The instant of My Death

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By: Mohamed Khaled

The poem "The Trick of the Poetry of the Instant of My Death" by Sarah Jackson explores
profound themes of mortality, perception, and the elusive nature of time. Here's an analysis and
an exploration of its themes:


1. Mortality and Death:

o The title itself suggests a reflection on the moment of death, implying an exploration
of what happens at the brink of mortality and how it is perceived.
2. Perception and Reality:
o The poem delves into the idea that our perception of reality may alter drastically in
moments of extremity, such as during the experience of death or near-death.
3. Time and Existence:
o Time is a crucial element in the poem, where the "instant" of death becomes a focal
point. It raises questions about the nature of time—whether it is linear or fluid, and
how it is experienced in moments of intense emotional or physical transition.
4. Poetry as a Medium:
o The poem itself becomes a tool for exploring these existential questions. It suggests
that poetry, with its ability to compress and expand time and emotion, can capture and
convey these profound moments more effectively than straightforward narrative or


 Title Interpretation: "The Trick of the Poetry of the Instant of My Death" suggests that
poetry has a unique ability to capture the essence of a fleeting moment—here, the
moment of death. The word "trick" implies that poetry can perform a feat, perhaps even
tricking or manipulating our perception of time and mortality.
 Imagery and Language: Poetry often relies on vivid imagery and evocative language to
convey complex ideas. Look for how Jackson uses imagery to describe the moment of
death or near-death experience. This could include sensory details, metaphors, or
symbolic language that enrich the thematic exploration.
 Philosophical Undertones: Consider the philosophical implications of the poem. Does it
challenge traditional views of death and existence? Does it suggest that our perception of
reality might be fluid and subjective, especially in moments of crisis?

Trick of the Poetry:

The "trick" of the poetry in this context could be understood as its ability to transcend the
limitations of ordinary language and thought. Poetry, through its compression of time and
heightened emotional expression, offers a glimpse into moments that are difficult to articulate in
prose. It allows the poet to explore the ineffable—such as the instant of death—by creating a
space where the boundaries between life and death, reality and perception, can be blurred or
In essence, the poem "The Trick of the Poetry of the Instant of My Death" by Sarah Jackson
invites readers to contemplate the profound and often unsettling moments of transition and
perception that occur at the edge of mortality, using poetry as a medium to explore these
existential mysteries.

********Good luck********

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