POL 101 course outline 2

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Faculty of Social Sciences

University of Benin, Benin Cily

POL 111: Introduction to Political Science 2023/2024 Academic Session
Course Description
very system is made up of institutions and structures, which most times drive the progress or
levelopment of society with the direot support from the citizens. This support is usually
guaranteed when the people have a good knowledge and understanding of how the system is
run and how it operates. This knowledge can be acquired by studying the nature and culture
of the sociely that forms the very basis through the people respond to issues that emanate
from the system. This course introduces students to the nature of politics, its organization,
its study as well is the ways by which politics can be studied. The course is also meant to
help activate the political consciousness of students to respond to political activities in the
political community.
The basic objectives are amongst other things:
● Introduce students to the fundamental element of politics.
● To expose students to the approaches to the study of politics.
● Introduce the students to the basic concepts in politics.
● Bring to the knowledge of students what the State' means.
• Help student know the link between political science and other related disciplines.
At the end of this course, students are expected to:
● Have a better understanding of the nature of politics.
● Identify the various approaches to the study of political science.
Identity and explain some basic concepts that aro peoular in the study of polite.
Define the concept of the stake, its components and how it could possibly evolve.
• Explain the relationship between political science and other disciplines.
. Definition and conceptualization of politics.
. Political Science as a science
. Approaches to the study of Politics
Traditional Approach
Normative Philosophical Approach
Descriptive Institutional Approach
Historical Approach
The Behavioural Approach

4. Basic Concepts in Political science

● Power
● Authority
● Sovereignty
● Government
● Legitimacy
● Political influence

5. Origin of the State

Conceptualization/Definition of the State
● Components of the State
● Theories on the evolution of the state
Types of state
• Functions of the state
. Political Science in relation to other fields of study
. Contemporary issues in Political Science
● Climate Change
● Nationalism and Identity Politics
● Migration Politics and Refugees Crisis
● Human Rights and Social Justice
● Terrorism and National Security
8. Contemporary Issues in Nigeria Politics
● Corruption and Governance
● Security
● Youth and Political Participation
● Gender and Politics in Nigeria
method of Assessment
Continuous Assessment 25%
Final Examination 75%
recommended Reading Texts
I ahajan, V.D. (1988). Political Theory. Ram Nagar, New Delhi 110 OSS
ihie, J, and Sovemimo, A. (2024), Introduction to Political Science: An Essential Guide for
-Nigerian Students
"nuelingan, F. (2003). Political Science for Beginers: Osasu Publishers, University of Benin,
ckehuan Campus.

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