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Recommended Readings for CBT Training

and Supervision
CBT (General)
 Beck, J. (2011) (2nd edition) Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Basics and Beyond. New York:
Guilford Press.
 Bennett-Levy et al (Eds.) (2010) Oxford Guide to low intensity CBT. New York: Oxford
University Press.
 David, L. (2013) (2nd edition) Using CBT in general Practice: The 10 minute CBT
handbook. Banbury, Oxfordshire, UK: Scion Publishing.
 Hoffman, S. (2014) Wiley Handbook of CBT. New York: Wiley.
 Leahy, R. (1996) Cognitive Therapy: basic Principles and applications. Jason Aronoson.
 Leahy, R. (2003) CT techniques: A Practitioner’s Guide. New York: Guilford.
 Ledley, D., Marx, B., & Heimberg, R. (2010) Making Cognitive Behavior Therapy Work.
Clinical Processes for New Practitioners. New York: Guilford Press. Padesky, C &
Greenberger, D. (1995) Clinicians Guide to Mind over Mood. New York: Guilford Press.
 Sudak, D. M. (2011) CBT and Medication – An Evidence Based Approach, Hoboken:
John Wiley and Sons.
 Sudak, D. (2006) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Clinicians, Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins.
 Wright, J. H., Sudak, D. M., Turkington, D., & Thase, M.E. (2010) High yield CBT for brief
sessions; An illustrated guide. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing Inc.
 Wright, J., Basco, M. R., & Thase, M. (2005). Learning Cognitive-Behavior Therapy: An
Illustrated Guide. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.

CBT Case Conceptualization/Assessment

 Brown, G. P & Clark, D.A. (Eds.) (2014) Assessment in Cognitive Therapy. Guilford.
 Padesky, C., Kuyken, W. & Dudley, R. (2009) Collaborative Case Conceptualization. Guilford.
 Persons, J.B. (1989). Cognitive therapy in practice: A case formulation approach. New York:

CBT for Anxiety (General)

 Abramowitz, J., Deacon, B., & Whiteside, S. (2011) Exposure Therapy for anxiety. Principles and
Practice. New York: Guilford Press.
 Beck, A.T., Emery, G., & Greenberg, R. (1985). Anxiety disorders and phobias: A cognitive
perspective. New York: Basic Books.
 Butler, G., Fennell, M & Hackman, A. (2010) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety Disorders.
New York: Guilford Press.
 Clark, D.A. & Beck, A. T. (2011) Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders: Science and Practice.
New York: Guilford Press.
 Leahy, R. & Holland, S. (2000) Treatment plans and interventions for depression and anxiety
disorders. New York: Guilford.
 Well, A. (1997). Cognitive Therapy of Anxiety Disorders. New York: Wiley.

CBT & Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

 Dugas, M. & Robichaud, M (2006) CBT with GAD. New York: Routledge.
 Rygh, J. R. & Sanderson, W.C. (2004). Treating generalized anxiety disorder: Evidence- based
strategies, tools, and techniques. New York: Guilford Press.

CBT for Panic and Agoraphobia

 Anthony, M. & Swinson, R. (2000) Phobic disorders and panic in adults. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association.
 Taylor, S. (2000) Understanding and treating panic disorder. Cognitive Behavioral approaches.
New York: Wiley.

CBT for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

 Clark, D. A. (2004). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for OCD. New York: Guilford Press.
 Frost, R. O., & Steketee, G. (Eds.). (2002). Cognitive approaches to obsessions and
compulsions: Theory, assessment, and treatment. Elmont, NY: Pergamon Press.
 Wilhelm, S. (2006) Cognitive Therapy for T for OCD. New Harbinger.


 Cohen et al (2006) Treating Trauma in Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents. New York:
Guilford Press.
 Foa, E. & Rothbaum, B. (2001) Treating the trauma of rape: CBT for PTSD. New York: Guilford
 Rothbaum, Barbara O., et al. (2007). Treatments That Work: Reclaiming Your Life From A
Traumatic Experience. New York: Oxford University Press.
 Taylor, Steven. (2006). Clinician’s Guide to PTSD: A Cognitive-Behavioral Approach. New York:
Guilford Press.

CBT for Social Anxiety

 Hoffman, S. & Otto, M. (2011).CBT for social anxiety disorder. Evidence-based and disorder-
specific treatment techniques. Routledge.
 Hope D., Heimberg, R & Turk, C. (2010) Managing social anxiety: A cognitive behavioral
approach. Therapist Guide and Client Workbook. Oxford University Press.
CBT for Depression
 Beck, A.T., Rush, A.J., Shaw, B.F., & Emery, G. (1979). Cognitive Therapy of Depression. Guilford.
 Freeman, A. & Reinecke, M. (1994) Cognitive Therapy of suicidal behavior. Springer.
 Kanter, J. et al (2009) Behavioral activation. Distinctive features. Sage.
 Leahy, R. & Holland, S. (2000) Treatment plans and interventions for depression and anxiety
disorders. Guilford.
 McCullough, J.P. (1999). Treatment for chronic depression: Cognitive behavioral analysis system
of psychotherapy. New York: Guilford.
 Moore, R., & Garland, A. (2003). Cognitive therapy for chronic and persistent depression. John
Wiley & Sons.
 Papaggeorgiou, C & Wells, a. (2003) Depressive Rumination: Nature theory and treatment.
 Segal, Z.V., Williams, J. Mark G., & Teasdale, J.D. (2002). Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for
depression: A new approach to preventing relapse. New York: Guilford Press
 Wenzel, A., Brown, G.K., & Beck, A.T. (2011) Cognitive Therapy for Suicidal Patients: Scientific
and Clinical Applications. Guilford.

CBT for Bipolar Disorder

 Basco, M. R., & Rush, A. J. (2005). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for bipolar disorder (Second
Edition) New York: Guilford.
 Johnson, S.L., & Leahy, R.L. (Eds.) (2003). Psychological treatment of bipolar disorder. New York:
Guilford Press.
 Newman, C. et al. (2008) Bipolar disorder: A Cognitive Approach. Guilford,
 Otto, Michael W., et al. (2009). Treatments That Work: Managing Bipolar Disorder. Therapist
Guide .New York: Oxford University Press.

CBT for Personality Disorders

 Beck, A. T., Freeman, A., Davis, D. D., and Associates (2003). Cognitive Therapy of Personality
Disorder, 2nd edition. Guilford.
 Beck, J. S. (2005). Cognitive Therapy for Challenging Problems: What to do When the Basics
Don’t Work. New York: Guilford Press.
 Leahy, R.L. (2003). Roadblocks in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Transforming Challenges into
Opportunities for Change. New York: Guilford Press. PT
 Leahy, R.L. (2001). Overcoming Resistance in Cognitive Therapy. New York: Guilford. PT
 Rasmussen, P. (2005) Personality–guided CBT. American Psychological association.
 Sperry, L. (2006) Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-IV-TR Personality Disorders, 2nd edition.
 Young, J., Klosko, J., & Weishaar, M.E. (2003). Schema therapy: A practitioner’s guide. New York:
CBT for Borderline Personality Disorder
 Layden, M.A., Newman, C.F., Freeman, A., & Morse, S.B. (1993). Cognitive Therapy of Borderline
Personality Disorder. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
 Linehan, M. (1993). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder. New
York: Guilford Press.

CBT for Children and Adolescents: General

 Christner, R.W., Stewart, J. & Freeman, A. (2007) Handbook of CBT Group Therapy with children
and adolescents. Guilford.
 Creed, T. A., Reisweber, J. & Beck, A. T. (2011) Cognitive Therapy for Adolescents in School
Settings. Guilford.
 Friedberg, R. et al. (2009). Cognitive Therapy Techniques for Children and Adolescents: Tools for
enhancing practice. New York: The Guilford Press.
 Graham, P. (1998) Cognitive behavioral therapy for children and families. Cambridge University
 Kendall, P. (Ed) (4th Edition) (2011) Child and Adolescent Therapy: Cognitive Behavioral
Procedures. Guilford.
 Manassis, K. (2014) Case formulation with children and adolescents. Guilford.

CBT for Children and Adolescents: ADHD and Conduct Problems

 Barkley, R. (1997). Defiant children- A clinician’s manual for assessment and parent training (2nd
Ed.) New York: Guilford Press.
 Barkley, R. (2005). Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (3rd Ed.): A handbook for diagnosis
and treatment. New York: Guilford Press.
 Kazdin, A. E. (2nd Ed) (1995) Conduct disorders in Childhood and Adolescence. Sage.
 Kendall, P. & Braswell, L. (1993) CBT for Impulsive Children. Guilford.

CBT for Children and Adolescents: Depression

 Brent, D., Poling, K. & Goldstein, T. (2011) Treating Depressed and Suicidal Adolescents: A
Clinician’s Guide.
 Verdun, C., Rogers, J & Wood, A. (2009) Depression. CBT with children and young people.

CBT for Children and Adolescents: Anxiety

 March, J.S. & Mule, K. (1998). OCD in Children and Adolescents: A Cognitive- Behavioral
Treatment Manual. New York: Guilford
 Chorpita B. (2007) Modular Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders.
 Cohen et al (2006) Treating Trauma and Traumatic Grief in Children and Adolescents. Guilford.
 Howard, B. & Kendall, P. (1996) Cognitive-behavioral family therapy for anxious children.
 Kendall, P et al (1992) Anxiety Disorders in Youth: Cognitive Behavioral interventions. Allyn &
 Rapee, R. et al (2000) Treating anxious children and adolescents. An evidence-based approach.
New Harbinger.

CBT for Couples and Families

 Baucom, D. & Bozicas, G. (1990) Cognitive behavioral marital therapy. Bruner-Mazel.
 Dattilio, F. (2010) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Couples and Families: A Comprehensive
Guide for Clinicians. Guilford.
 Epstein, N & Baucom, D. (2002) Enhanced Cognitive behavioral Therapy for Couples: A
Contextual Approach. American Psychological Association.
 Epstein, N. et al (Eds.) (1988) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Families. Bruner-Mazel.

CBT for Eating Disorders

 Cooper, M. (2005) The Psychology of Bulimia Nervosa: A Cognitive Perspective. Oxford
University Press.
 Cooper, Z. et al 92004) CBT of obesity: A clinician’s guide. Guilford.
 Fairburn, C. G. (2009) CBT & Eating disorders. Guilford.

CBT for Health Anxiety/Somatization

 Furer, P, Walker, J & Stein, M (2010) Treating Health Anxiety and Fear of Death: A Practitioner’s
Guide. Springer.
 Taylor, S & Asmundsen, G, (2004) Treating Health Anxiety: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach.
 Woolfolk, R. & Allen, L. (2009) CBT for Somatization. Guilford.

CBT for Medical Patients

 Cummings, N. et al (Eds.) 2005) Psychological Approaches to Chronic Disease Management.
Context Press.
 Green, S, McCabe, R. & Soares, C. (2012) The cognitive behavioral Workbook for Menopause.
New Harbinger.
 Moorey, S. & Greer, S. (2002) CBT for People with Cancer. Oxford University Press.
 Sage, N. et al (2008) CBT for Chronic Illness and Palliative Care. Wiley.
 Toner, B et al (200) CBT for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Guilford.
 White, C.A. (2001) CBT for Chronic Medical Problems. Wiley.

CBT & Pain

 Palermo (2012) CBT for chronic pain in children and adolescents. Oxford University Press.
 Thorn, B. (2004) Cognitive Therapy for chronic pain: a step-by-step guide. Guilford.
 Winterowd, C., Beck A.T. & Gruner, D. (2008) Cognitive Therapy for Pain. Guilford.

CBT for Schizophrenia and Psychosis

 Chadwick, P., Birchwood, M., & Trower, P. (1996). Cognitive therapy of delusions, voices, and
paranoia. New York: J. Wiley & Sons.
 Kingdon, D., & Turkington, D. (2005). Cognitive therapy of schizophrenia. New York: Guilford
 Rector, N, Stollar, Grant & Beck (2010) Schizophrenia; Cognitive Theory, Research & Treatment.
 Wright, J, Turkington, D, Kingdon, D & Basco, M. (2009) CBT for Severe Mental illness. (DVD
included) American Psychiatric Publishing.

CBT for Substance Abuse

 Beck, A.T., Wright, F.D., Newman, C.F., & Liese, B. S. (1993). Cognitive therapy of substance
abuse. New York: Guilford.
 Daley, D. & Marlatt, G. A. (2nd edition) (2006) Overcoming Your Alcohol or Drug Problem.
Effective Recovery Strategies. Therapist Guide. Treatments That Work. Oxford University Press.
 Hester, R. K. & Miller W. R. (Eds.) (1995) Handbook of Alcoholism Treatment Approaches.
Effective Alternatives. Allyn & Bacon.
 Mitcheson, L et al (2010) Applied Cognitive and Behavioral Approaches to the Treatment of
Addictions. A Practical Treatment Guide. John Wiley (integrates MI and CBT)

CBT for Habit Disorders

 Claiborn, James & Pedrick, Cherry. (2001). The Habit Change Workbook: How to Break Bad
Habits and form Good Ones. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications.
 Franklin, M.E. and Tolin, D. (2007). Treating Trichotillomania. New York: Spring Science.
 Woods, D et al (2008) Managing Tourette’s syndrome: A Behavioral Intervention for Children
and Adults. Treatments That Work. Oxford University Press.

Please note that an extensive and comprehensive reading list may be found on the Academy of
Cognitive Therapy website under Professional Resources.

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