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Communication and
Prof. Mari Grace H. Bachoco
Importance of Communication in the

► Communication in the workplace is essential to improve

and develop productive and smooth operations in the
business. People’s interaction plays a significant role in an
organization’s ability
The importance of Effective Workplace
Communication includes

► 1. Creates job satisfaction

► 2. Lesser Conflict
► 3. Increases Productivity
► 4. Formation of relationship
► 5. Proper Utilization of resources
Written Communication in the

► Written materials often bear the greatest burden for communicating

new ideas and procedures. Effective writing is the product of long
hours of preparation revision and organization. One book that follows
its rules is Strunk and White’s Elements of Style, a short book that
argues persuasively for clarity, accuracy, and brevity in English. Its
entire philosophy is contained in one paragraph
When to use written communication
► 1. The sender wants a record for future references
► 2. The receiver will be referring to it later
► 3. The message is complex and requires study by the receiver
► 4. The message includes a step-by-step procedure
► 5. Oral communication is not possible because people are not in the same
place at the same time
► 6. There are many receivers, Caution the receivers must be interested in the
subject and will put forth the time and effort to read and understand
► 7. It is cheaper
► 8. A copy of the message should go to another person.
► 9. The receiver prefers a written report

► Protocols, Notes, or minutes an instant written record of a meeting or

hearing. It compares the events and topics tackled during the
conference and describes the upcoming events. Minutes may include
the list of attendees, a statement of the matters measured by the
members, and related responses or decisions for the issues.
► Minutes are the official transcribed record of the meetings of an
organization or group. They are not transcripts of those actions.
Minutes may be created during the meeting by a typist or secretary
who may prepare notation and give them to the member afterward
To write effective meeting minutes
include the following
► The names of attendees and their department
► Agenda items including the events and projects for the upcoming days or
► Calendar or due dates
► Actions or tasks
► The main points
► Decisions made by the participants
► Record what is the most important points
► Future decisions
► Documents images, attached files
During and After the meeting

► Minutes of the meeting place an important role in successful

meetings that must be written and distributed accordingly after the
meeting. Through minutes, everyone would know their upcoming
projects and the actions that need to be done. It is also a good way to
organize and differentiate the action from remarks with some notes
per person in charge and their period or deadline.

► Notes written during the meeting must be appropriately sent out to

your colleagues with an indication or summary per correspondence
and project. It helps your colleagues quickly glance at the minutes
and spot the actions they need to realize within seconds

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