.
tCQufucB a fo: bis ratte out f tunes ace fnzgeue
l>c of ^fyilippos fcnotoc tbat in tin
us, srozijtsfaltcouiaooo toozkes ate acccptco
beginnpnge of tbe gofpel, tobenj de<
to^tcO eife \uece Dantpnablc.foztOf fume rl;at
ts m tbetn. cbe.iiti. Cbaptec*
pacteD ftome ^aceDouia , no congees
©e faluretl) ccttainc of tW,eft)oxtctt)tbitobt gatiou bate parte toitb me, as * con* «.co?.#.»
of couccfano", 9 thaftcro rbJ b tenure of p
tjottcft cernpnge geupnge anD teceaupng,but
Doiteft pzoutftS p tbciinaberox bi being ittpttfo
pe onetp.f oz tobe 3 to as in tEbeiTaio*
i^ecfoze mp bzctfnen oeace* ntca, pe lent once,* after toarD agapne
tpe tjnto mp neoes : not $ 3 Defice giftes:
mpiope anD ccotone, fo con< but 3 DcfpzeabunDant fcuite on pouc ^
timitmttfe Jiozoepe belo« part* 3 rcceaueD alt, anD baue plenty,
ueD . 3p.tapeceuoDia3,anDbef£cfje 3toas euSfilleD after $ 3baDtee£a<
^inticbes tbat tbep be of one accozbe ueD of Cpapbxobitus , J tobiebc came.
intbeHozDc. pea, anD Jbefecbc tbe fr5 pou ,an* oDour f mcttetb f tocte , a „ -<
f K .

faptbfulfpoUe felotoc, beatpe tbe too= faccifice acceptable 9 picafant to gob iso«.^.«
inentobpcbelaboureD toptbme mtbe
^p gob ftitfttpour tubes tbozotoe »*i*u
gofpel,auD toptb Clement alfo,a toitb tjiS gloztous ttcfjcjaf in 3efu cbzift. Win
***.*.«. otbetmp labour fclotoes,*tobofena< to goD ? our fatfjet be pzapfe foz euer*
9v^ua im5 m tn tbe«*bofee of ipfe + & e* moze.ame^alutealp'faftejermcbzjft
fopre in t&c jiojoe attoap, auDagapne 3eiu»Ctje bjetbzf tat \k me gretcpou s
*SiffilSSe8ta««Sft?tWl«* pe bane beato before twetoyD
com tont pott
of the gofpel, tobtcb is
rus Cbjtftbe tottb pou aiuamtn.
5?limft5aoinebPCpapftiootttt«» cuena8ttfBintoali&etoojlDe,anD»
ftutefnll,as it is among pon,fcom the
fttfleDape in tbc toi?icbcpc bcatDeit,
C&e ^olostte ^apnti paule to
ft bah
experience tntbe grace of <J5od
tn tbe tenth, as pe IctneD of*<£papbja c^m*.
topon the Cpiftle of
tUeCo!IcflTiaH». out Dear felo to fecuaunt , tobtcb is foj
pon a faptbf ul mintttec of Chita, torn*
g> tbe tf ptfllc to tor J5dl*W*tts cbcalfobctlatiDtonto b£ poure lone
tiolbctb tliC lnaiicc auofaOnonof
t t)t epx&it to t ijc tt omapHC.tmcfc
tofjicbe pe banc m the fptrtte. 25
Ipc compjtbcnmng al fU*it t$ti)er« * Jo; tots canfe toe alfo.fencc tbe Dap ctfjex*
_inatIfijtOfiirputci.iguc!iforUis toe ficatD of it, banc not real eo pjtapig
epiate folot»ctb tbe ejamplc of tbecptaie to foi pon,5 Defierpng $ pe might be f ulr
tbe cpijeftans, contepmngetbetenQuccof tgc
ldKi£«ptaictt)Ut)fttoectoo'.0£e. fill the ftnotolebgc of bis totl,tn al
cd ti>

3|ii tbe ftctte.Cbaptec be pxapfttb tbeift, anb totfeoome 9 fpltituall tonDerttanoing,

toiipetb tbat tbep cfittnne in tbe faptb^gtoto that pe mpgnt toal&c toojtbp of § lojo
in aUbtngcs tbatplfafe,*betng frnt* 3^MrtM.
bote tbat it is a totfcbomc tbat cSfeOttb Cbutt
to be toe ioiB *tib gob, ecuctflcb foibs , anb a ful iiiai gooD toojltes,anD cnct*afpng
toifcoome tbat batb bene bibbc iti cbrtft,fc act inc(ie'bhoiDe!cDgeof<e»oD,ftccngtf)co
afoje tbe begtnningc of toe tooilbe.anbnotae
toitb alt mpgt)t, tfjotoiue bis glorious
fttQc begou to be opened tbowto tbe picatbing
oftbeapoftles. potoer,fcnto all pacience anD long iuU
autijcrecoHbs.oetoattterbtuetinofmcnnfe f et p B0[C fe,»th iopfulniB , geupnge
boctrtnc , aub bcfccibetb tbe falfe pxopwte* f ,'*,,,
«U> Q the ia|
fat r, g r bjhjcne
»-*»"J« hath
tbe wtetmott, anb tcbu&etb tbem accejbtngJp.
tobeftutcfutl in inaDe bs mccte to be pactaftecs of tbe
jd tbe tbtebe , be crboitetb
fbepuce faptbtoitb all mancc of gopbtepjaea iityeutatmce of famtes tn light* V
one to an or bet, anb befcubetb all wgtecs anb
tobattbeicbuttes arc. . . ,
^Cb«be hath oeUiutcD bs ftom the
3lntbefouttb. betrbonftbtopwp.aubais potoec of Datkenes anohathe ttanlla^

fo to piape f 0; bim.anb f alntetb tbtm. teD bs into the fcpngDome of his Deate
fon:ie,in*\8homto£ebaue reDempttcn €^uu
thoiotoe hps blouoe: that i^te fape,
lEfti €pt(tle of the rojgeuencs of fpnnes, * tohiche is
apnete |9atile the aipottle bntothe the image of tbeinuiftble^oDjfpjft? C
coiiomaiw. bcgotuuofalcccatuces»*jfo^bphini ecbM^
-Cheftrftechaptcr» tDeceaUhpngescteateD.thmgesthat
^tgcnttb WlfiagSHsaSSPffl
ate tn heauen anD thpngeg that ate in
lcue.aiio bopc .pjapctbfo: tbett ciicrcafc anb

Jbetoetbbotoe Voce ace tbe femgrbowe of t6jb, eatthe: thpnges

obtapneb bp Cbjifte , tobo is tbe bcabe of tbe inmfiblc: tuhethct thep be maiertpc oj
iojDlbJ'ppe, epihec cnle oi potocc 36U
3Culean3rpoflleofi;e< thilig3ai;£cc£ateDbphlm } anDinhiin,
fuCbzifte.bptbctopll anD he < 1 before all thinges, 5 tn quo
biothec ci« ail thP»5 e s haire tbetc torn**
Jof <j5ob , fi

J-motheus. «Co the fain* * »

he 1^ the heaD of the boDp.that cpHt.*
IteatoMcbeateatCoU igtotoptte,ofthecongregatton:heis
TO ^*
anDbiethiethat the begpnnpnge anD* iitft begotten ot u€*.t*4
he mpgnt
Suite mcfeift-*©tace be toithpon the Deao, that in althpnges
»^oi it pltafcD
SSul anb peacefrom 0>od out fathec^fcom bane the preeminence
thcioiDlcrus XhziIU thefathetthat tnhpmCboulDeallfub

Mil 1* **«J« S«" « t0 W«« S^

the father nes Dttcll , anb
Dpin to * tetoncplc
8BSS witoDpui(elfe 1 anotorctat
of oBtlojoeJefuB Chzift,*altoapes all (fungi
St?M mapinatotpou^ceteeheacDofpouc peace bp him thoto to the bloubofbps
b '

8Ki pe Dane in ChJtft lefu, * ccoffe.both tinges in heauen *

faith tohiche
o^|pue*b|cbpebcatitoaUfaime8, gcgmiatto»
ftftp#tt j t m*
%$t Cpiftle
tn«m«Ds ' na pou * (Mtfdje $ere in *P* to fcnotoe tbe mifletpe of c^od t&e fa<
cpue.'.t.a. mcs pad ftra tinge tsano enenipes,bi* tbetanD of €viitir,in tubom ate bpbbe ?
cau fe pour uipnDes foere rette in eupl treafuccs of topfeoome $ fenota
all tbe
tooz&e$)batb be noto reconctleD in tbe leoge^bf s 3 fape leafte anpemanne ^
boop of fjts fiefl) tbozoto oetb,to make ft^oulDe begple pou toptb entpfpnge
pou bolp, bnbfameable, 9 ttout fault toozDe^Jfo^tbougbe^beabfenteinf*
m bis oiDiic rigbt,i f pe continue grou* tbe flcf^e, pet am 3 pzefenc toptb pou
ccd ano ftabliOjeo In tbc faptb ano be , tn tbe fpttite^opinge anD bebolopngi
tiotmoucbatoap from tbe bopc of the tbe ozDec tbatpe feepe, anD pouce KeD»
faa faptb in CbJtfteTais pe baue tber#
ittgpjeacbcDamonge all Creatures fozetecepueD Cb^tft 3efu tbe tozDe,
tobiebe ate bnoec fyeauen , totjereof
J euen fo toal&ettotcD anD buplt in
him 7
^ pauicanimaDcamintftec,
$otoe tope 3f* in mp « fufferpnges
ano (leofafte in tyt fapetb , as pe baue
«.«*. t.a. leamcD,anD tbctin be plenteous iu ae
«piw.w.* tubicbj fuffer*foz pou, ano fulfil tbat upngetban&es*
tobicb is be^tnD of p" pafftSs of Cb*f ft + *©etoateicftattpmancomesrpiu) 25
tn mp Sety fo> bps boDies fatte, to^pctj poutbozotti ^bilofopbpe anD Difceit* ^atbe*:
i£ tbc cogregatfon toberof 3| am mabe full banitpe , tbojoto tbe ttabtctonjat
a mintftet accozDiug to tbc ozDinaiice menne^ ozDinaiincejat after tbe toozlD,
of %£%& ,
of ©od , tobpeb ozbtnaunce toas geug anD not after cbzifte^oz.a* tubpm %**'**-
bnto pou toacDe , to fulfpll tbe toozDe Dtoelletf) all tbe fulues of tbe ©oobcD
JZ9at.jrf4>. of (Bod* tbat mifterpe
bfoDe fence tbe boDclpe^anDpe are complete in bpw ia
e»S& too ? Ioc an
S >$ ^
fence tbe begitmtuge tobpeb is tbe beaD of all rule ei potoer, //
of generates * but noto is opcneD to
: in tobomealfove ace* citcumcffeD
tf> „„.,. ytt
bps fapntcs,to tobo <©od toouiD make ntcuinciftonmaDe toptbout banDes,
ftnotoentye gloztous rpebes of tbps bpputtpngeof tbefpnfullboDpoffDe «*"••«*"

ZauJk mm W amonge tbe gcntpletf, tobpeb fieO) tbozom tbe citcumcifion tbat
is .;
iu b«i» al ttcfjes is Cbjift in pou,tbe bope of glo in Cbziftfin tbat * pe ace butieD
toptb ««"«.««.
p ™"
w ^ to bom tee pzeacb>toarnpngeai men bpm tbozoto baptifme,in
ano teaebpnge all men mal toifeoome alfo rpfen agapne tbzom
tobom pe ate <6at8 fti ' ' ' ,>

faptb,tbat is
cij?iftanD tomafceal men perfect in Cbziftc lie* tozougbt bp § operation of <eqd U>bp<
of ** *»
fl|t wftfrfn j alf0 Iab0BC anD ftcpue
^ cberapfeDbimfroDeatb, I J
euen as facte fonbe as tw$ toozfemge *3lnDpetobpcbe totre DcaDe in fpnue €
toozftetbmmemigbtelpe* tbo^otoetbe bncircumcifion of poure
eZW '

2Cfjc itarcg.
foot etbc paiTion9 o: fuffectnges, tobtcbe be
flcioe batbc be qupefteneo
, Ubim anD «»»<>•"
*^e V aff<pn fuftepneb foi one fumes . JFoi toectn batb fozgeucn bs al our trefpaces,
•t«ttfnt, tOmg.&ocp tocce arnfficicntcaunfomcfouftc
toateb no* % u,
(i batb put out tbe.f,
banbe tozptpnge
ftnnesof fOEtotjoIetDOilne. ©ur tbcfepaflions
tbat toas againft bs: contapnc d in t\)i
ant) fuffmu jC3 tocce toe papncfuH tcauets
pieacOmg ro roc people toe jofpcl , anD rijepcn
m lato tozitten:^ tbat batb be tafte out
recur tons tbat folaiu r!)C fame, ano rocfc fuffc- t\)t toap,5 batb fafteneD it to
bis croffe /r
tinges are not per at an cnoc. jfoi all trje true anb batb*fpopleD rules potoer,gi batb «««<«.«.
pica clKrg a yet , anD 10a !I to t&c
tooif oca cube
fuffee (11 tl)Cbobp of ct»tft,tbAt is
tl)i9 fort fa:
mabe a fj^eto of tbem openlp anD t)atb
5 i^Sil
bta congcegattd. ;Jf oz as tbcp petCccntca Cbzitt, ttiumpbebouertblinbis otonperfo. //
to (pat ti;cp pecfecu te 0(s tcue pjeacljccg. Xlet no ma tberfoze trouble pour
cos Chapter. fciences about meate ^Dzpnfte, o* foj
WU a gr ea tc cace }9 aul e t ohc fox a I cengtCi
a pece of an bolpe Dap, ajs t\)t bolp oaf
4 anois . ©
c ct boztetb tbem to be Sebfatte tn

ffOiia.tobctvai-cof falfetcdcfjctsaiib toozlo; of tbe netoe moone , oz of tbe ^abotbe

Ipc luifeDome: $ befcefbeb roc f aire pzopbetcs. Dapes;tobicb are notbinse
but* fba< ** ««.«
c-w<pou!oe pekneui

3 l m ?iK
iOpouloe pe toftat fpgbtmg
fcneto tobat
Dotoe^of tbpnges to com?:but bVio. SftS^
?J"? ^ > anD f0 D? W <" CbziiWct no man make pou & ** '

<?^%tbem of\ i^aoDicia^nD fo^ as ma^ f^ote at a. tozonge martie tofycl) after
npeas baue not fene im> pecfon in tbt bps otone tmagmacion toalaetb in tbe
% fleft^ertbat tbeir bertes migbt be con* btlblenes anb boiines of angels,tbin*
fozteb ano fetute togptber in loue, 9 m ge0 tobicb be neuet fatorcaufeles puft
all rpebts of full bi)Dec&anDpnge,fo;
Dptt^isfleu;lpempnDe^^olDctbnoe '5
Co tjje tfoUoffiatts;, jftAxfli

ano is anpt cogetfjet , auo cneceaietb pe hut D in tbcm. fr

UtDi tnroafpiigc tbac commcth gut note put P«aUoatoapftompoi ^
aihetof pfye bebeabe toptbCbJift ncs.cucCebfpeabpnge
ftoni+0 2 D<imim ccs of tbe toopXtobpe out of
as tboucrb pepet ItueD n tbe tooilD,ate
pout motttbes. JUc not on* toa<
notbee*tbattbe olD man toitb bi* too* ^
nSSm^Sm oWni

tWo; fees be pat of ano* «to put M.bW $&££

fapertEoucbenot,tan not^anDellnofet* § Image tf^u.
rcnueb in ano tolcbge after
Xbeallpetptae toitbtbe bfpngeof ofbpmtbatmaDebPtn,tobetisnetbet m«
? btug«
Sen ano ate after t(/e commaunbe* 2 .^entile noOetoe,cttcumcmono
Kes anffbocttpnes of menTojbpcbe 3cucumcifi6,
ffiatbatons o» ^itfjian
but <5bM«e is all mall
tbtnges baue tbe fimilttube of topfoom bonoe
o* f tee:

tncbofenbolpnes,anDbumblenes,anD tbpnges.
tfto to tbetfeje as elect
» rtP
of ©ob, &olp C
fc#4 i„^.

Intba tbep f pate not tbe boop,an D Do

wwwi h bnto bps neoe. Ipe ano beloucb, put on tenoee mercp,
be flea no tooztbpp

feinDnes^nmblenes of miuDes,meBe*
f^rinftrt^M ues,longe fuffetpngc, forbearing one
., r«
a.*wtt»,wceip*toMDe,aotm»rtrt»e«,ft '^afoiatupnae oneanotbeUf

^^SSVoWiato^enhfewimj anpe mS bane a quaed to anotbenetuj v

fliiuDspnacsofmanstopfDome. ©ut^aupugc asCbnftefojtgauepou^uenlobope*
DptnmtDDomcotDClIctDtUcfiilHCs oftDctSoD* wtf*
*|JJJ alltbcfetbffflWS pUtteonlOUe, ffl P ,rt '

mprts.butcrabxatcfartftfaiiptbcfontieof jod, t^e peace of gob rule Inpout

toboisairo wcr bod of toe fubft;'»«""fjf A^f) peace pe at calleo in one bobp*

3no »V« wW*Wlt tbe toop
plentcouttp in al
f Cbrift btoel in pon

J luciawctsottte DanDe tmptpns*.
l&anbe flat
toutiujje mt^^^^^^^^^^lrS^lf topfeoonie.^eacb^ejcbojt pout otone
tsasassssss^sssssL t&cmtpat
ffn 5Smf bp cu:ta,m ail mirapiicnir
m*\ i»w&fc««*»
fpuitual fonges , tobtcbc baue fanout
ftcieucanDtcufte in ppm. toitb tbtm, ftngpnge in pout bettes to
tbe Hop* 3noaltbinges*tobatfO£uec t«o?.^.
JTKbObf (gucatcD in ttjc el&c law.
SC9 tpat toecc pKf
pe oo in tooioe n\ DeDe , Do in tbe name
UCb^tt'Cbapter.* of tbe nope 3efu,gcupngetbancfees
titual lapc aCibcal m
ottijt fpps
anct of cm
to ©oo tbe fatbct bp bun. b ^
mute be fcutcfttl til al gob Ipncs auo
* .jflOpuesfubmttpouteotonefclues
e ^
ocjtcestbcic Dntpc.
Dcctueanbacttjctl) al into poucbufbanoes, as it is comelp f$t ;J&
tbentpfeu agapnc in tbe tope.
f pe be
topues auo be not bitter bnto tbciim
toitb dChipttftae tbofe tbin ,

obep pour fatberg; ano mo; cpbe.bu

aes tr bicb are aboue, tobcr *CbilD^en
in all tbpngcs , fo; tljatt^ toeU
CbJipa fittetb*on tbe rigbt tbets
banDf of ooD.&et pour af pleafpnge
bnto tbe mm.
S atbers
tbep be of
•KSt* feccieontbingestbataceaboue^not rate not pour cbilojen,lcaft
be ob gj^tfj
SotSmM SEStc aw on tbe a oefpetate uhud * ^etuautes maaets in a jg-ji*
Went bnto pout booilp
Je ate beab ano pout l P fe is top* toitb men
<"i"fl"n««D. iben CbiPrt tobpcbe
tbmges: not to ere fertuce as pie

felfe.tben ©al f «»,but in fing enes of nert

fs ou I ifeSai 0)<to bun
d500. jnb tobaifocuer pe do,do it bet.
re alfo appere toitb bun in glo&P-
telpc, as tbougb pe oto it to tbe JLop,
Saotttfpe tbetefoje poure membies
not to men: f o* as mucb as pe bnotoe
tobicb ate on tbe ertb,f omicacpon,bn, 9
«bcremf eunncs^nnaturail luftceupll concu. tbat of tbe nop
pe ©al receaue tbe re*
" pe fetue tbe
anD C g UC t ol,rn eg tobpcbe is toaro of mbctttaunce , for
faaes tbe unatfje of goo com * tojonge , ©all tecepue for tfje topnge
|^^patii ? t&af

-CJe Cptftle
e & at & e & at & & one: * f °? *&*w * s no
3?«" ft? * K
*& at il be c "° in $ wtijtegarf on or tf>cr
tftac^i fpecte of pccf ous tout) C5od . £e ma* ^LaoDicvangf aifo:ano tbat pe UaetoiCe
SuVSiu ft«0,oo bnto pout fetuaute0 £ tol^c^ teaoe tf?e Cptftle of JUooicia.anD fa?
fsmiUatiD£Ctuail,rctngpe BnottithajLto3txbippus:taUe Ueoe to tfje ofc>ce
pe alfo baue a matter in beauen. TtHjat thou balte tcceaueD in tbe H,oio,
{k-Cbc.iUi.cbaptet. tbat tbou f ulfpll tt« cbc talus
©e qcboitttb tbem to be feruciu in piapf t,to tacionbp tbe bauoe of tnc
tocm tijar ace not pet come
toalftc ojtreip \>itto
to tbetcue bnomlebgc uf cbua,<js falutetb t^ent
bonoes* ©tare be
'i»aitbtntbe fame butt)
tbankes getiinge,piap*
inge alio fojt bs
that ,
|T £>cnt from Koine bp Ctcfwus.
«Fp rK,W.e
*<E5od open unto b0 the
ano £)nefpmu0.
Dck or bttcrauntfjtliaf
map f pease tin mp&etpe of c -jitf,
toe t

<--,, v,
(tobstfoie J am alfo in bono e0)tbat J
„ nape btret it > as it becommetfj me to
e cjje ^oiojje
fpeafcc** jooalfce topfelpe to tbem tbat topon tbe fpitte <£putle of <s>.^aule to

Suit is t
atc toitbout,anb ixoemc tbe tpme. Ha tbe cbefralonfaus.
totfoome poute fpeaebe be all toape0 loeil fauou
of isooea reb ano potoojeDtoptb*faltc, tbat pe ©taifptQIcDpopauUttjjpreofeirs
ceabpngc hut aim catc :anbp*aps
Soft o ina ? fenoto hoto t0 anfioete euetp man* fcto tbem in tbc.ti.fpta Cbaptccs,
fl©«ri)J, < <cne oeate biotfjec debtcus $al tell occauretbep opb cecepue tbe iSof*
23 pou of all mp bufpnes,tobpcb is a faitb pdccncQJi'.ano liao mmbulactott
full mmpftet ano U loin fetua tint tn tbe
tocce become an cnfamplcbnto allcongtegacp*
fto?be, tobome J baue rente bnto pou o ii a.atiD bab tbecto tuffcrcb of tbeit otcne hints
fo^ tbe fame putpofe, tbat bempgbte men as Cbiptt anb bis ZpoJlts bpb of tbejjcm*

l t,,l <"«*
tinttrc heart ea Vnnth one irr\n»ftmtta a
rmr> iDtiefunus _i- ^t..l^\Jc. *rIZTZ?l 33* v* _." r
poute beattes ,toptb a p(e,$tbanhetb f59b£btsiSorpclbaD bzoug'jt

faptbfull ano a bcloueb bio tb. er, tohicu t'aub ruci)e fmtearaonge tbem.

one of pou Untbetbitbcc&aptec befbetoctb fcfcoilps

is <cbcp (l)all u)eio pou
gencc t cate,!ea bps fo jceate !«bouc,«na tbetc
of all tbpuges tobpeb are abotng bete* f o biearcb a begpnupng (bouib baue bene tn bars
ztua.n.* *2Bnflarcu5 mp piefon f eloto (alutetb uc,&atbJuat:&t)t8!3poaie9toerpngtbfuttott&
a.«n.4.ft P° u >* ano 09awu« zeatnaba0 uCcts mens boctcinc.anb tbecefo;e be rente Spmorbc
f onnettouebpnge tubome , pe tcccauco to tbemto comfoxttbem, aub Qcengtb tbem t»
commaunoemente0 » Jf be come bnto w?
pou,teceaue bprnrano JeCuu tobpeb is t0
^& Clrtuce * m
tbefaptbc.anb tban^et b «5oD,tbat tun r
6ef? mti *«»«*»

calleo 3uau0,bjbtCb ate of tbe citcum " IntbcfouctbbeeybortetbtbemtoBepetbeoi

^ Cltlj* <H)tte OnlP ate mp tDOlhtfeloteCS relucafcom rpn.ano to&ogoobonc to anorbec
bnto tbe apngbome of <Bob, tobpebe 2n&t&cretobemfoimctbx&emcoaceen
£ona.«uu»et^ntompconfolacten*epapbja0f "an^ewbetoxptetboftbeuaebawfH..
tb« m
f ttuauntc Of Cfm'fte, fcobttbe I0 one Of tttboulbccome fobapnlp.ecboitpngetopjepace
pou,falutet& pou3 albjapes labojetb Wm ^*wg^^JQW*
(OHcecnpngeobcbtenceanb rule.
««ob o»bec
fetuentlpe foi pou in piapet0 , tbat pe
mape fta noc jietfcct anb full tn all tbae
(0 cue toi'K of (iood. J beatc bpm ncoio
tbatbebatb afetuent mpnbe totoatbe «
pou ano toioatbe tbem oCHaootcia ano of ^apntte jaaule me afpoftle bnto
tiitm of te wpo ;l s.©eateiLuca0 tf)t
^ tbe^Cbciralonpaua.
j «im * 1
*30 ^ttfftrion gtetetb pou, ano* ©ema0.
Salute ttit bietbien tobpeb ate of Hao CCbefpjft chapter.
gregactoti.Ujfilcb 10 tn bt0 boufe. 3(lnD &etbanBCtb f5ob foi tftcm, tbat tbepateaete
fafl?iitfaptbaub goob -Doi'ira.anb rccepitetbe
tobeu tbe eptaie fa ceeo of pou^maae ©orpe 1/ toitb fuc 5 cacti c aues.
Co elje €lje(falomatt& jfcUpfefC
3ule,£>pluauus and (as pe tocll Bnotoejrfo en toere toe bolbe
'Cimotueus^tuntotbe in our goo to fpeaae bnto pou tl)t gofr
congcegacioofpCbef* peU of 45oD,ttur;)*much ft tilling. £)uc 3ctr0, 17,11

lalonpans, in ©oo tbe crboztacpon teas aot to bzpngepou to

earbec,anbinthe&ozo err oute. not pet to bncleuaes, aeptbec
jflefus Cfjjpfte* toas it truth gp!e:bnt as toe toer atom*
*<l&taee bi- u id) potuinD peace from eb of ©objtbat tbe eofpell Q)oulbe be

tf5ooourefaiber, ano .torn the jlozbe commit (i o bnto bsteuen to toe fpaae,
Jefus Cbipfte. not as tbougbe toeentenbebto*pleafe
* Jixe geue d5oD tbanacs altoapc foz men, but t5ob, tohicb tiutl) out bertes.
pou al,maBpngmtncpoaofpouiuour $etrjet toas oure conuetiacpoii at
pzapets tuptbeut ccafpage, aab cal to anp tpme toptb flattetpnge
timc"bzanncepcurtoozB£ uubefcub, petoeUaoto } aetber in clabeo coaa'ouf
<.OTicf.4b anb labours in* loue c no petfeuetaun* acsj^ob is tecozbcaetbcc f ougbte toe
Ji.ditn.ifl ceintbebope * of oute kozbe Jjcfus piapreofmea,iutberofpou,acipctof
Cbzpilyn tbe tpgbt of (jgooout fathet: anpe otber, toaen toe mpgijt baue bene
becaute toe tuiotoc bzetbzcn bciotuo of cbargeablc,as i b c 31 pontes of CbiP&e
<Bob,botoe tbat pe arc etectc, f oz oute but toe toete tenber amonge pou, euen
U£o}M.a. Goipcll came not bnto pou in* tooitc as a noiffe cbetp(I)etb bet cbplbzen, Co
onlp,but alto mpotoer, anb alio in the toas our atleccton totoatbc pou : oute i
bolp goon anb in mu tin cct laputp, as gooo topi toas to baue bealt bnto pou,
f.fCtCit.8 *pc
fenoui after tonat manner tee beija; not tbctEofpcll of (Boo oalpe but alio
ucD ouc ttiuts ameagcpou,fozpotitc oure ottme foules, becaute pe toece
C faBes.aino pe became folotoetg of be, Deatebntobs.
anboftbe iloioc, ano rcceauco tbe ^
yc remember butbitn oure \m
tooioe in mucb aftlpcci>on, toitb top of boure,anbtrauaile«*ifoi toe laboured
tbc bolt' goolhfo tbat pe toere an enfa* bape anbm:gbte,bccaufe toe toottlb not 3tfU,K„t.

pie to al tbat beleue in Qpaccboma anb be greuous bnto anp of pou 3 puacbcb
adnata f;ci fcoaic you founbeb oute into pou tbe jsorpflloi^ob. faun
the toozoc orthe JLoidc, not innate* top t tuff cs aab f is ©ob,bo to boip anb

Doiu a anb in z cbaia ont Ipe :but poure iuftlpe anb iablameablpe toe bebauco
faptbe alfo tobicbe pe baue bnto <E5ob, oure felues among poa tbat b:leuc:a£
fpzcb bcr fdt'c abzoab in all quartets, pe aaoto boto tbat toe ejtboiteb anb to*
to g teat Ire $ u ncDctb not bs to pea He foztcb aab bet ought euetp oae of pou,

anpetbpngeatall* iFojttbeptbemtcfc asafatiurhps cbplbiea, tbatpetoolb

£> ues QjtU) of pou tobat maner of entting toalHc tooztbp of d50D,tobicb batlj cal<
!!,tecbabbntopou,fjbotocpetotirucD leb pou bnto bis aingoome ano gtozp*
to ©od frome ptnages, foz to ferue tbe if oz this cauf e tbanbe toe a&oo toitb i
Ipupuge aab ttue&oo, anb foz to lobe out ceaipagCjb tea ufe tbat tobea pete*
f 01 fops tonne t eora*rjeaucu,tofoome be ceaueoof bsttjctoozb tobcr toptb (Cod
fetes 1,'J,
tap feb frome beatbe:^mcane Jcfus toas pzcacbcb,pc teceaueo it not as tb«
tobpcbbclpueccil; bsftom*thcto:at& topzbe of mannetbut cuea as it toas in
to come* DcDc,tbc iooioc of cpeb, tobicb toozaetb
fa poa that beleue* t fozpe bzetbzcn^Cbapter.
became folotoers of tbe cougtcgacp6s
rJ-fjcputtctO tffcm in mpttbc office goolp cow
uctfaciuti tD a r he left among t tjeut ui!kh l; c pica
of d5ob tobicb iajfetozp are m
clKUtf)Cfi5orpclH3tuor;)Citi rl)aii'.ier!ji5oDtU3t
31efii:fo.zpebaaefutTereteb Iphe tbpn#
tijep tcccauct)tsft)OiD:i'o fcutcfuIIpC auD cjccu= gesofpouteBpnfmcn, as toe oure rei<
rcrUDtsabfcucc. ues baue f nffcrco of tbe Jetoes.tfQbtci?
4D2pepotire feluesanotoe astbepaplleotbe JLozb Igefus^tbeic
3D *bzethzeaof oate catraunce otone iBzopbetes euca f baue tfjcp pec

1a bnto poujboto tbat ittoas f(Cutebbs:anb©ob tbcp plcafe not,$

not in bapnerbat cut a after ate coatrarp to all men aab fozbpb is
that iwe bab f nffcrco befoze anb lucre to pzeacb tmto tbe ©eatpls , tbat tbep ^
fljamfulipe entteateo at pfcilippss mpgbtebefaueb, tofulfplltfjepz fpn*
|2>l§>p.b. aes
<$\)t ft># Cptftlc
nesalltoap.f ojtb« tojatbe of <2>odis *ntopou:anD t&e to?De focteafepou J*
come oh tbem, men to tbe otmoit. and mafcc pou floto ouec tn louc one to
fop as nwcbe bjetbjen as toe ate
fecpt from pou fo? a feafon, as concet* cuen as toe Do totoatDe pou , to tnatte
npnae toe boDelp pjefence 5 but not tn § police bettes liable ana Dnbiameabie,
bcatte . toe enfoif eD the moje to fe pou tn bolpncs before ©oD out fathet, *?

perfonatlp toptb great oeipteano tljec commpng of out tow 3tius Cbjptte

foie toe toouloe bane come into potiJI tot tg al 1 bis fapnctcs.

i^aule once ano agapne:* ent £>atati

2>««.?. ».

toit!)ftoDe lJS.ifoi tobat is out hope oi 3feee|ct)oitctDttmn to Scper&f

fciuc« fcom nunc ano uticlenfp conuecracfou.ta
iop,oj ccotine of teiopctng*' ate* not pe louc ouc auotoec : ceou&ett) polenes , a»o tpcas
it in tf)C puftuce of oucc jlozdc Jefus hcto of toe tefucccccpon.
Cbjpfte at npscomtnpngci'p$s peace mttnetmo;e,toe bercencpou 31
ouc glojp ano tope* bzctbjc n, ano etbojte pou in

4k<C!)e.tiuCbapteF. tf}eJlojDe3efu0,thatpein#
toOdi _. cct ace moie ano mo?e,
fee foetoctt) ooto gccatlp &etoastetopfco
Viumbr roloe upro of tucicf atrl) antt louc. ajeipebaueccceaucD of bs, botoe pe
acrefoie fence toe coutoe no ougbt to toalcfee ano to pleafe goo. £e

«*i». * mens
dbsTo remapne at
&SS ^
^ oM3 od, * e uen

topll iqat *
BSgXBalone^nD rente Cimotnuis tbts is tfte : Ef ,,.,

ouKo1ot5etanDmtntfteto£^oD,anD fi )oulDebebol^

toftablpfcepouano tocomfoitpouo* oneofponQjouloe
«* «- SSS&S no man u)o«u> be M ^fflSES *-<*
m> »

Wm.1 Sptb pon

moueb tn tbefe'affliccios.jf o?*pe pout

tcDtpcw tntojo; betel? toben teas *tf

feluesfenoto tbat toe ate euen a popn* Dotbe

no .nan
i J5SSS&»
pis b*otpct in

i 3 toioe pou befojc tbat toe

SouloefufJce ttlbulacton, euenas it JlojDetsabengecof al Km* W »gj0,
©rametopaacanDa^pefenotoe. fo| ^^Kaffi^taffi
»UJ W Wo ^
fpcD. f o> c5oo qatj not
tqf s caufe, toicn
Sue J Cent, tnat
J coulD no lenget fo;>
J mtgbt nauFunoto W^** *V^^£**n x

tec bao temptcD pou, anD tbat ouc la<
DuteoD, tobicb oatpienre * opo noipe aiu> Wt9t
amongepou* *
came fcom pou Dnto Ds, ano oeclateo neoe
** f"
not tbat J
jffl t

to ds poute ffcptbe attD poute loue ano f e ace taugbc of «oo ^«oneanoi ^b.
goto tbat pe baue gooo cemembiaunce tnec.fcea,*
tbat SB'iS ****&**&
of us altoapes,D£f pipng Ds as toe to all tpe bie tb^en tobpe^e Jte t joiotoe
to fe
^actDonta.cce befecb pou bie
wSl "toftUu^becfoie bjietb?en toe out al tl,at
Sao conf olacion tn pou,tn al out aDuet tniten P^l^iSTSSti
tbat pe ftuDpe to be qufti ^ anD to
?pte anu iw«mte,t$ojotioD pouc fattb. ano
|o notoate toealpue/reaanDfteD. nuoletoitb
poute ^nebtttpnej altJt ,„. WO
c faatntt,e)Lo:D^oitobattbanhescaU *»» ^?^° "^
* toe tecompence to (Bod agatne fot pou,

ouec al tbe wp that toe top foj pouc fa* baue

poute ft Hi s^bommp *»»***
fees before out gob : tobple toe npgbte
tbat ate tottbout^no t^at uotnpng
anD Dap piapetceDiglp tbat toe migbt laefcpngtontopou. ¥ . M 4m ,

tobicq is lacapnge in pout faptp.

noiaunt e
«oo bpm f elfe oute fatbet,anD oure fallen a liepej pe Jgotowj ««
XoToe3eCus CbjpftgpDiotttio^epe Dotob P
^ a^
Co tlje €fteCfalottmit0 ftAxfotii
Ictie that |efus DpcD and cafe agapne: pe hauc the the moze fit loue , foz their
cum fothc alfo lofjicfi Qepcbp jefus, tooifces fafce,anD be at peace toith tbe\
topli (goo Dzpuge agapne toith bpm* +
aooe oefpzepon bzethzen, toatne
3nD thps tap toe Unto pou in toe ujozd them that are Unruip 3 comfozie thefe*
i.cowtti.8 of the itozD,tbat voe tobpch*lpueanD ble mpnDeD,fozbeace the toease^atie
ace cemapnpuge tn the commpuge of contimtall patience totoacD al menne*
the iozo,fUal not come pec tbep tomb * §>e that none cecompence m^U foz u
flepc. jf o: the XLotue mm fclf e tyall De* tipUUnto a tip mambitt euer foloto the
fcenDe from beatten tot tb a motor c auD tobpeb <s gooD,both among pout fei<
mwiuu t!jeUoptcotttjc*3lccl)angeIUttompe ues, anD to all men. * ftctopec euer. l3bt.<<U.8,
f ^00, 30UO tlje oeaoe in Cbzpftc $al «*jazap conttnuallpe. Jnall tbpnges llUUJ(\HU9
arpfe fpzfte:tben u)all toe tobicb Ipue 9 geue tbanfecs.jf oz thps is the topll of
Co? ^ cemapne 5 be*caugr)t Up tottb tbemat* (SoD in Chzpft Jeftt totoacD pou*
fo tn the clouDcs, to mete the ilozoe tti ^tienf%not tfiat b*fppjiMaefp<fe iMWlULt
the apec. 3lnD To wall toe ettec be toptfj not pzophecping. Cramenal thpnges,
the 1 orDc. iccbcrf ozc comf oitc pout ano itepe that tohich is gooD.aibftame
f chiesjone another \ii there toozocs. t from all fufpictous thtnges.Chc bcrp
<[ t<£bcu. Chapter. goD of peace fanctifppoti tfjozoto out*
©e enfojmetb tbera of roc ap of dome nub com Z no pzap ©00 that pouc

mills of tbe £o;D,trOoueto t\)tm to voarcij ,$ to J tohole fpt<

ttgacoc fuel) as prcan) gobs to orb aniens ri;cm. tpte,foule,ano boop, be Hept fantlecfe
3 j®g2r*^jf the times aim feafons bje* Unto the commpnge of our tozDc ~$\u
n0 IK0C fus Chxpft* t*ifapthfull is he tohtcb
fawlS t,,U11 '

? 1 ^
ll,1uc rf,<u
calleu pou: tohpch topll alfo do it* zSze^ «Cojm,i.b
thzen , pzape foz Us . * cSrete allthe
?S^2p femc)8! bnotb P"t"ectlpe,that bzethzen toith an holy fcpiTc.3 charge
t |j eD apeoftf)eX,o?D(5al eomecuenas
a npgbte* wh«» tbep tyall
tfjefe in the pou in the noioe , that thps epiitle be l.coj.jrttt,c
fape peace anD uooaunger t tbcncom< reao Unto all the horn bzcthzetr* Che ttvCfCWB
3«.ie*.b metU on tbem*fooen Deftcuccion, as f
grace of the ?LozDe JcfUjS Ch?Pft e bee
tcanaplpnge of a tooman topth cbploe, toith pou.3!mm.
3oi>n.uut anD tbcp tyall not fcape ®M*pe bje< 2:6e^iotC9
•*"••''• a.^DtstOftimsfpiaicctsitorcfitumafbablutff
thze ace not in Datc&nes,tbat that Dap
fDoulD come on pou as it toece a thefe.
tot tt) toe to use df 01 timr t s f oiboDe m
a rt> Mi)
but tr is tbe Ipf tpngcbp of toe ocart uwro fi5oD,
>l<2eaceaiitbecbpiDzen of U'gt)t, toptbtrjecontmuall atiDferuent Defpir, toat ^
and the cnplozc of the oap. jrce ace not topH of ©od be Done in us ano tn alt otbec ctca*
tuces both noto attb in toe tpmc to come,
of the npght nether of Darkened b. w>Oc» toe are scueu oucc to cuell couuecCactd
® * <Ebecf oze let us not Qepe as Do 0* oti,and belpte tn fleflplp cotninuntcacton.tbeu is
™'* ' ibcc:btitletUstoatcbe anDbefober. t\)t fpicirc quenebco mtos.
Jfoi th*p that flepe,acpe in the npght:
anD thep that be uzouefcen , ace Dzonc* CtChe enue of the fpitte eppftle Unto
ben in the npgbt. 2511c let Us tobicb ace the C'Kfralonpans.^ente
of the Dape,be fobcc,*armeD toith the fcomaithcn?*
anD lone, anD tottb
bzeli plate of f apt h !

hope of faluacio as an helmet. foz goo

bathe not appoiuteD Us Unto tozatb:
u€oi*L buttoobtapnefaluacion bptbnnea* Upon the feconDe Cppflleof.^.
ncs of oitce'/LozD 3efw Cbtpft*tobicb
Rattle to the ^hdalonians.
opcotoi u#:tbat tobetbec toe toafce oz
Qepe, toe Q)ulD litie together toith him* Uraurcfttf before cptaiebebab
iOChecfoze comfozte pouc fellies to* bap ftulb come
jratb tt)it t be jaft

get her, anD cDific one another, eucu fobf tP,^ Ebcralomoiifitbougbf
tb a t it tooulbc baue come COoir*
<r as pe do. h lIp.^DDerefoxetn tbis tfptttle t)e
«ais.«i.b. 5C0C befeche pott bzethzen , that pe ^jbjclatetb btm felfe.
tbem*tpbpcb labouce amonge
fenotoe Sub tit tbc fprrl Cbaptet be coufortetb tocm
^bUi.U.D- tof tb euetlaflpnge tctoatbc of tbetr faprbc.ano
pou anD baue the otieefpght of pou in

anb patience tofuffcttngefo; tbe fSofpeltantt

f &ozd anD geuc pou ejeboztaci a,cr)dt tottUtDtpunifpmetiteoft^efjpetrccHtoursin
%\)t Cptftle
SttetlaQpna; paine. . t , * anototbemtbat obepttorbMorbe Bon" 14*
3l«t&e rccotib be ftctocft that tljt laftebape <©ofpe!lof outeftotDe Jeftis Cbipft,
Q)ouId not come, t j>i tijecc tocc f pitt a Dcp amit j
(m Came men tt)t«^;fcomtiitQcc toe obcoiencc *mbtcb u^albe punptyme o toptb cute* a^*.*
laftmgeoamnacton,ftom tbe puicucc e>
tooufbfecttp bim rclfc m
tbe fame place as see. oftbe&o£Oc,anofcomtbe gloipcfbis
«nbbccepue»i)euutbankcfull t»o;lb topto fatfe
pDtocr,*tobenbefljalcomero beglotp ^».jctu.'
bomine, anbt&ptbfalfe analpuije mpjacles
toiOHjt)tbptlje.woitipui« of dartjan, tontpll fteo in bps rapuctes , ano to bee maoe
Cdipftc tooulD come «u& Qea Dim t» tto Die gios matuelous in all tbem tbat beleuc:be<
tJousctmmpnje, aitofpicituaU pjcacOiujeof
caufe oure teflimonpe tbat toebao to
retinoid tffi&oD.
JlBtbetbtcb bi jcuctb tbcm an ejr&oztacion, pou, teas belcueo euen tbe fame oape
•ttbtoatnctb tbem tocebubetbcji oletbat tooltt tbattoepjeacbeott . *iODbtrefo;e toe gfwu*
not labautc tejita tbcicbanoi?,$ auopDCfbeit ^» aLt b '

piap al capes foi pou tbat oure (£>od

sompantc,tf rtjep toouls nat amen&c.
make pou toottbp of tbe callpnge, ano
fulfill aHOelectaciou of gooones ano
tbe name of out i.ojoe ]|efus Cbtilte
of &apnctc 0aule tbe 3poRIeto map be glojpfteo in po«,ano pe iubfin,
iljeCtjeffalonpaus r i$ o i o to tbe grate of bute ©ao, a n D ji

tbe %W Jefus ^ba'Oe.
QlEbML Cbaptet.
©c ftanber CObfoi tbeic faptb atiD loue.f j
pjapctb fejtbe cucceatt of tbe fau»c» p fte$etoeti)tbsmtbattbe)apeoftDe£oid^a!
notcome.rpH tocbcpaccpnstc feometbefapr^e
comcfpift:? tbccfne be ctjjaetj ciKmit Jt to
f3uU, ^pluanus be a ircea-irt.bat to dab acofa a in tbe t <> in jea
ano fltimotbeue* t'jatgebatdtaujbttbe.n.

Ointo § congee* !<C befecb pou

b^ tbe bjtetbze* 3
gacionof^.tief^ commpnge of our totut Jtt
falonpans tobpeb fiiCbiPM i» tbat toenail
aceingooourfa* JafTemble onto bpiu, t!?at pe
tba^mtbciLojD be not fooenlp unueo fc5 pauc minoe,
ano be not ttouoleo,uetbet b? fppipte,
* ©tare be toptb pou ano peace f to neptbet b» toozoes, noj pet bi» Uttcc
I. <£)U .0.
600 o u re fatbt c,anO from tbe no:oe tobpebe u^ouio feme to come from bs,
3c'tus$fcptr, astbougbtbeoap ofcbtplte toeteat
acueare bounce to* tfjanfee&oDal ba(iDe.*2lettenomauDe«auepoubp
Coma- ub. toapes f oi pot) bze tf»e n,as it is mete, anpemca:ies, fo: tbe HotDe cammetb
<ffpbti 1.0. becaufe tbat pour faptb g tome tb ejece* nor,cvc:p?e (bet come* aoepatttnge
DPnglpe .ano etiecpe one of pou CtopnH fp^ft,a«D tbat * tbat fpnftil man be ope *£*&*
metb in loue tomato another bettoene iuo,tb e f :nnc of petoicion toWb is as
pout [clues, ro tbat toe out felues ce* aouctfatp.auD tsecaltea about all §
topee orpouin tbe congregations of. is calico ©oo,oi tbatig tooitypppeo;
cBoo.ouet pout patience ano faptbe in fo tbat be f5all & 0'tte as ^aa * tutbe <.»«.».
all pout perfct utions ano tcpbulaci« temple of 45oo,anD uje to? b?m f elf e as
onstbatpefuffee, tobpcncisatoUcu cpoD.
iCrt but arts *of tbe tpgiittocs tuogement of^oo, Uemembctpenot,tbat toben 3 toas
onuatoai tbat vt ate counteo tooubp of tbe king pettoptbpou,3Jtoloepou tbefetbpnj
Dome of c£cb, foj tobrcb PC alfo f u Bf re. ges r ^no notoe pe auotoe tobat toptbi
J t is berelp a rpgb t e toes tbi nge toitb boloetb: euen tbat be mpg'ite bebt^

c (0oo to recompence tnbulaciou to tbe teteo at bPS tyw** f oi tbe mpftecp of (.3^^^
tbat trouble pou: anotopoutobpebe tbeimquiteboetb all teaope tooitke: 33
ecetcoubleO, refte toitb bs, tobentbe tpll be u> b'.' cf no to onlpe lcttetb,be fa«

3fer us (ball Ok to bim f cite from ken out of tbe toap* uno tben u^al tbat
vsiat - mt9t
beauen toptb bpsmigbtpe angels, in toicfeeobebtteteo,*tobome tbe&ojoc
flampnge fp«,te nozpnge oengeaunce (ballconrume lsitb cbefpiuite of b?s
Unto c&etn tpAC b»o w not <£ 4P&, moutbe^ano u)all oedtope it toitb tt)t

Co tlje tRieflralontattS jFoltictn;

appctaunce of bps commpng,euebpm beams bnto the loue of ©od and pa*
tobofe commpng is bp the toozcfepnge ctence of Cbzpu\
«ut.jrxniU ofS>atan,ti>aU lpmgepotoec,*fpg* Hh*4rerco.tjtre?ou bzetbzen in tbe
ties a notoonoets : and in all oeceatta* namcofourziozdcjcfu cbzilUtbat 9ttn.%f.t,

blcnes of tour igbtcoufncs amonge tbe pe toitbdza toe pout icities from euerp
tfjat pcn>eb,bcc aufe tbep rectaued not biofbettbattoalfectbinoidtna?lp auo s

the ioueoftbettutbe,tbatt&cp might no t after the tnftttucton tobpebe pe re*

baue bene faueo . * 3dnD tficccfozc ©od ecatifdof bs.£e pourc feltsea ftnotne

c 0)ail fende them ft rouge Dduf zoii,tba t bo to pe ougbte tofoloto bs. jf oz toe be*
the? fbtiid beleue lpes:f al tbep mpgb* baued not oure Celtics mozoma ipe a* •

be Damned tobtcb bclcuco not f tr tub, monge pou.^etber tolte toe bzcade of
but bad pleat tire in bnrpgbtcoufucB* anpe man foz notigf jtc:b ut * tozougbt 9ttta.n-§
58ut toe ate bounce to gene tbanfecs toitb laboure and trauaple n tab tc and
altoape to <£>oo fox rot? bzetbzen belo* Dap,becaure toe tooldnot be grettous anti.uu.c
tied of tb( tozDe,f o.z b tcaufc tbat d&od to anpe oMgti : * not but tbat toe bad
bathe from tfjc bcgpnnpng cbofcu pod auctozptiiTout tomake our f clues an
enrample dnto pou,to folotoe ds. ifoi c
to faluactoti,tbozo to fanctifpmgof the
(ppztt,ano tboioto bcleuing the truth, toben toe tocre uirtb pou,tbi9 toe toar<
toberiitito b^ called pou bp out gofpei, tied pou of,tbat pf thee toer anp tobtcb

to obtatne tlje glozp tb at commctb of toouloe not toozebe, tbat tbe fame
ct*t*,ojd3iefuCbziu\ fljould not rate.

* Cbecfoze bzetbien ftandefaft\anD scoebauc beard Tap no ooute tbafi

kepetbeozopnauncestobicftepe baue tbcte acefome tobict/e toaltte amouge
learned : tobetbet tt toere bp our pzea* pou tnozdinatlp,and toozac not at all*
cbpnge,oz bp <£piftle*€>uc nozd Jef but are befpbodpeg* ^bem tbat are
Cb*P& bpm felfe 3 at«> eBod oure father fucb, toecommaundeand ci'boztebp
tobpebbatb loued lis, anobatb gcueu our lozd Jcfu Cbztu>tbat tbep toozae
1 9 ettertaltpnge confolarton auo good tottb qnictues, anoeate their otone 3©
hope tboiowic grace , eomfozte poiuc bzcad:*B>zctbztn be not toerpe in toefl eats.btA,
bcartcgino (tabltil; pou in al Doctrine dopng. frjf anp mauobep not our fap
and good dopnge. t tnges,fend bs toozd of in bp a letter:
2Tt)t/aottS. *and baue no company toitb btm^ be

a. ICftr s temple of got), t9 toe confeience of melt. map be afljamed. ind count bt not us
anD to fit in tots temple, ts to be taken of men,
pie of gob an enemp:but toarne bmi an a bzotber.
asf octp Depute atibMcacet>fgob,fo tOattbep
be as fw be to biea&e ops ezbui aunces aub Uto
es,as toe oibenaunccs aub latoes of sob.
Cbcbetp TLOidcofpeacegctie pou
peace aliuapeg, bpallmcanes . Cbe
^fcpttir or b. E Ov s f pi it tc is ts Oolp tDouic.tu Oico t s alto ^ozd be pou all. Cbc falutacio of
insmuutb callea t oe cajci-be of t&c rptcrte.
me )^aule,toitb mpneotone bad*^bt5
^bcttuCbaptet.* t3 tbe toU in al cpifjles. ^o J toztte«
fcebetpxeto tOem topxapcfoi Ofm tbat tbe *€be grace of our nojd Jefus Chita t'Fitf.b.8
gospel map piofpete.atib geuctb tbcm s»acnmg betoptrjpouaUBmen*
to tcpioue ti)cpoic:<mt> pttOcp topi not labeuce
toito tbcic gattbcs.tbat toep ibat not ca re
C^cntftom^tbctjs, I
Ortbcrmozc bzetbzen piare
to: t)6 3 * tbat tbc too; D oaj od
map baue fee paflagc and be tt is toitb pou:
and tbat toe mape be dclputrtd from bpon the f pzfte CppRle of* ^.
bnrefonable and eupH men.jFoz all m£ pauieto Ctmotbc*
baut not faptb:but the xloid is faptb
f ull,tobtcb (bail ftablpaj pbu,and ftepe ^^©19 Cpiftle toptctO fapittre ^anle t«
pou from cui' baue conaocncc tbo %lL bc ancufamplcbiitoallbtfljoppeo tobaf
^*" tbcp tboulb tcael;e,atib *)oto tbep Cbouib •
totoctbciLoidetopoutoatdc, tbatpe gotteme tbctongcegaciou of Ctoifte in all begce
botb ao,ano to ill Do,tbat tobtcb toe co< cs,tbat tt Cboulbc be no ncbeto gonecnetoitaes
tioibe tottq toe botttptte of ttjeic ottrnc good
tnaunde pou.^nd trje ftoz d gpde pout meaupngej.
Clje ft># Cpfftle
3ft fbefriflffbapttt.&e commauttbetln&attbe outciLoio.
fcpftoppe {pall mapntapne tbe ttgbt f aptb aim
iouMiiD tcCiGefaircpicatbecsttbieb maaetfje 30 1 befotigfjt tbe to abpbc ftpn in
latoc ana tooibcs cqualt toitl) CljitOc anD bis Cpbems toben 3 oepacteb into*3£a< *««.***,
©ofpell. 2H0bcmafectb aOioueontlciftoiiof ceDonta,euen Co oo,p tfjou commauoe «».«.»
ail c ij ji Qca lea nungc, toJjcrcto r be law c rctiietb
auQ tobat tbe m&Hdttof is alfo.wtjat r&e (5012 Tome tbat tbep teacbe no uotbet tu?fc;
pel iMnbCcttctbbtmfclfcfo*a confutable eti= nether gene b«De* to fables ano gene* %&*{**
Tamplc uttto all Tinners $ troubled ccmfctences.
3 n tlje rccoaDc J;r comutautibctu to puv foz
alogtes ui?ipci>e are cnblcfle, auD DtcDc
Dottfcs moze tb«u (goolpe eOpfpttige
women &a?[
al DcgreC9,anof bacgett) rbat tbe
notpxeatb Hoxweeccoaip appacclMmt to bco; tofncbc.0 upfaut!)e:foi t!)e etiDe of tbe
bcopeutuiiforbemeu. commaunowient t s*ibtte tbat comettj B(S tf<lu
autbetbpiobc&er/mbetbtobatm<metp;t- of at puce f) carte auD of a gooo courcp* i*<t.s.*.*
ronnestbei5pa>oppeo: 0uea attb tbepxtmues
^ouioebcaitbalfotlic&cacoitcsanotocpztots ence anD of faptfy unf apneo : from tfje &
Hcs:anb comroenbetb 4itp man ocrice to be UiJitcljc tfipiigcs Tome bane crrco,aua
«J3rtbop after tbit ntauec. ban? turneD umo bapnc tangipng ucs
jfiti tbe foactb bcpxopbecpctb^ G&ewetb bes

?oxcoftbefaircbpfljoppcsaiiDr»JWtttal officers
cattfc tuep ujouioe be Doctours in tfje
tbatfcoulDeactftainonje rbe cbxtften people, fcrtpture , auo pet tonoctftanoe not
atiDbf,ooauopicac!K cleatte couttatpe to tbe toOat ttjep CpcaHe , neptf)er tof;ereoC
Foxc aerctpbeocuf ample , anD Cbouibe bepacte
tr)ep atfttme*
from tbcf aptb iiicbxiaeaubfoxbpb to mactpc
and to eateccctapue metres, tcacbmge to put +¥ jjoeHnoUi tfjattfje lato is gooo ^ ow**«-c
ttuQ tl)cctu,iiotD of tuStf ptttge aitb f oigcucueg pf a man Ufe tt latofulipe, tJiioecftau;
offuuics.auoalfooficfecuiiigofctrtiuli Jpfe.
Dpnge tf)i0,*tjo& tf)att!)eIaioci5ijot
geuen tinto a tigljteous man, but mn
® <u, *,,w
ipoulDureijtm Iclfetowacb pong? anb olbe.ana
concccnpngewpbotoestobatisto bCbone,4tift to tbe t)imgbteou0 ano otfoOeotent to
wOpctj 0»ou!B be fotuioeof tie commune code:
tbe bugoDIp ano to fpnnccs, to Unbolt*
anoteacbetbalfo bow m
n fUouioc bonouc tbe
tectueus ©p» oppes and pxpeaes, attb Dots to anb onclcauc,to mur tbcrers of f a berjaf
«buBCtbeeupH. ano murtbecec0 of motbct0,to manlier
3I«tbertj;rebeei:boitetb tbeispcbop toclcaue
ar0 ano*toboimon jets: ro tbem cbat i«<.w.%
to tbe t5ofpel of C; jift anb tciteooctcinc,* re a
uopoeuatncqucfttagjrtipccftiioiiebifputiiifles Defpietbemfeiues uutb m3u!tpn3e;to *""*'••*
fibtct) gcusec acpfe am quench tbe ttuetb.ano mentlealet0:to Ipars ano to pcttuteD,
p tobt coc alfo tbe f aire jaxopbetes get tbetn au ano fo foub pf tbec be an.» ocber tbtng
tboxttteano feae to ratttfpc tbeic uifatublc co;
wetoufnes* that t0 conttap to bolfome oocrciuc,ac
c oiopuge to tbe ©ofpcl of tbe glozp of

tbe bleu*cD (BoD.uabicb gofpcll is coiih

cC()M>eptftle imttco bnto me*

30iiD 3fltbanfce Cb^pftf 3Befusotire c
of ^apnete i^aulc tfje aipoftic to
K.oioe tof|tct> batb maoe me ft tongif oj
Cpmotbe* be counteo me true, $ put me in office,
toben befoze J taas a blafpbema^ano
*a pecfecute^ano a cpzaunt. 23utJ JJj*SjJ
©ccrbouerb STunottK to toaptc upon bis oftee
obtapneo metcp, becaufe 3J did iti%>i.e'9 {W*
namelp tofc.tbatnotbpngbctaugbtbunsob:: noiauntlp tboioto &nbelefe*/[*euettbe *•'«•••*•
ties tno;bc. ^c. fee (bctuctbalfo, robcrefoic rue
v later tbe grace of oure TLoiD toas mo:c
latoe is goob, a i b tcilctb ttjece Ctoete anb glaobe
abouuDaut tuptbfaitb ano loue vo\)itl)
tpbpnges.tbatCbxpO 3]eruseametnto p"
torauefpitticts. is <n Cbzpft 3cfti. f
+ %\m tsattuefapinge anobp
al meane0 voojtbp to be receaueo,tba't
bpt&e*com* *Cbipfte3fefti0 cam? into tbe toozioe *$•&.**
inafiDenienfcf goDouc to fane fpnnet0,of tobome
3 am cbefe. ffiS'«
fautour, ano &ozo Je< /ftottoitbftanoimgfo; tbp0 caufe teas aob^iu-i.
fu0Cbzyfle,tob.tbei0 niercpegcuattmtome, tbat 3!efu0
i.<€,eG*.i n _jour*bope* CbMft^outDfpzff fl)etoon meaC long
tanto* Cimot&e&p0 natural fonn* pacpence, irn'orbeenfample
*«»*«• oftbem
(,iftefa?.t&; tubpebe tyall intpim to come beletre
i. *v5tace, metcp ano peace from <5o& cnbpmuutoctctnalipfc.^otbcnbii*
««««.u p««fqt^c^»D jtojbe aeftis Cbzpfle 55
to «eoo a bpnge euetiaapnge, .mm
= ,

'Co tJDtmotljce,
not be ceaueD,b tit tbe tooman tuas De*
taH,*tmi?n'ble,anD topfe onelp,be bo>
c eancD.ano teas in tranfgeeftton. jftot
uoute aiio piai'le foj cuec 5 eucc*Sim&
Cbiscohuiiaunbement commpt 3 toitbftanopnge tbozotoe beatpnge of
into tlje tonne C<mofbeu0,accoiDing cbploien tbep (tyalbe fatieb , fotbej?
to tbe pxopbcfpes tobpcb In tpme P aft * continue in fartfjc a loucaiiDbolpnes
toete pjopbcfieD of tbe, tbat tb«u in UiitbDU'crecion.
tbemOjoulDeiHpgbte agooD fpgbte, Sbc/aotcs.
baupnge faytbeano goooconfcience, a.WDl)e« raputtc j^aulcfapctb all mettle mea* fSot tort!
netbitoteuccpcmau (fojtDcnQjoulDcuotiSob bauc all
tobpcb fome bane put atoap from tbe, bcfouiiDcaluusbtpe.fcpttgc bcvoouibfjauccuc; mi faucO
ano as cotjcettipnge faptb bauemaDe tp maa faiieb.anb pet toe motte paste be damps
uMimMx (^iptijzacbc.€>f tofjofe nombjcis+fct* neb , asapcacctbbpCDuflCfi n.e:t:c, tobttcfje
tt-«t.iu».e milieus $* 38leranDet tobpcbe 3 bane fapti). Cbe koap tijat leanetb to Ipfe is naccom
a*cciti fb?tcbetl)atfpiioctf)but Dps meatuna;
mat *v>m.c *DelpueteD bnto §>atani tbep migbt i 9 ,tij nr f3oD
ccfufcri) nonacton, be it Jjctoeot
tco^.b.a. be taugbt not to blafpljtme,
iScittplc. jfteptbet
tsoneu)tti)Upm,Uebdtb no cefpcctcof pecfotts
uce.otittooulbebisiSorpcil to bee pieac!;cb to
mcu. ©e topi not
&c ejeboxtetb to pxap fox al I
alltiacionsanbeftatcstbat fuel) amougc tijctn
baucttjometi to be co8Iparapcb,nox to bee tea as bcpxeoibtnatetolpfe eueclaftpnge, map be
t bcrs in tbeconsregacton.b nt to be ttt fpKiice, fauca, dttbcometotUeacknotnlebspnge of tbe
to obep rtjetc buCbanbcs. tcuctbe.
iCiiljojt tfjecfo?e 3
jdDbat man'et of man a pxteft oxl5ptbop ousbf e
|altfjingcs p«uttG,fuplica*
to be.auii t»ba t conopepons bps top f e anD t\)iU
cions, nuet cilTions ano ge< bicu (bouioe ,) aac ^bc pxopcttpes is alfo tequi
Juj>ngeof tfjanbesbe^aDfoj tea in a SDeaton oxmpnpftec, aub in bis'copfc.

3«. n*.t al men:foi*fcpnges anD foi al tbat ate3

»«u,t.e m
auctozpte,tbat toe map Ipue a quiet imannetouet tbe* office of a a
ano a peafable Ipfe, in all <0ODlpnes 3 ©puOop be oefpzetb a gooD
boneftpe.jfoitbat tsgooD ano accept 'iboicHc.^e 5 aiBPfbop mud
ceo m
tin fpgbte of 000 out faupoute, befautleffe,tbebufb5Dofonetotfe,fo?
© tobpcb topll bauc all men faueD,anD to ber 3 Difcrcte,boneftlp appacelleD, bac^
come fento tbe Unotoleoge ofti;e ttutfj. betous.apttotcacbe, not Dionckcn,
a 5Foi tljete is*one ©0D 3 anD
one ( * me* rtofpgbtec 3 notgeuentofpltbpelucte:
j oUW
jW'*-» Dtatozjbcttoene^oDanDman, tobicbe but gentle,abbo;rpnge fpgbtpng,ab*
j einan <kt,jjft 3jefus, tobicb gaue
g tfj bottpng couetoufnes^anb one tbat ni
btm felfe a taunrome toi all men, tbat letb bPS otone boufe boneftlp,baupng
IBoma. i.3 it fijoulD be tefttfteo at bis ti'mc* lube t cbploien bnDec obeDience, toptb al bo*
into J am ozDaineD a pzeacbet anD an neftp f 0? pf a manne cannot tule bis
3Bpoftle:| tell tbe ttutb in Cbzpft ano otone boufe, bo&etfjall becarefojtbe
lpenocbepngtbcteacbetoftbegentils congtegacion of «©od.^c map not be s
iufaptban&betitie* h b a ponge fcoler,lett be Cfcucll ano faule

J topll cfjerfoje tbat tbe men*piape tnto tbe iubgemente of tbe eupll fpea*
fcer {^c mud alfo be toel tcpottcD of a#
jd)Mi.c. euerptobete, IpftpngbpputebanDes ,

* toptbouttoiatlje,o;Dototpnge« Jlpfte* mongetbemtobtcbaretoitbout foztb,

topfealfotbetoemcn tbat tbep acape leftefu fall into cebu^e anD mate of
tbem felnestn comlpeappatell toptb tUt eupll fpeahet.
fljamefaftnes anD Difctete bebaue* beacons be*bo^
jttftetoife mull tbe
oute, nottoptb btopDeDbcete s otbec nettjiiot Double tongeD,not geue bnto »««.%«
golDe, 02 peatles,o.t coftlp atape:but mttcbeDipnclipng,netbetto fpltbplu* ^
toitb fucbas becommeib tocmen that cce:butbauingtbemtfterpoftbefaitb
piofeffetbetooigjypppng ofd^ootbo* in puteconfcience430uD kt tbem fpzftc

uo^iitt.g totogooDtoozcUes:* nettnetuoman be pzoueD,anD tben let tfjg imnpftet,pf

leamcin fplencetottb allfubieccton* tbepbefounDfautleire,
31 ftiffec not a tooman to teacb, nctbec
be bo*
Cuen fo mufte tfjett: topues
tobaueauctouue ouet tbe man: but ne(t,uot eupll fpeahets:but fobec anD
fot to be infilcncc* jfoi 3Boatnujasftcit faptbfullinalltbpnges.UettbeSea*
a© fojn»cD,aiiDtbccEu2. ailCoaiDamtoas con&becfyebuCbanocg of otone topfe,
at o
f c «

€lje fp# €piMt

anD fncbe as rule tbepj cbploien teell, ^aff contpnuallp foIIotoeD>stif*caBa
*Q».mA ano tfeete Gtuiie boufljolDes. $ oi+tytp ^J*"-**
toap Dngoaip 5 oloe topucB fables. cKtZ
tbattttputrtcrtoell, gette tbenirctycg (grcrcpfe tlip felfebnto gooipncs*
gooo Of gre ano greate Ipbertpe in
f aitb,tbbicb is in
Ctepft 31efn.
tbe *5Fo,2booelp ecercpfe pjofpteefo Ipttel:
but gooipues is gooD tjnto al tbtnges,
J^ '

*® Ct)efc tijyngeg town j| Unto tft«, as a tfng uj'ncb batii pionufes of p life
ttufttng to come ffcojtlp bntotberbut I is noiw, 1 of ;nc life to come.&bts is a
anopf Jtarpelonge, tfiat t&en tbou f«refapig,fiof al patties tuonbp to be
tnapftpetbaue (tuovuicD^e botoc tbou recetieD, f 01 tfjctf oie toe laboucc $ ftif^
ougbte ft to be urn tbp iclfc in £ ijouf fee «buUe,'becaufe toe beleue in t\)t\U
of;j5oD, tobicfjistbecougrcgacionof upnoe o5oo,U)bpcb is the faupoucc of
tbe Kiting $oD,tbe ppllae ano gtotioe allnien,butrpeciallpofalltbo(e p bei
oftrutb.HiuD tintfjout nap great ig § leue* §»ucbe tbpngeg comuiattnoe and
3o^n.i,b. mpfterp of gooipnes:<j5oD* mas ft>to* teacb.*JLet no wan oefppfe tfjp poutb: c«t«i».«.«
co in $ fieflkttias JuQifieo in p fpirite, *but be unto tneui tbat beleue, an cu
teas ffncot'3Biigcig,vuas puacbeo Dn fample^iutoozoe, in conuetfacion, in 7$!!.££
to tbe gentplg,toaB beleucD on ctiije m louc.mfppiptjinfaitb ano inpucenes.
anD teccaucD bp in glo^c* Cpll 31 come, geue attenoaunce to j^
3TiK notes. rebing,to ejcboitacion anD to Doctrine.
»»«.„„ •.SSpfooptsasmucbetofap, asatoatc&man, 3©cf?pfe nottbatgpfte tbafis intyt,
©PWoppe aiiouctreae.a feacto.oionetbat taftetbbebeto
MDbcn tuts man ocficetb to toe tbe aocbeof Ujbrcb U)as geucu tijc tboiouj ptopbe*
Cbittt wirt) bis Oolpe too.bctbcu bcficerb
be a anD toptfj tfjc * lapwge on of tt)e _
goob tooicacanb tbebecpe office of a »pq>opc; banoes of an eloer.Cftefe tfjpnges w< 'SftSS
ISwt be tbat oeftcctb bonoucc.gapctb foi huce,
fftpiftetl; geeatc rentes, rcftcri)
ercpfe, anD geue tbp felfe tmto tbem, »«*<•
pomp, boauiuon:couererb abotuoatmccorau tbat it mape be fene botoe tbou pjofp
rottiges toitoout toant.tett $ Metres
carc.cattefs teft tn all tfjpnges . tcaltebeoebnto
tbp felfe auD bnto leatnpnge, anD con*
me rucn a ©t»op, as faiuct paule ooctb nece
tpnue tbenn. $01 pf tbou fnalt foDoo,
fcnbCcOaubal&piboppc. tbou Qjalt faue tbp felfe ano tbcm tbat
C&^.im.cbapfet. bea» tbe.
&epzopbccpctb of tbe tattcebapes, ano be W\)t Motes,
ecgottetb cimotbetebeDtligcutcccabpiiee
* "wopiwor of a^betonrticnceisrapbetobe matbebmpt!) l&«f3Jtow
an bote 3)rou, tofjcti tin pactp bnotvetb tbat t i.e
bocrtpuc vnDpti) J;eCctrcrbfoi in not gooo.aub
petfoi Ipupnses fabe be tepll not ccfotmett.
^Ijwbat in tbe tpmeg
latter arbtsmaaetofrpeahpiigefemetb tcbetaben of
f ome fljal*oeparte
from the tl)t cpuple o;bir,tehtco (etbat fuc':emm ae be
3uD«.t.f. „faptbe , ano (gall geuebebe cunuicrco of ecttapne rep mc?,(baU be bucitcb trt
Unto fppjptes of ertoure, ano tbcbanbfojfomceti)ttpIaceoffbcbobp)vt)pti|
Dpueii(h an bote 9|con tbp tt is bnowen tbat be is ro
Doctrpnc oftneni tobichefpcafcefalfe tonuic tt&.tboug be bpm felfe be tuptbec cipf =

«.^er.ii.a *bo:oto ppocrcl^anD a *baue tfjepi taunt not amtitoc bis faute. 15m pf be be taacn
fcienccs matcfteo tottb anbof tottb anpe ip fee f aute agapne anb btousbte to 9
pjon foz lam tben Q>al tops matbcconoemiie bttn.lsif be
bpDD?mgtomarp,anDcommauuopntt fofballtbetonrcienccconbcmnetbftbatbnobi
<p«cf.t.«. t
auftapne from mcates* iufjpcr) tbepi ettout.ano pet topll not achnotolcDge if,
mat.wbu barbc cteareo to be tereaueD*toim rre< but fo? tbc bealp faseaupntaittc ttoplf.
taw upngetbanc&eB^f tbcm tobicb beleue H ^be.tJ. Cbaptet.
«*.«.* ?"?
«wfc f o?*«U tfte ccea* to-?*"*?? Wm botocfte*a« bebaucbtra
eceucicijct lures of°J 'J*
©od are gooo,* uotbpna
in cebubpngeall
fe.fc omt contecs
to be upujetopootoes.

CiaM.i.t. gcupng. jfoj it ib fantfifteb bp fi ^gCbufteuot an*elDcr:butec 31

leoio ^bojtte bpm ag a father anD
ofgoo 3p iaier.3ff tbou tyalf *«<•#*.*
put bL
mm §

in tbeponger menasbietbi^j
remeiKojauiieeof tfjefetb/n^
fffVhou jaltbe agoob mpn^fferof tbeelDctioeme'aBmotfierSj
ef3ef«CbiPfre tbepongerasfpaers, toptb all pure*
3 *tef, P cbf)aftbeueiio,
nes. $otiouc toPDDotocg
tpOjeD bpm t&etoojOes ofthefapih? tobrcbar^
true topDDotoes.3ff anp
ano gooo Opcmne uj^c(? oocttrne t^oii toPDDobi baut
cbpio^no^neuiues, lettetf;ein lean*

Co Ctmortje ftUni
fpzft to rule ifjepj o tone boufes goblp, tbou obf ertie tbefe t&pnges topfbotit*
c«i«..«,b *anDtorecompencetbciceloers« jfoz baftpiubgmeuc,anD Do noting pat*

tbat is gooo 9 acceptable before goo*
^betbatis aberp*toiDbotoeafrcnD*
ctalu\*Xlap banoes roDcnlp on no ma,
nctber bepartafcerof otber mens fpn*
xx u*
fi? -||*k
ieSjPuttefbOitcru&ein^oDjSContti nes:Uepetbprelfepure,&zfnfccnolcn, SKga'
nuetb in (application 9 pzapcr nfgbt gee toatct , bnt * fcfe a Ipttle topne foi * •««!.««.»
an&oape* suttye tbat liuetb in plea* cfip ftotnniabc^ rafce anD ttjpne often
f uce,(6 DcaD euen pet alpue.suib tbefe Dtfeafes*
tbtnges commaunb, tbat tbep map be &ome mens fpnnes are open before &
teitbo ut faulty tber be anp tbat pzo banbe,anDgobefozebntotubgmenf:
ufDetb not fo: bus otone , ano namelye fome mens fpnnes fof oto aftet ftpfce*
foz tbem of bis^outyolb, tbe fame be* totfealfogooo toozclusate manifefte
metb ti)i fapetb , ano is toozfe tben an before banbe , ano tbep tbat ace otbet*
infiDcll* topfc 3 cannotbebP&De.
f cote pcare olbj ano f neb a one as toas
srbctiuftcof rmiautitcs tewatdtbeftmat*
tbe irnfc of one man,anb unit tepottcD fici 3.2$<uaa TucD as ace not rat tf fieo tr itfj tl)t
of in gooo tooths: tf Q)t bane nozifl)CD rcDiOofifioD. asamacoucumfucs.asoobiefa

Bct.icc cbplbzen,*tf fl)e bane bene ItbEcall to fonfoxcpcDcmciu

iT^EStt-b ntaungecs, if tyebaue toaCbcD grain* €tasmanpe*reruautc8as * •

SSShm. f«s *"*»> rtfo £ bane mtniftreD buto tbe are buber tf>c pofce , counte e»K«
lobvtb tocre in aouecfitpe , if u> lucre tbeit inftfftets tooztbp of all " 6
J ;"!**
cotinuallp geue buto all manec gooo bonoure, $ tfjc name of <25od JcE*
toozefees* Cbe poget topootoes cef ure* auD bps Doctrine be not eutl fpofcen of.
tfoz tone tbep batiebegon to toajcetoan £>c tbat tbep tobpcbebauebetetipnge
to,to f Diu>noj of Cbzfft, tbc toil tbep matters , Defpife tbe" not bpcaure tbep
™K e
macp,bauing*banation,bpcauft tbep
r» anions baue bjofceiufjepi fpzft fattb* ano ah
ate bzetbzeu : but fo mucbe tbe tatbet
do feruice,foz as mucb as tt)ep are be*
SlS'bl f0 tl>W ** atnc t0 So fc6 boufe to boufe letiinganD beioucD ,atu> pactaftets of
tberbrm; iDle:pea,notiDleonlp,butaifoteiflig tbebencfite. *g
S ou^mo ano bufpe boot es, fpeafcpnge tbiuges Cbefe tbinge0 anD tjtbozte*
f eacbe ^ au.u
bebjoaen. tobpebate notcomelp* *3fanpmante3cbotbertotre $tsnot >

- j topll tberfoze that tbe pongee too* content toptb tbe tobolfome toozbes of
tcoMJttb men *matp anD beare cbilDzen,$ gibe our XLozD Jefu Cbzift, 9 tottb tbe Doc«
tbe bo ufe,anD gene none occafton to £ trine of ©oblincg ,bti$ pnfte bp anD
aonerfarp to fpeafee mil f oz manp of imotoetb notbpnge : but toaftetb bps
tbem arealceabpe tntneD bacKe,aarc bzapnes abonte qneftions * ^ftrtfe of **«>
gone after ^atatu3Bnb if anpemanoj tuozDes,toberoffpztngetbenup 3 fttife,
luoman tbat belenetb bane topbotoes, taplpnges,enil fnrmifinges, $ bapne
let tbem miniHer Unto tbe, ano let not Dtfpntacions of me toitb cozrnpt mtn* umskau
tbe cogtegatton be cbargeo : ^ pe map Des,anD*beftitnte of tbe ttntb , tebpcb
baue f nfftcient foz tbem 5 t^at are top* tbinfcc f lucre is goblinee* jftom iucb
Dotoeg: in Debc* fepetate tbp felfe. ©obltnes is greate f V^'«
Cbe elbers tbat rnle toell, are tooz* rpcbes *if a man be content toitb tbat
*- '* m m

tbp of Double bonour^moftfpfciallpe be batb»*f oz toebzougbtnotbpngin* If,;^

•wttbb tbep tobpcbelabourem tbe toozoe ano totbetoozlbe,=titi$apl«puecafetbat
i.m<if'a. teaebpng. f oz§ fctipture faitb:*tbou uje can catpe notbpnge out*

«&« tb Q)aU not mofell tbe moutb of tbc ore § aoobentoe bauefooDeanbranment,
tteabetb out tbe cozne.*3!nD tbc labo* iec bs tbectoitb be content* itEbep tbat
ret is tooztbp of bis retoarb.*aigapuft torll be rpebe , fall into temptations 5
au clber receaue none accufation : but fnaces,anb into manp foli'ii) ano nop*
l]nDerttoooztbzetoptne{rcs. Cbe tbat fomeluftes,tDbicbbzounemeniupcr<
fpnne,tcbufce opelp,f other map fear. Dicion^Dettructicujfoz cotictroufnes
31 Uftityt befoze<i5oD anb tbe lozb tg tbe rote of al euil.tobicb tobiltfome
Jtfiisd^illjgttb^I^angelSjtrjat luneDaftcr,tbeperreDfr6ffaptb,anD
t '

tangleo tbe felues to manpe fozotoes* ano manp falfc rpttites $ ttattyts toetc rpjong
topaltcap. ^bcrfoje aieif&ops parte tg.cuet to
S3ut tbou tobtcbe act tbe man of <bod, tear cl) ano to labouce in tl)C iSofpcil,
flpe fucb* tinges* jFoloto tpgbteouf* 3I« ttje tUttoc ano fouctU Ue ©ctoetb before,
nes^oDltneSjlouejpacience^nufee* and t^at notablpc , of tbc teopatbous times to*
toartetbceuocoftbctooilbe, tutubtcbea falfc
nes.jfpgbt tftc gooD figbt of fapetb* fptcitual limits 0;oulb beccatu r }jc tobole toots
&ape banbe on eternal Ipfe , tobecunto loe tottb out to a cite bppoct if te, anb appecauiice
tfjoti art calUM baft p?ofcffeo a gooo of botincs,Duoec tobtebe all abbominations

pzofeffiom befoze manp toitneffes*

acwwtf. 3 8<we W^
at S e *n $ of <2>oo,
tobpcb*qupcfcenetb all tbpnges, 9 be*
W aoulDebauc tbctcfcce paOTagc (t coucfc,as toe
Caiag) baucrenetbtspiopbcctcoffatutc idauie
fulfilled in ouccfptcitualtieto tljebttecmoflc

fozejefu Cbztflt,tobicb tinDec £6cius

IBtlatc toptneffeD a good toptneffpng,
tbat tbou ftepe tbe commauiiDemcnte,
anD be toptbout fpot $ tontebukcable,
tjntpi tbe appeacpug of out ZlozD 3(e*
9po.KWi.c r
us cbzift,* tob'tcbappeatpngeObe" ptftleof,^. £aule tbc apottle bnto
" 0,w,c
tbe tpme is come) tie 0*al Ojctoe tbat is STtmotbe.
bleffeD ano mpgbtpe onelpe , fcpnge of
ftpnges, ano iozo of lozoeg, tobicb on* ^b,efpzfleCbapft^
!p nattj immoztalttpe , ano Dtuelletb

tbe Ipgbt that no ma can attapne,toi)6 |5aulcc]cbo;tctt)rtmofI)Cl)UfcQcofaCneg{i

pactence in pecf cc uc ion , atio to continue it; tbC neuet ma rata,netbet ea fe, Unto* tobo
jouru.b do c tit t c tbat be baoDC tango t U tin, a co m incus
be honour 3 tule euetlaftpnge 2»men» oattoii of one j?ncfipbo;us.
J \m
b Cbarge tbem tbat ace tpcbe in
ejtccDtng toife,

toozlD,tbat tbep be not 3luIean3poflUof3e<^

anD p tbep * ttuft not in j? bncectapne |fu Cbzifte, bp tbe tepll
«9att>.«u tpcbcs, but in tbe liupnge d5oD,tobicb of(@ootopzeac^pzo
£?«£? G«««) Ds abunbantlp all tbpnges to mifeoflife,tDbic6lpfe
Cbziftejefiu Co
eniopethepm,etbattbepDogooD,3be iis in
tpcbe in gooo toozcfces, anD reaope JCimotbcbistoelbelOi
geue ano Defttibute,* lapinge op in i^Dfone.CBtacejmetcpjanDpeacejfro
g 0?c {0J tf) g fe j U gci a gooo fonnDatiwi d5oD tbe fatbcc,anD from 2fiefu Cbzitt
agapnaetbetpme tocome,tfjat tbep OUreUOiDC* «oma.t.«.
nrnpobtapneetetnalltpfe. * tban&e^oD.tobom^feruefcom
31 5£2!f
£>(Ximoti)e fane tbat tobicb is ge< mint elbcts teitb pnre cofcience , tbat
uen ano auopoe tmgoBlpe
tbc to fcepe, toitbont ccaringe 3 mafee mention of
tjanities of oopces,anD oppoficios of tbe in mv pzapecs nlgbt 5 oape, Defies
fciencefalfelpfo calleb, tofiicbe fctence tinge to fe t'be, mtnDef nl of tbp teecejs:
to&Uetome pzofelTeDjtbepbauc etreD fo tbat am tilleo toitb iope, toben
j %
as concecnpng § fapt&.©cace be toitb call to temebzailce tlje UnfapneD faitb,
tb> 2Smcn. tbat is in tbe, tobicbe DtwU fuft in tbp
gcaunDinotbec XLots , 9 in tbp motbet
ir&entfrom ftaooicia, tobicbe is Cunica : ^ am affuccD tbat it Dtoellet^
tbe cbtefeft citpe of i^zigta $m tntbealfo*
caciana. <.««^«««.«
geobecfozej toatne tbe $ tboti ftete tip
tbc gpft'of <©od tobpeb is in §*bp tyt « .»uu.
batb not geue to tos tbe fpitit of feac,
of^paule but of potoer, g of lone, 9 of fobzeneiS
tjpon tbc fecouoe €piftle
to Etmotbc. of mf no.iSe not aCbameo to teftifp otic
jfc tbps tfpifilc i&aule eyboztetl)
sr miot fjc to 90 f oitoacD c as t)c bat> cbe am bounce foz bis fafee: but fuffec
begone, ano to picacb tl;c ©ofpcll
mttijal bi'igencc, as it teas uccee,
$ aDuetritte alfo tb tbe gofpel, tbozoto
tbe potocc of goo Uiijicij faueD os,ano

yrcittjjc manpe mete falfcuatoapc,


not laufullpe.*Cbe fjufbanoman tbat la*

called Ds toM an bolpe callpnge ,

boutetb muft fpzftteceaue of tbefrui*

accozopnge tooutBeaDts, butaccoz*
oiune putpofe anD grace, tcs.ConfiDet tobat 3 fape. Cbe JlojD
Dpug to bps
tbozotoe geue tbe biiDecftabuigtu al tbingj. b
tobpcbe grace toas geuen us
Uemebje tbat Jefus £b?ift btpng
Cbztftjinu before tbe toozlD toas,but
isnotocDcclaceDoptnlp,bptbeapp.ea* ;

oeatb accojorng to mpxsotpcl,
tpnge of out UiUour 3!efu Cbztft,tobt an eiulDoft etie
$batb bzou* mlfuffec trouble as 3

(be ijatu put atoap oeatb,

ab* Me » tmmoztaime Unto
Ugbttbo* bmo bonoe$. ©ut tbe toozo of ©©^
toto tbc-<E>ofpel>*tobetuuto J
am ap< toa^ not bounDc, i^etefoze 3 f utter
elettes fakes, ^
povut£D,apzeacbecanDai»aipoltie,$ tbpnges, tat tbe
alfo obtapnc pfaluatto tobicbe
tbc tobt* nugbt
a teacbet ot tbe ©entpU&foj
ism Cb?tft 31efu 9ti) etecnall glo:p*
cftecaufej alfo Uiffettbefetbtuges*
tocuettbeles 3 am not afbameD,
h fenotee tobom 3 baue beleueD, 3 am bp
It ts a mte faptng,tf toe be DeaD b>
bpm. 3}
m , toe alfo Ojall Ivue tottbtapgne &
toe be
tbat tobtcb pactcnt, toe (ball alfo \x> K ora.ti£a,
fute tbat be is able to fcepe bttn,be alfo fyal be*
a* lipm.*lf toe Denp
3 baue tommitteD to bps fccppngc, npc b^rjf toe beleuc not pet abpbctb

jagapnftetbatDape* benp bpm felfe*

of tbe be faptbtul.^e tan not

jfeeetbou baue tbc example put tbem m tcmew«
bcatbt ft £)f tbele tbpnges
bolfome teozDes , tobtcb tbou
tobpcbe tgtn biaunec, anD £ ftotD, v
te fttfpe bef ote
of me in fapetb ano ioae

tooiDsttobtcb »s
gooo tbpnge,tebtcb tbep ftrtue not about
H<r«Cb?ift. Cbat,

uepe tn to no pioflt j but to petuett §
toas comttteD to tbp fceppnge , lauoable i
In Us* ^tuoptoftjetoe mv felfe
tbe bolp goft tobtcb Dtoelletb
Unto ©oD,a tooicacman tbat nrauetb
Cbf tbou bnotoeftjboto $ tbep al
tbe tooz» utinuiii a>
from im\ <Df not to be aftameD, Dentopng
cbe ate tn mia,be tutneo bapnc s».i*»
ttuetb tuftlpe * Wngoftlp 5
tobtcb f Wate ^btgelos ano pernio* of
Date DopccspaBeouet* ^oMnepu^alicn^
gent$ i Cbe JlozDe geue mercpe greater migoDltncs , anD
foz be ettc cceafe Dnto
tbe bouf e of £>nef ipbozus ; eutn as Dotb a
refrettjcD me, ano toas; not
afljameD or tbcpz tooiDf s tyallftete
canctetof tobofe numbie tS
mp cbapne: but tobc be toas at Uome, as concetnpng p
biiigcntlp, ano anD !&bnetos,tobtcb
be fougbt me out Derp
mm me . Cbe ^ojoe gtaunte unto ttuetb
tnnn tbat be mape fpnoe
baue erteo,faptng :
metcpe toptb futtcctton is paft alreDpe ,
tbat toe re*
ano Do De*

tbe &ozoe at tbat oapc

3CnD tn botoe fltoptbefaptbofDPuersperfons.
Unto me at But tbefute gtounD of (Sod
tnanp tbingeS be mtntiiteD fenovu
CphcfustbouBnotoeftUetpetoeL nctb,a batb tbts feale: tbe toiD
ctb tbe tbat ate bps.ano
let euecp man
^beat.Cbapter, * De«
tjccc hcjVftrn*
as in thefttft chapter, To tbat calletb on tbe name of Cbz'ft,

«th htm to be conftant in

faffec mas
pattftom tnlquitie. ^ottoptbilaDing
Hive m
a**5 10 bit,e f a(l iu
bolefcme Doctcu,£
ma greate boure ate not onelp bedels
of gouIDc ano of fpluer but alfo ot

tooooc anD of eattb, f omc foz
ftconge in tbe grace tbat ts jgttnf a ma
!fn€b?tft*3Iertu »tobat anD f ome bnto DiCbononr*
purge bpm felfeftom fnebe
Jtbpnges tbou baft bearDe of Unto bo*
fame be (ball be a bepl fancttficD
rofjmthpe beatpngc toptues,tbc pz£pa<
tobicbe ate noutt, mete foz tbc Hozoe, anD
oeltuet to faptbfui menne ,
fuf< teD unto all gooDtoozUes*
apte toteacb otber.Cbou tbcrfozc anDfolotoe
fouloiet of Je* tluftes cf poutbauopoe,
fet affltctto as a gooo peace,
ttebtuoufnes, faptb,loue anD 5

fuCbztft. jftomatbattoatretb,euta* on tbe Iozd topf b «gj*

buCtues, tojub tbem tbat eall
gletb btm feifc toptb toozloip que*
pure Dctt. * f olplbe a Unlearneo
ano tbat btcaule be tooulD pleafe btm
put from tbe,remembzpngtbat
tbatbatbcbofenbtmto be afoulotct* ftion* Etit tbe fer«
maftetp, tbep Do but genoze ftrpfe*
,* Bud tbougb a ma ft tiue f oza muft not fttpuejbue
pet is be not cwtoneo, except
Oefttpue uaunt of tfoe 2Lozb
urn** i^CMi* niuft
muft be peafable bnto all men , « apte tobtcbe tbou baft learned, fobicbe alfo
toteacbe,anD one tbat can fuffectbe toete committeD bnto tbe,fepnge
cupli in nufceues,anD can infojme the tbon
fenotoeft of tobo tbou baft leacneD
tbat tefiftyf tbat <&on at an? time toil tyL
^fozafmncb alfo as tbou baft fenoto*
gene tbem cepentannc e , fox to fenotoe
bolp f cciptuce of a cbtlD, tobicb is able*
ttje tcuetb,tbat toep map cometo
tr,cm to maue tbe tmtoralnationtbo*
felues agapne, oute of tbe f nace of
Deupl,tobicbe ate noto taken of ^pm
m at
toto tin faitb tobicb i0 in Cb?ift
*/o? al fectptuce geuibpinrptcatiou
bps t»pu* ti.»«,t.»
of (bod 3 10 profitable to teacbe, to * im<
pjotte, to amenDe,anD to inftcucte,in
Cbe.ffi*Cbapter» cigbteoufnes 3 tbat tbe manne of ©od
fcepxopbectetij of tbe pertltms rtme«,rcfw$
•ut ppocctfes tit toet't colouts , ttllettf us toljat map be pecfit 9 pjepaceD fento al gooD
f &cp i>f tof
tyta/m «l tbeit fapiefaces outtoacl* toozefees.
Ipe.jactrceutiwt fot t&t gofpelf.
n i^tstnoetilao,* tbatmtbe
aecj-fjouctft i:tmotl»eto btftwtntt
in tbe
5m? *'
w& f° fmt anuwfitte.makcti) menctS lane Dam fljail corns pcct<
C mtl) ' 8,,J bmtt1> mm °W "»»e
Jutt.i.f loustpiw^tfojtbenienne
„,fl)al be loueca of tbeic otone Ceftifpe tbftefo^e before
eoD,anD before tbe Xo^De
feo fpeaaets , Difobeof e"t to fatbec anD
IfeftiCbJifte, tobtcbe $»ll
inotbeCjbntbankeful.bnboIp^nfeinD, _iuDge qutche anD DeaDe al
tcuce bjeaftetBjftnbbtitnejfi falfe accu bis appecing in bit ntngDome, p^aclj
fets, ciotecs, feacce, Defpifecs; of tbe tbe toojD, be fetnent3 be it in ceafou,oj
toftfeb ace gooD, teaptouc0,beaDp,bpe ontofceafo^mp^oue^ebtiaejejcbo^e
WtnbeD,gceope bpOn boluptuotifne0, ioitn al * long fuftecing anD Doctrine*
tnoje tbenttft loutts of <soD,baupnge

jfoitbe time toil tome, mtn tytp
not fuffec tobolefomc Doctrine; but af< tr«e ~c*
tfjatftoiat Denteop potoec tbetof,cf fneb abbozce* tec tbeic otone me$ fcal mp ( tobofe RSVSSSe.
®i (bi0 fojt ace tbep tobicb entec into eace© ptcbc)get tbepm an beape of tea* ™«
boufeg, 9 tying* info bonoage toomen cbecs, ^1 Ojail tutne tbeit eate0 fco tbe !££*"
laoen toptb fpnne , tobpebe toomen ace tcutb,fi iqall be geuen tmto fables*
ltDDe of Dtuerfe I uftes,euer leatnpng, tbmit toatcf) tbou in al tbpnges, anD
and neuec able to come bnto tl)t knotui f nrTic aDtierfitie,anD Do t[)t toozeke of
leDgeoftbetcuetb, an cuangelift, fulfil tbpue office bnto
*3Es pannes ana |amb:cs toftnftoDe tbe btmofte*
$$oUb, turn fo do tbefe tef ift £ ttutf),
#*e. tm,b< jfo? J am noto ceaDp to be offeteD, 9 ^
men tbep ace of cojeupt mpnDes , anD tbe time of mp Departing is at banD.JI 9
leuDe as cocecning tbe faprb: buc tbep
c Ojal pteuatle no legec* jfo? tbeic maD*
nes ttmll be btteceD unto al menne, 80 bence foitb is lapeD Dp fo? me a
if torn
tbcpzs mas. sut tbou baft fenetbe tx.* ccetone of cigbteoufnes tobicb JtojtD
petf ence of mp Doctrine , f a$ton of \U f is a tigbteous iuDge fyall geue
uinge, porpofe,faptb,Ionge f uttering, at tbat Dat>:net to me onelp, but bnto
louc^acienccjpcrfccncioiis^nDarTItCi all tbe tbat loue bis commpng.3Bafct
tton$ tobicb bappeneb bnto me at 3n< fpeDe to come bnto me at once*
tiocbe,at3fconinm J anDat».iftca:tobi JF01 ©emas batb left me anD louetf)
cbe petfecuf toii0 3 fuffeceD pacietlp* tbv$ pierente toojtlDe, anD is Depactea
5H1D fed" tbe al tbe jlojd DeUitcccD me* bnto Cbelfalonica * Ccef cens if gone
£ea,auD al f toil Ipne eoDlp in Cbitft to<0aiacta,$Cttus bnto Jsalmacia* *•
3fefu,muft fnffee pecfecutions* siitf £>uelpe JLucas is toptb me
* cake c*..i.t.c
curll menne ano Deceauerg fl)all toa jce ij^acke anD bivnge bpm \opt\)
tbe, foj
toojiTe anD toojffe, tobple tbep Dtceaue, be is uecelTacpe Dnto me,fo:
to mini*
33 anD ace DeceaueD tbem Celuea* (let. $m> Ctcbicus bane 3 fence to fit
%nt continue ttjou in tbet&p»ig<0 p!)cfu0.(j:becloke^3ieftat ^coaDa
iwtb cat pus, lube thou cdmrft bung purcbafeb fo: bt, that no man ffouibe ri;tttche
toitiKfje 3 5 the boUcs,b»t fpcctalli) the tbat tbcobebtece of pztticcslatoes oianpotbec
tooibciboulb tufltftcbs bcfozeiSob.aiirilaaof
parchment, 3!IcraiiD?c the copeclmptb all be cbatgctb toauopbe tbecempattpeofthe
did me mud) cut J, tbe lozD retoaro mm fiubbucne,anb of tbe uccet iltcs.
accoibiugc to hp& Dcdcc , of tobom be
tfjou mtt alfo. jf oi be toptbftooe oute
pzeacbmgc foje. p
Mt mp rpjft anf toctf ng,no man afff*
S>afnctc 0.iuletbe Jpoftle btito
ttcD me, but al f oifokc me. J piap goo Situs.
f tt map not be lapeo to tbetr charges
3D ^tiottuithftanDinge tfjc t ozD aiTifleD Cbefp?fte Chapter,
^aule Situs to oifcetnc piicocs 9
cf boif ctb
me,ei ftrcgtbeo me,t bat Dp me tbe pic>-
bifoops tu cucrpc Citpe, Dec tatcttj tobat mattep
cbtug tyoulD bef ulfillco to § tumofr, or men tbep ougbt to be tbat are cbofcu to t bat
9 that al tbe gentile fljouJD bean 3Iud office anb cbatgctb Situs to etbube t ucyc at

31 bias DeltueteD out of pmoutl? of tbe
jLpon. 3CnD the JLo:oc fljail Dtltuet me 3Cule tbe fctuattnte of %
from all euil Dopnge,auo Ojal lupc me (BoD,anDan^'poftU'of
tiito bps beuenlp HpngDome* Co toho i3efuct)uft,top^acbe
be pjapfefozeuetanD eucr.SBmcn. fr. !tbefaitbof€>oD6c!ecc
Salute iBitfca aitD Hiqutla anD tbe anD (be UnoteeleDge of

houtyolDeot gDntfipboiug Ccaftus Jjtbe truth, tobicb is af<

aboDc at Cozinthum . Ctopwmos 3 tcr goDlmes Upon the bope of etcrnall
left at ^iletura fpebe. ^ahc l jkdc to fpfe,tobicbc Ipfe <©oD*tbat can not Ipe ««n.t»i.* i
come befoze tointer . Cuuolus cjrcretfj t)at^pjomifeDbefoje f toojlD began:
tbe, auD j^uDcti9,Fi &imis,$ CtauDta, but hat b openeD W
tooiDe at tbe time
appopnf eD tbojotoe p?eachpnge,tohp^
anD al tbe bzetbzen. t£be 'jioiD Jefus
Cbziftebetoptbthpfpttite* cgtacebe cbe pjeacbpng is commtttcD Utuo me,
topthpou. 3imcn. bptbecommaunDemcnte of <^od our
Cbe etiDe of tbe f c co no <£plftlc fc \u fautour»'Co*Cttus bis natural f6ne «.co?.t)tft«,
Cimotbe. tutbecommenfapetb*
pa tile (ScacejmetcpejanDpeacefromgeD
CJCCxittcn from tsomc tobeu
teas pzefentea tbe feconD time bp the father, ano from the &o;oe 3!efuo
bcfoic t&e Cmpetoure 0ito. Cn^tft our fautour.jfoj this caute left ©
3 the in Crete, that tbou u)uloeft ptu
C 91 prologue
fcpon tbe cpiftle of.®, paule bnto
tottrmethat bshpebtoas lac^png,anD
(botttDeft oioepne t clDcrc in cucrp ci* LGm,n.»
tte as 3B appointeo tbe»3!f anp be taut

Situs, ICBjtbehm'banDe of one ujpfe,bautnge

/^^k ©tsts a fl)oitegptaieh)!)cmnj»cfts fapthfull cbilD jen,tohtcb are not*
A j
7 coutflpucUall tljat 19 ttcbefulfoia cO;i=
DereD of tpote , nethet are Dtf obeDtent*
~3) / ft taa to Uu9tt>e. 31t» rucfttft Chapter be
\m*s Q)C)vtt\))a)\)atmanti of man a BiOjop
jFoja*btO)Oppemuftbefautles,astt *®taiop«
ei curate ougin to bc.tbat is to tottte.bcttuaus beeommeth the mmtfrer of d&oD : not sffi^J
an lea t at o , to picacb, atto bef t n oc trjc gofpcl, fiubbumc,not angrpeno Dzoncharoe, «•»c«
aiio tocottfo&b tbe boc trine of ttuQiiigui rcoi=
bes ano mens teabictons tobteo cuer f p-jf; tc as
no ftgbter,not geue to filtbp lucre:but SSJSf
gatutterbefapctb.anbcatpeartjapetbecotifcu berberous , one that louetb gcoone$, rtwrnti
cucccapttucfcomtbefrc&omctbattSMCbna, (obermpnDeDjiglrtcous^olp^empei^SiSJ
tutotbcijoiioagcof tbc;c ottmc imaginations
rate.anu fucb as cleauetf; onto £ true
auo inuenctons, as tbougb tijof e tbiugs ifroa! o
make a mi goo tu tbe ft gin of (Sao, robicb ace tootb of Doctrpne,tbat be mape be able
tonopxofttc. to fjchozt t»Kb tobolefome leatnpng, 9
3in tbe rccoubebe tcacbetb aH oegtces, oloe,
to t mpzouc them that rap agapnfle tt*
ponge.mctt.toomcn.maiGcts, atto fcruamttes,
4fo: there are manp
DifobeDtent tal ^
tjotoe to bebaue tbe" rclucs as tint tofttci Cbzttt
Ijatb bougbt tautb bis bloub,to be bis piopjc 01 feet 5 of \j an it ie,nnD Deceaucrs or mini
peculicr gloiifie gob \t good rooifccs.
Des,namtlpc tbep of the ctrcunuifion,
3flu tbe tUirbe be re a chctij to boiioure temper
tali rulcra, aiib to obey tbem, anb pet bimgetb
tohofemoutbesmuftbcftoppcD 1 *ti3bi«^»'« l '»
to Cbuae agat tte,a»b to tbe gcace tbat t» e batp cfac pecuerte tohole boufes^ebpnge
ie qptiue
ibpngestobpcbetbcpougbte not,bp* tbat toe QjoulD benpe tngoDlmes, anD
cattfeofftltbplucte.iiDnGbepngoftbc *too*lDlpe luftes,anD tbat toefi&otilDe <.>m.c.
reluct , tobpcbe toas a §aoete of tfjeic Ipuefobze minDeD, tpgbteoullp $ goo*
oumc, fapDiCbe Ctetias ate altoapcs Ip in tbps pzefent toozlDe, lofetnge foj
lpcts,cuilbcaftes,anDfloti)cbcalpcs, tbat blciTeo bope anb gluteus appta*
Cbistottnes is true,toberfozt rebufee tpnge of ti)t mpgbtp €>oD,anb of ottte *3
tbcm fljatplp, that t^ep map be founD fautoute jjefu Cbzifte* tubpebe gaue
tn tbe faptb , auD not raftpnge fjebe to bpm felfe foz bs, to tebeme bs from al
3© 3JcUjcs fables $ comaunDementes of bntpgbteoufnes,?* to purge bs a pe* «pbe t> e.
iK0.jcutt.«. men p tunic ft5 tbe ttuetb* *3imto tbe culler peoplebnto bim felfe, * fetuent
pure, ate al tbinges putt .'but biuo tbe Ipe geuen bnto goob toozefces* Cbefe •*«.«*.
tbat ate DeftleD aiio bnbdeutng ; ts no tbpnges fpeafce,$ ejtbo?te,anb rebuke,
tbing putetbut eue tbe betp mtnoes 9 tottbal commaunbpnge, * &t ttjat no <.t<m,t«.b
cofciences of tbe" ate DefileD»Cb*P co* manDefpifetbe. ^
fcfTe tbattbep ftnoto (5oD:but tottb tbe
bcoes tbep Denp bim, anD ate abbomi* CbMiuCbapter*
nableanb Dtfobebiente, ano bnto all £>f obcatcu c c to fucb 89 bt in mmontii. fee
goob toojkes otftommenDable* toacucf \) Witm to bejoacc of foli$ ano btipxos

3irue tbe * tbat t^ ftibmtt
tbe felucs to rule $potoet,
C©c ttIIcrl)tnmt)ottic be fljal tcadxll Dt= a
Bc«s t obdja uc tljem rclucs obep §otTlcers,tbat tbep fom,F«(. fc

55 ISTO^^P11 fpeafce tbou tbat tobp< be reabp bnto all gooD tuo$* y£ tt fc t * '

jontmc.1, H fSfi&l ^Irbc becometb tobolerome Ues, tbat tbep fpeafce eutll of no man, SfiSS*
leatninge.Cbat tbe elDer tbattbepbenofigbtcts, butfoft^ete **<*'

— men be lober, boned, Dtf*
crete foutiDm tbe faitb in

pugc all mchenes bnto all mem
joz toe* oure felucs alfo mere in
times parte, bntotfe.Difobcoiente, do
lifeefoffe, y tbep be tn fucb rapmctc as ceaucDjtu Daugcr to luftes , anD to di<j
becometb bolmcs not falfe accufets,
, tiers manccc of boluptccufncsjltumg
not geuen to mucb ozmfcpng, but tea* in mal tetoufnes anD enup, ful of bate,
cbecs of boucfte tbpnges, to make tlje batpngconcanotber.
jptmg too
potmge toomen fobet mpnbeD , to louc + TQM after t(;at tbe bptiDncseilouc n
23 tbeitbufbanDes,tolouetbettcbilDze\ of our fauiour <bod to mantoarbe ap<
to be Dif ccctCjCbaftc, buftotfelpe, gooo peareD^iot+oftbeDebesofrtgbttDife^^^^
ft obeDtent bnto tbcic otone bufbabes, nes tobicb toe to zougbr, but of bis mer
tbat tl)^ tooio of (bod be not eutl fpofee cp be faueD bs , * bp tf>e fouutapne of jo^rtta
soBgemf. of«J>ouge men uttetoife ejebozte $ tbep tbe neto bvttt), 9 toptv tbe renupuge of
be fobet minDeb* tbe bolr goa, tobtcb be Ojcd on bs m
lCt.tiu~.b. * Wrnit al tbinges f$eto tbp felfe an bunoantip, tbozotoe jefu Cbztfteour
enfample of gooo luozltes teitb bncoz* fautoure , f toe once lulMteD bp * bps 9ct ^ b &
<erte,u<b -
tupt Doctttne,tottb boneftie.,anD toptfy grace,ujoulD be bep?e0 of eternal life,
tbe lubolcfome toozo tobpeb can not be tbozotobope. h ^Cbisa true rap ingc.
rcbufceD, tbat be umpcb toitblranDetb, Qi tbefe tbinges 31 tooulbe p Q)oul<
^ map be aftjamcD, bauinge notbpng in befre ccrttfie , tbat tbep bjbicbe beleue
«t*t.«t.a poutbatbemapDlfpzapfe** ftbefet* (©oD.migbt be Diligent to go foztoatD
yjp «•« uauntes cjebojte to be obeblente bnto in gooo bozefces * ftfttti tbinges are
!S« "i tbe ie otonc mallets, anD to pleat e tn a! gooD anD profitable bnto mem ^
tbpnges, not anftoetpnge agapne, ne# *JfolifI)qucftionsagenealogies > anDi.ctei.i.if.
tbet to be ppckers,but £ tbep $eto all bzatolpnge anD ftrife about tbelatoe, "•«•»"••
gooD fapetbf nines, tbat tt)^ mape do ahopDe: f oz trjev at bnpzofitable 9 fu*
tooiOjtptotbeDocmuc ofourfauiotit perft uous.311 man tbat 13 geuen to be*
0od in all tbinges. 4-ifoz tbe gta ce of refp* after § fitft ei fecoub aDmonicio, m^wtu
0od tbat bipngetb fa! nation bnto all auopDe: remebztng p be tbat is fucbe,
men, ba tbe appear eD anD teacb ct b bs is peruerteD, 5 (innctf) euen oampneb
bpfipsotoneiuDgcmenr* tbe fait!j,(3 ftuteful tboroto tbe ftnoto
53 *»ben 3H fenoe aittemas tjuto tbee, lebge of all gooo tljpngcs, tobicbe ate
01 Cf cbtcu&be Diligent to come to me inpou bp Jcfns dbriit . 3 no toe baue
into <aict)opolts 4 forJhaueDetEt gteate iope ano confclation ouet tbp
inineo tb«e to tointct &unge ;euas lotictjfo^bptbeCbiotbeOtbefaincteff
tljclnioeacs '3!ppjIlo3 on thetttom;* bettesateconfo^teD.
nep DiltgeutlpJ notbinge be lacamge aoobetfoje though 3 be bolD in Cftf ill
bnto tbcmu 3pnD let outcs" alfo leatne to eniope tbe, tbat tobpeb becommetr)
to cjC'CcU in gooo too ikes, as fat f ouije tljerpet f 0; loues fake J tatbet befecbe

as neDc tecf ;<retb,tbat tljep be not bit tbctbotigbc 31 beas J atH,cue ^aule
f cuitcfuL 3DII tnat ate toptt) me,falute ageo , s note in bonoes to: J tin tlnu
tbe vptete tbe tljat lotie bs § f apt!;, m fits fake* 3 mp f onnt*
befecbe tbe f 0: coi.t«t,».

©race be toptb pott all.aimcin £)iKfimii0 U)lj6 J begat 111 mp boocs,

£ jXHttcn ftom icbopolf .3 a Ci* toljicbe inturns paffeo bias to tbe bn*
tpeof&^aceDonia* profitable: but nobj profitable botb tt
tbc,ano alfo to me, Uinom i bane fctic
borne agapne. Qfljou tberef oje teteaue
bpm 2 tbat is to fape : mine oumc boto^ >-

bpon be Cpiftlc
f of fapnt panic to the el?,tobom 3 toeulo fapuc baue tetap*
iMiiiemon. iud me } tbat in tbp fieoe be migbt
toi tb
I §
ja this «8 pi n le aiut )daulc tfceta baue mtntftteb bnto me in tne bonoes
cti? a iSoD^c ctifamplc of cb;iQeii
of tbe gofpei* ^eucttbcles.'tijoiit tbp

(ouc.j^etcttt tec re Uotoc }aaule ta-

Uet0pMC£Mcfimu9 toil fo Dim auo minbe ujouIO j bo notl;ing,§ tbe gooD
raa&ctl) uttccccflio fo; him to ins
tobicbe fpungetb of fbc,Q)oulo not be

m a act helper b h nn a £ be uu p ano bcl) a - as it lucre or ncc£(Tittc,b ut toillpnglp*

t <* tf> I ,

urtt) htm fcifc none orberttufc the as though he

l;tm reifctocc tbcfaiBfi>ucrimu8.MDbtcb thing I^applpe be tberf o:c oeparteD tot a
ret hctiorhe uortoitb poiti?c auo autbomie, as feafon,tbat tbou tyoulDcft teceiue bun
he tocil might hauc hone , but puttcth of all ju= fo; euer,tiot note as a fetuaut : but a*
tboiitic,,au& tobatrocuec oe might of tight do,
bone a fetuaut, J meant a bjothet,bc*
that )dhtlcmott might Do hhctmrctotoa D£>-
neftmiis , aub unto greatc mchene s auo topres louco ,fpcciaiip to me:but nolo mucbe
Dome teacbctl; jabilemou to fee bps autre t« mote bnto tbe, botb in tbe fie$e,$ alio
in tbe lo:D." Jt tbou count me a teUto,
teceaue ljun as mp felfe 3|f be baue

C Cbe Cptftie
of £>aput ^aule tbe Slpottle bnto tfje
butt cfjc oj otoetb tbe ougbt 3 ilap bn*
co mp cbatge.jfl laaul baue ui?ittcn it
loitb mine tone bauD.3 toil tccopence
1 1» {&o tbat
J do not fape to tbe,bo to $
&c tciopfcth to bcate of the faith an&Ioue of tbou otoeft bnto me mm tbpneotone
Philemon, tohS l;c oefictetb to fozaeuc bis fees felfc«€uen fo brotbet,let me eniop tbe
uaQt jSDncf i:nu&, ? teuigip to tcccuc him agame in tbe torn conf out mp bomels in

futile the pjironet of

3fie thciLoiDe* 'CtuftyngciutbincobcDi*
, auD
fu C'uttlence* 3 tojote bnto tbe, Hnotopng tbat
£imotheti0 , 5mno tbou toilte Do mo^e tfjeu 3 fape for*
plnlemon § bcloucD, ^oreouet,prepate mp loogpnge: foj
anDoutbelpct,anDto 31 1 tuft tooio to tbe belpe of pout pzap
the beloueb H!ppta,3 cts,3I aiall be geuen bnto pou.Chete
to itciuppusoutfclotoefoulDtetftto f alms tbe Cpapbzas mp feloto pitfo* ,

cf)ecogtcgationoftbpboufe«*©tace net in Cbrift Jefu, patens, 36ti(lat<

be xb pon $ peace fto cbod out fatbet, cbus,Bemas,Hucas,mibe(pets,'C:ie
u.Co: I.S.
ano ftom tin ftozbe Jefus Cb.ritte. gtace of outeitorD Jefu Cbjiftc be \ti
3 tbaae mp <Kob,maMng mention al« poutfpttitest^meiu
.».- © toapes of g in mp ptapets,tobe J beat
of tbp low 9 fapthjtobtcb tbou bart to C&cneftom Uome bp 0tief<#
toacb f ftoio 3Jef u,$ tomato al fatnt$: mus a fcruaunte.
Co that the fclototypp that thou batt in
faluatioitof Ciniftct5ttOHetoes,but a t&tnge
pzopbcfub of oibc . j&c erbozretb to a i? o»
iycouuctfacion, foz fomucbe as tbcp ate no toe

fp^fte tfptftU of£>apnte

bozneauctoebptbetooxbeoffgob. ^
to t?>e
<Ci€€UanaipeftUof Jerw *
Ic&uft, toifjcj-mtOatDtoell 9ct.w<u
[j©ps£pi0le bib faint #etct tozite ;*ljtte5tfjEtc as fltaugets
to iatatOtn tbat tectc cotwet=
t Ije thozo toont jBont us , <saia<

itco.aiiD cjctioxtctD tbemt toftanbc

cia,capaoocia,3lfta 3 anD ©et!jinta,e4
if aft m
tin fapct 1) , to gtotoc tbcttn
lect bptbc foicfenotolcogc of cSoD the
ana to tocte petfcct tbczoto
al mas
net of ruff£cinge,an& alfo goob tooibcs. father , tnojc vd iljc Canctictpngc of the
3|ntbcfttftebe bcclatetb tbeiuftiftpngc of { pintc, biuo obeDience ^*f pnnaelpng «
faptb tbozotoe Cbziftes biouoc, anb coufoztctb
of tfte blouoe of Jif 113 Cf?nft.
tbcm tottb tbe bcpc of tbc life to come, $ ibeto=
etb tbat toecbaue not befetueb it, but tbat tbe <Btnce be \b yoiu anD peace be muN
l&iopbetcs pzcpbccteb it Cboulb be gcuebs.anfi rtplpcD. * slciTeo be (60D tbe fatbee of tbctvu
as CDitft tobiebe tebemebbs cut of fmne,al bn
one loiD jefujsiCbiiftjtobicr) tbozem
cleanaes is bolp To be cjboztctb to leabe an bo=
It eoiwccfation, $ bicaufe toe be ticblp bouaOt bis abuiiDaut mercp begat bs agamc
4nbmabcbcpzcs of a ncbiubctitaunce.totafee bnto a «*Iiuelpe bope bp t\)t cefuctec* €pMei
bebe tbat toe lore tt not agaitte tijoiouje cut*
tion of |efus Cbjiite freDcatb, to ctu
otoue negligence
3\n m fctonb cbapter be fbctaetb tbat Cbzitt
is tbe foundation anb beab comet ftoue, tobet=
tope an inbetitaiiuee immoitai 5 tonac
fplco , ano tbat petite not,rcfetueD
i ii beau ea fo: rou tobicb are Utpte bp
toe ox gentile , aub botoc tbat in Cbzitt ti;cp ate
inane {diicftcs to offer tbeim femes to i&ob (as tbe pomer of 000 tbozoto faptb, muo
ffbttae bib bim fclfc) audtotlcatbcluQcs of (aiuatton, tobtcbe faluation is pupa 13
tbeflctbtbatffgbtagaiiifttberoute.flndfirfte reo alcebp to be tt) c toe D m f Jaft nun?,
bercacbetb tbcm in genctal to cbcp tbe too;lb?
Ip tuIetMiib tben in rpectal be teaebctb tbefec
in tbe tobicb time pe fl;al rcior ce,tboM«
uauntcsto obep tl)cit maiftctsbe tbcp gooo 01 gbenotoefoiafearou(tfneDctequrze)
fcaode, anb to fuffet tozcugc.of tbcm as CbMftc
re are in beau iiKjs, tbozoto manucitt
temptations,^ pour f avt b once trpeo,
3Butbe tbitbe bctcacbetb tbc tonics to obepe
tbeitbuCbS&cs. pea tbougl) tbcp bebnbclcucts bepnge tmicb mozc pzecious tben goto
anb to appatcitbcmfclitesgobip, as irbccom; tbat petiftjeth (tbonglje it be* ttieD 1^ 3«b.»w»
metb bonnes, atibtbettot«attbebufbanbcs 1
fire)imgbt be found dnto Iaude,glo;p j^'b ",;
fuffft aHb bcatc tbc tnficmttic of tbeir tomf s,(i
line accozbiHgetoBuotoledge tottb tbcm. 2nd andbonourat tbeappeatpugeof ]fc* ko«.im*
tben in genctal bccjUoztettj tbfto bcfoPr,coat= Cbziftc : tobom vt bane not rent, $
f 11 s
reouB.p.uiciu anb ftcublp one to an otijee, and
pet lout bun, in tobo turn noto*tbou-- ja n^
to fuffttfojtigbteourues aftet tbecnfampleof \,,

Cbuft. gbc pe fe bun not , pet Do pou beleue:^

3]u tljefouttb beepboztctb to tie fume, and to reiopcctoiibiopednfpeUeable^gloz^
tame tbe flclbc tctttj fobctnes, to atebm ge, anb ous:teceaupng t\)t ende of pout tatit),
pz-aw, $ to !ouc ccb otbet, anb to buoto tbat al
goob gtfrcsaceof (Sod, * cucrpcuuuto beaipc tbeialiiattouofpoucfoulcs.
bis neighbour toitb Cucb as be batb tcccmeb of £>f tobpeb faluation baue* tl)t pjo* , rt p f. . .

f5od,aubfiuallp not to tooiibet , but t o tciopce pbetes enquired ana fcatcbed, tobpeb «fa-^-«
tbougb tbci ma a fuffetfovCbztftcs names fake
fringe tbat as tbcp be fcce pactaacts of bisafs ^azopbecpedof tbe grace tbat (fcouiDe JJJSb.
fltcttons.fonpaltbcpbepattabctsuf btsgUzp come bu to pou, ca t cbinge toben oz at

to come. tobat time tbe fptctte of cb wflx tobub

31 n tbefiftbctcacbctbtbciBiftJoppcs spties
toas in tbcui.Hjou to ngnifte a tobpclie
ftcsbototbcp fbouib hue* febccbztaesflocBC
anb toatuetb bs of tbe dcutll, tobictc ou euctpe fpiriteteft!ficdbffoze,tbepaiT!Oi!3j»
fibc (petb ui toaite fca bs. Q)o u!Dccome but Cbzitr,auD tbe glo?
cbe^zopbetes it toas deflated, tbat ^
d)eftrft€piftle not unto tbc feUicsf, but dntobs,tbep
of gamete letter ctje 31* fl^ouio mint ftcr tbe tfcinges tobicb ate
poftle. uoto fl)etocc bnto pou of ttje tohicbc bp
p **oIp god* rent dotone from beaucn, "**
Cbe fpjfte Chapter* bauc pzc ached to pou the t binges tot)i
& e (betoetb tbat tbototo tbc abundant mcts
ep of «5od , toe ate begotten agatne to a liuclpe
bopc^and ooto f«»rt? muft b t tt yeb, ait j veto rye
c^e the angels Defite to bebolde.
DC^cte iozt * girde t)p tfje Jopnes of

pout mpnDes>be fobec, anD ttuft pet* bozne babes, Defpze tbat teafonable
fectlp on tbe grace tbat is bzougbt \>a^ m*>l&e,tobpcb is toitbout
topoti, bp tbe ocelacpng* of Jjefus tbat pe map groto tbettn. 3Jf f be tbat

Cb?Pft\as obeoient cbplD?en, not face* pe bauc tattcD boto plcafaunt tl)t jlozD

ommgc rone felues buto pone olDc in* ts,to tobome pe come as bnto a Ip wmg
ftes oagnoiancic.'butasbe tobieb c<il done
DtfaioiueD of meune, but cbofe ef

ieO pou is boli>,euen fo be pe bolp m all (5oo ano piecious : ano pe as Iputngc
maturof conuectacion, becaute it is ftones, ate maoe afppiptuall boufe,
suut.jcua. toiptteu,* ©e pe bolp s foj 91 am bolp* ano an bolpe p2eftbooc 3
t"oz to offct bp
Me.**.*. ^ nD tf f ^
b j t jj a£ ca i on
tbe fatCjec fpirituall facrpf t ce 3 acceptabc to isoo
30 tefpect ofpetfoniuD* bp 3|efus Cb?pb\
tobicbe tottbout
f9at.ict)i.D getb*accojDpng to euctp mannes too: ^CObetefoie it is contapneo in tbe

£££ fc'S, re tbat pe paffe tbe tpme of pouce

fcciptu5e:*bebolDe,3! putin^ponan %%})m ^
ptlgtimage in feate * -jf 0? as mucbe nc*D comet ftane^ekcte auo piecious: atcteanun
anobetbatbelcuetb onbpm,(^allnot
as pe fcnoto boto tbatpe toere not teoc*
nub t»ptb cozcuptibie fpluer ano golD
from pout tone
conuetfaclon tobicbe
beaO)ameo.*unto)>outbetfo?e tobub
beleuc,be is p?ecious:but bntotbem #««.w».o
pe rtreaueD bp t^e ttaDictous , of tbe
tobpcbcbeliuenot,*tbeftone tobtcbe % tuiii u,
tbe bi'loets tefufeb, ^ fame is maoe $
***.***- fatbets:but*tettbtbe pzeciotts blonD
Ml b
- of Cb?Pfte, as
ofalatnbe bnoefpleo,
ano toitbout fpot, tobpebe toas ozoep*
bcaoftone in tbe cozner 3 ano a ftone to
fromble at ,auo a tocUe to offeno tbeni
neo befoze tbe toozloe toas maoe : but tobicb (lombleattbe ioo:o,ano beleue
on tbep toece fet. ©ti t p«
toas Deciateo in tbe lafte tpmes*foz not tbat tobece
Cfap. i%,b
Jlusc.u.,. poute fanes, tobicbe bp bps
meatus ace a cbofen genecacion 5 a toial*p?eeft m<s
a ptculpac moum,*
bane beleaeD on 450D tbat tape eo bim boD 3 *an bolpe nation, ano
tbe bettues
wnuiib. ftome oeatb,ano glozpfpeo bpm*tbat people, tbat pefl)ulou>eto

pout faptb anb bope migbt be in d5oD» of bi'm tbat calleo

pou out of oatcfeues
aiHDfozasmucbaspebaueputtfi< intoibps matuelous4pgbt, *tobicb in gxu.uA
0* tpmepafte tuete not a people, pet arc
CD pout fbuUs tbozoto tbefptttte,in
©oD.-tobpcb b?et not
bepinge tbe trutb foz to loue bzotljetlp noto tbe people of
toptboutfapnpnge 5 fetbat peloue one bnoecmcccpe, butnoioebaue obtap*
snotbec tottb a pute fjett fmicntlp:foz ueD mctcp* |«
+*©erelpe beloueD 3 3befecbpo.u c
pe ate boznc a netoe,not of moztal fcDe,
abftepne «an.».fc
but of immoztall,bp tbe toozDe of <bod as fttaungets ano
pilgfiuies s

efep.fLb. tDbtcbliuetbanDlalletbfoieucc^foi *fcomfleu5lpeluftes 3 tobtcbefpgbta* isom.)fta.»

Sfi allflcOK is as gtatTe,anDall tbe glozp gapnft tbe

[oule , anD fe tbat pe bane
boneftconuetfacio among ^cutils,
of man is as tbe floute of gcalte. tcbe
ataffe toiDDetetb,anD the Route falletb
tbattbcpUJbicbbac^bpt pou as eupil
atoap,but tbe toozo of tbe ftozoe timu Doats,*map fe
pouc gooo tooifces ano ^atf>.t>.k
*etb eucc » h 3Sno tbp$ is tbe toojoe pjaife
©od a in tbe oap of bpfttacion*

*^ubmttpottcfelutsbttto alltria
tobpebebp tb? (Sofpell toaspzeacbeo
necoiDtuaunceofman foj tbe;toiDcs S!SiK
scijcjaotrs. fabeitobttbet^tbebnto tbe Spngeas
a.aitucIpbopetstijatwOttbptocbeecctapne bnto tbccbcfebcao:otbet bnto tuiacs,
l mt ,

as bnto tbem tbat ate rent of bpm, fo?
|jjCbui*Cbaptet.4« tbe puniflnnewt of euill Doats,butfo;
©ceicl)o«etljittett to lap af p6c all D^ccftctd
tbe lauoe of tb^m tbat do ioel!* fo? To
ctFj rtjat COipfle is ttje founoactoututjecc t>pou
tfjep bttplte, piapetfj tOcmto abflapuc fromc
is tbe toil of ©oD.tbat pe'put to filencjt
flcQylp luftcs.aaOtoobcpujoilDlp tnlacs.©ovu tbeignozarsncpoftbefoltO) men : as

fecuauHtesC&oulobeOauettjem Cclucs touiar= f tc,anD not as bailing tbe libettp f 0: a

&es rtjeic maiftcca. foufimmi) to fuffee af tec
clotiCofnialiciouDies , but euenas §
tt)e paraplcofCtnifi
^ctelozelapafpDeallmali* fetuauntcs of d5oo,*f onout ail mm. «««.*«.«.

ctoulnes anb al gyle,anDDiC jlouc bzotbetlp feloto^ip^ieacc ^00, e .

fimulacion,anD enup,anD al aiiDbonotittbe-bing. b ";; '
^ctuauntes obep pome mafters w**u*
««JC*tt«.f bac&bptpugejano+as netoe
feate, not onlp pf t&ep be goob
toftfj all bougbtets pe are as log as pe bo tncf,'
anb courteous : but alio tbongb tbep not bepugeaftapeb of euerp Cbaootue*
^a^.*.a be ftoujaroe.*;tfoz it is tban&e motfbp UPkcapfe pe men* btoell ujptb tbS
pta man to; confcience totoarbe mob accozbpnge to fcnotoledge:b geupnge
moute gtefe.fuffetpnge tozougfullpe. honour bnto tbe toife,as unto tbe toea*
^oitufiat piapfc 13 it , pf tobenpebe fcecbciTell,anoas bnto tbem tbat ate
buffcteo f 01 pout fantes,pe tabs it pa* btpjes ado of tbe gtace oflpfe, tbat

cientlpt'£utanbpftobenpebotocu J pe pout pzautsue not let.

f uffec tozong anb take it pancntlp.tbc Jtt conclufion, ^
be pe all of one
tstbectban&etoitb^oD. mttiDe,oiie fnffctimtb anotbet,Ioue as
*^ Jfo* bete bnto berelpetoerp* calico: btetbzen,be prif ull,be courteous, not

?*.#<..» foz+ CbziftealfofnrTerebfo**b0,!e* renbzpngeupU foz eup{,uetbet rebuke
«»^».a. oitigc is an enfample tbat pe fljouibe foz tebuHe:but rdttarp t»ife,ble(re, ta
bts fteppes, tebpcb Dpo no fpn,
f olciu mcbimg p pe are tberunto callco,e urn
neptbectoastbeeegplc founbe in bis tbat pe ajoulb be bepzes of blciTtng.Jf C
moutfjrtobpcbe toben be teas cenpleb, anp man longe after Itf e,anb louetb tp &**#**
teupleb not agapne :tobcn be f uffeceb, fegooooaies, lettebim refrapnebps
be tbf eatencD not:but committed tne tougc from euill, anb bis ipppes tbat
came to btm tbat iuogetb rigbteoutlp, tbep fpeafee not bim elcbue e*
HjJK * totW& bts otutie Wfc t,ace oac finnes ui'H anb bo goob : let fipm rcUc peace,
* f
inbps bobp oil tbe ttec,tbat toe CbottlD anb enfue it.jfoi tbe epes of tbe 'iLo:oe
beoeipueredftomefpnue andfl)ouloe ate ouet tbe rpgbtcous,auD bps eates
Ipue id tpgbteouf lies* 23 p tobof e fttp* ate open bnto tbcpz pzapets. $ut tbe
pes pe lucre beaicb f 0? pe tocre as face of tbe &ozbs bebbloetb tbem tbat
Igcpe gopng aft tap:but ate nob) t ct u c< DoeupU.
ncotwrbtbe H)epbetbe anb bpfl;oppe ^ozeouer toho is it tbat toil batme
of pout foules. h foil, ifpcfolototbattobicbcisgoobt'
fffeej&ott* jSotUHtb&anbing * bappp ate pe if pe ^atb *.b
£>ape of *.^rt)istapof upfuaciouisrbctpsnftohctigo!) futTce foz tpgbtioefneffe fake . ^e anb
&oucdfauirb,b>> bps iiifpicarious,focal a man
* feare not tbougb tbep feme tettpble era-m*.
to pou,netbet be ttoublebrbut fanctys ^ a ^- «

in (Dje.iti.cbapter.
fie tbe JLozb ©00 in pout bet res. Pse
I&otoc topucs ougb t f oxbec f ban (ftics f j
toarotbeicburbaDesanD itifgcit «ppatei.&be
rcop al tomes to geuean anftoer to cue
fcutpe of men totoacDC9 tbetc tDpuea, ©e
rp mantbat afaetb ^011 a rcaf on of tlji
tab al me;» to uttpre 9 iouc:$ pactenrlp ro tutfn bope tbat is in you,anb tbat toitb meft
tcoub!>ftcue bapttfmc,
nesanbfeate:bauiug agoob confep*
3H fifi3B3i fe£ to ^ fe l£t tl>* *
topuejf be euce,tbat*U)bentbepbachbpte pouas
it)tt ib
£K'« S r fr®inf"bieccion
to tbc it bulbar eupllbocts, ti)tp map be a rijamcb foz c<t«i"U*
I K\W t»estbat euentbeptobicb be asmutbaa; tbep bane faff eb> accufeb
(jgSsBlcue not tbe t»itb pour goob conuerfacion in <£lnv(t.
out t\)t toozbc be toonne bp tbe cornier* +3|ti8*betfer(pftbe topIIofd5ob f9«^».«
fficiou of tbe Uipucsrtobp! tl)£f bebolo
poutc pure conuerfacion coupkD luirfi
be f o)tbat pe fuffet foz toell oopug,tbc
fozeuplloopuge. * ifozas mucbas

^m .t.«.
feare-soobofe appateil (bail not be out Cbiift batbe once f uffeteb foz tUe fpu«
tea to Inicfi bzotbed bcare, 3 banginge
nes,tbe lull foz tbe bn'uft, foz to bzrng
on of gol9,et!jer in pn ttpng on of goz< bs to^ob,anb ioas feplleb,as pcftap*
aious appatcll:bnt let tt)t bib man of ningtotbefie^erbutuias qutcHeneo
tbe beet be bncoztupt,u?itb a me&e and in tbe fpitit.
quiet fpitit,tobicb fpitit is befoze goD
JBn tobicbe fpitit be alfo teent anb
^ "a tbinge mucb fet bp> jfoj after tbps pzeacbcb bnto tbe fppzpfes tbattoere
imnct in tbe oId time D?D tf)i bolp tte* inpzpfon, tobpebtocte in tpmepaffeo
men tobfeb ttufted in <Sob \ tpct tbem Dpf6bebient,tubentbe longe rufTeting
ftlucs, anb toec obeDient to tbeit bur* of ©ob abobe ejecebpng pactentip

banbes, etien as §iara obepeo 3fibza* bapesof^ioe,*tDbpItbeatcfee teas a ««.**
bam , anb calico brm fcczoe : uiOofe pzeparpng*tor;ednfeto(tbati0 tofap 4m Wtt .


ajmFpFtE jfoLtrrbt
«*« « - %M*toults)\ott faueb bp tuatcr,to!?<cb nes in eatpug 3 Diincltpng } anD in auomi
fignpfietb*baptime that notoe rauetb nablepoolattp*
bs, nottbeputtpngeatoap of tbefiltfj ainD itfetnctb totfjem afttaunge 25
of tbe fleu>, but in tbat a good con* tfjpnge tftat pe cunuenot
alfo toitf) the
fcpence confentetb to gob.bp tbe refut* bnto t^e fame erceiTe of cpot,anD
teccton of 3ftf«0 Cb.Jpft, tobicbe is on fozc fpeafte tnep eupll of pow,
tije cpgbt banbc of <i5oD:anD
is gone in Q]algeue accompte,? to lum tfjat is tea
»ebju.u. t0 &ea«c>*angcls,potoers,anD migbt, dp to iuDgequicke a'nD Deao, a Jfo? bti
«Hfi.n.b.c fuboueo bnto bpun fr to tf;ts putpofe bcrelpe toas t{je <BoU
pel pieacfjeD bnto tfje(DeaD)tbat ttjep
(Douloe be ttiDgcD IpKe otf>et men in p
aContocH «• I&e titocllctu toptl; bpstopfeaccoubpngeto
J»a topfe HUOtolcogc.tbattaaetboccasaneccaacpebets flefl^but 0)ouIDIpuc before d&oD in tbe
accoiDmg pec, a an not as boubcCecuauut 01 a bonbcflaue, fppzj'te.^ cbe cube of aH tinges is
to huotos #»&tfu)ebenotobebtcutau&belBfutto!ito&im,
at banoe*
leogc. Ciiocuouccti) ro beate toe f care of *5oft into Occ
Oeabc, tbat tbctbp 0;e map be copfilcD to leacne 23e pe tfjecfoie Dpfcccf c aiiDCobet,
Oct otitic and o o t t.JSiit cbicfetp be mud
be tea re tfiat pe map beaptetopzapcts^uta-
ibatbcbaltc not tuattp parte of bis ounc to Oct boue all tbpnges bauefctuent fouea*
toarDe.^Fex ftiseupl erainpie,CbaIDcftcopeinoic
tijen al the iHCtuccions be can geuc, tbai capfp. mongepou^ozlouecouetetbtbemu^ Ccnm .
TD6Qi\xc~ b tfcafmus in bis anotactous, uotetb outc of
> tptuoeof fpnnes** ffiepebctbetous nou£l*.
Ooiiouc to £>3iuct 3|ecomc,t bat tins boitour is not t boo)-
tbe vppfe. P"8Cfc>ptb tbe twee s.uotbec tbe oecapng totttt
one toanotbei!^tbattopt!)out*gcuD*
™ ' ii]L

Bol& ana p:ccioureaoues,neitbcc pet tbe Cctttg

gpng»ais etierp man batbe
teceaucD f
of ttjent in ttxbppcc feates aitbbtgbeft otaceg gpfte,mtntftei; tbe fame one to a notice
Ctobtcoe ttjingetoe re moOc obfecueo in otuecfe as gooo miniflets of § mantfolo gtace
regions. )But it is toe abaapuiug f com tbe fife?
tbelp lud.tfoi fbCrapctb ^atuct become) iebas
of (0od. *3fa«J inanfpeake letbpm
> «««.•«,«
nonte geueunto tt>omeu,pf tbep be not tDiowl) talHe as tfjougfje be fpafee tt)t irozbes c
oucouenmub toaiitOHncsDcfiIcb,aubmaDeof of(S0D*31fanpmanminpaetjletbpm
Dottasoftbeabplitietobtcb^oD m?i
Wins roojo bonoute ( in this place) ooctb alfo
crtcnocufclfeintto amiable, kiuoe,anDlouwg matetb bnto bprn* Cbatcsoo in all
fpeactj,atiD to tbe gentle mtuiftcpngeofalfucb tinges map be glozpfpcD tbozoto Jt
tbpnges as Oje Qanoctb ucDcof , auo cljcfeipe fus €t)ipfte , to lubome be pzapfe anb
Vubcn tbiough tbe toeaftnes of natuce (be is not
able to tcauaplc auo labouc foi ti; cm, bee feife.^n foz cuct atiD tobtle tljz toozlb

SJapttfme *•©*« bo tuners Icarnco interpreters bubcc= aanoetb.3imcn. ^

ttanbbpl&aptifme.tbeblou&jpaatoiiofcouft 5©eatlp belouebjbe not tcoubleb in
^oit0ati9tbe tbtngertgntftcobp Baptpfmc.
£uo tbeujatbpng of ouc routes bp tbe nc&tbt of tbts beate,U)btc{) noto is come among
Cuzpttc, is betoHcncb bp tbe toafibpngc of tbe bo poutottppou,astbougfj fomeftcau^
opeintoatet. ge tbiuge babbappenco b.tto pou:buf
4£<€\)tAiiU<£ynpttt. ttiopce,tnas mucbeas peace pacta^
feets of Cfjzpftes paflfions j tbat toben
^eCFboxtctb men to ceafefcS rpnne,torpctib
no moxe tpme tit u tec, to befobec aub apt to pt«p bisglozpappccctb,pe map bemetp?
Cr.toIoucccO bepactent in tccublcaiio glao**3fpebetapleD bponfoztl;ena< anm^
tobcicarctOatno maufuffee as aneupllooac me of Cbzpa,bappp are pe^jfoz tbe fpi<
but as a c!;u (ten man, mb not to bee aftameb. anD.m.c
titexif glozp anb tt)t fpitite of ©ob xu
m as tunc J) as Cftipft
fuffetcDfoz ustn

bpon pou.^Dn tbetc parte be is e>
ft etb

upllfpoUen of: but on poute parte \)t

Iarme roue fclur s iikctoifc ub is gloiificb*
1$, tbe tame minbeif oz be tebicb
fiiff cietli in tin 8e(T) ceaf etf) from fpn,
^>e tbat none of pou fuffet as a mut
tbcret,ozasatbcfe, oz an eupll boar,
f be ftencc f oztoarb CbulD Ipue as um ctj oz as abufp boope in otber mens mat;
tpme as temapnetb in toe flc(I):not af -j
tets.^f a np man furTet as a cbziften
ter tbe luftes of men,but after tbe topi man let{}im not be aOjameDjbuUette
of <J5oo*5foz it ts in ff icicnt f oz tos that bnn giozifp (gob on tbis bebalfe^foz
toe fiauc fpent tije tpme ^ is pad of tftc
tf)e turn ts come tfjat iuogement mull
Ipfe,aftet t^e topi! of toe gentpls,*toal begin at tin boufe of ©od. Jf it fpzlle
fepugc in toatuonties JuaeSjDzomfeeiii begpn at bs, tobat ujall tbe enb be of

tbetn h)\)ul) beleue nottfjc dgofpell cf time ts come.* Ca8 al ?otu rate to bi: #"•*£*•
^o.m.0 ©ob?-* anb pf tl)t tpgbteous fcaflp be foibecatetbfoipou*
f nuco : ivfym (bad toe ungoblpc anb ©e fobcr awo toat cb, foi poute ab«
toe Cpnner appetr iXberftnc let tbem
*> uetfatptbeDeupllasacoarpngXton
Job i,b ' '

tbatruffet accozDpngc to .be topllof *toalbetbaboute, fefcpnge lobome be

d3oD,comin tt tfyctc foults to bun trntu map beuoure : tebome tefpft*fttDfaft ^iMai
U)elbopng,asunto.afaitbfulcteat02» temt mbitnge tbat pe do
in tbe faptbe,
but fulfill tbe famt afflictions tobtcb
accttame Icatuco eppolitccsunticc ftanD tljps, ate*appoitueo to poute bietbientbat
ana tl)at in the Chapter gopugc before, couccrs JSf„„R
mugc.picacbtngc to tbc be all one ate in tbe tooilo^Cbe (Sod of all grace f" 5 " 4 "
^w-*^' mcattingof botl) isuoncotbcc, tobicb called pou bnto bis eternal glo<
buttbatt&eftccugtbeof Cbuftes paffion teas
tp bp Cbnft 3ie(u&(ba!bts otune felfe
toDufJ toecocpastcb.bcfoie tbatttmc,$bio»|i)t af tet pe bauc futTereD a Ipttel acTiiccto
them mro fuel) coufolacioti as'tbep tiatu bauc. maKc pou pecfect:(ball fettle,(lrengtb
W>l)tctj noDoubrc 13 ijccjtec t/j-u riut was, bp
anb ftabliO) pou* ^co bim be glozp auD
as mucbeastbcpipfoucr cciopfetb mcueaBbcu
befeetbbisfefepapeD, anobtsHronncs taken Dominion f o: euct, anb lobtU p toozlb *

of btm.anb loimb oaplp to bebeefccb toiro gov: enbucctb. h^mem

gpouretobcs,auo to be fet in poiTcflTumof tucS-
j3P^pluanus a faptbfuii biotbet &
tegocpattcb in tbefaptt) of Cbiift.atycpatcbp bnto voinas J fuppofe) j baue \nivu
tbcoeath ofebutte fctathbcttpcftomallthe tenb2eflp e^bottpnge ano teftifpinge

boiioce of rtnne,attb bo onlp lobe foi tbc aape of bo to tij at this is tbe true grace of gob,
uiDgcmentc.tobcii tbc m corruptible ccoumeef
gloipc fljalb c geuen unto them, tba botb bobp
tobenn pcftanbe*Cbe companions of
attb foulcmape Ipuefoi eucc in tbc moft iovfull pour elleccton tbat are at $abplon,fa*
pierence of tt) e fgobfteabe. lute poii,fi patens mr fonue^dSMtc no^bu
C^be^Cbapcet. pe one another tottbtbc nplTe of loue. (•coM»tni
3 Tpcctall OfDoitacion foi all ©pfboppeso: ^cace betottb poualltobicbe ace to
fcutpts.anbmbattetoacbt&Epr&aioaueprtbep CbitftJeCus^men,
bC.opIpgCut.©e epboitctbpoug pccfoHCs to Tub sbc/aote*.
mp t to em fclucg to the clocc eoetp one to loue
a.l&atiCbes: J fStthc bath loi««,tbat i % to fap,
anotuet,tobcrob;cauototo.ucb,toattbepmap; patifbcs oibporcccs bttto tDbicbetbcpzecaes
I^eeloecg tobicb are*atnong topteacl; jroDbcsttwb to tbe«n

P°«,3I cjrfjoue, tobpebeam

jalfo anelberanb ntoptucs
[of tbe affltccious c( ctttPlt,
ano alio a parta&ct of tiie glozpe tbac
c tr^e ^oioae
bpon tbe f ccono CppRle of
9n,n.t fnalbe openeb:fe*tbat pe febc Cbziftts
&aiuct jDcter*
floefcetobpebisamonge pou tafcpnge
tbe ouetfpgbtoftbem,noras tbougbe
pe toete compelleb tbecto,bur toillmg*
ipeinotfoitbeberpze of fpitypc lucte, |
tbem.tobicb tbougbttbat £bii«
tCfrM.e. but of a gooD
mpnoe* not a«f tbougbe fienfaitlKmigOtbepfilCfiBitl)*
out toozbej.toOepcttljcpiomcre
pe toct loiocg ouettbc * patpf&es.but
f:ofC!npflnsmaoc usbpoutba-.
h'$£u.W t P tlit an*enfamlpeto tbeflocne, 'coabicton, tbat toe hencefoztbe
mm 3i»D tohe tbe cbief u>perb fljal appece, toozhctt)ch}plofi5odanbnotoftbefleeb.Sbet;
© pe fljall reccaue * an tncozruptpbie foxc be ef bo;tctl)tb2 to ejeetcpre tbem felnes bp=
Ipgeittlp tu bcttue attb all goob too;bes,tbctbp
ccotonc of glozpxp&etopfe pe pongee
umutil to be nice tbat tticp bauc tbc ttuef,iptb,a9arai
fubmptepoute felties bnto ti)t elbet. hnotoeti) tbc goooucsof a tccc bp btsfcute.&bS
+&ubmpt pour fellies cuetpma,one *nk becommenbetb anb magnifietb tbe tSofpcll,
topllctb tbat men bcrbcu to tfy&t onelp^auo
to nuotbet,fcuet pout felueg together to incn? bo c trine not at all, tfausbcrapctb,
in lotolwies of iwmbe. foi cSob reft* tbecccamcnopzopbeticall fcciprurc bp tbc tail
ftctb tbe pzouDe, anb geuctb grace to ofman,iuit bptbctvpl of tbc bolpgoolr.Vubich
onlp bnotoetb f topi of gob.uetbec is anp fectp
tbe bumble* £»ubmpt poutc felues ture of pituate n terpzet a no
tb a t is to f a p ,map
t ,

C tberefozc bnbet tt)e mpgbtpe banbe of be otbertotfc Cjrpounbcb then agecpng to tbc o*
t£ob,tbat be map eralte pou a u>beu tbe pen placcg.anbgcuerall articles, anbto tljcco-
uena untcs of gob anb all tbctcftof^fcttpture.
mt $et?r,
anb tbecfoie tu t be fcconb.bebjacneth rtjctn
ucnbntobserccHent ano moft great
BrfauctcacbecBtbatlbouiD comc,aitb tbo;oi»
Ptfacbpng confluence tn falfe tooifces torattfn piomifes s tbat bp tbe belpe of tbem ?e
fpc tbcpj coueroBlHes tt»ptball, Cbouloe bc»p
Jbouloebe*partafter« of tbe goblpe ^t
ffiwtft.WotcDe be tbjearcnetb tottb tbie tecct=
"*«". r pc fli,e ^ ^rupcton
bl Samples. Witb tbe f ale of tbe aungeis,
t&e /V?
( lot; «X

ffl>omoz,anb fo ocfcctbefb 38tjbbereMntoge«e anDUtgence:tti

tbcm tottb tijetc ittfa*
ciabiecouftourHcs.pitaejainjbomcg anD otfoi
oe&tence to ail tempoiallculeanb aut& anb in
bcttne fenotolebge, $*t n ftnotoleoge
*nat ablmbeman map fctOatbepiopbccteb it
i,f0*• tu,<, •
teuiperance^no in temperaunce,pact*
of tbe jaopesbolp rppxft«a!tp,\»btcb aeuouteo ence 5 tn pactence gooipnegjn gooimes
in al luff anbplcarucc anb cciguutgeas tempo=
bjotberipe fepnbnee , m
tad rp;aunte9. fepnoneslowe* ifo? pf tbere tbpnges
SlntUcrbpibc&cCbctoetl) tb&tinW Iattec be amongpou ano are plenteous
feaciof t&eiubgementof tbdatt aavc, tyallbe
torUma&epou tbatpeneptbec fhalbc
cucNasCppcuccB, tobolpegcncn to tbcflclbe, pole noj bnfrutfuii m
tbe ftnotolebge
WMcb face bap Cbailpctrutclpcan&flbo;itelpe ofourio?be3|eftisCb?tft*25titbe #
come TaptO be,foia tbouraH peaces attb otic bap
laeftetbtbefetbinges is bhttfjesgro*
istutft) ©on all ottc.aiio beftctoctb alfobotoe
f cctpble tbat bap Q>albe,anb botoc. fooenlpc tr
petb foi m mp mi) bts ba«ib,5 bat^
forgotten tbat be teas poitrgeo fromc
catticaip foz tt.anb to picpace tbe (clues agatfte
bis olon uncs
it tottb bolp connetfacton aitb 0obip Ipmngc.
a£Dbetfo?eb2etb«n , geaetbe mo^e
f pnalip,thc fpitt Cfiaptec OJCtuctb botoc \t
flboufb go m t lie tpme of tbe puce ano trite f&ots Diligence fo? to * mase pour calling s
peH.tljCfeeoub.botoetttyouIbgotii tljetpme eleccion fure.ifoj if pe bo fucb tbiges,
of tbe i&ope ano matmes boctcme . %\) c t&ttbe
ftorn atW laoc men Cboulb bclcue no tb 1113 no; petbaUneuererre* ^ea,anb bp tbps
fca«i$obatall» ineanes an entrig in ^l
be miniftreb
bnto pou abott nbantip into tbe cuer -,

lafting fepngbome of our ^020 anb

of &ninct peter*
^oberfoje 3 topi not be negligent to
put pou al toapes in retnemb?amice of
fucbe tbinges, tbottgb tbatpeftnoto
tbempourefeluesanobeatfo ftabip*
l^eo tn ti)t pjefent trutb*Doc bittbfta*
fTtfoiloraucbastbcpotoecofiSob batb gate
rbem all tbiuges pcctapnpngbitto erbo* OpngeJtbpnUett mete*as longe as ".Co?.**
mi) tbcm r fl te tbe coi tu p c ton of toojlblp luff,
to mabe tbetc calipnge f uce tottb goob tooibcs,
3 am in tbts * tabernaclc(to ftere pou
bp bp putting pou in rememberauce
otonc beatl; .Declaring tbe Hoxb 31 cruo to be tbe fo;as mucb as J am fu te bote tf;at
tcuefonneof *5oMsbebpm relfebatbfenebps tpme is at banbe tbat -J mune put of
en tbe momt tc.
tnptsbernacle^eueas our JLo^tj lu
fus Cb?pft 5 batb Ojetoeb rne.3 topll cn<
J WM,,
ano an 3pofUe of Je* f ojee tbetfoje , tbat on euerpe fpbe
fujaf Cli^pflc, toc^an tnpgbt bane toberetoitb to ftere bptbe
tobtcbebauc obtapneb remernbjauiice of tbefe tbpnges aftet
Ipfcepzccious faptbtb mp bepartpnge*HHf 02 toe folotoebnoe
_bs m
the tpgbtcoufr bece auable fables toben toe opemo bn
ties tbat commetb of our ©od au&ra* to pou tbe potoet anb commpng of ouc
iipout3Jcfti0Cb?t(r* 51o?be Jefus €l)ivftt, but^toitb oure
*d5race toitb pbu,anb peace be mul* epes toefatoebpsmareape:euen tben ««3<rtn.u
tfplpeb in tbe fcnotolebge of <sdb ano
tjerelp toben be receaueb ofgobtbefa
ofjefus our&oiMccozbpngasbis tbec bonour anb g[ojp,anb \»bcn tber
goolp potoct batbe getien bnto &$ all
Cbpnges tbat petratnetonto Ipfeano
came fucb a bopce to bim from tbe
cellent glozpe.*i;bis is mp bere
goblines, tboiotoe tbe fcnotolebge of ,
tM .

bimtbatbatbeeallebbs bp bettues
uebfonne, in tobome 3 fjatie DeUte* SSS*
fCbps bopce toe bauc bfarbc toben
l°^ \
glo*pe 3 bp tye meanes to&erof ace %u
3 it came from tieauen,bepnge toit^
bun SS!

%\)t feconu cpt

fat&eftolJMtiounte* to tefetue tbe bntaftetmto tbebape of
itcebauealfoatpgbtfttte toojDof iuDgemcnt touQ be pnniu>o : namels*
tbcm tbat teniae aftec tbe flcu> in tbe
ptopf)ccpe tobeceunto pf pe tafce beoe,
^.iirtbas Unto a* Ipgbte tbat fypnetft ma infte of bnclenneg,auD Defppie tbe ca<
ace tbep,anD (tub
DatcKeplace^eDotoelljbntpltbeDap lecs.^tf umpteoiis
bojne anbfeatc not to fpeattc eaiilof
Datone anD tbe Dap ftette acpfe in pout
bettes* frS>o tbatpe fp;ft fenototfjis:
tbem tbat ace inaHCtoipte.&xrfKntbe
tbat no f9iopl)fcpe in ttte fctiptute
angels tobtcbe ate gceatec botbe in ^
pQ toesanompgbte,teceauenotoJtbe

batb anp pituate intetp*etacton» jFoj

came neuec bp tfjc topll ft'oiac taplpnge tuogemente agapafte
tbe rcctptuce
tb'enY.sut tbefea^bjute beafte» na<
ofmanibut bolpmeuof^oofpabcas }

i ucallp mabe to be tafte ano DedcopcD^

tbep toecemoueDbp tbe bslpgooir*
fpcahc euil, of tbat tbep bnoto «ot,anb
t^al pcxpfy tbiougl) ti)tit otone Df itcnc
a.aifbousijcrtoecallpngcof JSoabeaablcauu cton , anD teceaue tije cetoatDc of bn*
rute.neuectljelca'e the apadlcs topll, tDat oucc tpgbteoufnes*
tooifics fljouta u elate unto me« p m
ace called,
Cbep count it pleaCuce to lpue Deli*
b. scab J nude bcrc ft gmf tc tij few bod? as tt ab
foboctbm ti.Cwmtb.D.a. ciouflp foi a feafon, ^pottes tbep ace
anD fpltbpneSjlputng at pIeafuce,anD
in Dilceauable mape0,icaapnge toitb
©c piopbccietb. of falfc tcacJjccs.a.'ib Cbetottlj pou:baupng epes ful of abuoutcp a«D
tbat cannot ceale to ftnne , bcgplpnge

3 /jip&ece $io pbc te s amo 5

tt»er f a I f c tnftabk Coules^ectes tbep baue ejece
t.Ci.titt.a {j^tbe people, euenas^beuuyi^e cpfeb toitb couetoufnes.'Cbcp ace cuc<
v v falfettacbets among pou:u>bicb p tigbt
feD cbilDjenjanD baue f ojfaben
piciiclpfljalbirng in Dutiable fectes,
cuenDenptng§ TtojDepbatb bougbte tbe map ef ©aalamtbefonneofisofoj, j©
toap,*anDace goneaftcapefolotoinge ^^h
tbem, anD bjpnge bpon tbemlelues toljtcb loucD tbetetoatbe of bntigbte*
f totf t Damnacion,anb uianp $al f oloiu oafnC0:buttoascebtifeeDofbiStuiqui
tbcic Damnable umpes, Up tobtcbe tlje tie.fCbe tame auDDomme beafic, fpea*
toapof ttutbfljall be eupil Ipokcu of, fepng toitb mans bopce, foibabe § fo*
anD tbojoto couctoufueg Ojal tbep toitb Ipfijnes of tbe ^jtopbet*
faineb toojoes make matcbaunbife of * Cbete ate toelles toptbout toatec 3u*t,u*
pou,toboft lubgcmcnte is not facte of, auDclouDcB cactcDaboutofatempeS
£anD tbeit Damnacion flepecb not. to to&omc tbe mpft of Darcbncs is ce<s
ifojpf<5oD fpaceDnot tbeangelles fecucDfojeuec * fojtobcn tbep baue
tbat fmncD,bu cade tfrem Dotone into f poKc tbe ftoclling toojbes of bani tie,

bell, anD DeiptieccD tbemmco cbapnes tbepbzgpletottb toantonnes tboiotoe

of DetBnes,to be sept unto uibgemct: tbe luftes of tbe OcOje, tbemtbat toece

tietbccfbaceo tbe olDtoo:lD,but UueD dene efcapeD:but no to acctoiappeb in
*0oe tin cpgbt pteacbec of tegbttoef* etcouts* s;bep pioraefe tbem libectpe,
nts,anD feiouggcc in ti): fluo upon tbe anD ate tbem felues tl)t bonDe fecuau*
toozlo of the DngoDlpe, aub tnrncb tbe tes of cojtupcion.* jfo? of tobome foe* | g m.t)u.
cpties of Zooo ano csotnoi into atyeg: uet a man tg outc come bnto § fame t0
onettbjetotaeui.Dfttntieotbem^maDe be in bonoagc.*tfoj if tbep,aftec tbep
on tbim an cnfainpU bnro ail tbat <\U nauc efcapeD fcom tbe fpltbpncs of tbe
Wfc ^
tec fyoulDe lpue DngoDlPe . 3nD iuftc tooilDc tboiotoe tbe knotolebge of tbe
(Sun. jnt.f.
* JLot bereD toitb tbe bncltnlpe im\> XojbanD of tbe faufout 3fefus Cbiift,
uecfacion of tbe toict$eo, DeliueccD be. ace pettanglebagapnetbetm ciouec*
jFotbebepngctpgljtcous anbDtocllfg come: *tbenistbe latter enoe to oju"e ^^^^
amonge tbcm, in feing anD beacpnge, toitb tbem ib«n tbe begpnnpnge^oj it
fcejceD bps cpgbteoas foule ftam Dape baD bene bettecfo? tbem, not to baue 3( ttt bct*
to Dape toitb tbcic bniatofull Debeg* * anotone p toap of tigbteoufnea tben mnothaue
i.Coj.jf.c. *Cbe£o;tDeftnotoefbbotoetoDetpiict aftct tbep baue fenotocnit , to tucne SSSTnw
tb^goDJpouteoftemptacion,anDf)oto fcom tbe fjolp commaunDement geuen ««« "e l

* ,rw,m 4 -

j o

#f fopnt $eter,
ftototbem* 3It tjg; happened tjnte t?>em tn bolp cotiuetfacfon
anD goDlpnes:Io*
i^jo.tici.a. accozopng to the true pzouetbe:*Clie fcpug foz anDbaftmge bntotbe com*
Dogge ts t umcd to f>isUomet againe, mpng of the Dap of ©oD, in tobfche the
ano the fouie that urns toatyeD, to (jet beauens (ball perpffje mtu fp?e,anD
luaUotuingiiitijempec* the elementes (balbe confumeD toptb
CCh^ni* Chapter. bcate. * jfreuettbeleflfetoelokefoja
3 MeBU
C&eCF&ojtctb racn to bctoatcof fuel) a« toola netobeauenanDauetoectb,accojDing
maHctbem bdcur.tbattbcbap of toeEoibtaec to bps pzomifc^betm Dtocllctb ngh*
flacfeetucommpngerptapctb tbcm to leoe a goo teoufnes*
Ipelpfe.anbto loBCbctelpfoitbe commpngeof
acobetfoje Derlp belotttD, fepng that
pe loke f oz ruche tbpnges, be Dplpgent
tcccaue all men to cepcutauucc. that pe map befouno of hpm in peace,
a 62\$t0 ts the feconD epiftlctbat 3( toptboutfpotteanD fcuDefplcD. 3dnD
j^i noto tojptc fcnto pou,beloueD, ruppofe that the longe f ufftc?nge of p
sl>tobettoitb 3 ftcrct3p v aiiD toatne jLojoeisfaluacpon.euenas oucoere^
pour pure mpnDes, to call toremem*
lp beloueD bzotbec 0auU,acco;opuge
• ajauncetbetoojDes tobtcbtoere toloc to the topfDome geuen bntobpm,to?ot
before of the bolp^opbetes,anD alf to pou,pea all mooft in euerp Cpiftie,

the commaunDementc of US the atpo* fpeakpnge of fnebe tbpnges : amongc

(lies of the tUoDc anD faueout. tohich are manpe tbpnges baroe to be
* ChpsfpiftfcnOerftanD that there tjnoerltanDjto&tctftbep that ate tjnleac
®(hall come tn the laft Dapes, mocfcecs, wo ano Dutiable peruer t, as tbcp Doo

?S K tobicb topll toalfce after tfactc otonc lu< other fectptures Dnto tbepj otoneDe^
l!*«c..iitub. ftes ano fapc*^x>hec is the piom\>fe of ftruccion.^e tberfoje beloueD, fepngc
fcct.ttw pnge fence the fathers
^ S coinm «•
ifox peunotocit bsfoiehauD, betoare lefte
DpeD,all tbinges continue tn the fame pe be alfo plucfceD atoape toitb the et*
cftate tobecetntbep toec attbebegrm* toure of the topckeD,anD fal from pouc
npnge^'Cbis tbep ftnoto not (anD that otoneftcDfaftiKsrbut grow in grace,
topllpnglpe) botoetbat thebeauensa anD in the knotoleoge of ou r 'Hozd ano
great tohple ago toct,anDtbe ettb that faueourejefus Cbipft* Cotobome
toasintbe toatec, appeateD bp oute be glozp both no to anD to? euec«3lnie»
oftbetoater, bptbetooiDe ofd5€)B*
&p the tobpeb tbpnges the too jlo that
.tbcntoas,petpu>D, ottetflotocntoptb
l°fJf,lb tbe toater* * !3uttbebeauenstjereh>

anD ertb tobich are noto,are feept bp the

fame toojD tn ftoje, ano tcferueD fento Ijpontbe tb?e CPPlllcs of
fvje,agatnft § Dap of iuDgcmente anD lattice John*
pcrDtciou of DngoDlf mem
©erelpbdoneD, be not tgnoiaunt iBtbtsfpift «fptftlcof.^>.Hol)tt
oap is
of this one tbpng,boto tbat*one
•sfat v a.
pere anD
Tco^tu ujitb £ loiD,as atbouCanD , oftpgbtctofoloaehpsiSorpciL
C a tboufanb pete as one oap.^be lorD jfo;a9int)ts f5ofpfll Dcfmcttj
ts not Oacfce to fulfill bvs p;omife,as anoccttoictt
tottcaelpeal! mcttneto befaucD
f ome men count aaclmes:but f
s pacp*
bttto the f atiouteof f5ob
agapnc.cuen Co bece m
cnt to bs toatD, anD twolD haue no ma tSptaic be goctb agapua mmtbat boaae

loft, but tooulD rcceaue all menncto thnnrclucsoffaptlnauopetcoiitpnuetottbout

tcpentaunce* Smicfattbts.tbccetbctooxfecstatpcnot
* #tcuettbeleffe $ Dap of § TtoiD topi
npght, in § tohich not.toctc ts no true f aptb, but a
ffiffi! come as a thefc tn§ f oloto

•»**».•. oap,^ beauens (bail perptt) topth tertp of pece^

melt 2nb bfrtuptctl) ro« agamftc a fecte
ble nopfe,anD the elementcs (hall tthes hjbtcbtbenbcganuctoDcitptbat
tol>tb heat, anD § cttb toptb § toozfces
tuber full
ttchuftrs, tobttbefcctcgoetbtiotoc
tljat ate thertn fliail burnc*
ft* ngc.tfojtbougbc WV wem "**$£**
tbpnaes fljailperpftc,
3|f all thefe
tol;atmanerpetfons oughts pe to be
moutu.tbat fiiniO is come
t in
tWftette, p«
tW^tc W»t WW«jJJ«J
, «

bHipng.tfoj&ctfiattopllbctwatfpeDaiibfaueb euen as be fnlpgbt , tben bane toe awrto^
tbojD\i)Ctn&orouctoo;t»es, toe fame ootbeas
fclotofljippc toitb bfm,anD tbe*blouo ScSffi
mud; as ye tijat ocupcDCtopa to become tu tbe
flcnie,fctnge tbat Ctutft came otielp tbecfoxctu of 3 ecus Cbjpft bis fonnc cienfetb OS *eb>»
t\)tgc3),ti)iitl)t QpouiDtuttifte tog.o; puccbafc fcomalfpune*
of ©ob agapne, attbma&e tosbetresofetcntall
* Jf toe i'ape tbat toe banc no fpnnc, £>
Ipfe.toitb.tostoojfeesoHelp.atiDtottbbtsbloub toe oeceaue out; f dues ano truth tsnot «»
ar -* « ,,
JSieabpuge.toptbouteanbbefoie at outtooiftcs inbs. *3f toe&notoleogeoucfpnues,
<g>o f pgbtctb rt)is xeppftle botb agapua tijem
topi be fauco bp tbeic otottc goob \voi\ eg, and
be is faptbfull ano iuft, to fojgtue bs I*****
alfo agaiua tbem tbattoplbc faue o bp a fapt be out fpunes , and to clenfe bs from all XS!»
f batbHolufttobo tootftes at at, anbbcpetbbt bnrpgbteoufnes* Jf toe fap toe baue **«*».»
not r i niteo, to e ma be bim a liat ano bis
be raucDbp bps towbes on!p,anb tben to Sttotn
tbat it ts out* btitpfoj tbat ftpnbties.topiepatc
tooto is not in bs«
once rclues to do tbc commauttbemcitt of i5o o
ano to louecuccp man Dps HCpgbbout as Cbxttt
^tCbeat.Cbaptec. +
louebbpm, febpngetottb ouce otoitc tooifees €E£bufttso»cabuocarc.jQftucclouc,a»bbot»
<5ob0bououc$oucnepgbbouts toeltbcottcipc tttstepeb.
ano tuiQpngfoietccnall tpfeanbfox at tbat gob £ lpttelcbplOien,tberetbiri< %
fcatb pxompfeb b s foxCbxtftes fabe.
%nt ttoo laae eppftles tbougb tbep be Eboxt. ges tojpte 3f bnto pott , tbat
pet ate gooblp enf amplcs of loue pefpnne not:pf anp man fiti, $«&«»*
anb f aptb.anb bo fauoucc
tije tatbecJcfusdTbitftjtobtcb is
£ y™
pet toe baue an aouocate ijb tt

tigb «nf«8bnw
reous^b'"! is £ obtaineo grace foj *$£?•
our Unties mot f oj out finnes on(p:but feep«i> w
e%\)t.Utp\ftlt bKo fo? § finnes of al g toojio^no b« «"«o"i?»
bp toe ate fure £ toe tmoto bt,tf toe fcepe
of£>atncte3obntbe ?Ppo(lle*
bpscomauuoementes. *$c§faprb3
ticbefpzftCbaptec** hnotoe bpm, ano fcepctb not bis com* **•#«.»
jCDe blouD of Cbiifte is tbepiicgactonfctmCm
maunoementes is a Ipar ano t\)t be tu
Ionian tsvoit&outfpimc. ti>tsnotinbpm* aac&ofoeuetRcpetr)
bps toejoe,inbimtstbe loue ofdgoo
S^7?Xmin, Pacfect in oeoe* 3nO tbetbp fctiotue toe
l5!K 2lri? «!:!
npnge, tobicbe toe
tbat toe are mbvm. ^etbatfaptbbe
bpoetb in bim,ougbt to toalfee euen a$ ,
toe baue fene toitt)
betoalfceo* f
25?ctbitn,3 towu no neto commas ^
Dement bnto pou : but tbat oloe com*
baue lokcDbpon,
mauno ement tobicb pe bcaro tcom t be
^ouc babes baue
beguming^be oio commaunoement
tstlje too.ioe tobicb pebeato fromtbe
*3 appetcD * tee baue fene ano beare ictt; beginning, agapne a neto commaun*
iies jan0 gj etoe i, n to pou*tbat cternall
Dement J tout e bnto pou atbpng tbat
lpfe,tobicbe teas toit'b toe fatbet, ano

is true in bpm , 9 alfo in pou : tot t be

appeteo unto bs.^bat to??icf? toe baue
oa wfcnes is pad, ano tbe true itgbt
icae ano bcroe , Declare toe bnto pou,
no to tyrnt tb .|)e tbat faitb b to tbat t)e
tbat pe map baue felototypppc toptb
is in tbe !pgbt,auo pet batetb bps bio
bs,aao t&atoutfelouOjpppemape be
%Z* «?XI
S±.^P^1^^ £ K
tbat pout tone map be full
tm ' 0P0U
««» ts in barebnes euen bntpll tbps
tpm ^e tbat louetb bPS biotber.abP
DWntbeIpgbt 5 tberi S noneoccaft .
on of cup m bun. 15c tbat* batetb bps

^ 3CnOtbiststfietpDpnges tobicb toe

biotbec,t3 m oarknes,auo toalftetb in *««.**.»
baue beato of bim eiocclare biuo pou,
-Datelines : ano cannot tell tobptbet be
tbat (5oo is Ipgbt ano tu bim is no Oct
goetb,becaufe tbat oatUnes ba tb bltn
Kenes at all « Jt toe fap tbat toe baue
f elotofbpppc toptb bun, ano pet toal&e
2&abes 3 unpre bnto pou boto tbat
iuDctcfefneSj totlpe, anooo not tbe
» o

-©f fajmte 3folm, tfol tm$

names fa&e»l to^te bnte pou fathers" anb is taught pou,eue
no Iie,anb as ft

goto that pe Bnotoebptn tijae teas fto fo hpm tbetin^nD notue bsbes abpbe
the beginnpng.31 tejpte bnto pou pog in hmijthat tohen he u>il appeace,uje
men , botee that pe batie ouercome the ma^ bebolbe 9 not be maoe adjaujfb
topcfeeo. J tojpte buto poti Ipttlc cOpi* of hpm at hps comminge: %l pe fcuoto
Dien,botoe that pe Uno toe the father^ that he is tpgbteous, fenotue alfo that
totite bnto pou fatbets,boto ypekuoto he tobtcbc folotoethtpgbteoufnes j ts
bpm that teas from the begpnntug* 31 bojuc of hpm
tojpte unto pott ponge men bote that ,

pe ate fttonge,anb the toojo of <Boo a* Cbe»fff» Chapter.

bi'Dcclj in pott , alio pe baue oacuome JTfjc rmgulcc lout of ©oft totoac&bs:? tioto
tocajameouj^t to /oncotic aitotfycc
that pe lone not tfjc* toozlD.nep* CholD tohat loue the father>,
fe>c 3
tbet toe topngcs that at in tin toojlo* hath ibtf®rt on bs,that tuee
u«!j £ too> Jjf anpe man lone the toojlbe, the lone djouioe be calico the * f ons 3Hotin,<.t»
IOC, tOUCtt)
not <©oo, of the father is not in bpu.. jF o; al that ofoBfoo* ifoMbts caufe the

fsmtbetoo?Ib(astbeniftoftbeftelu 3 toojloe Hnotoethpou not, bpcaufc it

the lull of the epes^f p?po of goobes) fcnotoetb nothPm* 3©catlpebeloueb,
is not of the father, butoftneteojlbe. noto ate toe the founts of <©ob,anbpet
3ino the toojlbe bani(l)etb atoap, $ *ne it both not appeate tohat toe fijal be*

iuft thereof: but betbatfulfplletb the But toe ftuotoc that tohen it fDallap*
HjpU of c50D abvDctf)
cticc* peate,toc fljal be Iphe him* jfoj toe thai
cbpl&wn it is toe laft tpnje,$
jipttle re htm as he is» 3!nD etietp manne that
c as pe baue bearbe botoe £*3flnttcbjifte bath tbis hope tn him,putgeth ht relf,
tfaift lobe fljal come, eucn noise ate tbete manpe euen as he is pwte. ©Cbofoeuet comit*
in £ fourth ^ntic^ittescome alteaupe iccbetbp teth rpnne, commptteth bntighteouf*
toe unoto that it ts f laft tpme* *Cbep nej!alfo,foifmneis*bntighteonfnes. *§et^at
toent out fto
fcs* jr 031 if tfjep
bs ,
tfav toete not of
of bs,tbep toolb atoap out finnes, $ in htm fS no finne* ncc, t0 be?-
2ud pe fenoto that be appeateb to tafec n&i)tcouf»
no Doubt, bauecontinuebtobs. &ut 36 manp asbibe in him fume not: tobo f ansbt of
ne< Vhs fptrtt.
that fo^tuneb that it mpgfjt appeate,£ f oeuet fpnuetb, hath not f cne hpn?.,
li;eptoernotofl)S» thet hath Hnotoen htm*
3lno pe baue an opntment of tfje bo< ©abeSjletnomanbeceauepou. l^e
Ip goft,anb pefcnotoaltbpnges* +31 thatbotb tighteoufneS,is
to?otc not to pou, as though pe fenetoe euen as he ts righteous, i^e that com<
net the truth : but as though pe fcnete mittetb fptme , ts of the oeuill ,* fo? § (Bcm.uie
i 3ob,t>«u,f
it,anb fenote alfo that no Ipe cometb of Deuil finnethfence the beginning* jr L
folic of goo,
tttietb* srbots a Ipanbutbe that be* this uutpofc appcteb the
niethtbat 3efus is €b Jtfte t the fame to lof e the toojUes of the beuil, sechol'o
is the inttchjifte that Denpeth the fa* euet is bouie of <£ob,fpnnetb not : foi
tbet anb the fonne* tfobofoeuet bcnp* his febe rcmapneth in bun, ano be can
etb the Cone, that fame hath not the fa* not finne, bicaufe he is bojne of <©ob*
tber.-ncttbetfojeabpbetnpougfame 3Sn this ate the chilbien of d5ob luioto
tobpcb pe heatb ftom the beginnpnge* en,anbthechtlbjeuoftbcbeuilUiX)ho
3[f that tobpcbe pe beatbc ftome the Coeuer both not tighteoumc0 3 ts not of
begpnnpnge, 0)811 tcmapne in pon pe 3
goD nethetbe^louethnotbisb?othec
Hone is $
alfo 0)ail continue in the Tonne, anb in f oi this is tbetibtnges,§ pe beercc titdt pjs.i
the fathet.16nb this is the p^omtfetbat fcoui the btginningejbat toe u^oulDc ofilotljcr.
5D louc one an otber,nor as* Capn tofiicb
be hath pjomifeb bs eucn etetnal life.
Cbps haue 31 to?itteu&nto pou,co< teas of the toicUcb^fletoc his bzothet.
cetnpnge the that oeceaue pott 36ud ? 38nbtohetfo;efleto behind ©t'caufe his
auointpng tohich pe teceaueb of hpm, otonetooiUcs toeceuil, ^his brothers
btoelletlj in pou.ainb pe nebe not § anp goob.+^atuel not mp biethte thou*
teach pon:bnt*as the anopnttug ghethe tooilbe hatepou* ^x>e bnotoe
.WU* man

|eac^£thpcu all tinges >m

is ttue, that toe ate ttanflateb fto beattj tmto
. ; '

€l)e f>$c tpi&lt

Ipfe bicaufe toe iotie tbe be tbat is in potijtbcn be tbat is in tb«
tfja£ toozloe * %t)tp ate of tbe too^ioe,anD
louetb not bis biotJ)sr,abiDc to in
DeaUVtfCboioeuerbatetbbisbjoibcr, t&ecfoje fpeabe tbcp of tbe too^lo, ano
is a man Bear. 3BuD pe fcnotoe tftat no tbetoojluebeatetb tbepm. dOpeateof
man Hear, batb eternal Ipfe abpbpnge <eoo. ^c tbat bnotoettj ©00, btatetb
in bpun us:be (bat is not of ©oo , beatetb b0
l)e cebp petceaue toe lout: f be gaue not.i^etebp bno to toe tbe 1 pi tit e of be*
ti> no corns

patTtonlo; bps litefoj &c:ano tbetfoie otigbt toe titpe,anb tbe fpitite of ettour.
alf to giue out lines tot tbe bus bic\ 4<©tloueD, *let bs loue one an ot&en
<Soa. ^b
accbofoeuet batb tops toozioes 5000 to; loue conunetb of <©ob . Stub euctpc im*™
©eu *b.b aub*fcetbt)f$ biotbet baue neoc: ano one tbat lout ib, is bojuc of ©od , ano ^c***

fljuttetb bp ties copalltd fed btm: boto fenotottb (50D, i^e tbat louetb not, lino
Dtoelletb tbe loue of <©oD in brm t $$P toetb not «50D: Hh f o: ^od is loue , 3 11
babes, let v$ not loue in to ozd,uc t 1 bet tbts appeaceo tbe loue of csod to Ds<
tntongc:butfc&tbeoeDe3 m
Derive: tea tD.bpcaufe tbat*eoD feat bis one SS'JJr 5

ifct louche
foi * ttjetbp toe (Mto toetbat toe ate of # lp begotten f onne into tbe too;lo, tbat
Stnato ttj n
toe art in 5 bccttiCj^cau ftcfoie (urn quiet out net* toe mtgbt Ipuc tbojoto bpm. deceit) is
tru. b aub be, not tbat toee loued dt^oo, but tbat
tes. T2>ut it out beactcjs cooempne loue,
tjaue quiet
tSfucnct* 4£od ts ij teat ct tbe out bettes, $ fcno to be loueb &s , 9 lent bpjs fonne to make
to (j5oD£
ctb al tbpnges»©eloiieo,tf out bettes agtcmentfoiourefpnnes. ^

& conoempue bs not,tbenbaue toettu&e

#9at.t)ti.a to <25oDtoatDc:*$ tobatfoeuct toe affte
©eloueD, if«5oo fo lotieo bs,toe ou*
gb t alf to loue one an otbet* * ^0 ma jma*
to J
3flob. >:t>.b.
toe Ojal teceue of turn: btcaufc toe kepe batb fene <i5oD at anp tune. 3[f toe loue Sfc *»ft
nno.)C9La. bis comaunDeincutes, at do tboft tljw* one another, ©oo Dtoelletb tn bs, anb job"'.."
3«. i.a. tobfebeate plea.pnginbPS ftgbt. lips loue is petfit in bs» J^ercbp fenoto
* 3no tbps is bps commaunDemete, toe: tbat toe Otoe! in btm, anb be in bs:
Japtf) ano (bat toe be lcue*on tbe name cf bis foil bicaulebcbatbgcuc bsofbtsfpint.
lout 13 tbe 35efu«5 <tbuilc,ano loue one auotbet, ano toe baue fene ano bo teftifpe tbat
tnaSaemit as be gaue commauoemeut » aino be p tbe f atbec fent tbe Tonne, tobpeb e ts tbe
ana all c5* Kepetb bt0 commaunocinentes, Dtoefc fautout of tbe too?lDe.aocbo foeuet ca«
tee, ana be letb in &pm,a»o be in bun : ano tbe t bp feffetb tbat Jef us is tbe lone of <©od,
tbat bath
tbe, i*m
toe fcnotoe tbat tbete abi'oetb in bs of mbvm DU)caetbu50D,anDbeiU(i5oD.
Celt ana tbe fptttte tobitb be gaue bs» g< 3uu toebaue ftnotocn anb beleueb tyt
ijatb bp* 2-ije notes. lorn tbat eob batb to bs.
tytrur. a-ff tyt & t e t & c f t rtt c ro nmaattDCimttt ano lone
ts t&e iccouD. &e tijai i;u:u 1 0cra is tn goo, and
®od ts ioue,ano be tbat Dtoelletb itl
fedtOUistyirite. loue,Dtoelietb tn goo,anO ©00 tnbim* la
die.iiiiȣbapter. i^etetu is tbe loue pcrfectc tn OS, tbat
Diffccfncc jf fpitttes.aitJJ Oato tocfpmteof toe fljouloe baue trufte in tbe oape of
f5oOmdp bjfjmr-ujuftimiiDerpinr of ctrouc.
£>f tbe owe ji rt 00 aao of one uctgQboutcs.
tuogemente* jfoi as be is,eucn fo ate
3 ;C bclcweo*beleuenot e uetp toe in tbps too2loc . Cbctc is no feate
(pictte, but ptoue p rpitites in loue, but pecftte loue caftetb out al
tobetbec rt)tp ate of ©od 02 feate, fo? f ea re batb papnf nines, ^e
' to *
Jnot ,foj * manpe falfe 0jo* tbat ftatetbjis not perfect in loue* tJf^
aooe loue bpm,f 01 be loueo bs f ptft. bisb^otbu
tnar. jrttt.a
lL*tk.rti.b jljetcs ate gone oute into tbe toozloc*
l^ctebp fbnll pe bnoto y fpitit of ©oD» 3f a man fap, J loue d&oo,ano ptt ba> gjf "•
Cuetpe fpttite tbatconfeffctb tbat Jc tctb bps bio tbe t,be is a Ipar. f oi boto

fns Cbitfte is come tn tbe Setyc, is of can be p louetb not bps bzo tber 11 bom
<I3od. amo euetp fpittt tobpeb cofefTetb be batb fene, loue 4500 tobom be bathe
not tbat 3Iefus Cbnfte is come in tbe not fence- 3HnD tbps commaunOcmente
ftcO),isnot ofdBoo.'TnD tins is plptnt baue toe of bpm, tbat be tobpeb louetb
of antic!j jill , of tobom pe bane beatoe dDOD,u>ulDe loue biiJ bjotber alfo, h
23 botoe tbat be Ojouto come: ^ cue w nolo CCbe. b«cbaptet»
alteaope is be in tbe tootto*
2To loueiSoD, is to ferpetus cominaunocmS*
^pttle cbpiOjten, pe are of <eoD, anD m.frartb ouctcommcth f icoile. HuetlaOiui
fcaue onetcomc ibepm;fojgceatctts Uftisint fCuecf soa, Df Kpanebnto &«*&*
iSf fapnte 3fol)tt,
^ofocuee belcue tb that 3fc< fpnne biitd Dcatl^e foi tobpelje fape 3

rusisCbjptte, isbojneof not tbat a man CboulD piape 311 Uu .

IrOD.^i'D euerp one tbat lot r pgb teoiif nes is f tunc, $ there is fpnne
_uetb bt tobtcn bcgat,louctb not bnto beatb*
bim aiiu tubpcb tons begotten of him. xoc ano to tbat tobofoeuct tsbo^tie *3Jn tfjis qjc kno to tbat lue lone § cbil of ©€>5© , fpnnetb not :but be tbat is *e tijatw

Dun of <gob,toben toe loue ©oDsaepe begotten of ©ob ftepetb bl'W felfe, » commaunbemeutes. Chts is the

tbat totcaeb toucbetb bptn not . accee nta,tau

loue of goo, that toe hepe bis comma u Uno iu tbat toe are of d^oD,anb tbat the
<9at.^rt.D. Deroentcs,** bps commnunoemences tooilD is altogttber fet on toicaeones*
atenotgeeuous. aooe anoto £ tbe fonne of <5ob i$ come,

uow».* me t^
+ foiall tbat is bojuc of g0b,otietc6* anb batb geuenbs a mpnbe to anotoe
tljetoojlo.amo tbis is tbe*bpc* firm tobpeb i$ uucrano toe are in bim
tozi' tbat ouctcomc tb tbe tooilo elicit tbat is ttue,tb]tougb bis fonne 3fcfus
*6utfm'tlj. sjcbois it tbat oucrcom* Cbjifte.-Cbis fame a
berpe <i5oD,an&
met |j t!)e tooi [ D:uu t he tobicb beleuetfj eternall Ipfe. ©abeg aepe pour felueg
(bat J el'us is tbe fonne of m ob. from p mages, aimcti.
j- {CbtsjefujscbMfttf&ttbatc&me
bp toatet ano bloub,not bp toatet one*
Ipe:but bp toatet ano bIouoe.3nD it is
tbe rppjpte tbat beatetb tovtnts , be* €%\)t. i€plftle
caufc tbe fpint is truth. of.^*3|obiu
CjfoitDecc arc tincetyStcUcbearc trcozoc ttt
bcauen, m
tat\)(t,w tuo;D, ana tijc Oolp soft,
anotbefc tinware one.
&c tou'tctl) \)ttfo a ccttatuc JLaDrc, ct t'oprefb
tbat Ut? cl)i!Dicutoalbc iu tfje tract!) .crt^ouen}
tbece ate tuie tobiclje bearc u<
jf oi tijem unto iouc,U)actictl) t\)i to betuace of TucU
cojde(in earth) tbe fpfrit, ano toatet,? ijcccaucts.aiiDDciipcrDatJcfujCDitacatnctw
tijefl ;ftc puii'CtOttjcin to continue in tbe Doc?
blouberanb tbefe tijzee ate one* Jf toe ,

trine of iDOUft, ano to 1) auc no t U t ntj to t>o to i rt)

receaue tbe un t ties of men, tbe tijem ti;a t bunscuot r&is Uacatnge.
of (Bob is greater, jjfoj tbps is tbe teit
& nes of ©ob, tobfebe be tefttfjtb of bps ^e elDer to the ek etc in r-
fonne.^e tfjat beleuetb on tbe Tonne of ope and bit cbilbjen tobi*
&cD , batb § tonnes mbim felfe . ^e cl;c 3 loue in tbe truetb: J
that beleuetb noMgoD.bat bmaoc bmi notjonelpe, but a Ifo all
a Ipac bpcaufe be beleueb not tbe tu
, tbat auoto tbe truetb, fo j
eo?D tbat d5oD gaue of bis fonne* Hino tbe tr u tins fake, tobicb D tocllct b in b0
j n ct>tia tbis is tbat recop,boto tbat goo batb anbt7)allbeiubsf02eucr»
iBtijtipfe getienbntobs etetnall Ipfe, anbtbps
aooptb pou be grace, pcac*
lite is in bis fonne. i^e tbat batb tbe from dgob the father , 9 from tbe J10J&
fonne, batb Ipfe : ano be tbat batb not 3efus: Chufte, the fonne of tbe father,
tbe fonne of(^oo,batb not Ipfe* f tu truetb anb loue.
Cbefe tbpnges baue 3 tozftte unto 3 fount* ef 3
pou f» bcleue on f name of £fonof gob,
teiopfeb greatlp, that
tbp cbplozen toalbpngintruetb,as toe

tbat pe map knoto boto f pe batie eter< bauereceaueoa cdmaunbemete of tbe

nal life anD tbat pe map beleue on tbe
; father^ noto befecb 3 § laby, not as
name of tbe fonne of <Kob.3!uDtbigis though 3 toiotea neto comaunbemet
syatMua tbe ttuft that toe baue in bim : tbat*if bnto tye, but tbat fame tobicb toe bao
S«S toe afke anp tbpnge accojbpng to bps
ftt*e.iM.e topll,be beatetb bs.38nb if toe anoto
from the begfnnynge, tbat t»e Ibouio t6Uetg
£ *loue one anotber.inb tbis is p loue, tijefpje ct
SjRha be beatetb bs tobatfoeuet toe affce,toe tbat toe Ojouloe toalae after bps com* jfSx
3«o».^ Ktto^D tbat toe foal baue tbe petitions niautiocmentes. i.^o^.\>.«
°°* u tbattoeDcfpKofbpm. ^lDbtscommaunbementeis(tbatas C
dpnnctw Jf anpe man fe bps toother fpnne a pe baue beacoe from tbe beginnpnge)
f muc g ts not bnto oeatb,let bun affee, pe Sjouio toatke in it.* jfoj manpe be* «•>*.«*
® anb be gtue bpib Ipfe fo? tbeim $
fljall ceauers are entteo iuto^ too:lb,tobicb

(tune not bnto beatb.Cbcce is a fume c6feffenott!;at3erus Cljitftiscome* sw
'Clje tljttu Cptftle
tft t!?e ScOje <CbpsisaDeceauet$an teitbmaUcioustooiDc&netbctistfKt
Sfitmcintft * loHe ou pout Celues, that tottb contented onlpbe fnm felfe tc*
toe lore not tbat toe baue tojouigl)t:but ceauetb not §bjttb?en:but alfo be foj<
tbat toe map baue a full tetoato^bo bpDDettj t bet m tbat toouloe, ano tbju*
ja foeuec tt anf$teptb anD biDetb not in ftetb tbcm out of tljc congregation
tbs Doctctne of cb.utte, hat!) not ©od. ©cloiieo .f oloine not tbat tobpebe is
mjatttt t^e tbat inDutttb tn tbe * Docttine of cuttbut tbat tobiebe is gooo.^e tbat
CbtiMatb botb § father 9 tbe fonne* Dot?) Yuen t3 of ©od :bu t be tbat Dotbe

«.tctt».b. * jjjf tbete comeanp tonto pou,s buns eupl,feetb not 000. Bemettius barb
not this leat iunge,bpm tcccaue not to goob tcpozt e of al men 3 cf the tcutb:

no uie: netbet bpD bpm Cod f peDe* f oi pea ,3 but fellies alfo beace mcozd

be tbat bpDDtth bin) goo fpcDc,is pat* ano pc fenoto tbat out tecojoe is ttue*
«.3o*.t^ taftcc 0? bps.euil DeDcs . * J bao manp 3 baue manp tbpnges to toitteibut 3
tbtngcs to toitte bmopou neuc ttbcles topllnot toptb pncfccanD penne tmpte
31 tooulD not toztte )jb papct ano pnUe: two tbe i o? 3 ttuft J 0)all ajojtlpe

bittj ttuft to come tonto pou,ft fpeafee fee tbe,anD toe a>aU fpcake moutfje to
toicbpoumoutbtomoutb,*tbatoute ntoutb . ^eace be to tbe. Cbe loueraf
to ? c » ,a P bc fan* <w> { fon,,cs of *&? e * falute tfje^tete t\)Z louecs bp name.
Uct ttftcc gcetc t^c. anncm

C Cfte tljttU € £.31obn.

ccfte iSjoioge
tjpontbc CBpilleof fatmctc paule to
£e (s glabof 0apus, tbat bctoaUtetb to tbe
ttuetb: er&ojtctb tb£ro be louutg into rt;e pou
tttfiOen in tbeic petfecutta i , fbttoetb rt)C ton*
feinoc oealwgc of SMotrcpbcs, ano toe good res '15oufctl;is Cptttlc UafD cute bctw
3poiteofS>cmctnus. mucbe DoubttHge.anb tfyat among
-%^e cloet bnto tbe beloueD <i men, toOo Qpou lb be
tea tt ! ca nico
autbo; rfjet of .ciuecs affaauge
t be
1 (Saj'tis, tof;om J Icue in tbe tbat tt taxis not jaaules, pattlp bi=
jjmttb.$eloueD,3 MQ) in ai cauretbettple Co btragtcetb > ano 10 Co bttlphe
[tbinges tbat tbou pjofpetn tj« s otbec tfp id ie9 , ano pactlpe btcanCe tt Qa us

Kerb ut tbe rccoi'.ocrbaptcc.tbitf leant mgciuas

Deft ano f ateoeft toell, cue as tbp f oule
cenftnneb to bstatacbe^bat t s 1 fa v e : taugbte
piofpecetb. 3 ceiopfeD greatlpc toben bs bp tbem tbat bca to it tbe f clue a of tbe lorn.
tbe bictbjen came , anD teftifieD of tbe /aotatc $au!e tcfttfictb. f5 af a. t. tbat be cece&s
ucb not t) 1 5 soCpell of man,no: bp man,but mt»
23 ttuetb tbat is in tbe,boto tbou toalfceft
mcmatlpeof £bittte,an"o tbat bp reflation.
Mum*, in ttuetb. baue no gteatetiop, *tf)g
3 VDbetfoie fap tbep, fctnge tbt« matt coufcITetb
foi to beat bo to tbat nip fonnes toalfee tbat be teceaueb bo boctctnc of tbe apofllrs, tt
can notbcidaulee.butromebtfctple of tbe 3po
8fb.(citt.a ales, flotot tobetbec tt ioccc ja aul C9 oi not, 31
13c loueo , tbou * Dora fap etbfulfpe
Cap not,but permit tt to atber men 9 tu&gmgts,
tobatf oeuet tbou Docd to tbe bzetb^en, netbec tbtnbe 3] tt to bran acttcleof attp mans
ano to tttaungets, tobtcb bate toitncgf fattb, but tbat a matt map boubt of tbcautbou
flgoicottcr, manp tbet barb bene tobtcb not
Ifi of tbp loue before all tbe congregate, one!?' baue oen ico rljig ep tQlc to bane ben fentt
aoobpebe tyetbuntobentbou bzingeft tenbp anpc of rlic 3poQ leg, but baue alfo tefn*
foitoacoes on tbepz ioincp(as itbefea^ Ceb tt altogitbcc as no cat bo! t It c o: goblp £?p w
C met!) (SOD) tbou Qjalt Do toclrbpcaule ^Foiftlc,tiicaufeofcctfat!tctettcfito:itrcittbectu.
f left tt fattb in tbeftjet, tt is tinpofTtblc tbat
i',.Coj.>;i.a tbat
f oi bps names fake tbep ^tme tbep tobtcbc toecc once tgb tea mh baue Ubitt 1 ,

foztb,*anD totte notbpnge of tbe gen* of tbe bcaucit'vegtftc.anOtoerc become pacta*

beceof rbcboIpcgooar,anbbauetaQebof tbe
tpls* aoce tbetfo^e ougbte to * teceaue
goob m o:o of 0oB, anb of tbe poitjcr of f moilb
fucb , tbat toe alfo mpgbt be bcalpcts tocome,iftbepfall,CboulbbetenMCbagapneto
to the ttuetb* cepc-ira nice otcomtct f ton. aub in tl)t tcutb it
raptb.iftoefpuue roillpnglpe after teebauetc*
toiotc buto tbe congtegattotubut
ccauco tbe ftttotolebge of tbe ttutb, tbete remap
33iotr epbts tobpeb louetb to baue tbe nctb no moxe faecif tec fot Cinues , but a fearful
amonge ts
& pzeemmence rcccaueD tbe, ioBpugcfoitubgmentanbbiolcntfitc, tobtcbc
(ball bearop tbe abuecrartep. anb in tl;e ttoelft
nbt»90Dbetfote 3 come,3 Declate
if toil

W dcdcs tobicb be Doty, letting on \)$

ttfaptb Mtat tffau founb uotatapto cepentattee
oj conuccfion, no tbougb be Cougbt it tt teaccs.

€\)t ^olope
*)£>Incbt tcrtcgrapc tlKp.romiDc : ttjattf a
ime a up mo:e af tec be ts once b ap t tTcO, !; c can
man tt)C
$ ol.cjt^f,
tcutb, 9 vet rotllfttglpe pclbctb btm reife to
rniiic, j coitfeutctbbuto tbe lice of fpuue roitfy
be no moze foiyeucti.auD tbat is coatcacp to all foulc ana bobp, ana bab leuee Ipe ttt rinttc.tbeit
t&c f ci prutc.ano rbecf ozc to bcccfufco to be ca=
i bauebtspaprouebnatucebealcD bptbebcalpe
tpOlt{tLJ!lD0oD!pe. of tbe fpittt of gcace, anbrnaltctouflppccfccuc
©nto robtcae 31 anftoece,ff toe Cbouloe acnp tcti) tbetcuctb,foibtm3i rape tbcte tg no cemes
tbts t£ piaicfoztbofc testes faf$co,fofbouib me bp.tbe toape to meccp is locaeb up, *nb tbe rpis
flciiperictuagatbcto.tobtcbtn Iji3 ttoeife chap ttteigtaBtu fcom btm fo; bis bntbanbtfulues
tet.atTitmctb , tbat t)C tubtcbe blafpbcmctb tbe raitc, no moze to be geucn t)m- &cuetb tt a
bolpigooae.lbailiicptbccbcfotgcucubccc.tioz man can tucuc to tSob, aub belcue tncbzitt, be
mtbetooziaetocome.SitbtbcnflSjacbetobicbc mna be f czgeutu boro bepe To cucc be barb fins {
t ti bis in'. £bap tec fapetb : tba t be tba t blafpbc itco,buttbattotl!notbctoitbouttbcrpittte,<e
mctt) t be bolp soft, Gbal ucucc baue f ozgeueue s, rucbblafpbemccsfbaliuo moze baue tberpictt
but Qjalfbc fubauiigec of eternal oantpu uiott.
t offeceb tftem. iLet euecp man tbecfozefeae gob,
flub tbtcblp JLu tie tobici) Up tb: tljcrc ibalbc no aub bctoatc tbat be pciae not btm Cclfe to fctue
crmtOtou to bint that blafpbcntetb tbe fpmt of ftnuc,but boro oftefo cucc be ftnue.lct btm bes .

<5oD- moieoucc31ob ti in b ts f tea cptaif ,f ap tb: St i agaiuc and ftgbt a fceu)e,attb no boubte be
tbecei9artiutCtinfoaeatb,fottobtcDeamanue fiball at tbe laae oueccomc, j in tbe mcanc time
(boulDiiotpiape.} pet bcbubec mctcpe foz £b;tttes rafte , bpcaufe
man be flea fcom tbe bttcleaunes of tuctoo^io*, bis bcr tc teozebet b anb tuouiD faptte be lorofeb
tbozotoetbeitiiotolcage of tbefauioucejflefus fcom bubcc tbe bonbage of funic.
£bztac,ana tocu berozaptc tit agapuc.bpsenbe Enbtbatit fapctb tutbetroelft.tfraufounb
ta toozfe tben tbc beginning , anD tba! tt babbe notoapeCeig ogetatioiam) to be conuectea anb>
benebettec fo: bpnt ueuec to banc bitotoen tbc cccoitctlcb Ditto© oa $ ceaozea buto bis bpxtb -

tcutb. aub Rattle, it. 2Ctm. tit. cucfcaaierattaec ngbr agaiue , tbougb be fousbt it rottb tcaccs,
tbc copper rmptb.beficcmgtlKiLoib to rcroarb tbat tcrt muQc baue a fpicituall eve. jf oz tgfau
btinaccozbingetobts ocaes. ino-ucS) isafigtte m reiltnge bis btttot igbt.aefptf cb not onclpc p
tbateptbec tbe cptaicfbouiocuotbcgooajoz.p tcmpozall p :o moci on, tbat be ujoul a baue bene
aiejcaubec bab fitmeb p a a fozgeucucs, no mozc Hozacouec all luebictbzcu.anb tungcof tbat
to be pzapeb f oz.TflD 'Kcefaze rctugc no fccip ture counttep, but be alfo ccfufeb tbe gcace atib mec
is of pa u a re n tecpic t a c on, b u t mttft be erpouu
i i cp of <Soa, aub tbe fptcttual blcOtngcg of flbza
4cd aceozbingc to tbe general! articles of ouce ^m aub Jl fa a c, ana al tbc meccp tbat is pzomt :. 51 -a

faitb,* agceablc to otbec open $ euiaeut tcttes, fca bs tu £tmo c,robi tbc Cboulbe baue bene ftps
flnD coficmea ozcopacca to iikcfciitcnccg.tobp fcoc . £>i tbtspc re tbat tbts cpittleougbteno
tbottloc toce not toubtcttanae tijefc places toitb mozc to be tefufeb fozbolpc, gbblpc.aub catbo*
Ip itc ceuecence as toe bo tbe otbec , namelp mi li&e.tbcu tbc otbec autcntihc fectprurcs. jftoto
all tt;e cemnauut of tbe epiftle is To fSoblp, aub t btcf oze to come to pucpofe again, tbougb tbts

of fo grcatc leacniuge. cpiaicCasttraptbttttberprt)lapuot^gcouH&

%\ye f icttc place i ;i t be. b U £ b ap tec , topll no oftbefaptb cf£bztft, pctttbutlbctb conningl?
mozc tben tbattbep tobicb tttiomc tbe tenet b, $ tbe: on puce golae , ft luce , ana pzectous (tones,
pet tmllpnglp cefufe tbc hgi)t,ana cfjofecatbec aub pxouetb tbcpziccbobc of £bzia rottb fccip
to brocll tit aacit en eg , a no cefufe on a $ ma&e tuces incuitabie.tagozcouec tbec is uo roozHe in
amocaeofbimCastbej&bactTies.tobtcbtobcu al tbe f crt prurc, p fo piatulp bedacetb tbc mea-
tbep mcce oucccomc toptb fecipmee ana mtras ning ftfigntficattous of racctfttes , ceccntonies
cjcs.tbat £bzia mastfK beep (agefftas, pet bab of tbcoIbtcftaincntc*ftgutC9, as tbts epiaie,
f ucbe lufte ttt infquttie , tbat tbep fozfoftc bun, tn f o muci) tbat if votlfull blpubnes ana malt:
pecfecu tea b tiu,acro btm.aua bia all tbe fbame ctotis malice roec not t (;e caufc, tins cpf file one
tbat coulbe be t nag tuca to btm ) can not be tea lproctepnougbctoroccbeoute of tbebcctcsof
mieaccig iSjctanoiamXapetb tbe © be tbcpapiacs.tbateanbacbbercfpcoftuaifipng
conuectea, tbat ts to Tape : fucbe malicious bus of roozttcg,conccciitiigt ouc raccamcutes, ccce^
b iiaucg ,ro bt c b ts none otbec tben tbe bia fpb e=
mor tcs ,aua al mauec tcabt cioits of tbetc oroue
mtuge of tbe bo!p goo a, befecuetb tbat t b c fp i; umentton.
cite ib all neucc come moze at tbciui to couuecte auafuiallpciit f percitt f tentbtbat bcban
t bem, rob cb 3| belcue to be as true as aup otbec
i ben tn bonaes ana pztfon f oz £bziQcs fabcanb)
terte in all feciptuce. tu tbat be fo mt gb tip aztuetb all to cbz a to be

3uB robat is meant bp tbat place tit tbc tttl) faucatbozoro bun, ana Co cacctb foztbe0ocbe
Cbaptectubeceberaptb.if roe ftnne tmllpnglp of£b;tfl,tbatbcbotbto;oteaubrcut,hjbctebe
after me banc ceccaucb tbeftuaroelcage of tbe beacac,tbat tbep began to f atute, to coufozt.r
ttuetb.tbccccmapnetbuomozeracctftcefozfut coucage,anbOc:ugtbctbcmtoitbtbcroozbeof
iie.tsbccIacebtmmebiatlpafteciFozbemabctb «5©S>, aub in tbat alfo tbat be rente 3TtmotbC
acompatifoubetmcitca5orcg?£bzia,fapiug: $aulC6btrctptc,b0tbbcctuou9,toclllcacncb,$
if be tobicb berptfeb GSJores fatoCBica toitbout baaae tu gecate ceuecence, tt is cutpc to fee tbat
meccp, bow mucb toozfcpuiufbmcutts be roots be roag a faptbful fecuaunt of £bztat9,3s of tbe
tbpeof , tbat tceabctb tberonue of ftobbuacc fame boctciuc tbat Ximotbc teas of,pea,aub
fote, anbeouutctb tbe bloub of tbecoueuauitt, )aau!c btm felfe was, aub tbat be roas an 3p o-
bp robicb bloub bcroa9 fictifitn, as anbubofp aic.oz in tbe apoftleg time, oz nccc tbcccunto.
tbtugc,(t blafpbemetb tDe fptctte of gcace. ©p 3ub femge tbecptttie agecctb to all tbe teae of
»btcb« toozbes it ts mautfefttbatbemcanctb tbefcctpturc.ifitbciitbtffcccutipeloliCD
none otbec bp tbe fozc toozbes , tljea tbe rptine on, bero fboulb it not be of a us
efblafpbcmpc of tbe fpicitc. rbo;itie,anatabeufot
iFoztbepmibatriimeofisitozauitccoziuftcs bolpc fentps
mtttc, tbecc ts cemebp, but fo; btm p buotcetb. tuce. %$t
Cp €pti cbe of tbe angels fapD be af anp time:
CCIjeCpiftlcof *^>tt on mp tygbt bauDe,tpii J maUe isra.cjca.
tbtne enemies tbp foote ftole* ^te tbep iJSJJJS
^apnte faille Dtuo

not al mintfttinge fpittteSjfent to mu
<®befp?fte£baptet» +of tbe offc
mftetjfoz tbepz fabes
totjycfje t^allbe
&otoiSo& Dealt loutnglp fc>itb tbe
time in rettbiuge tbem bis piopbctes, but mucb i^Cbapter*
mate mere? oath be £beweb tos, tu tbat be fit tos
bis o&ne foitue. tf)fm moft excellent gloipe ef
3]cfu5 Cbuae, tobicbf <u all tbinges is Ipfeeto
j^e cvltcxtcrb tos to be obeDtcttt buto f uetue
Weo uitnci) c\)i\a batb seuen os , ano not to be
oGfeiiocD at tbe infiemttp $ lou? begte of GbiiQ,
bisfatber. b tea ufc it toas ncccOactc tbat f 01 oucc f a&es be
~~ ,

ADD f n tpme pall Dfuet* (boulb tabcTucb an bumble aate tops bim, tbat
3 ftpeanD manpetoapes, be migbt be Ubc unto bid b icrbien,

#:©f t^efe ipafcefcnto tbe fathers l^erfoK toe ougbt to geue [>
later Bates
bp p^op!)ctc3 but in* (iioic beDe to tbe tbinges toe
fa.u .a. IaO Dates fje fjatfi
cficre baue bcarD, left toe petpfb*
fpo&S to Ds b? bis fon,

tolJobTbatb maoe bep?e of al tljingcjs:

ifonf tbe too^D tobtcbe teas
f poke bp angels, toas fteofaft: fo tbat jjucwof
tfCalU.a. f e'
bi* tobo alfo be maoe tbe tooilo,* joobt euetp traufgreKion anD DifobeDtence ^, J?
cbe tonne bepng tbe bjpgb*nes of bps teceaueDaiufttecompeceto cetoarD: uoun P p^
glo$V,$ Detp pmage of bis fubftauce, botoe (ball toe efcape , if toe oef pif e f JjjJ gg*

& beatpnge bp all tbingeg toptb £ toojD great faluation, tobpeb at tbe fitft be< of tbemo
of im P oiu er ,batb in bis oil tie pctf on gantobcp^eacbeD of tbejlojDe bpm SS*JS55
8 pnegco out f pnnes", anD is fitte on tbe felfc jauDaftcrtoaiDc toas eonfitmeD ac.

tpgbt baime of tbe maieftp on bpe 3 ano tiuto bstoatD, bp tbem tbat beatot it,

our fpntu. is moze excellent tfyz tbe angels, in as *©oD beatpng toptnes tbe«o,botb \b w*t.t*u*
mucbe as be batb bp tnbetitaunce ob*
taptieD an ercellentet name tben baue
fignes anD toonDets alfo } anD toitb Di<
ucts*mitaclesl 3 anD gtftes of tbe bolp areca»c&
ek ^ m
goft accoiDpnge to bis otone topll* JaKt?
jfo* buto tobfeb of tbe angels fapDe
be at an? tpme * tcbou att mp ratine,
^e batb not fcnto W
angeljs put in fceafpanc.
fubiection.tbe toozlDe to come, tobetof mmlSt
9ct.)»it.c tbps oape begate 3 tbe^ainD agapne: toe fpeaKc* jgut one tn a cettaptu place ''^ kom
it.rt.toit.b. 3* totU be lips fatbet , anD be Oja/l be toptiie(Tetb,fapiuge:* aoobat is man ^ JJ'JfcVSS
mp forme. 36nD agapne toben be b*pn* tbou att mpnDfull ofbpmfUltettbou w«om
baDDeft foi a Teafon maDe brm lotoet ^rl'.t-ai
get!) in tbe ficfl begotte fonne into tbe
tben tbe angels : tfjou ctotoneoft bpm *.««**
too*lD s be faptb** 3BnD al tbe angels of
c aoo Ojal toazC&pp bim. 3nD of tbe au< toitb bonout anD gloipe, auD^baftfet pr a 0l ,,. a .<

gels be fat tb: *^e mafcetb bis angels btm aboue tbe tooj&es of tbp banbe$» ucaj.^.n
fpitttes , ano Dps miniftets flames of "Cbou baftput al tbpnges in lubiecti* ®
fpje^sutDnto tbe fonne be fapt^:©oD on bnDct bps feete . 3|u tbat be put al
|3ra.xlb,a. * *bp feate (Dall be foz euetanDeucr, tbpnges Dnoet bim, be left notbpng ^
Cbe ^>ceptet ef tbp&wigcDome i$ a tsnot put Dnoet bpuu ii^euettbeles
tigbt fteptet. (Cbou baft loueo tigbte toe pet f c not all tbinges f ubDueD, but
£>ple of oufnes , anD fjatcD imquirte. $Cberc< bim t toas maDe leffe tbe f angels,toe
glatmea \0 fo;e <sot>
tobicbc is tbp 6oD,batb an* fe tbat it toas Jefus, tobtcb*is! ctoto^
tt>? Ijctge
god. nopnteo tbe toptb tl)z ople or glaDnes neD tottb glo2P anD bonout foi f fuffe<
mt ui a w '

abouetbpfelotoejS. ting of Deatbettbat be bp tbe grace of

|3fa cii.&
« 36nD tbou lozoe in tbe beginnpngc <25oD,fii)oulD*faft of Death foial men* i€th t ^
baft lapD tbe founDacion of tbe eattb. fo? it became bim,foj tobom ate all c
3&uDtbebeuensareibetoojr&esoftbP tbingcs 3 ano bp tobom ate al tbpnges,
$?fa.ciut> banDes.* cbepft)allperiaj,but tbou after tbat be baD biougbt manpe fon*
'.i.b. 0)alt enoute* cbep al (I)al toa^e olD as; nes tmtoglozp, tbat be fyou{Dinacte§
tu ptt.ii!.to
Doto a gacmet : anD as a befture foalt jLojDof ibeit faluatioupetfit tbojoto
tbou cbaimgc tfjem s anD tfjep Ojall be fuffetig* jf oi be ffacttfietb,9 tbep toht
c'?aungeD»25ut tijou att altoapes,anD cbe ate tactifieD,ate al one* f oi tobtcb
tbp petes u^all not fapic* t^uto iobt< cam es fafce,bc is not anEjamcb to call
~, .», tbcmbzetbieriraptng:3[*topUDeclate neD me,$*fato nip toozBS.rt\petel6g. fi)CU.*U
aocberfoze 31 teas gteucD^ that gene J
fX'.K tbp name bnto mp bzethze" > ano the

miboefte of the congregacton Ml 3 tatton gtiapD. tiDbep ette euct in tbepz
#f.*b.u.a pjatfetbe.anDagame^Jtoil put mp hettes: tbcp becelpe bane not nnotoen
fS.wu.o trttft in bpm.S'nD agapn:* bebalo tjece mp toaies , fo p J fooate in mp tozarb,
am 3 > anD the chtiozen tof?rcl;e <£oD that thep fljolD not entet into mp teft*
bathgeuenm*. CaUe heeDe bzetbzen , that thete be in
tfozns mucbetben as the cbilDzen none of pou ati eupl bette in bnbelicfe,

toetepattafeers of fleifce ano blouDe, that be azoulDe Depatte fto the If ur ng

WLii.*- \)t * alfo bun Celfe tyfcetopfc tohe pact <5od: but ejebozte one an othec Daplpe,
toitb them, foz to*put Dotone tbozotoe tobple it is calleo f o*Dape, leaft anp of ^ eb,^»
€>* tit) c.

iW (rt».«. Death , btm that baD JdozDfbpppe ouet potitoajcebatDbettcDibozoto§Decetc*

Dcat ^ >tl)at l5 to rap,tl)c aeupll: 9 that fulnesoffpnne* m
be mpgbt Deiiuct tbem.tobpcb toozoto
e tpme
«»e ate pattakets of Cbztfte *
bepefutebnto^euD^fitftfubftauce ft*™*
it toe XS •

f cate of Death toece all ttjrpx Ipf w

iuDaungecof bonDage. tfozbeinno f long as it is fapD: *to
Dap if pe beat faM „.
hps bopce, hatDm not pour hectes,as m.
place tafcetb on bpm the angels: but $
feeo of aibzabam tafcetb be on btm* tohenpetebelUD* ifozfome,tobe"tbcp »
acotjecfo^e in al tbinges it became btm hao tebellco: botobcit not al that came
tobemaoe*lpfcebnrobPSbzctbzen,§ outof CgpptebnDet^ofes* Etutfj
be mpgbt be mercifull, ano afaptbful tohom toas be DifpleafeD foztp peaces^
bpe thiuges concerning d&oD,
pzieft in ^»as be not DifpleafeD toitb them that
foj to pucgep peoples fpnues.* jfoi [puncD^tohofe catbare^ toetouettbzo#
tiUbat be bpni felfe fuffeteo anD teas toen in the Defect.- * tohe ftoate be ««•*«<*
tempteo, be ia able to f uccout the chat that thep 0)olo not entet into his reft;
ace tettipteo. Che iii«Cbapt*c» but bnto the that beleueD not^3inD toe
©e tcquuett) bate be obCBttuttmtoftoozD fe that thep coulD not entec in, bicaufe
of C&uae.vnbicD is m«e t»o»tb? tbcn<9S)ores. of bnbelicfe* <Cbe.titi.Cbaptet»
3Ci)epanp»tnCHtof ("ucbeastopil iicoeahatw %\)t g>abotb. oiuft of f chjidctupumCbmete
tb«ic gettcs. oftonbclcuct*:tt)e natuteof tbetoozoof ©oft. ^
B»ctfozeboIpbzetbzen 5 pat* Ctbsfeatetbetfoze left anp *
takers of the celeftiall cal* of bs fozfafepng tlje pzomife
jltnge, confiDet tbe emballai of cntting into hPS teft, fl}0*
Jdojic anD bpe pziefte of once ulD feme to come behiD.foj
piblefum Cbiift Jefus, tobpebe toas So
bs toas It DcclateD astoel as \)ti 3

t «« <»»u
ic*tm. *faptbfnl to bpm tbat maDe bpm, eue* tofb^m. *$utitpzofiteD not the that gyjf
ag toag+ ^
ofw („ an hps boufe. 3!nD Chep beatD thetoozD,bicauCe thep tohp
?et toas t{)l0 man counteo tooztbp of cb beatD it s coupleD it not toith*faitb. '"/gg
moze glozp tben ^ofes: 3uas mucb ©ut toe tohich baue beleueD , do entec 8 f ai S raccj
as be tobpebe batbpiepateD pboufe, into hps tert,as contratp topfe be faiD
batb inoR bonout in tbe boufe,cuetpe to f otbetj haue f toozne aufuu *
mp tezattj, tbe tote «r
«e«e.t.a boufc is pzcpateD of fomc man.*#ut that thep (Sal not enter into mp tift.
33 he that ozDejmeD all tbpnges,ts (Pod. 36nD that fpabc be betelp
longe aftet #
ainD iBpofes bet elpe toajS faptbfull in the toozbes toete maDe,anD the fouoa*
alibis boule,as a miniftet, to*beate cfon of'the toozlD lapoe » f oz be
fpake 1
ten.j;utiu feuenth oap,
toptncgof thothpngesstbicbtbonlDe in a cettapne place of the
be fpofcenaftettoatDe.©ut Cbiifteas onthpstoifc.2lnD*©oDDpDteftethe <smM.%
. af6ne,batbtuteouct§boule,*tobofe feuenth Dap f torn all big toozbes.ainD ^
the in this place agapne:* ttbepfl?allnot
iStoS botif e ate toe, f that toe bolt* f aft

conf iDence ano the cetopfpnge of that come into mpteft.

^epnge therfoze it folotoetb $ fome
*oraa, * ,a sobecfoicas tbebclpgoftfaptb:to niuft entet tbctmto, anD tljep to tohoni
^f«.?ct).b *Dap if pe opal bear bf s bopce, batDtn it toas firft pzeachtD,entteD not thetin

not pout hcrtcs,aftet*tbefebellionM fozbnbelefciaifafee agapne he ap< , { I
tbebape of temptation in the
toiloet* popnteD in BautD a cettapne pzefente

ii£s tohcc pout fatbets tepteo iw ,pzo

Dape aftet fo longe a tpme, fapiuge
I^Utaiii. fs?

as it is"rebcacfeb: tbis Dap if pebeate fpeahetb:tbou*arfapjieafoM«etaf
c bis bopce,benotbatDeberteD» ifozif ^fal.fjwt
31ofue IjaD geuen tbe te&yben toouloe
tertbe o?Der of Q9elcbifeDecb. bmnu
cbe**tnf Dares of bpsfleft^, did offer iufcc.iu.
be not aftertoaro baue fpofcen of an o* pzapers 5 fuppltcatios, too (Iconge aim.rsmc
tber Dape. Cbere remapnetb tberfoze crptnges teares bnfo
61 bim tbat teas c .

pet a reft to tbe people of <bod. foz be able to fane

bpm fro oeatb^ toas alf
*Sin is % tft entreD into bps ceftc,ootbe * ceafe bearo, bycaufeof btsgoDtmes.t3B«D
our o>o;!se #*.«.*
front mijps from bps otone toozekes , as <£oo opo tbotigb be toere <soos fonne
pet leac* ,
cij« at muil ftombps. neo be obeoicnce,bp tbo tbpnges \oi)U
(care tfjat
enter into Itet bs fluop tberfoze to enter into cbe be fuffereo^ toas maoe pcrfit ,anD
quiet coti;
tbat reft, leafl anpe man fall after tbe tt)tcaufe of eternail radiation torn a(
fame enfample,into bnbelefe* jf oz tne tbem tbat obep
frience in
bpm: 9 is caileo of goo
CtyiOe. toozoc of 000 ts qupefee, ano migbtpe an bpe pztefte, after
tbe ozoet of mel*
in operation, ano 0?arpertbenant>e cbifeoecb*
ttoo eDgeD*ftoerOe:seutretb * rbozoto acobereof toe baue manpe tffpnqtfi
cuen bnto tfje Dcuiopng a CunDer of aa
p to fape 3 tobicbe are baro to be bttereo:
fouleauD tfje fpirtt,ano of tbetepntes btcaufe pe are Dull of bearpnge* * jfoz
anD tbe marp:ano f uogetb tbe tbougb tobenas cocecning tbe tpme,pe ougbt
tes,anDtbe internes of tbeberte t *ne< to be tecbets, pet baue pe neoe agapne
tber is tbeteanp creature tnuilible in tbat toe teacb pou tt)t fpzfte pzinciple^
tf)t fpgbt of bpm .
f oz alt tbpnges are of ti)t toozD of (^00,5 ace become fuc^
nafceD ano bate bnto ti;e epes of bpm as baue nebe ofb+mtlke^not of ftrog
oftobomtocfpea&e* ineate : foz euerp man tbat ts feDDe t&
'Cbc.ij. Chapter* mplne, is inejepert in tt)e toozD of rigb*
£!nia is out bpe*ittft,f feat of stace^moxe teoufnes.
cyceJjenttoean>c opepucftee of tgeolDcJatoe.
foz be is but a ©abe* ©etc
flronge meatc belongetb to tbetm tbae^
tbe tbat toe bane a gteat ate perfecte , tobpebe tbozotoe cultome
SCpng bpe pztefte tofjicr>c is entreD in* bauetbepz toptnes iuoge
beanen( 3 means Jefus tbe boibgooD ano cup! alf 0.
Tonne of 0co) letbs bolD onr pzofeffi* %\)tnotts.
omfoz toe bauenot an bpe pziea,tobi4 t.-rbcoaFCs
of t)is fleftjcftjmfpefftetFmeof

cbe ran not baue compaffio on our in* b. X3f milbe ate bnoecQanoe tbmges tattt
«fa.!«t.b. ftrmttiesrbnt mas in al pointes tcteo, topccccaucbp a conge meate , f ucO as acebacb
18o. Uttt.a.
Ipfce as toe are: but pet* ffionte fpnne. ano obrcurc
jlet bs tberfoze go bolDlre to §* feat
©egoerbfottb tottb toetbtng^fbat nebt&i
fitoskiite. of grace, tbat tee map uceaue merc?e, in r be Imez cube of tijt fpf t cbaptcc, ano epbois
a- fpnD grace to belpe U\ tpme of nebe* tctb tl)Cin nottofaiur.but to be aebfac ano n.u

+ f oz euerp bpe pzte&e tbat is ta&eu ctcnt:fo;fo mucf; asgoo ts fuccmoispjomifc.

from among men, is ozoepueo foz me, ^•^^erfoze letbs foue
in tbmges pertapning to &5oo:to * of 4
tbe Doctrine X
l^pettapnvngto t\je begpnnpng of
fer gpftes $ factftices foz fpnne:tobicb
u v a cbztften man,aiiD let be go bn
can baue companion on ii)t ignozaut, to perfectio.anD
noto no moze lape t\)t
ano on tbe tbat arc out of tbe map bi* f ounoation of repentaunce
from DeaD
caufe tbat be bim felfealfo is copaflfeo toozKes,anD
of faptb totoarDe <BoD,of
toitb inftrmitperfoz tbe tobtcb infirmi*
baptffim,of Doctctne J anD of fapeng on
ttes fafce be is bounDe to offer foz
lm ofb^Des,anDof refurrectiofroDeatb
ne<MstoellfozbiSotoneparte,asfoz anD of eternail tuDgment. ino fo
tbe peoples.3GnD no ma ta&etb bonour toe
Do,*if ©oD permits jp z it is not
bufobimfelfe.butbetbatfscalleDof poiTible $ tbep tobpeb toere brtcelpgb*
©oo*astoasa!atou* teD,i* Wie tafleD of tUtlieamnlp gift,

Cue* fo Jt&etaife,Cbtffr gloztfieb not anD toere become partakers of p bolp

bun reife,to be maDe ti)t bpe pzieft: but go(t,?ibauetafteDof f* gooDtoozoof «.*«*•
be tbat fapbe Unto bim: * tbou art mp goD,^ of tbe po toer of £ toozlD to come:
fonne, tbtS Dape begate 3 tfjt gloztff*
t if ti)tp fall , fboulDe be renueo agapne
tobW* 3is be atfo man outplace pnto tepcutaunce, foz afmucb as tbep

baue(as eoncetnpug tbem reluesjctu* f&epzfallpitgetsatoacntftat t&cpbcitot oftbe

cm eo tbe foiuic of «bod a frefl>,ma&ing numbie of tbem tbat be cal/eo f
tbe biiotoicoge
amockeofbpm* ofrt^rtutbasigobselecf.butiasJlwtiagtoas;
to Dcclatctbim rclMCsto be tuccbtlbiciiofpctbj
23 Sjoi tbat ecf b tobicbe Dunk etb in tfre cpott.
capnc tbatcommetb ofu Oponit, aiio aasopD, pet (ball tbattcpcittaunccbeamicicca
bjpngetb fojtb c toes mere fojtbemtf tooerpetacton.aMb bcaltogetOetboibeofbepc,
owflfe it, receauetb bieffpnge of cboD*
But tbat gcotinDe tobtcb bcaretb tfjo?< i&c eompatetb tbe pjteftbobc f cu»ft bnt
nes and bjpat0,is repzoueD 3 anD,i0 npc gclcjiifebecb,but to befac moje excellent.
into airfpuge : tobofe enoeis to be ms
fl^elcbifeDecb * Hpnge %
burneD* ^euertbelcfle Deace f renDe0, of j^alemC tobicbe bepnge gcn,#uu
£ toe truft to fr better of pou,anD tf>tges ip;ieft of tbe mofle bpe d5oD,

tobicb accompany faluacton, tbougbe Jmct abjafjajas be rexutneD

»«.***.» toetbu0fpeane*tfotcj5oDi$net on* agapne from § daugbter of § kinges,
rpgbteou© tbat be u>uloe fe?get pout anD bleflTeD bpm : to tobome alfo aib^ia
toojfee ano laboure that pjoccDe tb of bam gane tptl)ts of all tbpnges) tpia
loue,tobtcb~elouepe(betoeDtnbi£nai is op fntcrpjtetacionBpngeof rpgbte^
me, tobicb bane mmiftreD onto f fatuc oufnes:aftet tbatbeisftpnge of^ba*
te0 3 anDpetminftter*£ea, ano toeDe* Iem,tbat is to fap,fepng of peace;toitb
rpjetbateuetpcone of pou fljetoe n)e out fatber,toptb out motber, toitb out
fame Diligence , to tbe ttablpOjingc of feinne 3 anD batb netber bcgpnnp nge of
b opc,eucn onto tbe enoc: tba t pe faint bps tpme , netber pet mm
of bps ipfe,
not,bttt folo toe tbem, tobpebe tbozotoe but is Ipheneo Onto # fonne of c©od $
fattb ano patience tnbetit p pjompf es. contpnuetb a pjeelt top euer^ConfiDec
tfoj to&en (Sod mao* pjompfe to 3 * tobat a man tbis toas,Onto tobom tbe
» bjababecaufe&efjaD no greater tbtge jsatttatfcc aibiabam gatte tptbes of
tbe fpepIes^ainD berefp tbofe cbptDje*
•»»»•" of JLeup , tobicbe receatie tfjc offpee of
fapingc:$>urelp 3 topi bleffe tbe ano ^ . .„
niultfplp tfjc in DcDe« SBiid fo after tbat tbe p^eftes, bane a commaunDement ££!£{»
be baD tarieD a ionge tpme,be cmopcD to tafee acco^Dpngto tbe la to^tptbes of
tbe ujempfe. S^cnnc betelp f toeare bp tbe people,tbat is to fap, of tbeir bpc<
bim tbat tg greater tben tbe in felues, tbwn,pea,tbongb tbep fptonge Qut of
*t+m* AW+anotbetoconfftmfiig tbetbing, tm lopnes of aibtabam. ©ut be tobofc
is among* tbem an cnoe of ailfttpfe* ftpnreD is not countee amonge tbem,
^odpoo toplimge bcrp abounoantlp teceatieo tmts of 3ibzabam,anD bief*
totyetoe onto tbe bepjtes of pzomple, feD bpm tbat bao tbe j3zomiies» 5PnD
tbe ftabicncs of bis counfaiIe,beaDD(D Mtb out ail nape rapiu&e, be tof;fcb is
CM!!* anetbe tbat opt too* immutable tnin* le&e, receauetb blcmng.of bim M)ich 75
is gteater*H!nD beremen tbat Dpe, tu
tKJ5-« ges(tn tobicbe it toas bnpoffiblt tbat

rjcipVj vi>ODft)ouldelpe)toe might* hatiepec« ccaue tptbes»ffiut tber be receauetb ti

•*««*• feet confolacicm, tobtcbe bane flcD,foj tins of tobome it is toptncflfeD, tbat be
to boloe fart the bopc tbat is fet before Ipuetb*3nD to fap tije trut^lLeup bim
t)5,tobicb bope toe baue as an ancce of felfe airo tobicb rece auetfj titbeg;,pap<

tbe fonle botb fnre 3 tteDfatt* acubicbe etb tptbts in aibiabam. iFo^ be toas pel
bope alfo tnttetb in 9 f nto tbo tbpnges intbelopnes of bis fatbet ICb^abant
tobicb are toitbfntijebaple, tobptbec toben QDelcbtfcDccb it\et bpnn
the foje runner is foj bs cntteD in , * 3If nototberfouperfeccion came « 8m
3 bp tbe pjeftbeDe of tbe Jfi.euptejscfojt On *mIu£

meant 'Jefns tbat is mabe an bpe

p?eeft fo? euer,after tbt ojoer of gpcl* Dcr tbat picftboD tbe people reeeaueD
cbifeDecb* tbe la to) tobat neoeD it furtbenuoze
tbat anotber pzieft f^otilD rpfe, after §
S$ejBtot& ojDer of ^eicbtfeDecb>anD not after |
3JmpoCfc a.^otbecaure
©obis not able to fljctoefucljc o?Derof3Earon^ ^otono Dout,pf tbe
meter tottto f Ijcm tli at obttr itatcip fa from toe

mui; ,au t> become enem c* to ttj c bolp gl) oO: b ptieftboD be tranflateD, tbe of nece(Tp<
t vc>« fpeulo tome to re pciuaunce : but Dec aufc tp inuft tbt la to be ttanOateD alfo*
lifted ^oj

He €ptftle
tfoibc oftobome tbeft thjugeaare f tfje tfnmgcs tobicbe 3!

fpoken pettainetb bntoauotbct tube, tocbatieipoUcu.tljiSis

of idI)}'C!)c ncuct mnnCerueD aty aub |tbe pptb:*tbattoebaue 9eb?u.w.»
tec* jfoiitiseuiDtnttbat onrttoioe fucbanbie ^iseftibat «»*«•
fpiong*6f tbe trpoeof3|tiDa,oftobicb i6fpttenontbe*ti>gbte €btfUt
ttpbe.pake stoles tiotljtnge concern bano off feat of maie>
^ npug piteftboD* Mb
it ts pet a moie «< ftpiabtaueu,anDtsampnplicr olbo«
upDcw tfy'ng, pf after tljc fimilituD of Ipe tbpnges,anD.of tbe betp tabetna*
£g)elcbil'coceb tbccatife another piieft tie tobpeb son ptgbt,ano not mauue.
toblcb Is not maoe after the la to of tf?c 5Fo; euecp bpe pieeft is oibepnefc to of<
tacnall commaimocmenubut after tbe fee g pftts ano faccifpees : tobecf 01c it
potoct oftbe cuDleffdi ferity be tettt; isofnecefRtfctbatthps manne baue
|ftfai,w.b.fpctb:tbou*atteapjeeftfojeaet 3 acteif Tometobat alfo to offer* jFoj be toet not
tl)eo?DCCO f g$elcbucDecbj.Cben tl)c' a pzee(l,pf be lucre on tl;e cartb tobere
commaunDeuicnt tbat toente afoie^s arc pice lies tbat accoibj'ng to tbe laio
DU'anulleD, became of bet totalities? offer gpftes,*tobpcb p.iecftesfttuebu €ou».tu.
©o.j<tt.b. to tbe enfample ano OjaDoto of Oeaug<
Dnpiofptableue^. * jfo* tbe lata maoe
notbpug petfect:but tuas an tnttoDuc* lptbpnges:euenastbeanftoerof(i30D
cid of a better bope, bp tub tcb bopc,toe toasgeuenbnto^ofes toben be toas 3
Djato npetmto <Soo. about to fpiiiib tbe tabernacle** cake £„,„„»
3Bnobitbiscauicittsabctrcrljo< beoe(fapb bejtbat tbou make all tbm< %«.»».>.
pe, tbatittoasnotpjouufcD tottbout ges accoiopngc to tbe pat rone CtjetoeD
an ot6«Cbofe piieiUs tocre maoe tottb to tbe in tbe mount*
out an otb,but tins piicft tmtf> an oU), ^otouatbebeobtapucD amojeejc*
«fti«a bpnpm tbat fapa two bpm. * <Cbe
celleut otft'cc^u as mttcbe as be is tbe
'jbozoftoacejaiiD topi not repent: cboti mcDtatoi of a better teflamcut, tobpeb

art a piied fount r after tfje oiocc of toas mabe piomrfcs, $01 pi
loi better

$0 clcbif eoecb. 3BnD f o: tbat cattfe teas tbat f rift teftament bao bene fatitlcffe:
3jt(ns a ftablityct of a better teftame"t. tbenOjou ID no place baue bene fougbt
Ino among tbem manp toete maoe foz tbe f(conbe*ifoz in rebukpng tbem
*^ pieeftes,bccaufe tbep toete not fuffteD befaptb:*!5ebolD tm Dapes topi come
to enbnte bp tbc teafon of ocatb* *5ut (faptlj tbe -jLotDe) ano J toptt fpnpOje c

tilts manne.becaufc be cncureti) euet, upon tbe bouie of 3jfracll anD Upon

batb an euerlaftpng piccftboD. dcbcr* bouft of Juoa, a netoe tedamentmoc

.foiebeisable alio cue r tofaue tbem Ipke tbe teftament tbat 3 maoe top tb
tbat come torn <£>od bp bpm, ftpng be tbepi fatbecs at tbat tpme, toben 3
ivim iu. euer n uctii, to* make tut t rcclfio f 01 b s toke tbem bp tbe banDcs,to Icaoe tbem
i.j»Mu&. ^ucb an bpe ^tceft it became bs to oute of tbe lanoe of CgPPte 3 *foi tbep jctbMU
baue,tobicb is boip^atmlcfle.bnoefi* contintieD not in mp tcflamcir.c,anD 3
Icd, feparate from fpnners, ano maoe regacoeo tbem not faptb tbe ftoiD.
bvet then bcaacu. aobtcbe nebetb not *5foi tbis is tbe teftament tbat 3f y«.mut
Dil j,ip( as ponoet bpepieeftes) * to of* topll make toptb tbe bouf e of Jf raell:
ctotaencc fee top factpfpce,fpzft foi bps otone ftti aifter tbofe oapes fapetb tbc 2.oioe: J
neSjanbtbenfot tbe peoples! fpnnes* toi'llpnt mp latoes in tbep: mpnbcs,
tow. jfoitbatopDbeatoncefoiall, toben atio in tbep: beartes J topll tozpte tbi,
%tb? iu,a be offereo bp bpmrelfc.* jfoj tlje la toe *aub 3 toplbe tbepi goD,auD tbep lljal
maketbmenpzeeftes, tobiebbauein* be mp people.^nDtbep Ojallnot teacb, jffiSJ
f;>inu te:buttbe tooiDeof tbeotb tbat euerp man bps
r nepgbbourc, anD cue* &
came fence tin latoe,maketb tbe fonne tpmanbPS biotber,Capinge:knoto t\)t
^iccfte, tobicbe is patfecte faience £oioc:foi tbep Ojallknoto me, from §
moie* left to tbe mofte of tbem: if 01 j toplbe

C^e*bi«.Cbapter. metcpf nil ouer tbeir bntpgb teonf ties,

anbontbeit dimes anb on tbepi tut*
(<^-2T!)eoffpceof CDxtflc ismoie tooxrbp tuen
tbc pxecacs office of tbc c Id (atu,t9tocg &>as uu= qutttes.jfln tbat be faptb a neto tefta<
pctf cct,ano r^ccfoic ab ja g ate. meat , be batb ablegate tbc oIDc^oto
PipOJtttS, 3f0l4T!lint
tbaMDMcbtsbprannlleb ^toejceboib, Cbtpfl(*tonpcbetfjo?otoe tfjeeternall gpW.u*
igreoptobanpfyatoape. fpp?pt,offereo!jpmfelfe toptljoutfpot JJJJiJ,
e^Cne.tjc.Cnaptet* to #ob)putgc pouce confeiences from
oeab tooz&es * foz to feme tr)c Itupng <,cttt«.(u
mcMt ana &oa> farce ttjc note cjcccilctU tf. <^obt*

M^atfpzlttabctnaclefcere* 31 »b foz tnps caufe t$ \)t tfje mcDta*

n |lp nab ozbinannces,s fee* tot j
off neto teftament t^ozoto beatfi
llutr.ges of tfgoD.ano toozlb*
tot;tcb cnaunfeb foztl^e rebempctonoC
tljofetranfgrehl'ons tbat toete in tr)c
jlpebolpnes * ifoz ttjete f pxft tetlamentjf fjcp tobpeij toer calleb,
«|fco.#M „toag a * foze tabernacle
mabe,tobcrtn toas tbe caoellrickCjanD
mpgl)trcceauetnepzomtre of eternal
3&c.w(«.b t tjc tables tt)e * Ojeto bzeao, tobicbe is inbetitaunce. i** jfoz toberfoeuet is a ^aiaaiu
teftamentjtbermuft alfobe tt)ebeatf) qg
calleb boIp.$ut tottb tn § fcconD tiaile
of npm tbat maker!) tuc tefta mcut.foz
to as tlm a tabernacle, tobicu is calico
tr)e teltamcut takett) auctozitpe toben
bolpefl; of al,tol)tcu bao tr)e golben fen*
epo.w\jb f zt <% tbe*accke of tfje teftamente ouet* menatebeab : foztttsofnobalueas
&p6e rounbe about tottb golbe,tonet* longe as ijc tfjat maoe it,is a ime.foz
toOpcl) caufc alfo,neptbec tljat fpzft te<
foag g golben * pot toptb gg)anna,
nament toas ozoetiub tottpout bloub* anb * batons cobbe tbat fp
zong c, $ tbe
2& *tabtesoftbeteftamcnt.®uer!>at&e
^oz toben alltne commaunbementes
toer reab of ill^ofes to al tne people,t|c
<jcod,h.c. toeret!ject)mibt0 of glozpetyaooto*
toke tbe bloub of calues anb of gotes,
ing § teat of grace*4Df uit>tc!j tinges,
toe topi not noto fpcake particularly* 9 purple, tnolle anb ilope^
tout? tea * er
a fpzpncBlcDbotbtnebo&e^all people,
*3Cuben tnefe tbtnges toete tbus oz*
t>epneb,tbe ^zcefies toent.altoapes tn
rapinge:*tblsi6 tlje blouoe ofttjetei f
(lament tobtcijtiSobfjatu apopntebtu eo*.xu.c
to tbe fpzft tabernacle 3 epecuteb $ fee* ****"'<•
uice of gob»*J5Ut into tbe fecono toent
topou* $£ozeouet r)efpzpnc&leDtbe
iuw.irtM.8 §biepzeeft alone, onceeuecpepeare:$ tabernacle Mty bloub alfo,anb al tl}e
iLcuu,, a'
minidrpnge beu^els^nb alio almofte
nottw/tb outblouDe,tof)pcnbeoflfcreb
* alltbpnges, are bp tbe latoe poucgeb
foz bpm felfe, 9 foz tbe pgnozaunce of
toptb bloub,anb toptboutH)eaopng of
tbe people* ^cofjettottf>tf>e fjolp goofte
bloub is no rempffpom 1
t ^g ftgniftpng p tlje+toap of bolp thin
ge g iU, ag not m peneo, tofjplc as pet 3jt is tben neoe tnat tfjc fpmilitubeg

toas ttanbpnge* of tfeaueulp tbpnges be pntiftcb toptfj

tbe fpzfte tabernacle
3£bpcb toas a fimilptubefoz tbe tpme rucr)tf)tges:but tbe I
feluts are purifpeb toitt) bet *
tljen pzefent,anDin tobtcb toete offeree tOem
gpftesanDfacrtftccs tbat coulbenot tet facctfices tfjenarctbore
make tbe mpnpftec patfect,as pectap* is not entteb into tlje f)olv
nt>ng to tbe confC)'encf,toptb onlp mea*
ate mabe tottb baubes, tonpclj ate but
anD " - m
*biuers toatypuges fimplituoes of ttue tbiuges:but ts en*
oz* tteb intobetpbeautn, foz to*apperc
tuflt fpinges of tbe rlea),tobicn J
bemeb bntpl tfje tpme of reformation* no to in § fignt of ©obf02 bs:not
to of *

anti.totu.a. ^*©utCb*pftbevnganbpe jBzeeft letbpmfelfc*oftcn,as ^biepzeeften^ ^^.e

peace tii
ofgoobtbpnges to come, came bpa trett) into f bolp place euerpe

greater 9 a more parfect * tabernacle, llraunge bloub, foz tltf
muft Oebaue
fence tbe toozlbe began*
not inabe "ft banoesrf is to fap,not of often futfereo
_ ibis matter bplbing,netbet bp § bloub
Jdut noto in f enoe of # toozlb, natb be
tjctu^c. of gotes anb calues:*but bv bis otone appereb once,to put fpnne
to fligfjt,bp

blouD f, eentr£ j, tu once foz all into tfjc tbeoffcrpngebp otupm felfe:^nbas
itisappopntebbnto menne tbat tfjep
,«*«? bolt> places founb eternal rebeuicio. fr bpe , anb tben cemmetb tbe
a„ D .Vui."b. * jfot if tbe bloub of oj;en anb of gores i^all once
inbgement,*euen fo Cnzpft teas once «om&tM>
tfumw.b *anb tbeau>s of aubsifet,tof>eit toas * •#«•.»«•»
fp:»mcklcb , purifpeb tbefcnclene,as orTceo to take atoap § finnes of manp 3
tot'cnpugetrje purpfpmge of tbetleilu ^ bnto tint lokc foz ljt,u^al be
IjotonuicJje moze fijall tt)e blouoe of agauietoitl;outfph
bntofaluacio. f.
pcpfle ..4

CCne.^C&aptet** toff 3f cemebec no moze.Unb toT) crt xu

r?-2^* olse lata baa no potoec to clcufe atoap miffton o?tbefetbiii3«s is, tj;£ce ig no
fpnnc but Cbtttte Dpo it tottb off ciitg ot ins bo? moze off ting foz fpnnc» CFDouactonto tcceauc tbps ^eing bzetbzc tbat bp § meanest of ^.
goobtics OfiSoo t^aubfullp tuttu pacicuce «nD
tbe niouD ot3crti,toe*map be boloe to g.

®z Relate tofricNqato but

entec into tf;at Wpplace, bp tbe netoe S&
Colli. U.c.
tbe (TjaDoluo of goo tfn>nges
to coiije,anD not tbe tinges
ano Ipuing toap tobtcb be batbe pzepa*
ceDfozbs tbzongbetfjebapIe, tbat is
fcA* ^w
to fap,bp bps fleu^.aiiD feing alfotbat
Jin COctt otone fa(Tton,can ne* toe bane an $ mMoti
biepzeeft tobtcb is ctileco? «&our,Dws
uec to^trj t^c faccpfices tobicb tf;cp of>
uectbebowfeof^oD,let bs Dzatonte %%£?£*
fee peace op peace continuallp , make
toitba tcue becte in a full faptb,fpziu# *"* of n»e
§ comets tfjetunto patfapte. jjfoz
not ttict&ore facctftccs fiatic ceafeD to
toolD keleDinoucbectes from an ew>Il con*
fcience,ano toafljeD in our bootes tottfj
frt «
baue beneoflfceo, becaure p p offerers
pure toatet:filet bskepetbe pzofeffi^
•nce pourgeD,OiuiD baue baD no moze
on of one bope, toitb out toauering(foj
conferees of finnes. $euertbelefle in
rje it faptbfull tftat pzompfeD ) anD let (g
m. .w, tboferacrtfpcestsrbetmencponmaoe
Mtwu. bs coufiDec one anotbec, to pzouoke
f fines euerp peace.* jfoz fttsbnpof*
into Ioue,anD to gooo toozkesianD lee
fiblctbattbebiouDOforenanDofgo* is not fozfake
tne fefotoQ)tp tbat toe
tcs fljoulDe take atoap finnes,
pane among out felues,as tbe mauec
*K>&etfo.ze toben be commeth into
*m ti? too?lo,be f of fome is:bnt let bs epbozte one ano^
S5.i£' faptb:*$>accifpce $ offepng ther,fi
tbat fo mucb tbi moze, becanfe
cbou tooutoeft not baue : but a boope
Gait tbou ozbeptieD me* 3fo facttfices
pe fe tbat tbe*Dap Dzatoetb npe* {< Momm*
** foz if toe finne toillinglp after § toe «
anD fpntieoffriiiges tbou baft neiuftc. umrte
baueteceancD^ knotoleDgeof^tcutb, W**"
Cben J fapD.fco J come,fn the cbefeft tbete OT -^» ^
temapnetnnomoze factificefoz
of tbe boke it is tozptteu of
me,tbat J finnes but a
featfnlloktngfoz iuDge'd
Ojoulo do tbp topi,:© J&oD.3bone,tobe
ment^ Dioient fire, tobtcb u)al ocuouce
bucnt (accifices anD finne offecpnges
§aDuecfaries.*^e tbat Defpifetb
t>«.rtw mo
fes latojOietb'ieoutmetcpbnDecttoo w^r^x.
tbou toouloelt not baue.netber baa a<
lotoeD(tobic!j pet ace offreo bp tbe la to)
oz tbze tottneaes.^Dfbotomucb fozec tut9*- '* m
punityment fuppofepeOjalbebccoa*
anD then fapDe:&o 3! come toootbp teD toout)p,tobicf) tteaDetb tinDet fote
topll,© <0oo:be taketb atoap the ftcfle
§ tonne of igooranD countetb § blouoe
SSffiS ftabltifc ti>e lattcr.©p f to&pc^ toil, of p teftament
as an tjnbolp tbtg tobec
toe ate fanctif ieD:bp tbe offc iug of t&e
toitb be
toasfanctpftcD^Dotb Diu>«
boop of 3]eitt Cbzift once f oz ai.
noutetotbefptciteofgtace Jfoztoe *
ItiD euecp pzteft is ceop Dailp mu
* niftrf ng,s ofte tpmes offerefb one ma* knotobimtbatbatbfapD:*t)engeaace t t ». mii1l
belongeth bnto me, 3 topll recotm
nee of orTctinge tobtcbe can nenec take
atoap tpnnes . sut tbps man afttc be
pence faptb tbe nozD.anD agapne:tbe ^^^ ut.«

)LozDe Ojal iugc bis people.jt is a feac

bao offeteo one faccpfpee foz fpnnes fulitbpnge to fale into * tbe banbes
«pi,cf.«.T.. fathim Douine foz cuet*onp tigbt baD
of tbe 2Lpupngd5oD»
coiio.m.a of^5oD, aiiDftom bencefoztb tatpetn
Cal to rcmembzaunce tbe Da(es tbaf
mSul' tpl bis foes betnaDebisfoteftole.iFo*
ate paffcDin tbe tobicb after pe baD tc
toptlj one offetpng batbbe mabepar*
ceatteD lpgbt,pc enDticeDa gteat figbfi
feet foz euec t(?em tftat ace fanctifieo.
in aDtictfities 3 partb tobt'Ie all inennt
ainD tbe bolp gooff alfo bearetbbsre*
tooozeo 9 gafeo at pon foz ^ fljame anD
cozo of tbps 3 euen toben be tolo befoze:
tribulation tbat toas Done bnto pow,
3„, mu *Cbis is f teftamet tbat 3 ujpi make anD partly tobtlepe became companp*
Dnto tbemiaftet tbofe Dapes faptb tbe
ons of tbe tobtcbe ropaffeD tbettttme»
JLozDe. l torll put mp latoes in tbepz *fozpefnffreDa/fo toitb mp bonoes, -
ano in tbcit mtnoe J topU iozpte
focttes tt#Ml<(

tbtm, ano tbcir finnes ano intq uitics

9 foke in tooztb tbe fpoilinge of
gooDes^ tbat toitb glaDnesjknototg
ponte 3S3&

:o ttje
to pout fclncs hoto that pe hao in bea*
J$tbw& fultmK
toetenot fcneanDpupareD the atc&e
tun a bettet ano an niDtitpngc rub* tothefautngeofhrs houfholDe, tho^
RaunccCftR not aluar tbetfozepoutc tototljc tobpib atcbe,he*conDempneD &»<&>**
<g confpct nee titfjpcb hail) great retearoe the too?lD anD became hepie of f tigh^ c

$ebMc«.a. to tccompcnce* * jFojpe banc neue of teonfnes ibhichcommeth bp fapt^.

patience, that after pe bane Done the *©pfa?tbaibiabam, tohenhetoas
topll of d60D>?c might receaue the pzo*
calif D obepeD,to goo onte
into a place,
9ba«c.«.« nit fc* f 01 pet a betp Ipttel tobple,anD tbbpcb he fjjouID aftertoatD receaue to
be that thalicGmc topi come, anDtopIl inhctitauncc^betoentcn^not&notQ*
not tatye** I3ut the tulle (l>alllrucbp tngc U'hethct he CboulD go«
SaSili faptb^nDpfbetofcbDiatoe bpmfelfe, ^p faith
hetemoueDiuto thclanot
nip foulc fjjal haue no pleafute in htm* that teas piompfeD ftpni , as into a
30ce ate not tobPtb toptbDiato ourfel* ft rannge counter, $ Dioelt in taberna«
ties muo Dampnacion ,but pattapne cleg :auo fo DpD 3 aac anb Jacob hct;

to faptb 3 to the topnnpng of the foule. res tijptb him of the fame pjoroife* f oj
3Cl)C/ft0tC5. bchftebfoia cptpc baupuge afoun*
SJftocfpn a.3Cl)(si3itt?)ar tsfyoscn of m tS; of tops
Dariontohofe bilDerano mabcrts gob
tbtlltnglp tbc fyimc
of blaipbcm p agauitte t&e Oolp (Sbofi c tofotcbe * Cbozob) faith ^yara aire ceceancD ^.^i
31oUn calti D roc fpuue bnto bcattj. Let all fucue ftrengthe tobetupthchplbe anotoas
tljf cf ozc as f p arc not to biafpbeme tt;c fpim of
DelptieicD of a chilb tehen me mas paft
!6so,inceCpatn$aiiD caplpngbponljps n>oxoc
feneto tl)at rbcp; maCTc is no factif ice fo; rpnnc,
age, been ttfetljc ittDgcD himiapt(;ful
but tbat tbc tctcpblc tubgemau of iSofe remaps / tuhpch haD pzompftD.
ttctb fo: fbcm ana rbcit tmeftco Joolatr-p. 3lnD thecto^e fpzange thew of one(^
ft. rCfjcnanocsuf (Sob Oeccrpg-.tific tbe cwcc=
ofoueto'hich twasas goobasDcabjfo
cpou 9 cbaftenpng of (Sob as tt is f a pb.p :.rr. p.
*manp in mnItituD,as ^ flatres of ttjc w
H Chapter. iBie,anD asthefonbe ofthefea(^o^

W>!)atfattb is, anb a co:n;ncnbacio?t of tbe Uihichisinnumetable*

fame * acbcacbfaftc bclene of tbc faeces in ainD tbcp all DpcD in faptfje,$ tecea*
tieD not the p2ompfes:but*fatoe them
y»' mu *
a^ptfjeis arute confiDence a facte of anD beleueb them,ano falu*

of tbpngestohr chare bopco teD tbcm:anb confcfTcD that thep u etc

foz,anbaccttapntp of thin* * lira tigers anDpilgtems on the cith*
JH'ges tobtcb ate not fene.isp it
Chep that fap Uicbe thpnges, Deciate J'^JJ
the cioets mere u»el r-cpoif cd of Cho< that thep fefee a conntre 3lto pt tljep *kW.«
roly fapth toe bnDerftanD g the* toojlD haD bene mpnbftili of that count cc, f to
teas ozbepneo bs? the toa.zD of t£>oo:a no tohence thep came oute, thep haDlea^
that tljingcg tobtcb are tene,toec mace rute to haue teturneD agatne:but note
9ctcrtti.c of tbpnges tobiebe * ate not fene**i3p thepbefpjeabettet, that is to rape a aa
faptbeaibel offeteDfcuto dSoo amoze heaiienlp.whctfo^edSoD it notatya*
pientuous factpfice then capnibp meDofthem,euen * tobecalleDtheiv C«;ot,«i.<v
tobicb he obtaincD toftnes that he mas c!50D:fO£bc batbpjcpateD top them a
tpgbtuous,d5oD teftpftpug of hps gifs tptpe*
tes:bp tobicb alto he bepnge oeao , pet * ©p f apth Ibtaham offetcD tjp Jfa
rpcaketh. ac,tohenhetttastempteD,^he offeteD &%S£.
ii»ap.iu'.j 15P faptb toas *Cuoch ttanflateD that him bepnge his onelp begotten Tonne,
«fcc jciun.b
he wauiD not fe Death, nepthet teas he tobtcbebaD teceaueD the pzompfes of
founbtfoz cBod baD take hi atoap. 25e^ tobotne it teas fapD, in UfaaCjOjai^hP
foze he teas taken atoap,be toas tepoz* goo
feDe be calleD:f oj he cofpDjeD that
teD of, that he hao pleafcD <5od : but leasable torapfcit&p agapue from
u bout faith it is tmpoffi bit to pleaCe
i Deato.Chetfoze teceaueD he bpm, f oj
htm.jroi he that commeth to goD mull an en(ample.*3jn faptb Jfaac bleffeo & fm ,
btkixt that d3oD is,anD that he is a te« Jacob anD Cfau,concetnpnge thpu*
toatoet of them that fcfcc bpm. gestocome*
«i,c.j;liu;.b 2Bp faithe * &ot fyoi\t>itQ goD,aftct *T5P fapth ^acob tohen he teas a ^.^^
t^ath^e toajStoatneD of thpnges toi;pc() DptngcbleffeD botht^e tonnes of Jo*
fepb,anbbotoebbpm MrctoteatD ttje a better refutreccfon 4Dtr)et falteb of
mocfcpngcs anb rcourging es 3 mo:c o<
Cftacf.1,5. *ap faptbjofcpb foben fje Opcode uet of bonoes ano pjplomncnt:*toere
memoieotbe Depattpnge of tlje cijpi-* floneD s Ujetbetotna funbetjtoete temp efSf**
D«u of Jftaei.anogaue commannbe*
mciu of Ops bones.
tcbitoetflapne teitb ftoearoes, toalkeb ^ b "«-«'-
bp 9-Doune inf^cpes (bpunes.iu goa< SiSSS*
CD *2Sp faptfjc jj^ofcs tobcn tie toas tesfkpnnes, inncbe 5 ttibuIacionanD
bo*ne,tt>t;sbPDt!)je monetae ofups bejcacton,tDbpcbe tbetoojtlbe teas not
fatfjcc atiDmotbec,bccante tbep Caujc toojtbp ofjtbep tManoieb in luilDecucs,
be ttms a piopec cbploe:natbe t ftateo in mountapnes , in Demies anb caue$
tbt kpnges commaunoemcnt.
of tbe eattb*
Spfaitb^ofestobebetoas great, 3i;o tbefe all tbozotec faptb obfap<
cefufebtobecalleDtbe fount ct'pba* nebgoootepojte,
caos bougbtec,anb cbofe tatbct to fuf tbe piompfc
, d50D pioupbpnge a bet<
fee aOvjecUrt c toptt) the people of ©oo,
tec tbpnge fo.z bs,tbat tbep tou^ out*
tfym to eniope tbeplcafurcs otfpuue bs OjouID not be mabe
foj a ccat'on.ano cftcmeo tbe rebuke of
Cbjpft* g«atec epebestben tbetcea* «.)8D(jo Co
DatU tn fttm tf>p£ f«KCOttfpfie!i<e» 19
fure of egipt*ff oi &e Ijao a terpect bn* «t qmct (it ijis carfcieutcwbitt)
quptenes c<iii
to tbe teumtoe, »utoe04& t»p tyctmttc tit too;&C8.jf«0eti)«

*Bp faptb be fozfofee Cgpp^auD fea jPHitc ro bdODe.otOcc
els to feoot , (0 ton >Wt
rcD not tbe feacceues ottbe Upnge» tyMinot uc able ro
toapc agaiuft bis eupl ocuc*
tfo? be cud ureo cue as be tja& feuc biin (rujroDofOefctDoiftcmoii0Cc9fcartucti;cm«rs
tobicbtsiuuprible. tccbcto)eiiei5oDaHDM)cu;eoRrcieiice9)4niita2
tuep calibre, anD can not be fute of tbtic falua^
•iCbototo faith &c otbepnebptftec noiu MDbctefojcfbcjclotisOamitattoJi. jfojb:
£co\;cu.b lambe, anb tbe effufpon of blottoe.left tuar ooubrero cannot entepe tf;e ptompfes of
be tbat betttopeo tbe fief* bojne, f^ulo tooo^ctbctfoictbatCballcniop toepiomtrcs
of ©on muft aa"utci>!p bejeue tbat tbe one vnojfc
toticb tbctin
of cbuttonce bone on tbeccou"e : Ijatbe pacify
©sa.jctuU *©P faptb tbe? paffeb tboioto g ceo tn tbt wiAtl) of tbcfatbecanb Uatb fullp fatif*
feaas bp Dipe lauoc, mbicije lofjen tbe fubfwbtsrmnej.aa&tijattbcccisnomojer**
^gppepans bao aiTapeb to do, ti;ep
Ui.ccDiouncD. CCbe.jciu Chapter*
*26P faptb tbe toaUes of Jerico fell C3nerDoitacioiitobcpac.'ciitanbacbfaaei«
Doune aftec tbep tutc compaffeo about ttoublc.aubaDuecrttietiponbopeofcueclaaing
tnuacD.ii cdinmenbacion of tbcitno teaamene
about tyco, be,
spfaptb^atlot iiaabpecitycD
not toiff) tbe bnbeleuecs, tobcn fi/c ba D ?)crfOKlttb6alfo(fc<3fi
teceaueb $ fpies to fobgpug peaicablp pnge tbat toe ate com*
3B«D tobat Ojall 3 mou fap,tbe time paCcbtuttb fogteata
luolo to be fljoit to: me to tel of ©ebon, multiruDcfbjitnfffes)
3fu».bti.a. of* aacacb 5 anD oft^ampfon, ano of iap*abjapaltbatpjtef
4-jfiu l.U
*3fepb»nac:alfo of*©au»D ano* &a* ^jfetb boune^tib § finne SSiioS
*j!u jciuia
4: 3JuD.jct.a miicl s atiDoft!)cDiopbettg:+-ja;bic!j tbatbangetb ou,anb let b^runne toitb «.*««.»«••
tbojoinc faptfjefubbueb fcfng;Dome&, patience bnto tbt battaple tbat i$ ut
toiougbt tigbteoufnes , ob t epncD tbe befoie bs,lohpngebuto Jeftis^fauo
t.n,mu.t pzompf eg* froppeo tfje moutbes of Ip* tozanbfpnii^ecofoucfaptb,bjf)icbfo;
ons, * quentyeb ttje bpolcnce of fpze, tbe tope tbat toas fet before bpm.abob
efcapebtbeeogeoftbeftoeatDe, * of tbe cto{Te,aiib befppfeo tbe ftame, abb
J©am.n.c toeafce tucte mabe ftronge, toarco ba * is fer boune on tbe*cpgbt bauo of tbe evwu*.
Ipcntin fpgbtjttttneb to ftpgbt tbe at* ttone of <soD»ConfpDcttbecfoje botoe $$£.£* mpes of tbe alpente0.3nb*cbe toemett tbat be enoucetb tuclji fpcafepngea* «'»-^
tcccaucD tlwi oeaoe tapfco to Ipfe gapna bpm of f pnnccs, left pe (r)outbe
agaptie* betuerpebanbfapntein poMCmmbeg*
6 Other toetctaefceb, anbtooulbenot Jro? ft bane not ptt tefpfteD bnto ^
be beipueteb,tbat tbep might ceccaue bloMDl^eopng.Otpttinge agapnft fpm

Cort>e3|etytte$ ^oLcftitbt
$tt> pc banc fotgotrc tbe confolauon, toiu)eb a toaprtbaf tbe communication
tobpebe fpeaHctf; unto pott as Ditto Qjoulb not be fpofcen to tbem.tfoz tbtp
cbplbzenimp tonne Detpu e not $ cbaft toec not able to abibe tbat tobicb toas
mnge of vm tlozD,nctbcr fajmte toben fpoUcn.crJfabeaaebab toucbcD tbe
thou acre tcbukcD of bpm.'fojtobome mountapne,it baue btm ttoneb, «'<«>•***
3f«n<toue tbe jloiDelouetb, bpmbe*cbaftenetb: o: tbiuft tbozoto to^tn a
Dartc:euin fo
•ucuweof pea.ano hcfcoucgeti; cuetp.Connctbat terrpble toas tbe fight tobicb appereo. *

« 3 \;tiaa
be teceatutb*
33 f pc cuDuce c^aftciutig^oD offtetb
scores fapD,3 feare anb quake ibuc
pe are come unto tbe mo unt &po,auD
$> mbf$ fnm felf Unto pou as Unto fonegftobat to tbe cptpe of tbe liuinge (Sub, tbe ce*
i«(ureti)at fonne is tbae toljomtbe father cbafte* le&iall 3|cr uralem : anb to an inttume^
SmSSI «etb nofc'Jfpe be not Unoer cozreecf* table fpgbte of angels, anb Unto tbe
tw^t* on(U)betofaUatcpartakcc3)tbenatc boiuefonnes,
congregacio of tbe firft
Jc?r/8Sc pe iiaftatocs and not tonnes « ^oie*
r tobpebe are to^ttm in beauen, anb to
uainguft. oner fepng toe baD fathers of out tied) 6ob tfjt iubge of al,ano to tfjt fpitites
<£ tobpcb conccteD Us, a:iD toe gaue tbe of tuft anb parfect men, anb to Jefus
teuecence:(&oulDtoenotmuc5 tatber tbemebfatoz of the netoe teftamente,
be in fubieccton Unto tbe fatber of fpi anbcotbe*rpzpncfcelpnge of bloube <^««.t.«
rituall gpftes tbat toe inpgbte Ipue** tbat fpeakct^i better tben tb^bloubeS'^
38tio tW
betelp f oz a fetoe Dapes^iu^ ofabeiU
creb Us after tncic otone pleafure : but ^>e tbat pe Defppfe not bpm tbat
be learnefb Us Unto tbat tobtcb is pzo< fpeaketb.jfoz if tbep efcapeb not tobicb
fi>table,tbat toe ropgbt teceaue ofljpsf tefufeb bpm tbat ipake on ertb : mucb
bolpnes.^o manner cbaftifpnge foz tnozc Cbal toe not toe turne a<
toe pzefent tpme femetb to be topous, toap from bpm tbat fpeaketb from be*
but greuousmeuertbeleiTe aftettoarD uemtobofe uopcctbcnfljouue tbe ertb, I
tcbtpngetb tbe qupet f rupee of rpgbs anonobo bcclatetb fapinge:pet once
tcoiiwes , Unto tfjem tobpebe ate tlj er* mote topll J iDake,not tbe ertb ouelp,
in ejcctcpfco. but airobeauem^o bo ute tbat fame
5a *&tretcb foitb tbetfoze agaphe f tbat be faptb 9 pet once moze,fignifietb
«fa.wb a banDes tobtcb toete let do touc,anD tbe tbe temouinge atoap of tbofe tbtnges I
toeake fcnees,anb § pe bane ftratgbt
fe tobicbe are Q)akc,as of tbinges tobicb
fteppes Unto pout fete, lead anpbal* baue enbeb tljett concferp tbe tbtnges
tinge tutne p ou out of tbe toap:pea,let totytt) ate not njaben, mape remapnr*
it rarber be bealeo* Cmbzace peaces 5CCberef ozc pf toe teceaue a fcpngb ome
all me" anb bournes: tot thbut tbe tobtcb tobpebe is not moueb toe baue grace,
no man (Dal fe tbe ftoioe. 3ud lofee to, tobetebp toe map feme d5ob anb pleafe
tbatnomaubebeftitutc of tin grace bpm toptb teuetence*anb goblp feare,
ofvj&oo, ano tbat no tote ofbittetnes Jox our dpob is a confumpng fpie. ^"-^^
f pip ngc up anb trouble, anbtbetebp %\)CfiLOtCS>
<£ manp be oefpleo : ano tbat tbere be no
««w.w*.t>. foznpcatoz,o2Unclenepetfon, * as €* 4.39i2Catt foluc bPsbp«b»0Dtfoto«e6zea6e ^f4tt* coulD uotUaucttagapitcaftcctoatDc, 1
fati 5 tobicbef ozone bzeakefaft" folo bis
toDlljC ccpenteb:fo tQep tljar i"cl tfje uiUcrtfaQce
bpitbxpgbt* 8
Be Mob* boto tbat after Dfi)caucnfoitl)ca^[)'cIuaeaati pleaCucesof
toarbe toben be tooulD baue tnbetctcD tUctooifticauiiorbp ccpeitrauttcc tccouct tl;at
uiDccrtauticc^oiu is to bepzeCupporeb, ttyzt
tbe blcffpnge , be toas pntb^ t anb be
be t bat rcllcto a tl)puge,uatu f ittt Come ftate tit
foutiDc no meaner to come tberebp a* rue tbuig tljat W
Ccllctb.attb t\}*t l.icooctf; w t !*

Ipnglpe leaue all t;ts mteceft 1 1) a t ijc Ua to c 01 ci

ct #w.f 8«pne:no tbougbe*be Defpzeo it tottb
' baue tt) cccm: 1 cutopc utbc ttjpngeg as be Cels
do ][«(.». ifoi pe are not come fento tbe*mout icauc tbe in tctcQ tbat bp tbe piomtCe of «e ob be
tbat can be toucbcD,anb Unto burning batbtiitbcbeauentpcbpnsbomc^nbbctaUetb
tf zc,noz pet to nip fte anb Datcfen cs ano
bpm Celfe to t\)e luttcs of tbpstooxlbc to btrcll
tljettn :.ts not Ipse to ctttope tbat hpngbome as
temped of toeDer,netbet Unto tbe fouD gapnebpcepcntautice,foibebatbfpnnebagaia
of a trompe ano tbe Uopce of tooz« rbebolpe gboa,tobtcb (bait not be foigcueu ui
cyou.ff.c &«;foWM*op« WP tbjubearbe it, t\iu tt>o;!u 0; ut tbe toojlo to come*

'Cfje Cptffle
baue tbe ouetfpgbt of pott,aub fubmlf
l£t cjrt) oxtctb\>9tiat3 la ue, to oofpiralpte, fa pout felues to tbentfoi tbep toatcb foi
ti pne tocoiocur, t osuop&c mafcc
poutefoule&cuen as tbep tbat mufle $-*
mutt) of t D§ t&at pxcaco tSoo 3 010 to betoase
, geue a comptes.tbat tijep map 00 u%
or fttaungeleacnpng to be content to ruff:ctt= tope, anD not toitb gtef c» jf 01 tba x is an
buhctou!)C )itft,rob£r:)jinticfuiu:uo^aD,aiio

tmpjojfrtable tbmge foj pou.j^iap foj
ds. ^cuebane confioence became toe
9ttta.%x €t bzottjttfp loac continue*
i&om baue a go od confepence in al tbpnges,
%ii.c * 25c not f oigctf uil to loDgc
anD Dcfp:e to Ipue boueftlpe 3 Defpje
i. Ci.tiii.b itcaugcts, tfo: tfjctDp baiie
pou tfjerfoie fomtobat tbe more abouti
Of uers*rcccaueD angels in
Dantip,tbat pe fo Do,tbat j niap be te«
£ ace in bonoes, cue as tfjougb pe tuec
bouuDe toitb i(jcm,i3c mpnDerul of tbe
Cbe<sod of peace tbat biougbf e a*
gapnefcomoeatbouc to.tD31efus tbe <auaiM
iaf^'cn ate in aoucsfptp, as pe tobpebe

*gteat n)eppetoe of tbe Cbepe,tbo^otoe 1

ate pet tn pout boopes. ftet toeolocfce
tbe blouD of tbe cuctlaftmg teftament, JjSg;!;"
be bao in pz rce in ail pointes, 3 let t be ,p "*' 8*
make pou patfect in all gooD toojfees,
cbabetbetmDefpleDtoj toboic Uepets
todo bps toplljtooifepnge in pou tbat
anD aDuouttets <BoD toil jfluogc. fLet
tobpeb is pleafaunt in bps fpgbt tbo>
poutconuetfacion betoptiioutc coue<
4$t. jtjrf js.fc. totoejefu^ dbipRz (Cotobomebe
tourncsfrbe*c6tent toitb tbat pc baue
pjapre f oj euet toi)ple tbe toojlo enDu<
al tebp. tf oz be betelp fapD:*3 toil not
tetbtJdmcn. b
3lofac.ta. mapi
fatle tbe.nctbct fozraite tbe:£ u>c
boialp fap:tbc b.ozd is mp btlpct, and
befecbe pou bjetbjen , fuffte tbe
tooioes of ctbo;taci6:f oz toe baue tout
31 toil not fence tobat man Dotbe onto
ten bnto pou in u to tootDes:knoto tlje
tneasemembettbemtobfebe bauetbc
biotbet 'tCimDtbCjtob ouie toe baue feuc
ouecf igbt of pou,tobtcb baue DectateD
from bs,toitb tobome(pf be come (l)oit
ttnto pou t\)t toozoof «od» cbe ctiD of
lobof e conuetfacion fe that pc lokc bp<
IpOI topll fe pou salute tbem tbat
baue tbe ottetfigbt of pou, anD all tbe
on,ano foloto tfictt faptb.
fainctes * -cbep ofjtalpfalutepotu
jef us Cb*tft ?eftetoap ei to oap, anD
tbei'ame continuetbfoz eucr. f^iSc
(5tace be \»it}) pou alMmcm
not catpco about ub Dtuets $ ftrauugc
leacmnge.f 01 tt is a gooD ttjtuge tbat
tbe bcatt be ftabliOjco tottb gtace.aao
not toitb mcatcs,to!)icbe baue not pzo<
fpteD tbe tbat baue haD tbeit paftime
uubem. scebaueaiiaultertobeccof "
tfjep mape not cate tobicbe
fetue in tbe t)pontbe(Cpillleof*^
c tabc tnacle.* tfoz f bobies of tbofe bea James*
ftcstobofcblouD isbzetigbu'ntotbe
bolpe place bp tbe bte pzeeft to poutge /-^©oug5 ttos ceptttle toete rcfnrcD in f&e
fine,ate burnt tottbout'p temes^bet*
a5 / igptftjcof auccp apoQlc, anott)0U9i;e
f oze 3efus,to fauetifp tbe people \situ V. s alio tf lap not tlje f ouiibicto or tl;c taitt)
3«^.jci;.T>. tone olouDc, fuffctcD*toptbout of ciTxiflc.bur fpcabciO of a gcnecall fa tube hi
tSoo.ncrbcr pieaci)eri) Dts DcarD anb ccfnctccct;
§ gate Jlet bs go foitlj tbctfoze out of on.crtjcc rtjc merer c 1 1; a t is lapeo bp in Qozcfoi
tbetcutes^fuffet tcbuke toitt) bpm. b s in I) t m,o: cucda Q n gc couctiaunt mabc its 111
l;t 3 bloub m
*tfoz bete baue toe no continuing cf tp: ten 9 toe offpec and ontpe of

S9ldM?.c.< tpc 2poafe,as£bit(!rapri).3lobn.Fb.peu;aI tc

but we febe one to come*
Qrftcof me: ptt becaufe ttrertetI;bpnomans
f ot b? bpm offet toe tbe factpfiee of doctrmcbutctpetlifofecpctOcUtoofecb.aiio '

lauoe altoapcs to <!5oD.tbat is to fap, mahetl) louetobicttistottooutpai-ctalptpctbc

tbe f cute of tbofc lippes,tobtcb cofeffe, fu!fintHgof^atB,asCoiia?a!#apoftlfsopd,
$ batft r Wttomanp saoo $ goblp re tttenrcs in
bisuame«coDogooD a to Dtflttbute it:? batb aifo notftig p to not agteaole to ceft
aJctcB.t.a. fozgette not,foz* toptb fucb factifpees of tbeftcppture,pfitbclobeb inbiffetcntlp on: a
^00 mctbmfectb it ougbt of tpgbte tebe tafienfoj
is pleafeD* h ^«©bepe tbem tfjat ljolpefettptntc,^o;a9 fo; tbat place fwtohicn
, c

folmx^n 1
Ip mett(as it cugpuf itpab meant as tpcv toiic
tt,aiibfoitoptcpcp{atcoiiclpe, fMtpcfaifcbii-
of<50Dano or tljt 31

ocruaiibttigc | it Patu bene c.;ieflpc teceaucb of l£>tt£> 3fef«Sf

tpe )9aptQcs) pet if tpe ctrcuinttaattccs be mdl Cfjjiftc , kntttl)
poiiDcrco, tt mill appcace tpat tpe autpouts efts
getting to t^jcif
tent teas fatcc oty cennfetije tpsp to&e pint fej.
^Fojtopece pcfaptpw£paptcr, faptp ttpbt^'ttf^cnate
tiottt bebes isbcabe tit tt re lfc,pc mcanetp none fcateteD OtteauD
otpcr tpiuge,tpeii all tpcfcctptucepotpe: pome tfjtte.
tpat ,t pat fattp topicp patp no goob bebes folc-s
topnge.isafau'efaptp.aubttoiieoffOatfapetP +i$P btetl^cn, countc it e^ccaopnge
tmi tf ictp 0; v ccciuc t \) f ozgcuetics of fin n cs.^fo 1 iw'ctoljcnpc tail into Dtticts tcmpia^
fi5ob pjomifcb toctm ettelp efoz jcucucs of tpctc
ci60, ttyafmticl; as pn ftnotp boto tf;at
funics tobicbe tunic to tScb,f Uepc pis lames.
JUDpcrfozc tficp tpat purport to rcitumtcQUI in
tnt*trjung of rout fattb bjifigetbpa* ot. rtii.s

patit net bant bit pttfit ap.ut.a.

rtntie paucno pact in cbatpzomtfc: but bcecauc cicnccrano itt
tpem fcltics, if tbcp bclcue tbat sob patp fozge*
m ' v a
luozfetjtljat pt map bt pttftct gt J *fouD
ucit ri)g tpetc ol&e f nines fox Cpxiftes fa Jjc. 2 11b
afrectopeu pc rapctp tpata man is uiSiftCb bp lacki'ngc notb^ngt.
bcbcs,a iid not off apet p onclpe, pe toil no mo je Jf anp of pon faefct topfcDome,*k t <ob.ict«ite.
tpcutpiUfaptpbotpeuotroiuaificeticcptopcc, ntm affet of son tobpene gtnttb to all §£3.£
tljat nstbmsc tuftifictp f aue faptp . if ox becbes
alfoBotuatftc.aiibasfaiti) ouelp ttiGifictpbes
men inDtft't ttntlpt anD5
caftctb no man iiub^iib.
foxe us ob, to bo beabe9 ouelpe tutttf te bcfoic tpe in tbc tt ctb:anDttfl)all bt gtncnbpnn
tooxlbe.topecof istnougptfpolten.pactlp itt tpe 2But itt bun ante in fapttb ano toaut
|S>:ologucon jaaulcto tpe laottiapns. a'nbalfo
not , iroj \n tbat Doubtttb, is ipse tfje
in otpec places. ;jf ox as jaaulc affttmctp. isom.
itt. fpat afexapam mas not f ufltftcb bp tooxefecs
toaucs ot tl)t f ea, tea of tije bipnO,anD
bcfoxctSob, bu' bp faitp ouelp as £6encfis bca= tatico ipttb bioltnct* &ttt)e t itt f ma
tetp toil James tpat bebes onlp mat's
tt)U\bt tbat be fl^ai ttctant anp tbmge
fieoppmbcfoxetpetooxlbe ,$faptptoxeugptifc
bis bcabcs:tpat is to Tape, fapctp topectoptp pe oftbtXLojtD.26 toauttpngnitnDcDman
toasrtgpteousbefoxc gob itt tpepcctbtb caufe is bnftablt in ai bps toaptgu
pirn to mojtic tpe toil of tSoo outtoacblp, topee
tip petoascigpteous befoxe tpe aoxJb, $ topees
HTLtt tfjt bjotbtt of iotp Dtgtt ttioia 3
bp tpepsoxlb peceeaucb tpat pc bcieucb in gob, in tbat ^t is eualtcDj ano tlje tpebt in f>
toncb anb feaccb gob, 3nb as ©cb. ri. tpe fectps btis inaDtloto,*5Foj tnenasg ftofcet &*.#*
nice afficmctp tpat iaaab toas iudfpcb befoxe
«5ob tpoxoto faptp, fobotp lames afftrme tpat
of tbe gtaiTt,a)allbt banp(b,e au»apt, \%^
tPoxoaitoox&cs.bptopicpfpcCbcmcbpir fattp, Cbe fnnnc tpfttb Uftb fjtatt , ano ibe
IpetoasiuQiftcbbefoxctpctooilbc, $ tt is true, gtafft tPioetttb>anD bis flotctt falittb
anbasfoxtPetfptQIeof3lubas,tpougpmctt atpap, ano tbe btutpe of tfye fsOjton of
hauc anb pet bo boubt of tpe am pout, $ tpougp
tt periJbctb: ensn fo 0?at tbe eiebc man
it rcmcalCotobebxatoenout ef tpe rcconbcjfs
piQIe of faint ]$ctec anb tijctto alicbgctp fctrtp
, ptepOje toptb bis abotmDaunec.
tiicc tpat ts no topecc founb.pct femge tpe i^appp is tbe man tbat tnouttib in
mattcc is To iSoblp anb agecpnge to
Otpec places of poip feciptuce,
3] re not bnt tpat it ougpt rectant tbe ctotont of lift,tPbicb p lojD
topauctpcautpoxttp IjatbPjomiffD to tl;e tbat lout brm. %
%tt no man Tape tobe" bt is temptco,
ttmptetb not unto enp^ntttbet; tempt
tetb be any maniie* sue etietp man is
ttmpttb, Djatoen aipap,ano e ntifeo of £
cClje Cptftle of bis objnt caeupif ccnec. <€\)m lube luft
batb coceant D, 0)t b?ingttb foub fin^
tbe 3Ppoft[e ^apnete nt s anDfpnne tobtntt is finifl^eD,bjpn^
. 3]ames.
CbcfpjfteCbapcet* cgccc not nip Deare bKtbun.^*(£nej
tp gooo gpfte , anb cuttp perfect gift,
©e crpoxtetp to teiopee itt trouble, to be fees
uentitipxatcctottpttcb'aabclcfe.tolo&efoxa! is tome aboue , ano commetb Dotone
goob tp acs fro abouc, to f oxfaae all Pice, anb from tbe fatbtr of lpgbte,toptb tobo is
no Ijariablenes, netbec is be cbaugcD
Ip peatinge it anp rpeafeing of ittbut to bo tpeca
af tec 111 oeeoc, £ tiic tcltgien 0; bcuccton, topat tjnto Datluies^^Df ins otone topi be* WP*
anTMU '*
gate b. e t»s Vb ti;e toojoe of lifeboat toe
f .

(fymlD be tbe f tea f c uttcs of bps ctca<
metbun baue not tbe fapctb
tutec. sccrnctfoje D£ac bietbje>let cue ofout)Lo?De JefusCb^tfe 31
«gcclc,to.a. tp ma be f umt to yeac,Qo tocto Ipeafee, tbe lo?D of glojp in *refpect £flrt
atiD floioc to tojatbc if or toe auatb of of perfons* Jf tbec come i\u
man toojfcetb not tbat tobpeb 10 cpgb* to pout companp a man uutb a golDeii
ttous before (5oD. tpnge,anb in gooDlp appatel,anD tber
* aoc-bct qzc lap a pact al tilth tucs,al come in alfo a pojc main bile rapmcc,
f uperflmtie ano maliciouf ues, aiiD tu anb pe baue a tefpect to bun tbat toea*
eeatie toitb mefcenes, tbe ujojd tbat is tetb ti)e gape dotbtnge, ano fape bnto
graffebinpou, tubicbeis able to fa uc bun. *5>ittbou bete in a gooD place:*
pout foules* f fap bnto tbe po;e,ftanDc tbou tljec, o;
flom.ii,b. 4< 3BiiD le * tbat pe be Doers of § toojDe fttbete biiocc nip foote ftoletate pe not
aiiD not beauts onlp,Deccauing pour pacciall in poure felues,anb baue iuD*
otonefclucs tuitb ^>opbiftcpe. jfc; if gcoaftec eupl tbougbtesv anp*beare tbe toojoe, anD do it not,be ^etnenmpDeate beloueo bietbicn.
fcuke. %ut
is like bnto a man tbat bebolDetb bpz §atb not ®od cbof en t\)t poou of t bis
boDelpe face in a glaiTc. jf 01 as Tone as tootlbObicbe ate rpebe in fapetb, anb 23
be batb lobc-D on bun felf, be goetb MS bep^es of tbe lungbome tobicb be p:o<
toap,anD f ozgettctb tmmeDtatlp lubat miteototbemtbattouebpm^ I3utpe
*$*u\>it.Ti ()ts caution toas* * ©ut tobo fo lokctb baue bef pifeo § poze.air e not tbe ttcbe
iu tbe perfect latu of Ubcttpc,anDc6tt4 tbep tobtcb opp^effe pou.cnb tbep tubp
Mietbtbetein(tfb*benotafojgctfull cbe Dja'oje pou before tubges*- Bo not
bcarer,but a Doer of ptuoiftejcbe fame tbep fpealte euil of tbatgoob name af>
fball be bappp in bis ocdc. ecttobpcbcpcbenameb.
jf anp man among poa feme Deuoot, 3 f pe fulfil tbe copal iato accozbpng
$ tefcapne not ups tonge: but Deceaue to tbe fctiptucetDbtcbfapib* * tc&ou j.^^,
bis ouine beet , tins mans oe u octon ts (bait loue tbp nepbouc as t^ felfe, pe mat.
in b apue. g&uc e Denocto ano bnDefileo botoeh jBUtifpetegatoonepecfonne $££$&
bcfoie (5od tbe fatbcc,is tbts:to bifite uioie tbe an o tbe c, pe comit fpune,ano «<««• *.^
tbe f a the t IciTc ano apboo toes in tnm ate tebuKeb of tl)t laiue, as tranf gtef<
aDuetfttpe , ano to feepe bpm felfe bn< routs. jXb of oeuct fljal feepe tbe tubole
fpotteooftbctoojlDe. b laio,nnD*j'et faple in onepo?nte,be is ^«b.*.e.

2C&e notes.
gtltpe in all. fox be tbat fapDe, ebon C
a. §>ounbe , aftcc M ©ebxucs rignifietb bpm, Ojalt not commit abultetpe, fapb alfo:
£sun*r. tljat m Icauumc f He cDilDxeti of tUis tuoilQ, anD tbou fbal t not ttpU* Cbougbe tbou bo
the pxocuting fo; bis orotic piofctc fmctb a ftm= none abultetppet if tbou kpll,tbou att
pie life auDtuitftout blame, ^ud; one 'qjasSI as
I a ttangteffeuc of tbe la Ujc.sjo fpeake
b. 31 n Cbiift toe ace all Use goob,aub cum rets pcanD fo Do, as tbep tbat (bail be hid

uauntes cctje to otbec fox Cbitttcs fahc euecpe g e D bp p lato of tbe t tpe f o % tber e fbal
, I .
man in His office . a no be that tafeetb moxe on be itiDgemente merciles * to bpm tbat mu^m%
bint then tbat of tebatroeuec begee be be: is a

f al re cbiitlian, anb an a poaa ta f com em (ft •fbetoetb no metcpe,^ ratrcpe teiopf etb
c.aitni jbtp <5eb batb altoap teinpteb anb pio= agapnfretubgement»{<
€ot) tempt uit>
bps electe , bp tcouble anb pecfecutton, anb iXbat auapletb it mp btetbie, tbou,
bp nouttcpngc tbeim toitb outcoatbc plagues,
/ftcuci tbetetfe,be botb it not bnto euill,but fox gbe a man fape be batb faptb.'iuben be
gooD, namelp bicaufe be louctb tbcm, anb tDpll batb no DeDes." a *canfaitb fane btm/
banc tuctrf apt!) c.rccc ifcb.Sbus temp rcD he 3= 31c a btotbet oi a ftffer be na&cD o: Dec
biabam.t5eiie.rrii. anb tbcJirraelttcs. Scute.
btii as f 01 tbe tcinptaciou tbat rue piapc tu tbe
ftitute of Daplp foDe * one of pou fape

ISatet ttoftet to be oeliuectb f cm : tt s tbeluft

t into tbem: Depart in peace, <sob fenbe
ana coucup tfecuce of one aetpe , totjetbp roc are pou toatmiusftfoDcmotUmbftanDing
pe getie tbem not tbo tbpnges tobi»cbe
are nebeful to tbe boope:tobat beipetb
©c f oxbibbctb to banc anp tefpect of perrons, ifj'CtJcn fo fapetb,if it bane no DcDes,
but to tegaebe tbe pooie as toed as tbe rt cb e,t o is Deao in it felfe*
bclouing anb merciful, anb not to boatt of fap- £ea,ano a ma migbt fape.tbou baft
ctb to tjee no bebes ace: foz it is but a bcab f ap tb
toijcce goob tooiftcsfolotu not*
fapet^anb 31 1)ZM DcDes:u;ebi me tbp
M c

ajmee James jf olcroMi

bp tbp DcDcs : aim 3 topll flbetoe
faptf) mine offence bnto
rapetl). 31 will acfettotolebgc
tbempfapctbbpmpdcede3» 25eleneft ofmpfmnc. auo.&oma.ttti.a. EoOti:ipt»o;u
thou that tbec is one 450D? Cbou DOS feetb uot.butbelcuct&oti bun rlj3t tuatficft) tbe
tocli,C!jt bcuils alfo bdcuc $ treble, On gooip, ft c. woa t tan be moic piaincf p fpofef

23 tljcu tuat ftnucs ace foigeucn to a topebeb au&

aoopit tljou Vndcrftand, tf) p bapue
bttgoblp man tbat mox&etb not, tbat 10, net fox
man that faptb \fcout deoes ts deade*- a h vc of bid to uxcfe cs,btt t f celp c. Eo ten cluoc , if
b* wa* not 3 bjaba" oure father uittn tbcf5orpclfoigruenotftnues,butfoxoutgooD
tooxtics rafce.aiib fo: one tooxtbmes itbtffecctb
tboio toe tooubes toben !;c offeted
notbtngt f coin tbe lame , uox fauctb anpc moxe
0e.»it.b. *3Ifaac liis f onnc top on the auiratcr- tljCtttf)clatoc.3Ututttl)tstotIlfufficct0egoob
^Lbou fceft bob) that fapetb tojtou gbt anbtoirc^foxastoucbtiigtbeintbatb;piigno<:
toitb bis deeDea, 9 tbjtougbe the dedes tbtnge unto tots caufe, but a to til to buttle aub
cl; tbe.topH itcuct f utter tbem feUcs to be fattC^
teas tbe f a p tb made petf it: 9 tbe fctipi f r D. inn pet If toe moulo con ten oc bp tbe num«

<rem.^b tare tnas fulfilled, tobtcb faicb:*36bja bee of autUoittcs.tbts one place of 3|ames tsc»
ucttbxotocn bp tnanpc teCimon tes of |9auie , if
SaKi bam beleued ©oD,and it urns reputed
tontQbimmrpgbtcoufiics.'fibetoas men toil
bitbctllattbe bp mfitficattonotK: ttjittg
iutb^botb'XObcu ]dau!e tbecfozc fattb.^aptH
called t be ftcnoe of ©od Hh c * £ e f f be tuOifictb bitbetftab tbctbp that faptb caufetb

botoc tbat of cedes a man tg iufttff ed, tUattoebeaccouutcfituftc,tcputct>ttgbteou9,

tbat ouc f mtcg be not tmputcb buto be, but
and not of faptb oncl p . ju ke toifc alfo aub

tons not tiaab £> harlot iufttfico tbo* et ), tooj&cs tuOtf tc, be meanetb tbus ttDoibcs .

totoe ujozcUes,* toben Ah receaued (be bcclace bsiuae, anbCbctoccuibentlpetbattoe
meffengecs and rente tbe out another becigbteous.SbusCbaltctboumabefbcmac*
coxte.j&lacefaptctb me(© tcabct)ratbcttbfu
teapc^jfozas^bobptoptbouttbefpt* ttmcoitovH ,o;c!sbjoulbe 3jpcttjaue rpobeti
deade, euenfofapetb tovtboute
tite ts mojeoftbiBtbpngc.
deaocsisdeaoc. h €be.ttt.Cbapfet«
~u t W&at goob aub cuill eommetb tbaxotee tbe
, .. .. „„ T

Kl • fotigc*ftcfiutpoftucUasl»eJea«icD.3rbcPtfS»

Canf«?tb a.^amesfpeabctbuotbettoffbetrue anbitu* f CceH ccbcfTOtrttbetotrbomcoffbegorpcl,8ti&

ftui^im. ipcfaptljtooicb bplouc ismigbtp in opetatia* tnete-ifboracof tbe tooxloe,
TBut of toe bapitc imagination $ optu ton , tW
^ b?etb?c5 be * not euetp ma 3
•- tOctontban&efull people bauc of faptp.anbbp*
***** f
caufe tbete f olotu no goob ivoikts of it, be cats a maftet, temembjpng bote
Ictbitbeabfaptb.wUetconttautotictbcfaptb that toe (fiat teceatte£ moze
tobetbp toe be atceptcb $ roabc iuft in tbe ttgbt
of gob, bxmgctbfoxtb gooo n ojhcsplc rccuflp.
_ dampnacf on : fo? in manpe
b. atcbctufiifubintbtsplace.anbtboxottout tbpuges fpnne al» *3"f a man fpnne p^^ii.*
tin \v\)o\t cDaptec , tsto be bedateb tutt in tbe
not in too?d tbe fame ts a perfect ma,

rigbtottbc toozloc, as utJLutie.r.e.anb.Fbt.b.

and able to tame alt tbe bodj'.2&cbolo
not to be mabc tuft in tl;c f tgbt of gob. §>o tbat
lrljcit be fatttj. llf as not abiabam oure fattjet
toe put bpttcs into f hozfes moutbes,
nt aDc tutt tbozoto toojhr s. (ic. ©c ineaucti; tins tbattbepQ)ouldeobtpijB,ritoctiirng
)1Dastiotoutfatbec abxabam, bptjistooxebes aboute ail tbe bo&pc. iBcbcldc alfo tbe
bCcIartb tuQC.jrbatiS.btbnOtblStoOXCheSbCs .
Inhti** thnunU thr* he fn rr«-#a»
clatcanbtbebj tbatbetoasiutt, anbtocce Cut* IftPP^tabpc!) tbOligb tber be [0 gteat,
rosens of mstigbteourucs. 31 1 rigmfictbnot and are divutnof fcatte topndcs,|'ct
tbatabiaijamtoasbpbistootBcsniabciucbe atetbei'ttitiud aboute toptb a bctpe
foic0ob teputci.ttgbteo«s,.anbobtapucbce,

itHiTiou of funics, jfoxbpfattb Oc came tbctbp

fma i bc i roe>lD |,ct^tfOCtte«t^WoKee
as w rncCTett) paulc. Horn tut a
t . of f gouernour totLCuen fo p tong is
e. Sbat is, bp tr)c baoiacs of tuftite, tlje mauite a Iptle mcbic,i boftctb great tbinges*
tbat botoc tOenn is occlarco to be uQc.cucii as t

scbold bote great a tbtnge a Ipttle Q

tbe goob tree is buotocu bp tbe goob ftute tljat
J©thet intctpxetactoti mapc fpje fepndlctb, and tbe tonge is fp^e, 9
it bxtngetbfoitb •

tee matte none ou tbts place, tfoxtbctccouiae a tooilD of topctteoncs. §0 is tbe tong
iiot^tttgc be mcxcfolitbe tben tl)ts fapittgc of
fet among our mem bus , tbat it deft*
3jantes,tf a ma tooulb tbus tnterpjcte it . Ebat
woman obtapnttbtemtflion of fumes , but bp; letb t\jz tobole bodp, and f cttetb a fp:e
caufe bis tooxfecs atctooxtbp of great benefitc. all tbat toe baue of nature, $ is it felce
MDbatfocucc be be tfjat Cichctbbptbtsititec' fetafpucuenofbelU
pxctactott bnbtcttanbctb not mi) at rcmiilton of
fptmc is, ox bote f> c5fcieuces ougbtto beccjfoxi
tcb.tobeit it fectb $ itbxingctb no goob woxbes, des
m tbe nature of beaftes and of bp:<
and of ^etpentcs , and tbpnges

of tbe&ca are mcbed and tamed of tbe
pictat toi is clcauccoittcatpe to otljcr open fap;
luges of tbe f cciptute.^bicb teacb tbat tcmiCTt
nature of manne. &ut tbe tong can no
ou of Unites commctb ftclpe . as ti;e }»f alntift man «um.3jt is an mitulp eutl fuUof
^ &[Au dtao]?
5 »

tnjc cpiftic
bcatilp poprbn. Cbtttoptbblffrctoe fill tbe bcuill, anb be toil ffc ftcm pott*
C <5oD fa the t,ano tfiecmttt) cut Ce me Bza\n ute to goo,anb be hui ozato npe

men* tobpcbe ate maoe aftct the umi* to poti. Clnue pout babes pe linnets, r
ItriiDc of (5od: £>u( of one mourfi pzo« anb purge pout bettes pe toaucrpnge ^
ceaoetb bit tTpnge ano cutfpnge $g)p inmoco. ^uffct afflict ions:f ojotoe pe
bzetbjentbefetWngcs ought uotfo to ^ b)cpe» Het pout laugbret be tuttub
be ' Ejotbc a founrapue fcuDe I ozttjc at to mout ninge , anb pout top e to beui<
one place Ctocte toaret ano bpttct al fo*- nes. * dC aft 00 tone pout clues befe.w »*«.»•* I

<ta« tbe fpgge tee mp b?etbzen , beate tbe jLojbe^bclbal Uftpou bp^aca^
olpucbertea :otl)tt a bpnebcatefpg* bite not one anotbet,bjetbje. J^e tbat JJ£*«

gesf &>o tan no fountapnc gette borfy %bacsbitetb bv* biotbet, ano be that .! ;« gS5
faltteacftftftefljeairo. Jf aupmanbe iitbgetbbps bjotbet;, bacaebitetbtbe -1
toitc 9 enoueO topib Icarnmge amouge iatoe,anb utbgetb tbe lata. $ut anb if tbe t

pou,lc ttc bpm fycto tbc toozcius of big; tbou tubge tbelatoe ,tbouatte not an S/UiiJ 1 *
tptfbome. goob conuctfariou m mcbenr s tbat is obfetucc of tbclato,but a uioije. £btt r»^me%
ties j obe# conplco toptb* toifcbonjc. is one laboe genet , tobpebe is able to w »oC, •

feiccc uiuS
s&nc if pe baue bpttct enuipuge ano faue anb to ocfttope.* «?bat att tbou m«.m-a
be accoj*
suiato the fttife in pout better, teiopce not : nep* tbatiubgeaauotbetmam SiSSA
ano a>ojt>e
(bet be Irate agapnft the ttuetb : tbps <5o to uoto pe $ fap : to oap 5 to mo*
toHDome oefcenoetb not ftoui about: toto let bs go into lucba citpe,^ coth
2D btitii9(cattblp,at.b*natucall J *oeuiU tinue tbetc a pete,ano bpe anb CeI } ano
* jftatural ipujc* oz tobete enunug anb ftttfc ts, tomnc: anb pet can not tell tobat ujall
I that to all S
tbat a man (bete rg bnftablenes ano all manec of happen to moioto* fox tobat tbtnge is
twtb wttb*
etui toozbesj but the tolfebome tbat is pout itfef^t is eufa bapouttbat ap*
ftoiiiaboue,i^fpi(lptite,tbenpeafca< peatetb fot a little tpme, anb ttun ba<
ble, gentle, anb eafpe to be intccateb, nifljetb atoap . jfei \ pe ought to rape:
full of metcp ano gooo f mites , unto* * if tbe ilojd topi, anb if toe ipue.let bs
out (uogtugc , 9 toitbout fitnulacion: bo this ot tbat* isut nolo pe teiopce U\ h*.**
pea, ano the ftuite of tpgbteoufnes is pout brthmges. ail (ufb teiopfpug is
f tsc n in peace, of the tbat mapntapne cutll. *^rbettoic to bpm tbat anotoctb
peace* (CWie.uit. Chapter. bote to bo goob.ano botb it not,to bim lttfcf«'ttb
MDacteanoftgotinge commetbof oufuptu; itisfpnue*
oufncs.&tjc ftfiiDftHp of tWtooil&e is taeniae
bcfoittSoD an erfjojidcuni tu a« fcUuaOCc, ?
oantue of rtjislpfc. fee ttjxeatf Hf tl) x\)C tuitkro n'cljcmcn.ejrlio^
on 1 pa c iciicc, to bettme of rmf 4t m j one
1 1 r i) ,
ftom tonencc comctb toacre to ttnotolcoge tjis fault cs one to anerfncom to
anb fpgbtpngamongepou: pidp fox another, ano one to labouc to bun j ait
come tbep not facte bcnccf u otUcpto tijetrufti).
linn of pout b olupt uouf tits, I^tonotopettcbemeti*^
tbat tapgne in pone mebzes. £e luO:, toepej^botileonpotit *
anb bane nor.£e enup anb baue tnotg .toittcbebnrs tbatoiall
nation, anb can not obt apne. ft fpgbt ccmebponpou*
anb toarce * baue not , bpcaufe pe al b e pout riches is coii
not* £eafbeanb teceauenot,bpcaure tupte,potitegatmctes
pe afkc ampffe:euen to confume it bpd ate motbe eaten * £oute goloe ano
pout boluptcountcs. ^c a ououurcr« pout filuec ate canheto , ano the tuft
anb toomeu tbat bieabe mat rtmonpe: of ibemal bea tottnes onto pou,ci^I
knovuepe not boiu tbat tbe+frenolbp; eatpout fteOj as it toete fpze . £e baue
of p tooilo iS enninutpe to d5oD toato.- bcapeo ttcafute togttbet in pout aft e I

SBbofoeuet topll be a ftenoe of p boozl bapes: * tsebolo tt)t bpte of the laoott^ *««•>*.«
be,ts maoe tbc enempe of <£>od. cptbec tets tobicb baue tepeb botone pout fei JSSSJ
bo pe thpnbe tbat the f ct Iptutc fapetb besf tobicb bite is of pou Kept bach bp 23
in batne * Cbe ^pitite tbat btocllctb ftaubejctietb:^ tbe ctles of tbl tobicb
in poti , luftetb eucn conttatp to enup: baue tepco, ate entcteb into tbe care
butgeuetbmojegtac*. oftbeftozoe^abaorb*
!.#«.*, b. Submit four feltie# ta 600,3 * "< ^e baue itttcD in plef ute on f ettb 9 in
toau tones. £cbaue uoziGjeD pout bee anD Q;al biDe ttit multituDe of finnes/
ces.asinabapoc Jflaugbtet^ebaue
conDempneD anD bane fetllcD tyc mite
CW enDe ef
t\)t Cpiftle of,£eu

auD be fcatb not reftftcD you.

%ijt iior C9.
4«i3epacientetbrtiozebzeib«n bHto 3 a. Sbatfgttjfremennj'fibcacesfomaljecDccc
tbe comminge of tbe tiojy. ScftoiD tbe tottuaII.aiiOastoe3ietoC9Dtai»tUctcr$4ufec=
guf bano ma toaptei b £oz tbe pzectous cffctpnges.ttr.
b. 2
t;c uufbanD men Do ccuitte tpS ttoo tattsirs
frute of tUe ca t tb,s batb long patience IBerne.
CfpcttailfC. 2TUC one m return gt'tuiiCjfiijiitl;:
ibetupon,bnti! be tcceaucAtnc earlp otDetfitbiotoutgc time, ^tifitfef ti;cpofrbcre
anD tijc latter caine . ©e re aire pact* laclic.allisftmtclcs.
c cut tberfoze,anD fettle poucbertesjoz

MDtjetOecpc tape pea oz nape: re tr be To. ftr^ta, an?
pc \)»ut one timigc tn t fie be cr an o an otbet tit turj,

tt>c compnge of tbe Jlozo Dzatoetb npe, tbe moutb oibebe,in bcauce 0; gcautc, ins I; j -
<5tuDge not one egapnftanotber uk* poccUpe oiBiffiiMiIation.
D.QjntotbciJzapctof fnptbafmbCfb befbec!': $ja?cr
DampncD. fccboloc tbe
tbien,lcft vc be et
tapntngeof raluation.notbnfctueanointpns fspctb.
luDgeftanDetb btfoze tbe Doze* caUe no: to tbe ople. amoitgc tbore nactSsbnto tebo
(mp bzetbzcn) tbe pjopbeteg foz an tjn taint 3|ames teiote tij p 9 £ut(He,tt teas tbe tn«
net to ancpnt tbcbobp tottb ople , trbteo tbms
ample offuffccpngaDuetUtie 3 $ of log
CDztO commaunoettj I;i9 2pofiIcstobo . ano
patience, tobtcbe (pafce in tbe name of ople unto manpcbitcarcs is a boicroincmeeii
tl)C &OZD* {< !3Cl)0l0 *te£ countc tbem ctnc.^De tottb tubom Cucb nnotnttngctsnot in
#?«b.b,a 3

bfc, tnapc uuocc the name or opic , bibccQanoe

bappp tobtcb enDutc.£c baue bcarD of tbactttc, in mtntacpuge
tl>e office ano cut p c or
ttje pactence of 3Job 5 anD baue fenotocn tn ges
bttto tbe Tpchcrucb tl; as \ft ticoct Jj.
tobat enoe tlje &4D1&& maDe* jfoz tfjc
jl ozoe is bcti' ppctfuli atib merciful*

2r>u t about al tbtnges
*l"toeare not.netbet
nip bmbun,
bp fjeaucu,iut tbec-
cClje Cpiftle o
cf)e Hpoftle ^apnete
bp eartb, netbet bp anp orber otb. 2let
©ccelniliCtbriirbc as betttgcblmbcb tupfb
pe fall into bppocctf ie. If anpe of pou
otonc luacs , refiQc tbe teuctb , anb tbat
3^beeupUUejceo,letbpmp)tapc.3lfanpe toe map Rttoto tlycm tbe bctrec.Ue Captb be W^
of pou be metp,Iet bun ring ^talmcs* rucijcasritmcbcaftlpagatn&natBte, pbefptre
3([f anp be Dtfeaico among pou,let bun rulers. tr. Be crijoxf ct!) us
tt ifp one dnotbev,

to pi ape ttt tl)C 1) olp gofle, to continue tti I one ,t

cat foz tbe elDers of the cougtegacton,
anDlettbcmpiapoucrfum,i*anopnt oneanotbet out of tbe fpie.
Hh^UDas tl)e fetuaunte of
am^ttbe piapet of fattb fijal fane tbe 3? ef us Cbzifte, tbe bzotbec
f pcfce,anD tbe ftozD fljal rapf e fjtm bp: of James; Co tbt mtobitb
ano if be baue comnutteo Cpnues, tbep atecalleD anD facttfteDin
fljalbefoigcucnbpni. <35oDtbe fatbtt,anD pzefet^
4- ftnotolcDge pout fautes one to an-; ucDtn3etuCbiiu\ ^ttcpebntopou
otbet: anD pzape one f 02 an otfjec, (bat anD peace anD loue be muitipIicD.
pe map be bealeD* Cbe pzaiec of a ttgf? BeloucD to!;e" 3 gaue all Diltgcnca

teous man auapletb mucb, if tt be fee* to tozpte buto pou of tbe commen rals
tient. incline toas a ma moztal 5 eue as uattott, it toas neDcfuI foz me to tozite
toe ate,s be pzapeo in bps pzai'et, tbat tmto pou: to ejtboupou t\)Qtv^ tboulD
ttmpgbt not tapne:anD it*tapneD not conttnuallp labour in tbe faptb tobpef)
toas once geuen bnto tbe fapnt 1 5, jfo$
anD monctbes. 3(nD be pzapcD a«
ftte tbcte ate cettapne craftelp ctcpte int
gapne,anD tbe beaucn gaue ratnc,ano of tobpebe it toastojptten afoze tpmc
tbe eattb bzougbt f oub bit ftutte. into fucb ttiDgment* tcbcp ate VngoD
Bzetbzenif anp of pou erte t torn tbe ipe, 5 1 utue tbe grace of out <J5oD bnro
cruetb anD an otbet couett bun, let tbe toanronues s anD Denpe cod tbe oneip
fame fenoto tbat be tobpche conuettcD 3iozDe,anD out lozoe 3]efus cbztfte*
tbe finnct ftom gopnge a fttape out of ^P
mmDe is tbetfoze to put pou in
l)t0 toape, ujal faue a foult ftom Dcati; temebzaunce j foz as mucb as pe onre
^>^>f.iit» feuoto
Ct)e tpfflt
lmotoetbps,bototbaUue?LojDc(aftet tbpnges. Cnep baue mert in gteate tU
rbatbebaDDelituteD tbe people oute uerencebpeaufeof a baumage.j&ut
of Cgppt) * oefttopcD tbem tobpeb af* pe beloucD,
temebje tbe toozbes, tobp*
ffiumxHU before of tbe apoftleg
tettoaco beleueD noU%f$i angels alfo cbe toere fpoken
tobpeb kept net Wn toft* «& at * : but of our lozD Jclus €W*e> botoe tbat
te* tbep toloe' pou * tbat tbete fftoulDe be 9a.w.t
„ 25
left tbeir otone habitation: be batb
laft time, tobicb fboulD |;.?X£
fetueD tneuerlalrpnge cbapnes bnoer begplers in tbe
Darckenes bntotbe tuDgmente of tbe toalke after tbeir
otonbngoDip luftes, u.**,**
makers of fectes fleu)lpe*
airt, " M
0m.MK.c great Dape:*cucn as £>oDomanD<i504 ^btfeare
mo?,atiD tbe citpes about tbem(tobtcb baupngenolpirite,
in like manet DefileD them felues toltb, 25ut pe Dearlpe beloueD, eDefie pour ^

tb«fo?nicatton,^foIotoeD*fttauge8ea)) felues in pout moft bolp fapetb , piap<
tgZinm ate fet foitb foi an erample, anD f uffer mge in tbe bolp gofte , anD kepe poure
of eternal fpje. Jlpke* felues in tbe loue of ©oD,
lokpnge foj
2? SX- fo« toengeaunce lefus Cb?ift,
tBtijevin^ tople tbefe Djeamets Defile tbe flcfl)e 5 tbemercp of
ocfpife cu!ers,anD fpeake cuil of tftcm into eternal
Ipf e. 3nD baue compafll*
IBoma i.
on of fome, feparatpnge tbem : 5 otber
tl>at ate in auctfjojttpc*
Vtt 4©icbael tbe atcbangel tonen be faue tottb f eate, pullpnge tbem oute of
c befture of
atoue agapntt tbe Detipl, anD DifputiD tbe fp^anD bate tbe fpitbp
aboute tbt boDpe of $)ofes,Durtte not tbe rleEge*
gette rapltnge fentence, but fapDe : t\)6 ^anto btnt tbat is able to kepe pou,
not 9 to parent pou faufc
lojD rebuke ti)t. sut tbefe fpeake eutl tbat pe fall ;

picfence of b¥S glojtp 1&

of tbofe tbtnges tutjtct). tbep kno to not: les befoie tbe
anD tobat tbpng tbep knoto natural!?: iope tbat ts to fapc : to ©od
our faui<

be glotpe,
as beaftes tobpebe are toptfaut reaf6, our tobpebe onelp is
potoer, notoe
in tbo tbinges tbet corrupt ti>z felues* maieftpe, Dommion, anD
ax>o be bnto tbem, tot tbjp baue f eloto
eD tbe toap of* Capn anD ate bttctlpe
geuen to tbe erroure of ©alaui f vi \m
kecs fake, *anDperpaje in tbe treafen
ofeboje. cion of ^»3obn tbe Deuine*
Cbefeatefpottestoljpcbe of poure CbefittteCbapter*
kpnDnes feaft togptbet,toptbout fear, ©appp at£ tucp tDat fjcate m
tomb of iSoft
tbcteneu congecgas
anft ftepc it. ^ctoittctt) ta
feaDpngetbem felues ClouDestbep

about of \vi\u
tions w
aria.fcetDCeucn catiDOOuhes, anbtn
are tf>out toatet, catieD tbr mi&acg of tt)e,ouc ! t&c unto £ foimc of matt.
I ~
Des, anD trees toptboute ftupte at ga* l^eiseuelattonof
mpngetpme, ttopfe DeaDattDplnckcD |efu€b?tft>bjbP n
bp bp tbe rotes . <&bep ate tbe tagpug cbec5obgaueb»
toatoes of tbe lea,fompnge outethepj tobi.foitoajttoe
otone Ojame/Cbep are toanDipng ftat< bntobpsferuau*
tes to tobome ts rcferueD tbe mptte of tes tfjings tobtcij
Darcknes foi euer. muft fDojtli come
Cuocb tbe feuetb fro 3CDam pzopbe* Jtopafle^anDb^
fieD btfoic of fucb,faytnge: * JdfbolDe let 5 bis angel bnto bis fer<
me tocD b\>

efa.uii.c tbe JLozbajall come \nnb tboufanDes ttaut 3|obn , tobicb bate reco^De of tbe
of faprites,to giue ttiDgmcntagapnlte tooiD of goD>s of p tefttmonp of 3jef us
all men,ano to rebuke all tbat are ton* CftMtt. a ,1D of altbpnges tbat be fato,
goDlp among tbem, of al tbett bugoD* ^apppe i$ be tbat rcaDet!),* tbep tbat
ip oeDes, tobpebe tbep baue bngoDlpe beare tbe toojDes of p p?opbtcp,?i kepe
committeD, anD of al tbeir cruell fpea< tbofe tbtnges tobtcb ate tojittcn tber*
fcpnges,tobpcb bngoDlp fpnners baue in»iFo?tbetpmetsatbanDe. 35
fpokenagapnftebim* 3|obn to tbe* bit* congregactons in J&«ft»«»
^Cbefe are murmurers eomplap*
, 3Dfta.<srace be toitb pouanD peace,fro IJjjfJ,*
^ ners toalkpnge after tbep? otone iu< bim tobpeb is>anD tobpeb toas,^ tobP 4
lies, tobofc moutbes fpeake pjouDe cbe is to come^ from tytMLfpititcz

:apme joi)it, jfolcjcl

te'Wbt ate pzefent bcfozebis ttom^ sxzpte tfjetfozeff)e ttynqts tebpcb
fto Jefus tibztft, tobicb is a taptbfutt tbou baft rene,attD tbe tbpnges tobicijc
teitm auD (ltd begotten of y Dcao e:
s. atc 3 atiD tl)t tbinges tebfeb, i^al be iwU
ano Ho'zoe ouct tijc binges o t y eattb. fillee beteaftec:ano tbe miftetp of tbe
t.t&ct.u.b. unto bun tbattloucb bs,anD toafljeo ton. flattes tebpebe tbou fatetft m mp
bsfttm Unties m bis otunebloubc, i* tigbteb3noe,auDtbe.bii,goiDincani^j, f jj 8r .
» aiiD maoc us ftpngcg anb pzinceja; ou« Delfttcl?es.tii:be.bii.ftattesate§mef? «»arct!»e
to (Bod bis fatbet be glozp and Oomt vmt ;er *'
feugecs of ^bit.cogttgati6s.3BnD tbe
mu-trtUU iUOnfOlCUCLUlOlC. 30I11CIK *l3Cf)0!D be bit. canbelftpckes tebreb tbou fatetft

fct c
»; a
c 6 ,nct b to * tf) rtOHDcjs, aiiD al eyes ftjal ate t^e»bit.congtegations» »wa «

re tym:3 tb*P alfo tebicb peatfeb him. %t)t notes*

a.a.'p&aauD Ontcj^.arc letters of the £3tc&e
aiiiD al umtebs of tbe eattb tyal tea tic.
ccetlcromc atplja is rOefittt letter , aub j©inc;
€ut fo.$meti»3 am «* ailpbaanb €)* B» t laa.HDUetr'oiem ttjcpi toutinges.tUip cat 3* fe ?Ci«
mcga,tbe begiumitge ano tijc enbing, tt;e f ictt $ ttjc latt bp tOe names cf tfioCc letters. n»ft»«v«
tj. .00 man canociipt but tbatiu this plate tbe
faptb tbe &,ozoe almigbtp, tebicb is,rj
toctbc(3|8,o; arc;is taken foifigmftc . ^foutje
tobicb teas, ano fob ten e is to come* Ceutence ijeuetbtbat tbe mooioes fonuoe thus
Jjobn pout b^otfjec ano cotnpanto muc t)c. irijc fcucit n a tree Hgn if te tbe. ton. mePs
c in 3tabulation, aiibtntbcfcpngcDomc rcHLtctsofttjcfcuencogciijatioiis.auD tbr.bit.
canoeluickesftgmftc tbe reucttcbittcbcsoito:
ano pacicncc tubub te m Jthx ifbzift, Sccgattous. SlnliHemauec ia tt to be taken tit
teas in the pie of patbmos ioz p toozb al otbet places of tbe tcttptute, bit;ct any tUmg
ts taugbt bp tgttes oi Caccaincntcs . Us tit tbe
of (BoD,a»D fez tbe toptuelTptig of Ju 1

jrIt.coap.ofiSi"iicits.3;t;c.dit. fat ktnc ace. bu.

i\\ Ci),3 teas in ttic fpitite on a fo*
petes ofjleutp.anB in of Qui
Dape , ano neat dc bcbmDe me a gteate eate it tn baftc, fozitts tbe Loioes pafleouer.
toopee, as it bab be of a ttupe, raping: 0Qaupe iphe places ate tbere in tbe ^tttptute*
jsjatueli not ibetfoic (sctttlc btcU)ien)tbcug!>
3! am Hilpba ano iDmega, the fit ft ano our fautour ClmQ in n;r tto'.ocs of bis MO Tup
f laft.'Cbat tbou feeft, tuzit e in a boKe, pfrCmbcriu be tnfttucteo bis tnfc ip'.es of tbe m<
9 fcnD it bnto the congregations tobi-s Ortbutittgeof bis botip ano blouoc atnoits tbO
UiDorebxeaoeanb totneasfacramenteswfig=
cbe ate in 3fta,t)nto CpbcfuSjanb tm* nestobedarc tbe Came, (t&tc in beoe call tbcm
to ^mpina , anb bnto 0c rgainos $ , bisboDpcanobiouD.CapiugcttbistsmpboDp,
Ditto iCbiatita,anD Dnto *s>atDis,anD meaning: tbts Ctguiftctt) at oeciarctu 'onto pou
fcnto j^btlaoslpbia , ano to juocicia.
mp bobp anb bloubetcueu as Chores Tapb of tije
lambe.Jit tstbepaffcouer of tbejiojbe.
£> 3inb 3 tutneb backe to fc tbe bopec Cbe.ii.Cbaptct.
tbat fpafce to me*3ittb tobc teas' tut* J ©ccrboitetb.tiu.cSgtcgations to amend, $
&*ut go* neb: jj fattutti* golbcn cauDelftpcaes, DjctoctbtiKtewaiBoftbcpmtbatoucrccmctb.
tSSk anb in tbe miooeft of tbe caoefftpefces, Bto tbe meffcuget of tbe ed^ ^
one ij'Uc unto tbe f onue of ma, clotbcD gtegatto of Cpfjefus tezite:
tottba ipunen gatmentcboteuetotbe tbefe tbpnges faptb ftetbat
gtounbe.anb gpzo aboute tbe pappes boJbetb^.uif .flams in bis $£*&
toptb a golben gpzole « i^ts beab,$ bis tpgbt bai.Dc, 9 toatbetb in tbe mtbbes c t>«t of tbe

beetes teete tobpte,as tobpte teoll,anb oftbefeiiengolbencanDclftpcUesf* 3 rogrcaattj

as fuote:ano bis epes teete as a flame fettoto tbp teozekes, ? tbp Iaboute,anD
of fite:ano bis fete like onto bzaiTe,as tbv pactence 5 anDboto tbou catuuft not
tbougbe tbep bzent in a furnaces bPiS fozbeate tt)Z teljf cb ate ettpll: anD c;ca*
fcopce a$ t\je fonnbeof manp toatets. mincDft tbem bbicb fap tbep ate apot
&we» 3no be bab in bis tigbt banb. tm.ftac ftlcsJ.anD ate not :atiD baft fount) tbem
ttSa 3uid out of b 15 mo tub teet a fbatp Ipats,auD Dibetf teaajc tbp fcUc ano
ttoo cd ;
id fteetb . anb bis face fljone bad paetence : anb foz mp names fake
eucii as tbe rtmne mbps fttcngtb* baft laboutiD,<t baft hot fapnteD* n
3liib toben 3 fatee bim,3 felt at bps uetibelcs, 3 baue fometebat agapnft
fete cueu as beabe . mn be lapbc bps tbe,foz tbcu baft left loue.i^e
tbi' fpzft

rigbt banb topon me, faptngc tnito me: membze tbeifoze fto tobeuce tbou atfe
fcate not, *3 am tbe fpzft anb tbe laft, fallen, ano tcpent, anb bo tbefuft trcz ^3
anb am altue, ano teas beabe. 3'nb be* fees 3
&i etfe topll come tnto tbe
boiD 3 am aliue fox euetmoze, § fcaue Ojoztelpe , anb tepll temouc tbp can* -

tbe aepes of bell ado of ocattj. belfipclu out of bps place, eiccpt tbou

repcM&»t x??is tf?ou

i)t mmwm
baft bicmifc fiiou mti unto tbe mcfjfeget of fbe cSgte/
bateft the DcDcs of tbe*jfttcolaitaus, gation otChiatttatozite.^bPB 1 aptb
iaztaa wet
bnmqnca u&incb dcdcs J) alfo bate.JUr him tbat tbe ionne of cBOD,tobtcb batb bis epes
bato eate$ beate,tobat tijs fpitite fap* Ipfee Unto a flambe of fpze, tobofe fette
tomes ou; etb unto the congregations . €0 bpm ate Ipke bzaffc: 3 Hr.oto tb? toozcaes 9
gbt to be tbatoueic6metb,toil Jgcuetoeateef tbp loue.fetuice.auDfattbjanD tbp pa* f
oftob5<ffti t()C tree ol lpfe,tobicb
is tu the miDDeft cience,anD tbp DeDes, tobpeb ate mo at
febma JLi. ot the $ai<iDtceoi<i5oD, tl)t (aft then at tbe ^ottoitbfta<
ttt. tap.
3HnD Unto tbe amgelloftbecongte* Dpng 3 bane a feto tbiuge$ agamft f s
gation of <§>mpzna tome: ctjefc tbut* * tbat tbou fuffe tcDft f tooman Jzi a« M.ttm 9
ges fapetb e tbat ts f pzfte,$ the iafte, bel, tobicb calleD hpz felfea pzopbetitfe
tobicb teas DcaD,atiD is alme.3 fcnotti to teacb anD to Dcceaue mv 1'ctnaute.s,
tbp toozcfccs , atio tribulation ano pes to matte them commit fozmcatio, anD
uettp,b ut tbou act tic!) e: #nD 3 Knott) to eate meates oftetcD Up Unto 3001s*
tbe blafpbempeef tbem tobpeb cal tbe 3tno 3 gaue \)pi fpace to tepcut of hpz
(clues Jetties anD ate not: but ate the fezmcation, anD Q)t tepenteD not. t>ct
congregation of ^atban. jfeate none bolDe, 3 topi caft hpz into a bcobc, anD
of thofe tbpnges tobicb thou ftjalt (uf* tbem tbat comiupt fornication vb hpz,
f et»25ebolDe, tfie Deupl l^ai catt of pou into great aDuetf ttp, tjecept tbep tucne
into pztfon 3 to tempte pou,anD pe fyal from tbep? DcaDes.26nD 3 topll fyl hit
baue tribulation ten Dapes. se faptb* chplozcn top to Death* ainDalltbecoiu
till Unto the Death, anD 1 tori gcue the gtegattons fljal bnotoe tbat* 3 am be awwu
a crotone of Ipfe jut Spin tbat batb tobveb featcbetb tbe capues ^hette^*
eates beare,tobat t]t)e fpitite fapetb to 31163 toil geue Unto euctp one of pou
tbe congtegatt ons: j^e tbat ouetcom* nccozopngc Unto pout tooiKts.
metb,Cbal not be butt of $ f coD D ca tb ^linto pou 3 Cape,anD Unto otbet of <ffi>

3!nD to the meiTcngec of the congte* tbepm of ( maupeas baue

*£l)e tSgre gation tn$argamo£ tozire* cbps f ap not tbps leacnpnge,a tobpeb baue not
gat ion of
ctb be tobpeb batb tbe fyarpe (toerD tt ftnotoen $ Depenes of &atan(as tbep
•mo* ttoo cages. 3
fcnoto tbf toozBcs,*tobtc Tape) 3 topll put Upon pou none other
thou Otocllcft, euen tofjer &atnns feat buttben,but tbat tobpeb pebaucalte*
ts,anD tbou aepeft inp name, anD baft Dpe. i^olD fall till 3 come, anD tohofo*
not DenpeD tup faptb 36nD in nip Dapes
. euec o'ucrcometb anD fccpetb mp tool:
aintipas teas a faptbfull toptueffe of fee« Unto tbe enoe, to bpm topi 3 geue
mpne,tobpcb teas ttapne amonge pou, potoec ottec nations, anD be (ball rule
tobete $>atanDtoclleti%z3ttt3bauea tbcmtb a*coDDe of p?on:$as the UeC* ^m.*.*.
feto tbpnges agapufte rbe : p tbou baft f els of a potter, ftjal be bzcake tbem to
tbece tbg tbat mapntatne tbe Doctrine fbeuets. Cue as 3 ceceauea of mp fa*

of 3$slam* tohiche taught in JSalahe, tber,euefo toil 3 geue bun p mozuing
«crtH.b. to put occafion of fpnne befozc tbf chii ftatte.JLet bpm tbat batb eates,beare
Dun of 3 f tacil, tbat tbep Ojou ID tat of tobat tbe fpitite faptb to tbe cogtegas
meat DeDtcate Unto 3Doles,3to count dons. Cbe*itt.Cbapter*
foinicattoin cue fo baft tbou tbe that ©cvtfftucteti) «ib ciifoacmetij tlje msels of
cengtcgatt5s,ftccldrutj} alfo tlje tctuatoof
mapntapne the Doctrpnc of the £tco* t\)C
IjutttDat ottec coi nmc tl).
laptans,tobpcb tbpnge 3 bate. (** B&
tozite unto tbt melTenget of „
23ut be conuctteD, oz elfe 3 toill come J^tbe congtegation of <§>atDts: tbis * *
Unto tin Cboxttlp, & topi fpgbt agapnft fpitpte of goD
\; ^ faptb be £ batb tbe
tbem toith tbe ftoetD of mp moutii.ttcc anD tbe feue ftarres*3 knoto tbp tooz^
hpm tbat batb eates , bcatc tobat tbe fees: tbou bade a name that tbou lp*
fpitite far tb Unto tbe congrcga tions.
ueft, anD tbou arte DeaDe. $e atoake
€ Co bpm tbat ouereometb topi 3 geue anD ftcengtbe tbe tbpuges tobpebe ce<
to eat d^anna tbat is bpDDe, anD gpue tnapne^batarereaDpetoDpe* jfoz3 1

bpm a \nlivte ft one, * in ti)t ftoue a lie to baue not founD tbp toezfces petfit ht<
name tozitten, tobicb no man Rtiotoctlj foze ©oD.lSeraebw tbetfoie bote tbou
iauiiig bt t^at tecea tie tl) iu baft ceceaueD g. OeatU,^ r)olDe fafi, ano

'apttte Joim. folxjcH
repent* jt tf,ou {gait* not toa tcbe,3i beraufe tbou arte bettoene botb,
topi come on tbe as a cbefe,ti tbou fyalt
nethiroto tobat boure3J topi come bp«
anD nether colD no? bot,3i ioil fpeto tbe
out of mp moutb.becaufe p fateft tbou
oiubc .Chou fair a fem names in ssiat atte rpcb ano incteafeo ^t{) goobes,
Dts, loijic^e naue not oet>Ieo tbetc anDbaftneoeofnotbpng,anDBnotoeft
gacmtntcsrano tbep fball tualbe toptb not boto tbou arte tozetcbeD ano mpfe*
mc in tobite , foz trjes» ace toozthp . i^e rablc,poo:e.blpnDc anD nakpD.J] ecu*
tbat ouercometb fyalbe clotyeD in tebit fell tbe to bpe of me golDe trpeb in tbe
ncai!',ano J topilnotput out btsna* fp^ze,tbat tbou mapltebce tpcbc.ano
in c on te of i be boae ot ipfe, a«D J topi I tobptecapmente tbat tboumapQe be
confeffebps namebefoumpfatbet, $ *clotbeD,tbattbpfpltbpnafeeDnesDo liCo?t 4 ,
befoze ins angels.Jtet fjpm tbat bathe not appere : anD anopnte tbpne cpes
cares beare,tobat tbefpititfavtbbn* tottb epe f aluc, tbat tbou mapft (e»
to tbe congregations. * Us manp as J Ioue,3( tebuae anD »*« «*
bnto the tpbpnges bzpn<
3Fr»D u>zpt c
cbaCen.zBc feruent tberfoze $ repente*
©get oi the cougtegacpon of ^biiaocb T5ebolD3 ftanDcattbcDo^eeiBnocRc,
pbpa.tbps fapttje be tfiat is boipe ano ^fanp manbearempbopce anbope
«fa.wti.f itue *tobPCbbatbetbefcepeofBauto:
5 ti)i noidj topil come in bnto bim,anD
tobIcbc openetb anD no man fDutfetb, topllfuppetoitbbim.anbbc toptbme.
ano (Tuittetb ano no manne ope netb.3J 'Co bun tbat oueccotmnetb, topli J
luiotoetbp toozeftes z3cl)ciDe,3 baue graunte to fit \ait\) me in mp uat c,cue
let befoze toe an open Doze, ano no ma as J ouercame anD bane fptten \a?tn
can 0)tit tt ,i oz tbou bait a Iittei ftrcgtb mp tatber jiu hps feate.^ette bpm tbat
ano bad ucpr mp fapinge s : ano bafte batb eares 5 beare, tobat tbe fptrit faptb
notoenpeo mp name*2$eboiDe,3I mane bnto tbe congregacions.
ibwn of tbr congregation of ^atban, ^(tEbe.iiimlbapfetK
tobpeb call tbem felues |e toes anD are
tc5- accept!) tliclicaucu open, an&t&c fcarej
iioi,but do !pe: ©ebolDe, 3 toyll maae otierprtitigcoit it. attD.PFitiureates about tr,
tbem tbat tijep aja ll come ano toozfttp tuitlMcctiu.ciaccsryttpHsupontljcttt, auDfOHc
befoze tbp fete.anD Ctjalltmotoe tbat jj bca ft es pzapruige i5 oo D o t n Da p and npgfyt*

louet&e* ifter*tbis3ilofecD J anDbe< 3

sexaufe tbcti bade kept tbe too.zbes 'ibolDaDowtoasopenmbcn ^2

of mp patience tfjf rfoze

J toil fcepe tbe uin^tbefpzftbopce tobicft
i boute of temptation tobpebe
torn (be 13! bearbCjtoasastt tocrc of
topll come bpon ail tbe toozlD, to tempt attompet talhpngc toptb me, tobicbe
tbem tbat otoel bpon tbe citb.zstboio faporcome bp bpDDer,ano 3J topi tljeto
C j come fljoulp.i&olD tbat tobpeb tboti tbe tbpuges tob'pebe tnuft be fulfpiieD
f> no man
bait, take a amp t&p ctoune. bete after*anD immeDiatlp j- toas in
3^pm tbat onercommetb,topil 31 n> aftc tbe fpirtte:anD bebolD a feate toas put
a ppllat in tbe temple of mp <soo> ano tnbeauen,anD one fat on tbe fcate.amD
be O^all goo no moze oute» 3!nD J topU be tbat rar,toas to lobe bpon,ipke bn#
tozite bpon bun, tbe name of mp d£oD, to aiafper ftone anD a farDpn none: aatertof#
anD tbe name of tire cptpe of mp iU5od, 3lnD there toas a tapne bo toe about tl)t
item Herufalcm:Ui!)pcb comet b bonne f care.m fpgbte Ipne to au CmeralDc.
out of beuen from mp ©od ,anD'J \30\>l 2pno aboute tbe feafe tocte* ptiUU fea<
bjzptebponftpmmp ne toe name* /let te8»3inD bpon tbe feates.wiiit.elDets ®
bim tbat bathe eates,beate 3
tobat tbe fittpnge,clotbeD in tobite ta<ment,anD
fpittt faitb bnto tbe congcegacpons* bao on tbeir beaDes crounes of goloe.
cije«Ki< i\)t meflengee of tl)t con*
jfno tonto 3(!nD out of tbe feate pzoceDeD lpgbt< &tum
SKS gtcgacion tob'Cbis in JLaoDtcia,toztte: npngcs^anDtbuiiDzingcs, anD bopecs,
lani9 **'

Cbps fapbe(3Cmen) tbe faptbf till anD anD tbere toere.bii.lampes of fp?e,
true toptnes,tbe beginning of tbe ctea bntnpnge befoie tbe reate,tobicbe are
tures of goo«3 bnoto tUv toozhes tbat tbe.bii.fpirites of ©oD . 3uD btfote $
tbouattc nepiiier coloenoz botte: 3 feate tfcer toas a lea of glaffe ipfee bnfo
toouloetboutoetecolDe oz f>otte»^o a ctiUai,anD in tbemiDDes of tbe feat, •

£>£&$,b« anD Mi
%\)t neitelattotfc
anD tonnD abottte t?je featc toete.ttfi. afttonge augell tobW crpeDfoftbar
beaQes ftii of epeg before anD bebpno, lotoDsbopcc:,a>bo ts toojtbp to open
ano tbe fpjft bead toas Ipkc a Upon, tbe bofce,auD to lofe tbe feales tbetof
tbefeconbbcadelpftea caife, anD tbe 3SnD no man in beauen noi in ettb.iK*
t&icD bead baD a face ag a mannt, a no tbeebnoet tbe ectb, toas able to open
tbefouttbe bcnftemas IpKc a Si'tugc tbe boke.netbetto loke tbetou.lBnD 5
<egie* tecptc niocbejbecauft no ma masfoab
2BnDibc.t»'i.bcattcsbaD ccbonscf toojtbp to open ano to tebetbe bohe,
c tbem.Dt.topnges about fjpm.ano tbep netbectoloue tbeton.
^outc tea
(teg. luece mil of (pes tottbtn.3Bnotbep baa ainD one of tbe elDets (apbe bnto me,
no red,Dap netbec ntgbtjfapiug:*^* tuepe not:jBebolbe a Ipon bemge of tbe 5s,lonBfc
lpe,bolP>boIp,nozDed5oDalmpgbtpe a tribe of 3(uDa,t!)£ cote of 3©autD,batfj tammoo*
tofjici) toas s anD ts,anDfs to come. obtapueotoopetube boae,ano tolofe p*"^ ^
3notobetttbofebeadcsgaue glozp tbe.bU.feales tbecof. 3nD J bcljeloe,
5© hud bonour,aiio tbanfces to bun tbat anolo in tbe mpbbesoftbeCeare,atiD
fate on tbe Ccate, tobpeb* Ipuetb fojt e* oc tbc.iiti. belles, anD mtbe mpbocs of
tier, tbe.jtjcuu.elDets f el do tone befozc tbe tlDct G,(loDe a lambe as tbougb be
bpm tbat rate on tbe tbione, auo too^ bab bme liilleDjtDbicb baD.bti.bozncs
(bpppeo bpm tbat Ipuetb foj euer, auo anDCeuenepcSjVubicbearctbcfpintes
cafttbepjetounes before ti)i tbionc, of 00b, feme into all tbe luojlbe. 3Uid
taptnge:cbou atte tooitbp io?d to tc* be came ano tofee tbe boUc outeoftbe
aput gloipe auo bououte auo po toet, tpgbte bauDe ot'bpmtbat fate bpon
to: p baft createoall tbpnges,anDfoj t\)i featc.

top toillsz Case tbep ar r ,? met ctcateo 311D tobcii be bab taaen tbe boke,tbe
SOiJtote* tm.beaftes anD.jCcmt.elDecg fel Domic
ffbe feate tbat 3|obn Catoe, tygmftefb rfce
Mutt. €1- cimtci) eicogccgauou of tbcfartbfuf. iactbat golDcnbiallcsftillofoDouw, tobpebe
t»craf feutn fate tl)«ton,tDClpumgci5oD. SOc tatucbokue: ace tbe piapers of fapnetee ano tbep
tDCcoucimuutanDpiomifcofiSoD.^c.rftm f ouge a tic to fonge faptngc : tbou atte
rcatesof tljc cttciute, tbe fptutuall&ectiicsoj
tooibcsttt taefptttt. 3Cbe.Rt;iiit.cftret.5,tt>eeat2
Uioiibretotabcrfjc boUe.anotoopeii
HcapiofeOecsauDfoIotocrsofiSoDcsDoctniic, tbe feales tbecof:foi tbou toaft hplkD,
dstocllof tbcnctt)eagolbctcftamc«tc. icijepi ano bade rcocmcD bsbp tbp blouoe
tobtteappacaplcmnccencpe. anjcpuwunesof
out of all BpnreDcs ,a no tongc0,«t pco«
tettpujc.tbonaecmgaitDbopccspioceabtugfttf plc.ano n?u tons, ano bad mabc b s \>iu
tbefeatetborpsttpfpevebuiuns. fbicatcnpngc to out (SoD,aingc9 ano pjecftc.s, $ toe
auDcoiifoitmgof t!?c tooi&c oi GSob.njbtcae t»
pjeactjebbp tbcfattbfnll mtntftccsof f clwct). *3!nD I bebclD,anD J beatD § boice 53
feaofslaffe.istbetinDccQaiiDpitsoftoevjfcifte. of maup a ugei<s
about tbe tronc,anb a $pocs.< s.
£be fouce bcaftesace tt;c catnert fcttcts foittK
of tbettutbintbefoutc quavers oftbe cact&c,
boute tbebeattes ano tbe elDcts 5 anD $£'$£
tbctccpcflacetbceleacetwoteic&gc offSobbes 3bcac&tbou[anDtboufanbcs,iapmg
•tooiue . %\yt Lpenbetohcuctb tbe.11 tint ace toptbalouDcbopcc : ^roitbp trw.'jc
mpgbtpmfaptee.&becalfetbcin tbat be fees lambe p teas bvlltD to teceaue po toe r,
ucntutlottc.tobccbptbepfacrifice f^epi oumc
babpes 1 ob. a: b c men, tbep tbat toalfte ctcca anb cpcbes,anD toilDome^ ftrengtbe,
rpectlptntbcpttoncattoitauopBmff-tbcoccarps anDbonouc auD glojp,anD blcfTi'nge.

diis of eup 1. £b£ flptttge tfglc: rbetn tbat bauc

3SnD al tbe cceatuces tubicb ate in bca*
all tbett contemplation in beauenlpe tbmgcs.
S&epj, todisce ate t&c tooiaes of tbe fptt itc ucu,auD on tbe cttb,aiiD bnDec p cctb,
auo in tbe fca,anD all tbat are tbeni m
CCbe.b*Cbaptcr. bcroc 3 raping erbleffpnge, bonouce,
Krr-^eteptb tbe Eambc opening f be bofte.aub gloip.auD potoet be bnto bim tbat fit^
toctfojetbe.ttu.beaaea anb tbc.irrim.clbccsfl!
tetb bpou tbe Ccate, anD bnto *3 lambe
foi euetmoze,30uD fa to:
Bb 3 fame in t^t tpgbf e bano of 3c.ien.HinD tbc.rtiut.elDets fe u bpon
bmMbatfat intbcttonc,abofce tbeit faccs,anD tooin)pppeDb tmtbat
tottbm aiiDontbe baefce*
UaiUsAtjf fpbe/caleb tiubt<*f*ales.#nD 3 fa to* Cbe»bt. Copter.

lapnte joint,
£be lambc opctictb bt.fcales, an& manpe
$ oi.
quake , anD tbe f untie toas as blarfte
r&mses foloto ttje openpngc rticr of as a fachc clotbe maDe of beece. 3SnD
$1 jj*d 3 fato ttfjni tbe lambe t&emonc tocjetD euen as bioucc:auD
% !5g^||opeueD one oftbefealcs,$3J tbeOartesofbeauenfellbntotijeeiif)
epcneb tbe berDeoneoftbe.uii.bcaftcg euenas a fpgge tree caftctbftom bee
fape,asittoeretbenopfeof bet fpgges, toben 0)e t3 i^aacn of a
tbonDec,comeanDfe:anD 3 fato.ano mpgbtptopnDe.HinDbeautnDanpQ)tD
fecole tobin it is to!IeD to^
befjolDe tbete toas a tobpte f?o?ffc,aiiD atoap 3 as a
getf)ee»anD all moimtapnes anD pltSj
be that fat on bpm, baD a botoe, ano a
toere moueD out of tbepz places. 3 no
ctotone toas geuen Dntobnn,anDbe
toent foitb coqueting anD foi to ouet* tbe fepnges of tbe eattb 3 auD tbe great

come*3BnD toben be openeD tbe fcconD menne, auDtbcrpcbe menne, ano tbe
fealej betDe tbe feconoe beafte fapej cbef e captapnes,anD tbe mpgbtp

come anD fe.3nD there toent oute ano* anD euerpe bonDmattiie } anD euetv
mannc tbem fefucs in Dcnnes.anD
tbec uozfe that toas reaD,$ potoer teas Iji'D
fapDcto sDje.r.b.
gcucn to bpm tbat fate tbeton, to tafce in rocftes oftbebplles:*anD 1 " w,",)
tochts:falI on Ds, anD
peace ftom tbe ectb 5 3 tbat ttjep OjoulD tbe bplles anD
ifa.jcjcbiia fcpl one anotbet.*3nD t&et toas geuen
bpDe Ijs from tbe pztfence of btm tbat
fpttetb on tbe feate, anD from f tozatt)
fcnto bpm a great itocarD.
of tbelambe:foz tbe gceate Dape of bts
a<nD toben be openeD toe ttjttD fcafe,
bcaft fape:come anD toiatb is come,anD tobo can cnoucc
3U fjcarD tbe tbitD
fe.ainD % bcbelD,anD Io,a blacfcc boist
anD be tbat fate on bim,baD a papje of a.3Cl)e openpuge of tl;crc rfalcs.oottft not oulp ci»eepe*
balances whps banDe* 3inD 31 tjttoc a bcfosmtoe manifeOacioiiof©oDt>e9ttutt)m mngoftbe
tbe.ttU.CcuCtaUagesoftbetDWlDr, butattoat feau».
fcciee in the miDDes of tbe.i iti.beatfcs DU.feuctall tpine aftet £t>eatt) of Clmft to toe
fape:a mcafure of tobeate foz a penp>$ toozlocseiioe. scuefpitttuas tuttjc apofllC9
iu.meafutes of batlp foz a penp:^ otle tpmettiljotoecebetobeueDbptuevotjptc ooifc, ^efpjfte \

anbbpljpm tDatratetJjccou.CDufteijpmfclfc, fea j e.

anD topncfet&ou buttenot.^nD toben bp tt)ebotoe,tt;c t^ectcsof ttjeapoOUs.ttibtcDe
be openeD tbe f onttb f tale J
bcatD tfje toas in bis baiibe to Ojutfouo bis aoibemooft
fcoiceoftbe fourth beaftfap:come anD ftetcclpc into all coattcs oftbemo)iloc.<W;erc= ^?
coiioe tuas tmmebiailp after tbe apoClestpme.
^retuljejsJ fe:ano 3 Iorcd . anD bcbolDe a gtcne %\)t ccaceboirc toctctljcfleiblp picac!;ci;s.©c
&ozu~e,anD bps name tbat fate on bpm, flat fatccn tbisbojcre.toastbc c.uel compaiipe
teas DcatMnD bell foIotoeD aftet btm^ oftijctopcluBpitncestbattbeutapsneD. mm

ti)ttuc toas aftct tbe tpntc of ttjc inatrpjs. i;bc

f( 8 j e I
anD potoet teas gene t»nto tbnn cuer § blaceclio^etoastbe multttuDe of aiittuctous
fourth patte of tbe eartb,to fepll toptb pielatesaito falfcteatbets, tobtcteceigiitbrn
ftoeatDe,anD toptb henget, anD toptb tbofebapes m tbe biacseueirc of ercouce, Ipes,
berme of tbe earth* pipbcanbbnclcaues. ar.ubctbat fatcoiitbls
Deaths comctb of
bojffe, tbctoicticbanti bipubc tulacsof rbat
2!nD toben be openeD tbe f ift fcale,3i tpme.iCbe tobeate tstbeuetoe tcftatmntc.tbe
Urpaultcr fato fcnDet the aultr e,
g*fouies of tbe batlp.tDcolD.srbCbuicctctoiiicauDftoetsoplCi irbctoutth
ftpIleD oz tbe toozD of ©od, tbetooibe of ©ob.acbc opcnpirje of tbe fourtl;
tbat toere f it
rcaJe.toas mtbetpine after perfecttctoii ccafca a
anD foz tbe teQpmonp tebtcb tbep baD,
mouse tbe pielatee.ano tbep gaue tbunfelucs
anD tbep ctpeD toptb a lonDe Doice fap to toantounestbiousbc J&ppoccifpe. %l)t pa!c
mgeti^oto longe tar ieft thou ftozo ho* boiffe ruastbeJSrpoerptcsof tboi'cbapcs, aim
IpeanDttue, totuoge anD to auenge ipCDoctrpue.rcttefoub aiiDbcfeubJDbptbcre;
cure blotiDe on them tbat Dtoeil on rbe tu!arcporticrs.2CbefiftefcalctoasopentD,to!;g _. f fte
eattbef^nD longe tobpte garmentes t»tUcret3itcoftbcfc©i'pocrtte3,j5oua;ewta ^^
tonto t)ie cboCcit number tbe cftate of tbcic b;e^
toere geuen fcnto euerpeone of tbem.
tbiciibcpartcoiutbefaptb ofCbiiftcaab fotp'
ainDtttoasfapDeDntotbem tbat tbep tcftimoutcof tl)Cfamc,aubalfo tiiepi otonces
fooulDetcttefozalpttelfeafon tontpil aatc, tobcefutbetbat tbctoimcutofmalpcc
nombct of thepz felonies, anD bze* toutbctb t «3cm not ,but tbat tbe reoc toibtt tbe
aultarc(tbat isCbipe)auobo ^aplp crpcutuo
tbzen,anD of tbcm that ajoalDe be npl* iBobtorcucngetbemnocenteblouDe.njbicDOe
leDas they toete, toere fulfplleD. batbPiompfcD to rcafnae.intbeoapc of 31k.
3lnD 3 bebelDe toben be openeD § ff£t 2Lbc tongcrobitc sarmctcstbatarcgcu^ii t\)t,
t3tbetruinocencpto-bicbfltfvbauenotoftbcm .

fcale 3 anD lo tbete toas a gteat eat toe fclfc; buteccepueit from tbe atiltar££iWc,
OTe l&tuclatton
Ctit.ti. 3Tt)Cdpertpn3Coft'Jcrpj;tcrcale, toasinoute ftobebefoze feaf,anb btfozc § lambe,
<**«i«« tpmc, tDDtutljcJLoiatftpjteD topljisfpiutem
lnsfcuiaiuu cstoDeciate.fjotoctueicpalc By- clotheo tb loge tuhpte garihentes 5 an&
pocntcBiiao bptijcjiUljmcsoftuijcs.obfcucfD palmes in tbepz banDcs,ft crieb totib a
f l;e pjccioufc anftftjuungc pouectpcof£!)ip&e loube botcc,faj'ing:faluaci6 be afcri*
tftcronneo* ins couccD.anfi Dots tnc beurifatl
motic ois cijticcij teas bccoiueacO) ,anu £ S attcg
bebtobpmprpttetbbpon thefeate of
(t)i6inriuacis.)failnuocactUip'oocttpuc,atia our <Bob,ft bnto the lambe. mu ai the
UCaucu(tl)ettecpetcuebocttii!C)oatu(beBatDap 3ingcls ftcDtn the copafle of the feat,
ftoattocm.auD tljcatj: DcciaccD novo tljchpns
aIab!)owtuuio!t,fou jot to ttjere mouiuamce, ano fel before the feate on tbepz faces,
JSjpgUcmtt)CCfttmaciouoftt)C^oi!D,rofalitip; toozfbrppeb i5oo 3 fapiug.Hlme*: ©lef*
uiityemauD tocouct tocmtotti) tuciu ttcaral;
les of maffcs.tljep* peclpcobet tcs and r&epi con
fmg $ gIoz{',t»pfbome 3 anb tbauacs, $
t muall ntaCriiiges,teui) o tyer tl)Cp» toil tooilu houour,aiiD poioer ano nipght, be bt»>
«nb mctitoitouf c dcucs, to our <0od for euermou.lmen. ^
C,Cbe.btt.Cbaptct» 3BnD one of the eloers anf toerebjap* .

©ercetij roe Cewattntea of ©oorcalen tti

ing bnto mcttohat are thefe lohtch ace
tbcitfoibcaaesflutof all naciOHS auto peoples,
tuUicU tbougl) ttjcp ru(f ec t oc lambc araieb m
longe tohpte garmcntes,anD
f cocrO ttjemjeafcer!) ttjem to t&e foutnapnes of tohence came thep^ 31nb 3 fapbe bnto
Ipupitg; toatccattD&oa fbal to ppc at* ap al tea
fiimilo jb,tho» tooteft.3lnD he f aio bu
to me:thefe are thep tohicbe came out
il-to after that 3fa'a)C,Ui<»
angels tfanDe on} of great trtbulacion,^ mabe thetr gar
ntrs of the earth,fjolDtng tfje mentes
large $ mabe them tuhttc tn p
l blouo of ^ lambe:therefou are thep in
iiii.topnoes of the cattOc,^
pit fence of the feat of €5oD 5 feme hi
the ujt'ii us (])oulD not blotti on p crtb, V

nether on tfcefca,neptbcr onanp tree* oap ^ night in big temple,* be that fit*
tetbin§reat*toil btoel among them.
f3d:iD 5 raise another angel afcenD j£l'S3i
Chei fljaUhSget no moze nether thitft jefa.^c
from the epfpnge of the fuune, louicfie
nether (r)al f mine light on the,ncthcc
bab the feale of the Ipupnge <soo, anD
lie crieD fcb a lonD botes to f iiti*angel
anp hcat:f o: p lambe tohich is tn f mib
les(to tobom potoet toas gene to hurt Dcs of the feat 0)ai feoe the, 9 (7)af ieao
tbeeartbeatiDtbefca)fapingc:(£uete the bnto fottntafnes of lining
nottheearth,nethertherea,uetherthe *goo iijall totpe atoap all teares from
trees, tjUI toe haue f caleo the 1 ecuauu* their epes. i£(€be.biii.Chaptcr*
SDC.totf.Cealetfi openeo. 2:ucrc isfylmct i n
tes of our tSoD in thetr fozebeabec*
Ijcaucii.tuc foure angel eblotoc tUcic tcompct*

«<t.«f.«.f *^ nD 3 bearbetbe uumbze of them tes.aiiD gecate plages f olotu c wpon toe catty.
'23 fobicbtoecfcaleb.ft thee voce lealeo an jiioinbchchabopcneDpfeuenth %
C*siiD.jcUUu^.ofaUtl;c trj'bes off lealcjther bias filence in heuen at
ciitlDzen of jftae!.<£>ft!je tribe otjm boutthefpatcofbalfe auhourc.
Da toece fealeD.tit.<B£*€>f the trpbe of %n\) J faio angels ftanoig befoze gob,
l^HbeutoerfealeD.j«i*^.oftbetrtb« 9 to ttje tocr gen e.bii.tropctcjs.3B»D an
ofiBaDtuerc fcaicb. jcii.bfc. of £ tribe other angel cam 9 floo befoze f aulter
cf M^ to:re fealeD*rii. thonfanb. of bailing a goloe f enf e r^ much of obou
the trpbe of Bep talun toere fealeb. jrtt re.s bias geue bnto him, p he fljol d of-
tboufanb.^Df the tribe of ^anaiTc^ fer of p pzaiers ofallfainctes bpothe
toerefealeDttaelue tboufanDe*3Dftbe goloe aulter, tub fch teas befoze^ feat.
trpbe of ^pmeoutoctefcaleb tiuclue SBiiD § fmotie of p ooourcs- tofn'cfi cam
tijoufauDc.Cif the tribe offteup mere ofthepzapersofalfafnctes,afC£nDeD
fealcb.ttoelue thoufano. Qt the trpbe bp befozc^ob out of § 3!ngcilf s hauo.
of jflfacar luerefealeD.rtt.^. £)fthe 3EnD angcll toKe f fenf er ft frlleb it
trpbe of Zabulon titer fealeD.r-ii.tboiu ^ fire of the aulter,ftcafteit into the
fanb*3Df the trpbe ofjofeph toer lea* boices tuere mabe, ft tbonozin*
leD*rii.tboufauD.€>f the trpbe of sen* gesftlpghtenmges, ft earthc quake*
taintu lucre fealeb ttuelue thoufano* ano tlie.tti.Hlngelg irhifhe habthe 25
G 3fterthts3lbehelDe,anDloagteate bii.trompettes pzepareb them f elites
tnuItituD(tDhtch no man couIdc num» to blob)*Cbefpz(le angcll bletoe, ano
bzejof al nacios ano people^ tonges, thcteU!ft£ mace htiilc ano fp:e,i»hich

#f fajmte Jolm, jfolcjclfff

to*empngleDtoitbbJouDe, ano tbep £\fi&D t\)t fpfte angel bletee, anD 3f a
toetc cafte into tbe et tf;e:ano tbe tijiro 071 f atce a Garte fali from beauen bn
parte of uses teas b unites all grcue *^totbecttb.anDtobpmtoasgeue
gtatfe teas b;ent*anDtbc ftconD an*
c tbe aepe of tbe cotomicOe ppt.
anD as it mete a great moil* openeD tbebotomlcffe ppt, auDtbere
gelt feieu>:
anD be
iapne butupnge ami) fpums catte arofe tbe fmofc of a great fo;nace.anD

into tbe Ua,ano tfjc cfj p;o parte of tbe tt)t funnc anD tbe
a ap;e teere DatftcneD
I'catourneDtoblouDe, ano tbe tbp;oe bp re af on of p fmoUc of tbe ppt
f .anD
parte oltlie creatures tebitb bao Ipfe, tbececameouteoftbe fmebe locufles
DpeD,a»Dtbetbp;De parte oftypppes b pen tbe eattb,anD bnto tbem teas ge
teere DefttopeD* utn poteec as tbe &co;pions of tbe
ano tbe tbp;oe angcll bletoe, anD eartbc bauepotocr. anD tt teas com j
Cbere fela great fratte from bene bur* mauuDcD tbem, tbat tbep OjouiDe not
npng as it teere a lampe,anD it fel im butt tt)t graffe of tbe car tb, tie tber anp
to tbe tbpzb parte of tbe rpucrs,anD in grenetbpnge, neptberanpettee, but
cofountapnesofteaters, and § name onlptbofc men tobpefje batte not tbe
of tbe liar re is caileo teoimteoDe* ano fealc in tbep; fojbeaDcs anD totbem
tbe tbPZD parte toas turneo to too;m* toas comma unoec tbat tt)tp fboulDe
tooD.aino manp men dicd of tbe toaters
becaufe tbep toetemaoe bptter. ano $
notUpH tbem, but tbat tbep fbouloe
be be, eD fpue monetbes, anD tbep;
fourth angel bleto,anb tbe tbtto parte papne teas ajs tbe papne tbat cometb
of tbe f mine teas f mptten,ano § tlji tbe of a ^co^ppon, tob en be barb flonge 8
parte of tbe mone, anD tbctbtro parte man.* ainD in tbofe Dapes fl;al nic (ehe «ra?.«.»,
of tbe Rat res : Co that tbe rbpzbe parte
Deatbe, anDtyal notfpnDe it, anD f^ail JSSSJi
oftbem toasoarekneD* anotbcDape oefpze to Dpe , anD Deatbe fljall flpe
teas fmptten that tfjs tbrzo parte of tc from tbem.
Ojouloe not fbpne, ano Ipaetopfe tbe aim tbefimilttuDe of tbe locufles
npgbte* ainD J bebclDe anD bearDeau teas Ipae bnto bojifes prepared bnto Q
angcUapingetbo;otothe mpDDegof battaple, ano on tbetr beaoes teere
beauen, raping* toptb aloteDe bopec: as it teere ciounes,Ipfte bnto golDe:^
ao oo,te o o to tbe tnbabiters of p ertb tbep; faces teere as tt bab bene tbe tm
becaufe of tbe oopces to come of tbe ccs of men.Sno tbcpbaD bear re as tbe
trompe of tbe mi. angels tebpcb teere bearre of teemen zm
tbep; tectb
pettoblotee. teere as tbe tectb of irons . anD
tbep babDe babbergions , as it teere
3t)ts reale isuot pctopcttct) but l&albee
babbecgtonsofp;otn anD tbe founDe
Cbc .W< t» IK a be rp mc fb al come, tb at (B oil barb appom of tbep; topnges, toas as tbe founD cf

tcD f o j t t)C filcncc tbat ft all folatvic ttje fame.

cb arc ties teben manp bo;f es tunne to
. ,

W>lnr be nicticc is t be geca tc quiet ties of (5 eo-

ties tip ngDO!nc,\»beual3imcbuftcsrauIo tours
getbec to battatle.anb tbep bab taiies
ffcalbeouertbiortmcauo flaptte.jfoi tbeu ftaU Ipfte bnto ^»co;pion$ } anD tbere teers
goo'fojtbc.toit. angels, tbat is ro rape tbe true ftpnges tn tbep; tailes.ano tbetr pom
picaebers of «So6oc6tooiDe , tutjo mail Declare
er teas to but men. b. monetbes. 3nD

l)tito tl)t tuciiD rtjc cq ate of tt;c u-oiioc at ti?e o-

petiptigcofffic^tt-fcaics.^ tbep bab a apnge ouer tbem, tobi cbc is
eels is opci'.cD tbe fame top it gc , tbat teas opes tbe angel of tbe botomlcffe ppt, tebofe
tico bp tlje o pciip n gc of tbc,im.fcalce( but after
name in tbe laebirto tonge, is H'baDou ab«68«t»
anotDctfoxtc) tljconcbptbe openpugeof tbe f

reales.anti tfje ottjer bp blototnge tbe tt ompct; * but in tbe (5reketong,apoI!ton.^)ne^ S^

tcs, tomabettje tbpngc nioxcecttapne, £obe toco is parte, anD bibolbe tteo teooes atepu.
come after tbps*
anD tbe f pete angcll bletoe, anD
<JLCbe.te*€bapter« IjC'UD a bopce from tntAiiU coiners of c
tbe golben auitr e, tobi tb is bef on- goo
ITbcfpttcaiiDfpttcangjII bloWtUCtc tcom
prttcs. 3TJjc ft aire f alletb from beauen. £be to- faping to tbe fpjetc a ngell, tobicb baD
tuftcsc«meoutof^CmoUe.2;i)Cf;rftU)0!Spaft. tbe trempe : loofe tbe. tiii.a ngdlt s,
rbcfowcaitgeKtbatwcrbouiioaccioujfco,* tobpebe are bounce in tbe greare rp*
tl^ctopio parte of tiUius&pllco.
uer €upb:ates«3nb

€lje Hettelactott
tone looted tobpcbetoete p?epateD foj bpm tbat Ipuetb foieuet tbdje 3 fef)pcb
anboutejfojaDape.fojamonet^anD cteateD beauen, atiDtbe tbpnges tijac
fojapere, fo^toOca tbe.iu.patte of tbecinate,anDtbefea,anotbe
menauDtbenomb:eof rjojfineof toac tobpcbe tbecinare:tbat tf)e«0)out£je
toete.M.tpm«s,t>siMnD J b earD m be no lenget tf>me:but in tbe Dapcs of
tfjctjopccoftfjcfcucnt!) flngell, toben
Hornby of tnemtano tints Ifotoetbe
boifes fna bprpon,anb tbem tbat fate be C^al begpn to blototteuen tbe unite*
on tbem>baut>ng tm
babetgions of a rpe of ®od tyaibe fpnptyeD as be p?ea
3|acfn«e colout,anD bzpmftone , anD c^eD bp bps fetuautes the pjopbetes,
tbebeabes oftbeboifes mere as tfje auib tbe boicetobicb;pearD from
beauen,fpakebntomeagapne frtWb:
33 beaocs of Ipons . 3»D oute of tbep; ii*>

moutbes toentefoztbfpie and f moke *go anD take tbe Iptle boke tobjebets
anDtypmCoue < 3nb of tijeft ttjje teas open in tbe banD of tbe angell tobtcbe
fea , ano bpon tbe
tbe.iii.patte of men kplleD : tbat is to ftanoetb Upon tbe
fapfof fp^lmoke, * bipmftone.tobicb eattb.lno 3 toent bnto the angcUiiD
pjoctoeDoutoftbemoutbes cftbem: fapDetobpnugcuemetbelptle bone,
Jfoi tbeic potoet toasin tbeic moutbes anD be fapbe
bnto me:take it,anD eate
anDintbepjtaple$ : fo: tbep? taple* it bp, ano it (ball make tbp bellp bpt<
tect ipke bnto retpentes, ano bab bea* tct,but it tyalbe i tbp
moutb as ftoetc fc
boke «je*. <tu
Des anb tottb tbeni tbep DpD butt:4in0 as bonpt,*3nD 31 toke tbe Iptle
1 tbe temnaunt of tbe men tobpeb toec ont of bps bano,a«D eate bp ,
it anD it
not kplleb bp tbefe plages , repenteo teas in mp moutb as f toete as bonpc:
tiotof tbe oeoes of tbeit banbes tbat anb as f one as 3 bab eats it,mp bellp
bpttet aino be fapbe bnto me:
tbep tyoutDe not too?a>ppe Dcupls,^ teas ;

anopmages of golDe,anDfpluec, ano tboumuftepiopbecpagapne amonge

biaffe,anDftone,anDoftoooD, tobpcbe tbe people janDnactonSjatiDtonges?
uetbet can re,netber beare, netbec go. to manp kpnges*
3Uo tbep repented not of tbep? mux* {[Cbe.rf»<Cbaptcr»
tbet,a«b of tbeic fojeeepe, neptber of ca^ttemplcwmtaftiteai £t>etaonbctoee
tbeic fo?nicacton,netbec of tbep; tbefr. ispaftc.

O" Cbe .cCbaptcr. p.D tben teas geuen me a 3

reDe,like bnto a tooe,anD it
K3~ % &c a ti gel I !>a tlif tbe boft c open. &e Ct»c«:
teas fapo bnto mc: Uif c anb
«f b, tljecc Qj a 11 be no mcie tpt»€. ©c gcuetb tbe
tobetoutolobu tot;p ttjcatetb u up. mtatc the temple of goD,and
i0b3Jfatoanotl)etmpgbtp tbeauler, anotbem tbat toojtbpppe
(angell comeoouneftombe^ tbecin,anDtbequetetebpcbtstoptbiii
urn clotbeD toitb a cloube, ^ tbe temple,caft oute ano meatc it not:
Jtt»e tapne: botot bpou bps foz it ts geuen Unto tbe ©eiuples.anD
beaDe.3BnD bps face as it toet § f <mne, tbe bolpe cptpe (ball tbep tceaoe bnoec
anb bps fete as it toete pillars of fpze, fote^iii.monetbes^nb Iftopll gene
anD be bab inbps bano a litell boke 0* potoet Dntc mp tao tDptneffcjS,
9 tbep
pemanb be put bps tpgbt fote bpo tbe Ojall pjopbetp a tboufanDe, ttoo bun*
tea anD bps lefte fote on t\)t ettb. 3!nD DieD anD Jr. Dapes , clotbeD in facke
tcp'cDtoptbalouDe bopce, as toben clotb^befe ate ttooolpue trees , anb
ipon rojetb. 3MD toben be bab crpeD,fe ttoo canDciaickes 5 ftanDmg before tbe
uewtbonDifsfpakctbepiboites^nD ^oDoftbeertbu
tube tbe.bii.tbonbjes bab fpoke tbeic anD pf anpe man topli btirte tbem, IS
bopceiS, Jtoasaboute totoipte.ainD fpjcfljal pioccd out of tbeic uioutbejs,
3( bearoe a bopce from beauen fapmg anD confume tbepj enempes » anD pf
bnto me,fcale bp tbofe tbinges tobicb anpe maune topll butt tbem tbps topfe
tbe .bit. tbonbzes fpake, anD tojpte muftebebekpllcD.tlCbefebaue potoet
tbem not* to (but beaueiy bat it tapne not in tbt
© 3HnD tbe aingcl tobpebe 3 fato ftanD baits of tbep? piopben>iuge:atiDbaue
9«.fmu tjpontbefca,anDbpontbe ettbe,ipfte potoet oner toater^ to tutne tbem to
bp bps banbe to beauen anb toate b^ b!oub,anb to f mp t c t\)t eattb toitb all
#ffapnte3Tolm jfoWittt
manetplageSjas often as t^cp tot'll* opened in beauen , anD tbece bias fene
3Bud toljcu ti;gp fiaue fimiO&eo tbeic in tbps temple tbe arcfte of bps f efta<
teftimonpe, tfje beaftc coat came outc ommand tbere folotoed Ipgljtnpnges
of ti;e bottomlcrfc ppt,ft)all maftc to a c anD boices,anD tbonDiinge^ auD ettb
agapnft tbem ano fljall ouercome tbc, quabe,anDinufbbaple.
ano fcplltbem.aind tbepj bodpcs fltjall
Ipc in tbf ftrcates of tbc gteatc cptpe, o.3TDcccfl> istrjctoojDc ofiSoD.tftctcmplctsf
tobpc be rpirltuallp is called ZoDotn ? coiigcegation of emitter oe aulraceiscoiptte,
^ qupic,i3 tbc ca bbic ofiKompOje curtetBeus cat
CSPpf ,tof)cc out ilozD toas ccucif ICD. led rye picliJtxo of rl;C cbuccoc, auo rbc cprpe is
3ltiD tbep of tbe people ano fepnrcDes, rycciccr ano coofcn (oit of cy:ittia«9. ttbciu
auD tonges j ano tbep of the nations, tDprneiTes ace fttoo teaamcures,rr)e bead rDat
comincrb our of tb: borro nlc-J. ppr, is ^ toOolc
QaU.fc l bepz boDpes*iii.'Dapes anD an
tabbleof rye aurccrjiittiaK coucct) of i»ome.
balf c,a»D fljall not f uffcc V) cpz boDpes
to be put in graues. 3UiD tbep p dtocll
rs-Htyc feueuri; aujcl blotoerb bis tcoatpet c.
ijpon tbe eattb,Cbal n topee oner tbem STDCce appcrcrt) iubeaueu.a toomati clorbcoii
anD be glaooc, anD (ball f endc gpftes rbefunne, (3Qtcl)acilfpgbcetb toirbr^cOiasou
one to a notbec foz tbefc tine |^zo< t U ar peef ecu t crb rye toomatu

pbctes bciceD ttjent t!;at btoclte on £\/jftD tbec appece d a great toenoec $
the eactbe* £/l ni beauen: ai to o ma n clotbeD toitb
3BnD aftec.iiudapes anD an balfe tbe iHrtbe funne,anD tbe mone bnDec bet
C fppric oflpfc fro <Bod, enrteD into tbe\ fete, anD bpon bee bcaoe a ccoune of
aiuo tbep ftode bp dpontbepz fete.anD Vii.ftarces* 3BnDOje toas toitb cbpUre
gceatc feare came bpon tfjem tobicbe anD crpeD tcauapliuge in bpitbe, auo
fa toe tbem* 38iio tbep beacoe agceate pained reDp to be deltueted»3tnd tbece
x> opce f com beauen,faping bnto tbem. appeced ano tfjee toondec in beaue,f02
Come top bptbec SnD tijep afcenocD b tbold a great red dzagon bailing .bit s\
lip into beauen in a cloude , ano ttypi beades, andtenboznes^ccotonesbp
cnempes Cato tbe.2lnD tbe fame bonce ponbpsbeades:and bpstaple dzucp
teas (bete a gceate eattdquaBe,anD $ tbpzD parte of tbe ftacrcs 3 and call W
tentb parte of tf)^ cptp fell , ano in the totbeectb* I
cactht] uafte bjece flapne names of men 2fnDtbeDzagon (lode befoze tbe too* ^
feuen* s3p*anb tbe temna tint tocrc ktn man,tobtcb toas redp to bedelpueced
ied,andgaueglozp to <sod of beauen* foz to dcuoute bee cbplbc as fene as
W^t (econD moo is palpatio betyolde § tttoereboznc»ainda)ebzougbtfo^tba
man cbplde,tobicb tyouloe rule a ms
ibpzd tooo topll come anone*
tbc feuentb angel bletoe , anD
3D rrjete tnet maDe great boiceg inbeaue,
cpoiis toitb a tooe of pzon 3Kudbec
Tonne toas t aben dp duto&oo,and to

fapinge:tbe femgdotnes of tbps toozla bis featc. 3lnbtbe tooman fledeinto

ace once lozDcs anD ops Cbzpfte&and topldernes,tobereCbebadapIace pze*
be (1)all tapgue foz euetmozc* 3tid tbe paced of 6od,tbat tbep u*)oulD fede bee
jcniii.eldecs, tobicb fpt befoze <Bod on tbece a.^.ii.bundzed and«ljc*dapes*
tbepz feates,fell bpon tbeir faces,and 4*3Dnd tbece toas a great battaple in c
luoiOjpppco iBod fapwgc: mc gene tbe ficauc 5 i^icbaels bis angels fougbtc
tbanfces nozdc isod almtgbtp.tobicb toitb tbe dzago^ tbe dzagon fottgbt 9
arte anD urn lie, anD arte to come, foz bis aungellcs,andpzeuapled notrue*
tboubaftereceaued tt>p great mpgbi, tbec toas tbeir place f otiiide anp moze
anD bad caigned.3linD tbe nations mcr in beatten.3Dnd tbe great dzagon, tbat
angrp,and t'bp Uiiatb is come, anD tbe olde ferpcut called tbe ntuill and ^a«
tpme of tbe Deab tbat tfjep fijouloe be tbanas toas cade otite, -aobiib decea^
lubgcD anD tbat tbou OjoulDeft geue ttetb all tbe toozldc.JCnd be toas cade •

tetoardc onto tbp fecuauutcs tbepzo into tbe eattb^andbps angelles toec«
pbetcs anD ©apnetes , anD to tbem p call out alfo»
featetbpname final! ano greate ano 3Cnd 3 beard a loude boice taping:
Ojouldeft dettrop tf)em,tobpcbde(itop inbeuentsnotoemadefalnacponanD
tbc eattb^no t!.K, temple of ©od tons QcengtbeauD
tf;cfepngdome of outc


tClje a&euelact on
(ffifot),anD rue potscc of bPS €b*id.jfo$ cut of rl?c cactb touli.ti.bojiies.

be t$ cad boune toOpciie accufeb tbem jBD 3 faiu a beade t<fe*out n

before d5oD oape auD npgbt. aino ti^ep of tbe fea,bautng.bu.bfao* 9v*.wu
ouercam bini 'op tbe blouD of } lambe, oes j ano.r,bo?nc0 5 5 topon
auD bp tbe toozoe of tbett teftpmonp } $ bps bozncB.jc.crouneg anD
l!)ep{0UCDlt0tt!)eillfU£3 JiltOpD£tf) # v name of blatpbemp*
b po bis be ao,t be
*3!nD tbe bead tobtcbJI Catenas aic
53 Cbcttoi e uiopcc beau cii3 jatio pe tbat ©an..fcft«
Dtoell tii tbem. cooo co ctjc tnbabtters a rate of tbe mountapne,^ bps fete toer
of tfje eartb 3
ofc* tbe fea::foi tbe oeupll
as tbe fete ofabeace, ano btsmoutb
tgcomebounetontopoutobicbebatbe as tbe mout b of a lion.3luD tbe Dzago
great unatb .becaufe be Knotoctb tbat gaue bp m bps pobier $ bps feate,ano
be batb but a iljozte tpmc* great auctoittc:anD J fa to one of beao
h as it iuere tnouiiocD to oeatb,anb
3Hud uibcu tbe Diagon fa\ue,tbat be
teas cad bnto tbe eartb,be pccfccutcD bps Deablp btounbe tuas bealeo* 3lnD
tbe toomau,tobpcb bzougbt foitfc tbe all tl)t toozlb toouDzeD at tbe beaft,am>
Hiaa cbilo»3B»D to tbe tooman uicte ge« tbep tooza^pppeo tbe ozagon tobpebe
iccu ttoo topnges of a great egle, tbat gaue poiocr bnto tbe bead?, anD tbep
flje mpgbtfli'e into tbe toploetues,into
H>oiO)pppeD tbe bead fapingc ; tobo is
ber place, tobecetyeisnotpflbeb foza Iphe bnto tbe beadc/ tobo ts able to
tpmetjwes } anD balfe a tpmc f come § toarretoptbbpm^
piefence of tbe Ccrpcnt.aiiiD tbe biago 3i)0tbere toas geuen bntobpma .

cattouteofbpsmoutbtoatec after tbe moutb.tbatfpafee great tbpnge^ano 2$

tooma as it bab bm
a rpusr becaufe ,
biafpbeimes , anopotoer toas geuen
fljeajolobaucbcnecaugbt off (lotto* bnto bim,to Do..rlii.inouetbes.2llnD be
Sflno tbe cartb bolpe tbe tooman, anD $ openeb bps moutb bnto blafpbemp a^
cartbopciuo ftccmoutb $ ftoalotocD, gaind «5oo,to blaCpbeme bps name } $
up tbe cpuer,tobpcb § oiagon cad out bis tabernacles tbem t otocl in beaue*
ofbismoutb»3flnb|>Dzagotoa0toiotb *;iinb it toas geuen bntobpm to mafee %wtu>>

toitb tbe tuoman : ano tocnt ano maoe toar toitb tijz ^a mctcg;, 9 to ouercome
toatre toitb tbe remnaunt ofberfcoc, tbem. anopotoer toas geuenbpm 04
lubicbe feepe tbe commauoementes of uerallUpureD,tonge,anDnacion*ano
ai tbat btoell Upon tbe eactbe tooltip * 3DaBfc ' tl
<5ob,anb bam tbe tedtmonp of 3lef us
Cfjzpd.aiuo J ftooe on t^ fea Canoe* bpmttobofe names ate mt toipttcn to
2Cbe/ftotcs. tbe boite of ipfe of § lam be, tobicb toas
ai)CU)om.i!i t9£i):taesfcucciiucct),t'jcrimiic
) fti'Ucb from tbe beginning of p tooilo*
JnDccetDi tb tDc 19 clot ftco , 1 3 t t;c ngD tcoit ritcg of
Jlefu £0 Uft tijc mo ;t c unacc Dec f et e,i s p" loozia
anDUJOil&, *l^r p leaoetb mto captiuite tt;al go in miutu.*
acetbc.FU.3poftle?.3utitbeG)oman9Ccpean& to capttuite:*bep fcpIUt?) \b afbocaco ^,,^.8.
traucll is ueu p;cac Ding aub pccfecu eta 1. Z DC

t)M3o.t 'srncDcupil, tt;e feueti bcaocs , ace all

mud be hilkit) \ii tbe ftoearb.^cre t^> ^at.^c
bpsccaftesaubrubttltpeg.tbefenboiuegatcal tbe pacicnce,=i tbe faptb of § fapuctes*
bis potoec totempt mau.tljcrcueiiccotouceacc
bps Diiiuctfall repgne among tbctDoiIblpugcs,
3Dno J bebelbe anotber beade corn^ C
ano Dps taplc,t 9 tbe eutprcmenteg oftooiiblpc
mpng bp out of tbe car tbe, anb be bab^cctoitbbetoattjct&inentoljpm.aub ttoobozncsb'licalnmbe,auD befpafee
caactbtbeintutotbecactb itu'apuo; rnc:n tacs as h^D tbe bzagon.auD be bpo all tbae
nall.tHjemaune cDpioeigCbipfie, tbcaptnge
tbe fird bead coulb bo in bps pzefence
into ti)e totlbetueg.tgtbe auototng of rtune,anD
- tlic noucpu) ng rDccc f manp Da p :s
t 15 oD'acs , 1
ethecauffb tbe eartb,ano tbem tobtcr)
jm tcceiou cu§ to tbe tooilbcs cud.
btsaugclatctbetcuc anD ccna ant
icbaet auD
p;ca cDCrs*
d\dcI toozt^i'ppe § fiid bead,
tobofe beablp toounb toas bealeb.atnD
inofrCToucg of ©cog D3C t rpnc,
auo tlje DiagSs
angclgacctDccoutcacpe . 3Tbc to atct tbat tbe be bit) great tooubers,fo tbat be mabe
c;ngoncaGctbaut ofbigmoutbisalbppocctfp fi'zc come Do tine from bcauc in v fight
anb fupccQpcpo!i tl)ceartlj tbat ftualotuctD it
of mca3 11D beccatteb tbem tbat Dteclt
np,ts tbe multituo of tbe toozloelpuges.aub ttjc
Tea fano, t g tijcpi boctctue, not gtouHDCb on ttft
on ti)t eactb bp tnt meanes of tbofe fig
tccfec toinci) ts £biia,but on man. nes tobicbe be bab potocr to bo in tbe
4LCbe.)rui.Cbapter. figbtoftbebeadjlapngetotbtnubat
C3 bate cpretl) outc of tbe fea tottb fcufn hca Dtoelt on fcartb;tl;at tbep njtilD make
Dcs,anbtciji;o;ue3 . ^ti otijet beaQe cotr.metb
#ffoimte3W[m yolcpu,
an pmage t>nto tbe bcnft,toOfc& baDDc of man? toaf crs3 and as t!;e ijopce of a
tb toouno of a ftoeroe, ano did Ip ue*
e gteat tbunocr. ano J
beatD tbe liopce
ainD he Oao poinec to gcue a fpirttc of barpcts batppnge toptb tbepz bat*
& Dnto tfic pma ge of the beaft c, auo tljat pes. aiiio tijip fonge as it lucre a nctoe
tbe pmage octljcbcaft OjoulDrpeafee, longe, befoze tt)t uate , anD befoze tbe
ano cauf e i» as manp as tooulD
fl;ouiD font bea(les,<i tbe doers , ano no matt
not tuoztypppe the pmage of tbe bead, coulD ieat tie t bat Cong, but tbe.C.anD
OjoulD be BpllcD.anD be maoe al,botfj Miiii.tboufanDj tobpebe tocrc reDcmcD
fmaleanDgteate,trcbanDpoozc,fcc5 from tbe eartf;,
bono,to receaue a mar lie t tbeit ttgb t Cbefe ate tbep,toWc!) toere not bcft>
banc cjs , ; in tbci r fozcbeaDDca. anD leD bjttb bjomen,foz tljep arc tjttgpns, ©
tbat no man mpgbt bpc oz felt, la tic be Ct)cfe folotoe $ laiiibc tobptUet Toeuec
that fjao tbe ma 1 fee, 0: tbe name of tbe be goctb. * tc6ef e toet teDcmeo f to me if??^ *
bealre, otbec tbc uombze of bps name* bepnge tbe fpztt ftntes bnto 600 ano
j^ctc is vupl Dome, jiet bun tbat batbe to tbe lambe , ano in tbepz moutbes
to pt count tbe uombze of tbe bcaft.f 1 soas founo no gple. Jfoz tbep ate trntb*
iti$ tbe nombze of a man,ano bPS no? out fpotte befoze tbe ttone of (i3ob« i*
bje is fire bonDzcD,tbzefcoze 9 fpye# 3BnD 31 fam an angel flie in tbe mtD*
%\jt notes. Heft of beauen s ba upug an euetlaft ing
SUe bead ts tfic mfio Ice mp ice of anticfixtft gofpel, to pzeacbe Unto ibetm tbat fpt
tbe IRomiflje table, lns.toii. tjeaocg and m\ Do;* i
tics tsfiietatgiic m all tfiereucn ages, ano tfic ano otoell on tl)e ear tij, anD to all naci*
potoccof tfic famc.tfic migfitp pomct tfiat mas onSjBpntcDs, anD tonges, anD people,
gcuttt fitm.anb tfic fcatc tfiat §>atfian left Dun,
faptnge toptb a louoe fcopce: * ireate jwjgj
ts tUetc ficccitf u!l Doctrine , ant) tfiett glo;tou»
fepngbomc. <5oD,anD gewe bonoute to bim,fo^ tbe *
£ fie to ouii&ct) fica D, s tfie }9 opes Cupxcm it fc,
i boure of bps iuDgmente is come:anD
bud po\t>et oenpcD 111 cectaine conttcps.anD tfie toozfljippe bim, f. maoe beuen 5 eartf?,
curtngctficcof, tetficmaintapmngc anD ccflo=
tinge again c of fits ceremonies ano office tcum anD tbe fca, ano fountapnes of tea tec* C
pctpc in toe f ante coiit rets. lobe moie of tfitsm anD tbet f olotoeo an otbec angelljap >,

31 otm J2 ales 31magc of bo tfic tfic cfinccfics, an d ing: *©abilon is fallen, ts fallen, tbat
alfo of tfic raoutfi tfiat fpancgceattfimgcsaiiD
blarpficmte, tfiat isttcatgfitlp cfiacgcoali men
gteate citpe, *foz tyc maDe all nations <m.m*.
to obfccuctfic popes retutngeof fSoD, putting Dzpnae of ttje \am of bpjt fornication. }JJJ u e
fSoDtics roo:o to Wcncc, ano mirtcpoxttngc tfic 2fi!iD tbe tum^ angell foIotoeD tbcm
tcucpxeacfices tfieceof.mptfi. tfic blafpfiemous
fapingctoptbalouDebopce: Jfanpe
%\it otficcbeafte tfiat toft out of tfic eactfic, man mozOivp tbe bcalle ri bps pmage,
toas tficfaire attODCiitlltaKpiearficrs, anD teceiue bis matKe in bis f ozbeao,
DoxmsltiiCtoutotiKfioxticsofa&ainbc, ace tfic
oz in\)^B banDe tbe fame Cbal oipnt »e
li.tcnameees mxcCCD to tficic bcaftlp pneporc,
tfic moxfbtp tfiat tfic bead mutt tjane, ts tfic ob= tbe topne of tbe tuzatb of d5oo, tubpebe
rtruano of lips rules* cctcmonics,tficpmage is pouteD in tbe cuppe of bps tozatbe*
of tfic tfiC Iihc 1 1 cannp tfiat caijncD bc=
anD be (ball be punpOjco U\ fvjc anD
foxc tfic ficao teas tuouuSCD.&fits pmage mafic
tfiep fpcahe, bp pxomulgattnge moft true! lams
cs uiioct pa me of fieaffi . 3H)c mat ae tfiat at me befoze tbe lambe.
teccauct) , vuas tfic otbe to obfetuc tfiof c lames.
* anD tbefmose of tbepz tojmcnt af< anB.yijr.a
2Cfic Iihc flung mas tfic marhc of tfic mar cfiaQ=
ne.bur tfictts teas catfiec itimatfi in tfic confci cenDetb bp cuctmoze. aim tltt^ bauc
dice, asisalfo tficnamc $ mimbxe of tficbeaff, no teft Dap noz npgbt, tobpeb tooz(l)pp
tfiougt; rficpmcccalfoourmacDc £>f tficnubxe .
tbe bead anD bps pmage, anD iobofoc<
of t fie bcatte , wfiat it bet obcnctfi.lobe ©ale m
bpontfiis place.
uet teceauetb tbe pzpnte of bps name*
cbe.uiiti.cbaptec, 4*
*i^ete is tbe patience of fatntes.^tce *p^^^^
Eambe oauetfi topon tfic mount £ion*
ano tfie ton ucf Ueo congecgatton taitfi b tin. Cue ate tbep tbat Uepe tbe commauDcme m
an gcli rrficxtetfi to tficfcacc of C5 oo.anfi telle tfi tesanDtbefapetboflerth
anD J beatDe a bopcefto beatien fap<
^^filoDe on tbe mount &ion, $ inge Dnto me : iuzpie. ©IciTeD ate tbe
Deao, tobtcli bereaf tec D»e in tbe 2LozD,
jtoptb bpm ati.canDjcIiiff*
SKnbaupnge bps fatbets
mm fo fapetb tt}t ^pttttc : tnattbep
map teft fro tbepz laboutcSjbtittljepz
name tozitte in tbc it fozbeaDe 6*1»d %
tpo^Ucfi pfjall foldiD
f;catD a tjopce fta beauen, as tf;e rouo
CCt.t. anD
,I p

Cljt &euelatton
3SUD 3 IorcD 9 bcbolD a tofjpte clouDe 3finb 31 fato as it fecrc a glaffp rea y mm
anD fcpon the clouDe one fpttpugc IpKe gleD toith f pze,anD them that bad got«
fcnto the Conns of man, baupng on tjts ten bpctoive of the beaft.anb of hps p*
IjeaD a golocn ctotone,anD mi)is banD mage,aub of his matae, 5 of the ntun*
a tya tpc tykle . 3nD an otijer 3! »ngcl b^e*ofhpsname,ftanDe ontheglaffpe
came out of to* temple, etptngc toptb f ea,hautncr the harpes of <sod , 9 thep
a Ioudc bopce to f|ptn that fate on the fonge the fonge of ^bfes the feruaut

%ta.Hu elotoDe.* TEbjuft in top Crfclc anD tepe, ofd5ob,anDthefongofthelambe,fap?

*&*>*"£ to} tbt turn is come to tepe,fojpcoine inge.ereate ano macuepleus are top
*® of the eattp is ripe.3lnD be tnat fate on tooiSes. *Hojbe(©oD almightp, tuft 9 Sw% '

the clouDe,tbjnfte in bpsfi'fcle on tbe trueatethptoapes^pngoffapnetes* ©

cact^anD toe cattb teas reapeD. * aocho fhal not feat $> tLo?D,ano glo< 3cr Ma8
2B-.1D an other an gel came out of the
I ttfte thP name^ fox thou onelp act ho<

temple, tobpebe is tu beanen,baupnge lpe,ano al gentpls 0>al come anD too t <

alfo a 0}-trpc fitue. JuD an other angel Q>ppe bef^e the, fo^ thp iuDgmentes
came out from toe aultate, tobfcbbaD ate mane mamfede.
po toe t ouet trie anD crpcD tb a louDe
, 3lnD after that, 3 loaeD,anD beholD
apt to htm tqat nao tne Ojarpe ipfele,!* the temple of § tabtrtuttleofttfrimo* C
fapDe: tbjuft in tbP tyatpe fpale, <* ga« npe toas open tn beatun, anb the leucu
tftet the clutters of the e actbe , f oi bpi angels came our of the temple, tobpef)
grapes ate rppe* aittD the angel th?uft haD the Ceuen plagues.clotheD in pute
in b«s fp&le on the earthen cut Dotone anb btpgbt linnm, anD haupnge tbep?
the grapes of the toinepatD of dearth: bieftesgp^DeD topth golbcngpjDles*
$ caft the into the great topnefat of the %i\D one of the four beaftes gaue bnto
tojatheofs£oD,anD thetopnefat teas the.bii»angels,feuen goloen bpalles,
ttoDcn toitbout the Cttpe, anD bloube fulloftheto]tathof(150D,tohichlpucth
tame oute of the f atte , cuen bnto the foteuttraote.*2BnD the temple toas ful " mum
boifes bipods, bp the fpace of a tf?ou= of the rmobe of the gloip of gob anD of
bis potoer , anb no ma toas able to en^
lanoe anD.&i.bunDieDfutlengcs*
2tDe notes. ter into tbe temple,tpl the f eu§ plages
IT&e Eambc (9 CDuft tbe mount & ton is rt)C of the feuen angels totte fulfilleo.

< butcrjc, tt)C grcare mimbc c trjat ace tout) Or in

accrue faptbfull membxes of the famecbuccb,
the fatbits name is bis tooxbe , ano tbe bchefe SW feuctt angels tobttt) bao tbe'fcueii goU
in rrjjc fame, ttje taopce of c5 rcn t he Vn 1 man p
! t oenopals full of tbe toxatb of ©oo.ace t&ooties
batp;s,ts tots unttoutmefaptb of atiuai tons, eternal Dfccccs anb ret .JtpofC3,aci-;ibtuge to

that is of asmanpc of alljftacionsasaccrtue tbe tobicbe be plagctb t dc toitMb in tocie lafie

cbuGians, ano gi ouuoc rljctt faptbonelp bpon napes. Eohc moxc of rljie in 3jogu 15 ae.
rcctptuce.tDtjtct) isfull of tljtefojctc armonpe.
Cljcnenj f 011519 tt)cmo;o of (5oo, none
to Diet) e5-che» rbt»Chapter»
tauJcatuc.but fucbeas baue tlje name of toe
irbcmigcls pourc out tbcictopalsfulof tozatr)*
f attgee tout ten m tbetc f citOcaocg. £i)c women
ace on conQ ant ano tnauctuige 00c tnnc. Babi- rj^D j beatDe a greate bopee out
Ion is tbe ebutebe of 2nttcbxt£t, ant; tijebjine of of the templejapinge to the feuen 3
bit toboitoomc is tbeoeutllpfbc oottcttic, ferre
foul) ano taugbte bp tbar totcfeco cSq tcgat ton.
'angels :go pour toaies,poure out
2Ttje clouoc is ri>c true nam Oct 9 of goostsoiD, pour btalies of toiathbpon the earth*
be t bat fittetb on it, is tbe Tonne of £&£>2> ano ,
3BnD the t p ill \omtt anD pouteD oute
latt oapc, toi) tc!) is in fenptuce calico barucctc,
bps bpal bpon the earth, anD there fel
ano tbe ft tile ts calico ©oboes tuoxbe fox fcntr)
a nopfome anb foozc botcbe bpon the
tb at ftUte is f&obs b acuca teapeo. men tohtch hab the mattte of the beaff,
anb bpon tpcpin tohpebe toozfbpppeb*
© c recti) reuett bps pmage. 3lnD the feconoe aiungell
angels, b auittgc reuen b pals
full of vwnb e. OjeDDe otit bps bpal bpon the fea, anb
jg^TOJ^D^l fatoean other fpgne it tutneb as it toere into the bloube of
3 l^fl^linbtuen great a beabe maiuatm euerp liupnge tbin^
f^a^^lous. bu.auncr.ele fjaurnge tytb in the fea. 3inD p tbirD angell Ojcd
©«rt.ti.ii. .^^BBUStbe feue laft plages, * f 0? tn out hpG tjpal bpon tbe rpuers $ foun*
tftcm is fulfilled the toiatb of ©£>£> tarncjsof toatets ,ano tijiptutr.eDto
#1 fatttte 3o!)tt jFoUjtlM
Mouse 3£nD bcatDe an angell tops:
J to giue Unto bet tbe cuppe of tin toftic,
3HozDe tobpcbe art,aiiD toaft.tbou arte of tft e f ea rcenes of bps tazatf?. Cuerpe
© tigbteous anD holp, bicaufr tbou baft pie ttcDDcatoape,anD tbemotmtapnes
geueii f ucb ttiDgmentes , fo? trjep OjeD totn not founDe»3inD tbcre fel a greate
out tbe blouD or fapntes 9 pzopbetes, bapie, as it fcaDDe bene talentes out of

ano t!)f ttoze baft tbou geuc tbe blouD beueu Upon tbc mcn,anD tbe men biaD
to DzpnKe:f oz tbep are tooztl)^ 3£no J| pbcmeD^oDrbpcanfeoftbc plage of ^
fjcarDe an other out of tbc aultet fa,»c 3 b.iple,f 0: it tiia$ greate, anD tbe plage
euen fo lozDe <£>oD almpgbip , true ano ofitfoze*
tygbteous ate tbP tuDgmcntcs* 27IJC »0fC3.
Ccttfccti)£fcfeum plages <a>itl) tt)C opcmiig
3IUD tbe fouttb angel poutcD out fjts of ttjc.uu fcalcg, nuOtOebloUjpugcof toe fcui
Upal on tbe funne ano potocc toas ge* ftumpct0,$ttQ}albccdrpctot)itf>ccaaud.

uen Unto bim to tjejce meu toprf? fjeare ^Oe.tbii.Cbapter.

of fire* ainD tbe nienne tageD In greate ©cucfccibeto tftc toomautic ftmiisbpon tfje
beate, 9 fpane etttt of tbe name of goD, bcauiyitincnooiufs..
tobpcbe ban potoec out r tfjofc plages, ^Dtbere came one of tbe re*
ano tbep tepcteD not, to gpue bim glo* uen aungelSjUjbj'Cb baD tbc
tp*3Bno tbe fifte angcl pouteD out bps icue opals: anD be talneoio *
Upall Upon tbc fcate oi tbc beaft,$ bps me, faptnge unto me: come,
fcpngDome tea^eo oarcUe,^ tbep gneto 31 topUfyetoe tbee tbe tuDgmcnt of tbe
tbetr tonges foz (oroto, $ blafpbeuieD greate toboze tbat fpttetb Upon manp
tbc d5oD of beaiten for rozotoe $ papnc toaters , toptb tobombaue committeD
of tbctt foxes , ano repeteb not ot tbc it fozmcattou tbc npnges of tbe eactb, fo
Dcaoes* tt/a t § tnbabiters of tbe eart^ are Dzoti

^ ^no tfjc ftjct angel! poured ottte bps lien l»ptb tbc topne of r)er foznitaciou*
Upall upon tbe gteate tptur cupbzai 3ino be carpeo me aicape into tbc tcpl*
tes,attD tbe toatet Dzteo Up,£ tlje toai* Denies in tbe fptrite, 3iud J fab a too i
es of tbe Hinges of tbeeaftfljoulDebe man fpt Upon a rote coiottreo bead ful
pzepateD.Bno 3 faro tbze bncleane f pi of names of blafpbempe tohprb baD»t«
tits Ipfce ftogges, came out off mou< boznes 3nu tbe tooman toas atapcD
t b of tbe Dzagon, anD out of tbe moutb i\\ purple ano rofe colonic, anD dccbcd

of tbe beafte, 9 out of tbe moutb of tbe toptb goloe, pzecious ftone, 9 peatles,
falfepzopbetjoz tbep ate tbc fpirttes anD bao a cuppe of golDe in bpz baiiD,
of Deuples, mozfcpnge mpzacles,fo go full of abbommactons anDfpltbpncs
oute Unto tbe npnges of the eattb,auo ofbpifozntcacion^nDinbetfozebeao 2$
oftbetoboIetoozlDe.togatbettbemto teas a name tozptt£n 5 a mtllerp, greate
tbe battell of tbat greate oapc of d50D ©abilo tbe motbet of tobozeDome,anD
wat.witH. aIimgbtp 4 *Bebolo 3 corneas a tbefe* abbonunacios of t!)e eartb, XnDjf fato

uSSSfi Wppeisbe tbattoatcbetb 3 fcepetb tbe topfe

DzoncKe )& tty blouo of rapn<
llicSa bps gatment,Ieft be be founD * nafceD, tes , ano %
tbe blouD of tbe toptneffes
i^pciut. anD mcn f C j,i fpitfjpnes . $nD be ga* of 3cfu. ^InD toben 3 fato bpj:3B toon*
tbereo tbem togptbec;tnto a place cal* DereDtoptb greate maruaple*
UDtntbe ^cbzuetonge aitmagcDon* 3!uD tbe angcl fapDe Unto me: tober*
j3 3no tbe fcucntb angcl poureo oute foze marucvlefttboiifj topi ilbeto tbee
hps Upall into tbe apze*3lnD tbet came tbe mtftcrp of tbc toomanne anD
of tbe
a Uopce oute of beauen from tbe feate, bead tbat beatetb bpz, tebpcb Oatb U*
f apinge: it is Done* 3nD tbcre folotoeD uenbeaDes,anD ten boznes*

Uopcc&tbuuDerfngeSjanDiigbtenpn* Cbc beafte tbat tbouiecu\toas,an&
ges,$ tbcre toas a greate earthquake, is not, ano thai afcenbe out of tbe bot*
fucb as bias not fence men lucre Upon tomleKe pptte, anD 0)ali go into petDi^
tbe eattbj fo mpgbtp an eattbquaHc^ cion.anD tbep $ Dtoel on tbe eattb fijal
fo greate, 3MU trie great citpe urns DC* toonoec ( * tofjofe nameg ace not to:tt< Sum,*
tiiDcD into thzee partes,anD the ettpes te in p bofce of life fro tbe beginning of
ofall nations fell* 3UD greate z&abi< f toozlo) tobe tljep ueljolD p beaft tfiat I
Ion came in temebzaunce befoze ®ou9 toas ano is not »bete is a mpnDe C
CCt.ii* .tt;at
tfjatfjatfjiupftDomc* of tbe tozatb of im fo?nrcacf64tob t1$
c tcbe feuen beaoes ace fcticn mouti* binges of tbe eactb baue comitteD foj*
tapncs,on tobycbe tfje tooman fp ttetb: utcatton toptb bP^^nD bpz marcbaun*
tfycp ate alfo feuen fcpuges . irpue ace tee; ace toareD epefj of tbe abunoaunce
fallen , anD one is, ano an otbet is uot ofbpzpleafuces.
pet come.oxben bc^f ometb be mud co* 3lnD3IbtatDeanotbcct)opcefcome s
ttnue a fpace amo tbe bead tbat urns,
. beucn^aper+comeatoap fcombp? mp f^ff* l

anD ts not , f eucn tbe epgbte, 9 is one people, tnat >>e be not pactabecs tnbp? t„<& .w.«
oftbefeucn,anDfbalgoiiuoDcdructu fpnncs,tbatpetcccauenotofbPJPla*
on.*3HU> tbe. ebonies tobfeb tbou fe* gues. jfozbpzfpnucs ace gone bp to
eft, ate ten fepuges, tobpebbauececea* bt auen, ano <50D batb ceniembJcD t)vi
tteo no fct ngoome, but fljalceceaue po* topekeoncs. l&eteatbe bit eucn as tbe
tocc as lunges at one bo u t it tbe bead cetoatoeo pou,^gpuebPJ Double ac*
flEhefe baue one mpnoe, and (ball geue cojopngc to tyi too jftes.ainD pouce its
tbetcpottiecfl dcengtbt>ntotf)ebead* Double to bic in tbe fame cuppetobpeb
Cbefe Ojal fpgbt tottb tbe I a mbc ? tbe ,
fljefillefibntopou* 3lnD asmucbas
SDatt *l.a lambe fyal ouetcome tbctn: * jf ot be is (beglojineDbicfelfcanDUueDteantos
4. jlo^oe of lozDes,ano binge of ftpnges, Ip,f o mucb pouce pe in foz bic of punift)
anD tbep tbat ace oubpsfpDe,atecai* ment ano foio to 3 fo; (be faiD in bic felfe
3© c
led, ano cbofen ano faptbf nil. *3 f il be ^ n 5 a OMwe, anD am no topD« a^w*
3UtD be fapDc bnto mettbetoaterg Doto,$u>l fe no fojoto.*Cbecfo^e u)al
tobpeb tbou fa toed, tuber tbe tofjoze fit bpj plages come at one Dape, oeatb, 9 ££f"uf
tetb,ace people, ano folcfce, $ nacions, fozoto,dbougec,anD(5e©albe*b.zent
*» fcJSWl-*
ano toges * aitiD tbe ten b o znes, icbub toito fice:fo? liconge is tbe ^ojd ceeD
tboufatoede upon tbe beade, ace tbep tobpcbetuDgetbbcc*
tnat Ojall bate tbe tob o ze, 9 ftjall maHe 3nD tbe atnges of tbe eactb fljall be^
bee oefolate ano na&tb, ano Ojail eate toepe bvt $ toattc ouec bee, tobicb baue
fcpjfletye ano bucne bit tottb fpze*foz commit teD f oint cacio bp? , $ baue
(dod batb put in tbepz bectes to fulfill ItueD toantonlpe toptb bP^ > ^n tbep
ftps topll, ano to Do toptb one content, fftal fe tbe fmolte of bee buenpng , anD
to} to glue bit KtngDome fcnto bead, fljal ftanD a facce of, f oz feac of bee pu<
tmtili tbe toozocs of <sod be fti'lfillcD* nit"bmeut,fapinge * *3!las,ala6,tbat j tu lu

SdnD tbe tooman tobpeb tbou fatoed,ts gtcate citpe saabilou, tbat mpgbtp tu &
tbat gceat citpe, tobpeb caignetb ouec mi fozat one bouce ts bic tuDgmente
tljefcpnges of tbe eactb* come*^nD f ma ecbaunte s of tbe eactb
%\)t notes. ano tbeim felucs,
(ball toepe
2Cbc toboic is tbe cbucco of 3uticl)zi(l, tobfc:
iljciMcDcciatcrt) to be tbecbutcbe of ISome. foz no ma toace anp moze,
toil bit tbct'c

3CbcmaH?eVBarct$are tbe mttUirubc of people tl)t toace of golD ano f iluee, anD pzect*
Vmocc tbefapoe cDutri) tbe hpuges a no tulecs,
tobpeb commit tea rpintuall foxmcatioit toptb
ano pucple,anD fraclet, anD all tbpnne
oftbisbeattc. tooDDe,anD al manec beffels of puscp,
<Cbe.rbiii Cbaptct* anD al manec bedels of mod pzecfous
STbcloucrsofthcujcil^arcrozpcfoztbcfaU tooDoc , ano of bzaffe anD pzon, auD iU
to teiopce fox bic beftcuctiott.
namon, anD oDouts, anD opntmettSifl
/BDaftcttbat,^ fa to ano* f taftcnf ?cc,(* % fine dour
totne,aitD ople

tbtc angcll come fed beaue, $tobeat,beafles,su>pej$bozies,anD

% baupngc gccatepotoct,anD cbaeets3 *boDies anD Tonics of mem

tbeeactb teas Ivgljtcncotb 3ud t\)e apples § tl)p foule ludeo af

tee ace DcpattcD from tbe.flno al ttyiu
ftps bzpgbtnes, 3BnD be ctteo mpgbte*
lp\jbadcongbopce,fapinge:*d5teate ges \s>l)pcl) toere,Depntp,5 baD in pzpee
$t re. ( a. zBabJ>lon s fallen, is fallen: ano is be*
ace DeparteD from tbe, anD tbou Qjalte
^po.jnuib finoe tbem no meze.cbc marcbauutes
come tbe babitanon of De tiils 3 ano tbe
boioc of all fotole fpirptes,anD a cage of tbefe tbpnges tobpebe toete toateD
ofall&ncleaueanDbatcfulbpzDes,foj epebe , mall ftanoe a fatre of from bee,
all nations bane o$onfecn of tbe topnc
fozfeate of tl;e punpfbemente of bpz,

#f fapnte 3W)tt jfolyclW.

<*,„ u h
«PP 3 5 n foapling,
5 faptnge : * Sla& Cbe*t#.Cbapter,
•*"• !« anD tbauljes ace geue tonto (5oD fot tub:?
alas,tbat great cicy,tbat mas clotbeo |S> xapft
gins t:;e lt)boie, $ fox an: guts tbe blub of fits ftc
in capues s anD purpie, ano fcarlet,ntiD
uautcs. Sbcangcltt'iIuotbctuoxujtppcb.SCbc
oecfceD u»i»tfi goioe, $ pzecpous Clones, foulcgauobpxoegate called to p" dausljtct.
anD pearles:fo? at one boure (o greate 0D after tbat, JlbeatDe tbe
tpcbcsiBCometonaugbt. bopce of mucb people iniK; 33
3finDeuerpa)pppegoiicrnour anoal 3
uen faring: 3KHclupa*S?aU 4

cbep tbat occupieo fyippes, 9 fl^ppmcii nation, anD glozpe, $ bono?,

tobicb teoic Uc in tbe (ea, ftooe a far of, anD potoet, be arcribeb biito tbe ;no?D
auD crpeo, toben tbep fain toe fmofce of out <0oD, fo: true anDtpgbteous are
bp? burning,fapiug: lubat citp ts like bis ttiDgmejites, foz be,batb iuDgeD §
tonto tops greate cttpe ? 3>nD tfjep cad great tefjoic, tobpefje DpD cozrupte tlje
Dud on tbep? beaocs, $ ctpso toeping, eartbe toptb btc foznication, 9 batb ni
<2ext.u,k- ano vuapUng.auD XapDc : *3tfas,alas, uengcD tbe blonD of bis fer tiauntes of
cfjat grcatc cttpe, u>t';ettn lucre maoe bit bab.3llnD agafne tbep fapD:3Bllelu<
tpcbe all tbat bao typppes in £ fea, Up pa» * %nb fmoke rofe bp fo: cuermoie*
tt?e rcaiou of tut coHimcfTc, t'oi ar one anD tbe.criiti»elDers, anD tbeai&bca* a «^"»^
boure is Ujc maoc Defolate* ftes fell do lone, anD uiozujPPPcDdSoo

jf fteiopce ouet fat tbou beauen , $pe tbat fate on tbe feate faptng:2Bmen3h 5

fjolp apoftles anD piopbetes : fo? eoo luia,anD a bopce came out of tbe feat,
jjatbgeuenpoutiubgementonbp?* faptnge: pzapfe out ftoiDe d5oD al pe §
3lnD a mpgbtp aungel tofee bp a ftone ate bps fetuauntcs , auD pe tbat fcate
Ipfcc a gteate niplftonc, ano cad it into bpm botb fmall anD gtcate.
tt)t fea,faptnge : toptb fuctjc tuolence ano 3 beatD t\)t bopce of mticr) peo<!
Q;alitf>at great cttp ©abilonbecaft, ple.eueas tbe bopce of manptoatets, 35
anD ttjall be founDe no maze InD ttic anD as tbe Dopce of dtong tbonbe ting
toopce of bacpets, anD tmif irions,auD Taping: 3(lllelupa,foi ©od omnipotent
of |0ppers,anD Ctumpettets, Ojal be tnpgnetfo. letbsbeglaDanDtetopce
fccatoe no mote w tbce:ano no ccafteg anD geue bonout to bun: fo? tbe mari^
ijian 5 of UJbatfoenec craft be be, tyal be age of tbe ftabe is come , anD bis tcifc
f ounce anp tnou in tt)t. 3nD tbe fouoe niaDe bp? felfe tcaDpe. 3nD to bet teas
of a mpllfyal be bcarD no mo?e in the, gtannte&,tbatu> c6oulo be arapeo %
"B ano the canDlelpgbt fljallbenomoje pure anD gooolp rapnes » fo? tbe rap*
3cr.rt«.a. butnpng in tbe«*3ino tbe
bopec of tbe nesis f ttgfjteoufnes of fapntes^nD
uahm.' biiogrome 3 of tbe b?pDe,fl)albe bcarD befaiDbntome:*bapppatetbep tobi< ^atmts
no mo?e in tbee , fo? tbp maccbauntes cbe are calico bnto tbe H,abes fupper. **<**
toeretfje great men of tbe eattb. 3!nD 3BnD be faiD to mcubefc are p true fap;
1& tbpne incbautment lucre DeceaueD tnges of ti5oD. 3BnD J fel at bis fete, to
all nations: ano in bp?toerefounD tbe baue too?fl)pppeD bfm.^InD in fapD bn
blouD of tbe j^opbetes, 3 of tbe fapn* tome,* fetbou do it not.jfo?3f am tbp a^.e,
tes 3 anD of all tbat lucre flapne bpon fcloiDfetuaut, aiiDoneof tbpb?etb?c, 5£2J"iVS
tr)e eattb* ano of tbem tbat baue tbe teftunonp of
denotes. 3(cfus»JX!0?{rjip 0oD»5Fo? tbe tefttmos

3El)isT5abtIon fstbC tburcbeof 3ttfteftttQC, np of 3[efus is tbe fpitire of piopbecp.

tobtebfianbetbof tbctabbleoftbciaonuCbte; ano 3! lain beuen open, anb bcbolD c
Itgtotts, asSIoftniSaleiJCcIatctUbecp cutDftlp. atobptebo?fe: anD be tbat fate bpou
SCbc Uittgcg $ matcbaunteg, that bctuaple tbts
fo&apnc fall:acc tbe popiGbtuiccs tint!) tl;eca=
bpm teas faptbful 9 true, anD in tigb*
fcle'of ttjett laompfluc marcbaunt cfi,tl)t btCbcpg tcoufnes did tuDgeanbmal.ebattell»
ant) pucfccs tDat baue tbeit liutng op f iSomtO) * l^is epes toete as a Sambe of fp?e: % fv°
manners tbat labour bubefca, arc tljcbifbopg bao a name totptte, tbat no man fcncio
toitbtbctunfinttccablcoftbcpopcsmacinecs, but be b'm felfe»*3lnD be teas cloibcD Cfai.lKin*
tobobauefctolentlpecntcefcfutotbctbpppegof toptba btdurs Dppte m blouD,anD fjis
i&ctct,3lameg anl>3|obii. jfoibp tboreCbpppcs
atcrtgmfte&fbccbutcbofCOjjo,tobeuabefc name is calico tbe luoio of d5cD»
tnanuecs.bpfoucDo title* 20HD tbe Uiaci'iets tobi'cb toete in bcucn
'H'tiuiu foioujj

%\yi ^euelacton
folOtDCD *CP0H tDfiptC bOZfCS , ClO<
ppt,ano be bounDe ^im.anb fet a fcale
tijeD toitb fobpte <j puce taynes^ oute on bpm, £ be fboulDe Dec cauc tbe pco*
of bis moutb out a &atpe*ftoetO
toet pie no mo?e)til tbe tboufaD peces toere
ftgtufieo $ tbat toitb it be OjoutDe Uwu
tbe bea« f u i tlico. aiuD afte c tbat be mutt be lo<

toojCf of
tben.2ltaD rjc C&al tule tbe
d> OB , 80 ft
toitb a toDDe feDfoialpttlefeafcn. s
of pzon , be ttoDe p toinefat of feat ce * 3nD J anD tbep fate ©».*«.*
fatoe feacejs
tafatfD.C? ft 9 -""*-
tipon tbepm, anD iuDgmcnte toas gc,;^
ties anD tezatbe of almigbtv ®oD.3MD

uen Dnto tt>cm:^i31 ^ toe tbe fouled of

Cfa.plir.a batb ou bps DeBute ano on bis tbpgb
a name tozttten:*kpng of kpngcs,anD tbetm tbat toece btbeaoeo toz toe topt«
IDan. rtt.a
I.Ct. bi.a. &ozDeoftozDcs» nes of ^efu, anDioj tbe toojD of cbod:
3pno 3 ratoe an sngell f|anDe in tt)e tobpebe baD not too?fl)pppeD tbe beait,
funne,anD be cneD toitb a louo toopcc, nettbecbts pmage , neitbec baD taken
raping to al tbe f otoles that fti'e bp tbe bis matfte Dpon tbeit fojbeaDes, oi on
tnpDDes of bcucn: come 9 gatbet pouc tljtitbaDes:? tbep ItueD anD capgneo
fclues togptbec Dnto tbc luppet of tfjc tottb Cbztlt a.^.pece : but f otbec of
gteat c50D,tbat pe*map eate tbe fled) tbe Deaoe men IptteD not agapne,DnttI
ofc kpnges,am> of bpe captapnes, $ tbe p tbouf aDe pete toece f tmQj cd. Cbts ts
fl eCbe of mpgbti'men, ano
tbe fl £U)e of tbat fitft cefuctcctiom&leireD anD bo#
boircs,atiDoftbemtbat{ptontbem,fr ipe is be tbat hatb pact in tbe f icftc t<*
[ticccction. ifojt on t ucb l^af tbe fecottD

flf anD of fmale anD gceate .

tbe beau" auDtbekpngesot tbe
tbe fleCbe of all fee men anD bono men,
J iatoe
Dtatb baue no potoec, foj tbep f&all be
tbe pjieftes of <eoD anD of Cb?tfte,anD
ano tbeic toattiets gatbeccD togitbet Q;al caugne toitb btm a*^.pece»

to makebattaple agapnfte bpm £ late 3finD toben tbe. ^.petes toece ejepp^

on tbe bozf e,$ againft bis f oulotecs. tcD, §>ata (balbe loufeD out of bt's pjp
3Bno tbe bcattc teas taken ano top t f on anD Ojal go out to Deceaue f pio^

pie tobpebe ate in tbe fbuc quattets of J

turn tbat falfe pzepbete tb-attoiotigbt
tnpzacles before btm , toptb tobpebe be tbe cattb , * €>od 5 d^agog to gatbet LfZm.
DeceaueD timm that teceaucD tbe bea* tbe m togitbec to battell ,tobofe nub^e
anotbem tbat toojfctppeD
fte$ marfee, is as tbe fanDe of tbe f eaiatiD tbep toft
top in tbc plaint of tbe cattb, anD cotw
bis pmage.*Cbefe botb toete call mte aponoeof fp?e butnpnge toitb bzptm pafTeD tbe times of tbe f aiutes about,
(tone : anD tbe temnaunte toece flapne anD tbe beloucD citpe . 3inD fpu came
toptb tbe *ftoetD of bpm tbat fate Dp6 Dotone fed <15oD out of beuen,^ Deuou^
tbe bozle, tobtcb ftoetD pzoceaDeo once tcD tbem: * $ tbe Dtuil £ DeceaueD tbe% * P o 'm.*
of bps'moutb, ano ntt tbc foules toece toas caft into a lake of fpie ano bzpm* **«*-^»
fulfiUeDtoitbtbcttaefy. ftone, tobec tbe beaft anD it)( falfe pzo<
irocufitcs. pbete toece anD lljalbe tozmcuteD Dape
a.a^craultituoerbat cctcoatc rt;c bmuctrall anDnpgbtfozeuetmoie*
cbuccUof ttje faptbfull, tobtcljc tealfotUetotfe
oftbelambe.^bclambcsruppettstfielifccuct 26no 3 fato a gtearc tobite feate anD
iaStugcm petpetuall topeauo fciicuic. %\)t btm f fa^c on it,tto tobofe face fieDDe a <

foules that ate callcb to tt)C CUugbf ct , arc tbe toap botb peattb anD.beauen, atbepj
etuepieacbecsofCtttiftesbocttinc tobo ate cos
place toas no moie fotlDe.*a!nD J fato ^an^u
mauuocMo KpH anooeuouteali flcftevottbtOe
(DatpiicecftijcicpxcacutnatiitcbuapiigcttiCtt tbe DcaD , both gteate anD final ftanbe
fletbelpcltupugc in all Degrees. befoie goD: 31nD p bottes toece openeo,
Tfcc mago h ts bounbe foi a tljou fatiD petes •
anD an otbet bobe toas openeD,tobpcb &
is tbe boke of lif e,<t tl}t DeaD toete inD<
Snjcp-aa.ui rc ano teccaue tubgemem.
$D ]|fatoean ^ngellcome geo of tbofe tbinges tobtcb toete toitt*
Dotone from beauen,bautng ten in ^ bokes accozDpnge to tbepz oe<
tbekapeof tbe bottomleffe Des,3 tbe fea gaue Dp bit DeaD, tobicb
toece in bit, ano Death anD bell Dcline*
Jpptte,anD a gteat cbapne in
bis banD.* 28nD be toke tbe Diago tbat teo Dp tbe DeaD tobpeb toece in tbepm:

olDe fetpent, tobpeb is tbe dc tut 3 s>a <

*anD tbep tuete itiDgeD euetp man ac* #r«. idt.b

cozDpnge to ftps Deoes. 3BnD Deatb anD

tanas.anDbebounDcbtm a tbc ul anD
btm into tbe uott cmlcs bell toete catt into tbe lake of fpze.
l'eres:anD call
:apntt 3Jol)tt jftAxflW
C()is is tfje fecono Deatfi* 3inb tobofo* babomtnable,^ mtitDjets ano tofjo^c^ c
>o.*tiu> euet teas not founD Mittm in g*boae mogccs.anD fotcerets 5 anD ioolatets,
of ltfe,toas caft into t(je lake of fpje* ano all Ipars tyall baue tbepj patte in
anD »po*.*.e
Slit notes. tbe+laftc tobicb btitnetb toitb fp?c
STbebzagon that ts tbebcupll.toac Quit bproj bjpmltone,tobpcb is tbe Ceconb Dtatb*
eucc.tbat be l;aD no pctotc ouec tbcfoules of ttje
elect cs ; di r be ipacc c t a tfooufaiiDc peaces af tec aino tbece came but erne one of tbe
cm ft es oca th 2 ut af tec tba 1 1 tine teas
t . h c 1 o to b ii.aingels tebicbc bab tbe biu brals
febinbt?memU;estobcrcthc beep clccteeuctt
fulloftbe»t)tt.laftplagcs:5i talfce&tf
totth Qjall plaptilrcappeteto
All them that top It eacneftlp confibie tlic pap*;
me faping:come fjpttjet, topll u)etee
cpe.attirtoe tooibcs of the fame, aoc otbec of
lambeg topfe.ainD be
tbe tbe bjpoe,tbe
fecaoc men that Ipucb not tpll rbe tboufattD pea catptD me atoap in f fpp?pt to a great
tcs tocce fpiipH»eo:ate thore that belcuco not fit
tbctpmeoftbps mouall Ipfe, anotbccfojeacc anoanbpe t«ountapne,anO betljetoeo
not pactabecs of ttiefpiftrerttcceccion.tobtcbe me tf)t gteate c: :p,bo!p ]fierufalem be
is cepentauceof bcpiteftes to£l):pft,$ fcenbpiigc oute ofbcaueu ftomc^oD,
tatgncD toub him foi cuec. amottjcft tbofe flefb
Itngcs ft)ai^>atljan be tucneb lo«fe,anb tbal gas
baupnge tbe bipgbtneffe of <©od. 3fnb ^
tl;cc tb£ togetbec to mafee toat agapntt f bpgO= bcr i^pnpnge toaslpfee tmto a (lone
ea.toiibecthepjcaptawcsiSog auo fiB}agotf(tt)e nioCpzecious euena3afparcleareas
idopeaitb£Q4t)oimtc)butibaltoit& tjjfbcbes
uouccd of tijefpje oc ©obs mpg'jtp tooibe. arfte
Cbf pftall : ano bao toalles great ano
gecate totftf c feate ts the reate of iSobs lafte tub bpe 5 bab^ii.gaus, ano at tbe gates
gcmettte.aub be that fate tbcccon, tberonneof iciUngels:^ names tozttte,tobtc^ are i
*5oo. Sbe botes tbat wcce opctteo.accmcus cS
fcicnccs.t&cotbccbobnstbectccnaU pjcoeftts
# viutrpbes of ^fraehon § caft parte
iti,gates, ano on§ ^ojtbfibeaiuga*
tcs,ano totoarbes f ^outb,tn. gatcjsf,
the neto anb ano from tbe inefte.iii^gatestanD tbe
<E 3fln thpsChaptec tsbtfccpbeb
-«rptcttuaU3ietufalem, toall of tbe cptp baD.nt»founDac<ons,
anbin tbem tbe names of tbe lambes*
Cf^ib.c. ~iBtD3 ratoe*anetoebeauen \
jciiapoftles* ;
*3dnbbetbattall5eDfeitbme,tjaba <c
|btauen,anb tbe fpjfteattbe ,at * a -* «>
^toetebanptycoatoape, anD golben tebe to meafute tbt cptpe toitb

(ato t bol?
teas no moje Cea.*3!nD 3
W netol
Jeruralem come
W all anb § gates tberof 9 tbe toalle tbec
of.asnbtbe cptp teas bplt,tiii»fquare«
out of beaucn pjepa* tbelengbt toas as large as tbe bjebtb
Doune from ®oo
oftt anDfjC mcafuteb thtt^t toptb
reD as a bipbe gaenpftjeb foj ber buf< 5

tbe^futlonges:*tbe ie'gbt

baD»3B«D jbearbagreatboice oat
l/eaucniapingcbcbolbe tbe taberna* anbtbeb?eotbe,^tbe bevgtbofit,toec
•c*«wi. fioD*is toitb me 3 ano he toilbtoel
tqualU3nobemcafuriO tbe toall tbec
cie f
*m 'a
people, of, anb cHiitt. cubiteg; : tbe
toitb tbem,» tbep C)albc bis

ftlfe Ojalbe toitb tbem ahD

tbat tbe angcll bab toas after tbe mea*
J3 a-^oD mm fute tbat man bfetb»3mb tbebplbpng
«f w ua fae t{)ett (goo. * 3tiD goo fljall totpea*
fl .

of tb.c toale of it toas of lafpar* 3Bnb p

fojoto,nc< citp toas pure golbc Ipfee into cleate
Cjalbe nomoje oeatb.netbet
tbece be anpe glatTe,anb^foHnbact6s of§ toale of p
tbet ccping,nctbec tyall
ate cptp toer gatntu^eb toitb all maner of
inozc papnejfoj tbe oloe tbptiges
pjectous ftones* i:be fpjft founbacton if
aonc»3Sno be tbat fate bpon tbe feate,
* {f all tbpnges toas ^afperj ^apbpje,f tbitb
n?*\ fnj>D.*i3ebolBe3Bmafce
a Calcebonp,tbe fourth anemeraloe:
SJKK nctoe. i«3nD!)CfapDe Unto me:toi«e,
tbe frfte ^arbontjttbe firte S)atbe<
foitbefttoozDcsare fattbfulano ttuc.
os:p bii.Ctpfolpteitbe ei'gbt ©erall:
3nD be farce bnto me : it is Done,31
§ar.aCopas:tbe tcntb a Ctpfopia^
am* Slpba ano £>mega, tbe begpn^
toil gcue to bpm tbat
ros:tbe elucntb a Jacpnt:tbe ttoeluetlj
niliti ft tbe enD J
3S& isaWeoftbetoelloftbe toatecof an amatift.
ouetcometb, Ojall m= Cbe»tti.gates toece»rii.pearles, t<
Ipfe ftee.^t tbat
uctp gate toas of one peatle , anb tbe
bcrpt all tbpnges.anD * 3 ^P» be bps
of tbe cptpe toas pure goloe, as
* v „ h
S£S£c ©oD,anb be Qjalbemp fonne. 23"t tbe tttete
fcatcfull ano »nl>clcttp»s^ ^W * -
tlmoto (1/pning glaffe^tiD t&et* toas
c^tmii. »o

tn>e SRettelacion
no temple tfjerm. $ oz tbe jlozDe $od bps angel to Cbetoe bnto fj is lettta tm*
<g almpgbtp ano tbe lambe arc tbe tern* tes^fjettjpngejsujljicbmutltboztlpbe
«faM*.». pie of it.* anD the cme no ncce of fulftUeD.i5ebolD3i come fJtjoitlp.*i§ap apoefcU
tfje fount ncctjec of ttjje monc to
Irgfjtc ppisljetfjataepttbtbefapingeoftfie
tt.ifoztbe bipgbtnes oftSODDiD Ipgfjt pzopbefpe of tbps boUe. Jam Jobn &
tt:anb tbe lambe teas tbe Ipgbt of it. tobpclj fatoe tbcfe tbpngeg; ano beacoe
HI no tbe people tofipcfj ace faueo fl;all tbem»lnD toben J IjaD bearD anD fene,
toalae tti tbe ipgfi t of tt : anD tbe kpn *3 fell Dounc,to tooz(5pppe befoze tfje 2» ttiSi
ges oftfje ettfj fl>all bzpnge tfjeic glo< fete of tfje 3ingc!I tofjpcfje (ljciuco me sps-niu
€WaM)t,e. *P bnto f t.* 2£nD tbe gates of it ace not tbefetbpuges.aittDbefapDebntome:
Ctjttt bp Dape.jf oz tbet Ojalbe no npgbt fe tfjou Do it not , foz J am thv f clo toe
there. 3no tbet fijall cntre into tt none fecuaunte ano tfje felotoferuaunteof
lwclene tbpngc: net&er tobatfoeuec, tbp bzetfjzen tfje pzopbetes anD of tbi
tooiRcti) abbominactoroz maaetb ties: tobpcbfeepetberapingesoftbisboae.
but tbep oulp toljicb ace tozitten in tfje 23uttoozd)pppe(SoD.
iambesboRe ofipfe. mo
be fat'D bnto merfeale not tfje
3fcej&otes» fapiuges of tfje pzopfjefp of tfns boUe.
3£b(8!iete>c3nctufalem,tBtbefapt0fulcottgrega jroztfje ttmci^at bano.*^e tfjar Dotf;
tionof C&itft.MDbartbc pactcsattD inatiecof p*
cu tl.lct bpm Do eupl flpl:anD be tofjicb
bupI&pjigtt)Ccof Dofpgtufpcts carp pnougOto
bcpcrtcpucotftijcmtijat oobtltgentlpemache is fiitbp 3 let fjpm be fpltbp ftplltano be
a! p ts fpotjcu in tins bone of rcuclac tons, tol)c c; tbatisrpgbteoiijS , let bPKi be moze
f oicjj mpt tn to ts plate note notOpngc,but tOat
rigfjteoustanD be tfjat is bolp,let bini
bur toco, oc rtgupfp tijc tootiDccf u ertcllencp of
I :
be moze bolp.$uo betjof d j come fl)oz c
tOps cburct; ano congccgacpon of CtjxiQ.atjD no lP3 mp cetoacD me,* to geue eue= nauuju
tOpiigcincotnpacpfoiusfo piccpoufc tii£5oDs
tpe man accozopng as bps Deoes (Inl
ofttiboinCasofmoapiCciousttoiicsitlnsc^ucci; be. * J am 31Ipba anD 'omega be* ]5

cwptpetsbuplocD. giunpng 9 tbe eno:tbe fpzft anD ^ laft. SjJJJJ

f£F®be*£#uCbapter» 23lelTeD ace tbep tbat do bps commau? ««.»'..«,
C^ecpuccef toe toatec of Ipf^tQC fcutcfulttcs Dcmentcs, cbattbepzpotoec mape be
aHo(pgt)roftt)Cf?tpofJ3oB,t!)C£o:tiooti)cucc in tfje ccee of lpfe,ano map en tec in tbo
ficue Ops rccuautucs toacupng of ru mges fo; to
roto tbe gates into tfjecptp.* jfoz toitb cra^nuj
come. X'yc autigcl to p no t be tooifbpppco. £o
1 1

tfcewojoof t3oo niapcaotOpitgebc aouefc, not out fltjatbe Dogges anD incbauhters, **««•!•*
mpnptbcDtOcccfrom. anDtoljozemongers, auDmuttb trees,
nc ^ tocD mc a putc ano pDoiaters,anD tobofoetuc tonetb
S3 £Ml^ c ucr of
Mhaatee ofipfe clete as Cbzpftall:
c, '

JnrpjoceDpnge otite of tfje feate of 3 3ierus fent mpne angel, to tellifp "B
<I50D anD ot tfje lambe. Jn tfje miDDes bnto pou tbefe tbpngegfintbe congre*
of tbe ftreate of it, a no of etbec fpDe of gacrons.3 am tf)z rote $ tbe generact*
tbertuee teas tbece tooDe of Iifc:tohicb on of BauiD,anD tbe bzpgbtmoznpng
bace.jeti. manner offences : anbgatie ftarre. 3!nD tfje fpiriteanDtbe bzpDc
frupteeuecp monetb:anD tfje leuesof far D:comc . 3(nD let bpm tbat fj tare tb
tfje tooDDc Cerueo tobcale tfje people fap alfo:come.*InD Utljvm tbat is a «raP .!».«
Ual. 3BnDtbecfljalbeno mozecurUe, tbpzft,come. SBnDlettobofoeuectoill, 3M.W.&
but tbe feate of 6oD ano tfje tambe taae of tbe toater of lpfe,fre«
fljalbc in it : anD bps feruauntes mall Jteflpfpebntoeuerpematme tbat
feme bpm : 3nD tbep (l)all fe bps face, bearetb tbe toozDes of pzopbefp of tbts
anD bps name Ojalbe in tbnr fozbeao* boke:*pfanp ma CbalaoDe bnto tbefe
A «r
55 Des.*3nDtbere Ojalbe no nigbttbere, tbpnges,<©oD ft)all aooe bnto b)>m tbe
W i

ano tw
neoe no canole,neitber Ipgbt plages tbat are tozptten in tbis bokc. jot-m**
oftbefunne:foztbetAZD <sod geuetb SgnDpfanp mannemal mvnpib of tbe
tbem Ipgbte, ano tbep $all rapgne foz toozDes of tbe boke of tfjps pzopbefpe,
euermoze* d5oD QjaltaRcatoapc bis parte out of
3inD be fapbe bnto me:tbefe farmges tbe boae of Ipfe.anD out ofp boip c itpe,
ace faptbfull anD true . ainD tfje ilozdc anD from tbo tfjpnges tobpeb ace toipt
(ffoD of j^apuctes anD jD2epf;etcs fent ten in tfjps boae^e tof;pctjc Utt^tpttl)
c b


tftefc tinges faprb:be <t 3 3f come cjupc mom.rb*a
iulpe,3!mcn Cuen fo:eome jiojDe m)vx Cbalbefpghes tu tbe funnel*
3eru. fltbe grace of ottte JLoJDe 3cfu ftufce«rri.c
C^iift betoptbpouail.imcn. tcbe Witt) ^>onDap inSbucnt.
H"bc ticres, ta men tbis toife eftertie.f*CoMifi.a
CE 3:rje ttucc of tbe ttmtc of Iff c, t of
s rl)C tructl)
jeotjen^obnbepnge* 3l£atb.rt*3
i9&ai<l, tvt)o bjingetbfcuo ftiuc mtftc faitb-' ^;befouctb2boni?apin3iDuent.
fall( Jjts biauiicocsjcuctp motictO anD
maiicr, t ha r is tbeimmcira 1 gpi tcsof rt?c Dolpc

glj q. and U is Icaues, tlj a t is Ops .nolle bealths

fnlltooi&esfrpiompresatcbca.tbtotbe people.
tbps is £ recriD of ^fobn.Job.U
2r bus bail tbou(gciitleceaDcc;fucbtbpiigcs tfoi tbe grace of(£oD. CiMf.b
as ate oar tlac auo bp& f torn t i;c iut t uca! I mibcr -

ainb it cbaunfeJ in tbofe Dapes*

aaubpug.tatefclpetouebeo.tbat tbou mapHib
lelTclabeurcomc to tbe auohjlc&gc auo buoccs ^uKc.u.a
fiaiiDpiigoft!)CU)boIc.feou. beir ttjc CuDrcto aittbefecoto Communfom
be bitefetooulD not fuffec meto be fo plapne as (5oDintpme3pa(r» ]^eb^f«a
3! toptbctijatS] mpgbtbe.tobetefitte 3] tbpnbe
it ncceflarpe tbat tbou plapeuottbeflouggatoc jtitbebeoi'impngtoa^ 31obmt.a
foIotbtngtbeeiramplcoftbeDit^ofirabieDioite £>n^^tettensDap«
bee.tobo Ipuetb onlp bp bottp tbat tbe bplpgent 31ud ^r- uen ful of faptfn 3!cc«bt,b
beesgatl;cc,buttottttatpbjpfe, be tbouagoob
bee.fcatcbfoube ftnrte bonp of tbemoae boles 3eob«t5^ bebolo 3 feuo $$aufytiut
fomcflourcs of tSooncsbolp toozbe.auo in all
tbps geuc ouec tbp fclfe to tbe reacting of goo*
^ jjobn cjuatigclpRes bap*

-^hit koDpcb toas from tbe»t.3!ob»t.a

ficsbo!pcfpintc,n)bociuicacreri) ttcueburtfjc
5fJob) me* Sobmrjci^D
bumble fptnteD.aitb fuel; as rebe tefotinaciQ of
f bepiotame mpffe Ipupttge , attb all f ucbe be eu* Cbe3inuocenteja!Dap«
ficuetetbtotbefulmaBpngtbeptbfActesamcte 3inD 3 loi«D,$ io a *Ub<\3fpo.rf itt.a*
templefo; bpm to btocll tit. yet it, tbe meane tps
$ tmgei of tbe jlojd. <^atb.<i»D
tne.tcfufe not tbc gpf ces of fi5ob,tDbic!) ace otfe*

tebbutotbebptbclaboucsofotbecmmtobort (Cbe £&onoap after Cb^Ptlmas cap

<5oDhatt) cnouco tottb ttjemotte ejcrcllcurg'f'rc 3no i rap tbat tbe bepze. ©alaatiua*
of e»tctpietpitgc,bur w
c ttjem asmeaues. 4n&
%\)\i ts tbe booHc* $pat ,u a
petgcuenotcceDeucclpgbtlp butoeuecpMtet=
piet acpou, b ut fpifte p;oue t b c rppit tcs 3hd pf
tbepcoitfeCrenor£t)pae to be comcttnt'flccbc ©leflfco is tbat mau. 11o«iiii.a
Ctbat is) that tbece vi noma itccfaf irtcpou be- Srtib it fojtuneo* )LMtie*ii,c
fpDcbpm, beleue tbetn not,f« ri;ep itetije fppa
rttcof anttcl;itac<
jfoitljiscaufc* Cpbu'u.a
CCbec»oeof«Kuetoc» 30>be» 3erti0 toa;a( ^at.ii a

Ccftamcut. Cbe.i^onoap after ttje Cpipbanp*

3 beiecb pou tberfo^e« ftoma»rit*a»

3BnD bis fatber and inotber* K.utAU
citable to fmD tEbc.ii^otiDap after trie cptpbaup*

tfje eptftles ant) c^ofpus fcfti*

5>ung tbat toe bauc D were* ^
3tio tbe tbpzb oap«
slip teabe in tbe Cburcbe, accozDingc
Cbeaii^otmap after tbe cpipba*
tmto we booke ot" Common piapet:
©e not topf e i\\ pour. llom.tii.o
tobeteoftbe fpjtft Ipne is tbe Cppftle,
©C'bebe toas come Doune.^at. biti.a
anb tbe otber tbe ©of pcl,toborc begin*
Cbe^ui^onoape after tfjeCpipba.
Rpnge pe tyalfpnoe in tbpjSbolie mar*
XLct eucrp ioule. isom.jcm.a
fccotoitba ccotTe^anb tbe enbe
gcoben ilefus toas cntreb.^at.bui.a
toftbbalfeacrolTe, frcon*
-Cbe.b.^onoape after tbe Cpipba*
cctncD m tljcfe Utters ^oto tberfoje as elect, colo.ui.c
3 ( 2S*C.3D.5C.
Cbe UtngDom fjeaucts.g^at.rui,D

m aiDuent. (Cbcbi^ouoap as on tbe fpfte.

fl)ii tbe fpift feon&ap
-©toe notbpnge. ilo.tiit.c
SCubentbepbjetonpe ^
SCbatfocucc tbpnges are
$0} pe ftiffer fole£*li* 3iiDtobentt)e^abbotb. ^at.jfti.a
titfbcn murtj people uicre*u,uBe* t>nr»a €>ti SflponDap in carter toefce.
Cm €> uiurj augefima ©onDap %nm pt rer openeo bps. 2Jct.jc *e

C~£Migb J fpeafcc ftutb g.i* Coz>niua Sfino beboib tvoo of tbeui.ft uUe.rrim.b
|)e tofte btuo istm p tiDcii,e»iU*jtbu..f tEtiicfoap in carter unUe.
£)n aiu^toecucloap* 2eraeuan6bKtbKii* 3flct.]ctii.D
diuiepoubiittine, ^otUitX Jems bun felfe ftobe* )LuR*|C]citti*e
j^oieouer loben *e faft sj)at*bi*c Cbe fpift ^onoap afterCarter.
£>ti tbM*£&on»ap,tn TLenc* 5Fo: all tbat is bow? t*3obn*b*a
aeceasbelperstbetfoK u*Co!*bi*a fiCfjefameDapatnpgbt 3Jobn.]Cjr*e
CljetitoasJefusieC *^au.ii*a» ®n tbe feconD £>onoap after Carter
£)n ttjCiiu^ouDa^ in lent* jfo: it i$ tfyanbe too$tbp*i*$et*if*D
f uttbec moic toe befee') pou ok tbtcn* 3 am tbe ©ood fljepbero, 3fobn*jr*c
**'€etTa*tiii.a ^)» t\)t tbp*D &>onoap after carter
anojf Cub toent thence* 3if)atb*,rb*c JDerelp beloueD* i*pet*ii.c
4Dn tbe*iii*£>onbap tuXeut* 3fter a vobple pe Oial not ^obn^buD
53e pe tberfote folotoers* Cpbe*b*a ^>u tbe4iii*^oi)Dap after Carter*
3 no be bias caftpng iuik*jci*c Cuerpgoob.gpft» 3ames*i*c
3?n tbe*iiu^onoap in %rnu ©«t note 3 goo* 3ob^bt»b
Cell ?.ie pe tbat Defpie d5tUiu*b £)ii tbe.b.^otibap after carter*
SPftctttjefe tbpnges 3efus**a aiuDfetbatpebcooers. 3[am.i*D
£>n tbe*b*^onoap in ftent* Clerelp^erelp 3 fap bnto* 3Jofj*]cV>!»f
©utcbipftbetgaiibiepzieft.beb*tu; £Dntiie3BfcencionDape
acobubofponcan* jofm.fciwf 3|iubcfo;mcrtreatire
. 33ct.i.a
4Dn tfje &>onoap ucrt bef oic Carter* 3fftcrtbatlje appear eb, ^arftabi.c
2Lettbefamempnbe* j£f)il*ii*b £>n tbe %onDap after § SBfccncion.
3no it came to paf*<$at*;cjcbf *$*i;jcbii* v:be cno of al tbpngcg* i.pctet.inub
bnto.g* 25it lufien tbe coufojtcr • 3|ot;n*jCbi f D
£>n «jif)onoapbefo2e*Cafter* anD.jcbti.a
acobat is be tbps Cfap*!riii*a jgUiitobitionDap.
after ttoo Dapes folotoety caller* 3CCben ^c f if tp bapes 3 rtes. t i*a
iTparaiMtma.- 3fpelo*e* 3obn*jriiit»b
-CetoCDap befoze Carter* ^>n i^nbap in ^obittontoebe*
Cbe 020 d50D batb openeo.Cfap.Kc* Cbeii|aeteropeneDbPS 3ctes*ic*e*
2tnD andne t*. tbe oatonpng.<Iifar*j;b*a f oi 6oo fo loueb 3ob»*Ui«c
£>n toebnelbap bcfoie Carter* C toci'oap in vofjrtf on tocae*

f oi toberfoeuer is a tefta* |$ebi*ir*D SK)bcii tbe iportles 2Bct t biii*c

Cbe featt of ftoete b:eab*:iu&e*,i;ictt*a ^erelp berelp* 3|obti;)C«a
^Dti tbutlbap bei ok Carter. €>ii cirimtf e ^onbap*
Cbis 3 tuarne pou of* t.coun,c 3tfter tbis J loKeD. 3Hpor*iiii,a
3no tbe tuboie tnuiatuD.)luUe,i!cin.a (Cberetuas a man of 3{obn*tii.a
£mgooD trtoap* £)n §«t.^>ouoap after triuite fobap
5foitbe lata tobpeb l^eb**r*a Belotteb let bs lone i*3obn, tiit«b
30Cben 3ef us fiaD fpoU? 3[obn*jtbut.a Cbere teas a cer tame ricbXufce,jtbi.ej
aub.ri]t.bntotbecnD* ^)tubefeconD^onoap
ipn Carter cnen* ij^aruel not me ujolnuiiUc
3;t is better i*$cf.fii*b 3d certapae man oiDapiieD.HLuc.riiii.c
>ib£U tbe cucn luas comc.inat.jrubir.g
£>n Carter bftp at tbe.i.communion* ^ubmi'tpourfelfeseuerp i.^ct.b.b
' ^ebetbeiupuiiagapn*Collor*iii.a Cbenrefoucbbnto
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^botbbap* flDutbefourtb§)onbap
^'^fuppofetbat I'.onntifi^c
*fo?e mercpfull TLntMJt
bepealfo i.ieet.fii*b

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