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Well, hey there!

I knew you were the type of student to *go the extra

mile!* This worksheet will help you to review and
practise 45 Advanced Phrases For English

Can you remember these phrases?


Read the situations below and complete the phrases from the lesson.

1 A phrase for when you know something, but can’t remember it in that moment:
It’s on the .

2 When you want to ask permission to ask a question.

I have a question. I jump in?

3 A phrase for when someone is speaking too fast.

Could you please say that ?

4 A phrase for when you’re both confused because you had a different idea about

I think we have got .

5 A phrase for when something affects you emotionally because you can relate to it

This topic home.

6 A very direct phrase for when you don't want to share personal reasons with
someone who is asking.

I don’t mean to sound rude, but that isn’t .


7 When you need to stop, think about your sentence for a moment, and rephrase it.
moment. Let me try that again.

8 When someone wants to talk about something that you don’t want to talk about.
I’d this if that’s okay?

9 When there’s been a misunderstanding and you want to clarify what you said.
I think you what I said.

10 When you don't understand what is being said in a conversation (For example:
because the topic is too complex)

I have to admit, this is .

11 When you don't want to talk about a topic at that moment.

This isn’t the to get into this discussion.

12 When you’ve unintentionally upset someone with something you said.

I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. I didn’t intend it to .

FOR WHEN YOU FEEL NERVOUS HINT: Save or print these phrases so
you can keep them with you during
English conversations & lessons. Try
1 I’m a little nervous. (Be open and honest!)
to USE them as much as possible!
2 Bear with me.
3 Give me a moment.


4 I’m not sure about that (actually), but I can find out.
5 It’s on the tip of my tongue!
6 I had something I wanted to say, but I’ve lost it.
7 Do you mind if I jump in?
8 I hope you don’t mind me asking, but… [insert question]
9 My apologies/Sorry. I’ve (completely) forgotten your name.


10 I have to admit, this is a little beyond me.
11 Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t follow you.
12 Could you please say that a little slower?
13 I’m not entirely sure what you mean. Could you explain it in a different way?
14 That went straight over my head.
15 It's interesting listening to you talk, but to be honest, I don’t know much about
this topic.

16 I’ve never really thought about this much before, but I’m enjoying listening to
you talk about it!

17 I’m not well-versed in this topic.

18 I don’t know enough about this topic to fully contribute to this discussion.
It’s hard to truly express my ideas about this topic in English but I’ll try my best!

20 I think you may have misunderstood what I said.

21 I didn’t mean to say that. What I meant was… (& rephrase your sentence)
22 I’m sorry for the confusion! What I actually meant was… (& rephrase)


23 My message must have gotten lost in translation! (& explain in a different way)
24 I think we’ve got our wires crossed!
25 You seem upset. Did I say something wrong?
26 That definitely didn’t come out right… I’m sorry.
27 I can completely understand why you’re hurt. I’m deeply sorry for what I said.
28 I’m sorry for hurting your feelings. I didn’t intend it to come across that way.
29 I’m sorry, that was insensitive. I appreciate you calling me out on what I said.

IDIOMS: get one's wires crossed lost in translation

to have a to fail to have the same meaning
misunderstanding or effectiveness when it is
translated into another language


30 I’d rather not talk about this if that’s okay?
31 To be honest, I don’t feel like talking about this right now.
32 This topic hits close to home. It’s tough for me to talk about.
33 I don’t mean to sound rude, but that isn’t any of your business.
34 That’s a really personal question. I’m not comfortable answering that.
35 I think you’re overstepping boundaries... I’d rather not answer that.
36 I didn’t come here today to argue about our different beliefs. If you're not willing
to change the topic, I’ll leave.

37 Please take your hand off my leg.

38 I’m only going to tell you this once; keep your hands to yourself.


39 I don’t appreciate being taken advantage of or made to feel uncomfortable in
front of my colleagues. Please don’t do that again.


40 I’d rather not express my opinion on this issue.

41 To be honest, this conversation is making me really uncomfortable.
42 This isn’t the time or the place to get into this discussion.
43 We need to agree to disagree and move on.
44 Everyone is entitled to their opinion, which is why I prefer to steer clear of these

45 I fundamentally disagree with you on/about this.

It's clear we fundamentally disagree about this, but I'm curious to learn more about

your views. ANSWERS

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