6- السويتش وترنزميشن

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Computer Networks

Summer 2024 Topics for today:

Sayeed Ghani
• What is the Internet?
• Packet Switching
Lecture 6, • Propagation Delays
Thursday, June 27 • Transmission Delays
Interactive Exercises & Animations

• Interactive exercises:

* Animations:

Introduction 1-2
The network core: Packet Switching
▪ mesh of interconnected
▪ packet-switching: hosts
break application-layer
messages into packets
• forward packets from one
router to the next, across
links on path from source
to destination
• each packet transmitted at
full link capacity

Introduction 1-3
Chapter 1: roadmap
1.1 what is the Internet?
1.2 network edge
▪ end systems, access networks, links
1.3 network core
▪ packet switching, circuit switching, network structure
1.4 delay, loss, throughput in networks
1.5 protocol layers, service models
1.6 networks under attack: security
1.7 history

* interactive exercises: http://gaia.cs.umass.edu/kurose_ross/interactive/

* Animations: Introduction 1-4
The network core: Packet Switching

Introduction 1-5
Four sources of packet delay
A propagation

processing queueing

dnodal = dprop + dtrans + dqueue + dproc

1. dprop: propagation delay: 2. dtrans: transmission delay:

▪ d: length of physical link ▪ L: packet length (bits)
▪ s: propagation speed (~2x108 m/sec) ▪ R: link bandwidth (bps)
▪ dprop = d/s dtrans and dprop ▪ dtrans = L/R
very different

Introduction 1-6
Four sources of packet delay
A propagation

processing queueing

dnodal = dprop + dtrans + dqueue + dproc

3. dqueue: queueing delay 4. dproc: nodal processing

▪ time waiting at output link ▪ check bit errors
for transmission ▪ determine output link
▪ depends on congestion ▪ typically < msec
level of router
Introduction 1-7
Propagation Delay : d(prop)
Car Analogy
• Car travels distance d=200 kilometers away at a speed s=100 km/hour.
• How long does it take to reach destination?

Speed: 100Km/Hour

Time taken?

Introduction 1-8
Poll Everywhere

Introduction 1-10
Introduction 1-11
Propagation Delay : d(prop)

Speed: 100Km/Hour

Time taken (or propagation delay)?

• Car travels distance d=200 kilometers away at a speed s=100 km/hour.

• How long does it take to reach destination?

Propagation delay
d(prop) = distance/speed = d/s
= 200km / 100km/hr
= 2 hours

Introduction 1-12
Propagation delay example:
▪ Propagation delay example:
• How long would it take a packet to go around the
world on a fiber optic cable?
• Circumference of Earth = 40,000km
• Assume propagation speed is at speed of light
about 300,000 km/sec

• Propagation delay d(prop) = ?

Introduction 1-13
Propagation delay example:
▪ Propagation delay example:
• How long would it take a packet to go around the
world on a fiber optic cable?
• Circumference of Earth = 40,000km
• Assume propagation speed is at speed of light
about 300,000 km/sec

• Propagation delay d(prop) = distance / speed

= 40,000km / 300,000 km/sec
= 0.13 sec

Light can go around the world 7 times in a second!

Introduction 1-14
“Real” Internet delays, routes
E.g. mit.edu = domain name is the IP address

Use following link to determine location of an IP address:

Introduction 1-16
“Real” Internet delays and routes
▪ what do “real” Internet delay & loss look like?
▪ Traceroute (or tracert) program: provides
delay measurement from source to router along
end-end Internet path towards destination. For
all i:
• sends three packets that will reach router i on path
towards destination
• router i will return packets to sender
• sender times interval between transmission and reply.

3 probes 3 probes

3 probes

Introduction 1-17
“Real” Internet delays, routes
mit.edu = domain name

Use following link to determine location of an IP address:

“Real” Internet delays, routes
▪ How far is a 200ms router?
▪ d(prop) = distance / speed
▪ Distance = ?

Introduction 1-19
“Real” Internet delays, routes
▪ How far is a 200ms router?
▪ d(prop) = distance / speed
▪ Distance = d(prop) * speed
= 200ms * 300,000 Km/sec
= 0.2 sec * 300,000 km/sec
= 60,000 km round trip

▪ Is it really 60,000km away?

Introduction 1-20
“Real” Internet delays, routes
▪ How far is a 200ms router?
▪ d(prop) = distance / speed
▪ Distance = d(prop) * speed
= 200ms * 300,000 Km/sec
= 0.2 sec * 300,000 km/sec
= 60,000 km round trip

▪ Is it really 60,000km away?

▪ No, it includes some other delays as well

Introduction 1-21

Propagation delay d(prop)


Introduction 1-22
2. Transmission Delay: d(trans)
1000 bits
R = 10 bps

L = Length of packet (in bits)

R = bit Rate (or bandwidth) of link
Transmission delay = d(trans)
Example: L = 1000 bits, R=10 bit/sec
d(trans) = 1000 bits / 10 bits/sec
= 100 sec
Introduction 1-23
2. Transmission Delay: d(trans)

L bits
per packet

3 2 1
source destination
R bps R bps

▪ takes L/R seconds to transmit one-hop numerical example:

(push out) L-bit packet into
link at R bps ▪ L = 7.5 Mbits
▪ store and forward: entire ▪ R = 1.5 Mbps
packet must arrive at router ▪ one-hop transmission
before it can be transmitted delay = 5 sec
on next link
▪ end-end delay = 2L/R (assuming
zero propagation delay) more on delay shortly …
Introduction 1-24

Propagation delay d(prop)

= d/s = 1000km / 2.8x10^5 km/sec
= d/s = 1000km / 280,000 km/sec
= 3.5ms

Introduction 1-25

Transmission delay
d(trans) = Length of packet / bit Rate = L/R
= 100bytes x 8 bits/byte / 1Mb/s
= 800/1000 b/ms
= 0.8msec
Introduction 1-26

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