Englisch Q1 2

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Component 2 KV 6.

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Cookie: Bible verses vs. immorality

Cookie literally walks her way through the Bible every day: With the Bible verses inscribed on the soles of her shoes
and herself constantly citing Bible verses she appears to be a crusader (Kreuzritter) fighting in the name of God
rather than a saleswoman for cosmetics.

Step 1:
Examine the Bible verses Cookie cites all the time and find out what they say about 'the meaning of life'
(TA, pp. 111f.).

Step 2:
How does Cookie's way of life, her lack of morality, her sexual promiscuity, unscrupulousness and

'standards' set up in the Bible verses?

Make notes in the right column of the grid.

Bible verse explanation/meaning Cookie's behaviour/reality

There is a time for everything... and a

season for every action.

God has laid burden on the human


God has made everything beautiful.

God has eternity in the human


People shall be happy and do good

while they live.

People shall always eat and drink and

find satisfaction in their toil.

God wants people to fear him.

God will judge the righteous and the


Humans have no advantage over


Everything is meaningless ... to dust

all return.

People shall enjoy their work.

74 © Westermann Gruppe
Best.-Nr. 127474-5

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